Student sitting at table outside with their laptop studying

Transfer Student Course Equivalencies

York College of Pennsylvania accepts transfer credit from all regionally accredited institutions. If you don't see your school listed, rest assured you are still eligible for transfer credit evaluation.

View Transferrable Credits by School

Adelphi UniversityYork College of Pennsylvania
ANT111Cultural AnthropologyANT220Cult Anthropology
ART313DrawingART215Drawing I
ART385JewelryART284Jewelry/Sm Sculpt I
BIO111Biological Conc & Meth IBIO150Biology I
BIO112Bio Concepts & Methods IIBIO152Biology II
BUS162Intro to BusinessBUS150Intro to Business
BUS250Bus Law IBUS260Legal Environment
CHE100Chemistry Modern SocietyCHM1XXChemistry Elective No Lab
CHE107Essentials of ChemistryCHM122Prin Gen/Org Chem
CHE107Essentials of ChemistryCHM123Gen/Org Chem Lab
CHE111Gen Chemistry ICHM134Gen Chem I
CHE112Gen Chemistry IICHM136Gen Chem II
COR100Honors-Modern Condition IHUM1XXHonors-Mod Cond I
COR101Honors- Mod Condition IIHUM1XXHonors- Mod Condition II
COR105Honors-Core CompWRT102Analytical Read/Writ
COR197Honors- Art in the World IIHUM1XXHonors- Art in the World II
CSC156Discrete StructuresCS1XXDiscrete Structures
CSC171Intro to Computer ProgIFS1XXIntro to Computer Prog
EDU121Child Growth & DevelPSY221Child/Adol Develop
ENG107Art & Craft of WritingFCO105Rhetorical Comm
ENG107Art & Craft of WritingWRT102Analytical Read/Writ
ENG108Wrt About LitLIT200Perspectives/Lit
ENV102Nat Sci & Env ProbESS1XXEarth Sci Elect No Lab
EST221Child DevPSY221Child/Adol Develop
FRE111Level I FrenchFRN101Elem French I
FRE112Level II FrenchFRN102Elem French II
GEN110First Year SeminarFYS100First Year Seminar
GEN110FS: Workplace 21st CentBEH1XXWorkplace 21st Cent
HIS102Origins West Civ IIHIS102Western Civ II
HIS103U.S. History to 1865HIS111Amer Hist Colonization-Civ War
HIS104U.S. History 1865 to PresentHIS112Amer Hist Civ War-Global Power
HIS105World Civ IHIS121World History I
ITA111Level I ItalianITL101Elem Italian I
ITA112Level II ItalianITL102Elem Italian II
ITA121Level III ItalianITL1XXLevel III Italian
ITA122Italian Level IVITL1XXItalian Level IV
MTH101Mathematical Model for SciMAT1XXMath Model for Sci
MTH113Surv of StatsMAT250Statistics
MTH113Surv of StatsQBA260Business Statistics
MTH113Surv of StatsBEH260Statistics
MTH140Elementary FunctionsMAT1XXElementary Functions
MUH241Music, Cult, and SocMUS287American Pop Music
NUR203Intro to NursingNUR2XXIntro to Nursing
PED100Prin of Health/Physical EdEDU1XXPrin of Health/Phys Ed
PED150Sci Found Physical ActPE1XXSci Founds of Phy Act
PED150Sci Found Physical ActNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
PED167First Aid & InjurySPM205Responding/Emerg
PES200Ballroom DancingPE2XXBallroom Dancing
PHI322American PhilosophyPHL221Intro Philosophy
PIA101Gen PsychologyPSY100General Psychology
POL101Intro to American Pol SystemPS141Am Gov: Institutions
SOC100Intro to SocSOC100Intro Sociology
SOC101Social ProblemsSOC220Am Social Problems
SOC288S/T: Sex & School ShootSOC2XXS/T: Sex & School Shoot
SPA111Level I SpanishSPN101Elem Spanish I
SPA112Level II SpanishSPN102Elem Spanish II
SPA121Level III SpanishSPN201Inter Spanish I
SPA122Level IV SpanishSPN202Inter Spanish II
SPE121Beg Sign LanguageCM150Beg Sign Language
SPE122Amer Sign Lang IICM250Adv Sign Language
Alvernia UniversityYork College of Pennsylvania
ADA102Substance Abuse BEH1XXSubstance Abuse
ADA201Found Addiction Studies BEH2XXFound of Addict Studies
ADA203Drugs of Abuse SOC210Drug/Alcohol Addctn
ADA220Prev & Interven Serv BEH2XXPrev & Interven Serv
ADA230Assess, Eval & Treat Int BEH2XXAssess, Eval & Treat
ADA240When Love Hurts BEH2XXWhen Love Hurts
ADA303Couns Tech I BEH3XXCouns Tech I
ADA304Couns Tech II BEH3XXCouns Tech II
ART101Drawing I ART215Drawing I
ART103Color & Design ART1XXColor & Design
ART105Art Appreciation ART101Intro Art Apprec
ART106Design & Crafts ART1XXDesign & Crafts
ART190Intro Figure Draw ART112Conc Figure Drawing
ART2513D Design ART210Design I
ART290ST: Watercolor ART2XXST: Watercolor
BIO103Prin/Biology I BIO150Biology I
BIO104Prin/Biology II BIO152Biology II
BIO107Hum Anat/Phys I BIO220Human A/P I
BIO107Hum Anat/Phys I BIO1XXBiology Elect No Lab
BIO108Hum Anat & Phys II BIO1XXBiology Elect No Lab
BIO108Hum Anat & Phys II BIO222Human A/P II
BIO109Human Biology BIO112Fund Human Bio
BIO115Human Form & Funct01BIO1XXHuman Form & Funct
BIO116Human Form & Funct Lab01  
BIO203Biosphere BIO2XXBiosphere
BIO208Neuroscience BIO2XXBiology Elect No Lab
BIO211Kinesiology BIO2XXKinesiology
BIO216Nutrition NUR202Nutrition
BIO220Clinical Microbiology BIO230Microbiology
BIO303Genetics BIO3XXGenetics w/o Lab
BUS100Intro to Business BUS150Intro to Business
BUS101Financial Acctg ACC220Financial Acct
BUS102Accounting II ACC220Financial Acct
BUS111Prin Bank Operations BUS1XXPrin Bank Oper
BUS141Prin of Marketing MKT100Prin Marketing
BUS200Managerial Acct ACC225Managerial Acct
BUS205Fraud Exam BUS2XXFraud Exam
BUS206Mgmt Prin MGT150Prin of Management
BUS207Marketing Prin MKT100Prin Marketing
BUS248Macroeconomics ECO200Prin Econ-Macro
BUS249Microeconomics ECO201Prin Econ-Micro
BUS250Accounting Principle ACC2XXAccounting Principle
BUS280HR Mgmt MGT220Human Resource Mgt
BUS305Accntng Info Systems ACC2XXAccntng Info Systems
BUS307Marketing Princ MKT100Prin Marketing
BUS310Hum Res Mgt MGT220Human Resource Mgt
BUS311Prin MIS IFS305Management Info Sys
BUS320Stakeholder Relations BUS3XXStakeholder Relations
BUS320Labor Relations BUS3XXLabor Relations
BUS322Current Issues/HRM MGT2XXCurrent Issues/HRM
BUS342Business Law BUS260Legal Environment
BUS345Macroeconomics ECO200Prin Econ-Macro
BUS420Employment Law MGT420Employment Law
CHE104General Chem I CHM1XXGeneral Chem I w/o lab
CHE105Gen Chem II01CHM137Gen Chem II Lab
CHE105Gen Chem II01CHM136Gen Chem II
CHE105Gen Chem II CHM1XXGen Chem II w/o Lab
CHE106Fund Chem CHM122Prin Gen/Org Chem
CHE106Fund Chem CHM1XXChemistry Elect No Lab
CHE111Gen Chem Lab II01  
CHE190ST: Crime Science CCJ1XXST: Crime Science
CHE401Biochemistry02BIO351Biochem I Lab
CHE401Biochemistry02BIO350Biochemistry I
CHE405Forensic Chemistry FCM393Forensic Chemistry Lab
CHE405Forensic Chemistry FCM392Forensic Chemistry
CHE410Biochemistry Lab02  
CIS114Microcomp Apps IFS105Personal Computing
CJ101Intro to Criminal Justice CCJ101Intro Crim Justice
CJ102Criminology CCJ1XXCriminology
CJ175Fund Crim Invst CCJ305Crim Investigation
CJ201Criminal Law CCJ302Criminal Law
CJ218Multicult Issue CCJ2XXMulticult Issue
CJ220Writing/CJ Profess CCJ2XXWriting/CJ Profess
CJ274Correct & Rehab CCJ2XXCorrect & Rehab
CJ275Criminology SOC320Criminology
CJ302Jud Proc/Proced CCJ3XXJud Proc/Proced
CJ309Wh Collar Crime CCJ383White Collar Crime & Corp Comp
CJ346Terrorism CCJ3XXTerrorism
COL107Achieving Success FYS1XXAchieving Success
COL110Coll Succ Skill FYS1XXColl Succ Skill
COL1601st Yr Honors Sem FYS1XX1st Yr Hnrs Seminar
COL180Info Literacy IFL1XXInfo Lit
COL260HC: Intercultural Com CM2XXIntercultural Com
COM100Fund of Communication WRT100Intro College Writ
COM101Comp & Research FCO105Rhetorical Comm
COM103Fundmtls/Speech CM212Public Speaking
COM131Writing/Media CM1XXWriting/Media
COM132Journalism Workshop CM1XXJournalism Wksp
COM190Creative Writing WRT272Intro Creative Wrt
COM240PR & Advertising CM2XXPR & Advertising
COM420Law & Ethics of Mass Comm CM434Media Law/Ethics
COR600Org/Prof Ethics PHL2XXOrg/Prof Ethics
ECON248Macroeconomics ECO200Prin Econ-Macro
ECON249Microeconomics ECO201Prin Econ-Micro
ED200Fund Early Child Ed EDU2XXFund Early Child Ed
ED206Field Exp Stage I EDU2XXField Exp Stage I
ED209Planning & Instruction EDU2XXPlanning & Instr
ED302Prin Writing Instruction EDU3XXPrin Writing Instruction
ENG106Short Story LIT291Short Story
ENG202Critical Appr Lit LIT200Perspectives/Lit
ENG203Early Amer Poetry LIT2XXEarly Amer Poetry
ENG204Mod Am Poetry LIT2XXMod Am Poetry
ENG205Early Brit Lit LIT283British Lit to 1750
ENG206Mod British Poetry LIT2XXMod British Poetry
ENG207Contp Fiction/DramaLIT2XXContp Fiction/Drama
ENG290ST: Revenge TragediesLIT2XXST: Revenge Tragedies
ENG306Modern Amer FictionLIT3XXModern Amer Fiction
ENG321Ethics & TragedyLIT3XXEthics & Tragedy
ENG390ST: EntertainmentLIT3XXST: Entertainment
FRE101Elem French IFRN101Elem French I
FRE102Elem French IIFRN102Elem French II
FYS101First Year SeminarFYS100First Year Seminar
HCS300Writing for HCSWRT1XXWriting for HCS
HCS320Cultural CompetencyANT220Cult Anthropology
HIS101West Civ IHIS101Western Civ I
HIS102West Civ IIHIS102Western Civ II
HIS112Study Amer HistoryHIS111American Civ I
HIS121Study Eur HistoryHIS319Europe 19th Century
HIS230Women in HistoryHIS2XXWomen in History
HIS240Topics in Global HistoryHIS2XXTop in Global Hist
HIS245Native Amer HistoryHIS441Native American Hist
HIS250Interdisciplinary HistHIS2XXInterdisc Hist
HIS255Historical BiographyHIS2XXHist Biography
HIS260PA & Local HistoryHIS2XXPA & Local History
HIS281Topics Military HistoryHIS2XXMilitary History
HIS290ST: Mod Amer 1950HIS367Recent Amer/1945-Prs
HIS300Colonial AmericaHIS350Amer Colonial Hist
HIS30320th Cent World HistHIS122World History II
HIS307Greco-Roman CivHIS3XXGreco-Roman Civ
HIS308Amer Rev & ConstHIS3XXAmer Rev & Const
HIS319Late Antiquity Early MedievalHIS3XXLt Antiquity Early Med
HIS322Early Nat & Jeffersonian AmHIS352New American Nation
HIS323High & Late Mid AgesHIS3XXHigh & Late Mid Ages
HIS334Jacksonian & Ante-BellumHIS353The Jacksonian Era
HIS337Early Mod EuropeHIS3XXEarly Mod Europe
HIS344Era of Civil WarHIS364Civil War & Reconstruction
HIS349Age of RevolutionsHIS3XXAge of Revolutions
HIS352Amer Indust Rev & ReformHIS3XXAm Indust Rev & Reform
HIS353European CenturyHIS319Europe 19th Century
HIS364America's TrialHIS3XXAmerica's Trial
HIS426Research SeminarHIS4XXRes Seminar
HIS461Soc Studies MethodsHIS4XXSoc Studies Methods
HIS493Contemp HistoriographyHIS4XXContemp Historiography
ITA101Elem Italian IITL101Elem Italian I
ITA102Elem Italian IIITL102Elem Italian II
LAT101Elem Latin ILAT101Elem Latin I
LAT102Elem Latin IILAT102Elem Latin II
MAT100Elem AlgMAT102Prelim Math/Prob Solv
MAT101Survey of MathMAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MAT102Algebra IIMAT105College Algebra
MAT105Math for Teachers IMAT115Sets/Number Systems
MAT106Math for Teachers IIMAT215Sets/Number Sys II
MAT110Business MathMAT1XXBusiness Math
MAT131Precalc MathMAT108Precalculus
MAT208Intro to StatsBEH260Statistics
MAT208Intro to StatsQBA260Business Statistics
MAT208Intro to StatsMAT250Statistics
MAT209Prob & StatsMAT250Statistics
MAT209Prob & StatsBEH260Statistics
MAT209Prob & StatsQBA260Business Stats I
MAT230Calculus IMAT171Calculus I
MAT231Calculus IIMAT172Calculus II
MED520Educator/ResearcherMED501Intro Ed Research
MED610School Law & Soc AdvocMED550Legal/Ethical Issue
MED611School FinanceMED565School Financl Mgmt
MUS020Instrument EnsembleMUS1XXInstrument Ensemble
MUS051Private InstructionMUS1XXMusic Elective
MUS121Intro to MusicMUS200Music Appreciation
MUS122Multicult MusMUS1XXMulticult Mus
MUS123Amer Pop MusicMUS287American Pop Music
MUS131Mus Fndml-PianoMUS140Class Piano
MUS132Mus Fund-GuitarMUS148Guitar Class
MUS220Music & HealthMUS2XXMusic & Health
MUS221Amer MusicMUS287American Pop Music
MUS222Multicult MusicMUS2XXMulticult Music
MUS290Sp Topics: JazzMUS286Jazz History
NUR110Exp Nursing Sci INUR1XXExp Nursing Sci
NUR201Found/Prof Nursing INUR2XXFound/Prof Nursing I
NUR205Found Prof Nursing IINUR2XXFound Prof Nursing II
NUR209Found Prof NursNUR2XXFound Prof Nurs
NUR210Intro Nur PracNUR2XXIntro Nur Prac
PED100AerobicsPE136Aerobic Dance
PED102Bowling IPE110Beginning Bowling
PED105Varsity CreditPE1XXVarsity Credit
PED133CPR/AED ProfPAW144Wilderness First Aid
PED190PilatesPE165Intro to Pilates
PED304Wellness for LifePAW234Well/Fitness/Life
PHI105Fnd/PhilosophyPHL221Intro Philosophy
PHI200Ethics Val/Qu LfPHL341Ethics
PHI215Environ PhilPHL240Environmentl Ethics
PHI240Phil Art & BeautyPHL2XXPhil Art & Beauty
PHY110Gen Physics IPHY110Gen Phys:Mech/Ht
PHY111Gen Physics IIPHY112Gen Phys:Elc/Magn
POS101Intro/Pol SciPS1XXIntro/Pol Sci
POS101Intro/Political SciPS110Intro Poli Science
POS111Amer Dem GovtPS141American Governmnt
POS290Intro to LawPS210Intro to Law
PSY101Intro to PsychPSY100General Psychology
PSY190ST: Exploring PsychPSY1XXST: Exploring Psych
PSY208Hum Dev Life SpanPSY2XXHum Dev Life Span
PSY208Hum Dev Life SpanNUR201Nursing HD/HC
PSY210Educational PsychEDU375Psy Learning/Second
PSY210Educational PsychEDU370Psych of Learning
PSY215Multicult IssuesPSY2XXMulticult Issues
PSY215Multicult IssuesPSY250Multicultural Aware
SM201Intro to Sport MgmtSPM125Intro Sport Mgmt
SM310Facility Mgt & OpSPM420Facility/Event Mgmt
SM325SM Markt/PromSPM3XXSM Markt/Prom
SM410Sem Sports MgtSPM4XXSem Sports Mgt
SM440Sport PsychologySPM4XXSport Psychology
SOC111Prin SociologySOC100Intro Sociology
SOC306Racial/Cult RelationsSOC3XXRacial/Cult Relations
SPA101Beginning Spanish ISPN101Elem Spanish I
SPA102Beginning Spanish IISPN102Elem Spanish II
SPA103Elem Spanish ISPN101Elem Spanish I
SPA104Elem Span IISPN102Elem Spanish II
SPA107Health Prof ISPN1XXHealth Prof I
SPA108Health Prof IISPN1XXHealth Prof II
SPA111Span/Teachers ISPN1XXSpan/Teachers I
SPA113Elem Spanish ISPN101Elem Spanish I
SPA114Elem Spanish IISPN102Elem Spanish II
SPA201Interm Span ISPN201Inter Spanish I
SPA202Interm Span IISPN202Inter Spanish II
SPA203Convers/Comp ISPN205Inter Spanish Conv
SPA204Cnvstn/Comp IISPN2XXCnvstn/Comp II
SPE100Intro ExceptnlSPE1XXIntro Exceptnl
SPE211Rdg/Lng Art/SpedSPE2XXRdg/Lng Art/Sped
SRH101SEARCH SeminarFYS100SEARCH Seminar
SSC222Intro GeographyG243Intro Geography
SSC311Cult Geog 2G243Intro Geography
SW201Intro Soc WrkSOC2XXIntro Soc Wrk
SW202Soc Ser/ChldrnSOC2XXSoc Ser/Chldrn
SW203The Process/AgingGER2XXThe Process/Aging
SW207Intr Strat-GeroGER2XXIntr Strat-Gero
SW209Death and DyingGER330Death/Dying/Bereav
SW231Cltrl SnstvtySOC2XXCltrl Snstvty
SW301Soc WelfareSOC3XXSoc Welfare
SW302Social PolicySOC3XXSocial Policy
SW303H Bhv/Soc Env ISOC3XXH Bhv/Soc Env I
SW304H Bhv/Soc Env IISOC3XXH Bhv/Soc Env II
SW305Soc Wk Pract ISOC3XXSoc Wk Pract I
SW307Field Pract ISOC3XXField Pract I
THE200Chrstn Ap/MrltyREL2XXChrstn Ap/Mrlty
THE210Med Mrl TheologyPHL2XXMed Mrl Theology
THE225Global IssuesREL2XXGlobal Issues
THR150Intro to TheatreTHE154Introduction to Theatre
Anne Arundel Community CollegeYork College of Pennsylvania
ACA100Student Success SeminarFYS1XXStudent Success Seminar
ACH245Comp Appl DesignNPE2XXComp Appl Design
ACH255AutoCAD for DesignNPE2XXAutoCAD for Design
AFA101Intro Afr-Amer StudiesHUM1XXIntro Afr-Amer Studies
AFA102Psych of Afr AmerPSY1XXPsych of Afr Amer
AFA214Afr Amer HistoryHIS2XXAfr Amer History
AFA225Afr Amer LiteratureLIT203African/Amer Lit
AFA228Afr Amer ArtART2XXAfr Amer Art
AHT101Math for Allied Hlth ProfessHSC1XXMath for Allied Hlth Profess
AMS100Intro Amer StudiesHUM1XXIntro Amer Studies
AMS101Intro Afr Amer StudiesHUM1XXAfr Amer Studies
AMS102Intro Masculinity StudiesBEH1XXMasculinity Studies
AMS111Bus in AmericaBEH1XXBus in America
AMS121Pop Culture in AmerHUM1XXPop Culture in Amer
AMS123Sports in AmericaSPM1XXSports in America
AMS130Intro Amer FilmFLM1XXIntro Amer Film
AMS181Intro to American FilmFLM1XXIntro American Film
AMS211Gender & Mass Media in U.S.BEH2XXGen & Mass Med in U.S.
AMS212Les, Gay, Bisex & TransgenBEH2XXLes, Gay, Bisex, Transgen
AMS225Cult Rep Dis, Gen & Sex U.S.BEH2XXCult Rep Dis, Gen & Sex US
ANT120Physical AnthropologyANT210Physical Anthropol
ANT121Cult AnthropologyANT220Cult Anthropology
ANT205Trad Cult of WorldANT2XXTrad Cult of World
ARB111Elementary Arabic IARB101Elem Arabic I
ARB112Elementary Arabic IIARB102Elem Arabic II
ART100Two-Dim DesignART210Design I
ART101Two Dim DesART210Design I
ART101Two Dim DesART110Concepts of Design
ART1023-D Dsn: Intro SculpART1XX3-D Dsn: Intro Sculp
ART106Digital DesignART1XXDigital Design
ART117Digital ImagingART1XXDigital Imaging
ART120Digital PhotographyART246Digital Photography
ART121B & W PhotographyART245Photography I
ART122Color PhotographyART295Photography II
ART123Alt Photo ProcART1XXAlt Photo Proc
ART124Tech Photo LightingART1XXTech Photo Lighting
ART125Basic Drawing IART215Drawing I
ART126Basic Drawing IIART265Drawing II
ART127Drawing IIIART315Drawing III
ART129Life DrawingART216Figure Drawing I
ART131Painting IART220Painting I
ART131Painting IART114Concepts/Painting
ART132Painting IIART270Painting II
ART133Painting IIIART320Painting III
ART135Sculpture IART116Concepts/Sculpture
ART135Sculpture IART230Sculpture I
ART136Sculpture IIART280Sculpture II
ART140Watercolor 1ART1XXWatercolor 1
ART141Watercolor 2ART1XXWatercolor 2
ART142Portraiture IART1XXPortraiture I
ART143Portraiture 2ART1XXPortraiture 2
ART145Ceramics IART225Ceramics I
ART146Ceramics 2ART1XXCeramics 2
ART1552-D Game GraphicsART1XX2-D Game Graphics
ART1563-D Game GraphicsART1XX3-D Game Graphics
ART166Graphic Des IART1XXGraphic Des I
ART170Web Design IIFS1XXWeb Design I
ART171Interactive Design IART1XXInteractive Design I
ART174Interface DesignART1XXInterface Design
ART175Intaglio Printmaking 1ART1XXPrintmaking I
ART176Intaglio Printmaking 2ART1XXPrintmaking II
ART177Relief PrintmakingART1XXRelief Printmaking
ART180Intro to FilmFLM216Intro to Film
ART181Intro to American FilmFLM1XXIntro to American Film
ART181Intro to American FilmFLM216Intro to Film
ART203Ceramics IART225Ceramics I
ART204Ceramics 2ART275Ceramics II
ART205Ceramics 3ART2XXCeramics III
ART209Hist of West Art IART204Survey West Art I
ART210History West Art IIART205Survey West Art II
ART212Hist of PhotographyART388History/Photography
ART219Hist Amer ArtART393American Art
ART220Hist of Modern ArtART2XXHist Mod Art
ART228Afr Amer ArtART2XXAfr Amer Art
ART229Art Trad & Tribal CultART2XXArt Trad & Tribal Cult
ART230Art Portfolio DevART2XXArt Portfolio Dev
ART231Photo Portfolio DevART2XXPhoto Portfolio Dev
ART264Fund of TypographyART2XXFund of Typography
ART266Graphic Design 2ART2XXGraphic Design 2
ASL141Amer Sign Language ICM150Beg Sign Language
ASL241Amer Sign Lang IICM250Adv Sign Language
ASL242Amer Sign Lang IIICM2XXAmer Sign Lang III
ASL243Intro Amer Deaf CommCM2XXIntro Amer Deaf Comm
AST101Intro to AstronomyESS1XXEarth Sci Elect No Lab
AST105The Cosmic FrontierESS1XXEarth Sci Elect No Lab
AST112Stars & Stellar SysESS1XXStars & Stellar Sys
AST114The Solar SystemESS154Intro/Astronomy
AST120Life in the UniverseESS1XXEarth Sci Elect No Lab
BIO101Fundamentals of BiologyBIO143Mole/Gene/Cell Lab
BIO101Fundamentals of BiologyBIO142Molecule/Gene/Cell
BIO101Fundamentals of BiologyBIO151Intro Mole Bio Lab
BIO101Fundamentals of BiologyBIO150Intro Molecular Bio
BIO102Biology for 21st CentBIO1XXBiology Elect No lab
BIO103Gen BotanyBIO1XXGen Botany
BIO105Gen ZoologyBIO1XXGen Zoology
BIO107Environmental ScienceBIO212Environmntl Bio
BIO108Ecosys & EnvirBIO1XXBiology Elect No Lab
BIO109Economic BiologyBIO1XXBiology Elect No Lab
BIO110Intro Genetic EngrBIO1XXBiology Elect No Lab
BIO122Fund Ecology Study IBIO1XXFund Ecology Study I
BIO130Drones Sensing World AroundBIO1XXDrones Sensing World Around
BIO135Intro NutritionNUR202Nutrition
BIO136Prin of Nutrition and LabBIO1XXPrin of Nutrition & Lab
BIO137Weight MgmtNPE1XXWeight Mgmt
BIO138Nutrition for Fit & SportNPE1XXNutrition for Fit & Sport
BIO152Biology of AgingBIO1XXBiology Elect No Lab
BIO201Plant TaxonomyBIO232Plant Taxonomy
BIO205Sci Lab MgmtBIO2XXBiology Elect No Lab
BIO210Ecology & Field BioBIO2XXEcology & Field Bio
BIO211Estuarine BiologyBIO2XXEstuarine Biology
BIO213Gen IchthyologyBIO2XXGen Ichthyology
BIO214EcologyBIO2XXBiology Elect No Lab
BIO215Restoration EcologyBIO2XXBiology Elect No Lab
BIO221Fund Molecular BiologyBIO2XXFund Molecular Biology
BIO223General MicrobiologyBIO230Microbiology
BIO230Strt & Fnct Human BodyBIO112Fund Human Bio
BIO231Human Biology IBIO112Fund Human Bio
BIO232Human Biology 2BIO2XXHuman Biology 2
BIO233Anatomy and Physiology IBIO220Human A/P I
BIO234Anatomy and Physiology IIBIO222Human A/P II
BPA100Accounting Basics IACC1XXAccounting Basics I
BPA101Bookkeeping FundACC1XXBookkeeping Fund
BPA103Entre Think, Create/OppENT150Intro Entrepreneur
BPA104Entrepren: Sales & MktENT1XXEntrepren: Sales & Mkt
BPA105Exploring the FutureBUS1XXExploring the Future
BPA111Business & Its EnvirBUS150Intro to Business
BPA113Con Eco & Personal FinBUS218Personal Finance
BPA116Intro to Project MgtMGT1XXIntro Project Mgt
BPA119Global BusinessBUS1XXGlobal Business
BPA120Small Business MgmtBUS1XXSmall Business Mgmt
BPA125Marketing PrinciplesMKT100Prin Marketing
BPA126Advertising & SalesMKT1XXAdvertising & Sales
BPA127Advertising CampaignsMKT1XXAdvertising Campaigns
BPA128Intl MarketingIBS1XXIntl Marketing
BPA129European UnionBUS1XXEuropean Union
BPA130Prin Consumer Retail ServMKT230Retailing
BPA132Sales & Sales TrainingBUS1XXSales & Sales Trn
BPA133Visual MerchandisingMKT1XXVisual Merchandising
BPA134Retail MgmtMGT1XXRetail Mgmt
BPA135Customer ServiceBUS1XXCustomer Service
BPA138Bus & Prof EthicsPHL342Professional Ethics
BPA142Principles of ManagementMGT150Prin of Management
BPA144Enterprise Sys OverviewBUS1XXEnterprise Sys Overview
BPA156Electronic CommerceBUS1XXElectronic Commerce
BPA162Business CommFCO210Comm Prof Cultures
BPA165Med & Alt Dispute ResBUS1XXMed & Alt Dispute Res
BPA171Prin of SupervisionMGT1XXPrin of Supervision
BPA172Hum Res MgmtMGT220Human Resource Mgt
BPA173Managing & Val Work DivMGT1XXMan & Val Work Div
BPA174Women and BusinessBUS1XXWomen & Bus
BPA180Pers Invest StratBUS1XXPers Invest Strat
BPA201Finan AccountingACC220Financial Acct
BPA202Managerial AccountingACC225Managerial Acct
BPA211Prin of Acct IACC2XXPrin of Acct I
BPA212Prin of Acct IIACC220Financial Acct
BPA213Acct Enterprise SysACC2XXAcct Enterprise Sys
BPA214Prof Bookkeeper KeystoneACC2XXProf Bookkeeper Key
BPA216Govt & Not-for-Profit AccACC2XXGovt & Not-for-Prof Acc
BPA217Small Bus AcctACC2XXSmall Bus Acct
BPA230Entrepreneurship: New VentENT2XXEntrepren: New Vent
BPA231Soc Entrepren & Nonprofit MgtENT2XXSoc Ent & Nonprofit Mgt
BPA232Business StatisticsQBA260Business Statistics
BPA235Trans, Logistics, & Cargo SecBUS2XXTrans, Logistics, & Cargo Sec
BPA237Supply Chain MgtMGT2XXSupply Chain Mgt
BPA241Intermed Acct IACC2XXIntermed Acct I
BPA242Intermed Acct IIACC2XXIntemed Acct II
BPA245Adv AcctACC2XXAdv Acct
BPA250Entrepren: Leg Iss for BusENT2XXEntrepren: Leg Iss Bus
BPA253Business Law IBUS260Legal Environment
BPA254Bus Law IIBUS2XXBusl Law II
BPA255Acct Info SysACC2XXAcct Info Sys
BPA256Fin MgmtFIN2XXFin Mgmt
BPA260Appl Entrepren, Innov & InvENT2XXAppl Entrepren, Innov & Inv
BPA261Cost AcctACC2XXCost Acct
BPA262Tax AcctACC2XXTax Acct
BPA264Adv Tax AcctACC2XXAdv Tax Acct
BPA265Bus Acct CapstoneACC2XXBus Acct Capstone
BPA275Internship in Bus IBUS2XXInternship in Bus I
CAT111Digital Des FoundART1XXDigital Des Found
CAT112Audio ProdCM226Audio Productn
CAT113Intro Graphic ArtsART1XXIntro Graphic Arts
CAT117Digital Imaging IART1XXDigital Imaging I
CAT120Digital PhotographyART246Digital Photography
CAT121Photography IART245Photography I
CAT122Color PhotographyART295Photography II
CAT123Alt Photo ProcessART1XXAlt Photo Process
CAT124Tech Photo LightingART1XXTech Photo Lighting
CAT160Video EditingCM1XXVideo Editing
CAT210Tech of Photo LightnART2XXTech of Photo Lightn
CAT212Hist of PhotographyART388History/Photography
CAT214Video ICM242Video Prodctn I
CAT215Video IICM341Video Production II
CAT2203-D Comp Graphics IART2XX3-D Comp Graphics I
CAT2213-D Comp Graphics IIART2XX3-D Comp Graphics II
CAT231Photo Portfolio DevART2XXPhoto Portfolio Dev
CAT240Digital Portfolio DevART2XXDigital Portfolio Dev
CAT264Fund of TypographyART2XXFund of Typography
CAT266Graphic Des IIART2XXGraphic Des II
CAT275Internship in Comm ArtsCM2XXInternship in Comm Arts
CCJ138Intl Law & Hum RightsCCJ1XXIntl Law & Hum Rights
CHE103World of ChemCHM1XXChemistry Elect No Lab
CHE111General Chemistry ICHM134Gen Chem I
CHE112General Chemistry IICHM136Gen Chem II
CHE113Fund of Org ChemCHM234Organic Chem I
CHE115Gen, Organic & BiochemCHM122Prin Gen/Org Chem
CHE213Organic Chem ICHM234Organic Chem I
CHE214Organic Chem IICHM236Organic Chem II
CHI111Elem Chinese IL1XXElem Chinese I
CHI112Elem Chinese IIL1XXElem Chinese II
CJS109Pol Discip & OrgCCJ1XXPol Discip & Org
CJS111Intro Criminal JusticeCCJ101Intro Crim Justice
CJS112Police OperCCJ1XXPolice Oper
CJS114Probation & ParoleCCJ1XXProbation & Parole
CJS121Police AdminCCJ1XXPolice Admin
CJS127Police Tactics ICCJ1XXPolice Tactics I
CJS128Police Tactics IICCJ128Police Tactics II
CJS130Law Enf & CommCCJ1XXLaw Enf & Comm
CJS131Fund Private InvestCCJ1XXFund Private Invest
CJS132Juv DelinquencyCCJ110Juvenile Delinquncy
CJS135Organized CrimeCCJ1XXOrganized Crime
CJS136History of HomicideCCJ1XXHistory of Homicide
CJS137Clinical ForensicsCCJ1XXClinical Forensics
CJS207Cyber ForensicsCCJ2XXCyber Forensics
CJS208Adv Cyber ForensicsCCJ2XXAdv Cyber Forensics
CJS214Phy Con Law EnfPE2XXPhys Ed Elect
CJS215Criminal LawCCJ2XXCriminal Law
CJS216Crim Evidence & ProcCCJ2XXCrim Evidence & Proc
CJS217Const LawCCJ2XXConst Law
CJS218Crim Just CommCCJ2XXCrim Just Comm
CJS219Adv Patrol OperCCJ2XXAdv Patrol Oper
CJS222Invest & CriminalisticsCCJ2XXInvest & Criminalistics
CJS225Crim Justice EthicsCCJ203Ethical Issues/CJ
CJS226Traffic & Public SafetyCCJ2XXTraffic & Public Safety
CJS228Prac Soc Wk & CounCCJ2XXPrac Soc Wk & Coun
CJS229Women, Crime & PrisonCCJ2XXWomen, Crime & Prison
CJS230Pres AssassinationsCCJ2XXPres Assassinations
CJS231Juv JusticeCCJ2XXJuv Justice
CJS232Juvenile LawCCJ2XXJuvenile Law
CJS233Forensic Psyc & VictCCJ2XXForensic Psyc & Vict
CJS234Hostage NegotiationsCCJ2XXHostage Negotiations
CJS236Immig & Cust EnforcementCCJ2XXImm & Cust Enforcement
CJS250Intro Forensic ScienceCCJ2XXIntro Forensic Science
CJS255Hist of GangsCCJ2XXHist of Gangs
CJS270War in Amer:Unconv WarCCJ2XXWar in Amer: Unconv War
CJS271Civil Rights LawCCJ2XXCivil Rights Law
CJS275Crim Just InternshipCCJ2XXCrim Just Internship
COM101Intro to Mass MediaCM211Mass Communication
COM102Writing for News MediaCM271Print Media Writing
COM110Interpersonal CommCM329Interpersonal Comm
COM111Fund Oral CommCM212Public Speaking
COM112Newspaper Editing & ProdCM1XXNewspaper Editing & Prod
COM130Curr Events in Global ContCM1XXCurr Events Glob Cont
COM131Oral InterpretationCM1XXOral Interpretation
COM141Group Comm & LeadCM304Group Discussion
COM200Intercult CommCM2XXIntercult Comm
COM202Wrt for News Media IICM2XXWrt for News Media II
COM230Pers in Today's Cons SocCM2XXPers Today's Cons Soc
COM277Journ PracticumCM2XXJourn Practicum
CPS100Computer LiteracyIFS105Personal Computing
CSI110Computer LiteracyIFS105Personal Computing
CSI112Comp and Info TechIFS105Personal Computing
CSI113Intro to ComputersIFS1XXIntro to Computers
CSI115Prog Analy & DesignCS1XXProg Analy & Design
CSI116Intro to Project MgtIFS1XXIntro to Project Mgt
CSI117Intro Obj Ori ProgIFS160Visual Basic Progrm
CSI118HTML ProgrammingIFS260Web Bas Sys Devlpmt
CSI120Wd Proc ApplIFS1XXWd Proc Appl
CSI121Pers Comp Office SuiteIFS105Personal Computing
CSI122Per Comp Data BaseIFS180Intro Data Managmnt
CSI124Per Comp Spreadsheet AppIFS1XXPer Comp Spreadsheet App
CSI125Per Comp Pres GraphIFS1XXPer Comp Pres Graph
CSI126Pers Comp Info Mgt AppIFS1XXPers Comp Info Mgt App
CSI127Internet FundIFS1XXInternet Fund
CSI128Intro WWW PublishingIFS1XXIntro WWW Publishing
CSI129Help Desk ConceptsIFS1XXHelp Desk Concepts
CSI130Microcomp Operating SysIFS1XXMicrocomp Operating Sys
CSI132Network EssentialsIFS1XXNetwork Essentials
CSI133Operating SystemsIFS1XXOperating Systems
CSI140Intro Visual Basic.NETIFS160Visual Basic Progrm
CSI141Prog in Cfor EngIFS1XXProg in Cfor Eng
CSI148Java Prog for ProfIFS1XXJava Prog for Prof
CSI149Prog in JavaScriptIFS1XXProg in JavaScript
CSI155C++ Prog for ProfCS1XXC++ Prog for Prof
CSI156Electronic CommerceIFS1XXElectronic Commerce
CSI157Networking IIFS1XXNetworking I
CSI158Networking IIIFS1XXNetworking II
CSI160Data Comm IIFS1XXData Comm I
CSI161Prog I in JavaCS1XXProg I in Java
CSI162Prog II in JavaCS1XXProg II in Java
CSI163HHonors Comp Sci IIFS1XXHonors Comp Sci I
CSI165Network Security FundIFS1XXNetwork Security Fund
CSI172Rel Databases & SQLIFS1XXRel Databases & SQL
CSI194Ethics & Info AgeIFS1XXEthics & Info Age
CSI207Cyber ForensicsIFS2XXCyber Forensics
CSI208Adv Cyber ForensicsIFS2XXAdv Cyber Forensics
CSI211Systems DesignIFS2XXSystems Design
CSI212Expl Cutting Edge TechIFS2XXExpl Cutting Edge Tech
CSI213Mobile Device ForensicsIFS2XXMobile Dev Forensics
CSI214Info Sys SecurityIFS2XXInfo Sys Security
CSI217Tact Perimeter DefenseIFS2XXTact Perimeter Def
CSI219Strat Infrastruct SecIFS2XXStrat Infrastruct Sec
CSI222Pers Comp Data Mgt Sys IIIFS2XXPers Comp Data Mgt II
CSI224Database Admin IIFS2XXDatabase Admin I
CSI225Database Admin IIIFS2XXDatabase Admin II
CSI227Web Server AdminIFS2XXWeb Server Admin
CSI238Assem Lang ProgIFS2XXAssem Lang Prog
CSI241Prog in Visual Basic.NETIFS160Visual Basic Progrm
CSI243Obj-Orient Prog Vis Basic.NETIFS2XXObj-Or Prog Vis Bas.NET
CSI247Intro Game & Sim ProgIFS2XXIntro Game & Sim Prog
CSI248Adv WWW Dev JavaIFS2XXAdv WWW Dev Java
CSI250Data Struct in C++IFS2XXData Struct in C++
CSI253Obj-Or Analysis & DesIFS2XXObj-Or Analysis & Des
CSI255Comp OrganizationIFS2XXComp Org
CSI257Networking IIIIFS2XXNetworking III
CSI258Networking IVIFS2XXNetworking IV
CSI259Cisco Cert Net Assoc PrepIFS2XXCisco Cert Net Assoc Prep
CSI260Data Comm IIIFS2XXData Comm II
CSI261IP TelephonyIFS2XXIP Telephony
CSI262Cert Ethical Hacking & CountIFS2XXCert Eth Hack & Count
CSI264IP Telephony QoSIFS2XXIP Telephony QoS
CSI265Windows ServerIFS2XXWindows Server
CSI266Windows Server NetworkingIFS2XXWindows Serv Networking
CSI269Wireless LANsIFS2XXWireless LANs
CSI270Info Security CapstoneIFS2XXInfo Security Capstone
CSI271Interactive Des IIIFS2XXInteractive Des II
CSI275Internship ExpIFS2XXInternship Exp
CSI276Internship Exp IIIFS2XXInternship Exp II
CTA100Computing & Info TechIFS100Info Tech Competncy
CTA100Computing & Info TechIFS105Personal Computing
CTP103Theories & App/TechIFS105Personal Computing
CTP103Theories & App/TechIFS100Info Tech Competncy
CTP115Intro Obj Orient ProgIFS1XXIntro Obj Orient Prog
CTP150Computer Sci ICS1XXComputer Sci I
CTP194Ethics & the Information AgePHL1XXEthics & the Information Age
CTP250Computer Sci IICS101Fund Comp Sci I
DAN100Intro to DanceHUM1XXIntro to Dance
DAN105Beg Tap Dance IPE1XXBeg Tap Dance I
DAN106Beg Tap Dance IIPE1XXBeg Tap Dance II
DAN111Beg Ballet 1PE117Modern Dance
DAN112Beg Ballet IIPE1XXBeg Ballet II
DAN116Movement for ActorsPE1XXMov for Actors
DAN121Beg Mod DancePE117Modern Dance
DAN122Beg Mod Dance IIPE1XXBeg Mod Dance II
DAN131Beg Jazz Dance IPE1XXBeg Jazz Dance I
DAN132Beg Jazz Dance IIPE1XXBeg Jazz Dance II
DAN205Intermed Tap Dancing IPE2XXInter Tap Dancing I
DAN206Intermed Tap Dance IIPE2XXIntermed Tap Dance II
DAN211Intermed Ballet 1PE2XXIntermed Ballet 1
DAN212Intermed Ballet IIPE2XXIntermed Ballet II
DAN215Beg Pointe Tech 1PE2XXBeg Pointe Tech 1
DAN221Intermed Mod Dance IPE2XXIntermed Mod Dance I
DAN222Intermed Mod Dance IIPE2XXIntermed Mod Dance II
DAN231Intermed Jazz Dance IPE2XXIntermed Jazz Dance I
DAN232Intemed Jazz Dance IIPE2XXIntermed Jazz Dance II
ECO113Cons Eco/Prsl FinBUS218Personal Finance
ECO115Fund Money & BankingECO1XXMoney & Banking
ECO116Inside Global EconomyECO1XXInside Global Economy
ECO121Intro to EconomicsECO1XXIntro to Economics
ECO125Econ Iss & Pub PolicyECO1XXEcon Iss & Pub Policy
ECO211Prin Econ IECO200Prin Econ-Macro
ECO212Prin Econ IIECO201Prin Econ-Micro
ECO232Bus StatsQBA260Business Statistics
EDP113Data ProcessingIFS1XXData Processing
EDU111Foundations of EducationEDU200Found of Education
EDU125Early Childhood EducEDU1XXEarly Childhood Educ
EDU126Methods Early ChldhdEDU1XXMethods Early Chldhd
EDU131Child LitEDU1XXChild Lit
EDU132Early Child DevEDU1XXEarly Child Dev
EDU133Growth & DevPSY221Child/Adol Develop
EDU134Early Child Meth & MatEDU1XXEarly Child Meth & Mat
EDU135Child Hlth/Nutr & Saf EduEDU1XXChild Hlth/Nutr Saf Edu
EDU141American Sign Lang ICM150Beg Sign Language
EDU211Ed PsychologyEDU370Psych of Learning
EDU211Ed PsychologyPSY2XXEd Psychology
EDU211Ed PsychologyEDU375Psy Learning/Second
EDU214Intro Spec EdSPE2XXIntro Spec Ed
EDU215Prin Instruct AssessEDU2XXPrin Instruct Assess
EDU218Integ Tech & InstructEDU210Educational Tech
EDU229Observing & Assess Yng ChildEDU2XXObserv & Assess Yng Child
EDU232School-Age Child CareEDU2XXSchool-Age Child Care
EDU236Cult Resp InstructionEDU2XXCult Resp Instruction
EDU241Meth Teach Elem EdEDU2XXMath Teach Elem Ed
EDU242Found Read & Lang ArtsEDU2XXRead & Lang Arts
EDU243Meth Eff Read InstructEDU2XXMeth Eff Read Instruct
EDU244Assess Read InstructEDU2XXAssess Read Instruct
EDU245Mat Teach ReadingEDU2XXMat Teach Reading
EDU247Early Childhood: MethodsECH230Early Child Theory
EDU249Wrkng with Stud w/Comm DisEDU2XXWrkng w/Stud w/Comm Dis
EDU253Inclus Instruct PractEDU2XXInclus Instruct Pract
EDU255Instruct TeamworkEDU2XXInstruct Teamwork
EDU260Voc Ed & Trans ServEDU2XXVoc Ed & Trans Serv
EDU261Meth Teach Sec EdEDU2XXMeth Teach Sec Ed
EDU262Meth Teach Rdg Sec Ct ArEDU2XXMeth Tch Rdg Sec Ct Ar
EDU263Meth Tch Rdg Sec Ct ArEDU2XXMeth Tch Rdg Sec Ct Ar
EET160Trblshting MicrocompIFS1XXTrblshting Microcomp
EET205Theory & Trblsht Microcomp IIIFS2XXThry & Trblsht Microcomp II
EET223Electromech SysECE2XXElectromech Sys
EET250Microproc & MicrocontrollersECE2XXMircroproc & Microcontrollers
EGR120Intro Engr DesignEGR100Epads I
EGR141Prog in Cfor EngEGR1XXProg in Cfor Eng
EGR211Mech of MaterialsEGR2XXMech of Materials
EGR235Circuit TheoryEGR2XXCircuit Theory
EGR241Sys & SignalsEGR2XXSys & Signals
EGR244Dig Logic DesEGR2XXDig Logic Des
EGR250Engr ComputationEGR2XXEngr Computation
EGR252Tech CommEGR2XXTech Comm
EGR262Engineering MatEGR2XXEngineering Mat
EGR275Intern in Engineering IEGR2XXIntern in Engineering I
EGR276Intern in Engineering IIEGR2XXIntern in Engineering II
ENG101English Writ IFCO105Rhetorical Comm
ENG102Academic Writing & Res 2WRT1XXAcademic Writing & Res 2
ENG111Comp & Intro to Lit IFCO105Rhetorical Comm
ENG112Comp & Intro to Lit IILIT200Perspectives/Lit
ENG121Comp & LitLIT200Perspectives/Lit
ENG160Art & Science of GrammarWRT1XXArt & Sci of Grammar
ENG161Intro LinguisticsCM1XXIntro Linguistics
ENG200Intro Creative WritingCRW272Intro Creative Wrt
ENG201Creat Wrt:Beg FictWRT2XXCreat Wrt:Beg Fict
ENG202Creat Wrt:Beg PoetryWRT2XXCreat Wrt:Beg Poetry
ENG203Wrt for Stage & ScreenWRT377Screenwriting
ENG207Writing/ProfessionalFCO210Comm Prof Cultures
ENG208Fund of EditingWRT2XXFund of Editing
ENG209American Lit ILIT281Amer Lit to 1885
ENG210American Literature IILIT282Amer Lit after 1885
ENG211World Literature ILIT2XXWorld Literature I
ENG212World Literature IILIT2XXWorld Literature II
ENG213English Literature ILIT283British Lit to 1750
ENG214Eng Lit 2LIT284Brt Lit after 1750
ENG215Early Am Lit ColLIT281Amer Lit to 1885
ENG216American Lit 1865-1945LIT282Amer Lit after 1885
ENG217Cont Amer Lit 1945- PresLIT282Amer Lit after 1885
ENG220The Bible as LitLIT390Bible as Literature
ENG221Intro to ShakespeareLIT323Shakespeare I
ENG222The American NovelLIT313American Novel
ENG223The British NovelLIT2XXThe British Novel
ENG224Modern PoetryLIT2XXModern Poetry
ENG225Afr-Amer LitLIT203African/Amer Lit
ENG226Ethnic Amer LitLIT2XXEthnic Amer Lit
ENG227Lit NonfictionLIT2XXLit Nonfiction
ENG228Lit in English by WomenLIT382Women In Literature
ENG235Modern DramaLIT416Modern Drama
ENG250Lit of Chesapeake BayLIT2XXLit of Chesapeake Bay
ENT241Comp Aided DraftingEGR2XXComp Aided Drafting
ENT242Adv Cmptr DraftingEGR2XXAdv Cmptr Drafting
ESI103Entrepren ThinkingENT1XXEntrepren Thinking
ESI104Entrepren:Sales & MktENT1XXEntrepren:Sales & Mkt
ESI111Bus & Its EnvirENT1XXBus & Its Envir
ESI120Small Bus MgtENT1XXSmall Bus Mgt
ESI162Bus CommWRT210Writng/Prof Culturs
ESI217Small Bus AcctENT2XXSmall Bus Acct
ESI230Entre: New Vent PlanENT2XXEntre: New Vent Plan
ESI231Intro Soc Ent & Nonprof MgtENT2XXIntro Soc Ent & Nonprof Mgt
ESI250Entrepren:Leg Iss for BusENT2XXEntrepren:Leg Iss for Bus
ESI260Appl Entrepren, Innov & InventENT2XXAppl Entr, Innov & Invent
ESI275Internship in Bus IENT2XXInternship in Bus I
FLM120Intro to FilmFLM216Intro to Film
FLM130Intro Amer FilmFLM1XXIntro Amer Film
FLM160Video EditingFLM1XXVideo Editing
FLM203Wrt for Stage & ScreenFLM2XXWrt for Stage & Screen
FLM214Video ICM242Video Prodctn I
FLM215Video IICM341Video Production II
FLM2203-D Comp Graphics IART2XX3-D Comp Graphics I
FLM225Notable Film DirectorsFLM2XXNotable Film Directors
FLM230Independent FilmFLM2XXIndependent Film
FLM280Topics in FilmFLM2XXTopics in Film
FRE111Elementary French IFRN101Elem French I
FRE112Elem French IIFRN102Elem French II
FRE121French ConvFRN1XXFrench Conv
FRE125French CompFRN1XXFrench Comp
FRE211Intermed French IFRN201Inter French I
FRE212Intermed French IIFRN202Inter French II
FRE213Intermed French Gram RevFRN2XXIntermed French Gram Rev
FRE225Interm French Conv & Cult IFRN2XXInterm French Conv & Cult I
FRE226Intermed French Conv & Cult IIFRN303French Culture/Civ
FRE230French for Bus & FinanceFRN2XXFrench for Bus & Finance
FTR100Exploring the FutureBEH1XXExploring the Future
FTR105Exploring the FutureBEH1XXExploring the Future
FTR110Globalization & FutureBEH1XXGlobalization & Future
GEO101Phys GeogG151Intro Physical Geog
GEO102World Regional GeogG100World Reg Geography
GEO103Cult GeogG1XXCult Geog
GEO105Geog of U.S.G341Geog North America
GEO107Geology of MDG1XXGeology of MD
GEO240Intro Geog Info SysG361Intro to Geo Info Sys
GER111Elementary German IGRM101Elem German I
GER112Elem German IIGRM102Elem German II
GER121German ConvGRM1XXGerman Conv
GER211Intermed German IGRM201Inter German I
GER212Intermed German IIGRM202Inter German II
GRK111Elem Greek IL1XXElem Greek I
GRK112Elem Greek IIL1XXElem Greek II
GSS101Intro to Women's StudiesWGS200Women/Gender Stud
GSS102Intro Masculinity StudiesBEH1XXIntro Masculinity Studies
GSS113Women's Health IssWGS210Women's Health
GSS115Wom & Minorities in SciWGS1XXWom & Minorities in Sci
GSS117Hlth Iss Wom Over 35WGS210Women's Health
GSS130Diversity in SocietyBEH1XXDiversity in Society
GSS169Mus, Power & GenderHUM1XXMus, Power & Gender
GSS174Women & BusWGS1XXWomen & Bus
GSS210Images of WomenWGS2XXImages of Women
GSS211Gender & Mass Media in U.S.BEH2XXGender & Mass Media in US
GSS212Les, Gay, Bisexual & TransgenBEH2XXLes, Gay, Bisexual & Transgen
GSS213Marriage & FamilySOC225The Family
GSS215Psych of RelationshipsPSY2XXPsych of Relationships
GSS216Hum SexualityBEH2XXHum Sexuality
GSS217Women of West WorldWGS2XXWomen of West World
GSS218Hist of Wom in AmerHIS390Women in US History
GSS220Gen & CultBEH2XXGen & Cult
GSS221Psych of MenPSY2XXPsych of Men
GSS222Psych of WomenPSY2XXPsych of Women
GSS223Phil & GenderBEH2XXPhil & Gender
GSS225Cult Rep of Disab, Gen & SexBEH2XXCult Rep Disab, Gen & Sex
GSS228Lit in Eng by WomenLIT2XXLit in Eng by Women
GSS229Women, Crime & PrisonBEH2XXWomen, Crime & Prison
GSS270Gender & the LawBEH2XXGender & the Law
HEA100Assess & Theory Fitness & HlthPAW234Well/Fitness/Life
HEA101Found Hlth, Exercise & SportPAW1XXFound Hlth, Exercise & Sport
HEA111Personal & Comm HlthPAW1XXPersonal & Comm Hlth
HEA113Women's HealthNUR200Women's Health
HEA114Comp Pers Fit/WellPAW234Well/Fitness/Life
HEA115Hlth Implications of ViolencePAW1XXHlth Implications of Violence
HEA117Health Iss Women Over 35WGS210Women's Health
HEA118Hlth for Aging AdultGER1XXHlth for Aging Adult
HEA138Nutrition for Fit & SportNUR202Nutrition
HEA150First Aid & SafetySPM205Responding/Emerg
HEA150First Aid & SafetyEDU305Responding/Emerg
HEA230Personal Tranr FundPAW2XXPhys Act & Wellness Elect
HEA231Lifestyle & Weight MgtPAW134Concpts Phys Actvty
HEA231Lifestyle & Weight MgtPAW2XXHealth Coach
HEA295Care/Prevent InjurySPM205Responding/Emerg
HEB111Elem Hebrew IL1XXElem Hebrew I
HEB112Elem Hebrew IIL1XXElem Hebrew II
HIS111Hist West Civ IHIS101Western Civ I
HIS112Hist of West Civ IIHIS102Western Civ II
HIS211History of U.S. IHIS111American Civ I
HIS212History of the U.S. IIHIS112American Civ II
HIS214Afr-Amer HistoryHIS2XXAfr-Amer History
HIS215Civil Rights EraHIS460Civil Rights Movmnt
HIS217Women of Western WorldHIS2XXWom of West World
HIS218Hist Women/AmerHIS390Women in US History
HIS219History of MarylandHIS2XXHist of Maryland
HIS220Civil War EraHIS364Civil War & Reconstruct
HIS221Battles of Gettysburg & AntHIS2XXGettysburg & Antietam
HIS223History of Mod RussiaHIS325Hist of Russia/1861
HIS224Hist of Mod EuropeHIS320Europe after 1914
HIS226Hist of Mod Latin AmerHIS343Modern Latin Amer
HIS227Hist Medieval & Ren EnglandHIS330History Britain I
HIS228Hist of Mod EnglandHIS331History Britain II
HIS231The HolocaustHIS2XXThe Holocaust
HIS261Hist of Middle EastHIS2XXHist of Mid East
HIS262The Cold WarHIS2XXThe Cold War
HIS297Sp Top: Civil RightsHIS2XXSp Top: Civil Rights
HLS111Intro Homeland SecNPE1XXHomeland Sec
HLS112Nat Security LawNPE1XXNat Security Law
HLS113War on DrugsBEH1XXWar on Drugs
HLS114MD & TerrorismNPE1XXMD & Terrorism
HLS120Homeland Sec SeminarNPE1XXHomeland Sec Seminar
HLS211Intel Analysis & Sec MgtNPE2XXIntel Analysis & Sec Mgt
HLS212Surv Weapons of Mass DestNPE2XXSurv Weapons Mass Dest
HLS213Transp & Border SecCJA2XXTransp & Border Sec
HLS220Intell & U.S. Nat SecCJA2XXIntell & U.S. Nat Sec
HLS225Intro Intel AnalyticsCJA2XXIntro Intel Analytics
HLS230Intel Support Pol MakerCJA2XXIntel Support Pol Maker
HLS234Hostage NegCJA2XXHostage Neg
HLS236Immig & Customs EnfCJA2XXImmig & Customs Enf
HLS240Nat Sec Chall 21st CentCJA2XXNat Sec Chall 21st Cent
HLS245Intel Analytics SemCJA2XXIntel Analytics Sem
HLS255Hist of GangsCJA2XXHist of Gangs
HLS261Hist of Mid EastHIS2XXHist of Mid East
HLS262The Cold WarHIS2XXThe Cold War
HLS270War in Amer ExpHIS2XXWar in Amer Exp
HRM111Intro Hospitality IndHSP1XXIntro Hospitality Ind
HRM124Intro to Baking & PastryHSP1XXIntro Baking & Pastry
HRM202Inter Cake ProdHSP2XXInter Cake Prod
HRM203Euro Pas, Torte & GateauHSP2XXEuro Pas, Torte & Gateau
HRM222Hosp Sales & MktgHSP2XXHosp Sales & Mktg
HRM232World Cult & CuisineBEH2XXWorld Cult & Cuisine
HRM232World Cult & CuisineHSP2XXWorld Cult & Cuisine
HUM101Intro to Fine ArtsHUM1XXIntro to Fine Arts
HUM111Nature & ArtsHUM1XXNature & Arts
HUM120Intro to FilmFLM216Intro to Film
HUM121Sci & Hum CreatHUM1XXSci & Hum Creat
HUM151Amer Folk ArtsHUM1XXAmer Folk Arts
HUM161Intro LinguisticsHUM1XXIntro Linguistics
HUM210Images of WomenHUM2XXImages of Women
HUS100Intro to Hum ServicesSOC1XXIntro Hum Services
HUS101HS & Addic Ethics/PrcHSV316Ethical Aspects
HUS102Phys Asp Chem DepBEH1XXPhys Asp Chem Dep
HUS112Intro Hum ServicesSOC1XXIntro Hum Services
HUS114Beg Couns & AssessmentSOC1XXBeg Couns & Assess
HUS115Fldwrk Couns AsmtSOC1XXFldwrk Couns Asmt
HUS120Dev Disabilities IBEH1XXDev Disabilities I
HUS122Dev Disabilities IIBEH1XXDev Disabilities II
HUS130Intro Fam CounsSOC1XXIntro Fam Couns
HUS140Alcohol & Drug CounsBEH1XXAlcohol & Drug Cons
HUS141Group DynamicsSOC1XXGroup Dynamics
HUS150Intro Aging StudiesGER100Perspectives/Aging
HUS151Psychology of AgingGER1XXPsych of Aging
HUS152Biology of AgingBIO1XXBiology Elect No Lab
HUS155Death & DyingGER1XXDeath & Dying
HUS165Mediation & Alt Disp ResBEH1XXMed & Alt Disp Res
HUS200Addict Treat DeliveryBEH2XXAddict Treat Delivery
HUS210Fld Wrk Cris IntvntSOC2XXFld Wrk Cris Intvnt
HUS211Cris Intrvt & CounsSOC2XXCris Intrvt & Couns
HUS212Beh Couns TechSOC2XXBeh Couns Tech
HUS213Fld Wrk: Couns TechSOC2XXFld Wrk: Couns Tech
HUS216Theories of CounsSOC2XXTheories of Couns
HUS217Fieldwork: Theor of CounsSOC2XXFieldwork:Theor of Couns
HUS228Pract Soc Work & CounsSOC2XXPract Soc Work & Couns
HUS275Hum Serv Pract ISOC2XXHum Serv Pract I
ITA111Elem Italian IITL101Elem Italian I
ITA112Elem Italian IIITL102Elem Italian II
ITA121Italian ConvITL1XXItalian Conv
ITA211Intermed Italian IITL2XXIntermed Italian I
ITA212Intermed Italian IIITL2XXIntemed Italian II
ITA221Intermed Italian ConvITL2XXIntermed Italian Conv
JPN111Elem JapaneseL1XXElem Japanese
JPN112Elem Japanese IIL1XXElem Japanese II
JPN113Elem Japanese IIIL1XXElem Japanese III
JPN114Elem Japanese IVL1XXElem Japanese IV
JPN211Intermed Japanese IL2XXIntemed Japanese I
LAT111Elem Latin ILAT101Elem Latin I
LAT112Elem Latin IILAT102Elem Latin II
LEN111Criminal Justice ICJA101Intro Crim Justice
LGS217Constitutional LawPS141American Governmnt
LGS253Bus Law IBUS260Legal Environment
LGS254Bus Law IIBUS360Bus/Commercial Law
MAT100The Nature of MathMAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MAT112Bus MathMAT1XXBus Math
MAT121Alg & TrigMAT108Precalculus
MAT122Math with Calc IMAT171Calculus I
MAT131College AlgebraMAT105College Algebra
MAT132Elem Finite MathMAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MAT133Finite MathMAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MAT135Elementary StatisticsBEH260Statistics
MAT135Elementary StatisticsMAT250Statistics
MAT135Elementary StatisticsQBA260Business Statistics
MAT137College AlgebraMAT105College Algebra
MAT141College Algebra & TrigMAT105College Algebra
MAT142Coll Trig & Analytic GeomMAT1XXColl Trig & Analytic Geom
MAT151Intro AnalysisMAT108Precalculus
MAT191Calc & Analytic Geom IMAT171Calculus I
MAT192Calc & Analytic Geom 2MAT172Calculus II
MAT201Calc & Analytic Geom 3MAT271Calculus III
MAT202Linear AlgebraMAT260Elem Linear Algebra
MAT212Differential EquationsMAT272Diff Equations
MAT221Fund Con Math IMAT115Sets/Number Systems
MAT222Fund Con Math IIMAT215Sets/Number Sys II
MAT223Fund Conc Math 3MAT2XXFund Conc Math 3
MAT230Elementary CalculusMAT120Applied Calculus
MAT233Finte Math for CompMAT2XXFinite Math for Comp
MAT250Intro Discrete StructMAT280Math Structures
MAT270Intro Num CompMAT2XXIntro Num Comp
MDA100Intro to Medical TerminologyHSC1XXIntro to Medical Terminology
MDA110Professional Health CareHSC1XXProfessionalism Health Care
MDA111Laws & Ethics for Health ProfeBIO100Intro Allied Hl
MDA113Medical TerminologyRT105Medical Terminology
MDA113Medical TerminologyBIO201Medical Terminology
MDA113Medical TerminologyHSC105Medical Terminology
MDA142Intro Med Lab TechCLS1XXIntro Med Lab Tech
MLT100Intro Med Lab IBIO100Intro Allied Hl
MLT101Intro Med Lab IINPE1XXIntro Med Lab II
MLT202Clin MicrobiologyNPE2XXClin Microbiology
MLT203Clin ChemistryNPE2XXClin Chemistry
MLT204Cl Immunology/ImmunohemNPE2XXCl Immunology/Immunochem
MLT205Clinical HematologyNPE2XXClinical Hematology
MLT206Adv Clin ChemNPE2XXAdv Clin Chem
MLT208Clin ReviewNPE2XXClin Review
MLT275Clin PractNPE2XXClin Pract
MUS100Music AppreciationMUS186Listening to Music
MUS101Music FundamentalsMUS182Music Theory I
MUS103Music Class TeachMUS1XXMusic Class Teach
MUS113Mus Theory Ear Train IMUS184Sight Singing I
MUS114Mus Theory Ear Train IIMUS185Sight Singing II
MUS141Class Piano IMUS140Class Piano
MUS142Class Piano IIMUS1XXClass Piano II
MUS146Tech Sight RdgMUS1XXTech Sight Rdg
MUS147Piano PedagogyMUS1XXPiano Pedagogy
MUS151Class Voice IMUS1XXClass Voice I
MUS152Class Voice IIMUS1XXClass Voice II
MUS160Hist Pop MusicMUS287American Pop Music
MUS161Mus of 20th CentMUS1XXMus of 20th Cent
MUS162Mus & TheaterMUS1XXMus & Theater
MUS163Keyboard MasterpiecesMUS1XXKeyboard Masterpieces
MUS164The SymphonyMUS1XXThe Symphony
MUS165JazzMUS286Jazz History
MUS167Great ComposersMUS1XXGreat Composers
MUS168Amer MusicMUS287American Pop Music
MUS169Mus, Power and GenderMUS1XXMus, Power and Gender
MUS170Class Guitar IMUS148Guitar Class
MUS171Class Guitar IIMUS1XXClass Guitar II
MUS172Cont Guitar TechMUS1XXCont Guitar Tech
MUS180OrchestraMUS164Symphony Orchestra
MUS181Jazz EnsembleMUS162Jazz Ensemble
MUS182Concert ChoirMUS150YCChorale
MUS184Concert BandMUS1XXConcert Band
MUS199Appl Mus: Acoustic GuitarMUS138Guitar
MUS213Mus Th & Ear Train IIIMUS284Sight Singing III
MUS214Mus Theory & Ear Train IVMUS285Sight Singing IV
MUS218Appl Music: VoiceMUS101Voice
MUS260Hist of Music IMUS390Music History I
MUS261Hist of Music IIMUS391Music History II
MUS262World MusicMUS281World Music
PHE210Battle of the BulgePE1XXBattle of the Bulge
PHE214Phys CondPE2XXPhys Cond
PHE215Aerobic FitnessPE136Aerobic Dance
PHE218Water AerobicsPE105Aqua Exercise
PHE219Deep Water AerobicsPE2XXDeep Water Aerobics
PHE222Cardio KickboxingPE2XXCardio Kickboxing
PHE227Indoor/Outdoor SoccerPE155Soccer
PHE228Martial ArtsPE2XXMartial Arts
PHE229Martial Arts IIPE2XXMartial Arts II
PHE233Weight TrainingPAW119Physical Fitness
PHE234Hatha YogaPE163Yoga
PHE235BowlingPE110Beginning Bowling
PHE236Golf IPE140Fundamentals/Golf
PHE237Hatha Yoga IIPE2XXHatha Yoga II
PHE245Tennis IPE159Tennis
PHE245Tennis IPE159Tennis
PHE251Recreational SportsPE2XXRec Sports
PHE256Swimming IPE120Beginning Swimming
PHE258Swimming IIIPE2XXSwimming III
PHE259Life Saving & Water RescuePE124Lifeguard Training
PHE262Scuba LectPE2XXScuba Lect
PHE263Scuba TechPE2XXScuba Tech
PHE264Fit for Scuba DiversPE2XXFit for Scuba Divers
PHE265Fit Through WalkingPE2XXFit Through Walking
PHE271Sci Scuba DiverPE2XXSci Scuba Diver
PHE272Emerg First Resp Scuba DivEDU305Responding/Emerg
PHE293Hlth, Phys Ed & RecNPE2XXNon Prog Elect
PHE293Hlth, Phys Ed & RecPE2XXPhys Ed Elect
PHE295Care & Prev Athletic InjEDU315Mgmt/Prev Sport Inj
PHL111Intro to PhilosPHL221Intro Philosophy
PHL141Intro to LogicPHL231Logic
PHL146Contemp Moral ProbPHL223Cont Moral Problems
PHL151Modern LogicPHL1XXModern Logic
PHL194Ethics & Info AgePHL1XXEthics & Info Age
PHL201West ReligionsPHL2XXWest Religions
PHL202Asian ReligionsPHL2XXAsian Religions
PHL221Anc Greek PhilPHL2XXAnc Greek Phil
PHL223Phil & GenderPHL2XXPhil & Gender
PHL295SpTp: Calling Out BullshitPHL2XXSpTp: Calling Out Bullshit
PHS100Gen Physical SciencePSC153Phys/Everyday LAB
PHS100Gen Physical SciencePSC152Phys/Everyday Life
PHS107Geology of MDESS1XXEarth Sci Elect No Lab
PHS109Gen OceanographyBIO1XXBiology Elective No Lab
PHS111Hist of SciencePSC1XXPhys Sci Elect No Lab
PHS113Physical GeologyESS1XXPhysical Geology
PHS115Women and Minor in SciencePSC1XXPhysical Sci Elective No Lab
PHS119Fund of WeatherPSC1XXFund of Weather
PHS200Earth and Space SciESS152Earth/Space Sci
PHY105How Things WorkPHY1XXPhysics Elect No Lab
PHY111Fund Physics IPHY110Gen Phys:Mech/Ht
PHY112Fund of Physics IIPHY112Gen Phys:Elc/Magn
PHY120Sound & LightPHY1XXPhysics Elect No Lab
PHY211General Physics IPHY161E Phys:Mech Lab
PHY211General Physics IPHY160Eng Phys:Mechncs
PHY212Gen Physics 2PHY261E Phys:Elct/Magn Lab
PHY212Gen Physics 2PHY260Eng Phys:Elct/Magn
PHY213Gen Physics IIIPHY262Eng Phys: Opt/Mod
PLS100Intro to Civic LitPS1XXIntro to Civic Lit
PLS111Amer GovtPS101Amer Gov/Citizenship
PLS113State & Local GovtPS242State/Local Govt
PLS121Intro Pol TheoryPS1XXIntro Pol Theory
PLS122Amer Pol ThoughtPS361Amer Polit Thought
PLS125Pol Iss & Conflicts Cont AmPS1XXPol Iss & Conf in Cont Am
PLS131Comp Govts & PolPS260Comparative Politics
PLS151Pol Beh & AnalysisPS1XXPol Beh & Analysis
PLS155Ethnic ConflictPS1XXEthnic Conflict
PLS200Intl RelationsPS302International Rel
PLS275Leg InternshipPS2XXLeg Internship
PLS276Leg InernshipPS2XXLeg Internship
PRT111Elem Portuguese IL1XXElem Portuguese I
PRT112Elem Portuguese IIL1XXElem Portuguese II
PSY102Psych of African AmerPSY1XXPsych of African Amer
PSY105Exploring the FuturePSY1XXExploring the Future
PSY111Introduction PsychPSY100General Psychology
PSY120Psych of ParenthoodPSY1XXPsych of Parenthood
PSY123Social PsychologyPSY243Social Psychology
PSY124Child PsychologyPSY221Child/Adol Develop
PSY141Amer Sign Language ICM150Beg Sign Language
PSY151Psychology of AgingPSY1XXPsychology of Aging
PSY201Dis of Inf, Child & AdolPSY2XXDis of Inf, Child & Adol
PSY205Child PsychologyPSY223Early Child Develp
PSY208Adolescent PsychologyPSY221Child/Adol Develop
PSY210Psy of RelationshipsPSY2XXPsy of Relationships
PSY211Developmental PsychPSY2XXDev Psych
PSY211Developmental PsychNUR201Nursing HD/HC
PSY212Personality & AdjustPSY2XXPersonality & Adjust
PSY214Intro Abnormal PsychPSY230Abnormal Psych
PSY215Psych of RelationshipsPSY2XXPsych of Relationships
PSY216Hum SexualityPSY2XXHum Sexuality
PSY220Hum SexualityPSY2XXHum Sexuality
PSY221Psychology of MenPSY2XXPsych of Men
PSY222Psychology of WomenPSY2XXPsychology of Women
PSY222Psychology of WomenWGS2XXPsychology of Women
PSY223Social PsychologyPSY243Social Psychology
PSY224Multicult PsychologyPSY2XXMulticult Psychology
PSY232Sport PsychPSY2XXSport Psych
PSY233Stress & Stress MgtPSY2XXStress & Stress Mgt
PSY241Amer Sign Lang IICM2XXAmer Sign Lang II
PSY242Amer Sign Lang IIICM2XXAmer Sign Lang III
PSY243Social PsychologyPSY243Social Psychology
PSY243Intro Amer Deaf CommPSY2XXIntro Am Deaf Comm
PSY250Stats in Soc & Beh SciPSY2XXStats in Soc & Beh Sci
PSY284Parent/Child RelationPSY2XXParent/Child Relation
RUS111Elem Russian IRUS101Elem Russian I
RUS112Elem Russian IIRUS102Elem Russian II
SOC102Intro Masc StudiesSOC1XXIntro Masc Studies
SOC105Exploring the FutureSOC1XXExploring the Future
SOC111Intro to SociologySOC100Intro Sociology
SOC113Urban SociologySOC1XXUrban Sociology
SOC120Intro Phys AnthropologySOC1XXIntro Phys Anthropology
SOC121Intro Cult AnthropologySOC1XXIntro Cult Anthropology
SOC122Social ProblemsSOC220Am Social Problems
SOC124Substance Abuse In AmSOC1XXSub Abuse in Am
SOC130Diversity in SocSOC1XXDiversity in Soc
SOC132Juvenile DelCJA110Juvenile Delinquncy
SOC132Juvenile DelSOC1XXJuvenile Del
SOC150Intro to Aging StudiesSOC1XXIntro to Aging Studies
SOC155Death & DyingSOC1XXDeath & Dying
SOC155Death & DyingGER330Death/Dying/Bereav
SOC205Trad Cult of the WorldSOC2XXTrad Cult of World
SOC210Soc of DevianceSOC2XXSoc of Deviance
SOC212Intro Les, Gay, BisexSOC2XXIntro Les, Gay, Bisex
SOC213Marriage & the FamilySOC225The Family
SOC220Gen & Cult: Cross-Cult PerspSOC2XXGen & Cult
SOC225Cult Rep Dis, Gen & Sex in USSOC2XXCult Rep Dis, Gen & Sex
SOC230Intro Applied SocSOC2XXIntro Applied Soc
SOC240Intro Geog Info SysSOC2XXIntro Geog Info Sys
SOC250Stats in Soc & Beh SciSOC2XXStats in Soc & Beh Sci
SOC265Soc Res MethodsSOC2XXSoc Res Methods
SOC275Pract in SociologySOC2XXPract in Sociology
SOC276Pract Appl Soc ResSOC2XXPract Appl Soc Res
SOC284Sp Top Foc on FutureSOC2XXSp Top Foc on Future
SPA111Elem Spanish ISPN101Elem Spanish I
SPA112Elem Spanish IISPN102Elem Spanish II
SPA121Spanish ConvSPN1XXSpanish Conv
SPA125Spanish CompositionSPN1XXSpanish Conv
SPA211Int Spanish ISPN201Inter Spanish I
SPA212Inter Spanish IISPN202Inter Spanish II
SPA213Intemed Span Gram RevSPN2XXIntemed Span Gram Rev
SPA221Intemed Spanish ConvSPN205Inter Spanish Conv
SPA225Intermed Span Civ & CultSPN307Span Culture/Civ
SPA226Intermed Lat Am Civ & CultSPN2XXInter Lat Am Civ & Cult
SPA230Span for Bus & FinSPN2XXSpan for Bus & Fin
SPC111Fund of Oral CommCM104Human Communicatn
SPT123Sports in AmericaSPM1XXSports in America
SPT232Sport PsychologySPM310Sport Behavior
THA111Intro to TheatreTHE254Intro Theatre
THA115Intro Child TheaterTHE1XXIntro Child Theater
THA116Mov for ActorsTHE1XXMov for Actors
THA121Stagecraft 1THE258Stagecraft
THA122Stage DesignTHE1XXStage Design
THA125Scripts AnalysisTHE1XXScripts Analysis
THA132Acting ITHE262Acting
THA133Acting 2THE1XXActing 2
THA135Appl TheaterTHE1XXAppl Theater
THA180Play ProductionTHE1XXPlay Production
WMS101Intro Womens StudiesWGS200Women/Gender Studies
WMS113Women Health IssueWGS1XXWomen Health Issue
WMS212Les, Gay, Bisex & TransWGS2XXLes, Gay, Bisex & Trans
WMS222Psychology of WomenWGS2XXPsychology of Women
WMS222Psychology of WomenPSY2XXPsychology of Women
Atlantic Cape Community CollegeYork College of Pennsylvania
ACCT130Financial AccountingACC220Financial Acct
ACCT131Managerial AcctACC225Managerial Acct
ALHT108Fund of NutritionNUR202Nutrition
ANTH103Cultural AnthroANT220Cult Anthropology
ARTS103Art AppreciationART101Intro Art Apprec
ARTS115Intro Visual ArtsART101Intro Art Apprec
ARTS128Intro to Photo MethodsART245Photography I
BIOL103Biology of our WorldBIO110General Biology
BIOL109Gen Biology IBIO142Molecule/Gene/Cell
BIOL110General Biology IIBIO152Biology II
BIOL118The Human BodyBIO112Fund Human Bio
BIOL120Human Ana/Phys IBIO220Human A/P I
BIOL121Human Ana/Phys IIBIO222Human A/P II
BUSN101Intro to BusinessBUS150Intro to Business
BUSN102Prin of MarketingMKT100Prin Marketing
BUSN120Prin of ManagementMGT150Prin of Management
BUSN202Prin of MarketingMKT100Prin Marketing
CDCC110Child Dev: Theory/PracticePSY221Child/Adol Develop
CDCC110Child Dev: Theory/PracticePSY1XXChild Dev: Theory/Prac
CHEM102Intro to ForensicsCHM1XXIntro to Forensics
CHEM110Gen Chem ICHM134Gen Chem I
CHEM111Gen Chem IICHM136Gen Chem II
CISM125Intro to ComputersIFS105Personal Computing
COMM103Intro Mass MediaCM211Mass Communication
COMM105Television HistoryCM1XXTelevision History
COMM110Interpersonal CommCM329Interpersonal Comm
COMM120Public SpeakingCM212Public Speaking
COMM120Public SpeakingCM104Human Communicatn
COMM295Comm InternshipCM2XXComm Internship
CRIM101Intro to Crim JusticeCJA101Intro Crim Justice
CRIM102Intro to CriminologyCJA1XXIntro to Criminology
CRIM105Police OperationsCJA1XXPolice Operations
CRIM106Intro to CorrectionsCJA1XXIntro to Corrections
CRIM108Intro to TerrorismCJA1XXIntro to Terrorism
CRIM201Criminal LawCJA2XXCriminal Law
CRIM202Const LawCJA2XXConst Law
CRIM203Crim InvestigationCJA2XXCrim Investigation
CRIM206Juvenile JusticeCJA2XXJuvenile Justice
CRIM214Organized CrimeCJA2XXOrganized Crime
ECON110Prin of Econ IECO200Prin Econ-Macro
ECON111Prin of Econ IIECO201Prin Econ-Micro
EDUC101Hist Found Amer EdEDU1XXHist Found Amer Ed
EDUC213Educ PsychologyEDU370Psych of Learning
EDUC213Educ PsychologyEDU375Psy Learning/Second
ENGL101Composition IWRT102Analytical Read/Writ
ENGL101Composition IFCO105Rhetorical Comm
ENGL102Composition IIWRT202Academic Writing
ENGL102Composition IIFCO1XXComposition II
ENGL104Intro to LitLIT200Perspectives/Lit
ENGL201World LiteratureLIT2XXWorld Literature
ESCI100Earth ScienceESS152Earth/Space Sci
GEOG102Intro Cultural GeogG243Intro Geography
GEOG110World GeographyG243Intro Geography
GIST101Intro to Geo Info SystemsNPE1XXIntro to Geo Info Sys
GOVT110American Natl GovPS141American Governmnt
HESC110Comp Med TermHSC105Medical Terminology
HIST101West World IHIS101Western Civ I
HIST102West World IIHIS102Western Civ II
HIST103U.S. History IHIS111American Civ I
HIST104U.S. History IIHIS112American Civ II
HOSP215Bev Ops:  Wine/Beer/SpiritsHSP2XXBev Ops: Wine/Beer/Spirits
HPED150Concepts Phys FitnessPE134Concpts Phys Actvty
HUMT200Intro to Arts & HumanitiesHUM2XXIntro to Arts & Humanities
HUMT201Intro to Humanities IHUM2XXIntro Humanities I
MATH119Intermediate AlgebraMAT105College Algebra
MATH121Appl of MathMAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MATH122College AlgebraMAT105College Algebra
MATH155Calculus IMAT171Calculus I
MATH220Statistical MethodsQBA260Business Stats I
MATH220Statistical MethodsMAT250Statistics
MATH220Statistical MethodsBEH260Statistics
MATH220Statistical MethBEH260Statistics
MATH220Statistical MethQBA260Business Statistics
MATH220Statistical MethMAT250Statistics
MUSC100Music ApprMUS200Music Appreciation
PHIL102Intro to PhilosophyPHL221Intro Philosophy
PHYS102Fund of AstromonyESS154Intro/Astronomy
PHYS125College Physics IPHY110Gen Phys:Mech/Ht
PHYS126College Physics IIPHY112Gen Phys:Elc/Magn
PSYC101Gen PsychologyPSY100General Psychology
PSYC135Child PsychologyPSY221Child/Adol Develop
PSYC213Educational PsychologyPSY2XXEducation Psych
PSYC214Abnormal PsychologyPSY230Abnormal Psych
SOCL101Principles of SociologySOC100Intro Sociology
SOCL110Minority/Inter RelSOC1XXMinority/Inter Rel
SOCW115Intro to Social WorkSOC1XXIntro to Social Work
SOCW116Social Agencies/ProcessSOC240Theory/Policy
SOCW117Intro/Chemical DepdencySOC210Drug/Alcohol Addctn
SPAN111Elemen Spanish ISPN101Elem Spanish I
SPAN112Elemen Spanish IISPN102Elem Spanish II
SPCH110Interpersonal CommunicationCM104Human Communicatn
SPCH120Public SpeakingCM104Human Communicatn
SPCH130Signed EnglishCM150Beg Sign Language
THEA110Intro to TheaterTHE254Intro Theatre
THEA111Acting ITHE262Acting
TVRF103Television ProductionCM242Video Prodctn I
Baltimore City Community CollegeYork College of Pennsylvania
ACCT201Acct Prin IACC2XXAcct Prin I
ACCT202Acct Prin IIACC225Managerial Acct
ACCT230Intermed Acct IACC320Inter Accounting I
AH110Med Jur & EthicsPHL1XXMed Jur & Ethics
AH130Medical TermBIO201Medical Terminology
AHS100Intro Hum ServicesSOC1XXIntro Hum Services
AHS101Clin/Fieldwork ISOC1XXClin/Fieldwork I
AHS102Clin/Fieldwork IISOC1XXClin/Fieldwork II
AHS103Group DynamicsSOC1XXGroup Dynamics
AHS295Prof EthicsPHL2XXProf Ethics
AJS101Hist & Phil Law EnforceCCJ1XXHist & Phil Law Enforce
AJS103Const Limit & PerspectiveCCJ1XXConst Limit & Perspective
AJS111Maryland Traffic CodeCCJ1XXMaryland Traffic Code
AJS113Fund/Law EnforcementCJA1XXFund/Law Enforcement
AJS211Prin of Criminal LawCJA2XXPrin of Criminal Law
ART101Beg DrawingART215Drawing I
ART106Art in the CultureART101Intro Art Apprec
ART107Basic PhotographyART245Photography I
ART225Intro to FilmFLM216Intro to Film
BA103Bus MathMAT1XXBus Math
BA112Computers for Bus MgmtIFS105Personal Computing
BA112Computers for Bus MgmtIFS100Info Tech Competency
BA201Acct Prin IACC2XXAcct Prin I
BCA104Intro Oper SysIFS1XXIntro Oper Sys
BCA136Database Mgt SysIFS1XXDatabase Mgt Sys
BCA250Internet Appl for BusIFS2XXInternet Appl for Bus
BIO101Gen BioBIO1XXBiology Elective No Lab
BIO102Principles of BiologyBIO204Exploring Biology
BIO102Prin of BiologyBIO204Exploring Biology
BIO103General BotanyBIO218Plants & People
BIO107Anatomy & PhysiologyBIO112Essentials of A & P
BIO111Anatomy & PhysiologyBIO220Human A/P I
BIO111Anatomy & PhysiologyBIO1XXAnatomy & Physio
BIO112Anat & Phys IIBIO222Human A/P II
BIO115Prin of EcologyBIO1XXBiology Elective no lab
BIO202Anatomy & Physiology IBIO220Human A/P I
BUAD100Intro to BusinessBUS150Intro to Business
BUAD112Comp Bus MgmtIFS105Personal Computing
BUAD112Comp Bus MgmtIFS100Info Tech Competency
BUAD207Bus LawBUS260Legal Environment
BUAD270Intl BusIBS200Internatl Business
CHE101General Inorganic ChemCHM134Gen Chem I
CHE102Gen Chem IICHM136Gen Chem II
CHE103Allied Hlth ChemCHM122Prin Gen/Org Chem
CHE105Intro BiochemCHM1XXChem Elect No Lab
CHE203Organic Chem ICHM234Organic Chem I
CIS109Prin Comp Info SysIFS1XXPrin Comp Info Sys
CIS116Structured DesignIFS1XXStructured Design
CLT100Comp LiteracyIFS1XXComp Literacy
CRJ101Intro Crim JusticeCJA101Intro Crim Justice
CRJ102Report Wrtg CJCJA1XXReport Wrtg CJ
CRJ104Fund of Law EnfCJA1XXFund of Law Enf
CRJ108Juvenile JusticeCJA110Juvenile Delinquncy
CRJ111MD Traffic CodeCJA1XXMD Traffic Code
CRJ210Invest PrinciplesCJA2XXInvest Principles
CRJ211Crim Proc LawCJA2XXCrim Proc Law
CRJ213Criminal Substantive LawCJA2XXCrim Substantive Law
DNT200Nutrition for Health SciNUR202Nutrition
ECE100Intro Child DevPSY1XXIntro Child Dev
ECE111Prin & Prac in ECEEDU1XXPrin & Prac in ECE
ECE112Child Growth & Dev IPSY221Child/Adol Develop
ECE113Prog & Act IIEDU1XXProg & Act II
ECO201Am Econ I: MacroECO200Prin Econ-Macro
ECO202Am Econ II: MicroECO201Prin Econ-Micro
ENG100Intro to CompositionFCO105Rhetorical Comm
ENG101English WritingFCO105Rhetorical Comm
ENG102Intro to Term PaperFCO1XXIntro to Term Paper
ENG106Creative WritingWRT272Intro Creative Wrt
ENG107Creative WritingWRT272Intro Creative Wrt
ENG115Legal WritingWRT1XXLegal Writing
ENG200Intro to LitLIT200Perspectives/Lit
ENG210Afr Amer LitLIT2XXAfr Amer Lit
FR101French Elem IFRN101Elem French I
GEO102Elements of Cultural GeographyG100World Reg Geography
H101Hist Amer CivHIS111American Civ I
H102Hist of Amer CivHIS112American Civ II
H110African American History IHUM1XXAfrican American History I
H111African American History IIHUM1XXHumanities Elective
H151World History IHIS121World History I
H152World History IIHIS122World History II
HLF135Beginning TennisPE159Tennis
HLF139Limited Act IPE1XXLimited Act I
HLF142Weight ReductionPE1XXPhys Ed Elect
HLF142Weight ReductionNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
HLF145Unarmed DefensePE130Self Defense
HLF146Phys TrainingPE1XXPhys Training
HLF201Personal HealthPAW234Well/Fitness/Life
HLF205Hum SexualityBEH2XXHum Sexuality
HLF210Phys Fit & HlthPE134Concpts Phys Actvty
HUM202Surv Art, Lit, MusHUM2XXSurv Art, Lit, Mus
HUM205Lit & Heal:Moral, Eth, LegHUM2XXLit & Heal:Moral, Eth, Leg
MAT100Intermed AlgebraMAT102Prelim Math/Prob Solv
MAT103Technical Mathematics IMAT105College Algebra
MAT107Mod Elem StatsMAT250Statistics
MAT107Mod Elem StatsQBA260Business Statistics
MAT107Mod Elem StatsBEH260Statistics
MAT125Finite MathMAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MAT128Precalc I: Coll AlgebraMAT105College Algebra
MAT129PreCalc II- Trig/AnalysisMAT108Precalculus
MAT140Calculus IMAT171Calculus I
MGMT180Pers Fin MgmtFIN1XXPers Fin Mgmt
MGMT222Prin Bus MgmtMGT150Prin of Management
MKTG223MarketingMKT100Prin Marketing
MUS100Intro to Music FundMUS1XXIntro to Music Fund
MUS101Theory of Music IMUS181Found Music Theory
MUS103Music ApprMUS186Listening to Music
MUS106Afro-American MusicMUS1XXAfro-American Music
MUS123Piano IMUS103Piano
NUR111Calc of MedicineNUR1XXCalc of Medicine
NUR112Intro Nursing PractNUR1XXIntro Nursing Pract
PE135Beg TennisPAW159Tennis
PE166Weight TrainingPAW119Physical Fitness
PE210Phys Fit & HealthPAW134Concpts Phys Actvty
PHI101Intro to PhilosophyPHL221Intro Philosophy
PHI104Crit Think & LogicPHL231Logic
PHI104Crit Think & LogicPHL222Critical Thinking
PHI105Intro Prof EthicsPHL1XXIntro Prof Ethics
PLA101Gen Law IPS210Intro to Law
PS101Amer GovtPS141American Governmnt
PS101Amer GovtPS101Amer Gov/Citizenship
PSY101Introductory PsychologyPSY100General Psychology
PSY102Applied PsychologyPSY1XXApplied Psychology
PSY104Devel PsychologyPSY221Child/Adol Develop
PSY201Educational PsychologyPSY2XXEducational Psych
PSY205Psych of Early ChildPSY2XXPsych of Early Child
RT100Basic RT Skills & Intro HospRT100Basic Sci Resp Ther
RT111Prin Respiratory Ther IRT100Basic Sci Resp Ther
RT112Prin Respiratory Ther IIRT110Oxy Ther and CPR
RT114Clin Hosp Practice IRT105Medical Terminology
RT116Clinical Skills Lab IRT150Clin PraCI
RT118Pathology & TherapeuticsRT115Bronchopul Hygiene
RT119Respiratory Therapy PharRT115Bronchopul Hygiene
SCI106Intro OceanographyBIO124Oceanography
SOC101Intro to SociologySOC100Intro Sociology
SOC102Social ProblemsSOC220Am Social Problems
SOC103Marriage & the FamilySOC225The Family
SOC108AnthropologyANT220Cult Anthropology
SOC125Human Relat WorkshopSOC1XXHuman Relat Workshop
SOC150Cult Div: WorkplaceSOC1XXCult Div: Workplace
SP101Fund of Speech ComCM104Human Communicatn
SP101Fund of Speech ComCM212Public Speaking
SPA101Spanish Elements ISPN101Elem Spanish I
SPA102Spanish Elements IISPN102Elem Spanish II
Bergen Community CollegeYork College of Pennsylvania
AC101Acct IACC1XXAcct I
ACC100Intro to AccountingACC1XXIntro to Accounting
ACC101Accounting IACC1XXAccounting I
ACC110Financial AcctACC220Financial Acct
ACC210Managerial AcctACC225Managerial Acct
ANT101Cult AnthropologyANT220Cult Anthropology
ART101Intro to Art & Vis CultART101Art/Visual Culture
ART181Photography IART245Photography I
BA101Intro Bus AdminBUS150Intro to Business
BE120SociologySOC100Intro Sociology
BIO101General Biology IBIO150Biology I
BIO103Human BodyBIO112Fund Human Bio
BIO107Intro Human BiologyBIO142Molecule/Gene/Cell
BIO108Intro to Enviro BioBIO212Environmntl Bio
BIO109Anat & Phys IBIO220Human A/P I
BIO203General Biology IIBIO152Biology II
BIO209Anat & Phys IIBIO222Human A/P II
BNF101Prin Bank OperatBUS1XXPrin Bank Operat
BNF205Cred & Col Prin IBUS2XXCred & Col Prin I
BUS101Intro BusinessBUS100Modern Value Chain
BUS103Business MathFIN218Personal Finance
BUS233Business Law IBUS345Business Law I
BUS234Business Law IIBUS346Business Law II
CHM100Intro to ChemistryCHM1XXIntro to Chemistry
CHM240General Chemistry IICHM136Gen Chem II
CIN140Intro to CinemaFLM216Intro to Film
CIS158Intro Computer SciCS1XXIntro to Computer Sci
CIS265C++ Programming IIIFS201Intro Prg/Sftwr II
CIS271Cptr Org & Assem LangIFS2XXCptr Org & Assem Lang
CIS277Data StruC& AlgorIFS2XXData StruC& Algor
CIS287Obj-Orient Pro C++IFS2XXObj-Orient Pro C++
CIS288Discrete Math CSMAT235Discrete Mathemtcs
COM100Speech CommCM212PubliCSpeaking
COM100Speech CommCM104Human Communicatn
COM101Mass Media CommCM211Mass Communication
COM105Radio ProductionCM231Radio Production I
COM201Intro to JournalismCM271Print Media Writing
CRJ101Intro Crim JusticeCJA101Intro Crim Justice
CRJ103Criminal LawCJA1XXCriminal Law
CRJ105Police AdminCJA234Law Enforcement
CRJ109Issues in PolicingCJA1XXIssues in Policing
CRJ111Crim InvestigationCJA1XXCrim Investigation
CRJ113Juv JusticeCJA110Juvenile Delinquncy
ECO101Macro EconomicsECO200Prin Econ-Macro
EDU101Intro to EducationEDU1XXIntro to Education
EDU103Prin PraCin EducEDU1XXPrin PraCin Educ
EDU120Early Child Ed IECE1XXEarly Child Ed I
EDU124Curr Mater & MethodsEDU1XXCurr Mater & Methds
EDU126Devel & Imple CurrEDU1XXSpv Fld Wk Exp II
EDU130Infants and ToddlersECE1XXInfants and Toddlers
EDU132Parenting Yng ChildEDU1XXParenting Yng Child
EDU220Early Child Ed IIECE2XXEarly Child Ed II
EDU222Supv Fld Wk Exp 1EDU2XXSupv Fld Wk Exp 1
EDU223Fld Wrk Sem IEDU2XXFld Wrk Sem I
EDU224Spv Fld Wk Exp IIEDU2XXSpv Fld Wk Exp II
EN101English Comp IWRT101English Comp
GEO101GeographyG243Intro Geography
HIS101West Civ to ReformHIS101Western Civ I
HIS102West Civ Since ReformHIS102Western Civ II
HIS111US Hist to ReconstHIS111American Civ I
HIS112U.S. Hist Since ReconHIS112American Civ II
HIS126Mod African HistoryHIS1XXMod African Hist
HP101Fnds Phys EdPE1XXPhys Ed Elect
HP101Fnds Phys EdNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
HP110Fnds Physical EducPE1XXFnds Physical Educ
HP205Swim CondPE120Beginning Swimming
HS101West Civ to ReformH219Hist Western Civ I
INF101Intro Info TechIFS105Personal Computing
LAN110French IFRN101Elem French I
LAN111German IGRM101Elem German I
LAN113Spanish ISPN101Elem Spanish I
LAN170Amer Sign Lang ICM150Beg Sign Language
LAN230Spanish IISPN102Elem Spanish II
LIT201Amer Lit to 1880LIT281Amer Lit to 1885
LIT202American Lit 1880-PresLIT282Amer Lit after 1885
LIT205English Lit to 1800LIT283British Lit to 1750
LIT224Int'l LitLIT2XXInt'l Lit
LIT230Psych Ideas in LitLIT2XXPsych Ideas in Lit
MA045Int AlgebraMAT102Prelim Math/Prob Solv
MA150Elem StatsQBA260Business Statistics
MAT130Contemp MathMAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MAT150Elem StatsMAT250Statistics
MAT150Elem StatsQBA260Business Statistics
MAT150Elem StatsBEH260Statistics
MAT165C++ Programming IIFS200Intro Prog/Sftwr I
MAT280Calculus IMAT171Calculus I
MAT281Calculus IIMAT172Calculus II
ML113Elem Spanish ISPN101Elem Spanish I
MUA102Guitar IMUS138Guitar
MUA104Piano IMUS103Piano
MUA106Voice IMUS101Voice
MUS101Music AppreciationMUS186Listening to Music
MUS103Fund of MusicMUS181Found Music Theory
MUS107Hist Western Music bf 1750MUS1XXHist Western Music bf 1750
MUS119Songwriting WorkshopMUS1XXSongwriting Workshop
MUS131Class Piano IMUS140Class Piano
MUS134Ear Train & Mus IMUS184Sight Singing I
MUS150Intro MIDI Seq & SynMUS1XXIntro MIDI Seq & Syn
MUS151Intro Audio RecMUS1XXIntro Audio Rec
MUS231Class Piano IIMUS141Class Piano
MUS250Elec Mus CompMUS2XXElec Mus Comp
MUS251Studio Rec TechMUS2XXStudio Rec Tech
MUS261Adv Rec TechMUS2XXAdv Rec Tech
PHR100ReasoningPHL222Critical Thinking
PHR103Basic LogicPHL231Logic
PHR121Religions of the WorldREL265World Religions
PHY185Intro to PhysicsPHY110Gen Phys:Mech/Ht
PHY280Physics IPHY160Eng Phys:Mechncs
PHY290Physics IIPHY260Eng Phys:Elct/Magn
POL101Amer GovtPS141American Governmnt
POL102Intl RelationsPS1XXIntl Relations
PSY101Gen PsychologyPSY100General Psychology
PSY106Dev PsychPSY1XXDev Psych
PSY110Psych of SexualityPSY1XXPsych of Sexuality
PSY201Child PsychologyPSY221Child/Adol Develop
SOC101SociologySOC100Intro Sociology
SOC102Intro to Human ServicesHSV100Intro to HSV
SP111Speech CommCM104Human Communicatn
SPE111Speech CommunicationCM104Human Communicatn
TH101Intro to TheatreTHE254Intro Theatre
WEX101Dyn Health & FitPE134Concpts Phys Actvty
WEX159Cp Res & Em 1st AidEDU305Responding/Emerg
WEX206Weight TrainPE1XXWeight Train
WR101Eng Comp IWRT102Analytical Read/Writ
WR201Eng Comp IIWRT202Academic Writing
WRT101English Comp IWRT102Analytical Read/Writ
WRT101English Comp IFCO105Rhetorical Comm
WRT201English Comp IIWRT202Academic Writing
WRT201English Comp IIWRT2XXEnglish Comp II
Bloomsburg University of PAYork College of Pennsylvania
ACC91220Financial AccountingACC220Financial Acct
ACCT220Financial AccountingACC220Financial Acct
ACCT221Prin Accounting 1ACC220Financial Acct
ACCT223Mang AccountingACC225Managerial Acct
AER101Found of USAF INPE1XXFound of USAF I
AER102Found of USAF 2NPE1XXNon Prog Elect
AER201Evol of USAFNPE1XXEvol of USAF
AER202Evol of USAF A&S PW2NPE1XXNon Prog Elect
ANT101Intro AnthropologyANT1XXIntro Anthropology
ANT200Prin Cult AnthroANT220Cult Anthropology
ANT210Prehist ArchaeologyANT230Intro Archaeology
ANT220Human OriginsANT2XXHuman Origins
ANT495Special TopicsANT4XXSpecial Topics
ANT46101Intro AnthropologyANT1XXIntro to Anthropology
ANT46102Anthro & World ProbsANT1XXAnthro & World Probs
ANT46200Prin Cult AnthropologyANT220Cult Anthropology
ANT46333EthniCIdentity USANT3XXEthniCIdentity US
ANT46370Indigenous Cult MexANT3XXIndigenous Cult Mex
ANT46495Special TopicsANT4XXSpecial Topics
ANTHRO101Intro AnthroANT1XXIntro Anthro
ANTHRO102Anthro & World ProblemsANT1XXAnthro & World Prblms
ANTHRO200Prin Cult AnthroANT220Cult Anthropology
ANTHRO210Prehist ArchaeologyANT2XXPrehist Archaeology
ANTHRO220Human OriginsANT210Physical Anthropol
ANTHRO495Fantastic ArchaeologyANT4XXFantastic Archaeology
ARH31346Oriental Art 2ART3XXOriental Art 2
ARM110Intro Mil SciNPE1XXIntro Mil Sci
ARS32111Intro DrawingART215Drawing I
ARS321522-D DesignART210Design I
ARS32195Comp Art GraphicsART1XXComp Art Graphics
ARS32201Ceramics IART225Ceramics I
ARS32221Fabric Design IART2XXFabric Design I
ARS32250Design IART210Design I
ARS32251Design 2ART211Design II
ARS32275Crafts IART2XXCrafts I
ARS32276Crafts 2ART2XXCrafts 2
ARS32300Ceramics IART225Ceramics I
ARS32310Drawing IART215Drawing I
ARS32311Drawing 2ART265Drawing II
ARS32312Drawing 3ART315Drawing III
ARS32320Fabric Des IART3XXFabric Des I
ARS32321Fabric Des 2ART3XXFabric Des 2
ARS32322Fabric Des 3ART3XXFabric Des 3
ARS32323Fabric Design 4ART3XXFabric Design 4
ARS32330Painting IART220Painting I
ARS32330Painting IART114Concepts/Painting
ARS32360Graphics IART3XXGraphics I
ARS32361Graphics 2ART3XXGraphics 2
ARS32362Graphics 3ART3XXGraphics 3
ARS32480Internship in ArtART4XXInternship in Art
ARS32490Art GalleryART4XXArt Gallery
ART101Intro to ArtART101Intro Art Apprec
ART222Fabr Dsgn: SurfaceART2XXFabr Dsgn: Surface
ART345Nr East Art:IslamicART3XXNr East Art:Islamic
ART30101Introduction to ArtART101Intro Art Apprec
ART31101Intro to ArtART101Intro Art Apprec
ARTHSTRY101Intro to Art HistART205Survey West Art II
ARTSTDIO291Intro Digital ArtART2XXIntro Digital Art
ASL155Amer Sign Lang ICM150Beg Sign Language
ASLTERP155American Sign Lang ICM150Beg Sign Language
BIO100Cells Gene MoleculeBIO1XXBiology Elect No Lab
BIO101Hum BioBIO1XXBiology Elect No Lab
BIO114Concepts Biology IBIO150Biology I
BIO173Anat PhysBIO220Human A/P I
BIO174Anat & PhysBIO222Human A/P II
BIO230Human SexualityBIO2XXBiology Elect No Lab
BIO240Intro MicrobiologyBIO230Microbiology
BIO50100Cells Gene MoleculeBIO1XXBiology Elective No Lab
BIO50101Human BiologyBIO1XXBiology Elective No Lab
BIO50102Ecology & EvolutionBIO1XXBiology Elective No Lab
BIO50107Medical TerminologyRT105Medical Terminology
BIO50107Medical TerminologyBIO201Medical Terminology
BIO50110Bio of AnimalsBIO208Biology of Animals
BIO50114Concepts Biology IBIO150Biology I
BIO50115Concepts Biology IIBIO152Biology II
BIO50120Biology of PlantsBIO304Botany
BIO50173Anatomy Physiology IBIO220Human A/P I
BIO50174Anatomy and Physiology IIBIO222Human A/P II
BIO50205Intro to NutritionNUR202Nutrition
BIO50211Invert ZoologyBIO3XXInvert Zoology
BIO50212Vertebrate ZoologyBIO302Zoology
BIO50221Comp Bio Nonvas PlantBIO2XXComp Bio Nonvas Plant
BIO50230Human SexualityBIO2XXBiology Elect No Lab
BIO50233Human GeneticsBIO2XXBiology Elective No Lab
BIO50240Intro MicrobiologyBIO230Microbiology
BIO50242Biol Micro-OrganismsBIO230Microbiology
BIO50271Cell BiologyBIO1XXCell Biology
BIO50290Writing in BiologyBIO2XXBiology Elective No Lab
BIOLOGY100Cells, Gene, MolecularBIO150Intro Molecular Bio
BIOLOGY101Human BiologyBIO112Essentials of A & P
BIOLOGY102Ecology & EvoluBIO1XXBiology Elective no lab
BIOLOGY114Concepts of Biology IBIO150Biology I
BIOLOGY173Anatomy Physiol 1BIO220Human A/P I
BIOLOGY174Anatomy & Phys 2BIO222Human A/P II
BIOLOGY205Intro to NutritionNUR202Nutrition
BIOLOGY271Cell BiologyBIO142Molecule/Gene/Cell
BUS101Intro to BusinessBUS150Intro to Business
BUS90101Intro to BusinessBUS150Intro to Business
BUSED101Intro to BusinessBUS150Intro to Business
BUSED333Bus Comm & Rpt WrtFCO210Comm Prof Cultures
CHE101Intro ChemistryCHM104Found of Chem
CHEM100Chem & The CitizenCHM1XXChemistry Elect no lab
CHEM101Intro ChemistryCHM1XXChemistry Elect no lab
CHEM115Chem for Sciences ICHM134Gen Chem I
CHEM116Chemistry for Sciences 2CHM136Gen Chem II
CHM52100Chem & the CitizenCHM1XXChemistry Elective No Lab
CHM52101Intro ChemistryCHM1XXChemistry Elective No Lab
CHM52105Intro Forensic SciCHM1XXIntro Forensic Sci
CHM52108Physiological ChemistryCHM122Prin Gen/Org Chem
CHM52115Fund Inorganic ChemCHM134Gen Chem I
CHM52116Chem Prin & MeasureCHM136Gen Chem II
CHM52131Fund Organic ChemCHM234Organic Chem I
CIS92150Intro Info TechIFS105Personal Computing
CJS43101Intro Crim JusticeCJA101Intro Crim Justice
CJS43300Juv DelinquencyCJA110Juvenile Delinquncy
CJS43430Spec Topics in CJCJA4XXSpec Topics in CJ
COM102Intro Comm StudiesCM1XXIntro Comm Studies
COM103Public SpeakingCM212Public Speaking
COM25103Public SpeakingCM104Human Communicatn
COM25103Public SpeakingCM212Public Speaking
COM25104Interpersonal CommCM104Human Communicatn
COM25104Interpersonal CommCM329Interpersonal Comm
COM25210Org Comm TheoryCM328Organztnl Communication
COMM103Public SpeakingCM212Public Speaking
COMMSTUD102Intro to Comm StudiesCM211Mass Communication
COMMSTUD103Public SpeakingCM212Public Speaking
COMMSTUD103Public SpeakingCM104Human Communicatn
COMMSTUD104Interpersonal CommCM329Interpersonal Comm
COMMSTUD106Sm Group CommCM1XXSm Group Comm
COMMSTUD207Comm Res MethodsCM2XXComm Res Methods
COMMSTUD209Exam CommCM2XXExam Comm
COMMSTUD215Communication TheoCM206Communicatn Theory
COMMSTUD220Intercult CommCM2XXIntercult Comm
COMMSTUD309Gender Issues CommCM3XXGender Issues Comm
COMPSCI115Python ProgramCS1XXPython Program
COMPSCI121Prog JavaIFS1XXProg Java
COMPSCI357Database DesignIFS3XXDatabase Design
CPS56110Intro Computer SciIFS105Personal Computing
CRIMJUST101Intro Criminal JustCCJ101Intro Crim Justice
CRIMJUST230Police and SocietyCCJ234Law Enforcement
CRIMJUST255CJ ResearchCCJ2XXCJ Research
CRIMJUST300Juv DelinquencyCCJ110Juvenile Delinquncy
CSD152Intro to Comm DisordersCM1XXIntro to Comm Disorders
DANCE117Beg Jazz/BalletPAW1XXBeg Jazz/Ballet
DVS100College Study SkillsFYS1XXCollege Study Skills
ECO121Prin of Econ IECO200Prin Econ-Macro
ECO122Prin of MicroeconomicsECO201Prin Econ-Micro
ECO156Bus & Econ MathMAT105College Algebra
ECO256Bus & Econ Stat IQBA260Business Stats I
ECO40121Prin of Economics IECO200Prin Econ-Macro
ECO40156Bus & Econ MathMAT105College Algebra
ECO40211Prin of Econ IECO200Prin Econ-Macro
ECONOMIC121Prin MacroeconECO200Prin Econ-Macro
ECONOMIC122Prin MicroeconECO201Prin Econ-Micro
ECONOMIC156Bus & Econ MathMAT105College Algebra
ECONOMIC256Bus & Econ StatisticsQBA260Data Driven Dec Making
ED565Adv Found of EducMED502Adv Educ Psych
ED565Adv Found of EducMED502Adv Educ Psych
EDF251Psych Found of EdEDU375Psy Learning/Second
EDF251Psych Found of EdEDU370Psych of Learning
EDF406Multicult EducEDU4XXMulticult Educ
EDF60201Field Studies Education IEDU2XXField Studies Ed I
EDF60206Tchrs, Schools, SocEDU2XXTchrs, Schools, Soc
EDFOUND584C& I Thr Design DevMED503Curric Trends/Issue
EDFOUND584C& I Thr Design DevMED503Curric Trends/Issue
EGGS100Intro Enviro ScienceESS1XXIntro Enviro Science
EGGS102World Cultural GeoG243Intro Geography
EGGS103DinosaursANT210Physical Anthropol
EGGS104World Reg GeogG100World Reg Geography
EGGS105Envir Iss & ChoicesBIO1XXBiology Elective no lab
EGGS107Natural DisastersESS1XXEarth Sci Elect no lab
EGGS160Geog and Info SystemsG261Intro Geo Info Sys
EGT58101Intro to Eng TechEGR1XXIntro to Eng Tech
ELE584C& I Thr Design DevMED503Curric Trends/Issue
ELE591Lrng Dev Young ChildMED504Group Processes/Ed
ELEMED120Intro to EducationEDU1XXIntro to Education
ELEMED121Intro Early Child EdECH1XXIntro Early Child Ed
ENG101Found of WritingFCO105Rhetorical Comm
ENG152Lit & SocietyLIT346Lit and Society
ENG156Pop LitLIT1XXPop Lit
ENG201Composition 2WRT2XXComposition 2
ENG20101Composition IWRT102Analytical Read/Writ
ENG20111Lang Soc IntLIT1XXLang Soc Int
ENG20151Intro to LiteratureLIT200Perspectives/Lit
ENG20152Lit & SocietyLIT346Lit and Society
ENG20204Creative WritingWRT272Intro Creative Wrt
ENG20226European Lit ILIT285Eur Lit to 1600
ENG20227European Lit 2LIT286Eur Lit Since 1600
ENG20236American Lit ILIT281Amer Lit to 1885
ENG20237Amer Lit IILIT282Amer Lit after 1885
ENG20247British Lit IILIT284Brt Lit after 1750
ENG20256Non-West Lit ILIT2XXNon-West Lit I
ENG20257Non-Western Lit IILIT2XXNon-Western Lit II
ENG20288Feminist Reading CultLIT2XXFeminist Reading Cult
ENG20311Struct of EnglishLIT3XXStruct of English
ENGLISH101Found of WritingFCO105Rhetorical Comm
ENGLISH151Intro to LiteratureLIT200Intro Lit & Text Stud
ENGLISH152Literature & SocLIT200Intro Lit & Text Stud
ENGLISH201Composition 2FCO2XXComposition 2
ENGTECH101Intro Eng TechEGR1XXIntro Eng Tech
ENGTECH180CAD Engr GraphicsEGR1XXCAD Egr Graphics
ESC51107Natural DisastersESS1XXEarth Sci Elective No Lab
EXE114Team SportsPE1XXTeam Sports
EXE230Wt Trng & FitnessPE118Physical Fitness
EXE278YogaPE163Intro to Yoga
EXE311Meth Mat El Sch HpeEDU3XXMeth Mat El Sch Hpe
EXE321First Aid & SafetyEDU305Responding/Emerg
EXERSCI114Team SportsPAW1XXTeam Sports
EXERSCI161Intro Exercise SciPAW1XXIntro Exercise Sci
EXERSCI226Jogging/WalkingPE1XXJogging/Walking PE Elec
EXERSCI250LifeguardingPE124Lifeguard Training
EXERSCI270Exercise & YouPAW234Well/Fitness/Life
EXERSCI278YogaPE163Intro to Yoga
EXERSCI282Care & PrevPAW2XXCare & Prev
EXERSCI288Woman in SportSPM2XXWoman in Sport
EXERSCI294Resist Trng TechPAW2XXResist Trng Tech
EXERSCI306Psychology of SportPSY3XXPsychology of Sport
EXERSCI321First Aid & SafetySPM205Responding/Emerg
EXERSCI360Sport NutritionSPM3XXSport Nutrition
EXERSCI378Exercise Phys ISPM3XXExercise Phys I
EXERSCI397Adult Health & DevPAW3XXAdult Health & Dev
EXERSCI414Exer for Special PopSPM4XXExer for Spec Pop
EXERSCI452Cardiac RehabPAW4XXCardiac Rehab
EXERSCI477Exercise PrescripSPM4XXExercise Prescrip
EXERSCI478Exer Physiology 2SPM4XXExer Physiology 2
FINANCE120Personal FinanceBUS218Personal Finance
FLA16211Found Chinese CivINT2XXFound Chinese Civ
FRE102French 2FRN102Elem French II
FRE10101French IFRN101Elem French I
FYS103Food as RevolutionBEH1XXFood as Revolution
FYS109Exploring ArtHUM1XXExploring Art
FYS113Hate CrimeFYS100First Year Seminar
GEO102World Cult GeoG243Intro Geography
GEO106The PlanetsESS1XXEarth Sci Elect No Lab
GEO107Nat DisastersESS1XXEarth Sci Elect No Lab
GEO41100World Regional GeogG1XXWorld Regional Geog
GEO41101World Phys GeogG1XXWorld Phys Geog
GEO41102World Cultural GeogG243Intro Geography
GEO41105Envir Iss & ChoicesBIO1XXBiology Elective No Lab
GEO41125Weather and ClimateESS1XXEarth Sci Elective No Lab
GEO41160Geog & Info SysG361Intro to Geo Info Sys
GEO41200Geog of US & CanadaG341Geog North America
GEOG100World Regional GeoG1XXWorld Regional Geo
GEOG101Intro Phys GeogG243Intro Geography
GEOG105Envir Iss & ChoicesSES1XXEnvir Iss & Choices
GER101German IGRM101Elem German I
GER204German 4GRM2XXGerman 4
GER309Comm German IGRM3XXComm German I
GER422Masterpieces Ger LitGRM4XXMasterpieces Ger Lit
GER11101German IGRM101Elem German I
GER11203German 3GRM201Inter German I
GER11211German Cult & Civ IINT2XXGerman Cult & Civ I
GERMAN101German IGRM101Elem German I
HIS122US Hist 1877-PresHIS112American Civ II
HIS125West Civ to 1650HIS101Foundation/West
HIS145Muslim World to 140HIS1XXMuslim World to 140
HIS42100Trans AtlantiCWorldHIS1XXTrans AtlantiCWorld
HIS42113The Modern WorldHIS1XXThe Modern World
HIS42121U.S. Hist to 1877HIS111American Civ I
HIS42122U.S. History 1877 to PresHIS112American Civ II
HIS42125West Civ to 1650HIS101Western Civ I
HIS42126West Civ Since 1650HIS102Western Civ II
HIS42131Asian Civ to 1500HIS1XXAsian Civ to 1500
HIS42132Asian Civ Since 1500HIS1XXAsian Civ Since 1500
HIS42141Mod Far EastHIS1XXMod Far East
HIS42142Lat Amer Eur Col to PresHIS343Modern Latin Amer
HIS42143Black AfricaHIS1XXBlack Africa
HIS42144IslamiC& Hindu WorldsHIS1XXIsl & Hindu Worlds
HIS42145Hist Muslim World to 1405HIS1XXMuslim World to 1405
HIS42151Hist Pre-Col AfricaHIS140History of Africa I
HIS42152Hist Mod AfricaHIS141History Africa II
HIS42208Contemp Iss U.S. HistoryHIS2XXContemp Iss U.S. Hist
HIS42210Val Conflict 20th Cent HistHIS2XXVal Conflict 20th Cent
HIS42215Glob Iss HistoryHIS2XXGlob Iss History
HIS42216Africa & Black AtlanticHIS2XXAfrica & Black Atlantic
HIS42217Africa & Black AtlanticHIS2XXAfrica & Black Atlantic
HIS42222Bus Hist of the U.S.HIS2XXBus Hist of the U.S.
HIS42223Econ Hist of the U.S.HIS2XXEcon Hist of the U.S.
HIS42224Immigrant ExperienceHIS2XXImmigrant Exper
HIS42226Pop Cult in AmericaHIS2XXPop Cult in America
HIS42228Afr-Amer HistoryHIS2XXAfr-Amer History
HIS42229Mod World LeadersHIS2XXMod World Leaders
HIS42250History of ScienceHIS2XXHistory of Science
HIS42260Sport & Soc in AmericaHIS2XXSport & Soc in Amer
HIS42260Sport & Soc in AmericaSPM2XXSport & Soc in Amer
HIS42281Military History IHIS2XXMilitary History I
HIS42282Military History IIHIS2XXMilitary History II
HIS42298Hist & Hist MethodsHIS200Methods/Theory Hist
HIS42315Origins of CivHIS300Ancnt Hist to 476
HIST126West Civ Since 1650HIS102West in the World
HISTORY121US Hist Col - 1877HIS111American Civ I
HISTORY122US Hist 1877 PresentHIS112American Civ II
HISTORY126West Civ since 1650HIS102West in the World
HISTORY131Asian Civ to 1500HIS1XXAsian Civ to 1500
HISTORY132Asian Civ Since 1500HIS1XXAsian Civ Since 1500 El
HISTORY146Muslim World Since 1400HIS1XXMuslim World Since 1400
HISTORY224Immigrant ExperHIS2XXImmigrant Exper
HONORS101Honors HumanitiesHUM1XXHonors Humanities
HONORS211Honors Prins of SocSOC100Intro Sociology
HONORS292Honors Cont MoralPHL223Contemp Moral Prob
HPE05112Varsity Athletics IPE1XXVarsity Athletics I
HPE05230Wt Trng & FitnessPE118Physical Fitness
HPE05232BowlingPE110Beginning Bowling
HPE05240Fit SlimnasticsPE2XXFit Slimnastics
HPE05241Judo Self DefensePE130Self Defense
HPE05270Exercise & YouPE2XXExercise & You
HPE05309Dec Health BehPE1XXPhys Ed Elect
HPE05309Dec Health BehNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
IDS100University SeminarFYS1XXUniversity Seminar
IDS09231Technical WritingWRT2XXTechnical Writing
INSTUDY230Human SexualityPSY2XXHuman Sexuality
INTSTUDY105College SuccessFYS1XXCollege Success
ITL14101Italian IITL101Elem Italian I
ITM175ITMAIFS105Personal Computing
ITM175ITMAIFS100Info Tech Competncy
LAW120Personal LawCJA1XXPersonal Law
LAW331Law & Legal EnviroBUS260Legal Environment
LAW332Bus & Comm LaBUS260Legal Environment
LAW340Law & LitLIT3XXLaw & Lit
MAR97310Marketing PrinMKT100Prin Marketing
MAS275Cinema ApprecFLM216Intro to Film
MASSCOMM110Intro to Mass CommCM211Mass Communication
MASSCOMM275Cinema AppreciationFLM216Intro to Film
MAT101Math ThinkingMAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MAT109Coll AlgebraMAT105College Algebra
MAT141Intro to StatisticsMAT250Statistics
MAT53109College AlgebraMAT105College Algebra
MAT53110BasiCAlgebraMAT102Prelim Math/Prob Solv
MAT53114Coll Alg Bus ApplMAT105College Algebra
MAT53116Alg for Health SciMAT1XXAlg for Health Sci
MAT53118Appl Matrix AlgebraMAT2XXAppl Matrix Algebra
MAT53123Essentials CalculusMAT120Applied Calculus
MAT53125Analysis IMAT171Calculus I
MAT53126Calculus 2MAT172Calculus II
MAT53141Intro to StatisticsQBA260Business Statistics
MAT53141Intro to StatisticsBEH260Statistics
MAT53141Intro to StatisticsMAT250Statistics
MAT53185Discrete MathematicsMAT235Discrete Mathemtcs
MAT53201Theory of ArithmeticMAT115Sets/Number Systems
MAT53225Calculus 3MAT271Calculus III
MATH101Math ThinkingMAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MATH109College AlgebraMAT105College Algebra
MATH116Math for Health SciMAT1XXMath for Health Sci
MATH118Appl Matrix AlgebraMAT1XXAppl Matrix Algebra
MATH123Essentials CalculusMAT120Applied Calculus
MATH125Calculus IMAT171Calculus I
MATH126Calculus IIMAT172Calculus II
MATH141Intro to StatisticsBEH260Statistics
MATH141Intro to StatisticsMAT250Statistics
MATH141Intro to StatisticsQBA260Business Stats I
MATH201Concept Math 1 TheoMAT2XXConcept Math 1 Theo
MGM244Prin of MangtMGT150Prin of Management
MGM346Labor & Indust RelatMGT330Labor Relations
MGMT244Prin of MgmtMGT150Prin of Management
MGMT345Human Resource MgMGT315Human Resource Dev
MGMT448Supply Chain OpsSCM300Operations Mgmt
MGMT449Organizat BehaviorMGT225Org Behavior
MGT93244Prin of MgmtMGT150Prin of Management
MGT93346Labor and Industrial RelationsMGT330Labor Relations
MGT93560Operation ManagementMBA545Operations Mgmt
MGT93566Organization BehavMBA539Org Theory/Behavior
MGT93582HR Skills ManagersMBA554Human Resource Mgmt
MKTG310Marketing Prin & PracMKT100Prin Marketing
MKTG340Advertising ManagmMKT330Advertising
MSC27110Mass Comm & Pop ArtsCM211Mass Communication
MSC27230NewswritingCM271Print Media Writing
MSC27251PR: Theory & PractCM2XXPR: Theory & Pract
MUS204Class Piano IMUS140Class Piano
MUS35110Husky SingersMUS150YC Chorale
MUS35320Music in Elem SchoolMUS291Educ Exp In Music
MUSIC101Music ListeningMUS186Listening to Music
MUSIC102World MusicMUS281World Music
MUSIC108Concert ChoirMUS1XXConcert Choir
MUSIC110Husky SingersMUS1XXHusky Singers
MUSIC204Classic Piano IMUS103Piano
NATSCI498Intern Science & MathNPE1XXIntern Sci & Math
NUR100Pers HlthNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
NUR100Pers HlthPE1XXPhys Ed Elect
NUR210Prof NursingNUR2XXProf Nursing
NUR214Health AssessNUR2XXHealth Assess
NUR215Patho Nursing PractNUR2XXPatho Nursing Pract
NUR82100Pers Hlth: Per PersPE1XXPhys Ed Elective
NUR82100Pers Hlth: Per PersNPE1XXNon Prog Elective
NUR82210Prof NursingNUR2XXProf Nursing
NUR82213Found Nurs PractNUR2XXFound Nurs Pract
NUR82214Health AssessmentNUR2XXHealth Assessment
NUR82217Alcohol: Use & AbuseBEH2XXAlcohol: Use & Abuse
NURSING100Pers Hlth: Per PersNUR1XXPers Hlth: Per Pers
NURSING307Con Health AgingGER215Social Aspcts/Aging
PHIL110Crit ThinkingPHL222Critical Thinking
PHIL111Intro to PhilosophyPHL221Intro Philosophy
PHIL290Medical EthicsPHL346Bioethics
PHL28110Critical ThinkingPHL222Critical Thinking
PHL28111Intro to PhilosophyPHL221Intro Philosophy
PHY107Appl PhysiCHlth SciPHY1XXAppl PhysiCHlth Sci
PHY110Intro to AstronomyESS1XXEarth Sci Elect No Lab
PHY54103Prin Phys Sci IPSC152Physical Sci I
PHY54105Energy: Sourc Env EffPHY1XXPhysics Elect No Lab
PHY54110Intro to AstronESS1XXEarth Sci Elect No Lab
PHY54111Intro Physics IPHY110Gen Phys:Mech/Ht
PHY54112Intro Physics IIPHY112Gen Phys:Elc/Magn
PHY54211General Physics IPHY160Eng Phys:Mechncs
PHY54212General Physics 2PHY260Eng Phys:Elct/Magn
PHYSICS103Prin Phys Sci 1PSC152Phys/Everyday Life
PHYSICS105Energy: SourcePHY1XXPhysics Elective no lab
PHYSICS110Intro to AstronomyESS1XXEarth Sci Elective no lab
PHYSICS111Intro Physics IPHY110Gen Phys:Mech/Ht
POL101Elem of Pol SciPS1XXElem of Pol Sci
POL108Cont Pol IdeologiesPS102Contemp Global Iss
POL44101Elements of Pol SciPS1XXElem of Pol Sci
POL44108Cont Pol IdeologiesPS1XXCont Pol Ideologies
POL44120U.S. GovtPS141American Governmnt
POLISCI101Elements of Pol SciPS1XXElements of Pol Sci
POLISCI108Cont Pol IdeologiesPS1XXCont Pol Ideologies
POLISCI120US GovernmentPS101Amer Gov/Citizenship
POLISCI280Intro to Intl RelPS302International Rel
PROFSTUD591Research in EducMED501Intro Ed Research
PROFSTUD591Research in EducMED501Intro Ed Research
PSY101Gen PsychologyPSY100General Psychology
PSY131Psy of AdjustmentPSY1XXPsy of Adjustment
PSY210Life Span PsychPSY2XXLife Span Psych
PSY210Life Span PsychNUR201Nursing HD/HC
PSY211Early Child DevPSY221Child/Adol Develop
PSY253SoCPsychPSY243Social Psychology
PSY281Exper Psy: MethodPSY2XXExper Psy: Method
PSY406Psych SemPSY4XXPsych Sem
PSY48101General PsychologyPSY100General Psychology
PSY48131Psy of AdjustmentPSY1XXPsy of Adjustment
PSY48160BasiCStatisticsQBA260Business Statistics
PSY48210Life Span PsychologyPSY2XXPsychology Elective
PSY48210Life Span PsychologyNUR201Nursing HD/HC
PSY48211Child PsychologyPSY221Child/Adol Develop
PSYCH101General PsychologyPSY100General Psychology
PSYCH131Psy of AdjustmentPSY1XXPsy of Adjustment
PSYCH160Basic StatisticsMAT250Statistics
PSYCH160Basic StatisticsBEH260Statistics
PSYCH160Basic StatisticsQBA260Data Driven Dec Making
PSYCH210Life Span PsychNUR201Nursing HD/HC
PSYCH210Life Span PsychPSY2XXLife Span Psych
PSYCH211Early Child DevPSY221Child/Adol Develop
PSYCH476Prin Behavior ModifPSY4XXPrin Behavior Mod
RUS13101Russian IRUS101Elem Russian I
RUSSIAN101Russian IRUS101Elem Russian I
SAU72152Intro to Comm DisCM1XXIntro to Comm Dis
SOC133Intro Soc WorkSOC1XXIntro Soc Work
SOC211Prin SociologySOC100Intro Sociology
SOC213Cont Social ProbsSOC220Am Social Problems
SOC215Racial & Ethnic MinSOC2XXRacial & Ethnic Min
SOC231Marriage & FamilySOC225The Family
SOC45133Intro Soc Work & WelSOC1XXIntro Soc Work & Wel
SOC45211Prin SociologySOC100Intro Sociology
SOC45231Marriage & FamilySOC225The Family
SOC45331Marriage & FamilySOC225The Family
SPA101Spanish ISPN101Elem Spanish I
SPA203Spanish IIISPN201Inter Spanish I
SPA12101Spanish ISPN101Elem Spanish I
SPA12203Spanish 3SPN201Inter Spanish I
SPA12204Spanish 4SPN202Inter Spanish II
SPA12205Phon Theory & PractSPN2XXPhon Theory & Pract
SPA12206Struct Span LangSPN2XXStruct Span Lang
SPA12207Conv: Hisp Daily LifeSPN2XXConv: Hisp Daily Life
SPA12208Conv for Health ProfSPN107Spanish/Health Fld
SPA12211Spanish Cult & CivSPN304Spanish Civilizatn
SPA12212Span Am Cult & CivSPN308Span Amer Cult/Civ
SPA12214Hispan World TodaySPN2XXHispan World Today
SPA12306Struct & CompSPN3XXStruct & Comp
SPA12402Conv: Iss Sp MediaSPN4XXConv: Iss Sp Media
SPANISH101Spanish ISPN101Elem Spanish I
SPANISH102Spanish 2SPN102Elem Spanish II
SPANISH203Spanish 3SPN201Inter Spanish I
SPANISH204Spanish 4SPN202Inter Spanish II
SPANISH206Struct Span LangSPN2XXStruct Span Lang
SPE101Intro Indiv w/ExceptSPE1XXIndiv w/Except
SPE70101Intro Excep IndividSPE1XXIntro Excep Individ
SPE70250Behavior Int SupportSPE2XXBehavior Int Support
SPECED101Intro Indiv w/ ExceptionSPE2XXIntro Indiv w/ Exception
SWK49133Intro Soc WorkSOC1XXIntro Soc Work
SWK49221Hum Beh in SocSOC2XXHum Beh in Soc
SWK49297Intro Pract Exp SwkSOC2XXIntro Pract Exp Swk
SWK49450SoCWork Prac: Sm GrpSOC4XXSoCWork Prac: Sm Grp
THE103Theatre AppreciationTHE154Introduction to Theatre
THE209Theatre ApprTHE254Intro Theatre
THE26112Fund of ActingTHE262Acting
THE26209Theatre AppreciationTHE254Intro Theatre
THEATRE101Career SemTHE1XXCareer Sem
THEATRE102Intro to TheatreTHE154Introduction to Theatre
THEATRE103Theatre AppreciationTHE254Intro Theatre
THEATRE108Theatre PracticumTHE1XXTheatre Prac
THEATRE112Fund of ActingTHE262Acting
THEATRE200Voice & MovementTHE2XXVoice & Movement
THEATRE202Script AnalysisTHE2XXScript Analysis
THEATRE270Theatre DesignTHE320Scene Design
Borough of Manhattan Community CollegeYork College of Pennsylvania
ACC122Acct Prin IACC1XXAcct Prin I
ACC222Acct Prin IIACC220Financial Acct
ACC321Acc Appl on MicroACC3XXAcc Appl on Micro
ACC330Intermed Acct IACC320Inter Accounting I
ACC340TaxationACC305Taxation I
ACC350Cost Acct IACC3XXCost Acct I
ACC360Gov Notprofit AcctACC3XXGov Notprofit Acct
ACC430Intermed Acct IIACC325Inter Accounting II
ACC451Cost Acct IIACC225Managerial Acct
ACC451Cost Acct IIACC4XXCost Acct II
AFN122Africa 1500 to PresentHIS141History Africa II
ART110Art Survey IART204Survey West Art I
ART166Drawing Studio IART110Concepts of Design
ART171Intro to PaintingART114Concepts/Painting
ART230Design IART210Design I
ART234Photography IART245Photography I
ART301Drawing IART215Drawing I
BIO110General BiologyBIO204Exploring Biology
BIO110General BiologyBIO110General Biology
BIO425Anat & Phys IBIO220Human A/P I
BIO426Anat & Phys IIBIO222Human A/P II
BLK121African CivHIS140History of Africa I
BUS104Intro to BusinessBUS150Intro to Business
BUS110Business LawBUS260Legal Environment
BUS110Business LawBUS260Legal Environment
BUS150Bus CommunicationsWRT210Writng/Prof Culturs
BUS200Bus Org & MgtMGT150Prin of Management
BUS210Business MethodsBUS2XXBusiness Methods
BUS311Human Resource MangMGT220Human Resource Mgt
CHE110Gen ChemistryCHM102Chem/Society
CHE121Gen Org Bio Chem ICHM122Prin Gen/Org Chem
CIS100Comp ApplIFS105Personal Computing
CSC110Comp Programming IIFS200Intro Prog/Sftwr I
CSC210Comp Prog IIIFS201Intro Prg/Sftwr II
CSC230Discrete StructuresIFS2XXDiscrete Structures
ECE102Intro to Chldhd EduEDU1XXIntro to Chldhd Edu
ECE201Exceptional ChildEDU2XXExceptional Child
ECE202Curr Young Child IEDU2XXCurr Young Child I
ECE301ECE Practicum IEDU3XXECE Pract I
ECE302Curr Young Child 2EDU3XXCurr Young Child 2
ECE401ECE Practicum IIEDU4XXECE Practicum II
ECO201MacroeconomicsECO200Prin Econ-Macro
ENG101English IFCO105Rhetorical Comm
ENG201English IILIT200Perspectives/Lit
ENG392World Lit IILIT286Eur Lit Since 1600
FNB100Intro to FinanceFIN1XXIntro to Finance
HED100Health EducationPAW234Well/Fitness/Life
HIS101WCAnc to Early ModH219Hist Western Civ I
HUM101Intro Hum Ser & Soc WkHUM1XXIntro Hum Ser & Soc Wk
HUM201Hum Service SkillsBEH2XXHum Service Skills
HUM213Child WelfareBEH2XXChild Welfare
HUM301Fld Exp Hum Ser IBEH3XXFld Exp Hum Ser I
HUM401Fld Exp Hum Ser IIBEH4XXFld Exp Hum Ser II
ITL101Italian IITL101Elem Italian I
ITL102Italian IIITL102Elem Italian II
LAT131Hist Domin RepH1XXHist Domin Rep
MAR100Intro to MarketingMKT100Prin Marketing
MAT100Fund of Math IMAT1XXFund of Math I
MAT104Math for Health SciMAT1XXMath for Health Sci
MAT150Intro StatisticsMAT250Statistics
MAT150Intro StatisticsQBA260Business Statistics
MAT150Intro StatisticsBEH260Statistics
MAT200Intro Disc MathMAT235Discrete Mathemtcs
MAT206Math Found for CalcMAT108Precalculus
MAT301Anal Geom Cal IMAT171Calculus I
MMP100Intro to MultimediaCM211Mass Communication
PHI100Intro to PhilosophyPHL221Intro Philosophy
PHY110Gen PhysicsPHY1XXGen Physics
POL100American GovernmentPS141American Governmnt
PSY100General PsychologyPSY100General Psychology
PSY250Child PsychologyPSY2XXChild Psychology
PSY400Developmental PsyPSY4XXDevelopmental Psy
SBE100Prod & Ser CreationENT150Intro Entrepreneur
SOC100Intro to SociologySOC100Intro Sociology
SPE100Fund of SpeechCM104Human Communicatn
SPE100Fund of SpeechCM212Public Speaking
SPN101Spanish ISPN101Elem Spanish I
SPN102Spanish IISPN102Elem Spanish II
SPN103Elem Spn - Spn SpeakersSPN102Elem Spanish II
SPN210Spanish IVSPN202Inter Spanish II
SPN44020th Cent Span LitSPN435Special Topics
VAT100Intro Video TechCM1XXIntro Video Tech
VAT151Script to ScreenCM1XXScript to Screen
VAT152Intro Media ApplCM1XXIntro Media Appl
VAT171Remt Prod/Vid Edi ICM242Video Prodctn I
Brookdale Community CollegeYork College of Pennsylvania
ACCT101Prin of Accounting IACC1XXPrin of Accounting I
ACCT102Prin of Account IIACC220Financial Acct
AMSL101American Sign Language ICM150Beg Sign Language
ANTH105Cultural AnthropologyANT220Cult Anthropology
ARTC141Digital Paint IART1XXDigital Paint I
ARTH105Art AppreciationART101Intro Art Apprec
ARTH107Art: Renaissance/ContemporaryART205Survey West Art II
ARTS111Drawing IART215Drawing I
ARTS1212-D DesignART210Design I
ARTS122Color TheoryART1XXColor Theory
ARTS151Ceramics IART225Ceramics I
ARTS161Jewelry IART1XXJewelry I
BIO107Human BiologyBIO1XXBiology Elective No Lab
BIO207Marine BiologyBIO210Marine Biology
BIOL101General Biology IBIO150Biology I
BIOL102General Biology IIBIO152Biology II
BIOL105Life SciencesBIO204Exploring Biology
BIOL107Human BiologyBIO1XXBiology Elective No Lab
BIOL108Human BiologyBIO112Essentials of A & P
BIOL111Anatomy & Physiology IBIO220Human A/P I
BIOL112Anatomy & Physiology IIBIO222Human A/P II
BIOL207Marine BiologyBIO210Marine Biology
BUSI105Intro to BusinessBUS150Intro to Business
BUSI205Principles of ManagementMGT150Prin of Management
BUSI221Bus Law IBUS260Legal Environment
CADD121Engr Graphics with CADEGR1XXEngr Graphics with CAD
CHEM100Prin of ChemistryCHM1XXPrin of Chemistry
CHEM101General Chemistry ICHM134Gen Chem I
CHEM102General Chemistry IICHM136Gen Chem II
CHEM116Chem in LifeCHM202Chem/Society
CHEM116Chemistry in LifeCHM102Chem/Society
CHEM125Intro Inorganic ChemCHM1XXIntro Inorganic Chem
CHEM136Inorg, Org, BiochemCHM122Prin Gen/Org Chem
CHM136Intro Inorganic, Organic BioCHM122Prin Gen/Org Chem
CINE105Film ApprFLM216Intro to Film
COMM101CommunicationCM104Human Communicatn
COMM102Comm MediaCM211Mass Communication
COMM106Intro Pub RelationsCM221Public Relations
COMM115Audio in MediaCM226Audio Productn
COMM125Sports BroadcastingCM1XXSports Broadcasting
COMP116Intro Digital ProgrammingIFS1XXIntro Digital Programming
COMP126Computer FundIFS105Personal Computing
COMP129Computer LiteracyIFS105Personal Computing
COMP131Programming Using CobolIFS250Bus Data Processing
COMP135Programming Using BalIFS1XXProgramming Using Bal
COMP225Operating Syst TechIFS2XXOperating Syst Tech
COMP226System Design & MisCS2XXSystem Design & Mis
CRJU101Intro to Criminal JusticeCCJ101Intro Crim Justice
CRJU125Police Role in CommunityCCJ1XXPolice Role in Community
CRJU126Intro Public AdminCCJ1XXIntro Public Admin
CRJU127Intro to CorrectionsCCJ1XXIntro to Corrections
CRJU151Intro to CriminologyCCJ1XXIntro to Criminology
CRJU202Criminal InvestigationCCJ2XXCriminal Investigation
CRJU204Forensic InvestigationCCJ2XXForensic Investigation
CRJU205Comm CorrectionsCCJ2XXComm Corrections
CRJU226Criminal LawCCJ2XXCriminal Law
CRJU229Criminal Due ProcessCCJ2XXCriminal Due Process
CRJU236Counter TerrorismCCJ2XXCounter Terrorism
CRJU237Homeland SecurityCCJ2XXHomeland Security
CRJU245Del & Juv JusticeCCJ110Juvenile Delinquncy
DANC141Contemp Jazz IPE1XXContemp Jazz I
DGMD101Intro to Digital MediaCM1XXIntro to Digital Media
DIGM115Storyboard & EditingCM1XXStoryboard & Editing
ECON105Macro EconomicsECO200Prin Econ-Macro
ECON106Micro EconomicsECO201Prin Econ-Micro
ECON225Business StatisticsQBA260Business Statistics
EDEC105Early Elem FoundationsEDU1XXEarly Elem Foundations
EDUC105Intro to EducationEDU1XXIntro to Education
EDUC217Intro Except ChildSPE2XXIntro Except Child
ENG235World Literature ILIT2XXWorld Literature I
ENGI105Intro to EngineeringEGR1XXIntro to Engineering
ENGL121Eng Comp: Writing ProcFCO105Rhetorical Comm
ENGL122Engl Comp: Writing & ResearchWRT1XXEngl Comp: Writing & Research
ENGL125Writing to InformWRT102Analytical Read/Writ
ENGL127Business WritingFCO210Comm Prof Cultures
ENGL155The Short StoryLIT291Short Story
ENGL158Introduction to LiteratureLIT200Perspectives/Lit
ENGL221Creative WritingWRT272Intro Creative Wrt
ENGL228Screenwriting Basics WkspWRT377Screenwriting
ENGL235World Literature ILIT2XXWorld Literature I
ENGL236World Lit IILIT2XXWorld Lit II
ENGL245Amer Lit ILIT281Amer Lit to 1885
ENGL246Amer Lit IILIT282Amer Lit after 1885
ENGL265Children's LitLIT2XXChildren's Lit
ENGL266Young Adult LitLIT2XXYoung Adult Lit
ENVR105Environmental StudiesBIO1XXBiology Elective No Lab
ENVR107Envir ScienceBIO213Environ Bio Lab
ENVR107Envir ScienceBIO212Environmntl Bio
ENVR125MeteorologyESS1XXEarth Sci Elect No Lab
FASH121Fashion MerchandisingART1XXFashion Merchandising
FASH131Sewing Techniques IART1XXSewing Techniques
FITN105Personal FitnessPE134Concpts Phys Actvty
FITN106Fitness WorkoutsPE119Physical Fitness
FITN106Fitness WorkoutsPE118Physical Fitness
FITN117Hlth, Exer & Weight MgtPE1XXPhysical Ed Elect
FITN117Hlth, Exer & Weight MgtNPE1XXNon Program Elect
FITN141Tennis IPE159Tennis
FITN161Yoga IPE163Intro to Yoga
FITN167Weight TrainingPE119Physical Fitness
FITN167Weight TrainingPE118Physical Fitness
FITN295Sp Proj Phys EdPE2XXSp Proj Phys Ed
GRPH101Typography IART218Typography I
GRPH102Typography IIART219Typography II
GRPH115IllustrationART223Illustration I
GRPH120Design for Digital MediaART206Elements Comp Graph
GRPH204Graphic Design ProductionART290Print Production
GRPH216Graphic Design TechniquesART200Intro Graphic Design
GRPH220Graphic Design PortfolioART299Soph Portfolio GD
HESC105Med TerminologyBIO201Medical Terminology
HESC105Med TerminologyRT105Medical Terminology
HESC115Nutrition & HealthNUR202Nutrition
HGEO105Human GeogG243Intro Geography
HIST105World Civ IHIS121World History I
HIST106World Civ IIHIS122World History II
HIST107Contemp World HistoryHIS1XXContemp World History
HIST135Amer Civ IHIS111American Civ I
HIST136Amer Civ IIHIS112American Civ II
HIST137Recent Amer HistoryHIS367Recent Amer/1945-Prs
HIST1381960's: Pop Mus & CntrcultHIS1XX1960's: Pop Mus & Cntrcult
HIST145Afr-Amer History IHIS1XXAfr-Amer History I
HIST146Afr-Amer History IIHIS1XXAfr-Amer History II
HIST202Hist of New JerseyHIS2XXHist of New Jersey
HIST237Am Civil WarHIS364Civil War & Reconstruction
ITAL101Elementary Italian IITL101Elem Italian I
ITAL102Elem Italian IIITL102Elem Italian II
JOUR101Intro to JournalismCM271Print Media Writing
MATH118Elementary AlgebraMAT102Prelim Math/Prob Solv
MATH131StatisticsQBA260Business Statistics
MATH136Math for the Liberal ArtsMAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MATH145Algebraic ModelingMAT105College Algebra
MATH151Intermediate AlgebraMAT105College Algebra
MATH153Pre-Calculus MathMAT108Precalculus
MATH156Math for Management/Soc SciMAT1XXMath for Mgmt/Soc Sci
MATH156Math for Management/Soc SciMAT105College Algebra
MATH171Calculus IMAT171Calculus I
MATH172Calculus IIMAT172Calculus II
MATH176Calc with Bus ApplMAT120Applied Calculus
MATH226Discrete MathMAT235Discrete Mathemtcs
MATH273Calculus IIIMAT271Calculus III
MRKT101Intro to MarketingMKT100Prin Marketing
MTH151Intermediate AlgebraMAT105College Algebra
MUPF111Voice IMUS101Voice
MUPF121Jazz Studio Ensemble IMUS162Jazz Ensemble
MUPF122Jazz Studio Ens IIMUS163Jazz Ensemble
MUSI101Fund of MusicMUS181Found Music Theory
MUSI115Music ApprMUS200Music Appreciation
MUSI116Hist of JazzMUS286Jazz History
PHIL115Intro to PhilosophyPHL221Intro Philosophy
PHIL225Comp ReligionREL265World Religions
PHIL227Intro to EthicsPHL2XXIntro to Ethics
PHTY105Photo As an Art FormART1XXPhotograph As Art Form
PHTY111Photography IART245Photography I
PHTY120Digital PhotographyART1XXDigital Photography
PHY111General Physics IPHY110Gen Phys:Mech/Ht
PHY112General Physics IIPHY112Gen Phys:Elc/Magn
PHY121General Physics IPHY160Eng Phys:Mechncs
PHYS105Prin of PhysicsPHY110Gen Phys:Mech/Ht
PHYS106AstronomyESS1XXEarth Sci Elective No Lab
PHYS108Physics in LifePSC152Physical Sci I
PHYS111General Physics IPHY110Gen Phys:Mech/Ht
PHYS112General Physics IIPHY112Gen Phys:Elc/Magn
PHYS121General Physics IPHY160Eng Phys:Mechncs
PHYS122General Physics IIPHY162Eng Phys:Ht/Thermo
POLI101Intro to Poli SciencePS110Intro Poli Science
POLI105American National GovtPS141American Governmnt
POLI115State and Local GovtPS1XXState and Local Govt
POLI125Intro World PolPS1XXIntro World Pol
PSYC105Intro to Psychology IPSY1XXIntro to Psychology I
PSYC105Intro to Psychology IPSY100General Psychology
PSYC106Intro to Psych IIPSY100General Psychology
PSYC206Human Growth & Dev IPSY221Child/Adol Develop
PSYC208Life Span DevPSY2XXLife Span Dev
PSYC208Life Span DevNUR201Nursing HD/HC
PSYC212Comm Agencies & Hum ServHSV2XXComm Agencies & Hum Srv
PSYC218Ed PsychologyEDU370Psych of Learning
PSYC218Ed PsychologyEDU375Psy Learning/Second
RDIO101Intro to RadioCM1XXIntro to Radio
SOCI101Principles of SociologySOC100Intro Sociology
SOCI105Intercultural CommSOC1XXIntercultural Comm
SOCI202Analysis of Social ProblemsSOC220Am Social Problems
SOCI226Drugs & Amer SocSOC210Drug/Alcohol Addctn
SOCI235Soc of SportSOC2XXSoc of Sport
SPAN101Elem Spanish Comm ISPN101Elem Spanish I
SPAN102Elem Spanish Comm IISPN102Elem Spanish II
SPAN204Intermediate Spanish IISPN202Inter Spanish II
SPCH115Public SpeakingCM104Human Communicatn
SPCH115Public SpeakingCM212Public Speaking
SPCH130Interpers CommCM104Human Communicatn
TELV115Aesthetics & AnalysisCM1XXAesthetics & Analysis
TELV121TV ProdCM242Video Prodctn I
TELV122Digital Video ProductionCM341Video Production II
THTR105Theater ApprTHE154Introduction to Theatre
THTR111Acting ITHE262Acting
THTR112Acting IITHE355Advanced Acting
THTR135Musical TheaterTHE1XXMusical Theater
Bucks County Community CollegeYork College of Pennsylvania
ACCT100Principles of Accounting IACC1XXPrinciples of Accounting I
ACCT103Intro AccountingACC1XXIntro Accounting
ACCT105Financial AccountingACC220Financial Acct
ACCT106Mang AccountingACC225Managerial Acct
AMSL110Amer Sign Lang ICM150Beg Sign Language
AMSL111American Sign Lang IICM250Adv Sign Language
ARTF100Drawing/PrinciplesART215Drawing I
ARTF191Art History Before 1450ART204Survey West Art I
ARTF192Art History After 1450ART205Survey West Art II
ARTF193History of Modern ArtART1XXHistory of Modern Art
ARTG101Intro Desktop PublishingART1XXIntro Desktop Publishing
ARTS110Art and the Creative ProcessART1XXArt and the Creative Process
ARTS151Basic PhotographyART245Photography I
ARTS181Ceramics IART225Ceramics I
ARTS182Ceramics IIART275Ceramics II
BIOL101Biological Science IBIO150Biology I
BIOL102Biol Science IIBIO152Biology II
BIOL115Basic Human AnatomyBIO112Essentials of A & P
BIOL115Basic Human AnatomyBIO112Essentials of A & P
BIOL121Bio Prin IBIO150Biology I
BIOL122Bio Prin IIBIO152Biology II
BIOL181Human Anat & Phys IBIO220Human A/P I
BIOL181Human Anat & Phys IBIO221Human A/P I Lab
BIOL182Human Anat & Phys IIBIO222Human A/P II
BIOL182Human Anat & Phys IIBIO223Hum A/P II Lab
BIOT125Biotech Meth & TechBIO1XXBiotech Meth & Tech
CHEM100Prep ChemistryCHM104Found of Chem
CHEM101ChemistryCHM123Gen/Org Chem Lab
CHEM101ChemistryCHM122Prin Gen/Org Chem
CHEM102Chemistry BCHM134Gen Chem I
CHEM102Chemistry BCHM135Gen Chem I Lab
CHEM121Chemistry ICHM134Gen Chem I
CHEM122Chemistry IICHM136Gen Chem II
CHEM221Organic Chem ICHM234Organic Chem I
CHEM222Organic Chem IICHM236Organic Chem II
CISC100Digital LiteracyIFS100Info Tech Competncy
CISC100Digital LiteracyIFS105Personal Computing
CISC110Intro to Info SystemsIFS100Info Tech Competncy
CISC110Intro to Info SystemsIFS105Personal Computing
CISC115Computer Science ICS1XXComputer Science I
CISC127Spreadsheet ConcIFS1XXSpreadsheet Conc
CISC128Comparative Operating SystemsCS1XXComparative Operating Systems
CISC143Essentials of NetworkingCS1XXEssentials of Networking
CISC213Computer Sci ICS2XXComp Sci III
CISG102Intro Game Des/SimCS1XXIntro Game Des/Sim
COLL101College Success SeminarFYS1XXCollege Success Seminar
COMC142Art of Theatrical CinFLM216Intro to Film
COMC145Film Prod ICM1XXFilm Prod I
COMG105Interpers CommCM104Human Communicatn
COMG105Interpers CommCM1XXInterpers Comm
COMG110Effective SpeakingCM212Public Speaking
COMG110Effective SpeakingCM104Human Communicatn
COMG111Media & SocietyCM211Mass Communication
COMM105Interpers CommCM1XXInterpers Comm
COMM110Effective SpeakingCM212Public Speaking
COMM111Media and SocietyCM211Mass Communication
COMP107Intro to Rhet SkillsWRT1XXIntro to Rhet Skills
COMP110Eng Comp IFCO105Rhetorical Comm
COMP111English Comp IIWRT1XXEnglish Comp II
COMP111Engl Composition IIWRT1XXEngl Composition II
COMP114Tech WritingFCO215Tech/Scientfc Comm
COMP115Creative WritingCRW272Intro Creative Wrt
COMP116Creative Writing IICRW1XXCreative Writing II
COMT101Intro to TheatreTHE154Introduction to Theatre
COMT103Intro to ActingTHE215Acting
COMV130Media ScriptwritingCM1XXMedia Scriptwriting
COMV135TV Studio Prod ICM242Video Prodctn I
CRIJ100Intro to Adm Crim JustCJA101Intro Crim Justice
CRIJ110Intro to Crim LawCJA302Criminal Law
CRIJ120Criminal EvidenceCJA1XXCriminal Evidence
CRIJ130Crim Invest/ForensicsCJA1XXCrim Invest/Forensics
CRIJ140Criminal ProcedureCJA1XXCriminal Procedure
CRIJ160Juvenile DelinquencyCJA110Juvenile Delinquncy
CRIJ250Police Org & AdminCJA2XXPolice Org & Admin
CRIJ260Probation & ParoleCJA2XXProbation & Parole
CRIJ275Intro to Corr AdminCJA2XXIntro to Corr Admin
CRIJ280Co-Op Ed: Crim JusCJA2XXCo-Op Ed: Crim Jus
CULN130Baking and DecoratingHSP1XXBaking and Decorating
ECON111Prin of Econ: MacroECO200Prin Econ-Macro
ECON112Prin of Econ: MicroECO201Prin Econ-Micro
EDUC100Foundations of EducationEDU1XXFound of Education
EDUC160Childhood ExcepEDU1XXChildhood Excep
GEOG105Geography of US/CanadaG1XXGeography of US/Canada
GRMN110Elementary German IGRM101Elem German I
GRMN111Elementary German IIGRM102Elem German II
HIST111Hist of West Civ IHIS101Western Civ I
HIST112Hist of West Civ IIHIS102Western Civ II
HIST126Medieval West WorldHIS301Medieval Civ
HIST138Hist of World War IHIS1XXHist of World War I
HIST139World War IIHIS1XXWorld War II
HIST151US History IHIS111American Civ I
HIST152US History IIHIS112American Civ II
HIST152US History Modern AmHIS112American Civ II
HIST170U.S. Hist I: ColonialHIS350Amer Colonial Hist
HIST172U.S. Hist III: 20th CentHIS367Recent Amer/1945-Prs
HIST202Hist PreservHIS2XXHist Preserv
HIST239Amer Pop Culture: Hist of RockHIS1XXAmer Pop Culture: Hist of Rock
HITT297Medical CodingHSC2XXMedical Coding
HLTH103Life and HealthPAW1XXLife and Health
HLTH110Respond to EmergenciesSPM205Responding/Emerg
HLTH130Prin & Appl Diet & FitPE1XXPhys Ed Elect
HLTH130Prin & Appl Diet & FitNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
HLTH140Cardiopulmonary ResEDU305Responding/Emerg
HOSP100Intro Hospitality MgmtHSP101Intro Hosp & Tourism Mgt
HOSP105Safety and SantHSP270Food Source/Select
HOSP110Hosp and Fin MgmtHSP210Managerial Acct/Hsp
HOSP111Conf & Meeting PlanningHSP1XXConf & Meeting Planning
HOSP200Hotel/Lod Operations MgmtHSP470Lodging Mgmt
HOSP210Hospitality InternshipHSP1XXHospitality Internship
HRIM100Intro:Tourism/Hospit MgHSP100Intro Hospitality
HRIM110Fin Mgt in HospHSP340Hospitality Finance
HRIM137Wedding Cake AssemblyHSP1XXWedding Cake Assembly
HRIM200Hotel/Lodging OperationsHSP2XXHotel/Lodging Oper
HRIM210HMRI InternshipHSP2XXHMRI Internship
HRIM220H/M/R/I SeminarHSP2XXH/M/R/I Seminar
HRIM280Co-Op Education HRIMHSP2XXCo-Op Edu HRIM
HUMN111Humanities IHUM1XXHumanities I
HUMN112Humanities IIHUM1XXHumanities II
HUMN114Humanities IVHUM1XXHumanities IV
HUMN120Survey: World ReligionsREL265World Religions
HUMN126Sci & ReligionHUM1XXSci & Religion
INTG285Art of Sci & NatureBEH2XXArt of Sci & Nature
INTG285Social MediaCM2XXSocial Media
ITAL110Elementary Italian IITL101Elem Italian I
KINS130YogaPE163Intro to Yoga
KINS178Basketball & BaseballPAW1XXBasketball & Baseball
KINS180Founds of Phys EdSPM1XXFounds of Phys Ed
LITR205Eng Lit to 19th CentLIT283British Lit to 1750
LITR206Eng Lit 19th & 20th CentLIT284Brt Lit after 1750
LITR231Amer Lit to 1865LIT281Amer Lit to 1885
LITR232American Lit from 1865LIT281Amer Lit/Identity I
LITR246Children's LiteratureLIT2XXChildren's Literature
LITR254World Lit ILIT2XXWorld Lit I
LITR277Intro to Short FictionLIT2XXIntro to Short Fiction
MATH101Math Concepts IMAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MATH102Math for Educ IMAT115Math Foundations
MATH103Intermediate AlgebraMAT102Prelim Math/Prob Solv
MATH105Math for Educ IIMAT150Data/Decision Making
MATH115Elementary StatisticsBEH260Statistics
MATH115Elementary StatisticsQBA260Business Statistics
MATH115Elementary StatisticsMAT250Statistics
MATH117Finite Math for BusinessMAT1XXFinite Math for Business
MATH118Quant Methods IIMAT120Applied Calculus
MATH120College AlgebraMAT105College Algebra
MATH122Trig & Analytic GeomMAT1XXTrig & Analytic Geom
MATH140Calculus IMAT171Calculus I
MATH141Calculus IIMAT172Calculus II
MATH215Elem Statistics IIQBA265Business Stats II
MEDA120Medical TerminologyBIO201Medical Terminology
MEDA120Medical TerminologyHSC105Medical Terminology
MEDA120Medical TerminologyRT105Medical Terminology
MEDA140Keyboarding/Document ProcessIFS1XXKeyboarding/Document Process
MEDA203Laboratory ProceduresHSC2XXLaboratory Procedures
MEDA205Medical Law & EthicsPHL346Bioethics
MEDA215Medical Admin ProceduresHSC2XXMedical Admin Procedures
MEDA216Medical Insur/Bill/ReimbHSC2XXMedical Insur/Bill/Reimbu
MGMT100Introduction to BusinessBUS150Intro to Business
MGMT110Small Bus MgmtMGT1XXSmall Bus Mgmt
MGMT120Business MathMAT1XXBusiness Math
MGMT130Bus lawBUS260Legal Environment
MGMT135Business CommunicationsFCO210Comm Prof Cultures
MGMT145Negotiation & Conflict ResolutMGT1XXNegotiation & Conflict Resolut
MGMT180Legal Enviro. BusinessBUS260Legal Environment
MGMT230Principles of ManagementMGT150Prin of Management
MKTG100Principles of MarketingMKT100Prin Marketing
MKTG110SellingMKT220Personal Selling
MKTG112Customer ExperienceHSP1XXCustomer Experience
MKTG210SellingMKT220Personal Selling
MKTG215Prin of MarketingMKT100Prin Marketing
MKTG220Digital MarketingMKT355Digital Marketing
MKTG230Social Media MarketingMKT355Digital Marketing
MUSC101Introduction to MusicMUS186Listening to Music
MUSC103World MusicMUS281World Music
MUSC106History of JazzMUS286Jazz History
MUSC111Music Theory IMUS182Music Theory I
MUSC112Music Theory IIMUS183Music Theory II
MUSC115Ear Training IMUS184Aural Skills I
MUSC116Ear Training IIMUS185Aural Skills II
MUSC124Elec Music Synthesis IMUS1XXElec Music Synthesis I
MUSC124Music TechnologyMUS187Intro Music Tech
MUSC129Digital Audio TechMUS1XXDigital Audio Tech
MUSE101Concert ChoirMUS150YCChorale
MUSG165Piano Level IMUS140Piano Class
MUSL111Princ Lesson IMUS1XXPrinc Lesson I
MUSL112Princ Lesson IIMUS1XXPrinc Lesson II
NURS101Nursing INUR1XXNursing I
OADM110Business CommunicationsFCO210Comm Prof Cultures
OADM145Appl of MS PowerpointIFS1XXAppl of MS Powerpoint
PHED106Art of Personal DefensePE130Self Defense
PHED130YogaPE163Intro to Yoga
PHED146Beg Weight TrainPE118Physical Fitness
PHED170Indiv Fit & WellPE134Concpts Phys Actvty
PHED178Basketball & BaseballPE1XXBasketball & Baseball
PHED180Foundations of Physical EdPE1XXFoundations of Phys Ed
PHED188Net GamesPE1XXNet Games
PHED191Outdoor RecreationREC1XXOutdoor Recreation
PHIL125Basic Problems of PhilPHL221Intro Philosophy
PHYS106Physics APHY110Gen Phys:Mech/Ht
PHYS107Physics BPHY112Gen Phys:Elc/Magn
PHYS121Physics IPHY160Eng Phys:Mechncs
PHYS122Physics IIPHY260Eng Phys:Elct/Magn
POLI111American National GovtPS101Amer Gov/Citizenship
POLI120Amer State & Local GovtPS242State/Local Govt
PSYC100Psych Pers AwarenessPSY1XXPsych Pers Awareness
PSYC110Intro to PsychologyPSY100General Psychology
PSYC120Human SexualityPSY1XXHuman Sexuality
PSYC125Stress ManagementPSY1XXStress Management
PSYC160Addiction & Substance AbusePSY1XXAddiction & Sub Abuse
PSYC180Hum Growth & DevPSY221Child/Adol Develop
PSYC181Dev Psych-Life SpanPSY222Adult Development
PSYC181Dev Psych-Life SpanPSY1XXDev Psych-Life Span
PSYC181Dev Psych-Life SpanNUR201Nursing HD/HC
PSYC190Ed PsychologyEDU375Psy Learning/Second
PSYC190Ed PsychologyEDU370Psych of Learning
PSYC200Social PsychologyPSY243Social Psychology
PSYC280Psych of Abnormal BehPSY230Abnormal Psych
READ110College Reading & Study SkillFYS1XXCollege Reading & Study Skills
SCIE102AstronomyESS1XXEarth Sci Elective No Lab
SCIE103Physical GeologyESS254Local Perspect/Geo
SOCI110Intro to SociologySOC100Intro Sociology
SOCI130Contemp Soc ProbSOC220Am Social Problems
SOCI140Peoples of AmericaSOC1XXPeoples of America
SOCI160Marriage & the FamilySOC225The Family
SPAN110Elementary Spanish ISPN101Elem Spanish I
SPAN111Elementary Spanish IISPN102Elem Spanish II
SPAN201Intermediate Spanish ISPN201Inter Spanish I
SPAN202Intermediate Spanish IISPN202Inter Spanish II
SPAN250Adv Spanish ISPN3XXAdv Spanish I
SPAN251Adv Spanish IISPN3XXAdv Spanish II
SPMT200Intro Sport MgmtSPM125Intro Sport Mgmt
SPMT201Sport MarketingSPM2XXSport Marketing
SPMT202Fac Mgmt & Event PlanningSPM2XXFac Mgmt & Event Plan
SPMT203Hist & Phil of SportsSPM2XXHist & Phil of Sports
SPMT280Co-Op: Sport ManagementSPM2XXCo-Op: Sport Management
SSWK110Soc Serv Work ISOC1XXSoc Serv Work I
SSWK215Loss and GriefSOC2XXLoss and Grief
VACV130Media ScriptwritingCM271Print Media Writing
VACV137Audio ProdCM226Audio Productn
VACV141Art of Indep CinemaFLM1XXArt if Indep Cinema
VACV142Art of Theatrical CinemaFLM216Intro to Film
VACV145Film Production IFLM1XXFilm Production I
VAFA090Drawing BasicsART1XXDrawing Basics
VAFA100Drawing FundART215Drawing I
VAFA1012D Design FundART210Design I
VAFA1023D Des FundART211Design II
VAFA103Drawing CompART1XXDrawing Comp
VAFA108Jewelry IIART1XXJewelry II
VAFA110Digital Phot FundART246Digital Photography
VAFA151Intro to PhotographyART245Photography I
VAFA181Intro to CeramicsART225Ceramics I
VAFA191Art Hist Before 1450ART204Survey West Art I
VAFA191Art Hist Before 1450ART204Survey West Art I
VAFA192Art Hist After 1450ART205Survey West Art II
VAFA193Hist of Mod ArtART39520th Century Art II
VAFA201Portfolio SeminarART2XXPortfolio Seminar
VAGD100Intro Desktop PubART1XXIntro Desktop Pub
VAGD101Layout & TypographyART1XXLayout & Typography
VAGD102Illustration: Draw/DigART1XXIllustr:Draw/Dig
VAGD200Visual LitART2XXVisual Lit
VAGD201Graphic DesignART2XXGraphic Design
VAMM100Digital ImagingART1XXDigital Imaging
VAMM209Multimedia Conc IART2XXMultimedia Conc I
WMST110Intro to Gender StudiesWGS238Race,Gender,Sex
Burlington County CollegeYork College of Pennsylvania
ACC110Prin Fin Acct I ACC1XXPrin Fin Acct I
ACC112Prin of Fin Acc I ACC220Financial Acct
ACC113Prin Fin Acct II ACC1XXPrin Fin Acct II
ACC115Man Acct ACC225Managerial Acct
ANT102Cult Anthropology ANT220Cult Anthropology
ART101Intro to Art ART101Intro Art Apprec
ART112Color: Practice & Theory ART1XXColor: Practice & Theory
ART120Drawing I ART215Drawing I
ART224Ceramics I ART225Ceramics I
ART250Art History I ART204Survey West Art I
ART251Art History II ART205Survey West Art II
ASL101American Sign Lang CM150Beg Sign Language
ASL102Elem American Sign Language CM150Beg Sign Language
ASL103Deafness & Culture BEH1XXDeafness & Culture
BIO103General Biology I01BIO151Intro Mole Bio Lab
BIO103General Biology I01BIO150Intro Molecular Bio
BIO103General Biology I01BIO143Mole/Gene/Cell Lab
BIO103General Biology I01BIO142Molecule/Gene/Cell
BIO104General Biology I Lab01  
BIO107General Biology II02BIO153Evol/Ecol/Div Lab
BIO107General Biology II02BIO152Evol/Ecol & Divers
BIO108General Biology II Lab02  
BIO110Fund Anat & Phys I03BIO221Human A/P I Lab
BIO110Fund Anat & Phys I03BIO220Human A/P I
BIO110Fund Anat & Phys I03BIO1XXHuman Anat & Phys I No Lab
BIO111Fund Anat & Phys I Lab03  
BIO114Fund A & P II BIO1XXBiology Elect No Lab
BIO114Fund A & P II BIO222Human A/P II
BIO120Biol and Hum Affairs BIO112Fund Human Bio
BIO120Biol and Hum Affairs BIO1XXBiology Elect No Lab
BIO130Enviro Science BIO212Environmntl Bio
BIO155Basic Microbiology04BIO231Micro/Allied Lab
BIO155Basic Microbiology04BIO230Microbio/Allied Hlth
BIO156Basic Microbiology Lab04  
BIO208Human Anat & Phys I BIO220Human A/P I
BIO221Microbiology BIO230Microbiology
BIO230Ecology BIO2XXEcology
BIT210Molecular Genetics BIO2XXBiology Elect No Lab
BUA101Bus Funct in a Global Soc BUS1XXBus Funct in a Global Soc
BUA102Prin of Management MGT150Prin of Management
BUA205Bus Law I BUS260Legal Environment
BUA220Prin of Marketing MKT100Prin Marketing
CHE107Chemistry CHM1XXChemistry Elect No Lab
CHE107Chemistry CHM122Prin Gen/Org Chem
CHE115General Chemistry I CHM1XXChemistry Elect No Lab
CHE115General Chemistry I CHM134Gen Chem I
CHE117General Chemistry II CHM1XXChemistry Elect No Lab
CHE117General Chemistry II CHM136Gen Chem II
CHE210Nutrition NUR202Nutrition
CHE240Organic Chemistry I CHM234Organic Chem I
CHE240Organic Chemistry I CHM2XXChemistry Elect No Lab
CHE242Organic Chemistry II CHM236Organic Chem II
CHE242Organic Chemistry II CHM2XXChemistry Elect No Lab
CHI101Elem Chinese I L1XXLanguage Elective
CIN109American Cinema FLM1XXAmerican Cinema
CIS101Intro to Computers IFS105Personal Computing
CIS111Prog in Basic IFS1XXProg in Basic
CIS118Intro Microsoft Office IFS1XXIntro Microsoft Office
CIS155Fundmentals of Web Design ART1XXFund of Web Design
CIS161Computer App IFS105Personal Computing
CIS250Cisco Routing Config IFS2XXCisco Routing Config
CIS251Cisco Remote Access Net IFS2XXCisco Remote Access Net
COM103Media Operations CM120Broadcast Perform I
COM105Writing for Mass Media CM271Print Media Writing
COM120Radio Prod CM231Radio Production I
CRJ101Intro Criminal Justice CJA101Intro Crim Justice
CRJ102Police Op & Proc CJA1XXPolice Op & Proc
CRJ103Intro Corr Sys CJA1XXIntro Corr Sys
CRJ106Intro to Court Sys CJA1XXIntro to Court Sys
CRJ114Criminalistics CJA1XXCriminalistics
CRJ218Intro Private Security CJA2XXIntro Private Security
CRJ219Organized Crime CJA2XXOrganized Crime
CRJ221Large Scale Incident Mgt CJA2XXLarge Scale Inc Mgt
CSE110Intro Comp Sci I CS1XXIntro Comp Sci I
CSE111Intro Comp Sci II CS1XXIntro Comp Sci II
CSE135Comp Prog & Prob Solv CS1XXComp Prog & Prob Solv
CSE210Machine & Assem Prog Lan CS2XXMach & Assem Prog Lan
ECO203Prin of Microeconomics ECO201Prin Econ-Micro
ECO204Prin of Macroeconomics ECO200Prin Econ-Macro
EDU105Teaching as Prof EDU1XXTeaching as Prof
EDU112Historical Found Amer EDU1XXHist Found Amer
EGR103Engineering Design EGR1XXEngineering Design
EGR110Design Comp Graph I EGR1XXDes Comp Graph I
EGR210Design Comp Graph III EGR2XXDesgn Comp Gph III
ENG101College Composition I FCO105Rhetorical Comm
ENG102College Composition II LIT200Perspectives/Lit
ENG105Technicial Writing FCO215Tech/Scientfc Comm
ENG112College Composition II LIT200Perspectives/Lit
ENG251Creative Writing WRT272Intro Creative Wrt
ENG252Semantics CM2XXSemantics
ETC101Intro to Entertainment CM1XXIntro to Entertainment
ETC205Writing Workshop WRT2XXWriting Workshop
ETS101Live Sound Prod I MUS1XXLive Sound Prod I
ETS105Recording Eng I MUS1XXRecording Eng I
ETV101TV Production (Studio) CM242Video Prodctn I
ETV102TV Production (Field) CM1XXTV Prod (Field)
ETV105Editing for the Media CM1XXEditing for the Media
ETV205Interactive Digital Media CM1XXInteractive Digital Media
FRE101Elem French I FRN101Elem French I
FRE102Elem French II FRN102Elem French II
FRE201Inter French I FRN201Inter French I
GDD101Intro to Comp Graphics ART1XXIntro to Comp Graph
GDD110Graphic Design I ART1XXGraphic Des I
GDD221Web Design I ART2XXWeb Design I
GEO102Prin of Geography G1XXPrin of Geog
GER101Elem German I GRM101Elem German I
GER102Elem German II GRM102Elem German II
GER201Intermed German I GRM201Inter German I
HIS101U.S. History I HIS111Amer Hist Colonization-Civ War
HIS102U.S. History II HIS112Amer Hist Civ War-Global Power
HIS103Anc & Med Found West Civ HIS300Ancnt Hist to 476
HIS104West World Since 1600 HIS102Western Civ II
HIS108Afr Amer History I HIS1XXAfr Amer History I
HIS11020th Cent World Hist I HIS1XX20th Cent World Hist I
HIS11120th Cent World Hist II HIS1XX20th Cent World Hist II
HIS115Islam: Hist, Cult, Art HIS1XXIslam: Hist, Cult, Art
HIS230Islamic Civilization INT2XXIslamic Civ
HIT105Medical Terminology BIO201Medical Terminology
HIT105Medical Terminology RT105Medical Terminology
HUS101Human Services I SOC1XXHuman Services I
HUS105Intro to Group Dynamics SOC1XXIntro to Group Dynamics
HUS110Contemp Iss/Soc Welfa SOC1XXContemp Iss/Soc Welfa
ITA101Elem Italian I ITL101Elem Italian I
ITA102Elem Italian II ITL102Elem Italian II
LIT201Interpretation of Fiction LIT2XXInterp of Fiction
LIT207English Literature I LIT283British Lit to 1750
LIT208English Literature II LIT284Brt Lit after 1750
LIT209American Literature I LIT281Amer Lit to 1885
LIT210American Lit II LIT282Amer Lit after 1885
LIT215Intro to Child Lit LIT2XXIntro to Child Lit
LIT218Literature and Film LIT2XXLiterature and Film
LIT220Shakespeare LIT2XXShakespeare
MTH107Intro to Statistics BEH260Statistics
MTH107Intro to Statistics MAT250Statistics
MTH107Intro to Statistics QBA260Business Statistics
MTH112College Algebra MAT105College Algebra
MTH113Modern College Math MAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MTH118Calculus I MAT171Calculus I
MTH119Calc II & Analytic Geom MAT172Calculus II
MTH130Precalculus MAT108Precalculus
MTH141Elem Quant Methods for Mgt MAT105College Algebra
MTH143Statistics I QBA260Business Statistics
MTH143Statistics I BEH260Statistics
MTH143Statistics I MAT250Statistics
MTH243Statistics II QBA265Business Statistics II
MUS101Intro to Music MUS200Music Appreciation
MUS105Fund of Music MUS181Found Music Theory
MUS110Aural Perception MUS184Sight Singing I
MUS115Harmony I MUS1XXHarmony I
NUR220Nutrition in Nurs & Healthcare NUR202Nutrition
PHI101Intro to Philosophy PHL221Intro Philosophy
PHI205Ethics PHL341Ethics
PHI220Envir Ethics PHL240Environmentl Ethics
PHO102Black & White Photo ART245Photography I
PHY107Fund of Physics PHY1XXPhysics Elective no lab
PHY110Prin Physics I PHY1XXPhysics Elect No Lab
PHY110Prin Physics I PHY110Gen Phys:Mech/Ht
PHY112Prin of Physics II PHY1XXPhysics Elect No Lab
PHY112Prin of Physics II PHY112Gen Phys:Elc/Magn
PHY120Intro to Astronomy ESS154Intro/Astronomy
PHY210Gen Physics I PHY2XXPhysics Elect No Lab
PHY210Gen Physics I PHY160Eng Phys:Mechncs
PHY212Gen Physics II PHY2XXPhysics Elect No Lab
PHY212Gen Physics II PHY260Eng Phys:Elct/Magn
POL101American Govt & Pol PS141American Governmnt
POL103Comp Govt & Politics PS260Comparative Politics
POL215Constitutional Law PS2XXConstitutional Law
POL220West Pol Thought PS2XXWest Pol Thought
PSC105Physical Science I ESS152Earth/Space Sci
PSC105Physical Science I ESS1XXEarth Sci Elective No Lab
PSC107Physical Science II ESS1XXEarth Sci Elective No Lab
PSY101General Psychology I PSY100General Psychology
PSY102Gen Psychology II PSY1XXGen Psychology II
PSY203Human Sexuality PSY2XXHuman Sexuality
PSY250Ed Psychology EDU370Psych of Learning
PSY250Ed Psychology EDU375Psy Learning/Second
PSY251Child Psychology PSY221Child/Adol Develop
PSY255Abnormal Psychology PSY230Abnormal Psych
PSY256Dev Psychology NUR201Nursing HD/HC
PSY256Dev Psychology PSY2XXDev Psychology
PSY258Psych of Personality PSY2XXPsych of Personality
PSY259Social Psychology PSY243Social Psychology
REL205Comparative Religion REL265World Religions
SOC101Principles of Sociology SOC100Intro Sociology
SOC201Social Problems SOC220Am Social Problems
SOC205Marriage & Family SOC225The Family
SOC207Media, Pop Culture-Soc CM211Mass Communication
SPA101Elementary Spanish I SPN101Elem Spanish I
SPA102Elementary Spanish II SPN102Elem Spanish II
SPA201Intermediate Span I SPN201Inter Spanish I
SPA202Intermediate Span II SPN202Inter Spanish II
SPE101Eff Oral Comm CM104Human Communicatn
SPE102Public Speaking CM212Public Speaking
SPE102Public Speaking CM104Human Communicatn
SRS150Intro to Stu Research FYS1XXIntro to Stu Research
SRS250Intermediate Student Research FYS1XXIntermediate Student Research
THR101Intro to Theatre THE254Intro Theatre
California University of PAYork College of Pennsylvania
ACC200Fin AcctACC220Financial Acct
ACC321Managerial AccountingACC225Managerial Acct
ANT100Intro to AnthroANT1XXIntro to Anthro
ANT254Intro Forensic AnthroANT2XXIntro Forensic Anthro
ARB101Elem Arabic IARB101Elem Arabic I
ART104Art Hist III RomanticART205Survey West Art II
ART106Art AppreciationART101Intro Art Apprec
ART109Landmarks of World ArtART1XXLandmarks of World Art
ART110Drawing IART215Drawing I
ART112Fiber ArtsART1XXFiber Arts
ART113Ceramics IART225Ceramics I
ART116Painiting IART233Concepts/Painting
ART119Design 2-DART210Design I
ART127Intro Graphic DesignART1XXIntro Graphic Des
ART214Art History IIART205Survey West Art II
ART293Ceramics StudioART2XXCeramics Studio
ART296Painting StudioART2XXPainting Studio
ART382Ceramics StudioART3XXCeramics Studio
ATE100Prac Athl Trng IPAW1XXPrac Athl Trng I
ATE110Prac Athl Trng IIPAW1XXPrac Athl Trng II
ATE120Substance Abuse EdPAW1XXSubstance Abuse Ed
ATE205Hum Anat & Phys IBIO221Human A/P I Lab
ATE205Hum Anat & Phys IBIO220Human A/P I
ATE215Hum Anat Phys IIBIO222Human A/P II
ATE215Hum Anat Phys IIBIO223Hum A/P II Lab
ATE340Sports NutritionSPM3XXSports Nutrition
BIO103Cont Issues in BioBIO1XXBiology Elective No Lab
BIO120General ZoologyBIO208Biology of Animals
BIO125General BotanyBIO114Plants & People
BIO215Intro Cell & Molec BioBIO150Biology I
BIO215Intro Cell & Molec BioBIO142Molecule/Gene/Cell
BUS100Intro to BusinessBUS150Intro to Business
BUS242Bus Law IBUS260Legal Environment
BUS281Mgt Science IBUS2XXMgt Science I
BUS345Bus EthicsPHL342Professional Ethics
CCU102Art WorkshopART1XXArt Workshop
CDC101Public SpeakingCM212Public Speaking
CHE100Intro to ChemistryCHM104Found of Chem
CHE103Chem for EverydayCHM1XXChemistry Elect No Lab
CIS101Micros & App SoftwareIFS105Personal Computing
CIS110Intro to Info SystemsIFS1XXIntro to Info Systems
CMD350Sign Lang & BrailleCM150Beg Sign Language
COM101Oral CommCM212Public Speaking
COM106Intro Mass CommCM211Mass Communication
COM203Intro Public RelatCM221Public Relations
COM250Oral Comm ManagementCM2XXOral Comm Management
COM250Oral Comm MgtCM246Comm/Business Prof
COM275Art of FilmFLM216Intro to Film
COM315Language BehaviorCM3XXLanguage Behavior
COM319Comm & GenderSOC3XXComm & Gender
CRJ101Intro to Crim JusticeCJA101Intro Crim Justice
CRJ102American PolicingCJA334Policing In America
CRJ103Correctional SystemsCJA337Punishmnt/Correctns
CRJ399Sel Topics: IntelligenceCJA3XXSel Topics: Intelligence
CSC101Personal Prod SoftwareIFS105Personal Computing
CSC101Personal Prod SoftwareIFS100Info Tech Competncy
CSC105Basic Prog LangIFS160Visual Basic Progrm
CSC120Prob Solv/Prg ConstCS1XXProb Solv/Prg Const
CSC124Comp Prog ICS1XXComp Prog I
CSC199Field Exp Comp SciCS1XXField Exp Comp Sci
CSC202Visual ProgrammingIFS240Visual Programming
DAN232Ballet Tech IIPE117Modern Dance
DAN260Mod DancePE117Modern Dance
EAS100Intro to Earth SciESS152Earth/Space Sci
EAS150Intro GeologyG151Intro Physical Geog
ECE304Thematic TeachingEDU3XXThematic Teaching
ECE315Math Con Ear ChildEDU3XXMath Con Ear Child
ECO100Elem of EconECO1XXElem of Econ
ECO102Econ for Elem EdECO1XXEcon for Elem Ed
ECO201Intro MicroECO201Prin Econ-Micro
ECO202Princ of MacroeconomicsECO200Prin Econ-Macro
EDE100Read Stud & List SkEDU1XXRead Stud & List Sk
EDE211Instr Strat El & EcEDU2XXInstr Strat El & Ec
EDE300Lang & Literacy IEDU3XXLang & Lit I
EDE311Child Literature IEDU3XXChild Lit I
EDF290Policy Stud Amer EdEDU2XXPolicy Stud Amer Ed
EDF321Schools and ValuesEDU3XXSchools & Values
EDLR6000ONL Fnd of Education LeadershiMED561Intro Org Leadershp
EDLR6100ONL Educ Lead Theory and PractMED5XXONL Educ Lead Theory and Pract
EDU110Crit Thinking & ReadingEDU1XXCrit Thinking & Read
EDU150Intro Elect PortfolioEDU1XXIntro Elect Portfolio
EDU210Crit Thinking and ReadEDU2XXCrit Think and Read
EDU310Teach Multicultural SocEDU3XXTeach Multicult Soc
EDU310Teach Multicult SocEDU3XXTeach Multicult Soc
EDU333Tech in Tchng & LearngEDU210Educational Tech
EDU333Tech in Tchng & LearngSE210Educ Tech Mid/Sec
EDU333Tech in Tchng & LearngSE210Educ Tech Mid/Sec
EDU350Support Eng LangEDU225Instrc Needs/ELL
ELE220Instr and Assess Pre-KECH2XXInstr and Assess Pre-K
ELE300Emerging LitLIT3XXEmerging Lit
ELE310Teaching Math and ScienceECH1XXTeach Math Science
ELE410Field Exper PreKEDU4XXField Exper PreK
ELM200Intro Middle Level 4-8MLE350Content Pedagogies
ELM220Instr & Assessment 4-8SE220Curriculum Develop
ELM301Reading Meth Assess IntervEDU3XXReading Meth Assess Interv
ELM302Lang ArtsECH304Tchng Language Arts
ELM311Math Meth Assess IntervEDU3XXMath Meth Assess Interv
ELM321Teach Science 4-8EDU3XXTeach Science 4-8
ELM331Soc StudiesEDU3XXSocial Studies
ELM360Enviro, Ecology, Nature SciEDU3XXEnviro, Ecology, Nature Sci
ELM411Field Experience 4-6EDU4XXField Exper 4-6
ENG100Eng Lang SkillsWRT100Intro College Writ
ENG100Eng Lang SkillsWRT100Intro College Writ
ENG101English Comp IWRT102Analytical Read/Writ
ENG101English Comp IFCO105Rhetorical Comm
ENG102English Comp IIWRT1XXEnglish Comp II
ENG106Intro to PoetryLIT343Exper of Poetry
ENG107Intro FictionLIT1XXIntro Fiction
ENG169Journalism IICM271Print Media Writing
ENG203Great BooksLIT200Intro Lit & Text Stud
ENG206World Lit from 1600LIT286Eur Lit Since 1600
ENG211Business Writing IWRT2XXBusiness Writing I
ENG315Surv Am Wom WritersLIT382Women Writers
ENS101Intro Environ SciBIO1XXBiology Elective No Lab
ESP210Sped Found CollabSPE2XXSpec Found Collab
ESP211Spec Ed Hist TheorySPE200Process/Procedures
ESP311Assessment & Pos BehSPE264Educational Assmnt
ESP312ABA for Spec EducationSPE375Positive Beh Supprt
ESP339Spec Ed Field Exp ISPE3XXSpec Ed Field Exp I
ESP349Spec Ed Field Exper IIEDU3XXSpec Ed Field Exper II
ESP402Life SkillsSPE304EBI: Low Incidence
ESP403Assess/Prescr TeachEDU4XXAssess/Prescr Teach
ESP407Early InterventionSPE250Professnl/Partners
ESP412Evidence Based ElemSPE300Eff Instruct Method
ESP414Adv EBP PreK-8 InclusEDU4XXAdv EBP PreK-8 Inclus
FIT100Intro to FitnessPAW1XXIntro to Fitness
FIT125Fund of Speed TrainingPAW1XXFund of Speed Training
FIT300Business Aspects of FitnessSPM3XXBus Aspects of Fitness
FRE101Elem French IFRN101Elem French I
GCT225Prin Layout & DesART2XXPrin Layout & Des
GCT300Digital PhotographyART246Digital Photography
GEO100Intro to GeographyG100World Reg Geography
GEO102Geog Sys for Elem EdG1XXGeog Sys for Elem Ed
GEO155Hospitality Ind & OpG1XXHosp Ind & Op
GEO165Intro Rec and LeisREC101Recreation/Leisure
GEO474Develop Master PlanG4XXDevelop Master Plan
GET101Intro Engr TechEGR1XXIntro Engr Tech
GET130Intro to Engineering TechEGR1XXIntro to Engineering Tech
HIS101US Hist to 1877HIS111Amer Hist Colonization-Civ War
HIS101U.S. Hist to 1877HIS111American Civ I
HIS102U.S. Hist Since 1877HIS112American Civ II
HIS106His West Soc S 1740HIS102Western Civ II
HIS111World Hist to 1500HIS121World History I
HIS200Hist PennsylvaniaHIS2XXHist Pennsylvania
HON150Honors Comp IFCO105Rhetorical Comm
HON250Honors CompWRT2XXHonors Comp
HON330Topics in Cult & SocSOC3XXTopics in Cult & Soc
HPE105Current Health IssPE1XXPhysical Education Elective
HPE105Current Health IssNPE1XXNon Program Elective
HPE105Current Health IssPAW1XXCurrent Health Iss
HSC110Human Anatomy & Phys IBIO1XXHum Anatomy & Phys I
HSC110Human Anatomy & Phys IBIO222Human A/P II
HSC115Current Health IssuesPAW1XXCurr Health Issues
HSC120Human Anatomy & Phys IIBIO222Human A/P II
HSC270Phys of ExercisePAW134Concpts Phys Actvty
HSC275Funct KinesiologySPM2XXFunct Kinesiology
JUS101Intro to Justice StudiesCJA101Intro Crim Justice
JUS102Law EnforcementCJA234Law Enforcement
JUS103Correctional SystemsCJA1XXCorrectional Sys
JUS331Juvenile JusticeCJA348Juvenile Justice
JUS361Court SystemsCJA336Judicial Process
MAT100Fund of MathMAT1XXFund of Math
MAT120Elem Topics in Math IMAT115Sets/Number Systems
MAT130Elem Topics in Math IIMAT150Data/Decision Making
MAT181College AlgebraMAT105College Algebra
MAT191College TrigMAT1XXCollege Trig
MAT215StatisticsQBA260Business Statistics
MAT281Calculus IMAT171Calculus I
MAT282Calculus IIMAT172Calculus II
MGT300Prin of MgtMGT150Prin of Management
MGT371Mgt Info SysIFS305Management Info Sys
MIS301Mgt Info SysIFS305Management Info Sys
MKT300Prin of MarketingMKT100Prin Marketing
MKT371Customer Relations MgtMKT3XXCustomer Rela Mgt
MUS100Intro to MusicMUS186Listening to Music
MUS100Intro to MusicMUS200Music Appreciation
MUS198Univ Marching BandMUS1XXUniv Marching Band
PHI100Persp in PhilPHL221Intro Philosophy
PHI115Logic & LangPHL222Critical Thinking
PHI200World ReligionsREL265World Religions
PHI211Formal Logic IPHL231Logic
PHI370Philosophy of LawPHL347Philosophy of Law
PHS120Basic Physical SciPSC152Physical Sci I
PHS137Intro Enviro ChemCHM1XXIntro Enviro Chem
POS100Intro Poli SciPS1XXIntro Poli Sci
POS102Amer Govt for Elem EdPS1XXAmer Govt for Elem Ed
POS105Amer Natl GovtPS101Amer Gov/Citizenship
PSY100General PsychologyPSY100General Psychology
PSY205Child PsychologyPSY221Child/Adol Develop
PSY206Adolescent PsychPSY221Child/Adol Develop
PSY208Ed PsychologyEDU370Psych of Learning
PSY208Ed PsychologyEDU375Psy Learning/Second
PSY216Child Psych to Age 4PSY223Early Child Develp
REC165Intro Rec/LeisREC101Recreation/Leisure
RET110Agile Robotics IEGR1XXAgile Robotics I
SEC210Intro to Sec EdSE2XXIntro to Sec Ed
SOC100Prin of SociologySOC100Intro Sociology
SOW150Intro Social WorkSOC1XXIntro Social Work
SOW301Soc Work InterviewingSOC3XXSoc Work Interviewing
SOW302Soc Work PractSOC3XXSoc Work Pract
SOW308Div in Changing WorldSOC3XXDiv in Changing World
SOW315HGB Birth to Young AdultSOC3XXHBG Birth to Yng Adult
SOW316HBG Young Adult to LateSOC3XXYng Adult to Late
SOW320Hist & Phil of SOWSOC3XXHist & Phil of SOW
SOW364Juv DelinquencySOC3XXJuv Delinquency
SOW364Juv DelinquencyCJA110Juvenile Delinquncy
SPN101Elem Spanish ISPN101Elem Spanish I
SPN102Elem Spanish IISPN102Elem Spanish II
SPT100Intro Sport MgmtSPM201Intro Sport Mgmt
SPT199Prac in Sport MgmtSPM1XXPrac in Sport Mgmt
SPT300Psych of SportSPM3XXPsych of Sport
SPT305Ethics in SportSPM3XXEthics in Sport
THE100Intro to TheatreTHE254Intro Theatre
THE131Fund of ActingTHE262Acting
THE150Intro Theatrical DesTHE1XXIntro Theatrical Des
UNI100First Year SeminarFYS1XXFirst Year Seminar
WFD199Spec Top Work DevNPE1XXSpec Top Work Dev
XJJ156Narcotic Drug AbuseBEH1XXNarcotic Drug Abuse
Camden County CollegeYork College of Pennsylvania
ACC104Financial AcctACC220Financial Acct
ACC105Managerial AcctACC225Managerial Acct
ALH171Health & Safety 1PAW1XXHealth & Safe 1
ALH172Health & Safetly 2SPM205Responding/Emerg
ANT101Gen AnthropologyANT1XXGen Anthropology
ART101Art AppreciationART101Intro Art Apprec
ART103Visual CultureART1XXVisual Culture
ART111Art History IART204Survey West Art I
ART112Art History IIART205Survey West Art II
ART151Ceramics & Pottery IART225Ceramics I
ASL101Amer Sign Lang ICM150Beg Sign Language
ASL102Amer Sign Lang IICM250Adv Sign Language
ASL201American Sign Lang IIICM2XXAm Sign Lang III
BIO103Human BiologyBIO106Body Strct/Function
BIO103Human BioBIO112Essentials of A & P
BIO106Living in the EnviromentBIO204Exploring Biology
BIO111Biology IBIO151Biology I Lab
BIO111Biology IBIO142Molecule/Gene/Cell
BIO111Biology IBIO143Mole/Gene/Cell Lab
BIO111Biology IBIO150Intro Molecular Bio
BIO111Biology IBIO150Biology I
BIO111Biology IBIO151Intro Mole Bio Lab
BIO117Basic A & P IBIO220Human A/P I
BIO118Basic A & P IIBIO222Human A/P II
BIO121Basic MicrobiologyBIO230Microbiology
BIO210Hum Anat & PhysBIO2XXHum Anat & Phys
BIO211Anatomy & Physiology IBIO220Human A/P I
BIO212Anatomy & Physiology IIBIO222Human A/P II
BIO220Elem of MicrobiologyBIO2XXElem of Microbiology
BIO221Microbiology IBIO230Microbiology
BIT102Intro BiotechnologyBIO1XXIntro Biotech
CAD101Comp Aided Eng GraphEGR100Epads I
CAD107Paramet Des/Autodesk InvEGR100Epads I
CHM101General Chem ICHM134Gen Chem I
CHM101General Chem ICHM123Gen/Org Chem Lab
CHM101General Chem ICHM122Prin Gen/Org Chem
CHM101General Chem ICHM135Gen Chem I Lab
CHM102Gen Chem IICHM137Gen Chem II Lab
CHM102Gen Chem IICHM136Gen Chem II
CHM111Chem I for Sci MajorsCHM134Gen Chem I
CHM111Chem I for Sci MajorsCHM135Gen Chem I Lab
CHM112Chem IICHM136Gen Chem II
CHM112Chem IICHM137Gen Chem II Lab
CHM140Chemistry & SocietyCHM102Chem/Society
CHM140Chem & SocietyCHM202Chem/Society
CHM145Intro to Forensic SciCHM1XXIntro to Forensic Sci
CHM221Organic Chem ICHM234Organic Chem I
CIM101Mach Shop PracME100Intro Mech Engineer
CIS191Internet: Tools and TechIFS1XXInternet: Tools and Tech
CIS206Adv Comp Concepts/AppsIFS2XXAdv Comp Concepts/Apps
CIS231Sys Analysis & DesCS2XXSys Analysis & Des
CIS241Relational Datab Mgt IIFS2XXRelational Datab Mgt I
CIS242Relational Datab Mgt IIIFS180Intro Data Managmnt
COM101Influence Mass MediaCM211Mass Communication
COM103News Writing and ReportingCM1XXNews Wrtg and Reporting
COM104Intro to Public RelCM221Intro Public Relatns
COM145Intercultural CommCM1XXIntercult Communciation
COM208Public Rel: New MediaCM2XXPublic Rel: New Media
CRJ101Admin of JusticeCCJ101Intro Crim Justice
CRJ103Legal SystemsCCJ1XXLegal Systems
CRJ104Juvenile DelinquencyCCJ110Juvenile Delinquncy
CRJ105Criminal LawCCJ1XXCriminal Law
CRJ106Contemp CorrCCJ1XXContemp Corrections
CRJ107Intro to Probation and ParoleCCJ1XXIntro to Probation and Parole
CRJ203Prin of InvestigationCCJ2XXPrin of Investigation
CRJ251Crime AnalysisCCJ2XXCrime Analysis
CSC101Computer LiteracyIFS105Personal Computing
CSC121Struct Prog (C++)CS1XXStruct Prog (C++)
CSC122Computer Sci ICS1XXComputer Sci I
CSC223Computer Sci II (C++)CS2XXComputer Sci II (C++)
CSCD11Comp Lit (part 1)IFS1XXComp Lit (part 1)
CST102Intro to NetworkingIFS1XXIntro to Networking
CST108Adv Oper Sys-Win NTIFS1XXAdv Oper Sys-Win NT
DAN111Ballet IPE1XXBallet I
DAN121Jazz IPE1XXJazz I
ECO101MacroeconomicsECO200Prin Econ-Macro
ECO102MicroeconomicsECO201Prin Econ-Micro
EDU100Teaching: Intro ProfEDU1XXTeaching: Intro Prof
EDU101Trends/American EdEDU1XXTrends/Amer Ed
EDU102Human ExceptionalityPSY227Child Exceptionalts
EDU105Educational TechnologyECH210Ed Tech/Early Elem
EED110Early Child CirriculumECH220Instruct/Curric Dev
EED112Incl Class/PedagogyEDU1XXIncl Class/Pedagogy
EED115Child DevelopmentPSY223Early Child Develp
EED205Creative Arts: Early ChildEDU2XXCreative Arts: Early Child
EGR101Intro to EngineeringEGR100Epads I
EGR211Eng Circuit AnalysisECE280Fund Electrical Eng
ENG101English Comp IFCO105Rhetorical Comm
ENG101English Comp IWRT102Analytical Read/Writ
ENG102English Comp IIWRT202Academic Writing
ENG102English Comp IIFCO2XXEnglish Comp II
ENG121Intro to LiteratureLIT200Perspectives/Lit
ENG191Myths of the WorldLIT1XXMyths of the World
ENG271World Literature ILIT285Eur Lit to 1600
ENG281Amer Lit ILIT281Amer Lit to 1885
ENG282Amer Lit 1860-1945LIT282Amer Lit after 1885
FIN212Prin of FinanceFIN2XXPrin of Finance
FLM201Film ApprFLM216Intro to Film
FNS105Intro to NutritionNUR202Nutrition
FRE101Elem French IFRN101Elem French I
FRE102Elem French IIFRN102Elem French II
FRE203Francophone CultFRN2XXFrancophone Cult
GEO101Cultural GeographyG1XXCult Geog
GER101Elem German IGRM101Elem German I
GER102Elem German IIGRM102Elem German II
HIS101World Civ IHIS121World History I
HIS102World Civ IIHIS122World History II
HIS103World Civ IIIHIS1XXWorld Civ III
HIS111West Civ IHIS101Western Civ I
HIS112West Civ IIHIS102Western Civ II
HIS121U.S. History IHIS111American Civ I
HIS122US History IIHIS112American Civ II
HIS150Top Hist/HolocaustHIS1XXTop His/Holocaust
HIT120Medical TerminologyBIO201Medical Terminology
HPE101Intro Hlth & Exec SciEE1XXIntro Hlth & Exec Sci
HPE102Health & WellnessNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
HPE102Health & WellnessPE1XXPhysical Ed Elect
HPE104Hlth & Per LivNPE1XXNon Prog Elective
HPE104Hlth & Per LivPE1XXPhysical Ed Elective
HPE106Stress MgmtPE1XXPhys Ed Elect
HPE106Stress MgmtNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
HPE108Aerobic DancePE136Aerobic Dance
HPE111Beginning BowlingPE110Beginning Bowling
HPE114Pers FitnessPE134Concpts Phys Actvty
HPE119Cardio KickboxingPE1XXCardio Kickboxing
HPE125Self-DefensePE130Self Defense
HPE130Consumer Health DecisionsNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
HPE131Beginning TennisPE159Tennis
HPE141Hatha YogaPE163Intro to Yoga
HPE145Wellspring Fit Lab IPE134Concpts Phys Actvty
HPE145Wellspring Fit Lab IPAW134Concpts Phys Actvty
HPE151Beg SwimmingPE120Beginning Swimming
HPE170First Aid, SafetyEDU305Responding/Emerg
HPE180Community CPREDU305Responding/Emerg
HPE181Bas Life SuppEDU305Responding/Emerg
HPE195Concepts of Ind/Dual SportsPE1XXPhys Ed Elect
HPE195Concepts of Ind/Dual SportsNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
HPE201Intro Sport MgtSPM201Intro Sport Mgmt
HPE209Internship: Sports MgtSPM2XXInternship: Sport Mgt
HSR101Intro to Human ServSOC1XXIntro to Human Serv
HSR102Social Work ProcSOC1XXSocial Work Proc
HSR103Intro to CounselingSOC1XXIntro to Counseling
ITA101Elem Italian IITL101Elem Italian I
ITA102Elem Italian IIITL102Elem Italian II
ITA201Inter Italian IITL2XXInter Italian I
LAT101Elem Latin ILAT101Elem Latin I
LAT102Elem Latin IILAT102Elem Latin II
LAW101Legal Env/Bus Law IBUS260Legal Environment
MGT101Intro to BusinessBUS150Intro to Business
MGT102Intro to ManagementMGT150Prin of Management
MKT101Prin of MarketingMKT100Prin Marketing
MTH100Algebraic ConceptsMAT1XXAlgebraic Concepts
MTH101Concepts of MathMAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MTH105Math Sys I: StructMAT115Sets/Number Systems
MTH106Math Sys II: GeometryMAT1XXMath Sys II: Geometry
MTH107Math for Lib ArtsMAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MTH109Intermed AlgebraMAT102Prelim Math/Prob Solv
MTH111Elements of Statistics IBEH260Statistics
MTH111Elements of Statistics IQBA260Business Statistics
MTH111Elements of Statistics IMAT250Statistics
MTH112Elements of Statistics IIQBA265Business Statistics II
MTH114College AlgebraMAT105College Algebra
MTH120Pre-Calc IMAT108Precalculus
MTH122Applied CalculusMAT120Applied Calculus
MTH123Pre-Calculus Math IMAT108Precalculus
MTH124Pre-Calculus Math IIMAT1XXPre-Calculus Math II
MTH125College Alg & TrigMAT108Precalculus
MTH129Discrete MathMAT235Discrete Math
MTH140Calculus IMAT171Calculus I
MTH145Linear AlgebraMAT260Elem Linear Algebra
MTH150Calculus IIMAT172Calculus II
MTH205Math Sys II: Structures IIMAT215Sets/Number Sys II
MTH210Calculus IIIMAT271Calculus III
MTH220Diff EquationsMAT272Diff Equations
MUS101Music Appreciation IMUS200Music Appreciation
MUS111Music History IMUS390Music History I
MUS113Jazz HistoryMUS286Jazz History
MUS123Music Theory IMUS182Music Theory I
MUS124Music Theory IIMUS183Music Theory II
MUS151Applied Music IMUS1XXApplied Music I
MUS195Orchestra IMUS1XXOrchestra I
MUS196Orchestra IIMUS1XXOrchestra II
MUS297Orchestra IIIMUS2XXOrchestra III
PHL101Intro to PhilosophyPHL221Intro Philosophy
PHL121Logic & ReasoningPHL1XXLogic & Reasoning
PHL131Intro to EthicsPHL341Ethics
PHL232Biomedical EthicsPHL346Bioethics
PHY101Physics IPHY111G Phys:Mech Lab
PHY101Physics IPHY110Gen Phys:Mech/Ht
PHY102Physics IIPHY112Gen Phys:Elc/Magn
PHY102Physics IIPHY113G Phys:Elct Lab
PHY201Physics IIIPHY160Eng Phys:Mechncs
PHY201Physics IIIPHY161E Phys:Mech Lab
PHY202Physics IVPHY261E Phys:Elct/Magn Lab
PHY202Physics IVPHY260Eng Phys:Elct/Magn
POL101Intro Political SciPS1XXIntro Political Sci
POL103American Fed GovtPS101Amer Gov/Citizenship
POL103Am Fed GovtPS141American Governmnt
POL111Public AdminPS151Intro Public Admin
POL112Public Pers AdminPS1XXPublic Pers Admin
PSY101Basic PsychologyPSY100General Psychology
PSY103Ed PsychologyEDU375Psy Learning/Second
PSY103Ed PsychologyEDU370Psych of Learning
PSY104Abnormal PsychPSY230Abnormal Psych
PSY105Child PsychologyPSY221Child/Adol Develop
PSY105Child PsychPSY221Child/Adol Develop
PSY109Developmental PsychNUR201Nursing HD/HC
PSY109Developmental PsychPSY1XXDev Psych
PSY112Psych of WomenPSY1XXPsych of Women
SOC101Intro to SociologySOC100Intro Sociology
SOC201Sociology of the FamilySOC225The Family
SPA101Elementary Spanish ISPN101Elem Spanish I
SPA102Elementary Spanish IISPN102Elem Spanish II
SPA201Inter Spanish ISPN201Inter Spanish I
SPE101Fund of SpeechCM212Public Speaking
SPE102Public SpeakingCM212Public Speaking
THE121Intro to TheatreTHE254Intro Theatre
THE151Dance/MovementPE117Modern Dance
THE252Children's TheatreTHE2XXChildren's Theatre
Carroll Community CollegeYork College of Pennsylvania
ACC101Prin of Acct IACC220Financial Acct
ACC101Prin of Acct IACC1XXPrin of Acct I
ACC102Prin of Acct IIACC225Managerial Acct
ACC102Prin Acct 2ACC220Financial Acct
ACCT101Financial AccountingACC220Financial Acct
ACCT102Managerial AccountingACC225Managerial Acct
ACCT201Int Accounting IACC320Inter Accounting I
ACCT202Intermed Acct IIACC2XXIntermed Acct II
ACCT210Prin of Taxation IACC305Taxation I
ACCT211Prin of Taxation IIACC2XXPrin of Taxation II
ACCT220Cost AccountingACC225Managerial Acct
ACCT230Prin of AuditingACC2XXPrin of Auditing
ACCT241Govt & Not-For-Prof AccACC2XXGovt & Not-For-Prof Acc
ANTH101Intro to Cult AnthroANT220Cult Anthropology
ANTH201Anthro of Amer CultureANT220Cult Anthropology
ART101Fund of ArtART101Art & Visual Culture
ART101Fund of ArtART1XXFund of Art
ART1022-D DesignART210Design I
ART1022-D DesignART110Concepts of Design
ART1052-D DesignART210Design I
ART1103-D DesignART211Design II
ART120Drawing IART215Drawing I
ART125Art AppreciationART101Art/Visual Culture
ART125Art AppreciationART101Intro Art Apprec
ART130Painting IART220Painting I
ART135History of Art IART204Survey West Art I
ART136History of Art 2ART205Survey West Art II
ART140CeramicsART225Ceramics I
ART160Study TourART1XXStudy Tour
ART210Elem of PrintmakingART2XXElem of Printmaking
ART220Drawing IIART265Drawing II
ART230Painting IIART270Painting II
BIO108Hum Anat & Phys IIBIO222Human A/P II
BIO121Fund of Biology IBIO150Biology I
BIOL100General BiologyBIO204Exploring Biology
BIOL100General BiologyBIO205Exp Biology Lab
BIOL101Fund of Biology IBIO142Molecule/Gene/Cell
BIOL101Fund of Biology IBIO150Intro Molecular Bio
BIOL101Fund of Biology IBIO151Intro Mole Bio Lab
BIOL101Fund of Biology IBIO143Mole/Gene/Cell Lab
BIOL102Fund of Biology IIBIO152Evol/Ecol & Divers
BIOL105Human BiologyBIO112Fund Human Bio
BIOL107Intro to EvolutionBIO1XXBiology Elect no lab
BIOL202Fund of Biol 2 OrganBIO151Intro Mole Bio Lab
BIOL202Fund of Biol 2 OrganBIO150Intro Molecular Bio
BIOL210Hum Anat & Phys IBIO221Human A/P I Lab
BIOL210Hum Anat & Phys IBIO220Human A/P I
BIOL211Hum Anat & Phys 2BIO222Human A/P II
BIOL211Hum Anat & Phys 2BIO223Hum A/P II Lab
BUA101Introduction to BusinessBUS150Intro to Business
BUAD101Intro to BusinessBUS150Intro to Business
BUAD130Intro to EntrepreENT150Intro Entrepreneur
BUAD150Human RelationsMGT225Org Behavior
BUAD201Bus EthicsPHL342Professional Ethics
BUAD205Business LawBUS260Legal Environment
BUAD210Cult & Diversity in WorkBUS2XXCult & Div in Work
CAD101Intro to CAD/DraftingEGR100Epads I
CAD110Cust CAD SoftwareEGR1XXCust CAD Software
CAD206Solid ModelingEGR2XXSolid Modeling
CAD210Adv Autocad & Autocad 3DEGR2XXAdv Autocad & Autocad 3D
CAD220Intro Architect CADEGR2XXArchitect CAD
CAD240CAD Engineering DrawingEGR2XXCAD Eng Drawing
CAD245CAD Eng Drawing IIEGR2XXCAD Eng Drawing II
CAD260CAD Civil ApplicationsEGR2XXCAD Civil Applications
CGR105Intro to Comp GraphicsART1XXIntro Comp Graphics
CGR115Graphic Des IART1XXGraphic Des I
CGR120Comp PhotographyART1XXComp Photography
CGR125Comp Bus GraphicsART1XXComp Bus Graphics
CGR157Intro Web Page AuthoringART1XXIntro Web Page Authoring
CGR224Internet Scripting LangIFS2XXInternet Scripting Lang
CGR230Digital VideoCM242Video Prodctn I
CGR231Intro Motion GraphicsART2XXIntro Motion Graphics
CGR232Multimedia ProdCM2XXMultimedia Prod
CGR233Multimedia CommART2XXMultimedia Comm
CGR240Digital PrintmakingART2XXDigital Printmaking
CGR250Pub Design on CompART2XXPublication Des on Comp
CGR252Comp Illus Vect PrART2XXComp Illus Vect Pr
CGR253Comp Illus Bit Map PrART2XXComp Illus Bit Map Pr
CGR254Comp Anim & ModelingART2XXComp Anim & Modeling
CGR256Intro Web Page AuthoringART2XXIntro Web Page Authoring
CGR257Adv Web Page AuthoringART2XXAdv Web Page Authoring
CGR270Portfolio & Car DevART2XXPortfolio & Car Dev
CHDEV101Grwth & Dev Early ChilPSY221Child/Adol Develop
CHDEV102Intro Early Child EdEDU1XXIntro Early Child Ed
CHEM101Intro ChemistryCHM122Prin Gen/Org Chem
CHEM105Prin of Gen Chem ICHM134Gen Chem I
CHEM106Prin Gen Chem IICHM136Gen Chem II
CHEM201Organic Chemistry ICHM234Organic Chem I
CHEM202Organic Chemistry IICHM236Organic Chem II
CHIN101Elem Chinese IL1XXElem Chinese I
CHIN102Elem Chinese IIL1XXElem Chinese II
CHIN201Intermed Chinese IL2XXIntermed Chinese I
CIS100Comp LiteracyIFS105Personal Computing
CIS101Intro Comp Info SystemsIFS105Personal Computing
CIS101Intro Comp Info SystemsIFS100Info Tech Competncy
CIS102Tech for Teachers IEDU1XXTech for Teachers I
CIS105Game ProgIFS1XXGame Prog
CIS110Microcomp Bus ApplicationsIFS105Personal Computing
CIS120Beg Visual Basic ProgIFS160Visual Basic Progrm
CIS124Inso Sys Arch/DesignIFS1XXInfo Sys Arch/Design
CIS125Beg Prog in CCS1XXBeg Prog in C
CIS129Prin of ProgrammingIFS1XXPrin of Programming
CIS132Prin of ProgrammingCS101Fund Comp Sci I
CIS132Prin of ProgrammingIFS1XXPrin of Programming
CIS137Intro to Web Dev TechIFS1XXIntro to Web Dev Tech
CIS139Prin Comp TechIFS1XXPrin Comp Tech
CIS151Systems Analysis & DesignIFS1XXSys Analys & Design
CIS156The Unix Operating SystemIFS1XXUnix Operating System
CIS157Intro Web Page AuthIFS1XXIntro Web Page Auth
CIS161Lotus 1-2-3 ProgrammingIFS1XXLotus 1-2-3 Programming
CIS165Intro to Data CommIFS1XXIntro to Data Comm
CIS176Microcomp Database ProgrammingIFS1XXMicrocomp Database Prog
CIS212Microcomp Hardware/PeriphIFS2XXMicrocomp Hardware/Per
CIS223Intro to JAVAIFS2XXIntro to JAVA
CIS227Interm Prog Using C& C++CS2XXInterm Prog
CIS228Advanced Prog C++CS2XXAdv Prog
CIS232Adv ProgrammingCS201Fund Comp Sci II
CIS232Adv Prin of ProgrammingIFS2XXAdv Prin of Programming
CIS234Dev Rich Internet ApplIFS2XXDev Rich Internet Appl
CIS237Dev Adv Internet ApplIFS2XXDev Adv Internet Appl
CIS246Microcomp Operating SystemIFS2XXMicrocomp Oper Sys
CIS250Sys Analysis & DesignIFS2XXSys Analysis & Design
COMM105Intro to Speech CommunicationCM212Public Speaking
COMM120Intro to FilmFLM216Intro to Film
CRIM101Intro to Criminal Justice SysCCJ101Intro Crim Justice
CRIM102Intro to CorrectionsCJA1XXIntro to Corrections
CRIM103Serial KillersCCJ317Serial & Mass Killings
CRIM104First ResponderCJA1XXFirst Responder
CRIM106Law Enforcement & CommunityCCJ234Law Enforcement
CRIM109Corrections LawCJA1XXCorrections Law
CRIM110Criminal LawCJA1XXCriminal Law
CRIM111Crim Evidence & ProcCJA1XXCriminal Evidence & Proc
CRIM114Const Law for PoliceCJA1XXConst Law for Police
CRIM115Civil Rights & LibertiesCJA1XXCivil Rights & Liberties
CRIM120Juvenile JusticeCJA1XXJuvenile Justice
CRIM125Constitutional LawCJA1XXConst Law
CRIM130Intro Homeland SecNPE1XXIntro Homeland Sec
CRIM203Written Comm for PoliceCJA2XXWritten Comm for Police
CRIM205Criminal Justice EthicsCJA203Ethical Issues/CJ
CRIM210Forensic ScienceCJA2XXForensic Science
CRIM215Patrol OperationsCJA2XXPatrol Operations
CRIM220Basic Crim InvestigationCJA2XXBasic Crim Investigation
CRIM225Motor Veh Coll InvestCJA2XXMotor Veh Coll Invest
CRIM230Police AdministrationCJA2XXPolice Administration
CRIM235Corrections AdminCJA2XXCorrections Admin
CRIM236Parole & ProbationCJA2XXParole & Probation
CRIM240Treat & Rehab of OffenderCJA2XXTreat & Rehab of Offender
CRIM299InternshipCJA360Exp Learn/Crim Just
CYBR121Network EssentialsIFS230Internet Communications
DATA101Introduction to Data ScienceIFS1XXIntroduction to Data Science
DFAB101Intro 3D PrintingART1XXIntro 3D Printing
DFAB104Subtractive ManuNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
DFAB105Solidwords IntroductionCS1XXSolidworks Introduction
DVTY115Diversity in the U.S.BEH1XXDiversity in the U.S.
