View Transferrable Credits by School
Adelphi University | York College of Pennsylvania | ||
ANT111 | Cultural Anthropology | ANT220 | Cult Anthropology |
ART121 | Calligraphy | ART1XX | Calligraphy |
ART313 | Drawing | ART215 | Drawing I |
ART385 | Jewelry | ART284 | Jewelry/Sm Sculpt I |
BIO111 | Biological Conc & Meth I | BIO150 | Biology I |
BIO112 | Bio Concepts & Methods II | BIO152 | Biology II |
BUS162 | Intro to Business | BUS150 | Intro to Business |
BUS250 | Bus Law I | BUS260 | Legal Environment |
CHE100 | Chemistry Modern Society | CHM1XX | Chemistry Elective No Lab |
CHE107 | Essentials of Chemistry | CHM122 | Prin Gen/Org Chem |
CHE107 | Essentials of Chemistry | CHM123 | Gen/Org Chem Lab |
CHE111 | Gen Chemistry I | CHM134 | Gen Chem I |
CHE112 | Gen Chemistry II | CHM136 | Gen Chem II |
COR100 | Honors-Modern Condition I | HUM1XX | Honors-Mod Cond I |
COR101 | Honors- Mod Condition II | HUM1XX | Honors- Mod Condition II |
COR105 | Honors-Core Comp | WRT102 | Analytical Read/Writ |
COR197 | Honors- Art in the World II | HUM1XX | Honors- Art in the World II |
CSC156 | Discrete Structures | CS1XX | Discrete Structures |
CSC171 | Intro to Computer Prog | IFS1XX | Intro to Computer Prog |
EDU121 | Child Growth & Devel | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop |
ENG107 | Art & Craft of Writing | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm |
ENG107 | Art & Craft of Writing | WRT102 | Analytical Read/Writ |
ENG108 | Wrt About Lit | LIT200 | Perspectives/Lit |
ENV102 | Nat Sci & Env Prob | ESS1XX | Earth Sci Elect No Lab |
EST221 | Child Dev | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop |
FRE111 | Level I French | FRN101 | Elem French I |
FRE112 | Level II French | FRN102 | Elem French II |
GEN110 | First Year Seminar | FYS100 | First Year Seminar |
GEN110 | FS: Workplace 21st Cent | BEH1XX | Workplace 21st Cent |
HIS102 | Origins West Civ II | HIS102 | Western Civ II |
HIS103 | U.S. History to 1865 | HIS111 | Amer Hist Colonization-Civ War |
HIS104 | U.S. History 1865 to Present | HIS112 | Amer Hist Civ War-Global Power |
HIS105 | World Civ I | HIS121 | World History I |
ITA111 | Level I Italian | ITL101 | Elem Italian I |
ITA112 | Level II Italian | ITL102 | Elem Italian II |
ITA121 | Level III Italian | ITL1XX | Level III Italian |
ITA122 | Italian Level IV | ITL1XX | Italian Level IV |
MTH101 | Mathematical Model for Sci | MAT1XX | Math Model for Sci |
MTH113 | Surv of Stats | MAT250 | Statistics |
MTH113 | Surv of Stats | QBA260 | Business Statistics |
MTH113 | Surv of Stats | BEH260 | Statistics |
MTH140 | Elementary Functions | MAT1XX | Elementary Functions |
MUH241 | Music, Cult, and Soc | MUS287 | American Pop Music |
NUR203 | Intro to Nursing | NUR2XX | Intro to Nursing |
PED100 | Prin of Health/Physical Ed | EDU1XX | Prin of Health/Phys Ed |
PED150 | Sci Found Physical Act | PE1XX | Sci Founds of Phy Act |
PED150 | Sci Found Physical Act | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect |
PED167 | First Aid & Injury | SPM205 | Responding/Emerg |
PES200 | Ballroom Dancing | PE2XX | Ballroom Dancing |
PHI322 | American Philosophy | PHL221 | Intro Philosophy |
PHY104 | Astronomy | ESS1XX | Astronomy |
PIA101 | Gen Psychology | PSY100 | General Psychology |
POL101 | Intro to American Pol System | PS141 | Am Gov: Institutions |
SOC100 | Intro to Soc | SOC100 | Intro Sociology |
SOC101 | Social Problems | SOC220 | Am Social Problems |
SOC288 | S/T: Sex & School Shoot | SOC2XX | S/T: Sex & School Shoot |
SPA111 | Level I Spanish | SPN101 | Elem Spanish I |
SPA112 | Level II Spanish | SPN102 | Elem Spanish II |
SPA121 | Level III Spanish | SPN201 | Inter Spanish I |
SPA122 | Level IV Spanish | SPN202 | Inter Spanish II |
SPE121 | Beg Sign Language | CM150 | Beg Sign Language |
SPE122 | Amer Sign Lang II | CM250 | Adv Sign Language |
Alvernia University | York College of Pennsylvania | |||
ADA102 | Substance Abuse | BEH1XX | Substance Abuse | |
ADA201 | Found Addiction Studies | BEH2XX | Found of Addict Studies | |
ADA203 | Drugs of Abuse | SOC210 | Drug/Alcohol Addctn | |
ADA220 | Prev & Interven Serv | BEH2XX | Prev & Interven Serv | |
ADA230 | Assess, Eval & Treat Int | BEH2XX | Assess, Eval & Treat | |
ADA240 | When Love Hurts | BEH2XX | When Love Hurts | |
ADA303 | Couns Tech I | BEH3XX | Couns Tech I | |
ADA304 | Couns Tech II | BEH3XX | Couns Tech II | |
ART101 | Drawing I | ART215 | Drawing I | |
ART103 | Color & Design | ART1XX | Color & Design | |
ART105 | Art Appreciation | ART101 | Intro Art Apprec | |
ART106 | Design & Crafts | ART1XX | Design & Crafts | |
ART190 | Intro Figure Draw | ART112 | Conc Figure Drawing | |
ART251 | 3D Design | ART210 | Design I | |
ART290 | ST: Watercolor | ART2XX | ST: Watercolor | |
BIO103 | Prin/Biology I | BIO150 | Biology I | |
BIO104 | Prin/Biology II | BIO152 | Biology II | |
BIO107 | Hum Anat/Phys I | BIO220 | Human A/P I | |
BIO107 | Hum Anat/Phys I | BIO1XX | Biology Elect No Lab | |
BIO108 | Hum Anat & Phys II | BIO1XX | Biology Elect No Lab | |
BIO108 | Hum Anat & Phys II | BIO222 | Human A/P II | |
BIO109 | Human Biology | BIO112 | Fund Human Bio | |
BIO115 | Human Form & Funct | 01 | BIO1XX | Human Form & Funct |
BIO116 | Human Form & Funct Lab | 01 | ||
BIO203 | Biosphere | BIO2XX | Biosphere | |
BIO208 | Neuroscience | BIO2XX | Biology Elect No Lab | |
BIO211 | Kinesiology | BIO2XX | Kinesiology | |
BIO216 | Nutrition | NUR202 | Nutrition | |
BIO220 | Clinical Microbiology | BIO230 | Microbiology | |
BIO303 | Genetics | BIO3XX | Genetics w/o Lab | |
BUS100 | Intro to Business | BUS150 | Intro to Business | |
BUS101 | Financial Acctg | ACC220 | Financial Acct | |
BUS102 | Accounting II | ACC220 | Financial Acct | |
BUS111 | Prin Bank Operations | BUS1XX | Prin Bank Oper | |
BUS141 | Prin of Marketing | MKT100 | Prin Marketing | |
BUS200 | Managerial Acct | ACC225 | Managerial Acct | |
BUS205 | Fraud Exam | BUS2XX | Fraud Exam | |
BUS206 | Mgmt Prin | MGT150 | Prin of Management | |
BUS207 | Marketing Prin | MKT100 | Prin Marketing | |
BUS248 | Macroeconomics | ECO200 | Prin Econ-Macro | |
BUS249 | Microeconomics | ECO201 | Prin Econ-Micro | |
BUS250 | Accounting Principle | ACC2XX | Accounting Principle | |
BUS280 | HR Mgmt | MGT220 | Human Resource Mgt | |
BUS305 | Accntng Info Systems | ACC2XX | Accntng Info Systems | |
BUS307 | Marketing Princ | MKT100 | Prin Marketing | |
BUS310 | Hum Res Mgt | MGT220 | Human Resource Mgt | |
BUS311 | Prin MIS | IFS305 | Management Info Sys | |
BUS320 | Stakeholder Relations | BUS3XX | Stakeholder Relations | |
BUS320 | Labor Relations | BUS3XX | Labor Relations | |
BUS322 | Current Issues/HRM | MGT2XX | Current Issues/HRM | |
BUS342 | Business Law | BUS260 | Legal Environment | |
BUS345 | Macroeconomics | ECO200 | Prin Econ-Macro | |
BUS420 | Employment Law | MGT420 | Employment Law | |
CHE104 | General Chem I | CHM1XX | General Chem I w/o lab | |
CHE105 | Gen Chem II | 01 | CHM137 | Gen Chem II Lab |
CHE105 | Gen Chem II | 01 | CHM136 | Gen Chem II |
CHE105 | Gen Chem II | CHM1XX | Gen Chem II w/o Lab | |
CHE106 | Fund Chem | CHM122 | Prin Gen/Org Chem | |
CHE106 | Fund Chem | CHM1XX | Chemistry Elect No Lab | |
CHE111 | Gen Chem Lab II | 01 | ||
CHE190 | ST: Crime Science | CCJ1XX | ST: Crime Science | |
CHE401 | Biochemistry | 02 | BIO351 | Biochem I Lab |
CHE401 | Biochemistry | 02 | BIO350 | Biochemistry I |
CHE405 | Forensic Chemistry | FCM393 | Forensic Chemistry Lab | |
CHE405 | Forensic Chemistry | FCM392 | Forensic Chemistry | |
CHE410 | Biochemistry Lab | 02 | ||
CIS114 | Microcomp Apps | IFS105 | Personal Computing | |
CJ101 | Intro to Criminal Justice | CCJ101 | Intro Crim Justice | |
CJ102 | Criminology | CCJ1XX | Criminology | |
CJ175 | Fund Crim Invst | CCJ305 | Crim Investigation | |
CJ201 | Criminal Law | CCJ302 | Criminal Law | |
CJ218 | Multicult Issue | CCJ2XX | Multicult Issue | |
CJ220 | Writing/CJ Profess | CCJ2XX | Writing/CJ Profess | |
CJ274 | Correct & Rehab | CCJ2XX | Correct & Rehab | |
CJ275 | Criminology | SOC320 | Criminology | |
CJ302 | Jud Proc/Proced | CCJ3XX | Jud Proc/Proced | |
CJ309 | Wh Collar Crime | CCJ383 | White Collar Crime & Corp Comp | |
CJ346 | Terrorism | CCJ3XX | Terrorism | |
COL107 | Achieving Success | FYS1XX | Achieving Success | |
COL110 | Coll Succ Skill | FYS1XX | Coll Succ Skill | |
COL160 | 1st Yr Honors Sem | FYS1XX | 1st Yr Hnrs Seminar | |
COL180 | Info Literacy | IFL1XX | Info Lit | |
COL260 | HC: Intercultural Com | CM2XX | Intercultural Com | |
COM100 | Fund of Communication | WRT100 | Intro College Writ | |
COM101 | Comp & Research | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm | |
COM103 | Fundmtls/Speech | CM212 | Public Speaking | |
COM131 | Writing/Media | CM1XX | Writing/Media | |
COM132 | Journalism Workshop | CM1XX | Journalism Wksp | |
COM190 | Creative Writing | WRT272 | Intro Creative Wrt | |
COM240 | PR & Advertising | CM2XX | PR & Advertising | |
COM420 | Law & Ethics of Mass Comm | CM434 | Media Law/Ethics | |
COR600 | Org/Prof Ethics | PHL2XX | Org/Prof Ethics | |
ECON248 | Macroeconomics | ECO200 | Prin Econ-Macro | |
ECON249 | Microeconomics | ECO201 | Prin Econ-Micro | |
ED200 | Fund Early Child Ed | EDU2XX | Fund Early Child Ed | |
ED206 | Field Exp Stage I | EDU2XX | Field Exp Stage I | |
ED209 | Planning & Instruction | EDU2XX | Planning & Instr | |
ED302 | Prin Writing Instruction | EDU3XX | Prin Writing Instruction | |
ENG106 | Short Story | LIT291 | Short Story | |
ENG202 | Critical Appr Lit | LIT200 | Perspectives/Lit | |
ENG203 | Early Amer Poetry | LIT2XX | Early Amer Poetry | |
ENG204 | Mod Am Poetry | LIT2XX | Mod Am Poetry | |
ENG205 | Early Brit Lit | LIT283 | British Lit to 1750 | |
ENG206 | Mod British Poetry | LIT2XX | Mod British Poetry | |
ENG207 | Contp Fiction/Drama | LIT2XX | Contp Fiction/Drama | |
ENG290 | ST: Revenge Tragedies | LIT2XX | ST: Revenge Tragedies | |
ENG306 | Modern Amer Fiction | LIT3XX | Modern Amer Fiction | |
ENG321 | Ethics & Tragedy | LIT3XX | Ethics & Tragedy | |
ENG390 | ST: Entertainment | LIT3XX | ST: Entertainment | |
FRE101 | Elem French I | FRN101 | Elem French I | |
FRE102 | Elem French II | FRN102 | Elem French II | |
FYS101 | First Year Seminar | FYS100 | First Year Seminar | |
HCS300 | Writing for HCS | WRT1XX | Writing for HCS | |
HCS320 | Cultural Competency | ANT220 | Cult Anthropology | |
HIS101 | West Civ I | HIS101 | Western Civ I | |
HIS102 | West Civ II | HIS102 | Western Civ II | |
HIS112 | Study Amer History | HIS111 | American Civ I | |
HIS121 | Study Eur History | HIS319 | Europe 19th Century | |
HIS230 | Women in History | HIS2XX | Women in History | |
HIS240 | Topics in Global History | HIS2XX | Top in Global Hist | |
HIS245 | Native Amer History | HIS441 | Native American Hist | |
HIS250 | Interdisciplinary Hist | HIS2XX | Interdisc Hist | |
HIS255 | Historical Biography | HIS2XX | Hist Biography | |
HIS260 | PA & Local History | HIS2XX | PA & Local History | |
HIS281 | Topics Military History | HIS2XX | Military History | |
HIS290 | ST: Mod Amer 1950 | HIS367 | Recent Amer/1945-Prs | |
HIS300 | Colonial America | HIS350 | Amer Colonial Hist | |
HIS303 | 20th Cent World Hist | HIS122 | World History II | |
HIS307 | Greco-Roman Civ | HIS3XX | Greco-Roman Civ | |
HIS308 | Amer Rev & Const | HIS3XX | Amer Rev & Const | |
HIS319 | Late Antiquity Early Medieval | HIS3XX | Lt Antiquity Early Med | |
HIS322 | Early Nat & Jeffersonian Am | HIS352 | New American Nation | |
HIS323 | High & Late Mid Ages | HIS3XX | High & Late Mid Ages | |
HIS334 | Jacksonian & Ante-Bellum | HIS353 | The Jacksonian Era | |
HIS337 | Early Mod Europe | HIS3XX | Early Mod Europe | |
HIS344 | Era of Civil War | HIS364 | Civil War & Reconstruction | |
HIS349 | Age of Revolutions | HIS3XX | Age of Revolutions | |
HIS352 | Amer Indust Rev & Reform | HIS3XX | Am Indust Rev & Reform | |
HIS353 | European Century | HIS319 | Europe 19th Century | |
HIS364 | America's Trial | HIS3XX | America's Trial | |
HIS426 | Research Seminar | HIS4XX | Res Seminar | |
HIS461 | Soc Studies Methods | HIS4XX | Soc Studies Methods | |
HIS493 | Contemp Historiography | HIS4XX | Contemp Historiography | |
ITA101 | Elem Italian I | ITL101 | Elem Italian I | |
ITA102 | Elem Italian II | ITL102 | Elem Italian II | |
LAT101 | Elem Latin I | LAT101 | Elem Latin I | |
LAT102 | Elem Latin II | LAT102 | Elem Latin II | |
MAT100 | Elem Alg | MAT102 | Prelim Math/Prob Solv | |
MAT101 | Survey of Math | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv | |
MAT102 | Algebra II | MAT105 | College Algebra | |
MAT105 | Math for Teachers I | MAT115 | Sets/Number Systems | |
MAT106 | Math for Teachers II | MAT215 | Sets/Number Sys II | |
MAT110 | Business Math | MAT1XX | Business Math | |
MAT131 | Precalc Math | MAT108 | Precalculus | |
MAT208 | Intro to Stats | BEH260 | Statistics | |
MAT208 | Intro to Stats | QBA260 | Business Statistics | |
MAT208 | Intro to Stats | MAT250 | Statistics | |
MAT209 | Prob & Stats | MAT250 | Statistics | |
MAT209 | Prob & Stats | BEH260 | Statistics | |
MAT209 | Prob & Stats | QBA260 | Business Stats I | |
MAT230 | Calculus I | MAT171 | Calculus I | |
MAT231 | Calculus II | MAT172 | Calculus II | |
MED520 | Educator/Researcher | MED501 | Intro Ed Research | |
MED610 | School Law & Soc Advoc | MED550 | Legal/Ethical Issue | |
MED611 | School Finance | MED565 | School Financl Mgmt | |
MUS010 | Chorus | MUS150 | YCChorale | |
MUS020 | Instrument Ensemble | MUS1XX | Instrument Ensemble | |
MUS051 | Private Instruction | MUS1XX | Music Elective | |
MUS121 | Intro to Music | MUS200 | Music Appreciation | |
MUS122 | Multicult Mus | MUS1XX | Multicult Mus | |
MUS123 | Amer Pop Music | MUS287 | American Pop Music | |
MUS131 | Mus Fndml-Piano | MUS140 | Class Piano | |
MUS132 | Mus Fund-Guitar | MUS148 | Guitar Class | |
MUS220 | Music & Health | MUS2XX | Music & Health | |
MUS221 | Amer Music | MUS287 | American Pop Music | |
MUS222 | Multicult Music | MUS2XX | Multicult Music | |
MUS290 | Sp Topics: Jazz | MUS286 | Jazz History | |
NUR110 | Exp Nursing Sci I | NUR1XX | Exp Nursing Sci | |
NUR201 | Found/Prof Nursing I | NUR2XX | Found/Prof Nursing I | |
NUR205 | Found Prof Nursing II | NUR2XX | Found Prof Nursing II | |
NUR208 | Pharmacology | NUR2XX | Pharmacology | |
NUR209 | Found Prof Nurs | NUR2XX | Found Prof Nurs | |
NUR210 | Intro Nur Prac | NUR2XX | Intro Nur Prac | |
PED100 | Aerobics | PE136 | Aerobic Dance | |
PED102 | Bowling I | PE110 | Beginning Bowling | |
PED105 | Varsity Credit | PE1XX | Varsity Credit | |
PED133 | CPR/AED Prof | PAW144 | Wilderness First Aid | |
PED140 | Racquetball | PE1XX | Racquetball | |
PED190 | Pilates | PE165 | Intro to Pilates | |
PED304 | Wellness for Life | PAW234 | Well/Fitness/Life | |
PHI105 | Fnd/Philosophy | PHL221 | Intro Philosophy | |
PHI200 | Ethics Val/Qu Lf | PHL341 | Ethics | |
PHI215 | Environ Phil | PHL240 | Environmentl Ethics | |
PHI220 | Ethics/Law | PHL2XX | Ethics/Law | |
PHI230 | Introduction/Logic | PHL231 | Logic | |
PHI240 | Phil Art & Beauty | PHL2XX | Phil Art & Beauty | |
PHY110 | Gen Physics I | PHY110 | Gen Phys:Mech/Ht | |
PHY111 | Gen Physics II | PHY112 | Gen Phys:Elc/Magn | |
POS101 | Intro/Pol Sci | PS1XX | Intro/Pol Sci | |
POS101 | Intro/Political Sci | PS110 | Intro Poli Science | |
POS111 | Amer Dem Govt | PS141 | American Governmnt | |
POS290 | Intro to Law | PS210 | Intro to Law | |
PSY101 | Intro to Psych | PSY100 | General Psychology | |
PSY190 | ST: Exploring Psych | PSY1XX | ST: Exploring Psych | |
PSY208 | Hum Dev Life Span | PSY2XX | Hum Dev Life Span | |
PSY208 | Hum Dev Life Span | NUR201 | Nursing HD/HC | |
PSY210 | Educational Psych | EDU375 | Psy Learning/Second | |
PSY210 | Educational Psych | EDU370 | Psych of Learning | |
PSY215 | Multicult Issues | PSY2XX | Multicult Issues | |
PSY215 | Multicult Issues | PSY250 | Multicultural Aware | |
PSY308 | Psych/Gender | PSY3XX | Psych/Gender | |
PSY403 | Psychopathology | PSY4XX | Psychopathology | |
SM201 | Intro to Sport Mgmt | SPM125 | Intro Sport Mgmt | |
SM210 | Sports/America | SPM2XX | Sports/America | |
SM310 | Facility Mgt & Op | SPM420 | Facility/Event Mgmt | |
SM325 | SM Markt/Prom | SPM3XX | SM Markt/Prom | |
SM410 | Sem Sports Mgt | SPM4XX | Sem Sports Mgt | |
SM440 | Sport Psychology | SPM4XX | Sport Psychology | |
SOC111 | Prin Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology | |
SOC306 | Racial/Cult Relations | SOC3XX | Racial/Cult Relations | |
SPA101 | Beginning Spanish I | SPN101 | Elem Spanish I | |
SPA102 | Beginning Spanish II | SPN102 | Elem Spanish II | |
SPA103 | Elem Spanish I | SPN101 | Elem Spanish I | |
SPA104 | Elem Span II | SPN102 | Elem Spanish II | |
SPA107 | Health Prof I | SPN1XX | Health Prof I | |
SPA108 | Health Prof II | SPN1XX | Health Prof II | |
SPA111 | Span/Teachers I | SPN1XX | Span/Teachers I | |
SPA113 | Elem Spanish I | SPN101 | Elem Spanish I | |
SPA114 | Elem Spanish II | SPN102 | Elem Spanish II | |
SPA201 | Interm Span I | SPN201 | Inter Spanish I | |
SPA202 | Interm Span II | SPN202 | Inter Spanish II | |
SPA203 | Convers/Comp I | SPN205 | Inter Spanish Conv | |
SPA204 | Cnvstn/Comp II | SPN2XX | Cnvstn/Comp II | |
SPE100 | Intro Exceptnl | SPE1XX | Intro Exceptnl | |
SPE211 | Rdg/Lng Art/Sped | SPE2XX | Rdg/Lng Art/Sped | |
SRH101 | SEARCH Seminar | FYS100 | SEARCH Seminar | |
SSC222 | Intro Geography | G243 | Intro Geography | |
SSC311 | Cult Geog 2 | G243 | Intro Geography | |
SW201 | Intro Soc Wrk | SOC2XX | Intro Soc Wrk | |
SW202 | Soc Ser/Chldrn | SOC2XX | Soc Ser/Chldrn | |
SW203 | The Process/Aging | GER2XX | The Process/Aging | |
SW207 | Intr Strat-Gero | GER2XX | Intr Strat-Gero | |
SW209 | Death and Dying | GER330 | Death/Dying/Bereav | |
SW231 | Cltrl Snstvty | SOC2XX | Cltrl Snstvty | |
SW301 | Soc Welfare | SOC3XX | Soc Welfare | |
SW302 | Social Policy | SOC3XX | Social Policy | |
SW303 | H Bhv/Soc Env I | SOC3XX | H Bhv/Soc Env I | |
SW304 | H Bhv/Soc Env II | SOC3XX | H Bhv/Soc Env II | |
SW305 | Soc Wk Pract I | SOC3XX | Soc Wk Pract I | |
SW307 | Field Pract I | SOC3XX | Field Pract I | |
THE105 | Found/Theology | REL1XX | Found/Theology | |
THE200 | Chrstn Ap/Mrlty | REL2XX | Chrstn Ap/Mrlty | |
THE210 | Med Mrl Theology | PHL2XX | Med Mrl Theology | |
THE225 | Global Issues | REL2XX | Global Issues | |
THE300 | Theo/Mrge/Sxlty | REL3XX | Theo/Mrge/Sxlty | |
THR150 | Intro to Theatre | THE154 | Introduction to Theatre |
Anne Arundel Community College | York College of Pennsylvania | ||
ACA100 | Student Success Seminar | FYS1XX | Student Success Seminar |
ACH245 | Comp Appl Design | NPE2XX | Comp Appl Design |
ACH255 | AutoCAD for Design | NPE2XX | AutoCAD for Design |
AFA101 | Intro Afr-Amer Studies | HUM1XX | Intro Afr-Amer Studies |
AFA102 | Psych of Afr Amer | PSY1XX | Psych of Afr Amer |
AFA214 | Afr Amer History | HIS2XX | Afr Amer History |
AFA225 | Afr Amer Literature | LIT203 | African/Amer Lit |
AFA228 | Afr Amer Art | ART2XX | Afr Amer Art |
AHT101 | Math for Allied Hlth Profess | HSC1XX | Math for Allied Hlth Profess |
AMS100 | Intro Amer Studies | HUM1XX | Intro Amer Studies |
AMS101 | Intro Afr Amer Studies | HUM1XX | Afr Amer Studies |
AMS102 | Intro Masculinity Studies | BEH1XX | Masculinity Studies |
AMS111 | Bus in America | BEH1XX | Bus in America |
AMS121 | Pop Culture in Amer | HUM1XX | Pop Culture in Amer |
AMS123 | Sports in America | SPM1XX | Sports in America |
AMS130 | Intro Amer Film | FLM1XX | Intro Amer Film |
AMS181 | Intro to American Film | FLM1XX | Intro American Film |
AMS211 | Gender & Mass Media in U.S. | BEH2XX | Gen & Mass Med in U.S. |
AMS212 | Les, Gay, Bisex & Transgen | BEH2XX | Les, Gay, Bisex, Transgen |
AMS225 | Cult Rep Dis, Gen & Sex U.S. | BEH2XX | Cult Rep Dis, Gen & Sex US |
ANT120 | Physical Anthropology | ANT210 | Physical Anthropol |
ANT121 | Cult Anthropology | ANT220 | Cult Anthropology |
ANT205 | Trad Cult of World | ANT2XX | Trad Cult of World |
ARB111 | Elementary Arabic I | ARB101 | Elem Arabic I |
ARB112 | Elementary Arabic II | ARB102 | Elem Arabic II |
ART100 | Two-Dim Design | ART210 | Design I |
ART101 | Two Dim Des | ART210 | Design I |
ART101 | Two Dim Des | ART110 | Concepts of Design |
ART102 | 3-D Dsn: Intro Sculp | ART1XX | 3-D Dsn: Intro Sculp |
ART103 | Color | ART1XX | Color |
ART106 | Digital Design | ART1XX | Digital Design |
ART117 | Digital Imaging | ART1XX | Digital Imaging |
ART120 | Digital Photography | ART246 | Digital Photography |
ART121 | B & W Photography | ART245 | Photography I |
ART122 | Color Photography | ART295 | Photography II |
ART123 | Alt Photo Proc | ART1XX | Alt Photo Proc |
ART124 | Tech Photo Lighting | ART1XX | Tech Photo Lighting |
ART125 | Basic Drawing I | ART215 | Drawing I |
ART126 | Basic Drawing II | ART265 | Drawing II |
ART127 | Drawing III | ART315 | Drawing III |
ART129 | Life Drawing | ART216 | Figure Drawing I |
ART131 | Painting I | ART220 | Painting I |
ART131 | Painting I | ART114 | Concepts/Painting |
ART132 | Painting II | ART270 | Painting II |
ART133 | Painting III | ART320 | Painting III |
ART135 | Sculpture I | ART116 | Concepts/Sculpture |
ART135 | Sculpture I | ART230 | Sculpture I |
ART136 | Sculpture II | ART280 | Sculpture II |
ART137 | Illustration | ART1XX | Illustration |
ART140 | Watercolor 1 | ART1XX | Watercolor 1 |
ART141 | Watercolor 2 | ART1XX | Watercolor 2 |
ART142 | Portraiture I | ART1XX | Portraiture I |
ART143 | Portraiture 2 | ART1XX | Portraiture 2 |
ART145 | Ceramics I | ART225 | Ceramics I |
ART146 | Ceramics 2 | ART1XX | Ceramics 2 |
ART155 | 2-D Game Graphics | ART1XX | 2-D Game Graphics |
ART156 | 3-D Game Graphics | ART1XX | 3-D Game Graphics |
ART166 | Graphic Des I | ART1XX | Graphic Des I |
ART170 | Web Design I | IFS1XX | Web Design I |
ART171 | Interactive Design I | ART1XX | Interactive Design I |
ART174 | Interface Design | ART1XX | Interface Design |
ART175 | Intaglio Printmaking 1 | ART1XX | Printmaking I |
ART176 | Intaglio Printmaking 2 | ART1XX | Printmaking II |
ART177 | Relief Printmaking | ART1XX | Relief Printmaking |
ART180 | Intro to Film | FLM216 | Intro to Film |
ART181 | Intro to American Film | FLM1XX | Intro to American Film |
ART181 | Intro to American Film | FLM216 | Intro to Film |
ART203 | Ceramics I | ART225 | Ceramics I |
ART204 | Ceramics 2 | ART275 | Ceramics II |
ART205 | Ceramics 3 | ART2XX | Ceramics III |
ART207 | Calligraphy | ART2XX | Calligraphy |
ART209 | Hist of West Art I | ART204 | Survey West Art I |
ART210 | History West Art II | ART205 | Survey West Art II |
ART212 | Hist of Photography | ART388 | History/Photography |
ART219 | Hist Amer Art | ART393 | American Art |
ART220 | Hist of Modern Art | ART2XX | Hist Mod Art |
ART228 | Afr Amer Art | ART2XX | Afr Amer Art |
ART229 | Art Trad & Tribal Cult | ART2XX | Art Trad & Tribal Cult |
ART230 | Art Portfolio Dev | ART2XX | Art Portfolio Dev |
ART231 | Photo Portfolio Dev | ART2XX | Photo Portfolio Dev |
ART264 | Fund of Typography | ART2XX | Fund of Typography |
ART266 | Graphic Design 2 | ART2XX | Graphic Design 2 |
ASL141 | Amer Sign Language I | CM150 | Beg Sign Language |
ASL241 | Amer Sign Lang II | CM250 | Adv Sign Language |
ASL242 | Amer Sign Lang III | CM2XX | Amer Sign Lang III |
ASL243 | Intro Amer Deaf Comm | CM2XX | Intro Amer Deaf Comm |
AST101 | Intro to Astronomy | ESS1XX | Earth Sci Elect No Lab |
AST105 | The Cosmic Frontier | ESS1XX | Earth Sci Elect No Lab |
AST112 | Stars & Stellar Sys | ESS1XX | Stars & Stellar Sys |
AST114 | The Solar System | ESS154 | Intro/Astronomy |
AST120 | Life in the Universe | ESS1XX | Earth Sci Elect No Lab |
BIO101 | Fundamentals of Biology | BIO143 | Mole/Gene/Cell Lab |
BIO101 | Fundamentals of Biology | BIO142 | Molecule/Gene/Cell |
BIO101 | Fundamentals of Biology | BIO151 | Intro Mole Bio Lab |
BIO101 | Fundamentals of Biology | BIO150 | Intro Molecular Bio |
BIO102 | Biology for 21st Cent | BIO1XX | Biology Elect No lab |
BIO103 | Gen Botany | BIO1XX | Gen Botany |
BIO105 | Gen Zoology | BIO1XX | Gen Zoology |
BIO107 | Environmental Science | BIO212 | Environmntl Bio |
BIO108 | Ecosys & Envir | BIO1XX | Biology Elect No Lab |
BIO109 | Economic Biology | BIO1XX | Biology Elect No Lab |
BIO110 | Intro Genetic Engr | BIO1XX | Biology Elect No Lab |
BIO122 | Fund Ecology Study I | BIO1XX | Fund Ecology Study I |
BIO130 | Drones Sensing World Around | BIO1XX | Drones Sensing World Around |
BIO135 | Intro Nutrition | NUR202 | Nutrition |
BIO136 | Prin of Nutrition and Lab | BIO1XX | Prin of Nutrition & Lab |
BIO137 | Weight Mgmt | NPE1XX | Weight Mgmt |
BIO138 | Nutrition for Fit & Sport | NPE1XX | Nutrition for Fit & Sport |
BIO152 | Biology of Aging | BIO1XX | Biology Elect No Lab |
BIO201 | Plant Taxonomy | BIO232 | Plant Taxonomy |
BIO205 | Sci Lab Mgmt | BIO2XX | Biology Elect No Lab |
BIO210 | Ecology & Field Bio | BIO2XX | Ecology & Field Bio |
BIO211 | Estuarine Biology | BIO2XX | Estuarine Biology |
BIO213 | Gen Ichthyology | BIO2XX | Gen Ichthyology |
BIO214 | Ecology | BIO2XX | Biology Elect No Lab |
BIO215 | Restoration Ecology | BIO2XX | Biology Elect No Lab |
BIO220 | Genetics | BIO240 | Genetics |
BIO221 | Fund Molecular Biology | BIO2XX | Fund Molecular Biology |
BIO223 | General Microbiology | BIO230 | Microbiology |
BIO230 | Strt & Fnct Human Body | BIO112 | Fund Human Bio |
BIO231 | Human Biology I | BIO112 | Fund Human Bio |
BIO232 | Human Biology 2 | BIO2XX | Human Biology 2 |
BIO233 | Anatomy and Physiology I | BIO220 | Human A/P I |
BIO234 | Anatomy and Physiology II | BIO222 | Human A/P II |
BPA100 | Accounting Basics I | ACC1XX | Accounting Basics I |
BPA101 | Bookkeeping Fund | ACC1XX | Bookkeeping Fund |
BPA103 | Entre Think, Create/Opp | ENT150 | Intro Entrepreneur |
BPA104 | Entrepren: Sales & Mkt | ENT1XX | Entrepren: Sales & Mkt |
BPA105 | Exploring the Future | BUS1XX | Exploring the Future |
BPA111 | Business & Its Envir | BUS150 | Intro to Business |
BPA113 | Con Eco & Personal Fin | BUS218 | Personal Finance |
BPA116 | Intro to Project Mgt | MGT1XX | Intro Project Mgt |
BPA119 | Global Business | BUS1XX | Global Business |
BPA120 | Small Business Mgmt | BUS1XX | Small Business Mgmt |
BPA125 | Marketing Principles | MKT100 | Prin Marketing |
BPA126 | Advertising & Sales | MKT1XX | Advertising & Sales |
BPA127 | Advertising Campaigns | MKT1XX | Advertising Campaigns |
BPA128 | Intl Marketing | IBS1XX | Intl Marketing |
BPA129 | European Union | BUS1XX | European Union |
BPA130 | Prin Consumer Retail Serv | MKT230 | Retailing |
BPA132 | Sales & Sales Training | BUS1XX | Sales & Sales Trn |
BPA133 | Visual Merchandising | MKT1XX | Visual Merchandising |
BPA134 | Retail Mgmt | MGT1XX | Retail Mgmt |
BPA135 | Customer Service | BUS1XX | Customer Service |
BPA138 | Bus & Prof Ethics | PHL342 | Professional Ethics |
BPA142 | Principles of Management | MGT150 | Prin of Management |
BPA144 | Enterprise Sys Overview | BUS1XX | Enterprise Sys Overview |
BPA145 | Leadership | MGT1XX | Leadership |
BPA156 | Electronic Commerce | BUS1XX | Electronic Commerce |
BPA162 | Business Comm | FCO210 | Comm Prof Cultures |
BPA165 | Med & Alt Dispute Res | BUS1XX | Med & Alt Dispute Res |
BPA171 | Prin of Supervision | MGT1XX | Prin of Supervision |
BPA172 | Hum Res Mgmt | MGT220 | Human Resource Mgt |
BPA173 | Managing & Val Work Div | MGT1XX | Man & Val Work Div |
BPA174 | Women and Business | BUS1XX | Women & Bus |
BPA180 | Pers Invest Strat | BUS1XX | Pers Invest Strat |
BPA201 | Finan Accounting | ACC220 | Financial Acct |
BPA202 | Managerial Accounting | ACC225 | Managerial Acct |
BPA211 | Prin of Acct I | ACC2XX | Prin of Acct I |
BPA212 | Prin of Acct II | ACC220 | Financial Acct |
BPA213 | Acct Enterprise Sys | ACC2XX | Acct Enterprise Sys |
BPA214 | Prof Bookkeeper Keystone | ACC2XX | Prof Bookkeeper Key |
BPA216 | Govt & Not-for-Profit Acc | ACC2XX | Govt & Not-for-Prof Acc |
BPA217 | Small Bus Acct | ACC2XX | Small Bus Acct |
BPA230 | Entrepreneurship: New Vent | ENT2XX | Entrepren: New Vent |
BPA231 | Soc Entrepren & Nonprofit Mgt | ENT2XX | Soc Ent & Nonprofit Mgt |
BPA232 | Business Statistics | QBA260 | Business Statistics |
BPA235 | Trans, Logistics, & Cargo Sec | BUS2XX | Trans, Logistics, & Cargo Sec |
BPA237 | Supply Chain Mgt | MGT2XX | Supply Chain Mgt |
BPA241 | Intermed Acct I | ACC2XX | Intermed Acct I |
BPA242 | Intermed Acct II | ACC2XX | Intemed Acct II |
BPA245 | Adv Acct | ACC2XX | Adv Acct |
BPA250 | Entrepren: Leg Iss for Bus | ENT2XX | Entrepren: Leg Iss Bus |
BPA253 | Business Law I | BUS260 | Legal Environment |
BPA254 | Bus Law II | BUS2XX | Busl Law II |
BPA255 | Acct Info Sys | ACC2XX | Acct Info Sys |
BPA256 | Fin Mgmt | FIN2XX | Fin Mgmt |
BPA260 | Appl Entrepren, Innov & Inv | ENT2XX | Appl Entrepren, Innov & Inv |
BPA261 | Cost Acct | ACC2XX | Cost Acct |
BPA262 | Tax Acct | ACC2XX | Tax Acct |
BPA263 | Auditing | ACC2XX | Auditing |
BPA264 | Adv Tax Acct | ACC2XX | Adv Tax Acct |
BPA265 | Bus Acct Capstone | ACC2XX | Bus Acct Capstone |
BPA275 | Internship in Bus I | BUS2XX | Internship in Bus I |
CAT111 | Digital Des Found | ART1XX | Digital Des Found |
CAT112 | Audio Prod | CM226 | Audio Productn |
CAT113 | Intro Graphic Arts | ART1XX | Intro Graphic Arts |
CAT117 | Digital Imaging I | ART1XX | Digital Imaging I |
CAT120 | Digital Photography | ART246 | Digital Photography |
CAT121 | Photography I | ART245 | Photography I |
CAT122 | Color Photography | ART295 | Photography II |
CAT123 | Alt Photo Process | ART1XX | Alt Photo Process |
CAT124 | Tech Photo Lighting | ART1XX | Tech Photo Lighting |
CAT125 | Photojournalism | ART1XX | Photojournalism |
CAT160 | Video Editing | CM1XX | Video Editing |
CAT210 | Tech of Photo Lightn | ART2XX | Tech of Photo Lightn |
CAT212 | Hist of Photography | ART388 | History/Photography |
CAT214 | Video I | CM242 | Video Prodctn I |
CAT215 | Video II | CM341 | Video Production II |
CAT220 | 3-D Comp Graphics I | ART2XX | 3-D Comp Graphics I |
CAT221 | 3-D Comp Graphics II | ART2XX | 3-D Comp Graphics II |
CAT231 | Photo Portfolio Dev | ART2XX | Photo Portfolio Dev |
CAT240 | Digital Portfolio Dev | ART2XX | Digital Portfolio Dev |
CAT264 | Fund of Typography | ART2XX | Fund of Typography |
CAT266 | Graphic Des II | ART2XX | Graphic Des II |
CAT275 | Internship in Comm Arts | CM2XX | Internship in Comm Arts |
CCJ138 | Intl Law & Hum Rights | CCJ1XX | Intl Law & Hum Rights |
CHE103 | World of Chem | CHM1XX | Chemistry Elect No Lab |
CHE111 | General Chemistry I | CHM134 | Gen Chem I |
CHE112 | General Chemistry II | CHM136 | Gen Chem II |
CHE113 | Fund of Org Chem | CHM234 | Organic Chem I |
CHE115 | Gen, Organic & Biochem | CHM122 | Prin Gen/Org Chem |
CHE213 | Organic Chem I | CHM234 | Organic Chem I |
CHE214 | Organic Chem II | CHM236 | Organic Chem II |
CHI111 | Elem Chinese I | L1XX | Elem Chinese I |
CHI112 | Elem Chinese II | L1XX | Elem Chinese II |
CJS109 | Pol Discip & Org | CCJ1XX | Pol Discip & Org |
CJS111 | Intro Criminal Justice | CCJ101 | Intro Crim Justice |
CJS112 | Police Oper | CCJ1XX | Police Oper |
CJS113 | Penology | CCJ1XX | Penology |
CJS114 | Probation & Parole | CCJ1XX | Probation & Parole |
CJS121 | Police Admin | CCJ1XX | Police Admin |
CJS127 | Police Tactics I | CCJ1XX | Police Tactics I |
CJS128 | Police Tactics II | CCJ128 | Police Tactics II |
CJS130 | Law Enf & Comm | CCJ1XX | Law Enf & Comm |
CJS131 | Fund Private Invest | CCJ1XX | Fund Private Invest |
CJS132 | Juv Delinquency | CCJ110 | Juvenile Delinquncy |
CJS135 | Organized Crime | CCJ1XX | Organized Crime |
CJS136 | History of Homicide | CCJ1XX | History of Homicide |
CJS137 | Clinical Forensics | CCJ1XX | Clinical Forensics |
CJS205 | Cyberlaw | CCJ2XX | Cyberlaw |
CJS206 | Cybercrime | CCJ2XX | Cybercrime |
CJS207 | Cyber Forensics | CCJ2XX | Cyber Forensics |
CJS208 | Adv Cyber Forensics | CCJ2XX | Adv Cyber Forensics |
CJS214 | Phy Con Law Enf | PE2XX | Phys Ed Elect |
CJS215 | Criminal Law | CCJ2XX | Criminal Law |
CJS216 | Crim Evidence & Proc | CCJ2XX | Crim Evidence & Proc |
CJS217 | Const Law | CCJ2XX | Const Law |
CJS218 | Crim Just Comm | CCJ2XX | Crim Just Comm |
CJS219 | Adv Patrol Oper | CCJ2XX | Adv Patrol Oper |
CJS222 | Invest & Criminalistics | CCJ2XX | Invest & Criminalistics |
CJS224 | Criminology | CCJ2XX | Criminology |
CJS225 | Crim Justice Ethics | CCJ203 | Ethical Issues/CJ |
CJS226 | Traffic & Public Safety | CCJ2XX | Traffic & Public Safety |
CJS228 | Prac Soc Wk & Coun | CCJ2XX | Prac Soc Wk & Coun |
CJS229 | Women, Crime & Prison | CCJ2XX | Women, Crime & Prison |
CJS230 | Pres Assassinations | CCJ2XX | Pres Assassinations |
CJS231 | Juv Justice | CCJ2XX | Juv Justice |
CJS232 | Juvenile Law | CCJ2XX | Juvenile Law |
CJS233 | Forensic Psyc & Vict | CCJ2XX | Forensic Psyc & Vict |
CJS234 | Hostage Negotiations | CCJ2XX | Hostage Negotiations |
CJS236 | Immig & Cust Enforcement | CCJ2XX | Imm & Cust Enforcement |
CJS250 | Intro Forensic Science | CCJ2XX | Intro Forensic Science |
CJS255 | Hist of Gangs | CCJ2XX | Hist of Gangs |
CJS260 | Terr/Counterterr | CCJ2XX | Terr/Counterterr |
CJS270 | War in Amer:Unconv War | CCJ2XX | War in Amer: Unconv War |
CJS271 | Civil Rights Law | CCJ2XX | Civil Rights Law |
CJS275 | Crim Just Internship | CCJ2XX | Crim Just Internship |
COM101 | Intro to Mass Media | CM211 | Mass Communication |
COM102 | Writing for News Media | CM271 | Print Media Writing |
COM110 | Interpersonal Comm | CM329 | Interpersonal Comm |
COM111 | Fund Oral Comm | CM212 | Public Speaking |
COM112 | Newspaper Editing & Prod | CM1XX | Newspaper Editing & Prod |
COM130 | Curr Events in Global Cont | CM1XX | Curr Events Glob Cont |
COM131 | Oral Interpretation | CM1XX | Oral Interpretation |
COM141 | Group Comm & Lead | CM304 | Group Discussion |
COM200 | Intercult Comm | CM2XX | Intercult Comm |
COM202 | Wrt for News Media II | CM2XX | Wrt for News Media II |
COM230 | Pers in Today's Cons Soc | CM2XX | Pers Today's Cons Soc |
COM277 | Journ Practicum | CM2XX | Journ Practicum |
CPS100 | Computer Literacy | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
CSI110 | Computer Literacy | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
CSI112 | Comp and Info Tech | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
CSI113 | Intro to Computers | IFS1XX | Intro to Computers |
CSI115 | Prog Analy & Design | CS1XX | Prog Analy & Design |
CSI116 | Intro to Project Mgt | IFS1XX | Intro to Project Mgt |
CSI117 | Intro Obj Ori Prog | IFS160 | Visual Basic Progrm |
CSI118 | HTML Programming | IFS260 | Web Bas Sys Devlpmt |
CSI120 | Wd Proc Appl | IFS1XX | Wd Proc Appl |
CSI121 | Pers Comp Office Suite | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
CSI122 | Per Comp Data Base | IFS180 | Intro Data Managmnt |
CSI124 | Per Comp Spreadsheet App | IFS1XX | Per Comp Spreadsheet App |
CSI125 | Per Comp Pres Graph | IFS1XX | Per Comp Pres Graph |
CSI126 | Pers Comp Info Mgt App | IFS1XX | Pers Comp Info Mgt App |
CSI127 | Internet Fund | IFS1XX | Internet Fund |
CSI128 | Intro WWW Publishing | IFS1XX | Intro WWW Publishing |
CSI129 | Help Desk Concepts | IFS1XX | Help Desk Concepts |
CSI130 | Microcomp Operating Sys | IFS1XX | Microcomp Operating Sys |
CSI132 | Network Essentials | IFS1XX | Network Essentials |
CSI133 | Operating Systems | IFS1XX | Operating Systems |
CSI135 | Intro to UNIX/LINUX | IFS1XX | Intro to UNIX/LINUX |
CSI138 | Prog in PHP/MySQL | IFS1XX | Prog in PHP/MySQL |
CSI140 | Intro Visual Basic.NET | IFS160 | Visual Basic Progrm |
CSI141 | Prog in Cfor Eng | IFS1XX | Prog in Cfor Eng |
CSI148 | Java Prog for Prof | IFS1XX | Java Prog for Prof |
CSI149 | Prog in JavaScript | IFS1XX | Prog in JavaScript |
CSI155 | C++ Prog for Prof | CS1XX | C++ Prog for Prof |
CSI156 | Electronic Commerce | IFS1XX | Electronic Commerce |
CSI157 | Networking I | IFS1XX | Networking I |
CSI158 | Networking II | IFS1XX | Networking II |
CSI160 | Data Comm I | IFS1XX | Data Comm I |
CSI161 | Prog I in Java | CS1XX | Prog I in Java |
CSI162 | Prog II in Java | CS1XX | Prog II in Java |
CSI163H | Honors Comp Sci I | IFS1XX | Honors Comp Sci I |
CSI165 | Network Security Fund | IFS1XX | Network Security Fund |
CSI172 | Rel Databases & SQL | IFS1XX | Rel Databases & SQL |
CSI182 | PL-SQL Prog | IFS1XX | PL-SQL Prog |
CSI194 | Ethics & Info Age | IFS1XX | Ethics & Info Age |
CSI205 | Cyberlaw | IFS2XX | Cyberlaw |
CSI206 | Cybercrime | IFS2XX | Cybercrime |
CSI207 | Cyber Forensics | IFS2XX | Cyber Forensics |
CSI208 | Adv Cyber Forensics | IFS2XX | Adv Cyber Forensics |
CSI211 | Systems Design | IFS2XX | Systems Design |
CSI212 | Expl Cutting Edge Tech | IFS2XX | Expl Cutting Edge Tech |
CSI213 | Mobile Device Forensics | IFS2XX | Mobile Dev Forensics |
CSI214 | Info Sys Security | IFS2XX | Info Sys Security |
CSI217 | Tact Perimeter Defense | IFS2XX | Tact Perimeter Def |
CSI219 | Strat Infrastruct Sec | IFS2XX | Strat Infrastruct Sec |
CSI222 | Pers Comp Data Mgt Sys II | IFS2XX | Pers Comp Data Mgt II |
CSI224 | Database Admin I | IFS2XX | Database Admin I |
CSI225 | Database Admin II | IFS2XX | Database Admin II |
CSI227 | Web Server Admin | IFS2XX | Web Server Admin |
CSI235 | UNIX/LINUX Shell Prog | IFS2XX | UNIX/LINUX Shell Prog |
CSI236 | UNIX/LINUX Sys Admin | IFS2XX | UNIX/LINUX Sys Admin |
CSI237 | Adv UNIX/LINUX Sys Admin | IFS2XX | Adv UNIX/LINUX Sys Admin |
CSI238 | Assem Lang Prog | IFS2XX | Assem Lang Prog |
CSI241 | Prog in Visual Basic.NET | IFS160 | Visual Basic Progrm |
CSI243 | Obj-Orient Prog Vis Basic.NET | IFS2XX | Obj-Or Prog Vis Bas.NET |
CSI247 | Intro Game & Sim Prog | IFS2XX | Intro Game & Sim Prog |
CSI248 | Adv WWW Dev Java | IFS2XX | Adv WWW Dev Java |
CSI250 | Data Struct in C++ | IFS2XX | Data Struct in C++ |
CSI253 | Obj-Or Analysis & Des | IFS2XX | Obj-Or Analysis & Des |
CSI255 | Comp Organization | IFS2XX | Comp Org |
CSI257 | Networking III | IFS2XX | Networking III |
CSI258 | Networking IV | IFS2XX | Networking IV |
CSI259 | Cisco Cert Net Assoc Prep | IFS2XX | Cisco Cert Net Assoc Prep |
CSI260 | Data Comm II | IFS2XX | Data Comm II |
CSI261 | IP Telephony | IFS2XX | IP Telephony |
CSI262 | Cert Ethical Hacking & Count | IFS2XX | Cert Eth Hack & Count |
CSI264 | IP Telephony QoS | IFS2XX | IP Telephony QoS |
CSI265 | Windows Server | IFS2XX | Windows Server |
CSI266 | Windows Server Networking | IFS2XX | Windows Serv Networking |
CSI269 | Wireless LANs | IFS2XX | Wireless LANs |
CSI270 | Info Security Capstone | IFS2XX | Info Security Capstone |
CSI271 | Interactive Des II | IFS2XX | Interactive Des II |
CSI275 | Internship Exp | IFS2XX | Internship Exp |
CSI276 | Internship Exp II | IFS2XX | Internship Exp II |
CTA100 | Computing & Info Tech | IFS100 | Info Tech Competncy |
CTA100 | Computing & Info Tech | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
CTP103 | Theories & App/Tech | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
CTP103 | Theories & App/Tech | IFS100 | Info Tech Competncy |
CTP115 | Intro Obj Orient Prog | IFS1XX | Intro Obj Orient Prog |
CTP118 | Web Dev HTML/CSS | IFS1XX | Web Dev HTML/CSS |
CTP150 | Computer Sci I | CS1XX | Computer Sci I |
CTP194 | Ethics & the Information Age | PHL1XX | Ethics & the Information Age |
CTP250 | Computer Sci II | CS101 | Fund Comp Sci I |
CTS120 | Intro to UNIX/LINUX | IFS1XX | Intro to UNIX/LINUX |
DAN100 | Intro to Dance | HUM1XX | Intro to Dance |
DAN105 | Beg Tap Dance I | PE1XX | Beg Tap Dance I |
DAN106 | Beg Tap Dance II | PE1XX | Beg Tap Dance II |
DAN111 | Beg Ballet 1 | PE117 | Modern Dance |
DAN112 | Beg Ballet II | PE1XX | Beg Ballet II |
DAN116 | Movement for Actors | PE1XX | Mov for Actors |
DAN121 | Beg Mod Dance | PE117 | Modern Dance |
DAN122 | Beg Mod Dance II | PE1XX | Beg Mod Dance II |
DAN125 | Improvisation | PE1XX | Improvisation |
DAN131 | Beg Jazz Dance I | PE1XX | Beg Jazz Dance I |
DAN132 | Beg Jazz Dance II | PE1XX | Beg Jazz Dance II |
DAN205 | Intermed Tap Dancing I | PE2XX | Inter Tap Dancing I |
DAN206 | Intermed Tap Dance II | PE2XX | Intermed Tap Dance II |
DAN211 | Intermed Ballet 1 | PE2XX | Intermed Ballet 1 |
DAN212 | Intermed Ballet II | PE2XX | Intermed Ballet II |
DAN215 | Beg Pointe Tech 1 | PE2XX | Beg Pointe Tech 1 |
DAN221 | Intermed Mod Dance I | PE2XX | Intermed Mod Dance I |
DAN222 | Intermed Mod Dance II | PE2XX | Intermed Mod Dance II |
DAN231 | Intermed Jazz Dance I | PE2XX | Intermed Jazz Dance I |
DAN232 | Intemed Jazz Dance II | PE2XX | Intermed Jazz Dance II |
ECO113 | Cons Eco/Prsl Fin | BUS218 | Personal Finance |
ECO115 | Fund Money & Banking | ECO1XX | Money & Banking |
ECO116 | Inside Global Economy | ECO1XX | Inside Global Economy |
ECO121 | Intro to Economics | ECO1XX | Intro to Economics |
ECO125 | Econ Iss & Pub Policy | ECO1XX | Econ Iss & Pub Policy |
ECO211 | Prin Econ I | ECO200 | Prin Econ-Macro |
ECO212 | Prin Econ II | ECO201 | Prin Econ-Micro |
ECO232 | Bus Stats | QBA260 | Business Statistics |
EDP113 | Data Processing | IFS1XX | Data Processing |
EDU111 | Foundations of Education | EDU200 | Found of Education |
EDU125 | Early Childhood Educ | EDU1XX | Early Childhood Educ |
EDU126 | Methods Early Chldhd | EDU1XX | Methods Early Chldhd |
EDU131 | Child Lit | EDU1XX | Child Lit |
EDU132 | Early Child Dev | EDU1XX | Early Child Dev |
EDU133 | Growth & Dev | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop |
EDU134 | Early Child Meth & Mat | EDU1XX | Early Child Meth & Mat |
EDU135 | Child Hlth/Nutr & Saf Edu | EDU1XX | Child Hlth/Nutr Saf Edu |
EDU141 | American Sign Lang I | CM150 | Beg Sign Language |
EDU211 | Ed Psychology | EDU370 | Psych of Learning |
EDU211 | Ed Psychology | PSY2XX | Ed Psychology |
EDU211 | Ed Psychology | EDU375 | Psy Learning/Second |
EDU214 | Intro Spec Ed | SPE2XX | Intro Spec Ed |
EDU215 | Prin Instruct Assess | EDU2XX | Prin Instruct Assess |
EDU218 | Integ Tech & Instruct | EDU210 | Educational Tech |
EDU229 | Observing & Assess Yng Child | EDU2XX | Observ & Assess Yng Child |
EDU232 | School-Age Child Care | EDU2XX | School-Age Child Care |
EDU236 | Cult Resp Instruction | EDU2XX | Cult Resp Instruction |
EDU241 | Meth Teach Elem Ed | EDU2XX | Math Teach Elem Ed |
EDU242 | Found Read & Lang Arts | EDU2XX | Read & Lang Arts |
EDU243 | Meth Eff Read Instruct | EDU2XX | Meth Eff Read Instruct |
EDU244 | Assess Read Instruct | EDU2XX | Assess Read Instruct |
EDU245 | Mat Teach Reading | EDU2XX | Mat Teach Reading |
EDU247 | Early Childhood: Methods | ECH230 | Early Child Theory |
EDU249 | Wrkng with Stud w/Comm Dis | EDU2XX | Wrkng w/Stud w/Comm Dis |
EDU253 | Inclus Instruct Pract | EDU2XX | Inclus Instruct Pract |
EDU255 | Instruct Teamwork | EDU2XX | Instruct Teamwork |
EDU260 | Voc Ed & Trans Serv | EDU2XX | Voc Ed & Trans Serv |
EDU261 | Meth Teach Sec Ed | EDU2XX | Meth Teach Sec Ed |
EDU262 | Meth Teach Rdg Sec Ct Ar | EDU2XX | Meth Tch Rdg Sec Ct Ar |
EDU263 | Meth Tch Rdg Sec Ct Ar | EDU2XX | Meth Tch Rdg Sec Ct Ar |
EET160 | Trblshting Microcomp | IFS1XX | Trblshting Microcomp |
EET205 | Theory & Trblsht Microcomp II | IFS2XX | Thry & Trblsht Microcomp II |
EET223 | Electromech Sys | ECE2XX | Electromech Sys |
EET250 | Microproc & Microcontrollers | ECE2XX | Mircroproc & Microcontrollers |
EGR120 | Intro Engr Design | EGR100 | Epads I |
EGR141 | Prog in Cfor Eng | EGR1XX | Prog in Cfor Eng |
EGR209 | Statics | ME250 | Statics |
EGR211 | Mech of Materials | EGR2XX | Mech of Materials |
EGR221 | Thermodynamics | EGR2XX | Thermodynamics |
EGR222 | Dynamics | EGR2XX | Dynamics |
EGR235 | Circuit Theory | EGR2XX | Circuit Theory |
EGR241 | Sys & Signals | EGR2XX | Sys & Signals |
EGR244 | Dig Logic Des | EGR2XX | Dig Logic Des |
EGR250 | Engr Computation | EGR2XX | Engr Computation |
EGR252 | Tech Comm | EGR2XX | Tech Comm |
EGR262 | Engineering Mat | EGR2XX | Engineering Mat |
EGR275 | Intern in Engineering I | EGR2XX | Intern in Engineering I |
EGR276 | Intern in Engineering II | EGR2XX | Intern in Engineering II |
ENG101 | English Writ I | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm |
ENG102 | Academic Writing & Res 2 | WRT1XX | Academic Writing & Res 2 |
ENG111 | Comp & Intro to Lit I | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm |
ENG112 | Comp & Intro to Lit II | LIT200 | Perspectives/Lit |
ENG121 | Comp & Lit | LIT200 | Perspectives/Lit |
ENG160 | Art & Science of Grammar | WRT1XX | Art & Sci of Grammar |
ENG161 | Intro Linguistics | CM1XX | Intro Linguistics |
ENG200 | Intro Creative Writing | CRW272 | Intro Creative Wrt |
ENG201 | Creat Wrt:Beg Fict | WRT2XX | Creat Wrt:Beg Fict |
ENG202 | Creat Wrt:Beg Poetry | WRT2XX | Creat Wrt:Beg Poetry |
ENG203 | Wrt for Stage & Screen | WRT377 | Screenwriting |
ENG207 | Writing/Professional | FCO210 | Comm Prof Cultures |
ENG208 | Fund of Editing | WRT2XX | Fund of Editing |
ENG209 | American Lit I | LIT281 | Amer Lit to 1885 |
ENG210 | American Literature II | LIT282 | Amer Lit after 1885 |
ENG211 | World Literature I | LIT2XX | World Literature I |
ENG212 | World Literature II | LIT2XX | World Literature II |
ENG213 | English Literature I | LIT283 | British Lit to 1750 |
ENG214 | Eng Lit 2 | LIT284 | Brt Lit after 1750 |
ENG215 | Early Am Lit Col | LIT281 | Amer Lit to 1885 |
ENG216 | American Lit 1865-1945 | LIT282 | Amer Lit after 1885 |
ENG217 | Cont Amer Lit 1945- Pres | LIT282 | Amer Lit after 1885 |
ENG220 | The Bible as Lit | LIT390 | Bible as Literature |
ENG221 | Intro to Shakespeare | LIT323 | Shakespeare I |
ENG222 | The American Novel | LIT313 | American Novel |
ENG223 | The British Novel | LIT2XX | The British Novel |
ENG224 | Modern Poetry | LIT2XX | Modern Poetry |
ENG225 | Afr-Amer Lit | LIT203 | African/Amer Lit |
ENG226 | Ethnic Amer Lit | LIT2XX | Ethnic Amer Lit |
ENG227 | Lit Nonfiction | LIT2XX | Lit Nonfiction |
ENG228 | Lit in English by Women | LIT382 | Women In Literature |
ENG235 | Modern Drama | LIT416 | Modern Drama |
ENG250 | Lit of Chesapeake Bay | LIT2XX | Lit of Chesapeake Bay |
ENT241 | Comp Aided Drafting | EGR2XX | Comp Aided Drafting |
ENT242 | Adv Cmptr Drafting | EGR2XX | Adv Cmptr Drafting |
ESI103 | Entrepren Thinking | ENT1XX | Entrepren Thinking |
ESI104 | Entrepren:Sales & Mkt | ENT1XX | Entrepren:Sales & Mkt |
ESI111 | Bus & Its Envir | ENT1XX | Bus & Its Envir |
ESI120 | Small Bus Mgt | ENT1XX | Small Bus Mgt |
ESI162 | Bus Comm | WRT210 | Writng/Prof Culturs |
ESI217 | Small Bus Acct | ENT2XX | Small Bus Acct |
ESI230 | Entre: New Vent Plan | ENT2XX | Entre: New Vent Plan |
ESI231 | Intro Soc Ent & Nonprof Mgt | ENT2XX | Intro Soc Ent & Nonprof Mgt |
ESI250 | Entrepren:Leg Iss for Bus | ENT2XX | Entrepren:Leg Iss for Bus |
ESI260 | Appl Entrepren, Innov & Invent | ENT2XX | Appl Entr, Innov & Invent |
ESI275 | Internship in Bus I | ENT2XX | Internship in Bus I |
FLM120 | Intro to Film | FLM216 | Intro to Film |
FLM130 | Intro Amer Film | FLM1XX | Intro Amer Film |
FLM160 | Video Editing | FLM1XX | Video Editing |
FLM203 | Wrt for Stage & Screen | FLM2XX | Wrt for Stage & Screen |
FLM214 | Video I | CM242 | Video Prodctn I |
FLM215 | Video II | CM341 | Video Production II |
FLM220 | 3-D Comp Graphics I | ART2XX | 3-D Comp Graphics I |
FLM225 | Notable Film Directors | FLM2XX | Notable Film Directors |
FLM230 | Independent Film | FLM2XX | Independent Film |
FLM280 | Topics in Film | FLM2XX | Topics in Film |
FRE111 | Elementary French I | FRN101 | Elem French I |
FRE112 | Elem French II | FRN102 | Elem French II |
FRE121 | French Conv | FRN1XX | French Conv |
FRE125 | French Comp | FRN1XX | French Comp |
FRE211 | Intermed French I | FRN201 | Inter French I |
FRE212 | Intermed French II | FRN202 | Inter French II |
FRE213 | Intermed French Gram Rev | FRN2XX | Intermed French Gram Rev |
FRE225 | Interm French Conv & Cult I | FRN2XX | Interm French Conv & Cult I |
FRE226 | Intermed French Conv & Cult II | FRN303 | French Culture/Civ |
FRE230 | French for Bus & Finance | FRN2XX | French for Bus & Finance |
FTR100 | Exploring the Future | BEH1XX | Exploring the Future |
FTR105 | Exploring the Future | BEH1XX | Exploring the Future |
FTR110 | Globalization & Future | BEH1XX | Globalization & Future |
GEO101 | Phys Geog | G151 | Intro Physical Geog |
GEO102 | World Regional Geog | G100 | World Reg Geography |
GEO103 | Cult Geog | G1XX | Cult Geog |
GEO105 | Geog of U.S. | G341 | Geog North America |
GEO107 | Geology of MD | G1XX | Geology of MD |
GEO240 | Intro Geog Info Sys | G361 | Intro to Geo Info Sys |
GER111 | Elementary German I | GRM101 | Elem German I |
GER112 | Elem German II | GRM102 | Elem German II |
GER121 | German Conv | GRM1XX | German Conv |
GER211 | Intermed German I | GRM201 | Inter German I |
GER212 | Intermed German II | GRM202 | Inter German II |
GRK111 | Elem Greek I | L1XX | Elem Greek I |
GRK112 | Elem Greek II | L1XX | Elem Greek II |
GSS101 | Intro to Women's Studies | WGS200 | Women/Gender Stud |
GSS102 | Intro Masculinity Studies | BEH1XX | Intro Masculinity Studies |
GSS113 | Women's Health Iss | WGS210 | Women's Health |
GSS115 | Wom & Minorities in Sci | WGS1XX | Wom & Minorities in Sci |
GSS117 | Hlth Iss Wom Over 35 | WGS210 | Women's Health |
GSS130 | Diversity in Society | BEH1XX | Diversity in Society |
GSS169 | Mus, Power & Gender | HUM1XX | Mus, Power & Gender |
GSS174 | Women & Bus | WGS1XX | Women & Bus |
GSS210 | Images of Women | WGS2XX | Images of Women |
GSS211 | Gender & Mass Media in U.S. | BEH2XX | Gender & Mass Media in US |
GSS212 | Les, Gay, Bisexual & Transgen | BEH2XX | Les, Gay, Bisexual & Transgen |
GSS213 | Marriage & Family | SOC225 | The Family |
GSS215 | Psych of Relationships | PSY2XX | Psych of Relationships |
GSS216 | Hum Sexuality | BEH2XX | Hum Sexuality |
GSS217 | Women of West World | WGS2XX | Women of West World |
GSS218 | Hist of Wom in Amer | HIS390 | Women in US History |
GSS220 | Gen & Cult | BEH2XX | Gen & Cult |
GSS221 | Psych of Men | PSY2XX | Psych of Men |
GSS222 | Psych of Women | PSY2XX | Psych of Women |
GSS223 | Phil & Gender | BEH2XX | Phil & Gender |
GSS225 | Cult Rep of Disab, Gen & Sex | BEH2XX | Cult Rep Disab, Gen & Sex |
GSS228 | Lit in Eng by Women | LIT2XX | Lit in Eng by Women |
GSS229 | Women, Crime & Prison | BEH2XX | Women, Crime & Prison |
GSS270 | Gender & the Law | BEH2XX | Gender & the Law |
HEA100 | Assess & Theory Fitness & Hlth | PAW234 | Well/Fitness/Life |
HEA101 | Found Hlth, Exercise & Sport | PAW1XX | Found Hlth, Exercise & Sport |
HEA111 | Personal & Comm Hlth | PAW1XX | Personal & Comm Hlth |
HEA113 | Women's Health | NUR200 | Women's Health |
HEA114 | Comp Pers Fit/Well | PAW234 | Well/Fitness/Life |
HEA115 | Hlth Implications of Violence | PAW1XX | Hlth Implications of Violence |
HEA117 | Health Iss Women Over 35 | WGS210 | Women's Health |
HEA118 | Hlth for Aging Adult | GER1XX | Hlth for Aging Adult |
HEA138 | Nutrition for Fit & Sport | NUR202 | Nutrition |
HEA150 | First Aid & Safety | SPM205 | Responding/Emerg |
HEA150 | First Aid & Safety | EDU305 | Responding/Emerg |
HEA230 | Personal Tranr Fund | PAW2XX | Phys Act & Wellness Elect |
HEA231 | Lifestyle & Weight Mgt | PAW134 | Concpts Phys Actvty |
HEA231 | Lifestyle & Weight Mgt | PAW2XX | Health Coach |
HEA295 | Care/Prevent Injury | SPM205 | Responding/Emerg |
HEB111 | Elem Hebrew I | L1XX | Elem Hebrew I |
HEB112 | Elem Hebrew II | L1XX | Elem Hebrew II |
HIS111 | Hist West Civ I | HIS101 | Western Civ I |
HIS112 | Hist of West Civ II | HIS102 | Western Civ II |
HIS211 | History of U.S. I | HIS111 | American Civ I |
HIS212 | History of the U.S. II | HIS112 | American Civ II |
HIS214 | Afr-Amer History | HIS2XX | Afr-Amer History |
HIS215 | Civil Rights Era | HIS460 | Civil Rights Movmnt |
HIS217 | Women of Western World | HIS2XX | Wom of West World |
HIS218 | Hist Women/Amer | HIS390 | Women in US History |
HIS219 | History of Maryland | HIS2XX | Hist of Maryland |
HIS220 | Civil War Era | HIS364 | Civil War & Reconstruct |
HIS221 | Battles of Gettysburg & Ant | HIS2XX | Gettysburg & Antietam |
HIS223 | History of Mod Russia | HIS325 | Hist of Russia/1861 |
HIS224 | Hist of Mod Europe | HIS320 | Europe after 1914 |
HIS226 | Hist of Mod Latin Amer | HIS343 | Modern Latin Amer |
HIS227 | Hist Medieval & Ren England | HIS330 | History Britain I |
HIS228 | Hist of Mod England | HIS331 | History Britain II |
HIS231 | The Holocaust | HIS2XX | The Holocaust |
HIS261 | Hist of Middle East | HIS2XX | Hist of Mid East |
HIS262 | The Cold War | HIS2XX | The Cold War |
HIS297 | Sp Top: Civil Rights | HIS2XX | Sp Top: Civil Rights |
HLS111 | Intro Homeland Sec | NPE1XX | Homeland Sec |
HLS112 | Nat Security Law | NPE1XX | Nat Security Law |
HLS113 | War on Drugs | BEH1XX | War on Drugs |
HLS114 | MD & Terrorism | NPE1XX | MD & Terrorism |
HLS120 | Homeland Sec Seminar | NPE1XX | Homeland Sec Seminar |
HLS211 | Intel Analysis & Sec Mgt | NPE2XX | Intel Analysis & Sec Mgt |
HLS212 | Surv Weapons of Mass Dest | NPE2XX | Surv Weapons Mass Dest |
HLS213 | Transp & Border Sec | CJA2XX | Transp & Border Sec |
HLS220 | Intell & U.S. Nat Sec | CJA2XX | Intell & U.S. Nat Sec |
HLS225 | Intro Intel Analytics | CJA2XX | Intro Intel Analytics |
HLS230 | Intel Support Pol Maker | CJA2XX | Intel Support Pol Maker |
HLS234 | Hostage Neg | CJA2XX | Hostage Neg |
HLS236 | Immig & Customs Enf | CJA2XX | Immig & Customs Enf |
HLS240 | Nat Sec Chall 21st Cent | CJA2XX | Nat Sec Chall 21st Cent |
HLS245 | Intel Analytics Sem | CJA2XX | Intel Analytics Sem |
HLS255 | Hist of Gangs | CJA2XX | Hist of Gangs |
HLS260 | Terrorism/Counterterrorism | CJA2XX | Terrorism/Counterterrorism |
HLS261 | Hist of Mid East | HIS2XX | Hist of Mid East |
HLS262 | The Cold War | HIS2XX | The Cold War |
HLS270 | War in Amer Exp | HIS2XX | War in Amer Exp |
HRM111 | Intro Hospitality Ind | HSP1XX | Intro Hospitality Ind |
HRM124 | Intro to Baking & Pastry | HSP1XX | Intro Baking & Pastry |
HRM202 | Inter Cake Prod | HSP2XX | Inter Cake Prod |
HRM203 | Euro Pas, Torte & Gateau | HSP2XX | Euro Pas, Torte & Gateau |
HRM222 | Hosp Sales & Mktg | HSP2XX | Hosp Sales & Mktg |
HRM232 | World Cult & Cuisine | BEH2XX | World Cult & Cuisine |
HRM232 | World Cult & Cuisine | HSP2XX | World Cult & Cuisine |
HUM101 | Intro to Fine Arts | HUM1XX | Intro to Fine Arts |
HUM111 | Nature & Arts | HUM1XX | Nature & Arts |
HUM120 | Intro to Film | FLM216 | Intro to Film |
HUM121 | Sci & Hum Creat | HUM1XX | Sci & Hum Creat |
HUM151 | Amer Folk Arts | HUM1XX | Amer Folk Arts |
HUM161 | Intro Linguistics | HUM1XX | Intro Linguistics |
HUM210 | Images of Women | HUM2XX | Images of Women |
HUS100 | Intro to Hum Services | SOC1XX | Intro Hum Services |
HUS101 | HS & Addic Ethics/Prc | HSV316 | Ethical Aspects |
HUS102 | Phys Asp Chem Dep | BEH1XX | Phys Asp Chem Dep |
HUS112 | Intro Hum Services | SOC1XX | Intro Hum Services |
HUS114 | Beg Couns & Assessment | SOC1XX | Beg Couns & Assess |
HUS115 | Fldwrk Couns Asmt | SOC1XX | Fldwrk Couns Asmt |
HUS120 | Dev Disabilities I | BEH1XX | Dev Disabilities I |
HUS122 | Dev Disabilities II | BEH1XX | Dev Disabilities II |
HUS130 | Intro Fam Couns | SOC1XX | Intro Fam Couns |
HUS140 | Alcohol & Drug Couns | BEH1XX | Alcohol & Drug Cons |
HUS141 | Group Dynamics | SOC1XX | Group Dynamics |
HUS150 | Intro Aging Studies | GER100 | Perspectives/Aging |
HUS151 | Psychology of Aging | GER1XX | Psych of Aging |
HUS152 | Biology of Aging | BIO1XX | Biology Elect No Lab |
HUS155 | Death & Dying | GER1XX | Death & Dying |
HUS165 | Mediation & Alt Disp Res | BEH1XX | Med & Alt Disp Res |
HUS200 | Addict Treat Delivery | BEH2XX | Addict Treat Delivery |
HUS210 | Fld Wrk Cris Intvnt | SOC2XX | Fld Wrk Cris Intvnt |
HUS211 | Cris Intrvt & Couns | SOC2XX | Cris Intrvt & Couns |
HUS212 | Beh Couns Tech | SOC2XX | Beh Couns Tech |
HUS213 | Fld Wrk: Couns Tech | SOC2XX | Fld Wrk: Couns Tech |
HUS216 | Theories of Couns | SOC2XX | Theories of Couns |
HUS217 | Fieldwork: Theor of Couns | SOC2XX | Fieldwork:Theor of Couns |
HUS228 | Pract Soc Work & Couns | SOC2XX | Pract Soc Work & Couns |
HUS275 | Hum Serv Pract I | SOC2XX | Hum Serv Pract I |
ITA111 | Elem Italian I | ITL101 | Elem Italian I |
ITA112 | Elem Italian II | ITL102 | Elem Italian II |
ITA121 | Italian Conv | ITL1XX | Italian Conv |
ITA211 | Intermed Italian I | ITL2XX | Intermed Italian I |
ITA212 | Intermed Italian II | ITL2XX | Intemed Italian II |
ITA221 | Intermed Italian Conv | ITL2XX | Intermed Italian Conv |
JPN111 | Elem Japanese | L1XX | Elem Japanese |
JPN112 | Elem Japanese II | L1XX | Elem Japanese II |
JPN113 | Elem Japanese III | L1XX | Elem Japanese III |
JPN114 | Elem Japanese IV | L1XX | Elem Japanese IV |
JPN211 | Intermed Japanese I | L2XX | Intemed Japanese I |
LAT111 | Elem Latin I | LAT101 | Elem Latin I |
LAT112 | Elem Latin II | LAT102 | Elem Latin II |
LEN111 | Criminal Justice I | CJA101 | Intro Crim Justice |
LGS217 | Constitutional Law | PS141 | American Governmnt |
LGS253 | Bus Law I | BUS260 | Legal Environment |
LGS254 | Bus Law II | BUS360 | Bus/Commercial Law |
MAT100 | The Nature of Math | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv |
MAT112 | Bus Math | MAT1XX | Bus Math |
MAT121 | Alg & Trig | MAT108 | Precalculus |
MAT122 | Math with Calc I | MAT171 | Calculus I |
MAT131 | College Algebra | MAT105 | College Algebra |
MAT132 | Elem Finite Math | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv |
MAT133 | Finite Math | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv |
MAT135 | Elementary Statistics | BEH260 | Statistics |
MAT135 | Elementary Statistics | MAT250 | Statistics |
MAT135 | Elementary Statistics | QBA260 | Business Statistics |
MAT137 | College Algebra | MAT105 | College Algebra |
MAT141 | College Algebra & Trig | MAT105 | College Algebra |
MAT142 | Coll Trig & Analytic Geom | MAT1XX | Coll Trig & Analytic Geom |
MAT151 | Intro Analysis | MAT108 | Precalculus |
MAT191 | Calc & Analytic Geom I | MAT171 | Calculus I |
MAT192 | Calc & Analytic Geom 2 | MAT172 | Calculus II |
MAT201 | Calc & Analytic Geom 3 | MAT271 | Calculus III |
MAT202 | Linear Algebra | MAT260 | Elem Linear Algebra |
MAT212 | Differential Equations | MAT272 | Diff Equations |
MAT221 | Fund Con Math I | MAT115 | Sets/Number Systems |
MAT222 | Fund Con Math II | MAT215 | Sets/Number Sys II |
MAT223 | Fund Conc Math 3 | MAT2XX | Fund Conc Math 3 |
MAT230 | Elementary Calculus | MAT120 | Applied Calculus |
MAT233 | Finte Math for Comp | MAT2XX | Finite Math for Comp |
MAT250 | Intro Discrete Struct | MAT280 | Math Structures |
MAT270 | Intro Num Comp | MAT2XX | Intro Num Comp |
MDA100 | Intro to Medical Terminology | HSC1XX | Intro to Medical Terminology |
MDA110 | Professional Health Care | HSC1XX | Professionalism Health Care |
MDA111 | Laws & Ethics for Health Profe | BIO100 | Intro Allied Hl |
MDA113 | Medical Terminology | RT105 | Medical Terminology |
MDA113 | Medical Terminology | BIO201 | Medical Terminology |
MDA113 | Medical Terminology | HSC105 | Medical Terminology |
MDA142 | Intro Med Lab Tech | CLS1XX | Intro Med Lab Tech |
MLT100 | Intro Med Lab I | BIO100 | Intro Allied Hl |
MLT101 | Intro Med Lab II | NPE1XX | Intro Med Lab II |
MLT202 | Clin Microbiology | NPE2XX | Clin Microbiology |
MLT203 | Clin Chemistry | NPE2XX | Clin Chemistry |
MLT204 | Cl Immunology/Immunohem | NPE2XX | Cl Immunology/Immunochem |
MLT205 | Clinical Hematology | NPE2XX | Clinical Hematology |
MLT206 | Adv Clin Chem | NPE2XX | Adv Clin Chem |
MLT208 | Clin Review | NPE2XX | Clin Review |
MLT275 | Clin Pract | NPE2XX | Clin Pract |
MUS100 | Music Appreciation | MUS186 | Listening to Music |
MUS101 | Music Fundamentals | MUS182 | Music Theory I |
MUS103 | Music Class Teach | MUS1XX | Music Class Teach |
MUS113 | Mus Theory Ear Train I | MUS184 | Sight Singing I |
MUS114 | Mus Theory Ear Train II | MUS185 | Sight Singing II |
MUS141 | Class Piano I | MUS140 | Class Piano |
MUS142 | Class Piano II | MUS1XX | Class Piano II |
MUS146 | Tech Sight Rdg | MUS1XX | Tech Sight Rdg |
MUS147 | Piano Pedagogy | MUS1XX | Piano Pedagogy |
MUS151 | Class Voice I | MUS1XX | Class Voice I |
MUS152 | Class Voice II | MUS1XX | Class Voice II |
MUS160 | Hist Pop Music | MUS287 | American Pop Music |
MUS161 | Mus of 20th Cent | MUS1XX | Mus of 20th Cent |
MUS162 | Mus & Theater | MUS1XX | Mus & Theater |
MUS163 | Keyboard Masterpieces | MUS1XX | Keyboard Masterpieces |
MUS164 | The Symphony | MUS1XX | The Symphony |
MUS165 | Jazz | MUS286 | Jazz History |
MUS167 | Great Composers | MUS1XX | Great Composers |
MUS168 | Amer Music | MUS287 | American Pop Music |
MUS169 | Mus, Power and Gender | MUS1XX | Mus, Power and Gender |
MUS170 | Class Guitar I | MUS148 | Guitar Class |
MUS171 | Class Guitar II | MUS1XX | Class Guitar II |
MUS172 | Cont Guitar Tech | MUS1XX | Cont Guitar Tech |
MUS180 | Orchestra | MUS164 | Symphony Orchestra |
MUS181 | Jazz Ensemble | MUS162 | Jazz Ensemble |
MUS182 | Concert Choir | MUS150 | YCChorale |
MUS184 | Concert Band | MUS1XX | Concert Band |
MUS199 | Appl Mus: Acoustic Guitar | MUS138 | Guitar |
MUS213 | Mus Th & Ear Train III | MUS284 | Sight Singing III |
MUS214 | Mus Theory & Ear Train IV | MUS285 | Sight Singing IV |
MUS218 | Appl Music: Voice | MUS101 | Voice |
MUS260 | Hist of Music I | MUS390 | Music History I |
MUS261 | Hist of Music II | MUS391 | Music History II |
MUS262 | World Music | MUS281 | World Music |
PHE210 | Battle of the Bulge | PE1XX | Battle of the Bulge |
PHE214 | Phys Cond | PE2XX | Phys Cond |
PHE215 | Aerobic Fitness | PE136 | Aerobic Dance |
PHE218 | Water Aerobics | PE105 | Aqua Exercise |
PHE219 | Deep Water Aerobics | PE2XX | Deep Water Aerobics |
PHE222 | Cardio Kickboxing | PE2XX | Cardio Kickboxing |
PHE227 | Indoor/Outdoor Soccer | PE155 | Soccer |
PHE228 | Martial Arts | PE2XX | Martial Arts |
PHE229 | Martial Arts II | PE2XX | Martial Arts II |
PHE233 | Weight Training | PAW119 | Physical Fitness |
PHE234 | Hatha Yoga | PE163 | Yoga |
PHE235 | Bowling | PE110 | Beginning Bowling |
PHE236 | Golf I | PE140 | Fundamentals/Golf |
PHE237 | Hatha Yoga II | PE2XX | Hatha Yoga II |
PHE239 | Bicycling | PE2XX | Bicycling |
PHE245 | Tennis I | PE159 | Tennis |
PHE245 | Tennis I | PE159 | Tennis |
PHE251 | Recreational Sports | PE2XX | Rec Sports |
PHE253 | Volleyball | PE160 | Volleyball |
PHE256 | Swimming I | PE120 | Beginning Swimming |
PHE258 | Swimming III | PE2XX | Swimming III |
PHE259 | Life Saving & Water Rescue | PE124 | Lifeguard Training |
PHE262 | Scuba Lect | PE2XX | Scuba Lect |
PHE263 | Scuba Tech | PE2XX | Scuba Tech |
PHE264 | Fit for Scuba Divers | PE2XX | Fit for Scuba Divers |
PHE265 | Fit Through Walking | PE2XX | Fit Through Walking |
PHE271 | Sci Scuba Diver | PE2XX | Sci Scuba Diver |
PHE272 | Emerg First Resp Scuba Div | EDU305 | Responding/Emerg |
PHE293 | Hlth, Phys Ed & Rec | NPE2XX | Non Prog Elect |
PHE293 | Hlth, Phys Ed & Rec | PE2XX | Phys Ed Elect |
PHE295 | Care & Prev Athletic Inj | EDU315 | Mgmt/Prev Sport Inj |
PHL111 | Intro to Philos | PHL221 | Intro Philosophy |
PHL141 | Intro to Logic | PHL231 | Logic |
PHL142 | Ethics | PHL1XX | Ethics |
PHL146 | Contemp Moral Prob | PHL223 | Cont Moral Problems |
PHL151 | Modern Logic | PHL1XX | Modern Logic |
PHL194 | Ethics & Info Age | PHL1XX | Ethics & Info Age |
PHL201 | West Religions | PHL2XX | West Religions |
PHL202 | Asian Religions | PHL2XX | Asian Religions |
PHL221 | Anc Greek Phil | PHL2XX | Anc Greek Phil |
PHL223 | Phil & Gender | PHL2XX | Phil & Gender |
PHL295 | SpTp: Calling Out Bullshit | PHL2XX | SpTp: Calling Out Bullshit |
PHS100 | Gen Physical Science | PSC153 | Phys/Everyday LAB |
PHS100 | Gen Physical Science | PSC152 | Phys/Everyday Life |
PHS107 | Geology of MD | ESS1XX | Earth Sci Elect No Lab |
PHS109 | Gen Oceanography | BIO1XX | Biology Elective No Lab |
PHS111 | Hist of Science | PSC1XX | Phys Sci Elect No Lab |
PHS113 | Physical Geology | ESS1XX | Physical Geology |
PHS115 | Women and Minor in Science | PSC1XX | Physical Sci Elective No Lab |
PHS119 | Fund of Weather | PSC1XX | Fund of Weather |
PHS200 | Earth and Space Sci | ESS152 | Earth/Space Sci |
PHY105 | How Things Work | PHY1XX | Physics Elect No Lab |
PHY111 | Fund Physics I | PHY110 | Gen Phys:Mech/Ht |
PHY112 | Fund of Physics II | PHY112 | Gen Phys:Elc/Magn |
PHY120 | Sound & Light | PHY1XX | Physics Elect No Lab |
PHY211 | General Physics I | PHY161 | E Phys:Mech Lab |
PHY211 | General Physics I | PHY160 | Eng Phys:Mechncs |
PHY212 | Gen Physics 2 | PHY261 | E Phys:Elct/Magn Lab |
PHY212 | Gen Physics 2 | PHY260 | Eng Phys:Elct/Magn |
PHY213 | Gen Physics III | PHY262 | Eng Phys: Opt/Mod |
PLS100 | Intro to Civic Lit | PS1XX | Intro to Civic Lit |
PLS111 | Amer Govt | PS101 | Amer Gov/Citizenship |
PLS113 | State & Local Govt | PS242 | State/Local Govt |
PLS121 | Intro Pol Theory | PS1XX | Intro Pol Theory |
PLS122 | Amer Pol Thought | PS361 | Amer Polit Thought |
PLS125 | Pol Iss & Conflicts Cont Am | PS1XX | Pol Iss & Conf in Cont Am |
PLS131 | Comp Govts & Pol | PS260 | Comparative Politics |
PLS151 | Pol Beh & Analysis | PS1XX | Pol Beh & Analysis |
PLS155 | Ethnic Conflict | PS1XX | Ethnic Conflict |
PLS200 | Intl Relations | PS302 | International Rel |
PLS275 | Leg Internship | PS2XX | Leg Internship |
PLS276 | Leg Inernship | PS2XX | Leg Internship |
PRT111 | Elem Portuguese I | L1XX | Elem Portuguese I |
PRT112 | Elem Portuguese II | L1XX | Elem Portuguese II |
PSY102 | Psych of African Amer | PSY1XX | Psych of African Amer |
PSY105 | Exploring the Future | PSY1XX | Exploring the Future |
PSY111 | Introduction Psych | PSY100 | General Psychology |
PSY120 | Psych of Parenthood | PSY1XX | Psych of Parenthood |
PSY123 | Social Psychology | PSY243 | Social Psychology |
PSY124 | Child Psychology | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop |
PSY141 | Amer Sign Language I | CM150 | Beg Sign Language |
PSY151 | Psychology of Aging | PSY1XX | Psychology of Aging |
PSY201 | Dis of Inf, Child & Adol | PSY2XX | Dis of Inf, Child & Adol |
PSY205 | Child Psychology | PSY223 | Early Child Develp |
PSY208 | Adolescent Psychology | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop |
PSY210 | Psy of Relationships | PSY2XX | Psy of Relationships |
PSY211 | Developmental Psych | PSY2XX | Dev Psych |
PSY211 | Developmental Psych | NUR201 | Nursing HD/HC |
PSY212 | Personality & Adjust | PSY2XX | Personality & Adjust |
PSY214 | Intro Abnormal Psych | PSY230 | Abnormal Psych |
PSY215 | Psych of Relationships | PSY2XX | Psych of Relationships |
PSY216 | Hum Sexuality | PSY2XX | Hum Sexuality |
PSY220 | Hum Sexuality | PSY2XX | Hum Sexuality |
PSY221 | Psychology of Men | PSY2XX | Psych of Men |
PSY222 | Psychology of Women | PSY2XX | Psychology of Women |
PSY222 | Psychology of Women | WGS2XX | Psychology of Women |
PSY223 | Social Psychology | PSY243 | Social Psychology |
PSY224 | Multicult Psychology | PSY2XX | Multicult Psychology |
PSY232 | Sport Psych | PSY2XX | Sport Psych |
PSY233 | Stress & Stress Mgt | PSY2XX | Stress & Stress Mgt |
PSY241 | Amer Sign Lang II | CM2XX | Amer Sign Lang II |
PSY242 | Amer Sign Lang III | CM2XX | Amer Sign Lang III |
PSY243 | Social Psychology | PSY243 | Social Psychology |
PSY243 | Intro Amer Deaf Comm | PSY2XX | Intro Am Deaf Comm |
PSY250 | Stats in Soc & Beh Sci | PSY2XX | Stats in Soc & Beh Sci |
PSY260 | Terrorism/Counter | PSY2XX | Terrorism/Counter |
PSY284 | Parent/Child Relation | PSY2XX | Parent/Child Relation |
RUS111 | Elem Russian I | RUS101 | Elem Russian I |
RUS112 | Elem Russian II | RUS102 | Elem Russian II |
SOC102 | Intro Masc Studies | SOC1XX | Intro Masc Studies |
SOC105 | Exploring the Future | SOC1XX | Exploring the Future |
SOC111 | Intro to Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology |
SOC113 | Urban Sociology | SOC1XX | Urban Sociology |
SOC120 | Intro Phys Anthropology | SOC1XX | Intro Phys Anthropology |
SOC121 | Intro Cult Anthropology | SOC1XX | Intro Cult Anthropology |
SOC122 | Social Problems | SOC220 | Am Social Problems |
SOC124 | Substance Abuse In Am | SOC1XX | Sub Abuse in Am |
SOC130 | Diversity in Soc | SOC1XX | Diversity in Soc |
SOC132 | Juvenile Del | CJA110 | Juvenile Delinquncy |
SOC132 | Juvenile Del | SOC1XX | Juvenile Del |
SOC150 | Intro to Aging Studies | SOC1XX | Intro to Aging Studies |
SOC155 | Death & Dying | SOC1XX | Death & Dying |
SOC155 | Death & Dying | GER330 | Death/Dying/Bereav |
SOC205 | Trad Cult of the World | SOC2XX | Trad Cult of World |
SOC210 | Soc of Deviance | SOC2XX | Soc of Deviance |
SOC212 | Intro Les, Gay, Bisex | SOC2XX | Intro Les, Gay, Bisex |
SOC213 | Marriage & the Family | SOC225 | The Family |
SOC220 | Gen & Cult: Cross-Cult Persp | SOC2XX | Gen & Cult |
SOC224 | Criminology | SOC2XX | Criminology |
SOC225 | Cult Rep Dis, Gen & Sex in US | SOC2XX | Cult Rep Dis, Gen & Sex |
SOC230 | Intro Applied Soc | SOC2XX | Intro Applied Soc |
SOC240 | Intro Geog Info Sys | SOC2XX | Intro Geog Info Sys |
SOC250 | Stats in Soc & Beh Sci | SOC2XX | Stats in Soc & Beh Sci |
SOC260 | Terrorism/Counterterrorism | CJA2XX | Terrorism/Counterterrorism |
SOC260 | Terrorism/Counterterrorism | SOC2XX | Terrorism/Counterterrorism |
SOC265 | Soc Res Methods | SOC2XX | Soc Res Methods |
SOC275 | Pract in Sociology | SOC2XX | Pract in Sociology |
SOC276 | Pract Appl Soc Res | SOC2XX | Pract Appl Soc Res |
SOC284 | Sp Top Foc on Future | SOC2XX | Sp Top Foc on Future |
SPA111 | Elem Spanish I | SPN101 | Elem Spanish I |
SPA112 | Elem Spanish II | SPN102 | Elem Spanish II |
SPA121 | Spanish Conv | SPN1XX | Spanish Conv |
SPA125 | Spanish Composition | SPN1XX | Spanish Conv |
SPA211 | Int Spanish I | SPN201 | Inter Spanish I |
SPA212 | Inter Spanish II | SPN202 | Inter Spanish II |
SPA213 | Intemed Span Gram Rev | SPN2XX | Intemed Span Gram Rev |
SPA221 | Intemed Spanish Conv | SPN205 | Inter Spanish Conv |
SPA225 | Intermed Span Civ & Cult | SPN307 | Span Culture/Civ |
SPA226 | Intermed Lat Am Civ & Cult | SPN2XX | Inter Lat Am Civ & Cult |
SPA230 | Span for Bus & Fin | SPN2XX | Span for Bus & Fin |
SPC111 | Fund of Oral Comm | CM104 | Human Communicatn |
SPT123 | Sports in America | SPM1XX | Sports in America |
SPT232 | Sport Psychology | SPM310 | Sport Behavior |
THA111 | Intro to Theatre | THE254 | Intro Theatre |
THA115 | Intro Child Theater | THE1XX | Intro Child Theater |
THA116 | Mov for Actors | THE1XX | Mov for Actors |
THA121 | Stagecraft 1 | THE258 | Stagecraft |
THA122 | Stage Design | THE1XX | Stage Design |
THA125 | Scripts Analysis | THE1XX | Scripts Analysis |
THA132 | Acting I | THE262 | Acting |
THA133 | Acting 2 | THE1XX | Acting 2 |
THA135 | Appl Theater | THE1XX | Appl Theater |
THA180 | Play Production | THE1XX | Play Production |
WMS101 | Intro Womens Studies | WGS200 | Women/Gender Studies |
WMS113 | Women Health Issue | WGS1XX | Women Health Issue |
WMS212 | Les, Gay, Bisex & Trans | WGS2XX | Les, Gay, Bisex & Trans |
WMS222 | Psychology of Women | WGS2XX | Psychology of Women |
WMS222 | Psychology of Women | PSY2XX | Psychology of Women |
Atlantic Cape Community College | York College of Pennsylvania | ||
ACCT130 | Financial Accounting | ACC220 | Financial Acct |
ACCT131 | Managerial Acct | ACC225 | Managerial Acct |
ALHT108 | Fund of Nutrition | NUR202 | Nutrition |
ANTH103 | Cultural Anthro | ANT220 | Cult Anthropology |
ARTS103 | Art Appreciation | ART101 | Intro Art Apprec |
ARTS115 | Intro Visual Arts | ART101 | Intro Art Apprec |
ARTS128 | Intro to Photo Methods | ART245 | Photography I |
BIOL103 | Biology of our World | BIO110 | General Biology |
BIOL109 | Gen Biology I | BIO142 | Molecule/Gene/Cell |
BIOL110 | General Biology II | BIO152 | Biology II |
BIOL118 | The Human Body | BIO112 | Fund Human Bio |
BIOL120 | Human Ana/Phys I | BIO220 | Human A/P I |
BIOL121 | Human Ana/Phys II | BIO222 | Human A/P II |
BIOL203 | Microbiology | BIO230 | Microbiology |
BUSN101 | Intro to Business | BUS150 | Intro to Business |
BUSN102 | Prin of Marketing | MKT100 | Prin Marketing |
BUSN120 | Prin of Management | MGT150 | Prin of Management |
BUSN202 | Prin of Marketing | MKT100 | Prin Marketing |
CDCC110 | Child Dev: Theory/Practice | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop |
CDCC110 | Child Dev: Theory/Practice | PSY1XX | Child Dev: Theory/Prac |
CHEM102 | Intro to Forensics | CHM1XX | Intro to Forensics |
CHEM110 | Gen Chem I | CHM134 | Gen Chem I |
CHEM111 | Gen Chem II | CHM136 | Gen Chem II |
CISM125 | Intro to Computers | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
COMM103 | Intro Mass Media | CM211 | Mass Communication |
COMM105 | Television History | CM1XX | Television History |
COMM110 | Interpersonal Comm | CM329 | Interpersonal Comm |
COMM120 | Public Speaking | CM212 | Public Speaking |
COMM120 | Public Speaking | CM104 | Human Communicatn |
COMM295 | Comm Internship | CM2XX | Comm Internship |
CRIM101 | Intro to Crim Justice | CJA101 | Intro Crim Justice |
CRIM102 | Intro to Criminology | CJA1XX | Intro to Criminology |
CRIM105 | Police Operations | CJA1XX | Police Operations |
CRIM106 | Intro to Corrections | CJA1XX | Intro to Corrections |
CRIM108 | Intro to Terrorism | CJA1XX | Intro to Terrorism |
CRIM201 | Criminal Law | CJA2XX | Criminal Law |
CRIM202 | Const Law | CJA2XX | Const Law |
CRIM203 | Crim Investigation | CJA2XX | Crim Investigation |
CRIM206 | Juvenile Justice | CJA2XX | Juvenile Justice |
CRIM214 | Organized Crime | CJA2XX | Organized Crime |
ECON110 | Prin of Econ I | ECO200 | Prin Econ-Macro |
ECON111 | Prin of Econ II | ECO201 | Prin Econ-Micro |
EDUC101 | Hist Found Amer Ed | EDU1XX | Hist Found Amer Ed |
EDUC213 | Educ Psychology | EDU370 | Psych of Learning |
EDUC213 | Educ Psychology | EDU375 | Psy Learning/Second |
ENGL101 | Composition I | WRT102 | Analytical Read/Writ |
ENGL101 | Composition I | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm |
ENGL102 | Composition II | WRT202 | Academic Writing |
ENGL102 | Composition II | FCO1XX | Composition II |
ENGL104 | Intro to Lit | LIT200 | Perspectives/Lit |
ENGL201 | World Literature | LIT2XX | World Literature |
ESCI100 | Earth Science | ESS152 | Earth/Space Sci |
GEOG102 | Intro Cultural Geog | G243 | Intro Geography |
GEOG110 | World Geography | G243 | Intro Geography |
GIST101 | Intro to Geo Info Systems | NPE1XX | Intro to Geo Info Sys |
GOVT110 | American Natl Gov | PS141 | American Governmnt |
HESC110 | Comp Med Term | HSC105 | Medical Terminology |
HIST101 | West World I | HIS101 | Western Civ I |
HIST102 | West World II | HIS102 | Western Civ II |
HIST103 | U.S. History I | HIS111 | American Civ I |
HIST104 | U.S. History II | HIS112 | American Civ II |
HOSP215 | Bev Ops: Wine/Beer/Spirits | HSP2XX | Bev Ops: Wine/Beer/Spirits |
HPED150 | Concepts Phys Fitness | PE134 | Concpts Phys Actvty |
HUMT200 | Intro to Arts & Humanities | HUM2XX | Intro to Arts & Humanities |
HUMT201 | Intro to Humanities I | HUM2XX | Intro Humanities I |
MATH119 | Intermediate Algebra | MAT105 | College Algebra |
MATH121 | Appl of Math | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv |
MATH122 | College Algebra | MAT105 | College Algebra |
MATH150 | Precalculus | MAT108 | Precalculus |
MATH155 | Calculus I | MAT171 | Calculus I |
MATH220 | Statistical Methods | QBA260 | Business Stats I |
MATH220 | Statistical Methods | MAT250 | Statistics |
MATH220 | Statistical Methods | BEH260 | Statistics |
MATH220 | Statistical Meth | BEH260 | Statistics |
MATH220 | Statistical Meth | QBA260 | Business Statistics |
MATH220 | Statistical Meth | MAT250 | Statistics |
MUSC100 | Music Appr | MUS200 | Music Appreciation |
PHIL102 | Intro to Philosophy | PHL221 | Intro Philosophy |
PHYS102 | Fund of Astromony | ESS154 | Intro/Astronomy |
PHYS125 | College Physics I | PHY110 | Gen Phys:Mech/Ht |
PHYS126 | College Physics II | PHY112 | Gen Phys:Elc/Magn |
PSYC101 | Gen Psychology | PSY100 | General Psychology |
PSYC135 | Child Psychology | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop |
PSYC213 | Educational Psychology | PSY2XX | Education Psych |
PSYC214 | Abnormal Psychology | PSY230 | Abnormal Psych |
PSYC230 | Psych/Adulthood | PSY2XX | Psych/Adulthood |
SOCL101 | Principles of Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology |
SOCL110 | Minority/Inter Rel | SOC1XX | Minority/Inter Rel |
SOCW115 | Intro to Social Work | SOC1XX | Intro to Social Work |
SOCW116 | Social Agencies/Process | SOC240 | Theory/Policy |
SOCW117 | Intro/Chemical Depdency | SOC210 | Drug/Alcohol Addctn |
SPAN111 | Elemen Spanish I | SPN101 | Elem Spanish I |
SPAN112 | Elemen Spanish II | SPN102 | Elem Spanish II |
SPCH110 | Interpersonal Communication | CM104 | Human Communicatn |
SPCH120 | Public Speaking | CM104 | Human Communicatn |
SPCH130 | Signed English | CM150 | Beg Sign Language |
THEA110 | Intro to Theater | THE254 | Intro Theatre |
THEA111 | Acting I | THE262 | Acting |
TVRF103 | Television Production | CM242 | Video Prodctn I |
Baltimore City Community College | York College of Pennsylvania | ||
ACCT201 | Acct Prin I | ACC2XX | Acct Prin I |
ACCT202 | Acct Prin II | ACC225 | Managerial Acct |
ACCT230 | Intermed Acct I | ACC320 | Inter Accounting I |
AH110 | Med Jur & Ethics | PHL1XX | Med Jur & Ethics |
AH130 | Medical Term | BIO201 | Medical Terminology |
AHS100 | Intro Hum Services | SOC1XX | Intro Hum Services |
AHS101 | Clin/Fieldwork I | SOC1XX | Clin/Fieldwork I |
AHS102 | Clin/Fieldwork II | SOC1XX | Clin/Fieldwork II |
AHS103 | Group Dynamics | SOC1XX | Group Dynamics |
AHS295 | Prof Ethics | PHL2XX | Prof Ethics |
AJS101 | Hist & Phil Law Enforce | CCJ1XX | Hist & Phil Law Enforce |
AJS103 | Const Limit & Perspective | CCJ1XX | Const Limit & Perspective |
AJS111 | Maryland Traffic Code | CCJ1XX | Maryland Traffic Code |
AJS113 | Fund/Law Enforcement | CJA1XX | Fund/Law Enforcement |
AJS211 | Prin of Criminal Law | CJA2XX | Prin of Criminal Law |
ART101 | Beg Drawing | ART215 | Drawing I |
ART106 | Art in the Culture | ART101 | Intro Art Apprec |
ART107 | Basic Photography | ART245 | Photography I |
ART225 | Intro to Film | FLM216 | Intro to Film |
BA103 | Bus Math | MAT1XX | Bus Math |
BA112 | Computers for Bus Mgmt | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
BA112 | Computers for Bus Mgmt | IFS100 | Info Tech Competency |
BA201 | Acct Prin I | ACC2XX | Acct Prin I |
BCA104 | Intro Oper Sys | IFS1XX | Intro Oper Sys |
BCA136 | Database Mgt Sys | IFS1XX | Database Mgt Sys |
BCA250 | Internet Appl for Bus | IFS2XX | Internet Appl for Bus |
BIO101 | Gen Bio | BIO1XX | Biology Elective No Lab |
BIO102 | Principles of Biology | BIO204 | Exploring Biology |
BIO102 | Prin of Biology | BIO204 | Exploring Biology |
BIO103 | General Botany | BIO218 | Plants & People |
BIO107 | Anatomy & Physiology | BIO112 | Essentials of A & P |
BIO111 | Anatomy & Physiology | BIO220 | Human A/P I |
BIO111 | Anatomy & Physiology | BIO1XX | Anatomy & Physio |
BIO112 | Anat & Phys II | BIO222 | Human A/P II |
BIO115 | Prin of Ecology | BIO1XX | Biology Elective no lab |
BIO202 | Anatomy & Physiology I | BIO220 | Human A/P I |
BIO212 | Microbiology | BIO230 | Microbiology |
BUAD100 | Intro to Business | BUS150 | Intro to Business |
BUAD112 | Comp Bus Mgmt | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
BUAD112 | Comp Bus Mgmt | IFS100 | Info Tech Competency |
BUAD207 | Bus Law | BUS260 | Legal Environment |
BUAD270 | Intl Bus | IBS200 | Internatl Business |
CHE101 | General Inorganic Chem | CHM134 | Gen Chem I |
CHE102 | Gen Chem II | CHM136 | Gen Chem II |
CHE103 | Allied Hlth Chem | CHM122 | Prin Gen/Org Chem |
CHE105 | Intro Biochem | CHM1XX | Chem Elect No Lab |
CHE203 | Organic Chem I | CHM234 | Organic Chem I |
CIS109 | Prin Comp Info Sys | IFS1XX | Prin Comp Info Sys |
CIS116 | Structured Design | IFS1XX | Structured Design |
CLT100 | Comp Literacy | IFS1XX | Comp Literacy |
CRJ101 | Intro Crim Justice | CJA101 | Intro Crim Justice |
CRJ102 | Report Wrtg CJ | CJA1XX | Report Wrtg CJ |
CRJ104 | Fund of Law Enf | CJA1XX | Fund of Law Enf |
CRJ108 | Juvenile Justice | CJA110 | Juvenile Delinquncy |
CRJ111 | MD Traffic Code | CJA1XX | MD Traffic Code |
CRJ210 | Invest Principles | CJA2XX | Invest Principles |
CRJ211 | Crim Proc Law | CJA2XX | Crim Proc Law |
CRJ213 | Criminal Substantive Law | CJA2XX | Crim Substantive Law |
DNT200 | Nutrition for Health Sci | NUR202 | Nutrition |
ECE100 | Intro Child Dev | PSY1XX | Intro Child Dev |
ECE111 | Prin & Prac in ECE | EDU1XX | Prin & Prac in ECE |
ECE112 | Child Growth & Dev I | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop |
ECE113 | Prog & Act II | EDU1XX | Prog & Act II |
ECO201 | Am Econ I: Macro | ECO200 | Prin Econ-Macro |
ECO202 | Am Econ II: Micro | ECO201 | Prin Econ-Micro |
ENG100 | Intro to Composition | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm |
ENG101 | English Writing | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm |
ENG102 | Intro to Term Paper | FCO1XX | Intro to Term Paper |
ENG106 | Creative Writing | WRT272 | Intro Creative Wrt |
ENG107 | Creative Writing | WRT272 | Intro Creative Wrt |
ENG115 | Legal Writing | WRT1XX | Legal Writing |
ENG200 | Intro to Lit | LIT200 | Perspectives/Lit |
ENG210 | Afr Amer Lit | LIT2XX | Afr Amer Lit |
FR101 | French Elem I | FRN101 | Elem French I |
GEO102 | Elements of Cultural Geography | G100 | World Reg Geography |
H101 | Hist Amer Civ | HIS111 | American Civ I |
H102 | Hist of Amer Civ | HIS112 | American Civ II |
H110 | African American History I | HUM1XX | African American History I |
H111 | African American History II | HUM1XX | Humanities Elective |
H151 | World History I | HIS121 | World History I |
H152 | World History II | HIS122 | World History II |
HLF135 | Beginning Tennis | PE159 | Tennis |
HLF139 | Limited Act I | PE1XX | Limited Act I |
HLF142 | Weight Reduction | PE1XX | Phys Ed Elect |
HLF142 | Weight Reduction | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect |
HLF145 | Unarmed Defense | PE130 | Self Defense |
HLF146 | Phys Training | PE1XX | Phys Training |
HLF167 | Jogging | PE1XX | Jogging |
HLF201 | Personal Health | PAW234 | Well/Fitness/Life |
HLF205 | Hum Sexuality | BEH2XX | Hum Sexuality |
HLF210 | Phys Fit & Hlth | PE134 | Concpts Phys Actvty |
HLF296 | Golf | PE140 | Fundamentals/Golf |
HUM202 | Surv Art, Lit, Mus | HUM2XX | Surv Art, Lit, Mus |
HUM205 | Lit & Heal:Moral, Eth, Leg | HUM2XX | Lit & Heal:Moral, Eth, Leg |
MAT100 | Intermed Algebra | MAT102 | Prelim Math/Prob Solv |
MAT103 | Technical Mathematics I | MAT105 | College Algebra |
MAT107 | Mod Elem Stats | MAT250 | Statistics |
MAT107 | Mod Elem Stats | QBA260 | Business Statistics |
MAT107 | Mod Elem Stats | BEH260 | Statistics |
MAT125 | Finite Math | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv |
MAT128 | Precalc I: Coll Algebra | MAT105 | College Algebra |
MAT129 | PreCalc II- Trig/Analysis | MAT108 | Precalculus |
MAT140 | Calculus I | MAT171 | Calculus I |
MGMT180 | Pers Fin Mgmt | FIN1XX | Pers Fin Mgmt |
MGMT222 | Prin Bus Mgmt | MGT150 | Prin of Management |
MKTG223 | Marketing | MKT100 | Prin Marketing |
MUS100 | Intro to Music Fund | MUS1XX | Intro to Music Fund |
MUS101 | Theory of Music I | MUS181 | Found Music Theory |
MUS103 | Music Appr | MUS186 | Listening to Music |
MUS106 | Afro-American Music | MUS1XX | Afro-American Music |
MUS123 | Piano I | MUS103 | Piano |
NUR111 | Calc of Medicine | NUR1XX | Calc of Medicine |
NUR112 | Intro Nursing Pract | NUR1XX | Intro Nursing Pract |
PE135 | Beg Tennis | PAW159 | Tennis |
PE166 | Weight Training | PAW119 | Physical Fitness |
PE210 | Phys Fit & Health | PAW134 | Concpts Phys Actvty |
PHI101 | Intro to Philosophy | PHL221 | Intro Philosophy |
PHI104 | Crit Think & Logic | PHL231 | Logic |
PHI104 | Crit Think & Logic | PHL222 | Critical Thinking |
PHI105 | Intro Prof Ethics | PHL1XX | Intro Prof Ethics |
PLA101 | Gen Law I | PS210 | Intro to Law |
PS101 | Amer Govt | PS141 | American Governmnt |
PS101 | Amer Govt | PS101 | Amer Gov/Citizenship |
PSY101 | Introductory Psychology | PSY100 | General Psychology |
PSY102 | Applied Psychology | PSY1XX | Applied Psychology |
PSY104 | Devel Psychology | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop |
PSY201 | Educational Psychology | PSY2XX | Educational Psych |
PSY205 | Psych of Early Child | PSY2XX | Psych of Early Child |
RT100 | Basic RT Skills & Intro Hosp | RT100 | Basic Sci Resp Ther |
RT111 | Prin Respiratory Ther I | RT100 | Basic Sci Resp Ther |
RT112 | Prin Respiratory Ther II | RT110 | Oxy Ther and CPR |
RT114 | Clin Hosp Practice I | RT105 | Medical Terminology |
RT116 | Clinical Skills Lab I | RT150 | Clin PraCI |
RT118 | Pathology & Therapeutics | RT115 | Bronchopul Hygiene |
RT119 | Respiratory Therapy Phar | RT115 | Bronchopul Hygiene |
SCI106 | Intro Oceanography | BIO124 | Oceanography |
SOC101 | Intro to Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology |
SOC102 | Social Problems | SOC220 | Am Social Problems |
SOC103 | Marriage & the Family | SOC225 | The Family |
SOC108 | Anthropology | ANT220 | Cult Anthropology |
SOC125 | Human Relat Workshop | SOC1XX | Human Relat Workshop |
SOC150 | Cult Div: Workplace | SOC1XX | Cult Div: Workplace |
SP101 | Fund of Speech Com | CM104 | Human Communicatn |
SP101 | Fund of Speech Com | CM212 | Public Speaking |
SPA101 | Spanish Elements I | SPN101 | Elem Spanish I |
SPA102 | Spanish Elements II | SPN102 | Elem Spanish II |
Bergen Community College | York College of Pennsylvania | ||
AC101 | Acct I | ACC1XX | Acct I |
ACC100 | Intro to Accounting | ACC1XX | Intro to Accounting |
ACC101 | Accounting I | ACC1XX | Accounting I |
ACC110 | Financial Acct | ACC220 | Financial Acct |
ACC210 | Managerial Acct | ACC225 | Managerial Acct |
ANT101 | Cult Anthropology | ANT220 | Cult Anthropology |
ART101 | Intro to Art & Vis Cult | ART101 | Art/Visual Culture |
ART181 | Photography I | ART245 | Photography I |
BA101 | Intro Bus Admin | BUS150 | Intro to Business |
BE120 | Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology |
BIO101 | General Biology I | BIO150 | Biology I |
BIO103 | Human Body | BIO112 | Fund Human Bio |
BIO104 | Microbiology | BIO230 | Microbiology |
BIO107 | Intro Human Biology | BIO142 | Molecule/Gene/Cell |
BIO108 | Intro to Enviro Bio | BIO212 | Environmntl Bio |
BIO109 | Anat & Phys I | BIO220 | Human A/P I |
BIO203 | General Biology II | BIO152 | Biology II |
BIO209 | Anat & Phys II | BIO222 | Human A/P II |
BNF101 | Prin Bank Operat | BUS1XX | Prin Bank Operat |
BNF205 | Cred & Col Prin I | BUS2XX | Cred & Col Prin I |
BUS101 | Intro Business | BUS100 | Modern Value Chain |
BUS103 | Business Math | FIN218 | Personal Finance |
BUS233 | Business Law I | BUS345 | Business Law I |
BUS234 | Business Law II | BUS346 | Business Law II |
CHM100 | Intro to Chemistry | CHM1XX | Intro to Chemistry |
CHM240 | General Chemistry II | CHM136 | Gen Chem II |
CIN140 | Intro to Cinema | FLM216 | Intro to Film |
CIS158 | Intro Computer Sci | CS1XX | Intro to Computer Sci |
CIS265 | C++ Programming II | IFS201 | Intro Prg/Sftwr II |
CIS271 | Cptr Org & Assem Lang | IFS2XX | Cptr Org & Assem Lang |
CIS277 | Data StruC& Algor | IFS2XX | Data StruC& Algor |
CIS287 | Obj-Orient Pro C++ | IFS2XX | Obj-Orient Pro C++ |
CIS288 | Discrete Math CS | MAT235 | Discrete Mathemtcs |
COM100 | Speech Comm | CM212 | PubliCSpeaking |
COM100 | Speech Comm | CM104 | Human Communicatn |
COM101 | Mass Media Comm | CM211 | Mass Communication |
COM105 | Radio Production | CM231 | Radio Production I |
COM201 | Intro to Journalism | CM271 | Print Media Writing |
CRJ101 | Intro Crim Justice | CJA101 | Intro Crim Justice |
CRJ103 | Criminal Law | CJA1XX | Criminal Law |
CRJ105 | Police Admin | CJA234 | Law Enforcement |
CRJ107 | Criminology | CJA1XX | Criminology |
CRJ109 | Issues in Policing | CJA1XX | Issues in Policing |
CRJ111 | Crim Investigation | CJA1XX | Crim Investigation |
CRJ113 | Juv Justice | CJA110 | Juvenile Delinquncy |
ECO101 | Macro Economics | ECO200 | Prin Econ-Macro |
EDU101 | Intro to Education | EDU1XX | Intro to Education |
EDU103 | Prin PraCin Educ | EDU1XX | Prin PraCin Educ |
EDU120 | Early Child Ed I | ECE1XX | Early Child Ed I |
EDU124 | Curr Mater & Methods | EDU1XX | Curr Mater & Methds |
EDU126 | Devel & Imple Curr | EDU1XX | Spv Fld Wk Exp II |
EDU130 | Infants and Toddlers | ECE1XX | Infants and Toddlers |
EDU132 | Parenting Yng Child | EDU1XX | Parenting Yng Child |
EDU220 | Early Child Ed II | ECE2XX | Early Child Ed II |
EDU222 | Supv Fld Wk Exp 1 | EDU2XX | Supv Fld Wk Exp 1 |
EDU223 | Fld Wrk Sem I | EDU2XX | Fld Wrk Sem I |
EDU224 | Spv Fld Wk Exp II | EDU2XX | Spv Fld Wk Exp II |
EN101 | English Comp I | WRT101 | English Comp |
ESC111 | Astronomy | ESS154 | Intro/Astronomy |
GEO101 | Geography | G243 | Intro Geography |
HIS101 | West Civ to Reform | HIS101 | Western Civ I |
HIS102 | West Civ Since Reform | HIS102 | Western Civ II |
HIS111 | US Hist to Reconst | HIS111 | American Civ I |
HIS112 | U.S. Hist Since Recon | HIS112 | American Civ II |
HIS126 | Mod African History | HIS1XX | Mod African Hist |
HP101 | Fnds Phys Ed | PE1XX | Phys Ed Elect |
HP101 | Fnds Phys Ed | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect |
HP110 | Fnds Physical Educ | PE1XX | Fnds Physical Educ |
HP205 | Swim Cond | PE120 | Beginning Swimming |
HS101 | West Civ to Reform | H219 | Hist Western Civ I |
INF101 | Intro Info Tech | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
LAN110 | French I | FRN101 | Elem French I |
LAN111 | German I | GRM101 | Elem German I |
LAN113 | Spanish I | SPN101 | Elem Spanish I |
LAN170 | Amer Sign Lang I | CM150 | Beg Sign Language |
LAN230 | Spanish II | SPN102 | Elem Spanish II |
LIT201 | Amer Lit to 1880 | LIT281 | Amer Lit to 1885 |
LIT202 | American Lit 1880-Pres | LIT282 | Amer Lit after 1885 |
LIT205 | English Lit to 1800 | LIT283 | British Lit to 1750 |
LIT224 | Int'l Lit | LIT2XX | Int'l Lit |
LIT230 | Psych Ideas in Lit | LIT2XX | Psych Ideas in Lit |
MA045 | Int Algebra | MAT102 | Prelim Math/Prob Solv |
MA150 | Elem Stats | QBA260 | Business Statistics |
MAT130 | Contemp Math | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv |
MAT150 | Elem Stats | MAT250 | Statistics |
MAT150 | Elem Stats | QBA260 | Business Statistics |
MAT150 | Elem Stats | BEH260 | Statistics |
MAT165 | C++ Programming I | IFS200 | Intro Prog/Sftwr I |
MAT180 | Pre-Calculus | MAT108 | Precalculus |
MAT280 | Calculus I | MAT171 | Calculus I |
MAT281 | Calculus II | MAT172 | Calculus II |
ML113 | Elem Spanish I | SPN101 | Elem Spanish I |
MUA102 | Guitar I | MUS138 | Guitar |
MUA104 | Piano I | MUS103 | Piano |
MUA106 | Voice I | MUS101 | Voice |
MUS101 | Music Appreciation | MUS186 | Listening to Music |
MUS103 | Fund of Music | MUS181 | Found Music Theory |
MUS107 | Hist Western Music bf 1750 | MUS1XX | Hist Western Music bf 1750 |
MUS119 | Songwriting Workshop | MUS1XX | Songwriting Workshop |
MUS131 | Class Piano I | MUS140 | Class Piano |
MUS134 | Ear Train & Mus I | MUS184 | Sight Singing I |
MUS150 | Intro MIDI Seq & Syn | MUS1XX | Intro MIDI Seq & Syn |
MUS151 | Intro Audio Rec | MUS1XX | Intro Audio Rec |
MUS231 | Class Piano II | MUS141 | Class Piano |
MUS250 | Elec Mus Comp | MUS2XX | Elec Mus Comp |
MUS251 | Studio Rec Tech | MUS2XX | Studio Rec Tech |
MUS261 | Adv Rec Tech | MUS2XX | Adv Rec Tech |
PHR100 | Reasoning | PHL222 | Critical Thinking |
PHR103 | Basic Logic | PHL231 | Logic |
PHR121 | Religions of the World | REL265 | World Religions |
PHY111 | Astronomy | ESS154 | Intro/Astronomy |
PHY112 | Climatology | ESS1XX | Climatology |
PHY114 | Meterology | ESS1XX | Meterology |
PHY185 | Intro to Physics | PHY110 | Gen Phys:Mech/Ht |
PHY280 | Physics I | PHY160 | Eng Phys:Mechncs |
PHY290 | Physics II | PHY260 | Eng Phys:Elct/Magn |
POL101 | Amer Govt | PS141 | American Governmnt |
POL102 | Intl Relations | PS1XX | Intl Relations |
PSY101 | Gen Psychology | PSY100 | General Psychology |
PSY106 | Dev Psych | PSY1XX | Dev Psych |
PSY110 | Psych of Sexuality | PSY1XX | Psych of Sexuality |
PSY201 | Child Psychology | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop |
SOC101 | Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology |
SOC102 | Intro to Human Services | HSV100 | Intro to HSV |
SP111 | Speech Comm | CM104 | Human Communicatn |
SPE111 | Speech Communication | CM104 | Human Communicatn |
TH101 | Intro to Theatre | THE254 | Intro Theatre |
WEX101 | Dyn Health & Fit | PE134 | Concpts Phys Actvty |
WEX159 | Cp Res & Em 1st Aid | EDU305 | Responding/Emerg |
WEX171 | Golf | PE140 | Fundamentals/Golf |
WEX206 | Weight Train | PE1XX | Weight Train |
WR101 | Eng Comp I | WRT102 | Analytical Read/Writ |
WR201 | Eng Comp II | WRT202 | Academic Writing |
WRT101 | English Comp I | WRT102 | Analytical Read/Writ |
WRT101 | English Comp I | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm |
WRT201 | English Comp II | WRT202 | Academic Writing |
WRT201 | English Comp II | WRT2XX | English Comp II |
Bloomsburg University of PA | York College of Pennsylvania | ||
ACC91220 | Financial Accounting | ACC220 | Financial Acct |
ACCT220 | Financial Accounting | ACC220 | Financial Acct |
ACCT221 | Prin Accounting 1 | ACC220 | Financial Acct |
ACCT223 | Mang Accounting | ACC225 | Managerial Acct |
AER101 | Found of USAF I | NPE1XX | Found of USAF I |
AER102 | Found of USAF 2 | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect |
AER201 | Evol of USAF | NPE1XX | Evol of USAF |
AER202 | Evol of USAF A&S PW2 | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect |
ANT101 | Intro Anthropology | ANT1XX | Intro Anthropology |
ANT200 | Prin Cult Anthro | ANT220 | Cult Anthropology |
ANT210 | Prehist Archaeology | ANT230 | Intro Archaeology |
ANT220 | Human Origins | ANT2XX | Human Origins |
ANT495 | Special Topics | ANT4XX | Special Topics |
ANT46101 | Intro Anthropology | ANT1XX | Intro to Anthropology |
ANT46102 | Anthro & World Probs | ANT1XX | Anthro & World Probs |
ANT46200 | Prin Cult Anthropology | ANT220 | Cult Anthropology |
ANT46333 | EthniCIdentity US | ANT3XX | EthniCIdentity US |
ANT46370 | Indigenous Cult Mex | ANT3XX | Indigenous Cult Mex |
ANT46495 | Special Topics | ANT4XX | Special Topics |
ANTHRO101 | Intro Anthro | ANT1XX | Intro Anthro |
ANTHRO102 | Anthro & World Problems | ANT1XX | Anthro & World Prblms |
ANTHRO200 | Prin Cult Anthro | ANT220 | Cult Anthropology |
ANTHRO210 | Prehist Archaeology | ANT2XX | Prehist Archaeology |
ANTHRO220 | Human Origins | ANT210 | Physical Anthropol |
ANTHRO495 | Fantastic Archaeology | ANT4XX | Fantastic Archaeology |
ARH31346 | Oriental Art 2 | ART3XX | Oriental Art 2 |
ARM110 | Intro Mil Sci | NPE1XX | Intro Mil Sci |
ARS32111 | Intro Drawing | ART215 | Drawing I |
ARS32152 | 2-D Design | ART210 | Design I |
ARS32195 | Comp Art Graphics | ART1XX | Comp Art Graphics |
ARS32201 | Ceramics I | ART225 | Ceramics I |
ARS32221 | Fabric Design I | ART2XX | Fabric Design I |
ARS32250 | Design I | ART210 | Design I |
ARS32251 | Design 2 | ART211 | Design II |
ARS32275 | Crafts I | ART2XX | Crafts I |
ARS32276 | Crafts 2 | ART2XX | Crafts 2 |
ARS32300 | Ceramics I | ART225 | Ceramics I |
ARS32310 | Drawing I | ART215 | Drawing I |
ARS32311 | Drawing 2 | ART265 | Drawing II |
ARS32312 | Drawing 3 | ART315 | Drawing III |
ARS32320 | Fabric Des I | ART3XX | Fabric Des I |
ARS32321 | Fabric Des 2 | ART3XX | Fabric Des 2 |
ARS32322 | Fabric Des 3 | ART3XX | Fabric Des 3 |
ARS32323 | Fabric Design 4 | ART3XX | Fabric Design 4 |
ARS32330 | Painting I | ART220 | Painting I |
ARS32330 | Painting I | ART114 | Concepts/Painting |
ARS32360 | Graphics I | ART3XX | Graphics I |
ARS32361 | Graphics 2 | ART3XX | Graphics 2 |
ARS32362 | Graphics 3 | ART3XX | Graphics 3 |
ARS32480 | Internship in Art | ART4XX | Internship in Art |
ARS32490 | Art Gallery | ART4XX | Art Gallery |
ART101 | Intro to Art | ART101 | Intro Art Apprec |
ART222 | Fabr Dsgn: Surface | ART2XX | Fabr Dsgn: Surface |
ART345 | Nr East Art:Islamic | ART3XX | Nr East Art:Islamic |
ART30101 | Introduction to Art | ART101 | Intro Art Apprec |
ART31101 | Intro to Art | ART101 | Intro Art Apprec |
ARTHSTRY101 | Intro to Art Hist | ART205 | Survey West Art II |
ARTSTDIO291 | Intro Digital Art | ART2XX | Intro Digital Art |
ASL155 | Amer Sign Lang I | CM150 | Beg Sign Language |
ASLTERP155 | American Sign Lang I | CM150 | Beg Sign Language |
BIO100 | Cells Gene Molecule | BIO1XX | Biology Elect No Lab |
BIO101 | Hum Bio | BIO1XX | Biology Elect No Lab |
BIO114 | Concepts Biology I | BIO150 | Biology I |
BIO173 | Anat Phys | BIO220 | Human A/P I |
BIO174 | Anat & Phys | BIO222 | Human A/P II |
BIO230 | Human Sexuality | BIO2XX | Biology Elect No Lab |
BIO240 | Intro Microbiology | BIO230 | Microbiology |
BIO50100 | Cells Gene Molecule | BIO1XX | Biology Elective No Lab |
BIO50101 | Human Biology | BIO1XX | Biology Elective No Lab |
BIO50102 | Ecology & Evolution | BIO1XX | Biology Elective No Lab |
BIO50107 | Medical Terminology | RT105 | Medical Terminology |
BIO50107 | Medical Terminology | BIO201 | Medical Terminology |
BIO50110 | Bio of Animals | BIO208 | Biology of Animals |
BIO50114 | Concepts Biology I | BIO150 | Biology I |
BIO50115 | Concepts Biology II | BIO152 | Biology II |
BIO50120 | Biology of Plants | BIO304 | Botany |
BIO50173 | Anatomy Physiology I | BIO220 | Human A/P I |
BIO50174 | Anatomy and Physiology II | BIO222 | Human A/P II |
BIO50205 | Intro to Nutrition | NUR202 | Nutrition |
BIO50211 | Invert Zoology | BIO3XX | Invert Zoology |
BIO50212 | Vertebrate Zoology | BIO302 | Zoology |
BIO50221 | Comp Bio Nonvas Plant | BIO2XX | Comp Bio Nonvas Plant |
BIO50230 | Human Sexuality | BIO2XX | Biology Elect No Lab |
BIO50233 | Human Genetics | BIO2XX | Biology Elective No Lab |
BIO50240 | Intro Microbiology | BIO230 | Microbiology |
BIO50242 | Biol Micro-Organisms | BIO230 | Microbiology |
BIO50271 | Cell Biology | BIO1XX | Cell Biology |
BIO50290 | Writing in Biology | BIO2XX | Biology Elective No Lab |
BIOLOGY100 | Cells, Gene, Molecular | BIO150 | Intro Molecular Bio |
BIOLOGY101 | Human Biology | BIO112 | Essentials of A & P |
BIOLOGY102 | Ecology & Evolu | BIO1XX | Biology Elective no lab |
BIOLOGY114 | Concepts of Biology I | BIO150 | Biology I |
BIOLOGY173 | Anatomy Physiol 1 | BIO220 | Human A/P I |
BIOLOGY174 | Anatomy & Phys 2 | BIO222 | Human A/P II |
BIOLOGY205 | Intro to Nutrition | NUR202 | Nutrition |
BIOLOGY271 | Cell Biology | BIO142 | Molecule/Gene/Cell |
BUS101 | Intro to Business | BUS150 | Intro to Business |
BUS90101 | Intro to Business | BUS150 | Intro to Business |
BUSED101 | Intro to Business | BUS150 | Intro to Business |
BUSED333 | Bus Comm & Rpt Wrt | FCO210 | Comm Prof Cultures |
CHE101 | Intro Chemistry | CHM104 | Found of Chem |
CHEM100 | Chem & The Citizen | CHM1XX | Chemistry Elect no lab |
CHEM101 | Intro Chemistry | CHM1XX | Chemistry Elect no lab |
CHEM115 | Chem for Sciences I | CHM134 | Gen Chem I |
CHEM116 | Chemistry for Sciences 2 | CHM136 | Gen Chem II |
CHM52100 | Chem & the Citizen | CHM1XX | Chemistry Elective No Lab |
CHM52101 | Intro Chemistry | CHM1XX | Chemistry Elective No Lab |
CHM52105 | Intro Forensic Sci | CHM1XX | Intro Forensic Sci |
CHM52108 | Physiological Chemistry | CHM122 | Prin Gen/Org Chem |
CHM52115 | Fund Inorganic Chem | CHM134 | Gen Chem I |
CHM52116 | Chem Prin & Measure | CHM136 | Gen Chem II |
CHM52131 | Fund Organic Chem | CHM234 | Organic Chem I |
CIS92150 | Intro Info Tech | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
CJS43101 | Intro Crim Justice | CJA101 | Intro Crim Justice |
CJS43200 | Criminology | CJA2XX | Criminology |
CJS43300 | Juv Delinquency | CJA110 | Juvenile Delinquncy |
CJS43430 | Spec Topics in CJ | CJA4XX | Spec Topics in CJ |
COM102 | Intro Comm Studies | CM1XX | Intro Comm Studies |
COM103 | Public Speaking | CM212 | Public Speaking |
COM25103 | Public Speaking | CM104 | Human Communicatn |
COM25103 | Public Speaking | CM212 | Public Speaking |
COM25104 | Interpersonal Comm | CM104 | Human Communicatn |
COM25104 | Interpersonal Comm | CM329 | Interpersonal Comm |
COM25210 | Org Comm Theory | CM328 | Organztnl Communication |
COMM103 | Public Speaking | CM212 | Public Speaking |
COMMSTUD102 | Intro to Comm Studies | CM211 | Mass Communication |
COMMSTUD103 | Public Speaking | CM212 | Public Speaking |
COMMSTUD103 | Public Speaking | CM104 | Human Communicatn |
COMMSTUD104 | Interpersonal Comm | CM329 | Interpersonal Comm |
COMMSTUD106 | Sm Group Comm | CM1XX | Sm Group Comm |
COMMSTUD207 | Comm Res Methods | CM2XX | Comm Res Methods |
COMMSTUD209 | Exam Comm | CM2XX | Exam Comm |
COMMSTUD215 | Communication Theo | CM206 | Communicatn Theory |
COMMSTUD220 | Intercult Comm | CM2XX | Intercult Comm |
COMMSTUD309 | Gender Issues Comm | CM3XX | Gender Issues Comm |
COMPSCI115 | Python Program | CS1XX | Python Program |
COMPSCI121 | Prog Java | IFS1XX | Prog Java |
COMPSCI357 | Database Design | IFS3XX | Database Design |
CPS56110 | Intro Computer Sci | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
CRIMJUST101 | Intro Criminal Just | CCJ101 | Intro Crim Justice |
CRIMJUST200 | Criminology | CCJ378 | Criminology |
CRIMJUST230 | Police and Society | CCJ234 | Law Enforcement |
CRIMJUST255 | CJ Research | CCJ2XX | CJ Research |
CRIMJUST300 | Juv Delinquency | CCJ110 | Juvenile Delinquncy |
CSD152 | Intro to Comm Disorders | CM1XX | Intro to Comm Disorders |
DANCE117 | Beg Jazz/Ballet | PAW1XX | Beg Jazz/Ballet |
DVS100 | College Study Skills | FYS1XX | College Study Skills |
ECO121 | Prin of Econ I | ECO200 | Prin Econ-Macro |
ECO122 | Prin of Microeconomics | ECO201 | Prin Econ-Micro |
ECO156 | Bus & Econ Math | MAT105 | College Algebra |
ECO256 | Bus & Econ Stat I | QBA260 | Business Stats I |
ECO40121 | Prin of Economics I | ECO200 | Prin Econ-Macro |
ECO40156 | Bus & Econ Math | MAT105 | College Algebra |
ECO40211 | Prin of Econ I | ECO200 | Prin Econ-Macro |
ECONOMIC121 | Prin Macroecon | ECO200 | Prin Econ-Macro |
ECONOMIC122 | Prin Microecon | ECO201 | Prin Econ-Micro |
ECONOMIC156 | Bus & Econ Math | MAT105 | College Algebra |
ECONOMIC256 | Bus & Econ Statistics | QBA260 | Data Driven Dec Making |
ED565 | Adv Found of Educ | MED502 | Adv Educ Psych |
ED565 | Adv Found of Educ | MED502 | Adv Educ Psych |
EDF251 | Psych Found of Ed | EDU375 | Psy Learning/Second |
EDF251 | Psych Found of Ed | EDU370 | Psych of Learning |
EDF406 | Multicult Educ | EDU4XX | Multicult Educ |
EDF60201 | Field Studies Education I | EDU2XX | Field Studies Ed I |
EDF60206 | Tchrs, Schools, Soc | EDU2XX | Tchrs, Schools, Soc |
EDFOUND584 | C& I Thr Design Dev | MED503 | Curric Trends/Issue |
EDFOUND584 | C& I Thr Design Dev | MED503 | Curric Trends/Issue |
EGGS100 | Intro Enviro Science | ESS1XX | Intro Enviro Science |
EGGS102 | World Cultural Geo | G243 | Intro Geography |
EGGS103 | Dinosaurs | ANT210 | Physical Anthropol |
EGGS104 | World Reg Geog | G100 | World Reg Geography |
EGGS105 | Envir Iss & Choices | BIO1XX | Biology Elective no lab |
EGGS107 | Natural Disasters | ESS1XX | Earth Sci Elect no lab |
EGGS160 | Geog and Info Systems | G261 | Intro Geo Info Sys |
EGGS259 | Oceanography | ESS1XX | Oceanography |
EGT58101 | Intro to Eng Tech | EGR1XX | Intro to Eng Tech |
ELE584 | C& I Thr Design Dev | MED503 | Curric Trends/Issue |
ELE591 | Lrng Dev Young Child | MED504 | Group Processes/Ed |
ELEMED120 | Intro to Education | EDU1XX | Intro to Education |
ELEMED121 | Intro Early Child Ed | ECH1XX | Intro Early Child Ed |
ENG101 | Found of Writing | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm |
ENG152 | Lit & Society | LIT346 | Lit and Society |
ENG156 | Pop Lit | LIT1XX | Pop Lit |
ENG201 | Composition 2 | WRT2XX | Composition 2 |
ENG20101 | Composition I | WRT102 | Analytical Read/Writ |
ENG20111 | Lang Soc Int | LIT1XX | Lang Soc Int |
ENG20151 | Intro to Literature | LIT200 | Perspectives/Lit |
ENG20152 | Lit & Society | LIT346 | Lit and Society |
ENG20204 | Creative Writing | WRT272 | Intro Creative Wrt |
ENG20226 | European Lit I | LIT285 | Eur Lit to 1600 |
ENG20227 | European Lit 2 | LIT286 | Eur Lit Since 1600 |
ENG20236 | American Lit I | LIT281 | Amer Lit to 1885 |
ENG20237 | Amer Lit II | LIT282 | Amer Lit after 1885 |
ENG20247 | British Lit II | LIT284 | Brt Lit after 1750 |
ENG20256 | Non-West Lit I | LIT2XX | Non-West Lit I |
ENG20257 | Non-Western Lit II | LIT2XX | Non-Western Lit II |
ENG20288 | Feminist Reading Cult | LIT2XX | Feminist Reading Cult |
ENG20311 | Struct of English | LIT3XX | Struct of English |
ENGLISH101 | Found of Writing | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm |
ENGLISH151 | Intro to Literature | LIT200 | Intro Lit & Text Stud |
ENGLISH152 | Literature & Soc | LIT200 | Intro Lit & Text Stud |
ENGLISH201 | Composition 2 | FCO2XX | Composition 2 |
ENGTECH101 | Intro Eng Tech | EGR1XX | Intro Eng Tech |
ENGTECH180 | CAD Engr Graphics | EGR1XX | CAD Egr Graphics |
ESC51107 | Natural Disasters | ESS1XX | Earth Sci Elective No Lab |
ESC51259 | Oceanography | BIO124 | Oceanography |
EXE114 | Team Sports | PE1XX | Team Sports |
EXE117 | Beg/Jazz/Ballet | PE1XX | Beg/Jazz/Ballet |
EXE230 | Wt Trng & Fitness | PE118 | Physical Fitness |
EXE278 | Yoga | PE163 | Intro to Yoga |
EXE311 | Meth Mat El Sch Hpe | EDU3XX | Meth Mat El Sch Hpe |
EXE321 | First Aid & Safety | EDU305 | Responding/Emerg |
EXERSCI114 | Team Sports | PAW1XX | Team Sports |
EXERSCI161 | Intro Exercise Sci | PAW1XX | Intro Exercise Sci |
EXERSCI226 | Jogging/Walking | PE1XX | Jogging/Walking PE Elec |
EXERSCI250 | Lifeguarding | PE124 | Lifeguard Training |
EXERSCI270 | Exercise & You | PAW234 | Well/Fitness/Life |
EXERSCI278 | Yoga | PE163 | Intro to Yoga |
EXERSCI282 | Care & Prev | PAW2XX | Care & Prev |
EXERSCI288 | Woman in Sport | SPM2XX | Woman in Sport |
EXERSCI294 | Resist Trng Tech | PAW2XX | Resist Trng Tech |
EXERSCI306 | Psychology of Sport | PSY3XX | Psychology of Sport |
EXERSCI321 | First Aid & Safety | SPM205 | Responding/Emerg |
EXERSCI351 | Kinesiology | SPM3XX | Kinesiology |
EXERSCI360 | Sport Nutrition | SPM3XX | Sport Nutrition |
EXERSCI378 | Exercise Phys I | SPM3XX | Exercise Phys I |
EXERSCI397 | Adult Health & Dev | PAW3XX | Adult Health & Dev |
EXERSCI414 | Exer for Special Pop | SPM4XX | Exer for Spec Pop |
EXERSCI452 | Cardiac Rehab | PAW4XX | Cardiac Rehab |
EXERSCI477 | Exercise Prescrip | SPM4XX | Exercise Prescrip |
EXERSCI478 | Exer Physiology 2 | SPM4XX | Exer Physiology 2 |
FINANCE120 | Personal Finance | BUS218 | Personal Finance |
FLA16211 | Found Chinese Civ | INT2XX | Found Chinese Civ |
FRE102 | French 2 | FRN102 | Elem French II |
FRE10101 | French I | FRN101 | Elem French I |
FYS103 | Food as Revolution | BEH1XX | Food as Revolution |
FYS109 | Exploring Art | HUM1XX | Exploring Art |
FYS113 | Hate Crime | FYS100 | First Year Seminar |
GEO102 | World Cult Geo | G243 | Intro Geography |
GEO106 | The Planets | ESS1XX | Earth Sci Elect No Lab |
GEO107 | Nat Disasters | ESS1XX | Earth Sci Elect No Lab |
GEO41100 | World Regional Geog | G1XX | World Regional Geog |
GEO41101 | World Phys Geog | G1XX | World Phys Geog |
GEO41102 | World Cultural Geog | G243 | Intro Geography |
GEO41105 | Envir Iss & Choices | BIO1XX | Biology Elective No Lab |
GEO41125 | Weather and Climate | ESS1XX | Earth Sci Elective No Lab |
GEO41160 | Geog & Info Sys | G361 | Intro to Geo Info Sys |
GEO41200 | Geog of US & Canada | G341 | Geog North America |
GEOG100 | World Regional Geo | G1XX | World Regional Geo |
GEOG101 | Intro Phys Geog | G243 | Intro Geography |
GEOG105 | Envir Iss & Choices | SES1XX | Envir Iss & Choices |
GER101 | German I | GRM101 | Elem German I |
GER204 | German 4 | GRM2XX | German 4 |
GER309 | Comm German I | GRM3XX | Comm German I |
GER422 | Masterpieces Ger Lit | GRM4XX | Masterpieces Ger Lit |
GER11101 | German I | GRM101 | Elem German I |
GER11203 | German 3 | GRM201 | Inter German I |
GER11211 | German Cult & Civ I | INT2XX | German Cult & Civ I |
GERMAN101 | German I | GRM101 | Elem German I |
HIS122 | US Hist 1877-Pres | HIS112 | American Civ II |
HIS125 | West Civ to 1650 | HIS101 | Foundation/West |
HIS145 | Muslim World to 140 | HIS1XX | Muslim World to 140 |
HIS42100 | Trans AtlantiCWorld | HIS1XX | Trans AtlantiCWorld |
HIS42113 | The Modern World | HIS1XX | The Modern World |
HIS42121 | U.S. Hist to 1877 | HIS111 | American Civ I |
HIS42122 | U.S. History 1877 to Pres | HIS112 | American Civ II |
HIS42125 | West Civ to 1650 | HIS101 | Western Civ I |
HIS42126 | West Civ Since 1650 | HIS102 | Western Civ II |
HIS42131 | Asian Civ to 1500 | HIS1XX | Asian Civ to 1500 |
HIS42132 | Asian Civ Since 1500 | HIS1XX | Asian Civ Since 1500 |
HIS42141 | Mod Far East | HIS1XX | Mod Far East |
HIS42142 | Lat Amer Eur Col to Pres | HIS343 | Modern Latin Amer |
HIS42143 | Black Africa | HIS1XX | Black Africa |
HIS42144 | IslamiC& Hindu Worlds | HIS1XX | Isl & Hindu Worlds |
HIS42145 | Hist Muslim World to 1405 | HIS1XX | Muslim World to 1405 |
HIS42151 | Hist Pre-Col Africa | HIS140 | History of Africa I |
HIS42152 | Hist Mod Africa | HIS141 | History Africa II |
HIS42208 | Contemp Iss U.S. History | HIS2XX | Contemp Iss U.S. Hist |
HIS42210 | Val Conflict 20th Cent Hist | HIS2XX | Val Conflict 20th Cent |
HIS42215 | Glob Iss History | HIS2XX | Glob Iss History |
HIS42216 | Africa & Black Atlantic | HIS2XX | Africa & Black Atlantic |
HIS42217 | Africa & Black Atlantic | HIS2XX | Africa & Black Atlantic |
HIS42222 | Bus Hist of the U.S. | HIS2XX | Bus Hist of the U.S. |
HIS42223 | Econ Hist of the U.S. | HIS2XX | Econ Hist of the U.S. |
HIS42224 | Immigrant Experience | HIS2XX | Immigrant Exper |
HIS42226 | Pop Cult in America | HIS2XX | Pop Cult in America |
HIS42228 | Afr-Amer History | HIS2XX | Afr-Amer History |
HIS42229 | Mod World Leaders | HIS2XX | Mod World Leaders |
HIS42250 | History of Science | HIS2XX | History of Science |
HIS42260 | Sport & Soc in America | HIS2XX | Sport & Soc in Amer |
HIS42260 | Sport & Soc in America | SPM2XX | Sport & Soc in Amer |
HIS42281 | Military History I | HIS2XX | Military History I |
HIS42282 | Military History II | HIS2XX | Military History II |
HIS42298 | Hist & Hist Methods | HIS200 | Methods/Theory Hist |
HIS42315 | Origins of Civ | HIS300 | Ancnt Hist to 476 |
HIST126 | West Civ Since 1650 | HIS102 | West in the World |
HISTORY121 | US Hist Col - 1877 | HIS111 | American Civ I |
HISTORY122 | US Hist 1877 Present | HIS112 | American Civ II |
HISTORY126 | West Civ since 1650 | HIS102 | West in the World |
HISTORY131 | Asian Civ to 1500 | HIS1XX | Asian Civ to 1500 |
HISTORY132 | Asian Civ Since 1500 | HIS1XX | Asian Civ Since 1500 El |
HISTORY146 | Muslim World Since 1400 | HIS1XX | Muslim World Since 1400 |
HISTORY224 | Immigrant Exper | HIS2XX | Immigrant Exper |
HONORS101 | Honors Humanities | HUM1XX | Honors Humanities |
HONORS211 | Honors Prins of Soc | SOC100 | Intro Sociology |
HONORS292 | Honors Cont Moral | PHL223 | Contemp Moral Prob |
HPE05112 | Varsity Athletics I | PE1XX | Varsity Athletics I |
HPE05150 | Aquatics | PE1XX | Aquatics |
HPE05155 | Swimnastics | PE1XX | Swimnastics |
HPE05226 | Jogging/Walking | PE2XX | Jogging/Walking |
HPE05230 | Wt Trng & Fitness | PE118 | Physical Fitness |
HPE05232 | Bowling | PE110 | Beginning Bowling |
HPE05234 | Golf | PE140 | Fundamentals/Golf |
HPE05236 | Volleyball | PE160 | Volleyball |
HPE05240 | Fit Slimnastics | PE2XX | Fit Slimnastics |
HPE05241 | Judo Self Defense | PE130 | Self Defense |
HPE05270 | Exercise & You | PE2XX | Exercise & You |
HPE05309 | Dec Health Beh | PE1XX | Phys Ed Elect |
HPE05309 | Dec Health Beh | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect |
IDS100 | University Seminar | FYS1XX | University Seminar |
IDS09231 | Technical Writing | WRT2XX | Technical Writing |
INSTUDY230 | Human Sexuality | PSY2XX | Human Sexuality |
INTSTUDY105 | College Success | FYS1XX | College Success |
ITL14101 | Italian I | ITL101 | Elem Italian I |
ITM175 | ITMA | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
ITM175 | ITMA | IFS100 | Info Tech Competncy |
LAW120 | Personal Law | CJA1XX | Personal Law |
LAW331 | Law & Legal Enviro | BUS260 | Legal Environment |
LAW332 | Bus & Comm La | BUS260 | Legal Environment |
LAW340 | Law & Lit | LIT3XX | Law & Lit |
MAR97310 | Marketing Prin | MKT100 | Prin Marketing |
MAS275 | Cinema Apprec | FLM216 | Intro to Film |
MASSCOMM110 | Intro to Mass Comm | CM211 | Mass Communication |
MASSCOMM275 | Cinema Appreciation | FLM216 | Intro to Film |
MAT101 | Math Thinking | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv |
MAT109 | Coll Algebra | MAT105 | College Algebra |
MAT141 | Intro to Statistics | MAT250 | Statistics |
MAT53109 | College Algebra | MAT105 | College Algebra |
MAT53110 | BasiCAlgebra | MAT102 | Prelim Math/Prob Solv |
MAT53114 | Coll Alg Bus Appl | MAT105 | College Algebra |
MAT53116 | Alg for Health Sci | MAT1XX | Alg for Health Sci |
MAT53118 | Appl Matrix Algebra | MAT2XX | Appl Matrix Algebra |
MAT53123 | Essentials Calculus | MAT120 | Applied Calculus |
MAT53125 | Analysis I | MAT171 | Calculus I |
MAT53126 | Calculus 2 | MAT172 | Calculus II |
MAT53141 | Intro to Statistics | QBA260 | Business Statistics |
MAT53141 | Intro to Statistics | BEH260 | Statistics |
MAT53141 | Intro to Statistics | MAT250 | Statistics |
MAT53185 | Discrete Mathematics | MAT235 | Discrete Mathemtcs |
MAT53201 | Theory of Arithmetic | MAT115 | Sets/Number Systems |
MAT53225 | Calculus 3 | MAT271 | Calculus III |
MATH101 | Math Thinking | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv |
MATH109 | College Algebra | MAT105 | College Algebra |
MATH113 | Precalculus | MAT108 | Precalculus |
MATH116 | Math for Health Sci | MAT1XX | Math for Health Sci |
MATH118 | Appl Matrix Algebra | MAT1XX | Appl Matrix Algebra |
MATH123 | Essentials Calculus | MAT120 | Applied Calculus |
MATH125 | Calculus I | MAT171 | Calculus I |
MATH126 | Calculus II | MAT172 | Calculus II |
MATH141 | Intro to Statistics | BEH260 | Statistics |
MATH141 | Intro to Statistics | MAT250 | Statistics |
MATH141 | Intro to Statistics | QBA260 | Business Stats I |
MATH201 | Concept Math 1 Theo | MAT2XX | Concept Math 1 Theo |
MGM244 | Prin of Mangt | MGT150 | Prin of Management |
MGM346 | Labor & Indust Relat | MGT330 | Labor Relations |
MGMT244 | Prin of Mgmt | MGT150 | Prin of Management |
MGMT345 | Human Resource Mg | MGT315 | Human Resource Dev |
MGMT448 | Supply Chain Ops | SCM300 | Operations Mgmt |
MGMT449 | Organizat Behavior | MGT225 | Org Behavior |
MGT93244 | Prin of Mgmt | MGT150 | Prin of Management |
MGT93346 | Labor and Industrial Relations | MGT330 | Labor Relations |
MGT93560 | Operation Management | MBA545 | Operations Mgmt |
MGT93566 | Organization Behav | MBA539 | Org Theory/Behavior |
MGT93582 | HR Skills Managers | MBA554 | Human Resource Mgmt |
MKTG310 | Marketing Prin & Prac | MKT100 | Prin Marketing |
MKTG340 | Advertising Managm | MKT330 | Advertising |
MSC27110 | Mass Comm & Pop Arts | CM211 | Mass Communication |
MSC27230 | Newswriting | CM271 | Print Media Writing |
MSC27251 | PR: Theory & Pract | CM2XX | PR: Theory & Pract |
MUS204 | Class Piano I | MUS140 | Class Piano |
MUS35101 | MusiCListening | MUS200 | MusiCAppreciation |
MUS35110 | Husky Singers | MUS150 | YC Chorale |
MUS35320 | Music in Elem School | MUS291 | Educ Exp In Music |
MUSIC101 | Music Listening | MUS186 | Listening to Music |
MUSIC102 | World Music | MUS281 | World Music |
MUSIC108 | Concert Choir | MUS1XX | Concert Choir |
MUSIC110 | Husky Singers | MUS1XX | Husky Singers |
MUSIC204 | Classic Piano I | MUS103 | Piano |
NATSCI498 | Intern Science & Math | NPE1XX | Intern Sci & Math |
NUR100 | Pers Hlth | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect |
NUR100 | Pers Hlth | PE1XX | Phys Ed Elect |
NUR210 | Prof Nursing | NUR2XX | Prof Nursing |
NUR214 | Health Assess | NUR2XX | Health Assess |
NUR215 | Patho Nursing Pract | NUR2XX | Patho Nursing Pract |
NUR82100 | Pers Hlth: Per Pers | PE1XX | Phys Ed Elective |
NUR82100 | Pers Hlth: Per Pers | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elective |
NUR82210 | Prof Nursing | NUR2XX | Prof Nursing |
NUR82212 | Pharmacology | NUR2XX | Pharmacology |
NUR82213 | Found Nurs Pract | NUR2XX | Found Nurs Pract |
NUR82214 | Health Assessment | NUR2XX | Health Assessment |
NUR82217 | Alcohol: Use & Abuse | BEH2XX | Alcohol: Use & Abuse |
NURSING100 | Pers Hlth: Per Pers | NUR1XX | Pers Hlth: Per Pers |
NURSING307 | Con Health Aging | GER215 | Social Aspcts/Aging |
PHIL110 | Crit Thinking | PHL222 | Critical Thinking |
PHIL111 | Intro to Philosophy | PHL221 | Intro Philosophy |
PHIL290 | Medical Ethics | PHL346 | Bioethics |
PHL28110 | Critical Thinking | PHL222 | Critical Thinking |
PHL28111 | Intro to Philosophy | PHL221 | Intro Philosophy |
PHY107 | Appl PhysiCHlth Sci | PHY1XX | Appl PhysiCHlth Sci |
PHY110 | Intro to Astronomy | ESS1XX | Earth Sci Elect No Lab |
PHY54103 | Prin Phys Sci I | PSC152 | Physical Sci I |
PHY54105 | Energy: Sourc Env Eff | PHY1XX | Physics Elect No Lab |
PHY54110 | Intro to Astron | ESS1XX | Earth Sci Elect No Lab |
PHY54111 | Intro Physics I | PHY110 | Gen Phys:Mech/Ht |
PHY54112 | Intro Physics II | PHY112 | Gen Phys:Elc/Magn |
PHY54211 | General Physics I | PHY160 | Eng Phys:Mechncs |
PHY54212 | General Physics 2 | PHY260 | Eng Phys:Elct/Magn |
PHYSICS103 | Prin Phys Sci 1 | PSC152 | Phys/Everyday Life |
PHYSICS105 | Energy: Source | PHY1XX | Physics Elective no lab |
PHYSICS110 | Intro to Astronomy | ESS1XX | Earth Sci Elective no lab |
PHYSICS111 | Intro Physics I | PHY110 | Gen Phys:Mech/Ht |
POL101 | Elem of Pol Sci | PS1XX | Elem of Pol Sci |
POL108 | Cont Pol Ideologies | PS102 | Contemp Global Iss |
POL44101 | Elements of Pol Sci | PS1XX | Elem of Pol Sci |
POL44108 | Cont Pol Ideologies | PS1XX | Cont Pol Ideologies |
POL44120 | U.S. Govt | PS141 | American Governmnt |
POLISCI101 | Elements of Pol Sci | PS1XX | Elements of Pol Sci |
POLISCI108 | Cont Pol Ideologies | PS1XX | Cont Pol Ideologies |
POLISCI120 | US Government | PS101 | Amer Gov/Citizenship |
POLISCI280 | Intro to Intl Rel | PS302 | International Rel |
PROFSTUD591 | Research in Educ | MED501 | Intro Ed Research |
PROFSTUD591 | Research in Educ | MED501 | Intro Ed Research |
PSY101 | Gen Psychology | PSY100 | General Psychology |
PSY131 | Psy of Adjustment | PSY1XX | Psy of Adjustment |
PSY160 | BasiCStats | MAT250 | Statistics |
PSY210 | Life Span Psych | PSY2XX | Life Span Psych |
PSY210 | Life Span Psych | NUR201 | Nursing HD/HC |
PSY211 | Early Child Dev | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop |
PSY253 | SoCPsych | PSY243 | Social Psychology |
PSY281 | Exper Psy: Method | PSY2XX | Exper Psy: Method |
PSY406 | Psych Sem | PSY4XX | Psych Sem |
PSY48101 | General Psychology | PSY100 | General Psychology |
PSY48131 | Psy of Adjustment | PSY1XX | Psy of Adjustment |
PSY48160 | BasiCStatistics | QBA260 | Business Statistics |
PSY48160 | BasiCStatistics | BEH260 | Statistics |
PSY48160 | BasiCStatistics | MAT250 | Statistics |
PSY48210 | Life Span Psychology | PSY2XX | Psychology Elective |
PSY48210 | Life Span Psychology | NUR201 | Nursing HD/HC |
PSY48211 | Child Psychology | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop |
PSYCH101 | General Psychology | PSY100 | General Psychology |
PSYCH131 | Psy of Adjustment | PSY1XX | Psy of Adjustment |
PSYCH160 | Basic Statistics | MAT250 | Statistics |
PSYCH160 | Basic Statistics | BEH260 | Statistics |
PSYCH160 | Basic Statistics | QBA260 | Data Driven Dec Making |
PSYCH210 | Life Span Psych | NUR201 | Nursing HD/HC |
PSYCH210 | Life Span Psych | PSY2XX | Life Span Psych |
PSYCH211 | Early Child Dev | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop |
PSYCH476 | Prin Behavior Modif | PSY4XX | Prin Behavior Mod |
RUS13101 | Russian I | RUS101 | Elem Russian I |
RUSSIAN101 | Russian I | RUS101 | Elem Russian I |
SAU72152 | Intro to Comm Dis | CM1XX | Intro to Comm Dis |
SAU72220 | Phonetics | CM2XX | Phonetics |
SOC133 | Intro Soc Work | SOC1XX | Intro Soc Work |
SOC211 | Prin Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology |
SOC213 | Cont Social Probs | SOC220 | Am Social Problems |
SOC215 | Racial & Ethnic Min | SOC2XX | Racial & Ethnic Min |
SOC231 | Marriage & Family | SOC225 | The Family |
SOC45133 | Intro Soc Work & Wel | SOC1XX | Intro Soc Work & Wel |
SOC45211 | Prin Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology |
SOC45231 | Marriage & Family | SOC225 | The Family |
SOC45331 | Marriage & Family | SOC225 | The Family |
SPA101 | Spanish I | SPN101 | Elem Spanish I |
SPA203 | Spanish III | SPN201 | Inter Spanish I |
SPA12101 | Spanish I | SPN101 | Elem Spanish I |
SPA12203 | Spanish 3 | SPN201 | Inter Spanish I |
SPA12204 | Spanish 4 | SPN202 | Inter Spanish II |
SPA12205 | Phon Theory & Pract | SPN2XX | Phon Theory & Pract |
SPA12206 | Struct Span Lang | SPN2XX | Struct Span Lang |
SPA12207 | Conv: Hisp Daily Life | SPN2XX | Conv: Hisp Daily Life |
SPA12208 | Conv for Health Prof | SPN107 | Spanish/Health Fld |
SPA12211 | Spanish Cult & Civ | SPN304 | Spanish Civilizatn |
SPA12212 | Span Am Cult & Civ | SPN308 | Span Amer Cult/Civ |
SPA12214 | Hispan World Today | SPN2XX | Hispan World Today |
SPA12306 | Struct & Comp | SPN3XX | Struct & Comp |
SPA12402 | Conv: Iss Sp Media | SPN4XX | Conv: Iss Sp Media |
SPANISH101 | Spanish I | SPN101 | Elem Spanish I |
SPANISH102 | Spanish 2 | SPN102 | Elem Spanish II |
SPANISH203 | Spanish 3 | SPN201 | Inter Spanish I |
SPANISH204 | Spanish 4 | SPN202 | Inter Spanish II |
SPANISH206 | Struct Span Lang | SPN2XX | Struct Span Lang |
SPE101 | Intro Indiv w/Except | SPE1XX | Indiv w/Except |
SPE70101 | Intro Excep Individ | SPE1XX | Intro Excep Individ |
SPE70250 | Behavior Int Support | SPE2XX | Behavior Int Support |
SPECED101 | Intro Indiv w/ Exception | SPE2XX | Intro Indiv w/ Exception |
SWK49133 | Intro Soc Work | SOC1XX | Intro Soc Work |
SWK49221 | Hum Beh in Soc | SOC2XX | Hum Beh in Soc |
SWK49297 | Intro Pract Exp Swk | SOC2XX | Intro Pract Exp Swk |
SWK49450 | SoCWork Prac: Sm Grp | SOC4XX | SoCWork Prac: Sm Grp |
THE103 | Theatre Appreciation | THE154 | Introduction to Theatre |
THE209 | Theatre Appr | THE254 | Intro Theatre |
THE26112 | Fund of Acting | THE262 | Acting |
THE26209 | Theatre Appreciation | THE254 | Intro Theatre |
THEATRE101 | Career Sem | THE1XX | Career Sem |
THEATRE102 | Intro to Theatre | THE154 | Introduction to Theatre |
THEATRE103 | Theatre Appreciation | THE254 | Intro Theatre |
THEATRE108 | Theatre Practicum | THE1XX | Theatre Prac |
THEATRE112 | Fund of Acting | THE262 | Acting |
THEATRE200 | Voice & Movement | THE2XX | Voice & Movement |
THEATRE202 | Script Analysis | THE2XX | Script Analysis |
THEATRE270 | Theatre Design | THE320 | Scene Design |
Borough of Manhattan Community College | York College of Pennsylvania | ||
ACC122 | Acct Prin I | ACC1XX | Acct Prin I |
ACC222 | Acct Prin II | ACC220 | Financial Acct |
ACC321 | Acc Appl on Micro | ACC3XX | Acc Appl on Micro |
ACC330 | Intermed Acct I | ACC320 | Inter Accounting I |
ACC340 | Taxation | ACC305 | Taxation I |
ACC350 | Cost Acct I | ACC3XX | Cost Acct I |
ACC360 | Gov Notprofit Acct | ACC3XX | Gov Notprofit Acct |
ACC430 | Intermed Acct II | ACC325 | Inter Accounting II |
ACC451 | Cost Acct II | ACC225 | Managerial Acct |
ACC451 | Cost Acct II | ACC4XX | Cost Acct II |
AFN122 | Africa 1500 to Present | HIS141 | History Africa II |
ART110 | Art Survey I | ART204 | Survey West Art I |
ART166 | Drawing Studio I | ART110 | Concepts of Design |
ART171 | Intro to Painting | ART114 | Concepts/Painting |
ART230 | Design I | ART210 | Design I |
ART234 | Photography I | ART245 | Photography I |
ART301 | Drawing I | ART215 | Drawing I |
BIO110 | General Biology | BIO204 | Exploring Biology |
BIO110 | General Biology | BIO110 | General Biology |
BIO420 | Microbiology | BIO230 | Microbiology |
BIO425 | Anat & Phys I | BIO220 | Human A/P I |
BIO426 | Anat & Phys II | BIO222 | Human A/P II |
BLK121 | African Civ | HIS140 | History of Africa I |
BUS104 | Intro to Business | BUS150 | Intro to Business |
BUS110 | Business Law | BUS260 | Legal Environment |
BUS110 | Business Law | BUS260 | Legal Environment |
BUS150 | Bus Communications | WRT210 | Writng/Prof Culturs |
BUS200 | Bus Org & Mgt | MGT150 | Prin of Management |
BUS210 | Business Methods | BUS2XX | Business Methods |
BUS311 | Human Resource Mang | MGT220 | Human Resource Mgt |
CHE110 | Gen Chemistry | CHM102 | Chem/Society |
CHE121 | Gen Org Bio Chem I | CHM122 | Prin Gen/Org Chem |
CIS100 | Comp Appl | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
CSC110 | Comp Programming I | IFS200 | Intro Prog/Sftwr I |
CSC210 | Comp Prog II | IFS201 | Intro Prg/Sftwr II |
CSC230 | Discrete Structures | IFS2XX | Discrete Structures |
ECE102 | Intro to Chldhd Edu | EDU1XX | Intro to Chldhd Edu |
ECE201 | Exceptional Child | EDU2XX | Exceptional Child |
ECE202 | Curr Young Child I | EDU2XX | Curr Young Child I |
ECE301 | ECE Practicum I | EDU3XX | ECE Pract I |
ECE302 | Curr Young Child 2 | EDU3XX | Curr Young Child 2 |
ECE401 | ECE Practicum II | EDU4XX | ECE Practicum II |
ECO201 | Macroeconomics | ECO200 | Prin Econ-Macro |
ENG101 | English I | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm |
ENG201 | English II | LIT200 | Perspectives/Lit |
ENG392 | World Lit II | LIT286 | Eur Lit Since 1600 |
FNB100 | Intro to Finance | FIN1XX | Intro to Finance |
HED100 | Health Education | PAW234 | Well/Fitness/Life |
HIS101 | WCAnc to Early Mod | H219 | Hist Western Civ I |
HUM101 | Intro Hum Ser & Soc Wk | HUM1XX | Intro Hum Ser & Soc Wk |
HUM201 | Hum Service Skills | BEH2XX | Hum Service Skills |
HUM213 | Child Welfare | BEH2XX | Child Welfare |
HUM301 | Fld Exp Hum Ser I | BEH3XX | Fld Exp Hum Ser I |
HUM401 | Fld Exp Hum Ser II | BEH4XX | Fld Exp Hum Ser II |
ITL101 | Italian I | ITL101 | Elem Italian I |
ITL102 | Italian II | ITL102 | Elem Italian II |
LAT131 | Hist Domin Rep | H1XX | Hist Domin Rep |
MAR100 | Intro to Marketing | MKT100 | Prin Marketing |
MAT100 | Fund of Math I | MAT1XX | Fund of Math I |
MAT104 | Math for Health Sci | MAT1XX | Math for Health Sci |
MAT150 | Intro Statistics | MAT250 | Statistics |
MAT150 | Intro Statistics | QBA260 | Business Statistics |
MAT150 | Intro Statistics | BEH260 | Statistics |
MAT200 | Intro Disc Math | MAT235 | Discrete Mathemtcs |
MAT206 | Math Found for Calc | MAT108 | Precalculus |
MAT301 | Anal Geom Cal I | MAT171 | Calculus I |
MMP100 | Intro to Multimedia | CM211 | Mass Communication |
PED115 | Tennis | PE159 | Tennis |
PHI100 | Intro to Philosophy | PHL221 | Intro Philosophy |
PHY110 | Gen Physics | PHY1XX | Gen Physics |
POL100 | American Government | PS141 | American Governmnt |
PSY100 | General Psychology | PSY100 | General Psychology |
PSY250 | Child Psychology | PSY2XX | Child Psychology |
PSY400 | Developmental Psy | PSY4XX | Developmental Psy |
SBE100 | Prod & Ser Creation | ENT150 | Intro Entrepreneur |
SOC100 | Intro to Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology |
SPE100 | Fund of Speech | CM104 | Human Communicatn |
SPE100 | Fund of Speech | CM212 | Public Speaking |
SPN101 | Spanish I | SPN101 | Elem Spanish I |
SPN102 | Spanish II | SPN102 | Elem Spanish II |
SPN103 | Elem Spn - Spn Speakers | SPN102 | Elem Spanish II |
SPN210 | Spanish IV | SPN202 | Inter Spanish II |
SPN440 | 20th Cent Span Lit | SPN435 | Special Topics |
VAT100 | Intro Video Tech | CM1XX | Intro Video Tech |
VAT151 | Script to Screen | CM1XX | Script to Screen |
VAT152 | Intro Media Appl | CM1XX | Intro Media Appl |
VAT171 | Remt Prod/Vid Edi I | CM242 | Video Prodctn I |
Brookdale Community College | York College of Pennsylvania | ||
ACCT101 | Prin of Accounting I | ACC1XX | Prin of Accounting I |
ACCT102 | Prin of Account II | ACC220 | Financial Acct |
AMSL101 | American Sign Language I | CM150 | Beg Sign Language |
ANTH105 | Cultural Anthropology | ANT220 | Cult Anthropology |
ARTC141 | Digital Paint I | ART1XX | Digital Paint I |
ARTH105 | Art Appreciation | ART101 | Intro Art Apprec |
ARTH107 | Art: Renaissance/Contemporary | ART205 | Survey West Art II |
ARTS111 | Drawing I | ART215 | Drawing I |
ARTS121 | 2-D Design | ART210 | Design I |
ARTS122 | Color Theory | ART1XX | Color Theory |
ARTS151 | Ceramics I | ART225 | Ceramics I |
ARTS161 | Jewelry I | ART1XX | Jewelry I |
BIO107 | Human Biology | BIO1XX | Biology Elective No Lab |
BIO207 | Marine Biology | BIO210 | Marine Biology |
BIOL101 | General Biology I | BIO150 | Biology I |
BIOL102 | General Biology II | BIO152 | Biology II |
BIOL105 | Life Sciences | BIO204 | Exploring Biology |
BIOL107 | Human Biology | BIO1XX | Biology Elective No Lab |
BIOL108 | Human Biology | BIO112 | Essentials of A & P |
BIOL111 | Anatomy & Physiology I | BIO220 | Human A/P I |
BIOL112 | Anatomy & Physiology II | BIO222 | Human A/P II |
BIOL207 | Marine Biology | BIO210 | Marine Biology |
BIOL213 | Microbiology | BIO230 | Microbiology |
BUSI105 | Intro to Business | BUS150 | Intro to Business |
BUSI205 | Principles of Management | MGT150 | Prin of Management |
BUSI221 | Bus Law I | BUS260 | Legal Environment |
CADD121 | Engr Graphics with CAD | EGR1XX | Engr Graphics with CAD |
CHEM100 | Prin of Chemistry | CHM1XX | Prin of Chemistry |
CHEM101 | General Chemistry I | CHM134 | Gen Chem I |
CHEM102 | General Chemistry II | CHM136 | Gen Chem II |
CHEM116 | Chem in Life | CHM202 | Chem/Society |
CHEM116 | Chemistry in Life | CHM102 | Chem/Society |
CHEM125 | Intro Inorganic Chem | CHM1XX | Intro Inorganic Chem |
CHEM136 | Inorg, Org, Biochem | CHM122 | Prin Gen/Org Chem |
CHM136 | Intro Inorganic, Organic Bio | CHM122 | Prin Gen/Org Chem |
CINE105 | Film Appr | FLM216 | Intro to Film |
COMM101 | Communication | CM104 | Human Communicatn |
COMM102 | Comm Media | CM211 | Mass Communication |
COMM106 | Intro Pub Relations | CM221 | Public Relations |
COMM115 | Audio in Media | CM226 | Audio Productn |
COMM125 | Sports Broadcasting | CM1XX | Sports Broadcasting |
COMP116 | Intro Digital Programming | IFS1XX | Intro Digital Programming |
COMP126 | Computer Fund | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
COMP128 | BASICProg | IFS1XX | BASICProg |
COMP129 | Computer Literacy | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
COMP131 | Programming Using Cobol | IFS250 | Bus Data Processing |
COMP135 | Programming Using Bal | IFS1XX | Programming Using Bal |
COMP225 | Operating Syst Tech | IFS2XX | Operating Syst Tech |
COMP226 | System Design & Mis | CS2XX | System Design & Mis |
CRJU101 | Intro to Criminal Justice | CCJ101 | Intro Crim Justice |
CRJU125 | Police Role in Community | CCJ1XX | Police Role in Community |
CRJU126 | Intro Public Admin | CCJ1XX | Intro Public Admin |
CRJU127 | Intro to Corrections | CCJ1XX | Intro to Corrections |
CRJU151 | Intro to Criminology | CCJ1XX | Intro to Criminology |
CRJU202 | Criminal Investigation | CCJ2XX | Criminal Investigation |
CRJU204 | Forensic Investigation | CCJ2XX | Forensic Investigation |
CRJU205 | Comm Corrections | CCJ2XX | Comm Corrections |
CRJU226 | Criminal Law | CCJ2XX | Criminal Law |
CRJU229 | Criminal Due Process | CCJ2XX | Criminal Due Process |
CRJU236 | Counter Terrorism | CCJ2XX | Counter Terrorism |
CRJU237 | Homeland Security | CCJ2XX | Homeland Security |
CRJU245 | Del & Juv Justice | CCJ110 | Juvenile Delinquncy |
DANC141 | Contemp Jazz I | PE1XX | Contemp Jazz I |
DGMD101 | Intro to Digital Media | CM1XX | Intro to Digital Media |
DIGM115 | Storyboard & Editing | CM1XX | Storyboard & Editing |
ECON105 | Macro Economics | ECO200 | Prin Econ-Macro |
ECON106 | Micro Economics | ECO201 | Prin Econ-Micro |
ECON225 | Business Statistics | QBA260 | Business Statistics |
EDEC105 | Early Elem Foundations | EDU1XX | Early Elem Foundations |
EDUC105 | Intro to Education | EDU1XX | Intro to Education |
EDUC217 | Intro Except Child | SPE2XX | Intro Except Child |
ENG235 | World Literature I | LIT2XX | World Literature I |
ENGI105 | Intro to Engineering | EGR1XX | Intro to Engineering |
ENGL121 | Eng Comp: Writing Proc | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm |
ENGL122 | Engl Comp: Writing & Research | WRT1XX | Engl Comp: Writing & Research |
ENGL125 | Writing to Inform | WRT102 | Analytical Read/Writ |
ENGL127 | Business Writing | FCO210 | Comm Prof Cultures |
ENGL155 | The Short Story | LIT291 | Short Story |
ENGL158 | Introduction to Literature | LIT200 | Perspectives/Lit |
ENGL221 | Creative Writing | WRT272 | Intro Creative Wrt |
ENGL228 | Screenwriting Basics Wksp | WRT377 | Screenwriting |
ENGL235 | World Literature I | LIT2XX | World Literature I |
ENGL236 | World Lit II | LIT2XX | World Lit II |
ENGL245 | Amer Lit I | LIT281 | Amer Lit to 1885 |
ENGL246 | Amer Lit II | LIT282 | Amer Lit after 1885 |
ENGL265 | Children's Lit | LIT2XX | Children's Lit |
ENGL266 | Young Adult Lit | LIT2XX | Young Adult Lit |
ENVR105 | Environmental Studies | BIO1XX | Biology Elective No Lab |
ENVR107 | Envir Science | BIO213 | Environ Bio Lab |
ENVR107 | Envir Science | BIO212 | Environmntl Bio |
ENVR111 | Oceanography | BIO124 | Oceanography |
ENVR125 | Meteorology | ESS1XX | Earth Sci Elect No Lab |
FASH121 | Fashion Merchandising | ART1XX | Fashion Merchandising |
FASH131 | Sewing Techniques I | ART1XX | Sewing Techniques |
FITN105 | Personal Fitness | PE134 | Concpts Phys Actvty |
FITN106 | Fitness Workouts | PE119 | Physical Fitness |
FITN106 | Fitness Workouts | PE118 | Physical Fitness |
FITN117 | Hlth, Exer & Weight Mgt | PE1XX | Physical Ed Elect |
FITN117 | Hlth, Exer & Weight Mgt | NPE1XX | Non Program Elect |
FITN141 | Tennis I | PE159 | Tennis |
FITN161 | Yoga I | PE163 | Intro to Yoga |
FITN167 | Weight Training | PE119 | Physical Fitness |
FITN167 | Weight Training | PE118 | Physical Fitness |
FITN295 | Sp Proj Phys Ed | PE2XX | Sp Proj Phys Ed |
GRPH101 | Typography I | ART218 | Typography I |
GRPH102 | Typography II | ART219 | Typography II |
GRPH115 | Illustration | ART223 | Illustration I |
GRPH120 | Design for Digital Media | ART206 | Elements Comp Graph |
GRPH204 | Graphic Design Production | ART290 | Print Production |
GRPH216 | Graphic Design Techniques | ART200 | Intro Graphic Design |
GRPH220 | Graphic Design Portfolio | ART299 | Soph Portfolio GD |
HESC105 | Med Terminology | BIO201 | Medical Terminology |
HESC105 | Med Terminology | RT105 | Medical Terminology |
HESC115 | Nutrition & Health | NUR202 | Nutrition |
HGEO105 | Human Geog | G243 | Intro Geography |
HIST105 | World Civ I | HIS121 | World History I |
HIST106 | World Civ II | HIS122 | World History II |
HIST107 | Contemp World History | HIS1XX | Contemp World History |
HIST135 | Amer Civ I | HIS111 | American Civ I |
HIST136 | Amer Civ II | HIS112 | American Civ II |
HIST137 | Recent Amer History | HIS367 | Recent Amer/1945-Prs |
HIST138 | 1960's: Pop Mus & Cntrcult | HIS1XX | 1960's: Pop Mus & Cntrcult |
HIST145 | Afr-Amer History I | HIS1XX | Afr-Amer History I |
HIST146 | Afr-Amer History II | HIS1XX | Afr-Amer History II |
HIST202 | Hist of New Jersey | HIS2XX | Hist of New Jersey |
HIST237 | Am Civil War | HIS364 | Civil War & Reconstruction |
ITAL101 | Elementary Italian I | ITL101 | Elem Italian I |
ITAL102 | Elem Italian II | ITL102 | Elem Italian II |
JOUR101 | Intro to Journalism | CM271 | Print Media Writing |
MATH118 | Elementary Algebra | MAT102 | Prelim Math/Prob Solv |
MATH131 | Statistics | MAT250 | Statistics |
MATH131 | Statistics | BEH260 | Statistics |
MATH131 | Statistics | QBA260 | Business Statistics |
MATH136 | Math for the Liberal Arts | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv |
MATH145 | Algebraic Modeling | MAT105 | College Algebra |
MATH151 | Intermediate Algebra | MAT105 | College Algebra |
MATH152 | Trigonometry | MAT108 | Precalculus |
MATH152 | Trigonometry | MAT1XX | Trigonometry |
MATH153 | Pre-Calculus Math | MAT108 | Precalculus |
MATH156 | Math for Management/Soc Sci | MAT1XX | Math for Mgmt/Soc Sci |
MATH156 | Math for Management/Soc Sci | MAT105 | College Algebra |
MATH171 | Calculus I | MAT171 | Calculus I |
MATH172 | Calculus II | MAT172 | Calculus II |
MATH176 | Calc with Bus Appl | MAT120 | Applied Calculus |
MATH226 | Discrete Math | MAT235 | Discrete Mathemtcs |
MATH273 | Calculus III | MAT271 | Calculus III |
MRKT101 | Intro to Marketing | MKT100 | Prin Marketing |
MRKT105 | Advertising | MKT1XX | Advertising |
MTH151 | Intermediate Algebra | MAT105 | College Algebra |
MUPF111 | Voice I | MUS101 | Voice |
MUPF121 | Jazz Studio Ensemble I | MUS162 | Jazz Ensemble |
MUPF122 | Jazz Studio Ens II | MUS163 | Jazz Ensemble |
MUSI101 | Fund of Music | MUS181 | Found Music Theory |
MUSI115 | Music Appr | MUS200 | Music Appreciation |
MUSI116 | Hist of Jazz | MUS286 | Jazz History |
OCNG111 | Oceanography | BIO124 | Oceanography |
PHIL115 | Intro to Philosophy | PHL221 | Intro Philosophy |
PHIL225 | Comp Religion | REL265 | World Religions |
PHIL227 | Intro to Ethics | PHL2XX | Intro to Ethics |
PHTY105 | Photo As an Art Form | ART1XX | Photograph As Art Form |
PHTY111 | Photography I | ART245 | Photography I |
PHTY120 | Digital Photography | ART1XX | Digital Photography |
PHY111 | General Physics I | PHY110 | Gen Phys:Mech/Ht |
PHY112 | General Physics II | PHY112 | Gen Phys:Elc/Magn |
PHY121 | General Physics I | PHY160 | Eng Phys:Mechncs |
PHYS105 | Prin of Physics | PHY110 | Gen Phys:Mech/Ht |
PHYS106 | Astronomy | ESS1XX | Earth Sci Elective No Lab |
PHYS108 | Physics in Life | PSC152 | Physical Sci I |
PHYS111 | General Physics I | PHY110 | Gen Phys:Mech/Ht |
PHYS112 | General Physics II | PHY112 | Gen Phys:Elc/Magn |
PHYS121 | General Physics I | PHY160 | Eng Phys:Mechncs |
PHYS122 | General Physics II | PHY162 | Eng Phys:Ht/Thermo |
POLI101 | Intro to Poli Science | PS110 | Intro Poli Science |
POLI105 | American National Govt | PS141 | American Governmnt |
POLI115 | State and Local Govt | PS1XX | State and Local Govt |
POLI125 | Intro World Pol | PS1XX | Intro World Pol |
PSYC105 | Intro to Psychology I | PSY1XX | Intro to Psychology I |
PSYC105 | Intro to Psychology I | PSY100 | General Psychology |
PSYC106 | Intro to Psych II | PSY100 | General Psychology |
PSYC206 | Human Growth & Dev I | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop |
PSYC208 | Life Span Dev | PSY2XX | Life Span Dev |
PSYC208 | Life Span Dev | NUR201 | Nursing HD/HC |
PSYC212 | Comm Agencies & Hum Serv | HSV2XX | Comm Agencies & Hum Srv |
PSYC218 | Ed Psychology | EDU370 | Psych of Learning |
PSYC218 | Ed Psychology | EDU375 | Psy Learning/Second |
RDIO101 | Intro to Radio | CM1XX | Intro to Radio |
SOCI101 | Principles of Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology |
SOCI105 | Intercultural Comm | SOC1XX | Intercultural Comm |
SOCI202 | Analysis of Social Problems | SOC220 | Am Social Problems |
SOCI226 | Drugs & Amer Soc | SOC210 | Drug/Alcohol Addctn |
SOCI235 | Soc of Sport | SOC2XX | Soc of Sport |
SPAN101 | Elem Spanish Comm I | SPN101 | Elem Spanish I |
SPAN102 | Elem Spanish Comm II | SPN102 | Elem Spanish II |
SPAN204 | Intermediate Spanish II | SPN202 | Inter Spanish II |
SPCH115 | Public Speaking | CM104 | Human Communicatn |
SPCH115 | Public Speaking | CM212 | Public Speaking |
SPCH130 | Interpers Comm | CM104 | Human Communicatn |
TELV115 | Aesthetics & Analysis | CM1XX | Aesthetics & Analysis |
TELV121 | TV Prod | CM242 | Video Prodctn I |
TELV122 | Digital Video Production | CM341 | Video Production II |
THTR105 | Theater Appr | THE154 | Introduction to Theatre |
THTR111 | Acting I | THE262 | Acting |
THTR112 | Acting II | THE355 | Advanced Acting |
THTR135 | Musical Theater | THE1XX | Musical Theater |
Bucks County Community College | York College of Pennsylvania | ||
ACCT100 | Principles of Accounting I | ACC1XX | Principles of Accounting I |
ACCT103 | Intro Accounting | ACC1XX | Intro Accounting |
ACCT105 | Financial Accounting | ACC220 | Financial Acct |
ACCT106 | Mang Accounting | ACC225 | Managerial Acct |
AMSL110 | Amer Sign Lang I | CM150 | Beg Sign Language |
AMSL111 | American Sign Lang II | CM250 | Adv Sign Language |
ARTF100 | Drawing/Principles | ART215 | Drawing I |
ARTF191 | Art History Before 1450 | ART204 | Survey West Art I |
ARTF192 | Art History After 1450 | ART205 | Survey West Art II |
ARTF193 | History of Modern Art | ART1XX | History of Modern Art |
ARTG101 | Intro Desktop Publishing | ART1XX | Intro Desktop Publishing |
ARTS110 | Art and the Creative Process | ART1XX | Art and the Creative Process |
ARTS151 | Basic Photography | ART245 | Photography I |
ARTS181 | Ceramics I | ART225 | Ceramics I |
ARTS182 | Ceramics II | ART275 | Ceramics II |
BIOL101 | Biological Science I | BIO150 | Biology I |
BIOL102 | Biol Science II | BIO152 | Biology II |
BIOL115 | Basic Human Anatomy | BIO112 | Essentials of A & P |
BIOL115 | Basic Human Anatomy | BIO112 | Essentials of A & P |
BIOL121 | Bio Prin I | BIO150 | Biology I |
BIOL122 | Bio Prin II | BIO152 | Biology II |
BIOL181 | Human Anat & Phys I | BIO220 | Human A/P I |
BIOL181 | Human Anat & Phys I | BIO221 | Human A/P I Lab |
BIOL182 | Human Anat & Phys II | BIO222 | Human A/P II |
BIOL182 | Human Anat & Phys II | BIO223 | Hum A/P II Lab |
BIOL228 | Microbiology | BIO230 | Microbiology |
BIOT125 | Biotech Meth & Tech | BIO1XX | Biotech Meth & Tech |
CHEM100 | Prep Chemistry | CHM104 | Found of Chem |
CHEM101 | Chemistry | CHM123 | Gen/Org Chem Lab |
CHEM101 | Chemistry | CHM122 | Prin Gen/Org Chem |
CHEM102 | Chemistry B | CHM134 | Gen Chem I |
CHEM102 | Chemistry B | CHM135 | Gen Chem I Lab |
CHEM121 | Chemistry I | CHM134 | Gen Chem I |
CHEM122 | Chemistry II | CHM136 | Gen Chem II |
CHEM221 | Organic Chem I | CHM234 | Organic Chem I |
CHEM222 | Organic Chem II | CHM236 | Organic Chem II |
CISC100 | Digital Literacy | IFS100 | Info Tech Competncy |
CISC100 | Digital Literacy | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
CISC110 | Intro to Info Systems | IFS100 | Info Tech Competncy |
CISC110 | Intro to Info Systems | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
CISC115 | Computer Science I | CS1XX | Computer Science I |
CISC127 | Spreadsheet Conc | IFS1XX | Spreadsheet Conc |
CISC128 | Comparative Operating Systems | CS1XX | Comparative Operating Systems |
CISC143 | Essentials of Networking | CS1XX | Essentials of Networking |
CISC213 | Computer Sci I | CS2XX | Comp Sci III |
CISG102 | Intro Game Des/Sim | CS1XX | Intro Game Des/Sim |
COLL101 | College Success Seminar | FYS1XX | College Success Seminar |
COMC142 | Art of Theatrical Cin | FLM216 | Intro to Film |
COMC145 | Film Prod I | CM1XX | Film Prod I |
COMG105 | Interpers Comm | CM104 | Human Communicatn |
COMG105 | Interpers Comm | CM1XX | Interpers Comm |
COMG110 | Effective Speaking | CM212 | Public Speaking |
COMG110 | Effective Speaking | CM104 | Human Communicatn |
COMG111 | Media & Society | CM211 | Mass Communication |
COMM105 | Interpers Comm | CM1XX | Interpers Comm |
COMM110 | Effective Speaking | CM212 | Public Speaking |
COMM111 | Media and Society | CM211 | Mass Communication |
COMP107 | Intro to Rhet Skills | WRT1XX | Intro to Rhet Skills |
COMP110 | Eng Comp I | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm |
COMP111 | English Comp II | WRT1XX | English Comp II |
COMP111 | Engl Composition II | WRT1XX | Engl Composition II |
COMP114 | Tech Writing | FCO215 | Tech/Scientfc Comm |
COMP115 | Creative Writing | CRW272 | Intro Creative Wrt |
COMP116 | Creative Writing II | CRW1XX | Creative Writing II |
COMT101 | Intro to Theatre | THE154 | Introduction to Theatre |
COMT103 | Intro to Acting | THE215 | Acting |
COMV130 | Media Scriptwriting | CM1XX | Media Scriptwriting |
COMV135 | TV Studio Prod I | CM242 | Video Prodctn I |
CRIJ100 | Intro to Adm Crim Just | CJA101 | Intro Crim Justice |
CRIJ110 | Intro to Crim Law | CJA302 | Criminal Law |
CRIJ120 | Criminal Evidence | CJA1XX | Criminal Evidence |
CRIJ130 | Crim Invest/Forensics | CJA1XX | Crim Invest/Forensics |
CRIJ140 | Criminal Procedure | CJA1XX | Criminal Procedure |
CRIJ160 | Juvenile Delinquency | CJA110 | Juvenile Delinquncy |
CRIJ250 | Police Org & Admin | CJA2XX | Police Org & Admin |
CRIJ260 | Probation & Parole | CJA2XX | Probation & Parole |
CRIJ275 | Intro to Corr Admin | CJA2XX | Intro to Corr Admin |
CRIJ280 | Co-Op Ed: Crim Jus | CJA2XX | Co-Op Ed: Crim Jus |
CULN130 | Baking and Decorating | HSP1XX | Baking and Decorating |
ECON111 | Prin of Econ: Macro | ECO200 | Prin Econ-Macro |
ECON112 | Prin of Econ: Micro | ECO201 | Prin Econ-Micro |
EDUC100 | Foundations of Education | EDU1XX | Found of Education |
EDUC160 | Childhood Excep | EDU1XX | Childhood Excep |
GEOG105 | Geography of US/Canada | G1XX | Geography of US/Canada |
GRMN110 | Elementary German I | GRM101 | Elem German I |
GRMN111 | Elementary German II | GRM102 | Elem German II |
HIST111 | Hist of West Civ I | HIS101 | Western Civ I |
HIST112 | Hist of West Civ II | HIS102 | Western Civ II |
HIST126 | Medieval West World | HIS301 | Medieval Civ |
HIST138 | Hist of World War I | HIS1XX | Hist of World War I |
HIST139 | World War II | HIS1XX | World War II |
HIST151 | US History I | HIS111 | American Civ I |
HIST152 | US History II | HIS112 | American Civ II |
HIST152 | US History Modern Am | HIS112 | American Civ II |
HIST170 | U.S. Hist I: Colonial | HIS350 | Amer Colonial Hist |
HIST172 | U.S. Hist III: 20th Cent | HIS367 | Recent Amer/1945-Prs |
HIST202 | Hist Preserv | HIS2XX | Hist Preserv |
HIST239 | Amer Pop Culture: Hist of Rock | HIS1XX | Amer Pop Culture: Hist of Rock |
HITT297 | Medical Coding | HSC2XX | Medical Coding |
HLTH103 | Life and Health | PAW1XX | Life and Health |
HLTH110 | Respond to Emergencies | SPM205 | Responding/Emerg |
HLTH120 | Nutrition | NUR202 | Nutrition |
HLTH130 | Prin & Appl Diet & Fit | PE1XX | Phys Ed Elect |
HLTH130 | Prin & Appl Diet & Fit | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect |
HLTH140 | Cardiopulmonary Res | EDU305 | Responding/Emerg |
HLTH140 | CPR | ||
HOSP100 | Intro Hospitality Mgmt | HSP101 | Intro Hosp & Tourism Mgt |
HOSP105 | Safety and Sant | HSP270 | Food Source/Select |
HOSP110 | Hosp and Fin Mgmt | HSP210 | Managerial Acct/Hsp |
HOSP111 | Conf & Meeting Planning | HSP1XX | Conf & Meeting Planning |
HOSP200 | Hotel/Lod Operations Mgmt | HSP470 | Lodging Mgmt |
HOSP210 | Hospitality Internship | HSP1XX | Hospitality Internship |
HRIM100 | Intro:Tourism/Hospit Mg | HSP100 | Intro Hospitality |
HRIM105 | Sanitation/Safety | HSP1XX | Sanitation/Safety |
HRIM110 | Fin Mgt in Hosp | HSP340 | Hospitality Finance |
HRIM137 | Wedding Cake Assembly | HSP1XX | Wedding Cake Assembly |
HRIM200 | Hotel/Lodging Operations | HSP2XX | Hotel/Lodging Oper |
HRIM210 | HMRI Internship | HSP2XX | HMRI Internship |
HRIM220 | H/M/R/I Seminar | HSP2XX | H/M/R/I Seminar |
HRIM280 | Co-Op Education HRIM | HSP2XX | Co-Op Edu HRIM |
HUMN111 | Humanities I | HUM1XX | Humanities I |
HUMN112 | Humanities II | HUM1XX | Humanities II |
HUMN114 | Humanities IV | HUM1XX | Humanities IV |
HUMN120 | Survey: World Religions | REL265 | World Religions |
HUMN126 | Sci & Religion | HUM1XX | Sci & Religion |
INTG285 | Art of Sci & Nature | BEH2XX | Art of Sci & Nature |
INTG285 | Social Media | CM2XX | Social Media |
INTG294 | Creativity | HUM2XX | Creativity |
ITAL110 | Elementary Italian I | ITL101 | Elem Italian I |
KINS130 | Yoga | PE163 | Intro to Yoga |
KINS178 | Basketball & Baseball | PAW1XX | Basketball & Baseball |
KINS180 | Founds of Phys Ed | SPM1XX | Founds of Phys Ed |
LITR205 | Eng Lit to 19th Cent | LIT283 | British Lit to 1750 |
LITR206 | Eng Lit 19th & 20th Cent | LIT284 | Brt Lit after 1750 |
LITR231 | Amer Lit to 1865 | LIT281 | Amer Lit to 1885 |
LITR232 | American Lit from 1865 | LIT281 | Amer Lit/Identity I |
LITR246 | Children's Literature | LIT2XX | Children's Literature |
LITR254 | World Lit I | LIT2XX | World Lit I |
LITR277 | Intro to Short Fiction | LIT2XX | Intro to Short Fiction |
MATH101 | Math Concepts I | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv |
MATH102 | Math for Educ I | MAT115 | Math Foundations |
MATH103 | Intermediate Algebra | MAT102 | Prelim Math/Prob Solv |
MATH105 | Math for Educ II | MAT150 | Data/Decision Making |
MATH115 | Elementary Statistics | BEH260 | Statistics |
MATH115 | Elementary Statistics | QBA260 | Business Statistics |
MATH115 | Elementary Statistics | MAT250 | Statistics |
MATH117 | Finite Math for Business | MAT1XX | Finite Math for Business |
MATH118 | Quant Methods II | MAT120 | Applied Calculus |
MATH120 | College Algebra | MAT105 | College Algebra |
MATH122 | Trig & Analytic Geom | MAT1XX | Trig & Analytic Geom |
MATH125 | Precalculus | MAT108 | Precalculus |
MATH140 | Calculus I | MAT171 | Calculus I |
MATH141 | Calculus II | MAT172 | Calculus II |
MATH215 | Elem Statistics II | QBA265 | Business Stats II |
MEDA120 | Medical Terminology | BIO201 | Medical Terminology |
MEDA120 | Medical Terminology | HSC105 | Medical Terminology |
MEDA120 | Medical Terminology | RT105 | Medical Terminology |
MEDA140 | Keyboarding/Document Process | IFS1XX | Keyboarding/Document Process |
MEDA203 | Laboratory Procedures | HSC2XX | Laboratory Procedures |
MEDA205 | Medical Law & Ethics | PHL346 | Bioethics |
MEDA215 | Medical Admin Procedures | HSC2XX | Medical Admin Procedures |
MEDA216 | Medical Insur/Bill/Reimb | HSC2XX | Medical Insur/Bill/Reimbu |
MGMT100 | Introduction to Business | BUS150 | Intro to Business |
MGMT110 | Small Bus Mgmt | MGT1XX | Small Bus Mgmt |
MGMT120 | Business Math | MAT1XX | Business Math |
MGMT130 | Bus law | BUS260 | Legal Environment |
MGMT135 | Business Communications | FCO210 | Comm Prof Cultures |
MGMT145 | Negotiation & Conflict Resolut | MGT1XX | Negotiation & Conflict Resolut |
MGMT180 | Legal Enviro. Business | BUS260 | Legal Environment |
MGMT230 | Principles of Management | MGT150 | Prin of Management |
MKTG100 | Principles of Marketing | MKT100 | Prin Marketing |
MKTG110 | Selling | MKT220 | Personal Selling |
MKTG112 | Customer Experience | HSP1XX | Customer Experience |
MKTG200 | Advertising | MKT2XX | Advertising |
MKTG210 | Selling | MKT220 | Personal Selling |
MKTG215 | Prin of Marketing | MKT100 | Prin Marketing |
MKTG220 | Digital Marketing | MKT355 | Digital Marketing |
MKTG230 | Social Media Marketing | MKT355 | Digital Marketing |
MUSC101 | Introduction to Music | MUS186 | Listening to Music |
MUSC103 | World Music | MUS281 | World Music |
MUSC106 | History of Jazz | MUS286 | Jazz History |
MUSC111 | Music Theory I | MUS182 | Music Theory I |
MUSC112 | Music Theory II | MUS183 | Music Theory II |
MUSC115 | Ear Training I | MUS184 | Aural Skills I |
MUSC116 | Ear Training II | MUS185 | Aural Skills II |
MUSC124 | Elec Music Synthesis I | MUS1XX | Elec Music Synthesis I |
MUSC124 | Music Technology | MUS187 | Intro Music Tech |
MUSC129 | Digital Audio Tech | MUS1XX | Digital Audio Tech |
MUSE101 | Concert Choir | MUS150 | YCChorale |
MUSG165 | Piano Level I | MUS140 | Piano Class |
MUSL111 | Princ Lesson I | MUS1XX | Princ Lesson I |
MUSL112 | Princ Lesson II | MUS1XX | Princ Lesson II |
NURS101 | Nursing I | NUR1XX | Nursing I |
OADM110 | Business Communications | FCO210 | Comm Prof Cultures |
OADM145 | Appl of MS Powerpoint | IFS1XX | Appl of MS Powerpoint |
PHED106 | Art of Personal Defense | PE130 | Self Defense |
PHED130 | Yoga | PE163 | Intro to Yoga |
PHED133 | Archery | PE150 | Archery |
PHED146 | Beg Weight Train | PE118 | Physical Fitness |
PHED170 | Indiv Fit & Well | PE134 | Concpts Phys Actvty |
PHED178 | Basketball & Baseball | PE1XX | Basketball & Baseball |
PHED180 | Foundations of Physical Ed | PE1XX | Foundations of Phys Ed |
PHED188 | Net Games | PE1XX | Net Games |
PHED191 | Outdoor Recreation | REC1XX | Outdoor Recreation |
PHIL111 | Ethics | PHL341 | Ethics |
PHIL125 | Basic Problems of Phil | PHL221 | Intro Philosophy |
PHYS106 | Physics A | PHY110 | Gen Phys:Mech/Ht |
PHYS107 | Physics B | PHY112 | Gen Phys:Elc/Magn |
PHYS121 | Physics I | PHY160 | Eng Phys:Mechncs |
PHYS122 | Physics II | PHY260 | Eng Phys:Elct/Magn |
POLI111 | American National Govt | PS101 | Amer Gov/Citizenship |
POLI120 | Amer State & Local Govt | PS242 | State/Local Govt |
PSYC100 | Psych Pers Awareness | PSY1XX | Psych Pers Awareness |
PSYC110 | Intro to Psychology | PSY100 | General Psychology |
PSYC120 | Human Sexuality | PSY1XX | Human Sexuality |
PSYC125 | Stress Management | PSY1XX | Stress Management |
PSYC160 | Addiction & Substance Abuse | PSY1XX | Addiction & Sub Abuse |
PSYC180 | Hum Growth & Dev | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop |
PSYC181 | Dev Psych-Life Span | PSY222 | Adult Development |
PSYC181 | Dev Psych-Life Span | PSY1XX | Dev Psych-Life Span |
PSYC181 | Dev Psych-Life Span | NUR201 | Nursing HD/HC |
PSYC190 | Ed Psychology | EDU375 | Psy Learning/Second |
PSYC190 | Ed Psychology | EDU370 | Psych of Learning |
PSYC200 | Social Psychology | PSY243 | Social Psychology |
PSYC280 | Psych of Abnormal Beh | PSY230 | Abnormal Psych |
READ110 | College Reading & Study Skill | FYS1XX | College Reading & Study Skills |
SCIE102 | Astronomy | ESS1XX | Earth Sci Elective No Lab |
SCIE103 | Physical Geology | ESS254 | Local Perspect/Geo |
SOCI110 | Intro to Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology |
SOCI130 | Contemp Soc Prob | SOC220 | Am Social Problems |
SOCI140 | Peoples of America | SOC1XX | Peoples of America |
SOCI150 | Criminology | SOC1XX | Criminology |
SOCI160 | Marriage & the Family | SOC225 | The Family |
SPAN110 | Elementary Spanish I | SPN101 | Elem Spanish I |
SPAN111 | Elementary Spanish II | SPN102 | Elem Spanish II |
SPAN201 | Intermediate Spanish I | SPN201 | Inter Spanish I |
SPAN202 | Intermediate Spanish II | SPN202 | Inter Spanish II |
SPAN250 | Adv Spanish I | SPN3XX | Adv Spanish I |
SPAN251 | Adv Spanish II | SPN3XX | Adv Spanish II |
SPMT200 | Intro Sport Mgmt | SPM125 | Intro Sport Mgmt |
SPMT201 | Sport Marketing | SPM2XX | Sport Marketing |
SPMT202 | Fac Mgmt & Event Planning | SPM2XX | Fac Mgmt & Event Plan |
SPMT203 | Hist & Phil of Sports | SPM2XX | Hist & Phil of Sports |
SPMT280 | Co-Op: Sport Management | SPM2XX | Co-Op: Sport Management |
SSWK110 | Soc Serv Work I | SOC1XX | Soc Serv Work I |
SSWK215 | Loss and Grief | SOC2XX | Loss and Grief |
VACV130 | Media Scriptwriting | CM271 | Print Media Writing |
VACV137 | Audio Prod | CM226 | Audio Productn |
VACV141 | Art of Indep Cinema | FLM1XX | Art if Indep Cinema |
VACV142 | Art of Theatrical Cinema | FLM216 | Intro to Film |
VACV145 | Film Production I | FLM1XX | Film Production I |
VAFA090 | Drawing Basics | ART1XX | Drawing Basics |
VAFA100 | Drawing Fund | ART215 | Drawing I |
VAFA101 | 2D Design Fund | ART210 | Design I |
VAFA102 | 3D Des Fund | ART211 | Design II |
VAFA103 | Drawing Comp | ART1XX | Drawing Comp |
VAFA107 | Jewelry/Metalsmithing | ART1XX | Jewelry/Metalsmithing |
VAFA108 | Jewelry II | ART1XX | Jewelry II |
VAFA110 | Digital Phot Fund | ART246 | Digital Photography |
VAFA151 | Intro to Photography | ART245 | Photography I |
VAFA181 | Intro to Ceramics | ART225 | Ceramics I |
VAFA191 | Art Hist Before 1450 | ART204 | Survey West Art I |
VAFA191 | Art Hist Before 1450 | ART204 | Survey West Art I |
VAFA192 | Art Hist After 1450 | ART205 | Survey West Art II |
VAFA193 | Hist of Mod Art | ART395 | 20th Century Art II |
VAFA201 | Portfolio Seminar | ART2XX | Portfolio Seminar |
VAGD100 | Intro Desktop Pub | ART1XX | Intro Desktop Pub |
VAGD101 | Layout & Typography | ART1XX | Layout & Typography |
VAGD102 | Illustration: Draw/Dig | ART1XX | Illustr:Draw/Dig |
VAGD200 | Visual Lit | ART2XX | Visual Lit |
VAGD201 | Graphic Design | ART2XX | Graphic Design |
VAMM100 | Digital Imaging | ART1XX | Digital Imaging |
VAMM209 | Multimedia Conc I | ART2XX | Multimedia Conc I |
WMST110 | Intro to Gender Studies | WGS238 | Race,Gender,Sex |
Burlington County College | York College of Pennsylvania | |||
ACC110 | Prin Fin Acct I | ACC1XX | Prin Fin Acct I | |
ACC112 | Prin of Fin Acc I | ACC220 | Financial Acct | |
ACC113 | Prin Fin Acct II | ACC1XX | Prin Fin Acct II | |
ACC115 | Man Acct | ACC225 | Managerial Acct | |
ANT102 | Cult Anthropology | ANT220 | Cult Anthropology | |
ART101 | Intro to Art | ART101 | Intro Art Apprec | |
ART112 | Color: Practice & Theory | ART1XX | Color: Practice & Theory | |
ART120 | Drawing I | ART215 | Drawing I | |
ART224 | Ceramics I | ART225 | Ceramics I | |
ART250 | Art History I | ART204 | Survey West Art I | |
ART251 | Art History II | ART205 | Survey West Art II | |
ASL101 | American Sign Lang | CM150 | Beg Sign Language | |
ASL102 | Elem American Sign Language | CM150 | Beg Sign Language | |
ASL103 | Deafness & Culture | BEH1XX | Deafness & Culture | |
BIO103 | General Biology I | 01 | BIO151 | Intro Mole Bio Lab |
BIO103 | General Biology I | 01 | BIO150 | Intro Molecular Bio |
BIO103 | General Biology I | 01 | BIO143 | Mole/Gene/Cell Lab |
BIO103 | General Biology I | 01 | BIO142 | Molecule/Gene/Cell |
BIO104 | General Biology I Lab | 01 | ||
BIO107 | General Biology II | 02 | BIO153 | Evol/Ecol/Div Lab |
BIO107 | General Biology II | 02 | BIO152 | Evol/Ecol & Divers |
BIO108 | General Biology II Lab | 02 | ||
BIO110 | Fund Anat & Phys I | 03 | BIO221 | Human A/P I Lab |
BIO110 | Fund Anat & Phys I | 03 | BIO220 | Human A/P I |
BIO110 | Fund Anat & Phys I | 03 | BIO1XX | Human Anat & Phys I No Lab |
BIO111 | Fund Anat & Phys I Lab | 03 | ||
BIO114 | Fund A & P II | BIO1XX | Biology Elect No Lab | |
BIO114 | Fund A & P II | BIO222 | Human A/P II | |
BIO120 | Biol and Hum Affairs | BIO112 | Fund Human Bio | |
BIO120 | Biol and Hum Affairs | BIO1XX | Biology Elect No Lab | |
BIO130 | Enviro Science | BIO212 | Environmntl Bio | |
BIO155 | Basic Microbiology | 04 | BIO231 | Micro/Allied Lab |
BIO155 | Basic Microbiology | 04 | BIO230 | Microbio/Allied Hlth |
BIO156 | Basic Microbiology Lab | 04 | ||
BIO208 | Human Anat & Phys I | BIO220 | Human A/P I | |
BIO221 | Microbiology | BIO230 | Microbiology | |
BIO230 | Ecology | BIO2XX | Ecology | |
BIT210 | Molecular Genetics | BIO2XX | Biology Elect No Lab | |
BUA101 | Bus Funct in a Global Soc | BUS1XX | Bus Funct in a Global Soc | |
BUA102 | Prin of Management | MGT150 | Prin of Management | |
BUA205 | Bus Law I | BUS260 | Legal Environment | |
BUA220 | Prin of Marketing | MKT100 | Prin Marketing | |
CHE107 | Chemistry | CHM1XX | Chemistry Elect No Lab | |
CHE107 | Chemistry | CHM122 | Prin Gen/Org Chem | |
CHE115 | General Chemistry I | CHM1XX | Chemistry Elect No Lab | |
CHE115 | General Chemistry I | CHM134 | Gen Chem I | |
CHE117 | General Chemistry II | CHM1XX | Chemistry Elect No Lab | |
CHE117 | General Chemistry II | CHM136 | Gen Chem II | |
CHE210 | Nutrition | NUR202 | Nutrition | |
CHE240 | Organic Chemistry I | CHM234 | Organic Chem I | |
CHE240 | Organic Chemistry I | CHM2XX | Chemistry Elect No Lab | |
CHE242 | Organic Chemistry II | CHM236 | Organic Chem II | |
CHE242 | Organic Chemistry II | CHM2XX | Chemistry Elect No Lab | |
CHI101 | Elem Chinese I | L1XX | Language Elective | |
CIN109 | American Cinema | FLM1XX | American Cinema | |
CIS101 | Intro to Computers | IFS105 | Personal Computing | |
CIS111 | Prog in Basic | IFS1XX | Prog in Basic | |
CIS118 | Intro Microsoft Office | IFS1XX | Intro Microsoft Office | |
CIS155 | Fundmentals of Web Design | ART1XX | Fund of Web Design | |
CIS161 | Computer App | IFS105 | Personal Computing | |
CIS250 | Cisco Routing Config | IFS2XX | Cisco Routing Config | |
CIS251 | Cisco Remote Access Net | IFS2XX | Cisco Remote Access Net | |
COM103 | Media Operations | CM120 | Broadcast Perform I | |
COM105 | Writing for Mass Media | CM271 | Print Media Writing | |
COM120 | Radio Prod | CM231 | Radio Production I | |
CRJ101 | Intro Criminal Justice | CJA101 | Intro Crim Justice | |
CRJ102 | Police Op & Proc | CJA1XX | Police Op & Proc | |
CRJ103 | Intro Corr Sys | CJA1XX | Intro Corr Sys | |
CRJ106 | Intro to Court Sys | CJA1XX | Intro to Court Sys | |
CRJ114 | Criminalistics | CJA1XX | Criminalistics | |
CRJ218 | Intro Private Security | CJA2XX | Intro Private Security | |
CRJ219 | Organized Crime | CJA2XX | Organized Crime | |
CRJ221 | Large Scale Incident Mgt | CJA2XX | Large Scale Inc Mgt | |
CSE110 | Intro Comp Sci I | CS1XX | Intro Comp Sci I | |
CSE111 | Intro Comp Sci II | CS1XX | Intro Comp Sci II | |
CSE135 | Comp Prog & Prob Solv | CS1XX | Comp Prog & Prob Solv | |
CSE210 | Machine & Assem Prog Lan | CS2XX | Mach & Assem Prog Lan | |
ECO203 | Prin of Microeconomics | ECO201 | Prin Econ-Micro | |
ECO204 | Prin of Macroeconomics | ECO200 | Prin Econ-Macro | |
EDU105 | Teaching as Prof | EDU1XX | Teaching as Prof | |
EDU112 | Historical Found Amer | EDU1XX | Hist Found Amer | |
EGR103 | Engineering Design | EGR1XX | Engineering Design | |
EGR110 | Design Comp Graph I | EGR1XX | Des Comp Graph I | |
EGR210 | Design Comp Graph III | EGR2XX | Desgn Comp Gph III | |
ENG101 | College Composition I | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm | |
ENG102 | College Composition II | LIT200 | Perspectives/Lit | |
ENG105 | Technicial Writing | FCO215 | Tech/Scientfc Comm | |
ENG112 | College Composition II | LIT200 | Perspectives/Lit | |
ENG251 | Creative Writing | WRT272 | Intro Creative Wrt | |
ENG252 | Semantics | CM2XX | Semantics | |
ETC101 | Intro to Entertainment | CM1XX | Intro to Entertainment | |
ETC205 | Writing Workshop | WRT2XX | Writing Workshop | |
ETS101 | Live Sound Prod I | MUS1XX | Live Sound Prod I | |
ETS105 | Recording Eng I | MUS1XX | Recording Eng I | |
ETV101 | TV Production (Studio) | CM242 | Video Prodctn I | |
ETV102 | TV Production (Field) | CM1XX | TV Prod (Field) | |
ETV105 | Editing for the Media | CM1XX | Editing for the Media | |
ETV205 | Interactive Digital Media | CM1XX | Interactive Digital Media | |
FRE101 | Elem French I | FRN101 | Elem French I | |
FRE102 | Elem French II | FRN102 | Elem French II | |
FRE201 | Inter French I | FRN201 | Inter French I | |
GDD101 | Intro to Comp Graphics | ART1XX | Intro to Comp Graph | |
GDD110 | Graphic Design I | ART1XX | Graphic Des I | |
GDD221 | Web Design I | ART2XX | Web Design I | |
GEO102 | Prin of Geography | G1XX | Prin of Geog | |
GER101 | Elem German I | GRM101 | Elem German I | |
GER102 | Elem German II | GRM102 | Elem German II | |
GER201 | Intermed German I | GRM201 | Inter German I | |
HIS101 | U.S. History I | HIS111 | Amer Hist Colonization-Civ War | |
HIS102 | U.S. History II | HIS112 | Amer Hist Civ War-Global Power | |
HIS103 | Anc & Med Found West Civ | HIS300 | Ancnt Hist to 476 | |
HIS104 | West World Since 1600 | HIS102 | Western Civ II | |
HIS108 | Afr Amer History I | HIS1XX | Afr Amer History I | |
HIS110 | 20th Cent World Hist I | HIS1XX | 20th Cent World Hist I | |
HIS111 | 20th Cent World Hist II | HIS1XX | 20th Cent World Hist II | |
HIS115 | Islam: Hist, Cult, Art | HIS1XX | Islam: Hist, Cult, Art | |
HIS230 | Islamic Civilization | INT2XX | Islamic Civ | |
HIT105 | Medical Terminology | BIO201 | Medical Terminology | |
HIT105 | Medical Terminology | RT105 | Medical Terminology | |
HUS101 | Human Services I | SOC1XX | Human Services I | |
HUS105 | Intro to Group Dynamics | SOC1XX | Intro to Group Dynamics | |
HUS110 | Contemp Iss/Soc Welfa | SOC1XX | Contemp Iss/Soc Welfa | |
ITA101 | Elem Italian I | ITL101 | Elem Italian I | |
ITA102 | Elem Italian II | ITL102 | Elem Italian II | |
LIT201 | Interpretation of Fiction | LIT2XX | Interp of Fiction | |
LIT207 | English Literature I | LIT283 | British Lit to 1750 | |
LIT208 | English Literature II | LIT284 | Brt Lit after 1750 | |
LIT209 | American Literature I | LIT281 | Amer Lit to 1885 | |
LIT210 | American Lit II | LIT282 | Amer Lit after 1885 | |
LIT215 | Intro to Child Lit | LIT2XX | Intro to Child Lit | |
LIT218 | Literature and Film | LIT2XX | Literature and Film | |
LIT220 | Shakespeare | LIT2XX | Shakespeare | |
MTH107 | Intro to Statistics | BEH260 | Statistics | |
MTH107 | Intro to Statistics | MAT250 | Statistics | |
MTH107 | Intro to Statistics | QBA260 | Business Statistics | |
MTH112 | College Algebra | MAT105 | College Algebra | |
MTH113 | Modern College Math | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv | |
MTH118 | Calculus I | MAT171 | Calculus I | |
MTH119 | Calc II & Analytic Geom | MAT172 | Calculus II | |
MTH130 | Precalculus | MAT108 | Precalculus | |
MTH141 | Elem Quant Methods for Mgt | MAT105 | College Algebra | |
MTH143 | Statistics I | QBA260 | Business Statistics | |
MTH143 | Statistics I | BEH260 | Statistics | |
MTH143 | Statistics I | MAT250 | Statistics | |
MTH243 | Statistics II | QBA265 | Business Statistics II | |
MUS101 | Intro to Music | MUS200 | Music Appreciation | |
MUS105 | Fund of Music | MUS181 | Found Music Theory | |
MUS110 | Aural Perception | MUS184 | Sight Singing I | |
MUS115 | Harmony I | MUS1XX | Harmony I | |
NUR220 | Nutrition in Nurs & Healthcare | NUR202 | Nutrition | |
PHI101 | Intro to Philosophy | PHL221 | Intro Philosophy | |
PHI205 | Ethics | PHL341 | Ethics | |
PHI220 | Envir Ethics | PHL240 | Environmentl Ethics | |
PHO102 | Black & White Photo | ART245 | Photography I | |
PHY107 | Fund of Physics | PHY1XX | Physics Elective no lab | |
PHY110 | Prin Physics I | PHY1XX | Physics Elect No Lab | |
PHY110 | Prin Physics I | PHY110 | Gen Phys:Mech/Ht | |
PHY112 | Prin of Physics II | PHY1XX | Physics Elect No Lab | |
PHY112 | Prin of Physics II | PHY112 | Gen Phys:Elc/Magn | |
PHY120 | Intro to Astronomy | ESS154 | Intro/Astronomy | |
PHY210 | Gen Physics I | PHY2XX | Physics Elect No Lab | |
PHY210 | Gen Physics I | PHY160 | Eng Phys:Mechncs | |
PHY212 | Gen Physics II | PHY2XX | Physics Elect No Lab | |
PHY212 | Gen Physics II | PHY260 | Eng Phys:Elct/Magn | |
POL101 | American Govt & Pol | PS141 | American Governmnt | |
POL103 | Comp Govt & Politics | PS260 | Comparative Politics | |
POL215 | Constitutional Law | PS2XX | Constitutional Law | |
POL220 | West Pol Thought | PS2XX | West Pol Thought | |
PSC105 | Physical Science I | ESS152 | Earth/Space Sci | |
PSC105 | Physical Science I | ESS1XX | Earth Sci Elective No Lab | |
PSC107 | Physical Science II | ESS1XX | Earth Sci Elective No Lab | |
PSY101 | General Psychology I | PSY100 | General Psychology | |
PSY102 | Gen Psychology II | PSY1XX | Gen Psychology II | |
PSY203 | Human Sexuality | PSY2XX | Human Sexuality | |
PSY250 | Ed Psychology | EDU370 | Psych of Learning | |
PSY250 | Ed Psychology | EDU375 | Psy Learning/Second | |
PSY251 | Child Psychology | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop | |
PSY255 | Abnormal Psychology | PSY230 | Abnormal Psych | |
PSY256 | Dev Psychology | NUR201 | Nursing HD/HC | |
PSY256 | Dev Psychology | PSY2XX | Dev Psychology | |
PSY258 | Psych of Personality | PSY2XX | Psych of Personality | |
PSY259 | Social Psychology | PSY243 | Social Psychology | |
REL205 | Comparative Religion | REL265 | World Religions | |
SOC101 | Principles of Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology | |
SOC201 | Social Problems | SOC220 | Am Social Problems | |
SOC205 | Marriage & Family | SOC225 | The Family | |
SOC207 | Media, Pop Culture-Soc | CM211 | Mass Communication | |
SPA101 | Elementary Spanish I | SPN101 | Elem Spanish I | |
SPA102 | Elementary Spanish II | SPN102 | Elem Spanish II | |
SPA201 | Intermediate Span I | SPN201 | Inter Spanish I | |
SPA202 | Intermediate Span II | SPN202 | Inter Spanish II | |
SPE101 | Eff Oral Comm | CM104 | Human Communicatn | |
SPE102 | Public Speaking | CM212 | Public Speaking | |
SPE102 | Public Speaking | CM104 | Human Communicatn | |
SRS150 | Intro to Stu Research | FYS1XX | Intro to Stu Research | |
SRS250 | Intermediate Student Research | FYS1XX | Intermediate Student Research | |
THR101 | Intro to Theatre | THE254 | Intro Theatre |
California University of PA | York College of Pennsylvania | ||
ACC200 | Fin Acct | ACC220 | Financial Acct |
ACC321 | Managerial Accounting | ACC225 | Managerial Acct |
ANT100 | Intro to Anthro | ANT1XX | Intro to Anthro |
ANT254 | Intro Forensic Anthro | ANT2XX | Intro Forensic Anthro |
ARB101 | Elem Arabic I | ARB101 | Elem Arabic I |
ART104 | Art Hist III Romantic | ART205 | Survey West Art II |
ART106 | Art Appreciation | ART101 | Intro Art Apprec |
ART109 | Landmarks of World Art | ART1XX | Landmarks of World Art |
ART110 | Drawing I | ART215 | Drawing I |
ART112 | Fiber Arts | ART1XX | Fiber Arts |
ART113 | Ceramics I | ART225 | Ceramics I |
ART116 | Painiting I | ART233 | Concepts/Painting |
ART117 | Printmaking | ART1XX | Printmaking |
ART119 | Design 2-D | ART210 | Design I |
ART127 | Intro Graphic Design | ART1XX | Intro Graphic Des |
ART214 | Art History II | ART205 | Survey West Art II |
ART293 | Ceramics Studio | ART2XX | Ceramics Studio |
ART296 | Painting Studio | ART2XX | Painting Studio |
ART382 | Ceramics Studio | ART3XX | Ceramics Studio |
ATE100 | Prac Athl Trng I | PAW1XX | Prac Athl Trng I |
ATE110 | Prac Athl Trng II | PAW1XX | Prac Athl Trng II |
ATE120 | Substance Abuse Ed | PAW1XX | Substance Abuse Ed |
ATE205 | Hum Anat & Phys I | BIO221 | Human A/P I Lab |
ATE205 | Hum Anat & Phys I | BIO220 | Human A/P I |
ATE215 | Hum Anat Phys II | BIO222 | Human A/P II |
ATE215 | Hum Anat Phys II | BIO223 | Hum A/P II Lab |
ATE340 | Sports Nutrition | SPM3XX | Sports Nutrition |
BIO103 | Cont Issues in Bio | BIO1XX | Biology Elective No Lab |
BIO120 | General Zoology | BIO208 | Biology of Animals |
BIO125 | General Botany | BIO114 | Plants & People |
BIO215 | Intro Cell & Molec Bio | BIO150 | Biology I |
BIO215 | Intro Cell & Molec Bio | BIO142 | Molecule/Gene/Cell |
BUS100 | Intro to Business | BUS150 | Intro to Business |
BUS242 | Bus Law I | BUS260 | Legal Environment |
BUS281 | Mgt Science I | BUS2XX | Mgt Science I |
BUS345 | Bus Ethics | PHL342 | Professional Ethics |
CCU102 | Art Workshop | ART1XX | Art Workshop |
CDC101 | Public Speaking | CM212 | Public Speaking |
CHE100 | Intro to Chemistry | CHM104 | Found of Chem |
CHE103 | Chem for Everyday | CHM1XX | Chemistry Elect No Lab |
CIS101 | Micros & App Software | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
CIS110 | Intro to Info Systems | IFS1XX | Intro to Info Systems |
CMD350 | Sign Lang & Braille | CM150 | Beg Sign Language |
COM101 | Oral Comm | CM212 | Public Speaking |
COM106 | Intro Mass Comm | CM211 | Mass Communication |
COM203 | Intro Public Relat | CM221 | Public Relations |
COM250 | Oral Comm Management | CM2XX | Oral Comm Management |
COM250 | Oral Comm Mgt | CM246 | Comm/Business Prof |
COM275 | Art of Film | FLM216 | Intro to Film |
COM303 | PR Appl | CM3XX | PR Appl |
COM315 | Language Behavior | CM3XX | Language Behavior |
COM319 | Comm & Gender | SOC3XX | Comm & Gender |
COM350 | Persuasion | CM327 | Persuasion |
CRJ101 | Intro to Crim Justice | CJA101 | Intro Crim Justice |
CRJ102 | American Policing | CJA334 | Policing In America |
CRJ103 | Correctional Systems | CJA337 | Punishmnt/Correctns |
CRJ399 | Sel Topics: Intelligence | CJA3XX | Sel Topics: Intelligence |
CSC101 | Personal Prod Software | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
CSC101 | Personal Prod Software | IFS100 | Info Tech Competncy |
CSC105 | Basic Prog Lang | IFS160 | Visual Basic Progrm |
CSC120 | Prob Solv/Prg Const | CS1XX | Prob Solv/Prg Const |
CSC124 | Comp Prog I | CS1XX | Comp Prog I |
CSC199 | Field Exp Comp Sci | CS1XX | Field Exp Comp Sci |
CSC202 | Visual Programming | IFS240 | Visual Programming |
CSC223 | CProgramming | IFS2XX | CProgramming |
CSC224 | Fortran | IFS2XX | Fortran |
DAN232 | Ballet Tech II | PE117 | Modern Dance |
DAN260 | Mod Dance | PE117 | Modern Dance |
EAS100 | Intro to Earth Sci | ESS152 | Earth/Space Sci |
EAS150 | Intro Geology | G151 | Intro Physical Geog |
ECE304 | Thematic Teaching | EDU3XX | Thematic Teaching |
ECE315 | Math Con Ear Child | EDU3XX | Math Con Ear Child |
ECE319 | Parent/Community | EDU3XX | Parent/Community |
ECO100 | Elem of Econ | ECO1XX | Elem of Econ |
ECO102 | Econ for Elem Ed | ECO1XX | Econ for Elem Ed |
ECO201 | Intro Micro | ECO201 | Prin Econ-Micro |
ECO202 | Princ of Macroeconomics | ECO200 | Prin Econ-Macro |
EDE100 | Read Stud & List Sk | EDU1XX | Read Stud & List Sk |
EDE211 | Instr Strat El & Ec | EDU2XX | Instr Strat El & Ec |
EDE300 | Lang & Literacy I | EDU3XX | Lang & Lit I |
EDE311 | Child Literature I | EDU3XX | Child Lit I |
EDF290 | Policy Stud Amer Ed | EDU2XX | Policy Stud Amer Ed |
EDF321 | Schools and Values | EDU3XX | Schools & Values |
EDLR6000 | ONL Fnd of Education Leadershi | MED561 | Intro Org Leadershp |
EDLR6100 | ONL Educ Lead Theory and Pract | MED5XX | ONL Educ Lead Theory and Pract |
EDU110 | Crit Thinking & Reading | EDU1XX | Crit Thinking & Read |
EDU150 | Intro Elect Portfolio | EDU1XX | Intro Elect Portfolio |
EDU210 | Crit Thinking and Read | EDU2XX | Crit Think and Read |
EDU310 | Teach Multicultural Soc | EDU3XX | Teach Multicult Soc |
EDU310 | Teach Multicult Soc | EDU3XX | Teach Multicult Soc |
EDU333 | Tech in Tchng & Learng | EDU210 | Educational Tech |
EDU333 | Tech in Tchng & Learng | SE210 | Educ Tech Mid/Sec |
EDU333 | Tech in Tchng & Learng | SE210 | Educ Tech Mid/Sec |
EDU350 | Support Eng Lang | EDU225 | Instrc Needs/ELL |
EET110 | DCCircuits | ECE1XX | DCCircuits |
EET160 | ACCircuits | ECE1XX | ACCircuits |
ELE220 | Instr and Assess Pre-K | ECH2XX | Instr and Assess Pre-K |
ELE300 | Emerging Lit | LIT3XX | Emerging Lit |
ELE310 | Teaching Math and Science | ECH1XX | Teach Math Science |
ELE410 | Field Exper PreK | EDU4XX | Field Exper PreK |
ELM200 | Intro Middle Level 4-8 | MLE350 | Content Pedagogies |
ELM220 | Instr & Assessment 4-8 | SE220 | Curriculum Develop |
ELM301 | Reading Meth Assess Interv | EDU3XX | Reading Meth Assess Interv |
ELM302 | Lang Arts | ECH304 | Tchng Language Arts |
ELM311 | Math Meth Assess Interv | EDU3XX | Math Meth Assess Interv |
ELM321 | Teach Science 4-8 | EDU3XX | Teach Science 4-8 |
ELM331 | Soc Studies | EDU3XX | Social Studies |
ELM360 | Enviro, Ecology, Nature Sci | EDU3XX | Enviro, Ecology, Nature Sci |
ELM411 | Field Experience 4-6 | EDU4XX | Field Exper 4-6 |
ENG100 | Eng Lang Skills | WRT100 | Intro College Writ |
ENG100 | Eng Lang Skills | WRT100 | Intro College Writ |
ENG101 | English Comp I | WRT102 | Analytical Read/Writ |
ENG101 | English Comp I | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm |
ENG102 | English Comp II | WRT1XX | English Comp II |
ENG106 | Intro to Poetry | LIT343 | Exper of Poetry |
ENG107 | Intro Fiction | LIT1XX | Intro Fiction |
ENG169 | Journalism II | CM271 | Print Media Writing |
ENG203 | Great Books | LIT200 | Intro Lit & Text Stud |
ENG206 | World Lit from 1600 | LIT286 | Eur Lit Since 1600 |
ENG211 | Business Writing I | WRT2XX | Business Writing I |
ENG315 | Surv Am Wom Writers | LIT382 | Women Writers |
ENS101 | Intro Environ Sci | BIO1XX | Biology Elective No Lab |
ESP210 | Sped Found Collab | SPE2XX | Spec Found Collab |
ESP211 | Spec Ed Hist Theory | SPE200 | Process/Procedures |
ESP311 | Assessment & Pos Beh | SPE264 | Educational Assmnt |
ESP312 | ABA for Spec Education | SPE375 | Positive Beh Supprt |
ESP339 | Spec Ed Field Exp I | SPE3XX | Spec Ed Field Exp I |
ESP349 | Spec Ed Field Exper II | EDU3XX | Spec Ed Field Exper II |
ESP402 | Life Skills | SPE304 | EBI: Low Incidence |
ESP403 | Assess/Prescr Teach | EDU4XX | Assess/Prescr Teach |
ESP407 | Early Intervention | SPE250 | Professnl/Partners |
ESP412 | Evidence Based Elem | SPE300 | Eff Instruct Method |
ESP414 | Adv EBP PreK-8 Inclus | EDU4XX | Adv EBP PreK-8 Inclus |
FIT100 | Intro to Fitness | PAW1XX | Intro to Fitness |
FIT125 | Fund of Speed Training | PAW1XX | Fund of Speed Training |
FIT300 | Business Aspects of Fitness | SPM3XX | Bus Aspects of Fitness |
FRE101 | Elem French I | FRN101 | Elem French I |
GCT225 | Prin Layout & Des | ART2XX | Prin Layout & Des |
GCT300 | Digital Photography | ART246 | Digital Photography |
GEO100 | Intro to Geography | G100 | World Reg Geography |
GEO102 | Geog Sys for Elem Ed | G1XX | Geog Sys for Elem Ed |
GEO155 | Hospitality Ind & Op | G1XX | Hosp Ind & Op |
GEO165 | Intro Rec and Leis | REC101 | Recreation/Leisure |
GEO474 | Develop Master Plan | G4XX | Develop Master Plan |
GET101 | Intro Engr Tech | EGR1XX | Intro Engr Tech |
GET130 | Intro to Engineering Tech | EGR1XX | Intro to Engineering Tech |
HIS101 | US Hist to 1877 | HIS111 | Amer Hist Colonization-Civ War |
HIS101 | U.S. Hist to 1877 | HIS111 | American Civ I |
HIS102 | U.S. Hist Since 1877 | HIS112 | American Civ II |
HIS106 | His West Soc S 1740 | HIS102 | Western Civ II |
HIS111 | World Hist to 1500 | HIS121 | World History I |
HIS200 | Hist Pennsylvania | HIS2XX | Hist Pennsylvania |
HON150 | Honors Comp I | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm |
HON250 | Honors Comp | WRT2XX | Honors Comp |
HON330 | Topics in Cult & Soc | SOC3XX | Topics in Cult & Soc |
HPE105 | Current Health Iss | PE1XX | Physical Education Elective |
HPE105 | Current Health Iss | NPE1XX | Non Program Elective |
HPE105 | Current Health Iss | PAW1XX | Current Health Iss |
HSC110 | Human Anatomy & Phys I | BIO1XX | Hum Anatomy & Phys I |
HSC110 | Human Anatomy & Phys I | BIO222 | Human A/P II |
HSC115 | Current Health Issues | PAW1XX | Curr Health Issues |
HSC120 | Human Anatomy & Phys II | BIO222 | Human A/P II |
HSC270 | Phys of Exercise | PAW134 | Concpts Phys Actvty |
HSC275 | Funct Kinesiology | SPM2XX | Funct Kinesiology |
JUS101 | Intro to Justice Studies | CJA101 | Intro Crim Justice |
JUS102 | Law Enforcement | CJA234 | Law Enforcement |
JUS103 | Correctional Systems | CJA1XX | Correctional Sys |
JUS331 | Juvenile Justice | CJA348 | Juvenile Justice |
JUS361 | Court Systems | CJA336 | Judicial Process |
MAT100 | Fund of Math | MAT1XX | Fund of Math |
MAT120 | Elem Topics in Math I | MAT115 | Sets/Number Systems |
MAT130 | Elem Topics in Math II | MAT150 | Data/Decision Making |
MAT181 | College Algebra | MAT105 | College Algebra |
MAT191 | College Trig | MAT1XX | College Trig |
MAT199 | Pre-Calculus | MAT108 | Precalculus |
MAT215 | Statistics | QBA260 | Business Statistics |
MAT215 | Statistics | BEH260 | Statistics |
MAT215 | Statistics | MAT250 | Statistics |
MAT281 | Calculus I | MAT171 | Calculus I |
MAT282 | Calculus II | MAT172 | Calculus II |
MGT300 | Prin of Mgt | MGT150 | Prin of Management |
MGT371 | Mgt Info Sys | IFS305 | Management Info Sys |
MIS301 | Mgt Info Sys | IFS305 | Management Info Sys |
MKT300 | Prin of Marketing | MKT100 | Prin Marketing |
MKT371 | Customer Relations Mgt | MKT3XX | Customer Rela Mgt |
MUS100 | Intro to Music | MUS186 | Listening to Music |
MUS100 | Intro to Music | MUS200 | Music Appreciation |
MUS198 | Univ Marching Band | MUS1XX | Univ Marching Band |
PHI100 | Persp in Phil | PHL221 | Intro Philosophy |
PHI115 | Logic & Lang | PHL222 | Critical Thinking |
PHI200 | World Religions | REL265 | World Religions |
PHI211 | Formal Logic I | PHL231 | Logic |
PHI220 | Ethics | PHL341 | Ethics |
PHI370 | Philosophy of Law | PHL347 | Philosophy of Law |
PHS120 | Basic Physical Sci | PSC152 | Physical Sci I |
PHS137 | Intro Enviro Chem | CHM1XX | Intro Enviro Chem |
POS100 | Intro Poli Sci | PS1XX | Intro Poli Sci |
POS102 | Amer Govt for Elem Ed | PS1XX | Amer Govt for Elem Ed |
POS105 | Amer Natl Govt | PS101 | Amer Gov/Citizenship |
PSY100 | General Psychology | PSY100 | General Psychology |
PSY205 | Child Psychology | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop |
PSY206 | Adolescent Psych | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop |
PSY208 | Ed Psychology | EDU370 | Psych of Learning |
PSY208 | Ed Psychology | EDU375 | Psy Learning/Second |
PSY216 | Child Psych to Age 4 | PSY223 | Early Child Develp |
REC165 | Intro Rec/Leis | REC101 | Recreation/Leisure |
RET110 | Agile Robotics I | EGR1XX | Agile Robotics I |
SEC210 | Intro to Sec Ed | SE2XX | Intro to Sec Ed |
SOC100 | Prin of Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology |
SOW150 | Intro Social Work | SOC1XX | Intro Social Work |
SOW301 | Soc Work Interviewing | SOC3XX | Soc Work Interviewing |
SOW302 | Soc Work Pract | SOC3XX | Soc Work Pract |
SOW308 | Div in Changing World | SOC3XX | Div in Changing World |
SOW315 | HGB Birth to Young Adult | SOC3XX | HBG Birth to Yng Adult |
SOW316 | HBG Young Adult to Late | SOC3XX | Yng Adult to Late |
SOW320 | Hist & Phil of SOW | SOC3XX | Hist & Phil of SOW |
SOW364 | Juv Delinquency | SOC3XX | Juv Delinquency |
SOW364 | Juv Delinquency | CJA110 | Juvenile Delinquncy |
SPN101 | Elem Spanish I | SPN101 | Elem Spanish I |
SPN102 | Elem Spanish II | SPN102 | Elem Spanish II |
SPT100 | Intro Sport Mgmt | SPM201 | Intro Sport Mgmt |
SPT199 | Prac in Sport Mgmt | SPM1XX | Prac in Sport Mgmt |
SPT300 | Psych of Sport | SPM3XX | Psych of Sport |
SPT305 | Ethics in Sport | SPM3XX | Ethics in Sport |
THE100 | Intro to Theatre | THE254 | Intro Theatre |
THE131 | Fund of Acting | THE262 | Acting |
THE150 | Intro Theatrical Des | THE1XX | Intro Theatrical Des |
THE255 | Puppetry | THE2XX | Puppetry |
UNI100 | First Year Seminar | FYS1XX | First Year Seminar |
WFD199 | Spec Top Work Dev | NPE1XX | Spec Top Work Dev |
XJJ156 | Narcotic Drug Abuse | BEH1XX | Narcotic Drug Abuse |
Camden County College | York College of Pennsylvania | ||
ACC104 | Financial Acct | ACC220 | Financial Acct |
ACC105 | Managerial Acct | ACC225 | Managerial Acct |
ALH171 | Health & Safety 1 | PAW1XX | Health & Safe 1 |
ALH172 | Health & Safetly 2 | SPM205 | Responding/Emerg |
ANT101 | Gen Anthropology | ANT1XX | Gen Anthropology |
ART101 | Art Appreciation | ART101 | Intro Art Apprec |
ART103 | Visual Culture | ART1XX | Visual Culture |
ART111 | Art History I | ART204 | Survey West Art I |
ART112 | Art History II | ART205 | Survey West Art II |
ART151 | Ceramics & Pottery I | ART225 | Ceramics I |
ASL101 | Amer Sign Lang I | CM150 | Beg Sign Language |
ASL102 | Amer Sign Lang II | CM250 | Adv Sign Language |
ASL103 | Fingerspelling | CM1XX | Fingerspelling |
ASL201 | American Sign Lang III | CM2XX | Am Sign Lang III |
BIO103 | Human Biology | BIO106 | Body Strct/Function |
BIO103 | Human Bio | BIO112 | Essentials of A & P |
BIO106 | Living in the Enviroment | BIO204 | Exploring Biology |
BIO111 | Biology I | BIO151 | Biology I Lab |
BIO111 | Biology I | BIO142 | Molecule/Gene/Cell |
BIO111 | Biology I | BIO143 | Mole/Gene/Cell Lab |
BIO111 | Biology I | BIO150 | Intro Molecular Bio |
BIO111 | Biology I | BIO150 | Biology I |
BIO111 | Biology I | BIO151 | Intro Mole Bio Lab |
BIO117 | Basic A & P I | BIO220 | Human A/P I |
BIO118 | Basic A & P II | BIO222 | Human A/P II |
BIO121 | Basic Microbiology | BIO230 | Microbiology |
BIO210 | Hum Anat & Phys | BIO2XX | Hum Anat & Phys |
BIO211 | Anatomy & Physiology I | BIO220 | Human A/P I |
BIO212 | Anatomy & Physiology II | BIO222 | Human A/P II |
BIO220 | Elem of Microbiology | BIO2XX | Elem of Microbiology |
BIO221 | Microbiology I | BIO230 | Microbiology |
BIT102 | Intro Biotechnology | BIO1XX | Intro Biotech |
CAD101 | Comp Aided Eng Graph | EGR100 | Epads I |
CAD107 | Paramet Des/Autodesk Inv | EGR100 | Epads I |
CHM101 | General Chem I | CHM134 | Gen Chem I |
CHM101 | General Chem I | CHM123 | Gen/Org Chem Lab |
CHM101 | General Chem I | CHM122 | Prin Gen/Org Chem |
CHM101 | General Chem I | CHM135 | Gen Chem I Lab |
CHM102 | Gen Chem II | CHM137 | Gen Chem II Lab |
CHM102 | Gen Chem II | CHM136 | Gen Chem II |
CHM111 | Chem I for Sci Majors | CHM134 | Gen Chem I |
CHM111 | Chem I for Sci Majors | CHM135 | Gen Chem I Lab |
CHM112 | Chem II | CHM136 | Gen Chem II |
CHM112 | Chem II | CHM137 | Gen Chem II Lab |
CHM140 | Chemistry & Society | CHM102 | Chem/Society |
CHM140 | Chem & Society | CHM202 | Chem/Society |
CHM145 | Intro to Forensic Sci | CHM1XX | Intro to Forensic Sci |
CHM221 | Organic Chem I | CHM234 | Organic Chem I |
CIM101 | Mach Shop Prac | ME100 | Intro Mech Engineer |
CIS191 | Internet: Tools and Tech | IFS1XX | Internet: Tools and Tech |
CIS206 | Adv Comp Concepts/Apps | IFS2XX | Adv Comp Concepts/Apps |
CIS231 | Sys Analysis & Des | CS2XX | Sys Analysis & Des |
CIS241 | Relational Datab Mgt I | IFS2XX | Relational Datab Mgt I |
CIS242 | Relational Datab Mgt II | IFS180 | Intro Data Managmnt |
COM101 | Influence Mass Media | CM211 | Mass Communication |
COM103 | News Writing and Reporting | CM1XX | News Wrtg and Reporting |
COM104 | Intro to Public Rel | CM221 | Intro Public Relatns |
COM145 | Intercultural Comm | CM1XX | Intercult Communciation |
COM208 | Public Rel: New Media | CM2XX | Public Rel: New Media |
CRJ101 | Admin of Justice | CCJ101 | Intro Crim Justice |
CRJ103 | Legal Systems | CCJ1XX | Legal Systems |
CRJ104 | Juvenile Delinquency | CCJ110 | Juvenile Delinquncy |
CRJ105 | Criminal Law | CCJ1XX | Criminal Law |
CRJ106 | Contemp Corr | CCJ1XX | Contemp Corrections |
CRJ107 | Intro to Probation and Parole | CCJ1XX | Intro to Probation and Parole |
CRJ203 | Prin of Investigation | CCJ2XX | Prin of Investigation |
CRJ207 | Terrorism | CCJ2XX | Terrorism |
CRJ251 | Crime Analysis | CCJ2XX | Crime Analysis |
CSC101 | Computer Literacy | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
CSC121 | Struct Prog (C++) | CS1XX | Struct Prog (C++) |
CSC122 | Computer Sci I | CS1XX | Computer Sci I |
CSC223 | Computer Sci II (C++) | CS2XX | Computer Sci II (C++) |
CSCD11 | Comp Lit (part 1) | IFS1XX | Comp Lit (part 1) |
CST102 | Intro to Networking | IFS1XX | Intro to Networking |
CST108 | Adv Oper Sys-Win NT | IFS1XX | Adv Oper Sys-Win NT |
DAN111 | Ballet I | PE1XX | Ballet I |
DAN121 | Jazz I | PE1XX | Jazz I |
ECO101 | Macroeconomics | ECO200 | Prin Econ-Macro |
ECO102 | Microeconomics | ECO201 | Prin Econ-Micro |
EDU100 | Teaching: Intro Prof | EDU1XX | Teaching: Intro Prof |
EDU101 | Trends/American Ed | EDU1XX | Trends/Amer Ed |
EDU102 | Human Exceptionality | PSY227 | Child Exceptionalts |
EDU105 | Educational Technology | ECH210 | Ed Tech/Early Elem |
EED110 | Early Child Cirriculum | ECH220 | Instruct/Curric Dev |
EED112 | Incl Class/Pedagogy | EDU1XX | Incl Class/Pedagogy |
EED115 | Child Development | PSY223 | Early Child Develp |
EED205 | Creative Arts: Early Child | EDU2XX | Creative Arts: Early Child |
EGR101 | Intro to Engineering | EGR100 | Epads I |
EGR201 | Statics | ME250 | Statics |
EGR202 | Dynamics | ME252 | Dynamics/Vibrtn |
EGR211 | Eng Circuit Analysis | ECE280 | Fund Electrical Eng |
ENG101 | English Comp I | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm |
ENG101 | English Comp I | WRT102 | Analytical Read/Writ |
ENG102 | English Comp II | WRT202 | Academic Writing |
ENG102 | English Comp II | FCO2XX | English Comp II |
ENG121 | Intro to Literature | LIT200 | Perspectives/Lit |
ENG191 | Myths of the World | LIT1XX | Myths of the World |
ENG271 | World Literature I | LIT285 | Eur Lit to 1600 |
ENG281 | Amer Lit I | LIT281 | Amer Lit to 1885 |
ENG282 | Amer Lit 1860-1945 | LIT282 | Amer Lit after 1885 |
FIN212 | Prin of Finance | FIN2XX | Prin of Finance |
FLM201 | Film Appr | FLM216 | Intro to Film |
FNS105 | Intro to Nutrition | NUR202 | Nutrition |
FRE101 | Elem French I | FRN101 | Elem French I |
FRE102 | Elem French II | FRN102 | Elem French II |
FRE203 | Francophone Cult | FRN2XX | Francophone Cult |
GEO101 | Cultural Geography | G1XX | Cult Geog |
GER101 | Elem German I | GRM101 | Elem German I |
GER102 | Elem German II | GRM102 | Elem German II |
HIS101 | World Civ I | HIS121 | World History I |
HIS102 | World Civ II | HIS122 | World History II |
HIS103 | World Civ III | HIS1XX | World Civ III |
HIS111 | West Civ I | HIS101 | Western Civ I |
HIS112 | West Civ II | HIS102 | Western Civ II |
HIS121 | U.S. History I | HIS111 | American Civ I |
HIS122 | US History II | HIS112 | American Civ II |
HIS150 | Top Hist/Holocaust | HIS1XX | Top His/Holocaust |
HIT120 | Medical Terminology | BIO201 | Medical Terminology |
HPE101 | Intro Hlth & Exec Sci | EE1XX | Intro Hlth & Exec Sci |
HPE102 | Health & Wellness | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect |
HPE102 | Health & Wellness | PE1XX | Physical Ed Elect |
HPE104 | Hlth & Per Liv | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elective |
HPE104 | Hlth & Per Liv | PE1XX | Physical Ed Elective |
HPE106 | Stress Mgmt | PE1XX | Phys Ed Elect |
HPE106 | Stress Mgmt | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect |
HPE108 | Aerobic Dance | PE136 | Aerobic Dance |
HPE111 | Beginning Bowling | PE110 | Beginning Bowling |
HPE113 | Volleyball | PE160 | Volleyball |
HPE114 | Pers Fitness | PE134 | Concpts Phys Actvty |
HPE119 | Cardio Kickboxing | PE1XX | Cardio Kickboxing |
HPE125 | Self-Defense | PE130 | Self Defense |
HPE130 | Consumer Health Decisions | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect |
HPE131 | Beginning Tennis | PE159 | Tennis |
HPE141 | Hatha Yoga | PE163 | Intro to Yoga |
HPE145 | Wellspring Fit Lab I | PE134 | Concpts Phys Actvty |
HPE145 | Wellspring Fit Lab I | PAW134 | Concpts Phys Actvty |
HPE151 | Beg Swimming | PE120 | Beginning Swimming |
HPE170 | First Aid, Safety | EDU305 | Responding/Emerg |
HPE180 | Community CPR | EDU305 | Responding/Emerg |
HPE181 | Bas Life Supp | EDU305 | Responding/Emerg |
HPE191 | Handball/Racquetball | PE1XX | Handball/Racquetball |
HPE195 | Concepts of Ind/Dual Sports | PE1XX | Phys Ed Elect |
HPE195 | Concepts of Ind/Dual Sports | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect |
HPE201 | Intro Sport Mgt | SPM201 | Intro Sport Mgmt |
HPE209 | Internship: Sports Mgt | SPM2XX | Internship: Sport Mgt |
HSR101 | Intro to Human Serv | SOC1XX | Intro to Human Serv |
HSR102 | Social Work Proc | SOC1XX | Social Work Proc |
HSR103 | Intro to Counseling | SOC1XX | Intro to Counseling |
ITA101 | Elem Italian I | ITL101 | Elem Italian I |
ITA102 | Elem Italian II | ITL102 | Elem Italian II |
ITA201 | Inter Italian I | ITL2XX | Inter Italian I |
LAT101 | Elem Latin I | LAT101 | Elem Latin I |
LAT102 | Elem Latin II | LAT102 | Elem Latin II |
LAW101 | Legal Env/Bus Law I | BUS260 | Legal Environment |
MGT101 | Intro to Business | BUS150 | Intro to Business |
MGT102 | Intro to Management | MGT150 | Prin of Management |
MKT101 | Prin of Marketing | MKT100 | Prin Marketing |
MTH100 | Algebraic Concepts | MAT1XX | Algebraic Concepts |
MTH101 | Concepts of Math | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv |
MTH105 | Math Sys I: Struct | MAT115 | Sets/Number Systems |
MTH106 | Math Sys II: Geometry | MAT1XX | Math Sys II: Geometry |
MTH107 | Math for Lib Arts | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv |
MTH109 | Intermed Algebra | MAT102 | Prelim Math/Prob Solv |
MTH111 | Elements of Statistics I | BEH260 | Statistics |
MTH111 | Elements of Statistics I | QBA260 | Business Statistics |
MTH111 | Elements of Statistics I | MAT250 | Statistics |
MTH112 | Elements of Statistics II | QBA265 | Business Statistics II |
MTH114 | College Algebra | MAT105 | College Algebra |
MTH120 | Pre-Calc I | MAT108 | Precalculus |
MTH122 | Applied Calculus | MAT120 | Applied Calculus |
MTH123 | Pre-Calculus Math I | MAT108 | Precalculus |
MTH124 | Pre-Calculus Math II | MAT1XX | Pre-Calculus Math II |
MTH125 | College Alg & Trig | MAT108 | Precalculus |
MTH129 | Discrete Math | MAT235 | Discrete Math |
MTH140 | Calculus I | MAT171 | Calculus I |
MTH145 | Linear Algebra | MAT260 | Elem Linear Algebra |
MTH150 | Calculus II | MAT172 | Calculus II |
MTH205 | Math Sys II: Structures II | MAT215 | Sets/Number Sys II |
MTH210 | Calculus III | MAT271 | Calculus III |
MTH220 | Diff Equations | MAT272 | Diff Equations |
MUS101 | Music Appreciation I | MUS200 | Music Appreciation |
MUS111 | Music History I | MUS390 | Music History I |
MUS113 | Jazz History | MUS286 | Jazz History |
MUS123 | Music Theory I | MUS182 | Music Theory I |
MUS124 | Music Theory II | MUS183 | Music Theory II |
MUS151 | Applied Music I | MUS1XX | Applied Music I |
MUS195 | Orchestra I | MUS1XX | Orchestra I |
MUS196 | Orchestra II | MUS1XX | Orchestra II |
MUS297 | Orchestra III | MUS2XX | Orchestra III |
PHL101 | Intro to Philosophy | PHL221 | Intro Philosophy |
PHL121 | Logic & Reasoning | PHL1XX | Logic & Reasoning |
PHL131 | Intro to Ethics | PHL341 | Ethics |
PHL232 | Biomedical Ethics | PHL346 | Bioethics |
PHY101 | Physics I | PHY111 | G Phys:Mech Lab |
PHY101 | Physics I | PHY110 | Gen Phys:Mech/Ht |
PHY102 | Physics II | PHY112 | Gen Phys:Elc/Magn |
PHY102 | Physics II | PHY113 | G Phys:Elct Lab |
PHY201 | Physics III | PHY160 | Eng Phys:Mechncs |
PHY201 | Physics III | PHY161 | E Phys:Mech Lab |
PHY202 | Physics IV | PHY261 | E Phys:Elct/Magn Lab |
PHY202 | Physics IV | PHY260 | Eng Phys:Elct/Magn |
POL101 | Intro Political Sci | PS1XX | Intro Political Sci |
POL103 | American Fed Govt | PS101 | Amer Gov/Citizenship |
POL103 | Am Fed Govt | PS141 | American Governmnt |
POL111 | Public Admin | PS151 | Intro Public Admin |
POL112 | Public Pers Admin | PS1XX | Public Pers Admin |
PSY101 | Basic Psychology | PSY100 | General Psychology |
PSY103 | Ed Psychology | EDU375 | Psy Learning/Second |
PSY103 | Ed Psychology | EDU370 | Psych of Learning |
PSY104 | Abnormal Psych | PSY230 | Abnormal Psych |
PSY105 | Child Psychology | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop |
PSY105 | Child Psych | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop |
PSY109 | Developmental Psych | NUR201 | Nursing HD/HC |
PSY109 | Developmental Psych | PSY1XX | Dev Psych |
PSY112 | Psych of Women | PSY1XX | Psych of Women |
SOC101 | Intro to Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology |
SOC201 | Sociology of the Family | SOC225 | The Family |
SPA101 | Elementary Spanish I | SPN101 | Elem Spanish I |
SPA102 | Elementary Spanish II | SPN102 | Elem Spanish II |
SPA201 | Inter Spanish I | SPN201 | Inter Spanish I |
SPE101 | Fund of Speech | CM212 | Public Speaking |
SPE102 | Public Speaking | CM212 | Public Speaking |
THE121 | Intro to Theatre | THE254 | Intro Theatre |
THE151 | Dance/Movement | PE117 | Modern Dance |
THE252 | Children's Theatre | THE2XX | Children's Theatre |
Carroll Community College | York College of Pennsylvania | ||
ACC101 | Prin of Acct I | ACC220 | Financial Acct |
ACC101 | Prin of Acct I | ACC1XX | Prin of Acct I |
ACC102 | Prin of Acct II | ACC225 | Managerial Acct |
ACC102 | Prin Acct 2 | ACC220 | Financial Acct |
ACCT101 | Financial Accounting | ACC220 | Financial Acct |
ACCT102 | Managerial Accounting | ACC225 | Managerial Acct |
ACCT201 | Int Accounting I | ACC320 | Inter Accounting I |
ACCT202 | Intermed Acct II | ACC2XX | Intermed Acct II |
ACCT210 | Prin of Taxation I | ACC305 | Taxation I |
ACCT211 | Prin of Taxation II | ACC2XX | Prin of Taxation II |
ACCT220 | Cost Accounting | ACC225 | Managerial Acct |
ACCT230 | Prin of Auditing | ACC2XX | Prin of Auditing |
ACCT241 | Govt & Not-For-Prof Acc | ACC2XX | Govt & Not-For-Prof Acc |
ANTH101 | Intro to Cult Anthro | ANT220 | Cult Anthropology |
ANTH201 | Anthro of Amer Culture | ANT220 | Cult Anthropology |
ART101 | Fund of Art | ART101 | Art & Visual Culture |
ART101 | Fund of Art | ART1XX | Fund of Art |
ART102 | 2-D Design | ART210 | Design I |
ART102 | 2-D Design | ART110 | Concepts of Design |
ART105 | 2-D Design | ART210 | Design I |
ART110 | 3-D Design | ART211 | Design II |
ART115 | Color | ART1XX | Color |
ART120 | Drawing I | ART215 | Drawing I |
ART125 | Art Appreciation | ART101 | Art/Visual Culture |
ART125 | Art Appreciation | ART101 | Intro Art Apprec |
ART130 | Painting I | ART220 | Painting I |
ART135 | History of Art I | ART204 | Survey West Art I |
ART136 | History of Art 2 | ART205 | Survey West Art II |
ART140 | Ceramics | ART225 | Ceramics I |
ART160 | Study Tour | ART1XX | Study Tour |
ART210 | Elem of Printmaking | ART2XX | Elem of Printmaking |
ART220 | Drawing II | ART265 | Drawing II |
ART230 | Painting II | ART270 | Painting II |
BIO108 | Hum Anat & Phys II | BIO222 | Human A/P II |
BIO121 | Fund of Biology I | BIO150 | Biology I |
BIO141 | Microbiology | BIO230 | Microbiology |
BIO215 | Microbiology | BIO230 | Microbiology |
BIOL100 | General Biology | BIO204 | Exploring Biology |
BIOL100 | General Biology | BIO205 | Exp Biology Lab |
BIOL101 | Fund of Biology I | BIO142 | Molecule/Gene/Cell |
BIOL101 | Fund of Biology I | BIO150 | Intro Molecular Bio |
BIOL101 | Fund of Biology I | BIO151 | Intro Mole Bio Lab |
BIOL101 | Fund of Biology I | BIO143 | Mole/Gene/Cell Lab |
BIOL102 | Fund of Biology II | BIO152 | Evol/Ecol & Divers |
BIOL105 | Human Biology | BIO112 | Fund Human Bio |
BIOL107 | Intro to Evolution | BIO1XX | Biology Elect no lab |
BIOL202 | Fund of Biol 2 Organ | BIO151 | Intro Mole Bio Lab |
BIOL202 | Fund of Biol 2 Organ | BIO150 | Intro Molecular Bio |
BIOL210 | Hum Anat & Phys I | BIO221 | Human A/P I Lab |
BIOL210 | Hum Anat & Phys I | BIO220 | Human A/P I |
BIOL211 | Hum Anat & Phys 2 | BIO222 | Human A/P II |
BIOL211 | Hum Anat & Phys 2 | BIO223 | Hum A/P II Lab |
BIOL215 | Microbiology | BIO230 | Microbiology |
BIOL220 | Nutrition | NUR202 | Nutrition |
BUA101 | Introduction to Business | BUS150 | Intro to Business |
BUAD101 | Intro to Business | BUS150 | Intro to Business |
BUAD130 | Intro to Entrepre | ENT150 | Intro Entrepreneur |
BUAD150 | Human Relations | MGT225 | Org Behavior |
BUAD201 | Bus Ethics | PHL342 | Professional Ethics |
BUAD205 | Business Law | BUS260 | Legal Environment |
BUAD210 | Cult & Diversity in Work | BUS2XX | Cult & Div in Work |
CAD101 | Intro to CAD/Drafting | EGR100 | Epads I |
CAD105 | Int AutoCAD | EGR1XX | Int AutoCAD |
CAD110 | Cust CAD Software | EGR1XX | Cust CAD Software |
CAD201 | CAD Appl | EGR2XX | CAD Appl |
CAD206 | Solid Modeling | EGR2XX | Solid Modeling |
CAD210 | Adv Autocad & Autocad 3D | EGR2XX | Adv Autocad & Autocad 3D |
CAD220 | Intro Architect CAD | EGR2XX | Architect CAD |
CAD240 | CAD Engineering Drawing | EGR2XX | CAD Eng Drawing |
CAD245 | CAD Eng Drawing II | EGR2XX | CAD Eng Drawing II |
CAD260 | CAD Civil Applications | EGR2XX | CAD Civil Applications |
CGR105 | Intro to Comp Graphics | ART1XX | Intro Comp Graphics |
CGR110 | Typography | ART1XX | Typography |
CGR110 | Typography | ART1XX | Typography |
CGR115 | Graphic Des I | ART1XX | Graphic Des I |
CGR120 | Comp Photography | ART1XX | Comp Photography |
CGR125 | Comp Bus Graphics | ART1XX | Comp Bus Graphics |
CGR157 | Intro Web Page Authoring | ART1XX | Intro Web Page Authoring |
CGR224 | Internet Scripting Lang | IFS2XX | Internet Scripting Lang |
CGR230 | Digital Video | CM242 | Video Prodctn I |
CGR231 | Intro Motion Graphics | ART2XX | Intro Motion Graphics |
CGR232 | Multimedia Prod | CM2XX | Multimedia Prod |
CGR233 | Multimedia Comm | ART2XX | Multimedia Comm |
CGR240 | Digital Printmaking | ART2XX | Digital Printmaking |
CGR250 | Pub Design on Comp | ART2XX | Publication Des on Comp |
CGR252 | Comp Illus Vect Pr | ART2XX | Comp Illus Vect Pr |
CGR253 | Comp Illus Bit Map Pr | ART2XX | Comp Illus Bit Map Pr |
CGR254 | Comp Anim & Modeling | ART2XX | Comp Anim & Modeling |
CGR256 | Intro Web Page Authoring | ART2XX | Intro Web Page Authoring |
CGR257 | Adv Web Page Authoring | ART2XX | Adv Web Page Authoring |
CGR270 | Portfolio & Car Dev | ART2XX | Portfolio & Car Dev |
CHDEV101 | Grwth & Dev Early Chil | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop |
CHDEV102 | Intro Early Child Ed | EDU1XX | Intro Early Child Ed |
CHEM101 | Intro Chemistry | CHM122 | Prin Gen/Org Chem |
CHEM105 | Prin of Gen Chem I | CHM134 | Gen Chem I |
CHEM106 | Prin Gen Chem II | CHM136 | Gen Chem II |
CHEM201 | Organic Chemistry I | CHM234 | Organic Chem I |
CHEM202 | Organic Chemistry II | CHM236 | Organic Chem II |
CHIN101 | Elem Chinese I | L1XX | Elem Chinese I |
CHIN102 | Elem Chinese II | L1XX | Elem Chinese II |
CHIN201 | Intermed Chinese I | L2XX | Intermed Chinese I |
CIA111 | Outlook | IFS1XX | Outlook |
CIA125 | Word | IFS1XX | Word |
CIS100 | Comp Literacy | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
CIS101 | Intro Comp Info Systems | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
CIS101 | Intro Comp Info Systems | IFS100 | Info Tech Competncy |
CIS102 | Tech for Teachers I | EDU1XX | Tech for Teachers I |
CIS105 | Game Prog | IFS1XX | Game Prog |
CIS110 | Microcomp Bus Applications | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
CIS120 | Beg Visual Basic Prog | IFS160 | Visual Basic Progrm |
CIS124 | Inso Sys Arch/Design | IFS1XX | Info Sys Arch/Design |
CIS125 | Beg Prog in C | CS1XX | Beg Prog in C |
CIS129 | Prin of Programming | IFS1XX | Prin of Programming |
CIS132 | Prin of Programming | CS101 | Fund Comp Sci I |
CIS132 | Prin of Programming | IFS1XX | Prin of Programming |
CIS137 | Intro to Web Dev Tech | IFS1XX | Intro to Web Dev Tech |
CIS139 | Prin Comp Tech | IFS1XX | Prin Comp Tech |
CIS151 | Systems Analysis & Design | IFS1XX | Sys Analys & Design |
CIS156 | The Unix Operating System | IFS1XX | Unix Operating System |
CIS157 | Intro Web Page Auth | IFS1XX | Intro Web Page Auth |
CIS161 | Lotus 1-2-3 Programming | IFS1XX | Lotus 1-2-3 Programming |
CIS165 | Intro to Data Comm | IFS1XX | Intro to Data Comm |
CIS176 | Microcomp Database Programming | IFS1XX | Microcomp Database Prog |
CIS212 | Microcomp Hardware/Periph | IFS2XX | Microcomp Hardware/Per |
CIS223 | Intro to JAVA | IFS2XX | Intro to JAVA |
CIS227 | Interm Prog Using C& C++ | CS2XX | Interm Prog |
CIS228 | Advanced Prog C++ | CS2XX | Adv Prog |
CIS232 | Adv Programming | CS201 | Fund Comp Sci II |
CIS232 | Adv Prin of Programming | IFS2XX | Adv Prin of Programming |
CIS234 | Dev Rich Internet Appl | IFS2XX | Dev Rich Internet Appl |
CIS237 | Dev Adv Internet Appl | IFS2XX | Dev Adv Internet Appl |
CIS246 | Microcomp Operating System | IFS2XX | Microcomp Oper Sys |
CIS250 | Sys Analysis & Design | IFS2XX | Sys Analysis & Design |
COMM105 | Intro to Speech Communication | CM212 | Public Speaking |
COMM120 | Intro to Film | FLM216 | Intro to Film |
CRIM101 | Intro to Criminal Justice Sys | CCJ101 | Intro Crim Justice |
CRIM102 | Intro to Corrections | CJA1XX | Intro to Corrections |
CRIM103 | Serial Killers | CCJ317 | Serial & Mass Killings |
CRIM104 | First Responder | CJA1XX | First Responder |
CRIM105 | Criminology | CCJ378 | Criminology |
CRIM106 | Law Enforcement & Community | CCJ234 | Law Enforcement |
CRIM109 | Corrections Law | CJA1XX | Corrections Law |
CRIM110 | Criminal Law | CJA1XX | Criminal Law |
CRIM111 | Crim Evidence & Proc | CJA1XX | Criminal Evidence & Proc |
CRIM114 | Const Law for Police | CJA1XX | Const Law for Police |
CRIM115 | Civil Rights & Liberties | CJA1XX | Civil Rights & Liberties |
CRIM120 | Juvenile Justice | CJA1XX | Juvenile Justice |
CRIM125 | Constitutional Law | CJA1XX | Const Law |
CRIM130 | Intro Homeland Sec | NPE1XX | Intro Homeland Sec |
CRIM203 | Written Comm for Police | CJA2XX | Written Comm for Police |
CRIM205 | Criminal Justice Ethics | CJA203 | Ethical Issues/CJ |
CRIM210 | Forensic Science | CJA2XX | Forensic Science |
CRIM215 | Patrol Operations | CJA2XX | Patrol Operations |
CRIM220 | Basic Crim Investigation | CJA2XX | Basic Crim Investigation |
CRIM225 | Motor Veh Coll Invest | CJA2XX | Motor Veh Coll Invest |
CRIM230 | Police Administration | CJA2XX | Police Administration |
CRIM235 | Corrections Admin | CJA2XX | Corrections Admin |
CRIM236 | Parole & Probation | CJA2XX | Parole & Probation |
CRIM240 | Treat & Rehab of Offender | CJA2XX | Treat & Rehab of Offender |
CRIM299 | Internship | CJA360 | Exp Learn/Crim Just |
CYBR121 | Network Essentials | IFS230 | Internet Communications |
DATA101 | Introduction to Data Science | IFS1XX | Introduction to Data Science |
DFAB101 | Intro 3D Printing | ART1XX | Intro 3D Printing |
DFAB104 | Subtractive Manu | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect |
DFAB105 | Solidwords Introduction | CS1XX | Solidworks Introduction |
DVTY115 | Diversity in the U.S. | BEH1XX | Diversity in the U.S. |
EAS101 | Earth Science | ESS152 | Earth/Space Sci |
EAS131 | Meteorology | ESS1XX | Meteorology |
ECE101 | Child Growth & Dev | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop |
ECE102 | Intro Early Child Ed | EDU1XX | Early Child Ed |
ECE104 | Meth & Mat in ECE | EDU1XX | Meth & Mat in ECE |
ECE105 | Infants & Toddlers:Dev & Care | EDU1XX | Inf & Toddlers:Dev & Care |
ECE110 | Nutrition, Hlth & Safety | EDU1XX | Nutrition, Hlth & Safety |
ECE115 | School-Age Care | EDU1XX | School-Age Care |
ECE120 | Lit in Early Child Ed | EDU1XX | Lit Early Child Ed |
