
February 22, 2023

York College of PA Writer-in-Residence to discuss ‘Why We Can’t Buy Our Way to a Green Planet’ on March 2


York College of Pennsylvania’s Writer-in Residence Kendra Pierre-Louis will present "Why Stories Need Science and Why Science Needs Stories" at 7 p.m., March 2, in Weinstock Lecture Hall, Willman Business Center. The event is open to the public free of charge. Masks are required and will be available at the event. 

Pierre-Louis is an award-winning climate reporter. She has worked as senior climate reporter with the Gimlet/Spotify podcast “How to Save a Planet,” as a climate reporter with The New York Times, and as a staff writer for Popular Science (PopSci), where she wrote about science, the environment, and, occasionally, mayonnaise. In addition, her writing has appeared in FiveThirtyEight, The Washington Post, and Slate.

Pierre-Louis is a recipient of the 2022 American Association for the Advancement of Science Kavli Science Journalism Award. She received the gold award in the magazine category for her story “How rising groundwater caused by climate change could devastate coastal communities” in MIT Technology Review.

Pierre-Louis has a Master of Science in science writing from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and in Sustainable Development with a focus on Policy Analysis and Advocacy from the School for International Training Graduate Institute. She also has a B.A. in economics from Cornell University, and a Master Composter Certificate from The NYC Compost Project.