Joshua DeSantis, D.Ed.
Graduate and Professional Studies
Assistant Provost, Graduate and Professional Programs
Associate Professor, Education
Meet Joshua DeSantis
- B.S., Ed., Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania (2003) - Secondary Education Social Studies
- M.A., Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania (2009) - Applied History
- D.Ed., Indiana University of Pennsylvania (2012) - Curriculum and Instruction
- Level Two Pennsylvania Social Studies-Grades 7-12
- Education Technology
- Curriculum Trends and Issues
- Education Policy
- Research Methods
Research Interests
- Technology in Education
- Social Studies Education
- Professional Partnerships
- Continuing Education for Educators
Recent Publications
- DeSantis, J. & Lewis, K. (2020). Experiential learning at a distance: Supervising fieldwork with cloud video. Manuscript in review.
- DeSantis, J. & Hesson, N. (2018, March 27). Teach like you mean it: Readying a top-notch teaching demo. Inside Higher Education.
- DeSantis, J., Boyd, R., Marks, K., Putsch, J. & Shepler, T. (2017). Paradigm flip? Investigating technology-integrated history pedagogies. Social Studies Research and Practice, 12(3), 258-279.
- DeSantis, J. & Hesson, N. (2017). Field experience: A key factor in the development of teacher self-efficacy. The Field Experience Journal, 19(1), 26-50.
Recent Presentations
- DeSantis, J. (2018, March). Experiential Learning at a Distance. Presented at the International e-Learning and Innovative Pedagogies Annual Conference: New York, NY.
- DeSantis, J. (2018, February). AR really doing this: Redefining teaching with augmented reality. Presented at the Pennsylvania Educational Technology Exposition and Conference: Hershey, PA.
- DeSantis, J. (2017, February). Comparing Technology Enhanced Approaches to Teaching American History. Presented at the International Society for the Social Studies Conference: Orlando, FL.
- Promotion and Tenure Committee (2020-present)
- Graduate Council Chair (2018-2019)
- Academic Programs Committee (2017-2019)
- Instructional Resources Committee (2014-207)