Graduates gather around the Rock on Commencement day to signify the completion of their academic journey. The Rock is painted York College green and the graduates' markers are filled with white ink.

J.D. Mulliken '07

Chief Information Officer 
Paytime, Inc.

“As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.” Proverbs 27: 17 Over the years this phrase sticks with me and drives my relationships. I feel that it’s important for everyone to have someone they are pouring into (mentee) and someone pouring into them (mentor). Life is all about relationships. I have been intentional whether in a personal or professional setting to seek mutually beneficial relationships where we can exchange ideas and experiences that help us grow. 

Current City: Lewisberry, PA

Hometown: Prospect Park, PA

What do you consider your greatest achievement?

When I think of my greatest achievement it’s multifaceted and not one specific event that comes to mind. Early on in my career I was faced with some difficult challenges that as I overcame them, they set me on a path of rapid growth and advancement. Over the years with various companies, I have gained responsibility and experience which helped me to achieve my current position. As a result, I became highly respected in my industry and sought after for solving complex business problems. This has led to many networking opportunities and ultimately to being selected as a board member for The Independent Payroll Providers Association. I think it’s important to mention that becoming a father and having my daughter look up to me and the privilege of shaping her life and values has been one of my greatest accomplishments and the joy of my life.

How did York College help you get to where you are today?

My YCP education provided me with knowledgeable professors that had real world experience working in the field. The networking opportunities were very important to my career. I connected with many local professionals and ended up doing two internships over approximately a 2.5-year period. I feel that this was time well spent which helped me determine the direction I would take. In Information Security/Technology, which is constantly evolving, the key is staying connected to the pulse of the industry by being on the cutting edge.

What was your favorite class/professor at York College and how did it/they impact you?

My favorite professor was Dr. George Strouse. During my time at YCP I met many professors, some I had classes with, others just conversation. I had a career path I wanted to take in mind, and I knew that he would have valuable advice, so I sought him out because of his reputation. I had Dr. Strouse for multiple classes mostly geared around programming which had a profound impact on my understanding of the inner-workings and inter-dependencies of information systems. I found his wisdom in business operations incredibly valuable which he attained through many years as a business owner and executive consultant. Over the years I thoroughly enjoyed our many conversations interlaced with his anecdotes and flavored with his quirky sense of humor. We really connected at a deeper level. Since my time at YCP we have stayed in touch, and he has helped me navigate some of my career moves as a sounding board over the years.

What do you enjoy the most about your chosen career?

My passion for helping people attain their personal and business goals has always been paramount in my career. I believe that understanding technology and applying it to the business is critically important for success. Over the years I have had the opportunity to ‘Pay It Forward’ with many interns. I too was once in their shoes and now have the opportunity to positively influence their careers the way Dr. Strouse did mine.

View all of the 2022 Spartans of the Year award recipients.