ECE199 | Dir Pract Early Child Ed | EDU1XX | Dir Pract Early Child Ed |
ECE210 | Child Care Admin | EDU2XX | Child Care Admin |
ECE270 | ECE Capstone Field Exp | EDU2XX | ECE Capstone Field Exp |
ECO121 | Prin of Micro Economics | ECO201 | Prin Econ-Micro |
ECON100 | Prin of Micro Economics | ECO201 | Prin Econ-Micro |
ECON101 | Prin of Micro Econ | ECO201 | Prin Econ-Micro |
ECON102 | Prin of Macro Econ | ECO200 | Prin Econ-Macro |
ECON201 | Econ of War & Soc Prob | ECO2XX | Econ of War & Soc Prob |
EDUC120 | Intro to Education | EDU200 | Found of Education |
EDUC121 | Fld Exper Intro to Ed | EDU1XX | Fld Exp Intro to Ed |
EDUC125 | Ed Psychology | EDU370 | Psych of Learning |
EDUC125 | Ed Psychology | EDU375 | Psy Learning/Second |
EDUC126 | Field Exp for Ed Psych | EDU1XX | Field Exp Ed Psych |
EDUC130 | Intro Spec Ed | SPE200 | Process/Procedures |
EDUC131 | Field Exp Intro Spec Ed | SPE1XX | Field Exp Intro Spec Ed |
EDUC201 | Proc & Acquis of Rdg | EDU2XX | Proc & Acquis Rdg |
EDUC202 | Teach Read Cont Areas I | EDU2XX | Tch Read Cont Areas I |
EDUC203 | Teach Read Content Areas II | EDU2XX | Tch Read Cont Areas II |
EDUC204 | Instruction of Reading | EDU2XX | Instruct of Reading |
EDUC205 | Assess for Reading Instruct | EDU2XX | Assess Reading Instruct |
EDUC206 | Materials for Teaching Rdg | EDU2XX | Mat for Teaching Rdg |
EDUC215 | Eff Tch Method: Elem Ed | EDU2XX | Eff Tch Meth: Elem Ed |
EDUC216 | Eff Teach Method: Sec Ed | EDU2XX | Eff Tch Meth: Sec Ed |
ENCE212 | Prog Conc for Engineers | EGR2XX | Prog Conc for Engineers |
ENCE250 | Discrete Structures | EGR2XX | Discrete Structures |
ENEE204 | Electric Circuit Theory | ECE2XX | Elect Circuit Theory |
ENEE205 | Electric Circuits | ECE280 | Fund Electrical Eng |
ENEE222 | Elem of Discrete Signals | ECE2XX | Elem of Discrete Signals |
ENEE241 | Numerical Techniques | EGR2XX | Numerical Techniques |
ENEE244 | Digital Logic Design | ECE2XX | Digital Logic Design |
ENEE245 | Dig Circuits Lab | ECE2XX | Dig Circuits lab |
ENGL101 | College Writing I | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm |
ENGL101R | Craft of Comp W/Rev | WRT102 | Analytical Read/Writ |
ENGL102 | Writing about Literature | LIT200 | Perspectives/Lit |
ENGL103 | Adv College Writing | WRT102 | Analytical Read/Writ |
ENGL110 | Intro to Creative Writing | WRT272 | Intro Creative Wrt |
ENGL160 | Literature Travel Study | LIT1XX | Lit Travel Study |
ENGL201 | Lit of the West World I | LIT2XX | Lit of the West World I |
ENGL202 | Mod World Writers | LIT2XX | Mod World Writers |
ENGL205 | Southern Writers | LIT2XX | Southern Writers |
ENGL209 | Written Comm for Bus | WRT210 | Writng/Prof Culturs |
ENGL209 | Written Comm for Business | FCO210 | Comm Prof Cultures |
ENGL210 | American Lit I | LIT281 | Amer Lit to 1885 |
ENGL211 | American Lit II | LIT282 | Amer Lit after 1885 |
ENGL218 | Creative Writing | CRW272 | Intro Creative Wrt |
ENGL220 | Creative Wrt Workshop I | WRT2XX | Creat Wrt Workshop I |
ENGL221 | Creative Wrt Workshop II | WRT2XX | Creat Wrt Workshop II |
ENGL225 | Classical Mythology | HUM2XX | Classical Mythology |
ENGL230 | Major Figures | LIT2XX | Major Figures |
ENGL235 | Detective Fiction | LIT2XX | Detective Fiction |
ENGL240 | Brit Lit Since 1798 | LIT284 | Brt Lit after 1750 |
ENGL245 | Mod English Grammar | WRT2XX | Mod English Grammar |
ENGL298 | Class Amer Films | LIT2XX | Class Amer Films |
ENGR100 | Intro to Engineering | EGR100 | Epads I |
ENGR100 | Intro to Engineering | ECE100 | Intro Elect Engnr |
ENGR102 | Statics | EGR250 | Statics |
ENGR220 | Mech of Materials | EGR2XX | Mech of Materials |
ENGR220 | Mech of Materials | ME264 | Strength of Mat |
ENGR221 | Dynamics | ME252 | Dynamics/Vibrtn |
ENGR261 | Elective UG Research Lab | EGR2XX | Elect US Research Lab |
ENV100 | Environmental Science | BIO1XX | Biology Elect No Lab |
ENV105 | Intro Envir Science | BIO212 | Environmntl Bio |
FN100 | Personal Finance | BUS218 | Personal Finance |
FN215 | Fin Mgmt | FIN300 | Managrl Finance I |
FPA101 | Intro to the Arts | HUM1XX | Intro to the Arts |
FPA105 | Introduction to Film | FLM216 | Intro to Film |
FPA106 | Explor of Ideas in Image | HUM1XX | Explor Ideas in Image |
FREN101 | Elem French I | FRN101 | Elem French I |
FREN102 | Elem French II | FRN102 | Elem French II |
FREN201 | Intermediate French | FRN201 | Inter French I |
FREN202 | Intermed French II | FRN202 | Inter French II |
FSCI210 | Intro Forensic Science | FCM2XX | Intro Forensic Science |
GEOG105 | Human Geography | G1XX | Human Geog |
GEOG110 | Phys Geog | ESS1XX | Phys Geog |
GEOG201 | Reg Geog & Glob Aware | G2XX | Reg Geog & Glob Aware |
GEOSC100 | Earth and Space Science | ESS152 | Earth/Space Sci |
GEOSC101 | Earth Science | ESS152 | Earth/Space Sci |
GEOSC103 | Environmental Sustainability | ESS1XX | Environmental Sustainability |
GEOSC105 | Intro to Oceanography | BIO124 | Oceanography |
GEOSC110 | Physical Geography | ESS1XX | Physical Geography |
GEOSC121 | Physical Geology | ESS1XX | Physical Geology |
GEOSC201 | Meteorology | ESS2XX | Meteorology |
GEOSC210 | Astron: Intro Cosmos | ESS154 | Intro/Astronomy |
GERM101 | Elem German I | GRM101 | Elem German I |
GERM102 | Elem German II | GRM102 | Elem German II |
HES100 | Emer Care-First Aid CPR | SPM205 | Responding/Emerg |
HES111 | Medical Term for Health Prof | HSC105 | Medical Terminology |
HIS101 | West Civ I | HIS101 | Western Civ I |
HIS111 | Hist of U.S. to 1876 | HIS111 | American Civ I |
HIST101 | West Civ I | HIS101 | Western Civ I |
HIST102 | West Civ II | HIS102 | Western Civ II |
HIST105 | Hist of U.S. to 1876 | HIS111 | American Civ I |
HIST106 | Hist of U.S. from 1876 | HIS112 | American Civ II |
HIST130 | Latin Amer History | HIS343 | Modern Latin Amer |
HIST135 | Hist of Mid East | HIS1XX | Hist of Mid East |
HIST160 | Travel Study | HIS1XX | Travel Study |
HIST201 | Hitler & the 3rd Reich | HIS2XX | Hitler & the 3rd Reich |
HIST202 | Mod British History | HIS331 | History Britain II |
HIST205 | America Since 1940 | HIS367 | Recent Amer/1945-Prs |
HIST210 | Era of Amer Civil War | HIS2XX | Era of the American Civil War |
HIST210 | Era of Amer Civil War | HIS364 | Civil War & Reconstruction |
HIST210 | Era of Amer Civil War | HIS363 | Coming of Civil War |
HIST215 | Hist of Ancient Rome | HIS2XX | Hist of Ancient Rome |
HIST220 | Amer Civil Rights Movement | HIS372 | Civil Lib/Civ Rights |
HIST225 | Amer in Global Society | HIS2XX | Amer in Global Society |
HIST235 | Great War & 20 Year Truce | HIS2XX | Great War & 20 Year Truce |
HIST298 | Hist Mod Russia | HIS325 | Hist of Russia/1861 |
HIT111 | Medical Terminology | RT105 | Medical Terminology |
HIT111 | Medical Terminology | BIO201 | Medical Terminology |
HIT115 | Pathophys & Pharm | BIO1XX | Biology Elect No Lab |
HLTH101 | Sci & Theory Hlth & Well | PAW1XX | Sci & Theory Hlth & Well |
HLTH201 | Women's Health | WGS210 | Women's Health |
HLTH215 | Human Sexuality | PSY2XX | Human Sexuality |
HLTH225 | Stress Mgmt & Tension Control | PAW2XX | Stress Mgmt & Tension Control |
HONOR145 | States of Consciousness | BEH1XX | States of Consciousness |
HONOR202 | Svc Lrn: Values and Action | BEH1XX | Svc Lrn: Values and Action |
HUMT160 | Travel Study | HUM1XX | Travel Study |
ITAL101 | Elem Italian | ITL101 | Elem Italian I |
JOUR101 | Intro to Journalism | WRT1XX | Intro to Journalism |
LAW111 | Business Law I | BUS260 | Legal Environment |
LEA101 | Emerg Vehicle Operations | CJA1XX | Emerg Vehicle Operations |
LEA102 | Defensive Tactics | CJA1XX | Defensive Tactics |
LGST101 | Intro to Law | PS210 | Intro to Law |
LGST102 | Personal Law | PS1XX | Personal Law |
LGST110 | Criminal Law | CJA1XX | Criminal Law |
LGST111 | Crim Evidence & Proc | CJA1XX | Crim Evidence & Proc |
LGST125 | Constitutional Law | PS1XX | Constitutional Law |
LGST205 | Business Law | BUS260 | Legal Environment |
LIF106 | Life Fitness | PE134 | Concpts Phys Actvty |
LIF111 | Adult Life Fitness | PE134 | Concpts Phys Actvty |
MAN121 | Human Resource Management | MGT1XX | Management Elective |
MAN121 | Hum Res Mgmt | MGT1XX | Hum Res Mgmt |
MAR101 | Marketing Management | MKT100 | Prin Marketing |
MAT100 | Preparatory Algebra II | MAT105 | College Algebra |
MAT131 | Intro to Stat Methods | BEH260 | Statistics |
MAT131 | Intro to Stat Methods | QBA260 | Business Statistics |
MAT131 | Intro to Stat Methods | MAT250 | Statistics |
MATH105 | Intermediate Algebra | MAT105 | College Algebra |
MATH110 | Math Conc & Struct | MAT115 | Sets/Number Systems |
MATH111 | Fund Geom & Meas | MAT215 | Sets/Number Sys II |
MATH115 | Intro to Statistical Methods | QBA260 | Data Driven Dec Making |
MATH115 | Intro to Statistical Methods | BEH260 | Statistics |
MATH115 | Intro to Statistical Methods | MAT250 | Statistics |
MATH118 | College Algebra | MAT102 | College Algebra I |
MATH120 | Intro to College Math | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv |
MATH121 | Intro to College Math | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv |
MATH123 | Precalc Part1: Coll Algebra | MAT105 | College Algebra |
MATH124 | Precalc w/Trig Adv Alg II | MAT108 | Precalculus |
MATH128 | College Algebra | MAT105 | College Algebra |
MATH129 | Trig & Adv Algebra | MAT1XX | Trig & Adv Algebra |
MATH130 | Precalculus Math | MAT108 | Precalculus |
MATH135 | Calc of Single Var I | MAT171 | Calculus I |
MATH136 | Calc Single Var II | MAT172 | Calculus II |
MATH205 | Multivariable Calculus | MAT2XX | Multivariable Calculus |
MATH205 | Multivariable Calculus | EGR240 | Mathmatical Methods |
MATH205 | Multivariable Calculus | MAT2XX | Multivariable Calculus |
MATH210 | Linear Algebra | MAT260 | Elem Linear Algebra |
MATH215 | Differential Equations | MAT272 | Diff Equations |
MGMT201 | Prin of Management | MGT150 | Prin of Management |
MGMT210 | Human Resource Mgmt | MGT220 | Human Resource Mgt |
MGMT215 | Financial Mgmt | MGT2XX | Fin Mgmt |
MIS101 | Info Tech for Bus | IFS100 | Info Tech Competncy |
MIS101 | Info Tech for Bus | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
MKTG201 | Prin of Marketing | MKT100 | Prin Marketing |
MUS101 | Music Appreciation | MUS186 | Listening to Music |
MUSC101 | Music Appreciation | MUS186 | Listening to Music |
MUSC102 | Hist of Rock and Roll | MUS288 | History Rock/Roll |
MUSC103 | Hist of Classical Music | MUS1XX | Hist of Classical Music |
MUSC105 | Fund of Music | MUS181 | Found Music Theory |
MUSC106 | Musicianship I | MUS184 | Sight Singing I |
MUSC107 | Musicianship II | MUS185 | Sight Singing II |
MUSC110 | Theory of Music I | MUS182 | Music Theory I |
MUSC113 | Guitar Ensemble I | MUS176 | Guitar Ensemble |
MUSC115 | Theory of Music II | MUS183 | Music Theory II |
MUSC116 | Class Piano I | MUS140 | Class Piano |
MUSC125 | Voice I | MUS101 | Voice |
MUSC135 | Guitar I | MUS138 | Guitar |
MUSC136 | Guitar II | MUS139 | Guitar |
MUSC201 | Hist of Jazz | MUS286 | Jazz History |
MUSC235 | Guitar III | MUS238 | Guitar |
MUSIC101 | Music Appreciation | MUS186 | Listening to Music |
MUSIC102 | Hist of Rock and Roll | MUS288 | History Rock/Roll |
MUSIC103 | History of Classical Music | MUS1XX | History of Classical Music |
MUSIC104 | World Music | MUS281 | World Music |
MUSIC105 | Fund of Music | MUS181 | Found Music Theory |
MUSIC106 | History of Jazz | MUS286 | Jazz History |
MUSIC110 | Theory of Music I | MUS182 | Music Theory I |
MUSIC111 | Theory of Music II | MUS183 | Music Theory II |
MUSIC112 | Musicianship | MUS184 | Sight Singing I |
MUSIC113 | Musicianship II | MUS185 | Sight Singing II |
MUSIC114 | Keyboard Skills I | MUS1XX | Keyboard Skills I |
MUSIC115 | Keyboard Skills II | MUS1XX | Keyboard Skills II |
MUSIC120 | Chorus I | MUS150 | YCChorale |
MUSIC122 | Symphony Orchestra I | MUS164 | Symphony Orchestra |
MUSIC124 | Jazz Ensemble I | MUS162 | Jazz Ensemble |
MUSIC126 | Jazz Choir I | MUS1XX | Jazz Choir I |
MUSIC130 | Guitar Ensemble I | MUS176 | Guitar Ensemble |
MUSIC132 | Rock N' Roll Ensemble I | MUS1XX | Rock N' Roll Ensemble I |
MUSIC134 | Percussion Ensemble I | MUS172 | Percussion Ensemble |
MUSIC136 | Concert Band I | MUS1XX | Concert Band I |
MUSIC138 | String Orchestra I | MUS166 | String Ensemble |
MUSIC140 | Class Guitar | MUS148 | Guitar Class |
MUSIC141 | Class Voice | MUS1XX | Class Voice |
MUSIC142 | Class Piano | MUS140 | Class Piano |
MUSIC150U | Voice I | MUS101 | Voice |
MUSIC150V | Guitar I | MUS138 | Guitar |
MUSIC210 | Theory of Music III | MUS282 | Music Theory III |
MUSIC211 | Theory of Music IV | MUS283 | Music Theory IV |
MUSIC212 | Musicianship III | MUS284 | Sight Singing III |
MUSIC213 | Musicianship IV | MUS285 | Sight Singing IV |
MUSIC250 | Voice 3 | MUS1XX | Voice 3 |
NURS102 | Nursing Skills | NUR1XX | Nursing Skills |
NURS103 | Fund of Nursing | NUR1XX | Fund of Nursing |
NURS131 | Health Assessment | NUR1XX | Health Assessment |
NURS132 | Medication Admin | NUR1XX | Medication Admin |
NURS133 | Nursing Concepts I | NUR1XX | Nursing Concepts I |
NURS140 | Nursing Concepts II | NUR1XX | Nursing Concepts II |
NURS150 | Intro Pharmacology | NUR1XX | Intro Pharmacology |
NURS211 | Medical-Surgical Nurs I | NUR2XX | Med-Surg Nurs I |
NURS222 | Nurs Throughout Dev Stages | NUR2XX | Nurs/Dev Stages |
NURS223 | Issues in Pract Nursing | NUR2XX | Issues in Pract Nurs |
NURS233 | Nursing Concepts III | NUR2XX | Nursing Concepts III |
NURS242 | Nursing Concepts IV | NUR2XX | Nursing Concepts IV |
OFFC105 | Intro to Word | IFS1XX | Intro to Word |
OFFC115 | Intro to Word | IFS1XX | Intro to Word |
OFFC135 | Intro to Excel | IFS1XX | Intro to Excel |
OFFC155 | Powerpoint | IFS1XX | Powerpoint |
OFFC160 | Intro to Powerpoint | IFS1XX | Intro to Powerpoint |
OFFC165 | Intro to Access | IFS1XX | Intro to Access |
PHED101 | Lifetime Fit & Wellness | PAW134 | Concpts Phys Actvty |
PHED107 | Yoga | PAW163 | Yoga |
PHIL101 | Intro to Philosophy | PHL221 | Intro Philosophy |
PHIL105 | Ethics | PHL341 | Ethics |
PHIL107 | Cont. Issues in Social Justice | PHL1XX | Cont. Issues in Social Justice |
PHIL110 | Practical Logic | PHL231 | Logic |
PHIL115 | Intro World Religions | REL265 | World Religions |
PHIL120 | World Philosophy | PHL1XX | World Philosophy |
PHIL130 | Intro to World Religion | REL265 | World Religions |
PHIL201 | Bus Ethics | PHL342 | Professional Ethics |
PHIL201 | Bus Ethics | ||
PHIL203 | Ethics in Lit | PHL2XX | Ethics in Lit |
PHIL205 | Crim Justice Ethics | PHL2XX | Crim Justice Ethics |
PHIL205 | Crim Justice Ethics | CJA203 | Ethical Issues/CJ |
PHIL210 | Peace Studies | PHL2XX | Peace Studies |
PHIL215 | American Philosophy | PHL2XX | American Philosophy |
PHIL220 | Ideas on Drugs | PHL2XX | Ideas on Drugs |
PHIL298 | Ideas on Drugs | PHL2XX | Ideas on Drugs |
PHSC100 | Gen Physical Science | PSC152 | Physical Sci I |
PHYS101 | Fund of Physics I | PHY111 | G Phys:Mech Lab |
PHYS101 | Fund of Physics I | PHY110 | Gen Phys:Mech/Ht |
PHYS102 | Fund of Physics II | PHY112 | Gen Phys:Elc/Magn |
PHYS102 | Fund of Physics II | PHY113 | G Phys:Elct Lab |
PHYS111 | Physics 1 | PHY160 | Eng Phys:Mechncs |
PHYS111 | Physics 1 | PHY161 | E Phys:Mech Lab |
PHYS151 | General Physics I | PHY111 | General Physics Lab |
PHYS151 | General Physics I | PHY110 | General Physics I |
PHYS212 | Physics II | PHY261 | E Phys:Elct/Magn Lab |
PHYS212 | Physics II | PHY260 | Eng Phys:Elct/Magn |
PHYS213 | Physics III | PHY2XX | Physics III |
POLS101 | American Government | PS141 | American Governmnt |
POLS101 | American Government | PS101 | Amer Gov/Citizenship |
POLS210 | Peace Studies | PS2XX | Peace Studies |
PORT101 | Elem Portuguese I | L1XX | Elem Portuguese I |
PSLS100 | American Government | PS141 | Am Gov: Institutions |
PSLS110 | Criminal Law | CJA302 | Criminal Law |
PSY101 | Gen Psychology | PSY100 | General Psychology |
PSY171 | Hum Dev Life Span | NUR201 | Nursing HD/HC |
PSY171 | Hum Dev Life Span | PSY2XX | Hum Dev Life Span |
PSY175 | Psych of Aging | PSY1XX | Psych of Aging |
PSYC101 | General Psychology | PSY100 | General Psychology |
PSYC175 | Psych of Aging | PSY1XX | Psych of Aging |
PSYC195 | Death & Dying | PSY1XX | Death & Dying |
PSYC198 | Positive Psych | PSY1XX | Positive Psych |
PSYC201 | Abnormal Psychology | PSY230 | Abnormal Psych |
PSYC205 | Social Psychology | PSY243 | Social Psychology |
PSYC210 | Hum Dev Life Span | NUR201 | Nursing HD/HC |
PSYC210 | Hum Dev Life Span | PSY2XX | Hum Dev Life Span |
PSYC211 | Hum Dev Life Span | NUR201 | Nursing HD/HC |
PSYC211 | Hum Dev Life Span | PSY2XX | Hum Dev Life Span |
PSYC215 | Hum Sexuality | PSY2XX | Hum Sexuality |
PSYC225 | Psych in Practice Seminar | PSY2XX | Psych in Practice Seminar |
PSYC235 | Intro Helping & Couns | PSY2XX | Intro Helping & Couns |
SOC101 | Intro to Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology |
SOC105 | Marriage & the Family | SOC225 | The Family |
SOC110 | Social Problems | SOC220 | Am Social Problems |
SOC115 | Diversity in the US | SOC1XX | Diversity in the US |
SOC120 | Social Gerontology | SOC1XX | Social Gerontology |
SOC200 | Gender in Society | SOC260 | Gender/Society |
SPAN100 | Elementary Spanish 1 | SPN101 | Elem Spanish I |
SPAN101 | Elementary Spanish I | SPN101 | Elem Spanish I |
SPAN102 | Elementary Spanish II | SPN102 | Elem Spanish II |
SPAN201 | Int Spanish I | SPN201 | Inter Spanish I |
SPAN202 | Intermed Spanish II | SPN202 | Inter Spanish II |
SPAN205 | Adv Spanish Conv | SPN2XX | Adv Spanish Conv |
SPCH101 | Fund of Public Speaking | CM104 | Human Communicatn |
SPCH101 | Intro to Speech Communication | CM212 | Public Speaking |
SPCH105 | Intro to Interp Comm | CM329 | Interpersonal Comm |
SPCH201 | Adv Public Speaking | CM212 | Public Speaking |
SPCH205 | Interpers Comm | CM329 | Interpersonal Comm |
SPE101 | Fund Public Speaking | CM104 | Human Communicatn |
THTR101 | Intro to Theatre | THE254 | Intro Theatre |
THTR105 | Stage Makeup | THE1XX | Stage Makeup |
THTR110 | Acting I | THE262 | Acting |
THTR115 | Intro Tech Theatre | THE1XX | Intro Tech Theatre |
THTR120 | Hist of Theatre I | THE360 | Hist of Theatre I |
THTR121 | Hist of Theatre II | THE361 | Hist of Theatre II |
THTR125 | Theatre Practicum I | THE350 | Theatre Pract I |
THTR130 | Intro to Theatre Design | THE1XX | Intro to Theatre Design |
THTR135 | Movement for the Actor | THE1XX | Movement for Actor |
THTR136 | Voice for the Actor | THE1XX | Voice for the Actor |
THTR137 | Script Analysis | THE1XX | Script Analysis |
THTR199 | Theatre Internship | THE1XX | Theatre Internship |
THTR200 | Acting Fund | THE262 | Acting |
THTR205 | Intro Costume Design | THE322 | Costume Design |
THTR206 | Sound Design | THE2XX | Sound Design |
THTR207 | Scene Design | THE320 | Scene Design |
THTR208 | Lighting Design | THE321 | Lighting Design |
THTR210 | Adv Acting | THE355 | Advanced Acting |
Cecil Community College | York College of Pennsylvania | |||
ACC101 | Accounting I | ACC220 | Financial Acct | |
ACC102 | Accounting II | ACC225 | Managerial Acct | |
ANT101 | Cultural Anthro | ANT220 | Cult Anthropology | |
ART150 | Art Appreciation | ART101 | Intro Art Apprec | |
ART160 | Beg Ceramics | ART225 | Ceramics I | |
ART180 | Basic Photography | ART245 | Photography I | |
ART200 | Appl Art in Schools | ART2XX | Appl Art in Schools | |
AST103 | Prin of Astronomy | ESS154 | Intro/Astronomy | |
BIO101 | Gen Biology | BIO1XX | Biology Elect No Lab | |
BIO101 | General Biology | 01 | BIO204 | Exploring Biology |
BIO101 | Gen Biology | BIO204 | Exploring Biology | |
BIO101 | General Biology | 01 | BIO205 | Exp Biology Lab |
BIO111 | General Biology Lab | 01 | ||
BIO130 | Princ of Biology I | 03 | BIO151 | Intro Mole Bio Lab |
BIO130 | Princ of Biology I | 03 | BIO150 | Intro Molecular Bio |
BIO131 | Princ of Biology I Lab | 03 | ||
BIO132 | Princ of Biology II | 02 | BIO152 | Evol/Ecol & Divers |
BIO132 | Princ of Biology II | 02 | BIO153 | Evol/Ecol/Div Lab |
BIO133 | Princ of Biology II Lab | 02 | ||
BIO200 | Microbiology | BIO2XX | Biology Elect No Lab | |
BIO200 | Microbiology | BIO230 | Microbiology | |
BIO203 | Nutrition | NUR202 | Nutrition | |
BIO208 | Hum A & P I | BIO220 | Human A/P I | |
BIO208 | Hum A & P I | BIO2XX | Biology Elect No Lab | |
BIO209 | Hum A & P II | BIO2XX | Biology Elect No Lab | |
BIO209 | Hum A & P II | BIO222 | Human A/P II | |
BUS101 | Acct I | ACC1XX | Acct I | |
BUS103 | Intro to Business | BUS1XX | Intro to Business | |
BUS103 | Intro to Business | BUS150 | Intro to Business | |
BUS111 | Bus Comm | WRT210 | Writng/Prof Culturs | |
BUS131 | Prin of Mgt | MGT150 | Prin of Management | |
BUS187 | Business Ethics | BUS1XX | Business Ethics | |
BUS187 | Business Ethics | PHL255 | Business Ethics | |
BUS207 | Intro to Public Relations | PR221 | Intro Public Relations | |
BUS210 | Bus Law I | BUS260 | Legal Environment | |
BUS212 | Prin of Marketing | MKT100 | Prin Marketing | |
BUS216 | Organizational Leadership | MGT380 | Leadership/Change | |
BUS231 | Management of Human Resources | MGT220 | Human Resource Mgt | |
BUS234 | Team Build Exp Learn | BUS2XX | Team Build Exp Learn | |
BUS235 | Appl Tech Exp Learn | BUS2XX | Appl Tech Exp Learn | |
CHM103 | Gen Chemistry I | 04 | CHM135 | Gen Chem I Lab |
CHM103 | Gen Chemistry I | 04 | CHM134 | Gen Chem I |
CHM104 | Gen Chemistry II | 05 | CHM136 | Gen Chem II |
CHM104 | Gen Chemistry II | 05 | CHM137 | Gen Chem II Lab |
CHM105 | Gen Chem I | CHM134 | Gen Chem I | |
CHM106 | Gen Chem II | CHM136 | Gen Chem II | |
CHM113 | Gen Chemistry I Lab | 04 | ||
CHM114 | Gen Chemistry II Lab | 05 | ||
CIS101 | Intro to Comp Concept | IFS105 | Personal Computing | |
CIS101 | Intro to Comp Concept | IFS100 | Info Tech Competncy | |
CIS124 | Internet Tools & HTML | IFS1XX | Internet Tools & HTML | |
COU101 | Career Development | FYS1XX | Career Development | |
COU102 | Dynamics Hum Inter | BEH1XX | Dynamics Hum Inter | |
CRJ101 | Intro to Crim Justice | CJA101 | Intro Crim Justice | |
CSC106 | Intro to Programming Logic | CS1XX | Intro to Programming Logic | |
CSC109 | Intro to Programming | CS1XX | Intro to Programming | |
CSC205 | Computer Sci I | CS1XX | Computer Sci I | |
DAP109 | Intro to Prog | IFS1XX | Intro to Programming | |
DAP131 | Visual Basic Prog | IFS160 | Visual Basic Progrm | |
DAP160 | Intro to Data Comm | IFS1XX | Intro to Data Comm | |
DAP202 | CProg Lang | CS2XX | CProg Lang | |
ECO221 | Economics-Micro | ECO201 | Prin Econ-Micro | |
ECO222 | Economics-Macro | ECO200 | Prin Econ-Macro | |
EDU101 | Foundations of Education | EDU200 | Found of Education | |
EDU131 | Prin of Early Childhood | EDU1XX | Prin of Early Childhood | |
EDU132 | Early Child Cir & Meth | EDU1XX | Early Child Cir & Meth | |
EGL101 | Freshman Comp | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm | |
EGL102 | Composition and Lit | LIT200 | Perspectives/Lit | |
EGL210 | Top in World Lit | LIT2XX | Top in World Lit | |
EGL211 | Technical Writing | WRT210 | Writng/Prof Culturs | |
ELT103 | Intro to Robotics | ME1XX | Intro to Robotics | |
ELT150 | Pers Comp Maintenance | IFS1XX | Personal Computer Maint | |
EQS137 | Horseback Riding | PE1XX | Horseback Riding | |
FRN101 | Beginning French I | FRN101 | French I | |
GEO101 | Physical Geog | G1XX | Physical Geog | |
GEO102 | Cult Geog | G243 | Intro Geography | |
HEA130 | Healthful Living I | PAW234 | Well/Fitness/Life | |
HEA136 | Stress Mgmt | NPE2XX | Non Prog Elect | |
HEA136 | Stress Mgmt | PAW1XX | Phys Act & Wellness Elect | |
HST101 | Western Civilization I to 1715 | HIS101 | Foundation/West | |
HST110 | World History I | HIS121 | World History I | |
HST201 | US History I | HIS111 | American Civ I | |
HST202 | Hist of U.S. Recon-Pres | HIS112 | American Civ II | |
HST252 | Amer Div Through Film | FLM2XX | Amer Div Through Film | |
HUM101 | Intro to Critical Inquiry | HUM1XX | Intro to Critical Inquiry | |
LAE101 | Intro to Law Enforce | CJA101 | Intro Crim Justice | |
LAE202 | Crim Law Proc | CJA2XX | Crim Law Proc | |
LAE221 | Criminology | SOC2XX | Criminology | |
MAT121 | Precalculus | MAT108 | Precalculus | |
MAT123 | Finite Math | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv | |
MAT127 | Intro to Statistics | BEH260 | Statistics | |
MAT127 | Intro to Statistics | QBA260 | Business Statistics | |
MAT127 | Intro to Statistics | MAT250 | Statistics | |
MAT201 | Calc I w/Analytic Geom | MAT171 | Calculus I | |
MAT202 | Calculus II | MAT172 | Calculus II | |
MAT203 | MultiVar Calculus | MAT271 | Calculus III | |
MAT240 | Intro to Linear Algebra | MAT260 | Linear Algebra I | |
MUC102 | Piano Class I | MUS140 | Piano Class | |
MUC109 | Fund Guitar | MUS138 | Guitar | |
MUC110 | Mus Theory & Mus I | MUS182 | Music Theory I | |
MUC110 | Mus Theory & Mus I | MUS184 | Sight Singing I | |
MUC111 | Mus Theory & Mus II | MUS185 | Sight Singing II | |
MUC111 | Mus Theory & Mus II | MUS183 | Music Theory II | |
MUC114 | Piano Class II | MUS141 | Class Piano | |
MUC120 | Music Ensemble I | MUS1XX | Music Ensemble I | |
MUC120 | Chamber Ensemble I | MUS152 | Chamber Singers | |
MUC121 | Music Ensemble II | MUS1XX | Music Ensemble II | |
MUC121 | Chamber Ensemble II | MUS153 | Chamber Singers | |
MUC122 | Music Apprec | MUS186 | Listening to Music | |
MUC128 | Intro Audio Technology | MUS187 | Intro Music Tech | |
MUC133 | Music Lit and Appreciation I | MUS290 | Intro Music Lit | |
MUC134 | Music Lit & Appr II | MUS1XX | Music Lit & Appr II | |
MUC143 | Music Fund | MUS181 | Found Music Theory | |
MUC210 | Music Theory/Musicianship III | MUS282 | Music Theory III | |
MUC211 | Music Theory/Musicianship IV | MUS283 | Music Theory IV | |
MUC220 | Chamber Ensemble III | MUS252 | Chamber Singers | |
MUC221 | Chamber Ensemble IV | MUS253 | Chamber Singers | |
MUC228 | Recording Techniques | CM226 | Audio Productn I | |
MUC229 | Intro to Digital Audio Worksta | CM2XX | Intro to Digital Audio Worksta | |
MUL117 | Woodwind Lessons I | MUS170 | Woodwind Ensemble | |
MUL118 | Woodwind Lessons II | MUS171 | Woodwind Ensemble | |
MUL119 | Woodwind Lessons III | MUS270 | Woodwind Ensemble | |
MUL120 | Woodwind Lessons IV | MUS271 | Woodwind Ensemble | |
MUL129 | Drum Percussion Lessons I | MUS136 | Percussion | |
MUL217 | Woodwind Lessons V | MUS370 | Woodwind Ensemble | |
MUL218 | Woodwind Ensemble VI | MUS371 | Woodwind Ensemble | |
MUL219 | Woodwind Ensemble VII | MUS470 | Woodwind Ensemble | |
PED104 | Walking for Fun & Fitness I | PAW1XX | Walking for Fun & Fitness I | |
PED142 | Bowling | PE110 | Beginning Bowling | |
PED174 | Weight Training | PAW1XX | Weight Training | |
PED175 | Phys Ex-Hatha Yoga | PE163 | Intro to Yoga | |
PED196 | Tennis I | PE159 | Tennis | |
PED204 | Walking for Fun & Fitness II | PAW1XX | Walking for Fun & Fitness II | |
PHE101 | Intro to Engineering Design | EGR100 | Epads I | |
PHE211 | Statics | EGR250 | Statics | |
PHI101 | Intro to Philosophy | PHL221 | Intro Philosophy | |
PHI201 | Ethics Cont Moral Prob | PHL341 | Ethics | |
PHI202 | Clear Thinking: An Intro to In | PHL231 | Logic | |
PHI204 | Hist of Ideas: Mod | PHL2XX | Hist of Ideas: Mod | |
PHI207 | World Religion | REL265 | World Religions | |
PHY103 | Physics Today | PSC152 | Physical Sci I | |
PHY217 | Gen Calc Physics I w/ lab | PHY161 | E Phys:Mech Lab | |
PHY217 | Gen Calc Physics I w/ lab | PHY160 | Eng Phys:Mechncs | |
PHY218 | Gen Calc Physics II w/ lab | PHY261 | E Phys:Elct/Magn Lab | |
PHY218 | Gen Calc Physics II w/ lab | PHY260 | Eng Phys:Elct/Magn | |
POS201 | American Government | PS141 | Am Gov: Institutions | |
PSC105 | General Physical Sci | PSC152 | Physical Sci I | |
PSC120 | Physical Geology | ESS1XX | Physical Geology | |
PSC140 | Intro Ocean Studies | ESS1XX | Intro Ocean Studies | |
PSC220 | Meteorology | PSC2XX | Meteorology | |
PSY101 | Intro to Psychology | PSY100 | General Psychology | |
PSY201 | Hum Grwth & Dev | NUR201 | Nursing HD/HC | |
PSY201 | Hum Grwth & Dev | PSY2XX | Hum Grwth & Dev | |
PSY222 | Org Psychology | PSY2XX | Org Psychology | |
PSY227 | Abnormal Psych | PSY230 | Abnormal Psych | |
RUS101 | Russian I | RUS101 | Elem Russian I | |
SOC101 | Intro Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology | |
SOC102 | Social Problems | SOC220 | Am Social Problems | |
SOC105 | Persp in Hum Diversity | SOC1XX | Persp Hum Diversity | |
SPH121 | Interpersonal Comm | CM329 | Interpersonal Comm | |
SPH141 | Public Speaking | CM212 | Public Speaking | |
SPM101 | Intro to Sports Management | SPM125 | Intro to the Sport Industry | |
SPN101 | Introductory Spanish I | SPN101 | Elem Spanish I | |
SPN102 | Introductory Spanish II | SPN102 | Spanish II | |
SWK101 | Intro Social Work | SOC1XX | Intro Social Work | |
VCP101 | Photography I | ART245 | Photography I | |
VCP116 | Digital Imaging I | ART1XX | Digital Imaging I | |
VCP117 | Digital Imaging II | ART1XX | Digital Imaging II | |
VCP151 | Intro to Game Design | IFS1XX | Intro to Game Design |
Central Pennsylvania College | York College of Pennsylvania | ||||
AC100 | Essentials of Algebra | MAT105 | College Algebra | ||
AC101 | Accounting I | ACC1XX | Accounting I | ||
AC102 | Accounting II | ACC220 | Financial Acct | ||
AC105 | Concepts of Accounting | ACC1XX | Concepts of Accounting | ||
AC110 | Fundamentals of Math | MAT102 | Prelim Math/Prob Solv | ||
AC125 | Bus Software Appl | IFS105 | Personal Computing | ||
AC130 | Spreadsheet Appl | ACC1XX | Spreadsheet Appl | ||
AC200 | Business Statistics | QBA260 | Business Statistics | ||
AC201 | Interm Acct I | ACC2XX | Interm Acct I | ||
AC202 | Interm Acct II | ACC2XX | Interm Acct II | ||
AC203 | Manag Acct | ACC225 | Managerial Acct | ||
AC301 | Cost Accounting | ACC3XX | Cost Accounting | ||
AC310 | Income Tax | ACC3XX | Income Tax | ||
ACC100 | Accounting 1 | ACC1XX | Accounting I | ||
ACC105 | Conc of Acct | ACC1XX | Concepts of Accounting | ||
ACC110 | Accounting II | ACC220 | Financial Acct | ||
ACC200 | Managerial Accounting | ACC225 | Managerial Acct | ||
ACC210 | Data Mgmt Applications | ACC2XX | Data Mgmt Applications | ||
ACC230 | Intermed Accounting I | ACC320 | Inter Accounting I | ||
ACC300 | Intermed Accounting II | ACC325 | Inter Accounting II | ||
ACC310 | Nonprofit Accounting | ACC340 | Acc for Govern/NFP | ||
ACC320 | Cost Accounting | ACC340 | Acc for Govern/NFP | ||
AF743 | Acct Pract-3 | ACC2XX | Accounting Pract-3 | ||
ALH100 | Allied Health Prin | BIO100 | Intro Allied Hl | ||
ALH105 | Medical Terminology | RT105 | Medical Terminology | ||
ALH105 | Medical Terminology | BIO201 | Medical Terminology | ||
ALH110 | Child Development | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop | ||
ALH112 | Ess of Anat & Phys I | BIO1XX | Biology Elect No Lab | ||
ALH120 | Anatomy & Physiology I | 01 | BIO220 | Human A/P I | |
ALH120 | Anatomy & Physiology I | 01 | BIO221 | Human A/P I Lab | |
ALH120L | Anatomy & Physiology I Lab | 01 | |||
ALH122 | Ess Anat & Phys II | BIO1XX | Biology Elect No Lab | ||
ALH130 | Anatomy & Physiology II | 02 | BIO223 | Hum A/P II Lab | |
ALH130 | Anatomy & Physiology II | 02 | BIO222 | Human A/P II | |
ALH130L | Anatomy & Physiology II Lab | 02 | |||
ALH145 | Allied Health Procedures | NPE1XX | Allied Health Proced | ||
ALH160 | Pharmacology | BIO202 | Pharmacology | ||
ALH170 | Med Law & Ethics | PHL1XX | Med Law & Ethics | ||
ALH205 | Clinical Methods | NPE2XX | Clinical Methods | ||
ALH210 | Clinical Techniques | NPE2XX | Clinical Techniques | ||
ALH230 | Disease & Diag Meth | NPE2XX | Disease & Diag Meth | ||
ALH245 | Wound Mgmt | NPE2XX | Wound Mgmt | ||
ALH255 | Med Law & Ethics | PHL2XX | Med Law & Ethics | ||
ALH310 | Medical Laboratory | NPE2XX | Medical Labratory | ||
ALH350 | Medical Seminar | EDU305 | Responding/Emerg | ||
ALH350 | Med Seminar | BIO100 | Intro Allied Hl | ||
ART100 | Drawing and Illustration | ART1XX | Drawing and Illustration | ||
ART205 | Art History | ART204 | Survey West Art I | ||
BIO100 | Human Biology | BIO1XX | Biology Elective No Lab | ||
BIO105 | Human Development | NUR201 | Nursing HD/HC | ||
BIO105 | Human Development | PSY1XX | Human Dev | ||
BIO260 | Microbiology | BIO2XX | Biology Elect No Lab | ||
BUS100 | Bus Prin | BUS150 | Intro to Business | ||
BUS120 | Spreadsheet Appl | IFS1XX | Spreadsheet Appl | ||
BUS200 | Finance I | FIN300 | Managrl Finance I | ||
BUS210 | Macroeconomics | ECO200 | Prin Econ-Macro | ||
BUS215 | Microeconomics | ECO201 | Prin Econ-Micro | ||
BUS220 | Prin of Management | MGT150 | Prin of Management | ||
BUS230 | Prin of Marketing | MKT100 | Prin Marketing | ||
BUS235 | Consumer Behavior | MKT360 | Consumer Behavior | ||
BUS245 | Human Resources | MGT220 | Human Resource Mgt | ||
BUS250 | Advertising | MKT330 | Advertising | ||
BUS260 | International Business | IBS200 | Internatl Business | ||
BUS310 | Fashion Analysis | MKT310 | Fashion Marketing | ||
BUS340 | Human Resources | MGT220 | Human Resource Mgt | ||
BUS399 | Internship for Bus Admin | BUS3XX | Internship for Bus Admin | ||
CIS111 | Oper Sys | IFS1XX | Oper Sys | ||
CIS120 | Struct Prog | IFS160 | Visual Basic Progrm | ||
CIS125 | Database Management | IFS1XX | Database Management | ||
CIS140 | Microcomp Sys | IFS1XX | Microcomp Sys | ||
CIS231 | Networking I | IFS2XX | Networking I | ||
CIS240 | Networking II | IFS2XX | Networking II | ||
CIS255 | Adv Network Rout | IFS2XX | Adv Network Rout | ||
CIS260 | Adv Network Switch | IFS2XX | Adv Network Switch | ||
CIS340 | Networking III | IFS3XX | Networking III | ||
CIS355 | Int Support | IFS3XX | Int Support | ||
CIS390 | Sys Analy & Des | IFS3XX | Sys Analy & Des | ||
COM100 | Surv Mass Comm | CM211 | Mass Communication | ||
COM101 | Intro Human Comm | CM212 | Public Speaking | ||
COM110 | Basic Photography | ART245 | Photography I | ||
COM130 | Public Relations | CM221 | Public Relations | ||
COM220 | Journalism I | CM271 | Print Media Writing | ||
COM230 | Desktop Pub I | ART2XX | Desktop Pub I | ||
COM340 | Communications Law | CM3XX | Communications Law | ||
CRI100 | Criminal Justice | CJA101 | Intro Crim Justice | ||
CRI110 | Prin of Priv Sec | CJA1XX | Prin of Priv Sec | ||
CRI135 | Corrections I | CJA1XX | Corrections I | ||
CRI205 | Fund of Intel Analy | CJA2XX | Fund of Intel Analy | ||
CRI225 | Juv Justice | CJA2XX | Juv Justice | ||
CRI240 | Crim Invest & Report Wrt | CJA2XX | Crim Invest | ||
CRI245 | Criminal Investigation | CJA2XX | Crim Investigation | ||
CRI250 | Psych of the Criminal | CJA2XX | Psych of the Criminal | ||
CRI321 | Police Operations | CJA3XX | Police Operations | ||
CRI330 | Criminalistics | CJA230 | Intro Criminalstics | ||
CRI425 | Criminalistics II | CJA4XX | Criminalistics II | ||
CRI431 | Police Admin | CJA4XX | Police Admin | ||
DGA105 | Elements of Graphic Design | ART200 | Intro Graphic Design | ||
DGA110 | Digital Photography | ART246 | Digital Photography | ||
DGA115 | Dig Image Editing | ART1XX | Dig Image Editing | ||
DGA120 | Vector Graphics | ART1XX | Vector Graphics | ||
DGA200 | Color Theory | ART2XX | Color Theory | ||
DP101 | Concepts of Data Processing | IFS105 | Personal Computing | ||
DP225 | BASICProgramming | IFS2XX | BASICProgramming | ||
ENG100 | English Composition I | WRT102 | Analytical Read/Writ | ||
ENG100 | Eng Composition I | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm | ||
ENG101 | College Composition I | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm | ||
ENG102 | College Composition II | LIT200 | Intro Lit & Text Stud | ||
ENG110 | Oral Communications | CM104 | Human Communicatn | ||
ENG110 | Oral Communications | CM212 | Public Speaking | ||
ENG200 | English Composition II | WRT202 | Academic Writing | ||
ENG200 | English Composition II | LIT200 | Perspectives/Lit | ||
ENG220 | Business Communications | WRT210 | Writng/Prof Culturs | ||
ENG220 | Business Communications | FCO210 | Comm Prof Cultures | ||
ENG310 | Sel Topics in Lit | LIT3XX | Sel Topics in Lit | ||
ENG315 | Bible as Lit | LIT390 | Bible as Literature | ||
ENG410 | American Lit to 1865 | LIT281 | Amer Lit to 1885 | ||
EX101 | Communications I | CM104 | Human Communicatn | ||
EX102 | Communications II | WRT210 | Writng/Prof Culturs | ||
EX103 | Oral Communications | CM212 | Public Speaking | ||
EX103 | Oral Communications | CM104 | Human Communicatn | ||
EX104 | Technical Writing | WRT1XX | Technical Writing | ||
EX105 | English Composition | WRT102 | Analytical Read/Writ | ||
EX106 | Business Communications | WRT210 | Writng/Prof Culturs | ||
EX260 | Word Processing I | IFS1XX | Word Processing I | ||
EX265 | Word Processing II | IFS1XX | Word Processing II | ||
EX364 | Adv Word Processing | IFS2XX | Adv Word Processing | ||
EXE105 | Word Processing | IFS1XX | Word Processing | ||
EXE120 | Survey of Windows | IFS105 | Personal Computing | ||
EXE220 | Business Communications | WRT210 | Writng/Prof Culturs | ||
GEN001 | Intro to Psychology | PSY100 | General Psychology | ||
GEN002 | Intro to Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology | ||
GEN003 | Communications I | CM104 | Human Communicatn | ||
GEN004 | Oral Communications | CM104 | Human Communicatn | ||
GEN005 | English Composition | WRT102 | Analytical Read/Writ | ||
GEN006 | Ethics | PHL341 | Ethics | ||
GEN007 | Essentials of Algebra | MAT102 | College Algebra I | ||
GEN010 | Concepts of Data Processing | NPE1XX | Concepts of Data Processing | ||
GEN013 | Macroeconomics | ECO200 | Prin Econ-Macro | ||
GEN015 | Child Development | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop | ||
GEN024 | Fund of Math | MAT1XX | Fund of Math | ||
GEN108 | Intro to Biology | BIO1XX | Biology Elect No Lab | ||
GEN115 | English Compositoin I | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm | ||
GEN116 | English Composition II | WRT202 | Academic Writing | ||
GEN120 | Bus Math | MAT1XX | Bus Math | ||
GEN125 | Microeconomics | ECO201 | Prin Econ-Micro | ||
GEO100 | Cult Geography | G243 | Intro Geography | ||
HIS105 | Ancient History | HIS300 | Ancnt Hist to 476 | ||
HIS110 | Afr-Amer History | HIS1XX | Afr-Amer History | ||
HIS130 | US History since 1865 | HIS112 | American Civ II | ||
HIS220 | Amer Hist 1865-1940 | HIS112 | American Civ II | ||
HIS310 | Remember: Holocaust | HIS3XX | Remember: Holocaust | ||
HIS320 | Military History | HIS3XX | Military History | ||
HIS400 | Poverty in America | HIS4XX | Poverty in America | ||
HSM115 | Homeland Sec Mgmt | CJA1XX | Homeland Sec Mgmt | ||
HSM205 | Fund of Intell Analysis | CJA2XX | Fund of Intell Analysis | ||
HUM105 | Cult Anthropology | ANT220 | Cult Anthropology | ||
HUM205 | History of Jazz | MUS286 | Jazz History | ||
HUM210 | Hist Pop Music | MUS287 | American Pop Music | ||
HUM305 | Comp Religion | REL265 | World Religions | ||
HUM310 | World Mythology | HUM3XX | World Mythology | ||
HUM320 | Computers and Society | CS3XX | Computers and Society | ||
IDS100 | Freshman Seminar | NPE1XX | Fresh Seminar | ||
IDS100 | Freshman Seminar | FYS100 | First Year Seminar | ||
IDS101 | CPCFoundations | FYS100 | First Year Seminar | ||
IDS330 | Global Conflict | PS3XX | Global Conflict | ||
IDS410 | Gumshoes: Detective St | HUM4XX | Gumshoes: Detective St | ||
INT299 | Assoc Deg Intern | NPE2XX | Assoc Deg Intern | ||
LE104 | Bus Law | BUS260 | Legal Environment | ||
LGS110 | Foundations in Law | CCJ1XX | Foundations in Law | ||
LGS130 | Principles of Legal Research | BUS1XX | Principles of Legal Research | ||
LGS135 | Legal Research and Writing I | BUS1XX | Legal Research and Writing I | ||
LGS140 | Civil Litigation I | NPE1XX | Civil Litigation I | ||
LGS170 | Criminal Procedure | CCJ1XX | Criminal Procedure | ||
LGS180 | Hist Persp of Constitution | PS1XX | Hist Prsp of Constitution | ||
LGS210 | Evidence | FCM2XX | Evidence | ||
LGS217 | Employment Law | MGT420 | Employment Law | ||
LGS220 | Torts | BUS2XX | Torts | ||
LGS230 | Civil Litigation II | NPE2XX | Civil Litigation II | ||
LGS250 | Business Law | BUS260 | Legal Environment | ||
LGS260 | Administrative Law | BUS2XX | Administrative Law | ||
LGS265 | Criminal Law | CCJ302 | Criminal Law | ||
LGS275 | Bankruptcy Law | BUS2XX | Bankruptcy Law | ||
LGS280 | Legal Research and Writing II | WRT2XX | Legal Research and Writing II | ||
LGS310 | Legal Communications | BUS3XX | Legal Communications | ||
LGS340 | Advanced Legal Research/Writin | WRT3XX | Advanced Legal Research/Writin | ||
LGS370 | Alternative Dispute Resolution | PSY3XX | Alternative Dispute Resolution | ||
LGS400 | Advanced Criminal Procedure | CCJ341 | Criminal Procedure | ||
LNG100 | Conv Spanish | SPN101 | Elem Spanish I | ||
MD135 | Medical Terminology | RT105 | Medical Terminology | ||
MD135 | Medical Terminology | BIO201 | Medical Terminology | ||
MD140 | Anatomy & Physiology I | BIO1XX | Biology Elective No Lab | ||
MD141 | Anatomy & Physiology II | BIO1XX | Biology Elective No Lab | ||
MD145 | Human Anatomy & Phys I | BIO220 | Human A/P I | ||
MD146 | Human Anatomy & Phys II | BIO222 | Human A/P II | ||
MD155 | Child Development | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop | ||
MD180 | Intro to Psychology | PSY100 | General Psychology | ||
MD195 | Marriage and the Family | SOC225 | The Family | ||
MD206 | Rehab Psychology | PSY2XX | Rehab Psychology | ||
MD210 | Pathophysiology | BIO2XX | Biology Elective No Lab | ||
MG100 | Intro to Business | BUS150 | Intro to Business | ||
MG101 | Prin of Management | MGT150 | Prin of Management | ||
MG110 | Macroeconomics | ECO200 | Prin Econ-Macro | ||
MG115 | Money & Banking | BUS1XX | Money & Banking | ||
MG136 | Human Resources Mgt | MGT220 | Human Resource Mgt | ||
MG137 | Prin of Human Resources | MGT220 | Human Resource Mgt | ||
MG155 | NonProfit Organizations | MGT1XX | NonProfit Organizations | ||
MG201 | Management Techniques | MGT2XX | Management Techniques | ||
MG210 | Small Business Management | MGT2XX | Small Bus Management | ||
MG211 | Finance I | FIN2XX | Finance I | ||
MG221 | Finance II | FIN2XX | Finance II | ||
MG230 | Managerial Psychology | MGT2XX | Managerial Psychology | ||
MG311 | Bus Policy Formulation | MGT3XX | Bus Policy Formulation | ||
MG330 | Investments | FIN3XX | Investments | ||
MIP115 | Digital Imaging Editing | ART1XX | Digital Imaging Editing | ||
MIP200 | Multimedia I | CM2XX | Multimedia I | ||
MIP245 | Web Design I | IFS2XX | Web Design I | ||
MM101 | Prin of Retailing | MKT230 | Retailing | ||
MM105 | Merchandising Math | MAT1XX | Merchandising Math | ||
MM110 | Problems of Retailing | MKT1XX | Problems of Retailing | ||
MM120 | Retail Operations | MKT1XX | Retail Operations | ||
MM150 | Retail Advertising & Promo | MKT330 | Advertising | ||
MM160 | Fundamentals of Selling | BUS1XX | Fund of Selling | ||
MM201 | Fashion Analysis I | MKT310 | Fashion Marketing | ||
MM202 | Fashion Analysis II | MKT2XX | Fashion Analysis II | ||
MM235 | Visual Merchandising | MKT2XX | Visual Merchandising | ||
MM255 | Consumer Behavior | MKT360 | Consumer Behavior | ||
MM310 | Merchandise Information | MKT3XX | Merchandise Information | ||
MM320 | Market Research | MKT3XX | Market Research | ||
MM335 | Retail Analysis | MKT3XX | Retail Analysis | ||
MTH100 | Math for Bus Applications | MAT1XX | Math for Bus Appl | ||
MTH101 | College Business Mathematics | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv | ||
MTH105 | College Algebra | MAT105 | College Algebra | ||
MTH110 | Prof Merchandising | MAT1XX | Prof Merchandising | ||
MTH200 | Statistics | BEH260 | Statistics | ||
MTH200 | Statistics | QBA260 | Business Statistics | ||
MTH200 | Statistics | MAT250 | Statistics | ||
MTH210 | History of Math | MAT2XX | History of Math | ||
MTH215 | Symbolic Logic | MAT2XX | Symbolic Logic | ||
OFA105 | Word Processing | IFS1XX | Word Processing | ||
OFA240 | Document Production | IFS2XX | Document Production | ||
PHI105 | Ethics | PHL341 | Ethics | ||
PRL135 | Legal Research & Writing I | WRT1XX | Legal Research & Writing I | ||
PRL170 | Criminal Procedure | CJA1XX | Crim Procedure | ||
PRL180 | Hist Persp Const | PS1XX | Hist Persp Constitution | ||
PRL210 | Evidence | CJA2XX | Evidence | ||
PRL220 | Torts | PS2XX | Torts | ||
PRL225 | Pol Assassinations | PS2XX | Pol Assassinations | ||
PRL310 | Legal Communications | WRT210 | Writng/Prof Culturs | ||
PRL320 | Legal Research & Writing II | WRT3XX | Legal Research & Writing II | ||
PRL330 | Criminal Law | CJA302 | Criminal Law | ||
PSY100 | Psychology | PSY100 | General Psychology | ||
PSY105 | Child Growth & Dev | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop | ||
PSY210 | Medical Psychology | PSY2XX | Medical Psychology | ||
PSY220 | Abnormal Psychology | PSY230 | Abnormal Psych | ||
PSY420 | Abnormal Psych | PSY230 | Abnormal Psych | ||
PTA100 | Fund of Physical Therapy | BEH1XX | Fund of Physical Therapy | ||
PTA110 | Biology | BIO1XX | Biology Elective No Lab | ||
PTA120 | Human Anatomy & Physiology I | BIO220 | Human A/P I | ||
PTA125 | Human Anatomy & Physiology II | BIO222 | Human A/P II | ||
PTA150 | Rehabilitation Psychology | PSY1XX | Rehabilitation Psychology | ||
PTA155 | Physical Therapy Asst Proced | BEH1XX | Physical Therapy Asst Proced | ||
PTA160 | Pathophysiology for PT Asst | BEH1XX | Pathophysiology for PT Asst | ||
SCI100 | Basic Nutrition | NUR202 | Nutrition | ||
SCI120 | Holistic Health | PE1XX | Phys Ed Elect | ||
SCI120 | Holistic Health | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | ||
SCI200 | Natural Disasters | ESS2XX | Earth Sci Elective No Lab | ||
SCI210 | History of Science | PSC2XX | Phys Sci Elect No Lab | ||
SCI215 | Science and Nonsense | NPE2XX | Science and Nonsense | ||
SCI220 | Holistic Health | PE2XX | Holistic Health | ||
SCI230 | Enviro Geology | G1XX | Enviro Geology | ||
SCI240 | Ecology Princ and Trends | BIO2XX | Ecology Princ and Trends | ||
SCI300 | Genetics | BIO240 | Genetics | ||
SCI320 | Adv Nutrition for Healthcare | EXS315 | Advanced Human Nutrition | ||
SOC100 | Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology | ||
SOC105 | U.S. Minority Groups | SOC1XX | U.S. Minority Groups | ||
SOC110 | Marriage & Family | SOC225 | The Family | ||
TEC103 | Surv of Windows | IFS105 | Personal Computing | ||
TEC105 | Information Technoloy | IFS1XX | Information Technology | ||
TEC120 | Struc Programming | IFS1XX | Struc Programming | ||
TEC125 | Microsoft Access | IFS1XX | Microsoft Access | ||
TEC135 | Networking I | IFS1XX | Networking I | ||
TEC140 | Microcomputer Systems | NPE1XX | Microcomputer Systems | ||
TR190 | Geography of Western Hem | G1XX | Geog of Western Hem |
Central Texas College | York College of Pennsylvania | ||
ACCT2301 | Principles of Acct | ACC220 | Financial Acct |
ANTH2351 | Cult Anthropology | ANT220 | Cult Anthropology |
ARTS2346 | Ceramics | ART225 | Ceramics I |
BCIS1405 | Bus Computer App | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
BMGT1301 | Supervision | MGT1XX | Supervision |
BMGT1325 | Office Management | MGT1XX | Office Management |
BMGT1327 | Prin of Management | MGT150 | Prin of Management |
BUSG2309 | Small Business Man | MGT2XX | Small Business Man |
BUSI1301 | Business Prin | BUS150 | Intro to Business |
CHEF1305 | Sanitation & Safety | HSP270 | Food Source/Select |
CJSA1317 | Juv Justice Sys | CCJ348 | Juvenile Justice |
CJSA1322 | Intro to Criminal Justice | CCJ101 | Intro Crim Justice |
CJSA1327 | Fund Crim Law | CCJ302 | Criminal Law |
CJSA1342 | Crim Investigation | CCJ305 | Crim Investigation |
CJSA2300 | Leg Asp Law Enf | CCJ234 | Law Enforcement |
COSC1300 | Computers & Society | IFS1XX | Comp & Society |
ECON2302 | Prin of Microecon | ECO201 | Prin Econ-Micro |
ELTE1400 | Basic Electricity | ECE1XX | Basic Electricity |
ENGL1301 | Composition I | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm |
ENGL1302 | Composition II | LIT200 | Perspectives/Lit |
ENGL2322 | British Literature I | LIT284 | Brt Lit after 1750 |
ENGL2323 | British Literature II | LIT284 | Brt Lit after 1750 |
ENGL2327 | Amer Lit I | LIT281 | Amer Lit to 1885 |
ENGL2328 | American Lit II | LIT282 | Amer Lit after 1885 |
ENVR1401 | Enviro Science | BIO212 | Environmntl Bio |
GEOG1301 | Phys Geography | G100 | World Reg Geography |
GOVT2301 | American Govt I | PS101 | Amer Gov/Citizenship |
GOVT2301 | American Govt I | PS141 | American Governmnt |
GOVT2302 | American Govt II | PS141 | American Governmnt |
GOVT2302 | American Govt II | PS2XX | Amer Govt II |
HAMG1319 | Computers in Hosp | IFS1XX | Computers in Hosp |
HAMG1340 | Hosp Legal Issues | HSP225 | Hosp Mgmt/Law |
HAMG1342 | Guest Room Management | HSP1XX | Guest Room Management |
HAMG2301 | Prin of Food & Bev Oper | HSP300 | Food/Beverage Mgmt |
HAMG2307 | Hosp Mktg & Sales | HSP345 | Hospitality Mrktng |
HAMG2337 | Hosp Fac Mgmt | MGT2XX | Hosp Fac Mgmt |
HIST1301 | Hist of US to 1877 | HIS111 | American Civ I |
HIST1302 | Hist of US From 1877 | HIS112 | American Civ II |
HIST2311 | Western Civilization I | HIS101 | Western Civ I |
HIST2381 | African Amer History | HIS2XX | African Amer History |
HRPO1311 | Human Relations | MGT1XX | Human Relations |
HRPO2301 | Hum Res Mgt | MGT220 | Human Resource Mgt |
HUMA1315 | Intro to Fine Arts | ART101 | Intro Art Apprec |
ITSC1301 | Intro to Computers | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
ITSC1409 | Int/Soft Appl | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
KINE1154 | Pilates | PAW165 | Pilates |
LAWE2304 | Juvenile Procedures | CCJ348 | Juvenile Justice |
MATH1314 | Coll Algebra | MAT105 | College Algebra |
MATH1332 | Contemp Math I | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv |
MATH1342 | Elementary Statistics | BEH260 | Statistics |
MATH1342 | Elementary Statistics | QBA260 | Business Statistics |
MATH1342 | Elementary Statistics | MAT250 | Statistics |
MATH1414 | College Algebra | MAT105 | College Algebra |
MGMT1108 | Mang Planning | MGT1XX | Mang Planning |
MGMT1109 | Work Site Efficiency | MGT1XX | Work Site Efficiency |
MGMT1110 | Stress Management | MGT1XX | Stress Management |
MGMT1183 | Styles of Leadership | MGT150 | Prin of Management |
MGMT1187 | Interpersonal Mgmt | MGT1XX | Interpersonal Mgmt |
MGMT1196 | Preparing Forms & Reports | MGT1XX | Preparing Forms & Reports |
MGMT1305 | Intro to Mgt | MGT150 | Prin of Management |
MGMT1381 | Mgmt of Perf Ornt Tn | MGT1XX | Mgmt of Perf Ornt Tn |
MGMT2384 | Assesing Trng Standr | MGT2XX | Assesing Trng Standr |
MILS1300 | Military Organiz & Staff Funct | MGT1XX | Military Org & Staff Func |
MISC1450 | Microcomp for Bus | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
MISC1451 | Intro Micro Programming | IFS1XX | Intro Micro Programming |
MISC2310 | Topics in Computer Science | CS2XX | Topics in Comp Sci |
MTHO1370 | Hist Prin of War | NPE1XX | Hist Prin of War |
MTMS1174 | Terrorism in Mid East | NPE1XX | Terrorism in Mid East |
MTMS2370 | Adv Leadership | NPE1XX | Adv Leadership |
MUEN1151 | Vocal Ensemble | MUS150 | YCChorale |
MUSI1304 | Found of Music | MUS181 | Found Music Theory |
PHED1144 | Yoga I | PAW163 | Yoga |
PHIL1301 | Intro to Philosophy | PHL221 | Intro Philosophy |
PHIL1304 | Intro to World Relg | REL265 | World Religions |
PHIL1316 | Hist of Religions I | PHL1XX | Hist of Religions I |
PHIL1317 | History of Religions II | REL1XX | Hist of Religions II |
PHIL2303 | Intro to Logic | PHL231 | Logic |
PHIL2306 | Intro to Ethics | PHL341 | Ethics |
PSYC2301 | General Psychology | PSY100 | General Psychology |
PSYC2315 | Psych of Adjustment | PSY2XX | Psych of Adjustment |
PSYC2316 | Psych of Personality | PSY2XX | Psych of Personality |
SOCI1301 | Intro to Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology |
SOCI2301 | Marriage & Family | SOC225 | The Family |
SPAN1411 | Beg Spanish I | SPN101 | Elem Spanish I |
SPAN1412 | Beginning Spanish II | SPN102 | Elem Spanish II |
SPCH1315 | Public Speaking | CM212 | Public Speaking |
SPCH1321 | Buss & Prof Communications | CM246 | Comm/Business Prof |
Chesapeake College | York College of Pennsylvania | ||
ACC103 | Prin of Acct I | ACC1XX | Prin of Acct I |
ACC104 | Prin Acct II | ACC220 | Financial Acct |
ANT142 | Cultural Anthropology | ANT220 | Cult Anthropology |
ART101 | Intro to Art | ART101 | Intro Art Apprec |
ART106 | Painting I | ART114 | Concepts/Painting |
ART106 | Painting I | ART220 | Painting I |
BIO101 | Prin of Biology | BIO110 | General Biology |
BIO101 | Prin of Biology | BIO204 | Exploring Biology |
BIO111 | Princ of Biology | BIO142 | Molecule/Gene/Cell |
BIO111 | Princ of Biology | BIO150 | Intro Molecular Bio |
BIO211 | Anat & Phys I | BIO220 | Human A/P I |
BIO212 | Anat & Phys II | BIO222 | Human A/P II |
BUS101 | Intro to Business | BUS150 | Intro to Business |
BUS220 | Bus Ethics & Soc | BUS2XX | Bus Ethics & Soc |
BUS230 | Marketing | MKT100 | Prin Marketing |
BUS234 | Advertising | MKT2XX | Advertising |
BUS241 | Bus Law I | BUS260 | Legal Environment |
CAD100 | Intro to CAD | EGR100 | Epads I |
CHM121 | Gen Chem I | CHM134 | Gen Chem I |
CIS109 | Intro to Computers | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
CMJ101 | Intro to Law Enforcement | CJA101 | Intro Crim Justice |
CMJ191 | Criminology | CJA1XX | Criminology |
CMJ201 | Curr Prob Crim Just | CJA2XX | Curr Prob Crim Just |
CMJ211 | Tech of Criminal Invest | CJA2XX | Tech of Crim Invest |
CMJ214 | Crim Ev & Proc | CJA2XX | Crim Ev & Proc |
CMJ215 | Juv Delinquency | CJA110 | Juvenile Delinquncy |
CMJ216 | Criminalistics I | CJA2XX | Criminalistics I |
COM101 | Fund of Oral Comm | CM212 | Public Speaking |
COM101 | Fund of Oral Comm | CM104 | Human Communicatn |
COM150 | Fund of Org Comm | CM104 | Human Communicatn |
COM160 | Interpersonal Communication | CM329 | Interpersonal Comm |
COM180 | Intro to Mass Media | CM211 | Mass Communication |
COM201 | Theories of Hum Comm | CM206 | Communicatn Theory |
DFT101 | Fund Drafting/CAD | EGR1XX | Fund Drafting/CAD |
DRM172 | Intro to Theatre | THE254 | Intro Theatre |
ECD160 | Child Dev & Beh | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop |
ECN171 | Prin of Macroecon | ECO200 | Prin Econ-Macro |
ECN172 | Prin of Microecon | ECO201 | Prin Econ-Micro |
ENG101 | Composition | WRT102 | Analytical Read/Writ |
ENG101 | Composition | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm |
ENG102 | Intro to Literature | WRT202 | Academic Writing |
ENG102 | Intro to Literature | LIT200 | Perspectives/Lit |
ENG201 | British Lit I | LIT283 | Anc-Early Mod Brit Lit |
ENG207 | American Lit I | LIT281 | Amer Lit to 1885 |
ENG208 | American Lit II | LIT282 | Amer Lit after 1885 |
ENG240 | Creative Writing | WRT272 | Intro Creative Wrt |
FLM240 | Art of Film | FLM216 | Intro to Film |
GEO142 | Cult Geog | G243 | Intro Geography |
HIS101 | U.S. History I | HIS111 | American Civ I |
HIS102 | U.S. History II | HIS112 | American Civ II |
HIS121 | West Civ I | HIS101 | Western Civ I |
HIS131 | World Civ I | HIS121 | World History I |
HIS132 | World Civ II | HIS122 | World History II |
HTH111 | Stress & Stress Mgmt | PE1XX | Physical Ed Elect |
HTH111 | Stress & Stress Mgmt | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect |
HTH160 | Nutrition | NUR202 | Nutrition |
HUM101 | Intro to Humanities | HUM1XX | Intro to Humanities |
HUM110 | Integrated Arts | ART1XX | Integrated Arts |
IDC201 | Nature of Knowledge | HUM2XX | Nature of Knowledge |
MAT110 | Finite Math | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv |
MAT113 | College Algebra | MAT105 | College Algebra |
MAT115 | Precalculus | MAT108 | Precalculus |
MAT120 | Intro to Applied Calculus | MAT120 | Applied Calculus |
MAT140 | Calculus and Analytic Geom I | MAT171 | Calculus I |
MAT141 | Calc & Analy Geo II | MAT172 | Calculus II |
MAT200 | Fund of Math | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv |
MAT204 | Intro to Statistics | BEH260 | Statistics |
MAT204 | Intro to Statistics | MAT250 | Statistics |
MAT204 | Intro to Statistics | QBA260 | Business Statistics |
MED106 | Med Terminology | BIO201 | Medical Terminology |
MED106 | Med Terminology | RT105 | Medical Terminology |
MLH213 | Group Dynamics | SOC2XX | Group Dynamics |
MUS101 | Intro to Music | MUS186 | Listening to Music |
MUS101 | Intro to Music | MUS200 | Music Appreciation |
MUS152 | Music Fundamentals | MUS181 | Found Music Theory |
PED103 | Wellness for Life | PAW134 | Concpts Phys Actvty |
PED207 | Intro to Sports Industry | SPM125 | Intro Sport Mgmt |
PHY205 | College Physics I | PHY110 | Gen Phys:Mech/Ht |
PSC150 | Gen Psychology | PSY100 | General Psychology |
PSC201 | Intro to Counseling | PSY2XX | Intro to Counseling |
PSC250 | Hum Grwth Dev | NUR201 | Nursing HD/HC |
PSC250 | Hum Grwth Dev | PSY2XX | Hum Grwth Dev |
PSC255 | Abnormal Psychology | PSY230 | Abnormal Psych |
SCI102 | Humans in Nat Universe | BIO1XX | Biology Elective no lab |
SCI110 | Intro to Astronomy | ESS154 | Intro/Astronomy |
SCI141 | Phys Sci | PSC152 | Physical Sci I |
SCI142 | Earth Science | ESS152 | Earth/Space Sci |
SOC161 | Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology |
SOC165 | Marriage & Family | SOC225 | The Family |
SOC171 | Intro Hum Serv | SOC1XX | Intro Hum Serv |
THE172 | Intro to Theatre | THE254 | Intro Theatre |
Clarion University of PA | York College of Pennsylvania | ||
ACTG251 | Financial Actg | ACC220 | Financial Acct |
AH101 | Medical Terminology | BIO201 | Medical Terminology |
AH201 | Introduction to Healthcare | HSC100 | Expl Health Professions |
ANTH211 | Anthropology | ANT220 | Cult Anthropology |
ART110 | Visual Arts | ART101 | Intro Art Apprec |
ART114 | History of 20th Cent Art | ART1XX | History of 20th Cent Art |
ART122 | Figure Drawing I | ART216 | Figure Drawing I |
ART125 | Color and Design | ART210 | Design I |
ART131 | Painting I | ART220 | Painting I |
ART141 | Sculpture I | ART230 | Sculpture I |
ART145 | Illustration I | ART223 | Illustration I |
ART151 | Ceramics I | ART225 | Ceramics I |
ART155 | Graphic Des & Comp I | ART1XX | Graphic Des & Comp I |
ART212 | Ren - Mod Art | ART205 | Survey West Art II |
ART215 | Afr Trad in Art | ART2XX | Afr Trad in Art |
ART223 | Figure Drawing II | ART266 | Figure Drawing II |
ART324 | Fig Drawing III | ART316 | Figure Drawing III |
ARTH110 | Visual Arts | ART101 | Intro Art Apprec |
ATSW375 | Sport Marketing | SPM3XX | Sport Marketing |
BIOL111 | Basic Biology | BIO1XX | Biology Elective No Lab |
BIOL125 | Intro Forensic Sci | BIO1XX | Biology Elect No Lab |
BIOL155 | Prin of Biology I | BIO150 | Biology I |
BIOL156 | Prin of Biology II | BIO152 | Biology II |
BIOL211 | Environmental Biology | BIO212 | Environmntl Bio |
BIOL224 | Human Biology | BIO112 | Essentials of A & P |
BIOL258 | Anat Phys I | BIO220 | Human A/P I |
BIOL259 | Anat Phys II | BIO222 | Human A/P II |
BSAD240 | Legal Env I | BUS260 | Legal Environment |
BSAD242 | Meth of Legal Res | BUS2XX | Meth of Legal Res |
CCM113 | Public Speaking | ||
CHEM145 | Chem for Allied Health | CHM1XX | Chem for Allied Health |
CHEM153 | General Chemistry I | CHM134 | Gen Chem I |
CHEM153 | General Chemistry I | CHM1XX | Chem Elect No Lab |
CHEM154 | Gen Chem II | CHM136 | Gen Chem II |
CHEM154 | Gen Chem II | CHM1XX | Chem Elect No Lab |
CHIN103 | Intro to Chin Lang | L1XX | Intro to Chin Lang |
CIS110 | Computer Info Process | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
CIS163 | Intro Prog & Algo I | IFS1XX | Intro Prog & Algo I |
CIS202 | Intro Prog & Algorithms I | CS101 | Fund Comp Sci I |
CIS217 | Appl of Micro | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
CM110 | Intro to Human Comm | CM1XX | Intro to Human Comm |
CM113 | Public Speaking | CM212 | Public Speaking |
CM140 | Writing for Media | CM321 | Writing/Pub Relatns |
CMST113 | Public Speaking | CM104 | Human Communicatn |
COM113 | Public Speaking | CM212 | Public Speaking |
COM270 | Intro Video Prod | CM242 | Video Prodctn I |
COMM100 | Intro to Mass Media | CM211 | Mass Communication |
COMM101 | Message Design | CM1XX | Message Design |
COMM475 | Presentation Graphics | CM3XX | Presentation Graphics |
COOP383 | Co-op Speech | CM3XX | Co-op Speech |
CPSC201 | Surv Comp Sci Tools | MAT1XX | Surv Comp Sci Tools |
CRJT110 | Intro Criminal Justice | CJA101 | Intro Crim Justice |
ECH235 | Obs: Const Ech Know Base | EDU2XX | Obs: Const Ech Kn Bs |
ECH236 | Assess/Plan Ech Knwldge Base | EDU2XX | Assess/Plan Ech Knw Bs |
ECON140 | Consumer Econ | ECO1XX | Consumer Econ |
ECON211 | Prin of Macro | ECO200 | Prin Econ-Macro |
ECON221 | Econ-Bus Stat I | QBA260 | Business Statistics |
ECON230 | Econ & Bus Stats | QBA260 | Business Statistics |
ED110 | Intro to Education | EDU1XX | Intro to Ed |
ED121 | Human Develop & Learn | EDU1XX | Human Dev & Learn |
ED122 | Ed Psychology | EDU370 | Psych of Learning |
ED122 | Ed Psychology | EDU375 | Psy Learning/Second |
ED217 | Micro Appl in Class | EDU2XX | Micro Appl in Class |
ED225 | Multicultural Education | EDU2XX | Multicult Ed |
ED350 | Tch English Lang Learners | EDU3XX | Tch English Lang Lrnrs |
ED409 | Fld Based Multic Ed: Observ | EDU4XX | Fld Based Multic Ed |
ENG102 | Are You Hip? | LIT1XX | Are You Hip? |
ENG110 | Writing I | WRT102 | Analytical Read/Writ |
ENG111 | College Writing | WRT102 | Analytical Read/Writ |
ENG111 | Writing II | WRT202 | Academic Writing |
ENG111 | College Writing | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm |
ENG111 | College Writing | WRT1XX | College Writing |
ENG130 | Literary Experience | LIT200 | Perspectives/Lit |
ENG226 | US Lit 1860 to Present | LIT282 | Amer Lit after 1885 |
ENG227 | World Lit: Backgrd & Trad | LIT2XX | World Lit: Backgrd & Trad |
ENG230 | Intro Afri-Amer Lit | LIT203 | African/Amer Lit |
ENG242 | Intro Amer Folklore | LIT2XX | Intro Amer Folklore |
ENG262 | Intro to Eng Lang | WRT2XX | Intro to Eng Lang |
ENG301 | Wrt Non-Fict Prose | WRT3XX | Wrt Non-Fict Prose |
ENG328 | Stud Am Lit 1900-1945 | LIT282 | Amer Lit after 1885 |
ENGL104 | Who Might You Be | WRT1XX | Who Might You Be |
ENGL109 | Why I Hate What Others Love | WRT1XX | Why I Hate What Others Love |
ENGL110 | College Writing | WRT1XX | College Writing |
ENGL111 | College Writing II | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm |
ENGL140 | Drama as Lit | LIT2XX | Drama as Lit |
ENGL283 | Eng Grammar & Usage | WRT2XX | Eng Grammar & Usage |
ES111 | Basic Earth Science | ESS1XX | Earth Sci Elective No Lab |
FR103 | French Civiliz and Cult | INT1XX | French Civiliz and Cult |
FR103 | French Civiliz and Cult | FRN1XX | French Civ & Cult |
FR151 | Elem French I | FRN101 | Elem French I |
FR152 | Elem French II | FRN102 | Elem French II |
FR361 | Black Wrt French Lit | FRN3XX | Black Wrt French Lit |
GEOG100 | Intro World Geog | G100 | World Reg Geography |
GEOG244 | Planning the Human Environment | G2XX | Planning the Human Environment |
GEOG330 | Geog of Middle East | G3XX | Geog of Middle East |
GS262 | Intro to Service Learn | NPE2XX | Intro to Serv Learn |
HIST111 | Ancient & Med Civ | HIS301 | Medieval Civ |
HIST112 | Early Mod Civ | HIS121 | World History I |
HIST120 | US to 1877 | HIS111 | American Civ I |
HIST121 | U.S. Since 1877 | HIS112 | American Civ II |
HPE111 | Health Education | PAW234 | Well/Fitness/Life |
HPE132 | Fit Through Pilates | PAW165 | Pilates |
HUM120 | Humanities I | HUM1XX | Humanities I |
HUM121 | Humanities II | HUM1XX | Humanities II |
INQ100 | Freshman Inq Sem | BEH1XX | Freshman Inq Sem |
LS550 | Intro to Research | MED501 | Intro Ed Research |
MAT117 | Math for Health Science | MAT1XX | Math for Health Science |
MATH110 | Int Algebra | MAT102 | Prelim Math/Prob Solv |
MATH111 | Math Conc Grades K-8 | MAT115 | Sets/Number Systems |
MATH112 | Excursions Math | MAT102 | Prelim Math/Prob Solv |
MATH131 | Applied Finite Math | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv |
MATH171 | Precalculus | MAT108 | Precalculus |
MATH211 | Fund Topics in K-8 Math | MAT215 | Sets/Number Sys II |
MATH221 | Elem Appl Stats | BEH260 | Statistics |
MATH221 | Elem Appl Stats | QBA260 | Business Statistics |
MATH221 | Elem Appl Stats | MAT250 | Statistics |
MATH232 | Calculus Bus I | MAT120 | Applied Calculus |
MGMT120 | Intro to Business | BUS150 | Intro to Business |
MGMT320 | Mgt Theory & Pract | MGT150 | Prin of Management |
MKTG360 | Prin of Marketing | MKT200 | Prin Marketing |
MKTG362 | Retail Management | MKT230 | Retailing |
MS103 | Fund of US Army ROTC | NPE1XX | Fund of US Army ROTC |
MS104 | Basic Mili Mgmt Skills | NPE1XX | Basic Mili Mgmt Skills |
MS110 | Intro to Military Science | NPE1XX | Intro to Mili Science |
MUS111 | Intro to Music | MUS200 | Music Appreciation |
MUS113 | Hist of Rock Music | MUS288 | History Rock/Roll |
MUS125 | Found of Musicianship | MUS184 | Sight Singing I |
MUS126 | Music Theory I | MUS182 | Music Theory I |
MUS127 | Music Theory II | MUS183 | Music Theory II |
MUS131 | Fund of Music | MUS181 | Found Music Theory |
MUS160 | Piano Class I | MUS140 | Class Piano |
MUS161 | Piano Class II | MUS141 | Class Piano |
MUS220 | Piano Class III | MUS240 | Class Piano |
MUS226 | Music Theory III | MUS282 | Music Theory III |
MUS245 | Percussion Class | MUS2XX | Percussion Class |
MUS253 | History of Jazz | MUS286 | Jazz History |
MUS274 | Intro to Music Business | MUS2XX | Intro to Music Business |
MUS345 | Music From 1750-1900 | MUS391 | Music History II |
MUS346 | Music From Antiqu-1750 | MUS390 | Music History I |
MUS347 | 20th Century Music | MUS299 | Mus/Cult 20th Centry |
MUSA125 | AP Mus: Piano I | MUS103 | Piano |
MUSA126 | Ap Mus: Voice I | MUS101 | Voice |
MUSA130 | Concert Choir | MUS150 | YCChorale |
MUSA137 | Symphonic Band | MUS164 | Symphony Orchestra |
MUSA226 | AP Mus: Voice II | MUS201 | Voice |
NFS111 | Health Education | SPM1XX | Health Education |
NFS121 | Walking for Fitness | PAW1XX | Walking for Fitness |
NFS160 | Intro to Nutrition and Fitness | PAW134 | Concpts Phys Actvty |
NFSS336 | Sport Nutrition | SPM3XX | Sport Nutrition |
NSCI150 | Int Science I | PSC1XX | Phys Sci Elect No Lab |
NURS150 | Fund Skills in Nursing | NUR1XX | Fund Skills in Nursing |
NURS160 | Crit Think Nurs | NUR1XX | Crit Think Nurs |
NURS170 | Health Promo Nurs | NUR1XX | Health Promo Nurs |
PH200 | Solar System Astron | ESS1XX | Earth Science Elect no lab |
PHIL103 | What's the Big Idea? | PHL1XX | What's the Big Idea? |
PHIL111 | Logic I Critical Thinking | PHL222 | Critical Thinking |
PHIL211 | Intro to Phil | PHL221 | Intro Philosophy |
PHIL212 | Ethics | PHL341 | Ethics |
PHIL216 | Soc & Pol Phil | PHL2XX | Soc & Pol Phil |
PHIL352 | Theory of Knowledge | PHL3XX | Theory of Knowledge |
PHL115 | Philosophy & Pop Culture | PHL1XX | Philosophy & Pop Culture |
PHL301 | Bioethics | PHL346 | Bioethics |
PHSC111 | Phys Sci Chem | CHM1XX | Chemistry Elect no lab |
PHSC112 | Bas Phys Sci Phys & Astr | PSC1XX | Bas Phys Sci Phys & Astr |
PS110 | Politics in the Headlines | PS1XX | Politics in the Headlines |
PS210 | Intro to Political Sci | PS2XX | Intro to Political Sci |
PS211 | American Government | PS141 | American Governmnt |
PS211 | American Govt | PS101 | Amer Gov/Citizenship |
PSY211 | General Psychology | PSY100 | General Psychology |
PSY220 | Human Sexuality | BIO102 | Human Sexuality |
PSY225 | Psych of Adjust | PSY2XX | Psych of Adjust |
PSY253 | Intro to Gerontology | PSY2XX | Intro to Gerontology |
PSY260 | Developmental Psych | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop |
PSY310 | Developmental Psych | PSY3XX | Developmental Psych |
PSY354 | Abnormal Psychology | PSY230 | Abnormal Psych |
SC113 | Fund of Speech | CM104 | Human Communicatn |
SCT113 | Fund of Speech | CM104 | Human Communicatn |
SCT201 | Dance I | PE2XX | Dance I |
SCT214 | Bus and Prof Speak | CM212 | Public Speaking |
SCT225 | Communication & Conflict | CM2XX | Communication & Conflict |
SCT251 | Voice Articulat | CM2XX | Voice Articulat |
SCT253 | Intro to Theatre | THE2XX | Intro to Theatre |
SCT254 | Acting I Intro to Acting | THE262 | Acting |
SCT264 | Discussion | CM2XX | Discussion |
SCT300 | Comm in Organization | CM206 | Communicatn Theory |
SCT301 | Dance II | PE2XX | Dance II |
SCT304 | Dance Repertory | PE2XX | Dance Repertory |
SCT320 | Gender and Communication | CM3XX | Gender and Communication |
SCT464 | Small Group Dec Making | CM304 | Group Discussion |
SCT470 | Communication Consulting | CM3XX | Communication Consult |
SOC211 | Prin of Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology |
SOC310 | Class Soc Theory | SOC230 | Dev of Soc Theory |
SOC312 | Micro-Sociology | SOC235 | Contemp Soc Theory |
SOC315 | Soc Welfare | SOC3XX | Soc Welfare |
SOC318 | Soc of Death & Dying | SOC3XX | Soc of Death & Dying |
SOC352 | The Family | SOC225 | Family Div & Society |
SOC353 | Aging in Amer Soc | SOC3XX | Aging in Amer Soc |
SPAN151 | Elem Spanish I | SPN101 | Elem Spanish I |
SPAN251 | Spanish III | SPN201 | Inter Spanish I |
SPAN252 | Interm Spanish IV | SPN202 | Inter Spanish II |
SPED126 | Intro Hum Serv | SPE1XX | Intro Hum Serv |
SPED128 | High Incidence Except | SPE1XX | High Incidence Except |
SPED129 | Low Incidence Except | SPE1XX | Low Incidence Except |
SPED211 | Intellectual Disabilities | SPE2XX | Intellectual Disabilities |
SPED220 | Nat of Ment Retar | SPE2XX | Nat of Ment Retar |
SPED227 | Neuro Impair & Phys Dis | SPE2XX | Neuro Impair & Phys Dis |
SPED235 | Spec Learn Disab | SPE2XX | Spec Learn Disab |
SPED245 | Applied Behavior Analysis | SPE2XX | Appl Behavior Analysis |
SPED350 | Seminar-Contemp Issues | SPE3XX | Sem - Contemp Iss |
SPED381 | Special Read & Writ Exp Inst | SPE3XX | Spec Read & Writ Exp |
SPED418 | Excep Reg Class ID & Ser | PSY327 | Psych Excep Child |
SW211 | Prin of Social Work | SOC240 | Theory/Policy |
THE253 | Intro to Theatre | THE254 | Intro Theatre |
WS100 | Surv of Women's Studies | WGS200 | Women/Gender Studies |
College of Southern Maryland | York College of Pennsylvania | ||||
ACC2010 | Prin of Accounting I | ACC2XX | Prin of Accounting I | ||
ACC2020 | Prin of Accounting II | ACC220 | Financial Acct | ||
ART1010 | History of Western Art I | ART204 | Survey West Art I | ||
ART1020 | Hist of West Art | ART205 | Survey West Art II | ||
ART1030 | Intro Art Appreciation | ART101 | Intro Art Apprec | ||
ART1060 | Basic Oil/Acrylic Pntg I | ART114 | Concepts/Painting | ||
ART1060 | Basic Oil/Acrylic Pntg I | ART220 | Painting I | ||
ART1065 | Art Italian Renais | ART1XX | Art Italian Ren | ||
ART1070 | Basic Oil/Acrylic Pt II | ART270 | Painting II | ||
ART1100 | Basic Drawing I | ART215 | Drawing I | ||
ART1110 | Basic Drawing II | ART265 | Drawing II | ||
ART1200 | Basic Design | ART210 | Design I | ||
ART1210 | Color Theory & Practice | ART1XX | Color Theory & Practice | ||
ART1300 | Computer Art I | ART1XX | Computer Art I | ||
ART1310 | Computer Art II | ART1XX | Computer Art II | ||
ART1500 | Basic Photography | ART245 | Photography I | ||
ART1505 | Digital Photo I | ART1XX | Digital Photo I | ||
ART2611 | Intro/Hist of Photography | ART388 | History/Photography | ||
AST1010 | Intro to Astronomy | ESS1XX | Earth Sci Elective No Lab | ||
BAD1210 | Principles of Management | MGT150 | Prin of Management | ||
BAD1330 | Miro/Software App | IFS105 | Personal Computing | ||
BAD1335 | Applied Bus Comm | IFS105 | Personal Computing | ||
BAD2070 | Bus Law I | BUS260 | Legal Environment | ||
BIO1010 | Botany | 01 | BIO305 | Botany Lab | |
BIO1010 | Botany | 01 | BIO304 | Botany | |
BIO1010 | Botany | BIO1XX | Botany | ||
BIO1010L | Botany Lab | 01 | |||
BIO1020 | Zoology | BIO1XX | Biology Elect No Lab | ||
BIO1020 | Zoology | BIO208 | Biology of Animals | ||
BIO1040 | Human Anat & Phys | BIO220 | Human A/P I | ||
BIO1040 | Human Anat & Phys | BIO1XX | Hum Anat & Phys | ||
BIO1060 | Princ of Biology I | 01 | BIO151 | Intro Mole Bio Lab | |
BIO1060 | Princ of Biology I | 01 | BIO150 | Intro Molecular Bio | |
BIO1060L | Princ of Biology I Lab | 01 | |||
BIO1070 | Prin of Biology II | BIO152 | Evol/Ecol & Divers | ||
BIO1070 | Prin of Biology II | BIO1XX | Biology Elect no lab | ||
BIO1080 | Bio/Eco/of Ches. Bay | BIO1XX | Biology Elective No Lab | ||
BIO120 | Intro to Oceanography | BIO1XX | Biology Elect No Lab | ||
BIO2010 | Microbiology | BIO230 | Microbiology | ||
BIO2030 | Marine Biology | BIO2XX | Biology Elect No Lab | ||
BIO2030 | Marine Biology | BIO210 | Marine Biology | ||
BIO2070 | Human Anatomy/Phys I | BIO220 | Human A/P I | ||
BIO2080 | Human Anatomy/Phys II | BIO222 | Human A/P II | ||
BIO2170 | Hum Ana & Phy I w/ Lab | BIO220 | Human A/P I | ||
BIO2170 | Hum Ana & Phy I w/ Lab | BIO221 | Human A/P I Lab | ||
BIO2170 | Hum Ana & Phy I w/ Lab | BIO2XX | Human Ana & Phy 1 w/ Lab | ||
CHE1000 | Introductory Chemistry | CHM104 | Found of Chem | ||
CHE1050 | Intro to Chemistry | CHM1XX | Intro to Chemistry | ||
CHE1200 | General Chemistry I | CHM134 | Gen Chem I | ||
CHE1210 | General Chemistry II | CHM136 | Gen Chem II | ||
CHE1350 | Chem for Engineers | CHM1XX | Chemistry Elect No Lab | ||
CJS1015 | Intro Criminal Justice | CCJ101 | Intro Crim Justice | ||
CJS1020 | Intro to Security | CCJ1XX | Intro to Security | ||
CJS2010 | Intro Crim Invest | CCJ305 | Crim Investigation | ||
CJS2020 | Pract Crim Invest | CCJ2XX | Pract Crim Invest | ||
CJS2030 | Criminal Law | CCJ2XX | Criminal Law | ||
CJS2040 | Juvenile Delinquency | CCJ110 | Juvenile Delinquncy | ||
CJS2050 | Criminology | CCJ2XX | Criminology | ||
CJS2060 | Police Operations | CCJ2XX | Police Operations | ||
CJS2100 | Criminalistics | CCJ230 | Intro Criminalistics | ||
CJS2200 | Community Policing | CCJ364 | Policing Communities | ||
COM1010 | Basic Prin of Speech Comm | CM212 | Public Speaking | ||
COM1020 | Intro Mass Comm | CM211 | Mass Communication | ||
COM1040 | Beginning Sign Language | CM150 | Beg Sign Language | ||
COM1250 | Intro Interpersonal Comm | CM329 | Interpersonal Comm | ||
COM1350 | Intercult Comm | CM1XX | Intercult Comm | ||
COM1450 | Groups, Teams, and Leadership | CM1XX | Groups, Teams, and Leadership | ||
COM1650 | Intro to Public Speaking | CM212 | Public Speaking | ||
COM2300 | Introduction to Media Writ | CM2XX | Introduction to Media Writ | ||
CSC1110 | Pro Design & Development | CS1XX | Pro Design & Development | ||
DFT1200 | Eng Graphics | EGR1XX | Eng Graphics | ||
DFT1320 | Comp-Aided Draft I | EGR100 | Epads I | ||
DFT1340 | Comp-Aided Drafting II | EGR1XX | Comp-Aided Drafting II | ||
DFT1360 | Comp-Aided Draft III | EGR1XX | Comp-Aided Draft III | ||
DMP1010 | Video Field Production | CM242 | Video Prodctn I | ||
DMP2030 | Documentary Production | CM2XX | Documentary Production | ||
DMP2450 | Digital Filmmaking | CM2XX | Digital Filmmaking | ||
ECN1015 | Intro to Bus/Mkt Economy | BUS150 | Intro to Business | ||
ECN1200 | Intro Economics | ECO205 | Economic Perspctvs | ||
ECN2010 | Prin of Economics I | ECO200 | Prin Econ-Macro | ||
ECN2020 | Prin of Microeconomics | ECO201 | Prin Econ-Micro | ||
ECN2025 | Principles of Macroeconomics | ECO200 | Prin Econ-Macro | ||
EDU2610 | Teaching Special Ed Student | EDU2XX | Teaching Special Ed Student | ||
EDU2650 | Adult Education | EDU2XX | Adult Ed | ||
EGR1100 | Intro to Engineering | EGR100 | Epads I | ||
EGR1210 | Mechanics I | ME250 | Statics | ||
EGR2200 | Mechanics of Materials | ME264 | Strength/Matrls | ||
EGR2210 | Mechanics II | ME252 | Dynamics/Vibrtn | ||
EGR2222 | Elements Discrete Signal | EGR2XX | Elements of Discrete Sig | ||
EGR2310 | Circuit Analysis | EGR2XX | Circuit Analysis | ||
EGR2320 | Thermodynamics | ME320 | Thermodynamics | ||
EGR2440 | Digital Logic Circuit Design | EGR2XX | Dig Logic Cir Desgn | ||
EGT1010 | Intro Eng Tech | EGR1XX | Intro Eng Tech | ||
EGT1300 | Basic Mechanics | EGR1XX | Basic Mechanics | ||
ENG1010 | Composition & Rhet | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm | ||
ENG1020 | Comp & Literature | LIT200 | Perspectives/Lit | ||
ENG2010 | English Literature I | LIT283 | British Lit to 1750 | ||
ENG2020 | English Lit II | LIT284 | Brt Lit after 1750 | ||
ENG2030 | Intro to Short Novel | LIT291 | Short Story | ||
ENG2140 | The Film Art Form | LIT2XX | The Film Art Form | ||
ENG2145 | American Cinema | FLM2XX | American Cinema | ||
ENG2260 | Ethnic Amer Lit | LIT2XX | Ethnic Amer Lit | ||
ENG2270 | Latin American Lit | LIT2XX | Latin American Lit | ||
ENV1300 | Environ Science | BIO1XX | Biology Elect No Lab | ||
ENV1300 | Environ Science | BIO212 | Environmntl Bio | ||
FYS1010 | First Year Seminar | FYS100 | First Year Seminar | ||
GEO1010 | Physical Geology | ESS1XX | Earth Sci Elective No Lab | ||
GRY1050 | World Reg Geog | G100 | World Reg Geography | ||
GRY1110 | Intro Phys Geography | G151 | Intro Physical Geog | ||
GRY2050 | Maps and Mapping | G2XX | Maps and Mapping | ||
HEA1755 | Legal/Ethical Iss Healthcare | PHL346 | Bioethics | ||
HLS1015 | Intro Homeland Security | NPE1XX | Homeland Security | ||
HLS2300 | Terrorism: Sec Issues | CJA322 | Examining Terrorism | ||
HMS1022 | Alcoholism & Drug Addict | SOC210 | Drug/Alcohol Addctn | ||
HPM1015 | Intro Hospitality Mgt | HSP1XX | Intro Hospitality Mgt | ||
HST1010 | West Civ I | HIS101 | Western Civ I | ||
HST1012 | West Civ II | HIS102 | Western Civ II | ||
HST1014 | Western Civ | HIS102 | Western Civ II | ||
HST1015 | Global HST 1500 to Present | HIS1XX | Global HST 1500 to Present | ||
HST1016 | Women in Europe | HIS1XX | Women in Europe | ||
HST1018 | Greek & Roman History | HIS1XX | Greek & Roman History | ||
HST1020 | Hist of West Civ II | HIS102 | Western Civ II | ||
HST1030 | Global Perspectives | HIS1XX | Global Perspectives | ||
HST1031 | The US to 1877 | HIS111 | American Civ I | ||
HST1032 | U.S. Since 1877 | HIS112 | American Civ II | ||
HST1036 | US and World Affairs | PS102 | Contemp Global Iss | ||
HST1072 | History - Modern Middle East | HIS1XX | Hist - Mod Middle East | ||
HST2020 | U.S. from 1865 | HIS112 | American Civ II | ||
HTH1030 | Issues of Older Adults | GER1XX | Issues of Older Adults | ||
HTH1100 | Medical Terminology | BIO201 | Medical Terminology | ||
HTH1100 | Medical Terminology | RT105 | Medical Terminology | ||
HTH1105 | Comp Med Term | RT105 | Medical Terminology | ||
HTH1105 | Comp Med Term | BIO201 | Medical Terminology | ||
HTH1755 | Legal and Ethical Iss | NPE1XX | Legal and Ethical Issues | ||
ITS1010 | Computing and Information | IFS1XX | Computing and Information | ||
ITS1015 | The Information Age | IFS105 | Personal Computing | ||
ITS1020 | Operating Systems Concepts | IFS1XX | Operating Sys Concepts | ||
ITS1050 | Computing Essentials | IFS105 | Personal Computing | ||
ITS1050 | Computing Essentials | IFS100 | Info Tech Competncy | ||
ITS1390 | Pro Concepts Engr | EGR1XX | Pro Concepts Engr | ||
ITS2090 | Computer Security | IFS2XX | Computer Security | ||
ITS2592 | Computer Sci II | CS2XX | Computer Science II | ||
ITS2620 | Web Graphics & Multimedia | IFS2XX | Web Graphics & Multimedia | ||
ITS2940 | Cyber Ethics | IFS2XX | Cyber Ethics | ||
LAN1054 | Cultures of Asia | INT1XX | Cultures of Asia | ||
MFT1010 | Man Tech I | EGR102 | Epads II | ||
MTH1000 | Fund of Algebra | MAT102 | Prelim Math/Prob Solv | ||
MTH1010 | Quant Lit Reason | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv | ||
MTH1015 | Statistics | QBA260 | Data Driven Dec Making | ||
MTH1015 | Statistics | BEH260 | Statistics | ||
MTH1015 | Statistics | MAT250 | Statistics | ||
MTH1040 | Contemp Algebra | MAT105 | College Algebra | ||
MTH1080 | Inter/Alg & Intro/Trig | MAT108 | Precalculus | ||
MTH1100 | College Mathematics I | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv | ||
MTH1105 | Coll Math with Algebra | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv | ||
MTH1120 | College Algebra | MAT105 | College Algebra | ||
MTH1130 | College Analytic Trig | MAT108 | Precalculus | ||
MTH1150 | Precalc Algebra & Trig | MAT108 | Precalculus | ||
MTH1200 | Calculus I/Analytic Geom | MAT171 | Calculus I | ||
MTH1210 | Calculus II | MAT172 | Calculus II | ||
MTH1560 | Elementary Calculus | MAT120 | Applied Calculus | ||
MTH2200 | Calculus III | MAT271 | Calculus III | ||
MTH2210 | Diff Equations | MAT272 | Diff Equations | ||
MTH2300 | Intro to Statistics | QBA260 | Business Statistics | ||
MTH2300 | Intro to Statistics | MAT250 | Statistics | ||
MTH2300 | Intro to Statistics | BEH260 | Statistics | ||
MTH2500 | Intro Discrete Math | MAT235 | Discrete Mathemtcs | ||
MUS1020 | Music Appreciation | MUS186 | Listening to Music | ||
MUS1182 | Private Instruc/Voice I | MUS1XX | Priv Instrc/Voice I | ||
MUS1203 | History of Jazz | MUS286 | Jazz History | ||
MUS1204 | History of Rock Music | MUS288 | History Rock/Roll | ||
NUR1015 | Intro to Nursing | NUR1XX | Intro to Nursing | ||
NUR1030 | Issues of Older Adult | NUR1XX | Issues of Older Adults | ||
NUR1050 | Intro to Professional Nursing | NUR101 | Intro Nursing & Hlth Careers | ||
PED1890 | Cardiovascular Fitness II | PE118 | Physical Fitness | ||
PED2210 | Basic Scuba Diving | PE1XX | Basic Scuba Diving | ||
PHL1010 | Intro to Philosophy | PHL221 | Intro Philosophy | ||
PHL1020 | Intro to Logic | PHL231 | Logic | ||
PHL1400 | Social Ethics | PHL1XX | Social Ethics | ||
PHL1420 | Law & Society | PHL347 | Philosophy of Law | ||
PHY1010 | Fund of Physics I | PHY110 | Gen Phys:Mech/Ht | ||
PHY1010 | Fund of Physics I | PHY1XX | Physics Elect No Lab | ||
PHY1210 | Gen Egr/Physics I | PHY160 | Eng Phys:Mechncs | ||
PHY2200 | Gen Egr/Physics II | PHY1XX | Physics Elect No Lab | ||
PHY2200 | Gen Egr/Physics II | PHY162 | Eng Phys:Ht/Thermo | ||
PHY2210 | Gen Egr/Physics III | PHY2XX | Physics Elect No Lab | ||
PHY2210 | Gen Egr/Physics III | PHY260 | Eng Phys:Elct/Magn | ||
PHY2310 | Thermodynamics | ME320 | Thermodynamics | ||
PLC2010 | Prin Criminal Invest | CJA305 | Crim Investigation | ||
POL1010 | American Government | PS101 | Amer Gov/Citizenship | ||
POL1010 | American Government | PS141 | American Governmnt | ||
POL1050 | Intro Govt & Politics | PS1XX | Intro Govt & Pol | ||
POL2020 | International Relations | PS302 | International Rel | ||
PSY1010 | General Psychology | PSY100 | General Psychology | ||
PSY2050 | Human Develop/Life Span | PSY2XX | Hum Dev/Life Span | ||
PSY2050 | Human Develop/Life Span | NUR201 | Nursing HD/HC | ||
PSY2310 | Intro Abnormal Psych | PSY230 | Abnormal Psych | ||
PSY2350 | Personality & Adj | PSY2XX | Personality & Adj | ||
PSY2600 | Ed Psychology | EDU370 | Psych of Learning | ||
PSY2600 | Ed Psychology | EDU375 | Psy Learning/Second | ||
SCE1010 | Scientific Reasoning | PHL220 | Prin Scientific Reasoning | ||
SOC1010 | Intro to Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology | ||
SOC2010 | Technology & Society | SOC2XX | Technology & Society | ||
SOC2100 | Soc Prob | SOC220 | Am Social Problems | ||
SPA1010 | Elem Spanish I | SPN101 | Elem Spanish I | ||
SPA1020 | Elem Spanish II | SPN102 | Elem Spanish II | ||
SPA1050 | Culture of the Americas | SPN1XX | Culture of the Americas | ||
TED2030 | Intro to Education | EDU200 | Found of Education | ||
THE1010 | Intro to Theatre | THE254 | Intro Theatre | ||
WFS1150 | Coed Aerobic Exercise | PE136 | Aerobic Dance | ||
WFS1300 | Beg Hatha Yoga | PE163 | Intro to Yoga | ||
WFS1450 | Beg Tennis | PE159 | Tennis | ||
WFS1640 | Indiv Strength Trng | PE1XX | Indiv Strength Trng | ||
WFS1700 | Personal Health/Fitness | PE134 | Concpts Phys Actvty | ||
WFS1700L | Yoga Lab | PE163 | Intro to Yoga | ||
WFS1701 | Personal Health Fitness | PAW134 | Concpts Phys Actvty | ||
WFS1760 | Intro to Sport Psychology | PSY1XX | Intro to Sport Psychology | ||
WFS1855 | Lifeguard Training | PE124 | Lifeguard Training | ||
WFS2310 | Adv Physical Training I | PE2XX | Adv Phys Training I |
Community College of the Air Force | York College of Pennsylvania | ||
ACC1116 | Automated Acct Sys | ACC1XX | Automated Acc Sys |
ACC1118 | Intro to AF Budgeting | FIN1XX | Intro to AF Budgeting |
ACC1119 | Financial Planning | FIN1XX | Financial Planning |
ACC1128 | Materiel Accounting | ACC1XX | Materiel Accounting |
ACT1207 | Aircrew Qualification | PAW1XX | Phys Act & Wellness Elect |
ADM1106 | Info Mgmt | IFS1XX | Info Mgmt |
ADM1108 | Comp Sys & Ntwk Mgt | IFS1XX | Comp Sys & Ntwk Mgt |
AMT1104 | Intro Systems | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect |
AMT1105 | Acft Maintence Fund | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect |
AMT1106 | Operations | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect |
AMT1121 | Acft Elec Fundmentals | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect |
AMT1131 | Acft Hydraulic Sys Fund | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect |
AMT1141 | Fuel Systems | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect |
AMT1161 | Turbine Engine Theory/Principl | NPE1XX | Turbine Engine Theory/Principl |
AMT1162 | Turbine Engine Inspection/Repa | NPE1XX | Turbine Engine Inspection/Repa |
AMT1165 | Aux Power Units | ECE1XX | Aux Power Units |
AMT1168 | ACFT Engine Flightline Mainten | NPE1XX | ACFT Engine Flightline Mainten |
AMT1171 | Turbine Eng Maint Fundamentals | NPE1XX | Turbine Eng Maint Fundamentals |
AMT1172 | Intro to Turbine Eng Subsystem | NPE1XX | Intro to Turbine Eng Subsystem |
AMT1195 | Preflight & Postflight Insp | NPE1XX | Preflight & Postflight Insp |
AMT2161 | Adv Turbine Engine Maintenance | NPE1XX | Adv Turbine Engine Maintenance |
AMT2162 | Turb Eng Fiber-Optic Borescope | NPE1XX | Turb Eng Fiber-Optic Borescope |
AMT2199 | Landing Door Systems | EGR1XX | Landing Door Systems |
ATC1406 | Radar Procedures | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect |
CIV1101 | Ce Org & Work Force Mgt | EGR1XX | Ce Org & Work Force Mgt |
CLTR201 | Intro to Culture | INT2XX | Intro to Culture |
CMR1746 | Computer Maintenance | IFS1XX | Comp Maintenance |
COM1403 | Radio Comm Theory | CM1XX | Radio Comm Theory |
COM1403 | Radio Comm Theory | CM1XX | Radio Comm Theory |
COM1404 | Comm Network Equip Op | IFS1XX | Comm Net Equip Op |
COM1463 | Radio Comm Analysis | CM1XX | Radio Comm Analysis |
COM1744 | Univac Oper | IFS1XX | Univac Oper |
COM1745 | Autodin Oper | IFS1XX | Autodin Oper |
COM2733 | Tac Air Cont Network Ops | NPE1XX | Tac Air Cont Net Ops |
COM2736 | Intro to DSS | IFS1XX | Intro to DSS |
CYB1101 | Cyber Def & Counter | IFS1XX | Cyber Def & Counter |
CYB1101 | Cyber Def & Counter | CYB1XX | Cyber Def & Counter |
CYB1105 | Comm Network Security | CYB1XX | Comm Network Security |
CYB1105 | Comm Network Security | IFS1XX | Comm Net Security |
EDP1106 | Prin Comp Operations | IFS1XX | Prin Comp Operations |
EDP1113 | Data Pro Inq & Ret | IFS1XX | Data Pro Inq & Ret |
EDP1118 | Prin of Computer Sys | IFS100 | Info Tech Competncy |
EDP1118 | Prin of Computer Sys | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
EDP1130 | Intro to Sys Software | IFS1XX | Intro to Sys Software |
EDP1131 | Intro Maint Mgt Info Sys | IFS1XX | Intro Maint Mgt Info Sys |
EDP1132 | Computer Systems Fam | IFS1XX | Computer Systems Fam |
EDP1133 | Remote Proc Station | IFS1XX | Remote Proc Station |
EDP1136 | Microcomputer Software Appl | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
EDP1139 | Computer Sys Familiarization | IFS1XX | Computer Sys Fam |
EDP1203 | Princ of Database Appl | IFS1XX | Princ of Database Appl |
EDP1204 | Intro Log Auto Data Syst | IFS1XX | Intro Log Auto Data Syst |
EDP1601 | Cyber Surety | IFS1XX | Cyber Surety |
EDP2183 | Adv Computer Networking | IFS2XX | Adv Comp Netwkng |
EDP2201 | Comp Sys Admin | IFS2XX | Comp Sys Admin |
EDP2206 | Unix Operating Sys | IFS2XX | Unix Operating Sys |
EDP2207 | Network System Admin | IFS2XX | Network System Admin |
EDT1501 | Inst Prin and Tech | NPE1XX | Inst Prin & Tech |
EDT2801 | Instr Sys Dev | NPE1XX | Instr Sys Dev |
EEO2101 | Aero Cntrl Warn Sys Oper | IFS2XX | Aero Cntrl Warn Sys Oper |
ELT1105 | Gen Maintenance Trng | NPE1XX | Gen Main Trng |
ELT1106 | Intro/Dig Electronics | ECE1XX | Intro/Dig Electronics |
ELT1203 | Solid State Prin | ECE1XX | Solid State Prin |
ELT1210 | Basic Elec Prin | EGR1XX | Basic Elec Prin |
ELT1211 | Basic Elect Circ | EGR1XX | Basic Elect Circ |
ELT1219 | Elec Crypto Sys Maint Dep | ECE1XX | Elec Crypto Sys Dep |
ELT1259 | Intro Electronics | ECE1XX | Intro Electronics |
ELT1701 | ACCircuits | ECE1XX | ACCircuits |
ELT1702 | DCCircuits | ECE1XX | DCCircuits |
ELT1703 | RCL Circuits | ECE1XX | RCL Circuits |
ELT1712 | Basic Solid-State Theory | ECE1XX | Basic Solid-State Thry |
ELT1713 | Trans/Recvr Sys | ECE1XX | Trans/Recvr Sys |
ELT1744 | Radar Sys Circuits | ECE1XX | Radar Sys Circuits |
ELT1772 | Wave Gen/Shaping | ECE1XX | Wave Gen/Shaping |
ELT2709 | Receivers & Trans | ECE2XX | Receivers & Trans |
ELT6723 | Hi Rel Sold/Conn | ECE1XX | Hi Rel Sold/Conn |
ENG1401 | Tech Writ | WRT1XX | Tech Writ |
FIN1110 | Fin Mgmt Cont/Sys | ACC1XX | Fin Mgmt Cont/Sys |
FIN1201 | Accounting Princ | ACC1XX | Accounting Elective |
FIN1202 | Federal Funds | ACC1XX | Accounting Elective |
FIN1203 | Fiscal Law & Fin Mgmt | ACC220 | Financial Acct |
FIN1204 | Cost Analysis | ACC1XX | Accounting Elective |
FIN1205 | Travel & Relocation Acc | ACC1XX | Accounting Elective |
FIN1206 | Finance Customer Supt | FIN1XX | Finance Elective |
FIN2119 | Resource Mgt Acct Systems | ACC2XX | Resource Mgt Acct Sys |
FTL1401 | Intermed Tech Russian | RUS1XX | Inter Tech Russian |
FTL1402 | Intermed Tech Chinese | L1XX | Intermed Tech Chinese |
FTL1410 | Intermed Tech Hebrew | L1XX | Language Elective |
GEO1403 | Area Studies | G1XX | Area Studies |
GOV1406 | Gov Organ/Struct | PS1XX | Gov Organ/Struct |
HRM1001 | Human Resources Mgmt | MGT220 | Human Resource Mgt |
HRM1002 | Intro Human Res Info Sys | MGT1XX | Intro Human Res Info |
HRM1003 | Personnel Administration | MGT2XX | Management Elective |
HRM1004 | Strategies in HR Mgmt | MGT3XX | Strategies in HR Mgmt |
HRM2101 | Manpower/Person | BUS2XX | Manpower/Person |
HRM2108 | Quality Force Mgt | NPE2XX | Quality Force Mgt |
INT5000 | Journeyman | NPE1XX | Journeyman |
INT7000 | Craftsman | NPE1XX | Craftsman |
ITL1101 | Intel Fund | IA100 | Intro Intell Anlys |
ITL1102 | Analysis & Reporting | IA200 | Intell Anlys Method |
ITL1103 | Intel Ops Lab | IA1XX | Intel Ops Lab |
ITL1106 | Comm Signals Coll/Proc | IA1XX | Comm Signals |
ITL1108 | ISR Fundamentals | IA1XX | ISR Fundamentals |
ITL1202 | Geospatial Intel | IA1XX | Geospatial Intel |
ITL1401 | Elec Signal Exploit | IFS1XX | Elec Signal Exploit |
ITL1402 | Radio Comm Analysis | IFS1XX | Radio Comm Analysis |
ITL1508 | ISR Platforms and Seniors | IA1XX | ISR Platforms and Seniors |
ITL1601 | Mission Plan/Sup | IA1XX | Mission Plan/Sup |
ITL1603 | Pre Battlespace Aware | IA1XX | Pre Battlespace Aware |
ITL1902 | Intro to Cryptanalysis | IA1XX | Intro to Cryptanalysis |
ITL2401 | Voice Intel Coll | IA2XX | Voice Intel Coll |
ITL2401 | Voice Intelligence Collection | IA1XX | Voice Intell Collection |
LAW1803 | Fund of Law Enforcement | CJA1XX | Fund of Law Enforcement |
LAW1804 | Investigative Principles | CJA1XX | Investigative Principles |
LMM1000 | Basic Military | PAW1XX | Phys Act & Wellness Elect |
LMM1101 | Leadership/Management | MGT150 | Prin of Management |
LMM1102 | Managerial Communications | CM1XX | Managerial Communications |
LMM1103 | Military Studies | HIS1XX | Military Studies I |
LMM2121 | Leadership/Management II | NPE2XX | Leadership/Mgmt II |
LMM2122 | Managerial Comm II | CM2XX | Managerial Comm II |
LMM2123 | Military Studies II | NPE2XX | Military Studies II |
LMM2131 | Leadership/Management III | NPE2XX | Leadership/Mgmt III |
LMM2132 | Managerial Comm III | CM2XX | Managerial Comm III |
LMM2133 | Military Studies III | NPE1XX | Military Studies III |
LMM2134 | Org Theory and Behavior | NPE2XX | Org Theory and Behavior |
LOG1101 | Intro to Supply Mgmt | SCM1XX | Intro to Supply Management |
LOG1201 | Material Storage & Dist | SCM1XX | Material Storage & Dist |
LOG1202 | Logistics Automated Systems | SCM1XX | Logistics Automated Systems |
LOG1302 | Wrm & Document Control | SCM1XX | Wrm & Document Control |
LOG1601 | Logistics Maint Support | SCM1XX | Logistics Maint Support |
LOG1602 | Stock Control | SCM1XX | Stock Control |
LOG2619 | Munitions Inv Proc | MKT340 | Logistics |
LOG2619 | Munitions Inv Proc | NPE2XX | Non Program Elective |
MAP1401 | Intro to Cartography | G1XX | Intro to Cartography |
MAP1405 | Spec Anal Math | MAT1XX | Spec Anal Math |
MAT1103 | Intro to Statistics | QBA260 | Data Driven Dec Making |
MAT1103 | Intro to Statistics | BEH260 | Statistics |
MAT1103 | Intro to Statistics | MAT250 | Statistics |
MAT1108 | Statistics/Apps I | QBA260 | Business Statistics |
MAT1109 | Statistics/Apps II | QBA2XX | Statistics/Apps II |
MED1306 | Medical Svc Fundamentals | NUR1XX | Medical Svc Fundamentals |
MET1803 | Weather Observation | ESS1XX | Earth Science Elec no lab |
MET1804 | Plotting Wea Maps/Charts | ESS1XX | Earth Science Elec no lab |
MET2801 | Weather Radar Operation | ESS2XX | Earth Science Elec no lab |
MET2804 | Climatology | ESS2XX | Earth Science Elec no lab |
MET2807 | Operational Weather | ESS2XX | Earth Science Elec no lab |
MET2809 | Central Weather Facility | ESS2XX | Earth Science Elec no lab |
MET2822 | Weather Prognosis Tech | ESS1XX | Earth Science Elec no lab |
MGT1108 | Data Collection/Analysis | MGT1XX | Data Collection/Analysis |
MGT1116 | Maintenance Management | MGT1XX | Maintenance Management |
MGT2601 | Maint Sys Mgt | NPE2XX | Maint Sys Mgt |
MGT2964 | Adv Comm Elec Maint Mgt | NPE2XX | Adv Comm Elec Maint |
MIL1302 | Off/Def Force | NPE1XX | Off/Def Force |
MIL1403 | Tactical Air Operations | NPE1XX | Tactial Air Ops |
MIL1417 | Military Ground Forces | NPE1XX | Military Ground Forces |
MIL1428 | US Mil Document Security | NPE1XX | US Mil Document Security |
MIL2403 | Analysis Foreign Air Force | INT2XX | Analysis For Air Force |
MIL2602 | Foreign Naval Forces | INT1XX | For Naval Forces |
MKS1101 | Marksmanship Lab | NPE1XX | Marksmanship Lab |
MKS1105 | Initial Marksmanship | NPE1XX | Initial Marksmanship |
MRD1300 | Basic Medical Readiness | NPE1XX | Basic Medical Readiness |
MRD1301 | Adv Medical Readiness | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect |
MRD1303 | Expeditionary Med Readiness | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect |
NUR1304 | Fund of Patient Care | NUR1XX | Fund of Patient Care |
NUR1318 | Basic Nursing | NUR1XX | Basic Nursing |
NUR1319 | Intermed Nursing | NUR1XX | Intermed Nursing |
NUR1328 | Intro Clinical Pract | NUR1XX | Intro Clinical Pract |
NUR1332 | Emerg Dept Pract | NUR1XX | Emerg Dept Pract |
NUR1350 | Inpatient Unit Pract | NUR1XX | Inpatient Unit Pract |
NUR1350 | Inpatient Unit Practicum | NUR1XX | Inpatient Unit Practicum |
NUR1351 | Outpatient Unit Pract | NUR1XX | Outpatient Unit Pract |
NUR1351 | Outpatient Unit Practicum | NUR1XX | Outpatient Unit Practicum |
NUR2315 | Aero Phys Prin/Sur Tech | NUR2XX | Aero Phys Prin/Sur Tech |
NUR2316 | Aerospace Nursing | NUR2XX | Aerospace Nursing |
NUR2351 | Emergency Medical Tech | NUR2XX | Emergency Medical Tech |
NUR2352 | Emergency Med Tech II | NUR2XX | Emergency Med Tech II |
PER1114 | Personnel Functions | NPE1XX | Personnel Functions |
PER2103 | Personnel Data Systems | NPE2XX | Personnel Data Systems |
PHE1000 | Phys Education/Wellness | PAW134 | Concpts Phys Actvty |
PHE1800 | Physical Cond | PE1XX | Physical Cond |
REC1102 | Fitness & Health | PE1XX | Phys Ed Elect |
REC1102 | Fitness & Health | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect |
SEC1801 | Marksmanship Lab | NPE1XX | Marksmanship Lab |
SEC1802 | Security Ops and Duties | CJA1XX | Security Ops and Duties |
SEC1803 | Security Police Tactics | CJA1XX | Security Police Tactics |
SEC1804 | Fund of Grd Combat Skills | NPE1XX | Fund of Grd Combat Skills |
SEC1805 | Special Weapons & Tactics | NPE1XX | Spec Weapons & Tactics |
SEC1806 | Intro to Security | CJA1XX | Intro to Security |
SEC1854 | Physical Security | CJA1XX | Physical Security |
SEC1855 | Spec Mobile Security Func | IA1XX | Spec Mob Security Func |
SEC1856 | Antiterrorism | CJA1XX | Antiterrorism |
SEC2855 | Support Weapons | NPE2XX | Support Weapons |
SVR1805 | Psych of Env Stress | NPE1XX | Psych of Env Stress |
SVS1101 | Introduction to Services | HSP1XX | Introduction to Services |
SVS1102 | Introduction to Food Services | HSP270 | Food Source/Select |
SVS1103 | Lodging Fundamentals | HSP1XX | Lodging Fundamentals |
SVS1104 | Services Readiness | HSP1XX | Services Readiness |
SVS1105 | Fitness & Sport Management | SPM1XX | Fitness & Sport Management |
UGT5000 | Journeyman | PAW1XX | Journeyman |
VEM1501 | Combustion Engines | EGR1XX | Combustion Engines |
VEM1502 | Brakes/Suspension | NPE1XX | Brakes/Suspension |
VEM1503 | Powertrain | EGR1XX | Powertrain |
VEM1513 | Autoelect Sys Prin | EGR1XX | Autoelect Sys Prin |
VEM1523 | Diesel Engine Main | EGR1XX | Diesel Engine Main |
Community College of Allegheny (PA) | York College of Pennsylvania | ||
ACC101 | Account Prin I | ACC1XX | Account Prin I |
ACC102 | Account Prin 2 | ACC220 | Financial Acct |
ACC104 | Financial Accounting | ACC220 | Financial Acct |
ACC203 | Manager Account | ACC225 | Managerial Acct |
ALH106 | Bas Life Support | ED307 | Responding/Emerg |
ALH140 | Medical Term | HCC215 | Medical Terminology |
ART103 | Art Hist-Ancient | ART204 | Survey West Art I |
ART106 | Art Appreciation | ART101 | Art/Visual Culture |
ART109 | Drawing I | ART215 | Drawing I |
ART130 | Photography I | ART245 | Photography I |
ART137 | Ceramics I | ART225 | Ceramics I |
ART150 | Int Digital Graph | ART1XX | Int Digital Graph |
BIO100 | Life Science | BIO1XX | Biology Elect No Lab |
BIO103 | Human Biology | BIO1XX | Biology Elect No Lab |
BIO110 | Intro Bio Science | BIO204 | Exploring Biology |
BIO151 | Gen Biology I | BIO150 | Biology I |
BIO161 | Anatomy & Phys I | BIO221 | Human A/P I Lab |
BIO161 | Anatomy & Phys I | BIO220 | Human A/P I |
BIO162 | Anatomy & Phys II | BIO222 | Human A/P II |
BIO162 | Anatomy & Phys II | BIO223 | Hum A/P II Lab |
BIO175 | Microbiology | BIO230 | Microbiology |
BUS101 | Intro Business | BUS150 | Intro to Business |
BUS103 | Prin Management | MGT150 | Prin of Management |
BUS104 | Prin of Marketing | MKT100 | Prin Marketing |
BUS105 | Business Finance | BUS1XX | Business Finance |
BUS122 | Bus Statistics | QBA260 | Business Statistics |
BUS240 | Small Bus Mgt I | MGT2XX | Small Bus Mgt I |
BUS251 | Business Law I | BUS345 | Business Law I |
CHM109 | Intro Chemistry | CHM134 | Gen Chem I |
CHM110 | Intro Chemistry | CHM1XX | Intro Chemistry |
CHM151 | Gen Chem I | CHM134 | Gen Chem I |
CHM152 | Gen Chem II | CHM136 | Gen Chem II |
CIS100 | Intro Computers | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
CIS140 | Micro App/Inf Rs | IFS1XX | Micro App/Inf Rs |
CIS145 | Prog Development | IFS200 | Intro Prog/Sftwr I |
CIS150 | Survey PCComponents | IFS1XX | Survey PCComponents |
CIS203 | Win Prg/Vis Bas | IFS160 | Visual Basic Progrm |
CIS210 | Oper Sys Envir | IFS2XX | Oper Sys Envir |
CIS215 | Systems Development | IFS2XX | Systems Development |
CIS230 | Microcomp Database | IFS2XX | Microcomp Database |
CIS240 | Ntwrk Microcomp | IFS325 | Intro Networks |
CIS245 | Data Stru: C/C++ | IFS201 | Intro Prg/Sftwr II |
CIT100 | Intro to Comp | IFS100 | Info Tech Competncy |
CIT100 | Intro to Comp | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
CIT111 | Inform Systems | IFS1XX | Information Systems |
CIT115 | Info Technology | IFS1XX | Info Technology |
CIT120 | Networking | IFS1XX | Networking |
CIT140 | Office Prod Appl | IFS1XX | Office Prod Appl |
CIT145 | Programming in C | CS101 | Fund Comp Sci I |
CJC101 | Intro Crim Justice | CJA101 | Intro Crim Justice |
ECO102 | Prin of Macro | ECO200 | Prin Econ-Macro |
ECO103 | Prin Microecon | ECO201 | Prin Econ-Micro |
EDU201 | Foundation of Educ | ED2XX | Foundation of Educ |
EDU202 | Instruct Tech | ED200 | Instructnl Technlgy |
ENG100 | Basic Prin Comp | WRT100 | Intro College Writ |
ENG101 | English Comp I | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm |
ENG102 | English Comp II | WRT1XX | English Comp II |
ENG115 | Gen Literature | LIT160 | Intro Literature |
FIT136 | Self Defense | PE130 | Self Defense |
HIS101 | W Civ through 1500 | HIS101 | Foundation/West |
HIS104 | U.S. History I | HIS111 | American Civ I |
HIS105 | US Hist since 1865 | HIS112 | American Civ II |
HIS219 | History of Women | WGS342 | Women In US History |
HPE135 | Yoga I | PE163 | Intro to Yoga |
HPE171 | Pers/Comm Health | PE134 | Concpts Phys Actvty |
MAT108 | Intermed Algebra | MAT102 | Prelim Math/Prob Solv |
MAT120 | Analy Methods | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv |
MAT142 | Pre-Calc Math | MAT108 | Precalculus |
MAT147 | College Trig | MAT108 | Precalculus |
MAT147 | College Trig | MAT1XX | College Trig |
MAT165 | Prob & Stat | QBA260 | Business Statistics |
MAT165 | Prob & Stat | MAT250 | Statistics |
MAT165 | Prob & Stat | BEH260 | Statistics |
MAT201 | Calculus I | MAT171 | Calculus I |
MAT202 | Calculus 2 | MAT172 | Calculus II |
MDA208 | Med Fin Mgmt | FIN2XX | Med Fin Mgmt |
MUS101 | Intro to Music | MUS200 | Music Appreciation |
MUS160 | Am Pop Music | MUS287 | American Pop Music |
NRN101 | Intro to Nursing | NUR1XX | Intro to Nursing |
PHL101 | Intro Philosophy | PHL221 | Intro Philosophy |
PHL111 | Religions/World | REL265 | World Religions |
PHS101 | Earth Science | ESS152 | Earth/Space Sci |
PHS107 | Intro Astronomy | ESS1XX | Earth Sci Elective No Lab |
PHY100 | Basic Physics | PHY110 | Gen Phys:Mech/Ht |
PHY128 | Phy Hlth Sci/Rad | PHY1XX | Physics Elective No Lab |
PHY141 | Physics 1 | PHY110 | Gen Phys:Mech/Ht |
PHY142 | Physics II | PHY112 | Gen Phys:Elc/Magn |
PHY221 | Phy/Sci & Engr 1 | PHY160 | Eng Phys:Mechncs |
PHY222 | Phy/Sci & Engr 2 | PHY260 | Eng Phys:Elct/Magn |
POL101 | Intro Pol Sci | PS1XX | Intro Pol Sci |
POL103 | Amer Government | PS141 | American Governmnt |
PSY101 | Intro Psychology | PSY100 | General Psychology |
PSY107 | Human Relations | PSY1XX | Human Relations |
PSY108 | Human Grwth/Dvlp | PSY1XX | Human Grwth/Dvlp |
PSY208 | Abnormal Psych | PSY230 | Abnormal Psych |
SOC101 | Intro Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology |
SPA101 | Elem Spanish I | SPN101 | Elem Spanish I |
SPA102 | Elem Spanish 2 | SPN102 | Elem Spanish II |
SPH101 | Oral Comm | CM104 | Human Communicatn |
Community College of Baltimore County | York College of Pennsylvania | |||
AAD111 | Bsc Photograph | ART245 | Photography I | |
AASD101 | Intro Africana Studies | BEH1XX | Intro Africana Studies | |
ACC101 | Princ Acctg I | ACC220 | Financial Acct | |
ACC102 | Princ Acctg II | ACC225 | Managerial Acct | |
ACC140 | Computerized Acct | ACC1XX | Comp Acct | |
ACC201 | Inter Acct I | ACC2XX | Inter Acct I | |
ACC202 | Intr Acc II | ACC2XX | Intr Acc II | |
ACC203 | Int Acc III | ACC2XX | Int Acc III | |
ACC205 | Managerial Acc | ACC225 | Managerial Acct | |
ACC207 | Tax Prep | ACC2XX | Tax Prep | |
ACCT100 | Pract Acct/Book | ACC1XX | Pract Acct/Book | |
ACCT101 | Princ of Acct I | ACC1XX | Princ of Acct I | |
ACCT102 | Prin of Acct II | ACC220 | Financial Acct | |
ACCT116 | Comp Accounting | ACC1XX | Comp Accounting | |
ACCT132 | Comp Spreadsheets | ACC1XX | Comp Spreadsheets | |
ACCT201 | Intermed Acct I | ACC320 | Inter Accounting I | |
ACCT202 | Intermed Acct II | ACC2XX | Intermed Acct II | |
ACCT221 | Prin of Auditing I | ACC2XX | Prin of Auditing I | |
ACCT225 | Cost Accounting | ACC225 | Managerial Acct | |
ACCT230 | Adv Accounting I | ACC2XX | Adv Accounting I | |
ACCT231 | Adv Acct II | ACC2XX | Adv Acct II | |
ACCT241 | Tax Acct I | ACC305 | Taxation I | |
ACCT242 | Tax Acct II | ACC2XX | Tax Acct II | |
ACCT251 | Tax Prep | ACC2XX | Tax Prep | |
ACDV101 | Acdmc Dvlp:Trnstn College | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
AEXS120 | Intro Appld Exer Sci | PAW1XX | Intro Appld Exer Sci | |
AH115 | Med Terminology | RT105 | Medical Terminology | |
AH115 | Med Terminology | BIO201 | Medical Terminology | |
ALHL104 | Intro to Health Careers | BIO100 | Intro Allied Hl | |
ALHL115 | Med Terminology | RT105 | Medical Terminology | |
ALHL115 | Med Terminology | BIO201 | Medical Terminology | |
ALHL132 | Basic Nutrition | NUR202 | Nutrition | |
ALHL135 | Nutrition | NUR202 | Nutrition | |
ALHL155 | Biomed Ethics | PHL1XX | Biomed Ethics | |
ALHL232 | Contemp Iss in Nutrition | NUR2XX | Contemp Iss in Nutrition | |
ANST101 | Animals and Society | BEH1XX | Animals and Society | |
ANTH101 | Intro to Cul Anth | ANT220 | Cult Anthropology | |
ANTH102 | Intro Phys Anthropology | ANT210 | Physical Anthropol | |
ANTH121 | Intercult Awareness | ANT1XX | Intercult Awareness | |
ANTH127 | Native Amer History | ANT1XX | Native Amer History | |
ARSC101 | Shaping of Mod World I | BEH1XX | Shaping of Mod World I | |
ARSC102 | Shaping of Mod World II | BEH1XX | Shaping of Mod World II | |
ARSC103 | Natural Science | ESS1XX | Natural Science | |
ARSC104 | Great Persp in Science | PSC1XX | Phys Sci Elect No Lab | |
ARSC121 | Am Pl: Srch Just | BEH1XX | Am Pl: Srch Just | |
ART101 | Fund of Art | ART101 | Intro Art Apprec | |
ART103 | Art in the Culture | ART101 | Intro Art Apprec | |
ART121 | Drawing I | ART215 | Drawing I | |
ARTD104 | Art Appreciation | ART101 | Intro Art Apprec | |
ARTD105 | History of Art I | ART204 | Survey West Art I | |
ARTD106 | History of Art II | ART205 | Survey West Art II | |
ARTD109 | Intro Interactive Media | ART206 | Elements Comp Graph | |
ARTD110 | Two Dimen Design | ART210 | Design I | |
ARTD111 | Drawing I | ART215 | Drawing I | |
ARTD112 | Color Theory | ART1XX | Color Theory | |
ARTD113 | Three Dimensional Design | ART211 | Design II | |
ARTD114 | Digital Photography | ART246 | Digital Photography | |
ARTD116 | Digital Imaging I | ART247 | Digital Image | |
ARTD125 | Painting I | ART220 | Painting I | |
ARTD140 | Computer Illustration I | ART1XX | Computer Illustration I | |
ARTD144 | Design and Layout | ART290 | Print Production | |
ARTD205 | Mod and Contem Art Hist | ART2XX | Mod & Contemp Art Hist | |
ARTD211 | Drawing II | ART265 | Drawing II | |
ARTD240 | 3D Modeling & Animation | ART2XX | 3D Modeling & Animation | |
ARTS100 | Integrated Arts | HUM1XX | Integrated Arts | |
ARTS101 | The Studio Exp | ART1XX | The Studio Exp | |
ARTS102 | Elem Vis Thinking-Des | ART110 | Concepts of Design | |
ARTS102 | Elem Vis Thinking-Des | ART210 | Design I | |
ARTS104 | Art Appreciation | ART101 | Intro Art Apprec | |
ARTS105 | History of Art I | ART204 | Survey West Art I | |
ARTS106 | History of Art II | ART205 | Survey West Art II | |
ARTS110 | Drawing I | ART215 | Drawing I | |
ARTS121 | Painting II | ART270 | Painting II | |
ARTS131 | 2-D Design | ART210 | Design I | |
ARTS132 | Drawing I | ART215 | Drawing I | |
ARTS133 | Color Theory | ART1XX | Color Theory | |
ARTS134 | 3-D Design | ART211 | Design II | |
ARTS140 | Sculpture I | ART116 | Concepts/Sculpture | |
ARTS140 | Sculpture I | ART230 | Sculpture I | |
ARTS145 | Painting I | ART114 | Concepts/Painting | |
ARTS145 | Painting I | ART220 | Painting I | |
ARTS146 | Water Color Painting I | ART1XX | Water Color Painting I | |
ARTS150 | Ceramics I | ART225 | Ceramics I | |
ARTS151 | Ceramics II | ART275 | Ceramics II | |
ARTS160 | Fund of Photography | ART245 | Photography I | |
ARTS161 | Intermed Photography | ART1XX | Intermed Photography | |
ARTS163 | Color Photography | ART295 | Photography II | |
ARTS170 | Printmaking I | ART1XX | Printmaking I | |
ARTS230 | Drawing II | ART265 | Drawing II | |
ARTS231 | Drawing III | ART315 | Drawing III | |
ARTS232 | Drawing IV | ART365 | Drawing IV | |
ARTS240 | Sculpture II | ART280 | Sculpture II | |
ARTS241 | Sculpture III | ART330 | Sculpture III | |
ARTS242 | Sculpture IV | ART380 | Sculpture IV | |
ARTS245 | Painting II | ART270 | Painting II | |
ARTS246 | Water Color Painting II | ART2XX | Water Color Painting II | |
ARTS247 | Portrait Fig Painting I | ART2XX | Portrait Fig Painting I | |
ARTS248 | Portrait Fig Painting II | ART2XX | Portrait Fig Painting II | |
ARTS250 | Ceramics II | ART275 | Ceramics II | |
ARTS251 | Ceramics III | ART2XX | Ceramics III | |
ARTS252 | Ceramics IV | ART2XX | Ceramics IV | |
AST101 | Astronomy | ESS154 | Intro/Astronomy | |
AST101 | Astronomy | ESS155 | Astronomy Lab | |
AST102 | Observational Astronomy | ESS1XX | Observational Astronomy | |
ASTM101 | Astronomy | ESS1XX | Earth Sci Elective No Lab | |
ASTM101 | Astronomy | ESS154 | Intro/Astronomy | |
BIO100 | Exploring Biology | BIO1XX | Biology Elective No Lab | |
BIO101 | Bio Principles | BIO204 | Exploring Biology | |
BIO101 | Bio Principles | BIO110 | General Biology | |
BIO106 | Hum Anat Phy I | BIO220 | Human A/P I | |
BIO107 | Botany | BIO1XX | Botany | |
BIO108 | Hum Anat Phy II | BIO222 | Human A/P II | |
BIO109 | Human Anatomy & Phys | BIO220 | Human A/P I | |
BIO121 | Fund Bio I | BIO150 | Biology I | |
BIO141 | Microbiology | BIO230 | Microbiology | |
BIO201 | Gen Microbiology | BIO230 | Microbiology | |
BIO211 | Anatomy & Physio I | BIO220 | Human A/P I | |
BIO212 | Anatomy & Physio II | BIO222 | Human A/P II | |
BIOL100 | Exploring Biology | BIO1XX | Biology Elective No Lab | |
BIOL101 | Gen Biology | BIO110 | General Biology | |
BIOL102 | Intro Life Sci | BIO1XX | Biology Elect No Lab | |
BIOL104 | Introductory Botany | BIO1XX | Introductory Botany | |
BIOL105 | Med Terminology | BIO201 | Medical Terminology | |
BIOL105 | Med Terminology | RT105 | Medical Terminology | |
BIOL106 | Zoology | BIO208 | Biology of Animals | |
BIOL107 | Human Biology | BIO112 | Fund Human Bio | |
BIOL108 | Invest Living World | BIO204 | Exploring Biology | |
BIOL108 | Invest Living World | BIO110 | General Biology | |
BIOL109 | Human Anat & Phys | BIO112 | Essentials of A & P | |
BIOL110 | Bio I: Molecular & Cell | BIO150 | Biology I | |
BIOL111 | Biology II | BIO152 | Biology II | |
BIOL120 | Intro to Biotechnology | BIO1XX | Intro to Biotech | |
BIOL126 | Forensic Biology | BIO1XX | Forensic Biology | |
BIOL130 | Hum Anat for Mor Sci | BIO220 | Human A/P I | |
BIOL160 | Body Struct & Func | BIO1XX | Biology Elect No Lab | |
BIOL220 | Human Anat & Phys I | BIO220 | Human A/P I | |
BIOL221 | Hum Anat & Phys II | BIO222 | Human A/P II | |
BIOL230 | Microbiology | BIO230 | Microbiology | |
BIOL245 | Micro for Mort Sci | BIO230 | Microbiology | |
BIOL251 | Genetics | BIO2XX | Biology Elect No Lab | |
BIOL252 | Phys Pathology | BIO2XX | Biology Elect No Lab | |
BIOL253 | Tech in Biotech I | BIO2XX | Tech in Biotech I | |
BIOL254 | Tech in Biotech II | BIO2XX | Tech in Biotech II | |
BIOL256 | Nutrition | NUR202 | Nutrition | |
BIOL260 | Disease & Diag for HIM | BIO2XX | Biology Elect No Lab | |
BUA101 | Intro to Bus | BUS150 | Intro to Business | |
BUS101 | Intro to Business | BUS150 | Intro to Business | |
BUS107 | Bus Law I | BUS260 | Legal Environment | |
CAD101 | Intro to CAD | EGR1XX | Intro to CAD | |
CAD111 | CAD Appl | EGR1XX | CAD Appl | |
CADD101 | Intro to CADD | EGR1XX | Intro to CADD | |
CADD105 | Comp-Aid Drft & Des | EGR1XX | Comp-Aid Drft & Des | |
CADD114 | Intermed CAD/Engr Draw | EGR1XX | Intermed CAD/Engr Draw | |
CADD211 | Adv CAD/Design I | EGR2XX | Adv CAD/Design I | |
CADD212 | Adv CAD/Design II | EGR2XX | Adv CAD/Design II | |
CAMM156 | Geom Dim/Tolerance | EGR1XX | Geom Dim/Tolerance | |
CGBC202 | Des & Layout II | ART2XX | Des & Layout II | |
CGR101 | Computer Graphics I | ART1XX | Comp Graphics I | |
CGR106 | Comp Graphics II | ART1XX | Comp Graphics II | |
CGR121 | Comp Publ Design | ART1XX | Comp Publ Design | |
CGR131 | Comp Art/Dim Des | ART1XX | Comp Art/Dim Des | |
CGR141 | Comp Illustrat | ART1XX | Comp Illustrat | |
CGR151 | Business Graph | ART1XX | Business Graph | |
CGR161 | Copywrit Pub Des | ART1XX | Copywrit Pub Des | |
CGR222 | Elec Publ Desn | ART2XX | Elec Publ Desn | |
CGR226 | Adv Dsktp Publ | ART2XX | Adv Dsktp Publ | |
CGVC101 | Intro to Comp Graphics | ART1XX | Intro Comp Graphics | |
CGVC108 | Designing with Type | ART1XX | Des with Type | |
CGVC120 | Digital Imaging I | ART1XX | Digital Imaging I | |
CGVC121 | Comp Illustration I | ART1XX | Comp Illustration I | |
CGVC123 | Des & Layout I | ART1XX | Des & Layout I | |
CGVC124 | Intro Dig Video Des & Prod I | ART1XX | Dig Video Des & Prod I | |
CGVC128 | Typography | ART1XX | Typography | |
CGVC167 | Des Screen Based Media I | ART1XX | Des Screen Based Med I | |
CGVC205 | Bus Graphics | ART2XX | Bus Graphics | |
CGVC207 | Dig Imaging II | ART2XX | Dig Imaging II | |
CGVC221 | Intro 3D Illustration | ART2XX | Intro 3D Illustration | |
CGVC222 | Conc in Illustration | ART2XX | Conc in Illustration | |
CGVC237 | Comp Illustration II | ART2XX | Comp Illustration II | |
CGVC246 | Graphic Des for Comm | ART2XX | Graphic Des for Comm | |
CGVC247 | Des Screen Base Media II | ART2XX | Des Screen Base Med II | |
CGVC248 | Digital Prepress | ART2XX | Digital Prepress | |
CGVC251 | Intro to Animation | ART2XX | Intro to Animation | |
CGVC252 | Interactive Des II | ART2XX | Interactive Des II | |
CGVC253 | Animation II | ART2XX | Animation II | |
CGVC254 | Portfolio Workshop | ART2XX | Portfolio Workshop | |
CHEM100 | Chem & Role in Society | CHM1XX | Chemistry Elect No Lab | |
CHEM104 | Intro to Coll Chem | CHM1XX | Chemistry Elective No Lab | |
CHEM107 | Fundamentals of Chem | 01 | CHM123 | Gen/Org Chem Lab |
CHEM107 | Fundamentals of Chem | 01 | CHM122 | Prin Gen/Org Chem |
CHEM108 | Fundamentals Chem Lab | 01 | ||
CHEM111 | Inorganic Chemistry I | CHM134 | Gen Chem I | |
CHEM121 | General Chemistry I | CHM134 | Gen Chem I | |
CHEM121 | General Chemistry I | CHM1XX | Chemistry Elect No Lab | |
CHEM123 | General Chemistry II | CHM136 | Gen Chem II | |
CHEM123 | General Chemistry II | CHM1XX | Chemistry Elect No lab | |
CHEM133 | Gen Chemistry II | CHM136 | Gen Chem II | |
CHEM146 | Intro Organic & Biochem | CHM1XX | Chemistry Elect No Lab | |
CHEM146 | Intro Organic & Biochem | CHM350 | Biochemistry | |
CHEM200 | Organic Chemistry I | CHM2XX | Chemistry Elect No Lab | |
CHEM200 | Organic Chemistry I | CHM234 | Organic Chem I | |
CHEM202 | Organic Chemistry II | CHM236 | Organic Chem II | |
CHEM202 | Organic Chemistry II | CHM2XX | Chemistry Elect No Lab | |
CINS101 | Intro to Computers | IFS105 | Personal Computing | |
CINS105 | Computer Info Tech | IFS105 | Personal Computing | |
CINS111 | Log Prog Meth/Comp App | IFS1XX | Log Prog Meth/Comp App | |
CINS120 | Div in Tech Soc | IFS1XX | Div in Tech Soc | |
CINS132 | Comp Spreadsheets | IFS1XX | Comp Spreadsheets | |
CINS140 | Using Windows | IFS1XX | Using Windows | |
CINS155 | Info Lit/Internet | IFS1XX | Info Lit/Internet | |
CINS165 | Java Script & HTML | IFS1XX | Java Script & HTML | |
CIS101 | Intro to Computers | IFS100 | Info Tech Competncy | |
CIS101 | Intro to Computers | IFS105 | Personal Computing | |
CIS111 | Comp Info Tech | IFS1XX | Comp Info Tech | |
CIS116 | Small Business Comp | IFS1XX | Small Business Comp | |
CIS120 | End User Computing | IFS1XX | End User Computing | |
CIS126 | Fortran Prog | IFS1XX | Fortran Prog | |
CIS131 | RPG 2 Prog | IFS1XX | RPG 2 Prog | |
CJ101 | Intro to Crim Just | CCJ101 | Intro to Crim Just | |
CJP131 | Princ Evidence | CCJ1XX | Princ Evidence | |
CLI101 | Intro to Computers-I | IFS105 | Personal Computing | |
CLM101 | Intro to Computers | IFS105 | Personal Computing | |
CMDP101 | Eff Alc & Other Drg | SOC210 | Drug/Alcohol Addctn | |
CMDP102 | Issues in Addiction Couns | SOC210 | Drug/Alcohol Addctn | |
CMDP110 | Ind Couns Tech | BEH1XX | Ind Couns Tech | |
CMDP114 | Theory & Pract Group Couns | BEH1XX | Theory & Pract Grp Couns | |
CMDP124 | Delivery of Services | SOC1XX | Del of Services | |
CMDP210 | Family Couns | SOC2XX | Family Couns | |
CMDP211 | Theories of Couns | BEH2XX | Theories of Couns | |
CMDP233 | Ethics in Counseling | PHL2XX | Ethics in Couns | |
CMDP273 | Internship: Chem Dep Couns | BEH2XX | Intern: Chem Dep Couns | |
CMNS101 | Fund of Communication | CM212 | Public Speaking | |
CMNS150 | Movies: History & Art | FLM1XX | Movies: History & Art | |
CMNS203 | Adv Public Speaking | CM2XX | Adv Public Speaking | |
CMNS205 | Business & Prof Comm | CM246 | Comm/Business Prof | |
CMNS250 | Interpersonal Comm | CM329 | Interpersonal Comm | |
CMNS251 | Small Group Comm | CM304 | Group Discussion | |
CMNS252 | Intercult Comm | CM2XX | Intercult Comm | |
CMSC109 | Multimedia Authoring I | IFS1XX | Multimedia Authoring I | |
CMSC155 | Info Lit | IFL1XX | Info Lit | |
CONT101 | Constr Blueprint Reading | NPE1XX | Constr Blueprint Reading | |
CORE101 | Shaping Modern World I | BEH1XX | Shaping Modern World I | |
CPT101 | Intro to DP | IFS1XX | Intro to DP | |
CPT103 | RPG Programming | IFS1XX | RPG Programming | |
CPT201 | Sys Desg & Pro | IFS2XX | Sys Desg & Pro | |
CRJU101 | Intro to Criminal Justice | CCJ101 | Intro Crim Justice | |
CRJU102 | Surv Legal Iss | CCJ1XX | Surv Legal Iss | |
CRJU106 | Crim Justice Mgt | CCJ1XX | Crim Justice Mgt | |
CRJU110 | Crim Investigation | CCJ1XX | Crim Investigation | |
CRJU111 | Investigation of Fires | CCJ1XX | Investigation of Fires | |
CRJU112 | Criminalistics | CCJ236 | Criminalistics | |
CRJU114 | Narcotics & Dang Drugs | CCJ1XX | Narcotics & Dang Drugs | |
CRJU116 | Organized Crime | CCJ314 | Organized Crime | |
CRJU118 | Computer-Related Crime | CCJ1XX | Computer-Related Crime | |
CRJU120 | Criminal Law | CCJ302 | Criminal Law | |
CRJU122 | Crim Justice/Const | CCJ1XX | Crim Justice/Constitution | |
CRJU126 | Veh Laws & Acc Invest | CCJ1XX | Veh Laws & Acc Invest | |
CRJU128 | Civ Rights & Liberties | CCJ1XX | Civ Rights & Liberties | |
CRJU130 | Intro to Corrections | CCJ1XX | Intro to Corrections | |
CRJU132 | Treat/Rehab-Adult Off | CCJ1XX | Treat/Rehab-Adult Off | |
CRJU134 | Probation & Parole | CCJ1XX | Probation & Parole | |
CRJU136 | Corr Serv & Comm | CCJ1XX | Corr Serv & Comm | |
CRJU139 | Inter & Couns Tech | CCJ1XX | Inter & Couns Tech | |
CRJU140 | Police Admin | CCJ1XX | Police Admin | |
CRJU142 | Law Enf & Comm | CCJ234 | Law Enforcement | |
CRJU150 | Intro Private Security | CCJ1XX | Intro Private Security | |
CRJU152 | Security Problems | CCJ1XX | Security Problems | |
CRJU153 | Private Invest | CCJ1XX | Private Invest | |
CRJU160 | Intro Homeland Security | NPE1XX | Intro Homeland Security | |
CRJU172 | Internship I: Crim Just | CCJ1XX | Internship I: Crim Just | |
CRJU201 | Crim Justice Seminar | CCJ2XX | Crim Justice Seminar | |
CRJU202 | Criminology | CCJ378 | Criminology | |
CRJU203 | Victims of Crime | CCJ310 | Victimology | |
CRJU204 | Comp Crime & Crim Just | CCJ2XX | Comp Crime & Crim Just | |
CRJU211 | Wom in Crim Just Sys | CCJ2XX | Wom in Crim Just Sys | |
CRJU220 | Crim Proc & Evidence | CCJ2XX | Crim Proc & Evidence | |
CRJU223 | Juv Del | CCJ110 | Juvenile Delinquncy | |
CRJU225 | Const Law | CCJ2XX | Const Law | |
CRJU230 | Adv Stud Corr Admin | CCJ2XX | Adv Stud Corr Admin | |
CRJU240 | Adv Police Admin | CCJ2XX | Adv Police Admin | |
CRJU250 | Ethics & Div CJ | CCJ203 | Ethical Issues/CJ | |
CRJU252 | Legal Iss for Sec Pers | CCJ2XX | Legal Iss for Sec Pers | |
CRJU258 | Soc Just Urban Comm | CCJ2XX | Soc Just Urban Comm | |
CRJU259 | Crim Persp | CCJ2XX | Crim Persp | |
CRJU272 | Internship II: Crim Just | CCJ2XX | Internship II: Crim Just | |
CRJU273 | Criminal Justice Internship | CCJ2XX | Criminal Justice Internship | |
CSIT101 | Intro to Computer | IFS105 | Personal Computing | |
CSIT101 | Intro to Computer | IFS100 | Info Tech Competncy | |
CSIT111 | Logic and OO Design | IFS1XX | Logic and OO Design | |
CSIT116 | Emerging PCSoftware | IFS1XX | Emerging PCSoftware | |
CSIT120 | Div in Tech Society | IFS1XX | Div in Tech Society | |
CSIT121 | Web Standards | IFS1XX | Web Standards | |
CSIT123 | Authoring Web Pages | IFS1XX | Authoring Web Pages | |
CSIT124 | Web 2.0 Social Media | IFS1XX | Web 2.0 Social Media | |
CSIT125 | Intro to JavaScript | IFS1XX | Intro to JavaScript | |
CSIT130 | Comp Word Proc | IFS1XX | Comp Word Proc | |
CSIT132 | Comp Spreadsheets | IFS1XX | Comp Spreadsheets | |
CSIT134 | Comp Databases | IFS1XX | Comp Databases | |
CSIT136 | Using Windows | IFS1XX | Using Windows | |
CSIT142 | Intro to MIS | IFS305 | Management Info Sys | |
CSIT154 | Database Conc | IFS1XX | Database Conc | |
CSIT155 | Internet Prin | IFS1XX | Internet Prin | |
CSIT156 | Intro SQL Using Oracle | IFS1XX | Intro SQL Using Oracle | |
CSIT161 | Intro to Com Sec | IFS1XX | Info Sys Elec | |
CSIT210 | Intro to Programming | IFS2XX | Intro to Programming | |
CSIT211 | Adv Programming | IFS2XX | Adv Programming | |
CSIT212 | Visual Basic Prog | IFS160 | Visual Basic Progrm | |
CSIT213 | Adv Visual Basic Prog | IFS2XX | Adv Visual Basic Prog | |
CSIT214 | C++ Programming | CS2XX | C++ Programming | |
CSIT215 | Obj Oriented Prog Using C++ | CS2XX | Obj Orient Prog Using C++ | |
CSIT221 | Server-side Script Lang | IFS2XX | Server-side Script Lang | |
CSIT224 | Server-side Script with PHP | IFS2XX | Server-side Script with PHP | |
CSIT230 | Help Desk Mgt | IFS2XX | Help Desk Mgt | |
CSIT241 | Appl Sys Analys & Des | IFS2XX | Appl Sys Analys & Des | |
CSIT243 | Info Mgt for Dec Making | IFS2XX | Info Mgt for Dec Making | |
CSIT254 | Emerg Database Des | IFS2XX | Emerg Database Des | |
CSIT256 | Adv Oracle | IFS2XX | Adv Oracle | |
CSS101 | Intro Computers | IFS1XX | Intro Computers | |
CSS106 | Fortran Prog | IFS1XX | Fortran Prog | |
CSS141 | Assembly Prog | IFS1XX | Assembly Prog | |
CVF150 | Cardio Fitness | PE139 | Cardiorespty Exercs | |
DANC10402 | Beg Mod Dance Tech II | PE1XX | Beg Mod Dance Tech II | |
DANC10501 | Int Mod Dance I | PE1XX | Int Mod Dance I | |
DANC10502 | Int Mod Dance II | PE1XX | Int Mod Dance II | |
DANC108 | Hip Hop | PE1XX | Hip Hop | |
DANC110 | Folk & Soc Dance | PE1XX | Folk & Soc Dance | |
DANC111 | Folk & Soc Dance: Meth & Mat | PE1XX | Folk & Soc Dance:Meth & Mat | |
DANC114 | Beg Ballet I | PE1XX | Beg Ballet I | |
DANC115 | Beginning Ballet II | PE1XX | Beginning Ballet II | |
DANC116 | Int Ballet I | PE1XX | Int Ballet I | |
DANC117 | Intermed Ballet II | PE1XX | Intermed Ballet II | |
DANC118 | Adv Ballet I | PE1XX | Adv Ballet I | |
DANC119 | Adv Ballet II | PE1XX | Adv Ballet II | |
DANC120 | Beg Mod Dance I | PE117 | Modern Dance | |
DANC121 | Beg Mod Dance II | PE1XX | Beg Mod Dance II | |
DANC122 | Int Mod Dance I | PE117 | Modern Dance | |
DANC123 | Intermed Mod Dance II | PE1XX | Intermed Mod Dance II | |
DANC130 | Beg Tap Dance | PE1XX | Beg Tap Dance | |
DANC131 | Intermed Tap Dance | PE1XX | Intermed Tap Dance | |
DANC132 | Beg Jazz Dance | PE1XX | Beg Jazz Dance | |
DANC133 | Int Jazz | PE1XX | Int Jazz | |
DANC135 | Dance Appr | HUM1XX | Dance Appr | |
DANC136 | Intro Mod Dance | PE117 | Modern Dance | |
DANC137 | Dance Comp I | PE1XX | Dance Comp I | |
DANC138 | Dance Comp II | PE1XX | Dance Comp II | |
DANC142 | Music for Dance | MUS1XX | Music for Dance | |
DANC146 | Movement for the Actor | THE1XX | Mov for the Actor | |
DANC147 | HipHop Mov Con Pop Clt | PE1XX | HipHop Mov Con Pop Clt | |
DANC150 | Dance Workshop I | PE1XX | Dance Workshop I | |
DAP101 | Intro Data Pro | IFS105 | Personal Computing | |
DAP106 | Fortran Prog | IFS1XX | Fortran Prog | |
DAP121 | Cobol Prog I | IFS1XX | Cobol Prog I | |
DAP136 | RPG 2 Prog | IFS1XX | RPG 2 Prog | |
DAP181 | Cont Dev in DAP | IFS1XX | Cont Dev in DAP | |
DAP222 | Cobol Prog 2 | IFS2XX | Cobol Prog 2 | |
DAP231 | Sys Ana Design | IFS2XX | Sys Ana Design | |
DCOM101 | Intro Data Comm | IFS1XX | Intro Data Comm | |
DCOM141 | Intro PCRepair & Oper | IFS1XX | Intro PCRepair & Oper | |
DCOM142 | Intro to Linux/UNIX | IFS1XX | Intro to Linux/UNIX | |
DCOM201 | Windows Prof | IFS2XX | Windows Prof | |
DCOM202 | Windows Server | IFS2XX | Windows Server | |
DCOM203 | Windows Network Infra | IFS2XX | Windows Network Infra | |
DCOM205 | Dir Serv Infra | IFS2XX | Dir Serv Infra | |
DCOM206 | SQL Server | IFS2XX | SQL Server | |
DCOM207 | Exchange Server | IFS2XX | Exchange Server | |
DCOM208 | Des Network Infra | IFS2XX | Des Network Infra | |
DCOM210 | Windows Network Sec | IFS2XX | Windows Network Sec | |
DCOM211 | Intro to Firewalls | IFS2XX | Intro to Firewalls | |
DCOM212 | Intro IDS & IPS | IFS2XX | Intro IDS & IPS | |
DCOM214 | Oper Sys Security | IFS2XX | Oper Sys Security | |
DCOM215 | Ethical Hacking | CYB2XX | Ethical Hacking | |
DCOM217 | Cisco I Network Fund | IFS2XX | Cisco I Network Fund | |
DCOM218 | Cisco II Routing Protocols | IFS2XX | Cisco II Routing Protocols | |
DCOM219 | Cisco III LAN Switching | IFS2XX | Cisco III LAN Switching | |
DCOM220 | Cisco IV Accessing the WAN | IFS2XX | Cisco IV Access the WAN | |
DCOM224 | Advanced Linux Adm | IFS2XX | Advanced Linux Adm | |
DCOM235 | Comp Sys Op | IFS2XX | Comp Sys Op | |
DCOM242 | Linux Shell Scripting | IFS2XX | Linux Shell Scripting | |
DCOM251 | Local Area Networks | IFS2XX | Local Area Networks | |
DCOM252 | Adv Protocols | IFS2XX | Adv Protocols | |
DCOM258 | Intro Info Sec | IFS2XX | Intro Info Sec | |
DCOM262 | Appl Info Sec | IFS2XX | Appl Info Sec | |
DCT101 | Intro Data Comm | IFS1XX | Intro Data Comm | |
DIGM112 | Fund of Media Prod | CM1XX | Fund of Media Prod | |
DIGM152 | Digital Filmmaking | CM1XX | Digital Filmmaking | |
EAS101 | Earth Science | ESS152 | Earth/Space Sci | |
EAS141 | Oceanography | BIO1XX | Oceanography | |
EAS141 | Oceanography | BIO1XX | Biology Elect No Lab | |
EBUS101 | Intro to E-Business | BUS1XX | Intro to E-Business | |
EBUS102 | Expl E-Bus Tech | BUS1XX | Expl E-Bus Tech | |
EBUS130 | E-Bus Infrastructure | BUS1XX | E-Bus Infrastructure | |
EBUS135 | Databases for E-Bus | BUS1XX | Databases for E-Bus | |
EBUS152 | Web Site Usability & Access | BUS1XX | Web Site Usability & Acc | |
EBUS155 | Prin of E-Marketing | BUS1XX | Prin of E-Marketing | |
EBUS204 | Stakeholder Mgt | BUS2XX | Stakeholder Mgt | |
EBUS205 | Dev E-Bus Solutions | BUS2XX | Dev E-Bus Solutions | |
EBUS221 | Adv Prog Web Dev Vis Bas | BUS2XX | Adv Prog Web Dev Vis Bas | |
EBUS222 | Java for the Web | BUS2XX | Java for the Web | |
EBUS240 | Intro Net Sec for E-Bus | BUS2XX | Intro Net Sec for E-Bus | |
EBUS241 | Net Def & Cntr for E-Bus | BUS2XX | Net Def & Cntr for E-Bus | |
EBUS242 | Appl Info Sec for E-Bus | BUS2XX | Appl Info Sec for E-Bus | |
EBUS250 | Appl in E-Bus Dev | BUS2XX | Appl in E-Bus Dev | |
EBUS258 | Fin Mgt of an E-Bus | BUS2XX | Fin Mgt of an E-Bus | |
EBUS273 | E-Bus Internship & Seminar | BUS2XX | E-Bus Intern & Seminar | |
ECO121 | Micro-Economics | ECO201 | Prin Econ-Micro | |
ECO122 | Macro Econ | ECO200 | Prin Econ-Macro | |
ECO201 | Prn Econ I:Mac | ECO200 | Prin Econ-Macro | |
ECO202 | Pr Eco II:Micr | ECO201 | Prin Econ-Micro | |
ECON111 | Personal Finance | BUS218 | Personal Finance | |
ECON111 | Pers Finance | BUS218 | Personal Finance | |
ECON130 | Econ Hist of the U.S. | ECO1XX | Econ Hist of the U.S. | |
ECON131 | Fund of Intl Econ | ECO1XX | Fund of Intl Econ | |
ECON141 | Dev of Econ Sys | ECO1XX | Dev of Econ Sys | |
ECON152 | Nat Resource Econ | ECO1XX | Natural Resource Econ | |
ECON163 | Envrtl Econ & Sustain | G1XX | Envrtl Econ & Sustain | |
ECON201 | Intro Macro-Econ | ECO200 | Prin Econ-Macro | |
ECON202 | Intro to Micro-Econ | ECO201 | Prin Econ-Micro | |
ECON250 | Women in the Economy | ECO2XX | Women in the Economy | |
ED101 | Intro to Teaching | EDU1XX | Intro to Teaching | |
ED102 | Intro to Special Ed | SPE1XX | Intro to Special Ed | |
ED145 | Nutrition in Childhood | NUR202 | Nutrition | |
ED211 | Psyc of Early Child | PSY2XX | Psyc of Early Child | |
EDTR101 | Found of Ed | EDU200 | Intro Amer Educ | |
EDTR103 | Prin Hum Grwth & Dev | NUR201 | Nursing HD/HC | |
EDTR103 | Prin Hum Grwth & Dev | EDU1XX | Prin Hum Grwth & Dev | |
EDTR107 | Intro to Special Ed | SPE1XX | Intro to Special Ed | |
EDTR115 | Child Lit | EDU1XX | Child Lit | |
EDTR120 | Grwth & Dev Early Child | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop | |
EDTR121 | Curr & Mat/Early Child | EDU1XX | Curr & Mat/Early Child | |
EDTR122 | Inf & Toddler Grwth & Dev | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop | |
EDTR123 | School Age Child | EDU1XX | School Age Child | |
EDTR124 | Nut, Hlth, & Saf Early Child | EDU1XX | Nut, Hlth, Saf Early Child | |
EDTR204 | Early Child Mgt | EDU2XX | Early Child Mgt | |
EDTR211 | Psych of Early Child | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop | |
EDTR214 | Parent, Teach & Comm Rel | EDU2XX | Par, Teach & Comm Rel | |
EDTR215 | Ed Psychology | EDU370 | Psych of Learning | |
EDTR215 | Ed Psychology | EDU375 | Psy Learning/Second | |
EDTR221 | Mgt & Guidance Child Beh | EDU2XX | Mgt & Guid Child Beh | |
EDTR222 | Observing & Record Child Beh | EDU2XX | Observ & Record Child Beh | |
EDTR223 | Juvenile Delinquency | EDU2XX | Juv Delinquency | |
EDTR240 | Assess Elem Teach | EDU2XX | Assess Elem Teach | |
EDTR241 | Meth Tch Elem Teachers | EDU2XX | Meth Tch Elem Teachers | |
EDTR242 | Proc & Acquis of Rdng | EDU2XX | Proc & Acquis of Rdng | |
EDTR243 | Instruct of Reading | EDU2XX | Instruct of Reading | |
EDTR244 | Mat Used in Reading | EDU2XX | Mat Used in Reading | |
EDTR245 | Assess Reading Instruct | EDU2XX | Assess Reading Instruct | |
EDTR250 | Assess Sec Teachers | EDU2XX | Assess Sec Teachers | |
EDTR251 | Meth Tchng Sec Teachers | EDU2XX | Meth Tchng Sec Teachers | |
EDTR252 | Tchg Rdg Content Areas Pt I | EDU2XX | Tchg Rdg Cont Areas Pt I | |
EDTR253 | Tch Rdg Content Area Pt II | EDU2XX | Tch Rdg Cont Area Pt II | |
EDTR260 | Char Child Beh & Lrn Dis | EDU2XX | Char Child Beh & Lrn Dis | |
EDTR261 | Eval Except Child | EDU2XX | Eval Except Child | |
EDTR262 | Ed Plan Except Child | SPE2XX | Ed Plan Except Child | |
EDTR264 | Class Mgt/Tch Tech Exc Child | SPE2XX | Class Mgt/Tch Tech Ex Cld | |
EDTR265 | Pre-Voc & Voc Meth | EDU2XX | Pre-Voc & Voc Meth | |
EDTR273 | Field Based Experience | EDU2XX | Field Based Exp | |
EDU101 | Grow Dev Child | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop | |
EDUC105 | Growth/Dev Early Child | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop | |
EDUC121 | Meth/Mat Young Child | EDU1XX | Meth/Mat Young Child | |
EGNT121 | Statics | EGR2XX | Statics | |
EGNT221 | Strengths and Materials | EGR2XX | Strengths and Materials | |
ELDR101 | Intro Elder Care | GER1XX | Intro Elder Care | |
ELDR102 | Funct Impact of Aging | GER1XX | Funct Impact of Aging | |
ELDR103 | Intro to Elder Care | GER1XX | Intro to Elder Care | |
ELDR108 | Man Beh & Emot Iss Old Pop | GER1XX | Man Beh & Emot Iss Old Pop | |
ELDR109 | Prob of Elderly | GER1XX | Prob of Elderly | |
ELEI225 | Electronic Circuits II | ECE1XX | Electronic Circuits II | |
EMET125 | Mech & Maint Fund | NPE1XX | Mech & Maint Fund | |
END101 | Engr Drawing I | EGR1XX | Engr Drawing I | |
END111 | Intro Mech Mat | EGR1XX | Intro Mech Mat | |
ENG101 | Comp & Rhetoric | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm | |
ENG102 | Comp & Lit | LIT200 | Perspectives/Lit | |
ENG151 | Tech Writing | WRT1XX | Tech Writing | |
ENG212 | Shakespeare | LIT323 | Shakespeare I | |
ENGL101 | College Composition I | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm | |
ENGL102 | College Comp II | WRT202 | Academic Writing | |
ENGL102 | College Composition II | FCO1XX | College Composition II | |
ENGL106 | Grammar & Usage | WRT1XX | Grammar & Usage | |
ENGL115 | Children's Lit | LIT1XX | Children's Lit | |
ENGL151 | Intro Journalism | CM271 | Print Media Writing | |
ENGL152 | Newspaper Production | WRT1XX | Newspaper Prod | |
ENGL154 | Writing for the Stage | WRT1XX | Writing for the Stage | |
ENGL160 | Studies in Mythology | LIT1XX | Studies in Mythology | |
ENGL201 | Brit Lit I | LIT283 | British Lit to 1750 | |
ENGL202 | Brit Lit II | LIT284 | Brt Lit after 1750 | |
ENGL203 | American Literature I | LIT281 | Amer Lit to 1885 | |
ENGL204 | Amer Lit II | LIT282 | Amer Lit after 1885 | |
ENGL205 | World Lit I | LIT2XX | World Lit I | |
ENGL206 | World Lit II | LIT2XX | World Lit II | |
ENGL207 | Native Amer Lit | LIT2XX | Native Amer Lit | |
ENGL208 | Afr-Amer Lit | LIT203 | African/Amer Lit | |
ENGL209 | Workshop Creat Wrt | WRT2XX | Workshop Creat Wrt | |
ENGL210 | Intro Creat Wrt: Poetry | WRT2XX | Creat Wrt: Poetry | |
ENGL211 | Intro Creative Writing | WRT272 | Intro Creative Wrt | |
ENGL213 | Technical Writing | WRT2XX | Technical Writing | |
ENGL218 | Afr American Lit | LIT2XX | Afr American Lit | |
ENGL224 | Lit by Women | LIT382 | Women In Literature | |
ENGL224 | Lit by Women | WGS382 | Women In Literature | |
ENGL231 | Screenwriting | CRW277 | Screenwriting I | |
ENGL239 | Business Communications | WRT210 | Writng/Prof Culturs | |
ENGL241 | Major Figures | LIT2XX | Major Figures | |
ENGL242 | Modern Lit | LIT2XX | Modern Lit | |
ENGL243 | Contemp Lit | LIT2XX | Contemp Lit | |
ENGL244 | Adv Comp | WRT315 | Advanced Compositn | |
ENGL247 | Adv Creative Wrt Workshop | WRT2XX | Adv Creat Wrt Workshop | |
ENGL248 | Creat Themes Wrt | WRT2XX | Creat Themes Wrt | |
ENGL249 | Creat Wrt: Capstone Port | WRT2XX | Creat Wrt: Capstone Port | |
ENGL250 | Shakespeare | LIT324 | Shakespeare II | |
ENGL251 | Studies in Poetry | LIT343 | Exper of Poetry | |
ENGL252 | Studies in Short Fiction | LIT2XX | Studies in Short Fiction | |
ENGL253 | Study in Novel | LIT2XX | Study in Novel | |
ENGL254 | Contemp Themes in Lit | LIT2XX | Contemp Themes in Lit | |
ENGL255 | World Drama | LIT2XX | World Drama | |
ENGL257 | Intro to Fiction | LIT2XX | Intro to Fiction | |
ENGL258 | Modern Drama | LIT416 | Modern Drama | |
ENGL259 | Multicult Lit in America | LIT2XX | Multicult Lit in Amer | |
ENGL260 | Holocaust Lit | LIT2XX | Holocaust Lit | |
ENSC101 | Intro Eng Des | EGR1XX | Intro Eng Des | |
ENSC111 | Mechanics I | EGR250 | Statics | |
ENSC115 | Electronic Circuits I | ECE1XX | Electronic Circuits I | |
ENSC211 | Mechanics II | EGR2XX | Mechanics II | |
ENV101 | Envrio Science | BIO1XX | Biology Elect no lab | |
ENV101 | Envrio Science | BIO212 | Environmntl Bio | |
ENVS101 | Intro to Envir Science | BIO1XX | Biology Elective No Lab | |
ENVS101 | Intro to Envir Science | BIO212 | Environmntl Bio | |
ENVS116 | Atmospheric Sci | ESS1XX | Earth Sci Elect No Lab | |
ENVS126 | Hydrospheric Sci | ESS1XX | Earth Sci Elect No Lab | |
ERSC101 | Earth Science | ESS152 | Earth/Space Sci | |
ERSC121 | Physical Geology | ESS1XX | Earth Sci Elect No Lab | |
ERSC131 | Meteorology | ESS1XX | Meteorology | |
ERSC141 | Intro Oceanography | BIO1XX | Biology Elect No Lab | |
ERSC141 | Intro Oceanography | BIO124 | Oceanography | |
EXP101 | Expl Nat & Soc | BEH1XX | Expl Nat & Soc | |
EXP102 | Explore Ideas | HUM1XX | Explore Ideas | |
EXP106 | Explore Ideas | HUM1XX | Explore Ideas | |
FAPA100 | Intro Fine & Perf Arts | HUM1XX | Fine & Perf Arts | |
FAPA101 | Intro to Fine & Perform Arts | HUM1XX | Intro to Fine/Perform Art | |
FLFR101 | Elem French I | FRN101 | Elem French I | |
FLSP101 | Elementary Spanish I | SPN101 | Elem Spanish I | |
FLSP102 | Elementary Spanish II | SPN102 | Elem Spanish II | |
FLSP201 | Intermediate Spanish I | SPN201 | Inter Spanish I | |
FLSP202 | Intermediate Spanish II | SPN202 | Inter Spanish II | |
FR101 | Elem French I | FRN101 | Elem French I | |
FRE102 | Elem French 2 | FRN102 | Elem French II | |
GEO101 | Physical Geography | G1XX | Physical Geography | |
GEOM44 | Wines of the World | G1XX | Wines of the World | |
GEOA101 | Intro Geog Info Sys | G361 | Intro to Geo Info Sys | |
GEOA110 | Intermed Geog Info Sys | G1XX | Intermed Geog Info Sys | |
GEOA150 | Remote Sens & Glob Pos | G1XX | Remote Sens & Glob Pos | |
GEOA210 | Dec Making Using GIS | G2XX | Dec Making Using GIS | |
GEOA250 | Adv Geospatial Appl | G2XX | Adv Geospatial Appl | |
GEOG101 | Intro Phys Geog | G151 | Intro Physical Geog | |
GEOG102 | Intro to Cultural Geog | G1XX | Intro to Cultural Geog | |
GEOG111 | World Reg Geo | G100 | World Reg Geography | |
GEOG131 | Hist Geog of MD | G1XX | Hist Geog of MD | |
GEOG133 | Geog of U.S. & Canada | G341 | Geog North America | |
GEOG141 | Intro to Oceanography | BIO124 | Oceanography | |
GEOG141 | Intro to Oceanography | BIO1XX | Biology Elect No Lab | |
HEA101 | Theory of Health | PAW1XX | Theory of Health | |
HEA130 | Basic Nutrition | NUR202 | Nutrition | |
HEA150 | Community Health | PE1XX | Physical Education Elective | |
HEA150 | Community Health | NPE1XX | Non Program Elective | |
HEA235 | Theo Stress Mg | NPE1XX | Non Program Elective | |
HEA235 | Theo Stress Mg | PE1XX | Physical Education Elective | |
HFMJ120 | Intro Hlth & Fit Studies | SPM1XX | Intro Hlth & Fit Studies | |
HFMJ120 | Intro Health/Fitness Studies | PAW1XX | Intro Health/Fitness Studies | |
HFMJ140 | Cardio Trn | PE1XX | Cardio Trn | |
HFMJ140 | Prin Cardiovsclr Train/Wgt Mgt | PAW1XX | Prin Cardiovsclr Train/Wgt Mgt | |
HFMJ220 | Mthd & Mat Fit Inst | PE2XX | Mthd & Mat Fit Inst | |
HFMJ240 | Prin Mus Cond/Flex | PAW1XX | Prin Mus Cond/Flex | |
HFMJ240 | Prin Mus Cond/Flex | PE2XX | Prin Mus Cond/Flex | |
HFMJ250 | Mgmt of Fitness Fac/Prog | SPM2XX | Mgmt of Fitness Fac/Prog | |
HIS101 | West Civ I | HIS101 | Western Civ I | |
HIS102 | West Civ II | HIS102 | Western Civ II | |
HIS103 | His U.S. 1877 | HIS111 | American Civ I | |
HIS110 | His Amer Labor | HIS1XX | His Amer Labor | |
HIS112 | His U.S. From 1876 | HIS112 | American Civ II | |
HIST101 | West Civ I | HIS101 | Western Civ I | |
HIST102 | West Civ II | HIS102 | Western Civ II | |
HIST111 | Hist of U.S. I | HIS111 | American Civ I | |
HIST112 | History of U.S. II | HIS112 | American Civ II | |
HIST116 | Afr Amer History | HIS1XX | Afr Amer History | |
HIST117 | Afr Amer Hist to 1876 | HIS1XX | Afr Amer Hist to 1876 | |
HIST118 | Afr Amer Hist Since 1876 | HIS1XX | Afr Amer Hist Since 1876 | |
HIST120 | Ethnicity: Amer Dream | HIS1XX | Ethnicity: Amer Dream | |
HIST127 | Native Amer History | HIS1XX | Native Amer History | |
HIST130 | Amer Econ History | HIS375 | Amer Econ History | |
HIST134 | Hist American Labor | HIS1XX | Hist Amer Labor | |
HIST150 | Movies: Hist & Art | HIS1XX | Movies: Hist & Art | |
HIST155 | Hist of Mod Asia | HIS1XX | Hist of Mod Asia | |
HIST193 | Sp Top: Amer & SW Asia | HIS1XX | Amer & Southwest Asia | |
HIST220 | The American Woman | HIS390 | Women in US History | |
HLTH101 | Health & Wellness | PAW234 | Well/Fitness/Life | |
HLTH111 | Stress Management | PAW1XX | Stress Management | |
HLTH120 | Aging and Health | PAW1XX | Aging and Health | |
HLTH126 | Intro Lstc & Cmpl Hlth | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
HLTH126 | Intro Lstc & Cmpl Hlth | PAW1XX | Phys Act & Wellness Elect | |
HLTH132 | Basic Nutrition | NUR202 | Nutrition | |
HLTH134 | Nutrition | NUR202 | Nutrition | |
HLTH140 | First Aid, Safety & CPR | SPM205 | Responding/Emerg | |
HLTH190 | Lfspn Plus: Strtgs Aging | NPE1XX | Lfspn Plus:Strtgs Aging | |
HLTH221 | Human Sexuality | PSY2XX | Human Sexuality | |
HLTH232 | Contemp Iss in Nutrition | NUR202 | Nutrition | |
HLTH240 | Wom Health Issues | WGS210 | Women's Health | |
HMRC100 | Supervision in Hosp | HSP1XX | Supervision in Hosp | |
HMRC103 | Hotel/Rest Mgt | HSP1XX | Hotel/Rest Mgt | |
HMRC107 | Food Prep I | HSP1XX | Food Prep I | |
HMRC108 | Food Prep II | HSP1XX | Food Prep II | |
HMRC111 | Hosp Sale/Mkt | HSP1XX | Hosp Sale/Mkt | |
HMRC115 | Purchasing | HSP1XX | Purchasing | |
HMRC120 | Mgr Cert in Sanit | HSP1XX | Mgr Cert in Sanit | |
HMRC159 | Basic Nutrition | NUR202 | Nutrition | |
HMRC203 | Hospitality Law | HSP2XX | Hospitality Law | |
HMRC281 | Hosp Ind Coop | HSP2XX | Hosp Ind Coop | |
HMRC282 | Hospitality Coop | HSP2XX | Hospitality Coop | |
HORT115 | Soils and Fertilizers | HRT1XX | Soils and Fertilizers | |
HORT183 | Cooperative Education I | HRT1XX | Cooperative Education I | |
HRMT101 | Intro to Hosp Mngmt | HSP100 | Intro Hospitality | |
HRMT102 | Sanitation & Safety | HSP1XX | Sanitation & Safety | |
HRMT202 | Food Production II | HSP2XX | Food Production II | |
HRMT208 | Front Office Operations | HSP2XX | Front Office Operations | |
HRMT209 | Housekeeping Mgmt | HSP2XX | Housekeeping Mgmt | |
HUMN151 | Indiv & the Community | HUM1XX | Indiv & Comm | |
HUMN180 | World Religion | REL265 | World Religions | |
HUMN201 | Artifacts of Culture | HUM2XX | Artifacts of Culture | |
HUMN255 | Bible as Lit | LIT390 | Bible as Literature | |
HUMN256 | Religion & Culture | REL2XX | Religion & Culture | |
HUMN290 | St in Hum: Cin/Just | HUM2XX | St in Hum: Cin/Just | |
HUMS101 | Intro Human Serv | HSV100 | Intro to HSV | |
HUMS102 | Funct Impact of Aging | GER1XX | Funct Impact of Aging | |
HUMS103 | Intro to Elder Care | GER1XX | Intro to Elder Care | |
HUMS106 | Intro Field Child & Youth Care | SOC1XX | Field Child & Youth Care | |
HUMS108 | Man Beh & Emotional Iss Aging | GER1XX | Man Beh & Emot Iss Aging | |
HUMS109 | Prob of the Elderly | GER1XX | Prob of the Elderly | |
HUMS111 | Int/Comm Tech | SOC1XX | Int/Comm Tech | |
HUMS122 | Aging in America | GER1XX | Aging in America | |
HUMS201 | Case Mgmt in Hum Serv | SOC2XX | Case Mgmt in Hum Serv | |
HUMS274 | Intern: Hum Serv | SOC2XX | Intern: Hum Serv | |
HUSC101 | Intro to Hum Services Con | HSV100 | Intro to HSV | |
HUSC104 | Div in Workplace | HSV1XX | Div in Workplace | |
HUSC122 | Aging in Global Society | GER100 | Perspectives/Aging | |
HUSC139 | Interview & Counseling | HSC1XX | Interview & Counsel | |
HUSC141 | Intro to Psychopharm | PSY1XX | Intro to Psychopharm | |
HUSC205 | Group Counseling | HSV2XX | Group Counseling | |
HUSC211 | Case Mgmt in Hum Services | HSV370 | Case Management | |
HUSC233 | Ethics in HUSC | HSV316 | Ethical Aspects | |
HUSC250 | Crisis Intervention | HSV2XX | Crisis Intervention | |
INS171 | Golf | PAW140 | Fundamentals/Golf | |
INTR101 | Amer Sign Lang I | CM150 | Beg Sign Language | |
INTR102 | Amer Sign Lang II | CM1XX | Amer Sign Lang II | |
INTR106 | Fingerspelling & Num Use | CM1XX | Fingerspelling & Num Use | |
INTR111 | Non-Verbal Comm | CM1XX | Non-Verbal Comm | |
INTR116 | Intro to Interpreting | CM1XX | Intro to Interpreting | |
INTR121 | Deaf Iss:Past & Pres | CM1XX | Deaf Iss:Past & Pres | |
INTR203 | Amer Sign Lang III | CM2XX | Amer Sign Lang III | |
INTR204 | Amer Sign Lang IV | CM2XX | Amer Sign Lang IV | |
INTR206 | Amer Sign Lang V | CM2XX | Amer Sign Lang V | |
INTR211 | Ling of Amer Sign Lang | CM2XX | Ling of Amer Sign Lang | |
ITR111 | Non-Verbal Com | CM1XX | Non-Verbal Com | |
ITTR262 | Travel Studies | NPE1XX | Travel Studies | |
KNLS120 | Intro to Kinesiology | EXS1XX | Intro to Kinesiology | |
LAW101 | Intro to Law | PS210 | Intro to Law | |
LAW111 | Business Law I | BUS345 | Business Law I | |
LBST108 | Labor Law I | PS1XX | Labor Law I | |
LBST109 | Labor Law II | PS1XX | Labor Law II | |
LBST110 | Lobbying & Pol Adv | PS1XX | Lobbying & Pol Adv | |
LBST134 | Hist of Amer Labor I | HIS1XX | Hist of Amer Labor I | |
LBST135 | Hist of Amer Labor II | HIS1XX | Hist of Amer Labor II | |
LBST140 | Labor in the Movies | FLM1XX | Labor in the Movies | |
LBST193 | Sp Top: Labor 20th Cent | BEH1XX | Sp Top: Labor 20th Cent | |
LIF106 | Life Fitness | PAW234 | Well/Fitness/Life | |
LIF111 | Adult Life Fit | PE134 | Concpts Phys Actvty | |
LIF126 | Sr Lifesaving | PE1XX | Sr Lifesaving | |
LIF153 | Scuba | PE1XX | Scuba | |
LTPE130 | Int Ballet I | PE1XX | Int Ballet I | |
LTPE132 | Int Mod Dance I | PE117 | Modern Dance | |
LTPE135 | Improv | PE1XX | Improv | |
MAN101 | Prin of Mgt | MGT150 | Prin of Management | |
MAN111 | Supervisory Mgt | MGT1XX | Supervisory Mgt | |
MAN121 | Pers Management | MGT1XX | Pers Management | |
MAR101 | Marketing Mgt | MKT100 | Prin Marketing | |
MAT101 | Interm Algebra | MAT102 | Prelim Math/Prob Solv | |
MAT106 | Business Math | MAT1XX | Business Math | |
MAT111 | Ideas in Math | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv | |
MAT121 | Business Math | MAT1XX | Business Math | |
MAT130 | Fund Alg App | MAT1XX | Fund Alg App | |
MAT131 | Statis Methods | QBA260 | Business Statistics | |
MAT131 | Statis Methods | BEH260 | Statistics | |
MAT131 | Statis Methods | MAT250 | Statistics | |
MAT133 | College Algebra | MAT105 | College Algebra | |
MAT161 | Precalculus | MAT108 | Precalculus | |
MAT231 | Intr to Stats | BEH260 | Statistics | |
MAT231 | Intr to Stats | QBA260 | Business Statistics | |
MAT231 | Intr to Stats | MAT250 | Statistics | |
MATH101 | Int Alg | MAT102 | Prelim Math/Prob Solv | |
MATH102 | Algebra for Precalculus | MAT105 | College Algebra | |
MATH103 | Introduction to Trigonometry | MAT108 | Precalculus | |
MATH108 | Technical Math | MAT1XX | Technical Math | |
MATH111 | Ideas in Mathematics | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv | |
MATH113 | Tech Math | MAT105 | College Algebra | |
MATH115 | Elem & Ideas of Math | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv | |
MATH123 | Bus Math Applications | MAT1XX | Bus Math Applications | |
MATH125 | Finite Math | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv | |
MATH128 | Math & Strat of Gaming | MAT1XX | Math & Strat of Gaming | |
MATH131 | Concept Math/Teachers I | MAT115 | Sets/Number Systems | |
MATH132 | Conc Math II: Geom | MAT1XX | Conc Math II: Geom | |
MATH132 | Precal Mathematics | MAT108 | Precalculus | |
MATH133 | Conc Math III: Stats | MAT1XX | Conc of Math III | |
MATH135 | College Alg/Trig Apps I | MAT105 | College Algebra | |
MATH141 | Basic Statistics I | BEH260 | Statistics | |
MATH141 | Basic Statistics I | MAT250 | Statistics | |
MATH141 | Basic Statistics I | QBA260 | Business Stats I | |
MATH150 | Math Ideas/Statistics | BEH260 | Statistics | |
MATH150 | Math Ideas/Statistics | QBA260 | Business Statistics | |
MATH150 | Math Ideas/Statistics | MAT250 | Statistics | |
MATH153 | Intro Statistical Methods | MAT250 | Statistics | |
MATH153 | Intro Statistical Methods | QBA260 | Business Statistics | |
MATH153 | Intro Statistical Methods | BEH260 | Statistics | |
MATH154 | Statistical Methods | MAT1XX | Statistical Methods | |
MATH161 | College Algebra | MAT105 | College Algebra | |
MATH163 | Pre Calculus I | MAT105 | College Algebra | |
MATH165 | Precalculus Mathematics | MAT108 | Precalculus | |
MATH230 | Calculus with Appl | MAT120 | Applied Calculus | |
MATH243 | Discrete Math | MAT235 | Discrete Mathemtcs | |
MATH251 | Calculus I | MAT171 | Calculus I | |
MATH252 | Calculus II | MAT172 | Calculus II | |
MATH253 | Calculus III | MAT271 | Calculus III | |
MATH257 | Linear Algebra | MAT260 | Elem Linear Algebra | |
MATH259 | Elem Diff Equations | MAT272 | Diff Equations | |
MATH260 | Math for Game Dev | MAT2XX | Math for Game Dev | |
MCOM102 | Intro Broadcasting | CM1XX | Intro Broadcasting | |
MCOM111 | Intro Broadcast Mass Comm | CM211 | Mass Communication | |
MCOM112 | Appl Adv, Pub Rel, & Mktg | CM1XX | Appl Adv, Pub Rel, & Mktg | |
MCOM113 | Res in Comm | CM1XX | Res in Comm | |
MCOM121 | Pub Copywrt & Des | CM323 | Publctn Edit/Design | |
MCOM130 | Elect Media Prog | CM1XX | Elect Media Prog | |
MCOM131 | Stagecraft | THE1XX | Stagecraft | |
MCOM135 | Acting for TV & Mot Pic | THE1XX | Acting for TV & Mot Pic | |
MCOM149 | TV & Radio Announcing | CM1XX | TV & Radio Announcing | |
MCOM150 | Movies: Hist & Art | FLM1XX | Movies: Hist & Art | |
MCOM151 | Intro to Journalism | CM271 | Print Media Writing | |
MCOM152 | Newspaper Prod | CM1XX | Newspaper Prod | |
MCOM170 | TV Prod | CM242 | Video Prodctn I | |
MCOM193 | Dig & Social Media Marketing | MKT355 | Digital Marketing | |
MCOM231 | Film & TV Writing | CM332 | Broadcast Media Wrt | |
MCOM273 | Internship: Mass Comm | CM2XX | Intern: Mass Comm | |
MGT101 | Intro to Bus & Ind | BUS150 | Intro to Business | |
MGT105 | Prin of Supervision | MGT1XX | Prin of Supervision | |
MGT107 | Bus Law I | BUS260 | Legal Environment | |
MGT108 | Bus Law II | BUS360 | Bus/Commercial Law | |
MGT109 | Salesmanship | MKT220 | Personal Selling | |
MGT140 | Business Law | BUS260 | Legal Environment | |
MGT201 | Hum Res Mgt | MGT220 | Human Resource Mgt | |
MGT202 | Sem in Hum Res Mgt | MGT2XX | Sem in Hum Res Mgt | |
MGT203 | Labor Mgt Rel | MGT2XX | Labor Mgt Rel | |
MGT205 | Marketing Prin | MKT100 | Prin Marketing | |
MGT211 | Comp Admin | MGT2XX | Comp Admin | |
MGT223 | Advertising | MKT2XX | Advertising | |
MGT224 | Small Bus Mgt I | MGT2XX | Small Bus Mgt I | |
MGT233 | Prin of Mgt | MGT150 | Prin of Management | |
MGT239 | Written & Oral Comm | WRT210 | Writng/Prof Culturs | |
MGT241 | Employment Labor Law | MGT2XX | Employment Labor Law | |
MNGT101 | Intro to Business | BUS150 | Intro to Business | |
MNGT105 | Principles of Management | MGT150 | Prin of Management | |
MNGT110 | Principles of Supervision | MGT1XX | Princ of Supervision | |
MNGT113 | Hum Relations in Org | MGT1XX | Hum Rel in Org | |
MNGT115 | Sem in Supervisory Prob | MGT1XX | Sem in Supervisory Prob | |
MNGT140 | Bus Law I | BUS260 | Legal Environment | |
MNGT141 | Bus Law II | BUS1XX | Bus Law II | |
MNGT150 | Prin Marketing | MKT100 | Prin Marketing | |
MNGT152 | Retail Mgt | MGT1XX | Retail Mgt | |
MNGT153 | Intl Marketing | IBS370 | Internat Marketing | |
MNGT154 | Advertising | MKT1XX | Advertising | |
MNGT158 | Salesmanship | MKT1XX | Salesmanship | |
MNGT159 | Man Cust Rel & Service | MGT1XX | Man Cust Rel & Service | |
MNGT201 | Human Res Mgmt | MGT220 | Human Resource Mgt | |
MNGT203 | Labor Management | MGT2XX | Labor Mgmt | |
MNGT206 | Small Bus Mgt I | MGT2XX | Small Bus Mgt I | |
MNGT211 | Compensation Admin | MGT2XX | Compensation Admin | |
MNGT215 | Man Analysis & Dec Making | MGT2XX | Man Analy & Dec Making | |
MNGT219 | Sales Mgt | MGT2XX | Sales Mgt | |
MNGT239 | Bus Comm | FCO210 | Comm Prof Cultures | |
MNGT241 | Employment and Labor Law | MGT2XX | Employ and Labor Law | |
MNGT251 | Fam Financial Plan/Invest | BUS2XX | Fam Fin Plan/Invest | |
MNGT257 | Fin Mgt | MGT2XX | Fin Mgt | |
MNGT265 | Business Ethics | PHL342 | Professional Ethics | |
MNTH101 | Intro Mental Health | BEH1XX | Intro Mental Health | |
MNTH102 | Fldwk Mntl Hea/Sub Abuse | BEH1XX | Fldwk Ment Hea/Sub Abuse | |
MNTH103 | Tech of Counseling | BEH1XX | Tech of Counseling | |
MNTH111 | Stress/Tension Mgmt | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
MNTH111 | Stress/Tension Mgmt | PE1XX | Physical Ed Elect | |
MNTH201 | Dir Pract/Mental Health I | BEH2XX | Dir Pract/Mental Health I | |
MNTH202 | Dir Pract/Ment Hlth II | BEH2XX | Dir Pract/Ment Hlth II | |
MNTH203 | Clin Pract Mental Hlth | BEH2XX | Clin Pract Mental Hlth | |
MNTH204 | Pharm/Effects Substance | BEH2XX | Pharm/Effects Substance | |
MNTH205 | Tech of Group Counseling | BEH2XX | Tech of Group Counseling | |
MNTH207 | Fam Dynamic | SOC225 | The Family | |
MNTH212 | Stress Mgt | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
MNTH212 | Stress Mgt | PE1XX | Phys Ed Elect | |
MNTH220 | Crisis Intervention | BEH2XX | Crisis Intervention | |
MULT101 | Intro to Multimedia | ART1XX | Intro to Multimedia | |
MULT108 | Intro to Multimedia Script | ART1XX | Intro Multimedia Script | |
MULT109 | Multimedia Auth I | ART1XX | Multimedia Auth I | |
MULT121 | Dig Imaging | ART1XX | Dig Imaging | |
MULT201 | Multimedia Algorithms | ART1XX | Multimedia Algorithms | |
MULT205 | 3D & Adv Animation | ART2XX | 3D & Adv Animation | |
MULT209 | Multimedia Auth II | ART2XX | Multimedia Auth II | |
MUS100 | Music Fund | MUS181 | Found Music Theory | |
MUS101 | Music Appr | MUS200 | Music Appreciation | |
MUS112 | Ear Training II | MUS185 | Sight Singing II | |
MUS120 | Music Appreciation | MUS200 | Music Appreciation | |
MUS128 | The Beatles/Rock | MUS1XX | The Beatles/Rock | |
MUS130 | Piano Class I | MUS140 | Class Piano | |
MUS131 | Piano Class II | MUS141 | Class Piano | |
MUS154 | Appl Basic Voice | MUS101 | Voice | |
MUSA100 | Voice | MUS101 | Voice | |
MUSA101 | Appl Classical Voice II | MUS1XX | Appl Class Voice II | |
MUSA102 | Appl Basic Voice:Pop | MUS1XX | Appl Basic Voice: Pop | |
MUSA110 | Applied Piano I | MUS103 | Piano | |
MUSA135 | Apld Clscl Sax II | MUS130 | Saxophone | |
MUSA150 | Applied Guitar I | MUS138 | Guitar | |
MUSA201 | Appl Cassical Voice III | MUS2XX | Appl Class Voice III | |
MUSC101 | Music Fundamentals | MUS1XX | Music Fund | |
MUSC102 | Music Appreciation | MUS200 | Music Appreciation | |
MUSC102 | Music Appreciation | MUS186 | Listening to Music | |
MUSC109 | Surv of World Music | MUS281 | World Music | |
MUSC111 | Ear Training I | MUS184 | Aural Skills I | |
MUSC112 | Ear Training II | MUS185 | Sight Singing II | |
MUSC112 | Ear Training II | MUS185 | Aural Skills II | |
MUSC113 | Music Theory I | MUS182 | Music Theory I | |
MUSC114 | Music Theory II | MUS183 | Music Theory II | |
MUSC114 | Music Theory II | MUS183 | Music Theory II | |
MUSC125 | The Jazz Experience | MUS286 | Jazz History | |
MUSC126 | Broadway Mus Theatre | MUS1XX | Broadway Mus Theatre | |
MUSC128 | Beatles in Rock Gen | MUS1XX | Beatles in Rock Gen | |
MUSC130 | Piano Class I | MUS140 | Class Piano | |
MUSC131 | Piano Class II | MUS104 | Piano | |
MUSC131 | Piano Class II | MUS141 | Class Piano | |
MUSC134 | Guitar Class | MUS148 | Guitar Class | |
MUSC135 | Voice Class | MUS101 | Voice | |
MUSC140 | Intro to Audio Tech | MUS1XX | Intro to Audio Tech | |
MUSC141 | Audio Rec Tech I | MUS1XX | Audio Rec Tech I | |
MUSC142 | Audio Rec Tech II | MUS1XX | Audio Rec Tech II | |
MUSC143 | Mus Bus Recording Industry | MUS297 | Survey Music Industry | |
MUSC145 | Live Sound Reinforcement | MUS1XX | Live Sound Reinforcement | |
MUSC146 | MIDI & Music Prod Tech | MUS1XX | MIDI & Music Prod Tech | |
MUSC163 | Chamber Singers | MUS152 | Chamber Singers | |
MUSC163 | Chamber Singers | MUS252 | Chamber Singers | |
MUSC164 | Mus Theatre Pract I | MUS1XX | Mus Theatre Pract I | |
MUSC178 | Baltimore Symphonic Band | MUS260 | Wind Symphony | |
MUSC211 | Ear Training III | MUS284 | Sight Singing III | |
MUSC211 | Ear Training III | MUS284 | Aural Skills III | |
MUSC212 | Ear Training IV | MUS285 | Aural Skills IV | |
MUSC213 | Music Theory III | MUS282 | Music Theory III | |
MUSC213 | Music Theory III | MUS282 | Music Theory III | |
MUSC214 | Music Theory IV | MUS283 | Music Theory IV | |
MUSC232 | Piano Skills & Musiciansp | MUS241 | Class Piano | |
MUSC241 | Adv Audio Record Tech | MUS2XX | Adv Audio Record Tech | |
NAST127 | Native Am History | HIS1XX | Native Am History | |
NUR101 | Fund Nursing I | NUR1XX | Fund Nursing I | |
NURN110 | Intro Pharmacology | NUR1XX | Intro to Pharmacology | |
NURN111 | Adult Hlth Care I | NUR1XX | Adult Hlth Care I | |
NURN112 | Adult Hlth Care II | NUR1XX | Adult Hlth Care II | |
NURN113 | Mental Hlth Iss | NUR1XX | Mental Hlth Iss | |
NURN114 | Mat/Child Hlth Care | NUR1XX | Mat/Child Hlth Care | |
NURN115 | Trends in Pract Nurs | NUR1XX | Trends in Pract Nurs | |
OFAD105 | Microsoft Word | IFS1XX | Microsoft Word | |
OFAD141 | Medical Terminology | RT105 | Medical Terminology | |
OFAD141 | Medical Terminology | BIO201 | Medical Terminology | |
OFAD160 | Comp in Bus World | IFS105 | Personal Computing | |
OFAD160 | Comp in Bus World | IFS1XX | Comp in Bus World | |
OFAD228 | Intro Microsoft Word | IFS2XX | Intro Microsoft Word | |
OFAD229 | Adv Microsoft Word | IFS2XX | Adv Microsoft Word | |
OFAD243 | Database Mgt | IFS2XX | Database Mgt | |
OFAD246 | Spreadsheet Appl | IFS2XX | Spreadsheet Appl | |
OFAD256 | Adv Spreadsheet Appl | IFS2XX | Adv Spreadsheet Appl | |
OTEC240 | Wordperfect | IFS2XX | Wordperfect | |
PE101 | Beginning Swimming | PE1XX | Beg Swimming | |
PE10101 | Beg Ballet I | PE117 | Modern Dance | |
PE10401 | Beg Mod Dance Tech I | PE117 | Modern Dance | |
PE11801 | Yoga | PE163 | Intro to Yoga | |
PE12801 | Aerobic Dance I | PE136 | Aerobic Dance | |
PE130 | Scuba Diving | PE1XX | Scuba Diving | |
PE13002 | Intermed Swimming | PAW121 | Inter/Adv Swimming | |
PE13002 | Int Swimming | PE1XX | Int Swimming | |
PE135 | Aerobic Wt Training | PE118 | Physical Fitness | |
PE13501 | Rhythmic Aerobics I | PE136 | Aerobic Dance | |
PE13502 | Aerobic Fitness | PE136 | Aerobic Dance | |
PE13503 | Slimnastics | PE1XX | Slimnastics | |
PE13507 | Weight Training | PE119 | Physical Fitness | |
PE13508 | Aerobic Wt Training | PE1XX | Aerobic Wt Training | |
PE13514 | Beg Yoga | PE163 | Intro to Yoga | |
PE13514 | Beginning Yoga | PE163 | Intro to Yoga | |
PE14002 | Bowling | PE110 | Beginning Bowling | |
PE14003 | Racquetball | PE1XX | Racquetball | |
PE14004 | Beginning Tennis | PE159 | Tennis | |
PE15002 | Camping | PAW143 | Backpacking | |
PE16005 | Soccer | PAW155 | Soccer | |
PE170 | Bad/Racq/Volleyball | PE1XX | Bad/Racq/Volleyball | |
PE17012 | Badminton/Volleyball | PE1XX | Badminton/Volleyball | |
PE17025 | Softball/Basketball | PE1XX | Softball/Basketball | |
PEAQ100 | Swimming Level I | PE120 | Beginning Swimming | |
PEAQ101 | Swimming | PAW121 | Inter/Adv Swimming | |
PEAQ106 | Aqua Fitness | PE1XX | Aqua Fitness | |
PEAQ112 | Lifeguard Training | PE124 | Lifeguard Training | |
PEAQ113 | Water Safety Instructor | PE126 | Water Safety Instr | |
PEAQ114 | Lifeguarding Instructor | PE124 | Lifeguard Training | |
PEAQ120 | Scuba Diving | PE125 | Skin/Scuba Diving | |
PEAQ125 | Intro Swimming | PE1XX | Intro Swimming | |
PEAQ126 | Intermed Swimming | PE1XX | Intermed Swimming | |
PEAQ127 | Adv Swimming | PE1XX | Adv Swimming | |
PEAQ143 | Swim Total Fitness | PE1XX | Swim Total Fitness | |
PEAQ145 | Swimnastics | PE1XX | Swimnastics | |
PEAQ261 | Aquatic Fac Mgt | SPM2XX | Aquatic Fac Mgt | |
PED101 | Exer Fitness | PE134 | Concpts Phys Actvty | |
PEFT100 | Yoga | PE163 | Intro to Yoga | |
PEFT101 | Life: Fitness/Wellness | PAW234 | Well/Fitness/Life | |
PEFT111 | Weight Training | PE118 | Physical Fitness | |
PEIA101 | Fit Walking/Cond | PE1XX | Fit Walking/Cond | |
PEIA110 | Basic Bicycling | PE1XX | Basic Bicycling | |
PEIA120 | Self-Defense | PE130 | Self Defense | |
PEIA123 | Self Def for Women | PE130 | Self Defense | |
PEIA124 | Self-Defense I | PE130 | Self Defense | |
PEIA125 | Self Defense II | PE1XX | Self Defense II | |
PEIA131 | Intro to Golf | PE140 | Fundamentals/Golf | |
PEIA132 | Golf | PE1XX | Golf | |
PEIA137 | Badminton | PE151 | Badminton | |
PEIA138 | Racquetball | PE1XX | Racquetball | |
PEIA140 | Beg Tennis | PE159 | Tennis | |
PEIA141 | Intermed Tennis | PE1XX | Intermed Tennis | |
PEIA143 | Tennis I | PE159 | Tennis | |
PEIA156 | Firearms & Shooting Saf | PE135 | Recreatnl Shooting | |
PELF100 | Yoga I | PE163 | Intro to Yoga | |
PELF102 | Tai Chi Chuan I | PAW1XX | Tai Chi Chuan I | |
PELF104 | Aerobic Dance Workout I | PE136 | Aerobic Dance | |
PELF106 | Aerobic Kick Boxing | PE1XX | Aerobic Kick Boxing | |
PELF115 | Strength Training | PE118 | Physical Fitness | |
PELF115 | Strength Training | PE119 | Physical Fitness | |
PELF116 | Weight Train/Cond | PE119 | Physical Fitness | |
PELF116 | Weight Train/Cond | PE118 | Physical Fitness | |
PELF119 | Strngth & Cond for Ath | SPM1XX | Strngth & Cond for Ath | |
PELF124 | Cardio Fitness | PE139 | Cardiorespty Exercs | |
PELF124 | Cardio Fitness | PAW1XX | Cardio Fitness | |
PELF125 | Cardio Fitness | PE1XX | Cardio Fitness | |
PELF126 | Circuit Training I | PE119 | Physical Fitness | |
PELF126 | Circuit Training I | PE118 | Physical Fitness | |
PELF127 | Circuit Training II | PE118 | Physical Fitness | |
PELF128 | Circuit Train for Fit I | PAW1XX | Circuit Train for Fit I | |
PELF128 | Circuit Train for Fit I | PE1XX | Circuit Train for Fit I | |
PELF130 | Nautilus Training Fitness I | PE118 | Physical Fitness | |
PELF132 | NT for Comp Sport | PAW1XX | NT for Comp Sport | |
PELF136 | Fit: Eval/Cond | PE1XX | Fit: Eval/Cond | |
PELF143 | Hatha Yoga | PE163 | Intro to Yoga | |
PELF145 | Dance Aerobics I | PE136 | Aerobic Dance | |
PELF150 | Mixed Martial Arts Fit | PE1XX | Mixed Martial Arts Fit | |
PELF231 | Prev/Eval/Care Athl Inj | EDU315 | Mgmt/Prev Sport Inj | |
PEMJ100 | Swimming Level I | PE120 | Beginning Swimming | |
PEMJ136 | Fit Eval/Cond | PE1XX | Fit Eval/Cond | |
PEOD100 | Backpacking | PE1XX | Backpacking | |
PEOD101 | Hiking & Backpacking | PE1XX | Hiking & Backpacking | |
PEOD103 | Camping | PE1XX | Camping | |
PEOD105 | Canoeing | PE1XX | Canoeing | |
PEOD106 | White Water Canoeing | PE1XX | White Water Canoeing | |
PEOD109 | Mountaineering I | PE1XX | Mountaineering I | |
PEOD110 | Mountaineering II | PE1XX | Mountaineering II | |
PEOD111 | Wilderness Adv | PE1XX | Wilderness Adv | |
PEOD120 | Sailing | PE1XX | Sailing | |
PEOD130 | Skiing | PE1XX | Skiing | |
PEOD131 | Cross Country Skiing | PE1XX | Cross Country Skiing | |
PET110 | Field Games & Basketball | PE1XX | Field Games & Basketball | |
PETA101 | Basketball | PE152 | Basketball | |
PETA104 | Baseball/Conditioning | PE1XX | Baseball/Conditioning | |
PETA111 | Soccer | PE155 | Soccer | |
PETA121 | Box Soccer/Cond | PE1XX | Box Soccer/Cond | |
PETA131 | Softball | PE156 | Softball | |
PETA151 | Volleyball | PE160 | Volleyball | |
PHED102 | Intro Contemp Move | PE1XX | Intro Contemp Move | |
PHI101 | Intro to Phil | PHL221 | Intro Philosophy | |
PHIL101 | Intro to Philosophy | PHL221 | Intro Philosophy | |
PHIL103 | Critical Thinking | PHL222 | Critical Thinking | |
PHIL131 | Intro World Religion | REL265 | World Religions | |
PHIL140 | Ethics | PHL341 | Ethics | |
PHIL155 | Biomedical Ethics | PHL346 | Bioethics | |
PHIL170 | Logic | PHL231 | Logic | |
PHIL240 | Ethics | PHL341 | Ethics | |
PHIL250 | Ethical Iss Info Tech | PHL2XX | Ethical Iss Info Tech | |
PHIL265 | Bus Ethics | PHL342 | Professional Ethics | |
PHIL290 | Adv Topics in Phil | PHL2XX | Adv Topics in Phil | |
PHSC100 | Conc/Physical Sc | PSC1XX | Phys Sci Elect No Lab | |
PHSC103 | Intro to Astromony | ESS154 | Intro/Astronomy | |
PHTO107 | Digital Photography I | ART246 | Digital Photography | |
PHTO200 | Prin Photo Lighting | ART2XX | Prin Photo Lighting | |
PHTO207 | Digital Photography II | ART2XX | Digital Photography II | |
PHTO216 | Studio Tech | ART2XX | Studio Tech | |
PHTO220 | Photojournalism | ART2XX | Photojournalism | |
PHTO221 | Photo Illustration | ART2XX | Photo Illustration | |
PHYS100 | Gen Phys Sci | PSC152 | Physical Sci I | |
PHYS100 | Gen Phys Sci | PSC1XX | Phys Sci Elect No Lab | |
PHYS101 | Fund of Physics I | PHY110 | Gen Phys:Mech/Ht | |
PHYS102 | Fund of Physics II | PHY112 | Gen Phys:Elc/Magn | |
PHYS105 | How Things Work | PHY1XX | Phys Elect No Lab | |
PHYS151 | General Physics I | PHY160 | Eng Phys:Mechncs | |
PHYS151 | General Physics I | PHY161 | E Phys:Mech Lab | |
PHYS251 | Gen Physics II | PHY260 | Eng Phys:Elct/Magn | |
PHYS252 | Gen Physics III | PHY262 | Eng Phys: Opt/Mod | |
PLAW101 | Intro to Law | PS210 | Intro to Law | |
PLAW202 | Crim Law | CJA2XX | Crim Law | |
PLAW217 | Bus Law | BUS260 | Legal Environment | |
PLS101 | American Govt | PS141 | American Governmnt | |
POA201 | Juv Delinquent | CJA110 | Juvenile Delinqncy | |
POLS101 | Amer Gov't & Politics | PS141 | American Governmnt | |
POLS101 | Amer Gov't & Politics | PS101 | Amer Gov/Citizenship | |
POLS105 | State & Local Govt | PS242 | State/Local Govt | |
POLS111 | Intro to Political Sci | PS1XX | Intro to Pol Sci | |
POLS121 | Intro to Law | PS1XX | Intro to Law | |
POLS131 | Comp Govt & Pol | PS260 | Comparative Politics | |
POLS141 | Intl Relations | PS302 | International Rel | |
POLS160 | Curr Pol Ideas | PS1XX | Curr Pol Ideas | |
POLS204 | Comp Crime & Crim Just | PS2XX | Comp Crime & Crim Just | |
POLS225 | Const Law | PS2XX | Const Law | |
POLS247 | Contemp Mid East & U.S. | PS2XX | Cont Mid East & U.S. | |
POS101 | American Govt | PS141 | American Governmnt | |
PRMT101 | Principles of Proj Mgmt | MGT1XX | Principles of Proj Mgmt | |
PSY101 | Gen Psychology | PSY100 | General Psychology | |
PSY121 | Child Psych | PSY1XX | Child Psych | |
PSY171 | Hum Development | PSY1XX | Human Development | |
PSY181 | Altered St Con | PSY1XX | Altered St Con | |
PSY207 | Abnormal Psy | PSY230 | Abnormal Psych | |
PSY223 | Dev Psych | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop | |
PSYC101 | Intro to Psychology | PSY100 | General Psychology | |
PSYC102 | Inf Toddler Dev | PSY1XX | Inf Toddler Dev | |
PSYC103 | Prin Growth & Dev | NUR201 | Nursing HD/HC | |
PSYC103 | Prin Growth & Dev | PSY1XX | Prin Growth & Dev | |
PSYC105 | Hum Rltns Cultr Div Soc | PSY1XX | Hum Rltns Cultr Div Soc | |
PSYC106 | Pers & Adj Ment Well-Being | PSY1XX | Pers & Adj Ment Well-Being | |
PSYC107 | Intro Spec Ed | SPE1XX | Intro Spec Ed | |
PSYC108 | Man Beh & Emot Iss Old Pop | PSY1XX | Man Beh & Emot Iss Old Pop | |
PSYC109 | Prob of the Elderly | PSY1XX | Prob of Elderly | |
PSYC111 | Personal Psychology | PSY1XX | Personal Psychology | |
PSYC122 | Inf & Tod Grwth & Dev | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop | |
PSYC125 | Org Psychology | PSY1XX | Org Psychology | |
PSYC126 | Learning As Journey | PSY1XX | Learning As Journey | |
PSYC193 | Psych/Sports | PSY1XX | Psych/Sports | |
PSYC201 | Abnormal Psychology | PSY230 | Abnormal Psych | |
PSYC202 | Alt St of Consciousness | PSY2XX | Alt St Consciousness | |
PSYC205 | Dynamics of Adj | PSY2XX | Dyanamics of Adj | |
PSYC207 | Social Psych | PSY243 | Social Psychology | |
PSYC211 | Psych Early Child | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop | |
PSYC213 | Cognitive Psych | PSY2XX | Cognitive Psych | |
PSYC215 | Ed Psychology | EDU375 | Psy Learning/Second | |
PSYC215 | Ed Psychology | EDU370 | Psych of Learning | |
PSYC217 | Theories of Personality | PSY2XX | Theories of Personality | |
PSYC219 | Adolescent Psych | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop | |
PSYC220 | Behavior Modification | PSY2XX | Beh Modification | |
PSYC221 | Human Sexuality | PSY2XX | Human Sexuality | |
PSYC222 | Beh Prob Child & Adol | PSY2XX | Beh Prob Child & Adol | |
PSYC223 | Group Dynamics | PSY2XX | Group Dynamics | |
PSYC230 | Child Psychology | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop | |
PSYC232 | Intro Abnormal Psy | PSY230 | Abnormal Psych | |
PSYC250 | Psychobiology | PSY2XX | Psychobiology | |
PSYC251 | Psych of Women | PSY2XX | Psych of Women | |
PSYC255 | Exper Psychology | PSY2XX | Exper Psychology | |
PSYC258 | Sex and Culture | PSY2XX | Sex and Culture | |
PSYC260 | Psych, Child & Media | PSY2XX | Psych, Child & Media | |
REC101 | Intro to Leisure | REC101 | Recreation/Leisure | |
REC136 | Comm Rec Disab | REC1XX | Comm Rec Disab | |
REC161 | Dir Prac Sem | REC1XX | Dir Prac Sem | |
REC261 | Dir Pract I | REC2XX | Dir Pract I | |
REC262 | Direct Pract II | REC2XX | Direct Pract II | |
RECR101 | Leisure in Soc | REC101 | Recreation/Leisure | |
RECR106 | Lead: Theory & Pract | REC1XX | Lead: Theory & Pract | |
RECR111 | Mus & Drama Workshop Rec | REC1XX | Mus & Drama Wkshp Rec | |
RECR116 | Rec Sports Mgt | REC1XX | Rec Sports Mgt | |
RECR121 | Social Act | REC1XX | Social Act | |
RECR126 | Rec Crafts | REC1XX | Rec Crafts | |
RECR141 | Outdoor Leadership I | REC1XX | Outdoor Leadership I | |
RECR142 | Outdoor Lead II | REC1XX | Outdoor Lead II | |
RECR146 | Leisure Svc/Disabilities | REC1XX | Leisure Svc/Disabilities | |
RECR151 | Fin Mgt Leis Res | REC1XX | Fin Mgt Leis Res | |
RECR155 | Am Rec Dance | REC1XX | Am Rec Dance | |
RECR156 | Fit Prog, Conc, and Fac | REC1XX | Fit Prog, Conc, and Fac | |
RECR204 | Entrepren Hosp & Tourism | REC2XX | Entrepren Hosp & Tourism | |
RECR206 | Prog Plan Leis Serv | REC2XX | Prog Plan Leis Serv | |
RECR210 | Travel, Leis, & Tourism Ind | REC2XX | Travel, Leis, & Tourism Ind | |
RECR231 | Prof Found Leisure Serv | REC2XX | Prof Found Leis Serv | |
RECR236 | Therapeutic Rec Serv | REC2XX | Therapeutic Rec Serv | |
RECR241 | Leisure & Aging | REC2XX | Leisure & Aging | |
RECR242 | Women and Leisure | REC2XX | Women & Leisure | |
RECR242 | Women and Leisure | WGS2XX | Women and Leisure | |
SCI101 | Phy Sci I | PSC152 | Physical Sci I | |
SDEV103 | Career/Life Planning | FYS1XX | Career/Life Planning | |
SOC101 | Intro to Soc | SOC100 | Intro Sociology | |
SOC111 | Marriage/Family | SOC225 | The Family | |
SOC203 | Marriage Fam | SOC225 | The Family | |
SOCL101 | Intro to Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology | |
SOCL102 | Social Problems | SOC220 | Am Social Problems | |
SOCL121 | Marriage & Family | SOC225 | The Family | |
SOCL122 | Aging in America | GER100 | Perspectives/Aging | |
SOCL122 | Aging in America | SOC1XX | Aging in America | |
SOCL125 | American Society | SOC1XX | American Society | |
SOCL141 | Racil & Cultr Minorities | SOC1XX | Racil & Cultr Minorities | |
SOCL202 | Criminology | SOC2XX | Criminology | |
SOCL223 | Juvenile Delinquency | CJA110 | Juvenile Delinquncy | |
SOCL230 | Holocaust & Global Racism | SOC2XX | Holocaust & Global Racism | |
SOCL296 | Expl Into Mexican Cult | SOC2XX | Expl Into Mexican Cult | |
SPA101 | Elem Spanish I | SPN101 | Elem Spanish I | |
SPAN101 | Elem Spanish I | SPN101 | Elem Spanish I | |
SPAN102 | Elem Spanish II | SPN102 | Elem Spanish II | |
SPCH100 | Fund of Communication | CM212 | Public Speaking | |
SPCH100 | Fund of Communication | CM104 | Human Communicatn | |
SPCH146 | Bus/Prof Spch | CM104 | Human Communicatn | |
SPCH146 | Bus/Prof Spch | CM212 | Public Speaking | |
SPCM101 | Fund of Comm | CM104 | Human Communicatn | |
SPCM101 | Fund of Comm | CM212 | Public Speaking | |
SPCM102 | Fund of Public Speakng | CM104 | Human Communicatn | |
SPCM113 | Res in Comm | CM1XX | Res in Comm | |
SPCM131 | Oral Interpretation | CM1XX | Oral Interpretation | |
SPCM133 | Voice & Diction | CM1XX | Voice & Diction | |
SPCM203 | Adv Public Speaking | CM2XX | Adv Public Speaking | |
SPCM205 | Bus & Prof Comm | CM2XX | Bus & Prof Comm | |
SPCM250 | Interpers Comm | CM329 | Interpersonal Comm | |
SPCM251 | Small Group Comm | CM2XX | Small Group Comm | |
SPCM252 | Intercult Comm | CM2XX | Intercult Comm | |
SPE101 | Fund of Speech | CM212 | Public Speaking | |
SPE111 | Interpers Comm | CM1XX | Interperso Comm | |
SSCI101 | Leisure in Society | REC101 | Recreation/Leisure | |
SSCI111 | Eng in Communities | BEH1XX | Eng in Communities | |
THTR101 | Intro to Theatre | THE254 | Intro Theatre | |
THTR110 | Play Production | THE1XX | Play Prod | |
THTR111 | Acting I | THE1XX | Acting I | |
THTR111 | Acting I | THE262 | Acting | |
THTR112 | Acting II | THE1XX | Acting II | |
THTR116 | Creat Mov & Contemp Dance | THE1XX | Creat Mov & Contemp Dance | |
THTR126 | Broadway Mus Theatre | THE1XX | Broadway Mus Theatre | |
THTR130 | Creat Dramatics | THE1XX | Creat Dramatics | |
THTR131 | Stagecraft | THE1XX | Stagecraft | |
THTR131 | Prin of Acting | THE262 | Acting | |
THTR135 | Acting- Tele & Motion Pic | THE1XX | Acting- Tele & Motion Pic | |
THTR141 | Intro Theatrical Des | THE1XX | Intro Theatrical De | |
THTR142 | Stage Makeup | THE1XX | Stage Makeup | |
THTR146 | Mov for the Actor | THE1XX | Mov for the Actor | |
THTR150 | Movies:Hist/Aesth | FLM1XX | Movies:Hist/Aesth | |
THTR151 | Golden Age of Theatre | THE1XX | Golden Age of Theatre | |
THTR152 | Making of Mod Theatre | THE1XX | Making of Mod Theatre | |
THTR154 | Writing for the Stage | THE275 | Playwriting | |
THTR155 | Surv Theatre History | THE1XX | Surv Theatre Hist | |
THTR157 | Afr Amer Theatre | THE1XX | Afr Amer Theatre | |
THTR170 | Television Studio Prod | CM242 | Video Prodctn I | |
THTR180 | Script Analysis | THE1XX | Script Analysis | |
THTR203 | Fund of Directing | THE2XX | Fund of Directing | |
WAS101 | Intro Swim | PE120 | Beginning Swimming | |
WLAR101 | Intro Arabic I | ARB101 | Elem Arabic I | |
WLAR102 | Intro Arabic II | ARB102 | Elem Arabic II | |
WLAR201 | Intermed Arabic I | ARB2XX | Intermed Arabic I | |
WLAR202 | Intermed Arabic II | ARB2XX | Intermed Arabic II | |
WLCH101 | Intro Chinese I | L1XX | Intro Chinese I | |
WLCH102 | Intro Chinese II | L1XX | Intro Chinese II | |
WLCH201 | Intermed Chinese I | L2XX | Intermed Chinese I | |
WLCH202 | Intermed Chinese II | L2XX | Intermed Chinese II | |
WLFR101 | Intro French I | FRN101 | Elem French I | |
WLFR102 | Intro French II | FRN102 | Elem French II | |
WLFR201 | Intermed French I | FRN201 | Inter French I | |
WLFR202 | Intermed French II | FRN202 | Inter French II | |
WLGR101 | Intro German I | GRM101 | Elem German I | |
WLGR102 | Intro German II | GRM102 | Elem German II | |
WLGR201 | Intermed German I | GRM201 | Inter German I | |
WLGR202 | Intermed German II | GRM202 | Inter German II | |
WLIN101 | Intro Italian I | ITL101 | Elem Italian I | |
WLIN102 | Intro Italian II | ITL102 | Elem Italian II | |
WLIN201 | Intermed Italian I | ITL2XX | Intermed Italian I | |
WLIN202 | Intermed Italian II | ITL2XX | Intemed Italian II | |
WLJP101 | Intro Japanese I | L1XX | Intro Japanese I | |
WLJP102 | Intro Japanese II | L1XX | Intro Japanese II | |
WLJP201 | Intermed Japanese I | L2XX | Intermed Japanese I | |
WLJP202 | Intermed Japanese II | L2XX | Intermed Japanese II | |
WLLT101 | Intro Latin I | LAT101 | Elem Latin I | |
WLLT102 | Intro Latin II | LAT102 | Elem Latin II | |
WLLT201 | Intermed Latin I | LAT2XX | Intermed Latin I | |
WLLT202 | Intermed Latin II | LAT2XX | Intermed Latin II | |
WLRU101 | Intro Russian I | RUS101 | Elem Russian I | |
WLRU102 | Intro Russian II | RUS102 | Elem Russian II | |
WLRU201 | Intermed Russian I | RUS2XX | Intermed Russian I | |
WLRU202 | Intermed Russian II | RUS2XX | Intermed Russian II | |
WLSP101 | Intro Spanish I | SPN101 | Elem Spanish I | |
WLSP102 | Intro Spanish II | SPN102 | Elem Spanish II | |
WLSP201 | Intermed Spanish I | SPN201 | Inter Spanish I | |
WLSP202 | Intermed Spanish II | SPN202 | Inter Spanish II | |
WMST101 | Intro to Women's Studies | WGS200 | Women/Gender Studies | |
WMST123 | Self Defense | PE130 | Self Defense | |
WMST210 | Feminist Theory | WGS380 | Feminist Thought | |
WMST211 | Wom in Crim Just Sys | WGS2XX | Wom in Crim Just Sys | |
WMST220 | American Woman | WGS2XX | American Woman | |
WMST224 | Lit by Women | WGS382 | Women In Literature | |
WMST240 | Women's Hlth Issues | WGS210 | Women's Health | |
WMST242 | Women & Leis | WGS2XX | Women & Leis | |
WMST250 | Women in the Economy | WGS2XX | Women in the Economy | |
WMST251 | Psych of Women | WGS2XX | Psych of Women |
County College Morris | York College of Pennsylvania | ||
ACC111 | Princ of Acct I Fin | ACC220 | Financial Acct |
ACC112 | Princ of Acct II Manag | ACC225 | Managerial Acct |
ARA111 | Elem Arabic I | ARB101 | Elem Arabic I |
ARA112 | Elem Arabic II | ARB102 | Elem Arabic II |
ARA211 | Intermed Arabic I | ARB2XX | Intermed Arabic I |
ART101 | Art Start | ART101 | Intro Art Apprec |
ART111 | Western Art Hist I | ART204 | Survey West Art I |
ART112 | West Art History II | ART205 | Survey West Art II |
ART122 | Drawing I | ART215 | Drawing I |
ART130 | Two Dimensional Design | ART210 | Design I |
ART131 | Color Theory - AFA | ART1XX | Color Theory - AFA |
ART132 | 3-D Design | ART211 | Design II |
ART133 | Art History I | ART204 | Survey West Art I |
ART134 | Art History II | ART205 | Survey West Art II |
ASL111 | American Sign Language | CM150 | Beg Sign Language |
BIO101 | A & P I | BIO220 | Human A/P I |
BIO102 | A & P II | BIO222 | Human A/P II |
BIO121 | General Biology I | BIO150 | Biology I |
BIO123 | Cell Biology | BIO1XX | Cell Biology |
BIO127 | Bio-Environ Concerns | BIO212 | Environmntl Bio |
BIO132 | Concepts in Biology | BIO110 | General Biology |
BIO133 | Human Biology | BIO112 | Fund Human Bio |
BIO215 | Microbiology | BIO230 | Microbiology |
BUS111 | Bus Math | MAT1XX | Bus Math |
BUS112 | Intro to Business | BUS150 | Intro to Business |
BUS113 | Bus Org & Mgt | MGT150 | Prin of Management |
BUS119 | Bus Info Sys & Appl | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
BUS135 | Intro/International Bus | IBS200 | Internatl Business |
BUS201 | Human Rel Business | BUS2XX | Human Rel Business |
BUS211 | Money & Banking | BUS2XX | Money & Banking |
BUS212 | Prin Finance | FIN2XX | Prin Finance |
BUS213 | Bus Law I | BUS260 | Legal Environment |
BUS215 | Prin Management | MGT150 | Prin of Management |
BUS217 | Security Mkt Analysis | BUS2XX | Security Mkt Analysis |
BUS218 | Invest Prin | BUS2XX | Invest Prin |
BUS219 | Small Bus Oper | MGT2XX | Small Bus Oper |
CHM105 | Forensic Science | CHM1XX | Forensic Science |
CHM117 | Intro to Chemistry | CHM122 | Prin Gen/Org Chem |
CHM125 | Gen Chem I | CHM134 | Gen Chem I |
CHM125 | Gen Chem I | CHM1XX | Chemistry Elect No Lab |
CHM127 | Gen Chem II | CHM1XX | Chemistry Elect No Lab |
CHM127 | Gen Chem II | CHM136 | Gen Chem II |
CJS115 | Intro Security | CJA1XX | Intro Security |
CJS116 | Intro to Criminology | CJA1XX | Intro to Criminology |
CJS121 | Crim Justice System | CJA101 | Intro Crim Justice |
CJS131 | Intro to Corrections | CJA1XX | Intro to Corrections |
CJS215 | Invest Funct | CJA2XX | Invest Funct |
CJS222 | Crim Law | CJA2XX | Crim Law |
CJS223 | Crim Evidence/Proc | CJA2XX | Crim Evidence/Proc |
CJS291 | Sp Topics in Crim Just | CJA2XX | Sp Topics in Crim Just |
CMP101 | Comp Info Lit | IFS1XX | Comp Info Lit |
CMP104 | Internet Literacy | IFS1XX | Internet Literacy |
CMP108 | Game Des Conc | IFS1XX | Game Des Conc |
CMP109 | Data Proc Conc | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
CMP110 | Intro to Data Proc | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
CMP120 | Found Info Security | IFS1XX | Found Info Security |
CMP124 | Network Security | IFS1XX | Network Security |
CMP128 | Computer Science I | CS101 | Fund Comp Sci I |
CMP135 | Comp Conc with Appl | IFS100 | Info Tech Competncy |
CMP135 | Comp Conc with Appl | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
CMP200 | Comp Oper Sys & Utility | IFS2XX | Comp Op Sys & Utility |
CMP203 | Micro Software Appli | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
CMP239 | Internet & Web Page | IFS2XX | Internet & Web Page |
CMP244 | Web Design II | IFS2XX | Web Design II |
COM101 | Intro to Comm | CM1XX | Intro to Comm |
COM101 | Intro to Comm | CM104 | Human Communicatn |
COM109 | Speech Fundamentals | CM104 | Human Communicatn |
COM109 | Speech Fundamentals | CM212 | Public Speaking |
COM109 | Speech Fundamentals | CM104 | Human Communicatn |
COM109 | Speech Fundamentals | CM212 | Public Speaking |
COM111 | Intro Journ-News | CM271 | Print Media Writing |
COM112 | Adv Journ-Report | CM1XX | Adv Journ-Report |
COM115 | Intro to Mass Media | CM211 | Mass Communication |
COM209 | Editing & Publication Design | CM323 | Publctn Edit/Design |
DSN110 | Hist of Design | ART1XX | Hist of Design |
DSN120 | Design Conc I | ART1XX | Design Conc I |
DSN220 | Design Conc II | ART2XX | Design Conc II |
ECO113 | Elements/Economics | ECO1XX | Elements/Economics |
ECO211 | Prin Economics I | ECO200 | Prin Econ-Macro |
ECO212 | Prin Economics II | ECO201 | Prin Econ-Micro |
EDU111 | Teach in Amer | EDU1XX | Teach in Amer |
EDU211 | Beh Observation in Ed | EDU2XX | Beh Observ in Ed |
ELT201 | Electricity | ECE2XX | Electricity |
ELT210 | Electron Fabrication | ECE2XX | Electron Fabrication |
ENG109 | Speech Fund | CM104 | Human Communicatn |
ENG111 | English Comp I | WRT102 | Analytical Read/Writ |
ENG111 | Composition I | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm |
ENG112 | English Comp II | WRT202 | Academic Writing |
ENG112 | Composition II | LIT200 | Perspectives/Lit |
ENG118 | Child Lit | LIT1XX | Child Lit |
ENG119 | Intro to Poetry | LIT343 | Exper of Poetry |
ENG131 | Composition I Honor | WRT102 | Analytical Read/Writ |
ENG243 | World Lit: Beg to 1650 | LIT2XX | World Lit: Beg to 1650 |
ENG247 | Brit Wtrs:19 & 20th Cen | LIT284 | Brt Lit after 1750 |
ENG249 | Amer Lit: Col- Civ War | LIT281 | Amer Lit to 1885 |
ENG250 | Am Lit Civ War-20th Cent | LIT282 | Amer Lit after 1885 |
ENR103 | Basic Engr Graph I | EGR1XX | Basic Engr Graph I |
ENR117 | Comp-Aided Draft I | EGR1XX | Comp-Aided Draft I |
ENR118 | Comp-Aided Draft II | EGR1XX | Comp-Aided Draft II |
ENR119 | Tech Comp Appl | EGR1XX | Tech Comp Appl |
ENR120 | Tech Comp Prog | EGR1XX | Tech Comp Prog |
ENR121 | Engineering Graphics | EGR100 | Epads I |
ENR124 | Instrument/Meas | EGR1XX | Instr/Meas |
ENR125 | Comp Prog Engineers | CS1XX | Comp Prog Eng |
ENR126 | Comp Aided Des App | EGR100 | Epads I |
ENR130 | Intro to Engineering | EGR1XX | Intro to Engineering |
FRE111 | Elementary French I | FRN101 | Elem French I |
HCT101 | Med Term I | RT105 | Medical Terminology |
HCT101 | Med Term I | BIO201 | Medical Terminology |
HED112 | Drugs, Soc & Hum Beh | BEH1XX | Drugs, Soc & Hum Beh |
HED115 | Pers & Family Nutrition | NUR202 | Nutrition |
HED128 | Lifetime Wellness | PE134 | Concpts Phys Actvty |
HED130 | Mind-Body Health | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect |
HED130 | Mind-Body Health | PE1XX | Phys Ed Elect |
HED132 | Stress Management | PE1XX | Stress Management |
HED283 | Cardiopulmonary Res | EDU305 | Responding/Emerg |
HED286 | Per Hlth & Wellness | PE1XX | Phys Ed Elect |
HED286 | Per Hlth & Wellness | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect |
HES126 | Personal Fitness | PAW119 | Physical Fitness |
HES126 | Personal Fitness | PAW118 | Physical Fitness |
HES128 | Yoga | PE163 | Intro to Yoga |
HES129 | Self-Defense | PE130 | Self Defense |
HES131 | Pilates | PE165 | Intro to Pilates |
HIS113 | Early Mod Europe | HIS1XX | Early Mod Europe |
HIS114 | Modern Europe | HIS1XX | Modern Europe |
HIS117 | Ancient World | HIS300 | Ancnt Hist to 476 |
HIS118 | Middle Ages | HIS301 | Medieval Civ |
HIS148 | Modern Middle East | HIS1XX | Modern Middle East |
HIS149 | Hist of New Jersey | HIS1XX | Hist of New Jersey |
HIS151 | Latin Amer Hist | HIS343 | Modern Latin Amer |
HIS160 | Colonial/Rev Amer | HIS350 | Amer Colonial Hist |
HIS164 | Civ War & Reconstr | HIS364 | Civil War & Reconstruct |
HIS166 | Emer Amer-U.S. Hist I | HIS111 | American Civ I |
HIS167 | 20th Cen Amer U.S. II | HIS112 | American Civ II |
HIS203 | His Minorities U.S. | HIS2XX | His Minorities U.S. |
HIS209 | Hist Amer Women | HIS390 | Women in US History |
HOS100 | Serv Safe Food Handling | HSP1XX | Serv Safe Food Hand |
HOS106 | Sucess in Hospitality | HSP1XX | Success in Hospitality |
HOS201 | Marketing & Event Plan | MKT2XX | Marketing & Event Plan |
ISA110 | Intercult Comm | CM1XX | Intercult Comm |
ISA215 | Survey of Islam | REL2XX | Survey of Islam |
MAT108 | Basic Stats | BEH260 | Statistics |
MAT108 | Basic Stats | MAT250 | Statistics |
MAT108 | Basic Stats | QBA260 | Business Statistics |
MAT110 | College Algebra | MAT105 | College Algebra |
MAT113 | Applied Calculus | MAT120 | Applied Calculus |
MAT117 | Math Analysis/Bus | MAT108 | Precalculus |
MAT118 | Calculus Appl/Bus | MAT120 | Applied Calculus |
MAT120 | Math for Liberal Arts | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv |
MAT123 | Precalculus | MAT108 | Precalculus |
MAT124 | Statistics | BEH260 | Statistics |
MAT124 | Statistics | QBA260 | Business Statistics |
MAT124 | Statistics | MAT250 | Statistics |
MAT131 | An/Geom Calculus I | MAT171 | Calculus I |
MAT132 | An/Geom Calculus 2 | MAT172 | Calculus II |
MAT180 | Statistics | BEH260 | Statistics |
MAT180 | Statistics | QBA260 | Business Statistics |
MAT180 | Statistics | MAT250 | Statistics |
MAT230 | Calculus III | MAT271 | Calculus III |
MEC104 | Statics | EGR250 | Statics |
MEC109 | MFG Proc/Engr Tech | ME100 | Intro Mech Engineer |
MEC110 | Materials/Engr Tech | ME260 | Materls Science |
MEC117 | Mech Proto | EGR1XX | Mech Proto |
MEC118 | Comp Integ Man | EGR1XX | Comp Integ Man |
MEC141 | Strg Materials | EGR264 | Strength/Materials |
MEC209 | Intro Adv Meg & Prg | EGR2XX | Intro Adv Meg & Prg |
MEC235 | Kinematics | EGR2XX | Kinematics |
MED110 | Multimedia I | ART1XX | Multimedia I |
MED117 | Intro Broadcasting | CM1XX | Intro Broadcasting |
MED211 | TV Production I | CM242 | Video Prodctn I |
MKT113 | Principles of Marketing I | MKT100 | Prin Marketing |
MUS112 | Intro/Elec Music | MUS1XX | Intro/Elec Music |
MUS114 | American Music | MUS1XX | American Music |
MUS117 | Music Theory I | MUS1XX | Music Theory I |
MUS118 | Music Theory II | MUS183 | Music Theory II |
MUS124 | Electronic Music II | MUS1XX | Electronic Music II |
MUS125 | App Mus Sec-Piano I | MUS103 | Piano |
MUS126 | Applied Music Sec-Piano II | MUS240 | Class Piano |
MUS135 | App Mus Primary I | MUS1XX | App Mus Primary I |
MUS136 | Applied Music Primary II | MUS1XX | Applied Mus Prim II |
MUS137 | Applied Music Prim Piano III | MUS1XX | Applied Music Prim Piano III |
MUS143 | World Music & Culture | MUS281 | World Music |
MUS145 | Chamber Choir I | MUS152 | Chamber Singers |
MUS146 | Chamber Choir II | MUS153 | Chamber Singers |
MUS152 | Piano I | MUS103 | Piano |
MUS163 | Rock Hist & Cult | MUS288 | History Rock/Roll |
MUS165 | Intro to Music Recordng | CM226 | Audio Productn |
MUS215 | music Theory III | MUS2XX | Music Theory III |
MUS219 | Understand Music | MUS186 | Listening to Music |
MUS225 | Applied Music Sec - Piano III | MUS241 | Class Piano |
MUS244 | Ind Std Elec Music I | MUS2XX | Ind Std Elec Music I |
NUR106 | Medical Terminology | BIO201 | Medical Terminology |
NUR106 | Medical Terminology | RT105 | Medical Terminology |
PED152 | Self Defense | PE130 | Self Defense |
PHL111 | Intro to Philosophy | PHL221 | Intro Philosophy |
PHL114 | Ethics | PHL341 | Ethics |
PHL180 | Intro Philos | PHL221 | Intro Philosophy |
PHL211 | Philosophy of Person | PHL2XX | Philosophy of Person |
PHO111 | Intro to Photography | ART245 | Photography I |
PHO115 | Photography I | ART245 | Photography I |
PHO204 | Digital Imaging I | ART2XX | Digital Imaging I |
PHY103 | Conc of Physics | PHY110 | Gen Phys:Mech/Ht |
PHY111 | Technical Physics I | PHY110 | Gen Phys:Mech/Ht |
PHY118 | Meteorology | ESS1XX | Meteorology |
PHY125 | Gen Physics I | PHY110 | Gen Phys:Mech/Ht |
PHY130 | Engr Physics I | PHY1XX | Physics Elect No Lab |
POL111 | American Government | PS141 | American Governmnt |
POL222 | Constitutional Law | PS2XX | Constitutional Law |
POL231 | State and Local Govt | PS242 | State/Local Govt |
PSY113 | General Psychology | PSY100 | General Psychology |
PSY213 | Child Psychology | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop |
PSY217 | Ed Psychology | EDU370 | Psych of Learning |
PSY217 | Ed Psychology | EDU375 | Psy Learning/Second |
PSY218 | Cross-Cult Psych | PSY2XX | Cross-Cult Psych |
PSY219 | Dev Psych - Hum Lifespan | NUR201 | Nursing HD/HC |
PSY219 | Dev Psych - Hum Lifespan | PSY2XX | Dev Psych - Lifespan |
PSY221 | Psych Personality | PSY2XX | Psych Personality |
PSY225 | Maladapted Personality | PSY230 | Abnormal Psych |
PSY229 | Common Mental Hlth | PSY2XX | Common Mental Hlth |
PUB111 | Public Admin | PS151 | Intro Public Admin |
RUS111 | Elementary Russian I | RUS101 | Elem Russian I |
SCI101 | Natural Science | PSC1XX | Natural Science |
SCI106 | Intro to Astronomy | ESS154 | Intro/Astronomy |
SCI118 | General Astronomy | ESS154 | Intro/Astronomy |
SOC111 | Sociology I | SOC100 | Intro Sociology |
SOC112 | Sociology II | SOC1XX | Sociology II |
SOC120 | Princ of Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology |
SOC202 | Contemp Social Iss | SOC220 | Am Social Problems |
SOC206 | Religion/Human Exp | SOC2XX | Religion/Hum Exp |
SOC209 | The Family | SOC225 | The Family |
SOC214 | Cult Div Amer | SOC2XX | Cult Div Amer |
SOC222 | Deviant Behavior | SOC2XX | Deviant Behavior |
SOC222 | Deviant Behavior | CJA110 | Juvenile Delinquncy |
SPN111 | Elementary Spanish I | SPN101 | Elem Spanish I |
SPN112 | Elementary Spanish II | SPN102 | Elem Spanish II |
SPN211 | Intermed Spanish I | SPN201 | Inter Spanish I |
Delaware County Community College | York College of Pennsylvania | |||
ACC111 | Financial Accounting | Financial Acct | ||
ACC112 | Managerial Accounting | Managerial Acct | ||
ACC220 | Managerial Acct | Managerial Acct | ||
ADJ101 | Intro Crim Justice | Intro Crim Justice | ||
ADJ111 | Crim Procedure | Crim Procedure | ||
ADJ202 | Terrorism | Examining Terrorism | ||
ADJ225 | Ethics in Crim Justice | Ethical Issues/CJ | ||
ADJ240 | Criminology | Criminology | ||
ADJ253 | Comm Rel/Jst Proc | Comm Rel/Jst Proc | ||
ADJ261 | Youthful Offender | Juvenile Delinquncy | ||
AHA207 | Ethical/Legal Asp | Ethical/Legal Asp | ||
AHM233 | Med Terminology | Medical Terminology | ||
AHM233 | Med Terminology | Medical Terminology | ||
ARB101 | Elem Arabic I | Elem Arabic I | ||
ARC100 | Arc Graphics I | Arc Graphics I | ||
ART100 | Art and Child Dev | Art and Child Dev | ||
ART110 | Art History I | Survey West Art I | ||
ART111 | Art from Renaissance | Survey West Art I | ||
ART130 | Drawing I | Drawing I | ||
ART140 | Painting | Concepts/Painting | ||
ART140 | Painting | Painting I | ||
ART145 | Watercolor Painting | Watercolor Painting | ||
ART160 | Black & White Photo I | Photography I | ||
ART211 | Digital Imaging | Concpts Comp Grhcs | ||
BIO100 | Biological Sciences | Exploring Biology | ||
BIO102 | Humans & Environ | Environmntl Bio | ||
BIO110 | Introductory Biology I | Molecule/Gene/Cell | ||
BIO110 | Introductory Biology I | Intro Molecular Bio | ||
BIO110 | Introductory Biology I | Intro Mole Bio Lab | ||
BIO110 | Introductory Biology I | Mole/Gene/Cell Lab | ||
BIO111 | Intro Biology II | Biology II | ||
BIO111 | Intro Biology II | Biology II Lab | ||
BIO117 | Human Anatomy | Human A/P I | ||
BIO117 | Human Anatomy | Human A/P I Lab | ||
BIO118 | Human Physiology | Hum A/P II Lab | ||
BIO118 | Human Physiology | Human A/P II | ||
BIO150 | Hum Anat & Phys I | Human A/P I | ||
BIO151 | Hum A&P II | Human A/P II | ||
BIO220 | Nutrition & Well Being | Nutrition | ||
BIO230 | Microbiology | Microbiology | ||
BUS100 | Intro to Business | Intro to Business | ||
BUS130 | Bus Comm | Writng/Prof Culturs | ||
BUS210 | Prin of Management | Prin of Management | ||
BUS211 | Supervision | Supervision | ||
BUS212 | Intro to Sport Mgt | Intro Sport Mgt | ||
BUS214 | Org Behavior | Org Behavior | ||
BUS215 | Hum Res Mgmt | Human Resource Mgt | ||
BUS220 | Elementary Statistics | Statistics | ||
BUS220 | Elementary Statistics | 01 | Statistics | |
BUS220 | Elementary Statistics | Business Statistics | ||
BUS220 | Elementary Statistics | Statistics | ||
BUS220 | Elementary Statistics | 01 | Statistics | |
BUS220 | Elementary Statistics | Business Statistics | ||
BUS220 | Elementary Statistics | 01 | Business Statistics | |
BUS220 | Elementary Statistics | Statistics | ||
BUS220 | Elementary Statistics | 01 | Statistics | |
BUS220 | Elementary Statistics | Statistics | ||
BUS220 | Elementary Statistics | 01 | Statistics | |
BUS220 | Elementary Statistics | 01 | Business Statistics | |
BUS221 | Elementary Statistics Lab | 01 | ||
BUS230 | Prin of Marketing | Prin Marketing | ||
BUS231 | Prin Advertising | Prin Advertising | ||
BUS243 | Legal Env Bus | Legal Environment | ||
CHE101 | Intro to Gen Chem | Gen Chem I Lab | ||
CHE101 | Intro to Gen Chem | Gen Chem I | ||
CHE102 | Intro Organic & Bio Chem | Gen Chem II | ||
CHE106 | Intro to Chemistry | Intro to Chemistry | ||
CHE110 | Genl Chemistry I | Gen Chem I | ||
CHE110 | Genl Chemistry I | Gen Chem I Lab | ||
CHE111 | General Chemistry II | Gen Chem II Lab | ||
CHE111 | General Chemistry II | Gen Chem II | ||
CHE200 | Organic Chem I | Organic Chem I | ||
CHE200 | Organic Chem I | Orgnc Chm I Lab | ||
CHE201 | Organic Chem II | Org Chm II Lab | ||
CHE201 | Organic Chem II | Organic Chem II | ||
COMM100 | Interpers Comm | Interpersonal Comm | ||
COMM104 | Intro to Mass Comm | Mass Communication | ||
COMM111 | Public Speaking | Public Speaking | ||
COMM111 | Public Speaking | Human Communicatn | ||
CPT151 | Furniture Bldg | Furniture Bldg | ||
CS100 | Intro to Information Tech | Info Tech Competncy | ||
CS100 | Intro to Information Tech | Personal Computing | ||
CS102 | Intro to Python | Intro to Python | ||
DPR100 | Intro to Computers | Info Tech Competncy | ||
DPR100 | Intro to Computers | Personal Computing | ||
DPR101 | Intro to Computer Science | Intro to Comp Sci | ||
DPR104 | Intro Java Prog | Intro Java Prog | ||
DPR105 | Mgt Info Sys | Management Info Sys | ||
DPR108 | Intro to Computer Sci | Intro Comp Sci | ||
DPR110 | Intro to C++ | Fund Comp Sci I | ||
DPR113 | Database Mgmt Systems | Intro to Database | ||
DPR204 | Intermediate Java Programming | Intermediate Java Programming | ||
DPR210 | Object Orientated C++ | Object Orientated C++ | ||
DPR212 | Data Structures and Alg | Data Structures and Alg | ||
DPR227 | Intro to PCSupport | Intro to PCSupport | ||
DPR228 | PCRepair & Maint | PCRepair & Maint | ||
DPR234 | Intro Comp Game Prog | Intro Comp Game Prog | ||
DRA100 | Intro to Theatre | Intro Theatre | ||
DRA110 | Acting I | Intro to Acting | ||
DRA116 | Stagecraft | Stagecraft | ||
ECE100 | Prin Earl Child Ed | Early Child Theory | ||
ECE210 | Educ Except Child | Psych Excep Child | ||
ECE293 | Finan Strat in Education | Finan Strat in Edu | ||
ECO210 | Macroeconomic Principles | Prin Econ-Macro | ||
ECO220 | Microecon | Prin Econ-Micro | ||
EDU110 | Intro to Teaching | Intro to Teaching | ||
EDU200 | Found Amer Ed | Found of Amer Ed | ||
EDU205 | Class Mgt | Class Mgt | ||
EDU206 | Tech in Ed | Instructnl Technlgy | ||
EDU208 | English Lang Learners | Instrc Needs/ELL | ||
EDU220 | Intro to Special Ed | Intro to Special Ed | ||
EGR100 | Egr Graphics | Egr Graphics | ||
ENG100 | Eng Composition I | Rhetorical Comm | ||
ENG112 | Eng Composition II | Writing About Literature | ||
ENG112 | Eng Composition II | Academic Writing | ||
ENG112 | Writing about Literature | Perspectives/Lit | ||
ENG130 | Fund Journalism I | Fund Journalism I | ||
ENG214 | Women in Lit | Women In Literature | ||
ENG216 | Sci Fiction Lit | Sci Fiction Lit | ||
ENG231 | Amer Lit: Rom to Skept | Amer Lit after 1885 | ||
ENG241 | World Lit II | World Lit II | ||
ESS100 | Earth Science | Earth/Space Sci | ||
ESS102 | Intro to Astronomy | Earth Sci Elect No Lab | ||
ESS102 | Intro to Astronomy | Intro/Astronomy | ||
ESS105 | Astronomy | Intro/Astronomy | ||
FRE101 | Elem French I | Elem French I | ||
FRE102 | Elem French II | Elem French II | ||
GER101 | Elem German I | Elem German I | ||
GER102 | Elem German II | Elem German II | ||
HIS110 | Amer Hist I | American Civ I | ||
HIS120 | Amer Hist II | American Civ II | ||
HIS130 | West Civ I | Western Civ I | ||
HIS140 | West Civ II | Western Civ II | ||
HIS150 | World Civ I | World History I | ||
HIS201 | Afr Amer History | Afr Amer History | ||
HIS220 | Hist of Eur Since 1914 | Europe after 1914 | ||
HIS225 | Hist of WW II | Hist of WW II | ||
HIS254 | World Civ I | World History I | ||
HIS255 | World Civ II | World History II | ||
HUM141 | Film Language | Intro to Film | ||
HUM142 | American Cinema | American Cinema | ||
HUM160 | Intro to World Religions | World Religions | ||
HUM168 | Buddhism | Buddhism | ||
IMM120 | Web Page Design & Dev | Web Page Design & Dev | ||
INT100 | Student Success | First Year Seminar | ||
ITA101 | Elem Italian I | Elem Italian I | ||
ITA102 | Elem Italian II | Elem Italian II | ||
MAT100 | Inter Algebra | Prelim Math/Prob Solv | ||
MAT120 | Mod Coll Math I | Mod Coll Math I | ||
MAT121 | Intro to Prob & Stats | Intro to Prob & Stats | ||
MAT125 | Math for Elem Teachers I | Sets/Number Systems | ||
MAT126 | Math for Elem Teach II | Sets/Number Sys II | ||
MAT128 | Algebra | College Algebra I | ||
MAT130 | Finite Math | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv | ||
MAT135 | Business Precalculus | Precalculus | ||
MAT136 | Business Calculus | Applied Calculus | ||
MAT140 | Coll Algebra & Trig I | College Algebra | ||
MAT141 | Coll Algebra & Trig II | Precalculus | ||
MAT150 | Precalculus | Precalculus | ||
MAT151 | College Algebra | College Algebra II | ||
MAT152 | Precalculus | Precalculus | ||
MAT160 | Calculus I | Calculus I | ||
MAT161 | Calculus 2 | Calculus II | ||
MAT210 | Statistics | Business Stats I | ||
MAT210 | Statistics | Statistics | ||
MAT210 | Statistics | Statistics | ||
MAT260 | Calculus III | Calculus III | ||
MATH105 | Business Math | Business Math | ||
MUS101 | Fund of Music | Found Music Theory | ||
MUS120 | Intro to Music | Listening to Music | ||
MUS125 | Piano Class I | Class Piano | ||
MUS131 | History of Rock and Roll | History Rock/Roll | ||
NET110 | Network Comms | Network Comms | ||
NUS102 | Math for Nurses | Math for Nurses | ||
PDS4002 | Emer Med Tech | Emer Med Tech | ||
PHI100 | Intro Philosophy | Intro Philosophy | ||
PHI110 | Contemp Moral Prob | Cont Moral Problems | ||
PHS120 | Earth Science | Earth Sci Elective No Lab | ||
PHY100 | Tech Physics I | Tech Physics I | ||
PHY107 | Technical Physics | Technical Physics | ||
PHY110 | College Physics I | G Phys:Mech Lab | ||
PHY110 | College Physics I | Gen Phys:Mech/Ht | ||
PHY111 | College Physics II | G Phys:Elct Lab | ||
PHY111 | College Physics II | Gen Phys:Elc/Magn | ||
PHY132 | Univ Physics II | Eng Phys:Ht/Thermo | ||
PHY132 | Univ Physics II | E Phys:Ht Lab | ||
PLG110 | Legal Research and Wrtg | Legal Research & Wrtg | ||
POL110 | Intro Pol Science | Intro Poli Science | ||
POL120 | American Natl Govt | Amer Gov/Citizenship | ||
POL130 | Amer St/Local Govt | State/Local Govt | ||
POL200 | World Affairs | International Rel | ||
PSY126 | Child & Adol Dev | Child/Adol Develop | ||
PSY130 | Pers/Career Devel | Pers/Career Devel | ||
PSY140 | General Psychology | General Psychology | ||
PSY210 | Lifespan Human Dev | Lifespan Human Dev | ||
PSY210 | Lifespan Human Dev | Nursing HD/HC | ||
PSY220 | Abnormal Psychology | Abnormal Psych | ||
PSY221 | Social Psychology | Social Psychology | ||
PSY225 | Exper in Diversity | Exper in Diversity | ||
PSY235 | Educ Psychology | Psych of Learning | ||
PSY235 | Educ Psychology | Psy Learning/Second | ||
PSY235 | Educ Psychology | Educ Psychology | ||
PSY241 | Child Psychology | Child/Adol Develop | ||
SCI100 | Man & Envir | Man & Envir | ||
SOC110 | Intro Sociology | Intro Sociology | ||
SOC111 | Intro Hum Services | Intro Hum Services | ||
SOC120 | Social Problems | Am Social Problems | ||
SOC180 | Soc of Marriage & Family | The Family | ||
SOC215 | Exper in Diversity | Exper in Diversity | ||
SOC220 | Social Psych | Social Psychology | ||
SOC240 | Human Geography | Human Geography | ||
SPA101 | Elem Spanish I | Elem Spanish I | ||
SPA102 | Elem Spanish II | Elem Spanish II | ||
SPE100 | Interpersonal Comm | Human Communicatn | ||
SPE104 | Intro Mass Comm | Mass Communication | ||
SPE111 | Public Speaking | Public Speaking | ||
TCC111 | Tech Communication | Tech Communication | ||
TCC112 | CADD Graphics | CADD Graphics | ||
TCC121 | Project Management Proc | Project Mngmt Proc | ||
TCC122 | 2-D CADD | 2-D CADD | ||
TCS100 | Const Spec/Blpt Rd | Const Spec/Blpt Rd | ||
TCS141 | Const Fst Aid/Safety | Wilderness First Aid | ||
TDD128 | Detailing-Assem-Fixture Des | Detail-Assem-Fixture Des | ||
TDD216 | Three Dimensional CADD | Three Dimensional CADD | ||
TDD225 | Comp Aided Drafting | Comp Aided Drafting | ||
TME216 | Statics & Strength of Material | Statics & Strength Material |
Delaware Technical Community College | York College of Pennsylvania | ||
ACC101 | Accounting I | ACC1XX | Accounting I |
ACC201 | Bus Law | BUS260 | Legal Environment |
ACC207 | Accounting I | ACC220 | Financial Acct |
AGS101 | Soil Science | NPE1XX | Soil Science |
AGS102 | Agricultural Science | NPE1XX | Agricultural Science |
AGS104 | Intro to Agribusiness Mgmt | MGT1XX | Intro to Agribus Mgmt |
AGS209 | Farm Records & Accounts | NPE2XX | Farm Records & Acnts |
AGS212 | Intro to Agribusiness Mktg | MKT2XX | Intro to Agbus Mktg |
ASL101 | American Sign Language I | CM150 | Beg Sign Language |
BA121 | Intro to Business | BUS150 | Intro to Business |
BIO100 | Medical Terminology | BIO201 | Medical Terminology |
BIO110 | Intro Anat & Phys | BIO1XX | Biology Elect No Lab |
BIO115 | Nutrition | NUR202 | Nutrition |
BIO120 | Anat and Phys I | BIO220 | Human A/P I |
BIO120 | Anat and Phys I | BIO1XX | A & P I |
BIO121 | Anatomy and Physiology II | BIO222 | Human A/P II |
BIO125 | Intro Microbiology | BIO230 | Microbiology |
BIO130 | Dis Proc/Pathophys | BIO1XX | Bio Elect No Lab |
BIO140 | General Biology | BIO204 | Exploring Biology |
BIO140 | General Biology | BIO110 | General Biology |
BIO150 | Biology I | BIO151 | Biology I Lab |
BIO150 | Biology I | BIO150 | Biology I |
BIO250 | Intro to Microbiology | BIO230 | Microbiology |
BIT260 | Biotechnology I | BIO2XX | Biotechnology I |
BIT261 | Biotechnology II | BIO2XX | Biotechnology II |
BUS101 | Intro to Business | BUS150 | Intro to Business |
BUS203 | Business Law | BUS260 | Legal Environment |
BUS221 | Business Ethics | BUS2XX | Business Ethics |
CEN100 | Intro Elec & Comp Eng | EGR100 | Epads I |
CEN200 | Intro MATLAB | EGR2XX | Intro MATLAB |
CHM100 | Basic Chem | CHM122 | Prin Gen/Org Chem |
CHM110 | Gen Chem | CHM122 | Prin Gen/Org Chem |
CHM110 | Gen Chem | CHM123 | Gen/Org Chem Lab |
CHM150 | Chemical Principles I | CHM134 | Gen Chem I |
CHM151 | Chemical Principles II | CHM136 | Gen Chem II |
CHM240 | Organic Chemistry I | CHM234 | Organic Chem I |
CHM241 | Organic Chemistry II | CHM236 | Organic Chem II |
CHM250 | Analytical Chemistry I | CHM336 | Quant Analy Chm |
CIS107 | Intro Comp/Appls | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
CIS107 | Intro Comp/Appls | IFS100 | Info Tech Competncy |
CIS108 | App for Educational Tech | ECH210 | Ed Tech/Early Elem |
CIS112 | Spreadsheet/Graphics Proc | IFS1XX | Spreadsheet/Graphics Proc |
CIS143 | Intro Info Security | IFS1XX | Intro Info Security |
CLT110 | Intl Cult Immers | INT1XX | Intl Cult Immers |
COM111 | Hum Comm | CM1XX | Hum Comm |
COM111 | Hum Comm | CM104 | Human Communicatn |
COM222 | Intercult Comm | CM2XX | Intercult Comm |
COM240 | Mass Media Law | CM434 | Media Law/Ethics |
COM250 | Photography | ART245 | Photography I |
CRJ101 | Intro to Criminal Justice | CJA101 | Intro Crim Justice |
CRJ102 | Crim Law | CJA1XX | Crim Law |
CRJ104 | Drugs Soc/Hmn Beh | CJA1XX | Drugs Society/Hmn Beh |
CRJ105 | Comp Appl in Crim Just | CJA1XX | Comp Appl in Crim Just |
CRJ110 | Issues in Law Enforcement | CJA1XX | Issues in Law Enforcement |
CRJ115 | Ess of Intrvwng/Couns | CJA1XX | Ess of Intrvwng/Couns |
CRJ118 | Corrections in Amer | CJA337 | Punishmnt/Correctns |
CRJ220 | Criminal Judiciary | CJA341 | Criminal Procedure |
CRJ222 | Const Law | CJA2XX | Const Law |
CRJ223 | Criminology | CJA2XX | Criminology |
CRJ224 | Juvenile Justice | CJA110 | Juvenile Delinquncy |
CRJ225 | Group & Indiv Couns | CJA2XX | Group & Indiv Couns |
CRJ226 | Crisis Intervention | CJA2XX | Crisis Intervention |
CRJ235 | Internship | CJA2XX | Internship |
CSC114 | Comp Science I | CS1XX | Comp Science I |
CSC164 | Comp Science II | CS101 | Fund Comp Sci I |
DP130 | Intro to Data Processing | IFS1XX | Intro to Data Processing |
ECE111 | Childhood Nutr/Safety | EDU1XX | Child Nutr/Safety |
ECE120 | Comtemp Issues Erly Child | EDU1XX | Comtemp Issues/Erly Cld |
ECE121 | Infant & Toddler Methods/Lab | EDU1XX | Infant & Todd Meth/Lab |
ECE123 | Early Childhd Methods/Lab | EDU1XX | Early Childhd Meth/Lab |
ECE125 | Early Childhd Methods II/lab | EDU1XX | Early Child Meth II/Lab |
ECE127 | Childhood Classroom Mgmt | EDU1XX | Childhd Classrm Mgmt |
ECE127 | Childhood Classroom Mgt | EDU1XX | Child Class Mgt |
ECE211 | Parent/Teach & Comm Inter | EDU2XX | Parent/Teach & Com Int |
ECE226 | Assess of Young Children | EDU2XX | Assess Young Child |
ECE233 | Exceptional Child | SPE200 | Process/Procedures |
ECO111 | Macroeconomics | ECO200 | Prin Econ-Macro |
ECO122 | Microeconomics | ECO201 | Prin Econ-Micro |
EDC120 | Found of Literacy | EDU1XX | Found of Literacy |
EDC150 | Issues in Elem Education | EDU200 | Found of Education |
EDC220 | Parent/Family/School | EDU2XX | Parent/Family/School |
EDC230 | Children's Literature | EDU2XX | Children's Literature |
EDD171 | Intro to CAD | EGR1XX | Intro to CAD |
EDD271 | Adv CAD | EGR2XX | Adv CAD |
ELC265 | Intro Digital Systems | ECE2XX | Intro Digital Systems |
ELC266 | Analog Circuits I | ECE100 | Intro Elect Engnr |
ELC272 | Elec Circuit Analysis I | ECE2XX | Elec Circuit Analysis I |
ELC275 | Microcomp Systems | CS2XX | Microcomp Systems |
ENG101 | Crit Thinking & Aca Writing | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm |
ENG102 | Comp & Res | WRT1XX | Comp & Res |
ENG121 | Composition | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm |
ENG121 | Composition | WRT102 | Analytical Read/Writ |
ENG122 | Technical Writing/Comm | WRT1XX | Tech Writing/Comm |
ENG124 | Oral Communications | CM104 | Human Communicatn |