EAS101Earth ScienceESS152Earth/Space Sci
ECE101Child Growth & DevPSY221Child/Adol Develop
ECE102Intro Early Child EdEDU1XXEarly Child Ed
ECE104Meth & Mat in ECEEDU1XXMeth & Mat in ECE
ECE105Infants & Toddlers:Dev & CareEDU1XXInf & Toddlers:Dev & Care
ECE110Nutrition, Hlth & SafetyEDU1XXNutrition, Hlth & Safety
ECE115School-Age CareEDU1XXSchool-Age Care
ECE120Lit in Early Child EdEDU1XXLit Early Child Ed
ECE199Dir Pract Early Child EdEDU1XXDir Pract Early Child Ed
ECE210Child Care AdminEDU2XXChild Care Admin
ECE270ECE Capstone Field ExpEDU2XXECE Capstone Field Exp
ECO121Prin of Micro EconomicsECO201Prin Econ-Micro
ECON100Prin of Micro EconomicsECO201Prin Econ-Micro
ECON101Prin of Micro EconECO201Prin Econ-Micro
ECON102Prin of Macro EconECO200Prin Econ-Macro
ECON201Econ of War & Soc ProbECO2XXEcon of War & Soc Prob
EDUC120Intro to EducationEDU200Found of Education
EDUC121Fld Exper Intro to EdEDU1XXFld Exp Intro to Ed
EDUC125Ed PsychologyEDU370Psych of Learning
EDUC125Ed PsychologyEDU375Psy Learning/Second
EDUC126Field Exp for Ed PsychEDU1XXField Exp Ed Psych
EDUC130Intro Spec EdSPE200Process/Procedures
EDUC131Field Exp Intro Spec EdSPE1XXField Exp Intro Spec Ed
EDUC201Proc & Acquis of RdgEDU2XXProc & Acquis Rdg
EDUC202Teach Read Cont Areas IEDU2XXTch Read Cont Areas I
EDUC203Teach Read Content Areas IIEDU2XXTch Read Cont Areas II
EDUC204Instruction of ReadingEDU2XXInstruct of Reading
EDUC205Assess for Reading InstructEDU2XXAssess Reading Instruct
EDUC206Materials for Teaching RdgEDU2XXMat for Teaching Rdg
EDUC215Eff Tch Method: Elem EdEDU2XXEff Tch Meth: Elem Ed
EDUC216Eff Teach Method: Sec EdEDU2XXEff Tch Meth: Sec Ed
ENCE212Prog Conc for EngineersEGR2XXProg Conc for Engineers
ENCE250Discrete StructuresEGR2XXDiscrete Structures
ENEE204Electric Circuit TheoryECE2XXElect Circuit Theory
ENEE205Electric CircuitsECE280Fund Electrical Eng
ENEE222Elem of Discrete SignalsECE2XXElem of Discrete Signals
ENEE241Numerical TechniquesEGR2XXNumerical Techniques
ENEE244Digital Logic DesignECE2XXDigital Logic Design
ENEE245Dig Circuits LabECE2XXDig Circuits lab
ENGL101College Writing IFCO105Rhetorical Comm
ENGL101RCraft of Comp W/RevWRT102Analytical Read/Writ
ENGL102Writing about LiteratureLIT200Perspectives/Lit
ENGL103Adv College WritingWRT102Analytical Read/Writ
ENGL110Intro to Creative WritingWRT272Intro Creative Wrt
ENGL160Literature Travel StudyLIT1XXLit Travel Study
ENGL201Lit of the West World ILIT2XXLit of the West World I
ENGL202Mod World WritersLIT2XXMod World Writers
ENGL205Southern WritersLIT2XXSouthern Writers
ENGL209Written Comm for BusWRT210Writng/Prof Culturs
ENGL209Written Comm for BusinessFCO210Comm Prof Cultures
ENGL210American Lit ILIT281Amer Lit to 1885
ENGL211American Lit IILIT282Amer Lit after 1885
ENGL218Creative WritingCRW272Intro Creative Wrt
ENGL220Creative Wrt Workshop IWRT2XXCreat Wrt Workshop I
ENGL221Creative Wrt Workshop IIWRT2XXCreat Wrt Workshop II
ENGL225Classical MythologyHUM2XXClassical Mythology
ENGL230Major FiguresLIT2XXMajor Figures
ENGL235Detective FictionLIT2XXDetective Fiction
ENGL240Brit Lit Since 1798LIT284Brt Lit after 1750
ENGL245Mod English GrammarWRT2XXMod English Grammar
ENGL298Class Amer FilmsLIT2XXClass Amer Films
ENGR100Intro to EngineeringEGR100Epads I
ENGR100Intro to EngineeringECE100Intro Elect Engnr
ENGR220Mech of MaterialsEGR2XXMech of Materials
ENGR220Mech of MaterialsME264Strength of Mat
ENGR261Elective UG Research LabEGR2XXElect US Research Lab
ENV100Environmental ScienceBIO1XXBiology Elect No Lab
ENV105Intro Envir ScienceBIO212Environmntl Bio
FN100Personal FinanceBUS218Personal Finance
FN215Fin MgmtFIN300Managrl Finance I
FPA101Intro to the ArtsHUM1XXIntro to the Arts
FPA105Introduction to FilmFLM216Intro to Film
FPA106Explor of Ideas in ImageHUM1XXExplor Ideas in Image
FREN101Elem French IFRN101Elem French I
FREN102Elem French IIFRN102Elem French II
FREN201Intermediate FrenchFRN201Inter French I
FREN202Intermed French IIFRN202Inter French II
FSCI210Intro Forensic ScienceFCM2XXIntro Forensic Science
GEOG105Human GeographyG1XXHuman Geog
GEOG110Phys GeogESS1XXPhys Geog
GEOG201Reg Geog & Glob AwareG2XXReg Geog & Glob Aware
GEOSC100Earth and Space ScienceESS152Earth/Space Sci
GEOSC101Earth ScienceESS152Earth/Space Sci
GEOSC103Environmental SustainabilityESS1XXEnvironmental Sustainability
GEOSC105Intro to OceanographyBIO124Oceanography
GEOSC110Physical GeographyESS1XXPhysical Geography
GEOSC121Physical GeologyESS1XXPhysical Geology
GEOSC210Astron: Intro CosmosESS154Intro/Astronomy
GERM101Elem German IGRM101Elem German I
GERM102Elem German IIGRM102Elem German II
HES100Emer Care-First Aid CPRSPM205Responding/Emerg
HES111Medical Term for Health ProfHSC105Medical Terminology
HIS101West Civ IHIS101Western Civ I
HIS111Hist of U.S. to 1876HIS111American Civ I
HIST101West Civ IHIS101Western Civ I
HIST102West Civ IIHIS102Western Civ II
HIST105Hist of U.S. to 1876HIS111American Civ I
HIST106Hist of U.S. from 1876HIS112American Civ II
HIST130Latin Amer HistoryHIS343Modern Latin Amer
HIST135Hist of Mid EastHIS1XXHist of Mid East
HIST160Travel StudyHIS1XXTravel Study
HIST201Hitler & the 3rd ReichHIS2XXHitler & the 3rd Reich
HIST202Mod British HistoryHIS331History Britain II
HIST205America Since 1940HIS367Recent Amer/1945-Prs
HIST210Era of Amer Civil WarHIS2XXEra of the American Civil War
HIST210Era of Amer Civil WarHIS364Civil War & Reconstruction
HIST210Era of Amer Civil WarHIS363Coming of Civil War
HIST215Hist of Ancient RomeHIS2XXHist of Ancient Rome
HIST220Amer Civil Rights MovementHIS372Civil Lib/Civ Rights
HIST225Amer in Global SocietyHIS2XXAmer in Global Society
HIST235Great War & 20 Year TruceHIS2XXGreat War & 20 Year Truce
HIST298Hist Mod RussiaHIS325Hist of Russia/1861
HIT111Medical TerminologyRT105Medical Terminology
HIT111Medical TerminologyBIO201Medical Terminology
HIT115Pathophys & PharmBIO1XXBiology Elect No Lab
HLTH101Sci & Theory Hlth & WellPAW1XXSci & Theory Hlth & Well
HLTH201Women's HealthWGS210Women's Health
HLTH215Human SexualityPSY2XXHuman Sexuality
HLTH225Stress Mgmt & Tension ControlPAW2XXStress Mgmt & Tension Control
HONOR145States of ConsciousnessBEH1XXStates of Consciousness
HONOR202Svc Lrn: Values and ActionBEH1XXSvc Lrn: Values and Action
HUMT160Travel StudyHUM1XXTravel Study
ITAL101Elem ItalianITL101Elem Italian I
JOUR101Intro to JournalismWRT1XXIntro to Journalism
LAW111Business Law IBUS260Legal Environment
LEA101Emerg Vehicle OperationsCJA1XXEmerg Vehicle Operations
LEA102Defensive TacticsCJA1XXDefensive Tactics
LGST101Intro to LawPS210Intro to Law
LGST102Personal LawPS1XXPersonal Law
LGST110Criminal LawCJA1XXCriminal Law
LGST111Crim Evidence & ProcCJA1XXCrim Evidence & Proc
LGST125Constitutional LawPS1XXConstitutional Law
LGST205Business LawBUS260Legal Environment
LIF106Life FitnessPE134Concpts Phys Actvty
LIF111Adult Life FitnessPE134Concpts Phys Actvty
MAN121Human Resource ManagementMGT1XXManagement Elective
MAN121Hum Res MgmtMGT1XXHum Res Mgmt
MAR101Marketing ManagementMKT100Prin Marketing
MAT100Preparatory Algebra IIMAT105College Algebra
MAT131Intro to Stat MethodsBEH260Statistics
MAT131Intro to Stat MethodsQBA260Business Statistics
MAT131Intro to Stat MethodsMAT250Statistics
MATH105Intermediate AlgebraMAT105College Algebra
MATH110Math Conc & StructMAT115Sets/Number Systems
MATH111Fund Geom & MeasMAT215Sets/Number Sys II
MATH115Intro to Statistical MethodsQBA260Data Driven Dec Making
MATH115Intro to Statistical MethodsBEH260Statistics
MATH115Intro to Statistical MethodsMAT250Statistics
MATH118College AlgebraMAT102College Algebra I
MATH120Intro to College MathMAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MATH121Intro to College MathMAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MATH123Precalc Part1: Coll AlgebraMAT105College Algebra
MATH124Precalc w/Trig Adv Alg IIMAT108Precalculus
MATH128College AlgebraMAT105College Algebra
MATH129Trig & Adv AlgebraMAT1XXTrig & Adv Algebra
MATH130Precalculus MathMAT108Precalculus
MATH135Calc of Single Var IMAT171Calculus I
MATH136Calc Single Var IIMAT172Calculus II
MATH205Multivariable CalculusMAT2XXMultivariable Calculus
MATH205Multivariable CalculusEGR240Mathmatical Methods
MATH205Multivariable CalculusMAT2XXMultivariable Calculus
MATH210Linear AlgebraMAT260Elem Linear Algebra
MATH215Differential EquationsMAT272Diff Equations
MGMT201Prin of ManagementMGT150Prin of Management
MGMT210Human Resource MgmtMGT220Human Resource Mgt
MGMT215Financial MgmtMGT2XXFin Mgmt
MIS101Info Tech for BusIFS100Info Tech Competncy
MIS101Info Tech for BusIFS105Personal Computing
MKTG201Prin of MarketingMKT100Prin Marketing
MUS101Music AppreciationMUS186Listening to Music
MUSC101Music AppreciationMUS186Listening to Music
MUSC102Hist of Rock and RollMUS288History Rock/Roll
MUSC103Hist of Classical MusicMUS1XXHist of Classical Music
MUSC105Fund of MusicMUS181Found Music Theory
MUSC106Musicianship IMUS184Sight Singing I
MUSC107Musicianship IIMUS185Sight Singing II
MUSC110Theory of Music IMUS182Music Theory I
MUSC113Guitar Ensemble IMUS176Guitar Ensemble
MUSC115Theory of Music IIMUS183Music Theory II
MUSC116Class Piano IMUS140Class Piano
MUSC125Voice IMUS101Voice
MUSC135Guitar IMUS138Guitar
MUSC136Guitar IIMUS139Guitar
MUSC201Hist of JazzMUS286Jazz History
MUSC235Guitar IIIMUS238Guitar
MUSIC101Music AppreciationMUS186Listening to Music
MUSIC102Hist of Rock and RollMUS288History Rock/Roll
MUSIC103History of Classical MusicMUS1XXHistory of Classical Music
MUSIC104World MusicMUS281World Music
MUSIC105Fund of MusicMUS181Found Music Theory
MUSIC106History of JazzMUS286Jazz History
MUSIC110Theory of Music IMUS182Music Theory I
MUSIC111Theory of Music IIMUS183Music Theory II
MUSIC112MusicianshipMUS184Sight Singing I
MUSIC113Musicianship IIMUS185Sight Singing II
MUSIC114Keyboard Skills IMUS1XXKeyboard Skills I
MUSIC115Keyboard Skills IIMUS1XXKeyboard Skills II
MUSIC120Chorus IMUS150YCChorale
MUSIC122Symphony Orchestra IMUS164Symphony Orchestra
MUSIC124Jazz Ensemble IMUS162Jazz Ensemble
MUSIC126Jazz Choir IMUS1XXJazz Choir I
MUSIC130Guitar Ensemble IMUS176Guitar Ensemble
MUSIC132Rock N' Roll Ensemble IMUS1XXRock N' Roll Ensemble I
MUSIC134Percussion Ensemble IMUS172Percussion Ensemble
MUSIC136Concert Band IMUS1XXConcert Band I
MUSIC138String Orchestra IMUS166String Ensemble
MUSIC140Class GuitarMUS148Guitar Class
MUSIC141Class VoiceMUS1XXClass Voice
MUSIC142Class PianoMUS140Class Piano
MUSIC150UVoice IMUS101Voice
MUSIC150VGuitar IMUS138Guitar
MUSIC210Theory of Music IIIMUS282Music Theory III
MUSIC211Theory of Music IVMUS283Music Theory IV
MUSIC212Musicianship IIIMUS284Sight Singing III
MUSIC213Musicianship IVMUS285Sight Singing IV
MUSIC250Voice 3MUS1XXVoice 3
NURS102Nursing SkillsNUR1XXNursing Skills
NURS103Fund of NursingNUR1XXFund of Nursing
NURS131Health AssessmentNUR1XXHealth Assessment
NURS132Medication AdminNUR1XXMedication Admin
NURS133Nursing Concepts INUR1XXNursing Concepts I
NURS140Nursing Concepts IINUR1XXNursing Concepts II
NURS150Intro PharmacologyNUR1XXIntro Pharmacology
NURS211Medical-Surgical Nurs INUR2XXMed-Surg Nurs I
NURS222Nurs Throughout Dev StagesNUR2XXNurs/Dev Stages
NURS223Issues in Pract NursingNUR2XXIssues in Pract Nurs
NURS233Nursing Concepts IIINUR2XXNursing Concepts III
NURS242Nursing Concepts IVNUR2XXNursing Concepts IV
OFFC105Intro to WordIFS1XXIntro to Word
OFFC115Intro to WordIFS1XXIntro to Word
OFFC135Intro to ExcelIFS1XXIntro to Excel
OFFC160Intro to PowerpointIFS1XXIntro to Powerpoint
OFFC165Intro to AccessIFS1XXIntro to Access
PHED101Lifetime Fit & WellnessPAW134Concpts Phys Actvty
PHIL101Intro to PhilosophyPHL221Intro Philosophy
PHIL107Cont. Issues in Social JusticePHL1XXCont. Issues in Social Justice
PHIL110Practical LogicPHL231Logic
PHIL115Intro World ReligionsREL265World Religions
PHIL120World PhilosophyPHL1XXWorld Philosophy
PHIL130Intro to World ReligionREL265World Religions
PHIL201Bus EthicsPHL342Professional Ethics
PHIL201Bus Ethics  
PHIL203Ethics in LitPHL2XXEthics in Lit
PHIL205Crim Justice EthicsPHL2XXCrim Justice Ethics
PHIL205Crim Justice EthicsCJA203Ethical Issues/CJ
PHIL210Peace StudiesPHL2XXPeace Studies
PHIL215American PhilosophyPHL2XXAmerican Philosophy
PHIL220Ideas on DrugsPHL2XXIdeas on Drugs
PHIL298Ideas on DrugsPHL2XXIdeas on Drugs
PHSC100Gen Physical SciencePSC152Physical Sci I
PHYS101Fund of Physics IPHY111G Phys:Mech Lab
PHYS101Fund of Physics IPHY110Gen Phys:Mech/Ht
PHYS102Fund of Physics IIPHY112Gen Phys:Elc/Magn
PHYS102Fund of Physics IIPHY113G Phys:Elct Lab
PHYS111Physics 1PHY160Eng Phys:Mechncs
PHYS111Physics 1PHY161E Phys:Mech Lab
PHYS151General Physics IPHY111General Physics Lab
PHYS151General Physics IPHY110General Physics I
PHYS212Physics IIPHY261E Phys:Elct/Magn Lab
PHYS212Physics IIPHY260Eng Phys:Elct/Magn
PHYS213Physics IIIPHY2XXPhysics III
POLS101American GovernmentPS141American Governmnt
POLS101American GovernmentPS101Amer Gov/Citizenship
POLS210Peace StudiesPS2XXPeace Studies
PORT101Elem Portuguese IL1XXElem Portuguese I
PSLS100American GovernmentPS141Am Gov: Institutions
PSLS110Criminal LawCJA302Criminal Law
PSY101Gen PsychologyPSY100General Psychology
PSY171Hum Dev Life SpanNUR201Nursing HD/HC
PSY171Hum Dev Life SpanPSY2XXHum Dev Life Span
PSY175Psych of AgingPSY1XXPsych of Aging
PSYC101General PsychologyPSY100General Psychology
PSYC175Psych of AgingPSY1XXPsych of Aging
PSYC195Death & DyingPSY1XXDeath & Dying
PSYC198Positive PsychPSY1XXPositive Psych
PSYC201Abnormal PsychologyPSY230Abnormal Psych
PSYC205Social PsychologyPSY243Social Psychology
PSYC210Hum Dev Life SpanNUR201Nursing HD/HC
PSYC210Hum Dev Life SpanPSY2XXHum Dev Life Span
PSYC211Hum Dev Life SpanNUR201Nursing HD/HC
PSYC211Hum Dev Life SpanPSY2XXHum Dev Life Span
PSYC215Hum SexualityPSY2XXHum Sexuality
PSYC225Psych in Practice SeminarPSY2XXPsych in Practice Seminar
PSYC235Intro Helping & CounsPSY2XXIntro Helping & Couns
SOC101Intro to SociologySOC100Intro Sociology
SOC105Marriage & the FamilySOC225The Family
SOC110Social ProblemsSOC220Am Social Problems
SOC115Diversity in the USSOC1XXDiversity in the US
SOC120Social GerontologySOC1XXSocial Gerontology
SOC200Gender in SocietySOC260Gender/Society
SPAN100Elementary Spanish 1SPN101Elem Spanish I
SPAN101Elementary Spanish ISPN101Elem Spanish I
SPAN102Elementary Spanish IISPN102Elem Spanish II
SPAN201Int Spanish ISPN201Inter Spanish I
SPAN202Intermed Spanish IISPN202Inter Spanish II
SPAN205Adv Spanish ConvSPN2XXAdv Spanish Conv
SPCH101Fund of Public SpeakingCM104Human Communicatn
SPCH101Intro to Speech CommunicationCM212Public Speaking
SPCH105Intro to Interp CommCM329Interpersonal Comm
SPCH201Adv Public SpeakingCM212Public Speaking
SPCH205Interpers CommCM329Interpersonal Comm
SPE101Fund Public SpeakingCM104Human Communicatn
THTR101Intro to TheatreTHE254Intro Theatre
THTR105Stage MakeupTHE1XXStage Makeup
THTR110Acting ITHE262Acting
THTR115Intro Tech TheatreTHE1XXIntro Tech Theatre
THTR120Hist of Theatre ITHE360Hist of Theatre I
THTR121Hist of Theatre IITHE361Hist of Theatre II
THTR125Theatre Practicum ITHE350Theatre Pract I
THTR130Intro to Theatre DesignTHE1XXIntro to Theatre Design
THTR135Movement for the ActorTHE1XXMovement for Actor
THTR136Voice for the ActorTHE1XXVoice for the Actor
THTR137Script AnalysisTHE1XXScript Analysis
THTR199Theatre InternshipTHE1XXTheatre Internship
THTR200Acting FundTHE262Acting
THTR205Intro Costume DesignTHE322Costume Design
THTR206Sound DesignTHE2XXSound Design
THTR207Scene DesignTHE320Scene Design
THTR208Lighting DesignTHE321Lighting Design
THTR210Adv ActingTHE355Advanced Acting
Cecil Community CollegeYork College of Pennsylvania
ACC101Accounting I ACC220Financial Acct
ACC102Accounting II ACC225Managerial Acct
ANT101Cultural Anthro ANT220Cult Anthropology
ART150Art Appreciation ART101Intro Art Apprec
ART160Beg Ceramics ART225Ceramics I
ART180Basic Photography ART245Photography I
ART200Appl Art in Schools ART2XXAppl Art in Schools
AST103Prin of Astronomy ESS154Intro/Astronomy
BIO101Gen Biology BIO1XXBiology Elect No Lab
BIO101General Biology01BIO204Exploring Biology
BIO101Gen Biology BIO204Exploring Biology
BIO101General Biology01BIO205Exp Biology Lab
BIO111General Biology Lab01  
BIO130Princ of Biology I03BIO151Intro Mole Bio Lab
BIO130Princ of Biology I03BIO150Intro Molecular Bio
BIO131Princ of Biology I Lab03  
BIO132Princ of Biology II02BIO152Evol/Ecol & Divers
BIO132Princ of Biology II02BIO153Evol/Ecol/Div Lab
BIO133Princ of Biology II Lab02  
BIO200Microbiology BIO2XXBiology Elect No Lab
BIO200Microbiology BIO230Microbiology
BIO203Nutrition NUR202Nutrition
BIO208Hum A & P I BIO220Human A/P I
BIO208Hum A & P I BIO2XXBiology Elect No Lab
BIO209Hum A & P II BIO2XXBiology Elect No Lab
BIO209Hum A & P II BIO222Human A/P II
BUS101Acct I ACC1XXAcct I
BUS103Intro to Business BUS1XXIntro to Business
BUS103Intro to Business BUS150Intro to Business
BUS111Bus Comm WRT210Writng/Prof Culturs
BUS131Prin of Mgt MGT150Prin of Management
BUS187Business Ethics BUS1XXBusiness Ethics
BUS187Business Ethics PHL255Business Ethics
BUS207Intro to Public Relations PR221Intro Public Relations
BUS210Bus Law I BUS260Legal Environment
BUS212Prin of Marketing MKT100Prin Marketing
BUS216Organizational Leadership MGT380Leadership/Change
BUS231Management of Human Resources MGT220Human Resource Mgt
BUS234Team Build Exp Learn BUS2XXTeam Build Exp Learn
BUS235Appl Tech Exp Learn BUS2XXAppl Tech Exp Learn
CHM103Gen Chemistry I04CHM135Gen Chem I Lab
CHM103Gen Chemistry I04CHM134Gen Chem I
CHM104Gen Chemistry II05CHM136Gen Chem II
CHM104Gen Chemistry II05CHM137Gen Chem II Lab
CHM105Gen Chem I CHM134Gen Chem I
CHM106Gen Chem II CHM136Gen Chem II
CHM113Gen Chemistry I Lab04  
CHM114Gen Chemistry II Lab05  
CIS101Intro to Comp Concept IFS105Personal Computing
CIS101Intro to Comp Concept IFS100Info Tech Competncy
CIS124Internet Tools & HTML IFS1XXInternet Tools & HTML
COU101Career Development FYS1XXCareer Development
COU102Dynamics Hum Inter BEH1XXDynamics Hum Inter
CRJ101Intro to Crim Justice CJA101Intro Crim Justice
CSC106Intro to Programming Logic CS1XXIntro to Programming Logic
CSC109Intro to Programming CS1XXIntro to Programming
CSC205Computer Sci I CS1XXComputer Sci I
DAP109Intro to Prog IFS1XXIntro to Programming
DAP131Visual Basic Prog IFS160Visual Basic Progrm
DAP160Intro to Data Comm IFS1XXIntro to Data Comm
DAP202CProg Lang CS2XXCProg Lang
ECO221Economics-Micro ECO201Prin Econ-Micro
ECO222Economics-Macro ECO200Prin Econ-Macro
EDU101Foundations of Education EDU200Found of Education
EDU131Prin of Early Childhood EDU1XXPrin of Early Childhood
EDU132Early Child Cir & Meth EDU1XXEarly Child Cir & Meth
EGL101Freshman Comp FCO105Rhetorical Comm
EGL102Composition and Lit LIT200Perspectives/Lit
EGL210Top in World Lit LIT2XXTop in World Lit
EGL211Technical Writing WRT210Writng/Prof Culturs
ELT103Intro to Robotics ME1XXIntro to Robotics
ELT150Pers Comp Maintenance IFS1XXPersonal Computer Maint
EQS137Horseback Riding PE1XXHorseback Riding
FRN101Beginning French I FRN101French I
GEO101Physical Geog G1XXPhysical Geog
GEO102Cult Geog G243Intro Geography
HEA130Healthful Living I PAW234Well/Fitness/Life
HEA136Stress Mgmt NPE2XXNon Prog Elect
HEA136Stress Mgmt PAW1XXPhys Act & Wellness Elect
HST101Western Civilization I to 1715 HIS101Foundation/West
HST110World History I HIS121World History I
HST201US History I HIS111American Civ I
HST202Hist of U.S. Recon-Pres HIS112American Civ II
HST252Amer Div Through Film FLM2XXAmer Div Through Film
HUM101Intro to Critical Inquiry HUM1XXIntro to Critical Inquiry
LAE101Intro to Law Enforce CJA101Intro Crim Justice
LAE202Crim Law Proc CJA2XXCrim Law Proc
LAE221Criminology SOC2XXCriminology
MAT121Precalculus MAT108Precalculus
MAT123Finite Math MAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MAT127Intro to Statistics BEH260Statistics
MAT127Intro to Statistics QBA260Business Statistics
MAT127Intro to Statistics MAT250Statistics
MAT201Calc I w/Analytic Geom MAT171Calculus I
MAT202Calculus II MAT172Calculus II
MAT203MultiVar Calculus MAT271Calculus III
MAT240Intro to Linear Algebra MAT260Linear Algebra I
MUC102Piano Class I MUS140Piano Class
MUC109Fund Guitar MUS138Guitar
MUC110Mus Theory & Mus I MUS182Music Theory I
MUC110Mus Theory & Mus I MUS184Sight Singing I
MUC111Mus Theory & Mus II MUS185Sight Singing II
MUC111Mus Theory & Mus II MUS183Music Theory II
MUC114Piano Class II MUS141Class Piano
MUC120Music Ensemble I MUS1XXMusic Ensemble I
MUC120Chamber Ensemble I MUS152Chamber Singers
MUC121Music Ensemble II MUS1XXMusic Ensemble II
MUC121Chamber Ensemble II MUS153Chamber Singers
MUC122Music Apprec MUS186Listening to Music
MUC128Intro Audio Technology MUS187Intro Music Tech
MUC133Music Lit and Appreciation I MUS290Intro Music Lit
MUC134Music Lit & Appr II MUS1XXMusic Lit & Appr II
MUC143Music Fund MUS181Found Music Theory
MUC210Music Theory/Musicianship III MUS282Music Theory III
MUC211Music Theory/Musicianship IV MUS283Music Theory IV
MUC220Chamber Ensemble III MUS252Chamber Singers
MUC221Chamber Ensemble IV MUS253Chamber Singers
MUC228Recording Techniques CM226Audio Productn I
MUC229Intro to Digital Audio Worksta CM2XXIntro to Digital Audio Worksta
MUL117Woodwind Lessons I MUS170Woodwind Ensemble
MUL118Woodwind Lessons II MUS171Woodwind Ensemble
MUL119Woodwind Lessons III MUS270Woodwind Ensemble
MUL120Woodwind Lessons IV MUS271Woodwind Ensemble
MUL129Drum Percussion Lessons I MUS136Percussion
MUL217Woodwind Lessons V MUS370Woodwind Ensemble
MUL218Woodwind Ensemble VI MUS371Woodwind Ensemble
MUL219Woodwind Ensemble VII MUS470Woodwind Ensemble
PED104Walking for Fun & Fitness I PAW1XXWalking for Fun & Fitness I
PED142Bowling PE110Beginning Bowling
PED174Weight Training PAW1XXWeight Training
PED175Phys Ex-Hatha Yoga PE163Intro to Yoga
PED196Tennis I PE159Tennis
PED204Walking for Fun & Fitness II PAW1XXWalking for Fun & Fitness II
PHE101Intro to Engineering Design EGR100Epads I
PHE211Statics EGR250Statics
PHI101Intro to Philosophy PHL221Intro Philosophy
PHI201Ethics Cont Moral Prob PHL341Ethics
PHI202Clear Thinking: An Intro to In PHL231Logic
PHI204Hist of Ideas: Mod PHL2XXHist of Ideas: Mod
PHI207World Religion REL265World Religions
PHY103Physics Today PSC152Physical Sci I
PHY217Gen Calc Physics I w/ lab PHY161E Phys:Mech Lab
PHY217Gen Calc Physics I w/ lab PHY160Eng Phys:Mechncs
PHY218Gen Calc Physics II w/ lab PHY261E Phys:Elct/Magn Lab
PHY218Gen Calc Physics II w/ lab PHY260Eng Phys:Elct/Magn
POS201American Government PS141Am Gov: Institutions
PSC105General Physical Sci PSC152Physical Sci I
PSC120Physical Geology ESS1XXPhysical Geology
PSC140Intro Ocean Studies ESS1XXIntro Ocean Studies
PSC220Meteorology PSC2XXMeteorology
PSY101Intro to Psychology PSY100General Psychology
PSY201Hum Grwth & Dev NUR201Nursing HD/HC
PSY201Hum Grwth & Dev PSY2XXHum Grwth & Dev
PSY222Org Psychology PSY2XXOrg Psychology
PSY227Abnormal Psych PSY230Abnormal Psych
RUS101Russian I RUS101Elem Russian I
SOC101Intro Sociology SOC100Intro Sociology
SOC102Social Problems SOC220Am Social Problems
SOC105Persp in Hum Diversity SOC1XXPersp Hum Diversity
SPH121Interpersonal Comm CM329Interpersonal Comm
SPH141Public Speaking CM212Public Speaking
SPM101Intro to Sports Management SPM125Intro to the Sport Industry
SPN101Introductory Spanish I SPN101Elem Spanish I
SPN102Introductory Spanish II SPN102Spanish II
SWK101Intro Social Work SOC1XXIntro Social Work
VCP101Photography I ART245Photography I
VCP116Digital Imaging I ART1XXDigital Imaging I
VCP117Digital Imaging II ART1XXDigital Imaging II
VCP151Intro to Game Design IFS1XXIntro to Game Design
Central Pennsylvania CollegeYork College of Pennsylvania 
AC100Essentials of Algebra MAT105College Algebra
AC101Accounting I ACC1XXAccounting I
AC102Accounting II ACC220Financial Acct
AC105Concepts of Accounting ACC1XXConcepts of Accounting
AC110Fundamentals of Math MAT102Prelim Math/Prob Solv
AC125Bus Software Appl IFS105Personal Computing
AC130Spreadsheet Appl ACC1XXSpreadsheet Appl
AC200Business Statistics QBA260Business Statistics
AC201Interm Acct I ACC2XXInterm Acct I
AC202Interm Acct II ACC2XXInterm Acct II
AC203Manag Acct ACC225Managerial Acct
AC301Cost Accounting ACC3XXCost Accounting
AC310Income Tax ACC3XXIncome Tax
ACC100Accounting 1 ACC1XXAccounting I
ACC105Conc of Acct ACC1XXConcepts of Accounting
ACC110Accounting II ACC220Financial Acct
ACC200Managerial Accounting ACC225Managerial Acct
ACC210Data Mgmt Applications ACC2XXData Mgmt Applications
ACC230Intermed Accounting I ACC320Inter Accounting I
ACC300Intermed Accounting II ACC325Inter Accounting II
ACC310Nonprofit Accounting ACC340Acc for Govern/NFP
ACC320Cost Accounting ACC340Acc for Govern/NFP
AF743Acct Pract-3 ACC2XXAccounting Pract-3
ALH100Allied Health Prin BIO100Intro Allied Hl
ALH105Medical Terminology RT105Medical Terminology
ALH105Medical Terminology BIO201Medical Terminology
ALH110Child Development PSY221Child/Adol Develop
ALH112Ess of Anat & Phys I BIO1XXBiology Elect No Lab
ALH120Anatomy & Physiology I01BIO220Human A/P I
ALH120Anatomy & Physiology I01BIO221Human A/P I Lab
ALH120LAnatomy & Physiology I Lab01  
ALH122Ess Anat & Phys II BIO1XXBiology Elect No Lab
ALH130Anatomy & Physiology II02BIO223Hum A/P II Lab
ALH130Anatomy & Physiology II02BIO222Human A/P II
ALH130LAnatomy & Physiology II Lab02  
ALH145Allied Health Procedures NPE1XXAllied Health Proced
ALH160Pharmacology BIO202Pharmacology
ALH170Med Law & Ethics PHL1XXMed Law & Ethics
ALH205Clinical Methods NPE2XXClinical Methods
ALH210Clinical Techniques NPE2XXClinical Techniques
ALH230Disease & Diag Meth NPE2XXDisease & Diag Meth
ALH245Wound Mgmt NPE2XXWound Mgmt
ALH255Med Law & Ethics PHL2XXMed Law & Ethics
ALH310Medical Laboratory NPE2XXMedical Labratory
ALH350Medical Seminar EDU305Responding/Emerg
ALH350Med Seminar BIO100Intro Allied Hl
ART100Drawing and Illustration ART1XXDrawing and Illustration
ART205Art History ART204Survey West Art I
BIO100Human Biology BIO1XXBiology Elective No Lab
BIO105Human Development NUR201Nursing HD/HC
BIO105Human Development PSY1XXHuman Dev
BIO260Microbiology BIO2XXBiology Elect No Lab
BUS100Bus Prin BUS150Intro to Business
BUS120Spreadsheet Appl IFS1XXSpreadsheet Appl
BUS200Finance I FIN300Managrl Finance I
BUS210Macroeconomics ECO200Prin Econ-Macro
BUS215Microeconomics ECO201Prin Econ-Micro
BUS220Prin of Management MGT150Prin of Management
BUS230Prin of Marketing MKT100Prin Marketing
BUS235Consumer Behavior MKT360Consumer Behavior
BUS245Human Resources MGT220Human Resource Mgt
BUS250Advertising MKT330Advertising
BUS260International Business IBS200Internatl Business
BUS310Fashion Analysis MKT310Fashion Marketing
BUS340Human Resources MGT220Human Resource Mgt
BUS399Internship for Bus Admin BUS3XXInternship for Bus Admin
CIS111Oper Sys IFS1XXOper Sys
CIS120Struct Prog IFS160Visual Basic Progrm
CIS125Database Management IFS1XXDatabase Management
CIS140Microcomp Sys IFS1XXMicrocomp Sys
CIS231Networking I IFS2XXNetworking I
CIS240Networking II IFS2XXNetworking II
CIS255Adv Network Rout IFS2XXAdv Network Rout
CIS260Adv Network Switch IFS2XXAdv Network Switch
CIS340Networking III IFS3XXNetworking III
CIS355Int Support IFS3XXInt Support
CIS390Sys Analy & Des IFS3XXSys Analy & Des
COM100Surv Mass Comm CM211Mass Communication
COM101Intro Human Comm CM212Public Speaking
COM110Basic Photography ART245Photography I
COM130Public Relations CM221Public Relations
COM220Journalism I CM271Print Media Writing
COM230Desktop Pub I ART2XXDesktop Pub I
COM340Communications Law CM3XXCommunications Law
CRI100Criminal Justice CJA101Intro Crim Justice
CRI110Prin of Priv Sec CJA1XXPrin of Priv Sec
CRI135Corrections I CJA1XXCorrections I
CRI205Fund of Intel Analy CJA2XXFund of Intel Analy
CRI225Juv Justice CJA2XXJuv Justice
CRI240Crim Invest & Report Wrt CJA2XXCrim Invest
CRI245Criminal Investigation CJA2XXCrim Investigation
CRI250Psych of the Criminal CJA2XXPsych of the Criminal
CRI321Police Operations CJA3XXPolice Operations
CRI330Criminalistics CJA230Intro Criminalstics
CRI425Criminalistics II CJA4XXCriminalistics II
CRI431Police Admin CJA4XXPolice Admin
DGA105Elements of Graphic Design ART200Intro Graphic Design
DGA110Digital Photography ART246Digital Photography
DGA115Dig Image Editing ART1XXDig Image Editing
DGA120Vector Graphics ART1XXVector Graphics
DGA200Color Theory ART2XXColor Theory
DP101Concepts of Data Processing IFS105Personal Computing
DP225BASICProgramming IFS2XXBASICProgramming
ENG100English Composition I WRT102Analytical Read/Writ
ENG100Eng Composition I FCO105Rhetorical Comm
ENG101College Composition I FCO105Rhetorical Comm
ENG102College Composition II LIT200Intro Lit & Text Stud
ENG110Oral Communications CM104Human Communicatn
ENG110Oral Communications CM212Public Speaking
ENG200English Composition II WRT202Academic Writing
ENG200English Composition II LIT200Perspectives/Lit
ENG220Business Communications WRT210Writng/Prof Culturs
ENG220Business Communications FCO210Comm Prof Cultures
ENG310Sel Topics in Lit LIT3XXSel Topics in Lit
ENG315Bible as Lit LIT390Bible as Literature
ENG410American Lit to 1865 LIT281Amer Lit to 1885
EX101Communications I CM104Human Communicatn
EX102Communications II WRT210Writng/Prof Culturs
EX103Oral Communications CM212Public Speaking
EX103Oral Communications CM104Human Communicatn
EX104Technical Writing WRT1XXTechnical Writing
EX105English Composition WRT102Analytical Read/Writ
EX106Business Communications WRT210Writng/Prof Culturs
EX260Word Processing I IFS1XXWord Processing I
EX265Word Processing II IFS1XXWord Processing II
EX364Adv Word Processing IFS2XXAdv Word Processing
EXE105Word Processing IFS1XXWord Processing
EXE120Survey of Windows IFS105Personal Computing
EXE220Business Communications WRT210Writng/Prof Culturs
GEN001Intro to Psychology PSY100General Psychology
GEN002Intro to Sociology SOC100Intro Sociology
GEN003Communications I CM104Human Communicatn
GEN004Oral Communications CM104Human Communicatn
GEN005English Composition WRT102Analytical Read/Writ
GEN006Ethics PHL341Ethics
GEN007Essentials of Algebra MAT102College Algebra I
GEN010Concepts of Data Processing NPE1XXConcepts of Data Processing
GEN013Macroeconomics ECO200Prin Econ-Macro
GEN015Child Development PSY221Child/Adol Develop
GEN024Fund of Math MAT1XXFund of Math
GEN108Intro to Biology BIO1XXBiology Elect No Lab
GEN115English Compositoin I FCO105Rhetorical Comm
GEN116English Composition II WRT202Academic Writing
GEN120Bus Math MAT1XXBus Math
GEN125Microeconomics ECO201Prin Econ-Micro
GEO100Cult Geography G243Intro Geography
HIS105Ancient History HIS300Ancnt Hist to 476
HIS110Afr-Amer History HIS1XXAfr-Amer History
HIS130US History since 1865 HIS112American Civ II
HIS220Amer Hist 1865-1940 HIS112American Civ II
HIS310Remember: Holocaust HIS3XXRemember: Holocaust
HIS320Military History HIS3XXMilitary History
HIS400Poverty in America HIS4XXPoverty in America
HSM115Homeland Sec Mgmt CJA1XXHomeland Sec Mgmt
HSM205Fund of Intell Analysis CJA2XXFund of Intell Analysis
HUM105Cult Anthropology ANT220Cult Anthropology
HUM205History of Jazz MUS286Jazz History
HUM210Hist Pop Music MUS287American Pop Music
HUM305Comp Religion REL265World Religions
HUM310World Mythology HUM3XXWorld Mythology
HUM320Computers and Society CS3XXComputers and Society
IDS100Freshman Seminar NPE1XXFresh Seminar
IDS100Freshman Seminar FYS100First Year Seminar
IDS101CPCFoundations FYS100First Year Seminar
IDS330Global Conflict PS3XXGlobal Conflict
IDS410Gumshoes: Detective St HUM4XXGumshoes: Detective St
INT299Assoc Deg Intern NPE2XXAssoc Deg Intern
LE104Bus Law BUS260Legal Environment
LGS110Foundations in Law CCJ1XXFoundations in Law
LGS130Principles of Legal Research BUS1XXPrinciples of Legal Research
LGS135Legal Research and Writing I BUS1XXLegal Research and Writing I
LGS140Civil Litigation I NPE1XXCivil Litigation I
LGS170Criminal Procedure CCJ1XXCriminal Procedure
LGS180Hist Persp of Constitution PS1XXHist Prsp of Constitution
LGS210Evidence FCM2XXEvidence
LGS217Employment Law MGT420Employment Law
LGS220Torts BUS2XXTorts
LGS230Civil Litigation II NPE2XXCivil Litigation II
LGS250Business Law BUS260Legal Environment
LGS260Administrative Law BUS2XXAdministrative Law
LGS265Criminal Law CCJ302Criminal Law
LGS275Bankruptcy Law BUS2XXBankruptcy Law
LGS280Legal Research and Writing II WRT2XXLegal Research and Writing II
LGS310Legal Communications BUS3XXLegal Communications
LGS340Advanced Legal Research/Writin WRT3XXAdvanced Legal Research/Writin
LGS370Alternative Dispute Resolution PSY3XXAlternative Dispute Resolution
LGS400Advanced Criminal Procedure CCJ341Criminal Procedure
LNG100Conv Spanish SPN101Elem Spanish I
MD135Medical Terminology RT105Medical Terminology
MD135Medical Terminology BIO201Medical Terminology
MD140Anatomy & Physiology I BIO1XXBiology Elective No Lab
MD141Anatomy & Physiology II BIO1XXBiology Elective No Lab
MD145Human Anatomy & Phys I BIO220Human A/P I
MD146Human Anatomy & Phys II BIO222Human A/P II
MD155Child Development PSY221Child/Adol Develop
MD180Intro to Psychology PSY100General Psychology
MD195Marriage and the Family SOC225The Family
MD206Rehab Psychology PSY2XXRehab Psychology
MD210Pathophysiology BIO2XXBiology Elective No Lab
MG100Intro to Business BUS150Intro to Business
MG101Prin of Management MGT150Prin of Management
MG110Macroeconomics ECO200Prin Econ-Macro
MG115Money & Banking BUS1XXMoney & Banking
MG136Human Resources Mgt MGT220Human Resource Mgt
MG137Prin of Human Resources MGT220Human Resource Mgt
MG155NonProfit Organizations MGT1XXNonProfit Organizations
MG201Management Techniques MGT2XXManagement Techniques
MG210Small Business Management MGT2XXSmall Bus Management
MG211Finance I FIN2XXFinance I
MG221Finance II FIN2XXFinance II
MG230Managerial Psychology MGT2XXManagerial Psychology
MG311Bus Policy Formulation MGT3XXBus Policy Formulation
MG330Investments FIN3XXInvestments
MIP115Digital Imaging Editing ART1XXDigital Imaging Editing
MIP200Multimedia I CM2XXMultimedia I
MIP245Web Design I IFS2XXWeb Design I
MM101Prin of Retailing MKT230Retailing
MM105Merchandising Math MAT1XXMerchandising Math
MM110Problems of Retailing MKT1XXProblems of Retailing
MM120Retail Operations MKT1XXRetail Operations
MM150Retail Advertising & Promo MKT330Advertising
MM160Fundamentals of Selling BUS1XXFund of Selling
MM201Fashion Analysis I MKT310Fashion Marketing
MM202Fashion Analysis II MKT2XXFashion Analysis II
MM235Visual Merchandising MKT2XXVisual Merchandising
MM255Consumer Behavior MKT360Consumer Behavior
MM310Merchandise Information MKT3XXMerchandise Information
MM320Market Research MKT3XXMarket Research
MM335Retail Analysis MKT3XXRetail Analysis
MTH100Math for Bus Applications MAT1XXMath for Bus Appl
MTH101College Business Mathematics MAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MTH105College Algebra MAT105College Algebra
MTH110Prof Merchandising MAT1XXProf Merchandising
MTH200Statistics BEH260Statistics
MTH200Statistics QBA260Business Statistics
MTH200Statistics MAT250Statistics
MTH210History of Math MAT2XXHistory of Math
MTH215Symbolic Logic MAT2XXSymbolic Logic
OFA105Word Processing IFS1XXWord Processing
OFA240Document Production IFS2XXDocument Production
PHI105Ethics PHL341Ethics
PRL135Legal Research & Writing I WRT1XXLegal Research & Writing I
PRL170Criminal Procedure CJA1XXCrim Procedure
PRL180Hist Persp Const PS1XXHist Persp Constitution
PRL210Evidence CJA2XXEvidence
PRL220Torts PS2XXTorts
PRL225Pol Assassinations PS2XXPol Assassinations
PRL310Legal Communications WRT210Writng/Prof Culturs
PRL320Legal Research & Writing II WRT3XXLegal Research & Writing II
PRL330Criminal Law CJA302Criminal Law
PSY100Psychology PSY100General Psychology
PSY105Child Growth & Dev PSY221Child/Adol Develop
PSY210Medical Psychology PSY2XXMedical Psychology
PSY220Abnormal Psychology PSY230Abnormal Psych
PSY420Abnormal Psych PSY230Abnormal Psych
PTA100Fund of Physical Therapy BEH1XXFund of Physical Therapy
PTA110Biology BIO1XXBiology Elective No Lab
PTA120Human Anatomy & Physiology I BIO220Human A/P I
PTA125Human Anatomy & Physiology II BIO222Human A/P II
PTA150Rehabilitation Psychology PSY1XXRehabilitation Psychology
PTA155Physical Therapy Asst Proced BEH1XXPhysical Therapy Asst Proced
PTA160Pathophysiology for PT Asst BEH1XXPathophysiology for PT Asst
SCI100Basic Nutrition NUR202Nutrition
SCI120Holistic Health PE1XXPhys Ed Elect
SCI120Holistic Health NPE1XXNon Prog Elect
SCI200Natural Disasters ESS2XXEarth Sci Elective No Lab
SCI210History of Science PSC2XXPhys Sci Elect No Lab
SCI215Science and Nonsense NPE2XXScience and Nonsense
SCI220Holistic Health PE2XXHolistic Health
SCI230Enviro Geology G1XXEnviro Geology
SCI240Ecology Princ and Trends BIO2XXEcology Princ and Trends
SCI300Genetics BIO240Genetics
SCI320Adv Nutrition for Healthcare EXS315Advanced Human Nutrition
SOC100Sociology SOC100Intro Sociology
SOC105U.S. Minority Groups SOC1XXU.S. Minority Groups
SOC110Marriage & Family SOC225The Family
TEC103Surv of Windows IFS105Personal Computing
TEC105Information Technoloy IFS1XXInformation Technology
TEC120Struc Programming IFS1XXStruc Programming
TEC125Microsoft Access IFS1XXMicrosoft Access
TEC135Networking I IFS1XXNetworking I
TEC140Microcomputer Systems NPE1XXMicrocomputer Systems
TR190Geography of Western Hem G1XXGeog of Western Hem
Central Texas CollegeYork College of Pennsylvania
ACCT2301Principles of AcctACC220Financial Acct
ANTH2351Cult AnthropologyANT220Cult Anthropology
ARTS2346CeramicsART225Ceramics I
BCIS1405Bus Computer AppIFS105Personal Computing
BMGT1325Office ManagementMGT1XXOffice Management
BMGT1327Prin of ManagementMGT150Prin of Management
BUSG2309Small Business ManMGT2XXSmall Business Man
BUSI1301Business PrinBUS150Intro to Business
CHEF1305Sanitation & SafetyHSP270Food Source/Select
CJSA1317Juv Justice SysCCJ348Juvenile Justice
CJSA1322Intro to Criminal JusticeCCJ101Intro Crim Justice
CJSA1327Fund Crim LawCCJ302Criminal Law
CJSA1342Crim InvestigationCCJ305Crim Investigation
CJSA2300Leg Asp Law EnfCCJ234Law Enforcement
COSC1300Computers & SocietyIFS1XXComp & Society
ECON2302Prin of MicroeconECO201Prin Econ-Micro
ELTE1400Basic ElectricityECE1XXBasic Electricity
ENGL1301Composition IFCO105Rhetorical Comm
ENGL1302Composition IILIT200Perspectives/Lit
ENGL2322British Literature ILIT284Brt Lit after 1750
ENGL2323British Literature IILIT284Brt Lit after 1750
ENGL2327Amer Lit ILIT281Amer Lit to 1885
ENGL2328American Lit IILIT282Amer Lit after 1885
ENVR1401Enviro ScienceBIO212Environmntl Bio
GEOG1301Phys GeographyG100World Reg Geography
GOVT2301American Govt IPS101Amer Gov/Citizenship
GOVT2301American Govt IPS141American Governmnt
GOVT2302American Govt IIPS141American Governmnt
GOVT2302American Govt IIPS2XXAmer Govt II
HAMG1319Computers in HospIFS1XXComputers in Hosp
HAMG1340Hosp Legal IssuesHSP225Hosp Mgmt/Law
HAMG1342Guest Room ManagementHSP1XXGuest Room Management
HAMG2301Prin of Food & Bev OperHSP300Food/Beverage Mgmt
HAMG2307Hosp Mktg & SalesHSP345Hospitality Mrktng
HAMG2337Hosp Fac MgmtMGT2XXHosp Fac Mgmt
HIST1301Hist of US to 1877HIS111American Civ I
HIST1302Hist of US From 1877HIS112American Civ II
HIST2311Western Civilization IHIS101Western Civ I
HIST2381African Amer HistoryHIS2XXAfrican Amer History
HRPO1311Human RelationsMGT1XXHuman Relations
HRPO2301Hum Res MgtMGT220Human Resource Mgt
HUMA1315Intro to Fine ArtsART101Intro Art Apprec
ITSC1301Intro to ComputersIFS105Personal Computing
ITSC1409Int/Soft ApplIFS105Personal Computing
LAWE2304Juvenile ProceduresCCJ348Juvenile Justice
MATH1314Coll AlgebraMAT105College Algebra
MATH1332Contemp Math IMAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MATH1342Elementary StatisticsBEH260Statistics
MATH1342Elementary StatisticsQBA260Business Statistics
MATH1342Elementary StatisticsMAT250Statistics
MATH1414College AlgebraMAT105College Algebra
MGMT1108Mang PlanningMGT1XXMang Planning
MGMT1109Work Site EfficiencyMGT1XXWork Site Efficiency
MGMT1110Stress ManagementMGT1XXStress Management
MGMT1183Styles of LeadershipMGT150Prin of Management
MGMT1187Interpersonal MgmtMGT1XXInterpersonal Mgmt
MGMT1196Preparing Forms & ReportsMGT1XXPreparing Forms & Reports
MGMT1305Intro to MgtMGT150Prin of Management
MGMT1381Mgmt of Perf Ornt TnMGT1XXMgmt of Perf Ornt Tn
MGMT2384Assesing Trng StandrMGT2XXAssesing Trng Standr
MILS1300Military Organiz & Staff FunctMGT1XXMilitary Org & Staff Func
MISC1450Microcomp for BusIFS105Personal Computing
MISC1451Intro Micro ProgrammingIFS1XXIntro Micro Programming
MISC2310Topics in Computer ScienceCS2XXTopics in Comp Sci
MTHO1370Hist Prin of WarNPE1XXHist Prin of War
MTMS1174Terrorism in Mid EastNPE1XXTerrorism in Mid East
MTMS2370Adv LeadershipNPE1XXAdv Leadership
MUEN1151Vocal EnsembleMUS150YCChorale
MUSI1304Found of MusicMUS181Found Music Theory
PHED1144Yoga IPAW163Yoga
PHIL1301Intro to PhilosophyPHL221Intro Philosophy
PHIL1304Intro to World RelgREL265World Religions
PHIL1316Hist of Religions IPHL1XXHist of Religions I
PHIL1317History of Religions IIREL1XXHist of Religions II
PHIL2303Intro to LogicPHL231Logic
PHIL2306Intro to EthicsPHL341Ethics
PSYC2301General PsychologyPSY100General Psychology
PSYC2315Psych of AdjustmentPSY2XXPsych of Adjustment
PSYC2316Psych of PersonalityPSY2XXPsych of Personality
SOCI1301Intro to SociologySOC100Intro Sociology
SOCI2301Marriage & FamilySOC225The Family
SPAN1411Beg Spanish ISPN101Elem Spanish I
SPAN1412Beginning Spanish IISPN102Elem Spanish II
SPCH1315Public SpeakingCM212Public Speaking
SPCH1321Buss & Prof CommunicationsCM246Comm/Business Prof
Chesapeake CollegeYork College of Pennsylvania
ACC103Prin of Acct IACC1XXPrin of Acct I
ACC104Prin Acct IIACC220Financial Acct
ANT142Cultural AnthropologyANT220Cult Anthropology
ART101Intro to ArtART101Intro Art Apprec
ART106Painting IART114Concepts/Painting
ART106Painting IART220Painting I
BIO101Prin of BiologyBIO110General Biology
BIO101Prin of BiologyBIO204Exploring Biology
BIO111Princ of BiologyBIO142Molecule/Gene/Cell
BIO111Princ of BiologyBIO150Intro Molecular Bio
BIO211Anat & Phys IBIO220Human A/P I
BIO212Anat & Phys IIBIO222Human A/P II
BUS101Intro to BusinessBUS150Intro to Business
BUS220Bus Ethics & SocBUS2XXBus Ethics & Soc
BUS230MarketingMKT100Prin Marketing
BUS241Bus Law IBUS260Legal Environment
CAD100Intro to CADEGR100Epads I
CHM121Gen Chem ICHM134Gen Chem I
CIS109Intro to ComputersIFS105Personal Computing
CMJ101Intro to Law EnforcementCJA101Intro Crim Justice
CMJ201Curr Prob Crim JustCJA2XXCurr Prob Crim Just
CMJ211Tech of Criminal InvestCJA2XXTech of Crim Invest
CMJ214Crim Ev & ProcCJA2XXCrim Ev & Proc
CMJ215Juv DelinquencyCJA110Juvenile Delinquncy
CMJ216Criminalistics ICJA2XXCriminalistics I
COM101Fund of Oral CommCM212Public Speaking
COM101Fund of Oral CommCM104Human Communicatn
COM150Fund of Org CommCM104Human Communicatn
COM160Interpersonal CommunicationCM329Interpersonal Comm
COM180Intro to Mass MediaCM211Mass Communication
COM201Theories of Hum CommCM206Communicatn Theory
DFT101Fund Drafting/CADEGR1XXFund Drafting/CAD
DRM172Intro to TheatreTHE254Intro Theatre
ECD160Child Dev & BehPSY221Child/Adol Develop
ECN171Prin of MacroeconECO200Prin Econ-Macro
ECN172Prin of MicroeconECO201Prin Econ-Micro
ENG101CompositionWRT102Analytical Read/Writ
ENG101CompositionFCO105Rhetorical Comm
ENG102Intro to LiteratureWRT202Academic Writing
ENG102Intro to LiteratureLIT200Perspectives/Lit
ENG201British Lit ILIT283Anc-Early Mod Brit Lit
ENG207American Lit ILIT281Amer Lit to 1885
ENG208American Lit IILIT282Amer Lit after 1885
ENG240Creative WritingWRT272Intro Creative Wrt
FLM240Art of FilmFLM216Intro to Film
GEO142Cult GeogG243Intro Geography
HIS101U.S. History IHIS111American Civ I
HIS102U.S. History IIHIS112American Civ II
HIS121West Civ IHIS101Western Civ I
HIS131World Civ IHIS121World History I
HIS132World Civ IIHIS122World History II
HTH111Stress & Stress MgmtPE1XXPhysical Ed Elect
HTH111Stress & Stress MgmtNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
HUM101Intro to HumanitiesHUM1XXIntro to Humanities
HUM110Integrated ArtsART1XXIntegrated Arts
IDC201Nature of KnowledgeHUM2XXNature of Knowledge
MAT110Finite MathMAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MAT113College AlgebraMAT105College Algebra
MAT120Intro to Applied CalculusMAT120Applied Calculus
MAT140Calculus and Analytic Geom IMAT171Calculus I
MAT141Calc & Analy Geo IIMAT172Calculus II
MAT200Fund of MathMAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MAT204Intro to StatisticsBEH260Statistics
MAT204Intro to StatisticsMAT250Statistics
MAT204Intro to StatisticsQBA260Business Statistics
MED106Med TerminologyBIO201Medical Terminology
MED106Med TerminologyRT105Medical Terminology
MLH213Group DynamicsSOC2XXGroup Dynamics
MUS101Intro to MusicMUS186Listening to Music
MUS101Intro to MusicMUS200Music Appreciation
MUS152Music FundamentalsMUS181Found Music Theory
PED103Wellness for LifePAW134Concpts Phys Actvty
PED207Intro to Sports IndustrySPM125Intro Sport Mgmt
PHY205College Physics IPHY110Gen Phys:Mech/Ht
PSC150Gen PsychologyPSY100General Psychology
PSC201Intro to CounselingPSY2XXIntro to Counseling
PSC250Hum Grwth DevNUR201Nursing HD/HC
PSC250Hum Grwth DevPSY2XXHum Grwth Dev
PSC255Abnormal PsychologyPSY230Abnormal Psych
SCI102Humans in Nat UniverseBIO1XXBiology Elective no lab
SCI110Intro to AstronomyESS154Intro/Astronomy
SCI141Phys SciPSC152Physical Sci I
SCI142Earth ScienceESS152Earth/Space Sci
SOC161SociologySOC100Intro Sociology
SOC165Marriage & FamilySOC225The Family
SOC171Intro Hum ServSOC1XXIntro Hum Serv
THE172Intro to TheatreTHE254Intro Theatre
Clarion University of PAYork College of Pennsylvania
ACTG251Financial ActgACC220Financial Acct
AH101Medical TerminologyBIO201Medical Terminology
AH201Introduction to HealthcareHSC100Expl Health Professions
ANTH211AnthropologyANT220Cult Anthropology
ART110Visual ArtsART101Intro Art Apprec
ART114History of 20th Cent ArtART1XXHistory of 20th Cent Art
ART122Figure Drawing IART216Figure Drawing I
ART125Color and DesignART210Design I
ART131Painting IART220Painting I
ART141Sculpture IART230Sculpture I
ART145Illustration IART223Illustration I
ART151Ceramics IART225Ceramics I
ART155Graphic Des & Comp IART1XXGraphic Des & Comp I
ART212Ren - Mod ArtART205Survey West Art II
ART215Afr Trad in ArtART2XXAfr Trad in Art
ART223Figure Drawing IIART266Figure Drawing II
ART324Fig Drawing IIIART316Figure Drawing III
ARTH110Visual ArtsART101Intro Art Apprec
ATSW375Sport MarketingSPM3XXSport Marketing
BIOL111Basic BiologyBIO1XXBiology Elective No Lab
BIOL125Intro Forensic SciBIO1XXBiology Elect No Lab
BIOL155Prin of Biology IBIO150Biology I
BIOL156Prin of Biology IIBIO152Biology II
BIOL211Environmental BiologyBIO212Environmntl Bio
BIOL224Human BiologyBIO112Essentials of A & P
BIOL258Anat Phys IBIO220Human A/P I
BIOL259Anat Phys IIBIO222Human A/P II
BSAD240Legal Env IBUS260Legal Environment
BSAD242Meth of Legal ResBUS2XXMeth of Legal Res
CCM113Public Speaking  
CHEM145Chem for Allied HealthCHM1XXChem for Allied Health
CHEM153General Chemistry ICHM134Gen Chem I
CHEM153General Chemistry ICHM1XXChem Elect No Lab
CHEM154Gen Chem IICHM136Gen Chem II
CHEM154Gen Chem IICHM1XXChem Elect No Lab
CHIN103Intro to Chin LangL1XXIntro to Chin Lang
CIS110Computer Info ProcessIFS105Personal Computing
CIS163Intro Prog & Algo IIFS1XXIntro Prog & Algo I
CIS202Intro Prog & Algorithms ICS101Fund Comp Sci I
CIS217Appl of MicroIFS105Personal Computing
CM110Intro to Human CommCM1XXIntro to Human Comm
CM113Public SpeakingCM212Public Speaking
CM140Writing for MediaCM321Writing/Pub Relatns
CMST113Public SpeakingCM104Human Communicatn
COM113Public SpeakingCM212Public Speaking
COM270Intro Video ProdCM242Video Prodctn I
COMM100Intro to Mass MediaCM211Mass Communication
COMM101Message DesignCM1XXMessage Design
COMM475Presentation GraphicsCM3XXPresentation Graphics
COOP383Co-op SpeechCM3XXCo-op Speech
CPSC201Surv Comp Sci ToolsMAT1XXSurv Comp Sci Tools
CRJT110Intro Criminal JusticeCJA101Intro Crim Justice
ECH235Obs: Const Ech Know BaseEDU2XXObs: Const Ech Kn Bs
ECH236Assess/Plan Ech Knwldge BaseEDU2XXAssess/Plan Ech Knw Bs
ECON140Consumer EconECO1XXConsumer Econ
ECON211Prin of MacroECO200Prin Econ-Macro
ECON221Econ-Bus Stat IQBA260Business Statistics
ECON230Econ & Bus StatsQBA260Business Statistics
ED110Intro to EducationEDU1XXIntro to Ed
ED121Human Develop & LearnEDU1XXHuman Dev & Learn
ED122Ed PsychologyEDU370Psych of Learning
ED122Ed PsychologyEDU375Psy Learning/Second
ED217Micro Appl in ClassEDU2XXMicro Appl in Class
ED225Multicultural EducationEDU2XXMulticult Ed
ED350Tch English Lang LearnersEDU3XXTch English Lang Lrnrs
ED409Fld Based Multic Ed: ObservEDU4XXFld Based Multic Ed
ENG102Are You Hip?LIT1XXAre You Hip?
ENG110Writing IWRT102Analytical Read/Writ
ENG111College WritingWRT102Analytical Read/Writ
ENG111Writing IIWRT202Academic Writing
ENG111College WritingFCO105Rhetorical Comm
ENG111College WritingWRT1XXCollege Writing
ENG130Literary ExperienceLIT200Perspectives/Lit
ENG226US Lit 1860 to PresentLIT282Amer Lit after 1885
ENG227World Lit: Backgrd & TradLIT2XXWorld Lit: Backgrd & Trad
ENG230Intro Afri-Amer LitLIT203African/Amer Lit
ENG242Intro Amer FolkloreLIT2XXIntro Amer Folklore
ENG262Intro to Eng LangWRT2XXIntro to Eng Lang
ENG301Wrt Non-Fict ProseWRT3XXWrt Non-Fict Prose
ENG328Stud Am Lit 1900-1945LIT282Amer Lit after 1885
ENGL104Who Might You BeWRT1XXWho Might You Be
ENGL109Why I Hate What Others LoveWRT1XXWhy I Hate What Others Love
ENGL110College WritingWRT1XXCollege Writing
ENGL111College Writing IIFCO105Rhetorical Comm
ENGL140Drama as LitLIT2XXDrama as Lit
ENGL283Eng Grammar & UsageWRT2XXEng Grammar & Usage
ES111Basic Earth ScienceESS1XXEarth Sci Elective No Lab
FR103French Civiliz and CultINT1XXFrench Civiliz and Cult
FR103French Civiliz and CultFRN1XXFrench Civ & Cult
FR151Elem French IFRN101Elem French I
FR152Elem French IIFRN102Elem French II
FR361Black Wrt French LitFRN3XXBlack Wrt French Lit
GEOG100Intro World GeogG100World Reg Geography
GEOG244Planning the Human EnvironmentG2XXPlanning the Human Environment
GEOG330Geog of Middle EastG3XXGeog of Middle East
GS262Intro to Service LearnNPE2XXIntro to Serv Learn
HIST111Ancient & Med CivHIS301Medieval Civ
HIST112Early Mod CivHIS121World History I
HIST120US to 1877HIS111American Civ I
HIST121U.S. Since 1877HIS112American Civ II
HPE111Health EducationPAW234Well/Fitness/Life
HPE132Fit Through PilatesPAW165Pilates
HUM120Humanities IHUM1XXHumanities I
HUM121Humanities IIHUM1XXHumanities II
INQ100Freshman Inq SemBEH1XXFreshman Inq Sem
LS550Intro to ResearchMED501Intro Ed Research
MAT117Math for Health ScienceMAT1XXMath for Health Science
MATH110Int AlgebraMAT102Prelim Math/Prob Solv
MATH111Math Conc Grades K-8MAT115Sets/Number Systems
MATH112Excursions MathMAT102Prelim Math/Prob Solv
MATH131Applied Finite MathMAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MATH211Fund Topics in K-8 MathMAT215Sets/Number Sys II
MATH221Elem Appl StatsBEH260Statistics
MATH221Elem Appl StatsQBA260Business Statistics
MATH221Elem Appl StatsMAT250Statistics
MATH232Calculus Bus IMAT120Applied Calculus
MGMT120Intro to BusinessBUS150Intro to Business
MGMT320Mgt Theory & PractMGT150Prin of Management
MKTG360Prin of MarketingMKT200Prin Marketing
MKTG362Retail ManagementMKT230Retailing
MS103Fund of US Army ROTCNPE1XXFund of US Army ROTC
MS104Basic Mili Mgmt SkillsNPE1XXBasic Mili Mgmt Skills
MS110Intro to Military ScienceNPE1XXIntro to Mili Science
MUS111Intro to MusicMUS200Music Appreciation
MUS113Hist of Rock MusicMUS288History Rock/Roll
MUS125Found of MusicianshipMUS184Sight Singing I
MUS126Music Theory IMUS182Music Theory I
MUS127Music Theory IIMUS183Music Theory II
MUS131Fund of MusicMUS181Found Music Theory
MUS160Piano Class IMUS140Class Piano
MUS161Piano Class IIMUS141Class Piano
MUS220Piano Class IIIMUS240Class Piano
MUS226Music Theory IIIMUS282Music Theory III
MUS245Percussion ClassMUS2XXPercussion Class
MUS253History of JazzMUS286Jazz History
MUS274Intro to Music BusinessMUS2XXIntro to Music Business
MUS345Music From 1750-1900MUS391Music History II
MUS346Music From Antiqu-1750MUS390Music History I
MUS34720th Century MusicMUS299Mus/Cult 20th Centry
MUSA125AP Mus: Piano IMUS103Piano
MUSA126Ap Mus: Voice IMUS101Voice
MUSA130Concert ChoirMUS150YCChorale
MUSA137Symphonic BandMUS164Symphony Orchestra
MUSA226AP Mus: Voice IIMUS201Voice
NFS111Health EducationSPM1XXHealth Education
NFS121Walking for FitnessPAW1XXWalking for Fitness
NFS160Intro to Nutrition and FitnessPAW134Concpts Phys Actvty
NFSS336Sport NutritionSPM3XXSport Nutrition
NSCI150Int Science IPSC1XXPhys Sci Elect No Lab
NURS150Fund Skills in NursingNUR1XXFund Skills in Nursing
NURS160Crit Think NursNUR1XXCrit Think Nurs
NURS170Health Promo NursNUR1XXHealth Promo Nurs
PH200Solar System AstronESS1XXEarth Science Elect no lab
PHIL103What's the Big Idea?PHL1XXWhat's the Big Idea?
PHIL111Logic I Critical ThinkingPHL222Critical Thinking
PHIL211Intro to PhilPHL221Intro Philosophy
PHIL216Soc & Pol PhilPHL2XXSoc & Pol Phil
PHIL352Theory of KnowledgePHL3XXTheory of Knowledge
PHL115Philosophy & Pop CulturePHL1XXPhilosophy & Pop Culture
PHSC111Phys Sci ChemCHM1XXChemistry Elect no lab
PHSC112Bas Phys Sci Phys & AstrPSC1XXBas Phys Sci Phys & Astr
PS110Politics in the HeadlinesPS1XXPolitics in the Headlines
PS210Intro to Political SciPS2XXIntro to Political Sci
PS211American GovernmentPS141American Governmnt
PS211American GovtPS101Amer Gov/Citizenship
PSY211General PsychologyPSY100General Psychology
PSY220Human SexualityBIO102Human Sexuality
PSY225Psych of AdjustPSY2XXPsych of Adjust
PSY253Intro to GerontologyPSY2XXIntro to Gerontology
PSY260Developmental PsychPSY221Child/Adol Develop
PSY310Developmental PsychPSY3XXDevelopmental Psych
PSY354Abnormal PsychologyPSY230Abnormal Psych
SC113Fund of SpeechCM104Human Communicatn
SCT113Fund of SpeechCM104Human Communicatn
SCT201Dance IPE2XXDance I
SCT214Bus and Prof SpeakCM212Public Speaking
SCT225Communication & ConflictCM2XXCommunication & Conflict
SCT251Voice ArticulatCM2XXVoice Articulat
SCT253Intro to TheatreTHE2XXIntro to Theatre
SCT254Acting I Intro to ActingTHE262Acting
SCT300Comm in OrganizationCM206Communicatn Theory
SCT301Dance IIPE2XXDance II
SCT304Dance RepertoryPE2XXDance Repertory
SCT320Gender and CommunicationCM3XXGender and Communication
SCT464Small Group Dec MakingCM304Group Discussion
SCT470Communication ConsultingCM3XXCommunication Consult
SOC211Prin of SociologySOC100Intro Sociology
SOC310Class Soc TheorySOC230Dev of Soc Theory
SOC312Micro-SociologySOC235Contemp Soc Theory
SOC315Soc WelfareSOC3XXSoc Welfare
SOC318Soc of Death & DyingSOC3XXSoc of Death & Dying
SOC352The FamilySOC225Family Div & Society
SOC353Aging in Amer SocSOC3XXAging in Amer Soc
SPAN151Elem Spanish ISPN101Elem Spanish I
SPAN251Spanish IIISPN201Inter Spanish I
SPAN252Interm Spanish IVSPN202Inter Spanish II
SPED126Intro Hum ServSPE1XXIntro Hum Serv
SPED128High Incidence ExceptSPE1XXHigh Incidence Except
SPED129Low Incidence ExceptSPE1XXLow Incidence Except
SPED211Intellectual DisabilitiesSPE2XXIntellectual Disabilities
SPED220Nat of Ment RetarSPE2XXNat of Ment Retar
SPED227Neuro Impair & Phys DisSPE2XXNeuro Impair & Phys Dis
SPED235Spec Learn DisabSPE2XXSpec Learn Disab
SPED245Applied Behavior AnalysisSPE2XXAppl Behavior Analysis
SPED350Seminar-Contemp IssuesSPE3XXSem - Contemp Iss
SPED381Special Read & Writ Exp InstSPE3XXSpec Read & Writ Exp
SPED418Excep Reg Class ID & SerPSY327Psych Excep Child
SW211Prin of Social WorkSOC240Theory/Policy
THE253Intro to TheatreTHE254Intro Theatre
WS100Surv of Women's StudiesWGS200Women/Gender Studies
College of Southern MarylandYork College of Pennsylvania 
ACC2010Prin of Accounting I ACC2XXPrin of Accounting I
ACC2020Prin of Accounting II ACC220Financial Acct
ART1010History of Western Art I ART204Survey West Art I
ART1020Hist of West Art ART205Survey West Art II
ART1030Intro Art Appreciation ART101Intro Art Apprec
ART1060Basic Oil/Acrylic Pntg I ART114Concepts/Painting
ART1060Basic Oil/Acrylic Pntg I ART220Painting I
ART1065Art Italian Renais ART1XXArt Italian Ren
ART1070Basic Oil/Acrylic Pt II ART270Painting II
ART1100Basic Drawing I ART215Drawing I
ART1110Basic Drawing II ART265Drawing II
ART1200Basic Design ART210Design I
ART1210Color Theory & Practice ART1XXColor Theory & Practice
ART1300Computer Art I ART1XXComputer Art I
ART1310Computer Art II ART1XXComputer Art II
ART1500Basic Photography ART245Photography I
ART1505Digital Photo I ART1XXDigital Photo I
ART2611Intro/Hist of Photography ART388History/Photography
AST1010Intro to Astronomy ESS1XXEarth Sci Elective No Lab
BAD1210Principles of Management MGT150Prin of Management
BAD1330Miro/Software App IFS105Personal Computing
BAD1335Applied Bus Comm IFS105Personal Computing
BAD2070Bus Law I BUS260Legal Environment
BIO1010Botany01BIO305Botany Lab
BIO1010Botany BIO1XXBotany
BIO1010LBotany Lab01  
BIO1020Zoology BIO1XXBiology Elect No Lab
BIO1020Zoology BIO208Biology of Animals
BIO1040Human Anat & Phys BIO220Human A/P I
BIO1040Human Anat & Phys BIO1XXHum Anat & Phys
BIO1060Princ of Biology I01BIO151Intro Mole Bio Lab
BIO1060Princ of Biology I01BIO150Intro Molecular Bio
BIO1060LPrinc of Biology I Lab01  
BIO1070Prin of Biology II BIO152Evol/Ecol & Divers
BIO1070Prin of Biology II BIO1XXBiology Elect no lab
BIO1080Bio/Eco/of Ches. Bay BIO1XXBiology Elective No Lab
BIO120Intro to Oceanography BIO1XXBiology Elect No Lab
BIO2010Microbiology BIO230Microbiology
BIO2030Marine Biology BIO2XXBiology Elect No Lab
BIO2030Marine Biology BIO210Marine Biology
BIO2070Human Anatomy/Phys I BIO220Human A/P I
BIO2080Human Anatomy/Phys II BIO222Human A/P II
BIO2170Hum Ana & Phy I w/ Lab BIO220Human A/P I
BIO2170Hum Ana & Phy I w/ Lab BIO221Human A/P I Lab
BIO2170Hum Ana & Phy I w/ Lab BIO2XXHuman Ana & Phy 1 w/ Lab
CHE1000Introductory Chemistry CHM104Found of Chem
CHE1050Intro to Chemistry CHM1XXIntro to Chemistry
CHE1200General Chemistry I CHM134Gen Chem I
CHE1210General Chemistry II CHM136Gen Chem II
CHE1350Chem for Engineers CHM1XXChemistry Elect No Lab
CJS1015Intro Criminal Justice CCJ101Intro Crim Justice
CJS1020Intro to Security CCJ1XXIntro to Security
CJS2010Intro Crim Invest CCJ305Crim Investigation
CJS2020Pract Crim Invest CCJ2XXPract Crim Invest
CJS2030Criminal Law CCJ2XXCriminal Law
CJS2040Juvenile Delinquency CCJ110Juvenile Delinquncy
CJS2050Criminology CCJ2XXCriminology
CJS2060Police Operations CCJ2XXPolice Operations
CJS2100Criminalistics CCJ230Intro Criminalistics
CJS2200Community Policing CCJ364Policing Communities
COM1010Basic Prin of Speech Comm CM212Public Speaking
COM1020Intro Mass Comm CM211Mass Communication
COM1040Beginning Sign Language CM150Beg Sign Language
COM1250Intro Interpersonal Comm CM329Interpersonal Comm
COM1350Intercult Comm CM1XXIntercult Comm
COM1450Groups, Teams, and Leadership CM1XXGroups, Teams, and Leadership
COM1650Intro to Public Speaking CM212Public Speaking
COM2300Introduction to Media Writ CM2XXIntroduction to Media Writ
CSC1110Pro Design & Development CS1XXPro Design & Development
DFT1200Eng Graphics EGR1XXEng Graphics
DFT1320Comp-Aided Draft I EGR100Epads I
DFT1340Comp-Aided Drafting II EGR1XXComp-Aided Drafting II
DFT1360Comp-Aided Draft III EGR1XXComp-Aided Draft III
DMP1010Video Field Production CM242Video Prodctn I
DMP2030Documentary Production CM2XXDocumentary Production
DMP2450Digital Filmmaking CM2XXDigital Filmmaking
ECN1015Intro to Bus/Mkt Economy BUS150Intro to Business
ECN1200Intro Economics ECO205Economic Perspctvs
ECN2010Prin of Economics I ECO200Prin Econ-Macro
ECN2020Prin of Microeconomics ECO201Prin Econ-Micro
ECN2025Principles of Macroeconomics ECO200Prin Econ-Macro
EDU2610Teaching Special Ed Student EDU2XXTeaching Special Ed Student
EDU2650Adult Education EDU2XXAdult Ed
EGR1100Intro to Engineering EGR100Epads I
EGR1210Mechanics I ME250Statics
EGR2200Mechanics of Materials ME264Strength/Matrls
EGR2210Mechanics II ME252Dynamics/Vibrtn
EGR2222Elements Discrete Signal EGR2XXElements of Discrete Sig
EGR2310Circuit Analysis EGR2XXCircuit Analysis
EGR2320Thermodynamics ME320Thermodynamics
EGR2440Digital Logic Circuit Design EGR2XXDig Logic Cir Desgn
EGT1010Intro Eng Tech EGR1XXIntro Eng Tech
EGT1300Basic Mechanics EGR1XXBasic Mechanics
ENG1010Composition & Rhet FCO105Rhetorical Comm
ENG1020Comp & Literature LIT200Perspectives/Lit
ENG2010English Literature I LIT283British Lit to 1750
ENG2020English Lit II LIT284Brt Lit after 1750
ENG2030Intro to Short Novel LIT291Short Story
ENG2140The Film Art Form LIT2XXThe Film Art Form
ENG2145American Cinema FLM2XXAmerican Cinema
ENG2260Ethnic Amer Lit LIT2XXEthnic Amer Lit
ENG2270Latin American Lit LIT2XXLatin American Lit
ENV1300Environ Science BIO1XXBiology Elect No Lab
ENV1300Environ Science BIO212Environmntl Bio
FYS1010First Year Seminar FYS100First Year Seminar
GEO1010Physical Geology ESS1XXEarth Sci Elective No Lab
GRY1050World Reg Geog G100World Reg Geography
GRY1110Intro Phys Geography G151Intro Physical Geog
GRY2050Maps and Mapping G2XXMaps and Mapping
HEA1755Legal/Ethical Iss Healthcare PHL346Bioethics
HLS1015Intro Homeland Security NPE1XXHomeland Security
HLS2300Terrorism: Sec Issues CJA322Examining Terrorism
HMS1022Alcoholism & Drug Addict SOC210Drug/Alcohol Addctn
HPM1015Intro Hospitality Mgt HSP1XXIntro Hospitality Mgt
HST1010West Civ I HIS101Western Civ I
HST1012West Civ II HIS102Western Civ II
HST1014Western Civ HIS102Western Civ II
HST1015Global HST 1500 to Present HIS1XXGlobal HST 1500 to Present
HST1016Women in Europe HIS1XXWomen in Europe
HST1018Greek & Roman History HIS1XXGreek & Roman History
HST1020Hist of West Civ II HIS102Western Civ II
HST1030Global Perspectives HIS1XXGlobal Perspectives
HST1031The US to 1877 HIS111American Civ I
HST1032U.S. Since 1877 HIS112American Civ II
HST1036US and World Affairs PS102Contemp Global Iss
HST1072History - Modern Middle East HIS1XXHist - Mod Middle East
HST2020U.S. from 1865 HIS112American Civ II
HTH1030Issues of Older Adults GER1XXIssues of Older Adults
HTH1100Medical Terminology BIO201Medical Terminology
HTH1100Medical Terminology RT105Medical Terminology
HTH1105Comp Med Term RT105Medical Terminology
HTH1105Comp Med Term BIO201Medical Terminology
HTH1755Legal and Ethical Iss NPE1XXLegal and Ethical Issues
ITS1010Computing and Information IFS1XXComputing and Information
ITS1015The Information Age IFS105Personal Computing
ITS1020Operating Systems Concepts IFS1XXOperating Sys Concepts
ITS1050Computing Essentials IFS105Personal Computing
ITS1050Computing Essentials IFS100Info Tech Competncy
ITS1390Pro Concepts Engr EGR1XXPro Concepts Engr
ITS2090Computer Security IFS2XXComputer Security
ITS2592Computer Sci II CS2XXComputer Science II
ITS2620Web Graphics & Multimedia IFS2XXWeb Graphics & Multimedia
ITS2940Cyber Ethics IFS2XXCyber Ethics
LAN1054Cultures of Asia INT1XXCultures of Asia
MFT1010Man Tech I EGR102Epads II
MTH1000Fund of Algebra MAT102Prelim Math/Prob Solv
MTH1010Quant Lit Reason MAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MTH1015Statistics QBA260Data Driven Dec Making
MTH1015Statistics BEH260Statistics
MTH1015Statistics MAT250Statistics
MTH1040Contemp Algebra MAT105College Algebra
MTH1080Inter/Alg & Intro/Trig MAT108Precalculus
MTH1100College Mathematics I MAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MTH1105Coll Math with Algebra MAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MTH1120College Algebra MAT105College Algebra
MTH1130College Analytic Trig MAT108Precalculus
MTH1150Precalc Algebra & Trig MAT108Precalculus
MTH1200Calculus I/Analytic Geom MAT171Calculus I
MTH1210Calculus II MAT172Calculus II
MTH1560Elementary Calculus MAT120Applied Calculus
MTH2200Calculus III MAT271Calculus III
MTH2210Diff Equations MAT272Diff Equations
MTH2300Intro to Statistics QBA260Business Statistics
MTH2300Intro to Statistics MAT250Statistics
MTH2300Intro to Statistics BEH260Statistics
MTH2500Intro Discrete Math MAT235Discrete Mathemtcs
MUS1020Music Appreciation MUS186Listening to Music
MUS1182Private Instruc/Voice I MUS1XXPriv Instrc/Voice I
MUS1203History of Jazz MUS286Jazz History
MUS1204History of Rock Music MUS288History Rock/Roll
NUR1015Intro to Nursing NUR1XXIntro to Nursing
NUR1030Issues of Older Adult NUR1XXIssues of Older Adults
NUR1050Intro to Professional Nursing NUR101Intro Nursing & Hlth Careers
PED1890Cardiovascular Fitness II PE118Physical Fitness
PED2210Basic Scuba Diving PE1XXBasic Scuba Diving
PHL1010Intro to Philosophy PHL221Intro Philosophy
PHL1020Intro to Logic PHL231Logic
PHL1400Social Ethics PHL1XXSocial Ethics
PHL1420Law & Society PHL347Philosophy of Law
PHY1010Fund of Physics I PHY110Gen Phys:Mech/Ht
PHY1010Fund of Physics I PHY1XXPhysics Elect No Lab
PHY1210Gen Egr/Physics I PHY160Eng Phys:Mechncs
PHY2200Gen Egr/Physics II PHY1XXPhysics Elect No Lab
PHY2200Gen Egr/Physics II PHY162Eng Phys:Ht/Thermo
PHY2210Gen Egr/Physics III PHY2XXPhysics Elect No Lab
PHY2210Gen Egr/Physics III PHY260Eng Phys:Elct/Magn
PHY2310Thermodynamics ME320Thermodynamics
PLC2010Prin Criminal Invest CJA305Crim Investigation
POL1010American Government PS101Amer Gov/Citizenship
POL1010American Government PS141American Governmnt
POL1050Intro Govt & Politics PS1XXIntro Govt & Pol
POL2020International Relations PS302International Rel
PSY1010General Psychology PSY100General Psychology
PSY2050Human Develop/Life Span PSY2XXHum Dev/Life Span
PSY2050Human Develop/Life Span NUR201Nursing HD/HC
PSY2310Intro Abnormal Psych PSY230Abnormal Psych
PSY2350Personality & Adj PSY2XXPersonality & Adj
PSY2600Ed Psychology EDU370Psych of Learning
PSY2600Ed Psychology EDU375Psy Learning/Second
SCE1010Scientific Reasoning PHL220Prin Scientific Reasoning
SOC1010Intro to Sociology SOC100Intro Sociology
SOC2010Technology & Society SOC2XXTechnology & Society
SOC2100Soc Prob SOC220Am Social Problems
SPA1010Elem Spanish I SPN101Elem Spanish I
SPA1020Elem Spanish II SPN102Elem Spanish II
SPA1050Culture of the Americas SPN1XXCulture of the Americas
TED2030Intro to Education EDU200Found of Education
THE1010Intro to Theatre THE254Intro Theatre
WFS1150Coed Aerobic Exercise PE136Aerobic Dance
WFS1300Beg Hatha Yoga PE163Intro to Yoga
WFS1450Beg Tennis PE159Tennis
WFS1640Indiv Strength Trng PE1XXIndiv Strength Trng
WFS1700Personal Health/Fitness PE134Concpts Phys Actvty
WFS1700LYoga Lab PE163Intro to Yoga
WFS1701Personal Health Fitness PAW134Concpts Phys Actvty
WFS1760Intro to Sport Psychology PSY1XXIntro to Sport Psychology
WFS1855Lifeguard Training PE124Lifeguard Training
WFS2310Adv Physical Training I PE2XXAdv Phys Training I
Community College of the Air ForceYork College of Pennsylvania
ACC1116Automated Acct SysACC1XXAutomated Acc Sys
ACC1118Intro to AF BudgetingFIN1XXIntro to AF Budgeting
ACC1119Financial PlanningFIN1XXFinancial Planning
ACC1128Materiel AccountingACC1XXMateriel Accounting
ACT1207Aircrew QualificationPAW1XXPhys Act & Wellness Elect
ADM1106Info MgmtIFS1XXInfo Mgmt
ADM1108Comp Sys & Ntwk MgtIFS1XXComp Sys & Ntwk Mgt
AMT1104Intro SystemsNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
AMT1105Acft Maintence FundNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
AMT1106OperationsNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
AMT1121Acft Elec FundmentalsNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
AMT1131Acft Hydraulic Sys FundNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
AMT1141Fuel SystemsNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
AMT1161Turbine Engine Theory/PrinciplNPE1XXTurbine Engine Theory/Principl
AMT1162Turbine Engine Inspection/RepaNPE1XXTurbine Engine Inspection/Repa
AMT1165Aux Power UnitsECE1XXAux Power Units
AMT1168ACFT Engine Flightline MaintenNPE1XXACFT Engine Flightline Mainten
AMT1171Turbine Eng Maint FundamentalsNPE1XXTurbine Eng Maint Fundamentals
AMT1172Intro to Turbine Eng SubsystemNPE1XXIntro to Turbine Eng Subsystem
AMT1195Preflight & Postflight InspNPE1XXPreflight & Postflight Insp
AMT2161Adv Turbine Engine MaintenanceNPE1XXAdv Turbine Engine Maintenance
AMT2162Turb Eng Fiber-Optic BorescopeNPE1XXTurb Eng Fiber-Optic Borescope
AMT2199Landing Door SystemsEGR1XXLanding Door Systems
ATC1406Radar ProceduresNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
CIV1101Ce Org & Work Force MgtEGR1XXCe Org & Work Force Mgt
CLTR201Intro to CultureINT2XXIntro to Culture
CMR1746Computer MaintenanceIFS1XXComp Maintenance
COM1403Radio Comm TheoryCM1XXRadio Comm Theory
COM1403Radio Comm TheoryCM1XXRadio Comm Theory
COM1404Comm Network Equip OpIFS1XXComm Net Equip Op
COM1463Radio Comm AnalysisCM1XXRadio Comm Analysis
COM1744Univac OperIFS1XXUnivac Oper
COM1745Autodin OperIFS1XXAutodin Oper
COM2733Tac Air Cont Network OpsNPE1XXTac Air Cont Net Ops
COM2736Intro to DSSIFS1XXIntro to DSS
CYB1101Cyber Def & CounterIFS1XXCyber Def & Counter
CYB1101Cyber Def & CounterCYB1XXCyber Def & Counter
CYB1105Comm Network SecurityCYB1XXComm Network Security
CYB1105Comm Network SecurityIFS1XXComm Net Security
EDP1106Prin Comp OperationsIFS1XXPrin Comp Operations
EDP1113Data Pro Inq & RetIFS1XXData Pro Inq & Ret
EDP1118Prin of Computer SysIFS100Info Tech Competncy
EDP1118Prin of Computer SysIFS105Personal Computing
EDP1130Intro to Sys SoftwareIFS1XXIntro to Sys Software
EDP1131Intro Maint Mgt Info SysIFS1XXIntro Maint Mgt Info Sys
EDP1132Computer Systems FamIFS1XXComputer Systems Fam
EDP1133Remote Proc StationIFS1XXRemote Proc Station
EDP1136Microcomputer Software ApplIFS105Personal Computing
EDP1139Computer Sys FamiliarizationIFS1XXComputer Sys Fam
EDP1203Princ of Database ApplIFS1XXPrinc of Database Appl
EDP1204Intro Log Auto Data SystIFS1XXIntro Log Auto Data Syst
EDP1601Cyber SuretyIFS1XXCyber Surety
EDP2183Adv Computer NetworkingIFS2XXAdv Comp Netwkng
EDP2201Comp Sys AdminIFS2XXComp Sys Admin
EDP2206Unix Operating SysIFS2XXUnix Operating Sys
EDP2207Network System AdminIFS2XXNetwork System Admin
EDT1501Inst Prin and TechNPE1XXInst Prin & Tech
EDT2801Instr Sys DevNPE1XXInstr Sys Dev
EEO2101Aero Cntrl Warn Sys OperIFS2XXAero Cntrl Warn Sys Oper
ELT1105Gen Maintenance TrngNPE1XXGen Main Trng
ELT1106Intro/Dig ElectronicsECE1XXIntro/Dig Electronics
ELT1203Solid State PrinECE1XXSolid State Prin
ELT1210Basic Elec PrinEGR1XXBasic Elec Prin
ELT1211Basic Elect CircEGR1XXBasic Elect Circ
ELT1219Elec Crypto Sys Maint DepECE1XXElec Crypto Sys Dep
ELT1259Intro ElectronicsECE1XXIntro Electronics
ELT1703RCL CircuitsECE1XXRCL Circuits
ELT1712Basic Solid-State TheoryECE1XXBasic Solid-State Thry
ELT1713Trans/Recvr SysECE1XXTrans/Recvr Sys
ELT1744Radar Sys CircuitsECE1XXRadar Sys Circuits
ELT1772Wave Gen/ShapingECE1XXWave Gen/Shaping
ELT2709Receivers & TransECE2XXReceivers & Trans
ELT6723Hi Rel Sold/ConnECE1XXHi Rel Sold/Conn
ENG1401Tech WritWRT1XXTech Writ
FIN1110Fin Mgmt Cont/SysACC1XXFin Mgmt Cont/Sys
FIN1201Accounting PrincACC1XXAccounting Elective
FIN1202Federal FundsACC1XXAccounting Elective
FIN1203Fiscal Law & Fin MgmtACC220Financial Acct
FIN1204Cost AnalysisACC1XXAccounting Elective
FIN1205Travel & Relocation AccACC1XXAccounting Elective
FIN1206Finance Customer SuptFIN1XXFinance Elective
FIN2119Resource Mgt Acct SystemsACC2XXResource Mgt Acct Sys
FTL1401Intermed Tech RussianRUS1XXInter Tech Russian
FTL1402Intermed Tech ChineseL1XXIntermed Tech Chinese
FTL1410Intermed Tech HebrewL1XXLanguage Elective
GEO1403Area StudiesG1XXArea Studies
GOV1406Gov Organ/StructPS1XXGov Organ/Struct
HRM1001Human Resources MgmtMGT220Human Resource Mgt
HRM1002Intro Human Res Info SysMGT1XXIntro Human Res Info
HRM1003Personnel AdministrationMGT2XXManagement Elective
HRM1004Strategies in HR MgmtMGT3XXStrategies in HR Mgmt
HRM2108Quality Force MgtNPE2XXQuality Force Mgt
ITL1101Intel FundIA100Intro Intell Anlys
ITL1102Analysis & ReportingIA200Intell Anlys Method
ITL1103Intel Ops LabIA1XXIntel Ops Lab
ITL1106Comm Signals Coll/ProcIA1XXComm Signals
ITL1108ISR FundamentalsIA1XXISR Fundamentals
ITL1202Geospatial IntelIA1XXGeospatial Intel
ITL1401Elec Signal ExploitIFS1XXElec Signal Exploit
ITL1402Radio Comm AnalysisIFS1XXRadio Comm Analysis
ITL1508ISR Platforms and SeniorsIA1XXISR Platforms and Seniors
ITL1601Mission Plan/SupIA1XXMission Plan/Sup
ITL1603Pre Battlespace AwareIA1XXPre Battlespace Aware
ITL1902Intro to CryptanalysisIA1XXIntro to Cryptanalysis
ITL2401Voice Intel CollIA2XXVoice Intel Coll
ITL2401Voice Intelligence CollectionIA1XXVoice Intell Collection
LAW1803Fund of Law EnforcementCJA1XXFund of Law Enforcement
LAW1804Investigative PrinciplesCJA1XXInvestigative Principles
LMM1000Basic MilitaryPAW1XXPhys Act & Wellness Elect
LMM1101Leadership/ManagementMGT150Prin of Management
LMM1102Managerial CommunicationsCM1XXManagerial Communications
LMM1103Military StudiesHIS1XXMilitary Studies I
LMM2121Leadership/Management IINPE2XXLeadership/Mgmt II
LMM2122Managerial Comm IICM2XXManagerial Comm II
LMM2123Military Studies IINPE2XXMilitary Studies II
LMM2131Leadership/Management IIINPE2XXLeadership/Mgmt III
LMM2132Managerial Comm IIICM2XXManagerial Comm III
LMM2133Military Studies IIINPE1XXMilitary Studies III
LMM2134Org Theory and BehaviorNPE2XXOrg Theory and Behavior
LOG1101Intro to Supply MgmtSCM1XXIntro to Supply Management
LOG1201Material Storage & DistSCM1XXMaterial Storage & Dist
LOG1202Logistics Automated SystemsSCM1XXLogistics Automated Systems
LOG1302Wrm & Document ControlSCM1XXWrm & Document Control
LOG1601Logistics Maint SupportSCM1XXLogistics Maint Support
LOG1602Stock ControlSCM1XXStock Control
LOG2619Munitions Inv ProcMKT340Logistics
LOG2619Munitions Inv ProcNPE2XXNon Program Elective
MAP1401Intro to CartographyG1XXIntro to Cartography
MAP1405Spec Anal MathMAT1XXSpec Anal Math
MAT1103Intro to StatisticsQBA260Data Driven Dec Making
MAT1103Intro to StatisticsBEH260Statistics
MAT1103Intro to StatisticsMAT250Statistics
MAT1108Statistics/Apps IQBA260Business Statistics
MAT1109Statistics/Apps IIQBA2XXStatistics/Apps II
MED1306Medical Svc FundamentalsNUR1XXMedical Svc Fundamentals
MET1803Weather ObservationESS1XXEarth Science Elec no lab
MET1804Plotting Wea Maps/ChartsESS1XXEarth Science Elec no lab
MET2801Weather Radar OperationESS2XXEarth Science Elec no lab
MET2804ClimatologyESS2XXEarth Science Elec no lab
MET2807Operational WeatherESS2XXEarth Science Elec no lab
MET2809Central Weather FacilityESS2XXEarth Science Elec no lab
MET2822Weather Prognosis TechESS1XXEarth Science Elec no lab
MGT1108Data Collection/AnalysisMGT1XXData Collection/Analysis
MGT1116Maintenance ManagementMGT1XXMaintenance Management
MGT2601Maint Sys MgtNPE2XXMaint Sys Mgt
MGT2964Adv Comm Elec Maint MgtNPE2XXAdv Comm Elec Maint
MIL1302Off/Def ForceNPE1XXOff/Def Force
MIL1403Tactical Air OperationsNPE1XXTactial Air Ops
MIL1417Military Ground ForcesNPE1XXMilitary Ground Forces
MIL1428US Mil Document SecurityNPE1XXUS Mil Document Security
MIL2403Analysis Foreign Air ForceINT2XXAnalysis For Air Force
MIL2602Foreign Naval ForcesINT1XXFor Naval Forces
MKS1101Marksmanship LabNPE1XXMarksmanship Lab
MKS1105Initial MarksmanshipNPE1XXInitial Marksmanship
MRD1300Basic Medical ReadinessNPE1XXBasic Medical Readiness
MRD1301Adv Medical ReadinessNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
MRD1303Expeditionary Med ReadinessNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
NUR1304Fund of Patient CareNUR1XXFund of Patient Care
NUR1318Basic NursingNUR1XXBasic Nursing
NUR1319Intermed NursingNUR1XXIntermed Nursing
NUR1328Intro Clinical PractNUR1XXIntro Clinical Pract
NUR1332Emerg Dept PractNUR1XXEmerg Dept Pract
NUR1350Inpatient Unit PractNUR1XXInpatient Unit Pract
NUR1350Inpatient Unit PracticumNUR1XXInpatient Unit Practicum
NUR1351Outpatient Unit PractNUR1XXOutpatient Unit Pract
NUR1351Outpatient Unit PracticumNUR1XXOutpatient Unit Practicum
NUR2315Aero Phys Prin/Sur TechNUR2XXAero Phys Prin/Sur Tech
NUR2316Aerospace NursingNUR2XXAerospace Nursing
NUR2351Emergency Medical TechNUR2XXEmergency Medical Tech
NUR2352Emergency Med Tech IINUR2XXEmergency Med Tech II
PER1114Personnel FunctionsNPE1XXPersonnel Functions
PER2103Personnel Data SystemsNPE2XXPersonnel Data Systems
PHE1000Phys Education/WellnessPAW134Concpts Phys Actvty
PHE1800Physical CondPE1XXPhysical Cond
REC1102Fitness & HealthPE1XXPhys Ed Elect
REC1102Fitness & HealthNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
SEC1801Marksmanship LabNPE1XXMarksmanship Lab
SEC1802Security Ops and DutiesCJA1XXSecurity Ops and Duties
SEC1803Security Police TacticsCJA1XXSecurity Police Tactics
SEC1804Fund of Grd Combat SkillsNPE1XXFund of Grd Combat Skills
SEC1805Special Weapons & TacticsNPE1XXSpec Weapons & Tactics
SEC1806Intro to SecurityCJA1XXIntro to Security
SEC1854Physical SecurityCJA1XXPhysical Security
SEC1855Spec Mobile Security FuncIA1XXSpec Mob Security Func
SEC2855Support WeaponsNPE2XXSupport Weapons
SVR1805Psych of Env StressNPE1XXPsych of Env Stress
SVS1101Introduction to ServicesHSP1XXIntroduction to Services
SVS1102Introduction to Food ServicesHSP270Food Source/Select
SVS1103Lodging FundamentalsHSP1XXLodging Fundamentals
SVS1104Services ReadinessHSP1XXServices Readiness
SVS1105Fitness & Sport ManagementSPM1XXFitness & Sport Management
VEM1501Combustion EnginesEGR1XXCombustion Engines
VEM1513Autoelect Sys PrinEGR1XXAutoelect Sys Prin
VEM1523Diesel Engine MainEGR1XXDiesel Engine Main
Community College of Allegheny (PA)York College of Pennsylvania
ACC101Account Prin IACC1XXAccount Prin I
ACC102Account Prin 2ACC220Financial Acct
ACC104Financial AccountingACC220Financial Acct
ACC203Manager AccountACC225Managerial Acct
ALH106Bas Life SupportED307Responding/Emerg
ALH140Medical TermHCC215Medical Terminology
ART103Art Hist-AncientART204Survey West Art I
ART106Art AppreciationART101Art/Visual Culture
ART109Drawing IART215Drawing I
ART130Photography IART245Photography I
ART137Ceramics IART225Ceramics I
ART150Int Digital GraphART1XXInt Digital Graph
BIO100Life ScienceBIO1XXBiology Elect No Lab
BIO103Human BiologyBIO1XXBiology Elect No Lab
BIO110Intro Bio ScienceBIO204Exploring Biology
BIO151Gen Biology IBIO150Biology I
BIO161Anatomy & Phys IBIO221Human A/P I Lab
BIO161Anatomy & Phys IBIO220Human A/P I
BIO162Anatomy & Phys IIBIO222Human A/P II
BIO162Anatomy & Phys IIBIO223Hum A/P II Lab
BUS101Intro BusinessBUS150Intro to Business
BUS103Prin ManagementMGT150Prin of Management
BUS104Prin of MarketingMKT100Prin Marketing
BUS105Business FinanceBUS1XXBusiness Finance
BUS122Bus StatisticsQBA260Business Statistics
BUS240Small Bus Mgt IMGT2XXSmall Bus Mgt I
BUS251Business Law IBUS345Business Law I
CHM109Intro ChemistryCHM134Gen Chem I
CHM110Intro ChemistryCHM1XXIntro Chemistry
CHM151Gen Chem ICHM134Gen Chem I
CHM152Gen Chem IICHM136Gen Chem II
CIS100Intro ComputersIFS105Personal Computing
CIS140Micro App/Inf RsIFS1XXMicro App/Inf Rs
CIS145Prog DevelopmentIFS200Intro Prog/Sftwr I
CIS150Survey PCComponentsIFS1XXSurvey PCComponents
CIS203Win Prg/Vis BasIFS160Visual Basic Progrm
CIS210Oper Sys EnvirIFS2XXOper Sys Envir
CIS215Systems DevelopmentIFS2XXSystems Development
CIS230Microcomp DatabaseIFS2XXMicrocomp Database
CIS240Ntwrk MicrocompIFS325Intro Networks
CIS245Data Stru: C/C++IFS201Intro Prg/Sftwr II
CIT100Intro to CompIFS100Info Tech Competncy
CIT100Intro to CompIFS105Personal Computing
CIT111Inform SystemsIFS1XXInformation Systems
CIT115Info TechnologyIFS1XXInfo Technology
CIT140Office Prod ApplIFS1XXOffice Prod Appl
CIT145Programming in CCS101Fund Comp Sci I
CJC101Intro Crim JusticeCJA101Intro Crim Justice
ECO102Prin of MacroECO200Prin Econ-Macro
ECO103Prin MicroeconECO201Prin Econ-Micro
EDU201Foundation of EducED2XXFoundation of Educ
EDU202Instruct TechED200Instructnl Technlgy
ENG100Basic Prin CompWRT100Intro College Writ
ENG101English Comp IFCO105Rhetorical Comm
ENG102English Comp IIWRT1XXEnglish Comp II
ENG115Gen LiteratureLIT160Intro Literature
FIT136Self DefensePE130Self Defense
HIS101W Civ through 1500HIS101Foundation/West
HIS104U.S. History IHIS111American Civ I
HIS105US Hist since 1865HIS112American Civ II
HIS219History of WomenWGS342Women In US History
HPE135Yoga IPE163Intro to Yoga
HPE171Pers/Comm HealthPE134Concpts Phys Actvty
MAT108Intermed AlgebraMAT102Prelim Math/Prob Solv
MAT120Analy MethodsMAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MAT142Pre-Calc MathMAT108Precalculus
MAT147College TrigMAT108Precalculus
MAT147College TrigMAT1XXCollege Trig
MAT165Prob & StatQBA260Business Statistics
MAT165Prob & StatMAT250Statistics
MAT165Prob & StatBEH260Statistics
MAT201Calculus IMAT171Calculus I
MAT202Calculus 2MAT172Calculus II
MDA208Med Fin MgmtFIN2XXMed Fin Mgmt
MUS101Intro to MusicMUS200Music Appreciation
MUS160Am Pop MusicMUS287American Pop Music
NRN101Intro to NursingNUR1XXIntro to Nursing
PHL101Intro PhilosophyPHL221Intro Philosophy
PHL111Religions/WorldREL265World Religions
PHS101Earth ScienceESS152Earth/Space Sci
PHS107Intro AstronomyESS1XXEarth Sci Elective No Lab
PHY100Basic PhysicsPHY110Gen Phys:Mech/Ht
PHY128Phy Hlth Sci/RadPHY1XXPhysics Elective No Lab
PHY141Physics 1PHY110Gen Phys:Mech/Ht
PHY142Physics IIPHY112Gen Phys:Elc/Magn
PHY221Phy/Sci & Engr 1PHY160Eng Phys:Mechncs
PHY222Phy/Sci & Engr 2PHY260Eng Phys:Elct/Magn
POL101Intro Pol SciPS1XXIntro Pol Sci
POL103Amer GovernmentPS141American Governmnt
PSY101Intro PsychologyPSY100General Psychology
PSY107Human RelationsPSY1XXHuman Relations
PSY108Human Grwth/DvlpPSY1XXHuman Grwth/Dvlp
PSY208Abnormal PsychPSY230Abnormal Psych
SOC101Intro SociologySOC100Intro Sociology
SPA101Elem Spanish ISPN101Elem Spanish I
SPA102Elem Spanish 2SPN102Elem Spanish II
SPH101Oral CommCM104Human Communicatn
Community College of Baltimore CountyYork College of Pennsylvania
AAD111Bsc Photograph ART245Photography I
AASD101Intro Africana Studies BEH1XXIntro Africana Studies
ACC101Princ Acctg I ACC220Financial Acct
ACC102Princ Acctg II ACC225Managerial Acct
ACC140Computerized Acct ACC1XXComp Acct
ACC201Inter Acct I ACC2XXInter Acct I
ACC202Intr Acc II ACC2XXIntr Acc II
ACC205Managerial Acc ACC225Managerial Acct
ACC207Tax Prep ACC2XXTax Prep
ACCT100Pract Acct/Book ACC1XXPract Acct/Book
ACCT101Princ of Acct I ACC1XXPrinc of Acct I
ACCT102Prin of Acct II ACC220Financial Acct
ACCT116Comp Accounting ACC1XXComp Accounting
ACCT132Comp Spreadsheets ACC1XXComp Spreadsheets
ACCT201Intermed Acct I ACC320Inter Accounting I
ACCT202Intermed Acct II ACC2XXIntermed Acct II
ACCT221Prin of Auditing I ACC2XXPrin of Auditing I
ACCT225Cost Accounting ACC225Managerial Acct
ACCT230Adv Accounting I ACC2XXAdv Accounting I
ACCT231Adv Acct II ACC2XXAdv Acct II
ACCT241Tax Acct I ACC305Taxation I
ACCT242Tax Acct II ACC2XXTax Acct II
ACCT251Tax Prep ACC2XXTax Prep
ACDV101Acdmc Dvlp:Trnstn College NPE1XXNon Prog Elect
AEXS120Intro Appld Exer Sci PAW1XXIntro Appld Exer Sci
AH115Med Terminology RT105Medical Terminology
AH115Med Terminology BIO201Medical Terminology
ALHL104Intro to Health Careers BIO100Intro Allied Hl
ALHL115Med Terminology RT105Medical Terminology
ALHL115Med Terminology BIO201Medical Terminology
ALHL132Basic Nutrition NUR202Nutrition
ALHL135Nutrition NUR202Nutrition
ALHL155Biomed Ethics PHL1XXBiomed Ethics
ALHL232Contemp Iss in Nutrition NUR2XXContemp Iss in Nutrition
ANST101Animals and Society BEH1XXAnimals and Society
ANTH101Intro to Cul Anth ANT220Cult Anthropology
ANTH102Intro Phys Anthropology ANT210Physical Anthropol
ANTH121Intercult Awareness ANT1XXIntercult Awareness
ANTH127Native Amer History ANT1XXNative Amer History
ARSC101Shaping of Mod World I BEH1XXShaping of Mod World I
ARSC102Shaping of Mod World II BEH1XXShaping of Mod World II
ARSC103Natural Science ESS1XXNatural Science
ARSC104Great Persp in Science PSC1XXPhys Sci Elect No Lab
ARSC121Am Pl: Srch Just BEH1XXAm Pl: Srch Just
ART101Fund of Art ART101Intro Art Apprec
ART103Art in the Culture ART101Intro Art Apprec
ART121Drawing I ART215Drawing I
ARTD104Art Appreciation ART101Intro Art Apprec
ARTD105History of Art I ART204Survey West Art I
ARTD106History of Art II ART205Survey West Art II
ARTD109Intro Interactive Media ART206Elements Comp Graph
ARTD110Two Dimen Design ART210Design I
ARTD111Drawing I ART215Drawing I
ARTD112Color Theory ART1XXColor Theory
ARTD113Three Dimensional Design ART211Design II
ARTD114Digital Photography ART246Digital Photography
ARTD116Digital Imaging I ART247Digital Image
ARTD125Painting I ART220Painting I
ARTD140Computer Illustration I ART1XXComputer Illustration I
ARTD144Design and Layout ART290Print Production
ARTD205Mod and Contem Art Hist ART2XXMod & Contemp Art Hist
ARTD211Drawing II ART265Drawing II
ARTD2403D Modeling & Animation ART2XX3D Modeling & Animation
ARTS100Integrated Arts HUM1XXIntegrated Arts
ARTS101The Studio Exp ART1XXThe Studio Exp
ARTS102Elem Vis Thinking-Des ART110Concepts of Design
ARTS102Elem Vis Thinking-Des ART210Design I
ARTS104Art Appreciation ART101Intro Art Apprec
ARTS105History of Art I ART204Survey West Art I
ARTS106History of Art II ART205Survey West Art II
ARTS110Drawing I ART215Drawing I
ARTS121Painting II ART270Painting II
ARTS1312-D Design ART210Design I
ARTS132Drawing I ART215Drawing I
ARTS133Color Theory ART1XXColor Theory
ARTS1343-D Design ART211Design II
ARTS140Sculpture I ART116Concepts/Sculpture
ARTS140Sculpture I ART230Sculpture I
ARTS145Painting I ART114Concepts/Painting
ARTS145Painting I ART220Painting I
ARTS146Water Color Painting I ART1XXWater Color Painting I
ARTS150Ceramics I ART225Ceramics I
ARTS151Ceramics II ART275Ceramics II
ARTS160Fund of Photography ART245Photography I
ARTS161Intermed Photography ART1XXIntermed Photography
ARTS163Color Photography ART295Photography II
ARTS170Printmaking I ART1XXPrintmaking I
ARTS230Drawing II ART265Drawing II
ARTS231Drawing III ART315Drawing III
ARTS232Drawing IV ART365Drawing IV
ARTS240Sculpture II ART280Sculpture II
ARTS241Sculpture III ART330Sculpture III
ARTS242Sculpture IV ART380Sculpture IV
ARTS245Painting II ART270Painting II
ARTS246Water Color Painting II ART2XXWater Color Painting II
ARTS247Portrait Fig Painting I ART2XXPortrait Fig Painting I
ARTS248Portrait Fig Painting II ART2XXPortrait Fig Painting II
ARTS250Ceramics II ART275Ceramics II
ARTS251Ceramics III ART2XXCeramics III
ARTS252Ceramics IV ART2XXCeramics IV
AST101Astronomy ESS154Intro/Astronomy
AST101Astronomy ESS155Astronomy Lab
AST102Observational Astronomy ESS1XXObservational Astronomy
ASTM101Astronomy ESS1XXEarth Sci Elective No Lab
ASTM101Astronomy ESS154Intro/Astronomy
BIO100Exploring Biology BIO1XXBiology Elective No Lab
BIO101Bio Principles BIO204Exploring Biology
BIO101Bio Principles BIO110General Biology
BIO106Hum Anat Phy I BIO220Human A/P I
BIO107Botany BIO1XXBotany
BIO108Hum Anat Phy II BIO222Human A/P II
BIO109Human Anatomy & Phys BIO220Human A/P I
BIO121Fund Bio I BIO150Biology I
BIO141Microbiology BIO230Microbiology
BIO201Gen Microbiology BIO230Microbiology
BIO211Anatomy & Physio I BIO220Human A/P I
BIO212Anatomy & Physio II BIO222Human A/P II
BIOL100Exploring Biology BIO1XXBiology Elective No Lab
BIOL101Gen Biology BIO110General Biology
BIOL102Intro Life Sci BIO1XXBiology Elect No Lab
BIOL104Introductory Botany BIO1XXIntroductory Botany
BIOL105Med Terminology BIO201Medical Terminology
BIOL105Med Terminology RT105Medical Terminology
BIOL106Zoology BIO208Biology of Animals
BIOL107Human Biology BIO112Fund Human Bio
BIOL108Invest Living World BIO204Exploring Biology
BIOL108Invest Living World BIO110General Biology
BIOL109Human Anat & Phys BIO112Essentials of A & P
BIOL110Bio I: Molecular & Cell BIO150Biology I
BIOL111Biology II BIO152Biology II
BIOL120Intro to Biotechnology BIO1XXIntro to Biotech
BIOL126Forensic Biology BIO1XXForensic Biology
BIOL130Hum Anat for Mor Sci BIO220Human A/P I
BIOL160Body Struct & Func BIO1XXBiology Elect No Lab
BIOL220Human Anat & Phys I BIO220Human A/P I
BIOL221Hum Anat & Phys II BIO222Human A/P II
BIOL230Microbiology BIO230Microbiology
BIOL245Micro for Mort Sci BIO230Microbiology
BIOL251Genetics BIO2XXBiology Elect No Lab
BIOL252Phys Pathology BIO2XXBiology Elect No Lab
BIOL253Tech in Biotech I BIO2XXTech in Biotech I
BIOL254Tech in Biotech II BIO2XXTech in Biotech II
BIOL256Nutrition NUR202Nutrition
BIOL260Disease & Diag for HIM BIO2XXBiology Elect No Lab
BUA101Intro to Bus BUS150Intro to Business
BUS101Intro to Business BUS150Intro to Business
BUS107Bus Law I BUS260Legal Environment
CAD101Intro to CAD EGR1XXIntro to CAD
CADD101Intro to CADD EGR1XXIntro to CADD
CADD105Comp-Aid Drft & Des EGR1XXComp-Aid Drft & Des
CADD114Intermed CAD/Engr Draw EGR1XXIntermed CAD/Engr Draw
CADD211Adv CAD/Design I EGR2XXAdv CAD/Design I
CADD212Adv CAD/Design II EGR2XXAdv CAD/Design II
CAMM156Geom Dim/Tolerance EGR1XXGeom Dim/Tolerance
CGBC202Des & Layout II ART2XXDes & Layout II
CGR101Computer Graphics I ART1XXComp Graphics I
CGR106Comp Graphics II ART1XXComp Graphics II
CGR121Comp Publ Design ART1XXComp Publ Design
CGR131Comp Art/Dim Des ART1XXComp Art/Dim Des
CGR141Comp Illustrat ART1XXComp Illustrat
CGR151Business Graph ART1XXBusiness Graph
CGR161Copywrit Pub Des ART1XXCopywrit Pub Des
CGR222Elec Publ Desn ART2XXElec Publ Desn
CGR226Adv Dsktp Publ ART2XXAdv Dsktp Publ
CGVC101Intro to Comp Graphics ART1XXIntro Comp Graphics
CGVC108Designing with Type ART1XXDes with Type
CGVC120Digital Imaging I ART1XXDigital Imaging I
CGVC121Comp Illustration I ART1XXComp Illustration I
CGVC123Des & Layout I ART1XXDes & Layout I
CGVC124Intro Dig Video Des & Prod I ART1XXDig Video Des & Prod I
CGVC128Typography ART1XXTypography
CGVC167Des Screen Based Media I ART1XXDes Screen Based Med I
CGVC205Bus Graphics ART2XXBus Graphics
CGVC207Dig Imaging II ART2XXDig Imaging II
CGVC221Intro 3D Illustration ART2XXIntro 3D Illustration
CGVC222Conc in Illustration ART2XXConc in Illustration
CGVC237Comp Illustration II ART2XXComp Illustration II
CGVC246Graphic Des for Comm ART2XXGraphic Des for Comm
CGVC247Des Screen Base Media II ART2XXDes Screen Base Med II
CGVC248Digital Prepress ART2XXDigital Prepress
CGVC251Intro to Animation ART2XXIntro to Animation
CGVC252Interactive Des II ART2XXInteractive Des II
CGVC253Animation II ART2XXAnimation II
CGVC254Portfolio Workshop ART2XXPortfolio Workshop
CHEM100Chem & Role in Society CHM1XXChemistry Elect No Lab
CHEM104Intro to Coll Chem CHM1XXChemistry Elective No Lab
CHEM107Fundamentals of Chem01CHM123Gen/Org Chem Lab
CHEM107Fundamentals of Chem01CHM122Prin Gen/Org Chem
CHEM108Fundamentals Chem Lab01  
CHEM111Inorganic Chemistry I CHM134Gen Chem I
CHEM121General Chemistry I CHM134Gen Chem I
CHEM121General Chemistry I CHM1XXChemistry Elect No Lab
CHEM123General Chemistry II CHM136Gen Chem II
CHEM123General Chemistry II CHM1XXChemistry Elect No lab
CHEM133Gen Chemistry II CHM136Gen Chem II
CHEM146Intro Organic & Biochem CHM1XXChemistry Elect No Lab
CHEM146Intro Organic & Biochem CHM350Biochemistry
CHEM200Organic Chemistry I CHM2XXChemistry Elect No Lab
CHEM200Organic Chemistry I CHM234Organic Chem I
CHEM202Organic Chemistry II CHM236Organic Chem II
CHEM202Organic Chemistry II CHM2XXChemistry Elect No Lab
CINS101Intro to Computers IFS105Personal Computing
CINS105Computer Info Tech IFS105Personal Computing
CINS111Log Prog Meth/Comp App IFS1XXLog Prog Meth/Comp App
CINS120Div in Tech Soc IFS1XXDiv in Tech Soc
CINS132Comp Spreadsheets IFS1XXComp Spreadsheets
CINS140Using Windows IFS1XXUsing Windows
CINS155Info Lit/Internet IFS1XXInfo Lit/Internet
CINS165Java Script & HTML IFS1XXJava Script & HTML
CIS101Intro to Computers IFS100Info Tech Competncy
CIS101Intro to Computers IFS105Personal Computing
CIS111Comp Info Tech IFS1XXComp Info Tech
CIS116Small Business Comp IFS1XXSmall Business Comp
CIS120End User Computing IFS1XXEnd User Computing
CIS126Fortran Prog IFS1XXFortran Prog
CIS131RPG 2 Prog IFS1XXRPG 2 Prog
CJ101Intro to Crim Just CCJ101Intro to Crim Just
CJP131Princ Evidence CCJ1XXPrinc Evidence
CLI101Intro to Computers-I IFS105Personal Computing
CLM101Intro to Computers IFS105Personal Computing
CMDP101Eff Alc & Other Drg SOC210Drug/Alcohol Addctn
CMDP102Issues in Addiction Couns SOC210Drug/Alcohol Addctn
CMDP110Ind Couns Tech BEH1XXInd Couns Tech
CMDP114Theory & Pract Group Couns BEH1XXTheory & Pract Grp Couns
CMDP124Delivery of Services SOC1XXDel of Services
CMDP210Family Couns SOC2XXFamily Couns
CMDP211Theories of Couns BEH2XXTheories of Couns
CMDP233Ethics in Counseling PHL2XXEthics in Couns
CMDP273Internship: Chem Dep Couns BEH2XXIntern: Chem Dep Couns
CMNS101Fund of Communication CM212Public Speaking
CMNS150Movies: History & Art FLM1XXMovies: History & Art
CMNS203Adv Public Speaking CM2XXAdv Public Speaking
CMNS205Business & Prof Comm CM246Comm/Business Prof
CMNS250Interpersonal Comm CM329Interpersonal Comm
CMNS251Small Group Comm CM304Group Discussion
CMNS252Intercult Comm CM2XXIntercult Comm
CMSC109Multimedia Authoring I IFS1XXMultimedia Authoring I
CMSC155Info Lit IFL1XXInfo Lit
CONT101Constr Blueprint Reading NPE1XXConstr Blueprint Reading
CORE101Shaping Modern World I BEH1XXShaping Modern World I
CPT101Intro to DP IFS1XXIntro to DP
CPT103RPG Programming IFS1XXRPG Programming
CPT201Sys Desg & Pro IFS2XXSys Desg & Pro
CRJU101Intro to Criminal Justice CCJ101Intro Crim Justice
CRJU102Surv Legal Iss CCJ1XXSurv Legal Iss
CRJU106Crim Justice Mgt CCJ1XXCrim Justice Mgt
CRJU110Crim Investigation CCJ1XXCrim Investigation
CRJU111Investigation of Fires CCJ1XXInvestigation of Fires
CRJU112Criminalistics CCJ236Criminalistics
CRJU114Narcotics & Dang Drugs CCJ1XXNarcotics & Dang Drugs
CRJU116Organized Crime CCJ314Organized Crime
CRJU118Computer-Related Crime CCJ1XXComputer-Related Crime
CRJU120Criminal Law CCJ302Criminal Law
CRJU122Crim Justice/Const CCJ1XXCrim Justice/Constitution
CRJU126Veh Laws & Acc Invest CCJ1XXVeh Laws & Acc Invest
CRJU128Civ Rights & Liberties CCJ1XXCiv Rights & Liberties
CRJU130Intro to Corrections CCJ1XXIntro to Corrections
CRJU132Treat/Rehab-Adult Off CCJ1XXTreat/Rehab-Adult Off
CRJU134Probation & Parole CCJ1XXProbation & Parole
CRJU136Corr Serv & Comm CCJ1XXCorr Serv & Comm
CRJU139Inter & Couns Tech CCJ1XXInter & Couns Tech
CRJU140Police Admin CCJ1XXPolice Admin
CRJU142Law Enf & Comm CCJ234Law Enforcement
CRJU150Intro Private Security CCJ1XXIntro Private Security
CRJU152Security Problems CCJ1XXSecurity Problems
CRJU153Private Invest CCJ1XXPrivate Invest
CRJU160Intro Homeland Security NPE1XXIntro Homeland Security
CRJU172Internship I: Crim Just CCJ1XXInternship I: Crim Just
CRJU201Crim Justice Seminar CCJ2XXCrim Justice Seminar
CRJU202Criminology CCJ378Criminology
CRJU203Victims of Crime CCJ310Victimology
CRJU204Comp Crime & Crim Just CCJ2XXComp Crime & Crim Just
CRJU211Wom in Crim Just Sys CCJ2XXWom in Crim Just Sys
CRJU220Crim Proc & Evidence CCJ2XXCrim Proc & Evidence
CRJU223Juv Del CCJ110Juvenile Delinquncy
CRJU225Const Law CCJ2XXConst Law
CRJU230Adv Stud Corr Admin CCJ2XXAdv Stud Corr Admin
CRJU240Adv Police Admin CCJ2XXAdv Police Admin
CRJU250Ethics & Div CJ CCJ203Ethical Issues/CJ
CRJU252Legal Iss for Sec Pers CCJ2XXLegal Iss for Sec Pers
CRJU258Soc Just Urban Comm CCJ2XXSoc Just Urban Comm
CRJU259Crim Persp CCJ2XXCrim Persp
CRJU272Internship II: Crim Just CCJ2XXInternship II: Crim Just
CRJU273Criminal Justice Internship CCJ2XXCriminal Justice Internship
CSIT101Intro to Computer IFS105Personal Computing
CSIT101Intro to Computer IFS100Info Tech Competncy
CSIT111Logic and OO Design IFS1XXLogic and OO Design
CSIT116Emerging PCSoftware IFS1XXEmerging PCSoftware
CSIT120Div in Tech Society IFS1XXDiv in Tech Society
CSIT121Web Standards IFS1XXWeb Standards
CSIT123Authoring Web Pages IFS1XXAuthoring Web Pages
CSIT124Web 2.0 Social Media IFS1XXWeb 2.0 Social Media
CSIT125Intro to JavaScript IFS1XXIntro to JavaScript
CSIT130Comp Word Proc IFS1XXComp Word Proc
CSIT132Comp Spreadsheets IFS1XXComp Spreadsheets
CSIT134Comp Databases IFS1XXComp Databases
CSIT136Using Windows IFS1XXUsing Windows
CSIT142Intro to MIS IFS305Management Info Sys
CSIT154Database Conc IFS1XXDatabase Conc
CSIT155Internet Prin IFS1XXInternet Prin
CSIT156Intro SQL Using Oracle IFS1XXIntro SQL Using Oracle
CSIT161Intro to Com Sec IFS1XXInfo Sys Elec
CSIT210Intro to Programming IFS2XXIntro to Programming
CSIT211Adv Programming IFS2XXAdv Programming
CSIT212Visual Basic Prog IFS160Visual Basic Progrm
CSIT213Adv Visual Basic Prog IFS2XXAdv Visual Basic Prog
CSIT214C++ Programming CS2XXC++ Programming
CSIT215Obj Oriented Prog Using C++ CS2XXObj Orient Prog Using C++
CSIT221Server-side Script Lang IFS2XXServer-side Script Lang
CSIT224Server-side Script with PHP IFS2XXServer-side Script with PHP
CSIT230Help Desk Mgt IFS2XXHelp Desk Mgt
CSIT241Appl Sys Analys & Des IFS2XXAppl Sys Analys & Des
CSIT243Info Mgt for Dec Making IFS2XXInfo Mgt for Dec Making
CSIT254Emerg Database Des IFS2XXEmerg Database Des
CSIT256Adv Oracle IFS2XXAdv Oracle
CSS101Intro Computers IFS1XXIntro Computers
CSS106Fortran Prog IFS1XXFortran Prog
CSS141Assembly Prog IFS1XXAssembly Prog
CVF150Cardio Fitness PE139Cardiorespty Exercs
DANC10402Beg Mod Dance Tech II PE1XXBeg Mod Dance Tech II
DANC10501Int Mod Dance I PE1XXInt Mod Dance I
DANC10502Int Mod Dance II PE1XXInt Mod Dance II
DANC108Hip Hop PE1XXHip Hop
DANC110Folk & Soc Dance PE1XXFolk & Soc Dance
DANC111Folk & Soc Dance: Meth & Mat PE1XXFolk & Soc Dance:Meth & Mat
DANC114Beg Ballet I PE1XXBeg Ballet I
DANC115Beginning Ballet II PE1XXBeginning Ballet II
DANC116Int Ballet I PE1XXInt Ballet I
DANC117Intermed Ballet II PE1XXIntermed Ballet II
DANC118Adv Ballet I PE1XXAdv Ballet I
DANC119Adv Ballet II PE1XXAdv Ballet II
DANC120Beg Mod Dance I PE117Modern Dance
DANC121Beg Mod Dance II PE1XXBeg Mod Dance II
DANC122Int Mod Dance I PE117Modern Dance
DANC123Intermed Mod Dance II PE1XXIntermed Mod Dance II
DANC130Beg Tap Dance PE1XXBeg Tap Dance
DANC131Intermed Tap Dance PE1XXIntermed Tap Dance
DANC132Beg Jazz Dance PE1XXBeg Jazz Dance
DANC133Int Jazz PE1XXInt Jazz
DANC135Dance Appr HUM1XXDance Appr
DANC136Intro Mod Dance PE117Modern Dance
DANC137Dance Comp I PE1XXDance Comp I
DANC138Dance Comp II PE1XXDance Comp II
DANC142Music for Dance MUS1XXMusic for Dance
DANC146Movement for the Actor THE1XXMov for the Actor
DANC147HipHop Mov Con Pop Clt PE1XXHipHop Mov Con Pop Clt
DANC150Dance Workshop I PE1XXDance Workshop I
DAP101Intro Data Pro IFS105Personal Computing
DAP106Fortran Prog IFS1XXFortran Prog
DAP121Cobol Prog I IFS1XXCobol Prog I
DAP136RPG 2 Prog IFS1XXRPG 2 Prog
DAP181Cont Dev in DAP IFS1XXCont Dev in DAP
DAP222Cobol Prog 2 IFS2XXCobol Prog 2
DAP231Sys Ana Design IFS2XXSys Ana Design
DCOM101Intro Data Comm IFS1XXIntro Data Comm
DCOM141Intro PCRepair & Oper IFS1XXIntro PCRepair & Oper
DCOM142Intro to Linux/UNIX IFS1XXIntro to Linux/UNIX
DCOM201Windows Prof IFS2XXWindows Prof
DCOM202Windows Server IFS2XXWindows Server
DCOM203Windows Network Infra IFS2XXWindows Network Infra
DCOM205Dir Serv Infra IFS2XXDir Serv Infra
DCOM206SQL Server IFS2XXSQL Server
DCOM207Exchange Server IFS2XXExchange Server
DCOM208Des Network Infra IFS2XXDes Network Infra
DCOM210Windows Network Sec IFS2XXWindows Network Sec
DCOM211Intro to Firewalls IFS2XXIntro to Firewalls
DCOM214Oper Sys Security IFS2XXOper Sys Security
DCOM215Ethical Hacking CYB2XXEthical Hacking
DCOM217Cisco I Network Fund IFS2XXCisco I Network Fund
DCOM218Cisco II Routing Protocols IFS2XXCisco II Routing Protocols
DCOM219Cisco III LAN Switching IFS2XXCisco III LAN Switching
DCOM220Cisco IV Accessing the WAN IFS2XXCisco IV Access the WAN
DCOM224Advanced Linux Adm IFS2XXAdvanced Linux Adm
DCOM235Comp Sys Op IFS2XXComp Sys Op
DCOM242Linux Shell Scripting IFS2XXLinux Shell Scripting
DCOM251Local Area Networks IFS2XXLocal Area Networks
DCOM252Adv Protocols IFS2XXAdv Protocols
DCOM258Intro Info Sec IFS2XXIntro Info Sec
DCOM262Appl Info Sec IFS2XXAppl Info Sec
DCT101Intro Data Comm IFS1XXIntro Data Comm
DIGM112Fund of Media Prod CM1XXFund of Media Prod
DIGM152Digital Filmmaking CM1XXDigital Filmmaking
EAS101Earth Science ESS152Earth/Space Sci
EAS141Oceanography BIO1XXOceanography
EAS141Oceanography BIO1XXBiology Elect No Lab
EBUS101Intro to E-Business BUS1XXIntro to E-Business
EBUS102Expl E-Bus Tech BUS1XXExpl E-Bus Tech
EBUS130E-Bus Infrastructure BUS1XXE-Bus Infrastructure
EBUS135Databases for E-Bus BUS1XXDatabases for E-Bus
EBUS152Web Site Usability & Access BUS1XXWeb Site Usability & Acc
EBUS155Prin of E-Marketing BUS1XXPrin of E-Marketing
EBUS204Stakeholder Mgt BUS2XXStakeholder Mgt
EBUS205Dev E-Bus Solutions BUS2XXDev E-Bus Solutions
EBUS221Adv Prog Web Dev Vis Bas BUS2XXAdv Prog Web Dev Vis Bas
EBUS222Java for the Web BUS2XXJava for the Web
EBUS240Intro Net Sec for E-Bus BUS2XXIntro Net Sec for E-Bus
EBUS241Net Def & Cntr for E-Bus BUS2XXNet Def & Cntr for E-Bus
EBUS242Appl Info Sec for E-Bus BUS2XXAppl Info Sec for E-Bus
EBUS250Appl in E-Bus Dev BUS2XXAppl in E-Bus Dev
EBUS258Fin Mgt of an E-Bus BUS2XXFin Mgt of an E-Bus
EBUS273E-Bus Internship & Seminar BUS2XXE-Bus Intern & Seminar
ECO121Micro-Economics ECO201Prin Econ-Micro
ECO122Macro Econ ECO200Prin Econ-Macro
ECO201Prn Econ I:Mac ECO200Prin Econ-Macro
ECO202Pr Eco II:Micr ECO201Prin Econ-Micro
ECON111Personal Finance BUS218Personal Finance
ECON111Pers Finance BUS218Personal Finance
ECON130Econ Hist of the U.S. ECO1XXEcon Hist of the U.S.
ECON131Fund of Intl Econ ECO1XXFund of Intl Econ
ECON141Dev of Econ Sys ECO1XXDev of Econ Sys
ECON152Nat Resource Econ ECO1XXNatural Resource Econ
ECON163Envrtl Econ & Sustain G1XXEnvrtl Econ & Sustain
ECON201Intro Macro-Econ ECO200Prin Econ-Macro
ECON202Intro to Micro-Econ ECO201Prin Econ-Micro
ECON250Women in the Economy ECO2XXWomen in the Economy
ED101Intro to Teaching EDU1XXIntro to Teaching
ED102Intro to Special Ed SPE1XXIntro to Special Ed
ED145Nutrition in Childhood NUR202Nutrition
ED211Psyc of Early Child PSY2XXPsyc of Early Child
EDTR101Found of Ed EDU200Intro Amer Educ
EDTR103Prin Hum Grwth & Dev NUR201Nursing HD/HC
EDTR103Prin Hum Grwth & Dev EDU1XXPrin Hum Grwth & Dev
EDTR107Intro to Special Ed SPE1XXIntro to Special Ed
EDTR115Child Lit EDU1XXChild Lit
EDTR120Grwth & Dev Early Child PSY221Child/Adol Develop
EDTR121Curr & Mat/Early Child EDU1XXCurr & Mat/Early Child
EDTR122Inf & Toddler Grwth & Dev PSY221Child/Adol Develop
EDTR123School Age Child EDU1XXSchool Age Child
EDTR124Nut, Hlth, & Saf Early Child EDU1XXNut, Hlth, Saf Early Child
EDTR204Early Child Mgt EDU2XXEarly Child Mgt
EDTR211Psych of Early Child PSY221Child/Adol Develop
EDTR214Parent, Teach & Comm Rel EDU2XXPar, Teach & Comm Rel
EDTR215Ed Psychology EDU370Psych of Learning
EDTR215Ed Psychology EDU375Psy Learning/Second
EDTR221Mgt & Guidance Child Beh EDU2XXMgt & Guid Child Beh
EDTR222Observing & Record Child Beh EDU2XXObserv & Record Child Beh
EDTR223Juvenile Delinquency EDU2XXJuv Delinquency
EDTR240Assess Elem Teach EDU2XXAssess Elem Teach
EDTR241Meth Tch Elem Teachers EDU2XXMeth Tch Elem Teachers
EDTR242Proc & Acquis of Rdng EDU2XXProc & Acquis of Rdng
EDTR243Instruct of Reading EDU2XXInstruct of Reading
EDTR244Mat Used in Reading EDU2XXMat Used in Reading
EDTR245Assess Reading Instruct EDU2XXAssess Reading Instruct
EDTR250Assess Sec Teachers EDU2XXAssess Sec Teachers
EDTR251Meth Tchng Sec Teachers EDU2XXMeth Tchng Sec Teachers
EDTR252Tchg Rdg Content Areas Pt I EDU2XXTchg Rdg Cont Areas Pt I
EDTR253Tch Rdg Content Area Pt II EDU2XXTch Rdg Cont Area Pt II
EDTR260Char Child Beh & Lrn Dis EDU2XXChar Child Beh & Lrn Dis
EDTR261Eval Except Child EDU2XXEval Except Child
EDTR262Ed Plan Except Child SPE2XXEd Plan Except Child
EDTR264Class Mgt/Tch Tech Exc Child SPE2XXClass Mgt/Tch Tech Ex Cld
EDTR265Pre-Voc & Voc Meth EDU2XXPre-Voc & Voc Meth
EDTR273Field Based Experience EDU2XXField Based Exp
EDU101Grow Dev Child PSY221Child/Adol Develop
EDUC105Growth/Dev Early Child PSY221Child/Adol Develop
EDUC121Meth/Mat Young Child EDU1XXMeth/Mat Young Child
EGNT121Statics EGR2XXStatics
EGNT221Strengths and Materials EGR2XXStrengths and Materials
ELDR101Intro Elder Care GER1XXIntro Elder Care
ELDR102Funct Impact of Aging GER1XXFunct Impact of Aging
ELDR103Intro to Elder Care GER1XXIntro to Elder Care
ELDR108Man Beh & Emot Iss Old Pop GER1XXMan Beh & Emot Iss Old Pop
ELDR109Prob of Elderly GER1XXProb of Elderly
ELEI225Electronic Circuits II ECE1XXElectronic Circuits II
EMET125Mech & Maint Fund NPE1XXMech & Maint Fund
END101Engr Drawing I EGR1XXEngr Drawing I
END111Intro Mech Mat EGR1XXIntro Mech Mat
ENG101Comp & Rhetoric FCO105Rhetorical Comm
ENG102Comp & Lit LIT200Perspectives/Lit
ENG151Tech Writing WRT1XXTech Writing
ENG212Shakespeare LIT323Shakespeare I
ENGL101College Composition I FCO105Rhetorical Comm
ENGL102College Comp II WRT202Academic Writing
ENGL102College Composition II FCO1XXCollege Composition II
ENGL106Grammar & Usage WRT1XXGrammar & Usage
ENGL115Children's Lit LIT1XXChildren's Lit
ENGL151Intro Journalism CM271Print Media Writing
ENGL152Newspaper Production WRT1XXNewspaper Prod
ENGL154Writing for the Stage WRT1XXWriting for the Stage
ENGL160Studies in Mythology LIT1XXStudies in Mythology
ENGL201Brit Lit I LIT283British Lit to 1750
ENGL202Brit Lit II LIT284Brt Lit after 1750
ENGL203American Literature I LIT281Amer Lit to 1885
ENGL204Amer Lit II LIT282Amer Lit after 1885
ENGL205World Lit I LIT2XXWorld Lit I
ENGL206World Lit II LIT2XXWorld Lit II
ENGL207Native Amer Lit LIT2XXNative Amer Lit
ENGL208Afr-Amer Lit LIT203African/Amer Lit
ENGL209Workshop Creat Wrt WRT2XXWorkshop Creat Wrt
ENGL210Intro Creat Wrt: Poetry WRT2XXCreat Wrt: Poetry
ENGL211Intro Creative Writing WRT272Intro Creative Wrt
ENGL213Technical Writing WRT2XXTechnical Writing
ENGL218Afr American Lit LIT2XXAfr American Lit
ENGL224Lit by Women LIT382Women In Literature
ENGL224Lit by Women WGS382Women In Literature
ENGL231Screenwriting CRW277Screenwriting I
ENGL239Business Communications WRT210Writng/Prof Culturs
ENGL241Major Figures LIT2XXMajor Figures
ENGL242Modern Lit LIT2XXModern Lit
ENGL243Contemp Lit LIT2XXContemp Lit
ENGL244Adv Comp WRT315Advanced Compositn
ENGL247Adv Creative Wrt Workshop WRT2XXAdv Creat Wrt Workshop
ENGL248Creat Themes Wrt WRT2XXCreat Themes Wrt
ENGL249Creat Wrt: Capstone Port WRT2XXCreat Wrt: Capstone Port
ENGL250Shakespeare LIT324Shakespeare II
ENGL251Studies in Poetry LIT343Exper of Poetry
ENGL252Studies in Short Fiction LIT2XXStudies in Short Fiction
ENGL253Study in Novel LIT2XXStudy in Novel
ENGL254Contemp Themes in Lit LIT2XXContemp Themes in Lit
ENGL255World Drama LIT2XXWorld Drama
ENGL257Intro to Fiction LIT2XXIntro to Fiction
ENGL258Modern Drama LIT416Modern Drama
ENGL259Multicult Lit in America LIT2XXMulticult Lit in Amer
ENGL260Holocaust Lit LIT2XXHolocaust Lit
ENSC101Intro Eng Des EGR1XXIntro Eng Des
ENSC111Mechanics I EGR250Statics
ENSC115Electronic Circuits I ECE1XXElectronic Circuits I
ENSC211Mechanics II EGR2XXMechanics II
ENV101Envrio Science BIO1XXBiology Elect no lab
ENV101Envrio Science BIO212Environmntl Bio
ENVS101Intro to Envir Science BIO1XXBiology Elective No Lab
ENVS101Intro to Envir Science BIO212Environmntl Bio
ENVS116Atmospheric Sci ESS1XXEarth Sci Elect No Lab
ENVS126Hydrospheric Sci ESS1XXEarth Sci Elect No Lab
ERSC101Earth Science ESS152Earth/Space Sci
ERSC121Physical Geology ESS1XXEarth Sci Elect No Lab
ERSC131Meteorology ESS1XXMeteorology
ERSC141Intro Oceanography BIO1XXBiology Elect No Lab
ERSC141Intro Oceanography BIO124Oceanography
EXP101Expl Nat & Soc BEH1XXExpl Nat & Soc
EXP102Explore Ideas HUM1XXExplore Ideas
EXP106Explore Ideas HUM1XXExplore Ideas
FAPA100Intro Fine & Perf Arts HUM1XXFine & Perf Arts
FAPA101Intro to Fine & Perform Arts HUM1XXIntro to Fine/Perform Art
FLFR101Elem French I FRN101Elem French I
FLSP101Elementary Spanish I SPN101Elem Spanish I
FLSP102Elementary Spanish II SPN102Elem Spanish II
FLSP201Intermediate Spanish I SPN201Inter Spanish I
FLSP202Intermediate Spanish II SPN202Inter Spanish II
FR101Elem French I FRN101Elem French I
FRE102Elem French 2 FRN102Elem French II
GEO101Physical Geography G1XXPhysical Geography
GEOM44Wines of the World G1XXWines of the World
GEOA101Intro Geog Info Sys G361Intro to Geo Info Sys
GEOA110Intermed Geog Info Sys G1XXIntermed Geog Info Sys
GEOA150Remote Sens & Glob Pos G1XXRemote Sens & Glob Pos
GEOA210Dec Making Using GIS G2XXDec Making Using GIS
GEOA250Adv Geospatial Appl G2XXAdv Geospatial Appl
GEOG101Intro Phys Geog G151Intro Physical Geog
GEOG102Intro to Cultural Geog G1XXIntro to Cultural Geog
GEOG111World Reg Geo G100World Reg Geography
GEOG131Hist Geog of MD G1XXHist Geog of MD
GEOG133Geog of U.S. & Canada G341Geog North America
GEOG141Intro to Oceanography BIO124Oceanography
GEOG141Intro to Oceanography BIO1XXBiology Elect No Lab
HEA101Theory of Health PAW1XXTheory of Health
HEA130Basic Nutrition NUR202Nutrition
HEA150Community Health PE1XXPhysical Education Elective
HEA150Community Health NPE1XXNon Program Elective
HEA235Theo Stress Mg NPE1XXNon Program Elective
HEA235Theo Stress Mg PE1XXPhysical Education Elective
HFMJ120Intro Hlth & Fit Studies SPM1XXIntro Hlth & Fit Studies
HFMJ120Intro Health/Fitness Studies PAW1XXIntro Health/Fitness Studies
HFMJ140Cardio Trn PE1XXCardio Trn
HFMJ140Prin Cardiovsclr Train/Wgt Mgt PAW1XXPrin Cardiovsclr Train/Wgt Mgt
HFMJ220Mthd & Mat Fit Inst PE2XXMthd & Mat Fit Inst
HFMJ240Prin Mus Cond/Flex PAW1XXPrin Mus Cond/Flex
HFMJ240Prin Mus Cond/Flex PE2XXPrin Mus Cond/Flex
HFMJ250Mgmt of Fitness Fac/Prog SPM2XXMgmt of Fitness Fac/Prog
HIS101West Civ I HIS101Western Civ I
HIS102West Civ II HIS102Western Civ II
HIS103His U.S. 1877 HIS111American Civ I
HIS110His Amer Labor HIS1XXHis Amer Labor
HIS112His U.S. From 1876 HIS112American Civ II
HIST101West Civ I HIS101Western Civ I
HIST102West Civ II HIS102Western Civ II
HIST111Hist of U.S. I HIS111American Civ I
HIST112History of U.S. II HIS112American Civ II
HIST116Afr Amer History HIS1XXAfr Amer History
HIST117Afr Amer Hist to 1876 HIS1XXAfr Amer Hist to 1876
HIST118Afr Amer Hist Since 1876 HIS1XXAfr Amer Hist Since 1876
HIST120Ethnicity: Amer Dream HIS1XXEthnicity: Amer Dream
HIST127Native Amer History HIS1XXNative Amer History
HIST130Amer Econ History HIS375Amer Econ History
HIST134Hist American Labor HIS1XXHist Amer Labor
HIST150Movies: Hist & Art HIS1XXMovies: Hist & Art
HIST155Hist of Mod Asia HIS1XXHist of Mod Asia
HIST193Sp Top: Amer & SW Asia HIS1XXAmer & Southwest Asia
HIST220The American Woman HIS390Women in US History
HLTH101Health & Wellness PAW234Well/Fitness/Life
HLTH111Stress Management PAW1XXStress Management
HLTH120Aging and Health PAW1XXAging and Health
HLTH126Intro Lstc & Cmpl Hlth NPE1XXNon Prog Elect
HLTH126Intro Lstc & Cmpl Hlth PAW1XXPhys Act & Wellness Elect
HLTH132Basic Nutrition NUR202Nutrition
HLTH134Nutrition NUR202Nutrition
HLTH140First Aid, Safety & CPR SPM205Responding/Emerg
HLTH190Lfspn Plus: Strtgs Aging NPE1XXLfspn Plus:Strtgs Aging
HLTH221Human Sexuality PSY2XXHuman Sexuality
HLTH232Contemp Iss in Nutrition NUR202Nutrition
HLTH240Wom Health Issues WGS210Women's Health
HMRC100Supervision in Hosp HSP1XXSupervision in Hosp
HMRC103Hotel/Rest Mgt HSP1XXHotel/Rest Mgt
HMRC107Food Prep I HSP1XXFood Prep I
HMRC108Food Prep II HSP1XXFood Prep II
HMRC111Hosp Sale/Mkt HSP1XXHosp Sale/Mkt
HMRC115Purchasing HSP1XXPurchasing
HMRC120Mgr Cert in Sanit HSP1XXMgr Cert in Sanit
HMRC159Basic Nutrition NUR202Nutrition
HMRC203Hospitality Law HSP2XXHospitality Law
HMRC281Hosp Ind Coop HSP2XXHosp Ind Coop
HMRC282Hospitality Coop HSP2XXHospitality Coop
HORT115Soils and Fertilizers HRT1XXSoils and Fertilizers
HORT183Cooperative Education I HRT1XXCooperative Education I
HRMT101Intro to Hosp Mngmt HSP100Intro Hospitality
HRMT102Sanitation & Safety HSP1XXSanitation & Safety
HRMT202Food Production II HSP2XXFood Production II
HRMT208Front Office Operations HSP2XXFront Office Operations
HRMT209Housekeeping Mgmt HSP2XXHousekeeping Mgmt
HUMN151Indiv & the Community HUM1XXIndiv & Comm
HUMN180World Religion REL265World Religions
HUMN201Artifacts of Culture HUM2XXArtifacts of Culture
HUMN255Bible as Lit LIT390Bible as Literature
HUMN256Religion & Culture REL2XXReligion & Culture
HUMN290St in Hum: Cin/Just HUM2XXSt in Hum: Cin/Just
HUMS101Intro Human Serv HSV100Intro to HSV
HUMS102Funct Impact of Aging GER1XXFunct Impact of Aging
HUMS103Intro to Elder Care GER1XXIntro to Elder Care
HUMS106Intro Field Child & Youth Care SOC1XXField Child & Youth Care
HUMS108Man Beh & Emotional Iss Aging GER1XXMan Beh & Emot Iss Aging
HUMS109Prob of the Elderly GER1XXProb of the Elderly
HUMS111Int/Comm Tech SOC1XXInt/Comm Tech
HUMS122Aging in America GER1XXAging in America
HUMS201Case Mgmt in Hum Serv SOC2XXCase Mgmt in Hum Serv
HUMS274Intern: Hum Serv SOC2XXIntern: Hum Serv
HUSC101Intro to Hum Services Con HSV100Intro to HSV
HUSC104Div in Workplace HSV1XXDiv in Workplace
HUSC122Aging in Global Society GER100Perspectives/Aging
HUSC139Interview & Counseling HSC1XXInterview & Counsel
HUSC141Intro to Psychopharm PSY1XXIntro to Psychopharm
HUSC205Group Counseling HSV2XXGroup Counseling
HUSC211Case Mgmt in Hum Services HSV370Case Management
HUSC233Ethics in HUSC HSV316Ethical Aspects
HUSC250Crisis Intervention HSV2XXCrisis Intervention
INS171Golf PAW140Fundamentals/Golf
INTR101Amer Sign Lang I CM150Beg Sign Language
INTR102Amer Sign Lang II CM1XXAmer Sign Lang II
INTR106Fingerspelling & Num Use CM1XXFingerspelling & Num Use
INTR111Non-Verbal Comm CM1XXNon-Verbal Comm
INTR116Intro to Interpreting CM1XXIntro to Interpreting
INTR121Deaf Iss:Past & Pres CM1XXDeaf Iss:Past & Pres
INTR203Amer Sign Lang III CM2XXAmer Sign Lang III
INTR204Amer Sign Lang IV CM2XXAmer Sign Lang IV
INTR206Amer Sign Lang V CM2XXAmer Sign Lang V
INTR211Ling of Amer Sign Lang CM2XXLing of Amer Sign Lang
ITR111Non-Verbal Com CM1XXNon-Verbal Com
ITTR262Travel Studies NPE1XXTravel Studies
KNLS120Intro to Kinesiology EXS1XXIntro to Kinesiology
LAW101Intro to Law PS210Intro to Law
LAW111Business Law I BUS345Business Law I
LBST108Labor Law I PS1XXLabor Law I
LBST109Labor Law II PS1XXLabor Law II
LBST110Lobbying & Pol Adv PS1XXLobbying & Pol Adv
LBST134Hist of Amer Labor I HIS1XXHist of Amer Labor I
LBST135Hist of Amer Labor II HIS1XXHist of Amer Labor II
LBST140Labor in the Movies FLM1XXLabor in the Movies
LBST193Sp Top: Labor 20th Cent BEH1XXSp Top: Labor 20th Cent
LIF106Life Fitness PAW234Well/Fitness/Life
LIF111Adult Life Fit PE134Concpts Phys Actvty
LIF126Sr Lifesaving PE1XXSr Lifesaving
LIF153Scuba PE1XXScuba
LTPE130Int Ballet I PE1XXInt Ballet I
LTPE132Int Mod Dance I PE117Modern Dance
LTPE135Improv PE1XXImprov
MAN101Prin of Mgt MGT150Prin of Management
MAN111Supervisory Mgt MGT1XXSupervisory Mgt
MAN121Pers Management MGT1XXPers Management
MAR101Marketing Mgt MKT100Prin Marketing
MAT101Interm Algebra MAT102Prelim Math/Prob Solv
MAT106Business Math MAT1XXBusiness Math
MAT111Ideas in Math MAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MAT121Business Math MAT1XXBusiness Math
MAT130Fund Alg App MAT1XXFund Alg App
MAT131Statis Methods QBA260Business Statistics
MAT131Statis Methods BEH260Statistics
MAT131Statis Methods MAT250Statistics
MAT133College Algebra MAT105College Algebra
MAT161Precalculus MAT108Precalculus
MAT231Intr to Stats BEH260Statistics
MAT231Intr to Stats QBA260Business Statistics
MAT231Intr to Stats MAT250Statistics
MATH101Int Alg MAT102Prelim Math/Prob Solv
MATH102Algebra for Precalculus MAT105College Algebra
MATH103Introduction to Trigonometry MAT108Precalculus
MATH108Technical Math MAT1XXTechnical Math
MATH111Ideas in Mathematics MAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MATH113Tech Math MAT105College Algebra
MATH115Elem & Ideas of Math MAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MATH123Bus Math Applications MAT1XXBus Math Applications
MATH125Finite Math MAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MATH128Math & Strat of Gaming MAT1XXMath & Strat of Gaming
MATH131Concept Math/Teachers I MAT115Sets/Number Systems
MATH132Conc Math II: Geom MAT1XXConc Math II: Geom
MATH132Precal Mathematics MAT108Precalculus
MATH133Conc Math III: Stats MAT1XXConc of Math III
MATH135College Alg/Trig Apps I MAT105College Algebra
MATH141Basic Statistics I BEH260Statistics
MATH141Basic Statistics I MAT250Statistics
MATH141Basic Statistics I QBA260Business Stats I
MATH150Math Ideas/Statistics BEH260Statistics
MATH150Math Ideas/Statistics QBA260Business Statistics
MATH150Math Ideas/Statistics MAT250Statistics
MATH153Intro Statistical Methods MAT250Statistics
MATH153Intro Statistical Methods QBA260Business Statistics
MATH153Intro Statistical Methods BEH260Statistics
MATH154Statistical Methods MAT1XXStatistical Methods
MATH161College Algebra MAT105College Algebra
MATH163Pre Calculus I MAT105College Algebra
MATH165Precalculus Mathematics MAT108Precalculus
MATH230Calculus with Appl MAT120Applied Calculus
MATH243Discrete Math MAT235Discrete Mathemtcs
MATH251Calculus I MAT171Calculus I
MATH252Calculus II MAT172Calculus II
MATH253Calculus III MAT271Calculus III
MATH257Linear Algebra MAT260Elem Linear Algebra
MATH259Elem Diff Equations MAT272Diff Equations
MATH260Math for Game Dev MAT2XXMath for Game Dev
MCOM102Intro Broadcasting CM1XXIntro Broadcasting
MCOM111Intro Broadcast Mass Comm CM211Mass Communication
MCOM112Appl Adv, Pub Rel, & Mktg CM1XXAppl Adv, Pub Rel, & Mktg
MCOM113Res in Comm CM1XXRes in Comm
MCOM121Pub Copywrt & Des CM323Publctn Edit/Design
MCOM130Elect Media Prog CM1XXElect Media Prog
MCOM131Stagecraft THE1XXStagecraft
MCOM135Acting for TV & Mot Pic THE1XXActing for TV & Mot Pic
MCOM149TV & Radio Announcing CM1XXTV & Radio Announcing
MCOM150Movies: Hist & Art FLM1XXMovies: Hist & Art
MCOM151Intro to Journalism CM271Print Media Writing
MCOM152Newspaper Prod CM1XXNewspaper Prod
MCOM170TV Prod CM242Video Prodctn I
MCOM193Dig & Social Media Marketing MKT355Digital Marketing
MCOM231Film & TV Writing CM332Broadcast Media Wrt
MCOM273Internship: Mass Comm CM2XXIntern: Mass Comm
MGT101Intro to Bus & Ind BUS150Intro to Business
MGT105Prin of Supervision MGT1XXPrin of Supervision
MGT107Bus Law I BUS260Legal Environment
MGT108Bus Law II BUS360Bus/Commercial Law
MGT109Salesmanship MKT220Personal Selling
MGT140Business Law BUS260Legal Environment
MGT201Hum Res Mgt MGT220Human Resource Mgt
MGT202Sem in Hum Res Mgt MGT2XXSem in Hum Res Mgt
MGT203Labor Mgt Rel MGT2XXLabor Mgt Rel
MGT205Marketing Prin MKT100Prin Marketing
MGT211Comp Admin MGT2XXComp Admin
MGT223Advertising MKT2XXAdvertising
MGT224Small Bus Mgt I MGT2XXSmall Bus Mgt I
MGT233Prin of Mgt MGT150Prin of Management
MGT239Written & Oral Comm WRT210Writng/Prof Culturs
MGT241Employment Labor Law MGT2XXEmployment Labor Law
MNGT101Intro to Business BUS150Intro to Business
MNGT105Principles of Management MGT150Prin of Management
MNGT110Principles of Supervision MGT1XXPrinc of Supervision
MNGT113Hum Relations in Org MGT1XXHum Rel in Org
MNGT115Sem in Supervisory Prob MGT1XXSem in Supervisory Prob
MNGT140Bus Law I BUS260Legal Environment
MNGT141Bus Law II BUS1XXBus Law II
MNGT150Prin Marketing MKT100Prin Marketing
MNGT152Retail Mgt MGT1XXRetail Mgt
MNGT153Intl Marketing IBS370Internat Marketing
MNGT154Advertising MKT1XXAdvertising
MNGT158Salesmanship MKT1XXSalesmanship
MNGT159Man Cust Rel & Service MGT1XXMan Cust Rel & Service
MNGT201Human Res Mgmt MGT220Human Resource Mgt
MNGT203Labor Management MGT2XXLabor Mgmt
MNGT206Small Bus Mgt I MGT2XXSmall Bus Mgt I
MNGT211Compensation Admin MGT2XXCompensation Admin
MNGT215Man Analysis & Dec Making MGT2XXMan Analy & Dec Making
MNGT219Sales Mgt MGT2XXSales Mgt
MNGT239Bus Comm FCO210Comm Prof Cultures
MNGT241Employment and Labor Law MGT2XXEmploy and Labor Law
MNGT251Fam Financial Plan/Invest BUS2XXFam Fin Plan/Invest
MNGT257Fin Mgt MGT2XXFin Mgt
MNGT265Business Ethics PHL342Professional Ethics
MNTH101Intro Mental Health BEH1XXIntro Mental Health
MNTH102Fldwk Mntl Hea/Sub Abuse BEH1XXFldwk Ment Hea/Sub Abuse
MNTH103Tech of Counseling BEH1XXTech of Counseling
MNTH111Stress/Tension Mgmt NPE1XXNon Prog Elect
MNTH111Stress/Tension Mgmt PE1XXPhysical Ed Elect
MNTH201Dir Pract/Mental Health I BEH2XXDir Pract/Mental Health I
MNTH202Dir Pract/Ment Hlth II BEH2XXDir Pract/Ment Hlth II
MNTH203Clin Pract Mental Hlth BEH2XXClin Pract Mental Hlth
MNTH204Pharm/Effects Substance BEH2XXPharm/Effects Substance
MNTH205Tech of Group Counseling BEH2XXTech of Group Counseling
MNTH207Fam Dynamic SOC225The Family
MNTH212Stress Mgt NPE1XXNon Prog Elect
MNTH212Stress Mgt PE1XXPhys Ed Elect
MNTH220Crisis Intervention BEH2XXCrisis Intervention
MULT101Intro to Multimedia ART1XXIntro to Multimedia
MULT108Intro to Multimedia Script ART1XXIntro Multimedia Script
MULT109Multimedia Auth I ART1XXMultimedia Auth I
MULT121Dig Imaging ART1XXDig Imaging
MULT201Multimedia Algorithms ART1XXMultimedia Algorithms
MULT2053D & Adv Animation ART2XX3D & Adv Animation
MULT209Multimedia Auth II ART2XXMultimedia Auth II
MUS100Music Fund MUS181Found Music Theory
MUS101Music Appr MUS200Music Appreciation
MUS112Ear Training II MUS185Sight Singing II
MUS120Music Appreciation MUS200Music Appreciation
MUS128The Beatles/Rock MUS1XXThe Beatles/Rock
MUS130Piano Class I MUS140Class Piano
MUS131Piano Class II MUS141Class Piano
MUS154Appl Basic Voice MUS101Voice
MUSA100Voice MUS101Voice
MUSA101Appl Classical Voice II MUS1XXAppl Class Voice II
MUSA102Appl Basic Voice:Pop MUS1XXAppl Basic Voice: Pop
MUSA110Applied Piano I MUS103Piano
MUSA135Apld Clscl Sax II MUS130Saxophone
MUSA150Applied Guitar I MUS138Guitar
MUSA201Appl Cassical Voice III MUS2XXAppl Class Voice III
MUSC101Music Fundamentals MUS1XXMusic Fund
MUSC102Music Appreciation MUS200Music Appreciation
MUSC102Music Appreciation MUS186Listening to Music
MUSC109Surv of World Music MUS281World Music
MUSC111Ear Training I MUS184Aural Skills I
MUSC112Ear Training II MUS185Sight Singing II
MUSC112Ear Training II MUS185Aural Skills II
MUSC113Music Theory I MUS182Music Theory I
MUSC114Music Theory II MUS183Music Theory II
MUSC114Music Theory II MUS183Music Theory II
MUSC125The Jazz Experience MUS286Jazz History
MUSC126Broadway Mus Theatre MUS1XXBroadway Mus Theatre
MUSC128Beatles in Rock Gen MUS1XXBeatles in Rock Gen
MUSC130Piano Class I MUS140Class Piano
MUSC131Piano Class II MUS104Piano
MUSC131Piano Class II MUS141Class Piano
MUSC134Guitar Class MUS148Guitar Class
MUSC135Voice Class MUS101Voice
MUSC140Intro to Audio Tech MUS1XXIntro to Audio Tech
MUSC141Audio Rec Tech I MUS1XXAudio Rec Tech I
MUSC142Audio Rec Tech II MUS1XXAudio Rec Tech II
MUSC143Mus Bus Recording Industry MUS297Survey Music Industry
MUSC145Live Sound Reinforcement MUS1XXLive Sound Reinforcement
MUSC146MIDI & Music Prod Tech MUS1XXMIDI & Music Prod Tech
MUSC163Chamber Singers MUS152Chamber Singers
MUSC163Chamber Singers MUS252Chamber Singers
MUSC164Mus Theatre Pract I MUS1XXMus Theatre Pract I
MUSC178Baltimore Symphonic Band MUS260Wind Symphony
MUSC211Ear Training III MUS284Sight Singing III
MUSC211Ear Training III MUS284Aural Skills III
MUSC212Ear Training IV MUS285Aural Skills IV
MUSC213Music Theory III MUS282Music Theory III
MUSC213Music Theory III MUS282Music Theory III
MUSC214Music Theory IV MUS283Music Theory IV
MUSC232Piano Skills & Musiciansp MUS241Class Piano
MUSC241Adv Audio Record Tech MUS2XXAdv Audio Record Tech
NAST127Native Am History HIS1XXNative Am History
NUR101Fund Nursing I NUR1XXFund Nursing I
NURN110Intro Pharmacology NUR1XXIntro to Pharmacology
NURN111Adult Hlth Care I NUR1XXAdult Hlth Care I
NURN112Adult Hlth Care II NUR1XXAdult Hlth Care II
NURN113Mental Hlth Iss NUR1XXMental Hlth Iss
NURN114Mat/Child Hlth Care NUR1XXMat/Child Hlth Care
NURN115Trends in Pract Nurs NUR1XXTrends in Pract Nurs
OFAD105Microsoft Word IFS1XXMicrosoft Word
OFAD141Medical Terminology RT105Medical Terminology
OFAD141Medical Terminology BIO201Medical Terminology
OFAD160Comp in Bus World IFS105Personal Computing
OFAD160Comp in Bus World IFS1XXComp in Bus World
OFAD228Intro Microsoft Word IFS2XXIntro Microsoft Word
OFAD229Adv Microsoft Word IFS2XXAdv Microsoft Word
OFAD243Database Mgt IFS2XXDatabase Mgt
OFAD246Spreadsheet Appl IFS2XXSpreadsheet Appl
OFAD256Adv Spreadsheet Appl IFS2XXAdv Spreadsheet Appl
OTEC240Wordperfect IFS2XXWordperfect
PE101Beginning Swimming PE1XXBeg Swimming
PE10101Beg Ballet I PE117Modern Dance
PE10401Beg Mod Dance Tech I PE117Modern Dance
PE11801Yoga PE163Intro to Yoga
PE12801Aerobic Dance I PE136Aerobic Dance
PE130Scuba Diving PE1XXScuba Diving
PE13002Intermed Swimming PAW121Inter/Adv Swimming
PE13002Int Swimming PE1XXInt Swimming
PE135Aerobic Wt Training PE118Physical Fitness
PE13501Rhythmic Aerobics I PE136Aerobic Dance
PE13502Aerobic Fitness PE136Aerobic Dance
PE13503Slimnastics PE1XXSlimnastics
PE13507Weight Training PE119Physical Fitness
PE13508Aerobic Wt Training PE1XXAerobic Wt Training
PE13514Beg Yoga PE163Intro to Yoga
PE13514Beginning Yoga PE163Intro to Yoga
PE14002Bowling PE110Beginning Bowling
PE14003Racquetball PE1XXRacquetball
PE14004Beginning Tennis PE159Tennis
PE15002Camping PAW143Backpacking
PE16005Soccer PAW155Soccer
PE170Bad/Racq/Volleyball PE1XXBad/Racq/Volleyball
PE17012Badminton/Volleyball PE1XXBadminton/Volleyball
PE17025Softball/Basketball PE1XXSoftball/Basketball
PEAQ100Swimming Level I PE120Beginning Swimming
PEAQ101Swimming PAW121Inter/Adv Swimming
PEAQ106Aqua Fitness PE1XXAqua Fitness
PEAQ112Lifeguard Training PE124Lifeguard Training
PEAQ113Water Safety Instructor PE126Water Safety Instr
PEAQ114Lifeguarding Instructor PE124Lifeguard Training
PEAQ120Scuba Diving PE125Skin/Scuba Diving
PEAQ125Intro Swimming PE1XXIntro Swimming
PEAQ126Intermed Swimming PE1XXIntermed Swimming
PEAQ127Adv Swimming PE1XXAdv Swimming
PEAQ143Swim Total Fitness PE1XXSwim Total Fitness
PEAQ145Swimnastics PE1XXSwimnastics
PEAQ261Aquatic Fac Mgt SPM2XXAquatic Fac Mgt
PED101Exer Fitness PE134Concpts Phys Actvty
PEFT100Yoga PE163Intro to Yoga
PEFT101Life: Fitness/Wellness PAW234Well/Fitness/Life
PEFT111Weight Training PE118Physical Fitness
PEIA101Fit Walking/Cond PE1XXFit Walking/Cond
PEIA110Basic Bicycling PE1XXBasic Bicycling
PEIA120Self-Defense PE130Self Defense
PEIA123Self Def for Women PE130Self Defense
PEIA124Self-Defense I PE130Self Defense
PEIA125Self Defense II PE1XXSelf Defense II
PEIA131Intro to Golf PE140Fundamentals/Golf
PEIA132Golf PE1XXGolf
PEIA137Badminton PE151Badminton
PEIA138Racquetball PE1XXRacquetball
PEIA140Beg Tennis PE159Tennis
PEIA141Intermed Tennis PE1XXIntermed Tennis
PEIA143Tennis I PE159Tennis
PEIA156Firearms & Shooting Saf PE135Recreatnl Shooting
PELF100Yoga I PE163Intro to Yoga
PELF102Tai Chi Chuan I PAW1XXTai Chi Chuan I
PELF104Aerobic Dance Workout I PE136Aerobic Dance
PELF106Aerobic Kick Boxing PE1XXAerobic Kick Boxing
PELF115Strength Training PE118Physical Fitness
PELF115Strength Training PE119Physical Fitness
PELF116Weight Train/Cond PE119Physical Fitness
PELF116Weight Train/Cond PE118Physical Fitness
PELF119Strngth & Cond for Ath SPM1XXStrngth & Cond for Ath
PELF124Cardio Fitness PE139Cardiorespty Exercs
PELF124Cardio Fitness PAW1XXCardio Fitness
PELF125Cardio Fitness PE1XXCardio Fitness
PELF126Circuit Training I PE119Physical Fitness
PELF126Circuit Training I PE118Physical Fitness
PELF127Circuit Training II PE118Physical Fitness
PELF128Circuit Train for Fit I PAW1XXCircuit Train for Fit I
PELF128Circuit Train for Fit I PE1XXCircuit Train for Fit I
PELF130Nautilus Training Fitness I PE118Physical Fitness
PELF132NT for Comp Sport PAW1XXNT for Comp Sport
PELF136Fit: Eval/Cond PE1XXFit: Eval/Cond
PELF143Hatha Yoga PE163Intro to Yoga
PELF145Dance Aerobics I PE136Aerobic Dance
PELF150Mixed Martial Arts Fit PE1XXMixed Martial Arts Fit
PELF231Prev/Eval/Care Athl Inj EDU315Mgmt/Prev Sport Inj
PEMJ100Swimming Level I PE120Beginning Swimming
PEMJ136Fit Eval/Cond PE1XXFit Eval/Cond
PEOD100Backpacking PE1XXBackpacking
PEOD101Hiking & Backpacking PE1XXHiking & Backpacking
PEOD103Camping PE1XXCamping
PEOD105Canoeing PE1XXCanoeing
PEOD106White Water Canoeing PE1XXWhite Water Canoeing
PEOD109Mountaineering I PE1XXMountaineering I
PEOD110Mountaineering II PE1XXMountaineering II
PEOD111Wilderness Adv PE1XXWilderness Adv
PEOD120Sailing PE1XXSailing
PEOD130Skiing PE1XXSkiing
PEOD131Cross Country Skiing PE1XXCross Country Skiing
PET110Field Games & Basketball PE1XXField Games & Basketball
PETA101Basketball PE152Basketball
PETA104Baseball/Conditioning PE1XXBaseball/Conditioning
PETA111Soccer PE155Soccer
PETA121Box Soccer/Cond PE1XXBox Soccer/Cond
PETA131Softball PE156Softball
PETA151Volleyball PE160Volleyball
PHED102Intro Contemp Move PE1XXIntro Contemp Move
PHI101Intro to Phil PHL221Intro Philosophy
PHIL101Intro to Philosophy PHL221Intro Philosophy
PHIL103Critical Thinking PHL222Critical Thinking
PHIL131Intro World Religion REL265World Religions
PHIL140Ethics PHL341Ethics
PHIL155Biomedical Ethics PHL346Bioethics
PHIL170Logic PHL231Logic
PHIL240Ethics PHL341Ethics
PHIL250Ethical Iss Info Tech PHL2XXEthical Iss Info Tech
PHIL265Bus Ethics PHL342Professional Ethics
PHIL290Adv Topics in Phil PHL2XXAdv Topics in Phil
PHSC100Conc/Physical Sc PSC1XXPhys Sci Elect No Lab
PHSC103Intro to Astromony ESS154Intro/Astronomy
PHTO107Digital Photography I ART246Digital Photography
PHTO200Prin Photo Lighting ART2XXPrin Photo Lighting
PHTO207Digital Photography II ART2XXDigital Photography II
PHTO216Studio Tech ART2XXStudio Tech
PHTO220Photojournalism ART2XXPhotojournalism
PHTO221Photo Illustration ART2XXPhoto Illustration
PHYS100Gen Phys Sci PSC152Physical Sci I
PHYS100Gen Phys Sci PSC1XXPhys Sci Elect No Lab
PHYS101Fund of Physics I PHY110Gen Phys:Mech/Ht
PHYS102Fund of Physics II PHY112Gen Phys:Elc/Magn
PHYS105How Things Work PHY1XXPhys Elect No Lab
PHYS151General Physics I PHY160Eng Phys:Mechncs
PHYS151General Physics I PHY161E Phys:Mech Lab
PHYS251Gen Physics II PHY260Eng Phys:Elct/Magn
PHYS252Gen Physics III PHY262Eng Phys: Opt/Mod
PLAW101Intro to Law PS210Intro to Law
PLAW202Crim Law CJA2XXCrim Law
PLAW217Bus Law BUS260Legal Environment
PLS101American Govt PS141American Governmnt
POA201Juv Delinquent CJA110Juvenile Delinqncy
POLS101Amer Gov't & Politics PS141American Governmnt
POLS101Amer Gov't & Politics PS101Amer Gov/Citizenship
POLS105State & Local Govt PS242State/Local Govt
POLS111Intro to Political Sci PS1XXIntro to Pol Sci
POLS121Intro to Law PS1XXIntro to Law
POLS131Comp Govt & Pol PS260Comparative Politics
POLS141Intl Relations PS302International Rel
POLS160Curr Pol Ideas PS1XXCurr Pol Ideas
POLS204Comp Crime & Crim Just PS2XXComp Crime & Crim Just
POLS225Const Law PS2XXConst Law
POLS247Contemp Mid East & U.S. PS2XXCont Mid East & U.S.
