Volunteer Services

Get connected to the campus and the surrounding community by volunteering with one of several great organizations.

Volunteer Services can help you find a program that fits your personality and speaks to your heart. Whether you want to work with kids or you’re ready to get your hands dirty with some physical labor, there are so many organizations that could use your help. By volunteering, you can get connected with others on campus, as well as develop meaningful relationships with those in the community. Not sure what to do? Get in touch — we can match a volunteer opportunity with your interests and availability.

Track your service hours The Giving Tree provides presents to the less fortunate during the holidays. Every fall, hundreds of students, faculty, alumni and staff from York College take to the streets of downtown York. This annual day of service focuses on giving back through various service projects. In previous years, volunteers completed work for various organizations, including ACCESS-York, Garden Club of York, Catholic Harvest Food Pantry and York County Heritage Trust.

  • World Kindness Week

    World Kindness Week

    Step out of your comfort zone and do little things that have a big impact on those around you. During World Kindness Week, students are encouraged to do various acts of kindness, including free hugs, volunteerism, anonymous thank you cards and more.

  • Making a Difference Award

    Making a Difference Award

    Honor a student, member of faculty or other York College staff person by nominating them for the Making a Difference Award. The recognition they receive is our way of thanking them for their kindness and willingness to help others.

  • Big Brothers and Big Sisters of York County

    Big Brothers and Big Sisters of York County

    Give just one hour a week and make a difference in the life of a York County child. Thanks to a partnership with Big Brothers and Big Sisters of York County, York College students are trained and paired with a local child. Weekly visits to area elementary schools help our students have an impact on the local community.

  • American Cancer Society

    American Cancer Society

    From Relay For Life to Daffodil Days, the American Cancer Society provides numerous volunteer opportunities for students at York College. Whether you personally know someone impacted by cancer, or you simply have a heart to help those who struggle with a cancer-related illness, your time can help us get one step closer to finding a cure.

  • The Giving Tree

    The Giving Tree


    Give a gift to those less fortunate during the holidays as the York College community comes together for The Giving Tree. You’ll find the tree each November in the Student Union Lobby where tags display a gift that could benefit someone in the community. Purchase the gift, place it under the tree and help make the holidays a little brighter for someone else.

Contact Us Office of Volunteer Services Tamah Amrom, Associate Director of Student Activities and Orientation
Iosue Student Union, Room 205
Phone: 717.815.1239
Contact for appt.