A faculty mentor giving a student advice.

Seeking mentors for the 2024 workshop!

The Naylor Workshop gives undergraduate researchers in the field of Writing Studies the opportunity to better understand the questions our discipline examines, to learn some of the methodologies we use to examine those questions systematically, to gain control of terminology associated with our work, and to find pathways to access previous work by scholars in our discipline. In addition, but equally important, the workshop introduces students to some of the ethical guidelines we have for both our research and our work as literacy advocates.

Part of what we do is introduce students to ways to collect and analyze empirical data—something that does not come naturally to many students in the humanities. We help students to see the value in both qualitative and quantitative studies, why one would choose one over the other, and how both can help lead us to reliable, valid, and replicable information—how to go beyond just lore or narratives about our work.  That is not to say that we do not value theory-based or intuitive ways of looking at our work; it simply means that empirical research need not be at odds with those humanistic impulses.

A group of students and a mentor sitting at a table in Yorkview Hall.

What do mentors do?

Mentors for the Naylor Workshop encourage students to inquire, focus their questions, and look for ways to investigate them through secondary and primary research as they prepare their applications. Mentors help them look beyond the obvious and received knowledge to see their question with fresh eyes while encouraging them to seek feedback on their application, from you and other faculty, but also from their peers. 

Submit Your Application

To apply to be a mentor:

1. Read the 2024 Call for Participants.
2. Complete the 2024 Naylor Workshop Mentor Form (fillable PDF).
3. Complete the Mentor Interest Survey, uploading the Mentor Form where prompted.