POS101American Govt PS141American Governmnt
PRMT101Principles of Proj Mgmt MGT1XXPrinciples of Proj Mgmt
PSY101Gen Psychology PSY100General Psychology
PSY121Child Psych PSY1XXChild Psych
PSY171Hum Development PSY1XXHuman Development
PSY181Altered St Con PSY1XXAltered St Con
PSY207Abnormal Psy PSY230Abnormal Psych
PSY223Dev Psych PSY221Child/Adol Develop
PSYC101Intro to Psychology PSY100General Psychology
PSYC102Inf Toddler Dev PSY1XXInf Toddler Dev
PSYC103Prin Growth & Dev NUR201Nursing HD/HC
PSYC103Prin Growth & Dev PSY1XXPrin Growth & Dev
PSYC105Hum Rltns Cultr Div Soc PSY1XXHum Rltns Cultr Div Soc
PSYC106Pers & Adj  Ment Well-Being PSY1XXPers & Adj Ment Well-Being
PSYC107Intro Spec Ed SPE1XXIntro Spec Ed
PSYC108Man Beh & Emot Iss Old Pop PSY1XXMan Beh & Emot Iss Old Pop
PSYC109Prob of the Elderly PSY1XXProb of Elderly
PSYC111Personal Psychology PSY1XXPersonal Psychology
PSYC122Inf & Tod Grwth & Dev PSY221Child/Adol Develop
PSYC125Org Psychology PSY1XXOrg Psychology
PSYC126Learning As Journey PSY1XXLearning As Journey
PSYC193Psych/Sports PSY1XXPsych/Sports
PSYC201Abnormal Psychology PSY230Abnormal Psych
PSYC202Alt St of Consciousness PSY2XXAlt St Consciousness
PSYC205Dynamics of Adj PSY2XXDyanamics of Adj
PSYC207Social Psych PSY243Social Psychology
PSYC211Psych Early Child PSY221Child/Adol Develop
PSYC213Cognitive Psych PSY2XXCognitive Psych
PSYC215Ed Psychology EDU375Psy Learning/Second
PSYC215Ed Psychology EDU370Psych of Learning
PSYC217Theories of Personality PSY2XXTheories of Personality
PSYC219Adolescent Psych PSY221Child/Adol Develop
PSYC220Behavior Modification PSY2XXBeh Modification
PSYC221Human Sexuality PSY2XXHuman Sexuality
PSYC222Beh Prob Child & Adol PSY2XXBeh Prob Child & Adol
PSYC223Group Dynamics PSY2XXGroup Dynamics
PSYC230Child Psychology PSY221Child/Adol Develop
PSYC232Intro Abnormal Psy PSY230Abnormal Psych
PSYC250Psychobiology PSY2XXPsychobiology
PSYC251Psych of Women PSY2XXPsych of Women
PSYC255Exper Psychology PSY2XXExper Psychology
PSYC258Sex and Culture PSY2XXSex and Culture
PSYC260Psych, Child & Media PSY2XXPsych, Child & Media
REC101Intro to Leisure REC101Recreation/Leisure
REC136Comm Rec Disab REC1XXComm Rec Disab
REC161Dir Prac Sem REC1XXDir Prac Sem
REC261Dir Pract I REC2XXDir Pract I
REC262Direct Pract II REC2XXDirect Pract II
RECR101Leisure in Soc REC101Recreation/Leisure
RECR106Lead: Theory & Pract REC1XXLead: Theory & Pract
RECR111Mus & Drama Workshop Rec REC1XXMus & Drama Wkshp Rec
RECR116Rec Sports Mgt REC1XXRec Sports Mgt
RECR121Social Act REC1XXSocial Act
RECR126Rec Crafts REC1XXRec Crafts
RECR141Outdoor Leadership I REC1XXOutdoor Leadership I
RECR142Outdoor Lead II REC1XXOutdoor Lead II
RECR146Leisure Svc/Disabilities REC1XXLeisure Svc/Disabilities
RECR151Fin Mgt Leis Res REC1XXFin Mgt Leis Res
RECR155Am Rec Dance REC1XXAm Rec Dance
RECR156Fit Prog, Conc, and Fac REC1XXFit Prog, Conc, and Fac
RECR204Entrepren Hosp & Tourism REC2XXEntrepren Hosp & Tourism
RECR206Prog Plan Leis Serv REC2XXProg Plan Leis Serv
RECR210Travel, Leis, & Tourism Ind REC2XXTravel, Leis, & Tourism Ind
RECR231Prof Found Leisure Serv REC2XXProf Found Leis Serv
RECR236Therapeutic Rec Serv REC2XXTherapeutic Rec Serv
RECR241Leisure & Aging REC2XXLeisure & Aging
RECR242Women and Leisure REC2XXWomen & Leisure
RECR242Women and Leisure WGS2XXWomen and Leisure
SCI101Phy Sci I PSC152Physical Sci I
SDEV103Career/Life Planning FYS1XXCareer/Life Planning
SOC101Intro to Soc SOC100Intro Sociology
SOC111Marriage/Family SOC225The Family
SOC203Marriage Fam SOC225The Family
SOCL101Intro to Sociology SOC100Intro Sociology
SOCL102Social Problems SOC220Am Social Problems
SOCL121Marriage & Family SOC225The Family
SOCL122Aging in America GER100Perspectives/Aging
SOCL122Aging in America SOC1XXAging in America
SOCL125American Society SOC1XXAmerican Society
SOCL141Racil & Cultr Minorities SOC1XXRacil & Cultr Minorities
SOCL202Criminology SOC2XXCriminology
SOCL223Juvenile Delinquency CJA110Juvenile Delinquncy
SOCL230Holocaust & Global Racism SOC2XXHolocaust & Global Racism
SOCL296Expl Into Mexican Cult SOC2XXExpl Into Mexican Cult
SPA101Elem Spanish I SPN101Elem Spanish I
SPAN101Elem Spanish I SPN101Elem Spanish I
SPAN102Elem Spanish II SPN102Elem Spanish II
SPCH100Fund of Communication CM212Public Speaking
SPCH100Fund of Communication CM104Human Communicatn
SPCH146Bus/Prof Spch CM104Human Communicatn
SPCH146Bus/Prof Spch CM212Public Speaking
SPCM101Fund of Comm CM104Human Communicatn
SPCM101Fund of Comm CM212Public Speaking
SPCM102Fund of Public Speakng CM104Human Communicatn
SPCM113Res in Comm CM1XXRes in Comm
SPCM131Oral Interpretation CM1XXOral Interpretation
SPCM133Voice & Diction CM1XXVoice & Diction
SPCM203Adv Public Speaking CM2XXAdv Public Speaking
SPCM205Bus & Prof Comm CM2XXBus & Prof Comm
SPCM250Interpers Comm CM329Interpersonal Comm
SPCM251Small Group Comm CM2XXSmall Group Comm
SPCM252Intercult Comm CM2XXIntercult Comm
SPE101Fund of Speech CM212Public Speaking
SPE111Interpers Comm CM1XXInterperso Comm
SSCI101Leisure in Society REC101Recreation/Leisure
SSCI111Eng in Communities BEH1XXEng in Communities
THTR101Intro to Theatre THE254Intro Theatre
THTR110Play Production THE1XXPlay Prod
THTR111Acting I THE1XXActing I
THTR111Acting I THE262Acting
THTR112Acting II THE1XXActing II
THTR116Creat Mov & Contemp Dance THE1XXCreat Mov & Contemp Dance
THTR126Broadway Mus Theatre THE1XXBroadway Mus Theatre
THTR130Creat Dramatics THE1XXCreat Dramatics
THTR131Stagecraft THE1XXStagecraft
THTR131Prin of Acting THE262Acting
THTR135Acting- Tele & Motion Pic THE1XXActing- Tele & Motion Pic
THTR141Intro Theatrical Des THE1XXIntro Theatrical De
THTR142Stage Makeup THE1XXStage Makeup
THTR146Mov for the Actor THE1XXMov for the Actor
THTR150Movies:Hist/Aesth FLM1XXMovies:Hist/Aesth
THTR151Golden Age of Theatre THE1XXGolden Age of Theatre
THTR152Making of Mod Theatre THE1XXMaking of Mod Theatre
THTR154Writing for the Stage THE275Playwriting
THTR155Surv Theatre History THE1XXSurv Theatre Hist
THTR157Afr Amer Theatre THE1XXAfr Amer Theatre
THTR170Television Studio Prod CM242Video Prodctn I
THTR180Script Analysis THE1XXScript Analysis
THTR203Fund of Directing THE2XXFund of Directing
WAS101Intro Swim PE120Beginning Swimming
WLAR101Intro Arabic I ARB101Elem Arabic I
WLAR102Intro Arabic II ARB102Elem Arabic II
WLAR201Intermed Arabic I ARB2XXIntermed Arabic I
WLAR202Intermed Arabic II ARB2XXIntermed Arabic II
WLCH101Intro Chinese I L1XXIntro Chinese I
WLCH102Intro Chinese II L1XXIntro Chinese II
WLCH201Intermed Chinese I L2XXIntermed Chinese I
WLCH202Intermed Chinese II L2XXIntermed Chinese II
WLFR101Intro French I FRN101Elem French I
WLFR102Intro French II FRN102Elem French II
WLFR201Intermed French I FRN201Inter French I
WLFR202Intermed French II FRN202Inter French II
WLGR101Intro German I GRM101Elem German I
WLGR102Intro German II GRM102Elem German II
WLGR201Intermed German I GRM201Inter German I
WLGR202Intermed German II GRM202Inter German II
WLIN101Intro Italian I ITL101Elem Italian I
WLIN102Intro Italian II ITL102Elem Italian II
WLIN201Intermed Italian I ITL2XXIntermed Italian I
WLIN202Intermed Italian II ITL2XXIntemed Italian II
WLJP101Intro Japanese I L1XXIntro Japanese I
WLJP102Intro Japanese II L1XXIntro Japanese II
WLJP201Intermed Japanese I L2XXIntermed Japanese I
WLJP202Intermed Japanese II L2XXIntermed Japanese II
WLLT101Intro Latin I LAT101Elem Latin I
WLLT102Intro Latin II LAT102Elem Latin II
WLLT201Intermed Latin I LAT2XXIntermed Latin I
WLLT202Intermed Latin II LAT2XXIntermed Latin II
WLRU101Intro Russian I RUS101Elem Russian I
WLRU102Intro Russian II RUS102Elem Russian II
WLRU201Intermed Russian I RUS2XXIntermed Russian I
WLRU202Intermed Russian II RUS2XXIntermed Russian II
WLSP101Intro Spanish I SPN101Elem Spanish I
WLSP102Intro Spanish II SPN102Elem Spanish II
WLSP201Intermed Spanish I SPN201Inter Spanish I
WLSP202Intermed Spanish II SPN202Inter Spanish II
WMST101Intro to Women's Studies WGS200Women/Gender Studies
WMST123Self Defense PE130Self Defense
WMST210Feminist Theory WGS380Feminist Thought
WMST211Wom in Crim Just Sys WGS2XXWom in Crim Just Sys
WMST220American Woman WGS2XXAmerican Woman
WMST224Lit by Women WGS382Women In Literature
WMST240Women's Hlth Issues WGS210Women's Health
WMST242Women & Leis WGS2XXWomen & Leis
WMST250Women in the Economy WGS2XXWomen in the Economy
WMST251Psych of Women WGS2XXPsych of Women
County College MorrisYork College of Pennsylvania
ACC111Princ of Acct I FinACC220Financial Acct
ACC112Princ of Acct II ManagACC225Managerial Acct
ARA111Elem Arabic IARB101Elem Arabic I
ARA112Elem Arabic IIARB102Elem Arabic II
ARA211Intermed Arabic IARB2XXIntermed Arabic I
ART101Art StartART101Intro Art Apprec
ART111Western Art Hist IART204Survey West Art I
ART112West Art History IIART205Survey West Art II
ART122Drawing IART215Drawing I
ART130Two Dimensional DesignART210Design I
ART131Color Theory - AFAART1XXColor Theory - AFA
ART1323-D DesignART211Design II
ART133Art History IART204Survey West Art I
ART134Art History IIART205Survey West Art II
ASL111American Sign LanguageCM150Beg Sign Language
BIO101A & P IBIO220Human A/P I
BIO102A & P IIBIO222Human A/P II
BIO121General Biology IBIO150Biology I
BIO123Cell BiologyBIO1XXCell Biology
BIO127Bio-Environ ConcernsBIO212Environmntl Bio
BIO132Concepts in BiologyBIO110General Biology
BIO133Human BiologyBIO112Fund Human Bio
BUS111Bus MathMAT1XXBus Math
BUS112Intro to BusinessBUS150Intro to Business
BUS113Bus Org & MgtMGT150Prin of Management
BUS119Bus Info Sys & ApplIFS105Personal Computing
BUS135Intro/International BusIBS200Internatl Business
BUS201Human Rel BusinessBUS2XXHuman Rel Business
BUS211Money & BankingBUS2XXMoney & Banking
BUS212Prin FinanceFIN2XXPrin Finance
BUS213Bus Law IBUS260Legal Environment
BUS215Prin ManagementMGT150Prin of Management
BUS217Security Mkt AnalysisBUS2XXSecurity Mkt Analysis
BUS218Invest PrinBUS2XXInvest Prin
BUS219Small Bus OperMGT2XXSmall Bus Oper
CHM105Forensic ScienceCHM1XXForensic Science
CHM117Intro to ChemistryCHM122Prin Gen/Org Chem
CHM125Gen Chem ICHM134Gen Chem I
CHM125Gen Chem ICHM1XXChemistry Elect No Lab
CHM127Gen Chem IICHM1XXChemistry Elect No Lab
CHM127Gen Chem IICHM136Gen Chem II
CJS115Intro SecurityCJA1XXIntro Security
CJS116Intro to CriminologyCJA1XXIntro to Criminology
CJS121Crim Justice SystemCJA101Intro Crim Justice
CJS131Intro to CorrectionsCJA1XXIntro to Corrections
CJS215Invest FunctCJA2XXInvest Funct
CJS222Crim LawCJA2XXCrim Law
CJS223Crim Evidence/ProcCJA2XXCrim Evidence/Proc
CJS291Sp Topics in Crim JustCJA2XXSp Topics in Crim Just
CMP101Comp Info LitIFS1XXComp Info Lit
CMP104Internet LiteracyIFS1XXInternet Literacy
CMP108Game Des ConcIFS1XXGame Des Conc
CMP109Data Proc ConcIFS105Personal Computing
CMP110Intro to Data ProcIFS105Personal Computing
CMP120Found Info SecurityIFS1XXFound Info Security
CMP124Network SecurityIFS1XXNetwork Security
CMP128Computer Science ICS101Fund Comp Sci I
CMP135Comp Conc with ApplIFS100Info Tech Competncy
CMP135Comp Conc with ApplIFS105Personal Computing
CMP200Comp Oper Sys & UtilityIFS2XXComp Op Sys & Utility
CMP203Micro Software AppliIFS105Personal Computing
CMP239Internet & Web PageIFS2XXInternet & Web Page
CMP244Web Design IIIFS2XXWeb Design II
COM101Intro to CommCM1XXIntro to Comm
COM101Intro to CommCM104Human Communicatn
COM109Speech FundamentalsCM104Human Communicatn
COM109Speech FundamentalsCM212Public Speaking
COM109Speech FundamentalsCM104Human Communicatn
COM109Speech FundamentalsCM212Public Speaking
COM111Intro Journ-NewsCM271Print Media Writing
COM112Adv Journ-ReportCM1XXAdv Journ-Report
COM115Intro to Mass MediaCM211Mass Communication
COM209Editing & Publication DesignCM323Publctn Edit/Design
DSN110Hist of DesignART1XXHist of Design
DSN120Design Conc IART1XXDesign Conc I
DSN220Design Conc IIART2XXDesign Conc II
ECO211Prin Economics IECO200Prin Econ-Macro
ECO212Prin Economics IIECO201Prin Econ-Micro
EDU111Teach in AmerEDU1XXTeach in Amer
EDU211Beh Observation in EdEDU2XXBeh Observ in Ed
ELT210Electron FabricationECE2XXElectron Fabrication
ENG109Speech FundCM104Human Communicatn
ENG111English Comp IWRT102Analytical Read/Writ
ENG111Composition IFCO105Rhetorical Comm
ENG112English Comp IIWRT202Academic Writing
ENG112Composition IILIT200Perspectives/Lit
ENG118Child LitLIT1XXChild Lit
ENG119Intro to PoetryLIT343Exper of Poetry
ENG131Composition I HonorWRT102Analytical Read/Writ
ENG243World Lit: Beg to 1650LIT2XXWorld Lit: Beg to 1650
ENG247Brit Wtrs:19 & 20th CenLIT284Brt Lit after 1750
ENG249Amer Lit: Col- Civ WarLIT281Amer Lit to 1885
ENG250Am Lit Civ War-20th CentLIT282Amer Lit after 1885
ENR103Basic Engr Graph IEGR1XXBasic Engr Graph I
ENR117Comp-Aided Draft IEGR1XXComp-Aided Draft I
ENR118Comp-Aided Draft IIEGR1XXComp-Aided Draft II
ENR119Tech Comp ApplEGR1XXTech Comp Appl
ENR120Tech Comp ProgEGR1XXTech Comp Prog
ENR121Engineering GraphicsEGR100Epads I
ENR125Comp Prog EngineersCS1XXComp Prog Eng
ENR126Comp Aided Des AppEGR100Epads I
ENR130Intro to EngineeringEGR1XXIntro to Engineering
FRE111Elementary French IFRN101Elem French I
HCT101Med Term IRT105Medical Terminology
HCT101Med Term IBIO201Medical Terminology
HED112Drugs, Soc & Hum BehBEH1XXDrugs, Soc & Hum Beh
HED115Pers & Family NutritionNUR202Nutrition
HED128Lifetime WellnessPE134Concpts Phys Actvty
HED130Mind-Body HealthNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
HED130Mind-Body HealthPE1XXPhys Ed Elect
HED132Stress ManagementPE1XXStress Management
HED283Cardiopulmonary ResEDU305Responding/Emerg
HED286Per Hlth & WellnessPE1XXPhys Ed Elect
HED286Per Hlth & WellnessNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
HES126Personal FitnessPAW119Physical Fitness
HES126Personal FitnessPAW118Physical Fitness
HES128YogaPE163Intro to Yoga
HES129Self-DefensePE130Self Defense
HES131PilatesPE165Intro to Pilates
HIS113Early Mod EuropeHIS1XXEarly Mod Europe
HIS114Modern EuropeHIS1XXModern Europe
HIS117Ancient WorldHIS300Ancnt Hist to 476
HIS118Middle AgesHIS301Medieval Civ
HIS148Modern Middle EastHIS1XXModern Middle East
HIS149Hist of New JerseyHIS1XXHist of New Jersey
HIS151Latin Amer HistHIS343Modern Latin Amer
HIS160Colonial/Rev AmerHIS350Amer Colonial Hist
HIS164Civ War & ReconstrHIS364Civil War & Reconstruct
HIS166Emer Amer-U.S. Hist IHIS111American Civ I
HIS16720th Cen Amer U.S. IIHIS112American Civ II
HIS203His Minorities U.S.HIS2XXHis Minorities U.S.
HIS209Hist Amer WomenHIS390Women in US History
HOS100Serv Safe Food HandlingHSP1XXServ Safe Food Hand
HOS106Sucess in HospitalityHSP1XXSuccess in Hospitality
HOS201Marketing & Event PlanMKT2XXMarketing & Event Plan
ISA110Intercult CommCM1XXIntercult Comm
ISA215Survey of IslamREL2XXSurvey of Islam
MAT108Basic StatsBEH260Statistics
MAT108Basic StatsMAT250Statistics
MAT108Basic StatsQBA260Business Statistics
MAT110College AlgebraMAT105College Algebra
MAT113Applied CalculusMAT120Applied Calculus
MAT117Math Analysis/BusMAT108Precalculus
MAT118Calculus Appl/BusMAT120Applied Calculus
MAT120Math for Liberal ArtsMAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MAT124StatisticsQBA260Business Statistics
MAT131An/Geom Calculus IMAT171Calculus I
MAT132An/Geom Calculus 2MAT172Calculus II
MAT180StatisticsQBA260Business Statistics
MAT230Calculus IIIMAT271Calculus III
MEC109MFG Proc/Engr TechME100Intro Mech Engineer
MEC110Materials/Engr TechME260Materls Science
MEC117Mech ProtoEGR1XXMech Proto
MEC118Comp Integ ManEGR1XXComp Integ Man
MEC141Strg MaterialsEGR264Strength/Materials
MEC209Intro Adv Meg & PrgEGR2XXIntro Adv Meg & Prg
MED110Multimedia IART1XXMultimedia I
MED117Intro BroadcastingCM1XXIntro Broadcasting
MED211TV Production ICM242Video Prodctn I
MKT113Principles of Marketing IMKT100Prin Marketing
MUS112Intro/Elec MusicMUS1XXIntro/Elec Music
MUS114American MusicMUS1XXAmerican Music
MUS117Music Theory IMUS1XXMusic Theory I
MUS118Music Theory IIMUS183Music Theory II
MUS124Electronic Music IIMUS1XXElectronic Music II
MUS125App Mus Sec-Piano IMUS103Piano
MUS126Applied Music Sec-Piano IIMUS240Class Piano
MUS135App Mus Primary IMUS1XXApp Mus Primary I
MUS136Applied Music Primary IIMUS1XXApplied Mus Prim II
MUS137Applied Music Prim Piano IIIMUS1XXApplied Music Prim Piano III
MUS143World Music & CultureMUS281World Music
MUS145Chamber Choir IMUS152Chamber Singers
MUS146Chamber Choir IIMUS153Chamber Singers
MUS152Piano IMUS103Piano
MUS163Rock Hist & CultMUS288History Rock/Roll
MUS165Intro to Music RecordngCM226Audio Productn
MUS215music Theory IIIMUS2XXMusic Theory III
MUS219Understand MusicMUS186Listening to Music
MUS225Applied Music Sec - Piano IIIMUS241Class Piano
MUS244Ind Std Elec Music IMUS2XXInd Std Elec Music I
NUR106Medical TerminologyBIO201Medical Terminology
NUR106Medical TerminologyRT105Medical Terminology
PED152Self DefensePE130Self Defense
PHL111Intro to PhilosophyPHL221Intro Philosophy
PHL180Intro PhilosPHL221Intro Philosophy
PHL211Philosophy of PersonPHL2XXPhilosophy of Person
PHO111Intro to PhotographyART245Photography I
PHO115Photography IART245Photography I
PHO204Digital Imaging IART2XXDigital Imaging I
PHY103Conc of PhysicsPHY110Gen Phys:Mech/Ht
PHY111Technical Physics IPHY110Gen Phys:Mech/Ht
PHY125Gen Physics IPHY110Gen Phys:Mech/Ht
PHY130Engr Physics IPHY1XXPhysics Elect No Lab
POL111American GovernmentPS141American Governmnt
POL222Constitutional LawPS2XXConstitutional Law
POL231State and Local GovtPS242State/Local Govt
PSY113General PsychologyPSY100General Psychology
PSY213Child PsychologyPSY221Child/Adol Develop
PSY217Ed PsychologyEDU370Psych of Learning
PSY217Ed PsychologyEDU375Psy Learning/Second
PSY218Cross-Cult PsychPSY2XXCross-Cult Psych
PSY219Dev Psych - Hum LifespanNUR201Nursing HD/HC
PSY219Dev Psych - Hum LifespanPSY2XXDev Psych - Lifespan
PSY221Psych PersonalityPSY2XXPsych Personality
PSY225Maladapted PersonalityPSY230Abnormal Psych
PSY229Common Mental HlthPSY2XXCommon Mental Hlth
PUB111Public AdminPS151Intro Public Admin
RUS111Elementary Russian IRUS101Elem Russian I
SCI101Natural SciencePSC1XXNatural Science
SCI106Intro to AstronomyESS154Intro/Astronomy
SCI118General AstronomyESS154Intro/Astronomy
SOC111Sociology ISOC100Intro Sociology
SOC112Sociology IISOC1XXSociology II
SOC120Princ of SociologySOC100Intro Sociology
SOC202Contemp Social IssSOC220Am Social Problems
SOC206Religion/Human ExpSOC2XXReligion/Hum Exp
SOC209The FamilySOC225The Family
SOC214Cult Div AmerSOC2XXCult Div Amer
SOC222Deviant BehaviorSOC2XXDeviant Behavior
SOC222Deviant BehaviorCJA110Juvenile Delinquncy
SPN111Elementary Spanish ISPN101Elem Spanish I
SPN112Elementary Spanish IISPN102Elem Spanish II
SPN211Intermed Spanish ISPN201Inter Spanish I
Delaware County Community CollegeYork College of Pennsylvania
ACC111Financial Accounting Financial Acct 
ACC112Managerial Accounting Managerial Acct 
ACC220Managerial Acct Managerial Acct 
ADJ101Intro Crim Justice Intro Crim Justice 
ADJ111Crim Procedure Crim Procedure 
ADJ202Terrorism Examining Terrorism 
ADJ225Ethics in Crim Justice Ethical Issues/CJ 
ADJ240Criminology Criminology 
ADJ253Comm Rel/Jst Proc Comm Rel/Jst Proc 
ADJ261Youthful Offender Juvenile Delinquncy 
AHA207Ethical/Legal Asp Ethical/Legal Asp 
AHM233Med Terminology Medical Terminology 
AHM233Med Terminology Medical Terminology 
ARB101Elem Arabic I Elem Arabic I 
ARC100Arc Graphics I Arc Graphics I 
ART100Art and Child Dev Art and Child Dev 
ART110Art History I Survey West Art I 
ART111Art from Renaissance Survey West Art I 
ART130Drawing I Drawing I 
ART140Painting Concepts/Painting 
ART140Painting Painting I 
ART145Watercolor Painting Watercolor Painting 
ART160Black & White Photo I Photography I 
ART211Digital Imaging Concpts Comp Grhcs 
BIO100Biological Sciences Exploring Biology 
BIO102Humans & Environ Environmntl Bio 
BIO110Introductory Biology I Molecule/Gene/Cell 
BIO110Introductory Biology I Intro Molecular Bio 
BIO110Introductory Biology I Intro Mole Bio Lab 
BIO110Introductory Biology I Mole/Gene/Cell Lab 
BIO111Intro Biology II Biology II 
BIO111Intro Biology II Biology II Lab 
BIO117Human Anatomy Human A/P I 
BIO117Human Anatomy Human A/P I Lab 
BIO118Human Physiology Hum A/P II Lab 
BIO118Human Physiology Human A/P II 
BIO150Hum Anat & Phys I Human A/P I 
BIO151Hum A&P II Human A/P II 
BIO220Nutrition & Well Being Nutrition 
BIO230Microbiology Microbiology 
BUS100Intro to Business Intro to Business 
BUS130Bus Comm Writng/Prof Culturs 
BUS210Prin of Management Prin of Management 
BUS211Supervision Supervision 
BUS212Intro to Sport Mgt Intro Sport Mgt 
BUS214Org Behavior Org Behavior 
BUS215Hum Res Mgmt Human Resource Mgt 
BUS220Elementary Statistics Statistics 
BUS220Elementary Statistics01Statistics 
BUS220Elementary Statistics Business Statistics 
BUS220Elementary Statistics Statistics 
BUS220Elementary Statistics01Statistics 
BUS220Elementary Statistics Business Statistics 
BUS220Elementary Statistics01Business Statistics 
BUS220Elementary Statistics Statistics 
BUS220Elementary Statistics01Statistics 
BUS220Elementary Statistics Statistics 
BUS220Elementary Statistics01Statistics 
BUS220Elementary Statistics01Business Statistics 
BUS221Elementary Statistics Lab01  
BUS230Prin of Marketing Prin Marketing 
BUS231Prin Advertising Prin Advertising 
BUS243Legal Env Bus Legal Environment 
CHE101Intro to Gen Chem Gen Chem I Lab 
CHE101Intro to Gen Chem Gen Chem I 
CHE102Intro Organic & Bio Chem Gen Chem II 
CHE106Intro to Chemistry Intro to Chemistry 
CHE110Genl Chemistry I Gen Chem I 
CHE110Genl Chemistry I Gen Chem I Lab 
CHE111General Chemistry II Gen Chem II Lab 
CHE111General Chemistry II Gen Chem II 
CHE200Organic Chem I Organic Chem I 
CHE200Organic Chem I Orgnc Chm I Lab 
CHE201Organic Chem II Org Chm II Lab 
CHE201Organic Chem II Organic Chem II 
COMM100Interpers Comm Interpersonal Comm 
COMM104Intro to Mass Comm Mass Communication 
COMM111Public Speaking Public Speaking 
COMM111Public Speaking Human Communicatn 
CPT151Furniture Bldg Furniture Bldg 
CS100Intro to Information Tech Info Tech Competncy 
CS100Intro to Information Tech Personal Computing 
CS102Intro to Python Intro to Python 
DPR100Intro to Computers Info Tech Competncy 
DPR100Intro to Computers Personal Computing 
DPR101Intro to Computer Science Intro to Comp Sci 
DPR104Intro Java Prog Intro Java Prog 
DPR105Mgt Info Sys Management Info Sys 
DPR108Intro to Computer Sci Intro Comp Sci 
DPR110Intro to C++ Fund Comp Sci I 
DPR113Database Mgmt Systems Intro to Database 
DPR204Intermediate Java Programming Intermediate Java Programming 
DPR210Object Orientated C++ Object Orientated C++ 
DPR212Data Structures and Alg Data Structures and Alg 
DPR227Intro to PCSupport Intro to PCSupport 
DPR228PCRepair & Maint PCRepair & Maint 
DPR234Intro Comp Game Prog Intro Comp Game Prog 
DRA100Intro to Theatre Intro Theatre 
DRA110Acting I Intro to Acting 
DRA116Stagecraft Stagecraft 
ECE100Prin Earl Child Ed Early Child Theory 
ECE210Educ Except Child Psych Excep Child 
ECE293Finan Strat in Education Finan Strat in Edu 
ECO210Macroeconomic Principles Prin Econ-Macro 
ECO220Microecon Prin Econ-Micro 
EDU110Intro to Teaching Intro to Teaching 
EDU200Found Amer Ed Found of Amer Ed 
EDU205Class Mgt Class Mgt 
EDU206Tech in Ed Instructnl Technlgy 
EDU208English Lang Learners Instrc Needs/ELL 
EDU220Intro to Special Ed Intro to Special Ed 
EGR100Egr Graphics Egr Graphics 
ENG100Eng Composition I Rhetorical Comm 
ENG112Eng Composition II Writing About Literature 
ENG112Eng Composition II Academic Writing 
ENG112Writing about Literature Perspectives/Lit 
ENG130Fund Journalism I Fund Journalism I 
ENG214Women in Lit Women In Literature 
ENG216Sci Fiction Lit Sci Fiction Lit 
ENG231Amer Lit: Rom to Skept Amer Lit after 1885 
ENG241World Lit II World Lit II 
ESS100Earth Science Earth/Space Sci 
ESS102Intro to Astronomy Earth Sci Elect No Lab 
ESS102Intro to Astronomy Intro/Astronomy 
ESS105Astronomy Intro/Astronomy 
FRE101Elem French I Elem French I 
FRE102Elem French II Elem French II 
GER101Elem German I Elem German I 
GER102Elem German II Elem German II 
HIS110Amer Hist I American Civ I 
HIS120Amer Hist II American Civ II 
HIS130West Civ I Western Civ I 
HIS140West Civ II Western Civ II 
HIS150World Civ I World History I 
HIS201Afr Amer History Afr Amer History 
HIS220Hist of Eur Since 1914 Europe after 1914 
HIS225Hist of WW II Hist of WW II 
HIS254World Civ I World History I 
HIS255World Civ II World History II 
HUM141Film Language Intro to Film 
HUM142American Cinema American Cinema 
HUM160Intro to World Religions World Religions 
HUM168Buddhism Buddhism 
IMM120Web Page Design & Dev Web Page Design & Dev 
INT100Student Success First Year Seminar 
ITA101Elem Italian I Elem Italian I 
ITA102Elem Italian II Elem Italian II 
MAT100Inter Algebra Prelim Math/Prob Solv 
MAT120Mod Coll Math I Mod Coll Math I 
MAT121Intro to Prob & Stats Intro to Prob & Stats 
MAT125Math for Elem Teachers I Sets/Number Systems 
MAT126Math for Elem Teach II Sets/Number Sys II 
MAT128Algebra College Algebra I 
MAT130Finite Math Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv 
MAT135Business Precalculus Precalculus 
MAT136Business Calculus Applied Calculus 
MAT140Coll Algebra & Trig I College Algebra 
MAT141Coll Algebra & Trig II Precalculus 
MAT150Precalculus Precalculus 
MAT151College Algebra College Algebra II 
MAT152Precalculus Precalculus 
MAT160Calculus I Calculus I 
MAT161Calculus 2 Calculus II 
MAT210Statistics Business Stats I 
MAT210Statistics Statistics 
MAT210Statistics Statistics 
MAT260Calculus III Calculus III 
MATH105Business Math Business Math 
MUS101Fund of Music Found Music Theory 
MUS120Intro to Music Listening to Music 
MUS125Piano Class I Class Piano 
MUS131History of Rock and Roll History Rock/Roll 
NET110Network Comms Network Comms 
NUS102Math for Nurses Math for Nurses 
PDS4002Emer Med Tech Emer Med Tech 
PHI100Intro Philosophy Intro Philosophy 
PHI110Contemp Moral Prob Cont Moral Problems 
PHS120Earth Science Earth Sci Elective No Lab 
PHY100Tech Physics I Tech Physics I 
PHY107Technical Physics Technical Physics 
PHY110College Physics I G Phys:Mech Lab 
PHY110College Physics I Gen Phys:Mech/Ht 
PHY111College Physics II G Phys:Elct Lab 
PHY111College Physics II Gen Phys:Elc/Magn 
PHY132Univ Physics II Eng Phys:Ht/Thermo 
PHY132Univ Physics II E Phys:Ht Lab 
PLG110Legal Research and Wrtg Legal Research & Wrtg 
POL110Intro Pol Science Intro Poli Science 
POL120American Natl Govt Amer Gov/Citizenship 
POL130Amer St/Local Govt State/Local Govt 
POL200World Affairs International Rel 
PSY126Child & Adol Dev Child/Adol Develop 
PSY130Pers/Career Devel Pers/Career Devel 
PSY140General Psychology General Psychology 
PSY210Lifespan Human Dev Lifespan Human Dev 
PSY210Lifespan Human Dev Nursing HD/HC 
PSY220Abnormal Psychology Abnormal Psych 
PSY221Social Psychology Social Psychology 
PSY225Exper in Diversity Exper in Diversity 
PSY235Educ Psychology Psych of Learning 
PSY235Educ Psychology Psy Learning/Second 
PSY235Educ Psychology Educ Psychology 
PSY241Child Psychology Child/Adol Develop 
SCI100Man & Envir Man & Envir 
SOC110Intro Sociology Intro Sociology 
SOC111Intro Hum Services Intro Hum Services 
SOC120Social Problems Am Social Problems 
SOC180Soc of Marriage & Family The Family 
SOC215Exper in Diversity Exper in Diversity 
SOC220Social Psych Social Psychology 
SOC240Human Geography Human Geography 
SPA101Elem Spanish I Elem Spanish I 
SPA102Elem Spanish II Elem Spanish II 
SPE100Interpersonal Comm Human Communicatn 
SPE104Intro Mass Comm Mass Communication 
SPE111Public Speaking Public Speaking 
TCC111Tech Communication Tech Communication 
TCC112CADD Graphics CADD Graphics 
TCC121Project Management Proc Project Mngmt Proc 
TCS100Const Spec/Blpt Rd Const Spec/Blpt Rd 
TCS141Const Fst Aid/Safety Wilderness First Aid 
TDD128Detailing-Assem-Fixture Des Detail-Assem-Fixture Des 
TDD216Three Dimensional CADD Three Dimensional CADD 
TDD225Comp Aided Drafting Comp Aided Drafting 
TME216Statics & Strength of Material Statics & Strength Material 
Delaware Technical Community CollegeYork College of Pennsylvania
ACC101Accounting IACC1XXAccounting I
ACC201Bus LawBUS260Legal Environment
ACC207Accounting IACC220Financial Acct
AGS101Soil ScienceNPE1XXSoil Science
AGS102Agricultural ScienceNPE1XXAgricultural Science
AGS104Intro to Agribusiness MgmtMGT1XXIntro to Agribus Mgmt
AGS209Farm Records & AccountsNPE2XXFarm Records & Acnts
AGS212Intro to Agribusiness MktgMKT2XXIntro to Agbus Mktg
ASL101American Sign Language ICM150Beg Sign Language
BA121Intro to BusinessBUS150Intro to Business
BIO100Medical TerminologyBIO201Medical Terminology
BIO110Intro Anat & PhysBIO1XXBiology Elect No Lab
BIO120Anat and Phys IBIO220Human A/P I
BIO120Anat and Phys IBIO1XXA & P I
BIO121Anatomy and Physiology IIBIO222Human A/P II
BIO125Intro MicrobiologyBIO230Microbiology
BIO130Dis Proc/PathophysBIO1XXBio Elect No Lab
BIO140General BiologyBIO204Exploring Biology
BIO140General BiologyBIO110General Biology
BIO150Biology IBIO151Biology I Lab
BIO150Biology IBIO150Biology I
BIO250Intro to MicrobiologyBIO230Microbiology
BIT260Biotechnology IBIO2XXBiotechnology I
BIT261Biotechnology IIBIO2XXBiotechnology II
BUS101Intro to BusinessBUS150Intro to Business
BUS203Business LawBUS260Legal Environment
BUS221Business EthicsBUS2XXBusiness Ethics
CEN100Intro Elec & Comp EngEGR100Epads I
CHM100Basic ChemCHM122Prin Gen/Org Chem
CHM110Gen ChemCHM122Prin Gen/Org Chem
CHM110Gen ChemCHM123Gen/Org Chem Lab
CHM150Chemical Principles ICHM134Gen Chem I
CHM151Chemical Principles IICHM136Gen Chem II
CHM240Organic Chemistry ICHM234Organic Chem I
CHM241Organic Chemistry IICHM236Organic Chem II
CHM250Analytical Chemistry ICHM336Quant Analy Chm
CIS107Intro Comp/ApplsIFS105Personal Computing
CIS107Intro Comp/ApplsIFS100Info Tech Competncy
CIS108App for Educational TechECH210Ed Tech/Early Elem
CIS112Spreadsheet/Graphics ProcIFS1XXSpreadsheet/Graphics Proc
CIS143Intro Info SecurityIFS1XXIntro Info Security
CLT110Intl Cult ImmersINT1XXIntl Cult Immers
COM111Hum CommCM1XXHum Comm
COM111Hum CommCM104Human Communicatn
COM222Intercult CommCM2XXIntercult Comm
COM240Mass Media LawCM434Media Law/Ethics
COM250PhotographyART245Photography I
CRJ101Intro to Criminal JusticeCJA101Intro Crim Justice
CRJ102Crim LawCJA1XXCrim Law
CRJ104Drugs Soc/Hmn BehCJA1XXDrugs Society/Hmn Beh
CRJ105Comp Appl in Crim JustCJA1XXComp Appl in Crim Just
CRJ110Issues in Law EnforcementCJA1XXIssues in Law Enforcement
CRJ115Ess of Intrvwng/CounsCJA1XXEss of Intrvwng/Couns
CRJ118Corrections in AmerCJA337Punishmnt/Correctns
CRJ220Criminal JudiciaryCJA341Criminal Procedure
CRJ222Const LawCJA2XXConst Law
CRJ224Juvenile JusticeCJA110Juvenile Delinquncy
CRJ225Group & Indiv CounsCJA2XXGroup & Indiv Couns
CRJ226Crisis InterventionCJA2XXCrisis Intervention
CSC114Comp Science ICS1XXComp Science I
CSC164Comp Science IICS101Fund Comp Sci I
DP130Intro to Data ProcessingIFS1XXIntro to Data Processing
ECE111Childhood Nutr/SafetyEDU1XXChild Nutr/Safety
ECE120Comtemp Issues Erly ChildEDU1XXComtemp Issues/Erly Cld
ECE121Infant & Toddler Methods/LabEDU1XXInfant & Todd Meth/Lab
ECE123Early Childhd Methods/LabEDU1XXEarly Childhd Meth/Lab
ECE125Early Childhd Methods II/labEDU1XXEarly Child Meth II/Lab
ECE127Childhood Classroom MgmtEDU1XXChildhd Classrm Mgmt
ECE127Childhood Classroom MgtEDU1XXChild Class Mgt
ECE211Parent/Teach & Comm InterEDU2XXParent/Teach & Com Int
ECE226Assess of Young ChildrenEDU2XXAssess Young Child
ECE233Exceptional ChildSPE200Process/Procedures
ECO111MacroeconomicsECO200Prin Econ-Macro
ECO122MicroeconomicsECO201Prin Econ-Micro
EDC120Found of LiteracyEDU1XXFound of Literacy
EDC150Issues in Elem EducationEDU200Found of Education
EDC230Children's LiteratureEDU2XXChildren's Literature
EDD171Intro to CADEGR1XXIntro to CAD
ELC265Intro Digital SystemsECE2XXIntro Digital Systems
ELC266Analog Circuits IECE100Intro Elect Engnr
ELC272Elec Circuit Analysis IECE2XXElec Circuit Analysis I
ELC275Microcomp SystemsCS2XXMicrocomp Systems
ENG101Crit Thinking & Aca WritingFCO105Rhetorical Comm
ENG102Comp & ResWRT1XXComp & Res
ENG121CompositionFCO105Rhetorical Comm
ENG121CompositionWRT102Analytical Read/Writ
ENG122Technical Writing/CommWRT1XXTech Writing/Comm
ENG124Oral CommunicationsCM104Human Communicatn
ENG124Oral CommunicationsCM212Public Speaking
ENG128Black Amer LitLIT203African/Amer Lit
ENV110Intro Environ IssBIO1XXBiology Elect No Lab
FIN221Money and BankingFIN2XXMoney and Banking
HDM101Intro Hmlnd Def/Emer MgtNPE1XXHmlnd Def/Emer Mgt
HDM102Nat Inc Mgt SysNPE1XXNat Inc Mgt Sys
HDM110Iss Hmlnd Def & Emer MgtNPE1XXIss Hmlnd Def & Emer Mgt
HDM202Hmlnd Def/Emer MgtNPE2XXHmlnd Def/Emer Mgt
HDM204All Hzrds/Infra/ProtNPE2XXAll Hzrds/Infra/Prot
HIS111U.S. Pre-Civil WarHIS111American Civ I
HIS112U.S. Post Civil WarHIS112American Civ II
HMS121Intro Hum ServSOC1XXIntro Hum Serv
HMS122Theories of CounsSOC1XXTheories of Couns
HMS123Dynamics/Grp Comm ICM1XXDynamics/Grp Comm I
HMS221Ethical Prob & IssPHL2XXEthical Prob & Iss
HMS223Soc Policy/Prog PlanSOC2XXSoc Policy/Prog Plan
HMS225Interview/Couns SkillsSOC2XXInterview/Couns Skills
HMS229Adult Dev & AgingPSY2XXAdult Dev & Aging
HMS243Directed Practice ISOC2XXDirected Practice I
HMS244Directed Practice IISOC2XXDirected Practice II
MAT119Appl Clinical MathMAT1XXAppl Clinical Math
MAT120Math for Behav ScienceMAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MAT129Math for Health SciMAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MAT135Biomedical StatsMAT1XXBiomedical Stats
MAT150Bus MathMAT1XXBus Math
MAT152Quantitative ReasoningMAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MAT153College Math & StatisticsMAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MAT162Statistical ReasoningMAT150Data/Decision Making
MAT180College AlgebraMAT105College Algebra
MAT181Alg & Trig IMAT105College Algebra
MAT182Algebra & Trig IIMAT1XXAlgebra & Trig II
MAT201Math for Teachers IMAT115Sets/Number Systems
MAT202Mathematics for Teachers IIMAT215Sets/Number Sys II
MAT203Math for Teachers IIIMAT2XXMath for Teachers III
MAT211Math for Teachers IMAT115Math Foundations
MAT212Math for Teachers IIMAT150Data/Decision Making
MAT213Math for Teachers IIIMAT2XXMath for Teachers III
MAT255Business Statistics IQBA260Business Statistics
MAT256Bus Stats IIQBA265Business Stats II
MAT281Calculus IMAT171Calculus I
MAT282Calculus IIMAT172Calculus II
MET115Intro Mech Engr TechME1XXIntro Mech Engr Tech
MET123Mod MFG TechME1XXMod MFG Tech
MET123Mod MFG TechME100Intro Mech Engineer
MET125Adv Man TechME1XXAdv Man Tech
MGT212Prin of ManagementMGT150Prin of Management
MGT231Hum Res MgmtMGT220Human Resource Mgt
MKT111SalesmanshipMKT220Personal Selling
MKT212Prin of MarketingMKT100Prin Marketing
NU101Prof RelationsNUR1XXProf Relations
NU132Math Appl to PharmacologyNUR1XXMath Appl to Pharmacology
NU134Skills Med-Surg NursNUR1XXSkills Med-Surg Nurs
NU171Hum Needs Hlth & Ill INUR1XXHum Needs Hlth & Ill I
OAT152Excel Level IIFS1XXExcel Level I
PHY171Physics IPHY110Gen Phys:Mech/Ht
PHY172Physics IIPHY1XXPhysics II
PHY205Gen Physics IPHY111G Phys:Mech Lab
PHY205Gen Physics IPHY110Gen Phys:Mech/Ht
PHY281Physics I with CalcPHY160Eng Phys:Mechncs
PHY281Physics I with CalcPHY160Eng Phys:Mechncs
PHY282Physics II with CalcPHY260Eng Phys:Elct/Magn
PHY282Physics II with CalcPHY260Eng Phys:Elct/Magn
POL111Political SciencePS101Amer Gov/Citizenship
PSY100Human RelationsPSY1XXHuman Relations
PSY121General PsychologyPSY100General Psychology
PSY125Child DevelopmentPSY223Early Child Develp
PSY126Child/Adol DevPSY221Child/Adol Develop
PSY127Human DevPSY1XXHuman Dev
PSY223Abnormal PsychologyPSY230Abnormal Psych
PSY224Human SexualityPSY2XXHuman Sexuality
RDG120Critical Reading & ThinkingWRT100Intro College Writ
RH121Human RelationsCM1XXHuman Relations
RH122Political SciencePS141American Governmnt
RH123Economics IECO1XXEconomics I
RM131Business Tech Math IMAT1XXBusiness Tech Math I
RS151Mam Anat & Phys IBIO220Human A/P I
SOC111Sociology ISOC100Intro Sociology
SOC209Social ProblemsSOC220Am Social Problems
SOC213Ethical Iss in Health CareSOC2XXEthical Iss in Hlth Care
SOC224Family StructuresSOC225The Family
SPA133Beg SpanishSPN101Elem Spanish I
SPA136Span Comm ISPN101Elem Spanish I
SPA137Span Comm IISPN102Elem Spanish II
SPA138Spanish Communication IIISPN201Inter Spanish I
SSC100First Year SeminarFYS1XXFirst Year Seminar
SSC106Intro to LeadershipSOC1XXIntro to Leadership
VSC109Drawing IART215Drawing I
VSC115Intro to DesignART1XXIntro to Design
VSC125Color & CompART1XXColor & Comp
VSC131Art History IART204Survey West Art I
VSC132Art History IIART205Survey West Art II
VSC133Hist of Graphic DesignART1XXHist Graphic Design
VSC155Typography & LayoutART1XXTypography & Layout
VSC160Comp Graphics IART1XXComp Graphics I
VSC161Computer Graphics IIART206Elements Comp Graph
VSC162Computer Graphics IIIART1XXComputer Graphics III
VSC165Photography IART245Photography I
VSC166Photography IIART1XXPhotography II
VSC175Print Prod ProcART1XXPrint Prod Proc
VSC190Intro to VideographyCM242Video Prodctn I
VSC251Portfolio WkshopART2XXPortfolio Workshop
VSC262Comp Graphics IIIART2XXComp Graphics III
VSC267Color PhotographyART2XXColor Photography
VSC268Photo IllustrationART345Photography III
VSC270Project MgmtART2XXProject Mgmt
VSC275Self PromotionART2XXSelf Promotion
VSC281Project ElectiveART2XXProject Elective
Drexel UniversityYork College of Pennsylvania
ACCT110Accounting for ProfACC1XXAccounting for Prof
ACCT111Financial AccoutingACC220Financial Acct
ACCT115Fin Acctg FoundationsACC220Financial Acct
ANAT101Anat & Phys IBIO220Human A/P I
ARCH141Arch & Society INPE1XXArch & Society I
ARTH101Hist/Art: Anc-MedART204Survey West Art I
ARTH102Hist/Art: Ren-RomanART205Survey West Art II
ARTH103Hist Art-Early/Late ModART1XXHist Art-Early/Late Mod
BIO101App Bio Eco, EvolBIO1XXBiology Elect no lab
BIO102Biology IBIO150Biology I
BIO104Bio II: Grwth & HeredityBIO152Biology II
BIO106Bio III: Org BioBIO300Ecology
BIO107Cells, Gen & PhysBIO1XXCells, Gen & Phys
BIO109Bio Diversity, Eco & EvolBIO1XXBio Div, Eco & Evol
BIO122Cells and GeneticsBIO150Biology I
BIO124Evol & Organismal DivBIO152Biology II
BIO141Essential BiologyBIO150Biology I
BIO201Human Physiology IBIO220Human A/P I
BIO203Human Physiology IIBIO222Human A/P II
BIO204Metabolic Molecular Cell BioBIO2XXMetabolic Molecular Cell Bio
BIO206Biosci V: Gene Expres & FunctBIO240Genetics
BIO480ST: The Bio ExperienceBIO4XXST: The Bio Experience
BLAW201Business Law IBUS345Business Law I
BMES125Fnds of Biomed EngNPE1XXFnds of Biomed Eng
BMES212The Body SyntheticNPE2XXThe Body Synthetic
BMES301Lab I: Exp BiomechNPE3XXLab I: Exp Biomech
BMES302Lab II: BiomeasurementsNPE3XXLab II: Biomeasuremnts
BMES303Lab III: Biomed ElectronicsNPE3XXLab III: Biomed Elect
BMES310Biomedical StatisticsMAT250Statistics
BMES321The Living EngineBIO3XXBiology Elective No Lab
BMES322The Body SyntheticBIO3XXBiology Elective No Lab
BMES338Biomedical Ethics and LawPHL346Bioethics
BMES338Biomedical Ethics and LawBIO3XXBiology Elective No Lab
BUSN101Found of Bus IBUS1XXFound of Bus I
BUSN101Foundations of Business IBUS150Intro to Business
BUSN102Found Business IIBUS1XXFound Business II
BUSN498Intro to EntrepreneurBUS3XXIntro to Entrepreneur
CHEM101Gen Chem ICHM134Gen Chem I
CHEM102General Chemistry IICHM136Gen Chem II
CHEM103General Chemistry IIICHM1XXGen Chemistry III
CHEM241Organic Chemistry ICHM234Organic Chem I
CIVC101Intro Civic EngagementBUS1XXIntro to Civic Eng
CJ369Forensic Science SurveyCJA3XXForensic Sci Survey
COM101Hum CommunicationCM104Human Communicatn
COM111Prin of CommCM104Human Communicatn
COM270Bus CommWRT210Writng/Prof Culturs
COM310Tech CommWRT210Writng/Prof Culturs
COOP101Career Mgmt/Prof DevEGR290Enginrg Career Trng
CS121Comp Lab ICS1XXComp Lab I
CS122Comp Lab IICS1XXComp Lab II
CS123Comp Lab IIICS1XXComp Lab III
CS131Computer Programming AIFS200Intro Prog/Sftwr I
CS132Computer Programming BIFS201Intro Prg/Sftwr II
CS133Computer Programming CIFS1XXComputer Programming C
CS161Intro to ComputingIFS105Personal Computing
CS164Intro Comp SciCS1XXIntro Comp Sci
CS171Comp Prog ICS101Fund Comp Sci I
CS390Computer Programming ACS3XXComputer Programming A
DANC190Afr Dance Tech IPE1XXAfr Dance Tech I
EAM130Overview of EAMCM1XXOverview of EAM
EAM200Intro Music IndustryMUS297Survey Music Industry
EAM211Strat Mgmt for EAMART1XXStrat Mgmt for EAM
EAM261Copyrights & TrademarkesCM2XXCopyrights & Trademarks
EAM270Audience Dev for the ArtsART2XXAudience Dev for Arts
EAM312Intro Fund Dev ArtsART3XXIntro Fund Dev Arts
ECE201Electric CircuitsME280Electrcl Circts
ECON201Economics IECO201Prin Econ-Micro
ECON202Economics IIECO200Prin Econ-Macro
ECON240Econ Health Care SysECO2XXEcon Health Care Sys
ECUC524Curr Rsrch CurrED2XXCurr Rsrch Curr
EDUC120Child Development IEDU1XXChild Dev I
EDUC520Prof Stud InstrED2XXProf Stud Instr
EDUC522Eval of InstrED2XXEval of Instr
EDUC523Diag TeachingED2XXDiag Teaching
EDUC524Cur Rsrch Curr & InstED2XXCur Rsrch Curr & Inst
EDUC525Multi-Media Instr DesED2XXMulti-Med Instr Des
EDUC526Lang Arts ProcED2XXLang Arts Proc
EDUC533Virtual LearningED2XXVirtual Learning
EDUC534Dev Ed Lead Using TechED2XXDev Ed Lead Using Tech
EDUC535Rsrch & Eval Instr TechED2XXRsrch & Eval Instr Tech
EDUC540Field ExperienceED2XXField Experience
ENGL101Composition and RhetoricFCO105Rhetorical Comm
ENGL102Composition and Rhetoric IIWRT1XXComp and Rhetoric II
ENGL103Analy Writ & RdgWRT1XXAnaly Writ & Rdg
ENGR101Eng Des Lab IEGR1XXEng Des Lab I
ENGR102Eng Des Lab IIEGR1XXEng Des Lab II
ENGR103Eng Des Lab IIIEGR1XXEng Des Lab III
ENGR111Intro Eng DesignEGR100Epads I
ENGR1131st Year Eng DesignEGR1XX1st Year Eng Design
ENGR121Computation Lab IEGR1XXComputation Lab I
ENGR131Intro Progm for EngEGR1XXIntro Prog for Eng
ENGR201Eval & Pres of Ex Data IEGR2XXEval & Pres of Ex Data I
ENGR202Eval & Pres of Exp Data IIEGR2XXEval & Pres pf Exp Data II
ENGR210Intro to ThermodynamicsEGR2XXIntro to Thermodynamics
ENGR220Fund of MaterialsEGR2XXFund of Materials
ENGR361Stat Analy of Engr SysEGR305Stats Desgn/Prcess Contrl
ENVS271Dinosaurs and their WorldESS2XXEarth Science Elect no lab
FMST105Film History & Theory IFLM220Film History
FMST204Film Voice and StyleFLM2XXFilm Voice and Style
FMST205Film History & Theory IIHIS2XXFilm History & Theory II
FMST250The Documentary TraditionFLM2XXThe Documentary Tradition
FMST290Hollywoodland IFLM1XXHollywoodland I
FMST291Hollywoodland IIFLM2XXHollywoodland II
FMTV100Visual StorytellingFLM1XXVisual Storytelling
FMTV130Basic TV StudioFLM1XXBasic TV Studio
FMTV260Experimental FilmFLM2XXExperimental Film
FMTV280Basic ProducingCM242Video Prodctn I
FMTVT280Show BusinessTHE2XXShow Business
FMVD110Shooting & LightingCM1XXShooting & Lighting
FMVD110Basic Shooting and LightCM1XXBas Shooting & Lighting
FMVD115Basic EditingART295Editorial Photography I
FMVD120Basic SoundTHE1XXBasic Sound
FMVD200Acting for the ScreenTHE215Acting
FMVD202Directing for the ScreenWRT2XXDirecting for the Screen
FMVD215Narrative Video ProductionCM242Video Prodctn I
FMVD218Intermediate CinematographyFLM2XXIntermediate Cinematography
FMVD226Intermediate SoundFLM2XXIntermediate Sound
FMVD235Intermediate LightingFLM2XXIntermediate Lighting
FMVD237Intermediate EditingFLM2XXIntermediate Editing
GER101German IGRM101Elem German I
GSTDT180Academic Exploration & PlanninFYS1XXAcademic Exploration & Plannin
HIST162Themes World Civ IIH219Hist Western Civ I
HIST163Themes World Civ IIIH220Hist Western Civ II
HIST285Technology in the Hist PerspHIS2XXTech in the Hist Persp
HSAD210Health Care EthicsPHL2XXHealth Care Ethics
HSCI480Sp Topics in Hlth SciNUR331Comp/Alternative App
HUM101CompositionWRT101English Comp
HUM102Reading and ResearchWRT200Wrtng About Lit
HUM102Reading and ResearchWRT1XXReading and Research
HUM103Tech Analy & EvalLIT160Intro Literature
HUM106Humanities & Commun IWRT101English Comp
HUM107Humanities & Commun IIWRT200Wrtng About Lit
HUM108Humanities & Commun IIIWRT1XXHumanities & Com III
INFO110Human-Computer Interac ICS1XXHuman-Comp Interac I
INFO520Prof/Soc Aspcts Info SvcsIFS1XXProf/Soc Asp Info Svcs
INTB200Intl BusinessIBS200Internatl Business
ISYS101Intro Information Sys IIFS1XXIntro Information Sys I
ISYS102Intro Info Systems IIIFS1XXIntro Info Systems II
ISYS105Info Eval Org & UseIFS105Personal Computing
ISYS110Human-Computer InteractionIFS1XXHuman-Comp Interaction
ISYS200Systems Analysis IIFS2XXSystems Analysis I
ISYS210Database Mgmt SystemsIFS180Intro Data Managmnt
ISYS350Distributed Computing & NetwIFS325Intro Networks
ISYS355Systems Analysis IIIFS440Bus Sys Anly/Design
ISYS365Database Admin IIFS3XXDatabase Admin I
ITAL101Italian IITL101Elem Italian I
ITAL102Italian 2ITL102Elem Italian II
MATE100Mat for Emer TechEGR1XXMat for Emer Tech
MATH100Fund of MathMAT102Prelim Math/Prob Solv
MATH101Intro to Analysis IMAT105College Algebra
MATH102Intro to Analysis IIMAT120Applied Calculus
MATH119Mathematics for DesignMAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MATH121Calculus IMAT171Calculus I
MATH122Calculus IIMAT172Calculus II
MATH180Discrete Comp StructMAT235Discrete Mathemtcs
MATH200Calculus IVMAT371Adv Calculus I
MATH200Multivariate CalculusMAT271Calculus III
MATH261Linear AlgebraMAT260Elem Linear Algebra
MATH262Differential EquationsMAT272Diff Equations
MATH279Fund of MathMAT2XXFund of Math
MEM201Funds Cmptr Aided DesignEGR2XXFunds Cmptr Aided Design
MEM202Engr Mechanics-StaticsEGR2XXEngr Mechanics-Statics
MEM310Thermodynamic Analysis IME320Thermodynamics
MUSC121Music Theory IMUS182Music Theory I
MUSC130Intro to MusicMUS200Music Appreciation
MUSC190Class Piano IMUS140Piano Class
MUSC191Class Guitar IMUS138Guitar
MUSC238Rock Music Since the Mid-60sMUS288History Rock/Roll
MUSC241Appl Music I: Elec BassMUS2XXAppl Music I: Elec Bass
NSC102Seapower & MaritimeNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
NURS527Evid Based Approaches to PracNUR5XXEvid Based App to Prac
PHEV141Atmos Sci I: Cimate/Glob ChngESS1XXAtmos Sci I: Climate/Glob Ch
PHEV143Atmos Sci II: Wthr Anal/ForcstESS1XXEarth Sci Elective No Lab
PHIL101Intro West PhilosophyPHL221Intro Philosophy
PHIL105Critical ReasoningPHL222Critical Thinking
PHIL111Beg LogicPHL231Logic
PHTO110PhotographyART245Film Photography
PHTO140Digital Photo IART246Digital Photography
PHTO210Intermed PhotographyART247Digital Image
PHYS100Prep for Eng StudiesPHY1XXPrep for Eng Studies
PHYS101Fund of Physics IPHY160Eng Phys:Mechncs
PHYS102Fundamentals of Physics IIPHY260Eng Phys:Elct/Magn
PHYS111Physics IPHY160Eng Phys:Mechncs
PHYS151Appl PhysicsPHY1XXPhysics Elect No Lab
PHYS201Fundsmentals of Physics IIIPHY262Eng Phys: Opt/Mod
PSY101General Psychology IPSY100General Psychology
PSY111Proprof Gen Psych IPSY100General Psychology
PSY112Preprof Gen Psych IIPSY1XXPreprof Gen Psych II
PSY120Dev PsychologyPSY1XXDev Psychology
PSY140Appr to PersonalityPSY1XXAppr to Personality
PSY150Intro Soc PsychologyPSY243Social Psychology
PSY213Sensation and PerceptionPSY2XXSensation and Percep
PSY240Abnormal PsychologyPSY230Abnormal Psych
PSY310Drugs & Hum BehPSY3XXDrugs & Hum Beh
SCRP220Playwriting ITHE275Playwriting
SCRP270Screenwriting ICRW277Screenwriting I
SCRP280Writing the Short FilmCRW2XXWriting the Short Film
SCRPT280LA Evening WithCRW2XXLA Evening With
SOC101Intro to SociologySOC100Intro Sociology
SOC250Research Methods ISOC335Research Methods
SOC335Sociology of EducationSOC3XXSoc of Education
SOC350Research Methods IISOC336Resrch Methdlgy II
STAT201Stats IQBA260Business Statistics
STAT201Stats IMAT250Statistics
STAT201Stats IBEH260Statistics
STS345Stats for Health SciBEH260Statistics
TDEC110Math Fndns Engr IMAT171Calculus I
TDEC111Phys Fndns of Engr IEGR1XXPhys Fndns of Engr I
TDEC112Math Fndns of Engr IIMAT172Calculus II
TDEC113Phys Fndns of Engr IIEGR1XXPhys Fndns of Engr II
TDEC114Math Fndns of Engr IIIMAT271Calculus III
TDEC115Phys Fndns of Engr IIIEGR1XXPhys Fndns of Engr III
TDEC120Chem/Biol Fndns Engr IEGR1XXChem/Biol Fndns Engr I
TDEC121Chem/Biol Fndns Engr IIEGR1XXChem/Biol Fndns Engr II
TDEC122Chem/Biol Fndns Engr IIIEGR1XXChem/Biol Fndns Engr III
TDEC130Eng Design Lab IEGR1XXEng Design Lab I
TDEC131Eng Design Lab IIEGR1XXEng Design Lab II
TDEC132Eng Design Lab IIIEGR1XXEng Design Lab III
TDEC140Calc & Phys Pract Eng IEGR1XXCalc & Phys Pract Eng I
TDEC142Calc & Phys Pract Eng IIIEGR1XXCalc & Phys Pract Eng III
TDEC201Energy IEGR2XXEnergy I
TDEC202Energy IIEGR2XXEnergy II
TDEC211Materials IEGR2XXMaterials I
TDEC212Materials IIEGR2XXMaterials II
TDEC221Systems IEGR2XXSystems I
TDEC222Systems IIMAT272Diff Equations
TDEC231Eval/Pres Exper Data IEGR2XXEval/Pres Exper Data I
TDEC232Eval/Pres Exper Data IIEGR2XXEval/Pres Exper Data II
THTR130Intro Theater Prod PractTHE350Theatre Pract I
THTR212Sketch ComedyTHE2XXSketch Comedy
UNIVG101The Drexel ExperienceFYS1XXThe Drexel Experience
VSST101Design IART210Design I
VSST102Design IIART211Design II
WEST100Introduction to Digital DesignART200Intro Graphic Design
WRIT215Story MedicineCRW2XXStory Medicine
East Stroudsburg University of PAYork College of Pennsylvania
ART101Intro to ArtART101Intro Art Apprec
ART151Basic DrawingART215Drawing I
ART321Drawing IIART265Drawing II
ATEP202Kines: Applied AnatomyNPE1XXKines: Applied Anat
ATEP429Meas & Eval Lower ExtremSPM4XXMeas & Eval Lower Ext
BIOL104Human EcologyBIO1XXBiology Elective No Lab
BIOL105General BiologyBIO1XXBiology Elective No Lab
BIOL106Insects & Human LifeBIO1XXInsects & Human Life
BIOL110Hum Anatomy & PhysiolBIO220Human A/P I
BIOL111Hum Anatomy & Phys IBIO220Human A/P I
BIOL112Hum Anatmy & Phys IIBIO222Human A/P II
BIOL114Intro BiologyBIO150Biology I
BIOL115Intro Biology IIBIO152Biology II
BIOL200General EcologyBIO300Ecology
BIOL340Animal PhysiologyBIO308Animal Physlgy
BIOL424Mech of Disease IBIO4XXMech of Disease I
BIOL495Seminar IBIO4XXBiology Elective no lab
BIOM472Coral Reef EcologyYMS491Coral Reef Ecology
BSPE142Dance IPE1XXDance I
CHEM101Modern Chemical ScienceCHM1XXChemistry Elective No Lab
CHEM104Chem for ConsumCHM1XXChemistry Elective No Lab
CHEM106Fingerprint ElemCHM1XXChem Elect No Lab
CHEM108Env ChemCHM1XXChem Elect No Lab
CHEM115Chem, Mol, LifeCHM1XXChemistry Elect No Lab
CHEM115Chem, Mol, LifeCHM122Prin Gen/Org Chem
CHEM121Gen Chem ICHM1XXChem Elect No Lab
CHEM121Gen Chem ICHM134Gen Chem I
CHEM124General Chemistry IICHM136Gen Chem II
CHEM124General Chemistry IICHM1XXChemistry Elective no lab
CHEM233Organic Chem ICHM2XXChemistry Elect No Lab
CHEM233Organic Chem ICHM234Organic Chem I
CHEM234Organic Chem IICHM236Organic Chem II
CHEM234Organic Chem IICHM2XXChemistry Elective No Lab
CHEM275Chem Asp DrugCHM2XXChemistry Elective No Lab
CMST111Speech CommunicationCM212Public Speaking
CMST126Intro to Mass MediaCM211Mass Communication
CMST229Broadcast JournalismCM271Print Media Writing
CMST253Public SpeakingCM212Public Speaking
CMST315Voice for BroadcastingCM3XXVoice for Broadcasting
CMST440Ethical/Legal IssuesCM3XXEthical/Legal Issues
CPSC100PC's and Their UsesIFS105Personal Computing
CPSC101PCS & Use in SciCS1XXPCS & Use in Sci
CPSC101GE: PCs & Use in ScienceIFS105Personal Computing
CPSC103Intro Information TechnologyIFS1XXIntro Information Tech
DAEL100First Year ExperienceFYS100First Year Seminar
DANC143Elementary Jazz DancePAW173Jazz Dance I
DANC315Dance Perf & ProdPE3XXDance Perf & Prod
ECED232Child Dev & CogPSY221Child/Adol Develop
ECON111Prin MacroeconomicsECO200Prin Econ-Macro
ECON112Prin MicroeconomicsECO201Prin Econ-Micro
ECON122Personal FinanceBUS218Personal Finance
ECON311Interm MacroeconECO310Int Macro Econ
EDCM200Intro PhotographyART245Photography I
ELED132Child Growth & DevPSY221Child/Adol Develop
ELED264Prin & Pract TeachingEDU2XXPrin & Pract Teaching
ELED342Lang Arts Child EdEDU3XXLang Arts Child Ed
ELED343Math Child EdEDU3XXMath Child Ed
ELED346Child LitEDU3XXChild Lit
ELED351Mus Child EdEDU3XXMus Child Ed
EMGT200Prin of MgmtMGT150Prin of Management
EMGT204Prin of MarketingMKT100Prin Marketing
EMGT225Bus Law IBUS260Legal Environment
ENGL101Elements of WritingWRT1XXElements of Writing
ENGL103English CompositionFCO105Rhetorical Comm
ENGL162Intro Lit Analysis & IntLIT200Perspectives/Lit
ENGL186Jewish Short StoriesLIT1XXJewish Short Stories
ENGL203Adv CompositionWRT2XXAdv Composition
ENGL203Adv CompositionWRT202Academic Writing
ENGL205Workplace WritingFCO210Comm Prof Cultures
ENGL208Wrt Young Adult LitWRT2XXWrt Young Adult Lit
ENGL225GE: Intro Creative WrtgCRW272Intro Creative Wrt
ENGL225Intro Creative WrtWRT272Intro Creative Wrt
ENGL264Amer Lit ILIT281Amer Lit to 1885
EXSC121Aerobic FitnessPE136Aerobic Dance
FIT110Aerobic DancePE136Aerobic Dance
FIT111Personal FitnessPE1XXPersonal Fitness
FIT114Weight TrainingPE119Physical Fitness
FIT114Weight TrainingPE118Physical Fitness
FIT115Tae Kwon Do IPE1XXTae Kwon Do I
FIT123Volleyball IPE160Volleyball
FIT131Racquetball IPE1XXRacquetball I
FIT132Tennis IPE159Tennis
FIT141Folk & Square DancePE112Square Dancing
FIT142Soc & Ballroom DancePE1XXSoc & Ballroom Dance
FIT153Swimming IPE1XXSwimming I
FLFR120French Mstr TrnsFRN1XXFrench Mstr Trns
FLFR141Fr Infl Europe CulFRN1XXFr Infl Europe Cul
FLGR116German IGRM101Elem German I
FLLN116Latin ILAT101Elem Latin I
FLSP116Spanish ISPN101Elem Spanish I
FLSP117Spanish IISPN102Elem Spanish II
FLSP120Span Mastrpcs-TranSPN1XXSpan Mastrpcs-Tran
FLSP315Span Grammar & CompSPN420Adv Spanish Grammar
FLSP336Spanish Oral PracticeSPN3XXSpan Oral Practice
FLSP402Readings in Span LitSPN307Span Culture/Civ
FLSP444Cult Hist of SpainSPN307Span Culture/Civ
FYE100University StudiesFYS100First Year Seminar
GEOG110GE: Cultural GeographyG243Intro Geography
GEOG120Physical GeographyG1XXPhysical Geography
HIST111GE: World History to 1500HIS121World History I
HIST112Mod Civ 1300-1914HIS1XXMod Civ 1300-1914
HIST11320 CWorld Since 1914HIS122World History II
HIST141Found U.S. to 1829HIS111American Civ I
HIST14219 CUnited StatesHIS112American Civ II
HIST14320th Cen US HistoryHIS373Twentieth Cent Am Hist
HIST14420 Cent Amer Sn 1941HIS367Recent Amer/1945-Prs
HIST241Amer Colonial HistHIS350Amer Colonial Hist
HIST252Hist of PennsylvaniaHIS2XXHist of Pennsylvania
HIST278Hist Everyday LifeHIS2XXHist Everyday Life
HIST290Vietnam EraHIS2XXVietnam Era
HIST371Med & Renaissance EurHIS301Medieval Civ
HLTH220Personal & Consumer HlthPE1XXPhys Ed Elect
HLTH220Personal & Consumer HlthNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
HLTH230Comm HealthNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
HLTH230Comm HealthPE1XXPhys Ed Elect
HLTH240Health EmergenciesEDU305Responding/Emerg
HLTH356Drug & Alcohol Teach PrepNPE1XXDrug & Alcohol Tch Prep
HPLW105Health Promotion & WellnessPAW1XXHealth Promotion & Wellness
HRTM101Intro to Hptly & Tourism IndHSP100Intro to Hptly & Tourism Ind
MATH100Fund of MathematicsMAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MATH101Exc in MathMAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MATH105Math Prob Solve Prek-8MAT115Sets/Number Systems
MATH110Gen StatsQBA260Business Statistics
MATH110Gen StatsBEH260Statistics
MATH110Gen StatsMAT250Statistics
MATH130App Alg MethMAT105College Algebra
MATH140Calculus IMAT171Calculus I
MCOM105Photo: Camera TechART1XXPhoto: Camera Tech
MCOM140Comm Theories & PracCM206Communicatn Theory
MCOM160Electronic Comm & TechART1XXElectronic Comm & Tech
MGT200Principles of ManagementMGT150Prin of Management
MGT211Fin AccountingACC220Financial Acct
MGT353Small Business ManagementBUS3XXSmall Business Management
MLSP214Spanish IIISPN201Inter Spanish I
MSES120Phys ConditioningPE134Concpts Phys Actvty
MSES123YogaPE163Intro to Yoga
MSES167Track & Field Events IPE1XXTrack & Field Events I
MUS100Intro MusicMUS200Music Appreciation
MUS101Fund of MusicMUS181Found Music Theory
MUS110Piano Class IMUS140Class Piano
MUS113Class Voice IMUS146Voice Class
MUS130Concert ChoirMUS150YCChorale
MUS134Marching BandMUS1XXMarching Band
MUS135Univ/Comm Conc BandMUS1XXUniv/Comm Conc Band
MUS203Jazz & Pop MusicMUS2XXJazz & Pop Music
MUS204Musical TheatreMUS2XXMusical Theatre
MUS242GE: Univ Jazz EnsembleMUS162Jazz Ensemble
NURS102Conc Prof NursingNUR1XXConc Prof Nursing
NURS201Hlth Assmt for NursNUR2XXHlth Assmt for Nurs
NURS301Nutrition & Diet TherapyNUR202Nutrition
NURS302Intro Comm Hlth NursNUR3XXIntro Comm Hlth Nurs
NURS304Gerontological NursNUR3XXGerontological Nurs
NURS320Intro Nursing PractNUR3XXIntro Nursing Pract
PETE153Aquatics IPE1XXAquatics I
PETE170Basketball IPE152Basketball
PHIL110Intro to PhilosophyPHL221Intro Philosophy
PHIL121Dimensions of ManPHL1XXDimensions of Man
PHIL238Philosophy of LawPHL347Philosophy of Law
PHYS105Phys for Inquiring MindPSC1XXPhysical Sci Elective No Lab
PHYS110Sound Waves & LightPHY1XXPhysics Elect No Lab
PHYS121Astro I: Sky & SolarESS1XXEarth Sci Elect No Lab
PHYS131Fund Physics IPHY110Gen Phys:Mech/Ht
PHYS161GN: Physics IPHY110General Physics I
POLS101Basic Issues PoliticsPS1XXBasic Issues Politics
POLS111GN: Princ Political SciPS1XXPolitical Sci Elective
POLS120American GovtPS101Amer Gov/Citizenship
POLS201Public AdminPS151Intro Public Admin
POLS211American GovernmentPS141American Governmnt
PRPE105Intr Physical EducationPE1XXIntr Physical Education
PRPE119Judo and JujitsuPE1XXJudo and Jujitsu
PRPE147Soccer IPE155Soccer
PRPE161Social Forms of DancePE1XXSocial Forms of Dance
PRPE181Gymastics-Womens EventsPE1XXGymnastics-Womens Events
PSED150Intro TeachingEDU1XXIntro Teaching
PSED150Intro Teach All StudEDU1XXIntro Teach All Stud
PSED161Found of EdEDU1XXFound of Ed
PSED250Psych Learn Div ComPSY2XXPsych Learn Div Com
PSY100General PsychologyPSY100General Psychology
PSY105Inf & Early Child DevPSY1XXInf & Early Child Dev
PSY222Psychology AdjustmentPSY2XXPsychology Adjustment
PSY225Life Span DevNUR201Nursing HD/HC
PSY225Life Span DevPSY2XXLife Span Dev
PSY320Social Psychology IIPSY243Social Psychology
PSY321Theories of PersonalityPSY3XXTheories of Personality
PSY326Hlth Psy & Behav MedicinPSY225Health Psychology
PSY351Abnormal PsychologyPSY230Abnormal Psych
PSY402Cognitive ProcessesPSY3XXCognitive Processes
PSY451Intro to CounselingPSY3XXIntro to Counseling
RECR260Recr Special PopulationsREC2XXRecr Special Pop
SOC102Intro Cultural DiversitySOC1XXIntro Cultural Diversity
SOC111Intro SociologySOC100Intro Sociology
SOC231Marriage & FamilySOC225The Family
SOCJ150Intro Crim JusticeCJA101Intro Crim Justice
SOCJ151Intro to SecurityCJA1XXIntro to Security
SPCH111Speech CommunicationCM212Public Speaking
SPCH111Speech CommunicationCM104Human Communicatn
SPCH315Voice for BroadcastingCM3XXVoice for Broadcasting
SPED201Assess & Eval in Sp EdSPE2XXAssess & Eval in Sp Ed
SPED210Theory Into PractSPE2XXTheory Into Pract
SPED214Positive Beh SupportSPE2XXPos Beh Support
SPED215Inst Plan in SpedSPE2XXInst Plan in Sped
SPED314Curr & Inst-Stu Low IncSPE3XXCurr & Inst-Stu Low Inc
THTR100Intro to TheatreTHE254Intro Theatre
THTR101Play ProductionTHE1XXPlay Production
THTR103Theatre PracticumTHE152Theatre Practicum
THTR204Musical TheatreTHE2XXMusical Theatre
THTR328Musical TheatreTHE3XXMusical Theatre
THTR340Advanced ActingTHE355Advanced Acting
THTR341Stage ManagementTHE121Stagecraft
THTR356Film ComedyTHE3XXFilm Comedy
THTR357Science Fiction FilmTHE3XXScience Fiction Film
Elizabethtown CollegeYork College of Pennsylvania
AC101Intro AcctgACC220Financial Acct
AC107Financial AcctgACC220Financial Acct
AC1070BusFinAcctngACC220Financial Acct
AC108Managerial ActgACC225Managerial Acct
AC1080ManagAcctACC225Managerial Acct
AC205Intrmd Acctg IACC320Inter Accounting I
AC206Intrmd Acctg IIACC325Inter Accounting II
AC270Cost Mgmt AcctgACC225Managerial Acct
AC301Intro TaxationACC305Taxation I
AN111Unders Hum CultureANT1XXUnders Hum Culture
AN201Biol AnthroBIO2XXBiol Anthro
AN363Forensic AnthroANT3XXForensic Anthro
ART105Drawing IART215Drawing I
ART106Ceramics IART225Ceramics I
ART120Sculpture IART230Sculpture I
ART120Sculpture IART116Concepts/Sculpture
ART130Computer ArtART1XXComputer Art
ART145Digital PhotographyART246Digital Photography
ART157Hist of Art IIART205Survey West Art II
ART1570HistArtIIART205Survey West Art II
ART205Painting IART220Painting I
ART206Ceramics IIART2XXCeramics II
ART240Japns Art & AesthART2XXJapns Art & Aesth
ART355Hi Apr ArtART101Intro Art Apprec
BA101Bus & SocietyBUS150Intro to Business
BA105Mgr Comm & CareerBUS1XXMgr Comm & Car
BA155Managerial CommBUS1XXManagerial Comm
BA197Intro International BusIBS200Internatl Business
BA215Prin MarketingMKT100Prin Marketing
BA2150PrincMarktMKT100Prin Marketing
BA248Quant Tech BusBUS2XXQuant Tech Bus
BA258Global Bus NegtBUS2XXGlobal Bus Negt
BA265Prin MgmtMGT150Prin of Management
BA271Mngrl Dec MkgMGT2XXMngrl Dec Mkg
BA3100BusEthicsPHL3XXBusiness Ethics
BA330Legal Envir BusBUS260Legal Environment
BA3310BusLawBUS260Legal Environment
BA365Hum Res MgmtMGT220Human Resource Mgt
BA369Behavioral TheoryOBD225Org Behavior
BA3690OrgBehaviorMGT225Org Behavior
BA379Corp GreedBUS3XXCorp Greed
BA3800EntrepreshpENT150Intro Entrepreneur
BA414Mktg: OrganizationsMKT3XXMktg: Organizations
BA4250ProbFinMgmtFIN300Managrl Finance I
BA466Oper & Prod MgmtMGT350Operations Mgmt
BA4670HRMgmtMGT220Human Resource Mgt
BIO101Bio ConceptsBIO204Exploring Biology
BIO103Gen BiolBIO110General Biology
BIO103Gen BiolBIO204Exploring Biology
BIO104Gen BiologyBIO152Biology II
BIO106Genetics & EvolBIO1XXGenetics & Evol
BIO111Molc, Cells, AnSyBIO150Biology I
BIO111Molc, Cells, AnSyBIO142Molecule/Gene/Cell
BIO111Gen Biology IBIO150Biology I
BIO112Intro Bio IIBIO152Biology II
BIO204Plant MorpBIO2XXPlant Morp
BIO206Plant TaxBIO232Plant Taxonomy
BIO212Cell BiologyBIO2XXCell Biology
BIO253Hi His TecBIO2XXHi His Tec
BIO310Molecular BiologyBIO150Intro Molecular Bio
BIO314Behavorial NeurobiologyBIO3XXBehavorial Neuro
BIO318Marine BiologyBIO3XXBiology Elective no lab
BIO499Biol SeminBIO3XXBiology Elective No Lab
CH101Gen Chem: Prac PrnCHM102Chem/Society
CH102Gen ChemCHM136Gen Chem II
CH105Gen ChemCHM134Gen Chem I
CH107Chem: EnergyCHM1XXChem: Energy
CH109Forensic Sci w/ LabFCM1XXForensic Sci w/ Lab
CH113Organic Chem ICHM234Organic Chem I
CH201Organ ChemCHM234Organic Chem I
CH202Organ ChemCHM236Organic Chem II
CH301Quant AnalCHM336Quant Analy Chm
CJ117Int Crm Jus SysCJA101Intro Crim Justice
CJ210Police Org & MgtCJA2XXPolice Org & Mgt
CJ220Ct Adm MgmtCJA2XXCt Adm Mgmt
CJ242Mod CorrectionsCJA2XXMod Corrections
CJ252Juv Law & JustCJA348Juvenile Justice
CJ270Crim InvestCJA305Crim Investigation
CJ310Eth Iss in Crim JustCJA203Ethical Issues/CJ
CJ330Mthd CJ ResearchCJA295Data Collect/Analysis
CJ400Crim Law & ProcCJA302Criminal Law
CJ411Const LawCJA4XXConst Law
CJ420Psy Crim BehCJA4XXPsy Crim Beh
CJ430Wh Coll CrimeCJA383White Collar Crime
COM120Intro to CommCM206Communicatn Theory
COM125Media Des & ProdCM1XXMedia Des & Prod
COM130Visual CommunART101Visual Commun
COM135Pub Des & GraphART1XXPub Des & Graph
COM145Bl & Wh PhotogART245Photography I
COM251Intrntl CommCM2XXIntrntl Comm
COM311Rep & NewswritingCM271Print Media Writing
COM3620Visual CommART101Art/Visual Culture
CS120Comp Apps: MSDOSIFS1XXComp Apps: MSDOS
CS121Computer Sci ICS1XXComputer Sci I
CS122Computer Sci IICS1XXComputer Sci II
CS221Data StructuresCS2XXData Structures
CS222Systems PrgmgCS2XXSystems Prgmg
CS230Micro ArchtcturCS2XXMicro Archtctur
CS240Information SysCS2XXInformation Sys
CS270Excel IIFS2XXExcel I
CS309Database SystmsCS3XXDatabase Systms
CS332Comp Org/ArchCS3XXComp Org/Arch
CS341System AnalysisCS3XXSystem Analysis
CS342Comptr NetworkgCS3XXComptr Networkg
DA102Intro to BalletPE1XXIntro to Ballet
DA170Dance ImprovPE1XXDance Improv
DA202Ballet IIPE2XXBallet II
EC100Global EconECO1XXGlobal Econ
EC1000GlblMacEcECO200Prin Econ-Macro
EC101Prin Macro EconECO200Prin Econ-Macro
EC102Prin Micro EconECO201Prin Econ-Micro
EC1020PrinMicrEcoECO201Prin Econ-Micro
EC280Int'l Orn SemBUS2XXInt'l Orn Sem
ED105Found of EducEDU1XXFound of Ed
ED105Found Tchg LrngEDU200Found of Education
ED150Early Childhood DevelopmentECH230Early Child Theory
ED150Early Childhood DevelopmentPSY221Child/Adol Develop
ED150Child & Adol PsyPSY221Child/Adol Develop
ED151Adol DevelopmentPSY221Child/Adol Develop
ED161Integrated Tech IEDU210Instructnl Technlgy
ED241ESL in ClassroomEDU2XXESL in Classroom
ED305Mthds Sec EnglEDU3XXMthds Sec Engl
EGR100Intro to Engr IEGR1XXIntro to Engr I
EGR110Intro Engr IIEGR1XXIntro Engr II
EGR110Intro Engr IIEGR100Epads I
EN100Writing & LangFCO105Rhetorical Comm
EN1000WrtgLangFCO105Rhetorical Comm
EN102Western Lit CultLIT1XXWestern Lit Cult
EN104Intro to LitLIT200Perspectives/Lit
EN105Intro to LitLIT200Perspectives/Lit
EN110Litr: Exp FormLIT1XXLitr: Exp Form
EN113Intro DramaLIT1XXIntro Drama
EN150Adv Wrtg & LangFCO105Rhetorical Comm
EN180Intro Creative WrtgCRW272Intro Creative Wrt
EN185Intro Prof WritingFCO210Comm Prof Cultures
EN200Maj Brit WritersLIT284Brt Lit after 1750
EN205Ma En WritWRT2XXMa En Writ
EN222Lit of the RenLIT2XXLit of the Ren
EN230Post-1800 Brit LitLIT284Brt Lit after 1750
EN240American LitLIT282Amer Lit after 1885
EN241American Lit ILIT281Amer Lit to 1885
EN242Amer Lit IILIT282Amer Lit after 1885
EN2420AmLit 1865-PLIT281Amer Lit/Identity I
EN245Growing Up AmerHUM2XXGrowing Up Amer
EN281Short StoryLIT291Short Story
EN301Eng Grammar & LitLIT2XXEng Gram & Lit
EN302Engl LanguageLIT310Language/Linguistics
EN306Mthd Teach CompEDU3XXMthd Teach Comp
EN317Narrative StudyLIT3XXNarrative Study
EN403ShakespeareLIT323Shakespeare I
ES113Earth in SpaceESS154Intro/Astronomy
ES114GeosystemsESS152Earth/Space Sci
ES215MeteorologyESS2XXEarth Sci Elective No Lab
ESC100Intro to Exr ScnceEPS203Essentials Strength & Conditio
ESC180Fund Kinis & ExerEPS101Foundations Exercise/Hum Perf
ESC240Motor LearningEPS1XXMotor Learning
ESC250Prvnt & Well PromoPAW234Well/Fitness/Life
ESC260Nutrition Ex & SpBIO226Food & Nutrition
FR111Lang & Cul IFRN101Elem French I
FR112Lang & Cul IIFRN102Elem French II
FR170Francophone LitFRN1XXFrancophone Lit
FR211Interm French IFRN201Inter French I
FR212Interm French IIFRN202Inter French II
FR305FR Adv ConversFRN205Inter French Convs
FYS100First Year SeminarFYS100First Year Seminar
GER111Lang/Culture IGRM101Elem German I
GER112Lang/Culture IIGRM102Elem German II
GER211Interm German IGRM201Inter German I
GER212Interm German IIGRM202Inter German II
HAN111Hnr Human CultrBEH1XXHnr Human Cultr
HEN100Hnr Writ & LangFCO105Rhetorical Comm
HI111Amer BiographyHIS1XXAmer Biography
HI114West Civ IHIS101Foundation/West
HI115West CivHIS102Western Civ II
HI201U.S. Hist to 1877HIS111American Civ I
HI202U.S. Hist Since 1877HIS112American Civ II
HI208Amer Tech & ValHIS2XXAmer Tech & Val
HI212Race & EthnicityHIS2XRace & Ethnicity
HI214British HistoryHIS2XXBritish History
HI230Amer Minds IHIS2XXAmer Minds I
HI306Recent U.S. HistHIS367Recent Amer/1945-Prs
HI371Mod Far EaHIS3XXMod Far Ea
HMA251Prob & StatsBEH260Statistics
HMA251Prob & StatsMAT250Statistics
HMA251Prob & StatsQBA260Data Driven Dec Making
HS108Human ServicesHSV100Intro to HSV
HS162Soc WelfareHSV1XXSoc Welfare
HS235Couns TechHSV2XXCouns Tech
HS366Couns TheoryHSV1XXCouns Theory
HW130Intro CoachingHSC1XXIntro Coaching
ILS105Interfaith, Led, ServHUM1XXInterfaith, Led, Serv
JA111Lang & Cult IL1XXLang & Cult I
MA101Elem FuncMAT1XXElem Func
MA105Math Lib StudyMAT115Sets/Number Systems
MA110Algebra & TrigMAT105College Algebra
MA117Con CalculusMAT120Applied Calculus
MA121Calculus IMAT171Calculus I
MA122Calculus IIMAT172Calculus II
MA130Creat Prob SolvMAT1XXCreat Prob Solv
MA151Prob and StatBEH260Statistics
MA151Prob and StatQBA260Business Statistics
MA151Prob and StatMAT250Statistics
MA1510ProbStatQBA260Data Driven Dec Making
MA201Linear AlgebraMAT260Elem Linear Algebra
MA205Math for Elem TeachersMAT115Math Foundations
MA222Calculus IIIMAT271Calculus III
MA235Intr Math ProofsMAT280Math Structures
MA251Prob & StatQBA260Business Statistics
MA251Prob & StatMAT250Statistics
MA251Prob & StatBEH260Statistics
ML171Swedish Lang/CultINT1XXSwedish Lang/Cult
MU101Tonal Theory IMUS182Music Theory I
MU102Tonal Theory IIMUS183Music Theory II
MU103SS Ear Training IMUS184Sight Singing I
MU104SS Ear Training IIMUS185Sight Singing II
MU110Basic MusicianshipMUS200Music Appreciation
MU111Voice ClassMUS146Voice Class
MU117Piano ClassMUS140Class Piano
MU118Piano Class IIMUS141Class Piano
MU121Tonal History IMUS1XXTonal History I
MU125Amer Pop MusicMUS287American Pop Music
MU150Prof SemMUS1XXProf Sem
MU151Int Music ThrpyMUS1XXInt Music Thrpy
MU152MT Clin PopMUS1XXMT Clin Pop
MU174Dict for SingersMUS1XXDict for Singers
MU201Theory IIIMUS282Music Theory III
MU203SS Ear Training IIIMUS284Sight Singing III
MU205World MusicsMUS281World Music
MU211MscHIst1600-185MUS390Music History I
MU217Keyboard Harmony IMUS2XXKeyboard Harmony I
MU218Keyboard Harmony IIMUS2XXKeyboard Harmony II
MU230Music Tch & LrnMUS2XXMusic Tch & Lrn
MU232Woodwind ClassMUS170Woodwind Ensemble
MU236Percussion MTMUS2XXPercussion MT
MU237String ClassMUS166String Ensemble
MU332Music TechnologMUS3XXMusic Technolog
MU360PPiano EnsembleMUS3XXPiano Ensemble
MU361Concert ChoirMUS150YCChorale
MU364Treble ChoirMUS3XXTreble Choir
MU369Symphonic BandMUS3XXSymphonic Band
NEU125Intro NeurologyBIO1XXIntro Neurology
OT105Intro Hlth & WellPAW234Well/Fitness/Life
OT201Women's LeisureWGS2XXWomen's Leisure
PCS160Conflict Dyn/TrnPS1XXConflict Dyn/Trn
PCS165Peace, WarPS1XXPeace, War
PCS260Peacebldg ThmsPS2XXPeacebldg Thms
PCS265Nonviol AmericaBEH2XXNonviol America
PE115Physical CondtPE134Concpts Phys Actvty
PE137Outdoor RecPE141Intro Advntr Sport
PE140BowlingPE110Beginning Bowling
PE225Wom TennisPE159Tennis
PE265Phys CondPE134Concpts Phys Actvty
PH105Intro PhilosophyPHL221Intro Philosophy
PH110Logic & Crit ThinkingPHL222Critical Thinking
PH111Intro ClassicHUM1XXIntro Classic
PH201Hist West Phil IPHL2XXWest Phil I
PH202His West Ph IIPHL2XXHis West Ph II
PH205West Pol HrtgPHL2XXWest Pol Hrtg
PH255DEthics-EnvironPHL240Environmentl Ethics
PH255LLegal EthicsPHL2XXLegal Ethics
PH320Phl of ReligionPHL383Philos Of Religion
PHY101Gen Physics 1PHY110Gen Phys:Mech/Ht
PHY105How Things WorkPSC1XXHow Things Work
PHY105How Things WorkPSC1XXHow Things Work
PHY112Gen Phy IIPHY110Gen Phys:Mech/Ht
PHY200College Phys IPHY160Eng Phys:Mechncs
PHY201College Phys IIPHY260Eng Phys:Elct/Magn
PHY202College Phys IIIPHY2XXCollege Phys III
PHY211Gen Ph IIIPHY112Gen Phys:Elc/Magn
PS101Found Am GovntPS141Am Gov: Institutions
PS111Amer National GovtPS101Amer Gov/Citizenship
PS111Amer National GovtPS141American Governmnt
PS150Intro Comp PolPS260Comparative Politics
PS205Values & VisionPS2XXValues & Vision
PS211Political PsychPS313Political Psychology
PS245NCH Intl RelationsPS302International Rel
PS350EU Sim IPS479European Union
PSY105Gen PsychologyPSY100General Psychology
PSY171Adult Dev & AgingPSY222Adult Development
PSY206Exp PsychPSY100General Psychology
PSY206Exp PsychPSY2XXExp Psych
PSY208Hlth PsychPSY2XXHlth Psych
PSY2080HlthPsychPSY2XXHlth Psych
PSY213Research MethodsPSY2XXResearch Methods
PSY218Psych StatBEH260Statistics
PSY221Abnormal PsychologyPSY230Abnormal Psych
PSY225Dev PsychNUR201Nursing HD/HC
PSY225Dev PsychPSY2XXDev Psych
PSY241Sensory PsychPSY2XXSensory Psych
PSY280Psych StatsBEH260Statistics
PSY341Human CognitionPSY307Cognitive Psych
PSY435Res Social PsyPSY4XXRes Social Psy
REL105Expl ReligionREL265World Religions
REL115World RelgREL265World Religions
REL165Pc Wr Non ViolHUM1XXPc Wr Non Viol
REL215Hi Lit ChrREL2XXHi Lit Chr
REL221Western ReligionsREL265World Religions
REL225Hebrew BibleREL2XXHebrew Bible
REL230Religion in AmrREL369Amer Rel Thght/Cult
REL264Rel & ViolenceREL2XXRel & Violence
REL290Dharma TradREL2XXDharma Trad
REL292Rel E SE AsiaREL2XXRel E SE Asia
REL295Abrahamic TraditionREL2XXAbrahamic Tradition
SED222Fnd Inclus EdSPE200Process/Procedures
SO101Intro to SocSOC100Intro Sociology
SO170Crime, Soc, IntrpSOC1XXCrime, Soc, Intrp
SO204Pop/Global IssSOC2XXPop/Global Iss
SO217Int Crm Jus SysCJA101Intro Crim Justice
SO220Race & Elh RelationsSOC315Ethnic/Minorities
SO370Violence & VictimSOC3XXViolence & Victim
SP101Elem SpanSPN101Elem Spanish I
SP111Lang & Cul ISPN101Elem Spanish I
SP112Lang & Cult IISPN102Elem Spanish II
SP211Comm Lang Cul ISPN201Inter Spanish I
SP212Com Lng Cul IISPN202Inter Spanish II
SP311Mod Sp SocietySPN3XXMod Sp Society
SP314Mod Hisp AmericaSPN3XXMod Hisp America
SP319Spn LinguisticsSPN425Spanish Linguistics
SW151Soc Welfare IssSOC1XXSoc Welfare Iss
SW160Soc ProblemsSOC220Am Social Problems
SW233Human Behavior ISOC2XXHuman Behavior I
TH105Intro TheatreTHE254Intro Theatre
TH165Basic ActingTHE262Acting
WGS105Sex and GenderWGS200Women/Gender Studies
WGS371Female w/o BndryWGS3XXFemale w/o Bndry
Frederick Community CollegeYork College of Pennsylvania
ACCT101Principles of Accounting IACC220Financial Acct
ACCT102Prin of Acct IIACC225Managerial Acct
AN101Intro to AnthropologyANT220Cult Anthropology
ANTH101Intro AnthropologyANT1XXIntro Anthropology
AR100Intro to Creative ArtsHUM1XXIntro to Creative Arts
AR101Fundamentals of Design IART210Design I
AR103Survey of Non-Western ArtART1XXSurvey of Non-Western Art
AR104Survey of Art IART204Survey West Art I
AR105Survey of Art IIART205Survey West Art II
AR106Drawing IART215Drawing I
AR111Pottery IART225Ceramics I
AR112Pottery IIART275Ceramics II
AR113Pottery IART225Ceramics I
AR119Pottery: The Wood KilnART1XXPottery: The Wood Kiln
ARTT100Intro Creative ArtsART101Art/Visual Culture
ARTT101Found Studio Art IART1XXFound Studio Art I
ARTT103History of Art: Non-WesternART1XXHistory of Art: Non-Western
ARTT104Hstry of Art: Pre Hist EarlyART204Survey West Art I
ARTT106Drawing IART215Drawing I
ARTT204IllustrationART223Illustration I
ARTT205Illustration IIART273Illustration II
ARTT206Intro to Figure StudyART216Figure Drawing I
ASLS100ASL Finger & NumberCM1XXASL Finger & Number
ASLS101Visual Gesture CommCM1XXVisual Gesture Comm
ASLS102Amer Sign Lang ICM150Beg Sign Language
ASLS103American Sign Lang IICM250Adv Sign Language
ASLS121American Sign Lang ICM150Beg Sign Language
ASLS122American Sign Lang IICM250Adv Sign Language
ASLS202Am Sign Lang IIICM2XXAm Sign Lang III
ASLS203Am Sign Lang IVCM2XXAm Sign Lang IV
BI100Fund Concepts BioBIO204Exploring Biology
BI101Gen Bio IBIO150Biology I
BI102General Biology 2BIO152Evol/Ecol & Divers
BI103Anatomy & PhysiologyBIO220Human A/P I
BI104Anat & Phys IIBIO222Human A/P II
BI115Fund of Human AnatBIO1XXFund of Human Anatomy
BI117Study of Human BodyBIO1XXBiology Elect No Lab
BI120Microbiol for Allied HlthBIO230Microbiology
BI130Forensic BiologyBIO1XXForensic Biology
BI201Gen EcologyBIO2XXGen Ecology
BI202Human EcologyBIO1XXBio Elective No Lab
BIOT130Forensic BiologyBIO1XXForensic Biology
BMGT103Introduction to BusinessBUS150Intro to Business
BMGT109Entrepren/Small Bus EnterpENT260Ent/Small Bus Mgmt
BMGT120Business CommunicationsFCO210Comm Prof Cultures
BSCI100Fund Concepts of BioBIO204Exploring Biology
BSCI106General EcologyBIO2XXGeneral Ecology
BSCI107Study of Human BodyBIO1XXBiology Elect no lab
BSCI150Prin of Biology IBIO143Mole/Gene/Cell Lab
BSCI150Prin of Biology IBIO142Molecule/Gene/Cell
BSCI201Anatomy & Phys IBIO2XXAnatomy & Phys I
BSCI201Anatomy & Phys IBIO220Human A/P I
BSCI202Anatomy and Phys IIBIO222Human A/P II
BSCI223MicrobiologyBIO230Microbio/Allied Hlth
BU101Prin of Accounting IACC1XXPrin of Accounting I
BU102Prin of Accounting IIACC220Financial Acct
BU103Intro to BusinessBUS150Intro to Business
BU109Entrepren/Small Bus EntENT150Intro Entrepreneur
BU205Business StatisticsQBA260Data Driven Dec Making
BU211Bus Law IBUS260Legal Environment
BU225MarketingMKT100Prin Marketing
CAD101Intro AutoCAD IEGR1XXIntro AutoCAD I
CAD102Intro AutoCAD IIEGR1XXIntro AutoCAD II
CH100Chemistry & SocietyCHM102Chem/Society
CH101General ChemistryCHM134Gen Chem I
CH102General ChemistryCHM136Gen Chem II
CH201Organic ChemistryCHM234Organic Chem I
CHEM101General Chem ICHM134Gen Chem I
CHEM201Organic Chemistry ICHM235Orgnc Chm I Lab
CHEM201Organic Chemistry ICHM234Organic Chem I
CIS101Intro Sys & TechnologyIFS105Personal Computing
CIS101Intro Sys & TechnologyIFS100Info Tech Competncy
CIS106Intro Obj Des & ProgCS1XXIntro Obj Des & Prog
CIS170Security FundIFS1XXSecurity Fund
CIS191CISCO 2 Routing TechIFS1XXCISCO 2 Routing Tech
CIS192CISCO 3 SwitchingIFS1XXCISCO 3 Switching
CIS201Comp Sci ICS2XXComp Sci I
CJ101Intro to Criminal JusticeCCJ101Intro Crim Justice
CJ110Criminal LawCJA1XXCriminal Law
CJ204Police Operational ServicesCJA2XXPolice Operational Serv
CJ214The Correctional ProcessCJA2XXThe Correctional Process
CJ220Crim Evid & ProcCJA2XXCrim Evid & Proc
CM103Speech FundamentalsCM212Public Speaking
CM103Speech FundamentalsCM104Human Communicatn
CM105Group DiscussionCM104Human Communicatn
CMIS101Info Systems & TechnologyIFS105Personal Computing
CMIS105Introduction to ProgrammingCS1XXIntroduction to Programming
CMM101Intro to Electronic MediaCM1XXIntro to Electronic Media
CMM103Introduction to FilmFLM216Intro to Film
CMM105Basic Darkroom Dig PhotoART1XXDarkroom Dig Photo
CMM111Comm Graphics IART1XXComm Graphics I
CMM112Comm Graphics IICM1XXComm Graphics II
CMM114Web DesignART1XXWeb Design
CMM131Darkroom Photography IART245Photography I
CMM132Digital Photo IART246Digital Photography
CMM152TV Studio ProdCM242Video Prodctn I
CMM212Comm Graphics IIIART2XXComm Graphics III
CMSP101Intro Comm StudiesCM1XXIntro Comm Studies
CMSP103Speech FundamentalsCM212Public Speaking
CMSP105Small Group CommCM304Group Discussion
CMSP105Group DiscussionCM304Group Discussion
COMM105Small Group CommCM1XXSmall Group Comm
COMM111Intro to Mass CommunicationCM1XXIntro to Mass Communication
CON101Intro to Construction MgmtMGT1XXIntro/Construction Mgmt
DR101Intro to TheaterTHE254Intro Theatre
DR102Intro to ActingTHE262Acting
EC201Prin of Economics-MacroECO200Prin Econ-Macro
EC202Princ of Econ MicroECO201Prin Econ-Micro
ECD104Activities I for ChildrenEDU1XXAct I for Children
ECON200Principles of MacroeconomicsECO200Prin Econ-Macro
ECON202Principles of MicroeconomicsECO201Prin Econ-Micro
ED100Child Dev and BehaviorPSY1XXChild Dev and Behavior
ED102Schools & SocietyEDU1XXSchools & Society
ED202Ed PsychologyEDU370Psych of Learning
ED202Ed PsychologyEDU375Psy Learning/Second
ED203Found of Spec EdSPE2XXFound of Spec Ed
ED207Children's LiteratureEDU2XXChild Lit
ED208Hum Grwth & DevPSY2XXHum Grwth & Dev
ED208Hum Grwth & DevNUR201Nursing HD/HC
ED214Proc & Aquis of RdgEDU2XXProc & Aquis of Rdg
EDPS210Human Growth & DevelopmentPSY2XXHuman Growth & Development
EN101English CompositionFCO105Rhetorical Comm
EN102Eng Comp & LitLIT200Perspectives/Lit
EN115Technical WritingFCO215Tech/Scientfc Comm
EN204Amer LitLIT282Amer Lit after 1885
EN205World LitLIT2XXWorld Lit
EN206World LitLIT2XXWorld Lit
EN223Classical MythologyHUM2XXClassical Mythology
EN226Film as LitLIT393Novels into Film
ENGL101English CompFCO105Rhetorical Comm
ENGL102Eng Composition & LiteratureLIT200Intro Lit & Text Stud
ENGL219Tech WritingFCO215Tech/Scientfc Comm
FILM101Intro FilmFLM216Intro to Film
FILM134Digital Photography IART246Digital Photography
FILM134Digital Photography IGRD247Digital Image
FILM144Digital Video ProdCM1XXDig Video Prod
FOS152ToxicologyBIO1XXBiology Elective No Lab
GEOG101Elem of GeographyG100World Reg Geography
GG101Elements of GeographyG100World Reg Geography
GG102Cultural GeographyG1XXCultural Geography
GRPH111Graphic Design IART200Intro Graphic Design
GRPH112Graphic Design IIGRD206Elements of Computer Graphics
GRPH114Web Design IART340Web Design I
GRPH212Graphic Design IIIGRD2XXGraphic Design III
GRPH214Web Design IIGRD341Web Design II
GRPH215Professional/Transfer PortfoliGRD299Soph Portfolio Graphic Design
HE100Elements of NutritionNPE1XXElem of Nutrition
HE102Nutrition Changing WorldNUR202Nutrition
HE201Stress ManagementPAW1XXStress Management
HE201Stress ManagementNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
HE201Stress ManagementPE1XXStress Mgmt
HE204Health EducationNPE1XXNon Prog Elective
HE204Health EducationPE1XXPhysical Ed Elective
HI101Hist of West CivHIS101Western Civ I
HI102Hist of West CivHIS102Western Civ II
HI201Hist of U.S.HIS111American Civ I
HI202Hist of U.S.HIS112American Civ II
HI205Contemp Lat AmerHIS343Modern Latin Amer
HIST101Hist of Western CivilizationHIS101Foundation/West
HIST122World History IIHIS122World History II
HIST202Hist of US IIHIS112American Civ II
HLTH160Stress ManagementPAW2XXStress Management
HS102Human RelationsCM1XXHum Relations
HU104Intro to Digital HumanitiesHUM1XXIntro to Dig Humanities
HU201Humanities I: Cult/Hum ExpHUM2XXHumanities I: Cult/Hum Exp
HUMN104Humanities in a Digital WorldHUM1XXHumanities in a Digital World
HUMN204World RelgREL265World Religions
HUMS102Human RelationsHSV1XXHuman Relations
HUMS203Intro Counseling/InterviewingHSV2XXIntro Counseling/Interviewing
ID110Media/Human ValuesCM1XXMedia/Human Values
ID113Introduction to LeadershipBUS1XXIntro to Leadership
ID209Ethnic DiversitySOC2XXEthnic Diversity
ID220World War II Through FilmFLM2XXWWII Through Film
ID225Disas, Crisis & Emrg MgmtCM2XXDisas, Crisis & Emrg Mgmt
LAR101Intro Arabic IARB101Elem Arabic I
LF101Intro French IFRN101Elem French I
LG101Intro German IGRM101Elem German I
LI101Introductory Italian IITL101Elem Italian I
LR101Intro Russian IRUS101Elem Russian I
LS101Intro Spanish ISPN101Elem Spanish I
LS102Introductory Spanish IISPN102Elem Spanish II
MA103Found of MathMAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MA105Fund Conc Math IMAT115Sets/Number Systems
MA106Fund Conc Math IIMAT215Sets/Number Sys II
MA111Algebra and TrigonometryMAT108Precalculus
MA120Calculus IMAT171Calculus I
MA130College AlgebraMAT105College Algebra
MA201Applied CalculusMAT120Applied Calculus
MA202Intro Discrete MathMAT235Discrete Mathemtcs
MA206Elementary StatisticsBEH260Statistics
MA206Elementary StatisticsQBA260Business Statistics
MA206Elementary StatisticsMAT250Statistics
MA207Elem Stats/ProbMAT250Statistics
MA207Elem Stats/ProbQBA260Business Statistics
MA207Elem Stats/ProbBEH260Statistics
MA210Calculus IMAT171Calculus I
MA211Calculus IIMAT172Calculus II
MA213Diff EquationsMAT272Diff Equations
MATH101Found of MathMAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MATH120StatisticsQBA260Data Driven Dec Making
MATH125Business StatisticsQBA260Data Driven Dec Making
MATH127Statistics and ProbBEH260Statistics
MATH127Statistics and ProbMAT250Statistics
MATH127Statistics and ProbQBA260Data Driven Dec Making
MATH145College AlgebraMAT105College Algebra
MATH185Calc IMAT171Calculus I
MATH206Intro StatisticsQBA260Data Driven Dec Making
MATH206Intro StatisticsMAT250Statistics
MATH206Intro StatisticsBEH260Statistics
MDA109Medical TermRT105Medical Terminology
MDA109Medical TermBIO201Medical Terminology
MEDA109Medical TerminologyHSC105Medical Terminology
MEDA109Medical TerminologyBIO201Medical Terminology
MU101Intro to Music Hist/ApprMUS186Listening to Music
MU101Intro Music Hist/ApprMUS200Music Appreciation
MU103Fund of MusicMUS181Found Music Theory
MU106Aural & Keyboard Skills IMUS1XXAural & Keybrd Skills I
MU107Aural & Keyboard Skills IIMUS185Aural Skills II
MU109History of American Pop MusicMUS287American Pop Music
MU111Music Theory IMUS182Music Theory I
MU112Music Theory IIMUS183Music Theory II
MU117Choral Ensemble IMUS150YCChorale
MU118Choral Ensemble IMUS1XXChoral Ens I
MU119Jazz Ensemble IMUS1XXJazz Ensemble I
MU120Jazz Ensemble IMUS162Jazz Ensemble
MU121Orchestral Ensemble IMUS164Community Orchestra
MU123Wind Ensemble IMUS1XXWind Ensemble I
MU124Wind Ensemble IMUS1XXWind Ensemble I
MU130Foundations Aud TechMUS1XXFoundations Aud Tech
MU135Audio Recording TechMUS1XXAudio Recording Tech
MU145Pub, Lic, CopyrightMUS1XXPub, Lic, Copyright
MU151Class Piano IMUS140Piano Class
MU152Class Piano IIMUS141Class Piano
MU172First Year PianoMUS103Piano
MU173First Year PianoMUS1XXPiano
MU173First Year PianoMUS104Piano
MU173AFirst Year PianoMUS1XXFirst Year Piano
MU174First Year VoiceMUS101Voice
MU175First Year VoiceMUS102Voice
MU182First Year StringsMUS166String Ensemble
MU183First Year StringsMUS1XXFirst Year Strings
MU186First Year PercussionMUS136Percussion
MU187First Year PercussionMUS137Percussion
MU187First Year PercussionMUS1XXPercussion
MU206Aural & Keybrd Skls IIIMUS2XXAural & Keybrd Skls III
MU207Aural & Keyboard Skills IVMUS2XXAural & Key Skills IV
MU211Music Theory IIIMUS282Music Theory III
MU212Music Theory IVMUS283Music Theory IV
MU217Choral Ensemble IIMUS2XXChoral Ens II
MU219Jazz Ensemble IIMUS1XXJazz Ensemble II
MU220Jazz Ensemble IIMUS163Jazz Ensemble
MU223Wind Ensemble IIMUS2XXWind Ensemble II
MU224Wind Ensemble IIIMUS1XXWind Ensemble III
MU230Studio Rec TechMUS2XXStudio Rec Tech
MU235Advanced Aud ProdMUS2XXAdvanced Audio Prod
MU240MIDI Music Prod TechMUS2XXMIDI Music Prod Tech
MU251Class Piano IIIMUS240Class Piano
MU252Class Piano IVMUS241Class Piano
MU272Second Year PianoMUS2XXSecond Year Piano
MU273Second Year PianoMUS1XXSecond Year Piano
MU274Second Year VoiceMUS201Voice
MU275Second Year VoiceMUS202Voice
MU286Second Year PercussionMUS2XXSecond Year Percussion
MU287Second Year PercussionMUS2XXSecond Year Percussion
MUS230Studio Rec TechMUS2XXStudio Rec Tech
MUSC103Fund of MusicMUS181Found Music Theory
MUSC106Ear Training & Music IMUS184Aural Skills I
MUSC107Ear Training & Musicianship IIMUS185Aural Skills II
MUSC109American Pop MusicMUS287American Pop Music
MUSC112Music Theory IIMUS183Music Theory II
MUSC130Found of Audio TechCM226Audio Productn I
MUSC135Audio Recording TechCM1XXAudio Recording Tech
MUSC145Pub, Lic and CopyrightMUS1XXPub, Lic & Copyright
MUSC185First Year GuitarMUS148Guitar Class
MUSC230Studio Recording TechMUS1XXStudio Recording Tech
MUSC235Advanced Audio ProductionMUS2XXAdvanced Audio Production
MUSC240Music Prod TechMUS187Intro Music Tech
MUSC250Music Industry Practicum & SemMUS2XXMusic Industry Practicum & Sem
NUTR102Nutrition in the WorldBIO226Food & Nutrition
PC103Elements of Physical SciPSC1XXPhys Sci Elect No Lab
PC104Water Planet: OceanBIO1XXBiology Elect No Lab
PC105Intro to Sci of WeatherPSC1XXPhysical Sci Elective No Lab
PC107Intro to AstronomyESS154Intro/Astronomy
PC108Historical GeologyESS1XXHistorical Geology
PC114Contemp Phys SciPSC1XXContemp Phys Sci
PC115Intro to GeosciESS1XXIntro to Geosci
PC121Energy and SocietyPSC1XXEnergy and Society
PE153Intro Phys EdEDU1XXIntro Phys Ed
PE154Fitness for LivingPAW234Well/Fitness/Life
PE160Elem FencingPAW1XXElem Fencing
PE161Psych of SportSPM1XXPsych of Sport
PE166Weight TrainingPAW118Physical Fitness
PE195Tai ChiPAW164Intro to Tai Chi
PH101Intro to PhilosophyPHL221Intro Philosophy
PH204World ReligionsREL265World Religions
PH207Biomed EthicsPHL2XXBiomed Ethics
PH208Business EthicsPHL255Business Ethics
PHED145Body MechanicsPAW119Physical Fitness
PHED148Exercise PsychologyPSY1XXExercise Psychology
PHED165Fitness for LivingPAW234Well/Fitness/Life
PHIL101Intro to PhilosophyPHL221Intro Philosophy
PHSC104Survey of OceanographyESS1XXSurv Oceanography
PHSC117Intro AstronomyESS154Intro/Astronomy
PHYS151General Physics IPHY160Eng Phys:Mechncs
PI104American Govt: NationalPS141American Governmnt
PI104American Govt: NationalPS101Amer Gov/Citizenship
POSC104American GovernmentPS101Amer Gov/Citizenship
PS101General PsychologyPSY100General Psychology
PS104Iss of Drug/Alc UseSOC210Drug/Alcohol Addctn
PS202Social PsychologyPSY243Social Psychology
PS204Psych of AdolPSY2XXPsych of Adol
PS205Psych of AgingPSY2XXPsych of Aging
PS206Abnormal PsychPSY230Abnormal Psych
PS207Death & DyingGER330Death/Dying/Bereav
PS208Hum Growth & DevPSY2XXHum Growth & Dev
PS208Hum Growth & DevNUR201Nursing HD/HC
PSYC101General PsychologyPSY100General Psychology
PSYC202Social PsychologyPSY243Social Psychology
PSYC206Abnormal PsychologyPSY230Abnormal Psych
PY101Survey of PhysicsPHY1XXPhysics Elective No Lab
PY203Intro Physics IPHY160Eng Phys:Mechncs
PY204Intro Physics IIPHY260Eng Phys:Elct/Magn
SO101Intro to SociologySOC100Intro Sociology
SO102Social ProblemsSOC220Am Social Problems
SO202Marriage and FamilySOC225The Family
SOCY101Intro to SociologySOC100Intro Sociology
SOCY102Social ProblemsSOC220Am Social Problems
SOCY210Ethnic DiversitySOC2XXEthnic Diversity
SPAN101Intro Spanish ISPN101Elem Spanish I
THR102Intro to ActingTHE262Acting
Frostburg State UniversityYork College of Pennsylvania
ACCT100Fund of AccountingACC1XXFund of Accounting
ACCT201Intro Accounting IACC2XXIntro Accounting I
ACCT211Financial AcctACC220Financial Acct
ART100Art AppreciationART101Intro Art Apprec
ART110Visual ImageryART101Intro Art Apprec
ART111Honors: Art ApprART101Intro Art Apprec
BIOL109Hum Biol & EnvBIO1XXHum Biol & Env
BIOL128Intro to EthnobotanyBIO1XXEthnobotany
BIOL149Gen Biology IBIO151Biology I Lab
BIOL149Gen Biology IBIO150Biology I
BIOL150Gen Biology IIBIO152Biology II
BIOL202Anat & Phys IIBIO222Human A/P II
BIOL314Plant TaxonomyBIO232Plant Taxonomy
BIOL321Anatomy and Physiology IBIO220Human A/P I
BIOL322Anatomy and Physiology IIBIO222Human A/P II
BLAW291Leg Env of BusBUS260Legal Environment
BUAD100Intro to BusinessBUS1XXIntro to Business
CHEM101General Chem ICHM134Gen Chem I
CHEM103Found of ChemistryCHM1XXChemistry Elect No Lab
CHEM112Chem & SocCHM102Chem/Society
CHEM201General Chemistry ICHM134Gen Chem I
CHEM202General Chemistry IICHM136Gen Chem II
CHEM311Organic Chem ICHM234Organic Chem I
CMAT102Intro Speech CommCM104Human Communicatn
CMST102Intro to Human CommuicationCM212Public Speaking
COSC100Intro to Comp SciIFS105Personal Computing
COSC110Honors: Intro ComputersIFS105Personal Computing
COSC220Intro to Soft ApplIFS2XXIntro to Soft Appl
DANC110Dance AppreciationPE117Modern Dance
DANC131Ballet IPE1XXBallet
ECED150Early Child FoundEDU1XXEarly Child Found
ECED293Early Child Learn EnvirEDU2XXEarly Child Learn Envir
ECON200Basic EconomicsECO2XXBasic Economics
ECON201Prin of Economics MacroECO200Prin Econ-Macro
ECON202Prin of Econ MicroECO201Prin Econ-Micro
EDUC100Career Analysis in EduEDU1XXCareer Analysis in Edu
EDUC201Students, Teachers, LearningEDU2XXStud, Teach, Learn
EDUC202Found LearningEDU2XXFound Learning
EDUC202Found of Learn & InEDU2XXFound of Learn & In
EDUC346Ed Tech Lab IEDU3XXEd Tech Lab I
EDUC376Spec & Multicult EducEDU3XXSpec & Multicult Educ
ENG101Freshman EnglishWRT102Analytical Read/Writ
ENG102Freshman EnglishWRT202Academic Writing
ENGL101Freshman CompositionFCO105Rhetorical Comm
ENGL111Hnr: Freshman CompWRT102Analytical Read/Writ
ENGL150Intro to LitLIT200Perspectives/Lit
ENGL221Intro to LitLIT200Perspectives/Lit
ENGL308Social Sci Adv CompFCO2XXSocial Sci Adv Comp
ENGL310Adv Comp-GenWRT3XXAdv Comp-Gen
ENGL330Bus WritingWRT210Writng/Prof Culturs
ENGL335Creative Writing: PoetryWRT3XXCreative Writing: Poetry
ENGL338Technical WritingWRT3XXTechnical Writing
ENGL432World Drama IILIT4XXWorld Drama II
EXSS103Foundations of Exercise & SporPAW1XXFoundations of Exercise & Spor
EXSS175Foundations of Resistance TraiPAW1XXFoundations of Resistance Trai
EXSS305Care & Prevention of AthleticEPS3XXCare & Prevention of Athletic
FINA371Ins Plan & Risk MgmtFIN3XXIns Plan & Risk Mgmt
FREN311Fren for Pract Comm IFRN3XXFren for Pract Comm I
FREN312Fren for Pract Comm IIFRN3XXFren for Pract Comm II
FREN313France Until 1789FRN3XXFrance Until 1789
FREN3141789 to Contemp FrnFRN303French Culture/Civ
FREN401French PoetryFRN4XXFrench Poetry
GEOG103Physical GeographyG1XXPhysical Geography
GEOG104Human GeographyG100World Reg Geography
GEOG104Human GeographyG243Intro Geography
GEOG110World Regional GeographyG1XXWorld Regional Geography
HEED100Personal WellnessPE134Concpts Phys Actvty
HEED103Found of Exercise & SptSPM1XXFound Exercise & Sport
HIST100The Contmp World in HistHIS1XXThe Cont Wrld in Hist
HIST104Hist of U.S.HIS112American Civ II
HIST107Hist Non-West WorldHIS1XXHist Non-West World
HIST114World HistoryHIS122World History II
HIST467US in the 20th CenturyHIS36620th Cent Amer Hist
IDIS150First Year CollBEH1XXFirst Year Coll
IDIS151Honors: First Year CollBEH1XXFirst Year Coll
INST100Intro IntlINT1XXIntro Intl
INST150Intro to World ReligionREL265World Religions
MATH102College AlgebraMAT105College Algebra
MATH104Intro to MathMAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MATH109Elemnts of Appli ProbabBEH260Statistics
MATH119College AlgebraMAT105College Algebra
MATH206Prob Solving for ElemMAT115Sets/Number Systems
MATH207Prob Solving for ElemMAT215Sets/Number Sys II
MATH207Prob Solving for ElemMAT215Sets/Number Sys II
MATH209Elem of Appl ProbBEH260Statistics
MATH209Elem of Appl ProbQBA260Business Statistics
MATH209Elem of Appl ProbMAT250Statistics
MCOM101Comm Practicum (TV)CM1XXComm Practicum (TV)
MCOM105Intro Mass CommCM211Mass Communication
MCOM150Intro to RadioCM1XXIntro to Radio
MCOM213Audio ProdCM226Audio Productn
MCOM490Spec Topics in Mass CommCM444Special Topics
MDFL190Sel Top Foreign LanL1XXSel Top Foreign Lan
MGMT351Mgt of OrgOBD225Org Behavior
MGMT356Leadership and Hum BehaviorMGT225Org Behavior
MISC101Mil ScienceNPE1XXMil Science
MKTG361Prin of MarketingMKT100Prin Marketing
MUS119Choral UnionMUS150YCChorale
MUSC110Intro to World MusicMUS281World Music
MUSC319Univ ChoraleMUS150YCChorale
MUSC329Marching Band: Conc BandMUS3XXMarching Band: Conc Band
MUSC350Mus & Creative InteractionMUS3XXMus & Creat Interaction
NURS401Health AssessmentNUR320Health Assmnt/RN
NURS402Nursing Research and EvdNUR332Research Conc/RN
NURS403Elemt of Prof NursingNUR321Trans Concepts/RN
NURS405Ethics in Cont NursingNUR4XXEthics in Cont Nursing
NURS406Leadership for Qual and SafNUR421Leadership Conc/RN
NURS412Women's HealthNUR4XXWomen's Health
ORIE101Introduction to Higher EducatiFYS1XXIntroduction to Higher Educati
PHEC135Dance ApprPE1XXDance Appr
PHEC163Weight TrainingPE118Physical Fitness
PHEC309Hlth & Phys EdEDU3XXHlth & Phys Ed
PHEC405Psycho-Social Foundations of SSPM4XXPsycho-Social Found of Sport
PHIL101Intro to PhilosophyPHL221Intro Philosophy
PHIL102Contemp Ethical ProblemsPHL1XXContemp Ethical Problems
PHSC100Cosmic ConceptsESS1XXCosmic Concepts
PHSC203Physical SciencePSC2XXPhysical Science
POSC110Intro Amer PolPS142Am Gov: Process/Pol
POSC112Honors Intro AmerPS141American Governmnt
POSC113Intro to World PoliticsPS1XXIntro to World Politics
POSC355Public BudgetingPS3XXPublic Budgeting
PSYC150General PsychologyPSY100General Psychology
PSYC208Lifespan DevelopmentNUR201Nursing HD/HC
PSYC208Lifespan DevelopmentPSY2XXLifespan Development
PSYC210Child PsychologyPSY221Child/Adol Develop
PSYC212Adol & AdulthoodNUR201Nursing HD/HC
PSYC212Adol & AdulthoodPSY2XXAdol & Adulthood
PSYC300Research Methods IPSY3XXResearch Methods I
RECR100Leis & Diverse AmerREC101Recreation/Leisure
RECR201Intro to RecreationREC2XXIntro to Recreation
RECR332Sport Media & CommunicationSPM225Comm in Sport
RECR388Research Methods in RecreationREC3XXResearch Methods in Recreation
REED323Proc & Aquisition of ReadEDU3XXProc & Aquisition of Read
SOCI100Intro to SociologySOC100Intro Sociology
SOCI201Intro to SociologySOC100Intro Sociology
SPAN101Elem Spanish ISPN101Elem Spanish I
SPAN102Elem Spanish IISPN102Elem Spanish II
SPAN211Spanish Grammar, ComposSPN201Inter Spanish I
SPAN212Spanish Grammar, Compos IISPN202Inter Spanish II
SPCH106Intro to TheatreTHE254Intro Theatre
SPCH208Act I: Stnslvskn AppTHE2XXAct I: Stnslvskn App
THEA104Theatre-Hansel & GretTHE1XXTheatre-Hansel & Gret
THEA106Intro to TheatreTHE254Intro Theatre
THEA107Intro Theatrical VisTHE1XXIntro Theatrical Vis
Goucher CollegeYork College of Pennsylvania
AFR200Intro to Africana StudINT2XXIntro to Africana Stud
ANT107Cultural AnthropologyANT220Cult Anthropology
ARH103Intro Hist of ArtART204Survey West Art I
ART101Intro Art Hist IIART205Survey West Art II
ART102Design FundamentalsART210Design I
BIO101Explorations Bio IBIO150Intro Molecular Bio
BIO104Biological DiversityBIO150Biology I
BUS105Quant Reas for BusBUS150Intro to Business
BUS115Prin of AccountingACC220Financial Acct
BUS229Marketing MgmtMKT2XXMarketing Mgmt
BUS312Business AnalyticsQBA260Data Driven Dec Making
CHE111Prin of Chemistry ICHM134Gen Chem I
COM105Intro to Comm StudiesCM1XXIntro to Comm Studies
COM213Make Sense Pop CultCM2XXMake Sense Pop Cult
COM219His TV & RadioCM2XXHis TV & Radio
COM286Field Video ProdCM2XXField Video Prod
CPEC209Ghosts in our MidstSOC2XXGhosts in our Midst
CPEC251Environmental ArtHUM2XXEnvironmental Art
CS116Intro to Comp SciCS1XXIntro to Comp Sci
DMC101Data AnalyticsIFS1XXData Analytics
EC100Intro to EconomicsECO1XXIntro to Economics
EC101Prin of Econ: MicroECO201Prin Econ-Micro
EC102Prin of Econ: MacroECO200Prin Econ-Macro
EC111Essentials of EconECO205Economic Perspctvs
EC211Essentials of Econ IIECO201Prin Econ-Micro
EC211Essentials of Econ IIECO200Prin Econ-Macro
EC225Environmental EconECO2XXEnviron Econ
EC265TOP: Game TheoryECO2XXTOP: Game Theory
EC265ATOP: Econ InequalityECO2XXEcon Inequality
EC326Nat Res EconECO315Environ/Natural Res
ED101Child DevelPSY221Child/Adol Develop
ED103Adol DevEDU1XXAdol Dev
ED104Child Adol DevPSY221Child/Adol Develop
ED601Dev Life SpanMED502Adv Educ Psych
ED602Soc/Psy Aff YouthMED520Adv Psych of Rdg
ED646School LawMED550Legal/Ethical Issue
ED681Cur Dev Mult Ctl SocMED503Curric Trends/Issue
ENG103CompWRT100Intro College Writ
ENG104Academic Writing IWRT102Analytical Read/Writ
ENG105Acad Writing IIWRT202Academic Writing
ENG106Acad Writ IIIWRT202Academic Writing
ENG111Mstrpiece of Eng & AmerLIT1XXMstrpiece of Eng & Amer
ENG201Int Acad WritingWRT202Academic Writing
ES140Intro to Env StudiesESS1XXEarth Sci Elect no lab
ES210Biosphere & SocietyESS2XXEarth Sci Elect no lab
FR110Elements of French IFRN101Elem French I
FR120Elem French IIFRN102Elem French II
FR130Elem of French IFRN201Inter French I
FRO100FRO: Race & SexualityBEH1XXRace & Sexuality
FRO100Frontiers: E. GenetiNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
FRO100FRO:  ArtofNegotiationMKT1XXFRO: ArtofNegotiation
FRO100FRO: WhereTheWildThingsAreHUM1XXFRO:WildThingsAre
FRO140Frontiers in SpanishSPN1XXFrontiers in Spanish
FYS100FYS: HamiltonFYS100First Year Seminar
HIS104Samural: Hist/MythHIS1XXSamural: Hist/Myth
HIS110Am 1607-1876HIS111American Civ I
HIS111Amer SocietyHIS112American Civ II
HIS116Eur His Anc-1715HIS101Western Civ I
HIS230Supreme Court in AmHIS2XXSupreme Court in Amer
LIT114Lit for Everyone: PoeLIT1XXLit for Everyone: Poe
MA100Topics in Cont MathMAT1XXTopics in Cont Math
MA113Prob Solv/Ma GeomMAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MGT110Prin Accounting IACC225Managerial Acct
MGT120Prin Acct IIACC220Financial Acct
MGT229Marketing MgtMKT200Prin Marketing
MUS100Intro to MusicMUS200Music Appreciation
MUS159Voice ClassMUS101Voice
MUS182Priv Inst: PianoMUS103Piano
MUS182Priv Inst: PianoMUS1XXPiano
PCE110Intro to Peace StudiesBEH1XXIntro to Peace Studies
PCE124YBeing HumanBEH1XXBeing Human
PCE148Nonviolence in AmericaBEH1XXNonviolence in America
PCE299Ind Peace StudBEH2XXInd Peace Stud
PHL105Prsnl/Comm EthicsPHL1XXPrsnl/Comm Ethics
PLS100Law and SocietyCJA1XXLaw and Society
PSC111Intro to Pol Theory: CitzPS101Amer Gov/Citizenship
PSC111Intro to Pol Theory: Citz  
PSC112Intro Comp PolPS260Comparative Politics
PSC113Intro Am Pol: Citzn USPS1XXIntro Am Pol
PSC113Intro Am Pol: Citzn USPS141Am Gov: Institutions
PSC114Intro Intl RelPS302International Rel
PSC202Contemporary Pol ThoughtPS369Modern Pol Thought
PSC243The American Pol SystemPS142Am Gov: Process/Pol
PSY105Intro to PsychologyPSY100General Psychology
PSY111Intro to PsychologyPSY100General Psychology
PSY114Intro to PsychologyPSY100General Psychology
PSY225Myths & Myster Hum RelPSY2XXMyths & Myster Hum Rel
PSY226Top in Rel PsyPSY2XXTop in Rel Psy
PSY244Lifespan Devel PsyPSY320Developmental Psych
PSY281Psych of DreamingPSY2XXPsych of Dreaming
PSY283Peace Within/WithoutPSY2XXPeace Within/Without
PSY328Res Sem in Rel PsyPSY3XXRes Sem in Rel Psy
RLG153Rel & SocREL1XXRel & Soc
RLG207Islamic ThoughtREL2XXIslamic Thought
SOC106Soc ImagSOC100Intro Sociology
SP110Elem Spanish ISPN101Elem Spanish I
SP120Elem Spanish IISPN102Elem Spanish II
SP130Intermediate SpanishSPN201Inter Spanish I
SP230Intermed Conv & CompSPN2XXIntermed Conv & Comp
SPE100Spec EdSPE1XXSpec Ed
WRT101Studio for WritersFCO103Rhetorical Comm Studio
WRT120Intro Fiction WritingWRT1XXIntro Fiction Writing
WRT181Writing StudiesFCO105Rhetorical Comm
Hagerstown Community CollegeYork College of Pennsylvania
ACC101Accounting I ACC1XXAccounting I
ACC102Accounting II ACC220Financial Acct
ADJ101Intro to Criminal Justice CJA101Intro Crim Justice
ANT201Intro to Cultural ANT220Cult Anthropology
ART101Intro to Visual Arts ART101Intro Art Apprec
ART101Intro to Visual Arts ART101Art/Visual Culture
ART104Basic Painting ART114Concepts/Painting
ART112Computer Graphics and Design I ART137Computer Graphics I
ART115Photography I ART245Photography I
ART120Ceramics I ART225Ceramics I
ART142Computer Illustration: Adobe ART1XXCompuer Illustration: Adobe
ART203Drawing II ART265Drawing II
ART209Figure Drawing ART216Figure Drawing I
BIO101Gen Biology BIO150Biology I
BIO102General Biology BIO152Biology II
BIO106Unity/Div BIO120Field Nat Hist
BIO110Human Biology BIO1XXBiology Elect No Lab
BIO112Biology of Disease BIO1XXBiology Elect no lab
BIO113Principles of Biology I01BIO142Molecule/Gene/Cell
BIO113Principles of Biology I BIO150Biology I
BIO113Principles of Biology I BIO142Molecule/Gene/Cell
BIO113Principles of Biology I01BIO150Intro Molecular Bio
BIO113LPrinciples of Biology I Lab01  
BIO119Intro Biology for Health Prof04BIO151Intro Mole Bio Lab
BIO119Intro Biology for Health Prof04BIO150Intro Molecular Bio
BIO119Intro Biology for Health Prof04BIO1XXIntro Biology for Health Prof
BIO119LIntro Bio for Hlth Prof: Lab04  
BIO203Human Anat & Phys I BIO220Human A/P I
BIO203Human Anatomy & Physiology I05BIO2XXHuman Anatomy & Physiology I
BIO203Human Anatomy & Physiology I05BIO221Human A/P I Lab
BIO203Human Anatomy & Physiology I05BIO220Human A/P I
BIO203LAnatomy & Physiology I: Lab05  
BIO204Human Anat & Phys II BIO222Human A/P II
BIO204Human Anatomy & Physiology II06BIO223Hum A/P II Lab
BIO204Human Anatomy & Physiology II06BIO222Human A/P II
BIO204LAnatomy & Physiology II: Lab06  
BIO205Microbiology08BIO231Micro/Allied Lab
BIO205Microbiology01BIO230Microbio/Allied Hlth
BIO205Microbiology08BIO230Microbio/Allied Hlth
BIO205Microbiology08BIO231Micro/Allied Lab
BIO205Microbiology01BIO230Microbio/Allied Hlth
BIO205Microbiology08BIO230Microbio/Allied Hlth
BIO205Microbiology01BIO231Micro/Allied Lab
BIO205Microbiology01BIO231Micro/Allied Lab
BIO205LMicrobiology: Lab08  
BTC101Intro to Biotechnology BIO1XXIntro to Biotech
BTC103Forensic Science02FCM211Criminalistics Lab
BTC103Forensic Science02FCM210Criminalistics
BTC103LForensic Science: Lab02  
BUS101Intro to Business BUS150Intro to Business
BUS104Bus Law BUS260Legal Environment
CHM101Introduction College Chemistry07CHM123Gen/Org Chem Lab
CHM101Introduction College Chemistry07CHM122Prin Gen/Org Chem
CHM101LIntro College Chem: Lab07  
CHM103General Chemistry CHM134Gen Chem I
CHM104General Chem CHM136Gen Chem II
CHM203Organic Chemistry I & Lab CHM234Organic Chem I
CHM204Organic Chemistry II & Lab CHM236Organic Chem II
CIS101Intro Data Process IFS1XXIntro Data Process
CIS102Intro to Information Tech IFS105Personal Computing
CIS119Intro to Cand C++ CS1XXIntro to Cand C++
CIS121Unix Operating System IFS1XXUnix Operating System
CIS204Visual Basic IFS160Visual Basic Progrm
CIS269Internship I IFS2XXInternship I
COM101Fund of Radio CM1XXFund of Radio
COM102Writing for Radio CM1XXWriting for Radio
COM187Comm Sem CM1XXComm Sem
COM203Television Prod CM242Video Prodctn I
COM204Comm Internship CM2XXComm Internship
COM205Radio Production CM231Radio Production I
CSC102Intro to Info Tech IFS105Personal Computing
CSC102Intro to Info Tech IFS100Info Tech Competncy
DNC101Dance Appreciation PAW1XXDance Appreciation
DPR101Intro Data Processing IFS1XXIntro Data Processing
ECO101Economic History ECO1XXEconomic History
ECO201Macro Econ ECO200Prin Econ-Macro
ECO202Microecon Prin ECO201Prin Econ-Micro
EDU101Intro to Education EDU200Found of Education
EDU103Found of Early Chld Edu EDU1XXFound of Early Chld Ed
EDU115Methods/Materials Ear Child ECH230Early Child Theory
EDU211Intro to Special Education SPE200Process/Procedures
EDU212Process and Acquis of Reading ECH301Lit/Lang Young Child
EGR103Intro Engineering Sci EGR100Epads I
EGR108Statics EGR250Statics
EGR203Mechanics of Materials EGR264Strength/Materials
EGR204Dynamics EGR1XXDynamics
EGT101Calculators & Computing EGR1XXCalculators & Comptng
EGT132Machine Shop Practice I EGR1XXMachine Shop Pract I
EGT136Mechanics ME1XXMechanics
EGT150CNCProgramming EGR1XXCNCProgramming
EGT153Intermediate Autocad EGR1XXIntermediate Autocad
EGT154Autocad: Advanced Modeling EGR1XXAutocad: Adv Modeling
EGT231Strength of Materials ME2XXStrength of Materials
EGT234Machine Design ME2XXMachine Design
EGT235Hydraulics and Pneumatics ME2XXHydraulics & Pneumatics
ENG101English Composition FCO105Rhetorical Comm
ENG102Composition & Literature LIT200Perspectives/Lit
ENG112Technical Writing WRT1XXTechnical Writing
ENG112Tech Writing FCO215Tech/Scientfc Comm
ENG112Tech Writing FCO105Rhetorical Comm
ENG116Basic Screenwriting WRT1XXBasic Screenwriting
ENG203English Literature LIT283British Lit to 1750
ENG204English Literature LIT284Brt Lit after 1750
ENG205American Literature LIT281Amer Lit to 1885
GDT112Computer Graphics ART1XXComputer Graphics
GDT114Graphic Design I ART1XXGraphic Design I
GEO102Hum Geog G243Intro Geography
GEO105World Regional Geography G100World Reg Geography
HEA102Nutrition NUR202Nutrition
HEA103Personal Health PAW1XXPers Health
HEA105First Aid PAW144Wilderness First Aid
HIS101Hist of Civ HIS121World History I
HIS102Hist of Civ HIS122World History II
HIS201Amer History HIS111American Civ I
HIS202Amer History HIS112American Civ II
HST103Intro to Hum Serv & Soc Work HSV100Intro to HSV
HUM201The Arts:Creat Synthesis HUM2XXThe Arts: Creative Synth
HUM204Religion in Amer REL2XXReligion in Amer
HUM214World Religions REL265World Religions
IST102Intro to Information Tech IFS105Personal Computing
IST102Intro to Inform Tech IFS105Personal Computing
IST102Intro Info Technology IFS100Info Tech Competncy
IST102Intro Info Technology IFS105Personal Computing
IST106Spreadsheet Software IFS1XXSpreadsheet Software
IST120Web Publishing IFS1XXWeb Publishing
MAT100Intermed Algebra MAT102Prelim Math/Prob Solv
MAT101College Algebra MAT105College Algebra
MAT102Trigonometry MAT108Precalculus
MAT108Fund Conc of Math MAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MAT109Intro to Stats QBA260Business Statistics
MAT109Intro to Stats BEH260Statistics
MAT109Intro to Stats MAT250Statistics
MAT119Intro to Stats MAT250Statistics
MAT119Intro to Stats BEH260Statistics
MAT119Intro to Stats QBA260Business Statistics
MAT131Algebra Trigonometry MAT105College Algebra
MAT132Analy Geom and Calculus MAT171Calculus I
MAT161Elem Funct MAT108Precalculus
MAT164Calculus with Appl MAT120Applied Calculus
MAT203Calculus I MAT171Calculus I
MAT204Calculus II MAT172Calculus II
MAT205Calculus III MAT271Calculus III
MAT206Differential Equations MAT272Diff Equations
MGT103Prin of Mgmt MGT150Prin of Management
MGT105Personal Finance FIN220Personal Finance & Banking
MUS101Music Appreciation MUS200Music Appreciation
MUS101Music Appreciation MUS186Listening to Music
MUS103Choral Singing MUS150YCChorale
MUS125Electric Guitar I MUS1XXElectric Guitar I
MUS180History of Rock & Roll MUS288History Rock/Roll
NUR121Cert Nur/Geriatric NUR1XXCert Nur/Geriatric
PED116Tennis PE159Tennis
PED139Fitness Walking PE1XXFitness Walking
PED141Weight Lifting PE119Physical Fitness
PED144Jogging PE1XXJogging
PED146Slimnastics PE1XXSlimnastics
PED152Fund of Dance PE1XXFund of Dance
PED153Contemp Dance PE1XXContemp Dance
PED161Aerobic Workout I PE136Aerobic Dance
PED162Aerobic Workout PE136Aerobic Dance
PED167Ballet/Beginning PE117Modern Dance
PED170Indiv Assess In Pr PE1XXIndiv Assess in Pr
PED171Individual Assessment PE1XXIndiv Assessment
PED171Individual Assess PE1XXIndividual Assess
PED179Baseball PE1XXBaseball
PED181Softball PE156Softball
PED189Int Baseball PE1XXInt Baseball
PED225Prin of Sport Coaching EDU310Prin Athl/Coach
PED240Div in Sport & Athl SPM2XXDiv in Sport & Athl
PHL101Intro to Philosophy PHL221Intro Philosophy
PHS104Gen Phys Sci PSC1XXGen Phys Sci
PHS105Descriptive Astronomy ESS154Intro/Astronomy
PHS108Intro Phys Geology ESS1XXIntro Phys Geology
PHY131Basic Physics I PHY110Gen Phys:Mech/Ht
PHY132Basic Physics II PHY1XXBasic Physics II
PHY201General Physics I03PHY111General Physics Lab
PHY201General Physics I03PHY110General Physics I
PHY201LGeneral Physic I: Lab03  
PHY202General Physics II & Lab PHY112Gen Phys:Elc/Magn
PHY203Prin of Physics I PHY160Eng Phys:Mechncs
PHY204Prin of Physics II PHY260Eng Phys:Elct/Magn
PHY205Prin of Physics III PHY2XXPhysics Elect No Lab
POL101American Govt PS141American Governmnt
PSY101General Psychology PSY100General Psychology
PSY201General Psychology PSY100General Psychology
PSY203Ed Psychology EDU370Psych of Learning
PSY203Ed Psychology EDU375Psy Learning/Second
PSY204Dev Psych: Lifespan NUR201Nursing HD/HC
PSY204Dev Psych: Lifespan PSY2XXDev Psych: Lifespan
PSY206Abnormal Psychology PSY230Abnormal Psych
PSY208Personality Theory PSY2XXPersonality Theory
PSY212Basic Interview PSY2XXBasic Interview
PSY216Social Psychology PSY243Social Psychology
SDV101Academic Success Strategies FYS100First Year Seminar
SMGT209Prin of Coaching SPM2XXPrin of Coaching
SOC101Intro to Sociology SOC100Intro Sociology
SOC206Marriage & Family SOC225The Family
SPD102Elem of Dramatic P THE254Intro Theatre
SPD103Public Speaking CM104Human Communicatn
SPD103Public Speaking CM212Public Speaking
SPD105Voice & Diction CM1XXVoice & Diction
SPD108Intro to Human Comm CM212Public Speaking
SPD290Theater Practicum THE2XXTheater Practicum
SPD291Theater Practicum THE2XXTheater Practicum
SPN101Elem Spanish I SPN101Elem Spanish I
SPN202Int Spanish II SPN202Inter Spanish II
THR101Intro to Theater THE254Intro Theatre
THR102Elem/Dram Production THE1XXElem/Dram Production
THR207Technical Theater THE121Stagecraft
Harford Community CollegeYork College of Pennsylvania
ACCT101Accounting Prin I ACC1XXAccounting Prin I
ACCT102Accounting Prin II ACC220Financial Acct
ACCT104Payroll Acct ACC1XXPayroll Acct
ACCT105Fin State Interpret ACC1XXFin State Interpret
ACCT107Spreadsheet App ACC1XXSpreadsheet App
ACCT108Computerized Acct ACC1XXComputerized Acct
ACCT203Tax Acct I ACC305Taxation I
ACCT204Tax Acct II ACC2XXTax Acct II
ACCT205Auditing ACC2XXAuditing
ACCT206Cost Accounting ACC2XXCost Accounting
ACCT208Managerial Accounting ACC225Managerial Acct
ACCT208Managerial Accounting ACC2XXMang Acct
ACCT211Int Acct I ACC320Inter Accounting I
ACCT212Int Acct II ACC2XXInt Acct II
ACT204Tax Acct II ACC2XXTax Acct II
AHS101Med Term & Ethics BIO201Medical Terminology
AHS101Med Term & Ethics RT105Medical Terminology
ANTH101Intro Phys Anthro ANT210Physical Anthropol
ANTH102Intro to Cultural Anth ANT220Cult Anthropology
ANTH211Archaeology of MD ANT2XXArchaeology of MD
ART101Fundamentals of 2D Design ART210Design I
ART103Intro Graphic Comm ART1XXIntro Graphic Comm
ART106Mixed Media ART1XXMixed Media
ART107Fundamentals of 3D Design ART211Design II
ART108Intro Digital Media ART1XXIntro Digital Media
ART109Sculpture I ART230Sculpture I
ART109Sculpture I ART116Concepts/Sculpture
ART111Drawing I ART215Drawing I
ART112Drawing II ART265Drawing II
ART113Painting I ART114Concepts/Painting
ART113Painting I ART220Painting I
ART115Ceramics I ART225Ceramics I
ART120Intro Comp Graphics ART1XXIntro Comp Graphics
ART121Intro to Drawing ART215Drawing I
ART122Color Theory ART1XXColor Theory
ART160Multimedia ART1XXMultimedia
ART193Independent Study: Art ART1XXIndep Study: Art
ART193Independent Study: Art ART499Independent Study
ART201Survey of Art History I ART204Survey West Art I
ART202Survey of Art History II ART205Survey West Art II
ART203Amer Art & Architect ART2XXAmer Art & Architect
ART204Typography I ART2XXTypography I
ART207Graphic Design ART2XXGraphic Design
ART208Digital Found II ART2XXDigital Found II
ART213Drawing II ART265Drawing II
ART214Painting II ART270Painting II
ART214Painting II ART270Painting II
ART217Watercolor ART2XXWatercolor
ART218Printmaking ART287Printmaking
ART219Sculpture II ART280Sculpture II
ART220Ceramics II ART275Ceramics II
ART221Drawing III ART315Drawing III
ART222Drawing IV ART365Drawing IV
ART223Painting III ART320Painting III
ART224Painting IV ART370Painting IV
ART225Ceramics III ART2XXCeramics III
ART226Ceramics IV ART2XXCeramics IV
ART227Sculpture III ART330Sculpture III
ART228Sculpture IV ART380Sculpture IV
ART229Design for the Web ART2XXDesign for the Web
ART2302D Comp Animation ART2XX2D Comp Animation
ART2313-D Modeling & Anim ART2XX3-D Modeling & Anim
ART232Interactive Design ART2XXInteractive Design
ART233Portfolio Workshop ART2XXPortfolio Workshop
ART238Art & Arch Ancient World ART390Art/Classicl  World
ART239Asian Art & Culture ART2XXAsian Art & Culture
ART251Ceramics Workshop I ART2XXCeramics Workshop I
ART270Multimedia II ART2XXMultimedia II
ART283Commercial Art Fld Proj ART2XXComm Art Fld Proj
ASL101American Sign Language I CM150Beg Sign Language
ASL102Amer Sign Lang II CM1XXAmer Sign Lang II
ASL201Amer Sign Lang III CM250Adv Sign Language
ASTR151Astronomy ESS1XXEarth Sci Elective No Lab
ASTR151Astronomy ESS154Intro/Astronomy
BA101Intro to Business BUS150Intro to Business
BA103Public Relations BUS1XXPublic Relations
BA104Adver & Sales Promo MKT1XXAdver & Sales Promo
BA105Professional Selling MKT220Personal Selling
BA106Prin of Retailing MKT1XXPrin of Retailing
BA107Prin Supervision MGT1XXPrin Supervision
BA108Hum Resource Mgt MGT220Human Resource Mgt
BA109Prin of Mgmt MGT150Prin of Management
BA110Intro to Entrepren ENT150Intro Entrepreneur
BA111Purch & Mat Mgt MGT1XXPurch & Mat Mgt
BA113Intro to Casino Gaming BUS1XXIntro to Casino Gaming
BA145Farm & Agribus Mgt MGT1XXFarm & Agribus Mgt
BA203Principles of Marketing MKT100Prin Marketing
BA204Bus Law I BUS260Legal Environment
BA205Bus Law BUS260Legal Environment
BA205Bus Law BUS2XXBus Law
BA206Small Bus Seminar I ENT150Intro Entrepreneur
BA208Retail Merchandising MKT230Retailing
BA209Agricultural Mkt MKT2XXAgricultural Mkt
BA210Bus Comp Appl IFS105Personal Computing
BA210Bus Comp Appl IFS100Info Tech Competncy
BA212Internet Research IFS2XXInternet Research
BA225Project Mgt MGT2XXProject Mgt
BA242Intl Business IBS200Internatl Business
BA244Prin Quality Improv BUS2XXPrin Quality Improv
BA245Contemp Issues in Business BUS2XXContemp Iss in Bus
BA246Legal Env of Bus BUS260Legal Environment
BA273Coop Educ III Bus Adm BUS2XXCoop Educ III Bus Adm
BIO100Fundamentals of Biology BIO204Exploring Biology
BIO100Fundamentals of Biology BIO205Exp Biology Lab
BIO103Anatomy & Physiology I BIO220Human A/P I
BIO104Anatomy & Physiology II BIO222Human A/P II
BIO106Gen Botany BIO1XXGen Botany
BIO107Gen Zoology BIO1XXGen Zoology
BIO108Human Body in Health BIO112Essentials of A & P
BIO108Human Body in Hlth & Dis BIO1XXBiology Elective No Lab
BIO108Human Body in Health BIO1XXBiology Elective no lab
BIO109Hum Genetics BIO1XXBiology Elect No Lab
BIO110Intro Plant Sciences BIO120Field Nat Hist
BIO110Intro Plant Sciences BIO234Evolution/Diversity
BIO119Bio for Health Prof BIO204Exploring Biology
BIO119Bio for Health Prof BIO205Exp Biology Lab
BIO120General Biology BIO150Biology I
BIO120General Biology BIO151Biology I Lab
BIO120General Biology BIO143Mole/Gene/Cell Lab
BIO120General Biology BIO142Molecule/Gene/Cell
BIO121General Biology II BIO153Biology II Lab
BIO121General Biology II BIO152Biology II
BIO203Anat & Phys I BIO220Human A/P I
BIO203Anat & Phys I BIO221Human A/P I Lab
BIO204Anat & Phys II BIO222Human A/P II
BIO204Anat & Phys II BIO223Hum A/P II Lab
BIO205Microbiology BIO230Microbiology
BIO205Microbiology BIO231Microbio Lab
BIO206Microtechniques BIO2XXBiology Elect No Lab
BIO207Gen Ecology BIO2XXBiology Elect No Lab
BIO208Genetics BIO240Genetics
BIO210Nutrition NUR202Nutrition
CADD101Intro to CADD EGR1XXIntro to CADD
CADD102Int CADD NPE1XXNon Prog Elect
CADD131Revit I EGR1XXRevit I
CADD252Custom AutoCAD EGR2XXCustom AutoCD
CADD265Solidworks EGR2XXSolidworks
CADD273Coop Educ III EGR2XXCoop Educ III
CHEM100Chem for Changing Times CHM102Chem/Society
CHEM103Elem Org & Biochem CHM1XXChem Elect No Lab
CHEM111General Chemistry I CHM135Gen Chem I Lab
CHEM111General Chemistry I CHM134Gen Chem I
CHEM112General Chemistry II CHM136Gen Chem II
CHEM112General Chemistry II CHM137Gen Chem II Lab
CHEM114Gen Chemistry IIB CHM1XXChemistry Elect No Lab
CHEM135Chemistry for Engineers CHM134Gen Chem I
CHEM204Anayltical Chemistry CHM2XXChemistry Elect No Lab
CHEM207Organic Chem I CHM234Organic Chem I
CHEM208Organic Chemistry II CHM236Organic Chem II
CIS102Intro to Info Sciences IFS105Personal Computing
CIS102Intro to Info Sciences IFS100Info Tech Competncy
CIS104Comp Oper Sys IFS1XXComp Oper Sys
CIS106Intro to Micro Office IFS105Personal Computing
CIS110Intro to UNIX/Linux IFS1XXIntro to UNIX/Linux
CIS111CProg Lang EGR150Computational Methods
CIS113Intro to Powerpoint IFS1XXIntro to Powerpoint
CIS114Intro Comp User Supp IFS1XXIntro Comp User Supp
CIS115Fund of Prog IFS1XXFund of Prog
CIS116Microsoft Proj: Basic IFS1XXMicrosoft Proj: Basic
CIS117Microsoft Proj: Adv IFS1XXMicrosoft Proj: Adv
CIS118Intro Microsoft Access IFS1XXIntro Microsoft Access
CIS119Programming I: Java IFS1XXProg I: Java
CIS125Doc Proc: MS Word IFS1XXDoc Proc: MS Word
CIS135Intro to Networks IFS1XXIntro to Networks
CIS136Intro to Internet Tech IFS1XXIntro to Internet Tech
CIS138Intro to DOS IFS1XXIntro to DOS
CIS140Intro to Lotus 1-2-3 IFS1XXIntro to Lotus 1-2-3
CIS145Intro Microsoft Excel IFS1XXIntro Microsoft Excel
CIS153Basic Prog I IFS1XXBasic Prog I
CIS201Assembler Computer Prog IFS2XXAssembler Computer Prog
CIS203Computer Systems & Proc CS2XXComp Systems & Proc
CIS205Visual Basic.NET IFS160Visual Basic Progrm
CIS207Adv Visual Basic.NET IFS2XXAdv Visual Basic.NET
CIS210Fund Network Security IFS2XXFund Network Security
CIS211MS Windows Server 2003 IFS2XXMS Windows Server 2003
CIS214Java Prog Lang IFS2XXJava Prog Lang
CIS215Adv Java Prog IFS2XXAdv Java Prog
CIS217Intro Web Prog IFS2XXIntro Web Prog
CIS219Server-Side Web Prog IFS2XXServer-Side Web Prog
CIS221C++ Programming Lang CS2XXC++ Prog Lang
CIS224Intro to Visual BASIC IFS160Visual Basic Progrm
CIS225Intro to Shell Prog IFS2XXIntro to Shell Prog
CIS227Adv Visual BASIC IFS2XXAdv Visual BASIC
CIS229Python Prog Lang CS2XXPython Prog Lang
CIS238Intermed DOS IFS2XXIntermed DOS
CIS254Adv Microsoft Office IFS2XXAdv Microsoft Office
CJ101Intro to Criminal Justice CCJ101Intro Crim Justice
CJ103Intro to Corrections CJA1XXIntro to Corrections
CJ104Procedural Law & Evidence CJA1XXProcedural Law & Evidence
CJ109Police Org & Admin CJA1XXPolice Org & Admin
CJ111Prin of Criminal Law CJA1XXPrin of Criminal Law
CJ112Intro Crime Scene Tech CJA1XXIntro to Crime Scene Tech
CJ201Police-Comm Relations CJA2XXPolice-Comm Relations
CJ207Criminal Investigation CJA2XXCriminal Investigation
CJ213Criminology CJA2XXCriminology
CJ214Police Problems & Practices CJA2XXPolice Problems & Practices
CJ215Police Conduct CJA2XXPolice Conduct
CJ216Terrorism CJA2XXTerrorism
CJ283Fld Pract Crim Just CJA2XXFld Pract Crim Just
CMST101Speech Fund CM212Public Speaking
CMST105Interpersonal Comm CM329Interpersonal Comm
CMST106Bus  & Prof Speech CM212Public Speaking
CMST106Bus & Prof Speech CM212Public Speaking
CMST106Bus  & Prof Speech CM246Comm/Business Prof
CMST200Communication Theory CM206Communicatn Theory
CMST210Group Comm & Lead CM304Group Discussion
CMST230Nonverbal Communication CM2XXNonverbal Comm
CSI131Comp Sci I CS101Fund Comp Sci I
CSI132Comp Sci II CS1XXComp Sci II
DP102Int Info Sci IFS1XXInt Info Sci
DRAM203Survey of World Drama HUM2XXSurvey of World Drama
DRAM204Surv Modern Drama HUM2XXSurv Modern Drama
ECON101Macroeconomics ECO200Prin Econ-Macro
ECON102Microeconomics ECO201Prin Econ-Micro
ECON105U.S. Economic History ECO1XXU.S. Economic History
ECON106Consumer Econ & Pers Fin BUS218Personal Finance
ECON107Intro to Economics ECO1XXIntro to Economics
EDUC101Intro to Education EDU1XXIntro to Education
EDUC103The Young Child EDU1XXThe Young Child
EDUC104Mtls & Crrc Early Child EDU1XXMtls & Crrc Early Child
EDUC107Intro to Special Ed SPE1XXIntro to Special Ed
EDUC108Class Mgt: Early Child EDU1XXClass Mgt: Early Child
EDUC110Infant & Toddler Curriculum ECH250Professionl/Partner
EDUC110Infant & Toddler Devel EDU1XXInfant & Toddler Dev
EDUC113Intro Early Child Ed EDU1XXIntro Early Child Ed
EDUC201Field Placement I EDU2XXField Placement I
EDUC202Field Placement II EDU2XXField Placement II
EDUC205Instruction of Reading EDU2XXInstr of Reading
EDUC206Teach Reading Cont Areas EDU2XXTeach Read Cont Areas
EDUC207Proc & Acquisition of Rdg ECH301Lit/Lang Young Child
EDUC208Avenues Child Lit EDU2XXAvenues Child Lit
EDUC209Teach Reading Cont Areas EDU2XXTeach Rdg Cont Areas
EDUC210Child w/Beh Chall EDU2XXChild w/Beh Chall
EDUC211Assess Read Instr EDU2XXAssess Read Instr
EDUC213Class Assess of Students EDU2XXClass Assess Students
EDUC214Classroom Mentoring EDU2XXClassroom Mentoring
EDUC215School-Age Child Care EDU2XXSchool-Age Child Care
EDUC216Child Hlth, Safety & Nutr EDU2XXChild Hlth, Saf & Nutr
EDUC217Intro Special Education SPE200Process/Procedures
ELEC105Intro to Electronics ECE1XXIntro to Electronics
ENG101English Compostion FCO105Rhetorical Comm
ENG102English Comp and Lit LIT200Perspectives/Lit
ENG107Intro Creat Writing CRW272Intro Creative Wrt
ENG109Eng Comp: Research Wrtg FCO2XXEng Comp: Resrch Wrtg
ENG110Poetry I WRT2XXPoetry I
ENG113Fiction & Creative NonFict WRT2XXFict & Creative Nonfict
ENG201World Lit 800BC-1600AD LIT285Eur Lit to 1600
ENG202World Lit 1600-Present LIT286Eur Lit Since 1600
ENG203English Lit I LIT283British Lit to 1750
ENG204English Lit II LIT284Brt Lit after 1750
ENG205Survey of American Lit I LIT281Amer Lit to 1885
ENG206Survey of American Lit II LIT282Amer Lit after 1885
ENG207Persp in Humanities HUM2XXPersp in Humanities
ENG208Contemp Humanities HUM2XXContemp Humanities
ENG209Technical Writing WRT2XXTechnical Writing
ENG210Lit Child & Young Adult LIT270Young Adult Lit
ENG214Great Writers LIT2XXGreat Writers
ENG215Multicult Lit: 20th Cent LIT2XXMulticult Lit: 20th Cent
ENG216Business Communication FCO210Comm Prof Cultures
ENG219American Women Writers WGS382Women In Literature
ENG219American Women Writers LIT382Women In Literature
ENG231Fict & Creat Nonfict II WRT3XXFict & Creat Nonfict II
ENG232Fict & Creat Nonfict III WRT373Adv Nonfctn Prose
ENG233African American Lit LIT203African/Amer Lit
ENG234Ethnic Amer Lit LIT2XXEthnic Amer Lit
ENG235Poetry II WRT3XXPoetry II
ENG236Poetry III WRT372Poetry Wrt Workshp
ENG237Lit to Film LIT393Literature & Film
ENG238Latin Amer Lit LIT2XXLatin Amer Lit
ENGR101Engineering Drawing I EGR1XXEngineering Drawing I
ENGR103Engineering Graphics EGR100Epads I
ENGR104Statics ME250Statics
ENGR201Dynamics ME2XXDynamics
ENGR202Mechanics of Materials ME264Strength/Matrls
ENGR203Engineering Materials ME260Materls Science
ENGR204Basic Circuit Analysis ECE100Intro Elect Engnr
ENGR207Sci & Eng Comp EGR2XXSci & Eng Comp
ENGT101Intro Eng Tech EGR1XXIntro Eng Tech
ENGT102Blueprint Reading EGR1XXBlueprint Reading
ENGT103Intro 3D Printing EGR1XXIntro 3D Printing
ENGT105Elect Control Sys EGR1XXElect Control Sys
ENGT107Prin Hydraulics & Pneum EGR1XXPrin Hydraulics & Pneum
ENGT108Introduction to Electronics EGR1XXIntroduction to Electronics
ENGT201Materials in Manufacturing ME1XXMaterials in Manufacturing
ENGT223Princ of Mechanics ME2XXPrin of Mechanics
ENGT224Quality Assurance for Techn EGR2XXQuality Assurance for Techn
ENV111Human Ecology BIO1XXBiology Elective No Lab
ENV122Intro Soil Science BIO1XXIntro Soil Science
ENV202Environmental Law NPE2XXEnvironmental Law
ENV220Prin Environ Analysis I BIO2XXEnviron Analysis I
ENV221Prin Environ Analysis II BIO2XXEnviron Analysis II
ENV225Environ Prob Assess & Eval BIO2XXBiology Elect No Lab
ES105Earth Science ESS1XXEarth Sci Elect No Lab
ES105Earth Science ESS152Earth/Space Sci
ES107Earth and Space Science ESS152Earth/Space Sci
EUC212Effective Teach Meth EDU2XXEff Teach Meth
EXSC101Intro to Exercise Science PAW1XXIntro to Exercise Science
EXSC201Fitness Assess & Prog Design REC2XXFitness Assess & Prog Design
EXSC202Fitness Instruction PAW2XXFitness Instruciton
FR101Elem French I FRN101Elem French I
FR102Elem French II FRN102Elem French II
FR201Intermed French I FRN201Inter French I
FR202Intermed French II FRN202Inter French II
FS100Basic Forensic Science FCM211Criminalistics Lab
FS100Basic Forensic Science01FCM210Criminalistics
FS100Basic Forensic Science FCM210Criminalistics
FS100Basic Forensic Science01CCJ1XXBasic Forensic Science
FS100Basic Forensic Science CCJ1XXBasic Forensic Science
FS100Basic Forensic Science01FCM211Criminalistics Lab
FS100Basic Forensic Science02CJA231Criminalistics Lab
FS100Basic Forensic Science CCJ236Criminalistics
FS100Basic Forensic Science01CCJ236Criminalistics
FS100Basic Forensic Science CCJ237Criminalistics Lab
FS100Basic Forensic Science01CCJ237Criminalistics Lab
FS100Basic Forensic Science02FCM210Criminalistics
FS100Basic Forensic Science02FCM211Criminalistics Lab
FS100Basic Forensic Science02CJA230Criminalistics
FS101Basic Forensics Sci Lab01  
FS101Basic Forensics Sci Lab02  
GEOG101Phys Geog G151Intro Physical Geog
GEOG102Human Geography G1XXHuman Geography
GEOG103World Regional Geography G100World Reg Geography
GEOG201Geography of the U.S. G341Geog North America
GEOG203Map Interpretation G2XXMap Interpretation
GEOG204Intro Geog Info Sys G361Intro to Geo Info Sys
GER101Elementary German I GRM101Elem German I
GER102Elementary German II GRM102Elem German II
GER201Intermed German I GRM201Inter German I
GER202Intermed German II GRM202Inter German II
GS183ST: Intro Research NPE1XXST: Intro Research
HIS109World History HIS1XXWorld History
HIST101Hist of West Civ I HIS101Foundation of the West
HIST102Hist of West Civ II HIS102Western Civ II
HIST103Hist of U.S. I HIS111American Civ I
HIST104Hist of U.S. II HIS112American Civ II
HIST109World History 1 HIS1XXWorld History 1
HIST110World History II HIS1XXWorld History II
HIST112Hist of Sci & Tech HIS1XXHist of Sci & Tech
HIST115Expl Ancient Civ HIS300Ancnt Hist to 476
HIST201MD State & Local Hist HIS2XXMD State & Local Hist
HIST202Twentieth Century World HIS1XXTwentieth Century World
HIST203Hist Am Military Policy HIS2XXHist Am Military Pol
HIST204Hist of Russia HIS325Hist of Russia/1861
HIST207Afr-Amer History HIS2XXAfr-Amer History
HIST208Amer Ethnic History HIS2XXAmer Ethnic History
HIST210Caribbean in World Hist HIS2XXCaribbean in World Hist
HIST211History of Africa HIS140History of Africa I
HIST216Intro to Public History HIS201Intro Public History
HIST218History of the British Isles HIS2XXHistory of the British Isles
HIST220Hist of Amer Women HIS390Women in US History
HIST263Hist of Ireland HIS2XXHistory of Ireland
HLTH101Contemp Health Issues PAW1XXContemp Health Issues
HLTH102EMC, First Aid, Safety SPM205Responding/Emerg
HLTH103Wellness Theory & Appl PE134Concpts Phys Actvty
HLTH104Env Health BIO1XXBiol Elect No Lab
HLTH105Intro Holistic Health PE1XXPhys Ed Elect
HLTH105Intro Holistic Health NPE1XXNon Prog Elect
HLTH106Nutrition Personl Wellness NUR202Nutrition
HLTH107Stress Mgmt PAW1XXStress Mgmt
HLTH201Human Sexuality BEH2XXHuman Sexuality
HUM214The Devil in West Civ HUM2XXThe Devil in West Civ
IDS201Peace and Conflict HUM2XXPeace and Conflict
ISS105Intro Cybersecurity IFS1XXIntro Cybersecurity
ISS111Cisco I IFS1XXCisco I
ISS112Cisco II IFS1XXCisco II
ISS214Cisco IV IFS2XXCisco IV
ISS220Strategic Infrastruct Sec IFS2XXStrat Infrastruct Sec
ISS220Strategic Infrastruct Sec IA220National Security
ISS221Network Defense CJA304Legl Stand Asst Pro
ISS221Network Defense IFS2XXNetwork Defense
ISS222Computer Forensics IFS2XXComputer Forensics
MATH100The Nature of Mathematics MAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MATH101College Algebra MAT105College Algebra
MATH102Cont Math MAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MATH103Trigonometry MAT1XXTrigonometry
MATH109Precalculus Mathematics MAT108Precalculus
MATH111Intro to Finite Math MAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MATH131Concepts in Math I MAT115Sets/Number Systems
MATH132Concepts in Math II MAT215Sets/Number Sys II
MATH203Calculus I MAT171Calculus I
MATH204Calculus II MAT172Calculus II
MATH206Calculus III MAT271Calculus III
MATH208Elem Diff Equations MAT272Diff Equations
MATH210Discrete Struct MAT235Discrete Mathemtcs
MATH211Elements of Geometry MAT340Intro Geometry
MATH212Calc with Application MAT120Applied Calculus
MATH216Intr to Statistics QBA260Business Statistics
MATH216Intr to Statistics MAT250Statistics
MATH216Intr to Statistics BEH260Statistics
MATH217Linear Algebra MAT260Elem Linear Algebra
MC101Intro to Elect Media CM211Mass Communication
MC102Audio Production CM226Audio Productn
MC103Television Studio Prod CM242Video Prodctn I
MC104Electronic Media Perf CM120Broadcast Perform I
MC105Intro to Journalism CM1XXIntro to Journalism
MC136Applied Mus Brass II MUS1XXApplied Mus Brass II
MC201Wrt Electronic Media CM332Media Writing
MC203Advanced Audio Prod CM336Audio Production II
MC204Video Production/Editing CM341Video Production II
MC205American Pop Music MUS287American Pop Music
MC206History of Film FLM216Intro to Film
MC207Digital Video I CM2XXDigital Video I
MC208Wrtg for Coll News I CM2XXWrtg College News I
MC209Wrtg for Coll News II CM2XXWrtg for Coll News II
MC210Intro to Social Media CM225Intro New Media
MC283Field Proj: Ann/Pro Elct Med CM2XXField Proj: Ann/Pro Elct Med
MC284Field Proj: Advert/Sales CM2XXField Proj: Advert/Sales
MC293Indep Audio/Video Project CM2XXIndep Audio/Video Project
MUS101Music Fundamentals MUS181Found Music Theory
MUS103Music Theory I MUS182Music Theory I
MUS104Music Theory II MUS183Music Theory II
MUS105Chorus MUS150YCChorale
MUS107Chamber Singers MUS152Chamber Singers
MUS109Band MUS1XXBand
MUS111Jazz Ensemble MUS162Jazz Ensemble
MUS113Percussion Ensemble MUS172Percussion Ensemble
MUS115Class Piano MUS140Class Piano
MUS118Vocal Jazz Ens I MUS162Jazz Ensemble
MUS119Vocal Jazz Ens II MUS163Jazz Ensemble
MUS120Orchestra I MUS164Symphony Orchestra
MUS121Orchestra II MUS165Symphony Orchestra
MUS124Vocal Perf Workshop I MUS1XXVocal Perf Wrkshp I
MUS127App Mus Comm Voice I MUS101Voice
MUS128App Mus Com Voice II MUS102Voice
MUS129App Mus Com Voice III MUS201Voice
MUS130App Mus Com Voice IV MUS202Voice
MUS135App Mus Brass I MUS1XXApp Mus Brass I
MUS139App Music: Drum/Perc MUS136Percussion
MUS147App Mus Keyboard I MUS1XXApp Mus Keyboard I
MUS148App Mus Keyboard II MUS1XXApp Mus Keyboard II
MUS149App Mus Keyboard III MUS1XXApp Mus Keyboard III
MUS150App Mus Keyboard IV MUS1XXApp Mus Keyboard IV
MUS151App Mus Voice I MUS1XXApp Mus Voice I
MUS152App Mus Voice II MUS1XXApp Mus Voice II
MUS153App Mus Voice III MUS1XXApp Mus Voice III
MUS154App Mus Voice IV MUS1XXApp Mus Voice IV
MUS155App Mus Guitar I MUS138Guitar
MUS156App Mus Guitar II MUS139Guitar
MUS157App Mus Guitar III MUS238Guitar
MUS158App Mus Guitar IV MUS239Guitar
MUS167Appl Music: Composition MUS1XXAppl Mus: Comp
MUS171Appl Mus: Improv MUS1XXAppl Mus: Improv
MUS179App Mus Keybd Theory I MUS1XXApp Mus Keybd Theory I
MUS185Classical Guitar Ens I MUS1XXClass Guitar Ens I
MUS187Chamber Music Ens I MUS1XXChamber Music Ens I
MUS192Indep Study: Music MUS1XXIndep Study: Music
MUS201Art of Listening I MUS186Listening to Music
MUS202Music: Art of List II MUS2XXMusic: Art of List II
MUS202Art of Listening II MUS1XXArt of Listening II
MUS202Art of Listening II MUS186Listening to Music
MUS203Music Theory III MUS282Music Theory III
MUS204Music Theory IV MUS283Music Theory IV
MUS215Intro Electronic Music MUS2XXElectronic Music
MUS216World Music MUS281World Music
MUS218Vocal Jazz Ensemble III MUS262Jazz Ensemble
MUS219Vocal Jazz Ensemble IV MUS362Jazz Ensemble
MUS220Orchestra III MUS264Symphony Orchestra
MUS221Orchestra IV MUS265Symphony Orchestra
MUS222Popular Music of the U.S. MUS287American Pop Music
MUS223Evolution of Jazz MUS286Jazz History
MUS227App Mus Comm Voice V MUS301Voice
MUS228App Mus Comm Voice VI MUS302Voice
MUS229App Mus Comm Voice VIII MUS401Voice
MUS230App Mus Comm Voice VIII MUS402Voice
MUS247App Mus Keyboard V MUS2XXApp Mus Keyboard V
MUS251App Mus Voice V MUS2XXApp Mus Voice V
MUS252App Mus Voice VI MUS2XXApp Mus Voice VI
MUS253App Mus Voice VII MUS2XXApp Mus Voice VII
MUS254App Mus Voice VIII MUS2XXApp Mus Voice VIII
MUS255App Mus Guitar V MUS338Guitar
MUS256App Mus Guitar VI MUS339Guitar
MUS257App Mus Guitar VII MUS438Guitar
MUS258App Mus Guitar VIII MUS439Guitar
MUS279App Mus Keybd Theory II MUS2XXApp Mus Keybd Theory II
NURS101Fundamentals of Nursing NUR1XXFundamentals of Nursing
NURS112Contemporary Issues in Nursing NUR1XXContemporary Issues in Nursing
OS120Doc Proc I: MS Word 97 IFS1XXDoc Proc I:MS Word 97
OS220Doc Proc II: MS Word 97 IFS2XXDoc Proc II: MS Word 97
OS245End User Tech Solutions IFS2XXEnd User Tech Sol
PE101Beg Tennis PAW159Tennis
PE104Beg Bowling PAW1XXPhys Act & Wellness Elect
PE130Hiking PAW1XXHiking
PE131Beg Badminton PAW151Badminton
PE133Aqua Yoga PAW163Yoga
PE134Cross Training for Fitness PAW1XXCross Train Fitness
PE135Indoor Cycling PAW1XXIndoor Cycling
PE136Fitness Maintenance I PAW1XXFitness Maintenance I
PE136Cardio Fitness PAW139Cardiorespty Exercs
PE138Jogging PAW1XXJogging
PE150Aikido I PAW1XXAikido I
PE154Hatha Yoga PAW163Yoga
PE155Matwork Pilates PAW165Pilates
PE177Beginning Jazz Dance PAW1XXBeginning Jazz Dance
PE178Dance Movement PAW1XXDance Movement
PE188Beg Modern Dance PAW1XXBeg Modern Dance
PE228Weight Training PAW2XXWeight Training
PE229Advanced Weight Training PAW2XXPhys Act & Wellness Elect
PE230Fitness Walking PAW2XXFitness Walking
PHIL101Intro to Philosophy PHL221Intro Philosophy
PHIL200Principles of Logic PHL231Logic
PHIL201Hist of Philosophy PHL2XXHist of Philosophy
PHIL205Ethics PHL341Ethics
PHIL220Bioethics PHL346Bioethics
PHIL221Business Ethics PHL342Ethics/Workplace
PHIL222Environ Ethics PHL240Environmentl Ethics
PHIL250Phil of Religion PHL383Philos Of Religion
PHOT101Photography I ART245Photography I
PHOT102Photography II ART295Photography II
PHOT103Darkroom Workshop ART1XXDarkroom Workshop
PHOT104Color Photography ART1XXColor Photography
PHOT105Photojournalism ART1XXPhotojournalism
PHOT131Digital Imaging I ART1XXDigital Imaging I
PHOT201Creative Photo ART2XXCreative Photo
PHOT202Alt Photo Process ART2XXAlt Photo Process
PHOT203Commer Photo ART2XXCommer Photo
PHOT204Adv Color Photography ART2XXAdv Color Photo
PHOT205Lighting I ART2XXLighting I
PHOT206Studio Lighting ART2XXStudio Lighting
PHOT207Lighting II ART2XXLighting II
PHOT209Hist of Photography ART388History/Photography
PHOT230Digital Imaging I ART2XXDigital Imaging I
PHOT231Digital Imaging II ART2XXDigital Imaging II
PHYS100Physics Today PHY1XXPhysics Elect No Lab
PHYS101Intro Physics I PHY110Gen Phys:Mech/Ht
PHYS101Intro Physics I PHY111G Phys:Mech Lab
PHYS102Intro Physics II PHY112Gen Phys:Elc/Magn
PHYS200General Physics I Lab03  
PHYS203Gen Phys: Mech & Dynam03PHY161E Phys:Mech Lab
PHYS203Gen Phys: Mech & Dynam03PHY160Eng Phys:Mechncs
PHYS204Gen Phys: Vib, Waves, Ht PHY162Eng Phys:Ht/Thermo
PHYS205Gen Phys: Elect Lt & Mod PHY262Eng Phys: Opt/Mod
PL101Intro to Law PS210Intro to Law
PL111Prin Crim Law CJA1XXPrin Crim Law
PL245Legal Envir of Bus BUS2XXLegal Envir of Bus
PS101American National Gov't PS101Amer Gov/Citizenship
PS101American Nat'l Govt PS101Amer Gov/Citizenship
PS102State & Local Govt PS242State/Local Govt
PS106Intro to Law PS210Intro to Law
PS201Intl Relations PS302International Rel
PS203Comp Pol & Gov PS260Comparative Politics
PS286Internship Pol Sci PS2XXInternship Pol Sci
PSY101General Psychology PSY100General Psychology
PSY102Hum Dev Lifespan PSY1XXHum Dev Lifespan
PSY102Hum Dev Lifespan NUR201Nursing HD/HC
PSY105Human Relations CM1XXHuman Relations
PSY105Human Relations PSY1XXHuman Relations
PSY202Child Psychology PSY221Child/Adol Develop
PSY203Psychology of Death PSY2XXPsychology of Death
PSY204Abnormal Psychology PSY230Abnormal Psych
PSY205Psychology of Women PSY2XXPsychology of Women
PSY207Educational Psychology EDU370Psych of Learning
PSY207Educational Psychology PSY2XXEd Psychology
PSY207Educational Psychology EDU375Psy Learning/Second
PSY208Alcohol/Drugs: Impct Beh PSY2XXAlcohol/Drugs:Impct Beh
PSY209Social Psychology PSY243Social Psychology
PSY210Indust & Org Psych PSY2XXIndust & Org Psych
PSY211Pract in Hum Serv PSY2XXPract in Hum Serv
PSY212Helping Relationship PSY2XXHelping Relationship
PSY214Hum Dev Life Span PSY2XXHum Dev Life Span
PSY214Hum Dev Life Span NUR201Nursing HD/HC
PSY216Adolescent Psychology PSY221Child/Adol Develop
PSY263Health Psychology PSY2XXHealth Psychology
RELG207Lit & Rel Thgt Old Tst REL2XXLit & Rel Thgt Old Tst
RELG208Lit & Relg Thgt New Tst REL2XXLit & Relg Thgt New Tst
RELG210Comparative Religion REL265World Religions
SCI103Phys Science I PSC152Physical Sci I
SCI104Phys Science II PSC154Physical Sci II
SCI105Phys Science I PSC1XXPhys Sci Elect No Lab
SCI105Phys Science I PSC152Physical Sci I
SCI107Phys Science II PSC154Physical Sci II
SCI107Phys Science II PSC1XXPhys Sci Elect No Lab
SDEV103Career & Life Planning FYS1XXCareer & Life Planning
SOC101Intro to Sociology SOC100Intro Sociology
SOC102Social Problems SOC220Am Social Problems
SOC104Intro to Social Work SOC1XXIntro to Social Work
SOC200Intro to Social Work SOC2XXIntro to Social Work
SOC201Marriage and the Family SOC225The Family
SOC206Intro to Soc Mass Media CM211Mass Communication
SOC209Gender Images & Issues SOC2XXGender Images & Issues
SOC213Criminology SOC2XXCriminology
SOC214Juvenile Delinquency CJA110Juvenile Delinquncy
SOC215Principles of Sociology SOC100Intro Sociology
SPAN101Elementary Spanish I SPN101Elem Spanish I
SPAN102Elementary Spanish II SPN102Elem Spanish II
SPAN201Intermediate Spanish I SPN201Inter Spanish I
SPAN202Intermediate Spanish II SPN202Inter Spanish II
SPAN203Surv Spanish Lit I SPN2XXSurv Spanish Lit I
SPAN204Surv Spanish Lit II SPN2XXSurv Spanish Lit II
SPCH101Speech Fundamentals CM104Human Communicatn
SPCH106Business & Prof Speech CM212Public Speaking
SPCH106Business & Prof Speech CM104Human Communicatn
SPCH201American Sign Language CM150Beg Sign Language
THEA101Intro to Theatre THE154Introduction to Theatre
THEA102Acting I THE262Acting
THEA103Acting II THE2XXActing II
THEA104Stagecraft I THE1XXStagecraft I
THEA105Stagecraft II THE1XXStagecraft II
THEA106Script Analysis THE1XXScript Analysis
THEA201Fund of Play Directing THE2XXFund of Play Directing
THEA202Scene Design THE320Scene Design
THEA204Costuming THE322Costume Design
THEA221Vocal Perf Stage THE2XXVocal Perf Stage
THEA222Movement for Actor THE2XXMovement for Actor
THEA223Makeup for Performer THE2XXMakeup for Performer
THEA279Theatre Workshop I THE2XXTheatre Workshop I
THEA281Theatre Workshop III THE2XXTheatre Workshop III
VPA201Visual & Perf Arts Survey HUM2XXVisual & Perf Arts Survey
Harrisburg Area Community CollegeYork College of Pennsylvania
ACCT101Prin of Acct I ACC220Financial Acct
ACCT102Prin of Acct II ACC225Managerial Acct
ACCT105Micro Acct Appl-IBMPC ACC1XXMicro Acct Appl
ACCT150Prin of Fin Acct I ACC1XXAccounting Elective
ACCT151Prin of Fin Acct II ACC220Financial Acct
ACCT160Prin of Mgrl Acct I ACC1XXAccounting Elective
ACCT161Prin of Mgrl Acct II ACC225Managerial Acct
ACCT200Prin of Acct II ACC225Managerial Acct
ACCT201Inter Acct I ACC2XXInter Acct I
ACCT202Inter Acct II ACC2XXInter Acct II
ACCT203Income Tax Acct ACC305Taxation I
ACCT204Managerial Cost Acct ACC375Adv Managerial Acctng
ACCT205Auditing ACC2XXAuditing
ACCT207Govt & Not-for-Profit ACC2XXGovt & Not-for-Profit
ACCT208Prof Bookkeeping ACC2XXProf Bookkeeping
ACCT215Micro Acct Appl ACC2XXMicro Acct Applications
ACCT275Accounting Capstone ACC2XXAcct Capstone
AH105Medical Terminology BIO201Medical Terminology
AH140Intro to Allied Health BIO100Intro Allied Hl
AH150Hum Illness & Disease BIO1XXBiology Elect No Lab
AH209Pharmacology BIO202Pharmacology
AH210Health Care Law & Ethics PHL2XXHealth Care Law & Ethics
AH213Intro to Medical Insurance BHA2XXIntro to Medical Insurance
ANTH101Intro to Anthro ANT1XXIntro to Anthro
ANTH201Social Anthropology ANT2XXSocial Anthropology
ANTH201Social Anthropology ANT220Cult Anthropology
ANTH205Cult of the World ANT2XXCult of the World
ANTH210North Amer Indian Cult ANT2XXNorth Amer Indian Cult
ANTH212Anthropology of Mexico ANT2XXAnthropology of Mexico
ANTH215Physical Anthro ANT210Physical Anthropol
ANTH220Intro to Archaeology ANT230Intro Archaeology
AOS110Microsoft Word IFS1XXMicrosoft Word
AOS160Office Accounting ACC1XXOffice Accounting
ARAB101Elem Arabic I ARB101Elem Arabic I
ARAB102Elem Arabic II ARB102Elem Arabic II
ART102Silkscreen Printing ART1XXSilkscreen Printing
ART103Art Education I ART1XXArt Ed I
ART105Fund of Two-Dimens Des ART210Design I
ART106Printmaking ART287Printmaking
ART107Fund of Three-Dimens Des ART211Design II
ART108Fund of Computer Art ART1XXFund of Computer Art
ART109Computer Graphics ART1XXComputer Graphics
ART110Crafts ART397Art/Rec:Beyond A/C
ART111Black and White Photo I ART245Photography I
ART112Black & White Photo II ART3XXBlack & White Photogr II
ART114Interactive Media & Des ART1XXInter Media & Des
ART115Beg Digital Photography ART246Digital Photography
ART116Silver Gelatin Photo ART1XXSilver Gelatin Photo
ART117Photoshop for Photographers ART1XXPhotoshop for Photogphrs
ART121Drawing I ART215Drawing I
ART122Drawing II ART265Drawing II
ART123Ilustration ART223Illustration I
ART125Visual Thinking ART101Art/Visual Culture
ART131Painting I ART114Concepts/Painting
ART131Painting I ART220Painting I
ART132Painting II ART270Painting II
ART133Intro to Mac ART1XXIntro to Mac
ART140Web Design ART1XXWeb Design
ART143Typography ART1XXTypography
ART144Graphic Design and Prod I ART1XXGraphic Design and Prod I
ART145Graphic Design and Prod II ART1XXGraphic Design and Prod II
ART146Graphic Des and Prod III ART1XXGraphic Des and Prod III
ART147Portfolio Dev ART1XXPortfolio Dev
ART148Graphic Des Internship ART1XXGraphic Des Internship
ART151Ceramics I ART225Ceramics I
ART152Ceramics II ART275Ceramics II
ART161Sculpture I ART230Sculpture I
ART161Sculpture I ART116Concepts/Sculpture
ART162Sculpture II ART280Sculpture II
ART171Jewelry & Metal Des I ART1XXJewelry & Metal Des I
ART171Jewelry and Metal Design I ART284Jewelry/Sm Sculpt I
ART172Jewelry and Metal Design II ART1XXJewelry and Metal Design II
ART174QuarkXPress Essentials ART1XXQuarkXPress Essentials
ART175Adobe Illustrator Ess ART1XXAdobe Illustrator Ess
ART176Digital Photo Imaging ART1XXDigital Photo Imaging
ART177Prod Methods in Jewelry ART1XXProd Methods in Jewelry
ART178Bench Jeweler Basics ART1XXBench Jeweler Basics
ART181Art Through the Ages I ART204Survey West Art I
ART182Art Through the Ages - Pr ART205Survey West Art II
ART183Modern Art ART3XXModern Art
ART184The Art of Cinema ART3XXThe Art of Cinema
ART185The Evol of the Cinema FLM220Film History
ART186History and Aesthetics of Phot ART388History/Photography
ART187Women and Art ART3XXWomen and Art
ART188Art in the Diverse U.S. ART3XXArt in the Diverse U.S.
