The Gunter-Smith Center for Community Engagement building.

Amber Wiesberg

Appell Arts Fellow, 2019–2020

Amber Wiesberg is an artist from New Windsor, MD. As a graduate of York College of Pennsylvania's Fine Art Program, Wiesberg has developed her style of creating joyful works exploring the relationships between space, texture and shape. Wiesberg primarily works in acrylic, but enjoys experimenting with other mediums such as embroidery, fabric, and vinyl. Her work pushes the boundaries of clashing patterns and spatial planes. Her work continues to evolve as she discovers new patterns and color combinations. Her artwork explores the feelings of happiness and joy. Wiesberg has exhibited in local galleries and college buildings since 2017 as well as received awards for her artistic achievement. Under the judgement of Juror Stephen Towns, Wiesberg received third place for Fine Art in the 2019 York College Student Juried Exhibition. Her most recent solo exhibition was at Gallery @227 in downtown York, PA.

Learn More About the Artist

Insight and advice for prospective fellows.

I am most proud that I was able to help make things happen at Marketview. While I was here we were able to put up multiple murals in the building, run figure drawing sessions, and have small art making events. Also, after the pandemic began I was able to get a bunch of artists together from All in a Day's Work and now we have an art community together where we check in every week. Lastly, I was able to curate an exhibition during my fellowship. Though the pandemic interrupted the physical exhibition, we instead had an online exhibition.


The Appell Fellowship gave me the time and resources to grow myself as a working artist. I have learned so much about what it means to be an artist and how to be present in a community. With the time I have had here, I have created close to fifty pieces for my portfolio. I have had the time to experiment and play with my art making process and ultimately it has allowed me to make my work even better. I have a much better idea of the steps I need to take after the fellowship to continue my career as an artist. With a few of the events I ran, I was able to get members of the York art community involved. Those events were very successful and a great first step into Marketview Arts!

This is an incredible opportunity and it gives you the tools to help you become a strong and confident artist.