January 31, 2022

6 Things Ycp Alumni Think First-Year Students Should Know


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6 Things YCP Alumni Think First-Year Students Should Know

January 31, 2022

Congratulations, Spartan! The hard work is done, and now you’re counting down to move-in day. You may be a little nervous for what lies ahead over the next four (or so) years, but rest assured, there are thousands of others who have crossed the finish line and walked across that stage at graduation.

Our Spartan alumni want you to make the most of your time at York. So pack your bags, check out these tips, and get ready, because your day one starts here!

1. “Stay organized and keep in communication with your professors.”

- Kate Mummert '21, Sport Management

Organization and communication are key when it comes to having a successful college career. A detailed planner can be your best friend when you’re in the midst of the semester, trying to juggle classes, extracurricular activities, and a social life. And the more you keep in touch with your professors, the better! Creating a good relationship with your professors will make it easier when it comes to asking for help with assignments or working out other issues.

2. “Now is your safe space to fail. Make use of it!”

- Kelsey Snively '20, Theatre

We’re sure you’ve already heard this, but failure is a part of life! This is the perfect time to take risks and learn from your mistakes. Lean on the support systems around you to pick you up after you fall. That’s what they’re there for!

3. “Find a mentor among the faculty that you can relate to and that has the time to listen when you need advice or need to work through a problem.”

- Maria Musti Cook '81, Marketing

Whether that faculty member is in your program or not, you’ll be glad to have them. However, keeping that mentorship strong if you don’t have that professor in class every semester can be difficult. Take a look at these tips to help build that lasting mentorship!

4. “Try to take advantage of campus jobs. You can learn a lot and make many useful connections that will benefit you down the line.”

- Samantha Sabatini '20, Literary and Textual Studies

Campus employment is the perfect opportunity to get some experience under your belt before graduating. Interested in a career that requires you to have good face-to-face interaction skills? Become a campus tour guide! (Shoutout to our Spartan Ambassadors!) Campus jobs can help you build some fundamental skills and make a little extra cash while in school. Plus, campus supervisors can be great references to use when applying for jobs after graduation.

5. “Don’t be afraid to ask for help from your professors, classmates, and friends.”

- Sarah McCauley '15, M.A. '21, Public Relations

Asking for help isn’t a sign of weakness. Everyone could use a little support every now and again. Take advantage of those around you who are rooting for your success and vocalize when you’re struggling. They’ll be happy to lend a hand!

6. “Do not put yourself in a box, because the possibilities are endless. Your career goal can have many paths, and it’s OK to explore!”

- Sophia L. Hollis Ticer '98, Literary and Textual Studies

Branching out is a good thing; trust us. It’s great to have an end goal in mind, but you don’t have to rush to get there. Stop to smell the roses every once in a while, or change directions completely! You’ll get to the finish line. Just enjoy the ride on the way!

As you finish your last year of high school and make your way onto campus, be sure to keep these tips in your back pocket. You never know when they might come in handy! And if you have any questions between now and then, reach out to your admissions counselor. We’d be happy to chat!