ART189Survey of Contemp Crafts ART3XXSurvey of Contemp Crafts
ART190Hist of Graphic Design ART1XXHist Graphic Design
ART191Glass ART1XXGlass
ART192Art of Asia ART1XXArt of Asia
ART201Color Photography I ART295Photography II
ART202Material and Process of Photog ART2XXMaterial and Process of Photo
ART205Color Photography II ART3XXColor Photography II
ART206Studio Photography ART3XXStudio Photography
ART207Portfolio Development ART2XXPortfolio Development
ART208Adv Digital Photo ART2XXAdv Digital Photo
ART209Photography Seminar ART2XXPhoto Seminar
ART210Contemp Crafts: Prod & Mrkt I ART2XXContemp Crafts:Prod & Mrkt I
ART211Contemp Crafts:Prod & Markt II ART2XXContemp Crafts:Prod & Mkt II
ART212Contmp Crafts:Clay Dsgn & Prod ART2XXCont Crafts:Clay Dsgn & Prod
ART214Adv Glass ART2XXAdv Glass
ART216AAdv Crafts: Glass ART2XXAdv Crafts: Glass
ART216BAdv Crafts: Ceramics ART2XXAdv Crafts: Ceramics
ART217AAdv Studio Prob I ART2XXAdv Studio Prob I
ART217BAdv Studio Prob II ART2XXAdv Studio Prob II
ART217CAdv Studio Prob III ART2XXAdv Studio Prob III
ART220Color & Design ART2XXColor & Design
ART280AAdvanced Crafts Printmaking ART2XXAdvanced Crafts Printmaking
ART282QAdvanced Glass ART2XXAdvanced Glass
ART282UItal Ren Art & Arch ART2XXItal Ren Art & Arch
ART282VPhotoshop for Photo ART2XXPhotoshop for Photo
ASTR103Intro Planetary Astronomy ESS154Intro/Astronomy
ASTR103Intro Planetary Astronomy ESS155Astronomy Lab
ASTR104Intro Stellar Astron ESS1XXIntro Stellar Astron
BIOL100Basic Microbiology BIO1XXBiology Elective No Lab
BIOL101General Biology I BIO142Molecule/Gene/Cell
BIOL101General Biology I BIO143Mole/Gene/Cell Lab
BIOL101General Biology I BIO151Intro Mole Bio Lab
BIOL101General Biology I BIO150Intro Molecular Bio
BIOL102General Biology II BIO153Evol/Ecol/Div Lab
BIOL102General Biology II BIO152Evol/Ecol & Divers
BIOL103Environ Science BIO1XXBiology Elective No Lab
BIOL105Medical Terminology BIO201Medical Terminology
BIOL108Biology for Non-Science Majors BIO205Exp Biology Lab
BIOL108Biology for Non-Science Majors BIO204Exploring Biology
BIOL108HHonors Biol: Non-Sci Majors BIO204Exploring Biology
BIOL108HHonors Biol: Non-Sci Majors BIO205Exp Biology Lab
BIOL111Intro to Human Bio BIO112Fund Human Bio
BIOL111Intro to Human Bio BIO112Essentials of A & P
BIOL112Intro Biol Sci II BIO1XXIntro Biol Sci II
BIOL115Intro to Cells and Moles BIO150Intro Molecular Bio
BIOL115Intro to Cells and Moles BIO142Molecule/Gene/Cell
BIOL121Anatomy and Physiology I BIO221Human A/P I Lab
BIOL121Anatomy and Physiology I BIO2XXAnatomy and PHysiology I (Elec
BIOL121Anatomy and Physiology I BIO220Human A/P I
BIOL122Anatomy & Physiology II BIO223Hum A/P II Lab
BIOL122Anatomy & Physiology II BIO222Human A/P II
BIOL130Field Biology BIO232Plant Taxonomy
BIOL201Invertebrate Zoology BIO2XXInvertebrate Zoology
BIOL202Vertebrate Zoology BIO2XXVertebrate Zoology
BIOL206Ecology BIO2XXEcology
BIOL212Botany BIO2XXBotany
BIOL215Intro to Genetics BIO240Genetics
BIOL215Intro to Genetics BIO241Genetics Lab
BIOL221Microbiology BIO230Microbiology
BIOL221Microbiology BIO231Microbio Lab
BIOL225Human Biology BIO1XXBiology Elective No Lab
BIOL230Physiological Pathology BIO2XXBiology Elective No Lab
BIOL245Head/Neck Anat & Hist BIO2XXHead/Neck Anat & Hist
BIOL250Trop Ecology of Bahamas BIO2XXTrop Ecology of Bahamas
BIOL282BImmunology BIO2XXBiology Elective No Lab
BIOL282CEcology BIO2XXBiology Elective No Lab
BTC101Biotechnology BIO1XXBiology Elect No Lab
BTC201Tech in Biotechnology BIO2XXTech in Biotechnology
BTC235Molecular Bio Tech BIO2XXMolecular Bio Tech
BUSI101Intro to Business BUS150Intro to Business
BUSI150Intro to Agribusiness BUS1XXIntro to Agribusiness
BUSI200The American Business Sys BUS150Intro to Business
BUSI201Bus Law I BUS260Legal Environment
BUSI201Bus Law I BUS2XXBus Law I
BUSI202Business Law II BUS2XXBusiness Law II
BUSI209Legal Env of Business BUS260Legal Environment
BUSI211Agricultural Law BUS2XXAgricultural Law
BUSI214Music Business Studies MUS2XXMusic Business Studies
BUSI225Bus & Industry Sys BUS2XXBus & Industry Sys
BUSI227Prin of Agri Econ BUS2XXPrin of Agri Econ
BUSI230Intro Intl Bus IBS200Internatl Business
BUSI245Business Ethics PHL255Business Ethics
BUSI250Mgt of Food Systems BUS2XXMgt of Food Systems
BUSI282DPrin of Risk Mgmt BUS2XXPrin of Risk Mgmt
BUSI291Coop Work Exp Bus BUS2XXCoop Work Exp Bus
CA115Mainframe COBOL IFS1XXMainframe COBOL
CA120Intro Prog/Assem Lang IFS1XXProg/Assem Lang
CA130Sys Analysis & Des IFS1XXSys Analysis & Des
CA155Intro to Software for Business IFS105Personal Computing
CA205Interm Prog/Assem IFS2XXInterm Prog/Assem
CA210Adv Comp Prog COBOL IFS2XXAdv Comp Prog COBOL
CAD114Computer Aided Drafting I EGR1XXComputer Aided Drafting I
CAD115Microstation I EGR1XXMicrostation I
CAD124Comp Aided Drafting II EGR1XXComp Aided Drafting II
CAD125Microstation II EGR1XXMicrostation II
CAD130Civil Engr Drawing EGR1XXCivil Engr Drawing
CAD134Autocad: 3-D Drawing EGR1XXAutocad: 3-D Drawing
CAD144Comp Aid Drafting/Design EGR1XXComp Aid Draft/Design
CAD154Comp Aided Draft & Des EGR100Epads I
CAD164Adv CAD & Design EGR1XXAdv CAD & Design
CHEM100Prin of Chemistry01CHM122Prin Gen/Org Chem
CHEM100Principles of Chemistry CHM1XXPrinciples of Chemistry
CHEM100Prin of Chemistry01CHM123Gen/Org Chem Lab
CHEM101Gen Inorg Chem03CHM122Prin Gen/Org Chem
CHEM101Gen Inorganic Chem CHM134Gen Chem I
CHEM101Gen Inorg Chem03CHM123Gen/Org Chem Lab
CHEM101Gen Inorg Chem02CHM122Prin Gen/Org Chem
CHEM101Gen Inorg Chem03CHM123Gen/Org Chem Lab
CHEM101Gen Inorg Chem02CHM123Gen/Org Chem Lab
CHEM101Gen Inorg Chem03CHM122Prin Gen/Org Chem
CHEM101Gen Inorg Chem02CHM122Prin Gen/Org Chem
CHEM101Gen Inorg Chem02CHM123Gen/Org Chem Lab
CHEM101Gen Inorganic Chem CHM135Gen Chem I Lab
CHEM102Gen Inorganic Chem II CHM137Gen Chem II Lab
CHEM102Gen Inorganic Chem II CHM136Gen Chem II
CHEM113Chemistry for the Nonscientist CHM202Chem/Society
CHEM113Chemistry for Nonscientist CHM240Perspect/Molecular
CHEM121Principles of Chemistry CHM122Prin Gen/Org Chem
CHEM200Principles of Organic & Biol CHM122Prin Gen/Org Chem
CHEM202Quantitative Analysis CHM336Quant Analy Chm
CHEM203Organic Chemistry I CHM234Organic Chem I
CHEM203Organic Chemistry I CHM235Orgnc Chm I Lab
CHEM203Org Chem I03  
CHEM204Organic Chemistry II CHM237Org Chm II Lab
CHEM204Organic Chemistry II CHM236Organic Chem II
CHEM205Survey of Org Chem02  
CHEM205Survey of Org Chem01  
CHIN101Elementary Chinese I INT1XXElementary Chinese I
CHIN102Elementary Chinese II INT1XXElementary Chinese II
CIS100Fund Comp Tech IFS1XXComputer Fundamentals
CIS105Intro to Software for Bus IFS105Personal Computing
CIS105Intro to Software for Bus IFS100Info Tech Competncy
CIS106Windows Fund IFS1XXWindows Fund
CIS107Intro Microsoft Access IFS1XXIntro Microsoft Access
CIS108Intro to PowerPoint IFS1XXIntro to PowerPoint
CIS109Technology in Education ECH210Ed Tech/Early Elem
CIS109Technology in Education SE210Educ Tech Mid/Sec
CIS110Intro to Computer Systems IFS1XXIntro to Computer Systems
CIS115Fund of Computer Communicat IFS1XXFund of Computer Comm
CIS127Microsoft Windows IFS1XXMicrosoft Windows
CIS128Client Administration NPE1XXClient Administration
CIS129Op Sys for Tech IFS1XXOp Sys for Tech
CIS135Interm Spreadsheet Appl IFS1XXInterm Spreadsheet Appl
CIS140Interm Database Mgt IFS1XXInterm Database Mngmt
CIS207Desktop Publishing ART2XXDesktop Publishing
CIS210Hardware Exploration IFS2XXHardware Exploration
CIS217Windows NT Server IFS2XXWindows NT Server
CIS222Intro to Windows Servers IFS2XXIntro to Windows Servers
CIS223Intermed Windows Servers IFS2XXInter Windows Serv
CIS224Sys Analysis & Design IFS2XXSys Analysis & Des
CIS225Intro to Graphic Software ART2XXIntro Graphic Software
CIS226Novell NetWare Admin IFS2XXNovell NetWare Admin
CIS227Technical Support IFS2XXTech Support
CIS232Intro COBOL Prog IFS2XXIntro COBOL Prog
CIS235Adv Spreadsheet App IFS2XXAdv Spreadsheet App
CIS238Visual Basic Prog Bus IFS2XXVis Basic Prog Bus
CIS239Database Report Development IFS2XXDatabase Report Development
CIS240Adv Database Mgt IFS2XXAdv Database Mgt
CIS241Database Administration I IFS1XXDatabase Administration I
CIS243Database Administration II IFS125Enterprise Data Mgmt
CIS243Database Admin II IFS2XXDatabase Admin II
CIS245Database Prog IFS2XXDatabase Prog
CIS247Data Backup & Recovery IFS2XXData Backup & Recovery
CIS249Fund of UNIX Op Sys IFS2XXFund UNIX Op Sys
CIS250Intro Internet/WWW IFS2XXIntro Internet/WWW
CIS253Linux Dev IFS2XXLinux Dev
CIS257Data Warehousing IFS2XXData Warehousing
CIS262Image Editing ART2XXImage Editing
CIS264Fund LINUX Admin IFS2XXFund LINUX Admin
CIS265Fund UNIX Admin IFS2XXFund UNIX Admin
CIS266CIS Capstone IFS2XXCIS Capstone
CIS270Computer Practicum IFS2XXComputer Practicum
CIS275Comp Info Sys Practicum IFS2XXCIS Practicum
CIS278Adv Database Proj IFS2XXAdv Database Proj
CIS280CIntro to Windows 95 IFS2XXIntro to Windows 95
CIS282WComputer Fundamentals IFS105Personal Computing
CISE200Info Security Fund IFS2XXInfo Security Fund
CISE210Info Security Admin IFS2XXInfo Security Admin
CISE211Ethical Hacking & IR IFS2XXEthical Hacking & IR
CISE220Info Sec Analysis & Resp IFS2XXInfo Sec Analysis & Resp
CISE230Info Security Mgmt IFS2XXInfo Security Mgmt
CJ101Introduction Criminal Justice CCJ101Intro Crim Justice
CJ103Prin Sec & Loss Prev CCJ102Intro Asset Protect
CJ104Police Operations CCJ1XXPolice Operations
CJ105Police Organization & Admin CCJ1XXPolice Organization & Admin
CJ106Intro to Corrections CCJ1XXIntro to Corrections
CJ108Criminology CCJ1XXCriminology
CJ109Instr & Tech CCJ1XXInstr & Tech
CJ130Intl & Domestic Terrorism CCJ1XXIntl & Domestic Terrorism
CJ201Criminal Investigation CCJ305Crim Investigation
CJ202Patrol Operations CCJ2XXPatrol Operations
CJ203Criminal Evidence CCJ362Crime Scene Process
CJ204Police Community Relations CCJ2XXPolice Community Relations
CJ205Traffic Admin CCJ2XXTraffic Admin
CJ206Criminalistics CCJ230Intro Criminalistics
CJ207Comm Policing & Cr Prev CCJ2XXComm Policing & Cr Prev
CJ208Intermed Criminalistics CCJ2XXIntermed Criminalistics
CJ209Inst Treatment Offenders CCJ2XXInst Treatment Offenders
CJ210Probation and Parole CCJ347Community Based Corr
CJ211Juvenile Delinquency CCJ110Juvenile Delinquncy
CJ212Crim Law and Procedure CCJ341Criminal Procedure
CJ213Adv Criminology CCJ2XXAdv Criminology
CJ215Org & Admin CCJ2XXOrg & Admin
CJ220Phys Security & Safety CCJ2XXPhys Security & Safety
CJ221Retail Sec & Safety CCJ2XXRetail Sec & Safety
CJ222Industrial Security and Safety CCJ2XXIndustrial Security and Safety
CJ223Loss Prev Issues CCJ2XXLoss Prev Issues
CJ240Ethics and Diverse Cult CCJ203Ethical Issues/CJ
CJ243International/Dom Terrorism CCJ322Examining Terrorism
CJ245Crim Justice Seminar CCJ2XXCrim Justice Seminar
CJ251Criminal Justice Internship CCJ2XXCriminal Justice Internship
CNT120Network Comm Tech I IFS1XXNetwork Comm Tech I
CNT125Network Comm Tech II IFS1XXNetwork Comm Tech II
CNT130Fund Telecomm IFS1XXFund Telecomm
CNT140Physical Network IFS1XXPhysical Network
CNT200Tech Asp Net Op Sys IFS2XXTech Asp Net Op Sys
CNT220Internetworking IFS2XXInternetworking
CNT240Cisco Routing IFS2XXCisco Routing
CNT240Cisco Routing & Switching IFS230Internet Communications
CNT260Wireless Net Admin IFS2XXWireless Net Admin
CNT291Coop Work Exp IFS2XXCoop Work Exp
COMM101Effective Speaking CM212Public Speaking
COMM101HHonors Effective Speaking CM212Public Speaking
COMM110Intro to Communication CM1XXIntro to Communication
COMM120Mass Media and Society CM211Mass Communication
COMM171Workshop in News Wrtg/Rep CM1XXWkshp in News Wrtg/Rep
COMM172Workshop in News Wrtg/Rpt CM1XXWksp in News Wrtg/Rpt
COMM201Communication Theory CM206Communicatn Theory
COMM202Organizational Comm CM328Organizational Comm
COMM203Interpersonal Comm CM329Interpersonal Comm
COMM211Public Relations PR221Intro Public Relations
COMM221Media Writing CM271Print Media Writing
COMM222News Wrtg/Reporting CM2XXNews Wrtg/Reporting
COMM241Visual Communication CM2XXVisual Communication
COMM251Small Group Communication CM2XXSmall Group Communication
COMM252Business and Prof Comm CM246Comm/Business Prof
COMM253Intercultural Comm CM2XXIntercultural Comm
COMM253HHonors Intercultural Comm CM2XXHonors Intercltrl Comm
COMM261Public Relations Wrtg PR321Writing/Pub Relatns
COMM271Workshop in News Wrtg/Rpt CM1XXWksp in News Wrtg/Rpt
COMM272Workshop in News Wrtg/Rpt CM1XXWksp in News Wrtg/Rpt
COMM290Comm Capstone CM2XXComm Capstone
CPS113Basic Prog Microcomp CS1XXBasic Prog Microcomp
CPS115Visual Basic Prog I IFS160Visual Basic Progrm
CPS121JAVA Programming IFS1XXJAVA Programming
CPS135CProgramming CS1XXCProgramming
CPS141Pascal Prog CS1XXPascal Programming
CPS151Fortran Prog IFS1XXFortran Programming
CPS161Computer Sci I CS1XXComp Sci I
CPS162Computer Sci II CS1XXComp Sci II
CPS230Object Oriented Programming JA IFS225Application Development
CTEC101Network Comm Tech I IFS1XXNetwork Comm Tech I
CTEC102Network Comm Tech II IFS1XXNetwork Comm Tech II
CTEC121Internetworking I IFS1XXInternetworking I
CTEC122Internetworking II IFS1XXInternetworking II
CTEC215Technical Aspects of LAN IFS2XXTechnical Aspects of LAN
CTEC221Tech Asp Net Oper Sys IFS2XXTech Aspects Network Op
CTEC240Cisco Routing IFS2XXCisco Routing
CTEC282PFdtn of Info Security I IFS2XXFdtn of Info Security I
CTEC291Coop Work Exp IFS2XXCoop Work Exp
CULI100World of Wine HSP1XXWorld of Wine
CULI102Appl Hospitality Math HSP1XXAppl Hospitality Math
CULI106Professional Bartending HSP1XXProfess Bartending
CULI113Sanitation & Safety HSP1XXSanitation & Safety
CULI133Culinary Arts I HSP1XXCulinary Arts I
CULI143Culinary Arts II HSP1XXCulinary Arts II
CULI153Culinary Arts III HSP1XXCulinary Arts III
CULI205Restaurant Operations I HSP2XXRestaurant Operations I
CULI206Restaurant Operations II HSP2XXRestaurant Operations II
CULI207Restaurant Op III HSP2XXRestaurant Op III
CULI209Intl Culinary Tour: Italy HSP2XXIntl Culinary Tour: Italy
CULI221Basic Food HSP360Comm Food Prod Mgmt
CULI291Cul Arts Intern HSP150Work Experience I
CVT101Cardiovascular Tech NPE1XXCardiovascular Tech
CVT103Cardiovascular Tech Clin NPE1XXCardiovasc Tech Clin
CVT204Card Pathophys I NPE2XXCard Pathophys I
CVT205Card Pathophys II NPE2XXCard Pathophys II
CVTE103Surveying I CVE100Int Civil/Env Engnr
CVTE132Civil 3D Computer Aid Dsgn EGR100Epads I
CVTE208Strength of Materials EGR2XXStrength of Materials
DP101Fund Data Processing IFS1XXFund Data Processing
DP106Intro to Assembler Language IFS1XXIntro to Assembler Lang
DP113Intro Micro Soft Bus IFS1XXIntro Micro Soft Bus
ECON201Prin of Econ I: Macro ECO200Prin Econ-Macro
ECON202Prin of Econ II: Micro ECO201Prin Econ-Micro
EDUC100Practicum in Education EDU1XXPract in Ed
EDUC101Found of Education EDU1XXFound of Ed
EDUC110Foundations of PK-4 Education EDU200Found of Education
EDUC110The Ed Professional EDU200Found of Education
EDUC111Fund of Early Care EDU1XXFund of Early Care
EDUC120Observ & Assess Yng Child EDU1XXObs & Assess Yng Child
EDUC122Child Observation Strat EDU1XXChild Observation Strat
EDUC124EDUCLab: Creative Arts EDU1XXEDUCLab: Creat Arts
EDUC126EDUCLab: Lit & Lang EDU1XXEDUCLab: Lit & Lang
EDUC130Intro to CDA EDU1XXIntro to CDA
EDUC131CDA Assessment EDU1XXCDA Assessment
EDUC134Fund School-Age Care EDU1XXFund School-Age Care
EDUC135Hlth, Saf & Nut Ear Chld EDU1XXHlth, Saf & Nut Ear Chld
EDUC140Integ Arts & Play EDU1XXInteg Arts & Play
EDUC140Integ the Arts and Play EDU230Intro to the Arts
EDUC145Infant and Toddler Care EDU1XXInfant/Toddler Care
EDUC165Fund School Age Care EDU1XXFund School Age Care
EDUC175Prog Admin Early Child Care EDU1XXProg Admin Early Child
EDUC180Div & Part Fam, Sch, Comm EDU1XXDiv & Part Fam, Sch, Com
EDUC185Dev & Beh Child EDU1XXDev & Beh Child
EDUC190Grwth & Well in Childhood EDU1XXGrwth & Well Childhood
EDUC202Ed Exceptional Child SPE2XXEd Exceptional Child
EDUC203Intro to Classroom Instr EDU2XXIntro Class Instr
EDUC208ECE Practicum EDU2XXECE Pract
EDUC209Educational Psychology PSY2XXEducational Psychology
EDUC210Exceptional Learners SPE2XXExceptional Learners
EDUC211Early Childhood Inclusion ECH230Early Child Theory
EDUC211Early Childhood Inclusion SPE250Professnl/Partners
EDUC211Early Childhood Inclusion SPE2XXEarly Intervention
EDUC211Early Inter: Exc Child SPE2XXEarly Inter: Exc Child
EDUC220Math for Young Learn EDU2XXMath for Young Learner
EDUC220Math for Young Learner ECH320Teaching Math
EDUC230Observe Child Beh/Dev EDU2XXObserve Child Beh/Dev
EDUC231Early Child Prof EDU2XXEarly Child Prof
EDUC232Dev/Beh 0-12 Yrs EDU2XXDev/Beh 0-12 Yrs
EDUC240Intro Early Child Ed EDU2XXIntro Early Child Ed
EDUC241Curr Dev Early Child EDU2XXCurr Dev Early Child
EDUC242Health, Safety and Nutr EDU2XXHealth, Safety and Nutr
EDUC243Observing Child Beh EDU2XXObserving Child Beh
EDUC244Lang Dev for Young Child EDU2XXLang Dev Young Child
EDUC245Creative Act in ECE EDU2XXCreat Act in ECE
EDUC247Intro ECE Spec Needs SPE2XXIntro ECE Specl Needs
EDUC248Math & Sci Young Child EDU2XXMath & Sci Young Child
EDUC250Fam Foc Infant/Toddler EDU2XXFam Foc Infant/Toddler
EDUC254Creat Exp ECE EDU2XXCreat Exp ECE
EDUC256Early Child Lit/Lang EDU2XXEarly Child Lit/Lang
EDUC258Curr Dev in ECE EDU2XXCurr Dev in ECE
EDUC260Soc Stud for Young Lrnr ECH315Teachng Soc Studies
EDUC261Integ Curr Early Child EDU2XXInteg Curr Early Child
EDUC265Integrating Tech in Class EDU2XXIntegrating Tech in Class
EDUC270Found of Early Literacy ECH301Lit/Lang Young Child
EDUC282AEEducating Exceptional Child SPE2XXEducating Exceptional Child
EDUC290Prin Class Instruction EDU2XXPrin Class Instruct
EDUC291Early Care & Ed Pract EDU2XXEarly Care & Ed Pract
EDUC295Program Develop & Supervision EDU2XXProgram Develop & Supervision
EDUC296Leadership & Professionalism EDU2XXLeadership & Professionalism
ELEC100Fund Electricity & Electron ECE1XXFund Electricity & Electr
ELEC106Fundamentals of Electronics ECE1XXFundamentals of Electronics
ELEC108Applied Digital Electronics ECE1XXApplied Digital Electronics
ELEC111AC/DCCircuits I ECE1XXAC/DCCircuits I
ELEC125Intro to PCTech IFS1XXIntro to PCTech
ELEC126Install/Trblshtng PCs IFS1XXInstall/Trbleshtng PCs
ELEC144Semiconductor Prin & Apps ECE1XXSemiconductor Prin & Apps
ELEC201Electrical Machinery ME2XXElectrical Machinery
ELEC203Electronic Circuit Design ECE2XXElectronic Circuit Design
ELEC211AC/DCCircuits II ECE2XXAC/DCCircuits II
ELEC213Digital Electronics ECE2XXDigital Electronics
ELOC153Fund of Electricity ECE1XXFund of Electricity
ELOC175Elec System Trouble EGR100Epads I
ENGL101English Composition I WRT1XXEnglish Composition I
ENGL101HHonors English Comp I WRT1XXHonors English Comp I
ENGL102English Compostion II FCO105Rhetorical Comm
ENGL102HHonors English Comp II FCO105Rhetorical Comm
ENGL104Report and Tech Writing FCO215Tech/Scientfc Comm
ENGL106Written Business Comm FCO210Comm Prof Cultures
ENGL107Creative Writing I CRW272Intro to Creative Writing
ENGL107Creative Writing I WRT272Intro Creative Wrt
ENGL108Creative Writing II WRT371Adv Creative Wrtng
ENGL110Intro Professional Wrtg FCO210Comm Prof Cultures
ENGL113English for Tutors WRT290Tchng/Tutorng Wrtng
ENGL114Intro to Novel Writing CRW3XXIntro to Novel Writing
ENGL116Intro to Poetry Writing CRW1XXIntro to Poetry Writing
ENGL201Major English Writers I LIT283British Lit to 1750
ENGL202Major English Writers II LIT284Brt Lit after 1750
ENGL203Major American Writers I LIT281Amer Lit to 1885
ENGL204Major American Writers II LIT282Amer Lit after 1885
ENGL205World Literature I LIT285Eur Lit to 1600
ENGL206World Literature II LIT286Eur Lit Since 1600
ENGL207Intro to Literature LIT200Perspectives/Lit
ENGL207HHonors Intro to Lit LIT200Intro Lit & Text Stud
ENGL208Intro to Lit Theory HUM210Studies in Crit & Theory
ENGL217African-American Lit LIT203African/Amer Lit
ENGL241Maj World Writers LIT2XXMaj World Writers
ENGL242Major Writers LIT2XXMajor Writers
ENGL246Shakespeare LIT323Shakespeare I
ENGL246Shakespeare LIT324Shakespeare II
ENGL247English Arthurian Literature LIT2XXEng Arthurian Literature
ENGL265Women Writers LIT382Women In Literature
ENGL267Banned Books LIT2XXBanned Books
ENGL269Native American Literature LIT2XXNative American Lit
ENGL278American Short Story LIT291Short Story
ENGL279Modern Short Novel LIT2XXModern Short Novel
ENGL282JEnglish for Tutors WRT2XXEnglish for Tutors
ENGR100Engineering Orientation EGR1XXEngineering Orientation
ENGR102Engr & Tech Orientation EGR1XXEngr & Tech Orientation
ENGR103Design & Graphics EGR1XXDesign & Graphics
ENGR203Eng Geoscience EGR2XXEng Geoscience
ENGR213Statics ME250Statics
ENGR214Dynamics ME252Dynamics/Vibrtn
ENGR271Design for Environ EGR2XXDesign for Environ
ENGR291Eng Coop Exp EGR2XXEng Coop Exp
ENGY111Intro Energy Alternatives PSC1XXEnergy Alternatives
ENGY215Energy Eval & Planning PSC2XXEnergy Eval & Planning
ENSP180Environ Tech BIO1XXEnviron Tech
ENSP200Quant Field Methods BIO2XXQuant Field Methods
ENSP205Quant Lab Methods BIO2XXQuant Lab Methods
ENSP210Site Assess & Plan BIO2XXSite Assess & Plan
ENSP215Hazardous Sub & Safety BIO2XXHazardous Sub & Safety
ENSP225Aquatic Res Mgt BIO2XXAquatic Res Mgt
ENSP230Pollution Prev & Wst Mgt BIO2XXPollution Prev & Wst Mgt
ENSP235Envir Sys & Sustainability BIO2XXBiology Elect No Lab
ENTR101Intro to Entrepreneurship ENT150Intro Entrepreneur
ENTR103Prod Mgt for Entrepren ENT1XXProd Mgt for Entrepren
ENTR201Mktg for Entrepreneur ENT2XXMktg for Entrepreneur
ENTR203Fin & Acct for Entrepren ENT2XXFin & Acct for Entrepren
ENTR230Entrepren Web Mktg ENT2XXEntrepren Web Mktg
ENTR260Curr Iss Impacting Entrepren ENT2XXCurr Iss Impact Entre
ENTR271Entrepren Capstone ENT2XXEntrepren Capstone
ENTR273Entrepren Practicum ENT2XXEntrepren Practicum
ENVI275Winery Regs and Compli BUS2XXWinery Regs and Com
ENVS201Intro Environ Sci BIO213Environ Bio Lab
ENVS201Intro Environ Sci BIO212Environmntl Bio
ENVS220Env Laws, Regs and Comp BIO1XXEnv Laws, Regs, Comp
ENVS282BEcology of Barrier Isl BIO210Marine Biology
EXSC102Intro to the Exer Sci EDU1XXIntro to the Exer Sci
FIN100Personal Money Mngmt BUS218Personal Finance
FIN201Principles of Finance FIN2XXPrinciples of Finance
FIN202Money & Banking FIN2XXMoney & Banking
FMTH101Introduction to Theatre THE154Introduction to Theatre
FRCH101Elementary French I FRN101Elem French I
FRCH102Elementary French II FRN102Elem French II
FRCH201Intermediate French I FRN201Inter French I
FRCH202Intermediate French II FRN202Inter French II
FS100College Success FYS100First Year Seminar
FS101Career Dev & Decision Making FYS1XXCareer Dev & Decision Making
FS102Intro to College Experience FYS1XXIntro to College Experience
FS103Success for Online Students FYS100First Year Seminar
FS130Promoting Academic Success FYS1XXPromoting Academic Success
GEOG101Physical Geography G152Phys Geog Lab
GEOG101Physical Geography G151Intro Physical Geog
GEOG201World Geography G100World Reg Geography
GEOG230Intro to Hum Geog G2XXIntro Hum Geog
GEOL101Physical Geology ESS152Earth/Space Sci
GEOL102Historical Geology ESS1XXHistorical Geology
GEOL201Environmental Geology ESS154Intro/Astronomy
GERT100Intro Gerontology GER1XXIntro Gerontology
GERT101Intro Ger Soc Serv GER1XXIntro Ger Soc Serv
GERT102Intro Ger Allied Hlth GER1XXIntro Ger Allied Hlth
GERT103Intro Ger-Psychosoc Iss GER1XXGeront-Psychosoc Iss
GERT104Gerontology-Serv Learn GER1XXGerontology-Serv Learn
GERT105Careers in Gerontology GER1XXCareers in Gerontology
GERT200Legal & Ethical Asp Aging GER2XXLegal & Ethical Asp Aging
GERT201Psycho-emtnl Asp Aging GER2XXPsycho-emtl Asp Aging
GERT210Fit & Hlth Promo Older Adult GER2XXFit & Hlth Promo Old Adult
GERT211Women and Aging WGS2XXWomen and Aging
GERT215Aging around the World GER2XXAging around the World
GIS141Intro to Geo Infor Systems G261Intro Geo Info Sys
GIS151Cartographic Des for GIS G1XXCartograph Des GIS
GIS161Data Aquis & Remote Sens G1XXData Aquis & Rem Sens
GIS163Adv Geog Info Sys G1XXAdv Geog Info Sys
GIS291Coop Work Exp in GIS G2XXCoop Work Exp in GIS
GP201National Pol Systems PS101Amer Gov/Citizenship
GP202Pol of States and Cities PS242State/Local Govt
GP205International Relations PS302International Rel
GP208Comparative Politics PS260Comparative Politics
GRMN101Elementary German I GRM101Elem German I
GRMN102Elementary German II GRM102Elem German II
GRMN201Intermediate German I GRM201Inter German I
GRMN202Intermediate German II GRM202Inter German II
GTEC101Safety:OCSA and NFPA EGR1XXSafety: OCSA and NFPA
GTEC104Eng Mat & Processes EGR1XXEng Mat & Processes
GTEC106Intro to Manufacturing NPE1XXIntro to Manufacturing
GTEC114Autocad: Engineering CAD I EGR1XXAutocad: Engineering CAD I
GTEC201Statics EGR2XXStatics
HD101Career Dev & Decision Making FYS1XXCareer Dev & Decision Making
HD102College Success FYS100First Year Seminar
HD102College Success I FYS100First Year Seminar
HD102College Success I FYS1XXCollege Success I
HD105Orientation FYS1XXOrientation
HD107Develop Conf & Skills in Math MAT1XXDevelop Conf & Skills in Math
HIST101World History to 1500 CE HIS1XXWorld History to 1500 CE
HIST102World History II HIS1XXWorld History II
HIST103Hist of United States I HIS111American Civ I
HIST104Hist of United States II HIS112American Civ II
HIST107United States Since 1918 HIS367Recent Amer/1945-Prs
HIST110America in Vietnam HIS462US in Vietnam
HIST11120th Cent Europe HIS320Europe after 1914
HIST120Mil Hist of World War II HIS1XXMil Hist of World War II
HIST161Amer Civil War & Recon HIS364Civil War & Reconstruct
HIST201West Civ I HIS101Foundation/West
HIST201West Civ I HIS101Western Civ I
HIST202West Civ II HIS102The West in the World
HIST205Black History HIS2XXBlack History
HIST210Modern Russia HIS325Hist of Russia/1861
HIST214History of the Middle East INT146Intro Mid East
HIST218Hitler & Nazi Germany HIS421Nazi Germany
HIST219American Folklore HIS2XXAmerican Folklore
HIST220PA German Hist & Cult HIS2XXPA Germ Hist & Cult
HIST221History of England HIS330History Britain I
HIST282AAHist of Mod Mid East HIS2XXHist Mod Mid East
HIST282AGAmerican Bio: Case Study HIS2XXAmer Bio: Case Study
HIST282ALHistory of Greece HIS2XXHistory of Greece
HIST282SPA German Culture HIS2XXPA German Culture
HIST331IEUS & Middle East HIS3XXUS & Middle East
HLTH101Healthful Living PAW1XXHealthful Living
HM112Front Office Oper & Mgmt HSP1XXFront Office Oper & Mgmt
HM154Supervisory Housekng HSP1XXSupervisory Hskng
HM203Hospitality and Toursim Law HSP2XXHospitality Tourism Law
HM254Hospitality Ldrshp & Mgmt HSP2XXHospitality Ldrshp & Mgmt
HM269Hosp Industry Computer HSP2XXHosp Industry Comp
HM270Convention and Events Mgmt HSP2XXConven. and Evnts Mgmt
HM278Hotel/Lodging Coop HSP250Work Experience II
HM278Hotel/Lodging Coop HSP150Work Experience I
HONS101Honors Seminar NPE1XXNon Prog Elect
HONS101HHonors Foundation Seminar FYS100First Year Seminar
HRIM101Intro to Hosp Tour Ind HSP100Intro Hospitality
HRIM101Intro Hosp and Tour Industry HSP1XXIntro Hosp/Tour Industry
HRIM102Applied Hosp Math HSP1XXApplied Hosp Math
HRIM102Applied Hosp Math MAT1XXApplied Hosp Math
HRIM103Hospitality and Tour Mktg HSP1XXHosp and Tour Mktg
HRIM104Nutrition NUR202Nutrition
HRIM104Nutrition HSP1XXNutr for Food Science
HRIM106Professional Bartending HSP1XXProf Bartending
HRIM110Menu Design and Marketing HSP1XXMenu Design and Mktg
HRIM113Santitation and Safety HSP1XXSant and Safety
HRIM114Hospitality Accounting HSP1XXHospitality Accounting
HRIM125Dining Room Mgmt HSP1XXDining Room Mgmt
HRIM209International Cul Tour HSP2XXInternational Cul Tour
HRIM221Basic Foods:Prep & Prod HSP2XXBasic Foods:Prep & Prod
HRIM231Cost Control: Food/Labor HSP2XXCost Control: Food/Labor
HRIM231Cost Control: Food and Labor HSP2XXCost Control: Food/Lbr
HRIM231Cost Control: Food/Labor HSP300Food/Beverage Mgmt
HRIM251Hospitality Supervison HSP2XXHospitality Supervsn
HRIM282CHosp Accounting ACC2XXHosp Accounting
HTMT101Intro Hosp & Tour Indstry HSP100Intro Hospitality
HTMT104Nutrition for Food Serv HSP1XXNutrition for Food Serv
HTMT104Nutrition Food Serv HSP1XXNutrition Food Serv
HTMT110Menu Design & Mktg HSP1XXMenu Design & Mktg
HTMT110Menu Des & Mktg HSP1XXMenu Des & Mktg
HTMT122Food Purch/Rec/Stor HSP270Food Source/Select
HTMT125Dining Room Mgmt HSP1XXDining Room Mgmt
HTMT125Dining Room Mgmt HSP1XXDining Room Mgmt
HTMT154Supervisory Housekeeping HSP1XXSupervisory Housekng
HTMT201Tourism: Theories & Prac HSP2XXTourism:Theor & Prac
HTMT202Principles of Travel Selling HSP2XXPrinciples of Travel Selling
HTMT203Group Travel Plan HSP2XXGroup Travel Plan
HTMT212Front Office Supervison HSP2XXFront Office Supervison
HTMT213MKTG: Hosp. & Tourism HSP2XXMKTG: Hosp & Tourism
HTMT225Destination Geo HSP2XXDestination Geo
HTMT231Cost Cont:Food/Bev/Labor HSP300Food/Beverage Mgmt
HTMT251Hospitality Supervision HSP2XXHosp Supervision
HTMT269Hosp Industry Computer HSP2XXHosp Industry Computer
HTMT270Convention and Events HSP2XXConvention and Events
HTMT278Hotel/Lodging Coop/Field Exp HSP150Work Experience I
HTMT279Travel Reservation Sys HSP2XXTravel Reservation Sys
HUM101Introduction to Humanities HUM1XXIntroduction to Humanities
HUM101Modern Culture/Arts HUM1XXModern Culture/Art
HUM105Art Through the Ages HUM1XXArt Through the Ages
HUM106Introduction to Music MUS200Music Appreciation
HUM113Cross Cult Studies HUM1XXCross Cult Studies
HUM114Chinese Arts & Cult HUM1XXChinese Arts & Cult
HUM115Arch: Aesth & History HUM1XXArch: Aesth & History
HUM116Intro Lesbian & Gay Studies HUM1XXLesbian & Gay Studies
HUM117Architecture: Prehis to Gothic HUM1XXArchit: Prehis to Gothic
HUM118Archit: Renais to Present HUM1XXArchit: Renais to Present
HUM131IEHist & Cult of Berbers INT1XXHist & Cult of Berbers
HUM201World Mythology HUM2XXWorld Mythology
HUM202Classical Mythology HUM2XXClassical Mythology
HUM216China Study Tour HUM2XXChina Study Tour
HUM228Hum in London/Paris HUM2XXHum in London/Paris
HUM229Italian Art, Arch & History HUM2XXItalian Art, Arch & History
HUM282IIntro Gay & Lesbian Studies HUM2XXIntro Gay & Lesbian Stud
HUM282KColl on War HUM2XXColl on War
HUM282RGender, Race, Class - In Art HUM2XXHumanities Elective
HUMS100Intro to Human Services SOC1XXIntro to Hum Services
HUMS100Intro to Human Services HSV100Intro to HSV
HUMS108Drugs & Alcohol SOC210Drug/Alcohol Addctn
HUMS109Drugs & Alcohol: Iss & Treat SOC1XXDrugs & Alc:Iss & Treat
HUMS120Soc Welfare Prog & Pol HSV240Theory & Policy
HUMS120Soc Welfare Prog & Pol SOC1XXSoc Welfare Prog & Pol
HUMS121Skills & Meth Hum Serv I HSV1XXSkls & Meth Hum Ser I
HUMS122Skills & Meth Hum Serv II SOC1XXSkills & Meth Hum Serv II
HUMS122Skills & Meth Hum Serv II HSV1XXSkls & Meth Hum Ser II
HUMS122Skills & Meth Hum Serv II HSV345Human Services Tech
HUMS200Group Work Practice REC103Leadership/Group
HUMS206Hum Dev in Soc Environ SOC2XXHum Dev in Soc Eniron
HUMS206Hum Dev in Soc Environ HSV250Lifecourse Develop
HUMS215Field Work Practicum SOC2XXField Work Practicum
HUMS215Field Work Practicum HSV220Career Dev/Pract
HUMS216Crisis and Brief Invtn Coun HSV2XXCrisis and Brief Invtn
HUMS217Addicitions Counsel Intvn HSV2XXAddicitions Counsel Intvn
HUMS218Co-Occuring Disorders HSV2XXCo-Occuring Disorders
HUMS219Drug and Alcohol Screen/Assess HSV2XXDrug/Alcohol Screen/Asses
HUMS220Drug and Alcohol Adv Ther HSV2XXDrug and Alcohol Adv Thr
IA201Motor Controls I ECE2XXMotor Controls I
IA202Motors & Controls II ECE2XXMotors & Controls II
IA208PLCs and Automation ECE2XXPLCs and Automation
IA210Industrial Robotics I ECE2XXIndustrial Robotics I
IA211Industrial Robotics II ECE2XXIndustrial Robotics II
IA213PLCs & Automation II ECE2XXPLCs and Automation II
IA221Sensor Technology ECE2XXSensor Technology
IMT108Power Transmission EGR1XXPower Transmission
IMT110Fluid Power EGR1XXFluid Power
MA110Medical Term BIO201Medical Terminology
MATH100College Math for Business MAT1XXCollege Math for Bus
MATH101Fundamentals of Trigonometry MAT1XXFund of Trigonometry
MATH102Tech Math for Elect MAT1XXTech Math for Electronics
MATH103College Algebra MAT102College Algebra I
MATH104Trigonometry MAT1XXTrigonometry
MATH104Trigonometry MAT108Precalculus
MATH105Math for Technology I MAT1XXMath for Technology I
MATH106Math for Technology II MAT1XXMath for Technology II
MATH109Social & Manag Sci MAT1XXSoc & Managerial Sci
MATH110Appl Calculus for Bus MAT120Applied Calculus
MATH111Principles of Math MAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MATH113Math Elem Teachers I MAT115Mathematical Foundations
MATH114Math Elem Teachers II MAT215Sets/Number Sys II
MATH115Basic Calculus MAT1XXBasic Calculus
MATH116College Algebra for Calculus MAT105College Algebra II
MATH117Math for Technology MAT1XXMath for Technology
MATH119Pre-Calculus MAT108Precalculus
MATH121Calculus I MAT171Calculus I
MATH122Calculus II MAT172Calculus II
MATH125Discrete Mathematics MAT280Math Structures
MATH141Math Seminar MAT1XXMath Seminar
MATH161Tech Math Gen Tech MAT1XXTech Math Gen Tech
MATH162Tech Math Elect Tech MAT1XXTech Math Elect Tech
MATH172Appl Math Auto Tech MAT1XXAppl Math Auto Tech
MATH174Applied Math for Machinists MAT1XXApplied Math for Machinists
MATH176Appl Math for Comp Tech MAT1XXAppl Math for Comp Tech
MATH178Applied Math for Envir Sp MAT1XXAppl Math for Env Spec
MATH202Intro to Statistics QBA260Business Statistics
MATH202Intro to Statistics MAT250Statistics
MATH202Intro to Statistics BEH260Statistics
MATH203Mathematical Statistics MAT350Probability/Stats
MATH204Sp Top: Statistics MAT2XXSp Top: Statistics
MATH210Quantitative Bus Analysis MAT2XXQuant Bus Analysis
MATH220Linear Algebra MAT260Elem Linear Algebra
MATH221Calculus III MAT271Calculus III
MATH222Differential Equations MAT272Diff Equations
MATH281Math Readiness MAT102Prelim Math/Prob Solv
MCOM101Intro to Mass Media & Society CM211Mass Communication
MCOM111Intro to News Writing & Report CM340News Wrtng/Productn
MCOM112News Editing and Makeup CM1XXNews Editing and Makeup
MCOM113Workshop in Mass Comm CM1XXWorkshop in Mass Comm
MCOM114Workshop in Mass Comm CM1XXWorkshop in Mass Comm
MCOM121Introduction to Broadcasting CM211Mass Communication
MCOM126Television Studio Production CM242Video Prodctn I
MCOM213Workshop in Mass Comm CM2XXWorkshop in Mass Comm
MCOM214Workshop in Mass Comm CM2XXWorkshop in Mass Comm
MDES201Dynamics EGR2XXDynamics
MDES207Machine Shop Theory and Pract EGR102Epads II
MDRF101Eng Drawing EGR1XXEng Drawing
MDRF282BComputer Aided Drafting/Design EGR2XXComp Aided Drafting/Design
MDST101Intro Mass Media & Soc CM211Mass Communication
MDST111News Wrt & Reporting CM271Print Media Writing
MDST112News Editing & Makeup CM1XXNews Editing & Makeup
MDST113Workshop Media Studies CM1XXWorkshop Media Studies
MDST114Workshop in Media Studies CM1XXWorkshop in Media Studies
MDST121Intro to Broadcasting CM1XXIntro to Broadcasting
MDST213Workshop Media Studies CM2XXWorkshop Media Studies
MDST214Workshop Media Studies CM2XXWorkshop Media Studies
MDST288AIndependent Study I CM2XXIndependent Study I
METR101Weather and Climate ESS1XXWeather and Climate
MGMT119Dynamics Supervision I MGT1XXDynamics Supervision I
MGMT121Small Bus Devel & Mgmt MGT1XXSmall Bus Dev & Mgt
MGMT130Intro to Healthcare Mgmt MGT1XXIntro Healthcare Mgmt
MGMT201Principles of Management MGT150Prin of Management
MGMT202Office Mgmt MGT2XXOffice Mgmt
MGMT203Human Res Mgmt MGT220Human Resource Mgt
MGMT204Human Rel in Bus MGT2XXHum Rel in Bus
MGMT206Labor Relations MGT2XXLabor Relations
MGMT221Small Business Dev & Mgmt ENT260Ent/Small Bus Mgmt
MGMT226Principles of Leadership MGT2XXPrinciples of Leadership
MGMT227Project Mgt MGT2XXProject Mgt
MGMT230Prin Supply Chain Mgt MGT2XXSupply Chain Mgt
MGMT235Bus Logistics Mgt MGT2XXBus Logistics Mgt
MGMT240Enterprise Res Planning MGT2XXEnterprise Res Planning
MGMT245Mall Mgt MGT2XXMall Mgt
MGMT291Coop Exp in Mgt MGT2XXCoop Exp in Mgt
MKTG104Salesmanship MKT1XXSalesmanship
MKTG111Music Bus & Internet MKT1XXMusic Bus & Internet
MKTG201Principles of Marketing MKT100Prin Marketing
MKTG204Sales Mgt MKT2XXSales Mgt
MKTG205Visual Merchandising MKT2XXVisual Merchandising
MKTG209Marketing Internship MKT2XXMarketing Internship
MKTG210Mkt Appl & Analysis MKT2XXMkt Appl & Analysis
MKTG212Personal Selling MKT220Personal Selling
MKTG216Retail Merchandising MKT2XXRetail Merchandising
MKTG217Retail Management MKT230Retailing
MKTG218Advertising MKT330Advertising
MKTG220Intro Sports Mktg MKT2XXIntro Sports Mktg
MKTG224Mus Ind & Amer Pop Music MUS2XXMus Ind & Am Pop Music
MKTG225Music Merchandising MUS2XXMusic Merchandising
MKTG226MIDI/Computer Appl MUS2XXMIDI/Computer Appl
MKTG228Audio Technology MUS2XXAudio Technology
MKTG229Comm Songwrt & Mus Ind MKT2XXComm Sngwrt & Mus Ind
MKTG230Contemp Issues in Music MKT2XXContemp Issues in Music
MKTG235Internet Mkt MKT2XXInternet Mkt
MKTG245Intl Marketing MKT2XXIntl Marketing
MLT100Orientation Med Lab Tech MLS1XXOri Med Lab Tech
MLT120Hematology and Coagul MLS1XXHematology/Coagul
MLT122Immunology MLS1XXImmunology
MLT124Immunohematology MLS1XXImmunohematology
MLT220Clinical Microbiology MLS2XXClin Microbiology
MLT222Clinical Chemistry MLS2XXClinical Chemistry
MLT224Urinalysis MLS2XXUrinalysis
MLT230Parasitology & Mycology MLS2XXParasitol & Mycology
MLT236Clin Lab Mgt MLS2XXClin Lab Mgt
MSCI101Intro Military Science NPE1XXIntro Military Science
MUS102Introduction to Music MUS290Intro Music Lit
MUS102Introduction to Music MUS186Listening to Music
MUS103Intro to Elem Ed Music MUS1XXIntro to Elem Ed Music
MUS104Intro to World Music MUS281World Music
MUS110Hist Rock & Rel Styles MUS288History Rock/Roll
MUS111Choir I MUS150YCChorale
MUS112Choir II MUS250YCChorale
MUS113Madrigal Choir MUS1XXMadrigal Choir
MUS115COMus Comp Lessons I MUS1XXMus Comp Lessons I
MUS115GUPrivate Lessons-Guitar MUS138Guitar
MUS115PIPrivate Lessons Piano MUS103Piano
MUS115VOPrivate Lessons Voice MUS101Voice
MUS116GUPrivate Lessons Guitar MUS238Guitar
MUS116PIPrivate Lessons Piano MUS203Piano
MUS116VOPrivate Lessons Voice MUS201Voice
MUS119Intro to Music Theory MUS181Found Music Theory
MUS120Music Theory I MUS182Music Theory I
MUS121Theory MUS183Music Theory II
MUS201The History of Music I MUS390Music History I
MUS202The History of Music II MUS391Music History II
MUS204Hist of Jazz MUS286Jazz History
MUS211Choir III MUS350YCChorale
MUS212Choir IV MUS450YCChorale
MUS215PIPrivate Lessons-Piano MUS303Piano
MUS281AStage Perf for Mus MUS2XXStage Perf for Mus
MUS282OHistory of Jazz MUS286Jazz History
MUSB111Music Bus & Internet MUS1XXMusic Bus & Internet
MUSB214Music Bus Studies MUS297Survey Music Industry
MUSB224Mus Ind & Am Pop Music MUS287American Pop Music
MUSB225Ent & Music Promotion MUS397Entertainmnt/Promotion
MUSB226Music Comp Appl MUS2XXMusic Comp Appl
MUSB227Studio & Perf Prod Oper MUS2XXStud & Perf Prod Oper
MUSB228Audio Technology CM226Audio Productn
MUSB229Comm Songwrt & Mus Ind MUS247Comm Song Writing
MUSB230Contemp Iss Mus Ind MUS2XXContemp Iss Mus Ind
MUSB291Mus Ind Internship MUS494Mus Ind Internship
NURS100Fund Pract Nursing NUR1XXFund Pract Nursing
NURS101Conc Pract Nursing I NUR1XXConc Pract Nursing I
NURS102Conc Pract Nursing II NUR1XXConc Pract Nursing II
NURS103Nursing Proc in Health NUR1XXNursing Proc in Hlth
NURS103ANursing Proc Fam Hlth I NUR1XXNursing Proc Fam Hlth I
NURS103BNursing Proc Fam Hlth II NUR1XXNursing Proc Fam Hlth II
NURS104Nurs Proc-Comm Life NUR1XXNurs Proc-Comm Life
NURS104ANurs Proc Life Exp I NUR1XXNurs Proc Life Exp I
NURS104BNurs Proc Life Exp II NUR1XXNur Proc Life Exp II
NURS121Nursing Proc Mat & Child NUR1XXNurs Proc Mat & Child
NURS122Conc Nur Proc Com Life Ex NUR1XXConc Nur Proc Com Life Ex
NURS125Dosage Calculations NUR1XXDosage Calc
NURS126Dosage Calc II NUR1XXDosage Calc II
NURS140Intro to Nrsg Concepts I NUR1XXIntro to Nrsg Cnpts I
NURS141Intro to Nrsg Concepts II NUR1XXIntro to Nrsg Cnpts II
NURS142Hlth Assessment Concepts NUR320Health Assmnt/RN
NURS142Hlth Assessment Concepts NUR1XXHlth Assessment Cnpts
NURS143Informatics for Nrsg NUR1XXInformatics for Nrsg
NURS144Fund Concepts for Nurs NUR1XXFund Concepts/Nurs
NURS150Holistic Hlth Conc NP1 NUR1XXHolistic Hlth Conc NP1
NURS151Holistic Hlth Conc NP2 NUR1XXHolistic Hlth Conc NP2
NURS203Nursing In Society I NUR2XXNursing in Society I
NURS204Nursing in Society II NUR2XXNursing in Society II
NURS205Nsg Pros Cmn Hlth Prob NUR2XXNsg Pros Cmn Hlth Prob
NURS205ANurs Proc Hlth Prob NUR2XXNurs Proc Hlth Prob
NURS206Proc Common Hlth Prob II NUR2XXProc Com Hlth Prob II
NURS220Pharmacology for Nurses NUR2XXPharm for Nurses
NURS220Pharmacology for Nurses NUR203Pharmacology for Nurses I
NURS225Adv Dosage Calc NUR2XXAdv Dosage Calc
NURS240Adult Hlth Conc NUR2XXAdult Hlth Conc
NURS241Adult Hlth Conc for NP2 NUR2XXAdult Hlth Conc for NP2
NURS242Fam Hlth Conc NUR2XXFam Hlth Conc
NURS243Fam Hlth Concepts NP2 NUR2XXFam Hlth Concepts NP2
NURS244Adv Beh Hlth Conc NUR2XXAdv Beh Hlth Conc
NURS280CDosage Calc II NUR2XXDosage Calc II
NURS281ANursing in Soc NUR2XXNursing in Soc
NUTR104Nutrition NUR202Nutrition
OIS115Comp Skills Med Prof IFS105Personal Computing
PBT100Intro Phlebotomy - Allied Heal HSC1XXIntro Phlebo - Allied Health
PE102Golf/Tennis PAW1XXGolf/Tennis
PE109Golf/Phys Fitness PAW140Fundamentals/Golf
PE119Tennis/Phy Fitness PAW159Tennis
PE130Water Strength and Stretch PAW1XXWater Strength and Stretch
PE131Aquatics I PAW105Aqua Exercise
PE133Lifeguard Training PAW124Lifeguard Training
PE138Basic Fitness I PAW134Concpts Phys Actvty
PE139Beg Self-Defense PAW130Self Defense
PE141Cardio Kickbox PAW139Cardiorespty Exercs
PE142Aerobic Fitness I PAW139Cardiorespty Exercs
PE152Basic Scuba & Open Water PAW125Scuba Diving
PE166Fit Walk/Resist Train PAW1XXFit Walk/Resist Train
PE169Water Exercise I PAW1XXWater Exercise I
PE177Indoor & Outdoor RockClimbing PAW107Intro Rock Climbing
PE178Yoga I PAW163Yoga
PE179Power Yoga PAW163Yoga
PE180Intro Pilates PAW165Pilates
PE181Intro to T'ai Chi PAW164Intro to Tai Chi
PE183Exercise & Stress Mgt PAW222Phys Fit & Stress Mgt
PE184Exercise, Nutr, Weight PAW1XXExercise, Nutr, Weight
PE201Living Fit & Well PAW234Well/Fitness/Life
PE280Yoga I PAW163Yoga
PE280AACamping PAW2XXCamping
PE280ABIndoor/Outdoor Rock Climb PAW107Intro Rock Climbing
PHIL101Intro to Philosophy PHL221Intro Philosophy
PHIL101HHonors Intro to Philosophy PHL221Intro Philosophy
PHIL102Logic PHL231Logic
PHIL200Comparative Religion REL265World Religions
PHIL215Philosophy of Science PHL2XXPhilosophy of Science
PHIL225Ethics: Belief and Action PHL223Cont Moral Problems
PHL200Comparative Religion REL265World Religions
PHSC113Intro to Physical Sci I PSC152Physical Sci I
PHSC114Intro to Physical Sci II ESS152Earth/Space Sci
PHSC295Independent Study III PSC2XXPhys Sci Elect No Lab
PHSC296Independent Study IV PSC2XXPhys Sci Elect No Lab
PHYS105Conc in Physics PHY110Gen Phys:Mech/Ht
PHYS151Physics for Technicians PSC154Physical Sci II
PHYS152Phys for Radiographers PHY1XXPhys for Radiographers
PHYS153Rad Physics PHY1XXRad Physics
PHYS201General Physics I PHY110Gen Phys:Mech/Ht
PHYS201General Physics I PHY111G Phys:Mech Lab
PHYS202General Physics II PHY112Gen Phys:Elc/Magn
PHYS202General Physics II PHY113G Phys:Elct Lab
PHYS211Phys for Eng & Sci I PHY160Eng Phys:Mechncs
PHYS211Phys for Eng & Sci I PHY161E Phys:Mech Lab
PHYS212Physics for Engineers & Sci II PHY260Eng Phys:Elct/Magn
PHYS212Physics for Engineers & Sci II PHY261E Phys:Elct/Magn Lab
PHYS215Modern Physics PHY262Eng Phys: Opt/Mod
PSPL101Intro American Govt PS101Amer Gov/Citizenship
PSPL110Intro Public Policy PS142Am Gov: Process/Pol
PSPL201National Pol Systems PS101Amer Gov/Citizenship
PSPL202Pol of States and Cities PS242State/Local Govt
PSPL205International Relations PS302International Rel
PSPL208Comparative Politics PS260Comparative Politics
PSY213Abnormal Psychology PSY230Abnormal Psych
PSY215Exceptional Child PSY2XXExceptional Child
PSYC101General Psychology PSY100General Psychology
PSYC111Intro to Biofeedback PSY1XXIntro to Biofeedback
PSYC111XStress Mngmt Biofeedback PSY1XXStress Mngmt Biofeedback
PSYC201Ed Psychology PSY2XXEd Psychology
PSYC201Ed Psychology EDU375Psy Learning/Second
PSYC201Ed Psychology EDU370Psych of Learning
PSYC202Psychology of Adjustment PSY2XXPsychology Adjustment
PSYC206Field Work Pract I PSY2XXField Work Pract I
PSYC209Life Cycle Development NUR201Nursing HD/HC
PSYC209Life Cycle Development PSY2XXLife Cycle Development
PSYC211Psychology of Adolescence PSY2XXPsychology of Adolescence
PSYC212Child Growth & Devel PSY221Child/Adol Develop
PSYC213Abnormal Psychology PSY230Abnormal Psych
PSYC215Exceptional Child PSY227Child Exceptionalts
PSYC216Human Sexuality PSY2XXHuman Sexuality
PSYC221Social Psychology PSY243Social Psychology
PSYC226Biopsychology PSY210Fund Biopsychology
PSYC229Multicultural Psychology PSY250Multicultural Aware
PSYC232Death & Dying GER2XXDeath & Dying
PSYC233Child Behavior Mngmt PSY2XXChild Behavior Mngmt
PSYC241Res Des & Analysis I PSY271Design Analysis II
PSYC242Res Des & Analysis II PSY270Design Analysis I
RESP100Intro to Respiratory Care RT1XXIntro Resp Care
RESP110Med Terminology RT105Medical Terminology
RESP110Med Terminology BIO201Medical Terminology
RESP120Cardiopulm Anatomy/Phys RT1XXCardiopulm Anat/Phys
RESP130Hospital Orientation RT1XXHosp Orientation
RESP140Oxygen Administration   
RESP150Pharmacology BIO202Pharmacology
RESP160Patient Assessment RT1XXPatient Assessment
RESP170Therapeutics RT1XXTherapeutics
RESP175Clinical Practice I RT1XXClinical Practice I
RESP181Cardiopulmonary Dis I RT1XXCardiopulmonary Dis I
RESP190Acid Base Physiology RT1XXAcid Base Physiology
RESP200Cardiopulmonary Dis II RT2XXCardiopulmonary Dis II
RESP205Clinical Practice II RT2XXClinical Practice II
RESP210Critical Care RT2XXCritical Care
RESP235Clin Pract III RT2XXClin Pract III
RESP240Current Topics RT2XXCurrent Topics
RESP250Pulm Rehab & Home Care RT2XXPulm Rehab & Home Care
RESP260Ed & Mgt Tech RT2XXEd & Mgt Tech
RESP270Neonatal/Pediatric Res Care RT2XXNeonatal/Pediatric Res Care
RESP275Clinical Practice V RT2XXClinical Practive V
SCI100Science First-Year Seminar FYS1XXScience First-Year Seminar
SET201Intro Struc Engr Tech CVE2XXIntro Struc Engr Tech
SHC100Sen Hlth Care-Geront GER1XXSen Hlth Care-Geront
SOCI100Intro to Human Services SOC1XXIntro to Human Services
SOCI110Comm & Agency SOC1XXComm & Agency
SOCI120Soc Welfare Prog/Policy SOC1XXSoc Welfare Prog/Policy
SOCI121Skills/Meth Hum Serv I SOC1XXSkills/Meth Hum Serv I
SOCI122Skills/Meth Human Serv II SOC1XXSkills/Meth Human Serv II
SOCI201Intro to Sociology SOC100Intro Sociology
SOCI201HHonors Intro to Sociology SOC100Intro Sociology
SOCI202Social Problems SOC220Am Social Problems
SOCI203Marriage and Family SOC225The Family
SOCI205Race and Cultural Rel SOC315Ethnic/Minorities
SOCI206Hum Dev In Soc Environ SOC1XXHum Dev In Soc Environ
SOCI211Group Dynamics SOC1XXGroup Dynamics
SOCI226Perspectives on Aging GER2XXPersp on Aging
SOSC108Drugs & Alc: Use & Abuse SOC210Drug/Alcohol Addctn
SOSC213Field Work Pract I SOC2XXField Work Pract I
SOSC214Practicum II SOC2XXPracticum II
SPAN101Elementary Spanish I SPN101Elem Spanish I
SPAN102Elementary Spanish II SPN102Elem Spanish II
SPAN104Spanish for Healthcare SPN1XXSpanish for Healthcare
SPAN201Intermediate Spanish I SPN201Inter Spanish I
SPAN202Intermediate Spanish II SPN202Inter Spanish II
SPAN211Advanced Spanish I SPN2XXAdvanced Spanish I
SPAN212Advanced Spanish II SPN2XXAdvanced Spanish II
SPCH101Effective Speaking CM212Public Speaking
SPCH102Psychology of Speech CM1XXPsychology of Speech
SPCH104Interpersonal Comm CM329Interpersonal Comm
SPCH201Argumentation and Debate CM2XXArgumentation/Debate
THTR101Intro to Theatre THE154Introduction to Theatre
THTR110Acting I THE262Acting
THTR110Intro to Acting THE155Intro to Acting
THTR111Acting II THE1XXActing II
THTR120Theatre Voice I THE1XXTheatre Voice I
THTR121Theatre Voice II THE1XXTheatre Voice II
THTR130Theatre Movement I THE150Movement for Stage
THTR130Theatre Movement I THE1XXTheatre Movement I
THTR131Theatre Movement II THE1XXTheatre Movement II
THTR134Acting for the Camera THE1XXActing for the Camera
THTR140Tech Theatre I THE1XXTech Theatre I
THTR141Tech Theatre II THE1XXTech Theatre II
THTR142Scenic Design THE320Scene Design
THTR143Theatre Makeup THE225Makeup for Theatre
THTR144Costuming for the Theatre THE322Costume Design
THTR145Intro to Musical Theatre THE1XXIntro to Musical Theatre
THTR146Theatre Lighting THE321Lighting Design
THTR146Theatre Lighting THE1XXTheatre Lighting
THTR147Theatre Practicum A THE152Practicum
THTR148Theatre Practicum B THE153Theatre Practicum
THTR149Theatre Practicum C THE1XXTheatre Prac C
THTR210Acting III THE355Advanced Acting
THTR211Directing I THE498Independent Study
THTR216Acting IV THE2XXActing IV
THTR224Theatre for Soc and Cult Awar THE2XXTheatre for Soc & Cult Awar
THTR229Theatre in London & Dublin THE2XXTheatre in Lon & Dublin
THTR230Theatre/Perform Arts in London THE2XXTheatre/Perf Arts in London
THTR282LTheatre in London & Dublin THE2XXTheatre in Lndn & Dublin
THTR282NFX Airbrushing for Film THE2XXFX Airbrushing for Film
THTR291Theatre Internship THE2XXTheatre Internship
THTR295BInd Stud-Dramaturgy THE2XXInd Stud-Dramaturgy
TOUR102Prin of Travel Selling HSP1XXPrin of Travel Selling
TOUR201Theories & Pract HSP2XXTheories & Pract
WEB101WEB Prog Intro IFS1XXWEB Prog Intro
WEB102Internet & Web Design IFS1XXInternet & Web Design
WEB110Web Site Publishing IFS1XXWeb Site Publishing
WEB121Electronic Commerce IFS1XXElectronic Commerce
WEB130Multimedia Fund IFS1XXMultimedia Fund
WEB133Design Fund IFS1XXDesign Fund
WEB135Web Des Raster Images IFS1XXWeb Des w/Raster Images
WEB138Web Des w/Vector Images IFS1XXWeb Des w/Vector Images
WEB143Development Fund IFS1XXDevelopment Fund
WEB144JAVA I for Bus IFS1XXJAVA I for Bus
WEB205Electronic Commerce IFS2XXElectronic Commerce
WEB210Imaging Editing-Photoshop ART2XXImaging Editing-Photoshop
WEB230Web Des with Animation IFS2XXWeb Des with Animation
WEB233Web Multimedia Prod IFS2XXWeb Multimedia Prod
WEB240JavaScript IFS2XXJavaScript
WEB245Advanced Development IFS2XXAdvanced Devel
WEB253Intro Windows Dev IFS2XXIntro Windows Dev
WEB256JSP Java Server Pages IFS2XXJSP Java Server Pages
WEB260Web Server Admin IFS2XXWeb Server Admin
WEB268Web Program Capstone IFS2XXWeb Program Capstone
WEB270Coop Work Exp IFS2XXCoop Work Exp
WEB282ACoop Work Exp in WEB IFS2XXCoop Work Exp in WEB
WEB282CAppl Dev Visual Studio.NET IFS2XXAppl Dev Visual Studio.NET
WHP101Intro to Wellness and Health PAW234Well/Fitness/Life
WHP102Approaches to Weight Mgmt PAW1XXApproaches to Weight Mgmt
WHP103Approaches to Stress Mgmt PAW222Phys Fit & Stress Mgt
Howard Community CollegeYork College of Pennsylvania
AC111Prin of Acct IACC220Financial Acct
AC112Prin of Acct IIACC225Managerial Acct
ACCT111Prin of Acct IACC220Financial Acct
ACCT112Prin of Acct IIACC225Managerial Acct
AGNG160The Aging Process: GerontologyGER215Social Aspcts/Aging
AMSL101Elem Sign Language ICM150Beg Sign Language
ANTH104Phys Anthr & ArchANT210Physical Anthropol
ANTH105Intro Cult AnthropologyANT220Cult Anthropology
ANTH120Comp World CulturesANT1XXComp World Cultures
ARAB101Fdnl Arabic IARB101Elem Arabic I
ARTS103Drawing IART215Drawing I
ARTS110Art AppreciationART101Art/Visual Culture
ARTS125Intro to Digital ArtsART1XXIntro to Dig Arts
ARTT1012-D DesignART210Design I
ARTT102Three-Dimen Art & DesignART211Design II
ARTT103Art AppreciationART101Intro Art Apprec
ARTT104Art History IART204Survey West Art I
ARTT105Art History IIART205Survey West Art II
ARTT109Drawing IART215Drawing I
ARTT110Drawing 2ART265Drawing II
ARTT112Draw & Paint/Dig MedART1XXDraw & Paint/Dig Med
ARTT114Time-Based MediaART1XXTime-Based Media
ARTT1203-D Modeling and AnimaART1XX3-D Modeling and Anima
ARTT122History of Modern ArtART394Modernist Impulse
ARTT140Photography ApprART1XXPhotography Appr
ARTT141Basic PhotographyART245Photography I
ARTT146Digital Photo IART246Digital Photography
ARTT148Digital Imaging:Radter Prog IART246Digital Photography
ARTT151Ceramics IART225Ceramics I
ARTT201Contemporary Color DesART2XXContemporary Color Des
ARTT203Drawing II:  Ob/CompART265Drawing II
ARTT282Art History IART204Survey West Art I
ARTT283Art History IIART205Survey West Art II
ARTT299Arts Portfolio SeminarART2XXArts Portfolio Seminar
ASTR104Elem AstronomyESS1XXEarth Sci Elect No Lab
ASTR104Elem AstronomyESS154Intro/Astronomy
ASTR902Sky Watch: Intro AstronESS1XXEarth Sci Elect No Lab
AVMP150Intro to Elec MediaCM1XXIntro to Elec Media
AVMP155Prin of Film and Media ProdFLM1XXPrin of Film and Media Prod
BIOL100Biology and SocietyBIO204Exploring Biology
BIOL101General Biology IBIO150Biology I
BIOL102Gen Biology IIBIO152Biology II
BIOL103Human HeredityBIO1XXBiol Elect No Lab
BIOL104OceanographyBIO1XXBiology Elect No Lab
BIOL105Environ ScienceBIO1XXBiology Elect No Lab
BIOL107Fund of MicrobiologyBIO230Microbiology
BIOL142Found Biology IIBIO152Evol/Ecol & Divers
BIOL201GeneticsBIO2XXBiology Elect No Lab
BIOL203Anat & Phys IBIO220Human A/P I
BIOL204A & P IIBIO222Human A/P II
BMGT100Intro to Bus & OrgBUS150Intro to Business
BMGT120Small Bus MgtMGT1XXSmall Bus Mgt
BMGT130Prin MarketingMKT100Prin Marketing
BMGT134Leadership CoachingMGT1XXLeadership Coaching
BMGT141Supervisory DevMGT1XXSupervisory Dev
BMGT145Prin ManagementMGT150Prin of Management
BMGT151Bus Law IBUS260Legal Environment
BMGT175Business CommunicationsWRT210Writng/Prof Culturs
BMGT175Business CommunicationsFCO210Comm Prof Cultures
BMGT200Managing for the FutureMGT2XXMan for the Future
BMGT203Bus EthicsPHL255Business Ethics
BMGT204Taking Bus MobileBUS2XXTaking Bus Mobile
BMGT205Prin of Intl BusinessIBS200Internatl Business
BMGT240Hum Res MgmtMGT220Human Resource Mgt
BU100Intro to BusinessBUS150Intro to Business
BU130Prin of MarketingMKT100Prin Marketing
BU151Bus Law IBUS260Legal Environment
BU230Prin of AdvertisingBUS2XXPrin of Advertising
BY101Gen Biology IBIO150Biology I
BY106Basic Ant & Phy:BioBIO112Fund Human Bio
CFOR101Computer Forensics ICS1XXComputer Forensics I
CHEM101Gen Inorganic Chem ICHM134Gen Chem I
CHEM102Gen Inorganic Chem IICHM136Gen Chem II
CHEM103Fund General ChemCHM122Prin Gen/Org Chem
CHEM105Chemistry and SocietyCHM1XXChemistry and Society
CHEM201Organic Chem ICHM234Organic Chem I
CHEM202Organic Chem IICHM236Organic Chem II
CHNS102Elem Mandarin Chinese IICHN102Elementary Chinese II
CM111Intro to CompWRT102Analytical Read/Writ
CM120Intro to LitLIT200Perspectives/Lit
CM127Fund Public SpeakingCM104Human Communicatn
CMGT100Culinary BasicsNPE1XXCulinary Basics
CMGT101Intro Culinary ArtsNPE1XXIntro Culinary Arts
CMGT110Culinary SupervisionNPE1XXCulinary Supervision
CMGT115Food Preparation INPE1XXFood Preparation I
CMGT121Foodservice SafetyNPE1XXFoodservice Safety
CMGT200International CuisineNPE2XXInternational Cuisine
CMGT215Food Preparation IINPE2XXFood Preparation II
CMGT265Garde' MangerNPE2XXGarde' Manger
CMSY102Beg Word ProcessingIFS1XXBeg Word Processing
CMSY110Software Appl for MicroIFS105Personal Computing
CMSY110Software Appl for MicroIFS100Info Tech Competncy
CMSY126Intro to InternetIFS1XXIntro to Internet
CMSY129Principles of InternetIFS1XXPrinciples of Internet
CMSY141Computer Sci ICS101Fund Comp Sci I
CMSY172Programming JavaIFS1XXProgramming Java
CMSY281Adv C++ ProgrCS201Fund Comp Sci II
COOP201Coop Ed Work ExpNPE1XXCoop Ed Work Exp
CRIM101Intro to Criminal JusticeCCJ101Intro Crim Justice
CRIM103Juv DelinquencyCCJ110Juvenile Delinquncy
CRIM105Intro to CorrectionsCCJ1XXIntro to Corrections
CRIM201Intro Crim LawCCJ2XXIntro Crim Law
CRIM210Evidence & ProcCCJ2XXEvidence & Proc
DANC114Hist and Cult of Hip-HopHUM1XXHist and Cult of Hip-Hop
DANC175Inter Modern Dance TechPE1XXInter Modern Dance
DANC176Inter Modern Dance Tech IIPE1XXInter Modern Dance II
DANC181Ballet IPE1XXBallet I
DANC190Dance AppreciationHUM1XXDance Appreciation
DANC192Jazz Dance IPE1XXJazz Dance I
DANC193Intermed Jazz Dance IPE1XXIntermed Jazz Dance I
DANC292Intermed Jazz Dance IIPE2XXIntermed Jazz Dance II
DANC920Dance RepertoryPE1XXDance Repertory
DP120Intro Data ProcIFS1XXIntro Data Proc
DP123Cobol Prog ICS1XXCobol Prog I
EC101Prin of Econ MacroECO200Prin Econ-Macro
ECON101Principles of Econ MacroECO200Prin Econ-Macro
ECON102Principles of Econ MicroECO201Prin Econ-Micro
EDUC110Intro to EducationEDU200Found of Education
EDUC111Child Grwth & DevPSY221Child/Adol Develop
EDUC112Methods & Mat of EchedEDU1XXMeth & Mat of Eched
EDUC200Intro to Special EdSPE200Process/Procedures
EDUC200Intro Special EdSPE2XXIntro Special Ed
EDUC201Reading Proc & AcquisEDU2XXReading Proc & Acquis
EDUC260Ed PsychologyEDU370Psych of Learning
EDUC260Ed PsychologyEDU375Psy Learning/Second
EG101Intro Comp IWRT102Analytical Read/Writ
EG111Intro CompFCO105Rhetorical Comm
EG120Intro to LitLIT200Perspectives/Lit
ENES100Intro Engineering DesignEGR100Epads I
ENES140Mechanics of MaterialsEGR264Strength/Materials
ENES140Mechanics of MaterialsEGR265Materials/Solid Lab
ENES271Appl Numerical MthdsEGR150Computational Methods
ENGL101Intro to Comp IWRT102Analytical Read/Writ
ENGL102Intro to Comp IIWRT202Academic Writing
ENGL115Creative WritingWRT272Intro Creative Wrt
ENGL120Intro to LitLIT200Perspectives/Lit
ENGL121College CompFCO105Rhetorical Comm
ENGL122College Comp IIWRT202Academic Writing
ENGL126Intro to JournalismWRT1XXIntro to Journalism
ENGL200Child LitLIT2XXChild Lit
ENGL201Amer Lit ILIT281Amer Lit to 1885
ENGL202American Lit IILIT282Amer Lit after 1885
ENGL203Eng Lit ILIT283British Lit to 1750
ENGL205The Short StoryLIT291Short Story
ENGL206African-American LitLIT2XXAfrican-American Lit
ENGL207Ethics in LitLIT2XXEthics in Lit
ENGL210Fiction Poetry DramaLIT2XXFict Poetry Drama
ENGL218Film & LitLIT393Literature & Film
ENGL223Writing for Screen NarrativeWRT2XXWriting for Screen Narr
ENGL225Intro World LitLIT2XXIntro World Lit
ENGL226World Lit ILIT285Eur Lit to 1600
ENGL227World Lit II LIT286Eur Lit Since 1600
ENGL230Tech Writing FCO2XXTech Writing
ENST105Environmental Science01ESS1XXEnvironmental Science Lab
ENST105Environmental Science01ESS1XXEnvironmental Science
ENST105Envir Science BIO1XXBiology Elect No Lab
ENST115Environmental Science Lab01  
ENST233Intro Environ Health BIO2XXBiology Elect No Lab
ENTE101Intro to Entertain Tech CM1XXIntro to Entertain Tech
ENTE105Entertainment Tech Light MUS1XXEntertainment Tech Light
ENTR100Intro Entrepreneurship ENT150Intro Entrepreneur
ENTR101Ent & Creativity ENT150Intro Entrepreneur
ENTR120Ent in Practice ENT1XXEnt in Practics
ENTR210Dev Bus Plans ENT2XXDev Bus Plans
ENTR220Fin Entrepren Oper ENT2XXFin Entrepren Oper
ENTR915Tech Invention to Market ENT2XXTech Invention to Market
EXSC100Intro Phys Ed PE1XXIntro Phys Ed
EXSC101Intro to Exercise Science PAW1XXIntro to Exercise Science
EXSC150Sport & Society SPM1XXSport & Society
EXSC200Care & Prev Athl Inj EDU315Prvnt/Treat Ath Inj
EXSC209Sport & Exercise Nutrition PAW2XXSport & Exercise Nutrition
EXSC210Sp/Exer Psychology PSY2XXSp/Exer Psychology
FILM101Intro to Film FLM216Intro to Film
FILM108Golden Age of Hollywood FLM1XXGolden Age of Hollywood
FILM171Intro to American Cinema FLM1XXIntro to American Cinema
FILM172Intro World Cinema FLM1XXIntro World Cinema
FILM216History of Animated Film FLM2XXHistory of Animated Film
FILM217History of Sci Fic Film FLM2XXHistory of Sci Fic Film
FILM904Hollywood in the Twenties FLM1XXHollywood in the Twenties
FINE101Hum Through Arts HUM1XXHum Through Arts
FINE102Arts, Cult & Ideas HUM1XXArts, Cult & Ideas
FINE103Intro to Creative Arts HUM1XXIntro to Creative Arts
FINE193Intro to Women/Art/Cult HUM1XXIntro to Wm/Art/Cult
FNPL101Pers Fin Plan BUS218Personal Finance
FNPL105Fin Plan Yng Adults BUS218Personal Finance
FR101Elem of French 1 FRN101Elem French I
FREN101Elem French I FRN101Elem French I
FREN201Intermed French I FRN201Inter French I
FYEX100First-Year Experience FYS1XXFirst Year Experience
GEOG101Intro to World Geography G100World Reg Geography
GEOG102Elem Cult Geog G1XXElem Cult Geog
GEOL107Intro to Phys Geology ESS1XXIntro to Phys Geology
GEOL108Hist Geology ESS1XXEarth Science Elec no lab
GERM101Elem German I GRM101Elem German I
GERM102Elem German II GRM102Elem German II
HBRW101Elem Hebrew I L1XXElem Hebrew I
HBRW102Elem Hebrew II L1XXElem Hebrew II
HBRW201Intermed Hebrew I L2XXIntermed Hebrew I
HD200Life Span Dev PSY2XXLife Span Dev
HD200Life Span Dev NUR201Nursing HD/HC
HEAL110Health Care Prof BIO100Intro Allied Hl
HEED100Intro Life Fitness PE134Concpts Phys Actvty
HEED104Pers Nutrition NUR202Nutrition
HEED109CPR & First AidEDU305Responding/Emerg
HEED112First Aid & SafetySPM205Responding/Emerg
HEED113Drug Use and AbuseBEH1XXDrug Use and Abuse
HEED115Personal and Comm HealthPAW1XXPersonal and Comm Health
HEED125Ethics - Prof PracticePHL342Professional Ethics
HEED150Women's HealthWGS210Women's Health
HEED200Health/Fitness LeaderPAW2XXHealth/Fitness Leader
HEED213Stress ManagementPAW2XXStress Management
HEED216Health Care in the USBEH2XXHealth Care in the US
HIST111Amer History to 1877HIS111American Civ I
HIST112Amer Hist Since 1877HIS112American Civ II
HIST121Anc World Prehis to MidHIS300Ancnt Hist to 476
HIST122West Civ & Premod WorldHIS101Western Civ I
HIST123West Civ & Mod WorldHIS102Western Civ II
HIST132Modern World HistoryHIS122World History II
HIST202Iss In Hist: WWIIHIS2XXIss in Hist: WWII
HIST209Hist of Mid EastHIS2XXHist of Mid East
HIST226History African American ExpHIS2XXHist African Am Exp
HMDV100Intro to Human RelationsCM1XXIntro to Human Relations
HMDV150Rouse Sch Sem INPE1XXRouse Sch Sem I
HMDV151Rouse Sch Sem IINPE1XXRouse Sch Sem II
HMDV200Life Span DevPSY2XXLife Span Dev
HMDV200Life Span DevNUR201Nursing HD/HC
HMDV250Rouse Sch Sem IIINPE2XXRouse Sch Sem III
HMDV251Rouse Sch Sem IVNPE2XXRouse Sch Sem IV
HMGT101Intro to HospitalityHSP101Intro Hosp & Tourism Mgt
HMGT111Foodservice SafetyHSP1XXFoodservice Safety
HMGT160Intro to Travel & TourismHSP1XXIntro to Travel & Tourism
HMGT163Intro to MeetingsHSP1XXIntro to Meetings
HMGT164Intro Mtgs & Conf OperHSP1XXIntro Mtgs & Conf Oper
HMGT165Cruise Ship IndustryHSP1XXCruise Ship Industry
HMGT180Hospitality Mgmt Intern IHSP1XXHospitality Mgmt Intern I
HMGT225Hosp Purch & Cost ControlHSP2XXHosp Purch & Cost Control
HMGT242Lodging Mngmt and OperationsHSP2XXLodging Mngmt and Op
HMGT244Housekeeping OperationHSP2XXHskeeping Operation
HMGT250Food & Bev Mgt ServHSP2XXFood & Bev Mgt Serv
HMGT285Dining Room ServiceHSP2XXDining Room Service
HUMN100Creative WritingWRT1XXCreative Writing
HUMN101Intro to HumanitiesHUM1XXIntro to Humanities
HUMN107Arts, Cult & IdeasHUM1XXArts, Cult & Ideas
HUMN108Intro to Creative ArtsHUM1XXIntro to Creative Arts
HUMN200Adv Creative WritingCRW272Intro Creative Wrt
HUMS110Introduction to Human ServicesHSV100Intro to HSV
HUMS121Intro to Chem Dep TretHSV1XXIntro to Chem Dep Tret
HUMS122Ind Counseling TechniquesHSV1XXInd Counseling Techniques
HUMS123Group Counseling SkillsHSV1XXGroup Counseling Skills
HUMS124Family CounselingHSV1XXFamily Counseling
INFO100Info Literacy SuccessNPE1XXInfo Literacy/Success
ITAL101Elem Italian IITL101Elem Italian I
ITAL102Fdnl Italian IIITL102Elem Italian II
KORE101Elements of Korean IL1XXElements of Korean I
KORE102Elementary Korean IIL1XXElementary Korean II
LFIT105Belly DancingPE1XXBelly Dancing
LFIT116Swimming for FitPE120Beginning Swimming
LFIT122StrengthfitPAW139Cardiorespty Exercs
LFIT123Step AerobicsPE1XXStep Aerobics
LFIT124ConditioningPE118Physical Fitness
LFIT124ConditioningPE119Physical Fitness
LFIT127Tai ChiPE164Intro to Tai Chi
LFIT130Mixed Marital ArtsPAW130Self Defense
LFIT131Martial ArtsPE137Intro Martial Arts
LFIT136Kickboxing for FitnessPE1XXKickboxing for Fitness
LFIT137Circuit Weight TrainingPE1XXCircuit Weight Training
LFIT197PilatesPE165Intro to Pilates
MA122Ideas in MathMAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MA195Bus MathMAT1XXBus Math
MA200StatisticsQBA260Business Statistics
MAMT140Prin of ManagementMGT150Prin of Management
MASS129Mass MediaCM211Mass Communication
MATH105Drug CalculationsMAT1XXDrug Calculations
MATH121Finite MathMAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MATH122Ideas in MathMAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MATH127Concepts of Math IMAT115Sets/Number Systems
MATH128Concepts of Math IIMAT215Sets/Number Sys II
MATH131College AlgebraMAT105College Algebra
MATH132Mathematical LiteracyMAT1XXMathematical Literacy
MATH133College TrigonometryMAT1XXCollege Trigonometry
MATH138StatisticsQBA260Business Statistics
MATH140Calculus IMAT171Calculus I
MATH141College AlgebraMAT105College Algebra
MATH143Precalculus IMAT108Precalculus
MATH145Bus CalculusMAT120Applied Calculus
MATH153Precalculus IIMAT108Precalculus
MATH155Precalculus I & IIMAT108Precalculus
MATH181Calculus IMAT171Calculus I
MATH182Calculus IIMAT172Calculus II
MATH220Discrete StructuresMAT235Discrete Mathemtcs
MATH240Calculus IIIMAT271Calculus III
METO111MeteorologyESS1XXEarth Sci Elect No Lab
MN101Sales & Sales MgtMGT1XXSales & Sales Mgt
MN132Supervisory Dev IIMGT1XXSupervisory Dev II
MN140Prin of MgtMGT150Prin of Management
MN240Personnel MgtMGT2XXPersonnel Mgt
MUSA100Fundamentals of MusicMUS181Found Music Theory
MUSA102Business of MusicMUS297Survey Music Industry
MUSA140Music Tech & EntreMUS1XXMusic Tech & Entre
MUSC100Fund of MusicMUS181Found Music Theory
MUSC101Music AppreciationMUS200Music Appreciation
MUSC101Music AppreciationMUS186Listening to Music
MUSC108Afrc Amer MusicMUS1XXAfrc Amer Music
MUSC112GApplied Music GuitarMUS138Guitar
MUSC113Applied MusicMUS101Voice
MUSC117Appl Music JazzMUS162Jazz Ensemble
MUSC122Jazz Improvisation IMUS180Jazz Improvisation
MUSC131Chorus IMUS150YCChorale
MUSC132Chorus IIMUS151YCChorale
MUSC150Jazz EnsembleMUS162Jazz Ensemble
MUSC195Class Guitar IMUS148Guitar Class
NM240Personnel MgtMGT2XXPersonnel Mgt
NURS101Intro to Patient NeedsNUR1XXIntro to Patient Needs
NURS122Fnds Nursing PracticeNUR1XXFnds Nursing Practice
NURS130Fund of NursingNUR1XXFund of Nursing
OFFI290Medical TerminologyRT105Medical Terminology
OFFI290Medical TerminologyBIO201Medical Terminology
PE102Lifetime FitnessPE134Concpts Phys Actvty
PHIL101Intro to PhilosophyPHL221Intro Philosophy
PHIL103Intro to EthicsPHL341Ethics
PHIL201Religions of the WorldREL265World Religions
PHYS101Tech Phys SciPHY1XXTech Phys Sci
PHYS103Fund of Physics IPHY110Gen Phys:Mech/Ht
PHYS106Earth & Space SciESS152Earth/Space Sci
PHYS107Physical SciencePSC152Physical Sci I
PHYS110Gen. Physics I CalcPHY160Eng Phys:Mechncs
PHYS111Gen Physics II CalcPHY162Eng Phys:Ht/Thermo
PHYS112Gen Physics III CalculusMAT271Calculus III
PHYS120OceanographyESS1XXEarth Sci Elect no lab
PL103Intro to EthicsPHL341Ethics
POLI101Amer Fed GovtPS101Amer Gov/Citizenship
POLI102State & Local GovtPS242State/Local Govt
POLI103Political IdeologyPS1XXPolitical Ideology
POLI104The U.S. ConstitutionPS141Am Gov: Institutions
POLI201Comparative Govn'tPS260Comparative Politics
PSYC101General PsychologyPSY100General Psychology
PSYC200Life Span DevelopmentPSY2XXLifespan Development
PSYC200Life Span DevelopmentHSV250Lifecourse Develop
PSYC202Social PsychologyPSY243Social Psychology
PSYC203Abnormal PsychologyPSY230Abnormal Psych
PSYC204Adolescent PsychologyPSY2XXAdolescent Psychology
PUBH101Intro Pub HealthPE1XXPhys Ed Elect
PUBH101Intro Pub HealthNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
PY101Intro PsychologyPSY100General Psychology
RUSS101Elem Russian IRUS101Elem Russian I
SABR912Italy CultureINT1XXItaly Culture
SABR919WWII Study AbroadHIS2XXWWII Study Abroad
SC101Int SciPSC1XXInt Sci
SC102Anat & Phys IBIO220Human A/P I
SC201Int Anat & Phys IIBIO222Human A/P II
SH110Interpersonal CommCM329Interpersonal Comm
SO101Intro SociologySOC100Intro Sociology
SOCI101Intro to SociologySOC100Intro Sociology
SOCI102Soc ProbSOC220Am Social Problems
SOCI103Marriage and FamilySOC225The Family
SOCI130Human SexualitySOC1XXHuman Sexuality
SOCI202Urban SociologySOC2XXUrban Soc
SOCI203Sociology of SportSPM2XXSociology of Sport
SPAN101Elementary Spanish ISPN101Elem Spanish I
SPAN102Elementary Spanish IISPN102Elem Spanish II
SPAN201Intermed Spanish ISPN201Inter Spanish I
SPAN202Intermediate Spanish IISPN202Inter Spanish II
SPCH101Intro Human CommCM212Public Speaking
SPCH105Fund of Public SpeakingCM212Public Speaking
SPCH105Fund of Public SpeakingCM104Human Communicatn
SPCH110Interpersonal CommCM329Interpersonal Comm
SPCH175Business CommCM246Comm/Business Prof
THET101Intro to ActingTHE155Intro to Acting
THET102Acting for Non-TheatreTHE262Acting
THET119Intro to PlaywritingTHE275Playwriting
THET136Lighting ITHE1XXLighting I
THET160Theater Practicum ITHE1XXTheatre Practicum I
THET177Stage CombatTHE1XXStage Combat
THET202Acting IITHE2XXActing II
TVRD120Video EditingCM1XXVideo Editing
TVRD129Mass MediaCM211Mass Communication
TVRD140Video Production ICM242Video Prodctn I
TVRD223Writing for Screen NarraWRT2XXWriting for Screen Narrative
WMST150Women's HealthWGS210Women's Health
WMST228Women Euro Hist: 1750-PresWGS2XXWm Euro Hist: 1750-Pres
WMST230Women in Col MarylandWGS2XXWomen in Col Maryland
WMST231Amer Women & SuffWGS1XXAmer Women & Suff
Indiana University of PennsylvaniaYork College of Pennsylvania
ACCT201Acct Prin I ACC220Financial Acct
ACCT202Acct Prin II ACC225Managerial Acct
ACCT304Intermed Accounting ACC320Inter Accounting I
ACCT311Cost Accounting ACC310Cost Accounting
AD321Bus Interper Comm CM104Human Communicatn
AG201Acctg Prin I ACC2XXAcctg Prin I
AG202Acctg Prin II ACC220Financial Acct
AG301Interm Acctg I ACC3XXInterm Acctg I
AH101Intro to Art ART101Intro Art Apprec
AN110Contemp Anthro ANT1XXContemp Anthro
ANTH110Contemp Anthro ANT1XXContemp Anthro
ANTH211Cult Anthropology ANT220Cult Anthropology
ANTH213World Archaeology ANT230Intro Archaeology
ANTH233Lang & Cult ANT2XXLang & Cult
APMU101Priv Piano I MUS103Piano
APMU114Priv Saxophone I MUS130Saxophone
APMU151Priv Piano II MUS104Piano
APMU164Priv Saxophone II MUS131Saxophone
APMU201Priv Piano III MUS203Piano
APMU205Priv Voice III MUS2XXPriv Voice III
APMU214Priv Saxophone III MUS230Saxophone
APMU251Private Piano IV MUS2XXPrivate Piano IV
APMU255Priv Voice IV MUS2XXPriv Voice IV
APMU264Priv Saxophone IV MUS231Saxophone
APMU314Priv Saxophone V MUS330Saxophone
AR101Intro to Art ART101Intro Art Apprec
ARHI100Arts of 20th Century ART1XXArts of 20th Century
ARHI101Intro to Art ART101Intro Art Apprec
ARHI206Renaissance to Baroque Art ART205Survey West Art II
ARHI222Art in America ART393American Art
ART100Art of the 20th Century ART1XXArt of the 20th Century
ART111Figure Drawing ART216Figure Drawing I
ART112Fundamentals of Drawing ART215Drawing I
ART1133-Dimension Design ART211Design II
ART114Color & 2-D Design ART210Design I
ART215Sculpture ART230Sculpture I
ART215Sculpture ART116Concepts/Sculpture
ART219Fibers ART2XXFibers
ASIA281Cult Explrtn Trad Korea INT2XXCultural Explrtn Trad Korea
ASIA281ACultural Explrtn Contemp Korea INT2XXCultural Explrtn Contem Kor
BA200Prin of Management MGT150Prin of Management
BA201Personnel Mgt MGT2XXPersonnel Mgt
BA215Business Stats QBA260Business Statistics
BA240Computers in Bus IFS105Personal Computing
BA241Finance FIN2XXFinance
BA341Finance II FIN3XXFinance II
BA380Prin of Investments BUS3XXPrin of Investments
BCOM321Business & Interper Comm CM246Comm/Business Prof
BEDU101Micro Comp Lit IFS105Personal Computing
BI103General Biology I BIO150Biology I
BI104General Biology II BIO152Biology II
BI114Envir Science BIO1XXBiology Elect No Lab
BI115Biotic Diversity BIO1XXBiology Elect No lab
BIOL101Basic Biology BIO1XXBiology Elect no lab
BIOL103Life on Earth BIO204Exploring Biology
BIOL103General Biology I BIO110General Biology
BIOL104Hum Bio: How the Body Works BIO112Essentials of A & P
BIOL104Human Biol: Body Works BIO112Fund Human Bio
BIOL104General Biology II BIO1XXGeneral Biology II
BIOL105Cell Biology BIO1XXBiology Elect No Lab
BIOL106Human Genetics & Health BIO1XXHum Genetics & Health
BIOL111Principles of Biology I BIO150Biology I
BIOL112Prin Biology II BIO152Biology II
BIOL117Understand HIV Bio & AIDS BIO1XXBiology Elective no lab
BIOL119Emerging Diseases BIO1XXEmerging Diseases
BIOL150Human Anatomy BIO220Human A/P I
BIOL150Human Anatomy BIO221Human A/P I Lab
BIOL151Human Physiology BIO222Human A/P II
BIOL201Prin of Ecology & Evolutn BIO152Evol/Ecol & Divers
BIOL202Prin Cell & Molecu Bio BIO150Biology I
BIOL203Prin of Genetics & Dev BIO240Genetics
BIOL210Principles of Plant Bio BIO218Plants & People
BIOL220General Zoology BIO302Zoology
BIOL240Human Physiology BIO222Human A/P II
BIOL241Gen Microbiology BIO230Microbiology
BIOL250Prin of Microbiology BIO230Microbio/Allied Hlth
BIOL362Ecology BIO300Ecology
BIOL479Neurobio of Addiction BIO4XXNeuro of Addiction
BIOL493Internship BIO4XXBiology elect no lab
BLAW235Legal Envir of Bus BUS260Legal Environment
BTED101Microbased Comp Lit IFS105Personal Computing
BTST101Intro to Business BUS150Intro to Business
BTST105Intro to Business BUS150Intro to Business
BU221Intro to Accounting ACC2XXIntro to Accounting
BU233Marketing MKT100Prin Marketing
BU235Bus Law I BUS260Legal Environment
BU251Acctg Prin II ACC2XXAcctg Prin II
BU321Bus Comm BUS3XXBus Comm
BU336Law of Bus Org BUS3XXLaw of Bus Org
BU439Bus Inform Sys IFS3XXBus Inform Sys
BUSN101Business Success Seminar BUS1XXBusiness Success Seminar
CDFR218Child Dev PSY221Child/Adol Develop
CDFR218Child Dev PSY2XXChild Dev
CDFR224Marriage & Fam Rel SOC225The Family
CDFR426Tech of Parent Ed BEH4XXTech of Parent Ed
CDFR428Family Dynamics BEH4XXFamily Dynamics
CH101HEC& Health Chem I CHM1XXHEC& Health Chem I
CH102HEC& Health Chem II CHM122Prin Gen/Org Chem
CHEM100Prep Chemistry CHM104Found of Chem
CHEM101College Chem I CHM135Gen Chem I Lab
CHEM101College Chem I CHM134Gen Chem I
CHEM102College Chem II CHM136Gen Chem II
CHEM102College Chem II CHM137Gen Chem II Lab
CHEM105Forensic Chem of CSI CHM146Advanced Chem II
CHEM111Gen Chem I CHM134Gen Chem I
CHEM111Gen Chem I CHM135Gen Chem I Lab
CHEM111Gen Chem I CHM122Prin Gen/Org Chem
CHEM111Gen Chem I CHM123Gen/Org Chem Lab
CHEM112Gen Chem II CHM137Gen Chem II Lab
CHEM112Gen Chem II CHM136Gen Chem II
CHEM113Concepts in Chemistry I CHM134Gen Chem I
CHEM114Basic Inorganic Chemistry CHM136Gen Chem II
CHEM202General Chemistry II CHM136Gen Chem II
CHEM231Organic Chemistry I CHM234Organic Chem I
CHEM232Organic Chemistry II CHM236Organic Chem II
CHHS281Pathways - Health & Human Serv HSV1XXPathways - Health & Human Serv
CL108Japanese I L1XXJapanese I
CM481Special Topic: Comm CM4XXSpecial Topic:  Comm
CO101Micro Comp Lit IFS105Personal Computing
CO205Prog Lang Sec Ed CS2XXProg Lang Sec Ed
COMM101Comm Media Amer Soc CM211Mass Communication
COMM103Digital Instr Tech EDU210Instructnl Technlgy
COMM143Media Wellness CM1XXMedia Wellness
COMM150Aesth & Theory Comm Med CM1XXAesth & Theory Comm Med
COMM207Online Media Prod CM2XXOnline Media Prod
COMM240Comm Graphics CM2XXComm Graphics
COMM249Basic Audio Rec Tech CM2XXBasic Audio Rec Tech
COMM445App & Tech Motion Pic CM4XXApp & Tech Motion Pic
COSC101Computer Literacy IFS100Info Tech Competncy
COSC101Computer Literacy IFS105Personal Computing
COSC105Fund Comp Sci CS1XXFund Comp Sci
COSC110Prob Solv & Struct CS1XXProb Solv & Struct
COSC210Object Orient & GUI CS2XXObject Orient & GUI
CR101Crime & Justice Sys CJA101Intro Crim Justice
CR102Survey of Criminology CJA1XXSurvey of Criminology
CRIM101Crime & Justice System CJA101Intro Crim Justice
CRIM102Survey of Criminology SOC320Criminology
CRIM205Policing & the Comm CJA234Law Enforcement
CRIM215Survey of Courts & Just Sys CJA336Judicial Process
CRIM225Surv of Corrections CJA2XXSurv of Corrections
CRIM235Surv Juv Just & Law CJA348Juvenile Justice
CRIM255Law, Social Control & Soc CJA2XXLaw, Social Contrl & Soc
CRIM281Freshman Persp in Crim CJA2XXFreshman Persp in Crim
CRIM354White Collar Crime CJA383White Collar Crime
CRIM394Crime & Del Prev CJA3XXCrime & Del Prev
CRLG108Japanese I L1XXJapanese I
CRLG109Korean I L1XXKorean I
CRLG158Japanese II L1XXJapanese II
CRLG281Elem Japanese Conversation L2XXElem Japanese Conv
DANC102Intro to Dance PAW1XXIntro to Dance
DANC150Fund of Dance PE1XXFund of Dance
DANC150Fund of Dance NPE1XXNon Prog Elect
DANC260Beg Jazz Dance PE129Pop Jazz Dance
DVST150Intro to Higher Education FYS1XXIntro to Higher Education
DVST160Learning Strategies FYS1XXLearning Strategies
DVST170Career Exploration FYS1XXCareer Exploration
EC121Princ of Economics I ECO200Prin Econ-Macro
EC122Prin of Econ II ECO201Prin Econ-Micro
EC325Monetary Econ I ECO3XXMonetary Econ I
EC332Govt & Bus ECO3XXGovt & Bus
EC334Econ of Corp Dec ECO3XXEcon of Corp Dec
ECED117Rel in Div Soc EDU1XXRel in Div Soc
ECED200Intro to Early Child Ed ECH230Early Child Theory
ECED221Lit/Young Child & Adol ECH2XXLit/Young Child & Adol
ECED250Language Dev EDU2XXLanguage Dev
ECED280Max Learning ECH220Instruct/Curric Dev
ECED351Lit for the Emergent Reader ECH301Lit/Lang Young Child
ECON121Principles of Economics I ECO200Prin Econ-Macro
ECON122Prin of Microecon ECO201Prin Econ-Micro
ECSP112Growth & Dev:Typ & Atyp EDU1XXGrwth & Dev:Typ & Atyp
ECSP314Creative Exp & Play/PreK-4 ECH3XXCreative Exp & Play/PreK-4
EDEX103Sp Ed Technology SPE1XXSp Ed Technology
EDEX110Intro/Special Needs SPE200Process/Procedures
EDEX111Intro Except Persons SPE1XXIntro Except Persons
EDEX112Typ & Atypical Grwth & Dev SPE1XXTyp & Atyp Grwth & Dev
EDEX269Ident & Under Child EDU2XXIdent & Under Child
EDEX278Ident & Understand Child SPE304EBI: Low Incidence
EDEX300Ed Stu w/Dis Incl El Clsrm SPE3XXEd Stu w/Dis Incl Clsrm
EDEX301Inclusive Sec Setting EDU3XXInclusive Sec Setting
EDEX323Instr Eng Lang Sp Needs SPE3XXInstr Eng Lang Sp Needs
EDEX416Ed of Pers Em Beh Dis SPE4XXEd Pers Em Beh Dis
EDEX418Ed of Pers Phys Mult Dis SPE4XXEd of Pers Phys Mult Dis
EDEX419Ed Pers Brain Inj Lrn Dis SPE4XXEd Pers Brain Inj Lrn Dis
EDSP102Ed Psychology EDU370Psych of Learning
EDSP102Ed Psychology EDU375Psy Learning/Second
EDSP378Learning EDU3XXLearning
EDSP477Assess Student Lrn EDU4XXAssess Student Lrn
EDUC242Pre-Student Tch Clin Exp I EDU2XXPre-Stud Tch Clin Exp I
EDUC342Pre-Stud Tchg Clin Exp II EDU3XXPre-Stud Tch Clin Exp II
EDUC408Rdg in Content Area EDU4XXRdg in Content Area
EDUC442School Law EDU4XXSchool Law
EDUC499Multicult/Multieth Ed EDU4XXMulticult/Multieth Ed
ELED211Music for Elem Grades MUS291Educ Exp In Music
ELED213Art for Elem Grades ART396Art Educ/Elem
ELED215Child Dev PSY2XXPsychology Elective
ELED215Child Dev PSY221Child/Adol Develop
ELED221Child Lit EDU2XXChild Lit
ELED222Rdg for Elem School EDU2XXRdg for Elem School
ELED257Pedagogy I EDU2XXPedagogy I
ELED312Tchg Elem Sci EDU3XXTchg Elem Sci
ELED313Tch Math in Elem Sch EDU3XXTch Math in Elem Sch
ELED314Tch Hlth & Phys Ed EDU3XXTch Hlth & Phys Ed
ELED357Pedagogy II EDU3XXPedagogy II
ELED411Tch Social Studies EDU4XXTch Social Studies
ELED422Diag & Remedial Rdg EDU4XXDiag & Remedial Rdg
ELED425Lang Arts Across Curr EDU4XXLang Arts Across Curr
EN101College Writing WRT102Analytical Read/Writ
EN101College Writing FCO105Rhetorical Comm
EN102College Writing FCO105Rhetorical Comm
EN102English II WRT202Academic Writing
EN121Humanities: Lit LIT200Perspectives/Lit
EN122Intro Lit Analysis LIT1XXIntro Lit Analysis
EN201English III WRT2XXEnglish III
EN202Research Writing WRT1XXResearch Writing
EN202Research Writing WRT202Academic Writing
EN210Brit Lit to 1660 LIT283British Lit to 1750
EN212Amer Lit: Beg-1900 LIT281Amer Lit to 1885
EN225Lit by Women LIT382Women In Literature
ENGL100Basic Writing WRT1XXBasic Writing
ENGL100Basic Writing WRT1XXBasic Writing
ENGL101Composition I FCO105Rhetorical Comm
ENGL121Humanities Literature LIT200Perspectives/Lit
ENGL122Intro to Lit Analysis LIT200Perspectives/Lit
ENGL202Composition II WRT2XXComposition II
ENGL208The Art of Film FLM216Intro to Film
ENGL210Brit Lit to 1660 LIT283British Lit to 1750
ENGL212Amer Lit to 1900 LIT281Amer Lit to 1885
ENGL214The Novel LIT313American Novel
ENGL220Adv Comp I WRT315Advanced Compositn
ENGL222Tech Writing FCO215Tech/Scientfc Comm
ENGL310Public Speaking CM104Human Communicatn
ENGL310Public Speaking CM212Public Speaking
ENGL318Lit for Adolescents LIT3XXLit for Adolescents
ENGL324Teach & Eval Wrt WRT3XXTeach & Eval Wrt
EP202Ed Psych EDU370Psych of Learning
FCSE315Consumer Econ & Family Fin NPE3XXConsumer Econ & Fam Fin
FDED102Amer Educ in Theory & Prac EDU1XXAm Ed in Theory & Pract
FDNT110Careers in Food & Nutrition HSP120Career Paths/Hosp
FDNT143Cur Issues in Nutr & Wellness PAW1XXCur Issues in Nutr & Wellness
FDNT145Intro to Nutrition NUR202Nutrition
FDNT212Nutrition NUR202Nutrition
FE202Amer Ed Theor & Prac EDU2XXAmer Ed Theor & Prac
FIAR101Intro to the Arts ART101Art/Visual Culture
FIN143Financial Wellness BUS218Personal Finance
FIN310Fund of Finance FIN3XXFund of Finance
FN141Nutr & Wellness PE1XXNutr & Wellness
FRNC101Basic French FRN1XXBasic French
FRNC102Basic French II FRN102Elem French II
FRNC201College French I FRN101Elem French I
FS420Investment Analysis FIN3XXInvestment Analysis
FS422Sem in Finance FIN3XXSem in Finance
FSMR112Fund of Clothing Constr NPE1XXNon Prog Elect
FSMR158Fashion Show Prod CM1XXFashion Show Prod
FSMR180Intro to Fashion MKT1XXIntro to Fashion
FSMR281Product Development MKT335New Prod Plan/Mrkt
FSMR481Comp Aided Design for Fash IFS4XXInformation Systems Elective
GE252Geography of Latin Amer G2XXGeography of Latin Amer
GE255Geography of Africa G2XXGeography of Africa
GEOG101Geog/Human Enviro G1XXGeog/Human Enviro
GEOG102Geog of US & Canada G341Geog North America
GEOG104World Geography/Global G100World Reg Geography
GEOG231Econ Geog G2XXEcon Geog
GEOG251Geography of Pennsylvania G2XXGeography of Pennsylvania
GEOG254Geog Russia G2XXGeog Russia
GEOG345Biogeography for Env Mngrs G3XXBiogeography for Env Mngrs
GEOS101The Dynamic Earth G1XXThe Dynamic Earth
GEOS101The Dynamic Earth ESS152Earth/Space Sci
GEOS103Oceans & Atmos ESS1XXEarth Sci Elect No Lab
GEOS104Oceans & Atmos Lab ESS1XXOceans & Atmos Lab
GEOS105Exploring the Universe ESS1XXExploring the Universe
GEOS119Geology of Energy Resources ESS1XXGeo of Energy Res
GEOS201Foundations of Geology ESS152Earth/Space Sci
GEOS254Exploration of Space ESS1XXEarth Science Elec no lab
GRMN101Elem German I GRM101Elem German I
GRMN152German II GRM102Elem German II
GRMN251German III GRM201Inter German I
GRMN252German IV GRM202Inter German II
GS103Oceans & Atmoshpheres ESS1XXEarth Sci Elect No Lab
GS105Expl the Universe ESS1XXEarth Science Elect No Lab
GS105Expl the Universe ESS154Intro/Astronomy
GS121Phys Geology ESS1XXPhys Geology
GS131Hist Geology ESS1XXHist Geology
HBUS101Contemp Bus Issues BUS1XXContemp Bus Issues
HE218Child Dev PSY221Child/Adol Develop
HE224Marriage & Fam Rel SOC225The Family
HI104Hist US & PA II HIS112American Civ II
HI195Hist of Mod Era HIS122World History II
HIST195Hist of Modern Era HIS122World History II
HIST196Explorations in US History HIS1XXExplortns in US History
HIST197Explor in Euro History HIS101Foundation/West
HIST198Explorations in Global Hist HIS1XXExplorations in Glob His
HIST198Exploration in Global Hist HIS1XXExplor in Global Hist
HIST200Intro to History HIS2XXIntro to History
HIST201West Civ Before 1600 HIS101Western Civ I
HIST202West Civ Since 1600 HIS102Western Civ II
HIST204U.S. Hist to 1877 HIS111American Civ I
HIST205U.S. Hist Since 1877 HIS112American Civ II
HIST281World in 20th Cent HIS122World History II
HIST304Medieval Europe HIS301Medieval Civ
HIST320History of England to 1688 HIS330History Britain I
HIST341American Revolution HIS352Revoltnry Era/Amer
HIST350Hist Latin Amer, Col HIS130Colonial Latin Amer
HIST374Hist Org Crime HIS3XXHist Org Crime
HNRC101Honors Core I HUM1XXHonors Core I
HNRC102Honors Core II FCO105Rhetorical Communication
HNRC202Honors Core: Sciences BEH2XXHonors Core: Science
HOSP101Intro to Hosp Ind HSP100Intro Hospitality
HOSP150Prin of Hosp Mgmt HSP121Careers in Hosp & Trsm Ind
HOSP212Club Oper Mgmt HSP2XXClub Oper Mgmt
HOSP220Food Service Ops HSP300Food/Beverage Mgmt
HOSP256Human Res In Hosp Ind HSP230Leadership/HRM Hosp
HOSP259Hospitality Purchasing HSP2XXHospitality Purchasing
HOSP260Hotel Operations HSP470Lodging Mgmt
HOSP265Hosp Cost Management HSP210Managerial Acct/Hsp
HOSP270Prof Wedding Plan & Con HSP2XXProf Wedding Plan & Con
HOSP310Prof Dev in Hosp In HSP3XXProf Dev in Hosp In
HOSP320Hospitality Marketing HSP345Hospitality Mrktng
HOSP330Applic of Food Prod & Serv HSP3XXApplic of Food Prod & Serv
HOSP335Legal Issues in Hospitality HSP225Hosp Mgmt/Law
HOSP343Fund Raising for Spec Evnts HSP3XXFund Raising for Sp Evts
HOSP346Catering for Sp Evnts HSP3XXCatering for Sp Evnts
HOSP393Explore Hosp Field Exp HSP3XXExplore Hosp Field Exp
HP140Health & Wellness-A PE1XXHealth & Wellness-A
HP141Health & Wellness-B PE1XXHealth & Wellness-B
HP143Health & Wellness PE1XXPhysical Education Elective
HP143Health & Wellness NPE1XXNon Program Elective
HP145Tennis PE159Tennis
HPED142Found Hlth Phys Ed & Sp NPE1XXNon Program Elect
HPED142Found Hlth Phys Ed & Sp PE1XXPhysical Ed Elect
HPED143Phys Well Being PAW134Concpts Phys Actvty
HPED175Prev & Care Injuries EDU315Prvnt/Treat Ath Inj
HPED175Prev & Care Injuries SPM205Responding/Emerg
HPED209Motor Behavior NPE2XXMotor Behavior
HPED210Motor Development PSY2XXMotor Develop
HPED214Tchg Hlth Fit & Gym EDU2XXTchg Hlth Fit & Gym
HPED215Tchg Rhythmic Act & Dance EDU2XXTchg Rhythm Act & Dance
HPED216Tchg Elem Phys Ed EDU2XXTchg Elem Phys Ed
HPED217Tchg Mid School Phys Ed EDU2XXTchg Mid School Phys Ed
HPED221Hum Struct & Funct BIO2XXBiology Elect No Lab
HPED242Emergency Health Care EDU305Responding/Emerg
HPED263Aquatics PE2XXAquatics
HPED280Aquatic Facilities Mgmt SPM2XXAquatic Facl Mgmt
HPED281Motor Behavior NPE2XXMotor Behavior
HPED292Phys Ed & Sport SPM2XXPhys Ed & Sport
HPED315Biomechanics REC3XXBiomechanics
HPED316Tchg Elem Hlth Ed EDU3XXTchg Elem Hlth Ed
HPED317Basketball Officiating SPM3XXBasketball Officiating
HPED318Preprof Exp I EDU3XXPreprof Exp I
HPED320Mgmt Fac & Events in Spt SPM3XXMgmt Fac & Events in Spt
HPED325School & Comm Hlth EDU3XXSchool & Comm Hlth
HPED341Eval in Health & Phys Ed EDU3XXEval Hlth & Phys Ed
HPED346Prev & Acute Care Skills SPM3XXPrev & Acute Care Skls
HPED370Adapted Hlth & Phys Ed SPE3XXAdapted Hlth & Phys Ed
HPED441Psychosoc Impl Hlth Phys Ed PSY4XXPsychsoc Impl Hlth P.E.
HPED450Curr & Prog in Sex Ed EDU4XXCurr & Prog in Sex Ed
HPED481Lifestyle Behav Mod NPE4XXLifestyle Behav Mod
IFMG101Computer Literacy IFS105Personal Computing
IFMG110Business Spreadsheet IFS1XXBusiness Spreadsheets
IFMG210Intro Front-End Bus Appl IFS2XXIntro Front-End Bus Ap
IFMG230Intro Back-End Bus App IFS2XXBack-End Bus App
IFMG250Business Sys Technology IFS1XXBusiness Sys Tech
IFMG254Computer Tech Virtual IFS2XXComputer Tech Virtual
IFMG300Information Systems IFS305Management Info Sys
IFMG481Python Program IFS4XXPython Program
IM101Microbased Cmptr Lit IFS105Personal Computing
IM241Intro to MIS IFS305Management Info Sys
INDS205Color Theory & Application ART2XXColor Theory & Appl
ITAL101Basic Italian I ITL101Elem Italian I
JRNL102Basic Journ Skills CM1XXBasic Journ Skills
JRNL105Journ & Mass Media CM211Mass Communication
JRNL120Journalistic Writing WRT1XXJournalistic Writing
JRNL220Wrt for Print Media CM271Print Media Writing
KHSS135Careers in Hlth & Sport SPM1XXCareers in Hlth & Sport
KHSS143Phys Well Being PAW234Well/Fitness/Life
KHSS175Prev & Care of Injuries SPM205Responding/Emerg
KHSS209Motor Behavior SPM2XXMotor Behavior
KHSS221Human Struct & Func BIO1XXHuman Struc & Func
KHSS225Social Issues in Sport SPM130Sport in Society
KHSS256Appl Human Struct & Cond PAW2XXAppl Hum Struct & Cond
KHSS281Found of Exercise Sci PAW1XXFound Exer Sci
KHSS285Group/Indiv Exercise REC2XXGroup/Indiv Exercise
KHSS286Personal Train Prac SPM2XXPersonal Train Prac
KHSS292Intro Sport Mgmt SPM125Intro Sport Mgmt
KHSS315Biomechanics SPM3XXBiomechanics
KHSS320Mgmt Fac & Events/Sports SPM325Facility/Event Mgmt
KHSS343Physiology of Exer w lab BIO3XXPhysiology Exer w lab
LBST499The Atomic Bomb BEH4XXThe Atomic Bomb
LIBR151Intro Library Res IFL1XXIntro Library Res
MA011Elementary Functions MAT105College Algebra
MA101Found of Math MAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MA117Prin of Math MAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MA121Calc I MAT171Calculus I
MA127Calculus I MAT171Calculus I
MA128Calculus II MAT172Calculus II
MA151Elements of Math I MAT115Sets/Number Systems
MA171Intro Linear Alg MAT260Elem Linear Algebra
MA214Prob & Stat MAT250Statistics
MA214Prob & Stat QBA260Business Statistics
MA214Prob & Stat BEH260Statistics
MA216Prob & Stats Nat Sci MAT250Statistics
MA271Intro to Math Proof MAT2XXIntro to Math Proof
MA350Hist of Math MAT390Hist of Mathematics
MA460Tech in Math Inst MAT4XXTech in Math Inst
MATH100Intermediate Algebra MAT102Prelim Math/Prob Solv
MATH101Found of Math MAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MATH105College Algebra MAT105College Algebra
MATH108Applic of Bus Math MAT1XXApplic of Bus Math
MATH109Ele of App Probability BEH260Statistics
MATH110Elementary Functions MAT108Precalculus
MATH115Applied Math for Bus MAT120Applied Calculus
MATH119College Algebra MAT105College Algebra
MATH121Calc I/Nat Sci, Soc Sci, Bus MAT120Applied Calculus
MATH123Calculus I/Physics, Chem, Math MAT171Calculus I
MATH124Calculus II/Physics, Chem, Mat MAT172Calculus II
MATH125Calculus I MAT171Calculus I
MATH126Calculus II MAT172Calculus II
MATH151Elements of Math I MAT115Sets/Number Systems
MATH152Elements of Math II MAT215Sets/Number Sys II
MATH171Intro Linear Algebra MAT260Elem Linear Algebra
MATH214Prob & Stats/Bus QBA260Business Statistics
MATH216Prob & Stats MAT250Statistics
MATH217Intro Prob & Stats BEH260Statistics
MATH217Intro Prob & Stats MAT250Statistics
MATH217Intro Prob & Stats QBA260Business Statistics
MATH271Intro Math Proofs I MAT2XXIntro Math Proofs I
MATH320Math Early Child MAT3XXMath Early Child
MATH342Adv Math for Appl MAT3XXAdv Math for Appl
MG300Hum Res Mgmnt MGT220Human Resource Mgt
MG311Human Behav in Organ OBD225Org Behavior
MGMT275Intro to Entrepreneurship ENT150Intro Entrepreneur
MGMT310Prin of Management MGT150Prin of Management
MH101Intro to Music MUS200Music Appreciation
MK320Prin of Marketing MKT100Prin Marketing
MKTG320Prin of Marketing MKT100Prin Marketing
MLSC101Intro Mil Science NPE1XXIntro Mil Science
MLSC102Fund Military Sci NPE1XXFund Military Sci
MLSC203Fund Tact Oper NPE1XXFund Tact Oper
MLSC305Leadership & Mod Learn NPE1XXLeadershp & Mod Learn
MLSC391Army ROTCPhys Fit PE1XXArmy ROTCPhys Fit
MS101World Mil History HIS1XXWorld Mil History
MS102Amer Mil History HIS380Amer Military Exper
MS204Nat Security & Conce NPE2XXNat Security & Conce
MUHI101Intro to Music MUS186Listening to Music
MUHI281Music & Surv Lit MUS2XXMusic & Surv Lit
MUSC111Theory Skills I MUS184Sight Singing I
MUSC112Theory Skills II MUS185Sight Singing II
MUSC115Theory I MUS182Music Theory I
MUSC116Theory II MUS183Music Theory II
MUSC121Chamber Singers MUS1XXChamber Singers
MUSC123Symphony or Conc Band MUS1XXSymphony or Conc Band
MUSC124Concert Band MUS1XXConcert Band
MUSC125Marching Band MUS1XXMarching Band
MUSC126Music Theater MUS1XXMusic Theater
MUSC133Woodwind Ensemble MUS170Woodwind Ensemble
MUSC134Univ Chorus MUS1XXUniv Chorus
MUSC151Class Voice I MUS146Voice Class
MUSC152Calss Voice II MUS147Voice Class
MUSC211Theory Skills III MUS284Sight Singing III
MUSC212Theory Skills IV MUS2XXTheory Skills IV
MUSC215Theory III MUS282Music Theory III
MUSC216Theory IV MUS283Music Theory IV
MUSC240Tech in Music Class MUS2XXTech in Music Class
MUSC311Fund of Conducting MUS3XXFund of Conducting
MUSC313Instr Conducting MUS3XXInstr Conducting
MUSC331Elem Methods MUS3XXElem Methods
MUSC337Gen/Choral Methods MUS3XXGen/Choral Methods
MUSC351Italian Diction MUS3XXItalian Diction
MUSC353French Diction MUS3XXFrench Diction
MUSC354German Diction MUS3XXGerman Diction
NURS101Disaster Awareness NUR1XXDisaster Awareness
NURS143Healthy People PE1XXPhys Ed Elect
NURS143Healthy People NPE1XXNon Prog Elect
NURS202Foundations of Child Health NUR2XXFoundations of Child Health
NURS211Nursing Pract I NUR2XXNursing Pract I
NURS212Prof Nursing I NPE2XXNon Prog Elect
NURS213Nursing Pract II NUR2XXNursing Pract II
NURS214Hlth Assessment NPE2XXNon Prog Elect
NURS236Found of Nursing NPE2XXNon Prog Elect
NURS312Prof Nursing II NUR3XXProf Nursing II
NURS336Adult Hlth I NUR3XXAdult Hlth I
NURS337Adult Hlth Clin I NUR3XXAdult Hlth Clin I
NURS338Maternal-Child Hlth NUR3XXMaternal-Child Hlth
NURS339Maternal Child-Hlth Clin NUR3XXMaternal Child-Hlth Clin
PC101Gen Psychology PSY100General Psychology
PC310Dev Psych NUR201Nursing HD/HC
PC310Dev Psych PSY3XXDev Psych
PC321Abnormal Psych PSY230Abnormal Psych
PC330Social Psychology PSY243Social Psychology
PH120Intro to Philosophy PHL221Intro Philosophy
PHIL100Intro to Philosophy PHL221Intro Philosophy
PHIL101Meth of Crit Thinking PHL222Critical Thinking
PHIL110Reasoning & the Law PHL1XXReasoning & the Law
PHIL120Intro to Philosophy PHL221Intro Philosophy
PHIL122Cont Moral Issues PHL223Contemp Moral Prob
PHIL221Symbolic Logic PHL231Logic
PHIL222Ethics PHL341Ethics
PHIL240Philo & the Good Life PHL2XXPhilo & the Good Life
PHIL324Ant Greek Philo PHL3XXAnt Greek Philo
PHIL325Early Modern Euro Phil PHL3XXEarly Mod Euro Phil
PHIL326Existentialism PHL224Being Human
PHIL350Human Exp in Time PHL3XXHuman Exp in Time
PHIL360Philo of the Mind PHL3XXPhilo of the Mind
PHYS101Energy & Envir PSC1XXPhys Sci Elect No Lab
PHYS105Physics of Light & Sound PHY1XXPhysics Elect No Lab
PHYS111Physics I Lecture PHY110Gen Phys:Mech/Ht
PHYS111Physics I Lecture PHY1XXPhysics Elect no lab
PHYS112Physics II PHY112Gen Phys:Elc/Magn
PHYS151Medical Phys Lecture PHY1XXPhysics Elect no lab
PLSC101World Politics PS1XXWorld Politics
PLSC111American Pol PS101Amer Gov/Citizenship
PLSC280Comp Govt I PS260Comparative Politics
PS101World Politics PS1XXWorld Politics
PS111Amer Politics PS141American Governmnt
PS111American Politics PS101Amer Gov/Citizenship
PSYC101General Psychology PSY100General Psychology
PSYC215Dev Psychology PSY2XXDev Psychology
PSYC215Dev Psychology NUR201Nursing HD/HC
PSYC225Abnormal Psychology PSY230Abnormal Psych
PSYC290Rsrch Des & Analysis I PSY2XXRsrch Des & Analysis I
PSYC310Dev Psych PSY321Developmental Sci
PSYC310Dev Psych NUR201Nursing HD/HC
PSYC311Child Psychology PSY221Child/Adol Develop
PSYC320Personality PSY440Personality
PSYC321Abnormal Psych PSY331Child Psychopathlgy
PSYC321Abnormal Psych PSY330Adult Psychopathlgy
PSYC321Abnormal Psych PSY230Abnormal Psych
PSYC330Social Psychology PSY243Social Psychology
PSYC378Psych of Death & Dying PSY3XXPsych of Death & Dying
QBUS215Business Statistics QBA2XXBusiness Statistics
RESP101Profession of Respiratory Care HSC100Expl Health Professions
RESP326Resp Care Clinical I RT3XXRespiratory Therapy Elective
RESP327Pharmacology BIO3XXPharmacology
RESP328Applied Concepts Resp Care RT3XXRespiratory Therapy Elective
RESP329Resp Care Equpiment RT3XXRespiratory Therapy Elective
RESP334Resp Care Inst & App RT3XXRespiratory Therapy Elective
RESP335Patient Care-Emer Skills SPM205Responding/Emerg
RESP336Cardiopulmonary Eval RT3XXRespiratory Therapy Elective
RGPL103Cities of the World INT1XXCities of the World
RLST100Intro to Religion REL1XXIntro to Religion
RLST110World Religions REL265World Religions
RLST200Rel & Cult Interaction REL2XXRel & Cult Interaction
RLST220Buddhism REL2XXBuddhism
RLST250Understanding the Bible REL2XXUnderstanding the Bible
RLST290Christianity REL275Trad/Cult Chrstnty
RS100Intro to Religion REL1XXIntro to Religion
RS110World Religions REL265World Religions
RS250Understanding the Bible REL2XXUnd the Bible
RS290Christianity REL275Trad/Cult Chrstnty
RS329Phil of Religion PHL383Philos Of Religion
SAFE111Prin of Indust Safety NPE1XXPrin of Indust Safety
SAFE211Prin Indust Safety II NPE1XXPrin of Indust Safety II
SAFE215Safe, Hlth, Enviro Comm FCO2XXSafe, Hlth, Enviro Comm
SAFE220Hazard Material/Emer Mgmt NPE2XXHazard Mat/Emer Mgmt
SC101Fund of Physics PSC152Physical Sci I
SC102Fund of Chem CHM102Chem/Society
SC103Fund Earth & Space Sci ESS152Earth/Space Sci
SC105Physical Science I PSC152Physical Sci I
SC106Physical Science II PSC154Physical Sci II
SCI101Fund of Physics PSC152Physical Sci I
SCI102Fund of Chemistry CHM102Chem/Society
SCI103Fund Earth & Space Sci ESS152Earth/Space Sci
SCI104Fund Environmental Biology BIO1XXFund Enviro Biology
SCI105Physical Science I PSC152Physical Sci I
SCI106Phys Sci II PSC1XXPhys Sci II
SCI107Chemistry for Everyone CHM240Perspect/Molecular
SCI107Chemistry for Everyone01CHM240Perspect/Molecular
SCI107Chemistry for Everyone01CHM241Persp/Molec Lab
SCI117Chemistry for Everyone Lab01  
SCI201Great Ideas in Science PSC2XXPhysical Sci Elective No Lab
SO151Prin of Sociology SOC100Intro Sociology
SO231Cont Soc Prob SOC220Am Social Problems
SO274Cult Area: Latin Amer SOC2XXCult Area: Latin Amer
SO333Delinquency & Youth SOC3XXDelinquency & Youth
SO335Alcohol & Drug Abuse SOC210Drug/Alcohol Addctn
SO481Soc of Deviance SOC4XXSoc of Deviance
SOC151Principles of Sociology SOC100Intro Sociology
SOC161Foun of Soc: Grps & Organiztns SOC1XXFound of Soc: Grps & Orgniztns
SOC231Contemp Social Prob SOC2XXContemp Social Problems
SOC251Soc of Hum Sexuality SOC2XXSoc of Hum Sexuality
SOC269Soc Deviance SOC2XXSoc Deviance
SOC333Delinquency & Youth CJA110Juvenile Delinquncy
SOC335Alcohol & Drug Abuse SOC210Drug/Alcohol Addctn
SOC336Soc of the Family SOC225The Family
SOC357Soc of Aging SOC3XXSoc of Aging
SOC362Racial & Ethnic Min SOC315Ethnic/Minorities
SOC363Sociology of Gender SOC260Gender/Society
SOC387Soc & Cult Change SOC3XXSoc & Cult Change
SOC427Soc Persp Partner Viol SOC4XXSoc Persp Partner Viol
SOC428Child Abuse SOC4XXChild Abuse
SOC448Soc Welfare Policy SOC4XXSoc Welfare Policy
SP101Elem Spanish I SPN101Elem Spanish I
SP221Interm Span Conv SPN205Inter Spanish Conv
SP230Interm Span Comp SPN2XXInterm Span Comp
SPAN101Elem Spanish I SPN101Elem Spanish I
SPAN102Elementary Spanish II SPN102Elem Spanish II
SPAN201Intermed Spanish SPN201Inter Spanish I
SPAN220Interm Span Conversation SPN205Inter Spanish Conv
SPAN230Inter Spanish Comp & Grammar SPN301Adv Oral/Writ Span
SPAN260Intro to Hispanic Literature SPN2XXIntro to Hispanic Lit
SPAN350Adv Spanish Conversation SPN3XXAdv Span Conversation
SPAN390Tchg El Content in Spanish SPN3XXTchg El Cont in Span
SPLP111Intro Comm Disorders CM1XXIntro Comm Disorders
SPLP222Intro Audiology CM2XXIntro Audiology
TH101Intro to Theater THE254Intro Theatre
THTR101Intro to Theater THE254Intro Theatre
THTR101Intro to Theater THE154Intro to Theater
THTR111Foundations of Theater THE254Intro Theatre
THTR116Fund of Theatrical Design THE1XXFund of Theatrical Dsgn
THTR120Stagecraft THE220Theatre Construct
THTR131Stage Movement THE1XXStage Movement
THTR132Introduction to Acting THE262Acting
THTR161Intro to Theatre THE154Introduction to Theatre
THTR205Classic Theater I THE2XXClassic Theater I
THTR207Modern Theater I THE2XXModern Theater I
THTR221Basic Stage Lighting THE321Lighting Design
THTR240Acting I THE262Acting
THTR281Spec Topics: Devised Theater THE2XXSpec Top: Devised Thtr
THTR341Acting Styles THE355Advanced Acting
THTR342Acting Shakespeare THE3XXActing Shakespeare
THTR347Playwriting THE275Playwriting
THTR350Directing THE3XXDirecting
THTR484Directing Theater THE4XXDirecting Theater
THTR486Pract in Prod THE4XXPract in Prod
THTR487Acting Studio: Stage Combat THE4XXActing Studio: Stg Cmbt
UGSS281College Adjustment/Std Success FYS1XXCollege Adjustment/Std Success
James Madison UniversityYork College of Pennsylvania
BIO114OrganismsBIO204Exploring Biology
BIO280Allied Health MicrobioBIO230Microbiology
BIO290Human AnatomyBIO220Human A/P I
CHEM120Concepts of ChemistryCHM104Found of Chem
CHEM131Gen Chemistry ICHM1XXChemistry Elect No Lab
CHEM131Gen Chemistry ICHM134Gen Chem I
CHEM132Gen Chemistry IICHM136Gen Chem II
CHEM132Gen Chemistry IICHM1XXChemistry Elect No Lab
COB191Bus StatsQBA260Business Statistics
COB204Comp Info SysIFS100Info Tech Competncy
COB204Comp Info SysIFS105Personal Computing
COB218Legal Envir of BusinessBUS260Legal Environment
COB241Fin AccountingACC220Financial Acct
CSD200Intro to Comm DisordersCM200Intro to Comm Dsordrs
ECON200Intro MacroeconECO200Prin Econ-Macro
ECON201Intro MicroeconECO201Prin Econ-Micro
EDUC360Foundations of Amer EdED3XXFound of Amer Ed
ENG222Ideo and Global CinemaFLM2XXIdeo and Global Cin
ENG248Survey American Lit IILIT282Amer Lit after 1885
ENG260Survey African-Am LitLIT203African/Amer Lit
ENG299Writing About LitWRT200Wrtng About Lit
ENG392Intro to Creative WritingWRT310Creative Writing
ENG412JSpecial Topic SeminarLIT3XXSpecial Topic Seminar
ENG421Traditional English GrammarWRT4XXTraditional English Grammar
ENG441Texts for Teachers IISE4XXTexts for Teachers II
GANTH195Cult AnthropologyANT220Cult Anthropology
GANTH196Biol AnthropologyANT1XXBiol Anthropology
GART200Art in General CultureART101Intro Art Apprec
GARTH205Prehist to RenART204Survey West Art I
GARTH206Renais Thru Modern ArtART205Survey West Art II
GBUS160Bus Decision Mkg Mod SocBUS1XXBus Decision Mkg Mod Soc
GCOM122Fund Human Comm: Indv PresCM212Public Speaking
GCOM122Fund Human Comm: Indv PresCM104Human Communicatn
GCOM123Fund Human CommCM104Human Communicatn
GENG235Sur Eng LitLIT283British Lit to 1750
GENG236Sur of Eng LitLIT284Brt Lit after 1750
GENG239Studies in World LiteratureLIT2XXStudies in World Literature
GENG247Survey of Amer Lit ILIT281Amer Lit to 1885
GENG248Survey American Lit IILIT282Amer Lit after 1885
GEOG161Geospatial Tools & TechG261Intro Geo Info Sys
GEOG200Geography: Global DimG100World Reg Geography
GEOL115Earth System and ClimateESS152Earth/Space Sci
GGEOG200Geog: Global DimensionG243Intro Geography
GGEOL102Environment: EarthESS1XXEarth Sci Elect No Lab
GHIST101World Culture to 1650H219Hist Western Civ I
GHIST102World History since 1500HIS102Western Civ II
GHIST150Crit Iss Rec Global HistH1XXCrit Iss Rec Global Hist
GHIST225US HistoryHIS111American Civ I
GHIST225US HistoryHIS112American Civ II
GHTH100Pers WellnessNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
GHTH100Pers WellnessPE1XXPhys Ed Elect
GHUM102God Meaning and MoralityPHL1XXGod Meaning & Moral
GHUM200Great WorksLIT2XXGreat Works
GKIN100Lifetime Fitness & WellPE134Concpts Phys Actvty
GMAD150Mediated CommCM1XXMediated Comm
GMUS200Music in General CultureMUS200Music Appreciation
GPHIL101Intro to PhilosophyPHL221Intro Philosophy
GPHIL120Critical ThinkingPHL222Critical Thinking
GPHIL150Ethical ReasoningPHL222Critical Thinking
GPOSC225U.S. GovtPS141American Governmnt
GPSYC101General PsychologyPSY100General Psychology
GPSYC160Life Span Human DevPSY1XXLife Span Hum Dev
GREL101Religions of the WorldREL265World Religions
GSCI101Phys, Chem & Hum ExpPSC1XXPhys Sci Elect No Lab
GSCI164Phys Sci: Learn Thr TchPSC152Physical Sci I
GSCI165The Way Life WorksPSC1XXPhys Sci Elect No Lab
GSCI166Environ in ContextPSC1XXPhys Sci Elect No Lab
GSOCI110Social ProblemsSOC1XXSocial Problems
GWRIT103Critical Reading & WritWRT102Analytical Read/Writ
GWRTC103Crit Read & WritingWRT102Analytical Read/Writ
HIST102Global Culture Since 1650H220Hist Western Civ II
HIST150Crit Issues Rec Global HistHIS1XXCrit Issues Rec Glob Hist
HIST225US HistoryHIS112American Civ II
HTH100Personal WellnessNPE1XXNon Program Elective
HTH100Personal WellnessPE1XXPhysical Education Elective
ISAT160Prov Solv in Sci and TechESS1XXProv Solv in Sci & Tech
ISAT280Projects in ISATPSC2XXPhys Sci Elect No Lab
ISCI173Life & Envir Sci for TeachersEDU250Science Concepts/Ed
MATH107Fund of MathematicsMAT115Math Foundations
MATH108Fund of Math IIMAT150Data/Decision Making
MATH155College AlgebraMAT105College Algebra
MATH205Intro Calculus IMAT120Applied Calculus
MATH220Elem StatisticsMAT250Statistics
MATH231Calc with Functions IMAT120Applied Calculus
MATH235Calculus IMAT171Calculus I
MATH236Calculus IIMAT172Calculus II
MUAP237Marching BandMUS2XXMarching Band
MUS200Music in General CultureMUS186Listening to Music
PHIL120Critical ThinkingPHL222Critical Thinking
PHIL270Intro to EthicsPHL341Ethics
PHYS120Solar SystemESS1XXEarth Sci Elect No Lab
PHYS240Univ Physics IPHY160Eng Phys:Mechncs
PHYS240Univ Physics IPHY2XXPhysics Elect No Lab
POSC230Intl RelationsPS302International Rel
POSC240Comp PoliticsPS260Comparative Politics
PSYC160Life Span Hum DevPSY1XXLife Span Hum Dev
PSYC200Topics in PsychologyPSY2XXTopics in Psychology
PSYC212Psych Res Des & Data IPSY2XXPsych Res Des & Data I
READ254Lit for AdolescentsED2XXLit for Adolescents
SCOM122Fund Human Comm: Ind PresCM104Human Communicatn
SCOM123Fund Human Comm: GroupCM246Comm/Business Prof
SMAD150Med Comm:  Issues & SkillsCM1XXMed Comm: Iss & Skills
SPAN231Intermediate SpanishSPN201Inter Spanish I
SPAN232Intermediate SpanishSPN202Inter Spanish II
SPAN300Grammar & CommSPN3XXGrammar & Comm
SPAN320Oral & Written CommSPN301Adv Oral/Writ Span
SPAN448Spanish LinguisticsSPN425Spanish Linguistics
SPAN492Practical SpanishSPN4XXPractical Spanish
SRM201Foundations of HM and SRMREC2XXFoundations of HM and SRM
SRM202Found Ldrshp Hosp, Sprt, RecREC2XXFnd Ldrshp: Hosp, Sp, Rec
SRM203Foundat, Ethics & LawREC2XXFoundat, Ethics & Law
WRIT103Critical Reading and WritingWRT101English Comp
WRTC103Critical Read & WritFCO105Rhetorical Comm
Kutztown University of PAYork College of Pennsylvania
ACC121Financial AccountingACC220Financial Acct
ACC122Managerial AcctACC225Managerial Acct
ACC305Cost AccountingACC310Cost Accounting
ACC312Accounting Info SystemsACC3XXAccounting Info Systems
ACC321Intermed Accounting IACC320Inter Accounting I
ACC335Forensic AccountingACC3XXForensic Accounting
ACC520Mang Acc Cntrl SysMBA527Managerial Accountg
ANT010Cultural AnthropANT220Cult Anthropology
ANT10Cult AnthropologyANT220Cult Anthropology
ANT20Physical AnthropologyANT210Physical Anthropol
ANT224Ant of Death & DyingANT2XXAnt of Death & Dying
ANT272Human HeredityANT2XXHuman Heredity
ANT30Intro ArchaeologyANT230Intro Archaeology
ARC15Art, Design, & Vis CultureART101Intro Art Apprec
ARC300Vis Culture: Criticl PracticART3XXVis Culture: Criticl Practic
ARH024Art History AART204Survey West Art I
ARH024Art History AART204Survey West Art I
ARH025Art History BART205Survey West Art II
ARH124Art History AART204Survey West Art I
ARH125Art History BART205Survey West Art II
ARH126Art History C: 1850-TodayART1XXArt History C: 1850-Today
ARH24Art History AART204Survey West Art I
ARH25Art History BART205Survey West Art II
ARH26Art History CART205Survey West Art II
ARH309Art Since 1950ART3XXArt Since 1950
ARH338Eur ModernismART3XXEur Modernism
ARH365Cut/Paste Hist of CollageART3XXCut/Paste Hist of Collage
ART015Art, Des & Vis CultART101Intro Art Apprec
ART031Two-Dim DesignART210Design I
ART032Three-Dim DesignART211Design II
ART10Experiencing ArtART101Intro Art Apprec
ART15Art, Design & Vis CultureART101Intro Art Apprec
ART31Two-Dim DesART210Design I
ART323-D DesignART211Design II
ART32Three-Dim DesignART211Design II
ARU110Tch Art/Des/CrftEDU1XXTch Art/Des/Crft
ARU236Arts & Pre K-4 EducEDU2XXArts & Pre K-4 Educ
AST020Intro AstronomyESS1XXEarth Sci Elect No Lab
AST020Intro AstronomyESS154Intro/Astronomy
AST30Mission to the PlanetESS154Intro/Astronomy
BIO010Biological ScienceBIO110General Biology
BIO10Intro to BiologyBIO110General Biology
BIO10Intro to BiologyBIO204Exploring Biology
BIO104Prin of BiologyBIO150Biology I
BIO106Intro to ZoologyBIO302Zoology
BIO108Intro to BotanyBIO304Botany
BIO12Intro to Bio: Human BioBIO204Exploring Biology
BIO120Anatomy & Phys IBIO220Human A/P I
BIO122Anatomy & Phys IIBIO222Human A/P II
BIO130Env Issues: Global PerspBIO1XXBiology Elective No Lab
BIO140Bio & SocietyBIO1XXBiology Elect No Lab
BIO146Bas Nutr & Diet TherBIO1XXBiology Elect No Lab
BIO160Intro to MicrobiologyBIO230Microbiology
BUS120Prin of Business StatsQBA260Business Statistics
BUS131Bus Law IBUS260Legal Environment
BUS171Bus Computer ApplIFS105Personal Computing
BUS220Regr Analysis & Data AnalyticsQBA265Intro to Analytics
BUS275Bus Data Mgm & Info SystemsBUS2XXBus Data Mgm & Info Systems
BUS332Business Law IIBUS346Business Law II
CDE022Intro Digital Design IART1XXIntro Digital Design I
CDE10Digital FoundationsART1XXDigital Foundations
CDE122Intro Digital Design IIART1XXIntro Digital Design II
CDE130TypographyART135Visual Comm I
CDE140Digital TranslationART1XXDigital Translation
CDE147Visual ThinkingART1XXVisual Thinking
CDE151Illustration TechART1XXIllustration Techniques
CDE22Intro Digital Design IART2XXIntro Digital Design I
CDH150Hist Surv Graph Des AART1XXHist Surv Graph Design A
CDH151Hist Surv Graph Des BART389Hist/Graphic Design
CFT110Craft DesignART1XXCraft Design
CFT121Ceramics IART225Ceramics I
CFT141Textiles & Material Studies IART1XXTextiles & Material Studies I
CFT321Ceramics Studio IART275Ceramics II
CFT341Textiles Studio IART3XXTextiles Studio I
CFT378Indpt Std: CFT Studio IIART3XXIndpt Std: CFT Studio II
CFT51Wood DesignART1XXWood Design
CHM100General Chem ICHM134Gen Chem I
CHM102Gen Chem IICHM136Gen Chem II
CHM214Organic Chemistry ICHM234Organic Chem I
CIS112Vis Basic ProgIFS160Visual Basic Progrm
CIS135Comp & Info Sci ICS1XXComp & Info Sci I
CIS136Comp & Info Sci IICS1XXComp & Info Sci II
CIS241Adv Vis Basic ProgIFS2XXAdv Vis Basic Prog
CIS242Scripting Lang/ClientIFS2XXScripting Lang/Client
CMP100Effective CommunicationFCO105Rhetorical Comm
CMP200Research and CommWRT2XXResearch and Comm
CMP202Analytical WritingBUS2XXAnalytical Writing
COM10Fund of Oral CommCM212Public Speaking
COM10Fund of Oral CommCM104Human Communicatn
COM170An Intro to Public RelationsCM221Intro Public Relatns
COM205Argumentation and DebateCM310Argumentatn/Debate
COM212Intro to Mass CommCM211Mass Communication
COM235Pub Relations Cas/CampCM2XXPub Relations Case/Camp
COM327Rhet Theory & CritCM3XXRhet Theory & Crit
CRJ010Intro to Criminal JusticeCJA101Intro Crim Justice
CRJ10Intro Crim JusticeCJA101Intro Crim Justice
CRJ101Intro to PolicingCJA334Policing In America
CRJ181Criminal LawCJA302Criminal Law
CRJ230Race, Crime & Crim JustCJA2XXRace, Crime & Crim Just
CSC130Info Tech FundIFS1XXInfo Tech Fund
CSC135Computer Sci ICS101Fund Comp Sci I
CSC136Computer Sci IICS201Fund Comp Sci II
CSC223Adv Scien ProgrammingCS2XXAdv Sci Program
CSC237Data StructuresCS350Data Structures
CSC242Web ProgrammingIFS2XXWeb Programming
CSC243Java ProgrammingIFS2XXJava Programming
CSC253IT SystemsIFS2XXIT Systems
DAN57Intro to Dance IPE1XXIntro to Dance I
ECO011Prin of MacroeconomicsECO200Prin Econ-Macro
ECO012Prin of MicroeconomicsECO201Prin Econ-Micro
ECO11Prin of MacroeconECO200Prin Econ-Macro
ECO12Prin of MicroeconomicsECO201Prin Econ-Micro
EDU100Perspec on American EdEDU200Found of Education
EDU101Teach Pre K-8EDU1XXTeach Pre K-8
EEU130Early Child DevEDU1XXEarly Child Dev
EEU205Teach Sci/Early ChildEDU2XXTeach Sci/Early Child
EEU209Math FoundEDU2XXMath Found
EEU211Fam Collab & DivEDU2XXFam Collab & Div
EEU215Intro to Early Childhood EdECH2XXIntro to Early Childhood Ed
EEU300Early Lit Dev & AcqEDU3XXEarly Lit Dev & Acq
ELU201Fund Read Instr IEDU2XXFund Read Instr I
ELU202Soc, Teach, & DispEDU2XXSoc, Teach, Disp
ELU300Fund of Reading InstrEDU3XXFund Read Instr
ELU351Diag & Rem ReadingEDU3XXDiag & Rem Reading
ENG001English Composition IWRT102Analytical Read/Writ
ENG010Intro to LiteratureLIT200Perspectives/Lit
ENG023College Composition IWRT102Analytical Read/Writ
ENG1English Comp IFCO105Rhetorical Comm
ENG10Intro to LitLIT200Perspectives/Lit
ENG100Prin of Lit AnalysisLIT1XXPrin of Lit Analysis
ENG102World Lit IILIT1XXWorld Lit II
ENG103American Literature ILIT281Amer Lit to 1885
ENG105American Lit: ExperiencesLIT1XXAm Lit: Experiences
ENG113Brit Lit ILIT283British Lit to 1750
ENG137African American LitLIT203African/Amer Lit
ENG22Intro to Clg CompWRT100Intro College Writ
ENG220Intro Eng LinguisticsLIT310Language/Linguistics
ENG225Tchg Adolescent LitLIT2XXTchg Adolescent Lit
ENG23College Comp IFCO105Rhetorical Comm
ENG23College Comp IWRT102Analytical Read/Writ
ENG230Adv CompWRT315Advanced Compositn
ENG24College Comp IIFCO1XXCollege Comp II
ENG240His Eng LangLIT2XXHis Eng Lang
ENG242International CinemaFLM2XXInternational Cinema
ENG25Honors CompositionWRT102Analytical Read/Writ
ENG25Honors CompositionFCO105Rhetorical Comm
ENG251Old Test LitLIT390Bible as Literature
ENG270Short StoryLIT291Short Story
ENG275Arch Women Myth & LitLIT2XXArch Women Myth & Lit
ENG276Ninetenth Cent Wom LitLIT2XXNinetenth Cent Wom Lit
ENG331Shakespeare's Early PlaysLIT323Shakespeare I
ENG335Rhetoric of LitLIT3XXRhetoric of Lit
ENG350Times of Melvil & WhitLIT3XXTimes of Melvil & Whit
ENG363Mod DramaLIT416Modern Drama
ENG371Indpt Std: Sel Tps in EngLIT3XXInd Std: Sel Tps in Eng
ENG379Lit CriticismLIT210Criticism/Theory
ENG380Senior Sem in EngLIT3XXSenior Sem in Eng
FAR015Drawing IART215Drawing I
FAR016Drawing IIART265Drawing II
FAR111Intro to PaintingART220Painting I
FAR111Intro to PaintingART114Concepts/Painting
FAR141Intro PrintmakingART287Printmaking
FAR15Drawing IART215Drawing I
FAR151Intro Life DrawingART112Conc Figure Drawing
FAR151Intro Life DrawingART216Figure Drawing I
FAR16Drawing IIART265Drawing II
FAR162Intro to Photo: DigitalART246Digital Photography
FAR171Intro to SculptureART116Concepts/Sculpture
FAR171Intro to SculptureART230Sculpture I
FAS230Works on Paper Studio IART287Printmaking I
FAS231Works on Paper Studio IIART291Printmaking II
FAS320Drawing Studio IART265Drawing II
FRE011Elem French IFRN101Elem French I
FRE012Elem French IIFRN102Elem French II
FYS100First Year SeminarFYS100First Year Seminar
GEG020Elements of Cult GegG243Intro Geography
GEG10Elem of Physical GegG151Intro Physical Geog
GEG101World Regional GeographyG100World Reg Geography
GEG101World Reg GeogG243Intro Geography
GEG20Elem of Cult GeogG243Intro Geography
GEG210Environ ConservationBIO2XXBiol Elect No Lab
GEG240Geog of PAG2XXGeog of PA
GEL020Intro to GeologyESS1XXIntro to Geology
GEL031Geol Nat Parks & MonESS1XXEarth Sci Elect No Lab
GEL100Phys GeologyESS1XXPhys Geology
GER11Elem German IGRM101Elem German I
GER12Elem German IIGRM102Elem German II
HEA102Intro Health/WellnessPAW134Concpts Phys Actvty
HIS014Hist of Civ AHIS101Western Civ I
HIS015Hist of Civ BHIS102Western Civ II
HIS025US Form Yrs & Fed RepHIS111American Civ I
HIS026His U.S.: Emerg of Mod AmHIS112American Civ II
HIS131His of Lat Amer: ColonialHIS1XXHis of Lat Amer: Colonial
HIS14Hist of Civ AHIS101Western Civ I
HIS15History of Civ BHIS102West in the World
HIS150Minorities in Amer HistHIS1XXMinorities in Amer Hist
HIS25US: Form Yrs & Fed RepHIS111American Civ I
HIS252Amer Colonial HistHIS350Amer Colonial Hist
HIS26His US: Emerg Mod AmerHIS112American Civ II
HIS33Conspiracies Modern Amer HistHIS1XXConspiracies Modern Amer Hist
HPD013Aquatic ActPE1XXAquatic Act
HPD035Fitness WalkingPE1XXFitness Walking
HPD057Intro to Dance IPE1XXIntro to Dance I
HPD070Personal FitnessPE119Physical Fitness
HPD083Tai ChiPE164Intro to Tai Chi
HPD101Intro to Hlth/WellnessPE1XXPhys Ed Elect
HPD101Intro to Hlth/WellnessNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
HPD102Intro Health/WellnessNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
HPD102Intro Health/WellnessPE1XXPhys Ed Elect
HPD110Personal Hlth MgmtNPE1XXNon Prog Elective
HPD110Personal Hlth MgmtPE1XXPhysical Ed Elective
HPD57Intro to Dance IPE1XXIntro to Dance I
HPD60Jog, Run, RacePE1XXJog, Run, Race
HPD95Hatha YogaPE163Intro to Yoga
HUM211Women in the ArtsHUM2XXWomen in the Arts
INT010Intro Intl StdsINT1XXIntro Intl Stds
INT10Intro to Intnatl StdsINT1XXIntro to Intnatl Stds
ITC321Instructional Tech in EduSE210Educ Tech Mid/Sec
ITC321Instructional Tech in EduECH210Ed Tech/Early Elem
ITC321Instruct Tech in EdEDU3XXInstruct Tech in Ed
LLT321Tech 21 Century EducatorEDU3XXTech 21 Century Educator
MAR110Intro OceanographyBIO1XXBiol Elect No Lab
MAR237Field Meth in OceanBIO2XXBiol Elect No Lab
MAT005General MathMAT1XXGeneral Math
MAT015Intro MathMAT115Sets/Number Systems
MAT017Intro MathMAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MAT021Fund of Math IMAT115Sets/Number Systems
MAT022Fundamentals of Math IIMAT215Sets/Number Sys II
MAT025Intro MathMAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MAT101Fundamentals of Mathematics IMAT115Sets/Number Systems
MAT102Fundamentals of Mathematics IIMAT215Sets/Number Sys II
MAT103Fund of Math IMAT115Math Foundations
MAT103Fund of Math IMAT115Sets/Number Systems
MAT104Fund of Math IIMAT150Data/Decision Making
MAT104QLFund of Math IIMAT150Data/Decision Making
MAT105College AlgebraMAT105College Algebra
MAT115Precalculus MathMAT108Precalculus
MAT121Mat for Bus & Info SciMAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MAT122Calc for Bus & Info SciMAT120Applied Calculus
MAT125Discrete Math IMAT1XXDiscrete Math I
MAT17Intro MathMAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MAT171Calculus IMAT171Calculus I
MAT172Calculus IIMAT172Calculus II
MAT181Calculus IMAT171Calculus I
MAT182Calculus IIMAT172Calculus II
MAT3Intermediate AlgebraMAT105College Algebra
MAT5Math for NursesMAT1XXMath for Nurses
MGM210Prin of MgmtMGT150Prin of Management
MGM351Operations ManagementSCM300Operations Mgmt
MGM352International MgmtMGT3XXInternational Mgmt
MGM570Oper Mgm Theory & PractMBA545Operations Mgmt
MGM580Org Theory & BehaviorMBA539Org Theory/Behavior
MKT210Prin of MarketingMKT100Prin Marketing
MKT315Mkt Ethics in SocietyPR280Ethics in Strategic Comm
MKT320Marketing MgmtMKT3XXMarketing Mgmt
MUP249Apl Mus: ViolinMUS108Violin
MUP281University BandMUS2XXUniversity Band
MUP285University OrchestraMUS164Community Orchestra
MUS010Intro to Music LitMUS200Music Appreciation
MUS10Intro Music LitMUS186Listening to Music
MUS10Intro to Music LitMUS186Listening to Music
MUS10Intro to Music LitMUS200Music Appreciation
MUS106History of Rock and RollMUS288History Rock/Roll
MUS20Basic Conc & Skls of MusMUS181Found Music Theory
PED048Pers DefensePE130Self Defense
PED085Weight TrainingPE119Physical Fitness
PED160Intro Sports MgmtSPM1XXIntro Sports Mgmt
PHI015Crit ThinkingPHL222Critical Thinking
PHI030Intro PhilosophyPHL221Intro Philosophy
PHI040Intro to EthicsPHL341Ethics
PHI121Modern PhilosophyPHL221Intro Philosophy
PHI20Intro to LogicPHL231Logic
PHI30Intro to PhilosophyPHL221Intro Philosophy
PHI60Intro Rel StudiesREL1XXIntro Rel Studies
PHY040Gen Physics IPHY1XXPhysics Elect No Lab
PHY040Gen Physics IPHY110Gen Phys:Mech/Ht
PHY042Gen Physics IIPHY112Gen Phys:Elc/Magn
PHY042Gen Physics IIPHY1XXPhysics Elect No Lab
POL010American GovernmentPS141American Governmnt
POL020Intl RelationsPS302International Rel
POL10American GovernmentPS101Amer Gov/Citizenship
POL10Amer GovtPS141American Governmnt
POL140Law and SocietySOC1XXLaw and Society
POL50State & Local GovtPS242State/Local Govt
PRO185Fund of Professional FitPAW1XXPhys Act & Wellness Elect
PSY011General PsychologyPSY100General Psychology
PSY11Gen PsychologyPSY100General Psychology
PSY110Child PsychologyPSY221Child/Adol Develop
PSY120Adolescent PsychPSY1XXAdolescent Psych
PSY125Life Span DevNUR201Nursing HD/HC
PSY125Life Span DevPSY1XXLife Span Dev
PSY140Ed PsychologyEDU375Psy Learning/Second
PSY140Ed PsychologyEDU370Psych of Learning
PSY160Human ExceptionalitiesPSY1XXHum Exceptionalities
PSY200Stats for Soc & Beh SciBEH260Statistics
PSY202Psych of PersonalityPSY2XXPsych of Personality
PSY220Industrial/Organizatl PsychPSY2XXIndustrial/Organizatl Psych
PSY240Social PsychologyPSY243Social Psychology
PSY250Abnormal PsychologyPSY230Abnormal Psych
PSY331Hlth PsychologyPSY393Health Psychology
SMS101Intro Social MediaCM1XXIntro Social Media
SOC010Principles of SociologySOC100Intro Sociology
SOC10Prin of SociologySOC100Intro Sociology
SOC122Intimate RelationshipsSOC1XXIntimate Relationships
SOC140Race and EthnicitiySOC1XXRace and Ethnicity
SOC230Urban SociologySOC340Urban Sociology
SOC235Sociology of GenderSOC260Gender/Society
SOC245Sociology of DevianceSOC2XXSociology of Deviance
SOC280Social MovementsSOC2XXSocial Movements
SOC290Soc Gerontology & SwkSOC2XXSoc Gerontology & Swk
SOC371Sel Tps in SociologySOC3XXSel Tps in Sociology
SPA011Elementary Spanish ISPN101Elem Spanish I
SPA012Elementary Spanish IISPN102Elem Spanish II
SPA103Intermediate Spanish IIISPN201Inter Spanish I
SPA11Elem Spanish ISPN101Elem Spanish I
SPA12Elementary Spanish IISPN102Elem Spanish II
SPA21Intermediate Spanish IIISPN2XXIntermediate Spanish III
SPA212Spanish CompositionSPN2XXSpanish Composition
SPA212Spanish CompositionSPN2XXSpan Composition
SPA213Adv Conversation in SpaSPN205Conversing in Spanish
SPA22Intermediate Spanish IVSPN2XXIntermediate Spanish IV
SPA311Spanish Amer Lit to 1910SPN316Expl Span Amer Through Lit
SPA340Spanish Culture & CivilSPN305Span Amer Cult/Civ
SPE010Fundamentals of SpeechCM212Public Speaking
SPE010Fundamentals of SpeechCM104Human Communicatn
SPE10Fund of Oral CommCM104Human Communicatn
SPE10Fund of Oral CommCM212Public Speaking
SPE110Small Group DiscussionCM1XXSmall Group Discussion
SPE120Oral Interpretation ICM212Public Speaking
SPE120Oral Interpretation ICM104Human Communicatn
SPE130Interpers CommunicationCM329Interpersonal Comm
SPT160Intro Sports MgmtSPM125Intro Sport Mgmt
SPT160Intro to Sports MgmtSPM1XXIntro to Sports Mgmt
SPT195Accounting for Sport MgmtACC1XXAccounting for Sport Mgmt
SPT205Sport BehaviorSPM310Sport Behavior
SPT230Leadership + TeamSPM2XXLeadership + Team
SPT236Personal Selling in SportSPM2XXPerson Selling in Sport
SPT265Managing Sport OrganizationsSPM2XXMang Sport Org
SPU100Intro to Spec EdSPE1XXIntro to Spec Ed
SPU101Early Interv + TransitionSPE1XXEarly Interv + Trans
SPU110Early InterventionSPE1XXEarly Intervention
SPU200Read/Writ/Teach LitSPE2XXRead/Writ/Teach Lit
SPU201Cog Dev/StandardsSPE2XXCog Dev/Standards
SPU202O&M Tchr Stu w/ViSPE2XXO&M Tchr Stu w/Vi
SPU204Anat Eye/Assess StSPE2XXAnat Eye/Assess St
SPU216Evidence Pract Math StuSPE2XXEvidence Pract Math Stu
SPU300Read/Writ/Othr BrailSPE3XXRead/Writ/Othr Brail
SPU316Lit Dev & InstructSPE3XXLit Dev & Instruct
SPU317Read Writ & Math IntervSPE3XXRead Writ & Math Int
SPU318Assess & Instr MethSPE3XXAssess & Instr Meth
SPU328Pos Beh Interv & SuppSPE3XXPos Beh Interv & Supp
SWK100Intro to Soc Work & SwlSOC1XXIntro to Soc Work & Swl
SWK130Poverty & Soc WelfareSOC1XXPoverty & Soc Welfare
SWK160Human Beh/Soc EnvrSOC1XXHuman Behav/Soc Evr
THE015Intro to the TheatreTHE254Intro Theatre
THE131Fund of Acting ITHE262Acting
THE140Play ProdTHE1XXPlay Prod
THE15Intro to TheatreTHE254Intro Theatre
THE150Unarmed Combat for StageTHE1XXUnarmed Combat for Stage
THE195Theatre PracticumTHE350Theatre Pract I
THE203Script Analysis/ProdTHE2XXScript Analysis/Prod
THE218Adv Mus The Act/SceneTHE2XXAdv Mus The Act/Scene
THE228His of Amer Mus TheatreTHE2XXHis Amer Mus Theatre
THE31Intro to ActingTHE1XXIntro to Acting
THE460Sel Tps in TheatreTHE380Special Topics
TVR10Intro to Elec MediaCM211Mass Communication
TVR130Media Theory & AestheticsCM1XXMedia Thry & Aesthetics
TVR140Video LightingCM1XXVideo Lighting
TVR220Communication LawCM434Media Law/Ethics
TVR250Video Eng/TroubleshtngCM2XXVideo Eng/Trbshtng
TVR255Video Field ProductionCM2XXVideo Field Production
TVR365Video Post-ProductionCM3XXVideo Post-Production
TVR375Event and Doc ProductionCM341Video Production II
TVR50Audio ProductionCM226Audio Productn
TVR55Fund of Video ProductionCM242Video Prodctn I
TVR70Scriptwriting/Elec MediaCM332Media Writing
UST1Univ Stud: FYSNPE1XXUniv Stud: FYS
WRI205Scientific WritingFCO215Tech/Scientfc Comm
WRI207Writing for WorkplaceFCO210Comm Prof Cultures
WRI208Creative WritingCRW272Intro Creative Wrt
WRI211Journalism ICM271Print Media Writing
WRI213Copy & Line EditingWRT2XXCopy & Line Editing
WRI325Travel WritingCRW3XXTravel Writing
WST010Intro Women's StudiesWGS200Women/Gender Stud
WST250Women and LeadershipWGS2XXWomen and Leadership
Lebanon Valley CollegeYork College of Pennsylvania
ACT131Financial Statement Analysis ACC1XXFinancial State Analysis
ACT151Financial Accounting ACC220Financial Acct
ACT161Financial Acct ACC220Financial Acct
ACT162Managerial Acct ACC225Managerial Acct
ACT251Inter Acct I ACC320Inter Accounting I
ACT252Inter Acct II ACC325Inter Accounting II
ACT253Inter Acct III ACC330Inter Accountng III
ACT263Cost Accounting I ACC2XXCost Accounting I
AMS111Intro Amer Studies HUM1XXIntro Amer Studies
AMS120Religion in America REL1XXReligion in America
AMS140Amer Philosophy PHL1XXAmer Philosophy
AMS223Amer Thought & Cult HUM2XXAmer Thought & Cult
AMS280Gen & Sexual Minorities BEH2XXGen & Sexual Minorities
ART100Conc Visual Arts ART101Intro Art Apprec
ART105Fund of Drawing ART215Drawing I
ART110Intro to Art ART101Intro Art Apprec
ART112Art Surv:Anc to Gothic ART204Survey West Art I
ART116Non-Western Art ART1XXNon-Western Art
ART200Ceramics Studio: The Figure ART225Ceramics I
ART205Drawing Studio: Human Form ART216Figure Drawing I
ART338Rome ART3XXRome
ART353Visual Art & Rel Exp ART3XXVisual Art & Rel Exp
BIO101Human Biology BIO112Fund Human Bio
BIO111General Biology I02BIO151Intro Mole Bio Lab
BIO111General Biology I02BIO150Intro Molecular Bio
BIO111LGeneral Biology I Lab02  
BIO112General Biology II BIO152Biology II
BIO112General Biology II01BIO152Evol/Ecol & Divers
BIO112General Biology II01BIO153Evol/Ecol/Div Lab
BIO112LGeneral Biology II Lab01  
BIO201Genetics BIO240Genetics
BIO212Animal Behavior09BIO307Animal Behv Lab
BIO212Animal Behavior09BIO306Animal Behavior
BIO212LAnimal Behavior Lab09  
BIO221Comp Vertebrate Anatomy BIO2XXComp Vertebrate Anatomy
BIO222Human Physiology BIO2XXHuman Physiology
BIO223Human Nutrition07BIO226Food & Nutrition
BIO223LHuman Nutrition Lab07  
BIO302Plant Diversity BIO304Botany
BIO304Developmental Biology08BIO333Devlop Bio Lab
BIO304Developmental Biology08BIO332Developmental Bio
BIO304LDevelopmental Biology Lab08  
BIO305Cell & Tissue Biology BIO3XXCell & Tissue Biology
BIO306Microbiology06BIO230Microbio/Allied Hlth
BIO306Microbiology06BIO231Micro/Allied Lab
BIO306LMicrobiology Lab06  
BIO402Evolution12BIO370Evolutionary Bio
BIO402Evolution12BIO371Evoltnry Bio Lab
BIO402LEvolution Lab1212 
BUS130Mod Bus Organization BUS150Intro to Business
BUS160Computer Applications IFS105Personal Computing
BUS170Business Statistics BEH260Statistics
BUS170Business Statistics QBA260Data Driven Dec Making
BUS170Business Statistics MAT250Statistics
BUS180Business Apps IFS105Personal Computing
BUS230Prin of Mgmt MGT150Prin of Management
BUS285Organ Communication CM246Comm/Business Prof
CHM111Principles of Chemistry I01CHM135Gen Chem I Lab
CHM111Principles of Chemistry I01CHM134Gen Chem I
CHM112Prin of Chemistry II CHM136Gen Chem II
CHM112Prin of Chemistry II02CHM137Gen Chem II Lab
CHM112Prin of Chemistry II02CHM136Gen Chem II
CHM113Introductory Laboratory I01  
CHM114Prin of Chemistry II Lab02  
CHM213Organic Chemistry I CHM234Organic Chem I
CHM214Organic Chemistry II CHM236Organic Chem II
COE202HGender, Iden, Lit WGS2XXGender, Iden, Lit
COE202SGender, Leadership & Work WGS2XXGender, Lead & Work
COE215CMemory: Synthesis PSY1XXMemory: Synthesis
COE215HMemory Unmade: Lit & Memory PSY1XXMemory Unmade: Lit & Memory
COE215NThe Myths of Memory PSY307Cognitive Psych
COE215SCollective Memory PSY2XXCollective Memory
COE231HEntheogens & Higher Conscious HSC1XXEntheogens & Higher Conscious
COE231SDrugs, Behavior, & Illness SOC210Drugs and Society
COE237Science of Gender WGS2XXScience of Gender
COE237HGender and Comm CM2XXGender and Comm
COE237SGender and Soc Sci WGS2XXGender and Soc Sci
COE244NNaturalist Studies of PA ESS1XXNaturalist Stud of PA
COE244SPlanet, People, Profit BEH1XXPlanet, People, Profit
COE253CAmerican Identity HUM1XXAmerican Iden
COE253HMus & Comp the Amer Pers MUS1XXMus & Comp the Amer Pers
COE253NAmer Sci Changed the World HUM1XXAmer Sci Changed Wrld
COE253SAmer Innov, Prod, & Greed HIS2XXAmer Innov, Prod, & Greed
COE253SAmer: Innov, Prod, Greed HUM1XXAmer: Innov, Prod, Greed
CRJ110Intro to Criminal Justice CCJ101Intro Crim Justice
CSC131Intro to Programming (w/ Java) IFS1XXIntro to Program (Java)
CSD101Intro Comm Science Disorders CM1XXIntro Comm Science Disorders
CSD110Intro Research & Writing CSD CM1XXIntro Research & Writing CSD
DCOM100Web Authoring IFS1XXWeb Authoring
DCOM130Princ of Information Design IFS1XXPrin of Info Design
DCOM200Design Authoring IFS1XXDesign Authoring
DCOM230Info Law & Ethics IFS2XXInfo Law & Ethics
DCOM255Fundamentals of Design ART110Concepts of Design
DCOM256Digital Graphic Design ART134Concpts Comp Grhcs
DCOM385Multimedia IFS3XXMultimedia
DSP348Atom Bomb:Hist, Sci, Cult BEH3XXAtom Bomb:Hist, Sci, Cult
ECE110Child Development I EDU1XXChild Development I
ECE210Family Partnerships EDU2XXFamily Partnerships
ECE220Theory and Practices EDU2XXTheory and Practices
ECE230Creative Arts EDU2XXCreative Arts
ECN101Prin of Microeconomics ECO201Prin Econ-Micro
ECN102Prin of Macroecon ECO200Prin Econ-Macro
ECN105Essentials of Economics ECO1XXEssentials of Economics
ECN202Intermed Macro ECO360Intermediate Macro
ECN331International Finance FIN3XXInternational Finance
EDU110Foundations of Education EDU1XXFound of Ed
EDU140Ed Tech & Inst Media EDU210Instructnl Technlgy
EDU140Ed Tech and Inst Media ECH210Ed Tech/Early Elem
EDU310Intro to Excep Children SPE3XXIntro to Excep Children
ELM130Science I EDU1XXScience I
ENG111English Communications I FCO105Rhetorical Comm
ENG112English Communications II FCO1XXEnglish Comm II
ENG120Intro to Lit LIT200Perspectives/Lit
ENG140Intro Mass Comm CM211Mass Communication
ENG180Intro to Theater THE254Intro Theatre
ENG213Journalism and News Reporting CM2XXJournal and News Rtg
ENG221Surv Amer Lit I LIT281Amer Lit to 1885
ENG222Survey of Amer Lit II LIT282Amer Lit after 1885
ENG291Journal Writing WRT2XXJournal Writing
ENG301Acting Lab THE2XXActing Lab
EXSC101Anatomy & Physiology I10BIO221Human A/P I Lab
EXSC101Anatomy & Physiology I10BIO220Human A/P I
EXSC101Anatomy & Physiology I10BIO2XXBiology Elective
EXSC101LAnatomy & Physiology I Lab10  
EXSC102Anatomy & Physiology II11BIO222Human A/P II
EXSC102Anatomy & Physiology II11BIO223Hum A/P II Lab
EXSC102LAnatomy & Physiology II Lab11  
EXSC105Care & Prev of Athletic Injuri SPM1XXCare & Prev of Athletic Injuri
EXSC148Health Psychology PSY1XXHealth Psychology
EXSC202Training & Conditioning EXS203Essentials Strength & Conditio
EXSC211Intro to Human Movement EXS2XXIntro to Human Movement
EXSC216Human Physiology04BIO2XXHuman Physiology
EXSC216LHuman Physiology Lab04  
EXSC310Exercise Physiology EXS325Exercise Physiology
EXSC312Psyc/Soc Asp Disease PSY3XXPsy/Soc Asp Disease
EXSC314Phys Activity Hlth/Disease EXS3XXPhys Activity Hlth/Disease
EXSC316Exercise Test & Prescription13EXS311Exercise/Test Prescription Lab
EXSC316Exercise Test & Prescription13EXS310Exercise/Test Prescription
EXSC316LExercise Test & Prescription L13  
EXSC318Psychology of Health PSY225Health Psychology
EXSC319Biomechanics EXS375Biomechanics
FRN101Elementary French I FRN101Elem French I
FRN102Elementary French II FRN102Elem French II
FRN200Intermed French Lang & Culture FRN205Inter French Convs
FRN201Intermediate French I FRN201Inter French I
FRN202Intermediate French II FRN202Inter French II
FRN310Adv Grammar & Composition FRN205Inter French Convs
FYE111Frame Tales FYS100First Year Seminar
FYE112Twice Told Tales NPE1XXTwice Told Tales
FYS100First Year Seminar Wrt WRT102Analytical Read/Writ
FYS100Brave New World HUM1XXBrave New World
FYS100First Year Writing:Obssd WRT102Analytical Read/Writ
FYS100Writing: Horror in Film FCO105Rhetorical Comm
FYS100FYS: The Adolescent Brain PSY1XXThe Adolescent Brain
FYS100AFrst Yr Wrtng Sem: Sex/City WRT102Analytical Read/Writ
FYS100ALife As You Know It FCO105Rhetorical Comm
FYS100BFYS: To The Ends/Earth WRT102Analytical Read/Writ
FYS100CFYS:The American Dream WRT102Analytical Read/Writ
GLB101Mag & Dim of Global BEH1XXMag & Dim of Global
GMN101Elem German I GRM101Elem German I
GMN102Elem German II GRM102Elem German II
GMN350German Cult & Civ GRM305German Culture/Civ
HIS101History Workshop HIS1XXHistory Workshop
HIS103The Ancient World HIS300Ancnt Hist to 476
HIS1042nd Age of Empires HIS301Medieval Civ
HIS105Form of Mod World HIS102Western Civ II
HIS125U.S. Hist to 1865 HIS111American Civ I
HIS126U.S. Hist Since 1865 HIS112American Civ II
HIS220Colonial America HIS2XXColonial America
HIS304Hist of Brazil HIS3XXHist of Brazil
HIS315The Civil War HIS364Civil War & Recon
HIS460Undergraduate Research HIS4XXUndergraduate Res
INT100Intl Studies INT1XXIntl Studies
ITG499HCommunity, Justice & Sustain NPE1XXCommunity, Justice & Sustain
LAW100Law and Society CJA1XXLaw and Society
MAS100Conc of Math MAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MAS102Pre-Calculus MAT108Precalculus
MAS111Analysis I MAT1XXAnalysis I
MAS113Math Thinking I MAT1XXMath Thinking I
MAS150Finite Math MAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MAS161Calculus I MAT171Calculus I
MAS170Elem Statistics BEH260Statistics
MAS170Elem Statistics MAT250Statistics
MAS170Elem Statistics QBA260Data Driven Dec Making
MAS266Differential Equations MAT272Diff Equations
MBS371Intro to Music Business MUS297Survey Music Industry
MED110Found of Music Ed MUS1XXFound of Music Ed
MED136Surv Music Ed MUS1XXSurv Music Ed
MED223Brass Methods MUS2XXBrass Methods
MED227Percussion Meth MUS2XXPercussion Meth
MRT177The Recording Industry MUS1XXThe Recording Industry
MSC100Introduction to Music MUS186Listening to Music
MSC101Fund of Music MUS1XXFund of Music
MSC115Music Theory I MUS182Music Theory I
MSC116Music Theory II MUS183Music Theory II
MSC117Aural Theory I MUS184Sight Singing I
MSC118Aural Theory II MUS185Sight Singing II
MSC202World Music MUS281World Music
MSC206Milestones in Music Recording MUS2XXMilestones in Music Recording
MSC215Music Theory III MUS282Music Theory III
MSC217Aural Theory III MUS284Sight Singing III
MSC241Hist & Lit of Music I MUS390Music History I
MSC242Hist & Lit Music II MUS391Music History II
MSC510Class Piano Instr I MUS140Class Piano
MSC511Class Piano Instr II MUS141Class Piano
MSC512Class Piano Instr III MUS240Class Piano
MSC520Class Voice Instr MUS146Voice Class
MSC530Indiv Instr Flute MUS126Flute
MSC530AIndic Inst Voice MUS101Voice
MSC530BIndiv Instruction:Guitar MUS138Guitar
MSC540Indiv Instruction Voice MUS201Voice
MSC601Marching Band MUS1XXMarching Band
MSC602Symphonic Band MUS1XXSymphonic Band
MSC603Symphony Orchestra MUS1XXSymphony Orch
MSC604College Choir MUS150YCChorale
MSC605Chamber Choir MUS152Chamber Singers
MSC606College Choir MUS150YCChorale
MSC610Clarinet Choir MUS1XXClarinet Choir
MSC612Saxophone Ensemble MUS1XXSaxophone Ensemble
MSC625Jazz Band MUS162Jazz Ensemble
MSE880Intro to STEM Education MED620Enhanced Tech Pedagogies
MSE880Intro to STEM Education MED620Tech Enhance Pedag
MSE880Intro to STEM Education MED620Tech Enhance Pedag
MSE882STEM Education Systemic Reform MED622Dist Ed Technologies
MSE882STEM Education Systemic Reform MED622Dist Ed Technologies
MSE882STEM Education Systemic Reform MED622Dist Ed Technologies
MSE883STEM Integrative Curric Design MED624Media Design/Devlop
MSE883STEM Integrative Curric Design MED624Media Design/Devlop
MSE883STEM Integrative Curric Design MED624K-12 Computer Principles
MUE106College Choir MUS150YCChorale
MUI111Ind Instr: Organ MUS105Organ
MUI211Ind Instr: Organ MUS205Organ
NEU299Mind and Brain BIO2XXMind and Brain
NEU499Adv Sem in Neuro BIO4XXAdv Sem in Neuro
PHL110Intro to Philosophy PHL221Intro Philosophy
PHL120Basic Logic PHL231Logic
PHL160Ethics PHL341Ethics
PHL210Ethics PHL341Ethics
PHL222American Philos PHL245Amer Philos Thought
PHL229Culture & Conflict/Mod Am PHL2XXCult & Conflict/Mod Am
PHL280Logic PHL231Logic
PHL290ST: Logical Problems PHL2XXST: Logical Problems
PHL301Key Authors: Immanuel PHL3XXKey Authors: Immanuel
PHT311Fundamentals of Anatomy BIO3XXFundamentals of Anatomy
PHY101Fund of Physics I PHY110Gen Phys:Mech/Ht
PHY102Fund of Physics II PHY112Gen Phys:Elc/Magn
PHY103General College Physics I03PHY111General Physics Lab
PHY103General College Physics I03PHY110General Physics I
PHY103LGeneral College Physic I Lab03  
PHY104Gen Coll Physics II04PHY113G Phys:Elct Lab
PHY104Gen Coll Physics II04PHY112Gen Phys:Elc/Magn
PHY104General College Physics II PHY112Gen Phys:Elc/Magn
PHY104LGen Coll Physics II04  
PHY111Princ of Physics I PHY160Eng Phys:Mechncs
PHY112Princ of Physics II PHY260Eng Phys:Elct/Magn
PHY211Atomic & Nuclear Physics PHY262Eng Phys: Opt/Mod
PHY212Introduction to Electronics PHY2XXPhysics Elective no lab
PHY304Thermodynamics PHY162Eng Phys:Ht/Thermo
PHY311Analytical Mechanics I PHY3XXPhysics Elective no lab
PHY312Experimental Physics II PHY3XXExperimental Phys II
PHY321Elec & Magentism I PHY3XXPhysics Elective no lab
PHY322Elec and Magnet II PHY3XXPhysics Elective no lab
PHY327Experimental Physics PHY3XXExperimental Physics
POL110Arch of American Power PS101Amer Gov/Citizenship
PSC100Intro to Pol Sci PS1XXIntro to Pol Sci
PSC110American National Govt PS141American Governmnt
PSC130International Relations PS302International Rel
PSC210Comparative Politics PS260Comparative Politics
PSY100Psych: Indv and Soc PSY100General Psychology
PSY110General Psychology PSY100General Psychology
PSY111Gen Psychology I PSY1XXGen Psychology I
PSY112Gen Psych II PSY1XXGen Psych II
PSY112Gen Psych II PSY100General Psychology
PSY120Intro Exp Psych PSY1XXIntro Exp Psych
PSY125Readings in Psychology PSY1XXReadings in Psychology
PSY130Stats & Data Analys MAT250Statistics
PSY130Stats & Data Analys QBA260Business Statistics
PSY130Stats & Data Analys BEH260Statistics
PSY180Child Dev & Ed EDU370Psych of Learning
PSY180Child Dev & Ed EDU375Psy Learning/Second
PSY210Intro to Exp Psych PSY1XXExp Psych
PSY211Res Meth in Psy PSY2XXRes Meth in Psy
PSY212Statistics & Data PSY2XXStatistics & Data
PSY220Lifespan Development PSY221Child/Adol Develop
PSY230Psych Adol Dev PSY221Child/Adol Develop
PSY245Personality PSY2XXPersonality
PSY247Psych Perspect./Gender PSY2XXPsych Persp./Gender
PSY255Evol Psychology PSY2XXEvol Psychology
PSY260Learning & Memory PSY2XXLearning & Memory
PSY263Cognitive Science PSY307Cognitive Psych
PSY265Abnormal Beh & Exp PSY230Abnormal Psych
PSY268Intro Clinical Psych PSY2XXIntro Clinical Psych
PSY270Forensic Psychology PSY2XXForensic Psychology
PSY280Intro Neuropsych PSY2XXIntro Neuropsych
PSY285Intro Psychopharmacology PSY2XXIntro Psychopharmacology
PSY324Psych Child Dev PSY3XXPsych Child Dev
PSY350Drugs & Behavior PSY3XXDrugs & Behavior
PSY378Behav Neuroscience PSY3XXBehav Neuroscience
REL110Intro to Religion REL1XXIntro to Religion
REL120Religion in America REL1XXReligion in America
REL130Phil of Religion REL1XXPhil of Religion
REL140Encounter World Rel REL265World Religions
REL160Religion & Ethics REL1XXReligion & Ethics
REL202Jewish & Christian Script REL2XXJew & Christ Scripture
REL250Christianity REL275Trad/Cult Chrstnty
REL251Judaism REL270Trad/Cult Judaism
REL290St: The End Times REL2XXSt: The End Times
REL313The Search for Jesus REL3XXThe Search for Jesus
SED115Intro to Teaching and Learn EDU200Found of Education
SOC110Introduction to Sociology SOC100Intro Sociology
SOC120Intro to Anthropology ANT220Cult Anthropology
SOC162Race & Inter of Iden SOC1XXRace & Inter of Iden
SOC190Intro Maori Cult SOC1XXIntro Maori Cult
SOC191Intro to Crim Justice CJA101Intro Crim Justice
SOC220Forensic Evidence SOC2XXForensic Evidence
SOC224Native Amer Exper SOC2XXNative Amer Exper
SOC226Women and Gender Issues WGS260Gender/Society
SOC230Soc of Marriage & Fam SOC225The Family
SOC245Crime & Criminals SOC2XXCrime & Criminals
SOC261Perspectives on Aging GER100Perspectives/Aging
SOC271Child Abuse SOC2XXChild Abuse
SOC280Gender and Sexualities SOC2XXGender and Sexualities
SPA101Elem Spanish I SPN101Elem Spanish I
SPA102Elem Spanish II SPN102Elem Spanish II
SPA201Intermediate Spanish I SPN201Inter Spanish I
SPA202Intermediate Spanish II SPN202Inter Spanish II
SPA300Adv Conversation SPN3XXAdv Conversation
SPA310Adv Grammar & Comp SPN3XXAdv Grammar & Comp
SPA311Spanish for Heritage Speakers SPN3XXSpan for Hert Speakers
SPA323Span for Healthcare Prof I SPN207Spanish for Hlth Fields
SPA345Intro to Spanish Linguistics03SPN425Seminar Hispanic Linguistics
SPA345LIntro to Spanish Linguistics L03  
SPA355Cultural Studies05SPN3XXCultural Studies
SPA355LCultural Studies Lab05  
SPA390Latin-Amer Texts & Film SPN3XXLatin-Amer Texts & Film
SPA390ST: Puerto Rican Women INT3XXPuerto Rican Women
SPA440Span Lit 20-21 Cen SPN436Special Topics
SPE250Cog Devel of Diverse Lrnrs SPE2XXCog Dev of Div Lrnrs
SPE255Special Ed Process & Proced SPE2XXSpecial Ed Proc & Proc
SPE260Educ High Incident Disability SPE2XXEduc High Incident Disab
SPE263Math/Content Area Intervention SPE2XXMath/Content Area Invtn
SPE266Educ Low Incidence Disability SPE2XXEduc Low Incid Disability
SPE269Positive Behavoiral Supports SPE2XXPositive Behavioral Supp
Lehigh Carbon Community CollegeYork College of Pennsylvania
ACC110College AccountingACC1XXCollege Accounting
ACC160Prin of Acct IACC1XXPrin of Acct I
ACC161Prin of Acct IIACC220Financial Acct
ACC203Cost/Manag AcctACC225Managerial Acct
ADN150Intro Bas Hum NeedsNUR1XXIntro Bas Hum Needs
ARB105Elem Arabic IARB101Elem Arabic I
ART101Intro to ArtART101Intro Art Apprec
ART102Fund Drawing & PaintingART1XXFund Drawing & Painting
ART107Digital DesignART235Concpts Comp Grhcs
ART1082-D DesignART210Design I
ART109Motion GraphicsART1XXMotion Graphics
ART110Drawing IART215Drawing I
ART111Color TheoryART1XXColor Theory
ART115Painting IART114Concepts/Painting
ART115Painting IART220Painting I
ART120Photography IART245Photography I
ART128Intro MultimediaART1XXIntro Multimedia
ART130Ceramics IART225Ceramics I
ART1323DS MAX Lgt, SurfART1XX3DS MAX Lgt, Surf
ART1353 D DesignART211Design II
ART140Comp Graphics IART1XXComp Graphics I
ART145Art of IllustrationART1XXArt of Illustration
ART240Comp Graphics IIART2XXComp Graphics II
ART248Web Based Multimedia IART2XXWeb Based Multimedia I
ASA117Aero MeteorologyESS1XXEarth Sci Elect no lab
ASL101Amer Sign Lang ICM150Beg Sign Language
ASL105American Sign Language IICM1XXAmerican Sign Language
AST105Intro to AstronomyESS1XXEarth Sci Elect No Lab
AST106Intro to Astronomy (w/Lab)ESS154Intro/Astronomy
AST106Intro to Astronomy (w/Lab)ESS155Astronomy Lab
AST201Intro to AstronomyESS1XXEarth Sci Elective no lab
BIO101Introductory BiologyBIO204Exploring Biology
BIO101Intro BiologyBIO110General Biology
BIO105Fund of BiologyBIO150Biology I
BIO110Gen Biology IBIO150Biology I
BIO111General Biology IIBIO142Molecule/Gene/Cell
BIO111General Biology IIBIO143Mole/Gene/Cell Lab
BIO116Topics in EcologyBIO1XXBiology Elect No Lab
BIO125Herbs and Herbal MedicineBIO1XXHerbs and Herbal Medicine
BIO135Intro Envir ScienceBIO1XXBiology Elect No Lab
BIO137Intro Enviro ScienceBIO1XXBiology Elect no lab
BIO163Anat and Phys IBIO1XXAnat & Phys I
BIO163Anat and Phys IBIO220Human A/P I
BIO164Anat and Phys IIBIO222Human A/P II
BIO220Intro to MicrobiologyBIO230Microbiology
BIO251ST: Natural Sci IIBIO1XXBiology Elect no lab
BIO270PathophysiologyBIO2XXBiology Elect No Lab
BUS120Intro to Bus OrgBUS150Intro to Business
BUS130Personal Money ManagementBUS218Personal Finance
BUS141Prin of AdvertisingMKT1XXPrin of Advertising
BUS150Business StatisticsQBA260Business Statistics
BUS152Prin of SalesMKT220Personal Selling
BUS209Business CommunicationsFCO210Comm Prof Cultures
BUS211Principles of ManagementMGT150Prin of Management
BUS221Prin of MarketingMKT100Prin Marketing
BUS241Bus Law IBUS260Legal Environment
BUS256Intl BusinessIBS200Internatl Business
CHE106Physiological ChemCHM122Prin Gen/Org Chem
CHE108Ess of ChemistryCHM1XXEss of Chemistry
CHE111General Chem ICHM134Gen Chem I
CHE112General Chem IICHM136Gen Chem II
CHE205Organic Chemistry ICHM235Orgnc Chm I Lab
CHE205Organic Chemistry ICHM234Organic Chem I
CHE250ST: Natural ScienceCHM1XXST: Natural Science
CIS105Intro to Comp & ApplIFS100Info Tech Competncy
CIS105Intro to Comp & ApplIFS105Personal Computing
CIS155Intro Comp Sci C++CS1XXIntro Comp Sci C++
CJA101Intro Crim Just SysCCJ101Intro Crim Justice
CJA105Crim InvestCCJ1XXCrim Invest
CJA106Intro to Homeland SecurityCCJ1XXIntro to Homeland Security
CJA118Juv DelCCJ110Juvenile Delinquncy
CJA119Juvenile JusticeCCJ1XXJuvenile Justice
CJA201Crim Evid & Court ProcCCJ2XXCrim Evid & Court Proc
CJA215Law Enforcement & SocietyCCJ234Law Enforcement
CJA234Ethics in Crim JusticeCJA203Ethical Issues/CJ
CJA234Ethics in Crim JusticeCCJ203Ethical Issues/CJ
CJA235Sem on Police ProbCCJ2XXSem on Police Prob
CJA240Criminal LawCCJ2XXCriminal Law
CMN105Interpers CommCM329Interpersonal Comm
CMN108Intro Public RelationsCM221Intro Public Relatns
CMN111SpeechCM104Human Communicatn
CMN111SpeechCM212Public Speaking
CMN112Prof PresentationsCM1XXProf Presentations
CMN121Intro Comm TheoryCM104Human Communicatn
DMP105Intro to Media CommCM211Mass Communication
DMP115Prin Sound ProdCM1XXPrin Sound Prod
DMP121Media Scriptwrit & StoryCM1XXMedia Script & Story
DMP130Video Field ProdCM1XXVideo Field Prod
DMP216Dig Audio ProdCM226Audio Productn
DMP250Comm Media PractCM2XXComm Media Pract
ECO201Prin of MacroeconECO200Prin Econ-Macro
ECO202Prin of MicroeconECO201Prin Econ-Micro
ECO237Intl RelationsECO2XXIntl Relations
EDU101Found of EdEDU1XXFound of Ed
EDU105Intro to Special EdSPE1XXIntro to Special Ed
EDU115Ed Field Exp IEDU1XXEd Field Exp I
EDU201Effect TeacherEDU2XXEffect Teacher
EDU202Fund of Reading Inst IEDU2XXFund of Reading Inst I
EDU210Behavior Mgmt & GuideEDU2XXBehavior Mgmt & Guide
EGR101Eng GraphicsEGR1XXEng Graphics
ENG105College English IFCO105Rhetorical Comm
ENG106College English IILIT200Perspectives/Lit
ENG107Tech WritingFCO215Tech/Scientfc Comm
ENG111SpeechCM212Public Speaking
ENG111SpeechCM212Public Speaking
ENG111SpeechCM104Human Communicatn
ENG205American Literature ILIT281Amer Lit to 1885
ENG206American Literature IILIT282Amer Lit/Identity II
ENG215Intro to PoetryLIT343Exper of Poetry
ENG225JournalismCM271Print Media Writing
FRN105College French IFRN101Elem French I
GEO110Cult World GeographyG100World Reg Geography
GEO115World Regional GeographyG100World Reg Geography
GRM205College German IIIGRM201Inter German I
HIS123U.S. to ReconstructHIS111American Civ I
HIS124U.S. Since ReconstHIS112American Civ II
HIS130West Civ IHIS101Western Civ I
HIS131West Civ IIHIS102Western Civ II
HIS22020th Century World HistHIS320Europe after 1914
HIS224World War IIHIS36620th Cent Amer Hist
HIS225U.S. Hist Since 1945HIS367Recent Amer/1945-Prs
HIT120Medical TerminologyBIO201Medical Terminology
HPE101Pers & Comm HealthNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
HPE101Pers & Comm HealthPE1XXPhys Ed Elect
HPE106CPR for Prof Resur/FirstAidNPE1XXCPR for Prof/FirstAid
IDS105Think. Prob Solv, TeamNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
IDS218Honors Research SeminarFYS1XXHonors Research Seminar
MAT100Beg AlgebraMAT102Prelim Math/Prob Solv
MAT105Int AlgebraMAT105College Algebra
MAT110Bus MathMAT1XXBus Math
MAT118Bus & Fin MathMAT1XXBus & Fin Math
MAT120Suv of MathMAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MAT121Math for Allied HealthMAT1XXMath for Allied Health
MAT125Fund of Math IMAT115Sets/Number Systems
MAT126Fund of Math IIMAT215Sets/Number Sys II
MAT130Industrial MathMAT1XXIndustrial Math
MAT150Intro Prob & StatsBEH260Statistics
MAT150Intro Prob & StatsQBA260Business Statistics
MAT150Intro Prob & StatsMAT250Statistics
MAT160College AlgebraMAT105College Algebra
MAT165College TrigMAT1XXCollege Trig
MAT190Calc & Analy Geom IMAT171Calculus I
MAT191Calc & Analytic Geo IMAT171Calculus I
MAT195Calc & Analy Geo IIMAT172Calculus II
MAT196Calc Analytic Geo IIMAT172Calculus II
MAT201Calc & Analytic Geo IIIMAT271Calculus III
MUS101Intro to MusicMUS186Listening to Music
MUS101Intro to MusicMUS200Music Appreciation
MUS107Amer Pop MusicMUS287American Pop Music
NUR106Nursing INUR1XXNursing I
NUR116Nursing IINUR1XXNursing II
PED110Cond & Aerobics IPE136Aerobic Dance
PED118Intermediate TennisPE1XXIntermed Tennis
PED118Intermediate TennisPE159Tennis
PED143Weight Trn & FitPE119Physical Fitness
PHI201Intro to PhilosophyPHL221Intro Philosophy
PHI203Intro LogicPHL231Logic
PHI205Introduction to EthicsPHL2XXIntro to Ethics
PHI210Comp RelgREL265World Religions
PHY101Conc PhysicsPHY1XXConc Physics
PHY103Fund PhysicsPHY1XXFund Physics
PHY201Intro Physics IPHY110General Physics I
PHY202Intro Physics IIPHY112Gen Phys:Elc/Magn
PHY210General Physics IPHY160Eng Phys:Mechncs
PHY215General Physics IIPHY260Eng Phys:Elct/Magn
PSC130Intro Pol SciPS1XXIntro Pol Sci
PSC141Amer Fed GovtPS101Amer Gov/Citizenship
PSC142State & Local GovtPS242State/Local Govt
PSC230Amer Fed GovtPS141American Govt
PSC231State and Local GovtPS242State/Local Govt
PSC237International RelPS302International Rel
PSY120Psychology of Human SexualityPSY1XXPsychology of Human Sexuality
PSY140Intro to PsychologyPSY100General Psychology
PSY145Hum Growth & DevNUR201Nursing HD/HC
PSY145Hum Growth & DevPSY1XXHum Growth & Dev
PSY240Ed PsychologyEDU375Psy Learning/Second
PSY240Ed PsychologyEDU370Psych of Learning
PSY241Psych of AdjustmentPSY2XXPsych of Adjustment
PSY242Child DevPSY221Child/Adol Develop
PSY243Abnormal PsychologyPSY230Abnormal Psych
PSY250Cognitive PsychologyPSY307Cognitive Psych
PSY255Intro Stat AnalysisPSY2XXIntro Stat Analysis
PSY256Research Meth in PsychologyPSY2XXRes Meths in Psych
PSY283Intro Soc PsychologyPSY243Social Psychology
REL201Comp ReligionREL265World Religions
RSS102College ExperienceFYS1XXCollege Experience
SDS102Honors Scholars ExperienceFYS1XXHonors Scholars Experience
SDS105Health Science CareersNUR101Intro Nursing & Hlth Careers
SOC150Intro to SociologySOC100Intro Sociology
SOC150Introduction to SociologySOC100Intro Sociology
SOC151Modern Social ProblemsSOC220Am Social Problems
SOC155Mass CultureSOC1XXMass Culture
SOC253Diversity & InequalitySOC2XXDiversity & Inequality
SOC258Cult AnthropologyANT220Cult Anthropology
SPM101Intro to Sports MgtSPM201Intro Sport Mgmt
SPM102Sport History and PhilSPM101Hist/Philos Sport
SPM103Science and WellnessSPM1XXScience and Wellness
SPN105Elem Spanish ISPN101Elem Spanish I
SPN106Elem Spanish IISPN102Elem Spanish II
SPN205Intermed Spanish ISPN201Inter Spanish I
SPN206Int Spanish IISPN202Inter Spanish II
Lock Haven University of PAYork College of Pennsylvania
ACCT110Financial AcctACC220Financial Acct
ACCT115Mgmt AccountingACC225Managerial Acct
ANTH101Intro AnthropologyANT210Physical Anthropol
ANTH102Cultural AnthroANT220Cult Anthropology
ART100Understanding ArtART101Intro Art Apprec
ART102Art FundamentalsART101Intro Art Apprec
ART103Intro to ArtART101Intro Art Apprec
ART306Art Elem Self-Cont ClassART396Art Educ/Elem
ART350Photography as ArtART3XXPhotography as Art
ATTR100Intro Athletic TrainingSPM1XXIntro Athletic Training
BIOL101Basic BiologyBIO204Exploring Biology
BIOL101Basic BiologyBIO110General Biology
BIOL102Environmental ScienceBIO212Environmntl Bio
BIOL102Enviro ScienceBIO212Environmntl Bio
BIOL103Inquiry into BiologyBIO1XXInquiry into Biology
BIOL106Prin of Biology IBIO150Biology I
BIOL107Prin of Biology IIBIO152Biology II
BIOL110Basic BiologyBIO204Exploring Biology
BIOL225Human GeneticsBIO2XXBiology Elect No Lab
CHEM101Chemistry in the EnvCHM102Chem/Society
CHEM105Forensic ChemCHM1XXChem Elect No Lab
CHEM110Basic ChemistryCHM1XXChemistry Elec no lab
CHEM111Chemistry of NutritionCHM1XXChemistry Elective No Lab
CHEM120Principles of Chemistry ICHM134Gen Chem I
CHEM121Prin of Chemistry IICHM136Gen Chem II
CHEM205Intro Organic ChemCHM122Prin Gen/Org Chem
CHEM220Organic Chem ICHM234Organic Chem I
CHEM221Organic Chem IICHM236Organic Chem II
CISC150Intro to ComputersIFS105Personal Computing
CISC250Adv Microcomp ApplIFS2XXAdv Microcomp Appl
COMM100Intro to CommunicationCM104Human Communicatn
COMM100Intro to CommunicationCM212Public Speaking
COMM119First Year Sem CommCM1XXFirst Year Sem Comm
COMM150Intro Mass CommCM211Mass Communication
COMM190Writing for Mass MediaCM271Print Media Writing
COMM250Movies Look at MediaFLM2XXMovies Look at Media
COMM295Radio JournalismCM2XXRadio Journalism
COMP150Intro to ComputersIFS105Personal Computing
COMP160Programming ICS1XXProgramming I
CRJS102Intro to Criminal JusticeCCJ101Intro Crim Justice
CRJS205Drug AbuseSOC210Drug/Alcohol Addctn
CRJS240Intro Law EnforcementCJA2XXIntro Law Enforcement
CRJS330World Crim Just SysCJA3XXWorld Crim Just Sys
CRJUS102Intro to Criminal JusticeCCJ101Intro Crim Justice
DANC105Basic BalletPE1XXBasic Ballet
DANC200Intermed Mod TechPE2XXIntermed Mod Tech
ECED100Intro Early Child EdEDU1XXIntro Early Child Ed
ECON101Prin of EconomicsECO1XXPrinciples of Economics
ECON103Principles of MicroeconomicsECO201Prin Econ-Micro
ECON310Intermediate MacroeconomicsECO360Intermediate Macro
ECON340Money and BankingECO370Money & Banking
EDTF101Soc Found of EdEDU1XXSoc Found of Ed
EDTF200Instructional MediaEDU2XXInstructional Media
EDTF300Ed Tech Spec DiscEDU3XXEd Tech Spec Disc
EDTL605Crit Iss in EdMED503Curric Trends/Issue
EDTL692Reflect Pract & Act ResMED501Intro Ed Research
EDUC101Social Found of EdEDU1XXSoc Found of Ed
EDUC105Intro to Elem EducationEDU1XXIntro Elem Ed
EDUC202Children's LiteratureEDU2XXChild Lit
EDUC204The Elementary SchoolEDU2XXElem School
EDUC205Sec Ed 1 Block: Ed Media IEDU2XXSec Ed 1 Block:Ed Media I
EDUC208Sec Ed 1 Block: MathEDU2XXSec Ed 1 Block:Math
EDUC212Clsrm Mgt Mid Sch & Sec SetEDU2XXClsrm Mgt Mid Sch
EDUC311Sec Ed 2 Block: Ed Media IIEDU3XXSec Ed 2 Block:Ed Media II
EN100CompositionWRT102Analytical Read/Writ
ENGL100CompositionFCO105Rhetorical Comm
ENGL110Intro to LiteratureLIT200Perspectives/Lit
ENGL205Intro to Literary StudiesWRT202Academic Writing
ENGL220World LiteratureLIT2XXWorld Literature
ENGL242Amer Lit After Civil WarLIT282Amer Lit after 1885
ENGL305Stories of Medieval LiteratureLIT3XXStories of Midieval Lit
ENVT328Sem: EcopsychPSY3XXSem: Ecopsych
FREN101French IFRN101Elem French I
FREN102French IIFRN102Elem French II
FREN201French IIIFRN201Inter French I
FREN202French IVFRN202Inter French II
FREN203French Civilization IFRN2XXFrench Civilization I
FREN204French Civilization IIFRN2XXFrench Civilization II
GEOG100Physical GeogESS1XXPhysical Geog
GEOG101World Reg GeogG100World Reg Geography
GEOG260World Regional GeographyG243Intro Geography
GEOG305Cons Nat ResESS3XXEarth Sci Elect No Lab
GEOS101Earth ScienceESS152Earth/Space Sci
GEOS110Physical GeologyESS1XXPhysical Geology
GEOS130Prin of Geology IESS1XXPrin of Geology I
HE154Per & Com HealthNPE1XXNon Program Elective
HE154Per & Com HealthPE1XXPhysical Education Elective
HIST101World History IHIS121World History I
HIST102World History IIHIS122World History II
HIST150Amer HistoryHIS111American Civ I
HIST201History of the US IHIS111American Civ I
HIST328Soc Sci SeminarHIS3XXSoc Sci Seminar
HIST332Hist of Islam World to 1798HIS3XXHist of Islam Wrld to 1798
HIST379AHist of Euro UnionHIS3XXHist of Euro Union
HIST379BHist of International PolHIS3XXHist of International Pol
HLTH100Medical TerminologyBIO201Medical Terminology
HLTH100Medical TerminologyRT105Medical Terminology
HLTH100Medical TerminologyRT105Medical Terminology
HLTH100Medical TerminologyBIO201Medical Terminology
HLTH104Found of Health EdNPE1XXFound of Health Ed
HLTH105Intro to HealthNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
HLTH105Intro to HealthPAW1XXPhys Act & Wellness Elect
HLTH106Athletic Training TechSPM1XXAthletic Training Tech
HLTH110Orient Athletic TrainingSPM1XXOrient Athletic Training
HLTH115Hum Anat & Phys IBIO220Human A/P I
HLTH119First Year Student Seminar HLTNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
HLTH119First Year Student Seminar HLTPAW1XXFirst Year Student Seminar
HLTH120Hum Anat & Phys IIBIO222Human A/P II
HLTH122Ess of Human A & PBIO112Essentials of A & P
HLTH128Anat & Phys IBIO220Human A/P I
HLTH128Anat & Phys IBIO1XXBiology Elect No Lab
HLTH128Anat & Phys IBIO1XXAnat & Phys I
HLTH130Anat & Phys IIBIO222Human A/P II
HLTH130Anat & Phys IIBIO1XXBiology Elect No Lab
HLTH151Human AnatomyBIO1XXBiology Elective No Lab
HLTH200Intro to DiseasePAW1XXPhys Act & Wellness Elect
HLTH200Intro to DiseaseNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
HLTH202Care & Prev Ath InjEDU315Prvnt/Treat Ath Inj
HLTH208Stress Mgmt and Life SkilsPAW2XXStress Mgmt and Life
HLTH215Community HealthNPE2XXCommunity Health
HLTH251Human PhysiologyBIO2XXBiology Elective No Lab
HLTH256Safety Conc/FA/Emer PrNPE2XXSafety Conc/FA/Emer Pr
HLTH307Cult Asp of HealthNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
HLTH307Cult Asp of HealthPE1XXPhys Ed Elect
HLTH320Drug EducationBEH3XXDrug Education
HLTH325Death EducationGER330Death/Dying/Bereav
HLTH353Physiology of ExerciseNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
HLTH353Physiology of ExercisePAW1XXPhys Act & Wellness Elect
HLTH415Intro PharmacologyBIO202Pharmacology
HLTH430Women's Health IssWGS210Women's Health
HLTH450Care & Prev Athl InjEDU315Prvnt/Treat Ath Inj
HONR101Hon:Hist/Phil Std IHUM1XXHon:Hist/Phil Std I
HONR102Hon:Hist/Phil Std IIHUM1XXHon:Hist/Phil Std II
HONR111Hon:Comp/Lit IWRT102Analytical Read/Writ
HONR111Composition:  Global HonorsFCO105Rhetorical Comm
HONR112Global Honors: Intro to LitLIT200Perspectives/Lit
HONR112Hon:Comp/Lit IIWRT202Academic Writing
HONR200Honors:  Nutrition for WellNUR202Nutrition
HPED016Strength TrainingPE119Physical Fitness
HPED016Strength TrainingPE118Physical Fitness
HPED060Wellness for LifePAW134Concpts Phys Actvty
HPED102Found Phys Education SemNPE1XXFound Phys Ed Sem
HPED103Teaching SoccerPE1XXTeaching Soccer
HPED104Found of Physical EdSPM1XXFound of Physical Ed
HPED105Teach BasketballPE1XXTeach Basketball
HPED106Intro to Sports AdminSPM1XXIntro to Sports Admin
HPED107Teaching Field HockeyPE1XXTeaching Field Hockey
HPED109Teaching WrestlingPE1XXTeaching Wrestling
HPED111Teaching Racquet SportsPE1XXTeaching Racquet Sports
HPED112Teach Fund Movement/RhythPE1XXTeach Fund Mvmt/Rhyth
HPED113Teaching VolleyballPE1XXTeaching Volleyball
HPED120Teach Baseball & SoftballPE1XXTeach Baseball & Softball
HPED134Swimming/Emerg Water SafetyPAW121Inter/Adv Swimming
HPED140Wellness for LifePAW234Well/Fitness/Life
HPED200Teaching AerobicsPE1XXTeaching Aerobics
HPED202Teach Leisure Sport ActivitiesPE1XXTeach Leisure Sport Act
HPED204Psy/Soc Dim Phy & SptPE1XXPsy/Soc Dim Phy Act & Spt
HPED210Teach Folk/Soc DancePE1XXTeach Folk/Soc Dance
HPED213Elem Phys Ed ActPE2XXElem Phys Ed Act
HPED215Teach TrackPE2XXTeach Track
HPED223Cont Iss & Prob Sprt AdmSPM2XXCont Iss & Prob Sprt Adm
HPED245Hlth & Phys Ed in Elem SchEDU2XXHlth & Phys Ed Elem Sch
HPED260Prin/Pract ConditioningPE2XXPrin/Pract Conditioning
HPED302Mot Learn Appl to Phy EdPE3XXMot Learn Appl to Phy Ed
HPED305Psychology of CoachingPSY3XXPsychology of Coaching
HPED320Intro Sports AdminSPM3XXIntro Sports Admin
HPED323Sport & SocietySPM3XXSport & Society
HPED410Sociology of SportSPM4XXSoc of Sport
HPED415Issues & Prob in Sport AdminSPM3XXIssues & Prob in Sport Adm
HS102World Hist IIHIS122World History II
HUM119First Year SeminarFYS100First Year Seminar
ITAL101Italian IITL101Elem Italian I
ITAL102Italian IIITL102Elem Italian II
MA113Elem FunctionsMAT105College Algebra
MA121Calc & Anal GeomMAT171Calculus I
MANG325Financial ManagementMGT3XXFinancial Management
MATH100Essentials of AlgebraMAT102Prelim Math/Prob Solv
MATH101Topics in MathMAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MATH102Math for Elem Teach IMAT115Sets/Number Systems
MATH107Basic Statistics IQBA260Business Statistics
MATH107Basic Statistics IBEH260Statistics
MATH107Basic Statistics IMAT250Statistics
MATH110Consumer MathMAT1XXConsumer Math
MATH112Intermediate AlgebraMAT105College Algebra
MATH141Calculus IMAT171Calculus I
MATH142Calculus IIMAT172Calculus II
MATH180Mathematics for ManagementMAT1XXMathematics for Management
MATH205Found of MathMAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MATH215Math for Elem Teachers 2MAT215Sets/Number Sys II
MATH243Calculus 3MAT271Calculus III
MATH301Differential EquationsMAT272Diff Equations
MCOM150Intro Mass CommunicationCM211Mass Communication
MILS104Intro to Military ScienceNPE1XXIntro to Military Science
MILS105Devel of Military SkillsNPE1XXDevel of Military Skills
MILS204Innov Team LeadershipNPE1XXInnov Team Leader
MILS205Found Tact LeadershipNPE1XXFound Tact Leadership
MRKT480International MarketingIBS380Global Mgmt & Mktg
MU101Intro to MusicMUS200Music Appreciation
MUSI100World MusicMUS281World Music
MUSI101Intro to MusicMUS200Music Appreciation
MUSI101Introduction to MusicMUS186Listening to Music
MUSI103Basic MusicianshipMUS1XXBasic Musicianship
MUSI105Exploring Cont TrendsMUS1XXExploring Cont Trends
MUSI111University ChoirMUS150YCChorale
MUSI112University BandMUS1XXUniversity Band
MUSI113Percussion EnsembleMUS172Percussion Ensemble
MUSI114Jazz/Rock EnsembleMUS1XXJazz/Rock Ensemble
MUSI121Applied MusicMUS1XXApplied Music
MUSI203Music Theory IMUS182Music Theory I
MUSI204Music Theory IIMUS183Music Theory II
MUSI301Music for Elem GradesMUS291Educ Exp In Music
MUSI308Music MarketingMUS3XXMusic Marketing
MUSI313Music Romantic PerMUS3XXMusic Romantic Per
MUSI319Symphonic MusicMUS3XXSymphonic Music
MUSI322Music Theory 3MUS282Music Theory III
PHIL101Problems in PhilosophyPHL221Intro Philosophy
PHIL105Phil of ReligionPHL383Philos Of Religion
PHIL201Ancient PhilosophyPHL235Ancient/Early Mod
PHIL207Asian PhilosPHL2XXAsian Philos
PHIL307Philosophy of ArtPHL3XXPhilosophy of Art
PHYS105Engineering GraphicsEGR1XXEngineering Graphics
PHYS130Physics IPHY110Gen Phys:Mech/Ht
PHYS131Physics IIPHY112Gen Phys:Elc/Magn
PHYS170Intermed Physics IPHY161E Phys:Mech Lab
PHYS170Intermed Physics IPHY160Eng Phys:Mechncs
PHYS171Intermediate General Physics 2PHY163E Phys:Ht Lab
PHYS171Intermediate General Physics 2PHY162Eng Phys:Ht/Thermo
PHYS325OpticsPHY262Eng Phys: Opt/Mod
PHYS325OpticsPHY263Eng Phys: Opt/Mod Lab
POLI101Political SciencePS1XXPolitical Science
POLI105Amer Nat GovtPS141American Govt
POLI105American Natl GovernmentPS101Amer Gov/Citizenship
POLI107World PoliticsPS1XXWorld Politics
POLI210State & Local GovernmentPS242State/Local Govt
POLI279International PoliticsPS2XXInternational Politics
POLI330Public PolicyPS312Politics Public Pol
POLI350International RelationsPS302International Rel
POLI379International LawPS307International Law
PS120Prin Chm I & LabCHM134Gen Chem I
PS121Prin Chm II & LabCHM136Gen Chem II
PSYC100Intro to PsychologyPSY100General Psychology
PSYC102Child DevelopmentPSY221Child/Adol Develop
PSYC103Adolescent DevPSY1XXAdolescent Dev
PSYC111Psych of Early ChildPSY221Child/Adol Develop
PSYC201Ed PsychologyEDU375Psy Learning/Second
PSYC201Ed PsychologyEDU370Psych of Learning
PSYC202Research Methods in PsychPSY2XXResearch Meth in Psych
PSYC204Writing for PsychologyPSY2XXWrt for Psychology
PSYC207Careers in PsychologyPSY2XXCareers in Psychology
PSYC209Psych of Early ChildPSY2XXPsych of Early Child
PSYC212Forensic PsychologyPSY2XXForensic Psychology
PSYC215Found of BiopsychologyPSY210Fund Biopsychology
PSYC240Life Span DevelopmentNUR201Nursing HD/HC
PSYC240Lifespan DevelopmentNUR201Nursing HD/HC
PSYC240Life Span DevelopmentPSY2XXLife Span Dev
PSYC240Lifespan DevelopmentPSY2XXLifespan Dev
PSYC250Social PsychologyPSY243Social Psychology
PSYC307Abnormal PsychologyPSY230Abnormal Psych
PSYC307Abnormal PsychologyPSY230Abnormal Psych
PSYC308Psych of PersPSY3XXPsych of Pers
PSYC310Cognitive PsychologyPSY307Cognitive Psych
PSYC322Drugs & Hum BehPSY3XXDrugs & Hum Beh
PY100Intro PsychPSY100General Psychology
READ204Primary ReadingEDU2XXPrimary Reading
READ323Diag & Remedial ReadingEDU3XXDiag & Rem Reading
RECR105Leisure, Wellness and PersREC230Leisure/Health/Well
RECR110Intro to Rec & LeisureREC101Recreation/Leisure
RECR203Teambuild & Chlnge CourseREC2XXTeambld & Chalnge Crse
RECR204Found of Therapeutic RecREC2XXFnd of Thera Rec
RECR204Found of Therapeutic RecREC200Intro Ther Recreatn
RECR205Nutrition for WellnessNUR202Nutrition
RECR210Field Participation in RecREC221Exp Learn/Rec
RECR244Rec Lead & SupervisionREC103Leadership Rec/Leis
RECR275Rec Serv People DisabREC2XXRec Serv People Disab
RECR275Therapeutic Rec and InclusREC200Intro Ther Recreatn
RECR290Uni Rec ServicesREC2XXUni Rec Services
RECR315Program Plan and DesignREC210Rec Programming
RECR315Prog Plan & DesignREC3XXProg Plan & Design
RECR330Mkt Rec ServicesREC3XXMkt Rec Services
RECR330Marketing Rec ServicesREC3XXMarketing Res Services
RECR357Intramural SupervisionREC3XXIntramural Supervision
RECR364Therapeutic Rec AssessmentREC343Organizing Ther Rec
RECR365Therapeutic Rec MethodsREC331Leadership Ther Rec
RECR365Thera Recr Methods & TechREC3XXThera Recr Meths & Tech
RECR402Leisure Education/InnvREC4XXLeisure Ed and Innv
SCI201Science in the Elem GradesEDU2XXSci Elem Grades
SOCI101Intro SociologySOC100Intro Sociology
SOCI203Social ProblemsSOC220Am Social Problems
SOCI205Racial & Ethnic RelSOC2XXRacial & Ethnic Rel
SOCI206Marriage & FamilySOC225The Family
SOCI301Juvenile DelinquencyCJA110Juvenile Delinquncy
SOCI328Male/Female RolesSOC3XXMale/Female Roles
SOCI351Urban-Rural SociologySOC3XXUrban-Rural Soc
SOCI352Sociological TheorySOC3XXSociological Theory
SOCI402Industrial SociologySOC4XXIndustrial Sociology
SOCW102Intro to Social WorkBEH1XXIntro to Social Work
SOCW110Div Pop & GroupsSOC1XXDiv Pop & Groups
SPAN101Spanish ISPN101Elem Spanish I
SPAN102Spanish IISPN102Elem Spanish II
SPAN201Spanish IIISPN201Inter Spanish I
SPAN202Spanish 4SPN202Inter Spanish II
SPAN204Latin American CultureSPN2XXLatin American Cult
SPAN308Intro to Spanish Am LitSPN316Intro Lit Span Amer
SPCH102Fund of Public SpeakingCM212Public Speaking
SPCH102Fund of Public SpeakingCM104Human Communicatn
SPCH103Small Grp CommCM104Human Communicatn
SPCH104Interpers CommCM329Interpersonal Comm
SPCH301Listening and Conflict MgmtCM3XXListening & Conflict Mgmt
SPCH303Argumentation & DebateCM310Argumentatn/Debate
SPEC101Multicultural EducationSPE1XXMulticultural Education
SPEC105Intro to ExceptionalitiesSPE1XXIntro to Exceptionalities
SPEC202Cult & Ling DiversitySPE2XXCult & Ling Diversity
SPEC212Low Inc Dis SupSPE2XXLow Inc Dis Sup
SPEC215High Inc Dis SupSPE2XXHigh Inc Dis Sup
SPEC310Manual Comm and SigningSPE3XXManual Comm/Signing
SPEC338Positive Behavior SupportsSPE3XXPositive Behavior Sup
SPRT106Intro to Sport AdminSPM125Intro Sport Mgmt
SPRT208Intro Sport/Exer PsychSPM310Sport Behavior
SPRT223Issues and Problems in SptSPM2XXIssues and Prob in Spt
SPRT233Sport Sales, Spon and FundSPM335Sales/Ticket Oprtns
SPRT321Mang & Lead of SportSPM320Sport Admin/Mgmt
SPRT323Sport and SocietySPM130Sport in Society
SPRT323Sport and SocietySPM130Sport in Society
SPRT324Sport Law and EthicsSPM3XXSport Law and Ethics
SPRT332Sport Marketing MgmtSPM330Sport Marketing
SPRT335Sport Admin & Comm RelSPM320Sport Admin/Mgmt
SPRT337Gov of SportSPM3XXGov of Sport
SPRT340Sport Media Comm RelSPM3XXSport Media Comm Rel
SPRT401Sport Fac Mgmt/OperSPM4XXSport Fac Mgmt/Oper
SPRT402Sport Bus FinanceSPM4XXSport Bus Finance
SPRT465Q&A Sport/Athletic ProgSPM4XXQ&A Sport/Ath Prog
THEA110Theatre: An OrientationTHE254Intro Theatre
THEA110Theatre:  An OrientationTHE154Intro to Theatre
THEA117Technical TheatreTHE258Stagecraft
THEA137Creative DramaticsTHE1XXCreative Dramatics
THEA222Children's TheatreTHE2XXChildren's Theatre
Long Island UniversityYork College of Pennsylvania
ACC101Prin of AccountingACC220Financial Acct
ACC102Princ of AccountingACC1XXPrinc of Accounting
ACC11Acct Prin IACC220Financial Acct
ACC12Acct Prin IIACC225Managerial Acct
ANT4Physical AnthropologyANT210Physical Anthropol
ART101PInterpreting ArtART101Intro Art Apprec
ART172 Dimensional DesignART210Design I
ART1PIntro Visual ArtsART101Intro Art Apprec
ART31Pottery CeramicART225Ceramics I
AST9Intro AstronomyESS154Intro/Astronomy
BIO22Bio & Mod TechBIO110General Biology
BIO7Human Anatomy & PhysBIO2XXHuman Anatomy & Phys
BIO7Human Anatomy & PhysBIO220Human A/P I
BIO8Human Anatomy & Phys IIBIO222Human A/P II
BIOL104Human BiologyBIO112Fund Human Bio
BUS101Introduction to BusinessBUS150Intro to Business
BUS211Prin of Acct IACC220Financial Acct
BUS211APrinciples of Acct IACC220Financial Acct
BUS212Accounting IIACC225Managerial Acct
BUS220Princ ManagementMGT150Prin of Management
BUS230Principles of MarketingMKT100Prin Marketing
BUS337Sports MarketingSPM3XXSports Marketing
BUS341Comm Law IBUS3XXComm Law I
BUS342Comm Law IIBUS3XXComm Law II
BUSN10Intro to BusiBUS150Intro to Business
CACJ34Forensic Technology & CrimeCJA1XXForensic Technology & Crime
CACJ41Criminal LawCJA302Criminal Law
CGPH11Motion Graphics Multimedia IART2XXMotion Graphics Mult I
CGPH7Digital Illustration IART244Digital Art
CGPH8Digital Illustration 2ART2XXDigital Illustration 2
CHE21Chem & Mod TechCHM102Chem/Society
CHM21Organic Chemistry ICHM234Organic Chem I
CHM22Organic Chemistry IICHM236Organic Chem II
CHM3Prin of ChemistryCHM134Gen Chem I
CHM30Search the ChemistryCHM1XXSearch the Chem
CHM37Quantitative AnalysisCHM336Quant Analy Chm
CHM4Prin of ChemistryCHM136Gen Chem II
CIN11Hist of World CinemaFLM2XXHist of World Cinema
CIN303Film & SocietyFLM3XXFilm & Society
CLA6Digital WorldIFS1XXDigital World
CMA9Intro Media ArtsCM211Mass Communication
COS50Idea of HumanHUM1XXIdea of Human
CRJ11Intro Crim JusticeCJA101Intro Crim Justice
CRJ23Theories of CrimeCJA2XXTheories of Crime
CRJ35Foren Psy & Viol CrimeCJA2XXForen Psy & Viol Crime
CS9FIntro Desktop PublishIFS1XXIntro Desktop Pub
CSC6Computer LiteracyIFS105Personal Computing
DP110MicrocomputersIFS105Personal Computing
DP300Topics in Data ProcessingIFS3XXTop in Data Processing
ECO1Intro to EconomicsECO200Prin Econ-Macro
ECO11Intro to MacroeconomicsECO200Prin Econ-Macro
ECO2Intro to EconomicsECO201Prin Econ-Micro
ECO5Current EconomicsECO2XXCurrent Economics
ENG1CompositionFCO105Rhetorical Comm
ENG1CompositionWRT102Analytical Read/Writ
ENG10Introduction to LiteratureLIT200Perspectives/Lit
ENG16English CompositionWRT102Analytical Read/Writ
ENG1PCompositionWRT102Analytical Read/Writ
ENG2Comp: Argument/AnalysWRT202Academic Writing
ENG2Comp: Arg/AnalysisFCO2XXComp: Arg/Analysis
ENG2PComposition: ArgumentWRT202Academic Writing
ENG48Ideas & Themes in LitLIT2XXIdeas & Themes in Lit
ENG61Surv European Lit ILIT285Eur Lit to 1600
ENG62Surv European Lit IILIT286Eur Lit Since 1600
ENG7West Lit to RenLIT2XXWest Lit to Ren
ENG8West Lit Enlght-ModLIT2XXWest Lit Enlght-Mod
ENGL112Wrt About LitWRT202Academic Writing
ENGL123Continental LitLIT285Eur Lit to 1600
ERS1Earth Science IESS1XXEarth Science I
ERS2Earth Science IIESS1XXEarth Science II
FSC71Intro to CriminalisticsCJA2XXInto to Criminalistics
HE201Clinical Health Issues IPAW1XXClinical Health Issues I
HIS1Hist Civ to 1500HIS101Western Civ I
HIS115Am Soc Hist From 1890HIS112American Civ II
HIS2Hist Civ Since 1500HIS102Western Civ II
HIS3American CivHIS111American Civ I
HIS303European HistHIS101Western Civ I
HIS4Amer Civ Since 1877HIS112American Civ II
HPE106Fitness/CondPAW119Physical Fitness
HPE201Intro Phys EducPAW2XXIntro Phys Educ
HSMB71Intro CriminalisticsCJA230Intro Criminalstics
ITAL203Intermed Italian IITL2XXIntermed Italian I
LAW13Legal Environ of BusBUS1XXLegal Environ of Bus
MAN101Prin of ManagementMGT150Prin of Management
MAT10Basic MathMAT105College Algebra
MAT201CalculusMAT171Calculus I
MKT11Mkt Prin & PractMKT100Prin Marketing
MS110The OceansESS1XXThe Oceans
MTH1Intro to College MathMAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MTH15Math ToolsMAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MTH3College Alg & TrigMAT105College Algebra
MTH5Lin Math: Bus/Soc SciMAT1XXLin Math: Bus/Soc Sci
MTH7Calc & Analty Geom IMAT171Calculus I
MTH8Calc & Analyt Geom IIMAT172Calculus II
MTH9Calc & AnalyMAT271Calculus III
MUS1PIntro to Musical ConMUS200Music Appreciation
MUS61Music & CultMUS200Music Appreciation
MUS88AStudio Lessons: VoiceMUS1XXStudio Lessions: Voice
ORC1Public SpeakingCM104Human Communicatn
ORC2Sound and ArticulationCM1XXSound and Articulation
PHI13Ethics and SocietyPHL341Ethics
PHI197Independent StudyPHL1XXIndependent Study
PHI4Ethics/Human ValuesPHL2XXEthics/Human Values
PHI61Phil ExplorationsPHL2XXPhil Explorations
PHI62Phil ExplorationsPHL221Intro Philosophy
PHI8Intro to PhilosophyPHL221Intro Philosophy
PHL13PHuman ValuesPHL1XXHuman Values
PHL8Beg PhilosophyPHL221Intro Philosophy
PHL8PBeginning PhilosophyPHL221Intro Philosophy
PHY20Physical UniversePSC152Physical Sci I
PHY3University Physics IPHY110Gen Phys:Mech/Ht
POL1Intro Pol Science IPS1XXIntro Pol Science I
POL11Power & PoliticsPS1XXPower & Politics
POL2Intro Pol Science 2PS141American Governmnt
PSY1General Psychology IPSY100General Psychology
PSY101Gen PsychologyPSY100General Psychology
PSY107Dev Psych IPSY221Child/Adol Develop
PSY108Dev Psych IIPSY1XXDev Psych II
PSY110Abnormal PsychPSY230Abnormal Psych
PSY113Soc PsychologyPSY243Social Psychology
PSY119Psych of ArtPSY1XXPsych of Art
PSY125Contemp Sys of PsychPSY1XXContemp Sys of Psych
PSY126Psych and the LawPSY1XXPsych and the Law
PSY150Stats in PsychPSY1XXStats in Psych
PSY2General Psychology 2PSY1XXGen Psychology 2
PSY2General Psychology 2PSY100General Psychology
PSY25Child PsychologyPSY221Child/Adol Develop
PSY3Intro to PsychologyPSY100General Psychology
SOC1Intro to SociologySOC100Intro Sociology
SOC109Soc MovementsSOC1XXSoc Movements
SOC161Soc of SportSOC1XXSoc of Sport
SOC2Social InstitutionsSOC2XXSocial Institutions
SOC3Intro to SociologySOC100Intro Sociology
SPA11Intro SpanishSPN101Elem Spanish I
SPA12Intro SpanishSPN102Elem Spanish II
SPA3Intermediate Spanish ISPN201Inter Spanish I
SPAN203Intermed Span ISPN201Inter Spanish I
SPE3Oral CommCM104Human Communicatn
SPN24Adv GrammarSPN2XXAdv Grammar
SPN25Adv Span Conv/Non-MSPN2XXAdv Span Conv/Non-M
SSC224Capstone Seminar in SSCSOC2XXCapstone Sem in SSC
TAL201Tchng:Imgn PossbltsEDU2XXTchng:Imgn Poss
THE101Intro to DramaTHE154Introduction to Theatre
THE104Tech Theatre PracTHE1XXTech Theatre Prac
THE105Tech Theatre PracTHE1XXTech Theatre Prac
THE121Basic Acting ITHE155Intro to Acting
THE122Basic Acting IITHE1XXBasic Acting II
THE151Beg Suzuki TechTHE1XXBeg Suzuki Tech
Luzerne County Community CollegeYork College of Pennsylvania
ACC111Prin of Acct IACC1XXPrin Acct I
ACC112Prin of Acct IIACC220Financial Acct
ACC211Intermed Accounting IACC2XXIntermed Accounting I
ACC213Managerial AccountingACC225Managerial Acct
ACC214Tax AccountingACC305Taxation I
ACC215Cost AccountingACC2XXCost Accounting
ART110Art AppreciationART101Intro Art Apprec
BIO101Intro to Bio Sci IBIO1XXBiology Elective No Lab
BIO102Human Genetics & EcologyBIO1XXBiology Elective no lab
BIO121General Biology IBIO143Mole/Gene/Cell Lab
BIO121General Biology IBIO142Molecule/Gene/Cell
BIO121General Biology IBIO151Intro Mole Bio Lab
BIO121General Biology IBIO150Intro Molecular Bio
BIO122General Biology IIBIO152Evol/Ecol & Divers
BIO122General Biology IIBIO153Evol/Ecol/Div Lab
BIO125Basic Anat & PhysBIO1XXBasic Anat & Phys
BIO135A & P IBIO220Human A/P I
BIO136A & P IIBIO222Human A/P II
BIO251Gen MicrobiologyBIO230Microbiology
BUS101Intro to BusinessBUS1XXIntro to Business
BUS107Mathematics of FinanceFIN1XXMathematics of Finance
BUS201Principles of Marketing IMKT100Prin Marketing
BUS231Principles of ManagementMGT150Prin of Management
BUS248Small Bus MgmtMGT2XXSmall Bus Mgmt
BUS251Hum Res MgtMGT220Human Resource Mgt
BUS261Bus Law IBUS260Legal Environment
CAR119Drawing IART215Drawing I
CAR129Color & Design IART210Design I
CAR130Color & Design IIART1XXColor & Design II
CAR220Basic PhotographyART245Photography I
CAR233Illustration IART223Illustration I
CAR240Adv B&W PhotoART2XXAdv B&W Photo
CAR241Graphic Design IART2XXGraphic Design I
CAR242Graphic Design IIART2XXGraphic Design II
CAR264Photo Light & TheoryART2XXPhoto Light & Theory
CAR276Publication DesignART296Publication Design
CAR277Photo Image EnhancementART247Digital Image
CAR279Pres Graphics & Prof PortART2XXPres Graph & Prof Port
CAR283Adv Publication DesignART2XXAdv Publication Dsgn
CAR284Technical IllustrationART2XXTech Illustration
CAR293Web Page DesignART340Web Design I
CHE111Fund of ChemistryCHM1XXChem Elect No Lab
CHE131Prin of Chem ICHM1XXPrin of Chem I
CHE151Gen Chem ICHM134Gen Chem I
CHE251Organic Chem ICHM234Organic Chem I
CIS106Comp in IndIFS1XXComp in Ind
CIS107Comp Mass MediaIFS1XXComp Mass Media
CIS110Intro to MicrocomputersIFS105Personal Computing
CIS112Spreadsheet AnalysisIFS1XXSpreadsheet Analysis
CIS156Programming with JAVAIFS1XXProgramming with JAVA
CIS240World Wide Web Concepts & DesIFS2XXWWW Concepts & Des
CJU130Intro to Criminal JusticeCCJ101Intro Crim Justice
CJU132Criminal InvestigationsCCJ1XXCriminal Investigations
CJU139Survey of DrugsCJA1XXSurvey of Drugs
CJU141Delinquency & Juv JusticeCJA110Juvenile Delinquncy
CJU141Delinquency & Juvenile JusticeCCJ348Juvenile Justice
CJU201Ethics in Criminal JusticeCCJ2XXEthics in Criminal Justice
CJU235Police Patrol OperationsCCJ2XXPolice Patrol Operations
CJU242Police-Community RelationsCCJ364Policing Communities
CJU245Crime & CriminologyCCJ378Criminology
CJU257Criminal ProcedureCCJ341Criminal Procedure
CJU260Intro to SecurityCJA2XXIntro to Security
COM101Basic TV ProdCM242Video Prodctn I
COM104Intro Multimedia TechCM1XXIntro Multimedia Tech
COM105Wrtng Audio, Video, WebCM1XXWrtng for Aud, Vid, Web
COM107Intro to Digital DesCM1XXIntro to Digital Des
COM203Electronic JournCM2XXElectronic Journ
CRR101Career ReadyFYS1XXCareer Ready
ECE100Intro to ECEECH230Early Child Theory
ECE101Infants & ToddlersECH1XXInfants & Toddlers
ECE201Music & MovementECH2XXMusic & Movement
ECE203Children's LiteratureECH2XXChildren's Literature
ECE204Childrens Math & ScienceECH2XXChildrens Math & Science
ECE205Health, Safety & NutritionECH2XXHealth, Safety & Nutrition
ECE207Child, Family, CommunityECH2XXChild, Family, Community
ECE210Children W/DisabilitiesECH240Early Educ Assmnt
ECE220Practicum IECH2XXPracticum I
ECO151Prin of Econ IECO200Prin Econ-Macro
ECO152Prin of Econ IIECO201Prin Econ-Micro
EDU150Intro to EdEDU1XXIntro to Ed
EDU151Ed TechnologyEDU210Educational Tech
EGR110Engineering GraphicsEGR1XXEngineering Graphics
EMS101Basic EMTSPM205Responding/Emerg
ENG101English CompositionFCO105Rhetorical Comm
ENG102Adv CompositionWRT315Advanced Compositn
ENG102Adv CompositionFCO2XXAdv Composition
ENG102Advanced CompositionWRT1XXAdvanced Composition
ENG104Wrt About LitWRT202Academic Writing
ENG104Adv Comp: Writing about LitLIT200Perspectives/Lit
ENG221Lit West World ILIT285Eur Lit to 1600
ENG222World Literature IILIT2XXWorld Literature
ENG223American Lit ILIT281Amer Lit to 1885
ENG227ShakespeareLIT323Shakespeare I
ENG261Technical CommunicationFCO215Tech/Scientfc Comm
ENG261Technical CommunicationsWRT210Writng/Prof Culturs
FYE101First Year ExperienceFYS1XXFirst Year Experience
HIS101West Civ IHIS101Western Civ I
HIS102West Civ IIHIS102Western Civ II
HIS201Amer Hist to 1865HIS111American Civ I
HIS202Amer Hist Since 1865HIS112American Civ II
HMS101Intro Human ServicesHSV100Intro to HSV
HPE111BowlingPE110Beginning Bowling
HPE115Active LivingPAW134Concpts Phys Actvty
HPE121Aerobic Step TrainingPE1XXAerobic Step Trng
HPE122Fitness for LifePE134Concpts Phys Actvty
HPE127Hatha YogaPE163Intro to Yoga
HPE129Strength & CondPAW170Core Conditioning
HPE130Nutrition & WellnessNUR202Nutrition
HPE131Beg GolfPE140Fundamentals/Golf
HPE152Intro to Phys EdNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
HPE152Intro to Phys EdPE1XXPhys Ed Elect
HPE154Safety and First AidSPM205Responding/Emerg
HPE165Phys Ed for Young ChildPE1XXPhys Ed for Young Child
HPE263Intro to NutritionNUR202Nutrition
JOR100Intro Mass CommCM211Mass Communication
JOR101Intro Journ/News WrtCM271Print Media Writing
JOR102Adv News WritingCM1XXAdv News Writing
JOR103Feature WritingCM1XXFeature Writing
JOR200Prof InternshipCM2XXProf Internship
JOR201Copy Editing & Make-UpCM2XXCopy Edit & Make-Up
JOR211Pub RelationsCM221Intro Public Relatns
MAT101Surv of Math IMAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MAT103Appl Math for IndMAT1XXAppl Math for Ind
MAT105Intermediate AlgebraMAT102Prelim Math/Prob Solv
MAT107Basic StatisticsQBA260Business Stats I
MAT107Basic StatisticsMAT250Statistics
MAT107Basic StatisticsBEH260Statistics
MAT110Math for Elem Techr IIMAT1XXMath for Elem Techr II
MAT121College AlgebraMAT105College Algebra
MAT122Plane TrigonometryMAT1XXPlane Trigonometry
MAT140Calc for Bus & SciMAT120Applied Calculus
MAT151Analytic Geometry & Calc IMAT1XXAnalytic Geometry & Calc I
MRT110Basic Music RecordingMUS1XXBasic Music Recording
MRT220Adv Music RecordingMUS2XXAdv Music Recording
NUR101Intro to NursingNUR1XXIntro to Nursing
NUR124Intro to Issues in NursNUR1XXIntro to Issues in Nurs
OMT130Medical Terminology IBIO201Medical Terminology
OMT130Medical Terminology IRT105Medical Terminology
PHI150Intro to PhilosophyPHL221Intro Philosophy
PHI151Intro to EthicsPHL341Ethics
PHI152Life, Death & DyingPHL1XXLife, Death & Dying
PHY101Intro to Phys Sci IPSC1XXPhys Sci Elect No Lab
PHY102Earth SciencePSC1XXPhys Sci Elect No Lab
POS101Amer GovtPS101Amer Gov/Citizenship
PSY103General PsychologyPSY100General Psychology
PSY204Child PsychologyPSY221Child/Adol Develop
PSY210Ed PsychologyEDU375Psy Learning/Second
PSY210Ed PsychologyEDU370Psych of Learning
PSY213Abnormal PsychologyPSY230Abnormal Psych
PSY217Dev PsychologyPSY2XXDev Psychology
PSY217Dev PsychologyNUR201Nursing HD/HC
SOC101Prin of SociologySOC100Intro Sociology
SOC215Principles of SociologySOC100Intro Sociology
SOC216Contemp Soc IssSOC2XXContemp Soc Iss
SOC217The FamilySOC225The Family
SPA101Elem Spanish ISPN101Elem Spanish I
SPA102Elem Spanish IISPN102Elem Spanish II
SPE125Fundamentals of SpeechCM212Public Speaking
SPE210Interp CommCM104Human Communicatn
THR101Acting ITHE155Acting
THR105Script AnalysisTHE291Script Analy & Dramaturgy
THR201Acting IITHE255Scene Study
THR211Theatre History ITHE354Theatre History
Mansfield University of PAYork College of Pennsylvania
ACC1110Prin of Acctg I ACC1XXPrin of Acctg I
ACC1111Prin of Acct II ACC220Financial Acct
ARH101Intro to Art ART101Intro Art Apprec
ARH1101Intro to Art ART101Intro Art Apprec
ARH3322Art of Renaissance ART205Survey West Art II
ARH4410Women in Anc Greek Art ART4XXWomen in Anc Greek Art
ART1107Global Art ART1XXGlobal Art
ART2248Drawing ART215Drawing I
ART3330Digital Photo ART246Digital Photography
ART4430Adv Digital Photo ART4XXAdv Digital Photo
AST1105Explor of Solar Sys ESS1XXEarth Sci Elective No Lab
ASTR106One Universe ESS1XXEarth Sci Elective No Lab
BI1101Princ Biology I01BIO151Intro Mole Bio Lab
BI1101Princ Biology I01BIO150Intro Molecular Bio
BI1101LPrinc Biology I Lab01  
BI1102Princ Biology II03BIO152Evol/Ecol & Divers
BI1102LPrinc Biology II03  
BI1110Zoology BIO302Zoology
BI3370Cell Biology05BIO143Mole/Gene/Cell Lab
BI3370Cell Biology05BIO142Molecule/Gene/Cell
BI3370LCell Biology Lab05  
BSC1103Eviro Bio BIO1XXBiology Elective No Lab
BSC1121Hum Anat & Phys I BIO220Human A/P I
BSC1122Human Anat & Phys II BIO222Human A/P II
BSC121Human Anat & Phys I BIO220Human A/P I
BSC3271Microbio Hlth Sci BIO230Microbiology
BUS1130Intro Bus & Mgmt BUS150Intro to Business
BUS130Intro Bus & Mgmt BUS1XXIntro Bus & Mgmt
BUS2202Personal Finance BUS218Personal Finance
BUS2230Mgmt Prin MGT250Prin of Management
CCJ3354Crim Law CCJ302Criminal Law
CHE1120Intro Globe Comm Health NPE1XXIntro Globe Comm Health
CHM101Intro Chemistry CHM104Found of Chem
CHM1101Intro Chem CHM202Chem/Society
CHM1105How Drugs Work CHM1XXChemistry Elective No Lab
CHM111Gen Chem I CHM134Gen Chem I
CHM1110Svy of Chem CHM122Prin Gen/Org Chem
CHM1111General Chem I02CHM135Gen Chem I Lab
CHM1111General Chem I02CHM134Gen Chem I
CHM1111LGeneral Chem I Lab02  
CHM1112Gen Chem II04CHM137Gen Chem II Lab
CHM1112Gen Chem II04CHM136Gen Chem II
CHM1112LGen Chem II Lab04  
CHM112Gen Chem II CHM136Gen Chem II
CHM3301Organic Chem I06CHM235Orgnc Chm I Lab
CHM3301Organic Chem I06CHM234Organic Chem I
CHM3301LOrganic Chem I Lab06  
CHM4420Qual Organic Chem CHM4XXQual Organic Chem
CIS1000Orientation to CIS IFS1XXOrientation to CIS
CIS103Intro Microcomputers IFS105Personal Computing
CIS1103Intro to Microcomp IFS105Personal Computing
CIS1104Comp Sci I CS1XXComp Sci I
CIS1115Programming with OBJ IFS1XXProgramming with OBJ
CIS2203Software Bus Appl IFS105Personal Computing
CIS3303Web Site Design IFS3XXWeb Site Design
CIS3315Data Structures CS3XXData Structures
CJA1100Intro Crim Just CCJ101Intro Crim Justice
CJA2200Svy of Policing CCJ334Policing in America
CJA2201Svy of Correct CCJ337Punishmnt/Correctns
CJA3261Comm Policing CCJ3XXComm Policing
CJA3262Invest & Interrogation CCJ3XXInvest & Interrogation
CJA3324Jud Crim Process CCJ336Judicial Process
CJA3355Const Criminal Procedure CCJ341Criminal Procedure
CJA3357Corr Strat CCJ3XXCorr Strat
CJA3359Juvenile Just CCJ348Juvenile Justice
CJA3361Comm Policing CCJ3XXComm Policing
CJA3395Delinq & Crim Just Sys CCJ110Juvenile Delinquncy
CJA4453Police Org & Admin CCJ4XXPolice Org & Admin
CJA4475Serial Murder CCJ4XXSerial Murder
CJA4496Organized Crime CCJ314Organized Crime
COM101Oral Communication CM104Human Communicatn
COM1101Oral Comm CM104Human Communicatn
COM1101Oral Comm CM212Public Speaking
COM1102Intro to Public Speaking CM104Human Communicatn
COM1102Intro to Public Speaking CM212Public Speaking
COM1103Speaking Effect in Groups CM104Human Communicatn
COM1103Speaking Effect in Groups CM212Public Speaking
COM210Intro Public Rel CM221Public Relations
COM2201Intro to Mass Media CM211Mass Communication
COM2203Voice & Articulation CM2XXVoice & Articulation
COM2208Intro to Elec Media CM2XXIntro to Elec Media
COM2210Intro Public Relations CM221Public Relations
COM2230Wrtg Elec Media CM2XXWrtg Elec Media
COM3271Queer TV CM3XXComm Elective
COM3301TV Prod I CM242Video Prodctn I
COM3306Nonverbal Comm CM222Nonverbal Comm
COM3311Elect Media Prog CM2XXElect Media Prog
COM3320PR Wrtg & Techniques CM321Writing/Pub Relatns
COM3325Interpersonal Comm CM329Interpersonal Comm
COM3331Media Ethics CM3XXMedia Ethics
COM4400Comm Theory CM206Communicatn Theory
COM4401Persuasion CM327Persuasion
DIT1101Personal Nutr PE1XXPhys Ed Elect
DIT1101Personal Nutr NPE1XXNon Prog Elect
DIT211Intro Nutrition NUR202Nutrition
DIT2211Intro to Nutr NUR202Nutrition
DIT2220Nutrn & Exercise NPE1XXNon Program Elective
DIT2220Nutrn & Exercise PE1XXPhysical Education Elective
ECO1101Prin of Macroeconomics ECO200Prin Econ-Macro
ECO1102Prin of Microeconomics ECO201Prin Econ-Micro
ED1102Intro to Education EDU1XXIntro to Education
ED2205Educational Psychology EDU2XXEducational Psychology
ED2276Eng Lang Learners EDU225Instrc Needs/ELL
ELE1190Child Development I PSY223Early Child Develp
ENG1112Composition I WRT102Analytical Read/Writ
ENG1112Composition I FCO105Rhetorical Comm
ENG1115Intro to Lit LIT200Intro Lit & Text Stud
ENG1115Intro to Lit LIT200Perspectives/Lit
ENG1175Nature of Language LIT310Language/Linguistics
ENG202Creative Writing WRT310Creative Writing
ENG2202Creative Writing WRT272Intro Creative Wrt
ENG2207Rdgs in British Literature LIT2XXRdgs in British Lit
ENG2208Rdgs in Am Literature LIT2XXRdgs in Am Literature
ENG2209Rdgs in Shakespeare LIT323Shakespeare I
ENG2226Hist of Eng Lang WRT2XXHist of Eng Lang
ENG2252Poetry Writing WRT2XXPoetry Writing
ENG2254Intro to Fiction Wrtg WRT2XXIntro to Fiction Wrtg
ENG3252Adv Poetry Writing WRT3XXAdv Poetry Writing
ENG3268Svy British Lit I LIT283British Lit to 1750
ENG3269Svy British Lit II LIT284Brt Lit after 1750
ENG3278Svy American Lit I LIT281Amer Lit to 1885
ENG3280Svy American Lit II LIT282Amer Lit after 1885
ENG3305African Literature LIT3XXAfrican Literature
ENG3313Composition II FCO2XXComposition II
ENG3313Comp II WRT202Academic Writing
ENG3320Twilight LIT3XXLiterature Elective
ENG3320ADisaster Lit LIT3XXLiterature Elective
ENG335919th Century Brit Lit LIT2XX19th Century Brit Lit
ENG3362Amer Romanticism LIT3XXAmer Romanticism
ENG3376Major Genre WRT3XXMajor Genre
ENG3381Hist of Lit Theory & Criticism LIT210Criticism/Theory
ENG3400Editorial Process WRT410Professionl Editing
FR1101Intro French I FRN101Elem French I
FR1102Intro French II FRN102Elem French II
FYS100FYS FYS100First Year Seminar
FYS1100FYS: Kids in Lit LIT1XXFYS: Kids in Lit
FYS1100FYS FYS100First Year Seminar
FYS1100AFYS: College Athletics NPE1XXFYS: College Athletics
GEG1101World Reg Geog G100World Reg Geography
GEG1111Physical Geog G151Intro Physical Geog
GEG1122Enviro Issues G1XXEnviro Issues
GEG2520Env Justice G2XXEnv Justice
GEL1102Envir Geol BIO1XXBiology Elect No Lab
GEL1121Physical Geol01ESS1XXPhysical Geology
GEL1121LPhysical Geol Lab01  
GEL1125Physical Geology ESS1XXPhysical Geology
GEL1125Physical Geology ESS152Earth/Space Sci
GEL2255Physical Geology ESS2XXPhysical Geology
GER1101Intro German I GRM101Elem German I
GER1102Intro German II GRM102Elem German II
HON1107Phys Sci I PSC1XXPhys Sci I
HON1111Humanities Hon I HUM1XXHumanities Hon I
HON1112Humanities Hon II HUM1XXHumanities Hon II
HPE101Cond-Wt Training PE118Physical Fitness
HPE102Inter Skiing PE1XXInter Skiing
HPE1100Hlth (Personal & Comm) NPE1XXNon Prog Elect
HPE1100Hlth (Personal & Comm) PE1XXPhys Ed Elect
HPE1118Racquetball PE1XXRacquetball
HPE1131Walk Life Fitness PAW1XXWalk Life Fitness
HPE1146Interm Bowling PE110Beginning Bowling
HPE117Badminton/Raquet PE1XXBadminton/Raquet
HPE118Racquetball PE1XXRacquetball
HPE1200Pers & Comm Health PE1XXPhys Ed Elect
HPE1200Pers & Comm Health NPE1XXNon Prog Elect
HPE131Walk Life Fit PE1XXWalk Life Fit
HPE138Tennis PE159Tennis
HPE164Aerobic Cond & CPR PE1XXAerobic Cond & CPR
HPE3340First Aid & CPR SPM205Responding/Emerg
HPE3340First Aid & CPR EDU305Responding/Emerg
HPE3345Wilderness FA/CPR EDU305Responding/Emerg
HST1111World Civ to 1350 HIS121World History I
HST1112World Civ 1350-1900 HIS102Western Civ II
HST1113World Hst since 1900 HIS122World History II
HST2201US History to 1877 HIS111American Civ I
HST2201US History to 1877 HIS111Amer Hist Colonization-Civ War
HST2202US History since 1877 HIS112American Civ II
HST2220World War II HIS2XXWorld War II
HST265Hist of Am Sports SPM101Hist/Philos Sport
HST3265Hist of Am Sports SPM101Hist/Philos Sport
HST3295World War Two in the Movies FLM3XXWrld War Two - Movies
HST3325History of Witches HIS1XXHistory of Witches
JN100Intro to Journalism CM1XXIntro to Journalism
JN1100Intro to Journalism CM271Journalism
LDR3325Intro Lead Studies NPE3XXNon Prog Elect
MA1115Svy of Math Ideas MAT1XXSvy of Math Ideas
MA1117Math and Culture MAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MA1125Intro Stats I MAT250Statistics
MA1125Intro Stats I BEH260Statistics
MA1125Intro Stats I QBA260Business Statistics
MA1128College Algebra MAT105College Algebra
MA1129Finite Math MAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MA1165Pre-Calc Math MAT108Precalculus
MA125Intro Statistics MAT250Statistics
MA125Intro Statistics BEH260Statistics
MA125Intro Statistics QBA260Business Statistics
MA2231Calculus I MAT171Calculus I
MA2232Calculus II MAT172Calculus II
MA232Calculus II MAT172Calculus II
MA3260Discrete Structures MAT235Discrete Math
MA3330Non-Uniform Geometries MAT345Modern Geometry
MAP1112Beg Piano Class MUS140Class Piano
MAP1121Piano Class I MUS140Class Piano
MAP1122Piano Class II MUS141Class Piano
MAP1123Piano Class III MUS240Class Piano
MAP1151String Class I MUS1XXString Class I
MAP3300Voice MUS101Voice
MAP3334Saxophone MUS130Saxophone
MEN301Festival Chorus MUS150YCChorale
MEN3300Concert Choir MUS151YCChorale
MEN3301Festival Chorus MUS150YCChorale
MEN3303Mansfieldians MUS1XXMansfieldians
MEN3306Musical Theatre Prod THE1XXTheatre Elective
MEN3331Mountie Marching Band MUS3XXMountie March Band
MEN3332Symphonic Band MUS160Wind Symphony
MEN3333Woodwind Ensemble MUS170Woodwind Ensemble
MGT2230Mgmt Prin MGT150Prin of Management
MKT3330Marketing MKT100Prin Marketing
MU1100Found Music Ed MUS1XXFound Music Ed
MU1101Intro to Music MUS186Listening to Music
MU1103Intro Music Fund MUS181Found Music Theory
MU1105Intro to Music Tech CM226Audio Productn
MU1141Intro Music Ed MUS1XXIntro Music Ed
MU2202Hist of Rock Pop MUS288History Rock/Roll
MU2205Women in Music MUS2XXWomen in Music
MU2211Basic Music I MUS184Sight Singing I
MU2212Basic Music II MUS185Sight Singing II
MU2250Basic Conducting MUS2XXBasic Conducting
MU2255Intro Music Tech MUS2XXIntro Music Tech
MU3352Diction I for Singers MUS3XXDiction I for Singers
MU352Diction I for Singer MUS3XXDiction I for Singer
MU4471Vocal Pedagogy MUS349Vocal Pedagogy
NTR1101Pers Nutrition NPE1XXPers Nutrition
NTR3300Cult Nutr BEH3XXCult Nutr
NUR1120Public Health & Soc Justice SOC1XXPublic Hlth & Soc Just
PHL201Intro to Philosophy PHL221Intro Philosophy
PHL202Contemp Moral Probs PHL223Cont Moral Problems
PHL2200Critical Thinking PHL222Critical Thinking
PHL2201Intro to Philosophy PHL221Intro Philosophy
PHL2202Contemp Moral Probs PHL223Cont Moral Problems
PHL2205Law, Morality and Authority PHL2XXLaw, Morality and Authority
PHL2230Intro to Logic PHL231Logic
PHL2259Phil of Religion PHL383Philos Of Religion
PHL3230Formal Logic PHL231Logic
PHL3316Env Ethics PHL240Environmentl Ethics
PHL3320Phil of Law PHL347Philosophy of Law
PHL3340Ethics PHL341Ethics
PHL3380Hlth Care Ethics PHL3XXHlth Care Ethics
PHL4420Classic Greek Phil PHL235Ancient/Early Mod
PHY1191Physics I07PHY160Eng Phys:Mechncs
PHY1191Physics I07PHY161E Phys:Mech Lab
PHY1191LPhysics I Lab07  
PSC2201Amer Pol PS141American Governmnt
PSC2201American Politics PS101Amer Gov/Citizenship
PSC2210Intro Intl Relations PS302International Rel
PSC2212Intro Compar Politics PS260Comparative Politics
PSC3351International Law PS307International Law
PSC3385Field Research INT3XXField Research
PSC4402The US Presidency PS363The Presidency
PSC4404Constitutional Law PS371Amer Const Thought
PSY101Intro to Genl Psych PSY100General Psychology
PSY1101Intro to Gen Psych PSY100General Psychology
PSY1151Orient to Psych PSY1XXOrient to Psych
PSY151Intro Appl of Psych PSY1XXIntro Appl of Psych
PSY210Psy Family Relations PSY2XXPsy Family Relations
PSY2203Telephone Svy Research PSY2XXTelephone Svy Research
PSY2210Psych Family Relations PSY2XXPsych Family Relations
PSY2212Human Sexuality BIO102Human Sexuality
PSY2421Death and Dying PSY2XXDeath and Dying
PSY3290Life Span Dev PSY321Developmental Sci
PSY3309Stereotype & Pred PSY3XXStereotype & Pred
PSY3310Soc Psych PSY243Social Psychology
PSY3312Deviant Behav & Soc Proc PSY3XXDev Beh & Soc Proc
PSY3391Psychol Disorders PSY3XXPsychol Disorders
SCI1104Forensic Sci CHM1XXChemistry Elective no lab
SCI1104Forensic Sci CHM1XXForensic Sci
SOC101Intro to Sociology SOC100Intro Sociology
SOC1101Intro to Soc SOC100Intro Sociology
SOC1121Contemp Soc Probs SOC220Am Social Problems
SOC2232Amer Family Sys SOC225The Family
SOC3336Political Sociology SOC3XXPoliticial Sociology
SPA101Intro Spanish I SPN101Elem Spanish I
SPA1101Intro Spanish I SPN101Elem Spanish I
SPA1102Intro Spanish II SPN102Elem Spanish II
SPA2201Interm Spanish I SPN201Inter Spanish I
SPC101Oral Comm CM104Human Communicatn
SPE1001Found in Spcl Ed SPE1XXFound in Spcl Ed
SPE2276Eng Lang Learners EDU225Instrc Needs/ELL
SWK101Human Services SOC1XXHuman Services
SWK1101Hum Services SOC1XXHum Services
SWK1800Intro to Social Work SOC1XXIntro to Soc Work
SWK2251Intro Soc Work SOC2XXIntro Soc Work
THT110Intro to Theatre THE254Intro Theatre
THT1110Intro to Theater THE254Intro Theatre
WS1100Intro to Women's Stud WGS200Women/Gender Stud
McDaniel CollegeYork College of Pennsylvania
ADM501Intro to Ed AdminMED561Intro Org Leadershp
ADM504Supv & Eval School PersMED572Supervsn Ed Persnl
ADM505School Lead in 21st CentMED561Intro Org Leadershp
AHY1113Hist of West Art IART204Survey West Art I
ARB1101Elem Arabic IARB101Elem Arabic I
ART101Drawing IART215Drawing I
ART1103Drawing for Non-MajART215Drawing I
ART1117Design IART210Design I
ART2211SculptureART230Sculpture I
ASL2225Amer Sign Lang ICM150Beg Sign Language
BA2209Principles of MarketingMKT100Prin Marketing
BIO1111Prin of Biology IBIO150Biology I
BIO1112Prin of Biology IIBIO152Biology II
BIO1115Hum HeredityBIO1XXBiology Elect No Lab
BIO1116BiodiversityBIO120Field Nat Hist
BIO1117Topics in BiologyBIO1XXTopics in Biology
BIO2208Molecular BiologyBIO1XXMolecular Biology
BIO3310Cell BiologyBIO358Cell/Moleclr Bio
BUA1101Prin of Acct IACC1XXPrin of Acct I
BUA1102Prin of Acct IIACC225Managerial Acct
BUA2210Ethics and BusinessBUS2XXEthics and Business
BUA527Econ & Fin EducMED565School Financl Mgmt
CCS1108Cult AnthropologyANT220Cult Anthropology
CCS2255Rel of AsiaREL2XXRel of Asia
CE508Group DynamicsMED504Group Processes/Ed
CED508Group DynamicsMED504Group Processes/Ed
CED511Curriculum DesignMED503Curric Trends/Issue
CEO1198Leader, Citz, ServicePS1XXLeader, Citz, Service
CHE1103General Chem IICHM134Gen Chem I
CHE1104General Chem IICHM136Gen Chem II
CHE1121Ess Gen Org & BiochCHM122Prin Gen/Org Chem
CHE2217Organic Chem ICHM234Organic Chem I
CHE2218Org Chem IICHM236Organic Chem II
CLT2219Great Works West World ILIT2XXGreat Works West World I
CLT2220Grt Works West World IILIT2XXGrt Works West World II
COM1110Public SpeakingCM104Human Communicatn
CUR510Curr Trends & IssuesMED503Curric Trends/Issue
ED1141Learn & TeachEDU1XXLearn & Teach
ED510Curr: Trends and IssuesMED503Curric Trends/Issue
ED511Curr DesignMED503Curric Trends/Issue
ED550Intro to Research MethodMED501Intro Ed Research
EDL502Role of the PrincipalMED560The Principalship
EDU1111Learning in Div SocietyEDU1XXLearning in Div Soc
EDU1113Tech in EducationEDU1XXTech in Ed
EDU1141Tch & Lrng Div SocEDU1XXTch & Lrng Div Soc
EDU1150Intro Spec EdSPE1XXIntro Special Ed
EDU2100Div Sch Based IntshpEDU2XXDiv Sch Based Intshp
EDU2240Plan & Eval InstrEDU2XXPlan & Eval Instr
EDU550Intro Res MethMED501Intro Ed Research
EDU551Diversity in EducationMED503Curric Trends/Issue
EDU580Learning & TeachingEDU4XXLearn & Teach
EDU618Instructional Plans in MathEDU4XXInstr Plans in Math
ENG1002College CompositionWRT100Intro College Writ
ENG101Composition & ReadingWRT1XXComposition & Reading
ENG102Composition & ReadingFCO105Rhetorical Comm
ENG1101Intro to College WritingFCO105Rhetorical Comm
ENG1102Comp and Reading IIWRT202Academic Writing
ENG1140Generation to GenerationLIT2XXGeneration to Generation
ENG1155Ghost Fiction TradLIT1XXGhost Fiction Trad
ENG2203Intro to JournalismCM2XXIntro to Journalism
ENG2212Professional CommunicationFCO210Comm Prof Cultures
ENG2213Intro to Lit MethLIT200Perspectives/Lit
ENG2265Authurian TraditionLIT2XXAuthurian Tradition
EPE0055Sp Tps Fit WalkingPE1XXSp Tps Fit Walking
EPE1004Hap Ki DoPE1XXHap Ki Do
EPE1006Educational GymnasticsPE1XXEduc Gymnastics
EPE1016Weight TrainingPE118Physical Fitness
EPE1055Sp: Hip Hop DancePE1XXSp: Hip Hop Dance
EPE1055SP: HikingPE1XXHiking
EPE1070Fund Motor SkillsPE1XXFund Motor Skills
EPE1072BowlingPE110Beginning Bowling
EPE1134Animating LifeHUM1XXAnimating Life
EPE1176LifeguardingPE124Lifeguard Training
EPE1185Contemp Health IssuesNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
EPE1185Contemp Health IssuesPE1XXPhys Ed Elect
EPE1211Hist & Phil of PE & SportSPM1XXHist & Phil of PE & Sport
EPE1245Sport in Amer SocSPM1XXSport in Amer Soc
EPE2215Adapted Phys EdEDU2XXAdapted Phys Ed
EPE2223Motor Dev Lifespan PerspPSY2XXMotor Dev Lifespan Persp
EPE2225Prev & Care Athl InjEDU315Prvnt/Treat Ath Inj
EPE2238Prin Sports CoachingEDU310Prin Athl/Coach
EPE2240Sport BehaviorSPM2XXSport Behavior
FR101Elementary FrenchFRN101Elem French I
FR102Elementary FrenchFRN102Elem French II
FRE1101Elem French IFRN101Elem French I
FRE1102Elem French IIFRN102Elem French II
FRE1131The Culture of FranceFRN303French Culture/Civ
FYS1114Tech in EducationEDU1XXTech in Education
FYS1127Myths & Stories of IndiaHUM1XXMyths & Stories of India
FYS1129Close EncountersHUM1XXClose Encounters
FYS1135Theatre AppreciationHUM1XXTheatre Appreciation
FYS1151Drugs and the MindFYS100First Year Seminar
FYS1156Africa from Book to FilmHUM1XXAfrica from Book to Film
FYS1158Once Upon a TimeHUM1XXOnce Upon a Time
FYS1160Journalism in 21st CentCM1XXJournalism in 21st Cen
FYS1181From Grimm to DisneyFYS1XXFrom Grimm to Disney
FYS1189Race A Laughing Matter?BEH1XXRace A Lghng Matter?