ENG124 | Oral Communications | CM212 | Public Speaking |
ENG128 | Black Amer Lit | LIT203 | African/Amer Lit |
ENV110 | Intro Environ Iss | BIO1XX | Biology Elect No Lab |
FIN221 | Money and Banking | FIN2XX | Money and Banking |
HDM101 | Intro Hmlnd Def/Emer Mgt | NPE1XX | Hmlnd Def/Emer Mgt |
HDM102 | Nat Inc Mgt Sys | NPE1XX | Nat Inc Mgt Sys |
HDM110 | Iss Hmlnd Def & Emer Mgt | NPE1XX | Iss Hmlnd Def & Emer Mgt |
HDM202 | Hmlnd Def/Emer Mgt | NPE2XX | Hmlnd Def/Emer Mgt |
HDM204 | All Hzrds/Infra/Prot | NPE2XX | All Hzrds/Infra/Prot |
HIS111 | U.S. Pre-Civil War | HIS111 | American Civ I |
HIS112 | U.S. Post Civil War | HIS112 | American Civ II |
HMS121 | Intro Hum Serv | SOC1XX | Intro Hum Serv |
HMS122 | Theories of Couns | SOC1XX | Theories of Couns |
HMS123 | Dynamics/Grp Comm I | CM1XX | Dynamics/Grp Comm I |
HMS221 | Ethical Prob & Iss | PHL2XX | Ethical Prob & Iss |
HMS223 | Soc Policy/Prog Plan | SOC2XX | Soc Policy/Prog Plan |
HMS225 | Interview/Couns Skills | SOC2XX | Interview/Couns Skills |
HMS229 | Adult Dev & Aging | PSY2XX | Adult Dev & Aging |
HMS230 | Assessment/Treatment | BEH2XX | Assessment/Treatment |
HMS243 | Directed Practice I | SOC2XX | Directed Practice I |
HMS244 | Directed Practice II | SOC2XX | Directed Practice II |
MAT119 | Appl Clinical Math | MAT1XX | Appl Clinical Math |
MAT120 | Math for Behav Science | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv |
MAT129 | Math for Health Sci | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv |
MAT135 | Biomedical Stats | MAT1XX | Biomedical Stats |
MAT150 | Bus Math | MAT1XX | Bus Math |
MAT152 | Quantitative Reasoning | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv |
MAT153 | College Math & Statistics | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv |
MAT162 | Statistical Reasoning | MAT150 | Data/Decision Making |
MAT180 | College Algebra | MAT105 | College Algebra |
MAT181 | Alg & Trig I | MAT105 | College Algebra |
MAT182 | Algebra & Trig II | MAT1XX | Algebra & Trig II |
MAT185 | Precalculus | MAT108 | Precalculus |
MAT190 | Precalculus | MAT108 | Precalculus |
MAT201 | Math for Teachers I | MAT115 | Sets/Number Systems |
MAT202 | Mathematics for Teachers II | MAT215 | Sets/Number Sys II |
MAT203 | Math for Teachers III | MAT2XX | Math for Teachers III |
MAT211 | Math for Teachers I | MAT115 | Math Foundations |
MAT212 | Math for Teachers II | MAT150 | Data/Decision Making |
MAT213 | Math for Teachers III | MAT2XX | Math for Teachers III |
MAT255 | Business Statistics I | QBA260 | Business Statistics |
MAT256 | Bus Stats II | QBA265 | Business Stats II |
MAT281 | Calculus I | MAT171 | Calculus I |
MAT282 | Calculus II | MAT172 | Calculus II |
MET115 | Intro Mech Engr Tech | ME1XX | Intro Mech Engr Tech |
MET123 | Mod MFG Tech | ME1XX | Mod MFG Tech |
MET123 | Mod MFG Tech | ME100 | Intro Mech Engineer |
MET125 | Adv Man Tech | ME1XX | Adv Man Tech |
MGT212 | Prin of Management | MGT150 | Prin of Management |
MGT231 | Hum Res Mgmt | MGT220 | Human Resource Mgt |
MKT111 | Salesmanship | MKT220 | Personal Selling |
MKT212 | Prin of Marketing | MKT100 | Prin Marketing |
NU101 | Prof Relations | NUR1XX | Prof Relations |
NU132 | Math Appl to Pharmacology | NUR1XX | Math Appl to Pharmacology |
NU134 | Skills Med-Surg Nurs | NUR1XX | Skills Med-Surg Nurs |
NU171 | Hum Needs Hlth & Ill I | NUR1XX | Hum Needs Hlth & Ill I |
NU259 | Nutrition | NUR202 | Nutrition |
OAT152 | Excel Level I | IFS1XX | Excel Level I |
PHY171 | Physics I | PHY110 | Gen Phys:Mech/Ht |
PHY172 | Physics II | PHY1XX | Physics II |
PHY205 | Gen Physics I | PHY111 | G Phys:Mech Lab |
PHY205 | Gen Physics I | PHY110 | Gen Phys:Mech/Ht |
PHY281 | Physics I with Calc | PHY160 | Eng Phys:Mechncs |
PHY281 | Physics I with Calc | PHY160 | Eng Phys:Mechncs |
PHY282 | Physics II with Calc | PHY260 | Eng Phys:Elct/Magn |
PHY282 | Physics II with Calc | PHY260 | Eng Phys:Elct/Magn |
POL111 | Political Science | PS101 | Amer Gov/Citizenship |
PSY100 | Human Relations | PSY1XX | Human Relations |
PSY121 | General Psychology | PSY100 | General Psychology |
PSY125 | Child Development | PSY223 | Early Child Develp |
PSY126 | Child/Adol Dev | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop |
PSY127 | Human Dev | PSY1XX | Human Dev |
PSY223 | Abnormal Psychology | PSY230 | Abnormal Psych |
PSY224 | Human Sexuality | PSY2XX | Human Sexuality |
RDG120 | Critical Reading & Thinking | WRT100 | Intro College Writ |
RH121 | Human Relations | CM1XX | Human Relations |
RH122 | Political Science | PS141 | American Governmnt |
RH123 | Economics I | ECO1XX | Economics I |
RM131 | Business Tech Math I | MAT1XX | Business Tech Math I |
RS151 | Mam Anat & Phys I | BIO220 | Human A/P I |
SOC111 | Sociology I | SOC100 | Intro Sociology |
SOC209 | Social Problems | SOC220 | Am Social Problems |
SOC213 | Ethical Iss in Health Care | SOC2XX | Ethical Iss in Hlth Care |
SOC224 | Family Structures | SOC225 | The Family |
SPA133 | Beg Spanish | SPN101 | Elem Spanish I |
SPA136 | Span Comm I | SPN101 | Elem Spanish I |
SPA137 | Span Comm II | SPN102 | Elem Spanish II |
SPA138 | Spanish Communication III | SPN201 | Inter Spanish I |
SSC100 | First Year Seminar | FYS1XX | First Year Seminar |
SSC106 | Intro to Leadership | SOC1XX | Intro to Leadership |
VSC109 | Drawing I | ART215 | Drawing I |
VSC115 | Intro to Design | ART1XX | Intro to Design |
VSC125 | Color & Comp | ART1XX | Color & Comp |
VSC131 | Art History I | ART204 | Survey West Art I |
VSC132 | Art History II | ART205 | Survey West Art II |
VSC133 | Hist of Graphic Design | ART1XX | Hist Graphic Design |
VSC155 | Typography & Layout | ART1XX | Typography & Layout |
VSC160 | Comp Graphics I | ART1XX | Comp Graphics I |
VSC161 | Computer Graphics II | ART206 | Elements Comp Graph |
VSC162 | Computer Graphics III | ART1XX | Computer Graphics III |
VSC165 | Photography I | ART245 | Photography I |
VSC166 | Photography II | ART1XX | Photography II |
VSC175 | Print Prod Proc | ART1XX | Print Prod Proc |
VSC190 | Intro to Videography | CM242 | Video Prodctn I |
VSC251 | Portfolio Wkshop | ART2XX | Portfolio Workshop |
VSC262 | Comp Graphics III | ART2XX | Comp Graphics III |
VSC267 | Color Photography | ART2XX | Color Photography |
VSC268 | Photo Illustration | ART345 | Photography III |
VSC270 | Project Mgmt | ART2XX | Project Mgmt |
VSC271 | Illustration | ART2XX | Illustration |
VSC275 | Self Promotion | ART2XX | Self Promotion |
VSC281 | Project Elective | ART2XX | Project Elective |
Drexel University | York College of Pennsylvania | ||
ACCT110 | Accounting for Prof | ACC1XX | Accounting for Prof |
ACCT111 | Financial Accouting | ACC220 | Financial Acct |
ACCT115 | Fin Acctg Foundations | ACC220 | Financial Acct |
ANAT101 | Anat & Phys I | BIO220 | Human A/P I |
ARCH141 | Arch & Society I | NPE1XX | Arch & Society I |
ARTH101 | Hist/Art: Anc-Med | ART204 | Survey West Art I |
ARTH102 | Hist/Art: Ren-Roman | ART205 | Survey West Art II |
ARTH103 | Hist Art-Early/Late Mod | ART1XX | Hist Art-Early/Late Mod |
BIO101 | App Bio Eco, Evol | BIO1XX | Biology Elect no lab |
BIO102 | Biology I | BIO150 | Biology I |
BIO104 | Bio II: Grwth & Heredity | BIO152 | Biology II |
BIO106 | Bio III: Org Bio | BIO300 | Ecology |
BIO107 | Cells, Gen & Phys | BIO1XX | Cells, Gen & Phys |
BIO109 | Bio Diversity, Eco & Evol | BIO1XX | Bio Div, Eco & Evol |
BIO122 | Cells and Genetics | BIO150 | Biology I |
BIO124 | Evol & Organismal Div | BIO152 | Biology II |
BIO141 | Essential Biology | BIO150 | Biology I |
BIO201 | Human Physiology I | BIO220 | Human A/P I |
BIO203 | Human Physiology II | BIO222 | Human A/P II |
BIO204 | Metabolic Molecular Cell Bio | BIO2XX | Metabolic Molecular Cell Bio |
BIO206 | Biosci V: Gene Expres & Funct | BIO240 | Genetics |
BIO480 | ST: The Bio Experience | BIO4XX | ST: The Bio Experience |
BLAW201 | Business Law I | BUS345 | Business Law I |
BMES125 | Fnds of Biomed Eng | NPE1XX | Fnds of Biomed Eng |
BMES212 | The Body Synthetic | NPE2XX | The Body Synthetic |
BMES301 | Lab I: Exp Biomech | NPE3XX | Lab I: Exp Biomech |
BMES302 | Lab II: Biomeasurements | NPE3XX | Lab II: Biomeasuremnts |
BMES303 | Lab III: Biomed Electronics | NPE3XX | Lab III: Biomed Elect |
BMES310 | Biomedical Statistics | MAT250 | Statistics |
BMES321 | The Living Engine | BIO3XX | Biology Elective No Lab |
BMES322 | The Body Synthetic | BIO3XX | Biology Elective No Lab |
BMES338 | Biomedical Ethics and Law | PHL346 | Bioethics |
BMES338 | Biomedical Ethics and Law | BIO3XX | Biology Elective No Lab |
BUSN101 | Found of Bus I | BUS1XX | Found of Bus I |
BUSN101 | Foundations of Business I | BUS150 | Intro to Business |
BUSN102 | Found Business II | BUS1XX | Found Business II |
BUSN498 | Intro to Entrepreneur | BUS3XX | Intro to Entrepreneur |
CHEM101 | Gen Chem I | CHM134 | Gen Chem I |
CHEM102 | General Chemistry II | CHM136 | Gen Chem II |
CHEM103 | General Chemistry III | CHM1XX | Gen Chemistry III |
CHEM241 | Organic Chemistry I | CHM234 | Organic Chem I |
CIVC101 | Intro Civic Engagement | BUS1XX | Intro to Civic Eng |
CJ369 | Forensic Science Survey | CJA3XX | Forensic Sci Survey |
COM101 | Hum Communication | CM104 | Human Communicatn |
COM111 | Prin of Comm | CM104 | Human Communicatn |
COM270 | Bus Comm | WRT210 | Writng/Prof Culturs |
COM310 | Tech Comm | WRT210 | Writng/Prof Culturs |
COOP101 | Career Mgmt/Prof Dev | EGR290 | Enginrg Career Trng |
CS121 | Comp Lab I | CS1XX | Comp Lab I |
CS122 | Comp Lab II | CS1XX | Comp Lab II |
CS123 | Comp Lab III | CS1XX | Comp Lab III |
CS131 | Computer Programming A | IFS200 | Intro Prog/Sftwr I |
CS132 | Computer Programming B | IFS201 | Intro Prg/Sftwr II |
CS133 | Computer Programming C | IFS1XX | Computer Programming C |
CS161 | Intro to Computing | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
CS164 | Intro Comp Sci | CS1XX | Intro Comp Sci |
CS171 | Comp Prog I | CS101 | Fund Comp Sci I |
CS390 | Computer Programming A | CS3XX | Computer Programming A |
DANC190 | Afr Dance Tech I | PE1XX | Afr Dance Tech I |
EAM130 | Overview of EAM | CM1XX | Overview of EAM |
EAM200 | Intro Music Industry | MUS297 | Survey Music Industry |
EAM211 | Strat Mgmt for EAM | ART1XX | Strat Mgmt for EAM |
EAM261 | Copyrights & Trademarkes | CM2XX | Copyrights & Trademarks |
EAM270 | Audience Dev for the Arts | ART2XX | Audience Dev for Arts |
EAM312 | Intro Fund Dev Arts | ART3XX | Intro Fund Dev Arts |
ECE201 | Electric Circuits | ME280 | Electrcl Circts |
ECON201 | Economics I | ECO201 | Prin Econ-Micro |
ECON202 | Economics II | ECO200 | Prin Econ-Macro |
ECON240 | Econ Health Care Sys | ECO2XX | Econ Health Care Sys |
ECUC524 | Curr Rsrch Curr | ED2XX | Curr Rsrch Curr |
EDUC120 | Child Development I | EDU1XX | Child Dev I |
EDUC520 | Prof Stud Instr | ED2XX | Prof Stud Instr |
EDUC522 | Eval of Instr | ED2XX | Eval of Instr |
EDUC523 | Diag Teaching | ED2XX | Diag Teaching |
EDUC524 | Cur Rsrch Curr & Inst | ED2XX | Cur Rsrch Curr & Inst |
EDUC525 | Multi-Media Instr Des | ED2XX | Multi-Med Instr Des |
EDUC526 | Lang Arts Proc | ED2XX | Lang Arts Proc |
EDUC533 | Virtual Learning | ED2XX | Virtual Learning |
EDUC534 | Dev Ed Lead Using Tech | ED2XX | Dev Ed Lead Using Tech |
EDUC535 | Rsrch & Eval Instr Tech | ED2XX | Rsrch & Eval Instr Tech |
EDUC540 | Field Experience | ED2XX | Field Experience |
ENGL101 | Composition and Rhetoric | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm |
ENGL102 | Composition and Rhetoric II | WRT1XX | Comp and Rhetoric II |
ENGL103 | Analy Writ & Rdg | WRT1XX | Analy Writ & Rdg |
ENGR101 | Eng Des Lab I | EGR1XX | Eng Des Lab I |
ENGR102 | Eng Des Lab II | EGR1XX | Eng Des Lab II |
ENGR103 | Eng Des Lab III | EGR1XX | Eng Des Lab III |
ENGR111 | Intro Eng Design | EGR100 | Epads I |
ENGR113 | 1st Year Eng Design | EGR1XX | 1st Year Eng Design |
ENGR121 | Computation Lab I | EGR1XX | Computation Lab I |
ENGR131 | Intro Progm for Eng | EGR1XX | Intro Prog for Eng |
ENGR201 | Eval & Pres of Ex Data I | EGR2XX | Eval & Pres of Ex Data I |
ENGR202 | Eval & Pres of Exp Data II | EGR2XX | Eval & Pres pf Exp Data II |
ENGR210 | Intro to Thermodynamics | EGR2XX | Intro to Thermodynamics |
ENGR220 | Fund of Materials | EGR2XX | Fund of Materials |
ENGR361 | Stat Analy of Engr Sys | EGR305 | Stats Desgn/Prcess Contrl |
ENVS271 | Dinosaurs and their World | ESS2XX | Earth Science Elect no lab |
FMST105 | Film History & Theory I | FLM220 | Film History |
FMST204 | Film Voice and Style | FLM2XX | Film Voice and Style |
FMST205 | Film History & Theory II | HIS2XX | Film History & Theory II |
FMST250 | The Documentary Tradition | FLM2XX | The Documentary Tradition |
FMST290 | Hollywoodland I | FLM1XX | Hollywoodland I |
FMST291 | Hollywoodland II | FLM2XX | Hollywoodland II |
FMTV100 | Visual Storytelling | FLM1XX | Visual Storytelling |
FMTV130 | Basic TV Studio | FLM1XX | Basic TV Studio |
FMTV260 | Experimental Film | FLM2XX | Experimental Film |
FMTV280 | Basic Producing | CM242 | Video Prodctn I |
FMTVT280 | Show Business | THE2XX | Show Business |
FMVD110 | Shooting & Lighting | CM1XX | Shooting & Lighting |
FMVD110 | Basic Shooting and Light | CM1XX | Bas Shooting & Lighting |
FMVD115 | Basic Editing | ART295 | Editorial Photography I |
FMVD120 | Basic Sound | THE1XX | Basic Sound |
FMVD200 | Acting for the Screen | THE215 | Acting |
FMVD202 | Directing for the Screen | WRT2XX | Directing for the Screen |
FMVD215 | Narrative Video Production | CM242 | Video Prodctn I |
FMVD218 | Intermediate Cinematography | FLM2XX | Intermediate Cinematography |
FMVD226 | Intermediate Sound | FLM2XX | Intermediate Sound |
FMVD235 | Intermediate Lighting | FLM2XX | Intermediate Lighting |
FMVD237 | Intermediate Editing | FLM2XX | Intermediate Editing |
GER101 | German I | GRM101 | Elem German I |
GSTDT180 | Academic Exploration & Plannin | FYS1XX | Academic Exploration & Plannin |
HIST162 | Themes World Civ II | H219 | Hist Western Civ I |
HIST163 | Themes World Civ III | H220 | Hist Western Civ II |
HIST285 | Technology in the Hist Persp | HIS2XX | Tech in the Hist Persp |
HSAD210 | Health Care Ethics | PHL2XX | Health Care Ethics |
HSCI480 | Sp Topics in Hlth Sci | NUR331 | Comp/Alternative App |
HUM101 | Composition | WRT101 | English Comp |
HUM102 | Reading and Research | WRT200 | Wrtng About Lit |
HUM102 | Reading and Research | WRT1XX | Reading and Research |
HUM103 | Tech Analy & Eval | LIT160 | Intro Literature |
HUM106 | Humanities & Commun I | WRT101 | English Comp |
HUM107 | Humanities & Commun II | WRT200 | Wrtng About Lit |
HUM108 | Humanities & Commun III | WRT1XX | Humanities & Com III |
INFO110 | Human-Computer Interac I | CS1XX | Human-Comp Interac I |
INFO520 | Prof/Soc Aspcts Info Svcs | IFS1XX | Prof/Soc Asp Info Svcs |
INTB200 | Intl Business | IBS200 | Internatl Business |
ISYS101 | Intro Information Sys I | IFS1XX | Intro Information Sys I |
ISYS102 | Intro Info Systems II | IFS1XX | Intro Info Systems II |
ISYS105 | Info Eval Org & Use | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
ISYS110 | Human-Computer Interaction | IFS1XX | Human-Comp Interaction |
ISYS200 | Systems Analysis I | IFS2XX | Systems Analysis I |
ISYS210 | Database Mgmt Systems | IFS180 | Intro Data Managmnt |
ISYS350 | Distributed Computing & Netw | IFS325 | Intro Networks |
ISYS355 | Systems Analysis II | IFS440 | Bus Sys Anly/Design |
ISYS365 | Database Admin I | IFS3XX | Database Admin I |
ITAL101 | Italian I | ITL101 | Elem Italian I |
ITAL102 | Italian 2 | ITL102 | Elem Italian II |
MATE100 | Mat for Emer Tech | EGR1XX | Mat for Emer Tech |
MATH100 | Fund of Math | MAT102 | Prelim Math/Prob Solv |
MATH101 | Intro to Analysis I | MAT105 | College Algebra |
MATH102 | Intro to Analysis II | MAT120 | Applied Calculus |
MATH110 | Precalc | MAT108 | Precalculus |
MATH119 | Mathematics for Design | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv |
MATH121 | Calculus I | MAT171 | Calculus I |
MATH122 | Calculus II | MAT172 | Calculus II |
MATH180 | Discrete Comp Struct | MAT235 | Discrete Mathemtcs |
MATH200 | Calculus IV | MAT371 | Adv Calculus I |
MATH200 | Multivariate Calculus | MAT271 | Calculus III |
MATH261 | Linear Algebra | MAT260 | Elem Linear Algebra |
MATH262 | Differential Equations | MAT272 | Diff Equations |
MATH279 | Fund of Math | MAT2XX | Fund of Math |
MEM201 | Funds Cmptr Aided Design | EGR2XX | Funds Cmptr Aided Design |
MEM202 | Engr Mechanics-Statics | EGR2XX | Engr Mechanics-Statics |
MEM310 | Thermodynamic Analysis I | ME320 | Thermodynamics |
MUSC121 | Music Theory I | MUS182 | Music Theory I |
MUSC130 | Intro to Music | MUS200 | Music Appreciation |
MUSC190 | Class Piano I | MUS140 | Piano Class |
MUSC191 | Class Guitar I | MUS138 | Guitar |
MUSC238 | Rock Music Since the Mid-60s | MUS288 | History Rock/Roll |
MUSC241 | Appl Music I: Elec Bass | MUS2XX | Appl Music I: Elec Bass |
NSC102 | Seapower & Maritime | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect |
NURS527 | Evid Based Approaches to Prac | NUR5XX | Evid Based App to Prac |
PHEV141 | Atmos Sci I: Cimate/Glob Chng | ESS1XX | Atmos Sci I: Climate/Glob Ch |
PHEV143 | Atmos Sci II: Wthr Anal/Forcst | ESS1XX | Earth Sci Elective No Lab |
PHIL101 | Intro West Philosophy | PHL221 | Intro Philosophy |
PHIL105 | Critical Reasoning | PHL222 | Critical Thinking |
PHIL111 | Beg Logic | PHL231 | Logic |
PHTO110 | Photography | ART245 | Film Photography |
PHTO140 | Digital Photo I | ART246 | Digital Photography |
PHTO210 | Intermed Photography | ART247 | Digital Image |
PHYS100 | Prep for Eng Studies | PHY1XX | Prep for Eng Studies |
PHYS101 | Fund of Physics I | PHY160 | Eng Phys:Mechncs |
PHYS102 | Fundamentals of Physics II | PHY260 | Eng Phys:Elct/Magn |
PHYS111 | Physics I | PHY160 | Eng Phys:Mechncs |
PHYS151 | Appl Physics | PHY1XX | Physics Elect No Lab |
PHYS201 | Fundsmentals of Physics III | PHY262 | Eng Phys: Opt/Mod |
PSY101 | General Psychology I | PSY100 | General Psychology |
PSY111 | Proprof Gen Psych I | PSY100 | General Psychology |
PSY112 | Preprof Gen Psych II | PSY1XX | Preprof Gen Psych II |
PSY120 | Dev Psychology | PSY1XX | Dev Psychology |
PSY140 | Appr to Personality | PSY1XX | Appr to Personality |
PSY150 | Intro Soc Psychology | PSY243 | Social Psychology |
PSY213 | Sensation and Perception | PSY2XX | Sensation and Percep |
PSY240 | Abnormal Psychology | PSY230 | Abnormal Psych |
PSY310 | Drugs & Hum Beh | PSY3XX | Drugs & Hum Beh |
SCRP220 | Playwriting I | THE275 | Playwriting |
SCRP270 | Screenwriting I | CRW277 | Screenwriting I |
SCRP280 | Writing the Short Film | CRW2XX | Writing the Short Film |
SCRPT280 | LA Evening With | CRW2XX | LA Evening With |
SOC101 | Intro to Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology |
SOC250 | Research Methods I | SOC335 | Research Methods |
SOC335 | Sociology of Education | SOC3XX | Soc of Education |
SOC350 | Research Methods II | SOC336 | Resrch Methdlgy II |
STAT201 | Stats I | QBA260 | Business Statistics |
STAT201 | Stats I | MAT250 | Statistics |
STAT201 | Stats I | BEH260 | Statistics |
STS345 | Stats for Health Sci | BEH260 | Statistics |
TDEC110 | Math Fndns Engr I | MAT171 | Calculus I |
TDEC111 | Phys Fndns of Engr I | EGR1XX | Phys Fndns of Engr I |
TDEC112 | Math Fndns of Engr II | MAT172 | Calculus II |
TDEC113 | Phys Fndns of Engr II | EGR1XX | Phys Fndns of Engr II |
TDEC114 | Math Fndns of Engr III | MAT271 | Calculus III |
TDEC115 | Phys Fndns of Engr III | EGR1XX | Phys Fndns of Engr III |
TDEC120 | Chem/Biol Fndns Engr I | EGR1XX | Chem/Biol Fndns Engr I |
TDEC121 | Chem/Biol Fndns Engr II | EGR1XX | Chem/Biol Fndns Engr II |
TDEC122 | Chem/Biol Fndns Engr III | EGR1XX | Chem/Biol Fndns Engr III |
TDEC130 | Eng Design Lab I | EGR1XX | Eng Design Lab I |
TDEC131 | Eng Design Lab II | EGR1XX | Eng Design Lab II |
TDEC132 | Eng Design Lab III | EGR1XX | Eng Design Lab III |
TDEC140 | Calc & Phys Pract Eng I | EGR1XX | Calc & Phys Pract Eng I |
TDEC142 | Calc & Phys Pract Eng III | EGR1XX | Calc & Phys Pract Eng III |
TDEC201 | Energy I | EGR2XX | Energy I |
TDEC202 | Energy II | EGR2XX | Energy II |
TDEC211 | Materials I | EGR2XX | Materials I |
TDEC212 | Materials II | EGR2XX | Materials II |
TDEC221 | Systems I | EGR2XX | Systems I |
TDEC222 | Systems II | MAT272 | Diff Equations |
TDEC231 | Eval/Pres Exper Data I | EGR2XX | Eval/Pres Exper Data I |
TDEC232 | Eval/Pres Exper Data II | EGR2XX | Eval/Pres Exper Data II |
THTR130 | Intro Theater Prod Pract | THE350 | Theatre Pract I |
THTR212 | Sketch Comedy | THE2XX | Sketch Comedy |
UNIVG101 | The Drexel Experience | FYS1XX | The Drexel Experience |
VSST101 | Design I | ART210 | Design I |
VSST102 | Design II | ART211 | Design II |
WEST100 | Introduction to Digital Design | ART200 | Intro Graphic Design |
WRIT215 | Story Medicine | CRW2XX | Story Medicine |
East Stroudsburg University of PA | York College of Pennsylvania | ||
ART101 | Intro to Art | ART101 | Intro Art Apprec |
ART151 | Basic Drawing | ART215 | Drawing I |
ART321 | Drawing II | ART265 | Drawing II |
ATEP202 | Kines: Applied Anatomy | NPE1XX | Kines: Applied Anat |
ATEP429 | Meas & Eval Lower Extrem | SPM4XX | Meas & Eval Lower Ext |
BIOL104 | Human Ecology | BIO1XX | Biology Elective No Lab |
BIOL105 | General Biology | BIO1XX | Biology Elective No Lab |
BIOL106 | Insects & Human Life | BIO1XX | Insects & Human Life |
BIOL110 | Hum Anatomy & Physiol | BIO220 | Human A/P I |
BIOL111 | Hum Anatomy & Phys I | BIO220 | Human A/P I |
BIOL112 | Hum Anatmy & Phys II | BIO222 | Human A/P II |
BIOL114 | Intro Biology | BIO150 | Biology I |
BIOL115 | Intro Biology II | BIO152 | Biology II |
BIOL200 | General Ecology | BIO300 | Ecology |
BIOL340 | Animal Physiology | BIO308 | Animal Physlgy |
BIOL410 | Histology | BIO4XX | Histology |
BIOL424 | Mech of Disease I | BIO4XX | Mech of Disease I |
BIOL495 | Seminar I | BIO4XX | Biology Elective no lab |
BIOM472 | Coral Reef Ecology | YMS491 | Coral Reef Ecology |
BSPE142 | Dance I | PE1XX | Dance I |
CHEM101 | Modern Chemical Science | CHM1XX | Chemistry Elective No Lab |
CHEM104 | Chem for Consum | CHM1XX | Chemistry Elective No Lab |
CHEM106 | Fingerprint Elem | CHM1XX | Chem Elect No Lab |
CHEM108 | Env Chem | CHM1XX | Chem Elect No Lab |
CHEM115 | Chem, Mol, Life | CHM1XX | Chemistry Elect No Lab |
CHEM115 | Chem, Mol, Life | CHM122 | Prin Gen/Org Chem |
CHEM121 | Gen Chem I | CHM1XX | Chem Elect No Lab |
CHEM121 | Gen Chem I | CHM134 | Gen Chem I |
CHEM124 | General Chemistry II | CHM136 | Gen Chem II |
CHEM124 | General Chemistry II | CHM1XX | Chemistry Elective no lab |
CHEM233 | Organic Chem I | CHM2XX | Chemistry Elect No Lab |
CHEM233 | Organic Chem I | CHM234 | Organic Chem I |
CHEM234 | Organic Chem II | CHM236 | Organic Chem II |
CHEM234 | Organic Chem II | CHM2XX | Chemistry Elective No Lab |
CHEM275 | Chem Asp Drug | CHM2XX | Chemistry Elective No Lab |
CHEM315 | Biochemistry | CHM3XX | Biochemistry |
CMST111 | Speech Communication | CM212 | Public Speaking |
CMST126 | Intro to Mass Media | CM211 | Mass Communication |
CMST229 | Broadcast Journalism | CM271 | Print Media Writing |
CMST253 | Public Speaking | CM212 | Public Speaking |
CMST315 | Voice for Broadcasting | CM3XX | Voice for Broadcasting |
CMST440 | Ethical/Legal Issues | CM3XX | Ethical/Legal Issues |
CPSC100 | PC's and Their Uses | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
CPSC101 | PCS & Use in Sci | CS1XX | PCS & Use in Sci |
CPSC101 | GE: PCs & Use in Science | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
CPSC103 | Intro Information Technology | IFS1XX | Intro Information Tech |
DAEL100 | First Year Experience | FYS100 | First Year Seminar |
DANC143 | Elementary Jazz Dance | PAW173 | Jazz Dance I |
DANC315 | Dance Perf & Prod | PE3XX | Dance Perf & Prod |
ECED232 | Child Dev & Cog | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop |
ECON111 | Prin Macroeconomics | ECO200 | Prin Econ-Macro |
ECON112 | Prin Microeconomics | ECO201 | Prin Econ-Micro |
ECON122 | Personal Finance | BUS218 | Personal Finance |
ECON311 | Interm Macroecon | ECO310 | Int Macro Econ |
EDCM200 | Intro Photography | ART245 | Photography I |
ELED132 | Child Growth & Dev | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop |
ELED264 | Prin & Pract Teaching | EDU2XX | Prin & Pract Teaching |
ELED342 | Lang Arts Child Ed | EDU3XX | Lang Arts Child Ed |
ELED343 | Math Child Ed | EDU3XX | Math Child Ed |
ELED346 | Child Lit | EDU3XX | Child Lit |
ELED351 | Mus Child Ed | EDU3XX | Mus Child Ed |
EMGT200 | Prin of Mgmt | MGT150 | Prin of Management |
EMGT204 | Prin of Marketing | MKT100 | Prin Marketing |
EMGT225 | Bus Law I | BUS260 | Legal Environment |
ENGL101 | Elements of Writing | WRT1XX | Elements of Writing |
ENGL103 | English Composition | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm |
ENGL162 | Intro Lit Analysis & Int | LIT200 | Perspectives/Lit |
ENGL186 | Jewish Short Stories | LIT1XX | Jewish Short Stories |
ENGL203 | Adv Composition | WRT2XX | Adv Composition |
ENGL203 | Adv Composition | WRT202 | Academic Writing |
ENGL205 | Workplace Writing | FCO210 | Comm Prof Cultures |
ENGL208 | Wrt Young Adult Lit | WRT2XX | Wrt Young Adult Lit |
ENGL225 | GE: Intro Creative Wrtg | CRW272 | Intro Creative Wrt |
ENGL225 | Intro Creative Wrt | WRT272 | Intro Creative Wrt |
ENGL264 | Amer Lit I | LIT281 | Amer Lit to 1885 |
ENGL364 | Comedy | LIT3XX | Comedy |
EXSC121 | Aerobic Fitness | PE136 | Aerobic Dance |
FIT110 | Aerobic Dance | PE136 | Aerobic Dance |
FIT111 | Personal Fitness | PE1XX | Personal Fitness |
FIT114 | Weight Training | PE119 | Physical Fitness |
FIT114 | Weight Training | PE118 | Physical Fitness |
FIT115 | Tae Kwon Do I | PE1XX | Tae Kwon Do I |
FIT123 | Volleyball I | PE160 | Volleyball |
FIT131 | Racquetball I | PE1XX | Racquetball I |
FIT132 | Tennis I | PE159 | Tennis |
FIT141 | Folk & Square Dance | PE112 | Square Dancing |
FIT142 | Soc & Ballroom Dance | PE1XX | Soc & Ballroom Dance |
FIT153 | Swimming I | PE1XX | Swimming I |
FLFR120 | French Mstr Trns | FRN1XX | French Mstr Trns |
FLFR141 | Fr Infl Europe Cul | FRN1XX | Fr Infl Europe Cul |
FLGR116 | German I | GRM101 | Elem German I |
FLLN116 | Latin I | LAT101 | Elem Latin I |
FLSP116 | Spanish I | SPN101 | Elem Spanish I |
FLSP117 | Spanish II | SPN102 | Elem Spanish II |
FLSP120 | Span Mastrpcs-Tran | SPN1XX | Span Mastrpcs-Tran |
FLSP315 | Span Grammar & Comp | SPN420 | Adv Spanish Grammar |
FLSP336 | Spanish Oral Practice | SPN3XX | Span Oral Practice |
FLSP402 | Readings in Span Lit | SPN307 | Span Culture/Civ |
FLSP444 | Cult Hist of Spain | SPN307 | Span Culture/Civ |
FLSP495 | Seminar | SPN4XX | Seminar |
FYE100 | University Studies | FYS100 | First Year Seminar |
GEOG110 | GE: Cultural Geography | G243 | Intro Geography |
GEOG120 | Physical Geography | G1XX | Physical Geography |
HIST111 | GE: World History to 1500 | HIS121 | World History I |
HIST112 | Mod Civ 1300-1914 | HIS1XX | Mod Civ 1300-1914 |
HIST113 | 20 CWorld Since 1914 | HIS122 | World History II |
HIST141 | Found U.S. to 1829 | HIS111 | American Civ I |
HIST142 | 19 CUnited States | HIS112 | American Civ II |
HIST143 | 20th Cen US History | HIS373 | Twentieth Cent Am Hist |
HIST144 | 20 Cent Amer Sn 1941 | HIS367 | Recent Amer/1945-Prs |
HIST241 | Amer Colonial Hist | HIS350 | Amer Colonial Hist |
HIST252 | Hist of Pennsylvania | HIS2XX | Hist of Pennsylvania |
HIST278 | Hist Everyday Life | HIS2XX | Hist Everyday Life |
HIST290 | Vietnam Era | HIS2XX | Vietnam Era |
HIST371 | Med & Renaissance Eur | HIS301 | Medieval Civ |
HLTH220 | Personal & Consumer Hlth | PE1XX | Phys Ed Elect |
HLTH220 | Personal & Consumer Hlth | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect |
HLTH230 | Comm Health | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect |
HLTH230 | Comm Health | PE1XX | Phys Ed Elect |
HLTH240 | Health Emergencies | EDU305 | Responding/Emerg |
HLTH356 | Drug & Alcohol Teach Prep | NPE1XX | Drug & Alcohol Tch Prep |
HPLW105 | Health Promotion & Wellness | PAW1XX | Health Promotion & Wellness |
HRTM101 | Intro to Hptly & Tourism Ind | HSP100 | Intro to Hptly & Tourism Ind |
MATH100 | Fund of Mathematics | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv |
MATH101 | Exc in Math | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv |
MATH105 | Math Prob Solve Prek-8 | MAT115 | Sets/Number Systems |
MATH110 | Gen Stats | QBA260 | Business Statistics |
MATH110 | Gen Stats | BEH260 | Statistics |
MATH110 | Gen Stats | MAT250 | Statistics |
MATH130 | App Alg Meth | MAT105 | College Algebra |
MATH135 | Pre-Calculus | MAT108 | Precalculus |
MATH140 | Calculus I | MAT171 | Calculus I |
MCOM105 | Photo: Camera Tech | ART1XX | Photo: Camera Tech |
MCOM140 | Comm Theories & Prac | CM206 | Communicatn Theory |
MCOM160 | Electronic Comm & Tech | ART1XX | Electronic Comm & Tech |
MGT200 | Principles of Management | MGT150 | Prin of Management |
MGT211 | Fin Accounting | ACC220 | Financial Acct |
MGT353 | Small Business Management | BUS3XX | Small Business Management |
MLSP214 | Spanish III | SPN201 | Inter Spanish I |
MSES120 | Phys Conditioning | PE134 | Concpts Phys Actvty |
MSES123 | Yoga | PE163 | Intro to Yoga |
MSES167 | Track & Field Events I | PE1XX | Track & Field Events I |
MUS100 | Intro Music | MUS200 | Music Appreciation |
MUS101 | Fund of Music | MUS181 | Found Music Theory |
MUS110 | Piano Class I | MUS140 | Class Piano |
MUS113 | Class Voice I | MUS146 | Voice Class |
MUS130 | Concert Choir | MUS150 | YCChorale |
MUS134 | Marching Band | MUS1XX | Marching Band |
MUS135 | Univ/Comm Conc Band | MUS1XX | Univ/Comm Conc Band |
MUS203 | Jazz & Pop Music | MUS2XX | Jazz & Pop Music |
MUS204 | Musical Theatre | MUS2XX | Musical Theatre |
MUS242 | GE: Univ Jazz Ensemble | MUS162 | Jazz Ensemble |
NURS102 | Conc Prof Nursing | NUR1XX | Conc Prof Nursing |
NURS201 | Hlth Assmt for Nurs | NUR2XX | Hlth Assmt for Nurs |
NURS301 | Nutrition & Diet Therapy | NUR202 | Nutrition |
NURS302 | Intro Comm Hlth Nurs | NUR3XX | Intro Comm Hlth Nurs |
NURS304 | Gerontological Nurs | NUR3XX | Gerontological Nurs |
NURS320 | Intro Nursing Pract | NUR3XX | Intro Nursing Pract |
PETE153 | Aquatics I | PE1XX | Aquatics I |
PETE170 | Basketball I | PE152 | Basketball |
PHIL110 | Intro to Philosophy | PHL221 | Intro Philosophy |
PHIL121 | Dimensions of Man | PHL1XX | Dimensions of Man |
PHIL238 | Philosophy of Law | PHL347 | Philosophy of Law |
PHYS105 | Phys for Inquiring Mind | PSC1XX | Physical Sci Elective No Lab |
PHYS110 | Sound Waves & Light | PHY1XX | Physics Elect No Lab |
PHYS121 | Astro I: Sky & Solar | ESS1XX | Earth Sci Elect No Lab |
PHYS131 | Fund Physics I | PHY110 | Gen Phys:Mech/Ht |
PHYS161 | GN: Physics I | PHY110 | General Physics I |
POLS101 | Basic Issues Politics | PS1XX | Basic Issues Politics |
POLS111 | GN: Princ Political Sci | PS1XX | Political Sci Elective |
POLS120 | American Govt | PS101 | Amer Gov/Citizenship |
POLS201 | Public Admin | PS151 | Intro Public Admin |
POLS211 | American Government | PS141 | American Governmnt |
PRPE105 | Intr Physical Education | PE1XX | Intr Physical Education |
PRPE119 | Judo and Jujitsu | PE1XX | Judo and Jujitsu |
PRPE120 | Skiing | PE1XX | Skiing |
PRPE147 | Soccer I | PE155 | Soccer |
PRPE161 | Social Forms of Dance | PE1XX | Social Forms of Dance |
PRPE181 | Gymastics-Womens Events | PE1XX | Gymnastics-Womens Events |
PSED150 | Intro Teaching | EDU1XX | Intro Teaching |
PSED150 | Intro Teach All Stud | EDU1XX | Intro Teach All Stud |
PSED161 | Found of Ed | EDU1XX | Found of Ed |
PSED250 | Psych Learn Div Com | PSY2XX | Psych Learn Div Com |
PSY100 | General Psychology | PSY100 | General Psychology |
PSY105 | Inf & Early Child Dev | PSY1XX | Inf & Early Child Dev |
PSY222 | Psychology Adjustment | PSY2XX | Psychology Adjustment |
PSY225 | Life Span Dev | NUR201 | Nursing HD/HC |
PSY225 | Life Span Dev | PSY2XX | Life Span Dev |
PSY320 | Social Psychology II | PSY243 | Social Psychology |
PSY321 | Theories of Personality | PSY3XX | Theories of Personality |
PSY326 | Hlth Psy & Behav Medicin | PSY225 | Health Psychology |
PSY351 | Abnormal Psychology | PSY230 | Abnormal Psych |
PSY402 | Cognitive Processes | PSY3XX | Cognitive Processes |
PSY451 | Intro to Counseling | PSY3XX | Intro to Counseling |
RECR260 | Recr Special Populations | REC2XX | Recr Special Pop |
SOC102 | Intro Cultural Diversity | SOC1XX | Intro Cultural Diversity |
SOC111 | Intro Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology |
SOC231 | Marriage & Family | SOC225 | The Family |
SOCJ150 | Intro Crim Justice | CJA101 | Intro Crim Justice |
SOCJ151 | Intro to Security | CJA1XX | Intro to Security |
SPCH111 | Speech Communication | CM212 | Public Speaking |
SPCH111 | Speech Communication | CM104 | Human Communicatn |
SPCH315 | Voice for Broadcasting | CM3XX | Voice for Broadcasting |
SPED201 | Assess & Eval in Sp Ed | SPE2XX | Assess & Eval in Sp Ed |
SPED210 | Theory Into Pract | SPE2XX | Theory Into Pract |
SPED214 | Positive Beh Support | SPE2XX | Pos Beh Support |
SPED215 | Inst Plan in Sped | SPE2XX | Inst Plan in Sped |
SPED314 | Curr & Inst-Stu Low Inc | SPE3XX | Curr & Inst-Stu Low Inc |
SPPA113 | Phonetics | CM1XX | Phonetics |
THTR100 | Intro to Theatre | THE254 | Intro Theatre |
THTR101 | Play Production | THE1XX | Play Production |
THTR102 | Acting | THE262 | Acting |
THTR103 | Theatre Practicum | THE152 | Theatre Practicum |
THTR133 | Acting | THE262 | Acting |
THTR204 | Musical Theatre | THE2XX | Musical Theatre |
THTR328 | Musical Theatre | THE3XX | Musical Theatre |
THTR340 | Advanced Acting | THE355 | Advanced Acting |
THTR341 | Stage Management | THE121 | Stagecraft |
THTR356 | Film Comedy | THE3XX | Film Comedy |
THTR357 | Science Fiction Film | THE3XX | Science Fiction Film |
Elizabethtown College | York College of Pennsylvania | ||
AC101 | Intro Acctg | ACC220 | Financial Acct |
AC107 | Financial Acctg | ACC220 | Financial Acct |
AC1070 | BusFinAcctng | ACC220 | Financial Acct |
AC108 | Managerial Actg | ACC225 | Managerial Acct |
AC1080 | ManagAcct | ACC225 | Managerial Acct |
AC205 | Intrmd Acctg I | ACC320 | Inter Accounting I |
AC206 | Intrmd Acctg II | ACC325 | Inter Accounting II |
AC270 | Cost Mgmt Acctg | ACC225 | Managerial Acct |
AC301 | Intro Taxation | ACC305 | Taxation I |
AN111 | Unders Hum Culture | ANT1XX | Unders Hum Culture |
AN201 | Biol Anthro | BIO2XX | Biol Anthro |
AN363 | Forensic Anthro | ANT3XX | Forensic Anthro |
AN370 | Primates | ANT3XX | Primates |
ART105 | Drawing I | ART215 | Drawing I |
ART106 | Ceramics I | ART225 | Ceramics I |
ART120 | Sculpture I | ART230 | Sculpture I |
ART120 | Sculpture I | ART116 | Concepts/Sculpture |
ART130 | Computer Art | ART1XX | Computer Art |
ART145 | Digital Photography | ART246 | Digital Photography |
ART157 | Hist of Art II | ART205 | Survey West Art II |
ART1570 | HistArtII | ART205 | Survey West Art II |
ART205 | Painting I | ART220 | Painting I |
ART206 | Ceramics II | ART2XX | Ceramics II |
ART240 | Japns Art & Aesth | ART2XX | Japns Art & Aesth |
ART355 | Hi Apr Art | ART101 | Intro Art Apprec |
BA101 | Bus & Society | BUS150 | Intro to Business |
BA105 | Mgr Comm & Career | BUS1XX | Mgr Comm & Car |
BA155 | Managerial Comm | BUS1XX | Managerial Comm |
BA1550 | ManagComm | BUS1XX | ManagComm |
BA197 | Intro International Bus | IBS200 | Internatl Business |
BA215 | Prin Marketing | MKT100 | Prin Marketing |
BA2150 | PrincMarkt | MKT100 | Prin Marketing |
BA248 | Quant Tech Bus | BUS2XX | Quant Tech Bus |
BA2480 | QuanTechBus | BUS2XX | QuanTechBus |
BA258 | Global Bus Negt | BUS2XX | Global Bus Negt |
BA265 | Prin Mgmt | MGT150 | Prin of Management |
BA271 | Mngrl Dec Mkg | MGT2XX | Mngrl Dec Mkg |
BA3100 | BusEthics | PHL3XX | Business Ethics |
BA3250 | BusFinance | FIN3XX | BusFinance |
BA330 | Legal Envir Bus | BUS260 | Legal Environment |
BA3310 | BusLaw | BUS260 | Legal Environment |
BA365 | Hum Res Mgmt | MGT220 | Human Resource Mgt |
BA369 | Behavioral Theory | OBD225 | Org Behavior |
BA3690 | OrgBehavior | MGT225 | Org Behavior |
BA379 | Corp Greed | BUS3XX | Corp Greed |
BA3800 | Entrepreshp | ENT150 | Intro Entrepreneur |
BA414 | Mktg: Organizations | MKT3XX | Mktg: Organizations |
BA4250 | ProbFinMgmt | FIN300 | Managrl Finance I |
BA466 | Oper & Prod Mgmt | MGT350 | Operations Mgmt |
BA4670 | HRMgmt | MGT220 | Human Resource Mgt |
BA4680 | IndLabRelations | BUS4XX | IndLabRelations |
BA4950 | CorpStrat | BUS4XX | CorpStrat |
BIO101 | Bio Concepts | BIO204 | Exploring Biology |
BIO103 | Gen Biol | BIO110 | General Biology |
BIO103 | Gen Biol | BIO204 | Exploring Biology |
BIO104 | Gen Biology | BIO152 | Biology II |
BIO106 | Genetics & Evol | BIO1XX | Genetics & Evol |
BIO111 | Molc, Cells, AnSy | BIO150 | Biology I |
BIO111 | Molc, Cells, AnSy | BIO142 | Molecule/Gene/Cell |
BIO111 | Gen Biology I | BIO150 | Biology I |
BIO112 | Intro Bio II | BIO152 | Biology II |
BIO204 | Plant Morp | BIO2XX | Plant Morp |
BIO205 | Microbiol | BIO230 | Microbiology |
BIO206 | Plant Tax | BIO232 | Plant Taxonomy |
BIO211 | Genetics | BIO240 | Genetics |
BIO212 | Cell Biology | BIO2XX | Cell Biology |
BIO220 | Nutrition | NUR202 | Nutrition |
BIO253 | Hi His Tec | BIO2XX | Hi His Tec |
BIO307 | Ecology | BIO300 | Ecology |
BIO310 | Molecular Biology | BIO150 | Intro Molecular Bio |
BIO314 | Behavorial Neurobiology | BIO3XX | Behavorial Neuro |
BIO318 | Marine Biology | BIO3XX | Biology Elective no lab |
BIO499 | Biol Semin | BIO3XX | Biology Elective No Lab |
CH101 | Gen Chem: Prac Prn | CHM102 | Chem/Society |
CH102 | Gen Chem | CHM136 | Gen Chem II |
CH105 | Gen Chem | CHM134 | Gen Chem I |
CH107 | Chem: Energy | CHM1XX | Chem: Energy |
CH109 | Forensic Sci w/ Lab | FCM1XX | Forensic Sci w/ Lab |
CH113 | Organic Chem I | CHM234 | Organic Chem I |
CH201 | Organ Chem | CHM234 | Organic Chem I |
CH202 | Organ Chem | CHM236 | Organic Chem II |
CH301 | Quant Anal | CHM336 | Quant Analy Chm |
CJ115 | Criminology | SOC1XX | Criminology |
CJ117 | Int Crm Jus Sys | CJA101 | Intro Crim Justice |
CJ210 | Police Org & Mgt | CJA2XX | Police Org & Mgt |
CJ220 | Ct Adm Mgmt | CJA2XX | Ct Adm Mgmt |
CJ242 | Mod Corrections | CJA2XX | Mod Corrections |
CJ252 | Juv Law & Just | CJA348 | Juvenile Justice |
CJ270 | Crim Invest | CJA305 | Crim Investigation |
CJ310 | Eth Iss in Crim Just | CJA203 | Ethical Issues/CJ |
CJ330 | Mthd CJ Research | CJA295 | Data Collect/Analysis |
CJ3600 | OrgCrime | CJA3XX | OrgCrime |
CJ400 | Crim Law & Proc | CJA302 | Criminal Law |
CJ411 | Const Law | CJA4XX | Const Law |
CJ420 | Psy Crim Beh | CJA4XX | Psy Crim Beh |
CJ430 | Wh Coll Crime | CJA383 | White Collar Crime |
COM120 | Intro to Comm | CM206 | Communicatn Theory |
COM125 | Media Des & Prod | CM1XX | Media Des & Prod |
COM130 | Visual Commun | ART101 | Visual Commun |
COM135 | Pub Des & Graph | ART1XX | Pub Des & Graph |
COM145 | Bl & Wh Photog | ART245 | Photography I |
COM251 | Intrntl Comm | CM2XX | Intrntl Comm |
COM304 | Persuasion | CM327 | Persuasion |
COM311 | Rep & Newswriting | CM271 | Print Media Writing |
COM3620 | Visual Comm | ART101 | Art/Visual Culture |
CS113 | PowerBeatComp | CS1XX | PowerBeatComp |
CS120 | Comp Apps: MSDOS | IFS1XX | Comp Apps: MSDOS |
CS121 | Computer Sci I | CS1XX | Computer Sci I |
CS122 | Computer Sci II | CS1XX | Computer Sci II |
CS221 | Data Structures | CS2XX | Data Structures |
CS222 | Systems Prgmg | CS2XX | Systems Prgmg |
CS230 | Micro Archtctur | CS2XX | Micro Archtctur |
CS240 | Information Sys | CS2XX | Information Sys |
CS270 | Excel I | IFS2XX | Excel I |
CS271 | MngrlDecMkgII | IFS2XX | MngrlDecMkgII |
CS309 | Database Systms | CS3XX | Database Systms |
CS332 | Comp Org/Arch | CS3XX | Comp Org/Arch |
CS341 | System Analysis | CS3XX | System Analysis |
CS342 | Comptr Networkg | CS3XX | Comptr Networkg |
DA102 | Intro to Ballet | PE1XX | Intro to Ballet |
DA170 | Dance Improv | PE1XX | Dance Improv |
DA202 | Ballet II | PE2XX | Ballet II |
EC100 | Global Econ | ECO1XX | Global Econ |
EC1000 | GlblMacEc | ECO200 | Prin Econ-Macro |
EC101 | Prin Macro Econ | ECO200 | Prin Econ-Macro |
EC102 | Prin Micro Econ | ECO201 | Prin Econ-Micro |
EC1020 | PrinMicrEco | ECO201 | Prin Econ-Micro |
EC280 | Int'l Orn Sem | BUS2XX | Int'l Orn Sem |
ED105 | Found of Educ | EDU1XX | Found of Ed |
ED105 | Found Tchg Lrng | EDU200 | Found of Education |
ED150 | Early Childhood Development | ECH230 | Early Child Theory |
ED150 | Early Childhood Development | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop |
ED150 | Child & Adol Psy | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop |
ED151 | Adol Development | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop |
ED161 | Integrated Tech I | EDU210 | Instructnl Technlgy |
ED241 | ESL in Classroom | EDU2XX | ESL in Classroom |
ED282 | Incl/Except | EDU2XX | Incl/Except |
ED305 | Mthds Sec Engl | EDU3XX | Mthds Sec Engl |
EGR100 | Intro to Engr I | EGR1XX | Intro to Engr I |
EGR110 | Intro Engr II | EGR1XX | Intro Engr II |
EGR110 | Intro Engr II | EGR100 | Epads I |
EGR262 | Statics | ME250 | Statics |
EN100 | Writing & Lang | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm |
EN1000 | WrtgLang | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm |
EN102 | Western Lit Cult | LIT1XX | Western Lit Cult |
EN104 | Intro to Lit | LIT200 | Perspectives/Lit |
EN105 | Intro to Lit | LIT200 | Perspectives/Lit |
EN110 | Litr: Exp Form | LIT1XX | Litr: Exp Form |
EN113 | Intro Drama | LIT1XX | Intro Drama |
EN150 | Adv Wrtg & Lang | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm |
EN180 | Intro Creative Wrtg | CRW272 | Intro Creative Wrt |
EN185 | Intro Prof Writing | FCO210 | Comm Prof Cultures |
EN200 | Maj Brit Writers | LIT284 | Brt Lit after 1750 |
EN205 | Ma En Writ | WRT2XX | Ma En Writ |
EN222 | Lit of the Ren | LIT2XX | Lit of the Ren |
EN230 | Post-1800 Brit Lit | LIT284 | Brt Lit after 1750 |
EN240 | American Lit | LIT282 | Amer Lit after 1885 |
EN241 | American Lit I | LIT281 | Amer Lit to 1885 |
EN242 | Amer Lit II | LIT282 | Amer Lit after 1885 |
EN2420 | AmLit 1865-P | LIT281 | Amer Lit/Identity I |
EN245 | Growing Up Amer | HUM2XX | Growing Up Amer |
EN281 | Short Story | LIT291 | Short Story |
EN2810 | WrtgShortStory | CRW2XX | WrtgShortStory |
EN301 | Eng Grammar & Lit | LIT2XX | Eng Gram & Lit |
EN302 | Engl Language | LIT310 | Language/Linguistics |
EN306 | Mthd Teach Comp | EDU3XX | Mthd Teach Comp |
EN317 | Narrative Study | LIT3XX | Narrative Study |
EN403 | Shakespeare | LIT323 | Shakespeare I |
ES113 | Earth in Space | ESS154 | Intro/Astronomy |
ES114 | Geosystems | ESS152 | Earth/Space Sci |
ES215 | Meteorology | ESS2XX | Earth Sci Elective No Lab |
ESC100 | Intro to Exr Scnce | EPS203 | Essentials Strength & Conditio |
ESC180 | Fund Kinis & Exer | EPS101 | Foundations Exercise/Hum Perf |
ESC240 | Motor Learning | EPS1XX | Motor Learning |
ESC250 | Prvnt & Well Promo | PAW234 | Well/Fitness/Life |
ESC260 | Nutrition Ex & Sp | BIO226 | Food & Nutrition |
FR111 | Lang & Cul I | FRN101 | Elem French I |
FR112 | Lang & Cul II | FRN102 | Elem French II |
FR170 | Francophone Lit | FRN1XX | Francophone Lit |
FR211 | Interm French I | FRN201 | Inter French I |
FR212 | Interm French II | FRN202 | Inter French II |
FR305 | FR Adv Convers | FRN205 | Inter French Convs |
FYS100 | First Year Seminar | FYS100 | First Year Seminar |
GER111 | Lang/Culture I | GRM101 | Elem German I |
GER112 | Lang/Culture II | GRM102 | Elem German II |
GER211 | Interm German I | GRM201 | Inter German I |
GER212 | Interm German II | GRM202 | Inter German II |
HAN111 | Hnr Human Cultr | BEH1XX | Hnr Human Cultr |
HEN100 | Hnr Writ & Lang | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm |
HI111 | Amer Biography | HIS1XX | Amer Biography |
HI114 | West Civ I | HIS101 | Foundation/West |
HI115 | West Civ | HIS102 | Western Civ II |
HI201 | U.S. Hist to 1877 | HIS111 | American Civ I |
HI202 | U.S. Hist Since 1877 | HIS112 | American Civ II |
HI208 | Amer Tech & Val | HIS2XX | Amer Tech & Val |
HI212 | Race & Ethnicity | HIS2X | Race & Ethnicity |
HI214 | British History | HIS2XX | British History |
HI230 | Amer Minds I | HIS2XX | Amer Minds I |
HI306 | Recent U.S. Hist | HIS367 | Recent Amer/1945-Prs |
HI371 | Mod Far Ea | HIS3XX | Mod Far Ea |
HMA251 | Prob & Stats | BEH260 | Statistics |
HMA251 | Prob & Stats | MAT250 | Statistics |
HMA251 | Prob & Stats | QBA260 | Data Driven Dec Making |
HS108 | Human Services | HSV100 | Intro to HSV |
HS162 | Soc Welfare | HSV1XX | Soc Welfare |
HS235 | Couns Tech | HSV2XX | Couns Tech |
HS366 | Couns Theory | HSV1XX | Couns Theory |
HW130 | Intro Coaching | HSC1XX | Intro Coaching |
ILS105 | Interfaith, Led, Serv | HUM1XX | Interfaith, Led, Serv |
JA111 | Lang & Cult I | L1XX | Lang & Cult I |
MA101 | Elem Func | MAT1XX | Elem Func |
MA105 | Math Lib Study | MAT115 | Sets/Number Systems |
MA1080 | AppldMath | MAT1XX | AppldMath |
MA110 | Algebra & Trig | MAT105 | College Algebra |
MA117 | Con Calculus | MAT120 | Applied Calculus |
MA121 | Calculus I | MAT171 | Calculus I |
MA122 | Calculus II | MAT172 | Calculus II |
MA130 | Creat Prob Solv | MAT1XX | Creat Prob Solv |
MA151 | Prob and Stat | BEH260 | Statistics |
MA151 | Prob and Stat | QBA260 | Business Statistics |
MA151 | Prob and Stat | MAT250 | Statistics |
MA1510 | ProbStat | BEH260 | Statistics |
MA1510 | ProbStat | MAT250 | Statistics |
MA1510 | ProbStat | QBA260 | Data Driven Dec Making |
MA201 | Linear Algebra | MAT260 | Elem Linear Algebra |
MA205 | Math for Elem Teachers | MAT115 | Math Foundations |
MA222 | Calculus III | MAT271 | Calculus III |
MA235 | Intr Math Proofs | MAT280 | Math Structures |
MA251 | Prob & Stat | QBA260 | Business Statistics |
MA251 | Prob & Stat | MAT250 | Statistics |
MA251 | Prob & Stat | BEH260 | Statistics |
ML171 | Swedish Lang/Cult | INT1XX | Swedish Lang/Cult |
MU101 | Tonal Theory I | MUS182 | Music Theory I |
MU102 | Tonal Theory II | MUS183 | Music Theory II |
MU103 | SS Ear Training I | MUS184 | Sight Singing I |
MU104 | SS Ear Training II | MUS185 | Sight Singing II |
MU110 | Basic Musicianship | MUS200 | Music Appreciation |
MU111 | Voice Class | MUS146 | Voice Class |
MU117 | Piano Class | MUS140 | Class Piano |
MU118 | Piano Class II | MUS141 | Class Piano |
MU119 | Guitar | MUS138 | Guitar |
MU121 | Tonal History I | MUS1XX | Tonal History I |
MU125 | Amer Pop Music | MUS287 | American Pop Music |
MU150 | Prof Sem | MUS1XX | Prof Sem |
MU151 | Int Music Thrpy | MUS1XX | Int Music Thrpy |
MU152 | MT Clin Pop | MUS1XX | MT Clin Pop |
MU174 | Dict for Singers | MUS1XX | Dict for Singers |
MU201 | Theory III | MUS282 | Music Theory III |
MU203 | SS Ear Training III | MUS284 | Sight Singing III |
MU205 | World Musics | MUS281 | World Music |
MU211 | MscHIst1600-185 | MUS390 | Music History I |
MU217 | Keyboard Harmony I | MUS2XX | Keyboard Harmony I |
MU218 | Keyboard Harmony II | MUS2XX | Keyboard Harmony II |
MU230 | Music Tch & Lrn | MUS2XX | Music Tch & Lrn |
MU232 | Woodwind Class | MUS170 | Woodwind Ensemble |
MU236 | Percussion MT | MUS2XX | Percussion MT |
MU237 | String Class | MUS166 | String Ensemble |
MU268 | Voice | MUS101 | Voice |
MU269 | Piano | MUS103 | Piano |
MU273 | Cello | MUS112 | Cello |
MU275 | Guitar | MUS138 | Guitar |
MU332 | Music Technolog | MUS3XX | Music Technolog |
MU360P | Piano Ensemble | MUS3XX | Piano Ensemble |
MU361 | Concert Choir | MUS150 | YCChorale |
MU363 | Chorus | MUS150 | YCChorale |
MU364 | Treble Choir | MUS3XX | Treble Choir |
MU369 | Symphonic Band | MUS3XX | Symphonic Band |
NEU125 | Intro Neurology | BIO1XX | Intro Neurology |
OT105 | Intro Hlth & Well | PAW234 | Well/Fitness/Life |
OT201 | Women's Leisure | WGS2XX | Women's Leisure |
PCS160 | Conflict Dyn/Trn | PS1XX | Conflict Dyn/Trn |
PCS165 | Peace, War | PS1XX | Peace, War |
PCS260 | Peacebldg Thms | PS2XX | Peacebldg Thms |
PCS265 | Nonviol America | BEH2XX | Nonviol America |
PE115 | Physical Condt | PE134 | Concpts Phys Actvty |
PE119 | Scuba | PE1XX | Scuba |
PE125 | Tennis | PE159 | Tennis |
PE137 | Outdoor Rec | PE141 | Intro Advntr Sport |
PE140 | Bowling | PE110 | Beginning Bowling |
PE146 | Racquetball | PE1XX | Racquetball |
PE165 | Badminton | PE151 | Badminton |
PE175 | Arch/Badminton | PE1XX | Arch/Badminton |
PE225 | Wom Tennis | PE159 | Tennis |
PE265 | Phys Cond | PE134 | Concpts Phys Actvty |
PH105 | Intro Philosophy | PHL221 | Intro Philosophy |
PH110 | Logic & Crit Thinking | PHL222 | Critical Thinking |
PH111 | Intro Classic | HUM1XX | Intro Classic |
PH115 | Ethics | PHL341 | Ethics |
PH201 | Hist West Phil I | PHL2XX | West Phil I |
PH202 | His West Ph II | PHL2XX | His West Ph II |
PH205 | West Pol Hrtg | PHL2XX | West Pol Hrtg |
PH255D | Ethics-Environ | PHL240 | Environmentl Ethics |
PH255L | Legal Ethics | PHL2XX | Legal Ethics |
PH320 | Phl of Religion | PHL383 | Philos Of Religion |
PHY101 | Gen Physics 1 | PHY110 | Gen Phys:Mech/Ht |
PHY105 | How Things Work | PSC1XX | How Things Work |
PHY105 | How Things Work | PSC1XX | How Things Work |
PHY112 | Gen Phy II | PHY110 | Gen Phys:Mech/Ht |
PHY200 | College Phys I | PHY160 | Eng Phys:Mechncs |
PHY201 | College Phys II | PHY260 | Eng Phys:Elct/Magn |
PHY202 | College Phys III | PHY2XX | College Phys III |
PHY211 | Gen Ph III | PHY112 | Gen Phys:Elc/Magn |
PS101 | Found Am Govnt | PS141 | Am Gov: Institutions |
PS111 | Amer National Govt | PS101 | Amer Gov/Citizenship |
PS111 | Amer National Govt | PS141 | American Governmnt |
PS150 | Intro Comp Pol | PS260 | Comparative Politics |
PS205 | Values & Vision | PS2XX | Values & Vision |
PS211 | Political Psych | PS313 | Political Psychology |
PS245 | NCH Intl Relations | PS302 | International Rel |
PS350 | EU Sim I | PS479 | European Union |
PSY105 | Gen Psychology | PSY100 | General Psychology |
PSY171 | Adult Dev & Aging | PSY222 | Adult Development |
PSY206 | Exp Psych | PSY100 | General Psychology |
PSY206 | Exp Psych | PSY2XX | Exp Psych |
PSY208 | Hlth Psych | PSY2XX | Hlth Psych |
PSY2080 | HlthPsych | PSY2XX | Hlth Psych |
PSY213 | Research Methods | PSY2XX | Research Methods |
PSY218 | Psych Stat | BEH260 | Statistics |
PSY221 | Abnormal Psychology | PSY230 | Abnormal Psych |
PSY222 | Neuroscience | PSY2XX | Neuroscience |
PSY225 | Dev Psych | NUR201 | Nursing HD/HC |
PSY225 | Dev Psych | PSY2XX | Dev Psych |
PSY241 | Sensory Psych | PSY2XX | Sensory Psych |
PSY250 | Psychopathology | PSY2XX | Psychopathology |
PSY280 | Psych Stats | BEH260 | Statistics |
PSY321 | Personality | PSY3XX | Personality |
PSY341 | Human Cognition | PSY307 | Cognitive Psych |
PSY435 | Res Social Psy | PSY4XX | Res Social Psy |
REL101 | SignRel:AfrAm | REL1XX | SignRel:AfrAm |
REL105 | Expl Religion | REL265 | World Religions |
REL115 | World Relg | REL265 | World Religions |
REL165 | Pc Wr Non Viol | HUM1XX | Pc Wr Non Viol |
REL215 | Hi Lit Chr | REL2XX | Hi Lit Chr |
REL221 | Western Religions | REL265 | World Religions |
REL225 | Hebrew Bible | REL2XX | Hebrew Bible |
REL230 | Religion in Amr | REL369 | Amer Rel Thght/Cult |
REL264 | Rel & Violence | REL2XX | Rel & Violence |
REL267 | ProgrssChrist | REL2XX | ProgrssChrist |
REL290 | Dharma Trad | REL2XX | Dharma Trad |
REL291 | Hinduism | REL2XX | Hinduism |
REL292 | Rel E SE Asia | REL2XX | Rel E SE Asia |
REL295 | Abrahamic Tradition | REL2XX | Abrahamic Tradition |
SED222 | Fnd Inclus Ed | SPE200 | Process/Procedures |
SO101 | Intro to Soc | SOC100 | Intro Sociology |
SO170 | Crime, Soc, Intrp | SOC1XX | Crime, Soc, Intrp |
SO204 | Pop/Global Iss | SOC2XX | Pop/Global Iss |
SO217 | Int Crm Jus Sys | CJA101 | Intro Crim Justice |
SO220 | Race & Elh Relations | SOC315 | Ethnic/Minorities |
SO370 | Violence & Victim | SOC3XX | Violence & Victim |
SP101 | Elem Span | SPN101 | Elem Spanish I |
SP111 | Lang & Cul I | SPN101 | Elem Spanish I |
SP112 | Lang & Cult II | SPN102 | Elem Spanish II |
SP211 | Comm Lang Cul I | SPN201 | Inter Spanish I |
SP212 | Com Lng Cul II | SPN202 | Inter Spanish II |
SP311 | Mod Sp Society | SPN3XX | Mod Sp Society |
SP314 | Mod Hisp America | SPN3XX | Mod Hisp America |
SP319 | Spn Linguistics | SPN425 | Spanish Linguistics |
SW151 | Soc Welfare Iss | SOC1XX | Soc Welfare Iss |
SW160 | Soc Problems | SOC220 | Am Social Problems |
SW233 | Human Behavior I | SOC2XX | Human Behavior I |
TH105 | Intro Theatre | THE254 | Intro Theatre |
TH155 | Stagecraft | THE121 | Stagecraft |
TH165 | Basic Acting | THE262 | Acting |
WGS105 | Sex and Gender | WGS200 | Women/Gender Studies |
WGS371 | Female w/o Bndry | WGS3XX | Female w/o Bndry |
Frederick Community College | York College of Pennsylvania | ||
ACCT101 | Principles of Accounting I | ACC220 | Financial Acct |
ACCT102 | Prin of Acct II | ACC225 | Managerial Acct |
AN101 | Intro to Anthropology | ANT220 | Cult Anthropology |
ANTH101 | Intro Anthropology | ANT1XX | Intro Anthropology |
AR100 | Intro to Creative Arts | HUM1XX | Intro to Creative Arts |
AR101 | Fundamentals of Design I | ART210 | Design I |
AR103 | Survey of Non-Western Art | ART1XX | Survey of Non-Western Art |
AR104 | Survey of Art I | ART204 | Survey West Art I |
AR105 | Survey of Art II | ART205 | Survey West Art II |
AR106 | Drawing I | ART215 | Drawing I |
AR111 | Pottery I | ART225 | Ceramics I |
AR112 | Pottery II | ART275 | Ceramics II |
AR113 | Pottery I | ART225 | Ceramics I |
AR119 | Pottery: The Wood Kiln | ART1XX | Pottery: The Wood Kiln |
AR203 | Sculpture | ART116 | Concepts/Sculpture |
ARTT100 | Intro Creative Arts | ART101 | Art/Visual Culture |
ARTT101 | Found Studio Art I | ART1XX | Found Studio Art I |
ARTT103 | History of Art: Non-Western | ART1XX | History of Art: Non-Western |
ARTT104 | Hstry of Art: Pre Hist Early | ART204 | Survey West Art I |
ARTT106 | Drawing I | ART215 | Drawing I |
ARTT204 | Illustration | ART223 | Illustration I |
ARTT205 | Illustration II | ART273 | Illustration II |
ARTT206 | Intro to Figure Study | ART216 | Figure Drawing I |
ASLS100 | ASL Finger & Number | CM1XX | ASL Finger & Number |
ASLS101 | Visual Gesture Comm | CM1XX | Visual Gesture Comm |
ASLS102 | Amer Sign Lang I | CM150 | Beg Sign Language |
ASLS103 | American Sign Lang II | CM250 | Adv Sign Language |
ASLS121 | American Sign Lang I | CM150 | Beg Sign Language |
ASLS122 | American Sign Lang II | CM250 | Adv Sign Language |
ASLS202 | Am Sign Lang III | CM2XX | Am Sign Lang III |
ASLS203 | Am Sign Lang IV | CM2XX | Am Sign Lang IV |
BI100 | Fund Concepts Bio | BIO204 | Exploring Biology |
BI101 | Gen Bio I | BIO150 | Biology I |
BI102 | General Biology 2 | BIO152 | Evol/Ecol & Divers |
BI103 | Anatomy & Physiology | BIO220 | Human A/P I |
BI104 | Anat & Phys II | BIO222 | Human A/P II |
BI115 | Fund of Human Anat | BIO1XX | Fund of Human Anatomy |
BI117 | Study of Human Body | BIO1XX | Biology Elect No Lab |
BI120 | Microbiol for Allied Hlth | BIO230 | Microbiology |
BI130 | Forensic Biology | BIO1XX | Forensic Biology |
BI201 | Gen Ecology | BIO2XX | Gen Ecology |
BI202 | Human Ecology | BIO1XX | Bio Elective No Lab |
BI240 | Genetics | BIO240 | Genetics |
BIOT130 | Forensic Biology | BIO1XX | Forensic Biology |
BMGT103 | Introduction to Business | BUS150 | Intro to Business |
BMGT109 | Entrepren/Small Bus Enterp | ENT260 | Ent/Small Bus Mgmt |
BMGT120 | Business Communications | FCO210 | Comm Prof Cultures |
BSCI100 | Fund Concepts of Bio | BIO204 | Exploring Biology |
BSCI106 | General Ecology | BIO2XX | General Ecology |
BSCI107 | Study of Human Body | BIO1XX | Biology Elect no lab |
BSCI150 | Prin of Biology I | BIO143 | Mole/Gene/Cell Lab |
BSCI150 | Prin of Biology I | BIO142 | Molecule/Gene/Cell |
BSCI201 | Anatomy & Phys I | BIO2XX | Anatomy & Phys I |
BSCI201 | Anatomy & Phys I | BIO220 | Human A/P I |
BSCI202 | Anatomy and Phys II | BIO222 | Human A/P II |
BSCI223 | Microbiology | BIO230 | Microbio/Allied Hlth |
BU101 | Prin of Accounting I | ACC1XX | Prin of Accounting I |
BU102 | Prin of Accounting II | ACC220 | Financial Acct |
BU103 | Intro to Business | BUS150 | Intro to Business |
BU109 | Entrepren/Small Bus Ent | ENT150 | Intro Entrepreneur |
BU205 | Business Statistics | QBA260 | Data Driven Dec Making |
BU211 | Bus Law I | BUS260 | Legal Environment |
BU225 | Marketing | MKT100 | Prin Marketing |
CAD101 | Intro AutoCAD I | EGR1XX | Intro AutoCAD I |
CAD102 | Intro AutoCAD II | EGR1XX | Intro AutoCAD II |
CADT101 | AutoCAD I | EGR1XX | AutoCAD I |
CH100 | Chemistry & Society | CHM102 | Chem/Society |
CH101 | General Chemistry | CHM134 | Gen Chem I |
CH102 | General Chemistry | CHM136 | Gen Chem II |
CH201 | Organic Chemistry | CHM234 | Organic Chem I |
CHEM101 | General Chem I | CHM134 | Gen Chem I |
CHEM201 | Organic Chemistry I | CHM235 | Orgnc Chm I Lab |
CHEM201 | Organic Chemistry I | CHM234 | Organic Chem I |
CIS101 | Intro Sys & Technology | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
CIS101 | Intro Sys & Technology | IFS100 | Info Tech Competncy |
CIS106 | Intro Obj Des & Prog | CS1XX | Intro Obj Des & Prog |
CIS170 | Security Fund | IFS1XX | Security Fund |
CIS190 | CISCO I Network | IFS1XX | CISCO I Network |
CIS191 | CISCO 2 Routing Tech | IFS1XX | CISCO 2 Routing Tech |
CIS192 | CISCO 3 Switching | IFS1XX | CISCO 3 Switching |
CIS201 | Comp Sci I | CS2XX | Comp Sci I |
CJ101 | Intro to Criminal Justice | CCJ101 | Intro Crim Justice |
CJ110 | Criminal Law | CJA1XX | Criminal Law |
CJ204 | Police Operational Services | CJA2XX | Police Operational Serv |
CJ214 | The Correctional Process | CJA2XX | The Correctional Process |
CJ220 | Crim Evid & Proc | CJA2XX | Crim Evid & Proc |
CM103 | Speech Fundamentals | CM212 | Public Speaking |
CM103 | Speech Fundamentals | CM104 | Human Communicatn |
CM105 | Group Discussion | CM104 | Human Communicatn |
CMIS101 | Info Systems & Technology | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
CMIS105 | Introduction to Programming | CS1XX | Introduction to Programming |
CMM101 | Intro to Electronic Media | CM1XX | Intro to Electronic Media |
CMM103 | Introduction to Film | FLM216 | Intro to Film |
CMM105 | Basic Darkroom Dig Photo | ART1XX | Darkroom Dig Photo |
CMM111 | Comm Graphics I | ART1XX | Comm Graphics I |
CMM112 | Comm Graphics II | CM1XX | Comm Graphics II |
CMM114 | Web Design | ART1XX | Web Design |
CMM131 | Darkroom Photography I | ART245 | Photography I |
CMM132 | Digital Photo I | ART246 | Digital Photography |
CMM152 | TV Studio Prod | CM242 | Video Prodctn I |
CMM212 | Comm Graphics III | ART2XX | Comm Graphics III |
CMSP101 | Intro Comm Studies | CM1XX | Intro Comm Studies |
CMSP103 | Speech Fundamentals | CM212 | Public Speaking |
CMSP105 | Small Group Comm | CM304 | Group Discussion |
CMSP105 | Group Discussion | CM304 | Group Discussion |
COMM105 | Small Group Comm | CM1XX | Small Group Comm |
COMM111 | Intro to Mass Communication | CM1XX | Intro to Mass Communication |
CON101 | Intro to Construction Mgmt | MGT1XX | Intro/Construction Mgmt |
DR101 | Intro to Theater | THE254 | Intro Theatre |
DR102 | Intro to Acting | THE262 | Acting |
EC201 | Prin of Economics-Macro | ECO200 | Prin Econ-Macro |
EC202 | Princ of Econ Micro | ECO201 | Prin Econ-Micro |
ECD104 | Activities I for Children | EDU1XX | Act I for Children |
ECON200 | Principles of Macroeconomics | ECO200 | Prin Econ-Macro |
ECON202 | Principles of Microeconomics | ECO201 | Prin Econ-Micro |
ED100 | Child Dev and Behavior | PSY1XX | Child Dev and Behavior |
ED102 | Schools & Society | EDU1XX | Schools & Society |
ED202 | Ed Psychology | EDU370 | Psych of Learning |
ED202 | Ed Psychology | EDU375 | Psy Learning/Second |
ED203 | Found of Spec Ed | SPE2XX | Found of Spec Ed |
ED207 | Children's Literature | EDU2XX | Child Lit |
ED208 | Hum Grwth & Dev | PSY2XX | Hum Grwth & Dev |
ED208 | Hum Grwth & Dev | NUR201 | Nursing HD/HC |
ED214 | Proc & Aquis of Rdg | EDU2XX | Proc & Aquis of Rdg |
EDPS210 | Human Growth & Development | PSY2XX | Human Growth & Development |
EN101 | English Composition | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm |
EN102 | Eng Comp & Lit | LIT200 | Perspectives/Lit |
EN115 | Technical Writing | FCO215 | Tech/Scientfc Comm |
EN204 | Amer Lit | LIT282 | Amer Lit after 1885 |
EN205 | World Lit | LIT2XX | World Lit |
EN206 | World Lit | LIT2XX | World Lit |
EN223 | Classical Mythology | HUM2XX | Classical Mythology |
EN226 | Film as Lit | LIT393 | Novels into Film |
ENGL101 | English Comp | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm |
ENGL102 | Eng Composition & Literature | LIT200 | Intro Lit & Text Stud |
ENGL219 | Tech Writing | FCO215 | Tech/Scientfc Comm |
FILM101 | Intro Film | FLM216 | Intro to Film |
FILM134 | Digital Photography I | ART246 | Digital Photography |
FILM134 | Digital Photography I | GRD247 | Digital Image |
FILM144 | Digital Video Prod | CM1XX | Dig Video Prod |
FOS152 | Toxicology | BIO1XX | Biology Elective No Lab |
GEOG101 | Elem of Geography | G100 | World Reg Geography |
GG101 | Elements of Geography | G100 | World Reg Geography |
GG102 | Cultural Geography | G1XX | Cultural Geography |
GRPH111 | Graphic Design I | ART200 | Intro Graphic Design |
GRPH112 | Graphic Design II | GRD206 | Elements of Computer Graphics |
GRPH114 | Web Design I | ART340 | Web Design I |
GRPH212 | Graphic Design III | GRD2XX | Graphic Design III |
GRPH214 | Web Design II | GRD341 | Web Design II |
GRPH215 | Professional/Transfer Portfoli | GRD299 | Soph Portfolio Graphic Design |
HE100 | Elements of Nutrition | NPE1XX | Elem of Nutrition |
HE102 | Nutrition Changing World | NUR202 | Nutrition |
HE201 | Stress Management | PAW1XX | Stress Management |
HE201 | Stress Management | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect |
HE201 | Stress Management | PE1XX | Stress Mgmt |
HE204 | Health Education | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elective |
HE204 | Health Education | PE1XX | Physical Ed Elective |
HI101 | Hist of West Civ | HIS101 | Western Civ I |
HI102 | Hist of West Civ | HIS102 | Western Civ II |
HI201 | Hist of U.S. | HIS111 | American Civ I |
HI202 | Hist of U.S. | HIS112 | American Civ II |
HI205 | Contemp Lat Amer | HIS343 | Modern Latin Amer |
HIST101 | Hist of Western Civilization | HIS101 | Foundation/West |
HIST122 | World History II | HIS122 | World History II |
HIST202 | Hist of US II | HIS112 | American Civ II |
HLTH160 | Stress Management | PAW2XX | Stress Management |
HS102 | Human Relations | CM1XX | Hum Relations |
HU104 | Intro to Digital Humanities | HUM1XX | Intro to Dig Humanities |
HU201 | Humanities I: Cult/Hum Exp | HUM2XX | Humanities I: Cult/Hum Exp |
HUMN104 | Humanities in a Digital World | HUM1XX | Humanities in a Digital World |
HUMN204 | World Relg | REL265 | World Religions |
HUMS102 | Human Relations | HSV1XX | Human Relations |
HUMS203 | Intro Counseling/Interviewing | HSV2XX | Intro Counseling/Interviewing |
ID110 | Media/Human Values | CM1XX | Media/Human Values |
ID113 | Introduction to Leadership | BUS1XX | Intro to Leadership |
ID209 | Ethnic Diversity | SOC2XX | Ethnic Diversity |
ID220 | World War II Through Film | FLM2XX | WWII Through Film |
ID225 | Disas, Crisis & Emrg Mgmt | CM2XX | Disas, Crisis & Emrg Mgmt |
LAR101 | Intro Arabic I | ARB101 | Elem Arabic I |
LF101 | Intro French I | FRN101 | Elem French I |
LG101 | Intro German I | GRM101 | Elem German I |
LI101 | Introductory Italian I | ITL101 | Elem Italian I |
LR101 | Intro Russian I | RUS101 | Elem Russian I |
LS101 | Intro Spanish I | SPN101 | Elem Spanish I |
LS102 | Introductory Spanish II | SPN102 | Elem Spanish II |
MA103 | Found of Math | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv |
MA105 | Fund Conc Math I | MAT115 | Sets/Number Systems |
MA106 | Fund Conc Math II | MAT215 | Sets/Number Sys II |
MA111 | Algebra and Trigonometry | MAT108 | Precalculus |
MA120 | Calculus I | MAT171 | Calculus I |
MA130 | College Algebra | MAT105 | College Algebra |
MA201 | Applied Calculus | MAT120 | Applied Calculus |
MA202 | Intro Discrete Math | MAT235 | Discrete Mathemtcs |
MA206 | Elementary Statistics | BEH260 | Statistics |
MA206 | Elementary Statistics | QBA260 | Business Statistics |
MA206 | Elementary Statistics | MAT250 | Statistics |
MA207 | Elem Stats/Prob | MAT250 | Statistics |
MA207 | Elem Stats/Prob | QBA260 | Business Statistics |
MA207 | Elem Stats/Prob | BEH260 | Statistics |
MA210 | Calculus I | MAT171 | Calculus I |
MA211 | Calculus II | MAT172 | Calculus II |
MA213 | Diff Equations | MAT272 | Diff Equations |
MATH101 | Found of Math | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv |
MATH120 | Statistics | BEH260 | Statistics |
MATH120 | Statistics | MAT250 | Statistics |
MATH120 | Statistics | QBA260 | Data Driven Dec Making |
MATH125 | Business Statistics | QBA260 | Data Driven Dec Making |
MATH127 | Statistics and Prob | BEH260 | Statistics |
MATH127 | Statistics and Prob | MAT250 | Statistics |
MATH127 | Statistics and Prob | QBA260 | Data Driven Dec Making |
MATH145 | College Algebra | MAT105 | College Algebra |
MATH165 | PreCalculus | MAT108 | Precalculus |
MATH185 | Calc I | MAT171 | Calculus I |
MATH206 | Intro Statistics | QBA260 | Data Driven Dec Making |
MATH206 | Intro Statistics | MAT250 | Statistics |
MATH206 | Intro Statistics | BEH260 | Statistics |
MDA109 | Medical Term | RT105 | Medical Terminology |
MDA109 | Medical Term | BIO201 | Medical Terminology |
MEDA109 | Medical Terminology | HSC105 | Medical Terminology |
MEDA109 | Medical Terminology | BIO201 | Medical Terminology |
MU101 | Intro to Music Hist/Appr | MUS186 | Listening to Music |
MU101 | Intro Music Hist/Appr | MUS200 | Music Appreciation |
MU103 | Fund of Music | MUS181 | Found Music Theory |
MU106 | Aural & Keyboard Skills I | MUS1XX | Aural & Keybrd Skills I |
MU107 | Aural & Keyboard Skills II | MUS185 | Aural Skills II |
MU109 | History of American Pop Music | MUS287 | American Pop Music |
MU111 | Music Theory I | MUS182 | Music Theory I |
MU112 | Music Theory II | MUS183 | Music Theory II |
MU117 | Choral Ensemble I | MUS150 | YCChorale |
MU118 | Choral Ensemble I | MUS1XX | Choral Ens I |
MU119 | Jazz Ensemble I | MUS1XX | Jazz Ensemble I |
MU120 | Jazz Ensemble I | MUS162 | Jazz Ensemble |
MU121 | Orchestral Ensemble I | MUS164 | Community Orchestra |
MU123 | Wind Ensemble I | MUS1XX | Wind Ensemble I |
MU124 | Wind Ensemble I | MUS1XX | Wind Ensemble I |
MU130 | Foundations Aud Tech | MUS1XX | Foundations Aud Tech |
MU135 | Audio Recording Tech | MUS1XX | Audio Recording Tech |
MU145 | Pub, Lic, Copyright | MUS1XX | Pub, Lic, Copyright |
MU151 | Class Piano I | MUS140 | Piano Class |
MU152 | Class Piano II | MUS141 | Class Piano |
MU172 | First Year Piano | MUS103 | Piano |
MU173 | First Year Piano | MUS1XX | Piano |
MU173 | First Year Piano | MUS104 | Piano |
MU173A | First Year Piano | MUS1XX | First Year Piano |
MU174 | First Year Voice | MUS101 | Voice |
MU175 | First Year Voice | MUS102 | Voice |
MU182 | First Year Strings | MUS166 | String Ensemble |
MU183 | First Year Strings | MUS1XX | First Year Strings |
MU186 | First Year Percussion | MUS136 | Percussion |
MU187 | First Year Percussion | MUS137 | Percussion |
MU187 | First Year Percussion | MUS1XX | Percussion |
MU206 | Aural & Keybrd Skls III | MUS2XX | Aural & Keybrd Skls III |
MU207 | Aural & Keyboard Skills IV | MUS2XX | Aural & Key Skills IV |
MU211 | Music Theory III | MUS282 | Music Theory III |
MU212 | Music Theory IV | MUS283 | Music Theory IV |
MU217 | Choral Ensemble II | MUS2XX | Choral Ens II |
MU219 | Jazz Ensemble II | MUS1XX | Jazz Ensemble II |
MU220 | Jazz Ensemble II | MUS163 | Jazz Ensemble |
MU223 | Wind Ensemble II | MUS2XX | Wind Ensemble II |
MU224 | Wind Ensemble III | MUS1XX | Wind Ensemble III |
MU230 | Studio Rec Tech | MUS2XX | Studio Rec Tech |
MU235 | Advanced Aud Prod | MUS2XX | Advanced Audio Prod |
MU240 | MIDI Music Prod Tech | MUS2XX | MIDI Music Prod Tech |
MU251 | Class Piano III | MUS240 | Class Piano |
MU252 | Class Piano IV | MUS241 | Class Piano |
MU272 | Second Year Piano | MUS2XX | Second Year Piano |
MU273 | Second Year Piano | MUS1XX | Second Year Piano |
MU274 | Second Year Voice | MUS201 | Voice |
MU275 | Second Year Voice | MUS202 | Voice |
MU286 | Second Year Percussion | MUS2XX | Second Year Percussion |
MU287 | Second Year Percussion | MUS2XX | Second Year Percussion |
MUS230 | Studio Rec Tech | MUS2XX | Studio Rec Tech |
MUSC103 | Fund of Music | MUS181 | Found Music Theory |
MUSC106 | Ear Training & Music I | MUS184 | Aural Skills I |
MUSC107 | Ear Training & Musicianship II | MUS185 | Aural Skills II |
MUSC109 | American Pop Music | MUS287 | American Pop Music |
MUSC112 | Music Theory II | MUS183 | Music Theory II |
MUSC130 | Found of Audio Tech | CM226 | Audio Productn I |
MUSC135 | Audio Recording Tech | CM1XX | Audio Recording Tech |
MUSC145 | Pub, Lic and Copyright | MUS1XX | Pub, Lic & Copyright |
MUSC185 | First Year Guitar | MUS148 | Guitar Class |
MUSC230 | Studio Recording Tech | MUS1XX | Studio Recording Tech |
MUSC235 | Advanced Audio Production | MUS2XX | Advanced Audio Production |
MUSC240 | Music Prod Tech | MUS187 | Intro Music Tech |
MUSC250 | Music Industry Practicum & Sem | MUS2XX | Music Industry Practicum & Sem |
NUTR102 | Nutrition in the World | BIO226 | Food & Nutrition |
PC103 | Elements of Physical Sci | PSC1XX | Phys Sci Elect No Lab |
PC104 | Water Planet: Ocean | BIO1XX | Biology Elect No Lab |
PC105 | Intro to Sci of Weather | PSC1XX | Physical Sci Elective No Lab |
PC107 | Intro to Astronomy | ESS154 | Intro/Astronomy |
PC108 | Historical Geology | ESS1XX | Historical Geology |
PC114 | Contemp Phys Sci | PSC1XX | Contemp Phys Sci |
PC115 | Intro to Geosci | ESS1XX | Intro to Geosci |
PC121 | Energy and Society | PSC1XX | Energy and Society |
PE153 | Intro Phys Ed | EDU1XX | Intro Phys Ed |
PE154 | Fitness for Living | PAW234 | Well/Fitness/Life |
PE160 | Elem Fencing | PAW1XX | Elem Fencing |
PE161 | Psych of Sport | SPM1XX | Psych of Sport |
PE166 | Weight Training | PAW118 | Physical Fitness |
PE188 | Yoga | PAW163 | Yoga |
PE190 | Pilates | PAW165 | Pilates |
PE195 | Tai Chi | PAW164 | Intro to Tai Chi |
PH101 | Intro to Philosophy | PHL221 | Intro Philosophy |
PH204 | World Religions | REL265 | World Religions |
PH207 | Biomed Ethics | PHL2XX | Biomed Ethics |
PH208 | Business Ethics | PHL255 | Business Ethics |
PHED145 | Body Mechanics | PAW119 | Physical Fitness |
PHED148 | Exercise Psychology | PSY1XX | Exercise Psychology |
PHED165 | Fitness for Living | PAW234 | Well/Fitness/Life |
PHED185 | Yoga | PAW163 | Yoga |
PHIL101 | Intro to Philosophy | PHL221 | Intro Philosophy |
PHSC104 | Survey of Oceanography | ESS1XX | Surv Oceanography |
PHSC117 | Intro Astronomy | ESS154 | Intro/Astronomy |
PHYS151 | General Physics I | PHY160 | Eng Phys:Mechncs |
PI104 | American Govt: National | PS141 | American Governmnt |
PI104 | American Govt: National | PS101 | Amer Gov/Citizenship |
POSC104 | American Government | PS101 | Amer Gov/Citizenship |
PS101 | General Psychology | PSY100 | General Psychology |
PS104 | Iss of Drug/Alc Use | SOC210 | Drug/Alcohol Addctn |
PS202 | Social Psychology | PSY243 | Social Psychology |
PS204 | Psych of Adol | PSY2XX | Psych of Adol |
PS205 | Psych of Aging | PSY2XX | Psych of Aging |
PS206 | Abnormal Psych | PSY230 | Abnormal Psych |
PS207 | Death & Dying | GER330 | Death/Dying/Bereav |
PS208 | Hum Growth & Dev | PSY2XX | Hum Growth & Dev |
PS208 | Hum Growth & Dev | NUR201 | Nursing HD/HC |
PSYC101 | General Psychology | PSY100 | General Psychology |
PSYC202 | Social Psychology | PSY243 | Social Psychology |
PSYC206 | Abnormal Psychology | PSY230 | Abnormal Psych |
PY101 | Survey of Physics | PHY1XX | Physics Elective No Lab |
PY203 | Intro Physics I | PHY160 | Eng Phys:Mechncs |
PY204 | Intro Physics II | PHY260 | Eng Phys:Elct/Magn |
SO101 | Intro to Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology |
SO102 | Social Problems | SOC220 | Am Social Problems |
SO201 | Criminology | SOC2XX | Criminology |
SO202 | Marriage and Family | SOC225 | The Family |
SOCY101 | Intro to Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology |
SOCY102 | Social Problems | SOC220 | Am Social Problems |
SOCY210 | Ethnic Diversity | SOC2XX | Ethnic Diversity |
SPAN101 | Intro Spanish I | SPN101 | Elem Spanish I |
THR102 | Intro to Acting | THE262 | Acting |
Frostburg State University | York College of Pennsylvania | ||
ACCT100 | Fund of Accounting | ACC1XX | Fund of Accounting |
ACCT201 | Intro Accounting I | ACC2XX | Intro Accounting I |
ACCT211 | Financial Acct | ACC220 | Financial Acct |
ART100 | Art Appreciation | ART101 | Intro Art Apprec |
ART110 | Visual Imagery | ART101 | Intro Art Apprec |
ART111 | Honors: Art Appr | ART101 | Intro Art Apprec |
BIOL109 | Hum Biol & Env | BIO1XX | Hum Biol & Env |
BIOL128 | Intro to Ethnobotany | BIO1XX | Ethnobotany |
BIOL149 | Gen Biology I | BIO151 | Biology I Lab |
BIOL149 | Gen Biology I | BIO150 | Biology I |
BIOL150 | Gen Biology II | BIO152 | Biology II |
BIOL202 | Anat & Phys II | BIO222 | Human A/P II |
BIOL304 | Microbiology | BIO230 | Microbiology |
BIOL314 | Plant Taxonomy | BIO232 | Plant Taxonomy |
BIOL321 | Anatomy and Physiology I | BIO220 | Human A/P I |
BIOL322 | Anatomy and Physiology II | BIO222 | Human A/P II |
BLAW291 | Leg Env of Bus | BUS260 | Legal Environment |
BUAD100 | Intro to Business | BUS1XX | Intro to Business |
CHEM101 | General Chem I | CHM134 | Gen Chem I |
CHEM103 | Found of Chemistry | CHM1XX | Chemistry Elect No Lab |
CHEM112 | Chem & Soc | CHM102 | Chem/Society |
CHEM201 | General Chemistry I | CHM134 | Gen Chem I |
CHEM202 | General Chemistry II | CHM136 | Gen Chem II |
CHEM311 | Organic Chem I | CHM234 | Organic Chem I |
CMAT102 | Intro Speech Comm | CM104 | Human Communicatn |
CMST102 | Intro to Human Commuication | CM212 | Public Speaking |
COSC100 | Intro to Comp Sci | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
COSC110 | Honors: Intro Computers | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
COSC220 | Intro to Soft Appl | IFS2XX | Intro to Soft Appl |
DANC110 | Dance Appreciation | PE117 | Modern Dance |
DANC131 | Ballet I | PE1XX | Ballet |
ECED150 | Early Child Found | EDU1XX | Early Child Found |
ECED293 | Early Child Learn Envir | EDU2XX | Early Child Learn Envir |
ECON200 | Basic Economics | ECO2XX | Basic Economics |
ECON201 | Prin of Economics Macro | ECO200 | Prin Econ-Macro |
ECON202 | Prin of Econ Micro | ECO201 | Prin Econ-Micro |
EDUC100 | Career Analysis in Edu | EDU1XX | Career Analysis in Edu |
EDUC201 | Students, Teachers, Learning | EDU2XX | Stud, Teach, Learn |
EDUC202 | Found Learning | EDU2XX | Found Learning |
EDUC202 | Found of Learn & In | EDU2XX | Found of Learn & In |
EDUC346 | Ed Tech Lab I | EDU3XX | Ed Tech Lab I |
EDUC376 | Spec & Multicult Educ | EDU3XX | Spec & Multicult Educ |
ENG101 | Freshman English | WRT102 | Analytical Read/Writ |
ENG102 | Freshman English | WRT202 | Academic Writing |
ENGL101 | Freshman Composition | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm |
ENGL111 | Hnr: Freshman Comp | WRT102 | Analytical Read/Writ |
ENGL150 | Intro to Lit | LIT200 | Perspectives/Lit |
ENGL221 | Intro to Lit | LIT200 | Perspectives/Lit |
ENGL308 | Social Sci Adv Comp | FCO2XX | Social Sci Adv Comp |
ENGL310 | Adv Comp-Gen | WRT3XX | Adv Comp-Gen |
ENGL330 | Bus Writing | WRT210 | Writng/Prof Culturs |
ENGL335 | Creative Writing: Poetry | WRT3XX | Creative Writing: Poetry |
ENGL338 | Technical Writing | WRT3XX | Technical Writing |
ENGL432 | World Drama II | LIT4XX | World Drama II |
EXSS103 | Foundations of Exercise & Spor | PAW1XX | Foundations of Exercise & Spor |
EXSS175 | Foundations of Resistance Trai | PAW1XX | Foundations of Resistance Trai |
EXSS200 | Nutrition | NUR202 | Nutrition |
EXSS305 | Care & Prevention of Athletic | EPS3XX | Care & Prevention of Athletic |
FINA371 | Ins Plan & Risk Mgmt | FIN3XX | Ins Plan & Risk Mgmt |
FREN311 | Fren for Pract Comm I | FRN3XX | Fren for Pract Comm I |
FREN312 | Fren for Pract Comm II | FRN3XX | Fren for Pract Comm II |
FREN313 | France Until 1789 | FRN3XX | France Until 1789 |
FREN314 | 1789 to Contemp Frn | FRN303 | French Culture/Civ |
FREN401 | French Poetry | FRN4XX | French Poetry |
GEOG103 | Physical Geography | G1XX | Physical Geography |
GEOG104 | Human Geography | G100 | World Reg Geography |
GEOG104 | Human Geography | G243 | Intro Geography |
GEOG110 | World Regional Geography | G1XX | World Regional Geography |
HEED100 | Personal Wellness | PE134 | Concpts Phys Actvty |
HEED103 | Found of Exercise & Spt | SPM1XX | Found Exercise & Sport |
HEED200 | Nutrition | NUR202 | Nutrition |
HEED405 | Sexuality | BEH4XX | Sexuality |
HIST100 | The Contmp World in Hist | HIS1XX | The Cont Wrld in Hist |
HIST104 | Hist of U.S. | HIS112 | American Civ II |
HIST107 | Hist Non-West World | HIS1XX | Hist Non-West World |
HIST114 | World History | HIS122 | World History II |
HIST467 | US in the 20th Century | HIS366 | 20th Cent Amer Hist |
IDIS150 | First Year Coll | BEH1XX | First Year Coll |
IDIS151 | Honors: First Year Coll | BEH1XX | First Year Coll |
INST100 | Intro Intl | INT1XX | Intro Intl |
INST150 | Intro to World Religion | REL265 | World Religions |
MATH102 | College Algebra | MAT105 | College Algebra |
MATH104 | Intro to Math | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv |
MATH109 | Elemnts of Appli Probab | BEH260 | Statistics |
MATH119 | College Algebra | MAT105 | College Algebra |
MATH206 | Prob Solving for Elem | MAT115 | Sets/Number Systems |
MATH207 | Prob Solving for Elem | MAT215 | Sets/Number Sys II |
MATH207 | Prob Solving for Elem | MAT215 | Sets/Number Sys II |
MATH209 | Elem of Appl Prob | BEH260 | Statistics |
MATH209 | Elem of Appl Prob | QBA260 | Business Statistics |
MATH209 | Elem of Appl Prob | MAT250 | Statistics |
MCOM101 | Comm Practicum (TV) | CM1XX | Comm Practicum (TV) |
MCOM105 | Intro Mass Comm | CM211 | Mass Communication |
MCOM150 | Intro to Radio | CM1XX | Intro to Radio |
MCOM213 | Audio Prod | CM226 | Audio Productn |
MCOM490 | Spec Topics in Mass Comm | CM444 | Special Topics |
MDFL190 | Sel Top Foreign Lan | L1XX | Sel Top Foreign Lan |
MGMT351 | Mgt of Org | OBD225 | Org Behavior |
MGMT356 | Leadership and Hum Behavior | MGT225 | Org Behavior |
MISC101 | Mil Science | NPE1XX | Mil Science |
MKTG361 | Prin of Marketing | MKT100 | Prin Marketing |
MUS119 | Choral Union | MUS150 | YCChorale |
MUSC110 | Intro to World Music | MUS281 | World Music |
MUSC319 | Univ Chorale | MUS150 | YCChorale |
MUSC329 | Marching Band: Conc Band | MUS3XX | Marching Band: Conc Band |
MUSC350 | Mus & Creative Interaction | MUS3XX | Mus & Creat Interaction |
NURS401 | Health Assessment | NUR320 | Health Assmnt/RN |
NURS402 | Nursing Research and Evd | NUR332 | Research Conc/RN |
NURS403 | Elemt of Prof Nursing | NUR321 | Trans Concepts/RN |
NURS405 | Ethics in Cont Nursing | NUR4XX | Ethics in Cont Nursing |
NURS406 | Leadership for Qual and Saf | NUR421 | Leadership Conc/RN |
NURS412 | Women's Health | NUR4XX | Women's Health |
ORIE101 | Introduction to Higher Educati | FYS1XX | Introduction to Higher Educati |
PHEC135 | Dance Appr | PE1XX | Dance Appr |
PHEC163 | Weight Training | PE118 | Physical Fitness |
PHEC309 | Hlth & Phys Ed | EDU3XX | Hlth & Phys Ed |
PHEC405 | Psycho-Social Foundations of S | SPM4XX | Psycho-Social Found of Sport |
PHIL101 | Intro to Philosophy | PHL221 | Intro Philosophy |
PHIL102 | Contemp Ethical Problems | PHL1XX | Contemp Ethical Problems |
PHSC100 | Cosmic Concepts | ESS1XX | Cosmic Concepts |
PHSC203 | Physical Science | PSC2XX | Physical Science |
POSC110 | Intro Amer Pol | PS142 | Am Gov: Process/Pol |
POSC112 | Honors Intro Amer | PS141 | American Governmnt |
POSC113 | Intro to World Politics | PS1XX | Intro to World Politics |
POSC355 | Public Budgeting | PS3XX | Public Budgeting |
PSYC150 | General Psychology | PSY100 | General Psychology |
PSYC208 | Lifespan Development | NUR201 | Nursing HD/HC |
PSYC208 | Lifespan Development | PSY2XX | Lifespan Development |
PSYC210 | Child Psychology | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop |
PSYC212 | Adol & Adulthood | NUR201 | Nursing HD/HC |
PSYC212 | Adol & Adulthood | PSY2XX | Adol & Adulthood |
PSYC300 | Research Methods I | PSY3XX | Research Methods I |
RECR100 | Leis & Diverse Amer | REC101 | Recreation/Leisure |
RECR201 | Intro to Recreation | REC2XX | Intro to Recreation |
RECR332 | Sport Media & Communication | SPM225 | Comm in Sport |
RECR388 | Research Methods in Recreation | REC3XX | Research Methods in Recreation |
REED323 | Proc & Aquisition of Read | EDU3XX | Proc & Aquisition of Read |
SOCI100 | Intro to Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology |
SOCI201 | Intro to Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology |
SPAN101 | Elem Spanish I | SPN101 | Elem Spanish I |
SPAN102 | Elem Spanish II | SPN102 | Elem Spanish II |
SPAN211 | Spanish Grammar, Compos | SPN201 | Inter Spanish I |
SPAN212 | Spanish Grammar, Compos II | SPN202 | Inter Spanish II |
SPCH104 | Theatre | THE1XX | Theatre |
SPCH106 | Intro to Theatre | THE254 | Intro Theatre |
SPCH208 | Act I: Stnslvskn App | THE2XX | Act I: Stnslvskn App |
THEA104 | Theatre-Hansel & Gret | THE1XX | Theatre-Hansel & Gret |
THEA106 | Intro to Theatre | THE254 | Intro Theatre |
THEA107 | Intro Theatrical Vis | THE1XX | Intro Theatrical Vis |
Goucher College | York College of Pennsylvania | ||
AFR200 | Intro to Africana Stud | INT2XX | Intro to Africana Stud |
ANT107 | Cultural Anthropology | ANT220 | Cult Anthropology |
ARH103 | Intro Hist of Art | ART204 | Survey West Art I |
ART101 | Intro Art Hist II | ART205 | Survey West Art II |
ART102 | Design Fundamentals | ART210 | Design I |
BIO101 | Explorations Bio I | BIO150 | Intro Molecular Bio |
BIO104 | Biological Diversity | BIO150 | Biology I |
BUS105 | Quant Reas for Bus | BUS150 | Intro to Business |
BUS115 | Prin of Accounting | ACC220 | Financial Acct |
BUS229 | Marketing Mgmt | MKT2XX | Marketing Mgmt |
BUS312 | Business Analytics | QBA260 | Data Driven Dec Making |
CHE111 | Prin of Chemistry I | CHM134 | Gen Chem I |
COM105 | Intro to Comm Studies | CM1XX | Intro to Comm Studies |
COM213 | Make Sense Pop Cult | CM2XX | Make Sense Pop Cult |
COM219 | His TV & Radio | CM2XX | His TV & Radio |
COM286 | Field Video Prod | CM2XX | Field Video Prod |
CPEC209 | Ghosts in our Midst | SOC2XX | Ghosts in our Midst |
CPEC251 | Environmental Art | HUM2XX | Environmental Art |
CS116 | Intro to Comp Sci | CS1XX | Intro to Comp Sci |
DMC101 | Data Analytics | IFS1XX | Data Analytics |
EC100 | Intro to Economics | ECO1XX | Intro to Economics |
EC101 | Prin of Econ: Micro | ECO201 | Prin Econ-Micro |
EC102 | Prin of Econ: Macro | ECO200 | Prin Econ-Macro |
EC111 | Essentials of Econ | ECO205 | Economic Perspctvs |
EC211 | Essentials of Econ II | ECO201 | Prin Econ-Micro |
EC211 | Essentials of Econ II | ECO200 | Prin Econ-Macro |
EC225 | Environmental Econ | ECO2XX | Environ Econ |
EC265 | TOP: Game Theory | ECO2XX | TOP: Game Theory |
EC265A | TOP: Econ Inequality | ECO2XX | Econ Inequality |
EC326 | Nat Res Econ | ECO315 | Environ/Natural Res |
ED101 | Child Devel | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop |
ED103 | Adol Dev | EDU1XX | Adol Dev |
ED104 | Child Adol Dev | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop |
ED601 | Dev Life Span | MED502 | Adv Educ Psych |
ED602 | Soc/Psy Aff Youth | MED520 | Adv Psych of Rdg |
ED646 | School Law | MED550 | Legal/Ethical Issue |
ED681 | Cur Dev Mult Ctl Soc | MED503 | Curric Trends/Issue |
ENG103 | Comp | WRT100 | Intro College Writ |
ENG104 | Academic Writing I | WRT102 | Analytical Read/Writ |
ENG105 | Acad Writing II | WRT202 | Academic Writing |
ENG106 | Acad Writ III | WRT202 | Academic Writing |
ENG111 | Mstrpiece of Eng & Amer | LIT1XX | Mstrpiece of Eng & Amer |
ENG201 | Int Acad Writing | WRT202 | Academic Writing |
ES140 | Intro to Env Studies | ESS1XX | Earth Sci Elect no lab |
ES210 | Biosphere & Society | ESS2XX | Earth Sci Elect no lab |
FR110 | Elements of French I | FRN101 | Elem French I |
FR120 | Elem French II | FRN102 | Elem French II |
FR130 | Elem of French I | FRN201 | Inter French I |
FRO100 | FRO: Race & Sexuality | BEH1XX | Race & Sexuality |
FRO100 | Frontiers: E. Geneti | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect |
FRO100 | FRO: ArtofNegotiation | MKT1XX | FRO: ArtofNegotiation |
FRO100 | FRO: WhereTheWildThingsAre | HUM1XX | FRO:WildThingsAre |
FRO140 | Frontiers in Spanish | SPN1XX | Frontiers in Spanish |
FYS100 | FYS: Hamilton | FYS100 | First Year Seminar |
HIS104 | Samural: Hist/Myth | HIS1XX | Samural: Hist/Myth |
HIS110 | Am 1607-1876 | HIS111 | American Civ I |
HIS111 | Amer Society | HIS112 | American Civ II |
HIS116 | Eur His Anc-1715 | HIS101 | Western Civ I |
HIS230 | Supreme Court in Am | HIS2XX | Supreme Court in Amer |
LIT114 | Lit for Everyone: Poe | LIT1XX | Lit for Everyone: Poe |
MA100 | Topics in Cont Math | MAT1XX | Topics in Cont Math |
MA113 | Prob Solv/Ma Geom | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv |
MA160 | Pre-Calculus | MAT108 | Precalculus |
MGT110 | Prin Accounting I | ACC225 | Managerial Acct |
MGT120 | Prin Acct II | ACC220 | Financial Acct |
MGT229 | Marketing Mgt | MKT200 | Prin Marketing |
MUS100 | Intro to Music | MUS200 | Music Appreciation |
MUS159 | Voice Class | MUS101 | Voice |
MUS182 | Priv Inst: Piano | MUS103 | Piano |
MUS182 | Priv Inst: Piano | MUS1XX | Piano |
PCE110 | Intro to Peace Studies | BEH1XX | Intro to Peace Studies |
PCE124Y | Being Human | BEH1XX | Being Human |
PCE148 | Nonviolence in America | BEH1XX | Nonviolence in America |
PCE299 | Ind Peace Stud | BEH2XX | Ind Peace Stud |
PE135 | Wellness | PE1XX | Wellness |
PHL105 | Prsnl/Comm Ethics | PHL1XX | Prsnl/Comm Ethics |
PHL176 | Logic | PHL231 | Logic |
PLS100 | Law and Society | CJA1XX | Law and Society |
PSC111 | Intro to Pol Theory: Citz | PS101 | Amer Gov/Citizenship |
PSC111 | Intro to Pol Theory: Citz | ||
PSC112 | Intro Comp Pol | PS260 | Comparative Politics |
PSC113 | Intro Am Pol: Citzn US | PS1XX | Intro Am Pol |
PSC113 | Intro Am Pol: Citzn US | PS141 | Am Gov: Institutions |
PSC114 | Intro Intl Rel | PS302 | International Rel |
PSC202 | Contemporary Pol Thought | PS369 | Modern Pol Thought |
PSC243 | The American Pol System | PS142 | Am Gov: Process/Pol |
PSY105 | Intro to Psychology | PSY100 | General Psychology |
PSY111 | Intro to Psychology | PSY100 | General Psychology |
PSY114 | Intro to Psychology | PSY100 | General Psychology |
PSY225 | Myths & Myster Hum Rel | PSY2XX | Myths & Myster Hum Rel |
PSY226 | Top in Rel Psy | PSY2XX | Top in Rel Psy |
PSY244 | Lifespan Devel Psy | PSY320 | Developmental Psych |
PSY281 | Psych of Dreaming | PSY2XX | Psych of Dreaming |
PSY283 | Peace Within/Without | PSY2XX | Peace Within/Without |
PSY328 | Res Sem in Rel Psy | PSY3XX | Res Sem in Rel Psy |
RLG153 | Rel & Soc | REL1XX | Rel & Soc |
RLG207 | Islamic Thought | REL2XX | Islamic Thought |
SOC106 | Soc Imag | SOC100 | Intro Sociology |
SP110 | Elem Spanish I | SPN101 | Elem Spanish I |
SP120 | Elem Spanish II | SPN102 | Elem Spanish II |
SP130 | Intermediate Spanish | SPN201 | Inter Spanish I |
SP230 | Intermed Conv & Comp | SPN2XX | Intermed Conv & Comp |
SPE100 | Spec Ed | SPE1XX | Spec Ed |
WRT101 | Studio for Writers | FCO103 | Rhetorical Comm Studio |
WRT120 | Intro Fiction Writing | WRT1XX | Intro Fiction Writing |
WRT181 | Writing Studies | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm |
Hagerstown Community College | York College of Pennsylvania | |||
ACC101 | Accounting I | ACC1XX | Accounting I | |
ACC102 | Accounting II | ACC220 | Financial Acct | |
ADJ101 | Intro to Criminal Justice | CJA101 | Intro Crim Justice | |
ANT201 | Intro to Cultural | ANT220 | Cult Anthropology | |
ART101 | Intro to Visual Arts | ART101 | Intro Art Apprec | |
ART101 | Intro to Visual Arts | ART101 | Art/Visual Culture | |
ART104 | Basic Painting | ART114 | Concepts/Painting | |
ART112 | Computer Graphics and Design I | ART137 | Computer Graphics I | |
ART115 | Photography I | ART245 | Photography I | |
ART120 | Ceramics I | ART225 | Ceramics I | |
ART142 | Computer Illustration: Adobe | ART1XX | Compuer Illustration: Adobe | |
ART203 | Drawing II | ART265 | Drawing II | |
ART209 | Figure Drawing | ART216 | Figure Drawing I | |
BIO101 | Gen Biology | BIO150 | Biology I | |
BIO102 | General Biology | BIO152 | Biology II | |
BIO106 | Unity/Div | BIO120 | Field Nat Hist | |
BIO110 | Human Biology | BIO1XX | Biology Elect No Lab | |
BIO112 | Biology of Disease | BIO1XX | Biology Elect no lab | |
BIO113 | Principles of Biology I | 01 | BIO142 | Molecule/Gene/Cell |
BIO113 | Principles of Biology I | BIO150 | Biology I | |
BIO113 | Principles of Biology I | BIO142 | Molecule/Gene/Cell | |
BIO113 | Principles of Biology I | 01 | BIO150 | Intro Molecular Bio |
BIO113L | Principles of Biology I Lab | 01 | ||
BIO119 | Intro Biology for Health Prof | 04 | BIO151 | Intro Mole Bio Lab |
BIO119 | Intro Biology for Health Prof | 04 | BIO150 | Intro Molecular Bio |
BIO119 | Intro Biology for Health Prof | 04 | BIO1XX | Intro Biology for Health Prof |
BIO119L | Intro Bio for Hlth Prof: Lab | 04 | ||
BIO203 | Human Anat & Phys I | BIO220 | Human A/P I | |
BIO203 | Human Anatomy & Physiology I | 05 | BIO2XX | Human Anatomy & Physiology I |
BIO203 | Human Anatomy & Physiology I | 05 | BIO221 | Human A/P I Lab |
BIO203 | Human Anatomy & Physiology I | 05 | BIO220 | Human A/P I |
BIO203L | Anatomy & Physiology I: Lab | 05 | ||
BIO204 | Human Anat & Phys II | BIO222 | Human A/P II | |
BIO204 | Human Anatomy & Physiology II | 06 | BIO223 | Hum A/P II Lab |
BIO204 | Human Anatomy & Physiology II | 06 | BIO222 | Human A/P II |
BIO204L | Anatomy & Physiology II: Lab | 06 | ||
BIO205 | Microbiology | 08 | BIO231 | Micro/Allied Lab |
BIO205 | Microbiology | 01 | BIO230 | Microbio/Allied Hlth |
BIO205 | Microbiology | 08 | BIO230 | Microbio/Allied Hlth |
BIO205 | Microbiology | 08 | BIO231 | Micro/Allied Lab |
BIO205 | Microbiology | 01 | BIO230 | Microbio/Allied Hlth |
BIO205 | Microbiology | 08 | BIO230 | Microbio/Allied Hlth |
BIO205 | Microbiology | 01 | BIO231 | Micro/Allied Lab |
BIO205 | Microbiology | 01 | BIO231 | Micro/Allied Lab |
BIO205L | Microbiology: Lab | 08 | ||
BTC101 | Intro to Biotechnology | BIO1XX | Intro to Biotech | |
BTC103 | Forensic Science | 02 | FCM211 | Criminalistics Lab |
BTC103 | Forensic Science | 02 | FCM210 | Criminalistics |
BTC103L | Forensic Science: Lab | 02 | ||
BUS101 | Intro to Business | BUS150 | Intro to Business | |
BUS104 | Bus Law | BUS260 | Legal Environment | |
CHM101 | Introduction College Chemistry | 07 | CHM123 | Gen/Org Chem Lab |
CHM101 | Introduction College Chemistry | 07 | CHM122 | Prin Gen/Org Chem |
CHM101L | Intro College Chem: Lab | 07 | ||
CHM103 | General Chemistry | CHM134 | Gen Chem I | |
CHM104 | General Chem | CHM136 | Gen Chem II | |
CHM203 | Organic Chemistry I & Lab | CHM234 | Organic Chem I | |
CHM204 | Organic Chemistry II & Lab | CHM236 | Organic Chem II | |
CIS101 | Intro Data Process | IFS1XX | Intro Data Process | |
CIS102 | Intro to Information Tech | IFS105 | Personal Computing | |
CIS119 | Intro to Cand C++ | CS1XX | Intro to Cand C++ | |
CIS121 | Unix Operating System | IFS1XX | Unix Operating System | |
CIS204 | Visual Basic | IFS160 | Visual Basic Progrm | |
CIS269 | Internship I | IFS2XX | Internship I | |
COM101 | Fund of Radio | CM1XX | Fund of Radio | |
COM102 | Writing for Radio | CM1XX | Writing for Radio | |
COM187 | Comm Sem | CM1XX | Comm Sem | |
COM203 | Television Prod | CM242 | Video Prodctn I | |
COM204 | Comm Internship | CM2XX | Comm Internship | |
COM205 | Radio Production | CM231 | Radio Production I | |
CSC102 | Intro to Info Tech | IFS105 | Personal Computing | |
CSC102 | Intro to Info Tech | IFS100 | Info Tech Competncy | |
DNC101 | Dance Appreciation | PAW1XX | Dance Appreciation | |
DPR101 | Intro Data Processing | IFS1XX | Intro Data Processing | |
ECO101 | Economic History | ECO1XX | Economic History | |
ECO201 | Macro Econ | ECO200 | Prin Econ-Macro | |
ECO202 | Microecon Prin | ECO201 | Prin Econ-Micro | |
EDU101 | Intro to Education | EDU200 | Found of Education | |
EDU103 | Found of Early Chld Edu | EDU1XX | Found of Early Chld Ed | |
EDU115 | Methods/Materials Ear Child | ECH230 | Early Child Theory | |
EDU211 | Intro to Special Education | SPE200 | Process/Procedures | |
EDU212 | Process and Acquis of Reading | ECH301 | Lit/Lang Young Child | |
EGR103 | Intro Engineering Sci | EGR100 | Epads I | |
EGR108 | Statics | EGR250 | Statics | |
EGR203 | Mechanics of Materials | EGR264 | Strength/Materials | |
EGR204 | Dynamics | EGR1XX | Dynamics | |
EGT101 | Calculators & Computing | EGR1XX | Calculators & Comptng | |
EGT132 | Machine Shop Practice I | EGR1XX | Machine Shop Pract I | |
EGT136 | Mechanics | ME1XX | Mechanics | |
EGT150 | CNCProgramming | EGR1XX | CNCProgramming | |
EGT153 | Intermediate Autocad | EGR1XX | Intermediate Autocad | |
EGT154 | Autocad: Advanced Modeling | EGR1XX | Autocad: Adv Modeling | |
EGT231 | Strength of Materials | ME2XX | Strength of Materials | |
EGT234 | Machine Design | ME2XX | Machine Design | |
EGT235 | Hydraulics and Pneumatics | ME2XX | Hydraulics & Pneumatics | |
ENG101 | English Composition | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm | |
ENG102 | Composition & Literature | LIT200 | Perspectives/Lit | |
ENG112 | Technical Writing | WRT1XX | Technical Writing | |
ENG112 | Tech Writing | FCO215 | Tech/Scientfc Comm | |
ENG112 | Tech Writing | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm | |
ENG116 | Basic Screenwriting | WRT1XX | Basic Screenwriting | |
ENG203 | English Literature | LIT283 | British Lit to 1750 | |
ENG204 | English Literature | LIT284 | Brt Lit after 1750 | |
ENG205 | American Literature | LIT281 | Amer Lit to 1885 | |
GDT112 | Computer Graphics | ART1XX | Computer Graphics | |
GDT114 | Graphic Design I | ART1XX | Graphic Design I | |
GEO102 | Hum Geog | G243 | Intro Geography | |
GEO105 | World Regional Geography | G100 | World Reg Geography | |
HEA102 | Nutrition | NUR202 | Nutrition | |
HEA103 | Personal Health | PAW1XX | Pers Health | |
HEA105 | First Aid | PAW144 | Wilderness First Aid | |
HIS101 | Hist of Civ | HIS121 | World History I | |
HIS102 | Hist of Civ | HIS122 | World History II | |
HIS201 | Amer History | HIS111 | American Civ I | |
HIS202 | Amer History | HIS112 | American Civ II | |
HST103 | Intro to Hum Serv & Soc Work | HSV100 | Intro to HSV | |
HUM201 | The Arts:Creat Synthesis | HUM2XX | The Arts: Creative Synth | |
HUM204 | Religion in Amer | REL2XX | Religion in Amer | |
HUM214 | World Religions | REL265 | World Religions | |
IST102 | Intro to Information Tech | IFS105 | Personal Computing | |
IST102 | Intro to Inform Tech | IFS105 | Personal Computing | |
IST102 | Intro Info Technology | IFS100 | Info Tech Competncy | |
IST102 | Intro Info Technology | IFS105 | Personal Computing | |
IST106 | Spreadsheet Software | IFS1XX | Spreadsheet Software | |
IST120 | Web Publishing | IFS1XX | Web Publishing | |
MAT100 | Intermed Algebra | MAT102 | Prelim Math/Prob Solv | |
MAT101 | College Algebra | MAT105 | College Algebra | |
MAT102 | Trigonometry | MAT108 | Precalculus | |
MAT108 | Fund Conc of Math | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv | |
MAT109 | Intro to Stats | QBA260 | Business Statistics | |
MAT109 | Intro to Stats | BEH260 | Statistics | |
MAT109 | Intro to Stats | MAT250 | Statistics | |
MAT119 | Intro to Stats | MAT250 | Statistics | |
MAT119 | Intro to Stats | BEH260 | Statistics | |
MAT119 | Intro to Stats | QBA260 | Business Statistics | |
MAT131 | Algebra Trigonometry | MAT105 | College Algebra | |
MAT132 | Analy Geom and Calculus | MAT171 | Calculus I | |
MAT161 | Elem Funct | MAT108 | Precalculus | |
MAT164 | Calculus with Appl | MAT120 | Applied Calculus | |
MAT203 | Calculus I | MAT171 | Calculus I | |
MAT204 | Calculus II | MAT172 | Calculus II | |
MAT205 | Calculus III | MAT271 | Calculus III | |
MAT206 | Differential Equations | MAT272 | Diff Equations | |
MGT103 | Prin of Mgmt | MGT150 | Prin of Management | |
MGT105 | Personal Finance | FIN220 | Personal Finance & Banking | |
MUS101 | Music Appreciation | MUS200 | Music Appreciation | |
MUS101 | Music Appreciation | MUS186 | Listening to Music | |
MUS103 | Choral Singing | MUS150 | YCChorale | |
MUS125 | Electric Guitar I | MUS1XX | Electric Guitar I | |
MUS180 | History of Rock & Roll | MUS288 | History Rock/Roll | |
NUR121 | Cert Nur/Geriatric | NUR1XX | Cert Nur/Geriatric | |
PED116 | Tennis | PE159 | Tennis | |
PED139 | Fitness Walking | PE1XX | Fitness Walking | |
PED141 | Weight Lifting | PE119 | Physical Fitness | |
PED144 | Jogging | PE1XX | Jogging | |
PED146 | Slimnastics | PE1XX | Slimnastics | |
PED152 | Fund of Dance | PE1XX | Fund of Dance | |
PED153 | Contemp Dance | PE1XX | Contemp Dance | |
PED161 | Aerobic Workout I | PE136 | Aerobic Dance | |
PED162 | Aerobic Workout | PE136 | Aerobic Dance | |
PED167 | Ballet/Beginning | PE117 | Modern Dance | |
PED170 | Indiv Assess In Pr | PE1XX | Indiv Assess in Pr | |
PED171 | Individual Assessment | PE1XX | Indiv Assessment | |
PED171 | Individual Assess | PE1XX | Individual Assess | |
PED179 | Baseball | PE1XX | Baseball | |
PED181 | Softball | PE156 | Softball | |
PED189 | Int Baseball | PE1XX | Int Baseball | |
PED225 | Prin of Sport Coaching | EDU310 | Prin Athl/Coach | |
PED240 | Div in Sport & Athl | SPM2XX | Div in Sport & Athl | |
PHL101 | Intro to Philosophy | PHL221 | Intro Philosophy | |
PHS104 | Gen Phys Sci | PSC1XX | Gen Phys Sci | |
PHS105 | Descriptive Astronomy | ESS154 | Intro/Astronomy | |
PHS108 | Intro Phys Geology | ESS1XX | Intro Phys Geology | |
PHY131 | Basic Physics I | PHY110 | Gen Phys:Mech/Ht | |
PHY132 | Basic Physics II | PHY1XX | Basic Physics II | |
PHY201 | General Physics I | 03 | PHY111 | General Physics Lab |
PHY201 | General Physics I | 03 | PHY110 | General Physics I |
PHY201L | General Physic I: Lab | 03 | ||
PHY202 | General Physics II & Lab | PHY112 | Gen Phys:Elc/Magn | |
PHY203 | Prin of Physics I | PHY160 | Eng Phys:Mechncs | |
PHY204 | Prin of Physics II | PHY260 | Eng Phys:Elct/Magn | |
PHY205 | Prin of Physics III | PHY2XX | Physics Elect No Lab | |
POL101 | American Govt | PS141 | American Governmnt | |
PSY101 | General Psychology | PSY100 | General Psychology | |
PSY201 | General Psychology | PSY100 | General Psychology | |
PSY203 | Ed Psychology | EDU370 | Psych of Learning | |
PSY203 | Ed Psychology | EDU375 | Psy Learning/Second | |
PSY204 | Dev Psych: Lifespan | NUR201 | Nursing HD/HC | |
PSY204 | Dev Psych: Lifespan | PSY2XX | Dev Psych: Lifespan | |
PSY206 | Abnormal Psychology | PSY230 | Abnormal Psych | |
PSY208 | Personality Theory | PSY2XX | Personality Theory | |
PSY212 | Basic Interview | PSY2XX | Basic Interview | |
PSY216 | Social Psychology | PSY243 | Social Psychology | |
SDV101 | Academic Success Strategies | FYS100 | First Year Seminar | |
SMGT209 | Prin of Coaching | SPM2XX | Prin of Coaching | |
SOC101 | Intro to Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology | |
SOC206 | Marriage & Family | SOC225 | The Family | |
SPD102 | Elem of Dramatic P | THE254 | Intro Theatre | |
SPD103 | Public Speaking | CM104 | Human Communicatn | |
SPD103 | Public Speaking | CM212 | Public Speaking | |
SPD105 | Voice & Diction | CM1XX | Voice & Diction | |
SPD108 | Intro to Human Comm | CM212 | Public Speaking | |
SPD290 | Theater Practicum | THE2XX | Theater Practicum | |
SPD291 | Theater Practicum | THE2XX | Theater Practicum | |
SPN101 | Elem Spanish I | SPN101 | Elem Spanish I | |
SPN202 | Int Spanish II | SPN202 | Inter Spanish II | |
THR101 | Intro to Theater | THE254 | Intro Theatre | |
THR102 | Elem/Dram Production | THE1XX | Elem/Dram Production | |
THR207 | Technical Theater | THE121 | Stagecraft |
Harford Community College | York College of Pennsylvania | |||
ACCT101 | Accounting Prin I | ACC1XX | Accounting Prin I | |
ACCT102 | Accounting Prin II | ACC220 | Financial Acct | |
ACCT104 | Payroll Acct | ACC1XX | Payroll Acct | |
ACCT105 | Fin State Interpret | ACC1XX | Fin State Interpret | |
ACCT107 | Spreadsheet App | ACC1XX | Spreadsheet App | |
ACCT108 | Computerized Acct | ACC1XX | Computerized Acct | |
ACCT203 | Tax Acct I | ACC305 | Taxation I | |
ACCT204 | Tax Acct II | ACC2XX | Tax Acct II | |
ACCT205 | Auditing | ACC2XX | Auditing | |
ACCT206 | Cost Accounting | ACC2XX | Cost Accounting | |
ACCT208 | Managerial Accounting | ACC225 | Managerial Acct | |
ACCT208 | Managerial Accounting | ACC2XX | Mang Acct | |
ACCT211 | Int Acct I | ACC320 | Inter Accounting I | |
ACCT212 | Int Acct II | ACC2XX | Int Acct II | |
ACT204 | Tax Acct II | ACC2XX | Tax Acct II | |
AHS101 | Med Term & Ethics | BIO201 | Medical Terminology | |
AHS101 | Med Term & Ethics | RT105 | Medical Terminology | |
ANTH101 | Intro Phys Anthro | ANT210 | Physical Anthropol | |
ANTH102 | Intro to Cultural Anth | ANT220 | Cult Anthropology | |
ANTH211 | Archaeology of MD | ANT2XX | Archaeology of MD | |
ART101 | Fundamentals of 2D Design | ART210 | Design I | |
ART103 | Intro Graphic Comm | ART1XX | Intro Graphic Comm | |
ART106 | Mixed Media | ART1XX | Mixed Media | |
ART107 | Fundamentals of 3D Design | ART211 | Design II | |
ART108 | Intro Digital Media | ART1XX | Intro Digital Media | |
ART109 | Sculpture I | ART230 | Sculpture I | |
ART109 | Sculpture I | ART116 | Concepts/Sculpture | |
ART111 | Drawing I | ART215 | Drawing I | |
ART112 | Drawing II | ART265 | Drawing II | |
ART113 | Painting I | ART114 | Concepts/Painting | |
ART113 | Painting I | ART220 | Painting I | |
ART115 | Ceramics I | ART225 | Ceramics I | |
ART120 | Intro Comp Graphics | ART1XX | Intro Comp Graphics | |
ART121 | Intro to Drawing | ART215 | Drawing I | |
ART122 | Color Theory | ART1XX | Color Theory | |
ART160 | Multimedia | ART1XX | Multimedia | |
ART193 | Independent Study: Art | ART1XX | Indep Study: Art | |
ART193 | Independent Study: Art | ART499 | Independent Study | |
ART201 | Survey of Art History I | ART204 | Survey West Art I | |
ART202 | Survey of Art History II | ART205 | Survey West Art II | |
ART203 | Amer Art & Architect | ART2XX | Amer Art & Architect | |
ART204 | Typography I | ART2XX | Typography I | |
ART207 | Graphic Design | ART2XX | Graphic Design | |
ART208 | Digital Found II | ART2XX | Digital Found II | |
ART213 | Drawing II | ART265 | Drawing II | |
ART214 | Painting II | ART270 | Painting II | |
ART214 | Painting II | ART270 | Painting II | |
ART217 | Watercolor | ART2XX | Watercolor | |
ART218 | Printmaking | ART287 | Printmaking | |
ART219 | Sculpture II | ART280 | Sculpture II | |
ART220 | Ceramics II | ART275 | Ceramics II | |
ART221 | Drawing III | ART315 | Drawing III | |
ART222 | Drawing IV | ART365 | Drawing IV | |
ART223 | Painting III | ART320 | Painting III | |
ART224 | Painting IV | ART370 | Painting IV | |
ART225 | Ceramics III | ART2XX | Ceramics III | |
ART226 | Ceramics IV | ART2XX | Ceramics IV | |
ART227 | Sculpture III | ART330 | Sculpture III | |
ART228 | Sculpture IV | ART380 | Sculpture IV | |
ART229 | Design for the Web | ART2XX | Design for the Web | |
ART230 | 2D Comp Animation | ART2XX | 2D Comp Animation | |
ART231 | 3-D Modeling & Anim | ART2XX | 3-D Modeling & Anim | |
ART232 | Interactive Design | ART2XX | Interactive Design | |
ART233 | Portfolio Workshop | ART2XX | Portfolio Workshop | |
ART238 | Art & Arch Ancient World | ART390 | Art/Classicl World | |
ART239 | Asian Art & Culture | ART2XX | Asian Art & Culture | |
ART251 | Ceramics Workshop I | ART2XX | Ceramics Workshop I | |
ART270 | Multimedia II | ART2XX | Multimedia II | |
ART283 | Commercial Art Fld Proj | ART2XX | Comm Art Fld Proj | |
ASL101 | American Sign Language I | CM150 | Beg Sign Language | |
ASL102 | Amer Sign Lang II | CM1XX | Amer Sign Lang II | |
ASL201 | Amer Sign Lang III | CM250 | Adv Sign Language | |
ASTR151 | Astronomy | ESS1XX | Earth Sci Elective No Lab | |
ASTR151 | Astronomy | ESS154 | Intro/Astronomy | |
BA101 | Intro to Business | BUS150 | Intro to Business | |
BA103 | Public Relations | BUS1XX | Public Relations | |
BA104 | Adver & Sales Promo | MKT1XX | Adver & Sales Promo | |
BA105 | Professional Selling | MKT220 | Personal Selling | |
BA106 | Prin of Retailing | MKT1XX | Prin of Retailing | |
BA107 | Prin Supervision | MGT1XX | Prin Supervision | |
BA108 | Hum Resource Mgt | MGT220 | Human Resource Mgt | |
BA109 | Prin of Mgmt | MGT150 | Prin of Management | |
BA110 | Intro to Entrepren | ENT150 | Intro Entrepreneur | |
BA111 | Purch & Mat Mgt | MGT1XX | Purch & Mat Mgt | |
BA113 | Intro to Casino Gaming | BUS1XX | Intro to Casino Gaming | |
BA145 | Farm & Agribus Mgt | MGT1XX | Farm & Agribus Mgt | |
BA203 | Principles of Marketing | MKT100 | Prin Marketing | |
BA204 | Bus Law I | BUS260 | Legal Environment | |
BA205 | Bus Law | BUS260 | Legal Environment | |
BA205 | Bus Law | BUS2XX | Bus Law | |
BA206 | Small Bus Seminar I | ENT150 | Intro Entrepreneur | |
BA208 | Retail Merchandising | MKT230 | Retailing | |
BA209 | Agricultural Mkt | MKT2XX | Agricultural Mkt | |
BA210 | Bus Comp Appl | IFS105 | Personal Computing | |
BA210 | Bus Comp Appl | IFS100 | Info Tech Competncy | |
BA212 | Internet Research | IFS2XX | Internet Research | |
BA225 | Project Mgt | MGT2XX | Project Mgt | |
BA242 | Intl Business | IBS200 | Internatl Business | |
BA244 | Prin Quality Improv | BUS2XX | Prin Quality Improv | |
BA245 | Contemp Issues in Business | BUS2XX | Contemp Iss in Bus | |
BA246 | Legal Env of Bus | BUS260 | Legal Environment | |
BA273 | Coop Educ III Bus Adm | BUS2XX | Coop Educ III Bus Adm | |
BIO100 | Fundamentals of Biology | BIO204 | Exploring Biology | |
BIO100 | Fundamentals of Biology | BIO205 | Exp Biology Lab | |
BIO103 | Anatomy & Physiology I | BIO220 | Human A/P I | |
BIO104 | Anatomy & Physiology II | BIO222 | Human A/P II | |
BIO106 | Gen Botany | BIO1XX | Gen Botany | |
BIO107 | Gen Zoology | BIO1XX | Gen Zoology | |
BIO108 | Human Body in Health | BIO112 | Essentials of A & P | |
BIO108 | Human Body in Hlth & Dis | BIO1XX | Biology Elective No Lab | |
BIO108 | Human Body in Health | BIO1XX | Biology Elective no lab | |
BIO109 | Hum Genetics | BIO1XX | Biology Elect No Lab | |
BIO110 | Intro Plant Sciences | BIO120 | Field Nat Hist | |
BIO110 | Intro Plant Sciences | BIO234 | Evolution/Diversity | |
BIO119 | Bio for Health Prof | BIO204 | Exploring Biology | |
BIO119 | Bio for Health Prof | BIO205 | Exp Biology Lab | |
BIO120 | General Biology | BIO150 | Biology I | |
BIO120 | General Biology | BIO151 | Biology I Lab | |
BIO120 | General Biology | BIO143 | Mole/Gene/Cell Lab | |
BIO120 | General Biology | BIO142 | Molecule/Gene/Cell | |
BIO121 | General Biology II | BIO153 | Biology II Lab | |
BIO121 | General Biology II | BIO152 | Biology II | |
BIO203 | Anat & Phys I | BIO220 | Human A/P I | |
BIO203 | Anat & Phys I | BIO221 | Human A/P I Lab | |
BIO204 | Anat & Phys II | BIO222 | Human A/P II | |
BIO204 | Anat & Phys II | BIO223 | Hum A/P II Lab | |
BIO205 | Microbiology | BIO230 | Microbiology | |
BIO205 | Microbiology | BIO231 | Microbio Lab | |
BIO206 | Microtechniques | BIO2XX | Biology Elect No Lab | |
BIO207 | Gen Ecology | BIO2XX | Biology Elect No Lab | |
BIO208 | Genetics | BIO240 | Genetics | |
BIO210 | Nutrition | NUR202 | Nutrition | |
CADD101 | Intro to CADD | EGR1XX | Intro to CADD | |
CADD102 | Int CADD | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
CADD131 | Revit I | EGR1XX | Revit I | |
CADD252 | Custom AutoCAD | EGR2XX | Custom AutoCD | |
CADD265 | Solidworks | EGR2XX | Solidworks | |
CADD273 | Coop Educ III | EGR2XX | Coop Educ III | |
CHEM100 | Chem for Changing Times | CHM102 | Chem/Society | |
CHEM103 | Elem Org & Biochem | CHM1XX | Chem Elect No Lab | |
CHEM111 | General Chemistry I | CHM135 | Gen Chem I Lab | |
CHEM111 | General Chemistry I | CHM134 | Gen Chem I | |
CHEM112 | General Chemistry II | CHM136 | Gen Chem II | |
CHEM112 | General Chemistry II | CHM137 | Gen Chem II Lab | |
CHEM114 | Gen Chemistry IIB | CHM1XX | Chemistry Elect No Lab | |
CHEM135 | Chemistry for Engineers | CHM134 | Gen Chem I | |
CHEM204 | Anayltical Chemistry | CHM2XX | Chemistry Elect No Lab | |
CHEM207 | Organic Chem I | CHM234 | Organic Chem I | |
CHEM208 | Organic Chemistry II | CHM236 | Organic Chem II | |
CIS102 | Intro to Info Sciences | IFS105 | Personal Computing | |
CIS102 | Intro to Info Sciences | IFS100 | Info Tech Competncy | |
CIS104 | Comp Oper Sys | IFS1XX | Comp Oper Sys | |
CIS106 | Intro to Micro Office | IFS105 | Personal Computing | |
CIS110 | Intro to UNIX/Linux | IFS1XX | Intro to UNIX/Linux | |
CIS111 | CProg Lang | EGR150 | Computational Methods | |
CIS113 | Intro to Powerpoint | IFS1XX | Intro to Powerpoint | |
CIS114 | Intro Comp User Supp | IFS1XX | Intro Comp User Supp | |
CIS115 | Fund of Prog | IFS1XX | Fund of Prog | |
CIS116 | Microsoft Proj: Basic | IFS1XX | Microsoft Proj: Basic | |
CIS117 | Microsoft Proj: Adv | IFS1XX | Microsoft Proj: Adv | |
CIS118 | Intro Microsoft Access | IFS1XX | Intro Microsoft Access | |
CIS119 | Programming I: Java | IFS1XX | Prog I: Java | |
CIS125 | Doc Proc: MS Word | IFS1XX | Doc Proc: MS Word | |
CIS135 | Intro to Networks | IFS1XX | Intro to Networks | |
CIS136 | Intro to Internet Tech | IFS1XX | Intro to Internet Tech | |
CIS138 | Intro to DOS | IFS1XX | Intro to DOS | |
CIS140 | Intro to Lotus 1-2-3 | IFS1XX | Intro to Lotus 1-2-3 | |
CIS145 | Intro Microsoft Excel | IFS1XX | Intro Microsoft Excel | |
CIS153 | Basic Prog I | IFS1XX | Basic Prog I | |
CIS201 | Assembler Computer Prog | IFS2XX | Assembler Computer Prog | |
CIS202 | COBOL Comp Prog I | IFS2XX | COBOL Comp Prog I | |
CIS203 | Computer Systems & Proc | CS2XX | Comp Systems & Proc | |
CIS205 | Visual Basic.NET | IFS160 | Visual Basic Progrm | |
CIS206 | COBOL Comp Prog II | IFS2XX | COBOL Comp Prog II | |
CIS207 | Adv Visual Basic.NET | IFS2XX | Adv Visual Basic.NET | |
CIS210 | Fund Network Security | IFS2XX | Fund Network Security | |
CIS211 | MS Windows Server 2003 | IFS2XX | MS Windows Server 2003 | |
CIS214 | Java Prog Lang | IFS2XX | Java Prog Lang | |
CIS215 | Adv Java Prog | IFS2XX | Adv Java Prog | |
CIS217 | Intro Web Prog | IFS2XX | Intro Web Prog | |
CIS219 | Server-Side Web Prog | IFS2XX | Server-Side Web Prog | |
CIS221 | C++ Programming Lang | CS2XX | C++ Prog Lang | |
CIS224 | Intro to Visual BASIC | IFS160 | Visual Basic Progrm | |
CIS225 | Intro to Shell Prog | IFS2XX | Intro to Shell Prog | |
CIS227 | Adv Visual BASIC | IFS2XX | Adv Visual BASIC | |
CIS229 | Python Prog Lang | CS2XX | Python Prog Lang | |
CIS238 | Intermed DOS | IFS2XX | Intermed DOS | |
CIS254 | Adv Microsoft Office | IFS2XX | Adv Microsoft Office | |
CJ101 | Intro to Criminal Justice | CCJ101 | Intro Crim Justice | |
CJ103 | Intro to Corrections | CJA1XX | Intro to Corrections | |
CJ104 | Procedural Law & Evidence | CJA1XX | Procedural Law & Evidence | |
CJ109 | Police Org & Admin | CJA1XX | Police Org & Admin | |
CJ111 | Prin of Criminal Law | CJA1XX | Prin of Criminal Law | |
CJ112 | Intro Crime Scene Tech | CJA1XX | Intro to Crime Scene Tech | |
CJ201 | Police-Comm Relations | CJA2XX | Police-Comm Relations | |
CJ207 | Criminal Investigation | CJA2XX | Criminal Investigation | |
CJ213 | Criminology | CJA2XX | Criminology | |
CJ214 | Police Problems & Practices | CJA2XX | Police Problems & Practices | |
CJ215 | Police Conduct | CJA2XX | Police Conduct | |
CJ216 | Terrorism | CJA2XX | Terrorism | |
CJ283 | Fld Pract Crim Just | CJA2XX | Fld Pract Crim Just | |
CMST101 | Speech Fund | CM212 | Public Speaking | |
CMST105 | Interpersonal Comm | CM329 | Interpersonal Comm | |
CMST106 | Bus & Prof Speech | CM212 | Public Speaking | |
CMST106 | Bus & Prof Speech | CM212 | Public Speaking | |
CMST106 | Bus & Prof Speech | CM246 | Comm/Business Prof | |
CMST200 | Communication Theory | CM206 | Communicatn Theory | |
CMST210 | Group Comm & Lead | CM304 | Group Discussion | |
CMST230 | Nonverbal Communication | CM2XX | Nonverbal Comm | |
CSI131 | Comp Sci I | CS101 | Fund Comp Sci I | |
CSI132 | Comp Sci II | CS1XX | Comp Sci II | |
DP102 | Int Info Sci | IFS1XX | Int Info Sci | |
DRAM203 | Survey of World Drama | HUM2XX | Survey of World Drama | |
DRAM204 | Surv Modern Drama | HUM2XX | Surv Modern Drama | |
ECON101 | Macroeconomics | ECO200 | Prin Econ-Macro | |
ECON102 | Microeconomics | ECO201 | Prin Econ-Micro | |
ECON105 | U.S. Economic History | ECO1XX | U.S. Economic History | |
ECON106 | Consumer Econ & Pers Fin | BUS218 | Personal Finance | |
ECON107 | Intro to Economics | ECO1XX | Intro to Economics | |
EDUC101 | Intro to Education | EDU1XX | Intro to Education | |
EDUC103 | The Young Child | EDU1XX | The Young Child | |
EDUC104 | Mtls & Crrc Early Child | EDU1XX | Mtls & Crrc Early Child | |
EDUC107 | Intro to Special Ed | SPE1XX | Intro to Special Ed | |
EDUC108 | Class Mgt: Early Child | EDU1XX | Class Mgt: Early Child | |
EDUC110 | Infant & Toddler Curriculum | ECH250 | Professionl/Partner | |
EDUC110 | Infant & Toddler Devel | EDU1XX | Infant & Toddler Dev | |
EDUC113 | Intro Early Child Ed | EDU1XX | Intro Early Child Ed | |
EDUC201 | Field Placement I | EDU2XX | Field Placement I | |
EDUC202 | Field Placement II | EDU2XX | Field Placement II | |
EDUC205 | Instruction of Reading | EDU2XX | Instr of Reading | |
EDUC206 | Teach Reading Cont Areas | EDU2XX | Teach Read Cont Areas | |
EDUC207 | Proc & Acquisition of Rdg | ECH301 | Lit/Lang Young Child | |
EDUC208 | Avenues Child Lit | EDU2XX | Avenues Child Lit | |
EDUC209 | Teach Reading Cont Areas | EDU2XX | Teach Rdg Cont Areas | |
EDUC210 | Child w/Beh Chall | EDU2XX | Child w/Beh Chall | |
EDUC211 | Assess Read Instr | EDU2XX | Assess Read Instr | |
EDUC213 | Class Assess of Students | EDU2XX | Class Assess Students | |
EDUC214 | Classroom Mentoring | EDU2XX | Classroom Mentoring | |
EDUC215 | School-Age Child Care | EDU2XX | School-Age Child Care | |
EDUC216 | Child Hlth, Safety & Nutr | EDU2XX | Child Hlth, Saf & Nutr | |
EDUC217 | Intro Special Education | SPE200 | Process/Procedures | |
ELEC105 | Intro to Electronics | ECE1XX | Intro to Electronics | |
ENG101 | English Compostion | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm | |
ENG102 | English Comp and Lit | LIT200 | Perspectives/Lit | |
ENG107 | Intro Creat Writing | CRW272 | Intro Creative Wrt | |
ENG109 | Eng Comp: Research Wrtg | FCO2XX | Eng Comp: Resrch Wrtg | |
ENG110 | Poetry I | WRT2XX | Poetry I | |
ENG113 | Fiction & Creative NonFict | WRT2XX | Fict & Creative Nonfict | |
ENG201 | World Lit 800BC-1600AD | LIT285 | Eur Lit to 1600 | |
ENG202 | World Lit 1600-Present | LIT286 | Eur Lit Since 1600 | |
ENG203 | English Lit I | LIT283 | British Lit to 1750 | |
ENG204 | English Lit II | LIT284 | Brt Lit after 1750 | |
ENG205 | Survey of American Lit I | LIT281 | Amer Lit to 1885 | |
ENG206 | Survey of American Lit II | LIT282 | Amer Lit after 1885 | |
ENG207 | Persp in Humanities | HUM2XX | Persp in Humanities | |
ENG208 | Contemp Humanities | HUM2XX | Contemp Humanities | |
ENG209 | Technical Writing | WRT2XX | Technical Writing | |
ENG210 | Lit Child & Young Adult | LIT270 | Young Adult Lit | |
ENG214 | Great Writers | LIT2XX | Great Writers | |
ENG215 | Multicult Lit: 20th Cent | LIT2XX | Multicult Lit: 20th Cent | |
ENG216 | Business Communication | FCO210 | Comm Prof Cultures | |
ENG219 | American Women Writers | WGS382 | Women In Literature | |
ENG219 | American Women Writers | LIT382 | Women In Literature | |
ENG231 | Fict & Creat Nonfict II | WRT3XX | Fict & Creat Nonfict II | |
ENG232 | Fict & Creat Nonfict III | WRT373 | Adv Nonfctn Prose | |
ENG233 | African American Lit | LIT203 | African/Amer Lit | |
ENG234 | Ethnic Amer Lit | LIT2XX | Ethnic Amer Lit | |
ENG235 | Poetry II | WRT3XX | Poetry II | |
ENG236 | Poetry III | WRT372 | Poetry Wrt Workshp | |
ENG237 | Lit to Film | LIT393 | Literature & Film | |
ENG238 | Latin Amer Lit | LIT2XX | Latin Amer Lit | |
ENGR101 | Engineering Drawing I | EGR1XX | Engineering Drawing I | |
ENGR103 | Engineering Graphics | EGR100 | Epads I | |
ENGR104 | Statics | ME250 | Statics | |
ENGR201 | Dynamics | ME2XX | Dynamics | |
ENGR202 | Mechanics of Materials | ME264 | Strength/Matrls | |
ENGR203 | Engineering Materials | ME260 | Materls Science | |
ENGR204 | Basic Circuit Analysis | ECE100 | Intro Elect Engnr | |
ENGR207 | Sci & Eng Comp | EGR2XX | Sci & Eng Comp | |
ENGT101 | Intro Eng Tech | EGR1XX | Intro Eng Tech | |
ENGT102 | Blueprint Reading | EGR1XX | Blueprint Reading | |
ENGT103 | Intro 3D Printing | EGR1XX | Intro 3D Printing | |
ENGT105 | Elect Control Sys | EGR1XX | Elect Control Sys | |
ENGT107 | Prin Hydraulics & Pneum | EGR1XX | Prin Hydraulics & Pneum | |
ENGT108 | Introduction to Electronics | EGR1XX | Introduction to Electronics | |
ENGT109 | LabVIEW Fund | EGR1XX | LabVIEW Fund | |
ENGT201 | Materials in Manufacturing | ME1XX | Materials in Manufacturing | |
ENGT223 | Princ of Mechanics | ME2XX | Prin of Mechanics | |
ENGT224 | Quality Assurance for Techn | EGR2XX | Quality Assurance for Techn | |
ENV111 | Human Ecology | BIO1XX | Biology Elective No Lab | |
ENV122 | Intro Soil Science | BIO1XX | Intro Soil Science | |
ENV202 | Environmental Law | NPE2XX | Environmental Law | |
ENV220 | Prin Environ Analysis I | BIO2XX | Environ Analysis I | |
ENV221 | Prin Environ Analysis II | BIO2XX | Environ Analysis II | |
ENV225 | Environ Prob Assess & Eval | BIO2XX | Biology Elect No Lab | |
ES105 | Earth Science | ESS1XX | Earth Sci Elect No Lab | |
ES105 | Earth Science | ESS152 | Earth/Space Sci | |
ES107 | Earth and Space Science | ESS152 | Earth/Space Sci | |
EUC212 | Effective Teach Meth | EDU2XX | Eff Teach Meth | |
EXSC101 | Intro to Exercise Science | PAW1XX | Intro to Exercise Science | |
EXSC201 | Fitness Assess & Prog Design | REC2XX | Fitness Assess & Prog Design | |
EXSC202 | Fitness Instruction | PAW2XX | Fitness Instruciton | |
FR101 | Elem French I | FRN101 | Elem French I | |
FR102 | Elem French II | FRN102 | Elem French II | |
FR201 | Intermed French I | FRN201 | Inter French I | |
FR202 | Intermed French II | FRN202 | Inter French II | |
FS100 | Basic Forensic Science | FCM211 | Criminalistics Lab | |
FS100 | Basic Forensic Science | 01 | FCM210 | Criminalistics |
FS100 | Basic Forensic Science | FCM210 | Criminalistics | |
FS100 | Basic Forensic Science | 01 | CCJ1XX | Basic Forensic Science |
FS100 | Basic Forensic Science | CCJ1XX | Basic Forensic Science | |
FS100 | Basic Forensic Science | 01 | FCM211 | Criminalistics Lab |
FS100 | Basic Forensic Science | 02 | CJA231 | Criminalistics Lab |
FS100 | Basic Forensic Science | CCJ236 | Criminalistics | |
FS100 | Basic Forensic Science | 01 | CCJ236 | Criminalistics |
FS100 | Basic Forensic Science | CCJ237 | Criminalistics Lab | |
FS100 | Basic Forensic Science | 01 | CCJ237 | Criminalistics Lab |
FS100 | Basic Forensic Science | 02 | FCM210 | Criminalistics |
FS100 | Basic Forensic Science | 02 | FCM211 | Criminalistics Lab |
FS100 | Basic Forensic Science | 02 | CJA230 | Criminalistics |
FS101 | Basic Forensics Sci Lab | 01 | ||
FS101 | Basic Forensics Sci Lab | 02 | ||
GEOG101 | Phys Geog | G151 | Intro Physical Geog | |
GEOG102 | Human Geography | G1XX | Human Geography | |
GEOG103 | World Regional Geography | G100 | World Reg Geography | |
GEOG201 | Geography of the U.S. | G341 | Geog North America | |
GEOG203 | Map Interpretation | G2XX | Map Interpretation | |
GEOG204 | Intro Geog Info Sys | G361 | Intro to Geo Info Sys | |
GER101 | Elementary German I | GRM101 | Elem German I | |
GER102 | Elementary German II | GRM102 | Elem German II | |
GER201 | Intermed German I | GRM201 | Inter German I | |
GER202 | Intermed German II | GRM202 | Inter German II | |
GS183 | ST: Intro Research | NPE1XX | ST: Intro Research | |
HIS109 | World History | HIS1XX | World History | |
HIST101 | Hist of West Civ I | HIS101 | Foundation of the West | |
HIST102 | Hist of West Civ II | HIS102 | Western Civ II | |
HIST103 | Hist of U.S. I | HIS111 | American Civ I | |
HIST104 | Hist of U.S. II | HIS112 | American Civ II | |
HIST109 | World History 1 | HIS1XX | World History 1 | |
HIST110 | World History II | HIS1XX | World History II | |
HIST112 | Hist of Sci & Tech | HIS1XX | Hist of Sci & Tech | |
HIST115 | Expl Ancient Civ | HIS300 | Ancnt Hist to 476 | |
HIST201 | MD State & Local Hist | HIS2XX | MD State & Local Hist | |
HIST202 | Twentieth Century World | HIS1XX | Twentieth Century World | |
HIST203 | Hist Am Military Policy | HIS2XX | Hist Am Military Pol | |
HIST204 | Hist of Russia | HIS325 | Hist of Russia/1861 | |
HIST207 | Afr-Amer History | HIS2XX | Afr-Amer History | |
HIST208 | Amer Ethnic History | HIS2XX | Amer Ethnic History | |
HIST210 | Caribbean in World Hist | HIS2XX | Caribbean in World Hist | |
HIST211 | History of Africa | HIS140 | History of Africa I | |
HIST216 | Intro to Public History | HIS201 | Intro Public History | |
HIST218 | History of the British Isles | HIS2XX | History of the British Isles | |
HIST220 | Hist of Amer Women | HIS390 | Women in US History | |
HIST263 | Hist of Ireland | HIS2XX | History of Ireland | |
HLTH101 | Contemp Health Issues | PAW1XX | Contemp Health Issues | |
HLTH102 | EMC, First Aid, Safety | SPM205 | Responding/Emerg | |
HLTH103 | Wellness Theory & Appl | PE134 | Concpts Phys Actvty | |
HLTH104 | Env Health | BIO1XX | Biol Elect No Lab | |
HLTH105 | Intro Holistic Health | PE1XX | Phys Ed Elect | |
HLTH105 | Intro Holistic Health | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
HLTH106 | Nutrition Personl Wellness | NUR202 | Nutrition | |
HLTH107 | Stress Mgmt | PAW1XX | Stress Mgmt | |
HLTH201 | Human Sexuality | BEH2XX | Human Sexuality | |
HUM214 | The Devil in West Civ | HUM2XX | The Devil in West Civ | |
IDS201 | Peace and Conflict | HUM2XX | Peace and Conflict | |
ISS105 | Intro Cybersecurity | IFS1XX | Intro Cybersecurity | |
ISS111 | Cisco I | IFS1XX | Cisco I | |
ISS112 | Cisco II | IFS1XX | Cisco II | |
ISS213 | Cisco III | IFS2XX | Cisco III | |
ISS214 | Cisco IV | IFS2XX | Cisco IV | |
ISS220 | Strategic Infrastruct Sec | IFS2XX | Strat Infrastruct Sec | |
ISS220 | Strategic Infrastruct Sec | IA220 | National Security | |
ISS221 | Network Defense | CJA304 | Legl Stand Asst Pro | |
ISS221 | Network Defense | IFS2XX | Network Defense | |
ISS222 | Computer Forensics | IFS2XX | Computer Forensics | |
MATH100 | The Nature of Mathematics | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv | |
MATH101 | College Algebra | MAT105 | College Algebra | |
MATH102 | Cont Math | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv | |
MATH103 | Trigonometry | MAT1XX | Trigonometry | |
MATH109 | Precalculus Mathematics | MAT108 | Precalculus | |
MATH111 | Intro to Finite Math | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv | |
MATH131 | Concepts in Math I | MAT115 | Sets/Number Systems | |
MATH132 | Concepts in Math II | MAT215 | Sets/Number Sys II | |
MATH203 | Calculus I | MAT171 | Calculus I | |
MATH204 | Calculus II | MAT172 | Calculus II | |
MATH206 | Calculus III | MAT271 | Calculus III | |
MATH208 | Elem Diff Equations | MAT272 | Diff Equations | |
MATH210 | Discrete Struct | MAT235 | Discrete Mathemtcs | |
MATH211 | Elements of Geometry | MAT340 | Intro Geometry | |
MATH212 | Calc with Application | MAT120 | Applied Calculus | |
MATH216 | Intr to Statistics | QBA260 | Business Statistics | |
MATH216 | Intr to Statistics | MAT250 | Statistics | |
MATH216 | Intr to Statistics | BEH260 | Statistics | |
MATH217 | Linear Algebra | MAT260 | Elem Linear Algebra | |
MC101 | Intro to Elect Media | CM211 | Mass Communication | |
MC102 | Audio Production | CM226 | Audio Productn | |
MC103 | Television Studio Prod | CM242 | Video Prodctn I | |
MC104 | Electronic Media Perf | CM120 | Broadcast Perform I | |
MC105 | Intro to Journalism | CM1XX | Intro to Journalism | |
MC136 | Applied Mus Brass II | MUS1XX | Applied Mus Brass II | |
MC201 | Wrt Electronic Media | CM332 | Media Writing | |
MC203 | Advanced Audio Prod | CM336 | Audio Production II | |
MC204 | Video Production/Editing | CM341 | Video Production II | |
MC205 | American Pop Music | MUS287 | American Pop Music | |
MC206 | History of Film | FLM216 | Intro to Film | |
MC207 | Digital Video I | CM2XX | Digital Video I | |
MC208 | Wrtg for Coll News I | CM2XX | Wrtg College News I | |
MC209 | Wrtg for Coll News II | CM2XX | Wrtg for Coll News II | |
MC210 | Intro to Social Media | CM225 | Intro New Media | |
MC283 | Field Proj: Ann/Pro Elct Med | CM2XX | Field Proj: Ann/Pro Elct Med | |
MC284 | Field Proj: Advert/Sales | CM2XX | Field Proj: Advert/Sales | |
MC293 | Indep Audio/Video Project | CM2XX | Indep Audio/Video Project | |
MUS101 | Music Fundamentals | MUS181 | Found Music Theory | |
MUS103 | Music Theory I | MUS182 | Music Theory I | |
MUS104 | Music Theory II | MUS183 | Music Theory II | |
MUS105 | Chorus | MUS150 | YCChorale | |
MUS107 | Chamber Singers | MUS152 | Chamber Singers | |
MUS109 | Band | MUS1XX | Band | |
MUS111 | Jazz Ensemble | MUS162 | Jazz Ensemble | |
MUS113 | Percussion Ensemble | MUS172 | Percussion Ensemble | |
MUS115 | Class Piano | MUS140 | Class Piano | |
MUS118 | Vocal Jazz Ens I | MUS162 | Jazz Ensemble | |
MUS119 | Vocal Jazz Ens II | MUS163 | Jazz Ensemble | |
MUS120 | Orchestra I | MUS164 | Symphony Orchestra | |
MUS121 | Orchestra II | MUS165 | Symphony Orchestra | |
MUS124 | Vocal Perf Workshop I | MUS1XX | Vocal Perf Wrkshp I | |
MUS127 | App Mus Comm Voice I | MUS101 | Voice | |
MUS128 | App Mus Com Voice II | MUS102 | Voice | |
MUS129 | App Mus Com Voice III | MUS201 | Voice | |
MUS130 | App Mus Com Voice IV | MUS202 | Voice | |
MUS135 | App Mus Brass I | MUS1XX | App Mus Brass I | |
MUS139 | App Music: Drum/Perc | MUS136 | Percussion | |
MUS147 | App Mus Keyboard I | MUS1XX | App Mus Keyboard I | |
MUS148 | App Mus Keyboard II | MUS1XX | App Mus Keyboard II | |
MUS149 | App Mus Keyboard III | MUS1XX | App Mus Keyboard III | |
MUS150 | App Mus Keyboard IV | MUS1XX | App Mus Keyboard IV | |
MUS151 | App Mus Voice I | MUS1XX | App Mus Voice I | |
MUS152 | App Mus Voice II | MUS1XX | App Mus Voice II | |
MUS153 | App Mus Voice III | MUS1XX | App Mus Voice III | |
MUS154 | App Mus Voice IV | MUS1XX | App Mus Voice IV | |
MUS155 | App Mus Guitar I | MUS138 | Guitar | |
MUS156 | App Mus Guitar II | MUS139 | Guitar | |
MUS157 | App Mus Guitar III | MUS238 | Guitar | |
MUS158 | App Mus Guitar IV | MUS239 | Guitar | |
MUS167 | Appl Music: Composition | MUS1XX | Appl Mus: Comp | |
MUS171 | Appl Mus: Improv | MUS1XX | Appl Mus: Improv | |
MUS179 | App Mus Keybd Theory I | MUS1XX | App Mus Keybd Theory I | |
MUS185 | Classical Guitar Ens I | MUS1XX | Class Guitar Ens I | |
MUS187 | Chamber Music Ens I | MUS1XX | Chamber Music Ens I | |
MUS192 | Indep Study: Music | MUS1XX | Indep Study: Music | |
MUS201 | Art of Listening I | MUS186 | Listening to Music | |
MUS202 | Music: Art of List II | MUS2XX | Music: Art of List II | |
MUS202 | Art of Listening II | MUS1XX | Art of Listening II | |
MUS202 | Art of Listening II | MUS186 | Listening to Music | |
MUS203 | Music Theory III | MUS282 | Music Theory III | |
MUS204 | Music Theory IV | MUS283 | Music Theory IV | |
MUS215 | Intro Electronic Music | MUS2XX | Electronic Music | |
MUS216 | World Music | MUS281 | World Music | |
MUS218 | Vocal Jazz Ensemble III | MUS262 | Jazz Ensemble | |
MUS219 | Vocal Jazz Ensemble IV | MUS362 | Jazz Ensemble | |
MUS220 | Orchestra III | MUS264 | Symphony Orchestra | |
MUS221 | Orchestra IV | MUS265 | Symphony Orchestra | |
MUS222 | Popular Music of the U.S. | MUS287 | American Pop Music | |
MUS223 | Evolution of Jazz | MUS286 | Jazz History | |
MUS227 | App Mus Comm Voice V | MUS301 | Voice | |
MUS228 | App Mus Comm Voice VI | MUS302 | Voice | |
MUS229 | App Mus Comm Voice VIII | MUS401 | Voice | |
MUS230 | App Mus Comm Voice VIII | MUS402 | Voice | |
MUS247 | App Mus Keyboard V | MUS2XX | App Mus Keyboard V | |
MUS251 | App Mus Voice V | MUS2XX | App Mus Voice V | |
MUS252 | App Mus Voice VI | MUS2XX | App Mus Voice VI | |
MUS253 | App Mus Voice VII | MUS2XX | App Mus Voice VII | |
MUS254 | App Mus Voice VIII | MUS2XX | App Mus Voice VIII | |
MUS255 | App Mus Guitar V | MUS338 | Guitar | |
MUS256 | App Mus Guitar VI | MUS339 | Guitar | |
MUS257 | App Mus Guitar VII | MUS438 | Guitar | |
MUS258 | App Mus Guitar VIII | MUS439 | Guitar | |
MUS279 | App Mus Keybd Theory II | MUS2XX | App Mus Keybd Theory II | |
NURS101 | Fundamentals of Nursing | NUR1XX | Fundamentals of Nursing | |
NURS112 | Contemporary Issues in Nursing | NUR1XX | Contemporary Issues in Nursing | |
OS120 | Doc Proc I: MS Word 97 | IFS1XX | Doc Proc I:MS Word 97 | |
OS220 | Doc Proc II: MS Word 97 | IFS2XX | Doc Proc II: MS Word 97 | |
OS245 | End User Tech Solutions | IFS2XX | End User Tech Sol | |
PE101 | Beg Tennis | PAW159 | Tennis | |
PE104 | Beg Bowling | PAW1XX | Phys Act & Wellness Elect | |
PE130 | Hiking | PAW1XX | Hiking | |
PE131 | Beg Badminton | PAW151 | Badminton | |
PE133 | Aqua Yoga | PAW163 | Yoga | |
PE134 | Cross Training for Fitness | PAW1XX | Cross Train Fitness | |
PE135 | Indoor Cycling | PAW1XX | Indoor Cycling | |
PE136 | Fitness Maintenance I | PAW1XX | Fitness Maintenance I | |
PE136 | Cardio Fitness | PAW139 | Cardiorespty Exercs | |
PE138 | Jogging | PAW1XX | Jogging | |
PE150 | Aikido I | PAW1XX | Aikido I | |
PE154 | Hatha Yoga | PAW163 | Yoga | |
PE155 | Matwork Pilates | PAW165 | Pilates | |
PE177 | Beginning Jazz Dance | PAW1XX | Beginning Jazz Dance | |
PE178 | Dance Movement | PAW1XX | Dance Movement | |
PE188 | Beg Modern Dance | PAW1XX | Beg Modern Dance | |
PE228 | Weight Training | PAW2XX | Weight Training | |
PE229 | Advanced Weight Training | PAW2XX | Phys Act & Wellness Elect | |
PE230 | Fitness Walking | PAW2XX | Fitness Walking | |
PHIL101 | Intro to Philosophy | PHL221 | Intro Philosophy | |
PHIL200 | Principles of Logic | PHL231 | Logic | |
PHIL201 | Hist of Philosophy | PHL2XX | Hist of Philosophy | |
PHIL205 | Ethics | PHL341 | Ethics | |
PHIL220 | Bioethics | PHL346 | Bioethics | |
PHIL221 | Business Ethics | PHL342 | Ethics/Workplace | |
PHIL222 | Environ Ethics | PHL240 | Environmentl Ethics | |
PHIL250 | Phil of Religion | PHL383 | Philos Of Religion | |
PHOT101 | Photography I | ART245 | Photography I | |
PHOT102 | Photography II | ART295 | Photography II | |
PHOT103 | Darkroom Workshop | ART1XX | Darkroom Workshop | |
PHOT104 | Color Photography | ART1XX | Color Photography | |
PHOT105 | Photojournalism | ART1XX | Photojournalism | |
PHOT131 | Digital Imaging I | ART1XX | Digital Imaging I | |
PHOT201 | Creative Photo | ART2XX | Creative Photo | |
PHOT202 | Alt Photo Process | ART2XX | Alt Photo Process | |
PHOT203 | Commer Photo | ART2XX | Commer Photo | |
PHOT204 | Adv Color Photography | ART2XX | Adv Color Photo | |
PHOT205 | Lighting I | ART2XX | Lighting I | |
PHOT206 | Studio Lighting | ART2XX | Studio Lighting | |
PHOT207 | Lighting II | ART2XX | Lighting II | |
PHOT209 | Hist of Photography | ART388 | History/Photography | |
PHOT230 | Digital Imaging I | ART2XX | Digital Imaging I | |
PHOT231 | Digital Imaging II | ART2XX | Digital Imaging II | |
PHYS100 | Physics Today | PHY1XX | Physics Elect No Lab | |
PHYS101 | Intro Physics I | PHY110 | Gen Phys:Mech/Ht | |
PHYS101 | Intro Physics I | PHY111 | G Phys:Mech Lab | |
PHYS102 | Intro Physics II | PHY112 | Gen Phys:Elc/Magn | |
PHYS200 | General Physics I Lab | 03 | ||
PHYS203 | Gen Phys: Mech & Dynam | 03 | PHY161 | E Phys:Mech Lab |
PHYS203 | Gen Phys: Mech & Dynam | 03 | PHY160 | Eng Phys:Mechncs |
PHYS204 | Gen Phys: Vib, Waves, Ht | PHY162 | Eng Phys:Ht/Thermo | |
PHYS205 | Gen Phys: Elect Lt & Mod | PHY262 | Eng Phys: Opt/Mod | |
PL101 | Intro to Law | PS210 | Intro to Law | |
PL111 | Prin Crim Law | CJA1XX | Prin Crim Law | |
PL245 | Legal Envir of Bus | BUS2XX | Legal Envir of Bus | |
PS101 | American National Gov't | PS101 | Amer Gov/Citizenship | |
PS101 | American Nat'l Govt | PS101 | Amer Gov/Citizenship | |
PS102 | State & Local Govt | PS242 | State/Local Govt | |
PS106 | Intro to Law | PS210 | Intro to Law | |
PS201 | Intl Relations | PS302 | International Rel | |
PS203 | Comp Pol & Gov | PS260 | Comparative Politics | |
PS286 | Internship Pol Sci | PS2XX | Internship Pol Sci | |
PSY101 | General Psychology | PSY100 | General Psychology | |
PSY102 | Hum Dev Lifespan | PSY1XX | Hum Dev Lifespan | |
PSY102 | Hum Dev Lifespan | NUR201 | Nursing HD/HC | |
PSY105 | Human Relations | CM1XX | Human Relations | |
PSY105 | Human Relations | PSY1XX | Human Relations | |
PSY202 | Child Psychology | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop | |
PSY203 | Psychology of Death | PSY2XX | Psychology of Death | |
PSY204 | Abnormal Psychology | PSY230 | Abnormal Psych | |
PSY205 | Psychology of Women | PSY2XX | Psychology of Women | |
PSY207 | Educational Psychology | EDU370 | Psych of Learning | |
PSY207 | Educational Psychology | PSY2XX | Ed Psychology | |
PSY207 | Educational Psychology | EDU375 | Psy Learning/Second | |
PSY208 | Alcohol/Drugs: Impct Beh | PSY2XX | Alcohol/Drugs:Impct Beh | |
PSY209 | Social Psychology | PSY243 | Social Psychology | |
PSY210 | Indust & Org Psych | PSY2XX | Indust & Org Psych | |
PSY211 | Pract in Hum Serv | PSY2XX | Pract in Hum Serv | |
PSY212 | Helping Relationship | PSY2XX | Helping Relationship | |
PSY214 | Hum Dev Life Span | PSY2XX | Hum Dev Life Span | |
PSY214 | Hum Dev Life Span | NUR201 | Nursing HD/HC | |
PSY216 | Adolescent Psychology | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop | |
PSY263 | Health Psychology | PSY2XX | Health Psychology | |
RELG207 | Lit & Rel Thgt Old Tst | REL2XX | Lit & Rel Thgt Old Tst | |
RELG208 | Lit & Relg Thgt New Tst | REL2XX | Lit & Relg Thgt New Tst | |
RELG210 | Comparative Religion | REL265 | World Religions | |
SCI103 | Phys Science I | PSC152 | Physical Sci I | |
SCI104 | Phys Science II | PSC154 | Physical Sci II | |
SCI105 | Phys Science I | PSC1XX | Phys Sci Elect No Lab | |
SCI105 | Phys Science I | PSC152 | Physical Sci I | |
SCI107 | Phys Science II | PSC154 | Physical Sci II | |
SCI107 | Phys Science II | PSC1XX | Phys Sci Elect No Lab | |
SDEV103 | Career & Life Planning | FYS1XX | Career & Life Planning | |
SOC101 | Intro to Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology | |
SOC102 | Social Problems | SOC220 | Am Social Problems | |
SOC104 | Intro to Social Work | SOC1XX | Intro to Social Work | |
SOC200 | Intro to Social Work | SOC2XX | Intro to Social Work | |
SOC201 | Marriage and the Family | SOC225 | The Family | |
SOC206 | Intro to Soc Mass Media | CM211 | Mass Communication | |
SOC209 | Gender Images & Issues | SOC2XX | Gender Images & Issues | |
SOC213 | Criminology | SOC2XX | Criminology | |
SOC214 | Juvenile Delinquency | CJA110 | Juvenile Delinquncy | |
SOC215 | Principles of Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology | |
SPAN101 | Elementary Spanish I | SPN101 | Elem Spanish I | |
SPAN102 | Elementary Spanish II | SPN102 | Elem Spanish II | |
SPAN201 | Intermediate Spanish I | SPN201 | Inter Spanish I | |
SPAN202 | Intermediate Spanish II | SPN202 | Inter Spanish II | |
SPAN203 | Surv Spanish Lit I | SPN2XX | Surv Spanish Lit I | |
SPAN204 | Surv Spanish Lit II | SPN2XX | Surv Spanish Lit II | |
SPCH101 | Speech Fundamentals | CM104 | Human Communicatn | |
SPCH106 | Business & Prof Speech | CM212 | Public Speaking | |
SPCH106 | Business & Prof Speech | CM104 | Human Communicatn | |
SPCH201 | American Sign Language | CM150 | Beg Sign Language | |
THEA101 | Intro to Theatre | THE154 | Introduction to Theatre | |
THEA102 | Acting I | THE262 | Acting | |
THEA103 | Acting II | THE2XX | Acting II | |
THEA104 | Stagecraft I | THE1XX | Stagecraft I | |
THEA105 | Stagecraft II | THE1XX | Stagecraft II | |
THEA106 | Script Analysis | THE1XX | Script Analysis | |
THEA201 | Fund of Play Directing | THE2XX | Fund of Play Directing | |
THEA202 | Scene Design | THE320 | Scene Design | |
THEA204 | Costuming | THE322 | Costume Design | |
THEA221 | Vocal Perf Stage | THE2XX | Vocal Perf Stage | |
THEA222 | Movement for Actor | THE2XX | Movement for Actor | |
THEA223 | Makeup for Performer | THE2XX | Makeup for Performer | |
THEA279 | Theatre Workshop I | THE2XX | Theatre Workshop I | |
THEA281 | Theatre Workshop III | THE2XX | Theatre Workshop III | |
VPA201 | Visual & Perf Arts Survey | HUM2XX | Visual & Perf Arts Survey |
Harrisburg Area Community College | York College of Pennsylvania | |||
ACCT101 | Prin of Acct I | ACC220 | Financial Acct | |
ACCT102 | Prin of Acct II | ACC225 | Managerial Acct | |
ACCT105 | Micro Acct Appl-IBMPC | ACC1XX | Micro Acct Appl | |
ACCT150 | Prin of Fin Acct I | ACC1XX | Accounting Elective | |
ACCT151 | Prin of Fin Acct II | ACC220 | Financial Acct | |
ACCT160 | Prin of Mgrl Acct I | ACC1XX | Accounting Elective | |
ACCT161 | Prin of Mgrl Acct II | ACC225 | Managerial Acct | |
ACCT200 | Prin of Acct II | ACC225 | Managerial Acct | |
ACCT201 | Inter Acct I | ACC2XX | Inter Acct I | |
ACCT202 | Inter Acct II | ACC2XX | Inter Acct II | |
ACCT203 | Income Tax Acct | ACC305 | Taxation I | |
ACCT204 | Managerial Cost Acct | ACC375 | Adv Managerial Acctng | |
ACCT205 | Auditing | ACC2XX | Auditing | |
ACCT207 | Govt & Not-for-Profit | ACC2XX | Govt & Not-for-Profit | |
ACCT208 | Prof Bookkeeping | ACC2XX | Prof Bookkeeping | |
ACCT215 | Micro Acct Appl | ACC2XX | Micro Acct Applications | |
ACCT275 | Accounting Capstone | ACC2XX | Acct Capstone | |
AH105 | Medical Terminology | BIO201 | Medical Terminology | |
AH140 | Intro to Allied Health | BIO100 | Intro Allied Hl | |
AH150 | Hum Illness & Disease | BIO1XX | Biology Elect No Lab | |
AH209 | Pharmacology | BIO202 | Pharmacology | |
AH210 | Health Care Law & Ethics | PHL2XX | Health Care Law & Ethics | |
AH213 | Intro to Medical Insurance | BHA2XX | Intro to Medical Insurance | |
ANTH101 | Intro to Anthro | ANT1XX | Intro to Anthro | |
ANTH201 | Social Anthropology | ANT2XX | Social Anthropology | |
ANTH201 | Social Anthropology | ANT220 | Cult Anthropology | |
ANTH205 | Cult of the World | ANT2XX | Cult of the World | |
ANTH210 | North Amer Indian Cult | ANT2XX | North Amer Indian Cult | |
ANTH212 | Anthropology of Mexico | ANT2XX | Anthropology of Mexico | |
ANTH215 | Physical Anthro | ANT210 | Physical Anthropol | |
ANTH220 | Intro to Archaeology | ANT230 | Intro Archaeology | |
AOS110 | Microsoft Word | IFS1XX | Microsoft Word | |
AOS160 | Office Accounting | ACC1XX | Office Accounting | |
ARAB101 | Elem Arabic I | ARB101 | Elem Arabic I | |
ARAB102 | Elem Arabic II | ARB102 | Elem Arabic II | |
ART102 | Silkscreen Printing | ART1XX | Silkscreen Printing | |
ART103 | Art Education I | ART1XX | Art Ed I | |
ART105 | Fund of Two-Dimens Des | ART210 | Design I | |
ART106 | Printmaking | ART287 | Printmaking | |
ART107 | Fund of Three-Dimens Des | ART211 | Design II | |
ART108 | Fund of Computer Art | ART1XX | Fund of Computer Art | |
ART109 | Computer Graphics | ART1XX | Computer Graphics | |
ART110 | Crafts | ART397 | Art/Rec:Beyond A/C | |
ART111 | Black and White Photo I | ART245 | Photography I | |
ART112 | Black & White Photo II | ART3XX | Black & White Photogr II | |
ART114 | Interactive Media & Des | ART1XX | Inter Media & Des | |
ART115 | Beg Digital Photography | ART246 | Digital Photography | |
ART116 | Silver Gelatin Photo | ART1XX | Silver Gelatin Photo | |
ART117 | Photoshop for Photographers | ART1XX | Photoshop for Photogphrs | |
ART121 | Drawing I | ART215 | Drawing I | |
ART122 | Drawing II | ART265 | Drawing II | |
ART123 | Ilustration | ART223 | Illustration I | |
ART125 | Visual Thinking | ART101 | Art/Visual Culture | |
ART131 | Painting I | ART114 | Concepts/Painting | |
ART131 | Painting I | ART220 | Painting I | |
ART132 | Painting II | ART270 | Painting II | |
ART133 | Intro to Mac | ART1XX | Intro to Mac | |
ART140 | Web Design | ART1XX | Web Design | |
ART143 | Typography | ART1XX | Typography | |
ART144 | Graphic Design and Prod I | ART1XX | Graphic Design and Prod I | |
ART145 | Graphic Design and Prod II | ART1XX | Graphic Design and Prod II | |
ART146 | Graphic Des and Prod III | ART1XX | Graphic Des and Prod III | |
ART147 | Portfolio Dev | ART1XX | Portfolio Dev | |
ART148 | Graphic Des Internship | ART1XX | Graphic Des Internship | |
ART151 | Ceramics I | ART225 | Ceramics I | |
ART152 | Ceramics II | ART275 | Ceramics II | |
ART161 | Sculpture I | ART230 | Sculpture I | |
ART161 | Sculpture I | ART116 | Concepts/Sculpture | |
ART162 | Sculpture II | ART280 | Sculpture II | |
ART171 | Jewelry & Metal Des I | ART1XX | Jewelry & Metal Des I | |
ART171 | Jewelry and Metal Design I | ART284 | Jewelry/Sm Sculpt I | |
ART172 | Jewelry and Metal Design II | ART1XX | Jewelry and Metal Design II | |
ART174 | QuarkXPress Essentials | ART1XX | QuarkXPress Essentials | |
ART175 | Adobe Illustrator Ess | ART1XX | Adobe Illustrator Ess | |
ART176 | Digital Photo Imaging | ART1XX | Digital Photo Imaging | |
ART177 | Prod Methods in Jewelry | ART1XX | Prod Methods in Jewelry | |
ART178 | Bench Jeweler Basics | ART1XX | Bench Jeweler Basics | |
ART181 | Art Through the Ages I | ART204 | Survey West Art I | |
ART182 | Art Through the Ages - Pr | ART205 | Survey West Art II | |
ART183 | Modern Art | ART3XX | Modern Art | |
ART184 | The Art of Cinema | ART3XX | The Art of Cinema | |
ART185 | The Evol of the Cinema | FLM220 | Film History | |
ART186 | History and Aesthetics of Phot | ART388 | History/Photography | |
ART187 | Women and Art | ART3XX | Women and Art | |
ART188 | Art in the Diverse U.S. | ART3XX | Art in the Diverse U.S. | |
ART189 | Survey of Contemp Crafts | ART3XX | Survey of Contemp Crafts | |
ART190 | Hist of Graphic Design | ART1XX | Hist Graphic Design | |
ART191 | Glass | ART1XX | Glass | |
ART192 | Art of Asia | ART1XX | Art of Asia | |
ART201 | Color Photography I | ART295 | Photography II | |
ART202 | Material and Process of Photog | ART2XX | Material and Process of Photo | |
ART205 | Color Photography II | ART3XX | Color Photography II | |
ART206 | Studio Photography | ART3XX | Studio Photography | |
ART207 | Portfolio Development | ART2XX | Portfolio Development | |
ART208 | Adv Digital Photo | ART2XX | Adv Digital Photo | |
ART209 | Photography Seminar | ART2XX | Photo Seminar | |
ART210 | Contemp Crafts: Prod & Mrkt I | ART2XX | Contemp Crafts:Prod & Mrkt I | |
ART211 | Contemp Crafts:Prod & Markt II | ART2XX | Contemp Crafts:Prod & Mkt II | |
ART212 | Contmp Crafts:Clay Dsgn & Prod | ART2XX | Cont Crafts:Clay Dsgn & Prod | |
ART214 | Adv Glass | ART2XX | Adv Glass | |
ART216A | Adv Crafts: Glass | ART2XX | Adv Crafts: Glass | |
ART216B | Adv Crafts: Ceramics | ART2XX | Adv Crafts: Ceramics | |
ART217A | Adv Studio Prob I | ART2XX | Adv Studio Prob I | |
ART217B | Adv Studio Prob II | ART2XX | Adv Studio Prob II | |
ART217C | Adv Studio Prob III | ART2XX | Adv Studio Prob III | |
ART220 | Color & Design | ART2XX | Color & Design | |
ART280A | Advanced Crafts Printmaking | ART2XX | Advanced Crafts Printmaking | |
ART282Q | Advanced Glass | ART2XX | Advanced Glass | |
ART282U | Ital Ren Art & Arch | ART2XX | Ital Ren Art & Arch | |
ART282V | Photoshop for Photo | ART2XX | Photoshop for Photo | |
ASTR103 | Intro Planetary Astronomy | ESS154 | Intro/Astronomy | |
ASTR103 | Intro Planetary Astronomy | ESS155 | Astronomy Lab | |
ASTR104 | Intro Stellar Astron | ESS1XX | Intro Stellar Astron | |
BIOL100 | Basic Microbiology | BIO1XX | Biology Elective No Lab | |
BIOL101 | General Biology I | BIO142 | Molecule/Gene/Cell | |
BIOL101 | General Biology I | BIO143 | Mole/Gene/Cell Lab | |
BIOL101 | General Biology I | BIO151 | Intro Mole Bio Lab | |
BIOL101 | General Biology I | BIO150 | Intro Molecular Bio | |
BIOL102 | General Biology II | BIO153 | Evol/Ecol/Div Lab | |
BIOL102 | General Biology II | BIO152 | Evol/Ecol & Divers | |
BIOL103 | Environ Science | BIO1XX | Biology Elective No Lab | |
BIOL105 | Medical Terminology | BIO201 | Medical Terminology | |
BIOL108 | Biology for Non-Science Majors | BIO205 | Exp Biology Lab | |
BIOL108 | Biology for Non-Science Majors | BIO204 | Exploring Biology | |
BIOL108H | Honors Biol: Non-Sci Majors | BIO204 | Exploring Biology | |
BIOL108H | Honors Biol: Non-Sci Majors | BIO205 | Exp Biology Lab | |
BIOL111 | Intro to Human Bio | BIO112 | Fund Human Bio | |
BIOL111 | Intro to Human Bio | BIO112 | Essentials of A & P | |
BIOL112 | Intro Biol Sci II | BIO1XX | Intro Biol Sci II | |
BIOL115 | Intro to Cells and Moles | BIO150 | Intro Molecular Bio | |
BIOL115 | Intro to Cells and Moles | BIO142 | Molecule/Gene/Cell | |
BIOL121 | Anatomy and Physiology I | BIO221 | Human A/P I Lab | |
BIOL121 | Anatomy and Physiology I | BIO2XX | Anatomy and PHysiology I (Elec | |
BIOL121 | Anatomy and Physiology I | BIO220 | Human A/P I | |
BIOL122 | Anatomy & Physiology II | BIO223 | Hum A/P II Lab | |
BIOL122 | Anatomy & Physiology II | BIO222 | Human A/P II | |
BIOL130 | Field Biology | BIO232 | Plant Taxonomy | |
BIOL201 | Invertebrate Zoology | BIO2XX | Invertebrate Zoology | |
BIOL202 | Vertebrate Zoology | BIO2XX | Vertebrate Zoology | |
BIOL206 | Ecology | BIO2XX | Ecology | |
BIOL212 | Botany | BIO2XX | Botany | |
BIOL215 | Intro to Genetics | BIO240 | Genetics | |
BIOL215 | Intro to Genetics | BIO241 | Genetics Lab | |
BIOL221 | Microbiology | BIO230 | Microbiology | |
BIOL221 | Microbiology | BIO231 | Microbio Lab | |
BIOL225 | Human Biology | BIO1XX | Biology Elective No Lab | |
BIOL230 | Physiological Pathology | BIO2XX | Biology Elective No Lab | |
BIOL245 | Head/Neck Anat & Hist | BIO2XX | Head/Neck Anat & Hist | |
BIOL250 | Trop Ecology of Bahamas | BIO2XX | Trop Ecology of Bahamas | |
BIOL282B | Immunology | BIO2XX | Biology Elective No Lab | |
BIOL282C | Ecology | BIO2XX | Biology Elective No Lab | |
BTC101 | Biotechnology | BIO1XX | Biology Elect No Lab | |
BTC201 | Tech in Biotechnology | BIO2XX | Tech in Biotechnology | |
BTC235 | Molecular Bio Tech | BIO2XX | Molecular Bio Tech | |
BUSI101 | Intro to Business | BUS150 | Intro to Business | |
BUSI150 | Intro to Agribusiness | BUS1XX | Intro to Agribusiness | |
BUSI200 | The American Business Sys | BUS150 | Intro to Business | |
BUSI201 | Bus Law I | BUS260 | Legal Environment | |
BUSI201 | Bus Law I | BUS2XX | Bus Law I | |
BUSI202 | Business Law II | BUS2XX | Business Law II | |
BUSI209 | Legal Env of Business | BUS260 | Legal Environment | |
BUSI211 | Agricultural Law | BUS2XX | Agricultural Law | |
BUSI214 | Music Business Studies | MUS2XX | Music Business Studies | |
BUSI225 | Bus & Industry Sys | BUS2XX | Bus & Industry Sys | |
BUSI227 | Prin of Agri Econ | BUS2XX | Prin of Agri Econ | |
BUSI230 | Intro Intl Bus | IBS200 | Internatl Business | |
BUSI245 | Business Ethics | PHL255 | Business Ethics | |
BUSI250 | Mgt of Food Systems | BUS2XX | Mgt of Food Systems | |
BUSI282D | Prin of Risk Mgmt | BUS2XX | Prin of Risk Mgmt | |
BUSI291 | Coop Work Exp Bus | BUS2XX | Coop Work Exp Bus | |
CA115 | Mainframe COBOL | IFS1XX | Mainframe COBOL | |
CA120 | Intro Prog/Assem Lang | IFS1XX | Prog/Assem Lang | |
CA130 | Sys Analysis & Des | IFS1XX | Sys Analysis & Des | |
CA155 | Intro to Software for Business | IFS105 | Personal Computing | |
CA205 | Interm Prog/Assem | IFS2XX | Interm Prog/Assem | |
CA210 | Adv Comp Prog COBOL | IFS2XX | Adv Comp Prog COBOL | |
CAD114 | Computer Aided Drafting I | EGR1XX | Computer Aided Drafting I | |
CAD115 | Microstation I | EGR1XX | Microstation I | |
CAD124 | Comp Aided Drafting II | EGR1XX | Comp Aided Drafting II | |
CAD125 | Microstation II | EGR1XX | Microstation II | |
CAD130 | Civil Engr Drawing | EGR1XX | Civil Engr Drawing | |
CAD134 | Autocad: 3-D Drawing | EGR1XX | Autocad: 3-D Drawing | |
CAD144 | Comp Aid Drafting/Design | EGR1XX | Comp Aid Draft/Design | |
CAD154 | Comp Aided Draft & Des | EGR100 | Epads I | |
CAD164 | Adv CAD & Design | EGR1XX | Adv CAD & Design | |
CHEM100 | Prin of Chemistry | 01 | CHM122 | Prin Gen/Org Chem |
CHEM100 | Principles of Chemistry | CHM1XX | Principles of Chemistry | |
CHEM100 | Prin of Chemistry | 01 | CHM123 | Gen/Org Chem Lab |
CHEM101 | Gen Inorg Chem | 03 | CHM122 | Prin Gen/Org Chem |
CHEM101 | Gen Inorganic Chem | CHM134 | Gen Chem I | |
CHEM101 | Gen Inorg Chem | 03 | CHM123 | Gen/Org Chem Lab |
CHEM101 | Gen Inorg Chem | 02 | CHM122 | Prin Gen/Org Chem |
CHEM101 | Gen Inorg Chem | 03 | CHM123 | Gen/Org Chem Lab |
CHEM101 | Gen Inorg Chem | 02 | CHM123 | Gen/Org Chem Lab |
CHEM101 | Gen Inorg Chem | 03 | CHM122 | Prin Gen/Org Chem |
CHEM101 | Gen Inorg Chem | 02 | CHM122 | Prin Gen/Org Chem |
CHEM101 | Gen Inorg Chem | 02 | CHM123 | Gen/Org Chem Lab |
CHEM101 | Gen Inorganic Chem | CHM135 | Gen Chem I Lab | |
CHEM102 | Gen Inorganic Chem II | CHM137 | Gen Chem II Lab | |
CHEM102 | Gen Inorganic Chem II | CHM136 | Gen Chem II | |
CHEM113 | Chemistry for the Nonscientist | CHM202 | Chem/Society | |
CHEM113 | Chemistry for Nonscientist | CHM240 | Perspect/Molecular | |
CHEM121 | Principles of Chemistry | CHM122 | Prin Gen/Org Chem | |
CHEM200 | Principles of Organic & Biol | CHM122 | Prin Gen/Org Chem | |
CHEM202 | Quantitative Analysis | CHM336 | Quant Analy Chm | |
CHEM203 | Organic Chemistry I | CHM234 | Organic Chem I | |
CHEM203 | Organic Chemistry I | CHM235 | Orgnc Chm I Lab | |
CHEM203 | Org Chem I | 03 | ||
CHEM204 | Organic Chemistry II | CHM237 | Org Chm II Lab | |
CHEM204 | Organic Chemistry II | CHM236 | Organic Chem II | |
CHEM205 | Survey of Org Chem | 02 | ||
CHEM205 | Survey of Org Chem | 01 | ||
CHIN101 | Elementary Chinese I | INT1XX | Elementary Chinese I | |
CHIN102 | Elementary Chinese II | INT1XX | Elementary Chinese II | |
CIS100 | Fund Comp Tech | IFS1XX | Computer Fundamentals | |
CIS105 | Intro to Software for Bus | IFS105 | Personal Computing | |
CIS105 | Intro to Software for Bus | IFS100 | Info Tech Competncy | |
CIS106 | Windows Fund | IFS1XX | Windows Fund | |
CIS107 | Intro Microsoft Access | IFS1XX | Intro Microsoft Access | |
CIS108 | Intro to PowerPoint | IFS1XX | Intro to PowerPoint | |
CIS109 | Technology in Education | ECH210 | Ed Tech/Early Elem | |
CIS109 | Technology in Education | SE210 | Educ Tech Mid/Sec | |
CIS110 | Intro to Computer Systems | IFS1XX | Intro to Computer Systems | |
CIS115 | Fund of Computer Communicat | IFS1XX | Fund of Computer Comm | |
CIS127 | Microsoft Windows | IFS1XX | Microsoft Windows | |
CIS128 | Client Administration | NPE1XX | Client Administration | |
CIS129 | Op Sys for Tech | IFS1XX | Op Sys for Tech | |
CIS135 | Interm Spreadsheet Appl | IFS1XX | Interm Spreadsheet Appl | |
CIS140 | Interm Database Mgt | IFS1XX | Interm Database Mngmt | |
CIS207 | Desktop Publishing | ART2XX | Desktop Publishing | |
CIS210 | Hardware Exploration | IFS2XX | Hardware Exploration | |
CIS217 | Windows NT Server | IFS2XX | Windows NT Server | |
CIS222 | Intro to Windows Servers | IFS2XX | Intro to Windows Servers | |
CIS223 | Intermed Windows Servers | IFS2XX | Inter Windows Serv | |
CIS224 | Sys Analysis & Design | IFS2XX | Sys Analysis & Des | |
CIS225 | Intro to Graphic Software | ART2XX | Intro Graphic Software | |
CIS226 | Novell NetWare Admin | IFS2XX | Novell NetWare Admin | |
CIS227 | Technical Support | IFS2XX | Tech Support | |
CIS232 | Intro COBOL Prog | IFS2XX | Intro COBOL Prog | |
CIS235 | Adv Spreadsheet App | IFS2XX | Adv Spreadsheet App | |
CIS238 | Visual Basic Prog Bus | IFS2XX | Vis Basic Prog Bus | |
CIS239 | Database Report Development | IFS2XX | Database Report Development | |
CIS240 | Adv Database Mgt | IFS2XX | Adv Database Mgt | |
CIS241 | Database Administration I | IFS1XX | Database Administration I | |
CIS243 | Database Administration II | IFS125 | Enterprise Data Mgmt | |
CIS243 | Database Admin II | IFS2XX | Database Admin II | |
CIS245 | Database Prog | IFS2XX | Database Prog | |
CIS247 | Data Backup & Recovery | IFS2XX | Data Backup & Recovery | |
CIS249 | Fund of UNIX Op Sys | IFS2XX | Fund UNIX Op Sys | |
CIS250 | Intro Internet/WWW | IFS2XX | Intro Internet/WWW | |
CIS251 | HTML Editor | IFS2XX | HTML Editor | |
CIS253 | Linux Dev | IFS2XX | Linux Dev | |
CIS257 | Data Warehousing | IFS2XX | Data Warehousing | |
CIS262 | Image Editing | ART2XX | Image Editing | |
CIS264 | Fund LINUX Admin | IFS2XX | Fund LINUX Admin | |
CIS265 | Fund UNIX Admin | IFS2XX | Fund UNIX Admin | |
CIS266 | CIS Capstone | IFS2XX | CIS Capstone | |
CIS270 | Computer Practicum | IFS2XX | Computer Practicum | |
CIS275 | Comp Info Sys Practicum | IFS2XX | CIS Practicum | |
CIS278 | Adv Database Proj | IFS2XX | Adv Database Proj | |
CIS280C | Intro to Windows 95 | IFS2XX | Intro to Windows 95 | |
CIS282W | Computer Fundamentals | IFS105 | Personal Computing | |
CISE200 | Info Security Fund | IFS2XX | Info Security Fund | |
CISE210 | Info Security Admin | IFS2XX | Info Security Admin | |
CISE211 | Ethical Hacking & IR | IFS2XX | Ethical Hacking & IR | |
CISE220 | Info Sec Analysis & Resp | IFS2XX | Info Sec Analysis & Resp | |
CISE230 | Info Security Mgmt | IFS2XX | Info Security Mgmt | |
CJ101 | Introduction Criminal Justice | CCJ101 | Intro Crim Justice | |
CJ103 | Prin Sec & Loss Prev | CCJ102 | Intro Asset Protect | |
CJ104 | Police Operations | CCJ1XX | Police Operations | |
CJ105 | Police Organization & Admin | CCJ1XX | Police Organization & Admin | |
CJ106 | Intro to Corrections | CCJ1XX | Intro to Corrections | |
CJ108 | Criminology | CCJ1XX | Criminology | |
CJ109 | Instr & Tech | CCJ1XX | Instr & Tech | |
CJ130 | Intl & Domestic Terrorism | CCJ1XX | Intl & Domestic Terrorism | |
CJ201 | Criminal Investigation | CCJ305 | Crim Investigation | |
CJ202 | Patrol Operations | CCJ2XX | Patrol Operations | |
CJ203 | Criminal Evidence | CCJ362 | Crime Scene Process | |
CJ204 | Police Community Relations | CCJ2XX | Police Community Relations | |
CJ205 | Traffic Admin | CCJ2XX | Traffic Admin | |
CJ206 | Criminalistics | CCJ230 | Intro Criminalistics | |
CJ207 | Comm Policing & Cr Prev | CCJ2XX | Comm Policing & Cr Prev | |
CJ208 | Intermed Criminalistics | CCJ2XX | Intermed Criminalistics | |
CJ209 | Inst Treatment Offenders | CCJ2XX | Inst Treatment Offenders | |
CJ210 | Probation and Parole | CCJ347 | Community Based Corr | |
CJ211 | Juvenile Delinquency | CCJ110 | Juvenile Delinquncy | |
CJ212 | Crim Law and Procedure | CCJ341 | Criminal Procedure | |
CJ213 | Adv Criminology | CCJ2XX | Adv Criminology | |
CJ215 | Org & Admin | CCJ2XX | Org & Admin | |
CJ220 | Phys Security & Safety | CCJ2XX | Phys Security & Safety | |
CJ221 | Retail Sec & Safety | CCJ2XX | Retail Sec & Safety | |
CJ222 | Industrial Security and Safety | CCJ2XX | Industrial Security and Safety | |
CJ223 | Loss Prev Issues | CCJ2XX | Loss Prev Issues | |
CJ240 | Ethics and Diverse Cult | CCJ203 | Ethical Issues/CJ | |
CJ243 | International/Dom Terrorism | CCJ322 | Examining Terrorism | |
CJ245 | Crim Justice Seminar | CCJ2XX | Crim Justice Seminar | |
CJ251 | Criminal Justice Internship | CCJ2XX | Criminal Justice Internship | |
CNT120 | Network Comm Tech I | IFS1XX | Network Comm Tech I | |
CNT125 | Network Comm Tech II | IFS1XX | Network Comm Tech II | |
CNT130 | Fund Telecomm | IFS1XX | Fund Telecomm | |
CNT140 | Physical Network | IFS1XX | Physical Network | |
CNT200 | Tech Asp Net Op Sys | IFS2XX | Tech Asp Net Op Sys | |
CNT220 | Internetworking | IFS2XX | Internetworking | |
CNT240 | Cisco Routing | IFS2XX | Cisco Routing | |
CNT240 | Cisco Routing & Switching | IFS230 | Internet Communications | |
CNT260 | Wireless Net Admin | IFS2XX | Wireless Net Admin | |
CNT291 | Coop Work Exp | IFS2XX | Coop Work Exp | |
COMM101 | Effective Speaking | CM212 | Public Speaking | |
COMM101H | Honors Effective Speaking | CM212 | Public Speaking | |
COMM110 | Intro to Communication | CM1XX | Intro to Communication | |
COMM120 | Mass Media and Society | CM211 | Mass Communication | |
COMM171 | Workshop in News Wrtg/Rep | CM1XX | Wkshp in News Wrtg/Rep | |
COMM172 | Workshop in News Wrtg/Rpt | CM1XX | Wksp in News Wrtg/Rpt | |
COMM201 | Communication Theory | CM206 | Communicatn Theory | |
COMM202 | Organizational Comm | CM328 | Organizational Comm | |
COMM203 | Interpersonal Comm | CM329 | Interpersonal Comm | |
COMM211 | Public Relations | PR221 | Intro Public Relations | |
COMM221 | Media Writing | CM271 | Print Media Writing | |
COMM222 | News Wrtg/Reporting | CM2XX | News Wrtg/Reporting | |
COMM241 | Visual Communication | CM2XX | Visual Communication | |
COMM251 | Small Group Communication | CM2XX | Small Group Communication | |
COMM252 | Business and Prof Comm | CM246 | Comm/Business Prof | |
COMM253 | Intercultural Comm | CM2XX | Intercultural Comm | |
COMM253H | Honors Intercultural Comm | CM2XX | Honors Intercltrl Comm | |
COMM261 | Public Relations Wrtg | PR321 | Writing/Pub Relatns | |
COMM271 | Workshop in News Wrtg/Rpt | CM1XX | Wksp in News Wrtg/Rpt | |
COMM272 | Workshop in News Wrtg/Rpt | CM1XX | Wksp in News Wrtg/Rpt | |
COMM290 | Comm Capstone | CM2XX | Comm Capstone | |
CPS113 | Basic Prog Microcomp | CS1XX | Basic Prog Microcomp | |
CPS115 | Visual Basic Prog I | IFS160 | Visual Basic Progrm | |
CPS116 | Visual BASICProg II | IFS1XX | Visual BASICProg II | |
CPS121 | JAVA Programming | IFS1XX | JAVA Programming | |
CPS135 | CProgramming | CS1XX | CProgramming | |
CPS141 | Pascal Prog | CS1XX | Pascal Programming | |
CPS151 | Fortran Prog | IFS1XX | Fortran Programming | |
CPS161 | Computer Sci I | CS1XX | Comp Sci I | |
CPS162 | Computer Sci II | CS1XX | Comp Sci II | |
CPS230 | Object Oriented Programming JA | IFS225 | Application Development | |
CTEC101 | Network Comm Tech I | IFS1XX | Network Comm Tech I | |
CTEC102 | Network Comm Tech II | IFS1XX | Network Comm Tech II | |
CTEC121 | Internetworking I | IFS1XX | Internetworking I | |
CTEC122 | Internetworking II | IFS1XX | Internetworking II | |
CTEC215 | Technical Aspects of LAN | IFS2XX | Technical Aspects of LAN | |
CTEC221 | Tech Asp Net Oper Sys | IFS2XX | Tech Aspects Network Op | |
CTEC240 | Cisco Routing | IFS2XX | Cisco Routing | |
CTEC282P | Fdtn of Info Security I | IFS2XX | Fdtn of Info Security I | |
CTEC291 | Coop Work Exp | IFS2XX | Coop Work Exp | |
CULI100 | World of Wine | HSP1XX | World of Wine | |
CULI102 | Appl Hospitality Math | HSP1XX | Appl Hospitality Math | |
CULI106 | Professional Bartending | HSP1XX | Profess Bartending | |
CULI113 | Sanitation & Safety | HSP1XX | Sanitation & Safety | |
CULI133 | Culinary Arts I | HSP1XX | Culinary Arts I | |
CULI143 | Culinary Arts II | HSP1XX | Culinary Arts II | |
CULI153 | Culinary Arts III | HSP1XX | Culinary Arts III | |
CULI205 | Restaurant Operations I | HSP2XX | Restaurant Operations I | |
CULI206 | Restaurant Operations II | HSP2XX | Restaurant Operations II | |
CULI207 | Restaurant Op III | HSP2XX | Restaurant Op III | |
CULI209 | Intl Culinary Tour: Italy | HSP2XX | Intl Culinary Tour: Italy | |
CULI221 | Basic Food | HSP360 | Comm Food Prod Mgmt | |
CULI291 | Cul Arts Intern | HSP150 | Work Experience I | |
CVT101 | Cardiovascular Tech | NPE1XX | Cardiovascular Tech | |
CVT103 | Cardiovascular Tech Clin | NPE1XX | Cardiovasc Tech Clin | |
CVT204 | Card Pathophys I | NPE2XX | Card Pathophys I | |
CVT205 | Card Pathophys II | NPE2XX | Card Pathophys II | |
CVTE103 | Surveying I | CVE100 | Int Civil/Env Engnr | |
CVTE132 | Civil 3D Computer Aid Dsgn | EGR100 | Epads I | |
CVTE208 | Strength of Materials | EGR2XX | Strength of Materials | |
DP100 | Basic COBOL | IFS1XX | Basic COBOL | |
DP101 | Fund Data Processing | IFS1XX | Fund Data Processing | |
DP106 | Intro to Assembler Language | IFS1XX | Intro to Assembler Lang | |
DP113 | Intro Micro Soft Bus | IFS1XX | Intro Micro Soft Bus | |
ECON201 | Prin of Econ I: Macro | ECO200 | Prin Econ-Macro | |
ECON202 | Prin of Econ II: Micro | ECO201 | Prin Econ-Micro | |
EDUC100 | Practicum in Education | EDU1XX | Pract in Ed | |
EDUC101 | Found of Education | EDU1XX | Found of Ed | |
EDUC110 | Foundations of PK-4 Education | EDU200 | Found of Education | |
EDUC110 | The Ed Professional | EDU200 | Found of Education | |
EDUC111 | Fund of Early Care | EDU1XX | Fund of Early Care | |
EDUC120 | Observ & Assess Yng Child | EDU1XX | Obs & Assess Yng Child | |
EDUC122 | Child Observation Strat | EDU1XX | Child Observation Strat | |
EDUC124 | EDUCLab: Creative Arts | EDU1XX | EDUCLab: Creat Arts | |
EDUC126 | EDUCLab: Lit & Lang | EDU1XX | EDUCLab: Lit & Lang | |
EDUC128 | EDUCLab: Curr | EDU1XX | EDUCLab: Curr | |
EDUC130 | Intro to CDA | EDU1XX | Intro to CDA | |
EDUC131 | CDA Assessment | EDU1XX | CDA Assessment | |
EDUC134 | Fund School-Age Care | EDU1XX | Fund School-Age Care | |
EDUC135 | Hlth, Saf & Nut Ear Chld | EDU1XX | Hlth, Saf & Nut Ear Chld | |
EDUC140 | Integ Arts & Play | EDU1XX | Integ Arts & Play | |
EDUC140 | Integ the Arts and Play | EDU230 | Intro to the Arts | |
EDUC145 | Infant and Toddler Care | EDU1XX | Infant/Toddler Care | |
EDUC165 | Fund School Age Care | EDU1XX | Fund School Age Care | |
EDUC175 | Prog Admin Early Child Care | EDU1XX | Prog Admin Early Child | |
EDUC180 | Div & Part Fam, Sch, Comm | EDU1XX | Div & Part Fam, Sch, Com | |
EDUC185 | Dev & Beh Child | EDU1XX | Dev & Beh Child | |
EDUC190 | Grwth & Well in Childhood | EDU1XX | Grwth & Well Childhood | |
EDUC202 | Ed Exceptional Child | SPE2XX | Ed Exceptional Child | |
EDUC203 | Intro to Classroom Instr | EDU2XX | Intro Class Instr | |
EDUC208 | ECE Practicum | EDU2XX | ECE Pract | |
EDUC209 | Educational Psychology | PSY2XX | Educational Psychology | |
EDUC210 | Exceptional Learners | SPE2XX | Exceptional Learners | |
EDUC211 | Early Childhood Inclusion | ECH230 | Early Child Theory | |
EDUC211 | Early Childhood Inclusion | SPE250 | Professnl/Partners | |
EDUC211 | Early Childhood Inclusion | SPE2XX | Early Intervention | |
EDUC211 | Early Inter: Exc Child | SPE2XX | Early Inter: Exc Child | |
EDUC220 | Math for Young Learn | EDU2XX | Math for Young Learner | |
EDUC220 | Math for Young Learner | ECH320 | Teaching Math | |
EDUC230 | Observe Child Beh/Dev | EDU2XX | Observe Child Beh/Dev | |
EDUC231 | Early Child Prof | EDU2XX | Early Child Prof | |
EDUC232 | Dev/Beh 0-12 Yrs | EDU2XX | Dev/Beh 0-12 Yrs | |
EDUC240 | Intro Early Child Ed | EDU2XX | Intro Early Child Ed | |
EDUC241 | Curr Dev Early Child | EDU2XX | Curr Dev Early Child | |
EDUC242 | Health, Safety and Nutr | EDU2XX | Health, Safety and Nutr | |
EDUC243 | Observing Child Beh | EDU2XX | Observing Child Beh | |
EDUC244 | Lang Dev for Young Child | EDU2XX | Lang Dev Young Child | |
EDUC245 | Creative Act in ECE | EDU2XX | Creat Act in ECE | |
EDUC247 | Intro ECE Spec Needs | SPE2XX | Intro ECE Specl Needs | |
EDUC248 | Math & Sci Young Child | EDU2XX | Math & Sci Young Child | |
EDUC250 | Fam Foc Infant/Toddler | EDU2XX | Fam Foc Infant/Toddler | |
EDUC254 | Creat Exp ECE | EDU2XX | Creat Exp ECE | |
EDUC256 | Early Child Lit/Lang | EDU2XX | Early Child Lit/Lang | |
EDUC258 | Curr Dev in ECE | EDU2XX | Curr Dev in ECE | |
EDUC260 | Soc Stud for Young Lrnr | ECH315 | Teachng Soc Studies | |
EDUC261 | Integ Curr Early Child | EDU2XX | Integ Curr Early Child | |
EDUC265 | Integrating Tech in Class | EDU2XX | Integrating Tech in Class | |
EDUC270 | Found of Early Literacy | ECH301 | Lit/Lang Young Child | |
EDUC282AE | Educating Exceptional Child | SPE2XX | Educating Exceptional Child | |
EDUC290 | Prin Class Instruction | EDU2XX | Prin Class Instruct | |
EDUC291 | Early Care & Ed Pract | EDU2XX | Early Care & Ed Pract | |
EDUC295 | Program Develop & Supervision | EDU2XX | Program Develop & Supervision | |
EDUC296 | Leadership & Professionalism | EDU2XX | Leadership & Professionalism | |
ELEC100 | Fund Electricity & Electron | ECE1XX | Fund Electricity & Electr | |
ELEC106 | Fundamentals of Electronics | ECE1XX | Fundamentals of Electronics | |
ELEC108 | Applied Digital Electronics | ECE1XX | Applied Digital Electronics | |
ELEC111 | AC/DCCircuits I | ECE1XX | AC/DCCircuits I | |
ELEC125 | Intro to PCTech | IFS1XX | Intro to PCTech | |
ELEC126 | Install/Trblshtng PCs | IFS1XX | Install/Trbleshtng PCs | |
ELEC144 | Semiconductor Prin & Apps | ECE1XX | Semiconductor Prin & Apps | |
ELEC201 | Electrical Machinery | ME2XX | Electrical Machinery | |
ELEC203 | Electronic Circuit Design | ECE2XX | Electronic Circuit Design | |
ELEC211 | AC/DCCircuits II | ECE2XX | AC/DCCircuits II | |
ELEC213 | Digital Electronics | ECE2XX | Digital Electronics | |
ELOC153 | Fund of Electricity | ECE1XX | Fund of Electricity | |
ELOC175 | Elec System Trouble | EGR100 | Epads I | |
ENGL101 | English Composition I | WRT1XX | English Composition I | |
ENGL101H | Honors English Comp I | WRT1XX | Honors English Comp I | |
ENGL102 | English Compostion II | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm | |
ENGL102H | Honors English Comp II | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm | |
ENGL104 | Report and Tech Writing | FCO215 | Tech/Scientfc Comm | |
ENGL106 | Written Business Comm | FCO210 | Comm Prof Cultures | |
ENGL107 | Creative Writing I | CRW272 | Intro to Creative Writing | |
ENGL107 | Creative Writing I | WRT272 | Intro Creative Wrt | |
ENGL108 | Creative Writing II | WRT371 | Adv Creative Wrtng | |
ENGL110 | Intro Professional Wrtg | FCO210 | Comm Prof Cultures | |
ENGL113 | English for Tutors | WRT290 | Tchng/Tutorng Wrtng | |
ENGL114 | Intro to Novel Writing | CRW3XX | Intro to Novel Writing | |
ENGL116 | Intro to Poetry Writing | CRW1XX | Intro to Poetry Writing | |
ENGL201 | Major English Writers I | LIT283 | British Lit to 1750 | |
ENGL202 | Major English Writers II | LIT284 | Brt Lit after 1750 | |
ENGL203 | Major American Writers I | LIT281 | Amer Lit to 1885 | |
ENGL204 | Major American Writers II | LIT282 | Amer Lit after 1885 | |
ENGL205 | World Literature I | LIT285 | Eur Lit to 1600 | |
ENGL206 | World Literature II | LIT286 | Eur Lit Since 1600 | |
ENGL207 | Intro to Literature | LIT200 | Perspectives/Lit | |
ENGL207H | Honors Intro to Lit | LIT200 | Intro Lit & Text Stud | |
ENGL208 | Intro to Lit Theory | HUM210 | Studies in Crit & Theory | |
ENGL217 | African-American Lit | LIT203 | African/Amer Lit | |
ENGL241 | Maj World Writers | LIT2XX | Maj World Writers | |
ENGL242 | Major Writers | LIT2XX | Major Writers | |
ENGL246 | Shakespeare | LIT323 | Shakespeare I | |
ENGL246 | Shakespeare | LIT324 | Shakespeare II | |
ENGL247 | English Arthurian Literature | LIT2XX | Eng Arthurian Literature | |
ENGL265 | Women Writers | LIT382 | Women In Literature | |
ENGL267 | Banned Books | LIT2XX | Banned Books | |
ENGL269 | Native American Literature | LIT2XX | Native American Lit | |
ENGL278 | American Short Story | LIT291 | Short Story | |
ENGL279 | Modern Short Novel | LIT2XX | Modern Short Novel | |
ENGL282J | English for Tutors | WRT2XX | English for Tutors | |
ENGR100 | Engineering Orientation | EGR1XX | Engineering Orientation | |
ENGR102 | Engr & Tech Orientation | EGR1XX | Engr & Tech Orientation | |
ENGR103 | Design & Graphics | EGR1XX | Design & Graphics | |
ENGR203 | Eng Geoscience | EGR2XX | Eng Geoscience | |
ENGR213 | Statics | ME250 | Statics | |
ENGR214 | Dynamics | ME252 | Dynamics/Vibrtn | |
ENGR271 | Design for Environ | EGR2XX | Design for Environ | |
ENGR291 | Eng Coop Exp | EGR2XX | Eng Coop Exp | |
ENGY111 | Intro Energy Alternatives | PSC1XX | Energy Alternatives | |
ENGY215 | Energy Eval & Planning | PSC2XX | Energy Eval & Planning | |
ENSP180 | Environ Tech | BIO1XX | Environ Tech | |
ENSP200 | Quant Field Methods | BIO2XX | Quant Field Methods | |
ENSP205 | Quant Lab Methods | BIO2XX | Quant Lab Methods | |
ENSP210 | Site Assess & Plan | BIO2XX | Site Assess & Plan | |
ENSP215 | Hazardous Sub & Safety | BIO2XX | Hazardous Sub & Safety | |
ENSP225 | Aquatic Res Mgt | BIO2XX | Aquatic Res Mgt | |
ENSP230 | Pollution Prev & Wst Mgt | BIO2XX | Pollution Prev & Wst Mgt | |
ENSP235 | Envir Sys & Sustainability | BIO2XX | Biology Elect No Lab | |
ENTR101 | Intro to Entrepreneurship | ENT150 | Intro Entrepreneur | |
ENTR103 | Prod Mgt for Entrepren | ENT1XX | Prod Mgt for Entrepren | |
ENTR201 | Mktg for Entrepreneur | ENT2XX | Mktg for Entrepreneur | |
ENTR203 | Fin & Acct for Entrepren | ENT2XX | Fin & Acct for Entrepren | |
ENTR230 | Entrepren Web Mktg | ENT2XX | Entrepren Web Mktg | |
ENTR260 | Curr Iss Impacting Entrepren | ENT2XX | Curr Iss Impact Entre | |
ENTR271 | Entrepren Capstone | ENT2XX | Entrepren Capstone | |
ENTR273 | Entrepren Practicum | ENT2XX | Entrepren Practicum | |
ENVI275 | Winery Regs and Compli | BUS2XX | Winery Regs and Com | |
ENVS201 | Intro Environ Sci | BIO213 | Environ Bio Lab | |
ENVS201 | Intro Environ Sci | BIO212 | Environmntl Bio | |
ENVS220 | Env Laws, Regs and Comp | BIO1XX | Env Laws, Regs, Comp | |
ENVS282B | Ecology of Barrier Isl | BIO210 | Marine Biology | |
EXSC102 | Intro to the Exer Sci | EDU1XX | Intro to the Exer Sci | |
FIN100 | Personal Money Mngmt | BUS218 | Personal Finance | |
FIN201 | Principles of Finance | FIN2XX | Principles of Finance | |
FIN202 | Money & Banking | FIN2XX | Money & Banking | |
FMTH101 | Introduction to Theatre | THE154 | Introduction to Theatre | |
FRCH101 | Elementary French I | FRN101 | Elem French I | |
FRCH102 | Elementary French II | FRN102 | Elem French II | |
FRCH201 | Intermediate French I | FRN201 | Inter French I | |
FRCH202 | Intermediate French II | FRN202 | Inter French II | |
FS100 | College Success | FYS100 | First Year Seminar | |
FS101 | Career Dev & Decision Making | FYS1XX | Career Dev & Decision Making | |
FS102 | Intro to College Experience | FYS1XX | Intro to College Experience | |
FS103 | Success for Online Students | FYS100 | First Year Seminar | |
FS130 | Promoting Academic Success | FYS1XX | Promoting Academic Success | |
GEOG101 | Physical Geography | G152 | Phys Geog Lab | |
GEOG101 | Physical Geography | G151 | Intro Physical Geog | |
GEOG201 | World Geography | G100 | World Reg Geography | |
GEOG230 | Intro to Hum Geog | G2XX | Intro Hum Geog | |
GEOL101 | Physical Geology | ESS152 | Earth/Space Sci | |
GEOL102 | Historical Geology | ESS1XX | Historical Geology | |
GEOL201 | Environmental Geology | ESS154 | Intro/Astronomy | |
GERT100 | Intro Gerontology | GER1XX | Intro Gerontology | |
GERT101 | Intro Ger Soc Serv | GER1XX | Intro Ger Soc Serv | |
GERT102 | Intro Ger Allied Hlth | GER1XX | Intro Ger Allied Hlth | |
GERT103 | Intro Ger-Psychosoc Iss | GER1XX | Geront-Psychosoc Iss | |
GERT104 | Gerontology-Serv Learn | GER1XX | Gerontology-Serv Learn | |
GERT105 | Careers in Gerontology | GER1XX | Careers in Gerontology | |
GERT200 | Legal & Ethical Asp Aging | GER2XX | Legal & Ethical Asp Aging | |
GERT201 | Psycho-emtnl Asp Aging | GER2XX | Psycho-emtl Asp Aging | |
GERT210 | Fit & Hlth Promo Older Adult | GER2XX | Fit & Hlth Promo Old Adult | |
GERT211 | Women and Aging | WGS2XX | Women and Aging | |
GERT215 | Aging around the World | GER2XX | Aging around the World | |
GIS141 | Intro to Geo Infor Systems | G261 | Intro Geo Info Sys | |
GIS151 | Cartographic Des for GIS | G1XX | Cartograph Des GIS | |
GIS161 | Data Aquis & Remote Sens | G1XX | Data Aquis & Rem Sens | |
GIS163 | Adv Geog Info Sys | G1XX | Adv Geog Info Sys | |
GIS291 | Coop Work Exp in GIS | G2XX | Coop Work Exp in GIS | |
GP201 | National Pol Systems | PS101 | Amer Gov/Citizenship | |
GP202 | Pol of States and Cities | PS242 | State/Local Govt | |
GP205 | International Relations | PS302 | International Rel | |
GP208 | Comparative Politics | PS260 | Comparative Politics | |
GRMN101 | Elementary German I | GRM101 | Elem German I | |
GRMN102 | Elementary German II | GRM102 | Elem German II | |
GRMN201 | Intermediate German I | GRM201 | Inter German I | |
GRMN202 | Intermediate German II | GRM202 | Inter German II | |
GTEC101 | Safety:OCSA and NFPA | EGR1XX | Safety: OCSA and NFPA | |
GTEC104 | Eng Mat & Processes | EGR1XX | Eng Mat & Processes | |
GTEC106 | Intro to Manufacturing | NPE1XX | Intro to Manufacturing | |
GTEC114 | Autocad: Engineering CAD I | EGR1XX | Autocad: Engineering CAD I | |
GTEC201 | Statics | EGR2XX | Statics | |
HD101 | Career Dev & Decision Making | FYS1XX | Career Dev & Decision Making | |
HD102 | College Success | FYS100 | First Year Seminar | |
HD102 | College Success I | FYS100 | First Year Seminar | |
HD102 | College Success I | FYS1XX | College Success I | |
HD105 | Orientation | FYS1XX | Orientation | |
HD107 | Develop Conf & Skills in Math | MAT1XX | Develop Conf & Skills in Math | |
HIST101 | World History to 1500 CE | HIS1XX | World History to 1500 CE | |
HIST102 | World History II | HIS1XX | World History II | |
HIST103 | Hist of United States I | HIS111 | American Civ I | |
HIST104 | Hist of United States II | HIS112 | American Civ II | |
HIST107 | United States Since 1918 | HIS367 | Recent Amer/1945-Prs | |
HIST110 | America in Vietnam | HIS462 | US in Vietnam | |
HIST111 | 20th Cent Europe | HIS320 | Europe after 1914 | |
HIST120 | Mil Hist of World War II | HIS1XX | Mil Hist of World War II | |
HIST161 | Amer Civil War & Recon | HIS364 | Civil War & Reconstruct | |
HIST201 | West Civ I | HIS101 | Foundation/West | |
HIST201 | West Civ I | HIS101 | Western Civ I | |
HIST202 | West Civ II | HIS102 | The West in the World | |
HIST205 | Black History | HIS2XX | Black History | |
HIST210 | Modern Russia | HIS325 | Hist of Russia/1861 | |
HIST214 | History of the Middle East | INT146 | Intro Mid East | |
HIST218 | Hitler & Nazi Germany | HIS421 | Nazi Germany | |
HIST219 | American Folklore | HIS2XX | American Folklore | |
HIST220 | PA German Hist & Cult | HIS2XX | PA Germ Hist & Cult | |
HIST221 | History of England | HIS330 | History Britain I | |
HIST282AA | Hist of Mod Mid East | HIS2XX | Hist Mod Mid East | |
HIST282AG | American Bio: Case Study | HIS2XX | Amer Bio: Case Study | |
HIST282AL | History of Greece | HIS2XX | History of Greece | |
HIST282S | PA German Culture | HIS2XX | PA German Culture | |
HIST331IE | US & Middle East | HIS3XX | US & Middle East | |
HLTH101 | Healthful Living | PAW1XX | Healthful Living | |
HM112 | Front Office Oper & Mgmt | HSP1XX | Front Office Oper & Mgmt | |
HM154 | Supervisory Housekng | HSP1XX | Supervisory Hskng | |
HM203 | Hospitality and Toursim Law | HSP2XX | Hospitality Tourism Law | |
HM254 | Hospitality Ldrshp & Mgmt | HSP2XX | Hospitality Ldrshp & Mgmt | |
HM269 | Hosp Industry Computer | HSP2XX | Hosp Industry Comp | |
HM270 | Convention and Events Mgmt | HSP2XX | Conven. and Evnts Mgmt | |
HM278 | Hotel/Lodging Coop | HSP250 | Work Experience II | |
HM278 | Hotel/Lodging Coop | HSP150 | Work Experience I | |
HONS101 | Honors Seminar | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
HONS101H | Honors Foundation Seminar | FYS100 | First Year Seminar | |
HRIM101 | Intro to Hosp Tour Ind | HSP100 | Intro Hospitality | |
HRIM101 | Intro Hosp and Tour Industry | HSP1XX | Intro Hosp/Tour Industry | |
HRIM102 | Applied Hosp Math | HSP1XX | Applied Hosp Math | |
HRIM102 | Applied Hosp Math | MAT1XX | Applied Hosp Math | |
HRIM103 | Hospitality and Tour Mktg | HSP1XX | Hosp and Tour Mktg | |
HRIM104 | Nutrition | NUR202 | Nutrition | |
HRIM104 | Nutrition | HSP1XX | Nutr for Food Science | |
HRIM106 | Professional Bartending | HSP1XX | Prof Bartending | |
HRIM110 | Menu Design and Marketing | HSP1XX | Menu Design and Mktg | |
HRIM113 | Santitation and Safety | HSP1XX | Sant and Safety | |
HRIM114 | Hospitality Accounting | HSP1XX | Hospitality Accounting | |
HRIM125 | Dining Room Mgmt | HSP1XX | Dining Room Mgmt | |
HRIM209 | International Cul Tour | HSP2XX | International Cul Tour | |
HRIM221 | Basic Foods:Prep & Prod | HSP2XX | Basic Foods:Prep & Prod | |
HRIM231 | Cost Control: Food/Labor | HSP2XX | Cost Control: Food/Labor | |
HRIM231 | Cost Control: Food and Labor | HSP2XX | Cost Control: Food/Lbr | |
HRIM231 | Cost Control: Food/Labor | HSP300 | Food/Beverage Mgmt | |
HRIM251 | Hospitality Supervison | HSP2XX | Hospitality Supervsn | |
HRIM282C | Hosp Accounting | ACC2XX | Hosp Accounting | |
HTMT101 | Intro Hosp & Tour Indstry | HSP100 | Intro Hospitality | |
HTMT104 | Nutrition for Food Serv | HSP1XX | Nutrition for Food Serv | |
HTMT104 | Nutrition Food Serv | HSP1XX | Nutrition Food Serv | |
HTMT110 | Menu Design & Mktg | HSP1XX | Menu Design & Mktg | |
HTMT110 | Menu Des & Mktg | HSP1XX | Menu Des & Mktg | |
HTMT122 | Food Purch/Rec/Stor | HSP270 | Food Source/Select | |
HTMT125 | Dining Room Mgmt | HSP1XX | Dining Room Mgmt | |
HTMT125 | Dining Room Mgmt | HSP1XX | Dining Room Mgmt | |
HTMT154 | Supervisory Housekeeping | HSP1XX | Supervisory Housekng | |
HTMT201 | Tourism: Theories & Prac | HSP2XX | Tourism:Theor & Prac | |
HTMT202 | Principles of Travel Selling | HSP2XX | Principles of Travel Selling | |
HTMT203 | Group Travel Plan | HSP2XX | Group Travel Plan | |
HTMT212 | Front Office Supervison | HSP2XX | Front Office Supervison | |
HTMT213 | MKTG: Hosp. & Tourism | HSP2XX | MKTG: Hosp & Tourism | |
HTMT225 | Destination Geo | HSP2XX | Destination Geo | |
HTMT231 | Cost Cont:Food/Bev/Labor | HSP300 | Food/Beverage Mgmt | |
HTMT251 | Hospitality Supervision | HSP2XX | Hosp Supervision | |
HTMT269 | Hosp Industry Computer | HSP2XX | Hosp Industry Computer | |
HTMT270 | Convention and Events | HSP2XX | Convention and Events | |
HTMT278 | Hotel/Lodging Coop/Field Exp | HSP150 | Work Experience I | |
HTMT279 | Travel Reservation Sys | HSP2XX | Travel Reservation Sys | |
HUM101 | Introduction to Humanities | HUM1XX | Introduction to Humanities | |
HUM101 | Modern Culture/Arts | HUM1XX | Modern Culture/Art | |
HUM105 | Art Through the Ages | HUM1XX | Art Through the Ages | |
HUM106 | Introduction to Music | MUS200 | Music Appreciation | |
HUM113 | Cross Cult Studies | HUM1XX | Cross Cult Studies | |
HUM114 | Chinese Arts & Cult | HUM1XX | Chinese Arts & Cult | |
HUM115 | Arch: Aesth & History | HUM1XX | Arch: Aesth & History | |
HUM116 | Intro Lesbian & Gay Studies | HUM1XX | Lesbian & Gay Studies | |
HUM117 | Architecture: Prehis to Gothic | HUM1XX | Archit: Prehis to Gothic | |
HUM118 | Archit: Renais to Present | HUM1XX | Archit: Renais to Present | |
HUM131IE | Hist & Cult of Berbers | INT1XX | Hist & Cult of Berbers | |
HUM201 | World Mythology | HUM2XX | World Mythology | |
HUM202 | Classical Mythology | HUM2XX | Classical Mythology | |
HUM216 | China Study Tour | HUM2XX | China Study Tour | |
HUM228 | Hum in London/Paris | HUM2XX | Hum in London/Paris | |
HUM229 | Italian Art, Arch & History | HUM2XX | Italian Art, Arch & History | |
HUM282I | Intro Gay & Lesbian Studies | HUM2XX | Intro Gay & Lesbian Stud | |
HUM282K | Coll on War | HUM2XX | Coll on War | |
HUM282R | Gender, Race, Class - In Art | HUM2XX | Humanities Elective | |
HUMS100 | Intro to Human Services | SOC1XX | Intro to Hum Services | |
HUMS100 | Intro to Human Services | HSV100 | Intro to HSV | |
HUMS108 | Drugs & Alcohol | SOC210 | Drug/Alcohol Addctn | |
HUMS109 | Drugs & Alcohol: Iss & Treat | SOC1XX | Drugs & Alc:Iss & Treat | |
HUMS120 | Soc Welfare Prog & Pol | HSV240 | Theory & Policy | |
HUMS120 | Soc Welfare Prog & Pol | SOC1XX | Soc Welfare Prog & Pol | |
HUMS121 | Skills & Meth Hum Serv I | HSV1XX | Skls & Meth Hum Ser I | |
HUMS122 | Skills & Meth Hum Serv II | SOC1XX | Skills & Meth Hum Serv II | |
HUMS122 | Skills & Meth Hum Serv II | HSV1XX | Skls & Meth Hum Ser II | |
HUMS122 | Skills & Meth Hum Serv II | HSV345 | Human Services Tech | |
HUMS200 | Group Work Practice | REC103 | Leadership/Group | |
HUMS206 | Hum Dev in Soc Environ | SOC2XX | Hum Dev in Soc Eniron | |
HUMS206 | Hum Dev in Soc Environ | HSV250 | Lifecourse Develop | |
HUMS215 | Field Work Practicum | SOC2XX | Field Work Practicum | |
HUMS215 | Field Work Practicum | HSV220 | Career Dev/Pract | |
HUMS216 | Crisis and Brief Invtn Coun | HSV2XX | Crisis and Brief Invtn | |
HUMS217 | Addicitions Counsel Intvn | HSV2XX | Addicitions Counsel Intvn | |
HUMS218 | Co-Occuring Disorders | HSV2XX | Co-Occuring Disorders | |
HUMS219 | Drug and Alcohol Screen/Assess | HSV2XX | Drug/Alcohol Screen/Asses | |
HUMS220 | Drug and Alcohol Adv Ther | HSV2XX | Drug and Alcohol Adv Thr | |
IA201 | Motor Controls I | ECE2XX | Motor Controls I | |
IA202 | Motors & Controls II | ECE2XX | Motors & Controls II | |
IA208 | PLCs and Automation | ECE2XX | PLCs and Automation | |
IA210 | Industrial Robotics I | ECE2XX | Industrial Robotics I | |
IA211 | Industrial Robotics II | ECE2XX | Industrial Robotics II | |
IA213 | PLCs & Automation II | ECE2XX | PLCs and Automation II | |
IA221 | Sensor Technology | ECE2XX | Sensor Technology | |
IMT108 | Power Transmission | EGR1XX | Power Transmission | |
IMT110 | Fluid Power | EGR1XX | Fluid Power | |
MA110 | Medical Term | BIO201 | Medical Terminology | |
MATH100 | College Math for Business | MAT1XX | College Math for Bus | |
MATH101 | Fundamentals of Trigonometry | MAT1XX | Fund of Trigonometry | |
MATH102 | Tech Math for Elect | MAT1XX | Tech Math for Electronics | |
MATH103 | College Algebra | MAT102 | College Algebra I | |
MATH104 | Trigonometry | MAT1XX | Trigonometry | |
MATH104 | Trigonometry | MAT108 | Precalculus | |
MATH105 | Math for Technology I | MAT1XX | Math for Technology I | |
MATH106 | Math for Technology II | MAT1XX | Math for Technology II | |
MATH109 | Social & Manag Sci | MAT1XX | Soc & Managerial Sci | |
MATH110 | Appl Calculus for Bus | MAT120 | Applied Calculus | |
MATH111 | Principles of Math | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv | |
MATH113 | Math Elem Teachers I | MAT115 | Mathematical Foundations | |
MATH114 | Math Elem Teachers II | MAT215 | Sets/Number Sys II | |
MATH115 | Basic Calculus | MAT1XX | Basic Calculus | |
MATH116 | College Algebra for Calculus | MAT105 | College Algebra II | |
MATH117 | Math for Technology | MAT1XX | Math for Technology | |
MATH119 | Pre-Calculus | MAT108 | Precalculus | |
MATH121 | Calculus I | MAT171 | Calculus I | |
MATH122 | Calculus II | MAT172 | Calculus II | |
MATH125 | Discrete Mathematics | MAT280 | Math Structures | |
MATH141 | Math Seminar | MAT1XX | Math Seminar | |
MATH161 | Tech Math Gen Tech | MAT1XX | Tech Math Gen Tech | |
MATH162 | Tech Math Elect Tech | MAT1XX | Tech Math Elect Tech | |
MATH172 | Appl Math Auto Tech | MAT1XX | Appl Math Auto Tech | |
MATH174 | Applied Math for Machinists | MAT1XX | Applied Math for Machinists | |
MATH176 | Appl Math for Comp Tech | MAT1XX | Appl Math for Comp Tech | |
MATH178 | Applied Math for Envir Sp | MAT1XX | Appl Math for Env Spec | |
MATH202 | Intro to Statistics | QBA260 | Business Statistics | |
MATH202 | Intro to Statistics | MAT250 | Statistics | |
MATH202 | Intro to Statistics | BEH260 | Statistics | |
MATH203 | Mathematical Statistics | MAT350 | Probability/Stats | |
MATH204 | Sp Top: Statistics | MAT2XX | Sp Top: Statistics | |
MATH210 | Quantitative Bus Analysis | MAT2XX | Quant Bus Analysis | |
MATH220 | Linear Algebra | MAT260 | Elem Linear Algebra | |
MATH221 | Calculus III | MAT271 | Calculus III | |
MATH222 | Differential Equations | MAT272 | Diff Equations | |
MATH281 | Math Readiness | MAT102 | Prelim Math/Prob Solv | |
MCOM101 | Intro to Mass Media & Society | CM211 | Mass Communication | |
MCOM111 | Intro to News Writing & Report | CM340 | News Wrtng/Productn | |
MCOM112 | News Editing and Makeup | CM1XX | News Editing and Makeup | |
MCOM113 | Workshop in Mass Comm | CM1XX | Workshop in Mass Comm | |
MCOM114 | Workshop in Mass Comm | CM1XX | Workshop in Mass Comm | |
MCOM121 | Introduction to Broadcasting | CM211 | Mass Communication | |
MCOM126 | Television Studio Production | CM242 | Video Prodctn I | |
MCOM213 | Workshop in Mass Comm | CM2XX | Workshop in Mass Comm | |
MCOM214 | Workshop in Mass Comm | CM2XX | Workshop in Mass Comm | |
MDES201 | Dynamics | EGR2XX | Dynamics | |
MDES207 | Machine Shop Theory and Pract | EGR102 | Epads II | |
MDRF101 | Eng Drawing | EGR1XX | Eng Drawing | |
MDRF282B | Computer Aided Drafting/Design | EGR2XX | Comp Aided Drafting/Design | |
MDST101 | Intro Mass Media & Soc | CM211 | Mass Communication | |
MDST111 | News Wrt & Reporting | CM271 | Print Media Writing | |
MDST112 | News Editing & Makeup | CM1XX | News Editing & Makeup | |
MDST113 | Workshop Media Studies | CM1XX | Workshop Media Studies | |
MDST114 | Workshop in Media Studies | CM1XX | Workshop in Media Studies | |
MDST121 | Intro to Broadcasting | CM1XX | Intro to Broadcasting | |
MDST213 | Workshop Media Studies | CM2XX | Workshop Media Studies | |
MDST214 | Workshop Media Studies | CM2XX | Workshop Media Studies | |
MDST288A | Independent Study I | CM2XX | Independent Study I | |
METR101 | Weather and Climate | ESS1XX | Weather and Climate | |
MGMT119 | Dynamics Supervision I | MGT1XX | Dynamics Supervision I | |
MGMT121 | Small Bus Devel & Mgmt | MGT1XX | Small Bus Dev & Mgt | |
MGMT130 | Intro to Healthcare Mgmt | MGT1XX | Intro Healthcare Mgmt | |
MGMT201 | Principles of Management | MGT150 | Prin of Management | |
MGMT202 | Office Mgmt | MGT2XX | Office Mgmt | |
MGMT203 | Human Res Mgmt | MGT220 | Human Resource Mgt | |
MGMT204 | Human Rel in Bus | MGT2XX | Hum Rel in Bus | |
MGMT206 | Labor Relations | MGT2XX | Labor Relations | |
MGMT221 | Small Business Dev & Mgmt | ENT260 | Ent/Small Bus Mgmt | |
MGMT226 | Principles of Leadership | MGT2XX | Principles of Leadership | |
MGMT227 | Project Mgt | MGT2XX | Project Mgt | |
MGMT230 | Prin Supply Chain Mgt | MGT2XX | Supply Chain Mgt | |
MGMT235 | Bus Logistics Mgt | MGT2XX | Bus Logistics Mgt | |
MGMT240 | Enterprise Res Planning | MGT2XX | Enterprise Res Planning | |
MGMT245 | Mall Mgt | MGT2XX | Mall Mgt | |
MGMT291 | Coop Exp in Mgt | MGT2XX | Coop Exp in Mgt | |
MKTG104 | Salesmanship | MKT1XX | Salesmanship | |
MKTG111 | Music Bus & Internet | MKT1XX | Music Bus & Internet | |
MKTG201 | Principles of Marketing | MKT100 | Prin Marketing | |
MKTG204 | Sales Mgt | MKT2XX | Sales Mgt | |
MKTG205 | Visual Merchandising | MKT2XX | Visual Merchandising | |
MKTG209 | Marketing Internship | MKT2XX | Marketing Internship | |
MKTG210 | Mkt Appl & Analysis | MKT2XX | Mkt Appl & Analysis | |
MKTG212 | Personal Selling | MKT220 | Personal Selling | |
MKTG216 | Retail Merchandising | MKT2XX | Retail Merchandising | |
MKTG217 | Retail Management | MKT230 | Retailing | |
MKTG218 | Advertising | MKT330 | Advertising | |
MKTG220 | Intro Sports Mktg | MKT2XX | Intro Sports Mktg | |
MKTG224 | Mus Ind & Amer Pop Music | MUS2XX | Mus Ind & Am Pop Music | |
MKTG225 | Music Merchandising | MUS2XX | Music Merchandising | |
MKTG226 | MIDI/Computer Appl | MUS2XX | MIDI/Computer Appl | |
MKTG228 | Audio Technology | MUS2XX | Audio Technology | |
MKTG229 | Comm Songwrt & Mus Ind | MKT2XX | Comm Sngwrt & Mus Ind | |
MKTG230 | Contemp Issues in Music | MKT2XX | Contemp Issues in Music | |
MKTG235 | Internet Mkt | MKT2XX | Internet Mkt | |
MKTG245 | Intl Marketing | MKT2XX | Intl Marketing | |
MLT100 | Orientation Med Lab Tech | MLS1XX | Ori Med Lab Tech | |
MLT120 | Hematology and Coagul | MLS1XX | Hematology/Coagul | |
MLT122 | Immunology | MLS1XX | Immunology | |
MLT124 | Immunohematology | MLS1XX | Immunohematology | |
MLT220 | Clinical Microbiology | MLS2XX | Clin Microbiology | |
MLT222 | Clinical Chemistry | MLS2XX | Clinical Chemistry | |
MLT224 | Urinalysis | MLS2XX | Urinalysis | |
MLT230 | Parasitology & Mycology | MLS2XX | Parasitol & Mycology | |
MLT236 | Clin Lab Mgt | MLS2XX | Clin Lab Mgt | |
MSCI101 | Intro Military Science | NPE1XX | Intro Military Science | |
MUS102 | Introduction to Music | MUS290 | Intro Music Lit | |
MUS102 | Introduction to Music | MUS186 | Listening to Music | |
MUS103 | Intro to Elem Ed Music | MUS1XX | Intro to Elem Ed Music | |
MUS104 | Intro to World Music | MUS281 | World Music | |
MUS110 | Hist Rock & Rel Styles | MUS288 | History Rock/Roll | |
MUS111 | Choir I | MUS150 | YCChorale | |
MUS112 | Choir II | MUS250 | YCChorale | |
MUS113 | Madrigal Choir | MUS1XX | Madrigal Choir | |
MUS115CO | Mus Comp Lessons I | MUS1XX | Mus Comp Lessons I | |
MUS115GU | Private Lessons-Guitar | MUS138 | Guitar | |
MUS115PI | Private Lessons Piano | MUS103 | Piano | |
MUS115VO | Private Lessons Voice | MUS101 | Voice | |
MUS116GU | Private Lessons Guitar | MUS238 | Guitar | |
MUS116PI | Private Lessons Piano | MUS203 | Piano | |
MUS116VO | Private Lessons Voice | MUS201 | Voice | |
MUS119 | Intro to Music Theory | MUS181 | Found Music Theory | |
MUS120 | Music Theory I | MUS182 | Music Theory I | |
MUS121 | Theory | MUS183 | Music Theory II | |
MUS201 | The History of Music I | MUS390 | Music History I | |
MUS202 | The History of Music II | MUS391 | Music History II | |
MUS204 | Hist of Jazz | MUS286 | Jazz History | |
MUS211 | Choir III | MUS350 | YCChorale | |
MUS212 | Choir IV | MUS450 | YCChorale | |
MUS215PI | Private Lessons-Piano | MUS303 | Piano | |
MUS281A | Stage Perf for Mus | MUS2XX | Stage Perf for Mus | |
MUS282O | History of Jazz | MUS286 | Jazz History | |
MUSB111 | Music Bus & Internet | MUS1XX | Music Bus & Internet | |
MUSB214 | Music Bus Studies | MUS297 | Survey Music Industry | |
MUSB224 | Mus Ind & Am Pop Music | MUS287 | American Pop Music | |
MUSB225 | Ent & Music Promotion | MUS397 | Entertainmnt/Promotion | |
MUSB226 | Music Comp Appl | MUS2XX | Music Comp Appl | |
MUSB227 | Studio & Perf Prod Oper | MUS2XX | Stud & Perf Prod Oper | |
MUSB228 | Audio Technology | CM226 | Audio Productn | |
MUSB229 | Comm Songwrt & Mus Ind | MUS247 | Comm Song Writing | |
MUSB230 | Contemp Iss Mus Ind | MUS2XX | Contemp Iss Mus Ind | |
MUSB291 | Mus Ind Internship | MUS494 | Mus Ind Internship | |
NURS100 | Fund Pract Nursing | NUR1XX | Fund Pract Nursing | |
NURS101 | Conc Pract Nursing I | NUR1XX | Conc Pract Nursing I | |
NURS102 | Conc Pract Nursing II | NUR1XX | Conc Pract Nursing II | |
NURS103 | Nursing Proc in Health | NUR1XX | Nursing Proc in Hlth | |
NURS103A | Nursing Proc Fam Hlth I | NUR1XX | Nursing Proc Fam Hlth I | |
NURS103B | Nursing Proc Fam Hlth II | NUR1XX | Nursing Proc Fam Hlth II | |
NURS104 | Nurs Proc-Comm Life | NUR1XX | Nurs Proc-Comm Life | |
NURS104A | Nurs Proc Life Exp I | NUR1XX | Nurs Proc Life Exp I | |
NURS104B | Nurs Proc Life Exp II | NUR1XX | Nur Proc Life Exp II | |
NURS121 | Nursing Proc Mat & Child | NUR1XX | Nurs Proc Mat & Child | |
NURS122 | Conc Nur Proc Com Life Ex | NUR1XX | Conc Nur Proc Com Life Ex | |
NURS125 | Dosage Calculations | NUR1XX | Dosage Calc | |
NURS126 | Dosage Calc II | NUR1XX | Dosage Calc II | |
NURS140 | Intro to Nrsg Concepts I | NUR1XX | Intro to Nrsg Cnpts I | |
NURS141 | Intro to Nrsg Concepts II | NUR1XX | Intro to Nrsg Cnpts II | |
NURS142 | Hlth Assessment Concepts | NUR320 | Health Assmnt/RN | |
NURS142 | Hlth Assessment Concepts | NUR1XX | Hlth Assessment Cnpts | |
NURS143 | Informatics for Nrsg | NUR1XX | Informatics for Nrsg | |
NURS144 | Fund Concepts for Nurs | NUR1XX | Fund Concepts/Nurs | |
NURS150 | Holistic Hlth Conc NP1 | NUR1XX | Holistic Hlth Conc NP1 | |
NURS151 | Holistic Hlth Conc NP2 | NUR1XX | Holistic Hlth Conc NP2 | |
NURS203 | Nursing In Society I | NUR2XX | Nursing in Society I | |
NURS204 | Nursing in Society II | NUR2XX | Nursing in Society II | |
NURS205 | Nsg Pros Cmn Hlth Prob | NUR2XX | Nsg Pros Cmn Hlth Prob | |
NURS205A | Nurs Proc Hlth Prob | NUR2XX | Nurs Proc Hlth Prob | |
NURS206 | Proc Common Hlth Prob II | NUR2XX | Proc Com Hlth Prob II | |
NURS220 | Pharmacology for Nurses | NUR2XX | Pharm for Nurses | |
NURS220 | Pharmacology for Nurses | NUR203 | Pharmacology for Nurses I | |
NURS225 | Adv Dosage Calc | NUR2XX | Adv Dosage Calc | |
NURS240 | Adult Hlth Conc | NUR2XX | Adult Hlth Conc | |
NURS241 | Adult Hlth Conc for NP2 | NUR2XX | Adult Hlth Conc for NP2 | |
NURS242 | Fam Hlth Conc | NUR2XX | Fam Hlth Conc | |
NURS243 | Fam Hlth Concepts NP2 | NUR2XX | Fam Hlth Concepts NP2 | |
NURS244 | Adv Beh Hlth Conc | NUR2XX | Adv Beh Hlth Conc | |
NURS280C | Dosage Calc II | NUR2XX | Dosage Calc II | |
NURS281A | Nursing in Soc | NUR2XX | Nursing in Soc | |
NUTR104 | Nutrition | NUR202 | Nutrition | |
OIS115 | Comp Skills Med Prof | IFS105 | Personal Computing | |
PBT100 | Intro Phlebotomy - Allied Heal | HSC1XX | Intro Phlebo - Allied Health | |
PE102 | Golf/Tennis | PAW1XX | Golf/Tennis | |
PE109 | Golf/Phys Fitness | PAW140 | Fundamentals/Golf | |
PE119 | Tennis/Phy Fitness | PAW159 | Tennis | |
PE130 | Water Strength and Stretch | PAW1XX | Water Strength and Stretch | |
PE131 | Aquatics I | PAW105 | Aqua Exercise | |
PE133 | Lifeguard Training | PAW124 | Lifeguard Training | |
PE138 | Basic Fitness I | PAW134 | Concpts Phys Actvty | |
PE139 | Beg Self-Defense | PAW130 | Self Defense | |
PE141 | Cardio Kickbox | PAW139 | Cardiorespty Exercs | |
PE142 | Aerobic Fitness I | PAW139 | Cardiorespty Exercs | |
PE152 | Basic Scuba & Open Water | PAW125 | Scuba Diving | |
PE166 | Fit Walk/Resist Train | PAW1XX | Fit Walk/Resist Train | |
PE169 | Water Exercise I | PAW1XX | Water Exercise I | |
PE177 | Indoor & Outdoor RockClimbing | PAW107 | Intro Rock Climbing | |
PE178 | Yoga I | PAW163 | Yoga | |
PE179 | Power Yoga | PAW163 | Yoga | |
PE180 | Intro Pilates | PAW165 | Pilates | |
PE181 | Intro to T'ai Chi | PAW164 | Intro to Tai Chi | |
PE183 | Exercise & Stress Mgt | PAW222 | Phys Fit & Stress Mgt | |
PE184 | Exercise, Nutr, Weight | PAW1XX | Exercise, Nutr, Weight | |
PE201 | Living Fit & Well | PAW234 | Well/Fitness/Life | |
PE280 | Yoga I | PAW163 | Yoga | |
PE280AA | Camping | PAW2XX | Camping | |
PE280AB | Indoor/Outdoor Rock Climb | PAW107 | Intro Rock Climbing | |
PHIL101 | Intro to Philosophy | PHL221 | Intro Philosophy | |
PHIL101H | Honors Intro to Philosophy | PHL221 | Intro Philosophy | |
PHIL102 | Logic | PHL231 | Logic | |
PHIL200 | Comparative Religion | REL265 | World Religions | |
PHIL215 | Philosophy of Science | PHL2XX | Philosophy of Science | |
PHIL225 | Ethics: Belief and Action | PHL223 | Cont Moral Problems | |
PHL200 | Comparative Religion | REL265 | World Religions | |
PHSC113 | Intro to Physical Sci I | PSC152 | Physical Sci I | |
PHSC114 | Intro to Physical Sci II | ESS152 | Earth/Space Sci | |
PHSC295 | Independent Study III | PSC2XX | Phys Sci Elect No Lab | |
PHSC296 | Independent Study IV | PSC2XX | Phys Sci Elect No Lab | |
PHYS105 | Conc in Physics | PHY110 | Gen Phys:Mech/Ht | |
PHYS151 | Physics for Technicians | PSC154 | Physical Sci II | |
PHYS152 | Phys for Radiographers | PHY1XX | Phys for Radiographers | |
PHYS153 | Rad Physics | PHY1XX | Rad Physics | |
PHYS201 | General Physics I | PHY110 | Gen Phys:Mech/Ht | |
PHYS201 | General Physics I | PHY111 | G Phys:Mech Lab | |
PHYS202 | General Physics II | PHY112 | Gen Phys:Elc/Magn | |
PHYS202 | General Physics II | PHY113 | G Phys:Elct Lab | |
PHYS211 | Phys for Eng & Sci I | PHY160 | Eng Phys:Mechncs | |
PHYS211 | Phys for Eng & Sci I | PHY161 | E Phys:Mech Lab | |
PHYS212 | Physics for Engineers & Sci II | PHY260 | Eng Phys:Elct/Magn | |
PHYS212 | Physics for Engineers & Sci II | PHY261 | E Phys:Elct/Magn Lab | |
PHYS215 | Modern Physics | PHY262 | Eng Phys: Opt/Mod | |
PSPL101 | Intro American Govt | PS101 | Amer Gov/Citizenship | |
PSPL110 | Intro Public Policy | PS142 | Am Gov: Process/Pol | |
PSPL201 | National Pol Systems | PS101 | Amer Gov/Citizenship | |
PSPL202 | Pol of States and Cities | PS242 | State/Local Govt | |
PSPL205 | International Relations | PS302 | International Rel | |
PSPL208 | Comparative Politics | PS260 | Comparative Politics | |
PSY213 | Abnormal Psychology | PSY230 | Abnormal Psych | |
PSY215 | Exceptional Child | PSY2XX | Exceptional Child | |
PSYC101 | General Psychology | PSY100 | General Psychology | |
PSYC111 | Intro to Biofeedback | PSY1XX | Intro to Biofeedback | |
PSYC111X | Stress Mngmt Biofeedback | PSY1XX | Stress Mngmt Biofeedback | |
PSYC201 | Ed Psychology | PSY2XX | Ed Psychology | |
PSYC201 | Ed Psychology | EDU375 | Psy Learning/Second | |
PSYC201 | Ed Psychology | EDU370 | Psych of Learning | |
PSYC202 | Psychology of Adjustment | PSY2XX | Psychology Adjustment | |
PSYC206 | Field Work Pract I | PSY2XX | Field Work Pract I | |
PSYC209 | Life Cycle Development | NUR201 | Nursing HD/HC | |
PSYC209 | Life Cycle Development | PSY2XX | Life Cycle Development | |
PSYC211 | Psychology of Adolescence | PSY2XX | Psychology of Adolescence | |
PSYC212 | Child Growth & Devel | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop | |
PSYC213 | Abnormal Psychology | PSY230 | Abnormal Psych | |
PSYC215 | Exceptional Child | PSY227 | Child Exceptionalts | |
PSYC216 | Human Sexuality | PSY2XX | Human Sexuality | |
PSYC221 | Social Psychology | PSY243 | Social Psychology | |
PSYC226 | Biopsychology | PSY210 | Fund Biopsychology | |
PSYC229 | Multicultural Psychology | PSY250 | Multicultural Aware | |
PSYC232 | Death & Dying | GER2XX | Death & Dying | |
PSYC233 | Child Behavior Mngmt | PSY2XX | Child Behavior Mngmt | |
PSYC241 | Res Des & Analysis I | PSY271 | Design Analysis II | |
PSYC242 | Res Des & Analysis II | PSY270 | Design Analysis I | |
RESP100 | Intro to Respiratory Care | RT1XX | Intro Resp Care | |
RESP110 | Med Terminology | RT105 | Medical Terminology | |
RESP110 | Med Terminology | BIO201 | Medical Terminology | |
RESP120 | Cardiopulm Anatomy/Phys | RT1XX | Cardiopulm Anat/Phys | |
RESP130 | Hospital Orientation | RT1XX | Hosp Orientation | |
RESP140 | Oxygen Administration | |||
RESP150 | Pharmacology | BIO202 | Pharmacology | |
RESP160 | Patient Assessment | RT1XX | Patient Assessment | |
RESP170 | Therapeutics | RT1XX | Therapeutics | |
RESP175 | Clinical Practice I | RT1XX | Clinical Practice I | |
RESP181 | Cardiopulmonary Dis I | RT1XX | Cardiopulmonary Dis I | |
RESP190 | Acid Base Physiology | RT1XX | Acid Base Physiology | |
RESP200 | Cardiopulmonary Dis II | RT2XX | Cardiopulmonary Dis II | |
RESP205 | Clinical Practice II | RT2XX | Clinical Practice II | |
RESP210 | Critical Care | RT2XX | Critical Care | |
RESP235 | Clin Pract III | RT2XX | Clin Pract III | |
RESP240 | Current Topics | RT2XX | Current Topics | |
RESP250 | Pulm Rehab & Home Care | RT2XX | Pulm Rehab & Home Care | |
RESP260 | Ed & Mgt Tech | RT2XX | Ed & Mgt Tech | |
RESP270 | Neonatal/Pediatric Res Care | RT2XX | Neonatal/Pediatric Res Care | |
RESP275 | Clinical Practice V | RT2XX | Clinical Practive V | |
SCI100 | Science First-Year Seminar | FYS1XX | Science First-Year Seminar | |
SET201 | Intro Struc Engr Tech | CVE2XX | Intro Struc Engr Tech | |
SHC100 | Sen Hlth Care-Geront | GER1XX | Sen Hlth Care-Geront | |
SOCI100 | Intro to Human Services | SOC1XX | Intro to Human Services | |
SOCI110 | Comm & Agency | SOC1XX | Comm & Agency | |
SOCI120 | Soc Welfare Prog/Policy | SOC1XX | Soc Welfare Prog/Policy | |
SOCI121 | Skills/Meth Hum Serv I | SOC1XX | Skills/Meth Hum Serv I | |
SOCI122 | Skills/Meth Human Serv II | SOC1XX | Skills/Meth Human Serv II | |
SOCI201 | Intro to Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology | |
SOCI201H | Honors Intro to Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology | |
SOCI202 | Social Problems | SOC220 | Am Social Problems | |
SOCI203 | Marriage and Family | SOC225 | The Family | |
SOCI205 | Race and Cultural Rel | SOC315 | Ethnic/Minorities | |
SOCI206 | Hum Dev In Soc Environ | SOC1XX | Hum Dev In Soc Environ | |
SOCI211 | Group Dynamics | SOC1XX | Group Dynamics | |
SOCI226 | Perspectives on Aging | GER2XX | Persp on Aging | |
SOSC108 | Drugs & Alc: Use & Abuse | SOC210 | Drug/Alcohol Addctn | |
SOSC213 | Field Work Pract I | SOC2XX | Field Work Pract I | |
SOSC214 | Practicum II | SOC2XX | Practicum II | |
SPAN101 | Elementary Spanish I | SPN101 | Elem Spanish I | |
SPAN102 | Elementary Spanish II | SPN102 | Elem Spanish II | |
SPAN104 | Spanish for Healthcare | SPN1XX | Spanish for Healthcare | |
SPAN201 | Intermediate Spanish I | SPN201 | Inter Spanish I | |
SPAN202 | Intermediate Spanish II | SPN202 | Inter Spanish II | |
SPAN211 | Advanced Spanish I | SPN2XX | Advanced Spanish I | |
SPAN212 | Advanced Spanish II | SPN2XX | Advanced Spanish II | |
SPCH101 | Effective Speaking | CM212 | Public Speaking | |
SPCH102 | Psychology of Speech | CM1XX | Psychology of Speech | |
SPCH104 | Interpersonal Comm | CM329 | Interpersonal Comm | |
SPCH201 | Argumentation and Debate | CM2XX | Argumentation/Debate | |
THTR101 | Intro to Theatre | THE154 | Introduction to Theatre | |
THTR110 | Acting I | THE262 | Acting | |
THTR110 | Intro to Acting | THE155 | Intro to Acting | |
THTR111 | Acting II | THE1XX | Acting II | |
THTR120 | Theatre Voice I | THE1XX | Theatre Voice I | |
THTR121 | Theatre Voice II | THE1XX | Theatre Voice II | |
THTR130 | Theatre Movement I | THE150 | Movement for Stage | |
THTR130 | Theatre Movement I | THE1XX | Theatre Movement I | |
THTR131 | Theatre Movement II | THE1XX | Theatre Movement II | |
THTR134 | Acting for the Camera | THE1XX | Acting for the Camera | |
THTR140 | Tech Theatre I | THE1XX | Tech Theatre I | |
THTR141 | Tech Theatre II | THE1XX | Tech Theatre II | |
THTR142 | Scenic Design | THE320 | Scene Design | |
THTR143 | Theatre Makeup | THE225 | Makeup for Theatre | |
THTR144 | Costuming for the Theatre | THE322 | Costume Design | |
THTR145 | Intro to Musical Theatre | THE1XX | Intro to Musical Theatre | |
THTR146 | Theatre Lighting | THE321 | Lighting Design | |
THTR146 | Theatre Lighting | THE1XX | Theatre Lighting | |
THTR147 | Theatre Practicum A | THE152 | Practicum | |
THTR148 | Theatre Practicum B | THE153 | Theatre Practicum | |
THTR149 | Theatre Practicum C | THE1XX | Theatre Prac C | |
THTR210 | Acting III | THE355 | Advanced Acting | |
THTR211 | Directing I | THE498 | Independent Study | |
THTR216 | Acting IV | THE2XX | Acting IV | |
THTR224 | Theatre for Soc and Cult Awar | THE2XX | Theatre for Soc & Cult Awar | |
THTR229 | Theatre in London & Dublin | THE2XX | Theatre in Lon & Dublin | |
THTR230 | Theatre/Perform Arts in London | THE2XX | Theatre/Perf Arts in London | |
THTR282L | Theatre in London & Dublin | THE2XX | Theatre in Lndn & Dublin | |
THTR282N | FX Airbrushing for Film | THE2XX | FX Airbrushing for Film | |
THTR291 | Theatre Internship | THE2XX | Theatre Internship | |
THTR295B | Ind Stud-Dramaturgy | THE2XX | Ind Stud-Dramaturgy | |
TOUR102 | Prin of Travel Selling | HSP1XX | Prin of Travel Selling | |
TOUR201 | Theories & Pract | HSP2XX | Theories & Pract | |
WEB101 | WEB Prog Intro | IFS1XX | WEB Prog Intro | |
WEB102 | Internet & Web Design | IFS1XX | Internet & Web Design | |
WEB110 | Web Site Publishing | IFS1XX | Web Site Publishing | |
WEB121 | Electronic Commerce | IFS1XX | Electronic Commerce | |
WEB125 | HTML & CSS | IFS1XX | HTML & CSS | |
WEB126 | XML | IFS1XX | XML | |
WEB130 | Multimedia Fund | IFS1XX | Multimedia Fund | |
WEB133 | Design Fund | IFS1XX | Design Fund | |
WEB135 | Web Des Raster Images | IFS1XX | Web Des w/Raster Images | |
WEB138 | Web Des w/Vector Images | IFS1XX | Web Des w/Vector Images | |
WEB143 | Development Fund | IFS1XX | Development Fund | |
WEB144 | JAVA I for Bus | IFS1XX | JAVA I for Bus | |
WEB205 | Electronic Commerce | IFS2XX | Electronic Commerce | |
WEB210 | Imaging Editing-Photoshop | ART2XX | Imaging Editing-Photoshop | |
WEB220 | HTML | IFS2XX | HTML | |
WEB230 | Web Des with Animation | IFS2XX | Web Des with Animation | |
WEB233 | Web Multimedia Prod | IFS2XX | Web Multimedia Prod | |
WEB240 | JavaScript | IFS2XX | JavaScript | |
WEB245 | Advanced Development | IFS2XX | Advanced Devel | |
WEB247 | C#.NET Prog | IFS2XX | C#.NET Prog | |
WEB253 | Intro Windows Dev | IFS2XX | Intro Windows Dev | |
WEB255 | PHP/MySQL Prog | IFS2XX | PHP/MySQL Prog | |
WEB256 | JSP Java Server Pages | IFS2XX | JSP Java Server Pages | |
WEB257 | Adv ASP.NET | IFS2XX | Adv ASP.NET | |
WEB260 | Web Server Admin | IFS2XX | Web Server Admin | |
WEB268 | Web Program Capstone | IFS2XX | Web Program Capstone | |
WEB270 | Coop Work Exp | IFS2XX | Coop Work Exp | |
WEB282A | Coop Work Exp in WEB | IFS2XX | Coop Work Exp in WEB | |
WEB282C | Appl Dev Visual Studio.NET | IFS2XX | Appl Dev Visual Studio.NET | |
WHP101 | Intro to Wellness and Health | PAW234 | Well/Fitness/Life | |
WHP102 | Approaches to Weight Mgmt | PAW1XX | Approaches to Weight Mgmt | |
WHP103 | Approaches to Stress Mgmt | PAW222 | Phys Fit & Stress Mgt |
