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Spartan Shoutouts: Spring 2021


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Spartan Shoutouts: Spring 2021

February 25, 2021

Embracing Kindness Across Campus, Through the Spartan Oath

Upholding the values of the Spartan Oath in everyday life is no easy task, especially as life throws out new challenges each day.

This spring, York College is honoring a few of our very own Spartans who implement and practice the values, responsibility, and integrity that make up a York College Spartan in every aspect of their life. It’s true what they say: “A little act of kindness goes a long way.”

Next time you are on campus, hold the door open for the person behind you, leave a kind note on your RA’s door, or buy a coffee for the next person in line – these little acts of kindness, will make someone’s day. And you never know, you might just be featured on the next Spartan Shoutout!

On behalf of the entire York College community, we want to thank the students listed below for demonstrating the values of the Spartan Oath. Your kindness and integrity does not go unnoticed.



Hunter Hudak

Reason for Nomination:

"He is a great mentor, friend, and is always willing to help people out. He even willingly helped people clear the snow off of their cars."


Jonathan Reid

Reason for Nomination:

"Jonathan is a hard worker and always strives to do his best! He is very ambitious and involved in multiple campus activities."


Emma Barrett

Reason for Nomination:

"She is a shining light on campus! President of the PRSSA, guiding the club back to before it was defunct, I believe without her go-getting personality and tenacious attitude we would not be anywhere close to where we are today. She is an amazing leader and I believe she is incredibly deserving of this Spartan Shout Out."


Kevin Lindemann

Reason for Nomination:

"Within the Career Development context, Kevin has exhibited authentic interest in blending his academic learnings with professional exploration. I have been impressed with his ambition, academic success thus far and an undervalued element - respect. Kevin is polite and gracious when receiving feedback and asking questions."


Talen Lurz

Reason for Nomination:

"He is a good leader for our fraternity and very dependable person. He embodies the York College spirit to a "t"!"


Emma Simpson

Reason for Nomination:

"Emma's commitment to York College is unwavering. She always is looking to find new ways to connect the student body, and is innovative and receptive to advice in doing so, while simultaneously engaging us all in community service activities that help the campus community."


Savannah Nitchie

Reason for Nomination:

"Savannah Nitchie is a second semester freshman and a nursing major. She is very thoughtful, thinking about others and not just herself.  She works for Jessica and Friends and cares for people with special needs. I think she'll be a GREAT nurse!  Thank you for accepting her nomination!!"


Abby Wurzback

Reasons for Nomination:

"Abby is a constant light of joy and positivity. She goes out of her way every single day to make sure her fellow Spartans are doing well. She is a great listener and will follow up to see how you are doing handling life's stress. She really exemplifies what a selfless and caring Spartan looks like!"

 "She is so involved in the campus and truly cares for the people that she interacts with, and how they are doing at York."


Julia Pomerantz

Reason for Nomination:

"Julia is always there for every one of her friends and always does her best to brighten everyone's day. She is a hard worker and makes such a positive impact on campus."


Courtney Duffell

Reason for Nomination:

"She exemplifies kindess and leadership around campus and is involved in as much as she can be."


Eric Hutchinson

Reason for Nomination:

"All around outstanding young man that represents everything we want out of our student-athletes!"


JonAnthony Dangler

Reason for Nomination:

"I feel he perfectly demonstrates all the characteristics of a student who follows the Spartan Oath."


Maddy Marquez

Reason for Nomination:

"Maddy is a very kind person. Maddy thinks about how her decisions impact others and always brings a positive attitude with her wherever she goes."


Hannah Rowan

Reason for Nomination:

"She was very welcoming to me when I joined the theatre department and made sure if there was anything I needed."


Samantha Turner

Reason for Nomination:

"Sam is a great student and a great person! What really stands out about Sam is her kindness. She is also humble and compassionate - a wonderful member of the YCP community!"


Reginald Sullivan

Reason for Nomination:

"He is one of my most inspiring friends on campus, he is writing a book on healthcare."


Hannah Adler

Reason for Nomination:

"She's a kind, amazing person who strives to do her best and help others!" 




James MacNeal

Reason for Nomination:

"He is kind, has always been there for me when I need him, honest, respectful, and brave." 




Kyle McKeon

Reason for Nomination:

"Kyle is a standout student who has a great balance of schooling and out of school life. He is respectful to everyone he comes across. He sets an example for everyone in Penn Hall."




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