October 9, 2024

Attend Class Like You Mean It: Simple Tips to Make the Most of Your College Courses


College is an exciting time, but it also comes with some new responsibilities. In high school, you may have had fewer priorities to juggle. You arrived in the morning, went to classes during the day, did your homework, and attended extracurricular activities after school or on the weekends — but in college, your schedule isn’t so clearly defined.

It’s up to you to show up for class. While it can be tempting to stay in bed instead of hopping the shuttle to your 8 a.m. biology course, pushing yourself to attend classes is one of the most important steps you can take toward success. 

Showing up regularly not only helps you stay on top of coursework, but it also improves your understanding, participation, and ultimately, your grades. Here are a few tips to help you get to class on time and create a strong foundation for your college experience.

1. Make Class a Priority 

College classes are designed to challenge you and help you grow as both a student and a young professional, but you need to be present to get the full experience. Studies consistently show that students who attend class regularly tend to earn better grades

In person, you’ll hear valuable explanations and real-world examples that don’t always make it into the textbook. Plus, your professors will notice when you’re engaged, which can open doors to mentorship and future opportunities.

2. Plan Ahead and Stay Organized 

Life gets busy for college students, so it’s important to organize your time efficiently. Use a planner or a digital calendar to keep track of your classes, assignments, and study time. Block out time for rest, social activities, and extracurriculars. 

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, schedule a meeting with one of our Academic Success Coaches to develop a personalized plan.

3. Build Accountability 

Buddy up with a classmate to walk to class together. Accountability partners make it easier to stay on track, and having a friend in class is a bonus when it comes to sharing notes or forming study groups. 

You can also use alarms or phone reminders to help you manage your schedule and get to class on time.

4. Be Present and Participate 

Once you're in class, be fully present. That means setting your phone to silent mode, taking out your earbuds, and closing unrelated browser tabs. Sit where you can focus and take plenty of notes to help yourself pay attention. 

And don’t be afraid to ask questions or contribute to discussions. The more you participate, the more engaged you’ll feel — and you may even score a few bonus points with your professor!

5. Reach Out for Help 

If you start to feel lost, don’t hesitate to ask for help. Your professors are here to support you, and they have dedicated time outside of class when you can stop by their office to talk. Office hours are a great time to ask questions, get more clarity about a project, or discuss your classes. 

As a York College student, you also have access to campus resources like: 

  • The Academic Success Center, which offers coaching and tutoring services, and

  • The Academic Advising Center, where you can get advice about which classes to take, how to build your schedule, and strategies for connecting today’s coursework to your future career.

Remember, attending class is about more than just sitting at a desk — it’s about taking control of your learning and setting yourself up for success. Every day you show up and commit to your education brings you closer to achieving your goals. 

So set your alarm, text your walking buddy, raise your hand once in a while, and get ready to attend class like you mean it!