A Trusted Academic Mentor is Invaluable
We pair you with an advisor so you can make decisions about coursework and your career with confidence.
Our most successful students are the ones who take advantage of collaborating with his or her advisor. Advisors don’t want you to meander through your college career. They want you to excel by helping you see possibilities — internships, classes, and more — that can get you from Point A to Point B.
Advisors check on your academic progress, approve your schedule, discuss your goals and how to accomplish them, and, if needed, get you connected to extra help. You won’t get lost in the shuffle at York College. Right from the start, you have a faculty or staff member who wants to know what you want to do one day, and will make it a personal mission to get your there.
Looking Out for You from Day One

Who is My Academic Advisor?
Like having a coach in your corner, your academic advisor is specifically assigned to you to give you advice and guidance every step of the way.
Other Important Information
Do you need to declare or change your major?
Students who wish to declare or change their major must complete a Change in Student Record form.
Degree Requirements
Specific requirements and recommended curricula for each degree program are described in the Programs of Study section of the YCP catalog.
For majors offered by York College, as well as courses that meet ADR (Area Distribution Requirements) within the General Education Program prior to Fall 2015, please visit the Registrar's Office.
Back on Track
Back on Track is an Academic Advising Center-sponsored program that is designed to help students who are on academic probation (i.e., students whose cumulative GPA is below 2.0).