Fostering a Safe Environment for the York College Community
The Department of Campus Safety provides professional safety, security, law enforcement, transportation, and emergency services for the campus and surrounding areas. Campus Safety officers support the College in dealing effectively with crime and other problems, and work in partnership to resolve them.
Program the Campus Safety phone number into your phone ( 717.815.1314) and get to know all of the safety resources available to you as a member of the York College community, including:
- Emergency Alert System
- LiveSafe App
- Emergency Call Boxes
- Safety Escorts
Flex (ID) Cards and Parking Permits
Make sure you are prepared for the academic year with your Flex (ID) Card and your parking permit—both are essential for a productive year on campus.
Flex (ID) Cards
Your student ID card should always be with you while on campus. You should present or give it to any College faculty, staff, or administrator upon request.
Parking Permits
Permits purchased for the 2024-2025 school year cover Fall 2024 and Spring/Summer 2025, and expire on August 15, 2025.

Student Security Officer Program
Becoming a student security officer at York is a unique opportunity — actively contributing to the Department of Campus Safety by providing public safety and security services, and working with fellow students and department members to deliver safety and security services to the community.
Reporting, Procedures, and Resources
At York, we have created a space in Campus Safety where you can feel supported and informed of all the ways we keep the community safe.
Reporting Crimes and other Emergencies
Use our online reporting form and explore all of the procedures to report crimes and emergencies.
Daily Crime and Fire Log
Stay up-to-date on all crime, fire, and emergency reports in the community.
Emergency Alerts
Sign up to get emergency alerts sent directly to your phone or email.
Annual Security Report
The safety of our students and campus community is a top priority at York. Review the Annual Security report for full transparency.
Break and Field Trip Parking
If you need to leave your vehicle parked on campus or to go on a field trip, sign up to leave your vehicle on campus.
Police Worn Body Camera
Review the Campus Safety policy for body-worn cameras.
Drones and Model Aircraft
Review York College's policy for the operation of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) and model aircraft on College property.
IACLEA Accreditation
The Department of Campus Safety at York College of Pennsylvania is accredited by the International Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators (IACLEA). The accreditation is awarded to departments that demonstrate adherence to the highest professional practices in campus public safety management, administration, operations, and support services.
Contact Campus Safety
Campus Safety Office
Manor Northeast, Lobby (Mon. - Fri., 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.)
Phone: 717.815.1403
Email: campussafety@ycp.edu
Campus Information Center
Iosue Student Union, Room 201 (Mon. - Sun., 8 a.m. - 12 a.m.)
Phone: 717.815.1314 (or Press 0 from any on-campus phone)
Emergencies and After Hours
Call 911 for local police, EMS, or fire department.
Call 717.815.1314 for Campus Police.