
February 16, 2023

York College of PA's Annual YCASE Finalist Exhibition Scheduled for March 3 to 25 at Marketview Arts


York College of Pennsylvania’s annual York Community Art Scholars Exhibition (YCASE) provides promising young artists from local high schools with the opportunity to showcase their art and learn new skills. YCASE is made possible through the generosity of The Shipley Family Foundation.

Student artists attend workshops taught by York College faculty and show off their artwork in an Art Walk (virtual this year), then pieces chosen by the College’s faculty are featured in a Finalist Exhibition from March 3 through 25 at Marketview Arts. Each of the 100+ pieces of artwork selected for the Finalist Exhibition is eligible for an award in one of the following categories: drawing, painting, photography, graphic design, three-dimensional, and “other." The exhibition is open to the public free of charge.

Participating student artists are eligible for cash awards and gift certificates to Downtown York arts venues, and one senior is selected to receive a $20,000 DelliCarpini Community Art Scholarship to study an arts-related field at York College of Pennsylvania.