Howard Community College | York College of Pennsylvania | |||
AC111 | Prin of Acct I | ACC220 | Financial Acct | |
AC112 | Prin of Acct II | ACC225 | Managerial Acct | |
ACCT111 | Prin of Acct I | ACC220 | Financial Acct | |
ACCT112 | Prin of Acct II | ACC225 | Managerial Acct | |
AGNG160 | The Aging Process: Gerontology | GER215 | Social Aspcts/Aging | |
AMSL101 | Elem Sign Language I | CM150 | Beg Sign Language | |
ANTH104 | Phys Anthr & Arch | ANT210 | Physical Anthropol | |
ANTH105 | Intro Cult Anthropology | ANT220 | Cult Anthropology | |
ANTH120 | Comp World Cultures | ANT1XX | Comp World Cultures | |
ARAB101 | Fdnl Arabic I | ARB101 | Elem Arabic I | |
ARTS103 | Drawing I | ART215 | Drawing I | |
ARTS110 | Art Appreciation | ART101 | Art/Visual Culture | |
ARTS125 | Intro to Digital Arts | ART1XX | Intro to Dig Arts | |
ARTT101 | 2-D Design | ART210 | Design I | |
ARTT102 | Three-Dimen Art & Design | ART211 | Design II | |
ARTT103 | Art Appreciation | ART101 | Intro Art Apprec | |
ARTT104 | Art History I | ART204 | Survey West Art I | |
ARTT105 | Art History II | ART205 | Survey West Art II | |
ARTT109 | Drawing I | ART215 | Drawing I | |
ARTT110 | Drawing 2 | ART265 | Drawing II | |
ARTT112 | Draw & Paint/Dig Med | ART1XX | Draw & Paint/Dig Med | |
ARTT114 | Time-Based Media | ART1XX | Time-Based Media | |
ARTT120 | 3-D Modeling and Anima | ART1XX | 3-D Modeling and Anima | |
ARTT122 | History of Modern Art | ART394 | Modernist Impulse | |
ARTT140 | Photography Appr | ART1XX | Photography Appr | |
ARTT141 | Basic Photography | ART245 | Photography I | |
ARTT146 | Digital Photo I | ART246 | Digital Photography | |
ARTT148 | Digital Imaging:Radter Prog I | ART246 | Digital Photography | |
ARTT151 | Ceramics I | ART225 | Ceramics I | |
ARTT201 | Contemporary Color Des | ART2XX | Contemporary Color Des | |
ARTT203 | Drawing II: Ob/Comp | ART265 | Drawing II | |
ARTT282 | Art History I | ART204 | Survey West Art I | |
ARTT283 | Art History II | ART205 | Survey West Art II | |
ARTT299 | Arts Portfolio Seminar | ART2XX | Arts Portfolio Seminar | |
ASTR104 | Elem Astronomy | ESS1XX | Earth Sci Elect No Lab | |
ASTR104 | Elem Astronomy | ESS154 | Intro/Astronomy | |
ASTR902 | Sky Watch: Intro Astron | ESS1XX | Earth Sci Elect No Lab | |
AVMP150 | Intro to Elec Media | CM1XX | Intro to Elec Media | |
AVMP155 | Prin of Film and Media Prod | FLM1XX | Prin of Film and Media Prod | |
BIOL100 | Biology and Society | BIO204 | Exploring Biology | |
BIOL101 | General Biology I | BIO150 | Biology I | |
BIOL102 | Gen Biology II | BIO152 | Biology II | |
BIOL103 | Human Heredity | BIO1XX | Biol Elect No Lab | |
BIOL104 | Oceanography | BIO1XX | Biology Elect No Lab | |
BIOL105 | Environ Science | BIO1XX | Biology Elect No Lab | |
BIOL107 | Fund of Microbiology | BIO230 | Microbiology | |
BIOL142 | Found Biology II | BIO152 | Evol/Ecol & Divers | |
BIOL200 | Microbiology | BIO230 | Microbiology | |
BIOL201 | Genetics | BIO2XX | Biology Elect No Lab | |
BIOL201 | Genetics | BIO240 | Genetics | |
BIOL203 | Anat & Phys I | BIO220 | Human A/P I | |
BIOL204 | A & P II | BIO222 | Human A/P II | |
BMGT100 | Intro to Bus & Org | BUS150 | Intro to Business | |
BMGT120 | Small Bus Mgt | MGT1XX | Small Bus Mgt | |
BMGT130 | Prin Marketing | MKT100 | Prin Marketing | |
BMGT134 | Leadership Coaching | MGT1XX | Leadership Coaching | |
BMGT141 | Supervisory Dev | MGT1XX | Supervisory Dev | |
BMGT145 | Prin Management | MGT150 | Prin of Management | |
BMGT151 | Bus Law I | BUS260 | Legal Environment | |
BMGT175 | Business Communications | WRT210 | Writng/Prof Culturs | |
BMGT175 | Business Communications | FCO210 | Comm Prof Cultures | |
BMGT200 | Managing for the Future | MGT2XX | Man for the Future | |
BMGT203 | Bus Ethics | PHL255 | Business Ethics | |
BMGT204 | Taking Bus Mobile | BUS2XX | Taking Bus Mobile | |
BMGT205 | Prin of Intl Business | IBS200 | Internatl Business | |
BMGT240 | Hum Res Mgmt | MGT220 | Human Resource Mgt | |
BU100 | Intro to Business | BUS150 | Intro to Business | |
BU130 | Prin of Marketing | MKT100 | Prin Marketing | |
BU151 | Bus Law I | BUS260 | Legal Environment | |
BU230 | Prin of Advertising | BUS2XX | Prin of Advertising | |
BY101 | Gen Biology I | BIO150 | Biology I | |
BY106 | Basic Ant & Phy:Bio | BIO112 | Fund Human Bio | |
CFOR101 | Computer Forensics I | CS1XX | Computer Forensics I | |
CHEM101 | Gen Inorganic Chem I | CHM134 | Gen Chem I | |
CHEM102 | Gen Inorganic Chem II | CHM136 | Gen Chem II | |
CHEM103 | Fund General Chem | CHM122 | Prin Gen/Org Chem | |
CHEM105 | Chemistry and Society | CHM1XX | Chemistry and Society | |
CHEM201 | Organic Chem I | CHM234 | Organic Chem I | |
CHEM202 | Organic Chem II | CHM236 | Organic Chem II | |
CHNS102 | Elem Mandarin Chinese II | CHN102 | Elementary Chinese II | |
CM111 | Intro to Comp | WRT102 | Analytical Read/Writ | |
CM120 | Intro to Lit | LIT200 | Perspectives/Lit | |
CM127 | Fund Public Speaking | CM104 | Human Communicatn | |
CMGT100 | Culinary Basics | NPE1XX | Culinary Basics | |
CMGT101 | Intro Culinary Arts | NPE1XX | Intro Culinary Arts | |
CMGT110 | Culinary Supervision | NPE1XX | Culinary Supervision | |
CMGT115 | Food Preparation I | NPE1XX | Food Preparation I | |
CMGT121 | Foodservice Safety | NPE1XX | Foodservice Safety | |
CMGT200 | International Cuisine | NPE2XX | International Cuisine | |
CMGT215 | Food Preparation II | NPE2XX | Food Preparation II | |
CMGT265 | Garde' Manger | NPE2XX | Garde' Manger | |
CMSY102 | Beg Word Processing | IFS1XX | Beg Word Processing | |
CMSY110 | Software Appl for Micro | IFS105 | Personal Computing | |
CMSY110 | Software Appl for Micro | IFS100 | Info Tech Competncy | |
CMSY116 | Powerpoint | IFS1XX | Powerpoint | |
CMSY126 | Intro to Internet | IFS1XX | Intro to Internet | |
CMSY129 | Principles of Internet | IFS1XX | Principles of Internet | |
CMSY141 | Computer Sci I | CS101 | Fund Comp Sci I | |
CMSY172 | Programming Java | IFS1XX | Programming Java | |
CMSY281 | Adv C++ Progr | CS201 | Fund Comp Sci II | |
COOP201 | Coop Ed Work Exp | NPE1XX | Coop Ed Work Exp | |
CRIM101 | Intro to Criminal Justice | CCJ101 | Intro Crim Justice | |
CRIM102 | Criminology | CCJ1XX | Criminology | |
CRIM103 | Juv Delinquency | CCJ110 | Juvenile Delinquncy | |
CRIM105 | Intro to Corrections | CCJ1XX | Intro to Corrections | |
CRIM201 | Intro Crim Law | CCJ2XX | Intro Crim Law | |
CRIM210 | Evidence & Proc | CCJ2XX | Evidence & Proc | |
DANC114 | Hist and Cult of Hip-Hop | HUM1XX | Hist and Cult of Hip-Hop | |
DANC175 | Inter Modern Dance Tech | PE1XX | Inter Modern Dance | |
DANC176 | Inter Modern Dance Tech II | PE1XX | Inter Modern Dance II | |
DANC181 | Ballet I | PE1XX | Ballet I | |
DANC190 | Dance Appreciation | HUM1XX | Dance Appreciation | |
DANC192 | Jazz Dance I | PE1XX | Jazz Dance I | |
DANC193 | Intermed Jazz Dance I | PE1XX | Intermed Jazz Dance I | |
DANC292 | Intermed Jazz Dance II | PE2XX | Intermed Jazz Dance II | |
DANC920 | Dance Repertory | PE1XX | Dance Repertory | |
DP120 | Intro Data Proc | IFS1XX | Intro Data Proc | |
DP123 | Cobol Prog I | CS1XX | Cobol Prog I | |
EC101 | Prin of Econ Macro | ECO200 | Prin Econ-Macro | |
ECON101 | Principles of Econ Macro | ECO200 | Prin Econ-Macro | |
ECON102 | Principles of Econ Micro | ECO201 | Prin Econ-Micro | |
EDUC110 | Intro to Education | EDU200 | Found of Education | |
EDUC111 | Child Grwth & Dev | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop | |
EDUC112 | Methods & Mat of Eched | EDU1XX | Meth & Mat of Eched | |
EDUC200 | Intro to Special Ed | SPE200 | Process/Procedures | |
EDUC200 | Intro Special Ed | SPE2XX | Intro Special Ed | |
EDUC201 | Reading Proc & Acquis | EDU2XX | Reading Proc & Acquis | |
EDUC260 | Ed Psychology | EDU370 | Psych of Learning | |
EDUC260 | Ed Psychology | EDU375 | Psy Learning/Second | |
EG101 | Intro Comp I | WRT102 | Analytical Read/Writ | |
EG111 | Intro Comp | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm | |
EG120 | Intro to Lit | LIT200 | Perspectives/Lit | |
ENES100 | Intro Engineering Design | EGR100 | Epads I | |
ENES120 | Statics | EGR250 | Statics | |
ENES140 | Mechanics of Materials | EGR264 | Strength/Materials | |
ENES140 | Mechanics of Materials | EGR265 | Materials/Solid Lab | |
ENES271 | Appl Numerical Mthds | EGR150 | Computational Methods | |
ENGL101 | Intro to Comp I | WRT102 | Analytical Read/Writ | |
ENGL102 | Intro to Comp II | WRT202 | Academic Writing | |
ENGL115 | Creative Writing | WRT272 | Intro Creative Wrt | |
ENGL120 | Intro to Lit | LIT200 | Perspectives/Lit | |
ENGL121 | College Comp | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm | |
ENGL122 | College Comp II | WRT202 | Academic Writing | |
ENGL126 | Intro to Journalism | WRT1XX | Intro to Journalism | |
ENGL200 | Child Lit | LIT2XX | Child Lit | |
ENGL201 | Amer Lit I | LIT281 | Amer Lit to 1885 | |
ENGL202 | American Lit II | LIT282 | Amer Lit after 1885 | |
ENGL203 | Eng Lit I | LIT283 | British Lit to 1750 | |
ENGL205 | The Short Story | LIT291 | Short Story | |
ENGL206 | African-American Lit | LIT2XX | African-American Lit | |
ENGL207 | Ethics in Lit | LIT2XX | Ethics in Lit | |
ENGL210 | Fiction Poetry Drama | LIT2XX | Fict Poetry Drama | |
ENGL218 | Film & Lit | LIT393 | Literature & Film | |
ENGL223 | Writing for Screen Narrative | WRT2XX | Writing for Screen Narr | |
ENGL225 | Intro World Lit | LIT2XX | Intro World Lit | |
ENGL226 | World Lit I | LIT285 | Eur Lit to 1600 | |
ENGL227 | World Lit II | LIT286 | Eur Lit Since 1600 | |
ENGL230 | Tech Writing | FCO2XX | Tech Writing | |
ENST105 | Environmental Science | 01 | ESS1XX | Environmental Science Lab |
ENST105 | Environmental Science | 01 | ESS1XX | Environmental Science |
ENST105 | Envir Science | BIO1XX | Biology Elect No Lab | |
ENST115 | Environmental Science Lab | 01 | ||
ENST233 | Intro Environ Health | BIO2XX | Biology Elect No Lab | |
ENTE101 | Intro to Entertain Tech | CM1XX | Intro to Entertain Tech | |
ENTE105 | Entertainment Tech Light | MUS1XX | Entertainment Tech Light | |
ENTR100 | Intro Entrepreneurship | ENT150 | Intro Entrepreneur | |
ENTR101 | Ent & Creativity | ENT150 | Intro Entrepreneur | |
ENTR120 | Ent in Practice | ENT1XX | Ent in Practics | |
ENTR210 | Dev Bus Plans | ENT2XX | Dev Bus Plans | |
ENTR220 | Fin Entrepren Oper | ENT2XX | Fin Entrepren Oper | |
ENTR915 | Tech Invention to Market | ENT2XX | Tech Invention to Market | |
EXSC100 | Intro Phys Ed | PE1XX | Intro Phys Ed | |
EXSC101 | Intro to Exercise Science | PAW1XX | Intro to Exercise Science | |
EXSC150 | Sport & Society | SPM1XX | Sport & Society | |
EXSC200 | Care & Prev Athl Inj | EDU315 | Prvnt/Treat Ath Inj | |
EXSC209 | Sport & Exercise Nutrition | PAW2XX | Sport & Exercise Nutrition | |
EXSC210 | Sp/Exer Psychology | PSY2XX | Sp/Exer Psychology | |
FILM101 | Intro to Film | FLM216 | Intro to Film | |
FILM108 | Golden Age of Hollywood | FLM1XX | Golden Age of Hollywood | |
FILM171 | Intro to American Cinema | FLM1XX | Intro to American Cinema | |
FILM172 | Intro World Cinema | FLM1XX | Intro World Cinema | |
FILM216 | History of Animated Film | FLM2XX | History of Animated Film | |
FILM217 | History of Sci Fic Film | FLM2XX | History of Sci Fic Film | |
FILM904 | Hollywood in the Twenties | FLM1XX | Hollywood in the Twenties | |
FINE101 | Hum Through Arts | HUM1XX | Hum Through Arts | |
FINE102 | Arts, Cult & Ideas | HUM1XX | Arts, Cult & Ideas | |
FINE103 | Intro to Creative Arts | HUM1XX | Intro to Creative Arts | |
FINE193 | Intro to Women/Art/Cult | HUM1XX | Intro to Wm/Art/Cult | |
FNPL101 | Pers Fin Plan | BUS218 | Personal Finance | |
FNPL105 | Fin Plan Yng Adults | BUS218 | Personal Finance | |
FR101 | Elem of French 1 | FRN101 | Elem French I | |
FREN101 | Elem French I | FRN101 | Elem French I | |
FREN201 | Intermed French I | FRN201 | Inter French I | |
FYEX100 | First-Year Experience | FYS1XX | First Year Experience | |
GEOG101 | Intro to World Geography | G100 | World Reg Geography | |
GEOG102 | Elem Cult Geog | G1XX | Elem Cult Geog | |
GEOL107 | Intro to Phys Geology | ESS1XX | Intro to Phys Geology | |
GEOL108 | Hist Geology | ESS1XX | Earth Science Elec no lab | |
GERM101 | Elem German I | GRM101 | Elem German I | |
GERM102 | Elem German II | GRM102 | Elem German II | |
HBRW101 | Elem Hebrew I | L1XX | Elem Hebrew I | |
HBRW102 | Elem Hebrew II | L1XX | Elem Hebrew II | |
HBRW201 | Intermed Hebrew I | L2XX | Intermed Hebrew I | |
HD200 | Life Span Dev | PSY2XX | Life Span Dev | |
HD200 | Life Span Dev | NUR201 | Nursing HD/HC | |
HEAL110 | Health Care Prof | BIO100 | Intro Allied Hl | |
HEED100 | Intro Life Fitness | PE134 | Concpts Phys Actvty | |
HEED104 | Pers Nutrition | NUR202 | Nutrition | |
HEED109 | CPR & First Aid | EDU305 | Responding/Emerg | |
HEED112 | First Aid & Safety | SPM205 | Responding/Emerg | |
HEED113 | Drug Use and Abuse | BEH1XX | Drug Use and Abuse | |
HEED115 | Personal and Comm Health | PAW1XX | Personal and Comm Health | |
HEED125 | Ethics - Prof Practice | PHL342 | Professional Ethics | |
HEED150 | Women's Health | WGS210 | Women's Health | |
HEED200 | Health/Fitness Leader | PAW2XX | Health/Fitness Leader | |
HEED211 | Nutrition | NUR202 | Nutrition | |
HEED213 | Stress Management | PAW2XX | Stress Management | |
HEED216 | Health Care in the US | BEH2XX | Health Care in the US | |
HIST111 | Amer History to 1877 | HIS111 | American Civ I | |
HIST112 | Amer Hist Since 1877 | HIS112 | American Civ II | |
HIST121 | Anc World Prehis to Mid | HIS300 | Ancnt Hist to 476 | |
HIST122 | West Civ & Premod World | HIS101 | Western Civ I | |
HIST123 | West Civ & Mod World | HIS102 | Western Civ II | |
HIST132 | Modern World History | HIS122 | World History II | |
HIST202 | Iss In Hist: WWII | HIS2XX | Iss in Hist: WWII | |
HIST209 | Hist of Mid East | HIS2XX | Hist of Mid East | |
HIST226 | History African American Exp | HIS2XX | Hist African Am Exp | |
HMDV100 | Intro to Human Relations | CM1XX | Intro to Human Relations | |
HMDV150 | Rouse Sch Sem I | NPE1XX | Rouse Sch Sem I | |
HMDV151 | Rouse Sch Sem II | NPE1XX | Rouse Sch Sem II | |
HMDV200 | Life Span Dev | PSY2XX | Life Span Dev | |
HMDV200 | Life Span Dev | NUR201 | Nursing HD/HC | |
HMDV250 | Rouse Sch Sem III | NPE2XX | Rouse Sch Sem III | |
HMDV251 | Rouse Sch Sem IV | NPE2XX | Rouse Sch Sem IV | |
HMGT101 | Intro to Hospitality | HSP101 | Intro Hosp & Tourism Mgt | |
HMGT111 | Foodservice Safety | HSP1XX | Foodservice Safety | |
HMGT160 | Intro to Travel & Tourism | HSP1XX | Intro to Travel & Tourism | |
HMGT163 | Intro to Meetings | HSP1XX | Intro to Meetings | |
HMGT164 | Intro Mtgs & Conf Oper | HSP1XX | Intro Mtgs & Conf Oper | |
HMGT165 | Cruise Ship Industry | HSP1XX | Cruise Ship Industry | |
HMGT180 | Hospitality Mgmt Intern I | HSP1XX | Hospitality Mgmt Intern I | |
HMGT225 | Hosp Purch & Cost Control | HSP2XX | Hosp Purch & Cost Control | |
HMGT242 | Lodging Mngmt and Operations | HSP2XX | Lodging Mngmt and Op | |
HMGT244 | Housekeeping Operation | HSP2XX | Hskeeping Operation | |
HMGT250 | Food & Bev Mgt Serv | HSP2XX | Food & Bev Mgt Serv | |
HMGT285 | Dining Room Service | HSP2XX | Dining Room Service | |
HUMN100 | Creative Writing | WRT1XX | Creative Writing | |
HUMN101 | Intro to Humanities | HUM1XX | Intro to Humanities | |
HUMN107 | Arts, Cult & Ideas | HUM1XX | Arts, Cult & Ideas | |
HUMN108 | Intro to Creative Arts | HUM1XX | Intro to Creative Arts | |
HUMN115 | Entr/Creativity | HUM1XX | Entr/Creativity | |
HUMN200 | Adv Creative Writing | CRW272 | Intro Creative Wrt | |
HUMS110 | Introduction to Human Services | HSV100 | Intro to HSV | |
HUMS121 | Intro to Chem Dep Tret | HSV1XX | Intro to Chem Dep Tret | |
HUMS122 | Ind Counseling Techniques | HSV1XX | Ind Counseling Techniques | |
HUMS123 | Group Counseling Skills | HSV1XX | Group Counseling Skills | |
HUMS124 | Family Counseling | HSV1XX | Family Counseling | |
INFO100 | Info Literacy Success | NPE1XX | Info Literacy/Success | |
ITAL101 | Elem Italian I | ITL101 | Elem Italian I | |
ITAL102 | Fdnl Italian II | ITL102 | Elem Italian II | |
KORE101 | Elements of Korean I | L1XX | Elements of Korean I | |
KORE102 | Elementary Korean II | L1XX | Elementary Korean II | |
LFIT105 | Belly Dancing | PE1XX | Belly Dancing | |
LFIT116 | Swimming for Fit | PE120 | Beginning Swimming | |
LFIT122 | Strengthfit | PAW139 | Cardiorespty Exercs | |
LFIT123 | Step Aerobics | PE1XX | Step Aerobics | |
LFIT124 | Conditioning | PE118 | Physical Fitness | |
LFIT124 | Conditioning | PE119 | Physical Fitness | |
LFIT127 | Tai Chi | PE164 | Intro to Tai Chi | |
LFIT130 | Mixed Marital Arts | PAW130 | Self Defense | |
LFIT131 | Martial Arts | PE137 | Intro Martial Arts | |
LFIT136 | Kickboxing | PAW1XX | Kickboxing | |
LFIT136 | Kickboxing for Fitness | PE1XX | Kickboxing for Fitness | |
LFIT137 | Circuit Weight Training | PE1XX | Circuit Weight Training | |
LFIT197 | Pilates | PE165 | Intro to Pilates | |
MA122 | Ideas in Math | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv | |
MA130 | Precalculus | MAT108 | Precalculus | |
MA195 | Bus Math | MAT1XX | Bus Math | |
MA200 | Statistics | QBA260 | Business Statistics | |
MA200 | Statistics | BEH260 | Statistics | |
MA200 | Statistics | MAT250 | Statistics | |
MAMT140 | Prin of Management | MGT150 | Prin of Management | |
MASS129 | Mass Media | CM211 | Mass Communication | |
MATH105 | Drug Calculations | MAT1XX | Drug Calculations | |
MATH121 | Finite Math | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv | |
MATH122 | Ideas in Math | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv | |
MATH127 | Concepts of Math I | MAT115 | Sets/Number Systems | |
MATH128 | Concepts of Math II | MAT215 | Sets/Number Sys II | |
MATH131 | College Algebra | MAT105 | College Algebra | |
MATH132 | Mathematical Literacy | MAT1XX | Mathematical Literacy | |
MATH133 | College Trigonometry | MAT1XX | College Trigonometry | |
MATH138 | Statistics | QBA260 | Business Statistics | |
MATH138 | Statistics | MAT250 | Statistics | |
MATH138 | Statistics | BEH260 | Statistics | |
MATH140 | Calculus I | MAT171 | Calculus I | |
MATH141 | College Algebra | MAT105 | College Algebra | |
MATH143 | Precalculus I | MAT108 | Precalculus | |
MATH145 | Bus Calculus | MAT120 | Applied Calculus | |
MATH153 | Precalculus II | MAT108 | Precalculus | |
MATH155 | Precalculus I & II | MAT108 | Precalculus | |
MATH181 | Calculus I | MAT171 | Calculus I | |
MATH182 | Calculus II | MAT172 | Calculus II | |
MATH220 | Discrete Structures | MAT235 | Discrete Mathemtcs | |
MATH240 | Calculus III | MAT271 | Calculus III | |
METO111 | Meteorology | ESS1XX | Earth Sci Elect No Lab | |
MN101 | Sales & Sales Mgt | MGT1XX | Sales & Sales Mgt | |
MN132 | Supervisory Dev II | MGT1XX | Supervisory Dev II | |
MN140 | Prin of Mgt | MGT150 | Prin of Management | |
MN240 | Personnel Mgt | MGT2XX | Personnel Mgt | |
MUSA100 | Fundamentals of Music | MUS181 | Found Music Theory | |
MUSA102 | Business of Music | MUS297 | Survey Music Industry | |
MUSA140 | Music Tech & Entre | MUS1XX | Music Tech & Entre | |
MUSC100 | Fund of Music | MUS181 | Found Music Theory | |
MUSC101 | Music Appreciation | MUS200 | Music Appreciation | |
MUSC101 | Music Appreciation | MUS186 | Listening to Music | |
MUSC108 | Afrc Amer Music | MUS1XX | Afrc Amer Music | |
MUSC112G | Applied Music Guitar | MUS138 | Guitar | |
MUSC113 | Applied Music | MUS101 | Voice | |
MUSC117 | Appl Music Jazz | MUS162 | Jazz Ensemble | |
MUSC122 | Jazz Improvisation I | MUS180 | Jazz Improvisation | |
MUSC131 | Chorus I | MUS150 | YCChorale | |
MUSC132 | Chorus II | MUS151 | YCChorale | |
MUSC150 | Jazz Ensemble | MUS162 | Jazz Ensemble | |
MUSC195 | Class Guitar I | MUS148 | Guitar Class | |
NM240 | Personnel Mgt | MGT2XX | Personnel Mgt | |
NURS101 | Intro to Patient Needs | NUR1XX | Intro to Patient Needs | |
NURS122 | Fnds Nursing Practice | NUR1XX | Fnds Nursing Practice | |
NURS130 | Fund of Nursing | NUR1XX | Fund of Nursing | |
NUTR211 | Nutrition | NUR202 | Nutrition | |
OFFI290 | Medical Terminology | RT105 | Medical Terminology | |
OFFI290 | Medical Terminology | BIO201 | Medical Terminology | |
PE102 | Lifetime Fitness | PE134 | Concpts Phys Actvty | |
PE117 | Aquafit | PE1XX | Aquafit | |
PHIL101 | Intro to Philosophy | PHL221 | Intro Philosophy | |
PHIL103 | Intro to Ethics | PHL341 | Ethics | |
PHIL201 | Religions of the World | REL265 | World Religions | |
PHYS101 | Tech Phys Sci | PHY1XX | Tech Phys Sci | |
PHYS103 | Fund of Physics I | PHY110 | Gen Phys:Mech/Ht | |
PHYS106 | Earth & Space Sci | ESS152 | Earth/Space Sci | |
PHYS107 | Physical Science | PSC152 | Physical Sci I | |
PHYS110 | Gen. Physics I Calc | PHY160 | Eng Phys:Mechncs | |
PHYS111 | Gen Physics II Calc | PHY162 | Eng Phys:Ht/Thermo | |
PHYS112 | Gen Physics III Calculus | MAT271 | Calculus III | |
PHYS120 | Oceanography | ESS1XX | Earth Sci Elect no lab | |
PL103 | Intro to Ethics | PHL341 | Ethics | |
POLI101 | Amer Fed Govt | PS101 | Amer Gov/Citizenship | |
POLI102 | State & Local Govt | PS242 | State/Local Govt | |
POLI103 | Political Ideology | PS1XX | Political Ideology | |
POLI104 | The U.S. Constitution | PS141 | Am Gov: Institutions | |
POLI201 | Comparative Govn't | PS260 | Comparative Politics | |
PSYC101 | General Psychology | PSY100 | General Psychology | |
PSYC200 | Life Span Development | PSY2XX | Lifespan Development | |
PSYC200 | Life Span Development | HSV250 | Lifecourse Develop | |
PSYC202 | Social Psychology | PSY243 | Social Psychology | |
PSYC203 | Abnormal Psychology | PSY230 | Abnormal Psych | |
PSYC204 | Adolescent Psychology | PSY2XX | Adolescent Psychology | |
PUBH101 | Intro Pub Health | PE1XX | Phys Ed Elect | |
PUBH101 | Intro Pub Health | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
PY101 | Intro Psychology | PSY100 | General Psychology | |
RUSS101 | Elem Russian I | RUS101 | Elem Russian I | |
SABR912 | Italy Culture | INT1XX | Italy Culture | |
SABR919 | WWII Study Abroad | HIS2XX | WWII Study Abroad | |
SC101 | Int Sci | PSC1XX | Int Sci | |
SC102 | Anat & Phys I | BIO220 | Human A/P I | |
SC201 | Int Anat & Phys II | BIO222 | Human A/P II | |
SH110 | Interpersonal Comm | CM329 | Interpersonal Comm | |
SO101 | Intro Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology | |
SOCI101 | Intro to Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology | |
SOCI102 | Soc Prob | SOC220 | Am Social Problems | |
SOCI103 | Marriage and Family | SOC225 | The Family | |
SOCI130 | Human Sexuality | SOC1XX | Human Sexuality | |
SOCI202 | Urban Sociology | SOC2XX | Urban Soc | |
SOCI203 | Sociology of Sport | SPM2XX | Sociology of Sport | |
SPAN101 | Elementary Spanish I | SPN101 | Elem Spanish I | |
SPAN102 | Elementary Spanish II | SPN102 | Elem Spanish II | |
SPAN201 | Intermed Spanish I | SPN201 | Inter Spanish I | |
SPAN202 | Intermediate Spanish II | SPN202 | Inter Spanish II | |
SPCH101 | Intro Human Comm | CM212 | Public Speaking | |
SPCH105 | Fund of Public Speaking | CM212 | Public Speaking | |
SPCH105 | Fund of Public Speaking | CM104 | Human Communicatn | |
SPCH110 | Interpersonal Comm | CM329 | Interpersonal Comm | |
SPCH175 | Business Comm | CM246 | Comm/Business Prof | |
THET101 | Intro to Acting | THE155 | Intro to Acting | |
THET102 | Acting for Non-Theatre | THE262 | Acting | |
THET119 | Intro to Playwriting | THE275 | Playwriting | |
THET136 | Lighting I | THE1XX | Lighting I | |
THET160 | Theater Practicum I | THE1XX | Theatre Practicum I | |
THET177 | Stage Combat | THE1XX | Stage Combat | |
THET202 | Acting II | THE2XX | Acting II | |
TVRD120 | Video Editing | CM1XX | Video Editing | |
TVRD129 | Mass Media | CM211 | Mass Communication | |
TVRD140 | Video Production I | CM242 | Video Prodctn I | |
TVRD223 | Writing for Screen Narra | WRT2XX | Writing for Screen Narrative | |
WMST150 | Women's Health | WGS210 | Women's Health | |
WMST228 | Women Euro Hist: 1750-Pres | WGS2XX | Wm Euro Hist: 1750-Pres | |
WMST230 | Women in Col Maryland | WGS2XX | Women in Col Maryland | |
WMST231 | Amer Women & Suff | WGS1XX | Amer Women & Suff |
Indiana University of Pennsylvania | York College of Pennsylvania | |||
ACCT201 | Acct Prin I | ACC220 | Financial Acct | |
ACCT202 | Acct Prin II | ACC225 | Managerial Acct | |
ACCT304 | Intermed Accounting | ACC320 | Inter Accounting I | |
ACCT311 | Cost Accounting | ACC310 | Cost Accounting | |
AD321 | Bus Interper Comm | CM104 | Human Communicatn | |
AG201 | Acctg Prin I | ACC2XX | Acctg Prin I | |
AG202 | Acctg Prin II | ACC220 | Financial Acct | |
AG301 | Interm Acctg I | ACC3XX | Interm Acctg I | |
AH101 | Intro to Art | ART101 | Intro Art Apprec | |
AN110 | Contemp Anthro | ANT1XX | Contemp Anthro | |
ANTH110 | Contemp Anthro | ANT1XX | Contemp Anthro | |
ANTH211 | Cult Anthropology | ANT220 | Cult Anthropology | |
ANTH213 | World Archaeology | ANT230 | Intro Archaeology | |
ANTH233 | Lang & Cult | ANT2XX | Lang & Cult | |
APMU101 | Priv Piano I | MUS103 | Piano | |
APMU114 | Priv Saxophone I | MUS130 | Saxophone | |
APMU151 | Priv Piano II | MUS104 | Piano | |
APMU164 | Priv Saxophone II | MUS131 | Saxophone | |
APMU201 | Priv Piano III | MUS203 | Piano | |
APMU205 | Priv Voice III | MUS2XX | Priv Voice III | |
APMU214 | Priv Saxophone III | MUS230 | Saxophone | |
APMU251 | Private Piano IV | MUS2XX | Private Piano IV | |
APMU255 | Priv Voice IV | MUS2XX | Priv Voice IV | |
APMU264 | Priv Saxophone IV | MUS231 | Saxophone | |
APMU314 | Priv Saxophone V | MUS330 | Saxophone | |
AR101 | Intro to Art | ART101 | Intro Art Apprec | |
ARHI100 | Arts of 20th Century | ART1XX | Arts of 20th Century | |
ARHI101 | Intro to Art | ART101 | Intro Art Apprec | |
ARHI206 | Renaissance to Baroque Art | ART205 | Survey West Art II | |
ARHI222 | Art in America | ART393 | American Art | |
ART100 | Art of the 20th Century | ART1XX | Art of the 20th Century | |
ART111 | Figure Drawing | ART216 | Figure Drawing I | |
ART112 | Fundamentals of Drawing | ART215 | Drawing I | |
ART113 | 3-Dimension Design | ART211 | Design II | |
ART114 | Color & 2-D Design | ART210 | Design I | |
ART215 | Sculpture | ART230 | Sculpture I | |
ART215 | Sculpture | ART116 | Concepts/Sculpture | |
ART219 | Fibers | ART2XX | Fibers | |
ASIA281 | Cult Explrtn Trad Korea | INT2XX | Cultural Explrtn Trad Korea | |
ASIA281A | Cultural Explrtn Contemp Korea | INT2XX | Cultural Explrtn Contem Kor | |
BA200 | Prin of Management | MGT150 | Prin of Management | |
BA201 | Personnel Mgt | MGT2XX | Personnel Mgt | |
BA215 | Business Stats | QBA260 | Business Statistics | |
BA240 | Computers in Bus | IFS105 | Personal Computing | |
BA241 | Finance | FIN2XX | Finance | |
BA341 | Finance II | FIN3XX | Finance II | |
BA380 | Prin of Investments | BUS3XX | Prin of Investments | |
BCOM321 | Business & Interper Comm | CM246 | Comm/Business Prof | |
BEDU101 | Micro Comp Lit | IFS105 | Personal Computing | |
BI103 | General Biology I | BIO150 | Biology I | |
BI104 | General Biology II | BIO152 | Biology II | |
BI114 | Envir Science | BIO1XX | Biology Elect No Lab | |
BI115 | Biotic Diversity | BIO1XX | Biology Elect No lab | |
BIOL101 | Basic Biology | BIO1XX | Biology Elect no lab | |
BIOL103 | Life on Earth | BIO204 | Exploring Biology | |
BIOL103 | General Biology I | BIO110 | General Biology | |
BIOL104 | Hum Bio: How the Body Works | BIO112 | Essentials of A & P | |
BIOL104 | Human Biol: Body Works | BIO112 | Fund Human Bio | |
BIOL104 | General Biology II | BIO1XX | General Biology II | |
BIOL105 | Cell Biology | BIO1XX | Biology Elect No Lab | |
BIOL106 | Human Genetics & Health | BIO1XX | Hum Genetics & Health | |
BIOL111 | Principles of Biology I | BIO150 | Biology I | |
BIOL112 | Prin Biology II | BIO152 | Biology II | |
BIOL117 | Understand HIV Bio & AIDS | BIO1XX | Biology Elective no lab | |
BIOL119 | Emerging Diseases | BIO1XX | Emerging Diseases | |
BIOL150 | Human Anatomy | BIO220 | Human A/P I | |
BIOL150 | Human Anatomy | BIO221 | Human A/P I Lab | |
BIOL151 | Human Physiology | BIO222 | Human A/P II | |
BIOL201 | Prin of Ecology & Evolutn | BIO152 | Evol/Ecol & Divers | |
BIOL202 | Prin Cell & Molecu Bio | BIO150 | Biology I | |
BIOL203 | Prin of Genetics & Dev | BIO240 | Genetics | |
BIOL210 | Principles of Plant Bio | BIO218 | Plants & People | |
BIOL220 | General Zoology | BIO302 | Zoology | |
BIOL240 | Human Physiology | BIO222 | Human A/P II | |
BIOL241 | Gen Microbiology | BIO230 | Microbiology | |
BIOL250 | Prin of Microbiology | BIO230 | Microbio/Allied Hlth | |
BIOL362 | Ecology | BIO300 | Ecology | |
BIOL479 | Neurobio of Addiction | BIO4XX | Neuro of Addiction | |
BIOL493 | Internship | BIO4XX | Biology elect no lab | |
BLAW235 | Legal Envir of Bus | BUS260 | Legal Environment | |
BTED101 | Microbased Comp Lit | IFS105 | Personal Computing | |
BTST101 | Intro to Business | BUS150 | Intro to Business | |
BTST105 | Intro to Business | BUS150 | Intro to Business | |
BU221 | Intro to Accounting | ACC2XX | Intro to Accounting | |
BU233 | Marketing | MKT100 | Prin Marketing | |
BU235 | Bus Law I | BUS260 | Legal Environment | |
BU251 | Acctg Prin II | ACC2XX | Acctg Prin II | |
BU321 | Bus Comm | BUS3XX | Bus Comm | |
BU336 | Law of Bus Org | BUS3XX | Law of Bus Org | |
BU439 | Bus Inform Sys | IFS3XX | Bus Inform Sys | |
BUSN101 | Business Success Seminar | BUS1XX | Business Success Seminar | |
CDFR218 | Child Dev | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop | |
CDFR218 | Child Dev | PSY2XX | Child Dev | |
CDFR224 | Marriage & Fam Rel | SOC225 | The Family | |
CDFR426 | Tech of Parent Ed | BEH4XX | Tech of Parent Ed | |
CDFR428 | Family Dynamics | BEH4XX | Family Dynamics | |
CH101 | HEC& Health Chem I | CHM1XX | HEC& Health Chem I | |
CH102 | HEC& Health Chem II | CHM122 | Prin Gen/Org Chem | |
CHEM100 | Prep Chemistry | CHM104 | Found of Chem | |
CHEM101 | College Chem I | CHM135 | Gen Chem I Lab | |
CHEM101 | College Chem I | CHM134 | Gen Chem I | |
CHEM102 | College Chem II | CHM136 | Gen Chem II | |
CHEM102 | College Chem II | CHM137 | Gen Chem II Lab | |
CHEM105 | Forensic Chem of CSI | CHM146 | Advanced Chem II | |
CHEM111 | Gen Chem I | CHM134 | Gen Chem I | |
CHEM111 | Gen Chem I | CHM135 | Gen Chem I Lab | |
CHEM111 | Gen Chem I | CHM122 | Prin Gen/Org Chem | |
CHEM111 | Gen Chem I | CHM123 | Gen/Org Chem Lab | |
CHEM112 | Gen Chem II | CHM137 | Gen Chem II Lab | |
CHEM112 | Gen Chem II | CHM136 | Gen Chem II | |
CHEM113 | Concepts in Chemistry I | CHM134 | Gen Chem I | |
CHEM114 | Basic Inorganic Chemistry | CHM136 | Gen Chem II | |
CHEM202 | General Chemistry II | CHM136 | Gen Chem II | |
CHEM231 | Organic Chemistry I | CHM234 | Organic Chem I | |
CHEM232 | Organic Chemistry II | CHM236 | Organic Chem II | |
CHHS281 | Pathways - Health & Human Serv | HSV1XX | Pathways - Health & Human Serv | |
CL108 | Japanese I | L1XX | Japanese I | |
CM481 | Special Topic: Comm | CM4XX | Special Topic: Comm | |
CO101 | Micro Comp Lit | IFS105 | Personal Computing | |
CO205 | Prog Lang Sec Ed | CS2XX | Prog Lang Sec Ed | |
COMM101 | Comm Media Amer Soc | CM211 | Mass Communication | |
COMM103 | Digital Instr Tech | EDU210 | Instructnl Technlgy | |
COMM143 | Media Wellness | CM1XX | Media Wellness | |
COMM150 | Aesth & Theory Comm Med | CM1XX | Aesth & Theory Comm Med | |
COMM207 | Online Media Prod | CM2XX | Online Media Prod | |
COMM240 | Comm Graphics | CM2XX | Comm Graphics | |
COMM249 | Basic Audio Rec Tech | CM2XX | Basic Audio Rec Tech | |
COMM251 | TV Prod | CM2XX | TV Prod | |
COMM445 | App & Tech Motion Pic | CM4XX | App & Tech Motion Pic | |
COSC101 | Computer Literacy | IFS100 | Info Tech Competncy | |
COSC101 | Computer Literacy | IFS105 | Personal Computing | |
COSC105 | Fund Comp Sci | CS1XX | Fund Comp Sci | |
COSC110 | Prob Solv & Struct | CS1XX | Prob Solv & Struct | |
COSC210 | Object Orient & GUI | CS2XX | Object Orient & GUI | |
CR101 | Crime & Justice Sys | CJA101 | Intro Crim Justice | |
CR102 | Survey of Criminology | CJA1XX | Survey of Criminology | |
CRIM101 | Crime & Justice System | CJA101 | Intro Crim Justice | |
CRIM102 | Survey of Criminology | SOC320 | Criminology | |
CRIM205 | Policing & the Comm | CJA234 | Law Enforcement | |
CRIM215 | Survey of Courts & Just Sys | CJA336 | Judicial Process | |
CRIM225 | Surv of Corrections | CJA2XX | Surv of Corrections | |
CRIM235 | Surv Juv Just & Law | CJA348 | Juvenile Justice | |
CRIM255 | Law, Social Control & Soc | CJA2XX | Law, Social Contrl & Soc | |
CRIM281 | Freshman Persp in Crim | CJA2XX | Freshman Persp in Crim | |
CRIM354 | White Collar Crime | CJA383 | White Collar Crime | |
CRIM394 | Crime & Del Prev | CJA3XX | Crime & Del Prev | |
CRLG108 | Japanese I | L1XX | Japanese I | |
CRLG109 | Korean I | L1XX | Korean I | |
CRLG158 | Japanese II | L1XX | Japanese II | |
CRLG281 | Elem Japanese Conversation | L2XX | Elem Japanese Conv | |
DANC102 | Intro to Dance | PAW1XX | Intro to Dance | |
DANC150 | Fund of Dance | PE1XX | Fund of Dance | |
DANC150 | Fund of Dance | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
DANC260 | Beg Jazz Dance | PE129 | Pop Jazz Dance | |
DVST150 | Intro to Higher Education | FYS1XX | Intro to Higher Education | |
DVST160 | Learning Strategies | FYS1XX | Learning Strategies | |
DVST170 | Career Exploration | FYS1XX | Career Exploration | |
EC121 | Princ of Economics I | ECO200 | Prin Econ-Macro | |
EC122 | Prin of Econ II | ECO201 | Prin Econ-Micro | |
EC325 | Monetary Econ I | ECO3XX | Monetary Econ I | |
EC332 | Govt & Bus | ECO3XX | Govt & Bus | |
EC334 | Econ of Corp Dec | ECO3XX | Econ of Corp Dec | |
ECED117 | Rel in Div Soc | EDU1XX | Rel in Div Soc | |
ECED200 | Intro to Early Child Ed | ECH230 | Early Child Theory | |
ECED221 | Lit/Young Child & Adol | ECH2XX | Lit/Young Child & Adol | |
ECED250 | Language Dev | EDU2XX | Language Dev | |
ECED280 | Max Learning | ECH220 | Instruct/Curric Dev | |
ECED351 | Lit for the Emergent Reader | ECH301 | Lit/Lang Young Child | |
ECON121 | Principles of Economics I | ECO200 | Prin Econ-Macro | |
ECON122 | Prin of Microecon | ECO201 | Prin Econ-Micro | |
ECSP112 | Growth & Dev:Typ & Atyp | EDU1XX | Grwth & Dev:Typ & Atyp | |
ECSP314 | Creative Exp & Play/PreK-4 | ECH3XX | Creative Exp & Play/PreK-4 | |
EDEX103 | Sp Ed Technology | SPE1XX | Sp Ed Technology | |
EDEX110 | Intro/Special Needs | SPE200 | Process/Procedures | |
EDEX111 | Intro Except Persons | SPE1XX | Intro Except Persons | |
EDEX112 | Typ & Atypical Grwth & Dev | SPE1XX | Typ & Atyp Grwth & Dev | |
EDEX269 | Ident & Under Child | EDU2XX | Ident & Under Child | |
EDEX278 | Ident & Understand Child | SPE304 | EBI: Low Incidence | |
EDEX300 | Ed Stu w/Dis Incl El Clsrm | SPE3XX | Ed Stu w/Dis Incl Clsrm | |
EDEX301 | Inclusive Sec Setting | EDU3XX | Inclusive Sec Setting | |
EDEX323 | Instr Eng Lang Sp Needs | SPE3XX | Instr Eng Lang Sp Needs | |
EDEX416 | Ed of Pers Em Beh Dis | SPE4XX | Ed Pers Em Beh Dis | |
EDEX418 | Ed of Pers Phys Mult Dis | SPE4XX | Ed of Pers Phys Mult Dis | |
EDEX419 | Ed Pers Brain Inj Lrn Dis | SPE4XX | Ed Pers Brain Inj Lrn Dis | |
EDSP102 | Ed Psychology | EDU370 | Psych of Learning | |
EDSP102 | Ed Psychology | EDU375 | Psy Learning/Second | |
EDSP378 | Learning | EDU3XX | Learning | |
EDSP477 | Assess Student Lrn | EDU4XX | Assess Student Lrn | |
EDUC242 | Pre-Student Tch Clin Exp I | EDU2XX | Pre-Stud Tch Clin Exp I | |
EDUC342 | Pre-Stud Tchg Clin Exp II | EDU3XX | Pre-Stud Tch Clin Exp II | |
EDUC408 | Rdg in Content Area | EDU4XX | Rdg in Content Area | |
EDUC442 | School Law | EDU4XX | School Law | |
EDUC499 | Multicult/Multieth Ed | EDU4XX | Multicult/Multieth Ed | |
ELED211 | Music for Elem Grades | MUS291 | Educ Exp In Music | |
ELED213 | Art for Elem Grades | ART396 | Art Educ/Elem | |
ELED215 | Child Dev | PSY2XX | Psychology Elective | |
ELED215 | Child Dev | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop | |
ELED221 | Child Lit | EDU2XX | Child Lit | |
ELED222 | Rdg for Elem School | EDU2XX | Rdg for Elem School | |
ELED257 | Pedagogy I | EDU2XX | Pedagogy I | |
ELED312 | Tchg Elem Sci | EDU3XX | Tchg Elem Sci | |
ELED313 | Tch Math in Elem Sch | EDU3XX | Tch Math in Elem Sch | |
ELED314 | Tch Hlth & Phys Ed | EDU3XX | Tch Hlth & Phys Ed | |
ELED357 | Pedagogy II | EDU3XX | Pedagogy II | |
ELED411 | Tch Social Studies | EDU4XX | Tch Social Studies | |
ELED422 | Diag & Remedial Rdg | EDU4XX | Diag & Remedial Rdg | |
ELED425 | Lang Arts Across Curr | EDU4XX | Lang Arts Across Curr | |
EN101 | College Writing | WRT102 | Analytical Read/Writ | |
EN101 | College Writing | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm | |
EN102 | College Writing | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm | |
EN102 | English II | WRT202 | Academic Writing | |
EN121 | Humanities: Lit | LIT200 | Perspectives/Lit | |
EN122 | Intro Lit Analysis | LIT1XX | Intro Lit Analysis | |
EN201 | English III | WRT2XX | English III | |
EN202 | Research Writing | WRT1XX | Research Writing | |
EN202 | Research Writing | WRT202 | Academic Writing | |
EN210 | Brit Lit to 1660 | LIT283 | British Lit to 1750 | |
EN212 | Amer Lit: Beg-1900 | LIT281 | Amer Lit to 1885 | |
EN225 | Lit by Women | LIT382 | Women In Literature | |
ENGL100 | Basic Writing | WRT1XX | Basic Writing | |
ENGL100 | Basic Writing | WRT1XX | Basic Writing | |
ENGL101 | Composition I | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm | |
ENGL121 | Humanities Literature | LIT200 | Perspectives/Lit | |
ENGL122 | Intro to Lit Analysis | LIT200 | Perspectives/Lit | |
ENGL202 | Composition II | WRT2XX | Composition II | |
ENGL208 | The Art of Film | FLM216 | Intro to Film | |
ENGL210 | Brit Lit to 1660 | LIT283 | British Lit to 1750 | |
ENGL212 | Amer Lit to 1900 | LIT281 | Amer Lit to 1885 | |
ENGL214 | The Novel | LIT313 | American Novel | |
ENGL220 | Adv Comp I | WRT315 | Advanced Compositn | |
ENGL222 | Tech Writing | FCO215 | Tech/Scientfc Comm | |
ENGL310 | Public Speaking | CM104 | Human Communicatn | |
ENGL310 | Public Speaking | CM212 | Public Speaking | |
ENGL318 | Lit for Adolescents | LIT3XX | Lit for Adolescents | |
ENGL324 | Teach & Eval Wrt | WRT3XX | Teach & Eval Wrt | |
EP202 | Ed Psych | EDU370 | Psych of Learning | |
FCSE315 | Consumer Econ & Family Fin | NPE3XX | Consumer Econ & Fam Fin | |
FDED102 | Amer Educ in Theory & Prac | EDU1XX | Am Ed in Theory & Pract | |
FDNT110 | Careers in Food & Nutrition | HSP120 | Career Paths/Hosp | |
FDNT143 | Cur Issues in Nutr & Wellness | PAW1XX | Cur Issues in Nutr & Wellness | |
FDNT145 | Intro to Nutrition | NUR202 | Nutrition | |
FDNT212 | Nutrition | NUR202 | Nutrition | |
FE202 | Amer Ed Theor & Prac | EDU2XX | Amer Ed Theor & Prac | |
FIAR101 | Intro to the Arts | ART101 | Art/Visual Culture | |
FIN143 | Financial Wellness | BUS218 | Personal Finance | |
FIN310 | Fund of Finance | FIN3XX | Fund of Finance | |
FN141 | Nutr & Wellness | PE1XX | Nutr & Wellness | |
FRNC101 | Basic French | FRN1XX | Basic French | |
FRNC102 | Basic French II | FRN102 | Elem French II | |
FRNC201 | College French I | FRN101 | Elem French I | |
FS420 | Investment Analysis | FIN3XX | Investment Analysis | |
FS422 | Sem in Finance | FIN3XX | Sem in Finance | |
FSMR112 | Fund of Clothing Constr | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
FSMR158 | Fashion Show Prod | CM1XX | Fashion Show Prod | |
FSMR180 | Intro to Fashion | MKT1XX | Intro to Fashion | |
FSMR281 | Product Development | MKT335 | New Prod Plan/Mrkt | |
FSMR481 | Comp Aided Design for Fash | IFS4XX | Information Systems Elective | |
GE252 | Geography of Latin Amer | G2XX | Geography of Latin Amer | |
GE255 | Geography of Africa | G2XX | Geography of Africa | |
GEOG101 | Geog/Human Enviro | G1XX | Geog/Human Enviro | |
GEOG102 | Geog of US & Canada | G341 | Geog North America | |
GEOG104 | World Geography/Global | G100 | World Reg Geography | |
GEOG231 | Econ Geog | G2XX | Econ Geog | |
GEOG251 | Geography of Pennsylvania | G2XX | Geography of Pennsylvania | |
GEOG254 | Geog Russia | G2XX | Geog Russia | |
GEOG345 | Biogeography for Env Mngrs | G3XX | Biogeography for Env Mngrs | |
GEOS101 | The Dynamic Earth | G1XX | The Dynamic Earth | |
GEOS101 | The Dynamic Earth | ESS152 | Earth/Space Sci | |
GEOS103 | Oceans & Atmos | ESS1XX | Earth Sci Elect No Lab | |
GEOS104 | Oceans & Atmos Lab | ESS1XX | Oceans & Atmos Lab | |
GEOS105 | Exploring the Universe | ESS1XX | Exploring the Universe | |
GEOS119 | Geology of Energy Resources | ESS1XX | Geo of Energy Res | |
GEOS201 | Foundations of Geology | ESS152 | Earth/Space Sci | |
GEOS254 | Exploration of Space | ESS1XX | Earth Science Elec no lab | |
GRMN101 | Elem German I | GRM101 | Elem German I | |
GRMN152 | German II | GRM102 | Elem German II | |
GRMN251 | German III | GRM201 | Inter German I | |
GRMN252 | German IV | GRM202 | Inter German II | |
GS103 | Oceans & Atmoshpheres | ESS1XX | Earth Sci Elect No Lab | |
GS105 | Expl the Universe | ESS1XX | Earth Science Elect No Lab | |
GS105 | Expl the Universe | ESS154 | Intro/Astronomy | |
GS121 | Phys Geology | ESS1XX | Phys Geology | |
GS131 | Hist Geology | ESS1XX | Hist Geology | |
HBUS101 | Contemp Bus Issues | BUS1XX | Contemp Bus Issues | |
HE218 | Child Dev | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop | |
HE224 | Marriage & Fam Rel | SOC225 | The Family | |
HI104 | Hist US & PA II | HIS112 | American Civ II | |
HI195 | Hist of Mod Era | HIS122 | World History II | |
HIST195 | Hist of Modern Era | HIS122 | World History II | |
HIST196 | Explorations in US History | HIS1XX | Explortns in US History | |
HIST197 | Explor in Euro History | HIS101 | Foundation/West | |
HIST198 | Explorations in Global Hist | HIS1XX | Explorations in Glob His | |
HIST198 | Exploration in Global Hist | HIS1XX | Explor in Global Hist | |
HIST200 | Intro to History | HIS2XX | Intro to History | |
HIST201 | West Civ Before 1600 | HIS101 | Western Civ I | |
HIST202 | West Civ Since 1600 | HIS102 | Western Civ II | |
HIST204 | U.S. Hist to 1877 | HIS111 | American Civ I | |
HIST205 | U.S. Hist Since 1877 | HIS112 | American Civ II | |
HIST281 | World in 20th Cent | HIS122 | World History II | |
HIST304 | Medieval Europe | HIS301 | Medieval Civ | |
HIST320 | History of England to 1688 | HIS330 | History Britain I | |
HIST341 | American Revolution | HIS352 | Revoltnry Era/Amer | |
HIST350 | Hist Latin Amer, Col | HIS130 | Colonial Latin Amer | |
HIST374 | Hist Org Crime | HIS3XX | Hist Org Crime | |
HIST481 | SPQR and HBO | HIS4XX | SPQR and HBO | |
HNRC101 | Honors Core I | HUM1XX | Honors Core I | |
HNRC102 | Honors Core II | FCO105 | Rhetorical Communication | |
HNRC202 | Honors Core: Sciences | BEH2XX | Honors Core: Science | |
HOSP101 | Intro to Hosp Ind | HSP100 | Intro Hospitality | |
HOSP150 | Prin of Hosp Mgmt | HSP121 | Careers in Hosp & Trsm Ind | |
HOSP212 | Club Oper Mgmt | HSP2XX | Club Oper Mgmt | |
HOSP220 | Food Service Ops | HSP300 | Food/Beverage Mgmt | |
HOSP256 | Human Res In Hosp Ind | HSP230 | Leadership/HRM Hosp | |
HOSP259 | Hospitality Purchasing | HSP2XX | Hospitality Purchasing | |
HOSP260 | Hotel Operations | HSP470 | Lodging Mgmt | |
HOSP265 | Hosp Cost Management | HSP210 | Managerial Acct/Hsp | |
HOSP270 | Prof Wedding Plan & Con | HSP2XX | Prof Wedding Plan & Con | |
HOSP310 | Prof Dev in Hosp In | HSP3XX | Prof Dev in Hosp In | |
HOSP320 | Hospitality Marketing | HSP345 | Hospitality Mrktng | |
HOSP330 | Applic of Food Prod & Serv | HSP3XX | Applic of Food Prod & Serv | |
HOSP335 | Legal Issues in Hospitality | HSP225 | Hosp Mgmt/Law | |
HOSP343 | Fund Raising for Spec Evnts | HSP3XX | Fund Raising for Sp Evts | |
HOSP346 | Catering for Sp Evnts | HSP3XX | Catering for Sp Evnts | |
HOSP393 | Explore Hosp Field Exp | HSP3XX | Explore Hosp Field Exp | |
HP140 | Health & Wellness-A | PE1XX | Health & Wellness-A | |
HP141 | Health & Wellness-B | PE1XX | Health & Wellness-B | |
HP143 | Health & Wellness | PE1XX | Physical Education Elective | |
HP143 | Health & Wellness | NPE1XX | Non Program Elective | |
HP145 | Tennis | PE159 | Tennis | |
HPED142 | Found Hlth Phys Ed & Sp | NPE1XX | Non Program Elect | |
HPED142 | Found Hlth Phys Ed & Sp | PE1XX | Physical Ed Elect | |
HPED143 | Phys Well Being | PAW134 | Concpts Phys Actvty | |
HPED175 | Prev & Care Injuries | EDU315 | Prvnt/Treat Ath Inj | |
HPED175 | Prev & Care Injuries | SPM205 | Responding/Emerg | |
HPED209 | Motor Behavior | NPE2XX | Motor Behavior | |
HPED210 | Motor Development | PSY2XX | Motor Develop | |
HPED214 | Tchg Hlth Fit & Gym | EDU2XX | Tchg Hlth Fit & Gym | |
HPED215 | Tchg Rhythmic Act & Dance | EDU2XX | Tchg Rhythm Act & Dance | |
HPED216 | Tchg Elem Phys Ed | EDU2XX | Tchg Elem Phys Ed | |
HPED217 | Tchg Mid School Phys Ed | EDU2XX | Tchg Mid School Phys Ed | |
HPED221 | Hum Struct & Funct | BIO2XX | Biology Elect No Lab | |
HPED242 | Emergency Health Care | EDU305 | Responding/Emerg | |
HPED263 | Aquatics | PE2XX | Aquatics | |
HPED280 | Aquatic Facilities Mgmt | SPM2XX | Aquatic Facl Mgmt | |
HPED281 | Motor Behavior | NPE2XX | Motor Behavior | |
HPED292 | Phys Ed & Sport | SPM2XX | Phys Ed & Sport | |
HPED315 | Biomechanics | REC3XX | Biomechanics | |
HPED316 | Tchg Elem Hlth Ed | EDU3XX | Tchg Elem Hlth Ed | |
HPED317 | Basketball Officiating | SPM3XX | Basketball Officiating | |
HPED318 | Preprof Exp I | EDU3XX | Preprof Exp I | |
HPED320 | Mgmt Fac & Events in Spt | SPM3XX | Mgmt Fac & Events in Spt | |
HPED325 | School & Comm Hlth | EDU3XX | School & Comm Hlth | |
HPED341 | Eval in Health & Phys Ed | EDU3XX | Eval Hlth & Phys Ed | |
HPED346 | Prev & Acute Care Skills | SPM3XX | Prev & Acute Care Skls | |
HPED370 | Adapted Hlth & Phys Ed | SPE3XX | Adapted Hlth & Phys Ed | |
HPED441 | Psychosoc Impl Hlth Phys Ed | PSY4XX | Psychsoc Impl Hlth P.E. | |
HPED450 | Curr & Prog in Sex Ed | EDU4XX | Curr & Prog in Sex Ed | |
HPED481 | Lifestyle Behav Mod | NPE4XX | Lifestyle Behav Mod | |
IFMG101 | Computer Literacy | IFS105 | Personal Computing | |
IFMG110 | Business Spreadsheet | IFS1XX | Business Spreadsheets | |
IFMG210 | Intro Front-End Bus Appl | IFS2XX | Intro Front-End Bus Ap | |
IFMG230 | Intro Back-End Bus App | IFS2XX | Back-End Bus App | |
IFMG250 | Business Sys Technology | IFS1XX | Business Sys Tech | |
IFMG254 | Computer Tech Virtual | IFS2XX | Computer Tech Virtual | |
IFMG300 | Information Systems | IFS305 | Management Info Sys | |
IFMG481 | Python Program | IFS4XX | Python Program | |
IM101 | Microbased Cmptr Lit | IFS105 | Personal Computing | |
IM241 | Intro to MIS | IFS305 | Management Info Sys | |
INDS205 | Color Theory & Application | ART2XX | Color Theory & Appl | |
ITAL101 | Basic Italian I | ITL101 | Elem Italian I | |
JRNL102 | Basic Journ Skills | CM1XX | Basic Journ Skills | |
JRNL105 | Journ & Mass Media | CM211 | Mass Communication | |
JRNL120 | Journalistic Writing | WRT1XX | Journalistic Writing | |
JRNL220 | Wrt for Print Media | CM271 | Print Media Writing | |
KHSS135 | Careers in Hlth & Sport | SPM1XX | Careers in Hlth & Sport | |
KHSS143 | Phys Well Being | PAW234 | Well/Fitness/Life | |
KHSS175 | Prev & Care of Injuries | SPM205 | Responding/Emerg | |
KHSS209 | Motor Behavior | SPM2XX | Motor Behavior | |
KHSS221 | Human Struct & Func | BIO1XX | Human Struc & Func | |
KHSS225 | Social Issues in Sport | SPM130 | Sport in Society | |
KHSS256 | Appl Human Struct & Cond | PAW2XX | Appl Hum Struct & Cond | |
KHSS281 | Found of Exercise Sci | PAW1XX | Found Exer Sci | |
KHSS285 | Group/Indiv Exercise | REC2XX | Group/Indiv Exercise | |
KHSS286 | Personal Train Prac | SPM2XX | Personal Train Prac | |
KHSS292 | Intro Sport Mgmt | SPM125 | Intro Sport Mgmt | |
KHSS315 | Biomechanics | SPM3XX | Biomechanics | |
KHSS320 | Mgmt Fac & Events/Sports | SPM325 | Facility/Event Mgmt | |
KHSS343 | Physiology of Exer w lab | BIO3XX | Physiology Exer w lab | |
LBST499 | The Atomic Bomb | BEH4XX | The Atomic Bomb | |
LIBR151 | Intro Library Res | IFL1XX | Intro Library Res | |
MA011 | Elementary Functions | MAT105 | College Algebra | |
MA101 | Found of Math | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv | |
MA117 | Prin of Math | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv | |
MA121 | Calc I | MAT171 | Calculus I | |
MA127 | Calculus I | MAT171 | Calculus I | |
MA128 | Calculus II | MAT172 | Calculus II | |
MA151 | Elements of Math I | MAT115 | Sets/Number Systems | |
MA171 | Intro Linear Alg | MAT260 | Elem Linear Algebra | |
MA214 | Prob & Stat | MAT250 | Statistics | |
MA214 | Prob & Stat | QBA260 | Business Statistics | |
MA214 | Prob & Stat | BEH260 | Statistics | |
MA216 | Prob & Stats Nat Sci | MAT250 | Statistics | |
MA271 | Intro to Math Proof | MAT2XX | Intro to Math Proof | |
MA350 | Hist of Math | MAT390 | Hist of Mathematics | |
MA460 | Tech in Math Inst | MAT4XX | Tech in Math Inst | |
MATH100 | Intermediate Algebra | MAT102 | Prelim Math/Prob Solv | |
MATH101 | Found of Math | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv | |
MATH105 | College Algebra | MAT105 | College Algebra | |
MATH108 | Applic of Bus Math | MAT1XX | Applic of Bus Math | |
MATH109 | Ele of App Probability | BEH260 | Statistics | |
MATH110 | Elementary Functions | MAT108 | Precalculus | |
MATH115 | Applied Math for Bus | MAT120 | Applied Calculus | |
MATH119 | College Algebra | MAT105 | College Algebra | |
MATH121 | Calc I/Nat Sci, Soc Sci, Bus | MAT120 | Applied Calculus | |
MATH123 | Calculus I/Physics, Chem, Math | MAT171 | Calculus I | |
MATH124 | Calculus II/Physics, Chem, Mat | MAT172 | Calculus II | |
MATH125 | Calculus I | MAT171 | Calculus I | |
MATH126 | Calculus II | MAT172 | Calculus II | |
MATH151 | Elements of Math I | MAT115 | Sets/Number Systems | |
MATH152 | Elements of Math II | MAT215 | Sets/Number Sys II | |
MATH171 | Intro Linear Algebra | MAT260 | Elem Linear Algebra | |
MATH214 | Prob & Stats/Bus | QBA260 | Business Statistics | |
MATH216 | Prob & Stats | MAT250 | Statistics | |
MATH217 | Intro Prob & Stats | BEH260 | Statistics | |
MATH217 | Intro Prob & Stats | MAT250 | Statistics | |
MATH217 | Intro Prob & Stats | QBA260 | Business Statistics | |
MATH271 | Intro Math Proofs I | MAT2XX | Intro Math Proofs I | |
MATH320 | Math Early Child | MAT3XX | Math Early Child | |
MATH342 | Adv Math for Appl | MAT3XX | Adv Math for Appl | |
MG300 | Hum Res Mgmnt | MGT220 | Human Resource Mgt | |
MG311 | Human Behav in Organ | OBD225 | Org Behavior | |
MGMT275 | Intro to Entrepreneurship | ENT150 | Intro Entrepreneur | |
MGMT310 | Prin of Management | MGT150 | Prin of Management | |
MH101 | Intro to Music | MUS200 | Music Appreciation | |
MK320 | Prin of Marketing | MKT100 | Prin Marketing | |
MKTG320 | Prin of Marketing | MKT100 | Prin Marketing | |
MLSC101 | Intro Mil Science | NPE1XX | Intro Mil Science | |
MLSC102 | Fund Military Sci | NPE1XX | Fund Military Sci | |
MLSC203 | Fund Tact Oper | NPE1XX | Fund Tact Oper | |
MLSC305 | Leadership & Mod Learn | NPE1XX | Leadershp & Mod Learn | |
MLSC391 | Army ROTCPhys Fit | PE1XX | Army ROTCPhys Fit | |
MS101 | World Mil History | HIS1XX | World Mil History | |
MS102 | Amer Mil History | HIS380 | Amer Military Exper | |
MS204 | Nat Security & Conce | NPE2XX | Nat Security & Conce | |
MUHI101 | Intro to Music | MUS186 | Listening to Music | |
MUHI281 | Music & Surv Lit | MUS2XX | Music & Surv Lit | |
MUSC111 | Theory Skills I | MUS184 | Sight Singing I | |
MUSC112 | Theory Skills II | MUS185 | Sight Singing II | |
MUSC115 | Theory I | MUS182 | Music Theory I | |
MUSC116 | Theory II | MUS183 | Music Theory II | |
MUSC121 | Chamber Singers | MUS1XX | Chamber Singers | |
MUSC123 | Symphony or Conc Band | MUS1XX | Symphony or Conc Band | |
MUSC124 | Concert Band | MUS1XX | Concert Band | |
MUSC125 | Marching Band | MUS1XX | Marching Band | |
MUSC126 | Music Theater | MUS1XX | Music Theater | |
MUSC133 | Woodwind Ensemble | MUS170 | Woodwind Ensemble | |
MUSC134 | Univ Chorus | MUS1XX | Univ Chorus | |
MUSC151 | Class Voice I | MUS146 | Voice Class | |
MUSC152 | Calss Voice II | MUS147 | Voice Class | |
MUSC211 | Theory Skills III | MUS284 | Sight Singing III | |
MUSC212 | Theory Skills IV | MUS2XX | Theory Skills IV | |
MUSC215 | Theory III | MUS282 | Music Theory III | |
MUSC216 | Theory IV | MUS283 | Music Theory IV | |
MUSC240 | Tech in Music Class | MUS2XX | Tech in Music Class | |
MUSC311 | Fund of Conducting | MUS3XX | Fund of Conducting | |
MUSC313 | Instr Conducting | MUS3XX | Instr Conducting | |
MUSC331 | Elem Methods | MUS3XX | Elem Methods | |
MUSC337 | Gen/Choral Methods | MUS3XX | Gen/Choral Methods | |
MUSC351 | Italian Diction | MUS3XX | Italian Diction | |
MUSC353 | French Diction | MUS3XX | French Diction | |
MUSC354 | German Diction | MUS3XX | German Diction | |
NURS101 | Disaster Awareness | NUR1XX | Disaster Awareness | |
NURS143 | Healthy People | PE1XX | Phys Ed Elect | |
NURS143 | Healthy People | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
NURS202 | Foundations of Child Health | NUR2XX | Foundations of Child Health | |
NURS211 | Nursing Pract I | NUR2XX | Nursing Pract I | |
NURS212 | Prof Nursing I | NPE2XX | Non Prog Elect | |
NURS213 | Nursing Pract II | NUR2XX | Nursing Pract II | |
NURS214 | Hlth Assessment | NPE2XX | Non Prog Elect | |
NURS236 | Found of Nursing | NPE2XX | Non Prog Elect | |
NURS312 | Prof Nursing II | NUR3XX | Prof Nursing II | |
NURS336 | Adult Hlth I | NUR3XX | Adult Hlth I | |
NURS337 | Adult Hlth Clin I | NUR3XX | Adult Hlth Clin I | |
NURS338 | Maternal-Child Hlth | NUR3XX | Maternal-Child Hlth | |
NURS339 | Maternal Child-Hlth Clin | NUR3XX | Maternal Child-Hlth Clin | |
PC101 | Gen Psychology | PSY100 | General Psychology | |
PC310 | Dev Psych | NUR201 | Nursing HD/HC | |
PC310 | Dev Psych | PSY3XX | Dev Psych | |
PC321 | Abnormal Psych | PSY230 | Abnormal Psych | |
PC330 | Social Psychology | PSY243 | Social Psychology | |
PH120 | Intro to Philosophy | PHL221 | Intro Philosophy | |
PHIL100 | Intro to Philosophy | PHL221 | Intro Philosophy | |
PHIL101 | Meth of Crit Thinking | PHL222 | Critical Thinking | |
PHIL110 | Reasoning & the Law | PHL1XX | Reasoning & the Law | |
PHIL120 | Intro to Philosophy | PHL221 | Intro Philosophy | |
PHIL122 | Cont Moral Issues | PHL223 | Contemp Moral Prob | |
PHIL221 | Symbolic Logic | PHL231 | Logic | |
PHIL222 | Ethics | PHL341 | Ethics | |
PHIL240 | Philo & the Good Life | PHL2XX | Philo & the Good Life | |
PHIL324 | Ant Greek Philo | PHL3XX | Ant Greek Philo | |
PHIL325 | Early Modern Euro Phil | PHL3XX | Early Mod Euro Phil | |
PHIL326 | Existentialism | PHL224 | Being Human | |
PHIL350 | Human Exp in Time | PHL3XX | Human Exp in Time | |
PHIL360 | Philo of the Mind | PHL3XX | Philo of the Mind | |
PHYS101 | Energy & Envir | PSC1XX | Phys Sci Elect No Lab | |
PHYS105 | Physics of Light & Sound | PHY1XX | Physics Elect No Lab | |
PHYS111 | Physics I Lecture | PHY110 | Gen Phys:Mech/Ht | |
PHYS111 | Physics I Lecture | PHY1XX | Physics Elect no lab | |
PHYS112 | Physics II | PHY112 | Gen Phys:Elc/Magn | |
PHYS151 | Medical Phys Lecture | PHY1XX | Physics Elect no lab | |
PLSC101 | World Politics | PS1XX | World Politics | |
PLSC111 | American Pol | PS101 | Amer Gov/Citizenship | |
PLSC280 | Comp Govt I | PS260 | Comparative Politics | |
PS101 | World Politics | PS1XX | World Politics | |
PS111 | Amer Politics | PS141 | American Governmnt | |
PS111 | American Politics | PS101 | Amer Gov/Citizenship | |
PSYC101 | General Psychology | PSY100 | General Psychology | |
PSYC215 | Dev Psychology | PSY2XX | Dev Psychology | |
PSYC215 | Dev Psychology | NUR201 | Nursing HD/HC | |
PSYC225 | Abnormal Psychology | PSY230 | Abnormal Psych | |
PSYC290 | Rsrch Des & Analysis I | PSY2XX | Rsrch Des & Analysis I | |
PSYC310 | Dev Psych | PSY321 | Developmental Sci | |
PSYC310 | Dev Psych | NUR201 | Nursing HD/HC | |
PSYC311 | Child Psychology | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop | |
PSYC320 | Personality | PSY440 | Personality | |
PSYC321 | Abnormal Psych | PSY331 | Child Psychopathlgy | |
PSYC321 | Abnormal Psych | PSY330 | Adult Psychopathlgy | |
PSYC321 | Abnormal Psych | PSY230 | Abnormal Psych | |
PSYC330 | Social Psychology | PSY243 | Social Psychology | |
PSYC378 | Psych of Death & Dying | PSY3XX | Psych of Death & Dying | |
QBUS215 | Business Statistics | QBA2XX | Business Statistics | |
RESP101 | Profession of Respiratory Care | HSC100 | Expl Health Professions | |
RESP326 | Resp Care Clinical I | RT3XX | Respiratory Therapy Elective | |
RESP327 | Pharmacology | BIO3XX | Pharmacology | |
RESP328 | Applied Concepts Resp Care | RT3XX | Respiratory Therapy Elective | |
RESP329 | Resp Care Equpiment | RT3XX | Respiratory Therapy Elective | |
RESP334 | Resp Care Inst & App | RT3XX | Respiratory Therapy Elective | |
RESP335 | Patient Care-Emer Skills | SPM205 | Responding/Emerg | |
RESP336 | Cardiopulmonary Eval | RT3XX | Respiratory Therapy Elective | |
RGPL103 | Cities of the World | INT1XX | Cities of the World | |
RLST100 | Intro to Religion | REL1XX | Intro to Religion | |
RLST110 | World Religions | REL265 | World Religions | |
RLST200 | Rel & Cult Interaction | REL2XX | Rel & Cult Interaction | |
RLST220 | Buddhism | REL2XX | Buddhism | |
RLST250 | Understanding the Bible | REL2XX | Understanding the Bible | |
RLST290 | Christianity | REL275 | Trad/Cult Chrstnty | |
RS100 | Intro to Religion | REL1XX | Intro to Religion | |
RS110 | World Religions | REL265 | World Religions | |
RS250 | Understanding the Bible | REL2XX | Und the Bible | |
RS290 | Christianity | REL275 | Trad/Cult Chrstnty | |
RS329 | Phil of Religion | PHL383 | Philos Of Religion | |
SAFE111 | Prin of Indust Safety | NPE1XX | Prin of Indust Safety | |
SAFE211 | Prin Indust Safety II | NPE1XX | Prin of Indust Safety II | |
SAFE215 | Safe, Hlth, Enviro Comm | FCO2XX | Safe, Hlth, Enviro Comm | |
SAFE220 | Hazard Material/Emer Mgmt | NPE2XX | Hazard Mat/Emer Mgmt | |
SC101 | Fund of Physics | PSC152 | Physical Sci I | |
SC102 | Fund of Chem | CHM102 | Chem/Society | |
SC103 | Fund Earth & Space Sci | ESS152 | Earth/Space Sci | |
SC105 | Physical Science I | PSC152 | Physical Sci I | |
SC106 | Physical Science II | PSC154 | Physical Sci II | |
SCI101 | Fund of Physics | PSC152 | Physical Sci I | |
SCI102 | Fund of Chemistry | CHM102 | Chem/Society | |
SCI103 | Fund Earth & Space Sci | ESS152 | Earth/Space Sci | |
SCI104 | Fund Environmental Biology | BIO1XX | Fund Enviro Biology | |
SCI105 | Physical Science I | PSC152 | Physical Sci I | |
SCI106 | Phys Sci II | PSC1XX | Phys Sci II | |
SCI107 | Chemistry for Everyone | CHM240 | Perspect/Molecular | |
SCI107 | Chemistry for Everyone | 01 | CHM240 | Perspect/Molecular |
SCI107 | Chemistry for Everyone | 01 | CHM241 | Persp/Molec Lab |
SCI117 | Chemistry for Everyone Lab | 01 | ||
SCI201 | Great Ideas in Science | PSC2XX | Physical Sci Elective No Lab | |
SO151 | Prin of Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology | |
SO231 | Cont Soc Prob | SOC220 | Am Social Problems | |
SO274 | Cult Area: Latin Amer | SOC2XX | Cult Area: Latin Amer | |
SO333 | Delinquency & Youth | SOC3XX | Delinquency & Youth | |
SO335 | Alcohol & Drug Abuse | SOC210 | Drug/Alcohol Addctn | |
SO481 | Soc of Deviance | SOC4XX | Soc of Deviance | |
SOC151 | Principles of Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology | |
SOC161 | Foun of Soc: Grps & Organiztns | SOC1XX | Found of Soc: Grps & Orgniztns | |
SOC231 | Contemp Social Prob | SOC2XX | Contemp Social Problems | |
SOC251 | Soc of Hum Sexuality | SOC2XX | Soc of Hum Sexuality | |
SOC269 | Soc Deviance | SOC2XX | Soc Deviance | |
SOC333 | Delinquency & Youth | CJA110 | Juvenile Delinquncy | |
SOC335 | Alcohol & Drug Abuse | SOC210 | Drug/Alcohol Addctn | |
SOC336 | Soc of the Family | SOC225 | The Family | |
SOC357 | Soc of Aging | SOC3XX | Soc of Aging | |
SOC362 | Racial & Ethnic Min | SOC315 | Ethnic/Minorities | |
SOC363 | Sociology of Gender | SOC260 | Gender/Society | |
SOC387 | Soc & Cult Change | SOC3XX | Soc & Cult Change | |
SOC427 | Soc Persp Partner Viol | SOC4XX | Soc Persp Partner Viol | |
SOC428 | Child Abuse | SOC4XX | Child Abuse | |
SOC448 | Soc Welfare Policy | SOC4XX | Soc Welfare Policy | |
SP101 | Elem Spanish I | SPN101 | Elem Spanish I | |
SP221 | Interm Span Conv | SPN205 | Inter Spanish Conv | |
SP230 | Interm Span Comp | SPN2XX | Interm Span Comp | |
SPAN101 | Elem Spanish I | SPN101 | Elem Spanish I | |
SPAN102 | Elementary Spanish II | SPN102 | Elem Spanish II | |
SPAN201 | Intermed Spanish | SPN201 | Inter Spanish I | |
SPAN220 | Interm Span Conversation | SPN205 | Inter Spanish Conv | |
SPAN230 | Inter Spanish Comp & Grammar | SPN301 | Adv Oral/Writ Span | |
SPAN260 | Intro to Hispanic Literature | SPN2XX | Intro to Hispanic Lit | |
SPAN350 | Adv Spanish Conversation | SPN3XX | Adv Span Conversation | |
SPAN390 | Tchg El Content in Spanish | SPN3XX | Tchg El Cont in Span | |
SPLP111 | Intro Comm Disorders | CM1XX | Intro Comm Disorders | |
SPLP222 | Intro Audiology | CM2XX | Intro Audiology | |
TH101 | Intro to Theater | THE254 | Intro Theatre | |
THTR101 | Intro to Theater | THE254 | Intro Theatre | |
THTR101 | Intro to Theater | THE154 | Intro to Theater | |
THTR111 | Foundations of Theater | THE254 | Intro Theatre | |
THTR116 | Fund of Theatrical Design | THE1XX | Fund of Theatrical Dsgn | |
THTR120 | Stagecraft | THE220 | Theatre Construct | |
THTR131 | Stage Movement | THE1XX | Stage Movement | |
THTR132 | Introduction to Acting | THE262 | Acting | |
THTR161 | Intro to Theatre | THE154 | Introduction to Theatre | |
THTR205 | Classic Theater I | THE2XX | Classic Theater I | |
THTR207 | Modern Theater I | THE2XX | Modern Theater I | |
THTR221 | Basic Stage Lighting | THE321 | Lighting Design | |
THTR240 | Acting I | THE262 | Acting | |
THTR281 | Spec Topics: Devised Theater | THE2XX | Spec Top: Devised Thtr | |
THTR341 | Acting Styles | THE355 | Advanced Acting | |
THTR342 | Acting Shakespeare | THE3XX | Acting Shakespeare | |
THTR347 | Playwriting | THE275 | Playwriting | |
THTR350 | Directing | THE3XX | Directing | |
THTR484 | Directing Theater | THE4XX | Directing Theater | |
THTR486 | Pract in Prod | THE4XX | Pract in Prod | |
THTR487 | Acting Studio: Stage Combat | THE4XX | Acting Studio: Stg Cmbt | |
UGSS281 | College Adjustment/Std Success | FYS1XX | College Adjustment/Std Success |
James Madison University | York College of Pennsylvania | ||
BIO114 | Organisms | BIO204 | Exploring Biology |
BIO280 | Allied Health Microbio | BIO230 | Microbiology |
BIO290 | Human Anatomy | BIO220 | Human A/P I |
CHEM120 | Concepts of Chemistry | CHM104 | Found of Chem |
CHEM131 | Gen Chemistry I | CHM1XX | Chemistry Elect No Lab |
CHEM131 | Gen Chemistry I | CHM134 | Gen Chem I |
CHEM132 | Gen Chemistry II | CHM136 | Gen Chem II |
CHEM132 | Gen Chemistry II | CHM1XX | Chemistry Elect No Lab |
COB191 | Bus Stats | QBA260 | Business Statistics |
COB204 | Comp Info Sys | IFS100 | Info Tech Competncy |
COB204 | Comp Info Sys | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
COB218 | Legal Envir of Business | BUS260 | Legal Environment |
COB241 | Fin Accounting | ACC220 | Financial Acct |
CSD200 | Intro to Comm Disorders | CM200 | Intro to Comm Dsordrs |
ECON200 | Intro Macroecon | ECO200 | Prin Econ-Macro |
ECON201 | Intro Microecon | ECO201 | Prin Econ-Micro |
EDUC360 | Foundations of Amer Ed | ED3XX | Found of Amer Ed |
ENG222 | Ideo and Global Cinema | FLM2XX | Ideo and Global Cin |
ENG248 | Survey American Lit II | LIT282 | Amer Lit after 1885 |
ENG260 | Survey African-Am Lit | LIT203 | African/Amer Lit |
ENG299 | Writing About Lit | WRT200 | Wrtng About Lit |
ENG392 | Intro to Creative Writing | WRT310 | Creative Writing |
ENG412J | Special Topic Seminar | LIT3XX | Special Topic Seminar |
ENG421 | Traditional English Grammar | WRT4XX | Traditional English Grammar |
ENG441 | Texts for Teachers II | SE4XX | Texts for Teachers II |
GANTH195 | Cult Anthropology | ANT220 | Cult Anthropology |
GANTH196 | Biol Anthropology | ANT1XX | Biol Anthropology |
GART200 | Art in General Culture | ART101 | Intro Art Apprec |
GARTH205 | Prehist to Ren | ART204 | Survey West Art I |
GARTH206 | Renais Thru Modern Art | ART205 | Survey West Art II |
GBUS160 | Bus Decision Mkg Mod Soc | BUS1XX | Bus Decision Mkg Mod Soc |
GCOM122 | Fund Human Comm: Indv Pres | CM212 | Public Speaking |
GCOM122 | Fund Human Comm: Indv Pres | CM104 | Human Communicatn |
GCOM123 | Fund Human Comm | CM104 | Human Communicatn |
GENG221 | Literature/Culture/Ideas | LIT200 | Perspectives/Lit |
GENG235 | Sur Eng Lit | LIT283 | British Lit to 1750 |
GENG236 | Sur of Eng Lit | LIT284 | Brt Lit after 1750 |
GENG239 | Studies in World Literature | LIT2XX | Studies in World Literature |
GENG247 | Survey of Amer Lit I | LIT281 | Amer Lit to 1885 |
GENG248 | Survey American Lit II | LIT282 | Amer Lit after 1885 |
GEOG161 | Geospatial Tools & Tech | G261 | Intro Geo Info Sys |
GEOG200 | Geography: Global Dim | G100 | World Reg Geography |
GEOL115 | Earth System and Climate | ESS152 | Earth/Space Sci |
GGEOG200 | Geog: Global Dimension | G243 | Intro Geography |
GGEOL102 | Environment: Earth | ESS1XX | Earth Sci Elect No Lab |
GHIST101 | World Culture to 1650 | H219 | Hist Western Civ I |
GHIST102 | World History since 1500 | HIS102 | Western Civ II |
GHIST150 | Crit Iss Rec Global Hist | H1XX | Crit Iss Rec Global Hist |
GHIST225 | US History | HIS111 | American Civ I |
GHIST225 | US History | HIS112 | American Civ II |
GHTH100 | Pers Wellness | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect |
GHTH100 | Pers Wellness | PE1XX | Phys Ed Elect |
GHUM102 | God Meaning and Morality | PHL1XX | God Meaning & Moral |
GHUM200 | Great Works | LIT2XX | Great Works |
GKIN100 | Lifetime Fitness & Well | PE134 | Concpts Phys Actvty |
GMAD150 | Mediated Comm | CM1XX | Mediated Comm |
GMUS200 | Music in General Culture | MUS200 | Music Appreciation |
GPHIL101 | Intro to Philosophy | PHL221 | Intro Philosophy |
GPHIL120 | Critical Thinking | PHL222 | Critical Thinking |
GPHIL150 | Ethical Reasoning | PHL222 | Critical Thinking |
GPOSC225 | U.S. Govt | PS141 | American Governmnt |
GPSYC101 | General Psychology | PSY100 | General Psychology |
GPSYC160 | Life Span Human Dev | PSY1XX | Life Span Hum Dev |
GREL101 | Religions of the World | REL265 | World Religions |
GSCI101 | Phys, Chem & Hum Exp | PSC1XX | Phys Sci Elect No Lab |
GSCI164 | Phys Sci: Learn Thr Tch | PSC152 | Physical Sci I |
GSCI165 | The Way Life Works | PSC1XX | Phys Sci Elect No Lab |
GSCI166 | Environ in Context | PSC1XX | Phys Sci Elect No Lab |
GSOCI110 | Social Problems | SOC1XX | Social Problems |
GWRIT103 | Critical Reading & Writ | WRT102 | Analytical Read/Writ |
GWRTC103 | Crit Read & Writing | WRT102 | Analytical Read/Writ |
HIST102 | Global Culture Since 1650 | H220 | Hist Western Civ II |
HIST150 | Crit Issues Rec Global Hist | HIS1XX | Crit Issues Rec Glob Hist |
HIST225 | US History | HIS112 | American Civ II |
HTH100 | Personal Wellness | NPE1XX | Non Program Elective |
HTH100 | Personal Wellness | PE1XX | Physical Education Elective |
ISAT160 | Prov Solv in Sci and Tech | ESS1XX | Prov Solv in Sci & Tech |
ISAT280 | Projects in ISAT | PSC2XX | Phys Sci Elect No Lab |
ISCI173 | Life & Envir Sci for Teachers | EDU250 | Science Concepts/Ed |
MATH107 | Fund of Mathematics | MAT115 | Math Foundations |
MATH108 | Fund of Math II | MAT150 | Data/Decision Making |
MATH155 | College Algebra | MAT105 | College Algebra |
MATH205 | Intro Calculus I | MAT120 | Applied Calculus |
MATH220 | Elem Statistics | MAT250 | Statistics |
MATH231 | Calc with Functions I | MAT120 | Applied Calculus |
MATH235 | Calculus I | MAT171 | Calculus I |
MATH236 | Calculus II | MAT172 | Calculus II |
MUAP237 | Marching Band | MUS2XX | Marching Band |
MUS200 | Music in General Culture | MUS186 | Listening to Music |
PHIL120 | Critical Thinking | PHL222 | Critical Thinking |
PHIL270 | Intro to Ethics | PHL341 | Ethics |
PHYS120 | Solar System | ESS1XX | Earth Sci Elect No Lab |
PHYS240 | Univ Physics I | PHY160 | Eng Phys:Mechncs |
PHYS240 | Univ Physics I | PHY2XX | Physics Elect No Lab |
POSC230 | Intl Relations | PS302 | International Rel |
POSC240 | Comp Politics | PS260 | Comparative Politics |
PSYC160 | Life Span Hum Dev | PSY1XX | Life Span Hum Dev |
PSYC200 | Topics in Psychology | PSY2XX | Topics in Psychology |
PSYC212 | Psych Res Des & Data I | PSY2XX | Psych Res Des & Data I |
READ254 | Lit for Adolescents | ED2XX | Lit for Adolescents |
SCOM122 | Fund Human Comm: Ind Pres | CM104 | Human Communicatn |
SCOM123 | Fund Human Comm: Group | CM246 | Comm/Business Prof |
SMAD150 | Med Comm: Issues & Skills | CM1XX | Med Comm: Iss & Skills |
SOCI140 | Microsociology | SOC1XX | Microsociology |
SPAN231 | Intermediate Spanish | SPN201 | Inter Spanish I |
SPAN232 | Intermediate Spanish | SPN202 | Inter Spanish II |
SPAN300 | Grammar & Comm | SPN3XX | Grammar & Comm |
SPAN320 | Oral & Written Comm | SPN301 | Adv Oral/Writ Span |
SPAN448 | Spanish Linguistics | SPN425 | Spanish Linguistics |
SPAN492 | Practical Spanish | SPN4XX | Practical Spanish |
SRM201 | Foundations of HM and SRM | REC2XX | Foundations of HM and SRM |
SRM202 | Found Ldrshp Hosp, Sprt, Rec | REC2XX | Fnd Ldrshp: Hosp, Sp, Rec |
SRM203 | Foundat, Ethics & Law | REC2XX | Foundat, Ethics & Law |
WRIT103 | Critical Reading and Writing | WRT101 | English Comp |
WRTC103 | Critical Read & Writ | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm |
Kutztown University of PA | York College of Pennsylvania | ||
ACC121 | Financial Accounting | ACC220 | Financial Acct |
ACC122 | Managerial Acct | ACC225 | Managerial Acct |
ACC305 | Cost Accounting | ACC310 | Cost Accounting |
ACC312 | Accounting Info Systems | ACC3XX | Accounting Info Systems |
ACC321 | Intermed Accounting I | ACC320 | Inter Accounting I |
ACC335 | Forensic Accounting | ACC3XX | Forensic Accounting |
ACC520 | Mang Acc Cntrl Sys | MBA527 | Managerial Accountg |
ANT010 | Cultural Anthrop | ANT220 | Cult Anthropology |
ANT10 | Cult Anthropology | ANT220 | Cult Anthropology |
ANT20 | Physical Anthropology | ANT210 | Physical Anthropol |
ANT224 | Ant of Death & Dying | ANT2XX | Ant of Death & Dying |
ANT272 | Human Heredity | ANT2XX | Human Heredity |
ANT30 | Intro Archaeology | ANT230 | Intro Archaeology |
ARC15 | Art, Design, & Vis Culture | ART101 | Intro Art Apprec |
ARC300 | Vis Culture: Criticl Practic | ART3XX | Vis Culture: Criticl Practic |
ARH024 | Art History A | ART204 | Survey West Art I |
ARH024 | Art History A | ART204 | Survey West Art I |
ARH025 | Art History B | ART205 | Survey West Art II |
ARH124 | Art History A | ART204 | Survey West Art I |
ARH125 | Art History B | ART205 | Survey West Art II |
ARH126 | Art History C: 1850-Today | ART1XX | Art History C: 1850-Today |
ARH24 | Art History A | ART204 | Survey West Art I |
ARH25 | Art History B | ART205 | Survey West Art II |
ARH26 | Art History C | ART205 | Survey West Art II |
ARH309 | Art Since 1950 | ART3XX | Art Since 1950 |
ARH338 | Eur Modernism | ART3XX | Eur Modernism |
ARH365 | Cut/Paste Hist of Collage | ART3XX | Cut/Paste Hist of Collage |
ART015 | Art, Des & Vis Cult | ART101 | Intro Art Apprec |
ART031 | Two-Dim Design | ART210 | Design I |
ART032 | Three-Dim Design | ART211 | Design II |
ART10 | Experiencing Art | ART101 | Intro Art Apprec |
ART15 | Art, Design & Vis Culture | ART101 | Intro Art Apprec |
ART31 | Two-Dim Des | ART210 | Design I |
ART32 | 3-D Design | ART211 | Design II |
ART32 | Three-Dim Design | ART211 | Design II |
ARU110 | Tch Art/Des/Crft | EDU1XX | Tch Art/Des/Crft |
ARU236 | Arts & Pre K-4 Educ | EDU2XX | Arts & Pre K-4 Educ |
AST020 | Intro Astronomy | ESS1XX | Earth Sci Elect No Lab |
AST020 | Intro Astronomy | ESS154 | Intro/Astronomy |
AST30 | Mission to the Planet | ESS154 | Intro/Astronomy |
BIO010 | Biological Science | BIO110 | General Biology |
BIO10 | Intro to Biology | BIO110 | General Biology |
BIO10 | Intro to Biology | BIO204 | Exploring Biology |
BIO104 | Prin of Biology | BIO150 | Biology I |
BIO106 | Intro to Zoology | BIO302 | Zoology |
BIO108 | Intro to Botany | BIO304 | Botany |
BIO12 | Intro to Bio: Human Bio | BIO204 | Exploring Biology |
BIO120 | Anatomy & Phys I | BIO220 | Human A/P I |
BIO122 | Anatomy & Phys II | BIO222 | Human A/P II |
BIO130 | Env Issues: Global Persp | BIO1XX | Biology Elective No Lab |
BIO140 | Bio & Society | BIO1XX | Biology Elect No Lab |
BIO146 | Bas Nutr & Diet Ther | BIO1XX | Biology Elect No Lab |
BIO160 | Intro to Microbiology | BIO230 | Microbiology |
BUS120 | Prin of Business Stats | QBA260 | Business Statistics |
BUS131 | Bus Law I | BUS260 | Legal Environment |
BUS171 | Bus Computer Appl | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
BUS220 | Regr Analysis & Data Analytics | QBA265 | Intro to Analytics |
BUS275 | Bus Data Mgm & Info Systems | BUS2XX | Bus Data Mgm & Info Systems |
BUS332 | Business Law II | BUS346 | Business Law II |
CDE022 | Intro Digital Design I | ART1XX | Intro Digital Design I |
CDE10 | Digital Foundations | ART1XX | Digital Foundations |
CDE122 | Intro Digital Design II | ART1XX | Intro Digital Design II |
CDE130 | Typography | ART135 | Visual Comm I |
CDE140 | Digital Translation | ART1XX | Digital Translation |
CDE147 | Visual Thinking | ART1XX | Visual Thinking |
CDE151 | Illustration Tech | ART1XX | Illustration Techniques |
CDE22 | Intro Digital Design I | ART2XX | Intro Digital Design I |
CDH150 | Hist Surv Graph Des A | ART1XX | Hist Surv Graph Design A |
CDH151 | Hist Surv Graph Des B | ART389 | Hist/Graphic Design |
CFT110 | Craft Design | ART1XX | Craft Design |
CFT121 | Ceramics I | ART225 | Ceramics I |
CFT141 | Textiles & Material Studies I | ART1XX | Textiles & Material Studies I |
CFT321 | Ceramics Studio I | ART275 | Ceramics II |
CFT341 | Textiles Studio I | ART3XX | Textiles Studio I |
CFT378 | Indpt Std: CFT Studio II | ART3XX | Indpt Std: CFT Studio II |
CFT51 | Wood Design | ART1XX | Wood Design |
CHM100 | General Chem I | CHM134 | Gen Chem I |
CHM102 | Gen Chem II | CHM136 | Gen Chem II |
CHM214 | Organic Chemistry I | CHM234 | Organic Chem I |
CIS112 | Vis Basic Prog | IFS160 | Visual Basic Progrm |
CIS135 | Comp & Info Sci I | CS1XX | Comp & Info Sci I |
CIS136 | Comp & Info Sci II | CS1XX | Comp & Info Sci II |
CIS241 | Adv Vis Basic Prog | IFS2XX | Adv Vis Basic Prog |
CIS242 | Scripting Lang/Client | IFS2XX | Scripting Lang/Client |
CMP100 | Effective Communication | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm |
CMP200 | Research and Comm | WRT2XX | Research and Comm |
CMP202 | Analytical Writing | BUS2XX | Analytical Writing |
COM10 | Fund of Oral Comm | CM212 | Public Speaking |
COM10 | Fund of Oral Comm | CM104 | Human Communicatn |
COM170 | An Intro to Public Relations | CM221 | Intro Public Relatns |
COM205 | Argumentation and Debate | CM310 | Argumentatn/Debate |
COM210 | Persuasion | CM327 | Persuasion |
COM212 | Intro to Mass Comm | CM211 | Mass Communication |
COM235 | Pub Relations Cas/Camp | CM2XX | Pub Relations Case/Camp |
COM327 | Rhet Theory & Crit | CM3XX | Rhet Theory & Crit |
CRJ010 | Intro to Criminal Justice | CJA101 | Intro Crim Justice |
CRJ10 | Intro Crim Justice | CJA101 | Intro Crim Justice |
CRJ101 | Intro to Policing | CJA334 | Policing In America |
CRJ181 | Criminal Law | CJA302 | Criminal Law |
CRJ230 | Race, Crime & Crim Just | CJA2XX | Race, Crime & Crim Just |
CRJ250 | Criminology | SOC320 | Criminology |
CSC130 | Info Tech Fund | IFS1XX | Info Tech Fund |
CSC135 | Computer Sci I | CS101 | Fund Comp Sci I |
CSC136 | Computer Sci II | CS201 | Fund Comp Sci II |
CSC223 | Adv Scien Programming | CS2XX | Adv Sci Program |
CSC237 | Data Structures | CS350 | Data Structures |
CSC242 | Web Programming | IFS2XX | Web Programming |
CSC243 | Java Programming | IFS2XX | Java Programming |
CSC253 | IT Systems | IFS2XX | IT Systems |
DAN57 | Intro to Dance I | PE1XX | Intro to Dance I |
ECO011 | Prin of Macroeconomics | ECO200 | Prin Econ-Macro |
ECO012 | Prin of Microeconomics | ECO201 | Prin Econ-Micro |
ECO11 | Prin of Macroecon | ECO200 | Prin Econ-Macro |
ECO12 | Prin of Microeconomics | ECO201 | Prin Econ-Micro |
EDU100 | Perspec on American Ed | EDU200 | Found of Education |
EDU101 | Teach Pre K-8 | EDU1XX | Teach Pre K-8 |
EEU130 | Early Child Dev | EDU1XX | Early Child Dev |
EEU202 | Disp/Advocacy | EDU2XX | Disp/Advocacy |
EEU205 | Teach Sci/Early Child | EDU2XX | Teach Sci/Early Child |
EEU209 | Math Found | EDU2XX | Math Found |
EEU211 | Fam Collab & Div | EDU2XX | Fam Collab & Div |
EEU215 | Intro to Early Childhood Ed | ECH2XX | Intro to Early Childhood Ed |
EEU300 | Early Lit Dev & Acq | EDU3XX | Early Lit Dev & Acq |
ELU201 | Fund Read Instr I | EDU2XX | Fund Read Instr I |
ELU202 | Soc, Teach, & Disp | EDU2XX | Soc, Teach, Disp |
ELU300 | Fund of Reading Instr | EDU3XX | Fund Read Instr |
ELU351 | Diag & Rem Reading | EDU3XX | Diag & Rem Reading |
ENG001 | English Composition I | WRT102 | Analytical Read/Writ |
ENG010 | Intro to Literature | LIT200 | Perspectives/Lit |
ENG023 | College Composition I | WRT102 | Analytical Read/Writ |
ENG1 | English Comp I | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm |
ENG10 | Intro to Lit | LIT200 | Perspectives/Lit |
ENG100 | Prin of Lit Analysis | LIT1XX | Prin of Lit Analysis |
ENG102 | World Lit II | LIT1XX | World Lit II |
ENG103 | American Literature I | LIT281 | Amer Lit to 1885 |
ENG105 | American Lit: Experiences | LIT1XX | Am Lit: Experiences |
ENG113 | Brit Lit I | LIT283 | British Lit to 1750 |
ENG137 | African American Lit | LIT203 | African/Amer Lit |
ENG22 | Intro to Clg Comp | WRT100 | Intro College Writ |
ENG220 | Intro Eng Linguistics | LIT310 | Language/Linguistics |
ENG225 | Tchg Adolescent Lit | LIT2XX | Tchg Adolescent Lit |
ENG23 | College Comp I | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm |
ENG23 | College Comp I | WRT102 | Analytical Read/Writ |
ENG230 | Adv Comp | WRT315 | Advanced Compositn |
ENG24 | College Comp II | FCO1XX | College Comp II |
ENG240 | His Eng Lang | LIT2XX | His Eng Lang |
ENG242 | International Cinema | FLM2XX | International Cinema |
ENG25 | Honors Composition | WRT102 | Analytical Read/Writ |
ENG25 | Honors Composition | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm |
ENG251 | Old Test Lit | LIT390 | Bible as Literature |
ENG270 | Short Story | LIT291 | Short Story |
ENG275 | Arch Women Myth & Lit | LIT2XX | Arch Women Myth & Lit |
ENG276 | Ninetenth Cent Wom Lit | LIT2XX | Ninetenth Cent Wom Lit |
ENG331 | Shakespeare's Early Plays | LIT323 | Shakespeare I |
ENG335 | Rhetoric of Lit | LIT3XX | Rhetoric of Lit |
ENG350 | Times of Melvil & Whit | LIT3XX | Times of Melvil & Whit |
ENG363 | Mod Drama | LIT416 | Modern Drama |
ENG371 | Indpt Std: Sel Tps in Eng | LIT3XX | Ind Std: Sel Tps in Eng |
ENG379 | Lit Criticism | LIT210 | Criticism/Theory |
ENG380 | Senior Sem in Eng | LIT3XX | Senior Sem in Eng |
FAR015 | Drawing I | ART215 | Drawing I |
FAR016 | Drawing II | ART265 | Drawing II |
FAR111 | Intro to Painting | ART220 | Painting I |
FAR111 | Intro to Painting | ART114 | Concepts/Painting |
FAR141 | Intro Printmaking | ART287 | Printmaking |
FAR15 | Drawing I | ART215 | Drawing I |
FAR151 | Intro Life Drawing | ART112 | Conc Figure Drawing |
FAR151 | Intro Life Drawing | ART216 | Figure Drawing I |
FAR16 | Drawing II | ART265 | Drawing II |
FAR162 | Intro to Photo: Digital | ART246 | Digital Photography |
FAR171 | Intro to Sculpture | ART116 | Concepts/Sculpture |
FAR171 | Intro to Sculpture | ART230 | Sculpture I |
FAS230 | Works on Paper Studio I | ART287 | Printmaking I |
FAS231 | Works on Paper Studio II | ART291 | Printmaking II |
FAS320 | Drawing Studio I | ART265 | Drawing II |
FRE011 | Elem French I | FRN101 | Elem French I |
FRE012 | Elem French II | FRN102 | Elem French II |
FYS100 | First Year Seminar | FYS100 | First Year Seminar |
GEG020 | Elements of Cult Geg | G243 | Intro Geography |
GEG10 | Elem of Physical Geg | G151 | Intro Physical Geog |
GEG101 | World Regional Geography | G100 | World Reg Geography |
GEG101 | World Reg Geog | G243 | Intro Geography |
GEG20 | Elem of Cult Geog | G243 | Intro Geography |
GEG210 | Environ Conservation | BIO2XX | Biol Elect No Lab |
GEG240 | Geog of PA | G2XX | Geog of PA |
GEL001 | Dinosaurs | ANT1XX | Dinosaurs |
GEL020 | Intro to Geology | ESS1XX | Intro to Geology |
GEL031 | Geol Nat Parks & Mon | ESS1XX | Earth Sci Elect No Lab |
GEL1 | Dinosaurs | ANT1XX | Dinosaurs |
GEL100 | Phys Geology | ESS1XX | Phys Geology |
GER11 | Elem German I | GRM101 | Elem German I |
GER12 | Elem German II | GRM102 | Elem German II |
HEA102 | Intro Health/Wellness | PAW134 | Concpts Phys Actvty |
HIS014 | Hist of Civ A | HIS101 | Western Civ I |
HIS015 | Hist of Civ B | HIS102 | Western Civ II |
HIS025 | US Form Yrs & Fed Rep | HIS111 | American Civ I |
HIS026 | His U.S.: Emerg of Mod Am | HIS112 | American Civ II |
HIS131 | His of Lat Amer: Colonial | HIS1XX | His of Lat Amer: Colonial |
HIS14 | Hist of Civ A | HIS101 | Western Civ I |
HIS15 | History of Civ B | HIS102 | West in the World |
HIS150 | Minorities in Amer Hist | HIS1XX | Minorities in Amer Hist |
HIS25 | US: Form Yrs & Fed Rep | HIS111 | American Civ I |
HIS252 | Amer Colonial Hist | HIS350 | Amer Colonial Hist |
HIS26 | His US: Emerg Mod Amer | HIS112 | American Civ II |
HIS33 | Conspiracies Modern Amer Hist | HIS1XX | Conspiracies Modern Amer Hist |
HPD013 | Aquatic Act | PE1XX | Aquatic Act |
HPD035 | Fitness Walking | PE1XX | Fitness Walking |
HPD057 | Intro to Dance I | PE1XX | Intro to Dance I |
HPD070 | Personal Fitness | PE119 | Physical Fitness |
HPD083 | Tai Chi | PE164 | Intro to Tai Chi |
HPD090 | Volleyball/Tennis | PE1XX | Volleyball/Tennis |
HPD101 | Intro to Hlth/Wellness | PE1XX | Phys Ed Elect |
HPD101 | Intro to Hlth/Wellness | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect |
HPD102 | Intro Health/Wellness | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect |
HPD102 | Intro Health/Wellness | PE1XX | Phys Ed Elect |
HPD110 | Personal Hlth Mgmt | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elective |
HPD110 | Personal Hlth Mgmt | PE1XX | Physical Ed Elective |
HPD57 | Intro to Dance I | PE1XX | Intro to Dance I |
HPD60 | Jog, Run, Race | PE1XX | Jog, Run, Race |
HPD65 | Orienteering | PE1XX | Orienteering |
HPD95 | Hatha Yoga | PE163 | Intro to Yoga |
HUM211 | Women in the Arts | HUM2XX | Women in the Arts |
INT010 | Intro Intl Stds | INT1XX | Intro Intl Stds |
INT10 | Intro to Intnatl Stds | INT1XX | Intro to Intnatl Stds |
ITC321 | Instructional Tech in Edu | SE210 | Educ Tech Mid/Sec |
ITC321 | Instructional Tech in Edu | ECH210 | Ed Tech/Early Elem |
ITC321 | Instruct Tech in Ed | EDU3XX | Instruct Tech in Ed |
LLT321 | Tech 21 Century Educator | EDU3XX | Tech 21 Century Educator |
MAR110 | Intro Oceanography | BIO1XX | Biol Elect No Lab |
MAR237 | Field Meth in Ocean | BIO2XX | Biol Elect No Lab |
MAT005 | General Math | MAT1XX | General Math |
MAT015 | Intro Math | MAT115 | Sets/Number Systems |
MAT017 | Intro Math | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv |
MAT021 | Fund of Math I | MAT115 | Sets/Number Systems |
MAT022 | Fundamentals of Math II | MAT215 | Sets/Number Sys II |
MAT025 | Intro Math | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv |
MAT040 | Geometry | MAT1XX | Geometry |
MAT101 | Fundamentals of Mathematics I | MAT115 | Sets/Number Systems |
MAT102 | Fundamentals of Mathematics II | MAT215 | Sets/Number Sys II |
MAT103 | Fund of Math I | MAT115 | Math Foundations |
MAT103 | Fund of Math I | MAT115 | Sets/Number Systems |
MAT104 | Fund of Math II | MAT150 | Data/Decision Making |
MAT104QL | Fund of Math II | MAT150 | Data/Decision Making |
MAT105 | College Algebra | MAT105 | College Algebra |
MAT106 | Trigonometry | MAT1XX | Trigonometry |
MAT115 | Precalculus Math | MAT108 | Precalculus |
MAT121 | Mat for Bus & Info Sci | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv |
MAT122 | Calc for Bus & Info Sci | MAT120 | Applied Calculus |
MAT125 | Discrete Math I | MAT1XX | Discrete Math I |
MAT17 | Intro Math | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv |
MAT171 | Calculus I | MAT171 | Calculus I |
MAT172 | Calculus II | MAT172 | Calculus II |
MAT181 | Calculus I | MAT171 | Calculus I |
MAT182 | Calculus II | MAT172 | Calculus II |
MAT3 | Intermediate Algebra | MAT105 | College Algebra |
MAT5 | Math for Nurses | MAT1XX | Math for Nurses |
MGM210 | Prin of Mgmt | MGT150 | Prin of Management |
MGM351 | Operations Management | SCM300 | Operations Mgmt |
MGM352 | International Mgmt | MGT3XX | International Mgmt |
MGM570 | Oper Mgm Theory & Pract | MBA545 | Operations Mgmt |
MGM580 | Org Theory & Behavior | MBA539 | Org Theory/Behavior |
MKT210 | Prin of Marketing | MKT100 | Prin Marketing |
MKT315 | Mkt Ethics in Society | PR280 | Ethics in Strategic Comm |
MKT320 | Marketing Mgmt | MKT3XX | Marketing Mgmt |
MUP249 | Apl Mus: Violin | MUS108 | Violin |
MUP281 | University Band | MUS2XX | University Band |
MUP285 | University Orchestra | MUS164 | Community Orchestra |
MUS010 | Intro to Music Lit | MUS200 | Music Appreciation |
MUS10 | Intro Music Lit | MUS186 | Listening to Music |
MUS10 | Intro to Music Lit | MUS186 | Listening to Music |
MUS10 | Intro to Music Lit | MUS200 | Music Appreciation |
MUS106 | History of Rock and Roll | MUS288 | History Rock/Roll |
MUS20 | Basic Conc & Skls of Mus | MUS181 | Found Music Theory |
PED048 | Pers Defense | PE130 | Self Defense |
PED085 | Weight Training | PE119 | Physical Fitness |
PED160 | Intro Sports Mgmt | SPM1XX | Intro Sports Mgmt |
PHI015 | Crit Thinking | PHL222 | Critical Thinking |
PHI030 | Intro Philosophy | PHL221 | Intro Philosophy |
PHI040 | Intro to Ethics | PHL341 | Ethics |
PHI121 | Modern Philosophy | PHL221 | Intro Philosophy |
PHI20 | Intro to Logic | PHL231 | Logic |
PHI30 | Intro to Philosophy | PHL221 | Intro Philosophy |
PHI60 | Intro Rel Studies | REL1XX | Intro Rel Studies |
PHY040 | Gen Physics I | PHY1XX | Physics Elect No Lab |
PHY040 | Gen Physics I | PHY110 | Gen Phys:Mech/Ht |
PHY042 | Gen Physics II | PHY112 | Gen Phys:Elc/Magn |
PHY042 | Gen Physics II | PHY1XX | Physics Elect No Lab |
POL010 | American Government | PS141 | American Governmnt |
POL020 | Intl Relations | PS302 | International Rel |
POL10 | American Government | PS101 | Amer Gov/Citizenship |
POL10 | Amer Govt | PS141 | American Governmnt |
POL140 | Law and Society | SOC1XX | Law and Society |
POL50 | State & Local Govt | PS242 | State/Local Govt |
PRO185 | Fund of Professional Fit | PAW1XX | Phys Act & Wellness Elect |
PSY011 | General Psychology | PSY100 | General Psychology |
PSY11 | Gen Psychology | PSY100 | General Psychology |
PSY110 | Child Psychology | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop |
PSY120 | Adolescent Psych | PSY1XX | Adolescent Psych |
PSY125 | Life Span Dev | NUR201 | Nursing HD/HC |
PSY125 | Life Span Dev | PSY1XX | Life Span Dev |
PSY140 | Ed Psychology | EDU375 | Psy Learning/Second |
PSY140 | Ed Psychology | EDU370 | Psych of Learning |
PSY160 | Human Exceptionalities | PSY1XX | Hum Exceptionalities |
PSY200 | Stats for Soc & Beh Sci | BEH260 | Statistics |
PSY202 | Psych of Personality | PSY2XX | Psych of Personality |
PSY220 | Industrial/Organizatl Psych | PSY2XX | Industrial/Organizatl Psych |
PSY240 | Social Psychology | PSY243 | Social Psychology |
PSY250 | Abnormal Psychology | PSY230 | Abnormal Psych |
PSY331 | Hlth Psychology | PSY393 | Health Psychology |
SMS101 | Intro Social Media | CM1XX | Intro Social Media |
SOC010 | Principles of Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology |
SOC10 | Prin of Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology |
SOC122 | Intimate Relationships | SOC1XX | Intimate Relationships |
SOC140 | Race and Ethnicitiy | SOC1XX | Race and Ethnicity |
SOC230 | Urban Sociology | SOC340 | Urban Sociology |
SOC235 | Sociology of Gender | SOC260 | Gender/Society |
SOC245 | Sociology of Deviance | SOC2XX | Sociology of Deviance |
SOC250 | Criminiology | SOC320 | Criminology |
SOC280 | Social Movements | SOC2XX | Social Movements |
SOC290 | Soc Gerontology & Swk | SOC2XX | Soc Gerontology & Swk |
SOC371 | Sel Tps in Sociology | SOC3XX | Sel Tps in Sociology |
SPA011 | Elementary Spanish I | SPN101 | Elem Spanish I |
SPA012 | Elementary Spanish II | SPN102 | Elem Spanish II |
SPA103 | Intermediate Spanish III | SPN201 | Inter Spanish I |
SPA11 | Elem Spanish I | SPN101 | Elem Spanish I |
SPA12 | Elementary Spanish II | SPN102 | Elem Spanish II |
SPA21 | Intermediate Spanish III | SPN2XX | Intermediate Spanish III |
SPA212 | Spanish Composition | SPN2XX | Spanish Composition |
SPA212 | Spanish Composition | SPN2XX | Span Composition |
SPA213 | Adv Conversation in Spa | SPN205 | Conversing in Spanish |
SPA22 | Intermediate Spanish IV | SPN2XX | Intermediate Spanish IV |
SPA311 | Spanish Amer Lit to 1910 | SPN316 | Expl Span Amer Through Lit |
SPA340 | Spanish Culture & Civil | SPN305 | Span Amer Cult/Civ |
SPE010 | Fundamentals of Speech | CM212 | Public Speaking |
SPE010 | Fundamentals of Speech | CM104 | Human Communicatn |
SPE10 | Fund of Oral Comm | CM104 | Human Communicatn |
SPE10 | Fund of Oral Comm | CM212 | Public Speaking |
SPE110 | Small Group Discussion | CM1XX | Small Group Discussion |
SPE120 | Oral Interpretation I | CM212 | Public Speaking |
SPE120 | Oral Interpretation I | CM104 | Human Communicatn |
SPE130 | Interpers Communication | CM329 | Interpersonal Comm |
SPT160 | Intro Sports Mgmt | SPM125 | Intro Sport Mgmt |
SPT160 | Intro to Sports Mgmt | SPM1XX | Intro to Sports Mgmt |
SPT195 | Accounting for Sport Mgmt | ACC1XX | Accounting for Sport Mgmt |
SPT205 | Sport Behavior | SPM310 | Sport Behavior |
SPT230 | Leadership + Team | SPM2XX | Leadership + Team |
SPT236 | Personal Selling in Sport | SPM2XX | Person Selling in Sport |
SPT265 | Managing Sport Organizations | SPM2XX | Mang Sport Org |
SPU100 | Intro to Spec Ed | SPE1XX | Intro to Spec Ed |
SPU101 | Early Interv + Transition | SPE1XX | Early Interv + Trans |
SPU110 | Early Intervention | SPE1XX | Early Intervention |
SPU200 | Read/Writ/Teach Lit | SPE2XX | Read/Writ/Teach Lit |
SPU201 | Cog Dev/Standards | SPE2XX | Cog Dev/Standards |
SPU202 | O&M Tchr Stu w/Vi | SPE2XX | O&M Tchr Stu w/Vi |
SPU204 | Anat Eye/Assess St | SPE2XX | Anat Eye/Assess St |
SPU216 | Evidence Pract Math Stu | SPE2XX | Evidence Pract Math Stu |
SPU300 | Read/Writ/Othr Brail | SPE3XX | Read/Writ/Othr Brail |
SPU316 | Lit Dev & Instruct | SPE3XX | Lit Dev & Instruct |
SPU317 | Read Writ & Math Interv | SPE3XX | Read Writ & Math Int |
SPU318 | Assess & Instr Meth | SPE3XX | Assess & Instr Meth |
SPU328 | Pos Beh Interv & Supp | SPE3XX | Pos Beh Interv & Supp |
SWK100 | Intro to Soc Work & Swl | SOC1XX | Intro to Soc Work & Swl |
SWK130 | Poverty & Soc Welfare | SOC1XX | Poverty & Soc Welfare |
SWK160 | Human Beh/Soc Envr | SOC1XX | Human Behav/Soc Evr |
THE015 | Intro to the Theatre | THE254 | Intro Theatre |
THE131 | Fund of Acting I | THE262 | Acting |
THE140 | Play Prod | THE1XX | Play Prod |
THE15 | Intro to Theatre | THE254 | Intro Theatre |
THE150 | Unarmed Combat for Stage | THE1XX | Unarmed Combat for Stage |
THE195 | Theatre Practicum | THE350 | Theatre Pract I |
THE203 | Script Analysis/Prod | THE2XX | Script Analysis/Prod |
THE218 | Adv Mus The Act/Scene | THE2XX | Adv Mus The Act/Scene |
THE228 | His of Amer Mus Theatre | THE2XX | His Amer Mus Theatre |
THE31 | Intro to Acting | THE1XX | Intro to Acting |
THE460 | Sel Tps in Theatre | THE380 | Special Topics |
TVR10 | Intro to Elec Media | CM211 | Mass Communication |
TVR130 | Media Theory & Aesthetics | CM1XX | Media Thry & Aesthetics |
TVR140 | Video Lighting | CM1XX | Video Lighting |
TVR220 | Communication Law | CM434 | Media Law/Ethics |
TVR250 | Video Eng/Troubleshtng | CM2XX | Video Eng/Trbshtng |
TVR255 | Video Field Production | CM2XX | Video Field Production |
TVR365 | Video Post-Production | CM3XX | Video Post-Production |
TVR375 | Event and Doc Production | CM341 | Video Production II |
TVR50 | Audio Production | CM226 | Audio Productn |
TVR55 | Fund of Video Production | CM242 | Video Prodctn I |
TVR70 | Scriptwriting/Elec Media | CM332 | Media Writing |
UST1 | Univ Stud: FYS | NPE1XX | Univ Stud: FYS |
WRI205 | Scientific Writing | FCO215 | Tech/Scientfc Comm |
WRI207 | Writing for Workplace | FCO210 | Comm Prof Cultures |
WRI208 | Creative Writing | CRW272 | Intro Creative Wrt |
WRI211 | Journalism I | CM271 | Print Media Writing |
WRI213 | Copy & Line Editing | WRT2XX | Copy & Line Editing |
WRI325 | Travel Writing | CRW3XX | Travel Writing |
WST010 | Intro Women's Studies | WGS200 | Women/Gender Stud |
WST250 | Women and Leadership | WGS2XX | Women and Leadership |
Lebanon Valley College | York College of Pennsylvania | |||
ACT131 | Financial Statement Analysis | ACC1XX | Financial State Analysis | |
ACT151 | Financial Accounting | ACC220 | Financial Acct | |
ACT161 | Financial Acct | ACC220 | Financial Acct | |
ACT162 | Managerial Acct | ACC225 | Managerial Acct | |
ACT251 | Inter Acct I | ACC320 | Inter Accounting I | |
ACT252 | Inter Acct II | ACC325 | Inter Accounting II | |
ACT253 | Inter Acct III | ACC330 | Inter Accountng III | |
ACT263 | Cost Accounting I | ACC2XX | Cost Accounting I | |
AMS111 | Intro Amer Studies | HUM1XX | Intro Amer Studies | |
AMS120 | Religion in America | REL1XX | Religion in America | |
AMS140 | Amer Philosophy | PHL1XX | Amer Philosophy | |
AMS223 | Amer Thought & Cult | HUM2XX | Amer Thought & Cult | |
AMS280 | Gen & Sexual Minorities | BEH2XX | Gen & Sexual Minorities | |
ART100 | Conc Visual Arts | ART101 | Intro Art Apprec | |
ART105 | Fund of Drawing | ART215 | Drawing I | |
ART110 | Intro to Art | ART101 | Intro Art Apprec | |
ART112 | Art Surv:Anc to Gothic | ART204 | Survey West Art I | |
ART116 | Non-Western Art | ART1XX | Non-Western Art | |
ART200 | Ceramics Studio: The Figure | ART225 | Ceramics I | |
ART205 | Drawing Studio: Human Form | ART216 | Figure Drawing I | |
ART338 | Rome | ART3XX | Rome | |
ART353 | Visual Art & Rel Exp | ART3XX | Visual Art & Rel Exp | |
BIO101 | Human Biology | BIO112 | Fund Human Bio | |
BIO111 | General Biology I | 02 | BIO151 | Intro Mole Bio Lab |
BIO111 | General Biology I | 02 | BIO150 | Intro Molecular Bio |
BIO111L | General Biology I Lab | 02 | ||
BIO112 | General Biology II | BIO152 | Biology II | |
BIO112 | General Biology II | 01 | BIO152 | Evol/Ecol & Divers |
BIO112 | General Biology II | 01 | BIO153 | Evol/Ecol/Div Lab |
BIO112L | General Biology II Lab | 01 | ||
BIO201 | Genetics | BIO240 | Genetics | |
BIO212 | Animal Behavior | 09 | BIO307 | Animal Behv Lab |
BIO212 | Animal Behavior | 09 | BIO306 | Animal Behavior |
BIO212L | Animal Behavior Lab | 09 | ||
BIO221 | Comp Vertebrate Anatomy | BIO2XX | Comp Vertebrate Anatomy | |
BIO222 | Human Physiology | BIO2XX | Human Physiology | |
BIO223 | Human Nutrition | 07 | BIO226 | Food & Nutrition |
BIO223L | Human Nutrition Lab | 07 | ||
BIO302 | Plant Diversity | BIO304 | Botany | |
BIO304 | Developmental Biology | 08 | BIO333 | Devlop Bio Lab |
BIO304 | Developmental Biology | 08 | BIO332 | Developmental Bio |
BIO304L | Developmental Biology Lab | 08 | ||
BIO305 | Cell & Tissue Biology | BIO3XX | Cell & Tissue Biology | |
BIO306 | Microbiology | 06 | BIO230 | Microbio/Allied Hlth |
BIO306 | Microbiology | 06 | BIO231 | Micro/Allied Lab |
BIO306L | Microbiology Lab | 06 | ||
BIO402 | Evolution | 12 | BIO370 | Evolutionary Bio |
BIO402 | Evolution | 12 | BIO371 | Evoltnry Bio Lab |
BIO402L | Evolution Lab | 12 | 12 | |
BUS130 | Mod Bus Organization | BUS150 | Intro to Business | |
BUS160 | Computer Applications | IFS105 | Personal Computing | |
BUS170 | Business Statistics | BEH260 | Statistics | |
BUS170 | Business Statistics | QBA260 | Data Driven Dec Making | |
BUS170 | Business Statistics | MAT250 | Statistics | |
BUS180 | Business Apps | IFS105 | Personal Computing | |
BUS230 | Prin of Mgmt | MGT150 | Prin of Management | |
BUS285 | Organ Communication | CM246 | Comm/Business Prof | |
CHM111 | Principles of Chemistry I | 01 | CHM135 | Gen Chem I Lab |
CHM111 | Principles of Chemistry I | 01 | CHM134 | Gen Chem I |
CHM112 | Prin of Chemistry II | CHM136 | Gen Chem II | |
CHM112 | Prin of Chemistry II | 02 | CHM137 | Gen Chem II Lab |
CHM112 | Prin of Chemistry II | 02 | CHM136 | Gen Chem II |
CHM113 | Introductory Laboratory I | 01 | ||
CHM114 | Prin of Chemistry II Lab | 02 | ||
CHM213 | Organic Chemistry I | CHM234 | Organic Chem I | |
CHM214 | Organic Chemistry II | CHM236 | Organic Chem II | |
COE202H | Gender, Iden, Lit | WGS2XX | Gender, Iden, Lit | |
COE202S | Gender, Leadership & Work | WGS2XX | Gender, Lead & Work | |
COE215C | Memory: Synthesis | PSY1XX | Memory: Synthesis | |
COE215H | Memory Unmade: Lit & Memory | PSY1XX | Memory Unmade: Lit & Memory | |
COE215N | The Myths of Memory | PSY307 | Cognitive Psych | |
COE215S | Collective Memory | PSY2XX | Collective Memory | |
COE231H | Entheogens & Higher Conscious | HSC1XX | Entheogens & Higher Conscious | |
COE231S | Drugs, Behavior, & Illness | SOC210 | Drugs and Society | |
COE237 | Science of Gender | WGS2XX | Science of Gender | |
COE237H | Gender and Comm | CM2XX | Gender and Comm | |
COE237S | Gender and Soc Sci | WGS2XX | Gender and Soc Sci | |
COE244N | Naturalist Studies of PA | ESS1XX | Naturalist Stud of PA | |
COE244S | Planet, People, Profit | BEH1XX | Planet, People, Profit | |
COE253C | American Identity | HUM1XX | American Iden | |
COE253H | Mus & Comp the Amer Pers | MUS1XX | Mus & Comp the Amer Pers | |
COE253N | Amer Sci Changed the World | HUM1XX | Amer Sci Changed Wrld | |
COE253S | Amer Innov, Prod, & Greed | HIS2XX | Amer Innov, Prod, & Greed | |
COE253S | Amer: Innov, Prod, Greed | HUM1XX | Amer: Innov, Prod, Greed | |
CRJ110 | Intro to Criminal Justice | CCJ101 | Intro Crim Justice | |
CSC131 | Intro to Programming (w/ Java) | IFS1XX | Intro to Program (Java) | |
CSD101 | Intro Comm Science Disorders | CM1XX | Intro Comm Science Disorders | |
CSD110 | Intro Research & Writing CSD | CM1XX | Intro Research & Writing CSD | |
DCOM100 | Web Authoring | IFS1XX | Web Authoring | |
DCOM130 | Princ of Information Design | IFS1XX | Prin of Info Design | |
DCOM200 | Design Authoring | IFS1XX | Design Authoring | |
DCOM230 | Info Law & Ethics | IFS2XX | Info Law & Ethics | |
DCOM255 | Fundamentals of Design | ART110 | Concepts of Design | |
DCOM256 | Digital Graphic Design | ART134 | Concpts Comp Grhcs | |
DCOM385 | Multimedia | IFS3XX | Multimedia | |
DSP348 | Atom Bomb:Hist, Sci, Cult | BEH3XX | Atom Bomb:Hist, Sci, Cult | |
ECE110 | Child Development I | EDU1XX | Child Development I | |
ECE210 | Family Partnerships | EDU2XX | Family Partnerships | |
ECE220 | Theory and Practices | EDU2XX | Theory and Practices | |
ECE230 | Creative Arts | EDU2XX | Creative Arts | |
ECN101 | Prin of Microeconomics | ECO201 | Prin Econ-Micro | |
ECN102 | Prin of Macroecon | ECO200 | Prin Econ-Macro | |
ECN105 | Essentials of Economics | ECO1XX | Essentials of Economics | |
ECN202 | Intermed Macro | ECO360 | Intermediate Macro | |
ECN331 | International Finance | FIN3XX | International Finance | |
EDU110 | Foundations of Education | EDU1XX | Found of Ed | |
EDU140 | Ed Tech & Inst Media | EDU210 | Instructnl Technlgy | |
EDU140 | Ed Tech and Inst Media | ECH210 | Ed Tech/Early Elem | |
EDU310 | Intro to Excep Children | SPE3XX | Intro to Excep Children | |
ELM130 | Science I | EDU1XX | Science I | |
ENG111 | English Communications I | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm | |
ENG112 | English Communications II | FCO1XX | English Comm II | |
ENG120 | Intro to Lit | LIT200 | Perspectives/Lit | |
ENG140 | Intro Mass Comm | CM211 | Mass Communication | |
ENG180 | Intro to Theater | THE254 | Intro Theatre | |
ENG213 | Journalism and News Reporting | CM2XX | Journal and News Rtg | |
ENG221 | Surv Amer Lit I | LIT281 | Amer Lit to 1885 | |
ENG222 | Survey of Amer Lit II | LIT282 | Amer Lit after 1885 | |
ENG291 | Journal Writing | WRT2XX | Journal Writing | |
ENG301 | Acting Lab | THE2XX | Acting Lab | |
EXSC101 | Anatomy & Physiology I | 10 | BIO221 | Human A/P I Lab |
EXSC101 | Anatomy & Physiology I | 10 | BIO220 | Human A/P I |
EXSC101 | Anatomy & Physiology I | 10 | BIO2XX | Biology Elective |
EXSC101L | Anatomy & Physiology I Lab | 10 | ||
EXSC102 | Anatomy & Physiology II | 11 | BIO222 | Human A/P II |
EXSC102 | Anatomy & Physiology II | 11 | BIO223 | Hum A/P II Lab |
EXSC102L | Anatomy & Physiology II Lab | 11 | ||
EXSC105 | Care & Prev of Athletic Injuri | SPM1XX | Care & Prev of Athletic Injuri | |
EXSC148 | Health Psychology | PSY1XX | Health Psychology | |
EXSC202 | Training & Conditioning | EXS203 | Essentials Strength & Conditio | |
EXSC211 | Intro to Human Movement | EXS2XX | Intro to Human Movement | |
EXSC216 | Human Physiology | 04 | BIO2XX | Human Physiology |
EXSC216L | Human Physiology Lab | 04 | ||
EXSC310 | Exercise Physiology | EXS325 | Exercise Physiology | |
EXSC312 | Psyc/Soc Asp Disease | PSY3XX | Psy/Soc Asp Disease | |
EXSC314 | Phys Activity Hlth/Disease | EXS3XX | Phys Activity Hlth/Disease | |
EXSC316 | Exercise Test & Prescription | 13 | EXS311 | Exercise/Test Prescription Lab |
EXSC316 | Exercise Test & Prescription | 13 | EXS310 | Exercise/Test Prescription |
EXSC316L | Exercise Test & Prescription L | 13 | ||
EXSC318 | Psychology of Health | PSY225 | Health Psychology | |
EXSC319 | Biomechanics | EXS375 | Biomechanics | |
FRN101 | Elementary French I | FRN101 | Elem French I | |
FRN102 | Elementary French II | FRN102 | Elem French II | |
FRN200 | Intermed French Lang & Culture | FRN205 | Inter French Convs | |
FRN201 | Intermediate French I | FRN201 | Inter French I | |
FRN202 | Intermediate French II | FRN202 | Inter French II | |
FRN310 | Adv Grammar & Composition | FRN205 | Inter French Convs | |
FYE111 | Frame Tales | FYS100 | First Year Seminar | |
FYE112 | Twice Told Tales | NPE1XX | Twice Told Tales | |
FYS100 | First Year Seminar Wrt | WRT102 | Analytical Read/Writ | |
FYS100 | Brave New World | HUM1XX | Brave New World | |
FYS100 | First Year Writing:Obssd | WRT102 | Analytical Read/Writ | |
FYS100 | Writing: Horror in Film | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm | |
FYS100 | FYS: The Adolescent Brain | PSY1XX | The Adolescent Brain | |
FYS100A | Frst Yr Wrtng Sem: Sex/City | WRT102 | Analytical Read/Writ | |
FYS100A | Life As You Know It | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm | |
FYS100B | FYS: To The Ends/Earth | WRT102 | Analytical Read/Writ | |
FYS100C | FYS:The American Dream | WRT102 | Analytical Read/Writ | |
GLB101 | Mag & Dim of Global | BEH1XX | Mag & Dim of Global | |
GMN101 | Elem German I | GRM101 | Elem German I | |
GMN102 | Elem German II | GRM102 | Elem German II | |
GMN350 | German Cult & Civ | GRM305 | German Culture/Civ | |
HIS101 | History Workshop | HIS1XX | History Workshop | |
HIS103 | The Ancient World | HIS300 | Ancnt Hist to 476 | |
HIS104 | 2nd Age of Empires | HIS301 | Medieval Civ | |
HIS105 | Form of Mod World | HIS102 | Western Civ II | |
HIS125 | U.S. Hist to 1865 | HIS111 | American Civ I | |
HIS126 | U.S. Hist Since 1865 | HIS112 | American Civ II | |
HIS220 | Colonial America | HIS2XX | Colonial America | |
HIS304 | Hist of Brazil | HIS3XX | Hist of Brazil | |
HIS315 | The Civil War | HIS364 | Civil War & Recon | |
HIS460 | Undergraduate Research | HIS4XX | Undergraduate Res | |
INT100 | Intl Studies | INT1XX | Intl Studies | |
ITG499H | Community, Justice & Sustain | NPE1XX | Community, Justice & Sustain | |
LAW100 | Law and Society | CJA1XX | Law and Society | |
MAS100 | Conc of Math | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv | |
MAS102 | Pre-Calculus | MAT108 | Precalculus | |
MAS111 | Analysis I | MAT1XX | Analysis I | |
MAS113 | Math Thinking I | MAT1XX | Math Thinking I | |
MAS150 | Finite Math | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv | |
MAS161 | Calculus I | MAT171 | Calculus I | |
MAS170 | Elem Statistics | BEH260 | Statistics | |
MAS170 | Elem Statistics | MAT250 | Statistics | |
MAS170 | Elem Statistics | QBA260 | Data Driven Dec Making | |
MAS266 | Differential Equations | MAT272 | Diff Equations | |
MBS371 | Intro to Music Business | MUS297 | Survey Music Industry | |
MED110 | Found of Music Ed | MUS1XX | Found of Music Ed | |
MED136 | Surv Music Ed | MUS1XX | Surv Music Ed | |
MED223 | Brass Methods | MUS2XX | Brass Methods | |
MED227 | Percussion Meth | MUS2XX | Percussion Meth | |
MRT177 | The Recording Industry | MUS1XX | The Recording Industry | |
MSC100 | Introduction to Music | MUS186 | Listening to Music | |
MSC101 | Fund of Music | MUS1XX | Fund of Music | |
MSC115 | Music Theory I | MUS182 | Music Theory I | |
MSC116 | Music Theory II | MUS183 | Music Theory II | |
MSC117 | Aural Theory I | MUS184 | Sight Singing I | |
MSC118 | Aural Theory II | MUS185 | Sight Singing II | |
MSC202 | World Music | MUS281 | World Music | |
MSC206 | Milestones in Music Recording | MUS2XX | Milestones in Music Recording | |
MSC215 | Music Theory III | MUS282 | Music Theory III | |
MSC217 | Aural Theory III | MUS284 | Sight Singing III | |
MSC241 | Hist & Lit of Music I | MUS390 | Music History I | |
MSC242 | Hist & Lit Music II | MUS391 | Music History II | |
MSC510 | Class Piano Instr I | MUS140 | Class Piano | |
MSC511 | Class Piano Instr II | MUS141 | Class Piano | |
MSC512 | Class Piano Instr III | MUS240 | Class Piano | |
MSC520 | Class Voice Instr | MUS146 | Voice Class | |
MSC530 | Indiv Instr Flute | MUS126 | Flute | |
MSC530A | Indic Inst Voice | MUS101 | Voice | |
MSC530B | Indiv Instruction:Guitar | MUS138 | Guitar | |
MSC540 | Indiv Instruction Voice | MUS201 | Voice | |
MSC601 | Marching Band | MUS1XX | Marching Band | |
MSC602 | Symphonic Band | MUS1XX | Symphonic Band | |
MSC603 | Symphony Orchestra | MUS1XX | Symphony Orch | |
MSC604 | College Choir | MUS150 | YCChorale | |
MSC605 | Chamber Choir | MUS152 | Chamber Singers | |
MSC606 | College Choir | MUS150 | YCChorale | |
MSC610 | Clarinet Choir | MUS1XX | Clarinet Choir | |
MSC612 | Saxophone Ensemble | MUS1XX | Saxophone Ensemble | |
MSC625 | Jazz Band | MUS162 | Jazz Ensemble | |
MSE880 | Intro to STEM Education | MED620 | Enhanced Tech Pedagogies | |
MSE880 | Intro to STEM Education | MED620 | Tech Enhance Pedag | |
MSE880 | Intro to STEM Education | MED620 | Tech Enhance Pedag | |
MSE882 | STEM Education Systemic Reform | MED622 | Dist Ed Technologies | |
MSE882 | STEM Education Systemic Reform | MED622 | Dist Ed Technologies | |
MSE882 | STEM Education Systemic Reform | MED622 | Dist Ed Technologies | |
MSE883 | STEM Integrative Curric Design | MED624 | Media Design/Devlop | |
MSE883 | STEM Integrative Curric Design | MED624 | Media Design/Devlop | |
MSE883 | STEM Integrative Curric Design | MED624 | K-12 Computer Principles | |
MUE106 | College Choir | MUS150 | YCChorale | |
MUI111 | Ind Instr: Organ | MUS105 | Organ | |
MUI211 | Ind Instr: Organ | MUS205 | Organ | |
NEU299 | Mind and Brain | BIO2XX | Mind and Brain | |
NEU499 | Adv Sem in Neuro | BIO4XX | Adv Sem in Neuro | |
PHL110 | Intro to Philosophy | PHL221 | Intro Philosophy | |
PHL120 | Basic Logic | PHL231 | Logic | |
PHL160 | Ethics | PHL341 | Ethics | |
PHL210 | Ethics | PHL341 | Ethics | |
PHL222 | American Philos | PHL245 | Amer Philos Thought | |
PHL229 | Culture & Conflict/Mod Am | PHL2XX | Cult & Conflict/Mod Am | |
PHL280 | Logic | PHL231 | Logic | |
PHL290 | ST: Logical Problems | PHL2XX | ST: Logical Problems | |
PHL301 | Key Authors: Immanuel | PHL3XX | Key Authors: Immanuel | |
PHT311 | Fundamentals of Anatomy | BIO3XX | Fundamentals of Anatomy | |
PHY101 | Fund of Physics I | PHY110 | Gen Phys:Mech/Ht | |
PHY102 | Fund of Physics II | PHY112 | Gen Phys:Elc/Magn | |
PHY103 | General College Physics I | 03 | PHY111 | General Physics Lab |
PHY103 | General College Physics I | 03 | PHY110 | General Physics I |
PHY103L | General College Physic I Lab | 03 | ||
PHY104 | Gen Coll Physics II | 04 | PHY113 | G Phys:Elct Lab |
PHY104 | Gen Coll Physics II | 04 | PHY112 | Gen Phys:Elc/Magn |
PHY104 | General College Physics II | PHY112 | Gen Phys:Elc/Magn | |
PHY104L | Gen Coll Physics II | 04 | ||
PHY111 | Princ of Physics I | PHY160 | Eng Phys:Mechncs | |
PHY112 | Princ of Physics II | PHY260 | Eng Phys:Elct/Magn | |
PHY211 | Atomic & Nuclear Physics | PHY262 | Eng Phys: Opt/Mod | |
PHY212 | Introduction to Electronics | PHY2XX | Physics Elective no lab | |
PHY304 | Thermodynamics | PHY162 | Eng Phys:Ht/Thermo | |
PHY311 | Analytical Mechanics I | PHY3XX | Physics Elective no lab | |
PHY312 | Experimental Physics II | PHY3XX | Experimental Phys II | |
PHY321 | Elec & Magentism I | PHY3XX | Physics Elective no lab | |
PHY322 | Elec and Magnet II | PHY3XX | Physics Elective no lab | |
PHY327 | Experimental Physics | PHY3XX | Experimental Physics | |
POL110 | Arch of American Power | PS101 | Amer Gov/Citizenship | |
PSC100 | Intro to Pol Sci | PS1XX | Intro to Pol Sci | |
PSC110 | American National Govt | PS141 | American Governmnt | |
PSC130 | International Relations | PS302 | International Rel | |
PSC210 | Comparative Politics | PS260 | Comparative Politics | |
PSY100 | Psych: Indv and Soc | PSY100 | General Psychology | |
PSY110 | General Psychology | PSY100 | General Psychology | |
PSY111 | Gen Psychology I | PSY1XX | Gen Psychology I | |
PSY112 | Gen Psych II | PSY1XX | Gen Psych II | |
PSY112 | Gen Psych II | PSY100 | General Psychology | |
PSY120 | Intro Exp Psych | PSY1XX | Intro Exp Psych | |
PSY125 | Readings in Psychology | PSY1XX | Readings in Psychology | |
PSY130 | Stats & Data Analys | MAT250 | Statistics | |
PSY130 | Stats & Data Analys | QBA260 | Business Statistics | |
PSY130 | Stats & Data Analys | BEH260 | Statistics | |
PSY180 | Child Dev & Ed | EDU370 | Psych of Learning | |
PSY180 | Child Dev & Ed | EDU375 | Psy Learning/Second | |
PSY210 | Intro to Exp Psych | PSY1XX | Exp Psych | |
PSY211 | Res Meth in Psy | PSY2XX | Res Meth in Psy | |
PSY212 | Statistics & Data | PSY2XX | Statistics & Data | |
PSY220 | Lifespan Development | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop | |
PSY230 | Psych Adol Dev | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop | |
PSY245 | Personality | PSY2XX | Personality | |
PSY247 | Psych Perspect./Gender | PSY2XX | Psych Persp./Gender | |
PSY255 | Evol Psychology | PSY2XX | Evol Psychology | |
PSY260 | Learning & Memory | PSY2XX | Learning & Memory | |
PSY263 | Cognitive Science | PSY307 | Cognitive Psych | |
PSY265 | Abnormal Beh & Exp | PSY230 | Abnormal Psych | |
PSY268 | Intro Clinical Psych | PSY2XX | Intro Clinical Psych | |
PSY270 | Forensic Psychology | PSY2XX | Forensic Psychology | |
PSY280 | Intro Neuropsych | PSY2XX | Intro Neuropsych | |
PSY285 | Intro Psychopharmacology | PSY2XX | Intro Psychopharmacology | |
PSY324 | Psych Child Dev | PSY3XX | Psych Child Dev | |
PSY350 | Drugs & Behavior | PSY3XX | Drugs & Behavior | |
PSY378 | Behav Neuroscience | PSY3XX | Behav Neuroscience | |
REL110 | Intro to Religion | REL1XX | Intro to Religion | |
REL120 | Religion in America | REL1XX | Religion in America | |
REL130 | Phil of Religion | REL1XX | Phil of Religion | |
REL140 | Encounter World Rel | REL265 | World Religions | |
REL160 | Religion & Ethics | REL1XX | Religion & Ethics | |
REL202 | Jewish & Christian Script | REL2XX | Jew & Christ Scripture | |
REL250 | Christianity | REL275 | Trad/Cult Chrstnty | |
REL251 | Judaism | REL270 | Trad/Cult Judaism | |
REL290 | St: The End Times | REL2XX | St: The End Times | |
REL313 | The Search for Jesus | REL3XX | The Search for Jesus | |
SED115 | Intro to Teaching and Learn | EDU200 | Found of Education | |
SOC110 | Introduction to Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology | |
SOC120 | Intro to Anthropology | ANT220 | Cult Anthropology | |
SOC162 | Race & Inter of Iden | SOC1XX | Race & Inter of Iden | |
SOC190 | Intro Maori Cult | SOC1XX | Intro Maori Cult | |
SOC191 | Intro to Crim Justice | CJA101 | Intro Crim Justice | |
SOC220 | Forensic Evidence | SOC2XX | Forensic Evidence | |
SOC224 | Native Amer Exper | SOC2XX | Native Amer Exper | |
SOC226 | Women and Gender Issues | WGS260 | Gender/Society | |
SOC230 | Soc of Marriage & Fam | SOC225 | The Family | |
SOC245 | Crime & Criminals | SOC2XX | Crime & Criminals | |
SOC261 | Perspectives on Aging | GER100 | Perspectives/Aging | |
SOC271 | Child Abuse | SOC2XX | Child Abuse | |
SOC280 | Gender and Sexualities | SOC2XX | Gender and Sexualities | |
SPA101 | Elem Spanish I | SPN101 | Elem Spanish I | |
SPA102 | Elem Spanish II | SPN102 | Elem Spanish II | |
SPA201 | Intermediate Spanish I | SPN201 | Inter Spanish I | |
SPA202 | Intermediate Spanish II | SPN202 | Inter Spanish II | |
SPA300 | Adv Conversation | SPN3XX | Adv Conversation | |
SPA310 | Adv Grammar & Comp | SPN3XX | Adv Grammar & Comp | |
SPA311 | Spanish for Heritage Speakers | SPN3XX | Span for Hert Speakers | |
SPA323 | Span for Healthcare Prof I | SPN207 | Spanish for Hlth Fields | |
SPA345 | Intro to Spanish Linguistics | 03 | SPN425 | Seminar Hispanic Linguistics |
SPA345L | Intro to Spanish Linguistics L | 03 | ||
SPA355 | Cultural Studies | 05 | SPN3XX | Cultural Studies |
SPA355L | Cultural Studies Lab | 05 | ||
SPA390 | Latin-Amer Texts & Film | SPN3XX | Latin-Amer Texts & Film | |
SPA390 | ST: Puerto Rican Women | INT3XX | Puerto Rican Women | |
SPA440 | Span Lit 20-21 Cen | SPN436 | Special Topics | |
SPE250 | Cog Devel of Diverse Lrnrs | SPE2XX | Cog Dev of Div Lrnrs | |
SPE255 | Special Ed Process & Proced | SPE2XX | Special Ed Proc & Proc | |
SPE260 | Educ High Incident Disability | SPE2XX | Educ High Incident Disab | |
SPE263 | Math/Content Area Intervention | SPE2XX | Math/Content Area Invtn | |
SPE266 | Educ Low Incidence Disability | SPE2XX | Educ Low Incid Disability | |
SPE269 | Positive Behavoiral Supports | SPE2XX | Positive Behavioral Supp |
Lehigh Carbon Community College | York College of Pennsylvania | ||
ACC110 | College Accounting | ACC1XX | College Accounting |
ACC160 | Prin of Acct I | ACC1XX | Prin of Acct I |
ACC161 | Prin of Acct II | ACC220 | Financial Acct |
ACC203 | Cost/Manag Acct | ACC225 | Managerial Acct |
ADN150 | Intro Bas Hum Needs | NUR1XX | Intro Bas Hum Needs |
ARB105 | Elem Arabic I | ARB101 | Elem Arabic I |
ART101 | Intro to Art | ART101 | Intro Art Apprec |
ART102 | Fund Drawing & Painting | ART1XX | Fund Drawing & Painting |
ART107 | Digital Design | ART235 | Concpts Comp Grhcs |
ART108 | 2-D Design | ART210 | Design I |
ART109 | Motion Graphics | ART1XX | Motion Graphics |
ART110 | Drawing I | ART215 | Drawing I |
ART111 | Color Theory | ART1XX | Color Theory |
ART115 | Painting I | ART114 | Concepts/Painting |
ART115 | Painting I | ART220 | Painting I |
ART120 | Photography I | ART245 | Photography I |
ART128 | Intro Multimedia | ART1XX | Intro Multimedia |
ART130 | Ceramics I | ART225 | Ceramics I |
ART132 | 3DS MAX Lgt, Surf | ART1XX | 3DS MAX Lgt, Surf |
ART135 | 3 D Design | ART211 | Design II |
ART140 | Comp Graphics I | ART1XX | Comp Graphics I |
ART145 | Art of Illustration | ART1XX | Art of Illustration |
ART240 | Comp Graphics II | ART2XX | Comp Graphics II |
ART248 | Web Based Multimedia I | ART2XX | Web Based Multimedia I |
ASA117 | Aero Meteorology | ESS1XX | Earth Sci Elect no lab |
ASL101 | Amer Sign Lang I | CM150 | Beg Sign Language |
ASL105 | American Sign Language II | CM1XX | American Sign Language |
AST105 | Intro to Astronomy | ESS1XX | Earth Sci Elect No Lab |
AST106 | Intro to Astronomy (w/Lab) | ESS154 | Intro/Astronomy |
AST106 | Intro to Astronomy (w/Lab) | ESS155 | Astronomy Lab |
AST201 | Intro to Astronomy | ESS1XX | Earth Sci Elective no lab |
BIO101 | Introductory Biology | BIO204 | Exploring Biology |
BIO101 | Intro Biology | BIO110 | General Biology |
BIO105 | Fund of Biology | BIO150 | Biology I |
BIO110 | Gen Biology I | BIO150 | Biology I |
BIO111 | General Biology II | BIO142 | Molecule/Gene/Cell |
BIO111 | General Biology II | BIO143 | Mole/Gene/Cell Lab |
BIO116 | Topics in Ecology | BIO1XX | Biology Elect No Lab |
BIO124 | Nutrition | NUR202 | Nutrition |
BIO125 | Herbs and Herbal Medicine | BIO1XX | Herbs and Herbal Medicine |
BIO135 | Intro Envir Science | BIO1XX | Biology Elect No Lab |
BIO137 | Intro Enviro Science | BIO1XX | Biology Elect no lab |
BIO163 | Anat and Phys I | BIO1XX | Anat & Phys I |
BIO163 | Anat and Phys I | BIO220 | Human A/P I |
BIO164 | Anat and Phys II | BIO222 | Human A/P II |
BIO220 | Intro to Microbiology | BIO230 | Microbiology |
BIO251 | ST: Natural Sci II | BIO1XX | Biology Elect no lab |
BIO270 | Pathophysiology | BIO2XX | Biology Elect No Lab |
BUS120 | Intro to Bus Org | BUS150 | Intro to Business |
BUS130 | Personal Money Management | BUS218 | Personal Finance |
BUS141 | Prin of Advertising | MKT1XX | Prin of Advertising |
BUS150 | Business Statistics | QBA260 | Business Statistics |
BUS152 | Prin of Sales | MKT220 | Personal Selling |
BUS209 | Business Communications | FCO210 | Comm Prof Cultures |
BUS211 | Principles of Management | MGT150 | Prin of Management |
BUS221 | Prin of Marketing | MKT100 | Prin Marketing |
BUS241 | Bus Law I | BUS260 | Legal Environment |
BUS256 | Intl Business | IBS200 | Internatl Business |
CHE106 | Physiological Chem | CHM122 | Prin Gen/Org Chem |
CHE108 | Ess of Chemistry | CHM1XX | Ess of Chemistry |
CHE111 | General Chem I | CHM134 | Gen Chem I |
CHE112 | General Chem II | CHM136 | Gen Chem II |
CHE205 | Organic Chemistry I | CHM235 | Orgnc Chm I Lab |
CHE205 | Organic Chemistry I | CHM234 | Organic Chem I |
CHE250 | ST: Natural Science | CHM1XX | ST: Natural Science |
CIS105 | Intro to Comp & Appl | IFS100 | Info Tech Competncy |
CIS105 | Intro to Comp & Appl | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
CIS155 | Intro Comp Sci C++ | CS1XX | Intro Comp Sci C++ |
CJA101 | Intro Crim Just Sys | CCJ101 | Intro Crim Justice |
CJA105 | Crim Invest | CCJ1XX | Crim Invest |
CJA106 | Intro to Homeland Security | CCJ1XX | Intro to Homeland Security |
CJA118 | Juv Del | CCJ110 | Juvenile Delinquncy |
CJA119 | Juvenile Justice | CCJ1XX | Juvenile Justice |
CJA201 | Crim Evid & Court Proc | CCJ2XX | Crim Evid & Court Proc |
CJA215 | Law Enforcement & Society | CCJ234 | Law Enforcement |
CJA234 | Ethics in Crim Justice | CJA203 | Ethical Issues/CJ |
CJA234 | Ethics in Crim Justice | CCJ203 | Ethical Issues/CJ |
CJA235 | Sem on Police Prob | CCJ2XX | Sem on Police Prob |
CJA240 | Criminal Law | CCJ2XX | Criminal Law |
CMN105 | Interpers Comm | CM329 | Interpersonal Comm |
CMN108 | Intro Public Relations | CM221 | Intro Public Relatns |
CMN111 | Speech | CM104 | Human Communicatn |
CMN111 | Speech | CM212 | Public Speaking |
CMN112 | Prof Presentations | CM1XX | Prof Presentations |
CMN121 | Intro Comm Theory | CM104 | Human Communicatn |
DMP105 | Intro to Media Comm | CM211 | Mass Communication |
DMP115 | Prin Sound Prod | CM1XX | Prin Sound Prod |
DMP121 | Media Scriptwrit & Story | CM1XX | Media Script & Story |
DMP130 | Video Field Prod | CM1XX | Video Field Prod |
DMP216 | Dig Audio Prod | CM226 | Audio Productn |
DMP250 | Comm Media Pract | CM2XX | Comm Media Pract |
ECO201 | Prin of Macroecon | ECO200 | Prin Econ-Macro |
ECO202 | Prin of Microecon | ECO201 | Prin Econ-Micro |
ECO237 | Intl Relations | ECO2XX | Intl Relations |
EDU101 | Found of Ed | EDU1XX | Found of Ed |
EDU105 | Intro to Special Ed | SPE1XX | Intro to Special Ed |
EDU115 | Ed Field Exp I | EDU1XX | Ed Field Exp I |
EDU201 | Effect Teacher | EDU2XX | Effect Teacher |
EDU202 | Fund of Reading Inst I | EDU2XX | Fund of Reading Inst I |
EDU210 | Behavior Mgmt & Guide | EDU2XX | Behavior Mgmt & Guide |
EGR101 | Eng Graphics | EGR1XX | Eng Graphics |
EGR213 | Statics | EGR250 | Statics |
EGR214 | Dynamics | EGR2XX | Dynamics |
ENG105 | College English I | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm |
ENG106 | College English II | LIT200 | Perspectives/Lit |
ENG107 | Tech Writing | FCO215 | Tech/Scientfc Comm |
ENG111 | Speech | CM212 | Public Speaking |
ENG111 | Speech | CM212 | Public Speaking |
ENG111 | Speech | CM104 | Human Communicatn |
ENG205 | American Literature I | LIT281 | Amer Lit to 1885 |
ENG206 | American Literature II | LIT282 | Amer Lit/Identity II |
ENG215 | Intro to Poetry | LIT343 | Exper of Poetry |
ENG225 | Journalism | CM271 | Print Media Writing |
FRN105 | College French I | FRN101 | Elem French I |
GEO110 | Cult World Geography | G100 | World Reg Geography |
GEO115 | World Regional Geography | G100 | World Reg Geography |
GRM205 | College German III | GRM201 | Inter German I |
HIS123 | U.S. to Reconstruct | HIS111 | American Civ I |
HIS124 | U.S. Since Reconst | HIS112 | American Civ II |
HIS130 | West Civ I | HIS101 | Western Civ I |
HIS131 | West Civ II | HIS102 | Western Civ II |
HIS220 | 20th Century World Hist | HIS320 | Europe after 1914 |
HIS224 | World War II | HIS366 | 20th Cent Amer Hist |
HIS225 | U.S. Hist Since 1945 | HIS367 | Recent Amer/1945-Prs |
HIT120 | Medical Terminology | BIO201 | Medical Terminology |
HPE101 | Pers & Comm Health | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect |
HPE101 | Pers & Comm Health | PE1XX | Phys Ed Elect |
HPE106 | CPR for Prof Resur/FirstAid | NPE1XX | CPR for Prof/FirstAid |
IDS105 | Think. Prob Solv, Team | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect |
IDS218 | Honors Research Seminar | FYS1XX | Honors Research Seminar |
MAT100 | Beg Algebra | MAT102 | Prelim Math/Prob Solv |
MAT105 | Int Algebra | MAT105 | College Algebra |
MAT110 | Bus Math | MAT1XX | Bus Math |
MAT118 | Bus & Fin Math | MAT1XX | Bus & Fin Math |
MAT120 | Suv of Math | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv |
MAT121 | Math for Allied Health | MAT1XX | Math for Allied Health |
MAT125 | Fund of Math I | MAT115 | Sets/Number Systems |
MAT126 | Fund of Math II | MAT215 | Sets/Number Sys II |
MAT130 | Industrial Math | MAT1XX | Industrial Math |
MAT150 | Intro Prob & Stats | BEH260 | Statistics |
MAT150 | Intro Prob & Stats | QBA260 | Business Statistics |
MAT150 | Intro Prob & Stats | MAT250 | Statistics |
MAT160 | College Algebra | MAT105 | College Algebra |
MAT165 | College Trig | MAT1XX | College Trig |
MAT190 | Calc & Analy Geom I | MAT171 | Calculus I |
MAT191 | Calc & Analytic Geo I | MAT171 | Calculus I |
MAT195 | Calc & Analy Geo II | MAT172 | Calculus II |
MAT196 | Calc Analytic Geo II | MAT172 | Calculus II |
MAT201 | Calc & Analytic Geo III | MAT271 | Calculus III |
MUS101 | Intro to Music | MUS186 | Listening to Music |
MUS101 | Intro to Music | MUS200 | Music Appreciation |
MUS107 | Amer Pop Music | MUS287 | American Pop Music |
NUR106 | Nursing I | NUR1XX | Nursing I |
NUR116 | Nursing II | NUR1XX | Nursing II |
PED110 | Cond & Aerobics I | PE136 | Aerobic Dance |
PED117 | Tennis | PE159 | Tennis |
PED118 | Intermediate Tennis | PE1XX | Intermed Tennis |
PED118 | Intermediate Tennis | PE159 | Tennis |
PED137 | Golf/Bowling | PAW140 | Fundamentals/Golf |
PED143 | Weight Trn & Fit | PE119 | Physical Fitness |
PED165 | Yoga | PAW163 | Yoga |
PHI201 | Intro to Philosophy | PHL221 | Intro Philosophy |
PHI203 | Intro Logic | PHL231 | Logic |
PHI205 | Introduction to Ethics | PHL2XX | Intro to Ethics |
PHI210 | Comp Relg | REL265 | World Religions |
PHY101 | Conc Physics | PHY1XX | Conc Physics |
PHY103 | Fund Physics | PHY1XX | Fund Physics |
PHY201 | Intro Physics I | PHY110 | General Physics I |
PHY202 | Intro Physics II | PHY112 | Gen Phys:Elc/Magn |
PHY210 | General Physics I | PHY160 | Eng Phys:Mechncs |
PHY215 | General Physics II | PHY260 | Eng Phys:Elct/Magn |
PSC130 | Intro Pol Sci | PS1XX | Intro Pol Sci |
PSC141 | Amer Fed Govt | PS101 | Amer Gov/Citizenship |
PSC142 | State & Local Govt | PS242 | State/Local Govt |
PSC230 | Amer Fed Govt | PS141 | American Govt |
PSC231 | State and Local Govt | PS242 | State/Local Govt |
PSC237 | International Rel | PS302 | International Rel |
PSY120 | Psychology of Human Sexuality | PSY1XX | Psychology of Human Sexuality |
PSY140 | Intro to Psychology | PSY100 | General Psychology |
PSY145 | Hum Growth & Dev | NUR201 | Nursing HD/HC |
PSY145 | Hum Growth & Dev | PSY1XX | Hum Growth & Dev |
PSY240 | Ed Psychology | EDU375 | Psy Learning/Second |
PSY240 | Ed Psychology | EDU370 | Psych of Learning |
PSY241 | Psych of Adjustment | PSY2XX | Psych of Adjustment |
PSY242 | Child Dev | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop |
PSY243 | Abnormal Psychology | PSY230 | Abnormal Psych |
PSY250 | Cognitive Psychology | PSY307 | Cognitive Psych |
PSY255 | Intro Stat Analysis | PSY2XX | Intro Stat Analysis |
PSY256 | Research Meth in Psychology | PSY2XX | Res Meths in Psych |
PSY283 | Intro Soc Psychology | PSY243 | Social Psychology |
REL201 | Comp Religion | REL265 | World Religions |
RSS102 | College Experience | FYS1XX | College Experience |
SDS102 | Honors Scholars Experience | FYS1XX | Honors Scholars Experience |
SDS105 | Health Science Careers | NUR101 | Intro Nursing & Hlth Careers |
SOC150 | Intro to Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology |
SOC150 | Introduction to Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology |
SOC151 | Modern Social Problems | SOC220 | Am Social Problems |
SOC155 | Mass Culture | SOC1XX | Mass Culture |
SOC250 | Criminology | SOC2XX | Criminology |
SOC253 | Diversity & Inequality | SOC2XX | Diversity & Inequality |
SOC258 | Cult Anthropology | ANT220 | Cult Anthropology |
SPM101 | Intro to Sports Mgt | SPM201 | Intro Sport Mgmt |
SPM102 | Sport History and Phil | SPM101 | Hist/Philos Sport |
SPM103 | Science and Wellness | SPM1XX | Science and Wellness |
SPN105 | Elem Spanish I | SPN101 | Elem Spanish I |
SPN106 | Elem Spanish II | SPN102 | Elem Spanish II |
SPN205 | Intermed Spanish I | SPN201 | Inter Spanish I |
SPN206 | Int Spanish II | SPN202 | Inter Spanish II |
Lock Haven University of PA | York College of Pennsylvania | ||
ACCT110 | Financial Acct | ACC220 | Financial Acct |
ACCT115 | Mgmt Accounting | ACC225 | Managerial Acct |
ANTH101 | Intro Anthropology | ANT210 | Physical Anthropol |
ANTH102 | Cultural Anthro | ANT220 | Cult Anthropology |
ART100 | Understanding Art | ART101 | Intro Art Apprec |
ART102 | Art Fundamentals | ART101 | Intro Art Apprec |
ART103 | Intro to Art | ART101 | Intro Art Apprec |
ART306 | Art Elem Self-Cont Class | ART396 | Art Educ/Elem |
ART340 | Jewelry | ART3XX | Jewelry |
ART350 | Photography as Art | ART3XX | Photography as Art |
ATTR100 | Intro Athletic Training | SPM1XX | Intro Athletic Training |
BIOL101 | Basic Biology | BIO204 | Exploring Biology |
BIOL101 | Basic Biology | BIO110 | General Biology |
BIOL102 | Environmental Science | BIO212 | Environmntl Bio |
BIOL102 | Enviro Science | BIO212 | Environmntl Bio |
BIOL103 | Inquiry into Biology | BIO1XX | Inquiry into Biology |
BIOL106 | Prin of Biology I | BIO150 | Biology I |
BIOL107 | Prin of Biology II | BIO152 | Biology II |
BIOL110 | Basic Biology | BIO204 | Exploring Biology |
BIOL202 | Genetics | BIO240 | Genetics |
BIOL206 | Botany | BIO304 | Botany |
BIOL225 | Human Genetics | BIO2XX | Biology Elect No Lab |
BIOL309 | Ecology | BIO300 | Ecology |
CHEM101 | Chemistry in the Env | CHM102 | Chem/Society |
CHEM105 | Forensic Chem | CHM1XX | Chem Elect No Lab |
CHEM110 | Basic Chemistry | CHM1XX | Chemistry Elec no lab |
CHEM111 | Chemistry of Nutrition | CHM1XX | Chemistry Elective No Lab |
CHEM120 | Principles of Chemistry I | CHM134 | Gen Chem I |
CHEM121 | Prin of Chemistry II | CHM136 | Gen Chem II |
CHEM205 | Intro Organic Chem | CHM122 | Prin Gen/Org Chem |
CHEM220 | Organic Chem I | CHM234 | Organic Chem I |
CHEM221 | Organic Chem II | CHM236 | Organic Chem II |
CISC150 | Intro to Computers | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
CISC250 | Adv Microcomp Appl | IFS2XX | Adv Microcomp Appl |
COMM100 | Intro to Communication | CM104 | Human Communicatn |
COMM100 | Intro to Communication | CM212 | Public Speaking |
COMM119 | First Year Sem Comm | CM1XX | First Year Sem Comm |
COMM150 | Intro Mass Comm | CM211 | Mass Communication |
COMM190 | Writing for Mass Media | CM271 | Print Media Writing |
COMM250 | Movies Look at Media | FLM2XX | Movies Look at Media |
COMM295 | Radio Journalism | CM2XX | Radio Journalism |
COMP150 | Intro to Computers | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
COMP160 | Programming I | CS1XX | Programming I |
CRJS102 | Intro to Criminal Justice | CCJ101 | Intro Crim Justice |
CRJS205 | Drug Abuse | SOC210 | Drug/Alcohol Addctn |
CRJS240 | Intro Law Enforcement | CJA2XX | Intro Law Enforcement |
CRJS305 | Corrections | CJA337 | Punishmnt/Correctns |
CRJS330 | World Crim Just Sys | CJA3XX | World Crim Just Sys |
CRJUS102 | Intro to Criminal Justice | CCJ101 | Intro Crim Justice |
DANC105 | Basic Ballet | PE1XX | Basic Ballet |
DANC200 | Intermed Mod Tech | PE2XX | Intermed Mod Tech |
ECED100 | Intro Early Child Ed | EDU1XX | Intro Early Child Ed |
ECON101 | Prin of Economics | ECO1XX | Principles of Economics |
ECON103 | Principles of Microeconomics | ECO201 | Prin Econ-Micro |
ECON310 | Intermediate Macroeconomics | ECO360 | Intermediate Macro |
ECON340 | Money and Banking | ECO370 | Money & Banking |
EDTF101 | Soc Found of Ed | EDU1XX | Soc Found of Ed |
EDTF200 | Instructional Media | EDU2XX | Instructional Media |
EDTF300 | Ed Tech Spec Disc | EDU3XX | Ed Tech Spec Disc |
EDTL605 | Crit Iss in Ed | MED503 | Curric Trends/Issue |
EDTL692 | Reflect Pract & Act Res | MED501 | Intro Ed Research |
EDUC101 | Social Found of Ed | EDU1XX | Soc Found of Ed |
EDUC105 | Intro to Elem Education | EDU1XX | Intro Elem Ed |
EDUC202 | Children's Literature | EDU2XX | Child Lit |
EDUC204 | The Elementary School | EDU2XX | Elem School |
EDUC205 | Sec Ed 1 Block: Ed Media I | EDU2XX | Sec Ed 1 Block:Ed Media I |
EDUC208 | Sec Ed 1 Block: Math | EDU2XX | Sec Ed 1 Block:Math |
EDUC212 | Clsrm Mgt Mid Sch & Sec Set | EDU2XX | Clsrm Mgt Mid Sch |
EDUC311 | Sec Ed 2 Block: Ed Media II | EDU3XX | Sec Ed 2 Block:Ed Media II |
EN100 | Composition | WRT102 | Analytical Read/Writ |
ENGL100 | Composition | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm |
ENGL110 | Intro to Literature | LIT200 | Perspectives/Lit |
ENGL205 | Intro to Literary Studies | WRT202 | Academic Writing |
ENGL220 | World Literature | LIT2XX | World Literature |
ENGL242 | Amer Lit After Civil War | LIT282 | Amer Lit after 1885 |
ENGL305 | Stories of Medieval Literature | LIT3XX | Stories of Midieval Lit |
ENVT328 | Sem: Ecopsych | PSY3XX | Sem: Ecopsych |
FREN101 | French I | FRN101 | Elem French I |
FREN102 | French II | FRN102 | Elem French II |
FREN201 | French III | FRN201 | Inter French I |
FREN202 | French IV | FRN202 | Inter French II |
FREN203 | French Civilization I | FRN2XX | French Civilization I |
FREN204 | French Civilization II | FRN2XX | French Civilization II |
GEOG100 | Physical Geog | ESS1XX | Physical Geog |
GEOG101 | World Reg Geog | G100 | World Reg Geography |
GEOG260 | World Regional Geography | G243 | Intro Geography |
GEOG305 | Cons Nat Res | ESS3XX | Earth Sci Elect No Lab |
GEOS101 | Earth Science | ESS152 | Earth/Space Sci |
GEOS110 | Physical Geology | ESS1XX | Physical Geology |
GEOS130 | Prin of Geology I | ESS1XX | Prin of Geology I |
HE154 | Per & Com Health | NPE1XX | Non Program Elective |
HE154 | Per & Com Health | PE1XX | Physical Education Elective |
HIST101 | World History I | HIS121 | World History I |
HIST102 | World History II | HIS122 | World History II |
HIST150 | Amer History | HIS111 | American Civ I |
HIST201 | History of the US I | HIS111 | American Civ I |
HIST328 | Soc Sci Seminar | HIS3XX | Soc Sci Seminar |
HIST332 | Hist of Islam World to 1798 | HIS3XX | Hist of Islam Wrld to 1798 |
HIST379A | Hist of Euro Union | HIS3XX | Hist of Euro Union |
HIST379B | Hist of International Pol | HIS3XX | Hist of International Pol |
HLTH100 | Medical Terminology | BIO201 | Medical Terminology |
HLTH100 | Medical Terminology | RT105 | Medical Terminology |
HLTH100 | Medical Terminology | RT105 | Medical Terminology |
HLTH100 | Medical Terminology | BIO201 | Medical Terminology |
HLTH104 | Found of Health Ed | NPE1XX | Found of Health Ed |
HLTH105 | Intro to Health | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect |
HLTH105 | Intro to Health | PAW1XX | Phys Act & Wellness Elect |
HLTH106 | Athletic Training Tech | SPM1XX | Athletic Training Tech |
HLTH110 | Orient Athletic Training | SPM1XX | Orient Athletic Training |
HLTH115 | Hum Anat & Phys I | BIO220 | Human A/P I |
HLTH119 | First Year Student Seminar HLT | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect |
HLTH119 | First Year Student Seminar HLT | PAW1XX | First Year Student Seminar |
HLTH120 | Hum Anat & Phys II | BIO222 | Human A/P II |
HLTH122 | Ess of Human A & P | BIO112 | Essentials of A & P |
HLTH128 | Anat & Phys I | BIO220 | Human A/P I |
HLTH128 | Anat & Phys I | BIO1XX | Biology Elect No Lab |
HLTH128 | Anat & Phys I | BIO1XX | Anat & Phys I |
HLTH130 | Anat & Phys II | BIO222 | Human A/P II |
HLTH130 | Anat & Phys II | BIO1XX | Biology Elect No Lab |
HLTH151 | Human Anatomy | BIO1XX | Biology Elective No Lab |
HLTH200 | Intro to Disease | PAW1XX | Phys Act & Wellness Elect |
HLTH200 | Intro to Disease | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect |
HLTH202 | Care & Prev Ath Inj | EDU315 | Prvnt/Treat Ath Inj |
HLTH208 | Stress Mgmt and Life Skils | PAW2XX | Stress Mgmt and Life |
HLTH215 | Community Health | NPE2XX | Community Health |
HLTH251 | Human Physiology | BIO2XX | Biology Elective No Lab |
HLTH256 | Safety Conc/FA/Emer Pr | NPE2XX | Safety Conc/FA/Emer Pr |
HLTH307 | Cult Asp of Health | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect |
HLTH307 | Cult Asp of Health | PE1XX | Phys Ed Elect |
HLTH320 | Drug Education | BEH3XX | Drug Education |
HLTH325 | Death Education | GER330 | Death/Dying/Bereav |
HLTH353 | Physiology of Exercise | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect |
HLTH353 | Physiology of Exercise | PAW1XX | Phys Act & Wellness Elect |
HLTH415 | Intro Pharmacology | BIO202 | Pharmacology |
HLTH430 | Women's Health Iss | WGS210 | Women's Health |
HLTH450 | Care & Prev Athl Inj | EDU315 | Prvnt/Treat Ath Inj |
HLTH470 | Sex Ed | PSY4XX | Sex Ed |
HONR101 | Hon:Hist/Phil Std I | HUM1XX | Hon:Hist/Phil Std I |
HONR102 | Hon:Hist/Phil Std II | HUM1XX | Hon:Hist/Phil Std II |
HONR111 | Hon:Comp/Lit I | WRT102 | Analytical Read/Writ |
HONR111 | Composition: Global Honors | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm |
HONR112 | Global Honors: Intro to Lit | LIT200 | Perspectives/Lit |
HONR112 | Hon:Comp/Lit II | WRT202 | Academic Writing |
HONR200 | Honors: Nutrition for Well | NUR202 | Nutrition |
HPED016 | Strength Training | PE119 | Physical Fitness |
HPED016 | Strength Training | PE118 | Physical Fitness |
HPED060 | Wellness for Life | PAW134 | Concpts Phys Actvty |
HPED102 | Found Phys Education Sem | NPE1XX | Found Phys Ed Sem |
HPED103 | Teaching Soccer | PE1XX | Teaching Soccer |
HPED104 | Found of Physical Ed | SPM1XX | Found of Physical Ed |
HPED105 | Teach Basketball | PE1XX | Teach Basketball |
HPED106 | Intro to Sports Admin | SPM1XX | Intro to Sports Admin |
HPED107 | Teaching Field Hockey | PE1XX | Teaching Field Hockey |
HPED109 | Teaching Wrestling | PE1XX | Teaching Wrestling |
HPED111 | Teaching Racquet Sports | PE1XX | Teaching Racquet Sports |
HPED112 | Teach Fund Movement/Rhyth | PE1XX | Teach Fund Mvmt/Rhyth |
HPED113 | Teaching Volleyball | PE1XX | Teaching Volleyball |
HPED120 | Teach Baseball & Softball | PE1XX | Teach Baseball & Softball |
HPED134 | Swimming/Emerg Water Safety | PAW121 | Inter/Adv Swimming |
HPED140 | Wellness for Life | PAW234 | Well/Fitness/Life |
HPED200 | Teaching Aerobics | PE1XX | Teaching Aerobics |
HPED202 | Teach Leisure Sport Activities | PE1XX | Teach Leisure Sport Act |
HPED204 | Psy/Soc Dim Phy & Spt | PE1XX | Psy/Soc Dim Phy Act & Spt |
HPED210 | Teach Folk/Soc Dance | PE1XX | Teach Folk/Soc Dance |
HPED213 | Elem Phys Ed Act | PE2XX | Elem Phys Ed Act |
HPED215 | Teach Track | PE2XX | Teach Track |
HPED223 | Cont Iss & Prob Sprt Adm | SPM2XX | Cont Iss & Prob Sprt Adm |
HPED245 | Hlth & Phys Ed in Elem Sch | EDU2XX | Hlth & Phys Ed Elem Sch |
HPED260 | Prin/Pract Conditioning | PE2XX | Prin/Pract Conditioning |
HPED302 | Mot Learn Appl to Phy Ed | PE3XX | Mot Learn Appl to Phy Ed |
HPED305 | Psychology of Coaching | PSY3XX | Psychology of Coaching |
HPED320 | Intro Sports Admin | SPM3XX | Intro Sports Admin |
HPED323 | Sport & Society | SPM3XX | Sport & Society |
HPED410 | Sociology of Sport | SPM4XX | Soc of Sport |
HPED415 | Issues & Prob in Sport Admin | SPM3XX | Issues & Prob in Sport Adm |
HS102 | World Hist II | HIS122 | World History II |
HUM119 | First Year Seminar | FYS100 | First Year Seminar |
ITAL101 | Italian I | ITL101 | Elem Italian I |
ITAL102 | Italian II | ITL102 | Elem Italian II |
MA113 | Elem Functions | MAT105 | College Algebra |
MA121 | Calc & Anal Geom | MAT171 | Calculus I |
MANG325 | Financial Management | MGT3XX | Financial Management |
MATH100 | Essentials of Algebra | MAT102 | Prelim Math/Prob Solv |
MATH101 | Topics in Math | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv |
MATH102 | Math for Elem Teach I | MAT115 | Sets/Number Systems |
MATH107 | Basic Statistics I | QBA260 | Business Statistics |
MATH107 | Basic Statistics I | BEH260 | Statistics |
MATH107 | Basic Statistics I | MAT250 | Statistics |
MATH110 | Consumer Math | MAT1XX | Consumer Math |
MATH112 | Intermediate Algebra | MAT105 | College Algebra |
MATH113 | Precalculus | MAT108 | Precalculus |
MATH141 | Calculus I | MAT171 | Calculus I |
MATH142 | Calculus II | MAT172 | Calculus II |
MATH180 | Mathematics for Management | MAT1XX | Mathematics for Management |
MATH205 | Found of Math | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv |
MATH215 | Math for Elem Teachers 2 | MAT215 | Sets/Number Sys II |
MATH243 | Calculus 3 | MAT271 | Calculus III |
MATH301 | Differential Equations | MAT272 | Diff Equations |
MCOM150 | Intro Mass Communication | CM211 | Mass Communication |
MILS104 | Intro to Military Science | NPE1XX | Intro to Military Science |
MILS105 | Devel of Military Skills | NPE1XX | Devel of Military Skills |
MILS204 | Innov Team Leadership | NPE1XX | Innov Team Leader |
MILS205 | Found Tact Leadership | NPE1XX | Found Tact Leadership |
MRKT480 | International Marketing | IBS380 | Global Mgmt & Mktg |
MU101 | Intro to Music | MUS200 | Music Appreciation |
MUSI100 | World Music | MUS281 | World Music |
MUSI101 | Intro to Music | MUS200 | Music Appreciation |
MUSI101 | Introduction to Music | MUS186 | Listening to Music |
MUSI103 | Basic Musicianship | MUS1XX | Basic Musicianship |
MUSI105 | Exploring Cont Trends | MUS1XX | Exploring Cont Trends |
MUSI111 | University Choir | MUS150 | YCChorale |
MUSI112 | University Band | MUS1XX | University Band |
MUSI113 | Percussion Ensemble | MUS172 | Percussion Ensemble |
MUSI114 | Jazz/Rock Ensemble | MUS1XX | Jazz/Rock Ensemble |
MUSI121 | Applied Music | MUS1XX | Applied Music |
MUSI203 | Music Theory I | MUS182 | Music Theory I |
MUSI204 | Music Theory II | MUS183 | Music Theory II |
MUSI301 | Music for Elem Grades | MUS291 | Educ Exp In Music |
MUSI308 | Music Marketing | MUS3XX | Music Marketing |
MUSI313 | Music Romantic Per | MUS3XX | Music Romantic Per |
MUSI319 | Symphonic Music | MUS3XX | Symphonic Music |
MUSI322 | Music Theory 3 | MUS282 | Music Theory III |
PHIL101 | Problems in Philosophy | PHL221 | Intro Philosophy |
PHIL102 | Ethics | PHL341 | Ethics |
PHIL105 | Phil of Religion | PHL383 | Philos Of Religion |
PHIL201 | Ancient Philosophy | PHL235 | Ancient/Early Mod |
PHIL207 | Asian Philos | PHL2XX | Asian Philos |
PHIL307 | Philosophy of Art | PHL3XX | Philosophy of Art |
PHYS105 | Engineering Graphics | EGR1XX | Engineering Graphics |
PHYS130 | Physics I | PHY110 | Gen Phys:Mech/Ht |
PHYS131 | Physics II | PHY112 | Gen Phys:Elc/Magn |
PHYS170 | Intermed Physics I | PHY161 | E Phys:Mech Lab |
PHYS170 | Intermed Physics I | PHY160 | Eng Phys:Mechncs |
PHYS171 | Intermediate General Physics 2 | PHY163 | E Phys:Ht Lab |
PHYS171 | Intermediate General Physics 2 | PHY162 | Eng Phys:Ht/Thermo |
PHYS325 | Optics | PHY262 | Eng Phys: Opt/Mod |
PHYS325 | Optics | PHY263 | Eng Phys: Opt/Mod Lab |
POLI101 | Political Science | PS1XX | Political Science |
POLI105 | Amer Nat Govt | PS141 | American Govt |
POLI105 | American Natl Government | PS101 | Amer Gov/Citizenship |
POLI107 | World Politics | PS1XX | World Politics |
POLI210 | State & Local Government | PS242 | State/Local Govt |
POLI279 | International Politics | PS2XX | International Politics |
POLI330 | Public Policy | PS312 | Politics Public Pol |
POLI350 | International Relations | PS302 | International Rel |
POLI379 | International Law | PS307 | International Law |
PS120 | Prin Chm I & Lab | CHM134 | Gen Chem I |
PS121 | Prin Chm II & Lab | CHM136 | Gen Chem II |
PSYC100 | Intro to Psychology | PSY100 | General Psychology |
PSYC102 | Child Development | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop |
PSYC103 | Adolescent Dev | PSY1XX | Adolescent Dev |
PSYC111 | Psych of Early Child | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop |
PSYC201 | Ed Psychology | EDU375 | Psy Learning/Second |
PSYC201 | Ed Psychology | EDU370 | Psych of Learning |
PSYC202 | Research Methods in Psych | PSY2XX | Research Meth in Psych |
PSYC204 | Writing for Psychology | PSY2XX | Wrt for Psychology |
PSYC207 | Careers in Psychology | PSY2XX | Careers in Psychology |
PSYC209 | Psych of Early Child | PSY2XX | Psych of Early Child |
PSYC212 | Forensic Psychology | PSY2XX | Forensic Psychology |
PSYC215 | Found of Biopsychology | PSY210 | Fund Biopsychology |
PSYC240 | Life Span Development | NUR201 | Nursing HD/HC |
PSYC240 | Lifespan Development | NUR201 | Nursing HD/HC |
PSYC240 | Life Span Development | PSY2XX | Life Span Dev |
PSYC240 | Lifespan Development | PSY2XX | Lifespan Dev |
PSYC250 | Social Psychology | PSY243 | Social Psychology |
PSYC300 | Primatology | PSY3XX | Primatology |
PSYC307 | Abnormal Psychology | PSY230 | Abnormal Psych |
PSYC307 | Abnormal Psychology | PSY230 | Abnormal Psych |
PSYC308 | Psych of Pers | PSY3XX | Psych of Pers |
PSYC310 | Cognitive Psychology | PSY307 | Cognitive Psych |
PSYC322 | Drugs & Hum Beh | PSY3XX | Drugs & Hum Beh |
PY100 | Intro Psych | PSY100 | General Psychology |
READ204 | Primary Reading | EDU2XX | Primary Reading |
READ323 | Diag & Remedial Reading | EDU3XX | Diag & Rem Reading |
RECR105 | Leisure, Wellness and Pers | REC230 | Leisure/Health/Well |
RECR110 | Intro to Rec & Leisure | REC101 | Recreation/Leisure |
RECR203 | Teambuild & Chlnge Course | REC2XX | Teambld & Chalnge Crse |
RECR204 | Found of Therapeutic Rec | REC2XX | Fnd of Thera Rec |
RECR204 | Found of Therapeutic Rec | REC200 | Intro Ther Recreatn |
RECR205 | Nutrition for Wellness | NUR202 | Nutrition |
RECR210 | Field Participation in Rec | REC221 | Exp Learn/Rec |
RECR244 | Rec Lead & Supervision | REC103 | Leadership Rec/Leis |
RECR275 | Rec Serv People Disab | REC2XX | Rec Serv People Disab |
RECR275 | Therapeutic Rec and Inclus | REC200 | Intro Ther Recreatn |
RECR290 | Uni Rec Services | REC2XX | Uni Rec Services |
RECR315 | Program Plan and Design | REC210 | Rec Programming |
RECR315 | Prog Plan & Design | REC3XX | Prog Plan & Design |
RECR330 | Mkt Rec Services | REC3XX | Mkt Rec Services |
RECR330 | Marketing Rec Services | REC3XX | Marketing Res Services |
RECR357 | Intramural Supervision | REC3XX | Intramural Supervision |
RECR364 | Therapeutic Rec Assessment | REC343 | Organizing Ther Rec |
RECR365 | Therapeutic Rec Methods | REC331 | Leadership Ther Rec |
RECR365 | Thera Recr Methods & Tech | REC3XX | Thera Recr Meths & Tech |
RECR402 | Leisure Education/Innv | REC4XX | Leisure Ed and Innv |
SCI201 | Science in the Elem Grades | EDU2XX | Sci Elem Grades |
SOCI101 | Intro Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology |
SOCI203 | Social Problems | SOC220 | Am Social Problems |
SOCI205 | Racial & Ethnic Rel | SOC2XX | Racial & Ethnic Rel |
SOCI206 | Marriage & Family | SOC225 | The Family |
SOCI301 | Juvenile Delinquency | CJA110 | Juvenile Delinquncy |
SOCI328 | Male/Female Roles | SOC3XX | Male/Female Roles |
SOCI351 | Urban-Rural Sociology | SOC3XX | Urban-Rural Soc |
SOCI352 | Sociological Theory | SOC3XX | Sociological Theory |
SOCI402 | Industrial Sociology | SOC4XX | Industrial Sociology |
SOCW102 | Intro to Social Work | BEH1XX | Intro to Social Work |
SOCW110 | Div Pop & Groups | SOC1XX | Div Pop & Groups |
SPAN101 | Spanish I | SPN101 | Elem Spanish I |
SPAN102 | Spanish II | SPN102 | Elem Spanish II |
SPAN201 | Spanish III | SPN201 | Inter Spanish I |
SPAN202 | Spanish 4 | SPN202 | Inter Spanish II |
SPAN204 | Latin American Culture | SPN2XX | Latin American Cult |
SPAN308 | Intro to Spanish Am Lit | SPN316 | Intro Lit Span Amer |
SPCH102 | Fund of Public Speaking | CM212 | Public Speaking |
SPCH102 | Fund of Public Speaking | CM104 | Human Communicatn |
SPCH103 | Small Grp Comm | CM104 | Human Communicatn |
SPCH104 | Interpers Comm | CM329 | Interpersonal Comm |
SPCH301 | Listening and Conflict Mgmt | CM3XX | Listening & Conflict Mgmt |
SPCH303 | Argumentation & Debate | CM310 | Argumentatn/Debate |
SPEC101 | Multicultural Education | SPE1XX | Multicultural Education |
SPEC105 | Intro to Exceptionalities | SPE1XX | Intro to Exceptionalities |
SPEC202 | Cult & Ling Diversity | SPE2XX | Cult & Ling Diversity |
SPEC212 | Low Inc Dis Sup | SPE2XX | Low Inc Dis Sup |
SPEC215 | High Inc Dis Sup | SPE2XX | High Inc Dis Sup |
SPEC310 | Manual Comm and Signing | SPE3XX | Manual Comm/Signing |
SPEC338 | Positive Behavior Supports | SPE3XX | Positive Behavior Sup |
SPRT106 | Intro to Sport Admin | SPM125 | Intro Sport Mgmt |
SPRT208 | Intro Sport/Exer Psych | SPM310 | Sport Behavior |
SPRT223 | Issues and Problems in Spt | SPM2XX | Issues and Prob in Spt |
SPRT233 | Sport Sales, Spon and Fund | SPM335 | Sales/Ticket Oprtns |
SPRT321 | Mang & Lead of Sport | SPM320 | Sport Admin/Mgmt |
SPRT323 | Sport and Society | SPM130 | Sport in Society |
SPRT323 | Sport and Society | SPM130 | Sport in Society |
SPRT324 | Sport Law and Ethics | SPM3XX | Sport Law and Ethics |
SPRT332 | Sport Marketing Mgmt | SPM330 | Sport Marketing |
SPRT335 | Sport Admin & Comm Rel | SPM320 | Sport Admin/Mgmt |
SPRT337 | Gov of Sport | SPM3XX | Gov of Sport |
SPRT340 | Sport Media Comm Rel | SPM3XX | Sport Media Comm Rel |
SPRT401 | Sport Fac Mgmt/Oper | SPM4XX | Sport Fac Mgmt/Oper |
SPRT402 | Sport Bus Finance | SPM4XX | Sport Bus Finance |
SPRT465 | Q&A Sport/Athletic Prog | SPM4XX | Q&A Sport/Ath Prog |
THEA110 | Theatre: An Orientation | THE254 | Intro Theatre |
THEA110 | Theatre: An Orientation | THE154 | Intro to Theatre |
THEA117 | Technical Theatre | THE258 | Stagecraft |
THEA137 | Creative Dramatics | THE1XX | Creative Dramatics |
THEA222 | Children's Theatre | THE2XX | Children's Theatre |
Long Island University | York College of Pennsylvania | ||
ACC101 | Prin of Accounting | ACC220 | Financial Acct |
ACC102 | Princ of Accounting | ACC1XX | Princ of Accounting |
ACC11 | Acct Prin I | ACC220 | Financial Acct |
ACC12 | Acct Prin II | ACC225 | Managerial Acct |
ANT4 | Physical Anthropology | ANT210 | Physical Anthropol |
ART101P | Interpreting Art | ART101 | Intro Art Apprec |
ART17 | 2 Dimensional Design | ART210 | Design I |
ART1P | Intro Visual Arts | ART101 | Intro Art Apprec |
ART31 | Pottery Ceramic | ART225 | Ceramics I |
AST9 | Intro Astronomy | ESS154 | Intro/Astronomy |
BIO22 | Bio & Mod Tech | BIO110 | General Biology |
BIO7 | Human Anatomy & Phys | BIO2XX | Human Anatomy & Phys |
BIO7 | Human Anatomy & Phys | BIO220 | Human A/P I |
BIO8 | Human Anatomy & Phys II | BIO222 | Human A/P II |
BIOL104 | Human Biology | BIO112 | Fund Human Bio |
BUS101 | Introduction to Business | BUS150 | Intro to Business |
BUS211 | Prin of Acct I | ACC220 | Financial Acct |
BUS211A | Principles of Acct I | ACC220 | Financial Acct |
BUS212 | Accounting II | ACC225 | Managerial Acct |
BUS220 | Princ Management | MGT150 | Prin of Management |
BUS230 | Principles of Marketing | MKT100 | Prin Marketing |
BUS337 | Sports Marketing | SPM3XX | Sports Marketing |
BUS341 | Comm Law I | BUS3XX | Comm Law I |
BUS342 | Comm Law II | BUS3XX | Comm Law II |
BUSN10 | Intro to Busi | BUS150 | Intro to Business |
CACJ34 | Forensic Technology & Crime | CJA1XX | Forensic Technology & Crime |
CACJ41 | Criminal Law | CJA302 | Criminal Law |
CGPH11 | Motion Graphics Multimedia I | ART2XX | Motion Graphics Mult I |
CGPH7 | Digital Illustration I | ART244 | Digital Art |
CGPH8 | Digital Illustration 2 | ART2XX | Digital Illustration 2 |
CHE21 | Chem & Mod Tech | CHM102 | Chem/Society |
CHM21 | Organic Chemistry I | CHM234 | Organic Chem I |
CHM22 | Organic Chemistry II | CHM236 | Organic Chem II |
CHM3 | Prin of Chemistry | CHM134 | Gen Chem I |
CHM30 | Search the Chemistry | CHM1XX | Search the Chem |
CHM37 | Quantitative Analysis | CHM336 | Quant Analy Chm |
CHM4 | Prin of Chemistry | CHM136 | Gen Chem II |
CIN11 | Hist of World Cinema | FLM2XX | Hist of World Cinema |
CIN303 | Film & Society | FLM3XX | Film & Society |
CLA6 | Digital World | IFS1XX | Digital World |
CMA9 | Intro Media Arts | CM211 | Mass Communication |
COS50 | Idea of Human | HUM1XX | Idea of Human |
CRJ11 | Intro Crim Justice | CJA101 | Intro Crim Justice |
CRJ23 | Theories of Crime | CJA2XX | Theories of Crime |
CRJ35 | Foren Psy & Viol Crime | CJA2XX | Foren Psy & Viol Crime |
CS9F | Intro Desktop Publish | IFS1XX | Intro Desktop Pub |
CSC6 | Computer Literacy | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
DP110 | Microcomputers | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
DP300 | Topics in Data Processing | IFS3XX | Top in Data Processing |
ECO1 | Intro to Economics | ECO200 | Prin Econ-Macro |
ECO11 | Intro to Macroeconomics | ECO200 | Prin Econ-Macro |
ECO2 | Intro to Economics | ECO201 | Prin Econ-Micro |
ECO5 | Current Economics | ECO2XX | Current Economics |
ENG1 | Composition | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm |
ENG1 | Composition | WRT102 | Analytical Read/Writ |
ENG10 | Introduction to Literature | LIT200 | Perspectives/Lit |
ENG16 | English Composition | WRT102 | Analytical Read/Writ |
ENG1P | Composition | WRT102 | Analytical Read/Writ |
ENG2 | Comp: Argument/Analys | WRT202 | Academic Writing |
ENG2 | Comp: Arg/Analysis | FCO2XX | Comp: Arg/Analysis |
ENG2P | Composition: Argument | WRT202 | Academic Writing |
ENG48 | Ideas & Themes in Lit | LIT2XX | Ideas & Themes in Lit |
ENG61 | Surv European Lit I | LIT285 | Eur Lit to 1600 |
ENG62 | Surv European Lit II | LIT286 | Eur Lit Since 1600 |
ENG7 | West Lit to Ren | LIT2XX | West Lit to Ren |
ENG8 | West Lit Enlght-Mod | LIT2XX | West Lit Enlght-Mod |
ENGL112 | Wrt About Lit | WRT202 | Academic Writing |
ENGL123 | Continental Lit | LIT285 | Eur Lit to 1600 |
ERS1 | Earth Science I | ESS1XX | Earth Science I |
ERS2 | Earth Science II | ESS1XX | Earth Science II |
FSC71 | Intro to Criminalistics | CJA2XX | Into to Criminalistics |
HE201 | Clinical Health Issues I | PAW1XX | Clinical Health Issues I |
HIS1 | Hist Civ to 1500 | HIS101 | Western Civ I |
HIS115 | Am Soc Hist From 1890 | HIS112 | American Civ II |
HIS2 | Hist Civ Since 1500 | HIS102 | Western Civ II |
HIS3 | American Civ | HIS111 | American Civ I |
HIS303 | European Hist | HIS101 | Western Civ I |
HIS4 | Amer Civ Since 1877 | HIS112 | American Civ II |
HPE106 | Fitness/Cond | PAW119 | Physical Fitness |
HPE201 | Intro Phys Educ | PAW2XX | Intro Phys Educ |
HSMB71 | Intro Criminalistics | CJA230 | Intro Criminalstics |
ITAL203 | Intermed Italian I | ITL2XX | Intermed Italian I |
LAW13 | Legal Environ of Bus | BUS1XX | Legal Environ of Bus |
MAN101 | Prin of Management | MGT150 | Prin of Management |
MAT10 | Basic Math | MAT105 | College Algebra |
MAT201 | Calculus | MAT171 | Calculus I |
MKT11 | Mkt Prin & Pract | MKT100 | Prin Marketing |
MS110 | The Oceans | ESS1XX | The Oceans |
MTH1 | Intro to College Math | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv |
MTH15 | Math Tools | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv |
MTH3 | College Alg & Trig | MAT105 | College Algebra |
MTH5 | Lin Math: Bus/Soc Sci | MAT1XX | Lin Math: Bus/Soc Sci |
MTH7 | Calc & Analty Geom I | MAT171 | Calculus I |
MTH8 | Calc & Analyt Geom II | MAT172 | Calculus II |
MTH9 | Calc & Analy | MAT271 | Calculus III |
MUS1P | Intro to Musical Con | MUS200 | Music Appreciation |
MUS61 | Music & Cult | MUS200 | Music Appreciation |
MUS88A | Studio Lessons: Voice | MUS1XX | Studio Lessions: Voice |
ORC1 | Public Speaking | CM104 | Human Communicatn |
ORC2 | Sound and Articulation | CM1XX | Sound and Articulation |
PHI13 | Ethics and Society | PHL341 | Ethics |
PHI197 | Independent Study | PHL1XX | Independent Study |
PHI4 | Ethics/Human Values | PHL2XX | Ethics/Human Values |
PHI61 | Phil Explorations | PHL2XX | Phil Explorations |
PHI62 | Phil Explorations | PHL221 | Intro Philosophy |
PHI8 | Intro to Philosophy | PHL221 | Intro Philosophy |
PHL13P | Human Values | PHL1XX | Human Values |
PHL8 | Beg Philosophy | PHL221 | Intro Philosophy |
PHL8P | Beginning Philosophy | PHL221 | Intro Philosophy |
PHY20 | Physical Universe | PSC152 | Physical Sci I |
PHY3 | University Physics I | PHY110 | Gen Phys:Mech/Ht |
POL1 | Intro Pol Science I | PS1XX | Intro Pol Science I |
POL11 | Power & Politics | PS1XX | Power & Politics |
POL2 | Intro Pol Science 2 | PS141 | American Governmnt |
PSY1 | General Psychology I | PSY100 | General Psychology |
PSY101 | Gen Psychology | PSY100 | General Psychology |
PSY107 | Dev Psych I | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop |
PSY108 | Dev Psych II | PSY1XX | Dev Psych II |
PSY109 | Personality | PSY1XX | Personality |
PSY110 | Abnormal Psych | PSY230 | Abnormal Psych |
PSY113 | Soc Psychology | PSY243 | Social Psychology |
PSY119 | Psych of Art | PSY1XX | Psych of Art |
PSY125 | Contemp Sys of Psych | PSY1XX | Contemp Sys of Psych |
PSY126 | Psych and the Law | PSY1XX | Psych and the Law |
PSY150 | Stats in Psych | PSY1XX | Stats in Psych |
PSY2 | General Psychology 2 | PSY1XX | Gen Psychology 2 |
PSY2 | General Psychology 2 | PSY100 | General Psychology |
PSY25 | Child Psychology | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop |
PSY3 | Intro to Psychology | PSY100 | General Psychology |
SOC1 | Intro to Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology |
SOC109 | Soc Movements | SOC1XX | Soc Movements |
SOC161 | Soc of Sport | SOC1XX | Soc of Sport |
SOC2 | Social Institutions | SOC2XX | Social Institutions |
SOC3 | Intro to Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology |
SPA11 | Intro Spanish | SPN101 | Elem Spanish I |
SPA12 | Intro Spanish | SPN102 | Elem Spanish II |
SPA3 | Intermediate Spanish I | SPN201 | Inter Spanish I |
SPAN203 | Intermed Span I | SPN201 | Inter Spanish I |
SPE3 | Oral Comm | CM104 | Human Communicatn |
SPN24 | Adv Grammar | SPN2XX | Adv Grammar |
SPN25 | Adv Span Conv/Non-M | SPN2XX | Adv Span Conv/Non-M |
SSC224 | Capstone Seminar in SSC | SOC2XX | Capstone Sem in SSC |
TAL201 | Tchng:Imgn Possblts | EDU2XX | Tchng:Imgn Poss |
THE101 | Intro to Drama | THE154 | Introduction to Theatre |
THE104 | Tech Theatre Prac | THE1XX | Tech Theatre Prac |
THE105 | Tech Theatre Prac | THE1XX | Tech Theatre Prac |
THE121 | Basic Acting I | THE155 | Intro to Acting |
THE122 | Basic Acting II | THE1XX | Basic Acting II |
THE151 | Beg Suzuki Tech | THE1XX | Beg Suzuki Tech |
Luzerne County Community College | York College of Pennsylvania | ||
ACC111 | Prin of Acct I | ACC1XX | Prin Acct I |
ACC112 | Prin of Acct II | ACC220 | Financial Acct |
ACC211 | Intermed Accounting I | ACC2XX | Intermed Accounting I |
ACC213 | Managerial Accounting | ACC225 | Managerial Acct |
ACC214 | Tax Accounting | ACC305 | Taxation I |
ACC215 | Cost Accounting | ACC2XX | Cost Accounting |
ART110 | Art Appreciation | ART101 | Intro Art Apprec |
BIO101 | Intro to Bio Sci I | BIO1XX | Biology Elective No Lab |
BIO102 | Human Genetics & Ecology | BIO1XX | Biology Elective no lab |
BIO120 | Anatomy/Artists | BIO1XX | Anatomy/Artists |
BIO121 | General Biology I | BIO143 | Mole/Gene/Cell Lab |
BIO121 | General Biology I | BIO142 | Molecule/Gene/Cell |
BIO121 | General Biology I | BIO151 | Intro Mole Bio Lab |
BIO121 | General Biology I | BIO150 | Intro Molecular Bio |
BIO122 | General Biology II | BIO152 | Evol/Ecol & Divers |
BIO122 | General Biology II | BIO153 | Evol/Ecol/Div Lab |
BIO125 | Basic Anat & Phys | BIO1XX | Basic Anat & Phys |
BIO135 | A & P I | BIO220 | Human A/P I |
BIO136 | A & P II | BIO222 | Human A/P II |
BIO251 | Gen Microbiology | BIO230 | Microbiology |
BUS101 | Intro to Business | BUS1XX | Intro to Business |
BUS107 | Mathematics of Finance | FIN1XX | Mathematics of Finance |
BUS201 | Principles of Marketing I | MKT100 | Prin Marketing |
BUS231 | Principles of Management | MGT150 | Prin of Management |
BUS248 | Small Bus Mgmt | MGT2XX | Small Bus Mgmt |
BUS251 | Hum Res Mgt | MGT220 | Human Resource Mgt |
BUS261 | Bus Law I | BUS260 | Legal Environment |
CAR119 | Drawing I | ART215 | Drawing I |
CAR129 | Color & Design I | ART210 | Design I |
CAR130 | Color & Design II | ART1XX | Color & Design II |
CAR220 | Basic Photography | ART245 | Photography I |
CAR233 | Illustration I | ART223 | Illustration I |
CAR240 | Adv B&W Photo | ART2XX | Adv B&W Photo |
CAR241 | Graphic Design I | ART2XX | Graphic Design I |
CAR242 | Graphic Design II | ART2XX | Graphic Design II |
CAR245 | Typography | ART2XX | Typography |
CAR264 | Photo Light & Theory | ART2XX | Photo Light & Theory |
CAR276 | Publication Design | ART296 | Publication Design |
CAR277 | Photo Image Enhancement | ART247 | Digital Image |
CAR279 | Pres Graphics & Prof Port | ART2XX | Pres Graph & Prof Port |
CAR283 | Adv Publication Design | ART2XX | Adv Publication Dsgn |
CAR284 | Technical Illustration | ART2XX | Tech Illustration |
CAR293 | Web Page Design | ART340 | Web Design I |
CHE111 | Fund of Chemistry | CHM1XX | Chem Elect No Lab |
CHE131 | Prin of Chem I | CHM1XX | Prin of Chem I |
CHE151 | Gen Chem I | CHM134 | Gen Chem I |
CHE251 | Organic Chem I | CHM234 | Organic Chem I |
CIS106 | Comp in Ind | IFS1XX | Comp in Ind |
CIS107 | Comp Mass Media | IFS1XX | Comp Mass Media |
CIS110 | Intro to Microcomputers | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
CIS112 | Spreadsheet Analysis | IFS1XX | Spreadsheet Analysis |
CIS156 | Programming with JAVA | IFS1XX | Programming with JAVA |
CIS240 | World Wide Web Concepts & Des | IFS2XX | WWW Concepts & Des |
CJU130 | Intro to Criminal Justice | CCJ101 | Intro Crim Justice |
CJU132 | Criminal Investigations | CCJ1XX | Criminal Investigations |
CJU139 | Survey of Drugs | CJA1XX | Survey of Drugs |
CJU141 | Delinquency & Juv Justice | CJA110 | Juvenile Delinquncy |
CJU141 | Delinquency & Juvenile Justice | CCJ348 | Juvenile Justice |
CJU201 | Ethics in Criminal Justice | CCJ2XX | Ethics in Criminal Justice |
CJU235 | Police Patrol Operations | CCJ2XX | Police Patrol Operations |
CJU242 | Police-Community Relations | CCJ364 | Policing Communities |
CJU245 | Crime & Criminology | CCJ378 | Criminology |
CJU257 | Criminal Procedure | CCJ341 | Criminal Procedure |
CJU259 | Victimology | CJA310 | Victimology |
CJU260 | Intro to Security | CJA2XX | Intro to Security |
COM101 | Basic TV Prod | CM242 | Video Prodctn I |
COM104 | Intro Multimedia Tech | CM1XX | Intro Multimedia Tech |
COM105 | Wrtng Audio, Video, Web | CM1XX | Wrtng for Aud, Vid, Web |
COM107 | Intro to Digital Des | CM1XX | Intro to Digital Des |
COM203 | Electronic Journ | CM2XX | Electronic Journ |
CRR101 | Career Ready | FYS1XX | Career Ready |
ECE100 | Intro to ECE | ECH230 | Early Child Theory |
ECE101 | Infants & Toddlers | ECH1XX | Infants & Toddlers |
ECE201 | Music & Movement | ECH2XX | Music & Movement |
ECE203 | Children's Literature | ECH2XX | Children's Literature |
ECE204 | Childrens Math & Science | ECH2XX | Childrens Math & Science |
ECE205 | Health, Safety & Nutrition | ECH2XX | Health, Safety & Nutrition |
ECE207 | Child, Family, Community | ECH2XX | Child, Family, Community |
ECE210 | Children W/Disabilities | ECH240 | Early Educ Assmnt |
ECE220 | Practicum I | ECH2XX | Practicum I |
ECO151 | Prin of Econ I | ECO200 | Prin Econ-Macro |
ECO152 | Prin of Econ II | ECO201 | Prin Econ-Micro |
EDU150 | Intro to Ed | EDU1XX | Intro to Ed |
EDU151 | Ed Technology | EDU210 | Educational Tech |
EGR110 | Engineering Graphics | EGR1XX | Engineering Graphics |
EMS101 | Basic EMT | SPM205 | Responding/Emerg |
EMS207 | CPR | EDU305 | Responding/Emerg |
ENG101 | English Composition | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm |
ENG102 | Adv Composition | WRT315 | Advanced Compositn |
ENG102 | Adv Composition | FCO2XX | Adv Composition |
ENG102 | Advanced Composition | WRT1XX | Advanced Composition |
ENG104 | Wrt About Lit | WRT202 | Academic Writing |
ENG104 | Adv Comp: Writing about Lit | LIT200 | Perspectives/Lit |
ENG221 | Lit West World I | LIT285 | Eur Lit to 1600 |
ENG222 | World Literature II | LIT2XX | World Literature |
ENG223 | American Lit I | LIT281 | Amer Lit to 1885 |
ENG227 | Shakespeare | LIT323 | Shakespeare I |
ENG261 | Technical Communication | FCO215 | Tech/Scientfc Comm |
ENG261 | Technical Communications | WRT210 | Writng/Prof Culturs |
FYE101 | First Year Experience | FYS1XX | First Year Experience |
HIS101 | West Civ I | HIS101 | Western Civ I |
HIS102 | West Civ II | HIS102 | Western Civ II |
HIS201 | Amer Hist to 1865 | HIS111 | American Civ I |
HIS202 | Amer Hist Since 1865 | HIS112 | American Civ II |
HMS101 | Intro Human Services | HSV100 | Intro to HSV |
HPE111 | Bowling | PE110 | Beginning Bowling |
HPE115 | Active Living | PAW134 | Concpts Phys Actvty |
HPE121 | Aerobic Step Training | PE1XX | Aerobic Step Trng |
HPE122 | Fitness for Life | PE134 | Concpts Phys Actvty |
HPE127 | Hatha Yoga | PE163 | Intro to Yoga |
HPE129 | Strength & Cond | PAW170 | Core Conditioning |
HPE130 | Nutrition & Wellness | NUR202 | Nutrition |
HPE131 | Beg Golf | PE140 | Fundamentals/Golf |
HPE141 | Volleyball | PE160 | Volleyball |
HPE152 | Intro to Phys Ed | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect |
HPE152 | Intro to Phys Ed | PE1XX | Phys Ed Elect |
HPE154 | Safety and First Aid | SPM205 | Responding/Emerg |
HPE165 | Phys Ed for Young Child | PE1XX | Phys Ed for Young Child |
HPE263 | Intro to Nutrition | NUR202 | Nutrition |
JOR100 | Intro Mass Comm | CM211 | Mass Communication |
JOR101 | Intro Journ/News Wrt | CM271 | Print Media Writing |
JOR102 | Adv News Writing | CM1XX | Adv News Writing |
JOR103 | Feature Writing | CM1XX | Feature Writing |
JOR200 | Prof Internship | CM2XX | Prof Internship |
JOR201 | Copy Editing & Make-Up | CM2XX | Copy Edit & Make-Up |
JOR202 | Advertising | MKT2XX | Advertising |
JOR211 | Pub Relations | CM221 | Intro Public Relatns |
MAT101 | Surv of Math I | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv |
MAT103 | Appl Math for Ind | MAT1XX | Appl Math for Ind |
MAT105 | Intermediate Algebra | MAT102 | Prelim Math/Prob Solv |
MAT107 | Basic Statistics | QBA260 | Business Stats I |
MAT107 | Basic Statistics | MAT250 | Statistics |
MAT107 | Basic Statistics | BEH260 | Statistics |
MAT110 | Math for Elem Techr II | MAT1XX | Math for Elem Techr II |
MAT121 | College Algebra | MAT105 | College Algebra |
MAT122 | Plane Trigonometry | MAT1XX | Plane Trigonometry |
MAT125 | Pre-Calculus | MAT108 | Precalculus |
MAT140 | Calc for Bus & Sci | MAT120 | Applied Calculus |
MAT151 | Analytic Geometry & Calc I | MAT1XX | Analytic Geometry & Calc I |
MRT110 | Basic Music Recording | MUS1XX | Basic Music Recording |
MRT220 | Adv Music Recording | MUS2XX | Adv Music Recording |
NUR101 | Intro to Nursing | NUR1XX | Intro to Nursing |
NUR124 | Intro to Issues in Nurs | NUR1XX | Intro to Issues in Nurs |
OMT130 | Medical Terminology I | BIO201 | Medical Terminology |
OMT130 | Medical Terminology I | RT105 | Medical Terminology |
PHI150 | Intro to Philosophy | PHL221 | Intro Philosophy |
PHI151 | Intro to Ethics | PHL341 | Ethics |
PHI152 | Life, Death & Dying | PHL1XX | Life, Death & Dying |
PHY101 | Intro to Phys Sci I | PSC1XX | Phys Sci Elect No Lab |
PHY102 | Earth Science | PSC1XX | Phys Sci Elect No Lab |
POS101 | Amer Govt | PS101 | Amer Gov/Citizenship |
PSY103 | General Psychology | PSY100 | General Psychology |
PSY204 | Child Psychology | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop |
PSY210 | Ed Psychology | EDU375 | Psy Learning/Second |
PSY210 | Ed Psychology | EDU370 | Psych of Learning |
PSY213 | Abnormal Psychology | PSY230 | Abnormal Psych |
PSY217 | Dev Psychology | PSY2XX | Dev Psychology |
PSY217 | Dev Psychology | NUR201 | Nursing HD/HC |
SOC101 | Prin of Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology |
SOC215 | Principles of Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology |
SOC216 | Contemp Soc Iss | SOC2XX | Contemp Soc Iss |
SOC217 | The Family | SOC225 | The Family |
SPA101 | Elem Spanish I | SPN101 | Elem Spanish I |
SPA102 | Elem Spanish II | SPN102 | Elem Spanish II |
SPE125 | Fundamentals of Speech | CM212 | Public Speaking |
SPE210 | Interp Comm | CM104 | Human Communicatn |
THR101 | Acting I | THE155 | Acting |
THR105 | Script Analysis | THE291 | Script Analy & Dramaturgy |
THR201 | Acting II | THE255 | Scene Study |
THR211 | Theatre History I | THE354 | Theatre History |
Mansfield University of PA | York College of Pennsylvania | |||
ACC1110 | Prin of Acctg I | ACC1XX | Prin of Acctg I | |
ACC1111 | Prin of Acct II | ACC220 | Financial Acct | |
ARH101 | Intro to Art | ART101 | Intro Art Apprec | |
ARH1101 | Intro to Art | ART101 | Intro Art Apprec | |
ARH3322 | Art of Renaissance | ART205 | Survey West Art II | |
ARH4410 | Women in Anc Greek Art | ART4XX | Women in Anc Greek Art | |
ART1107 | Global Art | ART1XX | Global Art | |
ART2248 | Drawing | ART215 | Drawing I | |
ART3330 | Digital Photo | ART246 | Digital Photography | |
ART4430 | Adv Digital Photo | ART4XX | Adv Digital Photo | |
AST1105 | Explor of Solar Sys | ESS1XX | Earth Sci Elective No Lab | |
ASTR106 | One Universe | ESS1XX | Earth Sci Elective No Lab | |
BI1101 | Princ Biology I | 01 | BIO151 | Intro Mole Bio Lab |
BI1101 | Princ Biology I | 01 | BIO150 | Intro Molecular Bio |
BI1101L | Princ Biology I Lab | 01 | ||
BI1102 | Princ Biology II | 03 | BIO152 | Evol/Ecol & Divers |
BI1102L | Princ Biology II | 03 | ||
BI1110 | Zoology | BIO302 | Zoology | |
BI3370 | Cell Biology | 05 | BIO143 | Mole/Gene/Cell Lab |
BI3370 | Cell Biology | 05 | BIO142 | Molecule/Gene/Cell |
BI3370L | Cell Biology Lab | 05 | ||
BSC1103 | Eviro Bio | BIO1XX | Biology Elective No Lab | |
BSC1121 | Hum Anat & Phys I | BIO220 | Human A/P I | |
BSC1122 | Human Anat & Phys II | BIO222 | Human A/P II | |
BSC121 | Human Anat & Phys I | BIO220 | Human A/P I | |
BSC3271 | Microbio Hlth Sci | BIO230 | Microbiology | |
BUS1130 | Intro Bus & Mgmt | BUS150 | Intro to Business | |
BUS130 | Intro Bus & Mgmt | BUS1XX | Intro Bus & Mgmt | |
BUS2202 | Personal Finance | BUS218 | Personal Finance | |
BUS2230 | Mgmt Prin | MGT250 | Prin of Management | |
CCJ3354 | Crim Law | CCJ302 | Criminal Law | |
CHE1120 | Intro Globe Comm Health | NPE1XX | Intro Globe Comm Health | |
CHM101 | Intro Chemistry | CHM104 | Found of Chem | |
CHM1101 | Intro Chem | CHM202 | Chem/Society | |
CHM1105 | How Drugs Work | CHM1XX | Chemistry Elective No Lab | |
CHM111 | Gen Chem I | CHM134 | Gen Chem I | |
CHM1110 | Svy of Chem | CHM122 | Prin Gen/Org Chem | |
CHM1111 | General Chem I | 02 | CHM135 | Gen Chem I Lab |
CHM1111 | General Chem I | 02 | CHM134 | Gen Chem I |
CHM1111L | General Chem I Lab | 02 | ||
CHM1112 | Gen Chem II | 04 | CHM137 | Gen Chem II Lab |
CHM1112 | Gen Chem II | 04 | CHM136 | Gen Chem II |
CHM1112L | Gen Chem II Lab | 04 | ||
CHM112 | Gen Chem II | CHM136 | Gen Chem II | |
CHM3301 | Organic Chem I | 06 | CHM235 | Orgnc Chm I Lab |
CHM3301 | Organic Chem I | 06 | CHM234 | Organic Chem I |
CHM3301L | Organic Chem I Lab | 06 | ||
CHM4420 | Qual Organic Chem | CHM4XX | Qual Organic Chem | |
CIS1000 | Orientation to CIS | IFS1XX | Orientation to CIS | |
CIS103 | Intro Microcomputers | IFS105 | Personal Computing | |
CIS1103 | Intro to Microcomp | IFS105 | Personal Computing | |
CIS1104 | Comp Sci I | CS1XX | Comp Sci I | |
CIS1115 | Programming with OBJ | IFS1XX | Programming with OBJ | |
CIS2203 | Software Bus Appl | IFS105 | Personal Computing | |
CIS3303 | Web Site Design | IFS3XX | Web Site Design | |
CIS3315 | Data Structures | CS3XX | Data Structures | |
CJA1100 | Intro Crim Just | CCJ101 | Intro Crim Justice | |
CJA2200 | Svy of Policing | CCJ334 | Policing in America | |
CJA2201 | Svy of Correct | CCJ337 | Punishmnt/Correctns | |
CJA3261 | Comm Policing | CCJ3XX | Comm Policing | |
CJA3262 | Invest & Interrogation | CCJ3XX | Invest & Interrogation | |
CJA3324 | Jud Crim Process | CCJ336 | Judicial Process | |
CJA3355 | Const Criminal Procedure | CCJ341 | Criminal Procedure | |
CJA3357 | Corr Strat | CCJ3XX | Corr Strat | |
CJA3359 | Juvenile Just | CCJ348 | Juvenile Justice | |
CJA3361 | Comm Policing | CCJ3XX | Comm Policing | |
CJA3395 | Delinq & Crim Just Sys | CCJ110 | Juvenile Delinquncy | |
CJA4453 | Police Org & Admin | CCJ4XX | Police Org & Admin | |
CJA4475 | Serial Murder | CCJ4XX | Serial Murder | |
CJA4496 | Organized Crime | CCJ314 | Organized Crime | |
COM101 | Oral Communication | CM104 | Human Communicatn | |
COM1101 | Oral Comm | CM104 | Human Communicatn | |
COM1101 | Oral Comm | CM212 | Public Speaking | |
COM1102 | Intro to Public Speaking | CM104 | Human Communicatn | |
COM1102 | Intro to Public Speaking | CM212 | Public Speaking | |
COM1103 | Speaking Effect in Groups | CM104 | Human Communicatn | |
COM1103 | Speaking Effect in Groups | CM212 | Public Speaking | |
COM210 | Intro Public Rel | CM221 | Public Relations | |
COM2201 | Intro to Mass Media | CM211 | Mass Communication | |
COM2203 | Voice & Articulation | CM2XX | Voice & Articulation | |
COM2208 | Intro to Elec Media | CM2XX | Intro to Elec Media | |
COM2210 | Intro Public Relations | CM221 | Public Relations | |
COM2230 | Wrtg Elec Media | CM2XX | Wrtg Elec Media | |
COM3271 | Queer TV | CM3XX | Comm Elective | |
COM3301 | TV Prod I | CM242 | Video Prodctn I | |
COM3306 | Nonverbal Comm | CM222 | Nonverbal Comm | |
COM3311 | Elect Media Prog | CM2XX | Elect Media Prog | |
COM3320 | PR Wrtg & Techniques | CM321 | Writing/Pub Relatns | |
COM3325 | Interpersonal Comm | CM329 | Interpersonal Comm | |
COM3331 | Media Ethics | CM3XX | Media Ethics | |
COM4400 | Comm Theory | CM206 | Communicatn Theory | |
COM4401 | Persuasion | CM327 | Persuasion | |
DIT1101 | Personal Nutr | PE1XX | Phys Ed Elect | |
DIT1101 | Personal Nutr | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
DIT211 | Intro Nutrition | NUR202 | Nutrition | |
DIT2211 | Intro to Nutr | NUR202 | Nutrition | |
DIT2220 | Nutrn & Exercise | NPE1XX | Non Program Elective | |
DIT2220 | Nutrn & Exercise | PE1XX | Physical Education Elective | |
ECO1101 | Prin of Macroeconomics | ECO200 | Prin Econ-Macro | |
ECO1102 | Prin of Microeconomics | ECO201 | Prin Econ-Micro | |
ED1102 | Intro to Education | EDU1XX | Intro to Education | |
ED2205 | Educational Psychology | EDU2XX | Educational Psychology | |
ED2276 | Eng Lang Learners | EDU225 | Instrc Needs/ELL | |
ELE1190 | Child Development I | PSY223 | Early Child Develp | |
ENG1112 | Composition I | WRT102 | Analytical Read/Writ | |
ENG1112 | Composition I | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm | |
ENG1115 | Intro to Lit | LIT200 | Intro Lit & Text Stud | |
ENG1115 | Intro to Lit | LIT200 | Perspectives/Lit | |
ENG1175 | Nature of Language | LIT310 | Language/Linguistics | |
ENG202 | Creative Writing | WRT310 | Creative Writing | |
ENG2202 | Creative Writing | WRT272 | Intro Creative Wrt | |
ENG2207 | Rdgs in British Literature | LIT2XX | Rdgs in British Lit | |
ENG2208 | Rdgs in Am Literature | LIT2XX | Rdgs in Am Literature | |
ENG2209 | Rdgs in Shakespeare | LIT323 | Shakespeare I | |
ENG2226 | Hist of Eng Lang | WRT2XX | Hist of Eng Lang | |
ENG2252 | Poetry Writing | WRT2XX | Poetry Writing | |
ENG2254 | Intro to Fiction Wrtg | WRT2XX | Intro to Fiction Wrtg | |
ENG3252 | Adv Poetry Writing | WRT3XX | Adv Poetry Writing | |
ENG3268 | Svy British Lit I | LIT283 | British Lit to 1750 | |
ENG3269 | Svy British Lit II | LIT284 | Brt Lit after 1750 | |
ENG3278 | Svy American Lit I | LIT281 | Amer Lit to 1885 | |
ENG3280 | Svy American Lit II | LIT282 | Amer Lit after 1885 | |
ENG3305 | African Literature | LIT3XX | African Literature | |
ENG3313 | Composition II | FCO2XX | Composition II | |
ENG3313 | Comp II | WRT202 | Academic Writing | |
ENG3320 | Twilight | LIT3XX | Literature Elective | |
ENG3320A | Disaster Lit | LIT3XX | Literature Elective | |
ENG3359 | 19th Century Brit Lit | LIT2XX | 19th Century Brit Lit | |
ENG3362 | Amer Romanticism | LIT3XX | Amer Romanticism | |
ENG3376 | Major Genre | WRT3XX | Major Genre | |
ENG3381 | Hist of Lit Theory & Criticism | LIT210 | Criticism/Theory | |
ENG3400 | Editorial Process | WRT410 | Professionl Editing | |
FR1101 | Intro French I | FRN101 | Elem French I | |
FR1102 | Intro French II | FRN102 | Elem French II | |
FYS100 | FYS | FYS100 | First Year Seminar | |
FYS1100 | FYS | NPE1XX | FYS | |
FYS1100 | FYS: Kids in Lit | LIT1XX | FYS: Kids in Lit | |
FYS1100 | FYS | FYS100 | First Year Seminar | |
FYS1100A | FYS: College Athletics | NPE1XX | FYS: College Athletics | |
GEG1101 | World Reg Geog | G100 | World Reg Geography | |
GEG1111 | Physical Geog | G151 | Intro Physical Geog | |
GEG1122 | Enviro Issues | G1XX | Enviro Issues | |
GEG2520 | Env Justice | G2XX | Env Justice | |
GEL1102 | Envir Geol | BIO1XX | Biology Elect No Lab | |
GEL1121 | Physical Geol | 01 | ESS1XX | Physical Geology |
GEL1121L | Physical Geol Lab | 01 | ||
GEL1125 | Physical Geology | ESS1XX | Physical Geology | |
GEL1125 | Physical Geology | ESS152 | Earth/Space Sci | |
GEL2255 | Physical Geology | ESS2XX | Physical Geology | |
GER1101 | Intro German I | GRM101 | Elem German I | |
GER1102 | Intro German II | GRM102 | Elem German II | |
HON1107 | Phys Sci I | PSC1XX | Phys Sci I | |
HON1111 | Humanities Hon I | HUM1XX | Humanities Hon I | |
HON1112 | Humanities Hon II | HUM1XX | Humanities Hon II | |
HPE101 | Cond-Wt Training | PE118 | Physical Fitness | |
HPE102 | Inter Skiing | PE1XX | Inter Skiing | |
HPE1100 | Hlth (Personal & Comm) | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
HPE1100 | Hlth (Personal & Comm) | PE1XX | Phys Ed Elect | |
HPE1118 | Racquetball | PE1XX | Racquetball | |
HPE1131 | Walk Life Fitness | PAW1XX | Walk Life Fitness | |
HPE1146 | Interm Bowling | PE110 | Beginning Bowling | |
HPE117 | Badminton/Raquet | PE1XX | Badminton/Raquet | |
HPE118 | Racquetball | PE1XX | Racquetball | |
HPE1200 | Pers & Comm Health | PE1XX | Phys Ed Elect | |
HPE1200 | Pers & Comm Health | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
HPE131 | Walk Life Fit | PE1XX | Walk Life Fit | |
HPE138 | Tennis | PE159 | Tennis | |
HPE164 | Aerobic Cond & CPR | PE1XX | Aerobic Cond & CPR | |
HPE3340 | First Aid & CPR | SPM205 | Responding/Emerg | |
HPE3340 | First Aid & CPR | EDU305 | Responding/Emerg | |
HPE3345 | Wilderness FA/CPR | EDU305 | Responding/Emerg | |
HST1111 | World Civ to 1350 | HIS121 | World History I | |
HST1112 | World Civ 1350-1900 | HIS102 | Western Civ II | |
HST1113 | World Hst since 1900 | HIS122 | World History II | |
HST2201 | US History to 1877 | HIS111 | American Civ I | |
HST2201 | US History to 1877 | HIS111 | Amer Hist Colonization-Civ War | |
HST2202 | US History since 1877 | HIS112 | American Civ II | |
HST2220 | World War II | HIS2XX | World War II | |
HST265 | Hist of Am Sports | SPM101 | Hist/Philos Sport | |
HST3265 | Hist of Am Sports | SPM101 | Hist/Philos Sport | |
HST3295 | World War Two in the Movies | FLM3XX | Wrld War Two - Movies | |
HST3325 | History of Witches | HIS1XX | History of Witches | |
JN100 | Intro to Journalism | CM1XX | Intro to Journalism | |
JN1100 | Intro to Journalism | CM271 | Journalism | |
LDR3325 | Intro Lead Studies | NPE3XX | Non Prog Elect | |
MA1115 | Svy of Math Ideas | MAT1XX | Svy of Math Ideas | |
MA1117 | Math and Culture | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv | |
MA1125 | Intro Stats I | MAT250 | Statistics | |
MA1125 | Intro Stats I | BEH260 | Statistics | |
MA1125 | Intro Stats I | QBA260 | Business Statistics | |
MA1128 | College Algebra | MAT105 | College Algebra | |
MA1129 | Finite Math | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv | |
MA1165 | Pre-Calc Math | MAT108 | Precalculus | |
MA125 | Intro Statistics | MAT250 | Statistics | |
MA125 | Intro Statistics | BEH260 | Statistics | |
MA125 | Intro Statistics | QBA260 | Business Statistics | |
MA2231 | Calculus I | MAT171 | Calculus I | |
MA2232 | Calculus II | MAT172 | Calculus II | |
MA232 | Calculus II | MAT172 | Calculus II | |
MA3260 | Discrete Structures | MAT235 | Discrete Math | |
MA3330 | Non-Uniform Geometries | MAT345 | Modern Geometry | |
MAP1112 | Beg Piano Class | MUS140 | Class Piano | |
MAP1121 | Piano Class I | MUS140 | Class Piano | |
MAP1122 | Piano Class II | MUS141 | Class Piano | |
MAP1123 | Piano Class III | MUS240 | Class Piano | |
MAP1151 | String Class I | MUS1XX | String Class I | |
MAP3300 | Voice | MUS101 | Voice | |
MAP3334 | Saxophone | MUS130 | Saxophone | |
MEN301 | Festival Chorus | MUS150 | YCChorale | |
MEN3300 | Concert Choir | MUS151 | YCChorale | |
MEN3301 | Festival Chorus | MUS150 | YCChorale | |
MEN3303 | Mansfieldians | MUS1XX | Mansfieldians | |
MEN3306 | Musical Theatre Prod | THE1XX | Theatre Elective | |
MEN3331 | Mountie Marching Band | MUS3XX | Mountie March Band | |
MEN3332 | Symphonic Band | MUS160 | Wind Symphony | |
MEN3333 | Woodwind Ensemble | MUS170 | Woodwind Ensemble | |
MGT2230 | Mgmt Prin | MGT150 | Prin of Management | |
MKT3330 | Marketing | MKT100 | Prin Marketing | |
MU1100 | Found Music Ed | MUS1XX | Found Music Ed | |
MU1101 | Intro to Music | MUS186 | Listening to Music | |
MU1103 | Intro Music Fund | MUS181 | Found Music Theory | |
MU1105 | Intro to Music Tech | CM226 | Audio Productn | |
MU1141 | Intro Music Ed | MUS1XX | Intro Music Ed | |
MU2202 | Hist of Rock Pop | MUS288 | History Rock/Roll | |
MU2205 | Women in Music | MUS2XX | Women in Music | |
MU2211 | Basic Music I | MUS184 | Sight Singing I | |
MU2212 | Basic Music II | MUS185 | Sight Singing II | |
MU2250 | Basic Conducting | MUS2XX | Basic Conducting | |
MU2255 | Intro Music Tech | MUS2XX | Intro Music Tech | |
MU3352 | Diction I for Singers | MUS3XX | Diction I for Singers | |
MU352 | Diction I for Singer | MUS3XX | Diction I for Singer | |
MU4471 | Vocal Pedagogy | MUS349 | Vocal Pedagogy | |
NTR1101 | Pers Nutrition | NPE1XX | Pers Nutrition | |
NTR3300 | Cult Nutr | BEH3XX | Cult Nutr | |
NUR1120 | Public Health & Soc Justice | SOC1XX | Public Hlth & Soc Just | |
PHL201 | Intro to Philosophy | PHL221 | Intro Philosophy | |
PHL202 | Contemp Moral Probs | PHL223 | Cont Moral Problems | |
PHL2200 | Critical Thinking | PHL222 | Critical Thinking | |
PHL2201 | Intro to Philosophy | PHL221 | Intro Philosophy | |
PHL2202 | Contemp Moral Probs | PHL223 | Cont Moral Problems | |
PHL2205 | Law, Morality and Authority | PHL2XX | Law, Morality and Authority | |
PHL2230 | Intro to Logic | PHL231 | Logic | |
PHL2259 | Phil of Religion | PHL383 | Philos Of Religion | |
PHL3230 | Formal Logic | PHL231 | Logic | |
PHL3316 | Env Ethics | PHL240 | Environmentl Ethics | |
PHL3320 | Phil of Law | PHL347 | Philosophy of Law | |
PHL3340 | Ethics | PHL341 | Ethics | |
PHL3380 | Hlth Care Ethics | PHL3XX | Hlth Care Ethics | |
PHL4420 | Classic Greek Phil | PHL235 | Ancient/Early Mod | |
PHY1191 | Physics I | 07 | PHY160 | Eng Phys:Mechncs |
PHY1191 | Physics I | 07 | PHY161 | E Phys:Mech Lab |
PHY1191L | Physics I Lab | 07 | ||
PSC2201 | Amer Pol | PS141 | American Governmnt | |
PSC2201 | American Politics | PS101 | Amer Gov/Citizenship | |
PSC2210 | Intro Intl Relations | PS302 | International Rel | |
PSC2212 | Intro Compar Politics | PS260 | Comparative Politics | |
PSC3351 | International Law | PS307 | International Law | |
PSC3385 | Field Research | INT3XX | Field Research | |
PSC4402 | The US Presidency | PS363 | The Presidency | |
PSC4404 | Constitutional Law | PS371 | Amer Const Thought | |
PSY101 | Intro to Genl Psych | PSY100 | General Psychology | |
PSY1101 | Intro to Gen Psych | PSY100 | General Psychology | |
PSY1151 | Orient to Psych | PSY1XX | Orient to Psych | |
PSY151 | Intro Appl of Psych | PSY1XX | Intro Appl of Psych | |
PSY210 | Psy Family Relations | PSY2XX | Psy Family Relations | |
PSY2203 | Telephone Svy Research | PSY2XX | Telephone Svy Research | |
PSY2210 | Psych Family Relations | PSY2XX | Psych Family Relations | |
PSY2212 | Human Sexuality | BIO102 | Human Sexuality | |
PSY2421 | Death and Dying | PSY2XX | Death and Dying | |
PSY3290 | Life Span Dev | PSY321 | Developmental Sci | |
PSY3309 | Stereotype & Pred | PSY3XX | Stereotype & Pred | |
PSY3310 | Soc Psych | PSY243 | Social Psychology | |
PSY3312 | Deviant Behav & Soc Proc | PSY3XX | Dev Beh & Soc Proc | |
PSY3391 | Psychol Disorders | PSY3XX | Psychol Disorders | |
SCI1104 | Forensic Sci | CHM1XX | Chemistry Elective no lab | |
SCI1104 | Forensic Sci | CHM1XX | Forensic Sci | |
SOC101 | Intro to Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology | |
SOC1101 | Intro to Soc | SOC100 | Intro Sociology | |
SOC1121 | Contemp Soc Probs | SOC220 | Am Social Problems | |
SOC2232 | Amer Family Sys | SOC225 | The Family | |
SOC3336 | Political Sociology | SOC3XX | Politicial Sociology | |
SPA101 | Intro Spanish I | SPN101 | Elem Spanish I | |
SPA1101 | Intro Spanish I | SPN101 | Elem Spanish I | |
SPA1102 | Intro Spanish II | SPN102 | Elem Spanish II | |
SPA2201 | Interm Spanish I | SPN201 | Inter Spanish I | |
SPC101 | Oral Comm | CM104 | Human Communicatn | |
SPE1001 | Found in Spcl Ed | SPE1XX | Found in Spcl Ed | |
SPE2276 | Eng Lang Learners | EDU225 | Instrc Needs/ELL | |
SWK101 | Human Services | SOC1XX | Human Services | |
SWK1101 | Hum Services | SOC1XX | Hum Services | |
SWK1800 | Intro to Social Work | SOC1XX | Intro to Soc Work | |
SWK2251 | Intro Soc Work | SOC2XX | Intro Soc Work | |
THT110 | Intro to Theatre | THE254 | Intro Theatre | |
THT1110 | Intro to Theater | THE254 | Intro Theatre | |
WS1100 | Intro to Women's Stud | WGS200 | Women/Gender Stud |
McDaniel College | York College of Pennsylvania | ||
ADM501 | Intro to Ed Admin | MED561 | Intro Org Leadershp |
ADM504 | Supv & Eval School Pers | MED572 | Supervsn Ed Persnl |
ADM505 | School Lead in 21st Cent | MED561 | Intro Org Leadershp |
AHY1113 | Hist of West Art I | ART204 | Survey West Art I |
ARB1101 | Elem Arabic I | ARB101 | Elem Arabic I |
ART101 | Drawing I | ART215 | Drawing I |
ART1103 | Drawing for Non-Maj | ART215 | Drawing I |
ART1117 | Design I | ART210 | Design I |
ART2211 | Sculpture | ART230 | Sculpture I |
ART310 | Watercolor | ART3XX | Watercolor |
ASL2225 | Amer Sign Lang I | CM150 | Beg Sign Language |
BA2209 | Principles of Marketing | MKT100 | Prin Marketing |
BIO1111 | Prin of Biology I | BIO150 | Biology I |
BIO1112 | Prin of Biology II | BIO152 | Biology II |
BIO1115 | Hum Heredity | BIO1XX | Biology Elect No Lab |
BIO1116 | Biodiversity | BIO120 | Field Nat Hist |
BIO1117 | Topics in Biology | BIO1XX | Topics in Biology |
BIO2203 | Genetics | BIO240 | Genetics |
BIO2208 | Molecular Biology | BIO1XX | Molecular Biology |
BIO3307 | Microbiology | BIO230 | Microbiology |
BIO3310 | Cell Biology | BIO358 | Cell/Moleclr Bio |
BUA1101 | Prin of Acct I | ACC1XX | Prin of Acct I |
BUA1102 | Prin of Acct II | ACC225 | Managerial Acct |
BUA2210 | Ethics and Business | BUS2XX | Ethics and Business |
BUA527 | Econ & Fin Educ | MED565 | School Financl Mgmt |
CCS1108 | Cult Anthropology | ANT220 | Cult Anthropology |
CCS2255 | Rel of Asia | REL2XX | Rel of Asia |
CE508 | Group Dynamics | MED504 | Group Processes/Ed |
CED508 | Group Dynamics | MED504 | Group Processes/Ed |
CED511 | Curriculum Design | MED503 | Curric Trends/Issue |
CEO1198 | Leader, Citz, Service | PS1XX | Leader, Citz, Service |
CHE1103 | General Chem II | CHM134 | Gen Chem I |
CHE1104 | General Chem II | CHM136 | Gen Chem II |
CHE1121 | Ess Gen Org & Bioch | CHM122 | Prin Gen/Org Chem |
CHE2217 | Organic Chem I | CHM234 | Organic Chem I |
CHE2218 | Org Chem II | CHM236 | Organic Chem II |
CLT2219 | Great Works West World I | LIT2XX | Great Works West World I |
CLT2220 | Grt Works West World II | LIT2XX | Grt Works West World II |
COM1110 | Public Speaking | CM104 | Human Communicatn |
CUR510 | Curr Trends & Issues | MED503 | Curric Trends/Issue |
ED1141 | Learn & Teach | EDU1XX | Learn & Teach |
ED510 | Curr: Trends and Issues | MED503 | Curric Trends/Issue |
ED511 | Curr Design | MED503 | Curric Trends/Issue |
ED550 | Intro to Research Method | MED501 | Intro Ed Research |
EDL502 | Role of the Principal | MED560 | The Principalship |
EDU1111 | Learning in Div Society | EDU1XX | Learning in Div Soc |
EDU1113 | Tech in Education | EDU1XX | Tech in Ed |
EDU1141 | Tch & Lrng Div Soc | EDU1XX | Tch & Lrng Div Soc |
EDU1150 | Intro Spec Ed | SPE1XX | Intro Special Ed |
EDU2100 | Div Sch Based Intshp | EDU2XX | Div Sch Based Intshp |
EDU2240 | Plan & Eval Instr | EDU2XX | Plan & Eval Instr |
EDU550 | Intro Res Meth | MED501 | Intro Ed Research |
EDU551 | Diversity in Education | MED503 | Curric Trends/Issue |
EDU580 | Learning & Teaching | EDU4XX | Learn & Teach |
EDU618 | Instructional Plans in Math | EDU4XX | Instr Plans in Math |
ENG1002 | College Composition | WRT100 | Intro College Writ |
ENG101 | Composition & Reading | WRT1XX | Composition & Reading |
ENG102 | Composition & Reading | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm |
ENG1101 | Intro to College Writing | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm |
ENG1102 | Comp and Reading II | WRT202 | Academic Writing |
ENG1140 | Generation to Generation | LIT2XX | Generation to Generation |
ENG1155 | Ghost Fiction Trad | LIT1XX | Ghost Fiction Trad |
ENG2203 | Intro to Journalism | CM2XX | Intro to Journalism |
ENG2212 | Professional Communication | FCO210 | Comm Prof Cultures |
ENG2213 | Intro to Lit Meth | LIT200 | Perspectives/Lit |
ENG2265 | Authurian Tradition | LIT2XX | Authurian Tradition |
EPE0055 | Sp Tps Fit Walking | PE1XX | Sp Tps Fit Walking |
EPE1004 | Hap Ki Do | PE1XX | Hap Ki Do |
EPE1006 | Educational Gymnastics | PE1XX | Educ Gymnastics |
EPE1016 | Weight Training | PE118 | Physical Fitness |
EPE1020 | Jogging | PE1XX | Jogging |
EPE1055 | Sp: Hip Hop Dance | PE1XX | Sp: Hip Hop Dance |
EPE1055 | SP: Hiking | PE1XX | Hiking |
EPE1067 | Archery | PE150 | Archery |
EPE1069 | Badminton | PE151 | Badminton |
EPE1070 | Fund Motor Skills | PE1XX | Fund Motor Skills |
EPE1072 | Bowling | PE110 | Beginning Bowling |
EPE1077 | Golf | PE140 | Fundamentals/Golf |
EPE1091 | Volleyball | PE160 | Volleyball |
EPE1134 | Animating Life | HUM1XX | Animating Life |
EPE1176 | Lifeguarding | PE124 | Lifeguard Training |
EPE1185 | Contemp Health Issues | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect |
EPE1185 | Contemp Health Issues | PE1XX | Phys Ed Elect |
EPE1211 | Hist & Phil of PE & Sport | SPM1XX | Hist & Phil of PE & Sport |
EPE1245 | Sport in Amer Soc | SPM1XX | Sport in Amer Soc |
EPE2215 | Adapted Phys Ed | EDU2XX | Adapted Phys Ed |
EPE2223 | Motor Dev Lifespan Persp | PSY2XX | Motor Dev Lifespan Persp |
EPE2225 | Prev & Care Athl Inj | EDU315 | Prvnt/Treat Ath Inj |
EPE2238 | Prin Sports Coaching | EDU310 | Prin Athl/Coach |
EPE2240 | Sport Behavior | SPM2XX | Sport Behavior |
FR101 | Elementary French | FRN101 | Elem French I |
FR102 | Elementary French | FRN102 | Elem French II |
FRE1101 | Elem French I | FRN101 | Elem French I |
FRE1102 | Elem French II | FRN102 | Elem French II |
FRE1131 | The Culture of France | FRN303 | French Culture/Civ |
FYS1114 | Tech in Education | EDU1XX | Tech in Education |
FYS1127 | Myths & Stories of India | HUM1XX | Myths & Stories of India |
FYS1129 | Close Encounters | HUM1XX | Close Encounters |
FYS1135 | Theatre Appreciation | HUM1XX | Theatre Appreciation |
FYS1151 | Drugs and the Mind | FYS100 | First Year Seminar |
FYS1156 | Africa from Book to Film | HUM1XX | Africa from Book to Film |
FYS1158 | Once Upon a Time | HUM1XX | Once Upon a Time |
FYS1160 | Journalism in 21st Cent | CM1XX | Journalism in 21st Cen |
FYS1181 | From Grimm to Disney | FYS1XX | From Grimm to Disney |
FYS1189 | Race A Laughing Matter? | BEH1XX | Race A Lghng Matter? |
FYS1199 | Freakonomics | FYS100 | First Year Seminar |
FYS1206 | Rebels in Early America | FYS100 | First Year Seminar |
FYS1210 | Explor Disabil/Media | FYS100 | First Year Seminar |
FYS1219 | The Nature of Science | FYS100 | First Year Seminar |
FYS1236 | Art on the Edge | FYS100 | First Year Seminar |
GEO2202 | Non-Arab Islamic Soc | G2XX | Non-Arabic Islamic Soc |
GER2211 | Int German I | GRM201 | Inter German I |
GER2212 | Int German II | GRM202 | Inter German II |
GER3310 | Adv Studies in Germ I | GRM3XX | Adv Studies in Germ I |
GER3365 | Sp: Conv & Comp | GRM3XX | Sp: Conv & Comp |
GRN1101 | Intro Aging Studies | GER100 | Perspectives/Aging |
GS1111 | Intro Astronomy | ESS1XX | Earth Sci Elect No Lab |
GSC1111 | Intro Astronomy | ESS154 | Intro/Astronomy |
HIS2141 | Civil Relg in American Life | REL2XX | Civil Relg in Am Life |
HIS2213 | The High Mid Ages | HIS2XX | The High Mid Ages |
HIS2214 | Early Mod Europe | HIS101 | Western Civ I |
HIS2231 | History of East Asia to 1600 | HIS2XX | Hist of East Asia 1600 |
HIS2265 | Sp:Women in U.S. Hist | HIS390 | Women in US History |
HIS3367 | Sp: Stalin | HIS3XX | Sp: Stalin |
HON2201 | Great Works | LIT200 | Intro Lit & Text Stud |
IDS1135 | Amer Cult Div: Art Exp | HUM1XX | Amer Cult Div: Art Exp |
KIN1026 | Indoor Soccer | PAW155 | Soccer |
KIN1071 | Basketball | PAW152 | Basketball |
KIN2325 | Nutrition | NUR202 | Nutrition |
MA1106 | Finite Math with Applications | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv |
MA1107 | Coll Alg & Trig | MAT105 | College Algebra |
MAT1106 | Finite Math | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv |
MAT1117 | Calculus I | MAT171 | Calculus I |
MAT1118 | Calculus II | MAT172 | Calculus II |
MS101 | Army as Institution | NPE1XX | Army as Institution |
MS102 | Army as an Institution | NPE1XX | Army as an Institution |
MS2201 | Military History & Science I | NPE1XX | Military History & Science I |
MSC1102 | Basic Leadership | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect |
MSC1140 | Amer Military Hist | HIS1XX | Amer Military Hist |
MUE1102 | College Choir | MUS150 | YCChorale |
MUE1105 | Gospel Choir | MUS150 | YCChorale |
MUE1106 | Orchestra | MUS164 | Symphony Orchestra |
MUL1135 | American Cultural Diversity | HUM1XX | Amer Cultural Diversity |
MUL2209 | The Black Composer Speaks | MUS2XX | The Black Comp Speaks |
MUS1009 | Cello | MUS112 | Cello |
MUS1128 | Making Rock | MUS288 | History Rock/Roll |
MUS1134 | Music Appr | MUS200 | Music Appreciation |
MUS1145 | Guitar Class I | MUS148 | Guitar Class |
MUT1131 | Music Theory I | MUS181 | Found Music Theory |
PE016 | Weight Training | NPE1XX | Weight Training |
PE062 | Badminton I | PE151 | Badminton |
PE070 | Bowling | PE110 | Beginning Bowling |
PHI102 | Basic Questions | PHL1XX | Basic Questions |
PHI1101 | Fund Questions | PHL1XX | Fund Questions |
PHI1102 | Crit Thinking | PHL222 | Critical Thinking |
PHI1105 | Contemp Issues in Ethics | PHL341 | Ethics |
PHI1114 | Phil from Renaissance | PHL1XX | Phil from Renaissance |
PHI177 | Tai Chi Chuan | PHL1XX | Tai Chi Chuan |
PHI2218 | Women & Phil | PHL2XX | Women & Phil |
PHI2226 | Philosophy of Law | PHL347 | Philosophy of Law |
PHI2232 | The Power of Pretty | PHL2XX | The Power of Pretty |
PHI2265 | Sp: Phil & Race | PHL2XX | Sp: Phil & Race |
PHI2292 | Direct Rdgs Phil | PHL2XX | Direct Rdgs Phil |
PHY1101 | General Physics I | PHY160 | Eng Phys:Mechncs |
PSI1101 | Intro Pol Science | PS1XX | Intro Pol Science |
PSI1151 | Law, Order, Soc Change | PS141 | American Governmnt |
PSI2203 | Intl Law & Org | PS307 | International Law |
PSI2204 | Appr Intl Rel | PS302 | International Rel |
PSI3306 | Natl Sec Changing Wrld | PS3XX | Nat Sec Changing World |
PSI3308 | Amer Const Law | PS3XX | Amer Const Law |
PSY1106 | Intro to Psychology | PSY100 | General Psychology |
PSY2204 | Social Psychology | PSY243 | Social Psychology |
PSY2209 | Child & Adol Dev | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop |
PSY2211 | Abnormal Psychology | PSY230 | Abnormal Psych |
PSY2214 | Beh Neuroscience | PSY2XX | Beh Neuroscience |
PSY2223 | Psy Methods and Stats I | PSY2XX | Psy Methods and Stats I |
PSY2224 | Psy Methods and Stats II | PSY2XX | Psy Methods and Stats II |
PSY2298 | IS: Learning Strat | PSY2XX | IS: Learning Strat |
PSY2337 | Counseling Psych | PSY2XX | Counseling Psych |
PSY502 | Hum Growth & Dev | MED502 | Adv Educ Psych |
PSY503 | Hum Growth & Dev | MED502 | Adv Educ Psych |
RDG501 | Read Acqui: Strat & Meth | MED510 | Found Reading Instr |
RDG524 | Matls for Bal Rdg Instr | MED511 | Children/Adoles Lit |
RDG532 | Rdg in the Content Areas | MED512 | Adv Rdg Contnt Area |
RDG539 | Bal Rdg Instr | MED510 | Found Reading Instr |
REL1102 | Religion and Culture | REL1XX | Religion and Culture |
REL1105 | Religions Overview | REL265 | World Religions |
REL1142 | Rel & Crim Justice | REL1XX | Rel & Crim Justice |
REL2211 | Issues of Social Justice | REL2XX | Iss Social Justice |
REL2245 | Myths & Rituals of Aging | REL2XX | Myths & Rituals of Aging |
REL2251 | Rel in West Cult I | REL2XX | Rel in West Cult I |
REL2252 | Rel in West Cult II | REL2XX | Rel in West Cult II |
REL2265 | Sp Top:Anc Med Trad | REL2XX | Sp Top:Anc Med Trad |
REL2266 | Sp Top: Jesus at Movies | REL2XX | Sp Top: Jesus at Movies |
REL3328 | Liber Mov & Human Frdm | REL3XX | Liber Mov & Human Frdm |
RSM550 | Intro Research Meth | MED501 | Intro Ed Research |
SED520 | Coll Practices | MED504 | Group Processes/Ed |
SIS2009 | Fears & Facinations | HUM2XX | Fears & Facinations |
SIS2032 | Understanding Feminism | WGS2XX | Understanding Feminism |
SIS2215 | Arab World | INT2XX | Arab World |
SLM3317 | Children's Literature | LIT3XX | Children's Literature |
SOC1103 | Intro Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology |
SOC1104 | Intro to Global Soc | SOC100 | Intro Sociology |
SOC1108 | Cultural Anthropology | ANT220 | Cult Anthropology |
SOC2427 | Gender & Society | SOC2XX | Gender & Society |
SOC4495 | In: Field of Wings | SOC4XX | In: Field of Wings |
SOC508 | Culture & Diversity | SOC1XX | Culture & Diversity |
SP1102 | Elem Spanish II | SPN102 | Elem Spanish II |
SPA1101 | Elem Spanish I | SPN101 | Elem Spanish I |
SPA1102 | Elem Spanish II | SPN102 | Elem Spanish II |
SPA1103 | Elem Span for Adv Beg | SPN201 | Inter Spanish I |
SPA2211 | Hisp World: Lang & Soc I | SPN2XX | Hisp World: Lang & Soc I |
SPA2212 | Hisp World: Lang & Soc II | SPN2XX | Hisp Wrld:Lang & Soc II |
SPA2230 | Spanish Conv | SPN205 | Inter Spanish Conv |
SPA3303 | Contemp Latin Am Cult | SPN308 | Span Amer Cult/Civ |
SPA3304 | Span Syntax & Comp | SPN3XX | Span Syntax & Comp |
STA2215 | Elem Stat for Social Sci | BEH260 | Statistics |
STA2215 | Elem Stat for Social Sci | MAT250 | Statistics |
SW2217 | Soc Welfare as Soc Inst | SOC2XX | Soc Welfare as Soc Inst |
SWK1122 | Hum Serv 21st Cent | SOC1XX | Hum Serv 21st Cent |
SWK2214 | Hum Beh & Soc Env | SOC2XX | Hum Beh & Soc Env |
THE1113 | Acting | THE262 | Acting |
THE1117 | Grp Proc in Interactive Thea | THE1XX | Grp Proc in Inter Thea |
THE1119 | Theatre Appreciation | THE254 | Intro Theatre |
THE2227 | Contemp Theatre | THE2XX | Contemp Theatre |
Mercer County Community College | York College of Pennsylvania | ||
ACC111 | Fin Acct | ACC220 | Financial Acct |
ACC112 | Prin Mang Acct | ACC225 | Managerial Acct |
ADV101 | Adv Des I | ART1XX | Adv Des I |
ADV110 | Typography I | ART218 | Typography I |
ADV202 | Adv Des III | ART2XX | Adv Des III |
ADV210 | Typography II | ART2XX | Typography II |
ADV220 | Illustration I | ART223 | Illustration I |
ANT101 | Anthropology | ANT210 | Physical Anthropol |
ANT101 | Anthropology | ANT1XX | Anthropology |
ART102 | Basic Drawing | ART215 | Drawing I |
ART104 | Life Drawing | ART216 | Figure Drawing I |
ART105 | Two-Dimensional Des | ART210 | Design I |
ART106 | Three Dim Des | ART211 | Design II |
ART121 | History of Art I | ART204 | Survey West Art I |
ART123 | Hist Mod Art | ART205 | Survey West Art II |
ASL101 | American Sign Lang I | CM150 | Beg Sign Language |
ASL102 | American Sign Lang II | CM250 | Adv Sign Language |
BIO101 | General Biology I | BIO150 | Biology I |
BIO103 | Anatomy & Physio I | BIO220 | Human A/P I |
BIO103 | Anatomy & Physio I | BIO1XX | Anatomy & Physio I |
BIO104 | Anatomy & Physio II | BIO222 | Human A/P II |
BIO113 | Biological Science Concepts | BIO204 | Exploring Biology |
BIO114 | Envir Sci Conc | BIO1XX | Biology Elect No Lab |
BIO201 | Microbiology | BIO230 | Microbiology |
BUS101 | Introduction to Business | BUS150 | Intro to Business |
BUS102 | Intro to Sport Mgmt | SPM125 | Intro Sport Mgmt |
BUS107 | Bus Law I | BUS260 | Legal Environment |
BUS205 | Bus Stats I | QBA260 | Business Statistics |
BUS206 | Bus Stats II | QBA265 | Business Stats II |
BUS210 | Prin of Mgmt | MGT150 | Prin of Management |
BUS230 | Intl Bus | IBS200 | Internatl Business |
CHE100 | Intro Chemistry | CHM104 | Found of Chem |
CHE101 | General Chem I | CHM134 | Gen Chem I |
CHE106 | Chem Sci Concepts | CHM1XX | Chem Sci Concepts |
CIV101 | Survey I | EGR1XX | Survey I |
CIV103 | Statics | EGR250 | Statics |
CIV105 | Intro Engr | EGR100 | Epads I |
CIV223 | Fluid Mechanics and Lab | EGR360 | Fluid Mechanics |
CIV223 | Fluid Mechanics and Lab | ME361 | Thermo/Fluids Exp |
CIV227 | Struc of Steel Design | CVE2XX | Struc of Steel Design |
CIV228 | Reinforced Concrete Struc | CVE2XX | Reinforced Concrete Struc |
CIV229 | Mech of Materials | EGR264 | Strength/Materials |
CIV229 | Mech of Materials | EGR265 | Materials/Solid Lab |
CMN101 | Mass Media | CM211 | Mass Communication |
CMN107 | Cinema | FLM216 | Intro to Film |
CMN111 | Speech: Human Comm | CM104 | Human Communicatn |
CMN112 | Public Speaking | CM212 | Public Speaking |
CMN112 | Public Speaking | CM104 | Human Communicatn |
CMN141 | Intro TV Prod | CM242 | Video Prodctn I |
CMN142 | Intermed TV Prod | CM341 | Video Production II |
CMN151 | Intro to Radio | CM1XX | Intro to Radio |
CMN153 | Audio Prod | CM226 | Audio Productn |
COS101 | Intro Computer Science | CS1XX | Intro Comp Science |
CRJ101 | Intro to Criminal Justice Syst | CCJ101 | Intro Crim Justice |
CRJ102 | Police in Community | CCJ1XX | Police in Community |
CRJ103 | Introduction to Corrections | CCJ1XX | Intro to Corrections |
CRJ105 | Criminology | CJA1XX | Criminology |
CRJ202 | Criminal Law | CCJ302 | Criminal Law |
CRJ206 | Police Administration | CCJ234 | Law Enforcement |
CRJ207 | Criminal Investigation | CCJ305 | Crim Investigation |
CSW100 | College Success/Personal Well | FYS1XX | College Success/Personal Well |
DAN103 | Modern Dance I | PAW1XX | Modern Dance I |
DMA105 | Intro Comp Art | ART1XX | Intro Comp Art |
DMA110 | Digital Imaging | ART1XX | Digital Imaging |
DMA145 | Web Site Design | ART1XX | Web Site Design |
DRA190 | Intro Comp Aided | EGR1XX | Intro Comp Aided |
DRA218 | 3D Modeling | EGR2XX | 3D Modeling |
ECO103 | Basic Economics | ECO1XX | Basic Economics |
ECO111 | Macroeconomics | ECO200 | Prin Econ-Macro |
ECO112 | Microeconomics | ECO201 | Prin Econ-Micro |
EDU109 | Intro to Education | EDU200 | Found of Education |
EDU109 | Intro to Education | EDU1XX | Intro to Education |
EDU120 | Intro Early Child Ed | EDU1XX | Intro Early Child Ed |
ENG101 | English Comp I | WRT102 | Analytical Read/Writ |
ENG101 | English Composition I | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm |
ENG102 | English Composition II | FCO1XX | English Comp II |
ENG102 | English Comp II | WRT202 | Academic Writing |
ENG112 | Eng Comp II with Speech | FCO1XX | Eng Comp II with Speech |
ENG208 | Mod Amer Novel | LIT313 | American Novel |
ENG212 | Intro Lit Poetry | LIT343 | Exper of Poetry |
ENG222 | Child Lit | LIT2XX | Child Lit |
ENG228 | English Literature II | LIT284 | Brt Lit after 1750 |
ESK100 | Basic Comp | WRT100 | Intro College Writ |
GEO101 | Geography | G243 | Intro Geography |
HIS101 | Hist West Civ 1648 | HIS101 | Western Civ I |
HIS102 | Hist West Civ Since 1648 | HIS102 | Western Civ II |
HIS105 | U.S. Hist to 1865 | HIS111 | American Civ I |
HIS106 | U.S. Hist Since 1865 | HIS112 | American Civ II |
HIS107 | Civil War | HIS364 | Civil War & Reconstruction |
HIS112 | World Hist to 1500 | HIS121 | World History I |
HIS113 | World Hist Since 1500 | HIS122 | World History II |
HIS214 | America since 1945 | HIS367 | Recent Amer/1945-Prs |
HPE101 | Basic Concepts Nutrition | NUR202 | Nutrition |
HPE110 | Conc Health/Fit | PAW134 | Concpts Phys Actvty |
HPE111 | Living with Health | PAW1XX | Phys Act & Wellness Elect |
HPE113 | Medical Terminology | HSC105 | Medical Terminology |
HPE113 | Medical Terminology | BIO201 | Medical Terminology |
HPE151 | Intro to Exer Sci | PAW1XX | Intro to Exer Sci |
HPE163 | Team Sports Mgmt | SPM1XX | Team Sports Mgmt |
HPE171 | Personal Fitness | PE118 | Physical Fitness |
HPE171 | Personal Fitness | PE119 | Physical Fitness |
IST101 | Comp Concept/Appl | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
IST102 | Comp Concept/Program | IFS1XX | Comp Concept/Program |
ITA102 | Beg Italian II | ITL102 | Elem Italian II |
MAT107 | Concepts of Mathematics | MAT115 | Sets/Number Systems |
MAT108 | Topics in Mathematics | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv |
MAT115 | Algebra & Trig I | MAT105 | College Algebra |
MAT120 | Math for Lib Arts | MAT115 | Sets/Number Systems |
MAT135 | Intermed Algebra | MAT102 | Prelim Math/Prob Solv |
MAT140 | App College Algebra | MAT105 | College Algebra |
MAT141 | Coll Algebra & Appl | MAT105 | College Algebra |
MAT146 | Pre-Calc | MAT108 | Precalculus |
MAT149 | Calculus for Soc Sci or Bus | MAT120 | Applied Calculus |
MAT151 | Calculus I | MAT171 | Calculus I |
MAT152 | Calculus II | MAT172 | Calculus II |
MAT200 | Statistics-Soc/Health | BEH260 | Statistics |
MAT251 | Calculus III | MAT271 | Calculus III |
MET122 | Indust Measuring | EGR1XX | Indust Measuring |
MKT101 | Prin of Marketing | MKT100 | Prin Marketing |
MUS101 | Chorus I | MUS150 | YCChorale |
MUS103 | Intro to Music | MUS200 | Music Appreciation |
MUS105 | Fund Music Theory | MUS181 | Found Music Theory |
MUS109 | Appl Music I | MUS1XX | Appl Music I |
MUS119 | Jazz Band I | MUS162 | Jazz Ensemble |
MUS120 | Jazz Band II | MUS1XX | Jazz Band II |
MUS122 | Piano Class II | MUS141 | Class Piano |
MUS123 | Music Business | MUS1XX | Music Business |
MUS127 | Music Theory I | MUS182 | Music Theory I |
MUS128 | Music Theory II | MUS183 | Music Theory II |
MUS155 | Hist of Jazz/Blues | MUS286 | Jazz History |
MUS221 | Piano Class III | MUS240 | Class Piano |
PHI102 | Philosophy | PHL221 | Intro Philosophy |
PHI204 | Ethics | PHL341 | Ethics |
PHI205 | Moral Choices | PHL223 | Cont Moral Problems |
PHO101 | Intro Photography | ART245 | Photography I |
PHO103 | Digital Photo | ART246 | Digital Photography |
PHY101 | College Physics I | PHY111 | G Phys:Mech Lab |
PHY101 | College Physics I | PHY110 | Gen Phys:Mech/Ht |
PHY111 | Physical Sci Concepts | PSC152 | Physical Sci I |
PHY115 | University Physics I | PHY160 | Eng Phys:Mechncs |
PHY215 | University Physics II | PHY260 | Eng Phys:Elct/Magn |
POL101 | The Ameri Pol Sys | PS141 | American Governmnt |
PSY101 | Introductory Psychology | PSY100 | General Psychology |
