James A. Kearns, Ph.D.
Kinsley School of Engineering, Sciences and Technology
Full Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering, Ph.D., Georgia Institute of Technology
- Mechanical Engineering, M.S., Carnegie-Mellon University
- Mechanical Engineering and Economics, B.S., University of Pennsylvania
- ECE220: Design and Analysis of Digital Circuits
- ECE260: Fundamentals of Computer Engineering
- PHY260: Engineering Physics: Electricity & Magnetism
- ME270: Mechatronics
- ECE310: Configuration and Analysis of Analog Circuits
- ME460: Applied Kinematics and Dynamics
- Noise and Vibration Control
- Outdoor Sound Propagation
- Design of Smart Quiet Structure
- Acoustic Diffraction Phenomena
- James Kearns and Giorgio Rizzoni “Principles and Applications of Electrical Engineering”, 6th edition, to be published by McGraw-Hill in January 2012.
- Meah, K., Sadrul Ula, A.H.M., Kearns, J., Vaisakh, K. “Short and medium term solutions for the current electricity crisis in Bangladesh”, Proceedings of the IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, 2010.
- Kala Meah, Timothy Garrison, James Kearns, Gregory Link, Laura Garrison, Wayne Blanding, Emine Celik, Stephen Kuchnicki, Jennifer Dawson, Barry McFarland, “An Automated Bottle Filling and Capping Project for Freshman Engineering Students,” 2010 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, June 20-23, 2010, Louisville, KY, USA