
February 21, 2023

'Young Scholars in Writing' Journal Celebrates 20th Edition with York College of Pennsylvania Faculty, Students at the Helm


“Young Scholars in Writing: Undergraduate Research in Writing and Rhetoric” is celebrating its 20th anniversary, with York College of Pennsylvania faculty and students at the helm of the celebrated journal. The 20th volume is available here.

“Young Scholars in Writing" is intended to be a resource for students engaged in undergraduate research and for scholars who are interested in new advances or theories relating to language, composition, rhetoric, and related fields. It publishes research articles written by undergraduates on topics related to rhetoric and writing, and is peer-reviewed by undergraduate students from a range of two- and four-year colleges across the United States, as well as former contributors. It is also faculty-reviewed by editorial board members from higher education institutions across the nation.

“The journal is considered to be one of the premier undergraduate research journals in our field, and is highly regarded,” said Gabriel Cutrufello, chair of the Department of Communication and Writing in the School of the Arts, Communication, and Global Studies. “During the last three years that the journal has been at York College, we have expanded its work to include integrated project-based learning experiences during the editorial and marketing processes in several YCP and partner institution courses. For instance, Dr. Mike Zerbe's Fall 2022 Professional Editing students at YCP provided copy editing for this volume's manuscripts. You can see a full list of students who worked on the journal in the masthead."

The 20th edition features the published work of three York College students: intern Lexi Stewart, a senior professional writing major from Bear, Del., who wrote a retrospective editors roundtable piece; and Ashlyn Bellman (senior Entrepreneurship and Innovation major from Stewartstown, Pa.) and Marilyn Damord (senior Professional Writing major from Wernersville, Pa., who published an article on supporting business writers in the College’s Writing Center.

This anniversary edition also unveils a partnership with Penn State's Center for Democratic Deliberation. In partnership with their national undergraduate essay contest, “Young Scholars in Writing” has published the winning manuscript "Bridging the Gap: Black Women in the Civil Rights Movement" by Dana Diab of Emory University.

Volume 20 of “Young Scholars in Writing” is supported by the Naylor Endowment in Writing Studies and by York College of Pennsylvania’s Center for Teaching and Learning through a Project-Based Learning Grant. Support was also provided by the York College of Pennsylvania Writing Center and the Office of the Provost.