PSY204 | Social Psychology | PSY243 | Social Psychology |
PSY206 | Child Dev | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop |
PSY207 | Dev Psychology | PSY2XX | Dev Psychology |
PSY210 | Abnormal Psychology | PSY230 | Abnormal Psych |
REL102 | Living World Religions | REL265 | World Religions |
SOC101 | Intro to Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology |
SOC102 | Soc Prob | SOC220 | Am Social Problems |
SOC104 | Sociology of Education | SOC1XX | Soc of Education |
SOC107 | Social Problems | SOC220 | Am Social Problems |
SOC201 | Marriage & Family | SOC225 | The Family |
SOC209 | Rac, Ethnic & Min Grps | SOC2XX | Rac, Ethnic & Min Grps |
SOC214 | Soc of Drug Use | SOC2XX | Soc of Drug Use |
SPA101 | Beginning Spanish I | SPN101 | Elem Spanish I |
SPA102 | Beginning Spanish II | SPN102 | Elem Spanish II |
SPA202 | Intermed Span II | SPN202 | Inter Spanish II |
Messiah University | York College of Pennsylvania | |||
ACC141 | Fin Acct | ACC220 | Financial Acct | |
ACCT141 | Financial Accounting | ACC220 | Financial Acct | |
ACCT142 | Managerial Acct | ACC225 | Managerial Acct | |
ACCT242 | Managerial Acct | ACC225 | Managerial Acct | |
ANT101 | Intro to Cult Anthro | ANT220 | Cult Anthropology | |
APHS170 | Concepts of Conditioning | PE118 | Physical Fitness | |
APHS215 | Chronic Disease and Exercise | PE234 | Well/Fitness/Life | |
APM171 | Percussion | MUS136 | Percussion | |
ART103 | Intro to Drawing | ART215 | Drawing I | |
ART182 | Color and Design | ART1XX | Color & Design | |
BIBL201 | Encountering the Bible | REL2XX | Encountering the Bible | |
BIL105 | Intro to Biblical Studies | REL275 | Trad/Cult Chrstnty | |
BIL205 | The Synoptic Gospels | REL2XX | Synoptic Gospels | |
BIL213 | Old Testament Lit | REL2XX | Old Testament Lit | |
BIL216 | Prophets II | REL2XX | Prophets II | |
BIO102 | Bioscience | BIO110 | General Biology | |
BIO150 | Biology I | BIO150 | Biology I | |
BIO151 | Biology II | BIO1XX | Biology Elective No Lab | |
BIO152 | Biology III | BIO152 | Biology II | |
BIO185 | Human A & P I | BIO220 | Human A/P I | |
BIO382 | Microbiology | BIO230 | Microbiology | |
BIO385 | Physiology | BIO308 | Animal Physlgy | |
BIOL102 | Bioscience | BIO110 | General Biology | |
BIOL106 | Life Sciences | 02 | BIO205 | Exp Biology Lab |
BIOL106 | Life Sciences | 02 | BIO204 | Exploring Biology |
BIOL106L | Lab: Life Sciences | 02 | ||
BIOL150 | Biology I | BIO150 | Biology I | |
BIOL151 | Biology II | BIO1XX | Biology Elect No Lab | |
BIOL152 | Biology III | BIO152 | Biology II | |
BIOL160 | Mol & Cell Biology | BIO150 | Biology I | |
BIOL172 | Diversity of Life/Plant Scienc | 04 | BIO153 | Evol/Ecol/Div Lab |
BIOL172 | Diversity of Life/Plant Scienc | 04 | BIO152 | Evol/Ecol & Divers |
BIOL172L | Lab: Diversity Life/Plant Sci | 04 | ||
BIOL185 | Human Anatomy & Physiology I | 05 | BIO220 | Human A/P I |
BIOL185 | Human Anatomy & Physiology I | 05 | BIO221 | Human A/P I Lab |
BIOL185L | Human Anat & Phys I Lab | 05 | ||
BIOL186 | Human Anatomy & Physiology II | 06 | BIO223 | Hum A/P II Lab |
BIOL186 | Human Anatomy & Physiology II | 06 | BIO222 | Human A/P II |
BIOL186L | Human Anat & Phys II Lab | 06 | ||
BIOL189 | Genetics for Health Prof | BIO1XX | Biology Elect No Lab | |
BIOL258 | Human Biology | BIO112 | Fund Human Bio | |
BIOL382 | Microbiology | BIO230 | Microbiology | |
BIS230 | Comp Appl | IFS105 | Personal Computing | |
BUS311 | Org Beh | OBD225 | Org Behavior | |
BUSA102 | Opport in Business | BUS1XX | Opport in Business | |
BUSA120 | Prin of Mgt | MGT150 | Prin of Management | |
BUSA130 | Personal Finance | BUS218 | Personal Finance | |
BUSA381 | Bus Law I | BUS260 | Legal Environment | |
CEM225 | Field Exp Christian Min | REL2XX | Field Exp Christian Min | |
CEM235 | Ministry with Youth I | REL2XX | Ministry with Youth I | |
CHE105 | General Chemistry | CHM134 | Gen Chem I | |
CHE106 | General Chemistry II | CHM136 | Gen Chem II | |
CHE107 | Chem for Engineering | CHM134 | Gen Chem I | |
CHE110 | Chemical Science I | CHM1XX | Chemical Science I | |
CHE112 | Chemical Science II | CHM122 | Prin Gen/Org Chem | |
CHEM101 | Intro to College Chemistry | CHM104 | Found of Chem | |
CHEM102 | Chemistry for Living | CHM240 | Perspect/Molecular | |
CHEM103 | Chemical Science | CHM122 | Prin Gen/Org Chem | |
CHEM105 | Gen Chem I | CHM134 | Gen Chem I | |
CHEM106 | Gen Chem II | CHM136 | Gen Chem II | |
CIS171 | Problem Solv with Comp | IFS1XX | Prob Solv with Comp | |
CIS180 | Intro to CIS | IFS105 | Personal Computing | |
CIS180 | Intro to CIS | IFS100 | Info Tech Competncy | |
CIS182 | Comp Prog II | CS1XX | CS Gen Elective | |
CIS384 | Elem of Comp Sys | CS3XX | Elements of Comp Sys | |
CIS385 | Data Struc & Algrthms | CS3XX | Data Struc & Algrthms | |
COM104 | Fund of Relational Comm | CM104 | Human Communicatn | |
COM106 | Fund of Public Comm | CM104 | Human Communicatn | |
COM319 | Sports Broad | CM3XX | Sports Broad | |
COMM104 | Fund Interp Comm | CM104 | Human Communicatn | |
COMM104 | Fund Interp Comm | CM329 | Interpersonal Comm | |
COMM105 | Fund Oral Comm | CM104 | Human Communicatn | |
COMM105 | Fund Oral Comm | CM212 | Public Speaking | |
COMM106 | Fund Public Comm | CM104 | Human Communicatn | |
COMM107 | Intro to Comm Seminar | CM1XX | Intro Comm Seminar | |
COMM203 | Basic Video Editing & Tech | CM242 | Video Prodctn I | |
COMM217 | Intro Flim | FLM216 | Intro to Film | |
COMM317 | Adv Edit & Tech | CM341 | Video Production II | |
CRIJ101 | Intro Criminal Justice | CJA101 | Intro Crim Justice | |
CRIJ259 | Crim Law & Court Proc | CJA302 | Criminal Law | |
CRIJ309 | Juv Delinquency | CJA110 | Juvenile Delinquncy | |
CRIJ348 | Ethics/Crim Just Sys | CJA203 | Ethical Issues/CJ | |
CRIJ362 | Criminology | SOC320 | Criminology | |
CRIJ366 | Corrections | CJA337 | Punishmnt/Correctns | |
CRIJ367 | Victimology | CJA3XX | Victimology | |
CSC171 | Prob Solving with Comp | IFS105 | Personal Computing | |
CSC181 | Comp Prog I | CS1XX | Comp Prog I | |
ECO110 | Econ of Social Issues | ECO1XX | Econ of Social Issues | |
ECON110 | Econ of Social Issues | ECO1XX | Econ of Soc Issues | |
ECON117 | Issues in Environ. Economics | ECO1XX | Issues in Environ. Economics | |
ECON120 | Prin of Macroeconomics | ECO200 | Prin Econ-Macro | |
ECON210 | Contemp Economics | ECO200 | Prin Econ-Macro | |
EDUC201 | Ed & Amer Society | EDU2XX | Ed & Amer Society | |
EDUC205 | Cult & Pol Geography | G100 | World Reg Geography | |
EDUC208 | English Learners K-12 Schools | EDU225 | Instrc Needs/ELL | |
EDUC209 | Princ & Struc of Math | EDU2XX | Princ & Struc of Math | |
ENG105 | Found of College Writing | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm | |
ENG108 | Intro to English Studies | WRT202 | Academic Writing | |
ENG231 | Lit & Env | LIT2XX | Lit & Env | |
ENG234W | Intro to Poetry | LIT343 | Exper of Poetry | |
ENG235 | Lit & Life of Faith | LIT348 | Religion & Lit | |
ENG250W | 20th Cent Wom Lit | LIT2XX | 20th Cent Wom Lit | |
ENG364 | Shakespeare | LIT323 | Shakespeare I | |
ENGL122 | Intro to Poetry | LIT1XX | Intro to Poetry | |
ENGL142 | Sel Works Brit Lit | LIT283 | British Lit to 1750 | |
ENGL152 | Sel Works Amer Lit | LIT282 | Amer Lit after 1885 | |
ENGL154 | Ethnic Lit of U.S. | LIT1XX | Ethnic Lit of U.S. | |
ENGL160 | Intro World Lit | LIT1XX | Intro World Lit | |
ENGL172 | Lit & Life of Faith | LIT390 | Bible as Literature | |
ENGL201 | Intro Eng Studies I | WRT102 | Analytical Read/Writ | |
ENGL202 | Intro to English Studies II | WRT202 | Academic Writing | |
ENGL203 | Intro Creative Writing | WRT272 | Intro Creative Wrt | |
ENGR101 | Engineering Graphics | EGR100 | Epads I | |
ENGR102 | Intro to Engineering | EGR1XX | Intro to Engineering | |
ENGR111 | Intro to Engineering | EGR1XX | Intro to Engr | |
ENGR112 | Engr Design Tools | EGR100 | Epads I | |
ENGR216 | Mechanics I | EGR2XX | Mechanics I | |
ENGR236 | Circuits I | ECE100 | Intro Elect Engnr | |
ENGR237 | Circuits II | ECE280 | Fund Electrical Eng | |
ENS122 | Symphonic Winds | MUS160 | Wind Symphony | |
ENS131 | Percussion Ensemble | MUS172 | Percussion Ensemble | |
ENVS140 | Intro to Ecology & Sustain | 03 | ESS1XX | Intro to Ecology & Sustain |
ENVS140L | Lab: Ecology & Sustain | 03 | ||
ENVS216 | Enviro Issues & Sust Solutions | ESS2XX | Enviro Issues & Sust Solutions | |
FAM110 | Found Marriage & Family | SOC225 | The Family | |
FAM142 | Intro Interpers Rel | CM329 | Interpersonal Comm | |
FAM171 | Intro Soc Res | BEH1XX | Intro Soc Res | |
FAM242 | Parenting | BEH2XX | Parenting | |
FAM244 | Human Sexuality | PSY2XX | Human Sexuality | |
FAM310 | Child Dev | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop | |
FRE101 | Fund of French I | FRN101 | Elem French I | |
FREN101 | Fund of French I | FRN101 | Elem French I | |
FREN102 | Fund of French II | FRN102 | Elem French II | |
FSN110 | Science & Nutrition | CHM1XX | Science & Nutrition | |
GEOG103 | World Reg Geog | G243 | Intro Geography | |
GERM101 | Fund of German I | GRM101 | Elem German I | |
GERM102 | Fundamentals of German II | GRM102 | Elem German II | |
GERM201 | Intermed German | GRM201 | Inter German I | |
HDFS101 | Found of Marriage and Fam | SOC225 | The Family | |
HDFS142 | Intro Interpersonal Relations | CM329 | Interpersonal Comm | |
HDFS210 | Child Development | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop | |
HDFS218 | Death, Grief, Caring | GER330 | Death/Dying/Bereav | |
HDFS244 | Human Sexuality | BEH2XX | Human Sexuality | |
HIS105 | West Civ: Before 1500 | HIS101 | Western Civ I | |
HIS106 | West Civ: 1500 to Pres | HIS102 | Western Civ II | |
HIS233 | World Civ: Bronze Age to 1500 | HIS121 | World History I | |
HIS236 | World Civ: 1500 to Pres | HIS122 | World History II | |
HIST102 | Western Civ Since 1500 | HIS102 | Western Civ II | |
HIST141 | US History to 1865 | HIS111 | American Civ I | |
HIST142 | U.S. Hist Since 1865 | HIS112 | American Civ II | |
HIST171 | Civ Bronze Age to 1500 | HIS101 | Foundation/West | |
HIST383 | South Africa Struggle | HIS3XX | South Africa Struggle | |
HPE175 | Dev Gymnastics | PE1XX | Dev Gymnastics | |
HRM120 | Prin of Management | MGT150 | Prin of Management | |
IDCR151 | Created & Called for Cm | REL1XX | Created & Called Com | |
IDET316 | Healthcare Ethics | PHL346 | Bioethics | |
IDFY101 | Designing Expr | FYS100 | First Year Seminar | |
IDFY101A | Growing Fam Tree: Genelgy | SOC1XX | Growing Family Tree | |
IDFY101A | Dem in America | FYS100 | First Year Seminar | |
IDFY101B | Small Good Thing | FYS100 | First Year Seminar | |
IDFY102 | Telling Our Stories | NPE1XX | Telling Our Stories | |
IDS101 | FYS: Exp Faith Through Prayer | REL1XX | Faith Through Prayer | |
IDS104 | FYS: Expl Amer Now | BEH1XX | FYS: Expl Amer Now | |
IDSD334H | Ethics Changing World | PHL3XX | Ethics Changing World | |
IDSE345H | World Views | HUM3XX | World Views | |
IDST300 | Darwin, Evol, and God | REL3XX | Darwin, Evol, and God | |
LATN101 | Fund of Latin I | LAT101 | Elem Latin I | |
LATN102 | Fund of Latin II | LAT102 | Elem Latin II | |
MAT101 | Intro Math Sci | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv | |
MAT107 | Applied Math for Management | MAT1XX | Applied Math for Management | |
MAT111 | Calculus I | MAT171 | Calculus I | |
MAT112 | Calculus II | MAT172 | Calculus II | |
MAT261 | Linear Algebra | MAT260 | Elem Linear Algebra | |
MAT308 | Diff Equations | MAT272 | Diff Equations | |
MAT362 | Alg Struct | MAT361 | Abstract Algebra | |
MAT382 | Geometry | MAT345 | Modern Geometry | |
MAT412 | Intro Real Analysis | MAT371 | Adv Calculus I | |
MATH101 | Intro Math Sci | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv | |
MATH102 | The Mathematics of Growth | MAT115 | Math Foundations | |
MATH107 | Appl Math for Mgt | MAT1XX | Appl Math for Mgt | |
MATH111 | Calculus I | MAT171 | Calculus I | |
MATH112 | Calculus II | MAT172 | Calculus II | |
MATH211 | Calculus III | MAT271 | Calculus III | |
MATH261 | Linear Algebra | MAT260 | Elem Linear Algebra | |
MATH308 | Diff Equations | MAT272 | Diff Equations | |
MRKT230 | Marketing Prin | MKT100 | Prin Marketing | |
MRKT337 | Advertising | MKT330 | Advertising | |
MUAP111 | Applied Voice | MUS101 | Voice | |
MUAP143 | Appl Clarinet Lessons I | MUS128 | Clarinet | |
MUAP161 | Appl Violin I | MUS108 | Violin | |
MUED221 | Percussion Class | MUS136 | Percussion | |
MUED222 | Brass Class | MUS2XX | Brass Class | |
MUEN121 | Symphony Orchestra | MUS164 | Symphony Orchestra | |
MUEN135 | Wind Ensemble | MUS170 | Woodwind Ensemble | |
MUEN138 | United Voices of Praise | MUS1XX | United Voices of Praise | |
MUEN141 | Jazz | MUS1XX | Jazz | |
MUEN150 | Clarinet Choir | MUS1XX | Clarinet Choir | |
MUS102 | Music Theory II | MUS183 | Music Theory II | |
MUS107 | Sight Singing & Ear Trng I | MUS184 | Sight Singing I | |
MUS108 | Sight Singing & Ear Trng II | MUS185 | Sight Singing II | |
MUS223 | Jazz Improv | MUS180 | Jazz Improvisation | |
MUS303 | Music History I | MUS390 | Music History I | |
MUS304 | Music History II | MUS391 | Music History II | |
MUTH101 | Music Theory I | MUS182 | Music Theory I | |
MUTH102 | Music Theory II | MUS183 | Music Theory II | |
MUTH107 | Sight Sing & Ear Trn I | MUS184 | Sight Singing I | |
MUTH108 | Sight Sing & Ear Trng II | MUS185 | Sight Singing II | |
MUTH109 | Keyboard I | MUS1XX | Keyboard I | |
MUTH110 | Keyboard II | MUS1XX | Keyboard II | |
NURS203 | Hist & Con Basis for Nur | NUR2XX | Hist & Con Basis Nur | |
NURS210 | Health Assessment | NUR2XX | Health Assessment | |
NURS211 | Foundations Nursing Prac | NUR2XX | Found Nursing Prac | |
NURS303 | Pathophysiology | NUR3XX | Pathophysiology | |
NURS304 | Pharmacology | NUR3XX | Pharmacology | |
NURS310 | Nurs Care/Childbear Family | NUR3XX | Nurs Case/Childbear Family | |
NUTR222 | Nutrition | NUR202 | Nutrition | |
PACS201 | Basic Conflict Mediation | CM2XX | Basic Conflict Mediation | |
PER101 | Life Fitness | PE134 | Concpts Phys Actvty | |
PER102 | Track & Field | PE1XX | Track & Field | |
PER120 | Beg Racquetball | PE1XX | Beg Racquetball | |
PER125 | Intermediate Tennis | PE159 | Tennis | |
PER127 | Square Dance | PE112 | Square Dancing | |
PER132 | Golf/Badminton | PE1XX | Golf/Badminton | |
PER135 | Flag Football/Basktbl | PE1XX | Flag Football/Basktbl | |
PHED102 | Intercoll Sports | PAW1XX | Intercoll Sports | |
PHI231 | History of Philosophy | PHL221 | Intro Philosophy | |
PHI241 | Problems in Philosophy | PHL222 | Critical Thinking | |
PHIL101 | Prob in Philosophy | PHL221 | Intro Philosophy | |
PHSC102 | Foundations of Physical Sci | 01 | PSC153 | Phys/Everyday LAB |
PHSC102 | Foundations of Physical Sci | 01 | PSC152 | Phys/Everyday Life |
PHSC102L | Lab: Found of Physical Sci | 01 | ||
PHY211 | General Physics I | PHY160 | Eng Phys:Mechncs | |
PHYS211 | Gen Physics I | PHY160 | Eng Phys:Mechncs | |
PHYS212 | Gen Physics II | PHY260 | Eng Phys:Elct/Magn | |
POLI113 | American Government | PS101 | Amer Gov/Citizenship | |
POLI212 | Intl Politics | PS102 | Contemp Global Iss | |
POLI240 | Amer Presidency | PS363 | The Presidency | |
POLI243 | Political Research Methods | PS2XX | Political Research Methods | |
POLI320 | Ethnic & Racial Politics | PS3XX | Ethnic & Racial Politics | |
POS113 | American Govt | PS141 | American Governmnt | |
POS213 | Comparative Politics | PS260 | Comparative Politics | |
PSY111 | Intro to Psychology | PSY100 | General Psychology | |
PSY171 | Intro to Social Research | PSY1XX | Intro to Social Research | |
PSY204 | Cognition | PSY2XX | Cognition | |
PSY209 | Life Span Dev | PSY2XX | Life Span Dev | |
PSY241 | Group Dynamics | PSY2XX | Group Dynamics | |
PSYC101 | Intro to Psychology | PSY100 | General Psychology | |
PSYC204 | Cognition | PSY307 | Cognitive Psych | |
PSYC209 | Life Span Dev | PSY2XX | Life Span Dev | |
PSYC209 | Life Span Dev | NUR201 | Nursing HD/HC | |
PSYC271 | Statistical Meths in Psych | BEH260 | Statistics | |
PSYC319 | Abnormal Psychology | PSY230 | Abnormal Psych | |
PSYC323 | Counseling Theories | PSY3XX | Counseling Theories | |
RELI205 | Religions of the World | REL265 | World Religions | |
RELI229 | Islam | REL2XX | Islam | |
RELI329 | Christianity in Africa | REL3XX | Christianity in Africa | |
RET237 | Intro to Christian Theology | REL2XX | Intro to Christian Theology | |
SOAN101 | Intro Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology | |
SOAN102 | Intro Cult Anthropology | ANT220 | Cult Anthropology | |
SOAN212 | Cultural Anthropology | ANT220 | Cult Anthropology | |
SOAN315 | Urban Sociology | SOC340 | Urban Sociology | |
SOAN356 | Social Inequality | SOC375 | Social Inequality | |
SOC101 | Principles of Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology | |
SOC110 | Found/Marriage & Family | SOC225 | The Family | |
SOC231 | Sociology of Aging | GER315 | Social Aspcts/Aging | |
SOCI101 | Prin of Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology | |
SOWK120 | Intro to Social Work | SOC1XX | Intro to Social Work | |
SPA101 | Fund of Spanish I | SPN101 | Elem Spanish I | |
SPA102 | Fund of Spanish II | SPN102 | Elem Spanish II | |
SPA201 | Intermediate Spanish | SPN201 | Inter Spanish I | |
SPA206 | Spanish Conv & Comp | SPN202 | Inter Spanish II | |
SPAN101 | Fund of Spanish 1 | SPN101 | Elem Spanish I | |
SPAN102 | Fund of Spanish II | SPN102 | Elem Spanish II | |
SPAN201 | Intermediate Spanish | SPN201 | Inter Spanish I | |
SPMT110 | Sport Mgmt Careers/Content | SPM1XX | Sport Mgmt Car/Content | |
SPMT210 | Ethics & Law Spt Mgt | SPM2XX | Ethics & Law Spt Mgt | |
STA269 | Intro Stats | MAT250 | Statistics | |
STA291 | Stat for Math Sci I | MAT2XX | Stat for Math Sci I | |
STA292 | Stat for Math Sci II | MAT350 | Probability/Stats | |
STAT269 | Intro Statistics | BEH260 | Statistics | |
STAT269 | Intro Statistics | QBA260 | Business Statistics | |
STAT269 | Intro Statistics | MAT250 | Statistics | |
THE103 | Intro to Theatre | THE254 | Intro Theatre | |
THE110 | Intro to Acting | THE262 | Acting | |
THE118 | Intro to Tech Theatre | THE1XX | Intro to Tech Theatre | |
THE121 | Voice & the Actor | THE1XX | Voice & the Actor | |
THE130 | Theatre Prod | THE1XX | Theatre Prod | |
THE235 | Surv Dramatic Lit | THE205 | Text Performance | |
THEA110 | Intro Theatre | THE154 | Introduction to Theatre | |
THEA120 | Acting I | THE262 | Acting | |
THEO209 | Anabaptist Theology | REL2XX | Anabaptist Theology | |
THEO221 | Faith & Society | REL2XX | Faith & Society | |
THEO227 | Theol, Violence, Nonviol | REL2XX | Theol, Viol, Nonviol | |
WELL114 | Dance & Rhythm Activities | PE1XX | Dance & Rhythm Activities | |
WELL121 | Team Activities | PAW1XX | Team Activities | |
WELL131 | Disc Activities | PE1XX | Disc Activities |
Middlesex Community College | York College of Pennsylvania | ||
BIO108 | Nutrition | NUR202 | Nutrition |
BIO120 | Intro to Biology | BIO110 | General Biology |
BIO231 | Anat & Phys I | BIO220 | Human A/P I |
CA1101 | Microcomp Appl | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
CHE121 | Intro to Chemistry | CHM134 | Gen Chem I |
EN1103 | Eng Comp I | WRT102 | Analytical Read/Writ |
EN1105 | Eng Comp II | WRT202 | Academic Writing |
ENG101 | English Composition I | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm |
ENG118 | Modern Drama | HUM1XX | Modern Drama |
ENV115 | Environmental Studies | BIO1XX | Environmental Studies |
HST122 | US History After 1865 | H222 | Hist Amer Civ II |
HU3101 | Music Appr I | MUS200 | Music Appreciation |
HU5121 | Ethics & Society | PHL2XX | Ethics & Society |
HU7131 | Beg Spanish I | SPN101 | Elem Spanish I |
HU7132 | Beg Spanish II | SPN102 | Elem Spanish II |
HU7135 | Int Spanish I | SPN201 | Inter Spanish I |
LAN285 | Latin 3 & Roman Culture | LAT2XX | Latin 3 & Roman Culture |
LAN286 | Latin 4 & Roman Culture | LAT2XX | Latin 4 & Roman Culture |
MA1104 | Algebra II | MAT102 | Prelim Math/Prob Solv |
MAT077 | Intro to Stats | MAT250 | Statistics |
MAT077 | Intro to Stats | BEH260 | Statistics |
MAT077 | Intro to Stats | QBA260 | Business Statistics |
MAT100 | Intermed Algebra | MAT102 | Prelim Math/Prob Solv |
MAT291 | Calculus II | MAT172 | Calculus II |
PSY101 | Intro to Psychology | PSY100 | General Psychology |
SC3115 | Hist Geology | ESS3XX | Hist Geology |
SO1101 | Cult Anthropology | ANT220 | Cult Anthropology |
SO2111 | Prin of Macroecon | ECO200 | Prin Econ-Macro |
SO3111 | U.S. Hist Before 1865 | H221 | Hist Amer Civ I |
SO3135 | Hist World Civ After 1500 | H220 | Hist Western Civ II |
SO3159 | U.S. Women's History | H342 | Women in US History |
SO5101 | Intro to Psychology | PSY100 | General Psychology |
SO5109 | Early Child Grwth & Dev | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop |
SO5115 | Abnormal Psych | PSY230 | Abnormal Psych |
SO6101 | Intro to Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology |
SOC101 | Intro to Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology |
SOC151 | Soc Mirror/Soc on Film | SOC1XX | Soc Mirror/Soc on Film |
THE101 | Intro to Acting | THE262 | Acting |
Military Credit/Joint Services Transcript | York College of Pennsylvania | |||
03260065 | Defense Dist Mgt | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
04190061 | Trans Mgt Coord | IFS1XX | Info Sys Elective | |
05010004 | Marinenet Server | MGT1XX | Management Elective | |
05010004 | Marinenet Server | MGT1XX | Management Elective | |
05010005 | Marinenet Server II | MGT1XX | Management Elective | |
05040030 | Bas Combat Correspondent | CM1XX | Bas Combat Correspnt | |
05040031 | Bas Combat Corres | CM1XX | Comm Elective | |
05040031 | Bas Combat Corres | WRT1XX | Writing Elective | |
06020011 | Arabic Sp Op lang | ARB1XX | Arabic Elective | |
06020011 | Arabic Sp Op lang | ARB2XX | Arabic Elective | |
07020012 | Med Lab Tech Adv | NPE1XX | Non Program Elect | |
07020030 | Struct Self Dev | MGT1XX | Supervision | |
07020030 | Struct Self Development | NPE1XX | Struct Self Dev | |
07020031 | Struct Self Development | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
07020037 | Struc Self Development | MGT1XX | Struc Self Develp | |
07030008 | Hospital Corpsman | SPM205 | Responding/Emerg | |
07030008 | Hospital Corpsman | BIO1XX | Biology Elective | |
07030009 | Surgical Technologist | NUR1XX | Adv Surgical Tech Practicum | |
07030009 | Surgical Technologist | NUR1XX | Basic Surgical Tech Practicum | |
07030036 | Practical Nurse | NUR1XX | Nursing Elective | |
07030037 | Practical Nurse | NUR1XX | Nursing Elective | |
07050013 | Radiology Specialist | NPE1XX | Radiology Specialist | |
07050014 | Radiology Specialist | NPE1XX | Radiology Specialist | |
07080008 | Mental Hlth Spec | NPE1XX | Mental Hlth Spec | |
07090002 | Field Medical Serv Tech | NPE1XX | Field Medical Serv Tech | |
07090003 | Aerospace Medicine | PAW1XX | Phys Act & Wellness Elect | |
07090003 | Aerospace Medicine | BIO1XX | Biology Elective no lab | |
07090003 | Aerospace Medicine | CM212 | Public Speaking | |
07090019 | Surf Force Ind Duty Cor | NPE1XX | Non Program Elect | |
07090025 | Semper Fit Adv Fitness | PE1XX | Phys Ed Elect | |
07090025 | Semper Fit Adv Fitness | PE1XX | Phys Ed Elect | |
07090032 | Medical Spec | NPE1XX | Medical Spec | |
07090054 | Mortuary Affairs Spec | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
07090065 | Health Care Specialist | NPE1XX | Emergency Prep | |
07090065 | Health Care Specialist | NUR3XX | Fund of Nursing | |
07090065 | Health Care Specialist | NPE1XX | Medical Emergencies | |
07090065 | Health Care Specialist | NPE1XX | Foundations Emergency | |
07090065 | Health Care Specialist | NPE1XX | Adv Pre Hospital | |
07090065 | Health Care Specialist | SPM205 | Responding/Emerg | |
07090065 | Health Care Specialist | NPE1XX | CPR for Health | |
07090065 | Health Care Specialist | NPE1XX | Adv Operations | |
07090065 | Health Care Specialist | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
07090065 | Health Care Specialist | NPE1XX | Operations and Skills | |
07090067 | Health Care Spec | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
08010016 | Nuc, Biol, & Chem Measures | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
08010016 | Nuc, Biol, & Chem Measures | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
08020037 | Technical Escort | NPE1XX | Technical Escort | |
08020037 | Technical Escort | NPE1XX | Technical Escort | |
08030004 | Aviation Rescue | PAW1XX | Phys Act & Wellness Elect | |
08030011 | Infantry Leader | PE1XX | Phys Ed Elect | |
08030011 | Infantry Leader | CM1XX | Comm Elective | |
08030011 | Infantry Leader | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
08030012 | Aircrewman School | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
08030012 | Aircrewman School | PAW1XX | Phys Act & Wellness Elect | |
08030012 | Aircrewman School | PAW121 | Inter/Adv Swimming | |
11070001 | Math for Marines | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
1142001 | Elect Equip Rep Spec | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
11B004 | Infantryman | SPM205 | Responding/Emerg | |
11B005 | Infantryman | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elective | |
11B006 | Infantryman | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
11C005 | Indirect Fire Infantry | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
11M002 | Fighting Veh Infantry | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
12050009 | Music Basic | MUS1XX | Music Basic | |
12B004 | Combat Engr | NPE1XX | Combat Engr | |
1341001 | Engr Equip Mech | MGT1XX | Management Elective | |
1371001 | Combat Engineer | MGT1XX | Construction Mgt Trblshting | |
1371001 | Combat Engineer | MGT1XX | Field Exp in Management | |
1371001 | Combat Engineer | MGT1XX | Leadership | |
1371001 | Combat Engineer | MGT1XX | Principles of Mgt | |
1391001 | Bulk Specialist | MGT1XX | Bulk Spec | |
13C002 | Tacfire Op Spec | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
13F001 | Fire Support Spec | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
13F002 | Fire Support Spec | NPE1XX | Fire Support Spec | |
13R003 | Field Art Firefinder Radar | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
14010009 | Pers Fin Mgt | BUS1XX | Pers Fin Mgt | |
14010016 | Basic Pay & Allow | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
14010033 | Fin Mgmt Tech | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
14020084 | Communication Security | NPE2XX | Communic Security | |
14020094 | Data Systems Tech | IFS1XX | Info Sys Elective | |
14020094 | Data Systems Tech | IFS1XX | Info Sys Elective | |
14020094 | Data Systems Tech | IFS1XX | Info Sys Elective | |
14020094 | Data Systems Tech | IFS1XX | Info Sys Elective | |
14020094 | Data Systems Tech | IFS230 | Internet Communications | |
14020168 | Information Tech Specialist | IFS1XX | Info Sys Elective | |
14020168 | Information Tech Specialist | IFS100 | Info Tech Competncy | |
14020168 | Information Tech Specialist | IFS1XX | Info Sys Elective | |
14020168 | Information Tech Specialist | IFS1XX | Info Sys Elective | |
14020168 | Information Tech Specialist | IFS105 | Personal Computing | |
14020168 | Information Tech Specialist | IFS1XX | Info Sys Elective | |
14020169 | Info Tech Specialist | IFS230 | Internet Communications | |
14020187 | Prin of Comp Oper Sys | IFS1XX | Prin of Comp Oper Sys | |
14020251 | Network Sec Vuln Tech | IFS1XX | Network Sec Vuln Tech | |
14020260 | Info Tech Specialist | IFS1XX | Info Sys Elective | |
14020261 | Info Tech Specialist | IFS1XX | Info Sys Elective | |
14020261 | Info Tech Specialist | IFS1XX | Info Sys Elective | |
14020261 | Info Tech Specialist | IFS1XX | Info Sys Elective | |
14020287 | Info Tech Specialist | IFS1XX | Info Sys Elective | |
14020287 | Info Tech Specialist | IFS1XX | Info Sys Elective | |
14020287 | Info Tech Specialist | IFS1XX | Info Sys Elective | |
14020287 | Info Tech Specialist | IFS1XX | Info Sys Elective | |
14020287 | Info Tech Specialist | IFS1XX | Info Sys Elective | |
14020287 | Info Tech Specialist | IFS1XX | Info Sys Elective | |
14030006 | Correspondence Procedures | NPE1XX | Coorespdnce Procdrs | |
14030017 | Paralegal Spec | WRT1XX | Writing Elective | |
14030017 | Paralegal Spec | IFS1XX | Info Sys Elective | |
14030018 | Tactical Operator | CM1XX | Comm Elective | |
14030021 | Admin Specialist | IFS1XX | Info Sys Elective | |
14050029 | Storekeeper A | NPE1XX | Supply Mngmt | |
14050029 | Storekeeper A | CM1XX | Interpersonal Cm | |
14050030 | Marine Aviation | MGT1XX | Management Elective | |
14050030 | Marine Aviation | SCM1XX | Marine Aviation | |
14050035 | Enlisted Supply Basic | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
14050046 | Basic Warehousing | NPE1XX | Basic Warehousing | |
14050051 | Cpl Noncomm Officers Pgm | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
14050051 | Cpl Noncomm Officers Pgm | MGT1XX | Management Elective | |
14050235 | Unit Supply Specialist | NPE1XX | Unit Supply Spclst | |
14050235 | Unit Supply Specialist | BUS1XX | Unit Supply Spclst | |
14050238 | Automated Logistical Spl | SCM1XX | Supply Chain Mngmt Info System | |
14050238 | Automated Logistical Spl | SCM1XX | Inventory Management | |
14060019 | Instructor | EDU2XX | Instructor | |
14060023 | Fund Marine Corps Lead | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
14060024 | Relg Program Specialist | REL1XX | Religion Elective | |
14060024 | Relg Program Specialist | CM1XX | Comm Elective | |
14060028 | Principles of Instruction | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
14060032 | Counseling for Marines | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
14060090 | Noncommissioned Off | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
14060103 | Army Recruiter | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
14060177 | Unit Trainer | NPE1XX | Unit Trainer | |
14060182 | Personnel Services | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
14060183 | Personnel Services | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
14060252 | Human Resources Spec | MGT1XX | Management Elective | |
14060264 | Army Basic Instructor | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
14070007 | Paralegal Spec Adv | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
14070009 | Paralegal Spec | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
14080033 | Leadership | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
14080300 | Warrant Officer | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
14R001 | Bradley Line Crew | NPE1XX | Non Program Elect | |
15130016 | Chaplain Assistant AIT | CM246 | Comm/Business Prof | |
15130016 | Chaplain Assistant AIT | REL1XX | Religion | |
15130016 | Chaplain Assistant AIT | MGT1XX | Supervision | |
16010024 | Basic Combat Engineer | NPE1XX | Basic Combat Engineer | |
16010052 | Land Navigation | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
16010059 | Field Artillery Survey | NPE1XX | Field Artillery Srvy | |
16010108 | TATS Field Artillery Surv | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
16010124 | Combat Engineer | NPE1XX | Combat Engineer | |
16060006 | Military Ops | PE1XX | Military Ops | |
16060010 | Terrorism Awareness | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
17030027 | Operator | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
17030059 | Motor Transport | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
17030084 | Motor Transp Op Adv Leader | SCM1XX | Transport ops | |
17030084 | Motor Transp Op Adv Leader | CM1XX | Business Communications | |
17030085 | Motor Transp Op Adv Leader | PAW1XX | Phys Act & Wellness Elect | |
17040401 | AV-8B Aircraft Safety Equip Me | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
17040439 | Aviation Struct Mech E Safety | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
17040464 | Aviation Struct Mech Comm Core | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
17040464 | Aviation Struct Mech Comm Core | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
17040678 | Warfare Appren Training | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
17090008 | Video Prod Documentation | CM1XX | Video Prod Documentation | |
17100170 | Inter-service Builder Trn | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
17100196 | Tech Engineer | EGR1XX | Tech Engineer | |
17100205 | Constr Repaid | EGR1XX | Engineering Elective | |
17100215 | Abrams Tank Sys Maint | PE1XX | Phys Ed Elect | |
17100215 | Abrams Tank Sys Maint | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
17100247 | Wheeled Vehicle Mech | NPE1XX | Industrial Safety | |
17100247 | Wheeled Vehicle Mech | NPE1XX | Fuel Systems | |
17100247 | Wheeled Vehicle Mech | NPE1XX | Heavy Equip | |
17100247 | Wheeled Vehicle Mech | NPE1XX | Auto Elec | |
17100276 | Tech Engineer | MGT1XX | Tech Engineer | |
17140011 | Basic Electric | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
17140014 | Elect Equip Rep Spec | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
17140020 | Marine Electrician | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
17140073 | Nuclear Power Command | MAT1XX | Math Elective | |
17140073 | Nuclear Power Command | EGR1XX | Engineering Elective | |
17140077 | Ordnanceman A School | CJA1XX | Criminal Justice Elective | |
17140077 | Ordnanceman A School | CJA1XX | Criminal Justice Elective | |
17140096 | Wire Bundle/Repair | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
17150108 | Elec Tech | NPE1XX | Elec Tech | |
17150111 | Timing and Control Maint | NPE1XX | Timing and Control Maint | |
17150116 | Basic Electronics | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
17150125 | Primary Chain Monitor | NPE1XX | Primary Chain Monitor | |
17150132 | Solid St Devices | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
17150136 | Antenna Con/Prog Radio | NPE1XX | Ant Con/Prog Radio | |
17150146 | Elec Tech Second Class | NPE1XX | Elec Tech Second Class | |
17150184 | Fund of Digital Logic | NPE1XX | Fund of Dig Logic | |
17150217 | Tele Sys/Pers Comp Rep | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
17150236 | Computer Tech A+ Cert | IFS105 | Personal Computing | |
17150236 | Computer Tech A+ Cert | IFS100 | Info Tech Competncy | |
17150242 | Sate Communications | CM1XX | Sate Communications | |
17150253 | Sate Comms Oper | CM2XX | Sate Comms Oper | |
17150606 | Multi Trns Sys Oper | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elective | |
17150840 | Target Acquis Rad Tech | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
17150928 | Signal Sup Sys Spec | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
17150988 | Sp Elect Dev Rep | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
17150991 | Radio/Comm Security | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
17151034 | Fire Support Specialist | CJA1XX | Criminal Justice Elective | |
17151034 | Fire Support Specialist | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
17151034 | Fire Support Specialist | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
17151042 | TATS | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
17151057 | Patriot Oper/Main | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
17151077 | Sat Comm Sys Oper | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
17151078 | Sat Comm Sys Oper | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
17151473 | Sub Tech Class A | IA1XX | Intell Analysis Elective | |
17151473 | Sub Tech Class A | IA1XX | Intell Analysis Elective | |
17151473 | Sub Tech Class A | IA1XX | Intell Analysis Elective | |
17151817 | Tech O-Level | ECE1XX | Tech O-Level | |
17151943 | Target/Laser Systems | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
17151943 | Organizational Main | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
17152050 | Info Sys Admin | IFS1XX | Info Sys Admin | |
17152114 | Tact Control Network | IFS1XX | Info Sys Elective | |
17152173 | Electronics | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
17152183 | Organizational Appren | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
17152183 | Organizational Appren | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
17152187 | Marine Av Tech Training | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
17152245 | Information Sys Tech | IFS1XX | Info Sys Tech | |
17152245 | Information Sys Tech | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
17152334 | Aviation Tech | EGR1XX | Engineering Elective | |
17160015 | Sh/Laun Specialist | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
17170012 | Armory Procedures | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
17170016 | MCIntegr Mainten Mgmt System | IFS1XX | Info Sys Elective | |
17170027 | Prim Ldrshp Dev Prog | NPE1XX | Prim Ldrshp Dev Prog | |
17170029 | FL Ldrshp Develop | NPE1XX | Supervision Ldrshp | |
17190020 | Bsc Multimedia Reproduction | IFS1XX | Bsc Multimedia Repdctn | |
17200023 | Chem, Biol, Radio, Nuclear | IA1XX | Haz Materials Oper | |
17200023 | Chem, Biol, Radio, Nuclear | IA1XX | Hazardous Materials | |
17200023 | Chem, Biol, Radio, Nuclear | IA1XX | Chem, Biol, Radio, Nuc | |
17230005 | Mach Tech A | EGR1XX | Engineering Elective | |
17230005 | Mach Tech A | EGR1XX | Engineering Elective | |
17280013 | Mil Pol Int/Interrog | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
17280014 | Corrections | CJA337 | Punishmnt/Correctns | |
17280053 | Master at Arms A Sch | PAW234 | Well/Fitness/Life | |
17280053 | Master at Arms A Sch | CJA1XX | Criminal Justice Elective | |
17280084 | Hum Intel Coll | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
17280123 | Bas Mil Intern/Resettle | CJA1XX | Criminal Justice Elective | |
17280135 | Basic Mil Police | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
17280135 | Basic Mil Police | PE1XX | Phys Ed Elect | |
17280151 | Intelligence Analyst | IA1XX | Intelligence Analyst | |
17280167 | Military Police | PAW1XX | Phys Act & Wellness Elect | |
17280167 | Military Police | CJA1XX | Criminal Justice Elective | |
17280167 | Military Police | SPM205 | Responding/Emerg | |
17280167 | Military Police | CJA1XX | Criminal Justice Elective | |
17280167 | Military Police | CJA3XX | Criminal Justice Elective | |
17280167 | Military Police | CJA2XX | Criminal Justice Elective | |
17280167 | Military Police | PAW1XX | Phys Act & Wellness Elect | |
17280167 | Military Police | CJA2XX | Criminal Justice Elective | |
17280167 | Military Police | CJA2XX | Criminal Justice Elective | |
17280167 | Basic Mil Police | CJA1XX | Crim Justice Elect | |
17280177 | Bas Mil Police | CJA1XX | Bas Mil Police | |
17280194 | Intern/Resettle Sp Trans | CJA1XX | Criminal Justice Elective | |
17280205 | Bsc Military Police Trn | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
17280205 | Bsc Military Police Trn | PE1XX | Phys Ed Elect | |
17290007 | Food Service Specialist | HSP1XX | Hosp Elective | |
17290007 | Food Service Specialist | HSP1XX | Hosp Elective | |
17290007 | Food Service Specialist | HSP1XX | Hosp Elective | |
17290011 | Culinary Specialist | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
17290015 | Galley Watch Capt | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
17290022 | Culinary Specialist Rec Kpg | NPE1XX | Culinary Specialist | |
17290041 | Food Service Specialist | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
17290041A | Basic Nutrition | NPE1XX | Basic Nutrition | |
17320026 | Naval Nuc Power School | CHM1XX | Gen Chemistry & Materials | |
17320026 | Naval Nuc Power School | PHY1XX | General Physics | |
17320026 | Naval Nuc Power School | MAT1XX | Tech Mathematics | |
17320027 | Nuclear Power School | EGR2XX | Engineering Elective | |
17320027 | Nuclear Power School | CM212 | Public Speaking | |
17320027 | Nuclear Power School | EGR1XX | Engineering Elective | |
17320027 | Nuclear Power School | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
17320027 | Nuclear Power School | EGR2XX | Engineering Elective | |
1732029 | Nuclear Prop Plant | NPE1XX | Nuclear Prop Plant | |
1812001 | M1A1 Tank Crewman | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
1812001 | M1A1 Tank Crewman | MGT2XX | Management Elective | |
1812001 | M1A1 Tank Crewman | MGT1XX | Management Elective | |
1812001 | M1A1 Tank Crewman | IFS1XX | Comp Applic | |
19K002 | Armor Crewman | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
19K002 | Armor Crewman | PE1XX | Phys Ed Elect | |
2111001 | Small Arms Repairer | CM1XX | Comm Elective | |
2111001 | Small Arms Repairer | IFS1XX | Info Sys Elective | |
2111001 | Small Arms Repairer | BIO1XX | Biology Elect no lab | |
2111001 | Small Arms Repairer | MGT1XX | Management Elective | |
2111001 | Small Arms Repairer | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
2111001 | Small Arms Repairer | MGT1XX | Management Elective | |
21X001 | Gen Egr Supervisor | CM1XX | Comm Elective | |
21X001 | Gen Egr Supervisor | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
21X001 | Gen Egr Supervisor | NPE2XX | Non Prog Elect | |
21X001 | Gen Egr Supervisor | MGT2XX | Gen Egr Supervisor | |
22010003 | Pistol Marksmanship | PE1XX | Pistol Marksmanship | |
22010004 | Semper Fit Basic Fitness | PE1XX | Phys Ed Elect | |
22010007 | Martial Arts Instructor | PAW1XX | Phys Act & Wellness Elect | |
22010124 | Security Reaction Force-Adv | CJA1XX | Security Operations | |
22010128 | Exped Combat Skills | PAW1XX | Phys Act & Wellness Elect | |
22010253 | TATS Prim Ldr Dev | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
22010294 | Prim Lead Dev | NPE1XX | Non Program Elect | |
22010330 | Armor Crewman | PE1XX | Phys Ed Elect | |
22010330 | Armor Crewman | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
22010331 | Cavalry Scout | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
22010331 | Cavalry Scout | PE1XX | Phys Ed Elect | |
22010337 | Com Leader Res Training | MGT1XX | Com Leader Res Trng | |
22010372 | Cannon Crewman | NPE1XX | Cannon Crewman | |
22010399 | Basic Combat Training | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
22010399 | Basic Combat Training | PAW1XX | Phys Act & Wellness Elect | |
22010431 | Bradley Inf Fight Veh | PE1XX | Phys Ed Elect | |
22010440 | Adv Leader Course | BUS1XX | Adv Leader Course | |
22010441 | Bradley Fight Veh | PE1XX | Phys Ed Elect | |
22010455 | Airborne | PAW1XX | Parachuting | |
22010455 | Airborne | PAW1XX | Physical Fitness | |
22010455 | Airborne | PE1XX | Physical Ed Elect | |
22010552 | Infantryman | PE1XX | Phys Ed Elect | |
22010552 | Infantryman | SPM205 | Responding/Emerg | |
22010552 | Infantryman | CJA1XX | Criminal Justice Elective | |
22010552 | Infantryman | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
22010552 | Infantryman | PAW134 | Concpts Phys Actvty | |
22010552 | Infantryman | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
22010552 | Infantryman | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
22010552 | Infantryman | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
22010552 | Infantryman | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
22010578 | Indirect Fire Infantry | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
22010578 | Indirect Fire Infantry | PE1XX | Phys Ed Elect | |
22010595 | Sp Forces Qual | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
22010603 | Basic Leader | MGT150 | Prin of Management | |
22010603 | Basic Leader | CM1XX | Communication | |
22010603 | Warrior Leader | MGT2XX | Management Elective | |
22010603 | Warrior Leader | MGT150 | Prin of Management | |
22010604 | Warrior Leader | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
22010612 | Warrant Officer Cand | MGT1XX | Management Elective | |
22010612 | Warrant Officer Cand | MGT1XX | Management Elective | |
22010612 | Warrant Officer Cand | CM212 | Public Speaking | |
22010623 | Small Arms/Artillery | CJA1XX | Small Arms/Artillery | |
22010630 | Cannon Crewmember | NPE1XX | Cannon Crewmember | |
22010631 | Cannon Crewmember | NPE1XX | Cannon Crewmember | |
22010687 | Adv Leader | MGT2XX | Adv Leader | |
22010757 | Heavy Weapons Leader | NPE1XX | Heavy Weapons Leader | |
22010775 | Ammunition Specialist | NPE1XX | Amm Specialist | |
22010806 | Armor School | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
22010806 | Armor School | NPE2XX | Non Prog Elect | |
22010828 | Armor School | PAW1XX | Phys Act & Wellness Elect | |
22010828 | Armor School | PAW1XX | Phys Act & Wellness Elect | |
22010828 | Armor School | NPE1XX | First Aid | |
22010828 | Armor School | CM212 | Public Speaking | |
22010828 | Armor School | PAW1XX | Phys Act & Wellness Elect | |
22010841 | Distributed Leader | CM212 | Public Speaking | |
22020008 | Corporals Training | MGT1XX | Leadership | |
22020008 | Corporals Training | IA1XX | Leadership | |
22020008 | Leadership | BUS1XX | Business Elective | |
22020008 | Leadership | MGT1XX | Management Elective | |
22020009 | App Leadership Prog | MGT1XX | Management Elective | |
22020012 | Bas Mil Police | CJA1XX | Bas Mil Police | |
22020014 | Basic Mil Training | PAW1XX | Phys Act & Wellness Elect | |
22020165 | Recr Basic Mil Training (BMT) | PAW1XX | Physical Fitness | |
22020165 | Recr Basic Mil Training (BMT) | NPE1XX | Marine Safety | |
22020165 | Recr Basic Mil Training (BMT) | NPE1XX | Personal Development | |
22020165 | Recruit Training | PAW1XX | Phys Act & Wellness Elect | |
22020165 | Recruit Training | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
22020165 | Recr Basic Mil Training (BMT) | PAW1XX | Basic Seamanship | |
22020165 | Recruit Training | PAW1XX | Phys Act & Wellness Elect | |
22020185 | Apprentice | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
22020212 | Basic Seaman | PAW1XX | Phys Act & Wellness Elect | |
22020212 | Basic Seaman | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
22040047 | Infantry Mortarman | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
22040047 | Infantry Mortarman | PAW119 | Physical Fitness | |
22040047 | Infantry Mortarman | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
22040048 | Infantry Machine | CJA1XX | Criminal Justice Elective | |
22040051 | Infantry Rifleman | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
22040088 | Recruit Training | PAW1XX | Phys Act & Wellness Elect | |
22040088 | Recruit Training | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
22040100 | Infantry Squad Leader | NPE1XX | Infantry Squad Leader | |
22040101 | Infantry Squad Ldr | NPE1XX | Infantry Squad Ldr | |
22040103 | Noncomm Officer Academy | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
22040103 | Noncomm Officer Academy | MGT1XX | Management Elective | |
22040103 | Noncomm Officer Academy | MGT1XX | Management Elective | |
22040105 | Marine Combat Training | PAW1XX | Phys Act & Wellness Elect | |
22040105 | Marine Combat Training | PAW1XX | Phys Act & Wellness Elect | |
22040111 | Small Arms Repair | NPE1XX | Small Arms Repair | |
22040120 | Infantry Anti-Tank | NPE1XX | Infantry Anti-Tank | |
22040122 | Infantry Squad Lead | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
22040127 | Sergeants Dist Ed | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
22040128 | Military Studies | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
22040129 | Intro to Warfighting | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
22040130 | Warfighting Tactics | NPE1XX | Warfighting Tactics | |
22040131 | Warfighting Techniques | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
22040136 | Infantry Patrolling | PE1XX | Phys Ed Elect | |
22040137 | Infantry Squad Leader | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
22040145 | Machine Gunner by Corresp | NPE1XX | Machine Gun by Cor | |
22040152 | Marine Rifleman: Combat Sk | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
22040152 | Marine Rifleman: Combat Sk | PE1XX | Phys Ed Elect | |
22040166 | 10 Week Comm Program | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
22040172 | Comissioning Prgm | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
22040173 | Pre-Commission Prgm | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
22040174 | Staff Noncommissioned | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
22040184 | Leading Marines | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
22040193 | Fire Support | NPE1XX | Fire Support | |
22040196 | Infantry Patrolling | NPE1XX | Infantry Patrolling | |
22040201 | Infantryman | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
22040201 | Infantryman | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
22040201 | Infantryman | PAW1XX | Phys Act & Wellness Elect | |
22050016 | Aircrewman | PAW1XX | Phys Act & Wellness Elect | |
22050016 | Aircrewman | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
22050017 | Riverine Combat Skills | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
22050018 | Riverine Crewman | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
22050035 | Recruit Training | PAW1XX | Phys Act & Well Elect | |
22050035 | Recruit Training | PAW120 | Beginning Swimming | |
22050035 | Recruit Training | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
22050042 | Military Req/Sr Petty Officer | NPE1XX | Mil Req/Sr Petty Officer | |
22050043 | Military Req/Petty Officer | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
22050043 | Military Req/Petty Officer | PE1XX | Phys Ed Elect | |
27D002 | Paralegal Spec | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
2813001 | Logistics Specialist | NPE1XX | Logistics Mgmt | |
2813001 | Logistics Specialist | NPE1XX | Logistics | |
3043001 | Supply Admin | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
3043002 | Supply Operations Admin | FCO210 | Comm Prof Cultures | |
3043002 | Supply Operations Admin | MGT1XX | Management Elective | |
3043002 | Supply Operations Admin | MGT150 | Prin of Management | |
3043002 | Supply Operations Admin | MGT1XX | Management Elective | |
3043002 | Supply Operations Admin | SCM1XX | Supply Chain Opers | |
3043002 | Supply Operations Admin | MGT1XX | Management Elective | |
3043002 | Supply Operations Admin | MGT1XX | Management Elective | |
3043002 | Supply Operations Admin | SCM250 | Total Quality Mgmt | |
3043002 | Supply Admin | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
3043002 | Supply Operations Admin | MGT220 | Human Resource Mgt | |
31B002 | Military Police | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
31B003 | Military Police | CJA1XX | Criminal Justice Elective | |
31B003 | Military Police | CJA1XX | Criminal Justice Elective | |
31B003 | Military Police | CJA1XX | Criminal Justice Elective | |
31B003 | Military Police | CJA1XX | Criminal Justice Elective | |
31E003 | Intern/Resettle Sp | CJA1XX | Criminal Justice Elective | |
31R001 | Multi Trns Sys Oper | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elective | |
35F004 | Intelligence Analyst | NPE1XX | Intelligence Analyst | |
35P004 | Cryptologic Linguist | CM1XX | Comm Elective | |
35P004 | Cryptologic Linguist | MGT1XX | Management Elective | |
35P004 | Cryptologic Linguist | MGT1XX | Management Elective | |
35P004 | Cryptologic Linguist | IFS105 | Personal Computing | |
35P004 | Cryptologic Linguist | MAT1XX | Mathematics Elective | |
35P004 | Cryptologic Linguist | FCO2XX | Tech Writing | |
35P004 | Cryptologic Linguist | MGT1XX | Management Elective | |
35P004 | Cryptologic Linguist | IFS1XX | Info Sys Elective | |
42A001 | Human Res Spec | NPE1XX | Non Program Elect | |
42L001 | Admin Spec | NPE1XX | Non Program Elect | |
43E001 | Parachute Rigger | NPE1XX | Parachute Rigger | |
4612001 | Combat Camera Prod Spclst | NPE1XX | Combat Camera Prod | |
4612001 | Combat Camera Prod Spclst | IFS1XX | Combat Camera Prod | |
4612001 | Combat Camera Prod Spclst | ART2XX | Combat Camera Prod | |
4612001 | Combat Camera Prod Spclst | CM1XX | Combat Camera Prod | |
50075H10 | Personnel Services Specialist | NPE1XX | Non Program Elective | |
600PLDC | TATS Prim Lead Dev | NPE1XX | Non Program Elective | |
6018002 | Av Quality Assur Rep | CM1XX | Comm Elective | |
6018002 | Av Quality Assur Rep | WRT1XX | Writing Elective | |
6018002 | Av Quality Assur Rep | MGT2XX | Management Elective | |
6252002 | Fx Wng Aircrft Airframe Mech | SCM1XX | Quality Assurance | |
6252002 | Fx Wng Aircrft Airframe Mech | NPE1XX | Air Struct Repair | |
6252002 | Fx Wng Aircrft Airframe Mech | NPE1XX | Hydraulic Systems | |
6252002 | Fx Wng Aircrft Airframe Mech | MGT1XX | Supervision | |
6252002 | Fx Wng Aircrft Airframe Mech | NPE1XX | Industrial Safety | |
6252002 | Fx Wng Aircrft Airframe Mech | NPE1XX | Hydraulic Systems | |
6252003 | Fx-Wng Aircrft Airframe Mech | MGT1XX | Human Factors in Aviation | |
6252003 | Fx-Wng Aircrft Airframe Mech | MGT1XX | Maintenance Mgmt | |
6252003 | Fx-Wng Aircrft Airframe Mech | MGT1XX | Safety Mgmt Systems | |
6252003 | Fx-Wng Aircrft Airframe Mech | MGT1XX | Management | |
6252003 | Fx-Wng Aircrft Airframe Mech | MGT1XX | Talent Management | |
6252003 | Fx-Wng Aircrft Airframe Mech | MGT1XX | Supervision | |
6252003 | Fx-Wng Aircrft Airframe Mech | CM1XX | Communication | |
6281001 | Aircraft Safety Equipment | CM1XX | Comm Elective | |
6281001 | Aircraft Safety Equipment | MGT1XX | Supervision | |
6281001 | Aircraft Safety Equipment | MGT1XX | Talent Mgmt | |
6281001 | Aircraft Safety Equipment | MGT1XX | Mgmt Systems | |
6281001 | Aircraft Safety Equipment | MGT1XX | Maintenance Mgmt | |
6281001 | Aircraft Safety Equipment | MGT1XX | Human Factors in Av | |
6281001 | Aircraft Safety Equipment | MGT1XX | Management Elective | |
6281001A | Aircraft Safety Equipment | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
6281001A | Aircraft Safety Equipment | IFS1XX | Info Sys Elective | |
6281001A | Aircraft Safety Equipment | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
6281001A | Aircraft Safety Equipment | IFS1XX | Info Sys Elective | |
6281001A | Aircraft Safety Equipment | MGT1XX | Personal Supervision | |
6281001A | Aircraft Safety Equipment | MGT1XX | Field Exper Mgmt | |
6281001A | Aircraft Safety Equipment | MGT1XX | Field Exper Mgmt | |
6281001A | Aircraft Safety Equipment | MGT1XX | Maintenance Mgmt | |
6282001 | Aircraft Safety Mechanic | MGT1XX | Management Elective | |
6282001 | Aircraft Safety Mechanic | IFS1XX | Info Sys Elective | |
6282001 | Aircraft Safety Mechanic | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
6282001 | Aircraft Safety Mechanic | IFS1XX | Info Sys Elective | |
6282001 | Aircraft Safety Mechanic | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
6282001 | Aircraft Safety Mechanic | MGT1XX | Aviation Main Mgmt | |
6282001 | Aircraft Safety Mechanic | MGT1XX | Management Elective | |
6282001 | Aircraft Safety Mechanic | MGT1XX | Supervision | |
6282002 | Aircraft Safety Mechanic | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
6282002 | Aircraft Safety Mechanic | MGT1XX | Management | |
6282002 | Aircraft Safety Mechanic | MGT1XX | Supervision | |
6282002 | Aircraft Safety Mechanic | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
6282002 | Aircraft Safety Mechanic | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
6282002 | Aircraft Safety Mechanic | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
6282002 | Aircraft Safety Mechanic | EGR1XX | Engineering Elective | |
6282002 | Aircraft Safety Mechanic | MGT1XX | Supervison | |
6282002 | Aircraft Safety Mechanic | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
6282002 | Aircraft Safety Mechanic | EGR1XX | Engineering Elective | |
6282003 | Aircraft Safety Mechanic | MGT1XX | Aviation Main Mgmt | |
6282003 | Aircraft Safety Mechanic | MGT1XX | Human Factors | |
6282003 | Aircraft Safety Mechanic | MGT1XX | Management Elective | |
6282003 | Aircraft Safety Mechanic | MGT1XX | Safety Mgmt Systems | |
6282003 | Aircraft Safety Mechanic | MGT1XX | Management Elective | |
6282003 | Aircraft Safety Mechanic | MGT1XX | Supervision | |
6282003 | Aircraft Safety Mechanic | CM1XX | Comm Elective | |
62B004 | Constr Equip Rep | NPE1XX | Non Program Elect | |
62B004 | Equip Rep | MGT1XX | Management Elective | |
62B004 | Equip Rep | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
62B004 | Equip Rep | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
62J003 | GCEquip Operator | NPE1XX | GCEquip Operator | |
62N003 | Construc Equip Supervisor | NPE2XX | Construc Equip Spvsr | |
62N003 | Construc Equip Supervisor | MGT2XX | Management Elective | |
62N003 | Construc Equip Supervisor | MGT1XX | Management Elective | |
62N003 | Construc Equip Supervisor | NPE1XX | Construc Equip Spvsr | |
6531002 | Airfract Ord Tech | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
68W001 | Health Care Spec | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
74D005 | Chem Oper Spec | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
750BT | Basic Combat Training | PE1XX | Physical Education Elective | |
82C002 | Field Artillery Surv | NPE1XX | Field Artillery Surv | |
91B007 | Wheel Vehicle Mech | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
91C004 | Practical Nurse | BIO2XX | Biology Elect | |
91C004 | Practical Nurse | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
9502001 | Instructor | EDU1XX | Education Elective | |
9502001 | Instructor | EDU2XX | Education Elective | |
9502001 | Instructor | EDU1XX | Education Elective | |
9502001 | Instructor | CM212 | Public Speaking | |
9502001 | Instructor | CM329 | Interpersonal Comm | |
9502001 | Instructor | CM1XX | Comm Elective | |
9502002 | Instructor | CM1XX | Comm Elective | |
9502002 | Instructor | EDU2XX | Education Elective | |
9502003 | Instructor | EDU1XX | Education Elective | |
9502003 | Instructor | CM1XX | Comm Elective | |
95B004 | Military Police | CJA1XX | Military Police | |
95B10OSUT | Basic MP/Basic Corr Spec | NPE1XX | Non Program Elective | |
AN004 | Airman | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
AN004 | Airman | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
AO004 | Aviation Ord | IFS1XX | Info Sys Elective | |
AO004 | Aviation Ord | EGR1XX | Engineering Elective | |
AO004 | Aviation Ord | EGR1XX | Engineering Elective | |
AO004 | Aviation Ord | EGR1XX | Engineering Elective | |
AO005 | Aviation Ord | IFS1XX | Info Sys Elective | |
AO005 | Aviation Ord | EGR1XX | Engineering Elective | |
AO005 | Aviation Ord | EGR1XX | Engineering Elective | |
AO005 | Aviation Ord | EGR1XX | Engineering Elective | |
AO005 | Aviation Ord | NPE2XX | Non Prog Elect | |
AO005 | Aviation Ord | EGR1XX | Engineering Elective | |
AR0702 | Structured Self Development | MGT1XX | Struc Self Develop | |
AR243 | Psych Operations Specialist | PSY1XX | Psychology Elective | |
AR243 | Psych Operations Specialist | CM1XX | Communication Elective | |
AR750 | Basic Combat Training | PE1XX | Physical Education Elective | |
AR-07020031 | Structured Self Development | HIS1XX | Military Science | |
AR-07020031 | Structured Self Development | MGT1XX | Leadership | |
AR-07070039 | Pharmacy Specialist | HSC205 | Principles Pharmacology | |
AR-07070039 | Pharmacy Specialist | HSC105 | Medical Terminology | |
AR-07090032 | Medical Specialist | NPE1XX | Emergency Medical Tech | |
AR-07090032 | Medical Specialist | NUR1XX | Nursing Clinical Experience | |
AR-07090032 | Medical Specialist | NPE1XX | EMT Clinical Experience | |
AR-07090032 | Medical Specialist | NUR1XX | Basic Nursing Skills | |
AR-07090032 | Medical Specialist | BIO2XX | Anatomy & Physiology | |
AR-14010062 | Financial Mgmt Technician | ACC220 | Financial Acct | |
AR-14010062 | Financial Mgmt Technician | MGT1XX | Applied Leadership | |
AR-14010062 | Financial Mgmt Technician | IFS105 | Personal Computing | |
AR-14010062 | Financial Mgmt Technician | IFS100 | Info Tech Competncy | |
AR-14050198 | RCUnit Mobilization Planners | MGT3XX | Logistics Management | |
AR-14050198 | RCUnit Mobilization Planners | MGT3XX | Workforce Management | |
AR-14050235 | Unit Supply Specialist | MGT1XX | Inventory Management | |
AR-14050235 | Unit Supply Specialist | NPE1XX | Weapons and Tactics | |
AR-14050235V03Unit Supply Specialist | MGT1XX | Inventory Mgmt & Control | ||
AR-14050235V03Unit Supply Specialist | IFS1XX | Computer Applications | ||
AR-14060090 | Basic NCO | MGT1XX | Principles of Supervision | |
AR-14060090 | Basic NCO | CM1XX | Communications | |
AR-14060177 | Company Trainers | MGT3XX | Mgmt and Training | |
AR-14080177 | Military Intelligence Officer | CM1XX | Communications | |
AR-14080177 | Military Intelligence Officer | MGT150 | Prin of Management | |
AR-16010276 | Petroleum Supply Specialist | NPE1XX | Fluid Mechanics | |
AR-17151207 | Wheeled Vehicle Mechanic | NPE1XX | Brake Systems | |
AR-17151207 | Wheeled Vehicle Mechanic | NPE1XX | Steering & Suspension Sys | |
AR-17151207 | Wheeled Vehicle Mechanic | NPE1XX | Diesel Engines | |
AR-17151207 | Wheeled Vehicle Mechanic | NPE1XX | Automotice Electricity | |
AR-17151207 | Wheeled Vehicle Mechanic | NPE1XX | Auto Transmissions & Transaxle | |
AR-22010399 | Basic Combat Training | PAW119 | Physical Fitness | |
AR-22010399 | Basic Combat Training | PAW1XX | Markmanship | |
AR-22010399 | Basic Combat Training | PAW1XX | Outdoor Skills Practicum | |
AR-22010399 | Basic Combat Training | PAW144 | Wilderness First Aid | |
AR-22010399V | Basic Combat Training | PAW144 | Wilderness First Aid | |
AR-22010399V | Basic Combat Training | PAW1XX | Markmanship | |
AR-22010399V | Basic Combat Training | PAW119 | Physical Fitness | |
AR-22010399V | Basic Combat Training | PAW1XX | Land Navigation (Recreation) | |
AR-22010399V | Basic Combat Training | PAW130 | Self Defense | |
AR-22010399V | 05Basic Combat Training | PAW119 | Physical Fitness | |
AR-22010399V | 05Basic Combat Training | PSY1XX | Personal Development | |
AR-22010399V | 05Basic Combat Training | PAW1XX | Oreienteering | |
AR-22010399V | 05Basic Combat Training | PAW1XX | Fund of Rifle Safety/Shooting | |
AR-22010399V | 05Basic Combat Training | PAW144 | Wilderness First Aid | |
AR-22010399V | 05Basic Combat Training | PAW130 | Self Defense | |
AR-22010455 | Airborne | PAW1XX | Physical Fitness | |
AR-22010455 | Airborne | NPE1XX | Basic Parachuting | |
AR-22010604 | Warrior Leader | MGT1XX | Leadership Principles | |
AR-22010604 | Warrior Leader | HIS1XX | Military Science | |
AR-22010840 | Distributed Leader I | MGT1XX | Supervision | |
AR07020030 | AR Struct Self Dvlpmnt | MGT1XX | Leadership | |
AR07020030 | AR Struct Self Dvlpmnt | SPE1XX | Military Science | |
AR07020031 | AR Struct Self Dvlpmnt III | NPE2XX | Military Scienec | |
AR07020031 | AR Struct Self Dvlpmnt III | MGT2XX | Leadership | |
AR07020032 | AR Struct Self Dvlpmnt IV | NPE3XX | Military Operations | |
AR07020032 | AR Struct Self Dvlpmnt IV | MGT3XX | Leadership | |
AR22010399 | AR Basic Combat Training | PAW1XX | Physical Conditioning | |
AR22010399 | AR Basic Combat Training | PAW1XX | First Aid | |
AR22010399 | AR Basic Combat Training | PAW1XX | Marksmanship | |
AR22010399 | AR Basic Combat Training | NPE1XX | Military Science | |
AR22010455 | Army Infantry School | PAW1XX | Phys Ed: Parachuting | |
AR22010578 | AR Indirect Fire Infantryman | NPE1XX | Military Science | |
AR22010578 | AR Indirect Fire Infantryman | PAW1XX | Marksmanship | |
AR22010578 | AR Indirect Fire Infantryman | PAW1XX | First Aid | |
AR22010578 | AR Indirect Fire Infantryman | NPE1XX | Orienting | |
AR22010578 | AR Indirect Fire Infantryman | PAW1XX | Physical Conditioning | |
AR22010603 | AR Warrior Leader | MGT1XX | Leadership | |
AS005 | Aviation Sup Equip | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
AT004 | Electronics Tech | CM1XX | Comm Elective | |
AT004 | Electronics Tech | EGR1XX | Engineering Elective | |
AT004 | Electronics Tech | EGR1XX | Engineering Elective | |
AT004 | Electronics Tech | EGR1XX | Engineering Elective | |
AT004 | Electronics Tech | EGR1XX | Engineering Elective | |
AT004 | Electronics Tech | EGR1XX | Engineering Elective | |
AT004 | Electronics Tech | EGR1XX | Engineering Elective | |
AT004 | Electronics Tech | EGR1XX | Engineering Elective | |
AWS001 | Aircrewman Heli | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
BASICTRN | Basic Combat Training | PE1XX | Physical Ed Elective | |
CS001 | Culinary Specialist | NPE1XX | Culinary Specialist | |
CS002 | Culinary Specialist | NPE1XX | Culinary Specialist | |
CTI005 | Cryptologic Technician | IFS1XX | Info Sys Elective | |
CTI005 | Cryptologic Technician | L2XX | Language Elective | |
CTI005 | Cryptologic Technician | CJA1XX | Criminal Justice Elective | |
CTI005 | Cryptologic Technician | IFS100 | Info Tech Competncy | |
CTI005 | Cryptologic Technician | IFS105 | Personal Computing | |
CTI005A | Cryptologic Technician | IFS1XX | Info Sys Elective | |
CTI005A | Cryptologic Technician | CJA1XX | Criminal Justice Elective | |
CTI005A | Cryptologic Technician | L2XX | Language Elective | |
CTI005A | Cryptologic Technician | IFS1XX | Info Sys Elective | |
CTI005A | Cryptologic Technician | CM1XX | Comm Elective | |
CTO004 | Cryptologic Tech Comm | IFS1XX | Info Sys Elective | |
CTO004 | Cryptologic Tech Comm | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elective | |
DD17090012 | Basic Mass Comm Specialist | ART231 | Concepts of Design | |
DD17090012 | Basic Mass Comm Specialist | CM2XX | News Reporting | |
DD17090012 | Basic Mass Comm Specialist | PR221 | Intro Public Relations | |
DD17090012 | Basic Mass Comm Specialist | CM2XX | Television Journalism | |
DD17090012 | Basic Mass Comm Specialist | CM2XX | Photojournalism | |
ET002 | Electronics Tech | NPE1XX | Electronics Tech | |
FN003 | Fireman | PAW120 | Beginning Swimming | |
GSM002 | Gas Turbine System | MGT1XX | Management Elective | |
HM005 | Hospital Corpsman | NPE1XX | Hospital Corpsman | |
HM006 | Hospital Corpsman | SPM205 | Responding/Emerg | |
HM006 | Hospital Corpsman | MGT1XX | Inventory Mgmt | |
HM006 | Hospital Corpsman | MGT1XX | Supervision | |
HN004 | Hospitalman | NUR1XX | Nursing elective | |
HN004 | Hospitalman | BIO1XX | Biology Elective no lab | |
HN004 | Hospitalman | BIO201 | Medical Terminology | |
HN004 | Hospitalman | PAW1XX | Health & Wellness | |
HN004 | Hospitalman | CM1XX | Communications | |
HN004 | Hospitalman | BIO1XX | Biology Elective no lab | |
HN005 | Hospitalman | IFS1XX | Computer Applications | |
HN005 | Hospitalman | CM1XX | Intro to Communications | |
HN005 | Hospitalman | NUR1XX | Patient Assessment | |
HN005 | Hospitalman | BIO201 | Medical Terminology | |
HN005 | Hospitalman | BIO1XX | Intro to Pharmacology | |
HN005 | Hospitalman | MGT1XX | Intro Supervision | |
HN006 | Hospital Corps | MGT1XX | Management Elective | |
HN006 | Hospital Corps | MGT1XX | Management Elective | |
HN006 | Hospital Corps | SPM205 | Responding/Emerg | |
IS005 | Intelligence Specialist | IA1XX | Intell Analysis Elective | |
IS005 | Intelligence Specialist | CM212 | Public Speaking | |
IS005 | Intelligence Specialist | IA100 | Intro Intell Anlys | |
IS005 | Intelligence Specialist | IA200 | Intell Anlys Method | |
IT002 | Information Sys Technician | IFS1XX | Info Sys Technician | |
LS001 | Logistics Specialist | CM1XX | Comm Elect | |
LS001 | Logistics Specialist | CS1XX | Computer App | |
LS001 | Logistics Specialist | MGT1XX | Logistics Mgmt | |
LS001 | Logistics Specialist | MGT1XX | Management Elective | |
LS001 | Logistics Specialist | MGT1XX | Supervision | |
LS001 | Logistics Specialist | BUS1XX | Distribution Mgmt | |
MA004 | Master at Arms | CJA1XX | Criminal Justice Elective | |
MA004 | Master at Arms | MGT1XX | Management Elective | |
MA004 | Master at Arms | IA1XX | Terrorism | |
MA004 | Master at Arms | CJA1XX | Criminal Justice Elective | |
MA004 | Master at Arms | CM1XX | Comm Elective | |
MA004 | Master at Arms | MGT150 | Prin of Management | |
MA004 | Master at Arms | CJA1XX | Criminal Justice Elective | |
MA004 | Master at Arms | MGT1XX | Management Elective | |
MA004 | Master at Arms | SPM205 | Responding/Emerg | |
MC-05010004 | Corporals | MGT1XX | Leadership | |
MC-14060023 | Fund of MCLeadership | MGT1XX | Fund of MCLeadership | |
MC-16010054 | Bulk Fuel Specialist | NPE1XX | Petroleum Systems Operations | |
MC-16060010 | Intro to Terrorism | CCJ1XX | Intro to Terrorism | |
MC-17080006 | Assault Amphibian Crewman | NPE1XX | Heavy Equipment Operation | |
MC-17080006 | Assault Amphibian Crewman | NPE1XX | Industrial Equip Maintenance | |
MC-17080006 | Assault Amphibian Crewman | CM1XX | Interpersonal Communication | |
MC-17140014 | Basic Eng Equip Elec Sys Tech | ECE1XX | ACElectronics & Circuits Basi | |
MC-17140014 | Basic Eng Equip Elec Sys Tech | ECE1XX | DCElectronics & Circuits Basi | |
MC-17140014 | Basic Eng Equip Elec Sys Tech | ECE1XX | Electric Motor & Generator Con | |
MC-17140014 | Basic Eng Equip Elec Sys Tech | ECE1XX | Electromech Sys Troublshooting | |
MC-17140014 | Basic Eng Equip Elec Sys Tech | ECE1XX | Solid State Elec Fundamentals | |
MC-17150238 | SWAN RF Incidental | IFS1XX | Wide Area Networking Tech | |
MC-17280014 | Corrections | CCJ337 | Punishmnt/Correctns | |
MC-22020008 | Staff NCO Academy | NPE1XX | Operation Risk Assessment | |
MC-22020008 | Staff NCO Academy | MGT1XX | Leadership | |
MC-22040051 | Infantry Rifleman | CM1XX | Tactical Communications | |
MC-22040051 | Infantry Rifleman | PAW1XX | Weapons Proficiencty | |
MC-22040088 | Recruit Training Master FY11 | NPE1XX | Land Navigation | |
MC-22040088 | Recruit Training Master FY11 | NPE1XX | Marksmanship | |
MC-22040088 | Recruit Training Master FY11 | PAW119 | Physical Fitness | |
MC-22040088 | Recruit Training Master FY11 | PAW130 | Self Defense | |
MC-22040088 | Recruit Training Master FY11 | PAW144 | Wilderness First Aid | |
MC-22040105 | Marine Combat Training | PAW1XX | Principles of Physical Fitness | |
MC-22040105 | Marine Combat Training | PAW1XX | Orienteering | |
MC-22040133 | Ops Against Guerilla Units | HIS1XX | Military Sci/Military Studies | |
MC-22040136 | Infantry Patrolling by Corrr | PAW1XX | Physical Education | |
MC-22040189 | Combat Marksman Coach | EDU3XX | Combat Marskman Coach | |
MC-22040196 | Infantry Patrolling | HIS1XX | Military Science | |
MC-22040201 | Basic Infantryman | NPE1XX | Markmanship | |
MCE-1142001 | Electrical Equip Repair Spec | ECE2XX | Elec Equip Trblshtng & Repair | |
MCE-1142001 | Electrical Equip Repair Spec | MGT2XX | Field Exp in Management | |
MCE-1142001 | Electrical Equip Repair Spec | MGT2XX | Leadership | |
MCE-1142001 | Electrical Equip Repair Spec | MGT3XX | Principles of Management | |
MCE-1833001 | Assault Amphibious Vehicle | NPE1XX | Small Boat Operation | |
MCE-1833001 | Assault Amphibious Vehicle | NPE1XX | Land Navigation | |
MCE-1833001 | Assault Amphibious Vehicle | MGT150 | Prin of Management | |
MCE-1833001 | Assault Amphibious Vehicle | NPE1XX | Heavy Equipment Operations | |
MCE-1833001 | Assault Amphibious Vehicle | IFS1XX | Computer Applications | |
MCE-1833001 | Assault Amphibious Vehicle | MGT3XX | Management | |
MCE-1833001 | Assault Amphibious Vehicle | MGT3XX | Operations Management | |
MCE-6156002 | Tiltrotor Airframe Mechanic | IFS1XX | Computer Applications | |
MCE-6156002 | Tiltrotor Airframe Mechanic | MGT3XX | Maintenance Management | |
MCE-6156002 | Tiltrotor Airframe Mechanic | MGT2XX | Supervision | |
MCE-6156002 | Tiltrotor Airframe Mechanic | CM2XX | Communications | |
MCE-6156003 | Tiltrotor Airframe Mechanic | MGT3XX | Management | |
MCE-6156003 | Tiltrotor Airframe Mechanic | CM2XX | Communication | |
MCE-6156003 | Tiltrotor Airframe Mechanic | MGT2XX | Supervision | |
MCE-6156003 | Tiltrotor Airframe Mechanic | MGT2XX | Talent Management | |
MK004 | Mach Tech | NPE1XX | Industrial Safe | |
MK004 | Mach Tech | FCO1XX | Intro Communications | |
MM003 | Machinist's Mate | NPE1XX | Machinist's Mate | |
MM006 | Machinist's Mate | NPE1XX | Machinist's Mate | |
MOS11C005 | AR Indirect Fire Infantryman | NPE1XX | Map Reading & Interpretation | |
MOS11C005 | AR Indirect Fire Infantryman | MGT2XX | Personnel Supervision | |
MOS11C005 | AR Indirect Fire Infantryman | NPE1XX | Military Science | |
MOS11C005 | AR Indirect Fire Infantryman | MGT2XX | Records & Info Mgmt | |
MOS-75B004 | Personnel Admin Specialist | NPE1XX | Word Processing | |
MOS-75B004 | Personnel Admin Specialist | MGT1XX | Office Procedures | |
MOS-75B004 | Personnel Admin Specialist | MGT1XX | Record Keeping | |
MOS-75B004 | Personnel Admin Specialist | MGT1XX | Field Exp: Personnel Mgmt | |
NER-AT005 | Aviation Electronics Tech | NPE1XX | Av Elec Tech | |
NER-MC002 | Mass Comm Specialist | MGT2XX | Supervision | |
NER-MC002 | Mass Comm Specialist | MKT3XX | Social Media Marketing | |
NER-MC002 | Mass Comm Specialist | CM3XX | Multimedia Production | |
NER-MC002 | Mass Comm Specialist | CM322 | Media Relations | |
NER-MC002 | Mass Comm Specialist | CM329 | Interpersonal Comm | |
NER-MC002 | Mass Comm Specialist | PR421 | PR Campaigns | |
NER-MC002 | Mass Comm Specialist | PR423 | Crisis Comm Mgt | |
NER-ND002 | Navy Diver | BUS1XX | Team Building | |
NER-ND002 | Navy Diver | NPE1XX | Gas & Electric Welding | |
NER-ND002 | Navy Diver | HSC1XX | EMT Basic Practicum | |
NER-ND002 | Navy Diver | HSC1XX | Diving Medical Technician | |
NER-ND002 | Navy Diver | PAW1XX | Basic Seamanship | |
NER-ND002 | Navy Diver | MGT1XX | Operational Risk Mgmt | |
NER-ND002 | Navy Diver | NPE1XX | Industrial Safety | |
NER-ND002 | Navy Diver | MGT150 | Prin of Management | |
NER-ND002 | Navy Diver | CM212 | Public Speaking | |
NER-SN003 | Seaman | PAW1XX | Able Seaman | |
NER-STG004 | Sonar Technician | IFS1XX | Computer Applications | |
NER-STG004 | Sonar Technician | MGT1XX | Supervision | |
NER-STG004 | Sonar Technician | NPE1XX | Electronic Sys Trblesht/Maint | |
NER-STG004 | Sonar Technician | CM1XX | Communications | |
NER-STG004 | Sonar Technician | ESS1XX | Basic Oceanographic Concepts | |
NER-STG005 | Sonar Technician | NPE1XX | Electromech Sys Trblsht/Maint | |
NER-STG005 | Sonar Technician | CM1XX | Communications | |
NER-STG005 | Sonar Technician | NPE1XX | Electro Sys Trblsht/Maint | |
NER-STG005 | Sonar Technician | ESS1XX | Introduction to Oceanography | |
NER-STG005 | Sonar Technician | MGT1XX | Supervision | |
NV-07030008 | Hospital Corpsman Basic | SPM205 | Responding/Emerg | |
NV-07030008 | Hospital Corpsman Basic | NUR1XX | Medical Admin/Calculations | |
NV-07030008 | Hospital Corpsman Basic | NPE1XX | EMT Clinical Experience | |
NV-07030008 | Hospital Corpsman Basic | BIO1XX | Basic Human Anatomy | |
NV-07030008-V0H5ospital Corpsman Basic II | NPE1XX | EMT Clinicals/Casualty Care | ||
NV-07030008-V0H5ospital Corpsman Basic II | BIO2XX | Basic Human Anatomy II | ||
NV-07030008-V0H5ospital Corpsman Basic II | NUR2XX | Medication Admin/Calculations | ||
NV-08030007 First Class Diver | MGT1XX | Project Management | ||
NV-08030007 First Class Diver | PAW144 | Wilderness First Aid | ||
NV-08030007 First Class Diver | HSC1XX | Diving Medical Technician | ||
NV-08030007 | First Class Diver | NPE3XX | Science of Underwater Perf | |
NV-08030007 | First Class Diver | BUS3XX | Operational Risk Management | |
NV-08030007 | First Class Diver | NPE1XX | Accident Management | |
NV-17151847 | Basic Acoustic Analysis Refres | NPE1XX | Sonar Systems | |
NV-17151853 | Sonar Maintenance | IFS1XX | Computer Sys Troubleshoot/Rep | |
NV-17151853 | Sonar Maintenance | NPE1XX | Digital Fundamentals | |
NV-17151853 | Sonar Maintenance | NPE1XX | Test Equip Calib & Maintenance | |
NV-17151853 | Sonar Maintenance | NPE1XX | Electronic Sys Troubleshoot/Re | |
NV-17151853 | Sonar Maintenance | IFS1XX | Computer Architechture | |
NV-17151856 | Sonar Tech Surface "A" School | NPE1XX | Acoustic Analysis | |
NV-17151856 | Sonar Tech Surface "A" School | ESS1XX | Oceanography | |
NV-17151856 | Sonar Tech Surface "A" School | NPE1XX | Sonar Systems | |
NV-17151857 | Inegrated Towed Array | NPE1XX | Digital Sys Trblsht/Maint | |
NV-17151857 | Inegrated Towed Array | NPE1XX | Electrmech Sys Maint | |
NV-17152024 | Sonar Operator | NPE1XX | Military Science | |
NV-17152192 | Sonar Tech Surface App | ECE3XX | Solid State Electronics | |
NV-17152192 | Sonar Tech Surface App | ECE220 | D&A/Digital Circuits | |
NV-17152192 | Sonar Tech Surface App | ECE1XX | AC/DCCircuits | |
NV-17152311 | Elctrc & Flight Cntrl Sys Org | ECE1XX | Aircraft Electrical Systems | |
NV-17152311 | Elctrc & Flight Cntrl Sys Org | ECE1XX | Aircraft Electrical Systems La | |
NV-17152362 | Anti-Sub Warfare Team Trainer | NPE1XX | Military Operations | |
NV-22020165 | Recruit Basic Mil Training BMT | PAW1XX | Physical Fitness | |
NV-22020165 | Recruit Basic Mil Training BMT | NPE1XX | Personal Development | |
NV-22020165 | Recruit Basic Mil Training BMT | PAW1XX | Basic Seamanship | |
NV-22020165 | Recruit Basic Mil Training BMT | NPE1XX | Marine Safety | |
NV07030008 | Hospital Corpsman Basic | |||
NV22020165 | Recruit Training | PAW1XX | Personal Cmty Health | |
NV22020165 | Recruit Training | PAW119 | Physical Fitness | |
NV22020165 | Recruit Training | NPE1XX | First Aid and Safety | |
PN003 | Computer Applications | IFS100 | Info Tech Competncy | |
PN003 | Computer Applications | IFS105 | Personal Computing | |
RP005 | Relg Program Specialist | IFS105 | Personal Computing | |
RP005 | Relg Program Specialist | IFS100 | Info Tech Competncy | |
RP005 | Relg Program Specialist | CM2XX | Comm Elective | |
RP005 | Relg Program Specialist | REL1XX | Intro to Ministry | |
RP005 | Relg Program Specialist | IFS1XX | Info Sys Elective | |
SK002 | Storekeeper | NPE1XX | Supply Mgmt | |
SK003 | Storekeeper | NPE1XX | Supply Mgmt | |
SK003 | Storekeeper | NPE1XX | Inventory Control | |
SK003 | Storekeeper | CS1XX | Database App | |
SK003 | Storekeeper | NPE1XX | Business Comm | |
SK004 | Storekeeper | MGT1XX | HR Mgmt | |
SK004 | Storekeeper | MGT1XX | Supervision | |
SK004 | Storekeeper | MGT1XX | Material Mgmt | |
SK004 | Storekeeper | CS1XX | Computer App | |
SK004 | Storekeeper | CM1XX | Business Comm | |
SK004 | Storekeeper | MGT1XX | Leadership | |
SK004 | Storekeeper | MGT1XX | Strategic Mgmt | |
SK004 | Storekeeper | MGT1XX | Prin of Mgmt | |
SK004 | Storekeeper | MGT1XX | Logistics | |
SN001 | Seaman | NPE1XX | Seaman | |
SN002 | Seaman | PE1XX | Seaman | |
SN002 | Seaman | NPE1XX | Seaman | |
SN002 | Seaman | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
SN002 | Seaman | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
SN002 | Seaman | PAW120 | Beginning Swimming | |
SN003 | Seaman | PE1XX | Seaman | |
SN003 | Seaman | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
YN004 | Yeoman | CM1XX | Comm Elective | |
YN004 | Yeoman | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
YN004 | Yeoman | IFS1XX | Info Sys Elective |
Millersville University of PA | York College of Pennsylvania | ||
AENG120 | Energy Systems | CVE1XX | Energy Systems |
AENG130 | Prod Materials and Process | CVE1XX | Prod Materials and Process |
AENG241 | Drafting Communications | CVE2XX | Drafting Communications |
AENG271 | Nonmetallic Materials | ME2XX | Nonmetallic Materials |
AFAM201 | Intro African-Amer Studies | HUM2XX | Intro Afr-Amer Studies |
AFAM401 | Sen Sem Afr-Am Studies | HUM4XX | Sen Sem Afr-Am Studies |
AFAM496 | Top Afr-Am Studies | HUM4XX | Top Afr-Am Studies |
ANTH121 | Cultural Anthropology | ANT220 | Cult Anthropology |
ANTH123 | Intro to Archeology | ANT230 | Intro Archaeology |
ANTH201 | People, Prim, Prehist | ANT220 | Cult Anthropology |
ANTH220 | Ethnographic Meth | ANT2XX | Ethnographic Meth |
ANTH222 | Amer Indian | ANT2XX | Amer Indian |
ANTH223 | People & Cult of Med | ANT2XX | People & Cult of Med |
ANTH226 | Comp Soc: Race/Cities | ANT2XX | Comp Soc: Race/Cities |
ANTH233 | Top: Hist Archaeology | ANT2XX | Top: Hist Archaeology |
ANTH320 | Arch Meth & Theory | ANT3XX | Arch Meth & Theory |
ANTH325 | Medical Anthropology | ANT3XX | Medical Anthropology |
ANTH422 | Hist of Anthro Thry | ANT4XX | Hist of Anthro Thry |
ANTH458 | Senior Seminar | ANT4XX | Senior Seminar |
ART100 | Art in Culture | ART101 | Intro Art Apprec |
ART128 | Art Integration | ART1XX | Art Integration |
ART133 | Drawing I | ART215 | Drawing I |
ART141 | Fund of Studio Art | ART110 | Concepts of Design |
ART142 | Design I | ART210 | Design I |
ART167 | Nontrad Photography | ART1XX | Nontrad Photography |
ART201 | Hist & Aesthetics of Photo | ART388 | History/Photography |
ART202 | Survey of Art History I | ART204 | Survey West Art I |
ART203 | Survey of Art History II | ART203 | Survey Of Art II |
ART221 | Intro to Art Education | ART2XX | Intro to Art Education |
ART233 | Drawing 2 | ART265 | Drawing II |
ART240 | Typography I | ART2XX | Typography I |
ART242 | 3D Design | ART211 | Design II |
ART244 | Typography II | ART2XX | Typography II |
ART282 | Sculpture I | ART230 | Sculpture I |
ART282 | Sculpture I | ART116 | Concepts/Sculpture |
ART291 | Fine Art Metals I | ART2XX | Fine Art Metals I |
ART295 | Ceramics I: Handbuilding | ART225 | Ceramics I |
ART295 | Ceramics | ART225 | Ceramics I |
ART296 | Ceramics I | ART225 | Ceramics I |
ART297 | Ceramics II | ART275 | Ceramics II |
ART301 | Ancient World | ART204 | Survey West Art I |
ART302 | Italian Renaissance | ART3XX | Italian Renaissance |
ART303 | The 19th Century | ART391 | 19th Century Art |
ART304 | The 20th Century | ART394 | 20th Century Art I |
ART306 | Fine Art Photo I | ART245 | Photography I |
ART312 | Surv of Art History | ART3XX | Surv of Art History |
ART313 | Art in America | ART393 | American Art |
ART321 | Media in Art Ed | ART3XX | Media in Art Ed |
ART322 | Child Dev in Visual Arts | ART3XX | Child Dev in Visual Arts |
ART325 | Meth & Pedagogy of Art | ART3XX | Meth & Pedagogy of Art |
ART327 | Art for Except Child | ART3XX | Art for Except Child |
ART333 | Drawing III | ART315 | Drawing III |
ART344 | Vis Comm & Graphic Des I | ART3XX | Vis Comm & Graph Des I |
ART345 | Intro Computer Art | ART3XX | Intro Computer Art |
ART346 | Intro Comp in Des | ART3XX | Intro Comp in Des |
ART352 | Painting 1 | ART114 | Concepts/Painting |
ART352 | Painting 1 | ART220 | Painting I |
ART353 | Watercolor 1 | ART3XX | Watercolor 1 |
ART354 | Painting II | ART270 | Painting II |
ART355 | Watercolor II | ART3XX | Watercolor II |
ART361 | Surv Printmaking | ART3XX | Surv Printmaking |
ART363 | Lithography Printmaking I | ART3XX | Lith Printmaking I |
ART364 | Relief Printmaking I | ART3XX | Relief Printmaking I |
ART365 | Intaglio Printmaking I | ART3XX | Intaglio Printmaking I |
ART367 | Water-Based Silk Print I | ART3XX | Wat-Based Silk Print I |
ART368 | Collage | ART3XX | Collage |
ART375 | Illustration | ART3XX | Illustration |
ART382 | Sculpture II | ART280 | Sculpture II |
ART391 | Fine Art Metals II | ART3XX | Fine Art Metals II |
ART396 | Ceramics III | ART3XX | Ceramics III |
ART396 | Ceramics III | ART3XX | Ceramics III |
ART403 | Art Hist: Northern Ren | ART4XX | Art Hist: North Ren |
ART404 | Contemp Mov in Art | ART4XX | Contemp Mov in Art |
ART406 | Fine Art Photography II | ART4XX | Fine Art Photography II |
ART409 | Adv Fine Art Photo | ART4XX | Adv Fine Art Photo |
ART410 | Fine Art Digital Photo | ART4XX | Fine Art Digital Photo |
ART433 | Drawing IV | ART365 | Drawing IV |
ART441 | Adv Design | ART4XX | Adv Design |
ART444 | Vis Comm & Graph Des II | ART4XX | Vis Comm & Graph Des II |
ART445 | Adv Computer Art | ART4XX | Adv Computer Art |
ART446 | Adv Comp in Des | ART4XX | Adv Comp in Des |
ART447 | Adv Des II | ART4XX | Adv Des II |
ART452 | Painting III | ART320 | Painting III |
ART453 | Watercolor III | ART4XX | Watercolor III |
ART454 | Painting IV | ART370 | Painting IV |
ART455 | Watercolor IV | ART4XX | Watercolor IV |
ART463 | Lithography Printmaking II | ART4XX | Lithography Printmaking II |
ART464 | Relief Printmaking II | ART4XX | Relief Printmaking II |
ART465 | Intaglio Printmaking II | ART4XX | Intaglio Printmaking II |
ART467 | Wat-Bas Silkscreen Print II | ART4XX | Wat-Bas Silkscr Print II |
ART468 | Mixed Media Printmaking | ART4XX | Mixed Media Printmaking |
ART469 | Contemp Iss Printmaking | ART4XX | Contemp Iss Printmaking |
ART482 | Sculpture III | ART330 | Sculpture III |
ART483 | Sculpture IV | ART380 | Sculpture IV |
ART490 | Prof Sem & Exhibition | ART4XX | Prof Sem & Exhibition |
ART491 | Fine Art Metals III | ART4XX | Fine Art Metals III |
ART492 | Fine Art Metals IV | ART4XX | Fine Art Metals IV |
ART497 | Ceramics IV | ART4XX | Ceramics IV |
ART498 | Independent Study in Art | ART498 | Independent Study |
BIO343 | Prin Ecology & Evol | BIO3XX | Prin Ecology & Evol |
BIO454 | Immunology | BIO4XX | Biology Elect No Lab |
BIOL100 | General Biology | BIO205 | Exp Biology Lab |
BIOL100 | General Biology | BIO204 | Exploring Biology |
BIOL101 | Found of Biology | BIO142 | Molecule/Gene/Cell |
BIOL101 | Found of Biology | BIO151 | Intro Mole Bio Lab |
BIOL101 | Found of Biology | BIO150 | Intro Molecular Bio |
BIOL101 | Found of Biology | BIO143 | Mole/Gene/Cell Lab |
BIOL103 | Sci of Evolution | BIO1XX | Biology Elect No Lab |
BIOL105 | Prin of Biology | BIO150 | Biology I |
BIOL140 | Intro Ecology | BIO1XX | Intro Ecology |
BIOL154 | Human Anat & Phys I | BIO220 | Human A/P I |
BIOL155 | Human Anat & Phys 2 | BIO222 | Human A/P II |
BIOL161 | Clinical Microbiology | BIO230 | Microbiology |
BIOL204 | Human Biology | BIO2XX | Biology Elective No Lab |
BIOL205 | Heredity | BIO2XX | Biology Elect No Lab |
BIOL207 | Hum Sexuality | BIO2XX | Biology Elect No Lab |
BIOL208 | Plants & People | BIO2XX | Biology Elect No Lab |
BIOL211 | Concepts of Zoology | BIO302 | Zoology |
BIOL211 | Concepts of Zoology | BIO303 | Zoology Lab |
BIOL221 | Concepts of Botany | BIO305 | Botany Lab |
BIOL221 | Concepts of Botany | BIO304 | Botany |
BIOL222 | Prob Solving in Botany | BIO2XX | Biology Elect No Lab |
BIOL241 | Prin of Ecology | BIO300 | Ecology |
BIOL241 | Prin of Ecology | BIO2XX | Biology Elect No Lab |
BIOL247 | Biodiversity | BIO2XX | Biology Elect No Lab |
BIOL254 | Hum Anat & Physiol I | BIO220 | Human A/P I |
BIOL254 | Hum Anat & Physiol I | BIO2XX | Hum Anat & Phys I |
BIOL255 | Human Anat & Phys II | BIO222 | Human A/P II |
BIOL256 | Nutrition | NUR202 | Nutrition |
BIOL257 | Intro Allied Hlth Prof | BIO100 | Intro Allied Hl |
BIOL263 | Cell Biology | BIO150 | Biology I |
BIOL266 | Adv Prin of Cell Biology | BIO2XX | Biology Elect No Lab |
BIOL281 | Beh Biology | BIO2XX | Biology Elect No Lab |
BIOL291 | Marine Biology | BIO210 | Marine Biology |
BIOL295 | Marine Invertebrates | BIO2XX | Marine Invertebrates |
BIOL296 | Marine Ecology | BIO2XX | Biology Elect No Lab |
BIOL318 | Comp Vert Anat | BIO3XX | Comp Vert Anat |
BIOL324 | Plant Biochem | BIO3XX | Plant Biochem |
BIOL325 | Plant Systematics | BIO312 | Plant Systematics |
BIOL326 | Lower Plants | BIO3XX | Lower Plants |
BIOL327 | Horticultural Science | BIO3XX | Hort Science |
BIOL340 | Persp Envir Awareness | BIO3XX | Biology Elect No Lab |
BIOL340 | Persp Envir Awareness | BIO3XX | Biology Elect No Lab |
BIOL343 | Prin Ecology & Evolution | BIO3XX | Prin Ecology & Evol |
BIOL344 | Pop & Comm Ecology | BIO3XX | Pop & Comm Ecology |
BIOL345 | Appl Ecology | BIO3XX | Appl Ecology |
BIOL346 | Ornithology | BIO3XX | Ornithology |
BIOL352 | Nutritional Science | NUR202 | Nutrition |
BIOL355 | Microorg & Disease | BIO230 | Microbiology |
BIOL356 | Funct Hum Anatomy | BIO3XX | Funct Hum Anatomy |
BIOL360 | Histology | BIO3XX | Histology |
BIOL361 | Microbiology | BIO231 | Micro/Allied Lab |
BIOL361 | Microbiology | BIO230 | Microbio/Allied Hlth |
BIOL362 | Cell & Dev Biology | BIO3XX | Cell & Dev Biology |
BIOL363 | Medical Microbiology | BIO3XX | Biology Elect No Lab |
BIOL364 | Found Genetics & Mol Bio | BIO240 | Genetics |
BIOL365 | Genetics | BIO240 | Genetics |
BIOL365 | Genetics | BIO241 | Genetics Lab |
BIOL375 | Biometry | BIO3XX | Biology Elect No Lab |
BIOL390 | Nat Hist of Mid-Atl Shore | BIO3XX | Biology Elect No Lab |
BIOL396 | Marine Ichthyology | BIO3XX | Biology Elect No Lab |
BIOL397 | Marine Botany | BIO3XX | Biology Elect No Lab |
BIOL415 | Mammalogy | BIO4XX | Mammalogy |
BIOL416 | Entomology | BIO4XX | Entomology |
BIOL417 | Parasitology | BIO4XX | Parasitology |
BIOL424 | Mycology | BIO4XX | Mycology |
BIOL429 | Plant Dev Bio | BIO4XX | Plant Dev Bio |
BIOL435 | Animal Physiology | BIO308 | Animal Physlgy |
BIOL436 | Plant Physiology | BIO4XX | Plant Physiology |
BIOL437 | Endocrinology | BIO4XX | Biology Elect No Lab |
BIOL438 | Neurobiology | BIO360 | Neurobiology |
BIOL443 | Conservation Biology | BIO4XX | Conservation Biology |
BIOL445 | Aquatic Biology | BIO4XX | Aquatic Biology |
BIOL446 | Ecosystems | BIO4XX | Biology Elect No Lab |
BIOL447 | Chesapeake Bay Sys | BIO324 | Marine Ecol/Chesapk |
BIOL448 | Biol Prob Envir Mgt | BIO4XX | Biology Elect No Lab |
BIOL454 | Immunology | BIO4XX | Biology Elective no lab |
BIOL455 | Cardiopulmonary Physiology | BIO4XX | Cardiopulm Phys |
BIOL461 | Gen Microbiology | BIO230 | Microbiology |
BIOL462 | Molecular Biology | BIO358 | Cell/Moleclr Bio |
BIOL463 | Virology | BIO4XX | Virology |
BIOL465 | Dev Biology | BIO4XX | Dev Biology |
BIOL466 | Molecular & Cell Tech | BIO466 | Molecular & Cell Tech |
BIOL467 | Hum Gen: Analy & Appl | BIO4XX | Biology Elect No Lab |
BIOL470 | Biology Colloquium | BIO4XX | Biology Elect No Lab |
BIOL471 | Top in Biology | BIO4XX | Biology Elect No Lab |
BIOL472 | Seminar in Biology | BIO4XX | Biology Elect No Lab |
BIOL473 | Seminar | BIO4XX | Biology Elect No Lab |
BIOL485 | Animal Behavior | BIO306 | Animal Behavior |
BIOL487 | Evolution | BIO4XX | Biology Elect No Lab |
BIOL495 | Biological Oceanography | BIO4XX | Biol Oceanography |
BIOL498 | Independent Study | BIO406 | Independent Study |
BUAD101 | Intro to Business | BUS150 | Intro to Business |
BUAD143 | Pers Financial Planning | BUS218 | Personal Finance |
BUAD161 | Intro to Fin Acct | ACC220 | Financial Acct |
BUAD162 | Intro to Manag Acct | ACC225 | Managerial Acct |
BUAD201 | Intro to Intl Bus | IBS200 | Internatl Business |
BUAD202 | Legal Environ of Bus | BUS260 | Legal Environment |
BUAD207 | Info Sci | IFS305 | Management Info Sys |
BUAD231 | Principles of Marketing | MKT100 | Prin Marketing |
BUAD251 | Organization & Mgmt | MGT150 | Prin of Management |
BUAD300 | Co-Op Ed Exp in Buad | BUS3XX | Co-Op Ed Exp in Buad |
BUAD302 | Law of Bus Org & Trans | BUS3XX | Law of Bus Org & Trans |
BUAD306 | Research Methods | QBA3XX | Research Methods |
BUAD307 | Mgmt Information Sys | IFS305 | Management Info Sys |
BUAD308 | Quant Methods | QBA3XX | Quant Methods |
BUAD310 | Econ of Justice | ECO3XX | Econ of Justice |
BUAD332 | Consumer Beh | MKT360 | Consumer Behavior |
BUAD333 | Personal Selling | MKT220 | Personal Selling |
BUAD335 | Advertising | MKT330 | Advertising |
BUAD336 | Retail Mkt | MKT230 | Retailing |
BUAD337 | Sales Force Admin | MKT380 | Sales Management |
BUAD341 | Man Finance I | FIN300 | Managrl Finance I |
BUAD342 | Man Finance II | FIN3XX | Man Finance II |
BUAD343 | Real Estate Fund | FIN310 | Real Estate Finance |
BUAD344 | Intl Finance | IBS405 | Internatl Finance |
BUAD345 | Investment Analysis | FIN320 | Investments |
BUAD346 | Prin Bank Admin | FIN3XX | Prin Bank Admin |
BUAD347 | Risk & Insurance | FIN330 | Risk Mgmt/Insurance |
BUAD351 | Org Theory | OBD345 | Org Theory/Process |
BUAD352 | Hum Res Mgmt | MGT220 | Human Resource Mgt |
BUAD353 | Labor-Mgt Relations | MGT330 | Labor Relations |
BUAD354 | Compensation Mgt | MGT3XX | Compensation Mgt |
BUAD355 | Bus & Society | BUS3XX | Bus & Society |
BUAD356 | Small Bus Mgt | MGT3XX | Small Bus Mgt |
BUAD357 | Intl Mgt | IBS375 | Internat Managemnt |
BUAD361 | Intermed Acct I | ACC320 | Inter Accounting I |
BUAD362 | Intermed Acct II | ACC325 | Inter Accounting II |
BUAD363 | Acct Info Systems | ACC3XX | Acct Info Systems |
BUAD364 | Cost Acct | ACC3XX | Cost Acct |
BUAD365 | Not-for-Profit Acct | ACC3XX | Not-for-Profit Acct |
BUAD366 | Fed Income Tax I | ACC305 | Taxation I |
BUAD367 | Fed Income Tax II | ACC3XX | Fed Income Tax II |
BUAD400 | Coop Ed in Bus Admin | BUS4XX | Coop Ed in Bus Admin |
BUAD405 | Sp Top in Bus Admin | BUS4XX | Sp Top in Bus Admin |
BUAD431 | Marketing Research | MKT450 | Marketing Research |
BUAD435 | Intl Marketing | IBS370 | Internat Marketing |
BUAD436 | Marketing Strategy | MKT475 | Mkt Policies/Strat |
BUAD445 | Fin Markets | FIN4XX | Fin Markets |
BUAD447 | Cases in Finance | FIN4XX | Cases in Finance |
BUAD452 | Prod & Operations Mgt | MGT350 | Operations Mgmt |
BUAD452 | Ops and Supply Chain Mgmt | SCM300 | Operations Mgmt |
BUAD455 | Strategic Mgt | MGT4XX | Strategic Mgt |
BUAD461 | Auditing | ACC410 | Auditing |
BUAD465 | Adv Acct | ACC420 | Adv Accounting I |
BUAD488 | Sem in Bus Admin | BUS4XX | Sem in Bus Admin |
BUAD498 | Independent Study | BUS498 | Independent Study |
CCI412 | e-Commerce | CS4XX | e-Commerce |
CHEM101 | Chemistry | CHM1XX | Chemistry Elective No Lab |
CHEM102 | Demo Chemistry | CHM102 | Chem/Society |
CHEM103 | Gen Org & Biochem I | CHM122 | Prin Gen/Org Chem |
CHEM104 | Gen Org & Biochem II | CHM1XX | Gen Org & Biochem II |
CHEM110 | Fund of Chemistry | CHM1XX | Chemistry Elective No Lab |
CHEM111 | Introductory Chemistry | CHM134 | Gen Chem I |
CHEM111 | Introductory Chemistry | CHM135 | Gen Chem I Lab |
CHEM112 | Intro Chemistry II | CHM137 | Gen Chem II Lab |
CHEM112 | Intro Chemistry II | CHM136 | Gen Chem II |
CHEM205 | Mol Basis of Color/Form | CHM2XX | Mol Basis of Color/Form |
CHEM231 | Organic Chemistry I | CHM235 | Orgnc Chm I Lab |
CHEM231 | Organic Chemistry I | CHM234 | Organic Chem I |
CHEM232 | Organic Chemistry II | CHM237 | Org Chm II Lab |
CHEM232 | Organic Chemistry II | CHM236 | Organic Chem II |
CHEM235 | Organic Chem | CHM2XX | Organic Chemistry |
CHEM251 | Inorganic Chemistry I | CHM2XX | Chemistry Elective No Lab |
CHEM265 | Quant Analysis | CHM336 | Quant Analy Chm |
CHEM312 | Chem in Nanotechnology | CHM3XX | Chem in Nanotech |
CHEM324 | Plant Biochem | CHM3XX | Plant Biochem |
CHEM326 | Biochemistry I | CHM350 | Biochemistry |
CHEM326 | Biochemistry I | BIO350 | Biochemistry |
CHEM327 | Biochemistry II | CHM3XX | Biochemistry II |
CHEM341 | Physical Chemistry I | CHM344 | Physical Chem I |
CHEM342 | Physical Chemistry II | CHM346 | Physical Chm II |
CHEM372 | Hist of Chem & Soc | CHM3XX | Chemistry Elect No Lab |
CHEM375 | Environmental Chem | CHM3XX | Environmental Chem |
CHEM381 | Polymer Chemistry I | CHM3XX | Polymer Chemistry I |
CHEM435 | Adv Organic Chem | CHM4XX | Chem Elect No Lab |
CHEM452 | Inorganic Chemistry | CHM4XX | Chem Elect No Lab |
CHEM465 | Analytical Chemistry | CHM338 | Instr Anyl Chem |
CHEM476 | Environmental Chem II | CHM4XX | Envir Chem II |
CHEM482 | Polymer Chem II | CHM4XX | Chem Elect No Lab |
CHEM486 | Topics in Chem | CHM4XX | Chem Elect No Lab |
CHEM487 | Seminar in Chem I | CHM4XX | Chem Elect No Lab |
CHEM488 | Sem in Chem II | CHM4XX | Chem Elect No Lab |
CHEM489 | Honors Courses/Thesis | CHM4XX | Chem Elect No Lab |
CHEM498 | Intro Res/Ind Study | CHM481 | Independent Study |
COMM100 | Fundamentals of Speech | CM212 | Public Speaking |
COMM100H | Hnrs: Fund of Speech | CM104 | Human Communicatn |
COMM100H | Hnrs: Fund of Speech | CM212 | Public Speaking |
COMM101 | Intro to Communication | CM1XX | Intro to Communication |
COMM121 | Intro to Audio and Video | CM1XX | Intro to Audio and Video |
COMM201 | Theory of Comm | CM206 | Communicatn Theory |
COMM203 | Small Grp Comm | CM304 | Group Discussion |
COMM206 | Comm and Media Law | CM2XX | Comm and Media Law |
COMM217 | Interpersonal Comm | CM329 | Interpersonal Comm |
COMM220 | Surv of Mass Media | CM211 | Mass Communication |
COMM224 | Intro Org Comm | CM328 | Organizational Comm |
COMM225 | Comm Nonprofit Sector | CM2XX | Comm Nonprofit Sector |
COMM227 | Comm, Cult & Comm | CM2XX | Comm, Cult & Comm |
COMM230 | Intl Broadcasting | CM2XX | Intl Broadcasting |
COMM251 | Public Relations I | CM221 | Public Relations |
COMM301 | Comm Research | CM3XX | Comm Research |
COMM305 | Bus & Prof Comm | CM3XX | Bus & Prof Comm |
COMM311 | Environmental Advocacy | CM3XX | Environ Advocacy |
COMM317 | Intercult Comm | CM3XX | Intercult Comm |
COMM320 | Radio Prod | CM231 | Radio Production I |
COMM321 | TV Prod I | CM242 | Video Prodctn I |
COMM322 | Media Criticism | CM3XX | Media Criticism |
COMM325 | Broadcast News Reporting | CM120 | Broadcast Perform I |
COMM326 | Broadcast Workshop I | CM3XX | Broadcast Workshop I |
COMM330 | Media & Women's Cult | CM3XX | Media & Women's Cult |
COMM333 | Gender & Comm | CM3XX | Gender & Comm |
COMM342 | Theories of Rhetoric | CM207 | Rhetoric/Publc Addr |
COMM351 | Pub Rel II: Pub Rel Wrt | CM3XX | Pub Rel II: Pub Rel Wrt |
COMM380 | Digital Media Wrt | CM3XX | Digital Media Wrt |
COMM401 | Crit-Cult Studies in Comm | CM4XX | Crit-Cult Stud in Comm |
COMM403 | Persuasion | CM327 | Persuasion |
COMM421 | TV Prod II | CM341 | Video Production II |
COMM422 | Adv Audio Prod | CM4XX | Adv Audio Prod |
COMM426 | Broadcast Workshop II | CM4XX | Broadcast Workshop II |
COMM429 | Sp Top in Comm Studies | CM444 | Special Topics |
COMM431 | The Body in Comm | CM4XX | The Body in Comm |
COMM440 | Leadership and Media | CM4XX | Leadership and Media |
COMM441 | Political Comm | CM4XX | Political Comm |
COMM450 | Comm & Conflict Mgt | CM4XX | Comm & Conflict Mgt |
COMM451 | Pub Rel Iss & Cases | CM4X | Pub Rel Iss & Cases |
COMM452 | Pub Relations Campaigns | CM421 | PR Campgn Strat |
COMM461 | Health Comm | CM4XX | Health Comm |
COMM498 | Ind Study in Comm | CM499 | Independent Study |
CSCI101 | Prob Solving with Comp | CS1XX | Prob Solving with Comp |
CSCI111 | Intro Prob Solv Vis Basic | CS1XX | Prob Solv Vis Basic |
CSCI121 | Intro Internet Prog | CS1XX | Intro Internet Prog |
CSCI140 | Discrete Structures | CS1XX | Discrete Structures |
CSCI161 | Intro to Programming I | CS1XX | Intro to Prog I |
CSCI162 | Intro Prog II | CS1XX | Intro Prog II |
CSCI330 | Prog Lang & Software Eng | CS3XX | Prog Lang & Software Eng |
CSCI340 | Computational Models | CS3XX | Computational Models |
CSCI350 | Cognitive Science | CS3XX | Cognitive Science |
CSCI362 | Data Structures | CS3XX | Data Structures |
CSCI370 | Computer Architecture | CS3XX | Comp Architecture |
CSCI375 | Computer Graphics | CS3XX | Computer Graphics |
CSCI380 | Operating Systems | CS3XX | Operating Systems |
CSCI395 | Computer Networks | CS3XX | Computer Networks |
CSCI406 | Topics in Comp Sci | CS4XX | Topics in Comp Sci |
CSCI412 | e-Commerce:Conc & Prog | CS4XX | e-Commerce:Conc & Prog |
CSCI415 | Comp & Network Security | CS4XX | Comp & Network Security |
CSCI420 | Software Engineering | CS4XX | Software Engineering |
CSCI425 | Hum-Comp Interaction | CS4XX | Hum-Comp Interaction |
EC101 | Prin of Econ I | ECO200 | Prin Econ-Macro |
ECON101 | Prin of Economics I | ECO200 | Prin Econ-Macro |
ECON101H | Hnrs: Prin of Econ I | ECO200 | Prin Econ-Macro |
ECON102 | Prin of Economics II | ECO201 | Prin Econ-Micro |
ECON203 | Intro World Economy | ECO2XX | World Economy |
ECON215 | Money, Cred, & Banking | ECO370 | Money & Banking |
ECON225 | Comparative Econ Sys | ECO2XX | Comp Econ Systems |
ECON231 | Appl Stats I | QBA260 | Business Statistics |
ECON319 | Intermed Macroecon | ECO360 | Intermediate Macro |
ECON325 | International Economics | IBS401 | International Econ |
ECON327 | Women & Global Econ Dev | ECO3XX | Women & Global Econ Dev |
ECON345 | Labor Economics | ECO3XX | Labor Economics |
EDFN130 | Tech in Music Prof | MUS1XX | Tech in Music Prof |
EDFN211 | Found Modern Education | EDU200 | Found of Education |
EDFN241 | Psyc Found of Teaching | PSY223 | Early Child Develp |
EDFN241 | Psych Found of Teaching | EDU370 | Psych of Learning |
EDFN241 | Psych Found of Teaching | EDU375 | Psy Learning/Second |
EDFN312 | Women and Education | WGS3XX | Women in Education |
EDFN320 | Instruc Tech in Eled | ECH210 | Ed Tech/Early Elem |
EDFN330 | Microcomp in Classroom | EDU3XX | Microcomp in Class |
EDFN333 | Instr Tech in SPED | EDU3XX | Instr Tech in SPED |
EDFN511 | Comparative Education | MED504 | Group Processes/Ed |
EDFN521 | Issues in Sec Education | MED5XX | Issues in Sec Education |
EDFN530 | Instr Tech, Design, Assess | MED622 | Dist Ed Technologies |
EDFN545 | Adv Ed Psychology | MED502 | Adv Educ Psych |
EDFN601 | Research Methods | MED501 | Intro Ed Research |
EDFN603 | Philosophy of Education | MED504 | Group Processes/Ed |
EDLD620 | Schl Law, Pblc Plcy and Prnc | MED550 | Legal/Ethical Issue |
EDSE321 | Issues in Second Education | EDU460 | Community/Legal Issues Ed |
EDSU700 | Functions Supervision | MED561 | Intro Org Leadershp |
EDSU703 | Curr & Supervision | MED503 | Curric Trends/Issue |
EDUC220 | Reading Found | EDU2XX | Reading Found |
EDUC323 | Teach Rdg Content | EDU3XX | Teach Rdg Content |
EDUC333 | Child Lit | EDU3XX | Child Lit |
EDUC376 | Strat Class Mgmt | EDU3XX | Strat Class Mgt |
EDUC424 | Diag Read Dis | EDU4XX | Diag Read Dis |
EDUC424 | Diag Reading Disability | EDU4XX | Diag Reading Disability |
EDUC433 | Gender & Race Issues | EDU4XX | Gender & Race Iss |
EDUC486 | Topics: Young Learners | EDU4XX | Topics: Young Learners |
EDW727 | Diff Instruction | MED502 | Dev, Learning, Incl Pract |
EHEM201 | Intro to Emergency Mgmt | PS2XX | Intro to Emergency Mgmt |
ELED100 | Intro Elem Ed | EDU1XX | Intro Elem Ed |
ELED111 | Intro E Chd Ed | EDU1XX | Intro E Chd Ed |
ELED210 | Young Child and the Curric | ECH230 | Early Child Theory |
ELED419 | Seminar: Diverse Learners | EDU4XX | Sem: Diverse Learners |
ENGL110 | English Composition | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm |
ENGL110H | Hnrs:English Composition | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm |
ENGL220 | Intro to Lang Study | LIT310 | Language/Linguistics |
ENGL221 | Ling Analysis | LIT310 | Language/Linguistics |
ENGL230 | Intro to Literature | LIT200 | Perspectives/Lit |
ENGL231 | World Lit I | LIT2XX | World Lit I |
ENGL232 | World Lit II | LIT2XX | World Lit II |
ENGL233 | Early Eng Lit | LIT283 | British Lit to 1750 |
ENGL234 | Later Eng Lit | LIT284 | Brt Lit after 1750 |
ENGL235 | Early American Literature | LIT281 | Amer Lit to 1885 |
ENGL236 | Later American Literature | LIT282 | Amer Lit after 1885 |
ENGL237 | Lit Research & Analysis | LIT2XX | Lit Res & Analysis |
ENGL237 | Lit Res and Analysis | WRT202 | Academic Writing |
ENGL238 | West Lit Trad I | LIT285 | Eur Lit to 1600 |
ENGL240 | Intro to Film | FLM216 | Intro to Film |
ENGL241 | Exp in World Lit | LIT2XX | Exp in World Lit |
ENGL241H | H:Explorations in World Lit | LIT2XX | Exp in World Lit |
ENGL242 | Read World: Soc Just | LIT2XX | Read World: Soc Just |
ENGL250 | The Press and Society | CM2XX | The Press and Society |
ENGL292 | Science Fiction | LIT2XX | Science Fiction |
ENGL311 | Advanced Composition | WRT315 | Advanced Compositn |
ENGL312 | Technical Writing | FCO215 | Tech/Scientfc Comm |
ENGL312 | Tech Writing | WRT3XX | Tech Writing |
ENGL316 | Business Writing | FCO210 | Comm Prof Cultures |
ENGL316 | Bus Writing | WRT210 | Writng/Prof Culturs |
ENGL319 | Science Writing | WRT352 | Rhetoric of Science |
ENGL321 | Transformational Grammar | WRT325 | Language/Linguistics |
ENGL333 | Afro-American Lit I | LIT203 | African/Amer Lit |
ENGL334 | Afro-American Lit II | LIT3XX | Afro-Am Lit II |
ENGL334H | Hnrs:Afro-Amer Lit II | LIT3XX | Hnrs:Afro-Amer Lit II |
ENGL338 | Folklore & Lit | LIT3XX | Folklore & Lit |
ENGL405 | Shakespeare | LIT323 | Shakespeare I |
ENGL407 | Milton | LIT4XX | Milton |
ENGL416 | Woman Writer | LIT4XX | Woman Writer |
ENGL423 | Development of the Amer Novel | LIT313 | American Novel |
ENGL429 | Sem: Black Women Writers | LIT3XX | Sem: Black Women Writers |
ENGL430 | Ethnic Amrn Lit Since 1945 | LIT4XX | Ethnic Am Lit/1945 |
ENGL435 | Journ Thru Wom Persp | LIT4XX | Journ Thru Wom Persp |
ENGL443 | Prose Fiction | LIT4XX | Prose Fiction |
ENGL471 | Creative Writing | WRT272 | Intro Creative Wrt |
ENGL482 | Film & Amer Soc | FLM4XX | Film & Amer Soc |
ENGL483 | Politics, Film, Electronic Med | LIT393 | Literature & Film |
ENGL485 | Teaching Sec School English | MLE4XX | Teaching Sec School English |
ENGL486 | Tchg Rdg and Lit w/ Yng Adlt | LIT270 | Young Adult Lit |
ENTR201 | Art of Entrepreneurship | ENT2XX | Art of Entreptreneurship |
ERCH110 | Intro Early Child Ed | EDU1XX | Intro Early Child Ed |
ERCH225 | Found of Reading | EDU2XX | Found of Reading |
ERCH315 | Family/Commun: Aspects | ECH250 | Professionl/Partner |
ERCH316 | Creative/Implent Instruction | EDU3XX | Creative/Implent Instr |
ERCH345 | Soc Studies for Young Lrnr | ECH315 | Teachng Soc Studies |
ERCH421 | Lang Dev and Emerg Lit | ECH301 | Lit/Lang Young Child |
ERCH435 | Literature for Yng Chld | EDU4XX | Literature/Yng Child |
ERCH455 | Tchg Math to Yound Child | ECH320 | Teaching Math |
ERCH465 | Science for the Young Learner | ECH330 | Teaching Science |
ERCH485 | Tchg Young Engl Lang Learners | EDU335 | Instrc Needs/ELL |
ES101 | Phy Prin Earth | ESS1XX | Earth Sci Elect No Lab |
ES104 | World Ocean | ESS1XX | Earth Sci Elect No Lab |
ESCI101 | Earth Sys & Nat Haz | ESS1XX | Earth Sci Elective No Lab |
ESCI102 | Origin & Evol of Earth | ESS1XX | Earth Sci Elective No Lab |
ESCI103 | The Atmosphere | ESS1XX | Earth Sci Elect No Lab |
ESCI104 | The World Ocean | ESS1XX | The World Ocean |
ESCI107 | The Atmosphere | ESS1XX | Earth Sci Elective No Lab |
ESCI109 | Atmosphere with Lab | ESS152 | Earth/Space Sci |
ESCI110 | Intro to Earth Sciences Progrm | ESS1XX | Earth Sci Elective No Lab |
ESCI120 | Environmental Geology | ESS1XX | Earth Sci Elect No Lab |
ESCI120 | Environmental Geology | ESS254 | Local Perspect/Geo |
ESCI221 | Physical Geology | ESS2XX | Physical Geology |
ESCI222 | Historical Geology | ESS2XX | Historical Geology |
ESCI245 | Enviromental Meteorology | ESS2XX | Enviro Meteorology |
FIN203 | Personal Finance | FIN220 | Personal Finance & Banking |
FREN101 | Elementary French I | FRN101 | Elem French I |
FREN102 | Elementary French II | FRN102 | Elem French II |
FREN201 | Intermediate French I | FRN201 | Inter French I |
FREN202 | Intermediate French II | FRN202 | Inter French II |
FREN443 | Stylistics & Comp | FRN4XX | Stylistics & Comp |
FREN451 | Geog of France | FRN4XX | Geog of France |
GEOG101 | The Global Environ | G1XX | The Global Environ |
GEOG120 | Human Geography | G1XX | Hum Geog |
GEOG130 | Intro to Environmental Science | ESS1XX | Intro to Environmental Science |
GEOG141 | World Reg Geography | G100 | World Reg Geography |
GEOG202 | Resources and Environ | G341 | Geog North America |
GEOG226 | Political Geography | G2XX | Political Geography |
GEOG227 | Urban Geog | G345 | Urban Geography |
GEOG228 | Geography of Sport | SPM2XX | Geog of Sport |
GEOG230 | Physical Geography | ESS2XX | Earth Sci Elective No Lab |
GEOG245 | Geography of Pennsylvania | G2XX | Geography of PA |
GEOG281 | Map Interpr and Analysis | G2XX | Map Interpr and Analysis |
GEOG342 | Europe | G3XX | Europe |
GEOG344 | North America | G341 | Geog North America |
GEOG350 | Health Geog | G3XX | Health Geog |
GERM101 | Elementary German I | GRM101 | Elem German I |
GERT100 | Intro to Gerontology | GER1XX | Intro to Gerontology |
GERT210 | Aging and the Law | GER2XX | Aging and the Law |
GOVT101 | Intro to Pol Studies | PS1XX | Intro to Pol Studies |
GOVT111 | Intro to American Govt | PS101 | Amer Gov/Citizenship |
GOVT111 | Intro to Amer Govt | PS141 | American Governmnt |
GOVT112 | Intro State & Local Govt | PS242 | State/Local Govt |
GOVT205 | Intro to Public Policy | PS142 | Am Gov: Process/Pol |
GOVT221 | Intro to Cmprtv Politcl Systms | PS260 | Comparative Politics |
GOVT231 | Intro to Political Theory | PS369 | Modern Pol Thought |
GOVT241 | Pub Admin & Pub Service | PS151 | Intro Public Admin |
GOVT251 | Intro to Global Politics | PS2XX | Intro to Global Politics |
GOVT332 | Rec Pol Theory | PS3XX | Rec Pol Theory |
GOVT351 | Intl law | PS307 | International Law |
HIST101 | Eur & World 1350-1789 | HIS101 | Western Civ I |
HIST102 | Eur & World 1789-Pres | HIS102 | Western Civ II |
HIST104 | U.S. & PA Hist 1865-Pr | HIS112 | American Civ II |
HIST105 | The Craft of History | HIS200 | Methods/Theory Hist |
HIST106 | Contours of US Hist | HIS112 | American Civ II |
HIST206 | The World to 1500 | HIS121 | World History I |
HIST210 | Women & West Civ | HIS2XX | Women & West Civ |
HIST216 | Vikings | HIS2XX | Vikings |
HIST218 | People & the Environment | HIS2XX | People & the Environment |
HIST220 | Mod France | HIS2XX | Mod France |
HIST221 | England to 1688 | HIS330 | History Britain I |
HIST222 | Modern Britain | HIS331 | History Britain II |
HIST224 | Mod Germany | HIS2XX | Mod Germany |
HIST241 | Imperial Russia | HIS2XX | Imperial Russia |
HIST251 | Violence in America | HIS2XX | Violence in America |
HIST271 | American Presidency | HIS2XX | American Presidency |
HIST273 | Afro-Amer Hist II | HIS2XX | Afro-Amer Hist II |
HIST280 | Pre-Colonial Africa | HIS2XX | Pre-Colonial Africa |
HIST283 | Colonial Latin America | HIS2XX | Colonial Latin America |
HIST308 | Topics: WWII | HIS3XX | Topics: WWII |
HIST313 | Hist of Mid Ages | HIS301 | Medieval Civ |
HIST340 | 20th Century Europe | HIS320 | Europe after 1914 |
HIST342 | Hitler and Nazism | HIS421 | Nazi Germany |
HIST351 | 17th Cent Brit Amer | HIS3XX | 17th Cent Brit Amer |
HIST354 | The New Nation | HIS352 | New American Nation |
HIST355 | Civ War & Reconstruct | HIS364 | Civil War & Reconstruction |
HIST356 | New Era, 1876-1919 | HIS365 | Emerg Mod America |
HIST380 | U.S. Latin Amer Rel | HIS3XX | U.S. Latin Amer Rel |
HIST381 | Hist W Africa to 1800 | HIS140 | History of Africa I |
HIST480 | History of Medicine | HIS4XX | History of Medicine |
HPED175 | Wellness | PE134 | Concpts Phys Actvty |
HPED310 | PE for Elem Schoools | EDU3XX | PE for Elem Schools |
HUMN202 | Classical Mythology | HUM2XX | Classical Mythology |
HUMN210 | French Literature in Translatn | FRN315 | French Literature |
HUMN220 | German Literature in Transltn | GRM315 | German Literature |
HUMN230 | Amish & Other PA Dutch | HUM2XX | Amish & Other PA Dutch |
HUMN280 | Span Lit in English | HUM2XX | Span Lit in English |
INTL201 | Intro to Intl Studies | INT2XX | Intro to Intl Studies |
ITEC110 | Comm/Info Systems | IFS1XX | Comm/Info Systems |
ITEC120 | Energy & Power Sys | EGR1XX | Energy & Power Sys |
ITEC130 | Prod Materials & Process | EGR1XX | Prod Mat & Process |
ITEC241 | Drafting Communications | EGR2XX | Drafting Communications |
ITEC251 | Graphic Communications | ART2XX | Graphic Communications |
ITEC281 | Proc Metallic Materials | EGR2XX | Proc Metallic Materials |
ITEC303 | Tech Assessment: Amish | EGR3XX | Tech Assessment:Amish |
ITEC382 | CNCMachining | EGR3XX | CNCMachining |
LATN101 | Elem Latin I | LAT101 | Elem Latin I |
LATS201 | Intro Latino Studies | SPN2XX | Intro Latino Studies |
MA104 | Fund of Math I | MAT115 | Sets/Number Systems |
MA105 | Fund of Math 2 | MAT215 | Sets/Number Sys II |
MATH100 | Survey of Math Ideas | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv |
MATH101 | College Algebra | MAT105 | College Algebra |
MATH102 | Math in Non-Euro Cult | MAT1XX | Math in Non-Euro Cult |
MATH104 | Fund of Math I | MAT115 | Sets/Number Systems |
MATH105 | Fund of Math II | MAT215 | Sets/Number Sys II |
MATH110 | Trigonometry | MAT1XX | Trigonometry |
MATH130 | Elements of Statistics I | BEH260 | Statistics |
MATH130 | Elements of Statistics I | QBA260 | Business Statistics |
MATH130 | Elements of Statistics I | MAT250 | Statistics |
MATH151 | Calculus for Management | MAT120 | Applied Calculus |
MATH160 | Precalculus | MAT108 | Precalculus |
MATH161 | Calculus I | MAT171 | Calculus I |
MATH163H | Hnrs: Calculus | MAT171 | Calculus I |
MATH211 | Calculus II | MAT172 | Calculus II |
MATH235 | Survey of Statistics | MAT250 | Statistics |
MATH235 | Survey of Statistics | BEH260 | Statistics |
MATH235 | Survey of Statistics | QBA260 | Business Statistics |
MATH311 | Calculus III | MAT271 | Calculus III |
MILS101 | Intro to Military Science | NPE1XX | Intro to Military Science |
MILS102 | Intro to Military Sci 2 | NPE1XX | Intro to Military Sci 2 |
MILS210 | Self & Team Dev | NPE2XX | Self & Team Dev |
MILS211 | Military Leadership | NPE2XX | Military Leadership |
MILS301 | Lead & Mgmt & Mil Tact | NPE3XX | Lead & Mgmt & Mil Tact |
MILS302 | Lead & Mgt & Mil Tact | NPE3XX | Lead & Mgt & Mil Tact |
MILS401 | Contemp Military Iss I | NPE4XX | Contemp Military Iss I |
MILS402 | Contemp Mil Iss 2 | NPE3XX | Contemp Mil Iss 2 |
MU100 | Music & Culture | MUS200 | Music Appreciation |
MU105 | Basic Exp Mus | MUS1XX | Basic Exp Mus |
MUSI100 | Music and Culture | MUS186 | Listening to Music |
MUSI103 | Language of Music | MUS1XX | Language of Music |
MUSI104 | Lang of Music 2 | MUS183 | Music Theory II |
MUSI108 | Pri Ins 1: Guitar | MUS138 | Guitar |
MUSI112 | Solfege, Harmony, Analy I | MUS184 | Sight Singing I |
MUSI120 | Appl Music in Symph Band | MUS1XX | Appl Music Symph Band |
MUSI124 | App Music: Jazz Ensemble | MUS162 | Jazz Ensemble |
MUSI126A | Appl Music: Choir | MUS150 | YCChorale |
MUSI128 | Appl Music Mrchg Bnd | MUS1XX | Appl Music Mrchg Bnd |
MUSI129 | Appl Music Mrchg Band | MUS1XX | Appl Music Mrchg Band |
MUSI131 | Class Piano I | MUS140 | Class Piano |
MUSI141 | Class Voice I | MUS1XX | Class Voice I |
MUSI151 | Strings I | MUS1XX | Strings I |
MUSI152 | Woodwind I | MUS1XX | Woodwind I |
MUSI153 | Percussion I | MUS1XX | Percussion I |
MUSI154 | Maj Perf: Clarinet | MUS1XX | Maj Perf: Clarinet |
MUSI154A | Maj Perf I: Guitar | MUS1XX | Maj Perf I: Guitar |
MUSI155 | Maj Perf: Clarinet | MUS1XX | Maj Perf: Clarinet |
MUSI156 | Brass I | MUS1XX | Brass I |
MUSI162 | Intro to Art Music | MUS1XX | Intro to Art Music |
MUSI171 | Intro Music Educ | MUS1XX | Intro Music Educ |
MUSI204 | Electronic Music | MUS2XX | Electronic Music |
MUSI212 | Solfege, Harmony, Analy II | MUS185 | Sight Singing II |
MUSI251 | Strings II | MUS2XX | Strings II |
MUSI252 | Woodwind II | MUS2XX | Woodwind II |
MUSI254 | Maj Perf: Clarinet | MUS2XX | Maj Perf: Clarinet |
MUSI263 | Popular Music | MUS287 | American Pop Music |
MUSI267 | Survey American Music | MUS2XX | Survey American Music |
MUSI271 | Elem Methods | MUS2XX | Elem Methods |
MUSI301 | Music Early Childhood | MUS3XX | Music Early Childhood |
MUSI312 | Kodaly Solfege, Hrmy Anl 3 | MUS3XX | Kodaly Solfege, Hrmy Anl 3 |
MUSI362 | Mus Hist & Lit I | MUS3XX | Mus Hist & Lit I |
MUSI381 | Conducting I | MUS3XX | Conducting I |
MUSI412 | Kodaly Solfege, Hrmy Anl 4 | MUS4XX | Kodaly Solfege, Hrmy Anl 4 |
NURS315 | Scientific Advances | NUR3XX | Scientific Advances |
NURS316 | Women, Hlth, Hlth Care | NUR3XX | Women, Hlth, Hlth Care |
NURS320 | Basis Prof Practice | NUR3XX | Basis Prof Practice |
NURS322 | Health of Well Adult | NUR3XX | Health of Well Adult |
NURS330 | Ethics of Health Innova | NUR3XX | Ethics of Health Innova |
NURS340 | Environmental Factors | NUR3XX | Environ Factors |
NURS350 | Pathways to Healthy Aging | GER3XX | Pathways to Healthy Aging |
NURS501 | Theoretical of Adv Practice | NUR512 | Theoretical Basis for Adv Prac |
NURS503 | Adv Prac Prof Iss Hlth Pol | NUR514 | Health Policy APRN |
NURS511 | Pathophysiology Adv Practice | NUR505 | Adv Physiology and Pathophysio |
OSEH120 | Fund of Safety, Hlth, Env | NPE1XX | Fund of Safety, Hlth, Env |
PHIL100 | Intro to Philosophy | PHL221 | Intro Philosophy |
PHIL120 | Intro to Ethics | PHL341 | Ethics |
PHIL202 | Love & Sexuality | PHL2XX | Love & Sexuality |
PHIL211 | Intro to Logic | PHL231 | Logic |
PHIL280 | Thanatopsis: Death | PHL2XX | Thanatopsis: Death |
PHIL285 | Moral Probs Medicine | PHL2XX | Moral Probs Medicine |
PHIL313 | World Religions | REL265 | World Religions |
PHIL314 | Phil of Science | PHL3XX | Phil of Science |
PHIL327 | Philosophy in Film | PHL3XX | Philosophy in Film |
PHIL328 | Phil Classics: Existent | PHL3XX | Phil Classics: Existent |
PHIL371 | Workshop: Phil of Law | PHL3XX | Workshop: Phil of Law |
PHIL383 | Phil of Art | PHL351 | Intro Aesthetics |
PHYS103 | Elements of Physics | PSC153 | Phys/Everyday LAB |
PHYS103 | Elements of Physics | PSC152 | Phys/Everyday Life |
PHYS117 | General Astronomy | ESS155 | Astronomy Lab |
PHYS117 | General Astronomy | ESS154 | Intro/Astronomy |
PHYS131 | Physics I | PHY110 | Gen Phys:Mech/Ht |
PHYS131 | Physics I | PHY111 | G Phys:Mech Lab |
PHYS132 | Physics II | PHY113 | G Phys:Elct Lab |
PHYS132 | Physics II | PHY112 | Gen Phys:Elc/Magn |
PHYS198 | Seminar in Physics | PHY1XX | Physics Elective No Lab |
PHYS231 | General Physics I | PHY160 | Eng Phys:Mechncs |
PHYS232 | Gen Physics 2 | PHY260 | Eng Phys:Elct/Magn |
PSCI221 | Comparative Politics | PS260 | Comparative Politics |
PSYC100 | General Psychology | PSY100 | General Psychology |
PSYC211 | Stats and Exper Design I | PSY2XX | Stats & Exper Design I |
PSYC212 | Statistics and Exper Dsgn 2 | PSY2XX | Stats and Exper Desgn 2 |
PSYC227 | Dev Child and Adolescent | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop |
PSYC228 | Life Span Hum Dev | PSY2XX | Life Span Hum Dev |
PSYC228 | Life Span Hum Dev | NUR201 | Nursing HD/HC |
PSYC229 | The Adult Years | PSY2XX | The Adult Years |
PSYC234 | Human Relations | PSY2XX | Human Relations |
PSYC256 | Psych Human Adjustment | PSY2XX | Psych Human Adjust |
PSYC311 | Psychology of Drug Addiction | PSY3XX | Psych of Drug Addiction |
PSYC317 | Social Psychology | PSY243 | Social Psychology |
PSYC328 | Psychology and Religion | PSY3XX | Psychology and Religion |
PSYC329 | Industrial Psych | PSY3XX | Industrial Psych |
PSYC335 | Personality Theory | PSY3XX | Personality Theory |
PSYC336 | Psy Human Adjustment | PSY3XX | Psy Human Adjustment |
PSYC337 | Abnormal Psych | PSY230 | Abnormal Psych |
PSYC346 | Behavior Mod | PSY3XX | Behavior Mod |
PSYC356 | Health Psychology | PSY3XX | Health Psychology |
PSYC403 | Family Systems | PSY4XX | Family Systems |
PSYC437 | Abnormal Psychology | PSY331 | Child Psychopathlgy |
PSYC437 | Abnormal Psychology | PSY230 | Abnormal Psych |
PSYC437 | Abnormal Psychology | PSY330 | Adult Psychopathlgy |
PSYC447 | Counseling Strat | PSY441 | Consl Theors/Psych |
PSYC530 | Child in the Family System | MED502 | Dev, Learning, Incl Pract |
PSYC530 | Child in the Family System | MED502 | Dev, Learning, Incl Pract |
PSYC625 | Human Growth & Dev | MED502 | Adv Educ Psych |
PSYC635 | Psychopathology | MED5XX | Psychopathology |
SOC225 | Sociology of Family | SOC225 | The Family |
SOCY101 | Intro to Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology |
SOCY111 | Prin of Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology |
SOCY210 | Sociology of the Family | SOC225 | The Family |
SOCY211 | Social Problems | SOC220 | Am Social Problems |
SOCY214 | Aging & The Aged | GER315 | Social Aspcts/Aging |
SOCY230 | Criminology | SOC320 | Criminology |
SOCY317 | Sociology of Health | SOC3XX | Sociology of Health |
SOCY334 | Juvenile Delinquency | CJA110 | Juvenile Delinquncy |
SOCY338 | Soc of Deviance | SOC3XX | Soc of Deviance |
SOWK102 | Modern Social Welfare | SOC1XX | Modern Social Welfare |
SOWK313 | Family Violence | SOC3XX | Family Violence |
SOWK350 | Encounters in Hum Div | SOC3XX | Encounters in Hum Div |
SOWK642 | Diversity & Inclusion | MED502 | Dev, Learning, Incl Pract |
SPAN101 | Elementary Spanish I | SPN101 | Elem Spanish I |
SPAN102 | Elementary Spanish 2 | SPN102 | Elem Spanish II |
SPAN201 | Intermediate Spanish I | SPN201 | Inter Spanish I |
SPAN202 | Intermed Spanish 2 | SPN202 | Inter Spanish II |
SPAN211 | Spanish for Business I | SPN2XX | Spanish for Business I |
SPAN331 | Spanish Civilization I | SPN305 | Span Amer Cult/Civ |
SPAN351 | Comp & Oral Express I | SPN3XX | Comp & Oral Express I |
SPAN362 | Oral Spanish II | SPN3XX | Oral Spanish II |
SPAN401 | Modern Meth Teaching Spanish | SPN4XX | Modern Meth Teach Spanish |
SPAN461 | History of Hispanic Art | SPN4XX | History of Hispanic Art |
SPAN487 | Spanish-American Literature | SPN4XX | Spanish-American Lit |
SPE327 | Tchg Inquiry Skills | SPE3XX | Tchg Inquiry Skills |
SPED101 | Ori to Spec Ed | SPE1XX | Ori to Spec Ed |
SPED102 | Nat, State, Comm Res | SPE1XX | Nat, State, Comm Res |
SPED212 | Psych Asp Disabld | SPE2XX | Psych Asp Disabld |
SPED237 | Fndtns Contemp Sp Ed | SPE200 | Process/Procedures |
SPED300 | Co-Op Ed Exp | SPE3XX | Co-Op Ed Exp |
SPED311 | Design/Implement Instruc | SPE264 | Educational Assmnt |
SPED312 | Disabil in Inclusive Settings | SPE3XX | Disabil in Inclus Settings |
SPED314 | Behav Disordered | SPE3XX | Behav Disordered |
SPED318 | Handicap Inf, Tod, Pres | SPE3XX | Handicap Inf, Tod, Pres |
SPED326 | Tchg Read/Comm Skls | SPE3XX | Tchg Read/Comm Skls |
SPED327 | Tchg Inquiry Skills | SPE3XX | Tchg Inquiry Skills |
SPED330 | Discrim/Oppress People | SPE3XX | Discrim/Oppress People |
SPED331 | Positive Lrng Enviro for All | SPE375 | Positive Beh Supprt |
SPED341 | Early Interv Kindergrtn | SPE3XX | Early Interv Kindergrtn |
SPED621 | Multicultural Aspects | MED504 | Group Processes/Ed |
SPED681 | Admin & Supervision of Sped | MED572 | Supervsn Ed Persnl |
SSCI203 | Exp in Hist of Ideas | HIS2XX | Exp in Hist of Ideas |
THEA120 | Stagecraft | THE121 | Stagecraft |
THEA130 | Acting I | THE262 | Acting |
THEA217 | Theatre Appreciation | THE254 | Intro Theatre |
THEA220 | Lighting & Sound | THE2XX | Lighting & Sound |
THEA230 | Acting II | THE355 | Advanced Acting |
THEA240 | Script Analysis | THE2XX | Script Analysis |
THEA310 | Costume for Stage | THE222 | Costume Construction |
THEA312 | Hist & Prin Stage Des | THE3XX | Hist & Prin Stage Des |
THEA315 | Directing | THE3XX | Directing |
THEA317 | London Theatre Tour | THE3XX | London Theatre Tour |
THEA340 | Hist of Theatre I | THE360 | Hist of Theatre I |
THEA341 | Hist of Theatre II | THE361 | Hist of Theatre II |
THEA350 | Theatre Mgmt | THE3XX | Theatre Mgmt |
THEA412 | Topics in Theatre | THE350 | Theatre Pract I |
THEA498 | Ind Study in Theatre | THE498 | Independent Study |
UNIV103 | First Year | FYS100 | First Year Seminar |
UNIV179 | iPod, You Tube: Tech Ch | BEH1XX | iPod, You Tube: Tech Ch |
WELL175 | Wellness | PAW234 | Well/Fitness/Life |
WELL240 | Health, Safety of Child | EDU2XX | Health, Safety of Child |
WELL352 | Health Ed in Elem School | EDU3XX | Hlth Ed in Elem School |
WSSD310 | PE for Elem Schools | EDU3XX | PE for Elem Schools |
WSSD311 | First Aid and CPR | SPM205 | Responding/Emerg |
WSSD350 | Sport in America | SPM130 | Sport in Society |
WSSD395 | Leis Act for Aged | REC3XX | Leis Act for Aged |
WSSD450 | Kines and Phys Found of Sport | SPM4XX | Kines and Phys Fnd of Sprt |
WSSD452 | Nutrition | NUR202 | Nutrition |
WSSD480 | Theory and Tech of Coaching | SPM4XX | Theory/Tech Coaching |
WSSD483 | Legal Aspects of Sport | SPM425 | Legal Issues/Sport |
WSSD486 | Top: Nutr Perf Enhncmn | SPM4XX | Top: Nutr Perf Enhncmn |
WSTU220 | Intro Women's Studies | WGS200 | Women/Gender Stud |
WSTU330 | Feminist Theory | WGS380 | Feminist Thought |
WSTU345 | Feminist Research | WGS3XX | Feminist Research |
Molloy College | York College of Pennsylvania | ||
ASL102 | Beginning American Sign Lang | CM150 | Beg Sign Language |
BIO110 | Basic Human Bio | BIO112 | Fund Human Bio |
BIO110 | Basic Human Bio | BIO1XX | Biology Elect No lab |
BIO120 | Anat & Phys I | BIO221 | Human A/P I Lab |
BIO120 | Anat & Phys I | BIO220 | Human A/P I |
BIO151 | Marine Biology | BIO210 | Marine Biology |
BUS101H | Introduction to Business | BUS150 | Intro to Business |
BUS260 | Accounting I | ACC220 | Financial Acct |
BUS330 | Prin of Marketing | MKT100 | Prin Marketing |
CHE112 | Organic & Biological Chemistry | CHM235 | Orgnc Chm I Lab |
CHE112 | Organic & Biological Chemistry | CHM234 | Organic Chem I |
CIS105 | Comp Applications for Bus | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
COM213 | Intercultural Communication | CM2XX | Intercult Comm |
ECO200 | Intro Economics | ECO2XX | Intro Economics |
ECO315 | Money, Banking & Fin Mkt | ECO310 | Int Macro Econ |
ENG100 | Intro College Comp | WRT1XX | Intro College Comp |
ENG110 | College Composition | FCO1XX | College Composition |
ENG233 | Intro to Newswriting | CM271 | Print Media Writing |
ENG296 | Topics in English | LIT2XX | Topics in English |
ETH250 | Ethics: Theory and Practice | PHL223 | Contemp Moral Prob |
FRE101 | Beg French I | FRN101 | Elem French I |
FRE102 | Beg French II | FRN102 | Elem French II |
FST100 | The College Experience | FYS1XX | The College Experience |
GRN253 | Aging in Society | GER215 | Social Aspcts/Aging |
HIS102 | West Civ II | HIS102 | Western Civ II |
HIS111 | American Civ I | HIS111 | American Civ I |
HIS112 | Amer Civ II | HIS112 | American Civ II |
ITA101 | Beg Italian I | ITL101 | Elem Italian I |
ITA102 | Beg Italian II | ITL102 | Elem Italian II |
MAT110 | Basic Coll Math | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv |
MAT115 | Elem Statistics | BEH260 | Statistics |
MAT115 | Elem Statistics | QBA260 | Business Statistics |
MAT115 | Elem Statistics | MAT250 | Statistics |
MAT116 | Coll Alg & Trig | MAT105 | College Algebra |
MAT118 | Pre-Calculus | MAT108 | Precalculus |
MAT1180 | Pre-Calculus | MAT108 | Precalculus |
MAT220 | Calc for Sci & Bus | MAT120 | Applied Calculus |
MAT221 | Calculus I | MAT171 | Calculus I |
MKT230 | Prin of Marketing | MKT100 | Prin Marketing |
MUS105 | Ach Mus Insight | MUS200 | Music Appreciation |
NUR129 | Prof Socialization: Ed-ProfNur | NUR1XX | Prof Socialization:Ed-ProfNurP |
NUR139 | Human Growth & Dev Across Life | HSV250 | Lifecourse Develop |
NUR229 | Pathophysiology | NUR2XX | Pathophysiology |
NUR239 | Pharmacology I: Implications | NUR203 | Pharmacology for Nurses I |
PHI100 | Philosophy: Purs of Wisdom | PHL221 | Intro Philosophy |
PHI290 | Topics: Phil of Leadership | PHL2XX | Philo of Leadership |
POL101 | American National Govt | PS141 | Am Gov: Institutions |
PSY111 | Gen Psychology | PSY100 | General Psychology |
SOC101 | Intro Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology |
SOC253 | Aging in Society | GER215 | Social Aspcts/Aging |
SPA101 | Beg Spanish I | SPN101 | Elem Spanish I |
SPA102 | Beg Spanish II | SPN102 | Elem Spanish II |
SPA201 | Beg Spanish III | SPN201 | Inter Spanish I |
THE230 | Meaning of Jesus | REL2XX | Meaning of Jesus |
THE251 | Rel Thght in Low Countr | REL2XX | Rel Thght in Low Countr |
THE285 | Rel Themes in Cinema | HUM2XX | Rel Themes in Cinema |
Montgomery College | York College of Pennsylvania | |||
AC201 | Princ of Acct I | ACC220 | Financial Acct | |
AC202 | Prin of Acct II | ACC225 | Managerial Acct | |
AC207 | Int Acct I | ACC2XX | Int Acct I | |
AC213 | Federal Income Tax I | ACC305 | Taxation I | |
AC217 | Cost Acct | ACC2XX | Cost Acct | |
AC219 | Business Finance | FIN2XX | Business Finance | |
ACCT221 | Accounting I | ACC220 | Financial Acct | |
ACCT222 | Accounting II | ACC225 | Managerial Acct | |
AN101 | Intro Soc/Cul Anthro | ANT220 | Cult Anthropology | |
AN105 | Intro Phys Anthr/Arch | ANT210 | Physical Anthropol | |
AN206 | World Ethnology | ANT2XX | World Ethnology | |
ANTH201 | Soc/Cult Anthropology | ANT220 | Cult Anthropology | |
ANTH215 | Human Evol/Archaeology | ANT230 | Intro Archaeology | |
AR101 | Drawing I | ART215 | Drawing I | |
AR103 | Design I | ART210 | Design I | |
AR105 | Color | ART1XX | Color | |
AR107 | Art History I | ART204 | Survey West Art I | |
AR108 | Art Hist: 1400 to Pres | ART205 | Survey West Art II | |
AR112 | Dig Photo | ART246 | Digital Photography | |
AR121 | Ceramics I | ART225 | Ceramics I | |
AR124 | Enameling I | ART1XX | Enameling I | |
AR127 | Art Appreciation | ART101 | Intro Art Apprec | |
AR205 | Watercolor I | ART2XX | Watercolor I | |
ARTT100 | Intro to Drawing | ART215 | Drawing I | |
ARTT102 | Introduction to 2D Design | ART210 | Design I | |
ARTT112 | Digital Photography | ART246 | Digital Photography | |
ARTT116 | Digital Tools for Vis Arts | ART235 | Concpts Comp Grhcs | |
ARTT127 | Art Appreciation | ART101 | Art/Visual Culture | |
ARTT200 | Art History: Ancient to 1400 | ART204 | Survey West Art I | |
ARTT201 | Art History: 1400-Pres | ART205 | Survey West Art II | |
AS101 | Intro to Astronomy | ESS154 | Intro/Astronomy | |
AS102 | Intro Modern Astronomy | ESS154 | Intro/Astronomy | |
BA101 | Intro to Business | BUS150 | Intro to Business | |
BA210 | Stats for Bus Admin | QBA260 | Business Statistics | |
BI101 | General Biology | BIO204 | Exploring Biology | |
BI105A | Environmental Biology | BIO1XX | Bio Elect No Lab | |
BI105A | Environmental Biology | BIO212 | Environmntl Bio | |
BI107 | Prin of Biology I | BIO150 | Biology I | |
BI108 | Prin of Biology II | BIO152 | Biology II | |
BI109 | Nat Sci Chesapeake Bay | BIO1XX | Nat Sci Chesapeake Bay | |
BI130 | The Human Body | BIO112 | Fund Human Bio | |
BI130 | The Human Body | BIO1XX | Biology Elective no lab | |
BI203 | Microbiology | BIO230 | Microbiology | |
BI204 | Hum Anat & Phys I | BIO220 | Human A/P I | |
BI205 | Hum Anat & Phys II | BIO222 | Human A/P II | |
BI209 | General Genetics | BIO240 | Genetics | |
BI213 | Nutrition | NUR202 | Nutrition | |
BIOL101 | General Biology | BIO204 | Exploring Biology | |
BIOL105 | Environmental Biology | 01 | BIO213 | Environ Bio Lab |
BIOL105 | Environmental Biology | 01 | BIO212 | Environmntl Bio |
BIOL106 | Environmental Biology Lab | 01 | ||
BIOL111 | Nat Science Chesapeake Bay | BIO1XX | Nat Science Chesapeake Bay | |
BIOL150 | Prin of Biology I | BIO142 | Molecule/Gene/Cell | |
BIOL150 | Prin of Biology I | BIO150 | Intro Molecular Bio | |
BIOL210 | Microbiology | BIO230 | Microbiology | |
BIOL212 | Hum Anat & Phys I | BIO220 | Human A/P I | |
BIOL213 | Hum Anat & Phys II | BIO222 | Human A/P II | |
BSAD101 | Intro to Business | BUS150 | Intro to Business | |
BSAD210 | Statistics for Bs & Eco | QBA260 | Business Stats I | |
BT101 | Intro to Biotechnology | BIO1XX | Biology Elective no lab | |
CA106 | Comp Use & Mgt | IFS105 | Personal Computing | |
CA120 | Intro to Computer Appl | IFS105 | Personal Computing | |
CA172 | Internet and Web Literacy | IFS1XX | Internet and Web Literacy | |
CCJS110 | Admin of Justice | CJA101 | Intro Crim Justice | |
CCJS201 | Intro Law Enforcement | CJA234 | Law Enforcement | |
CCJS211 | Criminal Investigation | CJA305 | Crim Investigation | |
CCJS221 | Criminal Law | CJA2XX | Criminal Law | |
CCJS230 | Intro to Corrections | CJA337 | Punishmnt/Correctns | |
CCJS244 | Cont Issues | CJA2XX | Cont Issues | |
CG120 | Comp Graphics | ART1XX | Comp Graphics | |
CH100A | Intro College Chem | CHM1XX | Chem Elect No Lab | |
CH101 | Prin Coll Chem I | CHM134 | Gen Chem I | |
CH102 | Prin of Coll Chem II | CHM136 | Gen Chem II | |
CH109AH | Chem & Soc | CHM1XX | Chemistry Elect No Lab | |
CH135 | General Chem for Engr | CHM134 | Gen Chem I | |
CH203 | Organic Chem I | CHM234 | Organic Chem I | |
CH204 | Organic Chem II | CHM236 | Organic Chem II | |
CHEM109 | Chemistry and Society | CHM1XX | Chemistry Elect no lab | |
CHEM109 | Chemistry and Society | CHM240 | Perspect/Molecular | |
CHEM131 | Principles of Chemistry I | CHM135 | Gen Chem I Lab | |
CHEM131 | Principles of Chemistry I | CHM134 | Gen Chem I | |
CHEM132 | Principles of Chemistry II | CHM136 | Gen Chem II | |
CHEM132 | Principles of Chemistry II | CHM137 | Gen Chem II Lab | |
CHEM135 | Gen Chem for Engineer | CHM1XX | Gen Chem Engineer | |
CHEM203 | Organic Chemistry I | CHM234 | Organic Chem I | |
CHEM204 | Organic Chemistry II | CHM236 | Organic Chem II | |
CJ110 | Admin of Justice | CJA1XX | Admin of Justice | |
CJ110 | Admin of Justice | CJA101 | Intro Crim Justice | |
CJ111 | Intro to Law Enforcement | CJA101 | Intro Crim Justice | |
CJ211 | Criminal Investigation | CJA2XX | Criminal Investigation | |
CJ215 | Organization & Admin | CJA2XX | Organization & Admin | |
CJ216 | Police Operations | CJA2XX | Police Operations | |
CJ221 | Criminal Law | CJA2XX | Criminal Law | |
CJ222 | Crim Evidence | CJA2XX | Crim Evidence | |
CJ244 | Contemporary Issues | CJA2XX | Contemporary Issues | |
CMAP106 | Computer Use and Mgmt | IFS105 | Personal Computing | |
CMAP120 | Intro to Comp Appl | IFS100 | Info Tech Competncy | |
CMAP120 | Intro to Comp Appl | IFS105 | Personal Computing | |
CMSC135 | Intro to Scripting | CS1XX | Intro to Scripting | |
CMSC253 | Unix/Linux System Admin | CS1XX | Unix/Linux System Admin | |
COMM108 | Found Hum Comm | CM212 | Public Speaking | |
COMM109 | Voice and Diction | CM1XX | Voice and Diction | |
COMM112 | Bus & Prof Speech Comm | CM246 | Comm/Business Prof | |
CS111X | Basic Programming | IFS1XX | Basic Programming | |
CS140 | Intro to Programming | IFS1XX | Intro to Programming | |
CS231 | Cobol | IFS2XX | Cobol | |
DANC101 | Ballet I | PAW171 | Ballet Dance I | |
DN102 | Ballet II | PE1XX | Ballet II | |
DN104 | Modern Dance II | PE1XX | Modern Dance II | |
DN106 | Jazz Dance II | PE1XX | Jazz Dance II | |
DN108 | Tap Dance II | PE1XX | Tap Dance II | |
DN203 | Mod Dance III | PE2XX | Mod Dance III | |
DN230 | Sp Dance Pract | PE2XX | Sp Dance Pract | |
EC103 | Evol/Econ Soc | ECO1XX | Evol/Econ Soc | |
EC105 | Basic Economics | ECO1XX | Basic Economics | |
EC201 | Prin of Econ I | ECO200 | Prin Econ-Macro | |
EC202 | Prin of Econ II | ECO201 | Prin Econ-Micro | |
ECON105 | Basic Ecomonics | ECO205 | Economic Perspctvs | |
ECON201 | Prin of Economics I | ECO200 | Prin Econ-Macro | |
ECON202 | Prin of Economics II | ECO201 | Prin Econ-Micro | |
ED101 | Found of Ed | EDU1XX | Found of Ed | |
ED102 | Field Exp in Ed | EDU1XX | Field Exp in Ed | |
ED140 | Intro Spec Ed | SPE1XX | Intro Spec Ed | |
ED141 | Field Exp Spec Ed | SPE1XX | Field Exp Spec Ed | |
ED216 | Proc & Acquisitn Rdg | EDU2XX | Proc & Acquis Rdg | |
EDUC101 | Foundations of Education | EDU1XX | Foundations of Education | |
EDUC102 | Field Exp in Education | EDU1XX | Field Exp in Education | |
EDUC201 | Intro to Special Education | SPE2XX | Intro to Spec Educ | |
EDUC202 | Field Exp Special Ed | SPE1XX | Field Exp Special Ed | |
EE244 | Digital Logic Design | EDU2XX | Dig Logic Des | |
EN101 | Tech of Rdng & Wrtg I | WRT102 | Analytical Read/Writ | |
EN101 | Tech of Rdng & Wrtg I | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm | |
EN101A | Tech of Rdng & Wrtg I | WRT102 | Analytical Read/Writ | |
EN102 | Tech of Rdng & Wrtg II | WRT202 | Academic Writing | |
EN102 | Crit Read/Writ/Research | FCO1XX | Crit Read/Wrt/Research | |
EN105 | Prin of Eng Grammar | WRT1XX | Prin Eng Grammar | |
EN109 | Wrtg/Tech & Bus | WRT210 | Writng/Prof Culturs | |
EN111 | Intro Journalism | CM1XX | Intro Journalism | |
EN122 | Intro World Mythology | HUM1XX | Intro World Mythology | |
EN190 | Intro to Literature | LIT200 | Perspectives/Lit | |
EN201 | Intro World Lit I | LIT2XX | Intro World Lit I | |
EN202 | Intro World Lit II | LIT286 | Eur Lit Since 1600 | |
EN211 | Survey of Amer Lit I | LIT281 | Amer Lit to 1885 | |
EN212 | Survey of Amer Lit II | LIT282 | Amer Lit after 1885 | |
EN218 | Intro Creat Writ Fict | WRT2XX | Intro Creat Writ Fict | |
EN221 | The Short Story | LIT291 | Short Story | |
EN223 | Intro Creat Wrt Poetry | WRT2XX | Intro Creat Wrt Poetry | |
EN245 | News Writing | CM271 | Print Media Writing | |
ENES100 | Intro Engineering Design | EGR100 | Epads I | |
ENES102 | Statics | EGR250 | Engineering Analys I | |
ENES220 | Mechanics of Materials | EGR2XX | Mech of Materials | |
ENES221 | Dynamics | EGR2XX | Dynamics | |
ENES232 | Thermodynamics | EGR2XX | Thermodynamics | |
ENES240 | Sci & Engr Comp | EGR2XX | Sci & Engr Comp | |
ENG190 | Intro to Literature | LIT200 | Perspectives/Lit | |
ENGL101 | Intro to College Writing | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm | |
ENGL102 | Crit Read/Writ/Res | WRT1XX | Crit Read/Writ/Res | |
ENGL103 | Cr Rdg, Wrtg, Res Wrkpl | FCO210 | Comm Prof Cultures | |
ENGL110 | Princ of Grammar | WRT1XX | Princ of Grammar | |
ENGL122 | Intro to World Myth | HUM1XX | Intro to World Myth | |
ENGL190 | Intro to Literature | LIT200 | Intro Lit & Text Stud | |
ENGL201 | World Lit I | LIT2XX | World Lit I | |
ENGL202HA | Intro to World Lit II | 02 | LIT2XX | Intro to World Lit II |
ENGL202HB | Intro to World Lit II B | 02 | ||
ENGL211 | Survey of Amer Lit I | LIT281 | Amer Lit/Identity I | |
ENGL213 | Survey of British Lit I | LIT283 | Ancient to Early Mod Brit Lit | |
ENGL251 | Intro to Journalism | WRT2XX | Intro to Journalism | |
ENGL264 | Intro to Creat Writ Fict | CRW382 | Fiction Writing | |
ENGL265 | Adv Creat Writ/Fict | CRW3XX | Adv Creat Writ/Fict | |
ENGL272 | Intro to Creative Writ Poetry | CRW372 | Poetry Writing | |
ES100 | Intro Engineering Des | EGR100 | Epads I | |
ES102 | Statics | ME250 | Statics | |
ES220 | Mechanics of Mat | ME264 | Strength/Matrls | |
ES221 | Dynamics | ME252 | Dynamics/Vibrtn | |
ES232 | Thermodynamics | ME320 | Thermodynamics | |
FILM110 | Introduction to Film | FLM216 | Intro to Film | |
FILM210 | Screenwriting | CRW377 | Screenwriting | |
FM103 | Intro to Nutrition | NUR202 | Nutrition | |
FR101 | Elem French I | FRN101 | Elem French I | |
FR201 | Inter French I | FRN201 | Inter French I | |
FR202 | Inter French II | FRN202 | Inter French II | |
FREN102 | Elem French II | FRN102 | Elem French II | |
FREN201 | Inter French I | FRN201 | Inter French I | |
GD110 | Digital Tools Graphics | ART1XX | Digital Tools Graphics | |
GD121 | Fund Graphic Design I | ART134 | Concpts Comp Grhcs | |
GDES140 | Intro Animation | ART1XX | Intro Animation | |
GE110 | Global Geog | G1XX | Global Geog | |
GEOG101 | Intro to Geography | G100 | World Reg Geography | |
GEOG124 | Phys Geography | G151 | Intro Physical Geog | |
GEOG130 | Global Geography | G1XX | Global Geography | |
GEOG130 | Global Geography | G100 | World Reg Geography | |
GEOL101 | Physical Geology | ESS1XX | Physical Geology | |
GHUM101 | Global Humanities | HUM1XX | Global Humanities | |
GL101 | Phys Geology | ESS1XX | Phys Geology | |
GL102 | Historical Geology | ESS1XX | Historical Geology | |
HE100 | Prin Health Living | NPE1XX | Prin Health Living | |
HE101 | Pers & Comm Health | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
HE101 | Pers & Comm Health | PE1XX | Physical Ed Elect | |
HE107 | 1st Aid Safety | EDU305 | Responding/Emerg | |
HE108 | Nutr for Fit & Wellness | PE1XX | Phys Ed Elect | |
HE108 | Nutr for Fit & Wellness | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
HE109 | Pers Hlth Fit | PE134 | Concpts Phys Actvty | |
HE111 | Drugs & Life Wellness | PE1XX | Phys Ed Elect | |
HE111 | Drugs & Life Wellness | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
HE112 | Health Issues/Sexuality | NPE1XX | Health Issues/Sexuality | |
HE150 | Fit/Nutr Weight Mgmt | PE1XX | Phys Ed Elect | |
HE150 | Fit/Nutr Weight Mgmt | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
HE202 | Control Stress/Tension | PE1XX | Control Stress/Ten | |
HE204 | Womens Health | WGS210 | Women's Health | |
HI125 | Medical Terminology | RT105 | Medical Terminology | |
HI125 | Medical Terminology | BIO201 | Medical Terminology | |
HINM115 | Medical Terminology 1 | HSC105 | Medical Terminology | |
HIS161 | Eur/17th Cent to Pres | HIS102 | Western Civ II | |
HIS186 | Hist Anc World | HIS300 | Ancnt Hist to 476 | |
HIST114 | The World in 20th Cent | HIS1XX | The World in 20th Century | |
HIST116 | World History AD 1500 | HIS121 | World History I | |
HIST117 | World Hist 1500-Present | HIS1XX | World Hist 1500-Present | |
HIST117HA | World Hist 1500-Present | 03 | HIS1XX | World Hist 1500-Present |
HIST117HB | World Hist 1500-Present | 03 | ||
HIST200 | US Hist Colonial-1865 | HIS111 | American Civ I | |
HIST201 | US Hist 1865-Pres | HIS112 | American Civ II | |
HIST225 | History of Maryland | HIS2XX | History of Maryland | |
HIST228 | Women in Western World | HIS2XX | Women in Western World | |
HIST235 | Hist African Amer to 1865 | HIS2XX | Hist African Amer to 1865 | |
HIST260 | The United States since 1945 | HIS367 | Recent Amer/1945-Prs | |
HIST263 | Hist of Eng 1688-Pres | HIS2XX | Hist of Eng 1688-Pres | |
HLTH100 | Prin Health Living | PAW1XX | Prin Health Living | |
HLTH105 | Pers & Comm Health | PAW134 | Concpts Phys Actvty | |
HLTH212 | Control Stress/Tension | PAW2XX | Control Stress/Ten | |
HP104AG | Fund Conc | NPE1XX | Fund Conc | |
HS112 | Women in World Hist | HIS1XX | Women in World Hist | |
HS114 | World in 20th Cent | HIS122 | World History II | |
HS116 | World Hist to A.D. 1500 | HIS121 | World History I | |
HS117 | World Hist 1500-Pres | HIS122 | World History II | |
HS118 | History of Sport | SPM1XX | History of Sport | |
HS118 | History of Sport | HIS1XX | History of Sport | |
HS129 | Hist Afr Amer to 1865 | HIS1XX | Hist Afr Amer to 1865 | |
HS135 | Hist of Afr Amer | HIS1XX | Hist of Afr Amer | |
HS151 | Eur/Fall Frome to 17 Cent | HIS101 | Western Civ I | |
HS161 | Europe/17th Cent to Pres | HIS102 | Western Civ II | |
HS186 | Hist Ancient World | HIS300 | Ancnt Hist to 476 | |
HS201 | Amer Hist 1492-1865 | HIS111 | American Civ I | |
HS202 | Hist of U.S. from 1865 | HIS112 | American Civ II | |
HS203 | Latin Amer Hist | HIS343 | Modern Latin Amer | |
HS208 | Modern Asia | HIS2XX | Modern Asia | |
HS229 | African Hist to 1800 | HIS2XX | African Hist to 1800 | |
ID105 | Int: Tech Draw & Draft | ART1XX | Int: Tech Draw & Draft | |
IS273 | Integrated Arts | HUM2XX | Integrated Arts | |
ISTD173 | Integrated Arts | ART1XX | Integrated Arts | |
IT101 | Elementary Italian I | ITL101 | Elem Italian I | |
KORA101 | Elementary Korean I | NPE1XX | Elementary Korean I | |
KR101 | Elem Korean I | L1XX | Elem Korean I | |
LA104 | Interprsnl, Legal Intvw Comm | CM1XX | Interprsnl, Lgl Int Comm | |
LIBR110 | Fund of Library Research | WRT1XX | Fund of Library Research | |
LING200 | Intro to Linguistics | LIT310 | Language/Linguistics | |
MA100 | Intermediate Algebra | MAT102 | Prelim Math/Prob Solv | |
MA101 | Int Algebra Lib Arts | MAT102 | Prelim Math/Prob Solv | |
MA103 | Int Algebra | MAT102 | Prelim Math/Prob Solv | |
MA105 | Intro to Trigonometry | MAT1XX | Intro to Trigonometry | |
MA107 | Business Math | MAT1XX | Business Math | |
MA110 | Survey of College Math | MAT105 | College Algebra | |
MA112 | Intro College Math I | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv | |
MA115A | Mathematical Ideas | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv | |
MA116 | Elements of Statistics | QBA260 | Business Statistics | |
MA116 | Elements of Statistics | MAT250 | Statistics | |
MA116 | Elements of Statistics | BEH260 | Statistics | |
MA117 | Elements of Statistics | BEH260 | Statistics | |
MA117 | Elements of Statistics | MAT250 | Statistics | |
MA118 | Intro Analysis | MAT108 | Precalculus | |
MA130 | Elem Math I Number Sys | MAT115 | Sets/Number Systems | |
MA132 | Elem Math III Stat & Prob | MAT215 | Sets/Number Sys II | |
MA160 | Elem Applied Calc I | MAT120 | Applied Calculus | |
MA180 | Precalculus | MAT108 | Precalculus | |
MA181 | Calculus I | MAT171 | Calculus I | |
MA182 | Calculus II | MAT172 | Calculus II | |
MA280 | Multivariable Calculus | MAT271 | Calculus III | |
MA282 | Differential Equations | MAT272 | Diff Equations | |
MATH110 | Survey of College Math | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv | |
MATH113 | Intro to Probability | MAT250 | Statistics | |
MATH113 | Intro to Probability | BEH260 | Statistics | |
MATH113 | Intro to Probability | QBA260 | Business Stats I | |
MATH115 | Math Ideas | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv | |
MATH117 | Elem of Statistics | BEH260 | Statistics | |
MATH117 | Elem of Statistics | MAT250 | Statistics | |
MATH117 | Elem of Statistics | QBA260 | Business Statistics | |
MATH120 | Survey of Math | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv | |
MATH150 | Elem Applied Calc | MAT120 | Applied Calculus | |
MATH165 | Precalculus | MAT108 | Precalculus | |
MATH181 | Calculus I | MAT171 | Calculus I | |
MATH182 | Calculus II | MAT172 | Calculus II | |
MATH280 | Multivariable Calculus | MAT271 | Calculus III | |
MATH282 | Differential Equations | MAT272 | Diff Equations | |
ME100 | Weather & Climate | ESS1XX | Earth Sci Elective no lab | |
ME101 | Meteorology | ESS1XX | Meteorology | |
MG101 | Principles of Management | MGT150 | Prin of Management | |
MG103 | Intro Marketing | MKT100 | Prin Marketing | |
MG201 | Bus Law I | BUS260 | Legal Environment | |
MGMT101 | Prin of Management | MGT150 | Prin of Management | |
MGMT201 | Business Law | BUS260 | Legal Environment | |
MU005 | Applied Music Laboratory | MUS1XX | Applied Music Laboratory | |
MU106 | Class Piano I | MUS140 | Class Piano | |
MU108 | Class Voice | MUS146 | Voice Class | |
MU110 | Listening to Music | MUS200 | Music Appreciation | |
MU111 | World Music | MUS281 | World Music | |
MU113E | Applied Music Saxophone | MUS130 | Saxophone | |
MU113U | Appl Music Voice | MUS102 | Voice | |
MU114N | Applied Music Violin | MUS108 | Violin | |
MU114U | Appl Music Voice | MUS201 | Voice | |
MU115E | Applied Music Saxophone | MUS330 | Saxophone | |
MU115U | Applied Music Voice | MUS101 | Voice | |
MU115Z | Appl Music | MUS114 | Double Bass | |
MU123 | Music Theory I | MUS182 | Music Theory I | |
MU124 | Ear Train/Sight Sing I | MUS184 | Sight Singing I | |
MU136 | American Popular Music | MUS287 | American Pop Music | |
MU139 | Intro to Music Theory | MUS181 | Found Music Theory | |
MU140 | Musical Theater Prod | MUS1XX | Musical Theater Prod | |
MU150 | Music Theory II | MUS183 | Music Theory II | |
MU161 | College Chorus | MUS150 | YCChorale | |
MU172 | Col Band - Wind Ensemble | MUS164 | Symphony Orchestra | |
MU181C | Jazz Ensemble | MUS162 | Jazz Ensemble | |
MU211 | Survey of Music Lit I | MUS290 | Intro Music Lit | |
MU212 | Survey of Music Lit II | MUS2XX | Survey of Music Lit II | |
MU226 | Music Theory III | MUS282 | Music Theory III | |
MUSC110 | Listening to Music | MUS186 | Listening to Music | |
MUSC117HA | World Music | 04 | MUS281 | World Music |
MUSC117HB | World Music | 04 | ||
MUSC125 | History of Jazz | MUS286 | Jazz History | |
MUSC131 | American Pop Music | MUS287 | American Pop Music | |
MUSC163 | College Chorus | MUS1XX | College Chorus | |
MUSC170 | Chamber Singers | MUS152 | Chamber Singers | |
MUSC184 | Intro Music Theory | MUS181 | Found Music Theory | |
MUSC187 | Musical Theatre Prod | MUS1XX | Musical Theatre Prod | |
NF103 | Introduction to Nutrition | NUR202 | Nutrition | |
NUTR101 | Intro to Nutrition | NUR202 | Nutrition | |
NWIT127 | Microcomputer Essentials | IFS100 | Info Tech Competncy | |
NWIT127 | Microcomputer Essentials | IFS105 | Personal Computing | |
NWIT151 | Intro to Networking | IFS1XX | Intro to Networking | |
NWIT173 | Network Security | IFS1XX | Network Security | |
NWIT252 | CISCO Networking 2 | IFS230 | Internet Communications | |
NWIT263 | Intro to Digital Forensics | IFS1XX | Intro to Digital Forensics | |
PC101 | Physical Science I | PSC152 | Physical Sci I | |
PE103 | Fencing I | PE1XX | Fencing I | |
PE105 | Beginning Golf | PE1XX | Beginning Golf | |
PE111 | Martial Arts I | PE1XX | Martial Arts I | |
PE116 | Tennis I | PE159 | Tennis | |
PE117 | Tennis II | PE1XX | Tennis II | |
PE121 | Jazz Dance I | PE1XX | Jazz Dance I | |
PE129 | Beg Swimming | PE120 | Beginning Swimming | |
PE137 | Swimming for Fitness | PE120 | Beginning Swimming | |
PE162 | Soccer | PE155 | Soccer | |
PE165 | Yoga | PE163 | Intro to Yoga | |
PE169 | Basketball | PE152 | Basketball | |
PE178 | Weight Train Des | PE119 | Physical Fitness | |
PE183 | Personal Fitness I | PE134 | Concpts Phys Actvty | |
PE186 | Strength Train/Cond I | PE118 | Physical Fitness | |
PE190 | Rock Climb | PE166 | Indoor Rock Climbing | |
PH105 | Conceptual Physics | PHY1XX | Physics Elective No Lab | |
PH161 | Gen Physics I | PHY1XX | Physics Elect No Lab | |
PH203 | Gen Physics Non Eng I | PHY110 | Gen Phys:Mech/Ht | |
PH204 | Gen Physics Non Engr II | PHY112 | Gen Phys:Elc/Magn | |
PH262 | General Physics II | PHY260 | Eng Phys:Elct/Magn | |
PH263 | Gen Physics III | PHY262 | Eng Phys: Opt/Mod | |
PHED152 | Basketball | PE152 | Basketball | |
PHED177 | Rock Climbing | PE166 | Indoor Rock Climbing | |
PHIL101 | Intro Philosophy | PHL221 | Intro Philosophy | |
PHIL140 | Intro to the Study of Ethics | PHL223 | Contemp Moral Prob | |
PHIL143 | Intro to Study/Relg | REL1XX | Intro to Study/Relg | |
PHIL190 | Elem Logic & Semantics | PHL231 | Logic | |
PHYS105 | Conceptual Physics | PSC152 | Phys/Everyday Life | |
PHYS161 | Gen Physics I | PHY1XX | Physics Elect No Lab | |
PHYS203 | General Physics | PHY110 | Gen Phys:Mech/Ht | |
PHYS204 | Gnrl Physics Non Engr II | PHY112 | Gen Phys:Elc/Magn | |
PHYS262 | Gen Physics II | PHY260 | Eng Phys:Elct/Magn | |
PHYS263 | Gen Physics III | PHY262 | Eng Phys: Opt/Mod | |
PL180 | Morality & Contemp Law | PHL1XX | Morality & Contemp Law | |
PL190 | Elem Logic & Semantics | PHL231 | Logic | |
PL201 | Intro Philosophy | PHL221 | Intro Philosophy | |
PL203 | Intro Study of Religion | REL265 | World Religions | |
POLI101 | American Govt | PS101 | Amer Gov/Citizenship | |
POLI203HA | International Relations | 05 | PS302 | International Rel |
POLI203HB | International Relations | 05 | ||
POLI211 | Comparative Politics | PS260 | Comparative Politics | |
PS101 | Amer Govt | PS141 | American Governmnt | |
PS105 | Intro Pol Sci | PS1XX | Intro Pol Sci | |
PS121 | Political Ideologies | PS1XX | Political Ideologies | |
PS201 | Comp Pol & Govt | PS260 | Comparative Politics | |
PS203 | Intl Relations | PS302 | International Rel | |
PSCI101 | Physical Science I | PSC152 | Physical Sci I | |
PSYC102 | General Psychology | PSY100 | General Psychology | |
PSYC204 | Intro Psych Personality | PSY2XX | Intro Psych Personality | |
PSYC211 | Social Psychology | PSY243 | Social Psychology | |
PSYC216 | Adolescent Psych | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop | |
PSYC221 | Intro to Abnormal Psychology | PSY230 | Abnormal Psych | |
PSYC224 | Cult Psychology | PSY2XX | Cult Psychology | |
PSYC227 | Educational Psych | EDU370 | Psych of Learning | |
PY102 | General Psychology | PSY100 | General Psychology | |
PY201 | Gen Psychology | PSY100 | General Psychology | |
PY203 | Hum Grwth & Dev | PSY2XX | Hum Grwth & Dev | |
PY203 | Hum Grwth & Dev | NUR201 | Nursing HD/HC | |
PY206 | Psych Human Sexuality | PSY2XX | Psych Hum Sexuality | |
PY211 | Social Psychology | PSY243 | Social Psychology | |
PY215 | Child Psychology | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop | |
PY216 | Adolescent Psychology | PSY2XX | Adolescent Psychology | |
PY221 | Intro Abnormal Psychology | PSY230 | Abnormal Psych | |
PY227 | Ed Psychology | EDU375 | Psy Learning/Second | |
PY227 | Ed Psychology | EDU370 | Psych of Learning | |
SL101 | Structural Amer Sign Lang I | CM150 | Beg Sign Language | |
SN101 | Elem Spanish I | SPN101 | Elem Spanish I | |
SN102 | Elem Spanish II | SPN102 | Elem Spanish II | |
SO101 | Intro Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology | |
SO105 | Social Prob & Issues | SOC220 | Am Social Problems | |
SO107 | Criminology | SOC1XX | Criminology | |
SO108 | Women & Men in Am Soc | SOC1XX | Wom & Men in Am Soc | |
SO204 | Marriage & Family | SOC225 | The Family | |
SO206 | Soc of Personality | SOC2XX | Soc of Personality | |
SOCY100 | Intro to Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology | |
SOCY105 | Social Prob & Issues | SOC220 | Am Social Problems | |
SOCY105 | Social Prob & Issues | SOC220 | Am Social Problems | |
SOCY214 | Soc of the family | SOC225 | The Family | |
SOCY240 | Sociology of Age & Aging | SOC2XX | Sociology of Age & Aging | |
SP108 | Intro Hum Comm | CM212 | Public Speaking | |
SP109 | Voice & Diction | CM1XX | Voice & Diction | |
SP112 | Bus & Pro Speech Comm | CM104 | Human Communicatn | |
SPAN101 | Elem Spanish I | SPN101 | Elem Spanish I | |
SPAN102 | Elem Spanish II | SPN102 | Elem Spanish II | |
SPAN201 | Inter Spanish I | SPN201 | Inter Spanish I | |
TH108 | Intro to Theatre | THE254 | Intro Theatre | |
TH109 | Fund of Acting | THE262 | Acting | |
TH112 | Int Acting | THE1XX | Int Acting | |
TH117 | Fund of Play Directing | THE1XX | Fund of Play Directing | |
TH119 | Theat Makeup Tech | THE1XX | Theat Makeup Tech | |
TH120 | Performance Prod | THE1XX | Performance Prod | |
TH121 | Mov For Performer | THE1XX | Mov For Performer | |
THET100 | Intro Theatre | THE154 | Introduction to Theatre | |
THET110 | Fund of Acting | THE262 | Acting | |
THET125 | Script Analysis | THE291 | Script Analy & Drama | |
TR101 | Digital Video Editing | CM1XX | Digital Video Editing | |
TR129 | Intro to Broadcasting | CM120 | Broadcast Perform I | |
TR130 | Television Production | CM120 | Broadcast Perform I | |
TR139 | Writing for TV & Radio | CM1XX | Wrtg for TV & Radio | |
TR240 | Advan Television Prod | CM2XX | Advan Television Prod | |
TVRA105 | Electronic Media | CM225 | Intro New Media | |
TVRA120 | TV Production | CM120 | Broadcast Perform I | |
TVRA125 | Audio Production Tech | CM226 | Audio Productn | |
TVRA129 | Writing for Broad & Media | CM1XX | Writing for Broad & Media | |
TVRA134 | Media Appreciation | CM1XX | Media Appreciation | |
TVRA140 | Video Editing | CM1XX | Video Editing | |
TVRA224 | Elec Fld Production | CM2XX | Elec Fld Production | |
TVRA227 | Broadcast Journalism | CM2XX | Broadcast Journalism | |
TVRA230 | Adv TV Production | CM320 | Broadcast Perfrm II | |
TVRA234 | Television Directing | CM2XX | Television Directing | |
TVRA236 | Video Production | CM2XX | Video Production | |
TVRA239 | Broadcast Mgmt | CM2XX | Broadcast Mgmt | |
TVRA255 | Adv Broadcast Journalism | CM2XX | Adv Broadcast Jour | |
WMST101 | Intro to Women's Studies | WGS200 | Women/Gender Stud | |
WS101 | Intro to Women's Studies | WGS200 | Women/Gender Studies |
Montgomery County Community College | York College of Pennsylvania | ||
ACC110 | Business Math | MAT1XX | Business Math |
ACC111 | Accounting Prin I | ACC1XX | Accounting Prin I |
ACC112 | Acct Prin II | ACC220 | Financial Acct |
ACC115 | Financial Accounting | ACC220 | Financial Acct |
ACC116 | Manageral Accounting | ACC225 | Managerial Acct |
ACC150 | Legal Environment of Bus | BUS260 | Legal Environment |
ACC231 | Man Cost Acct | ACC225 | Managerial Acct |
ANT100 | Intro Phys Anthro | ANT210 | Physical Anthropol |
ANT104 | Intro Cultural Anthro | ANT220 | Cult Anthropology |
ART101 | Art His I Cave Painting | ART204 | Survey West Art I |
ART102 | Art Hist II (Rena to Post Imp) | ART205 | Survey West Art II |
ART103 | Art Hist III | ART205 | Survey West Art II |
ART111 | Drawing I | ART215 | Drawing I |
ART112 | Drawing II | ART265 | Drawing II |
ART121 | Painting I | ART220 | Painting I |
ART121 | Painting I | ART114 | Concepts/Painting |
ART122 | Painting II | ART270 | Painting II |
ART131 | Color Theory | ART210 | Design I |
ART135 | Typography | ART218 | Typography I |
ART138 | Digital Art I | ART206 | Elements Comp Graph |
ART148 | Comp Graphics I | ART1XX | Comp Graphics I |
ART151 | Basic Photography I | ART245 | Photography I |
ART161 | Ceramics I | ART225 | Ceramics I |
ART171 | Printmaking I | ART219 | Typography II |
ART211 | Drawing III | ART315 | Drawing III |
ART221 | Painting III | ART320 | Painting III |
ART261 | Ceramics II | ART275 | Ceramics II |
AST120 | Intro to Astronomy | ESS154 | Intro/Astronomy |
BIO103 | Intro Human A & P | BIO112 | Essentials of A & P |
BIO115 | Environmental Biology | BIO1XX | Biology Elect No Lab |
BIO120 | Concepts of Biology | BIO204 | Exploring Biology |
BIO121 | General Biology I | BIO151 | Intro Mole Bio Lab |
BIO121 | General Biology I | BIO142 | Molecule/Gene/Cell |
BIO121 | General Biology I | BIO150 | Intro Molecular Bio |
BIO121 | General Biology I | BIO143 | Mole/Gene/Cell Lab |
BIO122 | General Biology II | BIO152 | Biology II |
BIO131 | Human Anat & Phys I | BIO220 | Human A/P I |
BIO132 | Human Anat & Phys II | BIO222 | Human A/P II |
BIO140 | Microbiol & Immunology | BIO230 | Microbiology |
BIO151 | Prin of Bio I | BIO150 | Biology I |
BIO152 | Prin of Bio II | BIO152 | Biology II |
BIO299 | Indep Study Bio II | BIO2XX | Biology Elect No Lab |
BIT120 | Intro to Biotechnology | BIO1XX | Intro to Biotechnology |
BIT123 | Tech & Instrum in BIT | BIO1XX | Tech & Instrum in BIT |
CHE121 | Gen Chem Inorganic | CHM134 | Gen Chem I |
CHE122 | Gen Chem Organic | CHM122 | Prin Gen/Org Chem |
CHE131 | Chemistry for Tech I | CHM1XX | Chem for Tech I |
CHE150 | Essentials of Chem | CHM1XX | Essentials of Chem |
CHE151 | Prin of Chem I | CHM123 | Gen/Org Chem Lab |
CHE151 | Prin of Chem I | CHM134 | Gen Chem I |
CHE151 | Prin of Chem I | CHM135 | Gen Chem I Lab |
CHE151 | Prin of Chem I | CHM122 | Prin Gen/Org Chem |
CHE152 | Prin of Chem II | CHM136 | Gen Chem II |
CHE152 | Prin of Chem II | CHM137 | Gen Chem II Lab |
CHE261 | Organic Chem I | CHM234 | Organic Chem I |
CHE262 | Organic Chem II | CHM236 | Organic Chem II |
CIS100 | Intro to PC's | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
CIS110 | Comp Info for Mgmt | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
CIS110 | Comp Info for Mgmt | IFS100 | Info Tech Competncy |
CIS1101 | Intro Prob Solv/Prog | IFS1XX | Intro Prob Solv/Prog |
CIS111 | Comp Sci I | CS101 | Fund Comp Sci I |
CIS111B | Comp Sci II | CS1XX | Comp Sci II |
CIS112 | Comp Sci III | CS1XX | Comp Sci III |
CIS113 | PCMaint & Support | IFS1XX | PCMaint & Support |
CIS114 | Web Design & Develop | IFS1XX | Web Design & Develop |
CIS126 | Assembler | IFS1XX | Assembler |
CIS148 | Comp Graphics I | ART134 | Concpts Comp Grhcs |
CIS155 | PCApplications on Netwks | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
CIS170 | Intro to Networks | IFS1XX | Intro to Networks |
CIS243 | Integ Office Soft Appl | IFS2XX | Ingeg Office Soft Appl |
CIS245 | Database Mgmt Systems | IFS285 | Intro to Database |
CJS100 | Intro Criminal Justice | CCJ101 | Intro Crim Justice |
CJS105 | Crim Law | CCJ1XX | Crim Law |
CJS106 | Crim Procedure | CCJ1XX | Crim Procedure |
CJS200 | Crim Investigation | CCJ2XX | Crim Investigation |
CJS201 | Intro to Criminal Forensics | FCM210 | Criminalistics |
CMS110 | Speech Comm | CM212 | Public Speaking |
CMS115 | Interpersonal Comm | CM329 | Interpersonal Comm |
CMS120 | Public Speaking | CM212 | Public Speaking |
CMS230 | Communication in Organizations | CM328 | Organizational Comm |
COM101 | Intro Mass Media | CM211 | Mass Communication |
COM105 | Intro to Acting | THE262 | Acting |
COM160 | Media Lit Workshop | CM211 | Mass Communication |
COM230 | The Movies: Mean & Meth | FLM216 | Intro to Film |
COU121 | Psychology of Career Dev | NPE1XX | Psychology of Career Dev |
DAN110 | Intro to Dance as Art | PAW1XX | Dance as Art |
ECO110 | Elements of Econ | ECO205 | Economic Perspctvs |
ECO111 | Personal Finance | FIN218 | Personal Finance |
ECO121 | Macroeconomics | ECO200 | Prin Econ-Macro |
ECO122 | Microeconomics | ECO201 | Prin Econ-Micro |
EDU100 | Intro to Education | EDU1XX | Intro to Ed |
EDU120 | Teaching with Tech | EDU1XX | Teaching with Tech |
EDU210 | Teach Young Child | EDU2XX | Teach Young Child |
EDU213 | Work Spec Needs Ch | SPE2XX | Work Spec Needs Ch |
EDU225 | Guid Child Reading | EDU2XX | Guid Child Reading |
EDU226 | Art for Young Child | EDU2XX | Art for Young Child |
EDU227 | Tech Mathematics | EDU2XX | Tech Mathematics |
EDU228 | Lit Early Child & Ele Ed | EDU2XX | Lit Early Child & El Ed |
EDU233 | Early Childhood Curr | EDU1XX | Early Childhood Curr |
EDU240 | Teach English Lang | EDU225 | Instrc Needs/ELL |
EDU250 | Student Teaching | EDU2XX | Student Teaching |
EGR102 | Intro to Engineering | EGR150 | Computational Methods |
EGR111 | Engineering Comp | EGR1XX | Engineering Comp |
EGR115 | Engineering Graphics | EGR100 | Epads I |
EGR203 | Engineering Statics | EGR250 | Statics |
EGR204 | Engineering Dynamics | ME252 | Dynamics and Vibration |
EGR211 | Linear Electrical Systems I | ME270 | Mechatronics |
EGR213 | Mechanics of Materials | EGR264 | Strength/Materials |
ENG101 | English Comp I | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm |
ENG102 | English Comp II | WRT1XX | Eng Comp II |
ENG115 | Writing to Tech Comm | FCO215 | Tech/Scientfc Comm |
ENG117 | Writing for Business/Indust | FCO210 | Comm Prof Cultures |
ENG211 | Survey of Amer Lit I | LIT281 | Amer Lit to 1885 |
ENG221 | Lit of Western World I | LIT283 | Ancient to Early Mod Brit Lit |
ENG235 | Poetry | LIT2XX | Poetry |
ENG236 | Fiction | LIT2XX | Fiction |
ENG246 | African American Lit | LIT203 | African/Amer Lit |
ENG255 | Women in Literature | LIT382 | Women In Literature |
ENG255 | Women in Literature | WGS382 | Women In Literature |
ENG256 | Lit and Film | LIT393 | Literature & Film |
ENG265 | Intro Creative Writing | CRW272 | Intro Creative Wrt |
ESW102 | Intro Phys Ed | PE1XX | Phys Ed Elect |
ESW113 | Racquetball & Badminton | PE1XX | Racquetball & Badminton |
ESW123 | Golf | PE140 | Fundamentals/Golf |
ESW137 | Intro to Tennis | PAW159 | Tennis |
ESW141 | Volleyball | PE160 | Volleyball |
ESW146 | Cond, Weight Trn | PE118 | Physical Fitness |
ESW148 | Hatha Yoga | PAW163 | Yoga |
ESW160 | Martial Arts & Self Def | PE130 | Self Defense |
ESW206 | Basic Nutrition | NUR202 | Nutrition |
ESW207 | Food & Culture | HSP2XX | Food & Culture |
ESW210 | Holistic Health | NPE2XX | Holistic Health |
ESW235 | Personal Health & Wellness | PE134 | Concpts Phys Actvty |
ESW236 | Personal Health & Well | PAW234 | Well/Fitness/Life |
ESW245 | Safety & First Aid | SPM205 | Responding/Emerg |
ESW245 | Safety & First Aid | SPM301 | Responding/Emerg |
ESW245 | Safety & First Aid | EDU305 | Responding/Emerg |
ESW255 | Human Sexuality | BEH2XX | Human Sexuality |
FRE101 | Elem French I | FRN101 | Elem French I |
FRE102 | Elem French II | FRN102 | Elem French II |
GER101 | Elem German I | GRM101 | Elem German I |
GER102 | Elem German II | GRM102 | Elem German II |
GLG115 | Envir Geology | ESS1XX | Environmental Geology |
GLG120 | Earth Science | ESS152 | Earth/Space Sci |
GLG151 | Phys Geology | ESS1XX | Phys Geology |
HCP220 | General Pharmacology | BIO1XX | General Pharmacology |
HCP224 | Med Terminology | BIO201 | Medical Terminology |
HCP224 | Med Terminology | RT105 | Medical Terminology |
HIS101 | Hist W. Civ I | HIS101 | Foundation/West |
HIS102 | Hist W Civ II | HIS102 | Western Civ II |
HIS103 | Hist W. Civ Anc Hist | HIS300 | Ancnt Hist to 476 |
HIS105 | Hist W Civ Medieval | HIS101 | Western Civ I |
HIS107 | Hist W. Civ Mod Eur | HIS1XX | Hist W. Civ Mod Eur |
HIS121 | World Civ I: to 1500 | HIS121 | World History I |
HIS122 | World Civilization II | HIS122 | World History II |
HIS203 | Hist of U.S. to 1877 | HIS111 | American Civ I |
HIS205 | Hist of U.S. From 1877 | HIS112 | American Civ II |
HIS214 | African-Amer Hist & Cult | HIS2XX | African-American Hist & Cult |
HIS225 | Top in Mod Hist | HIS2XX | Top in Mod Hist |
HIS234 | Asian Civ | HIS2XX | Asian Civ |
HIS241 | History of Holocaust | HIS2XX | Hist of Holocaust |
HIS250 | Hist of Modern Middle East | HIS2XX | Hist of Modern Middle East |
HIS260 | Russia from Tsarism to Putin | HIS2XX | Russia from Tsarism to Putin |
HSW101 | Human Serv I | BEH1XX | Human Serv I |
ITA101 | Elem Italian I | ITL101 | Elem Italian I |
JPN101 | Elem Japanese I | L1XX | Elem Japanese I |
JPN102 | Elem Japanese II | L1XX | Elem Japanese II |
MAT100 | Intermed Algebra | MAT102 | Prelim Math/Prob Solv |
MAT100 | Interm Algebra | MAT105 | College Algebra |
MAT103 | Math for Elementary Ed | MAT115 | Sets/Number Systems |
MAT104 | Found of Math II | MAT215 | Sets/Number Sys II |
MAT106 | Math Applications | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv |
MAT108 | Math Cult & Conc | MAT1XX | Math Cult & Conc |
MAT117 | Applied Calculus | MAT120 | Applied Calculus |
MAT125 | Discrete Math | MAT235 | Discrete Mathemtcs |
MAT130 | Prob & Statistics | QBA260 | Data Driven Dec Making |
MAT130 | Prob & Statistics | BEH260 | Statistics |
MAT130 | Prob & Statistics | MAT250 | Statistics |
MAT131 | Intro to Stats I | BEH260 | Statistics |
MAT131 | Intro to Stats I | QBA260 | Business Statistics |
MAT131 | Intro to Stats I | MAT250 | Statistics |
MAT132 | Intro to Statistics II | QBA265 | Business Stats II |
MAT132 | Intro to Statistics II | MAT1XX | Intro to Stats II |
MAT140 | Finite Math for Bus | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv |
MAT140 | Finite Math for Bus | MAT1XX | Finite Math for Bus |
MAT142 | Calc for Business | MAT120 | Applied Calculus |
MAT161 | Precalculus I | MAT102 | Prelim Math/Prob Solv |
MAT161 | Precalculus I | MAT108 | Precalculus |
MAT162 | Precalc II | MAT1XX | Precalculus II |
MAT162 | Precalc II | MAT108 | Precalculus |
MAT188 | Calculus w/Rev Funct I | MAT171 | Calculus I |
MAT189 | Calculus w/Rev Funct II | MAT172 | Calculus II |
MAT190 | Calc & Analytic Geom I | MAT171 | Calculus I |
MAT201 | Calc Analytic Geom II | MAT172 | Calculus II |
MAT202 | Calc & Anat Geometry II | MAT271 | Calculus III |
MAT223 | Differential Equations | MAT272 | Diff Equations |
MGT110 | Intro to Business | BUS150 | Intro to Business |
MGT111 | Prin of Management | MGT150 | Prin of Management |
MGT114 | Strat Analytics for Lead | MGT1XX | Srat Analytics for Lead |
MGT121 | Small Bus Mgt | MGT1XX | Small Bus Mgt |
MGT131 | Human Res Mgmt | MGT220 | Human Resource Mgt |
MKT111 | Principles of Marketing | MKT100 | Prin Marketing |
MKT121 | Creative Selling | MKT220 | Personal Selling |
MKT131 | Advertising & Promo | MKT1XX | Advertising & Promo |
MKT211 | Digital Marketing | MKT355 | Digital Marketing |
MSP230 | The Movies: Mean & Methods | FLM216 | Intro to Film |
MUS110 | Music Appreciation | MUS186 | Listening to Music |
MUS113 | Music in Amer Cult | MUS287 | American Pop Music |
MUS120 | Music Fund | MUS181 | Found Music Theory |
MUS133 | College Choir I | MUS1XX | College Choir I |
MUS160 | Jazz Ensemble I | MUS162 | Jazz Ensemble |
MUS233 | Chamber Choir I | MUS2XX | Chamber Choir I |
NUR106 | Concepts of Nursing | NUR1XX | Concepts of Nursing |
OFM101 | Business Software Essentials | IFS100 | Info Tech Competncy |
OFM101 | Business Software Essentials | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
PEH100 | Found of P.E. | PE1XX | Found of P.E. |
PEH102 | Intro Phys Ed & Exer Sc | NPE1XX | Non Program Elective |
PEH102 | Intro Phys Ed & Exer Sc | PE1XX | Physical Education Elective |
PEH106 | Aerobics | PE136 | Aerobic Dance |
PEH117 | Creative Dance I | PE117 | Modern Dance |
PEH128 | Walk, Jog, Run | PE1XX | Walk, Jog, Run |
PEH141 | Volleyball | PE160 | Volleyball |
PEH142 | Int Volleyball | PE160 | Volleyball |
PEH146 | Cond, Weight Trn & Con | PE118 | Physical Fitness |
PEH148 | Hatha Yoga | PE163 | Yoga |
PEH160 | Martial Arts Self-Defense | PE137 | Intro Martial Arts |
PEH180 | Health & Well | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect |
PEH180 | Health & Well | PE1XX | Phys Ed Elect |
PEH206 | Basic Nutrition | NUR202 | Nutrition |
PEH235 | Pers Health & Wellness | PE1XX | Physical Ed Elective |
PEH235 | Pers Health & Wellness | NPE1XX | Non Program Elective |
PHI100 | Intro to Philosophy | PHL221 | Intro Philosophy |
PHI110 | Intro to Logic | PHL231 | Logic |
PHI120 | Ethical Issues | PHL346 | Bioethics |
PHI215 | Comp Religions | REL265 | World Religions |
PHY121 | Gen Physics I | PHY110 | Gen Phys:Mech/Ht |
PHY122 | Gen Physics II | PHY112 | Gen Phys:Elc/Magn |
PHY151 | Principles of Physics I | PHY160 | Eng Phys:Mechncs |
PHY152 | Principles of Physics II | PHY260 | Eng Phys:Elct/Magn |
POL101 | Intro to Pol Sci | PS1XX | Intro to Pol Sci |
POL124 | American National Govt | PS101 | Amer Gov/Citizenship |
POL124 | American National Govt | PS141 | American Governmnt |
POL125 | Amer State & Local Gov | PS242 | State/Local Govt |
PSY101 | Intro to Psychology | PSY100 | General Psychology |
PSY136 | Personality | PSY1XX | Personality |
PSY137 | Intro Industrial/Org | PSY1XX | Intro Industrial/Org |
PSY200 | Child Psychology | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop |
PSY204 | Adolescent Psychology | PSY2XX | Adolescent Psychology |
PSY206 | Human Devel/Life Span | NUR201 | Nursing HD/HC |
PSY206 | Human Devel/Life Span | PSY2XX | Hum Dev Life Span |
PSY210 | Ed Psychology | EDU375 | Psy Learning/Second |
PSY210 | Ed Psychology | EDU370 | Psych of Learning |
PSY214 | Social Psychology | PSY243 | Social Psychology |
PSY215 | Abnormal Psychology | PSY230 | Abnormal Psych |
PSY217 | Drugs - Their Use & Abuse | SOC210 | Drugs and Society |
PSY231 | Research Methods in Psych | PSY2XX | Research Methods in Psych |
PSY255 | Human Sexuality | PSY2XX | Hum Sexuality |
SOC101 | Intro to Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology |
SOC103 | Social Prob | SOC220 | Am Social Problems |
SOC130 | Intro Youth & Fam Sys | SOC225 | The Family |
SOC224 | Minorities in the U.S. | SOC2XX | Minorities in the U.S. |
SOC230 | Soc of Families | SOC225 | The Family |
SOC244 | Soc of Death & Dying | SOC2XX | Soc of Death & Dying |
SP201 | Int Spanish I | SPN201 | Inter Spanish I |
SPA101 | Elementary Spanish I | SPN101 | Elem Spanish I |
SPA102 | Elementary Spanish II | SPN102 | Elem Spanish II |
SPA201 | Int Spanish I | SPN201 | Inter Spanish I |
SPA202 | Intermed Spanish II | SPN202 | Inter Spanish II |
SPA215 | Spanish Conversation I | SPN205 | Inter Spanish Conv |
SPA216 | Spanish Conversation II | SPN2XX | Spanish Conversation II |
SPC110 | Fund of Speech | CM212 | Public Speaking |
SPC120 | Public Speaking | CM104 | Human Communicatn |
SPC120 | Public Speaking | CM212 | Public Speaking |
SPC230 | Comm in Organizations | CM246 | Comm/Business Prof |
SRT137 | The Language of Digital Media | CM1XX | The Language of Digital Media |
THA105 | Intro to Acting I | THE1XX | Intro to Acting I |
THA105 | Intro to Acting I | THE262 | Acting |
THA114 | Theatre Appreciation | THE154 | Introduction to Theatre |
Nassau Community College | York College of Pennsylvania | ||
ACC101 | Accounting I | ACC1XX | Accounting I |
ACC102 | Accounting II | ACC220 | Financial Acct |
ACC104 | Managerial Acct | ACC225 | Managerial Acct |
ACC201 | Inter Accounting I | ACC2XX | Inter Accounting I |
ACC202 | Inter Accounting 2 | ACC2XX | Inter Accounting 2 |
AFR130 | Afr Amer Lit I | LIT203 | African/Amer Lit |
AFR141 | Afr Amer Hist II | HIS1XX | Afr Amer Hist II |
AFR142 | Hist of African Civ | HIS140 | History of Africa I |
AFR152 | Persp on Jazz | MUS286 | Jazz History |
AFR170 | Black Soc Phil | INT1XX | Black Soc Phil |
AFR185 | Afro-American Culture | SOC1XX | Afro-American Culture |
AHS101 | Intro to Allied Health Sci | NPE1XX | Intro to Allied Health Sci |
AHS131 | Anat & Phys I | BIO220 | Human A/P I |
AHS131 | Anat & Phys I | BIO1XX | Anat & Phys I |
AHS132 | Anat & Phys II | BIO222 | Human A/P II |
AHS202 | Medical Microbiology | BIO230 | Microbiology |
ANT203 | Gen Anthropology | ANT2XX | Gen Anthropology |
ART100 | Intro Visual Art | ART101 | Intro Art Apprec |
ART104 | Art Hist-Cont | ART205 | Survey West Art II |
ART105 | 2-D Design | ART210 | Design I |
ART106 | 3-D Design | ART1XX | 3-D Design |
ART111 | Drawing I | ART215 | Drawing I |
ART112 | Drawing II | ART265 | Drawing II |
ART115 | Painting I | ART114 | Concepts/Painting |
ART115 | Painting I | ART220 | Painting I |
ART116 | Painting 2 | ART270 | Painting II |
ART117 | Illustration | ART223 | Illustration I |
ART118 | Figure Drawing I | ART216 | Figure Drawing I |
ART122 | Ceramics I | ART225 | Ceramics I |
ART123 | Sculpture I | ART116 | Concepts/Sculpture |
ART123 | Sculpture I | ART230 | Sculpture I |
ART125 | Photography I | ART245 | Photography I |
ART130 | Microcomp Graphics I | ART200 | Intro to Graphic Design |
ART130 | Microcomp Graphics I | ART1XX | Microcomp Graphics I |
ART131 | Electronic Imaging | ART1XX | Electronic Imaging |
ART137 | Comp Illustration | ART1XX | Comp Illustration |
ART147 | Potter's Wheel | ART225 | Ceramics I |
ART201 | Surv Art History I | ART204 | Survey West Art I |
ART202 | Surv Art HistoryII | ART205 | Survey West Art II |
ART225 | Photography 2 | ART246 | Digital Photography |
ART226 | Adv B & W Photo | ART2XX | Adv B & W Photo |
ART228 | Photojournal/Doc Photo | ART2XX | Photojournal/Doc Photo |
ASL152 | Amer Sign Lang I | CM150 | Beg Sign Language |
ASL153 | Amer Sign Lang II | CM250 | Adv Sign Language |
AST101 | Solar Sys Astronomy | ESS154 | Intro/Astronomy |
BIO101 | General Biology I | BIO150 | Biology I |
BIO102 | Gen Biology II | BIO152 | Biology II |
BIO103 | Ecology | BIO212 | Environmntl Bio |
BIO104 | Zoology | BIO208 | Biology of Animals |
BIO109 | Principles of Biology I | BIO150 | Biology I |
BIO110 | Principles of Biology II | BIO152 | Biology II |
BIO115 | Human Bio Nutrition | BIO226 | Food & Nutrition |
BIO116 | Human Genetics | BIO240 | Genetics |
BIO119 | Oceanology | BIO1XX | Biology Elect No Lab |
BIO125 | Intro to Marine Science | BIO210 | Marine Biology |
BIO162 | Animal Ecology | BIO120 | Field Nat Hist |
BIO165 | Nat Hist of Long Island | BIO1XX | Nat Hist of Long Island |
BIO201 | Anatomy | BIO220 | Human A/P I |
BIO202 | Physiology | BIO222 | Human A/P II |
BIO203 | Oceanography | BIO2XX | Oceanography |
BIO204 | Marine Biology | BIO210 | Marine Biology |
BIO214 | Microbiology | BIO230 | Microbiology |
BIO219 | Field Biology | BIO120 | Field Nat Hist |
BIO226 | Invest/Human Bio Nut | BIO1XX | Biology Elect no lab |
BUS100 | Crtv Prob Solve Bus | BUS1XX | Crtv Prob Solve Bus |
BUS110 | Intro to Business | BUS150 | Intro to Business |
BUS111 | Entrepreneurship | ENT150 | Intro Entrepreneur |
BUS112 | Prin of Management | MGT150 | Prin of Management |
BUS114 | Intro Intl Business | IBS200 | Internatl Business |
BUS116 | Business Internship | BUS1XX | Business Internship |
BUS150 | Org Beh | OBD225 | Org Behavior |
BUS180 | Sport Facility Mgmt | SPM1XX | Sport Fac Mgmt |
BUS280 | Intro to Sports Mgt | SPM2XX | Intro to Sports Mgt |
BUS800 | Adv Intl Business | IBS200 | Internatl Business |
CHE107 | Gen Chemistry | CHM122 | Prin Gen/Org Chem |
CHE131 | General Chemistry I | CHM134 | Gen Chem I |
CHE132 | General Chemistry II | CHM136 | Gen Chem II |
CHE151 | Inorganic Chem I | CHM134 | Gen Chem I |
CHE201 | Organic Chemistry I | CHM234 | Organic Chem I |
CMP100 | Computer Lit | IFS1XX | Computer Lit |
CMP101 | Intro to Computers | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
CMP103 | Microcomp Hdw/Softw | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
CMP105 | Electronic Sprdsts | IFS1XX | Electronic Sprdsts |
CMP110 | Data Com & Internet | IFS1XX | Data Com & Internet |
CMP112 | Hypermedia | IFS1XX | Hypermedia |
CMP115 | Computers in Business | IFS100 | Info Tech Competncy |
CMP115 | Computers in Business | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
CMP214 | Visual Basic | IFS160 | Visual Basic Progrm |
COM101 | Interpersonal Comm | CM329 | Interpersonal Comm |
COM103 | Public Speaking | CM104 | Human Communicatn |
COM103 | Public Speaking | CM212 | Public Speaking |
COM104 | Film Appreciation | FLM1XX | Film Appreciation |
COM107 | Film Prod I | CM1XX | Film Prod I |
COM109 | Television Journalism | CM1XX | TV Journalism |
COM110 | Mass Media | CM211 | Mass Communication |
COM112 | History of Film | FLM220 | Film History |
COM121 | Small Grp Communication | CM1XX | Sm Grp Communication |
COM123 | Argument & Debate | CM310 | Argumentatn/Debate |
COM152 | American Sign Language I | CM150 | Beg Sign Language |
COM170 | Radio Prod | CM231 | Radio Production I |
CRJ101 | Police Org & Admin | CJA234 | Law Enforcement |
CRJ105 | Foundations of Justice System | CJA101 | Intro Crim Justice |
CRJ106 | Underst Crim Behavior | CJA1XX | Understanding Crim Behav |
CRJ110 | Intro Correction | CJA1XX | Intro Correction |
CRJ111 | Probation & Parole | CJA1XX | Probation & Parole |
CRJ113 | Alt to Imprisonment | CJA1XX | Alt to Imprisonment |
CRJ201 | Crim Investigation | CJA2XX | Crim Investigation |
CRJ206 | Dispute Resolution | CJA2XX | Dispute Resolution |
CRJ212 | Research in Crime/Security | CJA2XX | Research in Crime/Sec |
CRJ215 | Juvenile Delinquency | CJA110 | Juvenile Delinqncy |
CRJ216 | I/I/Cof Offenders | CJA2XX | I/I/Cof Offenders |
CRJ225 | Criminal Law | CJA302 | Criminal Law |
CRJ226 | Criminal Procedure | CJA2XX | Criminal Procedure |
CRJ227 | Constitutional Law | CJA2XX | Constitutional Law |
CRJ228 | Law of Evidence | CJA2XX | Law of Evidence |
DAN126 | Intro Mod Dance | PE117 | Modern Dance |
ECO100 | Survey of Economics | ECO1XX | Survey of Economics |
ECO110 | Pers Finance | BUS218 | Personal Finance |
ECO112 | Intro Investments | ECO1XX | Intro Investments |
ECO207 | Prin of Macroeconomics | ECO200 | Prin Econ-Macro |
ECO208 | Prin Micro Econ | ECO201 | Prin Econ-Micro |
ECO213 | Money and Banking | ECO370 | Money & Banking |
ECO215 | US Econ History | ECO2XX | US Econ History |
ECO230 | Intro Intl Econ & Fin | ECO2XX | Intro Intl Econ & Fin |
EDU206 | Ed Psychology | EDU370 | Psych of Learning |
EDU206 | Ed Psychology | EDU375 | Psy Learning/Second |
EDU208 | Found of Ed | EDU2XX | Found of Ed |
EDU235 | Psych of Except Child | EDU2XX | Psych of Except Child |
ENG100 | Enhanced Comp | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm |
ENG101 | Composition I | WRT102 | Analytical Read/Writ |
ENG101 | Composition I | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm |
ENG102 | Composition II | WRT202 | Academic Writing |
ENG102 | Composition II | WRT1XX | Composition II |
ENG105 | Grammar: Struc & Strat | WRT1XX | Gram: Struct & Strat |
ENG108 | Honors English I | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm |
ENG109 | Honors English II | WRT202 | Academic Writing |
ENG203 | Early Amer Lit | LIT281 | Amer Lit to 1885 |
ENG204 | Mod Amer Lit 1865-Pres | LIT282 | Amer Lit after 1885 |
ENG205 | Early British Lit | LIT283 | British Lit to 1750 |
ENG206 | Mod Brit Lit 1800-Pres | LIT284 | Brt Lit after 1750 |
ENG215 | Journalism I | CM271 | Print Media Writing |
ENG220 | Mythology & Folklore | HUM2XX | Myth & Folklore |
ENG229 | Native Amer Lit | LIT2XX | Native Amer Lit |
ENG233 | Studies in Sci Fiction | LIT2XX | Studies in Sci Fiction |
ENG251 | Film and Literature | LIT393 | Novels into Film |
ENG261 | Lit of Holocaust | LIT2XX | Lit of Holocaust |
ENG263 | Modern American Short Story | LIT2XX | Modern Am Short Story |
ENG265 | Mod American Poetry | LIT343 | Exper of Poetry |
ENG301 | Shkspr Comedy & Hist | LIT323 | Shakespeare I |
ENG302 | Shakespeare Tragedies | LIT324 | Shakespeare II |
ENG311 | Masterworks Lit I | LIT3XX | Masterworks Lit I |
ENG313 | Creative Writing | WRT272 | Intro Creative Wrt |
ENG314 | Studies/Child Lit | LIT2XX | Studies/Child Lit |
FBM120 | Intro Fashion Ind | MKT1XX | Intro Fashion Ind |
FIN110 | Personal Finance | BUS218 | Personal Finance |
FIN111 | Intro Finance | FIN1XX | Intro Finance |
FIN112 | Intro Investments | FIN1XX | Intro Investments |
FRE101 | Beg French I | FRN101 | Elem French I |
GEO101 | Intro to Geography | G1XX | Intro to Geog |
GEO103 | Human Geography | G1XX | Human Geog |
GLY101 | Physical Geology | ESS1XX | Physical Geology |
GSS106 | Science of Music | MUS1XX | Science of Music |
GSS108 | Science Light/Color | PSC152 | Physical Sci I |
GSS111 | Sci of Our World I | BIO212 | Environmntl Bio |
GSS126 | Forensic Technology | CJA1XX | Forensic Technology |
HED200 | Healthful Living | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect |
HED200 | Healthful Living | PE1XX | Phys Ed Elect |
HED201 | Pers & Family Health | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect |
HED201 | Pers & Family Health | PE1XX | Phys Ed Elect |
HED201 | Personal & Family Health | PAW234 | Well/Fitness/Life |
HED251 | Human Sexuality | BEH2XX | Human Sexuality |
HED271 | Alc Addict Abuse Beh | SOC210 | Drug/Alcohol Addctn |
HED292 | Safety & First Aid | SPM205 | Responding/Emerg |
HIS101 | Hist of West Civ I | HIS101 | Western Civ I |
HIS102 | His West Civ II | HIS102 | Western Civ II |
HIS103 | Hist U.S. I | HIS111 | American Civ I |
HIS104 | Hist United States II | HIS112 | American Civ II |
HIS105 | The World Today | HIS1XX | The World Today |
HIS106 | America Today | HIS367 | Recent Amer/1945-Prs |
HIS137 | Native American | HIS101 | Foundation/West |
HIS161 | World Hist | HIS121 | World History I |
HIS162 | World Hist 1500-Pres | HIS122 | World History II |
HIS178 | History of the Black Woman | HIS1XX | History of the Black Woman |
HIS190 | Hist Sports/Amer | HIS1XX | Hist Sports/Amer |
HIS206 | Medieval World | HIS301 | Medieval Civ |
HIS219 | Colonial Latin Amer | HIS2XX | Colonial Latin Amer |
HIS222 | Modern Mexico & Central Am | HIS2XX | Modern Mexico & Central Am |
HIS232 | History of the Cold War | HIS2XX | History/Cold War |
HIS234 | History of Ireland | HIS334 | Hist Modern Ireland |
HRS101 | Human Rights Studies | HUM1XX | Hum Rights Studies |
HTL150 | Intro to Tourism | HSP100 | Intro Hospitality |
HTL161 | Hospitality Mgmt | HSP101 | Intro Hosp & Tourism Mgt |
HTL162 | Hosp Human Resources | HSP320 | Hum Res Mgt Hosp Indus |
HTL165 | Facilities Plan and Design | HSP240 | Facility Management |
HTL171 | Food/Beverage Opers | HSP300 | Food/Beverage Mgmt |
HTL172 | Food Serv Cost Analysis | HSP1XX | Food Serv Cost Anaylsis |
HTL174 | Fund Food Production | HSP1XX | Fund Food Production |
HTL175 | Food & Bev Management | HSP1XX | Food & Bev Mgmt |
HTL178 | Event Planning | HSP1XX | Event Planning |
HTL180 | Front Office Mgmt | HSP1XX | Front Office Mgmt |
HTL200 | Hotel Opers Research Sem | HSP2XX | Hotel Opers Research Sem |
HTL242 | Hospitality Intern | HSP2XX | Hosp Intern |
HUS162 | World History | HIS122 | World History II |
ITA101 | Beginning Italian I | ITL101 | Elem Italian I |
ITA102 | Beginning Italian 2 | ITL102 | Elem Italian II |
LAS101 | Intro Latin Amer Studies | INT145 | Intro Latin America |
LAW103 | Bus Law I | BUS260 | Legal Environment |
LAW104 | Bus Law II | BUS1XX | Bus Law II |
LAW105 | Intro to Current Law | CJA1XX | Intro to Current Law |
LAW106 | Sports & the Law | PS1XX | Sports & the Law |
MAT100 | Topical Appr to Math | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv |
MAT101 | Concepts of Math | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv |
MAT102 | Intro Statistics | QBA260 | Business Statistics |
MAT102 | Intro Statistics | BEH260 | Statistics |
MAT102 | Intro Statistics | MAT250 | Statistics |
MAT103 | Int Stats | MAT1XX | Int Stats |
MAT103 | Int Stats | QBA265 | Business Stats II |
MAT103 | Applied Statistics | QBA265 | Business Stats II |
MAT109 | Algebra & Trig | MAT108 | Precalculus |
MAT109 | Algebra & Trig | MAT105 | College Algebra |
MAT111 | Pre-Calculus | MAT108 | Precalculus |
MAT112 | Calc Bus & Soc Sci | MAT120 | Applied Calculus |
MAT118 | Finite Math: Quan Analys | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv |
MAT122 | Calculus I | MAT171 | Calculus I |
MAT123 | Calculus II | MAT172 | Calculus II |
MDC101 | Making of Mod Mind I | HUM1XX | Making Mod Mind I |
MDC102 | Making Mod Mind II | HUM1XX | Making Mod Mind II |
MDC130 | Post-Mod World | HUM1XX | Post-Mod World |
MKT100 | Marketing | MKT100 | Prin Marketing |
MKT101 | Bus Math | MAT1XX | Bus Math |
MKT103 | Prin Salesmanship | MKT1XX | Prin Salesmanship |
MKT105 | Sport Marketing | MKT1XX | Sport Marketing |
MKT106 | Prin Advertising | MKT1XX | Prin Advertising |
MKT112 | Small Business Marketing | MKT1XX | Sm Business Mrkting |
MKT130 | Marketing Res | MKT1XX | Marketing Res |
MKT136 | Mkt Mgmt | MKT1XX | Mkt Mgmt |
MKT138 | Public Relations | MKT1XX | Public Relations |
MKT142 | Field Training | MKT1XX | Field Training |
MKT145 | Consum Motv/Buyr Bhv | MKT1XX | Consum Motv/Buyr Bhv |
MKT160 | Intro to Customer Service | BUS1XX | Intro to Customer Serv |
MUS100 | Listening to Music | MUS186 | Listening to Music |
MUS102 | Beginning Piano | MUS140 | Class Piano |
MUS103 | Beg Guitar | MUS148 | Guitar Class |
MUS135 | Rock Music:Mirror/Change | MUS288 | History Rock/Roll |
MUS136 | Beg Voice Class | MUS101 | Voice |
NCC101 | College Experience | FYS1XX | College Experience |
NTR158 | Social & Cult Aspects of Food | NPE1XX | Soc & Cult Aspects Food |
NTR183 | Dietary Management | NUR202 | Nutrition |
NTR192 | Prin of Food Science | NPE1XX | Prin of Food Science |
NTR195 | Nutrition | PAW1XX | Nutrition |
NTR198 | Nutrition for Hlthcr | NUR202 | Nutrition |
PED140 | Fund of Swim | PE1XX | Fund of Swim |
PED150 | Soccer | PAW155 | Soccer |
PED151 | Basketball | PAW152 | Basketball |
PED160 | Volleyball | PAW160 | Volleyball |
PED164 | Badminton | PE151 | Badminton |
PED171 | Tennis Skills | PE159 | Tennis |
PED172 | Golf | PAW140 | Fundamentals/Golf |
PED178 | Fnd Move/Rhythm | PE1XX | Fnd Movements/Rhythm |
PED200 | Healthful Living | NPE1XX | Non Program Elective |
PED200 | Healthful Living | PE1XX | Physical Education Elective |
PED201 | Pers & Family Health | PE1XX | Phys Ed Elect |
PED201 | Pers & Family Health | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect |
PED231 | Death Ed: Hlth Per | PSY2XX | Death Ed: Hlth Per |
PED235 | Phys Cond | PAW1XX | Phys Cond |
PED251 | Fam & Hum Sexuality | PSY2XX | Fam & Hum Sexuality |
PED255 | Golf Coed | PE140 | Fundamentals/Golf |
PED258 | Bowling Coed | PAW1XX | Bowling Coed |
PED271 | Alc, Addict & Abuse Beh | SOC210 | Drug/Alcohol Addctn |
PED277 | Circus Arts Coed | PAW1XX | Circus Arts Coed |
PED284 | Cardio & Core | PAW139 | Cardiorespty Exercs |
PED285 | Yoga | PAW163 | Yoga |
PED291 | Personal Health | PAW234 | Well/Fitness/Life |
PED292 | Safety & First Aid | EDU305 | Responding/Emerg |
PED293 | Community Health | NPE1XX | Non Program Elective |
PED293 | Community Health | PE1XX | Physical Education Elective |
PED301 | Phys Cond/Wt Trng I | PE118 | Physical Fitness |
PED301 | Phys Cond/Wt Trng I | PE119 | Physical Fitness |
PED303 | Phys Cond/Weight Tr II | PE1XX | Phys Cond/Wt Tr II |
PED306 | Badminton | PE151 | Badminton |
PED308 | Basketball | PE152 | Basketball |
PED312 | Golf I | PE140 | Fundamentals/Golf |
PED320 | Raquetball | PE1XX | Raquetball |
PED334 | Softball | PE156 | Softball |
PED335 | Volleyball | PE160 | Volleyball |
PED401 | Fitness Activity | PE134 | Concpts Phys Actvty |
PED403 | Weight Training | PE119 | Physical Fitness |
PED406 | Badminton | PE151 | Badminton |
PED420 | Raquetball | PE1XX | Raquetball |
PED422 | Tennis I | PE159 | Tennis |
PED424 | Tennis II | PE159 | Tennis |
PED435 | Volleyball | PE160 | Volleyball |
PED502 | Tennis I | PE159 | Tennis |
PED512 | Golf I | PE140 | Fundamentals/Golf |
PED512 | Golf I | PE140 | Fundamentals/Golf |
PED519 | Self Defense | PE130 | Self Defense |
PED520 | Racquetball | PE1XX | Racquetball |
PED523 | Jogging | PE1XX | Jogging |
PED527 | Social Dancing | PE1XX | Social Dancing |
PED530 | Basic Tap Dance | PE1XX | Basic Tap Dance |
PED534 | Basic Jazz Dance | PE1XX | Basic Jazz Dance |
PED539 | Bowling I | PE110 | Beginning Bowling |
PED540 | Bowling II | PE110 | Beginning Bowling |
PED551 | Yoga | PE163 | Intro to Yoga |
PED551 | Yoga | PE163 | Intro to Yoga |
PED600 | Phys Ed Athletics | PE1XX | Phys Ed Athletics |
PED611 | Fund Dance | PE117 | Modern Dance |
PED636 | Adventure Act | PE1XX | Adventure Act |
PED657 | Karate | PE137 | Intro Martial Arts |
PED666 | Basic Swimming | PE120 | Beginning Swimming |
PHI101 | Intro Philosophy I | PHL221 | Intro Philosophy |
PHI106 | Intro Ethics | PHL341 | Ethics |
PHI107 | Philo of Sex and Gender | PHL1XX | Philo of Sex and Gender |
PHI110 | Bio Medical Ethics | PHL1XX | Bio Medical Ethics |
PHI201 | Ethics & Law | PHL2XX | Ethics & Law |
PHI203 | Philo of Art | PHL2XX | Philo of Art |
PHI204 | Philosophy Religion | REL2XX | Philosophy Religion |
PHY101 | Gen Physics I | PHY110 | Gen Phys:Mech/Ht |
PHY102 | Gen Physics II | PHY112 | Gen Phys:Elc/Magn |
PHY122 | Mechanics & Hydraul | PHY160 | Eng Phys:Mechncs |
POL101 | Gov & Pol Mod World | PS260 | Comparative Politics |
POL205 | American National Govt | PS141 | American Governmnt |
POL210 | The U.S. Congress | PS362 | The Congress |
PSA111 | Intro to Security | CJA1XX | Intro Security |
PSA225 | Intro Emerg Mgmt | CM2XX | Intro Emerg Mgmt |
PSY203 | General Psychology I | PSY100 | General Psychology |
PSY204 | Gen Psych II Res Meth | PSY2XX | Gen Psych II Res Meth |
PSY206 | Ed Psychology | EDU375 | Psy Learning/Second |
PSY206 | Ed Psychology | EDU370 | Psych of Learning |
PSY207 | Indstl Psych | PSY2XX | Indstl Psych |
PSY212 | Adolescent Psych | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop |
PSY213 | Child Development | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop |
PSY215 | Abnormal Psychology | PSY230 | Abnormal Psych |
PSY216 | Lifespan Development | PSY2XX | Lifespan Devlopmnt |
PSY216 | Lifespan Development | NUR201 | Nursing HD/HC |
PSY219 | Psych of Art | PSY2XX | Psych of Art |
PSY235 | Psy/Exceptional Child | PSY2XX | Psy/Exceptional Child |
PSY241 | Social Psychology | PSY243 | Social Psychology |
RET107 | Prin Retailing | MKT230 | Retailing |
RET109 | Vis Merchandising | MKT1XX | Vis Merchandising |
RET111 | Retail Merchandising | MKT1XX | Retail Merchandising |
SCI101 | Prin of Phys Sci I | PSC152 | Physical Sci I |
SCI102 | Material Science | PSC1XX | Material Science |
SCI103 | Phys Geology | ESS1XX | Phys Geology |
SCI104 | Historical Geology | G1XX | Hist Geology |
SCI105 | Sol Sys Astron | ESS154 | Intro/Astronomy |
SCI107 | Meteorology Elem | ESS1XX | Meteorology Elem |
SCI109 | Environmental Science I | BIO212 | Environmntl Bio |
SCI109 | Environ Science | BIO212 | Environmntl Bio |
SCI115 | Beaches and Coasts | ESS1XX | Beaches and Oceans |
SCI119 | Oceanology | ESS1XX | Earth Sci Elect No Lab |
SOC201 | Intro Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology |
SOC207 | Soc Religion | SOC2XX | Soc Religion |
SOC209 | Race Class Ethnicity | SOC2XX | Race Class Ethnicity |
SOC210 | Criminology | SOC2XX | Criminology |
SOC212 | Social Problems | SOC220 | Am Social Problems |
SOC215 | Social Change | SOC2XX | Social Change |
SOC220 | Soc of the Family | SOC225 | The Family |
SPA101 | Beg Spanish I | SPN101 | Elem Spanish I |
SPA102 | Beg Spanish II | SPN102 | Elem Spanish II |
THR100 | Theatre Appr | THE254 | Intro Theatre |
THR102 | Black Thr in Amer | THE1XX | Black Thr in Amer |
THR103 | Acting I | THE262 | Acting |
THR104 | Acting II | THE1XX | Acting II |
THR113 | Theatre Workshop I | THE351 | Theatre Pract II |
THR115 | Prod & Perf | THE1XX | Prod & Perf |
WST101 | Intro to Women's Studies | WGS200 | Women/Gender Stud |
WST201 | Wst/Global Context | WGS2XX | Wst/Global Context |
Northampton Community College | York College of Pennsylvania | ||
ACCT100 | Acct for Non-Accountants | ACC1XX | Acct for Non-Accountants |
ACCT101 | Fin Accounting I | ACC1XX | Financial Accounting I |
ACCT151 | Fin Acct II | ACC220 | Financial Acct |
ACCT155 | Acct for Managers | ACC225 | Managerial Acct |
ACCT202 | Man Accounting | ACC225 | Managerial Acct |
ARCH100 | Arch Hist I | ART1XX | Arch Hist I |
ARCH101 | Arch Graphics I | ART1XX | Arch Graphics I |
ARCH110 | Arch Des Studio I | ART1XX | Arch Des Studio I |
ARTA100 | Art & Visual Thinking | ART101 | Intro Art Apprec |
ARTA101 | Art History | ART204 | Survey West Art I |
ARTA107 | Drawing I | ART215 | Drawing I |
ARTA111 | Color and Design | ART1XX | Color and Design |
ARTA124 | Drawing II | ART265 | Drawing II |
ARTA130 | Intro Web Site Design | ART1XX | Intro Web Site Design |
ARTA131 | 3-D Comp Animations | ART1XX | 3-D Comp Animations |
ARTA132 | Web Animation w/Flash | ART1XX | Web Animation w/Flash |
ARTA158 | Painting I | ART220 | Painting I |
ARTA161 | Ceramics | ART225 | Ceramics I |
ARTA170 | Comp Graphics | ART1XX | Comp Graphics |
ARTA269 | Adv/Mkt Workshop | ART2XX | Adv/Mkt Workshop |
BIOS103 | General Biology | BIO110 | General Biology |
BIOS104 | Field Ecology | BIO204 | Exploring Biology |
BIOS105 | Contemporary Biology | BIO205 | Exp Biology Lab |
BIOS105 | Contemporary Biology | BIO204 | Exploring Biology |
BIOS105G | Contemp Biology | BIO110 | General Biology |
BIOS107 | Introduction to Biology I | BIO150 | Biology I |
BIOS115 | Essen of Biology | BIO204 | Exploring Biology |
BIOS126 | Enviro Science | BIO212 | Environmntl Bio |
BIOS150 | Biology II | BIO152 | Biology II |
BIOS160 | Human Biology | BIO112 | Fund Human Bio |
BIOS202 | Microbiology | BIO230 | Microbiology |
BIOS204 | Human Anatomy & Physiology I | BIO220 | Human A/P I |
BIOS204 | Human Anatomy & Physiology I | BIO221 | Human A/P I Lab |
BIOS204 | Human Anatomy & Physiology I | BIO2XX | Human A/P I w/o II |
BIOS205 | Plant Biology | BIO304 | Botany |
BIOS206 | Gen Ecology | BIO300 | Ecology |
BIOS254 | Human Anatomy & Physiology II | BIO222 | Human A/P II |
BUSA101 | Intro to Business | BUS150 | Intro to Business |
BUSA131 | Prin of Marketing | MKT100 | Prin Marketing |
BUSA152 | Bus Law I | BUS260 | Legal Environment |
BUSA201 | Bus Stats I | QBA260 | Business Stats I |
BUSA205 | Mgmt Fund | MGT150 | Prin of Management |
BUSA211 | Personal Finance | BUS218 | Personal Finance |
BUSA221G | Business Comm | WRT210 | Writng/Prof Culturs |
BUSA226 | Human Res Mgmt | MGT220 | Human Resource Mgt |
BUSA260 | Intl Bus Pract Firm | IBS2XX | Intl Bus Pract Firm |
CHEM011 | Chemical Calculations | CHM1XX | Chemistry Elective No Lab |
CHEM120 | Gen Chem I | CHM134 | Gen Chem I |
CHEM135 | Chemistry of Life | CHM122 | Prin Gen/Org Chem |
CHEM201 | Organic Chemistry I | CHM234 | Organic Chem I |
CHEM220 | General Chemistry II | CHM136 | Gen Chem II |
CHEM251 | Organic Chemistry II | CHM236 | Organic Chem II |
CISC101 | Intro to Computers | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
CISC101 | Intro to Computers | IFS100 | Info Tech Competncy |
CISC104 | Microcomputer Appl | IFS1XX | Microcomputer Appl |
CISC106 | Intro to Comp w/Alice | IFS1XX | Intro to Comp w/Alice |
CISC115 | Comp Sci I | CS1XX | Comp Sci I |
CISC125 | Comp Science II | CS1XX | Comp Sci II |
CISC230 | Data Struct & Algo Anly | CS2XX | Data Struct & Algo Anly |
CJST101 | Intro Crim Justice | CCJ101 | Intro Crim Justice |
CJST111 | Amer Legal Sys | CCJ1XX | Amer Legal Sys |
CJST115 | Criminal Law | CCJ1XX | Criminal Law |
CJST121G | Criminology | CCJ1XX | Criminology |
CJST125 | Corrections & Rehab | CCJ1XX | Corrections & Rehab |
CJST131 | Juv Delinq & Laws | CCJ110 | Juvenile Delinquncy |
CJST145 | Criminal Justice Ethics | CCJ203 | Ethical Issues/CJ |
CJST225 | Corrections & Rehab | CCJ337 | Punishmnt/Correctns |
CJST245 | Crim Just Ethics | CCJ203 | Ethical Issues/CJ |
CJST250 | Contemp Issues Crim Just | CCJ2XX | Contemp Issues Crim Just |
CMTH102 | Speech Comm | CM212 | Public Speaking |
CMTH104 | Mass Media & Soc | CM211 | Mass Communication |
CMTH110 | Intro to Theatre | THE254 | Intro Theatre |
CMTH111 | Acting I | THE262 | Acting |
CMTH214 | Interpers Comm | CM329 | Interpersonal Comm |
CMTH215 | Intercult Comm | CM2XX | Intercult Comm |
CMTH220 | Intro to Film | FLM216 | Intro to Film |
CMTH230G | Intro Comm Theory | CM206 | Communicatn Theory |
CMTH231 | Small Group Comm | CM304 | Group Discussion |
CMTH231 | Small Group Comm | CM2XX | Small Group Comm |
COLS101 | College Success | FYS1XX | College Success |
CULA102 | Food Safety & Sanitation | HSP270 | Food Source/Select |
DANC101 | Dance History | THE213 | Intro to Dance History |
DANC130 | Jazz I | PAW1XX | Jazz |
EARL106 | Early Child Dev & Lrng | EDU1XX | Early Child Dev & Lrng |
EARL107 | Observation & Assess | EDU1XX | Observ & Assess |
EARL109 | Intro Early Child Ed | EDU1XX | Intro Early Child Ed |
EARL122 | Early Child Music & Mov | EDU1XX | Early Child Mus & Mov |
EARL126 | Arts in Early Child | EDU1XX | Arts in Early Child |
EARL202 | Soc & the Child | EDU2XX | Soc & Child |
ECON201 | Macroeconomics | ECO200 | Prin Econ-Macro |
ECON251G | Microeconomics | ECO201 | Prin Econ-Micro |
EDUC101 | Found of Ed | EDU1XX | Found of Ed |
EDUC105 | Praxis I Prep | EDU1XX | Praxis I Prep |
EDUC115 | Ed for All Students | EDU1XX | Ed for All Students |
EDUC252 | Ed Psychology | EDU370 | Psych of Learning |
EDUC252 | Ed Psychology | EDU375 | Psy Learning/Second |
EDUC255 | Ed Field Exp | EDU2XX | Ed Field Exp |
EMEC101 | Electrical Fundamentals | PSC1XX | Electrical Fundamentals |
EMEC105 | Intro to Fluid Power | PSC1XX | Intro to Fluid Power |
EMEC110 | Mechanical Components | PSC1XX | Mechanical Components |
ENGG100 | Eng Graphics | EGR1XX | Eng Graphics |
ENGG201 | Statics | ME250 | Statics |
ENGG201 | Statics | EGR250 | Statics |
ENGG251 | Strength of Materials | EGR2XX | Strength of Materials |
ENGL101 | English I | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm |
ENGL101C | English I | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm |
ENGL151 | English II | WRT1XX | English II |
ENGL151C | English II | WRT1XX | English II |
ENGL151L | English II | LIT200 | Perspectives/Lit |
ENGL151R | English II | FCO210 | Comm Prof Cultures |
ENGL201 | Brit Lit I | LIT283 | British Lit to 1750 |
ENGL203G | Shakespeare | LIT323 | Shakespeare I |
ENGL251G | British Lit II | LIT284 | Mod to Postmod Brit Lit |
ENGL253 | Creative Writing | WRT272 | Intro Creative Wrt |
ENGL255 | Amer Lit II | LIT282 | Amer Lit after 1885 |
ENGL256 | Modern Poetry | LIT343 | Exper of Poetry |
ENGL256G | Modern Poetry | LIT2XX | Modern Poetry |
ENGL260G | Contemporary Lit | LIT200 | Perspectives/Lit |
ENGL267 | Poetry Writing | WRT2XX | Poetry Writing |
FOOD110 | Food Preparation | HSP360 | Comm Food Prod Mgmt |
FOOD123 | Menu Plan & Food Bev | HSP300 | Food/Beverage Mgmt |
FOOD123 | Menu Plan & Food Bev | HSP1XX | Menu Plan & Food Bev |
FOOD250 | Dining Room Operations | HSP2XX | Dining Room Operations |
GEOG101 | World Geography | G100 | World Reg Geography |
GEOG121 | Intro Env Prob | G1XX | Intro Env Prob |
GEOG140 | Invest Climate Change | PSC1XX | Invest Clim Change No Lab |
GEOG150 | Astronomy | ESS154 | Intro/Astronomy |
GEOG210 | Meteorology | ESS2XX | Meteorology |
GEOL201 | Phys Geology | ESS2XX | Phys Geology |
HEAL150 | Contemporary Health | NPE1XX | Non Program Elect |
HEAL150 | Contemporary Health | PE1XX | Physical Ed Elect |
HIST103 | Ancient & Med History | HIS121 | World History I |
HIST113 | American Hist I | HIS111 | American Civ I |
HIST121 | The Black Experience | HIS1XX | The Black Experience |
HIST153 | Mod Euro Hist 1300-1815 | HIS101 | Western Civ I |
HIST163 | American Hist II | HIS112 | American Civ II |
HIST166 | Civil War & Recon | HIS364 | Civil War & Recon |
HIST168 | Hist of Mid East | HIS1XX | Hist of Mid East |
HIST173 | Mod Euro Hist 1815-Pres | HIS102 | Western Civ II |
HOSP101 | Intro Hosp Industry | HSP101 | Intro Hosp & Tourism Mgt |
HOSP105 | Enhancing Guest Serv | HSP1XX | Enhancing Guest Serv |
HOSP111 | Food & Bev Mgmt | HSP300 | Food/Beverage Mgmt |
HOSP111 | Food & Bev Mgmt | HSP1XX | Food & Bev Mgmt |
HOSP130 | Conv Serv & Catering Mgt | HSP1XX | Conv Serv & Cater Mgt |
HOSP201 | Strat Lead in Hosp | HSP230 | Leadership/HRM Hosp |
HOSP210 | Hum Res Mgt Hosp Indust | HSP2XX | Hum Res Mgt Hosp Indust |
HOSP212 | Hosp Fin Reporting | ACC220 | Financial Acct |
HOSP215 | Hosp Sales & Mktg | HSP2XX | Hosp Sales & Mktg |
HOSP221G | Hospitality Practicum | HSP150 | Work Experience I |
HOTL110 | Hospitality Law | BUS260 | Legal Environment |
HOTL207 | Rooms Div Mgmt | HSP2XX | Rooms Div Mgmt |
HUMA121 | Amer Work Exp | HUM1XX | Amer Work Exp |
HUMA121G | American Work Experience | HUM1XX | American Work Experience |
ITE170 | Multimedia Software | ART134 | Concpts Comp Grhcs |
JOUR101 | Journ & Society | CM1XX | Journ & Society |
MATH103 | Applications in Math | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv |
MATH118 | Found of Math I | MAT115 | Sets/Number Systems |
MATH119 | Found of Math II | MAT215 | Sets/Number Sys II |
MATH120 | Nature of Mathematics | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv |
MATH140 | College Algebra | MAT105 | College Algebra |
MATH145 | Trigonometry | MAT1XX | Trigonometry |
MATH150 | Intro to Statistics | QBA260 | Business Statistics |
MATH150 | Intro to Statistics | MAT250 | Statistics |
MATH150 | Intro to Statistics | BEH260 | Statistics |
MATH160 | Pre-Calculus | MAT108 | Precalculus |
MATH165 | Appl Calculus | MAT120 | Applied Calculus |
MATH180 | Calculus I | MAT171 | Calculus I |
MATH181 | Calculus II | MAT172 | Calculus II |
MATH202 | Discrete Math | MAT235 | Discrete Math |
MATH210 | Calculus III | MAT271 | Calculus III |
MATH211 | Diff Equations | MAT272 | Diff Equations |
MDLA102 | Elem French I | FRN101 | Elem French I |
MDLA103 | Elem Spanish I | SPN101 | Elem Spanish I |
MDLA113 | Elem Spanish II | SPN102 | Elem Spanish II |
MDLA123 | Intermed Spanish I | SPN201 | Inter Spanish I |
MEPL112 | Meeting & Conv Mgmt | HSP1XX | Meeting & Conv Mgmt |
MEPL122 | Spec Event Mgmt | HSP1XX | Spec Event Mgmt |
MEPL132 | Event Promo & Spons | HSP1XX | Event Promo & Spons |
MEPL143 | Event & Mtg Facilities Mgt | HSP1XX | Event & Mtg Facilities Mgt |
MEPL147 | Bus Soc Events & Wed Cons | HSP1XX | Bus Soc Events & Wed Con |
MUS140 | Intro Recording Tech | CM336 | Audio Production II |
MUSC101 | Intro to Music | MUS1XX | Intro to Music |
MUSC110 | Fund of Music I | MUS181 | Found Music Theory |
MUSC130 | Chorus | MUS1XX | Chorus |
MUSC152 | Intro to Piano | MUS140 | Piano Class |
MUSC253 | Fund of Music II | MUS2XX | Fund of Music II |
OFAD125 | Word Proc Appl | IFS1XX | Word Proc Appl |
OFAD154 | Medical Terminology | BIO201 | Medical Terminology |
PARL151 | Family Law | NPE1XX | Family Law |
PARL153 | Real Estate Law | BUS1XX | Real Estate Law |
PARL166 | Crim Law & Proc | CJA1XX | Crim Law & Proc |
PHED111 | Tennis I | PE159 | Tennis |
PHED117 | Bowling I | PE110 | Beginning Bowling |
PHED120 | Racquetball | PE1XX | Racquetball |
PHED121 | Exercise Move & Dance | PE1XX | Exer Move & Dance |
PHED125 | Weight Trn I | PE118 | Physical Fitness |
PHED130 | Fitness I | PE118 | Physical Fitness |
PHED130 | Fitness I | PE119 | Physical Fitness |
PHED135 | Yoga & Pilates | PE1XX | Yoga & Pilates |
PHED211 | Tennis II | PE159 | Tennis |
PHED217 | Bowling II | PE110 | Beginning Bowling |
PHED230 | Fitness II | PE2XX | Fitness II |
PHIL111 | On Death and Dying | PHL1XX | On Death and Dying |
PHIL111G | On Death and Dying | PHL1XX | On Death & Dying |
PHIL121 | World Religions | REL265 | World Religions |
PHIL201 | Intro to Philosophy | PHL221 | Intro Philosophy |
PHIL202 | Ethics & Moral Prob | PHL223 | Cont Moral Problems |
PHIL202G | Ethics & Moral Prob | PHL2XX | Ethics & Moral Prob |
PHIL215 | Mod Philosophy | PHL2XX | Mod Philosophy |
PHYS101 | Physics I | PHY110 | Gen Phys:Mech/Ht |
PHYS151 | Physics II | PHY112 | Gen Phys:Elc/Magn |
PHYS215 | Phys for Sci & Engr I | PHY160 | Eng Phys:Mechncs |
PHYS225 | Physics Sci & Engr II | PHY260 | Eng Phys:Elct/Magn |
POLS101 | Intro Pol Science | PS1XX | Intro Pol Science |
POLS105G | Amer Const Law | PS1XX | Amer Const Law |
POLS110 | Amer Natl Govt | PS141 | American Governmnt |
POLS202 | Intl Relations | PS302 | International Rel |
POLS251 | State and Local Govt | PS242 | State/Local Govt |
PSYC103 | Intro to Psychology | PSY100 | General Psychology |
PSYC251 | Child Psychology | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop |
PSYC255 | Abnormal Psych | PSY230 | Abnormal Psych |
PSYC258 | Developmental Psych | NUR201 | Nursing HD/HC |
PSYC258 | Developmental Psych | PSY2XX | Dev Psych |
PUBH100 | Intro to Health Careers | NUR101 | Intro Nursing & Hlth Careers |
PUBH101 | Intro to Public Health | HSC100 | Expl Health Professions |
SOCA102 | Cult Anthropology | ANT220 | Cult Anthropology |
SOCA102G | Cult Anthropology | ANT220 | Cult Anthropology |
SOCA103 | Principles of Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology |
SOCA103G | Prin of Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology |
SOCA125 | Sociology of Families | SOC225 | The Family |
SOCA150 | Deviance | SOC1XX | Deviance |
SOCA204 | Soc Prob | SOC220 | Am Social Problems |
SPED160 | Intro Spec Ed | SPE1XX | Intro Spec Ed |
SPRT101 | Intro to Sport Mgmt | SPM1XX | Intro to Sport Mgmt |
SPRT152G | Sports in Society | SPM1XX | Sports in Society |
