Brian M. Gray, Ph.D.

Brian Gray
Kinsley School of Engineering, Sciences and Technology
Assistant Professor, Biology
Contact Information
Appell Life Sciences, Room 122

Meet Brian M. Gray


  • Ph.D., University of Michigan, Microbiology and Immunology
  • M.S., University of Chicago, Immunology
  • B.S., University of Washington, Microbiology


  • Microbiology for Allied Health
  • Biology of Microorganisms
  • Immunology
  • STEM Colloquium
  • First-Year Seminar

Research Interests

  • Bacterial communication in pathogenesis and communities
  • Antibiotic resistance and population fitness
  • Comparative Immunology
  • Microbiomes and host diet

Recent Publications

  • Gray, B., P. Hall, and H. Gresham. 2013. Targeting agr- and agr-like quorum sensing systems for the development of common therapeutics to treat multiple gram-positive bacterial infections. Sensors 13:5130-66 PMC3673130
  • Sully, E. K., N. Malachowa, B. O. Elmore, S. M. Alexander, J. K. Femling, B. M. Gray, F. R. DeLeo, A. R. Horswill, M. Otto, A. L. Cheung, B. S. Edwards, L. A. Sklar, P. R. Hall, and H. D. Gresham. 2014. Selective chemical inhibition of agr quorum sensing in Staphylococcus aureus promotes host defense with minimal impact on resistance. PLoS Pathogens vol. 10, iss. 6, DOI: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1004174. PMC4055767
  • Qiao, Y., B. M. Gray, M. H. Sofi, L. D. Bauler, K. A. Eaton, M. X. D. O’Riordan, and C-H Chang. 2012. Innate-like CD4 T cells selected by thymocytes suppress adaptive immune responses against bacterial infections. Open Journal of Immunology 2:25-39. PMC3525959
  • Gray, B. M. and K. A. Eaton. 2012. Necropsy, blood, tissue collection, and mRNA isolation for detection of host cytokine gene expression. Methods in Molecular Biology 921:119-29

Recent Presentations

  • November 12, 2014: Bacterial Communication: What Quorum Sensing does for Microbes and How it Affects Us, Richard Clark Lecture series, York College of Pennsylvania
  • November 5, 2013: Targeting Pathogenic Quorum Sensing to Treat Disease and Limit Resistance, NIH-RISE Seminar Series, University of Puerto-Rico at Humacao


  • Co-director, STEM Scholars Program, 2018-present
  • Co-chair, Faculty Budget Committee, 2018-present
  • Member, Student Welfare Committee, 2015-2017

Professional Association

  • American Society of Microbiology
  • Pennsylvania Academy of Sciences