Graduates gather around the Rock on Commencement day to signify the completion of their academic journey. The Rock is painted York College green and the graduates' markers are filled with white ink.

Sanjay Parekh '96/MBA '99

Dodsal Engineering and Construction

“The education at the College was holistic. Taking courses in other domains really opened my mind to different fields of knowledge, which I feel are extremely essential for a complete education.” 

Current City: Dubai, United Arab Emirates

YCP Degrees: BS in Management; Master of Business Administration

Spartan Snapshots:

  • Established a scholarship for first-time, full-time international students coming to York College saying, “I was fortunate to get a quality education at York [College], and I would like for more international students to fulfill their dreams of studying in the United States and getting a great education at YCP.”

  • YCP Involvement: President of the International Students Club