Hey Spartans! Kristen Gurreri here reporting on episode 4 of the Bachelorette, and let me start by saying it is a WILD one. The episode kicks off with the guys being rather frustrated by Clare and her lack of interest in any man that is not Dale. While most men were expressing their extreme frustration, our favorite reality TV Spartan knew how to keep his can-do attitude:
“I am a lot of things but I am not a quitter.”
–Zac C. (Gotta love that positive Spartan Spirit!)
As things continue to escalate with the men, Chris Harrison talks to Clare to fill her in on the possible revolt happening with her suitors. Clare shares that she really only wants to spend time with Dale and is in fact in love with him. She also adamantly denies having talked to Dale before the show (contrary to what many gossip blogs previously reported). Clare asks Chris to cancel the rose ceremony and for the opportunity to spend the evening with Dale to tell him how she feels. Chris proceeds to tell the guys there will be no rose ceremony that night and asks Dale to come with him (not an awkward situation in the slightest). Dale then never returns and the guys are left with not a clue as to what is happening.
While the guys spend the evening understandably confused and frustrated, Dale and Clare have a very romantic dinner together. Clare tells Dale that she is in love with him and after what feels like a VERY long pause, Dale shares that he feels the same. They proceed to casually stroll over to a concert that has been arranged for them (I can’t be the only one wondering how the producers found that band so quickly) and dance the night away.
After their night spent together, Chris Harrison comes to chat with Clare to discuss next steps, which include Clare preparing for a possible proposal that night. Clare is absolutely thrilled and ready to make it official, while viewers are left wondering: does Dale know he is meant to propose that night?!
Meanwhile, back with the men, the group is still waiting for answers and getting more and more upset. Clare shows up to share the news that surprise… she found love and is ready to wrap things up with the others so she can go live happily ever after with Dale! This news is met with lots of crickets and uncomfortable silences. There is (finally) both positive and negative feedback from the guys, but our pal Zac C. is mostly silent throughout (likely trying to process how insane the situation is).
Once the men have been properly rejected, Chris Harrison FaceTimes his bestie Neil Lane to tell him the news that Clare has found love and they are going to need a ring STAT. Neil Lane appears to be all of us with his confusion and quick response: “Already?!”. Chris goes to tell Dale the news that Clare has dumped all the other guys and that Clare will be waiting for him that evening for a possible proposal. (Can we also note that the Bachelorette has started using the term “unprecedented”?! Only time will tell if they will have the opportunity to incorporate “pivot”. Thank you 2020 for our new vocab words.)
We finally make it to the evening and Clare is more than ready for the big proposal. While Clare stands and waits for Dale, Chris Harrison decides it is the perfect opportunity to walk slowly out to her with a solemn face so he can share, “We are very proud of you.” Chris, we love you, but we’ve gotta ask…. did that really feel like the opportune time to share that feedback? Dale finally makes his big debut and proposes to Clare, making it official! While it was a wild and unexpected (and very quick) journey, we wish nothing but the best for Clare and Dale.
Now that we have made it through the proposal, we fast forward to the next morning, when the remaining men are hanging out, packing up their things, and discussing how crazy (and upsetting) the situation is. Thankfully, we have our fav Spartan Zac C. to share his thoughts: “It’s a bummer. It just feels like there is some unfinished business here and that there is more love to give and more love to receive.” Zac C. also expresses feeling badly for many of the other guys for how they are feeling. I mean, seriously, if we didn’t love Zac C. before, our fate as his number 1 fan is officially sealed.
Chris Harrison shows up to tell the guys the news that Clare and Dale are engaged (needless to say, this news is not met with celebratory champagne-popping). However, Chris also shares that their journey is not ending and they all have the choice to stay or head home and he needs a decision by that evening. The men are understandably overwhelmed and have many questions. Thankfully, the one we are really here for makes the decision to stay and shares with the men that, “he is very excited but he understands that the other men are still processing”. (If The Bachelorette ever decided to implement a Mr. Congeniality Award, Zac C. would definitely have our vote).
As we head into the evening, the men finally learn that they have a new Bachelorette and they will shortly learn who she is! Zac C. is thrilled and shares that his life has been built on second chances and this feels like a perfect second chance. We couldn’t agree more, and we also hope this second chance will give Zac C. the additional screen time that we think he deserves!
Obviously, we are very excited for the next episode when our Spartan suitor will get to finally meet Tayshia. Tune in next week to see how this “unprecedented” season continues!
About the Author
Kristen Gurreri serves as the Senior Director of the York College Fund and Alumni Relations and has been at York College since 2018. Prior to that, she worked in both student affairs and Academic Affairs at Gettysburg College and McDaniel College, respectively. She earned in B.A. in Psychology from Michigan State University and her M.Ed. in Student Affairs from Rutgers University.
In her spare time, Kristen enjoys traveling to Bethany Beach as much as possible, reading (British rom-coms are her favorite), and spending time with her husband, Joe, and 21-month old daughter, Madison.