SPRT162 | Fac Mgmt & Event Plan | SPM1XX | Fac Mgmt & Event Plan |
SPRT172 | Sport Marketing | SPM1XX | Sport Marketing |
Northern Virginia Community College | York College of Pennsylvania | ||
ACC211 | Prin of Acct I | ACC220 | Financial Acct |
ACC212 | Prin of Acct II | ACC225 | Managerial Acct |
ACC221 | Intermed Accounting I | ACC320 | Inter Accounting I |
ACC222 | Intermed Accounting II | ACC325 | Inter Accounting II |
ACC231 | Cost Acct I | ACC225 | Managerial Acct |
ADJ100 | Sur Crim Justice | CJA101 | Intro Crim Justice |
ADJ105 | Juv Just Sys | CJA1XX | Juv Just Sys |
ADJ107 | Survey of Criminology | CJA1XX | Survey of Criminology |
ADJ111 | Law Enf Org Adm I | CJA234 | Law Enforcement |
ADJ133 | Ethics/Crim Just Prof | CJA203 | Ethical Issues/CJ |
ADJ211 | Crim Law Evi & Pro I | CJA341 | Criminal Procedure |
ADJ236 | Prin Crim Invest | CJA2XX | Prin Crim Invest |
ART100 | Art Appreciation | ART101 | Intro Art Apprec |
ART101 | Hist & Appr of Art I | ART101 | Intro Art Apprec |
ART102 | His & Appr of Art II | ART1XX | His & Appr of Art II |
ART106 | Hist of Modern Art | ART205 | Survey West Art II |
ART121 | Drawing I | ART215 | Drawing I |
ART131 | Fund of Design I | ART210 | Design I |
ART140 | Intro Graphic Skl | ART1XX | Intro Graphic Skl |
ART150 | Hist Film/Animation | ART1XX | Hist Film/Animation |
ASL102 | Am Sign Lang II | CM1XX | Am Sign Lang II |
ASL201 | Am Sign Lang III | CM250 | Adv Sign Language |
ASL220 | Comp Ling/ASL | CM2XX | Comp Ling/ASL |
BIO101 | General Biology I | BIO151 | Biology I Lab |
BIO101 | General Biology I | BIO150 | Biology I |
BIO102 | Gen Biology II | BIO152 | Biology II |
BIO102 | Gen Biology II | BIO153 | Biology II Lab |
BIO141 | Hum Anatmy & Phys I | BIO220 | Human A/P I |
BIO141 | Hum Anatmy & Phys I | BIO1XX | Hum Anatmy & Phys I |
BIO142 | Human Anatmy & Phys II | BIO222 | Human A/P II |
BIO205 | General Microbiology | BIO230 | Microbiology |
BUS100 | Intro to Business | BUS150 | Intro to Business |
BUS116 | Entrepreneurship | ENT150 | Intro Entrepreneur |
BUS165 | Small Business Mgmt | ENT260 | Ent/Small Bus Mgmt |
BUS200 | Prin of Mgt | MGT150 | Prin of Management |
BUS205 | Hum Res Mgmt | MGT220 | Human Resource Mgt |
BUS205 | Hum Res Mgt | MGT220 | Human Resource Mgt |
BUS221 | Business Statistics I | QBA260 | Business Statistics |
BUS222 | Business Statistics II | QBA265 | Business Stats II |
BUS224 | Statistical Analysis for Bus | QBA260 | Data Driven Dec Making |
BUS241 | Bus Law I | BUS260 | Legal Environment |
BUS241 | Business Law I | BUS260 | Legal Environment |
BUS280 | Intro to Intl Bus | IBS200 | Internatl Business |
CHD120 | Intro Early Ch Educ | EDU1XX | Intro Early Ch Educ |
CHD145 | Tech Art, Music, Mvmt-Children | EDU1XX | Teach Art, Music, Mvmt-Childre |
CHEM111 | College Chem I | CHM134 | Gen Chem I |
CHEM112 | College Chemistry II | CHM136 | Gen Chem II |
CHEM113 | College Chem III | CHM1XX | College Chem III |
CHM101 | Gen Chem I | CHM134 | Gen Chem I |
CHM102 | Gen Chem II | CHM136 | Gen Chem II |
CHM111 | College Chemistry I | CHM134 | Gen Chem I |
CHM112 | College Chem II | CHM136 | Gen Chem II |
CSC110 | Intro to Computing | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
CSC130 | Scientific Programming | CS1XX | Scientific Programming |
CSC201 | Computer Science I | CS2XX | Computer Science I |
CST100 | Prin of Public Speaking | CM212 | Public Speaking |
CST110 | Intro to Communication | CM1XX | Intro to Communication |
CST126 | Interpersonal Comm | CM329 | Interpersonal Comm |
CST151 | Film Apprec I | FLM216 | Intro to Film |
CST227 | Bus & Prof Comm | CM104 | Human Communicatn |
CST229 | Intercult Communicat | CM2XX | Intercult Comm |
CST241 | Intro to Directing I | THE363 | Theatre Directing |
DAPR106 | Prin of Data Proc | IFS1XX | Prin of Data Proc |
DIT121 | Nutrition I | NUR202 | Nutrition |
ECO201 | Prin of Macroeconomics | ECO200 | Prin Econ-Macro |
ECO202 | Prin of Microecon | ECO201 | Prin Econ-Micro |
EDU200 | Intro Teaching Profession | EDU2XX | Intro Teaching Profession |
EDU207 | Human Growth & Development | PSY2XX | Human Growth & Development |
EDU207 | Human Growth & Development | NUR201 | Nursing HD/HC |
EDU235 | Hlth, Saf & Nut Educ | EDU2XX | Hlth, Saf & Nut Educ |
EGR120 | Intro to Engineering | EGR1XX | Intro to Engineering |
ENG101 | Pract Writing I | WRT1XX | Pract Writing I |
ENG111 | College Composition I | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm |
ENG112 | College Composition II | WRT1XX | College Composition II |
ENG125 | Intro to Literature | LIT200 | Perspectives/Lit |
ENG211 | Creative Writing I | WRT272 | Intro Creative Wrt |
ENG211 | Creative Writing I | CRW272 | Intro to Creative Writing |
ENG241 | Survey of American Lit I | LIT281 | Amer Lit to 1885 |
ENG242 | Survey of American Lit II | LIT282 | Amer Lit after 1885 |
ENG243 | Surv of English Lit 1 | LIT283 | Ancient to Early Mod Brit Lit |
ENG247 | Survey of Pop Culture | HUM2XX | Survey of Pop Culture |
ENG251 | Surv World Lit I | LIT2XX | Surv World Lit I |
ENG252 | Surv World Lit II | LIT200 | Intro Lit & Text Stud |
ENG255 | World Literature | LIT2XX | World Literature |
ENV121 | Gen Environ Science I | BIO1XX | Gen Environ Sci I |
FIN107 | Personal Finance | BUS218 | Personal Finance |
FIN215 | Fin Mgmt | FIN2XX | Fin Mgmt |
FRE101 | Beg French I | FRN101 | Elem French I |
FRE201 | Intermed French I | FRN201 | Inter French I |
FRE202 | Intermediate French II | FRN202 | Inter French II |
GEO200 | Intro to Phys Geog | G2XX | Intro to Phys Geog |
GEO220 | World Reg Geog | G243 | Intro Geography |
GOL105 | Phys Geology | ESS1XX | Phys Geology |
GOL106 | Historical Geology | ESS1XX | Historical Geology |
GOL111 | Oceanography I | ESS1XX | Oceanography I |
HIM110 | Intro to Human Pathology | BIO1XX | Intro to Human Pathology |
HIM111 | Medical Terminology | BIO201 | Medical Terminology |
HIM111 | Medical Terminology | RT105 | Medical Terminology |
HIS101 | Hist of West Civ I | HIS101 | Western Civ I |
HIS102 | Hist of West Civ II | HIS102 | Western Civ II |
HIS111 | Hist of World Civ I | HIS121 | World History I |
HIS112 | Hist of World Civ II | HIS122 | World History II |
HIS121 | U.S. History I | HIS111 | American Civ I |
HIS122 | U.S. History II | HIS112 | American Civ II |
HIS127 | Women in Amer Hist | HIS390 | Women in US History |
HIS241 | Hist of Russia I | HIS2XX | Hist of Russia I |
HIS242 | Hist of Russia II | HIS325 | Hist of Russia/1861 |
HLT105 | Cardiopul Res | RT1XX | Cardiopul Res |
HLT106 | First Aid and Safety | SPM205 | Responding/Emerg |
HLT141 | Intro Med Termin | RT105 | Medical Terminology |
HLT141 | Intro Med Termin | BIO201 | Medical Terminology |
HLT250 | General Pharmacology | BIO2XX | Gen Pharmacology |
HMS121 | Bas Couns Skills I | BEH1XX | Bas Couns Skills I |
HUM259 | Greek Mythology | HUM2XX | Greek Mythology |
IST117 | Intro Micro Software | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
ITD110 | Web Page Design I | IFS1XX | Web Page Design I |
ITD132 | Struct Query Language | IFS285 | Intro to Database |
ITD256 | Adv Database Mgmt | IFS2XX | Adv Database Mgmt |
ITE115 | Intro Comp Appl/Con | IFS100 | Info Tech Competncy |
ITE115 | Intro Comp Appl/Con | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
ITE170 | Multimedia Soft | IFS1XX | Multimedia Soft |
ITE221 | PCHardware & O/S Arch | IFS2XX | PCHardware & O/S Arch |
ITE221 | PCHdware & O/S Arch | IFS2XX | PCHdware & O/S Arch |
ITN100 | Intro/Telecommunications | IFS1XX | Intro/Telecommunications |
ITP100 | Software Design | IFS1XX | Software Design |
LGL218 | Crim Law | CJA2XX | Crim Law |
MATH118 | Intro Tech Math I | MAT108 | Precalculus |
MATH161 | College Math I | MAT105 | College Algebra |
MATH162 | College Math II | MAT1XX | College Math II |
MKT201 | Intro to Marketing | MKT100 | Prin Marketing |
MKT216 | Retail Org/Mgt | MKT230 | Retailing |
MTH126 | Math Allied Hlth | MAT1XX | Math Allied Hlth |
MTH151 | Math for Lib Arts I | MAT1XX | Math for Lib Arts I |
MTH152 | Math for Lib Arts II | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv |
MTH157 | Elem Statistics | QBA260 | Business Statistics |
MTH157 | Elem Statistics | MAT250 | Statistics |
MTH157 | Elem Statistics | BEH260 | Statistics |
MTH161 | PreCalculus | MAT108 | Precalculus |
MTH163 | Precalculus I | MAT108 | Precalculus |
MTH164 | Precalculus II | MAT1XX | Precalculus II |
MTH164 | Precalculus II | MAT108 | Precalculus |
MTH166 | Precalc with Trig | MAT108 | Precalculus |
MTH173 | Calc Analytic Geo I | MAT171 | Calculus I |
MTH174 | Calc/Analytic Geo II | MAT172 | Calculus II |
MTH241 | Statistics I | BEH260 | Statistics |
MTH241 | Statistics I | MAT250 | Statistics |
MTH241 | Statistics I | QBA260 | Business Statistics |
MTH266 | Linear Albegra | MAT260 | Linear Algebra I |
MTH271 | Applied Calculus I | MAT120 | Applied Calculus |
MTH285 | Linear Algebra | MAT260 | Linear Algebra I |
MTH288 | Discrete Math | MAT235 | Discrete Math |
MTH291 | Differential Equations | MAT272 | Diff Equations |
MUS101 | Basic Musicianship I | MUS184 | Aural Skills I |
MUS121 | Music Appreciation | MUS200 | Music Appreciation |
MUS122 | Music Appr II | MUS200 | Music Appreciation |
MUS140 | Intro Recording Tech | MUS1XX | Intro Recording Tech |
MUS140 | Intro Recording Tech | CM336 | Audio Production II |
MUS155 | Applied Music-Wdwind | MUS170 | Woodwind Ensemble |
NAS125 | Meteorology | ESS1XX | Meteorology |
NAS130 | Elements of Astronomy | ESS154 | Intro/Astronomy |
NAS150 | Human Biology | BIO1XX | Biology Elect No Lab |
NAS161 | Health Sci I | BIO1XX | Health Sci I |
NAS162 | Health Sci II | BIO1XX | Health Sci II |
PED109 | Yoga | PE163 | Intro to Yoga |
PED111 | Weight Training I | PE119 | Physical Fitness |
PED111 | Weight Training I | PE118 | Physical Fitness |
PED116 | Fitness and Wellness | PAW134 | Concpts Phys Actvty |
PED121 | Raquetball I | PE1XX | Raquetball I |
PED133 | Golf I | PE140 | Fundamentals/Golf |
PED135 | Bowling I | PE110 | Beginning Bowling |
PED150 | Soccer | PE155 | Soccer |
PED160 | Modern Dance | PE117 | Modern Dance |
PHI101 | Intro to Philosophy I | PHL221 | Intro Philosophy |
PHI111 | Logic I | PHL231 | Logic |
PHI115 | Pract Reasoning | PHL1XX | Pract Reasoning |
PHI227 | Bio-Med Ethics | PHL346 | Bioethics |
PHY101 | Intro to Physics I | PHY110 | Gen Phys:Mech/Ht |
PHY150 | Elem of Astronomy | ESS154 | Intro/Astronomy |
PHY201 | General Coll Phys I | PHY110 | Gen Phys:Mech/Ht |
PHY202 | Gen Coll Physics II | PHY112 | Gen Phys:Elc/Magn |
PHY231 | General Univ Physics I | PHY160 | Eng Phys:Mechncs |
PLS120 | Intro to Political Science | PS1XX | Intro Pol Sci |
PLS135 | Amer Nat Politics | PS141 | American Governmnt |
PLS136 | State & Loc Politics | PS242 | State/Local Govt |
PLS140 | Intro to Comparative Politics | PS260 | Comparative Politics |
PLS211 | US Govt I | PS101 | Amer Gov/Citizenship |
PLS212 | US Govt II | PS142 | Am Gov: Process/Pol |
PLS241 | International Rel I | PS302 | International Rel |
PSY120 | Human Relations | PSY1XX | Human Relations |
PSY201 | Intro to Psychology I | PSY100 | General Psychology |
PSY202 | Intro to Psych II | PSY2XX | Intro to Psych II |
PSY230 | Dev Psych | PSY2XX | Dev Psych |
PSY230 | Dev Psych | NUR201 | Nursing HD/HC |
PSY231 | Life Span Hum Dev I | PSY2XX | Life Span Hum Dev I |
PSY231 | Life Span Hum Dev I | NUR201 | Nursing HD/HC |
PSY235 | Child Psychology | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop |
RAD100 | Intro to Rad & Prot | NPE1XX | Intro to Rad & Prot |
REL246 | Christianity | REL275 | Trad/Cult Chrstnty |
RTH120 | Fund Theory-Respiratory Care | RT100 | Basic Sci Resp Ther |
SOC200 | Prin Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology |
SOC201 | Intro to Sociology I | SOC100 | Intro Sociology |
SOC202 | Intro to Sociology II | SOC2XX | Intro Sociology II |
SOC215 | Sociology of the Family | SOC225 | The Family |
SOC225 | Sociology of Gender | SOC360 | Gender/Society |
SOC247 | Death and Dying | SOC2XX | Death and Dying |
SPA101 | Beg Spanish I | SPN101 | Elem Spanish I |
SPA102 | Beg Spanish II | SPN102 | Elem Spanish II |
SPA103 | Basic Spoken Span I | SPN1XX | Basic Spoken Span I |
SPA104 | Basic Spoken Span II | SPN1XX | Basic Spoken Span II |
SPA201 | Inter Spanish I | SPN201 | Inter Spanish I |
SPA202 | Inter Spanish II | SPN202 | Inter Spanish II |
SPD110 | Intro to Speech Comm | CM104 | Human Communicatn |
SPD110 | Intro to Speech Comm | CM212 | Public Speaking |
SPD126 | Interpers Comm | CM1XX | Interpers Comm |
Ocean County College | York College of Pennsylvania | ||
ACCT121 | Fund of Acct | ACC1XX | Fund of Acct |
ACCT161 | Prin of Acct I | ACC1XX | Prin of Acct I |
ACCT162 | Principles of Accounting II | ACC220 | Financial Acct |
ANTH133 | Intro Anthropology | ANT220 | Cult Anthropology |
ANTH134 | Cult Anthropology | ANT220 | Cult Anthropology |
ANTH233 | Intro Anthropology | ANT2XX | Intro Anthropology |
ANTH234 | Cultural Anthropology | ANT220 | Cult Anthropology |
ANTH237 | Indians of North Amer | ANT2XX | Indians of North Amer |
ARTS170 | Ceramics I | ART225 | Ceramics I |
ARTS181 | Art History I | ART204 | Survey West Art I |
ARTS182 | Art History II | ART205 | Survey West Art II |
ARTS183 | Basic Drawing | ART215 | Drawing I |
ARTS206 | American Art | ART393 | American Art |
ASLN100 | Basic American Sign Lang | CM150 | Beg Sign Language |
BIOL114 | Prin of Biological Sci | BIO110 | General Biology |
BIOL114 | Prin of Biological Sci | BIO204 | Exploring Biology |
BIOL130 | Hum Anat & Phys I | BIO221 | Human A/P I Lab |
BIOL130 | Hum Anat & Phys I | BIO2XX | Human A/P I w/Lab |
BIOL130 | Hum Anat & Phys I | BIO220 | Human A/P I |
BIOL131 | Human Anat & Phys II | BIO222 | Human A/P II |
BIOL161 | Biology I | BIO150 | Biology I |
BIOL162 | Biology II | BIO152 | Biology II |
BIOL232 | Microbiology | BIO230 | Microbiology |
BIOL265 | Marine Biology | BIO210 | Marine Biology |
BU131 | Intro to Bus Admin | BUS150 | Intro to Business |
BU134 | Prin of Marketing | MKT100 | Prin Marketing |
BU161 | Principles of Accounting | ACC1XX | Accounting Elective |
BU162 | Prin of Acct II | ACC220 | Financial Acct |
BUSN126 | Word Proc | IFS1XX | Word Proc |
BUSN131 | Intro Business Admin | BUS150 | Intro to Business |
BUSN132 | Bus Calculations | BUS1XX | Bus Calculations |
BUSN134 | Principles of Marketing | MKT100 | Prin Marketing |
BUSN170 | Small Bus Mgmt | MGT1XX | Small Bus Mgmt |
BUSN210 | Bus Comm | WRT210 | Writng/Prof Culturs |
BUSN251 | Bus Law I | BUS260 | Legal Environment |
BUSN252 | Business Law II | BUS360 | Bus/Commercial Law |
BUSN271 | Prin of Management | MGT150 | Prin of Management |
BUSN275 | Prin of Finance | FIN2XX | Prin of Finance |
CHEM180 | Intro Chemistry | CHM1XX | Intro Chemistry |
CHEM181 | Gen Chem I | CHM134 | Gen Chem I |
CHEM182 | General Chemistry II | CHM136 | Gen Chem II |
CJ150 | Crim Just Sys | CJA101 | Intro Crim Justice |
CJ151 | Police Org & Admin | CJA1XX | Police Org & Admin |
CJ152 | Intro Law Enforcement | CJA1XX | Intro Law Enforcement |
COEM120 | TV Production | CM242 | Video Prodctn I |
COEM220 | Adv TV Production | CM2XX | Adv TV Production |
COMM110 | Intro to Communications | CM1XX | Intro to Communications |
COMM154 | Fund Public Speaking | CM104 | Human Communicatn |
COMM154 | Fund Public Speaking | CM212 | Public Speaking |
COMM290 | Comm Internship I | CM2XX | Comm Internship I |
COPH181 | Basic Digital Photography | ART246 | Digital Photography |
CRIM150 | Criminal Justice System | CCJ101 | Intro Crim Justice |
CRIM151 | Police Org & Admin | CJA1XX | Police Org & Admin |
CRIM152 | Intro Law Enforcement | CCJ234 | Law Enforcement |
CRIM154 | Crim Investigation | CJA1XX | Crim Investigation |
CRIM155 | Intro to Corrections | CCJ1XX | Intro to Corrections |
CRIM236 | Criminology | CJA2XX | Criminology |
CRIM237 | Juvenile Justice | CJA2XX | Juvenile Justice |
CRIM254 | Const Law & Rules | CJA2XX | Const Law & Rules |
CRIM255 | Criminal Law & Procedure | CCJ2XX | Criminal Law & Procedure |
CRIM281 | Criminal Investigation Theory | CCJ2XX | Criminal Investigation Theory |
CS148 | Intg Office Software | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
CSIT110 | Computer Literacy | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
CSIT120 | Internet Essentials/HTML | IFS1XX | Internet Essentials/HTML |
CSIT123 | Intg Office Software | IFS1XX | Intg Office Software |
CSIT133 | Web Dev Fund | IFS1XX | Web Dev Fund |
CSIT160 | Intro Visual BASIC | IFS160 | Visual Basic Progrm |
CSIT231 | Flash & Script Prog | IFS2XX | Flash & Script Prog |
CSIT270 | Prog in Java | IFS2XX | Prog in Java |
DANC170 | Ballet | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect |
DANC170 | Ballet | PE1XX | Ballet |
ECON151 | Macroeconomic Prin | ECO200 | Prin Econ-Macro |
ECON152 | Microecon Prin | ECO201 | Prin Econ-Micro |
EDUC175 | Intro to Teaching | EDU1XX | Intro to Teaching |
EDUC175 | Intro to Teaching | EDU200 | Found of Education |
EDUC176 | Foundations Amer Ed | EDU1XX | Found Amer Ed |
EDUC178 | Intro Ed Exceptional Stu | SPE1XX | Intro Ed Except Stu |
EDUC241 | Child Lit | EDU2XX | Child Lit |
EDUC290 | Internship | EDU2XX | Internship |
ENG155 | Contemporary Writing | WRT1XX | Contemporary Writing |
ENGL151 | English I | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm |
ENGL152 | English II | LIT200 | Perspectives/Lit |
ENGL153 | Creative Writing | WRT272 | Intro Creative Wrt |
ENGL211 | Intro to Poetry | LIT243 | Poetry and Poetics |
ENGL215 | Graphic Texts | LIT2XX | Graphic Texts |
ENGL237 | Multicult Fairy Tales | LIT2XX | Multicult Fairy Tales |
ENGL240 | Women in Literature | LIT382 | Women In Literature |
ENGL240 | Women in Literature | WGS382 | Women In Literature |
ENGL251 | Amer Literature I | LIT281 | Amer Lit to 1885 |
ENGL252 | Amer Lit II | LIT282 | Amer Lit after 1885 |
ENGL255 | World Lit I | LIT2XX | World Lit I |
ENGL256 | World Lit II | LIT2XX | World Lit II |
ENGL257 | The Short Story | LIT319 | The Short Story |
ENGL258 | The Short Novel | LIT2XX | The Short Novel |
ENGL274 | World of Hemingway | LIT2XX | World of Hemingway |
ENGL280 | Amer Poets | LIT2XX | Amer Poets |
ENGR181 | Graphics Engineers I | EGR1XX | Graphics Engineers I |
ENGR222 | Engr Dynamics | ME252 | Dynamics and Vibration |
ENVI152 | Environmental Science | BIO212 | Environmntl Bio |
FILM153 | Screenwriting | CRW377 | Screenwriting |
FILM192 | Intro to Film Genres | FLM1XX | Intro to Film Genres |
FILM200 | Understanding Film | FLM216 | Intro to Film |
FILM202 | Lit to Film | FLM2XX | Lit to Film |
FR191 | Elementary French I | FRN101 | Elem French I |
FR192 | Elementary French II | FRN102 | Elem French II |
FREN191 | Elementary French I | FRN101 | Elem French I |
FREN192 | Elementary French II | FRN102 | Elem French II |
FYES155 | First Year Experience Seminar | FYS100 | First Year Seminar |
GEOG162 | Human Geog | G1XX | Human Geog |
GRMN191 | Elem German I | GRM101 | Elem German I |
H171 | West Civ I | HIS101 | Western Civ I |
H172 | West Civ II | HIS102 | Western Civ II |
H173 | U.S. History I | HIS111 | American Civ I |
H174 | U.S. History II | HIS112 | American Civ II |
H175 | New Jersey History | HIS1XX | New Jersey History |
HE225 | Contemporary Health | PE1XX | Physical Education Elective |
HE225 | Contemporary Health | NPE1XX | Non Program Elective |
HEHP102 | Volleyball | PE160 | Volleyball |
HEHP106 | Basketball | PE152 | Basketball |
HEHP110 | Appl Modern Hlth I | PE1XX | Physical Education Elective |
HEHP110 | Appl Modern Hlth I | NPE1XX | Non Program Elective |
HEHP160 | First Aid/CPR/AED | EDU305 | Responding/Emerg |
HEHP210 | Karate I | PE137 | Intro Martial Arts |
HEHP225 | Contemporary Health | PE1XX | Phys Ed Elect |
HEHP225 | Contemporary Health | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect |
HEHP226 | Women's Health | WGS210 | Women's Health |
HEHP237 | Sports Officiating | SPM2XX | Sports Officiating |
HEHP267 | Sports Management | SPM2XX | Sports Management |
HIST171 | Western Civ to 1650 | HIS101 | Foundation/West |
HIST172 | West Civ II | HIS102 | Western Civ II |
HIST173 | U.S. History I | HIS111 | American Civ I |
HIST174 | U.S. History II | HIS112 | American Civ II |
HIST175 | New Jersey History | HIS1XX | New Jersey History |
HIST176 | US Military History | HIS380 | Amer Military Exper |
HIST179 | Amer in the 1960's | HIS461 | America in the 60's |
HIST181 | World Civ I | HIS121 | World History I |
HIST182 | World Civ II | HIS122 | World History II |
HLSC170 | Homeland Security | CCJ1XX | Homeland Security |
HLSC171 | Fund of Emerg Mgmt | CJA1XX | Fund of Emerg Mgmt |
HLSC172 | Domestic/Internat'l Terrorism | CCJ1XX | Domestic/Internat'l Terrorism |
HLSC173 | Intro to Security | CJA102 | Intro Asset Protect |
HLSC174 | Intro to Intelligence Func | CJA1XX | Intro to Intell Func |
HLSC200 | Risk Mgmt & Analysis | NPE2XX | Risk Mgmt & Analysis |
HLSC201 | Org Integration | CJA2XX | Org Integration |
HPE110 | Appl Modern Hlth I | NPE1XX | Appl Modern Hlth I |
HRTM110 | Intro to Hospitality | HSP100 | Intro Hospitality |
HRTM124 | Quality Guest/Cust Serv | HSP1XX | Qual Guest/Cust Serv |
HRTM212 | Conferences, Conv | HSP2XX | Conferences, Conv |
ITAL100 | Elem Italian I | ITL101 | Elem Italian I |
ITAL102 | Elem Italian II | ITL102 | Elem Italian II |
LATN201 | Intermed Latin I | LAT2XX | Intermed Latin I |
M113 | Intro Col Algebra I | MAT105 | College Algebra |
M151 | Survey of Mathematics | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv |
MATH151 | A Survey of Mathematics | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv |
MATH156 | Intro Statistics | QBA260 | Business Statistics |
MATH156 | Intro Statistics | MAT250 | Statistics |
MATH156 | Intro Statistics | BEH260 | Statistics |
MATH161 | College Algebra | MAT105 | College Algebra |
MATH165 | College Algebra | MAT105 | College Algebra |
MATH191 | Precalculus I | MAT108 | Precalculus |
MATH192 | Precalculus II | MAT1XX | Precalculus II |
MATH195 | Precalc for Spec Maj | MAT108 | Precalculus |
MATH201 | Precalculus | MAT108 | Precalculus |
MATH240 | Business Calculus | MAT120 | Applied Calculus |
MATH241 | Applied Calculus | MAT120 | Applied Calculus |
MATH265 | Calculus I | MAT171 | Calculus I |
MATH266 | Calculus II | MAT172 | Calculus II |
MUSC120 | Appl Mus Guitar | MUS138 | Guitar |
MUSC150 | Intro Keyboard I | MUS103 | Piano |
MUSC181 | Theory of Music I | MUS182 | Music Theory I |
MUSC190 | Intro Music Apprec | MUS186 | Listening to Music |
MUSC190 | Intro Music Appr | MUS200 | Music Appreciation |
PHIL190 | Intro to Critical Thinking | PHL222 | Critical Thinking |
PHIL191 | Intro Philosophy | PHL221 | Intro Philosophy |
PHIL192 | Cont Ethical Issues | PHL223 | Cont Moral Problems |
PHIL193 | World Religions | REL265 | World Religions |
PHIL293 | Religious Life | PHL2XX | Religious Life |
PHOT181 | Basic Digital Photography | ART246 | Digital Photography |
PHYS171 | Physics I | PHY110 | Gen Phys:Mech/Ht |
PHYS172 | Physics II | PHY112 | Gen Phys:Elc/Magn |
PHYS281 | Gen Physics I | PHY160 | Eng Phys:Mechncs |
POLI161 | American Fed Govt | PS101 | Amer Gov/Citizenship |
POLI162 | Amer State & Local Govt | PS242 | State/Local Govt |
POLI183 | Intro Pol Sci | PS1XX | Intro Pol Sci |
POLI183 | Intro Poli Sci | PS110 | Intro Poli Science |
POLI261 | Am Fed Govt | PS141 | American Governmnt |
POLI262 | Amer State/Local Govt | PS242 | State/Local Govt |
POLI263 | Intl Relations | PS302 | International Rel |
PSYC171 | Child Rearing | PSY1XX | Child Rearing |
PSYC172 | General Psychology | PSY100 | General Psychology |
PSYC173 | Child Psychology | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop |
PSYC174 | Personality Theory | PSY1XX | Personality Theory |
PSYC270 | Psychology of Gender | PSY2XX | Psychology of Gender |
PSYC271 | Abnormal Psychology | PSY230 | Abnormal Psych |
PSYC273 | Adolescent Psychology | PSY2XX | Adolescent Psychology |
PSYC274 | Social Psychology | PSY243 | Social Psychology |
PSYC275 | Ed Psychology | EDU375 | Psy Learning/Second |
PSYC275 | Ed Psychology | EDU370 | Psych of Learning |
PSYC278 | Life Span Development | PSY2XX | Life Span Development |
SC180 | Intro Chemistry | CHM134 | Gen Chem I |
SCIE105 | Forensic Science | CJA230 | Criminalistics |
SOCI181 | Intro to Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology |
SOCI230 | Women in Society | SOC2XX | Women in Society |
SOCI231 | Social Problems | SOC220 | Am Social Problems |
SOCI238 | Race and Ethnicity | SOC2XX | Race and Ethnicity |
SOCI282 | Sociology of Family | SOC225 | The Family |
SPAN151 | Elementary Spanish I | SPN101 | Elem Spanish I |
SPAN152 | Elementary Spanish II | SPN102 | Elem Spanish II |
SS152 | Microeconomics Prin | ECO201 | Prin Econ-Micro |
SS172 | General Psychology | PSY100 | General Psychology |
SS173 | Child Psychology | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop |
SS181 | Intro Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology |
SS241 | Children's Literature | LIT2XX | Children's Literature |
SS261 | Amer Fed Govt | PS141 | American Governmnt |
THTR195 | Intro Theatre | THE254 | Intro Theatre |
Orange County Community College | York College of Pennsylvania | ||
11101 | Fresh English I | WRT102 | Analytical Read/Writ |
11102 | Fresh English II | WRT202 | Academic Writing |
11206 | Drama Contemp | LIT2XX | Drama Contemp |
11212 | Creative Writing: Poetry | WRT2XX | Creative Writing: Poetry |
11223 | Contemp Poetry | LIT343 | Exper of Poetry |
11225 | Intl Lit | LIT2XX | Intl Lit |
13110 | Fund Speech Comm | CM104 | Human Communicatn |
13110 | Fund Speech Comm | CM212 | Public Speaking |
14111 | Intro to Theater | THE254 | Intro Theatre |
21201 | Macro Economics | ECO200 | Prin Econ-Macro |
21202 | Micro Econ | ECO201 | Prin Econ-Micro |
23104 | U.S. Hist Since 1865 | HIS112 | American Civ II |
23105 | World Hist to 1500 AD | HIS121 | World History I |
23106 | World Hist Since 1500 AD | HIS122 | World History II |
24101 | U.S. Government-National | PS141 | American Governmnt |
25110 | Psych Pers Dev | PSY1XX | Psych Pers Dev |
25111 | Gen Psych I | PSY100 | General Psychology |
25112 | General Psych II | PSY1XX | General Psych II |
25122 | Adolescent Psych | PSY1XX | Adolescent Psych |
25205 | Abnormal Psych | PSY230 | Abnormal Psych |
27209 | Archeo & Prehist | ANT230 | Intro Archaeology |
28101 | Criminal Justice | CJA101 | Intro Crim Justice |
28106 | Pol Comm Relations | CJA1XX | Pol Comm Relations |
28107 | Crit Issues Law Enforce | CJA1XX | Crit Issues Law Enforce |
28110 | Criminology | CJA1XX | Criminology |
29101 | Und Juv Offend | CJA110 | Juvenile Delinquncy |
31101 | Gen Biology I | BIO150 | Biology I |
31105 | Anat & Phys I | BIO220 | Human A/P I |
31121 | Intro to Biology | BIO110 | General Biology |
38104 | Int Algebra | MAT102 | Prelim Math/Prob Solv |
38106 | Contemp Math | MAT1XX | Contemp Math |
38107 | Coll Algebra | MAT105 | College Algebra |
38108 | Coll Trig | MAT108 | Precalculus |
38112 | Intro to Stats | MAT250 | Statistics |
38112 | Intro to Stats | QBA260 | Business Statistics |
38112 | Intro to Stats | BEH260 | Statistics |
38205 | Calculus I | MAT171 | Calculus I |
41130 | Intro to Art | ART101 | Intro Art Apprec |
44201 | Inter French I | FRN201 | Inter French I |
44202 | Inter French II | FRN202 | Inter French II |
46101 | Elem Italian I | ITL101 | Elem Italian I |
49201 | Philosophy I | PHL221 | Intro Philosophy |
55101 | Bus Math | MAT1XX | Bus Math |
55110 | Intro Business | BUS150 | Intro to Business |
55133 | Financial Accounting | ACC220 | Financial Acct |
55134 | Managerial Accounting | ACC225 | Managerial Acct |
55221 | Bus Law I | BUS260 | Legal Environment |
58421 | Racquetball | PE1XX | Racquetball |
67210 | Criminal Law | CJA2XX | Criminal Law |
69101 | Pol Org/Admin | CJA1XX | Pol Org/Admin |
69105 | Indus & Priv Sec | CJA1XX | Indus & Priv Sec |
69203 | Crim Invest I | CJA2XX | Crim Invest I |
69204 | Crim Invest 2 | CJA2XX | Crim Invest 2 |
69206 | Criminalistics | CJA230 | Intro Criminalstics |
99193 | Stretch for Well | PE119 | Physical Fitness |
99197 | Concep Phys Wellness | PE134 | Concpts Phys Actvty |
99198 | Conc Phys Well | PE134 | Concpts Phys Actvty |
99271 | Fit Swim | PE120 | Beginning Swimming |
99287 | Vars Women's Volleyball | PE160 | Volleyball |
99337 | Spinning | PE1XX | Spinning |
99552 | Racquetball | PE1XX | Racquetball |
99598 | Varsity Wom Softball | PE156 | Softball |
99792 | Weight Training | PE119 | Physical Fitness |
ACC101 | Acct Prin I | ACC1XX | Acct Prin I |
ACC153 | Fin Acct | ACC220 | Financial Acct |
ACC154 | Managerial Acct | ACC225 | Managerial Acct |
ANT101 | Cult & Social Anth | ANT220 | Cult Anthropology |
ANT102 | Hum Evolution | ANT1XX | Hum Evolution |
ART101 | Intro to Art | ART101 | Art/Visual Culture |
ART113 | Painting I | ART220 | Painting I |
ART113 | Painting I | ART114 | Concepts/Painting |
ART114 | Painting II | ART270 | Painting II |
ART123 | Vis Com & Graphic Des I | ART1XX | Vis Com & Graphic Des I |
ART127 | History of Art 1 | ART204 | Survey West Art I |
BIO101 | Gen Biology I | BIO150 | Biology I |
BIO102 | Gen Biology II | BIO152 | Biology II |
BIO110 | Intro to Biology | BIO204 | Exploring Biology |
BIO110 | Intro to Biology | BIO110 | General Biology |
BIO111 | Anat & Phys I | BIO220 | Human A/P I |
BIO111 | Anat & Phys I | BIO1XX | Anat & Phys I |
BIO112 | Anat & Phys II | BIO222 | Human A/P II |
BIO125 | Nutrition | NUR202 | Nutrition |
BIO141 | Diversity of Life | BIO120 | Field Nat Hist |
BIO148 | Envir Conservation | BIO212 | Environmntl Bio |
BUS103 | Intro to Business | BUS150 | Intro to Business |
BUS161 | Comp Appl for Bus | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
BUS201 | Bus Law I | BUS260 | Legal Environment |
BUS202 | Bus Law 2 | BUS360 | Bus/Commercial Law |
BUS205 | Bus Stats | QBA260 | Business Statistics |
BUS207 | Intro Intl Bus | IBS200 | Internatl Business |
CHM105 | Gen Chem I | CHM134 | Gen Chem I |
CHM106 | Gen Chem II | CHM136 | Gen Chem II |
CHN101 | Elementary Chinese 1 | L1XX | Elem Chinese 1 |
CHN102 | Elementary Chinese 2 | L1XX | Elem Chinese 2 |
CHN201 | Intermed Chinese 1 | L2XX | Intermed Chinese 1 |
COM101 | Found of Comm | CM104 | Human Communicatn |
COM101 | Found of Comm | CM212 | Public Speaking |
CRJ101 | Criminal Justice | CJA101 | Intro Crim Justice |
CRJ103 | Understanding Julenile Off | CJA110 | Juvenile Delinquncy |
CRJ105 | Police-Community Relations | CJA1XX | Police-Community Relations |
CRJ106 | Patrol Operations | CJA334 | Policing In America |
CRJ107 | Indus & Private Security | CJA1XX | Indust & Private Security |
CRJ109 | Crit Issues in Law Enforcement | CJA1XX | Crit Issues in Law Enforc |
CRJ111 | Criminology | CJA1XX | Criminology |
CRJ211 | Criminal Law | CJA302 | Criminal Law |
CRJ213 | Police Organiz & Admin | CJA2XX | Police Organiz & Admin |
CRJ215 | Criminal Investigations I | CJA305 | Crim Investigation |
ECO201 | Macro Econ | ECO200 | Prin Econ-Macro |
ECO202 | Micro-Econ | ECO201 | Prin Econ-Micro |
EDU103 | Intro to Early Childhood | EDU1XX | Intro Early Clhd |
EDU107 | Mandated Training | EDU1XX | Mand Training |
EDU201 | Observation & Assessmnt | EDU2XX | Observ & Assessmnt |
EDU207 | Soc & Phil Found of Ed | EDU2XX | Soc & Phil Fnd of Ed |
EET110 | Comp Appl & Graphics | ART1XX | Comp Appl & Graphics |
EGR101 | Engineering I | EGR1XX | Engineering I |
EGR102 | Engineering II | EGR1XX | Engineering II |
EGR205 | Statics | EGR2XX | Statics |
ENG101 | Freshman English I | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm |
ENG101 | Freshman English I | WRT102 | Analytical Read/Writ |
ENG102 | Freshman English 2 | WRT1XX | Freshman English 2 |
ENG102 | Fresh Eng 2 | WRT202 | Academic Writing |
ENG220 | Women Writers | LIT382 | Women Writers |
ENG221 | Contemp Short Story | LIT291 | Short Story |
FRE203 | Advanced French I | FRN2XX | Adv French I |
FRE204 | Advanced French II | FRN2XX | Adv French II |
GEO101 | Elements of Phys Geography | G100 | World Regional Geography |
HIS101 | U.S. Hist to 1865 | HIS111 | American Civ I |
HIS102 | U.S. Hist Since 1865 | HIS112 | American Civ II |
HIS105 | Sci, Tech, & Society | HIS1XX | Sci, Tech & Society |
HIS122 | World Hist Since 1500 AD | H1XX | World Hist Since 1500 AD |
HIS130 | The Greek & Roman World | HIS1XX | The Greek & Roman Wrld |
HIS231 | Medieval & Ren Europe | HIS301 | Medieval Civ |
HLT101 | Intro Health Prof | BIO100 | Intro Allied Hl |
HMS101 | Intro to Hum Services | HSV100 | Intro to HSV |
MAT101 | Elem Algebra | MAT105 | College Algebra |
MAT102 | Intermed Algebra | MAT102 | Prelim Math/Prob Solv |
MAT111 | Found of Elem School Math | MAT115 | Sets/Number Systems |
MAT121 | College Algebra | MAT105 | College Algebra |
MAT122 | College Trigonometry | MAT1XX | College Trig |
MAT125 | Intro to Statistics | MAT250 | Statistics |
MAT125 | Intro to Statistics | QBA260 | Business Statistics |
MAT125 | Intro to Statistics | BEH260 | Statistics |
MAT205 | Calculus I | MAT171 | Calculus I |
MAT206 | Calculus II | MAT172 | Calculus II |
MAT207 | Calculus III | MAT271 | Calculus III |
MAT211 | Linear Algebra | MAT260 | Elem Linear Algebra |
MAT214 | Diff Equations & Series | MAT272 | Diff Equations |
MGT201 | Prin of Mgt | MGT150 | Prin of Management |
MGT205 | Hum Res Mgmt | MGT220 | Human Resource Mgt |
MKT101 | Prin of Marketing | MKT100 | Prin Marketing |
MUS101 | Intro to Music | MUS200 | Music Appreciation |
MUS105 | History of Jazz | MUS286 | Jazz History |
PED111 | Substance Abuse | SOC1XX | Substance Abuse |
PED112 | Contemp Health | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect |
PED112 | Contemp Health | PE1XX | Phys Ed Elect |
PES100 | Conc Phys Wellness | PE134 | Concpts Phys Actvty |
PES173 | Cardio-Kickboxing | PE1XX | Cardio-Kickboxing |
PES183 | Spinning | PE1XX | Spinning |
PES205 | Baseball | PE1XX | Baseball |
PES210 | Racquetball | PE1XX | Racquetball |
PES403 | Mixed Martial Arts | PE1XX | Mixed Martial Arts |
PES801 | Varsity Basketball | PE152 | Basketball |
PES805 | Varsity Baseball | PE1XX | Varsity Baseball |
PHY101 | General Physics I | PHY110 | Gen Phys:Mech/Ht |
PHY102 | General Physics II | PHY112 | Gen Phys:Elc/Magn |
PHY103 | Physics Sci & Eng I | PHY160 | Eng Phys:Mechncs |
PHY104 | Physics Sci & Eng II | PHY162 | Eng Phys:Ht/Thermo |
PHY203 | Physics for Sci & Eng III | PHY260 | Eng Phys:Elct/Magn |
POL102 | U.S. Govt State & Local | PS242 | State/Local Govt |
POL103 | US Government - Nat'l | PS101 | Amer Gov/Citizenship |
POL103 | U.S. Government - Nat'l | PS141 | Am Gov: Institutions |
PSC125 | Phys Sci | PSC1XX | Phys Sci |
PSY101 | Gen Psychology I | PSY100 | General Psychology |
PSY102 | Gen Psychology II | PSY1XX | Gen Psychology II |
PSY111 | Intro to Psychology | PSY100 | General Psychology |
PSY220 | Dev Psychology | PSY2XX | Dev Psychology |
PSY221 | Child Psychology | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop |
RAD219 | Medical Terminology | RT105 | Medical Terminology |
RAD219 | Medical Terminology | BIO201 | Medical Terminology |
SOC101 | Intro to Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology |
SOC120 | Social Problems | SOC220 | Am Social Problems |
SPN101 | Elem Spanish I | SPN101 | Elem Spanish I |
SPN102 | Elem Spanish 2 | SPN102 | Elem Spanish II |
SPN201 | Intermed Spanish I | SPN201 | Inter Spanish I |
SPN202 | Intermed Spanish II | SPN202 | Inter Spanish II |
SPN203 | Span Conv & Comp | SPN205 | Inter Spanish Conv |
SPN204 | Intro Span Lit | SPN315 | Intro Lit Spain |
THE101 | Intro to Theater | THE154 | Introduction to Theatre |
THE109 | Stage Make-Up | THE1XX | Stage Make-Up |
Pennsylvania College of Health Sciences | York College of Pennsylvania | ||
BIO175 | Hum Anat & Phys I | BIO1XX | Hum Anat & Phys I |
BIO175 | Hum Anat & Phys I | BIO220 | Human A/P I |
BIO176 | Hum Anat & Phys II | BIO222 | Human A/P II |
BIO185 | Microbiology | BIO230 | Microbiology |
BIO195 | Cross-Sect Anatomy | BIO1XX | Biology Elect No Lab |
BIO250 | Nutrition for Life | NUR202 | Nutrition |
CHE100 | Gen Chemistry | CHM122 | Prin Gen/Org Chem |
CHE104 | General Chem II | CHM136 | Gen Chem II |
CIS100 | Intro to Computers | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
CIS200 | Cardiovascular A&P | BIO2XX | Cardiovascular A&P |
CIS240 | Cardiovascular Pharm | HCC2XX | Cardiovascular Pharm |
CMP100 | Intro Comp & Info Sys | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
CMP101 | Intro to Computers | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
CMP150 | Digital Found Sem | IFS1XX | Info Sys Elective |
CSS101 | College Studies Seminar | FYS100 | First Year Seminar |
ECO150 | Survey of Economics | ECO1XX | Survey of Econ |
ECO310 | American Healthcare Sys | ECO3XX | American Hlthcare Sys |
ENG100 | English Composition | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm |
ENG200 | Public Speaking | CM104 | Human Communicatn |
ENG300 | Adv Comp | FCO215 | Tech/Scientfc Comm |
GE131 | Medical Ethics & Law | BUS1XX | Medical Ethics & Law |
HCA200 | Prin of Healthcare Admin | NPE2XX | Non Prog Elect |
HLT150 | Wellness for Life | PAW1XX | Phys Act & Wellness Elect |
HSC100 | Med Terminology | HSC105 | Medical Terminology |
HSC101 | Methods of Patient Care | NPE1XX | Meth of Patient Care |
HSC195 | Cross Sect Anatomy | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect |
HSC202 | Holistic Hlth Mod | NPE2XX | Holistic Hlth Mod |
HUM210 | World Religions | REL265 | World Religions |
HUM310 | Death, Dying & Bereavement | GER330 | Death/Dying/Bereav |
MAT150 | Clinical Math Hlth Sci | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv |
MAT160 | College Algebra | MAT105 | College Algebra |
MAT260 | Statistics | QBA260 | Business Stats I |
MAT260 | Statistics | MAT250 | Statistics |
MAT260 | Statistics | BEH260 | Statistics |
NMT201 | Nuc Med | NM2XX | Nuc Med |
NMT211 | Nuc Med Clinical | NM2XX | Nuc Med Clinical |
NUR101 | Found of Nsg Pract | NUR1XX | Found of Nsg Pract |
NUR102 | Fam Within Comm | NUR1XX | Fam Within Comm |
NUR111 | Found Nsg Clinical | NUR1XX | Found Nsg Clinical |
NUR112 | Fam Within Com Clin | NUR1XX | Fam Within Com Clin |
NUR155 | Found of Client Care I | NUR1XX | Found Client Care I |
NUR160 | Hist & Theoretical Persp | NUR1XX | Hist & Theor Persp |
NUR201 | Acute & Chronic Hlth | NUR2XX | Acute & Chronic Hlth |
NUR202 | Crisis & Complx Hlth | NUR2XX | Crisis & Complx Hlth |
NUR211 | Care of Clients | NUR2XX | Care of Clients |
NUR212 | Crisis & Cmplx Hlth Prob | NUR2XX | Crisis & Complx Hlth |
NUR301 | Conceptual Found Nurs | NUR3XX | Concep Found Nurs |
NUR310 | Human Doversity & Healthcare | NUR3XX | Human Div & Hlthcare |
NUR321 | Health & Phys Assessment | NUR3XX | Health & Phys Assessmt |
NUR322 | Teaching and Learning | NUR3XX | Teaching and Learning |
NUR401 | Nursing Reserach | NUR4XX | Nursing Research |
NUR410 | Issues/Trends in Nurs | NUR4XX | Issues/Trends in Nurs |
NUR412 | Women and Health | NUR4XX | Women and Health |
NUR420 | Leadership Mgmt | NUR4XX | Leadership Mgmt |
NUR430 | Nursing in a Global Soc | NUR430 | Nursing in a Global Soc |
PHI210 | Ethical & Legal Dim | PHL2XX | Ethical & Legal Dim |
PHI285 | Moral Problems in Medicine | PHL346 | Bioethics |
PHI300 | Ethical Issues in Nursing | PHL3XX | Ethical Issues in Nurs |
PHI330 | Ethical Issues in HealthCare | PHL346 | Bioethics |
PHL210 | Ethical & Legal | PHL2XX | Ethical & Legal |
PHY150 | Physics | PHY110 | Gen Phys:Mech/Ht |
PSY100 | General Psychology | PSY100 | General Psychology |
PSY100 | Gen Psychology | PSY100 | General Psychology |
PSY200 | Dev Psychology | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop |
RAD101 | Rad Procedures I | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect |
RAD102 | Clinical Prac I | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect |
RAD111 | Radiographic Proc I | NPE1XX | Radiographic Proc I |
RAD112 | Radiographic Proc II | NPE1XX | Radiographic Proc II |
RAD113 | Radiographic Proc III | NPE1XX | Radiographic Proc III |
RAD131 | Radiologic Sci I | NPE1XX | Radiologic Sci I |
RAD132 | Radiologic Sci II | NPE1XX | Radiologic Sci II |
RAD214 | Radiographic Proc IV | NPE2XX | Radiographic Proc IV |
RAD215 | Radiographic Proc V | NPE2XX | Radiographic Proc V |
RAD233 | Radiologic Sci III | NPE1XX | Radiologic Sci III |
RAD234 | Radiologic Sci IV | NPE2XX | Radiologic Sci IV |
SOC100 | Intro to Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology |
SOC101 | Intro Soc | SOC100 | Intro Sociology |
SOC200 | Cult Diversity | SOC2XX | Cult Diversity |
SPA100 | Span for Hlthcare Prof | SPN107 | Spanish/Health Fld |
SPA101 | Elem Spanish | SPN101 | Elem Spanish I |
SPA150 | Intro to Medical Spanish | SPN107 | Spanish/Health Fld |
Pennsylvania College of Technology | York College of Pennsylvania | ||
ACC123 | Intro Mang Acct | ACC225 | Managerial Acct |
ACC341 | Inter Accounting I | ACC2XX | Intermed Acc I |
ART102 | 2-D Design | ART210 | Design I |
ART104 | Visual Literacy | ART101 | Art/Visual Culture |
ART109 | Design and Color | ART1XX | Design and Color |
ART122 | Painting | ART220 | Painting I |
ART122 | Painting | ART114 | Concepts/Painting |
ART125 | Art History | ART204 | Survey West Art I |
ART135 | Art History | ART205 | Survey West Art II |
ART145 | History of Graphic Design | ART1XX | History of Graphic Design |
ART180 | Drawing | ART215 | Drawing I |
ART202 | Intro 3-D Design | ART211 | Design II |
ART210 | Intro Graphic Des | ART2XX | Intro Graphic Des |
ART215 | Printmaking | ART287 | Printmaking I |
ART225 | Type Des I | ART2XX | Type Des I |
ART235 | Type Des II | ART2XX | Type Des II |
ART260 | Intro Comp Graphics | ART2XX | Intro Comp Graphics |
ART270 | Computer Graphics I | ART206 | Elements Comp Graph |
ART295 | Portfolio | ART2XX | Portfolio |
BIM120 | Social Media in Bus and Soc | CM225 | Intro New Media |
BIO103 | Hum Anat & Phys Surv | BIO112 | Fund Human Bio |
BIO111 | Basic Botany | BIO1XX | Basic Botany |
BIO115 | Hum A & P I | BIO220 | Human A/P I |
BIO125 | Hum A & P II | BIO222 | Human A/P II |
BIO201 | Microbiology | BIO230 | Microbiology |
BIO213 | Hum Cell & Mol Bio | BIO150 | Biology I |
BIO220 | General Biology I | BIO150 | Biology I |
BIO2993 | Biol of Drugs/Addict | BIO2XX | Biology Elect No Lab |
BRW102 | Intro to Brewing, Ferm & Dist | HSP1XX | Intro to Brewing, Ferm & Dist |
BWM150 | Intro to Web Page Devpmnt | IFS1XX | Intro to Web Page Dev |
CAD116 | Intro to 2D CAD | EGR1XX | Intro to 2D CAD |
CAD126 | Adv 2D CAD | EGR1XX | Adv 2D CAD |
CAD237 | 3D CAD & Modeling | EGR2XX | 3D CAD & Modeling |
CAD247 | CAD Mgt & Customization | EGR2XX | CAD Mgt & Customization |
CCD101 | Tech Drawing I | EGR1XX | Tech Drawing I |
CCD102 | Detailing I | EGR1XX | Detailing I |
CCD103 | Technical Drawing I | EGR1XX | Technical Drawing I |
CCD104 | Detailing I | EGR1XX | Detailing I |
CCD121 | Tech Drawing II | EGR1XX | Tech Drawing II |
CCD236 | Civ & Struct Drawings | EGR2XX | Civ & Struct Drawings |
CCD243 | Tooling Des & Draw | EGR2XX | Tooling Des & Draw |
CCD244 | Electrical & Electronics Draw | EGR2XX | Electrical & Electronics Draw |
CET233 | Statics | ME2XX | Statics |
CET242 | Fluid Mechanics | ME2XX | Fluid Mechanics |
CET243 | Strength of Materials | EGR2XX | Strength of Materials |
CHM100 | Fund of Chemistry | CHM1XX | Fund of Chemistry |
CHM108 | Chemistry Survey | CHM104 | Found of Chem |
CHM111 | Gen Chemistry I | CHM134 | Gen Chem I |
CHM203 | Organic Chem I | CHM234 | Organic Chem I |
CHM210 | Organic Chem I | CHM2XX | Chemistry Elect No Lab |
CIM101 | Basic Machine Tool Prog | EGR1XX | Basic Machine |
CIT112 | Intro to Gaming & Sim | IFS1XX | Intro Gaming & Sim |
CIT114 | Gaming and Sim Des Prin I | IFS1XX | Gaming and Sim Des Prin I |
CIT150 | Intro Web Page Devel | IFS1XX | Intro to Web Page Dev |
CIT160 | Intro to Programming | IFS1XX | Intro to Programming |
CIT170 | Intro to Net & Tech Sup | IFS1XX | Intro Networking & Tech Sup |
CIT171 | Intro to Networking | IFS1XX | Intro to Networking |
CIT180 | Intro to Database | IFS1XX | Intro to Database |
CIT230 | Fundamentals of Inform Sec | IFS2XX | Fundamentals of Inform Sec |
CIT260 | Programming II | IFS2XX | Programming II |
CIT280 | Database Development | IFS2XX | Database Development |
CSC104 | Microcomp Fund | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
CSC108 | Intro to Compter Program | IFS1XX | Intro to Comp Program |
CSC110 | Intro to Info Tech | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
CSC110 | Intro to Info Tech | IFS100 | Info Tech Competncy |
CSC124 | Info, Tech, & Society | IFS100 | Info Tech Competncy |
CSC124 | Info, Tech, & Society | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
CSC140 | Prob Solv with Elem Prog | IFS1XX | Prob Solv with Elem Prog |
CSC161 | Computer Prog I | CS1XX | Comp Prog I |
CSC250 | Creating Web Appl | IFS2XX | Creating Web Appl |
CSC262 | Computer Prog II | CS2XX | Comp Prog II |
CSC263 | Data and Object Struct | IFS2XX | Data and Object Structures |
CSC271 | Network Admin | IFS325 | Intro Networks |
CSC272 | Network Tech Support | IFS2XX | Network Tech Support |
CSC273 | Network Interconn | IFS2XX | Network Interconn |
CSC281 | Computer Org | IFS2XX | Comp Org |
CSC374 | Data Comm | IFS3XX | Data Comm |
ECO111 | Prin of Macroecon | ECO200 | Prin Econ-Macro |
ECO112 | Prin of Microecon | ECO201 | Prin Econ-Micro |
EDU101 | Intro to Early Child Ed | EDU1XX | Intro Early Child Ed |
EDU125 | Methods & Materials Early Chld | EDU1XX | Meth & Mat Early Child |
EDU130 | Am Sign Lang I | CM150 | Beg Sign Language |
EDU201 | Health, Safety, Nutrition | EDU2XX | Hlth, Safety, Nutrition |
EET105 | Microcomputer Maint | IFS1XX | Microcomputer Maint |
EET110 | DC-ACBasics | EGR1XX | DC-ACBasics |
EET112 | Intro to Solid State Dev | EGR1XX | Intro to Solid State Dev |
EET114 | Intro to Digital Elec | EGR1XX | Intro to Digital Elec |
EET115 | Digital Circuits Applications | EGR1XX | Digital Circuits Applications |
EET116 | Elec Circuits & Devices I | EGR1XX | Elec Cir Dev I |
EET116 | Electronic Circuits and Dev I | EGR1XX | Elec Circuits and Dev I |
EET124 | Eng, Tech and Society | EGR1XX | Eng, Tech and Society |
EET150 | DC-ACCirc Analy | EGR1XX | DC-ACCirc Analy |
EET152 | Int Solid St Dev | EGR1XX | Int Solid St Dev |
EET154 | Intro to Microproc | CS1XX | Intro Microproc |
EET156 | Elec Cir & Devices II | EGR1XX | Elec Cir & Devices II |
EET158 | Software Tools Eng Tech | EGR1XX | Software Tools Eng Tech |
EET204 | Network Install and Maint | IFS2XX | Network install and Maint |
EET206 | Linear Integ Circuits | EGR2XX | Linear Integ Circuits |
EET209 | Sys Troubleshooting App | EGR2XX | Sys Troubleshooting App |
EET250 | Intro Sensing & Control | EGR2XX | Intro Sensing & Cntrl |
EET280 | Analog Comm | EGR2XX | Analog Comm |
EET282 | Digital Comm | IFS2XX | Digital Comm |
ELT111 | Direct Current Fundamentals | ECE1XX | Direct Current Funda |
ELT113 | Accident Prevention | ECE1XX | Accident Prevention |
ELT116 | Construction Lab I- Res | ECE1XX | Construction Lab I-Res |
ELT120 | Construction Lab II - Comm | ECE1XX | Construction Lab II |
ELT122 | Alternating Current Fund | ECE1XX | Alternating Current Fund |
ELT234 | Elec Motor Control | ECE2XX | Elec Motor Control |
ELT235 | Industrial Electronics | ECE2XX | Industrial Electronics |
ELT244 | Adv Elec Theory | ECE2XX | Adv Elec Theory |
ELT245 | Intro to Program Logic | ECE2XX | Intro Program Logic |
ELT248 | Elec Systems Analysis | ECE2XX | Elec Systems Analysis |
ELT249 | Program Logic Control In/Out | ECE2XX | Program Logic Cntr I/O |
ENL111 | English Composition I | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm |
ENL121 | English Composition II | LIT200 | Perspectives/Lit |
ENL201 | Tech/Prof Communication | FCO215 | Tech/Scientfc Comm |
ENL201 | Tech & Prof Comm | WRT210 | Writng/Prof Culturs |
ENL252 | Women in Lit | LIT382 | Women In Literature |
ENL252 | Women in Lit | WGS382 | Women In Literature |
FHD101 | Found of Prof Cooking | HSP1XX | Found of Prof Cooking |
FHD111 | Intro Foods | HSP1XX | Intro Foods |
FHD116 | Nutrition Appl | NUR202 | Nutrition |
FHD117 | Purchasing | HSP1XX | Purchasing |
FHD118 | Sanitation | HSP1XX | Sanitation |
FHD119 | Dining Room Service | HSP1XX | Dining Room Service |
FHD137 | Intro Baking | HSP1XX | Intro Baking |
FHD142 | Professional Table Serv | HSP1XX | Professional Table Serv |
FHD160 | Travel and Tourism | HSP1XX | Travel and Tourism |
FHD220 | Hosp Bev Mgmt | HSP2XX | Hosp Bev Mgmt |
FHD278 | Professional Event Plan | HSP2XX | Professional Event Plan |
FHD404 | Hospitality Systems Mgmt | HSP4XX | Hospitality Sys Mgmt |
FIT109 | Tennis/Table Tennis | PE1XX | Tennis/Table Tennis |
FIT112 | Racket Sports | PE1XX | Racket Sports |
FIT134 | Free-weight Training | PAW1XX | Free-weight Training |
FIT142 | Badminton/Volleyball | PE1XX | Badminton/Volleyball |
FIT143 | Weight Trn/Volleyball | PE1XX | Weight Trn/Volleyball |
FIT151 | Volleyball | PE160 | Volleyball |
FIT170 | Step Aerobics | PE1XX | Step Aerobics |
FIT172 | Weight Training | PAW1XX | Phys Act & Wellness |
FIT173 | Aerobic Cross Training | PE1XX | Aerobic Cross Training |
FIT174 | Free-Weight Training | PAW118 | Physical Fitness |
FIT174 | Free-Weight Training | PAW119 | Physical Fitness |
FIT175 | Basic Fitness Training | PAW134 | Concpts Phys Actvty |
FIT182 | Intro to Scuba Diving | PE1XX | Intro to Scuba Diving |
FIT185 | Functional Fitness Training | PE1XX | Funct Fit Training |
FIT190 | Personal Fitness | PE134 | Concpts Phys Actvty |
FIT192 | Walking & Phys Fit | PE1XX | Walking & Phys Fit |
FIT201 | Pers & Comm Hlth | NPE1XX | Non Program Elect |
FIT201 | Pers & Comm Hlth | PE1XX | Physical Ed Elect |
FIT204 | First Aid | NPE2XX | First Aid |
FIT205 | Coping with Stress | PE1XX | Phys Ed Elect |
FIT205 | Coping with Stress | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect |
FIT207 | Wellness for Life | PE134 | Concpts Phys Actvty |
FIT208 | Wellness: Choices for Life | PAW234 | Well/Fitness/Life |
FIT299D | Phys Fit for Weight Mgt | PE2XX | Phys Fit for Weight Mgt |
FIT299G | Group Fit Training | PE2XX | Group Fit Training |
FYE101 | First Year Experience | FYS1XX | First Year Experience |
HIS115 | World Civ I | HIS121 | World History I |
HIS125 | World Civ II | HIS122 | World History II |
HIS126 | World Hist II | HIS122 | World History II |
HIS136 | United States Survey to 1877 | HIS111 | American Civ I |
HIS146 | U.S. from 1877 to Pres | HIS112 | American Civ II |
HIT320 | Managing Priv and Sec | BUS3XX | Mang Priv and Sec |
HRM300 | Hum Res Mgt | MGT220 | Human Resource Mgt |
HRT113 | Ornamental Plants | BIO1XX | Biology Elect No Lab |
HRT121 | Landscape Plants | BIO1XX | Biology Elect No Lab |
HRT210 | Plant Propagation | BIO2XX | Biology Elect No Lab |
HRT215 | Lanscape Plants & Des | BIO2XX | Biology Elect No Lab |
HRT239 | Plant Insects & Dis | BIO2XX | Biology Elect No Lab |
HSJ115 | Intro to Human Svcs & Res Jus | HSV100 | Intro to HSV |
HSJ120 | Intro to Interview Skills/Intk | HSV1XX | Intro to Interview Skills/Intk |
HSR115 | Intro Hum Services | SOC1XX | Intro Hum Services |
HSR120 | Intro Help Skills & Proc | SOC1XX | Intro Help Skills & Proc |
HTH100 | Intro to Health Car | BIO100 | Intro Allied Hl |
HTH115 | Pathology & Disease I | NUR1XX | Pathology & Disease I |
HTH125 | Pathology & Dis II | NUR1XX | Pathology & Dis II |
HTH305 | Holist Persp Hlth & Well | PE1XX | Holist Persp Hlth & Well |
HTH307 | Women's Hlth Iss | WGS210 | Women's Health |
HTH308 | Intro Comm Health | NPE1XX | Intro Comm Health |
HTH310 | Health Issues and Trans | GER100 | Perspectives/Aging |
HTH325 | Health Care Delivery Sys | BEH3XX | Health Care Delivery Sys |
HTH330 | Medical Ethics | PHL3XX | Medical Ethics |
HTH373 | Coll Health Care | NPE1XX | Coll Health Care |
HTH415 | Intro Global Health | NPE1XX | Intro Global Health |
HTH447 | Hlth & Hum Serv Pub Pol | NPE1XX | Hlth & Hum Serv |
HTH494 | Senior Capstone | NPE1XX | Senior Capstone |
HTH496 | Senior Capstone | NPE1XX | Senior Capstone |
LAS110 | Business Org Law | BUS1XX | Business Org Law |
LAS150 | Legal Research and Writing | WRT1XX | Legal Research & Writing |
LAS250 | Criminal Law and Procedures | CJA302 | Criminal Law |
LAS340 | Elec Media and Law | CM3XX | Elec Media and Law |
MCM111 | Introduction to Mass Comm | CM211 | Mass Communication |
MCM120 | News Writing | CM332 | Media Writing |
MCM121 | Principles of Advertising | MKT330 | Advertising |
MCM122 | Media and Law | CM434 | Media Law/Ethics |
MCM127 | Prin of Advertising | MKT330 | Advertising |
MCM130 | Audio in Media | CM226 | Audio Productn |
MCM131 | Announcing Techniques | CM1XX | Announcing Techniques |
MCM132 | Radio Station Operat and Prod | CM231 | Radio Production I |
MCM133 | Radio Station Op & Prod | CM231 | Radio Production I |
MCM136 | Intro Video Prod | CM242 | Video Prodctn I |
MCM152 | Introduction to Cinema | FLM216 | Intro to Film |
MCM220 | Broadcast Journalism | CM340 | News Wrtng/Productn |
MCM225 | Reporting Pub Aff | CM2XX | Reporting Pub Aff |
MCM232 | Radio Prog and Mgt | CM132 | Radio Practicum I |
MCM236 | Digital Media Editing | CM2XX | Digital Media Editing |
MCM241 | Adv Media Wrt | CM2XX | Adv Media Wrt |
MCM243 | Public Relations | CM221 | Public Relations |
MCM246 | Adv Dig Media Prod | CM431 | Adv Production |
MGT105 | Introduction to Business | BUS150 | Intro to Business |
MGT110 | Prin of Business | BUS1XX | Prin of Business |
MGT115 | Principles of Management | MGT150 | Prin of Management |
MGT230 | Business Comm | WRT210 | Writng/Prof Culturs |
MGT247 | Small Bus Mgt | MGT2XX | Small Bus Mgt |
MGT248 | Supervision & Hum Rel | MGT2XX | Supervision & Hum Rel |
MGT291 | Bus Admin Intern | BUS2XX | Bus Admin Intern |
MGT301 | Bus Law I | BUS260 | Legal Environment |
MGT380 | Org Theory & Design | OBD3XX | Org Theory & Design |
MIS110 | Intro to MIS | IFS305 | Management Info Sys |
MKT240 | Prin of Marketing | MKT100 | Prin Marketing |
MKT243 | Sales | MKT2XX | Sales |
MKT325 | Consumer Behavior | MKT360 | Consumer Behavior |
MSC106 | Intro to Metallurgy | PSC1XX | Intro to Metallurgy |
MTH120 | Tech Algebra & Trig I | MAT102 | Prelim Math/Prob Solv |
MTH123 | Tech Algebra & Trig I | MAT102 | College Algebra I |
MTH124 | Tech Alg & Trig I | MAT105 | College Algebra |
MTH150 | Intro to Math I | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv |
MTH151 | Structures of Math | MAT115 | Sets/Number Systems |
MTH153 | Top in Math | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv |
MTH158 | Elementary Statistics I | MAT250 | Statistics |
MTH158 | Elementary Statistics I | BEH260 | Statistics |
MTH158 | Elementary Statistics I | QBA260 | Business Statistics |
MTH160 | Elem Stats | MAT250 | Statistics |
MTH160 | Elem Stats | BEH260 | Statistics |
MTH160 | Elem Stats | QBA260 | Business Statistics |
MTH172 | Intro to Geometry | MAT1XX | Intro to Geometry |
MTH180 | Coll Algebra & Trig I | MAT105 | College Algebra |
MTH182 | Coll Alg and Trig II | MAT108 | Precalculus |
MTH190 | Pre-Calculus | MAT108 | Precalculus |
MTH240 | Calculus I | MAT171 | Calculus I |
MTR100 | Medical Terminology | RT105 | Medical Terminology |
MTR100 | Medical Terminology | BIO201 | Medical Terminology |
MTR104 | Basics of Med Terminology | RT105 | Medical Terminology |
MTR104 | Basics of Med Terminology | BIO201 | Medical Terminology |
MTT105 | Man Proc & Tool | EGR1XX | Man Proc & Tool |
MTT118 | Mill Applications | ME1XX | Mill Applications |
MTT119 | Lathe Applications | ME100 | Intro Mech Engineer |
MTT119 | Lathe Applications | ME1XX | Lathe Applications |
MTT127 | Metro/Qual Control | EGR1XX | Metro/Qual Control |
MTT212 | Machine Tool Applications | EGR2XX | Machine Tool App |
PFS150 | Grp Exer Prog Surv | PE1XX | Grp Exer Prog Surv |
PFS170 | Spec Resistance Training | PE1XX | Spec Resist Train |
PFS172 | Specialist Aerobic Training | PE136 | Aerobic Dance |
PFS175 | Grp Fit Leader Training | PE1XX | Grp Fit Leader Trn |
PFS210 | Fitness & Wellness | NPE1XX | Non Program Elective |
PFS210 | Fitness & Wellness | PE1XX | Physical Education Elective |
PFS211 | Life Beh Mod | PE2XX | Life Beh Mod |
PFS214 | Fit Testing & Interp | PE2XX | Fit Testing & Interp |
PFS215 | Physical Fitness Screening | PE2XX | Physical Fitness Screening |
PFS217 | Cardio Prog | PE1XX | Cardio Prog |
PFS220 | Org & Lead of Fit Prog | REC103 | Leadership Rec/Leis |
PFS226 | Intro Pers Training | PE2XX | Intro Pers Training |
PFS230 | Mgmt & Oper of Facilities & Eq | SPM2XX | Mgmt & Oper Facilities & Eq |
PFS250 | Professional Fieldwork | SPM2XX | Professional Fieldwork |
PHL110 | Intro to Philosophy | PHL221 | Intro Philosophy |
PHL210 | Ethics | PHL341 | Ethics |
PHO101 | Black & White Photo | ART245 | Photography I |
PHO150 | Digital Photography | ART247 | Digital Image |
PHO220 | Photojournalism | ART2XX | Photojournalism |
PHO250 | Intro Digital Photo | ART246 | Digital Photography |
PHS103 | Physics Survey | PHY1XX | Physics Elect No Lab |
PHS115 | Coll Physics I | PHY110 | Gen Phys:Mech/Ht |
PHS125 | College Physics II | PHY112 | Gen Phys:Elc/Magn |
PNP127 | Appl Typography & Des | ART218 | Typography I |
PNP135 | Elect Pub & Design | ART1XX | Elect Pub & Design |
PNP136 | Packaging & Prod Des | ART1XX | Pack & Prod Des |
PNP210 | Digital Imaging II | ART2XX | Digital Imaging II |
PSC141 | State Local Govt | PS242 | State/Local Govt |
PSC231 | Amer Govt Nat | PS141 | American Governmnt |
PSC241 | State and Local Govt | PS242 | State/Local Govt |
PSY111 | Gen Psychology | PSY100 | General Psychology |
PSY201 | Abnormal Psych | PSY230 | Abnormal Psych |
PSY203 | Dev Psychology | PSY2XX | Dev Psychology |
PSY203 | Dev Psychology | NUR201 | Nursing HD/HC |
PSY210 | Child Psychology | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop |
SAF110 | Occ Health and Safety | NPE1XX | Occ Health and Safety |
SAF110 | Occ Health & Safety | BUS1XX | Occ Health & Safety |
SCI100 | Environmental Science | BIO1XX | Biology Elective No Lab |
SCI101 | Intro Forensic Sci | CHM1XX | Chem Elect No Lab |
SCI155 | Introduction to Astronomy | ESS1XX | Intro to Astronomy No Lab |
SEM305 | Sport Mgmt | SPM125 | Intro Sport Mgmt |
SOC111 | Intro to Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology |
SOC231 | Marriage and the Family | SOC225 | The Family |
SOC242 | Criminology | CCJ378 | Criminology |
SOC260 | Drugs and Society | SOC2XX | Drugs and Society |
SOC270 | Death & Dying | SOC2XX | Death & Dying |
SOC311 | Soc of Work & Cult | SOC3XX | Soc of Work & Cult |
SPA111 | Beg Spanish I | SPN101 | Elem Spanish I |
SPC101 | Fund of Speech | CM212 | Public Speaking |
SPC102 | Fund Small Group Comm | CM304 | Group Discussion |
SPC201 | Int Comm | CM212 | Public Speaking |
SPC301 | Organizational Comm | CM328 | Organizational Comm |
SPN180 | Fit Nutrition | NPE1XX | Fit Nutrition |
SPN224 | Nutrition & Spec Populations | SPM2XX | Nutrition & Spec Pop |
SPN228 | Nutrition for the Athlete | SPM2XX | Nutrition for the Athlete |
URF110 | Intro to Arboriculture | BEH1XX | Intro to Arboriculture |
Pennsylvania State University | York College of Pennsylvania | |||
A ED003 | Arts-Elem Sch | ART1XX | Arts-Elem Sch | |
AA193N | Craft of Comics | ART1XX | Craft of Comics | |
AAA S102 | Wmn Cl: Cr Cul Pers | WGS1XX | Wmn Cl: Cr Cul Pers | |
AAS100N | Intro to Asian Am St | HUM1XX | Intro to Asian Am St | |
ACCTG101 | Intro Fin Acctg | ACC220 | Financial Acct | |
ACCTG102 | Intro Man Acct | ACC225 | Managerial Acct | |
ACCTG104 | Intro Man Acctg | ACC225 | Managerial Acct | |
ACCTG200 | Intro Fin Acctg | ACC220 | Financial Acct | |
ACCTG201 | Intro Fin Acctg | ACC220 | Financial Acct | |
ACCTG202 | Intro Manag Acctg | ACC225 | Managerial Acct | |
ACCTG211 | Fin Mgl Acc Dec Mk | ACC220 | Financial Acct | |
ACCTG211 | Fin Mgl Acc Dec Mk | ACC225 | Managerial Acct | |
ACCTG310 | Fed Tax I | ACC3XX | Fed Tax I | |
ACCTG340 | Cost Acctg | ACC320 | Inter Accounting I | |
ACCTG403 | Auditing | ACC410 | Auditing | |
ACCTG404 | Managerial Accting: Eco Pers | ACC225 | Managerial Accounting | |
ACCTG405 | Prin of Taxation I | ACC305 | Taxation I | |
ACCTG471 | Int Fin Acctg I | ACC4XX | Int Fin Acctg I | |
ACCTG471 | Int Fin Acctg I | ACC4XX | Int Fin Acctg I | |
ACCTG472 | Int Fin Acctg II | ACC325 | Inter Accounting II | |
ACCTG801 | Intro Acctg | ACC2XX | Intro Acctg | |
ACCTG802 | Intro Acctg | ACC2XX | Intro Acctg | |
ACCTG806 | Federal Tax Acctg | ACC2XX | Federal Tax Acctg | |
ACCTG807 | Managerial Acctg | ACC225 | Managerial Acct | |
ADM J111 | Intro Amer Crim Just | CJA101 | Intro Crim Justice | |
AE202 | Intro Ae Concepts | EGR2XX | Intro Ae Concepts | |
AE221 | Arch Bldg Matls | EGR2XX | Arch Bldg Matls | |
AE222 | Working Drawings | EGR2XX | Working Drawings | |
AE308 | Intro Struct Anal | EGR3XX | Intro Struct Anal | |
AE496 | Special Topics | EGR4XX | Special Topics | |
AF AM145 | Afro-Am Relg | REL1XX | Afro-Am Relg | |
AF AM152 | African Amer Hist | HIS1XX | African Amer Hist | |
AFAM147 | Malcolm X | HIS1XX | Malcolm X | |
AFAM250 | Intro to Caribbean | HUM1XX | Intro to Caribbean | |
AFR110 | Int Contemp Africa | INT143 | Intro Africa | |
AFRAS412 | Race/Ethnicity | BEH4XX | Race/Ethnicity | |
AG BM101 | Econ Prin Agribus | ECO1XX | Econ Prin Agribus | |
AIR151 | Found of Air Force I | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
AIR152 | Found of Air Force II | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
AIR251 | Air/Space Power I | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
AIR252 | Air/Space Power II | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
AIR351 | Leadership Studies I | BUS3XX | Leadership Studies I | |
AM ST100 | Intro to Am St | BEH1XX | Intro to Am St | |
AM ST100W | Intro to Am St | BEH1XX | Intro to Am St | |
AM ST104 | Women & Amer Exp | WGS342 | Women In US History | |
AM ST105 | Pop Cul & Folklife | BEH1XX | Pop Cul & Folklife | |
AM ST140Y | Rel in Amer Life | REL369 | Amer Rel Thght/Cult | |
AM ST297H | Death in Am Culture | BEH2XX | Death in Am Culture | |
AM ST307 | American Art | ART3XX | American Art | |
AM ST402W | Am Themes & Eras | BEH4XX | Am Themes & Eras | |
AM ST422 | Rel & Am Culture | REL4XX | Rel & Am Culture | |
AMST100 | Intro to Amer Stud | HIS1XX | Intro to Amer Stud | |
AMST104 | Women and Amer Exp | WGS1XX | Women and Amer Exp | |
AMST105 | Pop Cult and Folklife | HUM1XX | Pop Cult and Folklife | |
AMST106N | Mass Media and Soc | CM211 | Mass Communication | |
AMST150 | 1960s America | HIS1XX | 1960s America | |
AMST297H | Death in Am Cult | HUM2XX | Death in Am Cult | |
AMSTD411 | Women in Amer Soc | HIS390 | Women in US History | |
AMSTD442 | American Folklore | HUM3XX | American Folklore | |
AMSTD451 | Civil War & Recon | HIS364 | Civil War & Reconstruction | |
AMSTD453 | Industrial America | HIS365 | Emerg Mod America | |
AMSTD457 | Ethnic America | BEH4XX | Ethnic America | |
AMSTD458 | Contemp Amer 1945-Pres | HIS367 | Recent Amer/1945-Prs | |
AMSTD469 | American Indians | HIS441 | Native American Hist | |
AMSTD483 | Oral History | HIS205 | Oral History | |
ANTH001 | Intro Anthropology | ANT2XX | Intro Anthropology | |
ANTH002 | Intro Archaeology | ANT230 | Intro Archaeology | |
ANTH008 | Aztec, Maya & Incas | ANT1XX | Aztec, Maya & Incas | |
ANTH021 | Intro Biol Anth | ANT2XX | Intro Biol Anth | |
ANTH045 | Cultural Anth | ANT220 | Cult Anthropology | |
ANTH11 | Intro N A Archy | ANT1XX | Intro N A Archy | |
ANTH146 | North Amer Indians | ANT1XX | North Amer Indians | |
ANTH380 | Anth Museum Studies | ANT3XX | Anth Museum Studies | |
ANTH423 | Evol Am Indian Cul | ANT3XX | Evol Am Indian Cul | |
ANTH450W | Comp Soc Orgn | ANT3XX | Comp Soc Orgn | |
ANTH457 | Lang in Culture | ANT3XX | Lang in Culture | |
ANTH460 | Human Genetics | ANT3XX | Human Genetics | |
ANTH464 | Sociobiology | ANT3XX | Sociobiology | |
ANTH494 | Research Project | ANT3XX | Research Project | |
ARAB001 | El Mod Std Arab I | ARB101 | Elem Arabic I | |
ARAB002 | El Mod Std Arab II | ARB102 | Elem Arabic II | |
ARAB003 | Int Mod Std Arab | ARB1XX | Int Mod Std Arab | |
ARAB497 | Special Topics | L3XX | Special Topics | |
ARCH170N | Intro Sustainable Arch | EGR1XX | Intro Sustainable Arch | |
ARMY101 | Army Org & Funct | NPE1XX | Army Org & Funct | |
ART001 | Vis Art/Studio:Intr | ART101 | Intro Art Apprec | |
ART002 | Int Learning & Web Design | IFS1XX | Int Learning & Web Design | |
ART003 | Visual Images on the Web | ART1XX | Visual Images on the Web | |
ART010 | Intro Vis Studies | ART1XX | Intro Vis Studies | |
ART017 | Intro to Metal Arts | ART1XX | Intro to Metal Arts | |
ART020 | Intro Drawing | ART215 | Drawing I | |
ART020S | Intro Drawing | ART215 | Drawing I | |
ART030 | Intro to Sculpture | ART116 | Concepts/Sculpture | |
ART030 | Intro to Sculpture | ART230 | Sculpture I | |
ART040 | Intro to Printmaking | ART287 | Printmaking | |
ART080 | Intro to Ceramics | ART225 | Ceramics I | |
ART098 | Special Topics | ART1XX | Special Topics | |
ART100 | Conc and Creat Vis Arts | ART101 | Art/Visual Culture | |
ART100S | Creat/Vis Arts | ART1XX | Creat/Vis Arts | |
ART110S | Ideas as Visual Images | ART1XX | Ideas as Visual Images | |
ART111 | Ideas as Objects | ART1XX | Ideas as Objects | |
ART120 | Beginning Drawing | ART215 | Drawing I | |
ART122Y | Comment on Art | ART1XX | Comment on Art | |
ART130 | Intro Sculp I | ART230 | Sculpture I | |
ART130 | Intro Sculp I | ART116 | Concepts/Sculpture | |
ART191 | Beg Digital Photography | ART246 | Digital Photography | |
ART201 | Intro to Computer Graphics | ART134 | Concpts Comp Grhcs | |
ART220 | Figure Drawing | ART216 | Figure Drawing I | |
ART223 | Drawing: Tech, Mat, Tools | ART265 | Drawing II | |
ART230 | Beginning Sculpture | ART116 | Concepts/Sculpture | |
ART230 | Beginning Sculpture | ART230 | Sculpture I | |
ART240 | Beginning Printmaking | ART287 | Printmaking | |
ART250 | Beginning Oil Painting | ART114 | Concepts/Painting | |
ART250 | Beginning Oil Painting | ART220 | Painting I | |
ART251 | Acrylic Painting | ART114 | Concepts/Painting | |
ART251 | Acrylic Painting | ART220 | Painting I | |
ART280 | Beginning Ceramics | ART225 | Ceramics I | |
ART290 | Beginning Photography | ART245 | Photography I | |
ART291 | Photography II | ART345 | Photography III | |
ART297 | Special Topics | ART2XX | Special Topics | |
ART350 | Intermediate Painting | ART270 | Painting II | |
ART393 | Color Photography | ART295 | Photography II | |
ART50 | Intro Painting | ART220 | Painting I | |
ART H100 | Intro to Art | ART1XX | Intro to Art | |
ART H110 | Surv of West Art | ART1XX | Surv of West Art | |
ART H111 | Anc to Med Art | ART204 | Survey West Art I | |
ART H112 | Renaissance to Modern Art | ART205 | Survey West Art II | |
ART H197B | Hist Seq Art-Com | ART1XX | Hist Seq Art-Com | |
ART H201 | Ancient to Medieval Architec | ART204 | Survey West Art I | |
ART H202 | Ren to Mod Arch | ART2XX | Ren to Mod Arch | |
ART H307 | American Art | ART393 | American Art | |
ART H311 | Greek and Roman Art | ART390 | Art/Classicl World | |
ART H325 | Impress/Surrealism | ART3XX | Impress/Surrealism | |
ART H470 | American Painting & Sculp | ART395 | 20th Century Art II | |
ART H497C | Mod Afr Art | ART3XX | Mod Afr Art | |
ARTH111 | Anc to Med Art | ART204 | Survey West Art I | |
ARTH112 | Ren to Modern Art | ART205 | Survey West Art II | |
ARTH120 | Asian Art & Arch | ART2XX | Asian Art & Arch | |
ARTH140 | Maya/Aztec/Inca | ART1XX | Maya/Aztec/Inca | |
ARTH226 | Hist Seq Art | ART2XX | Hist Seq Art | |
ARTS001 | The Arts | HUM1XX | The Arts | |
ASIA083 | Asia First-Yr Sem | FYS100 | First Year Seminar | |
ASTRO001 | Astro Universe | ESS155 | Astronomy Lab | |
ASTRO001 | Astro Universe | ESS154 | Intro/Astronomy | |
ASTRO001 | Astro Universe | ESS1XX | Earth Sci Elective No Lab | |
ASTRO005 | Sky and Planets | ESS1XX | Earth Sci Elect No Lab | |
ASTRO010 | Elem Astro | ESS1XX | Earth Science Ele No Lab | |
ASTRO140 | Life in Universe | ESS1XX | Earth Sci Elect No Lab | |
ASTRO7N | Artistic Universe | ESS1XX | Artistic Universe | |
B A100 | Intro to Bus | BUS150 | Intro to Business | |
B A241 | Legal Env of Bus | BUS260 | Legal Environment | |
B A242 | Soc & Eth Env Bus | BUS2XX | Soc & Eth Env Bus | |
B A243 | Soc Leg Eth Env Bus | BUS260 | Legal Environment | |
B A250 | Small Businesses | BUS2XX | Small Businesses | |
B A302 | Sup Chains | BUS3XX | Sup Chains | |
B A303 | Mktg | BUS3XX | Mktg | |
B A321 | Ctmp Skls Bus Prof | BUS3XX | Ctmp Skls Bus Prof | |
B A322 | Ind Eff Bus Prof | BUS3XX | Ind Eff Bus Prof | |
B A355 | Bus & Society | BUS3XX | Bus & Society | |
B A364Y | Intl Bus & Society | IBS3XX | Intl Bus & Society | |
B A495A | Internship/Bus | BUS4XX | Internship/Bus | |
B LAW243 | Legal Env of Bus | BUS260 | Legal Environment | |
B LAW5076 | Criminal Law and Procedure | CJA1XX | Criminal Law and Proc | |
B LAW5098 | Amer Const Law:Indiv Rights | PS1XX | Am Const Law:Indiv Rights | |
B LOG301 | Bus Log Mgmt | MGT3XX | Bus Log Mgmt | |
B M B001 | Bases Hum Disease | BIO1XX | Biology Elect No Lab | |
B M B211 | Elem Biochem | BIO2XX | Biology Elect No Lab | |
B M B251 | Mol/Cell Biol I | BIO2XX | Biology Elect No Lab | |
BA243 | Soc Leg Eth Env Business | BUS2XX | Soc Leg Eth Env Business | |
BA364Y | Intl Bus and Society | BUS3XX | Intl Bus and Society | |
BA421 | Project Management | MGT410 | Project Management | |
BA422W | Strat. Bus. Planning | BUS495 | Bus. Strat. & Planning | |
BB H019 | Hlth & Disease | BIO1XX | Biology Elective No Lab | |
BB H043 | Drugs in Society | BEH1XX | Drugs in Society | |
BB H045 | Alchl Awareness Ed | BEH1XX | Alchl Awareness Ed | |
BB H046 | Intro Human Sex | BIO1XX | Biology Elective No Lab | |
BB H048 | Values and Health | NPE1XX | Values and Health | |
BB H101 | Intro Biobeh Hlth | BIO1XX | Biology Elective No Lab | |
BB H143 | Drugs Beh & Hlth | BEH1XX | Drugs Beh & Hlth | |
BB H146 | Hlth & Hum Sex | BEH1XX | Hlth & Hum Sex | |
BB H197 | Special Topics: BioBehav Hlth | BEH1XX | Spec Topics: Biobehav | |
BB H311 | Integ BB H | BIO3XX | Biology Elect No Lab | |
BB H368 | Neuroan, Beh & Hlth | BIO3XX | Biology Elect No lab | |
BB H451 | Pharm Infl Hlth | BIO4XX | Biology Elect No Lab | |
BBH101 | Intro Biobeh Health | HSC1XX | Intro Biobeh Health | |
BBH119 | Beh Hlth & Disease | HSC1XX | Beh Hlth & Disease | |
BBH143 | Drugs Beh Health | PSY1XX | Drugs Beh Health | |
BBH146 | Health and Hum Sex | BEH1XX | Health and Hum Sex | |
BE SC333 | Cult Anthy | BEH3XX | Cult Anthy | |
BE SC395 | BE SCInternship | BEH495 | Cooperative Intern | |
BE SC406 | Adolescence | BEH1XX | Adolescence | |
BE SC407 | Small Groups Couns | BEH4XX | Small Groups Couns | |
BE SC408 | Grp Facil/Ldshp Sk | BEH3XX | Grp Facil/Ldshp Sk | |
BE SC468 | Ind Psychology | BEH4XX | Ind Psychology | |
BE SC472 | Res Meth Beh Sci | BEH4XX | Res Meth Beh Sci | |
BI SC001 | Struct/Func Organism | BIO1XX | Biology Elective No Lab | |
BI SC002 | Genet Ecol Evol | BIO1XX | Biology Elective No Lab | |
BI SC003 | Environmental Sci | BIO1XX | Environ Sci | |
BI SC004 | Human Body | BIO1XX | Human Body | |
BIOCH001 | Bioch Sc | BIO1XX | Biology Elective No Lab | |
BIOCH403 | Exp Bioch | BIO4XX | Exp Bioch | |
BIOE450W | Sr Design | BIO4XX | Biology elective no lab | |
BIOL011 | Intro Biol I | BIO1XX | Biology Elective No Lab | |
BIOL020 | Plts Plcs & Pple | BIO1XX | Biology Elective No Lab | |
BIOL020A | Plts Plcs & Pple | BIO1XX | Biology Elect No Lab | |
BIOL027 | Plant Biol | BIO1XX | Biology Elect No Lab | |
BIOL029 | Mammalian Anatomy | BIO220 | Human A/P I | |
BIOL033 | Human Genetics | BIO2XX | Biol Elective No Lab | |
BIOL041 | Physiology | BIO1XX | Biology Elective No Lab | |
BIOL041 | Physiology | BIO222 | Human A/P II | |
BIOL055 | Biology of Aging | BIO1XX | Biology Elective No Lab | |
BIOL101 | Prin of Biol I | BIO150 | Biology I | |
BIOL102 | Prin of Biol II | BIO152 | Biology II | |
BIOL110 | Biology Conc Biod | BIO151 | Biology I Lab | |
BIOL110 | Biology Conc Biod | BIO142 | Molecule/Gene/Cell | |
BIOL110 | Biology Conc Biod | BIO143 | Mole/Gene/Cell Lab | |
BIOL110 | Biology Conc Biod | BIO150 | Biology I | |
BIOL120A | Plts Plcs & Pple | BIO1XX | Biology Elect No Lab | |
BIOL129 | Mammalian Anatomy | BIO220 | Human A/P I | |
BIOL129 | Mammalian Anatomy | BIO1XX | Mammalian Anat | |
BIOL133 | Gent Evol Humans | BIO1XX | Biology Elective no lab | |
BIOL141 | Physiology | 01 | BIO223 | Hum A/P II Lab |
BIOL141 | Physiology | 01 | BIO222 | Human A/P II |
BIOL141 | Physiology | BIO1XX | Biology Elective No Lab | |
BIOL141 | Physiology | BIO222 | Human A/P II | |
BIOL142 | Physiology Lab | 01 | ||
BIOL161 | A&P I Lect | 03 | BIO221 | Human A/P I Lab |
BIOL161 | A&P I Lect | 03 | BIO2XX | Human A/P I |
BIOL161 | A&P I Lect | 03 | BIO220 | Human A/P I |
BIOL162 | A&P I Lab | 03 | ||
BIOL163 | A&P II Lect | 04 | BIO222 | Human A/P II |
BIOL163 | A&P II Lect | 04 | BIO223 | Hum A/P II Lab |
BIOL164 | A&P II Lab | 04 | ||
BIOL169N | Being Human | BIO1XX | Being Human | |
BIOL210 | Ecology | BIO2XX | Biology Elect No Lab | |
BIOL220W | Biology Pop Comm | BIO2XX | Biology Pop Comm | |
BIOL222 | Genetics | BIO240 | Genetics | |
BIOL230W | Biology Mol Cells | BIO150 | Biology I | |
BIOL230W | Biology Mol Cells | BIO1XX | Biology Mol Cells | |
BIOL231 | Cell Biology | BIO2XX | Biology Elect No Lab | |
BIOL240W | Biol func Dev Org | BIO153 | Biology II Lab | |
BIOL240W | Biol func Dev Org | BIO152 | Biology II | |
BIOL296 | Indep Studies | BIO2XX | Indep Studies | |
BIOL322 | Genetic Analysis | BIO3XX | Biology Elective no lab | |
BIOL406 | Symbiosis | BIO2XX | Biology Elect No Lab | |
BIOL421 | Comp Vert Anat | BIO4XX | Comp Vert Anat | |
BIOL437 | Histology | BIO4XX | Histology | |
BIOL446 | Physiol Ecology | BIO4XX | Biology Elect No Lab | |
BIOL451 | Biology of RNA | BIO4XX | Biology Elect No Lab | |
BIOL497C | Ecotoxicology | BIO4XX | Biology Elect No Lab | |
BISC2 | Genet Ecol Evol | BIO2XX | Genet Ecol Evol | |
BISC3 | Environmental Sci | BIO1XX | Environmental Sci | |
BISC4 | Human Body | BIO113 | Fund Bio Lab | |
BISC4 | Human Body | BIO112 | Essentials of A & P | |
BMB251 | Mol/Cell Bio I | BIO2XX | Biology Elect no lab | |
BRASS120J | Trumpet Prim I | MUS1XX | Trumpet Prim I | |
BRASS170J | Trumpet Prim II | MUS1XX | Trumpet Prim II | |
BRASS181J | Fr Horn Perf II | MUS218 | French Horn | |
BRASS220 | Trump Prim III | MUS2XX | Trump Prim III | |
BRASS231J | Fr Horn Perf III | MUS318 | French Horn | |
BRASS270 | Trumpet Prim IV | MUS2XX | Trumpet Prim IV | |
BRASS320 | Trumpet Prim V | MUS3XX | Trumpet Prim V | |
BRASS370 | Trumpet Prim VI | MUS3XX | Trump Prim VI | |
BRASS420 | Trumpet VIII | MUS4XX | Trumpet VIII | |
BUS340 | Law in Society | BUS260 | Legal Environment | |
BUS361 | Operation Mgmt | MGT3XX | Operation Mgmt | |
BUS364 | Natl-Intl Bus Soc | BUS3XX | Natl-Intl Bus Soc | |
BUS364W | Business and Soc | BUS3XX | Business and Soc | |
BUS462 | Bus Strat | BUS3XX | Bus Strat | |
BUSEC502 | Econ for Managers | MBA514 | Public Policy & Bus | |
CART305 | Principles of 2-D Design | ART210 | Design I | |
CART310 | Intro to the Visual Arts | ART101 | Intro Art Apprec | |
CART315 | Approaches to Drawing | ART215 | Drawing I | |
CART415 | Approaches to Painting | ART220 | Painting I | |
CART415 | Approaches to Painting | ART114 | Concepts/Painting | |
CART430 | 19th Century Art in Europe | ART391 | 19th Century Art | |
CART431 | Modern Art | ART4XX | Modern Art | |
CAS455 | Top in Gender & Comm | CM444 | Spec. Top in Comm | |
CC200 | Intro to Corporate Comm | BUS246 | Business Comm | |
CC401 | Internal Communication | CM328 | Org Communication | |
CC402 | External Communication | CM321 | Writing for PR | |
CC404 | Risk & Crisis in Corp Comm | CM423 | Crisis Comm Management | |
CC406 | Social Media in Corp Comm | CM225 | Intro to New Media | |
CC490W | Seminar in Corp Comm | MKT475 | Marketing Policies & Strategies | |
CC495A | Internship in Corp Comm | CM450/451 | Communication Internship | |
CI200 | Peer Tutoring | EDU2XX | Peer Tutoring | |
CI280 | Intro to Eng to ELL | EDU335 | Instrc Needs/ELL | |
CI295 | Intro Fd Ex Tch Pr | EDU2XX | Intro Fd Ex Tch Pr | |
CI296 | Indep Studies | EDU2XX | Indep Studies | |
CI297B | Peer Tutoring II | EDU2XX | Peer Tutoring II | |
CLIT010 | Forms of World Lit | LIT1XX | Forms of World Lit | |
CLIT108 | Mythology | LIT1XX | Mythology | |
CLIT198B | The Comic Spirit | LIT1XX | The Comic Spirit | |
CLIT401 | West Heritage I | LIT285 | Eur Lit to 1600 | |
CMUS301 | Foundations of Music | MUS181 | Found Music Theory | |
CMUS302 | Choral Music | MUS150 | YCChorale | |
CMUS325 | History of Music II | MUS290 | Intro Music Lit | |
CMUS326 | History of Music III | MUS290 | Intro Music Lit | |
CAMS001 | Greek and Roman Lit | LIT1XX | Greek and Roman Lit | |
CAMS004 | Jewish and Christian Found | REL1XX | Jewish and Christian Found | |
CAMS012 | Bible Lands Archy | ANT2XX | Bible Lands Archy | |
CAMS025 | Greek Civ | HIS1XX | Greek Civ | |
CAMS034 | Latin Literature in Eng Trans | LIT1XX | Latin Lit in Eng Trans | |
CAMS044 | Ancient Near East & Egypt Myth | HUM1XX | Anc Near East & Egypt Myth | |
CAMS045 | Classical Mythology | HUM1XX | Classical Mythology | |
CAMS050 | Word Power:Class Src Eng Vocab | LIT1XX | Word Pwr:Class Src Eng Voc | |
CAMS110 | Hebrew Bible: Old Testament | REL1XX | Hebrew Bible:Old Test | |
CAMS111 | Early Judaism | REL1XX | Early Judaism | |
CAMS120 | New Testament | REL1XX | New Testament | |
CAMS124 | Early & Medieval Christianity | REL1XX | Early & Med Christianity | |
CAMS180 | Ancient Warfare | HUM1XX | Ancient Warfare | |
CAMS410 | Classical Epic | LIT3XX | Classical Epic | |
CAMS411W | Classical Drama | THE3XX | Classical Drama | |
CAS100 | Effective Speech | CM212 | Public Speaking | |
CAS100A | Effective Speech | CM212 | Public Speaking | |
CAS100B | Effective Speech | CM212 | Public Speaking | |
CAS100C | Effective Speech | CM212 | Public Speaking | |
CAS101N | Intro Human Comm | CM1XX | Intro Human Comm | |
CAS137 | RCL I | CM212 | Public Speaking | |
CAS138 | RCL II | CM1XX | RCL II | |
CAS175 | Persuasn Prpgnda | CM1XX | Pers Prop | |
CAS200 | Lang Culture Com | CM2XX | Lang Culture Com | |
CAS201 | Rhetorical Theory | CM2XX | Rhetorical Theory | |
CAS201S | Rhetorical Theory | CM2XX | Rhetorical Theory | |
CAS202 | Comm Theory | CM2XX | Comm Theory | |
CAS203 | Interpersonal Comm | CM329 | Interpersonal Comm | |
CAS204 | Comm Rsch Mthds | CM2XX | Comm Rsch Mthds | |
CAS208N | ConflictBarg | CM2XX | ConflictBarg | |
CAS252 | Bus Professional Comm | CM246 | Comm/Business Prof | |
CAS271 | Intercultural Comm | CM2XX | Intercultural Comm | |
CAS352 | Organization Comm | CM328 | Organztnl Communication | |
CAS411 | Rhetorical Crit | LIT4XX | Rhetorical Crit | |
CAS475 | Studies in Pub Add | CM4XX | Studies in Pub Add | |
CE100S | Cee Topics/Issues | CVE1XX | Cee Topics/Issues | |
CHEM001 | Molecular Sci | CHM1XX | Chemistry Elective No Lab | |
CHEM003 | Mole Sci w/Lab | CHM1XX | Mole Sci w/Lab | |
CHEM006 | Prob Solving Chem | CHM1XX | Chemistry Elective No Lab | |
CHEM011 | Intro Chemistry | CHM134 | Gen Chem I | |
CHEM012 | Chem Princ | CHM134 | Gen Chem I | |
CHEM012 | Chem Princ | CHM1XX | Chem Elective No Lab | |
CHEM013 | Chem Princ | CHM136 | Gen Chem II | |
CHEM013 | Chem Princ | CHM1XX | Chem Elective No Lab | |
CHEM014 | Exper Chem | CHM1XX | Exper Chem | |
CHEM034 | Organic Chem | CHM1XX | Chem Elect No Lab | |
CHEM035 | Organic Chemistry | CHM1XX | Chem Elect No Lab | |
CHEM035 | Organic Chemistry | CHM234 | Organic Chem I | |
CHEM038 | Organic Chem | CHM1XX | Chem Elect No Lab | |
CHEM038 | Organic Chem | CHM236 | Organic Chem II | |
CHEM039 | Organic Chem | CHM2XX | Chemistry Elective No Lab | |
CHEM101 | Intro Chemistry no lab | CHM1XX | Intro Chemistry no lab | |
CHEM102 | Environ Chem | CHM1XX | Chemistry Elective No Lab | |
CHEM108 | Prob Solving Chem | CHM1XX | Chemistry Elect No Lab | |
CHEM110 | Chem Princ I | 06 | CHM134 | Gen Chem I |
CHEM111 | Exper Chem I | 06 | CHM135 | Gen Chem I Lab |
CHEM110 | Chem Prin I | CHM1XX | Chemistry Elect No Lab | |
CHEM112 | Chem Princ II | 03 | CHM1XX | Chem Princ II No Lab |
CHEM113 | Chem Princ II | 03 | CHM137 | Gen Chem II Lab |
CHEM112 | Chem Princ II | 03 | CHM136 | Gen Chem II |
CHEM113 | Exper Chem II | 03 | CHM1XX | Chemistry Elect No Lab |
CHEM12 | Chem Princ | 01 | CHM134 | Gen Chem I |
CHEM12 | Chem Princ | 01 | CHM135 | Gen Chem I Lab |
CHEM13 | Chem Princ | 02 | CHM136 | Gen Chem II |
CHEM13 | Chem Princ | 02 | CHM137 | Gen Chem II Lab |
CHEM202 | Fnds Org Chem I | CHM2XX | Chem Elect No Lab | |
CHEM203 | Fnds Orgnic Chm II | CHM236 | Organic Chem II | |
CHEM210 | Organic Chem I | CHM2XX | Chemistry Elect No Lab | |
CHEM210 | Organic Chem I | CHM234 | Organic Chem I | |
CHEM212 | Organic Chem II | CHM236 | Organic Chem II | |
CHEM213 | Organic Chem II | CHM237 | Organic Chem II Lab | |
CHEM212 | Organic Chem II | CHM2XX | Chemistry Elective No Lab | |
CHEM227 | An Chemistry | CHM338 | Instr Anyl Chem | |
CHEM297A | Codorus Creek | CHM2XX | Chem Elective No Lab | |
CHEM310 | Intro Inorg Chemistry | CHM3XX | Chemistry Elect no lab | |
CHEM400 | Chem Literature | CHM4XX | Chem Elective no lab | |
CHEM451 | Physical Chemistry | CHM4XX | Physical Chemistry w/o Lab | |
CHEM452 | Phy Chem Quan Chem | CHM4XX | Chemistry Elect no lab | |
CI280 | Teach Eng Lang Learners | EDU225 | Instrc Needs/ELL | |
CI295A | Intr Fd Expr Ech | EDU2XX | Intr Fd Expr Ech | |
CI501 | Teaching as Inquiry | MED501 | Intro Ed Research | |
CI590 | Colloquium | MED5XX | MED Education Elec | |
CJ100 | Intro CJ | CCJ101 | Intro Crim Justice | |
CJ220 | Crts Pros Proc | CCJ2XX | Crts Pros Proc | |
CL497C | Mult Lrng Con Sub | MED503 | Curric Trends/Issue | |
CLASS045 | Classical Myth | HUM1XX | Classical Myth | |
CLASS411 | Class Drama | THE3XX | Class Drama | |
CMDIS318 | American Sign Language II | CM150 | Beg Sign Language | |
CMDIS418 | American Sign Language III | CM250 | Adv Sign Language | |
CMDIS419 | American Sign Language IV | CM250 | Adv Sign Language | |
CMLIT001 | Masterp of West Lit/Ren | LIT285 | Eur Lit to 1600 | |
CMLIT002 | Masterpieces West Lit/Renais | LIT286 | Eur Lit Since 1600 | |
CMLIT003 | Masters Lit Africa | LIT1XX | Masters Lit Africa | |
CMLIT005 | Intro Lit Americas | LIT1XX | Intro Lit Americas | |
CMLIT006 | Phil Lit West | LIT1XX | Phil Lit West | |
CMLIT010 | Intro to World Lit | LIT1XX | Intro to World Lit | |
CMLIT083S | FYS | LIT1XX | FYS | |
CMLIT100 | Intro to Comp Lit | LIT200 | Intro Lit & Text Stud | |
CMLIT105 | Devel of Literary Humor | LIT341 | Comic Tradition | |
CMLIT106 | The Arthurian Legend | LIT3XX | Arthurian Legend | |
CMLIT108 | Mythology | LIT1XX | Mythology | |
CMLIT120 | The Lit of the Occult | LIT391 | Lit of Terror | |
CMLIT122 | Sci Fi Global | LIT1XX | Sci Fi Global | |
CMLIT141 | Religion & Lit | HUM1XX | Religion & Lit | |
CMLIT153 | Intl Lit & Film | HUM1XX | Intl Lit & Film | |
CMLIT184 | The Short Story | LIT291 | Short Story | |
CMLIT189 | The Founders of Modern Drama | LIT416 | Modern Drama | |
CMLIT191 | Video Game Culture | CM1XX | Video Game Culture | |
CMLIT295 | Internship | LIT450 | Literature Intern | |
CMLIT296 | Independent Studies | LIT498 | Independent Study | |
CMLIT400W | Senior Sem Lit Crit and Theory | LIT401 | English Seminar | |
CMLIT401W | The Western Lit Heritage I | LIT285 | Eur Lit to 1600 | |
CMLIT402W | The Western Lit Heritage II | LIT286 | Eur Lit Since 1600 | |
CMLIT404 | Literary Modes of Asia | LIT3XX | Literary Modes of Asia | |
CMLIT408 | Heroic Lit | LIT4XX | Heroic Lit | |
CMLIT488 | Modern Continental Drama | LIT416 | Modern Drama | |
CMLIT494 | Research Project | LIT3XX | Research Project | |
CMLIT496 | Independent Studies | LIT498 | Independent Study | |
CMMU416 | Rhet Criticism in Pub Affairs | CM207 | Rhetoric/Publc Addr | |
CMPBD204 | Program Tech for Bus | IFS2XX | Prog Tech for Bus | |
CMPBD205 | Interm Prog Tech for Bus | IFS2XX | Interm Prog Tech Bus | |
CMPBD217 | Intro to COBOL | IFS2XX | Intro to COBOL | |
CMPBD410 | Data Struct and Algorithms | IFS4XX | Data Struct & Algorithms | |
CMPBD423 | Intro to Numerical Analysis I | MAT470 | Numerical Analysis | |
CMPBD440 | Fund of Prog Lang | CS4XX | Fund Prog Lang | |
CMPEN270 | Digital Design | EGR2XX | Digital Design | |
CMPEN270 | Digital Design | CS2XX | Digital Design | |
CMPEN271 | Intro Digital Sys | EGR2XX | Intro Digital Sys | |
CMPEN331 | Comp Org & Design | ECE3XX | Comp Org & Design | |
CMPEN362 | Comm Networks | ECE3XX | Comm Networks | |
CMPEN431 | Intro Comput Arch | ECE4XX | Intro Comput Arch | |
CMPET117 | Digital Elect | EGR1XX | Digital Elect | |
CMPSC001 | Basic Computer Prog | CS1XX | Basic Comp Prog | |
CMPSC100 | Cmp Fundamentals | IFS105 | Personal Computing | |
CMPSC101 | Intro to C++ Prog | CS1XX | Algorithmic Proc | |
CMPSC101S | Intro to C++ Prog | CS1XX | Algorithmic Proc | |
CMPSC102 | Cmp Organ & Prog | CS1XX | Cmp Organ & Prog | |
CMPSC121 | Intro Prgmg Tech | CS1XX | Intro Prgmg Tech | |
CMPSC122 | Intermed Progrmg | CS1XX | Intermed Progrmg | |
CMPSC131 | Prog & Comp I | CS1XX | Prog & Comp II | |
CMPSC132 | Prog & Comp II | CS1XX | Prog & Comp II | |
CMPSC140 | Intro to Data Proc | IFS1XX | Intro Data Proc | |
CMPSC142 | Progmg Sys Sml Bus | CS1XX | Progmg Sys Sml Bus | |
CMPSC144 | Data Org & Access | CS1XX | Data Org & Access | |
CMPSC154 | Adv Asm I/O & Jcl | CS1XX | Adv Asm I/O & Jcl | |
CMPSC164 | Programming Trends | CS1XX | Programming Trends | |
CMPSC174 | Analy/Des Info Sys | CS1XX | Analy/Des Info Sys | |
CMPSC175 | Implement Info Sys | IFS1XX | Implement Info Sys | |
CMPSC200 | Prmg Engr Matlab | CS2XX | Prmg Engr Matlab | |
CMPSC201 | Prgmg Engrs C++ | CS101 | Fund Comp Sci I | |
CMPSC201C | Prgmg Engrs C | CS2XX | Prgmg Engrs C | |
CMPSC203 | Bus Pgm Aplcn | IFS100 | Info Tech Competncy | |
CMPSC203 | Bus Pgm Aplcn | IFS105 | Personal Computing | |
CMPSC221 | Oop with Web | IFS2XX | Oop with Web | |
CMPSC297 | Special Topics | CS2XX | Special Topics | |
CMPSC311 | Intro Sys Progmg | CS3XX | Intro Sys Progmg | |
CMPSC360 | Discrete Math/CS | MAT235 | Discrete Math | |
CMPSC465 | Data Struc & Algor | CS4XX | Data Struc & Algor | |
CMPSC473 | Operating Sys | CS4XX | Operating Sys | |
CMPSC804 | Cmp Fund/Appl | CS1XX | Cmp Fund/Appl | |
CMPSC805 | Comp Appl Prob | CS1XX | Comp Appl Prob | |
CNED501 | Theory and Method | MED502 | Dev, Learning, Incl Pract | |
CNED501 | Theory and Method | MED502 | Dev, Learning, Incl Pract | |
COM807 | Bank Corp Finance | FIN2XX | Bank Corp Finance | |
COM843 | Intro to Bus Law | BUS260 | Legal Environment | |
COMM100 | Mass Media & Soc | CM211 | Mass Communication | |
COMM110 | Media & Democracy | CM1XX | Media & Democracy | |
COMM118 | Intr Media Effect | CM1XX | Intr Media Effect | |
COMM120 | Advertising and Society | CM1XX | Advertising and Society | |
COMM150 | Cinema Art | FLM216 | Intro to Film | |
COMM160 | News Wrt Skill | CM1XX | News Wrt Skill | |
COMM180 | Survey of Broadcasting & Cable | CM1XX | Surv of Broadcast & Cable | |
COMM205 | Women, Minorities, and Media | CM2XX | Women, Minorities, Media | |
COMM215 | Basic Photo | ART245 | Photography I | |
COMM230 | Beg Nonfiction Writing Wrkshop | CM2XX | Beg Nonfiction Writ Wrkshp | |
COMM241 | Research Topics | CM2XX | Research Topics | |
COMM242 | Basic Video/Filmmaking | CM2XX | Basic Video/Filmmaking | |
COMM250 | Film History & Theory | CM2XX | Film History & Theory | |
COMM250 | Film History & Theory | FLM2XX | Film History & Theory | |
COMM251 | Nature of Media | CM2XX | Nature of Media | |
COMM260W | News Writing and Reporting | CM340 | News Wrtng/Productn | |
COMM261 | The Literature of Journalism | CM2XX | Lit of Journalism | |
COMM270 | Multimedia Prod | ART2XX | Multimedia Prod | |
COMM271 | Multimedia News | CM2XX | Multimedia News | |
COMM283W | Intro to Audio & Video Comm | CM226 | Audio Productn | |
COMM320 | Intro Advertising | MKT330 | Advertising | |
COMM337 | Theory & Practice of Productn | CM341 | Video Production II | |
COMM340 | Prod Tech & Technique Topics I | CM242 | Video Prodctn I | |
COMM346 | Screenwriting I | CRW377 | Screenwriting | |
COMM347 | Intermediate Video/Filmmaking | CM341 | Video Production II | |
COMM360 | Broadcast Journalism | CM340 | News Wrtng/Productn | |
COMM370 | Public Relations | CM221 | Public Relations | |
COMM374 | Audio Production | CM226 | Audio Productn | |
COMM385 | Brdcst/Cable Prog | CM3XX | Brdcst/Cable Prog | |
COMM403 | Mass Communs Law | CM4XX | Mass Communs Law | |
COMM404 | Mass Comm Research | CM4XX | Mass Comm Research | |
COMM409 | News Media Ethics | CM434 | Media Law/Ethics | |
COMM411 | Clt Asp Mass Media | CM4XX | Clt Asp Mass Media | |
COMM413W | Media & Public | CM4XX | Media & Public | |
COMM415 | Adv Photography | ART4XX | Adv Photography | |
COMM440 | Adv Prod Tech & Technique | CM431 | Adv Production | |
COMM442 | Adv Film & Video Prod I | CM431 | Adv Production | |
COMM443 | Adv Film & Video Prod II | CM431 | Adv Production | |
COMM451 | American Film | CM4XX | American Film | |
COMM453 | Film & Literature | CM4XX | Film & Literature | |
COMM455 | Film Theory Crit | CM4XX | Film Theory Crit | |
COMM456 | Media Criticism and Theory | CM4XX | Media Criticism and Theory | |
COMM456 | Media Criticism and Theory | CM211 | Mass Communication | |
COMM458 | Media Law and Ethics | CM434 | Media Law/Ethics | |
COMM460W | Reporting Methods | CM340 | News Wrtng/Productn | |
COMM471 | Public Rel Media & Methods | CM221 | Public Relations | |
COMM473 | Public Relations Problems | CM421 | PR Campgn Strat | |
COMM495 | Internship | CM4XX | Comm Elective | |
COMMU001 | Newspaper Practicum | CM271 | Newspaper Practicum | |
COMMU002 | Newspaper Editorial Staff | CM1XX | Newspaper Editorial Staff | |
COMMU003 | Radio Practicum | CM132 | Radio Practicum I | |
COMMU300 | Intro Comm and Media Technol | CM2XX | Intro Comm & Media Tech | |
COMMU301 | Intro to Media Writing | CM332 | Media Writing | |
COMMU305 | Intro Public Rel Strat & Campn | CM221 | Public Relations | |
COMMU312 | Professional Public Speaking | CM212 | Public Speaking | |
COMMU315 | Surv of Interpersonal Comm | CM329 | Interpersonal Comm | |
COMMU317 | Comm for Teachers and Trainers | CM2XX | Comm Tchrs and Trainers | |
COMMU325 | Speech Comm in Organizations | CM328 | Organztnl Communication | |
COMMU383 | Intro Audio/Video Production | CM226 | Audio Productn | |
COMMU400 | Global Mass Comm | CM3XX | Global Mass Comm | |
COMMU401W | Adv Writing & Editing Journal | CM4XX | Adv Wrtng & Editng Journal | |
COMMU402 | Interculutral Comm | CM4XX | Intercultural Comm | |
COMMU403 | Electronic News Gathrng & Edit | CM355 | Radio/TV Reporting | |
COMMU404 | Media Ethics | CM434 | Media Law/Ethics | |
COMMU405 | Adv Pub Rel Campgns & Strateg | CM421 | PR Campgn Strat | |
COMMU425 | Org Comm Anal & Improvement | CM328 | Organztnl Communication | |
COMMU430 | Small Groups & Leadership Org | CM304 | Group Discussion | |
COMMU483 | Adv Audio Video Prod | CM431 | Adv Production | |
COMMU494 | Senior Project in Comm | CM4XX | Senior Project in Comm | |
COMMU495 | Internship | CM4XX | Internship | |
COMMU496 | Independent Studies | CM4XX | Independent Studies | |
COMMU497 | Special Topics | CM4XX | Special Topics | |
COMP401 | Numerical Analysis I | MAT470 | Numerical Analysis | |
COMP404 | Formal Lang with Applicat | CS4XX | Form Lang | |
COMP410 | Data Structures | CS4XX | Data Structures | |
COMP411 | Design & Analy of Algorithms | CS4XX | Des & Analy Algorithms | |
COMP412 | Operating Systems | CS4XX | Operating Sys | |
COMP413W | Software Engineering & Design | CS4XX | Soft Eng & Des | |
COMP416 | Princ of Programming Lang | CS4XX | Prin Prog Lang | |
COMP419 | Database Design I | CS4XX | Database Des I | |
COMP421 | Comm & Networking | IFS335 | Advanced Networks | |
CRIM012 | Criminology | CCJ101 | Intro Crim Justice | |
CRIM100 | Intro Am Crim Just | CCJ101 | Intro Crim Justice | |
CRIM113 | Intro to Law | CCJ1XX | Intro to Law | |
CRIMJ012S | Criminology | SOC320 | Criminology | |
CRIMJ083S | 1st Year Smnr | CCJ1XX | 1st Year Smnr | |
CRIMJ100 | Intro to Criminal Justice | CCJ101 | Intro Crim Justice | |
CRIMJ100 | Intro Crim Justice | CCJ101 | Intro Crim Justice | |
CRIMJ12 | Criminology | CCJ378 | Criminology | |
CRIMJ200 | Intro to Security | CCJ2XX | Intro to Security | |
CRIMJ230 | Correc Amer | CCJ337 | Punishmnt/Correctns | |
CSD146 | Intro to CSD | CM1XX | Intro to CSD | |
CSD269 | Deafness & Society | CM2XX | Deafness & Society | |
CSE103 | Intro Prgmg Tech | CS1XX | Intro Prgmg Tech | |
CSE120 | Intermed Progrmg | CS1XX | Intermed Prog | |
CSE260 | Discrete Math for Comp Sc | MAT235 | Discrete Mathemtcs | |
CSE271 | Intro Digital Sys | EGR2XX | Intro Digital Sys | |
CSE297D | Software Dev Environ | CS2XX | Software Dev Environ | |
CSE331 | Computer Org & Design | CS3XX | Comp Org & Des | |
CSE411 | Operating Systems | CS4XX | Operating Sys | |
CSE428 | Prog Lang Concepts | CS4XX | Prog Lang Conc | |
CSE441W | Database Mgmt Systems | CS4XX | Database Mgt Sys | |
CSE451 | Numerical Computations | MAT470 | Numerical Analysis | |
CSE455 | Intro to Numerical Analysis I | MAT470 | Numerical Analysis | |
CSE456 | Intro Num Anly II | CS3XX | Intro Num Anly II | |
CSE465 | Data Struct & Algorithms | CS4XX | Data Struct & Algorithms | |
CSE468 | Auto, Lang, Comp | CS3XX | Auto, Lang, Comp | |
E E008S | Digital Music | EGR1XX | Digital Music | |
E E210 | Circuits & Devices | EGR2XX | Circuits & Devices | |
E E801 | Fund Elec Circuits | EGR1XX | Fund Elec Circuits | |
E E805 | Semiconductor Lab | EGR1XX | Semiconductor Lab | |
E E809 | Elec Cir Lab | EGR1XX | Elec Cir Lab | |
E G001 | Engr Graphics | EGR1XX | Engr Graphics | |
E G030 | Elementary Computer Graphics | EGR102 | Epads II | |
E G050 | Engr Meth & Graph | EGR1XX | Engr Meth & Graph | |
E G297 | Special Topics | EGR2XX | Special Topics | |
E MCH011 | Statics | ME250 | Statics | |
E MCH012 | Dynamics | ME252 | Dynamics/Vibrtn | |
E MCH013 | Strength of Materials | ME264 | Strength/Matrls | |
E MCH013D | Strength of Materials w/Design | ME264 | Strength/Matrls | |
E MCH110H | Equilibrium Mechanics, Honors | ME250 | Statics | |
E MCH112H | Mechanics of Motion | ME252 | Dynamics/Vibrtn | |
E MCH211 | Statics | ME250 | Statics | |
E MCH212 | Dynamics | ME252 | Dynamics/Vibrtn | |
E MCH213 | Strength Materials | ME264 | Strength/Matrls | |
E MCH315 | Mech Resp Eng Mat | EGR3XX | Mech Resp Eng Mat | |
E MCH316 | Exp Det Mch Res | ME265 | Materials/Solid | |
E MCH400 | Adv Strength of Material & Des | ME464 | Adv Mechcs/Matrls | |
E MCH461 | Applied Finite Element Analy | ME450 | Finite Elemnt Anlys | |
E MCH471 | Engineering Composite Material | ME470 | Specl Topcs Eng | |
E MCH473 | Composites Processing | ME470 | Specl Topcs Eng | |
E SC314 | Engr App of Mtls | EGR3XX | Engr App of Mtls | |
E T302 | Mechanics II: Dynamics | ME252 | Dynamics/Vibrtn | |
E T321 | Dynamics | ME252 | Dynamics/Vibrtn | |
E T322 | Strength of Materials | ME264 | Strength/Matrls | |
EARTH001 | Earth Science | ESS152 | Earth/Space Sci | |
EARTH002 | Earth System | ESS1XX | Earth Sci Elect No Lab | |
EARTH100 | Environmental Earth | ESS152 | Earth/Space Sci | |
EARTH101 | Natural Disasters | ESS1XX | Earth Sci Elect No Lab | |
EARTH111 | Water/Society | ESS1XX | Earth Sci Elect No Lab | |
EARTH150 | Dinosaur Extinction | ESS1XX | Dinosaur Extinction | |
EARTH197F | Special Topics - InterDomain E | ESS1XX | Special Topics - Earth, SJ & E | |
ECON002 | Microec Anly | ECO201 | Prin Econ-Micro | |
ECON004 | Macroec Anly | ECO200 | Prin Econ-Macro | |
ECON014 | Prins of Econ | ECO2XX | Prins of Econ | |
ECON014H | Prins of Econ | ECO1XX | Prins of Econ | |
ECON102 | Microec Anly | ECO201 | Prin Econ-Micro | |
ECON104 | Macroec Anly | ECO200 | Prin Econ-Macro | |
ECON302 | Inmd Microec Anly | ECO350 | Inter Microeconomcs | |
ECON351 | Money & Banking | ECO310 | Int Macro Econ | |
ECON481 | Business Forecasting Techniques | QBA265 | Intro to Analytics | |
ED&G100 | Intro Engr Design | EGR100 | Epads I | |
ED&G100L | Intro to Engineering Design | EGR102 | Epads II | |
ED&G100P | Intro to Engineering Design | EGR102 | Epads II | |
EDPSY010 | Indiv Diff | EDU1XX | Indiv Diff | |
EDPSY014 | Learn & Instr | EDU375 | Psy Learning/Second | |
EDPSY014 | Learn & Instr | EDU370 | Psych of Learning | |
EDPSY101 | Statistical Data | MAT250 | Statistics | |
EDPSY101 | Statistical Data | EDU1XX | Stat Data | |
EDSGN100 | Intro Engr Dsgn | EGR1XX | Intro Engr Dsgn | |
EDSGN297 | Special Topics | EGR2XX | Special Topics | |
EDTHP115 | Ed in Am Society | EDU200 | Found of Education | |
EDTHP115A | Issues in Am Education | EDU200 | Found of Education | |
EDTHP234 | Hnr Ldrshp Jumpstart | BUS2XX | Hnr Ldrshp Jumpstart | |
EDTHP297 | Mult Prsp Famcomed | EDU2XX | Mult Prsp Famcomed | |
EDTHP412 | Ed & Status Women | EDU4XX | Ed & Status Women | |
EDUC302 | Basic Prep Teach | EDU3XX | Basic Prep Teach | |
EDUC305 | Creative Arts | EDU3XX | Creative Arts | |
EDUC313 | Field Observation | EDU3XX | Field Observation | |
EDUC314 | Theory & Procedure | EDU3XX | Theory & Proc | |
EDUC315 | Soc & Clt Factors | EDU3XX | Soc & Clt Factors | |
EDUC401 | Early Childhood | EDU4XX | Early Childhood | |
EDUC410 | Child & Soc Inst | EDU4XX | Child & Soc Inst | |
EDUC421 | Child Lit | EDU4XX | Child Lit | |
EDUC436 | Inclus Pract Educ | MED502 | Adv Educ Psych | |
EDUC450 | Cur Topics/Ed | MED503 | Curric Trends/Issue | |
EDUC462 | Computers Tchrs | EDU4XX | Computers Tchrs | |
EDUC470 | High-Order Think | EDU4XX | High-Order Think | |
EDUC470W | Higher-Order Think | EDU4XX | Higher-Order Think | |
EDUC505 | Curr Found | MED503 | Curric Trends/Issue | |
EDUC506 | Curr Dev/Instr Dsg | MED503 | Curric Trends/Issue | |
EDUC520 | Classroom Learn | MED502 | Adv Educ Psych | |
EDUC539 | Educ Assessment | MED630 | Ed Tech Res/Assmnt | |
EDUC586 | Ed Res Designs | MED501 | Intro Ed Research | |
EE T101 | Elec Circuits I | EGR1XX | Elec Circuits I | |
EE T114 | Elec Circuits II | ECE280 | Fund Electrical Eng | |
EE T118 | Elec Circuits Lab 2 | ECE1XX | Elec Circuits Lab 2 | |
EE T118 | Elec Circuits Lab 2 | ECE281 | Electronic Instrmnt | |
EE T210 | Fund Semiconductor | ECE2XX | Fund Semiconductor | |
EE T216 | Lin Elect Cir | ECE2XX | Lin Elect Cir | |
EE T811 | Microprocessors | IFS1XX | Microprocessors | |
EE T814 | Elec Circuits | EGR1XX | Elec Circuits | |
EE T817 | Digital Elect | EGR1XX | Digital Elect | |
EET105 | Elect Sys | ECE1XX | Elect Sys | |
EET213 | Elec Mach w/ Writ | ECE2XX | Elec Mach w/ Writ | |
EET275 | Intro to PLC | ECE2XX | Intro to PLC | |
EG T101 | Tech Drwg Fund | EGR1XX | Tech Drwg Fund | |
EG T102 | Intro to CAD | EGR1XX | Intro to CAD | |
EG T114 | Spatial Anly & CAD | EGR1XX | Spatial Anly & CAD | |
EG T201 | Adv CAD | EGR2XX | Adv CAD | |
EGEE101 | Energy & Env | ESS1XX | Earth Sci Elect No Lab | |
EGEE102 | Enviro Protection | NPE1XX | Enviro Protection | |
EGT114 | Spatial Anly & Cad | EGR100 | Epads I | |
EGT201 | Adv Cad | EGR2XX | Adv Cad | |
ELISH130 | Reading Popular Texts | LIT1XX | Reading Popular Texts | |
ELISH201 | Creative Writing | WRT272 | Intro Creative Wrt | |
ELISH209 | Literary Journalism | WRT373 | Adv Nonfctn Prose | |
ELISH300 | The Canon and Its Critics | LIT3XX | The Canon and Its Critics | |
ELISH301 | Globality and Literature | LIT3XX | Globality and Literature | |
ELISH401 | Advanced Creative Writing | WRT371 | Adv Creative Wrtng | |
ELISH420 | Nonfiction Workshop | WRT3XX | Nonfiction Workshop | |
ELISH426 | Advanced Fiction Writing | WRT3XX | Advanced Fiction Writing | |
ELISH427 | Advanced Poetry Writing | WRT3XX | Adv Poetry Writing | |
ELISH429W | Fiction Workshop | WRT3XX | Fiction Workshop | |
ELISH430 | Advanced Poetry Workshop | WRT3XX | Adv Poetry Workshop | |
ELISH434 | The American Renaissance | LIT3XX | The American Renaissance | |
ELISH440 | The American Novel to 1900 | LIT3XX | American Novel to 1900 | |
ELISH442 | American Novel: 1900-1945 | LIT313 | American Novel | |
ELISH447 | Middle English Lit | LIT3XX | Middle English Lit | |
ELISH448 | Shakespeare | LIT323 | Shakespeare I | |
ELISH461 | Romanticism | LIT3XX | Romanticism | |
ELISH475 | The Visionary Imagination | LIT3XX | The Visionary Imagination | |
ELISH479 | Milton and Blake | LIT3XX | Milton and Blake | |
ELISH480 | Rhetoric for Business | WRT3XX | Rhetoric for Business | |
ELISH482W | Contemp Lit and Cult Theory | LIT210 | Criticism/Theory | |
ELISH484W | Creative Writing Theory | WRT3XX | Creative Writing Theory | |
ELISH485 | The World Novel in English | LIT3XX | The World Novel in Eng | |
ELISH495 | Internship | LIT450 | Literature Intern | |
ELISH496 | Independent Studies | LIT498 | Independent Study | |
ELISH497 | Special Topics | LIT3XX | Special Topics | |
EMCH211 | Statics | ME250 | Statics | |
EMCH212 | Dynamics | ME252 | Dynamics/Vibrtn | |
EMCH213 | Strength Materials | EGR2XX | Strength Materials | |
ENGL001 | Understanding Lit | LIT200 | Perspectives/Lit | |
ENGL001S | Understanding Literature | LIT1XX | Understanding Literature | |
ENGL001W | Understanding Literature | LIT1XX | Understanding Literature | |
ENGL002 | Grt Trad in Eng Lit | LIT283 | British Lit to 1750 | |
ENGL003 | Trad in Amer Lit | LIT1XX | Trad in American Lit | |
ENGL004 | Basic Writing | WRT100 | Intro College Writ | |
ENGL004 | Basic Writing | WRT1XX | Basic Writing | |
ENGL010 | Comp & Rhetoric I | WRT102 | Analytical Read/Writ | |
ENGL015 | Rhetoric and Comp | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm | |
ENGL030 | Honors Fresh Comp | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm | |
ENGL050 | Intr Creative Writ | CRW272 | Intro to Creative Writ | |
ENGL083S | First-Year Sem in English | LIT1XX | First-Year Sem in Eng | |
ENGL083T | First Year Sem English | LIT1XX | First Yr Sem English | |
ENGL088 | Australian/New Zealand Cult | LIT1XX | Austr/New Zealand Cult | |
ENGL097 | Special Topics | LIT1XX | Special Topics | |
ENGL098 | Special Topics | LIT1XX | Special Topics | |
ENGL100 | Engl Lang Anal | LIT310 | Language/Linguistics | |
ENGL103 | Great Books Amer | LIT1XX | Great Books Amer | |
ENGL104 | The Bible as Literature | LIT390 | Bible as Literature | |
ENGL110 | Newswriting Practicum | WRT1XX | Newswriting Practicum | |
ENGL115 | Arts of Love | LIT1XX | Arts of Love | |
ENGL119 | Bus Writing | WRT210 | Writng/Prof Culturs | |
ENGL129 | Shakespeare | LIT1XX | Shakespeare | |
ENGL129H | Honors Shakespeare | LIT323 | Shakespeare I | |
ENGL133 | Mod Amer Lit to WWII | LIT1XX | Mod Amer Lit to WWII | |
ENGL134 | American Comedy | LIT1XX | American Comedy | |
ENGL135 | Alt Voices in Amer Lit | LIT1XX | Alt Voices in Amer Lit | |
ENGL135S | Alt Voices in American Lit | LIT1XX | Alt Voices in American Lit | |
ENGL136 | The Graphic Novel | LIT373 | Comic Books & Graph Nov | |
ENGL137H | Rhetoric I | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm | |
ENGL139 | Black American Literature | LIT203 | African/Amer Lit | |
ENGL140 | Contemporary Literature | LIT1XX | Contemp Literature | |
ENGL145 | Irish Renaissance | LIT1XX | Irish Renaissance | |
ENGL15 | Rhetoric and Comp | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm | |
ENGL163N | Defining Animal | LIT1XX | Defining Animal | |
ENGL180 | Lit and the Natural World | LIT1XX | Lit and the Natural World | |
ENGL182 | Literature and Empire | LIT1XX | Literature and Empire | |
ENGL182S | Literature and Empire | LIT1XX | Literature and Empire | |
ENGL184 | The Short Story | LIT291 | Short Story | |
ENGL184S | The Short Story | LIT291 | Short Story | |
ENGL185 | The Modern Novel in World Lit | LIT1XX | Modern Novel in World Lit | |
ENGL187 | English Freshman Seminar | LIT1XX | Eng Freshman Seminar | |
ENGL189 | Founders of Modern Drama | LIT416 | Modern Drama | |
ENGL191 | Science Fiction | HUM1XX | Science Fiction | |
ENGL191 | Science Fiction | HUM300 | Science Fiction | |
ENGL192 | The Literature of Fantasy | LIT1XX | The Literature of Fantasy | |
ENGL193 | American Folk Song in English | LIT1XX | American Folk Song in Eng | |
ENGL194 | Women Writers | WGS382 | Women In Literature | |
ENGL194 | Women Writers | LIT382 | Women In Literature | |
ENGL196 | American Folklore | LIT1XX | American Folklore | |
ENGL197 | Special Topics | LIT1XX | Special Topics | |
ENGL198 | Special Topics | LIT1XX | Special Topics | |
ENGL199 | Foreign Study--English | LIT1XX | Foreign Study--English | |
ENGL200 | Intro to Critical Reading | LIT2XX | Intro to Critical Reading | |
ENGL200W | Intro to Critical Reading | LIT2XX | Intro to Critical Reading | |
ENGL201 | What is Literature | LIT200 | Perspectives/Lit | |
ENGL202A | Effective Writing: Soc Sci | FCO215 | Tech/Scientfc Comm | |
ENGL202B | Effective Writing: Humanities | FCO225 | Interdiscplnry Comm | |
ENGL202C | Effective Writing: Tech Wrtg | FCO215 | Tech/Scientfc Comm | |
ENGL202D | Effective Writing: Bus Wrtg | FCO210 | Comm Prof Cultures | |
ENGL202H | Writing in the Hum: Adult | FCO225 | Interdiscplnry Comm | |
ENGL210 | The Process of Writing | WRT2XX | The Process of Writing | |
ENGL211W | Writing Studies | WRT2XX | Writing Studies | |
ENGL212 | Intro to Fiction Writing | WRT2XX | Intro to Fiction Writing | |
ENGL213 | Intro to Poetry Writing | WRT2XX | Intro to Poetry Writing | |
ENGL215 | Intro to Article Writing | WRT2XX | Intro to Article Writing | |
ENGL221 | British Lit to 1798 | LIT283 | British Lit to 1750 | |
ENGL221W | British Lit to 1798 | LIT283 | British Lit to 1750 | |
ENGL222 | British Lit From 1798 | LIT284 | Brt Lit after 1750 | |
ENGL222W | British Lit From 1798 | LIT284 | Brt Lit after 1750 | |
ENGL231 | American Lit to 1865 | LIT281 | Amer Lit to 1885 | |
ENGL231W | American Lit to 1865 | LIT281 | Amer Lit to 1885 | |
ENGL232 | American Lit From 1865 | LIT282 | Amer Lit after 1885 | |
ENGL232W | Amer Lit From 1865 | LIT282 | Amer Lit after 1885 | |
ENGL235 | African-Amer Oral Folk Trad | LIT2XX | African-Amer Oral Folk Trad | |
ENGL240 | Exploring Lit Traditions | LIT2XX | Exploring Lit Traditions | |
ENGL250 | Peer Tutoring in Writing | WRT2XX | Peer Tutoring in Writing | |
ENGL261 | Exploring Literary Forms | LIT2XX | Exploring Literary Forms | |
ENGL262 | Reading Fiction | LIT2XX | Reading Fiction | |
ENGL263 | Reading Poetry | LIT2XX | Reading Poetry | |
ENGL265 | Reading Nonfiction | LIT2XX | Reading Nonfiction | |
ENGL268 | Reading Drama | LIT2XX | Reading Drama | |
ENGL281 | Television Script Writing | WRT2XX | Television Script Writing | |
ENGL294 | Research Topics | LIT2XX | Research Topics | |
ENGL296 | Independent Studies | LIT2XX | Independent Studies | |
ENGL297 | Special Topics | LIT2XX | Special Topics | |
ENGL297C | Memoir Basics | LIT2XX | Memoir Basics | |
ENGL299 | Foreign Studies | LIT2XX | Foreign Studies | |
ENGL300M | Honors Course in English | LIT3XX | Honors Course in Eng | |
ENGL310H | Honors Thesis in English | LIT3XX | Honors Thesis in English | |
ENGL395 | Internship | LIT450 | Literature Intern | |
ENGL397 | Special Topics | LIT3XX | Special Topics | |
ENGL399 | Foreign Study-English | LIT3XX | Foreign Study-English | |
ENGL400 | Authors, Texts, Contexts | LIT3XX | Authors, Texts, Contexts | |
ENGL401 | Studies in Genre | LIT3XX | Studies in Genre | |
ENGL402 | Literature and Society | LIT346 | Lit and Society | |
ENGL403 | Literature and Culture | LIT3XX | Literature and Culture | |
ENGL404 | Mapping Identity, Diff, and Pl | LIT3XX | Mapping Identity, Diff, Pl | |
ENGL407 | History of the English Lang | WRT3XX | Hist of English Lang | |
ENGL409 | Comp Theory & Pract for Teach | WRT290 | Tchng/Tutorng Wrtng | |
ENGL411 | Problems of Style | WRT3XX | Problems of Style | |
ENGL412 | Advanced Fiction Writing | WRT3XX | Advanced Fiction Writing | |
ENGL413 | Advanced Poetry Writing | WRT3XX | Advanced Poetry Writing | |
ENGL414 | Biographical Writing | WRT3XX | Biographical Writing | |
ENGL415 | Advanced Nonfiction Writing | WRT3XX | Advanced Nonfiction Writing | |
ENGL416 | Science Writing | WRT3XX | Science Writing | |
ENGL417 | The Editorial Process | WRT3XX | The Editorial Process | |
ENGL418 | Advanced Tech Writing & Edit | WRT3XX | Adv Tech Writing & Editing | |
ENGL419 | Advanced Business Writing | WRT3XX | Adv Business Writing | |
ENGL420 | Writing for the Web | WRT320 | Writing For The Web | |
ENGL421 | Adv Expository Writing | WRT3XX | Adv Expository Writing | |
ENGL422 | Fiction Workshop | WRT3XX | Fiction Workshop | |
ENGL423 | Poetry Writing Workshop | WRT3XX | Poetry Writing Workshop | |
ENGL425 | Nonfiction Workshop | WRT3XX | Nonfiction Workshop | |
ENGL430 | The American Renaissance | LIT3XX | The American Renaissance | |
ENGL431 | Black American Writers | LIT3XX | Black American Writers | |
ENGL432 | American Novel to 1900 | LIT3XX | American Novel to 1900 | |
ENGL433 | American Novel 1900-1945 | LIT313 | American Novel | |
ENGL434 | Topics in American Lit | LIT3XX | Topics in American Lit | |
ENGL435 | American Short Story | LIT291 | Short Story | |
ENGL436 | American Fiction Since 1945 | LIT3XX | American Fict Since 1945 | |
ENGL437 | The Poet in America | LIT3XX | The Poet in America | |
ENGL438 | American Drama | LIT3XX | American Drama | |
ENGL439 | American Nonfiction Prose | LIT3XX | American Nonfiction Prose | |
ENGL440 | Studies in Shakespeare | LIT3XX | Studies in Shakespeare | |
ENGL441 | Chaucer | LIT3XX | Chaucer | |
ENGL442 | Medieval English Literature | LIT3XX | Medieval English Literature | |
ENGL443 | The English Renaissance | LIT3XX | The English Renaissance | |
ENGL444 | Shakespeare | LIT3XX | Shakespeare | |
ENGL445 | Shakespeare's Contemporaries | LIT3XX | Shakespeare's Contemp | |
ENGL446 | Milton | LIT3XX | Milton | |
ENGL447 | Restoration & 18th Century | LIT3XX | Restoration & 18th Century | |
ENGL448 | English Novel to Jane Austen | LIT3XX | Eng Novel to Jane Austen | |
ENGL450 | The Romantics | LIT3XX | The Romantics | |
ENGL452 | The Victorians | LIT3XX | The Victorians | |
ENGL453 | Victorian Novel | LIT3XX | Victorian Novel | |
ENGL454 | British & Irish Drama Snc 1890 | LIT3XX | Brit & Irish Drama Snc 1890 | |
ENGL455 | Topics in British Lit | LIT3XX | Topics in British Lit | |
ENGL456 | British Fiction 1900-1945 | LIT3XX | British Fiction 1900-1945 | |
ENGL457 | British Fiction Since 1945 | LIT3XX | Brit Fiction Since 1945 | |
ENGL458 | Twentieth-Century Poetry | LIT3XX | Twentieth-Century Poetry | |
ENGL461 | Vernacular Roots Africn-Am Lit | LIT3XX | Vernacular Roots Afr-Am Lit | |
ENGL468 | African Am Poetry | LIT4XX | African Am Poetry | |
ENGL471 | Rhetorical Traditions | WRT305 | Rhetorical Theory | |
ENGL481 | Lit Theory:Historical Perspect | LIT381 | Literary Theory | |
ENGL487W | Senior Seminar | LIT401 | English Seminar | |
ENGL495 | Internship | LIT450 | Literature Intern | |
ENGL5 | Writing Tutorial | WRT1XX | Writing Tutorial | |
ENGR100S | Intro to Engr | EGR1XX | Intro to Engr | |
ENGR294 | Research Project Courses | EGR491 | Co-op I | |
ENGR295 | Engineering Co-op Work Exp | EGR492 | Co-op II | |
ENLSH310 | Intro to Linguistics | LIT310 | Language/Linguistics | |
ENLSH402 | English Comp:Theory and Pract | WRT290 | Tchng/Tutorng Wrtng | |
ENLSH407 | Creative Writing | WRT272 | Intro Creative Wrt | |
ENT202 | Insect Connections | BIO2XX | Biology Elective no lab | |
ENVST100 | Visions of Nature | BIO1XX | Biology Elective no lab | |
ESACT007 | Aerobic Fitness | PE136 | Aerobic Dance | |
ESACT031 | Badminton I | PE151 | Badminton | |
ESACT037I | Basketball--Varsity | PE152 | Basketball | |
ESACT058 | Bowling I | PE110 | Beginning Bowling | |
ESACT073I | Cross Country | PE1XX | Cross Country | |
ESACT079 | Dance Ballroom I | PE1XX | Dance Ballroom I | |
ESACT088 | Dance Folk/Sq I | PE112 | Square Dancing | |
ESACT117 | Ex for Stress Mgt | PE1XX | Ex for Stress Mgt | |
ESACT129 | Fitness for Life | PE134 | Concpts Phys Actvty | |
ESACT138 | Golf I | PE1XX | Golf I | |
ESACT138A | Golf II | PE1XX | Golf II | |
ESACT173 | Individualized Act | PE1XX | Individualized Act | |
ESACT177 | Jogging | PAW1XX | Jogging | |
ESACT180 | Judo I | PE137 | Intro Martial Arts | |
ESACT183 | Karate | PE137 | Intro Martial Arts | |
ESACT186 | Lacrosse | PAW1XX | Lacrosse | |
ESACT220 | Pers Fit | PE134 | Concpts Phys Actvty | |
ESACT223 | Phys Condition | PE2XX | Phys Condition | |
ESACT244 | Recreational Act | PE1XX | Recreational Act | |
ESACT274 | Ski-Downhill I | PE2XX | Ski-Downhill I | |
ESACT280I | Soccer--Varsity | PE155 | Soccer | |
ESACT297E | Intl Sports & Games | PE1XX | Intl Sports & Games | |
ESACT303 | Strength Training | PE118 | Physical Fitness | |
ESACT342 | Tennis I | PE159 | Tennis | |
ESACT342I | Tennis--Varsity | PE159 | Tennis | |
ESACT357 | Volleyball I | PE160 | Volleyball | |
ESACT357I | Volleyball | PE160 | Volleyball | |
ESACT378 | Yoga I | PE163 | Intro to Yoga | |
ET002 | Engr Tec Orient | EGR1XX | Engr Tec Orient | |
FIN100 | Intro to Fin | FIN1XX | Intro to Fin | |
FIN108 | Personal Finance | FIN218 | Personal Finance | |
FIN301 | Corporation Fin | FIN300 | Managrl Finance I | |
FIN302 | Intro Fin Modeling | FIN3XX | Intro Fin Modeling | |
FIN420 | Invst Port Anly | FIN4XX | Invst Port Anly | |
FINAN320 | Fin Mgmt | FIN3XX | Fin Mgmt | |
FINAN497 | Special Topics | FIN3XX | Special Topics | |
FR001 | Elem French I | FRN101 | Elem French I | |
FR002 | Elem French II | FRN102 | Elem French II | |
FR003 | Inmd French | FRN201 | Inter French I | |
FR111 | Elementary Fr | FRN102 | Elem French II | |
FR111 | Elementary Fr | FRN101 | Elem French I | |
FR112 | Intermed Fr | FRN202 | Inter French II | |
FR112 | Intermed Fr | FRN201 | Inter French I | |
FR138 | France & French-Spkng World | FRN1XX | France & French-Spkng Wrld | |
FR139 | France & Fr Spk Wld | FRN1XX | France & Fr Spk Wld | |
FR139 | France & Fr Spk Wld | INT1XX | France & Fr Spk Wld | |
FR201 | Oral Comm & Rdng | FRN2XX | Oral Comm & Rdng | |
FR202 | Grammar & Comp | FRN2XX | Grammar & Comp | |
FRNSC100 | Intro to Sci | BIO1XX | Biology Elect no lab | |
FRNSC200 | Intro to CSI | CCJ2XX | Intro to CSI | |
GD100 | Intro Graphic Des | ART1XX | Intro Graphic Des | |
GEOG010 | Intro Phys Geog | G151 | Intro Physical Geog | |
GEOG020 | Intro Human Geog | G1XX | Intro Human Geog | |
GEOG040 | World Reg | G100 | World Reg Geography | |
GEOG100 | Economic Geography | G344 | Econ Geography | |
GEOG111 | Biogeog & Glob Eco | G1XX | Biogeog & Glob Eco | |
GEOG120 | Urban Geography | G345 | Urban Geography | |
GEOG123 | Geog Devlp Worlds | G1XX | Geog Devlp Worlds | |
GEOG126 | Econ Geog | G1XX | Econ Geog | |
GEOG128 | Geog of Intl Affairs | G1XX | Geog of Intl Affairs | |
GEOG160 | Mapping | G1XX | Mapping | |
GEOG30 | Envt Soc Chg World | G1XX | Envt Soc Chg World | |
GEOG321 | Cartography | G260 | Cartography | |
GEOG357 | Geographic Info Systems | G346 | Intro Geog Info Sys | |
GEOG470 | Geography of the Global Econmy | G344 | Econ Geography | |
GEOSC001 | Physical Geology | ESS152 | Earth/Space Sci | |
GEOSC010 | National Park Geo | G1XX | National Park Geo | |
GEOSC020 | Planet Earth | ESS1XX | Planet Earth | |
GEOSC020P | Planet Earth | ESS152 | Earth/Space Sci | |
GEOSC040 | The Sea Around Us | BIO1XX | The Sea Around Us | |
GER001 | Elem German I | GRM101 | Elem German I | |
GER002 | Elem German | GRM102 | Elem German II | |
GER003 | Inmd German | GRM201 | Inter German I | |
GER011 | Intensive Basic German | GRM102 | Elem German II | |
GER011 | Intensive Basic German | GRM101 | Elem German I | |
GER012 | Intens Intrmed Ger | GRM201 | Inter German I | |
GER012 | Intens Intrmed Ger | GRM202 | Inter German II | |
GER100 | Ger Clt and Civzn | GRM1XX | Ger Clt and Civzn | |
GER100 | Ger Clt and Civzn | INT1XX | Ger Clt and Civzn | |
GER157N | The Amish | HUM1XX | The Amish | |
GER200 | Cont Ger Culture | INT2XX | Cont Ger Culture | |
H DEV102 | Polcy & Plng H DEV | SOC1XX | Polcy & Plng H DEV | |
H P A101 | Intro Hlth Ser Org | BEH1XX | Intro Hlth Ser Org | |
HCOMM330 | Writing for Media | CM332 | Media Writing | |
HCOMM331 | Journalistic Writing | CM271 | Journalistic Writing | |
HCOMM351 | The Nature of Media | CM211 | Mass Communication | |
HCOMM381 | Basic Television Tech | CM242 | Video Prodctn I | |
HCOMM384 | Radio Prod and Programming | CM226 | Audio Productn | |
HCOMM437 | Writing fo the Screen | CM332 | Media Writing | |
HCOMM438 | Magazine & Newsletter Editing | CM271 | Magazine & Newsletter Edit | |
HCOMM454 | Media Law and Ethics | CM434 | Media Law/Ethics | |
HCOMM470 | Public Relations & Info | CM221 | Public Relations | |
HCOMM483 | Adv Video Prod | CM431 | Adv Production | |
HCOMM486 | Management in the Media | CM410 | Media Management | |
HD FS129 | Intro to HD FS | NUR201 | Nursing HD/HC | |
HD FS129 | Intro to HD FS | BEH1XX | Intro to HD FS | |
HD FS216 | Personal & Interpersonal Skills | PSY321 | Developmental Science | |
HD FS229 | Infancy Childhood | PSY2XX | Infancy Childhood | |
HD FS229 | Infancy Childhood | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop | |
HD FS233 | Emerg Lang | LIT2XX | Emerg Lang | |
HD FS239 | Adol Dev | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop | |
HD FS239 | Adol Dev | PSY2XX | Adol Dev | |
HD FS249 | Adult Dev Aging | PSY222 | Adult Development | |
HD FS250 | Sexual Identity | BEH2XX | Sexual Identity | |
HD FS287W | Intercult Com Bldg | BEH2XX | Intercult Com Bldg | |
HD FS297 | Special Topics | BEH2XX | Special Topics | |
HD FS297C | Child's Play | BEH2XX | Child's Play | |
HD FS301 | Val/Ethics H Dev | BEH3XX | Val/Ethics H Dev | |
HD FS302A | Ldrshp/Tech Skls | BEH3XX | Ldrshp/Tech Skls | |
HD FS311 | HD FS Intervention | BEH3XX | HD FS Intervention | |
HD FS312W | Empirical Inquiry | PSY3XX | Empirical Inquiry | |
HD FS315W | Family Development | SOC225 | The Family | |
HD FS315Y | Family Dev | SOC225 | The Family | |
HD FS330 | Children/Youth & Family | BEH3XX | Child/Youth & Family | |
HD FS395 | Internship | BEH3XX | Internship | |
HD FS411 | Helping Rels | PSY4XX | Helping Rels | |
HD FS414 | Resolv Problems | PSY4XX | Resolv Problems | |
HD FS418 | Family Rel | BEH4XX | Family Rel | |
HD FS429 | Adv Child Dev | PSY4XX | Adv Child Dev | |
HD FS490 | Pro. Dev. & Prep for Int. Exp | HSV220 | Career Devl. & Pract. | |
HD FS495A | Internship: Adv. Experience | HSV495 | Exp. Learn. in Human Serv. | |
HD FS495B | Internship: Adv. Project | HSV496 | Exp. Learn. in Human Serv. | |
HDFS108N | Art & Sci of Human Fl | BEH1XX | Art & Sci of Human Fl | |
HDFS129 | Intro HDFS | PSY1XX | Intro HDFS | |
HDFS239 | Adol Dev | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop | |
HIL434H | Monotheism & Birth of the West | REL2XX | Monotheism & Birth of West | |
HIST001 | West Heritage I | HIS101 | Western Civ I | |
HIST001H | West Heritage I | HIS101 | Western Civ I | |
HIST002 | Western Heritage II | HIS102 | Western Civ II | |
HIST003 | Am Nation: Hist Per | HIS111 | American Civ I | |
HIST005 | Mediterranean Civ | HIS1XX | Mediterranean Civ | |
HIST010 | World History | HIS121 | World History I | |
HIST011 | World History II | HIS122 | World History II | |
HIST012 | Pennsylvania | HIS1XX | Pennsylvania | |
HIST020 | Amer Civ to 1877 | HIS111 | American Civ I | |
HIST021 | Amer Civ From 1877 | HIS112 | American Civ II | |
HIST083S | 1st Year Smnr | HIS1XX | 1st Year Smnr | |
HIST101 | Roman Rep & Empire | HIS1XX | Roman Rep & Empire | |
HIST104 | Ancient Egypt | HIS1XX | Ancient Egypt | |
HIST107 | Medieval Europe | HIS301 | Medieval Civ | |
HIST116 | Hist Fam Sex Roles | WGS1XX | Hist Fam Sex Roles | |
HIST116U | Hist Fam Sex Roles | HIS1XX | Hist Fam Sex Roles | |
HIST117 | Women/Modern History | HIS390 | Women in US History | |
HIST117U | Women/Mod Hist | HIS390 | Women in US History | |
HIST120 | Eur Since 1848 | HIS320 | Europe after 1914 | |
HIST121 | The Holocaust | HIS1XX | The Holocaust | |
HIST124 | Hist West Med | HIS1XX | Hist West Med | |
HIST130 | Civil War Era | HIS364 | Civil War & Recon | |
HIST142 | Hist of Communism | HIS1XX | Hist of Communism | |
HIST143 | Fascism & Nazism | HIS1XX | Fascism & Nazism | |
HIST144 | World at War | HIS421 | Nazi Germany/Holcst | |
HIST151 | Tech in Amer Hist | HIS1XX | Tech in Amer Hist | |
HIST153 | Native American Hist | HIS1XX | Native American Hist | |
HIST161 | Battle Gettysburg | HIS1XX | Battle Gettysburg | |
HIST173 | Vietnam War/Peace | HIS1XX | Vietnam War/Peace | |
HIST174 | The Hist of Traditnl East Asia | INT144 | Intro East Asia | |
HIST175 | Hist of Mod East Asia | HIS1XX | Hist of Mod East Asia | |
HIST179 | Lat-Am Since 1820 | HIS1XX | Lat-Am Since 1820 | |
HIST181 | Intro to the Middle East | INT146 | Intro Mid East | |
HIST186 | The Silk Roads | INT1XX | The Silk Roads | |
HIST191 | Early African History | HIS140 | History of Africa I | |
HIST192 | Mod African History | HIS141 | History Africa II | |
HIST197 | ST: Hist of Penn State | HIS1XX | ST: Hist of Penn State | |
HIST297A | Disney's America | HIS2XX | Disney's America | |
HIST297H | Special Topics | HIS2XX | Special Topics | |
HIST414 | Ren & Reformation | HIS302 | Renaissance/Reform | |
HIST418 | Fr Rev & Napoleon | HIS4XX | Fr Rev & Napoleon | |
HIST431 | Black Lib and Amer Foreign Pol | PS243 | Govt/Pol Africa | |
HIST441 | Rev America | HIS352 | Revoltnry Era/Amer | |
HIST444 | U.S. Civil War & Recon | HIS364 | Civil War & Reconstruction | |
HIST445 | Emerg of Mod Amer | HIS365 | Emerg Mod America | |
HIST446 | Amer Between Wars | HIS366 | 20th Cent Amer Hist | |
HIST447 | Rec Amer History | HIS367 | Recent Amer/1945-Prs | |
HIST448 | Amer in the 1960's | HIS461 | America in the 60's | |
HIST453 | US Environ Hist | HIS4XX | US Environ History | |
HIST497 | Special Topics | HIS4XX | Special Topics | |
HIST497I | Women & U.S. Hist | HIS390 | Women in US History | |
HL ED019 | Man & Disease | NPE1XX | Man & Disease | |
HL ED045 | Alchl Awareness Ed | BEH1XX | Alchl Awareness Ed | |
HL ED046 | Intro Human Sex | BIO1XX | Biology Elective No Lab | |
HL ED048 | Values & Health | PE1XX | Values & Health | |
HL ED060 | Hlth Living | NPE1XX | Non Program Elect | |
HL ED060 | Hlth Living | PE1XX | Physical Ed Elect | |
HL ED215 | Hl Inst in Schl | EDU2XX | Hl Inst in Schl | |
HORT101 | Hort Sci | BIO1XX | Biology Elect No Lab | |
HORT101 | Horticultural Science | HRT200 | Intro Environ Horticulture | |
HRIM335 | Hosp Fin Acctg | ACC3XX | Hosp Fin Acctg | |
HSTRY463W | Civil War & Recon | HIS364 | Civil War & Reconstruction | |
HUM311 | Western Tradition I | HUM3XX | Western Tradition I | |
HUM420 | Dilemmas of War and Peace | PHL343 | Peace and Conflict | |
HUMAN001 | West Clt Heritage | HUM1XX | West Clt Heritage | |
HUMAN002 | Shaping Mod Mind | HUM1XX | Shaping Mod Mind | |
HUMAN101 | Mod Sc & Hum Vals | HUM1XX | Mod Sc & Hum Vals | |
I B303 | Intl Bus Oper | IBS200 | Internatl Business | |
I F S129 | Intro Indiv & Fam Dev | PSY1XX | Intro Indiv & Fam Dev | |
I F S229 | Infancy Childhood | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop | |
I F S297 | Special Topics | IFS2XX | Special Topics | |
I F S329 | Infancy and Early Childhood | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop | |
I F S339 | Later Child Adol | PSY3XX | Later Child Adol | |
I HUM300W | Intro Humanities | HUM3XX | Intro Humanities | |
I HUM453 | Texts & Culture | HUM4XX | Texts & Culture | |
IB303 | Intl Bus Oper | IBS200 | Internatl Business | |
IE T101 | Mfg Mtls & Proc | EGR1XX | Mfg Mtls & Proc | |
IE T105 | Econ of Industry | ECO1XX | Econ of Industry | |
IE T805 | Econ of Industry | ECO1XX | Econ of Industry | |
IHUM300W | Intr in Humanities | HUM3XX | Intr in Humanities | |
INART001 | The Arts | HUM1XX | The Arts | |
INART003 | Reception of Arts | ART1XX | Reception of Arts | |
INART005 | Performing Arts | HUM1XX | Performing Arts | |
INART010 | Pop Media Arts | CM1XX | Pop Media Arts | |
INART100W | Arts Seminar | HUM1XX | Arts Seminar | |
INART110 | Drama Mass Media | CM211 | Mass Communication | |
INART110 | Drama Mass Media | CM1XX | Drama Mass Media | |
INART115 | Popular Music | MUS287 | American Pop Music | |
INART125 | Punk Rock | MUS1XX | Punk Rock | |
INART226N | Critical Approach to HipHop | MUS2XX | Critical Approach to HipHop | |
INART258B | Fund Dig Audio | CM1XX | Fund Dig Audio | |
INART496A | Design Concepts | ART4XX | Design Concepts | |
INFSY305 | Microcmp in Bus | IFS105 | Personal Computing | |
INFSY390 | MIS | IFS3XX | MIS | |
INTST493 | Intl Studies | INT4XX | Intl Studies | |
INTST493H | Sch Global Integrtn | INT4XX | Sch Global Integrtn | |
INTST494 | Research Project | INT4XX | Research Project | |
INTST496 | Hnrs Indept Study | INT4XX | Hnrs Indept Study | |
IST110 | Intro Info Sci Tec | IFS1XX | Intro Info Sci Tec | |
IST111S | Smnr in Ist | FYS1XX | Smnr in Ist | |
IST140 | Intro App Dev | IFS225 | Application Development | |
IST210 | Org Data | IFS2XX | Org Data | |
IST210 | Org Data | IFS2XX | Org Data | |
IST220 | Netwk & Telecom | IFS325 | Intro Networks | |
IST225 | PCHardware | IFS2XX | PCHardware | |
IST226 | Network Essentials | IFS2XX | Network Essentials | |
IST230 | Lang Log Disc Math | IFS2XX | Lang Log Disc Math | |
IST240 | Intro to Comp Lang | IFS2XX | Intro to Comp Lang | |
IST250 | New Med Web | IFS2XX | New Med Web | |
IST256 | Program for Web | IFS2XX | Prog for Web | |
IST260W | Intro Sys Design | IFS2XX | Intro Sys Design | |
IST297D | Intro to Appl Dev | IFS2XX | Intro to Appl Dev | |
IST297J | Intermed App Dev | IFS2XX | Intermed App Dev | |
IST311 | OOD & Software | IFS3XX | OOD & Software | |
IST411 | Dist-OBJ Comp | IFS4XX | Dist-OBJ Comp | |
IT001 | Elem Italian I | ITL101 | Elem Italian I | |
IT002 | Elem Italian II | ITL102 | Elem Italian II | |
IT130 | Ital Cult & Civil | INT1XX | Ital Cult & Civil | |
J ST010 | Jewish Civ | REL1XX | Jewish Civ | |
JAPNS001 | Elem Japanese I | L1XX | Elem Japanese I | |
JAPNS002 | Elem Japanese II | L1XX | Elem Japanese II | |
JAPNS003 | Lvl Two Jpans A | L2XX | Lvl Two Japans A | |
JAPNS110 | Lvl Two Japns B | L2XX | Lvl Two Japns B | |
JAPNS120 | Japns Lit/Culture | L1XX | Japns Lit/Culture | |
JAPNS210 | Reading Japanese | L2XX | Reading Japanese | |
JAPNS401 | Lvl Three Japns A | L3XX | Lvl Three Japns A | |
JAPNS402 | Lvl Three Japns B | L3XX | Lvl Three Japns B | |
JAPNS403Y | Japns Level 4 A | L4XX | Japns Level 4 A | |
JAPNS404 | Japns Level 4B | L4XX | Japns Level 4B | |
JAPNS426 | Early Modern Japan | L4XX | Early Modern Japan | |
JAPNS430 | Japan in the World | L4XX | Japan in the World | |
KEYBD100 | Piano Sec | MUS1XX | Piano Sec | |
KINES001 | Intro to Outdoor Pursuits | PE141 | Intro Advntr Sport | |
KINES005 | Health Aspects of Sport | PE134 | Concpts Phys Actvty | |
KINES017 | Ballroom Dance | PAW1XX | Ballroom Dance | |
KINES024 | Lifetime Sports | PE1XX | Lifetime Sports | |
KINES025 | Court Sports | PE1XX | Court Sports | |
KINES027 | Badminton I | PE151 | Badminton | |
KINES029 | Golf I | PE140 | Fundamentals/Golf | |
KINES042 | Ice Skating-Beg | PE1XX | Ice Skating-Beg | |
KINES048 | Tennis I | PE159 | Tennis | |
KINES056 | Intro to Matrial Arts | PE137 | Intro Martial Arts | |
KINES060 | Healthful Living | PE1XX | Physical Education Elective | |
KINES060 | Healthful Living | NPE1XX | Non Program Elective | |
KINES061 | Fit Thry & Practice | PE1XX | Fit Thry & Practice | |
KINES062 | Cardio Activities | PAW139 | Cardiorespty Exercs | |
KINES063 | Aerobic Dance | PE136 | Aerobic Dance | |
KINES065 | Jogging | PE1XX | Jogging | |
KINES067 | Phys Conditioning | PE119 | Physical Fitness | |
KINES067 | Phys Conditioning | PE118 | Physical Fitness | |
KINES068 | Strength Training | PAW118 | Physical Fitness | |
KINES072 | Fitness Walking | PE1XX | Fitness Walking | |
KINES076 | Tai Chi | PE164 | Intro to Tai Chi | |
KINES077 | Yoga I | PAW163 | Yoga | |
KINES081 | Wellness Theory | PE1XX | Physical Ed Elective | |
KINES081 | Wellness Theory | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elective | |
KINES082 | Action Methods Stress | PAW222 | Phys Fit & Stress Mgt | |
KINES083 | Exercise for Stress Mgmt | PAW1XX | Exercise for Stress Mgmt | |
KINES088 | Varsity Sport | PAW1XX | Varsity Sport | |
KINES090 | Team Sports | PE1XX | Team Sports | |
KINES091D | Ultimate Frisbee | PE1XX | Ultimate Frisbee | |
KINES093 | Masters Act | NPE1XX | Masters Act | |
KINES100 | Culturalbehavkines | NPE1XX | Culturalbehavkines | |
KINES101 | Biophysical Kines | NPE1XX | Biophysical Kines | |
KINES126 | Health Prog for Elem School Ch | EDU1XX | Hlth Prog Elem School | |
KINES13 | CPR, Safety, First Aid | SPM205 | Responding/Emerg | |
KINES141 | Phys Act Hist & Cult | BEH1XX | Phys Act Hist & Cult | |
KINES202 | Func Anatomy | NPE1XX | Func Anatomy | |
KINES203 | Med Trm Health | BIO201 | Medical Terminology | |
KINES297 | Special Topics | NPE1XX | Special Topics | |
KINES303 | Emergency Care | EDU305 | Responding/Emerg | |
KINES44 | Raquetball | PAW1XX | Raquetball | |
KINES56 | Intro to Martial Arts | PE137 | Intro Martial Arts | |
KINES63 | Aerobic Dance | PAW136 | Aerobic Dance | |
KINES72 | Fitness Walking | PE1XX | Fitness Walking | |
KINES76 | Tai Chi | PE164 | Intro to Tai Chi | |
KINES77S | Yoga I | PAW163 | Yoga | |
KINES81 | Wellness Theory | PAW234 | Well/Fitness/Life | |
KINES84 | Fitness for Life | PAW134 | Concpts Phys Actvty | |
KINES96 | Ind Act | NPE1XX | Ind Act | |
L A295 | Field or Practicum | HUM2XX | Field or Practicum | |
L A398D | Crim Law | CJA3XX | Crim Law | |
L A398E | Crim Procedure | CJA3XX | Crim Procedure | |
L I R100 | Industrial Relations | MGT1XX | Industrial Relations | |
L I R197A | Diverse Workforce | BUS1XX | Diverse Workforce | |
L ST100H | Info Search | IFS1XX | Info Search | |
L ST197B | Lrng Strat Inf Soc | IFL1XX | Lrng Strat Inf Soc | |
LARCH060 | Hist of Des Place | HIS1XX | Hist of Des Place | |
LARCH065 | Bit Env and Culture | HUM2XX | Bit Env and Culture | |
LDT100 | World Tech | IFS1XX | World Tech | |
LER100 | Employment Relations | MGT1XX | Employment Relations | |
LER201 | Employment Law | BUS1XX | Employment Law | |
LING001 | Study of Language | CM1XX | Study of Language | |
LING100 | Found of Linguistics | LIT320 | Linguistics | |
LING448 | Intro Socioling | CM3XX | Intro Socioling | |
LING496 | Independent Studies | LIT498 | Independent Study | |
LING497 | Special Topics | LIT3XX | Special Topics | |
LIT315 | Approaches to Literature | LIT210 | Criticism/Theory | |
LIT482 | African/American Literature | LIT203 | African/Amer Lit | |
LL ED411 | Sec Lang Arts I | SE4XX | Sec Lang Arts I | |
LL ED420 | Adlscnt Lit/Litrcy | SE4XX | Adlscnt Lit/Litrcy | |
LL ED480 | Media Lit in Clsrm | SE4XX | Media Lit in Clsrm | |
LLED563 | Myth/Folk Child Lit | MED5XX | Myth/Folk Child Lit | |
LLED596 | Indv Studies | MED5XX | Indv Studies | |
LLED597C | Sp Top:Res In Child Lit I | MED501 | Intro Ed Research | |
M E030 | Engr Thermo I | ME320 | Thermodynamics | |
M E033 | Fluid Flow | ME360 | Fluid Mechanics | |
M E050 | Machine Dynamics | ME440 | Mechncs/Machinry | |
M E051 | Mechanical Design | ME380 | Machine Design | |
M E101S | Toy Fund | EGR1XX | Toy Fund | |
M E102S | Lego Robots & Des | ME1XX | Lego Robots & Des | |
M E297 | Special Topics | ME470 | Specl Topcs Eng | |
M E300 | Engr Thermo I | ME320 | Thermodynamics | |
M E320 | Fluid Flow | ME360 | Fluid Mechanics | |
M E403 | Rocket Propulsion | ME470 | Specl Topcs Eng | |
M E405 | Air Pollution Control Systems | ME470 | Specl Topcs Eng | |
M E409 | Gas Turbines | ME470 | Specl Topcs Eng | |
M E410 | Power Plants | ME470 | Specl Topcs Eng | |
M E411 | Refrigeration & Air Condition | ME470 | Specl Topcs Eng | |
M E412 | Heat Transfer | ME410 | Heat Transfer | |
M E413 | Internal Combustion Engines | ME470 | Specl Topcs Eng | |
M E414W | Thermal System Design | ME411 | Thermo Sys Desgn | |
M E415W | Mechanical Systems Design | ME470 | Specl Topcs Eng | |
M E416 | Intro to Combustion | ME470 | Specl Topcs Eng | |
M E417 | Theory of Engineering Instrum | ME470 | Specl Topcs Eng | |
M E418 | Princ of Turbomachinery | ME470 | Specl Topcs Eng | |
M E420 | Heat-Exchanger Design | ME470 | Specl Topcs Eng | |
M E421 | Intermediate Viscous Flow | ME470 | Specl Topcs Eng | |
M E434 | Compressible Flow I | ME470 | Specl Topcs Eng | |
M E440 | Modeling of Dynamic Systems | ME470 | Specl Topcs Eng | |
M E450 | Intro Comp-Aided Analy of Mach | ME470 | Specl Topcs Eng | |
M E451 | Adv Machine Design Problems | ME470 | Specl Topcs Eng | |
M E452 | Vehicle Road Dynamics | ME470 | Specl Topcs Eng | |
M E454 | Advanced Machine Dynamics | ME470 | Specl Topcs Eng | |
M E455 | Automatic Control Systems | ME390 | Comp Cntrl/Machines | |
M E456 | Industrial Robot Applications | ME470 | Specl Topcs Eng | |
M E458 | Noise Control in Machinery | ME470 | Specl Topcs Eng | |
M E460 | Reliability Concepts in Design | ME470 | Specl Topcs Eng | |
M E461 | Applied Finite Element Analys | ME450 | Finite Elemnt Anlys | |
M E462 | Microcmptr Inter for Mech Eng | ME470 | Specl Topcs Eng | |
M E466H | Fund of Computer Graphics | ME470 | Specl Topcs Eng | |
M E470 | Fund of Air Pollution | ME470 | Specl Topcs Eng | |
M I S100 | Mgmt Info Systems | IFS1XX | Mgmt Info Systems | |
M I S103 | Micro App Bus | IFS105 | Personal Computing | |
M I S204 | Intro Bus Inf Sys | IFS305 | Management Info Sys | |
MA SC420 | Math Statistics and Appl I | MAT250 | Statistics | |
MA SC420 | Math Statistics and Appl I | QBA260 | Business Statistics | |
MA SC420 | Math Statistics and Appl I | BEH260 | Statistics | |
MA SC422 | Intro Appl Stat I | BEH260 | Statistics | |
MA SC440 | Diff Equations & Contin Mods I | MAT271 | Calculus III | |
MA SC441 | Diff Equations & Cont Mods II | MAT271 | Calculus III | |
MA SC450 | Advanced Calculus | MAT371 | Adv Calculus I | |
MA SC457 | Complex Analysis | MAT477 | Complex Analysis | |
MA SC460 | Linear Alg & Discrete Models I | MAT260 | Elem Linear Algebra | |
MA SC461 | Linear Alg & Discrete Mods II | MAT260 | Elem Linear Algebra | |
MA SC465 | Modern Algebra | MAT361 | Abstract Algebra | |
MA SC475W | Intro History of Mathematics | MAT4XX | Intro History of Math | |
MA SC496 | Independent Studies | MAT490 | Math Internship | |
MA SC497 | Special Topics | MAT496 | Readng/Rsrch Math I | |
MATH004 | Intermediate Algebra | MAT102 | Prelim Math/Prob Solv | |
MATH005 | Coll Alg I | MAT105 | College Algebra | |
MATH010 | Pre-Calc Math | MAT108 | Precalculus | |
MATH017 | Finite Math | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv | |
MATH018 | Elementary Linear Algebra | MAT260 | Elem Linear Algebra | |
MATH021 | College Algebra I | MAT105 | College Algebra | |
MATH022 | College Algebra II | MAT1XX | College Algebra II | |
MATH022 | College Algebra II | MAT105 | College Algebra | |
MATH026 | Plane Trigonometry | MAT108 | Precalculus | |
MATH030 | Problem Solving | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv | |
MATH034 | Math of Money | MAT1XX | Math of Money | |
MATH035 | General View Math | MAT1XX | General View Math | |
MATH040 | Alg Trig Anly Geom | MAT108 | Precalculus | |
MATH081 | Technical Math I | MAT105 | College Algebra | |
MATH082 | Tech Math II | MAT1XX | Tech Math II | |
MATH083 | Technical Calculus | MAT120 | Applied Calculus | |
MATH087 | Technical Math | MAT108 | Precalculus | |
MATH088 | Tech Math & Calc | MAT1XX | Tech Math & Calc | |
MATH110 | Tech Calculus I | MAT171 | Calculus I | |
MATH110 | Tech Calculus I | MAT1XX | Tech Calculus I | |
MATH111 | Tech Calculus 2 | MAT120 | Applied Calculus | |
MATH140 | Calc Anly Geom I | MAT171 | Calculus I | |
MATH140A | Calc, An Geom, Alg, Trig | MAT171 | Calculus I | |
MATH140B | Calculus and Biology I | MAT120 | Applied Calculus | |
MATH140E | Calculus w/Engineering Appl I | MAT171 | Calculus I | |
MATH140S | Calculus w/Analytic Geom I | MAT171 | Calculus I | |
MATH141 | Calc Anly Geom II | MAT172 | Calculus II | |
MATH141B | Calc and Biol II | MAT1XX | Calc and Biol II | |
MATH141E | Calc w/Engineering Appl II | MAT172 | Calculus II | |
MATH141H | Calc Anly Geom II | MAT172 | Calculus II | |
MATH161 | El Calc Anal Geom | MAT171 | Calculus I | |
MATH162 | El Calc Anal Geom | MAT172 | Calculus II | |
MATH200 | Prob Solv In Math | MAT115 | Sets/Number Systems | |
MATH21 | College Algebra 1 | MAT102 | College Algebra I | |
MATH220 | Matrices | MAT260 | Elem Linear Algebra | |
MATH230 | Calc and Vector Analysis | MAT271 | Calculus III | |
MATH231 | Calc Several Var | MAT2XX | Calc Several Var | |
MATH232 | Integral Vector Calculus | MAT271 | Calculus III | |
MATH250 | Ordinary Diff Equation | MAT272 | Diff Equations | |
MATH251 | Ord & Part Diff Eq | MAT272 | Diff Equations | |
MATH251 | Ord Part Diff Equations | MAT272 | Diff Equations | |
MATH26 | Plane Trigonometry | MAT108 | Precalculus | |
MATH297 | Special Topics | MAT2XX | Special Topics | |
MATH311W | Concepts of Discrete Math | MAT235 | Discrete Mathemtcs | |
MATH312 | Concepts of Real Analysis | MAT371 | Adv Calculus I | |
MATH318 | Elementary Probability | MAT350 | Probability/Stats | |
MATH319 | Applied Statistics in Science | MAT350 | Probability/Stats | |
MATH403 | Classical Analysis I | MAT371 | Adv Calculus I | |
MATH404 | Classical Analysis II | MAT372 | Adv Calculus II | |
MATH405 | Adv Calc for Engineers & Sci I | MAT271 | Calculus III | |
MATH41 | Trig/Anly Geom | MAT1XX | Trig/Anly Geom | |
MATH411 | Ordinary Differential Equation | MAT272 | Diff Equations | |
MATH412 | Fourier Series & Part Diff Equ | MAT473 | Partl Diff Equatns | |
MATH414 | Intro to Probability Theory | MAT350 | Probability/Stats | |
MATH415 | Intro to Math Statistics | MAT350 | Probability/Stats | |
MATH418 | Probability | MAT350 | Probability/Stats | |
MATH421 | Complex Analysis | MAT477 | Complex Analysis | |
MATH426 | Intro to Modern Geometry | MAT345 | Modern Geometry | |
MATH427 | Foundations of Geometry | MAT440 | Advanced Geometry | |
MATH429 | Intro to Topology | MAT480 | Point-Set Topology | |
MATH435 | Basic Abstract Algebra | MAT361 | Abstract Algebra | |
MATH441 | Matrix Algebra | MAT260 | Elem Linear Algebra | |
MATH451 | Numerical Computations | MAT470 | Numerical Analysis | |
MATH455 | Intro to Numerical Analysis I | MAT470 | Numerical Analysis | |
MATH456 | Intro to Numerical Analy II | MAT470 | Numerical Analysis | |
MATH807 | Technical Math | MAT108 | Precalculus | |
MATSE201 | Intro to Materials Science | ME260 | Materls Science | |
MATSE259 | Engr Matls | ME2XX | Engr Matls | |
MCH T111 | Mech-Statics | EGR1XX | Mech-Statics | |
MCH T213 | Strength Mtls | EGR2XX | Strength Mtls | |
ME201 | Intro Thermal Sci | ME2XX | Intro Thermal Sci | |
ME30 | Engr Thermo I | ME1XX | Engr Thermo I | |
ME380 | Machine Dynamics | ME3XX | Machine Dynamics | |
ME BD240 | Elementary Fluid Mechanics | ME360 | Fluid Mechanics | |
ME BD241 | Heat Transfer | ME410 | Heat Transfer | |
ME BD245 | Fluid Flow & Heat Transfer Lab | ME361 | Thermo/Fluids Exp | |
ME BD329 | Control Theory | ME390 | Comp Cntrl/Machines | |
ME BD340 | Computer-Aided Engineering | ME470 | Specl Topcs Eng | |
ME BD343 | Thermal System Design | ME411 | Thermo Sys Desgn | |
ME BD423 | Applied Comput Fluid Dynamics | ME470 | Specl Topcs Eng | |
ME BD425 | Advanced Thermal Analysis | ME470 | Specl Topcs Eng | |
ME BD427 | Incompressible Aerodynamics | ME470 | Specl Topcs Eng | |
ME BD443 | Machine Dynamics | ME470 | Specl Topcs Eng | |
ME BD445 | Machine Design | ME470 | Specl Topcs Eng | |
ME BD446 | Materials Properties & Charact | ME470 | Specl Topcs Eng | |
ME BD449 | Applied Finite Element Analys | ME450 | Finite Elemnt Anlys | |
ME BD455 | Engineering for Manufacturing | ME470 | Specl Topcs Eng | |
ME BD462 | Applied Stress Analysis | ME470 | Specl Topcs Eng | |
ME BD466 | Vibrations | ME470 | Specl Topcs Eng | |
ME BD475 | Engineering Prop of Plastics | ME470 | Specl Topcs Eng | |
ME BD477 | Mat Eng Appl of Scan Elect Mic | ME470 | Specl Topcs Eng | |
ME BD480 | Engineering Design Concepts | ME470 | Specl Topcs Eng | |
ME BD481 | Mechanical Design Projects | ME470 | Specl Topcs Eng | |
MEDVL107 | Medieval Europe | HIS1XX | Medieval Europe | |
MET105 | Mech Sys | EGR1XX | Mech Sys | |
MET206 | Dynamics | EGR2XX | Dynamics | |
MET210W | Machine Design | EGR2XX | Machine Design | |
MET297A | Engr Mat Select | EGR2XX | Engr Mat Select | |
METEO002 | Weather & Society | ESS1XX | Earth Sci Elective No Lab | |
METEO003 | Intro Meteo | ESS1XX | Intro Meteo | |
METEO122 | Atmospheric Environment | ESS1XX | Atmospheric Environment | |
MGMT100 | Survey of Mgmt | MGT150 | Prin of Management | |
MGMT297 | Special Topics | MGT2XX | Special Topics | |
MGMT297B | Cont Improvement | MGT2XX | Cont Improvement | |
MGMT301 | Basic Mgmt Concept | MGT150 | Prin of Management | |
MGMT321 | Ldrshp & Motiv | MGT3XX | Ldrshp & Motiv | |
MGMT331 | Org Dsg & Dev | MGT3XX | Org Dsg & Dev | |
MGMT341 | Hum Rsrce Mgmt | MGT220 | Human Resource Mgt | |
MGMT415 | Portfolio Manage & Org | MGT410 | Project Management | |
MGMT418 | Proj. Plan & Res. Mngmnt. | MGT410 | Project Management | |
MGMT418 | Proj. Plan & Res. Mngmnt | QBA330 | Supply Chain Analytics | |
MGMT433 | Leadership and Team Building | MGT380 | Lead and Change in Orgs | |
MGMT471 | Bus Policy | MGT4XX | Bus Policy | |
MGMT800 | Prin Mgmt I | MGT2XX | Prin Mgmt I | |
MGMT801 | Prin Mgmt II | MGT150 | Prin of Management | |
MICRB006 | El Microbiology | BIO230 | Microbiology | |
MICRB006 | El Microbiology | BIO1XX | Biology Elective No Lab | |
MICRB106 | Elem Micrb | 05 | BIO230 | Microbio/Allied Hlth |
MICRB106 | Elem Micrb | 05 | BIO231 | Micro/Allied Lab |
MICRB107 | Elem Micrb Lab | 05 | ||
MICRB201 | Intro Microbiology | 07 | BIO231 | Micro/Allied Lab |
MICRB201 | Intro Microbiology | 07 | BIO230 | Microbio/Allied Hlth |
MICRB201 | Intro Microbiology | BIO230 | Microbiology | |
MICRB202 | Intro Micrb Lab | 07 | BIO231 | Microbiology Lb |
MICRB201 | Intro Microbiology | BIO2XX | Biology Elect No Lab | |
MICRB410 | Prin of Immunol | BIO4XX | Biology Elect No Lab | |
MIS204 | Intro Bus Inf Sys | IFS305 | Management Info Sys | |
MIS301 | Business Analytics | BUA480 | Big Data & Adv Data Min | |
MIS345 | Intro Data Analytics | BUA226 | Intro to Big Data | |
MIS431 | Business Data Management | IFS125 | Enterprises Data Management | |
MKTG121 | Contemp Am Mktg | MKT2XX | Contemp Am Mktg | |
MKTG220 | Personal Selling | MKT220 | Personal Selling | |
MKTG221 | Contemp Am Mktg | MKT2XX | Contemp Am Mktg | |
MKTG301 | Prin of Mktg | MKT100 | Prin Marketing | |
MKTG301W | Prin of Mktg | MKT100 | Prin Marketing | |
MKTG327 | Retailing | MKT230 | Retailing | |
MKTG330 | Buyer Behavior | MKT360 | Consumer Behavior | |
MKTG440 | Services Marketing | MKT4XX | Services Marketing | |
MKTG445 | Global Marketing | MKT4XX | Global Marketing | |
MKTG450 | Mktg Plcy & Pgm | MKT4XX | Mktg Plcy & Pgm | |
MKTG531 | Marketing Management | MBA531 | Strategic Marketing | |
MKTG801 | Prin Mktg II | MKT100 | Prin Marketing | |
MKTG802 | Promotion Mgmt | MKT2XX | Promotion Mgmt | |
MNGMT310 | Org Struc Proc | MGT3XX | Org Struc Proc | |
MNGMT360 | Organ Beh | OBD225 | Org Behavior | |
MNGMT363 | Human Resource Mngmt | MGT220 | Human Resource Mgt | |
MNGMT442 | Expr Org Rel | OBD3XX | Expr Org Rel | |
MNGMT450 | Indust Relations | MGT3XX | Indust Relations | |
MNGMT451 | Entrep Sm Bus Mgmt | MGT3XX | Entrep Sm Bus Mgmt | |
MNGMT463 | Human Resource Mngmt | MGT220 | Human Resource Mgt | |
MNGMT480 | Organ Theory | OBD345 | Organization Theory & Proc | |
MNGMT522 | Ops and Supply Chain | MBA545 | Applied Oper Mgmt | |
MRKT370 | Marketing Princip | MKT100 | Prin Marketing | |
MS&IS200 | Intro Stat Bus Dec | QBA260 | Business Statistics | |
MS&IS200 | Intro Stat Bus Dec | MAT250 | Statistics | |
MS&IS200 | Intro Stat Bus Dec | BEH260 | Statistics | |
MSIS201 | Quan Meth Bus Dec | QBA310 | Management Science | |
MTHBD092 | Technical Math II | MAT120 | Applied Calculus | |
MTHBD210 | Calculus & Analyt Goem w/Appl | MAT171 | Calculus I | |
MTHBD211 | Interm Calc & Diff Equat w/App | MAT271 | Calculus III | |
MTHBD315W | Applied Modern Algebra I | MAT280 | Math Structures | |
MTHBD420 | Intro to Real Analysis I | MAT371 | Adv Calculus I | |
MTHBD422 | Complex Analysis | MAT477 | Complex Analysis | |
MTHBD423 | Intro to Numerical Analysis I | MAT473 | Partl Diff Equatns | |
MTHBD424 | Intro to Numerical Analysis II | MAT473 | Partl Diff Equatns | |
MTHBD428 | Fourier Series & Part Diff Eq | MAT473 | Partl Diff Equatns | |
MTHBD432 | Intro to Topology | MAT480 | Point-Set Topology | |
MTHBD434 | Matrix Algebra | MAT260 | Elem Linear Algebra | |
MTHBD477 | Foundations of Geometry | MAT440 | Advanced Geometry | |
MTHBD478 | Geometry for Teachers | MAT345 | Modern Geometry | |
MTHBD494 | Research Project | MAT496 | Readng/Rsrch Math I | |
MTHBD495 | Internship | MAT490 | Math Internship | |
MTHED411 | Teaching Secondary Math I | EDU4XX | Tch Sec Math I | |
MTHED420 | Teach Math Elem Schools | EDU4XX | Teach Math Elem Sch | |
MUSIC005 | Intro/Western Music | MUS290 | Intro Music Lit | |
MUSIC007 | Evolution of Jazz | MUS286 | Jazz History | |
MUSIC008 | Rudiments of Music | MUS181 | Found Music Theory | |
MUSIC009 | Intro to World Musics | MUS281 | World Music | |
MUSIC054 | Beginning Class Guitar | MUS148 | Guitar Class | |
MUSIC077 | Philharmonic Orchestra | MUS164 | Symphony Orchestra | |
MUSIC078 | Symphonic Wind Ensemble | MUS160 | Wind Symphony | |
MUSIC079 | Pep Band | MUS1XX | Pep Band | |
MUSIC080 | Symphonic Band | MUS160 | Wind Symphony | |
MUSIC081 | Marching Blue Band | MUS1XX | Marching Blue Band | |
MUSIC082 | Concert Band | MUS1XX | Concert Band | |
MUSIC083 | Campus Band | MUS1XX | Campus Band | |
MUSIC084 | Jazz Ensemble | MUS162 | Jazz Ensemble | |
MUSIC086 | Percussion Ensemble | MUS272 | Percussion Ensemble | |
MUSIC089 | Univ Choir | MUS150 | YCChorale | |
MUSIC092 | Chamber Music for Voices | MUS152 | Chamber Singers | |
MUSIC103 | Concert Choir | MUS150 | YCChorale | |
MUSIC104 | Chamber Singers | MUS152 | Chamber Singers | |
MUSIC109 | The Beatles | MUS1XX | The Beatles | |
MUSIC110 | Keyboard Skills I | MUS103 | Piano | |
MUSIC112 | Class Guitar | MUS148 | Guitar Class | |
MUSIC113 | Music Theatre-Class Voice I | MUS155 | Opera/Musc Theatr | |
MUSIC114 | Music Theatre-Class Voice II | MUS155 | Opera/Musc Theatr | |
MUSIC115 | Beg Voice | MUS1XX | Beg Voice | |
MUSIC116 | Int Voice Cl | MUS1XX | Int Voice Cl | |
MUSIC121 | Basic Musicianship | MUS184 | Aural Skills I | |
MUSIC122 | Basic Mus II | MUS185 | Aural Skills II | |
MUSIC129S | 1st Year Perf Smnr | MUS1XX | 1st Year Perf Smnr | |
MUSIC131 | Music Theory I | MUS182 | Music Theory I | |
MUSIC132 | Music Theory II | MUS183 | Music Theory II | |
MUSIC151 | Class Brass | MUS293 | Brass Methods | |
MUSIC152 | Class Percussion | MUS295 | Percussion Methods | |
MUSIC153 | String Tech I | MUS292 | String Methods | |
MUSIC154 | Class Woodwinds | MUS294 | Woodwind Methods | |
MUSIC162 | Intro to Music History | MUS290 | Intro Music Lit | |
MUSIC170 | Keyboard Skills II | MUS1XX | Keyboard Skills II | |
MUSIC182 | Jazz Improv II | MUS1XX | Jazz Improv II | |
MUSIC192 | Chamb Mus Brass | MUS168 | Brass Choir | |
MUSIC209N | Beatles Culture | MUS2XX | Beatles Culture | |
MUSIC220 | Trumpet Prim III | MUS2XX | Trumpet Prim III | |
MUSIC221 | Basic Mus III | MUS284 | Aural Skills III | |
MUSIC222 | Basic Mus IV | MUS285 | Aural Skills IV | |
MUSIC231 | Music Theory III | MUS282 | Music Theory III | |
MUSIC240 | Music in Early Childhood | MUS392 | Tchng Musc Elem Sch | |
MUSIC241 | Music for Classroom Teachers | MUS392 | Tchng Musc Elem Sch | |
MUSIC251 | Brass Tech II | MUS2XX | Brass Tech II | |
MUSIC254 | WW Tech II | MUS2XX | WW Tech II | |
MUSIC254E | WW Tech II | MUS2XX | WW Tech II | |
MUSIC261 | Survey of Music History I | MUS390 | Music History I | |
MUSIC262 | Survey of Music History II | MUS391 | Music History II | |
MUSIC266 | Basic Conducting | MUS490 | Choral Conducting | |
MUSIC270 | Trumpet Prim IV | MUS2XX | Trumpet IV | |
MUSIC270 | Keybd Sk IV: Music | MUS2XX | Keybd Sk IV: Music | |
MUSIC295A | Early Ed FD Ex | EDU1XX | Early Ed FD Ex | |
MUSIC331 | Tonal Analysis | MUS385 | Form & Analysis | |
MUSIC332 | Anaylsis 20 CMusic | MUS3XX | Analysis 20 CMusic | |
MUSIC336 | Orchestration | MUS486 | Orchestrtn/Arrang | |
MUSIC340 | Mus Learning Dev | PSY3XX | Mus Learning Dev | |
MUSIC341 | Int Mat Mus | MUS3XX | Int Mat Mus | |
MUSIC366 | Inter Conducting | MUS1XX | Intmed Cond | |
MUSIC370 | Trumpet Prim VI | MUS3XX | Trumpet Prim VI | |
MUSIC387 | Language Diction for Singers | MUS394 | Diction for Singers | |
MUSIC388 | Language Diction for Singers | MUS394 | Diction for Singers | |
MUSIC389 | Language Diction for Singers | MUS394 | Diction for Singers | |
MUSIC40S | 1st Year Music Sem | MUS1XX | 1st Year Music Sem | |
MUSIC421 | Jazz Combo | MUS4XX | Jazz Combo | |
MUSIC450 | Teaching March Band | MUS4XX | Teach March Band | |
MUSIC497E | Natural Horn Study | MUS3XX | Natural Horn Study | |
MUSIC90 | Glee Club | MUS1XX | Glee Club | |
NAVSCI101 | Intro to Naval Science | ESS1XX | Earth Sci Elect no lab | |
NUCE001S | Atomic Adventures | EGR1XX | Atomic Adventures | |
NURS200W | Intro Nurs Res | NUR2XX | Intro Nurs Res | |
NURS225 | Pathophysiology | NUR2XX | Pathophysiology | |
NURS230 | Fund Nursg | NUR2XX | Fund Nursg | |
NURS250 | Prof Role Dev I | NUR2XX | Prof Role Dev I | |
NURS251 | Health Assessment | NUR2XX | Health Assessment | |
NURS401 | Conc of Hlth | NUR4XX | Conc of Hlth | |
NURS464 | Dying & Death | NUR4XX | Dying & Death | |
NURS501 | Iss Nsg Hlth Care | NUR514 | Health Policy APRN | |
NURS501 | Iss Nsg Hlth Care | NUR502 | Policy/Org/Finance | |
NURS502 | Adult Assessment | NUR509 | Adv Assessmnt/Diagn | |
NURS503 | Pathophys | NUR505 | Adv Phys/Pathophys | |
NUTR100 | Contemp Nutr Conc | BIO1XX | Contemp Nutr Conc | |
NUTR115 | Ex Nutr Wt Control | NPE1XX | Ex Nutr Wt Control | |
NUTR251 | Intro Prin Nutr | NUR202 | Nutrition | |
NUTR351 | Intro Prin Nutr | NUR202 | Nutrition | |
NUTR358 | Assess Nutr Status | NUR3XX | Assess Nutr Status | |
NUTR360 | Dissem Nutr Info | NUR3XX | Dissem Nutr Info | |
NUTR380 | Ldshp in Nutr Serv | NUR3XX | Ldshp in Nutr Serv | |
NUTR497C | International Nutr | NUR4XX | Intl Nutr | |
P E004 | Aerobic Dance I | PE136 | Aerobic Dance | |
P E049 | Board Sailing | PE1XX | Board Sailing | |
P E097 | Dance--Jazz I | PE1XX | Dance--Jazz I | |
P E177 | Jogging I | PE1XX | Jogging I | |
P E238 | Racquetball I | PE2XX | Racquetball I | |
P E274 | Ski--Downhill I | PE2XX | Ski--Downhill I | |
P E280 | Soccer I | PE155 | Soccer | |
P E303 | Strength Train | PE119 | Physical Fitness | |
P E303 | Strength Train | PE118 | Physical Fitness | |
P E309 | Swim | PE120 | Beginning Swimming | |
P E342 | Tennis I | PE159 | Tennis | |
P E357 | Volleyball I | PE160 | Volleyball | |
PE ED007 | Phys Ed | PE1XX | Phys Ed | |
PH ED005 | Physical Ed | PE1XX | Physical Ed Elective | |
PH ED006 | Physical Ed | PE1XX | Physical Ed | |
PH ED006T | Physical Ed | PE1XX | Physical Ed | |
PH ED007 | Phys Ed | PE1XX | Phys Ed | |
PH ED009 | Life Saving | PE1XX | Life Saving | |
PH ED025 | Health & Phys Ed | PE1XX | Health & Phys Ed | |
PH ED030 | Gym I | PE1XX | Gym I | |
PH ED031 | Tennis I | PE159 | Tennis | |
PH ED181 | W S I | PE126 | Water Safety Instr | |
PH ED272 | Dance Fund | PE1XX | Dance Fund | |
PH ED295 | Five Day Pract | PE2XX | Five Day Pract | |
PH ED382 | Elem Phy Ed | EDU3XX | Elem Phy Ed | |
PH ED390 | Sec Mthd Ph Ed | EDU3XX | Sec Mthd Ph Ed | |
PH ED402 | PE Act Spec Ed | PE1XX | PE Act Spec Ed | |
PH SC007 | Phys Sci | PSC1XX | Phys Sci Elect No Lab | |
PH SC008 | Phys Sci | PSC1XX | Phys Sci Elect No Lab | |
PHIL001 | Basic Prob of Phil | PHL221 | Intro Philosophy | |
PHIL002 | Phil, Politics, and Soc Theory | PHL2XX | Phil, Pol, and Soc Theory | |
PHIL003 | Pers, Value, Life | PHL2XX | Pers, Value, Life | |
PHIL004 | Basic Prob of Phil | PHL221 | Intro Philosophy | |
PHIL005 | Phil, Art and Film | PHL2XX | Phil, Art and Film | |
PHIL006 | Phil Lit West | PHL1XX | Phil Lit West | |
PHIL007 | Asian Philosophy | PHL2XX | Asian Philosophy | |
PHIL008 | Philosophy and Feminism | PHL2XX | Philosophy & Feminism | |
PHIL009 | Phil, Race, and Diversity | PHL2XX | Phil, Race, and Diversity | |
PHIL010 | Crit Think | PHL222 | Critical Thinking | |
PHIL011 | Phil, Science, and Truth | PHL2XX | Phil, Sci, and Truth | |
PHIL012 | Symbolic Logic | PHL231 | Logic | |
PHIL013 | Phil, Nature, and the Environm | PHL240 | Environmentl Ethics | |
PHIL014 | Love and Sex | PHL1XX | Love and Sex | |
PHIL083S | First-Year Seminar in Philos | PHL2XX | First-Yr Sem in Philosophy | |
PHIL1 | Basic Prob of Phil | PHL221 | Intro Philosophy | |
PHIL100 | Meaning/Exist | PHL221 | Intro Philosophy | |
PHIL103 | Intro Ethics | PHL341 | Ethics | |
PHIL103W | Intro Ethics | PHL341 | Ethics | |
PHIL104 | Prof Ethics | PHL342 | Ethics/Workplace | |
PHIL105 | Philosophy of Law | PHL347 | Philosophy of Law | |
PHIL106 | Intro Bus Ethics | PHL1XX | Intro Bus Ethics | |
PHIL108 | Intro Soc Pol Phil | PHL1XX | Intro Soc Pol Phil | |
PHIL124 | Phil and Relg | PHL383 | Philos Of Religion | |
PHIL126W | Intro Metaphysics | PHL2XX | Intro Metaphysics | |
PHIL132 | Intro Bioethics | PHL346 | Bioethics | |
PHIL200 | Ancient Philosophy | PHL2XX | Ancient Philosophy | |
PHIL202 | Modern Phil | PHL2XX | Modern Phil | |
PHIL203 | 19th Century Phil | PHL2XX | 19th Century Phil | |
PHIL204 | 20th Cent Phil | PHL2XX | 20th Cent Phil | |
PHIL212 | Symbolic Logic | PHL231 | Logic | |
PHIL233Z | Ethics/Technology | PHL2XX | Ethics/Technology | |
PHIL405 | Philosophy of Law | PHL365 | Philosophy of Law | |
PHIL409 | Aesthetics | PHL351 | Intro Aesthetics | |
PHIL414 | Aesthetics | PHL351 | Intro Aesthetics | |
PHIL418 | Ethics | PHL341 | Ethics | |
PHIL418W | Ethics | PHL341 | Ethics | |
PHIL424 | Philosophy of Religion | PHL383 | Philos Of Religion | |
PHIL425 | Epistemology | PHL321 | Epistemology | |
PHIL425W | Epistemology | PHL321 | Epistemology | |
PHIL426 | Metaphysics | PHL331 | Metaphysics | |
PHIL426W | Metaphysics | PHL331 | Metaphysics | |
PHIL432 | Medical & Hlth Care Ethics | PHL350 | Bioethics | |
PHIL435 | Intrelatn of Sci, Phil, Relig | HUM242 | Science/Religion | |
PHIL438 | Feminist Philosophy | PHL380 | Feminist Thought | |
PHIL458 | Topics Contemp Philosophy | PHL361 | Contmp Philsophy | |
PHLOS301 | Approaches to Philosophy | PHL221 | Intro Philosophy | |
PHLOS305 | Logic | PHL231 | Logic | |
PHLOS345 | Ethics | PHL341 | Ethics | |
PHLOS415 | Aesthetics | PHL351 | Intro Aesthetics | |
PHLOS416 | Film Aesthetics | PHL3XX | Film Aesthetics | |
PHOTO100 | Intro Photo | ART1XX | Intro Photo | |
PHYBD400 | Interm Electricity and Magnet | PHY260 | Eng Phys:Elct/Magn | |
PHYS001 | Science of Phys | PSC1XX | Phys Sci Elect No Lab | |
PHYS150 | Technical Physics | PHY1XX | Physics Elective No Lab | |
PHYS151 | Technical Physics | PHY1XX | Physics Elective No Lab | |
PHYS200 | Intro Exper Physics | PHY161 | E Phys:Mech Lab | |
PHYS201 | General Physics | PHY160 | Eng Phys:Mechncs | |
PHYS201L | General Physics | PHY160 | Eng Phys:Mechncs | |
PHYS201P | General Physics | PHY160 | Eng Phys:Mechncs | |
PHYS201R | General Physics | PHY160 | Eng Phys:Mechncs | |
PHYS202 | General Physics | PHY260 | Eng Phys:Elct/Magn | |
PHYS202L | General Physics | PHY260 | Eng Phys:Elct/Magn | |
PHYS202P | General Physics | PHY260 | Eng Phys:Elct/Magn | |
PHYS202R | General Physics | PHY260 | Eng Phys:Elct/Magn | |
PHYS211 | Mechanics | PHY161 | E Phys:Mech Lab | |
PHYS211 | Mechanics | PHY160 | Eng Phys:Mechncs | |
PHYS211L | Gen Physics: Mech | PHY160 | Eng Phys:Mechncs | |
PHYS211P | General Physics: Mech | PHY160 | Eng Phys:Mechncs | |
PHYS211R | Gen Physics: Mech | PHY160 | Eng Phys:Mechncs | |
PHYS212 | Elect & Magnetism | PHY260 | Eng Phys:Elct/Magn | |
PHYS212L | Gen Phys:Elect & Magn | PHY260 | Eng Phys:Elct/Magn | |
PHYS212P | Gen Phys:Elect & Magnet | PHY260 | Eng Phys:Elct/Magn | |
PHYS212R | Gen Phys:Elect & Magnet | PHY260 | Eng Phys:Elct/Magn | |
PHYS213 | Fluids & Thermal Phy | PHY2XX | Physics Elective No Lab | |
PHYS214 | Wave Motion & Quan | PHY2XX | Physics Elective No Lab | |
PHYS215 | Intro Phys | PHY2XX | Intro Phys | |
PHYS240 | Conc of Phys | PHY2XX | Conc of Phys | |
PHYS250 | Intro Phys I | PHY110 | Gen Phys:Mech/Ht | |
PHYS251 | Intro Physics II | PHY112 | Gen Phys:Elc/Magn | |
PHYS251R | Intro Physics II | PHY112 | Gen Phys:Elc/Magn | |
PHYS297A | Honors Phys Astro | PHY2XX | Physics Elect No Lab | |
PHYS297C | Intro Phys w/Calc | PHY2XX | Intro Phys w/Calc | |
PL SC001 | Intr to Am Nat Gov | PS141 | American Governmnt | |
PL SC001 | Intr to Am Nat Gov | PS101 | Amer Gov/Citizenship | |
PL SC003 | Intro to Comp Pol | PS260 | Comparative Politics | |
PL SC007 | Political Ideol | PS1XX | Political Ideol | |
PL SC014 | Intl Relations | PS302 | International Rel | |
PL SC017W | Intro to Pol Theory | PS110 | Intro Poli Science | |
PL SC020 | Comparative Politics-West Euro | PS260 | Comparative Politics | |
PL SC083S | First-Year Seminar Pol Sci | PS1XX | First Year Sem Pol Sci | |
PL SC110 | Rights in Am | PS1XX | Rights in Am | |
PL SC130 | Amer Pol Campaigns | PS305 | Parties/Campgn/Elec | |
PL SC301 | Intro Political Analysis | PS262 | Scope/Methods | |
PL SC306H | Senior Thesis Writing Workshop | PS450 | Senior Seminar | |
PL SC403 | The Legislative Process | PS362 | The Congress | |
PL SC405 | The American Presidency | PS363 | The Presidency | |
PL SC408 | Intro to Political Research | PS262 | Scope/Methods | |
PL SC409 | Quantitative Political Analys | PS262 | Scope/Methods | |
PL SC426 | Political Parties & Int Groups | PS305 | Parties/Campgn/Elec | |
PL SC430 | Sel Wks In the Hist of Pol Th | PS369 | Modern Pol Thought | |
PL SC435 | Found of American Pol Theory | PS361 | Amer Polit Thought | |
PL SC439 | Terrorism | PS4XX | Terrorism | |
PL SC442 | American Foreign Policy | PS303 | Amer Foreign Policy | |
PL SC454 | Govt and Politics of Africa | PS243 | Govt/Pol Africa | |
PL SC458 | Govt and Politics of East Asia | PS244 | Govt/Pol East Asia | |
PLSC001 | Intr to Am Nat Gov | PS101 | Amer Gov/Citizenship | |
PLSC014 | Intnatl Relations | PS102 | Contemp Global Iss | |
PLSC017 | Intro to Pl Theory | PS110 | Intro Poli Science | |
PLSC20 | Comp Pl-West Eur | PS1XX | Comp Pl-West Eur | |
PLSC210N | Rights in America | PS2XX | Rights in America | |
PLSC222N | Politics and Female Athletes | PS2XX | Politics and Female Athletes | |
PLSC3 | Comp Politics | PS260 | Comparative Politics | |
PPEM300 | Hort Crop Diseases | BIO3XX | Biology Elective no lab | |
PSU16 | Sci 1st-yr smr | FYS1XX | Sci 1st-yr Smr | |
PSU3 | Altoona 1st-Yr Smr | FYS1XX | Altoona 1st-Yr Smr | |
PSU6 | Bus 1st-Yr Smr | FYS1XX | Bus 1st-Yr Smr | |
PSU8 | Unv Col 1st-Yr Smn | FYS1XX | Unv Col 1st-Yr Smn | |
PSU9 | Comm 1st-Yr Smn | FYS1XX | Comm 1st Yr-Smn | |
PSY002 | Psychology | PSY100 | General Psychology | |
PSY037 | Mental Health | PSY1XX | Mental Health | |
PSY201W | Basic Methods Psy | PSY2XX | Basic Methods Psy | |
PSY213 | Devl Psychology | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop | |
PSY221 | Intro Cog Psy | PSY2XX | Intro Cog Psy | |
PSY231 | Industrial Psy | PSY2XX | Industrial Psy | |
PSY238 | Intro Person Psy | PSY2XX | Intro Person Psy | |
PSY407 | Behavior Genetics | PSY4XX | Behavior Genetics | |
PSY412 | Abnormal Psy | PSY230 | Abnormal Psych | |
PSY438 | Theory of Personality | PSY440 | Personality | |
PSYC301W | Basic Research Methods in Psych | PSY270 | Design and Analysis I | |
PSYC405 | Child Dev | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop | |
PSYC405 | Child Dev | PSY4XX | Child Dev | |
PSYC406 | Adolescence | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop | |
PSYC415 | Abnorm Psy | PSY230 | Abnormal Psych | |
PSYCH100 | Intro Psychology | PSY100 | General Psychology | |
PSYCH200 | Elem Stat Psych | PSY271 | Design Analysis II | |
PSYCH212 | Devl Psychology | PSY2XX | Devl Psychology | |
PSYCH212 | Devl Psychology | NUR201 | Nursing HD/HC | |
PSYCH221 | Intr to Soc Psychology | PSY243 | Social Psychology | |
PSYCH230 | Intro to Psy Relig | PSY2XX | Intro to Psy Relig | |
PSYCH231 | Intro Psy Gender | WGS2XX | Intro Psy Gender | |
PSYCH232 | Crs Cul Psy | PSY2XX | Crs Cul Psy | |
PSYCH238 | Intro Person Psy | PSY2XX | Intro Person Psy | |
PSYCH243 | Intr Welbe Pos Psy | PSY2XX | Intr Welbe Pos Psy | |
PSYCH256 | Intro Cog Psy | PSY2XX | Intro Cog Psy | |
PSYCH260 | Neur Hum Behav | PSY2XX | Neur Hum Behav | |
PSYCH270 | Intro Abnorm Psych | PSY230 | Abnormal Psych | |
PSYCH301 | Basic Methods in Psychology | PSY270 | Design Analysis I | |
PSYCH414 | Soc & Pers Dev | PSY4XX | Soc & Pers Dev | |
PSYCH470 | Abnormal Psych | PSY330 | Adult Psychopathlgy | |
PSYCH471 | Psy Adj & Soc Rel | PSY4XX | Psy Adj & Soc Rel | |
PT100S | Intro to PTA-FYS | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
PT120 | Hum Mus Function | SPM1XX | Hum Mus Function | |
PT271W | Pathophysiology I | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
PT272 | Pathophysiology II | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
PT384 | Applied Kinesiology | SPM3XX | Applied Kinesiology | |
PUBPL301 | Am Pol System | PS3XX | Am Pol System | |
PUBPL304 | Pub Pl Anyl | PS3XX | Pub Pl Anyl | |
PUBPL409 | Pol of Legis | PS4XX | Pol of Legis | |
PUBPL410 | Women in Politics | PS4XX | Women in Politics | |
PUBPL411 | Comparative Govt | PS260 | Comparative Politics | |
PUBPL420 | Const Law | PS4XX | Const Law | |
PUBPL441 | Cmptr Appl in Pub | IFS1XX | Cmptr Appl in Pub | |
QBA801 | El Bus Stat | QBA260 | Business Statistics | |
QUANT310 | Math Methods Soc & Man Sci | QBA310 | Management Science | |
R P M120 | Leisure/Human Beh | REC101 | Recreation/Leisure | |
R P M201 | Cmptr Appl Rec Ser | REC2XX | Cmptr Appl Rec Ser | |
RL ST001 | World Religions | REL265 | World Religions | |
RL ST004 | Jewish & Christian | REL1XX | Jewish & Christian | |
RL ST083S | 1st Year Sem | REL1XX | 1st Year Sem | |
RL ST101 | Comp Religion | REL1XX | Comp Religion | |
RL ST103 | Intro to Hinduism | REL1XX | Intro to Hinduism | |
RL ST105 | Buddhism in West | REL1XX | Buddhism in West | |
RL ST108 | Muhammad & Quran | REL1XX | Muhammad & Quran | |
RL ST110 | Hebrew Bible: Old Testament | REL270 | Trad/Cult Judaism | |
RL ST111 | Early Judaism | REL1XX | Early Judaism | |
RL ST120 | New Testament | REL275 | Trad/Cult Chrstnty | |
RL ST124 | Early Christianity | REL275 | Trad/Cult Chrstnty | |
RL ST137 | Women and Religion | REL1XX | Women and Religion | |
RL ST140 | RL In Am Life | REL369 | Amer Rel Thght/Cult | |
RL ST140W | Rl in Am Life | REL369 | Amer Rel Thght/Cult | |
RL ST422 | Rl & Am Cult | REL369 | Amer Rel Thght/Cult | |
RLST001 | World Religions | REL265 | World Religions | |
RLST120 | New Testament | REL1XX | New Testament | |
RPTM101 | Intro Recr Serv | REC1XX | Intro Recr Serv | |
RPTM120 | Leisure/Human Beh | REC101 | Recreation/Leisure | |
RPTM210 | Comm Recr/Tourism | REC2XX | Comm Recr/Tourism | |
RPTM236 | Ldrsp/Grp Dynamics | REC2XX | Ldrsp/Grp Dynamics | |
RPTM297C | Use | HSP2XX | Use | |
RUS100 | Cult & Civ | INT147 | Intro Russia | |
S T S100 | Ascent of Humanity | BEH1XX | Ascent of Humanity | |
S T S130H | World Food Prob | BEH1XX | World Food Prob | |
S T S201 | Clm Ch/Energy/Biod | BEH2XX | Clm Ch/Energy/Biod | |
S T S233 | Ethics/Tech | PHL2XX | Ethics/Tech | |
S T S408 | Cult Found Comm | CM3XX | Cult Found Comm | |
SC497A | Basic Sc & Disease | BIO1XX | Biology Elective No Lab | |
SCLSC320 | Intro Statistics | BEH260 | Statistics | |
SCLSC320 | Intro Statistics | QBA260 | Business Statistics | |
SCLSC320 | Intro Statistics | MAT250 | Statistics | |
SCM200 | Intro to Stats for Bus | QBA260 | Business Statistics | |
SCM301 | Sup Chn Mgmt | SCM3XX | Sup Chn Mgmt | |
SCM320 | Transport Systems | SCM340 | Logistics Management | |
SCM445 | Operations Planning & Control | SCM480 | Prod Plan and Control | |
SCM460 | Purchas and Materials Mngmnt | SCM310 | Purchasing Management | |
SOC001 | Intro Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology | |
SOC001W | Intro Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology | |
SOC003 | Intro Social Psy | PSY243 | Social Psychology | |
SOC005 | Social Problems | SOC220 | Am Social Problems | |
SOC007 | Methodology of Soc | SOC1XX | Methodology of Soc | |
SOC012 | Criminology | SOC1XX | Criminology | |
SOC013 | Juv Delinquency | CJA110 | Juvenile Delinquncy | |
SOC015 | Urban Sociology | SOC1XX | Urban Sociology | |
SOC030 | Soc of Family | SOC225 | The Family | |
SOC103 | Racism and Sexism | SOC1XX | Racism and Sexism | |
SOC110 | Soc of Gender | SOC1XX | Soc of Gender | |
SOC119 | Race & Ethnic Rel | SOC1XX | Race & Ethnic Rel | |
SOC119N | Race, Ethnicity, & Culture | SOC1XX | Race, Ethnicity, & Culture | |
SOC405 | Soc Theory | SOC4XX | Soc Theory | |
SOC406 | Soc of Deviance | SOC4XX | Soc of Deviance | |
SOC416 | Soc of Ed | SOC4XX | Soc of Ed | |
SOC432 | Soc Movements | SOC4XX | Soc Movements | |
SOC497D | Soc of Media | SOC4XX | Soc of Media | |
SOCIO384 | Social Problems | SOC3XX | Social Problems | |
SOCIO430 | Social Change | SOC4XX | Social Change | |
SOCIO486 | Substances in Soc | SOC4XX | Substances in Soc | |
SOILS101 | Intro Soil Sci | BIO1XX | Biology Elect No Lab | |
SPAN001 | Elementary Spanish I | SPN101 | Elem Spanish I | |
SPAN002 | Elementary Spanish II | SPN102 | Elem Spanish II | |
SPAN003 | Inmd Spanish | SPN201 | Inter Spanish I | |
SPAN010 | Intensive Span | SPN101 | Elem Spanish I | |
SPAN010 | Intensive Span | SPN102 | Elem Spanish II | |
SPAN020 | Intensive Span | SPN201 | Inter Spanish I | |
SPAN020 | Intensive Span | SPN202 | Inter Spanish II | |
SPAN100 | Intermed Grammar & Comp | SPN1XX | Intermed Gram & Comp | |
SPAN110 | Intermed Conversation | SPN205 | Inter Spanish Conv | |
SPAN130 | Iberian Civil | INT1XX | Iberian Civil | |
SPAN131 | Ibero-Am Civil | INT1XX | Ibero-Am Civil | |
SPAN131 | Ibero-Am Civil | INT1XX | Ibero-Am Civil | |
SPAN131Y | Ibero-Am Civil | INT1XX | Ibero-Am Civil | |
SPAN200 | Inten Gram Comp | SPN2XX | Inten Gram Comp | |
SPAN200 | Inten Gram Comp | SPN202 | Inter Spanish II | |
SPAN215 | Intro Span Ling | SPN2XX | Intro Span Ling | |
SPAN300 | Adv Grammer & Comp | SPN301 | Adv Oral/Writ Span | |
SPAN397 | Special Topics | SPN3XX | Special Topics | |
SPAN410 | Adv Oral Express | SPN4XX | Adv Oral Express | |
SPAN497 | Special Topics | SPN4XX | Special Topics | |
SPAN499 | Span Foreign Study | SPN4XX | Span Foreign Study | |
SPCH200 | Effective Speech | CM104 | Human Communicatn | |
SPCOM083S | First Year Seminar in Spch Com | CM104 | Human Communicatn | |
SPCOM100 | Effective Speech | CM104 | Human Communicatn | |
SPCOM100A | Effective Speech | CM212 | Public Speaking | |
SPCOM100B | Effective Speech | CM104 | Human Communicatn | |
SPCOM100C | Effective Speech | CM104 | Human Communicatn | |
SPCOM100S | Effective Speech | CM104 | Human Communicatn | |
SPCOM101 | Intro to Human Comm | CM206 | Communicatn Theory | |
SPCOM126 | Developmental Listening | CM1XX | Developmental Listening | |
SPCOM150 | Persuasion and Propaganda | CM327 | Persuasion | |
SPCOM200 | Eff Speech | CM104 | Human Communicatn | |
SPCOM201 | Rhetorical Theory | CM207 | Rhetoric/Publc Addr | |
SPCOM203 | Interpersonal Comm | CM329 | Interpersonal Comm | |
SPCOM230 | Intro to Comm Theory | CM206 | Communicatn Theory | |
SPCOM301 | Argumentation | CM310 | Argumentatn/Debate | |
SPCOM312 | Inform, Tech, and Presentat Sp | CM212 | Public Speaking | |
SPCOM313 | Persuasive Speaking | CM212 | Public Speaking | |
SPCOM321 | Rhetoric and Law | CM207 | Rhetoric/Publc Addr | |
SPCOM350 | Small Group Comm | CM304 | Group Discussion | |
SPCOM352 | Speech Comm in Organizations | CM328 | Organztnl Communication | |
SPCOM395 | Forensics Practicum | CM100 | Public Spkng Pr I | |
SPCOM401 | Speech Comm Research Methods | CM402 | Communicatn Seminar | |
SPCOM440W | Systems and Theories Hum Comm | CM206 | Communicatn Theory | |
SPCOM450W | Group Comm Theory | CM304 | Group Discussion | |
SPCOM452 | Organizational Comm | CM328 | Organztnl Communication | |
SPCOM460 | Foundations of Rhet Theory | CM207 | Rhetoric/Publc Addr | |
SPCOM470 | Nonverbal Comm | CM222 | Nonverbal Comm | |
SPCOM475 | Studies in Public Persuasion | CM327 | Persuasion | |
SPCOM497 | Special Topics | CM3XX | Special Topics | |
SPCOM497A | Mass Media & Vilnc | CM3XX | Mass Media & Vilnc | |
SPLED105 | Orient Excep Child | SPE1XX | Orient Excep Child | |
SPLED295 | Exp Excep Child | SPE2XX | Exp Excep Child | |
SPLED395W | Obser Excep Lrnrs | SPE3XX | Obser Excep Lrnrs | |
SPLED400 | Teach Except Stud in Gen Ed Se | SPE4XX | Teach Except Stud in Gen Ed | |
SPLED401 | Ed Adj for Ex Ch | SPE3XX | Ed Adj for Ex Ch | |
SPLED425 | Excep Children | SPE4XX | Excep Children | |
SRA111 | Intro to SRA | CCJ1XX | Intro to SRA | |
SRA111S | Intro to SRA | CJA1XX | Intro to SRA | |
SRA211 | Threat & Terr & Crime | CJA2XX | Threat & Terror & Crime | |
SRA221 | Overview of Info Sec | IFS2XX | Overview of Info Sec | |
SRA231 | Decision Theory | CJA2XX | Decision Theory | |
SRA311 | Risk Assessment | CJA3XX | Risk Assessment | |
SRA321 | Rol of Inf & Int | CJA3XX | Rol of Inf & Int | |
STAT100 | Stat Concepts | MAT250 | Statistics | |
STAT200 | Elem Statistics | MAT250 | Statistics | |
STAT200 | Elem Statistics | QBA260 | Data Driven Dec Making | |
STAT200 | Elem Statistics | BEH260 | Statistics | |
STAT250 | Biostatistics | BEH260 | Statistics | |
STAT318 | Elem Probability | MAT3XX | Elem Probability | |
STAT418 | Probability | MAT350 | Probability/Stats | |
STRNG120J | Violin Prim I | MUS108 | Violin | |
STRNG170J | Violin Prim II | MUS109 | Violin | |
THEA001 | Issues in Acad & Prof Theatre | THE1XX | Issues in Acad & Prof Thtr | |
THEA100 | Art of Theatre | THE154 | Introduction to Theatre | |
THEA100 | Art of Theatre | THE254 | Intro Theatre | |
THEA101S | The Theatrical Imagination | THE1XX | The Theatrical Imagination | |
THEA102 | Fundamentals of Acting | THE262 | Acting | |
THEA102 | Fundamentals of Acting | THE1XX | Fund of Acting | |
THEA103 | Fundamentals of Directing | THE1XX | Fund of Directing | |
THEA104 | Fund of Theatre Production | THE258 | Stagecraft | |
THEA105 | Intro to Theatre | THE254 | Intro Theatre | |
THEA110 | Playscript Analysis | THE1XX | Playscript Analysis | |
THEA112 | Intro to Music Theatre | THE1XX | Intro to Music Theatre | |
THEA113 | Musical Theatre Theory I | THE1XX | Musical Theatre Theory I | |
THEA114 | Music Theatre:Form and Analys | THE1XX | Music Theatre:Form & Anal | |
THEA120 | Acting I | THE262 | Acting | |
THEA146 | Basic Theatrical Makeup | THE1XX | Basic Theatrical Makeup | |
THEA150 | Fund of Design for the Theatre | THE1XX | Fun Design for Theatre | |
THEA160 | Intro to Costume Crafts | THE1XX | Intro to Costume Crafts | |
THEA170 | Intro to Stage Light Prod Tech | THE1XX | Intro Stage Light Prod Tech | |
THEA180 | Intro to Stagecraft | THE258 | Stagecraft | |
THEA189 | Theatre Production Practicum | THE350 | Theatre Pract I | |
THEA208S | Workshop: Thea Div | THE2XX | Workshop: Thea Div | |
THEA220 | Acting II | THE355 | Advanced Acting | |
THEA221 | Acting III | THE355 | Advanced Acting | |
THEA282 | Production Practicum | THE258 | Stagecraft | |
THEA289 | Theatre Prod Practicum | THE350 | Theatre Pract I | |
THEA412 | Afr Amer Theatre | THE4XX | Afr Amer Theatre | |
VBSC101 | Careers in Vet Med | NPE1XX | Careers in Vet Med | |
WMNST001 | Intro Wmn Studies | WGS200 | Women/Gender Studies | |
WMNST003 | Wmn, Hmnts & Arts | WGS200 | Women/Gender Stud | |
WMNST100 | Women/Gender Studies | WGS200 | Women/Gender Stud | |
WMNST103 | Racism & Sexism | WGS238 | Race,Gender,Sex | |
WMNST104 | Women & Amer Exp | WGS342 | Women In US History | |
WMNST106N | Wmn Gender Arts | WGS1XX | Wmn Gender Arts | |
WMNST194 | Women Writers | LIT382 | Women Writers | |
WMNST301N | Sex/Gender/Power | WGS3XX | Sex/Gender/Power | |
WMNST83S | First Year Sem | WGS1XX | First Year Sem |
Point Park University | York College of Pennsylvania | ||
AMGT260 | Production Management | ART2XX | Production Management |
ART100 | Intro to Visual Arts | ART101 | Art/Visual Culture |
ART295 | Concepts Rendering Theatre | THE2XX | Concepts Rend Theatre |
BIOL101 | Gen Biology I | BIO150 | Biology I |
BIOL101 | General Biology I | BIO142 | Molecule/Gene/Cell |
BIOL101 | Gen Biology I | BIO1XX | Biology Elect No Lab |
BIOL102 | Gen Biology II | BIO152 | Biology II |
BIOL102 | Gen Biology II | BIO1XX | Biology Elect No Lab |
BIOL243 | Public Health | BIO2XX | Biology Elect No Lab |
BMGT101 | Intro to Business | BUS150 | Intro to Business |
BMGT205 | Prin of Marketing | MKT100 | Prin Marketing |
BMGT207 | Human Resources Mgmt | MGT220 | Human Resource Mgt |
BMGT234 | Ethical Leadership | PHL342 | Professional Ethics |
BMGT271 | The Money Thing: Life & Financ | FIN2XX | The Money Thing: Life & Financ |
CHEM101 | Gen Chem I | CHM134 | Gen Chem I |
CHEM101 | Gen Chem I | CHM1XX | Chemistry Elect No Lab |
CMPS110 | Intro to Comp | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
CMPS111 | Information Literacy | IFS1XX | Information Literacy |
CMPS114 | Problm Solv with Info | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
COMM101 | Oral Comm and Pres | CM212 | Public Speaking |
COPA250 | Arts & Hum Exp | HUM2XX | Arts & Hum Exp |
COPA251 | Arts & Hum Exp | HUM2XX | Arts & Hum Exp |
COPA295 | Hitchcock, The Director | FLM2XX | Hitchcock, The Director |
DANC106 | Folk Dance I | PE1XX | Folk Dance I |
DANC107 | Character of Dance I | PE1XX | Character of Dance I |
DANC109 | Elem of Prod | PE1XX | Elem of Prod |
DANC111 | Jazz Dance I | PE1XX | Jazz Dance I |
DANC112 | Jazz Dance II | PE1XX | Jazz Dance II |
DANC113 | Pointe I | PE1XX | Pointe I |
DANC114 | Pointe II | PE1XX | Pointe II |
DANC117 | Pas de Deux II | PE1XX | Pas de Deux II |
DANC118 | Modern Dance I | PE117 | Modern Dance |
DANC121 | Classical Ballet I | PE1XX | Classical Ballet I |
DANC122 | Classical Ballet II | PE1XX | Classical Ballet II |
DANC130 | Prod/Reh/Perf | PE1XX | Prod/Reh/Perf |
DANC150 | Body Alignment I | PE1XX | Body Alignment I |
DANC211 | Jazz Dance III | PE2XX | Jazz Dance III |
DANC213 | Pointe III | PE2XX | Pointe III |
DANC214 | Pointe IV | PE2XX | Pointe IV |
DANC216 | Pas de Deux III | PE2XX | Pas de Deux III |
DANC217 | Pas de Deux IV | PE2XX | Pas de Deux IV |
DANC221 | Classical Ballet III | PE2XX | Classical Ballet III |
DANC222 | Classical Ballet IV | PE2XX | Classical Ballet IV |
DANC240 | Elect Studies Jazz I | PE2XX | Elect Studies Jazz I |
DANC280 | Dance Comp I | PE2XX | Dance Comp I |
ECON201 | Prin of Econ/Macro | ECO200 | Prin Econ-Macro |
ECON202 | Principles of Econ/Microecon | ECO201 | Prin Econ-Micro |
ENGL101 | College Composition | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm |
ENGL150 | English Composition | WRT102 | Analytical Read/Writ |
ENGL150 | English Composition I | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm |
ENGL151 | English Comp II | WRT202 | Academic Writing |
ENGL214 | Prof & Bus Wrt | WRT210 | Writng/Prof Culturs |
ENGL250 | World Lit I | LIT2XX | World Lit I |
ENGL251 | World Lit II | LIT2XX | World Lit II |
HIST150 | Intro Study of Hist | HIS1XX | Intro Study of Hist |
HUMA150 | University Exper | HUM1XX | Univ Exper |
INTL101 | Intelligence & Security Prin | CJA1XX | Intelligence & Security Prin |
INTL102 | Intelligence Tradecraft Tech | CJA1XX | Intelligence Tradecraft Tech |
JOUR101 | Intro Mass Comm | CM211 | Mass Communication |
JOUR103 | Visual Comm Design | ART134 | Concpts Comp Grhcs |
JOUR150 | Journ Writing & Editing | CM271 | Print Media Writing |
JOUR204 | Intro Black & White Photo | ART245 | Photography I |
JOUR206 | Intro Advertising & PR | CM2XX | Advertising & PR |
JOUR306 | Social Media | CM3XX | Social Media |
MATH150 | Math Experience | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv |
MATH155 | Gen Math | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv |
MATH155 | Gen Math | MAT1XX | Gen Math |
MATH165 | Basic Algebra | MAT102 | Prelim Math/Prob Solv |
MATH175 | Elem Statistics | QBA260 | Data Driven Dec Making |
MATH175 | Elem Statistics | BEH260 | Statistics |
MATH175 | Elem Statistics | MAT250 | Statistics |
MATH180 | College Algebra | MAT105 | College Algebra |
MUS101 | Music Appr | MUS200 | Music Appreciation |
MUS106 | Piano Class | MUS103 | Piano |
NSET101 | Intro Nat Sci | NPE1XX | Intro Nat Sci |
NSET110 | Intro to Nat Sci | ESS1XX | Earth Sci Elective No Lab |
NSET111 | Intro to Natural Sci | ESS1XX | Earth Sci Elective No Lab |
PHIL215 | World Religions | REL265 | World Religions |
PHOT204 | Intro to B & W Photography I | ART245 | Photography I |
PHOT205 | Intro to Dig Photography | ART246 | Digital Photography |
POLS150 | Intro to Study of Government | PS100 | Intro Political Sci |
POLS205 | World Geography | G243 | Intro Geography |
POLS250 | Intro to Government | PS101 | Amer Gov/Citizenship |
PSYC101 | Gen Psychology | PSY100 | General Psychology |
PSYC150 | Psychological Found | PSY100 | General Psychology |
PSYC151 | Theor Found in Psychology | PSY100 | General Psychology |
PSYC201 | Crit Thinking in Psych | PSY2XX | Crit Think in Psych |
SAEM101 | Intro to the SAE Business | BUS1XX | Intro to SAE Business |
SAEM152 | Business of Live Entertainment | BUS2XX | Business of Live Entertainment |
SAEM202 | Marketing & Promotion for SAEM | MKT2XX | Marketing & Promotion for SAEM |
SAEM250 | Career Prep | BUS2XX | Career Prep |
SOC101 | Intro to Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology |
SOC111 | World Cultures | SOC1XX | World Cultures |
SOC150 | Sociological Found | SOC100 | Intro Sociology |
SPAN101 | Elem Spanish I | SPN101 | Elem Spanish I |
THEA101 | Tech of Acting I | THE262 | Acting |
THEA103 | Intro to Draf | THE1XX | Intro to Draf |
THEA106 | Intro to Stag | THE1XX | Intro to Stag |
THEA107 | Fundamentals of Design | THE1XX | Fund of Design |
THEA109 | Elements of Stagecraft | THE258 | Stagecraft |
THEA110 | Elements of Stagecraft | THE1XX | Elements of Stagecraft |
THEA111 | Intro to Acting | THE262 | Acting |
THEA114 | Stage Movement I | THE1XX | Stage Movement I |
THEA140 | Production I | THE1XX | Production I |
THEA195 | Sp Topics: Production | THE1XX | Sp Topics: Production |
THEA200 | Script Analysis Tech Theatre | THE2XX | Script Analysis Tech Theatre |
THEA215 | Costume Design | THE2XX | Costume Design |
THEA216 | Costume Design | THE2XX | Costume Design |
THEA217 | Decoration and Ornamentation | THE2XX | Decoration & Ornamentation |
THEA218 | Decoration & Ornamentation | THE2XX | Decoration & Ornamentation |
THEA225 | History of Theatre I | THE2XX | History of Theatre I |
THEA226 | History of Theatre I | THE354 | History of Theatre |
THEA227 | Lighting Design | THE2XX | Lighting Design |
THEA228 | Lighting Design | THE2XX | Lighting Design |
THEA231 | Stage Design | THE2XX | Stage Design |
THEA232 | Stage Design | THE2XX | Stage Design |
THEA233 | CAD/CAM for the Thea | THE2XX | CAD/CAM for the Thea |
THEA234 | CAD/CAM for Theatre II | THE2XX | CAD/CAM for Theatre II |
THEA241 | Production/Rehearsal | THE2XX | Production/Rehearsal |
THEA262 | Carpentry for the Theatre | THE2XX | Carpentry for the Theatre |
THEA263 | Electricity for the Theatre | THE2XX | Electricity for the Theatre |
THEA264 | Audio for the Theatre | THE2XX | Audio for the Theatre |
THEA295 | Advanced Stagecraft | THE258 | Stagecraft |
THEA314 | Stage Design | THE3XX | Stage Design |
THEA315 | Stage Design | THE3XX | Stage Design |
THEA325 | Found of Modern Drama | THE3XX | Found of Modern Drama |
THEA326 | Found of Modern Drama | THE3XX | Found of Modern Drama |
THEA327 | Lighting Design | THE3XX | Lighting Design |
THEA328 | Lighting Design | THE3XX | Lighting Design |
THEA340 | Production/Rehearsal | THE3XX | Production/Rehearsal |
UNIV101 | City-University Life | FYS100 | First Year Seminar |
Prince George Community College | York College of Pennsylvania | ||
ACC100 | Fund of Accounting | ACC1XX | Fund of Accounting |
ACC101 | Intro Acct I | ACC1XX | Intro Acct I |
ACC1010 | Prin Acct I | ACC1XX | Prin Acct I |
ACC1020 | Prin of Acct II | ACC220 | Financial Acct |
AFA1010 | Intro to African-Amer Studies | HUM1XX | Intro to African-Amer Studies |
ANT103 | Intro Cult Anthropology | ANT220 | Cult Anthropology |
ANT1030 | Intro Cult Anthropology | ANT220 | Cult Anthropology |
ARB1000 | Arabic for Beginners | ARB101 | Elem Arabic I |
ART101 | Intro to Art | ART101 | Intro Art Apprec |
ART1010 | Intro to Art | ART101 | Intro Art Apprec |
ART153 | Drawing I | ART215 | Drawing I |
ART1540 | Painting I | ART220 | Painting I |
ART156 | Photography I | ART245 | Photography I |
ART256 | Photography II | ART295 | Photography II |
ART2730 | Integrated Arts | ART2XX | Integrated Arts |
BIO101 | General Biology I | BIO110 | General Biology |
BIO1010 | General Biology | BIO205 | Exp Biology Lab |
BIO1010 | General Biology | BIO142 | Molecule/Gene/Cell |
BIO1010 | General Biology | BIO204 | Exploring Biology |
BIO105 | Hum Anat & Phys | BIO220 | Human A/P I |
BIO106 | Human Anat & Phys II | BIO222 | Human A/P II |
BIO1100 | Intro Forensic Biol | BIO1XX | Intro Forensic Biol |
BIO1110 | Environ Biology | BIO1XX | Biology Elect No Lab |
BIO1110 | Environ Biology | BIO212 | Environmntl Bio |
BIO1130 | Prin of Bio: Evol | BIO152 | Biology II |
BIO1140 | Prin of Biology: Cell | BIO150 | Biology I |
BIO115 | Basic Nutrition | NUR202 | Nutrition |
BIO201 | Microbiology | BIO230 | Microbiology |
BIO2010 | Microbiology | BIO230 | Microbiology |
BIO2012 | Microbiology | BIO230 | Microbiology |
BIO205 | Hum Anat & Phys I | BIO220 | Human A/P I |
BIO2050 | Hum Anat & Phys I | BIO220 | Human A/P I |
BIO206 | Hum Anat & Phys II | BIO222 | Human A/P II |
BIO2060 | Hum Anat & Phys II | BIO222 | Human A/P II |
BIO291 | Cooperative Ed | BIO2XX | Biology Elective No Lab |
BMT1010 | Introduction to Business | BUS150 | Intro to Business |
BMT2610 | Hum Res Mgt | MGT220 | Human Resource Mgt |
BUS101 | Busi Organization | BUS1XX | Busi Organization |
BUS103 | Intro Accounting I | ACC1XX | Intro Accounting I |
CHM100 | Basic Chemistry | CHM1XX | Chemistry Elective No Lab |
CHM101 | General Chemistry I | CHM134 | Gen Chem I |
CHM1010 | Gen Chemistry I | CHM134 | Gen Chem I |
CHM102 | Gen Chem II | CHM1XX | Chemistry Elect No Lab |
CHM102 | Gen Chem II | CHM136 | Gen Chem II |
CHM1020 | General Chemistry II | CHM1XX | Chemistry Elective no lab |
CHM1020 | General Chemistry II | CHM136 | Gen Chem II |
CHM201 | Organic Chem I | CHM234 | Organic Chem I |
CIS101 | Comp Lit | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
CIS1010 | Comp Lit | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
CIS129 | Beg Microsoft Word | IFS1XX | Beg Microsoft Word |
CIS150 | Comp Lit | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
CIS152 | Intro Prog Logic | IFS1XX | Intro Prog Logic |
CJT151 | Intro to Criminal Justice | CJA101 | Intro Crim Justice |
CJT152 | Police Operations | CJA1XX | Police Operations |
CJT153 | Law Enforcement | CJA1XX | Law Enforcement |
CJT154 | Police Management | CJA1XX | Police Management |
CJT155 | Juvenile Delinquency | CJA110 | Juvenile Delinquncy |
CJT251 | Criminal Law | CJA2XX | Criminal Law |
CJT253 | Criminal Investigation | CJA2XX | Criminal Invest |
CJT254 | Criminal Evidence | CJA2XX | Criminal Evidence |
CJT255 | Criminalistics | CJA2XX | Criminalistics |
COM1010 | Foundations of Communi | CM206 | Communicatn Theory |
COM1090 | Interpersonal Communic | CM329 | Interpersonal Comm |
DPR150 | Intro Data Process | IFS1XX | Intro Data Process |
DPR154 | Computer Operations | IFS1XX | Computer Operations |
DPR156 | Computer Prog Cobol | IFS250 | Bus Data Processing |
DPR164 | Pascal Programming | IFS1XX | Pascal Programming |
DPR253 | Adv Program | IFS2XX | Adv Program |
DPR254 | Syst Anal & Project | IFS2XX | Syst Anal & Project |
DPR257 | Assembly Lang Coding | IFS2XX | Assembly Lang Coding |
ECN103 | Prin of Economics I | ECO200 | Prin Econ-Macro |
ECN1030 | Prin of Macroecon | ECO200 | Prin Econ-Macro |
EGL101 | Comp I: Expos Writing | WRT102 | Analytical Read/Writ |
EGL1010 | Comp I: Expository Wri | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm |
EGL102 | Comp II Intro to Lit | WRT202 | Academic Writing |
EGL1020 | Comp II: Writing About | WRT1XX | Comp II: Writing About |
EGL1040 | Media Writing | CM271 | Print Media Writing |
EGL132 | Bus Comm | WRT210 | Writng/Prof Culturs |
EGL203 | Brit Lit:19th/20th Cen | LIT284 | Brt Lit after 1750 |
EGL2070 | Amer Lit: 1880 to Pres | LIT282 | Amer Lit after 1885 |
EGL2150 | Intro Creative Wrt | WRT272 | Intro Creative Wrt |
EGL2230 | Child Lit | LIT2XX | Child Lit |
EGL241 | Myth, Legend, & Folklore | LIT2XX | Myth, Legend, & Folklore |
EGL2410 | Myth, Legend, Folklore | LIT2XX | Myth, Legend, Folklore |
EGR101 | Intro Engineering | EGR1XX | Intro Engineering |
ENGL1020 | Comp II: Writing About | WRT1XX | Comp II: Writing About |
FOS213 | Forensic Psychology | PSY2XX | Forensic Psychology |
FRN102 | French for Advanced Beg | FRN102 | Elem French II |
GEO1010 | Physical Geography | G151 | Intro to Physical Geo |
HIM1800 | Intro Med Term | HSC105 | Medical Terminology |
HLE115 | Pers & Comm Health | PE1XX | Phys Ed Elect |
HLE115 | Pers & Comm Health | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect |
HLE2000 | Appl Concepts Fitness/ | PAW234 | Well/Fitness/Life |
HLE2130 | First Aid Emerg | SPM205 | Responding/Emerg |
HLE221 | Human Sexuality | BEH2XX | Human Sexuality |
HLE2300 | Integrated Hlth & Phys | PAW1XX | Integrated Hlth & Phys |
HST1310 | Anicent Medieval | HIS101 | Foundation/West |
HST1320 | Modern History | HIS102 | West in the World |
HST141 | Hist of U.S. I | HIS111 | American Civ I |
HST1410 | History of the US I | HIS111 | American Civ I |
HST143 | History of U.S. II | HIS112 | American Civ II |
HST1510 | Hist of Af American | HIS1XX | Hist of Af Amer |
HST2100 | Hist of Women of Am | HIS2XX | Hist of Women of Am |
HUS1020 | Prof. Ethics in Human | HSV1XX | Prof. Ethics in Human |
INT1010 | Intro to Info Tech | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
INT1111 | Program Logic | IFS1XX | Program Logic |
INT1330 | Integrated Software Ap | IFS1XX | Integrated Software Ap |
INT2200 | Program Java | IFS2XX | Program Java |
INT2721 | Linux Oper Systems | IFS2XX | Linux Oper Sys |
LET151 | Intro Admin Justice | CJA101 | Intro Crim Justice |
MAT104 | Intermediate Algebra | MAT102 | Prelim Math/Prob Solv |
MAT1040 | Intermed Algebra | MAT102 | Prelim Math/Prob Solv |
MAT1050 | Elements of Numbers Op | MAT1XX | Elements of Numbers Op |
MAT1060 | Elements Geometry / Mea | MAT1XX | Elements Geometry / Mea |
MAT112 | Finite Math | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv |
MAT113 | Math for Lib Arts | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv |
MAT114 | Intro to Stats | QBA260 | Business Statistics |
MAT114 | Intro to Stats | BEH260 | Statistics |
MAT114 | Intro to Stats | MAT250 | Statistics |
MAT1140 | Intro to Stats | MAT250 | Statistics |
MAT1140 | Intro to Stats | BEH260 | Statistics |
MAT1140 | Intro to Stats | QBA260 | Business Stats I |
MAT1160 | Elements of Prob. and Stat | QBA260 | Data Driven Dec Making |
MAT1160 | Elements of Prob. and Stat | MAT250 | Statistics |
MAT1160 | Elements of Prob. and Stat | BEH260 | Statistics |
MAT134 | Trig with Appl to Tech | MAT105 | College Algebra |
MAT135 | College Alg | MAT105 | College Algebra |
MAT1350 | College Algebra | MAT105 | College Algebra |
MAT1360 | Trig/Analytic | MAT1XX | Trig/Analytic |
MAT137 | Precalculus | MAT108 | Precalculus |
MAT151 | Business Math I | MAT1XX | Business Math I |
MAT152 | Business Math II | MAT1XX | Business Math II |
MAT216 | Appl Calculus I | MAT120 | Applied Calculus |
MAT2160 | Appl Calculus I | MAT120 | Applied Calculus |
MAT217 | Appl Calculus II | MAT2XX | Appl Calculus II |
MAT241 | Calculus I for Sci & Engineer | MAT171 | Calculus I |
MAT242 | Calculus II for Sci & Engineer | MAT172 | Calculus II |
MAT2420 | Calculus II | MAT172 | Calculus II |
MGT101 | Intro to Business | BUS1XX | Intro to Business |
MGT1010 | Intro to Bus | BUS150 | Intro to Business |
MGT155 | Elem of Supervision | MGT1XX | Elem of Supervision |
MGT157 | Small Bus Mgt | MGT1XX | Small Bus Mgt |
MKG251 | Intro to Marketing | MKT100 | Prin Marketing |
MKG271 | Salesmanship | MKT2XX | Salesmanship |
MKG273 | Retail Bus Mgt | MKT2XX | Retail Bus Mgt |
MKG277 | Advertising | MKT2XX | Advertising |
MUS100 | Fund of Music Theory | MUS181 | Found Music Theory |
MUS1000 | Fund of Music Theory | MUS181 | Found Music Theory |
MUS101 | Music Appreciation | MUS200 | Music Appreciation |
MUS1010 | Music Appreciation | MUS186 | Listening to Music |
MUS1030 | Concert Choir | MUS1XX | Concert Choir |
MUS111 | Instrumental Ensemble | MUS1XX | Instrumental Ensemble |
MUS115 | Theory I | MUS182 | Music Theory I |
MUS1150 | Theory I | MUS182 | Music Theory I |
MUS116 | Theory II | MUS183 | Music Theory II |
MUS1160 | Theory II | MUS183 | Music Theory II |
MUS1210 | Class Piano | MUS140 | Piano Class |
MUS1250 | Sight Singing and Ear Tra | MUS184 | Aural Skills I |
MUS1290 | Applied Music: Voice I | MUS101 | Voice |
MUS1300 | Applied Music: Voice I | MUS1XX | Applied Music: Voice I |
MUS139 | Applied Music: Piano | MUS104 | Piano |
MUS140 | Appl Music: Piano | MUS104 | Piano |
MUS1500 | Intro Music Technology | MUS187 | Intro Music Tech |
MUS2520 | Digital Audio | CM226 | Audio Productn I |
NTR101 | Intro Nutrition | NUR202 | Nutrition |
NTR1010 | Intro Nutrition | NUR202 | Nutrition |
OAD129 | Beg Microsoft Word | IFS1XX | Beg Microsoft Word |
PAS1000 | First Year Experience | FYS1XX | First Year Experience |
PAS1030 | Plan for Acad Success | FYS1XX | Plan for Acad Success |
PED100 | Karate | PE1XX | Karate |
PED103 | Baseball Skills | PE1XX | Baseball Skills |
PED1030 | Beg/Adv Swimming | PAW120 | Beginning Swimming |
PHL101 | Intro Phil | PHL221 | Intro Philosophy |
PHL1010 | Intro Phil | PHL221 | Intro Philosophy |
PHL1090 | Intro to Logic | PHL231 | Logic |
PHL119 | Philosophic Ideas | PHL1XX | Philosophic Ideas |
PHY1010 | Intro to Physics I | PHY110 | Gen Phys:Mech/Ht |
PHY150 | Tech Phys Hlth Tech | PHY1XX | Tech Phys Hlth Tech |
POS101 | Amer National Govt | PS141 | American Governmnt |
POS1010 | American Natl Gov | PS141 | Am Gov: Institutions |
PSC101 | Intro to Astronomy | ESS1XX | Earth Sci Elective No Lab |
PSC1010 | Intro Astronomy | ESS1XX | Earth Sci Elect No Lab |
PSC1200 | Exploring Chem & Phys | NPE1XX | Exploring Chem & Phys |
PSC1210 | Explor Earth/Space Sci | EDU250 | Science Concepts/Ed |
PSY101 | General Psychology | PSY100 | General Psychology |
PSY1010 | Gen Psychology | PSY100 | General Psychology |
PSY2030 | Child Psychology | PSY2XX | Child Psychology |
PSY2060 | Educational Psychology | PSY2XX | Educational Psychology |
PSY207 | Hum Grwth & Dev | NUR201 | Nursing HD/HC |
PSY207 | Hum Grwth & Dev | PSY2XX | Hum Grwth & Dev |
PSY2070 | Hum Growth & Dev | PSY2XX | Hum Growth & Dev |
PSY2070 | Hum Growth & Dev | NUR201 | Nursing HD/HC |
PSY2080 | Abnormal Psychology | PSY230 | Abnormal Psych |
PSYC2510 | Criminal Law | CJA2XX | Criminal Law |
SOC101 | Intro to Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology |
SOC1010 | Intro to Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology |
SOC2010 | Social Problems | SOC220 | Am Social Problems |
SOC203 | Criminology | SOC320 | Criminology |
SPH101 | Intro Speech Comm | CM104 | Human Communicatn |
SPH1010 | Intro to Speech | CM212 | Public Speaking |
SPH1050 | Group Comm & Lead | CM1XX | Group Comm & Lead |
SPH109 | Interpers Comm | CM329 | Interpersonal Comm |
SPH1090 | Interpersonal Comm | CM329 | Interpersonal Comm |
SPN1010 | Spanish for Beginners | SPN101 | Elem Spanish I |
SPN2010 | Intermed Spanish I | SPN201 | Inter Spanish I |
TED1100 | Prin/Pract Early Child | ECH230 | Early Child Theory |
TED1200 | Child Growth & Develop | PSY223 | Early Child Develp |
TED1300 | Meth/Mater in Early Ch | NPE1XX | Meth/Mater in Early Ch |
TED1400 | Intro to Multicultural | NPE1XX | Intro to Multicultural |
TED2000 | Foundations of Education | EDU200 | Found of Education |
TED2001 | Field Exp Foundation E | EDU2XX | Field Exp Foundation E |
TED2061 | Field Exp for Education | EDU2XX | Field Exp for Education |
TED2100 | Processes/Acquisition | ECH301 | Lit/Lang Young Child |
TED2350 | Early Childhood Spec | SPE250 | Professnl/Partners |
THE1010 | Introduction to Theatr | THE1XX | Introduction to Theatr |
Raritan Valley Community College | York College of Pennsylvania | ||
ACCT101 | Financial Accounting | ACC220 | Financial Acct |
ACCT102 | Acct II | ACC225 | Managerial Acct |
ACCT104 | Managerial Acct | ACC225 | Managerial Acct |
ANTH101 | Cult Anthropology | ANT220 | Cult Anthropology |
ANTH102 | Human Origins | ANT1XX | Human Origins |
ARTH101 | Art Appreciation | ART101 | Intro Art Apprec |
ARTH110 | Art History I | ART204 | Survey West Art I |
ARTH111 | Art History II | ART205 | Survey West Art II |
ARTH223 | History of Photography | ART2XX | Hist of Photography |
ARTS105 | 2-D Design | ART110 | Concepts of Design |
ARTS105 | 2-D Design | ART210 | Design I |
ARTS108 | 3-D Design | ART211 | Design II |
ARTS110 | Basic Drawing I | ART215 | Drawing I |
ARTS111 | Basic Drawing II | ART265 | Drawing II |
ARTS112 | Intro Digital Photography | ART247 | Digital Image |
ARTS113 | Audio Production | CM226 | Audio Productn |
ARTS132 | Color Theory | ART1XX | Color Theory |
ARTS211 | Acrylic & Oil Painting II | ART270 | Painting II |
ARTS212 | Still Photography I | ART245 | Photography I |
ARTS215 | Ceramics I | ART225 | Ceramics I |
ARTS246 | Graphic Design I | ART134 | Concpts Comp Grhcs |
ARTS247 | Graphic Design II | ART2XX | Graphic Design II |
ARTS248 | Comp Animation | ART2XX | Comp Animation |
ARTS252 | Portfolio Dev | ART2XX | Portfolio Dev |
ARTS261 | Light, Optics & Light | FLM1XX | Light, Optics & Light |
ARTS267 | Video Prod I | CM242 | Video Prodctn I |
ARTS271 | Illustration | ART2XX | Illustration |
ARTS274 | Web Page Des/Graph | ART2XX | Web Page Des/Graph |
ARTS275 | Digital Photography | ART246 | Digital Photography |
ASL101 | Intro Amer Sign Lang I | CM150 | Beg Sign Language |
BIOL101 | Gen Biology I | BIO150 | Biology I |
BIOL102 | Gen Biology II | BIO152 | Biology II |
BIOL111 | Prin of Biology | BIO204 | Exploring Biology |
BIOL111 | Prin of Biology | BIO110 | General Biology |
BIOL120 | Human Biology | BIO112 | Fund Human Bio |
BIOL124 | Hum Anat & Phys I | BIO220 | Human A/P I |
BIOL125 | Hum Anat & Phys II | BIO222 | Human A/P II |
BIOL133 | Principles of Microbiology | BIO230 | Microbiology |
BIOL142 | Intro to Nutrition | NUR202 | Nutrition |
BIOL145 | Wildflowers, Trees & Ferns | BIO120 | Field Nat Hist |
BIOL150 | Plants, Man & The Environment | BIO1XX | Plants, Man & The Environment |
BIOL151 | Human Biology | BIO112 | Fund Human Bio |
BUSI111 | Intro to Bus Admin | BUS150 | Intro to Business |
BUSI112 | Prin of Mgt | MGT150 | Prin of Management |
BUSI131 | Bus Law I | BUS260 | Legal Environment |
BUSI132 | Bus Law II | BUS360 | Bus/Commercial Law |
BUSI153 | Small Bus Mgt | MGT1XX | Small Bus Mgt |
BUSI154 | Intl Bus | IBS200 | Internatl Business |
BUSI161 | Bus Math | MAT1XX | Bus Math |
BUSI225 | Entrepren & Beyond | ENT150 | Intro Entrepreneur |
CHEM102 | Intro to Chemistry | CHM122 | Prin Gen/Org Chem |
CHEM103 | Gen Chem I | CHM134 | Gen Chem I |
CHEM104 | Gen Chem II | CHM136 | Gen Chem II |
CHEM211 | Organic Chem I | CHM234 | Organic Chem I |
CHEM212 | Organic Chem II | CHM236 | Organic Chem II |
CISY101 | Comp Fund | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
CISY102 | Computer Literacy | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
CISY105 | Found of Comp Science | CS1XX | Found of Comp Sci |
CISY113 | Desktop Comp | IFS1XX | Desktop Comp |
CISY114 | Interactive Multimedia | ART134 | Concpts Comp Grhcs |
CISY122 | Bus Computer Systems | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
CISY132 | Sys Analysis & Des | IFS1XX | Sys Analysis & Des |
CISY208 | Inter Multimedia II | IFS2XX | Inter Multimedia II |
CISY211 | Sys Dev & Impl | IFS2XX | Sys Dev & Impl |
CISY217 | Operating Sys | IFS2XX | Operating Sys |
CISY220 | Visual Basic | IFS160 | Visual Basic Progrm |
CISY221 | Adv Visual Basic | IFS2XX | Adv Visual Basic |
CISY225 | Web Page Dev I | IFS2XX | Web Page Dev I |
CISY238 | CLanguage | CS2XX | CLang |
CISY239 | Adv UNIX | IFS2XX | Adv UNIX |
CISY242 | Obj Oriented Prog C++ | CS2XX | Obj Oriented Prog C++ |
CISY254 | Data Structures | CS2XX | Data Structures |
CISY261 | Microcomputer Applications | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
CISY268 | Web Page Dev II | IFS2XX | Web Page Dev II |
COMM101 | Speech | CM212 | Public Speaking |
COMM101 | Speech | CM104 | Human Communicatn |
COMM102 | Intro Comm Theory | CM206 | Communicatn Theory |
COMM110 | Interpersonal Comm | CM329 | Interpersonal Comm |
COMM110 | Interpersonal Comm | CM104 | Human Communicatn |
COMM120 | Intro Mass Comm | CM211 | Mass Communication |
COMM201 | Intercult Communication | CM2XX | Intercult Comm |
COMM251 | Wrt for the Media | CM2XX | Wrt for the Media |
COMM251 | Wrt for the Media | CM332 | Media Writing |
COMM267 | Digital Video Narr & Doc | CM120 | Broadcast Perform I |
CRMJ101 | Intro to Criminal Justice | CJA101 | Intro Crim Justice |
CRMJ131 | Police and Community | CJA364 | Policing Communities |
CRMJ211 | Criminology | CJA2XX | Criminology |
CRMJ212 | Juvenile Delinquency | CJA110 | Juvenile Delinqncy |
CRMJ232 | Criminal Law | CJA2XX | Criminal Law |
CRMJ234 | Criminal Investigation | CJA2XX | Criminal Investigation |
DANC105 | Jazz Dance I | PE1XX | Jazz Dance I |
DANC106 | Jazz Dance II | PE1XX | Jazz Dance II |
DANC205 | Dance Prod I | PE2XX | Dance Prod I |
ECHD255 | Found Early Child Ed | EDU2XX | Found Early Child Ed |
ECHD280 | Field Exp Mult Cult | EDU2XX | Field Exp Mult Cult |
ECON101 | Macroeconomics | ECO200 | Prin Econ-Macro |
ECON102 | Microeconomics | ECO201 | Prin Econ-Micro |
EDUC212 | Found of Ed | EDU2XX | Found of Ed |
ENGL111 | English Composition I | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm |
ENGL112 | English Comp II | WRT1XX | English Comp II |
ENGL201 | Intro to Lit | LIT200 | Perspectives/Lit |
ENGL211 | Masterpieces in World Lit | LIT2XX | Masterpiece in World Lit |
ENGL212 | World Lit Since Ren | LIT2XX | World Lit Since Ren |
ENGL214 | Race in Amer Lit | LIT2XX | Race in Amer Lit |
ENGL221 | Am Lit Colonial Thr Civ War | LIT281 | Amer Lit to 1885 |
ENGL222 | Am Lit Post Civ War to Present | LIT282 | Amer Lit after 1885 |
ENGL224 | The Short Story | LIT291 | Short Story |
ENGL226 | Intro to Poetry | LIT343 | Exper of Poetry |
ENGL227 | Science Fiction | LIT2XX | Science Fiction |
ENGL228 | Psychology & Literature | LIT2XX | Psychology & Literature |
ENGL290 | Women in Lit | LIT382 | Women In Literature |
ENGL290 | Women in Lit | WGS382 | Women In Literature |
ENGR105 | Intro to Engineering | EGR1XX | Intro to Engineering |
ENGR107 | Engineering Graphics | EGR100 | Epads I |
ENGR108 | Intro Comp for Eng & Sci | EGR1XX | Intro Comp Eng & Sci |
ENGR132 | Eng Mechanics I | ME250 | Statics |
ENVI101 | Issues in Eviron Science | BIO1XX | Biology Elective No Lab |
ESTC110 | CAD I Comp Aided Drafting | EGR1XX | CAD I Comp Aided Drafting |
ETTC103 | Electronic Assembly | EGR1XX | Electronic Assembly |
FILM101 | Art of the Film | FLM1XX | Art of the Film |
FILM122 | The American Film | FLM1XX | The American Film |
FITN115 | Dynam of Fit & Well | PE134 | Concpts Phys Actvty |
FITN115 | Dynam of Fit & Well | PAW134 | Concpts Phys Actvty |
FITN129 | First Aid and CPR | SPM205 | Responding/Emerg |
FITN131 | Curr Hlth Iss | PE1XX | Phys Ed Elect |
FITN131 | Curr Hlth Iss | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect |
FITN143 | Yoga | PAW163 | Yoga |
FITN207 | Sports Management | SPM2XX | Sports Management |
FREN103 | Intro to French I | FRN101 | Elem French I |
FREN104 | Intro to French II | FRN102 | Elem French II |
GEOL157 | Introduction to Geology | ESS1XX | Intro to Geology |
HIST101 | World Civ I | HIS121 | World History I |
HIST102 | World Civ II | HIS122 | World History II |
HIST201 | Amer Civ I | HIS111 | American Civ I |
HIST202 | Amer Civ II | HIS112 | American Civ II |
HIST203 | Amer Since 1945 | HIS367 | Recent Amer/1945-Prs |
HIST246 | Civ War/Recon | HIS364 | Civil War & Reconstruction |
HLTH105 | Intro to Public Health | NPE1XX | Intro to Public Health |
HLTH107 | Pathophysiology | BIO1XX | Pathophysiology |
HLTH150 | Medical Term | BIO201 | Medical Terminology |
HUMN101 | Intro to Humanities I | HUM1XX | Intro to Humanities I |
HUMN102 | Intro to Humanities II | HUM1XX | Intro to Humanities II |
INTD209 | Using Tech for Res | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
INTD240 | Intro Spec Ed | SPE2XX | Intro Spec Ed |
ITAL101 | Intro to Italian I | ITL101 | Elem Italian I |
ITAL102 | Intro to Italian II | ITL102 | Elem Italian II |
MATH100 | Finite Math | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv |
MATH101 | Number Systems | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv |
MATH102 | Prob Solving Strat | MAT115 | Sets/Number Systems |
MATH105 | Contemp Math | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv |
MATH110 | Statistics I | QBA260 | Business Statistics |
MATH110 | Statistics I | BEH260 | Statistics |
MATH110 | Statistics I | MAT250 | Statistics |
MATH111 | Stats II | MAT1XX | Stats II |
MATH112 | Precalculus I | MAT1XX | Precalculus I |
MATH112 | Precalculus I | MAT108 | Precalculus |
MATH113 | Precalculus II | MAT108 | Precalculus |
MATH114 | Precalculus | MAT108 | Precalculus |
MATH151 | Calculus I | MAT171 | Calculus I |
MATH152 | Calculus II | MAT172 | Calculus II |
MATH222 | Statistics I | BEH260 | Statistics |
MATH222 | Statistics I | QBA260 | Business Statistics |
MATH222 | Statistics I | MAT250 | Statistics |
MRKT101 | Principles of Marketing | MKT100 | Prin Marketing |
MUSC101 | Fund of Music | MUS181 | Found Music Theory |
MUSC102 | Intro to Music | MUS200 | Music Appreciation |
MUSC103 | Rock N' Roll Hist & Cult | MUS288 | History Rock/Roll |
MUSC125 | Guitar Class I | MUS148 | Guitar Class |
MUSC190 | Dig Mus Comp I | MUS1XX | Dig Mus Comp I |
OPTH121 | Eye Anat & Phys | BIO1XX | Eye Anat & Phys |
PHED113 | Begin Tennis | PE159 | Tennis |
PHIL101 | Intro Philosophy | PHL221 | Intro Philosophy |
PHIL105 | Maj World Religions | REL265 | World Religions |
PHIL106 | Curr Moral & Soc Issues | PHL223 | Cont Moral Problems |
PHIL113 | Critical Thinking | PHL222 | Critical Thinking |
PHIL114 | Prof & Bus Ethics | PHL1XX | Prof & Bus Ethics |
PHYS101 | General Physics I | PHY110 | Gen Phys:Mech/Ht |
PHYS102 | General Physics II | PHY112 | Gen Phys:Elc/Magn |
PHYS112 | Concepts of Physics | PSC152 | Physical Sci I |
PHYS120 | Intro to Astronomy | ESS1XX | Earth Sci Elect No Lab |
PHYS150 | Eng Physics I | PHY160 | Eng Phys:Mechncs |
PHYS151 | Eng Physics II | PHY260 | Eng Phys:Elct/Magn |
PHYS250 | Eng Physics III | PHY162 | Eng Phys:Ht/Thermo |
POLI101 | Intro to Political Sci | PS1XX | Intro Pol Sci |
POLI121 | American Gov't & Politics | PS101 | Amer Gov/Citizenship |
POLI121 | Amer Govt & Politics | PS141 | American Govt |
PSYC103 | Intro to Psychology | PSY100 | General Psychology |
PSYC211 | Abnormal Psych | PSY230 | Abnormal Psych |
PSYC212 | Theories of Personality | PSY2XX | Theories of Personality |
PSYC213 | Educational Psych | EDU370 | Psych of Learning |
PSYC215 | Develop Psych | PSY2XX | Develop Psych |
PSYC215 | Develop Psych | NUR201 | Nursing HD/HC |
PSYC216 | Child Psychology | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop |
PSYC229 | Adolescent Psychology | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop |
SOCI101 | Intro to Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology |
SPAN103 | Intro Spanish I | SPN101 | Elem Spanish I |
SPAN104 | Intro Spanish II | SPN102 | Elem Spanish II |
SPAN105 | Intro to Spanish II w/Rev | SPN102 | Elem Spanish II |
SPAN201 | Int Spanish I | SPN201 | Inter Spanish I |
THEA103 | Intro to Theatre | THE254 | Intro Theatre |
