
Campus Directory

Showing 35 results
Ana Gipe
Ana Gipe
Senior Systems Engineer
Library and Technology Services
Nancy Godfrey
Nancy Godfrey
Interlibrary Loan & Content Support Specialist
Library and Technology Services
Robert Graffin
Robert Graffin
Media Technology Support Analyst
Library and Technology Services
Randall Janney
Randall Janney
Media Technology Services Manager
Library and Technology Services
Alexandre Jones
Alexandre Jones
LTS Help Desk
Library and Technology Services
Daniel Kiser
Daniel Kiser
Database Administrator
Library and Technology Services
Vickie Kline
Vickie Kline
Systems Faculty Librarian
Library and Technology Services
Jason Kopp
Jason Kopp
Servers and Application Group Manager
Library and Technology Services
Elizabeth McGee
Elizabeth McGee
Learning Management System Administrator
Library and Technology Services