FYS1199FreakonomicsFYS100First Year Seminar
FYS1206Rebels in Early AmericaFYS100First Year Seminar
FYS1210Explor Disabil/MediaFYS100First Year Seminar
FYS1219The Nature of ScienceFYS100First Year Seminar
FYS1236Art on the EdgeFYS100First Year Seminar
GEO2202Non-Arab Islamic SocG2XXNon-Arabic Islamic Soc
GER2211Int German IGRM201Inter German I
GER2212Int German IIGRM202Inter German II
GER3310Adv Studies in Germ IGRM3XXAdv Studies in Germ I
GER3365Sp: Conv & CompGRM3XXSp: Conv & Comp
GRN1101Intro Aging StudiesGER100Perspectives/Aging
GS1111Intro AstronomyESS1XXEarth Sci Elect No Lab
GSC1111Intro AstronomyESS154Intro/Astronomy
HIS2141Civil Relg in American LifeREL2XXCivil Relg in Am Life
HIS2213The High Mid AgesHIS2XXThe High Mid Ages
HIS2214Early Mod EuropeHIS101Western Civ I
HIS2231History of East Asia to 1600HIS2XXHist of East Asia 1600
HIS2265Sp:Women in U.S. HistHIS390Women in US History
HIS3367Sp: StalinHIS3XXSp: Stalin
HON2201Great WorksLIT200Intro Lit & Text Stud
IDS1135Amer Cult Div: Art ExpHUM1XXAmer Cult Div: Art Exp
KIN1026Indoor SoccerPAW155Soccer
MA1106Finite Math with ApplicationsMAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MA1107Coll Alg & TrigMAT105College Algebra
MAT1106Finite MathMAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MAT1117Calculus IMAT171Calculus I
MAT1118Calculus IIMAT172Calculus II
MS101Army as InstitutionNPE1XXArmy as Institution
MS102Army as an InstitutionNPE1XXArmy as an Institution
MS2201Military History & Science INPE1XXMilitary History & Science I
MSC1102Basic LeadershipNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
MSC1140Amer Military HistHIS1XXAmer Military Hist
MUE1102College ChoirMUS150YCChorale
MUE1105Gospel ChoirMUS150YCChorale
MUE1106OrchestraMUS164Symphony Orchestra
MUL1135American Cultural DiversityHUM1XXAmer Cultural Diversity
MUL2209The Black Composer SpeaksMUS2XXThe Black Comp Speaks
MUS1128Making RockMUS288History Rock/Roll
MUS1134Music ApprMUS200Music Appreciation
MUS1145Guitar Class IMUS148Guitar Class
MUT1131Music Theory IMUS181Found Music Theory
PE016Weight TrainingNPE1XXWeight Training
PE062Badminton IPE151Badminton
PE070BowlingPE110Beginning Bowling
PHI102Basic QuestionsPHL1XXBasic Questions
PHI1101Fund QuestionsPHL1XXFund Questions
PHI1102Crit ThinkingPHL222Critical Thinking
PHI1105Contemp Issues in EthicsPHL341Ethics
PHI1114Phil from RenaissancePHL1XXPhil from Renaissance
PHI177Tai Chi ChuanPHL1XXTai Chi Chuan
PHI2218Women & PhilPHL2XXWomen & Phil
PHI2226Philosophy of LawPHL347Philosophy of Law
PHI2232The Power of PrettyPHL2XXThe Power of Pretty
PHI2265Sp: Phil & RacePHL2XXSp: Phil & Race
PHI2292Direct Rdgs PhilPHL2XXDirect Rdgs Phil
PHY1101General Physics IPHY160Eng Phys:Mechncs
PSI1101Intro Pol SciencePS1XXIntro Pol Science
PSI1151Law, Order, Soc ChangePS141American Governmnt
PSI2203Intl Law & OrgPS307International Law
PSI2204Appr Intl RelPS302International Rel
PSI3306Natl Sec Changing WrldPS3XXNat Sec Changing World
PSI3308Amer Const LawPS3XXAmer Const Law
PSY1106Intro to PsychologyPSY100General Psychology
PSY2204Social PsychologyPSY243Social Psychology
PSY2209Child & Adol DevPSY221Child/Adol Develop
PSY2211Abnormal PsychologyPSY230Abnormal Psych
PSY2214Beh NeurosciencePSY2XXBeh Neuroscience
PSY2223Psy Methods and Stats IPSY2XXPsy Methods and Stats I
PSY2224Psy Methods and Stats IIPSY2XXPsy Methods and Stats II
PSY2298IS: Learning StratPSY2XXIS: Learning Strat
PSY2337Counseling PsychPSY2XXCounseling Psych
PSY502Hum Growth & DevMED502Adv Educ Psych
PSY503Hum Growth & DevMED502Adv Educ Psych
RDG501Read Acqui: Strat & MethMED510Found Reading Instr
RDG524Matls for Bal Rdg InstrMED511Children/Adoles Lit
RDG532Rdg in the Content AreasMED512Adv Rdg Contnt Area
RDG539Bal Rdg InstrMED510Found Reading Instr
REL1102Religion and CultureREL1XXReligion and Culture
REL1105Religions OverviewREL265World Religions
REL1142Rel & Crim JusticeREL1XXRel & Crim Justice
REL2211Issues of Social JusticeREL2XXIss Social Justice
REL2245Myths & Rituals of AgingREL2XXMyths & Rituals of Aging
REL2251Rel in West Cult IREL2XXRel in West Cult I
REL2252Rel in West Cult IIREL2XXRel in West Cult II
REL2265Sp Top:Anc Med TradREL2XXSp Top:Anc Med Trad
REL2266Sp Top: Jesus at MoviesREL2XXSp Top: Jesus at Movies
REL3328Liber Mov & Human FrdmREL3XXLiber Mov & Human Frdm
RSM550Intro Research MethMED501Intro Ed Research
SED520Coll PracticesMED504Group Processes/Ed
SIS2009Fears & FacinationsHUM2XXFears & Facinations
SIS2032Understanding FeminismWGS2XXUnderstanding Feminism
SIS2215Arab WorldINT2XXArab World
SLM3317Children's LiteratureLIT3XXChildren's Literature
SOC1103Intro SociologySOC100Intro Sociology
SOC1104Intro to Global SocSOC100Intro Sociology
SOC1108Cultural AnthropologyANT220Cult Anthropology
SOC2427Gender & SocietySOC2XXGender & Society
SOC4495In: Field of WingsSOC4XXIn: Field of Wings
SOC508Culture & DiversitySOC1XXCulture & Diversity
SP1102Elem Spanish IISPN102Elem Spanish II
SPA1101Elem Spanish ISPN101Elem Spanish I
SPA1102Elem Spanish IISPN102Elem Spanish II
SPA1103Elem Span for Adv BegSPN201Inter Spanish I
SPA2211Hisp World: Lang & Soc ISPN2XXHisp World: Lang & Soc I
SPA2212Hisp World: Lang & Soc IISPN2XXHisp Wrld:Lang & Soc II
SPA2230Spanish ConvSPN205Inter Spanish Conv
SPA3303Contemp Latin Am CultSPN308Span Amer Cult/Civ
SPA3304Span Syntax & CompSPN3XXSpan Syntax & Comp
STA2215Elem Stat for Social SciBEH260Statistics
STA2215Elem Stat for Social SciMAT250Statistics
SW2217Soc Welfare as Soc InstSOC2XXSoc Welfare as Soc Inst
SWK1122Hum Serv 21st CentSOC1XXHum Serv 21st Cent
SWK2214Hum Beh & Soc EnvSOC2XXHum Beh & Soc Env
THE1117Grp Proc in Interactive TheaTHE1XXGrp Proc in Inter Thea
THE1119Theatre AppreciationTHE254Intro Theatre
THE2227Contemp TheatreTHE2XXContemp Theatre
Mercer County Community CollegeYork College of Pennsylvania
ACC111Fin AcctACC220Financial Acct
ACC112Prin Mang AcctACC225Managerial Acct
ADV101Adv Des IART1XXAdv Des I
ADV110Typography IART218Typography I
ADV210Typography IIART2XXTypography II
ADV220Illustration IART223Illustration I
ANT101AnthropologyANT210Physical Anthropol
ART102Basic DrawingART215Drawing I
ART104Life DrawingART216Figure Drawing I
ART105Two-Dimensional DesART210Design I
ART106Three Dim DesART211Design II
ART121History of Art IART204Survey West Art I
ART123Hist Mod ArtART205Survey West Art II
ASL101American Sign Lang ICM150Beg Sign Language
ASL102American Sign Lang IICM250Adv Sign Language
BIO101General Biology IBIO150Biology I
BIO103Anatomy & Physio IBIO220Human A/P I
BIO103Anatomy & Physio IBIO1XXAnatomy & Physio I
BIO104Anatomy & Physio IIBIO222Human A/P II
BIO113Biological Science ConceptsBIO204Exploring Biology
BIO114Envir Sci ConcBIO1XXBiology Elect No Lab
BUS101Introduction to BusinessBUS150Intro to Business
BUS102Intro to Sport MgmtSPM125Intro Sport Mgmt
BUS107Bus Law IBUS260Legal Environment
BUS205Bus Stats IQBA260Business Statistics
BUS206Bus Stats IIQBA265Business Stats II
BUS210Prin of MgmtMGT150Prin of Management
BUS230Intl BusIBS200Internatl Business
CHE100Intro ChemistryCHM104Found of Chem
CHE101General Chem ICHM134Gen Chem I
CHE106Chem Sci ConceptsCHM1XXChem Sci Concepts
CIV101Survey IEGR1XXSurvey I
CIV105Intro EngrEGR100Epads I
CIV223Fluid Mechanics and LabEGR360Fluid Mechanics
CIV223Fluid Mechanics and LabME361Thermo/Fluids Exp
CIV227Struc of Steel DesignCVE2XXStruc of Steel Design
CIV228Reinforced Concrete StrucCVE2XXReinforced Concrete Struc
CIV229Mech of MaterialsEGR264Strength/Materials
CIV229Mech of MaterialsEGR265Materials/Solid Lab
CMN101Mass MediaCM211Mass Communication
CMN107CinemaFLM216Intro to Film
CMN111Speech: Human CommCM104Human Communicatn
CMN112Public SpeakingCM212Public Speaking
CMN112Public SpeakingCM104Human Communicatn
CMN141Intro TV ProdCM242Video Prodctn I
CMN142Intermed TV ProdCM341Video Production II
CMN151Intro to RadioCM1XXIntro to Radio
CMN153Audio ProdCM226Audio Productn
COS101Intro Computer ScienceCS1XXIntro Comp Science
CRJ101Intro to Criminal Justice SystCCJ101Intro Crim Justice
CRJ102Police in CommunityCCJ1XXPolice in Community
CRJ103Introduction to CorrectionsCCJ1XXIntro to Corrections
CRJ202Criminal LawCCJ302Criminal Law
CRJ206Police AdministrationCCJ234Law Enforcement
CRJ207Criminal InvestigationCCJ305Crim Investigation
CSW100College Success/Personal WellFYS1XXCollege Success/Personal Well
DAN103Modern Dance IPAW1XXModern Dance I
DMA105Intro Comp ArtART1XXIntro Comp Art
DMA110Digital ImagingART1XXDigital Imaging
DMA145Web Site DesignART1XXWeb Site Design
DRA190Intro Comp AidedEGR1XXIntro Comp Aided
DRA2183D ModelingEGR2XX3D Modeling
ECO103Basic EconomicsECO1XXBasic Economics
ECO111MacroeconomicsECO200Prin Econ-Macro
ECO112MicroeconomicsECO201Prin Econ-Micro
EDU109Intro to EducationEDU200Found of Education
EDU109Intro to EducationEDU1XXIntro to Education
EDU120Intro Early Child EdEDU1XXIntro Early Child Ed
ENG101English Comp IWRT102Analytical Read/Writ
ENG101English Composition IFCO105Rhetorical Comm
ENG102English Composition IIFCO1XXEnglish Comp II
ENG102English Comp IIWRT202Academic Writing
ENG112Eng Comp II with SpeechFCO1XXEng Comp II with Speech
ENG208Mod Amer NovelLIT313American Novel
ENG212Intro Lit PoetryLIT343Exper of Poetry
ENG222Child LitLIT2XXChild Lit
ENG228English Literature IILIT284Brt Lit after 1750
ESK100Basic CompWRT100Intro College Writ
GEO101GeographyG243Intro Geography
HIS101Hist West Civ 1648HIS101Western Civ I
HIS102Hist West Civ Since 1648HIS102Western Civ II
HIS105U.S. Hist to 1865HIS111American Civ I
HIS106U.S. Hist Since 1865HIS112American Civ II
HIS107Civil WarHIS364Civil War & Reconstruction
HIS112World Hist to 1500HIS121World History I
HIS113World Hist Since 1500HIS122World History II
HIS214America since 1945HIS367Recent Amer/1945-Prs
HPE101Basic Concepts NutritionNUR202Nutrition
HPE110Conc Health/FitPAW134Concpts Phys Actvty
HPE111Living with HealthPAW1XXPhys Act & Wellness Elect
HPE113Medical TerminologyHSC105Medical Terminology
HPE113Medical TerminologyBIO201Medical Terminology
HPE151Intro to Exer SciPAW1XXIntro to Exer Sci
HPE163Team Sports MgmtSPM1XXTeam Sports Mgmt
HPE171Personal FitnessPE118Physical Fitness
HPE171Personal FitnessPE119Physical Fitness
IST101Comp Concept/ApplIFS105Personal Computing
IST102Comp Concept/ProgramIFS1XXComp Concept/Program
ITA102Beg Italian IIITL102Elem Italian II
MAT107Concepts of MathematicsMAT115Sets/Number Systems
MAT108Topics in MathematicsMAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MAT115Algebra & Trig IMAT105College Algebra
MAT120Math for Lib ArtsMAT115Sets/Number Systems
MAT135Intermed AlgebraMAT102Prelim Math/Prob Solv
MAT140App College AlgebraMAT105College Algebra
MAT141Coll Algebra & ApplMAT105College Algebra
MAT149Calculus for Soc Sci or BusMAT120Applied Calculus
MAT151Calculus IMAT171Calculus I
MAT152Calculus IIMAT172Calculus II
MAT251Calculus IIIMAT271Calculus III
MET122Indust MeasuringEGR1XXIndust Measuring
MKT101Prin of MarketingMKT100Prin Marketing
MUS101Chorus IMUS150YCChorale
MUS103Intro to MusicMUS200Music Appreciation
MUS105Fund Music TheoryMUS181Found Music Theory
MUS109Appl Music IMUS1XXAppl Music I
MUS119Jazz Band IMUS162Jazz Ensemble
MUS120Jazz Band IIMUS1XXJazz Band II
MUS122Piano Class IIMUS141Class Piano
MUS123Music BusinessMUS1XXMusic Business
MUS127Music Theory IMUS182Music Theory I
MUS128Music Theory IIMUS183Music Theory II
MUS155Hist of Jazz/BluesMUS286Jazz History
MUS221Piano Class IIIMUS240Class Piano
PHI102PhilosophyPHL221Intro Philosophy
PHI205Moral ChoicesPHL223Cont Moral Problems
PHO101Intro PhotographyART245Photography I
PHO103Digital PhotoART246Digital Photography
PHY101College Physics IPHY111G Phys:Mech Lab
PHY101College Physics IPHY110Gen Phys:Mech/Ht
PHY111Physical Sci ConceptsPSC152Physical Sci I
PHY115University Physics IPHY160Eng Phys:Mechncs
PHY215University Physics IIPHY260Eng Phys:Elct/Magn
POL101The Ameri Pol SysPS141American Governmnt
PSY101Introductory PsychologyPSY100General Psychology
PSY204Social PsychologyPSY243Social Psychology
PSY206Child DevPSY221Child/Adol Develop
PSY207Dev PsychologyPSY2XXDev Psychology
PSY210Abnormal PsychologyPSY230Abnormal Psych
REL102Living World ReligionsREL265World Religions
SOC101Intro to SociologySOC100Intro Sociology
SOC102Soc ProbSOC220Am Social Problems
SOC104Sociology of EducationSOC1XXSoc of Education
SOC107Social ProblemsSOC220Am Social Problems
SOC201Marriage & FamilySOC225The Family
SOC209Rac, Ethnic & Min GrpsSOC2XXRac, Ethnic & Min Grps
SOC214Soc of Drug UseSOC2XXSoc of Drug Use
SPA101Beginning Spanish ISPN101Elem Spanish I
SPA102Beginning Spanish IISPN102Elem Spanish II
SPA202Intermed Span IISPN202Inter Spanish II
Messiah UniversityYork College of Pennsylvania
ACC141Fin Acct ACC220Financial Acct
ACCT141Financial Accounting ACC220Financial Acct
ACCT142Managerial Acct ACC225Managerial Acct
ACCT242Managerial Acct ACC225Managerial Acct
ANT101Intro to Cult Anthro ANT220Cult Anthropology
APHS170Concepts of Conditioning PE118Physical Fitness
APHS215Chronic Disease and Exercise PE234Well/Fitness/Life
APM171Percussion MUS136Percussion
ART103Intro to Drawing ART215Drawing I
ART182Color and Design ART1XXColor & Design
BIBL201Encountering the Bible REL2XXEncountering the Bible
BIL105Intro to Biblical Studies REL275Trad/Cult Chrstnty
BIL205The Synoptic Gospels REL2XXSynoptic Gospels
BIL213Old Testament Lit REL2XXOld Testament Lit
BIL216Prophets II REL2XXProphets II
BIO102Bioscience BIO110General Biology
BIO150Biology I BIO150Biology I
BIO151Biology II BIO1XXBiology Elective No Lab
BIO152Biology III BIO152Biology II
BIO185Human A & P I BIO220Human A/P I
BIO382Microbiology BIO230Microbiology
BIO385Physiology BIO308Animal Physlgy
BIOL102Bioscience BIO110General Biology
BIOL106Life Sciences02BIO205Exp Biology Lab
BIOL106Life Sciences02BIO204Exploring Biology
BIOL106LLab: Life Sciences02  
BIOL150Biology I BIO150Biology I
BIOL151Biology II BIO1XXBiology Elect No Lab
BIOL152Biology III BIO152Biology II
BIOL160Mol & Cell Biology BIO150Biology I
BIOL172Diversity of Life/Plant Scienc04BIO153Evol/Ecol/Div Lab
BIOL172Diversity of Life/Plant Scienc04BIO152Evol/Ecol & Divers
BIOL172LLab: Diversity Life/Plant Sci04  
BIOL185Human Anatomy & Physiology I05BIO220Human A/P I
BIOL185Human Anatomy & Physiology I05BIO221Human A/P I Lab
BIOL185LHuman Anat & Phys I Lab05  
BIOL186Human Anatomy & Physiology II06BIO223Hum A/P II Lab
BIOL186Human Anatomy & Physiology II06BIO222Human A/P II
BIOL186LHuman Anat & Phys II Lab06  
BIOL189Genetics for Health Prof BIO1XXBiology Elect No Lab
BIOL258Human Biology BIO112Fund Human Bio
BIOL382Microbiology BIO230Microbiology
BIS230Comp Appl IFS105Personal Computing
BUS311Org Beh OBD225Org Behavior
BUSA102Opport in Business BUS1XXOpport in Business
BUSA120Prin of Mgt MGT150Prin of Management
BUSA130Personal Finance BUS218Personal Finance
BUSA381Bus Law I BUS260Legal Environment
CEM225Field Exp Christian Min REL2XXField Exp Christian Min
CEM235Ministry with Youth I REL2XXMinistry with Youth I
CHE105General Chemistry CHM134Gen Chem I
CHE106General Chemistry II CHM136Gen Chem II
CHE107Chem for Engineering CHM134Gen Chem I
CHE110Chemical Science I CHM1XXChemical Science I
CHE112Chemical Science II CHM122Prin Gen/Org Chem
CHEM101Intro to College Chemistry CHM104Found of Chem
CHEM102Chemistry for Living CHM240Perspect/Molecular
CHEM103Chemical Science CHM122Prin Gen/Org Chem
CHEM105Gen Chem I CHM134Gen Chem I
CHEM106Gen Chem II CHM136Gen Chem II
CIS171Problem Solv with Comp IFS1XXProb Solv with Comp
CIS180Intro to CIS IFS105Personal Computing
CIS180Intro to CIS IFS100Info Tech Competncy
CIS182Comp Prog II CS1XXCS Gen Elective
CIS384Elem of Comp Sys CS3XXElements of Comp Sys
CIS385Data Struc & Algrthms CS3XXData Struc & Algrthms
COM104Fund of Relational Comm CM104Human Communicatn
COM106Fund of Public Comm CM104Human Communicatn
COM319Sports Broad CM3XXSports Broad
COMM104Fund Interp Comm CM104Human Communicatn
COMM104Fund Interp Comm CM329Interpersonal Comm
COMM105Fund Oral Comm CM104Human Communicatn
COMM105Fund Oral Comm CM212Public Speaking
COMM106Fund Public Comm CM104Human Communicatn
COMM107Intro to Comm Seminar CM1XXIntro Comm Seminar
COMM203Basic Video Editing & Tech CM242Video Prodctn I
COMM217Intro Flim FLM216Intro to Film
COMM317Adv Edit & Tech CM341Video Production II
CRIJ101Intro Criminal Justice CJA101Intro Crim Justice
CRIJ259Crim Law & Court Proc CJA302Criminal Law
CRIJ309Juv Delinquency CJA110Juvenile Delinquncy
CRIJ348Ethics/Crim Just Sys CJA203Ethical Issues/CJ
CRIJ362Criminology SOC320Criminology
CRIJ366Corrections CJA337Punishmnt/Correctns
CRIJ367Victimology CJA3XXVictimology
CSC171Prob Solving with Comp IFS105Personal Computing
CSC181Comp Prog I CS1XXComp Prog I
ECO110Econ of Social Issues ECO1XXEcon of Social Issues
ECON110Econ of Social Issues ECO1XXEcon of Soc Issues
ECON117Issues in Environ. Economics ECO1XXIssues in Environ. Economics
ECON120Prin of Macroeconomics ECO200Prin Econ-Macro
ECON210Contemp Economics ECO200Prin Econ-Macro
EDUC201Ed & Amer Society EDU2XXEd & Amer Society
EDUC205Cult & Pol Geography G100World Reg Geography
EDUC208English Learners K-12 Schools EDU225Instrc Needs/ELL
EDUC209Princ & Struc of Math EDU2XXPrinc & Struc of Math
ENG105Found of College Writing FCO105Rhetorical Comm
ENG108Intro to English Studies WRT202Academic Writing
ENG231Lit & Env LIT2XXLit & Env
ENG234WIntro to Poetry LIT343Exper of Poetry
ENG235Lit & Life of Faith LIT348Religion & Lit
ENG250W20th Cent Wom Lit LIT2XX20th Cent Wom Lit
ENG364Shakespeare LIT323Shakespeare I
ENGL122Intro to Poetry LIT1XXIntro to Poetry
ENGL142Sel Works Brit Lit LIT283British Lit to 1750
ENGL152Sel Works Amer Lit LIT282Amer Lit after 1885
ENGL154Ethnic Lit of U.S. LIT1XXEthnic Lit of U.S.
ENGL160Intro World Lit LIT1XXIntro World Lit
ENGL172Lit & Life of Faith LIT390Bible as Literature
ENGL201Intro Eng Studies I WRT102Analytical Read/Writ
ENGL202Intro to English Studies II WRT202Academic Writing
ENGL203Intro Creative Writing WRT272Intro Creative Wrt
ENGR101Engineering Graphics EGR100Epads I
ENGR102Intro to Engineering EGR1XXIntro to Engineering
ENGR111Intro to Engineering EGR1XXIntro to Engr
ENGR112Engr Design Tools EGR100Epads I
ENGR216Mechanics I EGR2XXMechanics I
ENGR236Circuits I ECE100Intro Elect Engnr
ENGR237Circuits II ECE280Fund Electrical Eng
ENS122Symphonic Winds MUS160Wind Symphony
ENS131Percussion Ensemble MUS172Percussion Ensemble
ENVS140Intro to Ecology & Sustain03ESS1XXIntro to Ecology & Sustain
ENVS140LLab: Ecology & Sustain03  
ENVS216Enviro Issues & Sust Solutions ESS2XXEnviro Issues & Sust Solutions
FAM110Found Marriage & Family SOC225The Family
FAM142Intro Interpers Rel CM329Interpersonal Comm
FAM171Intro Soc Res BEH1XXIntro Soc Res
FAM242Parenting BEH2XXParenting
FAM244Human Sexuality PSY2XXHuman Sexuality
FAM310Child Dev PSY221Child/Adol Develop
FRE101Fund of French I FRN101Elem French I
FREN101Fund of French I FRN101Elem French I
FREN102Fund of French II FRN102Elem French II
FSN110Science & Nutrition CHM1XXScience & Nutrition
GEOG103World Reg Geog G243Intro Geography
GERM101Fund of German I GRM101Elem German I
GERM102Fundamentals of German II GRM102Elem German II
GERM201Intermed German GRM201Inter German I
HDFS101Found of Marriage and Fam SOC225The Family
HDFS142Intro Interpersonal Relations CM329Interpersonal Comm
HDFS210Child Development PSY221Child/Adol Develop
HDFS218Death, Grief, Caring GER330Death/Dying/Bereav
HDFS244Human Sexuality BEH2XXHuman Sexuality
HIS105West Civ: Before 1500 HIS101Western Civ I
HIS106West Civ: 1500 to Pres HIS102Western Civ II
HIS233World Civ: Bronze Age to 1500 HIS121World History I
HIS236World Civ: 1500 to Pres HIS122World History II
HIST102Western Civ Since 1500 HIS102Western Civ II
HIST141US History to 1865 HIS111American Civ I
HIST142U.S. Hist Since 1865 HIS112American Civ II
HIST171Civ Bronze Age to 1500 HIS101Foundation/West
HIST383South Africa Struggle HIS3XXSouth Africa Struggle
HPE175Dev Gymnastics PE1XXDev Gymnastics
HRM120Prin of Management MGT150Prin of Management
IDCR151Created & Called for Cm REL1XXCreated & Called Com
IDET316Healthcare Ethics PHL346Bioethics
IDFY101Designing Expr FYS100First Year Seminar
IDFY101AGrowing Fam Tree: Genelgy SOC1XXGrowing Family Tree
IDFY101ADem in America FYS100First Year Seminar
IDFY101BSmall Good Thing FYS100First Year Seminar
IDFY102Telling Our Stories NPE1XXTelling Our Stories
IDS101FYS: Exp Faith Through Prayer REL1XXFaith Through Prayer
IDS104FYS: Expl Amer Now BEH1XXFYS: Expl Amer Now
IDSD334HEthics Changing World PHL3XXEthics Changing World
IDSE345HWorld Views HUM3XXWorld Views
IDST300Darwin, Evol, and God REL3XXDarwin, Evol, and God
LATN101Fund of Latin I LAT101Elem Latin I
LATN102Fund of Latin II LAT102Elem Latin II
MAT101Intro Math Sci MAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MAT107Applied Math for Management MAT1XXApplied Math for Management
MAT111Calculus I MAT171Calculus I
MAT112Calculus II MAT172Calculus II
MAT261Linear Algebra MAT260Elem Linear Algebra
MAT308Diff Equations MAT272Diff Equations
MAT362Alg Struct MAT361Abstract Algebra
MAT382Geometry MAT345Modern Geometry
MAT412Intro Real Analysis MAT371Adv Calculus I
MATH101Intro Math Sci MAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MATH102The Mathematics of Growth MAT115Math Foundations
MATH107Appl Math for Mgt MAT1XXAppl Math for Mgt
MATH111Calculus I MAT171Calculus I
MATH112Calculus II MAT172Calculus II
MATH211Calculus III MAT271Calculus III
MATH261Linear Algebra MAT260Elem Linear Algebra
MATH308Diff Equations MAT272Diff Equations
MRKT230Marketing Prin MKT100Prin Marketing
MRKT337Advertising MKT330Advertising
MUAP111Applied Voice MUS101Voice
MUAP143Appl Clarinet Lessons I MUS128Clarinet
MUAP161Appl Violin I MUS108Violin
MUED221Percussion Class MUS136Percussion
MUED222Brass Class MUS2XXBrass Class
MUEN121Symphony Orchestra MUS164Symphony Orchestra
MUEN135Wind Ensemble MUS170Woodwind Ensemble
MUEN138United Voices of Praise MUS1XXUnited Voices of Praise
MUEN141Jazz MUS1XXJazz
MUEN150Clarinet Choir MUS1XXClarinet Choir
MUS102Music Theory II MUS183Music Theory II
MUS107Sight Singing & Ear Trng I MUS184Sight Singing I
MUS108Sight Singing & Ear Trng II MUS185Sight Singing II
MUS223Jazz Improv MUS180Jazz Improvisation
MUS303Music History I MUS390Music History I
MUS304Music History II MUS391Music History II
MUTH101Music Theory I MUS182Music Theory I
MUTH102Music Theory II MUS183Music Theory II
MUTH107Sight Sing & Ear Trn I MUS184Sight Singing I
MUTH108Sight Sing & Ear Trng II MUS185Sight Singing II
MUTH109Keyboard I MUS1XXKeyboard I
MUTH110Keyboard II MUS1XXKeyboard II
NURS203Hist & Con Basis for Nur NUR2XXHist & Con Basis Nur
NURS210Health Assessment NUR2XXHealth Assessment
NURS211Foundations Nursing Prac NUR2XXFound Nursing Prac
NURS303Pathophysiology NUR3XXPathophysiology
NURS304Pharmacology NUR3XXPharmacology
NURS310Nurs Care/Childbear Family NUR3XXNurs Case/Childbear Family
NUTR222Nutrition NUR202Nutrition
PACS201Basic Conflict Mediation CM2XXBasic Conflict Mediation
PER101Life Fitness PE134Concpts Phys Actvty
PER102Track & Field PE1XXTrack & Field
PER120Beg Racquetball PE1XXBeg Racquetball
PER125Intermediate Tennis PE159Tennis
PER127Square Dance PE112Square Dancing
PER132Golf/Badminton PE1XXGolf/Badminton
PER135Flag Football/Basktbl PE1XXFlag Football/Basktbl
PHED102Intercoll Sports PAW1XXIntercoll Sports
PHI231History of Philosophy PHL221Intro Philosophy
PHI241Problems in Philosophy PHL222Critical Thinking
PHIL101Prob in Philosophy PHL221Intro Philosophy
PHSC102Foundations of Physical Sci01PSC153Phys/Everyday LAB
PHSC102Foundations of Physical Sci01PSC152Phys/Everyday Life
PHSC102LLab: Found of Physical Sci01  
PHY211General Physics I PHY160Eng Phys:Mechncs
PHYS211Gen Physics I PHY160Eng Phys:Mechncs
PHYS212Gen Physics II PHY260Eng Phys:Elct/Magn
POLI113American Government PS101Amer Gov/Citizenship
POLI212Intl Politics PS102Contemp Global Iss
POLI240Amer Presidency PS363The Presidency
POLI243Political Research Methods PS2XXPolitical Research Methods
POLI320Ethnic & Racial Politics PS3XXEthnic & Racial Politics
POS113American Govt PS141American Governmnt
POS213Comparative Politics PS260Comparative Politics
PSY111Intro to Psychology PSY100General Psychology
PSY171Intro to Social Research PSY1XXIntro to Social Research
PSY204Cognition PSY2XXCognition
PSY209Life Span Dev PSY2XXLife Span Dev
PSY241Group Dynamics PSY2XXGroup Dynamics
PSYC101Intro to Psychology PSY100General Psychology
PSYC204Cognition PSY307Cognitive Psych
PSYC209Life Span Dev PSY2XXLife Span Dev
PSYC209Life Span Dev NUR201Nursing HD/HC
PSYC271Statistical Meths in Psych BEH260Statistics
PSYC319Abnormal Psychology PSY230Abnormal Psych
PSYC323Counseling Theories PSY3XXCounseling Theories
RELI205Religions of the World REL265World Religions
RELI229Islam REL2XXIslam
RELI329Christianity in Africa REL3XXChristianity in Africa
RET237Intro to Christian Theology REL2XXIntro to Christian Theology
SOAN101Intro Sociology SOC100Intro Sociology
SOAN102Intro Cult Anthropology ANT220Cult Anthropology
SOAN212Cultural Anthropology ANT220Cult Anthropology
SOAN315Urban Sociology SOC340Urban Sociology
SOAN356Social Inequality SOC375Social Inequality
SOC101Principles of Sociology SOC100Intro Sociology
SOC110Found/Marriage & Family SOC225The Family
SOC231Sociology of Aging GER315Social Aspcts/Aging
SOCI101Prin of Sociology SOC100Intro Sociology
SOWK120Intro to Social Work SOC1XXIntro to Social Work
SPA101Fund of Spanish I SPN101Elem Spanish I
SPA102Fund of Spanish II SPN102Elem Spanish II
SPA201Intermediate Spanish SPN201Inter Spanish I
SPA206Spanish Conv & Comp SPN202Inter Spanish II
SPAN101Fund of Spanish 1 SPN101Elem Spanish I
SPAN102Fund of Spanish II SPN102Elem Spanish II
SPAN201Intermediate Spanish SPN201Inter Spanish I
SPMT110Sport Mgmt Careers/Content SPM1XXSport Mgmt Car/Content
SPMT210Ethics & Law Spt Mgt SPM2XXEthics & Law Spt Mgt
STA269Intro Stats MAT250Statistics
STA291Stat for Math Sci I MAT2XXStat for Math Sci I
STA292Stat for Math Sci II MAT350Probability/Stats
STAT269Intro Statistics BEH260Statistics
STAT269Intro Statistics QBA260Business Statistics
STAT269Intro Statistics MAT250Statistics
THE103Intro to Theatre THE254Intro Theatre
THE110Intro to Acting THE262Acting
THE118Intro to Tech Theatre THE1XXIntro to Tech Theatre
THE121Voice & the Actor THE1XXVoice & the Actor
THE130Theatre Prod THE1XXTheatre Prod
THE235Surv Dramatic Lit THE205Text Performance
THEA110Intro Theatre THE154Introduction to Theatre
THEA120Acting I THE262Acting
THEO209Anabaptist Theology REL2XXAnabaptist Theology
THEO221Faith & Society REL2XXFaith & Society
THEO227Theol, Violence, Nonviol REL2XXTheol, Viol, Nonviol
WELL114Dance & Rhythm Activities PE1XXDance & Rhythm Activities
WELL121Team Activities PAW1XXTeam Activities
WELL131Disc Activities PE1XXDisc Activities
Middlesex Community CollegeYork College of Pennsylvania
BIO120Intro to BiologyBIO110General Biology
BIO231Anat & Phys IBIO220Human A/P I
CA1101Microcomp ApplIFS105Personal Computing
CHE121Intro to ChemistryCHM134Gen Chem I
EN1103Eng Comp IWRT102Analytical Read/Writ
EN1105Eng Comp IIWRT202Academic Writing
ENG101English Composition IFCO105Rhetorical Comm
ENG118Modern DramaHUM1XXModern Drama
ENV115Environmental StudiesBIO1XXEnvironmental Studies
HST122US History After 1865H222Hist Amer Civ II
HU3101Music Appr IMUS200Music Appreciation
HU5121Ethics & SocietyPHL2XXEthics & Society
HU7131Beg Spanish ISPN101Elem Spanish I
HU7132Beg Spanish IISPN102Elem Spanish II
HU7135Int Spanish ISPN201Inter Spanish I
LAN285Latin 3 & Roman CultureLAT2XXLatin 3 & Roman Culture
LAN286Latin 4 & Roman CultureLAT2XXLatin 4 & Roman Culture
MA1104Algebra IIMAT102Prelim Math/Prob Solv
MAT077Intro to StatsMAT250Statistics
MAT077Intro to StatsBEH260Statistics
MAT077Intro to StatsQBA260Business Statistics
MAT100Intermed AlgebraMAT102Prelim Math/Prob Solv
MAT291Calculus IIMAT172Calculus II
PSY101Intro to PsychologyPSY100General Psychology
SC3115Hist GeologyESS3XXHist Geology
SO1101Cult AnthropologyANT220Cult Anthropology
SO2111Prin of MacroeconECO200Prin Econ-Macro
SO3111U.S. Hist Before 1865H221Hist Amer Civ I
SO3135Hist World Civ After 1500H220Hist Western Civ II
SO3159U.S. Women's HistoryH342Women in US History
SO5101Intro to PsychologyPSY100General Psychology
SO5109Early Child Grwth & DevPSY221Child/Adol Develop
SO5115Abnormal PsychPSY230Abnormal Psych
SO6101Intro to SociologySOC100Intro Sociology
SOC101Intro to SociologySOC100Intro Sociology
SOC151Soc Mirror/Soc on FilmSOC1XXSoc Mirror/Soc on Film
THE101Intro to ActingTHE262Acting
Military Credit/Joint Services TranscriptYork College of Pennsylvania 
03260065Defense Dist MgtNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
04190061Trans Mgt CoordIFS1XXInfo Sys Elective
05010004Marinenet ServerMGT1XXManagement Elective
05010004Marinenet ServerMGT1XXManagement Elective
05010005Marinenet Server IIMGT1XXManagement Elective
05040030Bas Combat CorrespondentCM1XXBas Combat Correspnt
05040031Bas Combat CorresCM1XXComm Elective
05040031Bas Combat CorresWRT1XXWriting Elective
06020011Arabic Sp Op langARB1XXArabic Elective
06020011Arabic Sp Op langARB2XXArabic Elective
07020012Med Lab Tech AdvNPE1XXNon Program Elect
07020030Struct Self DevMGT1XXSupervision
07020030Struct Self DevelopmentNPE1XXStruct Self Dev
07020031Struct Self DevelopmentNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
07020037Struc Self DevelopmentMGT1XXStruc Self Develp
07030008Hospital CorpsmanSPM205Responding/Emerg
07030008Hospital CorpsmanBIO1XXBiology Elective
07030009Surgical TechnologistNUR1XXAdv Surgical Tech Practicum
07030009Surgical TechnologistNUR1XXBasic Surgical Tech Practicum
07030036Practical NurseNUR1XXNursing Elective
07030037Practical NurseNUR1XXNursing Elective
07050013Radiology SpecialistNPE1XXRadiology Specialist
07050014Radiology SpecialistNPE1XXRadiology Specialist
07080008Mental Hlth SpecNPE1XXMental Hlth Spec
07090002Field Medical Serv TechNPE1XXField Medical Serv Tech
07090003Aerospace MedicinePAW1XXPhys Act & Wellness Elect
07090003Aerospace MedicineBIO1XXBiology Elective no lab
07090003Aerospace MedicineCM212Public Speaking
07090019Surf Force Ind Duty CorNPE1XXNon Program Elect
07090025Semper Fit Adv FitnessPE1XXPhys Ed Elect
07090025Semper Fit Adv FitnessPE1XXPhys Ed Elect
07090032Medical SpecNPE1XXMedical Spec
07090054Mortuary Affairs SpecNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
07090065Health Care SpecialistNPE1XXEmergency Prep
07090065Health Care SpecialistNUR3XXFund of Nursing
07090065Health Care SpecialistNPE1XXMedical Emergencies
07090065Health Care SpecialistNPE1XXFoundations Emergency
07090065Health Care SpecialistNPE1XXAdv Pre Hospital
07090065Health Care SpecialistSPM205Responding/Emerg
07090065Health Care SpecialistNPE1XXCPR for Health
07090065Health Care SpecialistNPE1XXAdv Operations
07090065Health Care SpecialistNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
07090065Health Care SpecialistNPE1XXOperations and Skills
07090067Health Care SpecNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
08010016Nuc, Biol, & Chem MeasuresNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
08010016Nuc, Biol, & Chem MeasuresNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
08020037Technical EscortNPE1XXTechnical Escort
08020037Technical EscortNPE1XXTechnical Escort
08030004Aviation RescuePAW1XXPhys Act & Wellness Elect
08030011Infantry LeaderPE1XXPhys Ed Elect
08030011Infantry LeaderCM1XXComm Elective
08030011Infantry LeaderNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
08030012Aircrewman SchoolNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
08030012Aircrewman SchoolPAW1XXPhys Act & Wellness Elect
08030012Aircrewman SchoolPAW121Inter/Adv Swimming
11070001Math for MarinesNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
1142001Elect Equip Rep SpecNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
11B005InfantrymanNPE1XXNon Prog Elective
11B006InfantrymanNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
11C005Indirect Fire InfantryNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
11M002Fighting Veh InfantryNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
12050009Music BasicMUS1XXMusic Basic
12B004Combat EngrNPE1XXCombat Engr
1341001Engr Equip MechMGT1XXManagement Elective
1371001Combat EngineerMGT1XXConstruction Mgt Trblshting
1371001Combat EngineerMGT1XXField Exp in Management
1371001Combat EngineerMGT1XXLeadership
1371001Combat EngineerMGT1XXPrinciples of Mgt
1391001Bulk SpecialistMGT1XXBulk Spec
13C002Tacfire Op SpecNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
13F001Fire Support SpecNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
13F002Fire Support SpecNPE1XXFire Support Spec
13R003Field Art Firefinder RadarNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
14010009Pers Fin MgtBUS1XXPers Fin Mgt
14010016Basic Pay & AllowNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
14010033Fin Mgmt TechNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
14020084Communication SecurityNPE2XXCommunic Security
14020094Data Systems TechIFS1XXInfo Sys Elective
14020094Data Systems TechIFS1XXInfo Sys Elective
14020094Data Systems TechIFS1XXInfo Sys Elective
14020094Data Systems TechIFS1XXInfo Sys Elective
14020094Data Systems TechIFS230Internet Communications
14020168Information Tech SpecialistIFS1XXInfo Sys Elective
14020168Information Tech SpecialistIFS100Info Tech Competncy
14020168Information Tech SpecialistIFS1XXInfo Sys Elective
14020168Information Tech SpecialistIFS1XXInfo Sys Elective
14020168Information Tech SpecialistIFS105Personal Computing
14020168Information Tech SpecialistIFS1XXInfo Sys Elective
14020169Info Tech SpecialistIFS230Internet Communications
14020187Prin of Comp Oper SysIFS1XXPrin of Comp Oper Sys
14020251Network Sec Vuln TechIFS1XXNetwork Sec Vuln Tech
14020260Info Tech SpecialistIFS1XXInfo Sys Elective
14020261Info Tech SpecialistIFS1XXInfo Sys Elective
14020261Info Tech SpecialistIFS1XXInfo Sys Elective
14020261Info Tech SpecialistIFS1XXInfo Sys Elective
14020287Info Tech SpecialistIFS1XXInfo Sys Elective
14020287Info Tech SpecialistIFS1XXInfo Sys Elective
14020287Info Tech SpecialistIFS1XXInfo Sys Elective
14020287Info Tech SpecialistIFS1XXInfo Sys Elective
14020287Info Tech SpecialistIFS1XXInfo Sys Elective
14020287Info Tech SpecialistIFS1XXInfo Sys Elective
14030006Correspondence ProceduresNPE1XXCoorespdnce Procdrs
14030017Paralegal SpecWRT1XXWriting Elective
14030017Paralegal SpecIFS1XXInfo Sys Elective
14030018Tactical OperatorCM1XXComm Elective
14030021Admin SpecialistIFS1XXInfo Sys Elective
14050029Storekeeper ANPE1XXSupply Mngmt
14050029Storekeeper ACM1XXInterpersonal Cm
14050030Marine AviationMGT1XXManagement Elective
14050030Marine AviationSCM1XXMarine Aviation
14050035Enlisted Supply BasicNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
14050046Basic WarehousingNPE1XXBasic Warehousing
14050051Cpl Noncomm Officers PgmNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
14050051Cpl Noncomm Officers PgmMGT1XXManagement Elective
14050235Unit Supply SpecialistNPE1XXUnit Supply Spclst
14050235Unit Supply SpecialistBUS1XXUnit Supply Spclst
14050238Automated Logistical SplSCM1XXSupply Chain Mngmt Info System
14050238Automated Logistical SplSCM1XXInventory Management
14060023Fund Marine Corps LeadNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
14060024Relg Program SpecialistREL1XXReligion Elective
14060024Relg Program SpecialistCM1XXComm Elective
14060028Principles of InstructionNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
14060032Counseling for MarinesNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
14060090Noncommissioned OffNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
14060103Army RecruiterNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
14060177Unit TrainerNPE1XXUnit Trainer
14060182Personnel ServicesNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
14060183Personnel ServicesNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
14060252Human Resources SpecMGT1XXManagement Elective
14060264Army Basic InstructorNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
14070007Paralegal Spec AdvNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
14070009Paralegal SpecNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
14080033LeadershipNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
14080300Warrant OfficerNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
14R001Bradley Line CrewNPE1XXNon Program Elect
15130016Chaplain Assistant AITCM246Comm/Business Prof
15130016Chaplain Assistant AITREL1XXReligion
15130016Chaplain Assistant AITMGT1XXSupervision
16010024Basic Combat EngineerNPE1XXBasic Combat Engineer
16010052Land NavigationNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
16010059Field Artillery SurveyNPE1XXField Artillery Srvy
16010108TATS Field Artillery SurvNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
16010124Combat EngineerNPE1XXCombat Engineer
16060006Military OpsPE1XXMilitary Ops
16060010Terrorism AwarenessNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
17030027OperatorNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
17030059Motor TransportNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
17030084Motor Transp Op Adv LeaderSCM1XXTransport ops
17030084Motor Transp Op Adv LeaderCM1XXBusiness Communications
17030085Motor Transp Op Adv LeaderPAW1XXPhys Act & Wellness Elect
17040401AV-8B Aircraft Safety Equip MeNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
17040439Aviation Struct Mech E SafetyNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
17040464Aviation Struct Mech Comm CoreNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
17040464Aviation Struct Mech Comm CoreNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
17040678Warfare Appren TrainingNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
17090008Video Prod DocumentationCM1XXVideo Prod Documentation
17100170Inter-service Builder TrnNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
17100196Tech EngineerEGR1XXTech Engineer
17100205Constr RepaidEGR1XXEngineering Elective
17100215Abrams Tank Sys MaintPE1XXPhys Ed Elect
17100215Abrams Tank Sys MaintNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
17100247Wheeled Vehicle MechNPE1XXIndustrial Safety
17100247Wheeled Vehicle MechNPE1XXFuel Systems
17100247Wheeled Vehicle MechNPE1XXHeavy Equip
17100247Wheeled Vehicle MechNPE1XXAuto Elec
17100276Tech EngineerMGT1XXTech Engineer
17140011Basic ElectricNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
17140014Elect Equip Rep SpecNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
17140020Marine ElectricianNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
17140073Nuclear Power CommandMAT1XXMath Elective
17140073Nuclear Power CommandEGR1XXEngineering Elective
17140077Ordnanceman A SchoolCJA1XXCriminal Justice Elective
17140077Ordnanceman A SchoolCJA1XXCriminal Justice Elective
17140096Wire Bundle/RepairNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
17150108Elec TechNPE1XXElec Tech
17150111Timing and Control MaintNPE1XXTiming and Control Maint
17150116Basic ElectronicsNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
17150125Primary Chain MonitorNPE1XXPrimary Chain Monitor
17150132Solid St DevicesNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
17150136Antenna Con/Prog RadioNPE1XXAnt Con/Prog Radio
17150146Elec Tech Second ClassNPE1XXElec Tech Second Class
17150184Fund of Digital LogicNPE1XXFund of Dig Logic
17150217Tele Sys/Pers Comp RepNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
17150236Computer Tech A+ CertIFS105Personal Computing
17150236Computer Tech A+ CertIFS100Info Tech Competncy
17150242Sate CommunicationsCM1XXSate Communications
17150253Sate Comms OperCM2XXSate Comms Oper
17150606Multi Trns Sys OperNPE1XXNon Prog Elective
17150840Target Acquis Rad TechNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
17150928Signal Sup Sys SpecNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
17150988Sp Elect Dev RepNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
17150991Radio/Comm SecurityNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
17151034Fire Support SpecialistCJA1XXCriminal Justice Elective
17151034Fire Support SpecialistNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
17151034Fire Support SpecialistNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
17151042TATSNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
17151057Patriot Oper/MainNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
17151077Sat Comm Sys OperNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
17151078Sat Comm Sys OperNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
17151473Sub Tech Class AIA1XXIntell Analysis Elective
17151473Sub Tech Class AIA1XXIntell Analysis Elective
17151473Sub Tech Class AIA1XXIntell Analysis Elective
17151817Tech O-LevelECE1XXTech O-Level
17151943Target/Laser SystemsNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
17151943Organizational MainNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
17152050Info Sys AdminIFS1XXInfo Sys Admin
17152114Tact Control NetworkIFS1XXInfo Sys Elective
17152173ElectronicsNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
17152183Organizational ApprenNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
17152183Organizational ApprenNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
17152187Marine Av Tech TrainingNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
17152245Information Sys TechIFS1XXInfo Sys Tech
17152245Information Sys TechNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
17152334Aviation TechEGR1XXEngineering Elective
17160015Sh/Laun SpecialistNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
17170012Armory ProceduresNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
17170016MCIntegr Mainten Mgmt SystemIFS1XXInfo Sys Elective
17170027Prim Ldrshp Dev ProgNPE1XXPrim Ldrshp Dev Prog
17170029FL Ldrshp DevelopNPE1XXSupervision Ldrshp
17190020Bsc Multimedia ReproductionIFS1XXBsc Multimedia Repdctn
17200023Chem, Biol, Radio, NuclearIA1XXHaz Materials Oper
17200023Chem, Biol, Radio, NuclearIA1XXHazardous Materials
17200023Chem, Biol, Radio, NuclearIA1XXChem, Biol, Radio, Nuc
17230005Mach Tech AEGR1XXEngineering Elective
17230005Mach Tech AEGR1XXEngineering Elective
17280013Mil Pol Int/InterrogNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
17280053Master at Arms A SchPAW234Well/Fitness/Life
17280053Master at Arms A SchCJA1XXCriminal Justice Elective
17280084Hum Intel CollNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
17280123Bas Mil Intern/ResettleCJA1XXCriminal Justice Elective
17280135Basic Mil PoliceNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
17280135Basic Mil PolicePE1XXPhys Ed Elect
17280151Intelligence AnalystIA1XXIntelligence Analyst
17280167Military PolicePAW1XXPhys Act & Wellness Elect
17280167Military PoliceCJA1XXCriminal Justice Elective
17280167Military PoliceSPM205Responding/Emerg
17280167Military PoliceCJA1XXCriminal Justice Elective
17280167Military PoliceCJA3XXCriminal Justice Elective
17280167Military PoliceCJA2XXCriminal Justice Elective
17280167Military PolicePAW1XXPhys Act & Wellness Elect
17280167Military PoliceCJA2XXCriminal Justice Elective
17280167Military PoliceCJA2XXCriminal Justice Elective
17280167Basic Mil PoliceCJA1XXCrim Justice Elect
17280177Bas Mil PoliceCJA1XXBas Mil Police
17280194Intern/Resettle Sp TransCJA1XXCriminal Justice Elective
17280205Bsc Military Police TrnNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
17280205Bsc Military Police TrnPE1XXPhys Ed Elect
17290007Food Service SpecialistHSP1XXHosp Elective
17290007Food Service SpecialistHSP1XXHosp Elective
17290007Food Service SpecialistHSP1XXHosp Elective
17290011Culinary SpecialistNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
17290015Galley Watch CaptNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
17290022Culinary Specialist Rec KpgNPE1XXCulinary Specialist
17290041Food Service SpecialistNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
17290041ABasic NutritionNPE1XXBasic Nutrition
17320026Naval Nuc Power SchoolCHM1XXGen Chemistry & Materials
17320026Naval Nuc Power SchoolPHY1XXGeneral Physics
17320026Naval Nuc Power SchoolMAT1XXTech Mathematics
17320027Nuclear Power SchoolEGR2XXEngineering Elective
17320027Nuclear Power SchoolCM212Public Speaking
17320027Nuclear Power SchoolEGR1XXEngineering Elective
17320027Nuclear Power SchoolNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
17320027Nuclear Power SchoolEGR2XXEngineering Elective
1732029Nuclear Prop PlantNPE1XXNuclear Prop Plant
1812001M1A1 Tank CrewmanNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
1812001M1A1 Tank CrewmanMGT2XXManagement Elective
1812001M1A1 Tank CrewmanMGT1XXManagement Elective
1812001M1A1 Tank CrewmanIFS1XXComp Applic
19K002Armor CrewmanNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
19K002Armor CrewmanPE1XXPhys Ed Elect
2111001Small Arms RepairerCM1XXComm Elective
2111001Small Arms RepairerIFS1XXInfo Sys Elective
2111001Small Arms RepairerBIO1XXBiology Elect no lab
2111001Small Arms RepairerMGT1XXManagement Elective
2111001Small Arms RepairerNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
2111001Small Arms RepairerMGT1XXManagement Elective
21X001Gen Egr SupervisorCM1XXComm Elective
21X001Gen Egr SupervisorNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
21X001Gen Egr SupervisorNPE2XXNon Prog Elect
21X001Gen Egr SupervisorMGT2XXGen Egr Supervisor
22010003Pistol MarksmanshipPE1XXPistol Marksmanship
22010004Semper Fit Basic FitnessPE1XXPhys Ed Elect
22010007Martial Arts InstructorPAW1XXPhys Act & Wellness Elect
22010124Security Reaction Force-AdvCJA1XXSecurity Operations
22010128Exped Combat SkillsPAW1XXPhys Act & Wellness Elect
22010253TATS Prim Ldr DevNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
22010294Prim Lead DevNPE1XXNon Program Elect
22010330Armor CrewmanPE1XXPhys Ed Elect
22010330Armor CrewmanNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
22010331Cavalry ScoutNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
22010331Cavalry ScoutPE1XXPhys Ed Elect
22010337Com Leader Res TrainingMGT1XXCom Leader Res Trng
22010372Cannon CrewmanNPE1XXCannon Crewman
22010399Basic Combat TrainingNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
22010399Basic Combat TrainingPAW1XXPhys Act & Wellness Elect
22010431Bradley Inf Fight VehPE1XXPhys Ed Elect
22010440Adv Leader CourseBUS1XXAdv Leader Course
22010441Bradley Fight VehPE1XXPhys Ed Elect
22010455AirbornePAW1XXPhysical Fitness
22010455AirbornePE1XXPhysical Ed Elect
22010552InfantrymanPE1XXPhys Ed Elect
22010552InfantrymanCJA1XXCriminal Justice Elective
22010552InfantrymanNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
22010552InfantrymanPAW134Concpts Phys Actvty
22010552InfantrymanNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
22010552InfantrymanNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
22010552InfantrymanNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
22010552InfantrymanNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
22010578Indirect Fire InfantryNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
22010578Indirect Fire InfantryPE1XXPhys Ed Elect
22010595Sp Forces QualNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
22010603Basic LeaderMGT150Prin of Management
22010603Basic LeaderCM1XXCommunication
22010603Warrior LeaderMGT2XXManagement Elective
22010603Warrior LeaderMGT150Prin of Management
22010604Warrior LeaderNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
22010612Warrant Officer CandMGT1XXManagement Elective
22010612Warrant Officer CandMGT1XXManagement Elective
22010612Warrant Officer CandCM212Public Speaking
22010623Small Arms/ArtilleryCJA1XXSmall Arms/Artillery
22010630Cannon CrewmemberNPE1XXCannon Crewmember
22010631Cannon CrewmemberNPE1XXCannon Crewmember
22010687Adv LeaderMGT2XXAdv Leader
22010757Heavy Weapons LeaderNPE1XXHeavy Weapons Leader
22010775Ammunition SpecialistNPE1XXAmm Specialist
22010806Armor SchoolNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
22010806Armor SchoolNPE2XXNon Prog Elect
22010828Armor SchoolPAW1XXPhys Act & Wellness Elect
22010828Armor SchoolPAW1XXPhys Act & Wellness Elect
22010828Armor SchoolNPE1XXFirst Aid
22010828Armor SchoolCM212Public Speaking
22010828Armor SchoolPAW1XXPhys Act & Wellness Elect
22010841Distributed LeaderCM212Public Speaking
22020008Corporals TrainingMGT1XXLeadership
22020008Corporals TrainingIA1XXLeadership
22020008LeadershipBUS1XXBusiness Elective
22020008LeadershipMGT1XXManagement Elective
22020009App Leadership ProgMGT1XXManagement Elective
22020012Bas Mil PoliceCJA1XXBas Mil Police
22020014Basic Mil TrainingPAW1XXPhys Act & Wellness Elect
22020165Recr Basic Mil Training (BMT)PAW1XXPhysical Fitness
22020165Recr Basic Mil Training (BMT)NPE1XXMarine Safety
22020165Recr Basic Mil Training (BMT)NPE1XXPersonal Development
22020165Recruit TrainingPAW1XXPhys Act & Wellness Elect
22020165Recruit TrainingNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
22020165Recr Basic Mil Training (BMT)PAW1XXBasic Seamanship
22020165Recruit TrainingPAW1XXPhys Act & Wellness Elect
22020185ApprenticeNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
22020212Basic SeamanPAW1XXPhys Act & Wellness Elect
22020212Basic SeamanNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
22040047Infantry MortarmanNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
22040047Infantry MortarmanPAW119Physical Fitness
22040047Infantry MortarmanNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
22040048Infantry MachineCJA1XXCriminal Justice Elective
22040051Infantry RiflemanNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
22040088Recruit TrainingPAW1XXPhys Act & Wellness Elect
22040088Recruit TrainingNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
22040100Infantry Squad LeaderNPE1XXInfantry Squad Leader
22040101Infantry Squad LdrNPE1XXInfantry Squad Ldr
22040103Noncomm Officer AcademyNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
22040103Noncomm Officer AcademyMGT1XXManagement Elective
22040103Noncomm Officer AcademyMGT1XXManagement Elective
22040105Marine Combat TrainingPAW1XXPhys Act & Wellness Elect
22040105Marine Combat TrainingPAW1XXPhys Act & Wellness Elect
22040111Small Arms RepairNPE1XXSmall Arms Repair
22040120Infantry Anti-TankNPE1XXInfantry Anti-Tank
22040122Infantry Squad LeadNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
22040127Sergeants Dist EdNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
22040128Military StudiesNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
22040129Intro to WarfightingNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
22040130Warfighting TacticsNPE1XXWarfighting Tactics
22040131Warfighting TechniquesNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
22040136Infantry PatrollingPE1XXPhys Ed Elect
22040137Infantry Squad LeaderNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
22040145Machine Gunner by CorrespNPE1XXMachine Gun by Cor
22040152Marine Rifleman: Combat SkNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
22040152Marine Rifleman: Combat SkPE1XXPhys Ed Elect
2204016610 Week Comm ProgramNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
22040172Comissioning PrgmNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
22040173Pre-Commission PrgmNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
22040174Staff NoncommissionedNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
22040184Leading MarinesNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
22040193Fire SupportNPE1XXFire Support
22040196Infantry PatrollingNPE1XXInfantry Patrolling
22040201InfantrymanNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
22040201InfantrymanNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
22040201InfantrymanPAW1XXPhys Act & Wellness Elect
22050016AircrewmanPAW1XXPhys Act & Wellness Elect
22050016AircrewmanNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
22050017Riverine Combat SkillsNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
22050018Riverine CrewmanNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
22050035Recruit TrainingPAW1XXPhys Act & Well Elect
22050035Recruit TrainingPAW120Beginning Swimming
22050035Recruit TrainingNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
22050042Military Req/Sr Petty OfficerNPE1XXMil Req/Sr Petty Officer
22050043Military Req/Petty OfficerNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
22050043Military Req/Petty OfficerPE1XXPhys Ed Elect
27D002Paralegal SpecNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
2813001Logistics SpecialistNPE1XXLogistics Mgmt
2813001Logistics SpecialistNPE1XXLogistics
3043001Supply AdminNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
3043002Supply Operations AdminFCO210Comm Prof Cultures
3043002Supply Operations AdminMGT1XXManagement Elective
3043002Supply Operations AdminMGT150Prin of Management
3043002Supply Operations AdminMGT1XXManagement Elective
3043002Supply Operations AdminSCM1XXSupply Chain Opers
3043002Supply Operations AdminMGT1XXManagement Elective
3043002Supply Operations AdminMGT1XXManagement Elective
3043002Supply Operations AdminSCM250Total Quality Mgmt
3043002Supply AdminNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
3043002Supply Operations AdminMGT220Human Resource Mgt
31B002Military PoliceNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
31B003Military PoliceCJA1XXCriminal Justice Elective
31B003Military PoliceCJA1XXCriminal Justice Elective
31B003Military PoliceCJA1XXCriminal Justice Elective
31B003Military PoliceCJA1XXCriminal Justice Elective
31E003Intern/Resettle SpCJA1XXCriminal Justice Elective
31R001Multi Trns Sys OperNPE1XXNon Prog Elective
35F004Intelligence AnalystNPE1XXIntelligence Analyst
35P004Cryptologic LinguistCM1XXComm Elective
35P004Cryptologic LinguistMGT1XXManagement Elective
35P004Cryptologic LinguistMGT1XXManagement Elective
35P004Cryptologic LinguistIFS105Personal Computing
35P004Cryptologic LinguistMAT1XXMathematics Elective
35P004Cryptologic LinguistFCO2XXTech Writing
35P004Cryptologic LinguistMGT1XXManagement Elective
35P004Cryptologic LinguistIFS1XXInfo Sys Elective
42A001Human Res SpecNPE1XXNon Program Elect
42L001Admin SpecNPE1XXNon Program Elect
43E001Parachute RiggerNPE1XXParachute Rigger
4612001Combat Camera Prod SpclstNPE1XXCombat Camera Prod
4612001Combat Camera Prod SpclstIFS1XXCombat Camera Prod
4612001Combat Camera Prod SpclstART2XXCombat Camera Prod
4612001Combat Camera Prod SpclstCM1XXCombat Camera Prod
50075H10Personnel Services SpecialistNPE1XXNon Program Elective
600PLDCTATS Prim Lead DevNPE1XXNon Program Elective
6018002Av Quality Assur RepCM1XXComm Elective
6018002Av Quality Assur RepWRT1XXWriting Elective
6018002Av Quality Assur RepMGT2XXManagement Elective
6252002Fx Wng Aircrft Airframe MechSCM1XXQuality Assurance
6252002Fx Wng Aircrft Airframe MechNPE1XXAir Struct Repair
6252002Fx Wng Aircrft Airframe MechNPE1XXHydraulic Systems
6252002Fx Wng Aircrft Airframe MechMGT1XXSupervision
6252002Fx Wng Aircrft Airframe MechNPE1XXIndustrial Safety
6252002Fx Wng Aircrft Airframe MechNPE1XXHydraulic Systems
6252003Fx-Wng Aircrft Airframe MechMGT1XXHuman Factors in Aviation
6252003Fx-Wng Aircrft Airframe MechMGT1XXMaintenance Mgmt
6252003Fx-Wng Aircrft Airframe MechMGT1XXSafety Mgmt Systems
6252003Fx-Wng Aircrft Airframe MechMGT1XXManagement
6252003Fx-Wng Aircrft Airframe MechMGT1XXTalent Management
6252003Fx-Wng Aircrft Airframe MechMGT1XXSupervision
6252003Fx-Wng Aircrft Airframe MechCM1XXCommunication
6281001Aircraft Safety EquipmentCM1XXComm Elective
6281001Aircraft Safety EquipmentMGT1XXSupervision
6281001Aircraft Safety EquipmentMGT1XXTalent Mgmt
6281001Aircraft Safety EquipmentMGT1XXMgmt Systems
6281001Aircraft Safety EquipmentMGT1XXMaintenance Mgmt
6281001Aircraft Safety EquipmentMGT1XXHuman Factors in Av
6281001Aircraft Safety EquipmentMGT1XXManagement Elective
6281001AAircraft Safety EquipmentNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
6281001AAircraft Safety EquipmentIFS1XXInfo Sys Elective
6281001AAircraft Safety EquipmentNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
6281001AAircraft Safety EquipmentIFS1XXInfo Sys Elective
6281001AAircraft Safety EquipmentMGT1XXPersonal Supervision
6281001AAircraft Safety EquipmentMGT1XXField Exper Mgmt
6281001AAircraft Safety EquipmentMGT1XXField Exper Mgmt
6281001AAircraft Safety EquipmentMGT1XXMaintenance Mgmt
6282001Aircraft Safety MechanicMGT1XXManagement Elective
6282001Aircraft Safety MechanicIFS1XXInfo Sys Elective
6282001Aircraft Safety MechanicNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
6282001Aircraft Safety MechanicIFS1XXInfo Sys Elective
6282001Aircraft Safety MechanicNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
6282001Aircraft Safety MechanicMGT1XXAviation Main Mgmt
6282001Aircraft Safety MechanicMGT1XXManagement Elective
6282001Aircraft Safety MechanicMGT1XXSupervision
6282002Aircraft Safety MechanicNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
6282002Aircraft Safety MechanicMGT1XXManagement
6282002Aircraft Safety MechanicMGT1XXSupervision
6282002Aircraft Safety MechanicNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
6282002Aircraft Safety MechanicNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
6282002Aircraft Safety MechanicNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
6282002Aircraft Safety MechanicEGR1XXEngineering Elective
6282002Aircraft Safety MechanicMGT1XXSupervison
6282002Aircraft Safety MechanicNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
6282002Aircraft Safety MechanicEGR1XXEngineering Elective
6282003Aircraft Safety MechanicMGT1XXAviation Main Mgmt
6282003Aircraft Safety MechanicMGT1XXHuman Factors
6282003Aircraft Safety MechanicMGT1XXManagement Elective
6282003Aircraft Safety MechanicMGT1XXSafety Mgmt Systems
6282003Aircraft Safety MechanicMGT1XXManagement Elective
6282003Aircraft Safety MechanicMGT1XXSupervision
6282003Aircraft Safety MechanicCM1XXComm Elective
62B004Constr Equip RepNPE1XXNon Program Elect
62B004Equip RepMGT1XXManagement Elective
62B004Equip RepNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
62B004Equip RepNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
62J003GCEquip OperatorNPE1XXGCEquip Operator
62N003Construc Equip SupervisorNPE2XXConstruc Equip Spvsr
62N003Construc Equip SupervisorMGT2XXManagement Elective
62N003Construc Equip SupervisorMGT1XXManagement Elective
62N003Construc Equip SupervisorNPE1XXConstruc Equip Spvsr
6531002Airfract Ord TechNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
68W001Health Care SpecNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
74D005Chem Oper SpecNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
750BTBasic Combat TrainingPE1XXPhysical Education Elective
82C002Field Artillery SurvNPE1XXField Artillery Surv
91B007Wheel Vehicle MechNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
91C004Practical NurseBIO2XXBiology Elect
91C004Practical NurseNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
9502001InstructorEDU1XXEducation Elective
9502001InstructorEDU2XXEducation Elective
9502001InstructorEDU1XXEducation Elective
9502001InstructorCM212Public Speaking
9502001InstructorCM329Interpersonal Comm
9502001InstructorCM1XXComm Elective
9502002InstructorCM1XXComm Elective 
9502002InstructorEDU2XXEducation Elective 
9502003InstructorEDU1XXEducation Elective 
9502003InstructorCM1XXComm Elective 
95B004Military PoliceCJA1XXMilitary Police 
95B10OSUTBasic MP/Basic Corr SpecNPE1XXNon Program Elective 
AN004AirmanNPE1XXNon Prog Elect 
AN004AirmanNPE1XXNon Prog Elect 
AO004Aviation OrdIFS1XXInfo Sys Elective 
AO004Aviation OrdEGR1XXEngineering Elective 
AO004Aviation OrdEGR1XXEngineering Elective 
AO004Aviation OrdEGR1XXEngineering Elective 
AO005Aviation OrdIFS1XXInfo Sys Elective 
AO005Aviation OrdEGR1XXEngineering Elective 
AO005Aviation OrdEGR1XXEngineering Elective 
AO005Aviation OrdEGR1XXEngineering Elective 
AO005Aviation OrdNPE2XXNon Prog Elect 
AO005Aviation OrdEGR1XXEngineering Elective 
AR0702Structured Self DevelopmentMGT1XXStruc Self Develop 
AR243Psych Operations SpecialistPSY1XXPsychology Elective 
AR243Psych Operations SpecialistCM1XXCommunication Elective 
AR750Basic Combat TrainingPE1XXPhysical Education Elective 
AR-07020031Structured Self DevelopmentHIS1XXMilitary Science 
AR-07020031Structured Self DevelopmentMGT1XXLeadership 
AR-07070039Pharmacy SpecialistHSC205Principles Pharmacology 
AR-07070039Pharmacy SpecialistHSC105Medical Terminology 
AR-07090032Medical SpecialistNPE1XXEmergency Medical Tech 
AR-07090032Medical SpecialistNUR1XXNursing Clinical Experience 
AR-07090032Medical SpecialistNPE1XXEMT Clinical Experience 
AR-07090032Medical SpecialistNUR1XXBasic Nursing Skills 
AR-07090032Medical SpecialistBIO2XXAnatomy & Physiology 
AR-14010062Financial Mgmt TechnicianACC220Financial Acct 
AR-14010062Financial Mgmt TechnicianMGT1XXApplied Leadership 
AR-14010062Financial Mgmt TechnicianIFS105Personal Computing 
AR-14010062Financial Mgmt TechnicianIFS100Info Tech Competncy 
AR-14050198RCUnit Mobilization PlannersMGT3XXLogistics Management 
AR-14050198RCUnit Mobilization PlannersMGT3XXWorkforce Management 
AR-14050235Unit Supply SpecialistMGT1XXInventory Management 
AR-14050235Unit Supply SpecialistNPE1XXWeapons and Tactics 
AR-14050235V03Unit Supply SpecialistMGT1XXInventory Mgmt & Control 
AR-14050235V03Unit Supply SpecialistIFS1XXComputer Applications 
AR-14060090Basic NCOMGT1XXPrinciples of Supervision 
AR-14060090Basic NCOCM1XXCommunications 
AR-14060177Company TrainersMGT3XXMgmt and Training 
AR-14080177Military Intelligence OfficerCM1XXCommunications 
AR-14080177Military Intelligence OfficerMGT150Prin of Management 
AR-16010276Petroleum Supply SpecialistNPE1XXFluid Mechanics 
AR-17151207Wheeled Vehicle MechanicNPE1XXBrake Systems 
AR-17151207Wheeled Vehicle MechanicNPE1XXSteering & Suspension Sys 
AR-17151207Wheeled Vehicle MechanicNPE1XXDiesel Engines 
AR-17151207Wheeled Vehicle MechanicNPE1XXAutomotice Electricity 
AR-17151207Wheeled Vehicle MechanicNPE1XXAuto Transmissions & Transaxle 
AR-22010399Basic Combat TrainingPAW119Physical Fitness
AR-22010399Basic Combat TrainingPAW1XXMarkmanship
AR-22010399Basic Combat TrainingPAW1XXOutdoor Skills Practicum
AR-22010399Basic Combat TrainingPAW144Wilderness First Aid
AR-22010399VBasic Combat TrainingPAW144Wilderness First Aid
AR-22010399VBasic Combat TrainingPAW1XXMarkmanship
AR-22010399VBasic Combat TrainingPAW119Physical Fitness
AR-22010399VBasic Combat TrainingPAW1XXLand Navigation (Recreation)
AR-22010399VBasic Combat TrainingPAW130Self Defense
AR-22010399V05Basic Combat TrainingPAW119Physical Fitness
AR-22010399V05Basic Combat TrainingPSY1XXPersonal Development
AR-22010399V05Basic Combat TrainingPAW1XXOreienteering
AR-22010399V05Basic Combat TrainingPAW1XXFund of Rifle Safety/Shooting
AR-22010399V05Basic Combat TrainingPAW144Wilderness First Aid
AR-22010399V05Basic Combat TrainingPAW130Self Defense
AR-22010455AirbornePAW1XXPhysical Fitness
AR-22010455AirborneNPE1XXBasic Parachuting
AR-22010604Warrior LeaderMGT1XXLeadership Principles
AR-22010604Warrior LeaderHIS1XXMilitary Science
AR-22010840Distributed Leader IMGT1XXSupervision
AR07020030AR Struct Self DvlpmntMGT1XXLeadership
AR07020030AR Struct Self DvlpmntSPE1XXMilitary Science
AR07020031AR Struct Self Dvlpmnt IIINPE2XXMilitary Scienec
AR07020031AR Struct Self Dvlpmnt IIIMGT2XXLeadership
AR07020032AR Struct Self Dvlpmnt IVNPE3XXMilitary Operations
AR07020032AR Struct Self Dvlpmnt IVMGT3XXLeadership
AR22010399AR Basic Combat TrainingPAW1XXPhysical Conditioning
AR22010399AR Basic Combat TrainingPAW1XXFirst Aid
AR22010399AR Basic Combat TrainingPAW1XXMarksmanship
AR22010399AR Basic Combat TrainingNPE1XXMilitary Science
AR22010455Army Infantry SchoolPAW1XXPhys Ed: Parachuting
AR22010578AR Indirect Fire InfantrymanNPE1XXMilitary Science
AR22010578AR Indirect Fire InfantrymanPAW1XXMarksmanship
AR22010578AR Indirect Fire InfantrymanPAW1XXFirst Aid
AR22010578AR Indirect Fire InfantrymanNPE1XXOrienting
AR22010578AR Indirect Fire InfantrymanPAW1XXPhysical Conditioning
AR22010603AR Warrior LeaderMGT1XXLeadership
AS005Aviation Sup EquipNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
AT004Electronics TechCM1XXComm Elective
AT004Electronics TechEGR1XXEngineering Elective
AT004Electronics TechEGR1XXEngineering Elective
AT004Electronics TechEGR1XXEngineering Elective
AT004Electronics TechEGR1XXEngineering Elective
AT004Electronics TechEGR1XXEngineering Elective
AT004Electronics TechEGR1XXEngineering Elective
AT004Electronics TechEGR1XXEngineering Elective
AWS001Aircrewman HeliNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
BASICTRNBasic Combat TrainingPE1XXPhysical Ed Elective
CS001Culinary SpecialistNPE1XXCulinary Specialist
CS002Culinary SpecialistNPE1XXCulinary Specialist
CTI005Cryptologic TechnicianIFS1XXInfo Sys Elective
CTI005Cryptologic TechnicianL2XXLanguage Elective
CTI005Cryptologic TechnicianCJA1XXCriminal Justice Elective
CTI005Cryptologic TechnicianIFS100Info Tech Competncy
CTI005Cryptologic TechnicianIFS105Personal Computing
CTI005ACryptologic TechnicianIFS1XXInfo Sys Elective
CTI005ACryptologic TechnicianCJA1XXCriminal Justice Elective
CTI005ACryptologic TechnicianL2XXLanguage Elective
CTI005ACryptologic TechnicianIFS1XXInfo Sys Elective
CTI005ACryptologic TechnicianCM1XXComm Elective
CTO004Cryptologic Tech CommIFS1XXInfo Sys Elective
CTO004Cryptologic Tech CommNPE1XXNon Prog Elective
DD17090012Basic Mass Comm SpecialistART231Concepts of Design
DD17090012Basic Mass Comm SpecialistCM2XXNews Reporting
DD17090012Basic Mass Comm SpecialistPR221Intro Public Relations
DD17090012Basic Mass Comm SpecialistCM2XXTelevision Journalism
DD17090012Basic Mass Comm SpecialistCM2XXPhotojournalism
ET002Electronics TechNPE1XXElectronics Tech
FN003FiremanPAW120Beginning Swimming
GSM002Gas Turbine SystemMGT1XXManagement Elective
HM005Hospital CorpsmanNPE1XXHospital Corpsman
HM006Hospital CorpsmanSPM205Responding/Emerg
HM006Hospital CorpsmanMGT1XXInventory Mgmt
HM006Hospital CorpsmanMGT1XXSupervision
HN004HospitalmanNUR1XXNursing elective
HN004HospitalmanBIO1XXBiology Elective no lab
HN004HospitalmanBIO201Medical Terminology
HN004HospitalmanPAW1XXHealth & Wellness
HN004HospitalmanBIO1XXBiology Elective no lab
HN005HospitalmanIFS1XXComputer Applications
HN005HospitalmanCM1XXIntro to Communications
HN005HospitalmanNUR1XXPatient Assessment
HN005HospitalmanBIO201Medical Terminology
HN005HospitalmanBIO1XXIntro to Pharmacology
HN005HospitalmanMGT1XXIntro Supervision
HN006Hospital CorpsMGT1XXManagement Elective
HN006Hospital CorpsMGT1XXManagement Elective
HN006Hospital CorpsSPM205Responding/Emerg
IS005Intelligence SpecialistIA1XXIntell Analysis Elective
IS005Intelligence SpecialistCM212Public Speaking
IS005Intelligence SpecialistIA100Intro Intell Anlys
IS005Intelligence SpecialistIA200Intell Anlys Method
IT002Information Sys TechnicianIFS1XXInfo Sys Technician
LS001Logistics SpecialistCM1XXComm Elect
LS001Logistics SpecialistCS1XXComputer App
LS001Logistics SpecialistMGT1XXLogistics Mgmt
LS001Logistics SpecialistMGT1XXManagement Elective
LS001Logistics SpecialistMGT1XXSupervision
LS001Logistics SpecialistBUS1XXDistribution Mgmt
MA004Master at ArmsCJA1XXCriminal Justice Elective
MA004Master at ArmsMGT1XXManagement Elective
MA004Master at ArmsIA1XXTerrorism
MA004Master at ArmsCJA1XXCriminal Justice Elective
MA004Master at ArmsCM1XXComm Elective
MA004Master at ArmsMGT150Prin of Management
MA004Master at ArmsCJA1XXCriminal Justice Elective
MA004Master at ArmsMGT1XXManagement Elective
MA004Master at ArmsSPM205Responding/Emerg
MC-14060023Fund of MCLeadershipMGT1XXFund of MCLeadership
MC-16010054Bulk Fuel SpecialistNPE1XXPetroleum Systems Operations
MC-16060010Intro to TerrorismCCJ1XXIntro to Terrorism
MC-17080006Assault Amphibian CrewmanNPE1XXHeavy Equipment Operation
MC-17080006Assault Amphibian CrewmanNPE1XXIndustrial Equip Maintenance
MC-17080006Assault Amphibian CrewmanCM1XXInterpersonal Communication
MC-17140014Basic Eng Equip Elec Sys TechECE1XXACElectronics & Circuits Basi
MC-17140014Basic Eng Equip Elec Sys TechECE1XXDCElectronics & Circuits Basi
MC-17140014Basic Eng Equip Elec Sys TechECE1XXElectric Motor & Generator Con
MC-17140014Basic Eng Equip Elec Sys TechECE1XXElectromech Sys Troublshooting
MC-17140014Basic Eng Equip Elec Sys TechECE1XXSolid State Elec Fundamentals
MC-17150238SWAN RF IncidentalIFS1XXWide Area Networking Tech
MC-22020008Staff NCO AcademyNPE1XXOperation Risk Assessment
MC-22020008Staff NCO AcademyMGT1XXLeadership
MC-22040051Infantry RiflemanCM1XXTactical Communications
MC-22040051Infantry RiflemanPAW1XXWeapons Proficiencty
MC-22040088Recruit Training Master FY11NPE1XXLand Navigation
MC-22040088Recruit Training Master FY11NPE1XXMarksmanship
MC-22040088Recruit Training Master FY11PAW119Physical Fitness
MC-22040088Recruit Training Master FY11PAW130Self Defense
MC-22040088Recruit Training Master FY11PAW144Wilderness First Aid
MC-22040105Marine Combat TrainingPAW1XXPrinciples of Physical Fitness
MC-22040105Marine Combat TrainingPAW1XXOrienteering
MC-22040133Ops Against Guerilla UnitsHIS1XXMilitary Sci/Military Studies
MC-22040136Infantry Patrolling by CorrrPAW1XXPhysical Education
MC-22040189Combat Marksman CoachEDU3XXCombat Marskman Coach
MC-22040196Infantry PatrollingHIS1XXMilitary Science
MC-22040201Basic InfantrymanNPE1XXMarkmanship
MCE-1142001Electrical Equip Repair SpecECE2XXElec Equip Trblshtng & Repair
MCE-1142001Electrical Equip Repair SpecMGT2XXField Exp in Management
MCE-1142001Electrical Equip Repair SpecMGT2XXLeadership
MCE-1142001Electrical Equip Repair SpecMGT3XXPrinciples of Management
MCE-1833001Assault Amphibious VehicleNPE1XXSmall Boat Operation
MCE-1833001Assault Amphibious VehicleNPE1XXLand Navigation
MCE-1833001Assault Amphibious VehicleMGT150Prin of Management
MCE-1833001Assault Amphibious VehicleNPE1XXHeavy Equipment Operations
MCE-1833001Assault Amphibious VehicleIFS1XXComputer Applications
MCE-1833001Assault Amphibious VehicleMGT3XXManagement
MCE-1833001Assault Amphibious VehicleMGT3XXOperations Management
MCE-6156002Tiltrotor Airframe MechanicIFS1XXComputer Applications
MCE-6156002Tiltrotor Airframe MechanicMGT3XXMaintenance Management
MCE-6156002Tiltrotor Airframe MechanicMGT2XXSupervision
MCE-6156002Tiltrotor Airframe MechanicCM2XXCommunications
MCE-6156003Tiltrotor Airframe MechanicMGT3XXManagement
MCE-6156003Tiltrotor Airframe MechanicCM2XXCommunication
MCE-6156003Tiltrotor Airframe MechanicMGT2XXSupervision 
MCE-6156003Tiltrotor Airframe MechanicMGT2XXTalent Management 
MK004Mach TechNPE1XXIndustrial Safe 
MK004Mach TechFCO1XXIntro Communications 
MM003Machinist's MateNPE1XXMachinist's Mate 
MM006Machinist's MateNPE1XXMachinist's Mate 
MOS11C005AR Indirect Fire InfantrymanNPE1XXMap Reading & Interpretation 
MOS11C005AR Indirect Fire InfantrymanMGT2XXPersonnel Supervision 
MOS11C005AR Indirect Fire InfantrymanNPE1XXMilitary Science 
MOS11C005AR Indirect Fire InfantrymanMGT2XXRecords & Info Mgmt 
MOS-75B004Personnel Admin SpecialistNPE1XXWord Processing 
MOS-75B004Personnel Admin SpecialistMGT1XXOffice Procedures 
MOS-75B004Personnel Admin SpecialistMGT1XXRecord Keeping 
MOS-75B004Personnel Admin SpecialistMGT1XXField Exp: Personnel Mgmt 
NER-AT005Aviation Electronics TechNPE1XXAv Elec Tech 
NER-MC002Mass Comm SpecialistMGT2XXSupervision 
NER-MC002Mass Comm SpecialistMKT3XXSocial Media Marketing 
NER-MC002Mass Comm SpecialistCM3XXMultimedia Production 
NER-MC002Mass Comm SpecialistCM322Media Relations 
NER-MC002Mass Comm SpecialistCM329Interpersonal Comm 
NER-MC002Mass Comm SpecialistPR421PR Campaigns 
NER-MC002Mass Comm SpecialistPR423Crisis Comm Mgt 
NER-ND002Navy DiverBUS1XXTeam Building 
NER-ND002Navy DiverNPE1XXGas & Electric Welding 
NER-ND002Navy DiverHSC1XXEMT Basic Practicum 
NER-ND002Navy DiverHSC1XXDiving Medical Technician 
NER-ND002Navy DiverPAW1XXBasic Seamanship 
NER-ND002Navy DiverMGT1XXOperational Risk Mgmt 
NER-ND002Navy DiverNPE1XXIndustrial Safety 
NER-ND002Navy DiverMGT150Prin of Management 
NER-ND002Navy DiverCM212Public Speaking 
NER-SN003SeamanPAW1XXAble Seaman 
NER-STG004Sonar TechnicianIFS1XXComputer Applications 
NER-STG004Sonar TechnicianMGT1XXSupervision 
NER-STG004Sonar TechnicianNPE1XXElectronic Sys Trblesht/Maint 
NER-STG004Sonar TechnicianCM1XXCommunications 
NER-STG004Sonar TechnicianESS1XXBasic Oceanographic Concepts 
NER-STG005Sonar TechnicianNPE1XXElectromech Sys Trblsht/Maint 
NER-STG005Sonar TechnicianCM1XXCommunications 
NER-STG005Sonar TechnicianNPE1XXElectro Sys Trblsht/Maint 
NER-STG005Sonar TechnicianESS1XXIntroduction to Oceanography 
NER-STG005Sonar TechnicianMGT1XXSupervision 
NV-07030008Hospital Corpsman BasicSPM205Responding/Emerg 
NV-07030008Hospital Corpsman BasicNUR1XXMedical Admin/Calculations 
NV-07030008Hospital Corpsman BasicNPE1XXEMT Clinical Experience 
NV-07030008Hospital Corpsman BasicBIO1XXBasic Human Anatomy 
NV-07030008-V0H5ospital Corpsman Basic IINPE1XXEMT Clinicals/Casualty Care 
NV-07030008-V0H5ospital Corpsman Basic IIBIO2XXBasic Human Anatomy II 
NV-07030008-V0H5ospital Corpsman Basic IINUR2XXMedication Admin/Calculations 
NV-08030007     First Class DiverMGT1XXProject Management 
NV-08030007     First Class DiverPAW144Wilderness First Aid 
NV-08030007     First Class DiverHSC1XXDiving Medical Technician 
NV-08030007First Class DiverNPE3XXScience of Underwater Perf
NV-08030007First Class DiverBUS3XXOperational Risk Management
NV-08030007First Class DiverNPE1XXAccident Management
NV-17151847Basic Acoustic Analysis RefresNPE1XXSonar Systems
NV-17151853Sonar MaintenanceIFS1XXComputer Sys Troubleshoot/Rep
NV-17151853Sonar MaintenanceNPE1XXDigital Fundamentals
NV-17151853Sonar MaintenanceNPE1XXTest Equip Calib & Maintenance
NV-17151853Sonar MaintenanceNPE1XXElectronic Sys Troubleshoot/Re
NV-17151853Sonar MaintenanceIFS1XXComputer Architechture
NV-17151856Sonar Tech Surface "A" SchoolNPE1XXAcoustic Analysis
NV-17151856Sonar Tech Surface "A" SchoolESS1XXOceanography
NV-17151856Sonar Tech Surface "A" SchoolNPE1XXSonar Systems
NV-17151857Inegrated Towed ArrayNPE1XXDigital Sys Trblsht/Maint
NV-17151857Inegrated Towed ArrayNPE1XXElectrmech Sys Maint
NV-17152024Sonar OperatorNPE1XXMilitary Science
NV-17152192Sonar Tech Surface AppECE3XXSolid State Electronics
NV-17152192Sonar Tech Surface AppECE220D&A/Digital Circuits
NV-17152192Sonar Tech Surface AppECE1XXAC/DCCircuits
NV-17152311Elctrc & Flight Cntrl Sys OrgECE1XXAircraft Electrical Systems
NV-17152311Elctrc & Flight Cntrl Sys OrgECE1XXAircraft Electrical Systems La
NV-17152362Anti-Sub Warfare Team TrainerNPE1XXMilitary Operations
NV-22020165Recruit Basic Mil Training BMTPAW1XXPhysical Fitness
NV-22020165Recruit Basic Mil Training BMTNPE1XXPersonal Development
NV-22020165Recruit Basic Mil Training BMTPAW1XXBasic Seamanship
NV-22020165Recruit Basic Mil Training BMTNPE1XXMarine Safety
NV07030008Hospital Corpsman Basic  
NV22020165Recruit TrainingPAW1XXPersonal Cmty Health
NV22020165Recruit TrainingPAW119Physical Fitness
NV22020165Recruit TrainingNPE1XXFirst Aid and Safety
PN003Computer ApplicationsIFS100Info Tech Competncy
PN003Computer ApplicationsIFS105Personal Computing
RP005Relg Program SpecialistIFS105Personal Computing
RP005Relg Program SpecialistIFS100Info Tech Competncy
RP005Relg Program SpecialistCM2XXComm Elective
RP005Relg Program SpecialistREL1XXIntro to Ministry
RP005Relg Program SpecialistIFS1XXInfo Sys Elective
SK002StorekeeperNPE1XXSupply Mgmt
SK003StorekeeperNPE1XXSupply Mgmt
SK003StorekeeperNPE1XXInventory Control
SK003StorekeeperCS1XXDatabase App
SK003StorekeeperNPE1XXBusiness Comm
SK004StorekeeperMGT1XXHR Mgmt
SK004StorekeeperMGT1XXMaterial Mgmt
SK004StorekeeperCS1XXComputer App
SK004StorekeeperCM1XXBusiness Comm
SK004StorekeeperMGT1XXStrategic Mgmt
SK004StorekeeperMGT1XXPrin of Mgmt
SN002SeamanNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
SN002SeamanNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
SN002SeamanPAW120Beginning Swimming
SN003SeamanNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
YN004YeomanCM1XXComm Elective
YN004YeomanNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
YN004YeomanIFS1XXInfo Sys Elective
Millersville University of PAYork College of Pennsylvania
AENG120Energy SystemsCVE1XXEnergy Systems
AENG130Prod Materials and ProcessCVE1XXProd Materials and Process
AENG241Drafting CommunicationsCVE2XXDrafting Communications
AENG271Nonmetallic MaterialsME2XXNonmetallic Materials
AFAM201Intro African-Amer StudiesHUM2XXIntro Afr-Amer Studies
AFAM401Sen Sem Afr-Am StudiesHUM4XXSen Sem Afr-Am Studies
AFAM496Top Afr-Am StudiesHUM4XXTop Afr-Am Studies
ANTH121Cultural AnthropologyANT220Cult Anthropology
ANTH123Intro to ArcheologyANT230Intro Archaeology
ANTH201People, Prim, PrehistANT220Cult Anthropology
ANTH220Ethnographic MethANT2XXEthnographic Meth
ANTH222Amer IndianANT2XXAmer Indian
ANTH223People & Cult of MedANT2XXPeople & Cult of Med
ANTH226Comp Soc: Race/CitiesANT2XXComp Soc: Race/Cities
ANTH233Top: Hist ArchaeologyANT2XXTop: Hist Archaeology
ANTH320Arch Meth & TheoryANT3XXArch Meth & Theory
ANTH325Medical AnthropologyANT3XXMedical Anthropology
ANTH422Hist of Anthro ThryANT4XXHist of Anthro Thry
ANTH458Senior SeminarANT4XXSenior Seminar
ART100Art in CultureART101Intro Art Apprec
ART128Art IntegrationART1XXArt Integration
ART133Drawing IART215Drawing I
ART141Fund of Studio ArtART110Concepts of Design
ART142Design IART210Design I
ART167Nontrad PhotographyART1XXNontrad Photography
ART201Hist & Aesthetics of PhotoART388History/Photography
ART202Survey of Art History IART204Survey West Art I
ART203Survey of Art History IIART203Survey Of Art II
ART221Intro to Art EducationART2XXIntro to Art Education
ART233Drawing 2ART265Drawing II
ART240Typography IART2XXTypography I
ART2423D DesignART211Design II
ART244Typography IIART2XXTypography II
ART282Sculpture IART230Sculpture I
ART282Sculpture IART116Concepts/Sculpture
ART291Fine Art Metals IART2XXFine Art Metals I
ART295Ceramics I: HandbuildingART225Ceramics I
ART295CeramicsART225Ceramics I
ART296Ceramics IART225Ceramics I
ART297Ceramics IIART275Ceramics II
ART301Ancient WorldART204Survey West Art I
ART302Italian RenaissanceART3XXItalian Renaissance
ART303The 19th CenturyART39119th Century Art
ART304The 20th CenturyART39420th Century Art I
ART306Fine Art Photo IART245Photography I
ART312Surv of Art HistoryART3XXSurv of Art History
ART313Art in AmericaART393American Art
ART321Media in Art EdART3XXMedia in Art Ed
ART322Child Dev in Visual ArtsART3XXChild Dev in Visual Arts
ART325Meth & Pedagogy of ArtART3XXMeth & Pedagogy of Art
ART327Art for Except ChildART3XXArt for Except Child
ART333Drawing IIIART315Drawing III
ART344Vis Comm & Graphic Des IART3XXVis Comm & Graph Des I
ART345Intro Computer ArtART3XXIntro Computer Art
ART346Intro Comp in DesART3XXIntro Comp in Des
ART352Painting 1ART114Concepts/Painting
ART352Painting 1ART220Painting I
ART353Watercolor 1ART3XXWatercolor 1
ART354Painting IIART270Painting II
ART355Watercolor IIART3XXWatercolor II
ART361Surv PrintmakingART3XXSurv Printmaking
ART363Lithography Printmaking IART3XXLith Printmaking I
ART364Relief Printmaking IART3XXRelief Printmaking I
ART365Intaglio Printmaking IART3XXIntaglio Printmaking I
ART367Water-Based Silk Print IART3XXWat-Based Silk Print I
ART382Sculpture IIART280Sculpture II
ART391Fine Art Metals IIART3XXFine Art Metals II
ART396Ceramics IIIART3XXCeramics III
ART396Ceramics IIIART3XXCeramics III
ART403Art Hist: Northern RenART4XXArt Hist: North Ren
ART404Contemp Mov in ArtART4XXContemp Mov in Art
ART406Fine Art Photography IIART4XXFine Art Photography II
ART409Adv Fine Art PhotoART4XXAdv Fine Art Photo
ART410Fine Art Digital PhotoART4XXFine Art Digital Photo
ART433Drawing IVART365Drawing IV
ART441Adv DesignART4XXAdv Design
ART444Vis Comm & Graph Des IIART4XXVis Comm & Graph Des II
ART445Adv Computer ArtART4XXAdv Computer Art
ART446Adv Comp in DesART4XXAdv Comp in Des
ART447Adv Des IIART4XXAdv Des II
ART452Painting IIIART320Painting III
ART453Watercolor IIIART4XXWatercolor III
ART454Painting IVART370Painting IV
ART455Watercolor IVART4XXWatercolor IV
ART463Lithography Printmaking IIART4XXLithography Printmaking II
ART464Relief Printmaking IIART4XXRelief Printmaking II
ART465Intaglio Printmaking IIART4XXIntaglio Printmaking II
ART467Wat-Bas Silkscreen Print IIART4XXWat-Bas Silkscr Print II
ART468Mixed Media PrintmakingART4XXMixed Media Printmaking
ART469Contemp Iss PrintmakingART4XXContemp Iss Printmaking
ART482Sculpture IIIART330Sculpture III
ART483Sculpture IVART380Sculpture IV
ART490Prof Sem & ExhibitionART4XXProf Sem & Exhibition
ART491Fine Art Metals IIIART4XXFine Art Metals III
ART492Fine Art Metals IVART4XXFine Art Metals IV
ART497Ceramics IVART4XXCeramics IV
ART498Independent Study in ArtART498Independent Study
BIO343Prin Ecology & EvolBIO3XXPrin Ecology & Evol
BIO454ImmunologyBIO4XXBiology Elect No Lab
BIOL100General BiologyBIO205Exp Biology Lab
BIOL100General BiologyBIO204Exploring Biology
BIOL101Found of BiologyBIO142Molecule/Gene/Cell
BIOL101Found of BiologyBIO151Intro Mole Bio Lab
BIOL101Found of BiologyBIO150Intro Molecular Bio
BIOL101Found of BiologyBIO143Mole/Gene/Cell Lab
BIOL103Sci of EvolutionBIO1XXBiology Elect No Lab
BIOL105Prin of BiologyBIO150Biology I
BIOL140Intro EcologyBIO1XXIntro Ecology
BIOL154Human Anat & Phys IBIO220Human A/P I
BIOL155Human Anat & Phys 2BIO222Human A/P II
BIOL161Clinical MicrobiologyBIO230Microbiology
BIOL204Human BiologyBIO2XXBiology Elective No Lab
BIOL205HeredityBIO2XXBiology Elect No Lab
BIOL207Hum SexualityBIO2XXBiology Elect No Lab
BIOL208Plants & PeopleBIO2XXBiology Elect No Lab
BIOL211Concepts of ZoologyBIO302Zoology
BIOL211Concepts of ZoologyBIO303Zoology Lab
BIOL221Concepts of BotanyBIO305Botany Lab
BIOL221Concepts of BotanyBIO304Botany
BIOL222Prob Solving in BotanyBIO2XXBiology Elect No Lab
BIOL241Prin of EcologyBIO300Ecology
BIOL241Prin of EcologyBIO2XXBiology Elect No Lab
BIOL247BiodiversityBIO2XXBiology Elect No Lab
BIOL254Hum Anat & Physiol IBIO220Human A/P I
BIOL254Hum Anat & Physiol IBIO2XXHum Anat & Phys I
BIOL255Human Anat & Phys IIBIO222Human A/P II
BIOL257Intro Allied Hlth ProfBIO100Intro Allied Hl
BIOL263Cell BiologyBIO150Biology I
BIOL266Adv Prin of Cell BiologyBIO2XXBiology Elect No Lab
BIOL281Beh BiologyBIO2XXBiology Elect No Lab
BIOL291Marine BiologyBIO210Marine Biology
BIOL295Marine InvertebratesBIO2XXMarine Invertebrates
BIOL296Marine EcologyBIO2XXBiology Elect No Lab
BIOL318Comp Vert AnatBIO3XXComp Vert Anat
BIOL324Plant BiochemBIO3XXPlant Biochem
BIOL325Plant SystematicsBIO312Plant Systematics
BIOL326Lower PlantsBIO3XXLower Plants
BIOL327Horticultural ScienceBIO3XXHort Science
BIOL340Persp Envir AwarenessBIO3XXBiology Elect No Lab
BIOL340Persp Envir AwarenessBIO3XXBiology Elect No Lab
BIOL343Prin Ecology & EvolutionBIO3XXPrin Ecology & Evol
BIOL344Pop & Comm EcologyBIO3XXPop & Comm Ecology
BIOL345Appl EcologyBIO3XXAppl Ecology
BIOL352Nutritional ScienceNUR202Nutrition
BIOL355Microorg & DiseaseBIO230Microbiology
BIOL356Funct Hum AnatomyBIO3XXFunct Hum Anatomy
BIOL361MicrobiologyBIO231Micro/Allied Lab
BIOL361MicrobiologyBIO230Microbio/Allied Hlth
BIOL362Cell & Dev BiologyBIO3XXCell & Dev Biology
BIOL363Medical MicrobiologyBIO3XXBiology Elect No Lab
BIOL364Found Genetics & Mol BioBIO240Genetics
BIOL365GeneticsBIO241Genetics Lab
BIOL375BiometryBIO3XXBiology Elect No Lab
BIOL390Nat Hist of Mid-Atl ShoreBIO3XXBiology Elect No Lab
BIOL396Marine IchthyologyBIO3XXBiology Elect No Lab
BIOL397Marine BotanyBIO3XXBiology Elect No Lab
BIOL429Plant Dev BioBIO4XXPlant Dev Bio
BIOL435Animal PhysiologyBIO308Animal Physlgy
BIOL436Plant PhysiologyBIO4XXPlant Physiology
BIOL437EndocrinologyBIO4XXBiology Elect No Lab
BIOL443Conservation BiologyBIO4XXConservation Biology
BIOL445Aquatic BiologyBIO4XXAquatic Biology
BIOL446EcosystemsBIO4XXBiology Elect No Lab
BIOL447Chesapeake Bay SysBIO324Marine Ecol/Chesapk
BIOL448Biol Prob Envir MgtBIO4XXBiology Elect No Lab
BIOL454ImmunologyBIO4XXBiology Elective no lab
BIOL455Cardiopulmonary PhysiologyBIO4XXCardiopulm Phys
BIOL461Gen MicrobiologyBIO230Microbiology
BIOL462Molecular BiologyBIO358Cell/Moleclr Bio
BIOL465Dev BiologyBIO4XXDev Biology
BIOL466Molecular & Cell TechBIO466Molecular & Cell Tech
BIOL467Hum Gen: Analy & ApplBIO4XXBiology Elect No Lab
BIOL470Biology ColloquiumBIO4XXBiology Elect No Lab
BIOL471Top in BiologyBIO4XXBiology Elect No Lab
BIOL472Seminar in BiologyBIO4XXBiology Elect No Lab
BIOL473SeminarBIO4XXBiology Elect No Lab
BIOL485Animal BehaviorBIO306Animal Behavior
BIOL487EvolutionBIO4XXBiology Elect No Lab
BIOL495Biological OceanographyBIO4XXBiol Oceanography
BIOL498Independent StudyBIO406Independent Study
BUAD101Intro to BusinessBUS150Intro to Business
BUAD143Pers Financial PlanningBUS218Personal Finance
BUAD161Intro to Fin AcctACC220Financial Acct
BUAD162Intro to Manag AcctACC225Managerial Acct
BUAD201Intro to Intl BusIBS200Internatl Business
BUAD202Legal Environ of BusBUS260Legal Environment
BUAD207Info SciIFS305Management Info Sys
BUAD231Principles of MarketingMKT100Prin Marketing
BUAD251Organization & MgmtMGT150Prin of Management
BUAD300Co-Op Ed Exp in BuadBUS3XXCo-Op Ed Exp in Buad
BUAD302Law of Bus Org & TransBUS3XXLaw of Bus Org & Trans
BUAD306Research MethodsQBA3XXResearch Methods
BUAD307Mgmt Information SysIFS305Management Info Sys
BUAD308Quant MethodsQBA3XXQuant Methods
BUAD310Econ of JusticeECO3XXEcon of Justice
BUAD332Consumer BehMKT360Consumer Behavior
BUAD333Personal SellingMKT220Personal Selling
BUAD336Retail MktMKT230Retailing
BUAD337Sales Force AdminMKT380Sales Management
BUAD341Man Finance IFIN300Managrl Finance I
BUAD342Man Finance IIFIN3XXMan Finance II
BUAD343Real Estate FundFIN310Real Estate Finance
BUAD344Intl FinanceIBS405Internatl Finance
BUAD345Investment AnalysisFIN320Investments
BUAD346Prin Bank AdminFIN3XXPrin Bank Admin
BUAD347Risk & InsuranceFIN330Risk Mgmt/Insurance
BUAD351Org TheoryOBD345Org Theory/Process
BUAD352Hum Res MgmtMGT220Human Resource Mgt
BUAD353Labor-Mgt RelationsMGT330Labor Relations
BUAD354Compensation MgtMGT3XXCompensation Mgt
BUAD355Bus & SocietyBUS3XXBus & Society
BUAD356Small Bus MgtMGT3XXSmall Bus Mgt
BUAD357Intl MgtIBS375Internat Managemnt
BUAD361Intermed Acct IACC320Inter Accounting I
BUAD362Intermed Acct IIACC325Inter Accounting II
BUAD363Acct Info SystemsACC3XXAcct Info Systems
BUAD364Cost AcctACC3XXCost Acct
BUAD365Not-for-Profit AcctACC3XXNot-for-Profit Acct
BUAD366Fed Income Tax IACC305Taxation I
BUAD367Fed Income Tax IIACC3XXFed Income Tax II
BUAD400Coop Ed in Bus AdminBUS4XXCoop Ed in Bus Admin
BUAD405Sp Top in Bus AdminBUS4XXSp Top in Bus Admin
BUAD431Marketing ResearchMKT450Marketing Research
BUAD435Intl MarketingIBS370Internat Marketing
BUAD436Marketing StrategyMKT475Mkt Policies/Strat
BUAD445Fin MarketsFIN4XXFin Markets
BUAD447Cases in FinanceFIN4XXCases in Finance
BUAD452Prod & Operations MgtMGT350Operations Mgmt
BUAD452Ops and Supply Chain MgmtSCM300Operations Mgmt
BUAD455Strategic MgtMGT4XXStrategic Mgt
BUAD465Adv AcctACC420Adv Accounting I
BUAD488Sem in Bus AdminBUS4XXSem in Bus Admin
BUAD498Independent StudyBUS498Independent Study
CHEM101ChemistryCHM1XXChemistry Elective No Lab
CHEM102Demo ChemistryCHM102Chem/Society
CHEM103Gen Org & Biochem ICHM122Prin Gen/Org Chem
CHEM104Gen Org & Biochem IICHM1XXGen Org & Biochem II
CHEM110Fund of ChemistryCHM1XXChemistry Elective No Lab
CHEM111Introductory ChemistryCHM134Gen Chem I
CHEM111Introductory ChemistryCHM135Gen Chem I Lab
CHEM112Intro Chemistry IICHM137Gen Chem II Lab
CHEM112Intro Chemistry IICHM136Gen Chem II
CHEM205Mol Basis of Color/FormCHM2XXMol Basis of Color/Form
CHEM231Organic Chemistry ICHM235Orgnc Chm I Lab
CHEM231Organic Chemistry ICHM234Organic Chem I
CHEM232Organic Chemistry IICHM237Org Chm II Lab
CHEM232Organic Chemistry IICHM236Organic Chem II
CHEM235Organic ChemCHM2XXOrganic Chemistry
CHEM251Inorganic Chemistry ICHM2XXChemistry Elective No Lab
CHEM265Quant AnalysisCHM336Quant Analy Chm
CHEM312Chem in NanotechnologyCHM3XXChem in Nanotech
CHEM324Plant BiochemCHM3XXPlant Biochem
CHEM326Biochemistry ICHM350Biochemistry
CHEM326Biochemistry IBIO350Biochemistry
CHEM327Biochemistry IICHM3XXBiochemistry II
CHEM341Physical Chemistry ICHM344Physical Chem I
CHEM342Physical Chemistry IICHM346Physical Chm II
CHEM372Hist of Chem & SocCHM3XXChemistry Elect No Lab
CHEM375Environmental ChemCHM3XXEnvironmental Chem
CHEM381Polymer Chemistry ICHM3XXPolymer Chemistry I
CHEM435Adv Organic ChemCHM4XXChem Elect No Lab
CHEM452Inorganic ChemistryCHM4XXChem Elect No Lab
CHEM465Analytical ChemistryCHM338Instr Anyl Chem
CHEM476Environmental Chem IICHM4XXEnvir Chem II
CHEM482Polymer Chem IICHM4XXChem Elect No Lab
CHEM486Topics in ChemCHM4XXChem Elect No Lab
CHEM487Seminar in Chem ICHM4XXChem Elect No Lab
CHEM488Sem in Chem IICHM4XXChem Elect No Lab
CHEM489Honors Courses/ThesisCHM4XXChem Elect No Lab
CHEM498Intro Res/Ind StudyCHM481Independent Study
COMM100Fundamentals of SpeechCM212Public Speaking
COMM100HHnrs: Fund of SpeechCM104Human Communicatn
COMM100HHnrs: Fund of SpeechCM212Public Speaking
COMM101Intro to CommunicationCM1XXIntro to Communication
COMM121Intro to Audio and VideoCM1XXIntro to Audio and Video
COMM201Theory of CommCM206Communicatn Theory
COMM203Small Grp CommCM304Group Discussion
COMM206Comm and Media LawCM2XXComm and Media Law
COMM217Interpersonal CommCM329Interpersonal Comm
COMM220Surv of Mass MediaCM211Mass Communication
COMM224Intro Org CommCM328Organizational Comm
COMM225Comm Nonprofit SectorCM2XXComm Nonprofit Sector
COMM227Comm, Cult & CommCM2XXComm, Cult & Comm
COMM230Intl BroadcastingCM2XXIntl Broadcasting
COMM251Public Relations ICM221Public Relations
COMM301Comm ResearchCM3XXComm Research
COMM305Bus & Prof CommCM3XXBus & Prof Comm
COMM311Environmental AdvocacyCM3XXEnviron Advocacy
COMM317Intercult CommCM3XXIntercult Comm
COMM320Radio ProdCM231Radio Production I
COMM321TV Prod ICM242Video Prodctn I
COMM322Media CriticismCM3XXMedia Criticism
COMM325Broadcast News ReportingCM120Broadcast Perform I
COMM326Broadcast Workshop ICM3XXBroadcast Workshop I
COMM330Media & Women's CultCM3XXMedia & Women's Cult
COMM333Gender & CommCM3XXGender & Comm
COMM342Theories of RhetoricCM207Rhetoric/Publc Addr
COMM351Pub Rel II: Pub Rel WrtCM3XXPub Rel II: Pub Rel Wrt
COMM380Digital Media WrtCM3XXDigital Media Wrt
COMM401Crit-Cult Studies in CommCM4XXCrit-Cult Stud in Comm
COMM421TV Prod IICM341Video Production II
COMM422Adv Audio ProdCM4XXAdv Audio Prod
COMM426Broadcast Workshop IICM4XXBroadcast Workshop II
COMM429Sp Top in Comm StudiesCM444Special Topics
COMM431The Body in CommCM4XXThe Body in Comm
COMM440Leadership and MediaCM4XXLeadership and Media
COMM441Political CommCM4XXPolitical Comm
COMM450Comm & Conflict MgtCM4XXComm & Conflict Mgt
COMM451Pub Rel Iss & CasesCM4XPub Rel Iss & Cases
COMM452Pub Relations CampaignsCM421PR Campgn Strat
COMM461Health CommCM4XXHealth Comm
COMM498Ind Study in CommCM499Independent Study
CSCI101Prob Solving with CompCS1XXProb Solving with Comp
CSCI111Intro Prob Solv Vis BasicCS1XXProb Solv Vis Basic
CSCI121Intro Internet ProgCS1XXIntro Internet Prog
CSCI140Discrete StructuresCS1XXDiscrete Structures
CSCI161Intro to Programming ICS1XXIntro to Prog I
CSCI162Intro Prog IICS1XXIntro Prog II
CSCI330Prog Lang & Software EngCS3XXProg Lang & Software Eng
CSCI340Computational ModelsCS3XXComputational Models
CSCI350Cognitive ScienceCS3XXCognitive Science
CSCI362Data StructuresCS3XXData Structures
CSCI370Computer ArchitectureCS3XXComp Architecture
CSCI375Computer GraphicsCS3XXComputer Graphics
CSCI380Operating SystemsCS3XXOperating Systems
CSCI395Computer NetworksCS3XXComputer Networks
CSCI406Topics in Comp SciCS4XXTopics in Comp Sci
CSCI412e-Commerce:Conc & ProgCS4XXe-Commerce:Conc & Prog
CSCI415Comp & Network SecurityCS4XXComp & Network Security
CSCI420Software EngineeringCS4XXSoftware Engineering
CSCI425Hum-Comp InteractionCS4XXHum-Comp Interaction
EC101Prin of Econ IECO200Prin Econ-Macro
ECON101Prin of Economics IECO200Prin Econ-Macro
ECON101HHnrs: Prin of Econ IECO200Prin Econ-Macro
ECON102Prin of Economics IIECO201Prin Econ-Micro
ECON203Intro World EconomyECO2XXWorld Economy
ECON215Money, Cred, & BankingECO370Money & Banking
ECON225Comparative Econ SysECO2XXComp Econ Systems
ECON231Appl Stats IQBA260Business Statistics
ECON319Intermed MacroeconECO360Intermediate Macro
ECON325International EconomicsIBS401International Econ
ECON327Women & Global Econ DevECO3XXWomen & Global Econ Dev
ECON345Labor EconomicsECO3XXLabor Economics
EDFN130Tech in Music ProfMUS1XXTech in Music Prof
EDFN211Found Modern EducationEDU200Found of Education
EDFN241Psyc Found of TeachingPSY223Early Child Develp
EDFN241Psych Found of TeachingEDU370Psych of Learning
EDFN241Psych Found of TeachingEDU375Psy Learning/Second
EDFN312Women and EducationWGS3XXWomen in Education
EDFN320Instruc Tech in EledECH210Ed Tech/Early Elem
EDFN330Microcomp in ClassroomEDU3XXMicrocomp in Class
EDFN333Instr Tech in SPEDEDU3XXInstr Tech in SPED
EDFN511Comparative EducationMED504Group Processes/Ed
EDFN521Issues in Sec EducationMED5XXIssues in Sec Education
EDFN530Instr Tech, Design, AssessMED622Dist Ed Technologies
EDFN545Adv Ed PsychologyMED502Adv Educ Psych
EDFN601Research MethodsMED501Intro Ed Research
EDFN603Philosophy of EducationMED504Group Processes/Ed
EDLD620Schl Law, Pblc Plcy and PrncMED550Legal/Ethical Issue
EDSE321Issues in Second EducationEDU460Community/Legal Issues Ed
EDSU700Functions SupervisionMED561Intro Org Leadershp
EDSU703Curr & SupervisionMED503Curric Trends/Issue
EDUC220Reading FoundEDU2XXReading Found
EDUC323Teach Rdg ContentEDU3XXTeach Rdg Content
EDUC333Child LitEDU3XXChild Lit
EDUC376Strat Class MgmtEDU3XXStrat Class Mgt
EDUC424Diag Read DisEDU4XXDiag Read Dis
EDUC424Diag Reading DisabilityEDU4XXDiag Reading Disability
EDUC433Gender & Race IssuesEDU4XXGender & Race Iss
EDUC486Topics: Young LearnersEDU4XXTopics: Young Learners
EDW727Diff InstructionMED502Dev, Learning, Incl Pract
EHEM201Intro to Emergency MgmtPS2XXIntro to Emergency Mgmt
ELED100Intro Elem EdEDU1XXIntro Elem Ed
ELED111Intro E Chd EdEDU1XXIntro E Chd Ed
ELED210Young Child and the CurricECH230Early Child Theory
ELED419Seminar: Diverse LearnersEDU4XXSem: Diverse Learners
ENGL110English CompositionFCO105Rhetorical Comm
ENGL110HHnrs:English CompositionFCO105Rhetorical Comm
ENGL220Intro to Lang StudyLIT310Language/Linguistics
ENGL221Ling AnalysisLIT310Language/Linguistics
ENGL230Intro to LiteratureLIT200Perspectives/Lit
ENGL231World Lit ILIT2XXWorld Lit I
ENGL232World Lit IILIT2XXWorld Lit II
ENGL233Early Eng LitLIT283British Lit to 1750
ENGL234Later Eng LitLIT284Brt Lit after 1750
ENGL235Early American LiteratureLIT281Amer Lit to 1885
ENGL236Later American LiteratureLIT282Amer Lit after 1885
ENGL237Lit Research & AnalysisLIT2XXLit Res & Analysis
ENGL237Lit Res and AnalysisWRT202Academic Writing
ENGL238West Lit Trad ILIT285Eur Lit to 1600
ENGL240Intro to FilmFLM216Intro to Film
ENGL241Exp in World LitLIT2XXExp in World Lit
ENGL241HH:Explorations in World LitLIT2XXExp in World Lit
ENGL242Read World: Soc JustLIT2XXRead World: Soc Just
ENGL250The Press and SocietyCM2XXThe Press and Society
ENGL292Science FictionLIT2XXScience Fiction
ENGL311Advanced CompositionWRT315Advanced Compositn
ENGL312Technical WritingFCO215Tech/Scientfc Comm
ENGL312Tech WritingWRT3XXTech Writing
ENGL316Business WritingFCO210Comm Prof Cultures
ENGL316Bus WritingWRT210Writng/Prof Culturs
ENGL319Science WritingWRT352Rhetoric of Science
ENGL321Transformational GrammarWRT325Language/Linguistics
ENGL333Afro-American Lit ILIT203African/Amer Lit
ENGL334Afro-American Lit IILIT3XXAfro-Am Lit II
ENGL334HHnrs:Afro-Amer Lit IILIT3XXHnrs:Afro-Amer Lit II
ENGL338Folklore & LitLIT3XXFolklore & Lit
ENGL405ShakespeareLIT323Shakespeare I
ENGL416Woman WriterLIT4XXWoman Writer
ENGL423Development of the Amer NovelLIT313American Novel
ENGL429Sem: Black Women WritersLIT3XXSem: Black Women Writers
ENGL430Ethnic Amrn Lit Since 1945LIT4XXEthnic Am Lit/1945
ENGL435Journ Thru Wom PerspLIT4XXJourn Thru Wom Persp
ENGL443Prose FictionLIT4XXProse Fiction
ENGL471Creative WritingWRT272Intro Creative Wrt
ENGL482Film & Amer SocFLM4XXFilm & Amer Soc
ENGL483Politics, Film, Electronic MedLIT393Literature & Film
ENGL485Teaching Sec School EnglishMLE4XXTeaching Sec School English
ENGL486Tchg Rdg and Lit w/ Yng AdltLIT270Young Adult Lit
ENTR201Art of EntrepreneurshipENT2XXArt of Entreptreneurship
ERCH110Intro Early Child EdEDU1XXIntro Early Child Ed
ERCH225Found of ReadingEDU2XXFound of Reading
ERCH315Family/Commun: AspectsECH250Professionl/Partner
ERCH316Creative/Implent InstructionEDU3XXCreative/Implent Instr
ERCH345Soc Studies for Young LrnrECH315Teachng Soc Studies
ERCH421Lang Dev and Emerg LitECH301Lit/Lang Young Child
ERCH435Literature for Yng ChldEDU4XXLiterature/Yng Child
ERCH455Tchg Math to Yound ChildECH320Teaching Math
ERCH465Science for the Young LearnerECH330Teaching Science
ERCH485Tchg Young Engl Lang LearnersEDU335Instrc Needs/ELL
ES101Phy Prin EarthESS1XXEarth Sci Elect No Lab
ES104World OceanESS1XXEarth Sci Elect No Lab
ESCI101Earth Sys & Nat HazESS1XXEarth Sci Elective No Lab
ESCI102Origin & Evol of EarthESS1XXEarth Sci Elective No Lab
ESCI103The AtmosphereESS1XXEarth Sci Elect No Lab
ESCI104The World OceanESS1XXThe World Ocean
ESCI107The AtmosphereESS1XXEarth Sci Elective No Lab
ESCI109Atmosphere with LabESS152Earth/Space Sci
ESCI110Intro to Earth Sciences ProgrmESS1XXEarth Sci Elective No Lab
ESCI120Environmental GeologyESS1XXEarth Sci Elect No Lab
ESCI120Environmental GeologyESS254Local Perspect/Geo
ESCI221Physical GeologyESS2XXPhysical Geology
ESCI222Historical GeologyESS2XXHistorical Geology
ESCI245Enviromental MeteorologyESS2XXEnviro Meteorology
FIN203Personal FinanceFIN220Personal Finance & Banking
FREN101Elementary French IFRN101Elem French I
FREN102Elementary French IIFRN102Elem French II
FREN201Intermediate French IFRN201Inter French I
FREN202Intermediate French IIFRN202Inter French II
FREN443Stylistics & CompFRN4XXStylistics & Comp
FREN451Geog of FranceFRN4XXGeog of France
GEOG101The Global EnvironG1XXThe Global Environ
GEOG120Human GeographyG1XXHum Geog
GEOG130Intro to Environmental ScienceESS1XXIntro to Environmental Science
GEOG141World Reg GeographyG100World Reg Geography
GEOG202Resources and EnvironG341Geog North America
GEOG226Political GeographyG2XXPolitical Geography
GEOG227Urban GeogG345Urban Geography
GEOG228Geography of SportSPM2XXGeog of Sport
GEOG230Physical GeographyESS2XXEarth Sci Elective No Lab
GEOG245Geography of PennsylvaniaG2XXGeography of PA
GEOG281Map Interpr and AnalysisG2XXMap Interpr and Analysis
GEOG344North AmericaG341Geog North America
GEOG350Health GeogG3XXHealth Geog
GERM101Elementary German IGRM101Elem German I
GERT100Intro to GerontologyGER1XXIntro to Gerontology
GERT210Aging and the LawGER2XXAging and the Law
GOVT101Intro to Pol StudiesPS1XXIntro to Pol Studies
GOVT111Intro to American GovtPS101Amer Gov/Citizenship
GOVT111Intro to Amer GovtPS141American Governmnt
GOVT112Intro State & Local GovtPS242State/Local Govt
GOVT205Intro to Public PolicyPS142Am Gov: Process/Pol
GOVT221Intro to Cmprtv Politcl SystmsPS260Comparative Politics
GOVT231Intro to Political TheoryPS369Modern Pol Thought
GOVT241Pub Admin & Pub ServicePS151Intro Public Admin
GOVT251Intro to Global PoliticsPS2XXIntro to Global Politics
GOVT332Rec Pol TheoryPS3XXRec Pol Theory
GOVT351Intl lawPS307International Law
HIST101Eur & World 1350-1789HIS101Western Civ I
HIST102Eur & World 1789-PresHIS102Western Civ II
HIST104U.S. & PA Hist 1865-PrHIS112American Civ II
HIST105The Craft of HistoryHIS200Methods/Theory Hist
HIST106Contours of US HistHIS112American Civ II
HIST206The World to 1500HIS121World History I
HIST210Women & West CivHIS2XXWomen & West Civ
HIST218People & the EnvironmentHIS2XXPeople & the Environment
HIST220Mod FranceHIS2XXMod France
HIST221England to 1688HIS330History Britain I
HIST222Modern BritainHIS331History Britain II
HIST224Mod GermanyHIS2XXMod Germany
HIST241Imperial RussiaHIS2XXImperial Russia
HIST251Violence in AmericaHIS2XXViolence in America
HIST271American PresidencyHIS2XXAmerican Presidency
HIST273Afro-Amer Hist IIHIS2XXAfro-Amer Hist II
HIST280Pre-Colonial AfricaHIS2XXPre-Colonial Africa
HIST283Colonial Latin AmericaHIS2XXColonial Latin America
HIST313Hist of Mid AgesHIS301Medieval Civ
HIST34020th Century EuropeHIS320Europe after 1914
HIST342Hitler and NazismHIS421Nazi Germany
HIST35117th Cent Brit AmerHIS3XX17th Cent Brit Amer
HIST354The New NationHIS352New American Nation
HIST355Civ War & ReconstructHIS364Civil War & Reconstruction
HIST356New Era, 1876-1919HIS365Emerg Mod America
HIST380U.S. Latin Amer RelHIS3XXU.S. Latin Amer Rel
HIST381Hist W Africa to 1800HIS140History of Africa I
HIST480History of MedicineHIS4XXHistory of Medicine
HPED175WellnessPE134Concpts Phys Actvty
HPED310PE for Elem SchooolsEDU3XXPE for Elem Schools
HUMN202Classical MythologyHUM2XXClassical Mythology
HUMN210French Literature in TranslatnFRN315French Literature
HUMN220German Literature in TransltnGRM315German Literature
HUMN230Amish & Other PA DutchHUM2XXAmish & Other PA Dutch
HUMN280Span Lit in EnglishHUM2XXSpan Lit in English
INTL201Intro to Intl StudiesINT2XXIntro to Intl Studies
ITEC110Comm/Info SystemsIFS1XXComm/Info Systems
ITEC120Energy & Power SysEGR1XXEnergy & Power Sys
ITEC130Prod Materials & ProcessEGR1XXProd Mat & Process
ITEC241Drafting CommunicationsEGR2XXDrafting Communications
ITEC251Graphic CommunicationsART2XXGraphic Communications
ITEC281Proc Metallic MaterialsEGR2XXProc Metallic Materials
ITEC303Tech Assessment: AmishEGR3XXTech Assessment:Amish
LATN101Elem Latin ILAT101Elem Latin I
LATS201Intro Latino StudiesSPN2XXIntro Latino Studies
MA104Fund of Math IMAT115Sets/Number Systems
MA105Fund of Math 2MAT215Sets/Number Sys II
MATH100Survey of Math IdeasMAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MATH101College AlgebraMAT105College Algebra
MATH102Math in Non-Euro CultMAT1XXMath in Non-Euro Cult
MATH104Fund of Math IMAT115Sets/Number Systems
MATH105Fund of Math IIMAT215Sets/Number Sys II
MATH130Elements of Statistics IBEH260Statistics
MATH130Elements of Statistics IQBA260Business Statistics
MATH130Elements of Statistics IMAT250Statistics
MATH151Calculus for ManagementMAT120Applied Calculus
MATH161Calculus IMAT171Calculus I
MATH163HHnrs: CalculusMAT171Calculus I
MATH211Calculus IIMAT172Calculus II
MATH235Survey of StatisticsMAT250Statistics
MATH235Survey of StatisticsBEH260Statistics
MATH235Survey of StatisticsQBA260Business Statistics
MATH311Calculus IIIMAT271Calculus III
MILS101Intro to Military ScienceNPE1XXIntro to Military Science
MILS102Intro to Military Sci 2NPE1XXIntro to Military Sci 2
MILS210Self & Team DevNPE2XXSelf & Team Dev
MILS211Military LeadershipNPE2XXMilitary Leadership
MILS301Lead & Mgmt & Mil TactNPE3XXLead & Mgmt & Mil Tact
MILS302Lead & Mgt & Mil TactNPE3XXLead & Mgt & Mil Tact
MILS401Contemp Military Iss INPE4XXContemp Military Iss I
MILS402Contemp Mil Iss 2NPE3XXContemp Mil Iss 2
MU100Music & CultureMUS200Music Appreciation
MU105Basic Exp MusMUS1XXBasic Exp Mus
MUSI100Music and CultureMUS186Listening to Music
MUSI103Language of MusicMUS1XXLanguage of Music
MUSI104Lang of Music 2MUS183Music Theory II
MUSI108Pri Ins 1: GuitarMUS138Guitar
MUSI112Solfege, Harmony, Analy IMUS184Sight Singing I
MUSI120Appl Music in Symph BandMUS1XXAppl Music Symph Band
MUSI124App Music: Jazz EnsembleMUS162Jazz Ensemble
MUSI126AAppl Music: ChoirMUS150YCChorale
MUSI128Appl Music Mrchg BndMUS1XXAppl Music Mrchg Bnd
MUSI129Appl Music Mrchg BandMUS1XXAppl Music Mrchg Band
MUSI131Class Piano IMUS140Class Piano
MUSI141Class Voice IMUS1XXClass Voice I
MUSI151Strings IMUS1XXStrings I
MUSI152Woodwind IMUS1XXWoodwind I
MUSI153Percussion IMUS1XXPercussion I
MUSI154Maj Perf: ClarinetMUS1XXMaj Perf: Clarinet
MUSI154AMaj Perf I:  GuitarMUS1XXMaj Perf I:  Guitar
MUSI155Maj Perf: ClarinetMUS1XXMaj Perf: Clarinet
MUSI156Brass IMUS1XXBrass I
MUSI162Intro to Art MusicMUS1XXIntro to Art Music
MUSI171Intro Music EducMUS1XXIntro Music Educ
MUSI204Electronic MusicMUS2XXElectronic Music
MUSI212Solfege, Harmony, Analy IIMUS185Sight Singing II
MUSI251Strings IIMUS2XXStrings II
MUSI252Woodwind IIMUS2XXWoodwind II
MUSI254Maj Perf: ClarinetMUS2XXMaj Perf: Clarinet
MUSI263Popular MusicMUS287American Pop Music
MUSI267Survey American MusicMUS2XXSurvey American Music
MUSI271Elem MethodsMUS2XXElem Methods
MUSI301Music Early ChildhoodMUS3XXMusic Early Childhood
MUSI312Kodaly Solfege, Hrmy Anl 3MUS3XXKodaly Solfege, Hrmy Anl 3
MUSI362Mus Hist & Lit IMUS3XXMus Hist & Lit I
MUSI381Conducting IMUS3XXConducting I
MUSI412Kodaly Solfege, Hrmy Anl 4MUS4XXKodaly Solfege, Hrmy Anl 4
NURS315Scientific AdvancesNUR3XXScientific Advances
NURS316Women, Hlth, Hlth CareNUR3XXWomen, Hlth, Hlth Care
NURS320Basis Prof PracticeNUR3XXBasis Prof Practice
NURS322Health of Well AdultNUR3XXHealth of Well Adult
NURS330Ethics of Health InnovaNUR3XXEthics of Health Innova
NURS340Environmental FactorsNUR3XXEnviron Factors
NURS350Pathways to Healthy AgingGER3XXPathways to Healthy Aging
NURS501Theoretical of Adv PracticeNUR512Theoretical Basis for Adv Prac
NURS503Adv Prac Prof Iss Hlth PolNUR514Health Policy APRN
NURS511Pathophysiology Adv PracticeNUR505Adv Physiology and Pathophysio
OSEH120Fund of Safety, Hlth, EnvNPE1XXFund of Safety, Hlth, Env
PHIL100Intro to PhilosophyPHL221Intro Philosophy
PHIL120Intro to EthicsPHL341Ethics
PHIL202Love & SexualityPHL2XXLove & Sexuality
PHIL211Intro to LogicPHL231Logic
PHIL280Thanatopsis: DeathPHL2XXThanatopsis: Death
PHIL285Moral Probs MedicinePHL2XXMoral Probs Medicine
PHIL313World ReligionsREL265World Religions
PHIL314Phil of SciencePHL3XXPhil of Science
PHIL327Philosophy in FilmPHL3XXPhilosophy in Film
PHIL328Phil Classics: ExistentPHL3XXPhil Classics: Existent
PHIL371Workshop: Phil of LawPHL3XXWorkshop: Phil of Law
PHIL383Phil of ArtPHL351Intro Aesthetics
PHYS103Elements of PhysicsPSC153Phys/Everyday LAB
PHYS103Elements of PhysicsPSC152Phys/Everyday Life
PHYS117General AstronomyESS155Astronomy Lab
PHYS117General AstronomyESS154Intro/Astronomy
PHYS131Physics IPHY110Gen Phys:Mech/Ht
PHYS131Physics IPHY111G Phys:Mech Lab
PHYS132Physics IIPHY113G Phys:Elct Lab
PHYS132Physics IIPHY112Gen Phys:Elc/Magn
PHYS198Seminar in PhysicsPHY1XXPhysics Elective No Lab
PHYS231General Physics IPHY160Eng Phys:Mechncs
PHYS232Gen Physics 2PHY260Eng Phys:Elct/Magn
PSCI221Comparative PoliticsPS260Comparative Politics
PSYC100General PsychologyPSY100General Psychology
PSYC211Stats and Exper Design IPSY2XXStats & Exper Design I
PSYC212Statistics and Exper Dsgn 2PSY2XXStats and Exper Desgn 2
PSYC227Dev Child and AdolescentPSY221Child/Adol Develop
PSYC228Life Span Hum DevPSY2XXLife Span Hum Dev
PSYC228Life Span Hum DevNUR201Nursing HD/HC
PSYC229The Adult YearsPSY2XXThe Adult Years
PSYC234Human RelationsPSY2XXHuman Relations
PSYC256Psych Human AdjustmentPSY2XXPsych Human Adjust
PSYC311Psychology of Drug AddictionPSY3XXPsych of Drug Addiction
PSYC317Social PsychologyPSY243Social Psychology
PSYC328Psychology and ReligionPSY3XXPsychology and Religion
PSYC329Industrial PsychPSY3XXIndustrial Psych
PSYC335Personality TheoryPSY3XXPersonality Theory
PSYC336Psy Human AdjustmentPSY3XXPsy Human Adjustment
PSYC337Abnormal PsychPSY230Abnormal Psych
PSYC346Behavior ModPSY3XXBehavior Mod
PSYC356Health PsychologyPSY3XXHealth Psychology
PSYC403Family SystemsPSY4XXFamily Systems
PSYC437Abnormal PsychologyPSY331Child Psychopathlgy
PSYC437Abnormal PsychologyPSY230Abnormal Psych
PSYC437Abnormal PsychologyPSY330Adult Psychopathlgy
PSYC447Counseling StratPSY441Consl Theors/Psych
PSYC530Child in the Family SystemMED502Dev, Learning, Incl Pract
PSYC530Child in the Family SystemMED502Dev, Learning, Incl Pract
PSYC625Human Growth & DevMED502Adv Educ Psych
SOC225Sociology of FamilySOC225The Family
SOCY101Intro to SociologySOC100Intro Sociology
SOCY111Prin of SociologySOC100Intro Sociology
SOCY210Sociology of the FamilySOC225The Family
SOCY211Social ProblemsSOC220Am Social Problems
SOCY214Aging & The AgedGER315Social Aspcts/Aging
SOCY317Sociology of HealthSOC3XXSociology of Health
SOCY334Juvenile DelinquencyCJA110Juvenile Delinquncy
SOCY338Soc of DevianceSOC3XXSoc of Deviance
SOWK102Modern Social WelfareSOC1XXModern Social Welfare
SOWK313Family ViolenceSOC3XXFamily Violence
SOWK350Encounters in Hum DivSOC3XXEncounters in Hum Div
SOWK642Diversity & InclusionMED502Dev, Learning, Incl Pract
SPAN101Elementary Spanish ISPN101Elem Spanish I
SPAN102Elementary Spanish 2SPN102Elem Spanish II
SPAN201Intermediate Spanish ISPN201Inter Spanish I
SPAN202Intermed Spanish 2SPN202Inter Spanish II
SPAN211Spanish for Business ISPN2XXSpanish for Business I
SPAN331Spanish Civilization ISPN305Span Amer Cult/Civ
SPAN351Comp & Oral Express ISPN3XXComp & Oral Express I
SPAN362Oral Spanish IISPN3XXOral Spanish II
SPAN401Modern Meth Teaching SpanishSPN4XXModern Meth Teach Spanish
SPAN461History of Hispanic ArtSPN4XXHistory of Hispanic Art
SPAN487Spanish-American LiteratureSPN4XXSpanish-American Lit
SPE327Tchg Inquiry SkillsSPE3XXTchg Inquiry Skills
SPED101Ori to Spec EdSPE1XXOri to Spec Ed
SPED102Nat, State, Comm ResSPE1XXNat, State, Comm Res
SPED212Psych Asp DisabldSPE2XXPsych Asp Disabld
SPED237Fndtns Contemp Sp EdSPE200Process/Procedures
SPED300Co-Op Ed ExpSPE3XXCo-Op Ed Exp
SPED311Design/Implement InstrucSPE264Educational Assmnt
SPED312Disabil in Inclusive SettingsSPE3XXDisabil in Inclus Settings
SPED314Behav DisorderedSPE3XXBehav Disordered
SPED318Handicap Inf, Tod, PresSPE3XXHandicap Inf, Tod, Pres
SPED326Tchg Read/Comm SklsSPE3XXTchg Read/Comm Skls
SPED327Tchg Inquiry SkillsSPE3XXTchg Inquiry Skills
SPED330Discrim/Oppress PeopleSPE3XXDiscrim/Oppress People
SPED331Positive Lrng Enviro for AllSPE375Positive Beh Supprt
SPED341Early Interv KindergrtnSPE3XXEarly Interv Kindergrtn
SPED621Multicultural AspectsMED504Group Processes/Ed
SPED681Admin & Supervision of SpedMED572Supervsn Ed Persnl
SSCI203Exp in Hist of IdeasHIS2XXExp in Hist of Ideas
THEA130Acting ITHE262Acting
THEA217Theatre AppreciationTHE254Intro Theatre
THEA220Lighting & SoundTHE2XXLighting & Sound
THEA230Acting IITHE355Advanced Acting
THEA240Script AnalysisTHE2XXScript Analysis
THEA310Costume for StageTHE222Costume Construction
THEA312Hist & Prin Stage DesTHE3XXHist & Prin Stage Des
THEA317London Theatre TourTHE3XXLondon Theatre Tour
THEA340Hist of Theatre ITHE360Hist of Theatre I
THEA341Hist of Theatre IITHE361Hist of Theatre II
THEA350Theatre MgmtTHE3XXTheatre Mgmt
THEA412Topics in TheatreTHE350Theatre Pract I
THEA498Ind Study in TheatreTHE498Independent Study
UNIV103First YearFYS100First Year Seminar
UNIV179iPod, You Tube: Tech ChBEH1XXiPod, You Tube: Tech Ch
WELL240Health, Safety of ChildEDU2XXHealth, Safety of Child
WELL352Health Ed in Elem SchoolEDU3XXHlth Ed in Elem School
WSSD310PE for Elem SchoolsEDU3XXPE for Elem Schools
WSSD311First Aid and CPRSPM205Responding/Emerg
WSSD350Sport in AmericaSPM130Sport in Society
WSSD395Leis Act for AgedREC3XXLeis Act for Aged
WSSD450Kines and Phys Found of SportSPM4XXKines and Phys Fnd of Sprt
WSSD480Theory and Tech of CoachingSPM4XXTheory/Tech Coaching
WSSD483Legal Aspects of SportSPM425Legal Issues/Sport
WSSD486Top: Nutr Perf EnhncmnSPM4XXTop: Nutr Perf Enhncmn
WSTU220Intro Women's StudiesWGS200Women/Gender Stud
WSTU330Feminist TheoryWGS380Feminist Thought
WSTU345Feminist ResearchWGS3XXFeminist Research
Molloy CollegeYork College of Pennsylvania
ASL102Beginning American Sign LangCM150Beg Sign Language
BIO110Basic Human BioBIO112Fund Human Bio
BIO110Basic Human BioBIO1XXBiology Elect No lab
BIO120Anat & Phys IBIO221Human A/P I Lab
BIO120Anat & Phys IBIO220Human A/P I
BIO151Marine BiologyBIO210Marine Biology
BUS101HIntroduction to BusinessBUS150Intro to Business
BUS260Accounting IACC220Financial Acct
BUS330Prin of MarketingMKT100Prin Marketing
CHE112Organic & Biological ChemistryCHM235Orgnc Chm I Lab
CHE112Organic & Biological ChemistryCHM234Organic Chem I
CIS105Comp Applications for BusIFS105Personal Computing
COM213Intercultural CommunicationCM2XXIntercult Comm
ECO200Intro EconomicsECO2XXIntro Economics
ECO315Money, Banking & Fin MktECO310Int Macro Econ
ENG100Intro College CompWRT1XXIntro College Comp
ENG110College CompositionFCO1XXCollege Composition
ENG233Intro to NewswritingCM271Print Media Writing
ENG296Topics in EnglishLIT2XXTopics in English
ETH250Ethics: Theory and PracticePHL223Contemp Moral Prob
FRE101Beg French IFRN101Elem French I
FRE102Beg French IIFRN102Elem French II
FST100The College ExperienceFYS1XXThe College Experience
GRN253Aging in SocietyGER215Social Aspcts/Aging
HIS102West Civ IIHIS102Western Civ II
HIS111American Civ IHIS111American Civ I
HIS112Amer Civ IIHIS112American Civ II
ITA101Beg Italian IITL101Elem Italian I
ITA102Beg Italian IIITL102Elem Italian II
MAT110Basic Coll MathMAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MAT115Elem StatisticsBEH260Statistics
MAT115Elem StatisticsQBA260Business Statistics
MAT115Elem StatisticsMAT250Statistics
MAT116Coll Alg & TrigMAT105College Algebra
MAT220Calc for Sci & BusMAT120Applied Calculus
MAT221Calculus IMAT171Calculus I
MKT230Prin of MarketingMKT100Prin Marketing
MUS105Ach  Mus InsightMUS200Music Appreciation
NUR129Prof Socialization: Ed-ProfNurNUR1XXProf Socialization:Ed-ProfNurP
NUR139Human Growth & Dev Across LifeHSV250Lifecourse Develop
NUR239Pharmacology I: ImplicationsNUR203Pharmacology for Nurses I
PHI100Philosophy: Purs of WisdomPHL221Intro Philosophy
PHI290Topics: Phil of LeadershipPHL2XXPhilo of Leadership
POL101American National GovtPS141Am Gov: Institutions
PSY111Gen PsychologyPSY100General Psychology
SOC101Intro SociologySOC100Intro Sociology
SOC253Aging in SocietyGER215Social Aspcts/Aging
SPA101Beg Spanish ISPN101Elem Spanish I
SPA102Beg Spanish IISPN102Elem Spanish II
SPA201Beg Spanish IIISPN201Inter Spanish I
THE230Meaning of JesusREL2XXMeaning of Jesus
THE251Rel Thght in Low CountrREL2XXRel Thght in Low Countr
THE285Rel Themes in CinemaHUM2XXRel Themes in Cinema
Montgomery CollegeYork College of Pennsylvania
AC201Princ of Acct I ACC220Financial Acct
AC202Prin of Acct II ACC225Managerial Acct
AC207Int Acct I ACC2XXInt Acct I
AC213Federal Income Tax I ACC305Taxation I
AC217Cost Acct ACC2XXCost Acct
AC219Business Finance FIN2XXBusiness Finance
ACCT221Accounting I ACC220Financial Acct
ACCT222Accounting II ACC225Managerial Acct
AN101Intro Soc/Cul Anthro ANT220Cult Anthropology
AN105Intro Phys Anthr/Arch ANT210Physical Anthropol
AN206World Ethnology ANT2XXWorld Ethnology
ANTH201Soc/Cult Anthropology ANT220Cult Anthropology
ANTH215Human Evol/Archaeology ANT230Intro Archaeology
AR101Drawing I ART215Drawing I
AR103Design I ART210Design I
AR105Color ART1XXColor
AR107Art History I ART204Survey West Art I
AR108Art Hist: 1400 to Pres ART205Survey West Art II
AR112Dig Photo ART246Digital Photography
AR121Ceramics I ART225Ceramics I
AR124Enameling I ART1XXEnameling I
AR127Art Appreciation ART101Intro Art Apprec
AR205Watercolor I ART2XXWatercolor I
ARTT100Intro to Drawing ART215Drawing I
ARTT102Introduction to 2D Design ART210Design I
ARTT112Digital Photography ART246Digital Photography
ARTT116Digital Tools for Vis Arts ART235Concpts Comp Grhcs
ARTT127Art Appreciation ART101Art/Visual Culture
ARTT200Art History: Ancient to 1400 ART204Survey West Art I
ARTT201Art History: 1400-Pres ART205Survey West Art II
AS101Intro to Astronomy ESS154Intro/Astronomy
AS102Intro Modern Astronomy ESS154Intro/Astronomy
BA101Intro to Business BUS150Intro to Business
BA210Stats for Bus Admin QBA260Business Statistics
BI101General Biology BIO204Exploring Biology
BI105AEnvironmental Biology BIO1XXBio Elect No Lab
BI105AEnvironmental Biology BIO212Environmntl Bio
BI107Prin of Biology I BIO150Biology I
BI108Prin of Biology II BIO152Biology II
BI109Nat Sci Chesapeake Bay BIO1XXNat Sci Chesapeake Bay
BI130The Human Body BIO112Fund Human Bio
BI130The Human Body BIO1XXBiology Elective no lab
BI203Microbiology BIO230Microbiology
BI204Hum Anat & Phys I BIO220Human A/P I
BI205Hum Anat & Phys II BIO222Human A/P II
BI209General Genetics BIO240Genetics
BI213Nutrition NUR202Nutrition
BIOL101General Biology BIO204Exploring Biology
BIOL105Environmental Biology01BIO213Environ Bio Lab
BIOL105Environmental Biology01BIO212Environmntl Bio
BIOL106Environmental Biology Lab01  
BIOL111Nat Science Chesapeake Bay BIO1XXNat Science Chesapeake Bay
BIOL150Prin of Biology IBIO142Molecule/Gene/Cell
BIOL150Prin of Biology IBIO150Intro Molecular Bio
BIOL212Hum Anat & Phys IBIO220Human A/P I
BIOL213Hum Anat & Phys IIBIO222Human A/P II
BSAD101Intro to BusinessBUS150Intro to Business
BSAD210Statistics for Bs & EcoQBA260Business Stats I
BT101Intro to BiotechnologyBIO1XXBiology Elective no lab
CA106Comp Use & MgtIFS105Personal Computing
CA120Intro to Computer ApplIFS105Personal Computing
CA172Internet and Web LiteracyIFS1XXInternet and Web Literacy
CCJS110Admin of JusticeCJA101Intro Crim Justice
CCJS201Intro Law EnforcementCJA234Law Enforcement
CCJS211Criminal InvestigationCJA305Crim Investigation
CCJS221Criminal LawCJA2XXCriminal Law
CCJS230Intro to CorrectionsCJA337Punishmnt/Correctns
CCJS244Cont IssuesCJA2XXCont Issues
CG120Comp GraphicsART1XXComp Graphics
CH100AIntro College ChemCHM1XXChem Elect No Lab
CH101Prin Coll Chem ICHM134Gen Chem I
CH102Prin of Coll Chem IICHM136Gen Chem II
CH109AHChem & SocCHM1XXChemistry Elect No Lab
CH135General Chem for EngrCHM134Gen Chem I
CH203Organic Chem ICHM234Organic Chem I
CH204Organic Chem IICHM236Organic Chem II
CHEM109Chemistry and SocietyCHM1XXChemistry Elect no lab
CHEM109Chemistry and SocietyCHM240Perspect/Molecular
CHEM131Principles of Chemistry ICHM135Gen Chem I Lab
CHEM131Principles of Chemistry ICHM134Gen Chem I
CHEM132Principles of Chemistry IICHM136Gen Chem II
CHEM132Principles of Chemistry IICHM137Gen Chem II Lab
CHEM135Gen Chem for EngineerCHM1XXGen Chem Engineer
CHEM203Organic Chemistry ICHM234Organic Chem I
CHEM204Organic Chemistry IICHM236Organic Chem II
CJ110Admin of JusticeCJA1XXAdmin of Justice
CJ110Admin of JusticeCJA101Intro Crim Justice
CJ111Intro to Law EnforcementCJA101Intro Crim Justice
CJ211Criminal InvestigationCJA2XXCriminal Investigation
CJ215Organization & AdminCJA2XXOrganization & Admin
CJ216Police OperationsCJA2XXPolice Operations
CJ221Criminal LawCJA2XXCriminal Law
CJ222Crim EvidenceCJA2XXCrim Evidence
CJ244Contemporary IssuesCJA2XXContemporary Issues
CMAP106Computer Use and MgmtIFS105Personal Computing
CMAP120Intro to Comp ApplIFS100Info Tech Competncy
CMAP120Intro to Comp ApplIFS105Personal Computing
CMSC135Intro to ScriptingCS1XXIntro to Scripting
CMSC253Unix/Linux System AdminCS1XXUnix/Linux System Admin
COMM108Found Hum CommCM212Public Speaking
COMM109Voice and DictionCM1XXVoice and Diction
COMM112Bus & Prof Speech CommCM246Comm/Business Prof
CS111XBasic ProgrammingIFS1XXBasic Programming
CS140Intro to ProgrammingIFS1XXIntro to Programming
DANC101Ballet IPAW171Ballet Dance I
DN102Ballet IIPE1XXBallet II
DN104Modern Dance IIPE1XXModern Dance II
DN106Jazz Dance IIPE1XXJazz Dance II
DN108Tap Dance IIPE1XXTap Dance II
DN203Mod Dance IIIPE2XXMod Dance III
DN230Sp Dance PractPE2XXSp Dance Pract
EC103Evol/Econ SocECO1XXEvol/Econ Soc
EC105Basic EconomicsECO1XXBasic Economics
EC201Prin of Econ IECO200Prin Econ-Macro
EC202Prin of Econ IIECO201Prin Econ-Micro
ECON105Basic EcomonicsECO205Economic Perspctvs
ECON201Prin of Economics IECO200Prin Econ-Macro
ECON202Prin of Economics IIECO201Prin Econ-Micro
ED101Found of EdEDU1XXFound of Ed
ED102Field Exp in EdEDU1XXField Exp in Ed
ED140Intro Spec EdSPE1XXIntro Spec Ed
ED141Field Exp Spec EdSPE1XXField Exp Spec Ed
ED216Proc & Acquisitn RdgEDU2XXProc & Acquis Rdg
EDUC101Foundations of EducationEDU1XXFoundations of Education
EDUC102Field Exp in EducationEDU1XXField Exp in Education
EDUC201Intro to Special EducationSPE2XXIntro to Spec Educ
EDUC202Field Exp Special EdSPE1XXField Exp Special Ed
EE244Digital Logic DesignEDU2XXDig Logic Des
EN101Tech of Rdng & Wrtg IWRT102Analytical Read/Writ
EN101Tech of Rdng & Wrtg IFCO105Rhetorical Comm
EN101ATech of Rdng & Wrtg IWRT102Analytical Read/Writ
EN102Tech of Rdng & Wrtg IIWRT202Academic Writing
EN102Crit Read/Writ/ResearchFCO1XXCrit Read/Wrt/Research
EN105Prin of Eng GrammarWRT1XXPrin Eng Grammar
EN109Wrtg/Tech & BusWRT210Writng/Prof Culturs
EN111Intro JournalismCM1XXIntro Journalism
EN122Intro World MythologyHUM1XXIntro World Mythology
EN190Intro to LiteratureLIT200Perspectives/Lit
EN201Intro World Lit ILIT2XXIntro World Lit I
EN202Intro World Lit IILIT286Eur Lit Since 1600
EN211Survey of Amer Lit ILIT281Amer Lit to 1885
EN212Survey of Amer Lit IILIT282Amer Lit after 1885
EN218Intro Creat Writ FictWRT2XXIntro Creat Writ Fict
EN221The Short StoryLIT291Short Story
EN223Intro Creat Wrt PoetryWRT2XXIntro Creat Wrt Poetry
EN245News WritingCM271Print Media Writing
ENES100Intro Engineering DesignEGR100Epads I
ENES102StaticsEGR250Engineering Analys I
ENES220Mechanics of MaterialsEGR2XXMech of Materials
ENES240Sci & Engr CompEGR2XXSci & Engr Comp
ENG190Intro to LiteratureLIT200Perspectives/Lit
ENGL101Intro to College WritingFCO105Rhetorical Comm
ENGL102Crit Read/Writ/Res WRT1XXCrit Read/Writ/Res
ENGL103Cr Rdg, Wrtg, Res Wrkpl FCO210Comm Prof Cultures
ENGL110Princ of Grammar WRT1XXPrinc of Grammar
ENGL122Intro to World Myth HUM1XXIntro to World Myth
ENGL190Intro to Literature LIT200Intro Lit & Text Stud
ENGL201World Lit I LIT2XXWorld Lit I
ENGL202HAIntro to World Lit II02LIT2XXIntro to World Lit II
ENGL202HBIntro to World Lit II B02  
ENGL211Survey of Amer Lit I LIT281Amer Lit/Identity I
ENGL213Survey of British Lit I LIT283Ancient to Early Mod Brit Lit
ENGL251Intro to Journalism WRT2XXIntro to Journalism
ENGL264Intro to Creat Writ Fict CRW382Fiction Writing
ENGL265Adv Creat Writ/Fict CRW3XXAdv Creat Writ/Fict
ENGL272Intro to Creative Writ Poetry CRW372Poetry Writing
ES100Intro Engineering Des EGR100Epads I
ES102Statics ME250Statics
ES220Mechanics of Mat ME264Strength/Matrls
ES221Dynamics ME252Dynamics/Vibrtn
ES232Thermodynamics ME320Thermodynamics
FILM110Introduction to Film FLM216Intro to Film
FILM210Screenwriting CRW377Screenwriting
FM103Intro to Nutrition NUR202Nutrition
FR101Elem French I FRN101Elem French I
FR201Inter French I FRN201Inter French I
FR202Inter French II FRN202Inter French II
FREN102Elem French II FRN102Elem French II
FREN201Inter French I FRN201Inter French I
GD110Digital Tools Graphics ART1XXDigital Tools Graphics
GD121Fund Graphic Design I ART134Concpts Comp Grhcs
GDES140Intro Animation ART1XXIntro Animation
GE110Global Geog G1XXGlobal Geog
GEOG101Intro to Geography G100World Reg Geography
GEOG124Phys Geography G151Intro Physical Geog
GEOG130Global Geography G1XXGlobal Geography
GEOG130Global Geography G100World Reg Geography
GEOL101Physical Geology ESS1XXPhysical Geology
GHUM101Global Humanities HUM1XXGlobal Humanities
GL101Phys Geology ESS1XXPhys Geology
GL102Historical Geology ESS1XXHistorical Geology
HE100Prin Health Living NPE1XXPrin Health Living
HE101Pers & Comm Health NPE1XXNon Prog Elect
HE101Pers & Comm Health PE1XXPhysical Ed Elect
HE1071st Aid Safety EDU305Responding/Emerg
HE108Nutr for Fit & Wellness PE1XXPhys Ed Elect
HE108Nutr for Fit & Wellness NPE1XXNon Prog Elect
HE109Pers Hlth Fit PE134Concpts Phys Actvty
HE111Drugs & Life Wellness PE1XXPhys Ed Elect
HE111Drugs & Life Wellness NPE1XXNon Prog Elect
HE112Health Issues/Sexuality NPE1XXHealth Issues/Sexuality
HE150Fit/Nutr Weight Mgmt PE1XXPhys Ed Elect
HE150Fit/Nutr Weight Mgmt NPE1XXNon Prog Elect
HE202Control Stress/Tension PE1XXControl Stress/Ten
HE204Womens Health WGS210Women's Health
HI125Medical Terminology RT105Medical Terminology
HI125Medical Terminology BIO201Medical Terminology
HINM115Medical Terminology 1 HSC105Medical Terminology
HIS161Eur/17th Cent to Pres HIS102Western Civ II
HIS186Hist Anc World HIS300Ancnt Hist to 476
HIST114The World in 20th Cent HIS1XXThe World in 20th Century
HIST116World History AD 1500 HIS121World History I
HIST117World Hist 1500-Present HIS1XXWorld Hist 1500-Present
HIST117HAWorld Hist 1500-Present03HIS1XXWorld Hist 1500-Present
HIST117HBWorld Hist 1500-Present03  
HIST200US Hist Colonial-1865 HIS111American Civ I
HIST201US Hist 1865-Pres HIS112American Civ II
HIST225History of Maryland HIS2XXHistory of Maryland
HIST228Women in Western World HIS2XXWomen in Western World
HIST235Hist African Amer to 1865 HIS2XXHist African Amer to 1865
HIST260The United States since 1945 HIS367Recent Amer/1945-Prs
HIST263Hist of Eng 1688-Pres HIS2XXHist of Eng 1688-Pres
HLTH100Prin Health Living PAW1XXPrin Health Living
HLTH105Pers & Comm Health PAW134Concpts Phys Actvty
HLTH212Control Stress/Tension PAW2XXControl Stress/Ten
HP104AGFund Conc NPE1XXFund Conc
HS112Women in World Hist HIS1XXWomen in World Hist
HS114World in 20th Cent HIS122World History II
HS116World Hist to A.D. 1500 HIS121World History I
HS117World Hist 1500-Pres HIS122World History II
HS118History of Sport SPM1XXHistory of Sport
HS118History of Sport HIS1XXHistory of Sport
HS129Hist Afr Amer to 1865 HIS1XXHist Afr Amer to 1865
HS135Hist of Afr Amer HIS1XXHist of Afr Amer
HS151Eur/Fall Frome to 17 Cent HIS101Western Civ I
HS161Europe/17th Cent to Pres HIS102Western Civ II
HS186Hist Ancient World HIS300Ancnt Hist to 476
HS201Amer Hist 1492-1865 HIS111American Civ I
HS202Hist of U.S. from 1865 HIS112American Civ II
HS203Latin Amer Hist HIS343Modern Latin Amer
HS208Modern Asia HIS2XXModern Asia
HS229African Hist to 1800 HIS2XXAfrican Hist to 1800
ID105Int: Tech Draw & Draft ART1XXInt: Tech Draw & Draft
IS273Integrated Arts HUM2XXIntegrated Arts
ISTD173Integrated Arts ART1XXIntegrated Arts
IT101Elementary Italian I ITL101Elem Italian I
KORA101Elementary Korean I NPE1XXElementary Korean I
KR101Elem Korean I L1XXElem Korean I
LA104Interprsnl, Legal Intvw Comm CM1XXInterprsnl, Lgl Int Comm
LIBR110Fund of Library Research WRT1XXFund of Library Research
LING200Intro to Linguistics LIT310Language/Linguistics
MA100Intermediate Algebra MAT102Prelim Math/Prob Solv
MA101Int Algebra Lib Arts MAT102Prelim Math/Prob Solv
MA103Int Algebra MAT102Prelim Math/Prob Solv
MA105Intro to Trigonometry MAT1XXIntro to Trigonometry
MA107Business Math MAT1XXBusiness Math
MA110Survey of College MathMAT105College Algebra
MA112Intro College Math IMAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MA115AMathematical IdeasMAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MA116Elements of StatisticsQBA260Business Statistics
MA116Elements of StatisticsMAT250Statistics
MA116Elements of StatisticsBEH260Statistics
MA117Elements of StatisticsBEH260Statistics
MA117Elements of StatisticsMAT250Statistics
MA118Intro AnalysisMAT108Precalculus
MA130Elem Math I Number SysMAT115Sets/Number Systems
MA132Elem Math III Stat & ProbMAT215Sets/Number Sys II
MA160Elem Applied Calc IMAT120Applied Calculus
MA181Calculus IMAT171Calculus I
MA182Calculus IIMAT172Calculus II
MA280Multivariable CalculusMAT271Calculus III
MA282Differential EquationsMAT272Diff Equations
MATH110Survey of College MathMAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MATH113Intro to ProbabilityMAT250Statistics
MATH113Intro to ProbabilityBEH260Statistics
MATH113Intro to ProbabilityQBA260Business Stats I
MATH115Math IdeasMAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MATH117Elem of StatisticsBEH260Statistics
MATH117Elem of StatisticsMAT250Statistics
MATH117Elem of StatisticsQBA260Business Statistics
MATH120Survey of MathMAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MATH150Elem Applied CalcMAT120Applied Calculus
MATH181Calculus IMAT171Calculus I
MATH182Calculus IIMAT172Calculus II
MATH280Multivariable CalculusMAT271Calculus III
MATH282Differential EquationsMAT272Diff Equations
ME100Weather & ClimateESS1XXEarth Sci Elective no lab
MG101Principles of ManagementMGT150Prin of Management
MG103Intro MarketingMKT100Prin Marketing
MG201Bus Law IBUS260Legal Environment
MGMT101Prin of ManagementMGT150Prin of Management
MGMT201Business LawBUS260Legal Environment
MU005Applied Music LaboratoryMUS1XXApplied Music Laboratory
MU106Class Piano IMUS140Class Piano
MU108Class VoiceMUS146Voice Class
MU110Listening to MusicMUS200Music Appreciation
MU111World MusicMUS281World Music
MU113EApplied Music SaxophoneMUS130Saxophone
MU113UAppl Music VoiceMUS102Voice
MU114NApplied Music ViolinMUS108Violin
MU114UAppl Music VoiceMUS201Voice
MU115EApplied Music SaxophoneMUS330Saxophone
MU115UApplied Music VoiceMUS101Voice
MU115ZAppl MusicMUS114Double Bass
MU123Music Theory IMUS182Music Theory I
MU124Ear Train/Sight Sing I MUS184Sight Singing I
MU136American Popular Music MUS287American Pop Music
MU139Intro to Music Theory MUS181Found Music Theory
MU140Musical Theater Prod MUS1XXMusical Theater Prod
MU150Music Theory II MUS183Music Theory II
MU161College Chorus MUS150YCChorale
MU172Col Band - Wind Ensemble MUS164Symphony Orchestra
MU181CJazz Ensemble MUS162Jazz Ensemble
MU211Survey of Music Lit I MUS290Intro Music Lit
MU212Survey of Music Lit II MUS2XXSurvey of Music Lit II
MU226Music Theory III MUS282Music Theory III
MUSC110Listening to Music MUS186Listening to Music
MUSC117HAWorld Music04MUS281World Music
MUSC117HBWorld Music04  
MUSC125History of Jazz MUS286Jazz History
MUSC131American Pop Music MUS287American Pop Music
MUSC163College Chorus MUS1XXCollege Chorus
MUSC170Chamber Singers MUS152Chamber Singers
MUSC184Intro Music Theory MUS181Found Music Theory
MUSC187Musical Theatre Prod MUS1XXMusical Theatre Prod
NF103Introduction to Nutrition NUR202Nutrition
NUTR101Intro to Nutrition NUR202Nutrition
NWIT127Microcomputer Essentials IFS100Info Tech Competncy
NWIT127Microcomputer Essentials IFS105Personal Computing
NWIT151Intro to Networking IFS1XXIntro to Networking
NWIT173Network Security IFS1XXNetwork Security
NWIT252CISCO Networking 2 IFS230Internet Communications
NWIT263Intro to Digital Forensics IFS1XXIntro to Digital Forensics
PC101Physical Science I PSC152Physical Sci I
PE103Fencing I PE1XXFencing I
PE105Beginning Golf PE1XXBeginning Golf
PE111Martial Arts I PE1XXMartial Arts I
PE116Tennis I PE159Tennis
PE117Tennis II PE1XXTennis II
PE121Jazz Dance I PE1XXJazz Dance I
PE129Beg Swimming PE120Beginning Swimming
PE137Swimming for Fitness PE120Beginning Swimming
PE162Soccer PE155Soccer
PE165Yoga PE163Intro to Yoga
PE169Basketball PE152Basketball
PE178Weight Train Des PE119Physical Fitness
PE183Personal Fitness I PE134Concpts Phys Actvty
PE186Strength Train/Cond I PE118Physical Fitness
PE190Rock Climb PE166Indoor Rock Climbing
PH105Conceptual Physics PHY1XXPhysics Elective No Lab
PH161Gen Physics I PHY1XXPhysics Elect No Lab
PH203Gen Physics Non Eng I PHY110Gen Phys:Mech/Ht
PH204Gen Physics Non Engr II PHY112Gen Phys:Elc/Magn
PH262General Physics II PHY260Eng Phys:Elct/Magn
PH263Gen Physics III PHY262Eng Phys: Opt/Mod
PHED152Basketball PE152Basketball
PHED177Rock Climbing PE166Indoor Rock Climbing
PHIL101Intro Philosophy PHL221Intro Philosophy
PHIL140Intro to the Study of Ethics PHL223Contemp Moral Prob
PHIL143Intro to Study/Relg REL1XXIntro to Study/Relg
PHIL190Elem Logic & Semantics PHL231Logic
PHYS105Conceptual Physics PSC152Phys/Everyday Life
PHYS161Gen Physics I PHY1XXPhysics Elect No Lab
PHYS203General Physics PHY110Gen Phys:Mech/Ht
PHYS204Gnrl Physics Non Engr II PHY112Gen Phys:Elc/Magn
PHYS262Gen Physics II PHY260Eng Phys:Elct/Magn
PHYS263Gen Physics III PHY262Eng Phys: Opt/Mod
PL180Morality & Contemp Law PHL1XXMorality & Contemp Law
PL190Elem Logic & Semantics PHL231Logic
PL201Intro Philosophy PHL221Intro Philosophy
PL203Intro Study of Religion REL265World Religions
POLI101American Govt PS101Amer Gov/Citizenship
POLI203HAInternational Relations05PS302International Rel
POLI203HBInternational Relations05  
POLI211Comparative Politics PS260Comparative Politics
PS101Amer Govt PS141American Governmnt
PS105Intro Pol Sci PS1XXIntro Pol Sci
PS121Political Ideologies PS1XXPolitical Ideologies
PS201Comp Pol & Govt PS260Comparative Politics
PS203Intl Relations PS302International Rel
PSCI101Physical Science I PSC152Physical Sci I
PSYC102General Psychology PSY100General Psychology
PSYC204Intro Psych Personality PSY2XXIntro Psych Personality
PSYC211Social Psychology PSY243Social Psychology
PSYC216Adolescent Psych PSY221Child/Adol Develop
PSYC221Intro to Abnormal Psychology PSY230Abnormal Psych
PSYC224Cult Psychology PSY2XXCult Psychology
PSYC227Educational Psych EDU370Psych of Learning
PY102General Psychology PSY100General Psychology
PY201Gen Psychology PSY100General Psychology
PY203Hum Grwth & Dev PSY2XXHum Grwth & Dev
PY203Hum Grwth & Dev NUR201Nursing HD/HC
PY206Psych Human Sexuality PSY2XXPsych Hum Sexuality
PY211Social Psychology PSY243Social Psychology
PY215Child Psychology PSY221Child/Adol Develop
PY216Adolescent Psychology PSY2XXAdolescent Psychology
PY221Intro Abnormal Psychology PSY230Abnormal Psych
PY227Ed Psychology EDU375Psy Learning/Second
PY227Ed Psychology EDU370Psych of Learning
SL101Structural Amer Sign Lang I CM150Beg Sign Language
SN101Elem Spanish I SPN101Elem Spanish I
SN102Elem Spanish II SPN102Elem Spanish II
SO101Intro Sociology SOC100Intro Sociology
SO105Social Prob & Issues SOC220Am Social Problems
SO107Criminology SOC1XXCriminology
SO108Women & Men in Am Soc SOC1XXWom & Men in Am Soc
SO204Marriage & Family SOC225The Family
SO206Soc of Personality SOC2XXSoc of Personality
SOCY100Intro to Sociology SOC100Intro Sociology
SOCY105Social Prob & IssuesSOC220Am Social Problems
SOCY105Social Prob & IssuesSOC220Am Social Problems
SOCY214Soc of the familySOC225The Family
SOCY240Sociology of Age & AgingSOC2XXSociology of Age & Aging
SP108Intro Hum CommCM212Public Speaking
SP109Voice & DictionCM1XXVoice & Diction
SP112Bus & Pro Speech CommCM104Human Communicatn
SPAN101Elem Spanish ISPN101Elem Spanish I
SPAN102Elem Spanish IISPN102Elem Spanish II
SPAN201Inter Spanish ISPN201Inter Spanish I
TH108Intro to TheatreTHE254Intro Theatre
TH109Fund of ActingTHE262Acting
TH112Int ActingTHE1XXInt Acting
TH117Fund of Play DirectingTHE1XXFund of Play Directing
TH119Theat Makeup TechTHE1XXTheat Makeup Tech
TH120Performance ProdTHE1XXPerformance Prod
TH121Mov For PerformerTHE1XXMov For Performer
THET100Intro TheatreTHE154Introduction to Theatre
THET110Fund of ActingTHE262Acting
THET125Script AnalysisTHE291Script Analy & Drama
TR101Digital Video EditingCM1XXDigital Video Editing
TR129Intro to BroadcastingCM120Broadcast Perform I
TR130Television ProductionCM120Broadcast Perform I
TR139Writing for TV & RadioCM1XXWrtg for TV & Radio
TR240Advan Television ProdCM2XXAdvan Television Prod
TVRA105Electronic MediaCM225Intro New Media
TVRA120TV ProductionCM120Broadcast Perform I
TVRA125Audio Production TechCM226Audio Productn
TVRA129Writing for Broad & MediaCM1XXWriting for Broad & Media
TVRA134Media AppreciationCM1XXMedia Appreciation
TVRA140Video EditingCM1XXVideo Editing
TVRA224Elec Fld ProductionCM2XXElec Fld Production
TVRA227Broadcast JournalismCM2XXBroadcast Journalism
TVRA230Adv TV ProductionCM320Broadcast Perfrm II
TVRA234Television DirectingCM2XXTelevision Directing
TVRA236Video ProductionCM2XXVideo Production
TVRA239Broadcast MgmtCM2XXBroadcast Mgmt
TVRA255Adv Broadcast JournalismCM2XXAdv Broadcast Jour
WMST101Intro to Women's StudiesWGS200Women/Gender Stud
WS101Intro to Women's StudiesWGS200Women/Gender Studies
Montgomery County Community CollegeYork College of Pennsylvania
ACC110Business MathMAT1XXBusiness Math
ACC111Accounting Prin IACC1XXAccounting Prin I
ACC112Acct Prin IIACC220Financial Acct
ACC115Financial AccountingACC220Financial Acct
ACC116Manageral AccountingACC225Managerial Acct
ACC150Legal Environment of BusBUS260Legal Environment
ACC231Man Cost AcctACC225Managerial Acct
ANT100Intro Phys AnthroANT210Physical Anthropol
ANT104Intro Cultural AnthroANT220Cult Anthropology
ART101Art His I Cave PaintingART204Survey West Art I
ART102Art Hist II (Rena to Post Imp)ART205Survey West Art II
ART103Art Hist IIIART205Survey West Art II
ART111Drawing IART215Drawing I
ART112Drawing IIART265Drawing II
ART121Painting IART220Painting I
ART121Painting IART114Concepts/Painting
ART122Painting IIART270Painting II
ART131Color TheoryART210Design I
ART135TypographyART218Typography I
ART138Digital Art IART206Elements Comp Graph
ART148Comp Graphics IART1XXComp Graphics I
ART151Basic Photography IART245Photography I
ART161Ceramics IART225Ceramics I
ART171Printmaking IART219Typography II
ART211Drawing IIIART315Drawing III
ART221Painting IIIART320Painting III
ART261Ceramics IIART275Ceramics II
AST120Intro to AstronomyESS154Intro/Astronomy
BIO103Intro Human A & PBIO112Essentials of A & P
BIO115Environmental BiologyBIO1XXBiology Elect No Lab
BIO120Concepts of BiologyBIO204Exploring Biology
BIO121General Biology IBIO151Intro Mole Bio Lab
BIO121General Biology IBIO142Molecule/Gene/Cell
BIO121General Biology IBIO150Intro Molecular Bio
BIO121General Biology IBIO143Mole/Gene/Cell Lab
BIO122General Biology IIBIO152Biology II
BIO131Human Anat & Phys IBIO220Human A/P I
BIO132Human Anat & Phys IIBIO222Human A/P II
BIO140Microbiol & ImmunologyBIO230Microbiology
BIO151Prin of Bio IBIO150Biology I
BIO152Prin of Bio IIBIO152Biology II
BIO299Indep Study Bio IIBIO2XXBiology Elect No Lab
BIT120Intro to BiotechnologyBIO1XXIntro to Biotechnology
BIT123Tech & Instrum in BITBIO1XXTech & Instrum in BIT
CHE121Gen Chem InorganicCHM134Gen Chem I
CHE122Gen Chem OrganicCHM122Prin Gen/Org Chem
CHE131Chemistry for Tech ICHM1XXChem for Tech I
CHE150Essentials of ChemCHM1XXEssentials of Chem
CHE151Prin of Chem ICHM123Gen/Org Chem Lab
CHE151Prin of Chem ICHM134Gen Chem I
CHE151Prin of Chem ICHM135Gen Chem I Lab
CHE151Prin of Chem ICHM122Prin Gen/Org Chem
CHE152Prin of Chem IICHM136Gen Chem II
CHE152Prin of Chem IICHM137Gen Chem II Lab
CHE261Organic Chem ICHM234Organic Chem I
CHE262Organic Chem IICHM236Organic Chem II
CIS100Intro to PC'sIFS105Personal Computing
CIS110Comp Info for MgmtIFS105Personal Computing
CIS110Comp Info for MgmtIFS100Info Tech Competncy
CIS1101Intro Prob Solv/ProgIFS1XXIntro Prob Solv/Prog
CIS111Comp Sci ICS101Fund Comp Sci I
CIS111BComp Sci IICS1XXComp Sci II
CIS112Comp Sci IIICS1XXComp Sci III
CIS113PCMaint & SupportIFS1XXPCMaint & Support
CIS114Web Design & DevelopIFS1XXWeb Design & Develop
CIS148Comp Graphics IART134Concpts Comp Grhcs
CIS155PCApplications on NetwksIFS105Personal Computing
CIS170Intro to NetworksIFS1XXIntro to Networks
CIS243Integ Office Soft ApplIFS2XXIngeg Office Soft Appl
CIS245Database Mgmt SystemsIFS285Intro to Database
CJS100Intro Criminal JusticeCCJ101Intro Crim Justice
CJS105Crim LawCCJ1XXCrim Law
CJS106Crim ProcedureCCJ1XXCrim Procedure
CJS200Crim InvestigationCCJ2XXCrim Investigation
CJS201Intro to Criminal ForensicsFCM210Criminalistics
CMS110Speech CommCM212Public Speaking
CMS115Interpersonal CommCM329Interpersonal Comm
CMS120Public SpeakingCM212Public Speaking
CMS230Communication in OrganizationsCM328Organizational Comm
COM101Intro Mass MediaCM211Mass Communication
COM105Intro to ActingTHE262Acting
COM160Media Lit WorkshopCM211Mass Communication
COM230The Movies: Mean & MethFLM216Intro to Film
COU121Psychology of Career DevNPE1XXPsychology of Career Dev
DAN110Intro to Dance as ArtPAW1XXDance as Art
ECO110Elements of EconECO205Economic Perspctvs
ECO111Personal FinanceFIN218Personal Finance
ECO121MacroeconomicsECO200Prin Econ-Macro
ECO122MicroeconomicsECO201Prin Econ-Micro
EDU100Intro to EducationEDU1XXIntro to Ed
EDU120Teaching with TechEDU1XXTeaching with Tech
EDU210Teach Young ChildEDU2XXTeach Young Child
EDU213Work Spec Needs ChSPE2XXWork Spec Needs Ch
EDU225Guid Child ReadingEDU2XXGuid Child Reading
EDU226Art for Young ChildEDU2XXArt for Young Child
EDU227Tech MathematicsEDU2XXTech Mathematics
EDU228Lit Early Child & Ele EdEDU2XXLit Early Child & El Ed
EDU233Early Childhood CurrEDU1XXEarly Childhood Curr
EDU240Teach English LangEDU225Instrc Needs/ELL
EDU250Student TeachingEDU2XXStudent Teaching
EGR102Intro to EngineeringEGR150Computational Methods
EGR111Engineering CompEGR1XXEngineering Comp
EGR115Engineering GraphicsEGR100Epads I
EGR203Engineering StaticsEGR250Statics
EGR204Engineering DynamicsME252Dynamics and Vibration
EGR211Linear Electrical Systems IME270Mechatronics
EGR213Mechanics of MaterialsEGR264Strength/Materials
ENG101English Comp IFCO105Rhetorical Comm
ENG102English Comp IIWRT1XXEng Comp II
ENG115Writing to Tech CommFCO215Tech/Scientfc Comm
ENG117Writing for Business/IndustFCO210Comm Prof Cultures
ENG211Survey of Amer Lit ILIT281Amer Lit to 1885
ENG221Lit of Western World ILIT283Ancient to Early Mod Brit Lit
ENG246African American LitLIT203African/Amer Lit
ENG255Women in LiteratureLIT382Women In Literature
ENG255Women in LiteratureWGS382Women In Literature
ENG256Lit and FilmLIT393Literature & Film
ENG265Intro Creative WritingCRW272Intro Creative Wrt
ESW102Intro Phys EdPE1XXPhys Ed Elect
ESW113Racquetball & BadmintonPE1XXRacquetball & Badminton
ESW137Intro to TennisPAW159Tennis
ESW146Cond, Weight TrnPE118Physical Fitness
ESW148Hatha YogaPAW163Yoga
ESW160Martial Arts & Self DefPE130Self Defense
ESW206Basic NutritionNUR202Nutrition
ESW207Food & CultureHSP2XXFood & Culture
ESW210Holistic HealthNPE2XXHolistic Health
ESW235Personal Health & WellnessPE134Concpts Phys Actvty
ESW236Personal Health & WellPAW234Well/Fitness/Life
ESW245Safety & First AidSPM205Responding/Emerg
ESW245Safety & First AidSPM301Responding/Emerg
ESW245Safety & First AidEDU305Responding/Emerg
ESW255Human SexualityBEH2XXHuman Sexuality
FRE101Elem French IFRN101Elem French I
FRE102Elem French IIFRN102Elem French II
GER101Elem German IGRM101Elem German I
GER102Elem German IIGRM102Elem German II
GLG115Envir GeologyESS1XXEnvironmental Geology
GLG120Earth ScienceESS152Earth/Space Sci
GLG151Phys GeologyESS1XXPhys Geology
HCP220General PharmacologyBIO1XXGeneral Pharmacology
HCP224Med TerminologyBIO201Medical Terminology
HCP224Med TerminologyRT105Medical Terminology
HIS101Hist W. Civ IHIS101Foundation/West
HIS102Hist W Civ IIHIS102Western Civ II
HIS103Hist W. Civ Anc HistHIS300Ancnt Hist to 476
HIS105Hist W Civ MedievalHIS101Western Civ I
HIS107Hist W. Civ Mod EurHIS1XXHist W. Civ Mod Eur
HIS121World Civ I: to 1500HIS121World History I
HIS122World Civilization IIHIS122World History II
HIS203Hist of U.S. to 1877HIS111American Civ I
HIS205Hist of U.S. From 1877HIS112American Civ II
HIS214African-Amer Hist & CultHIS2XXAfrican-American Hist & Cult
HIS225Top in Mod HistHIS2XXTop in Mod Hist
HIS234Asian CivHIS2XXAsian Civ
HIS241History of HolocaustHIS2XXHist of Holocaust
HIS250Hist of Modern Middle EastHIS2XXHist of Modern Middle East
HIS260Russia from Tsarism to PutinHIS2XXRussia from Tsarism to Putin
HSW101Human Serv IBEH1XXHuman Serv I
ITA101Elem Italian IITL101Elem Italian I
JPN101Elem Japanese IL1XXElem Japanese I
JPN102Elem Japanese IIL1XXElem Japanese II
MAT100Intermed AlgebraMAT102Prelim Math/Prob Solv
MAT100Interm AlgebraMAT105College Algebra
MAT103Math for Elementary EdMAT115Sets/Number Systems
MAT104Found of Math IIMAT215Sets/Number Sys II
MAT106Math ApplicationsMAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MAT108Math Cult & ConcMAT1XXMath Cult & Conc
MAT117Applied CalculusMAT120Applied Calculus
MAT125Discrete MathMAT235Discrete Mathemtcs
MAT130Prob & StatisticsQBA260Data Driven Dec Making
MAT130Prob & StatisticsBEH260Statistics
MAT130Prob & StatisticsMAT250Statistics
MAT131Intro to Stats IBEH260Statistics
MAT131Intro to Stats IQBA260Business Statistics
MAT131Intro to Stats IMAT250Statistics
MAT132Intro to Statistics IIQBA265Business Stats II
MAT132Intro to Statistics IIMAT1XXIntro to Stats II
MAT140Finite Math for BusMAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MAT140Finite Math for BusMAT1XXFinite Math for Bus
MAT142Calc for BusinessMAT120Applied Calculus
MAT161Precalculus IMAT102Prelim Math/Prob Solv
MAT161Precalculus IMAT108Precalculus
MAT162Precalc IIMAT1XXPrecalculus II
MAT162Precalc IIMAT108Precalculus
MAT188Calculus w/Rev Funct IMAT171Calculus I
MAT189Calculus w/Rev Funct IIMAT172Calculus II
MAT190Calc & Analytic Geom IMAT171Calculus I
MAT201Calc Analytic Geom IIMAT172Calculus II
MAT202Calc & Anat Geometry IIMAT271Calculus III
MAT223Differential EquationsMAT272Diff Equations
MGT110Intro to BusinessBUS150Intro to Business
MGT111Prin of ManagementMGT150Prin of Management
MGT114Strat Analytics for LeadMGT1XXSrat Analytics for Lead
MGT121Small Bus MgtMGT1XXSmall Bus Mgt
MGT131Human Res MgmtMGT220Human Resource Mgt
MKT111Principles of MarketingMKT100Prin Marketing
MKT121Creative SellingMKT220Personal Selling
MKT131Advertising & PromoMKT1XXAdvertising & Promo
MKT211Digital MarketingMKT355Digital Marketing
MSP230The Movies: Mean & MethodsFLM216Intro to Film
MUS110Music AppreciationMUS186Listening to Music
MUS113Music in Amer CultMUS287American Pop Music
MUS120Music FundMUS181Found Music Theory
MUS133College Choir IMUS1XXCollege Choir I
MUS160Jazz Ensemble IMUS162Jazz Ensemble
MUS233Chamber Choir IMUS2XXChamber Choir I
NUR106Concepts of NursingNUR1XXConcepts of Nursing
OFM101Business Software EssentialsIFS100Info Tech Competncy
OFM101Business Software EssentialsIFS105Personal Computing
PEH100Found of P.E.PE1XXFound of P.E.
