Three students sit around a table in a common area, chatting as they drink coffee and glance at an iPad.

Academic Integrity

A student smiles at the camera on campus, dressed in a York College green polo and jacket, carrying a backpack.

Bringing York College's Values to Life

The Spartan Oath provides a set of clear expectations for York College community members, reflecting our shared values of integrity and responsibility. Today's Spartans are tomorrow's engaged citizens, and we embrace the charge of upholding high standards for the behavior we exhibit on and off campus. 

The Spartan Oath

As a York College Student, I pledge to: 

  • Demonstrate respect for others 
  • Exercise all actions with integrity and honesty 
  • Communicate and interact in a respectful and considerate manner
  • Evaluate how my actions and decisions affect others and the College community
  • Support and contribute to a healthy living and learning college environment