Reading Area Community College | York College of Pennsylvania | ||
ACC100 | Personal Finance | ACC1XX | Personal Finance |
ACC105 | Financial Acct | ACC220 | Financial Acct |
ACC110 | Managerial Acct | ACC225 | Managerial Acct |
ANT140 | Cultural Anthropology | ANT220 | Cult Anthropology |
ANT245 | Culture and Religion | ANT2XX | Culture and Religion |
ART111 | Intro to Drawing | ART215 | Drawing I |
ASL100 | Amer Sign Lang I | CM150 | Beg Sign Language |
BIO120 | Biological Concepts | BIO204 | Exploring Biology |
BIO120 | Biological Concepts | BIO205 | Exp Biology Lab |
BIO140 | Essentials of Biology | BIO150 | Biology I |
BIO140 | Essentials of Biology | BIO143 | Mole/Gene/Cell Lab |
BIO140 | Essentials of Biology | BIO142 | Molecule/Gene/Cell |
BIO140 | Essentials of Biology | BIO151 | Biology I Lab |
BIO150 | Biology I | BIO150 | Biology I |
BIO155 | Biology II | BIO152 | Biology II |
BIO250 | Anatomy & Physiology I | BIO220 | Human A/P I |
BIO250 | Anatomy & Physiology I | BIO221 | Human A/P I Lab |
BIO255 | Anat & Phys II | BIO222 | Human A/P II |
BIO255 | Anat & Phys II | BIO223 | Hum A/P II Lab |
BIO280 | Microbiology | BIO231 | Microbio Lab |
BIO280 | Microbiology | BIO230 | Microbiology |
BUS100 | Intro to Business | BUS150 | Intro to Business |
BUS110 | Business Math | MAT1XX | Business Math |
BUS115 | Economics Survey | ECO1XX | Econ Survey |
BUS200 | Macroeconomics | ECO200 | Prin Econ-Macro |
BUS201 | Microeconomics | ECO201 | Prin Econ-Micro |
BUS220 | Prin of Marketing | MKT100 | Prin Marketing |
BUS230 | Business Law | BUS260 | Legal Environment |
CHE120 | Principles of Chemistry | CHM135 | Gen Chem I Lab |
CHE120 | Principles of Chemistry | CHM122 | Prin Gen/Org Chem |
CHE120 | Principles of Chemistry | CHM134 | Gen Chem I |
CHE120 | Principles of Chemistry | CHM123 | Gen/Org Chem Lab |
CHE150 | Chemistry I | CHM134 | Gen Chem I |
CHE150 | Chemistry I | CHM135 | Gen Chem I Lab |
CHE155 | Chemistry II | CHM136 | Gen Chem II |
CHE155 | Chemistry II | CHM137 | Gen Chem II Lab |
CIS110 | Microcomputer Appl | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
COM121 | English Composition | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm |
COM122 | English Comp (HNRS) | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm |
COM131 | Comp & Lit | WRT202 | Academic Writing |
COM131 | Composition & Literature | LIT200 | Perspectives/Lit |
COM132 | Comp & Lit | WRT202 | Academic Writing |
COM141 | Technical Writing | FCO215 | Tech/Scientfc Comm |
COM151 | Fund of Speech | CM212 | Public Speaking |
COM152 | Fund of Speech | CM212 | Public Speaking |
COM161 | Mass Media | CM211 | Mass Communication |
COM163 | Wrt for the Media | CM271 | Print Media Writing |
COM201 | Intro to Editing | WRT2XX | Intro to Editing |
COM215 | Creative Nonfiction | CRW373 | Creative Nonfiction |
COM221 | English Comp II | WRT2XX | English Comp II |
CSS103 | College Success Strat | FYS100 | First Year Seminar |
ECE115 | Integ Arts | EDU230 | Intro to the Arts |
ECE120 | Observation & Assess | EDU1XX | Observation & Assess |
ECE125 | Intro Early Child Ed | EDU1XX | Intro Early Child Ed |
ECE140 | Health Safety Nutr | EDU1XX | Health Safety Nutr |
ECE220 | Curr Dev & Instr | ECH220 | Instruct/Curric Dev |
ECE222 | Emerg Lit & Lang | ECH301 | Lit/Lang Young Child |
ECE260 | ECE Practicum | ECH230 | Early Child Theory |
ECE261 | Family & School Rel | ECH250 | Professionl/Partner |
EDU210 | Planning & Instruct | EDU2XX | Planning & Instruct |
EHR100 | Med Term/Healthcare Prof | BIO201 | Medical Terminology |
EHR100 | Med Term/Healthcare Prof | HSC105 | Medical Terminology |
ENG125 | Intro to Literature | LIT200 | Intro Lit & Text Stud |
ENV130 | The Environment | BIO1XX | Biology Elective No Lab |
ENV131 | The Environment (HNRS) | BIO1XX | The Environment |
HEA110 | Health | PAW1XX | Health |
HEA161 | Prin of Nutrition | NUR202 | Nutrition |
HIS110 | Hist of U.S. I | HIS111 | American Civ I |
HIS115 | Hist of U.S. II | HIS112 | American Civ II |
HIS120 | West Civ to 1600 | HIS101 | Western Civ I |
HIS125 | West Civ: 1600 to 1945 | HIS102 | Western Civ II |
HPE116 | Personal Fitness | PE134 | Concpts Phys Actvty |
HPE140 | Beg Swimming | PE120 | Beginning Swimming |
HUM111 | Intro to Drawing | ART215 | Drawing I |
HUM121 | Painting | ART220 | Painting I |
HUM201 | Art Appreciation | ART101 | Intro Art Apprec |
HUM221 | Music Appr | MUS200 | Music Appreciation |
HUM261 | Hist of Film | FLM220 | Film History |
HUM271 | Intro to Philosophy | PHL221 | Intro Philosophy |
HUM275 | Intro to Ethics | PHL341 | Ethics |
IFT100 | Intro Info Tech | IFS1XX | Intro Info Tech |
IFT110 | Microcomp Appl | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
LAW135 | Intro Crim Justice | CJA101 | Intro Crim Justice |
LAW140 | Criminal Law | CJA1XX | Criminal Law |
LAW250 | Crim Investigation | CJA2XX | Crim Investigation |
MAT110 | Algebra II | MAT102 | Prelim Math/Prob Solv |
MAT130 | Math for Allied Health | MAT1XX | Math for Allied Health |
MAT150 | Found of Math | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv |
MAT155 | Found of Math II | MAT1XX | Found of Math II |
MAT160 | College Algebra | MAT105 | College Algebra |
MAT165 | Trigonometry | MAT1XX | Trigonometry |
MAT180 | Pre-Calculus | MAT108 | Precalculus |
MAT210 | Statistics | BEH260 | Statistics |
MAT210 | Statistics | QBA260 | Business Statistics |
MAT210 | Statistics | MAT250 | Statistics |
MAT220 | Calculus I | MAT171 | Calculus I |
MAT221 | Calculus II | MAT172 | Calculus II |
MET101 | Fund of Shop Machinery | NPE1XX | Fund of Shop Machinery |
MET120 | Industrial Mechanics | NPE1XX | Industrial Mechanics |
MET130 | Industrial Electrical Systems | ECE1XX | Industrial Electrical Systems |
MET140A | Intro to Progm Logic Cntrls I | NPE1XX | Intro to Progm Logic Cntrls 1 |
MET140B | Intro to Progm Logic Cntrls II | NPE1XX | Intro to Prgm Logic Cntrls II |
MET150 | Industrial Mechanics Prg | NPE1XX | Industrial Mechanics Prg |
MET160 | Industrial Electrical Prg | ECE1XX | Industrial Electrical Prg |
MGT100 | Prin of Management | MGT150 | Prin of Management |
OFT100 | Personal Keyboarding | IFS1XX | Personal Keyboarding |
ORI102 | College Success Strat | FYS100 | First Year Seminar |
ORI103 | College Success Strat | FYS100 | First Year Seminar |
PHI271 | Intro to Philosophy | PHL221 | Intro Philosophy |
PHI272 | Honors Philosophy | PHL221 | Intro Philosophy |
PHI275 | Intro to Ethics | PHL341 | Ethics |
PHI276 | Intro to Ethics (HNRS) | PHL341 | Ethics |
PHY120 | Principles of Physics | PSC152 | Physical Sci I |
PHY240 | Physics I | PHY110 | Gen Phys:Mech/Ht |
PHY245 | Physics II | PHY112 | Gen Phys:Elc/Magn |
POS130 | American Government | PS142 | Am Gov: Process/Pol |
PSY120 | Interpersonal Relations | PSY1XX | Interpersonal Relations |
PSY130 | General Psychology | PSY100 | General Psychology |
PSY208 | Development Across Lifespan | PSY2XX | Dev Across Lifespan |
PSY210 | Child Psychology | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop |
PSY212 | Adol Psychology | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop |
PSY230 | Abnormal Psych | PSY230 | Abnormal Psych |
PSY235 | Social Psychology | PSY243 | Social Psychology |
SOC125 | Indiv & Soc | SOC1XX | Indiv & Soc |
SOC130 | Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology |
SOC210 | Social Problems | SOC220 | Am Social Problems |
SOC220 | The Family | SOC225 | The Family |
SPA101 | Spanish I | SPN101 | Elem Spanish I |
SPA102 | Spanish II | SPN102 | Elem Spanish II |
SPA201 | Spanish III | SPN201 | Spanish Percp & Practice |
SPE100 | Intro Special Ed | SPE200 | Process/Procedures |
Robert Morris University | York College of Pennsylvania | ||
AC103 | Intro Fin Acct | ACC220 | Financial Acct |
AC201 | Intermed Financial Acct I | ACC320 | Inter Accounting I |
AC202 | Intermed Financial Acct II | ACC325 | Inter Accounting II |
ACCT1010 | Intro to Financial Acct | ACC220 | Financial Acct |
ACCT2030 | Intro Fin Accounting | ACC220 | Financial Acct |
ACCT3000 | Intermed Financial Acct III | ACC330 | Inter Accountng III |
ACCT3010 | Cost Accounting I | ACC3XX | Cost Accounting I |
ACCT3030 | Intermed Fin Accounting I | ACC320 | Inter Accounting I |
ACCT3040 | Intermed Find Accounting II | ACC3XX | Intermed Fin Account II |
ACCT3110 | Taxes I: Federal Taxes | ACC305 | Taxation I |
ARTM2410 | TV/Video Prod | CM242 | Video Prodctn I |
BIOL1050 | Conc & Controv | NUR202 | Nutrition |
BIOL1210 | Anat & Phys I | BIO1XX | Biology Elect No Lab |
BIOL1210 | Anat & Phys I | BIO220 | Human A/P I |
BIOL1215 | Anat & Phys I Lab | BIO221 | Human A/P I Lab |
BIOL1220 | Anat & Phys II | BIO1XX | Biology Elect No Lab |
BIOL1220 | Anat & Phys II | BIO222 | Human A/P II |
BIOL1225 | Anat & Phys II Lab | BIO223 | Hum A/P II Lab |
BIOL2370 | Microbiology | BIO230 | Microbiology |
BIOL2370 | Microbiology | BIO2XX | Biology Elective no lab |
BIOL2380 | Microbiology Lab | BIO231 | Micro/Allied Lab |
BLAW1050 | Legal Environ of Business I | BUS260 | Legal Environment |
BU101 | Intro World of Business | BUS150 | Intro to Business |
CHEM1210 | Chemistry I | CHM1XX | Chemistry Elect No Lab |
CHEM1210 | Chemistry I | CHM134 | Gen Chem I |
CHEM1220 | Bio-Organic Chem | CHM122 | Prin Gen/Org Chem |
CHEM1220 | Bio-Organic Chem | CHM1XX | Chemistry Elect No Lab |
CHSR1025 | H: Rhetoric & Academic Writing | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm |
CI212 | Prin Info/Computing | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
CI310 | Information Sys Appl | IFS305 | Management Info Sys |
CI324 | Visual BASICProg | IFS160 | Visual Basic Progrm |
CO120 | Comm Skills I | CM1XX | Comm Skills I |
CO121 | Comm Skills II | CM104 | Human Communicatn |
CO221 | Comm Skills IV | CM2XX | Comm Skills IV |
CO230 | Comm Skills V | CM2XX | Comm Skills V |
COMM1010 | Surv Mass Comm | CM211 | Mass Communication |
COSK1220 | Reading & Writing Strat | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm |
COSK1220 | Read & Writ Strat | WRT102 | Analytical Read/Writ |
COSK1221 | Arg & Res | WRT202 | Academic Writing |
COSK1221 | Argument and Research | WRT1XX | Argument and Research |
COSK2220 | Pub Speaking | CM104 | Human Communicatn |
COSK2220 | Pub Speaking | CM212 | Public Speaking |
COSK2221 | Intercult Comm | CM2XX | Intercult Comm |
COSK2230 | Busn Professional Comm | CM246 | Comm/Business Prof |
COSK2230 | Busn Professional Comm | CM2XX | Busn Professional Comm |
CSCM1030 | Public Speaking and Persuasion | CM212 | Public Speaking |
CSCM2040 | Prof Workplace Comm | CM2XX | Prof Workplace Comm |
CSCM2050 | Intercultural Comm | INT260 | Cross-Cultural Comm |
CSEN1020 | Argument and Research | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm |
CSHR1025 | H: Rhetoric & Academic Writing | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm |
CSHR1035 | H: Speech, Rhetoric & Comp | WRT1XX | H: Speech, Rhetoric, Comp |
CSHR2045 | H: Organizational Communicatio | CM328 | Organizational Comm |
CSHR2055 | H: International Comm | INT260 | Cross-Cultural Comm |
EC101 | Prin of Macroecon | ECO200 | Prin Econ-Macro |
ECON1010 | Surv Economics | ECO1XX | Surv Economics |
ECON1020 | Prin of Macroecon | ECO200 | Prin Econ-Macro |
ECON1030 | Prin of Microecon | ECO201 | Prin Econ-Micro |
ELIT1040 | Reading Literature | LIT200 | Intro Lit & Text Stud |
ELIT1060 | Reading Literature: Myths | LIT1XX | Read Lit: Myths |
ELIT1070 | Child Lit | EE1XX | Child Lit |
EN257 | Read Lit: Myths | LIT2XX | Read Lit: Myths |
ENGL1060 | Reading Lit: Myths | LIT2XX | Reading Lit: Myths |
ENGL2540 | Study of Language | LIT310 | Language/Linguistics |
ENGL3110 | Hist of Eng Lang | LIT3XX | Hist of Eng Lang |
ENGL3500 | Study of Rhetoric | CM3XX | Study of Rhetoric |
ENGR1010 | Intro Engineering | EGR100 | Epads I |
ENGR2160 | Engr Graphics | EGR2XX | Engr Graphics |
ENVS1022 | Energy and Sustainabiliy | ESS1XX | Earth Science Elect no lab |
ENVS1140 | Weather & Climate | ESS1XX | Earth Sci Elect No Lab |
ENVS1160 | Env Science | BIO1XX | Biology Elective no lab |
FA103 | Hum: Art & Music | HUM1XX | Hum: Art & Music |
FINA3000 | Prin of Finance | FIN300 | Managrl Finance I |
FYSP1005 | H: First Year Seminar | FYS100 | First Year Seminar |
HIST1100 | U.S. History I | HIS111 | American Civ I |
HLSC1010 | Healthcare Conc & Med Term | BIO201 | Medical Terminology |
HSAM1275 | Health Serv Admin | BHA310 | Public Health Admin |
HSAM2300 | Health Serv Admin I | BHA2XX | Health Serv Admin I |
HSAM2350 | Health Serv Admin II | BHA2XX | Health Serv Admin II |
HUMA1010 | Humanities: Art and Music | HUM1XX | Humanities: Art and Music |
HUMA1015 | Humanities: Art and Music | HUM1XX | Humanities: Art and Music |
INFS1020 | Fund of Info Tech | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
INFS1020 | Fund of Info Tech | IFS100 | Info Tech Competncy |
INFS1050 | Fund Info Sys | IFS1XX | Fund Info Sys |
INFS2151 | Java Programming | IFS2XX | Java Programming |
INFS2184 | C++ Programing | EGR150 | Computational Methods |
MARK3100 | Prin of Marketing | MKT100 | Prin Marketing |
MATH1010 | College Math | MAT102 | Prelim Math/Prob Solv |
MATH1020 | Pre-Calculus | MAT108 | Precalculus |
MATH1050 | Math Reas/Appl | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv |
MATH2040 | Finite Math & Appl Calc | MAT120 | Applied Calculus |
MATH2070 | Calculus I | MAT171 | Calculus I |
MATH2170 | Calculus w/ Analy II | MAT172 | Calculus II |
MATH3090 | Calculus w/ Analy III | MAT271 | Calculus III |
MBAD6093 | Operations Mgt Exev Dec Mk | MBA545 | Operations Mgmt |
MGMT2000 | Mgmt Theory and Prac | MGT150 | Prin of Management |
MGMT2100 | Statistical/ Quan Analy | MGT2XX | Stat/Quan Analy |
MGMT3100 | Mgmt Theory & Pract | MGT3XX | Mgmt Theory & Pract |
MGMT3100 | Management Theory and Prac | MGT150 | Prin of Management |
MGMT3400 | Organizational Behavior | OBD325 | Org Behavior |
MGMT3600 | Human Resource Management | MGT220 | Human Resource Mgt |
MGMT3650 | Entrepreneurship/Innovation | MGT3XX | Entrepreneurship/Innv |
MGMT3700 | Labor Management Relations | MGT3XX | Labor Management Relations |
NS116 | Ecology Changing Plant | BIO1XX | Biology Elect No Lab |
NURS1010 | Intro to Prof Nursing | NUR101 | Intro Nursing & Hlth Careers |
NURS2010 | Intro to Prof Nursing | NUR2XX | Intro to Prof Nursing |
NURS2015 | Pathophysiology | NUR2XX | Pathophysiology |
NURS2020 | Nursing Assessment/Health | NUR2XX | Nursing Assess/Health |
PHIL2000 | Intro to Ethics | PHL223 | Contemp Moral Prob |
PHYS1210 | General Physics I | PHY160 | Eng Phys:Mechncs |
POLS1020 | American Nat Govt | PS101 | Amer Gov/Citizenship |
PSYC1010 | General Psychology | PSY100 | General Psychology |
PSYC1015 | General Psychology | PSY100 | General Psychology |
PSYC2800 | Applied Psychology | PSY2XX | Appld Psych |
PSYC3450 | Cognitive Psych | PSY307 | Cognitive Psych |
PSYC3550 | Hum Grwth & Dev | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop |
PSYC3550 | Hum Grwth & Dev | NUR201 | Nursing HD/HC |
PSYC3700 | Abnormal Psych | PSY230 | Abnormal Psych |
PY251 | Gen Psychology | PSY100 | General Psychology |
QS203 | Appl Finite Math | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv |
QS205 | Applied Calculus I | MAT120 | Applied Calculus |
QS311 | Stats & Prob | QBA260 | Business Statistics |
SO334 | Soc of Deviant Beh | SOC3XX | Soc of Deviant Beh |
SOCI1010 | Prin of Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology |
SOCI1020 | Contemporary Amer Soci Prob | SOC220 | Am Social Problems |
SPMG1010 | Intro Sport Management | SPM201 | Intro Sport Mgmt |
SPMG1010 | Introduction/Sport Management | SPM125 | Intro Sport Mgmt |
SPMG1011 | Social Issues in Sport | SPM130 | Sport in Society |
SPMG3401 | Mgmt Principles in Sport Mgmt | SPM3XX | Mgmt Principles in Sport Mgmt |
SPMG3402 | Sport Marketing | SPM3XX | Sport Marketing |
SPMG3610 | Sports Sales | SPM3XX | Sports Sales |
STAT2110 | Statistics | QBA260 | Business Statistics |
STAT2110 | Statistics | MAT250 | Statistics |
STAT2110 | Statistics | BEH260 | Statistics |
THEA1030 | Intro to Theater | THE254 | Intro Theatre |
Rowan College of Southern New Jersey | York College of Pennsylvania | ||
ALH102 | Medical Terminology | BIO201 | Medical Terminology |
ALH102 | Medical Terminology | RT105 | Medical Terminology |
ALH104 | Patient Care | NPE1XX | Patient Care |
ALH110 | Basic Med Terminology | RT105 | Medical Terminology |
ALH110 | Basic Med Terminology | BIO201 | Medical Terminology |
ALH140 | Biomedical Ethics | PHL346 | Bioethics |
AR101 | Art Appreciation | ART101 | Art/Visual Culture |
ART101 | Art Appreciation I | ART101 | Intro Art Apprec |
ART106 | Intro Graphic Arts | ART1XX | Intro Graphic Arts |
ART110 | Ceramics I | ART225 | Ceramics I |
ART112 | Intro to Photography | ART245 | Photography I |
ART131 | Intro Digital Photo | ART246 | Digital Photography |
ART141 | Intro to Photoshop | ART1XX | Intro to Photoshop |
ASL101 | American Sign Lang I | CM150 | Beg Sign Language |
BI101 | General Biology I | BIO150 | Intro Molecular Bio |
BI101 | General Biology I | BIO151 | Intro Mole Bio Lab |
BI208 | Intro to Infectious Diseases | BIO2XX | Intro to Infectious Diseases |
BIO101 | General Biology I | BIO150 | Biology I |
BIO102 | General Biology II | BIO152 | Biology II |
BIO103 | Environmental Science I | BIO120 | Field Nat Hist |
BIO104 | Environmental Sci II | BIO212 | Environmntl Bio |
BIO105 | Anat and Phys I | BIO1XX | Anat & Phys I |
BIO105 | Anat and Phys I | BIO220 | Human A/P I |
BIO106 | Anatomy and Physiology II | BIO222 | Human A/P II |
BIO107 | Human Biology | BIO112 | Fund Human Bio |
BIO111 | Contemp Conc in Bio | BIO110 | General Biology |
BIO112 | Intro to Marine Biology | BIO210 | Marine Biology |
BIO114 | Animal Science | BIO1XX | Biology Elective No Lab |
BIO115 | Intro to Equine Science | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect |
BIO209 | Ecology: Prin & Processes | BIO152 | Biology II |
BIO215 | Microbiology | BIO230 | Microbiology |
BUS101 | Intro to Business | BUS150 | Intro to Business |
BUS102 | Accounting I | ACC1XX | Accounting I |
BUS103 | Accounting II | ACC220 | Financial Acct |
BUS106 | Managerial Accounting | ACC225 | Managerial Acct |
BUS107 | Bus Law I | BUS260 | Legal Environment |
BUS108 | Bus Law II | BUS360 | Bus/Commercial Law |
BUS221 | Principles of Marketing | MKT100 | Prin Marketing |
BUS225 | Principles of Advertising | MKT330 | Advertising |
BUS231 | Principles of Management | MGT150 | Prin of Management |
CH101 | General Chemistry I | CHM135 | Gen Chem I Lab |
CH101 | General Chemistry I | CHM134 | Gen Chem I |
CHM107 | Introductory Chemistry | CHM122 | Prin Gen/Org Chem |
CHM111 | General Chemistry I | CHM134 | Gen Chem I |
CHM112 | General Chemistry II | CHM136 | Gen Chem II |
CIA104 | CIA-Word 2003 | IFS1XX | Comp Info App-Word 2003 |
CIA150 | Com Info App | IFS1XX | Com Info App |
CIS101 | Computer literacy | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
CIS102 | Intro to Computers | IFS1XX | Intro to Computers |
CIS102 | Intro to Computers | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
CIS107 | Concepts of Info System | IFS1XX | Concepts of Info System |
CIS110 | Fund of Programming | IFS160 | Visual Basic Progrm |
CIS120 | Spreadsheets-EXCEL | IFS1XX | Spreadsheets-EXCEL |
CIS151 | Web Dev HTML/XML | IFS1XX | Web Dev HTML/XML |
CIS210 | Relational Databases | IFS285 | Intro to Database |
CIS251 | Web Programming | IFS225 | Program Bus Apps |
COM101 | English Composition I | WRT102 | Analytical Read/Writ |
COM102 | English Composition II | WRT202 | Academic Writing |
COM102 | English Composition II | LIT200 | Perspectives/Lit |
COM207 | Creat Wrt: Fiction | WRT310 | Creative Writing |
CRJ101 | Intro to Crim Justice | CCJ101 | Intro Crim Justice |
CRJ201 | Criminal Law | CCJ302 | Criminal Law |
CRJ205 | The Administration of Justice | CCJ2XX | The Administration of Justice |
CRJ238 | Crime on the Internet | CCJ2XX | Crime on the Internet |
CRJ250 | Constitut Issues in Crim Just | CCJ2XX | Constitut Issues in Crim Just |
CRJ262 | Domestic & Int'l Terrorism | CCJ322 | Examining Terrorism |
CSC101 | Introduction to Programming | IFS160 | Visual Basic Progrm |
CSC111 | Programming I: Coll BASIC | IFS1XX | Prog I: Coll BASIC |
DFT100 | Intro Drafting & Graph | EGR1XX | Intro Drafting & Graph |
DMS101 | Intro to Medical Img | NPE1XX | Intro to Medical Img |
ECO100 | Introduction to Economics | ECO1XX | Introduction to Economics |
ECO101 | Prin of Econ I (Macro) | ECO200 | Prin Econ-Macro |
ECO102 | Prin of Econ Micro | ECO201 | Prin Econ-Micro |
ECO103 | Personal Finance | BUS218 | Personal Finance |
EDU130 | Human Exceptionality | EDU1XX | Human Exceptionality |
EDU201 | Ed Field Exp | EDU2XX | Ed Field Exp |
EDU203 | Teaching: An Intro | EDU2XX | Teaching: An Intro |
EN101 | English Composition I | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm |
EN102 | English Composition II | WRT1XX | English Composition II |
ENG101 | English Composition I | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm |
ENG102 | English Composition II | LIT200 | Perspectives/Lit |
ENG102 | English Compostion II | WRT202 | Academic Writing |
ENG103 | Survey of World Lit | LIT1XX | Survey of World Lit |
ENG222 | Romantic Era Am Lit | LIT2XX | Romantic Era Am Lit |
ENG230 | Major Amer Writers | LIT2XX | Major Amer Writers |
ENG240 | Intro to Child Lit | LIT2XX | Intro Child Lit |
ENG243 | The Freedom Writers | LIT2XX | The Freedom Writers |
ENR102 | Fresh Engr Clinic I | EGR100 | Epads I |
FS101 | College Success Seminar | FYS1XX | College Success Seminar |
GE110 | Geography of N. America | G1XX | Geography of N. America |
GEO101 | Prin of Geog | G1XX | Prin of Geog |
GEO102 | Cult Geography | G243 | Intro Geography |
GEO102 | Cult Geography | G100 | World Reg Geography |
GER101 | Elementary German I | GRM101 | Elem German I |
HI101 | Western Civilization I | HIS101 | Foundation/West |
HI104 | World History & Culture II | HIS1XX | World History & Culture II |
HI201 | United States History I | HIS111 | Amer Hist Colonization-Civ War |
HIS101 | Hist of West Civ I | HIS101 | Western Civ I |
HIS102 | Hist of West Civ II | HIS102 | Western Civ II |
HIS103 | Hist of United States I | HIS111 | American Civ I |
HIS104 | Hist of US II | HIS112 | American Civ II |
HIS170 | Topics in History | HIS1XX | Topics in History |
HIS203 | Hist of Amer Education | HIS2XX | Hist Amer Ed |
HIS203 | Hist of American Educ | EDU2XX | Hist of American Educ |
HIS206 | World History II | HIS122 | World History II |
HIS244 | Brief Hist of Ireland | HIS2XX | Brief hist of Ireland |
HPE102 | First Aid, Safety, CPR | SPM205 | Responding/Emerg |
HPE102 | First Aid, Safety, CPR | EDU305 | Responding/Emerg |
HPE104 | Hlth/Fit for Ind | PE1XX | Hlth/Fit for Ind |
HPE105 | Healthcare Provider Emer Respo | PAW1XX | Healthcare Provider Emer Respo |
HPE111 | Card Fitness Activity | PE119 | Physical Fitness |
HPE113 | Body Cond/Wgt Cntrl | PE1XX | Body Cond/Wgt Cntrl |
HPE117 | Weight Training | PE118 | Physical Fitness |
HPE117 | Weight Training | PE119 | Physical Fitness |
HPE118 | Self Defense Awareness | PE130 | Self Defense |
HPE136 | Nutrition | NUR202 | Nutrition |
HPE150 | Golf | PE140 | Fundamentals/Golf |
HPE151 | Tennis | PE159 | Tennis |
HPE152 | Bowling | PAW110 | Beginning Bowling |
HPE154 | Volleyball | PE160 | Volleyball |
HPE201 | Health Science | PAW2XX | Health Science |
HPE221 | Team Sports I | PE2XX | Team Sports I |
HPE231 | Spec Swimming | PE121 | Inter/Adv Swimming |
HPE240 | Intro Hlth, PE & Rec | REC2XX | Intro Hlth, PE & Rec |
HS101 | Health Care Careers | NUR101 | Intro Nursing & Hlth Careers |
HS103 | Medical Terminology | HSC105 | Medical Terminology |
ITA101 | Elem Italian I | ITL101 | Elem Italian I |
LEN101 | Intro to Criminal Justice | CJA101 | Intro Crim Justice |
LEN102 | Police Org & Adm | CJA1XX | Police Org & Adm |
LEN201 | Criminal Law | CJA2XX | Criminal Law |
LEN205 | The Admin of Justice | CJA2XX | The Admin of Justice |
LEN234 | Intro to Security | CJA2XX | Intro to Security |
MA121 | Precalculus | MAT108 | Precalculus |
MAT101 | Concepts of Mathematics I | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv |
MAT103 | Statistics I | MAT250 | Statistics |
MAT103 | Statistics I | QBA260 | Business Statistics |
MAT103 | Statistics I | BEH260 | Statistics |
MAT105 | Intermediate Algebra | MAT105 | College Algebra |
MAT107 | Pre-Calculus & Math Analysis | MAT108 | Precalculus |
MAT108 | Calculus I | MAT171 | Calculus I |
MAT110 | Algebra & Trigonometry | MAT108 | Precalculus |
MAT120 | Struct of Math | MAT115 | Sets/Number Systems |
MAT151 | Math for Management | MAT105 | College Algebra |
MAT152 | Appl Calculus | MAT120 | Applied Calculus |
MAT202 | Linear Algebra | MAT260 | Linear Algebra I |
MU114 | History of Music | MUS1XX | History of Music |
MUS101 | Music Appreciation I | MUS186 | Listening to Music |
MUS101 | Music Appreciation I | MUS200 | Music Appreciation |
NTR101 | Nutrition Health Professionals | NUR202 | Nutrition |
PHI101 | Intro to Philosophy I | PHL221 | Intro Philosophy |
PHI104 | Ethics | PHL223 | Cont Moral Problems |
PHI106 | Biomedical Ethics | PHL346 | Bioethics |
PHI150 | Critical Thinking | PHL222 | Critical Thinking |
PHY101 | Prin of Phys Sci I | PSC152 | Physical Sci I |
PHY103 | Gen Physics I | PHY110 | Gen Phys:Mech/Ht |
PHY105 | Top in Mod Astronomy | ESS154 | Intro/Astronomy |
PHY111 | Earth Science I | ESS1XX | Earth Science I |
PHY112 | Earth Science II | ESS154 | Intro/Astronomy |
PHY241 | Forensic Sci I | FCM2XX | Forensic Science I |
PHY241 | Forensic Sci I | PHY2XX | Forensic Sci I |
PHY242 | Forensic Science II | FCM211 | Criminalistics Lab |
PHY242 | Forensic Science II | FCM210 | Criminalistics |
PI123 | Fundamentals of Physics I | PHY110 | General Physics I |
PI123 | Fundamentals of Physics I | PHY111 | General Physics Lab |
POL101 | American Federal Govt | PS101 | Amer Gov/Citizenship |
POL103 | Intro to Political Sci | PS142 | Am Gov: Process/Pol |
PSY100 | Interpersonal Psychology | PSY1XX | Interpers Psychology |
PSY101 | General Psychology | PSY100 | General Psychology |
PSY203 | Ed Psychology | EDU375 | Psy Learning/Second |
PSY203 | Ed Psychology | EDU370 | Psych of Learning |
PSY211 | Psy of Human Development | NUR201 | Nursing HD/HC |
PSY211 | Psy of Human Development | PSY2XX | Hum Dev |
PSY212 | Psych of Adolescent | PSY2XX | Psych of Adolescent |
PSY213 | Child Psychology | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop |
PSY230 | Abnormal Psych | PSY230 | Abnormal Psych |
PSY231 | Abuse & Viol in Fam | PSY2XX | Abuse & Viol in Fam |
SO201 | Intro Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology |
SOC101 | Prin of Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology |
SOC102 | Sociology of Family | SOC225 | The Family |
SOC104 | Social Problems | SOC220 | Am Social Problems |
SOC130 | Soc, Ethics and Technology | SOC1XX | Soc, Ethics and Technology |
SOC203 | Soc of Ed | SOC2XX | Soc of Ed |
SOC205 | Intro Criminology | SOC2XX | Intro Criminology |
SOC220 | Sociology of Juvenile Delinq | CCJ110 | Juvenile Delinquncy |
SPA101 | Elementary Spanish I | SPN101 | Elem Spanish I |
SPA102 | Elem Spanish II | SPN102 | Elem Spanish II |
SPE101 | Oral Communication | CM104 | Human Communicatn |
SPE101 | Oral Communication | CM212 | Public Speaking |
SPE102 | Persuasive Speaking | CM104 | Human Communicatn |
Rutgers University | York College of Pennsylvania | ||
010101 | Intro Financial Acct | ACC220 | Financial Acct |
010272 | Fin Acct | ACC220 | Financial Acct |
010275 | Managerial Acct | ACC225 | Managerial Acct |
011100 | Intro to Business | BUS150 | Intro to Business |
015101 | Perspectives Ag & Env | ESS1XX | Earth Sci Elective No Lab |
050281 | Tpcs in Amer Studies | HUM2XX | Tpcs in Amer Studies |
082105 | Intro Art History | ART1XX | Intro Art History |
090238 | World Masterpieces | LIT2XX | World Masterpieces |
100306 | Astronomy | ESS1XX | Earth Sci Elective No Lab |
119101 | Gen Biology | BIO150 | Biology I |
119102 | Gen Biology | BIO152 | Biology II |
119182 | Human Sexuality | BEH1XX | Hum Sexuality |
120103 | Biology of Cancer | BIO1XX | Biology Elective no lab |
120105 | The Facts of Life | BIO1XX | Biology Elective no lab |
136386 | Operations Mgt | QBA330 | Bus Model/Simulatn |
160107 | General Chemistry I | CHM134 | Gen Chem I |
160108 | Gen Chem II | CHM136 | Gen Chem II |
160133 | Prep for Gen Chem | CHM1XX | Chemistry Elect No Lab |
160161 | General Chemistry | CHM134 | Gen Chem I |
160161 | General Chemistry | CHM1XX | Chemistry Elect No Lab |
160162 | Gen Chemistry | CHM1XX | Chemistry Elect No Lab |
160162 | Gen Chemistry | CHM136 | Gen Chem II |
160307 | Organic Chemistry | CHM1XX | Chemistry Elect No Lab |
189103 | Info Tech & Informtn | IFS1XX | Info Tech & Informtn |
190102 | Medical Terminology | BIO201 | Medical Terminology |
190102 | Medical Terminology | RT105 | Medical Terminology |
192201 | Interpersonal Comm Processes | CM329 | Interpersonal Comm |
195352 | The European Novel | LIT3XX | The European Novel |
198110 | Intro Computers & Appl | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
198111 | Intro Comp Sci | CS101 | Fund Comp Sci I |
202201 | Crim Justice | CJA101 | Intro Crim Justice |
220102 | Microecon Princ | ECO201 | Prin Econ-Micro |
350101 | English Comp I | WRT102 | Analytical Read/Writ |
350101 | Engl Composition I | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm |
350102 | Engl Composition II | WRT1XX | Engl Comp II |
350102 | Eng Comp II | WRT202 | Academic Writing |
350219 | Prin Lit Study | LIT200 | Perspectives/Lit |
355100 | Basic Composition | WRT100 | Intro College Writ |
355101 | Expository Writing | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm |
355315 | Wrtg Grant Proposals | WRT3XX | Wrtg Grant Proposals |
374101 | Intro to Human Ecol | ||
377180 | Exercise & Relax | PE1XX | Exercise & Relax |
450102 | Global Env | BEH1XX | Global Env |
450103 | Space, Place, Loc | G1XX | Space, Place, Loc |
450370 | Global Climate Chng | ESS1XX | Earth Sci Elective No Lab |
460100 | Planet Earth | ESS1XX | Planet Earth |
460202 | Env Geology | ESS2XX | Earth Sci Elect No Lab |
470101 | Elem German | GRM101 | Elem German I |
470102 | Elem German | GRM102 | Elem German II |
470131 | Int German | GRM201 | Inter German I |
470132 | Int German | GRM202 | Inter German II |
501203 | Intro Health Admin | BHA1XX | Intro Health Admin |
510101 | West Civ I | HIS101 | Western Civ I |
512107 | Gateway to Dev U.S. I | HIS111 | American Civ I |
533301 | Intro to HR Mgmt | HSP1XX | Intro to HR Mgmt |
570300 | Intro to Mass Comm | CM211 | Mass Communication |
570335 | Freelance Article Wrtg | WRT3XX | Freelance Article Wrtg |
574101 | Elementary Korean | L1XX | Elementary Korean |
595101 | Intro Latino Studies | HUM1XX | Intro Latino Studies |
640025 | Elementary Algebra | MAT105 | College Algebra |
640026 | Intermediate Algebra | MAT102 | Prelim Math/Prob Solv |
640113 | Precalc Business | MAT108 | Precalculus |
640115 | Precalc Coll Math | MAT108 | Precalculus |
640135 | Calculus I | MAT171 | Calculus I |
640151 | Calc I Math/Phys | MAT171 | Calculus I |
640152 | Calc II Math/Phys | MAT172 | Calculus II |
640237 | Discrete Structures | MAT235 | Discrete Mathemtcs |
640327 | Prob & Stats | MAT350 | Probability/Stats |
680211 | Microbiology | BIO230 | Microbiology |
700133 | Intr Mus Thry Online | MUS181 | Found Music Theory |
700201 | Facing the Music | MUS186 | Listening to Music |
701348 | Performance Ensemble | MUS3XX | Perf Ensemble |
709101 | Nutrition for Today | BIO1XX | Nutrition for Today |
730103 | Intro Philosophy | PHL221 | Intro Philosophy |
750203 | Gen Physics | PHY110 | Gen Phys:Mech/Ht |
750203 | Gen Physics | PHY1XX | Physics Elect No Lab |
750204 | Gen Physics II | PHY112 | Gen Phys:Elc/Magn |
790101 | Nature of Politics | PS1XX | Nature of Politics |
790103 | Comparative Politics | PS260 | Comparative Politics |
790104 | American Government | PS1XX | American Government |
790106 | Law & Politics | PS1XX | Law & Politics |
790201 | Amer Govt | PS141 | American Governmnt |
830101 | General Psychology | PSY100 | General Psychology |
830226 | Psych of Childhood | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop |
830231 | Psych of Personality | PSY2XX | Psych of Personality |
830250 | Stat for Soc Sci | BEH260 | Statistics |
830308 | Reas, Prob Sol/Dec Mkg | PSY3XX | Reas, Prob Sol/Dec Mkg |
830326 | Psych of Adolescence | PSY3XX | Psych of Adolescence |
830340 | Abnormal Psych | PSY230 | Abnormal Psych |
830348 | Health Psychology | PSY3XX | Health Psychology |
830484 | Phys Psychology | PSY210 | Fund Biopsychology |
840202 | New Testament | REL2XX | New Testament |
840212 | Rel West World | REL265 | World Religions |
840394 | Journeys to Heaven, Hell | REL3XX | Journ to Heaven, Hell |
920101 | Intro to Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology |
920108 | Minority Grps Am Soc | SOC1XX | Minority Grps Am Soc |
920207 | Intro to Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology |
920210 | Soc of Med & Hlth Care | SOC2XX | Soc of Med & Hlth Care |
920222 | Criminology | SOC320 | Criminology |
920272 | Soc of Family | SOC225 | The Family |
920306 | Soc of Family | SOC225 | The Family |
920323 | Soc Childhood & Adol | SOC3XX | Soc Childhood & Adol |
940121 | Int Spanish I | SPN201 | Inter Spanish I |
940122 | Int Spanish II | SPN202 | Inter Spanish II |
940215 | Main Cur Hisp Lit | SPN315 | Intro Lit Spain |
940325 | Adv Grammar & Comp | SPN420 | Adv Spanish Grammar |
960212 | Statistics II | QBA265 | Business Stats II |
960284 | Intro Stats II | QBA265 | Business Stats II |
965211 | Theater Appreciation | THE154 | Introduction to Theatre |
988101 | Women Culture Society | ||
988101 | Intro Gen, Race, Sexua | WGS238 | Race,Gender,Sex |
988324 | Sociology of Gender | SOC260 | Gender/Society |
989300 | Writing Pub Arguments | WRT3XX | Writing Pub Arguments |
989302 | Tech Communications | FCO215 | Tech/Scientfc Comm |
DENA1220E | Scientific Prin of Nutrition | NPE1XX | Scientific Prin of Nutrition |
IDST1000E | Medical Terminology | BIO201 | Medical Terminology |
IDST1221E | Anatomy & Physio I | BIO1XX | Anatomy & Physio I |
IDST2250E | Dynamics of Healthcare | NPE1XX | Dynamics of Healthcre |
Shippensburg University of PA | York College of Pennsylvania | ||
ACC200 | Fund Fin Acct | ACC220 | Financial Acct |
ACC201 | Managerial Acct | ACC225 | Managerial Acct |
ACC310 | Intermed Acct I | ACC320 | Inter Accounting I |
ACC311 | Intermed Acct II | ACC325 | Inter Accounting II |
ACC312 | Cost Detrmn & Anlys | ACC375 | Adv Managerial Acctng |
AEES101 | Foundations Academic Success | FYS1XX | Foundations Academic Success |
AEES103 | Intro to Exploratory Studies | NPE1XX | Intro to Exploratory Studies |
AEES191R | Sel Top: Academic Literacies | LIT200 | Intro Lit & Text Stud |
ANT105 | Great Dis in Archaeology | ANT230 | Intro Archaeology |
ANT111 | Cult Anthropology | ANT220 | Cult Anthropology |
ANT121 | Physical Anthropology | ANT210 | Physical Anthropol |
ANT211 | Comp Cult | ANT220 | Cult Anthropology |
ANT310 | Magic Sci & Relg | BEH3XX | Magic Sci & Relg |
ANT350 | Medical Anthropology | ANT3XX | Medical Anthropology |
ART101 | Art Appreciation | ART101 | Intro Art Apprec |
ART101 | Art Appreciation | ART101 | Art/Visual Culture |
ART210 | Drawing II | ART265 | Drawing II |
ART231 | Art History I | ART204 | Survey West Art I |
ART274 | Intro Cult Studio | ART2XX | Intro Cult Studio |
ART339 | Hist of Amer Art | ART393 | American Art |
ART340 | Ceramics | ART225 | Ceramics I |
ART393 | Sel Topics: London | ART3XX | Sel Topics: London |
BIO100 | Basic Biology | BIO1XX | Biology Elective No Lab |
BIO105 | Bio Sci Lab Apprch | BIO1XX | Bio Sci Lab Apprch |
BIO115 | Prin of Biology I | BIO150 | Biology I |
BIO116 | Prin of Biology II | BIO152 | Biology II |
BIO145 | Environmental Bio | BIO212 | Environmntl Bio |
BIO145 | Environmental Bio | BIO213 | Environ Bio Lab |
BIO150 | Human Biology | BIO1XX | Biology Elective No Lab |
BIO161 | Prin of Bio: Struc & Funct | BIO150 | Biology I |
BIO162 | Prin of Bio: Org Div | BIO152 | Biology II |
BIO220 | Microbiology | BIO230 | Microbiology |
BIO242 | Ecology | BIO300 | Ecology |
BIO260 | Genetics | BIO240 | Genetics |
BIO324 | Pathogenic Microbio | BIO3XX | Pathogenic Micbro |
BIO350 | Human Physiology | BIO222 | Human A/P II |
BIO371 | Human Anatomy | BIO3XX | Human Anatomy |
BIO371 | Human Anatomy | BIO220 | Human A/P I |
BIO593 | Biometry | BIO3XX | Biology Elective No Lab |
BIO594 | Selected Topics | BIO3XX | Biology Elective No Lab |
BIS142 | Int Bus Comp Sys | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
BSL261 | Amer Legal Env | BUS2XX | Amer Legal Env |
BSL261 | Amer Legal Env | BUS260 | Legal Environment |
BSN101 | Foundation Bus Admin | BUS1XX | Foundation Bus Admin |
CHM103 | Chm A Cult Approach | CHM1XX | Chm A Cult Approach |
CHM105 | Chm Observ Approach | CHM240 | Perspect/Molecular |
CHM110 | The Chemistry Experience | CHM130 | 1st Year Colloquium |
CHM121 | Chem Bonding | CHM134 | Gen Chem I |
CHM121 | Chem Bonding | CHM1XX | Chemistry Elect No Lab |
CHM122 | Chemical Dynamics | CHM1XX | Chemistry Elect no lab |
CHM122 | Chemical Dynamics | CHM136 | Gen Chem II |
CHM221 | Mod Org Chem I | CHM234 | Organic Chem I |
CHM221 | Mod Org Chem I | CHM2XX | Chem Elect No Lab |
CHM222 | Mod Org Chem II | CHM236 | Organic Chem II |
CHM222 | Mod Org Chem II | CHM2XX | Chem Elect No Lab |
COM111 | Intro Mass Comm | CM211 | Mass Communication |
COM112 | Media Writing | WRT1XX | Media Writing |
COM211 | Intro Mass Communications | CM211 | Mass Communication |
COM212 | Media Writing | CM271 | Print Media Writing |
COM224 | Elec Media Writing | CM2XX | Elec Media Writing |
COM245 | Diversity & Media | CM2XX | Div & Media |
COM284 | Ele Media Basic Prod | CM2XX | Elec Media Basic Prod |
COM355 | Com/Jrn Pract | CM3XX | Com/Jrn Pract |
COM360 | Intro to Photography | ART245 | Photography I |
COM380 | Public Relations | CM221 | Public Relations |
COM492 | Sel Topics in Comm/Jrn | CM4XX | Sel Topics in Comm/Jrn |
CPS103 | Overview Compt Sci | CS1XX | Overview Compt Sci |
CPS253 | Struct Computer Prg | CS2XX | Struct Comp Prg |
CRJ100 | Intro Crim Justice | CJA101 | Intro Crim Justice |
CRJ211 | Crim Law & Proc | CJA2XX | Crim Law & Proc |
CRJ221 | Policing Democracy | CJA334 | Policing In America |
CRJ241 | Survey of Corrections | CJA337 | Punishmnt/Correctns |
CRJ351 | Juvenile Justice | CJA348 | Juvenile Justice |
CSC103 | Overview Comp Sci | CS1XX | Overview Comp Sci |
CSC110 | Computer Science I | CS101 | Fund Comp Sci I |
CSC111 | Comp Sci II | CS1XX | Comp Sci II |
CSC180 | Microcomputer Basic | IFS1XX | Microcomputer Basic |
CSC493 | Sel Topics in Comp Sci | CS4XX | Sel Topics in Comp Sci |
DS100 | Intro to Dis Stud | SPE1XX | Intro to Dis Stud |
ECH200 | Intro Early Child Ed | EDU2XX | Intro Early Child Ed |
ECH210 | Early Child Profess | ECH250 | Professionl/Partner |
ECH220 | Develop Child I | PSY223 | Early Child Develp |
ECH260 | Dev Sci: Cog/Lang | ECH2XX | Dev Sci: Cog/Lang |
ECN101 | Prin of Macro | ECO200 | Prin Econ-Macro |
ECN102 | Prin Microeconomics | ECO201 | Prin Econ-Micro |
ECN113 | Princ of Economics | ECO1XX | Princ of Economics |
ECO101 | Prin of Macro | ECO200 | Prin Econ-Macro |
ECO102 | Prin of Microecon | ECO201 | Prin Econ-Micro |
ECO113 | Prin of Econ | ECO200 | Prin Econ-Macro |
ECO280 | Man Economics | ECO390 | Managerial Econ |
EDFN590 | Curriculum Trends/Issues | MED503 | Curric Trends/Issue |
EEC273 | Intro Exception | SPE2XX | Intro Exception |
EEC411 | Intro Exceptionality | SPE4XX | Intro Exceptionality |
ENG100 | Basic Writing | WRT100 | Intro College Writ |
ENG101 | College Writing | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm |
ENG101 | College Writing | WRT102 | Analytical Read/Writ |
ENG106 | Wrt Int First Year Sem | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm |
ENG106 | Writ Int FYS | WRT102 | Analytical Read/Writ |
ENG107 | Intro to Literary Studies | LIT200 | Perspectives/Lit |
ENG107 | Intro to Literary Studies | WRT202 | Academic Writing |
ENG110 | Adv Place Writing | WRT202 | Academic Writing |
ENG113 | Intro to Acad Writ | WRT1XX | Intro to Acad Writ |
ENG114 | Academic Writing | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm |
ENG150 | Intro to Fiction | LIT1XX | Intro to Fiction |
ENG151 | Intro to Poetry | LIT343 | Exper of Poetry |
ENG152 | Intro to Drama | LIT1XX | Intro to Drama |
ENG190 | Gen Ed Special Topics | LIT1XX | Gen Ed Sp Topics |
ENG209 | Adv Composition | WRT315 | Advanced Compositn |
ENG222 | Trad Eng Grammar | WRT2XX | Trad Eng Grammar |
ENG233 | American Writers I | LIT281 | Amer Lit to 1885 |
ENG234 | American Writers II | LIT282 | Amer Lit after 1885 |
ENG236 | Maj Brit Writ I | LIT283 | British Lit to 1750 |
ENG237 | British Writers II | LIT284 | Brt Lit after 1750 |
ENG238 | Tech/Prof Writing | FCO215 | Tech/Scientfc Comm |
ENG238 | Tech/Prof Writ I | WRT210 | Writng/Prof Culturs |
ENG240 | World Literature | LIT2XX | World Literature |
ENG243 | Art of the Film | FLM216 | Intro to Film |
ENG245 | Woman in Lit | LIT382 | Women In Literature |
ENG248 | Intro Cult Diver Lit | LIT2XX | Intro Cult Diver Lit |
ENG250 | Literature & Society | LIT200 | Perspectives/Lit |
ENG304 | Lit Criticism | LIT210 | Criticism/Theory |
ENG323 | Review Arts Publicat | WRT3XX | Review Arts Publicat |
ENG330 | Shakespeare I | LIT323 | Shakespeare I |
ENG350 | English Novel | LIT3XX | English Novel |
ENG366 | His Struct Eng Lang | WRT3XX | His Struct Eng Lang |
ENG376 | Study Medieval Lit | LIT3XX | Study Medieval Lit |
ENG380 | 19th Cent Brit Lit | LIT3XX | 19th Cent Brit Lit |
ENG382 | 20th Cent Brit Lit | LIT326 | 20th Cent Brit Lit |
ENG464 | Sem in Major Author | LIT4XX | Sem in Major Author |
ENG468 | Seminar in Fiction | LIT4XX | Seminar in Fiction |
ENGR100 | Engr Sem I | EGR1XX | Engr Sem I |
ENGR110 | Modeling & Simulation | EGR1XX | Modeling & Simulation |
ENGR300 | Engineering Seminar III | EGR1XX | Engineering Seminar III |
ESC200 | Lifestyle Mgt | PE1XX | Phys Ed Elect |
ESC200 | Lifestyle Mgt | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect |
ESC207 | Stress Mgmt | PAW1XX | Phys Act & Wellness Elect |
ESC244 | Mech Anly Sport Skill | PAW1XX | Phys Act & Wellness Elect |
ESC250 | Intro Kinesiology | NPE2XX | Intro Kinesiology |
ESC325 | Sports Psych | PSY3XX | Sports Psych |
ESC336 | Motor Behavior | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect |
ESC336 | Motor Behavior | PE1XX | Phys Ed Elect |
ESC340 | Prev & Care Athletic Inj | EDU315 | Prvnt/Treat Ath Inj |
ESC350 | Nutrition Sport/Fit | NUR202 | Nutrition |
ESC352 | Psych Phys Act | PSY3XX | Psych Phys Act |
ESC353 | Res Des Stat | BEH260 | Statistics |
ESC390 | Hlth Ed Elem Sch | EDU3XX | Hlth Ed Elem Sch |
ESC400 | Meth of Coaching | EDU310 | Prin Athl/Coach |
ESS108 | Intro to Enviro Sustain | ESS1XX | Intro to Environ Sustain |
ESS110 | Intro to Geology | ESS1XX | Intro to Geology |
ESS111 | Intro to Atmosphere | ESS1XX | Intro to the Atmosphere |
ESS190 | Sel Top: Coastal Proc, Hazards | ESS1XX | Sel Top: Coastal Proc, Hazards |
ESS210 | Physical Geol | ESS2XX | Physical Geol |
F L115 | Mod Japanese Cult | INT1XX | Mod Japanese Cult |
FIN311 | Fin Mgmt | FIN300 | Managrl Finance I |
FRN101 | Beg French I | FRN101 | Elem French I |
FRN102 | Beg French II | FRN102 | Elem French II |
FRN103 | Intermediate French | FRN1XX | Intermediate French |
GEO101 | World Geography | G100 | World Reg Geography |
GEO103 | Geog of U.S. and Canada | G341 | Geog North America |
GEO140 | Cult Geography | G1XX | Cult Geography |
GER101 | Beg German I | GRM101 | Elem German I |
GER102 | Beg German II | GRM102 | Elem German II |
GER150 | German Civ & Culture | INT1XX | German Civ & Culture |
GOV103 | American Publ Policy | PS141 | American Governmnt |
GRN100 | Intro to Gerontology | GER100 | Perspectives/Aging |
HCA400 | Intr Health Care Sys | BEH4XX | Intr Health Care Sys |
HCS100 | Intro Human Comm | CM212 | Public Speaking |
HCS125 | Survey Communication Studies | CM1XX | Survey Communication Studies |
HCS200 | Hum Comm Theory | CM206 | Communicatn Theory |
HCS230 | Sm Group Communication | CM304 | Group Discussion |
HCS270 | Intergroup/Intercultural Comm | CM2XX | Intergrp/Intercult Comm |
HCS350 | Theories of Org Comm | CM328 | Organizational Comm |
HIS105 | World History I | HIS1XX | World History I |
HIS106 | World History II | HIS1XX | World History II |
HIS201 | Early Hist of U.S. | HIS350 | Amer Colonial Hist |
HIS202 | Recent Hist U.S. | HIS112 | American Civ II |
HIS348 | Hist Anc World | HIS300 | Ancnt Hist to 476 |
HON100 | Basic Oral Comm/Spe | CM104 | Human Communicatn |
HON122 | World History I | HIS121 | World History I |
HON123 | World History II | HIS122 | World History II |
HON151 | Hon Intro Psychology | PSY100 | General Psychology |
HON161 | Hon Intro Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology |
HON261 | Hon World Music | MUS281 | World Music |
HPE207 | Stress Mgmt | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect |
HPE207 | Stress Mgmt | PE1XX | Phys Ed Elect |
HPE325 | Sport Psychology | PSY3XX | Sport Psychology |
HPE340 | Prev Care Ath Inj | EDU315 | Mgmt/Prev Sport Inj |
IAP111 | Intro Interdisc Arts | HUM1XX | Intro Interdisc Arts |
INM200 | Statistical Appl Bus | QBA265 | Business Statistics II |
INS142 | Int to Bus Comp Sys | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
INT200 | Intro Intl Studies | INT2XX | Intro Intl Studies |
ISM142 | Int to Bus Comp Sys | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
ISM142 | Int to Bus Comp Sys | IFS1XX | Int to Bus Comp Sys |
ISM300 | Info Tech & Bus Oper | IFS305 | Management Info Sys |
MAT100 | Intro Algebra | MAT102 | Prelim Math/Prob Solv |
MAT102 | Intro to Statistics | QBA260 | Business Statistics |
MAT102 | Intro to Statistics | MAT250 | Statistics |
MAT102 | Intro to Statistics | BEH260 | Statistics |
MAT105 | Math Liberal Study | MAT1XX | Math Liberal Study |
MAT108 | Finite Math | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv |
MAT110 | Fund Math I | MAT115 | Sets/Number Systems |
MAT111 | Fundamentals of Math II | MAT150 | Data/Decision Making |
MAT117 | Appl Stats | BEH260 | Statistics |
MAT117 | Appl Stats | MAT250 | Statistics |
MAT117 | Appl Stats | QBA260 | Business Statistics |
MAT120 | Basic Math Models | MAT1XX | Basic Math Models |
MAT120 | Basic Math Models | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv |
MAT124 | Pre Calculus Math | MAT108 | Precalculus |
MAT140 | Finite Math | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv |
MAT140A | College Algebra | MAT105 | College Algebra |
MAT140B | College Algebra | MAT105 | College Algebra |
MAT170 | Statistics | QBA260 | Data Driven Dec Making |
MAT170 | Statistics | BEH260 | Statistics |
MAT170 | Statistics | MAT250 | Statistics |
MAT175 | Precalculus | MAT108 | Precalculus |
MAT181 | Applied Calculus | MAT120 | Applied Calculus |
MAT211 | Calculus I | MAT171 | Calculus I |
MAT212 | Calculus II | MAT172 | Calculus II |
MAT217 | Statistics I | BEH260 | Statistics |
MAT217 | Statistics I | QBA260 | Data Driven Dec Making |
MAT217 | Statistics I | MAT250 | Statistics |
MAT225 | Discrete Math | MAT235 | Discrete Mathemtcs |
MAT229 | Elem Linear Algebra | MAT260 | Elem Linear Algebra |
MAT313 | Statistics I | MAT250 | Statistics |
MAT410 | Numerical Analy | MAT470 | Numerical Analysis |
MAT476 | Probability | MAT4XX | Probability |
MECH100 | Engineering Graphics | EGR1XX | Engineering Graphics |
MGT305 | Org Behavior | OBD225 | Org Behavior |
MGT305 | Organiza Behavior | MGT225 | Org Behavior |
MIL131 | Intro to ROTC | NPE1XX | Intro to ROTC |
MIL132 | Intro to Leadership | PE1XX | Intro to Leadership |
MIS142 | Int to Bus Comp Sys | IFS100 | Info Tech Competncy |
MIS142 | Int to Bus Comp Sys | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
MKT305 | Prin of Marketing | MKT100 | Prin Marketing |
MKT306 | Buyer Behavior | MKT360 | Consumer Behavior |
MKT352 | Prin of Retailing | MKT230 | Retailing |
MUS103 | Marching Band | MUS1XX | Marching Band |
MUS105 | Concert Choir | MUS150 | YCChorale |
MUS107 | Cumelaires | MUS1XX | Cumelaires |
MUS110 | Fund Music Skills | MUS181 | Found Music Theory |
MUS117 | Madrigals | MUS1XX | Madrigals |
MUS121 | Intro to Music | MUS186 | Listening to Music |
MUS129 | American Pop Music | MUS287 | American Pop Music |
MUS140 | Class Piano I | MUS140 | Class Piano |
MUS158 | Woodwind Ensemble | MUS170 | Woodwind Ensemble |
MUS190 | Sel Topic: Amern Pop | MUS1XX | Sel Top: Amern Pop |
MUS216 | Music and Film | MUS245 | Explore Music/Film |
MUS227 | Opera & Music Theatre | MUS2XX | Opera & Music Theatre |
MUS261 | World Music | MUS281 | World Music |
PHL101 | Intro to Philosophy | PHL221 | Intro Philosophy |
PHL102 | Critical Thinking | PHL222 | Critical Thinking |
PHL105 | Intro to Ethics | PHL341 | Ethics |
PHL230 | Ethics of War & Terr | PHL2XX | Ethics of War & Terr |
PHY100 | Physics for Society | PHY1XX | Physics for Society |
PHY105 | Prob Solving in Sci | PHY1XX | Physics Elective No Lab |
PHY108 | Astron Phy Univ | ESS1XX | Earth Sci Elect No Lab |
PHY110 | Physics for Society | PHY1XX | Physics Elect No Lab |
PHY121 | Intro Phy I | PHY1XX | Physics Elective no lab |
PHY121 | Intro Phy I | PHY110 | Gen Phys:Mech/Ht |
PHY124 | Physics IB Lab | PHY111 | General Physics Lab |
PHY126 | Physics IIB Lab | PHY113 | G Phys:Elct Lab |
PHY205 | Inter Phy I | PHY160 | Eng Phys:Mechncs |
PHY206 | Inter Phy II | PHY112 | Gen Phys:Elc/Magn |
PHY313 | Inter Phy II | PHY260 | Eng Phys:Elct/Magn |
PLS100 | US Govern & Politics | PS101 | Amer Gov/Citizenship |
PLS100 | U.S. Govern & Politics | PS101 | Amer Gov/Citizenship |
PLS100 | US Govern & Politics | PS101 | Amer Gov/Citizenship |
PLS100 | U.S. Govern & Politics | PS101 | Amer Gov/Citizenship |
PLS100 | U.S. Govern & Politics | PS141 | American Governmnt |
PLS101 | Am Gov: Const Pol Ed | PS141 | American Governmnt |
PLS102 | Am Gov: Inst Pub Pol | PS142 | Am Gov: Process/Pol |
PLS141 | Intro Internat Rel | PS302 | International Rel |
PLS201 | Intro Pol Sci | PS2XX | Intro Pol Sci |
PLS231 | State and Local Govt | PS242 | State/Local Govt |
PLS291 | Contemporary Issues | PS102 | Contemp Global Iss |
PLS490 | European Politics | PS4XX | European Politics |
PLS491 | European Identity | PS4XX | European Identity |
PLS501 | Legal And Inst Found of Pub Ad | MPA502 | Legal and Institutional Found |
PLS591 | Research Methods | MPA580 | Special Topics |
PLS601 | Education Policy | MPA510 | Quant Analy Pol & Adm |
PSY101 | General Psychology | PSY100 | General Psychology |
PSY102 | Found of Psych | PSY100 | General Psychology |
PSY105 | Res Des Beh Sci I | PSY1XX | Res Des Beh Sci I |
PSY205 | Res Des Beh Sci II | PSY2XX | Res Des Beh Sci II |
PSY235 | Condition & Learn | PSY2XX | Condition & Learn |
PSY240 | Psych Personality | PSY2XX | Psych Personality |
PSY265 | Childhood & Adolesc | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop |
PSY270 | Social Psychology | PSY243 | Social Psychology |
PSY305 | Appl Res Meth Psych | PSY3XX | Appl Res Meth Psych |
PSY320 | Beh Neurosci | PSY3XX | Beh Neurosci |
PSY330 | Abnormal Psychology | PSY230 | Abnormal Psych |
PSY330 | Abnormal Psychology | PSY330 | Adult Psychopathlgy |
PSY355 | Psych Except Child | PSY3XX | Psych Except Child |
PSY365 | Multicult Psych | PSY250 | Multicultural Aware |
PSY383 | Social Learning Infant & Child | PSY223 | Early Child Develp |
PSY384 | Helping Skills Human Services | PSY3XX | Helping Skills Human Services |
PSY410 | Psychology of Women and Gender | PSY4XX | Psychology of Women and Gender |
PSY420 | Health Psychology | PSY225 | Health Psychology |
PSY440 | Hist & Systm of Psy | PSY3XX | Hist & Systm of Psy |
RDG232 | Rdg in Elem School | EDU2XX | Rdg in Elem School |
RDG529 | Rdg Beyond Prim Grd | MED512 | Adv Rdg Contnt Area |
SCM200 | Stat Appl Bus | QBA260 | Business Statistics |
SCM330 | Sup Chain & Op Mgt | MGT3XX | Sup Chain & Op Mgt |
SOC101 | Intr Soc Society Div | SOC100 | Intro Sociology |
SOC117 | Modern Trad Society | SOC100 | Intro Sociology |
SOC201 | Thinking Sociologically | SOC200 | Professionalism/Soc |
SOC220 | Social Stratification | SOC2XX | Social Stratification |
SOC241 | Contemp Soc Prob | SOC220 | Am Social Problems |
SPE100 | Basic Oral Communic | CM212 | Public Speaking |
SPE100 | Basic Oral Communic | CM104 | Human Communicatn |
SPE121 | Intro to Theatre | THE254 | Intro Theatre |
SPE255 | Speech Criticism | CM2XX | Speech Criticism |
SPN101 | Beg Spanish I | SPN101 | Elem Spanish I |
SPN102 | Beg Span II | SPN102 | Elem Spanish II |
SPN103 | Int Spanish | SPN201 | Inter Spanish I |
SPN150 | Span Civ & Cult | SPN307 | Span Culture/Civ |
SPN200 | Intro Rdg Spanish | SPN2XX | Intro Rdg Spanish |
SPN202 | Int Conv Gram Rvw | SPN202 | Inter Spanish II |
SPN204 | Idea Cult Hisp World | SPN2XX | Idea Cult Hisp World |
SPN250 | Commercial Spanish | SPN2XX | Commercial Spanish |
SPN302 | Adv Span Conversatn | SPN301 | Adv Oral/Writ Span |
SPN312 | Spanish Grammar | SPN3XX | Spanish Grammar |
SWK102 | Soc Wrk in Soc Welf | SOC1XX | Soc Wrk in Soc Welf |
SWK150 | Human Relations Lab | CM1XX | Human Relations Lab |
SWK250 | Assess Inds Social Environment | HSV2XX | Assess Inds Social Environment |
SWK265 | Understanding Diversity | SOC2XX | Understanding Diversity |
TCH160 | Child Dev | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop |
TCH205 | The American School | EDU2XX | Amer School |
TCH250 | Elem of Instruct | EDU2XX | Elem of Instruct |
TCH260 | Edu Psychology | EDU370 | Psych of Learning |
TCH260 | Edu Psychology | EDU375 | Psy Learning/Second |
TCH310 | Ed Psychology | EDU370 | Psych of Learning |
TCH310 | Ed Psychology | EDU375 | Psy Learning/Second |
TCH345 | Assess & Eval Strat | EDU3XX | Assess & Eval Strat |
TCH445 | Strat Eff Cls Mgt | EDU4XX | Strat Eff Cls Mgt |
TCH575 | Child Development | MED502 | Adv Educ Psych |
TCH600 | Element of Research | MED501 | Intro Ed Research |
THE121 | Intro to Theater | THE154 | Introduction to Theatre |
UNIV101 | First Year Seminar | FYS100 | First Year Seminar |
WST100 | Intro to Women's Studies | WGS200 | Women/Gender Stud |
Slippery Rock University of PA | York College of Pennsylvania | ||
ACCT205 | Accounting for Decision Makers | ACC2XX | Accounting for Dec Makers |
ARAB101 | Arabic I | ARB101 | Elem Arabic I |
ART100 | 2D Design | ART210 | Design I |
ART105 | Basic Studio Drawing | ART215 | Drawing I |
ART109 | Basic Studio Metalsmith | ART1XX | Basic Studio Metalsmith |
ART113 | Basic Studio Graphic Design | ART1XX | Basic Stud Graphic Desgn |
ART205 | Art Syn Draw | ART2XX | Art Syn Draw |
ART225 | Overview West Art | ART101 | Intro Art Apprec |
ART225 | Overview of W. Art | ART101 | Art/Visual Culture |
ART226 | Overview Art | ART101 | Art/Visual Culture |
BIOL101 | General Biology | BIO1XX | Biology Elective No Lab |
BIOL102 | Human Biology | BIO1XX | Biology Elect No Lab |
BIOL104 | Prin of Biology with Lab | BIO150 | Biology I |
BIOL105 | Environmental Biology | BIO1XX | Biology Elective No Lab |
CDEV248 | Human Develop | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop |
CEDP248 | Hum Dev | PSY2XX | Hum Dev |
CHEM104 | Intro Chem I | CHM1XX | Chem Elect No Lab |
CHEM107 | Gen Chem I | CHM1XX | Chem Elect No Lab |
CHEM107 | Gen Chem I | CHM134 | Gen Chem I |
COMM103 | Imp Voice & Diction | CM212 | Public Speaking |
COMM110 | Comm Concepts | CM104 | Human Communicatn |
COMM115 | Visual Literacy | CM1XX | Visual Literacy |
COMM200 | Civil Discourse | CM104 | Human Communicatn |
COMM200 | Public Speaking | CM104 | Human Communicatn |
COMM200 | Public Speaking | CM212 | Public Speaking |
COMM201 | Digital Imaging | ART2XX | Digital Imaging |
COMM215 | Small Group Comm | CM104 | Human Communicatn |
COMM217 | Intercult Comm | CM2XX | Intercult Comm |
COMM228 | Creative Advertising | MKT330 | Advertising |
COMM231 | Intro Pub Rel | CM221 | Public Relations |
COMM251 | Mass Media and Society | CM211 | Mass Communication |
COMM254 | Video Production | CM242 | Video Prodctn I |
COMM256 | Message Prepartion | CM2XX | Message Preparation |
COMM263 | Mass Media & Society | CM211 | Mass Communication |
CPSC102 | Info Tech & Soc | IFS1XX | Info Tech & Soc |
CPSC110 | Computer Concepts | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
CPSC160 | Intr Prog & Info Sys | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
CPSC161 | Fortran | IFS1XX | Fortran |
CPSC171 | Pascal Prog | IFS1XX | Pascal Prog |
CPSC260 | Algo & Adv Prog | CS2XX | Algo & Adv Prog |
CPSC261 | Programming Lang | CS2XX | Programming Lang |
CRHS120 | Intro HS & Def | IA1XX | Intro HS & Def |
CRIM110 | Intro to Crim | CJA101 | Intro Crim Justice |
CRIM115 | Proseminar | CJA1XX | Proseminar |
CRIM205 | Intro to Crim & CJ | CJA101 | Intro Crim Justice |
DANC100 | Intro to Dance | HUM1XX | Intro to Dance |
DANC105 | Dance Fundamentals | PE117 | Modern Dance |
DANC105 | Dance Fundamentals | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect |
DANC120 | Modern Dance I | HUM1XX | Modern Dance I |
DANC199 | Prac Dance I | PE1XX | Prac Dance I |
DANC200 | Dance Comp I | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect |
DANC200 | Dance Comp I | PE1XX | Dance Comp I |
DANC216 | Prin Dance Prod | NPE1XX | Princ Dance Prod |
DANC220 | Mod Dance II | PE1XX | Modern Dance II |
DANC220 | Mod Dance II | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect |
DANC221 | Ballet II | PE2XX | Ballet II |
DANC221 | Ballet II | NPE2XX | Ballet II |
DANC222 | Jazz Dance II | PE1XX | Jazz Dance II |
DANC222 | Jazz Dance II | NPE1XX | Jazz Dance II |
DANC224 | Improvisation | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect |
DANC224 | Improvisation | PE1XX | Improvisation |
DANC321 | Ballet III | PE1XX | Ballet III |
DANC321 | Ballet III | NPE1XX | Ballet III |
ECON105 | Econ of Soc Iss | ECO1XX | Econ of Soc Iss |
ECON201 | Prin Econ-Macro | ECO200 | Prin Econ-Macro |
ECON202 | Prin Microecon | ECO201 | Prin Econ-Micro |
ECON219 | Bus Statistics | QBA260 | Business Statistics |
EGEO101 | Phys Geology | ESS1XX | Physical Geology |
EGEO101 | Phys Geology | ESS1XX | Earth Sci Elect No Lab |
ELEC100 | Ec Theory & Prac | EDU1XX | Ec Theory & Prac |
ELEC200 | Child Dev Typ | EDU2XX | Child Dev Typ |
ENGL101 | College Writing I | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm |
ENGL101 | College Wrtg I | WRT102 | Analytical Read/Writ |
ENGL102 | College Writing | WRT1XX | College Writing |
ENGL103 | Coll Writing II | WRT202 | Academic Writing |
ENGL103 | College Writing II | FCO1XX | College Writing II |
ENGL104 | Critical Reading | FCO1XX | Critical Reading |
ENGL210 | Interpret Lit | LIT200 | Perspectives/Lit |
ENGL214 | Film Analysis | FLM2XX | Film Analysis |
ENGL217 | British Lit I | LIT283 | Ancient to Early Mod Brit Lit |
ENGL220 | Intro to Lit & Cult | LIT200 | Intro Lit & Text Stud |
ENGL230 | Intro to Ling and Gram | LIT310 | Language/Linguistics |
ENGL317 | British Literature I | LIT283 | Ancient to Early Mod Brit Lit |
ERS101 | Applied Anatomy/Lab | BIO1XX | Applied Anatomy/Lab |
ERS107 | Intro to Athletic Training | SPM1XX | Intro to Athletic Training |
ERS264 | Appl Anatomy | BIO106 | Body Strct/Function |
ESAP101 | FYRST Seminar | FYS1XX | FYRST Seminar |
FIN100 | Pers Finan Plan | FIN1XX | Pers Finan Plan |
FREN101 | Fren Lang I | FRN101 | Elem French I |
G&ES100 | Discover Geog | G1XX | Discover Geog |
G&ES105 | World Reg Geog | G1XX | World Reg Geog |
G&ES107 | Developed Nations | BEH1XX | Developed Nations |
G&ES109 | Developing World | G1XX | Developing World |
G&ES135 | Env Probs | BIO1XX | Biology Elect No Lab |
G&ES202 | US & Canada | G341 | Geog North America |
G&ES202 | US & Canada | G341 | Geog North America |
GES100 | Discover Geography | G100 | World Reg Geography |
GES105 | World Reg Geography | G243 | Intro Geography |
GES105 | World Regional Geography | G100 | World Reg Geography |
HIST151 | Ancient & Medieval World | HIS300 | Ancnt Hist to 476 |
HIST153 | Contemporary World History | HIS1XX | Contemp World History |
HIST201 | Colonial America | HIS350 | Amer Colonial Hist |
HIST202 | United States 1815-1920 | HIS112 | American Civ II |
HLTH262 | Health Foundations | PE2XX | Phys Ed Elect |
HLTH262 | Health Foundations | NPE2XX | Health Foundations |
INBS227 | Intro to International Bus | IBS200 | Internatl Business |
INDP139 | Univ System Frauds | HUM1XX | Uni System Frauds |
INDP220 | Non Profit Leadership | BUS350 | Not-For-Profit Org |
INDS101 | FYRST Seminar | FYS1XX | FYRST Seminar |
MATH101 | Basic Math | MAT102 | Prelim Math/Prob Solv |
MATH113 | Math as a Liberal Art | MAT1XX | Math as a Liberal Art |
MATH115 | Financial Math | MAT1XX | Fin Math |
MATH118 | Elem Geometry | MAT1XX | Elem Geometry |
MATH120 | Intermed Algebra | MAT105 | College Algebra |
MATH225 | Calculus I | MAT171 | Calculus I |
MGMT103 | Intro to Bus | BUS1XX | Intro to Bus |
MODL105 | Intro Asian St | INT1XX | Intro Asian St |
MRKT333 | Consumer Behavior | MKT360 | Consumer Behavior |
MS102 | Prin of Ldrship | NPE1XX | Prin of Ldrship |
MUSI101 | Intro to Music | MUS200 | Music Appreciation |
MUSI101 | Intro to Music | MUS186 | Listening to Music |
MUSI102 | Intro World Music | MUS281 | World Music |
MUSI104 | Intro to American Music | MUS1XX | Intro to American Music |
MUSI184 | Applied Bassoon | MUS1XX | Applied Bassoon |
PE107 | Aquatic Fundamentals | PE105 | Aqua Exercise |
PE107 | Aquatic Fundamentals | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect |
PE141 | Pers Fit-Wlk-Jog | PE1XX | Pers Fit-Wlk-Jog |
PE152 | Prac Intro to Teaching | EDU1XX | Prac Intro to Teaching |
PE191 | Founds Physical Education | NPE1XX | Founds Physical Educ |
PE192 | Diversity Issues Phys Ed | NPE1XX | Diversity Issues Phys Ed |
PE194 | Sprt Mg-Car & Cont | SPM1XX | Sprt Mg-Car & Cont |
PE243 | Movement Education | NPE2XX | Movement Education |
PE274 | Assessment Strategies PE | NPE2XX | Assessment Strategies PE |
PE359 | Striking/Active Games | NPE3XX | Striking/Active Games |
PESM141 | Per Ph Ft | PE134 | Concpts Phys Actvty |
PESM150 | Prac App-Sp Mgt | SPM1XX | Prac App-Sp Mgt |
PESM194 | Sport Mgt-Car & Cont | SPM1XX | Sport Mgt-Car & Cont |
PESM269 | Am Sp 21st Cent | SPM2XX | Am Sp 21st Cent |
PESM294 | Spt Mang & Ethic | SPM2XX | Spt Mang & Ethic |
PESM333 | Sport Comm | SPM3XX | Sport Comm |
PHIL101 | Introduction to Philosophy | PHL221 | Intro Philosophy |
PHIL113 | Intro to Logic | PHL231 | Logic |
PHIL123 | Ethics | PHL341 | Ethics |
PHYS101 | Conc of Sci I | PSC152 | Physical Sci I |
PHYS201 | Elem of Phys I with Lab | PHY110 | Gen Phys:Mech/Ht |
POLS101 | Amer Natl Govt | PS141 | American Governmnt |
POLS101 | Am National Gov | PS101 | Amer Gov/Citizenship |
POLS103 | International Relat | PS302 | International Rel |
POLS105 | Intro Pol Thry | PS1XX | Intro Pol Theory |
POLS139 | Foundations Academic Discovery | FYS100 | First Year Seminar |
PROF201 | Prin of Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology |
PSYC105 | Intro Psychology | PSY100 | General Psychology |
PSYC221 | Intro Statistics | QBA260 | Business Statistics |
PSYC221 | Intro Statistics | MAT250 | Statistics |
PSYC221 | Intro Statistics | BEH260 | Statistics |
PSYC276 | Abnormal Behav | PSY230 | Abnormal Psych |
PUBA150 | Intro Public Admin | PS151 | Intro Public Admin |
SAFE118 | Introduction to Safety | PAW1XX | Introduction to Safety |
SASW104 | Courtship & Marriage | SOC1XX | Courtship & Marriage |
SASW105 | Human Diversity | BEH1XX | Human Diversity |
SASW201 | Princ of Soc | SOC100 | Intro Sociology |
SASW202 | Intro to Anthro | ANT220 | Cult Anthropology |
SASW317 | Stat Methods | MAT250 | Statistics |
SASW317 | Stat Methods | BEH260 | Statistics |
SASW317 | Stat Methods | QBA260 | Business Statistics |
SASW390 | Criminal Invest | CJA305 | Crim Investigation |
SEFE200 | Intro to Edu, Teach, Field | EDU200 | Found of Education |
SEFE230 | Prod and Utilization | SE210 | Educ Tech Mid/Sec |
SEFE230 | Prod and Utilization | ECH210 | Ed Tech/Early Elem |
SEFE326 | ELL Strat and Prac | EDU225 | Instrc Needs/ELL |
SEFE342 | Educ Psych Dvrs Lrners | EDU3XX | Educ Psych Dv Lrners |
SOWK105 | Human Diversity | SOC1XX | Human Diversity |
SPAN101 | Span Lg & Cult I | SPN101 | Elem Spanish I |
SPAN102 | Span Lg & Cult II | SPN102 | Elem Spanish II |
SPAN103 | Span Lang & Cult III | SPN201 | Inter Spanish I |
SPAN200 | Inter Span Grammar | SPN2XX | Inter Span Grammar |
SPAN201 | Comm in Spanish | SPN2XX | Comm in Spanish |
SPED121 | High Incidence | SPE303 | EBI: High Incidence |
SPED122 | Low Incidence | SPE1XX | Low Incidence |
SPMT139 | Foundations Academic Discovery | SPM1XX | Foundations Academic Discovery |
SPMT194 | Intro to Sport Mgmt | SPM125 | Intro Sport Mgmt |
SPMT196 | Global Spmt | SPM1XX | Global Spmt |
SPMT269 | Am Sp 21st Cent | SPM130 | Sport in Society |
SPMT286 | Spt Mgmt Comm Tech | SPM350 | Public/Media Reltns |
SPMT294 | Sport Mgmt Ethics | SPM475 | Ethics/Current Iss |
THEA130 | Art of Theatre | THE154 | Introduction to Theatre |
THEA131 | Fund of Acting | THE262 | Acting |
THEA132 | Stagecraft | THE1XX | Stagecraft |
THEA141 | Intro to Theatre | THE254 | Intro Theatre |
St. John's University | York College of Pennsylvania | |||
ACC1007 | Fund of Acct I | ACC1XX | Fund of Acct I | |
ART1105 | Intro Graphic Des I | ART1XX | Intro Graphic Des I | |
ART1110 | Found Design | ART110 | Concepts of Design | |
ART1610 | Photography I | ART245 | Photography I | |
ART1620 | Photography II | ART295 | Photography II | |
ART1650 | Analog Photo & Experiment | ART1XX | Analog Photo & Experiment | |
ART1710 | History of Art I | ART204 | Survey West Art I | |
ART1720 | History of Art II | ART205 | Survey West Art II | |
BIO1008 | Anatomy & Physiology | BIO1XX | Biology Elective no lab | |
BIO1050 | Human Biology | BIO1XX | Biology Elective no lab | |
BIO2000 | Fund of Bio II: Cell/Mole | BIO150 | Biology I | |
BIO3000 | Fund of Bio III: Organismc Bio | 01 | BIO153 | Evol/Ecol/Div Lab |
BIO3000 | Fund of Bio III: Organismc Bio | 01 | BIO152 | Evol/Ecol & Divers |
BIO3001L | Fundamentals of BIO III Lab | 01 | ||
BLW1001 | Law and Business | BUS260 | Legal Environment | |
BLW1005 | Topics of Business Law | BUS1XX | Topics of Business Law | |
CHE1210 | General Chemistry | CHM135 | Gen Chem I Lab | |
CHE1210 | General Chemistry | CHM122 | Prin Gen/Org Chem | |
CHE1210 | General Chemistry | CHM123 | Gen/Org Chem Lab | |
CHE1210 | General Chemistry | CHM134 | Gen Chem I | |
CHE1220 | General Chemistry II | CHM136 | Gen Chem II | |
CHE1220 | General Chemistry II | CHM137 | Gen Chem II Lab | |
COM1001 | Intro Mass Communication | CM211 | Mass Communication | |
CRJ2000 | Intro Crim Justice Sys | CJA101 | Intro Crim Justice | |
CUS1114 | Struct Prog Tech | IFS1XX | Struct Prog Tech | |
CUS1115 | Computer Prog Fund I | CS101 | Fund Comp Sci I | |
CUS1124 | Intro Data Struct | IFS1XX | Intro Data Struct | |
DNY1000C | Immigration and NYC | SOC1XX | Immigration and NYC | |
ECO1001 | Principles of Eco I | ECO200 | Prin Econ-Macro | |
ECO1001 | Prin of Econ I | ECO2XX | Prin of Econ I | |
ECO1002 | Principles of Eco II | ECO201 | Prin Econ-Micro | |
ECO1006 | Personal Finance | FIN220 | Personal Finance & Banking | |
EDU1000 | Found of Ed | EDU1XX | Found of Ed | |
EDU1008 | Found of Spec Ed | SPE1XX | Found of Spec Ed | |
ENG0010 | Intro Critical Writing | WRT102 | Analytical Read/Writ | |
ENG1000C | English Comp | WRT102 | Analytical Read/Writ | |
ENG1003 | Comp & Rhetoric I | WRT102 | Analytical Read/Writ | |
ENG1020 | Expository Writing | WRT102 | Analytical Read/Writ | |
ENG1100C | Lit in Global Cont | LIT1XX | Lit in Global Cont | |
ENG2060 | Study of Amer Lit | LIT2XX | Study of Amer Lit | |
ENG2210 | Brit Lit | LIT283 | British Lit to 1750 | |
FRE1010C | Core: French Level 1 | FRN101 | Elem French I | |
FRE2030C | French Level III | FRN201 | Inter French I | |
FRE2040C | Int French Conv | FRN205 | Inter French Convs | |
FYW1000C | Core: English Comp | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm | |
GOV1030 | Amer Natl Govt | PS141 | American Governmnt | |
GOV1030C | Amer Nat Govt | PS141 | American Governmnt | |
HIS1000C | Core: Emer Global Society | HUM1XX | Core: Emer Global Soc | |
HIS1011 | World History II | HIS122 | World History II | |
HIS1302 | U.S. Civ War to Pres | HIS112 | American Civ II | |
HMT1000 | Hospitality Mgmt | HSP100 | Intro Hospitality | |
ITA1000 | Intensive Italian I & II | ITL102 | Elem Italian II | |
ITA1000 | Intensive Italian I & II | ITL101 | Elem Italian I | |
ITA2030 | Italian Level III | ITL2XX | Italian level III | |
ITA2040 | Int Italian Conv | ITL2XX | Int Italian Conv | |
ITA57 | Studies in Italian Culture | INT1XX | Studies in Italian Culture | |
MGT1001 | Prin Mgt I | MGT150 | Prin of Management | |
MKT1001 | Prin Marketing | MKT100 | Prin Marketing | |
MKT1002 | Fund Adver & Sales Promo | MKT1XX | Fund Adver & Sales Promo | |
MTH1000C | Math for Liberal Arts | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv | |
MTH1003 | Intro to College Math I | MAT105 | College Algebra | |
MTH1008 | Matrix Methods | MAT1XX | Matrix Methods | |
MTH1009 | Calculus I | MAT171 | Calculus I | |
MTH1013 | Prob & Stats I | MAT250 | Statistics | |
MTH1013 | Prob & Stats I | BEH260 | Statistics | |
MTH1013 | Prob & Stats I | QBA260 | Business Statistics | |
MTH1014 | Prob & Stats II | MAT2XX | Prob & Stats II | |
MTH1020 | Applied Statistics | QBA260 | Business Stats I | |
MTH1020 | Applied Statistics | BEH260 | Statistics | |
MTH1020 | Applied Statistics | MAT250 | Statistics | |
MTH1040 | Models for Decision Making | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv | |
MTH1050 | Pre-Calculus & Trig | MAT108 | Precalculus | |
MTH1125 | Appl Stats: Multivariate | MAT1XX | Appl Stats: Mltvarble | |
MTH1250C | Stat App-Phar/Allied Health | BEH260 | Statistics | |
MTH1260C | Calp Appli-Pharm&Allied | MAT1XX | Calc Appl-Pharm & Allied | |
MTH1730 | Univ Calculus I | MAT171 | Calculus I | |
MTH1730C | Univ Calculus I | MAT171 | Calculus I | |
MTH1740 | Univ Calculus II | MAT172 | Calculus II | |
NET1001 | Data Communications | IFS1XX | Data Communications | |
PAS2500 | Intro to Medical Economics | ECO2XX | Intro to Medical Economics | |
PHI1000C | Phil Human Person | PHL221 | Intro Philosophy | |
PHI3000C | Metaphysics | PHL3XX | Metaphysics | |
PHY1610 | College Physics I | PHY110 | Gen Phys:Mech/Ht | |
PHY1610 | College Physics I | PHY111 | G Phys:Mech Lab | |
PSC1001 | American National Government | PS101 | Amer Gov/Citizenship | |
PSY1000 | Intro Psychology | PSY100 | General Psychology | |
PSY1000C | Intro to Psychology | PSY100 | General Psychology | |
PSY2200 | Abnormal Psych | PSY230 | Abnormal Psych | |
SCI1000C | Sci Inq: Astronomy | ESS1XX | Sci Inq: Astronomy | |
SOC1000C | Intro to Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology | |
SOC1001 | Gen Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology | |
SOC1010 | Introduction to Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology | |
SOC1025 | The Sociology of Sport | SPM1XX | The Soc of Sport | |
SPA1010C | Spanish Level I | SPN101 | Elem Spanish I | |
SPA1020C | Core: Spanish Level II | SPN102 | Elem Spanish II | |
SPA2030C | Spanish Level III | SPN201 | Inter Spanish I | |
SPA2040C | Int Spanish Conv | SPN205 | Inter Spanish Conv | |
SPE1000C | Pub Speaking | CM212 | Public Speaking | |
SPM1001 | Phil, Princ, Organ of Sport | SPM1XX | Phil, Princ, Org of Sport | |
SPM1003 | Curr Iss in Sport | SPM1XX | Curr Iss in Sport | |
SPM1004 | Manag Aspects of Spt Mgmt | SPM1XX | Manag Aspcts of Spt Mgt | |
SPM1006 | Sem-Sport Administration | SPM1XX | Sem-Sport Administration | |
SPM1010 | Legal Aspects of Spt Mgmt | SPM1XX | Legal Aspects of Spt Mgmt | |
THE1000C | Pers on Christianity | REL275 | Trad/Cult Chrstnty | |
THE2100 | Intro to The Bible | REL2XX | Intro to The Bible | |
THE2120 | Reading the New Testament | REL2XX | Reading the New Testament | |
THE2810 | Religions of the World | REL265 | World Religions |
Stevenson University | York College of Pennsylvania | |||
ACC101 | Intro Accounting I | ACC1XX | Intro Accounting I | |
ACC101 | Intro Accounting I | ACC1XX | Intro Accounting I | |
ACC102 | Intro Accounting II | ACC220 | Financial Acct | |
ACC121 | Prin of Acct I | ACC1XX | Prin of Acct I | |
ACC122 | Prin of Acct II | ACC220 | Financial Acct | |
ACC140 | Financial Accounting | ACC220 | Financial Acct | |
ACC141 | Managerial Accounting | ACC225 | Managerial Acct | |
ACC303 | Cost & Man Acct | ACC225 | Managerial Acct | |
ANTH201 | Intro Cult Anthropology | ANT220 | Cult Anthropology | |
ANTH320 | Lang, Cult, and Soc | ANT3XX | Lang, Cult, and Soc | |
ART110 | Fund of Design I | ART210 | Design I | |
ART111 | Two Dimensional Design | ART210 | Design I | |
ART126 | Intro Painting | ART220 | Painting I | |
ART126 | Intro Painting | ART114 | Concepts/Painting | |
ART242 | Creat Dev: Elem Ed | ART2XX | Creat Dev: Elem Ed | |
BA101 | Intro to Business Admin | BUS150 | Intro to Business | |
BA422 | Strategic Planning | BUS4XX | Strategic Planning | |
BIO101 | Anatomy & Physiology | BIO106 | Body Strct/Function | |
BIO102 | Intro to Medical Microbiology | BIO1XX | Biology Elective No Lab | |
BIO104 | Cont Persp Human Biol | BIO112 | Fund Human Bio | |
BIO104 | Human Body and Issues | BIO1XX | Human Body & Iss | |
BIO113 | General Bio I: Cell & Genetic | 01 | BIO143 | Mole/Gene/Cell Lab |
BIO113 | General Bio I: Cell & Genetic | 01 | BIO142 | Molecule/Gene/Cell |
BIO113 | General Bio I: Cell/Gene | BIO142 | Molecule/Gene/Cell | |
BIO113 | General Bio I: Cell/Gene | BIO150 | Biology I | |
BIO113L | Genrl Bio I: Cell/Genetics Lab | 01 | ||
BIO114 | Genrl Bio II: Struct/Func Org | 02 | BIO151 | Intro Mole Bio Lab |
BIO114 | Genrl Bio II: Struct/Func Org | 02 | BIO150 | Intro Molecular Bio |
BIO114L | Gen Bio II: Struct/Fun Org Lab | 02 | ||
BIO115 | Gnl Bio III: Ecology & Evol | 03 | BIO152 | Evol/Ecol & Divers |
BIO115 | Gnl Bio III: Ecology & Evol | 03 | BIO153 | Evol/Ecol/Div Lab |
BIO115L | Gnl Bio III: Ecology/Evol Lab | 03 | ||
BIO130 | Hum A & P | BIO220 | Human A/P I | |
BIO202 | Intro to Med Lab | BIO1XX | Biology Elective No Lab | |
BIO203 | Microbiology | BIO230 | Microbiology | |
BIO215 | Evol & Bio Diversity | BIO152 | Biology II | |
BIO217 | Biochem | BIO2XX | Biology Elect No Lab | |
BIO222 | Human Anatomy | BIO2XX | Human Anatomy | |
BIO222 | Human Anatomy | BIO220 | Human A/P I | |
BIO224 | Comparative Anatomy | BIO2XX | Comparative Anatomy | |
BIO230 | Genetics | BIO240 | Genetics | |
BIO230 | Genetics | BIO241 | Genetics Lab | |
BIO255 | Tech in Molecular Bio | BIO358 | Cell/Moleclr Bio | |
BIO322 | Human Physiology | BIO222 | Human A/P II | |
CHEM110 | Found Gen Org Biochem | 04 | CHM123 | Gen/Org Chem Lab |
CHEM110 | Found Gen Org Biochem | 04 | CHM122 | Prin Gen/Org Chem |
CHEM110L | Found Gen Org Biochem Lab | 04 | ||
CHEM111 | Intro to Chemistry | CHM104 | Found of Chem | |
CHEM115 | General Chemistry I | 04 | CHM135 | Gen Chem I Lab |
CHEM115 | General Chemistry I | 04 | CHM134 | Gen Chem I |
CHEM115L | General Chemistry I Lab | 04 | ||
CHEM116 | General Chemistry II | 05 | CHM136 | Gen Chem II |
CHEM116 | General Chemistry II | 05 | CHM137 | Gen Chem II Lab |
CHEM116L | General Chemistry II Lab | 05 | ||
CHEM210 | Organic Chemistry I | 06 | CHM235 | Orgnc Chm I Lab |
CHEM210 | Organic Chemistry I | 06 | CHM234 | Organic Chem I |
CHEM210L | Organic Chemistry I Lab | 06 | ||
CHEM211 | Organic Chem II | CHM236 | Organic Chem II | |
CHS101 | Family Studies | SOC225 | The Family | |
CHS105 | Human Services & Social Polici | HSV1XX | Human Services & Social Polici | |
CHS217 | Prof Dvlpmnt in Couns HSR | HSV2XX | Prof Dvlpmnt in Couns HSR | |
CHS270 | Psychopharmacology & Addiction | PSY225 | Health Psychology | |
CHS275 | Services for Children & Youth | HSV200 | App Youth Develop | |
CJUS101 | Intro Crim Justice | CJA101 | Intro Crim Justice | |
CJUS220 | Criminal Law & Prod | CJA302 | Criminal Law | |
CJUS275 | Corrections | CJA337 | Punishmnt/Correctns | |
CJUS280 | Law Enforcement | CJA234 | Law Enforcement | |
CM101 | Public Speaking | CM212 | Public Speaking | |
CM111 | Intercult Comm | CM1XX | Intercult Comm | |
CM115 | Interpers Comm | CM329 | Interpersonal Comm | |
CM205 | Communication Ethics | PR280 | Ethics in Strategic Comm | |
CM255 | Small Group Comm | CM2XX | Small Group Comm | |
CM255 | Small Group Comm | CM104 | Human Communicatn | |
CM260 | Prof Comm | CM2XX | Prof Comm | |
CM402 | Top: Communicating Identities | CM4XX | Top: Communicating Identities | |
DR103 | Intro to Drama | THE1XX | Intro to Drama | |
EC201 | Principles of Econ: Macro | ECO200 | Prin Econ-Macro | |
EC202 | Principles of Econ: Micro | ECO201 | Prin Econ-Micro | |
ED108 | Learn Exp Young Child | EDU1XX | Learn Exp Young Child | |
ED212 | Literature for Children | EDU2XX | Lit for Children | |
ED220 | Lang Dev | EDU2XX | Lang Dev | |
ED265 | Mat for Read Instr | EDU2XX | Mat for Read Instr | |
ED270 | Curr Prin/Pract | EDU2XX | Curr Prin/Pract | |
ED271 | Prin of Assessment | EDU2XX | Prin of Assessment | |
ED272 | Prin of Spec Ed | SPE2XX | Prin of Spec Ed | |
ENG148 | Intro to Composition | WRT1XX | Intro to Comp | |
ENG148 | Intro to Composition | WRT102 | Analytical Read/Writ | |
ENG150 | Intro to Writing | WRT1XX | Intro to Writing | |
ENG151 | Composition/Writing | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm | |
ENG152 | Writing About Literature | LIT200 | Perspectives/Lit | |
ENG152 | Intro to Lit | LIT200 | Perspectives/Lit | |
ENG210 | Bus Writing | WRT210 | Writng/Prof Culturs | |
ENG215 | Sci Wrt | WRT2XX | Sci Wrt | |
ENG221 | Creat Essay Writ | CRW272 | Intro Creative Wrt | |
ENG224 | Intro to Creative Writing | CRW272 | Intro Creative Wrt | |
ENG225 | Topic: Writ Interactv Stories | WRT2XX | Topic: Writ Interactv Stories | |
ENG253 | Journalism I | CM2XX | Journalism I | |
ENG281 | Wizards:Merlin to Potter | LIT2XX | Wizards | |
ENG282 | Lit Genres: Child Lit | LIT2XX | Lit Genres: Child Lit | |
ENG287 | Lit Genres:Poetry | LIT343 | Exper of Poetry | |
ENG385 | Genres: Gothic Horror | LIT3XX | Genres: Gothic Horror | |
FAM101 | Intro Family Studies | SOC225 | The Family | |
FDES274 | History of Fashion | ART2XX | History of Fashion | |
FMI101 | Cinema I: Storytelling | FLM1XX | Cinema I: Storytelling | |
FMI102 | Cinema II: Continuity | FLM1XX | Cinema II: Continuity | |
FMI201 | Cinematography I | FLM2XX | Cinematography I | |
FMI202 | Cinematography II: Color | FLM2XX | Cinematography II: Color | |
FMI204 | Broadcast Production | CM2XX | Broadcast Prod | |
FMI211 | Basic Screenwriting | CRW277 | Screenwriting I | |
FMI221 | Art & Craft Editing I | FLM2XX | Art & Craft Editing I | |
FMI222 | Art & Craft Editing II | ART2XX | Art & Craft Editing | |
FMI231 | Film & Moving Image History | FLM220 | Film History | |
FMI290 | Intern Prep | FLM2XX | Intern Prep | |
FSCI101 | Survey of Forensic Science | FCM1XX | Survey of Forensic Sci | |
GDES125 | Fund of Digital Media | ART206 | Elements Comp Graph | |
GDES230 | Typography I | ART218 | Typography I | |
GEO110 | Physical Geog | G1XX | Physical Geog | |
GEO112 | Human Geog | G100 | World Reg Geography | |
HIST104 | US: 1865-Present | HIS112 | American Civ II | |
HIST105 | World History I | HIS121 | World History I | |
HIST106 | World History II | HIS122 | World History II | |
HIST109 | The US: Colonial Amer to 1877 | HIS111 | American Civ I | |
HIST110 | U.S. Hist 1877-Pres | HIS112 | American Civ II | |
HIST238 | History of Baltimore | HIS2XX | History of Baltimore | |
HON171 | Honors Effect Wrt | WRT102 | Analytical Read/Writ | |
HON201 | World Religions & Pol | REL265 | World Religions | |
HON202 | Climate Change | G2XX | Climate Change | |
HON216 | Comm Theatre | HUM2XX | Comm Theatre | |
HSR101 | Family Studies | SOC225 | The Family | |
HSR201 | Intro Hum Services | SOC2XX | Intro Hum Services | |
HSR201 | Intro to Human Services | HSV100 | Intro to HSV | |
INBUS201 | Survey International Bus | IBS200 | Internatl Business | |
IS103 | Fund of Microcomp | IFS105 | Personal Computing | |
IS110 | Microcomp Concepts & Apps | IFS105 | Personal Computing | |
IS115 | Fund of Information Systems | IFS1XX | Fund of Information Systems | |
IS118 | Adv Microcomp Concepts and AP | IFS1XX | Adv Microcomp Conc and AP | |
IS124 | Intro to Comp Graph | ART1XX | Intro Comp Graph | |
IS134 | Window & MS Office Apps | IFS105 | Personal Computing | |
IS135 | MS Office Appls | IFS100 | Info Tech Competncy | |
IS135 | MS Office Appls | IFS105 | Personal Computing | |
IS140 | Info Sys Arch & Des | IFS1XX | Info Sys Arch & Des | |
IS150 | Rel Dbase Dsgn & SQL w/MS Acc | IFS125 | Enterprise Data Mgmt | |
IS170 | Systems Development w/Uml | IFS1XX | Systems Development w/UML | |
IS201 | Management Information System | IFS305 | Management Info Sys | |
IS212 | Intro to Database Mgmt Systems | IFS2XX | Intro Database Mgmt Sys | |
IS231 | Network Technologies | IFS2XX | Networking Technologies | |
IS240 | Programming Concepts | CS2XX | Programming Concepts | |
IS260 | Presentation Theory & Appl | IFS2XX | Presentation Theory & Appl | |
IS342 | Data Analysis | IFS3XX | Data Analysis | |
LAW208 | Business Law | BUS260 | Legal Environment | |
MATH105 | General College Math | MAT102 | Prelim Math/Prob Solv | |
MATH110 | Basic Statistics | MAT250 | Statistics | |
MATH110 | Basic Statistics | QBA260 | Business Statistics | |
MATH110 | Basic Statistics | BEH260 | Statistics | |
MATH111 | College Algebra | MAT105 | College Algebra | |
MATH112 | Pre-Calculus Mathematics | MAT108 | Precalculus | |
MATH116 | Basic Stats/Prob | BEH260 | Statistics | |
MATH116 | Basic Stats/Prob | QBA260 | Business Statistics | |
MATH116 | Basic Stats/Prob | MAT250 | Statistics | |
MATH121 | College Algebra | MAT105 | College Algebra | |
MATH125 | Pre-Calculus Mathematics | MAT108 | Precalculus | |
MATH131 | Math for Teachers I | MAT115 | Sets/Number Systems | |
MATH132 | Math for Teachers II | MAT215 | Sets/Number Sys II | |
MATH135 | Intro to Math Reasoning | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv | |
MATH136 | Intro to Statistics | BEH260 | Statistics | |
MATH136 | Intro to Statistics | QBA260 | Business Stats I | |
MATH136 | Intro to Statistics | MAT250 | Statistics | |
MATH137 | College Algebra | MAT105 | College Algebra | |
MATH140 | Basic Stats | MAT250 | Statistics | |
MATH140 | Basic Stats | BEH260 | Statistics | |
MATH140 | Basic Stats | QBA260 | Business Statistics | |
MATH210 | Stats and Prob | MAT250 | Statistics | |
MATH210 | Stats and Prob | QBA260 | Business Statistics | |
MATH210 | Stats and Prob | BEH260 | Statistics | |
MATH220 | Calculus | MAT171 | Calculus I | |
MATH221 | Calculus II | MAT172 | Calculus II | |
MGT204 | Prin of Mgmt | MGT150 | Prin of Management | |
MGT210 | Business Writing | FCO210 | Commun in Prof Cultures | |
MGT235 | Intro Sport Mgmt | SPM125 | Intro Sport Mgmt | |
MKT206 | Prin of Marketing | MKT100 | Prin Marketing | |
MKT311 | Consumer Beh | MKT360 | Consumer Behavior | |
MKT315 | Sports Marketing | MKT3XX | Sports Marketing | |
MT210 | Prin Lab Sci | NPE2XX | Prin Lab Sci | |
MUS102 | Chorus | MUS150 | YCChorale | |
MUS201 | Intro to Music in History | MUS2XX | Intro to Music in History | |
MUS260 | Music Techno I | MUS2XX | Music Techno I | |
MUS275 | American Music: Hip Hop | MUS2XX | Amer Music: Hip Hop | |
MUS290 | Marching Band | MUS2XX | Marching Band | |
NUR314 | Nursing Research | NUR314 | Research/Nurs PR | |
NUR520 | Quant Methods in Nursing | NUR5XX | Quant Methods in Nursing | |
NUR530 | Qual Inquiry in Nursing | NUR508 | App Nurs Research | |
NUR530 | Qual Inquiry in Nursing | |||
NUR615 | Adv Phys Assessment | NUR510 | Adv Assessmnt Clin | |
NUR615 | Adv Phys Assessment | NUR509 | Adv Assessmnt/Diagn | |
NURS110 | Computer Technology in Nursing | NUR1XX | Computer Technology in Nursing | |
NURS240 | Nutrition | NUR202 | Nutrition | |
PE102 | Jogging | PE1XX | Jogging | |
PE105 | Body Cond & Fit | PE119 | Physical Fitness | |
PE107 | Circuit Training | PE119 | Physical Fitness | |
PE108 | Fencing | PE1XX | Fencing | |
PE112 | Volleyball | PE160 | Volleyball | |
PE115 | Badminton | PE151 | Badminton | |
PE125 | Ice Skating | PE154 | Ice Skating | |
PE154 | Men's Soccer | PE155 | Soccer | |
PE155 | Basketball | PE152 | Basketball | |
PE158 | Lacrosse | PE1XX | Lacrosse | |
PE159 | Men's Lacrosse | PE1XX | Men's Lacrosse | |
PE166 | Men's Golf | PE140 | Fundamentals/Golf | |
PHIL101 | Introduction to Philosophy | PHL221 | Intro Philosophy | |
PHIL104 | Logic | PHL231 | Logic | |
PHIL202 | Phil of African Am Writing | PHL2XX | Phil of African Am Writing | |
PHIL215 | Ethics | PHL341 | Ethics | |
PHIL415 | Prof Ethics | PHL4XX | Prof Ethics | |
PHIL416 | Business Ethics | PHL4XX | Business Ethics | |
PHOTO340 | Adv Photography | ART3XX | Adv Photography | |
PHSCI110 | Found of Physics | PSC152 | Physical Sci I | |
PHSCI151 | Prin of Earth & Field Sci | ESS1XX | Prin of Earth & Field Sci | |
PHSCI207 | Astronomy | ESS154 | Intro/Astronomy | |
PHYS215 | Gen Physics I | PHY160 | Eng Phys:Mechncs | |
PSY101 | General Psychology | PSY100 | General Psychology | |
PSY108 | Human Growth & Dev | PSY1XX | Human Growth & Dev | |
PSY108 | Human Growth & Dev | NUR201 | Nursing HD/HC | |
PSY200 | Prof Dev in Psych | PSY2XX | Prof Dev in Psych | |
PSY206 | Child Development | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop | |
PSY215 | Psychopathology | PSY2XX | Psychopathology | |
PSY251 | Forensic Psychology | PSY2XX | Forensic Psychology | |
PSY270 | Research Methods | PSY2XX | Research Methods | |
PSY330 | Ed Psychology | EDU375 | Psy Learning/Second | |
PSY330 | Ed Psychology | EDU370 | Psych of Learning | |
REL102 | Comp Relig Thought | REL1XX | Comp Religious Thought | |
REL115 | Surv Old Testament | REL1XX | Surv Old Testament | |
REL116 | Survey of New Testament | REL275 | Trad/Cult Chrstnty | |
REL202 | Patterns of Thght-Relig | REL265 | World Religions | |
REL202 | World Relg | REL265 | World Religions | |
REL212 | The Act of Christianity | REL2XX | Action of Christianity | |
REL302 | Comp Religious Thought | REL265 | World Religions | |
SOC101 | Intro to Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology | |
SOC102 | Contemp Soc Prob | SOC220 | Am Social Problems | |
SOC206 | Sociology of Women | SOC2XX | Sociology of Women | |
SPN101 | Elem Spanish I | SPN101 | Elem Spanish I | |
SPN202 | Inter Span II | SPN202 | Inter Spanish II | |
THEA103 | Beg Acting | THE262 | Acting | |
THEA121 | Introduction to Theatre | THE254 | Intro Theatre | |
VCD125 | Fund of Digital Media | CM1XX | Fund of Digital Media |
Suffolk County Community College | York College of Pennsylvania | ||
AC11 | Principles of Accounting | ACC1XX | Principles of Accounting |
AC12 | Prin Acct II | ACC220 | Financial Acct |
AC16 | Practical Accounting | ACC1XX | Practical Accounting |
AC37 | Comp Acct Prin | ACC1XX | Comp Acc Prin |
AC51 | Interm Acct I | ACC2XX | Interm Acct I |
AC88 | Fed Inc Tax | ACC1XX | Fed Inc Tax |
ACC101 | Prin of Acct I | ACC1XX | Prin of Acct I |
ACC102 | Prin of Acct II | ACC220 | Financial Acct |
ACC115 | Managerial Acct | ACC225 | Managerial Acct |
ACC201 | Intermed Accouting I | ACC3XX | Intermed Acc I |
AN11 | Cultural Anthro | ANT220 | Cult Anthropology |
ANT101 | Cult Anthropology | ANT220 | Cult Anthropology |
ANT103 | Physical Anthropology | ANT210 | Physical Anthropol |
ART101 | Art Appreciation | ART101 | Intro Art Apprec |
ART111 | Art History I | ART204 | Survey West Art I |
ART112 | Art History II | ART205 | Survey West Art II |
ART126 | Intro Comp Art | ART1XX | Intro Comp Art |
ART133 | Drawing I | ART215 | Drawing I |
ART161 | Ceramics I | ART225 | Ceramics I |
ART210 | 3D Design | ART211 | Design II |
ASL101 | American Sign Lang I | CM150 | Beg Sign Language |
ASL105 | American Sign Lang II | CM250 | Adv Sign Language |
AST101 | Astron of Solar System | ESS154 | Intro/Astronomy |
AST102 | Astronomy | ESS154 | Intro/Astronomy |
BA11 | Int to Business | BUS150 | Intro to Business |
BA25 | Bus Comm | WRT210 | Writng/Prof Culturs |
BA25 | Bus Comm | FCO210 | Comm Prof Cultures |
BA51 | Mgt Prin & Prac | MGT150 | Prin of Management |
BD57 | Marketing | MKT100 | Prin Marketing |
BD70 | Advertising | MKT1XX | Advertising |
BIO101 | Prin of Biology | BIO204 | Exploring Biology |
BIO105 | Surv of Hum Body | BIO112 | Fund Human Bio |
BIO120 | Field Biology and Ecology | BIO120 | Field Nat Hist |
BIO130 | A & P I | BIO220 | Human A/P I |
BIO132 | A & P II | BIO222 | Human A/P II |
BIO150 | Mod Biology I | BIO150 | Biology I |
BIO244 | Gen Microbiology | BIO230 | Microbiology |
BL71 | Bus Law I | BUS260 | Legal Environment |
BL72 | Bus Law II | BUS360 | Bus/Commercial Law |
BNK101 | Intro to Money & Fin | BUS218 | Personal Finance |
BUS101 | Intro to Business | BUS150 | Intro to Business |
BUS102 | Money and Finance | FIN220 | Personal Finance & Banking |
BUS107 | Bus Math | MAT1XX | Bus Math |
BUS109 | Supervison: Concepts/Prac | MGT1XX | Supervison: Cont/Prac |
BUS112 | Comp for Business | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
BUS115 | Workplace Skills Seminar | BUS1XX | Workplace Skills Sem |
BUS117 | Bus Comm | WRT210 | Writng/Prof Culturs |
BUS117 | Bus Comm | FCO210 | Comm Prof Cultures |
BUS121 | Office Mgmt | BUS1XX | Office Mgmt |
BUS123 | Entrepreneurship | ENT150 | Intro Entrepreneur |
BUS127 | Organizational Beh | OBD225 | Org Behavior |
BUS141 | Fund Intl Business | IBS200 | Internatl Business |
BUS201 | Mgt Prin & Prac | MGT150 | Prin of Management |
BUS208 | Case Std in Bus | BUS2XX | Case Std in Bus |
BY14 | Prin Biology | BIO150 | Biology I |
BY30 | Anat & Phys I | BIO220 | Human A/P I |
BY32 | Anat & Phys II | BIO222 | Human A/P II |
BY44 | Gen Microbiology | BIO230 | Microbiology |
BY50 | Modern Bio I | BIO150 | Biology I |
CA84 | Intro Comp Art | ART1XX | Intro Comp Art |
CD11 | Chem Dep Soc | BEH1XX | Chem Dep Soc |
CH19 | General Chemistry | CHM122 | Prin Gen/Org Chem |
CH33 | College Chem I | CHM134 | Gen Chem I |
CH34 | College Chem II | CHM136 | Gen Chem II |
CHE100 | General Chemistry | CHM122 | Prin Gen/Org Chem |
CHE133 | College Chemistry I | CHM134 | Gen Chem I |
CHE133 | College Chemistry I | CHM135 | Gen Chem I Lab |
CHE134 | College Chemistry II | CHM137 | Gen Chem II Lab |
CHE134 | College Chemistry II | CHM136 | Gen Chem II |
CJ11 | Crim Justice | CJA101 | Intro Crim Justice |
CJ15 | Police Operations | CJA1XX | Police Operations |
CJ21 | Crim Invest | CJA2XX | Crim Invest |
CJ25 | Criminalistics | CJA230 | Intro Criminalstics |
CJ31 | Criminal Law | CJA1XX | Criminal Law |
CJ35 | Evid/Proced Law | CJA1XX | Evid/Proced Law |
CJ41 | Intr Correction | CJA1XX | Intr Correction |
CJ55 | Hum Rel & CJ | CJA1XX | Hum Rel & CJ |
CJ75 | Juv Justice | CJA110 | Juvenile Delinquncy |
CJ91 | Organized Crime | CJA1XX | Organized Crime |
CJ99 | Capstone | CJA2XX | Capstone |
CO11 | Intro Human Com | CM104 | Human Communicatn |
CO12 | Inter Comm | CM1XX | Inter Comm |
CO12 | Inter Comm | CM104 | Human Communicatn |
CO15 | Public Speak | CM212 | Public Speaking |
CO15 | Public Speak | CM104 | Human Communicatn |
COM101 | Intro to Human Comm | CM104 | Human Communicatn |
COM102 | Interpersonal Comm | CM329 | Interpersonal Comm |
COM105 | Public Speaking | CM104 | Human Communicatn |
COM105 | Public Speaking | CM212 | Public Speaking |
COM107 | Small Group Comm | CM1XX | Small Group Comm |
COM133 | Freedom of Speech | CM1XX | Freedom of Speech |
COM202 | Intercult Comm | CM2XX | Intercult Comm |
CRJ101 | Crim Justice | CJA101 | Intro Crim Justice |
CRJ103 | Subst Crim Law | CJA1XX | Subst Crim Law |
CRJ105 | Police Operations | CJA1XX | Police Operations |
CRJ107 | Evidence & Proc Law | CJA1XX | Evidence & Proc Law |
CRJ109 | Intro to Corrections | CJA1XX | Intro to Corrections |
CRJ205 | Crim Investigation | CJA2XX | Crim Investigation |
CRJ206 | Organized Crime | CJA2XX | Organized Crime |
CRJ207 | Juvenile Justice | CJA2XX | Juvenile Justice |
CRJ209 | Capstone Course | CJA2XX | Capstone Course |
CS11 | Intro Computing | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
CST101 | Intro to Computing | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
CST111 | Science/Info Tech | IFS1XX | Science/Info Tech |
CST112 | Intro Prog w/VB | CS1XX | Intro Prog w/VB |
CST121 | Cmp Org Sys Prg | CS1XX | Cmp Org Sys Prg |
CST126 | Op Sys Unix/Linux | IFS1XX | Op Sys Unix/Linux |
CST141 | Prin Comp Using Java | IFS1XX | Prin Comp Using Java |
CST222 | Comp Architecture | CS2XX | Comp Architecture |
CST242 | Adv Prog | CS2XX | Adv Prog |
CST246 | Data Structures | CS2XX | Data Structures |
DR11 | Mechan Draft | EGR1XX | Mechan Draft |
DR14 | Autocad I | EGR1XX | Autocad I |
ECO101 | Elem of Economics | ECO1XX | Elem of Economics |
ECO111 | Macroecon | ECO200 | Prin Econ-Macro |
ECO112 | Microeconomics | ECO201 | Prin Econ-Micro |
ED11 | Early Child Ed | EDU1XX | Early Child Ed |
ED22 | Early Child Act | EDU2XX | Early Child Act |
ED23 | Infant Toddler | EDU2XX | Infant Toddler |
ED25 | Creat Activ Art | EDU2XX | Creat Activ Art |
ED33 | Preschool Child | EDU3XX | Preschool Child |
ED35 | Creat Act Music | EDU3XX | Creat Act Music |
ED44 | Ch His/Her Wrld | EDU4XX | Ch His/Her Wrld |
ED45 | Cret Activ Lit | EDU4XX | Cret Activ Lit |
EG11 | Freshman Comp | WRT102 | Analytical Read/Writ |
EG13 | Intro to Lit | LIT200 | Perspectives/Lit |
EG33 | Struct English | WRT1XX | Struct English |
EG54 | Short Story | LIT291 | Short Story |
EG57 | Lit of Bible | LIT390 | Bible as Literature |
EG83 | Shakespeare | LIT323 | Shakespeare I |
EK11 | Elem of Econ | ECO2XX | Elem of Econ |
EK21 | Macroeconomics | ECO200 | Prin Econ-Macro |
EK22 | Microeconomics | ECO201 | Prin Econ-Micro |
ENG101 | Standard Freshman Comp | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm |
ENG102 | Intro to Lit | LIT200 | Perspectives/Lit |
ENG121 | Tech Writing | FCO215 | Tech/Scientfc Comm |
ENG131 | Creative Writing | WRT272 | Intro Creative Wrt |
ENG141 | Intro to Novel | LIT322 | 19th Century Novel |
ENG201 | Adv Expos Writing | WRT315 | Advanced Compositn |
ENG206 | The Short Story | LIT291 | Short Story |
ENG207 | Mass Media | CM211 | Mass Communication |
ENG212 | Cont Global Literature | LIT2XX | Cont Global Literature |
ENG214 | Eng Lit II | LIT284 | Brt Lit after 1750 |
ENG215 | Amer Lit I | LIT281 | Amer Lit to 1885 |
ENG216 | Amer Lit II | LIT282 | Amer Lit after 1885 |
ENG221 | The Art of Poetry | CRW372 | Poetry Writing |
ENG296 | Special Topics Honors | FCO2XX | Special Topics Honors |
ENV115 | Environmental Issues | BIO1XX | Biology Elective no lab |
ES15 | Intro to Geology | ESS1XX | Intro to Geology |
ES17 | Intro to Weather | ESS1XX | Intro to Weather |
ES21 | Solar System | ESS154 | Intro/Astronomy |
ESC101 | Intro to Geology | ESS1XX | Intro to Geology |
ESC102 | Evol of Earth & Life | ESS1XX | Evol of Earth & Life |
FA21 | Elec Page Des | ART1XX | Elec Page Des |
FA22 | Elec Illus | ART1XX | Elec Illus |
FA24 | Basic Graph Des | ART1XX | Basic Graph Des |
FA31 | Intro Comp Design | ART1XX | Intro Comp Design |
FA33 | Drawing I | ART215 | Drawing I |
FA36 | Life Draw II | ART1XX | Life Draw II |
FA91 | Photography I | ART245 | Photography I |
FRE101 | Elem French I | FRN101 | Elem French I |
GEO102 | Cult & Environment | G1XX | Cult & Environment |
GR25 | Typo Design | ART1XX | Typo Design |
GR26 | Print Media I | ART1XX | Print Media I |
GR27 | Print Media II | ART1XX | Print Media II |
HC11 | Health Conc | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect |
HC11 | Health Conc | PE1XX | Phys Ed Elect |
HC22 | Safe & First Aid | ED307 | Responding/Emerg |
HC44 | Group Dynamics | CM1XX | Group Dynamics |
HIS101 | West Civ I | HIS101 | Western Civ I |
HIS102 | West Civ II | HIS102 | Western Civ II |
HIS103 | Found Am Hist | HIS111 | American Civ I |
HIS104 | Mod Amer Hist | HIS367 | Recent Amer/1945-Prs |
HIS104 | Mod Amer Hist | HIS112 | American Civ II |
HIS106 | Hist of Long Island | HIS1XX | Hist of Long Island |
HM31 | Holocaust | HUM1XX | Holocaust |
HM44 | Mythology | HUM1XX | Mythology |
HS11 | West Civ I | HIS101 | Western Civ I |
HS12 | West Civ II | HIS102 | Western Civ II |
HS33 | Found Am Hist | HIS111 | American Civ I |
HS34 | Mod Am Hist | HIS112 | American Civ II |
HS90 | Hist of Religion | REL265 | World Religions |
HUM111 | The Holocaust | HUM1XX | The Holocaust |
HUM114 | Mythology | HUM1XX | Mythology |
HUM121 | Creative Imag | HUM1XX | Creative Imag |
ID11 | Civ: Hum Exp I | HUM1XX | Civ: Hum Exp I |
ID21 | Human Sexuality | NPE1XX | Human Sexuality |
LAW111 | Bus Law I | BUS260 | Legal Environment |
LAW212 | Bus Law II | BUS2XX | Bus Law II |
LIB101 | Research Ess | IFL1XX | Research Ess |
MA21 | Surv of Math Reas | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv |
MA22 | Surv/Cont Math | MAT1XX | Surv/Cont Math |
MA22 | Surv/Cont Math | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv |
MA23 | Statistics I | MAT250 | Statistics |
MA23 | Statistics I | BEH260 | Statistics |
MA23 | Statistics I | QBA260 | Business Statistics |
MA27 | Algebra II | MAT102 | Prelim Math/Prob Solv |
MA61 | Fund of Precalculus I | MAT1XX | Fund of Precalculus I |
MA61 | Fund of Precalculus I | MAT108 | Precalculus |
MA62 | Fund Precalc II | MAT108 | Precalculus |
MA64 | Cal/Non-Sci Maj | MAT120 | Applied Calculus |
MA70 | Precalc Math | MAT108 | Precalculus |
MA87 | Cal/Anal Geo I | MAT171 | Calculus I |
MA88 | Cal/Anal Geo II | MAT172 | Calculus II |
MAR105 | Intro to Oceanography | BIO124 | Oceanography |
MAR111 | Marine Biology | BIO210 | Marine Biology |
MAT101 | Surv Math Reason | MAT1XX | Surv Math Reason |
MAT101 | Surv Math Reason | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv |
MAT102 | Surv/Cont Math | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv |
MAT102 | Surv/Cont Math | MAT1XX | Surv/Cont Math |
MAT103 | Statistics I | BEH260 | Statistics |
MAT103 | Statistics I | MAT250 | Statistics |
MAT103 | Statistics I | QBA260 | Business Statistics |
MAT104 | Statistics II | MAT1XX | Statistics II |
MAT111 | Algebra II | MAT102 | Prelim Math/Prob Solv |
MAT121 | Finite Math | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv |
MAT124 | Fund of Precalc I | MAT108 | Precalculus |
MAT125 | Fund of Precalculus II | MAT1XX | Fund of Precalculus II |
MAT126 | Precalculus Math | MAT108 | Precalculus |
MAT131 | Calculus for Non-Sci | MAT120 | Applied Calculus |
MAT141 | Calc w/Analytic Geom I | MAT171 | Calculus I |
MAT142 | Calc w/Analytic Geom II | MAT172 | Calculus II |
MAT205 | Discrete Math | MAT235 | Discrete Mathemtcs |
MET101 | Intro to Weather | ESS1XX | Intro to Weather |
MFT110 | Interpret Eng Drawings | EGR1XX | Interpret Eng Draw |
MFT210 | Comp Graphics App | EGR1XX | Comp Graphics App |
MKT101 | Marketing | MKT100 | Prin Marketing |
MKT107 | Consumer Behavior | MKT1XX | Consumer Behavior |
MKT213 | Advertising | MKT2XX | Advertising |
MKT216 | Prin of Sales | MKT220 | Personal Selling |
MKT297 | Ind Study | MKT2XX | Ind Study |
MU11 | Understanding Music | MUS200 | Music Appreciation |
MU40 | Music Fundamentals | MUS181 | Found Music Theory |
MU53 | Fret-Board Harm | MUS1XX | Fret-Board Harm |
MU54 | Hist Rock and Roll | MUS288 | History Rock/Roll |
MU86 | Piano Non-Maj | MUS103 | Piano |
MUS101 | Understanding Music | MUS200 | Music Appreciation |
MUS101 | Understanding Music | MUS186 | Listening to Music |
MUS103 | Hist of Rock and Roll | MUS288 | History Rock/Roll |
MUS105 | History of Jazz | MUS286 | Jazz History |
MUS117 | Music Fund | MUS181 | Found Music Theory |
MUS120 | Voice Class | MUS1XX | Voice Class |
MUS122 | Music Theory I | MUS182 | Music Theory I |
MUS123 | Aural Skills I | MUS184 | Sight Singing I |
MUS124 | Piano I | MUS140 | Class Piano |
OC15 | Intro to Ocean | BIO124 | Oceanography |
PC11 | Intro Psych I | PSY100 | General Psychology |
PC20 | Brain/Behavior | PSY2XX | Brain/Behavior |
PC60 | Develop Psych | NUR201 | Nursing HD/HC |
PC60 | Develop Psych | PSY1XX | Develop Psych |
PC64 | Child/Adol Psy | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop |
PC66 | Social Psych | PSY243 | Social Psychology |
PC80 | Abnormal Psych | PSY230 | Abnormal Psych |
PE12 | Golf | PE140 | Fundamentals/Golf |
PE13 | Weight Training | PE119 | Physical Fitness |
PE13 | Weight Training | PE118 | Physical Fitness |
PE14 | Begin Tennis | PE159 | Tennis |
PE16 | Soccer | PE155 | Soccer |
PE18 | Basket/Softball | PE1XX | Basket/Softball |
PE19 | Fit Walking | PE1XX | Fit Walking |
PE23 | Basketball | PE152 | Basketball |
PE28 | Bowling | PE110 | Beginning Bowling |
PE29 | Volleyball | PE160 | Volleyball |
PE41 | Step Aerobics | PE1XX | Step Aerobics |
PE47 | Yoga | PE163 | Intro to Yoga |
PE55 | Intro to Swim | PE120 | Beginning Swimming |
PE60 | Aerobics | PE1XX | Aerobics |
PE61 | Karate | PE1XX | Karate |
PE96 | Wellness | PE134 | Concpts Phys Actvty |
PED112 | Golf | PE140 | Fundamentals/Golf |
PED113 | Weight Training | PE119 | Physical Fitness |
PED113 | Weight Training | PE118 | Physical Fitness |
PED113 | Weight Training | PAW119 | Physical Fitness |
PED114 | Beginning Tennis | PE159 | Tennis |
PED116 | Soccer | PE155 | Soccer |
PED117 | Racquetball | PE1XX | Racquetball |
PED118 | Basketball/Softball | PE1XX | Basketball/Softball |
PED119 | Fitness Walking | PE1XX | Fitness Walking |
PED123 | Basketball | PE152 | Basketball |
PED126 | Pilates | PE165 | Intro to Pilates |
PED127 | Bowling/Badminton | PE1XX | Bowling/Badminton |
PED128 | Bowling | PE110 | Beginning Bowling |
PED129 | Volleyball | PE160 | Volleyball |
PED130 | Life Fitness | PE134 | Concpts Phys Actvty |
PED134 | Spinning | PE1XX | Spinning |
PED137 | Yoga Fusion | PE163 | Intro to Yoga |
PED141 | Club Dance | PE1XX | Club Dance |
PED144 | Body Toning | PE1XX | Body Toning |
PED145 | Team Sports & Cond | PE1XX | Team Sports & Cond |
PED147 | Yoga | PE163 | Intro to Yoga |
PED155 | Intro to Swimming | PE120 | Beginning Swimming |
PED163 | Cardio Kickboxing | PE1XX | Cardio Kickboxing |
PH71 | Physics I | PHY110 | Gen Phys:Mech/Ht |
PHL101 | Iss in Philosophy | PHL221 | Intro Philosophy |
PHL107 | Ethics | PHL341 | Ethics |
PHL201 | History of Philosophy | PHL2XX | History of Philosophy |
PHL211 | Biomedical Ethics | PHL346 | Bioethics |
PHL213 | Philosophy of Animal Rights | PHL2XX | Phil of Animal Rights |
PHY101 | College Physics I | PHY110 | Gen Phys:Mech/Ht |
PHY102 | College Physics II | PHY112 | Gen Phys:Elc/Magn |
PHY130 | Physics I | PHY1XX | Physics Elect No Lab |
PHY130 | Physics I | PHY160 | Eng Phys:Mechncs |
PL11 | Issues in Philosophy | PHL221 | Intro Philosophy |
PL14 | Critical Think | PHL222 | Critical Thinking |
PL18 | World Philosophy | PHL1XX | World Philosophy |
PL23 | Ethics | PHL341 | Ethics |
PL30 | Phil of Rel | PHL383 | Philos Of Religion |
PO20 | State Local Gov | PS242 | State/Local Govt |
PO40 | World Politics | PS1XX | World Politics |
POL103 | State and Local Govt | PS242 | State/Local Govt |
POL105 | American Natl Pol/Gov | PS101 | Amer Gov/Citizenship |
POL107 | World Politics | PS1XX | World Politics |
PSY101 | Intro to Psychology | PSY100 | General Psychology |
PSY203 | Child Psychology | PSY223 | Early Child Develp |
PSY210 | Dev Psychology | NUR201 | Nursing HD/HC |
PSY210 | Dev Psychology | PSY2XX | Dev Psychology |
PSY213 | Exceptional Child | PSY227 | Psych Excep Child |
PSY214 | Child and Adol Psych | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop |
PSY215 | Abnormal Psych | PSY230 | Abnormal Psych |
PSY216 | Social Psychology | PSY243 | Social Psychology |
PSY220 | Ed Psychology | EDU375 | Psy Learning/Second |
PSY220 | Ed Psychology | EDU370 | Psych of Learning |
SL10 | Amer Sign Lang I | CM150 | Beg Sign Language |
SO11 | Intro Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology |
SO33 | Marriage & Fam | SOC225 | The Family |
SOC101 | Intro to Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology |
SP11 | Elem Spanish I | SPN101 | Elem Spanish I |
SP51 | Int Spanish I | SPN201 | Inter Spanish I |
SPN101 | Elem Spanish I | SPN101 | Elem Spanish I |
SPN102 | Elem Spanish II | SPN102 | Elem Spanish II |
SPN113 | Intens Elem Span I & II | SPN101 | Elem Spanish I |
SPN113 | Intens Elem Span I & II | SPN102 | Elem Spanish II |
SPN120 | Basic Conv Span I | SPN1XX | Basic Conv Span I |
SPN201 | Intermed Spanish I | SPN201 | Inter Spanish I |
SPN202 | Intermed Spanish II | SPN202 | Inter Spanish II |
SPN220 | Span Conv & Comp | SPN2XX | Span Conv & Comp |
SPN221 | Cult & Civ Spain | SPN307 | Span Culture/Civ |
TH21 | Acting I | THE262 | Acting |
THR101 | Understanding Theatre | THE254 | Intro Theatre |
THR105 | Acting I | THE262 | Acting |
VA18 | Art History II | ART205 | Survey West Art II |
VA33 | Drawing I | ART215 | Drawing I |
VA55 | Painting I | ART220 | Painting I |
VA55 | Painting I | ART114 | Concepts/Painting |
VA91 | Intro to Photo | ART245 | Photography I |
SUNY Center Albany | York College of Pennsylvania | ||
AANT108 | Cultural Anthro | ANT220 | Cult Anthropology |
AANT318 | Human Anat & Physio II | BIO222 | Human A/P II |
AARH205 | Myths Greek/Roman | HUM2XX | Myths Greek/Roman |
AARH263 | American Film Genres | FLM216 | Intro to Film |
ABIO120 | Gen Biology I | BIO150 | Intro Molecular Bio |
ABIO121 | General Biology II | BIO152 | Evol/Ecol & Divers |
ABIO212Y | Intro Genetics | BIO240 | Genetics |
ABIO217 | Cell Biology | BIO358 | Cell/Moleclr Bio |
ABIO330 | Prin Ecology and Evol | BIO3XX | Prin Ecology and Evol |
ACAS110 | Int Methods Research | NPE1XX | Int Methods Research |
ACAS210 | Adv Meth Research | NPE2XX | Adv Meth Research |
ACHM105 | Chem in our Lives | CHM240 | Perspect/Molecular |
ACHM120 | Gen Chem I | CHM1XX | Chem Elect No Lab |
ACHM120 | Gen Chem I | CHM134 | Gen Chem I |
ACHM220 | Organic Chem I | CHM234 | Organic Chem I |
ACHM220 | Organic Chem I | CHM2XX | Chemistry Elect No Lab |
ACLC134 | Hist of Ancient Rome | HIS1XX | Hist of Ancient Rome |
ACLL102L | Elem Latin II | LAT102 | Elem Latin II |
ACLL201 | Intro to Latin Lit I | LAT2XX | Intro to Latin Lit I |
ACOM203Y | Speech Comp & Pres | CM104 | Human Communicatn |
AECO110 | Microeconomics | ECO201 | Prin Econ-Micro |
AENG100Z | Intro Analytical Wrt | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm |
AENG102Z | Intro Creative Writing | CRW272 | Intro Creative Wrt |
AENG121 | Reading Lit | LIT200 | Perspectives/Lit |
AENG144L | Reading Shakespeare | LIT1XX | Reading Shakespeare |
AENG205Z | Intro Writ Eng Stud | WRT2XX | Intro Writ Eng Stud |
AENG210 | Intro English Studies | LIT2XX | Intro English Studies |
AENG222 | World Literature | LIT2XX | World Literature |
AENG223 | Short Story | LIT319 | The Short Story |
AENG224 | Satire | LIT2XX | Satire |
AENG240V | Rewriting America | WRT2XX | Rewriting America |
AENG261 | American Lit Trad | LIT2XX | American Lit Trad |
AENG292 | British Lit Tradition | LIT2XX | British Lit Tradition |
AENG305V | Studies in Writing Texts | WRT3XX | Studies in Writing Texts |
AENG310 | Read and Intpre Eng Stud | LIT3XX | Read and Intpre Eng Stud |
AENG343 | Authors After Mid 18th Cen | LIT283 | Anc-Early Mod Brit Lit |
AENG343V | Authors After Mid 18th Cent | LIT284 | Mod to Postmod Brit Lit |
AENG350 | Comp Writers at Work | WRT3XX | Comp Writers at Work |
AENG373 | Literature of the Americas | LIT3XX | Lit of the Americas |
AENG413Y | American Lit & Cult | LIT281 | Amer Lit/Identity I |
AENG450Y | Topics in Writing: Love | WRT4XX | Topics in Writ: Love |
AFRE221Y | Intermed French I | FRN201 | Inter French I |
AFRE222Y | Intermed French II | FRN202 | Inter French II |
AHIS101 | Amer Pol Social Hist II | HIS112 | American Civ II |
AITA103 | Intermed Italian I | ITL2XX | Intermed Italian I |
AITA104 | Intermed Italian II | ITL2XX | Intermed Italian II |
AMAT100 | Precalculus Mathematics | MAT108 | Precalculus |
AMAT106 | Surv of Calculus | MAT120 | Applied Calculus |
AMAT108 | Elem Statistics | QBA260 | Business Statistics |
AMAT108 | Elem Statistics | MAT250 | Statistics |
AMAT108 | Elem Statistics | BEH260 | Statistics |
AMAT112 | Calc I | MAT171 | Calculus I |
AMUS110 | Rudiments of Music | MUS1XX | Rudiments of Music |
AMUS182 | Univ Percussion Ensemble | MUS1XX | Univ Pers Ensemble |
AMUS219 | Rock Music in History | MUS288 | History Rock/Roll |
APHI110 | Intro Philosophical Problems | PHL221 | Intro Philosophy |
APOS101W | American Politics | PS101 | Amer Gov/Citizenship |
APSY101 | Intro Psychology | PSY100 | General Psychology |
APSY203 | Psychology of Child Develop | PSY223 | Early Child Develp |
APSY205Z | Writing English Studies | WRT2XX | Writing English Studies |
AREL100 | Intro to Study of Relg | REL1XX | Intro to Study of Relg |
ASOC115 | Intro Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology |
ASOC115M | Intro to Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology |
ASOC203 | Criminology | CJA2XX | Criminology |
ASPN103 | Int Spanish I | SPN201 | Inter Spanish I |
ASPN103I | Intermed Spanish I | SPN201 | Inter Spanish I |
ASPN103L | Int Spanish I | SPN201 | Inter Spanish I |
ASPN104 | Int Spanish II | SPN202 | Inter Spanish II |
ASPN104L | Int Spanish II | SPN202 | Inter Spanish II |
ASPN200 | Intermediate Span I | SPN201 | Inter Spanish I |
ASPN201 | Intermed Spanish II | SPN202 | Inter Spanish II |
AWSS240 | Classism, Rcsm, Sxsm | BEH2XX | Classism, Rcsm, Sxsm |
BITM215 | Information Tech for Business | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
BLAW220 | Bus Law | BUS260 | Legal Environment |
GINS398 | Eng Imagination | INT3XX | Eng Imagination |
IINF100X | Info in 21st Century | IFS1XX | Info in 21st Century |
RCRJ201 | Intro to Crim Just | CJA101 | Intro Crim Justice |
RPOS101 | American Politics | PS101 | Amer Gov/Citizenship |
RPOS103 | Political Theory | PS110 | Intro Poli Science |
RPOS329 | Bureactc Politics | PS3XX | Bureactc Politics |
UUNI100U | The Freshman Year Exp | FYS100 | First Year Seminar |
UUNI110 | Writing & Crit Inquiry | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm |
UUNI152M | Proj Ren 1: Technology | HUM1XX | Proj Ren 1: Technology |
UUNI350 | ST: Div in Computing | IFS1XX | ST: Div in Computing |
SUNY Farmingdale | York College of Pennsylvania | ||
ART201 | Surv Art History: Pre-Mid | ART204 | Survey West Art I |
ART202 | Survey of Art History: Ren-Pre | ART205 | Survey West Art II |
ART320 | Art Hist: Amer Art | ART393 | American Art |
BCS102 | Computer Con & Apps | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
BCS102 | Intro to Computers | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
BCS102 | Computer Con & Apps | IFS100 | Info Tech Competncy |
BCS130 | Website Dev I | IFS1XX | Website Dev I |
BCS191 | Intro to Computers | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
BCS195 | Adv Microcomp Appl | IFS1XX | Adv Microcomp Appl |
BCS202 | Comp Appl for Bus | IFS2XX | Comp Appl for Bus |
BCS208 | Networking Fund I | IFS325 | Intro Networks |
BCS209 | Networking Fund II | IFS2XX | Networking Fund II |
BCS300 | Management Info Systems | IFS305 | Management Info Sys |
BIO120 | General Biology | BIO204 | Exploring Biology |
BIO123 | Hum Body/Hlth & Disease | BIO1XX | Hum Body/Hlth & Disease |
BIO130 | Bio Prin I | BIO150 | Biology I |
BIO131 | Biological Principles II | BIO152 | Biology II |
BIO170 | Hum Anatomy & Phys | BIO1XX | Hum Anatomy & Phy I |
BIO170 | Hum Anatomy & Phys | BIO220 | Human A/P I |
BIO171 | Hum Anatomy & Phys II | BIO222 | Human A/P II |
BIO192 | Biology I (Botany) | BIO1XX | Biology I (Botany) |
BIO193 | Biology II (Zoology) | BIO1XX | Biology II (Zoology) |
BIO197 | Human Bio | BIO1XX | Biol Elect No Lab |
BIO212 | Bioscience Lab Practices | BIO2XX | Biology Elective no lab |
BIO220 | Med Microbiology | BIO230 | Microbiology |
BIO223 | Prin of Ecology | BIO300 | Ecology |
BIO244 | Gen Microbiology | BIO230 | Microbiology |
BUS101 | Accounting I | ACC220 | Financial Acct |
BUS101 | Accounting I | ACC1XX | Accounting I |
BUS102 | Accounting II | ACC225 | Managerial Acct |
BUS109 | Mgt Theories & Pract | MGT150 | Prin of Management |
BUS111 | Intro to Business | BUS150 | Intro to Business |
BUS121 | Business Mathematics | MAT1XX | Business Math |
BUS131 | Marketing Principles | MKT100 | Prin Marketing |
BUS141 | Contemp Bus Comm | FCO210 | Comm Prof Cultures |
BUS201 | Finance | FIN300 | Managrl Finance I |
BUS202 | Bus Law I | BUS260 | Legal Environment |
BUS220 | Financial Information Systems | IFS2XX | Financial Info Systems |
BUS232 | Electronic Commerce | BUS2XX | Electronic Commerce |
BUS240 | Business Statistics | QBA260 | Business Statistics |
BUS254 | Salesmanship | MKT220 | Personal Selling |
BUS257 | Advertising Prin | MKT330 | Advertising |
BUS259 | Public Relations | BUS2XX | Public Relations |
BUS267 | Small Business Mgmt | MGT2XX | Small Business Mgmt |
BUS278 | Business Law II | BUS2XX | Business Law II |
BUS280 | International Business | IBS200 | Internatl Business |
BUS305 | Entrepreneurship | ENT150 | Intro Entrepreneur |
BUS327 | Risk Mgmt & Insurance | FIN330 | Risk Mgmt/Insurance |
BUS404 | Fin Markets & Inst | FIN340 | Financial Institutions |
CHM140 | Intro Gen, Org & Biochem | CHM122 | Prin Gen/Org Chem |
CHM152 | General Chemistry Prin I | CHM134 | Gen Chem I |
CHM153 | General Chemistry Prin II | CHM136 | Gen Chem II |
CRJ100 | Intro to Criminal Justice | CJA101 | Intro Crim Justice |
CRJ101 | Law Enf & Comm Rel | CJA1XX | Law Enf & Comm Rel |
CRJ102 | Juv Delinquency | CJA110 | Juvenile Delinquncy |
CRJ115 | Computer Forensics | CJA1XX | Computer Forensics |
CRJ200W | Criminal Investigation | CJA305 | Crim Investigation |
CRJ201 | Criminalistics | CJA2XX | Criminalistics |
CRJ203 | Criminology | CJA2XX | Criminology |
CRJ204 | Criminal Law | CJA2XX | Criminal Law |
CRJ205 | Crim Proc Law | CJA2XX | Crim Proc Law |
CRJ211 | Law Enf Admin | CJA2XX | Law Enf Admin |
CRJ314 | Security Law & Policy | CJA3XX | Security Law & Policy |
ECO110 | Intro Personal Finance | BUS218 | Personal Finance |
ECO156 | Prin of Economics (Macro) | ECO200 | Prin Econ-Macro |
ECO157 | Prin of Economics Micro | ECO201 | Prin Econ-Micro |
EGL101 | Comp: Rhetoric | WRT102 | Analytical Read/Writ |
EGL102 | Comp: Literature | WRT202 | Academic Writing |
EGL200 | Shakespeare | LIT323 | Shakespeare I |
EGL209 | Technical Communication | WRT210 | Writng/Prof Culturs |
EGL214 | Intro to Poetry | LIT343 | Exper of Poetry |
EGL310 | Tech Writing | WRT210 | Writng/Prof Culturs |
FRE101 | French I | FRN101 | Elem French I |
HIS114 | West Civ I | HIS101 | Western Civ I |
HIS115 | West Civ II | HIS102 | Western Civ II |
HIS121 | US History to Reconstruction | HIS111 | American Civ I |
HIS122 | U.S. Hist Since Reconstr | HIS112 | American Civ II |
HIS123 | American Experience | HIS111 | American Civ I |
HIS125 | Amer Experience | HIS112 | American Civ II |
HIS126 | The West & the World | HIS101 | Western Civ I |
HIS213 | Peoples & Cult of Asia | HIS2XX | Peoples & Cult of Asia |
HIS215 | The World of Islam | REL2XX | The World of Islam |
HST101 | Current Issues in Health | HSC1XX | Current Issues in Health |
IND301 | Operations Management | MGT350 | Operations Mgmt |
MLG300 | Intl Cinema | FLM3XX | Intl Cinema |
MLG311 | Italian Amer Experiences | INT3XX | Ital Amer Experiences |
MTH102 | Elem Discrete Math Models | MAT1XX | Elem Discrete Math |
MTH107 | Intro to Math Ideas | MAT1XX | Intro to Math Ideas |
MTH110 | Statistics | BEH260 | Statistics |
MTH110 | Statistics | MAT250 | Statistics |
MTH110 | Statistics | QBA260 | Business Statistics |
MTH116 | Coll Algebra & Trig | MAT105 | College Algebra |
MTH129 | Precalc with Appl | MAT108 | Precalculus |
MTH130 | Calc I with Appl | MAT120 | Applied Calculus |
MTH150 | Calculus I | MAT171 | Calculus I |
MTH253 | Diff Equations | MAT272 | Diff Equations |
PED106 | Intro to Bowling | PE110 | Beginning Bowling |
PED125 | Intro to Beg Racquetball | PE1XX | Intro to Beg Racquetball |
PHI205 | Ethics | PHL341 | Ethics |
PHY114 | Physical Sci: Environment | PSC1XX | Physical Sci: Environment |
PHY116 | Phys Sci: Meteorology | PSC1XX | Phys Sci Elect No Lab |
PHY117 | Phys Sci: Solar Astronomy | ESS1XX | Earth Sci Elect No Lab |
PHY135 | College Physics I | PHY110 | Gen Phys:Mech/Ht |
POL167 | Amer Nat Govt | PS141 | American Governmnt |
POL250 | American National Govt | PS101 | Amer Gov/Citizenship |
PSY101 | Intro to Psychology | PSY100 | General Psychology |
PSY232 | Child Development | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop |
PSY234 | Social Psych | PSY243 | Social Psychology |
PSY235 | Abnormal Psychology | PSY230 | Abnormal Psych |
PSY238 | Psych of Hum Sex | PSY2XX | Psych of Hum Sex |
PSY242 | Ed Psychology | EDU375 | Psy Learning/Second |
PSY242 | Ed Psychology | EDU370 | Psych of Learning |
PSY331 | Industrial/Org Psychology | PSY363 | Indust/Org Psych |
SMT225 | Sport Marketing | SPM330 | Sport Marketing |
SMT310 | Intro to Sport Mgt | SPM3XX | Intro to Sport Mgt |
SOC122 | Introductory Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology |
SOC223 | Social Problems & Inst | SOC220 | Am Social Problems |
SOC229 | Minorities in Amer Soc | SOC2XX | Minorities in Amer Soc |
SOC231 | Multiculturalism | SOC2XX | Multiculturalism |
SOC310 | Seminar in Sociology | SOC3XX | Seminar in Sociology |
SPA141 | Spanish I (Elementary) | SPN101 | Elem Spanish I |
SPA143 | Spanish III Intermediate | SPN201 | Inter Spanish I |
SPA144 | Spanish IV Intermediate | SPN202 | Inter Spanish II |
SPE130 | Public Speaking | CM212 | Public Speaking |
SPE130 | Public Speaking | CM104 | Human Communicatn |
SPE201 | Oral Communications | CM104 | Human Communicatn |
THE133 | Intro to Theatre | THE254 | Intro Theatre |
VIS110 | Drawing I | ART215 | Drawing I |
VIS112 | Two-Dim Design | ART210 | Design I |
VIS114 | Prin of Color | ART1XX | Prin of Color |
VIS120 | Drawing II | ART265 | Drawing II |
VIS122 | Typography I | ART218 | Typography I |
VIS124 | Photography I | ART245 | Photography I |
Susquehanna University | York College of Pennsylvania | ||
ACCT200 | Financial Acct | ACC220 | Financial Acct |
ACCT210 | Legal Environment | BUS260 | Legal Environment |
ACCT301 | Intermed Acct I | ACC3XX | Intermed Acct I |
ACCT302 | Intermed Accounting II | ACC3XX | Intermed Accounting II |
ACCT330 | Cost Management | ACC310 | Cost Accounting |
ANTH110 | Intro to Archaeology | ANT230 | Intro Archaeology |
ANTH162 | Cult Anthro | ANT220 | Cult Anthropology |
ANTH200 | Native Amer Cult | ANT2XX | Native Amer Cult |
ARTD101 | Intro Art History I | ART204 | Survey West Art I |
ARTD102 | Intro Art History II | ART205 | Survey West Art II |
ARTD111 | Found of Art I | ART210 | Design I |
ARTD111 | Found of Art I | ART110 | Concepts of Design |
ARTD243 | Digital Photography | ART246 | Digital Photography |
ARTG251 | Computer App in Graphic Des | ART235 | Concpts Comp Grhcs |
ARTG252 | Visual Communications | ART200 | Intro Graphic Design |
ARTH101 | Art History I | ART204 | Survey West Art I |
ARTS111 | Foundations of Art I | ART210 | Design I |
ARTS112 | Foundations of Art II | ART211 | Design II |
BI101 | Ecology, Evolution & Heredity | BIO150 | Biology I |
BI102 | Cell & Organismal Biology | BIO152 | Biology II |
BIO101 | Ecol, Evolution | BIO152 | Biology II |
BIO102 | Cell/Orgnism Bio | BIO152 | Biology II |
BIOL010 | Neuroscience and Soc | BIO1XX | Biology Elective no lab |
BIOL101 | Ecology, Evol & Heredity | BIO152 | Biology II |
BIOL102 | Cell & Organismal Biology | BIO150 | Biology I |
BIOL205 | Organismal Biology | BIO2XX | Organismal Bio |
BIOL220 | Biostatistics | BIO290 | Biostatistics |
BUS101 | Bus Awareness | BUS1XX | Bus Awareness |
BUS202 | Bus Statistics | QBA260 | Business Statistics |
CH341 | Phys Chem I | CHM344 | Physical Chem I |
CHE102 | College Chem II | CHM136 | Gen Chem II |
CHE221 | Organic Chem I | CHM234 | Organic Chem I |
CHEM101 | Gen Chem I | CHM134 | Gen Chem I |
CHEM102 | Gen Chem II | CHM136 | Gen Chem II |
CHEM103 | Gen Chem I | CHM134 | Gen Chem I |
CHEM221 | Organic Chem I | CHM234 | Organic Chem I |
CHEM222 | Organic Chem II | CHM236 | Organic Chem II |
CHEM231 | Quant Analysis | CHM336 | Quant Analy Chm |
CHEM341 | Physical Chem I | CHM346 | Physical Chm II |
CHEM400 | Research Experience | CHM4XX | Research Experience |
CHEM505 | Seminar | CHM4XX | Chemistry Elect No Lab |
CHNS101 | Beg Chinese I | L1XX | Beg Chinese I |
COMM100 | Grammar for Comm | CM1XX | Grammar for Comm |
COMM101 | Essentials of Digital Media | CM1XX | Essentials of Digital Media |
COMM102 | Methods: Adobe Creative Suite | CM1XX | Methods: Adobe Creative Suite |
COMM131 | Introduction to Journalism | CM1XX | Introduction to Journalism |
COMM190 | Comm/Media Theory | CM2XX | Intro to Comm/Media Theory |
COMM192 | Public Speaking | CM212 | Public Speaking |
COMM194 | Intercul Communication | CM1XX | Intercul Communications |
COMM201 | Ethics and Leadership | CM2XX | Ethics and Leadership |
COMM202 | Digital Media Analytics | CM2XX | Digital Media Analytics |
COMM211 | Advertising & Public Relations | PR221 | Intro Public Relations |
COMM221 | Corporate Communications | CM328 | Organizational Comm |
CSCI181 | Prin Comp Sci | CS101 | Fund Comp Sci I |
CSCI181 | Prin Comp Sci | CS1XX | Prin Comp Sci |
CSCI281 | Data Structures | CS2XX | Computer Sci Elect |
DIVS100 | Intro to Diversity Studies | BEH1XX | Intro to Diversity Stud |
ECO201 | Macro-Economics | ECO200 | Prin Econ-Macro |
ECOL100 | Intro Ecology | BIO1XX | Intro Ecology |
ECON105 | Elements of Economics | ECO1XX | Elements of Econ |
ECON201 | Prin of Macroecon | ECO200 | Prin Econ-Macro |
ECON202 | Prin Microecon | ECO201 | Prin Econ-Micro |
ECON311 | Int Macroeconomics | ECO310 | Int Macro Econ |
EDUC100 | Intro Human Geography | G243 | Intro Geography |
EDUC101 | Intro to Education/Soc | EDU1XX | Intro to Ed/Soc |
EDUC102 | Found of Education | EDU200 | Found of Education |
EDUC200 | Intro to Ed & Soc | ED2XX | Intro to Ed & Soc |
EDUC201 | Found of Ed | ED2XX | Found of Ed |
EDUC330 | Tech in Ed | ED200 | Instructnl Technlgy |
EDUC365 | Preschool Lang & Lit | EDU3XX | Preschool Lang & Lit |
EN100 | Writing & Thinking | WRT101 | English Comp |
ENG100 | Writing Seminar | WRT101 | English Comp |
ENG200 | Lit and Culture | WRT200 | Wrtng About Lit |
ENGL100 | Writing and Thinking | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm |
ENGL100 | Writing/Thinking | WRT102 | Analytical Read/Writ |
ENGL190 | Intro to Modern Publishing | CRW1XX | Intro to Modern Publishing |
ENGL200 | Lit & Culture | LIT200 | Perspectives/Lit |
ENGL200 | Lit & Culture | LIT2XX | Lit & Culture |
ENGL205 | Liv Literature | LIT200 | Intro Lit & Text Stud |
ENGL205A | Living Writers | LIT2XX | Living Writers |
ENGL240 | Literary Themes | LIT2XX | Literary Themes |
ENGL265 | Genre | LIT2XX | Genre |
ENGL269 | Eng Grammar & Wrt Proc | LIT310 | Language/Linguistics |
ENGL290 | Aesthetics and Interpretation | LIT2XX | Aesthetics and Interpre |
ENGL345 | Amer Lit 1865-Pres | LIT282 | Amer Lit after 1885 |
FILM150 | Intro to Film | FLM216 | Intro to Film |
FILM220 | Intl Film | FLM2XX | Intl Film |
FILM300 | Cult Film | FLM3XX | Cult Film |
FILM300B | Hist of Horror Films | FLM3XX | Hist of Horror Films |
FINC340 | Cor Financial Mgmt | FIN300 | Managrl Finance I |
FLM150 | Intro to Film | FLM216 | Intro to Film |
FRE101 | Beg French I | FRN101 | Elem French I |
FRNC101 | Beginning French I | FRN101 | Elem French I |
FRNC201 | Inter French I | FRN201 | Inter French I |
GEN102 | Football | PE1XX | Football |
GEO102 | Envirnmt Hazards | BIO1XX | Envirnmt Hazards |
GERM101 | Beg German I | GRM101 | Elem German I |
GERM102 | Beg German II | GRM102 | Elem German II |
HIST111 | US History to 1877 | HIS111 | American Civ I |
HIST112 | US History since 1877 | HIS112 | American Civ II |
HIST131 | Europe 800-1648 | HIS101 | Foundation/West |
HIST151 | Traditional East Asia | INT144 | Intro East Asia |
HIST171 | African Civ | INT143 | Intro Africa |
HIST172 | Early Modern Africa | HIS1XX | Early Modern Africa |
HIST180 | Latin America 1492-1825 | HIS1XX | Latin America 1492-1825 |
HIST181 | Lat Amer Hist 1825-Pres | HIS343 | Modern Latin Amer |
HONS100 | Thought | HUM1XX | Thought |
HONS200 | Thought & Civ | HUM2XX | Thought & Civ |
HONS210 | Thought & the Arts | HUM2XX | Thought and the Arts |
HONS240 | Thought Soc Diversity | SOC315 | Ethnic/Minorities |
HS172 | Early Mod Africa | H305 | History Africa II |
HST132 | Europe 1648-Present | H220 | Hist Western Civ II |
INF100 | Using Computers | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
INFS100 | Using Computers | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
INFS174 | Database Mgmt | IFS1XX | Database Mgmt |
IS172 | Sys Analysis & Des | IFS1XX | Sys Analysis & Des |
ITAL100 | Italian Conv | ITL101 | Elem Italian I |
ITAL101 | Beg Italian I | ITL101 | Elem Italian I |
MA121 | Linear Algebra | MAT260 | Elem Linear Algebra |
MAT111 | Calculus I | MAT171 | Calculus I |
MAT122 | Calculus II | MAT172 | Calculus II |
MATH101 | Precalculus Math | MAT108 | Precalculus |
MATH105 | Intro Topics | MAT1XX | Intro Topics |
MATH108 | Introduction to Statistics | QBA260 | Business Stats I |
MATH108 | Introduction to Statistics | BEH260 | Statistics |
MATH108 | Introduction to Statistics | MAT250 | Statistics |
MATH111 | Calculus I | MAT171 | Calculus I |
MATH112 | Calculus II | MAT172 | Calculus II |
MATH141 | Intro to Stats | BEH260 | Statistics |
MATH141 | Intro to Stats | QBA260 | Business Statistics |
MATH141 | Intro to Stats | MAT250 | Statistics |
MATH180 | Statistical Methods | MAT250 | Statistics |
MATH201 | Linear Algebra | MAT260 | Elem Linear Algebra |
MGMT102 | Global Bus Persp | MGT1XX | Global Bus Persp |
MGMT105 | Profess Development | BUS1XX | Profess Development |
MGMT195 | Global Business Perspectives | MGT1XX | Global Business Perspectives |
MGMT202 | Bus Stats | MAT250 | Statistics |
MGMT202 | Bus Stats | QBA260 | Business Statistics |
MGMT203 | Quant Methods for Bus | QBA2XX | Quant Meth for Bus |
MGMT240 | Prin of Management | MGT150 | Prin of Management |
MGMT280 | Marketing | MKT100 | Prin Marketing |
MKTG280 | Marketing | MKT100 | Prin Marketing |
MUS074 | Orchestra | MUS164 | Symphony Orchestra |
MUS101 | Intro to Music | MUS200 | Music Appreciation |
MUSC083 | University Chorale | MUS150 | YCChorale |
MUSC099 | Conc of the Arts | HUM1XX | Conc of the Arts |
MUSC101 | Intro to Music | MUS186 | Listening to Music |
MUSC102 | A Study of Jazz | MUS286 | Jazz History |
MUSC105 | Musical Activism | MUS1XX | Musical Activism |
MUSC367 | Computer Music Composition | MUS3XX | Computer Music Composition |
PHIL101 | Probs in Phil | PHL221 | Intro Philosophy |
PHIL122 | Resolv Moral Conflicts | PHL223 | Cont Moral Problems |
PHIL125 | Justice | PHL1XX | Justice |
PHIL150 | Everyday Ethics | PHL341 | Ethics |
PHIL221 | Environmental Ethics | PHL240 | Environmentl Ethics |
PHIL226 | Phil, Ethics, & the Environmen | PHL240 | Environmentl Ethics |
PHYS100 | Astron & Class Physics | ESS154 | Intro/Astronomy |
PHYS101 | Intro Physics I | PHY110 | Gen Phys:Mech/Ht |
PHYS205 | Intro Physics II | PHY112 | Gen Phys:Elc/Magn |
POLI111 | American Govt & Pol | PS101 | Amer Gov/Citizenship |
POLI121 | Comp Govt & Pol | PS260 | Comparative Politics |
POLI131 | World Affairs | PS1XX | World Affairs |
POLI202 | State Govt & Pol | PS242 | State/Local Govt |
POLI205 | Res Proc & Data Analy | PS2XX | Res Proc & Data Analy |
POLI226 | Soviet & Russian Politics | PS247 | Govt/Pol Russia |
POLI312 | Elections in America | PS305 | Parties/Campgn/Elec |
POLI341 | Amer Pol Thought | PS361 | Amer Polit Thought |
PRDV100 | Using Computers | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
PRDV102 | Fitness | PE1XX | Fitness |
PRDV104 | Perspectives | HUM1XX | Perspectives |
PSY101 | Prin of Psy | PSY100 | General Psychology |
PSY123 | Elem Statistics | MAT250 | Statistics |
PSY200 | Health Psych | PSY2XX | Health Psych |
PSY223 | Psych Rsrch Meth | PSY270 | Design Analysis I |
PSY230 | Social Psych | PSY343 | Social Psychology |
PSY240 | Adulthood | PSY325 | Adult Development |
PSY241 | Abnormal Psych | PSY341 | Abnormal Psych |
PSY334 | Gender Stereotype | PSY3XX | Gender Stereotype |
PSY343 | Learn & Motiv | PSY3XX | Learn & Motiv |
PSY450 | Counseling | PSY3XX | Counseling |
PSYC101 | Prin of Psychology | PSY100 | General Psychology |
PSYC123 | Elem Statistics | BEH260 | Statistics |
PSYC223 | Research Methods in Psych | PSY2XX | Research Methods in Psy |
PSYC230 | Social Psychology | PSY243 | Social Psychology |
PSYC238 | Dev Psych: Child | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop |
PSYC239 | Develop Psych: Adol | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop |
PSYC337 | Psy of Exceptional Indiv | PSY227 | Child Exceptionalts |
REL103 | New Testament | REL1XX | New Testament |
RELI101 | Intro to Religious Studies | REL1XX | Intro to Religious Studies |
RELI104 | Ethics in Biblical Stories | REL1XX | Ethics in Biblical Stories |
RELI105 | World Religions | REL265 | World Religions |
RELI110 | Intro to Religious Studies | REL1XX | Intro to Religious Studies |
RELI115 | Jewish Phil & Ethics | REL1XX | Jewish Phil & Ethics |
RELI201 | Hebrew Bible | REL2XX | Hebrew Bible |
RELI205 | Paul | REL2XX | Paul |
RELI305 | Fiction of CS Lewis | REL3XX | Fiction of CS Lewis |
RELI313 | Church History 1500-Pres | REL3XX | Church Hist 1500-Pres |
RELI350 | Sci & Religion | REL3XX | Sci & Religion |
ROTC101 | Intro to ROTC | NPE1XX | Intro to ROTC |
ROTC201 | Self/Team Development | NPE1XX | Self/Team Development |
SOC101 | Prin of Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology |
SOCI101 | Prin of Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology |
SOCI102 | Soc Prob | SOC220 | Am Social Problems |
SPAN101 | Beg Span I | SPN101 | Elem Spanish I |
SPAN102 | Beg Spanish II | SPN102 | Elem Spanish II |
SPAN103 | Intro Coll Spanish I | SPN101 | Elem Spanish I |
SPAN104 | Intro Coll Spanish II | SPN102 | Elem Spanish II |
SPAN150 | Intro Spanish | SPN102 | Elem Spanish II |
SPAN201 | Int Spanish I | SPN201 | Inter Spanish I |
THE152 | Intro to Theatre | THE254 | Intro Theatre |
THE200 | Dramatic Lit | THE2XX | Dramatic Lit |
THEA100 | Introduction to Theatre | THE154 | Introduction to Theatre |
THEA142 | Stagecraft & Prod | THE1XX | Stagecraft & Prod |
THEA143 | Scenic Painting & Light | THE1XX | Scenic Paint & Light |
THEA144 | Costume Technology | THE222 | Costume Construction |
THEA151 | Acting I | THE262 | Acting |
THEA152 | Intro to Theatre | THE254 | Intro Theatre |
THEA253 | Non-West Theatre | THE415 | Non-Western Theatre |
THEA340 | Stage Mgt & Theatre Op | THE3XX | St Mgt & Theatre Op |
THEA345 | Lighting Design | THE321 | Lighting Design |
THEA452 | Theatre Seminar | THE4XX | Theatre Seminar |
THEA501 | Lab: Theatre Oper | THE2XX | Lab: Theatre Oper |
WGST100 | Women & Gender Studies | WGS200 | Women/Gender Stud |
WMST100 | Intro to Wm Studies | WGS200 | Women/Gender Stud |
WRIT252 | Intro Poetry | LIT243 | Poetry and Poetics |
WRIT253 | Intro Creative Nonfiction | CRW373 | Creative Nonfiction |
WRIT280 | Creative Wrt | WRT310 | Creative Writing |
WRIT280B | Intro to Poetry | LIT343 | Exper of Poetry |
WRIT380 | Adv Nonfict: Pers Essay | WRT3XX | Adv Nonfict: Pers Essay |
WRIT580 | Ind Wrt Project | WRT3XX | Ind Wrt Project |
WST151 | Women's Studies | WGS200 | Women/Gender Studies |
WST210 | Women Spiritalty | WGS2XX | Women Spiritalty |
WST502 | Domestic Violence | WGS3XX | Domestic Violence |
Sussex County Community College | York College of Pennsylvania | ||
ACCT101 | Accounting Principles I | ACC220 | Financial Acct |
ACCT102 | Accounting Principles II | ACC225 | Managerial Acct |
ACCT201 | Int Acct I | ACC320 | Inter Accounting I |
ACCT202 | Int Acct II | ACC2XX | Int Acct II |
AMSL101 | Amer Sign Lang I | CM150 | Beg Sign Language |
ANTH101 | Intro Anthropology | ANT1XX | Intro Anthropology |
ANTH110 | Physical Anthropology | ANT210 | Physical Anthropol |
ANTH220 | Environment & Cult Beh | ANT2XX | Environment & Cult Beh |
ARTA101 | Basic Design | ART110 | Concepts of Design |
ARTA101 | Basic Design | ART210 | Design I |
ARTA103 | Art History I | ART204 | Survey West Art I |
ARTA104 | Art History II | ART205 | Survey West Art II |
ARTA106 | Art Appreciation | ART101 | Intro Art Apprec |
ARTA108 | Basic Drawing | ART215 | Drawing I |
BIOS101 | General Biology | BIO110 | General Biology |
BIOS101 | General Biology | BIO204 | Exploring Biology |
BIOS102 | Intro to Human Biology | BIO112 | Fund Human Bio |
BIOS110 | Biology I | BIO150 | Biology I |
BIOS112 | Biology II | BIO152 | Biology II |
BIOS122 | Environmental Science | BIO212 | Environmntl Bio |
BIOS210 | Microbiology | BIO230 | Microbiology |
BUS205 | Bus Law I | BUS260 | Legal Environment |
BUSA101 | Intro to Business | BUS150 | Intro to Business |
BUSA110 | Bus Comm | WRT210 | Writng/Prof Culturs |
BUSA205 | Business Law I | BUS260 | Legal Environment |
BUSA211 | Mgmt & Org Beh | MGT150 | Prin of Management |
BUSA215 | Prin of Fin Mgmt | FIN2XX | Prin of Fin Mgmt |
BUSA220 | Principles of Marketing | MKT100 | Prin Marketing |
CHEM100 | Intro Chemistry | CHM122 | Prin Gen/Org Chem |
CHEM101 | College Chem I | CHM134 | Gen Chem I |
CHEM103 | Intro Chemistry | CHM134 | Gen Chem I |
CHEM112 | Coll Chem II | CHM136 | Gen Chem II |
CHEM250 | Special Topics in Chemistry | CHM2XX | Chemistry Elective No Lab |
COLL101 | Foundations for Success | FYS100 | First Year Seminar |
COMM101 | Intro to Mass Comm | CM211 | Mass Communication |
COMM180 | Editing | CM1XX | Editing |
COMM220 | Photojournalism | CM2XX | Photojournalism |
COMS110 | Computer Concepts & Appl | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
COMS112 | Fund of Computer Science | CS1XX | Fund of Computer Science |
COMS120 | Comp Software Appl | CS1XX | Comp Software Appl |
CRJS100 | Intro Crim Justice Sys | CJA101 | Intro Crim Justice |
CRJS101 | Law Enforcement | CJA1XX | Law Enforcement |
CRJS105 | Criminology | CJA1XX | Criminology |
CRJS110 | Criminal Law | CJA1XX | Criminal Law |
CRJS115 | Juvenile Justice | CJA1XX | Juvenile Justice |
CRJS141 | Motor Vech Law and Traffic | CJA1XX | Motor Vech Law/Traffic |
CRJS150 | Police Patrol Admin | CJA1XX | Police Patrol Admin |
CRJS180 | Corrections | CJA1XX | Corrections |
ECON101 | Macroeconomics | ECO200 | Prin Econ-Macro |
ECON102 | Microeconomics | ECO201 | Prin Econ-Micro |
ELET105 | Electronic Circuits | ECE1XX | Electronic Circuits |
ENGL101 | English Comp I | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm |
ENGL102 | English Comp II | WRT202 | Academic Writing |
ENGL102 | English Comp II | LIT200 | Perspectives/Lit |
ENGL102 | Eng Comp II | WRT202 | Academic Writing |
ENGL118 | The Short Story | LIT291 | Short Story |
ENGL201 | Effective Speaking | CM212 | Public Speaking |
ENGL201 | Effective Speaking | CM104 | Human Communicatn |
ENGL204 | Amer Lit II | LIT282 | Amer Lit after 1885 |
ENGL207 | Literature By Women | WGS382 | Women In Literature |
ENGL207 | Literature By Women | LIT382 | Women In Literature |
ENGL211 | The Short Story | LIT291 | Short Story |
ENGL215 | Journalism I | CM271 | Print Media Writing |
ENGL216 | Children's Literature | LIT2XX | Children's Literature |
ENGL217 | Journalism II | CM2XX | Journalism II |
ENVS101 | Intro Environ Sci | BIO212 | Environmntl Bio |
FORL104 | Elem German II | GRM102 | Elem German II |
FORL105 | Elementary Spanish I | SPN101 | Elem Spanish I |
FORL106 | Elementary Spanish II | SPN102 | Elem Spanish II |
FREN102 | Elem French II | FRN102 | Elem French II |
FREN201 | Int French I | FRN201 | Inter French I |
GEOG105 | Cult Geography | G100 | World Reg Geography |
GEOL101 | Intro Geology | ESS1XX | Intro Geology |
GRAD101 | Intro Graphic Des | ART134 | Concpts Comp Grhcs |
GRAD127 | Layout & Design | ART1XX | Layout & Design |
HIST101 | Hist West Civ I | HIS101 | Western Civ I |
HIST102 | Hist West Civ II | HIS102 | Western Civ II |
HIST105 | U.S. History I | HIS111 | American Civ I |
HIST106 | U.S. History II | HIS112 | American Civ II |
HUMN101 | Surv of World Cult I | HUM1XX | Surv of World Cult I |
HUMN102 | Surv of World Cult II | HUM1XX | Surv of World Cult II |
MATH104 | Contemporary Mathematics | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv |
MATH106 | Math Concepts | MAT105 | College Algebra |
MATH108 | Statistics | QBA260 | Business Statistics |
MATH108 | Statistics | MAT250 | Statistics |
MATH108 | Statistics | BEH260 | Statistics |
MATH110 | Pre-Calculus I | MAT1XX | Pre-Calculus I |
MATH112 | Pre-Calculus II | MAT108 | Precalculus |
MATH113 | Calculus I | MAT171 | Calculus I |
MATH210 | Statistics | QBA260 | Business Statistics |
MATH210 | Statistics | BEH260 | Statistics |
MATH210 | Statistics | MAT250 | Statistics |
MUSC105 | Chorus I | MUS150 | YCChorale |
MUSC106 | Chorus II | MUS151 | YCChorale |
PERA102 | Acting I | THE262 | Acting |
PERA103 | Acting II | THE1XX | Acting II |
PHIL110 | Philos & Meaning of Life | PHL221 | Intro Philosophy |
PHIL201 | Comp Religions | REL265 | World Religions |
PHOT110 | Photography I | ART245 | Photography I |
PHYS110 | Physics I | PHY110 | Gen Phys:Mech/Ht |
PHYS120 | Physics I with Calc | PHY160 | Eng Phys:Mechncs |
PHYS250 | Spec Topics in Physics | PHY2XX | Physics Elect No Lab |
POLS101 | Intro Pol Sci | PS1XX | Intro Pol Sci |
POLS105 | American Government | PS101 | Amer Gov/Citizenship |
PSYC101 | General Psychology | PSY100 | General Psychology |
PSYC103 | Fresh Seminar | PSY1XX | Fresh Seminar |
PSYC111 | Child Psychology | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop |
PSYC201 | Abnormal Psychology | PSY230 | Abnormal Psych |
PSYC203 | Theories of Personality | PSY2XX | Theories of Personality |
PSYC280 | Ed Psychology | EDU370 | Psych of Learning |
PSYC280 | Ed Psychology | EDU375 | Psy Learning/Second |
SOCA101 | Intro to Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology |
SOCA115 | Intro Soc & Envir | SOC1XX | Intro Soc & Envir |
SOCA215 | Persp on Race, Gender, Class | SOC2XX | Race, Gender, Class |
SPAN101 | Elem Spanish I | SPN101 | Elem Spanish I |
SPAN102 | Elem Spanish II | SPN102 | Elem Spanish II |
Syracuse University | York College of Pennsylvania | ||
AAS400 | Race, Crime, Pun | CJA3XX | Race, Crime, Pun |
AAS445 | Caribbean Sex, Cap, Tour | BEH4XX | Caribbean Sex, Cap, Tour |
BIO121 | General Biology | BIO150 | Biology I |
BIO123 | General Biology | BIO152 | Biology II |
CFS388 | Hum Sexuality | PSY3XX | Hum Sexuality |
CHE106 | General Chemistry I | CHM1XX | Chemistry Elective no lab |
CHE106 | General Chemistry I | CHM134 | Gen Chem I |
CHE113 | Forensic Science | CCJ236 | Criminalistics |
CHE113 | Forensic Science | CCJ237 | Criminalistics Lab |
CHE113 | Forensic Science | FCM211 | Criminalistics Lab |
CHE113 | Forensic Science | FCM210 | Criminalistics |
CHE116 | General Chemistry II | CHM1XX | Chemistry Elective no lab |
CHE116 | General Chemistry II | CHM136 | Gen Chem II |
COM107 | Comm and Society | CM211 | Mass Communication |
CRS181 | Concepts and Pers Comm Stud | CM1XX | Concepts/Pers Comm |
CRS183 | Concepts & Persp in Rhetoric | CM1XX | Concepts & Persp Rhet |
CRS225 | Public Advocacy | CM212 | Public Speaking |
CRS325 | Presentational Speaking | CM246 | Comm/Business Prof |
DTS244 | Beg Modern I | PE117 | Modern Dance |
DTS249 | Latin & Salsa Dance | PE2XX | Latin & Salsa Dance |
ECN102 | Introductory Macroeconomics | ECO200 | Prin Econ-Macro |
ECN203 | Economic Ideas & Issues | ECO2XX | Economic Ideas & Issues |
ECS100 | Cyber Security | IFS1XX | Cyber Security |
EDU204 | Learn Incl Clsrms | EDU2XX | learn Incl Clsrms |
EDU304 | Study of Teaching | EDU3XX | Study of Teaching |
EDU310 | American School | EDU3XX | American School |
ENI010 | Marching Band | MUS1XX | Marching Band |
ENI020 | Basketball Band | MUS1XX | Basketball Band |
ETS142 | Narr of Culture | LIT1XX | Narr of Culture |
ETS181 | Class and Lit Texts | LIT200 | Intro Lit & Text Stud |
ETS192 | Gender & Lit | LIT1XX | Gender & Lit |
ETS215 | Poetry Workshop | LIT343 | Exper of Poetry |
FIA105 | Arts & Ideas I | ART101 | Intro Art Apprec |
FIA165 | Understanding Music I | MUS200 | Music Appreciation |
FRE101 | French I | FRN101 | Elem French I |
FRE201 | French III | FRN201 | Inter French I |
GEO103 | Amer & Glob Env | G1XX | Amer & Glob Env |
GEO103 | Environ and Soc | ESS1XX | Earth Science Elect no lab |
GEO155 | Nat Environment | G1XX | Nat Environment |
GOL395 | Oceanography | BIO3XX | Biology Elect No Lab |
HIS131 | The World at War | HIS1XX | The World at War |
HOM195 | Performance Live | MUS1XX | Performance Live |
HST101 | Amer Hist to 1865 | HIS111 | American Civ I |
HST102 | Amer Hist Since 1865 | HIS112 | American Civ II |
ITA100 | LAC-Comm & Cult I | ITL1XX | LAC-Comm & Cult I |
ITA101 | Italian I | ITL101 | Elem Italian I |
ITA201 | Italian III | ITL2XX | Italian III |
MAG300 | Travel Writing | INT3XX | Travel Writing |
MAT187 | Elements of Mod Math | MAT1XX | Elements of Mod Math |
MAT221 | Prob & Statistics I | MAT250 | Statistics |
MAT221 | Prob & Statistics I | QBA260 | Data Driven Dec Making |
MAT221 | Prob & Statistics I | BEH260 | Statistics |
MAT275 | Abstract Math | MAT2XX | Abstract Math |
MAT295 | Calculus I | MAT171 | Calculus I |
MAT296 | Calculus II | MAT172 | Calculus II |
MAT331 | Linear Algebra | MAT260 | Elem Linear Algebra |
MAT397 | Calculus III | MAT271 | Calculus III |
MAT412 | Found of Calculus | MAT371 | Adv Calculus I |
MAT521 | Prob & Stats | MAT350 | Probability/Stats |
MAT541 | Intro Number Theory | MAT3XX | Intro Number Theory |
MAT551 | Fund Conc Geometry | MAT340 | Intro Geometry |
MAX123 | Crit Iss for U.S. | BEH1XX | Crit Iss for U.S. |
PAF101 | Intro to Analysis Pub Pol | PS1XX | Intro to Analysis Pub Pol |
PAF101 | Intro to Analysis Pub Pol | PS1XX | Intro to Analysis Pub Pol |
PAF410 | Literacy in Urban Education | EDU4XX | Lit in Urban Edu |
PED200 | Zumba | PE1XX | Zumba |
PED203 | Tai Chi I | PE164 | Intro to Tai Chi |
PHI107 | Theories/Knowl & Real | PHL1XX | Theories/Knowl & Real |
PHI191 | Ethics & Value Theory | PHL341 | Ethics |
PHO555 | Photo for Newspaper | ART4XX | Photo for Newspaper |
PHY211 | Gen Physics I | PHY160 | Eng Phys:Mechncs |
PHY212 | Gen Physics II | PHY260 | Eng Phys:Elct/Magn |
PSC121 | Amer Nat Govt & Pol | PS141 | American Governmnt |
PSC353 | Intl Organization | PS306 | Internat Organiztns |
PSY205 | Found Human Behavior | PSY100 | General Psychology |
PSY274 | Social Psychology | PSY243 | Social Psychology |
PSY315 | Drugs & Hum Beh | PSY3XX | Drugs & Hum Beh |
PSY335 | Psych of Childhood | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop |
PSY375 | Cross-Cult Psych | PSY3XX | Cross-Cult Psych |
RED326 | Lit Across Curr | EDU3XX | Lit Across Curr |
REL101 | Religions of the World | REL265 | World Religions |
REL400 | Classical Myth | REL3XX | Classical Myth |
SOC101 | Intro to Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology |
SOC377 | Class, Status & Power | SOC3XX | Class, Status & Power |
SOC400 | Dynamics Prej/Discrim | SOC4XX | Dynamics Prej/Disc |
SPA102 | Spanish II | SPN102 | Elem Spanish II |
SPA200 | Spanish Grammer/Con/Cult | SPN2XX | Span Grammer/Con/Cult |
SPA201 | Spanish III | SPN201 | Inter Spanish I |
SPE311 | Persp in Disabilities | SPE3XX | Persp in Disabilities |
SPM205 | Prin of Sport Mgmt | SPM2XX | Prin of Sport Mgmt |
WRT105 | Writing Studio I | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm |
WRT114 | Writing Culture | WRT1XX | Writing Culture |
WRT205 | Studio 2: Crit Res | WRT202 | Academic Writing |
WRT205 | Studio 2: Crit Res | FCO2XX | Studio 2: Crit Res |
WRT307 | Adv Studio: Profess Writing | WRT3XX | Adv Studio: Profes Wrtg |
WRT422 | The Lyric Essay | WRT4XX | The Lyric Essay |
Temple University | York College of Pennsylvania | |||
AAAS0829 | Hist Signif Race America | HIS1XX | Hist Signif Race Amer | |
AAAS0834 | Representing Race | HUM1XX | Representing Race | |
AAAS0857 | Sport & Leisure in Amer | SPM130 | Sport in Society | |
AAAS1271 | Urban Black Politics | PS1XX | Urban Black Politics | |
AAAS2175 | Hip Hop and Black Culture | HUM1XX | Hip Hop and Black Culture | |
AAS0829 | Hist Sig Race in Amer | ANT1XX | Hist Sig Race in Amer | |
AAS0834 | Representing Race | BEH1XX | Representing Race | |
AAS1261 | Africa in 20th Cent | HIS141 | History Africa II | |
AAS4248 | Dim of Racism | BEH4XX | Dim of Racism | |
ACCT0001 | Princ of Acct I | ACC220 | Financial Acct | |
ACCT2101 | Fin Acct | ACC220 | Financial Acct | |
ACCT2102 | Managerial Acct | ACC225 | Managerial Acct | |
ACCT2521 | Cost Accounting | ACC225 | Managerial Acct | |
ACCT2901 | Financial Acct | ACC220 | Financial Acct | |
ACCT3511 | Intermed Acct I | ACC320 | Inter Accounting I | |
ADV0853 | Advert & Glob | MKT1XX | Advert & Glob | |
ADV1101 | Intro Media & Society | CM211 | Mass Communication | |
ADV1102 | Intro to Advertising | BUS1XX | Intro to Advertising | |
ADV1141 | Intro Adv Res | MKT1XX | Intro Adv Res | |
AFR0829 | Hist Sig Race in Amer | HIS1XX | Hist Sig Race in Amer | |
AFR-AME126 | Africa in 20th Cent | HIS141 | History Africa II | |
AFR-AME4248 | Dim on Racism | BEH4XX | Dim on Racism | |
AFR-AMEC06 | Africa in 20th Cent | HIS141 | History Africa II | |
AFR-AMER348 | Dimensions of Racism | BEH3XX | Dimensions of Racism | |
AMER ST0103 | Amer Plces: Hme, City, Reg | BEH1XX | Amer Plces: Hme,City,Reg | |
AMER ST0801 | Phila Arts & Cult | HUM1XX | Phila Arts & Cult | |
AMST0801 | Phila Arts & Cult | ART1XX | Phila Arts & Cult | |
AMST0862 | First Person America | HUM1XX | First Person America | |
AMSTC051 | American Lives | HUM1XX | American Lives | |
ANTH0814 | Human Ecology | ANT1XX | Human Ecology | |
ANTH0815 | Language in Society | ANT1XX | Language in society | |
ANTH0817 | Youth Cult | ANT1XX | Youth Cult | |
ANTH0834 | Representing Race | ANT1XX | Representing Race | |
ANTH0915 | Language in Society | ANT1XX | Lang in Society | |
ANTH1064 | American Culture | ANT1XX | American Culture | |
ANTH2227 | Pop Cult Mod Italy | ITL2XX | Pop Cult Mod Italy | |
ANTH2507 | Fund of Ling Anthro | ANT2XX | Fund of Ling Anthro | |
ANTHC064 | Amer Culture | ANT1XX | Amer Culture | |
ANTHR060 | Intro to Anthropology | ANT210 | Physical Anthropol | |
ANTHW120 | Fund Cult Anthro | ANT220 | Cult Anthropology | |
ANTHRO0320 | Field Session Arch | ANT2XX | Field Session Arch | |
ANTHRO0321 | Meth in Archaeology | ANT2XX | Meth in Archaeology | |
ANTHRO0815 | Lang in Society | ANT1XX | Lang in Society | |
ANTHRO1062 | Intro Anthropology | ANT1XX | Intro Anthropology | |
ANTHRO3536 | Urban Dialects | ANT3XX | Urban Dialects | |
ANTHROC061 | Cultures of the World | ANT2XX | Cultures of the World | |
ANTHROC064 | Amer Culture | ANT2XX | Amer Culture | |
ANTHROC065 | Origins of Cult Divers | ANT220 | Cult Anthropology | |
ANTHROR060 | Intro to Anthropology | ANT1XX | Intro to Anthropology | |
AOD0066 | Interpersonal Comm/Lifespan | CM329 | Interpersonal Comm | |
AOD0836 | Interpersonal Comm | CM329 | Interpersonal Comm | |
ARBC1001 | Arabic Elements I | ARB101 | Elem Arabic I | |
ARBC1002 | Arabic Elements II | ARB102 | Elem Arabic II | |
ARCHC001 | Intro to Design & Envir | ART1XX | Intro to Design & Envir | |
ART H0055 | Art Heritage Wes World I | ART204 | Survey West Art I | |
ART H0055 | Art Her Wes World I | ART204 | Survey West Art I | |
ART H0056 | Art Her West World II | ART205 | Survey West Art II | |
ART H0151 | American Art | ART393 | American Art | |
ART H0201 | Euro Crafts | ART2XX | Euro Crafts | |
ART H1101 | Art Heritage W. World I | ART204 | Survey West Art I | |
ART H1102 | Art Her West World II | ART205 | Survey West Art II | |
ART H1148 | Intl Cinema | FLM1XX | Intl Cinema | |
ART H1155 | Art Her West World I | ART204 | Survey West Art I | |
ART H1156 | Art Her West World II | ART205 | Survey West Art II | |
ART H1956 | Art Hert West World II | ART205 | Survey West Art II | |
ART H2300 | Special Topics | ART2XX | Special Topics | |
ART H2321 | Masters Ren Art | ART2XX | Masters Ren Art | |
ART H2622 | Galleries & Studios | ART2XX | Galleries & Studios | |
ART HC051 | Visual Experience | ART101 | Intro Art Apprec | |
ARTH0803 | Sacred Space | ART1XX | Sacred Space | |
ARTH0808 | Arts of West World | ART1XX | Arts of West World | |
ARTU1501 | Intro to Vis Lang Design | ART101 | Art/Visual Culture | |
ASIA ST0868 | World Soc Lit & Film | HUM1XX | World Soc Lit & Film | |
ASST0811 | Asian Behavior & Thought | INT1XX | Asian Behavior & Thought | |
ASST0863 | Relg of the World | REL265 | World Religions | |
ASST0868 | World Soc in Lit & Film | HUM2XX | World Soc in Lit & Film | |
BA0510 | Man People & Organ | MBA539 | Org Theory/Behavior | |
BA1001 | Business Seminar I | BUS1XX | Business Seminar I | |
BA2101 | Prof Develop Strategies | BUS1XX | Prof Develop Strategies | |
BA2196 | Bus Comm | CM246 | Comm/Business Prof | |
BA3102 | Business Society & Ethics | BUS3XX | Business Society & Ethics | |
BIOE0844 | The Bionic Human | BIO1XX | The Bionic Human | |
BIOL0848 | DNA: Friend or Foe | BIO1XX | Biology Elect No Lab | |
BIOL1001 | Human Biology | BIO112 | Fund Human Bio | |
BIOL1011 | General Biology I | BIO151 | Biology I Lab | |
BIOL1011 | General Biology I | BIO150 | Biology I | |
BIOL1012 | General Biology II | BIO152 | Evol/Ecol & Divers | |
BIOL1111 | Organs Biology | BIO152 | Evol/Ecol & Divers | |
BIOL1111 | Organs Biology | BIO153 | Evol/Ecol/Div Lab | |
BIOL1112 | Intro to Biomol, Cells, Genome | BIO150 | Intro Molecular Bio | |
BIOL1112 | Intro to Biomol, Cells, Genome | BIO151 | Intro Mole Bio Lab | |
BIOL1911 | Hnrs Intro to Biology I | BIO152 | Biology II | |
BIOL2112 | Introduction to Bio II | BIO204 | Exploring Biology | |
BIOL2227 | Princ of Ecology | BIO2XX | Princ of Ecology | |
BIOL2912 | Hrs Intro to Biology II | BIO150 | Biology I | |
BIOLC084 | General Biology II | BIO152 | Evol/Ecol & Divers | |
BIOLOGY0101 | Intro to Biology | BIO152 | Biology II | |
BIOLOGYC071 | Human Biology | BIO112 | Fund Human Bio | |
BIOLOGYC083 | General Biology I | BIO110 | General Biology | |
BIOLOGYC084 | General Biology II | BIO110 | General Biology | |
BIOLOGYH093 | Sp Top in Honors | BIO1XX | Biol Elective No Lab | |
BTMM1021 | Mass Media & Soc | CM211 | Mass Communication | |
BUS ADM0050 | Intro to Business Sem | BUS1XX | Intro to Business Sem | |
BUS ADM2196 | Bus Comm | WRT210 | Writng/Prof Culturs | |
C+IN SCC055 | Computers & Appl | IFS105 | Personal Computing | |
C+R PLN0081 | Intro Comm & Reg Plan | BEH1XX | Intro Comm & Reg Plan | |
C+R PLN0807 | People, Places & Env | BEH1XX | People, Places & Env | |
C+R PLNC061 | People and Places | BEH2XX | People and Places | |
CHEM0121 | Organic Chem I | CHM234 | Organic Chem I | |
CHEM0122 | Organic Chemistry II | CHM236 | Organic Chem II | |
CHEM0821 | Chemistry of Wine | CHM1XX | Chemistry of Wine | |
CHEM1011 | Chem: Study of Matter I | CHM1XX | Chemistry Elect No Lab | |
CHEM1021 | Intro to Chemistry I | CHM122 | Prin Gen/Org Chem | |
CHEM1021 | Intro to Chemistry I | CHM1XX | Chemistry Elect No Lab | |
CHEM1022 | Intro to Chem II | CHM1XX | Intro to Chem II | |
CHEM1027 | Applications of Chemistry | CHM1XX | Applications of Chemistry | |
CHEM1031 | General Chemistry I | 01 | CHM134 | Gen Chem I |
CHEM1031 | Gen Chem I | CHM134 | Gen Chem I | |
CHEM1031 | General Chemistry I | 01 | CHM135 | Gen Chem I Lab |
CHEM1031 | Gen Chem I | CHM1XX | Chemistry Elect No Lab | |
CHEM1032 | General Chemistry II | 02 | CHM136 | Gen Chem II |
CHEM1032 | General Chemistry II | 02 | CHM137 | Gen Chem II Lab |
CHEM1033 | General Chemistry Lab I | 01 | ||
CHEM1034 | General Chemistry Lab II | 02 | ||
CHEM1041 | Gen Chem Sci I | CHM1XX | Chemistry Elect No Lab | |
CHEM1041 | Gen Chem Sci I | CHM134 | Gen Chem I | |
CHEM1951 | General Chemistry I | CHM134 | Gen Chem I | |
CHEM2201 | Organic Chem I | CHM2XX | Chem Elect No Lab | |
CHEM2201 | Organic Chem I | CHM234 | Organic Chem I | |
CHEM2202 | Organic Chem II | CHM2XX | Chem Elect No Lab | |
CHEMC061 | Intro to Chemistry I | CHM134 | Gen Chem I | |
CHEMC062 | Intro to Chemistry II | CHM136 | Gen Chem II | |
CHEMC071 | General Chemistry I | CHM1XX | Chem Elect No Lab | |
CHEMC071 | General Chemistry I | CHM134 | Gen Chem I | |
CHEMC072 | General Chemistry II | CHM136 | Gen Chem II | |
CHEMC072 | General Chemistry II | CHM1XX | Chem Elect No Lab | |
CHEMC072 | General Chemistry II | CHM136 | Gen Chem II | |
CHEMH091 | Honors Gen Chem I | CHM134 | Gen Chem I | |
CIS0822 | Tech Horizons | IFS1XX | Tech Horizons | |
CIS0823 | Math for a Digital World | MAT1XX | Math for a Digital World | |
CIS0835 | Cyberspace & Society | IFS1XX | Cyberspace & Society | |
CIS1001 | Intro Acad Comp Sci | IFS1XX | Info Sys Elective | |
CIS1166 | Math Concepts Comp I | MAT1XX | Math Concepts Comp I | |
CIS1968 | Honors Program Design | IFS1XX | Honors Program Design | |
CJ0812 | Criminal Behavior | CCJ1XX | Criminal Behavior | |
CJ0852 | Justice in America | CCJ1XX | Justice in America | |
CJ0853 | Doing Justice | CCJ1XX | Doing Justice | |
CJ1001 | Intro Criminal Justice | CCJ101 | Intro Crim Justice | |
CJ2001 | Intro Juv Justice | CCJ110 | Juvenile Delinquncy | |
CJ2002 | Victims in Society | CCJ2XX | Victims in Society | |
CJ2401 | Nature of Crime | CCJ2XX | Nature of Crime | |
CJ2501 | Intro Criminal Law | CCJ302 | Criminal Law | |
CJ2501 | Intro Crim Law | CJA302 | Criminal Law | |
CJ3404 | Urban Crime Patterns | CCJ3XX | Urban Crime Patterns | |
CJ4002 | Drugs, Crime & Crim Just | CCJ4XX | Drugs, Crime & Crim Justi | |
CJ4007 | Computer Crime | CCJ4XX | Computer Crime | |
CLA1001 | CLA First Year Experience | FYS1XX | CLA First Year Experience | |
CMST1111 | Comm and Public Life | CM1XX | Comm and Public Life | |
CMST2111 | Communications Sem | CM2XX | Comm Sem | |
COMP0050 | College Comp | WRT102 | Analytical Read/Writ | |
COMPTER0001 | Foundation Computer | IFS1XX | Foundation Computer | |
CRAFTS0151 | Beg Ceramics | ART225 | Ceramics I | |
CRAFTS0153 | Jewelry | ART1XX | Jewelry | |
CRAFTS3371 | Silkscreen Fabric I | ART3XX | Silkscreen Fabric I | |
CRFT2259 | Glass for Non-Tyler | ART2XX | Glass for Non-Tyler | |
CRIM0103 | Crim Courts & Crim Just | CJA1XX | Crim Courts & Crim Just | |
CRIM0130 | Nature of Crime | CJA1XX | Nature of Crime | |
CRIM0150 | Intro Crim Law | CJA302 | Criminal Law | |
CRIM0160 | Crim Just Res | CJA1XX | Crim Just Res | |
CRIM0353 | Crit Iss/Law Enforce | CJA3XX | Crit Iss/Law Enforce | |
CRIM1001 | Intro Crim Just | CJA101 | Intro Crim Justice | |
CRIM4003 | Urban Min/Crim Jus | CJA4XX | Urban Min/Crim Jus | |
CRIMC050 | Intro Crim Just | CJA101 | Intro Crim Justice | |
CRIMR335 | Urban Min/Crm Jus | CJA3XX | Urban Min/Crim Jus | |
CRIM JU0141 | Victims in Society | CJA310 | Victimology | |
CRP0807 | People, Places, & Environ | BEH1XX | People, Places, Enviro | |
CRP5524 | Spatial Tech/GIS | G361 | Intro to Geo Info Sys | |
CRP8013 | Planning History | MPA512 | History & Theory Urban Plan | |
CRP8513 | Planning Analysis | MPA510 | Quant Analy Pol & Adm | |
CSCD0108 | Intro Linguistics | LIT310 | Language/Linguistics | |
CSI1111 | Public Speaking | CM212 | Public Speaking | |
DANC0806 | Jazz Century | PAW1XX | Jazz Century | |
DANC0827 | Phila Dance Experience | PE1XX | Phila Dance Exp | |
DANC0831 | Shall We Dance? | PAW1XX | Shall We Dance? | |
DANC1804 | Jazz I | PE1XX | Jazz I | |
DANCC110 | Entry to Dance as Art | PE117 | Modern Dance | |
DANCE0030 | Classical Ballet Level I | PE1XX | Classical Ballet Level I | |
DANCE0828 | Embodying Pluralism | BEH1XX | Embodying Pluralism | |
DANCEC110 | Entry to Dance as Art | PE117 | Modern Dance | |
DANCEH195 | Dance Hum Soc | HUM2XX | Dance Hum Soc | |
DANCER280 | Dance, Movement & Pluralism | HUM2XX | Dance, Movement & Pluralism | |
EARTH1001 | Intro to Geology | ESS1XX | Intro to Geology | |
EARTH1021 | Catastrophic Geology | ESS1XX | Catastrophic Geology | |
ECE0822 | Invest in the Future | ECE1XX | Invest in the Future | |
ECON1101 | Macroecon | ECO200 | Prin Econ-Macro | |
ECON1102 | Microecon | ECO201 | Prin Econ-Micro | |
ECON1901 | Macroecon | ECO200 | Prin Econ-Macro | |
ECONC051 | Macroeconomic Principles | ECO200 | Prin Econ-Macro | |
ECONC052 | Microecon Prin | ECO201 | Prin Econ-Micro | |
ECONH093 | Econ Prin-Honors | ECO2XX | Econ Prin-Honors | |
ED ADM0402 | Act & Collab Res Sem | MED501 | Intro Ed Research | |
EDAD0855 | Higher Educ & Amer Life | EDU1XX | Higher Ed & Amer Life | |
EDUC0122 | Dev Ind Across Lifespan | EDU1XX | Dev Ind Across Lifespan | |
EDUC0815 | Lang in Society | LIT1XX | Lang in Soc | |
EDUC0817 | Youth Cultures | EDU1XX | Youth Cultures | |
EDUC0819 | Tweens and Teens | EDU1XX | Tweens and Teens | |
EDUC0823 | Kids, Comm and Contvrsy | EDU1XX | Kids, Comm, Contvrsy | |
EDUC0865 | Albums and Algorithms | EDU1XX | Albums and Algorithms | |
EDUC1017 | Algebra for Educators | MAT115 | Math Foundations | |
EDUC1196 | Ed Sch & Ind US Soc | EDU1XX | Ed Sch & Ind US Soc | |
EDUC1255 | Incl Educ Diverse Soc | EDU1XX | Incl Educ Div Soc | |
EDUC1322 | Dev Ind Across Lifespan | EDU1XX | Dev Ind Across Lifespan | |
EDUC2103 | Socio-Cult Founds Ed | SOC2XX | Socio-Cult Founds Ed | |
EDUC2205 | Curr Inst Tech in Ed | EDU2XX | Curr Inst Tech in Ed | |
EDUC2289 | Field Experience | EDU2XX | Field Experience | |
EDUC2306 | Assess & Eval | EDU2XX | Assess & Eval | |
EDUCATI0155 | Incl Educ Diverse Soc | EDU1XX | Incl Educ Div Soc | |
EDUCATIX060 | Ed Sch & Indiv in US Soc | EDU1XX | Ed Sch & Indiv US Soc | |
EES0836 | Disasters: Geology V Hlwd | ESS1XX | Earth Science Elective | |
EES0837 | Evol & Extinctions | NPE1XX | Evol & Extinctions | |
EES0873 | Evil Plots | IFS1XX | Evil Plots | |
EES2001 | Physical Geology | ESS2XX | Physical Geology | |
ELECTR0001 | Intro to Electrical Eng | ME1XX | Intro to Electrical Eng | |
ELECTR1012 | Intro Electrical Eng | ECE1XX | Intro Electrical Eng | |
ENES0220 | Tchg Lit in Community | EDU1XX | Tchg Lit in Community | |
ENG0701 | Intro Acad Discourse | WRT100 | Intro College Writ | |
ENG0802 | Analytical Reading/Writ | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm | |
ENG0822 | Shakespeare in the Movies | FLM2XX | Shakespeare in the Movies | |
ENG0826 | Creative Acts | LIT2XX | Creative Acts | |
ENG0857 | Detective Novel | LIT1XX | Detective Novel | |
ENG0902 | Hnrs Lit/Reading/Writing | WRT102 | Analytical Read/Writ | |
ENG0902 | Honors Lit/Read/Writ | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm | |
ENG1002 | College Composition | WRT102 | Analytical Read/Writ | |
ENG1197 | Intro to Literature | LIT200 | Perspectives/Lit | |
ENG2596 | Writing for Bus & Ind | WRT210 | Writng/Prof Culturs | |
ENG3521 | Contemporary Poetry | LIT3XX | Contemporary Poetry | |
ENGC056 | American Lit | LIT281 | Amer Lit to 1885 | |
ENGR050 | College Comp | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm | |
ENGW103 | Writing/Research Essay | WRT100 | Intro College Writ | |
ENGX084 | Intro to Literature | LIT200 | Intro Lit & Text Stud | |
ENGL0115 | Surv Eng Lit 1660-1900 | LIT284 | Brt Lit after 1750 | |
ENGL0505 | Crit, Theory, Culture | LIT1XX | Crit, Theory, Culture | |
ENGL0630 | Eng Lit of the Ren | LIT1XX | Eng Lit of the Ren | |
ENGL0701 | Intro Acad Discourse | WRT102 | Analytical Read/Writ | |
ENGL0802 | Analyt Read & Writ | WRT202 | Academic Writing | |
ENGL0834 | Representing Race | LIT1XX | Representing Race | |
ENGL0835 | St in Maj 20th Cent Poets | LIT1XX | St in Maj 20th Cent Poets | |
ENGL0849 | Dissent in Amer | HUM1XX | Dissent in Amer | |
ENGL0902 | Lit/Rdg/Writing | WRT202 | Academic Writing | |
ENGL1001 | Acad Discourse | WRT100 | Intro College Writ | |
ENGL1002 | Coll Comp | WRT102 | Analytical Read/Writ | |
ENGL1022 | College Comp | WRT102 | Analytical Read/Writ | |
ENGL1301 | American Lit | LIT2XX | American Lit | |
ENGL2097 | Intro Engl Studies | LIT200 | Perspectives/Lit | |
ENGL2097 | Intro Eng Studies | LIT200 | Perspectives/Lit | |
ENGL2201 | Surv Eng Lit Be-1660 | LIT283 | British Lit to 1750 | |
ENGL2296 | Creat Wrt: Fiction | WRT2XX | Creat Wrt: Fiction | |
ENGL2297 | Shakespeare | LIT323 | Shakespeare I | |
ENGL2301 | Surv Am Lit I | LIT281 | Amer Lit to 1885 | |
ENGL2302 | Surv Amer Lit II | LIT282 | Amer Lit after 1885 | |
ENGL2711 | Intro Cinema Studies | FLM216 | Intro to Film | |
ENGL3002 | Contemp Criticism | LIT210 | Criticism/Theory | |
ENGL3524 | Adv Contemp Lit | LIT3XX | Adv Contemp Lit | |
ENGLC050 | College Comp | WRT102 | Analytical Read/Writ | |
ENGLR125 | Afr-Amer Lit I | LIT1XX | Afr-Amer Lit I | |
ENGLISH0111 | Intro to Linguistics | WRT1XX | Intro to Linguistics | |
ENGLISH1001 | Acad Discourse | WRT102 | Analytical Read/Writ | |
ENGLISH2202 | Surv Eng Lit 1660-1900 | LIT284 | Brt Lit after 1750 | |
ENGLISH2302 | Surv Amer Lit II | LIT282 | Amer Lit after 1885 | |
ENGLISH2402 | Afr-Amer Lit II | LIT203 | African/Amer Lit | |
ENGLISH3512 | Iss in Mod Lit | LIT3XX | Iss in Mod Lit | |
ENGLISHC050 | College Composition | WRT102 | Analytical Read/Writ | |
ENGLISHH090 | Lit & Comp Hon | WRT102 | Analytical Read/Writ | |
ENGLISHW107 | Creat Wrt: Poetry | WRT310 | Creative Writing | |
ENGR0011 | Engineering Graphics | EGR1XX | Engineering Graphics | |
ENGR1101 | Intro/Engr/Tech | EGR1XX | Intro/Engr/Tech | |
ENGR1102 | Intro Engr Prob Solve | EGR1XX | Intro Engr Prob Solve | |
ENGR1117 | Engineering Graphics | EGR1XX | Engr Graphics | |
ENGR2011 | Engineer Analysis | EGR1XX | Engineer Analysis | |
ENGRG0001 | Intro Engr & Engr Tech | EGR1XX | Intro Engr & Engr Tech | |
ENGRG1101 | Engr & Engr Tech | EGR1XX | Engr & Engr Tech | |
ENGRG1117 | Eng Graphics | EGR1XX | Eng Graphics | |
ENST0842 | Sustainable Environments | HRT1XX | Sustainable Environments | |
ENVIRO0238 | Envir Prob in Asia | INT2XX | Envir Prob in Asia | |
ENVT0845 | The Environment | BIO1XX | The Environment | |
ENVTC010 | Intro to Environment | ESS1XX | Earth Sci Elective No Lab | |
EPBI2219 | Biostatistics | BIO290 | Biostatistics | |
FDPR1522 | 2D Foundation Princ | ART210 | Design I | |
FDPR1531 | Three Dimension | ART1XX | Three Dimension | |
FDPR1532 | Three Dimension | ART1XX | Three Dimension | |
FDPR1541 | Found Computer | ART1XX | Found Computer | |
FMA0843 | Race/Ethnicity in Cinema | FLM2XX | Race/Eth in Cinema | |
FMA0869 | Imaginary Cities | FLM1XX | Imaginary Cities | |
FMA1141 | Media Arts I | HUM1XX | Media Arts I | |
FMA1142 | Media Arts II | HUM1XX | Media Arts II | |
FMA1172 | Intro: Film & Vid Ana | FLM216 | Intro to Film | |
FMA2396 | Screenwriting I | CRW277 | Screenwriting I | |
FMA2551 | Editing Film and Video | CM2XX | Editing Film & Video | |
FMA2671 | Film Noir | FLM2XX | Film Noir | |
FOUN0001 | Found Drawing | ART215 | Drawing I | |
FOUN0002 | 2D Found Prin | ART210 | Design I | |
FOUN0003 | Three Dimension | ART211 | Design II | |
FOUN0004 | Three Dimension | ART1XX | Three Dimension | |
FOUN0005 | Foun Computer | ART1XX | Found Computer | |
FOUN0011 | Found Drawing | ART1XX | Found Drawing | |
FOUN0012 | 2D Found Prin | ART1XX | 2D Found Prin | |
FOUN1511 | Found Drawing | ART215 | Drawing I | |
FOUN1512 | Found Drawing | ART1XX | Found Drawing | |
FOUN1521 | 2D Found Prin | ART110 | Concepts of Design | |
FOUN1521 | 2D Found Prin | ART210 | Design I | |
FOUN1522 | 2D Found Prin | ART1XX | 2D Found Prin | |
FOUN1531 | Three Dimension | ART211 | Design II | |
FOUN1531 | Three Dimension | ART1XX | Three Dimension | |
FOUN1532 | Three Dim | ART1XX | Three Dim | |
FOUN1541 | Found Computer | ART1XX | Found Computer | |
FREN0062 | Intermed II | FRN202 | Inter French II | |
FREN0121 | Conversation I | FRN1XX | Conversation I | |
FREN0312 | French Cinema Mod Man | FRN3XX | French Cinema Mod Man | |
FREN0395 | France & USA | FRN1XX | France & USA | |
FREN1001 | Intro to French I | FRN101 | Elem French I | |
FREN1002 | Intro to French II | FRN102 | Elem French II | |
FREN1003 | Intro to French III | FRN201 | Inter French I | |
FREN2001 | Intermediate French | FRN202 | Inter French II | |
FRENC061 | Intermed I | FRN201 | Inter French I | |
FRENW122 | Focus on Comp | FRN2XX | Focus on Comp | |
FRENCH0062 | Intermed II | FRN202 | Inter French II | |
FRENCHC061 | Int I | FRN201 | Inter French I | |
GAD0001 | 2-D Foundation Principles | ART210 | Design I | |
GAD0002 | 2-D Foundation Principles | ART211 | Design II | |
GAD0103 | Digital Imaging | ART1XX | Digital Imaging | |
GAD0116 | Surv Printmaking Tech | ART1XX | Surv Printmaking Tech | |
GAD0133 | Serigraphy | ART1XX | Serigraphy | |
GAD0136 | Etching | ART1XX | Etching | |
GAD0146 | Intro to Computer Graphics | ART1XX | Intro to Computer Graphics | |
GAD0171 | Photography I | ART245 | Photography I | |
GAD0173 | Photography II | ART295 | Photography II | |
GAD0207 | Adv Photo Workshop | ART345 | Photography III | |
GAD0321 | Adv Etching | ART3XX | Adv Etching | |
GAD0338 | Relief and Monoprint | ART3XX | Relief and Monoprint | |
GAD2001 | Graphic Des | ART2XX | Graphic Des | |
GAD2021 | Comp & Design | ART2XX | Comp & Design | |
GAD2441 | Photography I | ART245 | Photography I | |
GAD2702 | Surv of Printmaking | ART287 | Printmaking I | |
GAD2711 | Serigraphy | ART2XX | Serigraphy | |
GAD2731 | Etching | ART2XX | Etching | |
GAD2761 | Lithography | ART2XX | Lithography | |
GAD3001 | Adv Graphic Des | ART3XX | Adv Graphic Des | |
GAD3011 | Typography | ART218 | Typography I | |
GAD3015 | Adv Typography | ART3XX | Adv Typography | |
GAD3021 | Intermed Computers | ART3XX | Intermed Comp | |
GAD3025 | Interactive Des | ART3XX | Interactive Des | |
GAD3033 | Illustration | ART3XX | Illustration | |
GAD3182 | Independent Study | ART3XX | Independent Study | |
GAD3831 | Relief & Monoprint | ART3XX | Relief & Monoprint | |
GAD3841 | Color Print Workshop | ART3XX | Color Print Workshop | |
GEOG0131 | Urb Soc, Global Econ | G1XX | Urb Soc, Global Econ | |
GEOG0831 | Global Cities | G2XX | Global Cities | |
GEOG0861 | Urban Dynamics | G331 | Metropolitan Devel | |
GEOG1021 | Urban Soc: Race Class | G345 | Urban Geography | |
GEOGC050 | Env & Soc | G1XX | Env & Soc | |
GEOGC052 | Intro to Phys Env | G1XX | Intro to Phys Env | |
GEOGC060 | World Urban Patterns | G345 | Urban Geography | |
GEOGC062 | Geog of World Affairs | G1XX | Geog of World Affairs | |
GEOGC080 | Geography of U.S. & Canada | G341 | Geog North America | |
GEOGR055 | Urban Society: Race Class | G1XX | Urban Society: Race Class | |
GEOL1001 | Intro to Geology | ESS1XX | Intro to Geology | |
GEOL1015 | Env Resources | BIO212 | Environmntl Bio | |
GEOLC081 | Environ Resources | BIO212 | Environmntl Bio | |
GEOLOGY0210 | Intro to Hydrology | ESS1XX | Intro to Hydrology | |
GEOLOGYC050 | Intro to Geology | ESS1XX | Intro to Geology | |
GER1003 | Intro German III | GRM201 | Inter German I | |
GERMAN0051 | Beg German I | GRM101 | Elem German I | |
GERMAN0052 | Beg German II | GRM102 | Elem German II | |
GERMANC061 | Int I | GRM201 | Inter German I | |
GK HBRW0261 | Topics in Hebrew Cult | REL2XX | Topics in Hebrew Cult | |
GK+ROM0260 | Top Class Cult | FLM2XX | Top Class Cult | |
GRC0803 | Sacred Space | REL1XX | Sacred Space | |
GRC0804 | Race Ancient Mediterrean | HUM1XX | Race Ancient Mediterrean | |
GRC0829 | Ancient War Games | HIS2XX | Ancient War Games | |
GRC2101 | The Greeks | HUM2XX | The Greeks | |
GUS0072 | Urban Affairs | G1XX | Urban Affairs | |
GUS0821 | Digital Mapping | G1XX | Digital Mapping | |
GUS0842 | Sustainable Enviro | BIO1XX | Biology Elec no lab | |
GUS0862 | Develop & Globalization | G100 | World Reg Geography | |
HCMPC050 | College Composition | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm | |
HIM1101 | Medical Term | BIO201 | Medical Terminology | |
HIS0829 | Hist Sig Race in Amer | HIS1XX | Hist Sig Race in Amer | |
HIST0190 | Top in World Hist | HIS1XX | Top in World Hist | |
HIST0824 | Gender & World Societies | HIS1XX | Gender & World Societies | |
HIST0829 | Hist Signif Race in Amer | HIS1XX | Hist Signif Race in Amer | |
HIST0848 | Amer Revolutions | HIS112 | American Civ II | |
HIST0859 | Making Am Society | HIS112 | American Civ II | |
HIST0861 | Global Slavery | HIS1XX | Global Slavery | |
HIST0864 | War and Peace | HIS1XX | War and Peace | |
HIST0867 | Found Philadelphia | HIS1XX | Found Philadelphia | |
HIST0872 | Turning Points in Hum Hist | HIS1XX | Turn Pt in Hum Hist | |
HIST0876 | Religion in Philadelphia | REL1XX | Religion in Philadelphia | |
HIST1001 | Hist of Philadelphia | HIS1XX | Hist of Philadelphia | |
HIST1003 | Hist American West | HIS1XX | Hist American West | |
HIST1013 | Hist of Amer Pres | HIS1XX | Hist of Amer Pres | |
HIST1101 | Hist of US 1600-1877 | HIS111 | American Civ I | |
HIST1102 | Hist of US 1877-Pres | HIS112 | American Civ II | |
HIST1702 | Mod Hist Since 1500 | HIS122 | World History II | |
HIST3215 | Hist Roots Urban Crime | HIS3XX | Hist Roots Urban Crime | |
HISTC067 | Hist of U.S. 1600-1877 | HIS111 | American Civ I | |
HLTH1201 | Intro Health Prof | BIO100 | Intro Allied Hl | |
HLTH RL0100 | Intro Hlth Prof | BIO100 | Intro Allied Hl | |
HPM2214 | Pol & Pay in US Healthcare | BEH2XX | Pol & Pay in US Healthcare | |
HRM0083 | Organization & Manag | MGT1XX | Organization & Manag | |
HRM1101 | Leadership and Org Mgmt | MGT150 | Prin of Management | |
HRPR1001 | Public Health: Live Play | BEH1XX | Public Health: Live Play | |
HRPR1201 | Intro Health Prof | BIO100 | Intro Allied Hl | |
HUM1101 | Org & Mgt | MGT150 | Prin of Management | |
HUM RES0083 | Org & Manage | MGT1XX | Org & Manage | |
IH0851 | Mosaic: Hum Sem I | HUM1XX | Mosaic: Hum Sem I | |
IH0852 | Mosaic Hum Sem II | HUM1XX | Mosaic Hum Sem II | |
IH0951 | Hnrs Mosaic: Humanities Sem I | HUM1XX | Hrs Mosaic: Hum Sem I | |
IH0951 | Hon-Mosaic: Hum Sem I | HUM1XX | Hum Sem I | |
IH0952 | Hon-Mosaic:Hum Sem II | WRT202 | Academic Writing | |
IH1196 | Intellect Heritage I | HUM1XX | Intellect Heritage I | |
IH1297 | Int Heritage II | HUM1XX | Int Heritage II | |
IHX051 | Int Heritage I | HUM1XX | Int Heritage I | |
IHX052 | Intellectual Heritage II | HUM1XX | Intellectual Heritage II | |
IHX091 | Intellectual Hert I | LIT1XX | Intellectual Hert I | |
ISYS184 | Business Systems | IFS100 | Info Tech Competncy | |
ISYS184 | Business Systems | IFS105 | Personal Computing | |
ITAL0052 | Italian Lang II | ITL102 | Elem Italian II | |
ITAL1001 | Ital Lang I | ITL101 | Elem Italian I | |
ITAL1002 | Italian Language II | ITL102 | Elem Italian II | |
ITALIAN0051 | Elements I | ITL101 | Elem Italian I | |
ITL1002 | Italian Language II | ITL102 | Elem Italian II | |
JOUR1111 | Journ & Society | CM1XX | Journ & Society | |
JOUR1112 | Wrt for Journalism | CM271 | Print Media Writing | |
JOUR2301 | Intro Magazines | CM2XX | Intro Magazines | |
JOURN0051 | Mass Media Writing Lab | CM1XX | Mass Media Writing Lab | |
JOURN0150 | Writing for Journalism | CM271 | Journalism | |
JOURNC055 | Intro to Mass Media | CM1XX | Intro to Mass Media | |
JOURN PC055 | Journalism and Society | CM1XX | Journalism and Society | |
JRN1101 | Elem of Writing | WRT1XX | Elem of Writing | |
JRN1111 | Journalism & Society | CM1XX | Journalism & Soc | |
JRN1113 | Audio/Visual Newsgathering | CM1XX | Audio/Visual Newsgthrng | |
JRN1114 | Design for Journalists | WRT1XX | Design for Journalists | |
JRN1196 | Writing for Journalism | WRT1XX | Writing for Journalism | |
JRN2101 | Journalism Research | WRT2XX | Journalism Research | |
JRN2202 | Editing the News | CM2XX | Editing the News | |
JRN2501 | Broadcast News Writing | CM332 | Broadcast Media Wrt | |
JRN3704 | Ethical Issues in Journ | CM3XX | Ethical Issues in Journ | |
KINES0019 | Weight Training | PE118 | Physical Fitness | |
KINES0080 | Scuba Diving | PE1XX | Scuba Diving | |
KINESC100 | Human Anat & Physio I | BIO220 | Human A/P I | |
KINESC101 | Anatomy & Physiology II | BIO222 | Human A/P II | |
KINS0018 | Fitness for Life | PE134 | Concpts Phys Actvty | |
KINS1001 | Aerobics I | PE139 | Cardiorespty Exercs | |
KINS1002 | Zumba Around the World | PAW1XX | Zumba | |
KINS1019 | Golf I | PE140 | Fundamentals/Golf | |
KINS1022 | Gymnastics I | PAW1XX | Gymnastics I | |
KINS1026 | Karate I | PE1XX | Karate I | |
KINS1036 | Personal Defense | PAW130 | Self Defense | |
KINS1038 | Phys Act Workshop II | PE1XX | Phys Act Workshop II | |
KINS1048 | Swimming for Non Swim | PAW123 | Learn to Swim | |
KINS1048 | Swimming for Non-Swimmer | PE120 | Beginning Swimming | |
KINS1056 | Volleyball I | PAW160 | Volleyball | |
KINS1059 | Yin Yoga | PAW163 | Yoga | |
KINS1064 | Yoga I | PE163 | Intro to Yoga | |
KINS1201 | Intro to Kinesiology | NPE1XX | Intro to Kinesiology | |
KINS1223 | Hum Anat & Phys I | BIO220 | Human A/P I | |
KINS1223 | Hum Anat & Phys I | BIO1XX | Hum Anat & Phys I | |
KINS1224 | Human Anat & Phys II | BIO1XX | Biology Elective no lab | |
KINS1224 | Human Anat & Phys II | BIO222 | Human A/P II | |
KINS1444 | Mvmt Injuries Prev & Care | SPM2XX | Mvmt Injuries Prev & Care | |
KINS2203 | Phys of Phys Act | NPE2XX | Phys of Phys Act | |
KINS2203 | Physio of Activity | SPM2XX | Physio of Activity | |
KINS2204 | Motor Behavior | SPM2XX | Motor Behavior | |
KINS3202 | Biomech of Phys Acct | NPE3XX | Biomech of Phys Acct | |
KINS3296 | Social-Psych of Phys Act | SPM3XX | Social-Psych of Phys Act | |
KINS4282 | Ind Study in Kines | NPE4XX | Ind Study in Kines | |
KINS4296 | Hist & Philos of Kines | SPM4XX | Hist & Philo of Kines | |
KINS4296 | Hist & Philos of Kines | SPM4XX | Hist & Philos Kines | |
LARC0841 | Sustainable Design | BEH1XX | Sustainable Design | |
LARC0852 | Green V Gray: Urban Eco | BEH1XX | Green V Gray: Urban Eco | |
LAS0854 | War in Hazelton | BEH1XX | War in Hazelton | |
LATIN0051 | Latin Elem I | LAT101 | Elem Latin I | |
LATIN0052 | Latin Elem II | LAT102 | Elem Latin II | |
LATIN0868 | World Soc Lit & Film | INT1XX | World Soc Lit & Film | |
LATINC061 | Int I | LAT2XX | Int I | |
LATIN AC050 | Persp on Latin Am | INT1XX | Persp on Latin Am | |
LAW0856 | Law & Amer Soc | PS1XX | Law & Amer Soc | |
LAW1101 | Legal Envir of Bus | BUS260 | Legal Environment | |
LAW SBA1001 | Law in Society | PS210 | Intro to Law | |
LAW SBAC001 | Law In Society | PS1XX | Law in Society | |
LGLS0803 | Afr Amer, Equality & Law | HUM1XX | Afr Amer, Equality & Law | |
LGLS0805 | Sexual Orien & the Law | NPE1XX | Sexual Orien & the law | |
LGLS0856 | Law & Amer Soc | PS1XX | Law & Amer Soc | |
LGLS1101 | Legal Environment of Bus | BUS260 | Legal Environment | |
MATH0045 | Elementary Algebra | MAT105 | College Algebra | |
MATH0076 | Calculus with Appl II | MAT172 | Calculus II | |
MATH0086 | Calculus II | MAT172 | Calculus II | |
MATH0122 | Precalculus | MAT108 | Precalculus | |
MATH0701 | Basic Math for Today's World | MAT102 | College Algebra I | |
MATH0702 | Intermed Algebra | MAT102 | Prelim Math/Prob Solv | |
MATH0824 | Math Patterns | MAT1XX | Math Patterns | |
MATH0828 | Crit Reason & Problem Solving | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv | |
MATH1011 | College Math | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv | |
MATH1012 | Elem Math Thought | MAT1XX | Elem Math Thought | |
MATH1013 | Elem of Stats | QBA260 | Business Statistics | |
MATH1013 | Elem of Stats | MAT250 | Statistics | |
MATH1013 | Elem of Stats | BEH260 | Statistics | |
MATH1015 | Intro to Numbers & Figures | MAT115 | Math Foundations | |
MATH1021 | College Algebra | MAT105 | College Algebra | |
MATH1022 | Precalculus | MAT108 | Precalculus | |
MATH1038 | Calc with Lab | MAT1XX | Calc with lab | |
MATH1038 | Calc with Lab | MAT171 | Calculus I | |
MATH1041 | Calculus I | MAT171 | Calculus I | |
MATH1042 | Calculus II | MAT172 | Calculus II | |
MATH2043 | Calculus III | MAT271 | Calculus III | |
MATH2101 | Linear Algebra | MAT260 | Linear Algebra I | |
MATH3003 | Theory of Numbers | MAT320 | Number Theory | |
MATH3031 | Prob Theory I | MAT350 | Probability/Stats | |
MATH3098 | Modern Algebra | MAT361 | Abstract Algebra | |
MATH3098 | Modern Algebra | MAT3XX | Abstract Algebra I | |
MATHC055 | College Math | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv | |
MATHC065 | Elements of Math Thought | MAT1XX | Elements of Math Thought | |
MATHC066 | Intuitive Calc and Appl | MAT1XX | Intuitive Calc and Appl | |
MATHC067 | Elem of Stats | MAT250 | Statistics | |
MATHC067 | Elem of Stats | QBA260 | Business Statistics | |
MATHC067 | Elem of Stats | BEH260 | Statistics | |
MATHC073 | College Algebra | MAT105 | College Algebra | |
MATHC074 | Precalculus | MAT108 | Precalculus | |
MATHC075 | Calculus with Appl I | MAT120 | Applied Calculus | |
MATHC085 | Calculus I | MAT171 | Calculus I | |
MATHH090 | Honors: College Math | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv | |
MATHH095 | Honors Calc I | MAT171 | Calculus I | |
MATHH096 | Honors Calc II | MAT172 | Calculus II | |
MECH EN0001 | Intro/Mechanical Engr | ME1XX | Intro/Mechanical Engr | |
MEE0844 | The Bionic Human | ME1XX | The Bionic Human | |
MGT INF2101 | Info Sys Org | IFS2XX | Info Sys Org | |
MIS2101 | Info Sys Organizations | IFS2XX | Info Sys Organizations | |
MKTG2101 | Marketing Mgmt | MKT100 | Prin Marketing | |
MKTG3553 | International Marketing | MKT3XX | International Marketing | |
MKTG3596 | Consumer & Buyer Behavior | MKT360 | Consumer Behavior | |
MSOM0500 | Operations Mgmt | MBA4XX | Operations Mgmt | |
MSP0821 | The Future of TV | CM1XX | The Future of TV | |
MSP1021 | Media and Society | CM211 | Mass Communication | |
MSP1701 | Intro Media Tech | ART1XX | Intro Media Tech | |
MSP2421 | Media and Pop Culture | HUM2XX | Media and Pop Cult | |
MUS ED1651 | Percussion | MUS1XX | Percussion | |
MUS ED1653 | Upper Strings | MUS1XX | Upper Strings | |
MUS ED1654 | Lower Strings | MUS1XX | Lower Strings | |
MUS ED1655 | Brass I | MUS1XX | Brass I | |
MUS ED1656 | Brass II | MUS1XX | Brass II | |
MUS ED2675 | Inclusive Vocal Dev | MUS2XX | Inclusive Vocal Dev | |
MUS ST0802 | Art of Listening | MUS200 | Music Appreciation | |
MUS ST0804 | Shakespeare & Music | MUS1XX | Shakespeare & Music | |
MUS ST0809 | World Musics | MUS281 | World Music | |
MUS ST1701 | Music Theory | MUS181 | Found Music Theory | |
MUS ST1711 | Theory I | MUS182 | Music Theory I | |
MUS ST1712 | Theory II | MUS183 | Music Theory II | |
MUS ST1761 | Intro to Music | MUS200 | Music Appreciation | |
MUS STC061 | Intro to Music | MUS200 | Music Appreciation | |
MUSC0023 | Class Voice | MUS1XX | Class Voice | |
MUSC3510 | Marching Band | MUS3XX | Marching Band | |
MUSC4352 | Singing Owls Commun choir | MUS1XX | Singing Owls comm Choir | |
MUSIC0024 | Class Voice | MUS1XX | Class Voice | |
MUSIC0279 | Choral Ensemble | MUS150 | YCChorale | |
MUSIC0376 | Marching Band | MUS1XX | Marching Band | |
MUSIC0389 | Collegiate Band | MUS1XX | Collegiate Band | |
MUSIC1405 | Sec Piano for Mus Maj | MUS103 | Piano | |
MUSIC1501 | Intrumental Con | MUS1XX | Instrumental Con | |
MUSIC3300 | Choral Ensemble | MUS150 | YCChorale | |
MUSIC3510 | Marching Band | MUS3XX | Marching Band | |
MUSIC4500 | Instrumental Ensemble | MUS4XX | Instrumental Ensemble | |
MUST0802 | The Art of Listening | MUS1XX | The Art of Listening | |
MUST0809 | World Musics and Cult | MUS281 | World Music | |
MUST0812 | Exploring Music | MUS200 | Music Appreciation | |
MUST0812 | Exploring Music | MUS186 | Listening to Music | |
MUST0909 | Hnrs World Music & Cult | MUS281 | World Music | |
NSCI0817 | Brain Matters | BIO1XX | Biology Elect No Lab | |
NURS1001 | Intro to Professional Nursing | NUR1XX | Intro to Professional Nursing | |
NURSING0110 | Microbiology | BIO230 | Microbiology | |
PBHL2219 | Biostatistics & Public Health | BEH2XX | Biostats & Pub Health | |
PDS0001 | Foundation Drawing | ART215 | Drawing I | |
PDS0002 | Foundation Drawing | ART215 | Drawing I | |
PDS0003 | Three Dimension | ART1XX | Three Dimension | |
PDS0170 | Sculpture | ART230 | Sculpture I | |
PDS0254 | Figure Drawing | ART216 | Figure Drawing I | |
PDS2011 | Painting | ART220 | Painting I | |
PDS2011 | Painting | ART114 | Concepts/Painting | |
PDS2321 | Inter Drawing | ART265 | Drawing II | |
PDS3211 | Painting on Paper | ART3XX | Painting on Paper | |
PDS3351 | Rome Sketchbook | ART3XX | Rome Sketchbook | |
PEH0039 | Personal Defense - Women | PAW130 | Self Defense | |
PHIL0839 | Philo of the Human | PHL224 | Being Human | |
PHIL0847 | Meaning of the Arts | ART1XX | Meaning of the Arts | |
PHIL1061 | Art & Society | PHL2XX | Art & Society | |
PHIL1076 | Phil East & West | PHL1XX | Phil East & West | |
PHIL1196 | Introduction to Philosophy | PHL221 | Intro Philosophy | |
PHIL2144 | Intro to Philos of Mind | PHL2XX | Intro to Philos of Mind | |
PHIL2596 | Philo Persp on the Enviro | PHL240 | Environmentl Ethics | |
PHIL3245 | Philosophy of Psychology | PHL3XX | Philosophy of Psych | |
PHIL4251 | Philo of Language | PHL4XX | Philo of Language | |
PHILC066 | Intro to Logic | PHL231 | Logic | |
PHILOS1061 | Art & Society | PHL2XX | Art & Society | |
PHILOS1062 | Morality & Law | PHL1XX | Morality & Law | |
PHILOS1063 | American Thinkers | PHL221 | Intro Philosophy | |
PHILOS1066 | Intro to Logic | PHL231 | Logic | |
PHILOS2172 | Hist Phil-Mod | PHL2XX | Hist Phil-Mod | |
PHILOS3222 | Contemp Ethical Theory | PHL341 | Ethics | |
PHILOSC061 | Art and Society | HUM1XX | Art and Society | |
PHILOSC063 | Amer Thinkers | PHL2XX | Amer Thinkers | |
PHY1061 | Elem Class Phys I | PHY160 | Eng Phys:Mechncs | |
PHYS0839 | Powering the Future | PHY1XX | Physics Elect No lab | |
PHYS0846 | Universe As We Know It | ESS154 | Intro/Astronomy | |
PHYS0847 | How Things Work | PSC1XX | Phys Sci Elect No Lab | |
PHYS0872 | Science of Sound | PSC1XX | Phys Sci Elect No Lab | |
PHYS1001 | Phys: Motion and Matter | PHY1XX | Physics Elective no lab | |
PHYS1005 | Light, Art & Nature | PHY1XX | Light, Art & Nature | |
PHYS1021 | General Phys I | PHY110 | Gen Phys:Mech/Ht | |
PHYS1022 | General Phys I | PHY112 | Gen Phys:Elc/Magn | |
PHYS1061 | Elem Classical Phys I | PHY160 | Eng Phys:Mechncs | |
PHYS1062 | Elem Classical Phys II | PHY260 | Eng Phys:Elct/Magn | |
PHYS2021 | Gen Physics I | PHY110 | Gen Phys:Mech/Ht | |
PHYS2022 | Gen Physics II | PHY112 | Gen Phys:Elc/Magn | |
PHYSC087 | Elem Classical Phys I | PHY160 | Eng Phys:Mechncs | |
PHYSC087 | Elem Classical Phys I | PHY161 | E Phys:Mech Lab | |
PHYS ED0064 | Volleyball | PE160 | Volleyball | |
PHYS EDW205 | Psychsoc Bases-Human Mvt | PE1XX | Psychsoc Bases-Hum Mvt | |
PHYSICSC053 | PHYS: Motion & Matter | PHY1XX | Physics Elect No Lab | |
PHYSICSC083 | Coll Physics I | PHY1XX | Coll Physics I | |
POL0859 | Making Amer Society | SOC220 | Am Social Problems | |
POL0859 | Making Amer Society | PS1XX | Making Amer Society | |
POL0866 | World Affairs | PS1XX | World Affairs | |
POL SCI0832 | Politics of Identity | PS1XX | Politics of Identity | |
POL SCI0862 | Dev & Globalization | PS1XX | Dev & Globalization | |
POL SCI1101 | Amer Pol Sys | PS141 | American Governmnt | |
POL SCIC051 | American Pol System | PS141 | American Governmnt | |
POL SCIC052 | Foreign Govts | PS2XX | Foreign Govts | |
POL SCIC053 | International Politics | PS302 | International Rel | |
POL SCIR050 | Indiv Race & Am Pol Life | PS2XX | Indiv Race & Am Pol Life | |
POL SCIW101 | Intro Pol Phil | PS2XX | Intro Pol Phil | |
POLS0825 | Quant Meths in Soc Sci | BEH1XX | Quant Meths in Soc Sci | |
POLS0829 | Hist Sig Race in Amer | PS1XX | Hist Sig Race in Amer | |
POLS0832 | Politics of Identity | PHL1XX | Politics of Identity | |
POLS1101 | Amer Pol Sys | PS141 | American Governmnt | |
POLS1101 | American Pol System | PS101 | Amer Gov/Citizenship | |
POLS1201 | Foreign Govts | PS1XX | Foreign Govts | |
POLS1301 | Intl Politics | PS302 | International Rel | |
POLS2102 | Am State + Local Politics | PS242 | State/Local Govt | |
POLS2255 | Comp Public Policy | PS312 | Politics Public Pol | |
POLS3121 | American Constitu I | PS101 | Amer Gov/Citizenship | |
POLSC051 | Amer Pol System | PS101 | Amer Gov/Citizenship | |
POLSC052 | Foreign Governments | PS2XX | Foreign Governments | |
PORT0201 | Comp & Conv | CM2XX | Comp & Conv | |
PR1101 | Practical Grammer for Pub Comm | PR1XX | Practical Grammer for Pub Comm | |
PR1112 | Communicating Leadership | PR1XX | Communicating Leadership | |
PSY0816 | Workings of the Mind | PSY1XX | Workings of the Mind | |
PSY0818 | Hum Sexuality | PSY1XX | Hum Sexuality | |
PSY1001 | Introduction to Psychology | PSY100 | General Psychology | |
PSY1002 | Careers in Psychology | PSY1XX | Careers in Psych | |
PSY1003 | Statistics for Psychology | BEH260 | Statistics | |
PSY1004 | Critical Thinking in Psych | PSY1XX | Crit Thinking in Psych | |
PSY1009 | Discovering Psychology | PSY1XX | Discovering Psych | |
PSY1061 | Psych as a Social Science | PSY1XX | Psych as a Social Sci | |
PSY1071 | Psych as a Natural Sci | PSY1XX | Psych as a Nat Sci | |
PSY2101 | Cognitive Psychology | PSY307 | Cognitive Psych | |
PSY2103 | Learning&Behavior Analys | PSY2XX | Learning&Behavior Analys | |
PSY2168 | Inferential Methods | QBA265 | Intro to Analytics | |
PSY2196 | Scientific Thinking/Psych | PSY2XX | Scientific Thinking/Psych | |
PSY2201 | Found of Psychopathyology | PSY2XX | Found of Psychopath | |
PSY2301 | Founds of Develop Psych | PSY2XX | Founds of Dev Psych | |
PSY2301 | Develop Psychology | PSY2XX | Develop Psychology | |
PSY2301 | Develop Psychology | NUR201 | Nursing HD/HC | |
PSY2401 | Social Psychology | PSY243 | Social Psychology | |
PSY2501 | Behavorial Neuroscience | BEH2XX | Behav Neuroscience | |
PSY2502 | Cognitive Neuroscience | PSY2XX | Cognitive Neuroscience | |
PSY2601 | Foundations of Health Psych | PSY225 | Health Psychology | |
PSY2991 | Honors Research I | PSY2XX | Honors Research I | |
PSY3096 | Conducting Psych Research | PSY3XX | Conducting Psych Research | |
PSY3301 | Phases of Develop: Infancy | PSY223 | Early Child Develp | |
PSY3411 | Social Cognition | PSY3XX | Social Cognition | |
PSYC050 | Psy as a Social Science | PSY1XX | Psy as a Social Science | |
PSYCH0051 | Psych as a Nat Science | PSY1XX | Psych as a Nat Science | |
PSYCH0070 | Psych as Nat Sci | PSY1XX | Psych as Nat Sci | |
PSYCH0105 | Learning and Motivation | PSY1XX | Learning and Motivation | |
PSYCH0108 | Cognition | PSY1XX | Cognition | |
PSYCH0122 | Inferential Methods | PSY1XX | Inferential Methods | |
PSYCH0151 | Theories of Personality | PSY1XX | Theor of Personality | |
PSYCH0220 | Psychopathology | PSY2XX | Psychopathology | |
PSYCH0230 | Cognitive Psych | PSY2XX | Cognitive Psych | |
PSYCH0295 | Practicum in Psych I | PSY2XX | Practicum in Psych I | |
PSYCH0304 | Personality | PSY3XX | Personality | |
PSYCH0315 | History & Syst of Psych | PSY3XX | History & Syst of Psych | |
PSYCH0321 | Clinical Psych | PSY3XX | Clinical Psych | |
PSYCH0816 | Workings of the Mind | PSY100 | General Psychology | |
PSYCH0818 | Human Sexuality | PSY1XX | Hum Sexuality | |
PSYCH1061 | Psych | PSY100 | General Psychology | |
PSYCH1071 | Psych As Nat Sci | PSY100 | General Psychology | |
PSYCH2168 | Inferential Meth | PSY2XX | Inferential Meth | |
PSYCH2196 | Sci Thinking/Psych | PSY2XX | Sci Thinking/Psych | |
PSYCH2301 | Dev Psychology | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop | |
PSYCHC050 | Psych as Soc Sci | PSY100 | General Psychology | |
PSYCHC060 | Psych as a Social Sci | PSY100 | General Psychology | |
PSYCHC067 | Fnd Stat Meth | BEH260 | Statistics | |
PSYCHW123 | Sci Thinking/Psyc | PSY1XX | Sci Thinking/Psyc | |
PSYCHW274 | Research Methods | PSY2XX | Research Methods | |
PSYCHW276 | Research Methods | PSY2XX | Res Methods | |
PUBLIC0106 | Human Sexuality | PSY1XX | Human Sexuality | |
PUBLICC089 | Intl Health | INT1XX | Intl Health | |
REL0802 | Race & Judaism | REL1XX | Race & Judaism | |
REL0811 | Asian Beh & Thought | REL1XX | Asian Beh & Thought | |
REL0833 | Race & Poverty in the Am | BEH2XX | Race & Pov in the Am | |
REL0863 | Relg in the World | REL265 | World Religions | |
REL1001 | Rel & Society | REL265 | World Religions | |
REL1003 | Religion in America | REL369 | Amer Rel Thght/Cult | |
REL1101 | Intro to World Religions | REL265 | World Religions | |
REL1102 | Intro to Asian Religions | REL2XX | Intro to Asian Religions | |
REL2096 | Death & Dying | REL2XX | Death & Dying | |
RELC050 | Intro to Asian Religions | REL2XX | Intro to Asian Religions | |
RELC051 | Intro to Western Rel | REL265 | World Religions | |
RELC052 | Religion in Amer | REL369 | Amer Rel Thght/Cult | |
RELC053 | Intro to World Rel | REL265 | World Religions | |
RELC054 | Religion and Society | REL2XX | Religion and Society | |
RMI2101 | Intro Risk Management | BUS2XX | Intro Risk Mgmt | |
RUS0815 | Lang in Society | RUS1XX | Lang in Society | |
RUS0868 | World Soc Lit & Film | INT1XX | World Soc Lit & Film | |
SBS2103 | Health Psych & Human Behavior | PSY2XX | Health Psy & Hum Bev | |
SCTC1013 | Elem Data Sci Phys & Life Sci | IFS1XX | Elem Data Sci Phys & Life Sci | |
SCTC1501 | STEM Challenge | FYS100 | First Year Seminar | |
SCTC1502 | STEM Challenge: World Within | FYS100 | First Year Seminar | |
SMLS0101 | Sport, Rec, Leisure in Soc | REC1XX | Sport, Rec, Leisure in Soc | |
SMLS0200 | Program Planning | REC210 | Rec Programming | |
SOC0825 | Quan Methods in the Soc Sci | BEH1XX | Quan Meth in Soc Sci | |
SOC0829 | Hist Sig Race in Amer | SOC2XX | Hist Sig Race in Amer | |
SOC0832 | Politics of Identity | SOC1XX | Politics of Identity | |
SOC0833 | Race & Poverty in America | SOC1XX | Race & Poverty in Amer | |
SOC0835 | Ethnicity & Imm Exp US | SOC1XX | Eth & Imm Exp US | |
SOC0851 | Gender in America | SOC1XX | Gender in America | |
SOC0862 | Dev & Globalization | SOC1XX | Dev & Globalization | |
SOC1167 | Soc Statistics | BEH260 | Statistics | |
SOC1167 | Soc Statistics | MAT250 | Statistics | |
SOC1167 | Soc Statistics | QBA260 | Business Statistics | |
SOC1176 | Intro to Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology | |
SOC1396 | Sociology of Race & Racism | SOC1XX | Sociology of Race & Racism | |
SOC1496 | Amer Ethnicity | SOC1XX | Amer Ethnicity | |
SOC2552 | Hlth & Disease in Am Soc | BEH2XX | Hlth & Disease in Am Soc | |
SOC3249 | Social Inequality | SOC3XX | Social Inequality | |
SOCC050 | Intro to Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology | |
SOCC066 | Money | SOC1XX | Money | |
SOCC081 | Men & Wom in Am Soc | SOC1XX | Men & Wom in Am Soc | |
SOCC201 | Stat Meth in Soc | BEH260 | Statistics | |
SOCR059 | Sociology of Race & Racism | SOC1XX | Soc of Race & Racism | |
SOCR064 | Amer Ethnicity | SOC1XX | Amer Ethnicity | |
SPAN0051 | Basic I | SPN101 | Elem Spanish I | |
SPAN0052 | Basic II | SPN102 | Elem Spanish II | |
SPAN0101 | Conversational Rev | SPN2XX | Conv Review | |
SPAN1001 | Basic I | SPN101 | Elem Spanish I | |
SPAN1002 | Basic II | SPN102 | Elem Spanish II | |
SPAN1003 | Intermediate I | SPN201 | Inter Spanish I | |
SPAN2001 | Conversational Review | SPN201 | Inter Spanish I | |
SPAN2002 | Hispanic Readings | SPN2XX | Hispanic Readings | |
SPANC061 | Intermediate I | SPN201 | Inter Spanish I | |
SPANISH0101 | Conversational Review | SPN1XX | Conv Review | |
SPANISH0200 | Conversational Review | SPN2XX | Conv Review | |
SPANISH1002 | Basic II | SPN102 | Elem Spanish II | |
SPCM0065 | Public Speaking | CM212 | Public Speaking | |
SPEC2231 | Intro to Inclusive Ed | SPE2XX | Intro to Inclusive Ed | |
SPSY0828 | The Meaning of Madness | PSY1XX | Meaning of Madness | |
SRM1115 | Student Athlete Development | SPM1XX | Student Athlete Development | |
SSWU1001 | Intro to Soc Wel & Hum Serv | HSV100 | Intro to HSV | |
SSWU1002 | Comm in Social Work | HSV1XX | Comm in Soc Work | |
STAT0022 | Selected Stat Topics | MAT2XX | Selected Stat Topics | |
STAT1001 | Pre-Calc | MAT108 | Precalculus | |
STAT1001 | Quant Methods for Bus I | MAT105 | College Algebra | |
STAT1102 | Calculus for Bus | MAT120 | Applied Calculus | |
STAT2101 | Stat Meth & Conc | MAT250 | Statistics | |
STAT2101 | Stat Meth & Conc | QBA260 | Business Statistics | |
STAT2101 | Stat Meth & Conc | BEH260 | Statistics | |
STAT2103 | Bus Stats | QBA260 | Business Statistics | |
STATC011 | Bas Quan Found for Bus I | MAT105 | College Algebra | |
STATC012 | Bas Quan Found Bus II | MAT120 | Applied Calculus | |
STATC021 | Stat Methods & Concepts | BEH260 | Statistics | |
STATC021 | Stat Methods & Concepts | QBA260 | Business Statistics | |
STATC021 | Stat Methods & Concepts | MAT250 | Statistics | |
STHM0201 | Group Dynamics & Lead | REC103 | Leadership/Group | |
STHM0251 | Careers I Sport and Rec | SPM1XX | Careers I Sport and Rec | |
STHM0252 | Careers II Tourism/Hosp | HSP121 | Careers in Hosp & Trsm Ind | |
STHM0253 | Computer Applications | NPE1XX | Computer Applications | |
STHM0321 | Mgt Tourism/Hospitality | HSP101 | Intro Hosp & Tourism Mgt | |
STHM0322 | Legal Issues: Tour/Hosp | HSP225 | Hosp Mgmt/Law | |
STHM0323 | Financial Mgt Tour/Hosp | HSP210 | Managerial Acct/Hsp | |
STHM0324 | Mkt & Sales in Tour/Hosp | HSP3XX | Mkt & Sales in Tour/Hosp | |
STHM0360 | E-Commerce: Tourism/Hosp | HSP3XX | E-Commerce: Tourism/Hosp | |
STHM0368 | Food Beverage/Catering | HSP300 | Food/Beverage Mgmt | |
STHM0857 | Sport & Leisure Mgmt | SPM1XX | Sport & Leis Mgmt | |
STHM1113 | Found of Leisure | REC101 | Recreation/Leisure | |
STHM1114 | Leadership | HSP1XX | Leadership | |
STHM1211 | Intro Sport & Rec | SPM1XX | Intro Sport & Rec | |
STHM2114 | Leisure/Tour Div Soc | REC2XX | Leisure/Tour Div Soc | |
STHM3111 | Prog & Spec Event Plan | REC3XX | Prog & Spec Event Plan | |
STHM3185 | Internship I | REC3XX | Internship I | |
STHM3211 | Mgt in Spt & Rec | SPM3XX | Mgt in Spt & Rec | |
STHM3213 | Budget & Fin Sys | SPM3XX | Budget & Fin Sys | |
STHM3214 | Mkt Mgt in Spt & Rec | SPM3XX | Mkt Mgt in Spt & Rec | |
STHM3221 | Athletics Admin | SPM3XX | Athletics Admin | |
STHMX080 | Leisure in Am Culture | REC101 | Recreation/Leisure | |
STOC1111 | Public Speaking | CM212 | Public Speaking | |
STOC1111 | Public Speaking | CM104 | Human Communicatn | |
STRC1111 | Public Speaking | CM104 | Human Communicatn | |
STRC1111 | Public Speaking | CM212 | Public Speaking | |
STRC1112 | Comm Leadership | CM1XX | Comm Leadership | |
STRC2111 | Intro to Commun Theory | CM206 | Communicatn Theory | |
STRC2112 | Persuasion | CM327 | Persuasion | |
STRC2496 | News Writing & Media Rel | CM271 | Print Media Writing | |
STRC2551 | Media Info Gath & Eval | CM2XX | Media Info Gath & Eval | |
STRC2552 | Intro to Public Relation | CM221 | Intro Public Relatns | |
STRC3396 | Rhetorical Criticism | CM207 | Rhetoric/Publc Addr | |
STRC3801 | Intercultural Communication | CM3XX | Intercultural Communication | |
STRC4879 | Collaborative Advocacy | CM4XX | Collaborative Advocacy | |
THE0807 | Creative Spirit | THE1XX | Creative Spirit | |
THEA0825 | The Art of Acting | THE262 | Acting | |
THEATERC110 | The Collaborative Art | THE1XX | The Collaborative Art | |
THRC0813 | Disability Identity | REC1XX | Disability Identity | |
THTR0011 | Intro to Thea Proc | THE154 | Introduction to Theatre | |
THTR0041 | Tech Theater Prod | THE1XX | Tech Theater Prod | |
THTR0119 | Creativity: Basic | THE1XX | Creativity: Basic | |
THTR0123 | Basic Movement | THE150 | Movement for Stage | |
THTR0126 | Basic Acting Tech | THE1XX | Basic Acting Tech | |
THTR0127 | Speech for Actor | THE1XX | Speech for Actor | |
THTR0328 | Stage Combat | THE1XX | Stage Combat | |
THTR0805 | Dramatic Imagination | THE1XX | Dramatic Imagination | |
THTR0825 | Art of Acting | THE154 | Introduction to Theatre | |
THTR0825 | Art of Acting | THE262 | Acting | |
THTR0842 | Race on the Stage | THE2XX | Race on the Stage | |
THTR1002 | Coll Art | THE1XX | Coll Art | |
THTR1003 | Creativity Basic | THE1XX | Creativity Basic | |
THTR1087 | Production Prac | THE1XX | Production Prac | |
THTR1231 | Acting I | THE262 | Acting | |
THTRW303 | Classical Tradition | THE355 | Classical Acting | |
TOUR1113 | Found of Leisure | REC101 | Recreation/Leisure | |
TOUR2114 | Leisure/Tour Diverse Soc | REC2XX | Leisure/Diverse Soc | |
TYLE0805 | Race, Identity & Experience | ART1XX | Race, Identity & Experience | |
TYLER1197 | Art, Race & Amer Exp | ART1XX | Art, Race & Amer Exp | |
UNVS1001 | First Year Seminar | FYS100 | First Year Seminar | |
URB ED0854 | Ed in Global City | EDU1XX | Ed in Global City | |
URB EDC060 | School Dev/Third Wrld | EDU1XX | School Dev/Third World | |
URBE0854 | Educ in Global City | EDU1XX | Educ in Global City | |
WMST0801 | Border Cross: Gendered | WGS1XX | Border Cross: Gendered | |
WMSTC080 | Internat'l Womens Writ | WRT1XX | Internat'l Womens Writ | |
WOM0851 | Gender in America | WGS1XX | Gender in America | |
WOM STD0201 | Topics in Womens Studies | WGS2XX | Topics in Women Studies |
Towson University | York College of Pennsylvania | |||
ACCT201 | Acct Princ I | ACC220 | Financial Acct | |
ACCT202 | Accounting Principles II | ACC225 | Managerial Acct | |
ACCT301 | Interm Acct I | ACC320 | Inter Accounting I | |
ACCT302 | Intermediate Accounting II | ACC325 | Inter Accounting II | |
ACCT341 | Cost Acct I | ACC3XX | Cost Acct I | |
AMST201 | Int Amer Study | HUM2XX | Int Amer Study | |
ANTH207 | Cultural Anthropology | ANT220 | Cult Anthropology | |
ANTH208 | Hmn Evol & Phist | ANT210 | Physical Anthropol | |
ANTH209 | Anthro of American Culture | ANT2XX | Anthro of American Culture | |
ANTH212 | PaleoAntho & Archaeology | ANT230 | Intro Archaeology | |
ART100 | Using Vis Info Eff | ART1XX | Using Vis Info Eff | |
ART102 | Design | ART210 | Design I | |
ART103 | 2D Process | ART210 | Design I | |
ART105 | Art in Culture | ART101 | Intro Art Apprec | |
ART106 | Drawing | ART215 | Drawing I | |
ART107 | Ceramics for Non-Art Majors | ART225 | Ceramics I | |
ART118 | Jewelry | ART1XX | Jewelry | |
ART161 | Digital Object for Non-Art Maj | ART1XX | Digital Object for Non-Art Maj | |
ART212 | Visual Concepts | ART2XX | Visual Concepts | |
ART212 | Visual Concepts | ART210 | Design I | |
ART234 | Photography I | ART245 | Photography I | |
ART351 | Writing about Art | ART3XX | Writing about Art | |
ART377 | Exhibit Design | ART3XX | Exhibit Design | |
ARTH105 | Art in Culture | ART101 | Intro Art Apprec | |
ARTH108 | Intro Non-Wst Art | ART1XX | Intro Non-Wst Art | |
ARTH109 | Art & Hum Body | ART1XX | Art & Hum Body | |
ARTH351 | History of Photography | ART388 | History/Photography | |
ASTR161 | Gen Astronomy I | ESS154 | Intro/Astronomy | |
BIOL0401 | Funct Hum Anat I | BIO220 | Human A/P I | |
BIOL110 | Contem Gen Biol | BIO204 | Exploring Biology | |
BIOL110 | Contem Gen Biol | BIO205 | Exp Biology Lab | |
BIOL120 | Prin of Biology | BIO204 | Exploring Biology | |
BIOL191 | Intro Biol Health Prof | BIO151 | Biology I Lab | |
BIOL191 | Intro Biol Health Prof | BIO150 | Biology I | |
BIOL200 | Intro Cell Bio & Genetics Lec | 03 | BIO143 | Mole/Gene/Cell Lab |
BIOL200 | Intro Cell Bio & Genetics Lec | 03 | BIO142 | Molecule/Gene/Cell |
BIOL200L | Intro Cell Bio & Genetics Lab | 03 | ||
BIOL201 | Biol I: Cell & Genetics | BIO150 | Biology I | |
BIOL202 | Biol II Intro Eco/Evo/Beh | BIO152 | Biology II | |
BIOL211 | Anat & Phys I | BIO220 | Human A/P I | |
BIOL213 | Human Anat Physio I | BIO220 | Human A/P I | |
BIOL213 | Human Anat Physio I | BIO221 | Human A/P I Lab | |
BIOL214 | Human Anat Physio II | BIO223 | Hum A/P II Lab | |
BIOL214 | Human Anat Physio II | BIO222 | Human A/P II | |
BIOL221 | Anatomy & Physio I | BIO220 | Human A/P I | |
BIOL222 | Anatomy & Physiology 2 | BIO222 | Human A/P II | |
BIOL303 | Life Sciences | BIO3XX | Biology Elective no lab | |
BIOL315 | Med Microbiol | BIO230 | Microbiology | |
BIOL315 | Med Microbiol | BIO231 | Microbio Lab | |
BIOL381 | Biol Lit | BIO3XX | Biology Elect No Lab | |
BIOL421 | Immunology | BIO4XX | Biology Elect No Lab | |
BUAD101 | Intro to Business | BUS150 | Intro to Business | |
BULA225 | Legal Env Bus | BUS260 | Legal Environment | |
CHEM100 | Chem N/Scie | CHM1XX | Chemistry Elective No Lab | |
CHEM101 | Gen Chem I | CHM134 | Gen Chem I | |
CHEM102 | Gen Chem II | CHM136 | Gen Chem II | |
CHEM105 | Chem Allied Hlth Prof I | CHM134 | Gen Chem I | |
CHEM106 | Chem Allied Hlth Prof II | CHM122 | Prin Gen/Org Chem | |
CHEM110 | General Chem I | CHM134 | Gen Chem I | |
CHEM111 | General Chemistry II | CHM136 | Gen Chem II | |
CHEM121 | Allied Health Chem I Lecture | 01 | CHM123 | Gen/Org Chem Lab |
CHEM121 | Allied Health Chem I Lecture | 01 | CHM122 | Prin Gen/Org Chem |
CHEM121L | Allied Health Chem I Lab | 01 | ||
CHEM131 | General Chemistry I Lec | 02 | CHM134 | Gen Chem I |
CHEM131 | General Chemistry I Lec | 02 | CHM1XX | Gen Chem I No Lab |
CHEM131 | General Chemistry I Lec | 02 | CHM135 | Gen Chem I Lab |
CHEM131L | General Chemistry I Lab | 02 | ||
CHEM210 | Prin Meths Chem Anal | CHM2XX | Prin Meths Chem Anal | |
CHEM330 | Ess Organ Chem | CHM3XX | Ess Organ Chem | |
CHEM331 | Organic Chemistry I | CHM234 | Organic Chem I | |
CHEM332 | Organic Chemistry II | CHM236 | Organic Chem II | |
CHEM350 | Prin of Biochem | BIO351 | Biochem Lab | |
CHEM350 | Prin of Biochem | BIO350 | Biochemistry | |
CIS377 | Information Systems Security | IFS3XX | Information Systems Security | |
CIS477 | Info Sys Security | IFS4XX | Info Sys Security | |
CLST201 | Intr/Cult Study | BEH2XX | Intr/Cult Study | |
CLST311 | Sci, Tech & Cult | BEH3XX | Sci, Tech & Cult | |
COMM115 | Interperson Comm | CM329 | Interpersonal Comm | |
COMM131 | Fund Spch Comm | CM104 | Human Communicatn | |
COMM131 | Fund Spch Comm | CM212 | Public Speaking | |
COMM215 | Interper Comm | CM329 | Interpersonal Comm | |
COMM419 | Org Comm | CM328 | Organizational Comm | |
COSC101 | Comp & Society | IFS1XX | Comp & Society | |
COSC109 | Comp & Creat | CS1XX | Comp & Creat | |
COSC111 | Info & Tech for Bus | IFS105 | Personal Computing | |
COSC115 | Intro to Info Sys | IFS1XX | Intro to Info Sys | |
COSC175 | Gen Computer Sci | CS101 | Fund Comp Sci I | |
COSC235 | Fund of Comp | IFS105 | Personal Computing | |
COSC236 | Intro to Cosc I | CS2XX | Intro to Cosc I | |
COSC237 | Intro to Cosc II | CS2XX | Intro to Cosc II | |
COSC280 | Assem Lang & Comp Arch | CS2XX | Assem Lang & Comp Arch | |
COSC311 | Digital Tech Soc | IFS3XX | Digital Tech Soc | |
COSC336 | Data Struct/Algo Analysis | CS3XX | Data Struct/Algo Analysis | |
COSC418 | Ethic & Soc Iss | CS4XX | Ethic & Soc Iss | |
COSC457 | Database Mgt Sys | CS4XX | Database Mgt Sys | |
CRMJ201 | Intro Criminology | CCJ378 | Criminology | |
CRMJ254 | Intro to Criminal Justice | CCJ101 | Intro Crim Justice | |
CRMJ337 | Controversies in Criminal Just | CCJ3XX | Controversies in Criminal Just | |
CRMJ352 | Community Corrections | CCJ337 | Punishmnt/Correctns | |
DANC103 | Beg Ballet I | PAW171 | Ballet Dance I | |
DANC210 | The Gender Dance | HUM2XX | The Gender Dance | |
DANC235 | Dance Composition I | PAW117 | Modern Dance | |
DANC370 | SP: Pilates | PAW165 | Pilates | |
DFST101 | Intro to Deaf Studies | BEH1XX | Intro Deaf Studies | |
DFST104 | American Sign Lang I | CM150 | Beg Sign Language | |
DFST107 | Amer Sign Lang I | CM150 | Beg Sign Language | |
DFST204 | Amer Sign Lang III | CM2XX | Amer Sign Lang III | |
ECED101 | Young Child as a Learner | EDU1XX | Young Child as a Learner | |
ECED103 | Intro to Early Childhood | ECH1XX | Intro to Early Childhd | |
ECED201 | Intervention & Young Child | ECH230 | Early Child Theory | |
ECED315 | Infant Intervention | PSY3XX | Infant Intervention | |
ECED321 | Found of Read & Lang | ECH301 | Lit/Lang Young Child | |
ECED407 | Interact Tech & Young Child | ECH210 | Ed Tech/Early Elem | |
ECED422 | Writ Tech Teachers in Eced | EDU260 | Eff Comm in Educ | |
ECED460 | Dual Lang Learners | EDU225 | Instrc Needs/ELL | |
ECON201 | Microeconomic Principles | ECO201 | Prin Econ-Micro | |
ECON202 | Macroecon Prin | ECO200 | Prin Econ-Macro | |
ECON205 | Stats Bus & Econ I | ECO2XX | Stats Bus & Econ I | |
ECON205 | Stats Bus & Econ I | QBA260 | Business Statistics | |
ECON309 | Intmd Price Theory | ECO3XX | Intmd Price Theory | |
ECON640 | Econ, Pub Pol & Soc Res | MBA514 | Economics of Bus | |
EDUC201 | Parenting Process | EDU2XX | Parenting Process | |