PEH102Intro Phys Ed & Exer ScNPE1XXNon Program Elective
PEH102Intro Phys Ed & Exer ScPE1XXPhysical Education Elective
PEH106AerobicsPE136Aerobic Dance
PEH117Creative Dance IPE117Modern Dance
PEH128Walk, Jog, RunPE1XXWalk, Jog, Run
PEH142Int VolleyballPE160Volleyball
PEH146Cond, Weight Trn & ConPE118Physical Fitness
PEH148Hatha YogaPE163Yoga
PEH160Martial Arts Self-DefensePE137Intro Martial Arts
PEH180Health & WellNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
PEH180Health & WellPE1XXPhys Ed Elect
PEH206Basic NutritionNUR202Nutrition
PEH235Pers Health & WellnessPE1XXPhysical Ed Elective
PEH235Pers Health & WellnessNPE1XXNon Program Elective
PHI100Intro to PhilosophyPHL221Intro Philosophy
PHI110Intro to LogicPHL231Logic
PHI120Ethical IssuesPHL346Bioethics
PHI215Comp ReligionsREL265World Religions
PHY121Gen Physics IPHY110Gen Phys:Mech/Ht
PHY122Gen Physics IIPHY112Gen Phys:Elc/Magn
PHY151Principles of Physics IPHY160Eng Phys:Mechncs
PHY152Principles of Physics IIPHY260Eng Phys:Elct/Magn
POL101Intro to Pol SciPS1XXIntro to Pol Sci
POL124American National GovtPS101Amer Gov/Citizenship
POL124American National GovtPS141American Governmnt
POL125Amer State & Local GovPS242State/Local Govt
PSY101Intro to PsychologyPSY100General Psychology
PSY137Intro Industrial/OrgPSY1XXIntro Industrial/Org
PSY200Child PsychologyPSY221Child/Adol Develop
PSY204Adolescent PsychologyPSY2XXAdolescent Psychology
PSY206Human Devel/Life SpanNUR201Nursing HD/HC
PSY206Human Devel/Life SpanPSY2XXHum Dev Life Span
PSY210Ed PsychologyEDU375Psy Learning/Second
PSY210Ed PsychologyEDU370Psych of Learning
PSY214Social PsychologyPSY243Social Psychology
PSY215Abnormal PsychologyPSY230Abnormal Psych
PSY217Drugs - Their Use & AbuseSOC210Drugs and Society
PSY231Research Methods in PsychPSY2XXResearch Methods in Psych
PSY255Human SexualityPSY2XXHum Sexuality
SOC101Intro to SociologySOC100Intro Sociology
SOC103Social ProbSOC220Am Social Problems
SOC130Intro Youth & Fam SysSOC225The Family
SOC224Minorities in the U.S.SOC2XXMinorities in the U.S.
SOC230Soc of FamiliesSOC225The Family
SOC244Soc of Death & DyingSOC2XXSoc of Death & Dying
SP201Int Spanish ISPN201Inter Spanish I
SPA101Elementary Spanish ISPN101Elem Spanish I
SPA102Elementary Spanish IISPN102Elem Spanish II
SPA201Int Spanish ISPN201Inter Spanish I
SPA202Intermed Spanish IISPN202Inter Spanish II
SPA215Spanish Conversation ISPN205Inter Spanish Conv
SPA216Spanish Conversation IISPN2XXSpanish Conversation II
SPC110Fund of SpeechCM212Public Speaking
SPC120Public SpeakingCM104Human Communicatn
SPC120Public SpeakingCM212Public Speaking
SPC230Comm in OrganizationsCM246Comm/Business Prof
SRT137The Language of Digital MediaCM1XXThe Language of Digital Media
THA105Intro to Acting ITHE1XXIntro to Acting I
THA105Intro to Acting ITHE262Acting
THA114Theatre AppreciationTHE154Introduction to Theatre
Nassau Community CollegeYork College of Pennsylvania
ACC101Accounting IACC1XXAccounting I
ACC102Accounting IIACC220Financial Acct
ACC104Managerial AcctACC225Managerial Acct
ACC201Inter Accounting IACC2XXInter Accounting I
ACC202Inter Accounting 2ACC2XXInter Accounting 2
AFR130Afr Amer Lit ILIT203African/Amer Lit
AFR141Afr Amer Hist IIHIS1XXAfr Amer Hist II
AFR142Hist of African CivHIS140History of Africa I
AFR152Persp on JazzMUS286Jazz History
AFR170Black Soc PhilINT1XXBlack Soc Phil
AFR185Afro-American CultureSOC1XXAfro-American Culture
AHS101Intro to Allied Health SciNPE1XXIntro to Allied Health Sci
AHS131Anat & Phys IBIO220Human A/P I
AHS131Anat & Phys IBIO1XXAnat & Phys I
AHS132Anat & Phys IIBIO222Human A/P II
AHS202Medical MicrobiologyBIO230Microbiology
ANT203Gen AnthropologyANT2XXGen Anthropology
ART100Intro Visual ArtART101Intro Art Apprec
ART104Art Hist-ContART205Survey West Art II
ART1052-D DesignART210Design I
ART1063-D DesignART1XX3-D Design
ART111Drawing IART215Drawing I
ART112Drawing IIART265Drawing II
ART115Painting IART114Concepts/Painting
ART115Painting IART220Painting I
ART116Painting 2ART270Painting II
ART117IllustrationART223Illustration I
ART118Figure Drawing IART216Figure Drawing I
ART122Ceramics IART225Ceramics I
ART123Sculpture IART116Concepts/Sculpture
ART123Sculpture IART230Sculpture I
ART125Photography IART245Photography I
ART130Microcomp Graphics IART200Intro to Graphic Design
ART130Microcomp Graphics IART1XXMicrocomp Graphics I
ART131Electronic ImagingART1XXElectronic Imaging
ART137Comp IllustrationART1XXComp Illustration
ART147Potter's WheelART225Ceramics I
ART201Surv Art History IART204Survey West Art I
ART202Surv Art HistoryIIART205Survey West Art II
ART225Photography 2ART246Digital Photography
ART226Adv B & W PhotoART2XXAdv B & W Photo
ART228Photojournal/Doc PhotoART2XXPhotojournal/Doc Photo
ASL152Amer Sign Lang ICM150Beg Sign Language
ASL153Amer Sign Lang IICM250Adv Sign Language
AST101Solar Sys AstronomyESS154Intro/Astronomy
BIO101General Biology IBIO150Biology I
BIO102Gen Biology IIBIO152Biology II
BIO103EcologyBIO212Environmntl Bio
BIO104ZoologyBIO208Biology of Animals
BIO109Principles of Biology IBIO150Biology I
BIO110Principles of Biology IIBIO152Biology II
BIO115Human Bio NutritionBIO226Food & Nutrition
BIO116Human GeneticsBIO240Genetics
BIO119OceanologyBIO1XXBiology Elect No Lab
BIO125Intro to Marine ScienceBIO210Marine Biology
BIO162Animal EcologyBIO120Field Nat Hist
BIO165Nat Hist of Long IslandBIO1XXNat Hist of Long Island
BIO201AnatomyBIO220Human A/P I
BIO202PhysiologyBIO222Human A/P II
BIO204Marine BiologyBIO210Marine Biology
BIO219Field BiologyBIO120Field Nat Hist
BIO226Invest/Human Bio NutBIO1XXBiology Elect no lab
BUS100Crtv Prob Solve BusBUS1XXCrtv Prob Solve Bus
BUS110Intro to BusinessBUS150Intro to Business
BUS111EntrepreneurshipENT150Intro Entrepreneur
BUS112Prin of ManagementMGT150Prin of Management
BUS114Intro Intl BusinessIBS200Internatl Business
BUS116Business InternshipBUS1XXBusiness Internship
BUS150Org BehOBD225Org Behavior
BUS180Sport Facility MgmtSPM1XXSport Fac Mgmt
BUS280Intro to Sports MgtSPM2XXIntro to Sports Mgt
BUS800Adv Intl BusinessIBS200Internatl Business
CHE107Gen ChemistryCHM122Prin Gen/Org Chem
CHE131General Chemistry ICHM134Gen Chem I
CHE132General Chemistry IICHM136Gen Chem II
CHE151Inorganic Chem ICHM134Gen Chem I
CHE201Organic Chemistry ICHM234Organic Chem I
CMP100Computer LitIFS1XXComputer Lit
CMP101Intro to ComputersIFS105Personal Computing
CMP103Microcomp Hdw/SoftwIFS105Personal Computing
CMP105Electronic SprdstsIFS1XXElectronic Sprdsts
CMP110Data Com & InternetIFS1XXData Com & Internet
CMP115Computers in BusinessIFS100Info Tech Competncy
CMP115Computers in BusinessIFS105Personal Computing
CMP214Visual BasicIFS160Visual Basic Progrm
COM101Interpersonal CommCM329Interpersonal Comm
COM103Public SpeakingCM104Human Communicatn
COM103Public SpeakingCM212Public Speaking
COM104Film AppreciationFLM1XXFilm Appreciation
COM107Film Prod ICM1XXFilm Prod I
COM109Television JournalismCM1XXTV Journalism
COM110Mass MediaCM211Mass Communication
COM112History of FilmFLM220Film History
COM121Small Grp CommunicationCM1XXSm Grp Communication
COM123Argument & DebateCM310Argumentatn/Debate
COM152American Sign Language ICM150Beg Sign Language
COM170Radio ProdCM231Radio Production I
CRJ101Police Org & AdminCJA234Law Enforcement
CRJ105Foundations of Justice SystemCJA101Intro Crim Justice
CRJ106Underst Crim BehaviorCJA1XXUnderstanding Crim Behav
CRJ110Intro CorrectionCJA1XXIntro Correction
CRJ111Probation & ParoleCJA1XXProbation & Parole
CRJ113Alt to ImprisonmentCJA1XXAlt to Imprisonment
CRJ201Crim InvestigationCJA2XXCrim Investigation
CRJ206Dispute ResolutionCJA2XXDispute Resolution
CRJ212Research in Crime/SecurityCJA2XXResearch in Crime/Sec
CRJ215Juvenile DelinquencyCJA110Juvenile Delinqncy
CRJ216I/I/Cof OffendersCJA2XXI/I/Cof Offenders
CRJ225Criminal LawCJA302Criminal Law
CRJ226Criminal ProcedureCJA2XXCriminal Procedure
CRJ227Constitutional LawCJA2XXConstitutional Law
CRJ228Law of EvidenceCJA2XXLaw of Evidence
DAN126Intro Mod DancePE117Modern Dance
ECO100Survey of EconomicsECO1XXSurvey of Economics
ECO110Pers FinanceBUS218Personal Finance
ECO112Intro InvestmentsECO1XXIntro Investments
ECO207Prin of MacroeconomicsECO200Prin Econ-Macro
ECO208Prin Micro EconECO201Prin Econ-Micro
ECO213Money and BankingECO370Money & Banking
ECO215US Econ HistoryECO2XXUS Econ History
ECO230Intro Intl Econ & FinECO2XXIntro Intl Econ & Fin
EDU206Ed PsychologyEDU370Psych of Learning
EDU206Ed PsychologyEDU375Psy Learning/Second
EDU208Found of EdEDU2XXFound of Ed
EDU235Psych of Except ChildEDU2XXPsych of Except Child
ENG100Enhanced CompFCO105Rhetorical Comm
ENG101Composition IWRT102Analytical Read/Writ
ENG101Composition IFCO105Rhetorical Comm
ENG102Composition IIWRT202Academic Writing
ENG102Composition IIWRT1XXComposition II
ENG105Grammar: Struc & StratWRT1XXGram: Struct & Strat
ENG108Honors English IFCO105Rhetorical Comm
ENG109Honors English IIWRT202Academic Writing
ENG203Early Amer LitLIT281Amer Lit to 1885
ENG204Mod Amer Lit 1865-PresLIT282Amer Lit after 1885
ENG205Early British LitLIT283British Lit to 1750
ENG206Mod Brit Lit 1800-PresLIT284Brt Lit after 1750
ENG215Journalism ICM271Print Media Writing
ENG220Mythology & FolkloreHUM2XXMyth & Folklore
ENG229Native Amer LitLIT2XXNative Amer Lit
ENG233Studies in Sci FictionLIT2XXStudies in Sci Fiction
ENG251Film and LiteratureLIT393Novels into Film
ENG261Lit of HolocaustLIT2XXLit of Holocaust
ENG263Modern American Short StoryLIT2XXModern Am Short Story
ENG265Mod American PoetryLIT343Exper of Poetry
ENG301Shkspr Comedy & HistLIT323Shakespeare I
ENG302Shakespeare TragediesLIT324Shakespeare II
ENG311Masterworks Lit ILIT3XXMasterworks Lit I
ENG313Creative WritingWRT272Intro Creative Wrt
ENG314Studies/Child LitLIT2XXStudies/Child Lit
FBM120Intro Fashion IndMKT1XXIntro Fashion Ind
FIN110Personal FinanceBUS218Personal Finance
FIN111Intro FinanceFIN1XXIntro Finance
FIN112Intro InvestmentsFIN1XXIntro Investments
FRE101Beg French IFRN101Elem French I
GEO101Intro to GeographyG1XXIntro to Geog
GEO103Human GeographyG1XXHuman Geog
GLY101Physical GeologyESS1XXPhysical Geology
GSS106Science of MusicMUS1XXScience of Music
GSS108Science Light/ColorPSC152Physical Sci I
GSS111Sci of Our World IBIO212Environmntl Bio
GSS126Forensic TechnologyCJA1XXForensic Technology
HED200Healthful LivingNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
HED200Healthful LivingPE1XXPhys Ed Elect
HED201Pers & Family HealthNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
HED201Pers & Family HealthPE1XXPhys Ed Elect
HED201Personal & Family HealthPAW234Well/Fitness/Life
HED251Human SexualityBEH2XXHuman Sexuality
HED271Alc Addict Abuse BehSOC210Drug/Alcohol Addctn
HED292Safety & First AidSPM205Responding/Emerg
HIS101Hist of West Civ IHIS101Western Civ I
HIS102His West Civ IIHIS102Western Civ II
HIS103Hist U.S. IHIS111American Civ I
HIS104Hist United States IIHIS112American Civ II
HIS105The World TodayHIS1XXThe World Today
HIS106America TodayHIS367Recent Amer/1945-Prs
HIS137Native AmericanHIS101Foundation/West
HIS161World HistHIS121World History I
HIS162World Hist 1500-PresHIS122World History II
HIS178History of the Black WomanHIS1XXHistory of the Black Woman
HIS190Hist Sports/AmerHIS1XXHist Sports/Amer
HIS206Medieval WorldHIS301Medieval Civ
HIS219Colonial Latin AmerHIS2XXColonial Latin Amer
HIS222Modern Mexico & Central AmHIS2XXModern Mexico & Central Am
HIS232History of the Cold WarHIS2XXHistory/Cold War
HIS234History of IrelandHIS334Hist Modern Ireland
HRS101Human Rights StudiesHUM1XXHum Rights Studies
HTL150Intro to TourismHSP100Intro Hospitality
HTL161Hospitality MgmtHSP101Intro Hosp & Tourism Mgt
HTL162Hosp Human ResourcesHSP320Hum Res Mgt Hosp Indus
HTL165Facilities Plan and DesignHSP240Facility Management
HTL171Food/Beverage OpersHSP300Food/Beverage Mgmt
HTL172Food Serv Cost AnalysisHSP1XXFood Serv Cost Anaylsis
HTL174Fund Food ProductionHSP1XXFund Food Production
HTL175Food & Bev ManagementHSP1XXFood & Bev Mgmt
HTL178Event PlanningHSP1XXEvent Planning
HTL180Front Office MgmtHSP1XXFront Office Mgmt
HTL200Hotel Opers Research SemHSP2XXHotel Opers Research Sem
HTL242Hospitality InternHSP2XXHosp Intern
HUS162World HistoryHIS122World History II
ITA101Beginning Italian IITL101Elem Italian I
ITA102Beginning Italian 2ITL102Elem Italian II
LAS101Intro Latin Amer StudiesINT145Intro Latin America
LAW103Bus Law IBUS260Legal Environment
LAW104Bus Law IIBUS1XXBus Law II
LAW105Intro to Current LawCJA1XXIntro to Current Law
LAW106Sports & the LawPS1XXSports & the Law
MAT100Topical Appr to MathMAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MAT101Concepts of MathMAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MAT102Intro StatisticsQBA260Business Statistics
MAT102Intro StatisticsBEH260Statistics
MAT102Intro StatisticsMAT250Statistics
MAT103Int StatsMAT1XXInt Stats
MAT103Int StatsQBA265Business Stats II
MAT103Applied StatisticsQBA265Business Stats II
MAT109Algebra & TrigMAT108Precalculus
MAT109Algebra & TrigMAT105College Algebra
MAT112Calc Bus & Soc SciMAT120Applied Calculus
MAT118Finite Math: Quan AnalysMAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MAT122Calculus IMAT171Calculus I
MAT123Calculus IIMAT172Calculus II
MDC101Making of Mod Mind IHUM1XXMaking Mod Mind I
MDC102Making Mod Mind IIHUM1XXMaking Mod Mind II
MDC130Post-Mod WorldHUM1XXPost-Mod World
MKT100MarketingMKT100Prin Marketing
MKT101Bus MathMAT1XXBus Math
MKT103Prin SalesmanshipMKT1XXPrin Salesmanship
MKT105Sport MarketingMKT1XXSport Marketing
MKT106Prin AdvertisingMKT1XXPrin Advertising
MKT112Small Business MarketingMKT1XXSm Business Mrkting
MKT130Marketing ResMKT1XXMarketing Res
MKT136Mkt MgmtMKT1XXMkt Mgmt
MKT138Public RelationsMKT1XXPublic Relations
MKT142Field TrainingMKT1XXField Training
MKT145Consum Motv/Buyr BhvMKT1XXConsum Motv/Buyr Bhv
MKT160Intro to Customer ServiceBUS1XXIntro to Customer Serv
MUS100Listening to MusicMUS186Listening to Music
MUS102Beginning PianoMUS140Class Piano
MUS103Beg GuitarMUS148Guitar Class
MUS135Rock Music:Mirror/ChangeMUS288History Rock/Roll
MUS136Beg Voice ClassMUS101Voice
NCC101College ExperienceFYS1XXCollege Experience
NTR158Social & Cult Aspects of FoodNPE1XXSoc & Cult Aspects Food
NTR183Dietary ManagementNUR202Nutrition
NTR192Prin of Food ScienceNPE1XXPrin of Food Science
NTR198Nutrition for HlthcrNUR202Nutrition
PED140Fund of SwimPE1XXFund of Swim
PED171Tennis SkillsPE159Tennis
PED178Fnd Move/RhythmPE1XXFnd Movements/Rhythm
PED200Healthful LivingNPE1XXNon Program Elective
PED200Healthful LivingPE1XXPhysical Education Elective
PED201Pers & Family HealthPE1XXPhys Ed Elect
PED201Pers & Family HealthNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
PED231Death Ed: Hlth PerPSY2XXDeath Ed: Hlth Per
PED235Phys CondPAW1XXPhys Cond
PED251Fam & Hum SexualityPSY2XXFam & Hum Sexuality
PED255Golf CoedPE140Fundamentals/Golf
PED258Bowling CoedPAW1XXBowling Coed
PED271Alc, Addict & Abuse BehSOC210Drug/Alcohol Addctn
PED277Circus Arts CoedPAW1XXCircus Arts Coed
PED284Cardio & CorePAW139Cardiorespty Exercs
PED291Personal HealthPAW234Well/Fitness/Life
PED292Safety & First AidEDU305Responding/Emerg
PED293Community HealthNPE1XXNon Program Elective
PED293Community HealthPE1XXPhysical Education Elective
PED301Phys Cond/Wt Trng IPE118Physical Fitness
PED301Phys Cond/Wt Trng IPE119Physical Fitness
PED303Phys Cond/Weight Tr IIPE1XXPhys Cond/Wt Tr II
PED312Golf IPE140Fundamentals/Golf
PED401Fitness ActivityPE134Concpts Phys Actvty
PED403Weight TrainingPE119Physical Fitness
PED422Tennis IPE159Tennis
PED424Tennis IIPE159Tennis
PED502Tennis IPE159Tennis
PED512Golf IPE140Fundamentals/Golf
PED512Golf IPE140Fundamentals/Golf
PED519Self DefensePE130Self Defense
PED527Social DancingPE1XXSocial Dancing
PED530Basic Tap DancePE1XXBasic Tap Dance
PED534Basic Jazz DancePE1XXBasic Jazz Dance
PED539Bowling IPE110Beginning Bowling
PED540Bowling IIPE110Beginning Bowling
PED551YogaPE163Intro to Yoga
PED551YogaPE163Intro to Yoga
PED600Phys Ed AthleticsPE1XXPhys Ed Athletics
PED611Fund DancePE117Modern Dance
PED636Adventure ActPE1XXAdventure Act
PED657KaratePE137Intro Martial Arts
PED666Basic SwimmingPE120Beginning Swimming
PHI101Intro Philosophy IPHL221Intro Philosophy
PHI106Intro EthicsPHL341Ethics
PHI107Philo of Sex and GenderPHL1XXPhilo of Sex and Gender
PHI110Bio Medical EthicsPHL1XXBio Medical Ethics
PHI201Ethics & LawPHL2XXEthics & Law
PHI203Philo of ArtPHL2XXPhilo of Art
PHI204Philosophy ReligionREL2XXPhilosophy Religion
PHY101Gen Physics IPHY110Gen Phys:Mech/Ht
PHY102Gen Physics IIPHY112Gen Phys:Elc/Magn
PHY122Mechanics & HydraulPHY160Eng Phys:Mechncs
POL101Gov & Pol Mod WorldPS260Comparative Politics
POL205American National GovtPS141American Governmnt
POL210The U.S. CongressPS362The Congress
PSA111Intro to SecurityCJA1XXIntro Security
PSA225Intro Emerg MgmtCM2XXIntro Emerg Mgmt
PSY203General Psychology IPSY100General Psychology
PSY204Gen Psych II Res MethPSY2XXGen Psych II Res Meth
PSY206Ed PsychologyEDU375Psy Learning/Second
PSY206Ed PsychologyEDU370Psych of Learning
PSY207Indstl PsychPSY2XXIndstl Psych
PSY212Adolescent PsychPSY221Child/Adol Develop
PSY213Child DevelopmentPSY221Child/Adol Develop
PSY215Abnormal PsychologyPSY230Abnormal Psych
PSY216Lifespan DevelopmentPSY2XXLifespan Devlopmnt
PSY216Lifespan DevelopmentNUR201Nursing HD/HC
PSY219Psych of ArtPSY2XXPsych of Art
PSY235Psy/Exceptional ChildPSY2XXPsy/Exceptional Child
PSY241Social PsychologyPSY243Social Psychology
RET107Prin RetailingMKT230Retailing
RET109Vis MerchandisingMKT1XXVis Merchandising
RET111Retail MerchandisingMKT1XXRetail Merchandising
SCI101Prin of Phys Sci IPSC152Physical Sci I
SCI102Material SciencePSC1XXMaterial Science
SCI103Phys GeologyESS1XXPhys Geology
SCI104Historical GeologyG1XXHist Geology
SCI105Sol Sys AstronESS154Intro/Astronomy
SCI107Meteorology ElemESS1XXMeteorology Elem
SCI109Environmental Science IBIO212Environmntl Bio
SCI109Environ ScienceBIO212Environmntl Bio
SCI115Beaches and CoastsESS1XXBeaches and Oceans
SCI119OceanologyESS1XXEarth Sci Elect No Lab
SOC201Intro SociologySOC100Intro Sociology
SOC207Soc ReligionSOC2XXSoc Religion
SOC209Race Class EthnicitySOC2XXRace Class Ethnicity
SOC212Social ProblemsSOC220Am Social Problems
SOC215Social ChangeSOC2XXSocial Change
SOC220Soc of the FamilySOC225The Family
SPA101Beg Spanish ISPN101Elem Spanish I
SPA102Beg Spanish IISPN102Elem Spanish II
THR100Theatre ApprTHE254Intro Theatre
THR102Black Thr in AmerTHE1XXBlack Thr in Amer
THR103Acting ITHE262Acting
THR104Acting IITHE1XXActing II
THR113Theatre Workshop ITHE351Theatre Pract II
THR115Prod & PerfTHE1XXProd & Perf
WST101Intro to Women's StudiesWGS200Women/Gender Stud
WST201Wst/Global ContextWGS2XXWst/Global Context
Northampton Community CollegeYork College of Pennsylvania
ACCT100Acct for Non-AccountantsACC1XXAcct for Non-Accountants
ACCT101Fin Accounting IACC1XXFinancial Accounting I
ACCT151Fin Acct IIACC220Financial Acct
ACCT155Acct for ManagersACC225Managerial Acct
ACCT202Man AccountingACC225Managerial Acct
ARCH100Arch Hist IART1XXArch Hist I
ARCH101Arch Graphics IART1XXArch Graphics I
ARCH110Arch Des Studio IART1XXArch Des Studio I
ARTA100Art & Visual ThinkingART101Intro Art Apprec
ARTA101Art HistoryART204Survey West Art I
ARTA107Drawing IART215Drawing I
ARTA111Color and DesignART1XXColor and Design
ARTA124Drawing IIART265Drawing II
ARTA130Intro Web Site DesignART1XXIntro Web Site Design
ARTA1313-D Comp AnimationsART1XX3-D Comp Animations
ARTA132Web Animation w/FlashART1XXWeb Animation w/Flash
ARTA158Painting IART220Painting I
ARTA161CeramicsART225Ceramics I
ARTA170Comp GraphicsART1XXComp Graphics
ARTA269Adv/Mkt WorkshopART2XXAdv/Mkt Workshop
BIOS103General BiologyBIO110General Biology
BIOS104Field EcologyBIO204Exploring Biology
BIOS105Contemporary BiologyBIO205Exp Biology Lab
BIOS105Contemporary BiologyBIO204Exploring Biology
BIOS105GContemp BiologyBIO110General Biology
BIOS107Introduction to Biology IBIO150Biology I
BIOS115Essen of BiologyBIO204Exploring Biology
BIOS126Enviro ScienceBIO212Environmntl Bio
BIOS150Biology IIBIO152Biology II
BIOS160Human BiologyBIO112Fund Human Bio
BIOS204Human Anatomy & Physiology IBIO220Human A/P I
BIOS204Human Anatomy & Physiology IBIO221Human A/P I Lab
BIOS204Human Anatomy & Physiology IBIO2XXHuman A/P I w/o II
BIOS205Plant BiologyBIO304Botany
BIOS206Gen EcologyBIO300Ecology
BIOS254Human Anatomy & Physiology IIBIO222Human A/P II
BUSA101Intro to BusinessBUS150Intro to Business
BUSA131Prin of MarketingMKT100Prin Marketing
BUSA152Bus Law IBUS260Legal Environment
BUSA201Bus Stats IQBA260Business Stats I
BUSA205Mgmt FundMGT150Prin of Management
BUSA211Personal FinanceBUS218Personal Finance
BUSA221GBusiness CommWRT210Writng/Prof Culturs
BUSA226Human Res MgmtMGT220Human Resource Mgt
BUSA260Intl Bus Pract FirmIBS2XXIntl Bus Pract Firm
CHEM011Chemical CalculationsCHM1XXChemistry Elective No Lab
CHEM120Gen Chem ICHM134Gen Chem I
CHEM135Chemistry of LifeCHM122Prin Gen/Org Chem
CHEM201Organic Chemistry ICHM234Organic Chem I
CHEM220General Chemistry IICHM136Gen Chem II
CHEM251Organic Chemistry IICHM236Organic Chem II
CISC101Intro to ComputersIFS105Personal Computing
CISC101Intro to ComputersIFS100Info Tech Competncy
CISC104Microcomputer ApplIFS1XXMicrocomputer Appl
CISC106Intro to Comp w/AliceIFS1XXIntro to Comp w/Alice
CISC115Comp Sci ICS1XXComp Sci I
CISC125Comp Science IICS1XXComp Sci II
CISC230Data Struct & Algo AnlyCS2XXData Struct & Algo Anly
CJST101Intro Crim JusticeCCJ101Intro Crim Justice
CJST111Amer Legal SysCCJ1XXAmer Legal Sys
CJST115Criminal LawCCJ1XXCriminal Law
CJST125Corrections & RehabCCJ1XXCorrections & Rehab
CJST131Juv Delinq & LawsCCJ110Juvenile Delinquncy
CJST145Criminal Justice EthicsCCJ203Ethical Issues/CJ
CJST225Corrections & RehabCCJ337Punishmnt/Correctns
CJST245Crim Just EthicsCCJ203Ethical Issues/CJ
CJST250Contemp Issues Crim JustCCJ2XXContemp Issues Crim Just
CMTH102Speech CommCM212Public Speaking
CMTH104Mass Media & SocCM211Mass Communication
CMTH110Intro to TheatreTHE254Intro Theatre
CMTH111Acting ITHE262Acting
CMTH214Interpers CommCM329Interpersonal Comm
CMTH215Intercult CommCM2XXIntercult Comm
CMTH220Intro to FilmFLM216Intro to Film
CMTH230GIntro Comm TheoryCM206Communicatn Theory
CMTH231Small Group CommCM304Group Discussion
CMTH231Small Group CommCM2XXSmall Group Comm
COLS101College SuccessFYS1XXCollege Success
CULA102Food Safety & SanitationHSP270Food Source/Select
DANC101Dance HistoryTHE213Intro to Dance History
EARL106Early Child Dev & LrngEDU1XXEarly Child Dev & Lrng
EARL107Observation & AssessEDU1XXObserv & Assess
EARL109Intro Early Child EdEDU1XXIntro Early Child Ed
EARL122Early Child Music & MovEDU1XXEarly Child Mus & Mov
EARL126Arts in Early ChildEDU1XXArts in Early Child
EARL202Soc & the ChildEDU2XXSoc & Child
ECON201MacroeconomicsECO200Prin Econ-Macro
ECON251GMicroeconomicsECO201Prin Econ-Micro
EDUC101Found of EdEDU1XXFound of Ed
EDUC105Praxis I PrepEDU1XXPraxis I Prep
EDUC115Ed for All StudentsEDU1XXEd for All Students
EDUC252Ed PsychologyEDU370Psych of Learning
EDUC252Ed PsychologyEDU375Psy Learning/Second
EDUC255Ed Field ExpEDU2XXEd Field Exp
EMEC101Electrical FundamentalsPSC1XXElectrical Fundamentals
EMEC105Intro to Fluid PowerPSC1XXIntro to Fluid Power
EMEC110Mechanical ComponentsPSC1XXMechanical Components
ENGG100Eng GraphicsEGR1XXEng Graphics
ENGG251Strength of MaterialsEGR2XXStrength of Materials
ENGL101English IFCO105Rhetorical Comm
ENGL101CEnglish IFCO105Rhetorical Comm
ENGL151English IIWRT1XXEnglish II
ENGL151CEnglish IIWRT1XXEnglish II
ENGL151LEnglish IILIT200Perspectives/Lit
ENGL151REnglish IIFCO210Comm Prof Cultures
ENGL201Brit Lit ILIT283British Lit to 1750
ENGL203GShakespeareLIT323Shakespeare I
ENGL251GBritish Lit IILIT284Mod to Postmod Brit Lit
ENGL253Creative WritingWRT272Intro Creative Wrt
ENGL255Amer Lit IILIT282Amer Lit after 1885
ENGL256Modern PoetryLIT343Exper of Poetry
ENGL256GModern PoetryLIT2XXModern Poetry
ENGL260GContemporary LitLIT200Perspectives/Lit
ENGL267Poetry WritingWRT2XXPoetry Writing
FOOD110Food PreparationHSP360Comm Food Prod Mgmt
FOOD123Menu Plan & Food BevHSP300Food/Beverage Mgmt
FOOD123Menu Plan & Food BevHSP1XXMenu Plan & Food Bev
FOOD250Dining Room OperationsHSP2XXDining Room Operations
GEOG101World GeographyG100World Reg Geography
GEOG121Intro Env ProbG1XXIntro Env Prob
GEOG140Invest Climate ChangePSC1XXInvest Clim Change No Lab
GEOL201Phys GeologyESS2XXPhys Geology
HEAL150Contemporary HealthNPE1XXNon Program Elect
HEAL150Contemporary HealthPE1XXPhysical Ed Elect
HIST103Ancient & Med HistoryHIS121World History I
HIST113American Hist IHIS111American Civ I
HIST121The Black ExperienceHIS1XXThe Black Experience
HIST153Mod Euro Hist 1300-1815HIS101Western Civ I
HIST163American Hist IIHIS112American Civ II
HIST166Civil War & ReconHIS364Civil War & Recon
HIST168Hist of Mid EastHIS1XXHist of Mid East
HIST173Mod Euro Hist 1815-PresHIS102Western Civ II
HOSP101Intro Hosp IndustryHSP101Intro Hosp & Tourism Mgt
HOSP105Enhancing Guest ServHSP1XXEnhancing Guest Serv
HOSP111Food & Bev MgmtHSP300Food/Beverage Mgmt
HOSP111Food & Bev MgmtHSP1XXFood & Bev Mgmt
HOSP130Conv Serv & Catering MgtHSP1XXConv Serv & Cater Mgt
HOSP201Strat Lead in HospHSP230Leadership/HRM Hosp
HOSP210Hum Res Mgt Hosp IndustHSP2XXHum Res Mgt Hosp Indust
HOSP212Hosp Fin ReportingACC220Financial Acct
HOSP215Hosp Sales & MktgHSP2XXHosp Sales & Mktg
HOSP221GHospitality PracticumHSP150Work Experience I
HOTL110Hospitality LawBUS260Legal Environment
HOTL207Rooms Div MgmtHSP2XXRooms Div Mgmt
HUMA121Amer Work ExpHUM1XXAmer Work Exp
HUMA121GAmerican Work ExperienceHUM1XXAmerican Work Experience
ITE170Multimedia SoftwareART134Concpts Comp Grhcs
JOUR101Journ & SocietyCM1XXJourn & Society
MATH103Applications in MathMAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MATH118Found of Math IMAT115Sets/Number Systems
MATH119Found of Math IIMAT215Sets/Number Sys II
MATH120Nature of MathematicsMAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MATH140College AlgebraMAT105College Algebra
MATH150Intro to StatisticsQBA260Business Statistics
MATH150Intro to StatisticsMAT250Statistics
MATH150Intro to StatisticsBEH260Statistics
MATH165Appl CalculusMAT120Applied Calculus
MATH180Calculus IMAT171Calculus I
MATH181Calculus IIMAT172Calculus II
MATH202Discrete MathMAT235Discrete Math
MATH210Calculus IIIMAT271Calculus III
MATH211Diff EquationsMAT272Diff Equations
MDLA102Elem French IFRN101Elem French I
MDLA103Elem Spanish ISPN101Elem Spanish I
MDLA113Elem Spanish IISPN102Elem Spanish II
MDLA123Intermed Spanish ISPN201Inter Spanish I
MEPL112Meeting & Conv MgmtHSP1XXMeeting & Conv Mgmt
MEPL122Spec Event MgmtHSP1XXSpec Event Mgmt
MEPL132Event Promo & SponsHSP1XXEvent Promo & Spons
MEPL143Event & Mtg Facilities MgtHSP1XXEvent & Mtg Facilities Mgt
MEPL147Bus Soc Events & Wed ConsHSP1XXBus Soc Events & Wed Con
MUS140Intro Recording TechCM336Audio Production II
MUSC101Intro to MusicMUS1XXIntro to Music
MUSC110Fund of Music IMUS181Found Music Theory
MUSC152Intro to PianoMUS140Piano Class
MUSC253Fund of Music IIMUS2XXFund of Music II
OFAD125Word Proc ApplIFS1XXWord Proc Appl
OFAD154Medical TerminologyBIO201Medical Terminology
PARL151Family LawNPE1XXFamily Law
PARL153Real Estate LawBUS1XXReal Estate Law
PARL166Crim Law & ProcCJA1XXCrim Law & Proc
PHED111Tennis IPE159Tennis
PHED117Bowling IPE110Beginning Bowling
PHED121Exercise Move & DancePE1XXExer Move & Dance
PHED125Weight Trn IPE118Physical Fitness
PHED130Fitness IPE118Physical Fitness
PHED130Fitness IPE119Physical Fitness
PHED135Yoga & PilatesPE1XXYoga & Pilates
PHED211Tennis IIPE159Tennis
PHED217Bowling IIPE110Beginning Bowling
PHED230Fitness IIPE2XXFitness II
PHIL111On Death and DyingPHL1XXOn Death and Dying
PHIL111GOn Death and DyingPHL1XXOn Death & Dying
PHIL121World ReligionsREL265World Religions
PHIL201Intro to PhilosophyPHL221Intro Philosophy
PHIL202Ethics & Moral ProbPHL223Cont Moral Problems
PHIL202GEthics & Moral ProbPHL2XXEthics & Moral Prob
PHIL215Mod PhilosophyPHL2XXMod Philosophy
PHYS101Physics IPHY110Gen Phys:Mech/Ht
PHYS151Physics IIPHY112Gen Phys:Elc/Magn
PHYS215Phys for Sci & Engr IPHY160Eng Phys:Mechncs
PHYS225Physics Sci & Engr IIPHY260Eng Phys:Elct/Magn
POLS101Intro Pol SciencePS1XXIntro Pol Science
POLS105GAmer Const LawPS1XXAmer Const Law
POLS110Amer Natl GovtPS141American Governmnt
POLS202Intl RelationsPS302International Rel
POLS251State and Local GovtPS242State/Local Govt
PSYC103Intro to PsychologyPSY100General Psychology
PSYC251Child PsychologyPSY221Child/Adol Develop
PSYC255Abnormal PsychPSY230Abnormal Psych
PSYC258Developmental PsychNUR201Nursing HD/HC
PSYC258Developmental PsychPSY2XXDev Psych
PUBH100Intro to Health CareersNUR101Intro Nursing & Hlth Careers
PUBH101Intro to Public HealthHSC100Expl Health Professions
SOCA102Cult AnthropologyANT220Cult Anthropology
SOCA102GCult AnthropologyANT220Cult Anthropology
SOCA103Principles of SociologySOC100Intro Sociology
SOCA103GPrin of SociologySOC100Intro Sociology
SOCA125Sociology of FamiliesSOC225The Family
SOCA204Soc ProbSOC220Am Social Problems
SPED160Intro Spec EdSPE1XXIntro Spec Ed
SPRT101Intro to Sport MgmtSPM1XXIntro to Sport Mgmt
SPRT152GSports in SocietySPM1XXSports in Society
SPRT162Fac Mgmt & Event PlanSPM1XXFac Mgmt & Event Plan
SPRT172Sport MarketingSPM1XXSport Marketing
Northern Virginia Community CollegeYork College of Pennsylvania
ACC211Prin of Acct IACC220Financial Acct
ACC212Prin of Acct IIACC225Managerial Acct
ACC221Intermed Accounting IACC320Inter Accounting I
ACC222Intermed Accounting IIACC325Inter Accounting II
ACC231Cost Acct IACC225Managerial Acct
ADJ100Sur Crim JusticeCJA101Intro Crim Justice
ADJ105Juv Just SysCJA1XXJuv Just Sys
ADJ107Survey of CriminologyCJA1XXSurvey of Criminology
ADJ111Law Enf Org Adm ICJA234Law Enforcement
ADJ133Ethics/Crim Just ProfCJA203Ethical Issues/CJ
ADJ211Crim Law Evi & Pro ICJA341Criminal Procedure
ADJ236Prin Crim InvestCJA2XXPrin Crim Invest
ART100Art AppreciationART101Intro Art Apprec
ART101Hist & Appr of Art IART101Intro Art Apprec
ART102His & Appr of Art IIART1XXHis & Appr of Art II
ART106Hist of Modern ArtART205Survey West Art II
ART121Drawing IART215Drawing I
ART131Fund of Design IART210Design I
ART140Intro Graphic SklART1XXIntro Graphic Skl
ART150Hist Film/AnimationART1XXHist Film/Animation
ASL102Am Sign Lang IICM1XXAm Sign Lang II
ASL201Am Sign Lang IIICM250Adv Sign Language
ASL220Comp Ling/ASLCM2XXComp Ling/ASL
BIO101General Biology IBIO151Biology I Lab
BIO101General Biology IBIO150Biology I
BIO102Gen Biology IIBIO152Biology II
BIO102Gen Biology IIBIO153Biology II Lab
BIO141Hum Anatmy & Phys IBIO220Human A/P I
BIO141Hum Anatmy & Phys IBIO1XXHum Anatmy & Phys I
BIO142Human Anatmy & Phys IIBIO222Human A/P II
BIO205General MicrobiologyBIO230Microbiology
BUS100Intro to BusinessBUS150Intro to Business
BUS116EntrepreneurshipENT150Intro Entrepreneur
BUS165Small Business MgmtENT260Ent/Small Bus Mgmt
BUS200Prin of MgtMGT150Prin of Management
BUS205Hum Res MgmtMGT220Human Resource Mgt
BUS205Hum Res MgtMGT220Human Resource Mgt
BUS221Business Statistics IQBA260Business Statistics
BUS222Business Statistics IIQBA265Business Stats II
BUS224Statistical Analysis for BusQBA260Data Driven Dec Making
BUS241Bus Law IBUS260Legal Environment
BUS241Business Law IBUS260Legal Environment
BUS280Intro to Intl BusIBS200Internatl Business
CHD120Intro Early Ch EducEDU1XXIntro Early Ch Educ
CHD145Tech Art, Music, Mvmt-ChildrenEDU1XXTeach Art, Music, Mvmt-Childre
CHEM111College Chem ICHM134Gen Chem I
CHEM112College Chemistry IICHM136Gen Chem II
CHEM113College Chem IIICHM1XXCollege Chem III
CHM101Gen Chem ICHM134Gen Chem I
CHM102Gen Chem IICHM136Gen Chem II
CHM111College Chemistry ICHM134Gen Chem I
CHM112College Chem IICHM136Gen Chem II
CSC110Intro to ComputingIFS105Personal Computing
CSC130Scientific ProgrammingCS1XXScientific Programming
CSC201Computer Science ICS2XXComputer Science I
CST100Prin of Public SpeakingCM212Public Speaking
CST110Intro to CommunicationCM1XXIntro to Communication
CST126Interpersonal CommCM329Interpersonal Comm
CST151Film Apprec IFLM216Intro to Film
CST227Bus & Prof CommCM104Human Communicatn
CST229Intercult CommunicatCM2XXIntercult Comm
CST241Intro to Directing ITHE363Theatre Directing
DAPR106Prin of Data ProcIFS1XXPrin of Data Proc
DIT121Nutrition INUR202Nutrition
ECO201Prin of MacroeconomicsECO200Prin Econ-Macro
ECO202Prin of MicroeconECO201Prin Econ-Micro
EDU200Intro Teaching ProfessionEDU2XXIntro Teaching Profession
EDU207Human Growth & DevelopmentPSY2XXHuman Growth & Development
EDU207Human Growth & DevelopmentNUR201Nursing HD/HC
EDU235Hlth, Saf & Nut EducEDU2XXHlth, Saf & Nut Educ
EGR120Intro to EngineeringEGR1XXIntro to Engineering
ENG101Pract Writing IWRT1XXPract Writing I
ENG111College Composition IFCO105Rhetorical Comm
ENG112College Composition IIWRT1XXCollege Composition II
ENG125Intro to LiteratureLIT200Perspectives/Lit
ENG211Creative Writing IWRT272Intro Creative Wrt
ENG211Creative Writing ICRW272Intro to Creative Writing
ENG241Survey of American Lit ILIT281Amer Lit to 1885
ENG242Survey of American Lit IILIT282Amer Lit after 1885
ENG243Surv of English Lit 1LIT283Ancient to Early Mod Brit Lit
ENG247Survey of Pop CultureHUM2XXSurvey of Pop Culture
ENG251Surv World Lit ILIT2XXSurv World Lit I
ENG252Surv World Lit IILIT200Intro Lit & Text Stud
ENG255World LiteratureLIT2XXWorld Literature
ENV121Gen Environ Science IBIO1XXGen Environ Sci I
FIN107Personal FinanceBUS218Personal Finance
FIN215Fin MgmtFIN2XXFin Mgmt
FRE101Beg French IFRN101Elem French I
FRE201Intermed French IFRN201Inter French I
FRE202Intermediate French IIFRN202Inter French II
GEO200Intro to Phys GeogG2XXIntro to Phys Geog
GEO220World Reg GeogG243Intro Geography
GOL105Phys GeologyESS1XXPhys Geology
GOL106Historical GeologyESS1XXHistorical Geology
GOL111Oceanography IESS1XXOceanography I
HIM110Intro to Human PathologyBIO1XXIntro to Human Pathology
HIM111Medical TerminologyBIO201Medical Terminology
HIM111Medical TerminologyRT105Medical Terminology
HIS101Hist of West Civ IHIS101Western Civ I
HIS102Hist of West Civ IIHIS102Western Civ II
HIS111Hist of World Civ IHIS121World History I
HIS112Hist of World Civ IIHIS122World History II
HIS121U.S. History IHIS111American Civ I
HIS122U.S. History IIHIS112American Civ II
HIS127Women in Amer HistHIS390Women in US History
HIS241Hist of Russia IHIS2XXHist of Russia I
HIS242Hist of Russia IIHIS325Hist of Russia/1861
HLT105Cardiopul ResRT1XXCardiopul Res
HLT106First Aid and SafetySPM205Responding/Emerg
HLT141Intro Med TerminRT105Medical Terminology
HLT141Intro Med TerminBIO201Medical Terminology
HLT250General PharmacologyBIO2XXGen Pharmacology
HMS121Bas Couns Skills IBEH1XXBas Couns Skills I
HUM259Greek MythologyHUM2XXGreek Mythology
IST117Intro Micro SoftwareIFS105Personal Computing
ITD110Web Page Design IIFS1XXWeb Page Design I
ITD132Struct Query LanguageIFS285Intro to Database
ITD256Adv Database MgmtIFS2XXAdv Database Mgmt
ITE115Intro Comp Appl/ConIFS100Info Tech Competncy
ITE115Intro Comp Appl/ConIFS105Personal Computing
ITE170Multimedia SoftIFS1XXMultimedia Soft
ITE221PCHardware & O/S ArchIFS2XXPCHardware & O/S Arch
ITE221PCHdware & O/S ArchIFS2XXPCHdware & O/S Arch
ITP100Software DesignIFS1XXSoftware Design
LGL218Crim LawCJA2XXCrim Law
MATH118Intro Tech Math IMAT108Precalculus
MATH161College Math IMAT105College Algebra
MATH162College Math IIMAT1XXCollege Math II
MKT201Intro to MarketingMKT100Prin Marketing
MKT216Retail Org/MgtMKT230Retailing
MTH126Math Allied HlthMAT1XXMath Allied Hlth
MTH151Math for Lib Arts IMAT1XXMath for Lib Arts I
MTH152Math for Lib Arts IIMAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MTH157Elem StatisticsQBA260Business Statistics
MTH157Elem StatisticsMAT250Statistics
MTH157Elem StatisticsBEH260Statistics
MTH163Precalculus IMAT108Precalculus
MTH164Precalculus IIMAT1XXPrecalculus II
MTH164Precalculus IIMAT108Precalculus
MTH166Precalc with TrigMAT108Precalculus
MTH173Calc Analytic Geo IMAT171Calculus I
MTH174Calc/Analytic Geo IIMAT172Calculus II
MTH241Statistics IBEH260Statistics
MTH241Statistics IMAT250Statistics
MTH241Statistics IQBA260Business Statistics
MTH266Linear AlbegraMAT260Linear Algebra I
MTH271Applied Calculus IMAT120Applied Calculus
MTH285Linear AlgebraMAT260Linear Algebra I
MTH288Discrete MathMAT235Discrete Math
MTH291Differential EquationsMAT272Diff Equations
MUS101Basic Musicianship IMUS184Aural Skills I
MUS121Music AppreciationMUS200Music Appreciation
MUS122Music Appr IIMUS200Music Appreciation
MUS140Intro Recording TechMUS1XXIntro Recording Tech
MUS140Intro Recording TechCM336Audio Production II
MUS155Applied Music-WdwindMUS170Woodwind Ensemble
NAS130Elements of AstronomyESS154Intro/Astronomy
NAS150Human BiologyBIO1XXBiology Elect No Lab
NAS161Health Sci IBIO1XXHealth Sci I
NAS162Health Sci IIBIO1XXHealth Sci II
PED109YogaPE163Intro to Yoga
PED111Weight Training IPE119Physical Fitness
PED111Weight Training IPE118Physical Fitness
PED116Fitness and WellnessPAW134Concpts Phys Actvty
PED121Raquetball IPE1XXRaquetball I
PED133Golf IPE140Fundamentals/Golf
PED135Bowling IPE110Beginning Bowling
PED160Modern DancePE117Modern Dance
PHI101Intro to Philosophy IPHL221Intro Philosophy
PHI111Logic IPHL231Logic
PHI115Pract ReasoningPHL1XXPract Reasoning
PHI227Bio-Med EthicsPHL346Bioethics
PHY101Intro to Physics IPHY110Gen Phys:Mech/Ht
PHY150Elem of AstronomyESS154Intro/Astronomy
PHY201General Coll Phys IPHY110Gen Phys:Mech/Ht
PHY202Gen Coll Physics IIPHY112Gen Phys:Elc/Magn
PHY231General Univ Physics IPHY160Eng Phys:Mechncs
PLS120Intro to Political SciencePS1XXIntro Pol Sci
PLS135Amer Nat PoliticsPS141American Governmnt
PLS136State & Loc PoliticsPS242State/Local Govt
PLS140Intro to Comparative PoliticsPS260Comparative Politics
PLS211US Govt IPS101Amer Gov/Citizenship
PLS212US Govt IIPS142Am Gov: Process/Pol
PLS241International Rel IPS302International Rel
PSY120Human RelationsPSY1XXHuman Relations
PSY201Intro to Psychology IPSY100General Psychology
PSY202Intro to Psych IIPSY2XXIntro to Psych II
PSY230Dev PsychPSY2XXDev Psych
PSY230Dev PsychNUR201Nursing HD/HC
PSY231Life Span Hum Dev IPSY2XXLife Span Hum Dev I
PSY231Life Span Hum Dev INUR201Nursing HD/HC
PSY235Child PsychologyPSY221Child/Adol Develop
RAD100Intro to Rad & ProtNPE1XXIntro to Rad & Prot
REL246ChristianityREL275Trad/Cult Chrstnty
RTH120Fund Theory-Respiratory CareRT100Basic Sci Resp Ther
SOC200Prin SociologySOC100Intro Sociology
SOC201Intro to Sociology ISOC100Intro Sociology
SOC202Intro to Sociology IISOC2XXIntro Sociology II
SOC215Sociology of the FamilySOC225The Family
SOC225Sociology of GenderSOC360Gender/Society
SOC247Death and DyingSOC2XXDeath and Dying
SPA101Beg Spanish ISPN101Elem Spanish I
SPA102Beg Spanish IISPN102Elem Spanish II
SPA103Basic Spoken Span ISPN1XXBasic Spoken Span I
SPA104Basic Spoken Span IISPN1XXBasic Spoken Span II
SPA201Inter Spanish ISPN201Inter Spanish I
SPA202Inter Spanish IISPN202Inter Spanish II
SPD110Intro to Speech CommCM104Human Communicatn
SPD110Intro to Speech CommCM212Public Speaking
SPD126Interpers CommCM1XXInterpers Comm
Ocean County CollegeYork College of Pennsylvania
ACCT121Fund of AcctACC1XXFund of Acct
ACCT161Prin of Acct IACC1XXPrin of Acct I
ACCT162Principles of Accounting IIACC220Financial Acct
ANTH133Intro AnthropologyANT220Cult Anthropology
ANTH134Cult AnthropologyANT220Cult Anthropology
ANTH233Intro AnthropologyANT2XXIntro Anthropology
ANTH234Cultural AnthropologyANT220Cult Anthropology
ANTH237Indians of North AmerANT2XXIndians of North Amer
ARTS170Ceramics IART225Ceramics I
ARTS181Art History IART204Survey West Art I
ARTS182Art History IIART205Survey West Art II
ARTS183Basic DrawingART215Drawing I
ARTS206American ArtART393American Art
ASLN100Basic American Sign LangCM150Beg Sign Language
BIOL114Prin of Biological SciBIO110General Biology
BIOL114Prin of Biological SciBIO204Exploring Biology
BIOL130Hum Anat & Phys IBIO221Human A/P I Lab
BIOL130Hum Anat & Phys IBIO2XXHuman A/P I w/Lab
BIOL130Hum Anat & Phys IBIO220Human A/P I
BIOL131Human Anat & Phys IIBIO222Human A/P II
BIOL161Biology IBIO150Biology I
BIOL162Biology IIBIO152Biology II
BIOL265Marine BiologyBIO210Marine Biology
BU131Intro to Bus AdminBUS150Intro to Business
BU134Prin of MarketingMKT100Prin Marketing
BU161Principles of AccountingACC1XXAccounting Elective
BU162Prin of Acct IIACC220Financial Acct
BUSN126Word ProcIFS1XXWord Proc
BUSN131Intro Business AdminBUS150Intro to Business
BUSN132Bus CalculationsBUS1XXBus Calculations
BUSN134Principles of MarketingMKT100Prin Marketing
BUSN170Small Bus MgmtMGT1XXSmall Bus Mgmt
BUSN210Bus CommWRT210Writng/Prof Culturs
BUSN251Bus Law IBUS260Legal Environment
BUSN252Business Law IIBUS360Bus/Commercial Law
BUSN271Prin of ManagementMGT150Prin of Management
BUSN275Prin of FinanceFIN2XXPrin of Finance
CHEM180Intro ChemistryCHM1XXIntro Chemistry
CHEM181Gen Chem ICHM134Gen Chem I
CHEM182General Chemistry IICHM136Gen Chem II
CJ150Crim Just SysCJA101Intro Crim Justice
CJ151Police Org & AdminCJA1XXPolice Org & Admin
CJ152Intro Law EnforcementCJA1XXIntro Law Enforcement
COEM120TV ProductionCM242Video Prodctn I
COEM220Adv TV ProductionCM2XXAdv TV Production
COMM110Intro to CommunicationsCM1XXIntro to Communications
COMM154Fund Public SpeakingCM104Human Communicatn
COMM154Fund Public SpeakingCM212Public Speaking
COMM290Comm Internship ICM2XXComm Internship I
COPH181Basic Digital PhotographyART246Digital Photography
CRIM150Criminal Justice SystemCCJ101Intro Crim Justice
CRIM151Police Org & AdminCJA1XXPolice Org & Admin
CRIM152Intro Law EnforcementCCJ234Law Enforcement
CRIM154Crim InvestigationCJA1XXCrim Investigation
CRIM155Intro to CorrectionsCCJ1XXIntro to Corrections
CRIM237Juvenile JusticeCJA2XXJuvenile Justice
CRIM254Const Law & RulesCJA2XXConst Law & Rules
CRIM255Criminal Law & ProcedureCCJ2XXCriminal Law & Procedure
CRIM281Criminal Investigation TheoryCCJ2XXCriminal Investigation Theory
CS148Intg Office SoftwareIFS105Personal Computing
CSIT110Computer LiteracyIFS105Personal Computing
CSIT120Internet Essentials/HTMLIFS1XXInternet Essentials/HTML
CSIT123Intg Office SoftwareIFS1XXIntg Office Software
CSIT133Web Dev FundIFS1XXWeb Dev Fund
CSIT160Intro Visual BASICIFS160Visual Basic Progrm
CSIT231Flash & Script ProgIFS2XXFlash & Script Prog
CSIT270Prog in JavaIFS2XXProg in Java
DANC170BalletNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
ECON151Macroeconomic PrinECO200Prin Econ-Macro
ECON152Microecon PrinECO201Prin Econ-Micro
EDUC175Intro to TeachingEDU1XXIntro to Teaching
EDUC175Intro to TeachingEDU200Found of Education
EDUC176Foundations Amer EdEDU1XXFound Amer Ed
EDUC178Intro Ed Exceptional StuSPE1XXIntro Ed Except Stu
EDUC241Child LitEDU2XXChild Lit
ENG155Contemporary WritingWRT1XXContemporary Writing
ENGL151English IFCO105Rhetorical Comm
ENGL152English IILIT200Perspectives/Lit
ENGL153Creative WritingWRT272Intro Creative Wrt
ENGL211Intro to PoetryLIT243Poetry and Poetics
ENGL215Graphic TextsLIT2XXGraphic Texts
ENGL237Multicult Fairy TalesLIT2XXMulticult Fairy Tales
ENGL240Women in LiteratureLIT382Women In Literature
ENGL240Women in LiteratureWGS382Women In Literature
ENGL251Amer Literature ILIT281Amer Lit to 1885
ENGL252Amer Lit IILIT282Amer Lit after 1885
ENGL255World Lit ILIT2XXWorld Lit I
ENGL256World Lit IILIT2XXWorld Lit II
ENGL257The Short StoryLIT319The Short Story
ENGL258The Short NovelLIT2XXThe Short Novel
ENGL274World of HemingwayLIT2XXWorld of Hemingway
ENGL280Amer PoetsLIT2XXAmer Poets
ENGR181Graphics Engineers IEGR1XXGraphics Engineers I
ENGR222Engr DynamicsME252Dynamics and Vibration
ENVI152Environmental ScienceBIO212Environmntl Bio
FILM192Intro to Film GenresFLM1XXIntro to Film Genres
FILM200Understanding FilmFLM216Intro to Film
FILM202Lit to FilmFLM2XXLit to Film
FR191Elementary French IFRN101Elem French I
FR192Elementary French IIFRN102Elem French II
FREN191Elementary French IFRN101Elem French I
FREN192Elementary French IIFRN102Elem French II
FYES155First Year Experience SeminarFYS100First Year Seminar
GEOG162Human GeogG1XXHuman Geog
GRMN191Elem German IGRM101Elem German I
H171West Civ IHIS101Western Civ I
H172West Civ IIHIS102Western Civ II
H173U.S. History IHIS111American Civ I
H174U.S. History IIHIS112American Civ II
H175New Jersey HistoryHIS1XXNew Jersey History
HE225Contemporary HealthPE1XXPhysical Education Elective
HE225Contemporary HealthNPE1XXNon Program Elective
HEHP110Appl Modern Hlth IPE1XXPhysical Education Elective
HEHP110Appl Modern Hlth INPE1XXNon Program Elective
HEHP160First Aid/CPR/AEDEDU305Responding/Emerg
HEHP210Karate IPE137Intro Martial Arts
HEHP225Contemporary HealthPE1XXPhys Ed Elect
HEHP225Contemporary HealthNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
HEHP226Women's HealthWGS210Women's Health
HEHP237Sports OfficiatingSPM2XXSports Officiating
HEHP267Sports ManagementSPM2XXSports Management
HIST171Western Civ to 1650HIS101Foundation/West
HIST172West Civ IIHIS102Western Civ II
HIST173U.S. History IHIS111American Civ I
HIST174U.S. History IIHIS112American Civ II
HIST175New Jersey HistoryHIS1XXNew Jersey History
HIST176US Military HistoryHIS380Amer Military Exper
HIST179Amer in the 1960'sHIS461America in the 60's
HIST181World Civ IHIS121World History I
HIST182World Civ IIHIS122World History II
HLSC170Homeland SecurityCCJ1XXHomeland Security
HLSC171Fund of Emerg MgmtCJA1XXFund of Emerg Mgmt
HLSC172Domestic/Internat'l TerrorismCCJ1XXDomestic/Internat'l Terrorism
HLSC173Intro to SecurityCJA102Intro Asset Protect
HLSC174Intro to Intelligence FuncCJA1XXIntro to Intell Func
HLSC200Risk Mgmt & AnalysisNPE2XXRisk Mgmt & Analysis
HLSC201Org IntegrationCJA2XXOrg Integration
HPE110Appl Modern Hlth INPE1XXAppl Modern Hlth I
HRTM110Intro to HospitalityHSP100Intro Hospitality
HRTM124Quality Guest/Cust ServHSP1XXQual Guest/Cust Serv
HRTM212Conferences, ConvHSP2XXConferences, Conv
ITAL100Elem Italian IITL101Elem Italian I
ITAL102Elem Italian IIITL102Elem Italian II
LATN201Intermed Latin ILAT2XXIntermed Latin I
M113Intro Col Algebra IMAT105College Algebra
M151Survey of MathematicsMAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MATH151A Survey of MathematicsMAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MATH156Intro StatisticsQBA260Business Statistics
MATH156Intro StatisticsMAT250Statistics
MATH156Intro StatisticsBEH260Statistics
MATH161College AlgebraMAT105College Algebra
MATH165College AlgebraMAT105College Algebra
MATH191Precalculus IMAT108Precalculus
MATH192Precalculus IIMAT1XXPrecalculus II
MATH195Precalc for Spec MajMAT108Precalculus
MATH240Business CalculusMAT120Applied Calculus
MATH241Applied CalculusMAT120Applied Calculus
MATH265Calculus IMAT171Calculus I
MATH266Calculus IIMAT172Calculus II
MUSC120Appl Mus GuitarMUS138Guitar
MUSC150Intro Keyboard IMUS103Piano
MUSC181Theory of Music IMUS182Music Theory I
MUSC190Intro Music ApprecMUS186Listening to Music
MUSC190Intro Music ApprMUS200Music Appreciation
PHIL190Intro to Critical ThinkingPHL222Critical Thinking
PHIL191Intro PhilosophyPHL221Intro Philosophy
PHIL192Cont Ethical IssuesPHL223Cont Moral Problems
PHIL193World ReligionsREL265World Religions
PHIL293Religious LifePHL2XXReligious Life
PHOT181Basic Digital PhotographyART246Digital Photography
PHYS171Physics IPHY110Gen Phys:Mech/Ht
PHYS172Physics IIPHY112Gen Phys:Elc/Magn
PHYS281Gen Physics IPHY160Eng Phys:Mechncs
POLI161American Fed GovtPS101Amer Gov/Citizenship
POLI162Amer State & Local GovtPS242State/Local Govt
POLI183Intro Pol SciPS1XXIntro Pol Sci
POLI183Intro Poli SciPS110Intro Poli Science
POLI261Am Fed GovtPS141American Governmnt
POLI262Amer State/Local GovtPS242State/Local Govt
POLI263Intl RelationsPS302International Rel
PSYC171Child RearingPSY1XXChild Rearing
PSYC172General PsychologyPSY100General Psychology
PSYC173Child PsychologyPSY221Child/Adol Develop
PSYC174Personality TheoryPSY1XXPersonality Theory
PSYC270Psychology of GenderPSY2XXPsychology of Gender
PSYC271Abnormal PsychologyPSY230Abnormal Psych
PSYC273Adolescent PsychologyPSY2XXAdolescent Psychology
PSYC274Social PsychologyPSY243Social Psychology
PSYC275Ed PsychologyEDU375Psy Learning/Second
PSYC275Ed PsychologyEDU370Psych of Learning
PSYC278Life Span DevelopmentPSY2XXLife Span Development
SC180Intro ChemistryCHM134Gen Chem I
SCIE105Forensic ScienceCJA230Criminalistics
SOCI181Intro to SociologySOC100Intro Sociology
SOCI230Women in SocietySOC2XXWomen in Society
SOCI231Social ProblemsSOC220Am Social Problems
SOCI238Race and EthnicitySOC2XXRace and Ethnicity
SOCI282Sociology of FamilySOC225The Family
SPAN151Elementary Spanish ISPN101Elem Spanish I
SPAN152Elementary Spanish IISPN102Elem Spanish II
SS152Microeconomics PrinECO201Prin Econ-Micro
SS172General PsychologyPSY100General Psychology
SS173Child PsychologyPSY221Child/Adol Develop
SS181Intro SociologySOC100Intro Sociology
SS241Children's LiteratureLIT2XXChildren's Literature
SS261Amer Fed GovtPS141American Governmnt
THTR195Intro TheatreTHE254Intro Theatre
Orange County Community CollegeYork College of Pennsylvania
11101Fresh English IWRT102Analytical Read/Writ
11102Fresh English IIWRT202Academic Writing
11206Drama ContempLIT2XXDrama Contemp
11212Creative Writing: PoetryWRT2XXCreative Writing: Poetry
11223Contemp PoetryLIT343Exper of Poetry
11225Intl LitLIT2XXIntl Lit
13110Fund Speech CommCM104Human Communicatn
13110Fund Speech CommCM212Public Speaking
14111Intro to TheaterTHE254Intro Theatre
21201Macro EconomicsECO200Prin Econ-Macro
21202Micro EconECO201Prin Econ-Micro
23104U.S. Hist Since 1865HIS112American Civ II
23105World Hist to 1500 ADHIS121World History I
23106World Hist Since 1500 ADHIS122World History II
24101U.S. Government-NationalPS141American Governmnt
25110Psych Pers DevPSY1XXPsych Pers Dev
25111Gen Psych IPSY100General Psychology
25112General Psych IIPSY1XXGeneral Psych II
25122Adolescent PsychPSY1XXAdolescent Psych
25205Abnormal PsychPSY230Abnormal Psych
27209Archeo & PrehistANT230Intro Archaeology
28101Criminal JusticeCJA101Intro Crim Justice
28106Pol Comm RelationsCJA1XXPol Comm Relations
28107Crit Issues Law EnforceCJA1XXCrit Issues Law Enforce
29101Und Juv OffendCJA110Juvenile Delinquncy
31101Gen Biology IBIO150Biology I
31105Anat & Phys IBIO220Human A/P I
31121Intro to BiologyBIO110General Biology
38104Int AlgebraMAT102Prelim Math/Prob Solv
38106Contemp MathMAT1XXContemp Math
38107Coll AlgebraMAT105College Algebra
38108Coll TrigMAT108Precalculus
38112Intro to StatsMAT250Statistics
38112Intro to StatsQBA260Business Statistics
38112Intro to StatsBEH260Statistics
38205Calculus IMAT171Calculus I
41130Intro to ArtART101Intro Art Apprec
44201Inter French IFRN201Inter French I
44202Inter French IIFRN202Inter French II
46101Elem Italian IITL101Elem Italian I
49201Philosophy IPHL221Intro Philosophy
55101Bus MathMAT1XXBus Math
55110Intro BusinessBUS150Intro to Business
55133Financial AccountingACC220Financial Acct
55134Managerial AccountingACC225Managerial Acct
55221Bus Law IBUS260Legal Environment
67210Criminal LawCJA2XXCriminal Law
69101Pol Org/AdminCJA1XXPol Org/Admin
69105Indus & Priv SecCJA1XXIndus & Priv Sec
69203Crim Invest ICJA2XXCrim Invest I
69204Crim Invest 2CJA2XXCrim Invest 2
69206CriminalisticsCJA230Intro Criminalstics
99193Stretch for WellPE119Physical Fitness
99197Concep Phys WellnessPE134Concpts Phys Actvty
99198Conc Phys WellPE134Concpts Phys Actvty
99271Fit SwimPE120Beginning Swimming
99287Vars Women's VolleyballPE160Volleyball
99598Varsity Wom SoftballPE156Softball
99792Weight TrainingPE119Physical Fitness
ACC101Acct Prin IACC1XXAcct Prin I
ACC153Fin AcctACC220Financial Acct
ACC154Managerial AcctACC225Managerial Acct
ANT101Cult & Social AnthANT220Cult Anthropology
ANT102Hum EvolutionANT1XXHum Evolution
ART101Intro to ArtART101Art/Visual Culture
ART113Painting IART220Painting I
ART113Painting IART114Concepts/Painting
ART114Painting IIART270Painting II
ART123Vis Com & Graphic Des IART1XXVis Com & Graphic Des I
ART127History of Art 1ART204Survey West Art I
BIO101Gen Biology IBIO150Biology I
BIO102Gen Biology IIBIO152Biology II
BIO110Intro to BiologyBIO204Exploring Biology
BIO110Intro to BiologyBIO110General Biology
BIO111Anat & Phys IBIO220Human A/P I
BIO111Anat & Phys IBIO1XXAnat & Phys I
BIO112Anat & Phys IIBIO222Human A/P II
BIO141Diversity of LifeBIO120Field Nat Hist
BIO148Envir ConservationBIO212Environmntl Bio
BUS103Intro to BusinessBUS150Intro to Business
BUS161Comp Appl for BusIFS105Personal Computing
BUS201Bus Law IBUS260Legal Environment
BUS202Bus Law 2BUS360Bus/Commercial Law
BUS205Bus StatsQBA260Business Statistics
BUS207Intro Intl BusIBS200Internatl Business
CHM105Gen Chem ICHM134Gen Chem I
CHM106Gen Chem IICHM136Gen Chem II
CHN101Elementary Chinese 1L1XXElem Chinese 1
CHN102Elementary Chinese 2L1XXElem Chinese 2
CHN201Intermed Chinese 1L2XXIntermed Chinese 1
COM101Found of CommCM104Human Communicatn
COM101Found of CommCM212Public Speaking
CRJ101Criminal JusticeCJA101Intro Crim Justice
CRJ103Understanding Julenile OffCJA110Juvenile Delinquncy
CRJ105Police-Community RelationsCJA1XXPolice-Community Relations
CRJ106Patrol OperationsCJA334Policing In America
CRJ107Indus & Private SecurityCJA1XXIndust & Private Security
CRJ109Crit Issues in Law EnforcementCJA1XXCrit Issues in Law Enforc
CRJ211Criminal LawCJA302Criminal Law
CRJ213Police Organiz & AdminCJA2XXPolice Organiz & Admin
CRJ215Criminal Investigations ICJA305Crim Investigation
ECO201Macro EconECO200Prin Econ-Macro
ECO202Micro-EconECO201Prin Econ-Micro
EDU103Intro to Early ChildhoodEDU1XXIntro Early Clhd
EDU107Mandated TrainingEDU1XXMand Training
EDU201Observation & AssessmntEDU2XXObserv & Assessmnt
EDU207Soc & Phil Found of EdEDU2XXSoc & Phil Fnd of Ed
EET110Comp Appl & GraphicsART1XXComp Appl & Graphics
EGR101Engineering IEGR1XXEngineering I
EGR102Engineering IIEGR1XXEngineering II
ENG101Freshman English IFCO105Rhetorical Comm
ENG101Freshman English IWRT102Analytical Read/Writ
ENG102Freshman English 2WRT1XXFreshman English 2
ENG102Fresh Eng 2WRT202Academic Writing
ENG220Women WritersLIT382Women Writers
ENG221Contemp Short StoryLIT291Short Story
FRE203Advanced French IFRN2XXAdv French I
FRE204Advanced French IIFRN2XXAdv French II
GEO101Elements of Phys GeographyG100World Regional Geography
HIS101U.S. Hist to 1865HIS111American Civ I
HIS102U.S. Hist Since 1865HIS112American Civ II
HIS105Sci, Tech, & SocietyHIS1XXSci, Tech & Society
HIS122World Hist Since 1500 ADH1XXWorld Hist Since 1500 AD
HIS130The Greek & Roman WorldHIS1XXThe Greek & Roman Wrld
HIS231Medieval & Ren EuropeHIS301Medieval Civ
HLT101Intro Health ProfBIO100Intro Allied Hl
HMS101Intro to Hum ServicesHSV100Intro to HSV
MAT101Elem AlgebraMAT105College Algebra
MAT102Intermed AlgebraMAT102Prelim Math/Prob Solv
MAT111Found of Elem School MathMAT115Sets/Number Systems
MAT121College AlgebraMAT105College Algebra
MAT122College TrigonometryMAT1XXCollege Trig
MAT125Intro to StatisticsMAT250Statistics
MAT125Intro to StatisticsQBA260Business Statistics
MAT125Intro to StatisticsBEH260Statistics
MAT205Calculus IMAT171Calculus I
MAT206Calculus IIMAT172Calculus II
MAT207Calculus IIIMAT271Calculus III
MAT211Linear AlgebraMAT260Elem Linear Algebra
MAT214Diff Equations & SeriesMAT272Diff Equations
MGT201Prin of MgtMGT150Prin of Management
MGT205Hum Res MgmtMGT220Human Resource Mgt
MKT101Prin of MarketingMKT100Prin Marketing
MUS101Intro to MusicMUS200Music Appreciation
MUS105History of JazzMUS286Jazz History
PED111Substance AbuseSOC1XXSubstance Abuse
PED112Contemp HealthNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
PED112Contemp HealthPE1XXPhys Ed Elect
PES100Conc Phys WellnessPE134Concpts Phys Actvty
PES403Mixed Martial ArtsPE1XXMixed Martial Arts
PES801Varsity BasketballPE152Basketball
PES805Varsity BaseballPE1XXVarsity Baseball
PHY101General Physics IPHY110Gen Phys:Mech/Ht
PHY102General Physics IIPHY112Gen Phys:Elc/Magn
PHY103Physics Sci & Eng IPHY160Eng Phys:Mechncs
PHY104Physics Sci & Eng IIPHY162Eng Phys:Ht/Thermo
PHY203Physics for Sci & Eng IIIPHY260Eng Phys:Elct/Magn
POL102U.S. Govt State & LocalPS242State/Local Govt
POL103US Government - Nat'lPS101Amer Gov/Citizenship
POL103U.S. Government - Nat'lPS141Am Gov: Institutions
PSC125Phys SciPSC1XXPhys Sci
PSY101Gen Psychology IPSY100General Psychology
PSY102Gen Psychology IIPSY1XXGen Psychology II
PSY111Intro to PsychologyPSY100General Psychology
PSY220Dev PsychologyPSY2XXDev Psychology
PSY221Child PsychologyPSY221Child/Adol Develop
RAD219Medical TerminologyRT105Medical Terminology
RAD219Medical TerminologyBIO201Medical Terminology
SOC101Intro to SociologySOC100Intro Sociology
SOC120Social ProblemsSOC220Am Social Problems
SPN101Elem Spanish ISPN101Elem Spanish I
SPN102Elem Spanish 2SPN102Elem Spanish II
SPN201Intermed Spanish ISPN201Inter Spanish I
SPN202Intermed Spanish IISPN202Inter Spanish II
SPN203Span Conv & CompSPN205Inter Spanish Conv
SPN204Intro Span LitSPN315Intro Lit Spain
THE101Intro to TheaterTHE154Introduction to Theatre
THE109Stage Make-UpTHE1XXStage Make-Up
Pennsylvania College of Health SciencesYork College of Pennsylvania
BIO175Hum Anat & Phys IBIO1XXHum Anat & Phys I
BIO175Hum Anat & Phys IBIO220Human A/P I
BIO176Hum Anat & Phys IIBIO222Human A/P II
BIO195Cross-Sect AnatomyBIO1XXBiology Elect No Lab
BIO250Nutrition for LifeNUR202Nutrition
CHE100Gen ChemistryCHM122Prin Gen/Org Chem
CHE104General Chem IICHM136Gen Chem II
CIS100Intro to ComputersIFS105Personal Computing
CIS200Cardiovascular A&PBIO2XXCardiovascular A&P
CIS240Cardiovascular PharmHCC2XXCardiovascular Pharm
CMP100Intro Comp & Info SysIFS105Personal Computing
CMP101Intro to ComputersIFS105Personal Computing
CMP150Digital Found SemIFS1XXInfo Sys Elective
CSS101College Studies SeminarFYS100First Year Seminar
ECO150Survey of EconomicsECO1XXSurvey of Econ
ECO310American Healthcare SysECO3XXAmerican Hlthcare Sys
ENG100English CompositionFCO105Rhetorical Comm
ENG200Public SpeakingCM104Human Communicatn
ENG300Adv CompFCO215Tech/Scientfc Comm
GE131Medical Ethics & LawBUS1XXMedical Ethics & Law
HCA200Prin of Healthcare AdminNPE2XXNon Prog Elect
HLT150Wellness for LifePAW1XXPhys Act & Wellness Elect
HSC100Med TerminologyHSC105Medical Terminology
HSC101Methods of Patient CareNPE1XXMeth of Patient Care
HSC195Cross Sect AnatomyNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
HSC202Holistic Hlth ModNPE2XXHolistic Hlth Mod
HUM210World ReligionsREL265World Religions
HUM310Death, Dying & BereavementGER330Death/Dying/Bereav
MAT150Clinical Math Hlth SciMAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MAT160College AlgebraMAT105College Algebra
MAT260StatisticsQBA260Business Stats I
NMT201Nuc MedNM2XXNuc Med
NMT211Nuc Med ClinicalNM2XXNuc Med Clinical
NUR101Found of Nsg PractNUR1XXFound of Nsg Pract
NUR102Fam Within CommNUR1XXFam Within Comm
NUR111Found Nsg ClinicalNUR1XXFound Nsg Clinical
NUR112Fam Within Com ClinNUR1XXFam Within Com Clin
NUR155Found of Client Care INUR1XXFound Client Care I
NUR160Hist & Theoretical PerspNUR1XXHist & Theor Persp
NUR201Acute & Chronic HlthNUR2XXAcute & Chronic Hlth
NUR202Crisis & Complx HlthNUR2XXCrisis & Complx Hlth
NUR211Care of ClientsNUR2XXCare of Clients
NUR212Crisis & Cmplx Hlth ProbNUR2XXCrisis & Complx Hlth
NUR301Conceptual Found NursNUR3XXConcep Found Nurs
NUR310Human Doversity & HealthcareNUR3XXHuman Div & Hlthcare
NUR321Health & Phys AssessmentNUR3XXHealth & Phys Assessmt
NUR322Teaching and LearningNUR3XXTeaching and Learning
NUR401Nursing ReserachNUR4XXNursing Research
NUR410Issues/Trends in NursNUR4XXIssues/Trends in Nurs
NUR412Women and HealthNUR4XXWomen and Health
NUR420Leadership MgmtNUR4XXLeadership Mgmt
NUR430Nursing in a Global SocNUR430Nursing in a Global Soc
PHI210Ethical & Legal DimPHL2XXEthical & Legal Dim
PHI285Moral Problems in MedicinePHL346Bioethics
PHI300Ethical Issues in NursingPHL3XXEthical Issues in Nurs
PHI330Ethical Issues in HealthCarePHL346Bioethics
PHL210Ethical & LegalPHL2XXEthical & Legal
PHY150PhysicsPHY110Gen Phys:Mech/Ht
PSY100General PsychologyPSY100General Psychology
PSY100Gen PsychologyPSY100General Psychology
PSY200Dev PsychologyPSY221Child/Adol Develop
RAD101Rad Procedures INPE1XXNon Prog Elect
RAD102Clinical Prac INPE1XXNon Prog Elect
RAD111Radiographic Proc INPE1XXRadiographic Proc I
RAD112Radiographic Proc IINPE1XXRadiographic Proc II
RAD113Radiographic Proc IIINPE1XXRadiographic Proc III
RAD131Radiologic Sci INPE1XXRadiologic Sci I
RAD132Radiologic Sci IINPE1XXRadiologic Sci II
RAD214Radiographic Proc IVNPE2XXRadiographic Proc IV
RAD215Radiographic Proc VNPE2XXRadiographic Proc V
RAD233Radiologic Sci IIINPE1XXRadiologic Sci III
RAD234Radiologic Sci IVNPE2XXRadiologic Sci IV
SOC100Intro to SociologySOC100Intro Sociology
SOC101Intro SocSOC100Intro Sociology
SOC200Cult DiversitySOC2XXCult Diversity
SPA100Span for Hlthcare ProfSPN107Spanish/Health Fld
SPA101Elem SpanishSPN101Elem Spanish I
SPA150Intro to Medical SpanishSPN107Spanish/Health Fld
Pennsylvania College of TechnologyYork College of Pennsylvania
ACC123Intro Mang AcctACC225Managerial Acct
ACC341Inter Accounting IACC2XXIntermed Acc I
ART1022-D DesignART210Design I
ART104Visual LiteracyART101Art/Visual Culture
ART109Design and ColorART1XXDesign and Color
ART122PaintingART220Painting I
ART125Art HistoryART204Survey West Art I
ART135Art HistoryART205Survey West Art II
ART145History of Graphic DesignART1XXHistory of Graphic Design
ART180DrawingART215Drawing I
ART202Intro 3-D DesignART211Design II
ART210Intro Graphic DesART2XXIntro Graphic Des
ART215PrintmakingART287Printmaking I
ART225Type Des IART2XXType Des I
ART235Type Des IIART2XXType Des II
ART260Intro Comp GraphicsART2XXIntro Comp Graphics
ART270Computer Graphics IART206Elements Comp Graph
BIM120Social Media in Bus and SocCM225Intro New Media
BIO103Hum Anat & Phys SurvBIO112Fund Human Bio
BIO111Basic BotanyBIO1XXBasic Botany
BIO115Hum A & P IBIO220Human A/P I
BIO125Hum A & P IIBIO222Human A/P II
BIO213Hum Cell & Mol BioBIO150Biology I
BIO220General Biology IBIO150Biology I
BIO2993Biol of Drugs/AddictBIO2XXBiology Elect No Lab
BRW102Intro to Brewing, Ferm & DistHSP1XXIntro to Brewing, Ferm & Dist
BWM150Intro to Web Page DevpmntIFS1XXIntro to Web Page Dev
CAD116Intro to 2D CADEGR1XXIntro to 2D CAD
CAD2373D CAD & ModelingEGR2XX3D CAD & Modeling
CAD247CAD Mgt & CustomizationEGR2XXCAD Mgt & Customization
CCD101Tech Drawing IEGR1XXTech Drawing I
CCD102Detailing IEGR1XXDetailing I
CCD103Technical Drawing IEGR1XXTechnical Drawing I
CCD104Detailing IEGR1XXDetailing I
CCD121Tech Drawing IIEGR1XXTech Drawing II
CCD236Civ & Struct DrawingsEGR2XXCiv & Struct Drawings
CCD243Tooling Des & DrawEGR2XXTooling Des & Draw
CCD244Electrical & Electronics DrawEGR2XXElectrical & Electronics Draw
CET242Fluid MechanicsME2XXFluid Mechanics
CET243Strength of MaterialsEGR2XXStrength of Materials
CHM100Fund of ChemistryCHM1XXFund of Chemistry
CHM108Chemistry SurveyCHM104Found of Chem
CHM111Gen Chemistry ICHM134Gen Chem I
CHM203Organic Chem ICHM234Organic Chem I
CHM210Organic Chem ICHM2XXChemistry Elect No Lab
CIM101Basic Machine Tool ProgEGR1XXBasic Machine
CIT112Intro to Gaming & SimIFS1XXIntro Gaming & Sim
CIT114Gaming and Sim Des Prin IIFS1XXGaming and Sim Des Prin I
CIT150Intro Web Page DevelIFS1XXIntro to Web Page Dev
CIT160Intro to ProgrammingIFS1XXIntro to Programming
CIT170Intro to Net & Tech SupIFS1XXIntro Networking & Tech Sup
CIT171Intro to NetworkingIFS1XXIntro to Networking
CIT180Intro to DatabaseIFS1XXIntro to Database
CIT230Fundamentals of Inform SecIFS2XXFundamentals of Inform Sec
CIT260Programming IIIFS2XXProgramming II
CIT280Database DevelopmentIFS2XXDatabase Development
CSC104Microcomp FundIFS105Personal Computing
CSC108Intro to Compter ProgramIFS1XXIntro to Comp Program
CSC110Intro to Info TechIFS105Personal Computing
CSC110Intro to Info TechIFS100Info Tech Competncy
CSC124Info, Tech, & SocietyIFS100Info Tech Competncy
CSC124Info, Tech, & SocietyIFS105Personal Computing
CSC140Prob Solv with Elem ProgIFS1XXProb Solv with Elem Prog
CSC161Computer Prog ICS1XXComp Prog I
CSC250Creating Web ApplIFS2XXCreating Web Appl
CSC262Computer Prog IICS2XXComp Prog II
CSC263Data and Object StructIFS2XXData and Object Structures
CSC271Network AdminIFS325Intro Networks
CSC272Network Tech SupportIFS2XXNetwork Tech Support
CSC273Network InterconnIFS2XXNetwork Interconn
CSC281Computer OrgIFS2XXComp Org
CSC374Data CommIFS3XXData Comm
ECO111Prin of MacroeconECO200Prin Econ-Macro
ECO112Prin of MicroeconECO201Prin Econ-Micro
EDU101Intro to Early Child EdEDU1XXIntro Early Child Ed
EDU125Methods & Materials Early ChldEDU1XXMeth & Mat Early Child
EDU130Am Sign Lang ICM150Beg Sign Language
EDU201Health, Safety, NutritionEDU2XXHlth, Safety, Nutrition
EET105Microcomputer MaintIFS1XXMicrocomputer Maint
EET112Intro to Solid State DevEGR1XXIntro to Solid State Dev
EET114Intro to Digital ElecEGR1XXIntro to Digital Elec
EET115Digital Circuits ApplicationsEGR1XXDigital Circuits Applications
EET116Elec Circuits & Devices IEGR1XXElec Cir Dev I
EET116Electronic Circuits and Dev IEGR1XXElec Circuits and Dev I
EET124Eng, Tech and SocietyEGR1XXEng, Tech and Society
EET150DC-ACCirc AnalyEGR1XXDC-ACCirc Analy
EET152Int Solid St DevEGR1XXInt Solid St Dev
EET154Intro to MicroprocCS1XXIntro Microproc
EET156Elec Cir & Devices IIEGR1XXElec Cir & Devices II
EET158Software Tools Eng TechEGR1XXSoftware Tools Eng Tech
EET204Network Install and MaintIFS2XXNetwork install and Maint
EET206Linear Integ CircuitsEGR2XXLinear Integ Circuits
EET209Sys Troubleshooting AppEGR2XXSys Troubleshooting App
EET250Intro Sensing & ControlEGR2XXIntro Sensing & Cntrl
EET280Analog CommEGR2XXAnalog Comm
EET282Digital CommIFS2XXDigital Comm
ELT111Direct Current FundamentalsECE1XXDirect Current Funda
ELT113Accident PreventionECE1XXAccident Prevention
ELT116Construction Lab I- ResECE1XXConstruction Lab I-Res
ELT120Construction Lab II - CommECE1XXConstruction Lab II
ELT122Alternating Current FundECE1XXAlternating Current Fund
ELT234Elec Motor ControlECE2XXElec Motor Control
ELT235Industrial ElectronicsECE2XXIndustrial Electronics
ELT244Adv Elec TheoryECE2XXAdv Elec Theory
ELT245Intro to Program LogicECE2XXIntro Program Logic
ELT248Elec Systems AnalysisECE2XXElec Systems Analysis
ELT249Program Logic Control In/OutECE2XXProgram Logic Cntr I/O
ENL111English Composition IFCO105Rhetorical Comm
ENL121English Composition IILIT200Perspectives/Lit
ENL201Tech/Prof CommunicationFCO215Tech/Scientfc Comm
ENL201Tech & Prof CommWRT210Writng/Prof Culturs
ENL252Women in LitLIT382Women In Literature
ENL252Women in LitWGS382Women In Literature
FHD101Found of Prof CookingHSP1XXFound of Prof Cooking
FHD111Intro FoodsHSP1XXIntro Foods
FHD116Nutrition ApplNUR202Nutrition
FHD119Dining Room ServiceHSP1XXDining Room Service
FHD137Intro BakingHSP1XXIntro Baking
FHD142Professional Table ServHSP1XXProfessional Table Serv
FHD160Travel and TourismHSP1XXTravel and Tourism
FHD220Hosp Bev MgmtHSP2XXHosp Bev Mgmt
FHD278Professional Event PlanHSP2XXProfessional Event Plan
FHD404Hospitality Systems MgmtHSP4XXHospitality Sys Mgmt
FIT109Tennis/Table TennisPE1XXTennis/Table Tennis
FIT112Racket SportsPE1XXRacket Sports
FIT134Free-weight TrainingPAW1XXFree-weight Training
FIT143Weight Trn/VolleyballPE1XXWeight Trn/Volleyball
FIT170Step AerobicsPE1XXStep Aerobics
FIT172Weight TrainingPAW1XXPhys Act & Wellness
FIT173Aerobic Cross TrainingPE1XXAerobic Cross Training
FIT174Free-Weight TrainingPAW118Physical Fitness
FIT174Free-Weight TrainingPAW119Physical Fitness
FIT175Basic Fitness TrainingPAW134Concpts Phys Actvty
FIT182Intro to Scuba DivingPE1XXIntro to Scuba Diving
FIT185Functional Fitness TrainingPE1XXFunct Fit Training
FIT190Personal FitnessPE134Concpts Phys Actvty
FIT192Walking & Phys FitPE1XXWalking & Phys Fit
FIT201Pers & Comm HlthNPE1XXNon Program Elect
FIT201Pers & Comm HlthPE1XXPhysical Ed Elect
FIT204First AidNPE2XXFirst Aid
FIT205Coping with StressPE1XXPhys Ed Elect
FIT205Coping with StressNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
FIT207Wellness for LifePE134Concpts Phys Actvty
FIT208Wellness: Choices for LifePAW234Well/Fitness/Life
FIT299DPhys Fit for Weight MgtPE2XXPhys Fit for Weight Mgt
FIT299GGroup Fit TrainingPE2XXGroup Fit Training
FYE101First Year ExperienceFYS1XXFirst Year Experience
HIS115World Civ IHIS121World History I
HIS125World Civ IIHIS122World History II
HIS126World Hist IIHIS122World History II
HIS136United States Survey to 1877HIS111American Civ I
HIS146U.S. from 1877 to PresHIS112American Civ II
HIT320Managing Priv and SecBUS3XXMang Priv and Sec
HRM300Hum Res MgtMGT220Human Resource Mgt
HRT113Ornamental PlantsBIO1XXBiology Elect No Lab
HRT121Landscape PlantsBIO1XXBiology Elect No Lab
HRT210Plant PropagationBIO2XXBiology Elect No Lab
HRT215Lanscape Plants & DesBIO2XXBiology Elect No Lab
HRT239Plant Insects & DisBIO2XXBiology Elect No Lab
HSJ115Intro to Human Svcs & Res JusHSV100Intro to HSV
HSJ120Intro to Interview Skills/IntkHSV1XXIntro to Interview Skills/Intk
HSR115Intro Hum ServicesSOC1XXIntro Hum Services
HSR120Intro Help Skills & ProcSOC1XXIntro Help Skills & Proc
HTH100Intro to Health CarBIO100Intro Allied Hl
HTH115Pathology & Disease INUR1XXPathology & Disease I
HTH125Pathology & Dis IINUR1XXPathology & Dis II
HTH305Holist Persp Hlth & WellPE1XXHolist Persp Hlth & Well
HTH307Women's Hlth IssWGS210Women's Health
HTH308Intro Comm HealthNPE1XXIntro Comm Health
HTH310Health Issues and TransGER100Perspectives/Aging
HTH325Health Care Delivery SysBEH3XXHealth Care Delivery Sys
HTH330Medical EthicsPHL3XXMedical Ethics
HTH373Coll Health CareNPE1XXColl Health Care
HTH415Intro Global HealthNPE1XXIntro Global Health
HTH447Hlth & Hum Serv Pub PolNPE1XXHlth & Hum Serv
HTH494Senior CapstoneNPE1XXSenior Capstone
HTH496Senior CapstoneNPE1XXSenior Capstone
LAS110Business Org LawBUS1XXBusiness Org Law
LAS150Legal Research and WritingWRT1XXLegal Research & Writing
LAS250Criminal Law and ProceduresCJA302Criminal Law
LAS340Elec Media and LawCM3XXElec Media and Law
MCM111Introduction to Mass CommCM211Mass Communication
MCM120News WritingCM332Media Writing
MCM121Principles of AdvertisingMKT330Advertising
MCM122Media and LawCM434Media Law/Ethics
MCM127Prin of AdvertisingMKT330Advertising
MCM130Audio in MediaCM226Audio Productn
MCM131Announcing TechniquesCM1XXAnnouncing Techniques
MCM132Radio Station Operat and ProdCM231Radio Production I
MCM133Radio Station Op & ProdCM231Radio Production I
MCM136Intro Video ProdCM242Video Prodctn I
MCM152Introduction to CinemaFLM216Intro to Film
MCM220Broadcast JournalismCM340News Wrtng/Productn
MCM225Reporting Pub AffCM2XXReporting Pub Aff
MCM232Radio Prog and MgtCM132Radio Practicum I
MCM236Digital Media EditingCM2XXDigital Media Editing
MCM241Adv Media WrtCM2XXAdv Media Wrt
MCM243Public RelationsCM221Public Relations
MCM246Adv Dig Media ProdCM431Adv Production
MGT105Introduction to BusinessBUS150Intro to Business
MGT110Prin of BusinessBUS1XXPrin of Business
MGT115Principles of ManagementMGT150Prin of Management
MGT230Business CommWRT210Writng/Prof Culturs
MGT247Small Bus MgtMGT2XXSmall Bus Mgt
MGT248Supervision & Hum RelMGT2XXSupervision & Hum Rel
MGT291Bus Admin InternBUS2XXBus Admin Intern
MGT301Bus Law IBUS260Legal Environment
MGT380Org Theory & DesignOBD3XXOrg Theory & Design
MIS110Intro to MISIFS305Management Info Sys
MKT240Prin of MarketingMKT100Prin Marketing
MKT325Consumer BehaviorMKT360Consumer Behavior
MSC106Intro to MetallurgyPSC1XXIntro to Metallurgy
MTH120Tech Algebra & Trig IMAT102Prelim Math/Prob Solv
MTH123Tech Algebra & Trig IMAT102College Algebra I
MTH124Tech Alg & Trig IMAT105College Algebra
MTH150Intro to Math IMAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MTH151Structures of MathMAT115Sets/Number Systems
MTH153Top in MathMAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MTH158Elementary Statistics IMAT250Statistics
MTH158Elementary Statistics IBEH260Statistics
MTH158Elementary Statistics IQBA260Business Statistics
MTH160Elem StatsMAT250Statistics
MTH160Elem StatsBEH260Statistics
MTH160Elem StatsQBA260Business Statistics
MTH172Intro to GeometryMAT1XXIntro to Geometry
MTH180Coll Algebra & Trig IMAT105College Algebra
MTH182Coll Alg and Trig IIMAT108Precalculus
MTH240Calculus IMAT171Calculus I
MTR100Medical TerminologyRT105Medical Terminology
MTR100Medical TerminologyBIO201Medical Terminology
MTR104Basics of Med TerminologyRT105Medical Terminology
MTR104Basics of Med TerminologyBIO201Medical Terminology
MTT105Man Proc & ToolEGR1XXMan Proc & Tool
MTT118Mill ApplicationsME1XXMill Applications
MTT119Lathe ApplicationsME100Intro Mech Engineer
MTT119Lathe ApplicationsME1XXLathe Applications
MTT127Metro/Qual ControlEGR1XXMetro/Qual Control
MTT212Machine Tool ApplicationsEGR2XXMachine Tool App
PFS150Grp Exer Prog SurvPE1XXGrp Exer Prog Surv
PFS170Spec Resistance TrainingPE1XXSpec Resist Train
PFS172Specialist Aerobic TrainingPE136Aerobic Dance
PFS175Grp Fit Leader TrainingPE1XXGrp Fit Leader Trn
PFS210Fitness & WellnessNPE1XXNon Program Elective
PFS210Fitness & WellnessPE1XXPhysical Education Elective
PFS211Life Beh ModPE2XXLife Beh Mod
PFS214Fit Testing & InterpPE2XXFit Testing & Interp
PFS215Physical Fitness ScreeningPE2XXPhysical Fitness Screening
PFS217Cardio ProgPE1XXCardio Prog
PFS220Org & Lead of Fit ProgREC103Leadership Rec/Leis
PFS226Intro Pers TrainingPE2XXIntro Pers Training
PFS230Mgmt & Oper of Facilities & EqSPM2XXMgmt & Oper Facilities & Eq
PFS250Professional FieldworkSPM2XXProfessional Fieldwork
PHL110Intro to PhilosophyPHL221Intro Philosophy
PHO101Black & White PhotoART245Photography I
PHO150Digital PhotographyART247Digital Image
PHO250Intro Digital PhotoART246Digital Photography
PHS103Physics SurveyPHY1XXPhysics Elect No Lab
PHS115Coll Physics IPHY110Gen Phys:Mech/Ht
PHS125College Physics IIPHY112Gen Phys:Elc/Magn
PNP127Appl Typography & DesART218Typography I
PNP135Elect Pub & DesignART1XXElect Pub & Design
PNP136Packaging & Prod DesART1XXPack & Prod Des
PNP210Digital Imaging IIART2XXDigital Imaging II
PSC141State Local GovtPS242State/Local Govt
PSC231Amer Govt NatPS141American Governmnt
PSC241State and Local GovtPS242State/Local Govt
PSY111Gen PsychologyPSY100General Psychology
PSY201Abnormal PsychPSY230Abnormal Psych
PSY203Dev PsychologyPSY2XXDev Psychology
PSY203Dev PsychologyNUR201Nursing HD/HC
PSY210Child PsychologyPSY221Child/Adol Develop
SAF110Occ Health and SafetyNPE1XXOcc Health and Safety
SAF110Occ Health & SafetyBUS1XXOcc Health & Safety
SCI100Environmental ScienceBIO1XXBiology Elective No Lab
SCI101Intro Forensic SciCHM1XXChem Elect No Lab
SCI155Introduction to AstronomyESS1XXIntro to Astronomy No Lab
SEM305Sport MgmtSPM125Intro Sport Mgmt
SOC111Intro to SociologySOC100Intro Sociology
SOC231Marriage and the FamilySOC225The Family
SOC260Drugs and SocietySOC2XXDrugs and Society
SOC270Death & DyingSOC2XXDeath & Dying
SOC311Soc of Work & CultSOC3XXSoc of Work & Cult
SPA111Beg Spanish ISPN101Elem Spanish I
SPC101Fund of SpeechCM212Public Speaking
SPC102Fund Small Group CommCM304Group Discussion
SPC201Int CommCM212Public Speaking
SPC301Organizational CommCM328Organizational Comm
SPN180Fit NutritionNPE1XXFit Nutrition
SPN224Nutrition & Spec PopulationsSPM2XXNutrition & Spec Pop
SPN228Nutrition for the AthleteSPM2XXNutrition for the Athlete
URF110Intro to ArboricultureBEH1XXIntro to Arboriculture
Pennsylvania State UniversityYork College of Pennsylvania
A ED003Arts-Elem SchART1XXArts-Elem Sch
AA193NCraft of ComicsART1XXCraft of Comics
AAA S102Wmn Cl: Cr Cul PersWGS1XXWmn Cl: Cr Cul Pers
AAS100NIntro to Asian Am StHUM1XXIntro to Asian Am St
ACCTG101Intro Fin AcctgACC220Financial Acct
ACCTG102Intro Man AcctACC225Managerial Acct
ACCTG104Intro Man AcctgACC225Managerial Acct
ACCTG200Intro Fin AcctgACC220Financial Acct
ACCTG201Intro Fin AcctgACC220Financial Acct
ACCTG202Intro Manag AcctgACC225Managerial Acct
ACCTG211Fin Mgl Acc Dec MkACC220Financial Acct
ACCTG211Fin Mgl Acc Dec MkACC225Managerial Acct
ACCTG310Fed Tax IACC3XXFed Tax I
ACCTG340Cost AcctgACC320Inter Accounting I
ACCTG404Managerial Accting: Eco PersACC225Managerial Accounting
ACCTG405Prin of Taxation IACC305Taxation I
ACCTG471Int Fin Acctg IACC4XXInt Fin Acctg I
ACCTG471Int Fin Acctg IACC4XXInt Fin Acctg I
ACCTG472Int Fin Acctg IIACC325Inter Accounting II
ACCTG801Intro AcctgACC2XXIntro Acctg
ACCTG802Intro AcctgACC2XXIntro Acctg
ACCTG806Federal Tax AcctgACC2XXFederal Tax Acctg
ACCTG807Managerial AcctgACC225Managerial Acct
ADM J111Intro Amer Crim JustCJA101Intro Crim Justice
AE202Intro Ae ConceptsEGR2XXIntro Ae Concepts
AE221Arch Bldg MatlsEGR2XXArch Bldg Matls
AE222Working DrawingsEGR2XXWorking Drawings
AE308Intro Struct AnalEGR3XXIntro Struct Anal
AE496Special TopicsEGR4XXSpecial Topics
AF AM145Afro-Am RelgREL1XXAfro-Am Relg
AF AM152African Amer HistHIS1XXAfrican Amer Hist
AFAM147Malcolm XHIS1XXMalcolm X
AFAM250Intro to CaribbeanHUM1XXIntro to Caribbean
AFR110Int Contemp AfricaINT143Intro Africa
AG BM101Econ Prin AgribusECO1XXEcon Prin Agribus
AIR151Found of Air Force INPE1XXNon Prog Elect
AIR152Found of Air Force IINPE1XXNon Prog Elect
AIR251Air/Space Power INPE1XXNon Prog Elect
AIR252Air/Space Power IINPE1XXNon Prog Elect
AIR351Leadership Studies IBUS3XXLeadership Studies I
AM ST100Intro to Am StBEH1XXIntro to Am St
AM ST100WIntro to Am StBEH1XXIntro to Am St
AM ST104Women & Amer ExpWGS342Women In US History
AM ST105Pop Cul & FolklifeBEH1XXPop Cul & Folklife
AM ST140YRel in Amer LifeREL369Amer Rel Thght/Cult
AM ST297HDeath in Am CultureBEH2XXDeath in Am Culture
AM ST307American ArtART3XXAmerican Art
AM ST402WAm Themes & ErasBEH4XXAm Themes & Eras
AM ST422Rel & Am CultureREL4XXRel & Am Culture
AMST100Intro to Amer StudHIS1XXIntro to Amer Stud
AMST104Women and Amer ExpWGS1XXWomen and Amer Exp
AMST105Pop Cult and FolklifeHUM1XXPop Cult and Folklife
AMST106NMass Media and SocCM211Mass Communication
AMST1501960s AmericaHIS1XX1960s America
AMST297HDeath in Am CultHUM2XXDeath in Am Cult
AMSTD411Women in Amer SocHIS390Women in US History
AMSTD442American FolkloreHUM3XXAmerican Folklore
AMSTD451Civil War & ReconHIS364Civil War & Reconstruction
AMSTD453Industrial AmericaHIS365Emerg Mod America
AMSTD457Ethnic AmericaBEH4XXEthnic America
AMSTD458Contemp Amer 1945-PresHIS367Recent Amer/1945-Prs
AMSTD469American IndiansHIS441Native American Hist
AMSTD483Oral HistoryHIS205Oral History
ANTH001Intro AnthropologyANT2XXIntro Anthropology
ANTH002Intro ArchaeologyANT230Intro Archaeology
ANTH008Aztec, Maya & IncasANT1XXAztec, Maya & Incas
ANTH021Intro Biol AnthANT2XXIntro Biol Anth
ANTH045Cultural AnthANT220Cult Anthropology
ANTH11Intro N A ArchyANT1XXIntro N A Archy
ANTH146North Amer IndiansANT1XXNorth Amer Indians
ANTH380Anth Museum StudiesANT3XXAnth Museum Studies
ANTH423Evol Am Indian CulANT3XXEvol Am Indian Cul
ANTH450WComp Soc OrgnANT3XXComp Soc Orgn
ANTH457Lang in CultureANT3XXLang in Culture
ANTH460Human GeneticsANT3XXHuman Genetics
ANTH494Research ProjectANT3XXResearch Project
ARAB001El Mod Std Arab IARB101Elem Arabic I
ARAB002El Mod Std Arab IIARB102Elem Arabic II
ARAB003Int Mod Std ArabARB1XXInt Mod Std Arab
ARAB497Special TopicsL3XXSpecial Topics
ARCH170NIntro Sustainable ArchEGR1XXIntro Sustainable Arch
ARMY101Army Org & FunctNPE1XXArmy Org & Funct
ART001Vis Art/Studio:IntrART101Intro Art Apprec
ART002Int Learning & Web DesignIFS1XXInt Learning & Web Design
ART003Visual Images on the WebART1XXVisual Images on the Web
ART010Intro Vis StudiesART1XXIntro Vis Studies
ART017Intro to Metal ArtsART1XXIntro to Metal Arts
ART020Intro DrawingART215Drawing I
ART020SIntro DrawingART215Drawing I
ART030Intro to SculptureART116Concepts/Sculpture
ART030Intro to SculptureART230Sculpture I
ART040Intro to PrintmakingART287Printmaking
ART080Intro to CeramicsART225Ceramics I
ART098Special TopicsART1XXSpecial Topics
ART100Conc and Creat Vis ArtsART101Art/Visual Culture
ART100SCreat/Vis ArtsART1XXCreat/Vis Arts
ART110SIdeas as Visual ImagesART1XXIdeas as Visual Images
ART111Ideas as ObjectsART1XXIdeas as Objects
ART120Beginning DrawingART215Drawing I
ART122YComment on ArtART1XXComment on Art
ART130Intro Sculp IART230Sculpture I
ART130Intro Sculp IART116Concepts/Sculpture
ART191Beg Digital PhotographyART246Digital Photography
ART201Intro to Computer GraphicsART134Concpts Comp Grhcs
ART220Figure DrawingART216Figure Drawing I
ART223Drawing: Tech, Mat, ToolsART265Drawing II
ART230Beginning SculptureART116Concepts/Sculpture
ART230Beginning SculptureART230Sculpture I
ART240Beginning PrintmakingART287Printmaking
ART250Beginning Oil PaintingART114Concepts/Painting
ART250Beginning Oil PaintingART220Painting I
ART251Acrylic PaintingART114Concepts/Painting
ART251Acrylic PaintingART220Painting I
ART280Beginning CeramicsART225Ceramics I
ART290Beginning PhotographyART245Photography I
ART291Photography IIART345Photography III
ART297Special TopicsART2XXSpecial Topics
ART350Intermediate PaintingART270Painting II
ART393Color PhotographyART295Photography II
ART50Intro PaintingART220Painting I
ART H100Intro to ArtART1XXIntro to Art
ART H110Surv of West ArtART1XXSurv of West Art
ART H111Anc to Med ArtART204Survey West Art I
ART H112Renaissance to Modern ArtART205Survey West Art II
ART H197BHist Seq Art-ComART1XXHist Seq Art-Com
ART H201Ancient to Medieval ArchitecART204Survey West Art I
ART H202Ren to Mod ArchART2XXRen to Mod Arch
ART H307American ArtART393American Art
ART H311Greek and Roman ArtART390Art/Classicl  World
ART H325Impress/SurrealismART3XXImpress/Surrealism
ART H470American Painting & SculpART39520th Century Art II
ART H497CMod Afr ArtART3XXMod Afr Art
ARTH111Anc to Med ArtART204Survey West Art I
ARTH112Ren to Modern ArtART205Survey West Art II
ARTH120Asian Art & ArchART2XXAsian Art & Arch
ARTH226Hist Seq ArtART2XXHist Seq Art
ARTS001The ArtsHUM1XXThe Arts
ASIA083Asia First-Yr SemFYS100First Year Seminar
ASTRO001Astro UniverseESS155Astronomy Lab
ASTRO001Astro UniverseESS154Intro/Astronomy
ASTRO001Astro UniverseESS1XXEarth Sci Elective No Lab
ASTRO005Sky and PlanetsESS1XXEarth Sci Elect No Lab
ASTRO010Elem AstroESS1XXEarth Science Ele No Lab
ASTRO140Life in UniverseESS1XXEarth Sci Elect No Lab
ASTRO7NArtistic UniverseESS1XXArtistic Universe
B A100Intro to BusBUS150Intro to Business
B A241Legal Env of BusBUS260Legal Environment
B A242Soc & Eth Env BusBUS2XXSoc & Eth Env Bus
B A243Soc Leg Eth Env BusBUS260Legal Environment
B A250Small BusinessesBUS2XXSmall Businesses
B A302Sup ChainsBUS3XXSup Chains
B A303MktgBUS3XXMktg
B A321Ctmp Skls Bus ProfBUS3XXCtmp Skls Bus Prof
B A322Ind Eff Bus ProfBUS3XXInd Eff Bus Prof
B A355Bus & SocietyBUS3XXBus & Society
B A364YIntl Bus & SocietyIBS3XXIntl Bus & Society
B A495AInternship/BusBUS4XXInternship/Bus
B LAW243Legal Env of BusBUS260Legal Environment
B LAW5076Criminal Law and ProcedureCJA1XXCriminal Law and Proc
B LAW5098Amer Const Law:Indiv RightsPS1XXAm Const Law:Indiv Rights
B LOG301Bus Log MgmtMGT3XXBus Log Mgmt
B M B001Bases Hum DiseaseBIO1XXBiology Elect No Lab
B M B211Elem BiochemBIO2XXBiology Elect No Lab
B M B251Mol/Cell Biol IBIO2XXBiology Elect No Lab
BA243Soc Leg Eth Env BusinessBUS2XXSoc Leg Eth Env Business
BA364YIntl Bus and SocietyBUS3XXIntl Bus and Society
BA421Project ManagementMGT410Project Management
BA422WStrat. Bus. PlanningBUS495Bus. Strat. & Planning
BB H019Hlth & DiseaseBIO1XXBiology Elective No Lab
BB H043Drugs in SocietyBEH1XXDrugs in Society
BB H045Alchl Awareness EdBEH1XXAlchl Awareness Ed
BB H046Intro Human SexBIO1XXBiology Elective No Lab
BB H048Values and HealthNPE1XXValues and Health
BB H101Intro Biobeh HlthBIO1XXBiology Elective No Lab
BB H143Drugs Beh & HlthBEH1XXDrugs Beh & Hlth
BB H146Hlth & Hum SexBEH1XXHlth & Hum Sex
BB H197Special Topics: BioBehav HlthBEH1XXSpec Topics: Biobehav
BB H311Integ BB HBIO3XXBiology Elect No Lab
BB H368Neuroan, Beh & HlthBIO3XXBiology Elect No lab
BB H451Pharm Infl HlthBIO4XXBiology Elect No Lab
BBH101Intro Biobeh HealthHSC1XXIntro Biobeh Health
BBH119Beh Hlth & DiseaseHSC1XXBeh Hlth & Disease
BBH143Drugs Beh HealthPSY1XXDrugs Beh Health
BBH146Health and Hum SexBEH1XXHealth and Hum Sex
BE SC333Cult AnthyBEH3XXCult Anthy
BE SC395BE SCInternshipBEH495Cooperative Intern
BE SC406AdolescenceBEH1XXAdolescence
BE SC407Small Groups CounsBEH4XXSmall Groups Couns
BE SC408Grp Facil/Ldshp SkBEH3XXGrp Facil/Ldshp Sk
BE SC468Ind PsychologyBEH4XXInd Psychology
BE SC472Res Meth Beh SciBEH4XXRes Meth Beh Sci
BI SC001Struct/Func OrganismBIO1XXBiology Elective No Lab
BI SC002Genet Ecol EvolBIO1XXBiology Elective No Lab
BI SC003Environmental SciBIO1XXEnviron Sci
BI SC004Human BodyBIO1XXHuman Body
BIOCH001Bioch ScBIO1XXBiology Elective No Lab
BIOCH403Exp BiochBIO4XXExp Bioch
BIOE450WSr DesignBIO4XXBiology elective no lab
BIOL011Intro Biol IBIO1XXBiology Elective No Lab
BIOL020Plts Plcs & PpleBIO1XXBiology Elective No Lab
BIOL020APlts Plcs & PpleBIO1XXBiology Elect No Lab
BIOL027Plant BiolBIO1XXBiology Elect No Lab
BIOL029Mammalian AnatomyBIO220Human A/P I
BIOL033Human GeneticsBIO2XXBiol Elective No Lab
BIOL041PhysiologyBIO1XXBiology Elective No Lab
BIOL041PhysiologyBIO222Human A/P II
BIOL055Biology of AgingBIO1XXBiology Elective No Lab
BIOL101Prin of Biol IBIO150Biology I
BIOL102Prin of Biol IIBIO152Biology II
BIOL110Biology Conc BiodBIO151Biology I Lab
BIOL110Biology Conc Biod BIO142Molecule/Gene/Cell
BIOL110Biology Conc Biod BIO143Mole/Gene/Cell Lab
BIOL110Biology Conc Biod BIO150Biology I
BIOL120APlts Plcs & Pple BIO1XXBiology Elect No Lab
BIOL129Mammalian Anatomy BIO220Human A/P I
BIOL129Mammalian Anatomy BIO1XXMammalian Anat
BIOL133Gent Evol Humans BIO1XXBiology Elective no lab
BIOL141Physiology01BIO223Hum A/P II Lab
BIOL141Physiology01BIO222Human A/P II
BIOL141Physiology BIO1XXBiology Elective No Lab
BIOL141Physiology BIO222Human A/P II
BIOL142Physiology Lab01  
BIOL161A&P I Lect03BIO221Human A/P I Lab
BIOL161A&P I Lect03BIO2XXHuman A/P I
BIOL161A&P I Lect03BIO220Human A/P I
BIOL162A&P I Lab03  
BIOL163A&P II Lect04BIO222Human A/P II
BIOL163A&P II Lect04BIO223Hum A/P II Lab
BIOL164A&P II Lab04  
BIOL169NBeing Human BIO1XXBeing Human
BIOL210Ecology BIO2XXBiology Elect No Lab
BIOL220WBiology Pop Comm BIO2XXBiology Pop Comm
BIOL222Genetics BIO240Genetics
BIOL230WBiology Mol Cells BIO150Biology I
BIOL230WBiology Mol Cells BIO1XXBiology Mol Cells
BIOL231Cell Biology BIO2XXBiology Elect No Lab
BIOL240WBiol func Dev Org BIO153Biology II Lab
BIOL240WBiol func Dev Org BIO152Biology II
BIOL296Indep Studies BIO2XXIndep Studies
BIOL322Genetic Analysis BIO3XXBiology Elective no lab
BIOL406Symbiosis BIO2XXBiology Elect No Lab
BIOL421Comp Vert Anat BIO4XXComp Vert Anat
BIOL437Histology BIO4XXHistology
BIOL446Physiol Ecology BIO4XXBiology Elect No Lab
BIOL451Biology of RNA BIO4XXBiology Elect No Lab
BIOL497CEcotoxicology BIO4XXBiology Elect No Lab
BISC2Genet Ecol Evol BIO2XXGenet Ecol Evol
BISC3Environmental Sci BIO1XXEnvironmental Sci
BISC4Human Body BIO113Fund Bio Lab
BISC4Human Body BIO112Essentials of A & P
BMB251Mol/Cell Bio I BIO2XXBiology Elect no lab
BRASS120JTrumpet Prim I MUS1XXTrumpet Prim I
BRASS170JTrumpet Prim II MUS1XXTrumpet Prim II
BRASS181JFr Horn Perf II MUS218French Horn
BRASS220Trump Prim III MUS2XXTrump Prim III
BRASS231JFr Horn Perf III MUS318French Horn
BRASS270Trumpet Prim IV MUS2XXTrumpet Prim IV
BRASS320Trumpet Prim V MUS3XXTrumpet Prim V
BRASS370Trumpet Prim VI MUS3XXTrump Prim VI
BUS340Law in Society BUS260Legal Environment
BUS361Operation Mgmt MGT3XXOperation Mgmt
BUS364Natl-Intl Bus SocBUS3XXNatl-Intl Bus Soc
BUS364WBusiness and SocBUS3XXBusiness and Soc
BUS462Bus StratBUS3XXBus Strat
BUSEC502Econ for ManagersMBA514Public Policy & Bus
CART305Principles of 2-D DesignART210Design I
CART310Intro to the Visual ArtsART101Intro Art Apprec
CART315Approaches to DrawingART215Drawing I
CART415Approaches to PaintingART220Painting I
CART415Approaches to PaintingART114Concepts/Painting
CART43019th Century Art in EuropeART39119th Century Art
CART431Modern ArtART4XXModern Art
CAS455Top in Gender & CommCM444Spec. Top in Comm
CC200Intro to Corporate CommBUS246Business Comm
CC401Internal CommunicationCM328Org Communication
CC402External CommunicationCM321Writing for PR
CC404Risk & Crisis in Corp CommCM423Crisis Comm Management
CC406Social Media in Corp CommCM225Intro to New Media
CC490WSeminar in Corp CommMKT475Marketing Policies & Strategies
CC495AInternship in Corp CommCM450/451Communication Internship
CI200Peer TutoringEDU2XXPeer Tutoring
CI280Intro to Eng to ELLEDU335Instrc Needs/ELL
CI295Intro Fd Ex Tch PrEDU2XXIntro Fd Ex Tch Pr
CI296Indep StudiesEDU2XXIndep Studies
CI297BPeer Tutoring IIEDU2XXPeer Tutoring II
CLIT010Forms of World LitLIT1XXForms of World Lit
CLIT198BThe Comic SpiritLIT1XXThe Comic Spirit
CLIT401West Heritage ILIT285Eur Lit to 1600
CMUS301Foundations of MusicMUS181Found Music Theory
CMUS302Choral MusicMUS150YCChorale
CMUS325History of Music IIMUS290Intro Music Lit
CMUS326History of Music IIIMUS290Intro Music Lit
CAMS001Greek and Roman LitLIT1XXGreek and Roman Lit
CAMS004Jewish and Christian FoundREL1XXJewish and Christian Found
CAMS012Bible Lands ArchyANT2XXBible Lands Archy
CAMS025Greek CivHIS1XXGreek Civ
CAMS034Latin Literature in Eng TransLIT1XXLatin Lit in Eng Trans
CAMS044Ancient Near East & Egypt MythHUM1XXAnc Near East & Egypt Myth
CAMS045Classical MythologyHUM1XXClassical Mythology
CAMS050Word Power:Class Src Eng VocabLIT1XXWord Pwr:Class Src Eng Voc
CAMS110Hebrew Bible: Old TestamentREL1XXHebrew Bible:Old Test
CAMS111Early JudaismREL1XXEarly Judaism
CAMS120New TestamentREL1XXNew Testament
CAMS124Early & Medieval ChristianityREL1XXEarly & Med Christianity
CAMS180Ancient WarfareHUM1XXAncient Warfare
CAMS410Classical EpicLIT3XXClassical Epic
CAMS411WClassical DramaTHE3XXClassical Drama
CAS100Effective SpeechCM212Public Speaking
CAS100AEffective SpeechCM212Public Speaking
CAS100BEffective SpeechCM212Public Speaking
CAS100CEffective SpeechCM212Public Speaking
CAS101NIntro Human CommCM1XXIntro Human Comm
CAS137RCL ICM212Public Speaking
CAS175Persuasn PrpgndaCM1XXPers Prop
CAS200Lang Culture ComCM2XXLang Culture Com
CAS201Rhetorical TheoryCM2XXRhetorical Theory
CAS201SRhetorical TheoryCM2XXRhetorical Theory
CAS202Comm TheoryCM2XXComm Theory
CAS203Interpersonal CommCM329Interpersonal Comm
CAS204Comm Rsch Mthds CM2XXComm Rsch Mthds
CAS208NConflictBarg CM2XXConflictBarg
CAS252Bus Professional Comm CM246Comm/Business Prof
CAS271Intercultural Comm CM2XXIntercultural Comm
CAS352Organization Comm CM328Organztnl Communication
CAS411Rhetorical Crit LIT4XXRhetorical Crit
CAS475Studies in Pub Add CM4XXStudies in Pub Add
CE100SCee Topics/Issues CVE1XXCee Topics/Issues
CHEM001Molecular Sci CHM1XXChemistry Elective No Lab
CHEM003Mole Sci w/Lab CHM1XXMole Sci w/Lab
CHEM006Prob Solving Chem CHM1XXChemistry Elective No Lab
CHEM011Intro Chemistry CHM134Gen Chem I
CHEM012Chem Princ CHM134Gen Chem I
CHEM012Chem Princ CHM1XXChem Elective No Lab
CHEM013Chem Princ CHM136Gen Chem II
CHEM013Chem Princ CHM1XXChem Elective No Lab
CHEM014Exper Chem CHM1XXExper Chem
CHEM034Organic Chem CHM1XXChem Elect No Lab
CHEM035Organic Chemistry CHM1XXChem Elect No Lab
CHEM035Organic Chemistry CHM234Organic Chem I
CHEM038Organic Chem CHM1XXChem Elect No Lab
CHEM038Organic Chem CHM236Organic Chem II
CHEM039Organic Chem CHM2XXChemistry Elective No Lab
CHEM101Intro Chemistry no lab CHM1XXIntro Chemistry no lab
CHEM102Environ Chem CHM1XXChemistry Elective No Lab
CHEM108Prob Solving Chem CHM1XXChemistry Elect No Lab
CHEM110Chem Princ I06CHM134Gen Chem I
CHEM111Exper Chem I06CHM135Gen Chem I Lab
CHEM110Chem Prin I CHM1XXChemistry Elect No Lab
CHEM112Chem Princ II03CHM1XXChem Princ II No Lab
CHEM113Chem Princ II03CHM137Gen Chem II Lab
CHEM112Chem Princ II03CHM136Gen Chem II
CHEM113Exper Chem II03CHM1XXChemistry Elect No Lab
CHEM12Chem Princ01CHM134Gen Chem I
CHEM12Chem Princ01CHM135Gen Chem I Lab
CHEM13Chem Princ02CHM136Gen Chem II
CHEM13Chem Princ02CHM137Gen Chem II Lab
CHEM202Fnds Org Chem I CHM2XXChem Elect No Lab
CHEM203Fnds Orgnic Chm II CHM236Organic Chem II
CHEM210Organic Chem I CHM2XXChemistry Elect No Lab
CHEM210Organic Chem I CHM234Organic Chem I
CHEM212Organic Chem II CHM236Organic Chem II
CHEM213Organic Chem II CHM237Organic Chem II Lab
CHEM212Organic Chem II CHM2XXChemistry Elective No Lab
CHEM227An Chemistry CHM338Instr Anyl Chem
CHEM297ACodorus Creek CHM2XXChem Elective No Lab
CHEM310Intro Inorg Chemistry CHM3XXChemistry Elect no lab
CHEM400Chem Literature CHM4XXChem Elective no lab
CHEM451Physical Chemistry CHM4XXPhysical Chemistry w/o Lab
CHEM452Phy Chem Quan Chem CHM4XXChemistry Elect no lab
CI280Teach Eng Lang LearnersEDU225Instrc Needs/ELL
CI295AIntr Fd Expr EchEDU2XXIntr Fd Expr Ech
CI501Teaching as InquiryMED501Intro Ed Research
CI590ColloquiumMED5XXMED Education Elec
CJ100Intro CJCCJ101Intro Crim Justice
CJ220Crts Pros ProcCCJ2XXCrts Pros Proc
CL497CMult Lrng Con SubMED503Curric Trends/Issue
CLASS045Classical MythHUM1XXClassical Myth
CLASS411Class DramaTHE3XXClass Drama
CMDIS318American Sign Language IICM150Beg Sign Language
CMDIS418American Sign Language IIICM250Adv Sign Language
CMDIS419American Sign Language IVCM250Adv Sign Language
CMLIT001Masterp of West Lit/RenLIT285Eur Lit to 1600
CMLIT002Masterpieces West Lit/RenaisLIT286Eur Lit Since 1600
CMLIT003Masters Lit AfricaLIT1XXMasters Lit Africa
CMLIT005Intro Lit AmericasLIT1XXIntro Lit Americas
CMLIT006Phil Lit WestLIT1XXPhil Lit West
CMLIT010Intro to World LitLIT1XXIntro to World Lit
CMLIT100Intro to Comp LitLIT200Intro Lit & Text Stud
CMLIT105Devel of Literary HumorLIT341Comic Tradition
CMLIT106The Arthurian LegendLIT3XXArthurian Legend
CMLIT120The Lit of the OccultLIT391Lit of Terror
CMLIT122Sci Fi GlobalLIT1XXSci Fi Global
CMLIT141Religion & LitHUM1XXReligion & Lit
CMLIT153Intl Lit & FilmHUM1XXIntl Lit & Film
CMLIT184The Short StoryLIT291Short Story
CMLIT189The Founders of Modern DramaLIT416Modern Drama
CMLIT191Video Game CultureCM1XXVideo Game Culture
CMLIT295InternshipLIT450Literature Intern
CMLIT296Independent StudiesLIT498Independent Study
CMLIT400WSenior Sem Lit Crit and TheoryLIT401English Seminar
CMLIT401WThe Western Lit Heritage ILIT285Eur Lit to 1600
CMLIT402WThe Western Lit Heritage IILIT286Eur Lit Since 1600
CMLIT404Literary Modes of AsiaLIT3XXLiterary Modes of Asia
CMLIT408Heroic LitLIT4XXHeroic Lit
CMLIT488Modern Continental DramaLIT416Modern Drama
CMLIT494Research ProjectLIT3XXResearch Project
CMLIT496Independent StudiesLIT498Independent Study
CMMU416Rhet Criticism in Pub AffairsCM207Rhetoric/Publc Addr
CMPBD204Program Tech for BusIFS2XXProg Tech for Bus
CMPBD205Interm Prog Tech for BusIFS2XXInterm Prog Tech Bus
CMPBD410Data Struct and AlgorithmsIFS4XXData Struct & Algorithms
CMPBD423Intro to Numerical Analysis IMAT470Numerical Analysis
CMPBD440Fund of Prog LangCS4XXFund Prog Lang
CMPEN270Digital DesignEGR2XXDigital Design
CMPEN270Digital DesignCS2XXDigital Design
CMPEN271Intro Digital SysEGR2XXIntro Digital Sys
CMPEN331Comp Org & DesignECE3XXComp Org & Design
CMPEN362Comm NetworksECE3XXComm Networks
CMPEN431Intro Comput ArchECE4XXIntro Comput Arch
CMPET117Digital ElectEGR1XXDigital Elect
CMPSC001Basic Computer ProgCS1XXBasic Comp Prog
CMPSC100Cmp FundamentalsIFS105Personal Computing
CMPSC101Intro to C++ ProgCS1XXAlgorithmic Proc
CMPSC101SIntro to C++ ProgCS1XXAlgorithmic Proc
CMPSC102Cmp Organ & ProgCS1XXCmp Organ & Prog
CMPSC121Intro Prgmg TechCS1XXIntro Prgmg Tech
CMPSC122Intermed ProgrmgCS1XXIntermed Progrmg
CMPSC131Prog & Comp ICS1XXProg & Comp II
CMPSC132Prog & Comp IICS1XXProg & Comp II
CMPSC140Intro to Data ProcIFS1XXIntro Data Proc
CMPSC142Progmg Sys Sml BusCS1XXProgmg Sys Sml Bus
CMPSC144Data Org & AccessCS1XXData Org & Access
CMPSC154Adv Asm I/O & JclCS1XXAdv Asm I/O & Jcl
CMPSC164Programming TrendsCS1XXProgramming Trends
CMPSC174Analy/Des Info SysCS1XXAnaly/Des Info Sys
CMPSC175Implement Info SysIFS1XXImplement Info Sys
CMPSC200Prmg Engr MatlabCS2XXPrmg Engr Matlab
CMPSC201Prgmg Engrs C++CS101Fund Comp Sci I
CMPSC201CPrgmg Engrs CCS2XXPrgmg Engrs C
CMPSC203Bus Pgm AplcnIFS100Info Tech Competncy
CMPSC203Bus Pgm AplcnIFS105Personal Computing
CMPSC221Oop with WebIFS2XXOop with Web
CMPSC297Special TopicsCS2XXSpecial Topics
CMPSC311Intro Sys ProgmgCS3XXIntro Sys Progmg
CMPSC360Discrete Math/CSMAT235Discrete Math
CMPSC465Data Struc & AlgorCS4XXData Struc & Algor
CMPSC473Operating SysCS4XXOperating Sys
CMPSC804Cmp Fund/ApplCS1XXCmp Fund/Appl
CMPSC805Comp Appl ProbCS1XXComp Appl Prob
CNED501Theory and MethodMED502Dev, Learning, Incl Pract
CNED501Theory and MethodMED502Dev, Learning, Incl Pract
COM807Bank Corp FinanceFIN2XXBank Corp Finance
COM843Intro to Bus LawBUS260Legal Environment
COMM100Mass Media & SocCM211Mass Communication
COMM110Media & DemocracyCM1XXMedia & Democracy
COMM118Intr Media EffectCM1XXIntr Media Effect
COMM120Advertising and SocietyCM1XXAdvertising and Society
COMM150Cinema ArtFLM216Intro to Film
COMM160News Wrt SkillCM1XXNews Wrt Skill
COMM180Survey of Broadcasting & CableCM1XXSurv of Broadcast & Cable
COMM205Women, Minorities, and MediaCM2XXWomen, Minorities, Media
COMM215Basic PhotoART245Photography I
COMM230Beg Nonfiction Writing WrkshopCM2XXBeg Nonfiction Writ Wrkshp
COMM241Research TopicsCM2XXResearch Topics
COMM242Basic Video/FilmmakingCM2XXBasic Video/Filmmaking
COMM250Film History & TheoryCM2XXFilm History & Theory
COMM250Film History & TheoryFLM2XXFilm History & Theory
COMM251Nature of MediaCM2XXNature of Media
COMM260WNews Writing and ReportingCM340News Wrtng/Productn
COMM261The Literature of JournalismCM2XXLit of Journalism
COMM270Multimedia ProdART2XXMultimedia Prod
COMM271Multimedia NewsCM2XXMultimedia News
COMM283WIntro to Audio & Video CommCM226Audio Productn
COMM320Intro AdvertisingMKT330Advertising
COMM337Theory & Practice of ProductnCM341Video Production II
COMM340Prod Tech & Technique Topics ICM242Video Prodctn I
COMM346Screenwriting ICRW377Screenwriting
COMM347Intermediate Video/FilmmakingCM341Video Production II
COMM360Broadcast JournalismCM340News Wrtng/Productn
COMM370Public RelationsCM221Public Relations
COMM374Audio ProductionCM226Audio Productn
COMM385Brdcst/Cable ProgCM3XXBrdcst/Cable Prog
COMM403Mass Communs LawCM4XXMass Communs Law
COMM404Mass Comm ResearchCM4XXMass Comm Research
COMM409News Media EthicsCM434Media Law/Ethics
COMM411Clt Asp Mass MediaCM4XXClt Asp Mass Media
COMM413WMedia & PublicCM4XXMedia & Public
COMM415Adv PhotographyART4XXAdv Photography
COMM440Adv Prod Tech & TechniqueCM431Adv Production
COMM442Adv Film & Video Prod ICM431Adv Production
COMM443Adv Film & Video Prod IICM431Adv Production
COMM451American FilmCM4XXAmerican Film
COMM453Film & LiteratureCM4XXFilm & Literature
COMM455Film Theory CritCM4XXFilm Theory Crit
COMM456Media Criticism and TheoryCM4XXMedia Criticism and Theory
COMM456Media Criticism and TheoryCM211Mass Communication
COMM458Media Law and EthicsCM434Media Law/Ethics
COMM460WReporting MethodsCM340News Wrtng/Productn
COMM471Public Rel Media & MethodsCM221Public Relations
COMM473Public Relations ProblemsCM421PR Campgn Strat
COMM495InternshipCM4XXComm Elective
COMMU001Newspaper PracticumCM271Newspaper Practicum
COMMU002Newspaper Editorial StaffCM1XXNewspaper Editorial Staff
COMMU003Radio PracticumCM132Radio Practicum I
COMMU300Intro Comm and Media TechnolCM2XXIntro Comm & Media Tech
COMMU301Intro to Media WritingCM332Media Writing
COMMU305Intro Public Rel Strat & CampnCM221Public Relations
COMMU312Professional Public SpeakingCM212Public Speaking
COMMU315Surv of Interpersonal CommCM329Interpersonal Comm
COMMU317Comm for Teachers and TrainersCM2XXComm Tchrs and Trainers
COMMU325Speech Comm in OrganizationsCM328Organztnl Communication
COMMU383Intro Audio/Video ProductionCM226Audio Productn
COMMU400Global Mass CommCM3XXGlobal Mass Comm
COMMU401WAdv Writing & Editing JournalCM4XXAdv Wrtng & Editng Journal
COMMU402Interculutral CommCM4XXIntercultural Comm
COMMU403Electronic News Gathrng & EditCM355Radio/TV Reporting
COMMU404Media EthicsCM434Media Law/Ethics
COMMU405Adv Pub Rel Campgns & StrategCM421PR Campgn Strat
COMMU425Org Comm Anal & ImprovementCM328Organztnl Communication
COMMU430Small Groups & Leadership OrgCM304Group Discussion
COMMU483Adv Audio Video ProdCM431Adv Production
COMMU494Senior Project in CommCM4XXSenior Project in Comm
COMMU496Independent StudiesCM4XXIndependent Studies
COMMU497Special TopicsCM4XXSpecial Topics
COMP401Numerical Analysis IMAT470Numerical Analysis
COMP404Formal Lang with ApplicatCS4XXForm Lang
COMP410Data StructuresCS4XXData Structures
COMP411Design & Analy of AlgorithmsCS4XXDes & Analy Algorithms
COMP412Operating SystemsCS4XXOperating Sys
COMP413WSoftware Engineering & DesignCS4XXSoft Eng & Des
COMP416Princ of Programming LangCS4XXPrin Prog Lang
COMP419Database Design ICS4XXDatabase Des I
COMP421Comm & NetworkingIFS335Advanced Networks
CRIM012CriminologyCCJ101Intro Crim Justice
CRIM100Intro Am Crim JustCCJ101Intro Crim Justice
CRIM113Intro to LawCCJ1XXIntro to Law
CRIMJ083S1st Year SmnrCCJ1XX1st Year Smnr
CRIMJ100Intro to Criminal JusticeCCJ101Intro Crim Justice
CRIMJ100Intro Crim JusticeCCJ101Intro Crim Justice
CRIMJ200Intro to SecurityCCJ2XXIntro to Security
CRIMJ230Correc AmerCCJ337Punishmnt/Correctns
CSD146Intro to CSDCM1XXIntro to CSD
CSD269Deafness & SocietyCM2XXDeafness & Society
CSE103Intro Prgmg TechCS1XXIntro Prgmg Tech
CSE120Intermed ProgrmgCS1XXIntermed Prog
CSE260Discrete Math for Comp ScMAT235Discrete Mathemtcs
CSE271Intro Digital SysEGR2XXIntro Digital Sys
CSE297DSoftware Dev EnvironCS2XXSoftware Dev Environ
CSE331Computer Org & DesignCS3XXComp Org & Des
CSE411Operating SystemsCS4XXOperating Sys
CSE428Prog Lang ConceptsCS4XXProg Lang Conc
CSE441WDatabase Mgmt SystemsCS4XXDatabase Mgt Sys
CSE451Numerical ComputationsMAT470Numerical Analysis
CSE455Intro to Numerical Analysis IMAT470Numerical Analysis
CSE456Intro Num Anly IICS3XXIntro Num Anly II
CSE465Data Struct & AlgorithmsCS4XXData Struct & Algorithms
CSE468Auto, Lang, CompCS3XXAuto, Lang, Comp
E E008SDigital MusicEGR1XXDigital Music
E E210Circuits & DevicesEGR2XXCircuits & Devices
E E801Fund Elec CircuitsEGR1XXFund Elec Circuits
E E805Semiconductor LabEGR1XXSemiconductor Lab
E E809Elec Cir LabEGR1XXElec Cir Lab
E G001Engr GraphicsEGR1XXEngr Graphics
E G030Elementary Computer GraphicsEGR102Epads II
E G050Engr Meth & GraphEGR1XXEngr Meth & Graph
E G297Special TopicsEGR2XXSpecial Topics
E MCH011StaticsME250Statics
E MCH012DynamicsME252Dynamics/Vibrtn
E MCH013Strength of MaterialsME264Strength/Matrls
E MCH013DStrength of Materials w/DesignME264Strength/Matrls
E MCH110HEquilibrium Mechanics, HonorsME250Statics
E MCH112HMechanics of MotionME252Dynamics/Vibrtn
E MCH211StaticsME250Statics
E MCH212DynamicsME252Dynamics/Vibrtn
E MCH213Strength MaterialsME264Strength/Matrls
E MCH315Mech Resp Eng MatEGR3XXMech Resp Eng Mat
E MCH316Exp Det Mch ResME265Materials/Solid
E MCH400Adv Strength of Material & DesME464Adv Mechcs/Matrls
E MCH461Applied Finite Element AnalyME450Finite Elemnt Anlys
E MCH471Engineering Composite MaterialME470Specl Topcs Eng
E MCH473Composites ProcessingME470Specl Topcs Eng
E SC314Engr App of MtlsEGR3XXEngr App of Mtls
E T302Mechanics II: DynamicsME252Dynamics/Vibrtn
E T321DynamicsME252Dynamics/Vibrtn
E T322Strength of MaterialsME264Strength/Matrls
EARTH001Earth ScienceESS152Earth/Space Sci
EARTH002Earth SystemESS1XXEarth Sci Elect No Lab
EARTH100Environmental EarthESS152Earth/Space Sci
EARTH101Natural DisastersESS1XXEarth Sci Elect No Lab
EARTH111Water/SocietyESS1XXEarth Sci Elect No Lab
EARTH150Dinosaur ExtinctionESS1XXDinosaur Extinction
EARTH197FSpecial Topics - InterDomain EESS1XXSpecial Topics - Earth, SJ & E
ECON002Microec AnlyECO201Prin Econ-Micro
ECON004Macroec AnlyECO200Prin Econ-Macro
ECON014Prins of EconECO2XXPrins of Econ
ECON014HPrins of EconECO1XXPrins of Econ
ECON102Microec AnlyECO201Prin Econ-Micro
ECON104Macroec AnlyECO200Prin Econ-Macro
ECON302Inmd Microec AnlyECO350Inter Microeconomcs
ECON351Money & BankingECO310Int Macro Econ
ECON481Business Forecasting TechniquesQBA265Intro to Analytics
ED&G100Intro Engr DesignEGR100Epads I
ED&G100LIntro to Engineering DesignEGR102Epads II
ED&G100PIntro to Engineering DesignEGR102Epads II
EDPSY010Indiv DiffEDU1XXIndiv Diff
EDPSY014Learn & InstrEDU375Psy Learning/Second
EDPSY014Learn & InstrEDU370Psych of Learning
EDPSY101Statistical DataMAT250Statistics
EDPSY101Statistical DataEDU1XXStat Data
EDSGN100Intro Engr DsgnEGR1XXIntro Engr Dsgn
EDSGN297Special TopicsEGR2XXSpecial Topics
EDTHP115Ed in Am SocietyEDU200Found of Education
EDTHP115AIssues in Am EducationEDU200Found of Education
EDTHP234Hnr Ldrshp JumpstartBUS2XXHnr Ldrshp Jumpstart
EDTHP297Mult Prsp FamcomedEDU2XXMult Prsp Famcomed
EDTHP412Ed & Status WomenEDU4XXEd & Status Women
EDUC302Basic Prep TeachEDU3XXBasic Prep Teach
EDUC305Creative ArtsEDU3XXCreative Arts
EDUC313Field ObservationEDU3XXField Observation
EDUC314Theory & ProcedureEDU3XXTheory & Proc
EDUC315Soc & Clt FactorsEDU3XXSoc & Clt Factors
EDUC401Early ChildhoodEDU4XXEarly Childhood
EDUC410Child & Soc InstEDU4XXChild & Soc Inst
EDUC421Child LitEDU4XXChild Lit
EDUC436Inclus Pract EducMED502Adv Educ Psych
EDUC450Cur Topics/EdMED503Curric Trends/Issue
EDUC462Computers TchrsEDU4XXComputers Tchrs
EDUC470High-Order ThinkEDU4XXHigh-Order Think
EDUC470WHigher-Order ThinkEDU4XXHigher-Order Think
EDUC505Curr FoundMED503Curric Trends/Issue
EDUC506Curr Dev/Instr DsgMED503Curric Trends/Issue
EDUC520Classroom LearnMED502Adv Educ Psych
EDUC539Educ AssessmentMED630Ed Tech Res/Assmnt
EDUC586Ed Res DesignsMED501Intro Ed Research
EE T101Elec Circuits IEGR1XXElec Circuits I
EE T114Elec Circuits IIECE280Fund Electrical Eng
EE T118Elec Circuits Lab 2ECE1XXElec Circuits Lab 2
EE T118Elec Circuits Lab 2ECE281Electronic Instrmnt
EE T210Fund SemiconductorECE2XXFund Semiconductor
EE T216Lin Elect CirECE2XXLin Elect Cir
EE T811MicroprocessorsIFS1XXMicroprocessors
EE T814Elec CircuitsEGR1XXElec Circuits
EE T817Digital ElectEGR1XXDigital Elect
EET105Elect SysECE1XXElect Sys
EET213Elec Mach w/ WritECE2XXElec Mach w/ Writ
EET275Intro to PLCECE2XXIntro to PLC
EG T101Tech Drwg FundEGR1XXTech Drwg Fund
EG T102Intro to CADEGR1XXIntro to CAD
EG T114Spatial Anly & CADEGR1XXSpatial Anly & CAD
EGEE101Energy & EnvESS1XXEarth Sci Elect No Lab
EGEE102Enviro ProtectionNPE1XXEnviro Protection
EGT114Spatial Anly & CadEGR100Epads I
EGT201Adv CadEGR2XXAdv Cad
ELISH130Reading Popular TextsLIT1XXReading Popular Texts
ELISH201Creative WritingWRT272Intro Creative Wrt
ELISH209Literary JournalismWRT373Adv Nonfctn Prose
ELISH300The Canon and Its CriticsLIT3XXThe Canon and Its Critics
ELISH301Globality and LiteratureLIT3XXGlobality and Literature
ELISH401Advanced Creative WritingWRT371Adv Creative Wrtng
ELISH420Nonfiction WorkshopWRT3XXNonfiction Workshop
ELISH426Advanced Fiction WritingWRT3XXAdvanced Fiction Writing
ELISH427Advanced Poetry WritingWRT3XXAdv Poetry Writing
ELISH429WFiction WorkshopWRT3XXFiction Workshop
ELISH430Advanced Poetry WorkshopWRT3XXAdv Poetry Workshop
ELISH434The American RenaissanceLIT3XXThe American Renaissance
ELISH440The American Novel to 1900LIT3XXAmerican Novel to 1900
ELISH442American Novel: 1900-1945LIT313American Novel
ELISH447Middle English LitLIT3XXMiddle English Lit
ELISH448ShakespeareLIT323Shakespeare I
ELISH475The Visionary ImaginationLIT3XXThe Visionary Imagination
ELISH479Milton and BlakeLIT3XXMilton and Blake
ELISH480Rhetoric for BusinessWRT3XXRhetoric for Business
ELISH482WContemp Lit and Cult TheoryLIT210Criticism/Theory
ELISH484WCreative Writing TheoryWRT3XXCreative Writing Theory
ELISH485The World Novel in EnglishLIT3XXThe World Novel in Eng
ELISH495InternshipLIT450Literature Intern
ELISH496Independent StudiesLIT498Independent Study
ELISH497Special TopicsLIT3XXSpecial Topics
EMCH213Strength MaterialsEGR2XXStrength Materials
ENGL001Understanding LitLIT200Perspectives/Lit
ENGL001SUnderstanding LiteratureLIT1XXUnderstanding Literature
ENGL001WUnderstanding LiteratureLIT1XXUnderstanding Literature
ENGL002Grt Trad in Eng LitLIT283British Lit to 1750
ENGL003Trad in Amer LitLIT1XXTrad in American Lit
ENGL004Basic WritingWRT100Intro College Writ
ENGL004Basic WritingWRT1XXBasic Writing
ENGL010Comp & Rhetoric IWRT102Analytical Read/Writ
ENGL015Rhetoric and CompFCO105Rhetorical Comm
ENGL030Honors Fresh CompFCO105Rhetorical Comm
ENGL050Intr Creative WritCRW272Intro to Creative Writ
ENGL083SFirst-Year Sem in EnglishLIT1XXFirst-Year Sem in Eng
ENGL083TFirst Year Sem EnglishLIT1XXFirst Yr Sem English
ENGL088Australian/New Zealand CultLIT1XXAustr/New Zealand Cult
ENGL097Special TopicsLIT1XXSpecial Topics
ENGL098Special TopicsLIT1XXSpecial Topics
ENGL100Engl Lang AnalLIT310Language/Linguistics
ENGL103Great Books AmerLIT1XXGreat Books Amer
ENGL104The Bible as LiteratureLIT390Bible as Literature
ENGL110Newswriting PracticumWRT1XXNewswriting Practicum
ENGL115Arts of LoveLIT1XXArts of Love
ENGL119Bus WritingWRT210Writng/Prof Culturs
ENGL129HHonors ShakespeareLIT323Shakespeare I
ENGL133Mod Amer Lit to WWIILIT1XXMod Amer Lit to WWII
ENGL134American ComedyLIT1XXAmerican Comedy
ENGL135Alt Voices in Amer LitLIT1XXAlt Voices in Amer Lit
ENGL135SAlt Voices in American LitLIT1XXAlt Voices in American Lit
ENGL136The Graphic NovelLIT373Comic Books & Graph Nov
ENGL137HRhetoric IFCO105Rhetorical Comm
ENGL139Black American LiteratureLIT203African/Amer Lit
ENGL140Contemporary LiteratureLIT1XXContemp Literature
ENGL145Irish RenaissanceLIT1XXIrish Renaissance
ENGL15Rhetoric and CompFCO105Rhetorical Comm
ENGL163NDefining AnimalLIT1XXDefining Animal
ENGL180Lit and the Natural WorldLIT1XXLit and the Natural World
ENGL182Literature and EmpireLIT1XXLiterature and Empire
ENGL182SLiterature and EmpireLIT1XXLiterature and Empire
ENGL184The Short StoryLIT291Short Story
ENGL184SThe Short StoryLIT291Short Story
ENGL185The Modern Novel in World LitLIT1XXModern Novel in World Lit
ENGL187English Freshman SeminarLIT1XXEng Freshman Seminar
ENGL189Founders of Modern DramaLIT416Modern Drama
ENGL191Science FictionHUM1XXScience Fiction
ENGL191Science FictionHUM300Science Fiction
ENGL192The Literature of FantasyLIT1XXThe Literature of Fantasy
ENGL193American Folk Song in EnglishLIT1XXAmerican Folk Song in Eng
ENGL194Women WritersWGS382Women In Literature
ENGL194Women WritersLIT382Women In Literature
ENGL196American FolkloreLIT1XXAmerican Folklore
ENGL197Special TopicsLIT1XXSpecial Topics
ENGL198Special TopicsLIT1XXSpecial Topics
ENGL199Foreign Study--EnglishLIT1XXForeign Study--English
ENGL200Intro to Critical ReadingLIT2XXIntro to Critical Reading
ENGL200WIntro to Critical ReadingLIT2XXIntro to Critical Reading
ENGL201What is LiteratureLIT200Perspectives/Lit
ENGL202AEffective Writing: Soc SciFCO215Tech/Scientfc Comm
ENGL202BEffective Writing: HumanitiesFCO225Interdiscplnry Comm
ENGL202CEffective Writing: Tech WrtgFCO215Tech/Scientfc Comm
ENGL202DEffective Writing: Bus WrtgFCO210Comm Prof Cultures
ENGL202HWriting in the Hum: AdultFCO225Interdiscplnry Comm
ENGL210The Process of WritingWRT2XXThe Process of Writing
ENGL211WWriting StudiesWRT2XXWriting Studies
ENGL212Intro to Fiction WritingWRT2XXIntro to Fiction Writing
ENGL213Intro to Poetry WritingWRT2XXIntro to Poetry Writing
ENGL215Intro to Article WritingWRT2XXIntro to Article Writing
ENGL221British Lit to 1798LIT283British Lit to 1750
ENGL221WBritish Lit to 1798LIT283British Lit to 1750
ENGL222British Lit From 1798LIT284Brt Lit after 1750
ENGL222WBritish Lit From 1798LIT284Brt Lit after 1750
ENGL231American Lit to 1865LIT281Amer Lit to 1885
ENGL231WAmerican Lit to 1865LIT281Amer Lit to 1885
ENGL232American Lit From 1865LIT282Amer Lit after 1885
ENGL232WAmer Lit From 1865LIT282Amer Lit after 1885
ENGL235African-Amer Oral Folk TradLIT2XXAfrican-Amer Oral Folk Trad
ENGL240Exploring Lit TraditionsLIT2XXExploring Lit Traditions
ENGL250Peer Tutoring in WritingWRT2XXPeer Tutoring in Writing
ENGL261Exploring Literary FormsLIT2XXExploring Literary Forms
ENGL262Reading FictionLIT2XXReading Fiction
ENGL263Reading PoetryLIT2XXReading Poetry
ENGL265Reading NonfictionLIT2XXReading Nonfiction
ENGL268Reading DramaLIT2XXReading Drama
ENGL281Television Script WritingWRT2XXTelevision Script Writing
ENGL294Research TopicsLIT2XXResearch Topics
ENGL296Independent StudiesLIT2XXIndependent Studies
ENGL297Special TopicsLIT2XXSpecial Topics
ENGL297CMemoir BasicsLIT2XXMemoir Basics
ENGL299Foreign StudiesLIT2XXForeign Studies
ENGL300MHonors Course in EnglishLIT3XXHonors Course in Eng
ENGL310HHonors Thesis in EnglishLIT3XXHonors Thesis in English
ENGL395InternshipLIT450Literature Intern
ENGL397Special TopicsLIT3XXSpecial Topics
ENGL399Foreign Study-EnglishLIT3XXForeign Study-English
ENGL400Authors, Texts, ContextsLIT3XXAuthors, Texts, Contexts
ENGL401Studies in GenreLIT3XXStudies in Genre
ENGL402Literature and SocietyLIT346Lit and Society
ENGL403Literature and CultureLIT3XXLiterature and Culture
ENGL404Mapping Identity, Diff, and PlLIT3XXMapping Identity, Diff, Pl
ENGL407History of the English LangWRT3XXHist of English Lang
ENGL409Comp Theory & Pract for TeachWRT290Tchng/Tutorng Wrtng
ENGL411Problems of StyleWRT3XXProblems of Style
ENGL412Advanced Fiction WritingWRT3XXAdvanced Fiction Writing
ENGL413Advanced Poetry WritingWRT3XXAdvanced Poetry Writing
ENGL414Biographical WritingWRT3XXBiographical Writing
ENGL415Advanced Nonfiction WritingWRT3XXAdvanced Nonfiction Writing
ENGL416Science WritingWRT3XXScience Writing
ENGL417The Editorial ProcessWRT3XXThe Editorial Process
ENGL418Advanced Tech Writing & EditWRT3XXAdv Tech Writing & Editing
ENGL419Advanced Business WritingWRT3XXAdv Business Writing
ENGL420Writing for the WebWRT320Writing For The Web
ENGL421Adv Expository WritingWRT3XXAdv Expository Writing
ENGL422Fiction WorkshopWRT3XXFiction Workshop
ENGL423Poetry Writing WorkshopWRT3XXPoetry Writing Workshop
ENGL425Nonfiction WorkshopWRT3XXNonfiction Workshop
ENGL430The American RenaissanceLIT3XXThe American Renaissance
ENGL431Black American WritersLIT3XXBlack American Writers
ENGL432American Novel to 1900LIT3XXAmerican Novel to 1900
ENGL433American Novel 1900-1945LIT313American Novel
ENGL434Topics in American LitLIT3XXTopics in American Lit
ENGL435American Short StoryLIT291Short Story
ENGL436American Fiction Since 1945LIT3XXAmerican Fict Since 1945
ENGL437The Poet in AmericaLIT3XXThe Poet in America
ENGL438American DramaLIT3XXAmerican Drama
ENGL439American Nonfiction ProseLIT3XXAmerican Nonfiction Prose
ENGL440Studies in ShakespeareLIT3XXStudies in Shakespeare
ENGL442Medieval English LiteratureLIT3XXMedieval English Literature
ENGL443The English RenaissanceLIT3XXThe English Renaissance
ENGL445Shakespeare's ContemporariesLIT3XXShakespeare's Contemp
ENGL447Restoration & 18th CenturyLIT3XXRestoration & 18th Century
ENGL448English Novel to Jane AustenLIT3XXEng Novel to Jane Austen
ENGL450The RomanticsLIT3XXThe Romantics
ENGL452The VictoriansLIT3XXThe Victorians
ENGL453Victorian NovelLIT3XXVictorian Novel
ENGL454British & Irish Drama Snc 1890LIT3XXBrit & Irish Drama Snc 1890
ENGL455Topics in British LitLIT3XXTopics in British Lit
ENGL456British Fiction 1900-1945LIT3XXBritish Fiction 1900-1945
ENGL457British Fiction Since 1945LIT3XXBrit Fiction Since 1945
ENGL458Twentieth-Century PoetryLIT3XXTwentieth-Century Poetry
ENGL461Vernacular Roots Africn-Am LitLIT3XXVernacular Roots Afr-Am Lit
ENGL468African Am PoetryLIT4XXAfrican Am Poetry
ENGL471Rhetorical TraditionsWRT305Rhetorical Theory
ENGL481Lit Theory:Historical PerspectLIT381Literary Theory
ENGL487WSenior SeminarLIT401English Seminar
ENGL495InternshipLIT450Literature Intern
ENGL5Writing TutorialWRT1XXWriting Tutorial
ENGR100SIntro to EngrEGR1XXIntro to Engr
ENGR294Research Project CoursesEGR491Co-op I
ENGR295Engineering Co-op Work ExpEGR492Co-op II
ENLSH310Intro to LinguisticsLIT310Language/Linguistics
ENLSH402English Comp:Theory and PractWRT290Tchng/Tutorng Wrtng
ENLSH407Creative WritingWRT272Intro Creative Wrt
ENT202Insect ConnectionsBIO2XXBiology Elective no lab
ENVST100Visions of NatureBIO1XXBiology Elective no lab
ESACT007Aerobic FitnessPE136Aerobic Dance
ESACT031Badminton IPE151Badminton
ESACT058Bowling IPE110Beginning Bowling
ESACT073ICross CountryPE1XXCross Country
ESACT079Dance Ballroom IPE1XXDance Ballroom I
ESACT088Dance Folk/Sq IPE112Square Dancing
ESACT117Ex for Stress MgtPE1XXEx for Stress Mgt
ESACT129Fitness for LifePE134Concpts Phys Actvty
ESACT173Individualized ActPE1XXIndividualized Act
ESACT180Judo IPE137Intro Martial Arts
ESACT183KaratePE137Intro Martial Arts
ESACT220Pers FitPE134Concpts Phys Actvty
ESACT223Phys ConditionPE2XXPhys Condition
ESACT244Recreational ActPE1XXRecreational Act
ESACT274Ski-Downhill IPE2XXSki-Downhill I
ESACT297EIntl Sports & GamesPE1XXIntl Sports & Games
ESACT303Strength TrainingPE118Physical Fitness
ESACT342Tennis IPE159Tennis
ESACT357Volleyball IPE160Volleyball
ESACT378Yoga IPE163Intro to Yoga
ET002Engr Tec OrientEGR1XXEngr Tec Orient
FIN100Intro to FinFIN1XXIntro to Fin
FIN108Personal FinanceFIN218Personal Finance
FIN301Corporation FinFIN300Managrl Finance I
FIN302Intro Fin ModelingFIN3XXIntro Fin Modeling
FIN420Invst Port AnlyFIN4XXInvst Port Anly
FINAN320Fin MgmtFIN3XXFin Mgmt
FINAN497Special TopicsFIN3XXSpecial Topics
FR001Elem French IFRN101Elem French I
FR002Elem French IIFRN102Elem French II
FR003Inmd FrenchFRN201Inter French I
FR111Elementary FrFRN102Elem French II
FR111Elementary FrFRN101Elem French I
FR112Intermed FrFRN202Inter French II
FR112Intermed FrFRN201Inter French I
FR138France & French-Spkng WorldFRN1XXFrance & French-Spkng Wrld
FR139France & Fr Spk WldFRN1XXFrance & Fr Spk Wld
FR139France & Fr Spk WldINT1XXFrance & Fr Spk Wld
FR201Oral Comm & RdngFRN2XXOral Comm & Rdng
FR202Grammar & CompFRN2XXGrammar & Comp
FRNSC100Intro to SciBIO1XXBiology Elect no lab
FRNSC200Intro to CSICCJ2XXIntro to CSI
GD100Intro Graphic DesART1XXIntro Graphic Des
GEOG010Intro Phys GeogG151Intro Physical Geog
GEOG020Intro Human GeogG1XXIntro Human Geog
GEOG040World RegG100World Reg Geography
GEOG100Economic GeographyG344Econ Geography
GEOG111Biogeog & Glob EcoG1XXBiogeog & Glob Eco
GEOG120Urban GeographyG345Urban Geography
GEOG123Geog Devlp WorldsG1XXGeog Devlp Worlds
GEOG126Econ GeogG1XXEcon Geog
GEOG128Geog of Intl AffairsG1XXGeog of Intl Affairs
GEOG30Envt Soc Chg WorldG1XXEnvt Soc Chg World
GEOG357Geographic Info SystemsG346Intro Geog Info Sys
GEOG470Geography of the Global EconmyG344Econ Geography
GEOSC001Physical GeologyESS152Earth/Space Sci
GEOSC010National Park GeoG1XXNational Park Geo
GEOSC020Planet EarthESS1XXPlanet Earth
GEOSC020PPlanet EarthESS152Earth/Space Sci
GEOSC040The Sea Around UsBIO1XXThe Sea Around Us
GER001Elem German IGRM101Elem German I
GER002Elem GermanGRM102Elem German II
GER003Inmd GermanGRM201Inter German I
GER011Intensive Basic GermanGRM102Elem German II
GER011Intensive Basic GermanGRM101Elem German I
GER012Intens Intrmed GerGRM201Inter German I
GER012Intens Intrmed GerGRM202Inter German II
GER100Ger Clt and CivznGRM1XXGer Clt and Civzn
GER100Ger Clt and CivznINT1XXGer Clt and Civzn
GER157NThe AmishHUM1XXThe Amish
GER200Cont Ger CultureINT2XXCont Ger Culture
H DEV102Polcy & Plng H DEVSOC1XXPolcy & Plng H DEV
H P A101Intro Hlth Ser OrgBEH1XXIntro Hlth Ser Org
HCOMM330Writing for MediaCM332Media Writing
HCOMM331Journalistic WritingCM271Journalistic Writing
HCOMM351The Nature of MediaCM211Mass Communication
HCOMM381Basic Television TechCM242Video Prodctn I
HCOMM384Radio Prod and ProgrammingCM226Audio Productn
HCOMM437Writing fo the ScreenCM332Media Writing
HCOMM438Magazine & Newsletter EditingCM271Magazine & Newsletter Edit
HCOMM454Media Law and EthicsCM434Media Law/Ethics
HCOMM470Public Relations & InfoCM221Public Relations
HCOMM483Adv Video ProdCM431Adv Production
HCOMM486Management in the MediaCM410Media Management
HD FS129Intro to HD FSNUR201Nursing HD/HC
HD FS129Intro to HD FSBEH1XXIntro to HD FS
HD FS216Personal & Interpersonal SkillsPSY321Developmental Science
HD FS229Infancy ChildhoodPSY2XXInfancy Childhood
HD FS229Infancy ChildhoodPSY221Child/Adol Develop
HD FS233Emerg LangLIT2XXEmerg Lang
HD FS239Adol DevPSY221Child/Adol Develop
HD FS239Adol DevPSY2XXAdol Dev
HD FS249Adult Dev AgingPSY222Adult Development
HD FS250Sexual IdentityBEH2XXSexual Identity
HD FS287WIntercult Com BldgBEH2XXIntercult Com Bldg
HD FS297Special TopicsBEH2XXSpecial Topics
HD FS297CChild's PlayBEH2XXChild's Play
HD FS301Val/Ethics H DevBEH3XXVal/Ethics H Dev
HD FS302ALdrshp/Tech SklsBEH3XXLdrshp/Tech Skls
HD FS311HD FS InterventionBEH3XXHD FS Intervention
HD FS312WEmpirical InquiryPSY3XXEmpirical Inquiry
HD FS315WFamily DevelopmentSOC225The Family
HD FS315YFamily DevSOC225The Family
HD FS330Children/Youth & FamilyBEH3XXChild/Youth & Family
HD FS395InternshipBEH3XXInternship
HD FS411Helping RelsPSY4XXHelping Rels
HD FS414Resolv ProblemsPSY4XXResolv Problems
HD FS418Family RelBEH4XXFamily Rel
HD FS429Adv Child DevPSY4XXAdv Child Dev
HD FS490Pro. Dev. & Prep for Int. ExpHSV220Career Devl. & Pract.
HD FS495AInternship: Adv. ExperienceHSV495Exp. Learn. in Human Serv.
HD FS495BInternship: Adv. ProjectHSV496Exp. Learn. in Human Serv.
