Insoo Cho, Ph.D.

Insoo Cho
Graham School of Business
Associate Professor, Economics
Contact Information
Willman Business Center , Room 217

Meet Insoo Cho


  • PhD, Iowa State University
  • BA, Soongsil University

Research Interests

  • Entrepreneurship
  • Occupational Choice
  • Labor markets

Recent Publications

  • Cho, I., & Orazem, P.F. (2021, April). How endogenous risk preferences and sample selection affect analysis of firm survival. Small Bus Econ, 56, 1309–1332.
  • Cho, I. (2021). Risk Attitudes and Cognitive Abilities. Pennsylvania Economic Association.
  • Cho, I., Orazem, P.F. & Rosenblat, T. (2018, February 2). Are risk attitudes fixed factors or fleeting feelings? J Labor Res, 39, 127–149.
  • Cho, I. (2017). Do Gender Differences in Risk Aversion, Locus of Control, or Self-Esteem Explain Gender Differences in Labor Market Outcomes? Pennsylvania Economic Review, 24(2), 13-30.
  • Cho, I., & Orazem, P. F. (2014, December). Are nonprofit entrepreneurs also jacks-of-all-trades?. IZA Journal of Labor Economics, 3(1), 4.