Nicole Hesson, Ed.D.

School of Behavioral Sciences and Education
Associate Professor of Education
Meet Nicole Hesson
Dr. Hesson taught high school science in Baltimore and middle school science in Washington, DC. She has been an educator since 2004 and spent seven years at the 6-12 level before transitioning to the collegiate level. Dr. Hesson focuses her research on preservice teacher education, mainly on self-efficacy for teaching science and middle-level education.
- Educational Administration, Ed.D.
Temple University - Secondary Science, M.A.T.
John Hopkins University - Biology, B.S.
Davidson College
- FYS110: Education in Today’s Society
- SE220: Curriculum Development for Middle and Secondary Education
- ECH330: Teaching Science at the Early Childhood Level
- MLE350: Content Pedagogies for the Middle School
- SE354: Teaching Science in the Secondary School
- Hesson, N. & Roth, O. (2024). Effects of informal versus school-based field experience on elementary preservice teachers’ self-efficacy for teaching science. The Electronic Journal for Research in Science & Mathematics Education, 28(2), 76-92.
- Lewis, K.D. & Hesson, N. (2024). The Unicorn Teacher: Males in early elementary and middle-level education. The Teacher Educators’ Journal, 17, 49-75.
- Hesson, N. (2023). Making the most of field trips. Science & Children, 60(7), 84-86.
- Hesson, N. (2022). #MeToo and the middle level. Middle Grades Review, 8(1).
- Hesson, N. (2018). Novice middle level teachers’ perceptions of the congruity between field experience placement schools and employment schools. Pennsylvania Teacher Educator, 17, 42-56.
- Hesson, N. (2024, March). Effects of informal versus school-based field experience on elementary preservice teachers’ self-efficacy for teaching science. Session presented at the National Field Experience Conference, Greeley, CO.
- Hesson, N., & Hesson, A. M. (2023, February). Transitioning through middle school: Insights from a student. Session presented at the State Conference of the Pennsylvania Association for Middle-Level Education, King of Prussia, PA.
- Hesson, N. & Fautch, J. (2021, November). Curriculum compacting across disciplines. Session presented at the National Science Teaching Association Area Conference, National Harbor, MD.
- Hesson, N. & Forsyth, J. (2020, March). Effects of informal versus school-based field experience on elementary preservice teachers’ self-efficacy for teaching science. Paper accepted at the Annual International Conference of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, Portland, OR.
- Hesson, N. (2016, October). How do selected novice middle school teachers from various certification pathways perceive the effectiveness of their teacher preparation? Poster presented as part of the Graduate Student Research session at the Pennsylvania Association of Colleges and Teacher Educators (PAC-TE) Fall Conference, Harrisburg, PA.