Dominic DelliCarpini, Ph.D.

Meet Dominic DelliCarpini
"If my years as an educator have taught me anything, it is that my students are in fact my teachers, and that I am their student. For that, I will always be grateful."
Dominic DelliCarpini is the Naylor Endowed Professor of Writing Studies at York College of Pennsylvania, where he also recently served as Dean of the Center for Community Engagement, 13 years as WPA, five years as Chief Academic Officer, and as Academic Senate President. His articles, book chapters, and presentations focus upon writing as engaged citizenship and undergraduate research. He is also author/editor of four textbooks, and has owned two small businesses--a bakery/cafe and a retail clothing business--in his earlier days. His expertise includes work in human-centered design (Design Thinking).
DelliCarpini earned his B.A. in English from the University of Pennsylvania, and Masters and Ph.D. from the Pennsylvania State University, where he was an Edwin Earle Sparks Fellow. Dr. DelliCarpini served as President and Executive Board member of the Council of Writing Program Administrators, national Secretary of The Conference on College Composition and Communication, and a member of the national Committee on Undergraduate Research. Dr. DelliCarpini was named recipient of the 2017 York County Economic Alliance “Spirit of York County” Award for community service, and the 2010 Professional Service and Leadership Award by York College. He also is the founding Director of the Graham Innovation Scholars Program, an entrepreneurship program for York College students. He was appointed by Pennsylvania’s Governor Wolf to the board of PennSERVE, the Governor’s Commission on Public Service, and has served as President of the York County Bar Foundation and as Board Director for the York County Community Foundation, the Healthy York Coalition, the Pennsylvania Humanities Council, and various other community organizations.
- B.A., English, University of Pennsylvania (1979)
- M.A., Pennsylvania State University (1990)
- Ph.D., English, Pennsylvania State University (1995)
- Naylor Endowed Professor of Writing Studies, York College, 2014–present
- Dean, Center for Community Engagement, York College, 2015–2024
- Dean, Academic Affairs, York College, 2010–15
- Writing Program Administrator, York College,1997–2010
- Rhetorical Communication
- Entrepreneurial Thinking (Design Thinking)
- Shakespeare's Histories and Shakespeare in Performance
- Teaching and Tutoring Writing
- Advanced Composition; Writing in Professional Cultures
- Civic Rhetoric and Civic Engagement
- Entrepreneurship/Design Thinking (Human-Centered Design)
- Undergraduate Research
- The Teaching of Writing
- Student Learning Assessment
- Spirit of York County Award for Community Service, 2017, York County Economic Alliance
- Commonwealth Award for Community Organization, 10,000 Friends of Pennsylvania, 2017
- Professional Service and Leadership Award, York College Alumni Association, 2010
- Edwin Erle Sparks Fellowship, College of Liberal Arts, Pennsylvania State University, 1982 and 1993
- Outstanding Teaching Assistant of the College of Liberal Arts, Pennsylvania State University, 1993
- “Students’ Right to their Own Language: The Gordian Knot of Social Justice for Writing Program Administrators,” forthcoming in WPA Journal, spring 2024.
- “Imagining the Future(s) of Writing Studies through the Prism of Undergraduate Research,” Pedagogy, 22 (2022).
- The Naylor Report on Undergraduate Research in Writing Studies (co-edited with Jane Greer and Jenn Fishman; also authored “Institutional Support” chapter); forthcoming, Parlor Press, 2020.
- Prentice-Hall Guide for College Writers, 12th and 13th Editions (with Stephen Reid), 2016; ISBN 0-13-421657-1
- “Community Engagement and Authentic Writing: Institutional Mission as Centripetal and/or Centrifugal Force.” 2016, in A Critical Look at Institutional Mission: A Guide for Writing Program Administrators. Parlor Press.
- “Students’ Right to their Own Language: The Gordian Knot of Social Justice for Writing Program Administrators,” Invited Keynote, Council of Writing Program Administrators, Las Vegas, NV, 2023.
- “A Higher Love: Undergraduate Research and Intellectual Affect,” Council of Writing Program Administrators (CWPA) Annual Conference, Baltimore, Maryland, 2019
- “Workshop on Fundraising and Grantwriting for Community Work,” Conference on Community Writing, Philadelphia, 2019
- "Naming How We Know: Expanding the Methodologies of Writing Studies through Undergraduate Research," MLA Annual Conference, 2017
- "Creating Cultures of Undergraduate Research: Four Perspectives." Invited presentation for the National Council of Teachers of English, 2015
- Academic Senate President and Chair Academic Senate Executive Committee, 2003–05
- Consultant, Consultant-Evaluator Program, 2006-present, Council of Writing Program Administrators
- Co-Chair, Middle States Subcommittee on Leadership, Governance and Administration, 2004–06
- Chair, Subcommittee on Student Academic Engagement and Retention, 2008–2010
- Editorial Reviewer, WPA Journal, College Composition and Communication, Composition Studies, Parlor Press
- PennSERVE, Governor’s Commission on Community Service. Appointed by Governor Tom Wolf, 2016–present
- Board of Directors, Pennsylvania Humanities Council, 2023-present
- Board of Directors, York County Community Foundation; serve on YorkCounts Committee, 2014-2023
- Board of Directors, Cultural Alliance of York County, 2014-2022
- Board of Directors, York County Bar Foundation, 2016–present; President, 2022
- President, National Council of Writing Program Administrators, 2017–2019; Immediate Past President, National Council of Writing Program Administrators, 2019–2021
- Committee on Undergraduate Research, Conference on College Composition and Communication, 2014–present
- National Officer (Secretary) and Executive Committee member, Conference on College Composition and Communication (2011–14)
- Executive Committee Member, National Council of Writing Program Administrators (2005–2008)