Kylie Good '22 combines work as Supply Chain Analyst with role as All-American Quarter Horse Congress Queen

Kylie Good ’22 works as a Supply Chain Analyst at Wolfgang Confectioners in York, which co-manufactures confectionery products, like chocolate candy, for other brands. Good is primarily responsible for utilizing customer forecasts, ordering the required raw ingredients and packaging materials needed to run production, and materials requirement planning. This necessitates a lot of work with the operations team and suppliers to ensure Wolfgang Confectioners can have the raw materials necessary on time within the desired specifications.
In addition to her work at Wolfgang Confectioners, Good is also the All-American Quarter Horse Congress Queen, elected in October 2022. To be awarded this honor, participants must go through a panel interview, American Quarter Horse Association (AQHA) Rulebook and Congress history exam, and horsemanship class.
As Queen, she is ambassador for the Congress, the quarter horse breed, and the equine industry and travels the country to horse shows throughout the year. All of this travel requires time off from work. She says, “Wolfgang and my co-workers have been tremendously supportive of my ‘queen duties’ and have granted me some extra personal time to use for travel and cover my responsibilities while I am away.”
Both of these jobs have benefits, but they also come with challenges. Good says the hardest part of her job as Congress Queen was all the work she put in to win her title. She says, “I spent four years refining and polishing my interview and horsemanship skills, while also studying the entire AQHA Rulebook and All-American Quarter Horse Congress history and show information.”
Now that she has won, she enjoys getting to travel and help advance the equine industry.“My favorite part of being Congress Queen has been having the platform to excite the future of the equine industry–the youth,” she says. She has “traveled to youth leadership conferences to speak and has been able to present awards to hardworking young horsemen and horsewomen in our industry.”
At Wolfgang, the challenges are slightly different. “My favorite part of my job here at Wolfgang is also the more challenging part of my job.” She says the demand for confectionery products can be difficult to stabilize with fluctuations in demand depending on seasonality, new product launches, and more. “Changing forecasts come with the ‘Bullwhip Effect,’ which trickles down to us, as the co-manufacturer, and our suppliers.” Despite this, Good enjoys the challenge of working with suppliers and the operations team to say “yes” to customers as they react to their demand fluctuations.
Although Good has many responsibilities between her jobs, she does enjoy some free time when she is not traveling. She enjoys riding her two quarter horses, Max and Myles, as well as skiing in the winter.
Good’s time at York College helped her not only in her professional career, but with her duties as Congress Queen as well. She says that living close to York College and being a commuter allowed her to continue with her equestrian interests while pursuing her degree. She also made meaningful connections. She says, “From day one, my professors, Dr. Raja, Dr. Greisler, and Dr. Shatzkin, became my mentors.” These connections helped transition her from a student to a professional and opened doors to develop her network.