HDFS108NArt & Sci of Human FlBEH1XXArt & Sci of Human Fl
HDFS239Adol DevPSY221Child/Adol Develop
HIL434HMonotheism & Birth of the WestREL2XXMonotheism & Birth of West
HIST001West Heritage IHIS101Western Civ I
HIST001HWest Heritage IHIS101Western Civ I
HIST002Western Heritage IIHIS102Western Civ II
HIST003Am Nation: Hist PerHIS111American Civ I
HIST005Mediterranean CivHIS1XXMediterranean Civ
HIST010World HistoryHIS121World History I
HIST011World History IIHIS122World History II
HIST020Amer Civ to 1877HIS111American Civ I
HIST021Amer Civ From 1877HIS112American Civ II
HIST083S1st Year SmnrHIS1XX1st Year Smnr
HIST101Roman Rep & EmpireHIS1XXRoman Rep & Empire
HIST104Ancient EgyptHIS1XXAncient Egypt
HIST107Medieval EuropeHIS301Medieval Civ
HIST116Hist Fam Sex RolesWGS1XXHist Fam Sex Roles
HIST116UHist Fam Sex RolesHIS1XXHist Fam Sex Roles
HIST117Women/Modern HistoryHIS390Women in US History
HIST117UWomen/Mod HistHIS390Women in US History
HIST120Eur Since 1848HIS320Europe after 1914
HIST121The HolocaustHIS1XXThe Holocaust
HIST124Hist West MedHIS1XXHist West Med
HIST130Civil War EraHIS364Civil War & Recon
HIST142Hist of CommunismHIS1XXHist of Communism
HIST143Fascism & NazismHIS1XXFascism & Nazism
HIST144World at WarHIS421Nazi Germany/Holcst
HIST151Tech in Amer HistHIS1XXTech in Amer Hist
HIST153Native American HistHIS1XXNative American Hist
HIST161Battle GettysburgHIS1XXBattle Gettysburg
HIST173Vietnam War/PeaceHIS1XXVietnam War/Peace
HIST174The Hist of Traditnl East AsiaINT144Intro East Asia
HIST175Hist of Mod East AsiaHIS1XXHist of Mod East Asia
HIST179Lat-Am Since 1820HIS1XXLat-Am Since 1820
HIST181Intro to the Middle EastINT146Intro Mid East
HIST186The Silk RoadsINT1XXThe Silk Roads
HIST191Early African HistoryHIS140History of Africa I
HIST192Mod African HistoryHIS141History Africa II
HIST197ST: Hist of Penn StateHIS1XXST: Hist of Penn State
HIST297ADisney's AmericaHIS2XXDisney's America
HIST297HSpecial TopicsHIS2XXSpecial Topics
HIST414Ren & ReformationHIS302Renaissance/Reform
HIST418Fr Rev & NapoleonHIS4XXFr Rev & Napoleon
HIST431Black Lib and Amer Foreign PolPS243Govt/Pol Africa
HIST441Rev AmericaHIS352Revoltnry Era/Amer
HIST444U.S. Civil War & ReconHIS364Civil War & Reconstruction
HIST445Emerg of Mod AmerHIS365Emerg Mod America
HIST446Amer Between WarsHIS36620th Cent Amer Hist
HIST447Rec Amer HistoryHIS367Recent Amer/1945-Prs
HIST448Amer in the 1960'sHIS461America in the 60's
HIST453US Environ HistHIS4XXUS Environ History
HIST497Special TopicsHIS4XXSpecial Topics
HIST497IWomen & U.S. HistHIS390Women in US History
HL ED019Man & DiseaseNPE1XXMan & Disease
HL ED045Alchl Awareness EdBEH1XXAlchl Awareness Ed
HL ED046Intro Human SexBIO1XXBiology Elective No Lab
HL ED048Values & HealthPE1XXValues & Health
HL ED060Hlth LivingNPE1XXNon Program Elect
HL ED060Hlth LivingPE1XXPhysical Ed Elect
HL ED215Hl Inst in SchlEDU2XXHl Inst in Schl
HORT101Hort SciBIO1XXBiology Elect No Lab
HORT101Horticultural ScienceHRT200Intro Environ Horticulture
HRIM335Hosp Fin AcctgACC3XXHosp Fin Acctg
HSTRY463WCivil War & ReconHIS364Civil War & Reconstruction
HUM311Western Tradition IHUM3XXWestern Tradition I
HUM420Dilemmas of War and PeacePHL343Peace and Conflict
HUMAN001West Clt HeritageHUM1XXWest Clt Heritage
HUMAN002Shaping Mod MindHUM1XXShaping Mod Mind
HUMAN101Mod Sc & Hum ValsHUM1XXMod Sc & Hum Vals
I B303Intl Bus OperIBS200Internatl Business
I F S129Intro Indiv & Fam DevPSY1XXIntro Indiv & Fam Dev
I F S229Infancy ChildhoodPSY221Child/Adol Develop
I F S297Special TopicsIFS2XXSpecial Topics
I F S329Infancy and Early ChildhoodPSY221Child/Adol Develop
I F S339Later Child AdolPSY3XXLater Child Adol
I HUM300WIntro HumanitiesHUM3XXIntro Humanities
I HUM453Texts & CultureHUM4XXTexts & Culture
IB303Intl Bus OperIBS200Internatl Business
IE T101Mfg Mtls & ProcEGR1XXMfg Mtls & Proc
IE T105Econ of IndustryECO1XXEcon of Industry
IE T805Econ of IndustryECO1XXEcon of Industry
IHUM300WIntr in HumanitiesHUM3XXIntr in Humanities
INART001The ArtsHUM1XXThe Arts
INART003Reception of ArtsART1XXReception of Arts
INART005Performing ArtsHUM1XXPerforming Arts
INART010Pop Media ArtsCM1XXPop Media Arts
INART100WArts SeminarHUM1XXArts Seminar
INART110Drama Mass MediaCM211Mass Communication
INART110Drama Mass MediaCM1XXDrama Mass Media
INART115Popular MusicMUS287American Pop Music
INART125Punk RockMUS1XXPunk Rock
INART226NCritical Approach to HipHopMUS2XXCritical Approach to HipHop
INART258BFund Dig AudioCM1XXFund Dig Audio
INART496ADesign ConceptsART4XXDesign Concepts
INFSY305Microcmp in BusIFS105Personal Computing
INTST493Intl StudiesINT4XXIntl Studies
INTST493HSch Global IntegrtnINT4XXSch Global Integrtn
INTST494Research ProjectINT4XXResearch Project
INTST496Hnrs Indept StudyINT4XXHnrs Indept Study
IST110Intro Info Sci TecIFS1XXIntro Info Sci Tec
IST111SSmnr in IstFYS1XXSmnr in Ist
IST140Intro App DevIFS225Application Development
IST210Org DataIFS2XXOrg Data
IST210Org DataIFS2XXOrg Data
IST220Netwk & TelecomIFS325Intro Networks
IST226Network EssentialsIFS2XXNetwork Essentials
IST230Lang Log Disc MathIFS2XXLang Log Disc Math
IST240Intro to Comp LangIFS2XXIntro to Comp Lang
IST250New Med WebIFS2XXNew Med Web
IST256Program for WebIFS2XXProg for Web
IST260WIntro Sys DesignIFS2XXIntro Sys Design
IST297DIntro to Appl DevIFS2XXIntro to Appl Dev
IST297JIntermed App DevIFS2XXIntermed App Dev
IST311OOD & SoftwareIFS3XXOOD & Software
IST411Dist-OBJ CompIFS4XXDist-OBJ Comp
IT001Elem Italian IITL101Elem Italian I
IT002Elem Italian IIITL102Elem Italian II
IT130Ital Cult & CivilINT1XXItal Cult & Civil
J ST010Jewish CivREL1XXJewish Civ
JAPNS001Elem Japanese IL1XXElem Japanese I
JAPNS002Elem Japanese IIL1XXElem Japanese II
JAPNS003Lvl Two Jpans AL2XXLvl Two Japans A
JAPNS110Lvl Two Japns BL2XXLvl Two Japns B
JAPNS120Japns Lit/CultureL1XXJapns Lit/Culture
JAPNS210Reading JapaneseL2XXReading Japanese
JAPNS401Lvl Three Japns AL3XXLvl Three Japns A
JAPNS402Lvl Three Japns BL3XXLvl Three Japns B
JAPNS403YJapns Level 4 AL4XXJapns Level 4 A
JAPNS404Japns Level 4BL4XXJapns Level 4B
JAPNS426Early Modern JapanL4XXEarly Modern Japan
JAPNS430Japan in the WorldL4XXJapan in the World
KEYBD100Piano SecMUS1XXPiano Sec
KINES001Intro to Outdoor PursuitsPE141Intro Advntr Sport
KINES005Health Aspects of SportPE134Concpts Phys Actvty
KINES017Ballroom DancePAW1XXBallroom Dance
KINES024Lifetime SportsPE1XXLifetime Sports
KINES025Court SportsPE1XXCourt Sports
KINES027Badminton IPE151Badminton
KINES029Golf IPE140Fundamentals/Golf
KINES042Ice Skating-BegPE1XXIce Skating-Beg
KINES048Tennis IPE159Tennis
KINES056Intro to Matrial ArtsPE137Intro Martial Arts
KINES060Healthful LivingPE1XXPhysical Education Elective
KINES060Healthful LivingNPE1XXNon Program Elective
KINES061Fit Thry & PracticePE1XXFit Thry & Practice
KINES062Cardio ActivitiesPAW139Cardiorespty Exercs
KINES063Aerobic DancePE136Aerobic Dance
KINES067Phys ConditioningPE119Physical Fitness
KINES067Phys ConditioningPE118Physical Fitness
KINES068Strength TrainingPAW118Physical Fitness
KINES072Fitness WalkingPE1XXFitness Walking
KINES076Tai ChiPE164Intro to Tai Chi
KINES077Yoga IPAW163Yoga
KINES081Wellness TheoryPE1XXPhysical Ed Elective
KINES081Wellness TheoryNPE1XXNon Prog Elective
KINES082Action Methods StressPAW222Phys Fit & Stress Mgt
KINES083Exercise for Stress MgmtPAW1XXExercise for Stress Mgmt
KINES088Varsity SportPAW1XXVarsity Sport
KINES090Team SportsPE1XXTeam Sports
KINES091DUltimate FrisbeePE1XXUltimate Frisbee
KINES093Masters ActNPE1XXMasters Act
KINES101Biophysical KinesNPE1XXBiophysical Kines
KINES126Health Prog for Elem School ChEDU1XXHlth Prog Elem School
KINES13CPR, Safety, First AidSPM205Responding/Emerg
KINES141Phys Act Hist & CultBEH1XXPhys Act Hist & Cult
KINES202Func AnatomyNPE1XXFunc Anatomy
KINES203Med Trm HealthBIO201Medical Terminology
KINES297Special TopicsNPE1XXSpecial Topics
KINES303Emergency CareEDU305Responding/Emerg
KINES56Intro to Martial ArtsPE137Intro Martial Arts
KINES63Aerobic DancePAW136Aerobic Dance
KINES72Fitness WalkingPE1XXFitness Walking
KINES76Tai ChiPE164Intro to Tai Chi
KINES77SYoga IPAW163Yoga
KINES81Wellness TheoryPAW234Well/Fitness/Life
KINES84Fitness for LifePAW134Concpts Phys Actvty
L A295Field or PracticumHUM2XXField or Practicum
L A398DCrim LawCJA3XXCrim Law
L A398ECrim ProcedureCJA3XXCrim Procedure
L I R100Industrial RelationsMGT1XXIndustrial Relations
L I R197ADiverse WorkforceBUS1XXDiverse Workforce
L ST100HInfo SearchIFS1XXInfo Search
L ST197BLrng Strat Inf SocIFL1XXLrng Strat Inf Soc
LARCH060Hist of Des PlaceHIS1XXHist of Des Place
LARCH065Bit Env and CultureHUM2XXBit Env and Culture
LDT100World TechIFS1XXWorld Tech
LER100Employment RelationsMGT1XXEmployment Relations
LER201Employment LawBUS1XXEmployment Law
LING001Study of LanguageCM1XXStudy of Language
LING100Found of LinguisticsLIT320Linguistics
LING448Intro SociolingCM3XXIntro Socioling
LING496Independent StudiesLIT498Independent Study
LING497Special TopicsLIT3XXSpecial Topics
LIT315Approaches to LiteratureLIT210Criticism/Theory
LIT482African/American LiteratureLIT203African/Amer Lit
LL ED411Sec Lang Arts ISE4XXSec Lang Arts I
LL ED420Adlscnt Lit/LitrcySE4XXAdlscnt Lit/Litrcy
LL ED480Media Lit in ClsrmSE4XXMedia Lit in Clsrm
LLED563Myth/Folk Child LitMED5XXMyth/Folk Child Lit
LLED596Indv StudiesMED5XXIndv Studies
LLED597CSp Top:Res In Child Lit IMED501Intro Ed Research
M E030Engr Thermo IME320Thermodynamics
M E033Fluid FlowME360Fluid Mechanics
M E050Machine DynamicsME440Mechncs/Machinry
M E051Mechanical DesignME380Machine Design
M E101SToy FundEGR1XXToy Fund
M E102SLego Robots & DesME1XXLego Robots & Des
M E297Special TopicsME470Specl Topcs Eng
M E300Engr Thermo IME320Thermodynamics
M E320Fluid FlowME360Fluid Mechanics
M E403Rocket PropulsionME470Specl Topcs Eng
M E405Air Pollution Control SystemsME470Specl Topcs Eng
M E409Gas TurbinesME470Specl Topcs Eng
M E410Power PlantsME470Specl Topcs Eng
M E411Refrigeration & Air ConditionME470Specl Topcs Eng
M E412Heat TransferME410Heat Transfer
M E413Internal Combustion EnginesME470Specl Topcs Eng
M E414WThermal System DesignME411Thermo Sys Desgn
M E415WMechanical Systems DesignME470Specl Topcs Eng
M E416Intro to CombustionME470Specl Topcs Eng
M E417Theory of Engineering InstrumME470Specl Topcs Eng
M E418Princ of TurbomachineryME470Specl Topcs Eng
M E420Heat-Exchanger DesignME470Specl Topcs Eng
M E421Intermediate Viscous FlowME470Specl Topcs Eng
M E434Compressible Flow IME470Specl Topcs Eng
M E440Modeling of Dynamic SystemsME470Specl Topcs Eng
M E450Intro Comp-Aided Analy of MachME470Specl Topcs Eng
M E451Adv Machine Design ProblemsME470Specl Topcs Eng
M E452Vehicle Road DynamicsME470Specl Topcs Eng
M E454Advanced Machine DynamicsME470Specl Topcs Eng
M E455Automatic Control SystemsME390Comp Cntrl/Machines
M E456Industrial Robot ApplicationsME470Specl Topcs Eng
M E458Noise Control in MachineryME470Specl Topcs Eng
M E460Reliability Concepts in DesignME470Specl Topcs Eng
M E461Applied Finite Element AnalysME450Finite Elemnt Anlys
M E462Microcmptr Inter for Mech EngME470Specl Topcs Eng
M E466HFund of Computer GraphicsME470Specl Topcs Eng
M E470Fund of Air PollutionME470Specl Topcs Eng
M I S100Mgmt Info SystemsIFS1XXMgmt Info Systems
M I S103Micro App BusIFS105Personal Computing
M I S204Intro Bus Inf SysIFS305Management Info Sys
MA SC420Math Statistics and Appl IMAT250Statistics
MA SC420Math Statistics and Appl IQBA260Business Statistics
MA SC420Math Statistics and Appl IBEH260Statistics
MA SC422Intro Appl Stat IBEH260Statistics
MA SC440Diff Equations & Contin Mods IMAT271Calculus III
MA SC441Diff Equations & Cont Mods IIMAT271Calculus III
MA SC450Advanced CalculusMAT371Adv Calculus I
MA SC457Complex AnalysisMAT477Complex Analysis
MA SC460Linear Alg & Discrete Models IMAT260Elem Linear Algebra
MA SC461Linear Alg & Discrete Mods IIMAT260Elem Linear Algebra
MA SC465Modern AlgebraMAT361Abstract Algebra
MA SC475WIntro History of MathematicsMAT4XXIntro History of Math
MA SC496Independent StudiesMAT490Math Internship
MA SC497Special TopicsMAT496Readng/Rsrch Math I
MATH004Intermediate AlgebraMAT102Prelim Math/Prob Solv
MATH005Coll Alg IMAT105College Algebra
MATH010Pre-Calc MathMAT108Precalculus
MATH017Finite MathMAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MATH018Elementary Linear AlgebraMAT260Elem Linear Algebra
MATH021College Algebra IMAT105College Algebra
MATH022College Algebra IIMAT1XXCollege Algebra II
MATH022College Algebra IIMAT105College Algebra
MATH026Plane TrigonometryMAT108Precalculus
MATH030Problem SolvingMAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MATH034Math of MoneyMAT1XXMath of Money
MATH035General View MathMAT1XXGeneral View Math
MATH040Alg Trig Anly GeomMAT108Precalculus
MATH081Technical Math IMAT105College Algebra
MATH082Tech Math IIMAT1XXTech Math II
MATH083Technical CalculusMAT120Applied Calculus
MATH087Technical MathMAT108Precalculus
MATH088Tech Math & CalcMAT1XXTech Math & Calc
MATH110Tech Calculus IMAT171Calculus I
MATH110Tech Calculus IMAT1XXTech Calculus I
MATH111Tech Calculus 2MAT120Applied Calculus
MATH140Calc Anly Geom IMAT171Calculus I
MATH140ACalc, An Geom, Alg, TrigMAT171Calculus I
MATH140BCalculus and Biology IMAT120Applied Calculus
MATH140ECalculus w/Engineering Appl IMAT171Calculus I
MATH140SCalculus w/Analytic Geom IMAT171Calculus I
MATH141Calc Anly Geom IIMAT172Calculus II
MATH141BCalc and Biol IIMAT1XXCalc and Biol II
MATH141ECalc w/Engineering Appl IIMAT172Calculus II
MATH141HCalc Anly Geom IIMAT172Calculus II
MATH161El Calc Anal GeomMAT171Calculus I
MATH162El Calc Anal GeomMAT172Calculus II
MATH200Prob Solv In MathMAT115Sets/Number Systems
MATH21College Algebra 1MAT102College Algebra I
MATH220MatricesMAT260Elem Linear Algebra
MATH230Calc and Vector AnalysisMAT271Calculus III
MATH231Calc Several VarMAT2XXCalc Several Var
MATH232Integral Vector CalculusMAT271Calculus III
MATH250Ordinary Diff EquationMAT272Diff Equations
MATH251Ord & Part Diff EqMAT272Diff Equations
MATH251Ord Part Diff EquationsMAT272Diff Equations
MATH26Plane TrigonometryMAT108Precalculus
MATH297Special TopicsMAT2XXSpecial Topics
MATH311WConcepts of Discrete MathMAT235Discrete Mathemtcs
MATH312Concepts of Real AnalysisMAT371Adv Calculus I
MATH318Elementary ProbabilityMAT350Probability/Stats
MATH319Applied Statistics in ScienceMAT350Probability/Stats
MATH403Classical Analysis IMAT371Adv Calculus I
MATH404Classical Analysis IIMAT372Adv Calculus II
MATH405Adv Calc for Engineers & Sci IMAT271Calculus III
MATH41Trig/Anly GeomMAT1XXTrig/Anly Geom
MATH411Ordinary Differential EquationMAT272Diff Equations
MATH412Fourier Series & Part Diff EquMAT473Partl Diff Equatns
MATH414Intro to Probability TheoryMAT350Probability/Stats
MATH415Intro to Math StatisticsMAT350Probability/Stats
MATH421Complex AnalysisMAT477Complex Analysis
MATH426Intro to Modern GeometryMAT345Modern Geometry
MATH427Foundations of GeometryMAT440Advanced Geometry
MATH429Intro to TopologyMAT480Point-Set Topology
MATH435Basic Abstract AlgebraMAT361Abstract Algebra
MATH441Matrix AlgebraMAT260Elem Linear Algebra
MATH451Numerical ComputationsMAT470Numerical Analysis
MATH455Intro to Numerical Analysis IMAT470Numerical Analysis
MATH456Intro to Numerical Analy IIMAT470Numerical Analysis
MATH807Technical MathMAT108Precalculus
MATSE201Intro to Materials ScienceME260Materls Science
MATSE259Engr MatlsME2XXEngr Matls
MCH T111Mech-StaticsEGR1XXMech-Statics
MCH T213Strength MtlsEGR2XXStrength Mtls
ME201Intro Thermal SciME2XXIntro Thermal Sci
ME30Engr Thermo IME1XXEngr Thermo I
ME380Machine DynamicsME3XXMachine Dynamics
ME BD240Elementary Fluid MechanicsME360Fluid Mechanics
ME BD241Heat TransferME410Heat Transfer
ME BD245Fluid Flow & Heat Transfer LabME361Thermo/Fluids Exp
ME BD329Control TheoryME390Comp Cntrl/Machines
ME BD340Computer-Aided EngineeringME470Specl Topcs Eng
ME BD343Thermal System DesignME411Thermo Sys Desgn
ME BD423Applied Comput Fluid Dynamics ME470Specl Topcs Eng
ME BD425Advanced Thermal Analysis ME470Specl Topcs Eng
ME BD427Incompressible Aerodynamics ME470Specl Topcs Eng
ME BD443Machine Dynamics ME470Specl Topcs Eng
ME BD445Machine Design ME470Specl Topcs Eng
ME BD446Materials Properties & Charact ME470Specl Topcs Eng
ME BD449Applied Finite Element Analys ME450Finite Elemnt Anlys
ME BD455Engineering for Manufacturing ME470Specl Topcs Eng
ME BD462Applied Stress Analysis ME470Specl Topcs Eng
ME BD466Vibrations ME470Specl Topcs Eng
ME BD475Engineering Prop of Plastics ME470Specl Topcs Eng
ME BD477Mat Eng Appl of Scan Elect Mic ME470Specl Topcs Eng
ME BD480Engineering Design Concepts ME470Specl Topcs Eng
ME BD481Mechanical Design Projects ME470Specl Topcs Eng
MEDVL107Medieval Europe HIS1XXMedieval Europe
MET105Mech Sys EGR1XXMech Sys
MET206Dynamics EGR2XXDynamics
MET210WMachine Design EGR2XXMachine Design
MET297AEngr Mat Select EGR2XXEngr Mat Select
METEO002Weather & Society ESS1XXEarth Sci Elective No Lab
METEO003Intro Meteo ESS1XXIntro Meteo
METEO122Atmospheric Environment ESS1XXAtmospheric Environment
MGMT100Survey of Mgmt MGT150Prin of Management
MGMT297Special Topics MGT2XXSpecial Topics
MGMT297BCont Improvement MGT2XXCont Improvement
MGMT301Basic Mgmt Concept MGT150Prin of Management
MGMT321Ldrshp & Motiv MGT3XXLdrshp & Motiv
MGMT331Org Dsg & Dev MGT3XXOrg Dsg & Dev
MGMT341Hum Rsrce Mgmt MGT220Human Resource Mgt
MGMT415Portfolio Manage & Org MGT410Project Management
MGMT418Proj. Plan & Res. Mngmnt. MGT410Project Management
MGMT418Proj. Plan & Res. Mngmnt QBA330Supply Chain Analytics
MGMT433Leadership and Team Building MGT380Lead and Change in Orgs
MGMT471Bus Policy MGT4XXBus Policy
MGMT800Prin Mgmt I MGT2XXPrin Mgmt I
MGMT801Prin Mgmt II MGT150Prin of Management
MICRB006El Microbiology BIO230Microbiology
MICRB006El Microbiology BIO1XXBiology Elective No Lab
MICRB106Elem Micrb05BIO230Microbio/Allied Hlth
MICRB106Elem Micrb05BIO231Micro/Allied Lab
MICRB107Elem Micrb Lab05  
MICRB201Intro Microbiology07BIO231Micro/Allied Lab
MICRB201Intro Microbiology07BIO230Microbio/Allied Hlth
MICRB201Intro Microbiology BIO230Microbiology
MICRB202Intro Micrb Lab07BIO231Microbiology Lb
MICRB201Intro Microbiology BIO2XXBiology Elect No Lab
MICRB410Prin of Immunol BIO4XXBiology Elect No Lab
MIS204Intro Bus Inf Sys IFS305Management Info Sys
MIS301Business Analytics BUA480Big Data & Adv Data Min
MIS345Intro Data Analytics BUA226Intro to Big Data
MIS431Business Data Management IFS125Enterprises Data Management
MKTG121Contemp Am Mktg MKT2XXContemp Am Mktg
MKTG220Personal Selling MKT220Personal Selling
MKTG221Contemp Am Mktg MKT2XXContemp Am Mktg
MKTG301Prin of Mktg MKT100Prin Marketing
MKTG301WPrin of Mktg MKT100Prin Marketing
MKTG327Retailing MKT230Retailing
MKTG330Buyer Behavior MKT360Consumer Behavior
MKTG440Services Marketing MKT4XXServices Marketing
MKTG445Global MarketingMKT4XXGlobal Marketing
MKTG450Mktg Plcy & PgmMKT4XXMktg Plcy & Pgm
MKTG531Marketing ManagementMBA531Strategic Marketing
MKTG801Prin Mktg IIMKT100Prin Marketing
MKTG802Promotion MgmtMKT2XXPromotion Mgmt
MNGMT310Org Struc ProcMGT3XXOrg Struc Proc
MNGMT360Organ BehOBD225Org Behavior
MNGMT363Human Resource MngmtMGT220Human Resource Mgt
MNGMT442Expr Org RelOBD3XXExpr Org Rel
MNGMT450Indust RelationsMGT3XXIndust Relations
MNGMT451Entrep Sm Bus MgmtMGT3XXEntrep Sm Bus Mgmt
MNGMT463Human Resource MngmtMGT220Human Resource Mgt
MNGMT480Organ TheoryOBD345Organization Theory & Proc
MNGMT522Ops and Supply ChainMBA545Applied Oper Mgmt
MRKT370Marketing PrincipMKT100Prin Marketing
MS&IS200Intro Stat Bus DecQBA260Business Statistics
MS&IS200Intro Stat Bus DecMAT250Statistics
MS&IS200Intro Stat Bus DecBEH260Statistics
MSIS201Quan Meth Bus DecQBA310Management Science
MTHBD092Technical Math IIMAT120Applied Calculus
MTHBD210Calculus & Analyt Goem w/ApplMAT171Calculus I
MTHBD211Interm Calc & Diff Equat w/AppMAT271Calculus III
MTHBD315WApplied Modern Algebra IMAT280Math Structures
MTHBD420Intro to Real Analysis IMAT371Adv Calculus I
MTHBD422Complex AnalysisMAT477Complex Analysis
MTHBD423Intro to Numerical Analysis IMAT473Partl Diff Equatns
MTHBD424Intro to Numerical Analysis IIMAT473Partl Diff Equatns
MTHBD428Fourier Series & Part Diff EqMAT473Partl Diff Equatns
MTHBD432Intro to TopologyMAT480Point-Set Topology
MTHBD434Matrix AlgebraMAT260Elem Linear Algebra
MTHBD477Foundations of GeometryMAT440Advanced Geometry
MTHBD478Geometry for TeachersMAT345Modern Geometry
MTHBD494Research ProjectMAT496Readng/Rsrch Math I
MTHBD495InternshipMAT490Math Internship
MTHED411Teaching Secondary Math IEDU4XXTch Sec Math I
MTHED420Teach Math Elem SchoolsEDU4XXTeach Math Elem Sch
MUSIC005Intro/Western MusicMUS290Intro Music Lit
MUSIC007Evolution of JazzMUS286Jazz History
MUSIC008Rudiments of MusicMUS181Found Music Theory
MUSIC009Intro to World MusicsMUS281World Music
MUSIC054Beginning Class GuitarMUS148Guitar Class
MUSIC077Philharmonic OrchestraMUS164Symphony Orchestra
MUSIC078Symphonic Wind EnsembleMUS160Wind Symphony
MUSIC079Pep BandMUS1XXPep Band
MUSIC080Symphonic BandMUS160Wind Symphony
MUSIC081Marching Blue BandMUS1XXMarching Blue Band
MUSIC082Concert BandMUS1XXConcert Band
MUSIC083Campus BandMUS1XXCampus Band
MUSIC084Jazz EnsembleMUS162Jazz Ensemble
MUSIC086Percussion EnsembleMUS272Percussion Ensemble
MUSIC089Univ ChoirMUS150YCChorale
MUSIC092Chamber Music for VoicesMUS152Chamber Singers
MUSIC103Concert ChoirMUS150YCChorale
MUSIC104Chamber SingersMUS152Chamber Singers
MUSIC109The BeatlesMUS1XXThe Beatles
MUSIC110Keyboard Skills IMUS103Piano
MUSIC112Class GuitarMUS148Guitar Class
MUSIC113Music Theatre-Class Voice IMUS155Opera/Musc Theatr
MUSIC114Music Theatre-Class Voice IIMUS155Opera/Musc Theatr
MUSIC115Beg VoiceMUS1XXBeg Voice
MUSIC116Int Voice ClMUS1XXInt Voice Cl
MUSIC121Basic MusicianshipMUS184Aural Skills I
MUSIC122Basic Mus IIMUS185Aural Skills II
MUSIC129S1st Year Perf SmnrMUS1XX1st Year Perf Smnr
MUSIC131Music Theory IMUS182Music Theory I
MUSIC132Music Theory IIMUS183Music Theory II
MUSIC151Class BrassMUS293Brass Methods
MUSIC152Class PercussionMUS295Percussion Methods
MUSIC153String Tech IMUS292String Methods
MUSIC154Class WoodwindsMUS294Woodwind Methods
MUSIC162Intro to Music HistoryMUS290Intro Music Lit
MUSIC170Keyboard Skills IIMUS1XXKeyboard Skills II
MUSIC182Jazz Improv IIMUS1XXJazz Improv II
MUSIC192Chamb Mus BrassMUS168Brass Choir
MUSIC209NBeatles CultureMUS2XXBeatles Culture
MUSIC220Trumpet Prim IIIMUS2XXTrumpet Prim III
MUSIC221Basic Mus IIIMUS284Aural Skills III
MUSIC222Basic Mus IVMUS285Aural Skills IV
MUSIC231Music Theory IIIMUS282Music Theory III
MUSIC240Music in Early ChildhoodMUS392Tchng Musc Elem Sch
MUSIC241Music for Classroom TeachersMUS392Tchng Musc Elem Sch
MUSIC251Brass Tech IIMUS2XXBrass Tech II
MUSIC261Survey of Music History IMUS390Music History I
MUSIC262Survey of Music History IIMUS391Music History II
MUSIC266Basic ConductingMUS490Choral Conducting
MUSIC270Trumpet Prim IVMUS2XXTrumpet IV
MUSIC270Keybd Sk IV: MusicMUS2XXKeybd Sk IV: Music
MUSIC295AEarly Ed FD ExEDU1XXEarly Ed FD Ex
MUSIC331Tonal AnalysisMUS385Form & Analysis
MUSIC332Anaylsis 20 CMusicMUS3XXAnalysis 20 CMusic
MUSIC340Mus Learning DevPSY3XXMus Learning Dev
MUSIC341Int Mat MusMUS3XXInt Mat Mus
MUSIC366Inter ConductingMUS1XXIntmed Cond
MUSIC370Trumpet Prim VIMUS3XXTrumpet Prim VI
MUSIC387Language Diction for SingersMUS394Diction for Singers
MUSIC388Language Diction for SingersMUS394Diction for Singers
MUSIC389Language Diction for SingersMUS394Diction for Singers
MUSIC40S1st Year Music SemMUS1XX1st Year Music Sem
MUSIC421Jazz ComboMUS4XXJazz Combo
MUSIC450Teaching March BandMUS4XXTeach March Band
MUSIC497ENatural Horn StudyMUS3XXNatural Horn Study
MUSIC90Glee ClubMUS1XXGlee Club
NAVSCI101Intro to Naval ScienceESS1XXEarth Sci Elect no lab
NUCE001SAtomic AdventuresEGR1XXAtomic Adventures
NURS200WIntro Nurs ResNUR2XXIntro Nurs Res
NURS230Fund NursgNUR2XXFund Nursg
NURS250Prof Role Dev INUR2XXProf Role Dev I
NURS251Health AssessmentNUR2XXHealth Assessment
NURS401Conc of HlthNUR4XXConc of Hlth
NURS464Dying & DeathNUR4XXDying & Death
NURS501Iss Nsg Hlth CareNUR514Health Policy APRN
NURS501Iss Nsg Hlth CareNUR502Policy/Org/Finance
NURS502Adult AssessmentNUR509Adv Assessmnt/Diagn
NURS503PathophysNUR505Adv Phys/Pathophys
NUTR100Contemp Nutr ConcBIO1XXContemp Nutr Conc
NUTR115Ex Nutr Wt ControlNPE1XXEx Nutr Wt Control
NUTR251Intro Prin NutrNUR202Nutrition
NUTR351Intro Prin NutrNUR202Nutrition
NUTR358Assess Nutr StatusNUR3XXAssess Nutr Status
NUTR360Dissem Nutr InfoNUR3XXDissem Nutr Info
NUTR380Ldshp in Nutr ServNUR3XXLdshp in Nutr Serv
NUTR497CInternational NutrNUR4XXIntl Nutr
P E004Aerobic Dance IPE136Aerobic Dance
P E049Board SailingPE1XXBoard Sailing
P E097Dance--Jazz IPE1XXDance--Jazz I
P E177Jogging IPE1XXJogging I
P E238Racquetball IPE2XXRacquetball I
P E274Ski--Downhill IPE2XXSki--Downhill I
P E280Soccer IPE155Soccer
P E303Strength TrainPE119Physical Fitness
P E303Strength TrainPE118Physical Fitness
P E309SwimPE120Beginning Swimming
P E342Tennis IPE159Tennis
P E357Volleyball IPE160Volleyball
PE ED007Phys EdPE1XXPhys Ed
PH ED005Physical EdPE1XXPhysical Ed Elective
PH ED006Physical EdPE1XXPhysical Ed
PH ED006TPhysical EdPE1XXPhysical Ed
PH ED007Phys EdPE1XXPhys Ed
PH ED009Life SavingPE1XXLife Saving
PH ED025Health & Phys EdPE1XXHealth & Phys Ed
PH ED031Tennis IPE159Tennis
PH ED181W S IPE126Water Safety Instr
PH ED272Dance FundPE1XXDance Fund
PH ED295Five Day PractPE2XXFive Day Pract
PH ED382Elem Phy EdEDU3XXElem Phy Ed
PH ED390Sec Mthd Ph EdEDU3XXSec Mthd Ph Ed
PH ED402PE Act Spec EdPE1XXPE Act Spec Ed
PH SC007Phys SciPSC1XXPhys Sci Elect No Lab
PH SC008Phys SciPSC1XXPhys Sci Elect No Lab
PHIL001Basic Prob of PhilPHL221Intro Philosophy
PHIL002Phil, Politics, and Soc TheoryPHL2XXPhil, Pol, and Soc Theory
PHIL003Pers, Value, LifePHL2XXPers, Value, Life
PHIL004Basic Prob of PhilPHL221Intro Philosophy
PHIL005Phil, Art and FilmPHL2XXPhil, Art and Film
PHIL006Phil Lit WestPHL1XXPhil Lit West
PHIL007Asian PhilosophyPHL2XXAsian Philosophy
PHIL008Philosophy and FeminismPHL2XXPhilosophy & Feminism
PHIL009Phil, Race, and DiversityPHL2XXPhil, Race, and Diversity
PHIL010Crit ThinkPHL222Critical Thinking
PHIL011Phil, Science, and TruthPHL2XXPhil, Sci, and Truth
PHIL012Symbolic LogicPHL231Logic
PHIL013Phil, Nature, and the EnvironmPHL240Environmentl Ethics
PHIL014Love and SexPHL1XXLove and Sex
PHIL083SFirst-Year Seminar in PhilosPHL2XXFirst-Yr Sem in Philosophy
PHIL1Basic Prob of PhilPHL221Intro Philosophy
PHIL100Meaning/ExistPHL221Intro Philosophy
PHIL103Intro EthicsPHL341Ethics
PHIL103WIntro EthicsPHL341Ethics
PHIL104Prof EthicsPHL342Ethics/Workplace
PHIL105Philosophy of LawPHL347Philosophy of Law
PHIL106Intro Bus EthicsPHL1XXIntro Bus Ethics
PHIL108Intro Soc Pol PhilPHL1XXIntro Soc Pol Phil
PHIL124Phil and RelgPHL383Philos Of Religion
PHIL126WIntro MetaphysicsPHL2XXIntro Metaphysics
PHIL132Intro BioethicsPHL346Bioethics
PHIL200Ancient PhilosophyPHL2XXAncient Philosophy
PHIL202Modern PhilPHL2XXModern Phil
PHIL20319th Century PhilPHL2XX19th Century Phil
PHIL20420th Cent PhilPHL2XX20th Cent Phil
PHIL212Symbolic LogicPHL231Logic
PHIL405Philosophy of LawPHL365Philosophy of Law
PHIL409AestheticsPHL351Intro Aesthetics
PHIL414AestheticsPHL351Intro Aesthetics
PHIL424Philosophy of ReligionPHL383Philos Of Religion
PHIL432Medical & Hlth Care EthicsPHL350Bioethics
PHIL435Intrelatn of Sci, Phil, ReligHUM242Science/Religion
PHIL438Feminist PhilosophyPHL380Feminist Thought
PHIL458Topics Contemp PhilosophyPHL361Contmp Philsophy
PHLOS301Approaches to PhilosophyPHL221Intro Philosophy
PHLOS415AestheticsPHL351Intro Aesthetics
PHLOS416Film AestheticsPHL3XXFilm Aesthetics
PHOTO100Intro PhotoART1XXIntro Photo
PHYBD400Interm Electricity and MagnetPHY260Eng Phys:Elct/Magn
PHYS001Science of PhysPSC1XXPhys Sci Elect No Lab
PHYS150Technical PhysicsPHY1XXPhysics Elective No Lab
PHYS151Technical PhysicsPHY1XXPhysics Elective No Lab
PHYS200Intro Exper PhysicsPHY161E Phys:Mech Lab
PHYS201General PhysicsPHY160Eng Phys:Mechncs
PHYS201LGeneral PhysicsPHY160Eng Phys:Mechncs
PHYS201PGeneral PhysicsPHY160Eng Phys:Mechncs
PHYS201RGeneral PhysicsPHY160Eng Phys:Mechncs
PHYS202General PhysicsPHY260Eng Phys:Elct/Magn
PHYS202LGeneral PhysicsPHY260Eng Phys:Elct/Magn
PHYS202PGeneral PhysicsPHY260Eng Phys:Elct/Magn
PHYS202RGeneral PhysicsPHY260Eng Phys:Elct/Magn
PHYS211MechanicsPHY161E Phys:Mech Lab
PHYS211MechanicsPHY160Eng Phys:Mechncs
PHYS211LGen Physics: MechPHY160Eng Phys:Mechncs
PHYS211PGeneral Physics: MechPHY160Eng Phys:Mechncs
PHYS211RGen Physics: MechPHY160Eng Phys:Mechncs
PHYS212Elect & MagnetismPHY260Eng Phys:Elct/Magn
PHYS212LGen Phys:Elect & MagnPHY260Eng Phys:Elct/Magn
PHYS212PGen Phys:Elect & MagnetPHY260Eng Phys:Elct/Magn
PHYS212RGen Phys:Elect & MagnetPHY260Eng Phys:Elct/Magn
PHYS213Fluids & Thermal PhyPHY2XXPhysics Elective No Lab
PHYS214Wave Motion & QuanPHY2XXPhysics Elective No Lab
PHYS215Intro PhysPHY2XXIntro Phys
PHYS240Conc of PhysPHY2XXConc of Phys
PHYS250Intro Phys IPHY110Gen Phys:Mech/Ht
PHYS251Intro Physics IIPHY112Gen Phys:Elc/Magn
PHYS251RIntro Physics IIPHY112Gen Phys:Elc/Magn
PHYS297AHonors Phys AstroPHY2XXPhysics Elect No Lab
PHYS297CIntro Phys w/CalcPHY2XXIntro Phys w/Calc
PL SC001Intr to Am Nat GovPS141American Governmnt
PL SC001Intr to Am Nat GovPS101Amer Gov/Citizenship
PL SC003Intro to Comp PolPS260Comparative Politics
PL SC007Political IdeolPS1XXPolitical Ideol
PL SC014Intl RelationsPS302International Rel
PL SC017WIntro to Pol TheoryPS110Intro Poli Science
PL SC020Comparative Politics-West EuroPS260Comparative Politics
PL SC083SFirst-Year Seminar Pol SciPS1XXFirst Year Sem Pol Sci
PL SC110Rights in AmPS1XXRights in Am
PL SC130Amer Pol CampaignsPS305Parties/Campgn/Elec
PL SC301Intro Political AnalysisPS262Scope/Methods
PL SC306HSenior Thesis Writing WorkshopPS450Senior Seminar
PL SC403The Legislative ProcessPS362The Congress
PL SC405The American PresidencyPS363The Presidency
PL SC408Intro to Political ResearchPS262Scope/Methods
PL SC409Quantitative Political AnalysPS262Scope/Methods
PL SC426Political Parties & Int GroupsPS305Parties/Campgn/Elec
PL SC430Sel Wks In the Hist of Pol ThPS369Modern Pol Thought
PL SC435Found of American Pol TheoryPS361Amer Polit Thought
PL SC439TerrorismPS4XXTerrorism
PL SC442American Foreign PolicyPS303Amer Foreign Policy
PL SC454Govt and Politics of AfricaPS243Govt/Pol Africa
PL SC458Govt and Politics of East AsiaPS244Govt/Pol East Asia
PLSC001Intr to Am Nat GovPS101Amer Gov/Citizenship
PLSC014Intnatl RelationsPS102Contemp Global Iss
PLSC017Intro to Pl TheoryPS110Intro Poli Science
PLSC20Comp Pl-West EurPS1XXComp Pl-West Eur
PLSC210NRights in AmericaPS2XXRights in America
PLSC222NPolitics and Female AthletesPS2XXPolitics and Female Athletes
PLSC3Comp PoliticsPS260Comparative Politics
PPEM300Hort Crop DiseasesBIO3XXBiology Elective no lab
PSU16Sci 1st-yr smrFYS1XXSci 1st-yr Smr
PSU3Altoona 1st-Yr SmrFYS1XXAltoona 1st-Yr Smr
PSU6Bus 1st-Yr SmrFYS1XXBus 1st-Yr Smr
PSU8Unv Col 1st-Yr SmnFYS1XXUnv Col 1st-Yr Smn
PSU9Comm 1st-Yr SmnFYS1XXComm 1st Yr-Smn
PSY002PsychologyPSY100General Psychology
PSY037Mental HealthPSY1XXMental Health
PSY201WBasic Methods PsyPSY2XXBasic Methods Psy
PSY213Devl PsychologyPSY221Child/Adol Develop
PSY221Intro Cog PsyPSY2XXIntro Cog Psy
PSY231Industrial PsyPSY2XXIndustrial Psy
PSY238Intro Person PsyPSY2XXIntro Person Psy
PSY407Behavior GeneticsPSY4XXBehavior Genetics
PSY412Abnormal PsyPSY230Abnormal Psych
PSY438Theory of PersonalityPSY440Personality
PSYC301WBasic Research Methods in PsychPSY270Design and Analysis I
PSYC405Child DevPSY221Child/Adol Develop
PSYC405Child DevPSY4XXChild Dev
PSYC406AdolescencePSY221Child/Adol Develop
PSYC415Abnorm PsyPSY230Abnormal Psych
PSYCH100Intro PsychologyPSY100General Psychology
PSYCH200Elem Stat PsychPSY271Design Analysis II
PSYCH212Devl PsychologyPSY2XXDevl Psychology
PSYCH212Devl PsychologyNUR201Nursing HD/HC
PSYCH221Intr to Soc PsychologyPSY243Social Psychology
PSYCH230Intro to Psy ReligPSY2XXIntro to Psy Relig
PSYCH231Intro Psy GenderWGS2XXIntro Psy Gender
PSYCH232Crs Cul PsyPSY2XXCrs Cul Psy
PSYCH238Intro Person PsyPSY2XXIntro Person Psy
PSYCH243Intr Welbe Pos PsyPSY2XXIntr Welbe Pos Psy
PSYCH256Intro Cog PsyPSY2XXIntro Cog Psy
PSYCH260Neur Hum BehavPSY2XXNeur Hum Behav
PSYCH270Intro Abnorm PsychPSY230Abnormal Psych
PSYCH301Basic Methods in PsychologyPSY270Design Analysis I
PSYCH414Soc & Pers DevPSY4XXSoc & Pers Dev
PSYCH470Abnormal PsychPSY330Adult Psychopathlgy
PSYCH471Psy Adj & Soc RelPSY4XXPsy Adj & Soc Rel
PT100SIntro to PTA-FYSNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
PT120Hum Mus FunctionSPM1XXHum Mus Function
PT271WPathophysiology INPE1XXNon Prog Elect
PT272Pathophysiology IINPE1XXNon Prog Elect
PT384Applied KinesiologySPM3XXApplied Kinesiology
PUBPL301Am Pol SystemPS3XXAm Pol System
PUBPL304Pub Pl AnylPS3XXPub Pl Anyl
PUBPL409Pol of LegisPS4XXPol of Legis
PUBPL410Women in PoliticsPS4XXWomen in Politics
PUBPL411Comparative GovtPS260Comparative Politics
PUBPL420Const LawPS4XXConst Law
PUBPL441Cmptr Appl in PubIFS1XXCmptr Appl in Pub
QBA801El Bus StatQBA260Business Statistics
QUANT310Math Methods Soc & Man SciQBA310Management Science
R P M120Leisure/Human BehREC101Recreation/Leisure
R P M201Cmptr Appl Rec SerREC2XXCmptr Appl Rec Ser
RL ST001World ReligionsREL265World Religions
RL ST004Jewish & ChristianREL1XXJewish & Christian
RL ST083S1st Year SemREL1XX1st Year Sem
RL ST101Comp ReligionREL1XXComp Religion
RL ST103Intro to HinduismREL1XXIntro to Hinduism
RL ST105Buddhism in WestREL1XXBuddhism in West
RL ST108Muhammad & QuranREL1XXMuhammad & Quran
RL ST110Hebrew Bible: Old TestamentREL270Trad/Cult Judaism
RL ST111Early JudaismREL1XXEarly Judaism
RL ST120New TestamentREL275Trad/Cult Chrstnty
RL ST124Early ChristianityREL275Trad/Cult Chrstnty
RL ST137Women and ReligionREL1XXWomen and Religion
RL ST140RL In Am LifeREL369Amer Rel Thght/Cult
RL ST140WRl in Am LifeREL369Amer Rel Thght/Cult
RL ST422Rl & Am CultREL369Amer Rel Thght/Cult
RLST001World ReligionsREL265World Religions
RLST120New TestamentREL1XXNew Testament
RPTM101Intro Recr ServREC1XXIntro Recr Serv
RPTM120Leisure/Human BehREC101Recreation/Leisure
RPTM210Comm Recr/TourismREC2XXComm Recr/Tourism
RPTM236Ldrsp/Grp DynamicsREC2XXLdrsp/Grp Dynamics
RUS100Cult & CivINT147Intro Russia
S T S100Ascent of HumanityBEH1XXAscent of Humanity
S T S130HWorld Food ProbBEH1XXWorld Food Prob
S T S201Clm Ch/Energy/BiodBEH2XXClm Ch/Energy/Biod
S T S233Ethics/TechPHL2XXEthics/Tech
S T S408Cult Found CommCM3XXCult Found Comm
SC497ABasic Sc & DiseaseBIO1XXBiology Elective No Lab
SCLSC320Intro StatisticsBEH260Statistics
SCLSC320Intro StatisticsQBA260Business Statistics
SCLSC320Intro StatisticsMAT250Statistics
SCM200Intro to Stats for BusQBA260Business Statistics
SCM301Sup Chn MgmtSCM3XXSup Chn Mgmt
SCM320Transport SystemsSCM340Logistics Management
SCM445Operations Planning & ControlSCM480Prod Plan and Control
SCM460Purchas and Materials MngmntSCM310Purchasing Management
SOC001Intro SociologySOC100Intro Sociology
SOC001WIntro SociologySOC100Intro Sociology
SOC003Intro Social PsyPSY243Social Psychology
SOC005Social ProblemsSOC220Am Social Problems
SOC007Methodology of SocSOC1XXMethodology of Soc
SOC013Juv DelinquencyCJA110Juvenile Delinquncy
SOC015Urban SociologySOC1XXUrban Sociology
SOC030Soc of FamilySOC225The Family
SOC103Racism and SexismSOC1XXRacism and Sexism
SOC110Soc of GenderSOC1XXSoc of Gender
SOC119Race & Ethnic RelSOC1XXRace & Ethnic Rel
SOC119NRace, Ethnicity, & CultureSOC1XXRace, Ethnicity, & Culture
SOC405Soc TheorySOC4XXSoc Theory
SOC406Soc of DevianceSOC4XXSoc of Deviance
SOC416Soc of EdSOC4XXSoc of Ed
SOC432Soc MovementsSOC4XXSoc Movements
SOC497DSoc of MediaSOC4XXSoc of Media
SOCIO384Social ProblemsSOC3XXSocial Problems
SOCIO430Social ChangeSOC4XXSocial Change
SOCIO486Substances in SocSOC4XXSubstances in Soc
SOILS101Intro Soil SciBIO1XXBiology Elect No Lab
SPAN001Elementary Spanish ISPN101Elem Spanish I
SPAN002Elementary Spanish IISPN102Elem Spanish II
SPAN003Inmd SpanishSPN201Inter Spanish I
SPAN010Intensive SpanSPN101Elem Spanish I
SPAN010Intensive SpanSPN102Elem Spanish II
SPAN020Intensive SpanSPN201Inter Spanish I
SPAN020Intensive SpanSPN202Inter Spanish II
SPAN100Intermed Grammar & CompSPN1XXIntermed Gram & Comp
SPAN110Intermed ConversationSPN205Inter Spanish Conv
SPAN130Iberian CivilINT1XXIberian Civil
SPAN131Ibero-Am CivilINT1XXIbero-Am Civil
SPAN131Ibero-Am CivilINT1XXIbero-Am Civil
SPAN131YIbero-Am CivilINT1XXIbero-Am Civil
SPAN200Inten Gram CompSPN2XXInten Gram Comp
SPAN200Inten Gram CompSPN202Inter Spanish II
SPAN215Intro Span LingSPN2XXIntro Span Ling
SPAN300Adv Grammer & CompSPN301Adv Oral/Writ Span
SPAN397Special TopicsSPN3XXSpecial Topics
SPAN410Adv Oral ExpressSPN4XXAdv Oral Express
SPAN497Special TopicsSPN4XXSpecial Topics
SPAN499Span Foreign StudySPN4XXSpan Foreign Study
SPCH200Effective SpeechCM104Human Communicatn
SPCOM083SFirst Year Seminar in Spch ComCM104Human Communicatn
SPCOM100Effective SpeechCM104Human Communicatn
SPCOM100AEffective SpeechCM212Public Speaking
SPCOM100BEffective SpeechCM104Human Communicatn
SPCOM100CEffective SpeechCM104Human Communicatn
SPCOM100SEffective SpeechCM104Human Communicatn
SPCOM101Intro to Human CommCM206Communicatn Theory
SPCOM126Developmental ListeningCM1XXDevelopmental Listening
SPCOM150Persuasion and PropagandaCM327Persuasion
SPCOM200Eff SpeechCM104Human Communicatn
SPCOM201Rhetorical TheoryCM207Rhetoric/Publc Addr
SPCOM203Interpersonal CommCM329Interpersonal Comm
SPCOM230Intro to Comm TheoryCM206Communicatn Theory
SPCOM312Inform, Tech, and Presentat SpCM212Public Speaking
SPCOM313Persuasive SpeakingCM212Public Speaking
SPCOM321Rhetoric and LawCM207Rhetoric/Publc Addr
SPCOM350Small Group CommCM304Group Discussion
SPCOM352Speech Comm in OrganizationsCM328Organztnl Communication
SPCOM395Forensics PracticumCM100Public Spkng Pr I
SPCOM401Speech Comm Research MethodsCM402Communicatn Seminar
SPCOM440WSystems and Theories Hum CommCM206Communicatn Theory
SPCOM450WGroup Comm TheoryCM304Group Discussion
SPCOM452Organizational CommCM328Organztnl Communication
SPCOM460Foundations of Rhet TheoryCM207Rhetoric/Publc Addr
SPCOM470Nonverbal CommCM222Nonverbal Comm
SPCOM475Studies in Public PersuasionCM327Persuasion
SPCOM497Special TopicsCM3XXSpecial Topics
SPCOM497AMass Media & VilncCM3XXMass Media & Vilnc
SPLED105Orient Excep ChildSPE1XXOrient Excep Child
SPLED295Exp Excep ChildSPE2XXExp Excep Child
SPLED395WObser Excep LrnrsSPE3XXObser Excep Lrnrs
SPLED400Teach Except Stud in Gen Ed SeSPE4XXTeach Except Stud in Gen Ed
SPLED401Ed Adj for Ex ChSPE3XXEd Adj for Ex Ch
SPLED425Excep ChildrenSPE4XXExcep Children
SRA111Intro to SRACCJ1XXIntro to SRA
SRA111SIntro to SRACJA1XXIntro to SRA
SRA211Threat & Terr & CrimeCJA2XXThreat & Terror & Crime
SRA221Overview of Info SecIFS2XXOverview of Info Sec
SRA231Decision TheoryCJA2XXDecision Theory
SRA311Risk AssessmentCJA3XXRisk Assessment
SRA321Rol of Inf & IntCJA3XXRol of Inf & Int
STAT100Stat ConceptsMAT250Statistics
STAT200Elem StatisticsMAT250Statistics
STAT200Elem StatisticsQBA260Data Driven Dec Making
STAT200Elem StatisticsBEH260Statistics
STAT318Elem ProbabilityMAT3XXElem Probability
STRNG120JViolin Prim IMUS108Violin
STRNG170JViolin Prim IIMUS109Violin
THEA001Issues in Acad & Prof TheatreTHE1XXIssues in Acad & Prof Thtr
THEA100Art of TheatreTHE154Introduction to Theatre
THEA100Art of TheatreTHE254Intro Theatre
THEA101SThe Theatrical ImaginationTHE1XXThe Theatrical Imagination
THEA102Fundamentals of ActingTHE262Acting
THEA102Fundamentals of ActingTHE1XXFund of Acting
THEA103Fundamentals of DirectingTHE1XXFund of Directing
THEA104Fund of Theatre ProductionTHE258Stagecraft
THEA105Intro to TheatreTHE254Intro Theatre
THEA110Playscript AnalysisTHE1XXPlayscript Analysis
THEA112Intro to Music TheatreTHE1XXIntro to Music Theatre
THEA113Musical Theatre Theory ITHE1XXMusical Theatre Theory I
THEA114Music Theatre:Form and AnalysTHE1XXMusic Theatre:Form & Anal
THEA120Acting ITHE262Acting
THEA146Basic Theatrical MakeupTHE1XXBasic Theatrical Makeup
THEA150Fund of Design for the TheatreTHE1XXFun Design for Theatre
THEA160Intro to Costume CraftsTHE1XXIntro to Costume Crafts
THEA170Intro to Stage Light Prod TechTHE1XXIntro Stage Light Prod Tech
THEA180Intro to StagecraftTHE258Stagecraft
THEA189Theatre Production PracticumTHE350Theatre Pract I
THEA208SWorkshop: Thea DivTHE2XXWorkshop: Thea Div
THEA220Acting IITHE355Advanced Acting
THEA221Acting IIITHE355Advanced Acting
THEA282Production PracticumTHE258Stagecraft
THEA289Theatre Prod PracticumTHE350Theatre Pract I
THEA412Afr Amer TheatreTHE4XXAfr Amer Theatre
VBSC101Careers in Vet MedNPE1XXCareers in Vet Med
WMNST001Intro Wmn StudiesWGS200Women/Gender Studies
WMNST003Wmn, Hmnts & ArtsWGS200Women/Gender Stud
WMNST100Women/Gender StudiesWGS200Women/Gender Stud
WMNST103Racism & SexismWGS238Race,Gender,Sex
WMNST104Women & Amer ExpWGS342Women In US History
WMNST106NWmn Gender ArtsWGS1XXWmn Gender Arts
WMNST194Women WritersLIT382Women Writers
WMNST83SFirst Year SemWGS1XXFirst Year Sem
Point Park UniversityYork College of Pennsylvania
AMGT260Production ManagementART2XXProduction Management
ART100Intro to Visual ArtsART101Art/Visual Culture
ART295Concepts Rendering TheatreTHE2XXConcepts Rend Theatre
BIOL101Gen Biology IBIO150Biology I
BIOL101General Biology IBIO142Molecule/Gene/Cell
BIOL101Gen Biology IBIO1XXBiology Elect No Lab
BIOL102Gen Biology IIBIO152Biology II
BIOL102Gen Biology IIBIO1XXBiology Elect No Lab
BIOL243Public HealthBIO2XXBiology Elect No Lab
BMGT101Intro to BusinessBUS150Intro to Business
BMGT205Prin of MarketingMKT100Prin Marketing
BMGT207Human Resources MgmtMGT220Human Resource Mgt
BMGT234Ethical LeadershipPHL342Professional Ethics
BMGT271The Money Thing: Life & FinancFIN2XXThe Money Thing: Life & Financ
CHEM101Gen Chem ICHM134Gen Chem I
CHEM101Gen Chem ICHM1XXChemistry Elect No Lab
CMPS110Intro to CompIFS105Personal Computing
CMPS111Information LiteracyIFS1XXInformation Literacy
CMPS114Problm Solv with InfoIFS105Personal Computing
COMM101Oral Comm and PresCM212Public Speaking
COPA250Arts & Hum ExpHUM2XXArts & Hum Exp
COPA251Arts & Hum ExpHUM2XXArts & Hum Exp
COPA295Hitchcock, The DirectorFLM2XXHitchcock, The Director
DANC106Folk Dance IPE1XXFolk Dance I
DANC107Character of Dance IPE1XXCharacter of Dance I
DANC109Elem of ProdPE1XXElem of Prod
DANC111Jazz Dance IPE1XXJazz Dance I
DANC112Jazz Dance IIPE1XXJazz Dance II
DANC113Pointe IPE1XXPointe I
DANC114Pointe IIPE1XXPointe II
DANC117Pas de Deux IIPE1XXPas de Deux II
DANC118Modern Dance IPE117Modern Dance
DANC121Classical Ballet IPE1XXClassical Ballet I
DANC122Classical Ballet IIPE1XXClassical Ballet II
DANC150Body Alignment IPE1XXBody Alignment I
DANC211Jazz Dance IIIPE2XXJazz Dance III
DANC213Pointe IIIPE2XXPointe III
DANC214Pointe IVPE2XXPointe IV
DANC216Pas de Deux IIIPE2XXPas de Deux III
DANC217Pas de Deux IVPE2XXPas de Deux IV
DANC221Classical Ballet IIIPE2XXClassical Ballet III
DANC222Classical Ballet IVPE2XXClassical Ballet IV
DANC240Elect Studies Jazz IPE2XXElect Studies Jazz I
DANC280Dance Comp IPE2XXDance Comp I
ECON201Prin of Econ/MacroECO200Prin Econ-Macro
ECON202Principles of Econ/MicroeconECO201Prin Econ-Micro
ENGL101College CompositionFCO105Rhetorical Comm
ENGL150English CompositionWRT102Analytical Read/Writ
ENGL150English Composition IFCO105Rhetorical Comm
ENGL151English Comp IIWRT202Academic Writing
ENGL214Prof & Bus WrtWRT210Writng/Prof Culturs
ENGL250World Lit ILIT2XXWorld Lit I
ENGL251World Lit IILIT2XXWorld Lit II
HIST150Intro Study of HistHIS1XXIntro Study of Hist
HUMA150University ExperHUM1XXUniv Exper
INTL101Intelligence & Security PrinCJA1XXIntelligence & Security Prin
INTL102Intelligence Tradecraft TechCJA1XXIntelligence Tradecraft Tech
JOUR101Intro Mass CommCM211Mass Communication
JOUR103Visual Comm DesignART134Concpts Comp Grhcs
JOUR150Journ Writing & EditingCM271Print Media Writing
JOUR204Intro Black & White PhotoART245Photography I
JOUR206Intro Advertising & PRCM2XXAdvertising & PR
JOUR306Social MediaCM3XXSocial Media
MATH150Math ExperienceMAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MATH155Gen MathMAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MATH155Gen MathMAT1XXGen Math
MATH165Basic AlgebraMAT102Prelim Math/Prob Solv
MATH175Elem StatisticsQBA260Data Driven Dec Making
MATH175Elem StatisticsBEH260Statistics
MATH175Elem StatisticsMAT250Statistics
MATH180College AlgebraMAT105College Algebra
MUS101Music ApprMUS200Music Appreciation
MUS106Piano ClassMUS103Piano
NSET101Intro Nat SciNPE1XXIntro Nat Sci
NSET110Intro to Nat SciESS1XXEarth Sci Elective No Lab
NSET111Intro to Natural SciESS1XXEarth Sci Elective No Lab
PHIL215World ReligionsREL265World Religions
PHOT204Intro to B & W Photography IART245Photography I
PHOT205Intro to Dig PhotographyART246Digital Photography
POLS150Intro to Study of GovernmentPS100Intro Political Sci
POLS205World GeographyG243Intro Geography
POLS250Intro to GovernmentPS101Amer Gov/Citizenship
PSYC101Gen PsychologyPSY100General Psychology
PSYC150Psychological FoundPSY100General Psychology
PSYC151Theor Found in PsychologyPSY100General Psychology
PSYC201Crit Thinking in PsychPSY2XXCrit Think in Psych
SAEM101Intro to the SAE BusinessBUS1XXIntro to SAE Business
SAEM152Business of Live EntertainmentBUS2XXBusiness of Live Entertainment
SAEM202Marketing & Promotion for SAEMMKT2XXMarketing & Promotion for SAEM
SAEM250Career PrepBUS2XXCareer Prep
SOC101Intro to SociologySOC100Intro Sociology
SOC111World CulturesSOC1XXWorld Cultures
SOC150Sociological FoundSOC100Intro Sociology
SPAN101Elem Spanish ISPN101Elem Spanish I
THEA101Tech of Acting ITHE262Acting
THEA103Intro to DrafTHE1XXIntro to Draf
THEA106Intro to StagTHE1XXIntro to Stag
THEA107Fundamentals of DesignTHE1XXFund of Design
THEA109Elements of StagecraftTHE258Stagecraft
THEA110Elements of StagecraftTHE1XXElements of Stagecraft
THEA111Intro to ActingTHE262Acting
THEA114Stage Movement ITHE1XXStage Movement I
THEA140Production ITHE1XXProduction I
THEA195Sp Topics: ProductionTHE1XXSp Topics: Production
THEA200Script Analysis Tech TheatreTHE2XXScript Analysis Tech Theatre
THEA215Costume DesignTHE2XXCostume Design
THEA216Costume DesignTHE2XXCostume Design
THEA217Decoration and OrnamentationTHE2XXDecoration & Ornamentation
THEA218Decoration & OrnamentationTHE2XXDecoration & Ornamentation
THEA225History of Theatre ITHE2XXHistory of Theatre I
THEA226History of Theatre ITHE354History of Theatre
THEA227Lighting DesignTHE2XXLighting Design
THEA228Lighting DesignTHE2XXLighting Design
THEA231Stage DesignTHE2XXStage Design
THEA232Stage DesignTHE2XXStage Design
THEA233CAD/CAM for the TheaTHE2XXCAD/CAM for the Thea
THEA234CAD/CAM for Theatre IITHE2XXCAD/CAM for Theatre II
THEA262Carpentry for the TheatreTHE2XXCarpentry for the Theatre
THEA263Electricity for the TheatreTHE2XXElectricity for the Theatre
THEA264Audio for the TheatreTHE2XXAudio for the Theatre
THEA295Advanced StagecraftTHE258Stagecraft
THEA314Stage DesignTHE3XXStage Design
THEA315Stage DesignTHE3XXStage Design
THEA325Found of Modern DramaTHE3XXFound of Modern Drama
THEA326Found of Modern DramaTHE3XXFound of Modern Drama
THEA327Lighting DesignTHE3XXLighting Design
THEA328Lighting DesignTHE3XXLighting Design
UNIV101City-University LifeFYS100First Year Seminar
Prince George Community CollegeYork College of Pennsylvania
ACC100Fund of AccountingACC1XXFund of Accounting
ACC101Intro Acct IACC1XXIntro Acct I
ACC1010Prin Acct IACC1XXPrin Acct I
ACC1020Prin of Acct IIACC220Financial Acct
AFA1010Intro to African-Amer StudiesHUM1XXIntro to African-Amer Studies
ANT103Intro Cult AnthropologyANT220Cult Anthropology
ANT1030Intro Cult AnthropologyANT220Cult Anthropology
ARB1000Arabic for BeginnersARB101Elem Arabic I
ART101Intro to ArtART101Intro Art Apprec
ART1010Intro to ArtART101Intro Art Apprec
ART153Drawing IART215Drawing I
ART1540Painting IART220Painting I
ART156Photography IART245Photography I
ART256Photography IIART295Photography II
ART2730Integrated ArtsART2XXIntegrated Arts
BIO101General Biology IBIO110General Biology
BIO1010General BiologyBIO205Exp Biology Lab
BIO1010General BiologyBIO142Molecule/Gene/Cell
BIO1010General BiologyBIO204Exploring Biology
BIO105Hum Anat & PhysBIO220Human A/P I
BIO106Human Anat & Phys IIBIO222Human A/P II
BIO1100Intro Forensic BiolBIO1XXIntro Forensic Biol
BIO1110Environ BiologyBIO1XXBiology Elect No Lab
BIO1110Environ BiologyBIO212Environmntl Bio
BIO1130Prin of Bio: EvolBIO152Biology II
BIO1140Prin of Biology:  CellBIO150Biology I
BIO115Basic NutritionNUR202Nutrition
BIO205Hum Anat & Phys IBIO220Human A/P I
BIO2050Hum Anat & Phys IBIO220Human A/P I
BIO206Hum Anat & Phys IIBIO222Human A/P II
BIO2060Hum Anat & Phys IIBIO222Human A/P II
BIO291Cooperative EdBIO2XXBiology Elective No Lab
BMT1010Introduction to BusinessBUS150Intro to Business
BMT2610Hum Res MgtMGT220Human Resource Mgt
BUS101Busi OrganizationBUS1XXBusi Organization
BUS103Intro Accounting IACC1XXIntro Accounting I
CHM100Basic ChemistryCHM1XXChemistry Elective No Lab
CHM101General Chemistry ICHM134Gen Chem I
CHM1010Gen Chemistry ICHM134Gen Chem I
CHM102Gen Chem IICHM1XXChemistry Elect No Lab
CHM102Gen Chem IICHM136Gen Chem II
CHM1020General Chemistry IICHM1XXChemistry Elective no lab
CHM1020General Chemistry IICHM136Gen Chem II
CHM201Organic Chem ICHM234Organic Chem I
CIS101Comp LitIFS105Personal Computing
CIS1010Comp LitIFS105Personal Computing
CIS129Beg Microsoft WordIFS1XXBeg Microsoft Word
CIS150Comp LitIFS105Personal Computing
CIS152Intro Prog LogicIFS1XXIntro Prog Logic
CJT151Intro to Criminal JusticeCJA101Intro Crim Justice
CJT152Police OperationsCJA1XXPolice Operations
CJT153Law EnforcementCJA1XXLaw Enforcement
CJT154Police ManagementCJA1XXPolice Management
CJT155Juvenile DelinquencyCJA110Juvenile Delinquncy
CJT251Criminal LawCJA2XXCriminal Law
CJT253Criminal InvestigationCJA2XXCriminal Invest
CJT254Criminal EvidenceCJA2XXCriminal Evidence
COM1010Foundations of CommuniCM206Communicatn Theory
COM1090Interpersonal CommunicCM329Interpersonal Comm
DPR150Intro Data ProcessIFS1XXIntro Data Process
DPR154Computer OperationsIFS1XXComputer Operations
DPR156Computer Prog CobolIFS250Bus Data Processing
DPR164Pascal ProgrammingIFS1XXPascal Programming
DPR253Adv ProgramIFS2XXAdv Program
DPR254Syst Anal & ProjectIFS2XXSyst Anal & Project
DPR257Assembly Lang CodingIFS2XXAssembly Lang Coding
ECN103Prin of Economics IECO200Prin Econ-Macro
ECN1030Prin of MacroeconECO200Prin Econ-Macro
EGL101Comp I: Expos WritingWRT102Analytical Read/Writ
EGL1010Comp I:  Expository WriFCO105Rhetorical Comm
EGL102Comp II Intro to LitWRT202Academic Writing
EGL1020Comp II:  Writing AboutWRT1XXComp II:  Writing About
EGL1040Media WritingCM271Print Media Writing
EGL132Bus CommWRT210Writng/Prof Culturs
EGL203Brit Lit:19th/20th CenLIT284Brt Lit after 1750
EGL2070Amer Lit: 1880 to PresLIT282Amer Lit after 1885
EGL2150Intro Creative WrtWRT272Intro Creative Wrt
EGL2230Child LitLIT2XXChild Lit
EGL241Myth, Legend, & FolkloreLIT2XXMyth, Legend, & Folklore
EGL2410Myth, Legend, FolkloreLIT2XXMyth, Legend, Folklore
EGR101Intro EngineeringEGR1XXIntro Engineering
ENGL1020Comp II:  Writing AboutWRT1XXComp II:  Writing About
FOS213Forensic PsychologyPSY2XXForensic Psychology
FRN102French for Advanced BegFRN102Elem French II
GEO1010Physical GeographyG151Intro to Physical Geo
HIM1800Intro Med TermHSC105Medical Terminology
HLE115Pers & Comm HealthPE1XXPhys Ed Elect
HLE115Pers & Comm HealthNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
HLE2000Appl Concepts Fitness/PAW234Well/Fitness/Life
HLE2130First Aid EmergSPM205Responding/Emerg
HLE221Human SexualityBEH2XXHuman Sexuality
HLE2300Integrated Hlth & PhysPAW1XXIntegrated Hlth & Phys
HST1310Anicent MedievalHIS101Foundation/West
HST1320Modern HistoryHIS102West in the World
HST141Hist of U.S. IHIS111American Civ I
HST1410History of the US IHIS111American Civ I
HST143History of U.S. IIHIS112American Civ II
HST1510Hist of Af AmericanHIS1XXHist of Af Amer
HST2100Hist of Women of AmHIS2XXHist of Women of Am
HUS1020Prof. Ethics in HumanHSV1XXProf. Ethics in Human
INT1010Intro to Info TechIFS105Personal Computing
INT1111Program LogicIFS1XXProgram Logic
INT1330Integrated Software ApIFS1XXIntegrated Software Ap
INT2200Program JavaIFS2XXProgram Java
INT2721Linux Oper SystemsIFS2XXLinux Oper Sys
LET151Intro Admin JusticeCJA101Intro Crim Justice
MAT104Intermediate AlgebraMAT102Prelim Math/Prob Solv
MAT1040Intermed AlgebraMAT102Prelim Math/Prob Solv
MAT1050Elements of Numbers OpMAT1XXElements of Numbers Op
MAT1060Elements Geometry / MeaMAT1XXElements Geometry / Mea
MAT112Finite MathMAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MAT113Math for Lib ArtsMAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MAT114Intro to StatsQBA260Business Statistics
MAT114Intro to StatsBEH260Statistics
MAT114Intro to StatsMAT250Statistics
MAT1140Intro to StatsMAT250Statistics
MAT1140Intro to StatsBEH260Statistics
MAT1140Intro to StatsQBA260Business Stats I
MAT1160Elements of Prob. and StatQBA260Data Driven Dec Making
MAT1160Elements of Prob. and StatMAT250Statistics
MAT1160Elements of Prob. and StatBEH260Statistics
MAT134Trig with Appl to TechMAT105College Algebra
MAT135College AlgMAT105College Algebra
MAT1350College AlgebraMAT105College Algebra
MAT151Business Math IMAT1XXBusiness Math I
MAT152Business Math IIMAT1XXBusiness Math II
MAT216Appl Calculus IMAT120Applied Calculus
MAT2160Appl Calculus IMAT120Applied Calculus
MAT217Appl Calculus IIMAT2XXAppl Calculus II
MAT241Calculus I for Sci & EngineerMAT171Calculus I
MAT242Calculus II for Sci & EngineerMAT172Calculus II
MAT2420Calculus IIMAT172Calculus II
MGT101Intro to BusinessBUS1XXIntro to Business
MGT1010Intro to BusBUS150Intro to Business
MGT155Elem of SupervisionMGT1XXElem of Supervision
MGT157Small Bus MgtMGT1XXSmall Bus Mgt
MKG251Intro to MarketingMKT100Prin Marketing
MKG273Retail Bus MgtMKT2XXRetail Bus Mgt
MUS100Fund of Music TheoryMUS181Found Music Theory
MUS1000Fund of Music TheoryMUS181Found Music Theory
MUS101Music AppreciationMUS200Music Appreciation
MUS1010Music AppreciationMUS186Listening to Music
MUS1030Concert ChoirMUS1XXConcert Choir
MUS111Instrumental EnsembleMUS1XXInstrumental Ensemble
MUS115Theory IMUS182Music Theory I
MUS1150Theory IMUS182Music Theory I
MUS116Theory IIMUS183Music Theory II
MUS1160Theory IIMUS183Music Theory II
MUS1210Class PianoMUS140Piano Class
MUS1250Sight Singing and Ear TraMUS184Aural Skills I
MUS1290Applied Music: Voice IMUS101Voice
MUS1300Applied Music: Voice IMUS1XXApplied Music: Voice I
MUS139Applied Music: PianoMUS104Piano
MUS140Appl Music: PianoMUS104Piano
MUS1500Intro Music TechnologyMUS187Intro Music Tech
MUS2520Digital AudioCM226Audio Productn I
NTR101Intro NutritionNUR202Nutrition
NTR1010Intro NutritionNUR202Nutrition
OAD129Beg Microsoft WordIFS1XXBeg Microsoft Word
PAS1000First Year ExperienceFYS1XXFirst Year Experience
PAS1030Plan for Acad SuccessFYS1XXPlan for Acad Success
PED103Baseball SkillsPE1XXBaseball Skills
PED1030Beg/Adv SwimmingPAW120Beginning Swimming
PHL101Intro PhilPHL221Intro Philosophy
PHL1010Intro PhilPHL221Intro Philosophy
PHL1090Intro to LogicPHL231Logic
PHL119Philosophic IdeasPHL1XXPhilosophic Ideas
PHY1010Intro to Physics IPHY110Gen Phys:Mech/Ht
PHY150Tech Phys Hlth TechPHY1XXTech Phys Hlth Tech
POS101Amer National GovtPS141American Governmnt
POS1010American Natl GovPS141Am Gov: Institutions
PSC101Intro to AstronomyESS1XXEarth Sci Elective No Lab
PSC1010Intro AstronomyESS1XXEarth Sci Elect No Lab
PSC1200Exploring Chem & PhysNPE1XXExploring Chem & Phys
PSC1210Explor Earth/Space SciEDU250Science Concepts/Ed
PSY101General PsychologyPSY100General Psychology
PSY1010Gen PsychologyPSY100General Psychology
PSY2030Child PsychologyPSY2XXChild Psychology
PSY2060Educational PsychologyPSY2XXEducational Psychology
PSY207Hum Grwth & DevNUR201Nursing HD/HC
PSY207Hum Grwth & DevPSY2XXHum Grwth & Dev
PSY2070Hum Growth & DevPSY2XXHum Growth & Dev
PSY2070Hum Growth & DevNUR201Nursing HD/HC
PSY2080Abnormal PsychologyPSY230Abnormal Psych
PSYC2510Criminal LawCJA2XXCriminal Law
SOC101Intro to SociologySOC100Intro Sociology
SOC1010Intro to SociologySOC100Intro Sociology
SOC2010Social ProblemsSOC220Am Social Problems
SPH101Intro Speech CommCM104Human Communicatn
SPH1010Intro to SpeechCM212Public Speaking
SPH1050Group Comm & LeadCM1XXGroup Comm & Lead
SPH109Interpers CommCM329Interpersonal Comm
SPH1090Interpersonal CommCM329Interpersonal Comm
SPN1010Spanish for BeginnersSPN101Elem Spanish I
SPN2010Intermed Spanish ISPN201Inter Spanish I
TED1100Prin/Pract Early ChildECH230Early Child Theory
TED1200Child Growth & DevelopPSY223Early Child Develp
TED1300Meth/Mater in Early ChNPE1XXMeth/Mater in Early Ch
TED1400Intro to MulticulturalNPE1XXIntro to Multicultural
TED2000Foundations of EducationEDU200Found of Education
TED2001Field Exp Foundation EEDU2XXField Exp Foundation E
TED2061Field Exp for EducationEDU2XXField Exp for Education
TED2100Processes/AcquisitionECH301Lit/Lang Young Child
TED2350Early Childhood SpecSPE250Professnl/Partners
THE1010Introduction to TheatrTHE1XXIntroduction to Theatr
Raritan Valley Community CollegeYork College of Pennsylvania
ACCT101Financial AccountingACC220Financial Acct
ACCT102Acct IIACC225Managerial Acct
ACCT104Managerial AcctACC225Managerial Acct
ANTH101Cult AnthropologyANT220Cult Anthropology
ANTH102Human OriginsANT1XXHuman Origins
ARTH101Art AppreciationART101Intro Art Apprec
ARTH110Art History IART204Survey West Art I
ARTH111Art History IIART205Survey West Art II
ARTH223History of PhotographyART2XXHist of Photography
ARTS1052-D DesignART110Concepts of Design
ARTS1052-D DesignART210Design I
ARTS1083-D DesignART211Design II
ARTS110Basic Drawing IART215Drawing I
ARTS111Basic Drawing IIART265Drawing II
ARTS112Intro Digital PhotographyART247Digital Image
ARTS113Audio ProductionCM226Audio Productn
ARTS132Color TheoryART1XXColor Theory
ARTS211Acrylic & Oil Painting IIART270Painting II
ARTS212Still Photography IART245Photography I
ARTS215Ceramics IART225Ceramics I
ARTS246Graphic Design IART134Concpts Comp Grhcs
ARTS247Graphic Design IIART2XXGraphic Design II
ARTS248Comp AnimationART2XXComp Animation
ARTS252Portfolio DevART2XXPortfolio Dev
ARTS261Light, Optics & LightFLM1XXLight, Optics & Light
ARTS267Video Prod ICM242Video Prodctn I
ARTS274Web Page Des/GraphART2XXWeb Page Des/Graph
ARTS275Digital PhotographyART246Digital Photography
ASL101Intro Amer Sign Lang ICM150Beg Sign Language
BIOL101Gen Biology IBIO150Biology I
BIOL102Gen Biology IIBIO152Biology II
BIOL111Prin of BiologyBIO204Exploring Biology
BIOL111Prin of BiologyBIO110General Biology
BIOL120Human BiologyBIO112Fund Human Bio
BIOL124Hum Anat & Phys IBIO220Human A/P I
BIOL125Hum Anat & Phys IIBIO222Human A/P II
BIOL133Principles of MicrobiologyBIO230Microbiology
BIOL142Intro to NutritionNUR202Nutrition
BIOL145Wildflowers, Trees & FernsBIO120Field Nat Hist
BIOL150Plants, Man & The EnvironmentBIO1XXPlants, Man & The Environment
BIOL151Human BiologyBIO112Fund Human Bio
BUSI111Intro to Bus AdminBUS150Intro to Business
BUSI112Prin of MgtMGT150Prin of Management
BUSI131Bus Law IBUS260Legal Environment
BUSI132Bus Law IIBUS360Bus/Commercial Law
BUSI153Small Bus MgtMGT1XXSmall Bus Mgt
BUSI154Intl BusIBS200Internatl Business
BUSI161Bus MathMAT1XXBus Math
BUSI225Entrepren & BeyondENT150Intro Entrepreneur
CHEM102Intro to ChemistryCHM122Prin Gen/Org Chem
CHEM103Gen Chem ICHM134Gen Chem I
CHEM104Gen Chem IICHM136Gen Chem II
CHEM211Organic Chem ICHM234Organic Chem I
CHEM212Organic Chem IICHM236Organic Chem II
CISY101Comp FundIFS105Personal Computing
CISY102Computer LiteracyIFS105Personal Computing
CISY105Found of Comp ScienceCS1XXFound of Comp Sci
CISY113Desktop CompIFS1XXDesktop Comp
CISY114Interactive MultimediaART134Concpts Comp Grhcs
CISY122Bus Computer SystemsIFS105Personal Computing
CISY132Sys Analysis & DesIFS1XXSys Analysis & Des
CISY208Inter Multimedia IIIFS2XXInter Multimedia II
CISY211Sys Dev & ImplIFS2XXSys Dev & Impl
CISY217Operating SysIFS2XXOperating Sys
CISY220Visual BasicIFS160Visual Basic Progrm
CISY221Adv Visual BasicIFS2XXAdv Visual Basic
CISY225Web Page Dev IIFS2XXWeb Page Dev I
CISY242Obj Oriented Prog C++CS2XXObj Oriented Prog C++
CISY254Data StructuresCS2XXData Structures
CISY261Microcomputer ApplicationsIFS105Personal Computing
CISY268Web Page Dev IIIFS2XXWeb Page Dev II
COMM101SpeechCM212Public Speaking
COMM101SpeechCM104Human Communicatn
COMM102Intro Comm TheoryCM206Communicatn Theory
COMM110Interpersonal CommCM329Interpersonal Comm
COMM110Interpersonal CommCM104Human Communicatn
COMM120Intro Mass CommCM211Mass Communication
COMM201Intercult CommunicationCM2XXIntercult Comm
COMM251Wrt for the MediaCM2XXWrt for the Media
COMM251Wrt for the MediaCM332Media Writing
COMM267Digital Video Narr & DocCM120Broadcast Perform I
CRMJ101Intro to Criminal JusticeCJA101Intro Crim Justice
CRMJ131Police and CommunityCJA364Policing Communities
CRMJ212Juvenile DelinquencyCJA110Juvenile Delinqncy
CRMJ232Criminal LawCJA2XXCriminal Law
CRMJ234Criminal InvestigationCJA2XXCriminal Investigation
DANC105Jazz Dance IPE1XXJazz Dance I
DANC106Jazz Dance IIPE1XXJazz Dance II
DANC205Dance Prod IPE2XXDance Prod I
ECHD255Found Early Child EdEDU2XXFound Early Child Ed
ECHD280Field Exp Mult CultEDU2XXField Exp Mult Cult
ECON101MacroeconomicsECO200Prin Econ-Macro
ECON102MicroeconomicsECO201Prin Econ-Micro
EDUC212Found of EdEDU2XXFound of Ed
ENGL111English Composition IFCO105Rhetorical Comm
ENGL112English Comp IIWRT1XXEnglish Comp II
ENGL201Intro to LitLIT200Perspectives/Lit
ENGL211Masterpieces in World LitLIT2XXMasterpiece in World Lit
ENGL212World Lit Since RenLIT2XXWorld Lit Since Ren
ENGL214Race in Amer LitLIT2XXRace in Amer Lit
ENGL221Am Lit Colonial Thr Civ WarLIT281Amer Lit to 1885
ENGL222Am Lit Post Civ War to PresentLIT282Amer Lit after 1885
ENGL224The Short StoryLIT291Short Story
ENGL226Intro to PoetryLIT343Exper of Poetry
ENGL227Science FictionLIT2XXScience Fiction
ENGL228Psychology & LiteratureLIT2XXPsychology & Literature
ENGL290Women in LitLIT382Women In Literature
ENGL290Women in LitWGS382Women In Literature
ENGR105Intro to EngineeringEGR1XXIntro to Engineering
ENGR107Engineering GraphicsEGR100Epads I
ENGR108Intro Comp for Eng & SciEGR1XXIntro Comp Eng & Sci
ENGR132Eng Mechanics IME250Statics
ENVI101Issues in Eviron ScienceBIO1XXBiology Elective No Lab
ESTC110CAD I Comp Aided DraftingEGR1XXCAD I Comp Aided Drafting
ETTC103Electronic AssemblyEGR1XXElectronic Assembly
FILM101Art of the FilmFLM1XXArt of the Film
FILM122The American FilmFLM1XXThe American Film
FITN115Dynam of Fit & WellPE134Concpts Phys Actvty
FITN115Dynam of Fit & WellPAW134Concpts Phys Actvty
FITN129First Aid and CPRSPM205Responding/Emerg
FITN131Curr Hlth IssPE1XXPhys Ed Elect
FITN131Curr Hlth IssNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
FITN207Sports ManagementSPM2XXSports Management
FREN103Intro to French IFRN101Elem French I
FREN104Intro to French IIFRN102Elem French II
GEOL157Introduction to GeologyESS1XXIntro to Geology
HIST101World Civ IHIS121World History I
HIST102World Civ IIHIS122World History II
HIST201Amer Civ IHIS111American Civ I
HIST202Amer Civ IIHIS112American Civ II
HIST203Amer Since 1945HIS367Recent Amer/1945-Prs
HIST246Civ War/ReconHIS364Civil War & Reconstruction
HLTH105Intro to Public HealthNPE1XXIntro to Public Health
HLTH150Medical TermBIO201Medical Terminology
HUMN101Intro to Humanities IHUM1XXIntro to Humanities I
HUMN102Intro to Humanities IIHUM1XXIntro to Humanities II
INTD209Using Tech for ResIFS105Personal Computing
INTD240Intro Spec EdSPE2XXIntro Spec Ed
ITAL101Intro to Italian IITL101Elem Italian I
ITAL102Intro to Italian IIITL102Elem Italian II
MATH100Finite MathMAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MATH101Number SystemsMAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MATH102Prob Solving StratMAT115Sets/Number Systems
MATH105Contemp MathMAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MATH110Statistics IQBA260Business Statistics
MATH110Statistics IBEH260Statistics
MATH110Statistics IMAT250Statistics
MATH112Precalculus IMAT1XXPrecalculus I
MATH112Precalculus IMAT108Precalculus
MATH113Precalculus IIMAT108Precalculus
MATH151Calculus IMAT171Calculus I
MATH152Calculus IIMAT172Calculus II
MATH222Statistics IBEH260Statistics
MATH222Statistics IQBA260Business Statistics
MATH222Statistics IMAT250Statistics
MRKT101Principles of MarketingMKT100Prin Marketing
MUSC101Fund of MusicMUS181Found Music Theory
MUSC102Intro to MusicMUS200Music Appreciation
MUSC103Rock N' Roll Hist & CultMUS288History Rock/Roll
MUSC125Guitar Class IMUS148Guitar Class
MUSC190Dig Mus Comp IMUS1XXDig Mus Comp I
OPTH121Eye Anat & PhysBIO1XXEye Anat & Phys
PHED113Begin TennisPE159Tennis
PHIL101Intro PhilosophyPHL221Intro Philosophy
PHIL105Maj World ReligionsREL265World Religions
PHIL106Curr Moral & Soc IssuesPHL223Cont Moral Problems
PHIL113Critical ThinkingPHL222Critical Thinking
PHIL114Prof & Bus EthicsPHL1XXProf & Bus Ethics
PHYS101General Physics IPHY110Gen Phys:Mech/Ht
PHYS102General Physics IIPHY112Gen Phys:Elc/Magn
PHYS112Concepts of PhysicsPSC152Physical Sci I
PHYS120Intro to AstronomyESS1XXEarth Sci Elect No Lab
PHYS150Eng Physics IPHY160Eng Phys:Mechncs
PHYS151Eng Physics IIPHY260Eng Phys:Elct/Magn
PHYS250Eng Physics IIIPHY162Eng Phys:Ht/Thermo
POLI101Intro to Political SciPS1XXIntro Pol Sci
POLI121American Gov't & PoliticsPS101Amer Gov/Citizenship
POLI121Amer Govt & PoliticsPS141American Govt
PSYC103Intro to PsychologyPSY100General Psychology
PSYC211Abnormal PsychPSY230Abnormal Psych
PSYC212Theories of PersonalityPSY2XXTheories of Personality
PSYC213Educational PsychEDU370Psych of Learning
PSYC215Develop PsychPSY2XXDevelop Psych
PSYC215Develop PsychNUR201Nursing HD/HC
PSYC216Child PsychologyPSY221Child/Adol Develop
PSYC229Adolescent PsychologyPSY221Child/Adol Develop
SOCI101Intro to SociologySOC100Intro Sociology
SPAN103Intro Spanish ISPN101Elem Spanish I
SPAN104Intro Spanish IISPN102Elem Spanish II
SPAN105Intro to Spanish II w/RevSPN102Elem Spanish II
SPAN201Int Spanish ISPN201Inter Spanish I
THEA103Intro to TheatreTHE254Intro Theatre
Reading Area Community CollegeYork College of Pennsylvania
ACC100Personal FinanceACC1XXPersonal Finance
ACC105Financial AcctACC220Financial Acct
ACC110Managerial AcctACC225Managerial Acct
ANT140Cultural AnthropologyANT220Cult Anthropology
ANT245Culture and ReligionANT2XXCulture and Religion
ART111Intro to DrawingART215Drawing I
ASL100Amer Sign Lang ICM150Beg Sign Language
BIO120Biological ConceptsBIO204Exploring Biology
BIO120Biological ConceptsBIO205Exp Biology Lab
BIO140Essentials of BiologyBIO150Biology I
BIO140Essentials of BiologyBIO143Mole/Gene/Cell Lab
BIO140Essentials of BiologyBIO142Molecule/Gene/Cell
BIO140Essentials of BiologyBIO151Biology I Lab
BIO150Biology IBIO150Biology I
BIO155Biology IIBIO152Biology II
BIO250Anatomy & Physiology IBIO220Human A/P I
BIO250Anatomy & Physiology IBIO221Human A/P I Lab
BIO255Anat & Phys IIBIO222Human A/P II
BIO255Anat & Phys IIBIO223Hum A/P II Lab
BIO280MicrobiologyBIO231Microbio Lab
BUS100Intro to BusinessBUS150Intro to Business
BUS110Business MathMAT1XXBusiness Math
BUS115Economics SurveyECO1XXEcon Survey
BUS200MacroeconomicsECO200Prin Econ-Macro
BUS201MicroeconomicsECO201Prin Econ-Micro
BUS220Prin of MarketingMKT100Prin Marketing
BUS230Business LawBUS260Legal Environment
CHE120Principles of ChemistryCHM135Gen Chem I Lab
CHE120Principles of ChemistryCHM122Prin Gen/Org Chem
CHE120Principles of ChemistryCHM134Gen Chem I
CHE120Principles of ChemistryCHM123Gen/Org Chem Lab
CHE150Chemistry ICHM134Gen Chem I
CHE150Chemistry ICHM135Gen Chem I Lab
CHE155Chemistry IICHM136Gen Chem II
CHE155Chemistry IICHM137Gen Chem II Lab
CIS110Microcomputer ApplIFS105Personal Computing
COM121English CompositionFCO105Rhetorical Comm
COM122English Comp (HNRS)FCO105Rhetorical Comm
COM131Comp & LitWRT202Academic Writing
COM131Composition & LiteratureLIT200Perspectives/Lit
COM132Comp & LitWRT202Academic Writing
COM141Technical WritingFCO215Tech/Scientfc Comm
COM151Fund of SpeechCM212Public Speaking
COM152Fund of SpeechCM212Public Speaking
COM161Mass MediaCM211Mass Communication
COM163Wrt for the MediaCM271Print Media Writing
COM201Intro to EditingWRT2XXIntro to Editing
COM215Creative NonfictionCRW373Creative Nonfiction
COM221English Comp IIWRT2XXEnglish Comp II
CSS103College Success StratFYS100First Year Seminar
ECE115Integ ArtsEDU230Intro to the Arts
ECE120Observation & AssessEDU1XXObservation & Assess
ECE125Intro Early Child EdEDU1XXIntro Early Child Ed
ECE140Health Safety NutrEDU1XXHealth Safety Nutr
ECE220Curr Dev & InstrECH220Instruct/Curric Dev
ECE222Emerg Lit & LangECH301Lit/Lang Young Child
ECE260ECE PracticumECH230Early Child Theory
ECE261Family & School RelECH250Professionl/Partner
EDU210Planning & InstructEDU2XXPlanning & Instruct
EHR100Med Term/Healthcare ProfBIO201Medical Terminology
EHR100Med Term/Healthcare ProfHSC105Medical Terminology
ENG125Intro to LiteratureLIT200Intro Lit & Text Stud
ENV130The EnvironmentBIO1XXBiology Elective No Lab
ENV131The Environment (HNRS)BIO1XXThe Environment
HEA161Prin of NutritionNUR202Nutrition
HIS110Hist of U.S. IHIS111American Civ I
HIS115Hist of U.S. IIHIS112American Civ II
HIS120West Civ to 1600HIS101Western Civ I
HIS125West Civ: 1600 to 1945HIS102Western Civ II
HPE116Personal FitnessPE134Concpts Phys Actvty
HPE140Beg SwimmingPE120Beginning Swimming
HUM111Intro to DrawingART215Drawing I
HUM121PaintingART220Painting I
HUM201Art AppreciationART101Intro Art Apprec
HUM221Music ApprMUS200Music Appreciation
HUM261Hist of FilmFLM220Film History
HUM271Intro to PhilosophyPHL221Intro Philosophy
HUM275Intro to EthicsPHL341Ethics
IFT100Intro Info TechIFS1XXIntro Info Tech
IFT110Microcomp ApplIFS105Personal Computing
LAW135Intro Crim JusticeCJA101Intro Crim Justice
LAW140Criminal LawCJA1XXCriminal Law
LAW250Crim InvestigationCJA2XXCrim Investigation
MAT110Algebra IIMAT102Prelim Math/Prob Solv
MAT130Math for Allied HealthMAT1XXMath for Allied Health
MAT150Found of MathMAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MAT155Found of Math IIMAT1XXFound of Math II
MAT160College AlgebraMAT105College Algebra
MAT210StatisticsQBA260Business Statistics
MAT220Calculus IMAT171Calculus I
MAT221Calculus IIMAT172Calculus II
MET101Fund of Shop MachineryNPE1XXFund of Shop Machinery
MET120Industrial MechanicsNPE1XXIndustrial Mechanics
MET130Industrial Electrical SystemsECE1XXIndustrial Electrical Systems
MET140AIntro to Progm Logic Cntrls INPE1XXIntro to Progm Logic Cntrls 1
MET140BIntro to Progm Logic Cntrls IINPE1XXIntro to Prgm Logic Cntrls II
MET150Industrial Mechanics PrgNPE1XXIndustrial Mechanics Prg
MET160Industrial Electrical PrgECE1XXIndustrial Electrical Prg
MGT100Prin of ManagementMGT150Prin of Management
OFT100Personal KeyboardingIFS1XXPersonal Keyboarding
ORI102College Success StratFYS100First Year Seminar
ORI103College Success StratFYS100First Year Seminar
PHI271Intro to PhilosophyPHL221Intro Philosophy
PHI272Honors PhilosophyPHL221Intro Philosophy
PHI275Intro to EthicsPHL341Ethics
PHI276Intro to Ethics (HNRS)PHL341Ethics
PHY120Principles of PhysicsPSC152Physical Sci I
PHY240Physics IPHY110Gen Phys:Mech/Ht
PHY245Physics IIPHY112Gen Phys:Elc/Magn
POS130American GovernmentPS142Am Gov: Process/Pol
PSY120Interpersonal RelationsPSY1XXInterpersonal Relations
PSY130General PsychologyPSY100General Psychology
PSY208Development Across LifespanPSY2XXDev Across Lifespan
PSY210Child PsychologyPSY221Child/Adol Develop
PSY212Adol PsychologyPSY221Child/Adol Develop
PSY230Abnormal PsychPSY230Abnormal Psych
PSY235Social PsychologyPSY243Social Psychology
SOC125Indiv & SocSOC1XXIndiv & Soc
SOC130SociologySOC100Intro Sociology
SOC210Social ProblemsSOC220Am Social Problems
SOC220The FamilySOC225The Family
SPA101Spanish ISPN101Elem Spanish I
SPA102Spanish IISPN102Elem Spanish II
SPA201Spanish IIISPN201Spanish Percp & Practice
SPE100Intro Special EdSPE200Process/Procedures
Robert Morris University York College of Pennsylvania
AC103Intro Fin AcctACC220Financial Acct
AC201Intermed Financial Acct IACC320Inter Accounting I
AC202Intermed Financial Acct IIACC325Inter Accounting II
ACCT1010Intro to Financial AcctACC220Financial Acct
ACCT2030Intro Fin AccountingACC220Financial Acct
ACCT3000Intermed Financial Acct IIIACC330Inter Accountng III
ACCT3010Cost Accounting IACC3XXCost Accounting I
ACCT3030Intermed Fin Accounting IACC320Inter Accounting I
ACCT3040Intermed Find Accounting IIACC3XXIntermed Fin Account II
ACCT3110Taxes I: Federal TaxesACC305Taxation I
ARTM2410TV/Video ProdCM242Video Prodctn I
BIOL1050Conc & ControvNUR202Nutrition
BIOL1210Anat & Phys IBIO1XXBiology Elect No Lab
BIOL1210Anat & Phys IBIO220Human A/P I
BIOL1215Anat & Phys I LabBIO221Human A/P I Lab
BIOL1220Anat & Phys IIBIO1XXBiology Elect No Lab
BIOL1220Anat & Phys IIBIO222Human A/P II
BIOL1225Anat & Phys II LabBIO223Hum A/P II Lab
BIOL2370MicrobiologyBIO2XXBiology Elective no lab
BIOL2380Microbiology LabBIO231Micro/Allied Lab
BLAW1050Legal Environ of Business IBUS260Legal Environment
BU101Intro World of BusinessBUS150Intro to Business
CHEM1210Chemistry ICHM1XXChemistry Elect No Lab
CHEM1210Chemistry ICHM134Gen Chem I
CHEM1220Bio-Organic ChemCHM122Prin Gen/Org Chem
CHEM1220Bio-Organic ChemCHM1XXChemistry Elect No Lab
CHSR1025H: Rhetoric & Academic WritingFCO105Rhetorical Comm
CI212Prin Info/ComputingIFS105Personal Computing
CI310Information Sys ApplIFS305Management Info Sys
CI324Visual BASICProgIFS160Visual Basic Progrm
CO120Comm Skills ICM1XXComm Skills I
CO121Comm Skills IICM104Human Communicatn
CO221Comm Skills IVCM2XXComm Skills IV
CO230Comm Skills VCM2XXComm Skills V
COMM1010Surv Mass CommCM211Mass Communication
COSK1220Reading & Writing StratFCO105Rhetorical Comm
COSK1220Read & Writ StratWRT102Analytical Read/Writ
COSK1221Arg & ResWRT202Academic Writing
COSK1221Argument and ResearchWRT1XXArgument and Research
COSK2220Pub SpeakingCM104Human Communicatn
COSK2220Pub SpeakingCM212Public Speaking
COSK2221Intercult CommCM2XXIntercult Comm
COSK2230Busn Professional CommCM246Comm/Business Prof
COSK2230Busn Professional CommCM2XXBusn Professional Comm
CSCM1030Public Speaking and PersuasionCM212Public Speaking
CSCM2040Prof Workplace CommCM2XXProf Workplace Comm
CSCM2050Intercultural CommINT260Cross-Cultural Comm
CSEN1020Argument and ResearchFCO105Rhetorical Comm
CSHR1025H: Rhetoric & Academic WritingFCO105Rhetorical Comm
CSHR1035H: Speech, Rhetoric & CompWRT1XXH: Speech, Rhetoric, Comp
CSHR2045H: Organizational CommunicatioCM328Organizational Comm
CSHR2055H: International CommINT260Cross-Cultural Comm
EC101Prin of MacroeconECO200Prin Econ-Macro
ECON1010Surv EconomicsECO1XXSurv Economics
ECON1020Prin of MacroeconECO200Prin Econ-Macro
ECON1030Prin of MicroeconECO201Prin Econ-Micro
ELIT1040Reading LiteratureLIT200Intro Lit & Text Stud
ELIT1060Reading Literature: MythsLIT1XXRead Lit: Myths
ELIT1070Child LitEE1XXChild Lit
EN257Read Lit: MythsLIT2XXRead Lit: Myths
ENGL1060Reading Lit: MythsLIT2XXReading Lit: Myths
ENGL2540Study of LanguageLIT310Language/Linguistics
ENGL3110Hist of Eng LangLIT3XXHist of Eng Lang
ENGL3500Study of RhetoricCM3XXStudy of Rhetoric
ENGR1010Intro EngineeringEGR100Epads I
ENGR2160Engr GraphicsEGR2XXEngr Graphics
ENVS1022Energy and SustainabiliyESS1XXEarth Science Elect no lab
ENVS1140Weather & ClimateESS1XXEarth Sci Elect No Lab
ENVS1160Env ScienceBIO1XXBiology Elective no lab
FA103Hum: Art & MusicHUM1XXHum: Art & Music
FINA3000Prin of FinanceFIN300Managrl Finance I
FYSP1005H: First Year SeminarFYS100First Year Seminar
HIST1100U.S. History IHIS111American Civ I
HLSC1010Healthcare Conc & Med TermBIO201Medical Terminology
HSAM1275Health Serv AdminBHA310Public Health Admin
HSAM2300Health Serv Admin IBHA2XXHealth Serv Admin I
HSAM2350Health Serv Admin IIBHA2XXHealth Serv Admin II
HUMA1010Humanities: Art and MusicHUM1XXHumanities: Art and Music
HUMA1015Humanities: Art and MusicHUM1XXHumanities: Art and Music
INFS1020Fund of Info TechIFS105Personal Computing
INFS1020Fund of Info TechIFS100Info Tech Competncy
INFS1050Fund Info SysIFS1XXFund Info Sys
INFS2151Java ProgrammingIFS2XXJava Programming
INFS2184C++ ProgramingEGR150Computational Methods
MARK3100Prin of MarketingMKT100Prin Marketing
MATH1010College MathMAT102Prelim Math/Prob Solv
MATH1050Math Reas/ApplMAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MATH2040Finite Math & Appl CalcMAT120Applied Calculus
MATH2070Calculus IMAT171Calculus I
MATH2170Calculus w/ Analy IIMAT172Calculus II
MATH3090Calculus w/ Analy IIIMAT271Calculus III
MBAD6093Operations Mgt Exev Dec MkMBA545Operations Mgmt
MGMT2000Mgmt Theory and PracMGT150Prin of Management
MGMT2100Statistical/ Quan AnalyMGT2XXStat/Quan Analy
MGMT3100Mgmt Theory & PractMGT3XXMgmt Theory & Pract
MGMT3100Management Theory and PracMGT150Prin of Management
MGMT3400Organizational BehaviorOBD325Org Behavior
MGMT3600Human Resource ManagementMGT220Human Resource Mgt
MGMT3700Labor Management RelationsMGT3XXLabor Management Relations
NS116Ecology Changing PlantBIO1XXBiology Elect No Lab
NURS1010Intro to Prof NursingNUR101Intro Nursing & Hlth Careers
NURS2010Intro to Prof NursingNUR2XXIntro to Prof Nursing
NURS2020Nursing Assessment/HealthNUR2XXNursing Assess/Health
PHIL2000Intro to EthicsPHL223Contemp Moral Prob
PHYS1210General Physics IPHY160Eng Phys:Mechncs
POLS1020American Nat GovtPS101Amer Gov/Citizenship
PSYC1010General PsychologyPSY100General Psychology
PSYC1015General PsychologyPSY100General Psychology
PSYC2800Applied PsychologyPSY2XXAppld Psych
PSYC3450Cognitive PsychPSY307Cognitive Psych
PSYC3550Hum Grwth & DevPSY221Child/Adol Develop
PSYC3550Hum Grwth & DevNUR201Nursing HD/HC
PSYC3700Abnormal PsychPSY230Abnormal Psych
PY251Gen PsychologyPSY100General Psychology
QS203Appl Finite MathMAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
QS205Applied Calculus IMAT120Applied Calculus
QS311Stats & ProbQBA260Business Statistics
SO334Soc of Deviant BehSOC3XXSoc of Deviant Beh
SOCI1010Prin of SociologySOC100Intro Sociology
SOCI1020Contemporary Amer Soci ProbSOC220Am Social Problems
SPMG1010Intro Sport ManagementSPM201Intro Sport Mgmt
SPMG1010Introduction/Sport ManagementSPM125Intro Sport Mgmt
SPMG1011Social Issues in SportSPM130Sport in Society
SPMG3401Mgmt Principles in Sport MgmtSPM3XXMgmt Principles in Sport Mgmt
SPMG3402Sport MarketingSPM3XXSport Marketing
SPMG3610Sports SalesSPM3XXSports Sales
STAT2110StatisticsQBA260Business Statistics
THEA1030Intro to TheaterTHE254Intro Theatre
Rowan College of Southern New JerseyYork College of Pennsylvania
ALH102Medical TerminologyBIO201Medical Terminology
ALH102Medical TerminologyRT105Medical Terminology
ALH104Patient CareNPE1XXPatient Care
ALH110Basic Med TerminologyRT105Medical Terminology
ALH110Basic Med TerminologyBIO201Medical Terminology
ALH140Biomedical EthicsPHL346Bioethics
AR101Art AppreciationART101Art/Visual Culture
ART101Art Appreciation IART101Intro Art Apprec
ART106Intro Graphic ArtsART1XXIntro Graphic Arts
ART110Ceramics IART225Ceramics I
ART112Intro to PhotographyART245Photography I
ART131Intro Digital PhotoART246Digital Photography
ART141Intro to PhotoshopART1XXIntro to Photoshop
ASL101American Sign Lang ICM150Beg Sign Language
BI101General Biology IBIO150Intro Molecular Bio
BI101General Biology IBIO151Intro Mole Bio Lab
BI208Intro to Infectious DiseasesBIO2XXIntro to Infectious Diseases
BIO101General Biology IBIO150Biology I
BIO102General Biology IIBIO152Biology II
BIO103Environmental Science IBIO120Field Nat Hist
BIO104Environmental Sci IIBIO212Environmntl Bio
BIO105Anat and Phys IBIO1XXAnat & Phys I
BIO105Anat and Phys IBIO220Human A/P I
BIO106Anatomy and Physiology IIBIO222Human A/P II
BIO107Human BiologyBIO112Fund Human Bio
BIO111Contemp Conc in BioBIO110General Biology
BIO112Intro to Marine BiologyBIO210Marine Biology
BIO114Animal ScienceBIO1XXBiology Elective No Lab
BIO115Intro to Equine ScienceNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
BIO209Ecology: Prin & ProcessesBIO152Biology II
BUS101Intro to BusinessBUS150Intro to Business
BUS102Accounting IACC1XXAccounting I
BUS103Accounting IIACC220Financial Acct
BUS106Managerial AccountingACC225Managerial Acct
BUS107Bus Law IBUS260Legal Environment
BUS108Bus Law IIBUS360Bus/Commercial Law
BUS221Principles of MarketingMKT100Prin Marketing
BUS225Principles of AdvertisingMKT330Advertising
BUS231Principles of ManagementMGT150Prin of Management
CH101General Chemistry ICHM135Gen Chem I Lab
CH101General Chemistry ICHM134Gen Chem I
CHM107Introductory ChemistryCHM122Prin Gen/Org Chem
CHM111General Chemistry ICHM134Gen Chem I
CHM112General Chemistry IICHM136Gen Chem II
CIA104CIA-Word 2003IFS1XXComp Info App-Word 2003
CIA150Com Info AppIFS1XXCom Info App
CIS101Computer literacyIFS105Personal Computing
CIS102Intro to ComputersIFS1XXIntro to Computers
CIS102Intro to ComputersIFS105Personal Computing
CIS107Concepts of Info SystemIFS1XXConcepts of Info System
CIS110Fund of ProgrammingIFS160Visual Basic Progrm
CIS210Relational DatabasesIFS285Intro to Database
CIS251Web ProgrammingIFS225Program Bus Apps
COM101English Composition IWRT102Analytical Read/Writ
COM102English Composition IIWRT202Academic Writing
COM102English Composition IILIT200Perspectives/Lit
COM207Creat Wrt: FictionWRT310Creative Writing
CRJ101Intro to Crim JusticeCCJ101Intro Crim Justice
CRJ201Criminal LawCCJ302Criminal Law
CRJ205The Administration of JusticeCCJ2XXThe Administration of Justice
CRJ238Crime on the InternetCCJ2XXCrime on the Internet
CRJ250Constitut Issues in Crim JustCCJ2XXConstitut Issues in Crim Just
CRJ262Domestic & Int'l TerrorismCCJ322Examining Terrorism
CSC101Introduction to ProgrammingIFS160Visual Basic Progrm
CSC111Programming I: Coll BASICIFS1XXProg I: Coll BASIC
DFT100Intro Drafting & GraphEGR1XXIntro Drafting & Graph
DMS101Intro to Medical ImgNPE1XXIntro to Medical Img
ECO100Introduction to EconomicsECO1XXIntroduction to Economics
ECO101Prin of Econ I (Macro)ECO200Prin Econ-Macro
ECO102Prin of Econ MicroECO201Prin Econ-Micro
ECO103Personal FinanceBUS218Personal Finance
EDU130Human ExceptionalityEDU1XXHuman Exceptionality
EDU201Ed Field ExpEDU2XXEd Field Exp
EDU203Teaching: An IntroEDU2XXTeaching: An Intro
EN101English Composition IFCO105Rhetorical Comm
EN102English Composition IIWRT1XXEnglish Composition II
ENG101English Composition IFCO105Rhetorical Comm
ENG102English Composition IILIT200Perspectives/Lit
ENG102English Compostion IIWRT202Academic Writing
ENG103Survey of World LitLIT1XXSurvey of World Lit
ENG222Romantic Era Am LitLIT2XXRomantic Era Am Lit
ENG230Major Amer WritersLIT2XXMajor Amer Writers
ENG240Intro to Child LitLIT2XXIntro Child Lit
ENG243The Freedom WritersLIT2XXThe Freedom Writers
ENR102Fresh Engr Clinic IEGR100Epads I
FS101College Success SeminarFYS1XXCollege Success Seminar
GE110Geography of N. AmericaG1XXGeography of N. America
GEO101Prin of GeogG1XXPrin of Geog
GEO102Cult GeographyG243Intro Geography
GEO102Cult GeographyG100World Reg Geography
GER101Elementary German IGRM101Elem German I
HI101Western Civilization IHIS101Foundation/West
HI104World History & Culture IIHIS1XXWorld History & Culture II
HI201United States History IHIS111Amer Hist Colonization-Civ War
HIS101Hist of West Civ IHIS101Western Civ I
HIS102Hist of West Civ IIHIS102Western Civ II
HIS103Hist of United States IHIS111American Civ I
HIS104Hist of US IIHIS112American Civ II
HIS170Topics in HistoryHIS1XXTopics in History
HIS203Hist of Amer EducationHIS2XXHist Amer Ed
HIS203Hist of American EducEDU2XXHist of American Educ
HIS206World History IIHIS122World History II
HIS244Brief Hist of IrelandHIS2XXBrief hist of Ireland
HPE102First Aid, Safety, CPRSPM205Responding/Emerg
HPE102First Aid, Safety, CPREDU305Responding/Emerg
HPE104Hlth/Fit for IndPE1XXHlth/Fit for Ind
HPE105Healthcare Provider Emer RespoPAW1XXHealthcare Provider Emer Respo
HPE111Card Fitness ActivityPE119Physical Fitness
HPE113Body Cond/Wgt CntrlPE1XXBody Cond/Wgt Cntrl
HPE117Weight TrainingPE118Physical Fitness
HPE117Weight TrainingPE119Physical Fitness
HPE118Self Defense AwarenessPE130Self Defense
HPE152BowlingPAW110Beginning Bowling
HPE201Health SciencePAW2XXHealth Science
HPE221Team Sports IPE2XXTeam Sports I
HPE231Spec SwimmingPE121Inter/Adv Swimming
HPE240Intro Hlth, PE & RecREC2XXIntro Hlth, PE & Rec
HS101Health Care CareersNUR101Intro Nursing & Hlth Careers
HS103Medical TerminologyHSC105Medical Terminology
ITA101Elem Italian IITL101Elem Italian I
LEN101Intro to Criminal JusticeCJA101Intro Crim Justice
LEN102Police Org & AdmCJA1XXPolice Org & Adm
LEN201Criminal LawCJA2XXCriminal Law
LEN205The Admin of JusticeCJA2XXThe Admin of Justice
LEN234Intro to SecurityCJA2XXIntro to Security
MAT101Concepts of Mathematics IMAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MAT103Statistics IMAT250Statistics
MAT103Statistics IQBA260Business Statistics
MAT103Statistics IBEH260Statistics
MAT105Intermediate AlgebraMAT105College Algebra
MAT107Pre-Calculus & Math AnalysisMAT108Precalculus
MAT108Calculus IMAT171Calculus I
MAT110Algebra & TrigonometryMAT108Precalculus
MAT120Struct of MathMAT115Sets/Number Systems
MAT151Math for ManagementMAT105College Algebra
MAT152Appl CalculusMAT120Applied Calculus
MAT202Linear AlgebraMAT260Linear Algebra I
MU114History of MusicMUS1XXHistory of Music
MUS101Music Appreciation IMUS186Listening to Music
MUS101Music Appreciation IMUS200Music Appreciation
NTR101Nutrition Health ProfessionalsNUR202Nutrition
PHI101Intro to Philosophy IPHL221Intro Philosophy
PHI104EthicsPHL223Cont Moral Problems
PHI106Biomedical EthicsPHL346Bioethics
PHI150Critical ThinkingPHL222Critical Thinking
PHY101Prin of Phys Sci IPSC152Physical Sci I
PHY103Gen Physics IPHY110Gen Phys:Mech/Ht
PHY105Top in Mod AstronomyESS154Intro/Astronomy
PHY111Earth Science IESS1XXEarth Science I
PHY112Earth Science IIESS154Intro/Astronomy
PHY241Forensic Sci IFCM2XXForensic Science I
PHY241Forensic Sci IPHY2XXForensic Sci I
PHY242Forensic Science IIFCM211Criminalistics Lab
PHY242Forensic Science IIFCM210Criminalistics
PI123Fundamentals of Physics IPHY110General Physics I
PI123Fundamentals of Physics IPHY111General Physics Lab
POL101American Federal GovtPS101Amer Gov/Citizenship
POL103Intro to Political SciPS142Am Gov: Process/Pol
PSY100Interpersonal PsychologyPSY1XXInterpers Psychology
PSY101General PsychologyPSY100General Psychology
PSY203Ed PsychologyEDU375Psy Learning/Second
PSY203Ed PsychologyEDU370Psych of Learning
PSY211Psy of Human DevelopmentNUR201Nursing HD/HC
PSY211Psy of Human DevelopmentPSY2XXHum Dev
PSY212Psych of AdolescentPSY2XXPsych of Adolescent
PSY213Child PsychologyPSY221Child/Adol Develop
PSY230Abnormal PsychPSY230Abnormal Psych
PSY231Abuse & Viol in FamPSY2XXAbuse & Viol in Fam
SO201Intro SociologySOC100Intro Sociology
SOC101Prin of SociologySOC100Intro Sociology
SOC102Sociology of FamilySOC225The Family
SOC104Social ProblemsSOC220Am Social Problems
SOC130Soc, Ethics and TechnologySOC1XXSoc, Ethics and Technology
SOC203Soc of EdSOC2XXSoc of Ed
SOC205Intro CriminologySOC2XXIntro Criminology
SOC220Sociology of Juvenile DelinqCCJ110Juvenile Delinquncy
SPA101Elementary Spanish ISPN101Elem Spanish I
SPA102Elem Spanish IISPN102Elem Spanish II
SPE101Oral CommunicationCM104Human Communicatn
SPE101Oral CommunicationCM212Public Speaking
SPE102Persuasive SpeakingCM104Human Communicatn
Rutgers UniversityYork College of Pennsylvania
010101Intro Financial AcctACC220Financial Acct
010272Fin AcctACC220Financial Acct
010275Managerial AcctACC225Managerial Acct
011100Intro to BusinessBUS150Intro to Business
015101Perspectives Ag & EnvESS1XXEarth Sci Elective No Lab
050281Tpcs in Amer StudiesHUM2XXTpcs in Amer Studies
082105Intro Art HistoryART1XXIntro Art History
090238World MasterpiecesLIT2XXWorld Masterpieces
100306AstronomyESS1XXEarth Sci Elective No Lab
119101Gen BiologyBIO150Biology I
119102Gen BiologyBIO152Biology II
119182Human SexualityBEH1XXHum Sexuality
120103Biology of CancerBIO1XXBiology Elective no lab
120105The Facts of LifeBIO1XXBiology Elective no lab
136386Operations MgtQBA330Bus Model/Simulatn
160107General Chemistry ICHM134Gen Chem I
160108Gen Chem IICHM136Gen Chem II
160133Prep for Gen ChemCHM1XXChemistry Elect No Lab
160161General ChemistryCHM134Gen Chem I
160161General ChemistryCHM1XXChemistry Elect No Lab
160162Gen ChemistryCHM1XXChemistry Elect No Lab
160162Gen ChemistryCHM136Gen Chem II
160307Organic ChemistryCHM1XXChemistry Elect No Lab
189103Info Tech & InformtnIFS1XXInfo Tech & Informtn
190102Medical TerminologyBIO201Medical Terminology
190102Medical TerminologyRT105Medical Terminology
192201Interpersonal Comm ProcessesCM329Interpersonal Comm
195352The European NovelLIT3XXThe European Novel
198110Intro Computers & ApplIFS105Personal Computing
198111Intro Comp SciCS101Fund Comp Sci I
202201Crim JusticeCJA101Intro Crim Justice
220102Microecon PrincECO201Prin Econ-Micro
350101English Comp IWRT102Analytical Read/Writ
350101Engl Composition IFCO105Rhetorical Comm
350102Engl Composition IIWRT1XXEngl Comp II
350102Eng Comp IIWRT202Academic Writing
350219Prin Lit StudyLIT200Perspectives/Lit
355100Basic CompositionWRT100Intro College Writ
355101Expository WritingFCO105Rhetorical Comm
355315Wrtg Grant ProposalsWRT3XXWrtg Grant Proposals
374101Intro to Human Ecol  
377180Exercise & RelaxPE1XXExercise & Relax
450102Global EnvBEH1XXGlobal Env
450103Space, Place, LocG1XXSpace, Place, Loc
450370Global Climate ChngESS1XXEarth Sci Elective No Lab
460100Planet EarthESS1XXPlanet Earth
460202Env GeologyESS2XXEarth Sci Elect No Lab
470101Elem GermanGRM101Elem German I
470102Elem GermanGRM102Elem German II
470131Int GermanGRM201Inter German I
470132Int GermanGRM202Inter German II
501203Intro Health AdminBHA1XXIntro Health Admin
510101West Civ IHIS101Western Civ I
512107Gateway to Dev U.S. IHIS111American Civ I
533301Intro to HR MgmtHSP1XXIntro to HR Mgmt
570300Intro to Mass CommCM211Mass Communication
570335Freelance Article WrtgWRT3XXFreelance Article Wrtg
574101Elementary KoreanL1XXElementary Korean
595101Intro Latino StudiesHUM1XXIntro Latino Studies
640025Elementary AlgebraMAT105College Algebra
640026Intermediate AlgebraMAT102Prelim Math/Prob Solv
640113Precalc BusinessMAT108Precalculus
640115Precalc Coll MathMAT108Precalculus
640135Calculus IMAT171Calculus I
640151Calc I Math/PhysMAT171Calculus I
640152Calc II Math/PhysMAT172Calculus II
640237Discrete StructuresMAT235Discrete Mathemtcs
640327Prob & StatsMAT350Probability/Stats
700133Intr Mus Thry OnlineMUS181Found Music Theory
700201Facing the MusicMUS186Listening to Music
701348Performance EnsembleMUS3XXPerf Ensemble
709101Nutrition for TodayBIO1XXNutrition for Today
730103Intro PhilosophyPHL221Intro Philosophy
750203Gen PhysicsPHY110Gen Phys:Mech/Ht
750203Gen PhysicsPHY1XXPhysics Elect No Lab
750204Gen Physics IIPHY112Gen Phys:Elc/Magn
790101Nature of PoliticsPS1XXNature of Politics
790103Comparative PoliticsPS260Comparative Politics
790104American GovernmentPS1XXAmerican Government
790106Law & PoliticsPS1XXLaw & Politics
790201Amer GovtPS141American Governmnt
830101General PsychologyPSY100General Psychology
830226Psych of ChildhoodPSY221Child/Adol Develop
830231Psych of PersonalityPSY2XXPsych of Personality
830250Stat for Soc SciBEH260Statistics
830308Reas, Prob Sol/Dec MkgPSY3XXReas, Prob Sol/Dec Mkg
830326Psych of AdolescencePSY3XXPsych of Adolescence
830340Abnormal PsychPSY230Abnormal Psych
830348Health PsychologyPSY3XXHealth Psychology
830484Phys PsychologyPSY210Fund Biopsychology
840202New TestamentREL2XXNew Testament
840212Rel West WorldREL265World Religions
840394Journeys to Heaven, HellREL3XXJourn to Heaven, Hell
920101Intro to SociologySOC100Intro Sociology
920108Minority Grps Am SocSOC1XXMinority Grps Am Soc
920207Intro to SociologySOC100Intro Sociology
920210Soc of Med & Hlth CareSOC2XXSoc of Med & Hlth Care
920272Soc of FamilySOC225The Family
920306Soc of FamilySOC225The Family
920323Soc Childhood & AdolSOC3XXSoc Childhood & Adol
940121Int Spanish ISPN201Inter Spanish I
940122Int Spanish IISPN202Inter Spanish II
940215Main Cur Hisp LitSPN315Intro Lit Spain
940325Adv Grammar & CompSPN420Adv Spanish Grammar
960212Statistics IIQBA265Business Stats II
960284Intro Stats IIQBA265Business Stats II
965211Theater AppreciationTHE154Introduction to Theatre
988101Women Culture Society  
988101Intro Gen, Race, SexuaWGS238Race,Gender,Sex
988324Sociology of GenderSOC260Gender/Society
989300Writing Pub ArgumentsWRT3XXWriting Pub Arguments
989302Tech CommunicationsFCO215Tech/Scientfc Comm
DENA1220EScientific Prin of NutritionNPE1XXScientific Prin of Nutrition
IDST1000EMedical TerminologyBIO201Medical Terminology
IDST1221EAnatomy & Physio IBIO1XXAnatomy & Physio I
IDST2250EDynamics of HealthcareNPE1XXDynamics of Healthcre
Shippensburg University of PAYork College of Pennsylvania
ACC200Fund Fin AcctACC220Financial Acct
ACC201Managerial AcctACC225Managerial Acct
ACC310Intermed Acct IACC320Inter Accounting I
ACC311Intermed Acct IIACC325Inter Accounting II
ACC312Cost Detrmn & AnlysACC375Adv Managerial Acctng
AEES101Foundations Academic SuccessFYS1XXFoundations Academic Success
AEES103Intro to Exploratory StudiesNPE1XXIntro to Exploratory Studies
AEES191RSel Top: Academic LiteraciesLIT200Intro Lit & Text Stud
ANT105Great Dis in ArchaeologyANT230Intro Archaeology
ANT111Cult AnthropologyANT220Cult Anthropology
ANT121Physical AnthropologyANT210Physical Anthropol
ANT211Comp CultANT220Cult Anthropology
ANT310Magic Sci & RelgBEH3XXMagic Sci & Relg
ANT350Medical AnthropologyANT3XXMedical Anthropology
ART101Art AppreciationART101Intro Art Apprec
ART101Art AppreciationART101Art/Visual Culture
ART210Drawing IIART265Drawing II
ART231Art History IART204Survey West Art I
ART274Intro Cult StudioART2XXIntro Cult Studio
ART339Hist of Amer ArtART393American Art
ART340CeramicsART225Ceramics I
ART393Sel Topics: LondonART3XXSel Topics: London
BIO100Basic BiologyBIO1XXBiology Elective No Lab
BIO105Bio Sci Lab ApprchBIO1XXBio Sci Lab Apprch
BIO115Prin of Biology IBIO150Biology I
BIO116Prin of Biology IIBIO152Biology II
BIO145Environmental BioBIO212Environmntl Bio
BIO145Environmental BioBIO213Environ Bio Lab
BIO150Human BiologyBIO1XXBiology Elective No Lab
BIO161Prin of Bio: Struc & FunctBIO150Biology I
BIO162Prin of Bio: Org DivBIO152Biology II
BIO324Pathogenic MicrobioBIO3XXPathogenic Micbro
BIO350Human PhysiologyBIO222Human A/P II
BIO371Human AnatomyBIO3XXHuman Anatomy
BIO371Human AnatomyBIO220Human A/P I
BIO593BiometryBIO3XXBiology Elective No Lab
BIO594Selected TopicsBIO3XXBiology Elective No Lab
BIS142Int Bus Comp SysIFS105Personal Computing
BSL261Amer Legal EnvBUS2XXAmer Legal Env
BSL261Amer Legal EnvBUS260Legal Environment
BSN101Foundation Bus AdminBUS1XXFoundation Bus Admin
CHM103Chm A Cult ApproachCHM1XXChm A Cult Approach
CHM105Chm Observ ApproachCHM240Perspect/Molecular
CHM110The Chemistry ExperienceCHM1301st Year Colloquium
CHM121Chem BondingCHM134Gen Chem I
CHM121Chem BondingCHM1XXChemistry Elect No Lab
CHM122Chemical DynamicsCHM1XXChemistry Elect no lab
CHM122Chemical DynamicsCHM136Gen Chem II
CHM221Mod Org Chem ICHM234Organic Chem I
CHM221Mod Org Chem ICHM2XXChem Elect No Lab
CHM222Mod Org Chem IICHM236Organic Chem II
CHM222Mod Org Chem IICHM2XXChem Elect No Lab
COM111Intro Mass CommCM211Mass Communication
COM112Media WritingWRT1XXMedia Writing
COM211Intro Mass CommunicationsCM211Mass Communication
COM212Media WritingCM271Print Media Writing
COM224Elec Media WritingCM2XXElec Media Writing
COM245Diversity & MediaCM2XXDiv & Media
COM284Ele Media Basic ProdCM2XXElec Media Basic Prod
COM355Com/Jrn PractCM3XXCom/Jrn Pract
COM360Intro to PhotographyART245Photography I
COM380Public RelationsCM221Public Relations
COM492Sel Topics in Comm/JrnCM4XXSel Topics in Comm/Jrn
CPS103Overview Compt SciCS1XXOverview Compt Sci
CPS253Struct Computer PrgCS2XXStruct Comp Prg
CRJ100Intro Crim JusticeCJA101Intro Crim Justice
CRJ211Crim Law & ProcCJA2XXCrim Law & Proc
CRJ221Policing DemocracyCJA334Policing In America
CRJ241Survey of CorrectionsCJA337Punishmnt/Correctns
CRJ351Juvenile JusticeCJA348Juvenile Justice
CSC103Overview Comp SciCS1XXOverview Comp Sci
CSC110Computer Science ICS101Fund Comp Sci I
CSC111Comp Sci IICS1XXComp Sci II
CSC180Microcomputer BasicIFS1XXMicrocomputer Basic
CSC493Sel Topics in Comp SciCS4XXSel Topics in Comp Sci
DS100Intro to Dis StudSPE1XXIntro to Dis Stud
ECH200Intro Early Child EdEDU2XXIntro Early Child Ed
ECH210Early Child ProfessECH250Professionl/Partner
ECH220Develop Child IPSY223Early Child Develp
ECH260Dev Sci: Cog/LangECH2XXDev Sci: Cog/Lang
ECN101Prin of MacroECO200Prin Econ-Macro
ECN102Prin MicroeconomicsECO201Prin Econ-Micro
ECN113Princ of EconomicsECO1XXPrinc of Economics
ECO101Prin of MacroECO200Prin Econ-Macro
ECO102Prin of MicroeconECO201Prin Econ-Micro
ECO113Prin of EconECO200Prin Econ-Macro
ECO280Man EconomicsECO390Managerial Econ
EDFN590Curriculum Trends/IssuesMED503Curric Trends/Issue
EEC273Intro ExceptionSPE2XXIntro Exception
EEC411Intro ExceptionalitySPE4XXIntro Exceptionality
ENG100Basic WritingWRT100Intro College Writ
ENG101College WritingFCO105Rhetorical Comm
ENG101College WritingWRT102Analytical Read/Writ
ENG106Wrt Int First Year SemFCO105Rhetorical Comm
ENG106Writ Int FYSWRT102Analytical Read/Writ
ENG107Intro to Literary StudiesLIT200Perspectives/Lit
ENG107Intro to Literary StudiesWRT202Academic Writing
ENG110Adv Place WritingWRT202Academic Writing
ENG113Intro to Acad WritWRT1XXIntro to Acad Writ
ENG114Academic WritingFCO105Rhetorical Comm
ENG150Intro to FictionLIT1XXIntro to Fiction
ENG151Intro to PoetryLIT343Exper of Poetry
ENG152Intro to DramaLIT1XXIntro to Drama
ENG190Gen Ed Special TopicsLIT1XXGen Ed Sp Topics
ENG209Adv CompositionWRT315Advanced Compositn
ENG222Trad Eng GrammarWRT2XXTrad Eng Grammar
ENG233American Writers ILIT281Amer Lit to 1885
ENG234American Writers IILIT282Amer Lit after 1885
ENG236Maj Brit Writ ILIT283British Lit to 1750
ENG237British Writers IILIT284Brt Lit after 1750
ENG238Tech/Prof WritingFCO215Tech/Scientfc Comm
ENG238Tech/Prof Writ IWRT210Writng/Prof Culturs
ENG240World LiteratureLIT2XXWorld Literature
ENG243Art of the FilmFLM216Intro to Film
ENG245Woman in LitLIT382Women In Literature
ENG248Intro Cult Diver LitLIT2XXIntro Cult Diver Lit
ENG250Literature & SocietyLIT200Perspectives/Lit
ENG304Lit CriticismLIT210Criticism/Theory
ENG323Review Arts PublicatWRT3XXReview Arts Publicat
ENG330Shakespeare ILIT323Shakespeare I
ENG350English NovelLIT3XXEnglish Novel
ENG366His Struct Eng LangWRT3XXHis Struct Eng Lang
ENG376Study Medieval LitLIT3XXStudy Medieval Lit
ENG38019th Cent Brit LitLIT3XX19th Cent Brit Lit
ENG38220th Cent Brit LitLIT32620th Cent Brit Lit
ENG464Sem in Major AuthorLIT4XXSem in Major Author
ENG468Seminar in FictionLIT4XXSeminar in Fiction
ENGR100Engr Sem IEGR1XXEngr Sem I
ENGR110Modeling & SimulationEGR1XXModeling & Simulation
ENGR300Engineering Seminar IIIEGR1XXEngineering Seminar III
ESC200Lifestyle MgtPE1XXPhys Ed Elect
ESC200Lifestyle MgtNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
ESC207Stress MgmtPAW1XXPhys Act & Wellness Elect
ESC244Mech Anly Sport SkillPAW1XXPhys Act & Wellness Elect
ESC250Intro KinesiologyNPE2XXIntro Kinesiology
ESC325Sports PsychPSY3XXSports Psych
ESC336Motor BehaviorNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
ESC336Motor BehaviorPE1XXPhys Ed Elect
ESC340Prev & Care Athletic InjEDU315Prvnt/Treat Ath Inj
ESC350Nutrition Sport/FitNUR202Nutrition
ESC352Psych Phys ActPSY3XXPsych Phys Act
ESC353Res Des StatBEH260Statistics
ESC390Hlth Ed Elem SchEDU3XXHlth Ed Elem Sch
ESC400Meth of CoachingEDU310Prin Athl/Coach
ESS108Intro to Enviro SustainESS1XXIntro to Environ Sustain
ESS110Intro to GeologyESS1XXIntro to Geology
ESS111Intro to AtmosphereESS1XXIntro to the Atmosphere
ESS190Sel Top: Coastal Proc, HazardsESS1XXSel Top: Coastal Proc, Hazards
ESS210Physical GeolESS2XXPhysical Geol
F L115Mod Japanese CultINT1XXMod Japanese Cult
FIN311Fin MgmtFIN300Managrl Finance I
FRN101Beg French IFRN101Elem French I
FRN102Beg French IIFRN102Elem French II
FRN103Intermediate FrenchFRN1XXIntermediate French
GEO101World GeographyG100World Reg Geography
GEO103Geog of U.S. and CanadaG341Geog North America
GEO140Cult GeographyG1XXCult Geography
GER101Beg German IGRM101Elem German I
GER102Beg German IIGRM102Elem German II
GER150German Civ & CultureINT1XXGerman Civ & Culture
GOV103American Publ PolicyPS141American Governmnt
GRN100Intro to GerontologyGER100Perspectives/Aging
HCA400Intr Health Care SysBEH4XXIntr Health Care Sys
HCS100Intro Human CommCM212Public Speaking
HCS125Survey Communication StudiesCM1XXSurvey Communication Studies
HCS200Hum Comm TheoryCM206Communicatn Theory
HCS230Sm Group CommunicationCM304Group Discussion
HCS270Intergroup/Intercultural CommCM2XXIntergrp/Intercult Comm
HCS350Theories of Org CommCM328Organizational Comm
HIS105World History IHIS1XXWorld History I
HIS106World History IIHIS1XXWorld History II
HIS201Early Hist of U.S.HIS350Amer Colonial Hist
HIS202Recent Hist U.S.HIS112American Civ II
HIS348Hist Anc WorldHIS300Ancnt Hist to 476
HON100Basic Oral Comm/SpeCM104Human Communicatn
HON122World History IHIS121World History I
HON123World History IIHIS122World History II
HON151Hon Intro PsychologyPSY100General Psychology
HON161Hon Intro SociologySOC100Intro Sociology
HON261Hon World MusicMUS281World Music
HPE207Stress MgmtNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
HPE207Stress MgmtPE1XXPhys Ed Elect
HPE325Sport PsychologyPSY3XXSport Psychology
HPE340Prev Care Ath InjEDU315Mgmt/Prev Sport Inj
IAP111Intro Interdisc ArtsHUM1XXIntro Interdisc Arts
INM200Statistical Appl BusQBA265Business Statistics II
INS142Int to Bus Comp SysIFS105Personal Computing
INT200Intro Intl StudiesINT2XXIntro Intl Studies
ISM142Int to Bus Comp SysIFS105Personal Computing
ISM142Int to Bus Comp SysIFS1XXInt to Bus Comp Sys
ISM300Info Tech & Bus OperIFS305Management Info Sys
MAT100Intro AlgebraMAT102Prelim Math/Prob Solv
MAT102Intro to StatisticsQBA260Business Statistics
MAT102Intro to StatisticsMAT250Statistics
MAT102Intro to StatisticsBEH260Statistics
MAT105Math Liberal StudyMAT1XXMath Liberal Study
MAT108Finite MathMAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MAT110Fund Math IMAT115Sets/Number Systems
MAT111Fundamentals of Math IIMAT150Data/Decision Making
MAT117Appl StatsBEH260Statistics
MAT117Appl StatsMAT250Statistics
MAT117Appl StatsQBA260Business Statistics
MAT120Basic Math ModelsMAT1XXBasic Math Models
MAT120Basic Math ModelsMAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MAT124Pre Calculus MathMAT108Precalculus
MAT140Finite MathMAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MAT140ACollege AlgebraMAT105College Algebra
MAT140BCollege AlgebraMAT105College Algebra
MAT170StatisticsQBA260Data Driven Dec Making
MAT181Applied CalculusMAT120Applied Calculus
MAT211Calculus IMAT171Calculus I
MAT212Calculus IIMAT172Calculus II
MAT217Statistics IBEH260Statistics
MAT217Statistics IQBA260Data Driven Dec Making
MAT217Statistics IMAT250Statistics
MAT225Discrete MathMAT235Discrete Mathemtcs
MAT229Elem Linear AlgebraMAT260Elem Linear Algebra
MAT313Statistics IMAT250Statistics
MAT410Numerical AnalyMAT470Numerical Analysis
MECH100Engineering GraphicsEGR1XXEngineering Graphics
MGT305Org BehaviorOBD225Org Behavior
MGT305Organiza BehaviorMGT225Org Behavior
MIL131Intro to ROTCNPE1XXIntro to ROTC
MIL132Intro to LeadershipPE1XXIntro to Leadership
MIS142Int to Bus Comp SysIFS100Info Tech Competncy
MIS142Int to Bus Comp SysIFS105Personal Computing
MKT305Prin of MarketingMKT100Prin Marketing
MKT306Buyer BehaviorMKT360Consumer Behavior
MKT352Prin of RetailingMKT230Retailing
MUS103Marching BandMUS1XXMarching Band
MUS105Concert ChoirMUS150YCChorale
MUS110Fund Music SkillsMUS181Found Music Theory
MUS121Intro to MusicMUS186Listening to Music
MUS129American Pop MusicMUS287American Pop Music
MUS140Class Piano IMUS140Class Piano
MUS158Woodwind EnsembleMUS170Woodwind Ensemble
MUS190Sel Topic: Amern PopMUS1XXSel Top: Amern Pop
MUS216Music and FilmMUS245Explore Music/Film
MUS227Opera & Music TheatreMUS2XXOpera & Music Theatre
MUS261World MusicMUS281World Music
PHL101Intro to PhilosophyPHL221Intro Philosophy
PHL102Critical ThinkingPHL222Critical Thinking
PHL105Intro to EthicsPHL341Ethics
PHL230Ethics of War & TerrPHL2XXEthics of War & Terr
PHY100Physics for SocietyPHY1XXPhysics for Society
PHY105Prob Solving in SciPHY1XXPhysics Elective No Lab
PHY108Astron Phy UnivESS1XXEarth Sci Elect No Lab
PHY110Physics for SocietyPHY1XXPhysics Elect No Lab
PHY121Intro Phy IPHY1XXPhysics Elective no lab
PHY121Intro Phy IPHY110Gen Phys:Mech/Ht
PHY124Physics IB LabPHY111General Physics Lab
PHY126Physics IIB LabPHY113G Phys:Elct Lab
PHY205Inter Phy IPHY160Eng Phys:Mechncs
PHY206Inter Phy IIPHY112Gen Phys:Elc/Magn
PHY313Inter Phy IIPHY260Eng Phys:Elct/Magn
PLS100US Govern & PoliticsPS101Amer Gov/Citizenship
PLS100U.S. Govern & PoliticsPS101Amer Gov/Citizenship
PLS100US Govern & PoliticsPS101Amer Gov/Citizenship
PLS100U.S. Govern & PoliticsPS101Amer Gov/Citizenship
PLS100U.S. Govern & PoliticsPS141American Governmnt
PLS101Am Gov: Const Pol EdPS141American Governmnt
PLS102Am Gov: Inst Pub PolPS142Am Gov: Process/Pol
PLS141Intro Internat RelPS302International Rel
PLS201Intro Pol SciPS2XXIntro Pol Sci
PLS231State and Local GovtPS242State/Local Govt
PLS291Contemporary IssuesPS102Contemp Global Iss
PLS490European PoliticsPS4XXEuropean Politics
PLS491European IdentityPS4XXEuropean Identity
PLS501Legal And Inst Found of Pub AdMPA502Legal and Institutional Found
PLS591Research MethodsMPA580Special Topics
PLS601Education PolicyMPA510Quant Analy Pol & Adm
PSY101General PsychologyPSY100General Psychology
PSY102Found of PsychPSY100General Psychology
PSY105Res Des Beh Sci IPSY1XXRes Des Beh Sci I
PSY205Res Des Beh Sci IIPSY2XXRes Des Beh Sci II
PSY235Condition & LearnPSY2XXCondition & Learn
PSY240Psych PersonalityPSY2XXPsych Personality
PSY265Childhood & AdolescPSY221Child/Adol Develop
PSY270Social PsychologyPSY243Social Psychology
PSY305Appl Res Meth PsychPSY3XXAppl Res Meth Psych
PSY320Beh NeurosciPSY3XXBeh Neurosci
PSY330Abnormal PsychologyPSY230Abnormal Psych
PSY330Abnormal PsychologyPSY330Adult Psychopathlgy
PSY355Psych Except ChildPSY3XXPsych Except Child
PSY365Multicult PsychPSY250Multicultural Aware
PSY383Social Learning Infant & ChildPSY223Early Child Develp
PSY384Helping Skills Human ServicesPSY3XXHelping Skills Human Services
PSY410Psychology of Women and GenderPSY4XXPsychology of Women and Gender
PSY420Health PsychologyPSY225Health Psychology
PSY440Hist & Systm of PsyPSY3XXHist & Systm of Psy
RDG232Rdg in Elem SchoolEDU2XXRdg in Elem School
RDG529Rdg Beyond Prim GrdMED512Adv Rdg Contnt Area
SCM200Stat Appl BusQBA260Business Statistics
SCM330Sup Chain & Op MgtMGT3XXSup Chain & Op Mgt
SOC101Intr Soc Society DivSOC100Intro Sociology
SOC117Modern Trad SocietySOC100Intro Sociology
SOC201Thinking SociologicallySOC200Professionalism/Soc
SOC220Social StratificationSOC2XXSocial Stratification
SOC241Contemp Soc ProbSOC220Am Social Problems
SPE100Basic Oral CommunicCM212Public Speaking
SPE100Basic Oral CommunicCM104Human Communicatn
SPE121Intro to TheatreTHE254Intro Theatre
SPE255Speech CriticismCM2XXSpeech Criticism
SPN101Beg Spanish ISPN101Elem Spanish I
SPN102Beg Span IISPN102Elem Spanish II
SPN103Int SpanishSPN201Inter Spanish I
SPN150Span Civ & CultSPN307Span Culture/Civ
SPN200Intro Rdg SpanishSPN2XXIntro Rdg Spanish
SPN202Int Conv Gram RvwSPN202Inter Spanish II
SPN204Idea Cult Hisp WorldSPN2XXIdea Cult Hisp World
SPN250Commercial SpanishSPN2XXCommercial Spanish
SPN302Adv Span ConversatnSPN301Adv Oral/Writ Span
SPN312Spanish GrammarSPN3XXSpanish Grammar
SWK102Soc Wrk in Soc WelfSOC1XXSoc Wrk in Soc Welf
SWK150Human Relations LabCM1XXHuman Relations Lab
SWK250Assess Inds Social EnvironmentHSV2XXAssess Inds Social Environment
SWK265Understanding DiversitySOC2XXUnderstanding Diversity
TCH160Child DevPSY221Child/Adol Develop
TCH205The American SchoolEDU2XXAmer School
TCH250Elem of InstructEDU2XXElem of Instruct
TCH260Edu PsychologyEDU370Psych of Learning
TCH260Edu PsychologyEDU375Psy Learning/Second
TCH310Ed PsychologyEDU370Psych of Learning
TCH310Ed PsychologyEDU375Psy Learning/Second
TCH345Assess & Eval StratEDU3XXAssess & Eval Strat
TCH445Strat Eff Cls MgtEDU4XXStrat Eff Cls Mgt
TCH575Child DevelopmentMED502Adv Educ Psych
TCH600Element of ResearchMED501Intro Ed Research
THE121Intro to TheaterTHE154Introduction to Theatre
UNIV101First Year SeminarFYS100First Year Seminar
WST100Intro to Women's StudiesWGS200Women/Gender Stud
Slippery Rock University of PAYork College of Pennsylvania
ACCT205Accounting for Decision MakersACC2XXAccounting for Dec Makers
ARAB101Arabic IARB101Elem Arabic I
ART1002D DesignART210Design I
ART105Basic Studio DrawingART215Drawing I
ART109Basic Studio MetalsmithART1XXBasic Studio Metalsmith
ART113Basic Studio Graphic DesignART1XXBasic Stud Graphic Desgn
ART205Art Syn DrawART2XXArt Syn Draw
ART225Overview West ArtART101Intro Art Apprec
ART225Overview of W. ArtART101Art/Visual Culture
ART226Overview ArtART101Art/Visual Culture
BIOL101General BiologyBIO1XXBiology Elective No Lab
BIOL102Human BiologyBIO1XXBiology Elect No Lab
BIOL104Prin of Biology with LabBIO150Biology I
BIOL105Environmental BiologyBIO1XXBiology Elective No Lab
CDEV248Human DevelopPSY221Child/Adol Develop
CEDP248Hum DevPSY2XXHum Dev
CHEM104Intro Chem ICHM1XXChem Elect No Lab
CHEM107Gen Chem ICHM1XXChem Elect No Lab
CHEM107Gen Chem ICHM134Gen Chem I
COMM103Imp Voice & DictionCM212Public Speaking
COMM110Comm ConceptsCM104Human Communicatn
COMM115Visual LiteracyCM1XXVisual Literacy
COMM200Civil DiscourseCM104Human Communicatn
COMM200Public SpeakingCM104Human Communicatn
COMM200Public SpeakingCM212Public Speaking
COMM201Digital ImagingART2XXDigital Imaging
COMM215Small Group CommCM104Human Communicatn
COMM217Intercult CommCM2XXIntercult Comm
COMM228Creative AdvertisingMKT330Advertising
COMM231Intro Pub RelCM221Public Relations
COMM251Mass Media and SocietyCM211Mass Communication
COMM254Video ProductionCM242Video Prodctn I
COMM256Message PrepartionCM2XXMessage Preparation
COMM263Mass Media & SocietyCM211Mass Communication
CPSC102Info Tech & SocIFS1XXInfo Tech & Soc
CPSC110Computer ConceptsIFS105Personal Computing
CPSC160Intr Prog & Info SysIFS105Personal Computing
CPSC171Pascal ProgIFS1XXPascal Prog
CPSC260Algo & Adv ProgCS2XXAlgo & Adv Prog
CPSC261Programming LangCS2XXProgramming Lang
CRHS120Intro HS & DefIA1XXIntro HS & Def
CRIM110Intro to CrimCJA101Intro Crim Justice
CRIM205Intro to Crim & CJCJA101Intro Crim Justice
DANC100Intro to DanceHUM1XXIntro to Dance
DANC105Dance FundamentalsPE117Modern Dance
DANC105Dance FundamentalsNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
DANC120Modern Dance IHUM1XXModern Dance I
DANC199Prac Dance IPE1XXPrac Dance I
DANC200Dance Comp INPE1XXNon Prog Elect
DANC200Dance Comp IPE1XXDance Comp I
DANC216Prin Dance ProdNPE1XXPrinc Dance Prod
DANC220Mod Dance IIPE1XXModern Dance II
DANC220Mod Dance IINPE1XXNon Prog Elect
DANC221Ballet IIPE2XXBallet II
DANC221Ballet IINPE2XXBallet II
DANC222Jazz Dance IIPE1XXJazz Dance II
DANC222Jazz Dance IINPE1XXJazz Dance II
DANC224ImprovisationNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
DANC321Ballet IIIPE1XXBallet III
ECON105Econ of Soc IssECO1XXEcon of Soc Iss
ECON201Prin Econ-MacroECO200Prin Econ-Macro
ECON202Prin MicroeconECO201Prin Econ-Micro
ECON219Bus StatisticsQBA260Business Statistics
EGEO101Phys GeologyESS1XXPhysical Geology
EGEO101Phys GeologyESS1XXEarth Sci Elect No Lab
ELEC100Ec Theory & PracEDU1XXEc Theory & Prac
ELEC200Child Dev TypEDU2XXChild Dev Typ
ENGL101College Writing IFCO105Rhetorical Comm
ENGL101College Wrtg IWRT102Analytical Read/Writ
ENGL102College WritingWRT1XXCollege Writing
ENGL103Coll Writing IIWRT202Academic Writing
ENGL103College Writing IIFCO1XXCollege Writing II
ENGL104Critical ReadingFCO1XXCritical Reading
ENGL210Interpret LitLIT200Perspectives/Lit
ENGL214Film AnalysisFLM2XXFilm Analysis
ENGL217British Lit ILIT283Ancient to Early Mod Brit Lit
ENGL220Intro to Lit & CultLIT200Intro Lit & Text Stud
ENGL230Intro to Ling and GramLIT310Language/Linguistics
ENGL317British Literature ILIT283Ancient to Early Mod Brit Lit
ERS101Applied Anatomy/LabBIO1XXApplied Anatomy/Lab
ERS107Intro to Athletic TrainingSPM1XXIntro to Athletic Training
ERS264Appl AnatomyBIO106Body Strct/Function
FIN100Pers Finan PlanFIN1XXPers Finan Plan
FREN101Fren Lang IFRN101Elem French I
G&ES100Discover GeogG1XXDiscover Geog
G&ES105World Reg GeogG1XXWorld Reg Geog
G&ES107Developed NationsBEH1XXDeveloped Nations
G&ES109Developing WorldG1XXDeveloping World
G&ES135Env ProbsBIO1XXBiology Elect No Lab
G&ES202US & CanadaG341Geog North America
G&ES202US & CanadaG341Geog North America
GES100Discover GeographyG100World Reg Geography
GES105World Reg GeographyG243Intro Geography
GES105World Regional GeographyG100World Reg Geography
HIST151Ancient & Medieval WorldHIS300Ancnt Hist to 476
HIST153Contemporary World HistoryHIS1XXContemp World History
HIST201Colonial AmericaHIS350Amer Colonial Hist
HIST202United States 1815-1920HIS112American Civ II
HLTH262Health FoundationsPE2XXPhys Ed Elect
HLTH262Health FoundationsNPE2XXHealth Foundations
INBS227Intro to International BusIBS200Internatl Business
INDP139Univ System FraudsHUM1XXUni System Frauds
INDP220Non Profit LeadershipBUS350Not-For-Profit Org
MATH101Basic MathMAT102Prelim Math/Prob Solv
MATH113Math as a Liberal ArtMAT1XXMath as a Liberal Art
MATH115Financial MathMAT1XXFin Math
MATH118Elem GeometryMAT1XXElem Geometry
MATH120Intermed AlgebraMAT105College Algebra
MATH225Calculus IMAT171Calculus I
MGMT103Intro to BusBUS1XXIntro to Bus
MODL105Intro Asian StINT1XXIntro Asian St
MRKT333Consumer BehaviorMKT360Consumer Behavior
MS102Prin of LdrshipNPE1XXPrin of Ldrship
MUSI101Intro to MusicMUS200Music Appreciation
MUSI101Intro to MusicMUS186Listening to Music
MUSI102Intro World MusicMUS281World Music
MUSI104Intro to American MusicMUS1XXIntro to American Music
MUSI184Applied BassoonMUS1XXApplied Bassoon
PE107Aquatic FundamentalsPE105Aqua Exercise
PE107Aquatic FundamentalsNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
PE141Pers Fit-Wlk-JogPE1XXPers Fit-Wlk-Jog
PE152Prac Intro to TeachingEDU1XXPrac Intro to Teaching
PE191Founds Physical EducationNPE1XXFounds Physical Educ
PE192Diversity Issues Phys EdNPE1XXDiversity Issues Phys Ed
PE194Sprt Mg-Car & ContSPM1XXSprt Mg-Car & Cont
PE243Movement EducationNPE2XXMovement Education
PE274Assessment Strategies PENPE2XXAssessment Strategies PE
PE359Striking/Active GamesNPE3XXStriking/Active Games
PESM141Per Ph FtPE134Concpts Phys Actvty
PESM150Prac App-Sp MgtSPM1XXPrac App-Sp Mgt
PESM194Sport Mgt-Car & ContSPM1XXSport Mgt-Car & Cont
PESM269Am Sp 21st CentSPM2XXAm Sp 21st Cent
PESM294Spt Mang & EthicSPM2XXSpt Mang & Ethic
PESM333Sport CommSPM3XXSport Comm
PHIL101Introduction to PhilosophyPHL221Intro Philosophy
PHIL113Intro to LogicPHL231Logic
PHYS101Conc of Sci IPSC152Physical Sci I
PHYS201Elem of Phys I with LabPHY110Gen Phys:Mech/Ht
POLS101Amer Natl GovtPS141American Governmnt
POLS101Am National GovPS101Amer Gov/Citizenship
POLS103International RelatPS302International Rel
POLS105Intro Pol ThryPS1XXIntro Pol Theory
POLS139Foundations Academic DiscoveryFYS100First Year Seminar
PROF201Prin of SociologySOC100Intro Sociology
PSYC105Intro PsychologyPSY100General Psychology
PSYC221Intro StatisticsQBA260Business Statistics
PSYC221Intro StatisticsMAT250Statistics
PSYC221Intro StatisticsBEH260Statistics
PSYC276Abnormal BehavPSY230Abnormal Psych
PUBA150Intro Public AdminPS151Intro Public Admin
SAFE118Introduction to SafetyPAW1XXIntroduction to Safety
SASW104Courtship & MarriageSOC1XXCourtship & Marriage
SASW105Human DiversityBEH1XXHuman Diversity
SASW201Princ of SocSOC100Intro Sociology
SASW202Intro to AnthroANT220Cult Anthropology
SASW317Stat MethodsMAT250Statistics
SASW317Stat MethodsBEH260Statistics
SASW317Stat MethodsQBA260Business Statistics
SASW390Criminal InvestCJA305Crim Investigation
SEFE200Intro to Edu, Teach, FieldEDU200Found of Education
SEFE230Prod and UtilizationSE210Educ Tech Mid/Sec
SEFE230Prod and UtilizationECH210Ed Tech/Early Elem
SEFE326ELL Strat and PracEDU225Instrc Needs/ELL
SEFE342Educ Psych Dvrs LrnersEDU3XXEduc Psych Dv Lrners
SOWK105Human DiversitySOC1XXHuman Diversity
SPAN101Span Lg & Cult ISPN101Elem Spanish I
SPAN102Span Lg & Cult IISPN102Elem Spanish II
SPAN103Span Lang & Cult IIISPN201Inter Spanish I
SPAN200Inter Span GrammarSPN2XXInter Span Grammar
SPAN201Comm in SpanishSPN2XXComm in Spanish
SPED121High IncidenceSPE303EBI: High Incidence
SPED122Low IncidenceSPE1XXLow Incidence
SPMT139Foundations Academic DiscoverySPM1XXFoundations Academic Discovery
SPMT194Intro to Sport MgmtSPM125Intro Sport Mgmt
SPMT196Global SpmtSPM1XXGlobal Spmt
SPMT269Am Sp 21st CentSPM130Sport in Society
SPMT286Spt Mgmt Comm TechSPM350Public/Media Reltns
SPMT294Sport Mgmt EthicsSPM475Ethics/Current Iss
THEA130Art of TheatreTHE154Introduction to Theatre
THEA131Fund of ActingTHE262Acting
THEA141Intro to TheatreTHE254Intro Theatre
St. John's UniversityYork College of Pennsylvania
ACC1007Fund of Acct I ACC1XXFund of Acct I
ART1105Intro Graphic Des I ART1XXIntro Graphic Des I
ART1110Found Design ART110Concepts of Design
ART1610Photography I ART245Photography I
ART1620Photography II ART295Photography II
ART1650Analog Photo & Experiment ART1XXAnalog Photo & Experiment
ART1710History of Art I ART204Survey West Art I
ART1720History of Art II ART205Survey West Art II
BIO1008Anatomy & Physiology BIO1XXBiology Elective no lab
BIO1050Human Biology BIO1XXBiology Elective no lab
BIO2000Fund of Bio II: Cell/Mole BIO150Biology I
BIO3000Fund of Bio III: Organismc Bio01BIO153Evol/Ecol/Div Lab
BIO3000Fund of Bio III: Organismc Bio01BIO152Evol/Ecol & Divers
BIO3001LFundamentals of BIO III Lab01  
BLW1001Law and Business BUS260Legal Environment
BLW1005Topics of Business Law BUS1XXTopics of Business Law
CHE1210General Chemistry CHM135Gen Chem I Lab
CHE1210General Chemistry CHM122Prin Gen/Org Chem
CHE1210General Chemistry CHM123Gen/Org Chem Lab
CHE1210General Chemistry CHM134Gen Chem I
CHE1220General Chemistry II CHM136Gen Chem II
CHE1220General Chemistry II CHM137Gen Chem II Lab
COM1001Intro Mass Communication CM211Mass Communication
CRJ2000Intro Crim Justice Sys CJA101Intro Crim Justice
CUS1114Struct Prog Tech IFS1XXStruct Prog Tech
CUS1115Computer Prog Fund I CS101Fund Comp Sci I
CUS1124Intro Data Struct IFS1XXIntro Data Struct
DNY1000CImmigration and NYC SOC1XXImmigration and NYC
ECO1001Principles of Eco I ECO200Prin Econ-Macro
ECO1001Prin of Econ I ECO2XXPrin of Econ I
ECO1002Principles of Eco II ECO201Prin Econ-Micro
ECO1006Personal Finance FIN220Personal Finance & Banking
EDU1000Found of Ed EDU1XXFound of Ed
EDU1008Found of Spec Ed SPE1XXFound of Spec Ed
ENG0010Intro Critical Writing WRT102Analytical Read/Writ
ENG1000CEnglish Comp WRT102Analytical Read/Writ
ENG1003Comp & Rhetoric I WRT102Analytical Read/Writ
ENG1020Expository Writing WRT102Analytical Read/Writ
ENG1100CLit in Global Cont LIT1XXLit in Global Cont
ENG2060Study of Amer Lit LIT2XXStudy of Amer Lit
ENG2210Brit Lit LIT283British Lit to 1750
FRE1010CCore: French Level 1 FRN101Elem French I
FRE2030CFrench Level III FRN201Inter French I
FRE2040CInt French Conv FRN205Inter French Convs
FYW1000CCore: English Comp FCO105Rhetorical Comm
GOV1030Amer Natl Govt PS141American Governmnt
GOV1030CAmer Nat Govt PS141American Governmnt
HIS1000CCore: Emer Global Society HUM1XXCore: Emer Global Soc
HIS1011World History II HIS122World History II
HIS1302U.S. Civ War to Pres HIS112American Civ II
HMT1000Hospitality Mgmt HSP100Intro Hospitality
ITA1000Intensive Italian I & II ITL102Elem Italian II
ITA1000Intensive Italian I & II ITL101Elem Italian I
ITA2030Italian Level III ITL2XXItalian level III
ITA2040Int Italian Conv ITL2XXInt Italian Conv
ITA57Studies in Italian Culture INT1XXStudies in Italian Culture
MGT1001Prin Mgt I MGT150Prin of Management
MKT1001Prin Marketing MKT100Prin Marketing
MKT1002Fund Adver & Sales Promo MKT1XXFund Adver & Sales Promo
MTH1000CMath for Liberal Arts MAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MTH1003Intro to College Math I MAT105College Algebra
MTH1008Matrix Methods MAT1XXMatrix Methods
MTH1009Calculus I MAT171Calculus I
MTH1013Prob & Stats I MAT250Statistics
MTH1013Prob & Stats I BEH260Statistics
MTH1013Prob & Stats I QBA260Business Statistics
MTH1014Prob & Stats II MAT2XXProb & Stats II
MTH1020Applied Statistics QBA260Business Stats I
MTH1020Applied Statistics BEH260Statistics
MTH1020Applied Statistics MAT250Statistics
MTH1040Models for Decision Making MAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MTH1050Pre-Calculus & Trig MAT108Precalculus
MTH1125Appl Stats: Multivariate MAT1XXAppl Stats: Mltvarble
MTH1250CStat App-Phar/Allied Health BEH260Statistics
MTH1260CCalp Appli-Pharm&Allied MAT1XXCalc Appl-Pharm & Allied
MTH1730Univ Calculus I MAT171Calculus I
MTH1730CUniv Calculus I MAT171Calculus I
MTH1740Univ Calculus II MAT172Calculus II
NET1001Data Communications IFS1XXData Communications
PAS2500Intro to Medical Economics ECO2XXIntro to Medical Economics
PHI1000CPhil Human Person PHL221Intro Philosophy
PHI3000CMetaphysics PHL3XXMetaphysics
PHY1610College Physics I PHY110Gen Phys:Mech/Ht
PHY1610College Physics I PHY111G Phys:Mech Lab
PSC1001American National Government PS101Amer Gov/Citizenship
PSY1000Intro Psychology PSY100General Psychology
PSY1000CIntro to Psychology PSY100General Psychology
PSY2200Abnormal Psych PSY230Abnormal Psych
SCI1000CSci Inq: Astronomy ESS1XXSci Inq: Astronomy
SOC1000CIntro to Sociology SOC100Intro Sociology
SOC1001Gen Sociology SOC100Intro Sociology
SOC1010Introduction to Sociology SOC100Intro Sociology
SOC1025The Sociology of Sport SPM1XXThe Soc of Sport
SPA1010CSpanish Level I SPN101Elem Spanish I
SPA1020CCore: Spanish Level II SPN102Elem Spanish II
SPA2030CSpanish Level III SPN201Inter Spanish I
SPA2040CInt Spanish Conv SPN205Inter Spanish Conv
SPE1000CPub Speaking CM212Public Speaking
SPM1001Phil, Princ, Organ of Sport SPM1XXPhil, Princ, Org of Sport
SPM1003Curr Iss in Sport SPM1XXCurr Iss in Sport
SPM1004Manag Aspects of Spt Mgmt SPM1XXManag Aspcts of Spt Mgt
SPM1006Sem-Sport Administration SPM1XXSem-Sport Administration
SPM1010Legal Aspects of Spt Mgmt SPM1XXLegal Aspects of Spt Mgmt
THE1000CPers on Christianity REL275Trad/Cult Chrstnty
THE2100Intro to The Bible REL2XXIntro to The Bible
THE2120Reading the New Testament REL2XXReading the New Testament
THE2810Religions of the World REL265World Religions
Stevenson UniversityYork College of Pennsylvania
ACC101Intro Accounting I ACC1XXIntro Accounting I
ACC101Intro Accounting I ACC1XXIntro Accounting I
ACC102Intro Accounting II ACC220Financial Acct
ACC121Prin of Acct I ACC1XXPrin of Acct I
ACC122Prin of Acct II ACC220Financial Acct
ACC140Financial Accounting ACC220Financial Acct
ACC141Managerial Accounting ACC225Managerial Acct
ACC303Cost & Man Acct ACC225Managerial Acct
ANTH201Intro Cult Anthropology ANT220Cult Anthropology
ANTH320Lang, Cult, and Soc ANT3XXLang, Cult, and Soc
ART110Fund of Design I ART210Design I
ART111Two Dimensional Design ART210Design I
ART126Intro Painting ART220Painting I
ART126Intro Painting ART114Concepts/Painting
ART242Creat Dev: Elem Ed ART2XXCreat Dev: Elem Ed
BA101Intro to Business Admin BUS150Intro to Business
BA422Strategic Planning BUS4XXStrategic Planning
BIO101Anatomy & Physiology BIO106Body Strct/Function
BIO102Intro to Medical Microbiology BIO1XXBiology Elective No Lab
BIO104Cont Persp  Human Biol BIO112Fund Human Bio
BIO104Human Body and Issues BIO1XXHuman Body & Iss
BIO113General Bio I: Cell & Genetic01BIO143Mole/Gene/Cell Lab
BIO113General Bio I: Cell & Genetic01BIO142Molecule/Gene/Cell
BIO113General Bio I: Cell/Gene BIO142Molecule/Gene/Cell
BIO113General Bio I: Cell/Gene BIO150Biology I
BIO113LGenrl Bio I: Cell/Genetics Lab01  
BIO114Genrl Bio II: Struct/Func Org02BIO151Intro Mole Bio Lab
BIO114Genrl Bio II: Struct/Func Org02BIO150Intro Molecular Bio
BIO114LGen Bio II: Struct/Fun Org Lab02  
BIO115Gnl Bio III: Ecology & Evol03BIO152Evol/Ecol & Divers
BIO115Gnl Bio III: Ecology & Evol03BIO153Evol/Ecol/Div Lab
BIO115LGnl Bio III: Ecology/Evol Lab03  
BIO130Hum A & P BIO220Human A/P I
BIO202Intro to Med Lab BIO1XXBiology Elective No Lab
BIO203Microbiology BIO230Microbiology
BIO215Evol & Bio Diversity BIO152Biology II
BIO217Biochem BIO2XXBiology Elect No Lab
BIO222Human Anatomy BIO2XXHuman Anatomy
BIO222Human Anatomy BIO220Human A/P I
BIO224Comparative Anatomy BIO2XXComparative Anatomy
BIO230Genetics BIO240Genetics
BIO230Genetics BIO241Genetics Lab
BIO255Tech in Molecular Bio BIO358Cell/Moleclr Bio
BIO322Human Physiology BIO222Human A/P II
CHEM110Found Gen Org Biochem04CHM123Gen/Org Chem Lab
CHEM110Found Gen Org Biochem04CHM122Prin Gen/Org Chem
CHEM110LFound Gen Org Biochem Lab04  
CHEM111Intro to Chemistry CHM104Found of Chem
CHEM115General Chemistry I04CHM135Gen Chem I Lab
CHEM115General Chemistry I04CHM134Gen Chem I
CHEM115LGeneral Chemistry I Lab04  
CHEM116General Chemistry II05CHM136Gen Chem II
CHEM116General Chemistry II05CHM137Gen Chem II Lab
CHEM116LGeneral Chemistry II Lab05  
CHEM210Organic Chemistry I06CHM235Orgnc Chm I Lab
CHEM210Organic Chemistry I06CHM234Organic Chem I
CHEM210LOrganic Chemistry I Lab06  
CHEM211Organic Chem II CHM236Organic Chem II
CHS101Family Studies SOC225The Family
CHS105Human Services & Social Polici HSV1XXHuman Services & Social Polici
CHS217Prof Dvlpmnt in Couns HSR HSV2XXProf Dvlpmnt in Couns HSR
CHS270Psychopharmacology & Addiction PSY225Health Psychology
CHS275Services for Children & Youth HSV200App Youth Develop
CJUS101Intro Crim Justice CJA101Intro Crim Justice
CJUS220Criminal Law & Prod CJA302Criminal Law
CJUS275Corrections CJA337Punishmnt/Correctns
CJUS280Law Enforcement CJA234Law Enforcement
CM101Public Speaking CM212Public Speaking
CM111Intercult Comm CM1XXIntercult Comm
CM115Interpers Comm CM329Interpersonal Comm
CM205Communication Ethics PR280Ethics in Strategic Comm
CM255Small Group Comm CM2XXSmall Group Comm
CM255Small Group Comm CM104Human Communicatn
CM260Prof Comm CM2XXProf Comm
CM402Top: Communicating Identities CM4XXTop: Communicating Identities
DR103Intro to Drama THE1XXIntro to Drama
EC201Principles of Econ: Macro ECO200Prin Econ-Macro
EC202Principles of Econ: Micro ECO201Prin Econ-Micro
ED108Learn Exp Young Child EDU1XXLearn Exp Young Child
ED212Literature for Children EDU2XXLit for Children
ED220Lang Dev EDU2XXLang Dev
ED265Mat for Read Instr EDU2XXMat for Read Instr
ED270Curr Prin/Pract EDU2XXCurr Prin/Pract
ED271Prin of Assessment EDU2XXPrin of Assessment
ED272Prin of Spec Ed SPE2XXPrin of Spec Ed
ENG148Intro to Composition WRT1XXIntro to Comp
ENG148Intro to Composition WRT102Analytical Read/Writ
ENG150Intro to Writing WRT1XXIntro to Writing
ENG151Composition/Writing FCO105Rhetorical Comm
ENG152Writing About Literature LIT200Perspectives/Lit
ENG152Intro to Lit LIT200Perspectives/Lit
ENG210Bus Writing WRT210Writng/Prof Culturs
ENG215Sci Wrt WRT2XXSci Wrt
ENG221Creat Essay Writ CRW272Intro Creative Wrt
ENG224Intro to Creative Writing CRW272Intro Creative Wrt
ENG225Topic: Writ Interactv Stories WRT2XXTopic: Writ Interactv Stories
ENG253Journalism I CM2XXJournalism I
ENG281Wizards:Merlin to Potter LIT2XXWizards
ENG282Lit Genres: Child Lit LIT2XXLit Genres: Child Lit
ENG287Lit Genres:Poetry LIT343Exper of Poetry
ENG385Genres: Gothic Horror LIT3XXGenres: Gothic Horror
FAM101Intro Family Studies SOC225The Family
FDES274History of Fashion ART2XXHistory of Fashion
FMI101Cinema I: Storytelling FLM1XXCinema I: Storytelling
FMI102Cinema II: Continuity FLM1XXCinema II: Continuity
FMI201Cinematography I FLM2XXCinematography I
FMI202Cinematography II: Color FLM2XXCinematography II: Color
FMI204Broadcast Production CM2XXBroadcast Prod
FMI211Basic Screenwriting CRW277Screenwriting I
FMI221Art & Craft Editing I FLM2XXArt & Craft Editing I
FMI222Art & Craft Editing II ART2XXArt & Craft Editing
FMI231Film & Moving Image History FLM220Film History
FMI290Intern Prep FLM2XXIntern Prep
FSCI101Survey of Forensic Science FCM1XXSurvey of Forensic Sci
GDES125Fund of Digital Media ART206Elements Comp Graph
GDES230Typography I ART218Typography I
GEO110Physical Geog G1XXPhysical Geog
GEO112Human Geog G100World Reg Geography
HIST104US: 1865-Present HIS112American Civ II
HIST105World History I HIS121World History I
HIST106World History II HIS122World History II
HIST109The US: Colonial Amer to 1877 HIS111American Civ I
HIST110U.S. Hist 1877-Pres HIS112American Civ II
HIST238History of Baltimore HIS2XXHistory of Baltimore
HON171Honors Effect Wrt WRT102Analytical Read/Writ
HON201World Religions & Pol REL265World Religions
HON202Climate Change G2XXClimate Change
HON216Comm Theatre HUM2XXComm Theatre
HSR101Family Studies SOC225The Family
HSR201Intro Hum Services SOC2XXIntro Hum Services
HSR201Intro to Human Services HSV100Intro to HSV
INBUS201Survey International Bus IBS200Internatl Business
IS103Fund of Microcomp IFS105Personal Computing
IS110Microcomp Concepts & Apps IFS105Personal Computing
IS115Fund of Information Systems IFS1XXFund of Information Systems
IS118Adv Microcomp Concepts and AP IFS1XXAdv Microcomp Conc and AP
IS124Intro to Comp Graph ART1XXIntro Comp Graph
IS134Window & MS Office Apps IFS105Personal Computing
IS135MS Office Appls IFS100Info Tech Competncy
IS135MS Office Appls IFS105Personal Computing
IS140Info Sys Arch & Des IFS1XXInfo Sys Arch & Des
IS150Rel Dbase Dsgn & SQL w/MS Acc IFS125Enterprise Data Mgmt
IS170Systems Development w/Uml IFS1XXSystems Development w/UML
IS201Management Information System IFS305Management Info Sys
IS212Intro to Database Mgmt Systems IFS2XXIntro Database Mgmt Sys
IS231Network Technologies IFS2XXNetworking Technologies
IS240Programming Concepts CS2XXProgramming Concepts
IS260Presentation Theory & Appl IFS2XXPresentation Theory & Appl
IS342Data Analysis IFS3XXData Analysis
LAW208Business Law BUS260Legal Environment
MATH105General College Math MAT102Prelim Math/Prob Solv
MATH110Basic Statistics MAT250Statistics
MATH110Basic Statistics QBA260Business Statistics
MATH110Basic Statistics BEH260Statistics
MATH111College Algebra MAT105College Algebra
MATH112Pre-Calculus Mathematics MAT108Precalculus
MATH116Basic Stats/Prob BEH260Statistics
MATH116Basic Stats/Prob QBA260Business Statistics
MATH116Basic Stats/Prob MAT250Statistics
MATH121College Algebra MAT105College Algebra
MATH125Pre-Calculus Mathematics MAT108Precalculus
MATH131Math for Teachers I MAT115Sets/Number Systems
MATH132Math for Teachers II MAT215Sets/Number Sys II
MATH135Intro to Math Reasoning MAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MATH136Intro to Statistics BEH260Statistics
MATH136Intro to Statistics QBA260Business Stats I
MATH136Intro to Statistics MAT250Statistics
MATH137College Algebra MAT105College Algebra
MATH140Basic Stats MAT250Statistics
MATH140Basic Stats BEH260Statistics
MATH140Basic Stats QBA260Business Statistics
MATH210Stats and Prob MAT250Statistics
MATH210Stats and Prob QBA260Business Statistics
MATH210Stats and Prob BEH260Statistics
MATH220Calculus MAT171Calculus I
MATH221Calculus II MAT172Calculus II
MGT204Prin of Mgmt MGT150Prin of Management
MGT210Business Writing FCO210Commun in Prof Cultures
MGT235Intro Sport Mgmt SPM125Intro Sport Mgmt
MKT206Prin of Marketing MKT100Prin Marketing
MKT311Consumer Beh MKT360Consumer Behavior
MKT315Sports Marketing MKT3XXSports Marketing
MT210Prin Lab Sci NPE2XXPrin Lab Sci
MUS102Chorus MUS150YCChorale
MUS201Intro to Music in History MUS2XXIntro to Music in History
MUS260Music Techno I MUS2XXMusic Techno I
MUS275American Music: Hip Hop MUS2XXAmer Music: Hip Hop
MUS290Marching Band MUS2XXMarching Band
NUR314Nursing Research NUR314Research/Nurs PR
NUR520Quant Methods in Nursing NUR5XXQuant Methods in Nursing
NUR530Qual Inquiry in Nursing NUR508App Nurs Research
NUR530Qual Inquiry in Nursing   
NUR615Adv Phys Assessment NUR510Adv Assessmnt Clin
NUR615Adv Phys Assessment NUR509Adv Assessmnt/Diagn
NURS110Computer Technology in Nursing NUR1XXComputer Technology in Nursing
NURS240Nutrition NUR202Nutrition
PE102Jogging PE1XXJogging
PE105Body Cond & Fit PE119Physical Fitness
PE107Circuit Training PE119Physical Fitness
PE108Fencing PE1XXFencing
PE112Volleyball PE160Volleyball
PE115Badminton PE151Badminton
PE125Ice Skating PE154Ice Skating
PE154Men's Soccer PE155Soccer
PE155Basketball PE152Basketball
PE158Lacrosse PE1XXLacrosse
PE159Men's Lacrosse PE1XXMen's Lacrosse
PE166Men's Golf PE140Fundamentals/Golf
PHIL101Introduction to Philosophy PHL221Intro Philosophy
PHIL104Logic PHL231Logic
PHIL202Phil of African Am Writing PHL2XXPhil of African Am Writing
PHIL215Ethics PHL341Ethics
PHIL415Prof Ethics PHL4XXProf Ethics
PHIL416Business Ethics PHL4XXBusiness Ethics
PHOTO340Adv Photography ART3XXAdv Photography
PHSCI110Found of Physics PSC152Physical Sci I
PHSCI151Prin of Earth & Field Sci ESS1XXPrin of Earth & Field Sci
PHSCI207Astronomy ESS154Intro/Astronomy
PHYS215Gen Physics I PHY160Eng Phys:Mechncs
PSY101General Psychology PSY100General Psychology
PSY108Human Growth & Dev PSY1XXHuman Growth & Dev
PSY108Human Growth & Dev NUR201Nursing HD/HC
PSY200Prof Dev in Psych PSY2XXProf Dev in Psych
PSY206Child Development PSY221Child/Adol Develop
PSY215Psychopathology PSY2XXPsychopathology
PSY251Forensic Psychology PSY2XXForensic Psychology
PSY270Research Methods PSY2XXResearch Methods
PSY330Ed Psychology EDU375Psy Learning/Second
PSY330Ed Psychology EDU370Psych of Learning
REL102Comp Relig Thought REL1XXComp Religious Thought
REL115Surv Old Testament REL1XXSurv Old Testament
REL116Survey of New Testament REL275Trad/Cult Chrstnty
REL202Patterns of Thght-Relig REL265World Religions
REL202World Relg REL265World Religions
REL212The Act of Christianity REL2XXAction of Christianity
REL302Comp Religious Thought REL265World Religions
SOC101Intro to Sociology SOC100Intro Sociology
SOC102Contemp Soc Prob SOC220Am Social Problems
SOC206Sociology of Women SOC2XXSociology of Women
SPN101Elem Spanish I SPN101Elem Spanish I
SPN202Inter Span II SPN202Inter Spanish II
THEA103Beg Acting THE262Acting
THEA121Introduction to Theatre THE254Intro Theatre
VCD125Fund of Digital Media CM1XXFund of Digital Media
Suffolk County Community CollegeYork College of Pennsylvania
AC11Principles of AccountingACC1XXPrinciples of Accounting
AC12Prin Acct IIACC220Financial Acct
AC16Practical AccountingACC1XXPractical Accounting
AC37Comp Acct PrinACC1XXComp Acc Prin
AC51Interm Acct IACC2XXInterm Acct I
AC88Fed Inc TaxACC1XXFed Inc Tax
ACC101Prin of Acct IACC1XXPrin of Acct I
ACC102Prin of Acct IIACC220Financial Acct
ACC115Managerial AcctACC225Managerial Acct
ACC201Intermed Accouting IACC3XXIntermed Acc I
AN11Cultural AnthroANT220Cult Anthropology
ANT101Cult AnthropologyANT220Cult Anthropology
ANT103Physical AnthropologyANT210Physical Anthropol
ART101Art AppreciationART101Intro Art Apprec
ART111Art History IART204Survey West Art I
ART112Art History IIART205Survey West Art II
ART126Intro Comp ArtART1XXIntro Comp Art
ART133Drawing IART215Drawing I
ART161Ceramics IART225Ceramics I
ART2103D DesignART211Design II
ASL101American Sign Lang ICM150Beg Sign Language
ASL105American Sign Lang IICM250Adv Sign Language
AST101Astron of Solar SystemESS154Intro/Astronomy
BA11Int to BusinessBUS150Intro to Business
BA25Bus CommWRT210Writng/Prof Culturs
BA25Bus CommFCO210Comm Prof Cultures
BA51Mgt Prin & PracMGT150Prin of Management
BD57MarketingMKT100Prin Marketing
BIO101Prin of BiologyBIO204Exploring Biology
BIO105Surv of Hum BodyBIO112Fund Human Bio
BIO120Field Biology and EcologyBIO120Field Nat Hist
BIO130A & P IBIO220Human A/P I
BIO132A & P IIBIO222Human A/P II
BIO150Mod Biology IBIO150Biology I
BIO244Gen MicrobiologyBIO230Microbiology
BL71Bus Law IBUS260Legal Environment
BL72Bus Law IIBUS360Bus/Commercial Law
BNK101Intro to Money & FinBUS218Personal Finance
BUS101Intro to BusinessBUS150Intro to Business
BUS102Money and FinanceFIN220Personal Finance & Banking
BUS107Bus MathMAT1XXBus Math
BUS109Supervison: Concepts/PracMGT1XXSupervison: Cont/Prac
BUS112Comp for BusinessIFS105Personal Computing
BUS115Workplace Skills SeminarBUS1XXWorkplace Skills Sem
BUS117Bus CommWRT210Writng/Prof Culturs
BUS117Bus CommFCO210Comm Prof Cultures
BUS121Office MgmtBUS1XXOffice Mgmt
BUS123EntrepreneurshipENT150Intro Entrepreneur
BUS127Organizational BehOBD225Org Behavior
BUS141Fund Intl BusinessIBS200Internatl Business
BUS201Mgt Prin & PracMGT150Prin of Management
BUS208Case Std in BusBUS2XXCase Std in Bus
BY14Prin BiologyBIO150Biology I
BY30Anat & Phys IBIO220Human A/P I
BY32Anat & Phys IIBIO222Human A/P II
BY44Gen MicrobiologyBIO230Microbiology
BY50Modern Bio IBIO150Biology I
CA84Intro Comp ArtART1XXIntro Comp Art
CD11Chem Dep SocBEH1XXChem Dep Soc
CH19General ChemistryCHM122Prin Gen/Org Chem
CH33College Chem ICHM134Gen Chem I
CH34College Chem IICHM136Gen Chem II
CHE100General ChemistryCHM122Prin Gen/Org Chem
CHE133College Chemistry ICHM134Gen Chem I
CHE133College Chemistry ICHM135Gen Chem I Lab
CHE134College Chemistry IICHM137Gen Chem II Lab
CHE134College Chemistry IICHM136Gen Chem II
CJ11Crim JusticeCJA101Intro Crim Justice
CJ15Police OperationsCJA1XXPolice Operations
CJ21Crim InvestCJA2XXCrim Invest
CJ25CriminalisticsCJA230Intro Criminalstics
CJ31Criminal LawCJA1XXCriminal Law
CJ35Evid/Proced LawCJA1XXEvid/Proced Law
CJ41Intr CorrectionCJA1XXIntr Correction
CJ55Hum Rel & CJCJA1XXHum Rel & CJ
CJ75Juv JusticeCJA110Juvenile Delinquncy
CJ91Organized CrimeCJA1XXOrganized Crime
CO11Intro Human ComCM104Human Communicatn
CO12Inter CommCM1XXInter Comm
CO12Inter CommCM104Human Communicatn
CO15Public SpeakCM212Public Speaking
CO15Public SpeakCM104Human Communicatn
COM101Intro to Human CommCM104Human Communicatn
COM102Interpersonal CommCM329Interpersonal Comm
COM105Public SpeakingCM104Human Communicatn
COM105Public SpeakingCM212Public Speaking
COM107Small Group CommCM1XXSmall Group Comm
COM133Freedom of SpeechCM1XXFreedom of Speech
COM202Intercult CommCM2XXIntercult Comm
CRJ101Crim JusticeCJA101Intro Crim Justice
CRJ103Subst Crim LawCJA1XXSubst Crim Law
CRJ105Police OperationsCJA1XXPolice Operations
CRJ107Evidence & Proc LawCJA1XXEvidence & Proc Law
CRJ109Intro to CorrectionsCJA1XXIntro to Corrections
CRJ205Crim InvestigationCJA2XXCrim Investigation
CRJ206Organized CrimeCJA2XXOrganized Crime
CRJ207Juvenile JusticeCJA2XXJuvenile Justice
CRJ209Capstone CourseCJA2XXCapstone Course
CS11Intro ComputingIFS105Personal Computing
CST101Intro to ComputingIFS105Personal Computing
CST111Science/Info TechIFS1XXScience/Info Tech
CST112Intro Prog w/VBCS1XXIntro Prog w/VB
CST121Cmp Org Sys PrgCS1XXCmp Org Sys Prg
CST126Op Sys Unix/LinuxIFS1XXOp Sys Unix/Linux
CST141Prin Comp Using JavaIFS1XXPrin Comp Using Java
CST222Comp ArchitectureCS2XXComp Architecture
CST242Adv ProgCS2XXAdv Prog
CST246Data StructuresCS2XXData Structures
DR11Mechan DraftEGR1XXMechan Draft
DR14Autocad IEGR1XXAutocad I
ECO101Elem of EconomicsECO1XXElem of Economics
ECO111MacroeconECO200Prin Econ-Macro
ECO112MicroeconomicsECO201Prin Econ-Micro
ED11Early Child EdEDU1XXEarly Child Ed
ED22Early Child ActEDU2XXEarly Child Act
ED23Infant ToddlerEDU2XXInfant Toddler
ED25Creat Activ ArtEDU2XXCreat Activ Art
ED33Preschool ChildEDU3XXPreschool Child
ED35Creat Act MusicEDU3XXCreat Act Music
ED44Ch His/Her WrldEDU4XXCh His/Her Wrld
ED45Cret Activ LitEDU4XXCret Activ Lit
EG11Freshman CompWRT102Analytical Read/Writ
EG13Intro to LitLIT200Perspectives/Lit
EG33Struct EnglishWRT1XXStruct English
EG54Short StoryLIT291Short Story
EG57Lit of BibleLIT390Bible as Literature
EG83ShakespeareLIT323Shakespeare I
EK11Elem of EconECO2XXElem of Econ
EK21MacroeconomicsECO200Prin Econ-Macro
EK22MicroeconomicsECO201Prin Econ-Micro
ENG101Standard Freshman CompFCO105Rhetorical Comm
ENG102Intro to LitLIT200Perspectives/Lit
ENG121Tech WritingFCO215Tech/Scientfc Comm
ENG131Creative WritingWRT272Intro Creative Wrt
ENG141Intro to NovelLIT32219th Century Novel
ENG201Adv Expos WritingWRT315Advanced Compositn
ENG206The Short StoryLIT291Short Story
ENG207Mass MediaCM211Mass Communication
ENG212Cont Global LiteratureLIT2XXCont Global Literature
ENG214Eng Lit IILIT284Brt Lit after 1750
ENG215Amer Lit ILIT281Amer Lit to 1885
ENG216Amer Lit IILIT282Amer Lit after 1885
ENG221The Art of PoetryCRW372Poetry Writing
ENG296Special Topics HonorsFCO2XXSpecial Topics Honors
ENV115Environmental IssuesBIO1XXBiology Elective no lab
ES15Intro to GeologyESS1XXIntro to Geology
ES17Intro to WeatherESS1XXIntro to Weather
ES21Solar SystemESS154Intro/Astronomy
ESC101Intro to GeologyESS1XXIntro to Geology
ESC102Evol of Earth & LifeESS1XXEvol of Earth & Life
FA21Elec Page DesART1XXElec Page Des
FA22Elec IllusART1XXElec Illus
FA24Basic Graph DesART1XXBasic Graph Des
FA31Intro Comp DesignART1XXIntro Comp Design
FA33Drawing IART215Drawing I
FA36Life Draw IIART1XXLife Draw II
FA91Photography IART245Photography I
FRE101Elem French IFRN101Elem French I
GEO102Cult & EnvironmentG1XXCult & Environment
GR25Typo DesignART1XXTypo Design
GR26Print Media IART1XXPrint Media I
GR27Print Media IIART1XXPrint Media II
HC11Health ConcNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
HC11Health ConcPE1XXPhys Ed Elect
HC22Safe & First AidED307Responding/Emerg
HC44Group DynamicsCM1XXGroup Dynamics
HIS101West Civ IHIS101Western Civ I
HIS102West Civ IIHIS102Western Civ II
HIS103Found Am HistHIS111American Civ I
HIS104Mod Amer HistHIS367Recent Amer/1945-Prs
HIS104Mod Amer HistHIS112American Civ II
HIS106Hist of Long IslandHIS1XXHist of Long Island
HS11West Civ IHIS101Western Civ I
HS12West Civ IIHIS102Western Civ II
HS33Found Am HistHIS111American Civ I
HS34Mod Am HistHIS112American Civ II
HS90Hist of ReligionREL265World Religions
HUM111The HolocaustHUM1XXThe Holocaust
HUM121Creative ImagHUM1XXCreative Imag
ID11Civ: Hum Exp IHUM1XXCiv: Hum Exp I
ID21Human SexualityNPE1XXHuman Sexuality
LAW111Bus Law IBUS260Legal Environment
LAW212Bus Law IIBUS2XXBus Law II
LIB101Research EssIFL1XXResearch Ess
MA21Surv of Math ReasMAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MA22Surv/Cont MathMAT1XXSurv/Cont Math
MA22Surv/Cont MathMAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MA23Statistics IMAT250Statistics
MA23Statistics IBEH260Statistics
MA23Statistics IQBA260Business Statistics
MA27Algebra IIMAT102Prelim Math/Prob Solv
MA61Fund of Precalculus IMAT1XXFund of Precalculus I
MA61Fund of Precalculus IMAT108Precalculus
MA62Fund Precalc IIMAT108Precalculus
MA64Cal/Non-Sci MajMAT120Applied Calculus
MA70Precalc MathMAT108Precalculus
MA87Cal/Anal Geo IMAT171Calculus I
MA88Cal/Anal Geo IIMAT172Calculus II
MAR105Intro to OceanographyBIO124Oceanography
MAR111Marine BiologyBIO210Marine Biology
MAT101Surv Math ReasonMAT1XXSurv Math Reason
MAT101Surv Math ReasonMAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MAT102Surv/Cont MathMAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MAT102Surv/Cont MathMAT1XXSurv/Cont Math
MAT103Statistics IBEH260Statistics
MAT103Statistics IMAT250Statistics
MAT103Statistics IQBA260Business Statistics
MAT104Statistics IIMAT1XXStatistics II
MAT111Algebra IIMAT102Prelim Math/Prob Solv
MAT121Finite MathMAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MAT124Fund of Precalc IMAT108Precalculus
MAT125Fund of Precalculus IIMAT1XXFund of Precalculus II
MAT126Precalculus MathMAT108Precalculus
MAT131Calculus for Non-SciMAT120Applied Calculus
MAT141Calc w/Analytic Geom IMAT171Calculus I
MAT142Calc w/Analytic Geom IIMAT172Calculus II
MAT205Discrete MathMAT235Discrete Mathemtcs
MET101Intro to WeatherESS1XXIntro to Weather
MFT110Interpret Eng DrawingsEGR1XXInterpret Eng Draw
MFT210Comp Graphics AppEGR1XXComp Graphics App
MKT101MarketingMKT100Prin Marketing
MKT107Consumer BehaviorMKT1XXConsumer Behavior
MKT216Prin of SalesMKT220Personal Selling
MKT297Ind StudyMKT2XXInd Study
MU11Understanding MusicMUS200Music Appreciation
MU40Music FundamentalsMUS181Found Music Theory
MU53Fret-Board HarmMUS1XXFret-Board Harm
MU54Hist Rock and RollMUS288History Rock/Roll
MU86Piano Non-MajMUS103Piano
MUS101Understanding MusicMUS200Music Appreciation
MUS101Understanding MusicMUS186Listening to Music
MUS103Hist of Rock and RollMUS288History Rock/Roll
MUS105History of JazzMUS286Jazz History
MUS117Music FundMUS181Found Music Theory
MUS120Voice ClassMUS1XXVoice Class
MUS122Music Theory IMUS182Music Theory I
MUS123Aural Skills IMUS184Sight Singing I
MUS124Piano IMUS140Class Piano
OC15Intro to OceanBIO124Oceanography
PC11Intro Psych IPSY100General Psychology
PC60Develop PsychNUR201Nursing HD/HC
PC60Develop PsychPSY1XXDevelop Psych
PC64Child/Adol PsyPSY221Child/Adol Develop
PC66Social PsychPSY243Social Psychology
PC80Abnormal PsychPSY230Abnormal Psych
PE13Weight TrainingPE119Physical Fitness
PE13Weight TrainingPE118Physical Fitness
PE14Begin TennisPE159Tennis
PE19Fit WalkingPE1XXFit Walking
PE28BowlingPE110Beginning Bowling
PE41Step AerobicsPE1XXStep Aerobics
PE47YogaPE163Intro to Yoga
PE55Intro to SwimPE120Beginning Swimming
PE96WellnessPE134Concpts Phys Actvty
PED113Weight TrainingPE119Physical Fitness
PED113Weight TrainingPE118Physical Fitness
PED113Weight TrainingPAW119Physical Fitness
PED114Beginning TennisPE159Tennis
PED119Fitness WalkingPE1XXFitness Walking
PED126PilatesPE165Intro to Pilates
PED128BowlingPE110Beginning Bowling
PED130Life FitnessPE134Concpts Phys Actvty
PED137Yoga FusionPE163Intro to Yoga
PED141Club DancePE1XXClub Dance
PED144Body ToningPE1XXBody Toning
PED145Team Sports & CondPE1XXTeam Sports & Cond
PED147YogaPE163Intro to Yoga
PED155Intro to SwimmingPE120Beginning Swimming
PED163Cardio KickboxingPE1XXCardio Kickboxing
PH71Physics IPHY110Gen Phys:Mech/Ht
PHL101Iss in PhilosophyPHL221Intro Philosophy
PHL201History of PhilosophyPHL2XXHistory of Philosophy
PHL211Biomedical EthicsPHL346Bioethics
PHL213Philosophy of Animal RightsPHL2XXPhil of Animal Rights
PHY101College Physics IPHY110Gen Phys:Mech/Ht
PHY102College Physics IIPHY112Gen Phys:Elc/Magn
PHY130Physics IPHY1XXPhysics Elect No Lab
PHY130Physics IPHY160Eng Phys:Mechncs
PL11Issues in PhilosophyPHL221Intro Philosophy
PL14Critical ThinkPHL222Critical Thinking
PL18World PhilosophyPHL1XXWorld Philosophy
PL30Phil of RelPHL383Philos Of Religion
PO20State Local GovPS242State/Local Govt
PO40World PoliticsPS1XXWorld Politics
POL103State and Local GovtPS242State/Local Govt
POL105American Natl Pol/GovPS101Amer Gov/Citizenship
POL107World PoliticsPS1XXWorld Politics
PSY101Intro to PsychologyPSY100General Psychology
PSY203Child PsychologyPSY223Early Child Develp
PSY210Dev PsychologyNUR201Nursing HD/HC
PSY210Dev PsychologyPSY2XXDev Psychology
PSY213Exceptional ChildPSY227Psych Excep Child
PSY214Child and Adol PsychPSY221Child/Adol Develop
PSY215Abnormal PsychPSY230Abnormal Psych
PSY216Social PsychologyPSY243Social Psychology
PSY220Ed PsychologyEDU375Psy Learning/Second
PSY220Ed PsychologyEDU370Psych of Learning
SL10Amer Sign Lang ICM150Beg Sign Language
SO11Intro SociologySOC100Intro Sociology
SO33Marriage & FamSOC225The Family
SOC101Intro to SociologySOC100Intro Sociology
SP11Elem Spanish ISPN101Elem Spanish I
SP51Int Spanish ISPN201Inter Spanish I
SPN101Elem Spanish ISPN101Elem Spanish I
SPN102Elem Spanish IISPN102Elem Spanish II
SPN113Intens Elem Span I & IISPN101Elem Spanish I
SPN113Intens Elem Span I & IISPN102Elem Spanish II
SPN120Basic Conv Span ISPN1XXBasic Conv Span I
SPN201Intermed Spanish ISPN201Inter Spanish I
SPN202Intermed Spanish IISPN202Inter Spanish II
SPN220Span Conv & CompSPN2XXSpan Conv & Comp
SPN221Cult & Civ SpainSPN307Span Culture/Civ
TH21Acting ITHE262Acting
THR101Understanding TheatreTHE254Intro Theatre
THR105Acting ITHE262Acting
VA18Art History IIART205Survey West Art II
VA33Drawing IART215Drawing I
VA55Painting IART220Painting I
VA55Painting IART114Concepts/Painting
VA91Intro to PhotoART245Photography I
SUNY Center AlbanyYork College of Pennsylvania
AANT108Cultural AnthroANT220Cult Anthropology
AANT318Human Anat & Physio IIBIO222Human A/P II
AARH205Myths Greek/RomanHUM2XXMyths Greek/Roman
AARH263American Film GenresFLM216Intro to Film
ABIO120Gen Biology IBIO150Intro Molecular Bio
ABIO121General Biology IIBIO152Evol/Ecol & Divers
ABIO212YIntro GeneticsBIO240Genetics
ABIO217Cell BiologyBIO358Cell/Moleclr Bio
ABIO330Prin Ecology and EvolBIO3XXPrin Ecology and Evol
ACAS110Int Methods ResearchNPE1XXInt Methods Research
ACAS210Adv Meth ResearchNPE2XXAdv Meth Research
ACHM105Chem in our LivesCHM240Perspect/Molecular
ACHM120Gen Chem ICHM1XXChem Elect No Lab
ACHM120Gen Chem ICHM134Gen Chem I
ACHM220Organic Chem ICHM234Organic Chem I
ACHM220Organic Chem ICHM2XXChemistry Elect No Lab
ACLC134Hist of Ancient RomeHIS1XXHist of Ancient Rome
ACLL102LElem Latin IILAT102Elem Latin II
ACLL201Intro to Latin Lit ILAT2XXIntro to Latin Lit I
ACOM203YSpeech Comp & PresCM104Human Communicatn
AECO110MicroeconomicsECO201Prin Econ-Micro
AENG100ZIntro Analytical WrtFCO105Rhetorical Comm
AENG102ZIntro Creative WritingCRW272Intro Creative Wrt
AENG121Reading LitLIT200Perspectives/Lit
AENG144LReading ShakespeareLIT1XXReading Shakespeare
AENG205ZIntro Writ Eng StudWRT2XXIntro Writ Eng Stud
AENG210Intro English StudiesLIT2XXIntro English Studies
AENG222World LiteratureLIT2XXWorld Literature
AENG223Short StoryLIT319The Short Story
AENG240VRewriting AmericaWRT2XXRewriting America
AENG261American Lit TradLIT2XXAmerican Lit Trad
AENG292British Lit TraditionLIT2XXBritish Lit Tradition
AENG305VStudies in Writing TextsWRT3XXStudies in Writing Texts
AENG310Read and Intpre Eng StudLIT3XXRead and Intpre Eng Stud
AENG343Authors After Mid 18th CenLIT283Anc-Early Mod Brit Lit
AENG343VAuthors After Mid 18th CentLIT284Mod to Postmod Brit Lit
AENG350Comp Writers at WorkWRT3XXComp Writers at Work
AENG373Literature of the AmericasLIT3XXLit of the Americas
AENG413YAmerican Lit & CultLIT281Amer Lit/Identity I
AENG450YTopics in Writing: LoveWRT4XXTopics in Writ: Love
AFRE221YIntermed French IFRN201Inter French I
AFRE222YIntermed French IIFRN202Inter French II
AHIS101Amer Pol Social Hist IIHIS112American Civ II
AITA103Intermed Italian IITL2XXIntermed Italian I
AITA104Intermed Italian IIITL2XXIntermed Italian II
AMAT100Precalculus MathematicsMAT108Precalculus
AMAT106Surv of CalculusMAT120Applied Calculus
AMAT108Elem StatisticsQBA260Business Statistics
AMAT108Elem StatisticsMAT250Statistics
AMAT108Elem StatisticsBEH260Statistics
AMAT112Calc IMAT171Calculus I
AMUS110Rudiments of MusicMUS1XXRudiments of Music
AMUS182Univ Percussion EnsembleMUS1XXUniv Pers Ensemble
AMUS219Rock Music in HistoryMUS288History Rock/Roll
APHI110Intro Philosophical ProblemsPHL221Intro Philosophy
APOS101WAmerican PoliticsPS101Amer Gov/Citizenship
APSY101Intro PsychologyPSY100General Psychology
APSY203Psychology of Child DevelopPSY223Early Child Develp
APSY205ZWriting English StudiesWRT2XXWriting English Studies
AREL100Intro to Study of RelgREL1XXIntro to Study of Relg
ASOC115Intro SociologySOC100Intro Sociology
ASOC115MIntro to SociologySOC100Intro Sociology
ASPN103Int Spanish ISPN201Inter Spanish I
ASPN103IIntermed Spanish ISPN201Inter Spanish I
ASPN103LInt Spanish ISPN201Inter Spanish I
ASPN104Int Spanish IISPN202Inter Spanish II
ASPN104LInt Spanish IISPN202Inter Spanish II
ASPN200Intermediate Span ISPN201Inter Spanish I
ASPN201Intermed Spanish IISPN202Inter Spanish II
AWSS240Classism, Rcsm, SxsmBEH2XXClassism, Rcsm, Sxsm
BITM215Information Tech for BusinessIFS105Personal Computing
BLAW220Bus LawBUS260Legal Environment
GINS398Eng ImaginationINT3XXEng Imagination
IINF100XInfo in 21st CenturyIFS1XXInfo in 21st Century
RCRJ201Intro to Crim JustCJA101Intro Crim Justice
RPOS101American PoliticsPS101Amer Gov/Citizenship
RPOS103Political TheoryPS110Intro Poli Science
RPOS329Bureactc PoliticsPS3XXBureactc Politics
UUNI100UThe Freshman Year ExpFYS100First Year Seminar
UUNI110Writing & Crit InquiryFCO105Rhetorical Comm
UUNI152MProj Ren 1: TechnologyHUM1XXProj Ren 1: Technology
UUNI350ST: Div in ComputingIFS1XXST: Div in Computing
SUNY FarmingdaleYork College of Pennsylvania
ART201Surv Art History: Pre-MidART204Survey West Art I
ART202Survey of Art History: Ren-PreART205Survey West Art II
ART320Art Hist: Amer ArtART393American Art
BCS102Computer Con & AppsIFS105Personal Computing
BCS102Intro to ComputersIFS105Personal Computing
BCS102Computer Con & AppsIFS100Info Tech Competncy
BCS130Website Dev IIFS1XXWebsite Dev I
BCS191Intro to ComputersIFS105Personal Computing
BCS195Adv Microcomp ApplIFS1XXAdv Microcomp Appl
BCS202Comp Appl for BusIFS2XXComp Appl for Bus
BCS208Networking Fund IIFS325Intro Networks
BCS209Networking Fund IIIFS2XXNetworking Fund II
BCS300Management Info SystemsIFS305Management Info Sys
BIO120General BiologyBIO204Exploring Biology
BIO123Hum Body/Hlth & DiseaseBIO1XXHum Body/Hlth & Disease
BIO130Bio Prin IBIO150Biology I
BIO131Biological Principles IIBIO152Biology II
BIO170Hum Anatomy & PhysBIO1XXHum Anatomy & Phy I
BIO170Hum Anatomy & PhysBIO220Human A/P I
BIO171Hum Anatomy & Phys IIBIO222Human A/P II
BIO192Biology I (Botany)BIO1XXBiology I (Botany)
BIO193Biology II (Zoology)BIO1XXBiology II (Zoology)
BIO197Human BioBIO1XXBiol Elect No Lab
BIO212Bioscience Lab PracticesBIO2XXBiology Elective no lab
BIO220Med MicrobiologyBIO230Microbiology
BIO223Prin of EcologyBIO300Ecology
BIO244Gen MicrobiologyBIO230Microbiology
BUS101Accounting IACC220Financial Acct
BUS101Accounting IACC1XXAccounting I
BUS102Accounting IIACC225Managerial Acct
BUS109Mgt Theories & PractMGT150Prin of Management
BUS111Intro to BusinessBUS150Intro to Business
BUS121Business MathematicsMAT1XXBusiness Math
BUS131Marketing PrinciplesMKT100Prin Marketing
BUS141Contemp Bus CommFCO210Comm Prof Cultures
BUS201FinanceFIN300Managrl Finance I
BUS202Bus Law IBUS260Legal Environment
BUS220Financial Information SystemsIFS2XXFinancial Info Systems
BUS232Electronic CommerceBUS2XXElectronic Commerce
BUS240Business StatisticsQBA260Business Statistics
BUS254SalesmanshipMKT220Personal Selling
BUS257Advertising PrinMKT330Advertising
BUS259Public RelationsBUS2XXPublic Relations
BUS267Small Business MgmtMGT2XXSmall Business Mgmt
BUS278Business Law IIBUS2XXBusiness Law II
BUS280International BusinessIBS200Internatl Business
BUS305EntrepreneurshipENT150Intro Entrepreneur
BUS327Risk Mgmt & InsuranceFIN330Risk Mgmt/Insurance
BUS404Fin Markets & InstFIN340Financial Institutions
CHM140Intro Gen, Org & BiochemCHM122Prin Gen/Org Chem
CHM152General Chemistry Prin ICHM134Gen Chem I
CHM153General Chemistry Prin IICHM136Gen Chem II
CRJ100Intro to Criminal JusticeCJA101Intro Crim Justice
CRJ101Law Enf & Comm RelCJA1XXLaw Enf & Comm Rel
CRJ102Juv DelinquencyCJA110Juvenile Delinquncy
CRJ115Computer ForensicsCJA1XXComputer Forensics
CRJ200WCriminal InvestigationCJA305Crim Investigation
CRJ204Criminal LawCJA2XXCriminal Law
CRJ205Crim Proc LawCJA2XXCrim Proc Law
CRJ211Law Enf AdminCJA2XXLaw Enf Admin
CRJ314Security Law & PolicyCJA3XXSecurity Law & Policy
ECO110Intro Personal FinanceBUS218Personal Finance
ECO156Prin of Economics (Macro)ECO200Prin Econ-Macro
ECO157Prin of Economics MicroECO201Prin Econ-Micro
EGL101Comp: RhetoricWRT102Analytical Read/Writ
EGL102Comp: LiteratureWRT202Academic Writing
EGL200ShakespeareLIT323Shakespeare I
EGL209Technical CommunicationWRT210Writng/Prof Culturs
EGL214Intro to PoetryLIT343Exper of Poetry
EGL310Tech WritingWRT210Writng/Prof Culturs
FRE101French IFRN101Elem French I
HIS114West Civ IHIS101Western Civ I
HIS115West Civ IIHIS102Western Civ II
HIS121US History to ReconstructionHIS111American Civ I
HIS122U.S. Hist Since ReconstrHIS112American Civ II
HIS123American ExperienceHIS111American Civ I
HIS125Amer ExperienceHIS112American Civ II
HIS126The West & the WorldHIS101Western Civ I
HIS213Peoples & Cult of AsiaHIS2XXPeoples & Cult of Asia
HIS215The World of IslamREL2XXThe World of Islam
HST101Current Issues in HealthHSC1XXCurrent Issues in Health
IND301Operations ManagementMGT350Operations Mgmt
MLG300Intl CinemaFLM3XXIntl Cinema
MLG311Italian Amer ExperiencesINT3XXItal Amer Experiences
MTH102Elem Discrete Math ModelsMAT1XXElem Discrete Math
MTH107Intro to Math IdeasMAT1XXIntro to Math Ideas
MTH110StatisticsQBA260Business Statistics
MTH116Coll Algebra & TrigMAT105College Algebra
MTH129Precalc with ApplMAT108Precalculus
MTH130Calc I with ApplMAT120Applied Calculus
MTH150Calculus IMAT171Calculus I
MTH253Diff EquationsMAT272Diff Equations
PED106Intro to BowlingPE110Beginning Bowling
PED125Intro to Beg RacquetballPE1XXIntro to Beg Racquetball
PHY114Physical Sci: EnvironmentPSC1XXPhysical Sci: Environment
PHY116Phys Sci: MeteorologyPSC1XXPhys Sci Elect No Lab
PHY117Phys Sci: Solar AstronomyESS1XXEarth Sci Elect No Lab
PHY135College Physics IPHY110Gen Phys:Mech/Ht
POL167Amer Nat GovtPS141American Governmnt
POL250American National GovtPS101Amer Gov/Citizenship
PSY101Intro to PsychologyPSY100General Psychology
PSY232Child DevelopmentPSY221Child/Adol Develop
PSY234Social PsychPSY243Social Psychology
PSY235Abnormal PsychologyPSY230Abnormal Psych
PSY238Psych of Hum SexPSY2XXPsych of Hum Sex
PSY242Ed PsychologyEDU375Psy Learning/Second
PSY242Ed PsychologyEDU370Psych of Learning
PSY331Industrial/Org PsychologyPSY363Indust/Org Psych
SMT225Sport MarketingSPM330Sport Marketing
SMT310Intro to Sport MgtSPM3XXIntro to Sport Mgt
SOC122Introductory SociologySOC100Intro Sociology
SOC223Social Problems & InstSOC220Am Social Problems
SOC229Minorities in Amer SocSOC2XXMinorities in Amer Soc
SOC310Seminar in SociologySOC3XXSeminar in Sociology
SPA141Spanish I (Elementary)SPN101Elem Spanish I
SPA143Spanish III IntermediateSPN201Inter Spanish I
SPA144Spanish IV IntermediateSPN202Inter Spanish II
SPE130Public SpeakingCM212Public Speaking
SPE130Public SpeakingCM104Human Communicatn
SPE201Oral CommunicationsCM104Human Communicatn
THE133Intro to TheatreTHE254Intro Theatre
VIS110Drawing IART215Drawing I
VIS112Two-Dim DesignART210Design I
VIS114Prin of ColorART1XXPrin of Color
VIS120Drawing IIART265Drawing II
VIS122Typography IART218Typography I
VIS124Photography IART245Photography I
Susquehanna UniversityYork College of Pennsylvania
ACCT200Financial AcctACC220Financial Acct
ACCT210Legal EnvironmentBUS260Legal Environment
ACCT301Intermed Acct IACC3XXIntermed Acct I
ACCT302Intermed Accounting IIACC3XXIntermed Accounting II
ACCT330Cost ManagementACC310Cost Accounting
ANTH110Intro to ArchaeologyANT230Intro Archaeology
ANTH162Cult AnthroANT220Cult Anthropology
ANTH200Native Amer CultANT2XXNative Amer Cult
ARTD101Intro Art History IART204Survey West Art I
ARTD102Intro Art History IIART205Survey West Art II
ARTD111Found of Art IART210Design I
ARTD111Found of Art IART110Concepts of Design
ARTD243Digital PhotographyART246Digital Photography
ARTG251Computer App in Graphic DesART235Concpts Comp Grhcs
ARTG252Visual CommunicationsART200Intro Graphic Design
ARTH101Art History IART204Survey West Art I
ARTS111Foundations of Art IART210Design I
ARTS112Foundations of Art IIART211Design II
BI101Ecology, Evolution & HeredityBIO150Biology I
BI102Cell & Organismal BiologyBIO152Biology II
BIO101Ecol, EvolutionBIO152Biology II
BIO102Cell/Orgnism BioBIO152Biology II
BIOL010Neuroscience and SocBIO1XXBiology Elective no lab
BIOL101Ecology, Evol & HeredityBIO152Biology II
BIOL102Cell & Organismal BiologyBIO150Biology I
BIOL205Organismal BiologyBIO2XXOrganismal Bio
BUS101Bus AwarenessBUS1XXBus Awareness
BUS202Bus StatisticsQBA260Business Statistics
CH341Phys Chem ICHM344Physical Chem I
CHE102College Chem IICHM136Gen Chem II
CHE221Organic Chem ICHM234Organic Chem I
CHEM101Gen Chem ICHM134Gen Chem I
CHEM102Gen Chem IICHM136Gen Chem II
CHEM103Gen Chem ICHM134Gen Chem I
CHEM221Organic Chem ICHM234Organic Chem I
CHEM222Organic Chem IICHM236Organic Chem II
CHEM231Quant AnalysisCHM336Quant Analy Chm
CHEM341Physical Chem ICHM346Physical Chm II
CHEM400Research ExperienceCHM4XXResearch Experience
CHEM505SeminarCHM4XXChemistry Elect No Lab
CHNS101Beg Chinese IL1XXBeg Chinese I
COMM100Grammar for CommCM1XXGrammar for Comm
COMM101Essentials of Digital MediaCM1XXEssentials of Digital Media
COMM102Methods: Adobe Creative SuiteCM1XXMethods: Adobe Creative Suite
COMM131Introduction to JournalismCM1XXIntroduction to Journalism
COMM190Comm/Media TheoryCM2XXIntro to Comm/Media Theory
COMM192Public SpeakingCM212Public Speaking
COMM194Intercul CommunicationCM1XXIntercul Communications
COMM201Ethics and LeadershipCM2XXEthics and Leadership
COMM202Digital Media AnalyticsCM2XXDigital Media Analytics
COMM211Advertising & Public RelationsPR221Intro Public Relations
COMM221Corporate CommunicationsCM328Organizational Comm
CSCI181Prin Comp SciCS101Fund Comp Sci I
CSCI181Prin Comp SciCS1XXPrin Comp Sci
CSCI281Data StructuresCS2XXComputer Sci Elect
DIVS100Intro to Diversity StudiesBEH1XXIntro to Diversity Stud
ECO201Macro-EconomicsECO200Prin Econ-Macro
ECOL100Intro EcologyBIO1XXIntro Ecology
ECON105Elements of EconomicsECO1XXElements of Econ
ECON201Prin of MacroeconECO200Prin Econ-Macro
ECON202Prin MicroeconECO201Prin Econ-Micro
ECON311Int MacroeconomicsECO310Int Macro Econ
EDUC100Intro Human GeographyG243Intro Geography
EDUC101Intro to Education/SocEDU1XXIntro to Ed/Soc
EDUC102Found of EducationEDU200Found of Education
EDUC200Intro to Ed & SocED2XXIntro to Ed & Soc
EDUC201Found of EdED2XXFound of Ed
EDUC330Tech in EdED200Instructnl Technlgy
EDUC365Preschool Lang & LitEDU3XXPreschool Lang & Lit
EN100Writing & ThinkingWRT101English Comp
ENG100Writing SeminarWRT101English Comp
ENG200Lit and CultureWRT200Wrtng About Lit
ENGL100Writing and ThinkingFCO105Rhetorical Comm
ENGL100Writing/ThinkingWRT102Analytical Read/Writ
ENGL190Intro to Modern PublishingCRW1XXIntro to Modern Publishing
ENGL200Lit & CultureLIT200Perspectives/Lit
ENGL200Lit & CultureLIT2XXLit & Culture
ENGL205Liv LiteratureLIT200Intro Lit & Text Stud
ENGL205ALiving WritersLIT2XXLiving Writers
ENGL240Literary ThemesLIT2XXLiterary Themes
ENGL269Eng Grammar & Wrt ProcLIT310Language/Linguistics
ENGL290Aesthetics and InterpretationLIT2XXAesthetics and Interpre
ENGL345Amer Lit 1865-PresLIT282Amer Lit after 1885
FILM150Intro to FilmFLM216Intro to Film
FILM220Intl FilmFLM2XXIntl Film
FILM300Cult FilmFLM3XXCult Film
FILM300BHist of Horror FilmsFLM3XXHist of Horror Films
FINC340Cor Financial MgmtFIN300Managrl Finance I
FLM150Intro to FilmFLM216Intro to Film
FRE101Beg French IFRN101Elem French I
FRNC101Beginning French IFRN101Elem French I
FRNC201Inter French IFRN201Inter French I
GEO102Envirnmt HazardsBIO1XXEnvirnmt Hazards
GERM101Beg German IGRM101Elem German I
GERM102Beg German IIGRM102Elem German II
HIST111US History to 1877HIS111American Civ I
HIST112US History since 1877HIS112American Civ II
HIST131Europe 800-1648HIS101Foundation/West
HIST151Traditional East AsiaINT144Intro East Asia
HIST171African CivINT143Intro Africa
HIST172Early Modern AfricaHIS1XXEarly Modern Africa
HIST180Latin America 1492-1825HIS1XXLatin America 1492-1825
HIST181Lat Amer Hist 1825-PresHIS343Modern Latin Amer
HONS200Thought & CivHUM2XXThought & Civ
HONS210Thought & the ArtsHUM2XXThought and the Arts
HONS240Thought Soc DiversitySOC315Ethnic/Minorities
HS172Early Mod AfricaH305History Africa II
HST132Europe 1648-PresentH220Hist Western Civ II
INF100Using ComputersIFS105Personal Computing
INFS100Using ComputersIFS105Personal Computing
INFS174Database MgmtIFS1XXDatabase Mgmt
IS172Sys Analysis & DesIFS1XXSys Analysis & Des
ITAL100Italian ConvITL101Elem Italian I
ITAL101Beg Italian IITL101Elem Italian I
MA121Linear AlgebraMAT260Elem Linear Algebra
MAT111Calculus IMAT171Calculus I
MAT122Calculus IIMAT172Calculus II
MATH101Precalculus MathMAT108Precalculus
MATH105Intro TopicsMAT1XXIntro Topics
MATH108Introduction to StatisticsQBA260Business Stats I
MATH108Introduction to StatisticsBEH260Statistics
MATH108Introduction to StatisticsMAT250Statistics
MATH111Calculus IMAT171Calculus I
MATH112Calculus IIMAT172Calculus II
MATH141Intro to StatsBEH260Statistics
MATH141Intro to StatsQBA260Business Statistics
MATH141Intro to StatsMAT250Statistics
MATH180Statistical MethodsMAT250Statistics
MATH201Linear AlgebraMAT260Elem Linear Algebra
MGMT102Global Bus PerspMGT1XXGlobal Bus Persp
MGMT105Profess DevelopmentBUS1XXProfess Development
MGMT195Global Business PerspectivesMGT1XXGlobal Business Perspectives
MGMT202Bus StatsMAT250Statistics
MGMT202Bus StatsQBA260Business Statistics
MGMT203Quant Methods for BusQBA2XXQuant Meth for Bus
MGMT240Prin of ManagementMGT150Prin of Management
MGMT280MarketingMKT100Prin Marketing
MKTG280MarketingMKT100Prin Marketing
MUS074OrchestraMUS164Symphony Orchestra
MUS101Intro to MusicMUS200Music Appreciation
MUSC083University ChoraleMUS150YCChorale
MUSC099Conc of the ArtsHUM1XXConc of the Arts
MUSC101Intro to MusicMUS186Listening to Music
MUSC102A Study of JazzMUS286Jazz History
MUSC105Musical ActivismMUS1XXMusical Activism
MUSC367Computer Music CompositionMUS3XXComputer Music Composition
PHIL101Probs in PhilPHL221Intro Philosophy
PHIL122Resolv Moral ConflictsPHL223Cont Moral Problems
PHIL150Everyday EthicsPHL341Ethics
PHIL221Environmental EthicsPHL240Environmentl Ethics
PHIL226Phil, Ethics, & the EnvironmenPHL240Environmentl Ethics
PHYS100Astron & Class PhysicsESS154Intro/Astronomy
PHYS101Intro Physics IPHY110Gen Phys:Mech/Ht
PHYS205Intro Physics IIPHY112Gen Phys:Elc/Magn
POLI111American Govt & PolPS101Amer Gov/Citizenship
POLI121Comp Govt & PolPS260Comparative Politics
POLI131World AffairsPS1XXWorld Affairs
POLI202State Govt & PolPS242State/Local Govt
POLI205Res Proc & Data AnalyPS2XXRes Proc & Data Analy
POLI226Soviet & Russian PoliticsPS247Govt/Pol Russia
POLI312Elections in AmericaPS305Parties/Campgn/Elec
POLI341Amer Pol ThoughtPS361Amer Polit Thought
PRDV100Using ComputersIFS105Personal Computing
PSY101Prin of PsyPSY100General Psychology
PSY123Elem StatisticsMAT250Statistics
PSY200Health PsychPSY2XXHealth Psych
PSY223Psych Rsrch MethPSY270Design Analysis I
PSY230Social PsychPSY343Social Psychology
PSY240AdulthoodPSY325Adult Development
PSY241Abnormal PsychPSY341Abnormal Psych
PSY334Gender StereotypePSY3XXGender Stereotype
PSY343Learn & MotivPSY3XXLearn & Motiv
PSYC101Prin of PsychologyPSY100General Psychology
PSYC123Elem StatisticsBEH260Statistics
PSYC223Research Methods in PsychPSY2XXResearch Methods in Psy
PSYC230Social PsychologyPSY243Social Psychology
PSYC238Dev Psych: ChildPSY221Child/Adol Develop
PSYC239Develop Psych: AdolPSY221Child/Adol Develop
PSYC337Psy of Exceptional IndivPSY227Child Exceptionalts
REL103New TestamentREL1XXNew Testament
RELI101Intro to Religious StudiesREL1XXIntro to Religious Studies
RELI104Ethics in Biblical StoriesREL1XXEthics in Biblical Stories
RELI105World ReligionsREL265World Religions
RELI110Intro to Religious StudiesREL1XXIntro to Religious Studies
RELI115Jewish Phil & EthicsREL1XXJewish Phil & Ethics
RELI201Hebrew BibleREL2XXHebrew Bible
RELI305Fiction of CS LewisREL3XXFiction of CS Lewis
RELI313Church History 1500-PresREL3XXChurch Hist 1500-Pres
RELI350Sci & ReligionREL3XXSci & Religion
ROTC101Intro to ROTCNPE1XXIntro to ROTC
ROTC201Self/Team DevelopmentNPE1XXSelf/Team Development
SOC101Prin of SociologySOC100Intro Sociology
SOCI101Prin of SociologySOC100Intro Sociology
SOCI102Soc ProbSOC220Am Social Problems
SPAN101Beg Span ISPN101Elem Spanish I
SPAN102Beg Spanish IISPN102Elem Spanish II
SPAN103Intro Coll Spanish ISPN101Elem Spanish I
SPAN104Intro Coll Spanish IISPN102Elem Spanish II
SPAN150Intro SpanishSPN102Elem Spanish II
SPAN201Int Spanish ISPN201Inter Spanish I
THE152Intro to TheatreTHE254Intro Theatre
THE200Dramatic LitTHE2XXDramatic Lit
THEA100Introduction to TheatreTHE154Introduction to Theatre
THEA142Stagecraft & ProdTHE1XXStagecraft & Prod
THEA143Scenic Painting & LightTHE1XXScenic Paint & Light
THEA144Costume TechnologyTHE222Costume Construction
THEA151Acting ITHE262Acting
THEA152Intro to TheatreTHE254Intro Theatre
THEA253Non-West TheatreTHE415Non-Western Theatre
THEA340Stage Mgt & Theatre OpTHE3XXSt Mgt & Theatre Op
THEA345Lighting DesignTHE321Lighting Design
THEA452Theatre SeminarTHE4XXTheatre Seminar
THEA501Lab: Theatre OperTHE2XXLab: Theatre Oper
WGST100Women & Gender StudiesWGS200Women/Gender Stud
WMST100Intro to Wm StudiesWGS200Women/Gender Stud
WRIT252Intro PoetryLIT243Poetry and Poetics
WRIT253Intro Creative NonfictionCRW373Creative Nonfiction
WRIT280Creative WrtWRT310Creative Writing
WRIT280BIntro to PoetryLIT343Exper of Poetry
WRIT380Adv Nonfict: Pers EssayWRT3XXAdv Nonfict: Pers Essay
WRIT580Ind Wrt ProjectWRT3XXInd Wrt Project
WST151Women's StudiesWGS200Women/Gender Studies
WST210Women SpiritaltyWGS2XXWomen Spiritalty
WST502Domestic ViolenceWGS3XXDomestic Violence
Sussex County Community CollegeYork College of Pennsylvania
ACCT101Accounting Principles IACC220Financial Acct
ACCT102Accounting Principles IIACC225Managerial Acct
ACCT201Int Acct IACC320Inter Accounting I
ACCT202Int Acct IIACC2XXInt Acct II
AMSL101Amer Sign Lang ICM150Beg Sign Language
ANTH101Intro AnthropologyANT1XXIntro Anthropology
ANTH110Physical AnthropologyANT210Physical Anthropol
ANTH220Environment & Cult BehANT2XXEnvironment & Cult Beh
ARTA101Basic DesignART110Concepts of Design
ARTA101Basic DesignART210Design I
ARTA103Art History IART204Survey West Art I
ARTA104Art History IIART205Survey West Art II
ARTA106Art AppreciationART101Intro Art Apprec
ARTA108Basic DrawingART215Drawing I
BIOS101General BiologyBIO110General Biology
BIOS101General BiologyBIO204Exploring Biology
BIOS102Intro to Human BiologyBIO112Fund Human Bio
BIOS110Biology IBIO150Biology I
BIOS112Biology IIBIO152Biology II
BIOS122Environmental ScienceBIO212Environmntl Bio
BUS205Bus Law IBUS260Legal Environment
BUSA101Intro to BusinessBUS150Intro to Business
BUSA110Bus CommWRT210Writng/Prof Culturs
BUSA205Business Law IBUS260Legal Environment
BUSA211Mgmt & Org BehMGT150Prin of Management
BUSA215Prin of Fin MgmtFIN2XXPrin of Fin Mgmt
BUSA220Principles of MarketingMKT100Prin Marketing
CHEM100Intro ChemistryCHM122Prin Gen/Org Chem
CHEM101College Chem ICHM134Gen Chem I
CHEM103Intro ChemistryCHM134Gen Chem I
CHEM112Coll Chem IICHM136Gen Chem II
CHEM250Special Topics in ChemistryCHM2XXChemistry Elective No Lab
COLL101Foundations for SuccessFYS100First Year Seminar
COMM101Intro to Mass CommCM211Mass Communication
COMS110Computer Concepts & ApplIFS105Personal Computing
COMS112Fund of Computer ScienceCS1XXFund of Computer Science
COMS120Comp Software ApplCS1XXComp Software Appl
CRJS100Intro Crim Justice SysCJA101Intro Crim Justice
CRJS101Law EnforcementCJA1XXLaw Enforcement
CRJS110Criminal LawCJA1XXCriminal Law
CRJS115Juvenile JusticeCJA1XXJuvenile Justice
CRJS141Motor Vech Law and TrafficCJA1XXMotor Vech Law/Traffic
CRJS150Police Patrol AdminCJA1XXPolice Patrol Admin
ECON101MacroeconomicsECO200Prin Econ-Macro
ECON102MicroeconomicsECO201Prin Econ-Micro
ELET105Electronic CircuitsECE1XXElectronic Circuits
ENGL101English Comp IFCO105Rhetorical Comm
ENGL102English Comp IIWRT202Academic Writing
ENGL102English Comp IILIT200Perspectives/Lit
ENGL102Eng Comp IIWRT202Academic Writing
ENGL118The Short StoryLIT291Short Story
ENGL201Effective SpeakingCM212Public Speaking
ENGL201Effective SpeakingCM104Human Communicatn
ENGL204Amer Lit IILIT282Amer Lit after 1885
ENGL207Literature By WomenWGS382Women In Literature
ENGL207Literature By WomenLIT382Women In Literature
ENGL211The Short StoryLIT291Short Story
ENGL215Journalism ICM271Print Media Writing
ENGL216Children's LiteratureLIT2XXChildren's Literature
ENGL217Journalism IICM2XXJournalism II
ENVS101Intro Environ SciBIO212Environmntl Bio
FORL104Elem German IIGRM102Elem German II
FORL105Elementary Spanish ISPN101Elem Spanish I
FORL106Elementary Spanish IISPN102Elem Spanish II
FREN102Elem French IIFRN102Elem French II
FREN201Int French IFRN201Inter French I
GEOG105Cult GeographyG100World Reg Geography
GEOL101Intro GeologyESS1XXIntro Geology
GRAD101Intro Graphic DesART134Concpts Comp Grhcs
GRAD127Layout & DesignART1XXLayout & Design
HIST101Hist West Civ IHIS101Western Civ I
HIST102Hist West Civ IIHIS102Western Civ II
HIST105U.S. History IHIS111American Civ I
HIST106U.S. History IIHIS112American Civ II
HUMN101Surv of World Cult IHUM1XXSurv of World Cult I
HUMN102Surv of World Cult IIHUM1XXSurv of World Cult II
MATH104Contemporary MathematicsMAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MATH106Math ConceptsMAT105College Algebra
MATH108StatisticsQBA260Business Statistics
MATH110Pre-Calculus IMAT1XXPre-Calculus I
MATH112Pre-Calculus IIMAT108Precalculus
MATH113Calculus IMAT171Calculus I
MATH210StatisticsQBA260Business Statistics
MUSC105Chorus IMUS150YCChorale
MUSC106Chorus IIMUS151YCChorale
PERA102Acting ITHE262Acting
PERA103Acting IITHE1XXActing II
PHIL110Philos & Meaning of LifePHL221Intro Philosophy
PHIL201Comp ReligionsREL265World Religions
PHOT110Photography IART245Photography I
PHYS110Physics IPHY110Gen Phys:Mech/Ht
PHYS120Physics I with CalcPHY160Eng Phys:Mechncs
PHYS250Spec Topics in PhysicsPHY2XXPhysics Elect No Lab
POLS101Intro Pol SciPS1XXIntro Pol Sci
POLS105American GovernmentPS101Amer Gov/Citizenship
PSYC101General PsychologyPSY100General Psychology
PSYC103Fresh SeminarPSY1XXFresh Seminar
PSYC111Child PsychologyPSY221Child/Adol Develop
PSYC201Abnormal PsychologyPSY230Abnormal Psych
PSYC203Theories of PersonalityPSY2XXTheories of Personality
PSYC280Ed PsychologyEDU370Psych of Learning
PSYC280Ed PsychologyEDU375Psy Learning/Second
SOCA101Intro to SociologySOC100Intro Sociology
SOCA115Intro Soc & EnvirSOC1XXIntro Soc & Envir
SOCA215Persp on Race, Gender, ClassSOC2XXRace, Gender, Class
SPAN101Elem Spanish ISPN101Elem Spanish I
SPAN102Elem Spanish IISPN102Elem Spanish II
Syracuse UniversityYork College of Pennsylvania
AAS400Race, Crime, PunCJA3XXRace, Crime, Pun
AAS445Caribbean Sex, Cap, TourBEH4XXCaribbean Sex, Cap, Tour
BIO121General BiologyBIO150Biology I
BIO123General BiologyBIO152Biology II
CFS388Hum SexualityPSY3XXHum Sexuality
CHE106General Chemistry ICHM1XXChemistry Elective no lab
CHE106General Chemistry ICHM134Gen Chem I
CHE113Forensic ScienceCCJ236Criminalistics
CHE113Forensic ScienceCCJ237Criminalistics Lab
CHE113Forensic ScienceFCM211Criminalistics Lab
CHE113Forensic ScienceFCM210Criminalistics
CHE116General Chemistry IICHM1XXChemistry Elective no lab
CHE116General Chemistry IICHM136Gen Chem II
COM107Comm and SocietyCM211Mass Communication
CRS181Concepts and Pers Comm StudCM1XXConcepts/Pers Comm
CRS183Concepts & Persp in RhetoricCM1XXConcepts & Persp Rhet
CRS225Public AdvocacyCM212Public Speaking
CRS325Presentational SpeakingCM246Comm/Business Prof
DTS244Beg Modern IPE117Modern Dance
DTS249Latin & Salsa DancePE2XXLatin & Salsa Dance
ECN102Introductory MacroeconomicsECO200Prin Econ-Macro
ECN203Economic Ideas & IssuesECO2XXEconomic Ideas & Issues
ECS100Cyber SecurityIFS1XXCyber Security
EDU204Learn Incl ClsrmsEDU2XXlearn Incl Clsrms
EDU304Study of TeachingEDU3XXStudy of Teaching
EDU310American SchoolEDU3XXAmerican School
ENI010Marching BandMUS1XXMarching Band
ENI020Basketball BandMUS1XXBasketball Band
ETS142Narr of CultureLIT1XXNarr of Culture
ETS181Class and Lit TextsLIT200Intro Lit & Text Stud
ETS192Gender & LitLIT1XXGender & Lit
ETS215Poetry WorkshopLIT343Exper of Poetry
FIA105Arts & Ideas IART101Intro Art Apprec
FIA165Understanding Music IMUS200Music Appreciation
FRE101French IFRN101Elem French I
FRE201French IIIFRN201Inter French I
GEO103Amer & Glob EnvG1XXAmer & Glob Env
GEO103Environ and SocESS1XXEarth Science Elect no lab
GEO155Nat EnvironmentG1XXNat Environment
GOL395OceanographyBIO3XXBiology Elect No Lab
HIS131The World at WarHIS1XXThe World at War
HOM195Performance LiveMUS1XXPerformance Live
HST101Amer Hist to 1865HIS111American Civ I
HST102Amer Hist Since 1865HIS112American Civ II
ITA100LAC-Comm & Cult IITL1XXLAC-Comm & Cult I
ITA101Italian IITL101Elem Italian I
ITA201Italian IIIITL2XXItalian III
MAG300Travel WritingINT3XXTravel Writing
MAT187Elements of Mod MathMAT1XXElements of Mod Math
MAT221Prob & Statistics IMAT250Statistics
MAT221Prob & Statistics IQBA260Data Driven Dec Making
MAT221Prob & Statistics IBEH260Statistics
MAT275Abstract MathMAT2XXAbstract Math
MAT295Calculus IMAT171Calculus I
MAT296Calculus IIMAT172Calculus II
MAT331Linear AlgebraMAT260Elem Linear Algebra
MAT397Calculus IIIMAT271Calculus III
MAT412Found of CalculusMAT371Adv Calculus I
MAT521Prob & StatsMAT350Probability/Stats
MAT541Intro Number TheoryMAT3XXIntro Number Theory
MAT551Fund Conc GeometryMAT340Intro Geometry
MAX123Crit Iss for U.S.BEH1XXCrit Iss for U.S.