EDUC202 | Perspectives Amer Urban | EDU200 | Found of Education | |
EDUC203 | Teach & Learn Diverse Soc | EDU2XX | Teach & Lrn Div Soc | |
EDUC301 | Wrg/Com Skl Tchr | EDU3XX | Wrg/Com Skl Tchr | |
EDUC401 | Found of Ed | EDU4XX | Found of Ed | |
EDUC417 | Childrens Literature & Mat | EDU4XX | Child Lit & Mat | |
EESE468 | EESE Field Exp | EDU4XX | EESE Field Exp | |
ELED320 | Writ/Elem Educators | EDU260 | Eff Comm in Educ | |
ELED322 | Found Read & Laarts | ECH301 | Lit/Lang Young Child | |
ELED323 | Prin/Pratices of Reading | EDU3XX | Prin/Practices of Reading | |
ELED324 | Int Lit K-12 Cont Areas | EDU3XX | Int Lit K-12 Cont Areas | |
ELED363 | Lang & Liter Intern | EDU3XX | Language & Lit Intern | |
EMF120 | Concept & Story | FLM1XX | Concept & Story | |
EMF140 | Intro to Elec Media & Film | FLM1XX | Intro to Elec Med & Film | |
EMF221 | Prin Film & Media | FLM2XX | Prin Film & Media | |
ENGL102 | Writing for Liberal Ed | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm | |
ENGL1501 | Freshman Comp | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm | |
ENGL200 | Intro Studying Engl | WRT2XX | Intro Studying Engl | |
ENGL21M | F.S. Fitz | LIT2XX | F.S. Fitz | |
ENGL221 | British Lit to 1798 | LIT283 | British Lit to 1750 | |
ENGL222 | British Lit Since 1798 | LIT284 | Brt Lit after 1750 | |
ENGL228 | Future Worlds | LIT2XX | Future Worlds | |
ENGL229 | Modern Irish Lit | LIT2XX | Modern Irish Lit | |
ENGL230 | Main Curr Amer Lit | LIT282 | Amer Lit after 1885 | |
ENGL232 | Amer Lit S/1865 | LIT282 | Amer Lit after 1885 | |
ENGL234 | Maj Wrt in Afro-Amer Lit | LIT203 | African/Amer Lit | |
ENGL238 | Survey of American Literature | LIT2XX | Survey of American Literature | |
ENGL243 | Classical Myth | LIT2XX | Classical Myth | |
ENGL248 | Litr Global Exp | LIT2XX | Litr Global Exp | |
ENGL261 | Amer Ethnic Lit | LIT2XX | Amer Ethnic Lit | |
ENGL283 | Intro to Creative Writing | CRW272 | Intro Creative Wrt | |
ENGL290 | Hon Sem in Lit | LIT2XX | Hon Sem in Lit | |
ENGL300 | Methods and Research | LIT3XX | Methods and Research | |
ENGL311 | Writing Poetry | CRW372 | Poetry Writing | |
ENGL312 | Writing Fiction | CRW382 | Fiction Writing | |
ENGL313 | Academic Essay | WRT3XX | Academic Essay | |
ENGL315 | Writing Creative Non-Fiction | CRW373 | Creative Nonfiction | |
ENGL316 | Writing about Literature | LIT200 | Perspectives/Lit | |
ENGL317 | Wrtg Bus & Indust | FCO210 | Comm Prof Cultures | |
ENGL428 | Shakesp Tragedies | LIT324 | Shakespeare II | |
ENGL433 | Amer Short Story | LIT319 | The Short Story | |
ENGL462 | Mod Lit Theory | LIT3XX | Mod Lit Theory | |
FIN331 | Princ Financial Management | FIN300 | Managrl Finance I | |
FMST101 | Intro to FMST | SOC1XX | Intro to FMST | |
FMST201 | Family Resources | HSV2XX | Family Resources | |
FMST325 | Ethics in Hum Services | HSV316 | Ethical Aspects | |
FMST374 | Sp Topics in Fam Studies | SOC3XX | Sp Topics in Fam Studies | |
FREN101 | French Elem I | FRN101 | Elem French I | |
FREN102 | French Elem II | FRN102 | Elem French II | |
FREN201 | French Intrm I | FRN201 | Inter French I | |
FREN301 | Adv Conversation | FRN3XX | Adv Conversation | |
GENL103 | Intro Human Relations | CM1XX | Intro Human Relations | |
GENL203 | Human Relations | CM2XX | Human Relations | |
GEOG101 | Phys Geog | G151 | Intro Physical Geog | |
GEOG102 | World Regional Geography | G100 | World Reg Geography | |
GEOG105 | Geog Intntl Affr | G1XX | Geog Intntl Affr | |
GEOG109 | Intro Human Geog | G1XX | Intro Human Geog | |
GERM101 | German Elements I | GRM101 | Elem German I | |
HCMN305 | Comm Hlth Admin | NPE3XX | Comm Hlth Admin | |
HIST100 | Using Information in History | HIS1XX | Using Info in History | |
HIST103 | European Civil from 17th Cent | HIS102 | Western Civ II | |
HIST118 | Mod Middle East Hist | HIS1XX | Mod Middle East Hist | |
HIST145 | Hist US Mid 19th Cen | HIS111 | American Civ I | |
HIST146 | Hist Since Mid 19th Cent | HIS112 | American Civ II | |
HIST205 | Ethical Perspective History | HIS2XX | Ethical Perspective History | |
HIST314 | U.S. & Vietnam 1945-75 | HIS3XX | U.S. & Vietman 1945-75 | |
HIST349 | The Civil War | HIS363 | Coming of Civil War | |
HIST360 | Recent Amer History | HIS367 | Recent Amer/1945-Prs | |
HIST479 | Hist Diplomacy | HIS3XX | Hist Diplomacy | |
HLTH101 | Wellness Div Society | PAW234 | Well/Fitness/Life | |
HLTH103 | EMC, First Aid & Safety | SPM205 | Responding/Emerg | |
HLTH218 | Women's Health | WGS210 | Women's Health | |
HLTH220 | Sexuality/Div Soc | PSY2XX | Sexuality/Div Soc | |
HLTH331 | Nutrition Health Prof | NUR202 | Nutrition | |
HLTH402 | Hlth & Soc Welfare | SOC4XX | Hlth & Soc Welfare | |
HLTH405 | Drugs in Our Culture | BEH3XX | Drugs in Our Culture | |
IDHP110 | Info Util Hlth Prof | IFS1XX | Info Util Hlth Prof | |
ISTC201 | Info Effective Educ | EDU2XX | Intro Effective Ed | |
ISTC202 | Hnr Info Eff/Educ | EDU2XX | Hnr Info Eff/Educ | |
ISTC301 | Utilize Instr Media | EDU3XX | Utilize Instr Media | |
ISTC541 | Founds in ISTC | MED620 | Tech Enhance Pedag | |
ISTC663 | Adv Educational Psy | MED502 | Dev, Learning, Incl Pract | |
ISTC667 | Instruc Development | MED622 | Dist Ed Technologies | |
ITAL101 | Italian Elem I | ITL101 | Elem Italian I | |
ITEC201 | Metro Infrastructure | IFS2XX | Metro Infrastructure | |
KNES104 | Ballroom Dance | PAW1XX | Ballroom Dance | |
KNES235 | Phys Wellness America | PAW234 | Well/Fitness/Life | |
KNES251 | Hist Sport in America | SPM2XX | Hist Sport in America | |
KNES280 | Intro to Sport Industry | SPM125 | Intro Sport Mgmt | |
KNES281 | PHECEled Stu I | EDU2XX | PHECEled Stu I | |
KNES282 | PHECEled Stu II | EDU2XX | PHECEled Stu II | |
KNES290 | Intro Teach Phys Ed | EDU2XX | Intro Teach Phys Ed | |
KNES291 | Intro Athletic Trn | EDU2XX | Intro Athletic Trn | |
KNES298 | History & Philosophy PHEC | SPM2XX | Hist & Phil PHEC | |
KNES315 | Care & Prev Athl Injur | SPM303 | Mgmt/Prev Sport Inj | |
KNES327 | Teac Cult Dan & Crea Mov PE | EDU3XX | Teac Cult Dan & Crea Mov | |
KNES353 | Sport & Society | SPM3XX | Sport & Society | |
KNES361 | Exercise Psychology | PSY3XX | Exercise Psychology | |
KNES363 | Nutrition | NUR202 | Nutrition | |
KNES390 | Sport and Global | SPM130 | Sport in Society | |
LEGL225 | Legal Envir Bus | BUS260 | Legal Environment | |
LGBT101 | Intro Gay Bisex & Trans | BEH1XX | Gay Bisex & Trans | |
MATH101 | Elem of Math | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv | |
MATH102 | Inter Algebra | MAT105 | College Algebra | |
MATH105 | Math Ideas | MAT115 | Sets/Number Systems | |
MATH106 | Intro Contemp Math | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv | |
MATH111 | Finite Math | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv | |
MATH115 | Basic Math for Sci | MAT108 | Precalculus | |
MATH115 | College Algebra | MAT105 | College Algebra | |
MATH119 | Pre-Calculus | MAT108 | Precalculus | |
MATH204 | Concepts & Struc I | MAT115 | Sets/Number Systems | |
MATH211 | Calculus for Applications | MAT120 | Applied Calculus | |
MATH231 | Basic Statistics I | MAT250 | Statistics | |
MATH231 | Basic Statistics I | QBA260 | Business Statistics | |
MATH231 | Basic Statistics I | BEH260 | Statistics | |
MATH237 | Elem Biostats | MAT2XX | Elem Biostats | |
MATH251 | Elements of Geometry | MAT2XX | Elements of Geometry | |
MATH263 | Discrete Math | MAT235 | Discrete Mathemtcs | |
MATH273 | Calculus I | MAT171 | Calculus I | |
MATH274 | Calculus II | MAT172 | Calculus II | |
MATH275 | Calculus III | MAT271 | Calculus III | |
MATH323 | Tchg Math in Elem School | ECH320 | Teaching Math | |
MATH324 | Super Observ Elem School | EDU3XX | Super Ob Elem School | |
MATH330 | Intro to Statistical Methods | MAT3XX | Intro to Statistical Methods | |
MCOM100 | Using Info Eff in MCOM | CM1XX | Using Info Eff in MCOM | |
MCOM101 | Intro to Mass Comm | CM211 | Mass Communication | |
MCOM125 | Intr Pub Rel Adv | CM1XX | Intr Pub Rel Adv | |
MCOM140 | Intro Elect Media | CM1XX | Intro Elect Media | |
MCOM145 | Intro to Film | FLM216 | Intro to Film | |
MCOM151 | Intro Journalism | CM271 | Journalism | |
MCOM214 | Prin of Advertising | CM2XX | Prin of Advertising | |
MCOM255 | Newswriting | CM2XX | Newswriting | |
MCOM325 | Advertising Copywriting | CM3XX | Advertising Copywriting | |
MCOM350 | Media Law | CM3XX | Media Law | |
MCOM355 | Newswriting | CM3XX | Newswriting | |
MCOM357 | Pub Rel Writing | CM321 | Writing/Pub Relatns | |
MCOM445 | Corp. or Inst. Adv | CM3XX | Corp. or Inst. Adv. | |
MCOM479 | Sp Topics in Mass Comm | CM4XX | Sp Topics in Mass Comm | |
MKTG341 | Marketing Principles | MKT100 | Prin Marketing | |
MNGT337 | Info Tech | IFS305 | Management Info Sys | |
MNGT481 | Bus Strat & Policy | BUS495 | Business Policy | |
MTRO101 | Intro Metro Studies | SOC1XX | Intro Metro Studies | |
MUED111 | Intro Music Education | EDU1XX | Intro Music Education | |
MUED194 | FundTech I: Piano Guitar | MUS1XX | Fund Tech I: Piano Guitar | |
MUED201 | Brass Class I | MUS2XX | Brass Class I | |
MUED202 | Brass Class II | MUS2XX | Brass Class II | |
MUED203 | Lower String Class | MUS2XX | Lower String Class | |
MUED204 | Upper String Class | MUS2XX | Upper String Class | |
MUED205 | Woodwind Class I | MUS2XX | Woodwind Class I | |
MUED206 | Woodwind Class II | MUS2XX | Woodwind Class II | |
MUED207 | Percussion Class I | MUS2XX | Percussion Class I | |
MUED208 | Percussion Class II | MUS2XX | Percussion Class II | |
MUED210 | Voice Tech | MUS101 | Voice | |
MUED301 | Marching Band Tech | MUS3XX | Marching Band Tech | |
MUED310 | Intro Mus Sped | MUS3XX | Intro Mus Sped | |
MUSA105 | Piano/Keyboard | MUS1XX | Piano/Keyboard | |
MUSA127 | Woodwinds/Oboe | MUS132 | Oboe | |
MUSA160 | Marching Band | MUS1XX | Marching Band | |
MUSA170 | World Music Ensemble | MUS1XX | World Music Ensemble | |
MUSA190 | Piano Class I | MUS140 | Class Piano | |
MUSA252 | Chamber Singers | MUS152 | Chamber Singers | |
MUSA261 | Symphonic Band | MUS2XX | Symphonic Band | |
MUSA262 | Symph Orchestra | MUS2XX | Symph Orchestra | |
MUSC100 | Info Gath & Assess Mus | MUS1XX | Info Gath & Assess Mus | |
MUSC101 | Intr Musc West Hert | MUS186 | Listening to Music | |
MUSC102 | Mus West Her: Anl Emp | MUS1XX | Mus West Her: Anl Emp | |
MUSC105 | Ele Music Theory | MUS181 | Found Music Theory | |
MUSC111 | Intro to Music in US | MUS186 | Listening to Music | |
MUSC123 | Jazz History | MUS286 | Jazz History | |
MUSC127 | Elements Hist Rock Music | MUS288 | History Rock/Roll | |
MUSC131 | Music Theory I | MUS182 | Music Theory I | |
MUSC132 | Music Theory II | MUS183 | Music Theory II | |
MUSC133 | Musicianship I | MUS184 | Sight Singing I | |
MUSC134 | Musicianship II | MUS185 | Sight Singing II | |
MUSC152 | Voice Ensemble | MUS1XX | Voice Ensemble | |
MUSC165 | Marching Band | MUS1XX | Marching Band | |
MUSC205 | Women in West Music | MUS2XX | Women in West Music | |
MUSC231 | Music Theory III | MUS282 | Music Theory III | |
MUSC232 | Music Theory IV | MUS283 | Music Theory IV | |
MUSC233 | Musicianship III | MUS284 | Sight Singing III | |
MUSC234 | Musicianship IV | MUS285 | Sight Singing IV | |
MUSC279 | Spec Top: Ukuele | MUS2XX | Spec Top: Ukuele | |
MUSC301 | West Music to 1750 | MUS390 | Music History I | |
MUSC329 | Instru Conducting | MUS3XX | Instru Conducting | |
MUSC335 | Choral Instru Arr | MUS3XX | Choral Instru Arr | |
NURS331 | Prof Nurs I: Intro | NUR3XX | Prof Nurs I: Intro | |
NURS332 | Professional Nursing I: Intro | NUR3XX | Professional Nursing I: Intro | |
NURS333 | Professio Nursing III: Issues | NUR3XX | Profession Nurs III: Issues | |
NURS340 | Pathopharmacology | NUR3XX | Pathopharmacology | |
NURS347 | Hlth Assmnt Life Span | NUR3XX | Hlth Assmnt Life Span | |
NURS350 | Nurs & Healthcare I: Found | NUR3XX | Nurs & Healthcare I: Found | |
NURS352 | Nurs & Health III: Mental | NUR3XX | Nurs & Health III: Mental | |
NURS354 | Nurs & Health II: Adult | NUR3XX | Nurs & Health II: Adult | |
NURS404 | Hlth Care | NUR4XX | Hlth Care | |
NURS416 | Multicult Hlth Care | NUR4XX | Multicult Hlth Care | |
NURS603 | Nursing Research | NUR508 | App Nurs Research | |
NURS605 | Nursing/Hlth Care Sys | NUR514 | Health Policy APRN | |
OCTH103 | Leisure & Hlth Issues/Society | REC1XX | Leisure & Hlth Issues/Soc | |
OCTH205 | Altern & Comp Health Care | NPE1XX | Altern & Comp Hlth Care | |
PHEC019 | Bowling | PAW110 | Beginning Bowling | |
PHEC043 | Self Defense I | PAW130 | Self Defense | |
PHEC079 | Tennis I | PAW159 | Tennis | |
PHEC235 | Indiv Fitness | PAW234 | Well/Fitness/Life | |
PHIL101 | Intro Philosophy | PHL221 | Intro Philosophy | |
PHIL103 | Intro to Ethics | PHL341 | Ethics | |
PHIL111 | Logic | PHL231 | Logic | |
PHIL290 | Topics on Philosophy of City | PHL2XX | Topics on Philosophy of City | |
PHIL371 | Bus Ethics | PHL3XX | Bus Ethics | |
PHSC101 | Physical Science I | PSC152 | Physical Sci I | |
PHYS100 | Understanding Physics | PHY1XX | Physics Elect No Lab | |
PHYS143 | Physics Sound and Music | PHY1XX | Physics Sound and Music | |
PHYS202 | Gen Phys for Hlth Sciences | PHY2XX | Physics Elective No Lab | |
PHYS211 | Gen Phys I | PHY110 | Gen Phys:Mech/Ht | |
PHYS212 | Gen Phys II | PHY112 | Gen Phys:Elc/Magn | |
PHYS241 | Gen Physics I | PHY160 | Eng Phys:Mechncs | |
POSC101 | Intro Pol Sci | PS1XX | Intro Pol Sci | |
POSC103 | Amer Natl Govt | PS141 | American Governmnt | |
POSC105 | Govts of the World | PS1XX | Govts of the World | |
POSC107 | Intro Intl Relations | PS302 | International Rel | |
POSC209 | Intro to Law | PS317 | Principles of Law | |
POSC305 | Urban Govt/Polit | PS3XX | Urban Govt/Polit | |
POSC351 | Govt & Pol Lat Amer | PS245 | Govt/Pol Latin Amer | |
POSC355 | Lat Amer Policy of US | PS3XX | Lat Amer Policy of US | |
POSC475 | Spec Topics POSC | PS4XX | Spec Topics POSC | |
PSYC014 | Psyc Asp Aggressn | PSY1XX | Psyc Asp Aggressn | |
PSYC101 | Intro to Psyc | PSY100 | General Psychology | |
PSYC102 | Intro Psych | PSY100 | General Psychology | |
PSYC2001 | Gen Psychology | PSY100 | General Psychology | |
PSYC203 | Human Dev | PSY2XX | Hum Dev | |
PSYC203 | Human Dev | NUR201 | Nursing HD/HC | |
PSYC212 | Beh Stats | QBA260 | Business Statistics | |
PSYC212 | Beh Stats | MAT250 | Statistics | |
PSYC212 | Beh Stats | BEH260 | Statistics | |
PSYC361 | Abnormal Psychology | PSY331 | Child Psychopathlgy | |
PSYC361 | Abnormal Psychology | PSY230 | Abnormal Psych | |
PSYC361 | Abnormal Psychology | PSY330 | Adult Psychopathlgy | |
RLST105 | Intro Study Religion | REL265 | World Religions | |
RLST206 | Judaism, Christ & Islam | REL2XX | Jud, Christ & Islam | |
RUSS101 | Russian Elem I | RUS101 | Elem Russian I | |
SCED304 | Education, Ethics and Change | EDU3XX | Education, Ethics and Chan | |
SCIE376 | Teaching Science | ECH330 | Teaching Science | |
SOCI101 | Intro to Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology | |
SOCI102 | Intro Soci | SOC100 | Intro Sociology | |
SOCI2208 | Intro Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology | |
SOCI241 | Blacks in America Myths & Real | SOC2XX | Blacks in America Myths & Real | |
SOCI313 | Intro Soc Psych | PSY243 | Social Psychology | |
SOCI355 | Juvenile Delinquency | CCJ110 | Juvenile Delinquncy | |
SOCI359 | Soc of Aging | SOC3XX | Soc of Aging | |
SOCI373 | Topics in Sociology | SOC3XX | Topics in Sociology | |
SOCI374 | Topics in Sociology | SOC3XX | Topics in Sociology | |
SPAN101 | Spanish Elements I | SPN101 | Elem Spanish I | |
SPAN102 | Spanish Elem II | SPN102 | Elem Spanish II | |
SPAN201 | Spanish Interm I | SPN201 | Inter Spanish I | |
SPAN202 | Span Intermed II | SPN202 | Inter Spanish II | |
SPAN301 | Comp & Conv I | SPN3XX | Comp & Conv I | |
SPCH131 | Fund Spch Comm | CM104 | Human Communicatn | |
SPCH131 | Fund Spch Comm | CM212 | Public Speaking | |
SPED301 | Special Ed K-12 | SPE200 | Process/Procedures | |
SPED413 | Universal Design For Learn | SPE4XX | Universal Design for Learn | |
SPED425 | Forml Test & Measure | SPE264 | Educational Assmnt | |
SPED441 | Curr/Meth Inst Stud Disab | SPE300 | Eff Instruct Method | |
SPPA101 | Intro Human Comm Disorders | CM1XX | Intro Human Comm Disorders | |
SPPA205 | Basic Sign Lang | CM150 | Beg Sign Language | |
THEA100 | Introduction to Theatre | THE154 | Introduction to Theatre | |
THEA101 | Acting I | THE215 | Acting | |
THEA103 | Intro to Theatre | THE154 | Introduction to Theatre | |
THEA221 | Acting I | THE215 | Acting | |
THEA303 | Cult Div/Contemp Thea | THE3XX | Cult Div/Cont Thea | |
TSEM102 | Towson Seminar | FYS100 | First Year Seminar | |
WMST233 | Intl Persp of Women | WGS2XX | Intl Persp of Women | |
WMST338 | Women & Sexuality | WGS238 | Race,Gender,Sex |
University of Baltimore | York College of Pennsylvania | ||
ACCT203 | Prin of Accounting I | ACC2XX | Prin of Accounting I |
ACCT305 | Mgrl Control Sys | ACC3XX | Mgrl Control Sys |
ARTS101 | Music & Arts as Craft | HUM1XX | Music & Arts as Craft |
ARTS121 | World Music | MUS281 | World Music |
ARTS297 | Topics: 2D Drawing Design | ART215 | Drawing I |
BIOL111 | Human Biology w/Lab | BIO142 | Molecule/Gene/Cell |
CMAT201 | Comm Effectively | CM104 | Human Communicatn |
CMAT211 | Computer Graphics: Publishing | ART235 | Concpts Comp Grhcs |
CMAT212 | Computer Graphics: Imaging | ART206 | Elements Comp Graph |
COSC150 | Introduction to Game Design | CS1XX | Introduction to Game Design |
COSC155 | Internet: Mastering the Basics | CS1XX | Internet: Mastering the Basics |
CRJU320 | Police Admin | CCJ364 | Policing Communities |
CRJU341 | Correctional Persp | CCJ337 | Punishmnt/Correctns |
ECON200 | Econ Way of Thinking | ECO200 | Prin Econ-Macro |
ECON200 | The Economic Way of Thinking | ECO205 | Economic Perspctvs |
ECON300 | Prin of Econ | ECO200 | Prin Econ-Macro |
ECON640 | Econ Policy & Corp Resp. | MBA514 | Economics of Bus |
ENGL200 | The Experience of Literature | LIT200 | Intro Lit & Text Stud |
ENGL311 | Wells of the Past | LIT3XX | Wells of the Past |
ENTR101 | Imag, Creat and Entrshp | ENT1XX | Imag, Creat & Entrshp |
ENVS201 | Environmental Sustainability | SOC301 | Environmental Justice |
FIN331 | Financial Management I | FIN3XX | Financial Management I |
FIN750 | Real Estate | MBA599 | Independent Study |
GVPP201 | American Government | PS101 | Amer Gov/Citizenship |
GVPP324 | Amer Pub Policy | PS3XX | Amer Pub Policy |
GVPP345 | Legislative Process | PS3XX | Legislative Process |
GVPP463 | Int Group Pol & Lobbying | PS4XX | Int Grp Pol & Lobbying |
HIST290 | Great Issues in History | HIS2XX | Great Iss in History |
HSMG370 | Overview Hlth Care Systm | NPE3XX | Non Prog Elect |
HSMG373 | Health Policy & Politics | NPE3XX | Non Prog Elect |
IDIS101 | First Year Seminar | FYS100 | First Year Seminar |
IDIS300 | Ideas in Writing | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm |
IDIS301 | World Cultures: Far East | HUM3XX | World Cultures: Far East |
IDIS302 | Ethical Issues in Bus | PHL3XX | Ethical Issues in Bus |
IDIS304 | Arts and Ideas | HUM3XX | Arts and Ideas |
INFO110 | Intro to Information Literacy | IFS100 | Info Tech Competncy |
INFO110 | Intro to Information Literacy | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
INSS300 | Mgmt Info Systems | IFS305 | Management Info Sys |
MATH107 | Gen College Math I | MAT105 | College Algebra |
MATH111 | College Algebra | MAT105 | College Algebra |
MATH115 | Introductory Statistics | MAT250 | Statistics |
MATH115 | Introductory Statistics | QBA260 | Data Driven Dec Making |
MATH115 | Introductory Statistics | BEH260 | Statistics |
MGMT300 | Org Behavior I | MGT225 | Org Behavior |
MGMT600 | Leading and Mang People | MBA513 | Org Dyn/Chng Mgmt |
OPRE202 | Statistical Data Analysis | QBA265 | Intro to Analytics |
PHIL101 | Intro to Philosophy | PHL221 | Intro Philosophy |
PHIL280 | Enviro Ethics | PHL240 | Environmentl Ethics |
PSYC100 | Intro to Psychology | PSY100 | General Psychology |
PSYC201 | Principles of Psychology | PSY100 | General Psychology |
WRIT101 | English Composition | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm |
WRT101 | College Composition | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm |
University of Connecticut | York College of Pennsylvania | ||
ART1000 | Art Appr | ART101 | Intro Art Apprec |
ART130 | Drawing I | ART215 | Drawing I |
ART135 | Art Appreciation | ART101 | Intro Art Apprec |
BIOL107 | Prin of Biology I | BIO150 | Biology I |
BIOL108 | Prin of Biology II | BIO152 | Biology II |
BIOL1107 | Prin of Biology I | BIO150 | Biology I |
BIOL1108 | Principles of Biology II | BIO152 | Biology II |
CHEM1127Q | General Chemistry | CHM134 | Gen Chem I |
CHEM1128Q | General Chemistry | CHM136 | Gen Chem II |
CHEM127Q | Gen Chem | CHM134 | Gen Chem I |
COMM100 | Proc of Comm | CM104 | Human Communicatn |
COMM1000 | Proc of Communication | CM104 | Human Communicatn |
COMS102 | The Process of Communication | CM206 | Communicatn Theory |
DRAM101 | Intro to Theatre | THE154 | Introduction to Theatre |
ECON1201 | Prin of Microecon | ECO201 | Prin Econ-Micro |
ENGL1004 | Basic Writing | WRT100 | Intro College Writ |
ENGL1007 | Seminar and Studio in Writing | WRT100 | Intro College Writ |
ENGL1010 | Academic Writing | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm |
ENGL1011 | Sem Wrt Thr Lit | LIT200 | Perspectives/Lit |
ENGL110 | Sem in Acad Writing | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm |
ENGL111 | Sem Writing thr Lit | LIT200 | Intro Lit & Text Stud |
ENGL210 | Poetry | LIT243 | Poetry and Poetics |
GEOL101 | Intro Environmental Geology | BIO1XX | Biology Elective No Lab |
HDFS1070 | Indiv & Fam Dev | BEH1XX | Indiv & Fam Dev |
HDFS1070 | Indiv & Fam Dev | NUR201 | Nursing HD/HC |
HIST100 | West Trad Before 1500 | HIS101 | Western Civ I |
HIST101 | Mod West Trad | HIS102 | Western Civ II |
HIST1300 | West Trad Before 1500 | HIS101 | Western Civ I |
HIST1400 | Mod West Trad | HIS102 | Western Civ II |
HIST1501 | United States History to 1877 | HIS111 | Amer Hist Colonization-Civ War |
HIST1502 | U.S. History Since 1877 | HIS112 | Amer Hist Civ War-Global Power |
MATH102Q | Problem Solving | MAT1XX | Problem Solving |
MATH103Q | Elem Discrete Math | MAT235 | Discrete Mathemtcs |
MATH1040Q | Elem Math Mod | MAT1XX | Elem Math Mod |
MATH105Q | Math for Bus | MAT108 | Precalculus |
MATH1125Q | Calculus Ia | MAT1XX | Calculus Ia |
MATH1126Q | Calculus Ib | MAT171 | Calculus I |
MATH112Q | Intro Calculus I | MAT171 | Calculus I |
MATH1131Q | Calculus I | MAT171 | Calculus I |
NRE1000 | Environmental Sci | BIO1XX | Biology Elect No Lab |
NUSC1165 | Fund of Nutrition | NUR202 | Nutrition |
PHIL104 | Philosophy & Soc Ethics | PHL341 | Ethics |
PHIL1106 | Non-West & Comp | PHL1XX | Non-West & Comp |
PHYS1201Q | General Physics | PHY110 | Gen Phys:Mech/Ht |
PHYS1202Q | General Physics | PHY112 | Gen Phys:Elc/Magn |
PHYS155Q | Intro Astronomy | ESS154 | Intro/Astronomy |
POLS121 | Intro Comp Politics | PS260 | Comparative Politics |
POLS132 | Intro to Intl Relations | PS302 | International Rel |
POLS1402W | Intro Intl Rel | PS302 | International Rel |
POLS260 | Public Administration | PS151 | Intro Public Admin |
PSYC1100 | Gen Psychology I | PSY100 | General Psychology |
PSYC1103 | Gen Psych II | PSY1XX | Gen Psych II |
SOCI1001 | Intro to Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology |
SPAN278 | Intermed Spanish Comp | SPN2XX | Intermed Spanish Comp |
SPAN279 | Spanish Conv: Cultural Topics | SPN2XX | Spanish Conv: Cultural Topics |
SPAN3178 | Intermed Span Comp | SPN201 | Spanish Percp & Practice |
SPAN3179 | Spanish Conv: Cultural Topics | SPN202 | Spanish Percp & Practice |
STAT1100Q | Elem Concepts of Stats | BEH260 | Statistics |
STAT1100Q | Elem Concepts of Stats | MAT250 | Statistics |
STAT1100Q | Elem Concepts of Stats | QBA260 | Business Stats I |
WS1104 | Feminisms & the Arts | WGS1XX | Feminisms & the Arts |
WS1124 | Gender in Global Persp | WGS1XX | Gender in Global Persp |
WS124 | Chang Roles of Wom & Men | WGS1XX | Chang Roles of Wom & Men |
University of Delaware | York College of Pennsylvania | ||
ACCT160 | Intro to Bus Info Sys | IFS100 | Info Tech Competncy |
ACCT160 | Intro to Bus Info Sys | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
ACCT207 | Accounting I | ACC220 | Financial Acct |
ACCT208 | Accounting II | ACC225 | Managerial Acct |
ANFS101 | Animals, Science and Soc | BIO1XX | Biology Elective no lab |
ANTH101 | Intro Soc & Cult Anthro | ANT220 | Cult Anthropology |
ANTH102 | Intro to Biolog Anthro | ANT210 | Physical Anthropol |
ANTH205 | Anthro & Human Nature | ANT2XX | Anthro & Human Nature |
ANTH265 | High Civilizations: Americas | ANT2XX | High Civilizations: Americas |
ART280 | Intro Photo & Editing | ART247 | Digital Image |
ARTH101 | Visual Culture | ART101 | Intro Art Apprec |
ARTH151 | Myth, Rel & Art | HUM1XX | Myth, Rel & Art |
BAMS107 | History of Rock | MUS288 | History Rock/Roll |
BHAN135 | Freshman Seminiar | FYS100 | First Year Seminar |
BISC103 | Principles of Biology | BIO204 | Exploring Biology |
BISC104 | Prin of Biology w/ lab | BIO204 | Exploring Biology |
BISC107 | Elem Evol Ecology | BIO1XX | Biology Elect No Lab |
BISC207 | Intro Biology I | BIO150 | Biology I |
BISC208 | Intro Biology II | BIO152 | Biology II |
BISC300 | Intro to Microbiology | BIO230 | Microbiology |
BUAD100 | Intro to Business | BUS150 | Intro to Business |
BUAD110 | Basic of Business | BUS150 | Intro to Business |
BUAD150 | Bus Basics for Entrepreneurs | ENT150 | Intro Entrepreneur |
BUAD301 | Introduction to Marketing | MKT100 | Prin Marketing |
BUAD309 | Mgmt & Org Behavior | MGT225 | Org Behavior |
BUAD350 | Intro Entrepreneurship | ENT150 | Intro Entrepreneur |
CHEM101 | General Chemistry | CHM134 | Gen Chem I |
CHEM103 | General Chemistry | CHM134 | Gen Chem I |
CHEM104 | General Chemistry | CHM136 | Gen Chem II |
CHEM111 | General Chemistry | CHM134 | Gen Chem I |
CHEM112 | General Chemistry | CHM1XX | Chemistry Elective No Lab |
CHEM213 | Elem Organic Chemistry | CHM122 | Prin Gen/Org Chem |
CHEM321 | Organic Chemistry I | CHM234 | Organic Chem I |
CHEM331 | Organic Chemistry | CHM234 | Organic Chem I |
CHIN105 | Chinese I | CHN101 | Elementary Chinese I |
CIEG161 | Freshman Design | EGR1XX | Freshman Design |
CISC101 | Principles of Computing | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
CISC101 | Comp & Info Sys | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
CISC101 | Principles of Computing | IFS100 | Info Tech Competncy |
CISC106 | Gen Computer Sci for Engr | EGR1XX | Gen Comp Sci for Engr |
CISC181 | Intro to Comp Sci II | CS1XX | Intro to Comp Sci II |
CISC220 | Data Structures | CS2XX | Data Structures |
CMLT316 | Classic Mythology | HUM2XX | Classical Mythology |
COMM200 | Comm & Family Systems | CM2XX | Comm & Family Sys |
COMM212 | Oral Communication in Bus | CM246 | Comm/Business Prof |
COMM212 | Oral Communication in Bus | CM212 | Public Speaking |
COMM212 | Oral Communication in Business | CM246 | Comm/Business Prof |
COMM245 | Mass Comm & Culture | CM211 | Mass Communication |
COMM256 | Principles of Com Theory | CM206 | Communicatn Theory |
COMM301 | Intro to Comm Research | CM3XX | Intro to Comm Research |
COMM330 | Comm & Interpersonal Beh | CM329 | Interpersonal Comm |
COMM345 | Legal Issues of Mass Media | CM434 | Media Law/Ethics |
CPEG202 | Intro to Dig Systems | ECE220 | D&A/Digital Circuits |
CPEG222 | Microprocessor Systems | CS2XX | Microprocessor Sys |
CRJU110 | Intro to Criminal Justice | CCJ101 | Intro Crim Justice |
CRJU203 | Problems of Corrections | CCJ337 | Punishmnt/Correctns |
DANC101 | Intro to the Art of Dance | PAW117 | Modern Dance |
ECON100 | Econ Issues & Pol | ECO1XX | Econ Issues & Pol |
ECON101 | Intro Microeconomics | ECO201 | Prin Econ-Micro |
ECON102 | Civics & Econ for Teachers | ECO1XX | Civics & Econ for Tchrs |
ECON103 | Intro Macroeconomics | ECO200 | Prin Econ-Macro |
ECON151 | Intro Microecon: Prices & Mark | ECO201 | Prin Econ-Micro |
ECON152 | Intro Macroecon: Natnl Economy | ECO200 | Prin Econ-Macro |
EDUC205 | Human Develop K-8 | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop |
EDUC247 | Hist of Ed in America | EDU200 | Found of Education |
EDUC258 | Cult Diversity | EDU2XX | Cult Diversity |
EDUC286 | Ed Tech | EDU2XX | Ed Tech |
EGGG101 | Intro to Engineering | EGR1XX | Intro to Engineering |
EGGG101 | Introduction to Engr | EGR100 | Epads I |
ELEG205 | Analog Circuits I | ECE280 | Fund Electrical Eng |
ELEG309 | Electronic Circuit Analysis | ECE310 | D&A/Analog Circuits |
ENGL101 | Tools of Textual Analysis | LIT200 | Perspectives/Lit |
ENGL110 | Seminar in Composition | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm |
ENGL204 | American Literature | LIT282 | Amer Lit after 1885 |
ENGL207 | Intro to Poetry | LIT243 | Poetry and Poetics |
ENGL208 | Intro to Drama | LIT2XX | Intro to Drama |
ENGL209 | Intro to the Novel | LIT2XX | Intro to the Novel |
ENGL210 | Short Story | LIT319 | The Short Story |
ENGL217 | Intro to Film | FLM216 | Intro to Film |
ENGL287 | Intro to Short Story | LIT319 | The Short Story |
ENGL317 | Film History | FLM220 | Film History |
ENGL324 | Shakespeare | LIT323 | Shakespeare I |
ENTR150 | Business Basics for Entrep | ENT150 | Intro Entrepreneur |
ENTR155 | Startup the Professional: You | ENT1XX | Startup the Professional: You |
ENTR351 | Entr Marketing | MKT335 | New Prod Plan/Mrkt |
ENWC201 | Wildlife Conserv Ecology | BIO1XX | Wildlife Conserv Ecology |
FREN106 | French II Elem/Inter | FRN102 | Elem French II |
FREN107 | French III Intermed | FRN201 | Inter French I |
GEOG101 | Phys Geog: Climate | ESS1XX | Earth Sci Elect no lab |
GRMN105 | German I | GRM101 | Elem German I |
GRMN106 | German II Elem/Inter | GRM102 | Elem German II |
GRMN107 | German III | GRM201 | Inter German I |
GRMN211 | German Reading/Wrtg | GRM2XX | German Reading/Wrtg |
HDFS201 | Lifespan Development | PSY2XX | Lifespan Dev |
HDFS201 | Lifespan Development | NUR201 | Nursing HD/HC |
HDFS202 | Found Family Studies | BEH2XX | Found Family Studies |
HDFS220 | Child Dev I: Prenatal-3 | PSY2XX | Child Dev I: Prenatal-3 |
HDFS221 | Child Dev II: 3-10 | PSY2XX | Child Dev II: 3-10 |
HDFS230 | Families & Comm | SOC225 | The Family |
HESC310 | Pre-Clin Anat & Phys | BIO220 | Human A/P I |
HESC367 | Brazilian Sport & Leis | REC3XX | Brazilian Sport & Leis |
HIST101 | West Civ to 1648 | HIS101 | Western Civ I |
HIST102 | West Civ: 1648-Pres | HIS102 | Western Civ II |
HIST205 | US History to 1865 | HIS111 | American Civ I |
HIST206 | U.S. History | HIS112 | American Civ II |
HIST221 | Film and American Soc | FLM2XX | Film and Amer Soc |
HIST351 | Europe in Crisis: 1919-1945 | HIS3XX | Europe in Crisis '19-'45 |
LEAD101 | Global Contexts for Leadership | MGT1XX | Global Contexts for Leadership |
LING101 | Intro to Linguistics I | CM1XX | Intro to Linguistics I |
MAST200 | The Oceans | BIO1XX | Biol Elective No Lab |
MATH113 | Contemp Mathematics | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv |
MATH114 | College Math & Stats | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv |
MATH115 | Pre-Calculus | MAT108 | Precalculus |
MATH117 | Precalc for Sci & Eng | MAT108 | Precalculus |
MATH201 | Intro to Stat Meth I | QBA260 | Business Statistics |
MATH201 | Intro to Stat Meth I | BEH260 | Statistics |
MATH201 | Intro to Stat Meth I | MAT250 | Statistics |
MATH202 | Intro Stat Meth II | QBA265 | Business Statistics II |
MATH221 | Calculus I | MAT171 | Calculus I |
MATH222 | Calculus II | MAT172 | Calculus II |
MATH241 | Analytic Geom and Calc A | MAT171 | Calculus I |
MATH242 | Analytic Geom and Calc B | MAT172 | Calculus II |
MATH243 | Analytic Geom and Calc C | MAT271 | Calculus III |
MATH251 | K-8 Math | MAT115 | Sets/Number Systems |
MATH252 | K-8 Math: Ration/Statistics | MAT150 | Data/Decision Making |
MATH302 | Ord Diff Equations | MAT272 | Diff Equations |
MEDT200 | The Language of Medicine | BIO2XX | Biology elective no lab |
MEEG690 | Intermediate Eng Mathematics | MBA5XX | Intermediate Eng Mathematics |
MISY160 | Bus Comput: Tools & Concpts | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
MMSC200 | The Language of Medicine | BIO201 | Medical Terminology |
MUSC105 | Fundamentals of Music I | MUS182 | Music Theory I |
MUSC107 | History of Rock | MUS288 | History Rock/Roll |
MUSC111 | Concert Choir | MUS1XX | Concert Choir |
MUSC113 | Marching Band | MUS1XX | Marching Band |
MUSC205 | Music of the World | MUS281 | World Music |
MUSC367 | Seminar: Choral Ensemble | MUS1XX | Seminar: Choral Ensemble |
MUSC430 | Chamber Ensemble | MUS1XX | Chamber Ensemble |
NTDT200 | Nutrition Concepts | NUR202 | Nutrition |
PHIL100 | Philosophies of Life | PHL1XX | Philosophies of Life |
PHIL101 | Great West Philosophers | PHL221 | Intro Philosophy |
PHIL105 | Critical Thinking | PHL222 | Critical Thinking |
PHIL125 | Topics: Philosophy in Film | PHL1XX | Topics: Philosophy in Film |
PHIL202 | Contemp Moral Prob | PHL223 | Cont Moral Problems |
PHIL216 | Intro to Feminist Theory | PHL380 | Feminist Thought |
PHYS201 | Intro Physics I | PHY110 | Gen Phys:Mech/Ht |
PHYS202 | Intro Physics II | PHY112 | Gen Phys:Elc/Magn |
PHYS207 | Fund of Physics I | PHY160 | Eng Phys:Mechncs |
PHYS208 | Fund of Physics II | PHY260 | Eng Phys:Elct/Magn |
POSC150 | Intro to Am Politics | PS101 | Amer Gov/Citizenship |
POSC150 | American Political System | PS141 | American Governmnt |
POSC240 | Intro to Intl Rel | PS302 | International Rel |
POSC310 | European Politics | PS3XX | European Politics |
PSYC100 | General Psychology | PSY100 | General Psychology |
PSYC201 | General Psychology | PSY100 | General Psychology |
PSYC207 | Research Methods | PSY2XX | Research Methods |
PSYC209 | Meas & Stats | BEH260 | Statistics |
PSYC301 | Personality | PSY3XX | Personality |
PSYC325 | Child Psychology | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop |
PSYC334 | Abnormal Psychology | PSY230 | Abnormal Psych |
SCEN101 | Physical Science | PSC152 | Physical Sci I |
SGST387 | History of Sexuality/US | BEH3XX | History of Sexuality |
SOCI201 | Intro to Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology |
SOCI301 | Intro to Soc Research | SOC3XX | Intro to Soc Research |
SOCI311 | Sociology of Healthcare | SOC3XX | Sociology of Healthcare |
SPAN105 | Spanish I Elementary | SPN101 | Elem Spanish I |
SPAN106 | Spanish II Elem/Inter | SPN102 | Elem Spanish II |
SPAN107 | Spanish III Intermediate | SPN201 | Inter Spanish I |
STAT200 | Basic Statistical Practice | QBA260 | Data Driven Dec Making |
STAT200 | Basic Statistical Practice | BEH260 | Statistics |
STAT200 | Basic Statistical Practice | MAT250 | Statistics |
THEA102 | Intro to Performance | THE1XX | Intro to Performance |
THEA104 | Intro to Theatre and Drama | THE154 | Introduction to Theatre |
THEA202 | Intro to Theatre Design | THE2XX | Intro to Theatre Dsgn |
THEA241 | Western Theatre | THE2XX | Western Theatre |
UAPP110 | Changing the World | PS1XX | Changing the World |
UNIV116 | Strategies for Academic Succes | FYS1XX | Strategies for Academic Succes |
WOMS202 | Intro to Intrntl Women's St | WGS2XX | Intro Intl Women's Studies |
WOMS205 | Women in the Arts & Hum | HUM2XX | Women in Arts & Hum |
WOMS484 | Women in Sports | WGS4XX | Women in Sports |
University of Maryland - Baltimore County | York College of Pennsylvania | |||
AFST100 | Intro to Black Experience | BEH1XX | Intro to Black Exp | |
AGNG100 | Revolutionizing Aging | GER1XX | Revolution Aging | |
AGNG200 | Agng People, Pol & Mngt | GER2XX | Agng People, Pol & Mgt | |
AMST200 | Multicultural America | HUM2XX | Multicultural America | |
ANCS150 | Word Roots Latin/Greek | NPE1XX | Word Roots Latin/Greek | |
ANTH211 | Cult Anthropology | ANT220 | Cult Anthropology | |
ARCH100 | Intro to Arch of Ancient Wor | ANT230 | Intro Archaeology | |
ARCH200 | Greek Archaeology | ANT2XX | Greek Archaeology | |
BIOL100 | Conc of Biology | BIO1XX | Biology Elect No Lab | |
BIOL100 | Conc of Biology | BIO150 | Biology I | |
BIOL101 | Concepts of Biology | BIO1XX | Biology Elective no lab | |
BIOL109 | Life: Intro to Mod Biol | BIO205 | Exp Biology Lab | |
BIOL109 | Life: Intro to Mod Biol | BIO204 | Exploring Biology | |
BIOL142 | Foundations of Biol: Eco/Evo | BIO152 | Evol/Ecol & Divers | |
BIOL142 | Foundations of Biol: Eco/Evo | BIO153 | Evol/Ecol/Div Lab | |
BIOL275 | Microbiology | BIO2XX | Biol Elective No Lab | |
BIOL301 | Ecology & Evolution | BIO3XX | Biology Elect No Lab | |
CHEM101 | Prin of Chemistry I | CHM134 | Gen Chem I | |
CHEM101 | Prin of Chemistry I | CHM1XX | Chemistry Elect No Lab | |
CHEM102 | Prin of Chemistry II | 01 | CHM137 | Gen Chem II Lab |
CHEM102 | Prin of Chemistry II | 01 | CHM136 | Gen Chem II |
CHEM102 | Prin of Chemistry II | CHM137 | Gen Chem II Lab | |
CHEM102 | Prin of Chemistry II | CHM136 | Gen Chem II | |
CHEM102L | Prin of Chemistry II Lab | 01 | ||
CMPE212 | Prin of Digital Design | CS2XX | Prin of Dig Design | |
CMSC104 | Prob Solv & Comp Prog | CS100 | CPADS I | |
CMSC201 | Computer Science I | CS201 | Fund Comp Sci II | |
CMSC202 | Computer Science II | CS201 | Fund Comp Sci II | |
CMSC203 | Discrete Structures | CS2XX | Discrete Structures | |
CMSC331 | Prin of Prog Languages | CS3XX | Prin of Prog Languages | |
ECAD310 | Personnel Administration | BHA310 | Public Health Admin | |
ECON101 | Prin of Microeconomics | ECO201 | Prin Econ-Micro | |
ECON102 | Prin Macroecon | ECO200 | Prin Econ-Macro | |
ECON121 | Prin Acct I | ACC220 | Financial Acct | |
ECON122 | Prin of Acct II | ACC225 | Managerial Acct | |
ECON301 | Intermed Accounting I | ACC2XX | Intermed Accounting I | |
ECON311 | Interm Microecon Analys | ECO350 | Inter Microeconomcs | |
ECON312 | Interm Macroecon Analysis | ECO360 | Intermediate Macro | |
ECON374 | Fund Financial Mgmt | FIN3XX | Fund Financial Mgmt | |
ECON374 | Fund Financial Mgmt | FIN300 | Managrl Finance I | |
ECON463 | Theory of Public Finance | ECO4XX | Theory of Public Fin | |
ECON467 | Health Economics | ECO4XX | Health Economics | |
ECON481 | International Trade Thry | ECO4XX | International Trade Thry | |
ECON482 | International Finance | ECO4XX | International Finance | |
ECON490 | Analytic Methods in Econ | ECO4XX | Analytic Meths in Econ | |
EDUC250 | Hist & Phil of Education | EDU2XX | Hist & Phil of Education | |
EDUC308 | Field Exp: Secondary Educ | EDU3XX | Field Exp: Sec Educ | |
EDUC312 | Analysis of Tchng & Lrng | EDU3XX | Analysis of Tch & Lrng | |
EHS351 | Fin Mgmt: EHS | FIN3XX | Fin Mgmt: EHS | |
ENES101 | Intro Engineering Sci | EGR1XX | Intro Engineering Sci | |
ENGL100 | Composition | WRT102 | Analytical Read/Writ | |
ENGL100 | Composition | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm | |
ENGL100Y | Composition | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm | |
ENGL243 | Currents in American Lit | LIT2XX | Currents in Am Lit | |
ENGL243A | Diverse Voices | LIT2XX | Diverse Voices | |
ENGL250 | Intro Shakespeare | LIT323 | Shakespeare I | |
ENGL291 | Intro Wrtg Creat Essays | WRT2XX | Intro Wrtg Creat Essays | |
ENGL393 | Tech Writing | WRT3XX | Tech Writing | |
ENGL394 | Tech Editing | WRT3XX | Tech Editing | |
ENME110 | Statics | EGR250 | Statics | |
ENME204 | Intro Engr Des w/CAD | EGR100 | Epads I | |
ENME217 | Engr Thermodynamics | ME2XX | Engr Thermodynamics | |
ENME220 | Mech of Materials | EGR264 | Strength/Materials | |
ENME221 | Dynamics | ME2XX | Dynamics | |
ENME301 | Struct/Prop: Engr Materls | ME260 | Materials Science | |
ENME304 | Machine Design | ME380 | Machine Design | |
ENME320 | Fluid Mechanics | EGR360 | Fluid Mechanics | |
FREN101 | Elem French I | FRN101 | Elem French I | |
FREN102 | Elementary French II | FRN102 | Elem French II | |
FREN103 | Int Rev Elem French | FRN102 | Elem French II | |
FREN201 | Interm French I | FRN201 | Inter French I | |
FREN202 | Interm French II | FRN202 | Inter French II | |
FREN301 | Adv French I | FRN3XX | Adv French I | |
FYS101B | Sci vs. Religion | REL1XX | Sci vs. Religion | |
FYS102 | First Year Seminar | FYS100 | First Year Seminar | |
FYS103K | Sferics, Tweek, Whistlers | ESS1XX | Earth Sci Elect No lab | |
GEOG120 | Env Sci/Conserv | BIO1XX | Bio Elective No Lab | |
GEOG352 | Geog of Crime & Justice | G3XX | Geog of Crime & Justice | |
GERM101 | Elem German I | GRM101 | Elem German I | |
GERM102 | Elem German II | GRM102 | Elem German II | |
GERM201 | Intermed German I | GRM201 | Inter German I | |
GERM301H | Adv German I | GRM3XX | Adv German I | |
GES102 | Human Geography | G100 | World Reg Geography | |
GES110 | Phys Geog | G1XX | Phys Geog | |
GWST100 | Intro Gender & Women | WGS1XX | Intro Gender & Women | |
HAPP100 | Survey US Hlth Care Sys | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
HIST100 | Western Civilization | HIS1XX | Western Civilization | |
HIST102 | Amer Hist Since 1877 | HIS112 | American Civ II | |
HIST103 | East-Asian Civilization | HIS1XX | East-Asian Civilization | |
HIST111 | West Civ Since 1700 | HIS102 | Western Civ II | |
HIST201 | Intro to Study of Hist | HIS2XX | Intro to Study of Hist | |
HIST301 | The American City | HIS3XX | The American City | |
HIST303 | Second World War | HIS3XX | Second World War | |
HIST306 | The First World War | HIS420 | First World War | |
HIST347 | The United States Since 1945 | HIS367 | Recent Amer/1945-Prs | |
HIST358 | Art & Socty: Renaissance | ART3XX | Art & Society: Renaiss | |
HIST371 | History & Film | FLM220 | Film History | |
HIST407 | Founding of Amer Nation | HIS352 | New American Nation | |
HIST421 | The American Civil War | HIS4XX | The American Civil War | |
HIST435 | 20th CUS Foreign Policy | HIS4XX | 20th CUS Foreign Pol | |
HIST443 | The U.S. Since 1945 | HIS367 | Recent Amer/1945-Prs | |
HIST466 | The Reformation | HIS4XX | The Reformation | |
HIST470 | Tudor & Stuart England | HIS4XX | Tudor & Stuart England | |
HIST487 | Europe, 1815-1914 | HIS319 | Europe 19th Century | |
HIST497 | Historical Research | HIS4XX | Historical Research | |
IFSM202 | Systems Analysis Methods | IFS2XX | Sys Analysis Methods | |
IFSM295 | Intro to Appl Prog | CS2XX | Intro Appl Prog | |
IFSM300 | Mgmt Info Sys | IFS305 | Management Info Sys | |
IFSM303 | Hum Factors in Comp | IFS3XX | Hum Factors in Comp | |
IS101 | Intro to Comp Based Sys | IFS1XX | Intro Comp Based Sys | |
IS247J | Java Prog | IFS2XX | Java Prog | |
IS298I | Intro to Prog Tech | IFS2XX | Intro to Prog Tech | |
IS325 | Intro to Mgmt Sci | IFS3XX | Intro to Mgmt Sci | |
JDST310 | Modern Israel | REL3XX | Modern Israel | |
LATN101 | Elem Latin I | LAT101 | Elem Latin I | |
LATN102 | Elem Latin II | LAT102 | Elem Latin II | |
LING190 | Language: Structural & Biol | BIO1XX | Language: Structural & Biol | |
LRC099 | Intro Algebra | MAT102 | Prelim Math/Prob Solv | |
MATH100 | Intro to Contemp Math | MAT1XX | Intro to Contemp Math | |
MATH106 | Algebra & Elem Funct | MAT102 | Prelim Math/Prob Solv | |
MATH106Y | Algebra and Elem Func | MAT102 | Prelim Math/Prob Solv | |
MATH150 | Precalculus Mathematics | MAT108 | Precalculus | |
MATH151 | Calc & Analy Geometry I | MAT171 | Calculus I | |
MATH152 | Calc & Analy Geom II | MAT172 | Calculus II | |
MATH155 | Elem Calculus | MAT120 | Applied Calculus | |
MATH221 | Intro to Linear Algebra | MAT260 | Linear Algebra I | |
MATH225 | Intro Differen Equations | MAT272 | Diff Equations | |
MATH251 | Multivariable Calc | EGR240 | Mathmatical Methods | |
MATH251 | Multivariable Calc | MAT271 | Calculus III | |
MCS377 | Desktop Pub & Web | IFS3XX | Desktop Pub & Web | |
MLL190 | The World of Language I | INT201 | Intro World Lang | |
MLL191 | The World of Language II | INT2XX | The World of Language II | |
MLL225 | Iranian Cultures | INT2XX | Iranian Cultures | |
MUSC100 | Intro to Music | MUS1XX | Intro to Music | |
MUSC101 | Fund Music Theory | MUS181 | Found Music Theory | |
MUSC117 | Pep Band | MUS1XX | Pep Band | |
MUSC190 | Perf Studies: West Art | MUS1XX | Perf Studies: West Art | |
MUSC217 | Rock & Related Music | MUS288 | History Rock/Roll | |
MUSC303 | Chamber Choir | MUS150 | YCChorale | |
MUSC307 | Small Ensemble | MUS3XX | Small Ensemble | |
MUSC308 | UMBCWind Ensemble | MUS170 | Woodwind Ensemble | |
NRSG790 | Methods Research | NUR508 | App Nurs Research | |
PHED112 | Beginning Swimming | PAW120 | Beginning Swimming | |
PHED122 | Self Defense | PAW130 | Self Defense | |
PHED143 | Bowling | PAW110 | Beginning Bowling | |
PHED202 | Intro the Hlth Beh | PAW234 | Well/Fitness/Life | |
PHIL100 | Intro to Philosophy | PHL221 | Intro Philosophy | |
PHIL146 | Critical Thinking | PHL222 | Critical Thinking | |
PHIL150 | Contemp Moral Iss | PHL223 | Cont Moral Problems | |
PHIL152 | Intro to Moral Theory | PHL223 | Cont Moral Problems | |
PHIL251 | Ethical Issues in Sci & Engnrg | PHL2XX | Ethical Issues in Sci & Engnrg | |
PHIL399B | Topics in Philosophy | PHL3XX | Topics in Philosophy | |
PHYS105 | Ideas in Astronomy | ESS1XX | Earth Sci Elect No Lab | |
PHYS106 | Intro Astrobiology | PSC1XX | Phys Sci Elect No Lab | |
PHYS111 | Basic Physics I | PHY110 | Gen Phys:Mech/Ht | |
PHYS112 | Basic Physics II | PHY112 | Gen Phys:Elc/Magn | |
PHYS121 | Introductory Physics I | PHY160 | Eng Phys:Mechncs | |
PHYS121 | Introductory Physics I | PHY111 | General Physics Lab | |
PHYS121 | Introductory Physics I | PHY110 | General Physics I | |
PHYS122 | Introductory Physics II | PHY113 | G Phys:Elct Lab | |
PHYS122 | Introductory Physics II | PHY260 | Eng Phys:Elct/Magn | |
PHYS122 | Introductory Physics II | PHY112 | Gen Phys:Elc/Magn | |
POLI100 | Amer Govt & Pol | PS101 | Amer Gov/Citizenship | |
POLI110 | Intro to Politics | PS1XX | Intro to Politics | |
POLI250 | Intro Public Admin | PS151 | Intro Public Admin | |
POLI260 | Comparative Politics | PS260 | Comparative Politics | |
POLI280 | International Relations | PS302 | International Rel | |
POLI353 | Govt Budgeting | PS3XX | Govt Budgeting | |
PSYC100 | Intro to Psychology | PSY100 | General Psychology | |
PSYC200 | Developmental Psych I | PSY223 | Early Child Develp | |
PSYC205 | Before We Were Born | PSY2XX | Before We Were Born | |
PSYC210 | Psych of Learning | PSY2XX | Psych of Learning | |
PSYC211 | Science, Prof of Psych | PSY2XX | Science, Prof of Psych | |
PSYC285 | Abnormal Psych | PSY230 | Abnormal Psych | |
PSYC304 | Adolescent Psychology | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop | |
PSYC360 | Psych of Motivation | PSY3XX | Psych of Motivation | |
RLST210 | Classical Mythology | REL2XX | Classical Mythology | |
SCI100 | Water: Interdis Study | ESS1XX | Water: Interdis Study | |
SOCY101 | Basic Concepts in Socy | SOC100 | Intro Sociology | |
SOCY204 | Diversity and Pluralism | SOC2XX | Diversity and Pluralism | |
SOCY301 | Analy: Sociological Data | BEH260 | Statistics | |
SOCY335 | Terrorism & Soc Viol | SOC3XX | Terrorism & Soc Viol | |
SOCY397 | Sel Topics in Soc | SOC3XX | Sel Topics in Soc | |
SOWK260 | Intro to Soc Work I | HSV2XX | Intro to Soc Work I | |
SOWK360 | Soc Welfare | HSV3XX | Soc Welfare | |
SOWK388 | Human Behavior | BEH3XX | Human Behavior | |
SOWK389 | Human Behavior II | BEH3XX | Human Behavior II | |
SOWK395 | Alcohol Prob/Alcholism | BEH3XX | Alcohol/Alcholism | |
SPAN101 | Elem Spanish I | SPN101 | Elem Spanish I | |
SPAN102 | Elem Spanish II | SPN102 | Elem Spanish II | |
SPAN103 | Int Rev Elem Spanish | SPN102 | Elem Spanish II | |
SPAN103 | Int Rev Elem Spanish | SPN101 | Elem Spanish I | |
SPAN201A | Intermediate Spanish I | SPN201 | Inter Spanish I | |
STAT121 | Intro Statistics | MAT250 | Statistics | |
STAT121 | Intro Statistics | QBA260 | Business Statistics | |
STAT121 | Intro Statistics | BEH260 | Statistics | |
STAT351 | Appl Stat/Bus & Econ | QBA260 | Business Statistics | |
STAT351 | Appl Stat/Bus & Econ | MAT250 | Statistics | |
STAT355 | Prob & Stat for Science Eng | MAT350 | Probability/Stats | |
THTR110 | Introductin to Acting | THE215 | Acting | |
THTR211 | Hist of Theatre II | THE2XX | Hist of Theatre II | |
THTR229 | Movement for Actor | THE2XX | Movement for Actor |
University of Maryland - College Park | York College of Pennsylvania | ||
AASP100 | Intro Afr Amer Studies | BEH1XX | Intro Afr Amer Studies |
AASP187 | New Jim Crow: Prison | BEH1XX | New Jim Crow: Prison |
AASP298L | Blks & Legal Proc | BEH2XX | Blks & Legal Proc |
AASP298M | Trends & Policy | BEH2XX | Trends & Policy |
AASP397 | Sr Read Resh Sem | BEH3XX | Sr Read Resh Sem |
AASP429L | Blk Ldrs 20th Cent | BEH4XX | Blk Ldrs 20th Cent |
ANTH220 | Intro Biol Anthro | BIO2XX | Intro Biol Anthro |
ANTH221 | Intro Forensic Science | ANT2XX | Intro Forensic Sci |
ANTH240 | Intro Archaeology | ANT230 | Intro Archaeology |
ANTH260 | Intro Soc Anth & Ling | ANT2XX | Intro Soc Anth & Ling |
ANTH298A | Forensic Sciences | CHM1XX | Forensic Sciences |
ARAB101L | Elem Arabic I | ARB101 | Elem Arabic I |
ARAB102L | Elem Arabic II | ARB102 | Elem Arabic II |
AREC260 | Gender in Econ & Dvlpmnt | WGS2XX | Gender in Econ & Dvlpmnt |
ARHU298J | Creative Writing | CRW272 | Intro Creative Wrt |
ARTH100 | Intro to Art | ART101 | Intro Art Apprec |
ARTH200 | Art West World to 1300 | ART204 | Survey West Art I |
ARTH201 | Art Wst World After 1300 | ART205 | Survey West Art II |
ARTH290 | Art of Asia | ART2XX | Art of Asia |
ARTH489 | Art & Museum World | ART4XX | Art & Museum World |
ARTT150 | Intro to Art Theory | ART1XX | Intro to Art Theory |
ASTR100 | Intro to Astronomy | ESS1XX | Earth Sci Elect No Lab |
ASTR101 | Gen Astronomy | ESS154 | Intro/Astronomy |
ASTR230 | Science Fic of Planets | ESS2XX | Earth Sci Elect no lab |
BIOL101 | Concepts of Biology | BIO120 | Field Nat Hist |
BIOL201 | Human Anat Physiol I | BIO220 | Human A/P I |
BMGT110 | Intro Bus & Mgt | MGT150 | Prin of Management |
BOTN101 | Gen Botany | BIO1XX | Gen Botany |
BSCI103 | World of Biology | BIO205 | Exp Biology Lab |
BSCI103 | World of Biology | BIO204 | Exploring Biology |
BSCI105 | Prin Biol I | BIO150 | Biology I |
BSCI106 | Prin Biol II | BIO152 | Evol/Ecol & Divers |
BSCI201 | Humn Anat & Physlg I | BIO220 | Human A/P I |
BSCI201 | Humn Anat & Physlg I | BIO2XX | Humn Anat & Physlg I |
BSCI202 | Humn Anat & Physlg II | BIO222 | Human A/P II |
BSCI222 | Prin Genetics | BIO240 | Genetics |
CCJS100 | Intro CCJS | CCJ101 | Intro Crim Justice |
CHEM103 | General Chem I | CHM134 | Gen Chem I |
CHEM113 | Gen Chem II | CHM136 | Gen Chem II |
CHEM121 | Chem Mod World | CHM1XX | Chemistry Elect No Lab |
CHEM131 | Chem Fund I | CHM1XX | Chem Fund I |
CHEM135 | Gen Chem for Eng | CHM1XX | Chemistry Elect No Lab |
CHEM231 | Organic Chem I | CHM234 | Organic Chem I |
CLAS170 | Greek + Roman Myth | HUM1XX | Greek & Roman Myth |
CLAS271 | Roman Lit-Trans | LIT2XX | Roman Lit-Trans |
CMLT280 | Film Art Glob Soc | FLM2XX | Film Art Glob Soc |
CMSC102 | Intro Info Tech | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
CMSC106 | Intro CProg | CS1XX | Intro CProg |
COMM107 | Oral Comm Prin | CM212 | Public Speaking |
COMM107 | Oral Comm Prin | CM104 | Human Communicatn |
COMM382 | Essntl Intrcltrl Comm | CM3XX | Essntl Intrcltrl Comm |
CPSP118 | Sci, Tech and Society | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect |
CPSP119 | Sci, Tech & Society | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect |
CPSP124 | Iss Intl Studies | INT1XX | Iss Intl Studies |
ECON111 | Think Like Economists | ECO1XX | Think Like Economists |
ECON200 | Prin Micro-Economics | ECO201 | Prin Econ-Micro |
ECON201 | Prin Macroeconomics | ECO200 | Prin Econ-Macro |
ECON205 | Fund Econ | ECO2XX | Fund Econ |
ECON300 | Mthds Econ Analysis | ECO3XX | Mthds Econ Analysis |
EDCI246 | Good Stories: Narratives | HUM2XX | Good Stories: Narratives |
EDHD300 | Hum Dev & Lrng | EDU3XX | Hum Dev & Lrng |
EDHD413 | Adolescent Dev | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop |
ENCE100 | Intro to Civil and Envr Engr | EGR1XX | Intro to Civ/Envr Eng |
ENEE140 | Intro Prg Concept for EE | ECE1XX | Intro to Prg Cpts for EE |
ENEE200 | Socl & Ethc Dmns Engr | ECE2XX | Socl & Ethc Dmns Engr |
ENEE204 | Basic Circuit Theo | ECE2XX | Basic Circuit Theo |
ENEE244 | Digital Logic Design | ECE2XX | Digital Logic Design |
ENES100 | Intro Engr Design | EGR1XX | Intro Engr Design |
ENES102 | Mechanics I | EGR250 | Statics |
ENES140 | Disc New Ventures | EGR1XX | Disc New Ventures |
ENES220 | Mechanics II | EGR264 | Strength/Materials |
ENES221 | Dynamics | ME252 | Dynamics/Vibrtn |
ENGL101 | Academic Writing | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm |
ENGL201 | West World Lit I | LIT2XX | West World Lit I |
ENGL289L | Greek & Roman Myth | LIT2XX | Greek & Roman Myth |
ENGL393 | Tech Writing | WRT3XX | Tech Writing |
ENGL470 | Afr-Am Lit to 1910 | LIT4XX | Afr-Am Lit to 1910 |
ENGL479 | AfroAsian Migrations | LIT4XX | Afroasian Migrations |
ENME272 | Intro to Computer Aided Dsn | EGR100 | Epads I |
ENME382 | Intro to Materials Engr | ME260 | Materls Science |
FMCD431 | Family Crises & Rehab | BEH4XX | Fam Crises & Rehab |
FMCD487 | Legal Asp Fam Prob | BEH4XX | Leg Asp Fam Prob |
FMSC298F | Future of Families | SOC2XX | Future of Families |
FREN103 | Rev Elem French | FRN101 | Elem French I |
GEOG130 | Devlopng Countries | G1XX | Devlopng Countries |
GEOG202 | Intro to Human Geography | G1XX | Intro Human Geo |
GEOL100 | Phys Geology | ESS1XX | Phys Geology |
GEOL104 | Dinosaurs Nat Hist | ESS1XX | Earth Sci Elect No Lab |
GEOL120 | Env Geology | ESS1XX | Earth Sci Elect No Lab |
GEOL200 | Earth's Fury | ESS2XX | Earth's Fury |
GERM111 | Elementary German I | GRM101 | Elem German I |
GERM112 | Elementary German II | GRM102 | Elem German II |
GVPT100 | Prin Govt & Pol | PS1XX | Prin Govt & Pol |
GVPT170 | American Govt | PS141 | American Governmnt |
GVPT220 | Intro Polit Beh | PS2XX | Intro Polit Beh |
GVPT289 | Intern Pol Icons | PS2XX | Intern Pol Icons |
GVPT411 | Pub Pers Admin | PS4XX | Pub Pers Admin |
GVPT432 | Civ Rts & Const | PS372 | Civil Lib/Civ Rights |
GVPT462 | Urban Politics | PS4XX | Urban Politics |
GVPT479A | Labor-Mgt Rel | PS4XX | Labor-Mgt Rel |
HIST110 | Ancient World | HIS300 | Ancnt Hist to 476 |
HIST133 | Crusades Mdvl & Mdrn | HIS1XX | Crusades Mdvl & Mdrn |
HIST136 | Moneyland | HIS1XX | Moneyland |
HIST156 | Hist U.S. to 1865 | HIS111 | American Civ I |
HIST157 | Hist U.S. Since 1865 | HIS112 | American Civ II |
HIST201 | Am Hist 1865-Pres | HIS112 | American Civ II |
HIST282 | History of Jews I | HIS2XX | History of Jews I |
HIST285 | East Asian Civl II | HIS2XX | East Asian Civ II |
HIST410 | Med & Public Hlth | HIS4XX | Med & Public Hlth |
HIST481 | Hist of Modn China | HIS4XX | Hist of Modn China |
HLTH106 | Drug Use and Abuse | BEH1XX | Drug Use and Abuse |
HLTH140 | Pers & Comm Health | BEH1XX | Pers & Comm Health |
HLTH230 | Intr Hlth Behavior | BEH2XX | Intr Hlth Behavior |
HLTH285 | Control Stress and Tens | NPE2XX | Control Stress and Tens |
HLTH377 | Human Sexuality | BEH3XX | Human Sexuality |
HLTH391 | Prins of Comm Hlth I | NPE3XX | Prins of Comm Hlth I |
HLTH471 | Womens Health | WGS4XX | Womens Health |
HLTH476 | Death Education | BEH4XX | Death Education |
HLTH490 | Prins of Comm Hlth II | NPE4XX | Prins of Comm Hlth II |
HUMN198K | Integ Euro Studies | HUM1XX | Integ Euro Studies |
INAG110 | Oral Communication | CM212 | Public Speaking |
INAG110 | Oral Communication | CM104 | Human Communicatn |
JOUR150 | Intro Mass Comm | CM211 | Mass Communication |
JOUR175 | Media Literacy | CM1XX | Media Literacy |
JOUR200 | Hist, Roles & Struct | CM2XX | Hist, Roles & Struct |
KNES210 | Exer Sci Fitness | NPE1XX | Exer Sci Fitness |
KNES293 | Hist Sport America | SPM2XX | Hist Sport America |
KNES342 | Sport, Comm & Cult | SPM3XX | Sport, Comm & Cult |
LENF100 | Intro Law Enforcement | CCJ234 | Law Enforcement |
MATH101 | Concepts Mod Algebra | MAT1XX | Concepts Mod Algebra |
MATH107 | Sel Top in Algebra | MAT105 | College Algebra |
MATH113 | Coll Algebra Appl | MAT105 | College Algebra |
MATH115 | Precalculus | MAT108 | Precalculus |
MATH130 | Calc I for Life Sci | MAT1XX | Calc I for Life Sci |
MATH131 | Calc II for Life Sci | MAT120 | Applied Calculus |
MATH140 | Calculus I | MAT171 | Calculus I |
MATH141 | Calculus II | MAT172 | Calculus II |
MATH206 | Intro to Math Lab | MAT1XX | Intro to Math Lab |
MATH220 | Elem Calculus I | MAT120 | Applied Calculus |
MATH241 | Calculus III | MAT271 | Calculus III |
MATH246 | Diff Eqn for Sci & Engr | MAT272 | Diff Equations |
MATH410 | Adv Calculus I | MAT371 | Adv Calculus I |
MGST120 | Fund of Acct Proc | ACC220 | Financial Acct |
MUET200 | World Pop Music | MUS281 | World Music |
MUET210 | Impact of Music on Life | MUS186 | Listening to Music |
MUSC129 | Vocal Ensemble | MUS146 | Voice Class |
MUSC205 | Hist of Rock Music | MUS288 | History Rock/Roll |
MUSC248A | The Jazz Experience | MUS2XX | The Jazz Experience |
MUSC329E | Gospel Choir | MUS150 | YCChorale |
NFSC100 | Elem of Nutrition | NUR202 | Nutrition |
PHIL140 | Contemp Moral Issues | PHL223 | Cont Moral Problems |
PHIL170 | Intro to Logic | PHL231 | Logic |
PHIL173 | Analyt Reading | PHL1XX | Analyt Reading |
PHIL250 | Phil of Sci I | PHL2XX | Phil of Sci I |
PHYS117 | Intro to Physics | PHY1XX | Intro to Physics |
PHYS121 | Fund of Physics I | PHY110 | Gen Phys:Mech/Ht |
PHYS161 | Gen Physics | PHY160 | Eng Phys:Mechncs |
PHYS161 | Gen Physics | PHY1XX | Physics Elect No Lab |
PHYS165 | Intro Prog Phys Sci | IFS1XX | Intro Prog Phys Sci |
PHYS171 | Intro Phys: Mech | PHY160 | Eng Phys:Mechncs |
PHYS260 | Phys: Vib Waves Heat Elec | PHY162 | Eng Phys:Ht/Thermo |
PHYS260 | Phys: Vib Waves Heat Elec | PHY2XX | Physics Elective no lab |
PHYS270 | Elec Light Rel Mod Phys | PHY262 | Eng Phys: Opt/Mod |
PHYS270 | Elec Light Rel Mod Phys | PHY2XX | Physics Elective no lab |
PHYS272 | Intro Phys: Fields | PHY260 | Eng Phys:Elct/Magn |
PSYC100 | Intro to Psychology | PSY100 | General Psychology |
PSYC221 | Social Psych | PSY243 | Social Psychology |
PSYC355 | Child Psychology | PSY223 | Early Child Develp |
RELS319 | Islam Lrn Piety Pract | REL3XX | Islam Lrn Piety Pract |
SOCY100 | Intro to Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology |
SOCY200 | Human Societies | SOC2XX | Human Societies |
SOCY227 | Study of Deviance | SOC2XX | Study of Deviance |
SOCY230 | Social Psychology | PSY243 | Social Psychology |
SPAN101 | Elem Spanish | SPN101 | Elem Spanish I |
SPAN103 | Review Elem Spanish | SPN101 | Elem Spanish I |
SPAN207 | Read & Write Span | SPN2XX | Read & Write Span |
SPAN301 | Adv Grammar & Comp I | SPN301 | Adv Oral/Writ Span |
SPCH107 | Tech Spch Comm | CM104 | Human Communicatn |
SPCH125 | Intro Interpersonal Com | CM104 | Human Communicatn |
STAT100 | Elem Stat & Prob | MAT250 | Statistics |
STAT200 | Intro to Statistics | MAT250 | Statistics |
STAT400 | Appl Prob & Stat I | MAT250 | Statistics |
THET110 | Intro to Theatre | THE154 | Introduction to Theatre |
UCST199 | Cultural View Paris | HUM1XX | Cultural View Paris |
ZOOL212 | Ecol, Evol & Beh | BIO2XX | Ecol, Evol & Beh |
ZOOL270 | Pop Biol & Gen Ecol | BIO2XX | Biology Elective No Lab |
University of Maryland - Global Campus | York College of Pennsylvania | |||
AASP201 | Intro Afr Amer Studies | BEH2XX | Intro Afr Amer Studies | |
AC C T220 | Princ of Accounting I | AC C 220 | Financial Acct | |
AC C T221 | Princ of Accounting II | AC C 225 | Managerial Acct | |
AC C T320 | Fraud Detection & Deter | AC C 315 | Intro Financl Fraud | |
AC C T417 | Fed Income Tax II | AC C 395 | Taxation II | |
AC C T422 | Auditing Theory & Pract | AC C 410 | Auditing | |
AC C T424 | Adv Accounting | AC C 4XX | Adv Accounting | |
AC C T613 | Federal Income Taxation | AC C 524 | Federal Tax Planning & Res | |
ANTH101 | Int Anth Arch & Phy | ANT1XX | Int Anth Arch & Phy | |
ARTH334 | Understanding Movies | FLM216 | Intro to Film | |
ARTT110 | Elem of Drawing I | ART215 | Drawing I | |
ARTT152 | Basics of Photography | ART245 | Photography I | |
ARTT153 | Adv Photography | ART295 | Photography II | |
ARTT205 | Art Appreciation | ART101 | Intro Art Apprec | |
ASTD284 | Found East Asian C iv | HIS2XX | East Asian C iv | |
ASTR100 | Intro to Astronomy | ESS1XX | Earth Sci Elective No Lab | |
ASTR100 | Intro to Astronomy | ESS154 | Intro/Astronomy | |
BEHS201 | Intro to Beh/Soc Sc | BEH2XX | Intro to Beh/Soc Sc | |
BEHS210 | Intro to Soc Behavioral Sciene | BEH2XX | Intro to Soc Behavioral Scienc | |
BEHS343 | Parenting Today | BEH3XX | Parenting Today | |
BEHS361 | Global Environ C hange | BEH2XX | Global Environ C hange | |
BEHS453 | Domestic Violence | BEH3XX | Domestic Violence | |
BIOL101 | C oncepts of Biology | 01 | BIO205 | Exp Biology Lab |
BIOL101 | C oncepts of Biology | 01 | BIO204 | Exploring Biology |
BIOL102 | Laboratory in Biology | 01 | ||
BIOL103 | Intro to Biology | BIO204 | Exploring Biology | |
BIOL103 | Intro to Biology | BIO205 | Exp Biology Lab | |
BIOL160 | Human Biology | BIO1XX | Biology Elective No Lab | |
BIOL160 | Human Biology | BIO112 | Fund Human Bio | |
BIOL164 | Intro Human A/P | BIO220 | Human A/P I | |
BIOL181 | Life in the Oceans | BIO1XX | Biology Elective No Lab | |
BIOL201 | Human A & P I | BIO220 | Human A/P I | |
BIOL202 | Hum A & P II | BIO222 | Human A/P II | |
BIOL211 | Environ Sci | BIO2XX | Biology Elect No Lab | |
BIOL301 | Hum Hlth & Dis | BIO3XX | Biol Elective No Lab | |
BIOL305 | Biology of AIDS | BIO3XX | Biology Elect No Lab | |
BMGT110 | Intro to Bus & Mngmt | MGT150 | Prin of Management | |
BMGT230 | Business Statistics | QBA260 | Business Statistics | |
BMGT304 | Mang E-C omm in Orgs | BUS3XX | Mang E-C omm in Orgs | |
BMGT314 | Women as Leaders | BUS3XX | Women as Leaders | |
BMGT340 | Business Finance | BUS3XX | Business Finance | |
BMGT360 | Hum Res Mgmt | MGT220 | Human Resource Mgt | |
BMGT364 | Mgt & Org Theory | MGT150 | Prin of Management | |
BMGT380 | Bus Law I | BUS260 | Legal Environment | |
BMGT388G | Eff Bus Presentations | BUS3XX | Eff Bus Pres | |
BMGT495 | Strategic Mgmt | BUS495 | Business Policy | |
C APP100A | Micros: Hard & Soft | IFS1XX | Micros: Hard & Soft | |
C C JS100 | Intro to C rim Justice | C C J101 | Intro C rim Justice | |
C C JS105 | Intro C riminology | C C J378 | C riminology | |
C C JS230 | C rim Law In Action | C C J302 | C riminal Law | |
C C JS234 | C riminal Procedure & Evid | C C J341 | C riminal Procedure | |
C C JS320 | Intro C riminalistics | C C J237 | C riminalistics Lab | |
C C JS320 | Intro C riminalistics | C C J236 | C riminalistics | |
C C JS350 | Juv Delinquency | C C J110 | Juvenile Delinquncy | |
C C JS370 | Race C rime & C rim Just | C C J369 | Race & C rim Just System | |
C HEM113 | General C hem II | C HM136 | Gen C hem II | |
C MIS102 | Intro Problem Solving | C S1XX | Intro Problem Solving | |
C MIS140 | Intro Programming | IFS1XX | Intro Programming | |
C MIS141 | Intro Programming | C S1XX | Intro Programming | |
C MIS141 | Intro Programming | IFS225 | Program Bus Apps | |
C MIS310 | C omp Sys Arch | C S3XX | C omp Sys Arch | |
C MST100B | Intro Microcomp: W/P | IFS1XX | Intro Microcomp: W/P | |
C MST100G | Intro Micro:Spreadsheet | IFS1XX | Intro Micro:Spreadsheet | |
C MST301 | Digital Media | C M225 | Intro New Media | |
C MST303 | Adv Appl Software | IFS3XX | Adv Appl Software | |
C OMM202 | Media and Society | C M2XX | Media and Society | |
C OMM300 | C omm Theory | C M206 | C ommunicatn Theory | |
C OMM380 | Lang Social C ontexts | C M2XX | Lang Social C ontexts | |
C OMM390 | Writing for Managers | WRT2XX | Writing for Managers | |
C OMM393 | Technical Writing | WRT1XX | Technical Writing | |
C OMM394 | Business Writing | WRT2XX | Business Writing | |
C OMM400 | Mass Media Law | C M434 | Media Law/Ethics | |
C OOP301B | C o-op in BMGT | BUS3XX | C o-op in BMGT | |
C SIA301 | Found of C ybersecurity | IFS475 | Info Security/Ethics | |
C SIA303 | Found Info Sys Sec | IFS3XX | Found Info Sys Sec | |
EC ON201 | Prin of Econ-Macro | EC O200 | Prin Econ-Macro | |
EC ON203 | Prin of Econ II | EC O201 | Prin Econ-Micro | |
EC ON430 | Money & Banking | EC O370 | Money & Banking | |
ENGL101 | Introduction to Writing | FC O105 | Rhetorical C omm | |
ENGL102 | C omp & Lit | LIT200 | Intro Lit & Text Stud | |
ENGL103 | Greek & Roman Myth | LIT1XX | Greek & Roman Myth | |
ENGL106 | Seminar in Shakespeare | LIT323 | Shakespeare I | |
ENGL106 | Seminar in Shakespeare | LIT4XX | Sem in Shakespeare | |
ENGL106 | Seminar in Shakespeare | LIT324 | Shakespeare II | |
ENGL240 | Intro Fiction, Poetry, Drama | LIT200 | Perspectives/Lit | |
ENGL246 | The Short Story | LIT319 | The Short Story | |
ENGL291 | Expository Writing | WRT2XX | Expository Writing | |
ENGL293 | Tech Report Wrt | FC O215 | Tech/Scientfc C omm | |
ENGL294 | Intro C reative Writing | C RW272 | Intro C reative Wrt | |
ENGL313 | American Literature | LIT282 | Amer Lit after 1885 | |
ENGL363 | African American Authors | LIT203 | African/Amer Lit | |
ENGL364 | African Am Lit | LIT203 | African/Amer Lit | |
ENGL391 | Adv C omposition | WRT315 | Advanced C ompositn | |
EXC L301 | Lrng Analysis & Plan | NPE3XX | Lrng Analysis & Plan | |
EXC L399 | Bus Res | BUS3XX | Bus Res | |
FIN610 | Financial Mgmt Organizations | AC C 572 | C orporate Finance | |
FIN620 | Long-term Fncl Mgmt | FIN6XX | Long-term Fncl Mgmt | |
FINC 330 | Bus Finance | FIN300 | Managrl Finance I | |
FM103 | Intro Nutrition | NUR202 | Nutrition | |
GEOG110 | Regional Geog | G100 | World Reg Geography | |
GEOL100 | Physical Geology | ESS1XX | Physical Geology | |
GERM111 | Elem German I | GRM101 | Elem German I | |
GERM112 | Elem German II | GRM102 | Elem German II | |
GERM211 | Intermed German | GRM201 | Inter German I | |
GERM212 | Intermed German II | GRM202 | Inter German II | |
GERO100 | Intro to Gerontology | GER100 | Perspectives/Aging | |
GNSC 160 | Human Bio | BIO1XX | Biol Elect No Lab | |
GRC O100 | Intro to Graphic C ommunication | ART200 | Intro Graphic Design | |
GVPT100 | Intro to Political Science | PS110 | Intro Poli Science | |
GVPT170 | American Govt | PS101 | Amer Gov/C itizenship | |
GVPT170 | Amer Govt | PS141 | American Governmnt | |
GVPT200 | Intern Political Rel | PS302 | International Rel | |
HIST141 | West C iv I | HIS101 | Western C iv I | |
HIST142 | West C iv II | HIS102 | Western C iv II | |
HIST156 | Hist of U.S. to 1865 | HIS111 | American C iv I | |
HIST157 | Hist U.S. Since 1865 | HIS112 | American C iv II | |
HIST202 | Principles of War | HIS2XX | Principles of War | |
HIST219 | Fall of Yugoslavia | HIS2XX | Fall of Yugoslavia | |
HIST255 | African-American History | HIS2XX | African-Amer History | |
HIST289 | Historical Methods | HIS2XX | Historical Methods | |
HIST309 | Intro Hist Writing | HIS3XX | Intro Hist Writing | |
HIST316N | History of Ryukyu Islands | HIS3XX | History of Ryukyu Isds | |
HIST326 | The Roman Republic | HIS3XX | The Roman Republic | |
HIST365 | Recent Amer: 1945-Pres | HIS367 | Recent Amer/1945-Prs | |
HIST377 | US Women's Hist 1870-2000 | HIS3XX | US Women's Hist | |
HIST432 | Britian in the 18th C entury | HIS4XX | Brit in 18th C ent | |
HIST462 | The U.S. C ivil War | HIS364 | C ivil War & Reconstruction | |
HIST465 | World War II | HIS4XX | World War II | |
HMGT300 | US Healthcare | MGT3XX | US Healthcare | |
HRMN300 | Hum Res Mgmt | MGT220 | Human Resource Mgt | |
HUMN100 | Intro to Humanities | HUM1XX | Intro to Humanities | |
HUMN103 | Greek & Roman Myth | HUM1XX | Greek & Roman Myth | |
HUMN334 | Understanding Movies | FLM380 | Flm Theory/C riticism | |
HUMN351 | Myth in the World | HUM3XX | Myth in the World | |
IFSM201 | Intro C omp-Based Sys | IFS105 | Personal C omputing | |
IFSM202 | Sys Analysis Methods | IFS2XX | Sys Analysis Methods | |
IFSM300 | Info Systems in Organ | IFS305 | Management Info Sys | |
IFSM303 | Hum Fact Info Sys | IFS3XX | Hum Fact Info Sys | |
IFSM304 | Ethics in Info Age | IFS2XX | Ethics in Info Age | |
ITAL111 | Elem Italian I | ITL101 | Elem Italian I | |
ITAL112 | Elem Italian II | ITL102 | Elem Italian II | |
JOUR201 | Writing for the Mass Media | C M332 | Media Writing | |
LGST204 | Legal Ethics | PHL2XX | Legal Ethics | |
LIBS150 | Introduction to Research | NPE1XX | Introduction to Research | |
MATH012 | Intermediate Algebra | MAT102 | Prelim Math/Prob Solv | |
MATH101 | C oncepts Mod Algebra | MAT105 | C ollege Algebra | |
MATH103 | C ollege Math | MAT111 | C r Thnkg/Prob Solv | |
MATH106 | Finite Mathematics | MAT1XX | Finite Mathematics | |
MATH107 | C ollege Algebra | MAT105 | C ollege Algebra | |
MATH108 | Trig & Analy Geom | MAT108 | Precalculus | |
MATH130 | C alculus A | MAT171 | C alculus I | |
MATH131 | C alculus B | MAT172 | C alculus II | |
MATH132 | C alculus C | MAT271 | C alculus III | |
MATH141 | C alculus II | MAT172 | C alculus II | |
MGST160 | Prin of Supervision | MGT1XX | Prin of Supervision | |
MGST198D | US Stock Market | MGT3XX | US Stock Market | |
MGST198E | Pers Investment | MGT1XX | Pers Investment | |
MRKT310 | Mkt Prin & Org | MKT100 | Prin Marketing | |
MUSC 130 | Surv West Music Lit | MUS186 | Listening to Music | |
MUSC 436 | Jazz: Then and Now | MUS286 | Jazz History | |
NSC I100 | Intro Physical Sci | PSC 152 | Physical Sci I | |
NSC I100 | Intro Physical Sci | PSC 1XX | Phys Sci Elect No Lab | |
NSC I110 | Intro Oceanography | BIO1XX | Biology Elective No Lab | |
NURS300 | Science and Research Nursing | NUR332 | Research C onc/RN | |
NURS360 | Health Assessment | NUR320 | Health Assmnt/RN | |
NUTR100 | Elements of Nutrition | NUR202 | Nutrition | |
PHIL140 | C ontemp Moral Issue | PHL223 | C ont Moral Problems | |
PHIL170 | Intro to Logic | PHL231 | Logic | |
PHIL236 | Phil of Religion | PHL383 | Philos Of Religion | |
PHYS161 | Gen Phys-Mch & Pat | PHY1XX | Physics Elect No Lab | |
PHYS161 | Gen Phys-Mch & Pat | PHY160 | Eng Phys:Mechncs | |
PSYC 100 | Intro to Psychology | PSY100 | General Psychology | |
PSYC 200 | Stat Meth in Psych | PSY2XX | Stat Meth in Psych | |
PSYC 301 | Biol Basis Behav | PSY310 | Brain & Behavior | |
PSYC 309K | Mang Stress/C onflict | PSY3XX | Mang Stress/C onflict | |
PSYC 309S | Intro PSY Parenting | PSY3XX | Intro PSY Parenting | |
PSYC 351 | Lifespan Develop | NUR201 | Nursing HD/HC | |
PSYC 351 | Lifespan Develop | PSY2XX | Lifespan Develop | |
PSYC 353 | Abnormal Psych | PSY230 | Abnormal Psych | |
SOC Y100 | Intro to Sociology | SOC 100 | Intro Sociology | |
SOC Y105 | Intr C ntmp Soc Prob | SOC 220 | Am Social Problems | |
SOC Y227 | Intro Stdy Deviance | SOC 2XX | Intro Stdy Deviance | |
SOC Y313 | Idiv & Soc | SOC 3XX | Indiv & Soc | |
SOC Y443 | Soc of the Family | SOC 4XX | Soc of the Family | |
SPAN101 | Elem Spanish I | SPN101 | Elem Spanish I | |
SPAN111 | Elem Spanish I | SPN101 | Elem Spanish I | |
SPAN112 | Elem Spanish II | SPN102 | Elem Spanish II | |
SPC H100 | Found of Speech C omm | C M104 | Human C ommunicatn | |
SPC H100 | Found of Speech C omm | C M212 | Public Speaking | |
SPC H101 | Intro Public Speaking | C M104 | Human C ommunicatn | |
SPC H101 | Intro Public Speaking | C M212 | Public Speaking | |
SPC H125 | Int Interpers C omm | C M329 | Interpersonal C omm | |
STAT200 | Intro to Stats | MAT250 | Statistics | |
STAT200 | Intro to Stats | QBA260 | Business Statistics | |
STAT200 | Intro to Stats | BEH260 | Statistics | |
THET110 | Intro to the Theatre | THE154 | Introduction to Theatre | |
THET120 | Acting I | THE215 | Acting | |
WRTG101 | Intro to Writing | FC O105 | Rhetorical C omm | |
WRTG112 | Intro to Academic Writing | WRT1XX | Intro to Academic Writing | |
WRTG394 | Adv Business Writing | WRT3XX | Adv Business Writing | |
WRTG394X | Bus Writing | WRT3XX | Bus Writing |
University of Phoenix | York College of Pennsylvania | ||
ACC220 | Surv Acct | ACC2XX | Surv Acct |
ACC280 | Prin of Accounting | ACC2XX | Prin of Accounting |
ACC421 | Interm Fin Acct I | ACC320 | Inter Accounting I |
ACC422 | Interm Fin Acct II | ACC325 | Inter Accounting II |
ACC423 | Interm Fin Acct III | ACC330 | Inter Accountng III |
ACC440 | Adv Fin Acct | ACC420 | Adv Accounting I |
ACC483 | Income Tax-Indiv | ACC305 | Taxation I |
ACC529 | Acc for Man Dec Making | MBA527 | Managerial Accountg |
ACC539 | Acc for Man Dec Making | MBA527 | Managerial Accountg |
ACC542 | Acct Info Systems | MBA552 | Accounting Info Sys |
ACC559 | Adv Acct Info Systems | MBA552 | Accounting Info Sys |
ACC561 | Accounting | MBA527 | Managerial Accountg |
AED200 | Cont Issues in American Ed | EDU2XX | Cont Iss in Amer Educ |
AED201 | Teaching as a Profession | EDU2XX | Teaching as Prof |
AED204 | Diversity in the classroom | EDU2XX | Diversity in the classroom |
AED222 | Intro to the Excep Lrnr | EDU2XX | Intro to the Excep Lrnr |
ART101 | Introduction to Art | ART101 | Art/Visual Culture |
BEH225 | Intro Beh Sci | BEH2XX | Intro Beh Sci |
BIO100 | Intro to Life Science | BIO204 | Exploring Biology |
BIO101 | Prin of Biology | BIO1XX | Biology Elective no lab |
BIO290 | Anatomy and Physiology I | BIO220 | Human A/P I |
BIO290 | Anatomy and Physiology I | BIO221 | Human A/P I Lab |
BIO290 | Anatomy and Physiology I | BIO2XX | Anatomy and Physiology I |
BIS219 | Bus Info Sys | BUS2XX | Bus Info Sys |
BIS320 | Bu Info Sys | IFS305 | Management Info Sys |
BPA402 | Politics/Citizenship | PS312 | Politics Public Pol |
BSA310 | Bus Systems | IFS3XX | Bus Systems |
BSA375 | Fund Bus Sys Dev | IFS3XX | Fund Bus Sys Dev |
BSHS302 | Intro Hum Serv | SOC3XX | Intro Hum Serv |
BSHS312 | Mod of Eff Helping | SOC3XX | Mod of Eff Helping |
BSHS322 | Comm Skills Hum Serv | SOC3XX | Comm Skills Hum Serv |
BSHS342 | Hum Lifespan Dev | NUR201 | Nursing HD/HC |
BSHS342 | Hum Lifespan Dev | PSY3XX | Hum Lifespan Dev |
BUS210 | Found of Business | BUS150 | Intro to Business |
BUS320 | Bus Info Systems | IFS305 | Management Info Sys |
CHM110 | Introductory Chemistry | CHM1XX | Introductory Chemistry |
CHM150 | General Chemistry I | CHM134 | Gen Chem I |
CIS105 | Survery of Comp Info Sys | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
CIS207 | Info Sys Fundamntls | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
CIS319 | Comp & Info Proc | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
CJA323 | Criminology | CCJ378 | Criminology |
CJA333 | Policing Theory & Pract | CCJ364 | Policing Communities |
CJS201 | Intro Crim Justice | CCJ101 | Intro Crim Justice |
COM120 | Eff Pers Writing | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm |
COM140 | Cont Business Comm | FCO210 | Comm Prof Cultures |
COM150 | Effective Essay Writing | WRT1XX | Effective Essay Writing |
COM155 | Comp & Comm I | FCO105 | Rhetorical Communication |
COM156 | Comp & Comm II | WRT1XX | Comp & Comm II |
COM170 | Elements of Uni Comp | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm |
COM172 | Elements of Uni Comp II | WRT1XX | Elements of Uni Comp II |
COM215 | Written Comm | WRT2XX | Written Comm |
COM220 | Research Writing | WRT2XX | Research Writing |
COM285 | Bus Comm | FCO210 | Comm Prof Cultures |
COMM102 | Comm Skills | CM104 | Human Communicatn |
COMM215 | Essentials of College Writing | WRT2XX | Essentials of Coll Wrtg |
CPMGT302 | Proc & Risk Mgmt | MGT3XX | Proc & Risk Mgmt |
CRT205 | Crit Thinking | PHL222 | Critical Thinking |
ECO205 | Econ Theory | ECO2XX | Econ Theory |
ECO212 | Prin of Econ | ECO2XX | Prin of Econ |
ECO365 | Prin Microecon | ECO201 | Prin Econ-Micro |
ECO372 | Prin of Macroecon | ECO200 | Prin Econ-Macro |
EDU301 | Found of Education | EDU3XX | Found of Ed |
EDU305 | Child Dev | PSY3XX | Child Dev |
EDU305 | Child Dev | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop |
ENG101 | Effective Essay Writing | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm |
ENG102 | Research Writing | WRT1XX | Research Writing |
ENG220 | University Academic Writing | WRT1XX | Uni Academic Wrtg |
ENG240 | Intro Creative Writing | CRW272 | Intro Creative Wrt |
ENG491 | Am Lit to 1860 | LIT281 | Amer Lit to 1885 |
ETH125 | Cult Diversity | SOC1XX | Cult Diversity |
FIN200 | Intro Finance | FIN2XX | Intro Finance |
FIN320 | Corporate Finance | FIN300 | Managrl Finance I |
FIN571 | Corporate Finance | MBA572 | Managerial Finance |
FP101 | Found Pers Finance | FIN218 | Personal Finance |
FP120 | Essentials of Personal Fin | FIN218 | Personal Finance |
GEN200 | Founds for Gen Ed/Prof | NPE2XX | Founds for Gen Ed/Prf |
HCA210 | Intro Health Care | HSC100 | Expl Health Professions |
HCA220 | Lang of Health Care | NPE2XX | Lang of Health Care |
HCA230 | Comm Skills Hlth Care | CM2XX | Comm Skills Hlth Care |
HCA240 | Health & Diseases | NPE2XX | Health & Diseases |
HCA250 | Psych of Health | PSY2XX | Psych of Health |
HCA260 | Hlth Care's Law & Eth Env | NPE2XX | Hlth Care's Law & Ethics |
HCA270 | Fin Mat Health Care Prof | NPE2XX | Fin Mat Hlth Care Prof |
HCS212 | Health Care Vocab | NPE1XX | Health Care Vocab |
HCS235 | Healthcare in the US | NPE2XX | Healthcare in the US |
HCS320 | Hlth Care Comm Strat | NPE3XX | Hlth Care Comm Strat |
HCS325 | Hlth Care Mgmt | NPE3XX | Hlth Care Mgmt |
HCS335 | Hlth Care Ethics | PHL346 | Bioethics |
HCS341 | Hum Res in Health Care | NPE3XX | Hum Res in Health Care |
HCS483 | Hlth Care Info Sys | IFS4XX | Hlth Care Info Sys |
HCS490 | Hlth Care Cons | NPE4XX | Hlth Care Cons |
HIS110 | US Hist to 1865 | HIS111 | American Civ I |
HIS112 | History of Western Civ | HIS101 | Western Civ I |
HIS114 | Hist of West Civ from Fr Rev | HIS102 | Western Civ II |
HIS120 | US Hist 1865-1945 | HIS112 | American Civ II |
HIS135 | Amer Exp Since 1945 | HIS367 | Recent Amer/1945-Prs |
HIS301 | United States Constitution | HIS372 | Civil Lib/Civ Rights |
HRM240 | Hum Res Mgt | MGT220 | Human Resource Mgt |
HRM350 | International Hum Resources | MGT3XX | Inter Human Resources |
HRM531 | Hum Capital Mgt | MBA554 | Human Resource Mgmt |
HRM546 | Hum Res Law | MBA5XX | Hum Res Law |
HRM548 | Recruit & Retention Prac | MBA598 | Directed Study |
HRM565 | Hum Res Mgmt | MBA554 | Human Resource Mgmt |
HSM210 | Human Services in the US | BEH2XX | Human Services in US |
HUM105 | World Mythology | HUM1XX | World Mythology |
HUM111 | Crit & Creative Thinking | HUM1XX | Crit & Creative Thinking |
HUM114 | Crit Thinking/Prob Solv | HUM1XX | Crit Thinking/Prob Solv |
HUM115 | Critical Thinking | PHL222 | Critical Thinking |
HUM130 | Religions of the World | REL265 | World Religions |
HUM150 | Introduction to Film Studies | FLM216 | Intro to Film |
HUM176 | Media & Amer Cult | HUM1XX | Media & Amer Cult |
HUM186 | Media Influences/Am Culture | HUM1XX | Media Influn/Am Cult |
HUM205 | World Culture and the Arts | HUM2XX | World Culture & the Arts |
HUM266 | Art Through the Ages | ART2XX | Art Through the Ages |
INB205 | Intl Bus | IBS200 | Internatl Business |
IT105 | Skills for Information Age | IFS1XX | Skills for Info Age |
IT205 | Mgmt Info Sys | IFS305 | Management Info Sys |
LAW529 | Legal Env Bus | MBA504 | Legl/Ethical/Global |
LDR531 | Org Leadership | MBA5XX | Org Leadership |
LIT210 | World Lit | LIT2XX | World Lit |
MAT115 | Basic Mathematics | MAT1XX | Basic Mathematics |
MAT116 | Algebra IA | MAT1XX | Algebra IA |
MAT117 | Albegra 1B | MAT105 | College Algebra |
MBA520 | Trans Lead | MBA5XX | Trans Lead |
MBA580 | Strat for Comp Adv | MBA593 | Business Policy |
MBA590 | Strat Impl & Alignment | MBA593 | Business Policy |
MED555 | Tch Meth: Elem Soc Studies | ECH315 | Teachng Soc Studies |
MGT216 | Org Ethics & Soc Res | MGT2XX | Org Ethics & Soc Res |
MGT230 | Management Thry and Prac | MGT150 | Prin of Management |
MGT245 | Org Theory & Beh | MGT225 | Org Behavior |
MGT307 | Org Beh | MGT225 | Org Behavior |
MGT330 | Mgt: Theory, Pract, Appl | MGT150 | Prin of Management |
MGT331 | Org Behavior | MGT225 | Org Behavior |
MGT350 | Crit Think:Dec Making | MGT3XX | Crit Think:Dec Making |
MGT554 | Operations Management | MBA545 | Operations Mgmt |
MKT230 | Intro to Marketing | MKT100 | Prin Marketing |
MKT435 | Consumer Behavior | MKT360 | Consumer Behavior |
MKT435 | Consumer Behavior | MKT360 | Consumer Behavior |
MKT551 | Marketing Mgmt | MBA531 | Marketing Mgmt |
MKT555 | Consumer Behavior | MBA558 | Buyer Beh/Mkt Strat |
MKT560 | Marketing Research | MBA578 | Mktg Info/Research |
MKT565 | Marketing Strategy | MBA531 | Marketing Mgmt |
MKT570 | Product Dev | MBA5XX | Product Dev |
MKT571 | Marketing | MBA531 | Marketing Mgmt |
MMI510 | Intl Org Behavior | MBA5XX | Intl Org Behavior |
MMI520 | Intl Hum Res Mgmt | MBA554 | Human Resource Mgmt |
MTH110 | History of Math | MAT1XX | History of Math |
MTH156 | Math for Elem Teachers I | MAT115 | Math Foundations |
MTH208 | Coll Math I | MAT2XX | Coll Math I |
MTH209 | College Math II | MAT2XX | College Math II |
MTH213 | Math Elem Ed I | MAT115 | Sets/Number Systems |
MTH225 | PreCalc | MAT108 | Precalculus |
MTH230 | Calculus | MAT120 | Applied Calculus |
MTH280 | Calculus I | MAT171 | Calculus I |
MTH290 | Calculus II | MAT172 | Calculus II |
MTH310 | Calculus I | MAT171 | Calculus I |
MTH401 | Hist of Math | MAT3XX | Hist of Math |
MTH463 | Applied Statistics | MAT250 | Statistics |
MTH464 | Inferential Statistics | QBA265 | Business Stats II |
NSCI280 | Anat & Phys I | BIO220 | Human A/P I |
NSCI281 | Anat & Phys II | BIO222 | Human A/P II |
OPS571 | Operations Mgmt | MBA545 | Operations Mgmt |
PHI105 | Intro to Philosophy | PHL221 | Intro Philosophy |
PHL251 | Critical Thinking | PHL222 | Critical Thinking |
PHL323 | Ethics in Mgt | PHL342 | Professional Ethics |
PM571 | Project Mgt | MBA577 | Project Management |
POL469 | Contemp Pol Thought | PS369 | Modern Pol Thought |
PRG211 | Alg and Log for Comp Prg | CS2XX | Alg/Log for Comp Prg |
PSY103 | Intro to Psychology | PSY100 | General Psychology |
PSY110 | Psych of Learning | PSY1XX | Psych of Learning |
PSY201 | Found of Psychology | PSY100 | General Psychology |
PSY210 | Intro to Psychology | PSY100 | General Psychology |
PSY211 | Essentials of Psychology | PSY100 | General Psychology |
PSY220 | Positive Psychology | PSY2XX | Positive Psychology |
PSY230 | Theories of Personality | PSY2XX | Theories of Personality |
PSY240 | The Brain, Body and Mind | PSY2XX | Brain, Mody and Mind |
PSY265 | Psych of Human Sexuality | PSY2XX | Psych of Human Sexuality |
PSY270 | Ab Psyc: Abuse, Add, Disorders | PSY2XX | Ab Psych: Abuse, Add, Dis |
PSY300 | General Psychology | PSY3XX | General Psychology |
PSY310 | History and Systems in Psych | PSY3XX | Hist and Sys in Psych |
PSY315 | Statistical Reasoning in Psych | BEH260 | Statistics |
PSY320 | Human Motivation | PSY3XX | Human Motivation |
PSY340 | Biological Found in Psych | PSY3XX | Bio Found in Psych |
PSY355 | Motivational Proc in Human Psy | PSY3XX | Motv Proc in Human Psy |
PSY360 | Cognitive Psychology | PSY307 | Cognitive Psych |
PSY375 | LifeSpan Human Development | PSY3XX | LifeSpan Hum Dev |
PSY375 | LifeSpan Human Development | NUR201 | Nursing HD/HC |
PSY3XX | General Psychology | PSY3XX | General Psychology |
QNT321 | Stats in Business I | QBA260 | Business Statistics |
QNT322 | Stats in Bus II | QBA265 | Business Stats II |
REL133 | World Religions | REL265 | World Religions |
RES341 | Res & Eval I | BEH260 | Statistics |
RES341 | Res & Eval I | QBA260 | Business Statistics |
RES341 | Res & Eval I | MAT250 | Statistics |
RES342 | Res & Eval II | MAT3XX | Res & Eval II |
SCI151 | Astronomy | ESS1XX | Earth Sci Elect No Lab |
SCI163 | Elem of Health & Wellness | PAW234 | Well/Fitness/Life |
SCI209 | Oceanography | BIO2XX | Biology Elect No Lab |
SCI220 | Human Nutrition | NUR202 | Nutrition |
SCI230 | Intro Life Science | PSC1XX | Phys Sci Elect No Lab |
SCI241 | Nutrition | NUR202 | Nutrition |
SCI245 | Geology | ESS2XX | Earth Sci Elect No Lab |
SCI256 | People, Sci & Envir | BIO2XX | Biology Elect No lab |
SCI275 | Envir Science | BIO2XX | Biology Elect No Lab |
SCI350 | Astronomy | ESS3XX | Earth Sci Elect No Lab |
SOC100 | Intro to Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology |
SOC120 | Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology |
SOC200 | Intro to Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology |
SOC315 | Cultural Diversity | SOC3XX | Cultural Diversity |
SPAN110 | Conv Spanish I | SPN101 | Elem Spanish I |
SPAN112 | Conv Spanish II | SPN102 | Elem Spanish II |
TECH522 | Tech Education for Educators | MED5XX | Tech Education for Educators |
University of Pittsburgh | York College of Pennsylvania | |||
ADMJ0002 | Crime, Law, Pub Pol | CCJ101 | Intro Crim Justice | |
ADMJ0130 | Corr Phil: Thry Pract | CCJ337 | Punishmnt/Correctns | |
ADMJ0600 | Intro to Criminology | CCJ378 | Criminology | |
ADMJ1115 | Criminalistics | CCJ236 | Criminalistics | |
ADMJ1115 | Criminalistics | CCJ237 | Criminalistics Lab | |
ADMJ1245 | Terrorism | CCJ322 | Examining Terrorism | |
ADMJ1400 | Intro Criminal Law | CCJ302 | Criminal Law | |
ADMJ1520 | Victimology | CCJ310 | Victimology | |
ANTH0101 | Intro Cult Anthro | ANT220 | Cult Anthropology | |
ANTH0536 | Mesoamerica before Cortez | ANT3XX | Mesoamerica bf Cortez | |
ANTH0538 | Arch Looks at Death | ANT2XX | Arch Looks at Death | |
ANTH0582 | Intro to Archeology | ANT230 | Intro Archaeology | |
ANTH0620 | Biocultural Anthro | ANT2XX | Biocultural Anthro | |
ANTH0630 | Forensic Anthro | ANT1XX | Forensic Anthro | |
ANTH0680 | Intro Physical Anthro | ANT210 | Physical Anthropol | |
ANTH0720 | Folklore & Cult Div | ANT1XX | Folklore & Cult Div | |
ANTH0780 | Intro to Cultural Anthro | ANT220 | Cult Anthropology | |
ANTH0800 | Intro to Cult Anthro | ANT220 | Cult Anthropology | |
ANTH1544 | Ancient Civilizations | ANT1XX | Ancient Civilizations | |
ANTH1600 | Human Evolution and Variation | BIO1XX | Human Evolution and Variation | |
ANTH1720 | Caribbean Cult | ANT1XX | Caribbean Cult | |
ANTH1771 | Religion & Culture | ANT1XX | Religion & Culture | |
ANTH1787 | Special Topics in Cult Anth | ANT1XX | Spec Topics in Cult Anth | |
ART0201 | Painting | ART220 | Painting I | |
ARTSC0020 | Lat Amer & Caribbean | INT1XX | Lat Amer & Caribbean | |
ARTSC0111 | Right Start I | FYS1XX | Right Start I | |
ARTSC0120 | First Exp in Research | BIO1XX | First Exp in Research | |
ASTRON0087 | Basics of Space Flight | ESS1XX | Earth Science Elect no lab | |
ASTRON0088 | Stonehenge to Hubble | ESS1XX | Earth Sci Elective No Lab | |
ASTRON0089 | Stars, Galax, & Cosmos | ESS1XX | Earth Sci Elective No Lab | |
BIOL0080 | Life Sciences | BIO1XX | Biology Elect No Lab | |
BIOL0085 | Hum Health & Disease | BIO1XX | Biology Elect No Lab | |
BIOL0091 | Concepts of Biology | BIO1XX | Biology Elect no lab | |
BIOL0102 | Intro to Biodiversity | BIO1XX | Intro to Biodiversity | |
BIOL0110 | General Biology I | 02 | BIO143 | Mole/Gene/Cell Lab |
BIOL0110 | General Biology I | 02 | BIO142 | Molecule/Gene/Cell |
BIOL0111 | General Biology Lab I | 02 | ||
BIOL0112 | Human Biology | BIO112 | Fund Human Bio | |
BIOL0112 | Human Biology | BIO1XX | Biology Elect No Lab | |
BIOL0120 | General Biology 2 | 03 | BIO152 | Evol/Ecol & Divers |
BIOL0120 | General Biology 2 | 03 | BIO153 | Evol/Ecol/Div Lab |
BIOL0121 | General Biology Lab 2 | 03 | ||
BIOL0202 | Microbiology | BIO230 | Microbiology | |
BIOL0212 | Hum Anat & Phys I | BIO220 | Human A/P I | |
BIOL0213 | Human Anatomy & Physio I | BIO222 | Human A/P II | |
BIOL0350 | Genetics | BIO240 | Genetics | |
BIOL0950 | Anat & Phys I | BIO220 | Human A/P I | |
BIOL0970 | Anatomy & Physio 2 | BIO222 | Human A/P II | |
BIOL0980 | Medical Microbiology | BIO230 | Microbiology | |
BIOL0980 | Medical Microbiology | BIO2XX | Biology Elect No Lab | |
BIOL1170 | Vertebrate Biology | BIO1XX | Biology Elective no lab | |
BIOL1515 | Gen Ecology | BIO300 | Ecology | |
BIOSC0057 | Fds of Biology Research Lab I | 05 | ||
BIOSC0067 | Fds of Biology Research Lab 2 | 06 | ||
BIOSC0100 | Prep for Biology | BIO101 | Biology Orientation | |
BIOSC0150 | Foundations of Biology I | 05 | BIO142 | Molecule/Gene/Cell |
BIOSC0150 | Foundations of Biology I | 05 | BIO151 | Intro Mole Bio Lab |
BIOSC0150 | Foundations of Biology I | BIO1XX | Biology Elective No Lab | |
BIOSC0150 | Foundations of Biology I | 05 | BIO143 | Mole/Gene/Cell Lab |
BIOSC0150 | Foundations of Biology I | 05 | BIO150 | Intro Molecular Bio |
BIOSC0160 | Foundations of Biology 2 | 06 | BIO153 | Evol/Ecol/Div Lab |
BIOSC0160 | Foundations of Biology 2 | 06 | BIO152 | Evol/Ecol & Divers |
BIOSC0160 | Found of Biology II | BIO1XX | Biology Elect No Lab | |
BIOSC0170 | Foundation of Biology I | BIO150 | Biology I | |
BIOSC0180 | Foundation of Biology II | BIO152 | Biology II | |
BIOSC0350 | Genetics | BIO2XX | Genetics no lab | |
BIOSC1000 | Biochemistry | BIO3XX | Biochemistry no lab | |
BIOSC1110 | Human Anatomy & Phys I | BIO220 | Human A/P I | |
BIOSC1115 | Human Anatomy & Phys II | BIO222 | Human A/P II | |
BIOSC1130 | Evolution | BIO3XX | Evolution no lab | |
BIOSC1850 | Microbiology | BIO3XX | Microbiology no lab | |
BUS0115 | Acct Prin | ACC1XX | Acct Prin | |
BUS0300 | Prin of Finance | FIN3XX | Prin of Finance | |
BUS0500 | Prin of Mgmt | MGT150 | Prin of Management | |
BUS0510 | Prin of Marketing | MKT100 | Prin Marketing | |
BUS1520 | Org Beh | MGT225 | Org Behavior | |
BUS510 | Prin of Marketing | MKT100 | Prin Marketing | |
BUSACC0030 | Financial Accounting | ACC220 | Financial Acct | |
BUSACC0040 | Man Accounting | ACC225 | Managerial Acct | |
BUSENV0060 | Ethics & Bus Env | BUS1XX | Ethics & Bus Env | |
BUSORG1020 | Organizational Behavior | MGT225 | Org Behavior | |
BUSORG1101 | Fund Bus Comm | FCO210 | Comm Prof Cultures | |
BUSQOM0050 | Quantitative Methods | BUS2XX | Quantitative Methods | |
BUSSPP0020 | Managing Complex Environ | MGT2XX | Managing Complex Environ | |
CHE0100 | Found of Chem Engr | CHM1XX | Found of Chem Engr | |
CHE0200 | Chem Engr Thermo | CHM2XX | Chem Engr Thermo | |
CHEM0101 | Gen Chemistry I | CHM134 | Gen Chem I | |
CHEM0102 | Gen Chem II | CHM136 | Gen Chem II | |
CHEM0103 | Biol Chemistry | CHM122 | Prin Gen/Org Chem | |
CHEM0110 | General Chemistry I | CHM135 | Gen Chem I Lab | |
CHEM0110 | General Chemistry I | CHM134 | Gen Chem I | |
CHEM0110 | General Chemistry I | CHM123 | Gen/Org Chem Lab | |
CHEM0110 | General Chemistry I | CHM122 | Prin Gen/Org Chem | |
CHEM0111 | General Chemistry I | 01 | CHM135 | Gen Chem I Lab |
CHEM0111 | General Chemistry I | 01 | CHM134 | Gen Chem I |
CHEM0112 | General Chemistry 2 | 04 | CHM137 | Gen Chem II Lab |
CHEM0112 | General Chemistry 2 | 04 | CHM136 | Gen Chem II |
CHEM0113 | General Chemistry 2 | CHM1XX | General Chemistry 2-no lab | |
CHEM0113 | General Chemistry Lab I | 01 | CHM1XX | General Chemistry 2-no lab |
CHEM0114 | General Chemistry Lab 2 | 04 | ||
CHEM0120 | General Chemistry II | CHM137 | Gen Chem II Lab | |
CHEM0120 | General Chemistry II | CHM136 | Gen Chem II | |
CHEM0150 | General Chem 1 Engr | CHM1XX | Chemistry Elect no lab | |
CHEM0250 | Intro to Analytical Chem | CHM2XX | Intro to Analytical Chem | |
CHEM0310 | Organic Chemistry I | 07 | CHM236 | Organic Chem II |
CHEM0310 | Organic Chemistry I | 07 | CHM237 | Org Chm II Lab |
CHEM0310 | Organic Chemistry I | 07 | CHM235 | Orgnc Chm I Lab |
CHEM0310 | Organic Chemistry I | 07 | CHM234 | Organic Chem I |
CHEM0310 | Organic Chem I | CHM2XX | Organic Chem I no lab | |
CHEM0320 | Organic Chemistry 2 | 07 | ||
CHEM0320 | Organic Chem II | CHM2XX | Organic Chem 2 No Lab | |
CHEM0345 | Organic Laboratory | 07 | ||
CHEM0410 | Gen Chem I | CHM1XX | Chemistry Elect No Lab | |
CHEM0720 | UHCGeneral Chemistry 2 | CHM137 | Gen Chem II Lab | |
CHEM0720 | UHCGeneral Chemistry 2 | CHM136 | Gen Chem II | |
CHEM0760 | Gen Chem for Eng I | CHM134 | Gen Chem I | |
CHEM0850 | Nat Sci I | PSC1XX | Phys Sci Elect No Lab | |
CHEM0910 | Chemcl Principl Health Profess | CHM122 | Prin Gen/Org Chem | |
CHEM0910 | Chemcl Principl Health Profess | CHM123 | Gen/Org Chem Lab | |
CHEM0960 | Gen Chem for Eng I | CHM1XX | Chem Elect No Lab | |
CHEM0960 | Gen Chem for Eng I | CHM134 | Gen Chem I | |
CHEM0970 | Gen Chem for Eng II | CHM1XX | Gen Chem for Eng II | |
CHEM190 | Chem for Health Science | CHM1XX | Chemistry Elective no lab | |
CHEM190 | Chem for Health Science | CHM122 | Prin Gen/Org Chem | |
CHIN0081 | East Asia in the World | INT1XX | East Asia in the World | |
CHIN1047 | Chinese & West Poetry | LIT1XX | Chinese & West Poetry | |
CLASS0010 | Greek Civilization | HIS1XX | Greek Civilization | |
CLASS0020 | Roman Civ | HIS1XX | Roman Civ | |
CLASS1130 | Classical Myth & Lit | LIT3XX | Classical Mythology & Lit | |
CLASS1430 | Origins of Christianity | REL2XX | Origins of Christianity | |
CMCHE0323 | Heat & Mass Transfer | CHM3XX | Heat & Mass Transfer | |
CMPINF0010 | Big Ideas in Comp & Info | NPE1XX | Big Ideas in Comp & Info | |
COMM0101 | Human Comm | CM104 | Human Communicatn | |
COMM0104 | Public Speaking | CM104 | Human Communicatn | |
COMM0109 | Introduction to Cinema | FLM1XX | Introduction to Cinema | |
COMM1306 | American Cinema | FLM216 | Intro to Film | |
COMMRC0030 | Intro to Comm | CM1XX | Intro to Comm | |
COMMRC0052 | Public Speaking | CM212 | Public Speaking | |
COMMRC0083 | Intercultural Comm | CM1XX | Intercultural Comm | |
COMMRC0300 | Comm Process | CM2XX | Comm Process | |
COMMRC0320 | Mass Comm Process | CM211 | Mass Communication | |
COMMRC0500 | Argument | CM2XX | Argument | |
COMMRC0520 | Public Speaking | CM212 | Public Speaking | |
COMMRC0520 | Public Speaking | CM104 | Human Communicatn | |
COMMRC1131 | Org Comm | CM328 | Organizational Comm | |
CS0007 | Intro to Computer Prog | CS101 | Fund Comp Sci I | |
CS0008 | Int Computer Progm | CS1XX | Computer Sci Elect | |
CS0012 | Int Cmptng for the Humanities | IFS105 | Personal Computing | |
CS0015 | Intro Comp Prog | CS1XX | Intro Comp Prog | |
CS0081 | Comp Lit | IFS105 | Personal Computing | |
CS0085 | PCSoftware for Bus | IFS105 | Personal Computing | |
CS0100 | Persp in Comp Sci | CS1XX | Persp in Comp Sci | |
CS0103 | Int Bus Microcomp | IFS105 | Personal Computing | |
CS0131 | Software Pers Comp | IFS105 | Personal Computing | |
CS0134 | Web Site Des & Dev | IFS1XX | Web Site Des & Dev | |
CS0334 | Intm Web Des & Dev | IFS1XX | Intm Web Des & Dev | |
CS0401 | Int Prog Using Java | IFS1XX | Int Prog Using Java | |
CS0401 | Intermed Program Java | CS201 | Fund Comp Sci II | |
CS0406 | Disc Math 2 & Stats CS | CS2XX | Disc Math 2 & Stats CS | |
CS0411 | Intro Comp Sci Prog | CS1XX | Intro Comp Sci Prog | |
CS0441 | Discrete Struct for CS | MAT235 | Discrete Mathemtcs | |
CS0445 | Data Struct | CS1XX | Data Struct | |
CS0447 | Comp Org & Assmbly Lang | CS1XX | Comp Org & Assmbly Lang | |
CS0449 | Intro to Sys Software | CS1XX | Intro to Sys Software | |
CS0455 | Alg & Info Structures | CS4XX | Alg & Info Structures | |
CS0456 | Comp Sys Arch | CS4XX | Comp Sys Arch | |
DENHYG1110 | Biological Sciences I | BIO1XX | Biology Elective No Lab | |
DENHYG1117 | Chem, Bio & Nutrition | NUR202 | Nutrition | |
DSMIC0031 | Microbiology I | BIO1XX | Biology Elective No Lab | |
ECE0031 | Linear Cir & Sys I | ECE1XX | Linear Cir & Sys I | |
ECE0041 | Linear Cir & Sys II | ECE1XX | Linear Cir & Sys II | |
ECE0132 | Digital Logic | ECE1XX | Digital Logic | |
ECE0142 | Comp Org | ECE1XX | Comp Org | |
ECE0257 | Anal & Des Elec Cir | ECE2XX | Anal & Des Elec Cir | |
ECE0501 | Digital Sys Laboratory | EGR1XX | Dig Sys Laboratory | |
ECON0100 | Microecon Theory | ECO201 | Prin Econ-Micro | |
ECON0102 | Intro Microecon | ECO201 | Prin Econ-Micro | |
ECON0105 | Intro Microecon | ECO201 | Prin Econ-Micro | |
ECON0110 | Macroecon Theory | ECO200 | Prin Econ-Macro | |
ECON0115 | Intro to Macroeconom | ECO200 | Prin Econ-Macro | |
ECON0281 | Intro Money & Banking | ECO370 | Money & Banking | |
ECON0520 | Comp Econ Sys | ECO2XX | Comp Econ Systems | |
ECON0800 | Intro to Economics | ECO2XX | Intro to Economics | |
ECON1110 | Intered Macroeconomics | ECO360 | Intermediate Macro | |
ECON1301 | Poverty and Society | ECO2XX | Poverty and Society | |
EDPSY0006 | Intro to Educational Psych | PSY1XX | Intro to Ed Psych | |
EDPSY1021 | Students with Spec Needs | EDU1XX | Students with Spec Needs | |
EDPSY1025 | Inclusion Strategies | EDU1XX | Inclusion Strategies | |
EDPSY1026 | English Lang Learners | EDU335 | Instrc Needs/ELL | |
EDPSY1121 | Educ Assess for Inclsn Clssr | EDU1XX | Educ Assess for Incl Cl | |
EDUC0204 | Introduction to Education | EDU200 | Found of Education | |
EDUC0220 | Special Education Law | SPE2XX | Special Education Law | |
EDUC0225 | The Developing Child | ECH2XX | The Developing Child | |
EDUC0230 | Family & Community Reltnshps | ECH250 | Professionl/Partner | |
EDUC0235 | Instructional Design | ECH220 | Instruct/Curric Dev | |
EDUC0255 | Readings in Children's Lit | LIT2XX | Literature Elective | |
EDUC1306 | Classroom Management | EDU3XX | Classroom Management | |
ENG0100 | Intro to College Composition | WRT1XX | Intro to College Composition | |
ENG0101 | English Composition I | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm | |
ENG0102 | English Composition 2 | WRT1XX | English Comp 2 | |
ENG0106 | Intro to Short Story | LIT1XX | Intro to Short Story | |
ENG0110 | Literature and Interpre | LIT200 | Intro Lit & Text Stud | |
ENG0203 | British Lit I Before 1800 | LIT283 | Anc-Early Mod Brit Lit | |
ENG0214 | Intro to Literature by Women | LIT382 | Women Writers | |
ENG0218 | Intro Lit & Envir | LIT2XX | Intro Lit & Envir | |
ENGCMP0002 | Fresh Writing Sem | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm | |
ENGCMP0003 | Communication I | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm | |
ENGCMP0004 | Comm II | WRT2XX | Comm II | |
ENGCMP0005 | Composition I | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm | |
ENGCMP0006 | Composition 2 | WRT1XX | Compos 2 | |
ENGCMP0006 | Composition 2 | WRT1XX | Composition 2 | |
ENGCMP0010 | College Comp I | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm | |
ENGCMP0020 | College Comp 2 | WRT1XX | College Comp 2 | |
ENGCMP0030 | College Comp 3 | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm | |
ENGCMP0030 | College Comp 3 | WRT1XX | College Comp 3 | |
ENGCMP0150 | Workshop in Comp | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm | |
ENGCMP0200 | Seminar in Composition | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm | |
ENGCMP0212 | Seminar in Comp: Diversity | WRT1XX | Seminar in Comp: Diversity | |
ENGCMP0400 | Written Prof Comm | FCO210 | Comm Prof Cultures | |
ENGCMP0641 | Writing for Change | CRW1XX | Writing for Change | |
ENGFILM0400 | Introduction to Film | FLM216 | Intro to Film | |
ENGFLM0400 | Introduction to Film | FLM216 | Intro to Film | |
ENGFLM0570 | Intro to New Media | FLM1XX | Intro to New Media | |
ENGLIT0055 | Surv of Eng Lit | LIT283 | British Lit to 1750 | |
ENGLIT0056 | Survey of Eng Lit II | LIT284 | Brt Lit after 1750 | |
ENGLIT0066 | Intro to Social Lit | LIT1XX | Intro to Social Lit | |
ENGLIT0088 | Intro to Literature | LIT200 | Perspectives/Lit | |
ENGLIT0315 | Reading Poetry | LIT243 | Poetry and Poetics | |
ENGLIT0320 | The Comic Idea | LIT2XX | The Comic Idea | |
ENGLIT0325 | Short Story | LIT319 | The Short Story | |
ENGLIT0345 | Lit & Envir | LIT1XX | Lit & Envir | |
ENGLIT0350 | Lit, Trad & the New | LIT1XX | Lit, Trad & the New | |
ENGLIT0351 | Gender Studies | LIT1XX | Gender Studies | |
ENGLIT0354 | Words and Images | LIT3XX | Words and Images | |
ENGLIT0360 | Women and Literature | WGS382 | Women In Literature | |
ENGLIT0360 | Women and Literature | LIT382 | Women In Literature | |
ENGLIT0365 | Lit & the Contemp | LIT1XX | Lit & the Contemp | |
ENGLIT0410 | Global Lit 2 | LIT1XX | Global Lit 2 | |
ENGLIT0530 | Film Analysis | FLM2XX | Film Analysis | |
ENGLIT0570 | Amer Lit Trad | LIT281 | Amer Lit to 1885 | |
ENGLIT0573 | Lit of the Americas | LIT2XX | Lit of the Americas | |
ENGLIT0574 | Amer Lit Trad I | LIT281 | Amer Lit to 1885 | |
ENGLIT0580 | Intro to Shakespeare | LIT323 | Shakespeare I | |
ENGLIT0610 | Women & Lit | WGS382 | Women In Literature | |
ENGLIT0610 | Women & Lit | LIT382 | Women In Literature | |
ENGLIT0626 | Science Fiction | LIT1XX | Science Fiction | |
ENGLIT0630 | Sexuality and Repres | LIT2XX | Sexuality and Repres | |
ENGLIT0644 | Myth and Folktale | LIT1XX | Myth and Folktale | |
ENGLIT1010 | Magical Natr Mod World | LIT1XX | Magical Natr Mod World | |
ENGLIT1021 | Hist of Lit Crit | LIT1XX | Hist of Lit Crit | |
ENGLIT1106 | Middle Eng Lit | LIT284 | Brt Lit after 1750 | |
ENGLIT1180 | Humns,Anmls,Machs Vict Lit | LIT2XX | Humns,Anmls,Machs Vict Lit | |
ENGLIT1572 | Fantasy & Romance | LIT1XX | Fantasy & Romance | |
ENGLIT1901 | Independent Study | LIT2XX | Independent Study | |
ENGR0011 | Intro Eng Analysis | EGR100 | Epads I | |
ENGR0012 | Intro to Eng Comp | EGR1XX | Intro to Eng Comp | |
ENGR0015 | Intro Eng Analysis | EGR100 | Epads I | |
ENGR0016 | Int to Engr Computing | EGR1XX | Int to Engr Computing | |
ENGR0017 | Intro Engr Analysis | EGR100 | Epads I | |
ENGR0020 | Prob & Stat for Eng I | MAT250 | Statistics | |
ENGR0020 | Prob & Stat for Eng I | BEH260 | Statistics | |
ENGR0020 | Prob & Stat for Eng I | QBA260 | Business Statistics | |
ENGR0022 | Materls Structure & Properties | ME1XX | Materls Structure & Properties | |
ENGR0111 | Adv Eng Analysis | EGR1XX | Adv Eng Analysis | |
ENGR0135 | Statics & Mech of Mat I | EGR1XX | Statics & Mech of Mat I | |
ENGR0135 | Statics & Mechc of Mat I | ME1XX | Statics & Mechc of Mat I | |
ENGR0145 | Statics & Mech of Mat II | EGR1XX | Statics & Mech of Mat II | |
ENGR0145 | Statics & Mechc of Materials 2 | ME1XX | Statics & Mechc of Mat 2 | |
ENGR0711 | Hon Engr Anal & Comp | EGR1XX | Hon Engr Anal & Comp | |
ENGR0715 | Engr Appl for Society | EGR1XX | Engr Appl for Society | |
ENGR115 | Intro to Eng Computatn | |||
ENGR1700 | Intro Nuclear Engr | EGR1XX | Intro Nuclear Engr | |
ENGR240 | Engineering Design & Lab | ME2XX | Engineering Design & Lab | |
ENGWRT0053 | Intro Prof Writing | WRT1XX | Intro Prof Writing | |
ENGWRT0500 | Creative Nonfict Wrt | WRT1XX | Creative Nonfict Wrt | |
ENGWRT0550 | Intro Journalism | CM271 | Print Media Writing | |
ENGWRT1130 | Grammar Review | WRT1XX | Grammar Review | |
ENGWRT1330 | Nonfiction I | WRT1XX | Nonfiction I | |
ENGWRT1340 | Nonfiction II | WRT1XX | Nonfiction II | |
ENGWRT1901 | Independent Study | WRT1XX | Independent Study | |
ES0110 | Intro to Environmental Science | ESS1XX | Environmental Science | |
ET0011 | Engineering Drawing | EGR1XX | Engineering Drawing | |
ET0023 | Intro Comp-Aided Eng | IFS105 | Personal Computing | |
ET0030 | Comp Sys Prg & Appl | CS1XX | Comp Sys Prg & Appl | |
ET0051 | Mech-Statics | EGR1XX | Mech-Statics | |
FA0040 | Intro to Architecture | ART2XX | Intro to Architecture | |
FA0521 | Amer Painting 19th Cen | ART1XX | Am Painting 19th Cen | |
FA1040 | History of Architecture Theory | ART2XX | Hist of Architecture Theory | |
FA1235 | Eng Medieval Architecture | ART2XX | Eng Medieval Architecture | |
FA1880 | World Cities | ART2XX | World Cities | |
FA7020 | Intro to Asian Art | ART2XX | Intro to Asian Art | |
FDSED0001 | Hist/Phil of Ed: Am Emp | EDU200 | Found of Education | |
FR0001 | Elem French I | FRN101 | Elem French I | |
FR0003 | Intermediate French I | FRN201 | Inter French I | |
FR0012 | French Kiss | FRN1XX | French Kiss | |
FR0041 | Elementary French I | FRN101 | Elem French I | |
FR0101 | Elementary French | FRN1XX | French Elective | |
FR0102 | Elem French 2 | FRN102 | Elem French II | |
FR0103 | Intermediate French I | FRN201 | Inter French I | |
FR0104 | Intm Fr 2: French Global Cntxt | FRN202 | Inter French II | |
FR0201 | Intermediate French I | FRN201 | Inter French I | |
FS0102 | Freshman Seminar | FYS100 | First Year Seminar | |
GEOG0101 | World Regional Geogrphy | G100 | World Reg Geography | |
GEOG0102 | Geogr of North Amer | G1XX | Geogr of North Amer | |
GEOG0610 | Urban Dev | G1XX | Urban Dev | |
GEOG0810 | Earth and People | G1XX | Earth and People | |
GEOG1000 | Global Persp: World | G100 | World Reg Geography | |
GEOL0024 | Meteorology | ESS1XX | Meteorology | |
GEOL0081 | Explorations of Space | ESS1XX | Earth Sci Elect No Lab | |
GEOL0083 | Intro Phys Oceanography | BIO1XX | Biology Elect No Lab | |
GEOL0086 | Environmental Geology | ESS1XX | Earth Sci Elect no lab | |
GEOL0086 | Environmental Geology | ESS1XX | Earth Sci Elect No Lab | |
GEOL0087 | Earth Climate Life | ESS1XX | Earth Sci Elect No Lab | |
GEOL0090 | Earthquakes and Volcanos | ESS1XX | Earth Sci Elect no lab | |
GEOL0820 | Natural Disasters | ESS1XX | Earth Sci Elective No Lab | |
GER0003 | Intermed German I | GRM201 | Inter German I | |
GER0004 | Intermed German II | GRM202 | Inter German II | |
GER0211 | Int German I | GRM201 | Inter German I | |
GER0212 | Int German II | GRM202 | Inter German II | |
GER1000 | Reading Lit Texts | GRM315 | German Literature | |
GER1001 | Writing in German | GRM1XX | Writing In German | |
GER1002 | German Phonetics | GRM1XX | German Phonetics | |
GER1051 | Intro Lit Analysis | GRM1XX | Intro Lit Analysis | |
GER1052 | Major Cult Periods | GRM1XX | Major Cult Periods | |
GER1053 | Maj Cult Periods II | GRM1XX | Maj Cult Periods II | |
GER1220 | Lit & Cult 1750-1830 | GRM1XX | Lit & Cult 1750-1830 | |
GER1500 | Germanic Myths Legends | GRM1XX | Germanic Myths Legends | |
GER1502 | Indo-Eur Folktales | GRM1XX | Indo-Eur Folktales | |
HA&A0020 | Intro to Asian Art | ART1XX | Intro to Asian Art | |
HA&A0040 | Intro to Architecture | ART1XX | Intro to Architecture | |
HA&A730 | Islamic Art | ART1XX | Islamic Art | |
HAA0010 | Intro to World Art | ART1XX | Intro to World Art | |
HAA0020 | Intro to Asian Art | ART1XX | Intro Asian Art | |
HAA0045 | Intro Mod Architecture | ART1XX | Intro Mod Architecture | |
HAA0050 | Intro to Medieval Art | ART1XX | Intro to Medieval Art | |
HAA0105 | Art and Empire | ART1XX | Art and Empire | |
HAA0150 | Ancient Art | ART204 | Survey West Art I | |
HAA0211 | Introduction to Art I | ART204 | Survey West Art I | |
HAA0212 | Introduction to Art II | ART205 | Survey West Art II | |
HAA1050 | World Art: Contact & Conflict | ART1XX | World Art: Contact & Conflict | |
HAA1641 | Contemporary Chinese Art | ART3XX | Contemporary Chinese Art | |
HIST0100 | West Civ I | HIS101 | Western Civ I | |
HIST0101 | West Civ II | HIS102 | Western Civ II | |
HIST0107 | US History 2 | HIS112 | Amer Hist Civ War-Global Power | |
HIST0120 | Western Civ I | HIS101 | Foundation/West | |
HIST0187 | World War II - Europe | HIS1XX | World War II - Europe | |
HIST0190 | The Dictators | HIS2XX | The Dictators | |
HIST0301 | Russia to 1917 | HIS1XX | Russia to 1917 | |
HIST0401 | Modern East Asian Civ | HIS4XX | Modern East Asian Civ | |
HIST0487 | World War II in Asia | HIS1XX | World War II in Asia | |
HIST0501 | Mod Lat Amer | HIS343 | Modern Latin Amer | |
HIST0600 | U.S. to 1877 | HIS111 | American Civ I | |
HIST0601 | U.S. 1865-Pres | HIS112 | American Civ II | |
HIST0610 | U.S. to 1877 | HIS111 | American Civ I | |
HIST0620 | U.S. 1877-Present | HIS112 | American Civ II | |
HIST0675 | Religion in Early America | REL2XX | Religion in Early Amer | |
HIST0700 | World History | HIS2XX | World History | |
HIST0755 | Religion in Asia | REL3XX | Relg in Asia | |
HIST1116 | Intro to Renaissance | HIS302 | Renaissance/Reform | |
HIST1313 | Hist Russian Rev | HIS325 | Hist of Russia/1861 | |
HIST1610 | U.S. Colonial | HIS350 | Amer Colonial Hist | |
HIST1783 | Greek History | HIS1XX | Greek History | |
HPRED0108 | Nutrition | NUR202 | Nutrition | |
HPRED0110 | Prac in Athletic Training | SPM1XX | Prac in Ath Training | |
HPRED0180 | Sport Safety | SPM1XX | Sport Safety | |
HPRED0209 | Personal Health/Wellness | PAW234 | Well/Fitness/Life | |
HPS0613 | Morality and Medicine | PHL1XX | Morality and Medicine | |
HPS1616 | Artfcl Intell & Phil of Sci | PHL1XX | Artfcl Intell & Phil of Sci | |
HPS1690 | Top in Phil of Science | PHL1XX | Top in Phil of Science | |
HUN1615 | Outsiders on the Margins | INT2XX | Outsiders on the Margins | |
IE0015 | Intro Info Sys Eng | EGR1XX | Intro Info Sys Eng | |
IE1052 | Mfg Proc & Analysis | EGR1XX | Mfg Proc & Analysis | |
IE1054 | Prod Analysis | EGR1XX | Prod Analysis | |
INFSCI0014 | Cybersecurity and Law | CYB1XX | Cybersecurity and Law | |
IT1101 | Instructional Technology | EDU1XX | Instructional Tech | |
ITAL0001 | Elem Italian I | ITL101 | Elem Italian I | |
ITAL0002 | Elem Italian II | ITL102 | Elem Italian II | |
ITAL0003 | Intermediate Italian I | ITL2XX | Intermediate Italian I | |
ITAL0101 | Italian I | ITL101 | Elem Italian I | |
JAC0715 | Intro to Crim Justice | CCJ101 | Intro Crim Justice | |
JOURNL1136 | Copyreading/Editing | CM1XX | Copyreading/Editing | |
JOURNL1137 | Newspaper Layout/Des | CM1XX | Newspaper Layout/Des | |
JS1270 | Germany Today | HUM1XX | Germany Today | |
LATIN0220 | Intermed Latin | LAT2XX | Intermed Latin | |
LEGLST0020 | Pub Law & Moral Reas | PS1XX | Pub Law & Moral Reas | |
LEGLST1155 | Law & Social Change | PS1XX | Law & Social Change | |
LEGLST1315 | Sex, Law & Marriage | BEH1XX | Sex, Law & Marriage | |
LEGLST1340 | Intro Civil Rights | PS1XX | Intro Civil Rights | |
LING0080 | Aspects of Language | BEH1XX | Aspects of Language | |
LING0471 | Amer Sign Lang I | CM150 | Beg Sign Language | |
LING0472 | Amer Sign Lang 2 | CM1XX | Amer Sign Lang 2 | |
MATH0001 | Algebra 1 | MAT105 | College Algebra | |
MATH0002 | College Alg | MAT105 | College Algebra | |
MATH0004 | Pre-Calc, Funct & Trig | MAT108 | Precalculus | |
MATH0010 | College Algebra I | MAT105 | College Algebra | |
MATH0025 | Applied College Algebra | MAT105 | College Algebra | |
MATH0031 | Algebra | MAT105 | College Algebra | |
MATH0032 | Trig and Funct | MAT1XX | Trig and Funct | |
MATH0071 | Struct of the Real Num Sys | MAT115 | Sets/Number Systems | |
MATH0080 | Fund of Modern Math | MAT1XX | Fund of Modern Math | |
MATH0097 | College Algebra I | MAT102 | College Algebra I | |
MATH0098 | College Algebra II | MAT105 | College Algebra | |
MATH0110 | Fundamentals of Mathematics | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv | |
MATH0120 | Business Calculus | MAT120 | Applied Calculus | |
MATH0121 | Business Calculus | MAT120 | Applied Calculus | |
MATH0132 | Precalculus | MAT108 | Precalculus | |
MATH0140 | Calculus I | MAT171 | Calculus I | |
MATH0200 | Prep for Sci Calc | MAT2XX | Prep for Sci Calc | |
MATH0220 | Analytic Geom & Calc I | MAT171 | Calculus I | |
MATH0221 | Analy Geom & Calc I | MAT171 | Calculus I | |
MATH0230 | Analytic Geom & Calc 2 | MAT172 | Calculus II | |
MATH0231 | Analytc Geom & Calc II | MAT172 | Calculus II | |
MATH0235 | Variable Calculus | MAT171 | Calculus I | |
MATH0240 | Analytic Geom & Calc III | MAT271 | Calculus III | |
MATH0241 | Analytic Geom & Calc III | MAT271 | Calculus III | |
MATH0280 | Intro Matrices & Lin Alg | MAT272 | Diff Equations | |
MATH0290 | Diff Equations | MAT272 | Diff Equations | |
MATH0401 | Discrete Math Struct | MAT235 | Discrete Mathemtcs | |
MATH071 | Struc of Real Number Systems | MAT115 | Math Foundations | |
MATH1902 | Directed Study | MAT1XX | Directed Study | |
MEMS0024 | Intro Mechanical Engr Design | ME1XX | Intro Mechanical Engr Design | |
MEMS0031 | Electrical Circuits | ME1XX | Electrical Circuits | |
MEMS0051 | Introduction to Thermodynamics | ME1XX | Intro to Thermodynamics | |
MGMT0110 | Prin of Management | MGT150 | Prin of Management | |
MILS0101 | Found of Officer | NPE1XX | Found of Officer | |
MILS0102 | Basic Leadershp & Lab | NPE1XX | Basic Lead & Lab | |
MILS0201 | Indiv Leadership Studies | NPE2XX | Indiv Leader Studies | |
MILS0202 | Leadership and Teamwork | NPE2XX | Leadership and Teamwk | |
MUSIC0062 | Concert Choir | MUS1XX | Concert Choir | |
MUSIC0063 | Concert Choir | MUS1XX | Concert Choir | |
MUSIC0102 | Intro Music | MUS186 | Listening to Music | |
MUSIC0121 | Basic Mus Class Piano | MUS140 | Class Piano | |
MUSIC0234 | History of the Symphony | MUS2XX | History of the Symp | |
MUSIC0243 | Major Composers I | MUS2XX | Major Composers I | |
MUSIC0260 | Music in Film | MUS245 | Explore Music/Film | |
MUSIC0311 | Intro to World Music | MUS281 | World Music | |
MUSIC0411 | Theory I | MUS182 | Music Theory I | |
MUSIC0413 | Theory & Ear Train I | MUS181 | Found Music Theory | |
MUSIC0415 | Theory II | MUS183 | Music Theory II | |
MUSIC0610 | UPG Collegiate Chorale | MUS150 | YCChorale | |
MUSIC0620 | University Orchestra | MUS164 | Symphony Orchestra | |
MUSIC0672 | Chamber Music | MUS152 | Chamber Singers | |
MUSIC0711 | History of Jazz | MUS286 | Jazz History | |
MUSIC0712 | Jazz | MUS286 | Jazz History | |
MUSIC0897 | Music and Film | MUS1XX | Music and Film | |
MUSIC1441 | Electronic & Comp Music | MUS1XX | Electronic & Comp Music | |
NATSC0050 | Nat Sci I | PSC1XX | Nat Sci I | |
NATSC0080 | Integrated Sciences | PSC1XX | Physical Sci Elect no lab | |
NATSC0250 | Natural Science 2 | ESS1XX | Earth Sci Elect No Lab | |
NROSCI0080 | Brain & Behavior | BIO1XX | Biology Elect No Lab | |
NROSCI0081 | Drugs and Behavior | PSY1XX | Drugs and Behavior | |
NROSCI1000 | Intro to Neuroscience | PSY313 | App Beh Neuroscience | |
NROSCI1250 | Human Physiology | BIO3XX | Human Physiology | |
NUR0012 | Hum Anat and Phys I | BIO220 | Human A/P I | |
NUR0013 | Human Anat & Phys II | BIO222 | Human A/P II | |
NUR0031 | Microbiology | 08 | BIO230 | Microbio/Allied Hlth |
NUR0031 | Microbiology | 08 | BIO231 | Micro/Allied Lab |
NUR0032 | Microbiology Lab | 08 | ||
NUR0051 | Intro Prof Nursing | NUR1XX | Intro Prof Nursing | |
NUR0086 | Nursing Informatics | NUR1XX | Nursing Informatics | |
NUR0106 | Succeeding in Nursing | NUR1XX | Nursing elective | |
NUR0109 | Clinical Calculations | NUR1XX | Nursing elective | |
NUR0111 | Fund of Nursing | NUR1XX | Nursing elective | |
NUR0112 | Comp Nursing I | NUR1XX | Nursing elective | |
NUR0113 | Pharm in Nursing | NUR1XX | Nursing elective | |
NUR1680 | Intro Genetcs & Molec Therputc | |||
NUTR1006 | Intro to Human Nutrition | NUR202 | Nutrition | |
ORBIOL0031 | Microbiology I | BIO230 | Microbiology | |
PEDC0001 | Beg Swimming | PAW120 | Beginning Swimming | |
PEDC0022 | Aerobic Dance | PAW136 | Aerobic Dance | |
PEDC0029 | Weight Training | PAW119 | Physical Fitness | |
PEDC0030 | Weight Training Women | PAW119 | Physical Fitness | |
PEDC0065 | Volleyball | PAW160 | Volleyball | |
PEDC0087 | Personal Defense | PAW130 | Self Defense | |
PEDC0110 | Fitness Swimming | PAW120 | Beginning Swimming | |
PEDC0124 | Basketball | PAW152 | Basketball | |
PEDC0158 | Weight Training I | PAW119 | Physical Fitness | |
PEDC0179 | Self Defense | PAW130 | Self Defense | |
PEDC0180 | Volleyball 1 | PAW160 | Volleyball | |
PEDC0193 | Personal Fitness | PAW119 | Physical Fitness | |
PEDC0237 | Aerobic Exercise | PAW136 | Aerobic Dance | |
PEDC0287 | Personal Defense I | PAW130 | Self Defense | |
PEDC7022 | Aerobic Dance | PAW136 | Aerobic Dance | |
PEDC7087 | Personal Defense | PAW130 | Self Defense | |
PHARM5114 | Anat & Phys I | BIO1XX | Biology Elect No Lab | |
PHARM5115 | Anat & Phys II | BIO1XX | Biology Elect No Lab | |
PHARM5116 | Biochemistry I | BIO1XX | Biology Elect No Lab | |
PHARM5117 | Biochemistry II | BIO1XX | Biology Elect No Lab | |
PHIL0010 | Conc of Human Nature | PHL224 | Philos/Human Nature | |
PHIL0080 | Intro Phil Prob | PHL221 | Intro Philosophy | |
PHIL0082 | Intro Phil Prob/Writ Prac | PHL221 | Intro Philosophy | |
PHIL0083 | Intro Phil Prob | PHL2XX | Intro Phil Prob | |
PHIL0101 | Intro to Philosophy | PHL221 | Intro Philosophy | |
PHIL0200 | History of Ancient Philosophy | PHL221 | Intro Philosophy | |
PHIL0210 | History of Modern Philosophy | PHL2XX | History of Modern Philosophy | |
PHIL0300 | Intro to Ethics | PHL341 | Ethics | |
PHIL0302 | Intro to Ethics/Writing Prac | PHL341 | Ethics | |
PHIL0322 | Soc Phil/Writ Prac | PHL3XX | Soc Phil/Writ Prac | |
PHIL0362 | Intro Biomd Ethics | PHL346 | Bioethics | |
PHIL0440 | Minds and Machines | PHL4XX | Minds and Machines | |
PHIL0442 | Minds & Machines | PHL1XX | Minds & Machines | |
PHIL0500 | Intro to Logic | PHL231 | Logic | |
PHIL0501 | Intro to Logic | PHL231 | Logic | |
PHIL1320 | Topics in Social Philosophy | PHL1XX | Topics in Soc Philo | |
PHIL1380 | Business Ethics | PHL2XX | Business Ethics | |
PHYS0082 | Sci of Musical Sounds | PHY1XX | Physics Elective No Lab | |
PHYS0103 | Concepts Mod Physics | PHY1XX | Physics Elect No Lab | |
PHYS0110 | Intro to Physics I | PHY1XX | Intro to Physics I no lab | |
PHYS0111 | Introduction to Phyisics 2 | PHY1XX | Physics Elective no lab | |
PHYS0150 | Physics I | PHY110 | Gen Phys:Mech/Ht | |
PHYS0174 | Basic Phys Sci & Engrg I | PHY262 | Eng Phys: Opt/Mod | |
PHYS0175 | Phys Sci & Engr 2 | PHY260 | Eng Phys:Elct/Magn | |
PHYS0201 | Found of Physics I | PHY2XX | Physics Elect No Lab | |
PHYS0202 | Found of Physics II | PHY2XX | Physics Elect No Lab | |
PITT0130 | Wellness and Resilience | PAW234 | Well/Fitness/Life | |
PITT0210 | Anti-Black Racism | HIS1XX | Anti-Black Racism | |
PS0102 | American Pol Sys | PS101 | Amer Gov/Citizenship | |
PS0200 | American Politics | PS101 | Amer Gov/Citizenship | |
PS0206 | Amer Pol Process | PS101 | Amer Gov/Citizenship | |
PS0300 | Comparative Politics | PS260 | Comparative Politics | |
PS0302 | Comp Politics | PS260 | Comparative Politics | |
PS0500 | World Politics | PS1XX | World Politics | |
PS0501 | World Politics | PS2XX | World Politics | |
PS0550 | Intro to Global Studies | PS102 | Contemp Global Iss | |
PS0600 | Political Theory | PS1XX | Political Theory | |
PS0601 | Political Ideologies | PS2XX | Political Ideologies | |
PS0650 | Pol & Lib Democracy | PS1XX | Pol & Lib Democracy | |
PS1214 | U.S. Congress | PS362 | The Congress | |
PS1534 | Civil Wars | PS406 | Int Peace/Security | |
PS1836 | Politics Through Film | PS1XX | Politics Through Film | |
PSY0010 | Intro to Psychology | PSY100 | General Psychology | |
PSY0015 | Intro PSY as Natural Science | PSY100 | General Psychology | |
PSY0035 | Research Methods | PSY1XX | Res Methods | |
PSY0101 | Intro to Psychology | PSY100 | General Psychology | |
PSY0105 | Intro to Soc Psych | PSY243 | Social Psychology | |
PSY0160 | Psychology of Personality | PSY1XX | Psychology of Personality | |
PSY0182 | Law and Social Psychology | PSY1XX | Law and Soc Psych | |
PSY0184 | Psych of Gender | PSY1XX | Psych of Gender | |
PSY0200 | Intro to Psychology | PSY100 | General Psychology | |
PSY0205 | Psychopathology | PSY330 | Adult Psychopathlgy | |
PSY0206 | Abnormal Psych | PSY230 | Abnormal Psych | |
PSY0230 | Child Development | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop | |
PSY0230 | Child Development | PSY223 | Early Child Develp | |
PSY0260 | Adolescent Development | PSY2XX | Adolescent Developmnt | |
PSY0310 | Developmental Psychology | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop | |
PSY0310 | Developmental Psychology | NUR201 | Nursing HD/HC | |
PSY0405 | Learning and Motivation | PSY309 | Theories/Learning | |
PSY0501 | Lifespan Development | PSY1XX | Lifespan Develop | |
PSY0501 | Lifespan Development | NUR201 | Nursing HD/HC | |
PSY0505 | Intro Biopsychology | PSY210 | Fund Biopsychology | |
PSY0510 | Sensation & Perception | PSY1XX | Sensation & Perception | |
PSY1110 | Psychlgcl Aspct Hum Sex | PSY1XX | Psychlgcl Aspct Hum Sex | |
PSY1205 | Abnormal Psychology | PSY230 | Abnormal Psych | |
PSYED0005 | Life Span Dev | NUR201 | Nursing HD/HC | |
PSYED0005 | Life Span Dev | PSY1XX | Life Span Dev | |
PSYED0005 | Life Span Development | NUR201 | Nursing HD/HC | |
PSYED0005 | Life Span Development | PSY2XX | Life Span Dev | |
REHSCI1235 | Medical Terminology | HSC105 | Medical Terminology | |
RELGST0025 | Major Biblical Themes | REL2XX | Major Biblical Themes | |
RELGST0215 | Ethics in Jewish Trad | REL2XX | Ethics in Jewish Trad | |
RELGST0415 | Religion in Modern America | REL4XX | Relg in Modern America | |
RELGST0601 | Var of Relg Tradition | REL265 | World Religions | |
RELGST0715 | Phil of Religion | REL1XX | Phil of Religion | |
RELGST1125 | Life and Letters of Paul | REL1XX | Life and Letters of Paul | |
RELGST1456 | Islam in Asia | REL2XX | Islam in Asia | |
RUSS0090 | Russian Fairy Tales | INT1XX | Russian Fairy Tales | |
RUSS0590 | Frmtv Mstr: Russ 19th | INT1XX | Russ 19th | |
RUSS0800 | Masterpieces 19th CRuss Lit | LIT1XX | Masterpieces 19th CRus Lit | |
RUSS0860 | Modern Russian Culture | INT1XX | Modern Russian Culture | |
SA0110 | Foundation Design | ART210 | Design I | |
SA0111 | Found Design | ART210 | Design I | |
SA0120 | Foundation Painting | ART220 | Painting I | |
SA0130 | Foundation Drawing | ART215 | Drawing I | |
SA0130 | Foundation Drawing | ART215 | Drawing I | |
SA0131 | Found Drawing | ART215 | Drawing I | |
SA1260 | Printmaking - Etching | ART287 | Printmaking I | |
SA1470 | Graphic Design | ART1XX | Graphic Design | |
SLAV0880 | Vampire: Blood & Empire | INT1XX | Vampire: Blood & Empire | |
SOC0005 | Societies | SOC1XX | Societies | |
SOC0007 | Social Problems | SOC220 | Am Social Problems | |
SOC0009 | American Society | SOC1XX | American Society | |
SOC0010 | Intro to Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology | |
SOC0070 | Social Problems | SOC220 | Am Social Problems | |
SOC0100 | Intro Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology | |
SOC0101 | Intro to Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology | |
SOC0317 | Global Society | SOC3XX | Global Society | |
SOC0362 | Latin American Societies | SOC1XX | Latin American Societies | |
SOC0432 | Wealth & Power | SOC1XX | Wealth & Power | |
SOC0438 | Soc of the Family | SOC225 | The Family | |
SOC0446 | Sociology of Gender | SOC1XX | Soc of Gender | |
SOC0465 | Sociology of Sports | SPM1XX | Sociology of Sports | |
SOC0471 | Dev & Soc Control | SOC3XX | Dev & Soc Control | |
SOC0477 | Medical Sociology | SOC1XX | Medical Sociology | |
SOC0478 | Youth & Society | SOC1XX | Youth & Society | |
SOC0490 | Mass Media | CM211 | Mass Communication | |
SOC0520 | Social Movements | SOC1XX | Social Movements | |
SOC1450 | Health and Illness | SOC302 | Soc Health/Illness | |
SPAN0001 | Elementary Spanish I | SPN101 | Elem Spanish I | |
SPAN0002 | Elem Spanish 2 | SPN102 | Elem Spanish II | |
SPAN0003 | Intermediate Spanish III | SPN201 | Inter Spanish I | |
SPAN0004 | Intermediate Spanish IV | SPN202 | Inter Spanish II | |
SPAN0020 | Conversation | SPN205 | Inter Spanish Conv | |
SPAN0025 | Grammar and Composition | SPN1XX | Grammar and Composition | |
SPAN0082 | Latin Amer Today | INT1XX | Latin Amer Today | |
SPAN0103 | Intermed Span 3 | SPN201 | Inter Spanish I | |
SPAN0104 | Intermed Span 4 | SPN202 | Inter Spanish II | |
SPAN0111 | Elem Spanish I | SPN101 | Elem Spanish I | |
SPAN0112 | Elem Spanish 2 | SPN102 | Elem Spanish II | |
SPAN0203 | Intermediate Spanish | SPN201 | Inter Spanish I | |
SPAN0211 | Int Spanish I | SPN201 | Inter Spanish I | |
STAT0200 | Basic Applied Statistics | BEH260 | Statistics | |
STAT0200 | Basic Applied Statistics | QBA260 | Business Statistics | |
STAT0200 | Basic Applied Statistics | MAT250 | Statistics | |
STAT0800 | Stats in Mod World | QBA260 | Business Statistics | |
STAT0800 | Stats in Mod World | MAT250 | Statistics | |
STAT0800 | Stats in Mod World | BEH260 | Statistics | |
STAT1000 | Appl Stat Methods | MAT250 | Statistics | |
STAT1000 | Appl Stat Methods | QBA260 | Business Statistics | |
STAT1000 | Appl Stat Methods | BEH260 | Statistics | |
STAT1100 | Stat & Prob For Bus Mgt | MAT250 | Statistics | |
STAT1100 | Stat & Prob For Bus Mgt | QBA260 | Business Statistics | |
THEA0104 | Basic Acting | THE215 | Acting | |
THEA0805 | Intro to Theatre Arts | THE154 | Introduction to Theatre | |
THEA0811 | Intro to Dramatic Art I | HUM1XX | Intro Dramatic Art I | |
THEA0830 | Intro to Performance | THE154 | Introduction to Theatre | |
THEA1502 | Acting I | THE215 | Acting | |
THEA1503 | Acting II | THE2XX | Acting II | |
URBNST0010 | Intro to Urban Studies | FYS1XX | Intro to Urban Studies | |
WRITNG0109 | Intro to Creative Writing | CRW272 | Intro Creative Wrt | |
WRITNG0111 | Litry Editing/Magazine Prod I | LIT1XX | Litry Editing/Magazine Prod I |
Valencia College | York College of Pennsylvania | ||
ACG2021 | Prin of Fin Accounting | ACC220 | Financial Acct |
AMH2010 | United States Hist to 1877 | HIS111 | American Civ I |
AML2021 | Am Lit Civ War-Present | LIT282 | Amer Lit after 1885 |
ANT2000 | Introductory Anthropology | ANT220 | Cult Anthropology |
ARH1009 | Visual Art Today | ART101 | Intro Art Apprec |
ARH2050 | Intro Art History I | ART204 | Survey West Art I |
ARH2051 | Intro to Art History II | ART205 | Survey West Art II |
ART1201C | Design I | ART210 | Design I |
ART1203C | Design II | ART211 | Design II |
ART1300C | Drawing I | ART215 | Drawing I |
ART1301C | Drawing II | ART265 | Drawing II |
ART2701C | Sculpture I | ART230 | Sculpture I |
ART2750C | Ceramics I | ART225 | Ceramics I |
ART2751C | Ceramics II | ART275 | Ceramics II |
ART2930C | Art With a Camera | ART2XX | Art With a Camera |
AST1002 | Astronomy | ESS1XX | Earth Sci Elect No Lab |
BSC1005 | Biological Science | BIO204 | Exploring Biology |
BSC1005C | Biol Science | BIO205 | Exp Biology Lab |
BSC1005C | Biol Science | BIO204 | Exploring Biology |
BSC1010C | Fund of Bio I | BIO150 | Biology I |
BSC1020 | Hum Biology | BIO1XX | Biology Elect No Lab |
BSC1026 | Bio of Hum Sexuality | BIO1XX | Biology Elect No Lab |
BSC1050 | Environmental Science | BIO1XX | Biology Elect No Lab |
BSC2093C | Hum Anat & Phys I | BIO220 | Human A/P I |
BSC2094C | Hum Anat & Phys II | BIO222 | Human A/P II |
CCJ1010 | Criminology | CCJ378 | Criminology |
CCJ1020 | Intro to Criminal Justice | CCJ101 | Intro Crim Justice |
CHM1025C | Intro to General Chemistry | CHM134 | Gen Chem I |
CHM1045C | Gen Chem Qual Analys I | CHM134 | Gen Chem I |
CHM1046C | Gen Chem Qual Analy II | CHM136 | Gen Chem II |
CLP2140 | Abnormal Psychology | PSY230 | Abnormal Psych |
DEP1302 | Psych of Adolescence | PSY1XX | Psych of Adolescence |
DEP2004 | Dev Psychology | NUR201 | Nursing HD/HC |
DEP2004 | Dev Psychology | PSY2XX | Dev Psychology |
DIG2100C | Web Essentials | ART2XX | Web Essentials |
ECO2013 | Prin Econ Macro | ECO200 | Prin Econ-Macro |
ECO2023 | Prin of Econ-Micro | ECO201 | Prin Econ-Micro |
ENC1101 | Freshman Comp I | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm |
ENC1102 | Freshman Comp II | WRT1XX | Freshman Comp II |
ENC1210 | Tech Comm | FCO215 | Tech/Scientfc Comm |
ESC1000 | Earth Science | ESS1XX | Earth Science |
ESC1000 | Earth Science | ESS1XX | Earth Sci Elect No Lab |
EUH2000 | Anct and Med West Civ | HIS101 | Western Civ I |
GEB2861 | Business Prob Analysis | BUS2XX | Bus Problem Analys |
GLY1001 | Earth Science | ESS1XX | Earth Sci Elect No Lab |
GRA1142 | Dig Media/Design | ART1XX | Dig Media/Design |
GRA1142C | Graphic Design Essentials | ART1XX | Graphic Design Essntls |
GRA2577 | Adobe PhotoShop | ART2XX | Adobe PhotoShop |
GRA2801 | Adobe Illustrator | ART2XX | Adobe Illustrator |
HSC1004 | Prof of Caring | HSC100 | Expl Health Professions |
HSC1531 | Medical Terminology | HSC105 | Medical Terminology |
HSC1531 | Medical Terminology | BIO201 | Medical Terminology |
HUM1020 | Intro to Humanities | HUM1XX | Intro to Humanities |
HUM2220 | Hum Greek/Roman | HUM2XX | Hum Greek/Roman |
HUM2223 | Hum Late Roman/Medieval | HUM2XX | Hum Late Roman/Medieval |
HUM2232 | Hum Ren & Baroque | HUM2XX | Hum Ren & Baroque |
HUM2250 | Hum 20th Century | HUM2XX | Hum 20th Century |
HUM2310 | Mythology | HUM2XX | Mythology |
HUM2461 | Latin American Humanities | HUM2XX | Latin Amer Humanities |
HUN1001 | Bas Pers Nutrition | NUR202 | Nutrition |
HUN2202 | Essen Nutrition | NUR202 | Nutrition |
INR2002 | International Pol | PS102 | Contemp Global Iss |
MAC1105 | College Algebra | MAT105 | College Algebra |
MAC1114 | College Trig | MAT1XX | College Trig |
MAC1140 | Precalc Algebra | MAT108 | Precalculus |
MAC2233 | Calc for Bus & Soc | MAT120 | Applied Calculus |
MAC2311 | Calc/Analyt Geom I | MAT171 | Calculus I |
MAT1033C | Int Algebra | MAT102 | Prelim Math/Prob Solv |
MCB2010C | Microbiology | BIO230 | Microbiology |
MGF1107 | Math for Lib Arts | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv |
OST2858 | Microsoft Excel | IFS2XX | Microsoft Excel |
PEL1121 | Golf I | PAW140 | Fundamentals/Golf |
POS2041 | US Government | PS101 | Amer Gov/Citizenship |
POS2041 | U.S. Govt | PS141 | American Governmnt |
PSY1012 | General Psychology | PSY100 | General Psychology |
REL2000 | Understanding Rel Trad | REL265 | World Religions |
SPC1600 | Fund of Speech | CM104 | Human Communicatn |
SPC1608 | Fundamentals of Speech | CM104 | Human Communicatn |
SPC1608 | Fundamentals of Speech | CM212 | Public Speaking |
STA2023 | Stat Methods | MAT250 | Statistics |
STA2023 | Stat Methods | BEH260 | Statistics |
STA2023 | Stat Methods | QBA260 | Business Statistics |
SYG2000 | Intro Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology |
SYG2320 | Deviant Behavior | SOC2XX | Deviant Behavior |
THE1020 | Intro to Theater | THE154 | Introduction to Theatre |
TPP1110 | Acting I | THE215 | Acting |
TPP2300 | Directing I | THE2XX | Directing I |
Warren County Community College | York College of Pennsylvania | ||
ACC101 | Prin of Acct I | ACC1XX | Prin of Acct I |
ACC102 | Prin of Acctg II | ACC1XX | Prin of Acctg II |
ART101 | Intro to Art Appreciation | ART101 | Art/Visual Culture |
ART105 | Art History I | ART204 | Survey West Art I |
ART106 | Art History II | ART205 | Survey West Art II |
ART107 | Modern to Cont Art | ART1XX | Modern to Cont Art |
ART207 | Introduction to Color | ART2XX | Introduction to Color |
BIO145 | Prin of Biology | BIO204 | Exploring Biology |
BIO145 | Prin of Biology | BIO205 | Exp Biology Lab |
BIO150 | Prin of Human Biology | BIO112 | Essentials of A & P |
BIO162 | General Biology I | BIO151 | Intro Mole Bio Lab |
BIO162 | General Biology I | BIO142 | Molecule/Gene/Cell |
BIO162 | General Biology I | BIO150 | Intro Molecular Bio |
BIO163 | General Biology II | BIO152 | Evol/Ecol & Divers |
BIO165 | Environmental Studies | BIO212 | Environmntl Bio |
BIO170 | Gen Ecology | BIO1XX | Gen Ecology |
BIO262 | Anat & Phys I | BIO2XX | Anat & Phys I |
BIO262 | Anat & Phys I | BIO220 | Human A/P I |
BIO263 | Anat & Phys II | BIO222 | Human A/P II |
BUS120 | Business Organ & Mgmt | BUS150 | Intro to Business |
BUS122 | Business Law I | BUS260 | Legal Environment |
BUS201 | Prin of Marketing | MKT100 | Prin Marketing |
CHE110 | Intro Chemistry | CHM122 | Prin Gen/Org Chem |
CHE164 | Gen Chem I | CHM134 | Gen Chem I |
CHE165 | Gen Chem II | CHM136 | Gen Chem II |
COM105 | Interpers Comm | CM104 | Human Communicatn |
COM105 | Interpers Comm | CM329 | Interpersonal Comm |
COM143 | Speech | CM104 | Human Communicatn |
COM143 | Speech | CM212 | Public Speaking |
CRJ105 | Intro to Crim Justice | CCJ101 | Intro Crim Justice |
CRJ107 | Forensic Science | CCJ236 | Criminalistics |
CRJ107 | Forensic Science | CCJ237 | Criminalistics Lab |
CRJ110 | Criminology | CCJ378 | Criminology |
CRJ120 | Juvenile Delinquency | CCJ110 | Juvenile Delinquncy |
CRJ130 | Criminal Law | CCJ302 | Criminal Law |
CRJ170 | Crim Investigation | CCJ305 | Crim Investigation |
CRJ180 | Corr in Today's Soc | CCJ337 | Punishmnt/Correctns |
CSC102 | Introduction to Technology | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
CSC103 | Intro to Computing | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
CSC112 | Microcomp Soft Appl | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
ECE225 | Preschool Child Sp | SPE2XX | Preschool Child Sp |
ECE240 | Teaching Language Arts | ECH304 | Tchng Language Arts |
ECO188 | Macroeconomics | ECO200 | Prin Econ-Macro |
ECO189 | Microeconomics | ECO201 | Prin Econ-Micro |
EDU110 | Found of Education | EDU200 | Found of Education |
EDU284 | Education Psych | PSY2XX | Education Psych |
ENG140 | English Comp I | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm |
ENG141 | English Composition II | LIT200 | Perspectives/Lit |
ENG199 | Lit on Film | LIT393 | Literature & Film |
ENG240 | Amer Lit I | LIT281 | Amer Lit to 1885 |
ENG241 | Amer Lit II | LIT282 | Amer Lit after 1885 |
FOR101 | Spanish I | SPN101 | Elem Spanish I |
FOR151 | Beg Spanish II | SPN102 | Elem Spanish II |
FOR251 | Intermed Spanish II | SPN202 | Inter Spanish II |
HIS101 | West Civ I | HIS101 | Western Civ I |
HIS102 | West Civ II | HIS102 | Western Civ II |
HIS113 | American History I | HIS111 | American Civ I |
HIS114 | American History II | HIS112 | American Civ II |
MAT110 | Topics of Mathematics | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv |
MAT111 | Math Analysis for Bus | MAT1XX | Math Analysis for Bus |
MAT131 | College Algebra | MAT105 | College Algebra |
MAT141 | Pre-Calculus | MAT108 | Precalculus |
MAT150 | Elements of Statistics | BEH260 | Statistics |
MAT150 | Elements of Statistics | MAT1XX | Elements of Statistics |
MAT151 | Statistics | QBA260 | Business Statistics |
MAT151 | Statistics | MAT250 | Statistics |
MAT151 | Statistics | BEH260 | Statistics |
MAT201 | Calculus I | MAT171 | Calculus I |
MAT202 | Calculus II | MAT172 | Calculus II |
MED176 | Anat, Phys, Pathology | BIO1XX | Biology Elect No Lab |
MED177 | Medical Terminology | HSC105 | Medical Terminology |
MED178 | Pharmacology & Medicine Admin | NUR1XX | Pharmacology & Medicine Admin |
MED179 | Therapeutic Communication | CM1XX | Therapeutic Communication |
MED182 | Health Care Law & Ethics | PHL1XX | Health Care Law & Ethics |
PHI101 | Intro to Philosophy | PHL221 | Intro Philosophy |
PHI102 | Ethics & Moral Problems | PHL223 | Contemp Moral Prob |
PHI251 | Persp on Death and Dying | PHL2XX | Persp on Death & Dying |
PHY211 | Gen Physics I | PHY160 | Eng Phys:Mechncs |
POL115 | State & Local Govt | PS242 | State/Local Govt |
PSY101 | Intro to Psychology | PSY100 | General Psychology |
PSY120 | Child Growth & Dev | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop |
PSY175 | Hum Grwth & Dev | NUR201 | Nursing HD/HC |
PSY175 | Hum Grwth & Dev | PSY1XX | Hum Grwth & Dev |
PSY181 | Child Psychology | PSY1XX | Child Psychology |
PSY220 | Human Sexuality | PSY2XX | Human Sexuality |
PSY270 | Spec Topics | PSY2XX | Spec Topics |
PSY284 | Educational Psychology | PSY2XX | Educational Psychology |
SOC103 | Intro to Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology |
SOC120 | Racial & Ethnic Relations | SOC1XX | Racial & Ethnic Rel |
SOC186 | Marriage & Family | SOC225 | The Family |
Wet Chester University of PA | York College of Pennsylvania | |||
ABC191 | Brass Class | MUS1XX | Brass Class | |
ABC193 | Trombone Class | MUS1XX | Trombone Class | |
ACC201 | Financial Accounting I | ACC220 | Financial Acct | |
ACC202 | Managerial Accounting II | ACC225 | Managerial Acct | |
ACC302 | Intermed Acct II | ACC325 | Inter Accounting II | |
ACC404 | Fed Taxation II | ACC395 | Taxation II | |
AEB112 | March Band Front | MUS1XX | March Band Front | |
AEB311 | Marching Band | MUS3XX | Marching Band | |
AEB321 | Concert Band | MUS3XX | Concert Band | |
AEB331 | Symphonic Band | MUS3XX | Symphonic Band | |
AES141 | Woodwind Ensemble | MUS170 | Woodwind Ensemble | |
AES141 | Woodwind Ens | MUS1XX | Woodwind Ens | |
AIC311 | Instr Conduct I | MUS3XX | Instr Conduct I | |
AIC312 | Instr Conduct II | MUS3XX | Instr Conduct II | |
AIM311 | Marching Band Tech | MUS3XX | Marching Band Tech | |
AIM429 | Spec Subjs Seminar | MUS3XX | Spec Subjs Seminar | |
AJZ365 | Jazz Ensemble Tech | MUS162 | Jazz Ensemble | |
AMS200 | Amer Civ | HIS111 | American Civ I | |
ANT102 | Intro Anthro Cult | ANT220 | Cult Anthropology | |
ANT103 | Intro Archaeology | ANT1XX | Intro Archaeology | |
ANT220 | Ethnic Grps Amer | ANT2XX | Ethnic Grps Amer | |
ANT322 | Ethnol Centrl Amer | ANT3XX | Ethnol Centrl Amer | |
ANT329 | Probs in Ethnology | ANT3XX | Probs in Ethnology | |
ANT347 | Culture of Cities | ANT3XX | Culture of Cities | |
APC191 | Non-pitched Perc | MUS1XX | Non-pitched Perc | |
ARH101 | Art Appreciation | ART101 | Intro Art Apprec | |
ARH103 | Art History I | ART204 | Survey West Art I | |
ARH104 | Art Hist II | ART205 | Survey West Art II | |
ARH419 | Women Artists | ART4XX | Women Artists | |
ART105 | Art Workshop | ART101 | Intro Art Apprec | |
ART106 | Begin Drawing | ART215 | Drawing I | |
ART106 | Begin Drawing | ART215 | Drawing I | |
ART111 | Basic Design | ART210 | Design I | |
ART111 | Basic Design 2-D | ART210 | Design I | |
ART112 | Color Theory & Practice | ART1XX | Color Theory & Prac | |
ART112 | Color & Design | ART1XX | Color & Design | |
ART113 | Digital Media | ART1XX | Digital Media | |
ART113 | Intro Comp Art | ART1XX | Intro Comp Art | |
ART206 | Intermed Drawing | ART265 | Drawing II | |
ART216 | Beg Painting | ART233 | Concepts/Painting | |
ART220 | Fund 3-D Design | ART211 | Design II | |
ART222 | Beginning Sculpture | ART230 | Sculpture I | |
ART226 | Water Color I | ART2XX | Water Color I | |
ART228 | Dig Photography | ART246 | Digital Photography | |
ART231 | Ceramics I: Basic | ART225 | Ceramics I | |
ART251 | Art Elem School | ART2XX | Art Elem School | |
ASC191 | Violin/Viola Class | MUS1XX | Violin/Viola Class | |
ASL110 | Elem ASL I | CM150 | Beg Sign Language | |
AWC191 | Single Reed Class | MUS1XX | Single Reed Class | |
AWC193 | Double-Reed Class | MUS1XX | Double-Reed Class | |
BIO100 | Basic Biol Science | BIO204 | Exploring Biology | |
BIO102 | Humans & Envrion | BIO1XX | Biology Elective no lab | |
BIO110 | General Biology | BIO142 | Molecule/Gene/Cell | |
BIO110 | General Biology | BIO151 | Biology I Lab | |
BIO110 | General Biology | BIO143 | Mole/Gene/Cell Lab | |
BIO110 | General Biology | BIO150 | Biology I | |
BIO204 | Intro Microbiology | BIO230 | Microbiology | |
BIO214 | General Microbiology | BIO230 | Microbio/Allied Hlth | |
BIO214 | General Microbiology | BIO231 | Micro/Allied Lab | |
BIO215 | Gen Botany | BIO2XX | Gen Botany | |
BIO217 | General Zoology | BIO2XX | General Zoology | |
BIO220 | Cell Physiology | BIO112 | Essentials of A & P | |
BIO230 | Genetics | BIO2XX | Biol Elect No Lab | |
BIO259 | Anatomy/Physiol I | BIO221 | Human A/P I Lab | |
BIO259 | Anatomy/Physiol I | BIO220 | Human A/P I | |
BIO269 | Anatomy/Physiology II | BIO222 | Human A/P II | |
BIO269 | Anatomy/Physiology II | BIO223 | Hum A/P II Lab | |
BIO387 | Inverterate Zoology | BIO3XX | Invert Zoology | |
BLA201 | Legal Envr Bus | BUS260 | Legal Environment | |
BSN101 | Bassoon Minor | MUS1XX | Bassoon Minor | |
BSN102 | Bassoon Minor | MUS1XX | Bassoon Minor | |
CHE100 | Conc of Chem | CHM1XX | Conc of Chem | |
CHE102 | Ess of Chem | CHM122 | Prin Gen/Org Chem | |
CHE103 | General Chemistry I | CHM1XX | Chem Elect No Lab | |
CHE103 | General Chemistry I | CHM134 | Gen Chem I | |
CHE104 | General Chemistry II | CHM136 | Gen Chem II | |
CHE104 | General Chemistry II | CHM1XX | Chem Elect No Lab | |
CHE107 | Gen Chem Hlth Sci | CHM122 | Prin Gen/Org Chem | |
CHE107 | Gen Chem Hlth Sci | CHM123 | Gen/Org Chem Lab | |
CHE231 | Organic Chem I | 01 | CHM235 | Orgnc Chm I Lab |
CHE231 | Organic Chem I | 01 | CHM234 | Organic Chem I |
CHE232 | Organic Chem II No Lab | CHM2XX | Organic Chem II no Lab | |
CHE321 | Analytical Chem I | CHM3XX | Chemistry Elect No Lab | |
CHE371 | Forensic Chem | CHM3XX | Chem Elect No Lab | |
CHO112 | University Chorale | MUS150 | YCChorale | |
CHO212 | Women's Chorus | MUS2XX | Women's Chorus | |
CHO311 | Mastersingers | MUS3XX | Mastersingers | |
CHO312 | Women's Ensemble | MUS3XX | Women's Ensemble | |
CLS165 | Intro to World Lit | LIT1XX | Intro to World Lit | |
COM101 | Speech Fundamentals | CM104 | Human Communicatn | |
COM201 | Fund Comm Tech | CM2XX | Fund Comm Tech | |
COM204 | Interpers Comm | CM329 | Interpersonal Comm | |
COM208 | Public Speaking | CM104 | Human Communicatn | |
COM209 | Prin & Prac of PS | CM212 | Public Speaking | |
COM211 | Comm Literacy & Inquiry | LIT200 | Intro Lit & Text Stud | |
COM212 | Mass Comm | CM211 | Mass Communication | |
COM215 | Organizational Communication | CM328 | Organizational Comm | |
COM219 | Comm Theory | CM206 | Communicatn Theory | |
COM224 | Communic Research | CM2XX | Communic Research | |
COM230 | Bus & Prof Speech | CM212 | Public Speaking | |
COM230 | Bus & Prof Speech | CM104 | Human Communicatn | |
COM250 | Intercult Comm | CM2XX | Intercult Comm | |
COM292 | Computer Com | CM2XX | Computer Com | |
CRJ110 | Intro Crim Justice | CCJ101 | Intro Crim Justice | |
CRJ210 | Theories Crime/Del | CCJ2XX | Theories Crime/Del | |
CRJ220 | Corrections | CCJ337 | Punishmnt/Correctns | |
CRJ260 | Race, Ethnicity and Crim Just | CCJ369 | Race & Crim Just System | |
CRJ287 | Policing in America | CCJ364 | Policing Communities | |
CRJ300 | Criminal Law | CCJ302 | Criminal Law | |
CRJ360 | Race, Ethnic & CRJ | CCJ369 | Race & Crim Just System | |
CRL231 | Organic Che I Lab | 01 | ||
CRW201 | Intro Creative Writ | CRW272 | Intro Creative Wrt | |
CSC110 | Fund of CSC | CS1XX | Fund of CSC | |
CSC115 | Intro Comp Prog | CS1XX | Intro Comp Prog | |
CSC141 | Comp Sci I | CS1XX | Comp Sci I | |
CSC142 | Comp Sci II | CS1XX | Comp Sci II | |
CSC241 | Data Structures & Algorithms | CS2XX | Data Structures & Algorithms | |
DAN132 | Modern Dance I | PAW175 | Modern Dance I | |
ECO101 | Prin Econ Survey | ECO1XX | Prin Econ Survey | |
ECO111 | Prin of Econ Macro | ECO200 | Prin Econ-Macro | |
ECO112 | Prin of Econ Micro | ECO201 | Prin Econ-Micro | |
ECO200 | Personal Econ/Finance | FIN218 | Personal Finance | |
ECO251 | Quant Bus Analy I | QBA260 | Business Statistics | |
ECO252 | Quant Bus Analy II | QBA265 | Business Stats II | |
ECO351 | Intro to Analytics II | QBA265 | Intro to Analytics | |
EDA103 | Found Special Education | SPE200 | Process/Procedures | |
EDA203 | Field: Students w/ Excep | SPE2XX | Field: Stud w/ Excep | |
EDA230 | Inclusive Clrm | EDU2XX | Inclusive Clrm | |
EDA250 | Incl for Music Ed | MUS2XX | Incl for Music Ed | |
EDA301 | Field: Low Inc | SPE3XX | Field: Low Inc | |
EDA349 | Mthds Low Inc Dis | SPE3XX | Mthds Low Inc Dis | |
EDE200 | Theory & Fld Exp | EDU2XX | Theory & Fld Exp | |
EDE230 | Inclusive Clrm | EDU2XX | Inclusive Clrm | |
EDE251 | Child Dev/Beh | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop | |
EDE332 | Tch Soc Stud Elem | EDU3XX | Tch Soc Stud Elem | |
EDF100 | School & Society | EDU1XX | School & Society | |
EDF255 | Evolution of School in US | EDU200 | Found of Education | |
EDF300 | Democracy & Ed | EDU3XX | Democracy & Ed | |
EDM300 | Intro Ed Tech Int | EDU3XX | Ed Tech Int | |
EDP351 | Eval & Measurement | EDU3XX | Eval & Meas | |
EDR302 | Teach Lang Arts | EDU3XX | Teach Lang Arts | |
EDR304 | Teaching Lang Arts Prek-4 | ECH3XX | Teaching Lang Arts Prek-4 | |
EDR307 | Found of Reading Prek-4 | ECH3XX | Found of Reading Prek-4 | |
EDR311 | Intro to Reading | EDU3XX | Intro to Reading | |
EGE222 | German Civilization | INT2XX | German Civilization | |
EGP209 | Child Develop | PSY223 | Early Child Develp | |
EGP210 | Middle Childhood & Adol Dev | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop | |
EGP220 | Theory/Field Exp Early Grades | EDU2XX | Theory/Field Exp Early Grd | |
EGP322 | Pre K Methods and Field | ECH3XX | Pre K Methods and Field | |
EGP326 | Families/Community Relations | ECH3XX | Families/Community Relations | |
ENG120 | Eff Writing I | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm | |
ENG121 | Eff Writing II | WRT1XX | Eff Writing II | |
ENG150 | Writing Studies Workshop | WRT100 | Intro College Writ | |
ENG194 | Conventions Read and Writ | WRT1XX | Conventions Read/Writ | |
ENG304 | Essay Workshop | WRT3XX | Essay Workshop | |
ENG368 | Bus & Org Writing | FCO210 | Comm Prof Cultures | |
ENG382 | Teaching ELL PK-12 | EDU225 | Instrc Needs/ELL | |
ENV102 | Humans & Environ | BIO1XX | Biology Elect No Lab | |
ERU309 | Russian Culture | INT147 | Intro Russia | |
ESP310 | Lat Am Narrative: 1492-1930s | SPN3XX | Lat Am Narrative: 1492-1930s | |
ESS101 | Intro to Geology | ESS1XX | Intro to Geology | |
ESS102 | Humans & Environ | BIO1XX | Biology Elect No Lab | |
ESS111 | General Astronomy | ESS154 | Intro/Astronomy | |
ESS112 | Galaxies and Cosmology | ESS1XX | Earth Science Elect no lab | |
ESS130 | Our Coastal Ocean | ESS1XX | Our Coastal Ocean | |
ESS170 | Our Atmosphere | ESS1XX | Earth Sci Elective no lab | |
EXS103 | Group Exercise & Resistance | PAW1XX | Group Exercise & Resistance | |
EXS180 | Life Fitness Concepts | PAW1XX | Life Fitness Concepts | |
EXS222 | Intro to Med Terminology | HSC105 | Medical Terminology | |
EXS223 | Kinetic Anatomy | BIO2XX | Kinetic Anatomy | |
EXS270 | Motor Learning | REC2XX | Motor Learning | |
EXS280 | Exercise Science Profession | REC1XX | Exercise Science Profession | |
EXS362 | Biomechanics | REC3XX | Biomechanics | |
EXS380 | Exercise Phys | REC3XX | Exercise Phys | |
FIN344 | Investments | FIN320 | Investments | |
FLM200 | Intro Film | FLM216 | Intro to Film | |
FLM202 | American Themes | FLM2XX | American Themes | |
FLU111 | Private Lesson | MUS126 | Flute | |
FLU112 | Private Lesson | MUS127 | Flute | |
FLU211 | Private Lesson | MUS226 | Flute | |
FLU212 | Private Lesson | MUS227 | Flute | |
FLU311 | Private Lesson | MUS326 | Flute | |
FRE101 | Elem French I | FRN101 | Elem French I | |
FRE102 | Elem FR II | FRN102 | Elem French II | |
FRE201 | Intermediate French I | FRN201 | Inter French I | |
FRE202 | Intermediate French II | FRN202 | Inter French II | |
FYE100 | First Year Experience | FYS100 | First Year Seminar | |
FYE100D | First Year Experience | FYS100 | First Year Seminar | |
FYH100 | FYE - Health | BEH1XX | FYE - Health | |
GEO101 | World Geography | G100 | World Reg Geography | |
GEO102 | Phys Geog | G151 | Intro Physical Geog | |
GEO103 | Human Geography | G1XX | Human Geog | |
GEO204 | Intro Urban Studies | G2XX | Intro Urban Studies | |
GEO205 | Geo - Ag, Food, Sustainability | G331 | Urban Land Use & Sustain | |
GEO303 | Europe | G3XX | Europe | |
GEO325 | Intro Business GIS | BUS3XX | Intro Business GIS | |
GEO425 | Business GIS Apps | BUS4XX | Business GIS Apps | |
GER102 | Elem German II | GRM102 | Elem German II | |
GER201 | Intermed German I | GRM201 | Inter German I | |
GST110 | Intro Global Studies | PS102 | Contemp Global Iss | |
GTR111 | Private Lesson | MUS138 | Guitar | |
GTR111 | Private Lesson | MUS139 | Guitar | |
HEA100 | Dim of Wellness | PAW234 | Well/Fitness/Life | |
HEA206 | Human Development | NUR201 | Nursing HD/HC | |
HEA206 | Human Development | PSY2XX | Human Dev | |
HEA210 | Intro to Allied Health | HSC100 | Expl Health Professions | |
HIS100 | Contemporary Global History | HIS1XX | Contemporary Global History | |
HIS101 | History of Civ I | HIS101 | Foundation/West | |
HIS102 | History of Civ II | HIS102 | West in the World | |
HIS150 | The Amer Experience | HIS111 | American Civ I | |
HIS151 | Hist of U.S. I | HIS111 | American Civ I | |
HIS152 | Hist of U.S. II | HIS112 | American Civ II | |
HON100 | Self Awareness | PSY1XX | Self Awareness | |
HON110 | Leadership Lessons | BUS1XX | Leadership Lessons | |
HON211 | Public Discourse | PS1XX | Political Sci Elective | |
HON212 | Ethics/Technology | PHL2XX | Philosophy Elective | |
HON313 | Public Opinion | PS3XX | Political Sci Elective | |
HON320 | Honrs Sem: Global Issues | BEH3XX | Hnrs Sem: Global Iss | |
HON322 | Dev Leadership w/ ELLs | EDU3XX | Dev Leadership w/ ELLs | |
HON352 | Hnrs Sem: Nation Building | HIS3XX | History Elective | |
HON381 | Hon Sym A & H | HUM3XX | Humanities Elective | |
JRN200 | Comm Media | CM2XX | Comm Media | |
JRN225 | Newswriting | CM271 | Print Media Writing | |
JRN335 | Mass Media Ethics | CM3XX | Mass Media Ethics | |
KIN100 | Found HPE & Sport | SPM1XX | Found of HPE & Sport | |
KIN110 | American Sign Lang I | CM150 | Beg Sign Language | |
KIN246 | Spt, Cult & Soc | SPM2XX | Spt, Cult & Soc | |
KIN254 | Disability Stu: Interdi | BEH2XX | Disability Stu: Interdi | |
LAN100 | Lang & Human Experience | CM1XX | Lang & Human Exp | |
LAN382 | Teaching ELL PreK-12 | EDU225 | Instrc Needs/ELL | |
LAT101 | Elem Latin I | LAT101 | Elem Latin I | |
LIN211 | Lang Communities | BEH2XX | Lang Communities | |
LIT100 | Pop Cult: Read Cult | LIT1XX | Pop Cult: Read Cult | |
LIT165 | Topics in Lit | LIT200 | Perspectives/Lit | |
LIT201 | American Lit II | LIT282 | Amer Lit after 1885 | |
LIT219 | Lit for Young Child | LIT2XX | Lit for Young Child | |
LIT220 | Children's Lit | LIT2XX | Children's Lit | |
LIT274 | Feminist Poetry | LIT2XX | Feminist Poetry | |
LIT305 | Mod Amer Drama | LIT416 | Modern Drama | |
LIT329 | Medieval Wom Cult | LIT3XX | Medieval Wom Cult | |
LIT331 | Chaucer | LIT3XX | Chaucer | |
MAT101 | Math Elem Tchrs I | MAT115 | Sets/Number Systems | |
MAT103 | Intro Mathematics | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv | |
MAT103 | Intro Mathematics | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv | |
MAT104 | Intro Appl Math | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv | |
MAT105 | Coll Alg & Trig | MAT108 | Precalculus | |
MAT107 | College Algebra | MAT105 | College Algebra | |
MAT108 | Brief Calculus | MAT120 | Applied Calculus | |
MAT109 | Calculus for Life | MAT120 | Applied Calculus | |
MAT110 | Precalculus | MAT108 | Precalculus | |
MAT113 | Algebra and Func | MAT105 | College Algebra | |
MAT115 | Alg, Funct and Trig | MAT105 | College Algebra | |
MAT121 | Statistics | BEH260 | Statistics | |
MAT121 | Statistics | QBA260 | Business Statistics | |
MAT121 | Statistics | MAT250 | Statistics | |
MAT131 | Precalc | MAT108 | Precalculus | |
MAT143 | Brief Calculus | MAT120 | Applied Calculus | |
MAT151 | Discrete Math | MAT235 | Discrete Mathemtcs | |
MAT161 | Calculus I | MAT171 | Calculus I | |
MAT162 | Calculus II | MAT172 | Calculus II | |
MAT261 | Calculus III | MAT271 | Calculus III | |
MAT343 | Diff Equations | MAT272 | Diff Equations | |
MAT351 | Methods for Teaching Child | MAT3XX | Meth for Teaching Child | |
MDA240 | Int Arts Ele Ed | EDU2XX | Int Arts Ele Ed | |
MDC251 | Media Tech | CM225 | Intro New Media | |
MGT200 | Prin of Management | MGT150 | Prin of Management | |
MGT611 | Mgt/Lead Org | MBA556 | Exec Leadership | |
MHL121 | Music in Cult & History | MUS186 | Listening to Music | |
MHL125 | Persp Jazz | MUS286 | Jazz History | |
MHL201 | Form/Style in Arts | HUM2XX | Form/Style in Arts | |
MHL210 | Music History I | MUS390 | Music History I | |
MHL211 | Music History II | MUS391 | Music History II | |
MHL212 | Music History III | MUS2XX | Music History III | |
MHL310 | Collegium Musicum | MUS3XX | Collegium Musicum | |
MHL451 | Music in the U.S. | MUS3XX | Music in the U.S. | |
MKT250 | Prin of Marketing | MKT100 | Prin Marketing | |
MKT355 | Social Media Mkt | MKT355 | Digital Marketing | |
MTC110 | Fundamentals Music | MUS1XX | Fundamentals Music | |
MTC112 | Theory of Music I | MUS182 | Music Theory I | |
MTC113 | Theory of Music II | MUS183 | Music Theory II | |
MTC114 | Aural Activities I | MUS184 | Sight Singing I | |
MTC115 | Aural Activ II | MUS185 | Sight Singing II | |
MTC212 | Theory Music III | MUS282 | Music Theory III | |
MTC214 | Aural Activ III | MUS284 | Sight Singing III | |
MUE101 | Dalcroze I | MUS1XX | Dalcroze I | |
MUE201 | Music Ed Seminar | MUS2XX | Music Ed Seminar | |
MUE231 | Music Clsrm Teach | MUS2XX | Music Clsrm Teach | |
NSG101 | Intro to Nursing | NUR1XX | Intro to Nursing | |
NSG109 | Hlth Issues Women | WGS210 | Women's Health | |
NSG216 | Healthy Aging | NUR2XX | Healthy Aging | |
NSG234 | Current Trends LGBTQA Health | NUR2XX | Current Trnds LGBTQA Health | |
NTD200 | Nutrition Culture | BEH2XX | Nutrition Culture | |
NTD205 | Prin Food Selection | BEH2XX | Prin Food Sel | |
NTD301 | Consumer Nutrition | NUR3XX | Consumer Nutrition | |
NTD303 | Intro Nutrit Prin | NUR202 | Nutrition | |
NTD420 | Persp on Obesity | BEH4XX | Persp on Obesity | |
PAX200 | Intro Peace & Conflict | PS2XX | Intro Peace & Conflict | |
PEA116 | Personal Defense | PAW130 | Self Defense | |
PEA120 | Badminton | PAW151 | Badminton | |
PEA123 | Golf | PAW140 | Fundamentals/Golf | |
PEA137 | Strength Training | PAW119 | Physical Fitness | |
PEA140 | Aerobic Dance | PAW136 | Aerobic Dance | |
PEA142 | Yoga | PAW163 | Yoga | |
PEA143 | Yoga II | PAW1XX | Yoga II | |
PEA146 | Pilates | PAW165 | Pilates | |
PHI100 | Creative Meaning | PHL1XX | Creative Meaning | |
PHI101 | Intro Philosophy | PHL221 | Intro Philosophy | |
PHI102 | Intro to Relg Studies | REL1XX | Intro to Rel Studies | |
PHI150 | Crit Thinking | PHL222 | Critical Thinking | |
PHI174 | Prin of Art | ART101 | Art/Visual Culture | |
PHI180 | Intro to Ethics | PHL341 | Ethics | |
PHI190 | Logic | PHL231 | Logic | |
PHI201 | Contemp Issues | PHL2XX | Contemp Issues | |
PHI205 | Phi Relig Far East | REL2XX | Phi Relig Far East | |
PHI206 | Judaism, Christianity, Islam | REL265 | World Religions | |
PHI207 | Philos Nonviolence | PHL2XX | Philos Nonviolence | |
PHI371 | Biomedical Ethics | PHL346 | Bioethics | |
PHY100 | Elements Phys Sci | PSC1XX | Phys Sci Elect No Lab | |
PHY105 | Str of Universe | PHY1XX | Physics Elect No Lab | |
PHY115 | Engr Graphics I | EGR1XX | Engr Graphics I | |
PHY116 | Engr Graphics II | EGR1XX | Engr Graphics II | |
PHY130 | Gen Physics I | PHY110 | Gen Phys:Mech/Ht | |
PHY130 | Gen Physics I | PHY111 | G Phys:Mech Lab | |
PHY140 | General Physics II | PHY113 | G Phys:Elct Lab | |
PHY140 | General Physics II | PHY112 | Gen Phys:Elc/Magn | |
PHY170 | Physics I | PHY162 | Eng Phys:Ht/Thermo | |
PIA111 | Private Lesson | MUS1XX | Private Lesson | |
PIA191 | Piano Class | MUS140 | Class Piano | |
PIA192 | Piano Class | MUS141 | Class Piano | |
PSC100 | Amer Govt & Polit | PS141 | American Governmnt | |
PSC100 | Amer Govt & Polit | PS101 | Amer Gov/Citizenship | |
PSC101 | Pol of Diversity | PS1XX | Pol of Diversity | |
PSC200 | Political Analysis | PS2XX | Political Analysis | |
PSC201 | State & Local Govt | PS242 | State/Local Govt | |
PSC202 | Elem of Public Adm | PS151 | Intro Public Admin | |
PSC204 | Intro Urban Stud | PSC2XX | Intro Urban Stud | |
PSC213 | Intl Relations | PS302 | International Rel | |
PSC230 | Intr Polit Thought | PS2XX | Intr Polit Thought | |
PSC240 | Intro Comp Pol | PS2XX | Intro Comp Pol | |
PSC304 | Urban Politics | PS3XX | Urban Politics | |
PSY100 | Intro Psychology | PSY100 | General Psychology | |
PSY120 | Multicult Psych | PSY1XX | Multicult Psych | |
PSY120 | Multicultural Psych | PSY1XX | Multicultural Psych | |
PSY200 | Positive Psychology | PSY2XX | Positive Psychology | |
PSY210 | Deve Psy: Lifespan | NUR201 | Nursing HD/HC | |
PSY210 | Deve Psy: Lifespan | PSY2XX | Dev Psy: Lifespan | |
PSY245 | Stats Beh Sci | PSY2XX | Stats Beh Sci | |
PSY245 | Stats Beh Sci | BEH260 | Statistics | |
PSY246 | Research Meth Psy | PSY2XX | Research Meth Psy | |
PSY254 | Social Psych | PSY243 | Social Psychology | |
PSY255 | Intro Biopsych | PSY210 | Fund Biopsychology | |
PSY257 | Theory of Personalities | PSY2XX | Theory of Personalities | |
PSY265 | Indust/Organiz Psy | PSY2XX | Indust/Organiz Psy | |
PSY268 | Drugs, Behavior and the Brain | PSY2XX | Drugs, Behvr and Brain | |
PSY335 | Animal Behavior | PSY3XX | Animal Behavior | |
PSY350 | Biopsych of Motivation | PSY3XX | Biopsych of Motvtn | |
PSY362 | History & Systems | PSY3XX | History & Systems | |
PSY365 | Psych of Women | PSY3XX | Psych of Women | |
PSY375 | Abnormal Psych | PSY230 | Abnormal Psych | |
PSY382 | Infant, Child & Adol Dev | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop | |
PSY430 | Human Sex Behavior | PSY4XX | Human Sex Behavior | |
PSY475 | Cognitive Psych | PSY307 | Cognitive Psych | |
PSY481 | Eating Disorders | PSY4XX | Eating Disorders | |
SCI100 | Climate Change | PSC202 | Sustainblty: Sci & Soc | |
SCI101 | The Carbon Cycle | BIO212 | Environmntl Bio | |
SCI102 | Electricity | PSC1XX | Electricity | |
SMD100 | Fnd Sports Med | SPM125 | Intro to the Sport Industry | |
SMD204 | First Aid Hlth Prof | SPM205 | Responding/Emerg | |
SMD272 | Athl Trng Tech | SPM2XX | Athl Trng Tech | |
SOC100 | Introduction to Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology | |
SOC240 | Soc of the Family | SOC225 | The Family | |
SOC349 | Mental Illness | SOC3XX | Mental Illness | |
SOC350 | Soc of Mental Illness | SOC3XX | Soc of Mental Illness | |
SPA101 | Elem Spanish I | SPN101 | Elem Spanish I | |
SPA102 | Elem Spanish II | SPN102 | Elem Spanish II | |
SPA201 | Int Spanish I | SPN201 | Inter Spanish I | |
SPA202 | Int Spanish II | SPN202 | Inter Spanish II | |
SPA301 | Gramm/Comp/Conv I | SPN3XX | Gramm/Comp/Conv I | |
SPA302 | Gramm/Comp/Conv II | SPN420 | Adv Spanish Grammar | |
SPA304 | Spanish Lang Topics: Comm | SPN3XX | Spanish Lang Top: Comm | |
SPA313 | Latin America on Film | SPN3XX | Latin America in Film | |
SPA315 | Advanced Readings | SPN316 | Intro Lit Span Amer | |
SPA330 | Spanish Narrative | SPN315 | Intro Lit Spain | |
SPK208 | Public Speaking | CM104 | Human Communicatn | |
SPK208 | Public Speaking | CM212 | Public Speaking | |
SPK230 | Bus & Prof Speech | CM246 | Comm/Business Prof | |
SPK230 | Bus & Prof Speech | CM104 | Human Communicatn | |
SPK230 | Bus & Prof Speech | CM212 | Public Speaking | |
SPP101 | Intr Comm Disord | CM1XX | Intr Comm Disord | |
SSC200 | Intro Peace/Conflict | BEH2XX | Intro Peace/Conflict | |
SSC201 | Global Perspectives | BEH2XX | Global Perspectives | |
SWO200 | Intro Soc Welfre | SOC2XX | Intro Soc Welfre | |
SWO225 | Race Relations | SOC2XX | Race Relations | |
SWO300 | Family Systems | SOC225 | Family Div & Society | |
SWO320 | Gener SW Pract I | HSV3XX | Gener SW Pract I | |
SWO351 | Hum Beh Soc Env II | HSV250 | Lifecourse Develop | |
SWO491 | Sexuality for Helping Profs | HSV4XX | Sexuality for Helping Profs | |
THA101 | Intro to Theatre | THE154 | Introduction to Theatre | |
THA103 | Acting I | THE215 | Acting | |
THA104 | Stagecraft I | THE121 | Stagecraft | |
THA105 | Stagecraft II | THE220 | Theatre Construct | |
THA113 | Hist Theatre Drama | THE1XX | Hist Theatre Drama | |
THA116 | Costume Construct | THE222 | Costume Construction | |
THA118 | Voice for Performance | MUS1XX | Voice for Perform | |
THA212 | Creative Drama | THE2XX | Creative Drama | |
THA216 | Fund of Design | ART210 | Design I | |
THA250 | Race/Gender TH | THE2XX | Race/Gender TH | |
VOC312 | Choral Conduct II | MUS3XX | Choral Conduct II | |
VOI101 | Voice Minor | MUS101 | Voice | |
VOI102 | Voice Minor | MUS102 | Voice | |
VOI141 | Adv Voi Maj | MUS101 | Voice | |
VOI142 | Adv Voi Maj | MUS102 | Voice | |
VOI191 | Voice Class | MUS146 | Voice Class | |
VOI192 | Voice Class | MUS146 | Voice Class | |
WOS100 | Body Politics | WGS1XX | Body Politics | |
WOS225 | Women Today | WGS2XX | Women Today | |
WOS350 | Lesbian Studies | WGS3XX | Lesbian Studies | |
WRT120 | Effective Writing I | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm | |
WRT121 | Effective Writing II | FCO2XX | Effective Writing II | |
WRT123 | Effective Writing | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm | |
WRT200 | Critical Writing | WRT2XX | Critical Writing | |
WRT204 | Popular Culture | WRT2XX | Popular Culture | |
WRT205 | Investg Experience | WRT2XX | Investg Experience | |
WRT206 | The Imagination | WRT2XX | The Imagination | |
WRT220 | Special Topics | WRT2XX | Special Topics |
West Virginia University | York College of Pennsylvania | |||
A&VS275 | Companion Animal Science | BEH2XX | Companion Animal Sci | |
ACCT201 | Principles of Accounting | ACC220 | Financial Acct | |
AGBI410 | Intro Biochem | BIO4XX | Biology Elect No Lab | |
ANTH105 | Introduction to Anthropology | ANT1XX | Introduction to Anthropology | |
ARHS101 | Appr of Visual Arts | ART101 | Intro Art Apprec | |
ARSC120 | Inquiry App to Teaching | EDU1XX | Inq App to Teaching | |
ARSC293 | SPTP: A & S in Class | HUM2XX | SPTP: A&S in Class | |
ART101 | Appr of Visual Arts | ART101 | Intro Art Apprec | |
ART105 | Survey of Art History I | ART204 | Survey West Art I | |
ART111 | Drawing I | ART215 | Drawing I | |
ASP220 | Intro Africana Studies | INT2XX | Intro Africana Studies | |
ASTR106 | Descriptive Astronomy | ESS1XX | Earth Sci Elective No Lab | |
BCOR121 | Intro to Bus Applications | BUS1XX | Intro to Bus Applications | |
BCOR191 | First Year Seminar | FYS1XX | First Year Seminar | |
BCOR199 | Intro to Business | BUS150 | Intro to Business | |
BIOL1 | General Biology | BIO150 | Biology I | |
BIOL101 | General Biology | 01 | BIO151 | Intro Mole Bio Lab |
BIOL101 | General Biology | 01 | BIO150 | Intro Molecular Bio |
BIOL101 | General Biology | 01 | BIO143 | Mole/Gene/Cell Lab |
BIOL101 | General Biology | 01 | BIO142 | Molecule/Gene/Cell |
BIOL102 | General Biology II | BIO1XX | Biology Elect no lab | |
BIOL102 | General Biology II | BIO152 | Evol/Ecol & Divers | |
BIOL103 | General Biology Laboratory | 01 | ||
BIOL104 | General Biology Laboratory | BIO153 | Evol/Ecol/Div Lab | |
BIOL105 | Env Biology | BIO1XX | Bio Elective No Lab | |
BIOL115 | Principles of Biology | 02 | BIO151 | Intro Mole Bio Lab |
BIOL115 | Principles of Biology | 02 | BIO150 | Intro Molecular Bio |
BIOL115L | Principles of Biology Lab | 02 | ||
BIOL117 | Intro Physiology | BIO152 | Biology II | |
BIOL219 | The living Cell | BIO2XX | Biology Elect No Lab | |
BIOL4 | General Biology Lab | BIO1XX | Biology Elective Lab Only | |
BIOL490 | Teaching Prac | BIO4XX | Biology Elect no lab | |
BN215 | Elect Media & Soc | CM2XX | Elect Media & Soc | |
BUSA101 | Intro to Business | BUS150 | Intro to Business | |
BUSA202 | Survey of Accountingq | ACC2XX | Surv of Accounting | |
CDFS110 | Fam Across Life Span | BEH1XX | Fam Across Life Span | |
CDFS112 | Intro Marriage & Family | SOC225 | The Family | |
CE332 | Intro Transportation Engr | CVE320 | Transportation Eng | |
CHEM110 | Intro to Chemistry | CHM1XX | Intro to Chemistry | |
CHEM111 | Survey of Chemistry | CHM134 | Gen Chem I | |
CHEM112 | Survey of Chemistry | CHM136 | Gen Chem II | |
CHEM115 | Fundamentals of Chemistry | 02 | CHM134 | Gen Chem I |
CHEM115 | Fundamentals of Chemistry | 02 | CHM135 | Gen Chem I Lab |
CHEM115L | CHEM 115L | 02 | ||
CHEM116 | Fund of Chemistry | CHM136 | Gen Chem II | |
CHEM233 | Organic Chem | CHM2XX | Chemistry Elect No Lab | |
CHEM233 | Organic Chem | CHM234 | Organic Chem I | |
CJ101 | Intro Crim Justice | CCJ101 | Intro Crim Justice | |
CJ223 | Police & Society | CCJ364 | Policing Communities | |
CJ224 | Punishment & Corr | CCJ337 | Punishmnt/Correctns | |
CJ225 | Victimology | CCJ310 | Victimology | |
CJ307 | Criminal Law | CCJ302 | Criminal Law | |
CJ308 | Ehtics in Crim Just Sys | CCJ203 | Ethical Issues/CJ | |
COMM100 | Princ of Human Comm | CM1XX | Princ of Human Comm | |
COMM102 | Human Comm-Interp Context | CM104 | Human Communicatn | |
COMM102 | Human Comm-Interp Context | CM1XX | Huma Com-Interp Cont | |
COMM103 | Pres Speaking | CM212 | Public Speaking | |
COMM104 | Public Communication | CM212 | Public Speaking | |
COMM105 | Intro to Mass Media | CM211 | Mass Communication | |
COMM122 | Human Comm-Cont Society | CM104 | Human Communicatn | |
COMM201 | Comm Research Meth | CM2XX | Comm Research Meth | |
COMM203 | Communication Corner | CM2XX | Comm Corner | |
COMM305 | Apprec-Motion Pictures | FLM216 | Intro to Film | |
COMM306 | Organizational Comm | CM328 | Organizational Comm | |
CS101 | Intro Comp Applications | IFS100 | Info Tech Competncy | |
CS101 | Intro Comp Applications | IFS105 | Personal Computing | |
CS110 | Introduction - Computer Sci | CS1XX | Introduction - Comp Sci | |
DANC101 | Intro to Dance | HUM1XX | Intro to Dance | |
ECON201 | Prin of Microecon | ECO201 | Prin Econ-Micro | |
ECON202 | Prin of Macroecon | ECO200 | Prin Econ-Macro | |
ECON225 | Elmntry Bsnss/Ecnmcs Stat | QBA260 | Data Driven Dec Making | |
EDUC191 | First-Year Seminar | FYS1XX | First-Year Seminar | |
EE221 | Intro Elect Eng | ECE280 | Fund Electrical Eng | |
ENGL101 | Comp & Rhetoric | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm | |
ENGL102 | Comp & Rhetoric | WRT1XX | Comp & Rhetoric | |
ENGL242 | American Lit 2 | LIT282 | Amer Lit after 1885 | |
ENGL251 | Amer Folklore and Culture | LIT2XX | Amer Folklore and Cult | |
ENGL288 | Sexual Diversity in Lit & Film | HUM2XX | Sexual Div in Lit & Film | |
ENGR101 | Eng Prob Solving I | EGR1XX | Eng Prob Solving I | |
ENGR120 | Graphics I | EGR1XX | Graphics I | |
ENGR129 | Engr Math | MAT1XX | Engr Math | |
ENGR191 | First-Year Seminar | FYS1XX | First-Year Seminar | |
FILM101 | The Art of Film I | FLM1XX | The Art of Film I | |
FILM102 | The Art of Film 2 | FLM1XX | Art of Film 2 | |
FIS191 | First-Year Seminar | FYS100 | First Year Seminar | |
FIS201 | Intro to Forensic ID | FCM2XX | Intro to Forensic ID | |
FOR140 | W Va Nat Resources | ESS1XX | Earth Sci Elect No Lab | |
FOR240 | Intro Computing | IFS105 | Personal Computing | |
FRCH101 | Elem French I | FRN101 | Elem French I | |
FRCH102 | Elem French II | FRN102 | Elem French II | |
GEOG102 | World Regions | G1XX | World Regions | |
GEOG102 | World Regions | G100 | World Reg Geography | |
GEOG106 | Physical Geo | G151 | Intro Physical Geog | |
GEOG107 | Phys Geog | ESS1XX | Phys Geog | |
GEOG108 | Human Geo | G1XX | Human Geo | |
GEOG110 | Environmental Geoscience | BIO212 | Environmntl Bio | |
GEOG150 | Digital Earth | G1XX | Digital Earth | |
GEOG243 | Geography of Africa | INT2XX | Geo of Africa | |
GEOG244 | Geog of Mid East | G2XX | Geog of Mid East | |
GEOL101 | Planet Earth | ESS1XX | Planet Earth | |
GEOL103 | Earth Through Time | ESS1XX | Earth Through Time | |
GEOL110 | Environmental Geoscience | BIO1XX | Environmental Geoscience | |
GER101 | Elementary German I | GRM101 | Elem German I | |
GER102 | Intro German Lang/Cult 2 | GRM102 | Elem German II | |
HHP122 | Fitness for Living | PAW134 | Concpts Phys Actvty | |
HIS102 | W Civ: 1600-Pres | HIS102 | Western Civ II | |
HIST101 | W Civ: Antiquity-1600 | HIS101 | Western Civ I | |
HIST152 | Amer Nation to 1865 | HIS111 | American Civ I | |
HIST153 | Mod Amer:1865-Pres | HIS112 | American Civ II | |
HIST375 | Hollywood and History | HIS3XX | Hollywood and History | |
HN&F171 | Intro to Nutrition | NUR202 | Nutrition | |
HONR297 | Research | NPE1XX | Non Prog Elect | |
HUM101 | Intro-Western Civ I | HUM1XX | Intro-Western Civ I | |
HUM102 | Intro Western Civ 2 | HUM1XX | Intro Western Civ 2 | |
HUM112 | Humanities of Greece | HUM1XX | Humanities of Greece | |
IENG213 | Eng Statistics | EGR2XX | Eng Statistics | |
IENG377 | Eng Economy | EGR3XX | Eng Economy | |
IMSE200 | Fund Industrial Engr | EGR2XX | Fund Industrial Engr | |
IMSE220 | Re-Engr Mgmt Systems | EGR2XX | Re-Engr Mgmt Systems | |
INDS115 | Creat Mod Arts | HUM1XX | Creat Mod Arts | |
ITAL101 | Elem Italian I | ITL101 | Elem Italian I | |
JRL101 | Media & Society | CM211 | Mass Communication | |
JRL220 | Intro Photojournalism | ART2XX | Intro Photojournalism | |
LING1 | Intro to Language | CM1XX | Intro to Language | |
MAE102 | Intro to MAE Design | EGR100 | Epads I | |
MAE211 | Mechatronics | EGR2XX | Mechatronics | |
MAE241 | Statics | EGR250 | Statics | |
MAE242 | Dynamics | ME252 | Dynamics/Vibrtn | |
MAE316 | Analy Eng Sys | EGR3XX | Analy Eng Sys | |
MAE342 | Dynamics of Machines | ME440 | Mechncs/Machinry | |
MATH112 | Quant Reason Skills 2 | MAT1XX | Quant Reason Skills 2 | |
MATH121 | Intro Conc of Math | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv | |
MATH122 | Quan Skills/Reason | MAT105 | College Algebra | |
MATH124 | College Algebra-Appl | MAT105 | College Algebra | |
MATH126 | College Algebra | MAT105 | College Algebra | |
MATH126A | College Algebra | MAT105 | College Algebra | |
MATH128 | Plane Trigonometry | MAT108 | Precalculus | |
MATH150 | Intro to Calculus | MAT120 | Applied Calculus | |
MATH153 | Calculus 1a with Precalc | MAT171 | Calculus I | |
MATH154 | Calculus 1b with Precalc | MAT172 | Calculus II | |
MATH155 | Calculus I | MAT171 | Calculus I | |
MATH156 | Calculus II | MAT172 | Calculus II | |
MATH251 | Multivar Calculus | MAT271 | Calculus III | |
MATH3 | College Algebra | MAT105 | College Algebra | |
MICB200 | Med Microbiol | BIO2XX | Biology Elect No Lab | |
MUSC100A | Band: Concert Band | MUS1XX | Band: Concert Band | |
MUSC100C | Band: Symphonic Band | MUS1XX | Band: Symphonic Band | |
MUSC100D | Band: Marching Band | MUS1XX | Band: Marching Band | |
MUSC103 | Orchestra | MUS164 | Symphony Orchestra | |
MUSC108 | Appl Music: Clarinet | MUS128 | Clarinet | |
MUSC113 | 20th Century Pop Music | MUS287 | American Pop Music | |
MUSC120 | Appl Music: Saxophone | MUS130 | Saxophone | |
MUSC126 | Applied Music: Violin | MUS108 | Violin | |
MUSC130 | Piano Class Level O | MUS140 | Class Piano | |
MUSC131 | Piano Class Level 1/2 | MUS141 | Class Piano | |
MUSC132 | Piano Class Level 1 | MUS240 | Class Piano | |
MUSC138 | Voice Class I | MUS146 | Voice Class | |
MUSC143 | Chmbr Musc: Strings | MUS1XX | Chmbr Musc: Strings | |
MUSC161 | Aural Theory I | MUS184 | Sight Singing I | |
MUSC162 | Written Theory I | MUS182 | Music Theory I | |
MUSC163 | Aural Theory 2 | MUS185 | Sight Singing II | |
MUSC164 | Written Theory 2 | MUS183 | Music Theory II | |
MUSC170 | Intro to Music | MUS186 | Listening to Music | |
MUSC173 | Music of Mod Age | MUS1XX | Music of Mod Age | |
MUSC177 | Intro to Music Listening | MUS1XX | Intro to Music Listening | |
MUSC180 | Intro to Music Education | MUS1XX | Intro to Music Education | |
MUSC200 | Fund of Conducting | MUS2XX | Fund of Conducting | |
MUSC263 | Aural Theory 4 | MUS285 | Sight Singing IV | |
MUSC270 | Hist-West Musical Trad I | MUS390 | Music History I | |
MUSC284 | Vocal Pedagogy | MUS146 | Vocal Methods | |
NBAN205 | Intro Hum Anat | BIO220 | Human A/P I | |
NBAN205 | Intro Hum Anat | BIO2XX | Biology Elect No Lab | |
NSG100 | Intro to Nursing | NUR1XX | Intro to Nursing | |
NSG110 | Health & Wellness | PAW234 | Well/Fitness/Life | |
NSG211 | Health Assessment | NUR2XX | Health Assessment | |
NSG221 | Conc: Nursing I | NUR2XX | Conc: Nursing I | |
NSG225 | Nursing Interv I | NUR2XX | Nursing Interv I | |
NSG241 | Conc: Nursing 2 | NUR2XX | Conc: Nursing 2 | |
NSG245 | Nursing Interv 2 | NUR2XX | Nursing Interv 2 | |
NSG361 | Health Assess | NUR3XX | Health Assess | |
PALM200 | Medical Terminology | BIO201 | Medical Terminology | |
PASS110 | Intro Health/Well-Being Profes | NUR101 | Intro Nursing & Hlth Careers | |
PASS191 | First Year Seminar | FYS1XX | First Year Seminar | |
PATH200 | Medical Term | BIO201 | Medical Terminology | |
PATH200 | Medical Term | HSC105 | Medical Terminology | |
PE104 | Intermed Basketball | PAW152 | Basketball | |
PE125 | Aerobics | PAW136 | Aerobic Dance | |
PE158 | Indoor Soccer | PAW155 | Soccer | |
PE159 | Soccer | PAW155 | Soccer | |
PE164 | Weight Training | PAW119 | Physical Fitness | |
PE170 | Volleyball | PAW160 | Volleyball | |
PE173 | Beg Swimming | PAW120 | Beginning Swimming | |
PE179 | Orientation to Scuba | PAW125 | Scuba Diving | |
PE187 | Golf | PAW140 | Fundamentals/Golf | |
PET124 | Human Body | BIO1XX | Biology Elect No Lab | |
PHIL100 | Problems of Philosophy | PHL221 | Intro Philosophy | |
PHIL130 | Current Moral Problems | PHL223 | Contemp Moral Prob | |
PHIL170 | Intro Crit Reasoning | PHL222 | Critical Thinking | |
PHIL260 | Intro to Symbolic Logic | PHL231 | Logic | |
PHIL293 | SPTP: Business Ethics | PHL2XX | SPTP:Business Ehics | |
PHYS101 | Introductory Physics | PHY110 | Gen Phys:Mech/Ht | |
PHYS102 | Intro Physics | PHY1XX | Physics Elect No Lab | |
PHYS111 | General Physics | PHY160 | Eng Phys:Mechncs | |
POLS103 | Global Political Issues | PS1XX | Global Political Issues | |
PR215 | Intro Pub Relations | PR221 | Intro Public Relations | |
PSIO107 | Intro Hum Anat/Phys | BIO112 | Essentials of A & P | |
PSIO241 | Elem Physiology | BIO2XX | Biology Elect No Lab | |
PSY251 | Intro Soc Psychology | PSY243 | Social Psychology | |
PSYC1 | Intro to Psychology | PSY100 | General Psychology | |
PSYC101 | Intro to Psychology | PSY100 | General Psychology | |
PSYC151 | Gen Psychology | PSY100 | General Psychology | |
PSYC202 | Research Methods in Psy | PSY2XX | Res Methods in Psy | |
PSYC203 | Research Meth & Analysis I | PSY270 | Design Analysis I | |
PSYC204 | Research Meth & Analysis I | PSY271 | Design Analysis II | |
PSYC233 | Psych of Cinema | PSY2XX | Psych of Cinema | |
PSYC241 | Intro Hum Dev | NUR201 | Nursing HD/HC | |
PSYC241 | Intro Hum Dev | PSY2XX | Intro Hum Dev | |
PSYC251 | Intro Soc Psych | PSY243 | Social Psychology | |
PSYC281 | Intro Abnormal Psych | PSY230 | Abnormal Psych | |
PSYC293M | SPTP: Hum Dev | PSY2XX | SPTP: Hum Dev | |
PSYC293O | SPTP: Death & Dying | PSY2XX | SPTP: Death & Dying | |
REL393D | Sp Tp: Relg/Mysticism | REL3XX | Sp Tp: Relg/Mysticism | |
RELG102 | Intro World Religions | REL265 | World Religions | |
RELIG102 | Intro Old Testament I | REL1XX | Intro Old Testament I | |
RPTR140 | Adv West VA | REC1XX | Adv West VA | |
RPTR293E | SPTP: Adventure WV | REC2XX | SPTP: Adventure WV | |
RPTR293K | Adv WV Bckpck/Paddl | PAW143 | Backpacking | |
SEP271 | Sport in American Society | SPM2XX | Sport in Amer Society | |
SEP272 | Psych Persp Sport | SPM2XX | Psych Persp Sport | |
SM167 | Intro Sport Studies | SPM1XX | Intro Sport Studies | |
SM293 | Intro-Sport Mgmt | SPM125 | Intro Sport Mgmt | |
SOCA1 | Intro to Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology | |
SOCA101 | Intro to Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology | |
SOCA105 | Intro to Anthropology | ANT220 | Cult Anthropology | |
SOCA337 | Sociology of Am Business | SOC3XX | Soc of Am Business | |
SOWK147 | Human Diversity | SOC315 | Ethnic/Minorities | |
SOWK151 | Intro to Social Work | SOC1XX | Intro to Soc Work | |
SPAN101 | Elem Spanish I | SPN101 | Elem Spanish I | |
SPAN102 | Elem Spanish 2 | SPN102 | Elem Spanish II | |
SPAN203 | Intermed Span I | SPN201 | Inter Spanish I | |
SPAN204 | Intermed Span II | SPN202 | Inter Spanish II | |
SPED304 | SPED in Contemporary Society | SPE3XX | SPED in Contemporary Society | |
SS167 | Intro to Sport Studies | SPM1XX | Intro to Sport Studies | |
SS271 | Sport in Amer Soc | SPM2XX | Sport in Amer Soc | |
SS272 | Psych Persp-Sport | SPM2XX | Psych Persp-Sport | |
STAT111 | Understanding Statistics | BEH260 | Statistics | |
STAT111 | Understanding Statistics | MAT250 | Statistics | |
STAT111 | Understanding Statistics | QBA260 | Data Driven Dec Making | |
STAT211 | Elem Stat Inference | BEH260 | Statistics | |
STAT211 | Elem Stat Inference | MAT250 | Statistics | |
STAT211 | Elem Stat Inference | QBA260 | Business Statistics | |
THET101 | Intro to Theatre | THE154 | Introduction to Theatre | |
TVJ215 | Electronic Media & Soc | CM2XX | Electronic Media & Soc | |
WDSC100 | For Res in U.S. Hist | HIS1XX | For Res in U.S. Hist | |
WGST150 | Women in Movies | WGS1XX | Women in Movies | |
WMAN150 | Prin-Conserv Ecology | BIO1XX | Biology Elective No Lab | |
WMAN160 | Ecology Invading Species | BIO1XX | Biology Elect No Lab | |
WMST150 | Women in Movies | WGS1XX | Women in Movies | |
WMST225 | Women in Appalachia | WGS2XX | Women in Appalachia | |
WMST245 | Women Intl Dev | WGS2XX | Women Intl Dev | |
WVUE2930 | SPTP: Critical Thinking | NPE2XX | SPTP: Critical Thinking |
Westchester Community College | York College of Pennsylvania | ||
ACC119 | Financial Acct | ACC220 | Financial Acct |
ACC120 | Managerial Acct | ACC225 | Managerial Acct |
ART101 | Beginning Drawing | ART215 | Drawing I |
BIOL101 | Biological Science | BIO204 | Exploring Biology |
BIOL101 | Biological Science | BIO205 | Exp Biology Lab |
BIOL103 | Bio Sci II-Human Bio | BIO112 | Fund Human Bio |
BIOL109 | Basic Anat & Physio | BIO112 | Fund Human Bio |
BIOL115 | Gen Biology I | BIO150 | Biology I |
BIOL143 | Environmental Sci | BIO1XX | Biology Elect No Lab |
BIOL215 | General Microbiology | BIO230 | Microbiology |
CHEM113 | Prin of Inorganic Chem | CHM134 | Gen Chem I |
CIS215 | Mgt Info Sys | IFS305 | Management Info Sys |
COMM101 | Understand Mass Media | CM211 | Mass Communication |
COMM109 | Speech Comm | CM104 | Human Communicatn |
COMM109 | Speech Comm | CM212 | Public Speaking |
COMSC101 | Comp Prog I | CS1XX | Comp Prog I |
DANCE101A | Mod Dance I | PAW117 | Modern Dance |
DANCE120 | Jazz/Music Theare Dance | PAW129 | Pop Jazz Dance |
DP103 | Computer Info Systems | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
ECON101 | Macroeconomics | ECO200 | Prin Econ-Macro |
ECON102 | Microeconomics | ECO201 | Prin Econ-Micro |
ENG101 | Writing and Research | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm |
ENG102 | Writ & Literature | LIT200 | Perspectives/Lit |
ENG115 | Creative Writing | CRW272 | Intro Creative Wrt |
FIN203 | Managerial Finance | FIN300 | Managrl Finance I |
GEOG101 | World Geography | G100 | World Reg Geography |
HIS102 | Western Civ 1648-Pres | HIS102 | Western Civ II |
HIS111 | 19th Century US History | HIS112 | American Civ II |
HIS112 | 20th Cent U.S. Hist | HIS366 | 20th Cent Amer Hist |
INB101 | Intl Bus | IBS200 | Internatl Business |
INTER110 | Intro to Oceanography | BIO124 | Oceanography |
ITAL103 | Italian Conv I | ITL1XX | Italian Conv I |
ITAL250 | Adv Italian I | ITL2XX | Adv Italian I |
MATH110B | Col Alg: Functions & Models | MAT105 | College Algebra |
MATH115 | Precalculus | MAT108 | Precalculus |
MATH117 | Contemp Math | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv |
MATH121 | Calculus I | MAT171 | Calculus I |
MATH130 | Coll Algebra | MAT105 | College Algebra |
MATH135 | College Algebra | MAT105 | College Algebra |
MATH161 | Precalculus | MAT108 | Precalculus |
MATH181 | Calculus I | MAT171 | Calculus I |
MGT101 | Bus Org & Mgt | MGT150 | Prin of Management |
MKT101 | Marketing | MKT100 | Prin Marketing |
MUSIC160 | Intro to Audio I | CM226 | Audio Productn |
MUSIC165 | Recording Eng I | CM1XX | Recording Eng I |
PE110 | Health and Fitness for Life | PAW234 | Well/Fitness/Life |
PE123 | Mod Dance Lab | PAW117 | Modern Dance |
PEC142 | Fitness-Badminton | PAW151 | Badminton |
PHIL110 | Rel of the World | REL265 | World Religions |
PHYSC119 | Science & Survival | PSC1XX | Phys Sci Elect No Lab |
PHYSC129 | Intro to Oceanography | BIO124 | Oceanography |
PHYSC143 | Earth Science | ESS1XX | Earth Science |
PHYSC151 | Astronomy | ESS154 | Intro/Astronomy |
POL203 | Prin of Investigation | CCJ305 | Crim Investigation |
POL205 | Surv Organized Crime | CCJ314 | Organized Crime |
POL211 | Basic Crim Law & Pro | CCJ341 | Criminal Procedure |
POLSC102 | Amer Govt & Issues | PS101 | Amer Gov/Citizenship |
POLSC113 | Mid Eastern Politics | PS246 | Govt/Pol Mid East |
PSYCH101 | General Psychology | PSY100 | General Psychology |
SOC101 | Intro to Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology |
SOC102 | Marriage & Family | SOC225 | The Family |
SPAN101 | Elem Spanish I | SPN101 | Elem Spanish I |
SPAN103 | Beg Spanish Conv I | SPN101 | Elem Spanish I |
SPAN104 | Beg Spanish Conv II | SPN102 | Elem Spanish II |
Wilkes University | York College of Pennsylvania | ||
ABBA461 | Business Strat | BUS495 | Bus Strategy/Policy |
ACC162 | Man Acct & Dec Making | ACC225 | Managerial Acct |
ANT101 | Intro to Anthropology | ANT1XX | Intro to Anthropology |
ART101 | Exp Art | ART101 | Intro Art Apprec |
ART111 | Fund of Color and Design | ART210 | Design I |
ART134 | Computer Graphics I | ART235 | Concpts Comp Grhcs |
ART138 | Digital Photography | ART246 | Digital Photography |
ART234 | Computer Graphics II | ART206 | Elements Comp Graph |
AS101 | Found of US Air Force I | NPE1XX | Found of US Air Force I |
AS102 | Found of US Air Force II | NPE1XX | Found of US Air Force II |
AS201 | Evol of Air & Space Power I | NPE1XX | Evol of Air & Space Power I |
BA151 | Int Mgmt Exp I | BUS1XX | Int Mgmt Exp I |
BA152 | Int Mgmt Exp II | BUS1XX | Int Mgmt Exp II |
BA153 | Management Foundations | MGT150 | Prin of Management |
BA198 | Integrated Manag Exp II | BUS1XX | Integrated Manag Exp II |
BA257 | Mgt Info Sys | IFS305 | Management Info Sys |
BA309 | Bus Corr & Reports | FCO210 | Comm Prof Cultures |
BA321 | Marketing | MKT100 | Prin Marketing |
BA351 | Mgmt Org & People | MGT150 | Prin of Management |
BIO105 | Contemp Issues in Biology | BIO205 | Exp Biology Lab |
BIO105 | Contemp Issues in Biology | BIO204 | Exploring Biology |
BIO115 | Hum Anat & Phys I | BIO220 | Human A/P I |
BIO121 | Prin Mod Biology I | BIO150 | Biology I |
BIO122 | Prin Mod Biology II | BIO152 | Biology II |
CHM111 | Fund of Chemistry | CHM122 | Prin Gen/Org Chem |
CHM115 | Elements and Compounds | CHM134 | Gen Chem I |
CHM115 | Elements and Compounds | CHM1XX | Chemistry Elect No Lab |
CHM116 | Chemical Reaction | CHM136 | Gen Chem II |
CHM116 | Chemical Reaction | CHM1XX | Chemistry Elect No Lab |
CHM231 | Organic Chem I | CHM234 | Organic Chem I |
CHM231 | Organic Chem I | CHM2XX | Chemistry Elect No Lab |
COM101 | Fund of Public Speaking | CM212 | Public Speaking |
COM101 | Fund of Public Speaking | CM104 | Human Communicatn |
CS115 | Comps and Appls | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
CS115 | Comps and Appls | IFS100 | Info Tech Competncy |
CS125 | Computer Science I | CS1XX | Computer Science I |
DAN100 | Dance Apprec | HUM1XX | Dance Apprec |
EC102 | Prin of Econ II | ECO201 | Prin Econ-Micro |
ED180 | Educational Psych | EDU1XX | Educational Psych |
ED508 | Intercult Comm | MED586 | Soc & Cult Respons in Class |
ED510 | Psych Found | MED502 | Adv Educ Psych |
ED514 | Current Issues in Ed | MED503 | Curric Trends/Issue |
ED519 | Issues, Laws and Trends | MED503 | Curric Trends/Issue |
ED522 | Curr & Instruction | MED503 | Curric Trends/Issue |
ED525 | Intro Ed Res/Masters Lev | MED501 | Intro Ed Research |
ED526 | Internet Library for Educ | MED622 | Dist Ed Technologies |
ED528 | Print Media/Dig Classroom | MED624 | Media Design/Devlop |
ED552 | Tchng Through Lrning Chan | MED622 | Tchng Through Lrning Chan |
ED557 | Differentiated Instruction for | MED502 | Dev, Learning, Incl Pract |
ED559 | Behav/Acad/Soc Intervention | MED502 | Adv Educ Psych |
ED576 | School Mgmt & Comm | MED504 | Group Processes/Ed |
ED578 | Prof Develop/Super | MED562 | Supervsn Instructn |
ED585 | Integrating Tech in Curric | MED620 | Tech Enhance Pedag |
EDIM510 | Web2.0 Impact Lrn Env | MED624 | Web2.0 Impact Lrn Env |
EDIM510 | Web 2.0: Impact Learn Enviro | MED624 | Media Design/Devlop |
EDIM514 | Internet Tools for Teaching | MED622 | Dist Ed Technologies |
EES105 | Planet Earth | ESS1XX | Planet Earth |
EES202 | Bioeochemistry | ESS2XX | Bioeochemistry |
EGR140 | Comp & Stat Analy | EGR1XX | Comp & Stat Analy |
EGR200 | Intro to Materials | EGR2XX | Intro to Materials |
ENG101 | Composition | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm |
ENG120 | Read Cult Crossroads/WGS | LIT200 | Perspectives/Lit |
ENG225 | Comp Grammar | WRT2XX | Comp Grammar |
ENT203 | Opt. ID: Innovat & Creativity | ENT350 | Creativity/Innovtn |
FRF101 | Intelligence Applied | NPE1XX | Intelligence Applied |
FYF101 | What Would You Do? | FYS100 | First Year Seminar |
FYF101 | First Year Foundation | NPE1XX | First Year Foundation |
FYF101 | Intell Applied | FYS100 | First Year Seminar |
FYF101A | Exploring the Arts | FYS100 | First Year Seminar |
HST125 | American History I | HIS111 | American Civ I |
HST297 | Hist Research & Methods | HIS200 | Methods/Theory Hist |
IM101 | Integrative Media I | ART1XX | Integrative Media I |
LIT501 | Found of Literacy | MED510 | Found Reading Instr |
ME180 | CADD Lab | ME1XX | CADD Lab |
MTH100 | Precal Math | MAT108 | Precalculus |
MTH101 | Solving Prob Using Math | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv |
MTH111 | Calculus I | MAT171 | Calculus I |
MTH112 | Calculus II | MAT172 | Calculus II |
MTH150 | Elem Stats | MAT250 | Statistics |
MUS100 | Guitar | MUS186 | Listening to Music |
MUS100 | Piano | MUS1XX | Piano |
MUS100A | Voice | MUS101 | Voice |
MUS101 | Intro to Music I | MUS200 | Music Appreciation |
MUS121 | Civic Band | MUS1XX | Civic Band |
PHL101 | Intro to Philosophy | PHL221 | Intro Philosophy |
PHL398 | T: State Power | PHL3XX | T: State Power |
PHY105 | Concepts in Physics | PHY110 | Gen Phys:Mech/Ht |
PHY201 | General Physics I | PHY160 | Eng Phys:Mechncs |
PHY202 | General Physics II | PHY260 | Eng Phys:Elct/Magn |
PS111 | Intro to American Politics | PS141 | American Governmnt |
PS232 | Criminal Law | CCJ302 | Criminal Law |
PSY101 | General Psychology I | PSY100 | General Psychology |
PSY200 | Statistics in Psychology | BEH260 | Statistics |
PSY242 | Personality/WGS | WGS2XX | Personality/WGS |
PSY356 | Industrial/Org Psych | PSY3XX | Industrial/Org Psych |
PSY358 | Psych Tests & Measures | PSY3XX | Psych Tests & Measures |
SOC101 | Intro to Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology |
SOC222 | Criminology | CCJ378 | Criminology |
SOC226 | Corrections, Parole, Probat | CCJ337 | Punishmnt/Correctns |
SP101 | Elementary Spanish I | SPN101 | Elem Spanish I |
SP102 | Elem Spanish II | SPN102 | Elem Spanish II |
SP203 | Intermediate Spanish I | SPN201 | Inter Spanish I |
SP204 | Intermediate Spanish II | SPN202 | Inter Spanish II |
William Paterson University | York College of Pennsylvania | ||
ACCT2110 | Financial Accounting | ACC220 | Financial Acct |
ANTH130 | Intro to Anthropology | ANT220 | Cult Anthropology |
ANTH1300 | Origins & Div of Human | ANT220 | Cult Anthropology |
ARTH101 | Approaches Western Art | ART101 | Intro Art Apprec |
BIO112 | Gen A & P I | BIO220 | Human A/P I |
BIO1120 | College Writing | BIO220 | Human A/P I |
BIO1120 | College Writing | BIO221 | Human A/P I Lab |
BIO113 | Gen A & P II | BIO222 | Human A/P II |
BIO120 | Human Biology | BIO112 | Fund Human Bio |
BIO1200 | Human Biology | BIO204 | Exploring Biology |
BIO1630 | General Biology I | BIO150 | Biology I |
BIO170 | Basic Microbiology | BIO230 | Microbiology |
CHEM133 | Chem for Health Sci | CHM122 | Prin Gen/Org Chem |
CMHL221 | Nutrition | NUR202 | Nutrition |
COMM101 | Intro to Theater | THE154 | Introduction to Theatre |
COMM110 | Comm in Action | CM329 | Interpersonal Comm |
COMM110 | Comm in Action | CM104 | Human Communicatn |
COMM2250 | Audio & Radio Production | CM226 | Audio Productn |
COMM2340 | Film as a Medium | FLM2XX | Film as a Medium |
CSH250 | Int Res Meth/Stats I | BEH260 | Statistics |
CSH350 | Int Res Meth/Stats II | MAT3XX | Int Res Meth/Stats II |
ECON2110 | Business Statistics II | QBA265 | Business Stats II |
ENG110 | Writing Effective Prose | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm |
ENG1100 | College Writing | WRT1XX | College Writing |
ENG150 | Intro to Literature | LIT200 | Perspectives/Lit |
ENG1500 | Experiences in Literature | LIT200 | Perspectives/Lit |
ENG2310 | Intro to Creative Writing | CRW272 | Intro Creative Wrt |
ENV1150 | General Geology | ESS1XX | General Geology |
EXSC1500 | Aerobic Conditioning | EXS203 | Essentials Strength & Conditio |
EXSC1600 | Resist Flex Training | PAW170 | Core Conditioning |
FR1100 | Basic French I | FRN101 | Elem French I |
GEO150 | World Regional Geography | G100 | World Reg Geography |
HIST101 | Found West Civ | HIS101 | Western Civ I |
HIST102 | The West and World | HIS102 | Western Civ II |
IT110 | Basic Italian I | ITL101 | Elem Italian I |
IT111 | Basic Italian II | ITL102 | Elem Italian II |
KNES1200 | Intro to Kinesiology | EPS205 | Kinesiology |
LAS2010 | Intro to Latin American St | INT145 | Intro Latin America |
MATH110 | Contemporary Math | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv |
MATH1100 | Contemporary Math | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv |
MATH115 | College Algebra | MAT105 | College Algebra |
MATH1160 | Precalculus | MAT108 | Precalculus |
MATH1170 | Business Math | MAT105 | College Algebra |
MATH130 | Elem Stats | BEH260 | Statistics |
MATH130 | Elem Stats | MAT250 | Statistics |
MATH130 | Elem Stats | QBA260 | Business Statistics |
MGT460 | Bus Strategy & Policy | BUS495 | Business Policy |
MUS120 | Music Apprecation | MUS186 | Listening to Music |
MUSI1510 | Audio Recording for Musicians | MUS1XX | Audio Rec for Muscns |
MUSI2400 | Struc/Content Mus Industry | MUS297 | Survey Music Industry |
NUR5461 | Advanced Pathophysiology | NUR505 | Adv Phys/Pathophys |
NUR6011 | Adv Pharmacology | NUR520 | Advanced Pharmacology |
PBHL1100 | Healthy U | PAW234 | Well/Fitness/Life |
PBHL2210 | Nutrition | NUR202 | Nutrition |
PHIL110 | Intro to Philosophy | PHL221 | Intro Philosophy |
PHIL1100 | Intro to Philosophy | PHL221 | Intro Philosophy |
PHYS1100 | Intro to Physics | PHY110 | Gen Phys:Mech/Ht |
PHYS170 | Gen Astronomy | ESS154 | Intro/Astronomy |
PHYS255 | College Physics I | PHY110 | Gen Phys:Mech/Ht |
PHYS256 | College Physics II | PHY112 | Gen Phys:Elc/Magn |
POL110 | Intro to Politics | PS1XX | Intro to Politics |
POL120 | Amer Govt | PS141 | American Governmnt |
PSY110 | General Psychology | PSY100 | General Psychology |
PSY1100 | General Psychology | PSY100 | General Psychology |
PSY210 | Dev Psych | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop |
RPS210 | Negotiation | BUS2XX | Negotiation |
SOC1010 | Prin of Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology |
SPAN110 | Basic Spanish I | SPN101 | Elem Spanish I |
SPAN111 | Basic Span II | SPN102 | Elem Spanish II |
WGS150 | Racism & Sexism in US | BEH1XX | Racism & Sexism in US |
WS150 | Racism/Sexism in the US | WGS1XX | Racism/Sexism in the US |
Wilmington University | York College of Pennsylvania | ||
ART210 | Basic Design | ART210 | Design I |
ART301 | Drawing and Painting | ART3XX | Drawing and Painting |
BAC101 | Accounting I | ACC220 | Financial Acct |
BAC102 | Accounting II | ACC225 | Managerial Acct |
BBM201 | Prin of Mgmt | MGT150 | Prin of Management |
BBM301 | Org Behavior | MGT225 | Org Behavior |
BBM320 | Business Communications | CM246 | Comm/Business Prof |
BBM370 | Global Business Mgt | ||
BBM411 | Opers and System Mgt | SCM300 | Operations Mgmt |
BCS205 | Pers Comp Oper I | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
BCS206 | Comp Appl for Bus | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
BCS210 | Comp Science | CS2XX | Comp Science |
BIO251 | Biology I w Lab | BIO151 | Intro Mole Bio Lab |
BIO251 | Biology I w Lab | BIO142 | Molecule/Gene/Cell |
BIO251 | Biology I w Lab | BIO150 | Intro Molecular Bio |
BIO251 | Biology I w Lab | BIO143 | Mole/Gene/Cell Lab |
BLA303 | Leg & Ethical Env of Bus | BUS260 | Legal Environment |
COM322 | Aesthetics of Film | FLM3XX | Aesthetics of Film |
CRJ101 | Survey of Criminal Justice | CCJ101 | Intro Crim Justice |
CRJ205 | Princ of Criminology | CCJ378 | Criminology |
CRJ316 | Criminal Law | CCJ302 | Criminal Law |
CRJ341 | Comm Corrections | CCJ337 | Punishmnt/Correctns |
CRJ411 | Crim Evidence & Proc | CCJ362 | Crime Scene Process |
CRJ412 | Ethics in Crim Just | CCJ203 | Ethical Issues/CJ |
CSC325 | Java Prog I | IFS1XX | Java Prog I |
CTA206 | Computer Applications | IFS105 | Personal Computing |
CTA210 | Intro to Technology | IFS1XX | Intro to Technology |
DSN110 | Fund of Drawing | ART215 | Drawing I |
DSN325 | Multimedia Web Page Dsgn | IFS3XX | Multimed Web Page Dsgn |
ECE214 | Creat Envir for Learn | EDU2XX | Creat Envir for Learn |
ECO101 | Economics I | ECO200 | Prin Econ-Macro |
ECO102 | Economics II | ECO201 | Prin Econ-Micro |
ECO105 | Fund of Econ | ECO1XX | Fund of Economics |
EDU304 | Hlth & Phys Ed | EDU3XX | Hlth & Phys Ed |
ENG101 | English Composition I | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm |
ENG102 | English Composition II | WRT1XX | English Composition II |
ENG110 | English Essentials | WRT100 | Intro College Writ |
ENG111 | Adv Comm Skils | CM212 | Public Speaking |
ENG121 | Eng Comp I | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm |
ENG122 | Eng Comp II | WRT1XX | Eng Comp II |
ENG131 | Public Speaking | CM212 | Public Speaking |
ENG320 | Advanced Comp | WRT315 | Advanced Compositn |
EPY301 | Assess Except Child | SPE3XX | Assess Except Child |
EPY401 | Teaching Except Child | SPE4XX | Teaching Except Child |
FYE101 | First Year Exp Seminar | FYS100 | First Year Seminar |
GOV326 | Public Plcy/Soc Issues | PS151 | Intro Public Admin |
HIS301 | Women in History | HIS3XX | Women in History |
HIS315 | The Green Revolution | HIS387 | N Amer Envirnmntl |
HIS330 | The Holocaust | HIS421 | Nazi Germany/Holcst |
HUM204 | Folklore | HUM2XX | Folklore |
HUM310 | Building Brain Power | HUM3XX | Building Brain Power |
HUM360 | Hum World Views | HUM3XX | HWV & Express: Ideas |
HUM361 | Hum World Views 1650-Pres | HUM3XX | Hum World Views |
LIT205 | World/Non West Lit | LIT2XX | World/Non West Lit |
MAT101 | College Math I | MAT105 | College Algebra |
MAT102 | College Math II | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv |
MAT110 | Math Essentials | MAT102 | College Algebra I |
MAT121 | College Math | MAT105 | College Algebra |
MAT200 | Pre-Calculus | MAT108 | Precalculus |
MAT201 | Math for Teachers I | MAT115 | Sets/Number Systems |
MAT205 | History & Princ of Math | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv |
MAT205 | Intro Survey Math | MAT111 | Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv |
MAT301 | Princ of Stats I | QBA260 | Business Statistics |
MAT304 | Math for Teacher III | MAT105 | College Algebra |
MAT308 | Inferential Stats | MAT250 | Statistics |
MIS320 | Mgt Info Sys | IFS305 | Management Info Sys |
MUS101 | Music Appr | MUS186 | Listening to Music |
MUS302 | History of Rock and Roll | MUS288 | History Rock/Roll |
PHI100 | Intro Critical Thinking | PHL222 | Critical Thinking |
PHI300 | Ethics for Life | PHL341 | Ethics |
PHI302 | Ethics & Values Beh Sci | PHL341 | Ethics |
PHI310 | Critical Thinking | PHL222 | Critical Thinking |
PSY101 | Intro to Psychology | PSY100 | General Psychology |
PSY201 | Child Grwth & Dev | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop |
PSY300 | Theories of Personality | PSY3XX | Theories of Personality |
PSY301 | Soc Psychology | PSY243 | Social Psychology |
PSY309 | Interpersonal Comm Skills | CM329 | Interpersonal Comm |
PSY315 | Group Dynamics | PSY3XX | Group Dynamics |
PSY329 | Life Span Development | HSV250 | Lifecourse Develop |
PSY330 | Infant and Toddler Dev | PSY223 | Early Child Develp |
PSY331 | Middle Childhood Dev | PSY3XX | Middle Childhood Dev |
PSY353 | Sports Psychology | PSY3XX | Sports Psychology |
RDG203 | Learner Dev and Early Lit | EDU2XX | Learner Dev & Early Lit |
RDG300 | Lang Dev Literacy | EDU3XX | Lang Dev Literacy |
REL301 | Biblical Studies | REL3XX | Biblical Studies |
SCI105 | Physical Science | PSC152 | Physical Sci I |
SCI110 | Physics | PSC152 | Physical Sci I |
SCI232 | Life Environ Science | BIO212 | Environmntl Bio |
SCI240 | Concepts in Physics | PHY2XX | Concepts in Physics |
SCI303 | Meteorology | ESS3XX | Earth Sci Elect No Lab |
SCI305 | Earth/Space Science | ESS3XX | Earth/Space Science |
SCI315 | Appld Chemistry | CHM3XX | Appld Chemistry |
SCI335 | Human Anat & Phys | BIO220 | Human A/P I |
SDD100 | Basic Web Design Develop | IFS1XX | Basic Web Design Dev |
SOC101 | Intro to Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology |
SOC201 | Cult Anthropology | ANT220 | Cult Anthropology |
SOC302 | Marriage & the Family | SOC225 | The Family |
SOC304 | Ethnic Groups & Minorities | SOC315 | Ethnic/Minorities |
SOC306 | Cultural Anthropology | ANT220 | Cult Anthropology |
SOC318 | Social Change | SOC3XX | Social Change |
SOC331 | Research, Writ, Information | SOC3XX | Research, Writ, Inform |
SOC404 | Human Trafficking | SOC4XX | Human Trafficking |
SOC405 | Social Deviance | SOC4XX | Social Deviance |
SOC425 | Child Abuse | SOC4XX | Child Abuse |
SOC426 | Child Maltreatment | SOC4XX | Child Maltreatment |
SOC427 | Surv of Child Abuse | SOC4XX | Surv of Child Abuse |
SPA301 | Practical Spanish I | SPN101 | Elem Spanish I |
SPA302 | Practical Spanish II | SPN102 | Elem Spanish II |
TEC215 | Basic Photo Tech | ART2XX | Basic Photo Tech |
TEC315 | Nature Photography | ART3XX | Nature Photography |
TEC405 | Photographic Studio Lghtng | ART4XX | Photographic Studio Lght |
VMG101 | Introduction to Audio | CM226 | Audio Productn |
Wilson College | York College of Pennsylvania | |||
ACC105 | Fin Acct | ACC220 | Financial Acct | |
ACC106 | Managerial Acct | ACC225 | Managerial Acct | |
ACC205 | Intermed Accounting I | ACC320 | Inter Accounting I | |
BIO101 | General Biology | BIO142 | Molecule/Gene/Cell | |
BIO101 | General Biology | BIO150 | Biology I | |
BIO102 | Gen Biology II | BIO152 | Biology II | |
BIO110 | Contemporary Biology | 01 | BIO205 | Exp Biology Lab |
BIO110 | Contemporary Biology | 01 | BIO204 | Exploring Biology |
BIO110L | Contemporary Biology Lab | 01 | ||
BIO111 | Clinical Microbiology | BIO230 | Microbio/Allied Hlth | |
BIO209 | Nutrition | NUR202 | Nutrition | |
BIO209 | Nutrition | NUR202 | Nutrition | |
BIO211 | Microbiology | BIO230 | Microbiology | |
BIO270 | Trop Marine Ecology | BIO2XX | Biology Elect No Lab | |
BIO270 | Exper Tropical Ecology | BIO2XX | Exper Tropical Ecology | |
BIO306 | Immunology | BIO3XX | Biology Elect No Lab | |
BUS124 | Intro to Mgmt | MGT150 | Prin of Management | |
BUS216 | Business Communications | CM246 | Comm/Business Prof | |
BUS220 | Entrepreneurship/Sm Bus Mgt | ENT150 | Intro Entrepreneur | |
BUS223 | Marketing Mgmt | MKT100 | Prin Marketing | |
BUS225 | Business Law | BUS360 | Bus/Commercial Law | |
CHM101 | General Chemistry I | CHM134 | Gen Chem I | |
CHM102 | Gen Chem | CHM136 | Gen Chem II | |
CHM103 | Fund of General Chemistry | CHM122 | Prin Gen/Org Chem | |
CHM104 | Fund of Org Chemistry | CHM1XX | Fund of Org Chemistry | |
CHM201 | Organic Chemistry | CHM234 | Organic Chem I | |
CHM202 | Organic Chemistry | CHM236 | Organic Chem II | |
CHM216 | Biochemistry | CHM2XX | Chemistry Elective No Lab | |
CLS105 | Med/Sci Greek/Lat | HUM1XX | Med/Sci Greek/Lat | |
CLS128 | Intro Archaeology | ANT230 | Intro Archaeology | |
CLS215 | Women in Antiquity | WGS2XX | Women in Antiquity | |
COR202 | Roots of West Cult | NPE2XX | Roots of West Cult | |
CS110 | Intro Comp Based Sys | IFS105 | Personal Computing | |
CS110 | Intro Comp Based Sys | IFS100 | Info Tech Competncy | |
DNC151 | Dance Tech I | HUM1XX | Dance Tech I | |
DNC170 | Beg Ballet | PAW171 | Ballet Dance I | |
DNCORC | Dance Prod/Orch | HUM1XX | Dance Prod/Orch | |
ECO101 | Intro to Macrocon | ECO200 | Prin Econ-Macro | |
ECO102 | Intro Microecon | ECO201 | Prin Econ-Micro | |
ECO105 | Consumer Economics | ECO1XX | Consumer Economics | |
EDU201 | Found Amer Ed | EDU2XX | Found Amer Ed | |
EDU204 | Child Development | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop | |
EDU205 | Child Grwth & Dev | PSY221 | Child/Adol Develop | |
EDU206 | Educational Psych | EDU2XX | Educational Psych | |
EDU208 | Teach Child Lit | EDU2XX | Teach Child Lit | |
EDU215 | Education for Spec Needs | SPE300 | Eff Instruct Method | |
EDU240 | Tech for Teachers | EDU2XX | Tech for Teachers | |
EDU324 | Pract Sem: Sec | EDU3XX | Pract Sem: Sec | |
EDU327 | Student Teach Pract | EDU3XX | Student Teach Pract | |
EDU551 | Inclusive Education | MED502 | Dev, Learning, Incl Pract | |
ENG104 | EAP: English Comp | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm | |
ENG106 | EAP: Acad Res Writing | WRTXX | EAP: Acad Res Writing | |
ENG108 | College Writing | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm | |
ENG108 | College Writing | FCO105 | Rhetorical Comm | |
ENG115 | Writing about Lit | LIT200 | Intro Lit & Text Stud | |
ENG180 | Writing & Literature | LIT200 | Perspectives/Lit | |
ENG185 | Writing Lit/Environment | LIT1XX | Wrtg Lit/Environment | |
ENG204 | Women Writers | LIT382 | Women In Literature | |
ENG214 | Amer Lit II | LIT282 | Amer Lit after 1885 | |
ENG220 | Creative Writing | CRW272 | Intro Creative Wrt | |
ENG270 | Maj Authors | LIT2XX | Maj Authors | |
ENG290 | Shakespeare Trad/Rom | LIT324 | Shakespeare II | |
ENV105 | Foundations of Sustainability | BIO1XX | Biology Elective no lab | |
ENV203 | Sci, Tech and Soc | BEH2XX | Sci, Tech and Soc | |
ESS224 | Fit for Life | PAW234 | Well/Fitness/Life | |
ESS225 | Women in Sport | SPM2XX | Women in Sport | |
ESS281 | Health & Wellness | PAW134 | Concpts Phys Actvty | |
FA114 | Drawing I | ART215 | Drawing I | |
FA115 | Art Appreciation | ART101 | Intro Art Apprec | |
FA120 | Graphic Design I | ART1XX | Graphic Design I | |
FA216 | Printmaking | ART287 | Printmaking I | |
FA217 | Ceramics | ART225 | Ceramics I | |
FA232 | Art of the Golden Age | ART2XX | Art of the Golden Age | |
FA238 | Women Artists | ART2XX | Women Artists | |
FA240 | Art & Cult of China | ART2XX | Art & Cult of China | |
FA247 | Ceramics II | ART2XX | Ceramics II | |
FA260 | Western Art 1000-1800 | ART204 | Survey West Art I | |
FA273 | Landscape Painting | ART2XX | Landscape Painting | |
FRN102 | Elem French II | FRN102 | Elem French II | |
FYS100 | First Year Sem | NPE1XX | First Year Sem | |
FYS100 | First Year Seminar | FYS100 | First Year Seminar | |
HIS112 | Modern Euro History | HIS320 | Europe after 1914 | |
HIS125 | Am History 1865-1945 | HIS112 | American Civ II | |
HIS270 | Black Wom 19th Cent | HIS2XX | Black Wom 19th Cent | |
HSC209 | Human Nutrition | NUR202 | Nutrition | |
IS206 | Compar Comp Cultures | PS1XX | Comp Comp Cultures | |
IS210 | Expl in Global Culture | INT2XX | Expl in Global Culture | |
LAT101 | Elem Latin | LAT101 | Elem Latin I | |
LAT102 | Elem Latin | LAT102 | Elem Latin II | |
LDR301 | Ethics & Leadership | PHL342 | Professional Ethics | |
MAT100 | Int Algebra | MAT102 | Prelim Math/Prob Solv | |
MAT103 | College Algebra | MAT105 | College Algebra | |
MAT110 | Pre-calculus Math | MAT108 | Precalculus | |
MAT115 | Intro Stats | MAT250 | Statistics | |
MAT115 | Intro Stats | QBA260 | Business Statistics | |
MAT115 | Intro Stats | BEH260 | Statistics | |
MAT130 | Calc & Analytic Geom I | MAT171 | Calculus I | |
MCM120 | Interpers Comm | CM329 | Interpersonal Comm | |
MCM302 | Media & the Law | CM3XX | Media & the Law | |
PE132 | Bowling | PAW110 | Beginning Bowling | |
PE133 | Badminton | PAW151 | Badminton | |
PE134 | Tennis | PAW159 | Tennis | |
PE139 | Golf | PAW140 | Fundamentals/Golf | |
PHI121 | Ethics | PHL341 | Ethics | |
PHI222 | Logic | PHL231 | Logic | |
PHI225 | Mod Philosophy | PHL2XX | Mod Philosophy | |
PHI270 | Phil of Science | PHL2XX | Phil of Science | |
PHY101 | Physics | PHY110 | Gen Phys:Mech/Ht | |
PHY102 | Physics | PHY112 | Gen Phys:Elc/Magn | |
PS110 | Intro Pol Sci | PS1XX | Intro Pol Sci | |
PS120 | Amer Govt | PS141 | American Governmnt | |
PS207 | Women in Am Govt & Bus | PS2XX | Women in Am Govt & Bus | |
PS225 | Pol in Comp | PS260 | Comparative Politics | |
PSY110 | Intro Psychology | PSY100 | General Psychology | |
PSY115 | Understanding Statistics | BEH260 | Statistics | |
PSY115 | Understanding Statistics | MAT250 | Statistics | |
PSY115 | Understanding Statistics | QBA260 | Data Driven Dec Making | |
PSY202 | Life-Span Development | PSY2XX | Life-Span Development | |
PSY202 | Life-Span Development | NUR201 | Nursing HD/HC | |
PSY209 | Abnormal Psych | PSY230 | Abnormal Psych | |
PSY210 | Fem Persp Women Sexuality | WGS2XX | Fem Persp Women Sexuality | |
PSY304 | Theories of Personality | PSY3XX | Theories of Personality | |
RLS108 | Rel of the World | REL265 | World Religions | |
RLS220 | Environ Ethics | PHL240 | Environmentl Ethics | |
SOC110 | Intro Anthropology | ANT1XX | Intro Anthropology | |
SOC120 | Intro Sociology | SOC100 | Intro Sociology | |
SOC225 | Soc Prob | SOC220 | Am Social Problems | |
SOC340 | Social Movements/Social Change | SOC236 | Social Change | |
SPN101 | Elementary Spanish I | SPN101 | Elem Spanish I | |
SPN102 | Elem Spanish II | SPN102 | Elem Spanish II | |
SPN111 | Intro Spanish | SPN101 | Elem Spanish I | |
SPN201 | Intermediate Spanish I | SPN201 | Inter Spanish I | |
SPN202 | Intermediate Spanish II | SPN202 | Inter Spanish II | |
SPN205 | Intermediate Spanish | SPN201 | Inter Spanish I | |
SPN209 | Intermed Span Conversation | SPN202 | Inter Spanish II | |
VMT216 | Vet Anatomy & Phys I | BIO2XX | Vet Anatomy & Phys I | |
WS222 | Feminist Theory | WGS2XX | Feminist Theory |
Contact Us
Transfer Resource Center
Erica Schieler
Associate Director of Transfer Admissionss
Sueann Robbins
Director of Graduate and Transfer Admissions
Registrar's Office