
January 26, 2023

York College of PA Nursing program awarded second grant for simulation lab from Memorial Health Fund


York College of Pennsylvania’s Dr. Donald E. and Lois J. Myers School of Nursing and Health Professions (MSNHP) has received for the second year a grant from the Memorial Health Fund, a supporting organization of the York County Community Foundation, to support enhancements to its Nursing Simulation Lab.

The 2021 grant of $13,202 from the Memorial Health Fund was used to build infrastructure toward the development of an accredited simulation center within the next three to five years, ensuring quality simulation-based learning experiences for students and local healthcare providers. Infrastructure needs include equipment, personnel, physical space, policies, and organizational commitment. York College has already committed to providing the physical space within the MSNHP, hired a director of simulation, and purchased some new simulation equipment.

The 2022 grant of $66,970 (over three years) will bring the College one step closer to accreditation through the purchase of new simulation laptops for operating high-fidelity simulators and the purchase of a library of simulation scenarios that can be used to train students enrolled in the healthcare majors. In addition, the grant will fund the Standardized Patient Program, one of the most vital aspects of the College’s simulation process.

Standardized patient simulation involves the use of individuals trained to portray the roles of patients, family members or others to allow students to practice physical exam skills, history taking skills, communication skills, and other exercises.

Things like intubations and running an IV can only be done on high-fidelity simulators, but standardized patients bring additional realism and psychosocial elements that the high-fidelity simulators cannot, according to Rodney Grim, Director of Simulation Experiences. “Assessing and talking to a real person is essential in preparing students for delivering safe, effective and compassionate/empathetic care to people in the real world. I can’t say enough about how good the actors are and how they help students.”