Celebrate the collaborative spirit of the Naylor Workshop.
As we gather for the tenth year of our Naylor Workshop, we hope to honor the legacy of the many generous scholars that supported its vision and mission. This Workshop has been, from its origins, the work of many hands and many minds. It has been led by some amazing—and amazingly generous—scholars. It has been enriched by undergraduate researchers who have pushed the boundaries and scope of “Writing Studies,” reminding that publication is only one form of circulation for their ideas, and that our research can be consequential. These topics, and others, formed the basis of our 2018 Naylor Symposium and the resultant publication, The Naylor Report on Undergraduate Research in Writing Studies.
To honor and celebrate the collaborative spirit of the Naylor Workshop, when we gather for the 10th anniversary of this effort, our plenary session will not feature a single speaker. We will, instead, host a dialogue that includes the voices of past plenary speakers and workshop participants, as well as the voices of those who are joining us for the first time. We will open the Workshop with this interactive conversation about our work, about social justice, and about the promise of consequential, meaningful, and unapologetically inclusive approaches to higher education. We hope you can join us.