Stacy Lutter, D.Ed., R.N.-B.C.

Dr. Donald E. and Lois J. Myers School of Nursing and Health Professions
Chair, The Stabler Dept of Nursing
Associate Professor of Nursing
- D.Ed., Pennsylvania State University
- M.S.N., Widener University
- B.S.N., Duquesne University
- Registered Nurse
- ANCC Certification in Cardiac-Vascular Nursing
- NUR203: Pharmacology for Nurses I
- NUR334: Medical/Surgical Nursing I: Adults with Chronic Health Problems
- NUR506: Research Methods for Nursing Practice
- NUR507: Applied Evidence-Based Practice for Nursing
- NUR512: Theoretical Basis for Role Development for Advanced Practice Registered Nurses
- NUR520: Advanced Pharmacology
- Mentoring
- Nursing Retention
- Arts-Based Learning
- Interprofessional Education
- Creativity in Teaching Practices
- Lutter, S. L., Thompson, C. W., & Condon, M. C. (2017). Tutoring for success: Empowering graduate nurses after failure on the NCLEX-RN. Journal of Nursing Education, 56(12), 758. doi:10.3928/01484834-20171120-11
- Lutter, S. L., Pucino, C. L., & Jarecke, J. (2016). The use of arts-based projects in clinical education. Proceedings of the Adult Education Research Conference, Kansas State University Libraries, New Prairie Press (pp. 285-287).
- Lutter, S. L. (2015, October). Simulated medication adherence exercise. Retrieved from the Quality and Safety Education in Nursing website:
- Lutter, S. L. (2011). Exploring the influence of gender on registered nurses’ intentions to leave the profession. Proceedings of the Adult Education Research Conference and Canadian Association for the Study of Adult Education, Toronto, Canada.
- Harne-Britner, S., Kreamer, C., Frownfelter, P., Helmuth, A., Lutter, S., Schafer, D. J., & Wilson, C. (2006). Medication calculation skills of practicing nurses. Journal for Nurses in Staff Development, 22, 190-195.
- Lutter, S. L. (2017). Why nurses leave nursing (invited presentation), Geisinger Holy Spirit Nursing Research/EBP Conference, Harrisburg, PA.
- Lutter, S., & Masters, K. (2017). Assessing communication and teamwork during pre-licensure interprofessional simulation (poster), 8th Annual Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) International Forum, Chicago, IL.
- Lutter, S. L. (2015). Partnering with Academic Support Services to improve nursing students' study skills (poster), Pennsylvania Association of Developmental Educators Conference, Hershey, PA.
- Lutter, S. L. (2011). An exploration of registered nurses’ intentions to leave the profession (oral presentation), International Healthcare Communication Conference, Chicago, IL.
- Lutter, S. L. (2010). Novice faculty as effective mentors in education and research (poster), Drexel University Nursing Education Institute Conference, Myrtle Beach, SC.
- Patient Choice Award, Pinnacle Health
- The Learned Society of Whispering Pines Graduate Student Award in Adult Education, Penn State University-Harrisburg
- Excellence in Nursing Education Award, Eta Eta Chapter of the Honor Society of Nursing, Sigma Theta Tau International
- Academic Senate Executive Committee
- Nursing Undergraduate Program Coordinator
- Sigma Theta Tau, Eta Eta Chapter Faculty Counselor
- RESOLVE (The National Infertility Organization), Peer Support Group Leader
- Article reviewer, Journal of Nursing Management and Nursing Education Perspectives