November 7, 2023

President Thomas D. Burns Among York Group That Meets with Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell During Recent Visit


York College President Thomas D. Burns was among a group of leaders and businesspeople that met with Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell during his recent visit to York. 

Powell traveled to York to learn about the efforts of the long-time manufacturing hub to diversify its economy, according to an article in Fortune.  Accompanying him was Patrick Harker, head of the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia. 

Before a walking tour of downtown York, Powell and Harker conducted a roundtable discussion at the Yorktowne Hotel with several business owners and executives, nonprofit leaders, and educators, including President Burns. 

“Being at the table during that discussion, which focused on supporting the local workforce, was a wonderful chance to be engaged in conversation that benefits our students and our campus community,” said Burns. “York College is a member of the York community, and as such, it is important that we participate in any efforts to build the local economy and help to provide our students and graduates with internship and employment opportunities in a robust marketplace.”

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