Katie D. Lewis, Ed.D.

Meet Katie D. Lewis
An Associate Professor of Education at York College of Pennsylvania, Katie D. Lewis blends research with practitioner knowledge to engage her students in active learning. She has been recognized several times for teaching excellence, most recently as the recipient of the 2022 York College of Pennsylvania’s Presidential Award for Teaching and Mentoring.
Dr. Lewis has published numerous articles and presented at state, national, and international conferences. She serves on the board for The Association for the Gifted-Council for Exceptional Children, and is actively involved in the National Association for Gifted Children Professional Learning Network and the Texas Association for Gifted and Talented Association. She is co-author of Empowering Gifted Educators as Change Agents: A Playbook for Equity-Driven Professional Learning.
- Educational Policy, Planning, & Leadership in Gifted Education Administration, Ed.D.
The College of William and Mary - Parks, Recreation & Sports Leadership in Coaching, M.S.
Virginia Commonwealth University - Elementary Education Specialization in Science, M.S.
University of Mary Washington - English, B.A.
University of Mary Washington
- ECH220: Instruction and Curriculum Development
- ECH315: Teaching Social Studies
- MED502: Development, Learning, and Inclusive Practice
- MED503: Curriculum Trends and Issues
- MED598: Educational Innovation Studio
- Teacher Preparation
- Professional Learning
- Rural Gifted Education
- Increasing Equity in Gifted Education Programs
- Lewis, K.D., & DeSantis, J. (2024). Exploring the role of instructional coaching in a shifting classroom technology landscape. Journal of Interdisciplinary Teacher Leadership, 8(1), 1-29.
- Novak, A. M., & Lewis, K. D. (2023). Perceptions of a Gifted Coordinator on University/District Collaboration Providing Culturally Responsive Gifted Professional Learning: A Phased Analysis of the Four-Zone Equity-Driven Model of Professional Learning. Journal for the Education of the Gifted, 46(3), 276–315.
- Lewis, K.D., & Novak, A.M. (2022). Weaving KidLit into professional learning for gifted educators to shift perspectives and coach for equitable practices. Accepted with revisions at Gifted Education International, 38(2), 309-328,
- Lewis, K. & Brown, S. (2021). College ready or not? Engaging and supporting English language learners in higher education. Journal of Effective Teaching in Higher Education, 4(1), 109-127.
- Lewis, K.D. & Boswell, C., (2020). Perceived challenges for rural gifted education. Gifted Child Today, 43(3), 184-198.
- Lewis, K. D. & Novak, A. M. (2024, March 13)72. Equitable gifted programs: Opening windows, mirrors, & sliding glass doors. [Concurrent Session]. Council for Exceptional Children 2024 Convention and Expo. San Antonio, Texas.
- Lewis, K. D. & Novak, A. M. (2023, November 11)67. Limited time, but a surplus of goals? Maximize your professional learning! [Concurrent Session]. National Association for Gifted Children 70th Annual Convention, Orlando, Florida.
- Lewis, K.D. & Novak, A. M. (2023, August 7, 2023)Cultural Awareness, Teacher Agency, Leadership: Equity-Driven Professional Learning. 2023 World Council for Gifted and Talented Children Conference: Excellence without Borders: Gifted Education in a Changing World, Virtual.
- Lewis, K.D. (2022, December 1-3). A Game Plan for Developing Equity-Driven Professional Learning for Gifted Programs”; Texas Association for the Gifted Annual Conference, Houston, Texas.