Michele E. Yoder, Ph.D.

Graham School of Business
Chair, Department of Management, Marketing, & Entrepreneurship
Associate Professor of Strategy and Business Administration
- Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison
- M.B.A., University of Wisconsin-Whitewater
- B.S., B.A., Thomas Edison State University
- Strategy Pedagogy
- Corporate Governance
- Executive Compensation
- Corporate Social Responsibility
- Yoder, M.E. 2022. Cheers to mead: A serious, in-person game illustrating the five forces. Management Teaching Review. OnlineFirst.
- Yoder, M.E. 2019. Better together: Complementarity between theory and practice in strategic management education. Journal of Education for Business, 94: 324-332. 9 Citations (Google Scholar, January 26, 2023).
- Yoder, M.E, K. Strandholm, & M. VanHemert. 2016. Preaching to the choir? Effect of required CSR courses on CSR attitudes. Journal of Academic and Business Ethics, 10. 3 Citations (Google Scholar, July 26, 2021).
- Wimble, M., M.E. Yoder, & Y. Ro. 2016. Understanding least absolute value in regression based data mining. International Journal of Data Mining & Knowledge Management Process. 6(3): 1-10. 1 Citation (Google Scholar, July 26, 2021).
- "Devers, C.E., G. McNamara, J. Haleblian, & M.E. Yoder. 2013. Do they walk the talk or just talk the talk? Gauging acquiring CEO and director confidence in the value-creation potential of announced acquisitions. Academy of Management Journal. 56: 1679-1702. 55 Citations (Google Scholar, July 26, 2021). Research abstracted in the Wall Street Journal, December 4, 2013. B6; Harvard Business Review Daily Stat, December 10, 2013; Globe and Mail, December 9, 2013."