PAF101Intro to Analysis Pub PolPS1XXIntro to Analysis Pub Pol
PAF101Intro to Analysis Pub PolPS1XXIntro to Analysis Pub Pol
PAF410Literacy in Urban EducationEDU4XXLit in Urban Edu
PED203Tai Chi IPE164Intro to Tai Chi
PHI107Theories/Knowl & RealPHL1XXTheories/Knowl & Real
PHI191Ethics & Value TheoryPHL341Ethics
PHO555Photo for NewspaperART4XXPhoto for Newspaper
PHY211Gen Physics IPHY160Eng Phys:Mechncs
PHY212Gen Physics IIPHY260Eng Phys:Elct/Magn
PSC121Amer Nat Govt & PolPS141American Governmnt
PSC353Intl OrganizationPS306Internat Organiztns
PSY205Found Human BehaviorPSY100General Psychology
PSY274Social PsychologyPSY243Social Psychology
PSY315Drugs & Hum BehPSY3XXDrugs & Hum Beh
PSY335Psych of ChildhoodPSY221Child/Adol Develop
PSY375Cross-Cult PsychPSY3XXCross-Cult Psych
RED326Lit Across CurrEDU3XXLit Across Curr
REL101Religions of the WorldREL265World Religions
REL400Classical MythREL3XXClassical Myth
SOC101Intro to SociologySOC100Intro Sociology
SOC377Class, Status & PowerSOC3XXClass, Status & Power
SOC400Dynamics Prej/DiscrimSOC4XXDynamics Prej/Disc
SPA102Spanish IISPN102Elem Spanish II
SPA200Spanish Grammer/Con/CultSPN2XXSpan Grammer/Con/Cult
SPA201Spanish IIISPN201Inter Spanish I
SPE311Persp in DisabilitiesSPE3XXPersp in Disabilities
SPM205Prin of Sport MgmtSPM2XXPrin of Sport Mgmt
WRT105Writing Studio IFCO105Rhetorical Comm
WRT114Writing CultureWRT1XXWriting Culture
WRT205Studio 2: Crit ResWRT202Academic Writing
WRT205Studio 2: Crit ResFCO2XXStudio 2: Crit Res
WRT307Adv Studio: Profess WritingWRT3XXAdv Studio: Profes Wrtg
WRT422The Lyric EssayWRT4XXThe Lyric Essay
Temple UniversityYork College of Pennsylvania
AAAS0829Hist Signif Race America HIS1XXHist Signif Race Amer
AAAS0834Representing Race HUM1XXRepresenting Race
AAAS0857Sport & Leisure in Amer SPM130Sport in Society
AAAS1271Urban Black Politics PS1XXUrban Black Politics
AAAS2175Hip Hop and Black Culture HUM1XXHip Hop and Black Culture
AAS0829Hist Sig Race in Amer ANT1XXHist Sig Race in Amer
AAS0834Representing Race BEH1XXRepresenting Race
AAS1261Africa in 20th Cent HIS141History Africa II
AAS4248Dim of Racism BEH4XXDim of Racism
ACCT0001Princ of Acct I ACC220Financial Acct
ACCT2101Fin Acct ACC220Financial Acct
ACCT2102Managerial Acct ACC225Managerial Acct
ACCT2521Cost Accounting ACC225Managerial Acct
ACCT2901Financial Acct ACC220Financial Acct
ACCT3511Intermed Acct I ACC320Inter Accounting I
ADV0853Advert & Glob MKT1XXAdvert & Glob
ADV1101Intro Media & Society CM211Mass Communication
ADV1102Intro to Advertising BUS1XXIntro to Advertising
ADV1141Intro Adv Res MKT1XXIntro Adv Res
AFR0829Hist Sig Race in Amer HIS1XXHist Sig Race in Amer
AFR-AME126Africa in 20th Cent HIS141History Africa II
AFR-AME4248Dim on Racism BEH4XXDim on Racism
AFR-AMEC06Africa in 20th Cent HIS141History Africa II
AFR-AMER348Dimensions of Racism BEH3XXDimensions of Racism
AMER ST0103Amer Plces: Hme, City, Reg BEH1XXAmer Plces: Hme,City,Reg
AMER ST0801Phila Arts & Cult HUM1XXPhila Arts & Cult
AMST0801Phila Arts & Cult ART1XXPhila Arts & Cult
AMST0862First Person America HUM1XXFirst Person America
AMSTC051American Lives HUM1XXAmerican Lives
ANTH0814Human Ecology ANT1XXHuman Ecology
ANTH0815Language in Society ANT1XXLanguage in society
ANTH0817Youth Cult ANT1XXYouth Cult
ANTH0834Representing Race ANT1XXRepresenting Race
ANTH0915Language in Society ANT1XXLang in Society
ANTH1064American Culture ANT1XXAmerican Culture
ANTH2227Pop Cult Mod Italy ITL2XXPop Cult Mod Italy
ANTH2507Fund of Ling Anthro ANT2XXFund of Ling Anthro
ANTHC064Amer Culture ANT1XXAmer Culture
ANTHR060Intro to Anthropology ANT210Physical Anthropol
ANTHW120Fund Cult Anthro ANT220Cult Anthropology
ANTHRO0320Field Session Arch ANT2XXField Session Arch
ANTHRO0321Meth in Archaeology ANT2XXMeth in Archaeology
ANTHRO0815Lang in Society ANT1XXLang in Society
ANTHRO1062Intro Anthropology ANT1XXIntro Anthropology
ANTHRO3536Urban Dialects ANT3XXUrban Dialects
ANTHROC061Cultures of the World ANT2XXCultures of the World
ANTHROC064Amer Culture ANT2XXAmer Culture
ANTHROC065Origins of Cult Divers ANT220Cult Anthropology
ANTHROR060Intro to Anthropology ANT1XXIntro to Anthropology
AOD0066Interpersonal Comm/Lifespan CM329Interpersonal Comm
AOD0836Interpersonal Comm CM329Interpersonal Comm
ARBC1001Arabic Elements I ARB101Elem Arabic I
ARBC1002Arabic Elements II ARB102Elem Arabic II
ARCHC001Intro to Design & Envir ART1XXIntro to Design & Envir
ART H0055Art Heritage Wes World I ART204Survey West Art I
ART H0055Art Her Wes World I ART204Survey West Art I
ART H0056Art Her West World II ART205Survey West Art II
ART H0151American Art ART393American Art
ART H0201Euro Crafts ART2XXEuro Crafts
ART H1101Art Heritage W. World I ART204Survey West Art I
ART H1102Art Her West World II ART205Survey West Art II
ART H1148Intl Cinema FLM1XXIntl Cinema
ART H1155Art Her West World I ART204Survey West Art I
ART H1156Art Her West World II ART205Survey West Art II
ART H1956Art Hert West World II ART205Survey West Art II
ART H2300Special Topics ART2XXSpecial Topics
ART H2321Masters Ren Art ART2XXMasters Ren Art
ART H2622Galleries & Studios ART2XXGalleries & Studios
ART HC051Visual Experience ART101Intro Art Apprec
ARTH0803Sacred Space ART1XXSacred Space
ARTH0808Arts of West World ART1XXArts of West World
ARTU1501Intro to Vis Lang Design ART101Art/Visual Culture
ASIA ST0868World Soc Lit & Film HUM1XXWorld Soc Lit & Film
ASST0811Asian Behavior & Thought INT1XXAsian Behavior & Thought
ASST0863Relg of the World REL265World Religions
ASST0868World Soc in Lit & Film HUM2XXWorld Soc in Lit & Film
BA0510Man People & Organ MBA539Org Theory/Behavior
BA1001Business Seminar I BUS1XXBusiness Seminar I
BA2101Prof Develop Strategies BUS1XXProf Develop Strategies
BA2196Bus Comm CM246Comm/Business Prof
BA3102Business Society & Ethics BUS3XXBusiness Society & Ethics
BIOE0844The Bionic Human BIO1XXThe Bionic Human
BIOL0848DNA: Friend or Foe BIO1XXBiology Elect No Lab
BIOL1001Human Biology BIO112Fund Human Bio
BIOL1011General Biology I BIO151Biology I Lab
BIOL1011General Biology I BIO150Biology I
BIOL1012General Biology II BIO152Evol/Ecol & Divers
BIOL1111Organs Biology BIO152Evol/Ecol & Divers
BIOL1111Organs Biology BIO153Evol/Ecol/Div Lab
BIOL1112Intro to Biomol, Cells, Genome BIO150Intro Molecular Bio
BIOL1112Intro to Biomol, Cells, Genome BIO151Intro Mole Bio Lab
BIOL1911Hnrs Intro to Biology I BIO152Biology II
BIOL2112Introduction to Bio II BIO204Exploring Biology
BIOL2227Princ of Ecology BIO2XXPrinc of Ecology
BIOL2912Hrs Intro to Biology II BIO150Biology I
BIOLC084General Biology II BIO152Evol/Ecol & Divers
BIOLOGY0101Intro to Biology BIO152Biology II
BIOLOGYC071Human Biology BIO112Fund Human Bio
BIOLOGYC083General Biology I BIO110General Biology
BIOLOGYC084General Biology II BIO110General Biology
BIOLOGYH093Sp Top in Honors BIO1XXBiol Elective No Lab
BTMM1021Mass Media & Soc CM211Mass Communication
BUS ADM0050Intro to Business Sem BUS1XXIntro to Business Sem
BUS ADM2196Bus Comm WRT210Writng/Prof Culturs
C+IN SCC055Computers & Appl IFS105Personal Computing
C+R PLN0081Intro Comm & Reg Plan BEH1XXIntro Comm & Reg Plan
C+R PLN0807People, Places & Env BEH1XXPeople, Places & Env
C+R PLNC061People and Places BEH2XXPeople and Places
CHEM0121Organic Chem I CHM234Organic Chem I
CHEM0122Organic Chemistry II CHM236Organic Chem II
CHEM0821Chemistry of Wine CHM1XXChemistry of Wine
CHEM1011Chem: Study of Matter I CHM1XXChemistry Elect No Lab
CHEM1021Intro to Chemistry I CHM122Prin Gen/Org Chem
CHEM1021Intro to Chemistry I CHM1XXChemistry Elect No Lab
CHEM1022Intro to Chem II CHM1XXIntro to Chem II
CHEM1027Applications of Chemistry CHM1XXApplications of Chemistry
CHEM1031General Chemistry I01CHM134Gen Chem I
CHEM1031Gen Chem I CHM134Gen Chem I
CHEM1031General Chemistry I01CHM135Gen Chem I Lab
CHEM1031Gen Chem I CHM1XXChemistry Elect No Lab
CHEM1032General Chemistry II02CHM136Gen Chem II
CHEM1032General Chemistry II02CHM137Gen Chem II Lab
CHEM1033General Chemistry Lab I01  
CHEM1034General Chemistry Lab II02  
CHEM1041Gen Chem Sci I CHM1XXChemistry Elect No Lab
CHEM1041Gen Chem Sci I CHM134Gen Chem I
CHEM1951General Chemistry I CHM134Gen Chem I
CHEM2201Organic Chem I CHM2XXChem Elect No Lab
CHEM2201Organic Chem I CHM234Organic Chem I
CHEM2202Organic Chem II CHM2XXChem Elect No Lab
CHEMC061Intro to Chemistry I CHM134Gen Chem I
CHEMC062Intro to Chemistry II CHM136Gen Chem II
CHEMC071General Chemistry I CHM1XXChem Elect No Lab
CHEMC071General Chemistry I CHM134Gen Chem I
CHEMC072General Chemistry II CHM136Gen Chem II
CHEMC072General Chemistry II CHM1XXChem Elect No Lab
CHEMC072General Chemistry II CHM136Gen Chem II
CHEMH091Honors Gen Chem I CHM134Gen Chem I
CIS0822Tech Horizons IFS1XXTech Horizons
CIS0823Math for a Digital World MAT1XXMath for a Digital World
CIS0835Cyberspace & Society IFS1XXCyberspace & Society
CIS1001Intro Acad Comp Sci IFS1XXInfo Sys Elective
CIS1166Math Concepts Comp I MAT1XXMath Concepts Comp I
CIS1968Honors Program Design IFS1XXHonors Program Design
CJ0812Criminal Behavior CCJ1XXCriminal Behavior
CJ0852Justice in America CCJ1XXJustice in America
CJ0853Doing Justice CCJ1XXDoing Justice
CJ1001Intro Criminal Justice CCJ101Intro Crim Justice
CJ2001Intro Juv Justice CCJ110Juvenile Delinquncy
CJ2002Victims in Society CCJ2XXVictims in Society
CJ2401Nature of Crime CCJ2XXNature of Crime
CJ2501Intro Criminal Law CCJ302Criminal Law
CJ2501Intro Crim Law CJA302Criminal Law
CJ3404Urban Crime Patterns CCJ3XXUrban Crime Patterns
CJ4002Drugs, Crime & Crim Just CCJ4XXDrugs, Crime & Crim Justi
CJ4007Computer Crime CCJ4XXComputer Crime
CLA1001CLA First Year Experience FYS1XXCLA First Year Experience
CMST1111Comm and Public Life CM1XXComm and Public Life
CMST2111Communications Sem CM2XXComm Sem
COMP0050College Comp WRT102Analytical Read/Writ
COMPTER0001Foundation Computer IFS1XXFoundation Computer
CRAFTS0151Beg Ceramics ART225Ceramics I
CRAFTS0153Jewelry ART1XXJewelry
CRAFTS3371Silkscreen Fabric I ART3XXSilkscreen Fabric I
CRFT2259Glass for Non-Tyler ART2XXGlass for Non-Tyler
CRIM0103Crim Courts & Crim Just CJA1XXCrim Courts & Crim Just
CRIM0130Nature of Crime CJA1XXNature of Crime
CRIM0150Intro Crim Law CJA302Criminal Law
CRIM0160Crim Just Res CJA1XXCrim Just Res
CRIM0353Crit Iss/Law Enforce CJA3XXCrit Iss/Law Enforce
CRIM1001Intro Crim Just CJA101Intro Crim Justice
CRIM4003Urban Min/Crim Jus CJA4XXUrban Min/Crim Jus
CRIMC050Intro Crim Just CJA101Intro Crim Justice
CRIMR335Urban Min/Crm Jus CJA3XXUrban Min/Crim Jus
CRIM JU0141Victims in Society CJA310Victimology
CRP0807People, Places, & Environ BEH1XXPeople, Places, Enviro
CRP5524Spatial Tech/GIS G361Intro to Geo Info Sys
CRP8013Planning History MPA512History & Theory Urban Plan
CRP8513Planning Analysis MPA510Quant Analy Pol & Adm
CSCD0108Intro Linguistics LIT310Language/Linguistics
CSI1111Public Speaking CM212Public Speaking
DANC0806Jazz Century PAW1XXJazz Century
DANC0827Phila Dance Experience PE1XXPhila Dance Exp
DANC0831Shall We Dance? PAW1XXShall We Dance?
DANC1804Jazz I PE1XXJazz I
DANCC110Entry to Dance as Art PE117Modern Dance
DANCE0030Classical Ballet Level I PE1XXClassical Ballet Level I
DANCE0828Embodying Pluralism BEH1XXEmbodying Pluralism
DANCEC110Entry to Dance as Art PE117Modern Dance
DANCEH195Dance Hum Soc HUM2XXDance Hum Soc
DANCER280Dance, Movement & Pluralism HUM2XXDance, Movement & Pluralism
EARTH1001Intro to Geology ESS1XXIntro to Geology
EARTH1021Catastrophic Geology ESS1XXCatastrophic Geology
ECE0822Invest in the Future ECE1XXInvest in the Future
ECON1101Macroecon ECO200Prin Econ-Macro
ECON1102Microecon ECO201Prin Econ-Micro
ECON1901Macroecon ECO200Prin Econ-Macro
ECONC051Macroeconomic Principles ECO200Prin Econ-Macro
ECONC052Microecon Prin ECO201Prin Econ-Micro
ECONH093Econ Prin-Honors ECO2XXEcon Prin-Honors
ED ADM0402Act & Collab Res Sem MED501Intro Ed Research
EDAD0855Higher Educ & Amer Life EDU1XXHigher Ed & Amer Life
EDUC0122Dev Ind Across Lifespan EDU1XXDev Ind Across Lifespan
EDUC0815Lang in Society LIT1XXLang in Soc
EDUC0817Youth Cultures EDU1XXYouth Cultures
EDUC0819Tweens and Teens EDU1XXTweens and Teens
EDUC0823Kids, Comm and Contvrsy EDU1XXKids, Comm, Contvrsy
EDUC0865Albums and Algorithms EDU1XXAlbums and Algorithms
EDUC1017Algebra for Educators MAT115Math Foundations
EDUC1196Ed Sch & Ind US Soc EDU1XXEd Sch & Ind US Soc
EDUC1255Incl Educ Diverse Soc EDU1XXIncl Educ Div Soc
EDUC1322Dev Ind Across Lifespan EDU1XXDev Ind Across Lifespan
EDUC2103Socio-Cult Founds Ed SOC2XXSocio-Cult Founds Ed
EDUC2205Curr Inst Tech in Ed EDU2XXCurr Inst Tech in Ed
EDUC2289Field Experience EDU2XXField Experience
EDUC2306Assess & Eval EDU2XXAssess & Eval
EDUCATI0155Incl Educ Diverse Soc EDU1XXIncl Educ Div Soc
EDUCATIX060Ed Sch & Indiv in US Soc EDU1XXEd Sch & Indiv US Soc
EES0836Disasters: Geology V Hlwd ESS1XXEarth Science Elective
EES0837Evol & Extinctions NPE1XXEvol & Extinctions
EES0873Evil Plots IFS1XXEvil Plots
EES2001Physical Geology ESS2XXPhysical Geology
ELECTR0001Intro to Electrical Eng ME1XXIntro to Electrical Eng
ELECTR1012Intro Electrical Eng ECE1XXIntro Electrical Eng
ENES0220Tchg Lit in Community EDU1XXTchg Lit in Community
ENG0701Intro Acad Discourse WRT100Intro College Writ
ENG0802Analytical Reading/Writ FCO105Rhetorical Comm
ENG0822Shakespeare in the Movies FLM2XXShakespeare in the Movies
ENG0826Creative Acts LIT2XXCreative Acts
ENG0857Detective Novel LIT1XXDetective Novel
ENG0902Hnrs Lit/Reading/Writing WRT102Analytical Read/Writ
ENG0902Honors Lit/Read/Writ FCO105Rhetorical Comm
ENG1002College Composition WRT102Analytical Read/Writ
ENG1197Intro to Literature LIT200Perspectives/Lit
ENG2596Writing for Bus & Ind WRT210Writng/Prof Culturs
ENG3521Contemporary Poetry LIT3XXContemporary Poetry
ENGC056American Lit LIT281Amer Lit to 1885
ENGR050College Comp FCO105Rhetorical Comm
ENGW103Writing/Research Essay WRT100Intro College Writ
ENGX084Intro to Literature LIT200Intro Lit & Text Stud
ENGL0115Surv Eng Lit 1660-1900 LIT284Brt Lit after 1750
ENGL0505Crit, Theory, Culture LIT1XXCrit, Theory, Culture
ENGL0630Eng Lit of the Ren LIT1XXEng Lit of the Ren
ENGL0701Intro Acad Discourse WRT102Analytical Read/Writ
ENGL0802Analyt Read & Writ WRT202Academic Writing
ENGL0834Representing Race LIT1XXRepresenting Race
ENGL0835St in Maj 20th Cent Poets LIT1XXSt in Maj 20th Cent Poets
ENGL0849Dissent in Amer HUM1XXDissent in Amer
ENGL0902Lit/Rdg/Writing WRT202Academic Writing
ENGL1001Acad Discourse WRT100Intro College Writ
ENGL1002Coll Comp WRT102Analytical Read/Writ
ENGL1022College Comp WRT102Analytical Read/Writ
ENGL1301American Lit LIT2XXAmerican Lit
ENGL2097Intro Engl Studies LIT200Perspectives/Lit
ENGL2097Intro Eng Studies LIT200Perspectives/Lit
ENGL2201Surv Eng Lit Be-1660 LIT283British Lit to 1750
ENGL2296Creat Wrt: Fiction WRT2XXCreat Wrt: Fiction
ENGL2297Shakespeare LIT323Shakespeare I
ENGL2301Surv Am Lit I LIT281Amer Lit to 1885
ENGL2302Surv Amer Lit II LIT282Amer Lit after 1885
ENGL2711Intro Cinema Studies FLM216Intro to Film
ENGL3002Contemp Criticism LIT210Criticism/Theory
ENGL3524Adv Contemp Lit LIT3XXAdv Contemp Lit
ENGLC050College Comp WRT102Analytical Read/Writ
ENGLR125Afr-Amer Lit I LIT1XXAfr-Amer Lit I
ENGLISH0111Intro to Linguistics WRT1XXIntro to Linguistics
ENGLISH1001Acad Discourse WRT102Analytical Read/Writ
ENGLISH2202Surv Eng Lit 1660-1900 LIT284Brt Lit after 1750
ENGLISH2302Surv Amer Lit II LIT282Amer Lit after 1885
ENGLISH2402Afr-Amer Lit II LIT203African/Amer Lit
ENGLISH3512Iss in Mod Lit LIT3XXIss in Mod Lit
ENGLISHC050College Composition WRT102Analytical Read/Writ
ENGLISHH090Lit & Comp Hon WRT102Analytical Read/Writ
ENGLISHW107Creat Wrt: Poetry WRT310Creative Writing
ENGR0011Engineering Graphics EGR1XXEngineering Graphics
ENGR1101Intro/Engr/Tech EGR1XXIntro/Engr/Tech
ENGR1102Intro Engr Prob Solve EGR1XXIntro Engr Prob Solve
ENGR1117Engineering Graphics EGR1XXEngr Graphics
ENGR2011Engineer Analysis EGR1XXEngineer Analysis
ENGRG0001Intro Engr & Engr Tech EGR1XXIntro Engr & Engr Tech
ENGRG1101Engr & Engr Tech EGR1XXEngr & Engr Tech
ENGRG1117Eng Graphics EGR1XXEng Graphics
ENST0842Sustainable Environments HRT1XXSustainable Environments
ENVIRO0238Envir Prob in Asia INT2XXEnvir Prob in Asia
ENVT0845The Environment BIO1XXThe Environment
ENVTC010Intro to Environment ESS1XXEarth Sci Elective No Lab
EPBI2219Biostatistics BIO290Biostatistics
FDPR15222D Foundation Princ ART210Design I
FDPR1531Three Dimension ART1XXThree Dimension
FDPR1532Three Dimension ART1XXThree Dimension
FDPR1541Found Computer ART1XXFound Computer
FMA0843Race/Ethnicity in Cinema FLM2XXRace/Eth in Cinema
FMA0869Imaginary Cities FLM1XXImaginary Cities
FMA1141Media Arts I HUM1XXMedia Arts I
FMA1142Media Arts II HUM1XXMedia Arts II
FMA1172Intro: Film & Vid Ana FLM216Intro to Film
FMA2396Screenwriting I CRW277Screenwriting I
FMA2551Editing Film and Video CM2XXEditing Film & Video
FMA2671Film Noir FLM2XXFilm Noir
FOUN0001Found Drawing ART215Drawing I
FOUN00022D Found Prin ART210Design I
FOUN0003Three Dimension ART211Design II
FOUN0004Three Dimension ART1XXThree Dimension
FOUN0005Foun Computer ART1XXFound Computer
FOUN0011Found Drawing ART1XXFound Drawing
FOUN00122D Found Prin ART1XX2D Found Prin
FOUN1511Found Drawing ART215Drawing I
FOUN1512Found Drawing ART1XXFound Drawing
FOUN15212D Found Prin ART110Concepts of Design
FOUN15212D Found Prin ART210Design I
FOUN15222D Found Prin ART1XX2D Found Prin
FOUN1531Three Dimension ART211Design II
FOUN1531Three Dimension ART1XXThree Dimension
FOUN1532Three Dim ART1XXThree Dim
FOUN1541Found Computer ART1XXFound Computer
FREN0062Intermed II FRN202Inter French II
FREN0121Conversation I FRN1XXConversation I
FREN0312French Cinema Mod Man FRN3XXFrench Cinema Mod Man
FREN0395France & USA FRN1XXFrance & USA
FREN1001Intro to French I FRN101Elem French I
FREN1002Intro to French II FRN102Elem French II
FREN1003Intro to French III FRN201Inter French I
FREN2001Intermediate French FRN202Inter French II
FRENC061Intermed I FRN201Inter French I
FRENW122Focus on Comp FRN2XXFocus on Comp
FRENCH0062Intermed II FRN202Inter French II
FRENCHC061Int I FRN201Inter French I
GAD00012-D Foundation Principles ART210Design I
GAD00022-D Foundation Principles ART211Design II
GAD0103Digital Imaging ART1XXDigital Imaging
GAD0116Surv Printmaking Tech ART1XXSurv Printmaking Tech
GAD0133Serigraphy ART1XXSerigraphy
GAD0136Etching ART1XXEtching
GAD0146Intro to Computer Graphics ART1XXIntro to Computer Graphics
GAD0171Photography I ART245Photography I
GAD0173Photography II ART295Photography II
GAD0207Adv Photo Workshop ART345Photography III
GAD0321Adv Etching ART3XXAdv Etching
GAD0338Relief and Monoprint ART3XXRelief and Monoprint
GAD2001Graphic Des ART2XXGraphic Des
GAD2021Comp & Design ART2XXComp & Design
GAD2441Photography I ART245Photography I
GAD2702Surv of Printmaking ART287Printmaking I
GAD2711Serigraphy ART2XXSerigraphy
GAD2731Etching ART2XXEtching
GAD2761Lithography ART2XXLithography
GAD3001Adv Graphic Des ART3XXAdv Graphic Des
GAD3011Typography ART218Typography I
GAD3015Adv Typography ART3XXAdv Typography
GAD3021Intermed Computers ART3XXIntermed Comp
GAD3025Interactive Des ART3XXInteractive Des
GAD3033Illustration ART3XXIllustration
GAD3182Independent Study ART3XXIndependent Study
GAD3831Relief & Monoprint ART3XXRelief & Monoprint
GAD3841Color Print Workshop ART3XXColor Print Workshop
GEOG0131Urb Soc, Global Econ G1XXUrb Soc, Global Econ
GEOG0831Global Cities G2XXGlobal Cities
GEOG0861Urban Dynamics G331Metropolitan Devel
GEOG1021Urban Soc: Race Class G345Urban Geography
GEOGC050Env & Soc G1XXEnv & Soc
GEOGC052Intro to Phys Env G1XXIntro to Phys Env
GEOGC060World Urban Patterns G345Urban Geography
GEOGC062Geog of World Affairs G1XXGeog of World Affairs
GEOGC080Geography of U.S. & Canada G341Geog North America
GEOGR055Urban Society: Race Class G1XXUrban Society: Race Class
GEOL1001Intro to Geology ESS1XXIntro to Geology
GEOL1015Env Resources BIO212Environmntl Bio
GEOLC081Environ Resources BIO212Environmntl Bio
GEOLOGY0210Intro to Hydrology ESS1XXIntro to Hydrology
GEOLOGYC050Intro to Geology ESS1XXIntro to Geology
GER1003Intro German III GRM201Inter German I
GERMAN0051Beg German I GRM101Elem German I
GERMAN0052Beg German II GRM102Elem German II
GERMANC061Int I GRM201Inter German I
GK HBRW0261Topics in Hebrew Cult REL2XXTopics in Hebrew Cult
GK+ROM0260Top Class Cult FLM2XXTop Class Cult
GRC0803Sacred Space REL1XXSacred Space
GRC0804Race Ancient Mediterrean HUM1XXRace Ancient Mediterrean
GRC0829Ancient War Games HIS2XXAncient War Games
GRC2101The Greeks HUM2XXThe Greeks
GUS0072Urban Affairs G1XXUrban Affairs
GUS0821Digital Mapping G1XXDigital Mapping
GUS0842Sustainable Enviro BIO1XXBiology Elec no lab
GUS0862Develop & Globalization G100World Reg Geography
HCMPC050College Composition FCO105Rhetorical Comm
HIM1101Medical Term BIO201Medical Terminology
HIS0829Hist Sig Race in Amer HIS1XXHist Sig Race in Amer
HIST0190Top in World Hist HIS1XXTop in World Hist
HIST0824Gender & World Societies HIS1XXGender & World Societies
HIST0829Hist Signif Race in Amer HIS1XXHist Signif Race in Amer
HIST0848Amer Revolutions HIS112American Civ II
HIST0859Making Am Society HIS112American Civ II
HIST0861Global Slavery HIS1XXGlobal Slavery
HIST0864War and Peace HIS1XXWar and Peace
HIST0867Found Philadelphia HIS1XXFound Philadelphia
HIST0872Turning Points in Hum Hist HIS1XXTurn Pt in Hum Hist
HIST0876Religion in Philadelphia REL1XXReligion in Philadelphia
HIST1001Hist of Philadelphia HIS1XXHist of Philadelphia
HIST1003Hist American West HIS1XXHist American West
HIST1013Hist of Amer Pres HIS1XXHist of Amer Pres
HIST1101Hist of US 1600-1877 HIS111American Civ I
HIST1102Hist of US 1877-Pres HIS112American Civ II
HIST1702Mod Hist Since 1500 HIS122World History II
HIST3215Hist Roots Urban Crime HIS3XXHist Roots Urban Crime
HISTC067Hist of U.S. 1600-1877 HIS111American Civ I
HLTH1201Intro Health Prof BIO100Intro Allied Hl
HLTH RL0100Intro Hlth Prof BIO100Intro Allied Hl
HPM2214Pol & Pay in US Healthcare BEH2XXPol & Pay in US Healthcare
HRM0083Organization & Manag MGT1XXOrganization & Manag
HRM1101Leadership and Org Mgmt MGT150Prin of Management
HRPR1001Public Health: Live Play BEH1XXPublic Health: Live Play
HRPR1201Intro Health Prof BIO100Intro Allied Hl
HUM1101Org & Mgt MGT150Prin of Management
HUM RES0083Org & Manage MGT1XXOrg & Manage
IH0851Mosaic: Hum Sem I HUM1XXMosaic: Hum Sem I
IH0852Mosaic Hum Sem II HUM1XXMosaic Hum Sem II
IH0951Hnrs Mosaic: Humanities Sem I HUM1XXHrs Mosaic: Hum Sem I
IH0951Hon-Mosaic: Hum Sem I HUM1XXHum Sem I
IH0952Hon-Mosaic:Hum Sem II WRT202Academic Writing
IH1196Intellect Heritage I HUM1XXIntellect Heritage I
IH1297Int Heritage II HUM1XXInt Heritage II
IHX051Int Heritage I HUM1XXInt Heritage I
IHX052Intellectual Heritage II HUM1XXIntellectual Heritage II
IHX091Intellectual Hert I LIT1XXIntellectual Hert I
ISYS184Business Systems IFS100Info Tech Competncy
ISYS184Business Systems IFS105Personal Computing
ITAL0052Italian Lang II ITL102Elem Italian II
ITAL1001Ital Lang I ITL101Elem Italian I
ITAL1002Italian Language II ITL102Elem Italian II
ITALIAN0051Elements I ITL101Elem Italian I
ITL1002Italian Language II ITL102Elem Italian II
JOUR1111Journ & Society CM1XXJourn & Society
JOUR1112Wrt for Journalism CM271Print Media Writing
JOUR2301Intro Magazines CM2XXIntro Magazines
JOURN0051Mass Media Writing Lab CM1XXMass Media Writing Lab
JOURN0150Writing for Journalism CM271Journalism
JOURNC055Intro to Mass Media CM1XXIntro to Mass Media
JOURN PC055Journalism and Society CM1XXJournalism and Society
JRN1101Elem of Writing WRT1XXElem of Writing
JRN1111Journalism & Society CM1XXJournalism & Soc
JRN1113Audio/Visual Newsgathering CM1XXAudio/Visual Newsgthrng
JRN1114Design for Journalists WRT1XXDesign for Journalists
JRN1196Writing for Journalism WRT1XXWriting for Journalism
JRN2101Journalism Research WRT2XXJournalism Research
JRN2202Editing the News CM2XXEditing the News
JRN2501Broadcast News Writing CM332Broadcast Media Wrt
JRN3704Ethical Issues in Journ CM3XXEthical Issues in Journ
KINES0019Weight Training PE118Physical Fitness
KINES0080Scuba Diving PE1XXScuba Diving
KINESC100Human Anat & Physio I BIO220Human A/P I
KINESC101Anatomy & Physiology II BIO222Human A/P II
KINS0018Fitness for Life PE134Concpts Phys Actvty
KINS1001Aerobics I PE139Cardiorespty Exercs
KINS1002Zumba Around the World PAW1XXZumba
KINS1019Golf I PE140Fundamentals/Golf
KINS1022Gymnastics I PAW1XXGymnastics I
KINS1026Karate I PE1XXKarate I
KINS1036Personal Defense PAW130Self Defense
KINS1038Phys Act Workshop II PE1XXPhys Act Workshop II
KINS1048Swimming for Non Swim PAW123Learn to Swim
KINS1048Swimming for Non-Swimmer PE120Beginning Swimming
KINS1056Volleyball I PAW160Volleyball
KINS1059Yin Yoga PAW163Yoga
KINS1064Yoga I PE163Intro to Yoga
KINS1201Intro to Kinesiology NPE1XXIntro to Kinesiology
KINS1223Hum Anat & Phys I BIO220Human A/P I
KINS1223Hum Anat & Phys I BIO1XXHum Anat & Phys I
KINS1224Human Anat & Phys II BIO1XXBiology Elective no lab
KINS1224Human Anat & Phys II BIO222Human A/P II
KINS1444Mvmt Injuries Prev & Care SPM2XXMvmt Injuries Prev & Care
KINS2203Phys of Phys Act NPE2XXPhys of Phys Act
KINS2203Physio of Activity SPM2XXPhysio of Activity
KINS2204Motor Behavior SPM2XXMotor Behavior
KINS3202Biomech of Phys Acct NPE3XXBiomech of Phys Acct
KINS3296Social-Psych of Phys Act SPM3XXSocial-Psych of Phys Act
KINS4282Ind Study in Kines NPE4XXInd Study in Kines
KINS4296Hist & Philos of Kines SPM4XXHist & Philo of Kines
KINS4296Hist & Philos of Kines SPM4XXHist & Philos Kines
LARC0841Sustainable Design BEH1XXSustainable Design
LARC0852Green V Gray: Urban Eco BEH1XXGreen V Gray: Urban Eco
LAS0854War in Hazelton BEH1XXWar in Hazelton
LATIN0051Latin Elem I LAT101Elem Latin I
LATIN0052Latin Elem II LAT102Elem Latin II
LATIN0868World Soc Lit & Film INT1XXWorld Soc Lit & Film
LATIN AC050Persp on Latin Am INT1XXPersp on Latin Am
LAW0856Law & Amer Soc PS1XXLaw & Amer Soc
LAW1101Legal Envir of Bus BUS260Legal Environment
LAW SBA1001Law in Society PS210Intro to Law
LAW SBAC001Law In Society PS1XXLaw in Society
LGLS0803Afr Amer, Equality & Law HUM1XXAfr Amer, Equality & Law
LGLS0805Sexual Orien & the Law NPE1XXSexual Orien & the law
LGLS0856Law & Amer Soc PS1XXLaw & Amer Soc
LGLS1101Legal Environment of Bus BUS260Legal Environment
MATH0045Elementary Algebra MAT105College Algebra
MATH0076Calculus with Appl II MAT172Calculus II
MATH0086Calculus II MAT172Calculus II
MATH0122Precalculus MAT108Precalculus
MATH0701Basic Math for Today's World MAT102College Algebra I
MATH0702Intermed Algebra MAT102Prelim Math/Prob Solv
MATH0824Math Patterns MAT1XXMath Patterns
MATH0828Crit Reason & Problem Solving MAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MATH1011College Math MAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MATH1012Elem Math Thought MAT1XXElem Math Thought
MATH1013Elem of Stats QBA260Business Statistics
MATH1013Elem of Stats MAT250Statistics
MATH1013Elem of Stats BEH260Statistics
MATH1015Intro to Numbers & Figures MAT115Math Foundations
MATH1021College Algebra MAT105College Algebra
MATH1022Precalculus MAT108Precalculus
MATH1038Calc with Lab MAT1XXCalc with lab
MATH1038Calc with Lab MAT171Calculus I
MATH1041Calculus I MAT171Calculus I
MATH1042Calculus II MAT172Calculus II
MATH2043Calculus III MAT271Calculus III
MATH2101Linear Algebra MAT260Linear Algebra I
MATH3003Theory of Numbers MAT320Number Theory
MATH3031Prob Theory I MAT350Probability/Stats
MATH3098Modern Algebra MAT361Abstract Algebra
MATH3098Modern Algebra MAT3XXAbstract Algebra I
MATHC055College Math MAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MATHC065Elements of Math Thought MAT1XXElements of Math Thought
MATHC066Intuitive Calc and Appl MAT1XXIntuitive Calc and Appl
MATHC067Elem of Stats MAT250Statistics
MATHC067Elem of Stats QBA260Business Statistics
MATHC067Elem of Stats BEH260Statistics
MATHC073College Algebra MAT105College Algebra
MATHC074Precalculus MAT108Precalculus
MATHC075Calculus with Appl I MAT120Applied Calculus
MATHC085Calculus I MAT171Calculus I
MATHH090Honors: College Math MAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MATHH095Honors Calc I MAT171Calculus I
MATHH096Honors Calc II MAT172Calculus II
MECH EN0001Intro/Mechanical Engr ME1XXIntro/Mechanical Engr
MEE0844The Bionic Human ME1XXThe Bionic Human
MGT INF2101Info Sys Org IFS2XXInfo Sys Org
MIS2101Info Sys Organizations IFS2XXInfo Sys Organizations
MKTG2101Marketing Mgmt MKT100Prin Marketing
MKTG3553International Marketing MKT3XXInternational Marketing
MKTG3596Consumer & Buyer Behavior MKT360Consumer Behavior
MSOM0500Operations Mgmt MBA4XXOperations Mgmt
MSP0821The Future of TV CM1XXThe Future of TV
MSP1021Media and Society CM211Mass Communication
MSP1701Intro Media Tech ART1XXIntro Media Tech
MSP2421Media and Pop Culture HUM2XXMedia and Pop Cult
MUS ED1651Percussion MUS1XXPercussion
MUS ED1653Upper Strings MUS1XXUpper Strings
MUS ED1654Lower Strings MUS1XXLower Strings
MUS ED1655Brass I MUS1XXBrass I
MUS ED1656Brass II MUS1XXBrass II
MUS ED2675Inclusive Vocal Dev MUS2XXInclusive Vocal Dev
MUS ST0802Art of Listening MUS200Music Appreciation
MUS ST0804Shakespeare & Music MUS1XXShakespeare & Music
MUS ST0809World Musics MUS281World Music
MUS ST1701Music Theory MUS181Found Music Theory
MUS ST1711Theory I MUS182Music Theory I
MUS ST1712Theory II MUS183Music Theory II
MUS ST1761Intro to Music MUS200Music Appreciation
MUS STC061Intro to Music MUS200Music Appreciation
MUSC0023Class Voice MUS1XXClass Voice
MUSC3510Marching Band MUS3XXMarching Band
MUSC4352Singing Owls Commun choir MUS1XXSinging Owls comm Choir
MUSIC0024Class Voice MUS1XXClass Voice
MUSIC0279Choral Ensemble MUS150YCChorale
MUSIC0376Marching Band MUS1XXMarching Band
MUSIC0389Collegiate Band MUS1XXCollegiate Band
MUSIC1405Sec Piano for Mus Maj MUS103Piano
MUSIC1501Intrumental Con MUS1XXInstrumental Con
MUSIC3300Choral Ensemble MUS150YCChorale
MUSIC3510Marching Band MUS3XXMarching Band
MUSIC4500Instrumental Ensemble MUS4XXInstrumental Ensemble
MUST0802The Art of Listening MUS1XXThe Art of Listening
MUST0809World Musics and Cult MUS281World Music
MUST0812Exploring Music MUS200Music Appreciation
MUST0812Exploring Music MUS186Listening to Music
MUST0909Hnrs World Music & Cult MUS281World Music
NSCI0817Brain Matters BIO1XXBiology Elect No Lab
NURS1001Intro to Professional Nursing NUR1XXIntro to Professional Nursing
NURSING0110Microbiology BIO230Microbiology
PBHL2219Biostatistics & Public Health BEH2XXBiostats & Pub Health
PDS0001Foundation Drawing ART215Drawing I
PDS0002Foundation Drawing ART215Drawing I
PDS0003Three Dimension ART1XXThree Dimension
PDS0170Sculpture ART230Sculpture I
PDS0254Figure Drawing ART216Figure Drawing I
PDS2011Painting ART220Painting I
PDS2011Painting ART114Concepts/Painting
PDS2321Inter Drawing ART265Drawing II
PDS3211Painting on Paper ART3XXPainting on Paper
PDS3351Rome Sketchbook ART3XXRome Sketchbook
PEH0039Personal Defense - Women PAW130Self Defense
PHIL0839Philo of the Human PHL224Being Human
PHIL0847Meaning of the Arts ART1XXMeaning of the Arts
PHIL1061Art & Society PHL2XXArt & Society
PHIL1076Phil East & West PHL1XXPhil East & West
PHIL1196Introduction to Philosophy PHL221Intro Philosophy
PHIL2144Intro to Philos of Mind PHL2XXIntro to Philos of Mind
PHIL2596Philo Persp on the Enviro PHL240Environmentl Ethics
PHIL3245Philosophy of Psychology PHL3XXPhilosophy of Psych
PHIL4251Philo of Language PHL4XXPhilo of Language
PHILC066Intro to Logic PHL231Logic
PHILOS1061Art & Society PHL2XXArt & Society
PHILOS1062Morality & Law PHL1XXMorality & Law
PHILOS1063American Thinkers PHL221Intro Philosophy
PHILOS1066Intro to Logic PHL231Logic
PHILOS2172Hist Phil-Mod PHL2XXHist Phil-Mod
PHILOS3222Contemp Ethical Theory PHL341Ethics
PHILOSC061Art and Society HUM1XXArt and Society
PHILOSC063Amer Thinkers PHL2XXAmer Thinkers
PHY1061Elem Class Phys I PHY160Eng Phys:Mechncs
PHYS0839Powering the Future PHY1XXPhysics Elect No lab
PHYS0846Universe As We Know It ESS154Intro/Astronomy
PHYS0847How Things Work PSC1XXPhys Sci Elect No Lab
PHYS0872Science of Sound PSC1XXPhys Sci Elect No Lab
PHYS1001Phys: Motion and Matter PHY1XXPhysics Elective no lab
PHYS1005Light, Art & Nature PHY1XXLight, Art & Nature
PHYS1021General Phys I PHY110Gen Phys:Mech/Ht
PHYS1022General Phys I PHY112Gen Phys:Elc/Magn
PHYS1061Elem Classical Phys I PHY160Eng Phys:Mechncs
PHYS1062Elem Classical Phys II PHY260Eng Phys:Elct/Magn
PHYS2021Gen Physics I PHY110Gen Phys:Mech/Ht
PHYS2022Gen Physics II PHY112Gen Phys:Elc/Magn
PHYSC087Elem Classical Phys I PHY160Eng Phys:Mechncs
PHYSC087Elem Classical Phys I PHY161E Phys:Mech Lab
PHYS ED0064Volleyball PE160Volleyball
PHYS EDW205Psychsoc Bases-Human Mvt PE1XXPsychsoc Bases-Hum Mvt
PHYSICSC053PHYS: Motion & Matter PHY1XXPhysics Elect No Lab
PHYSICSC083Coll Physics I PHY1XXColl Physics I
POL0859Making Amer Society SOC220Am Social Problems
POL0859Making Amer Society PS1XXMaking Amer Society
POL0866World Affairs PS1XXWorld Affairs
POL SCI0832Politics of Identity PS1XXPolitics of Identity
POL SCI0862Dev & Globalization PS1XXDev & Globalization
POL SCI1101Amer Pol Sys PS141American Governmnt
POL SCIC051American Pol System PS141American Governmnt
POL SCIC052Foreign Govts PS2XXForeign Govts
POL SCIC053International Politics PS302International Rel
POL SCIR050Indiv Race & Am Pol Life PS2XXIndiv Race & Am Pol Life
POL SCIW101Intro Pol Phil PS2XXIntro Pol Phil
POLS0825Quant Meths in Soc Sci BEH1XXQuant Meths in Soc Sci
POLS0829Hist Sig Race in Amer PS1XXHist Sig Race in Amer
POLS0832Politics of Identity PHL1XXPolitics of Identity
POLS1101Amer Pol Sys PS141American Governmnt
POLS1101American Pol System PS101Amer Gov/Citizenship
POLS1201Foreign Govts PS1XXForeign Govts
POLS1301Intl Politics PS302International Rel
POLS2102Am State + Local Politics PS242State/Local Govt
POLS2255Comp Public Policy PS312Politics Public Pol
POLS3121American Constitu I PS101Amer Gov/Citizenship
POLSC051Amer Pol System PS101Amer Gov/Citizenship
POLSC052Foreign Governments PS2XXForeign Governments
PORT0201Comp & Conv CM2XXComp & Conv
PR1101Practical Grammer for Pub Comm PR1XXPractical Grammer for Pub Comm
PR1112Communicating Leadership PR1XXCommunicating Leadership
PSY0816Workings of the Mind PSY1XXWorkings of the Mind
PSY0818Hum Sexuality PSY1XXHum Sexuality
PSY1001Introduction to Psychology PSY100General Psychology
PSY1002Careers in Psychology PSY1XXCareers in Psych
PSY1003Statistics for Psychology BEH260Statistics
PSY1004Critical Thinking in Psych PSY1XXCrit Thinking in Psych
PSY1009Discovering Psychology PSY1XXDiscovering Psych
PSY1061Psych as a Social Science PSY1XXPsych as a Social Sci
PSY1071Psych as a Natural Sci PSY1XXPsych as a Nat Sci
PSY2101Cognitive Psychology PSY307Cognitive Psych
PSY2103Learning&Behavior Analys PSY2XXLearning&Behavior Analys
PSY2168Inferential Methods QBA265Intro to Analytics
PSY2196Scientific Thinking/Psych PSY2XXScientific Thinking/Psych
PSY2201Found of Psychopathyology PSY2XXFound of Psychopath
PSY2301Founds of Develop Psych PSY2XXFounds of Dev Psych
PSY2301Develop Psychology PSY2XXDevelop Psychology
PSY2301Develop Psychology NUR201Nursing HD/HC
PSY2401Social Psychology PSY243Social Psychology
PSY2501Behavorial Neuroscience BEH2XXBehav Neuroscience
PSY2502Cognitive Neuroscience PSY2XXCognitive Neuroscience
PSY2601Foundations of Health Psych PSY225Health Psychology
PSY2991Honors Research I PSY2XXHonors Research I
PSY3096Conducting Psych Research PSY3XXConducting Psych Research
PSY3301Phases of Develop: Infancy PSY223Early Child Develp
PSY3411Social Cognition PSY3XXSocial Cognition
PSYC050Psy as a Social Science PSY1XXPsy as a Social Science
PSYCH0051Psych as a Nat Science PSY1XXPsych as a Nat Science
PSYCH0070Psych as Nat Sci PSY1XXPsych as Nat Sci
PSYCH0105Learning and Motivation PSY1XXLearning and Motivation
PSYCH0108Cognition PSY1XXCognition
PSYCH0122Inferential Methods PSY1XXInferential Methods
PSYCH0151Theories of Personality PSY1XXTheor of Personality
PSYCH0220Psychopathology PSY2XXPsychopathology
PSYCH0230Cognitive Psych PSY2XXCognitive Psych
PSYCH0295Practicum in Psych I PSY2XXPracticum in Psych I
PSYCH0304Personality PSY3XXPersonality
PSYCH0315History & Syst of Psych PSY3XXHistory & Syst of Psych
PSYCH0321Clinical Psych PSY3XXClinical Psych
PSYCH0816Workings of the Mind PSY100General Psychology
PSYCH0818Human Sexuality PSY1XXHum Sexuality
PSYCH1061Psych PSY100General Psychology
PSYCH1071Psych As Nat Sci PSY100General Psychology
PSYCH2168Inferential Meth PSY2XXInferential Meth
PSYCH2196Sci Thinking/Psych PSY2XXSci Thinking/Psych
PSYCH2301Dev Psychology PSY221Child/Adol Develop
PSYCHC050Psych as Soc Sci PSY100General Psychology
PSYCHC060Psych as a Social Sci PSY100General Psychology
PSYCHC067Fnd Stat Meth BEH260Statistics
PSYCHW123Sci Thinking/Psyc PSY1XXSci Thinking/Psyc
PSYCHW274Research Methods PSY2XXResearch Methods
PSYCHW276Research Methods PSY2XXRes Methods
PUBLIC0106Human Sexuality PSY1XXHuman Sexuality
PUBLICC089Intl Health INT1XXIntl Health
REL0802Race & Judaism REL1XXRace & Judaism
REL0811Asian Beh & Thought REL1XXAsian Beh & Thought
REL0833Race & Poverty in the Am BEH2XXRace & Pov in the Am
REL0863Relg in the World REL265World Religions
REL1001Rel & Society REL265World Religions
REL1003Religion in America REL369Amer Rel Thght/Cult
REL1101Intro to World Religions REL265World Religions
REL1102Intro to Asian Religions REL2XXIntro to Asian Religions
REL2096Death & Dying REL2XXDeath & Dying
RELC050Intro to Asian Religions REL2XXIntro to Asian Religions
RELC051Intro to Western Rel REL265World Religions
RELC052Religion in Amer REL369Amer Rel Thght/Cult
RELC053Intro to World Rel REL265World Religions
RELC054Religion and Society REL2XXReligion and Society
RMI2101Intro Risk Management BUS2XXIntro Risk Mgmt
RUS0815Lang in Society RUS1XXLang in Society
RUS0868World Soc Lit & Film INT1XXWorld Soc Lit & Film
SBS2103Health Psych & Human Behavior PSY2XXHealth Psy & Hum Bev
SCTC1013Elem Data Sci Phys & Life Sci IFS1XXElem Data Sci Phys & Life Sci
SCTC1501STEM Challenge FYS100First Year Seminar
SCTC1502STEM Challenge: World Within FYS100First Year Seminar
SMLS0101Sport, Rec, Leisure in Soc REC1XXSport, Rec, Leisure in Soc
SMLS0200Program Planning REC210Rec Programming
SOC0825Quan Methods in the Soc Sci BEH1XXQuan Meth in Soc Sci
SOC0829Hist Sig Race in Amer SOC2XXHist Sig Race in Amer
SOC0832Politics of Identity SOC1XXPolitics of Identity
SOC0833Race & Poverty in America SOC1XXRace & Poverty in Amer
SOC0835Ethnicity & Imm Exp US SOC1XXEth & Imm Exp US
SOC0851Gender in America SOC1XXGender in America
SOC0862Dev & Globalization SOC1XXDev & Globalization
SOC1167Soc Statistics BEH260Statistics
SOC1167Soc Statistics MAT250Statistics
SOC1167Soc Statistics QBA260Business Statistics
SOC1176Intro to Sociology SOC100Intro Sociology
SOC1396Sociology of Race & Racism SOC1XXSociology of Race & Racism
SOC1496Amer Ethnicity SOC1XXAmer Ethnicity
SOC2552Hlth & Disease in Am Soc BEH2XXHlth & Disease in Am Soc
SOC3249Social Inequality SOC3XXSocial Inequality
SOCC050Intro to Sociology SOC100Intro Sociology
SOCC066Money SOC1XXMoney
SOCC081Men & Wom in Am Soc SOC1XXMen & Wom in Am Soc
SOCC201Stat Meth in Soc BEH260Statistics
SOCR059Sociology of Race & Racism SOC1XXSoc of Race & Racism
SOCR064Amer Ethnicity SOC1XXAmer Ethnicity
SPAN0051Basic I SPN101Elem Spanish I
SPAN0052Basic II SPN102Elem Spanish II
SPAN0101Conversational Rev SPN2XXConv Review
SPAN1001Basic I SPN101Elem Spanish I
SPAN1002Basic II SPN102Elem Spanish II
SPAN1003Intermediate I SPN201Inter Spanish I
SPAN2001Conversational Review SPN201Inter Spanish I
SPAN2002Hispanic Readings SPN2XXHispanic Readings
SPANC061Intermediate I SPN201Inter Spanish I
SPANISH0101Conversational Review SPN1XXConv Review
SPANISH0200Conversational Review SPN2XXConv Review
SPANISH1002Basic II SPN102Elem Spanish II
SPCM0065Public Speaking CM212Public Speaking
SPEC2231Intro to Inclusive Ed SPE2XXIntro to Inclusive Ed
SPSY0828The Meaning of Madness PSY1XXMeaning of Madness
SRM1115Student Athlete Development SPM1XXStudent Athlete Development
SSWU1001Intro to Soc Wel & Hum Serv HSV100Intro to HSV
SSWU1002Comm in Social Work HSV1XXComm in Soc Work
STAT0022Selected Stat Topics MAT2XXSelected Stat Topics
STAT1001Pre-Calc MAT108Precalculus
STAT1001Quant Methods for Bus I MAT105College Algebra
STAT1102Calculus for Bus MAT120Applied Calculus
STAT2101Stat Meth & Conc MAT250Statistics
STAT2101Stat Meth & Conc QBA260Business Statistics
STAT2101Stat Meth & Conc BEH260Statistics
STAT2103Bus Stats QBA260Business Statistics
STATC011Bas Quan Found for Bus I MAT105College Algebra
STATC012Bas Quan Found Bus II MAT120Applied Calculus
STATC021Stat Methods & Concepts BEH260Statistics
STATC021Stat Methods & Concepts QBA260Business Statistics
STATC021Stat Methods & Concepts MAT250Statistics
STHM0201Group Dynamics & Lead REC103Leadership/Group
STHM0251Careers I Sport and Rec SPM1XXCareers I Sport and Rec
STHM0252Careers II Tourism/Hosp HSP121Careers in Hosp & Trsm Ind
STHM0253Computer Applications NPE1XXComputer Applications
STHM0321Mgt Tourism/Hospitality HSP101Intro Hosp & Tourism Mgt
STHM0322Legal Issues: Tour/Hosp HSP225Hosp Mgmt/Law
STHM0323Financial Mgt Tour/Hosp HSP210Managerial Acct/Hsp
STHM0324Mkt & Sales in Tour/Hosp HSP3XXMkt & Sales in Tour/Hosp
STHM0360E-Commerce: Tourism/Hosp HSP3XXE-Commerce: Tourism/Hosp
STHM0368Food Beverage/Catering HSP300Food/Beverage Mgmt
STHM0857Sport & Leisure Mgmt SPM1XXSport & Leis Mgmt
STHM1113Found of Leisure REC101Recreation/Leisure
STHM1114Leadership HSP1XXLeadership
STHM1211Intro Sport & Rec SPM1XXIntro Sport & Rec
STHM2114Leisure/Tour Div Soc REC2XXLeisure/Tour Div Soc
STHM3111Prog & Spec Event Plan REC3XXProg & Spec Event Plan
STHM3185Internship I REC3XXInternship I
STHM3211Mgt in Spt & Rec SPM3XXMgt in Spt & Rec
STHM3213Budget & Fin Sys SPM3XXBudget & Fin Sys
STHM3214Mkt Mgt in Spt & Rec SPM3XXMkt Mgt in Spt & Rec
STHM3221Athletics Admin SPM3XXAthletics Admin
STHMX080Leisure in Am Culture REC101Recreation/Leisure
STOC1111Public Speaking CM212Public Speaking
STOC1111Public Speaking CM104Human Communicatn
STRC1111Public Speaking CM104Human Communicatn
STRC1111Public Speaking CM212Public Speaking
STRC1112Comm Leadership CM1XXComm Leadership
STRC2111Intro to Commun Theory CM206Communicatn Theory
STRC2112Persuasion CM327Persuasion
STRC2496News Writing & Media Rel CM271Print Media Writing
STRC2551Media Info Gath & Eval CM2XXMedia Info Gath & Eval
STRC2552Intro to Public Relation CM221Intro Public Relatns
STRC3396Rhetorical Criticism CM207Rhetoric/Publc Addr
STRC3801Intercultural Communication CM3XXIntercultural Communication
STRC4879Collaborative Advocacy CM4XXCollaborative Advocacy
THE0807Creative Spirit THE1XXCreative Spirit
THEA0825The Art of Acting THE262Acting
THEATERC110The Collaborative Art THE1XXThe Collaborative Art
THRC0813Disability Identity REC1XXDisability Identity
THTR0011Intro to Thea Proc THE154Introduction to Theatre
THTR0041Tech Theater Prod THE1XXTech Theater Prod
THTR0119Creativity: Basic THE1XXCreativity: Basic
THTR0123Basic Movement THE150Movement for Stage
THTR0126Basic Acting Tech THE1XXBasic Acting Tech
THTR0127Speech for Actor THE1XXSpeech for Actor
THTR0328Stage Combat THE1XXStage Combat
THTR0805Dramatic Imagination THE1XXDramatic Imagination
THTR0825Art of Acting THE154Introduction to Theatre
THTR0825Art of Acting THE262Acting
THTR0842Race on the Stage THE2XXRace on the Stage
THTR1002Coll Art THE1XXColl Art
THTR1003Creativity Basic THE1XXCreativity Basic
THTR1087Production Prac THE1XXProduction Prac
THTR1231Acting I THE262Acting
THTRW303Classical Tradition THE355Classical Acting
TOUR1113Found of Leisure REC101Recreation/Leisure
TOUR2114Leisure/Tour Diverse Soc REC2XXLeisure/Diverse Soc
TYLE0805Race, Identity & Experience ART1XXRace, Identity & Experience
TYLER1197Art, Race & Amer Exp ART1XXArt, Race & Amer Exp
UNVS1001First Year Seminar FYS100First Year Seminar
URB ED0854Ed in Global City EDU1XXEd in Global City
URB EDC060School Dev/Third Wrld EDU1XXSchool Dev/Third World
URBE0854Educ in Global City EDU1XXEduc in Global City
WMST0801Border Cross: Gendered WGS1XXBorder Cross: Gendered
WMSTC080Internat'l Womens Writ WRT1XXInternat'l Womens Writ
WOM0851Gender in America WGS1XXGender in America
WOM STD0201Topics in Womens Studies WGS2XXTopics in Women Studies
Towson UniversityYork College of Pennsylvania
ACCT201Acct Princ I ACC220Financial Acct
ACCT202Accounting Principles II ACC225Managerial Acct
ACCT301Interm Acct I ACC320Inter Accounting I
ACCT302Intermediate Accounting II ACC325Inter Accounting II
ACCT341Cost Acct I ACC3XXCost Acct I
AMST201Int Amer Study HUM2XXInt Amer Study
ANTH207Cultural Anthropology ANT220Cult Anthropology
ANTH208Hmn Evol & Phist ANT210Physical Anthropol
ANTH209Anthro of American Culture ANT2XXAnthro of American Culture
ANTH212PaleoAntho & Archaeology ANT230Intro Archaeology
ART100Using Vis Info Eff ART1XXUsing Vis Info Eff
ART102Design ART210Design I
ART1032D Process ART210Design I
ART105Art in Culture ART101Intro Art Apprec
ART106Drawing ART215Drawing I
ART107Ceramics for Non-Art Majors ART225Ceramics I
ART118Jewelry ART1XXJewelry
ART161Digital Object for Non-Art Maj ART1XXDigital Object for Non-Art Maj
ART212Visual Concepts ART2XXVisual Concepts
ART212Visual Concepts ART210Design I
ART234Photography I ART245Photography I
ART351Writing about Art ART3XXWriting about Art
ART377Exhibit Design ART3XXExhibit Design
ARTH105Art in Culture ART101Intro Art Apprec
ARTH108Intro Non-Wst Art ART1XXIntro Non-Wst Art
ARTH109Art & Hum Body ART1XXArt & Hum Body
ARTH351History of Photography ART388History/Photography
ASTR161Gen Astronomy I ESS154Intro/Astronomy
BIOL0401Funct Hum Anat I BIO220Human A/P I
BIOL110Contem Gen Biol BIO204Exploring Biology
BIOL110Contem Gen Biol BIO205Exp Biology Lab
BIOL120Prin of Biology BIO204Exploring Biology
BIOL191Intro Biol Health Prof BIO151Biology I Lab
BIOL191Intro Biol Health Prof BIO150Biology I
BIOL200Intro Cell Bio & Genetics Lec03BIO143Mole/Gene/Cell Lab
BIOL200Intro Cell Bio & Genetics Lec03BIO142Molecule/Gene/Cell
BIOL200LIntro Cell Bio & Genetics Lab03  
BIOL201Biol I: Cell & Genetics BIO150Biology I
BIOL202Biol II Intro Eco/Evo/Beh BIO152Biology II
BIOL211Anat & Phys I BIO220Human A/P I
BIOL213Human Anat Physio I BIO220Human A/P I
BIOL213Human Anat Physio I BIO221Human A/P I Lab
BIOL214Human Anat Physio II BIO223Hum A/P II Lab
BIOL214Human Anat Physio II BIO222Human A/P II
BIOL221Anatomy & Physio I BIO220Human A/P I
BIOL222Anatomy & Physiology 2 BIO222Human A/P II
BIOL303Life Sciences BIO3XXBiology Elective no lab
BIOL315Med Microbiol BIO230Microbiology
BIOL315Med Microbiol BIO231Microbio Lab
BIOL381Biol Lit BIO3XXBiology Elect No Lab
BIOL421Immunology BIO4XXBiology Elect No Lab
BUAD101Intro to Business BUS150Intro to Business
BULA225Legal Env Bus BUS260Legal Environment
CHEM100Chem N/Scie CHM1XXChemistry Elective No Lab
CHEM101Gen Chem I CHM134Gen Chem I
CHEM102Gen Chem II CHM136Gen Chem II
CHEM105Chem Allied Hlth Prof I CHM134Gen Chem I
CHEM106Chem Allied Hlth Prof II CHM122Prin Gen/Org Chem
CHEM110General Chem I CHM134Gen Chem I
CHEM111General Chemistry II CHM136Gen Chem II
CHEM121Allied Health Chem I Lecture01CHM123Gen/Org Chem Lab
CHEM121Allied Health Chem I Lecture01CHM122Prin Gen/Org Chem
CHEM121LAllied Health Chem I Lab01  
CHEM131General Chemistry I Lec02CHM134Gen Chem I
CHEM131General Chemistry I Lec02CHM1XXGen Chem I No Lab
CHEM131General Chemistry I Lec02CHM135Gen Chem I Lab
CHEM131LGeneral Chemistry I Lab02  
CHEM210Prin Meths Chem Anal CHM2XXPrin Meths Chem Anal
CHEM330Ess Organ Chem CHM3XXEss Organ Chem
CHEM331Organic Chemistry I CHM234Organic Chem I
CHEM332Organic Chemistry II CHM236Organic Chem II
CHEM350Prin of Biochem BIO351Biochem Lab
CHEM350Prin of Biochem BIO350Biochemistry
CIS377Information Systems Security IFS3XXInformation Systems Security
CIS477Info Sys Security IFS4XXInfo Sys Security
CLST201Intr/Cult Study BEH2XXIntr/Cult Study
CLST311Sci, Tech & Cult BEH3XXSci, Tech & Cult
COMM115Interperson Comm CM329Interpersonal Comm
COMM131Fund Spch Comm CM104Human Communicatn
COMM131Fund Spch Comm CM212Public Speaking
COMM215Interper Comm CM329Interpersonal Comm
COMM419Org Comm CM328Organizational Comm
COSC101Comp & Society IFS1XXComp & Society
COSC109Comp & Creat CS1XXComp & Creat
COSC111Info & Tech for Bus IFS105Personal Computing
COSC115Intro to Info Sys IFS1XXIntro to Info Sys
COSC175Gen Computer Sci CS101Fund Comp Sci I
COSC235Fund of Comp IFS105Personal Computing
COSC236Intro to Cosc I CS2XXIntro to Cosc I
COSC237Intro to Cosc II CS2XXIntro to Cosc II
COSC280Assem Lang & Comp Arch CS2XXAssem Lang & Comp Arch
COSC311Digital Tech Soc IFS3XXDigital Tech Soc
COSC336Data Struct/Algo Analysis CS3XXData Struct/Algo Analysis
COSC418Ethic & Soc Iss CS4XXEthic & Soc Iss
COSC457Database Mgt Sys CS4XXDatabase Mgt Sys
CRMJ201Intro Criminology CCJ378Criminology
CRMJ254Intro to Criminal Justice CCJ101Intro Crim Justice
CRMJ337Controversies in Criminal Just CCJ3XXControversies in Criminal Just
CRMJ352Community Corrections CCJ337Punishmnt/Correctns
DANC103Beg Ballet I PAW171Ballet Dance I
DANC210The Gender Dance HUM2XXThe Gender Dance
DANC235Dance Composition I PAW117Modern Dance
DANC370SP: Pilates PAW165Pilates
DFST101Intro to Deaf Studies BEH1XXIntro Deaf Studies
DFST104American Sign Lang I CM150Beg Sign Language
DFST107Amer Sign Lang I CM150Beg Sign Language
DFST204Amer Sign Lang III CM2XXAmer Sign Lang III
ECED101Young Child as a Learner EDU1XXYoung Child as a Learner
ECED103Intro to Early Childhood ECH1XXIntro to Early Childhd
ECED201Intervention & Young Child ECH230Early Child Theory
ECED315Infant Intervention PSY3XXInfant Intervention
ECED321Found of Read & Lang ECH301Lit/Lang Young Child
ECED407Interact Tech & Young Child ECH210Ed Tech/Early Elem
ECED422Writ Tech Teachers in Eced EDU260Eff Comm in Educ
ECED460Dual Lang Learners EDU225Instrc Needs/ELL
ECON201Microeconomic Principles ECO201Prin Econ-Micro
ECON202Macroecon Prin ECO200Prin Econ-Macro
ECON205Stats Bus & Econ I ECO2XXStats Bus & Econ I
ECON205Stats Bus & Econ I QBA260Business Statistics
ECON309Intmd Price Theory ECO3XXIntmd Price Theory
ECON640Econ, Pub Pol & Soc Res MBA514Economics of Bus
EDUC201Parenting Process EDU2XXParenting Process
EDUC202Perspectives Amer Urban EDU200Found of Education
EDUC203Teach & Learn Diverse Soc EDU2XXTeach & Lrn Div Soc
EDUC301Wrg/Com Skl Tchr EDU3XXWrg/Com Skl Tchr
EDUC401Found of Ed EDU4XXFound of Ed
EDUC417Childrens Literature & Mat EDU4XXChild Lit & Mat
EESE468EESE Field Exp EDU4XXEESE Field Exp
ELED320Writ/Elem Educators EDU260Eff Comm in Educ
ELED322Found Read & Laarts ECH301Lit/Lang Young Child
ELED323Prin/Pratices of Reading EDU3XXPrin/Practices of Reading
ELED324Int Lit K-12 Cont Areas EDU3XXInt Lit K-12 Cont Areas
ELED363Lang & Liter Intern EDU3XXLanguage & Lit Intern
EMF120Concept & Story FLM1XXConcept & Story
EMF140Intro to Elec Media & Film FLM1XXIntro to Elec Med & Film
EMF221Prin Film & Media FLM2XXPrin Film & Media
ENGL102Writing for Liberal Ed FCO105Rhetorical Comm
ENGL1501Freshman Comp FCO105Rhetorical Comm
ENGL200Intro Studying Engl WRT2XXIntro Studying Engl
ENGL21MF.S. Fitz LIT2XXF.S. Fitz
ENGL221British Lit to 1798 LIT283British Lit to 1750
ENGL222British Lit Since 1798 LIT284Brt Lit after 1750
ENGL228Future Worlds LIT2XXFuture Worlds
ENGL229Modern Irish Lit LIT2XXModern Irish Lit
ENGL230Main Curr Amer Lit LIT282Amer Lit after 1885
ENGL232Amer Lit S/1865 LIT282Amer Lit after 1885
ENGL234Maj Wrt in Afro-Amer Lit LIT203African/Amer Lit
ENGL238Survey of American Literature LIT2XXSurvey of American Literature
ENGL243Classical Myth LIT2XXClassical Myth
ENGL248Litr Global Exp LIT2XXLitr Global Exp
ENGL261Amer Ethnic Lit LIT2XXAmer Ethnic Lit
ENGL283Intro to Creative Writing CRW272Intro Creative Wrt
ENGL290Hon Sem in Lit LIT2XXHon Sem in Lit
ENGL300Methods and Research LIT3XXMethods and Research
ENGL311Writing Poetry CRW372Poetry Writing
ENGL312Writing Fiction CRW382Fiction Writing
ENGL313Academic Essay WRT3XXAcademic Essay
ENGL315Writing Creative Non-Fiction CRW373Creative Nonfiction
ENGL316Writing about Literature LIT200Perspectives/Lit
ENGL317Wrtg Bus & Indust FCO210Comm Prof Cultures
ENGL428Shakesp Tragedies LIT324Shakespeare II
ENGL433Amer Short Story LIT319The Short Story
ENGL462Mod Lit Theory LIT3XXMod Lit Theory
FIN331Princ Financial Management FIN300Managrl Finance I
FMST101Intro to FMST SOC1XXIntro to FMST
FMST201Family Resources HSV2XXFamily Resources
FMST325Ethics in Hum Services HSV316Ethical Aspects
FMST374Sp Topics in Fam Studies SOC3XXSp Topics in Fam Studies
FREN101French Elem I FRN101Elem French I
FREN102French Elem II FRN102Elem French II
FREN201French Intrm I FRN201Inter French I
FREN301Adv Conversation FRN3XXAdv Conversation
GENL103Intro Human Relations CM1XXIntro Human Relations
GENL203Human Relations CM2XXHuman Relations
GEOG101Phys Geog G151Intro Physical Geog
GEOG102World Regional Geography G100World Reg Geography
GEOG105Geog Intntl Affr G1XXGeog Intntl Affr
GEOG109Intro Human Geog G1XXIntro Human Geog
GERM101German Elements I GRM101Elem German I
HCMN305Comm Hlth Admin NPE3XXComm Hlth Admin
HIST100Using Information in History HIS1XXUsing Info in History
HIST103European Civil from 17th Cent HIS102Western Civ II
HIST118Mod Middle East Hist HIS1XXMod Middle East Hist
HIST145Hist US Mid 19th Cen HIS111American Civ I
HIST146Hist Since Mid 19th Cent HIS112American Civ II
HIST205Ethical Perspective History HIS2XXEthical Perspective History
HIST314U.S. & Vietnam 1945-75 HIS3XXU.S. & Vietman 1945-75
HIST349The Civil War HIS363Coming of Civil War
HIST360Recent Amer History HIS367Recent Amer/1945-Prs
HIST479Hist Diplomacy HIS3XXHist Diplomacy
HLTH101Wellness Div Society PAW234Well/Fitness/Life
HLTH103EMC, First Aid & Safety SPM205Responding/Emerg
HLTH218Women's Health WGS210Women's Health
HLTH220Sexuality/Div Soc PSY2XXSexuality/Div Soc
HLTH331Nutrition Health Prof NUR202Nutrition
HLTH402Hlth & Soc Welfare SOC4XXHlth & Soc Welfare
HLTH405Drugs in Our Culture BEH3XXDrugs in Our Culture
IDHP110Info Util Hlth Prof IFS1XXInfo Util Hlth Prof
ISTC201Info Effective Educ EDU2XXIntro Effective Ed
ISTC202Hnr Info Eff/Educ EDU2XXHnr Info Eff/Educ
ISTC301Utilize Instr Media EDU3XXUtilize Instr Media
ISTC541Founds in ISTC MED620Tech Enhance Pedag
ISTC663Adv Educational Psy MED502Dev, Learning, Incl Pract
ISTC667Instruc Development MED622Dist Ed Technologies
ITAL101Italian Elem I ITL101Elem Italian I
ITEC201Metro Infrastructure IFS2XXMetro Infrastructure
KNES104Ballroom Dance PAW1XXBallroom Dance
KNES235Phys Wellness America PAW234Well/Fitness/Life
KNES251Hist Sport in America SPM2XXHist Sport in America
KNES280Intro to Sport Industry SPM125Intro Sport Mgmt
KNES290Intro Teach Phys Ed EDU2XXIntro Teach Phys Ed
KNES291Intro Athletic Trn EDU2XXIntro Athletic Trn
KNES298History & Philosophy PHEC SPM2XXHist & Phil PHEC
KNES315Care & Prev Athl Injur SPM303Mgmt/Prev Sport Inj
KNES327Teac Cult Dan & Crea Mov PE EDU3XXTeac Cult Dan & Crea Mov
KNES353Sport & Society SPM3XXSport & Society
KNES361Exercise Psychology PSY3XXExercise Psychology
KNES363Nutrition NUR202Nutrition
KNES390Sport and Global SPM130Sport in Society
LEGL225Legal Envir Bus BUS260Legal Environment
LGBT101Intro Gay Bisex & Trans BEH1XXGay Bisex & Trans
MATH101Elem of Math MAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MATH102Inter Algebra MAT105College Algebra
MATH105Math Ideas MAT115Sets/Number Systems
MATH106Intro Contemp Math MAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MATH111Finite Math MAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MATH115Basic Math for Sci MAT108Precalculus
MATH115College Algebra MAT105College Algebra
MATH119Pre-Calculus MAT108Precalculus
MATH204Concepts & Struc I MAT115Sets/Number Systems
MATH211Calculus for Applications MAT120Applied Calculus
MATH231Basic Statistics I MAT250Statistics
MATH231Basic Statistics I QBA260Business Statistics
MATH231Basic Statistics I BEH260Statistics
MATH237Elem Biostats MAT2XXElem Biostats
MATH251Elements of Geometry MAT2XXElements of Geometry
MATH263Discrete Math MAT235Discrete Mathemtcs
MATH273Calculus I MAT171Calculus I
MATH274Calculus II MAT172Calculus II
MATH275Calculus III MAT271Calculus III
MATH323Tchg Math in Elem School ECH320Teaching Math
MATH324Super Observ Elem School EDU3XXSuper Ob Elem School
MATH330Intro to Statistical Methods MAT3XXIntro to Statistical Methods
MCOM100Using Info Eff in MCOM CM1XXUsing Info Eff in MCOM
MCOM101Intro to Mass Comm CM211Mass Communication
MCOM125Intr Pub Rel Adv CM1XXIntr Pub Rel Adv
MCOM140Intro Elect Media CM1XXIntro Elect Media
MCOM145Intro to Film FLM216Intro to Film
MCOM151Intro Journalism CM271Journalism
MCOM214Prin of Advertising CM2XXPrin of Advertising
MCOM255Newswriting CM2XXNewswriting
MCOM325Advertising Copywriting CM3XXAdvertising Copywriting
MCOM350Media Law CM3XXMedia Law
MCOM355Newswriting CM3XXNewswriting
MCOM357Pub Rel Writing CM321Writing/Pub Relatns
MCOM445Corp. or Inst. Adv CM3XXCorp. or Inst. Adv.
MCOM479Sp Topics in Mass Comm CM4XXSp Topics in Mass Comm
MKTG341Marketing Principles MKT100Prin Marketing
MNGT337Info Tech IFS305Management Info Sys
MNGT481Bus Strat & Policy BUS495Business Policy
MTRO101Intro Metro Studies SOC1XXIntro Metro Studies
MUED111Intro Music Education EDU1XXIntro Music Education
MUED194FundTech I: Piano Guitar MUS1XXFund Tech I: Piano Guitar
MUED201Brass Class I MUS2XXBrass Class I
MUED202Brass Class II MUS2XXBrass Class II
MUED203Lower String Class MUS2XXLower String Class
MUED204Upper String Class MUS2XXUpper String Class
MUED205Woodwind Class I MUS2XXWoodwind Class I
MUED206Woodwind Class II MUS2XXWoodwind Class II
MUED207Percussion Class I MUS2XXPercussion Class I
MUED208Percussion Class II MUS2XXPercussion Class II
MUED210Voice Tech MUS101Voice
MUED301Marching Band Tech MUS3XXMarching Band Tech
MUED310Intro Mus Sped MUS3XXIntro Mus Sped
MUSA105Piano/Keyboard MUS1XXPiano/Keyboard
MUSA127Woodwinds/Oboe MUS132Oboe
MUSA160Marching Band MUS1XXMarching Band
MUSA170World Music Ensemble MUS1XXWorld Music Ensemble
MUSA190Piano Class I MUS140Class Piano
MUSA252Chamber Singers MUS152Chamber Singers
MUSA261Symphonic Band MUS2XXSymphonic Band
MUSA262Symph Orchestra MUS2XXSymph Orchestra
MUSC100Info Gath & Assess Mus MUS1XXInfo Gath & Assess Mus
MUSC101Intr Musc West Hert MUS186Listening to Music
MUSC102Mus West Her: Anl Emp MUS1XXMus West Her: Anl Emp
MUSC105Ele Music Theory MUS181Found Music Theory
MUSC111Intro to Music in US MUS186Listening to Music
MUSC123Jazz History MUS286Jazz History
MUSC127Elements Hist Rock Music MUS288History Rock/Roll
MUSC131Music Theory I MUS182Music Theory I
MUSC132Music Theory II MUS183Music Theory II
MUSC133Musicianship I MUS184Sight Singing I
MUSC134Musicianship II MUS185Sight Singing II
MUSC152Voice Ensemble MUS1XXVoice Ensemble
MUSC165Marching Band MUS1XXMarching Band
MUSC205Women in West Music MUS2XXWomen in West Music
MUSC231Music Theory III MUS282Music Theory III
MUSC232Music Theory IV MUS283Music Theory IV
MUSC233Musicianship III MUS284Sight Singing III
MUSC234Musicianship IV MUS285Sight Singing IV
MUSC279Spec Top: Ukuele MUS2XXSpec Top: Ukuele
MUSC301West Music to 1750 MUS390Music History I
MUSC329Instru Conducting MUS3XXInstru Conducting
MUSC335Choral Instru Arr MUS3XXChoral Instru Arr
NURS331Prof Nurs I: Intro NUR3XXProf Nurs I: Intro
NURS332Professional Nursing I: Intro NUR3XXProfessional Nursing I: Intro
NURS333Professio Nursing III: Issues NUR3XXProfession Nurs III: Issues
NURS340Pathopharmacology NUR3XXPathopharmacology
NURS347Hlth Assmnt Life Span NUR3XXHlth Assmnt Life Span
NURS350Nurs & Healthcare I: Found NUR3XXNurs & Healthcare I: Found
NURS352Nurs & Health III: Mental NUR3XXNurs & Health III: Mental
NURS354Nurs & Health II: Adult NUR3XXNurs & Health II: Adult
NURS404Hlth Care NUR4XXHlth Care
NURS416Multicult Hlth Care NUR4XXMulticult Hlth Care
NURS603Nursing Research NUR508App Nurs Research
NURS605Nursing/Hlth Care Sys NUR514Health Policy APRN
OCTH103Leisure & Hlth Issues/Society REC1XXLeisure & Hlth Issues/Soc
OCTH205Altern & Comp Health Care NPE1XXAltern & Comp Hlth Care
PHEC019Bowling PAW110Beginning Bowling
PHEC043Self Defense I PAW130Self Defense
PHEC079Tennis I PAW159Tennis
PHEC235Indiv Fitness PAW234Well/Fitness/Life
PHIL101Intro Philosophy PHL221Intro Philosophy
PHIL103Intro to Ethics PHL341Ethics
PHIL111Logic PHL231Logic
PHIL290Topics on Philosophy of City PHL2XXTopics on Philosophy of City
PHIL371Bus Ethics PHL3XXBus Ethics
PHSC101Physical Science I PSC152Physical Sci I
PHYS100Understanding Physics PHY1XXPhysics Elect No Lab
PHYS143Physics Sound and Music PHY1XXPhysics Sound and Music
PHYS202Gen Phys for Hlth Sciences PHY2XXPhysics Elective No Lab
PHYS211Gen Phys I PHY110Gen Phys:Mech/Ht
PHYS212Gen Phys II PHY112Gen Phys:Elc/Magn
PHYS241Gen Physics I PHY160Eng Phys:Mechncs
POSC101Intro Pol Sci PS1XXIntro Pol Sci
POSC103Amer Natl Govt PS141American Governmnt
POSC105Govts of the World PS1XXGovts of the World
POSC107Intro Intl Relations PS302International Rel
POSC209Intro to Law PS317Principles of Law
POSC305Urban Govt/Polit PS3XXUrban Govt/Polit
POSC351Govt & Pol Lat Amer PS245Govt/Pol Latin Amer
POSC355Lat Amer Policy of US PS3XXLat Amer Policy of US
POSC475Spec Topics POSC PS4XXSpec Topics POSC
PSYC014Psyc Asp Aggressn PSY1XXPsyc Asp Aggressn
PSYC101Intro to Psyc PSY100General Psychology
PSYC102Intro Psych PSY100General Psychology
PSYC2001Gen Psychology PSY100General Psychology
PSYC203Human Dev PSY2XXHum Dev
PSYC203Human Dev NUR201Nursing HD/HC
PSYC212Beh Stats QBA260Business Statistics
PSYC212Beh Stats MAT250Statistics
PSYC212Beh Stats BEH260Statistics
PSYC361Abnormal Psychology PSY331Child Psychopathlgy
PSYC361Abnormal Psychology PSY230Abnormal Psych
PSYC361Abnormal Psychology PSY330Adult Psychopathlgy
RLST105Intro Study Religion REL265World Religions
RLST206Judaism, Christ & Islam REL2XXJud, Christ & Islam
RUSS101Russian Elem I RUS101Elem Russian I
SCED304Education, Ethics and Change EDU3XXEducation, Ethics and Chan
SCIE376Teaching Science ECH330Teaching Science
SOCI101Intro to Sociology SOC100Intro Sociology
SOCI102Intro Soci SOC100Intro Sociology
SOCI2208Intro Sociology SOC100Intro Sociology
SOCI241Blacks in America Myths & Real SOC2XXBlacks in America Myths & Real
SOCI313Intro Soc Psych PSY243Social Psychology
SOCI355Juvenile Delinquency CCJ110Juvenile Delinquncy
SOCI359Soc of Aging SOC3XXSoc of Aging
SOCI373Topics in Sociology SOC3XXTopics in Sociology
SOCI374Topics in Sociology SOC3XXTopics in Sociology
SPAN101Spanish Elements I SPN101Elem Spanish I
SPAN102Spanish Elem II SPN102Elem Spanish II
SPAN201Spanish Interm I SPN201Inter Spanish I
SPAN202Span Intermed II SPN202Inter Spanish II
SPAN301Comp & Conv I SPN3XXComp & Conv I
SPCH131Fund Spch Comm CM104Human Communicatn
SPCH131Fund Spch Comm CM212Public Speaking
SPED301Special Ed K-12 SPE200Process/Procedures
SPED413Universal Design For Learn SPE4XXUniversal Design for Learn
SPED425Forml Test & Measure SPE264Educational Assmnt
SPED441Curr/Meth Inst Stud Disab SPE300Eff Instruct Method
SPPA101Intro Human Comm Disorders CM1XXIntro Human Comm Disorders
SPPA205Basic Sign Lang CM150Beg Sign Language
THEA100Introduction to Theatre THE154Introduction to Theatre
THEA101Acting I THE215Acting
THEA103Intro to Theatre THE154Introduction to Theatre
THEA221Acting I THE215Acting
THEA303Cult Div/Contemp Thea THE3XXCult Div/Cont Thea
TSEM102Towson Seminar FYS100First Year Seminar
WMST233Intl Persp of Women WGS2XXIntl Persp of Women
WMST338Women & Sexuality WGS238Race,Gender,Sex
University of BaltimoreYork College of Pennsylvania
ACCT203Prin of Accounting IACC2XXPrin of Accounting I
ACCT305Mgrl Control SysACC3XXMgrl Control Sys
ARTS101Music & Arts as CraftHUM1XXMusic & Arts as Craft
ARTS121World MusicMUS281World Music
ARTS297Topics: 2D Drawing DesignART215Drawing I
BIOL111Human Biology w/LabBIO142Molecule/Gene/Cell
CMAT201Comm EffectivelyCM104Human Communicatn
CMAT211Computer Graphics: PublishingART235Concpts Comp Grhcs
CMAT212Computer Graphics: ImagingART206Elements Comp Graph
COSC150Introduction to Game DesignCS1XXIntroduction to Game Design
COSC155Internet: Mastering the BasicsCS1XXInternet: Mastering the Basics
CRJU320Police AdminCCJ364Policing Communities
CRJU341Correctional PerspCCJ337Punishmnt/Correctns
ECON200Econ Way of ThinkingECO200Prin Econ-Macro
ECON200The Economic Way of ThinkingECO205Economic Perspctvs
ECON300Prin of EconECO200Prin Econ-Macro
ECON640Econ Policy & Corp Resp.MBA514Economics of Bus
ENGL200The Experience of LiteratureLIT200Intro Lit & Text Stud
ENGL311Wells of the PastLIT3XXWells of the Past
ENTR101Imag, Creat and EntrshpENT1XXImag, Creat & Entrshp
ENVS201Environmental SustainabilitySOC301Environmental Justice
FIN331Financial Management IFIN3XXFinancial Management I
FIN750Real EstateMBA599Independent Study
GVPP201American GovernmentPS101Amer Gov/Citizenship
GVPP324Amer Pub PolicyPS3XXAmer Pub Policy
GVPP345Legislative ProcessPS3XXLegislative Process
GVPP463Int Group Pol & LobbyingPS4XXInt Grp Pol & Lobbying
HIST290Great Issues in HistoryHIS2XXGreat Iss in History
HSMG370Overview Hlth Care SystmNPE3XXNon Prog Elect
HSMG373Health Policy & PoliticsNPE3XXNon Prog Elect
IDIS101First Year SeminarFYS100First Year Seminar
IDIS300Ideas in WritingFCO105Rhetorical Comm
IDIS301World Cultures: Far EastHUM3XXWorld Cultures: Far East
IDIS302Ethical Issues in BusPHL3XXEthical Issues in Bus
IDIS304Arts and IdeasHUM3XXArts and Ideas
INFO110Intro to Information LiteracyIFS100Info Tech Competncy
INFO110Intro to Information LiteracyIFS105Personal Computing
INSS300Mgmt Info SystemsIFS305Management Info Sys
MATH107Gen College Math IMAT105College Algebra
MATH111College AlgebraMAT105College Algebra
MATH115Introductory StatisticsMAT250Statistics
MATH115Introductory StatisticsQBA260Data Driven Dec Making
MATH115Introductory StatisticsBEH260Statistics
MGMT300Org Behavior IMGT225Org Behavior
MGMT600Leading and Mang PeopleMBA513Org Dyn/Chng Mgmt
OPRE202Statistical Data AnalysisQBA265Intro to Analytics
PHIL101Intro to PhilosophyPHL221Intro Philosophy
PHIL280Enviro EthicsPHL240Environmentl Ethics
PSYC100Intro to PsychologyPSY100General Psychology
PSYC201Principles of PsychologyPSY100General Psychology
WRIT101English CompositionFCO105Rhetorical Comm
WRT101College CompositionFCO105Rhetorical Comm
University of ConnecticutYork College of Pennsylvania
ART1000Art ApprART101Intro Art Apprec
ART130Drawing IART215Drawing I
ART135Art AppreciationART101Intro Art Apprec
BIOL107Prin of Biology IBIO150Biology I
BIOL108Prin of Biology IIBIO152Biology II
BIOL1107Prin of Biology IBIO150Biology I
BIOL1108Principles of Biology IIBIO152Biology II
CHEM1127QGeneral ChemistryCHM134Gen Chem I
CHEM1128QGeneral ChemistryCHM136Gen Chem II
CHEM127QGen ChemCHM134Gen Chem I
COMM100Proc of CommCM104Human Communicatn
COMM1000Proc of CommunicationCM104Human Communicatn
COMS102The Process of CommunicationCM206Communicatn Theory
DRAM101Intro to TheatreTHE154Introduction to Theatre
ECON1201Prin of MicroeconECO201Prin Econ-Micro
ENGL1004Basic WritingWRT100Intro College Writ
ENGL1007Seminar and Studio in WritingWRT100Intro College Writ
ENGL1010Academic WritingFCO105Rhetorical Comm
ENGL1011Sem Wrt Thr LitLIT200Perspectives/Lit
ENGL110Sem in Acad WritingFCO105Rhetorical Comm
ENGL111Sem Writing thr LitLIT200Intro Lit & Text Stud
ENGL210PoetryLIT243Poetry and Poetics
GEOL101Intro Environmental GeologyBIO1XXBiology Elective No Lab
HDFS1070Indiv & Fam DevBEH1XXIndiv & Fam Dev
HDFS1070Indiv & Fam DevNUR201Nursing HD/HC
HIST100West Trad Before 1500HIS101Western Civ I
HIST101Mod West TradHIS102Western Civ II
HIST1300West Trad Before 1500HIS101Western Civ I
HIST1400Mod West TradHIS102Western Civ II
HIST1501United States History to 1877HIS111Amer Hist Colonization-Civ War
HIST1502U.S. History Since 1877HIS112Amer Hist Civ War-Global Power
MATH102QProblem SolvingMAT1XXProblem Solving
MATH103QElem Discrete MathMAT235Discrete Mathemtcs
MATH1040QElem Math ModMAT1XXElem Math Mod
MATH105QMath for BusMAT108Precalculus
MATH1125QCalculus IaMAT1XXCalculus Ia
MATH1126QCalculus IbMAT171Calculus I
MATH112QIntro Calculus IMAT171Calculus I
MATH1131QCalculus IMAT171Calculus I
NRE1000Environmental SciBIO1XXBiology Elect No Lab
NUSC1165Fund of NutritionNUR202Nutrition
PHIL104Philosophy & Soc EthicsPHL341Ethics
PHIL1106Non-West & CompPHL1XXNon-West & Comp
PHYS1201QGeneral PhysicsPHY110Gen Phys:Mech/Ht
PHYS1202QGeneral PhysicsPHY112Gen Phys:Elc/Magn
PHYS155QIntro AstronomyESS154Intro/Astronomy
POLS121Intro Comp PoliticsPS260Comparative Politics
POLS132Intro to Intl RelationsPS302International Rel
POLS1402WIntro Intl RelPS302International Rel
POLS260Public AdministrationPS151Intro Public Admin
PSYC1100Gen Psychology IPSY100General Psychology
PSYC1103Gen Psych IIPSY1XXGen Psych II
SOCI1001Intro to SociologySOC100Intro Sociology
SPAN278Intermed Spanish CompSPN2XXIntermed Spanish Comp
SPAN279Spanish Conv: Cultural TopicsSPN2XXSpanish Conv: Cultural Topics
SPAN3178Intermed Span CompSPN201Spanish Percp & Practice
SPAN3179Spanish Conv: Cultural TopicsSPN202Spanish Percp & Practice
STAT1100QElem Concepts of StatsBEH260Statistics
STAT1100QElem Concepts of StatsMAT250Statistics
STAT1100QElem Concepts of StatsQBA260Business Stats I
WS1104Feminisms & the ArtsWGS1XXFeminisms & the Arts
WS1124Gender in Global PerspWGS1XXGender in Global Persp
WS124Chang Roles of Wom & MenWGS1XXChang Roles of Wom & Men
University of DelawareYork College of Pennsylvania
ACCT160Intro to Bus Info SysIFS100Info Tech Competncy
ACCT160Intro to Bus Info SysIFS105Personal Computing
ACCT207Accounting IACC220Financial Acct
ACCT208Accounting IIACC225Managerial Acct
ANFS101Animals, Science and SocBIO1XXBiology Elective no lab
ANTH101Intro Soc & Cult AnthroANT220Cult Anthropology
ANTH102Intro to Biolog AnthroANT210Physical Anthropol
ANTH205Anthro & Human NatureANT2XXAnthro & Human Nature
ANTH265High Civilizations: AmericasANT2XXHigh Civilizations: Americas
ART280Intro Photo & EditingART247Digital Image
ARTH101Visual CultureART101Intro Art Apprec
ARTH151Myth, Rel & ArtHUM1XXMyth, Rel & Art
BAMS107History of RockMUS288History Rock/Roll
BHAN135Freshman SeminiarFYS100First Year Seminar
BISC103Principles of BiologyBIO204Exploring Biology
BISC104Prin of Biology w/ labBIO204Exploring Biology
BISC107Elem Evol EcologyBIO1XXBiology Elect No Lab
BISC207Intro Biology IBIO150Biology I
BISC208Intro Biology IIBIO152Biology II
BISC300Intro to MicrobiologyBIO230Microbiology
BUAD100Intro to BusinessBUS150Intro to Business
BUAD110Basic of BusinessBUS150Intro to Business
BUAD150Bus Basics for EntrepreneursENT150Intro Entrepreneur
BUAD301Introduction to MarketingMKT100Prin Marketing
BUAD309Mgmt & Org BehaviorMGT225Org Behavior
BUAD350Intro EntrepreneurshipENT150Intro Entrepreneur
CHEM101General ChemistryCHM134Gen Chem I
CHEM103General ChemistryCHM134Gen Chem I
CHEM104General ChemistryCHM136Gen Chem II
CHEM111General ChemistryCHM134Gen Chem I
CHEM112General ChemistryCHM1XXChemistry Elective No Lab
CHEM213Elem Organic ChemistryCHM122Prin Gen/Org Chem
CHEM321Organic Chemistry ICHM234Organic Chem I
CHEM331Organic ChemistryCHM234Organic Chem I
CHIN105Chinese ICHN101Elementary Chinese I
CIEG161Freshman DesignEGR1XXFreshman Design
CISC101Principles of ComputingIFS105Personal Computing
CISC101Comp & Info SysIFS105Personal Computing
CISC101Principles of ComputingIFS100Info Tech Competncy
CISC106Gen Computer Sci for EngrEGR1XXGen Comp Sci for Engr
CISC181Intro to Comp Sci IICS1XXIntro to Comp Sci II
CISC220Data StructuresCS2XXData Structures
CMLT316Classic MythologyHUM2XXClassical Mythology
COMM200Comm & Family SystemsCM2XXComm & Family Sys
COMM212Oral Communication in BusCM246Comm/Business Prof
COMM212Oral Communication in BusCM212Public Speaking
COMM212Oral Communication in BusinessCM246Comm/Business Prof
COMM245Mass Comm & CultureCM211Mass Communication
COMM256Principles of Com TheoryCM206Communicatn Theory
COMM301Intro to Comm ResearchCM3XXIntro to Comm Research
COMM330Comm & Interpersonal BehCM329Interpersonal Comm
COMM345Legal Issues of Mass MediaCM434Media Law/Ethics
CPEG202Intro to Dig SystemsECE220D&A/Digital Circuits
CPEG222Microprocessor SystemsCS2XXMicroprocessor Sys
CRJU110Intro to Criminal JusticeCCJ101Intro Crim Justice
CRJU203Problems of CorrectionsCCJ337Punishmnt/Correctns
DANC101Intro to the Art of DancePAW117Modern Dance
ECON100Econ Issues & PolECO1XXEcon Issues & Pol
ECON101Intro MicroeconomicsECO201Prin Econ-Micro
ECON102Civics & Econ for TeachersECO1XXCivics & Econ for Tchrs
ECON103Intro MacroeconomicsECO200Prin Econ-Macro
ECON151Intro Microecon: Prices & MarkECO201Prin Econ-Micro
ECON152Intro Macroecon: Natnl EconomyECO200Prin Econ-Macro
EDUC205Human Develop K-8PSY221Child/Adol Develop
EDUC247Hist of Ed in AmericaEDU200Found of Education
EDUC258Cult DiversityEDU2XXCult Diversity
EDUC286Ed TechEDU2XXEd Tech
EGGG101Intro to EngineeringEGR1XXIntro to Engineering
EGGG101Introduction to EngrEGR100Epads I
ELEG205Analog Circuits IECE280Fund Electrical Eng
ELEG309Electronic Circuit AnalysisECE310D&A/Analog Circuits
ENGL101Tools of Textual AnalysisLIT200Perspectives/Lit
ENGL110Seminar in CompositionFCO105Rhetorical Comm
ENGL204American LiteratureLIT282Amer Lit after 1885
ENGL207Intro to PoetryLIT243Poetry and Poetics
ENGL208Intro to DramaLIT2XXIntro to Drama
ENGL209Intro to the NovelLIT2XXIntro to the Novel
ENGL210Short StoryLIT319The Short Story
ENGL217Intro to FilmFLM216Intro to Film
ENGL287Intro to Short StoryLIT319The Short Story
ENGL317Film HistoryFLM220Film History
ENGL324ShakespeareLIT323Shakespeare I
ENTR150Business Basics for EntrepENT150Intro Entrepreneur
ENTR155Startup the Professional: YouENT1XXStartup the Professional: You
ENTR351Entr MarketingMKT335New Prod Plan/Mrkt
ENWC201Wildlife Conserv EcologyBIO1XXWildlife Conserv Ecology
FREN106French II Elem/InterFRN102Elem French II
FREN107French III IntermedFRN201Inter French I
GEOG101Phys Geog: ClimateESS1XXEarth Sci Elect no lab
GRMN105German IGRM101Elem German I
GRMN106German II Elem/InterGRM102Elem German II
GRMN107German IIIGRM201Inter German I
GRMN211German Reading/WrtgGRM2XXGerman Reading/Wrtg
HDFS201Lifespan DevelopmentPSY2XXLifespan Dev
HDFS201Lifespan DevelopmentNUR201Nursing HD/HC
HDFS202Found Family StudiesBEH2XXFound Family Studies
HDFS220Child Dev I: Prenatal-3PSY2XXChild Dev I: Prenatal-3
HDFS221Child Dev II: 3-10PSY2XXChild Dev II: 3-10
HDFS230Families & CommSOC225The Family
HESC310Pre-Clin Anat & PhysBIO220Human A/P I
HESC367Brazilian Sport & LeisREC3XXBrazilian Sport & Leis
HIST101West Civ to 1648HIS101Western Civ I
HIST102West Civ: 1648-PresHIS102Western Civ II
HIST205US History to 1865HIS111American Civ I
HIST206U.S. HistoryHIS112American Civ II
HIST221Film and American SocFLM2XXFilm and Amer Soc
HIST351Europe in Crisis: 1919-1945HIS3XXEurope in Crisis '19-'45
LEAD101Global Contexts for LeadershipMGT1XXGlobal Contexts for Leadership
LING101Intro to Linguistics ICM1XXIntro to Linguistics I
MAST200The OceansBIO1XXBiol Elective No Lab
MATH113Contemp MathematicsMAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MATH114College Math & StatsMAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MATH117Precalc for Sci & EngMAT108Precalculus
MATH201Intro to Stat Meth IQBA260Business Statistics
MATH201Intro to Stat Meth IBEH260Statistics
MATH201Intro to Stat Meth IMAT250Statistics
MATH202Intro Stat Meth IIQBA265Business Statistics II
MATH221Calculus IMAT171Calculus I
MATH222Calculus IIMAT172Calculus II
MATH241Analytic Geom and Calc AMAT171Calculus I
MATH242Analytic Geom and Calc BMAT172Calculus II
MATH243Analytic Geom and Calc CMAT271Calculus III
MATH251K-8 MathMAT115Sets/Number Systems
MATH252K-8 Math: Ration/StatisticsMAT150Data/Decision Making
MATH302Ord Diff EquationsMAT272Diff Equations
MEDT200The Language of MedicineBIO2XXBiology elective no lab
MEEG690Intermediate Eng MathematicsMBA5XXIntermediate Eng Mathematics
MISY160Bus Comput: Tools & ConcptsIFS105Personal Computing
MMSC200The Language of MedicineBIO201Medical Terminology
MUSC105Fundamentals of Music IMUS182Music Theory I
MUSC107History of RockMUS288History Rock/Roll
MUSC111Concert ChoirMUS1XXConcert Choir
MUSC113Marching BandMUS1XXMarching Band
MUSC205Music of the WorldMUS281World Music
MUSC367Seminar: Choral EnsembleMUS1XXSeminar: Choral Ensemble
MUSC430Chamber EnsembleMUS1XXChamber Ensemble
NTDT200Nutrition ConceptsNUR202Nutrition
PHIL100Philosophies of LifePHL1XXPhilosophies of Life
PHIL101Great West PhilosophersPHL221Intro Philosophy
PHIL105Critical ThinkingPHL222Critical Thinking
PHIL125Topics: Philosophy in FilmPHL1XXTopics: Philosophy in Film
PHIL202Contemp Moral ProbPHL223Cont Moral Problems
PHIL216Intro to Feminist TheoryPHL380Feminist Thought
PHYS201Intro Physics IPHY110Gen Phys:Mech/Ht
PHYS202Intro Physics IIPHY112Gen Phys:Elc/Magn
PHYS207Fund of Physics IPHY160Eng Phys:Mechncs
PHYS208Fund of Physics IIPHY260Eng Phys:Elct/Magn
POSC150Intro to Am PoliticsPS101Amer Gov/Citizenship
POSC150American Political SystemPS141American Governmnt
POSC240Intro to Intl RelPS302International Rel
POSC310European PoliticsPS3XXEuropean Politics
PSYC100General PsychologyPSY100General Psychology
PSYC201General PsychologyPSY100General Psychology
PSYC207Research MethodsPSY2XXResearch Methods
PSYC209Meas & StatsBEH260Statistics
PSYC325Child PsychologyPSY221Child/Adol Develop
PSYC334Abnormal PsychologyPSY230Abnormal Psych
SCEN101Physical SciencePSC152Physical Sci I
SGST387History of Sexuality/USBEH3XXHistory of Sexuality
SOCI201Intro to SociologySOC100Intro Sociology
SOCI301Intro to Soc ResearchSOC3XXIntro to Soc Research
SOCI311Sociology of HealthcareSOC3XXSociology of Healthcare
SPAN105Spanish I ElementarySPN101Elem Spanish I
SPAN106Spanish II Elem/InterSPN102Elem Spanish II
SPAN107Spanish III IntermediateSPN201Inter Spanish I
STAT200Basic Statistical PracticeQBA260Data Driven Dec Making
STAT200Basic Statistical PracticeBEH260Statistics
STAT200Basic Statistical PracticeMAT250Statistics
THEA102Intro to PerformanceTHE1XXIntro to Performance
THEA104Intro to Theatre and DramaTHE154Introduction to Theatre
THEA202Intro to Theatre DesignTHE2XXIntro to Theatre Dsgn
THEA241Western TheatreTHE2XXWestern Theatre
UAPP110Changing the WorldPS1XXChanging the World
UNIV116Strategies for Academic SuccesFYS1XXStrategies for Academic Succes
WOMS202Intro to Intrntl Women's StWGS2XXIntro Intl Women's Studies
WOMS205Women in the Arts & HumHUM2XXWomen in Arts & Hum
WOMS484Women in SportsWGS4XXWomen in Sports
University of Maryland - Baltimore CountyYork College of Pennsylvania
AFST100Intro to Black Experience BEH1XXIntro to Black Exp
AGNG100Revolutionizing Aging GER1XXRevolution Aging
AGNG200Agng People, Pol & Mngt GER2XXAgng People, Pol & Mgt
AMST200Multicultural America HUM2XXMulticultural America
ANCS150Word Roots Latin/Greek NPE1XXWord Roots Latin/Greek
ANTH211Cult Anthropology ANT220Cult Anthropology
ARCH100Intro to Arch of Ancient Wor ANT230Intro Archaeology
ARCH200Greek Archaeology ANT2XXGreek Archaeology
BIOL100Conc of Biology BIO1XXBiology Elect No Lab
BIOL100Conc of Biology BIO150Biology I
BIOL101Concepts of Biology BIO1XXBiology Elective no lab
BIOL109Life: Intro to Mod Biol BIO205Exp Biology Lab
BIOL109Life: Intro to Mod Biol BIO204Exploring Biology
BIOL142Foundations of Biol: Eco/Evo BIO152Evol/Ecol & Divers
BIOL142Foundations of Biol: Eco/Evo BIO153Evol/Ecol/Div Lab
BIOL275Microbiology BIO2XXBiol Elective No Lab
BIOL301Ecology & Evolution BIO3XXBiology Elect No Lab
CHEM101Prin of Chemistry I CHM134Gen Chem I
CHEM101Prin of Chemistry I CHM1XXChemistry Elect No Lab
CHEM102Prin of Chemistry II01CHM137Gen Chem II Lab
CHEM102Prin of Chemistry II01CHM136Gen Chem II
CHEM102Prin of Chemistry II CHM137Gen Chem II Lab
CHEM102Prin of Chemistry II CHM136Gen Chem II
CHEM102LPrin of Chemistry II Lab01  
CMPE212Prin of Digital Design CS2XXPrin of Dig Design
CMSC104Prob Solv & Comp Prog CS100CPADS I
CMSC201Computer Science I CS201Fund Comp Sci II
CMSC202Computer Science II CS201Fund Comp Sci II
CMSC203Discrete Structures CS2XXDiscrete Structures
CMSC331Prin of Prog Languages CS3XXPrin of Prog Languages
ECAD310Personnel Administration BHA310Public Health Admin
ECON101Prin of Microeconomics ECO201Prin Econ-Micro
ECON102Prin Macroecon ECO200Prin Econ-Macro
ECON121Prin Acct I ACC220Financial Acct
ECON122Prin of Acct II ACC225Managerial Acct
ECON301Intermed Accounting I ACC2XXIntermed Accounting I
ECON311Interm Microecon Analys ECO350Inter Microeconomcs
ECON312Interm Macroecon Analysis ECO360Intermediate Macro
ECON374Fund Financial Mgmt FIN3XXFund Financial Mgmt
ECON374Fund Financial Mgmt FIN300Managrl Finance I
ECON463Theory of Public Finance ECO4XXTheory of Public Fin
ECON467Health Economics ECO4XXHealth Economics
ECON481International Trade Thry ECO4XXInternational Trade Thry
ECON482International Finance ECO4XXInternational Finance
ECON490Analytic Methods in Econ ECO4XXAnalytic Meths in Econ
EDUC250Hist & Phil of Education EDU2XXHist & Phil of Education
EDUC308Field Exp: Secondary Educ EDU3XXField Exp: Sec Educ
EDUC312Analysis of Tchng & Lrng EDU3XXAnalysis of Tch & Lrng
EHS351Fin Mgmt: EHS FIN3XXFin Mgmt: EHS
ENES101Intro Engineering Sci EGR1XXIntro Engineering Sci
ENGL100Composition WRT102Analytical Read/Writ
ENGL100Composition FCO105Rhetorical Comm
ENGL100YComposition FCO105Rhetorical Comm
ENGL243Currents in American Lit LIT2XXCurrents in Am Lit
ENGL243ADiverse Voices LIT2XXDiverse Voices
ENGL250Intro Shakespeare LIT323Shakespeare I
ENGL291Intro Wrtg Creat Essays WRT2XXIntro Wrtg Creat Essays
ENGL393Tech Writing WRT3XXTech Writing
ENGL394Tech Editing WRT3XXTech Editing
ENME110Statics EGR250Statics
ENME204Intro Engr Des w/CAD EGR100Epads I
ENME217Engr Thermodynamics ME2XXEngr Thermodynamics
ENME220Mech of Materials EGR264Strength/Materials
ENME221Dynamics ME2XXDynamics
ENME301Struct/Prop: Engr Materls ME260Materials Science
ENME304Machine Design ME380Machine Design
ENME320Fluid Mechanics EGR360Fluid Mechanics
FREN101Elem French I FRN101Elem French I
FREN102Elementary French II FRN102Elem French II
FREN103Int Rev Elem French FRN102Elem French II
FREN201Interm French I FRN201Inter French I
FREN202Interm French II FRN202Inter French II
FREN301Adv French I FRN3XXAdv French I
FYS101BSci vs. Religion REL1XXSci vs. Religion
FYS102First Year Seminar FYS100First Year Seminar
FYS103KSferics, Tweek, Whistlers ESS1XXEarth Sci Elect No lab
GEOG120Env Sci/Conserv BIO1XXBio Elective No Lab
GEOG352Geog of Crime & Justice G3XXGeog of Crime & Justice
GERM101Elem German I GRM101Elem German I
GERM102Elem German II GRM102Elem German II
GERM201Intermed German I GRM201Inter German I
GERM301HAdv German I GRM3XXAdv German I
GES102Human Geography G100World Reg Geography
GES110Phys Geog G1XXPhys Geog
GWST100Intro Gender & Women WGS1XXIntro Gender & Women
HAPP100Survey US Hlth Care Sys NPE1XXNon Prog Elect
HIST100Western Civilization HIS1XXWestern Civilization
HIST102Amer Hist Since 1877 HIS112American Civ II
HIST103East-Asian Civilization HIS1XXEast-Asian Civilization
HIST111West Civ Since 1700 HIS102Western Civ II
HIST201Intro to Study of Hist HIS2XXIntro to Study of Hist
HIST301The American City HIS3XXThe American City
HIST303Second World War HIS3XXSecond World War
HIST306The First World War HIS420First World War
HIST347The United States Since 1945 HIS367Recent Amer/1945-Prs
HIST358Art & Socty: Renaissance ART3XXArt & Society: Renaiss
HIST371History & Film FLM220Film History
HIST407Founding of Amer Nation HIS352New American Nation
HIST421The American Civil War HIS4XXThe American Civil War
HIST43520th CUS Foreign Policy HIS4XX20th CUS Foreign Pol
HIST443The U.S. Since 1945 HIS367Recent Amer/1945-Prs
HIST466The Reformation HIS4XXThe Reformation
HIST470Tudor & Stuart England HIS4XXTudor & Stuart England
HIST487Europe, 1815-1914 HIS319Europe 19th Century
HIST497Historical Research HIS4XXHistorical Research
IFSM202Systems Analysis Methods IFS2XXSys Analysis Methods
IFSM295Intro to Appl Prog CS2XXIntro Appl Prog
IFSM300Mgmt Info Sys IFS305Management Info Sys
IFSM303Hum Factors in Comp IFS3XXHum Factors in Comp
IS101Intro to Comp Based Sys IFS1XXIntro Comp Based Sys
IS247JJava Prog IFS2XXJava Prog
IS298IIntro to Prog Tech IFS2XXIntro to Prog Tech
IS325Intro to Mgmt Sci IFS3XXIntro to Mgmt Sci
JDST310Modern Israel REL3XXModern Israel
LATN101Elem Latin I LAT101Elem Latin I
LATN102Elem Latin II LAT102Elem Latin II
LING190Language: Structural & Biol BIO1XXLanguage: Structural & Biol
LRC099Intro Algebra MAT102Prelim Math/Prob Solv
MATH100Intro to Contemp Math MAT1XXIntro to Contemp Math
MATH106Algebra & Elem Funct MAT102Prelim Math/Prob Solv
MATH106YAlgebra and Elem Func MAT102Prelim Math/Prob Solv
MATH150Precalculus Mathematics MAT108Precalculus
MATH151Calc & Analy Geometry I MAT171Calculus I
MATH152Calc & Analy Geom II MAT172Calculus II
MATH155Elem Calculus MAT120Applied Calculus
MATH221Intro to Linear Algebra MAT260Linear Algebra I
MATH225Intro Differen Equations MAT272Diff Equations
MATH251Multivariable Calc EGR240Mathmatical Methods
MATH251Multivariable Calc MAT271Calculus III
MCS377Desktop Pub & Web IFS3XXDesktop Pub & Web
MLL190The World of Language I INT201Intro World Lang
MLL191The World of Language II INT2XXThe World of Language II
MLL225Iranian Cultures INT2XXIranian Cultures
MUSC100Intro to Music MUS1XXIntro to Music
MUSC101Fund Music Theory MUS181Found Music Theory
MUSC117Pep Band MUS1XXPep Band
MUSC190Perf Studies: West Art MUS1XXPerf Studies: West Art
MUSC217Rock & Related Music MUS288History Rock/Roll
MUSC303Chamber Choir MUS150YCChorale
MUSC307Small Ensemble MUS3XXSmall Ensemble
MUSC308UMBCWind Ensemble MUS170Woodwind Ensemble
NRSG790Methods Research NUR508App Nurs Research
PHED112Beginning Swimming PAW120Beginning Swimming
PHED122Self Defense PAW130Self Defense
PHED143Bowling PAW110Beginning Bowling
PHED202Intro the Hlth Beh PAW234Well/Fitness/Life
PHIL100Intro to Philosophy PHL221Intro Philosophy
PHIL146Critical Thinking PHL222Critical Thinking
PHIL150Contemp Moral Iss PHL223Cont Moral Problems
PHIL152Intro to Moral Theory PHL223Cont Moral Problems
PHIL251Ethical Issues in Sci & Engnrg PHL2XXEthical Issues in Sci & Engnrg
PHIL399BTopics in Philosophy PHL3XXTopics in Philosophy
PHYS105Ideas in Astronomy ESS1XXEarth Sci Elect No Lab
PHYS106Intro Astrobiology PSC1XXPhys Sci Elect No Lab
PHYS111Basic Physics I PHY110Gen Phys:Mech/Ht
PHYS112Basic Physics II PHY112Gen Phys:Elc/Magn
PHYS121Introductory Physics I PHY160Eng Phys:Mechncs
PHYS121Introductory Physics I PHY111General Physics Lab
PHYS121Introductory Physics I PHY110General Physics I
PHYS122Introductory Physics II PHY113G Phys:Elct Lab
PHYS122Introductory Physics II PHY260Eng Phys:Elct/Magn
PHYS122Introductory Physics II PHY112Gen Phys:Elc/Magn
POLI100Amer Govt & Pol PS101Amer Gov/Citizenship
POLI110Intro to Politics PS1XXIntro to Politics
POLI250Intro Public Admin PS151Intro Public Admin
POLI260Comparative Politics PS260Comparative Politics
POLI280International Relations PS302International Rel
POLI353Govt Budgeting PS3XXGovt Budgeting
PSYC100Intro to Psychology PSY100General Psychology
PSYC200Developmental Psych I PSY223Early Child Develp
PSYC205Before We Were Born PSY2XXBefore We Were Born
PSYC210Psych of Learning PSY2XXPsych of Learning
PSYC211Science, Prof of Psych PSY2XXScience, Prof of Psych
PSYC285Abnormal Psych PSY230Abnormal Psych
PSYC304Adolescent Psychology PSY221Child/Adol Develop
PSYC360Psych of Motivation PSY3XXPsych of Motivation
RLST210Classical Mythology REL2XXClassical Mythology
SCI100Water: Interdis Study ESS1XXWater: Interdis Study
SOCY101Basic Concepts in Socy SOC100Intro Sociology
SOCY204Diversity and Pluralism SOC2XXDiversity and Pluralism
SOCY301Analy: Sociological Data BEH260Statistics
SOCY335Terrorism & Soc Viol SOC3XXTerrorism & Soc Viol
SOCY397Sel Topics in Soc SOC3XXSel Topics in Soc
SOWK260Intro to Soc Work I HSV2XXIntro to Soc Work I
SOWK360Soc Welfare HSV3XXSoc Welfare
SOWK388Human Behavior BEH3XXHuman Behavior
SOWK389Human Behavior II BEH3XXHuman Behavior II
SOWK395Alcohol Prob/Alcholism BEH3XXAlcohol/Alcholism
SPAN101Elem Spanish I SPN101Elem Spanish I
SPAN102Elem Spanish II SPN102Elem Spanish II
SPAN103Int Rev Elem Spanish SPN102Elem Spanish II
SPAN103Int Rev Elem Spanish SPN101Elem Spanish I
SPAN201AIntermediate Spanish I SPN201Inter Spanish I
STAT121Intro Statistics MAT250Statistics
STAT121Intro Statistics QBA260Business Statistics
STAT121Intro Statistics BEH260Statistics
STAT351Appl Stat/Bus & Econ QBA260Business Statistics
STAT351Appl Stat/Bus & Econ MAT250Statistics
STAT355Prob & Stat for Science Eng MAT350Probability/Stats
THTR110Introductin to Acting THE215Acting
THTR211Hist of Theatre II THE2XXHist of Theatre II
THTR229Movement for Actor THE2XXMovement for Actor
University of Maryland - College ParkYork College of Pennsylvania
AASP100Intro Afr Amer StudiesBEH1XXIntro Afr Amer Studies
AASP187New Jim Crow: PrisonBEH1XXNew Jim Crow: Prison
AASP298LBlks & Legal ProcBEH2XXBlks & Legal Proc
AASP298MTrends & PolicyBEH2XXTrends & Policy
AASP397Sr Read Resh SemBEH3XXSr Read Resh Sem
AASP429LBlk Ldrs 20th CentBEH4XXBlk Ldrs 20th Cent
ANTH220Intro Biol AnthroBIO2XXIntro Biol Anthro
ANTH221Intro Forensic ScienceANT2XXIntro Forensic Sci
ANTH240Intro ArchaeologyANT230Intro Archaeology
ANTH260Intro Soc Anth & LingANT2XXIntro Soc Anth & Ling
ANTH298AForensic SciencesCHM1XXForensic Sciences
ARAB101LElem Arabic IARB101Elem Arabic I
ARAB102LElem Arabic IIARB102Elem Arabic II
AREC260Gender in Econ & DvlpmntWGS2XXGender in Econ & Dvlpmnt
ARHU298JCreative WritingCRW272Intro Creative Wrt
ARTH100Intro to ArtART101Intro Art Apprec
ARTH200Art West World to 1300ART204Survey West Art I
ARTH201Art Wst World After 1300ART205Survey West Art II
ARTH290Art of AsiaART2XXArt of Asia
ARTH489Art & Museum WorldART4XXArt & Museum World
ARTT150Intro to Art TheoryART1XXIntro to Art Theory
ASTR100Intro to AstronomyESS1XXEarth Sci Elect No Lab
ASTR101Gen AstronomyESS154Intro/Astronomy
ASTR230Science Fic of PlanetsESS2XXEarth Sci Elect no lab
BIOL101Concepts of BiologyBIO120Field Nat Hist
BIOL201Human Anat Physiol IBIO220Human A/P I
BMGT110Intro Bus & MgtMGT150Prin of Management
BOTN101Gen BotanyBIO1XXGen Botany
BSCI103World of BiologyBIO205Exp Biology Lab
BSCI103World of BiologyBIO204Exploring Biology
BSCI105Prin Biol IBIO150Biology I
BSCI106Prin Biol IIBIO152Evol/Ecol & Divers
BSCI201Humn Anat & Physlg IBIO220Human A/P I
BSCI201Humn Anat & Physlg IBIO2XXHumn Anat & Physlg I
BSCI202Humn Anat & Physlg IIBIO222Human A/P II
BSCI222Prin GeneticsBIO240Genetics
CCJS100Intro CCJSCCJ101Intro Crim Justice
CHEM103General Chem ICHM134Gen Chem I
CHEM113Gen Chem IICHM136Gen Chem II
CHEM121Chem Mod WorldCHM1XXChemistry Elect No Lab
CHEM131Chem Fund ICHM1XXChem Fund I
CHEM135Gen Chem for EngCHM1XXChemistry Elect No Lab
CHEM231Organic Chem ICHM234Organic Chem I
CLAS170Greek + Roman MythHUM1XXGreek & Roman Myth
CLAS271Roman Lit-TransLIT2XXRoman Lit-Trans
CMLT280Film Art Glob SocFLM2XXFilm Art Glob Soc
CMSC102Intro Info TechIFS105Personal Computing
CMSC106Intro CProgCS1XXIntro CProg
COMM107Oral Comm PrinCM212Public Speaking
COMM107Oral Comm PrinCM104Human Communicatn
COMM382Essntl Intrcltrl CommCM3XXEssntl Intrcltrl Comm
CPSP118Sci, Tech and SocietyNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
CPSP119Sci, Tech & SocietyNPE1XXNon Prog Elect
CPSP124Iss Intl StudiesINT1XXIss Intl Studies
ECON111Think Like EconomistsECO1XXThink Like Economists
ECON200Prin Micro-EconomicsECO201Prin Econ-Micro
ECON201Prin MacroeconomicsECO200Prin Econ-Macro
ECON205Fund EconECO2XXFund Econ
ECON300Mthds Econ AnalysisECO3XXMthds Econ Analysis
EDCI246Good Stories: NarrativesHUM2XXGood Stories: Narratives
EDHD300Hum Dev & LrngEDU3XXHum Dev & Lrng
EDHD413Adolescent DevPSY221Child/Adol Develop
ENCE100Intro to Civil and Envr EngrEGR1XXIntro to Civ/Envr Eng
ENEE140Intro Prg Concept for EEECE1XXIntro to Prg Cpts for EE
ENEE200Socl & Ethc Dmns EngrECE2XXSocl & Ethc Dmns Engr
ENEE204Basic Circuit TheoECE2XXBasic Circuit Theo
ENEE244Digital Logic DesignECE2XXDigital Logic Design
ENES100Intro Engr DesignEGR1XXIntro Engr Design
ENES102Mechanics IEGR250Statics
ENES140Disc New VenturesEGR1XXDisc New Ventures
ENES220Mechanics IIEGR264Strength/Materials
ENGL101Academic WritingFCO105Rhetorical Comm
ENGL201West World Lit ILIT2XXWest World Lit I
ENGL289LGreek & Roman MythLIT2XXGreek & Roman Myth
ENGL393Tech WritingWRT3XXTech Writing
ENGL470Afr-Am Lit to 1910LIT4XXAfr-Am Lit to 1910
ENGL479AfroAsian MigrationsLIT4XXAfroasian Migrations
ENME272Intro to Computer Aided DsnEGR100Epads I
ENME382Intro to Materials EngrME260Materls Science
FMCD431Family Crises & RehabBEH4XXFam Crises & Rehab
FMCD487Legal Asp Fam ProbBEH4XXLeg Asp Fam Prob
FMSC298FFuture of FamiliesSOC2XXFuture of Families
FREN103Rev Elem FrenchFRN101Elem French I
GEOG130Devlopng CountriesG1XXDevlopng Countries
GEOG202Intro to Human GeographyG1XXIntro Human Geo
GEOL100Phys GeologyESS1XXPhys Geology
GEOL104Dinosaurs Nat HistESS1XXEarth Sci Elect No Lab
GEOL120Env GeologyESS1XXEarth Sci Elect No Lab
GEOL200Earth's FuryESS2XXEarth's Fury
GERM111Elementary German IGRM101Elem German I
GERM112Elementary German IIGRM102Elem German II
GVPT100Prin Govt & PolPS1XXPrin Govt & Pol
GVPT170American GovtPS141American Governmnt
GVPT220Intro Polit BehPS2XXIntro Polit Beh
GVPT289Intern Pol IconsPS2XXIntern Pol Icons
GVPT411Pub Pers AdminPS4XXPub Pers Admin
GVPT432Civ Rts & ConstPS372Civil Lib/Civ Rights
GVPT462Urban PoliticsPS4XXUrban Politics
GVPT479ALabor-Mgt RelPS4XXLabor-Mgt Rel
HIST110Ancient WorldHIS300Ancnt Hist to 476
HIST133Crusades Mdvl & MdrnHIS1XXCrusades Mdvl & Mdrn
HIST156Hist U.S. to 1865HIS111American Civ I
HIST157Hist U.S. Since 1865HIS112American Civ II
HIST201Am Hist 1865-PresHIS112American Civ II
HIST282History of Jews IHIS2XXHistory of Jews I
HIST285East Asian Civl IIHIS2XXEast Asian Civ II
HIST410Med & Public HlthHIS4XXMed & Public Hlth
HIST481Hist of Modn ChinaHIS4XXHist of Modn China
HLTH106Drug Use and AbuseBEH1XXDrug Use and Abuse
HLTH140Pers & Comm HealthBEH1XXPers & Comm Health
HLTH230Intr Hlth BehaviorBEH2XXIntr Hlth Behavior
HLTH285Control Stress and TensNPE2XXControl Stress and Tens
HLTH377Human SexualityBEH3XXHuman Sexuality
HLTH391Prins of Comm Hlth INPE3XXPrins of Comm Hlth I
HLTH471Womens HealthWGS4XXWomens Health
HLTH476Death EducationBEH4XXDeath Education
HLTH490Prins of Comm Hlth IINPE4XXPrins of Comm Hlth II
HUMN198KInteg Euro StudiesHUM1XXInteg Euro Studies
INAG110Oral CommunicationCM212Public Speaking
INAG110Oral CommunicationCM104Human Communicatn
JOUR150Intro Mass CommCM211Mass Communication
JOUR175Media LiteracyCM1XXMedia Literacy
JOUR200Hist, Roles & StructCM2XXHist, Roles & Struct
KNES210Exer Sci FitnessNPE1XXExer Sci Fitness
KNES293Hist Sport AmericaSPM2XXHist Sport America
KNES342Sport, Comm & CultSPM3XXSport, Comm & Cult
LENF100Intro Law EnforcementCCJ234Law Enforcement
MATH101Concepts Mod AlgebraMAT1XXConcepts Mod Algebra
MATH107Sel Top in AlgebraMAT105College Algebra
MATH113Coll Algebra ApplMAT105College Algebra
MATH130Calc I for Life SciMAT1XXCalc I for Life Sci
MATH131Calc II for Life SciMAT120Applied Calculus
MATH140Calculus IMAT171Calculus I
MATH141Calculus IIMAT172Calculus II
MATH206Intro to Math LabMAT1XXIntro to Math Lab
MATH220Elem Calculus IMAT120Applied Calculus
MATH241Calculus IIIMAT271Calculus III
MATH246Diff Eqn for Sci & EngrMAT272Diff Equations
MATH410Adv Calculus IMAT371Adv Calculus I
MGST120Fund of Acct ProcACC220Financial Acct
MUET200World Pop MusicMUS281World Music
MUET210Impact of Music on LifeMUS186Listening to Music
MUSC129Vocal EnsembleMUS146Voice Class
MUSC205Hist of Rock MusicMUS288History Rock/Roll
MUSC248AThe Jazz ExperienceMUS2XXThe Jazz Experience
MUSC329EGospel ChoirMUS150YCChorale
NFSC100Elem of NutritionNUR202Nutrition
PHIL140Contemp Moral IssuesPHL223Cont Moral Problems
PHIL170Intro to LogicPHL231Logic
PHIL173Analyt ReadingPHL1XXAnalyt Reading
PHIL250Phil of Sci IPHL2XXPhil of Sci I
PHYS117Intro to PhysicsPHY1XXIntro to Physics
PHYS121Fund of Physics IPHY110Gen Phys:Mech/Ht
PHYS161Gen PhysicsPHY160Eng Phys:Mechncs
PHYS161Gen PhysicsPHY1XXPhysics Elect No Lab
PHYS165Intro Prog Phys SciIFS1XXIntro Prog Phys Sci
PHYS171Intro Phys: MechPHY160Eng Phys:Mechncs
PHYS260Phys: Vib Waves Heat ElecPHY162Eng Phys:Ht/Thermo
PHYS260Phys: Vib Waves Heat ElecPHY2XXPhysics Elective no lab
PHYS270Elec Light Rel Mod PhysPHY262Eng Phys: Opt/Mod
PHYS270Elec Light Rel Mod PhysPHY2XXPhysics Elective no lab
PHYS272Intro Phys: FieldsPHY260Eng Phys:Elct/Magn
PSYC100Intro to PsychologyPSY100General Psychology
PSYC221Social PsychPSY243Social Psychology
PSYC355Child PsychologyPSY223Early Child Develp
RELS319Islam Lrn Piety PractREL3XXIslam Lrn Piety Pract
SOCY100Intro to SociologySOC100Intro Sociology
SOCY200Human SocietiesSOC2XXHuman Societies
SOCY227Study of DevianceSOC2XXStudy of Deviance
SOCY230Social PsychologyPSY243Social Psychology
SPAN101Elem SpanishSPN101Elem Spanish I
SPAN103Review Elem SpanishSPN101Elem Spanish I
SPAN207Read & Write SpanSPN2XXRead & Write Span
SPAN301Adv Grammar & Comp ISPN301Adv Oral/Writ Span
SPCH107Tech Spch CommCM104Human Communicatn
SPCH125Intro Interpersonal ComCM104Human Communicatn
STAT100Elem Stat & ProbMAT250Statistics
STAT200Intro to StatisticsMAT250Statistics
STAT400Appl Prob & Stat IMAT250Statistics
THET110Intro to TheatreTHE154Introduction to Theatre
UCST199Cultural View ParisHUM1XXCultural View Paris
ZOOL212Ecol, Evol & BehBIO2XXEcol, Evol & Beh
ZOOL270Pop Biol & Gen EcolBIO2XXBiology Elective No Lab
University of Maryland - Global CampusYork College of Pennsylvania
AASP201Intro Afr Amer Studies BEH2XXIntro Afr Amer Studies
AC C T220Princ of Accounting I AC C 220Financial Acct
AC C T221Princ of Accounting II AC C 225Managerial Acct
AC C T320Fraud Detection & Deter AC C 315Intro Financl Fraud
AC C T417Fed Income Tax II AC C 395Taxation II
AC C T422Auditing Theory & Pract AC C 410Auditing
AC C T424Adv Accounting AC C 4XXAdv Accounting
AC C T613Federal Income Taxation AC C 524Federal Tax Planning & Res
ANTH101Int Anth Arch & Phy ANT1XXInt Anth Arch & Phy
ARTH334Understanding Movies FLM216Intro to Film
ARTT110Elem of Drawing I ART215Drawing I
ARTT152Basics of Photography ART245Photography I
ARTT153Adv Photography ART295Photography II
ARTT205Art Appreciation ART101Intro Art Apprec
ASTD284Found East Asian C iv HIS2XXEast Asian C iv
ASTR100Intro to Astronomy ESS1XXEarth Sci Elective No Lab
ASTR100Intro to Astronomy ESS154Intro/Astronomy
BEHS201Intro to Beh/Soc Sc BEH2XXIntro to Beh/Soc Sc
BEHS210Intro to Soc Behavioral Sciene BEH2XXIntro to Soc Behavioral Scienc
BEHS343Parenting Today BEH3XXParenting Today
BEHS361Global Environ C hange BEH2XXGlobal Environ C hange
BEHS453Domestic Violence BEH3XXDomestic Violence
BIOL101C oncepts of Biology01BIO205Exp Biology Lab
BIOL101C oncepts of Biology01BIO204Exploring Biology
BIOL102Laboratory in Biology01  
BIOL103Intro to Biology BIO204Exploring Biology
BIOL103Intro to Biology BIO205Exp Biology Lab
BIOL160Human Biology BIO1XXBiology Elective No Lab
BIOL160Human Biology BIO112Fund Human Bio
BIOL164Intro Human A/P BIO220Human A/P I
BIOL181Life in the Oceans BIO1XXBiology Elective No Lab
BIOL201Human A & P I BIO220Human A/P I
BIOL202Hum A & P II BIO222Human A/P II
BIOL211Environ Sci BIO2XXBiology Elect No Lab
BIOL301Hum Hlth & Dis BIO3XXBiol Elective No Lab
BIOL305Biology of AIDS BIO3XXBiology Elect No Lab
BMGT110Intro to Bus & Mngmt MGT150Prin of Management
BMGT230Business Statistics QBA260Business Statistics
BMGT304Mang E-C omm in Orgs BUS3XXMang E-C omm in Orgs
BMGT314Women as Leaders BUS3XXWomen as Leaders
BMGT340Business Finance BUS3XXBusiness Finance
BMGT360Hum Res Mgmt MGT220Human Resource Mgt
BMGT364Mgt & Org Theory MGT150Prin of Management
BMGT380Bus Law I BUS260Legal Environment
BMGT388GEff Bus Presentations BUS3XXEff Bus Pres
BMGT495Strategic Mgmt BUS495Business Policy
C APP100AMicros: Hard & Soft IFS1XXMicros: Hard & Soft
C C JS100Intro to C rim Justice C C J101Intro C rim Justice
C C JS105Intro C riminology C C J378C riminology
C C JS230C rim Law In Action C C J302C riminal Law
C C JS234C riminal Procedure & Evid C C J341C riminal Procedure
C C JS320Intro C riminalistics C C J237C riminalistics Lab
C C JS320Intro C riminalistics C C J236C riminalistics
C C JS350Juv Delinquency C C J110Juvenile Delinquncy
C C JS370Race C rime & C rim Just C C J369Race & C rim Just System
C HEM113General C hem II C HM136Gen C hem II
C MIS102Intro Problem Solving C S1XXIntro Problem Solving
C MIS140Intro Programming IFS1XXIntro Programming
C MIS141Intro Programming C S1XXIntro Programming
C MIS141Intro Programming IFS225Program Bus Apps
C MIS310C omp Sys Arch C S3XXC omp Sys Arch
C MST100BIntro Microcomp: W/P IFS1XXIntro Microcomp: W/P
C MST100GIntro Micro:Spreadsheet IFS1XXIntro Micro:Spreadsheet
C MST301Digital Media C M225Intro New Media
C MST303Adv Appl Software IFS3XXAdv Appl Software
C OMM202Media and Society C M2XXMedia and Society
C OMM300C omm Theory C M206C ommunicatn Theory
C OMM380Lang Social C ontexts C M2XXLang Social C ontexts
C OMM390Writing for Managers WRT2XXWriting for Managers
C OMM393Technical Writing WRT1XXTechnical Writing
C OMM394Business Writing WRT2XXBusiness Writing
C OMM400Mass Media Law C M434Media Law/Ethics
C OOP301BC o-op in BMGT BUS3XXC o-op in BMGT
C SIA301Found of C ybersecurity IFS475Info Security/Ethics
C SIA303Found Info Sys Sec IFS3XXFound Info Sys Sec
EC ON201Prin of Econ-Macro EC O200Prin Econ-Macro
EC ON203Prin of Econ II EC O201Prin Econ-Micro
EC ON430Money & Banking EC O370Money & Banking
ENGL101Introduction to Writing FC O105Rhetorical C omm
ENGL102C omp & Lit LIT200Intro Lit & Text Stud
ENGL103Greek & Roman Myth LIT1XXGreek & Roman Myth
ENGL106Seminar in Shakespeare LIT323Shakespeare I
ENGL106Seminar in Shakespeare LIT4XXSem in Shakespeare
ENGL106Seminar in Shakespeare LIT324Shakespeare II
ENGL240Intro Fiction, Poetry, Drama LIT200Perspectives/Lit
ENGL246The Short Story LIT319The Short Story
ENGL291Expository Writing WRT2XXExpository Writing
ENGL293Tech Report Wrt FC O215Tech/Scientfc C omm
ENGL294Intro C reative Writing C RW272Intro C reative Wrt
ENGL313American Literature LIT282Amer Lit after 1885
ENGL363African American Authors LIT203African/Amer Lit
ENGL364African Am Lit LIT203African/Amer Lit
ENGL391Adv C omposition WRT315Advanced C ompositn
EXC L301Lrng Analysis & Plan NPE3XXLrng Analysis & Plan
EXC L399Bus Res BUS3XXBus Res
FIN610Financial Mgmt Organizations AC C 572C orporate Finance
FIN620Long-term Fncl Mgmt FIN6XXLong-term Fncl Mgmt
FINC 330Bus Finance FIN300Managrl Finance I
FM103Intro Nutrition NUR202Nutrition
GEOG110Regional Geog G100World Reg Geography
GEOL100Physical Geology ESS1XXPhysical Geology
GERM111Elem German I GRM101Elem German I
GERM112Elem German II GRM102Elem German II
GERM211Intermed German GRM201Inter German I
GERM212Intermed German II GRM202Inter German II
GERO100Intro to Gerontology GER100Perspectives/Aging
GNSC 160Human Bio BIO1XXBiol Elect No Lab
GRC O100Intro to Graphic C ommunication ART200Intro Graphic Design
GVPT100Intro to Political Science PS110Intro Poli Science
GVPT170American Govt PS101Amer Gov/C itizenship
GVPT170Amer Govt PS141American Governmnt
GVPT200Intern Political Rel PS302International Rel
HIST141West C iv I HIS101Western C iv I
HIST142West C iv II HIS102Western C iv II
HIST156Hist of U.S. to 1865 HIS111American C iv I
HIST157Hist U.S. Since 1865 HIS112American C iv II
HIST202Principles of War HIS2XXPrinciples of War
HIST219Fall of Yugoslavia HIS2XXFall of Yugoslavia
HIST255African-American History HIS2XXAfrican-Amer History
HIST289Historical Methods HIS2XXHistorical Methods
HIST309Intro Hist Writing HIS3XXIntro Hist Writing
HIST316NHistory of Ryukyu Islands HIS3XXHistory of Ryukyu Isds
HIST326The Roman Republic HIS3XXThe Roman Republic
HIST365Recent Amer: 1945-Pres HIS367Recent Amer/1945-Prs
HIST377US Women's Hist 1870-2000 HIS3XXUS Women's Hist
HIST432Britian in the 18th C entury HIS4XXBrit in 18th C ent
HIST462The U.S. C ivil War HIS364C ivil War & Reconstruction
HIST465World War II HIS4XXWorld War II
HMGT300US Healthcare MGT3XXUS Healthcare
HRMN300Hum Res Mgmt MGT220Human Resource Mgt
HUMN100Intro to Humanities HUM1XXIntro to Humanities
HUMN103Greek & Roman Myth HUM1XXGreek & Roman Myth
HUMN334Understanding Movies FLM380Flm Theory/C riticism
HUMN351Myth in the World HUM3XXMyth in the World
IFSM201Intro C omp-Based Sys IFS105Personal C omputing
IFSM202Sys Analysis Methods IFS2XXSys Analysis Methods
IFSM300Info Systems in Organ IFS305Management Info Sys
IFSM303Hum Fact Info Sys IFS3XXHum Fact Info Sys
IFSM304Ethics in Info Age IFS2XXEthics in Info Age
ITAL111Elem Italian I ITL101Elem Italian I
ITAL112Elem Italian II ITL102Elem Italian II
JOUR201Writing for the Mass Media C M332Media Writing
LGST204Legal Ethics PHL2XXLegal Ethics
LIBS150Introduction to Research NPE1XXIntroduction to Research
MATH012Intermediate Algebra MAT102Prelim Math/Prob Solv
MATH101C oncepts Mod Algebra MAT105C ollege Algebra
MATH103C ollege Math MAT111C r Thnkg/Prob Solv
MATH106Finite Mathematics MAT1XXFinite Mathematics
MATH107C ollege Algebra MAT105C ollege Algebra
MATH108Trig & Analy Geom MAT108Precalculus
MATH130C alculus A MAT171C alculus I
MATH131C alculus B MAT172C alculus II
MATH132C alculus C MAT271C alculus III
MATH141C alculus II MAT172C alculus II
MGST160Prin of Supervision MGT1XXPrin of Supervision
MGST198DUS Stock Market MGT3XXUS Stock Market
MGST198EPers Investment MGT1XXPers Investment
MRKT310Mkt Prin & Org MKT100Prin Marketing
MUSC 130Surv West Music Lit MUS186Listening to Music
MUSC 436Jazz: Then and Now MUS286Jazz History
NSC I100Intro Physical Sci PSC 152Physical Sci I
NSC I100Intro Physical Sci PSC 1XXPhys Sci Elect No Lab
NSC I110Intro Oceanography BIO1XXBiology Elective No Lab
NURS300Science and Research Nursing NUR332Research C onc/RN
NURS360Health Assessment NUR320Health Assmnt/RN
NUTR100Elements of Nutrition NUR202Nutrition
PHIL140C ontemp Moral Issue PHL223C ont Moral Problems
PHIL170Intro to Logic PHL231Logic
PHIL236Phil of Religion PHL383Philos Of Religion
PHYS161Gen Phys-Mch & Pat PHY1XXPhysics Elect No Lab
PHYS161Gen Phys-Mch & Pat PHY160Eng Phys:Mechncs
PSYC 100Intro to Psychology PSY100General Psychology
PSYC 200Stat Meth in Psych PSY2XXStat Meth in Psych
PSYC 301Biol Basis Behav PSY310Brain & Behavior
PSYC 309KMang Stress/C onflict PSY3XXMang Stress/C onflict
PSYC 309SIntro PSY Parenting PSY3XXIntro PSY Parenting
PSYC 351Lifespan Develop NUR201Nursing HD/HC
PSYC 351Lifespan Develop PSY2XXLifespan Develop
PSYC 353Abnormal Psych PSY230Abnormal Psych
SOC Y100Intro to Sociology SOC 100Intro Sociology
SOC Y105Intr C ntmp Soc Prob SOC 220Am Social Problems
SOC Y227Intro Stdy Deviance SOC 2XXIntro Stdy Deviance
SOC Y313Idiv & Soc SOC 3XXIndiv & Soc
SOC Y443Soc of the Family SOC 4XXSoc of the Family
SPAN101Elem Spanish I SPN101Elem Spanish I
SPAN111Elem Spanish I SPN101Elem Spanish I
SPAN112Elem Spanish II SPN102Elem Spanish II
SPC H100Found of Speech C omm C M104Human C ommunicatn
SPC H100Found of Speech C omm C M212Public Speaking
SPC H101Intro Public Speaking C M104Human C ommunicatn
SPC H101Intro Public Speaking C M212Public Speaking
SPC H125Int Interpers C omm C M329Interpersonal C omm
STAT200Intro to Stats MAT250Statistics
STAT200Intro to Stats QBA260Business Statistics
STAT200Intro to Stats BEH260Statistics
THET110Intro to the Theatre THE154Introduction to Theatre
THET120Acting I THE215Acting
WRTG101Intro to Writing FC O105Rhetorical C omm
WRTG112Intro to Academic Writing WRT1XXIntro to Academic Writing
WRTG394Adv Business Writing WRT3XXAdv Business Writing
WRTG394XBus Writing WRT3XXBus Writing
University of PhoenixYork College of Pennsylvania
ACC220Surv AcctACC2XXSurv Acct
ACC280Prin of AccountingACC2XXPrin of Accounting
ACC421Interm Fin Acct IACC320Inter Accounting I
ACC422Interm Fin Acct IIACC325Inter Accounting II
ACC423Interm Fin Acct IIIACC330Inter Accountng III
ACC440Adv Fin AcctACC420Adv Accounting I
ACC483Income Tax-IndivACC305Taxation I
ACC529Acc for Man Dec MakingMBA527Managerial Accountg
ACC539Acc for Man Dec MakingMBA527Managerial Accountg
ACC542Acct Info SystemsMBA552Accounting Info Sys
ACC559Adv Acct Info SystemsMBA552Accounting Info Sys
ACC561AccountingMBA527Managerial Accountg
AED200Cont Issues in American EdEDU2XXCont Iss in Amer Educ
AED201Teaching as a ProfessionEDU2XXTeaching as Prof
AED204Diversity in the classroomEDU2XXDiversity in the classroom
AED222Intro to the Excep LrnrEDU2XXIntro to the Excep Lrnr
ART101Introduction to ArtART101Art/Visual Culture
BEH225Intro Beh SciBEH2XXIntro Beh Sci
BIO100Intro to Life ScienceBIO204Exploring Biology
BIO101Prin of BiologyBIO1XXBiology Elective no lab
BIO290Anatomy and Physiology IBIO220Human A/P I
BIO290Anatomy and Physiology IBIO221Human A/P I Lab
BIO290Anatomy and Physiology IBIO2XXAnatomy and Physiology I
BIS219Bus Info SysBUS2XXBus Info Sys
BIS320Bu Info SysIFS305Management Info Sys
BPA402Politics/CitizenshipPS312Politics Public Pol
BSA310Bus SystemsIFS3XXBus Systems
BSA375Fund Bus Sys DevIFS3XXFund Bus Sys Dev
BSHS302Intro Hum ServSOC3XXIntro Hum Serv
BSHS312Mod of Eff HelpingSOC3XXMod of Eff Helping
BSHS322Comm Skills Hum ServSOC3XXComm Skills Hum Serv
BSHS342Hum Lifespan DevNUR201Nursing HD/HC
BSHS342Hum Lifespan DevPSY3XXHum Lifespan Dev
BUS210Found of BusinessBUS150Intro to Business
BUS320Bus Info SystemsIFS305Management Info Sys
CHM110Introductory ChemistryCHM1XXIntroductory Chemistry
CHM150General Chemistry ICHM134Gen Chem I
CIS105Survery of Comp Info SysIFS105Personal Computing
CIS207Info Sys FundamntlsIFS105Personal Computing
CIS319Comp & Info ProcIFS105Personal Computing
CJA333Policing Theory & PractCCJ364Policing Communities
CJS201Intro Crim JusticeCCJ101Intro Crim Justice
COM120Eff Pers WritingFCO105Rhetorical Comm
COM140Cont Business CommFCO210Comm Prof Cultures
COM150Effective Essay WritingWRT1XXEffective Essay Writing
COM155Comp & Comm IFCO105Rhetorical Communication
COM156Comp & Comm IIWRT1XXComp & Comm II
COM170Elements of Uni CompFCO105Rhetorical Comm
COM172Elements of Uni Comp IIWRT1XXElements of Uni Comp II
COM215Written CommWRT2XXWritten Comm
COM220Research WritingWRT2XXResearch Writing
COM285Bus CommFCO210Comm Prof Cultures
COMM102Comm SkillsCM104Human Communicatn
COMM215Essentials of College WritingWRT2XXEssentials of Coll Wrtg
CPMGT302Proc & Risk MgmtMGT3XXProc & Risk Mgmt
CRT205Crit ThinkingPHL222Critical Thinking
ECO205Econ TheoryECO2XXEcon Theory
ECO212Prin of EconECO2XXPrin of Econ
ECO365Prin MicroeconECO201Prin Econ-Micro
ECO372Prin of MacroeconECO200Prin Econ-Macro
EDU301Found of EducationEDU3XXFound of Ed
EDU305Child DevPSY3XXChild Dev
EDU305Child DevPSY221Child/Adol Develop
ENG101Effective Essay WritingFCO105Rhetorical Comm
ENG102Research WritingWRT1XXResearch Writing
ENG220University Academic WritingWRT1XXUni Academic Wrtg
ENG240Intro Creative WritingCRW272Intro Creative Wrt
ENG491Am Lit to 1860LIT281Amer Lit to 1885
ETH125Cult DiversitySOC1XXCult Diversity
FIN200Intro FinanceFIN2XXIntro Finance
FIN320Corporate FinanceFIN300Managrl Finance I
FIN571Corporate FinanceMBA572Managerial Finance
FP101Found Pers FinanceFIN218Personal Finance
FP120Essentials of Personal FinFIN218Personal Finance
GEN200Founds for Gen Ed/ProfNPE2XXFounds for Gen Ed/Prf
HCA210Intro Health CareHSC100Expl Health Professions
HCA220Lang of Health CareNPE2XXLang of Health Care
HCA230Comm Skills Hlth CareCM2XXComm Skills Hlth Care
HCA240Health & DiseasesNPE2XXHealth & Diseases
HCA250Psych of HealthPSY2XXPsych of Health
HCA260Hlth Care's Law & Eth EnvNPE2XXHlth Care's Law & Ethics
HCA270Fin Mat Health Care ProfNPE2XXFin Mat Hlth Care Prof
HCS212Health Care VocabNPE1XXHealth Care Vocab
HCS235Healthcare in the USNPE2XXHealthcare in the US
HCS320Hlth Care Comm StratNPE3XXHlth Care Comm Strat
HCS325Hlth Care MgmtNPE3XXHlth Care Mgmt
HCS335Hlth Care EthicsPHL346Bioethics
HCS341Hum Res in Health CareNPE3XXHum Res in Health Care
HCS483Hlth Care Info SysIFS4XXHlth Care Info Sys
HCS490Hlth Care ConsNPE4XXHlth Care Cons
HIS110US Hist to 1865HIS111American Civ I
HIS112History of Western CivHIS101Western Civ I
HIS114Hist of West Civ from Fr RevHIS102Western Civ II
HIS120US Hist 1865-1945HIS112American Civ II
HIS135Amer Exp Since 1945HIS367Recent Amer/1945-Prs
HIS301United States ConstitutionHIS372Civil Lib/Civ Rights
HRM240Hum Res MgtMGT220Human Resource Mgt
HRM350International Hum ResourcesMGT3XXInter Human Resources
HRM531Hum Capital MgtMBA554Human Resource Mgmt
HRM546Hum Res LawMBA5XXHum Res Law
HRM548Recruit & Retention PracMBA598Directed Study
HRM565Hum Res MgmtMBA554Human Resource Mgmt
HSM210Human Services in the USBEH2XXHuman Services in US
HUM105World MythologyHUM1XXWorld Mythology
HUM111Crit & Creative ThinkingHUM1XXCrit & Creative Thinking
HUM114Crit Thinking/Prob SolvHUM1XXCrit Thinking/Prob Solv
HUM115Critical ThinkingPHL222Critical Thinking
HUM130Religions of the WorldREL265World Religions
HUM150Introduction to Film StudiesFLM216Intro to Film
HUM176Media & Amer CultHUM1XXMedia & Amer Cult
HUM186Media Influences/Am CultureHUM1XXMedia Influn/Am Cult
HUM205World Culture and the ArtsHUM2XXWorld Culture & the Arts
HUM266Art Through the AgesART2XXArt Through the Ages
INB205Intl BusIBS200Internatl Business
IT105Skills for Information AgeIFS1XXSkills for Info Age
IT205Mgmt Info SysIFS305Management Info Sys
LAW529Legal Env BusMBA504Legl/Ethical/Global
LDR531Org LeadershipMBA5XXOrg Leadership
LIT210World LitLIT2XXWorld Lit
MAT115Basic MathematicsMAT1XXBasic Mathematics
MAT116Algebra IAMAT1XXAlgebra IA
MAT117Albegra 1BMAT105College Algebra
MBA520Trans LeadMBA5XXTrans Lead
MBA580Strat for Comp AdvMBA593Business Policy
MBA590Strat Impl & AlignmentMBA593Business Policy
MED555Tch Meth: Elem Soc StudiesECH315Teachng Soc Studies
MGT216Org Ethics & Soc ResMGT2XXOrg Ethics & Soc Res
MGT230Management Thry and PracMGT150Prin of Management
MGT245Org Theory & BehMGT225Org Behavior
MGT307Org BehMGT225Org Behavior
MGT330Mgt: Theory, Pract, ApplMGT150Prin of Management
MGT331Org BehaviorMGT225Org Behavior
MGT350Crit Think:Dec MakingMGT3XXCrit Think:Dec Making
MGT554Operations ManagementMBA545Operations Mgmt
MKT230Intro to MarketingMKT100Prin Marketing
MKT435Consumer BehaviorMKT360Consumer Behavior
MKT435Consumer BehaviorMKT360Consumer Behavior
MKT551Marketing MgmtMBA531Marketing Mgmt
MKT555Consumer BehaviorMBA558Buyer Beh/Mkt Strat
MKT560Marketing ResearchMBA578Mktg Info/Research
MKT565Marketing StrategyMBA531Marketing Mgmt
MKT570Product DevMBA5XXProduct Dev
MKT571MarketingMBA531Marketing Mgmt
MMI510Intl Org BehaviorMBA5XXIntl Org Behavior
MMI520Intl Hum Res MgmtMBA554Human Resource Mgmt
MTH110History of MathMAT1XXHistory of Math
MTH156Math for Elem Teachers IMAT115Math Foundations
MTH208Coll Math IMAT2XXColl Math I
MTH209College Math IIMAT2XXCollege Math II
MTH213Math Elem Ed IMAT115Sets/Number Systems
MTH230CalculusMAT120Applied Calculus
MTH280Calculus IMAT171Calculus I
MTH290Calculus IIMAT172Calculus II
MTH310Calculus IMAT171Calculus I
MTH401Hist of MathMAT3XXHist of Math
MTH463Applied StatisticsMAT250Statistics
MTH464Inferential StatisticsQBA265Business Stats II
NSCI280Anat & Phys IBIO220Human A/P I
NSCI281Anat & Phys IIBIO222Human A/P II
OPS571Operations MgmtMBA545Operations Mgmt
PHI105Intro to PhilosophyPHL221Intro Philosophy
PHL251Critical ThinkingPHL222Critical Thinking
PHL323Ethics in MgtPHL342Professional Ethics
PM571Project MgtMBA577Project Management
POL469Contemp Pol ThoughtPS369Modern Pol Thought
PRG211Alg and Log for Comp PrgCS2XXAlg/Log for Comp Prg
PSY103Intro to PsychologyPSY100General Psychology
PSY110Psych of LearningPSY1XXPsych of Learning
PSY201Found of PsychologyPSY100General Psychology
PSY210Intro to PsychologyPSY100General Psychology
PSY211Essentials of PsychologyPSY100General Psychology
PSY220Positive PsychologyPSY2XXPositive Psychology
PSY230Theories of PersonalityPSY2XXTheories of Personality
PSY240The Brain, Body and MindPSY2XXBrain, Mody and Mind
PSY265Psych of Human SexualityPSY2XXPsych of Human Sexuality
PSY270Ab Psyc: Abuse, Add, DisordersPSY2XXAb Psych: Abuse, Add, Dis
PSY300General PsychologyPSY3XXGeneral Psychology
PSY310History and Systems in PsychPSY3XXHist and Sys in Psych
PSY315Statistical Reasoning in PsychBEH260Statistics
PSY320Human MotivationPSY3XXHuman Motivation
PSY340Biological Found in PsychPSY3XXBio Found in Psych
PSY355Motivational Proc in Human PsyPSY3XXMotv Proc in Human Psy
PSY360Cognitive PsychologyPSY307Cognitive Psych
PSY375LifeSpan Human DevelopmentPSY3XXLifeSpan Hum Dev
PSY375LifeSpan Human DevelopmentNUR201Nursing HD/HC
PSY3XXGeneral PsychologyPSY3XXGeneral Psychology
QNT321Stats in Business IQBA260Business Statistics
QNT322Stats in Bus IIQBA265Business Stats II
REL133World ReligionsREL265World Religions
RES341Res & Eval IBEH260Statistics
RES341Res & Eval IQBA260Business Statistics
RES341Res & Eval IMAT250Statistics
RES342Res & Eval IIMAT3XXRes & Eval II
SCI151AstronomyESS1XXEarth Sci Elect No Lab
SCI163Elem of Health & WellnessPAW234Well/Fitness/Life
SCI209OceanographyBIO2XXBiology Elect No Lab
SCI220Human NutritionNUR202Nutrition
SCI230Intro Life SciencePSC1XXPhys Sci Elect No Lab
SCI245GeologyESS2XXEarth Sci Elect No Lab
SCI256People, Sci & EnvirBIO2XXBiology Elect No lab
SCI275Envir ScienceBIO2XXBiology Elect No Lab
SCI350AstronomyESS3XXEarth Sci Elect No Lab
SOC100Intro to SociologySOC100Intro Sociology
SOC120SociologySOC100Intro Sociology
SOC200Intro to SociologySOC100Intro Sociology
SOC315Cultural DiversitySOC3XXCultural Diversity
SPAN110Conv Spanish ISPN101Elem Spanish I
SPAN112Conv Spanish IISPN102Elem Spanish II
TECH522Tech Education for EducatorsMED5XXTech Education for Educators
University of PittsburghYork College of Pennsylvania
ADMJ0002Crime, Law, Pub Pol CCJ101Intro Crim Justice
ADMJ0130Corr Phil: Thry Pract CCJ337Punishmnt/Correctns
ADMJ0600Intro to Criminology CCJ378Criminology
ADMJ1115Criminalistics CCJ236Criminalistics
ADMJ1115Criminalistics CCJ237Criminalistics Lab
ADMJ1245Terrorism CCJ322Examining Terrorism
ADMJ1400Intro Criminal Law CCJ302Criminal Law
ADMJ1520Victimology CCJ310Victimology
ANTH0101Intro Cult Anthro ANT220Cult Anthropology
ANTH0536Mesoamerica before Cortez ANT3XXMesoamerica bf Cortez
ANTH0538Arch Looks at Death ANT2XXArch Looks at Death
ANTH0582Intro to Archeology ANT230Intro Archaeology
ANTH0620Biocultural Anthro ANT2XXBiocultural Anthro
ANTH0630Forensic Anthro ANT1XXForensic Anthro
ANTH0680Intro Physical Anthro ANT210Physical Anthropol
ANTH0720Folklore & Cult Div ANT1XXFolklore & Cult Div
ANTH0780Intro to Cultural Anthro ANT220Cult Anthropology
ANTH0800Intro to Cult Anthro ANT220Cult Anthropology
ANTH1544Ancient Civilizations ANT1XXAncient Civilizations
ANTH1600Human Evolution and Variation BIO1XXHuman Evolution and Variation
ANTH1720Caribbean Cult ANT1XXCaribbean Cult
ANTH1771Religion & Culture ANT1XXReligion & Culture
ANTH1787Special Topics in Cult Anth ANT1XXSpec Topics in Cult Anth
ART0201Painting ART220Painting I
ARTSC0020Lat Amer & Caribbean INT1XXLat Amer & Caribbean
ARTSC0111Right Start I FYS1XXRight Start I
ARTSC0120First Exp in Research BIO1XXFirst Exp in Research
ASTRON0087Basics of Space Flight ESS1XXEarth Science Elect no lab
ASTRON0088Stonehenge to Hubble ESS1XXEarth Sci Elective No Lab
ASTRON0089Stars, Galax, & Cosmos ESS1XXEarth Sci Elective No Lab
BIOL0080Life Sciences BIO1XXBiology Elect No Lab
BIOL0085Hum Health & Disease BIO1XXBiology Elect No Lab
BIOL0091Concepts of Biology BIO1XXBiology Elect no lab
BIOL0102Intro to Biodiversity BIO1XXIntro to Biodiversity
BIOL0110General Biology I02BIO143Mole/Gene/Cell Lab
BIOL0110General Biology I02BIO142Molecule/Gene/Cell
BIOL0111General Biology Lab I02  
BIOL0112Human Biology BIO112Fund Human Bio
BIOL0112Human Biology BIO1XXBiology Elect No Lab
BIOL0120General Biology 203BIO152Evol/Ecol & Divers
BIOL0120General Biology 203BIO153Evol/Ecol/Div Lab
BIOL0121General Biology Lab 203  
BIOL0202Microbiology BIO230Microbiology
BIOL0212Hum Anat & Phys I BIO220Human A/P I
BIOL0213Human Anatomy & Physio I BIO222Human A/P II
BIOL0350Genetics BIO240Genetics
BIOL0950Anat & Phys I BIO220Human A/P I
BIOL0970Anatomy & Physio 2 BIO222Human A/P II
BIOL0980Medical Microbiology BIO230Microbiology
BIOL0980Medical Microbiology BIO2XXBiology Elect No Lab
BIOL1170Vertebrate Biology BIO1XXBiology Elective no lab
BIOL1515Gen Ecology BIO300Ecology
BIOSC0057Fds of Biology Research Lab I05  
BIOSC0067Fds of Biology Research Lab 206  
BIOSC0100Prep for Biology BIO101Biology Orientation
BIOSC0150Foundations of Biology I05BIO142Molecule/Gene/Cell
BIOSC0150Foundations of Biology I05BIO151Intro Mole Bio Lab
BIOSC0150Foundations of Biology I BIO1XXBiology Elective No Lab
BIOSC0150Foundations of Biology I05BIO143Mole/Gene/Cell Lab
BIOSC0150Foundations of Biology I05BIO150Intro Molecular Bio
BIOSC0160Foundations of Biology 206BIO153Evol/Ecol/Div Lab
BIOSC0160Foundations of Biology 206BIO152Evol/Ecol & Divers
BIOSC0160Found of Biology II BIO1XXBiology Elect No Lab
BIOSC0170Foundation of Biology I BIO150Biology I
BIOSC0180Foundation of Biology II BIO152Biology II
BIOSC0350Genetics BIO2XXGenetics no lab
BIOSC1000Biochemistry BIO3XXBiochemistry no lab
BIOSC1110Human Anatomy & Phys I BIO220Human A/P I
BIOSC1115Human Anatomy & Phys II BIO222Human A/P II
BIOSC1130Evolution BIO3XXEvolution no lab
BIOSC1850Microbiology BIO3XXMicrobiology no lab
BUS0115Acct Prin ACC1XXAcct Prin
BUS0300Prin of Finance FIN3XXPrin of Finance
BUS0500Prin of Mgmt MGT150Prin of Management
BUS0510Prin of Marketing MKT100Prin Marketing
BUS1520Org Beh MGT225Org Behavior
BUS510Prin of Marketing MKT100Prin Marketing
BUSACC0030Financial Accounting ACC220Financial Acct
BUSACC0040Man Accounting ACC225Managerial Acct
BUSENV0060Ethics & Bus Env BUS1XXEthics & Bus Env
BUSORG1020Organizational Behavior MGT225Org Behavior
BUSORG1101Fund Bus Comm FCO210Comm Prof Cultures
BUSQOM0050Quantitative Methods BUS2XXQuantitative Methods
BUSSPP0020Managing Complex Environ MGT2XXManaging Complex Environ
CHE0100Found of Chem Engr CHM1XXFound of Chem Engr
CHE0200Chem Engr Thermo CHM2XXChem Engr Thermo
CHEM0101Gen Chemistry I CHM134Gen Chem I
CHEM0102Gen Chem II CHM136Gen Chem II
CHEM0103Biol Chemistry CHM122Prin Gen/Org Chem
CHEM0110General Chemistry I CHM135Gen Chem I Lab
CHEM0110General Chemistry I CHM134Gen Chem I
CHEM0110General Chemistry I CHM123Gen/Org Chem Lab
CHEM0110General Chemistry I CHM122Prin Gen/Org Chem
CHEM0111General Chemistry I01CHM135Gen Chem I Lab
CHEM0111General Chemistry I01CHM134Gen Chem I
CHEM0112General Chemistry 204CHM137Gen Chem II Lab
CHEM0112General Chemistry 204CHM136Gen Chem II
CHEM0113General Chemistry 2 CHM1XXGeneral Chemistry 2-no lab
CHEM0113General Chemistry Lab I01CHM1XXGeneral Chemistry 2-no lab
CHEM0114General Chemistry Lab 204  
CHEM0120General Chemistry II CHM137Gen Chem II Lab
CHEM0120General Chemistry II CHM136Gen Chem II
CHEM0150General Chem 1 Engr CHM1XXChemistry Elect no lab
CHEM0250Intro to Analytical Chem CHM2XXIntro to Analytical Chem
CHEM0310Organic Chemistry I07CHM236Organic Chem II
CHEM0310Organic Chemistry I07CHM237Org Chm II Lab
CHEM0310Organic Chemistry I07CHM235Orgnc Chm I Lab
CHEM0310Organic Chemistry I07CHM234Organic Chem I
CHEM0310Organic Chem I CHM2XXOrganic Chem I no lab
CHEM0320Organic Chemistry 207  
CHEM0320Organic Chem II CHM2XXOrganic Chem 2 No Lab
CHEM0345Organic Laboratory07  
CHEM0410Gen Chem I CHM1XXChemistry Elect No Lab
CHEM0720UHCGeneral Chemistry 2 CHM137Gen Chem II Lab
CHEM0720UHCGeneral Chemistry 2 CHM136Gen Chem II
CHEM0760Gen Chem for Eng I CHM134Gen Chem I
CHEM0850Nat Sci I PSC1XXPhys Sci Elect No Lab
CHEM0910Chemcl Principl Health Profess CHM122Prin Gen/Org Chem
CHEM0910Chemcl Principl Health Profess CHM123Gen/Org Chem Lab
CHEM0960Gen Chem for Eng I CHM1XXChem Elect No Lab
CHEM0960Gen Chem for Eng I CHM134Gen Chem I
CHEM0970Gen Chem for Eng II CHM1XXGen Chem for Eng II
CHEM190Chem for Health Science CHM1XXChemistry Elective no lab
CHEM190Chem for Health Science CHM122Prin Gen/Org Chem
CHIN0081East Asia in the World INT1XXEast Asia in the World
CHIN1047Chinese & West Poetry LIT1XXChinese & West Poetry
CLASS0010Greek Civilization HIS1XXGreek Civilization
CLASS0020Roman Civ HIS1XXRoman Civ
CLASS1130Classical Myth & Lit LIT3XXClassical Mythology & Lit
CLASS1430Origins of Christianity REL2XXOrigins of Christianity
CMCHE0323Heat & Mass Transfer CHM3XXHeat & Mass Transfer
CMPINF0010Big Ideas in Comp & Info NPE1XXBig Ideas in Comp & Info
COMM0101Human Comm CM104Human Communicatn
COMM0104Public Speaking CM104Human Communicatn
COMM0109Introduction to Cinema FLM1XXIntroduction to Cinema
COMM1306American Cinema FLM216Intro to Film
COMMRC0030Intro to Comm CM1XXIntro to Comm
COMMRC0052Public Speaking CM212Public Speaking
COMMRC0083Intercultural Comm CM1XXIntercultural Comm
COMMRC0300Comm Process CM2XXComm Process
COMMRC0320Mass Comm Process CM211Mass Communication
COMMRC0500Argument CM2XXArgument
COMMRC0520Public Speaking CM212Public Speaking
COMMRC0520Public Speaking CM104Human Communicatn
COMMRC1131Org Comm CM328Organizational Comm
CS0007Intro to Computer Prog CS101Fund Comp Sci I
CS0008Int Computer Progm CS1XXComputer Sci Elect
CS0012Int Cmptng for the Humanities IFS105Personal Computing
CS0015Intro Comp Prog CS1XXIntro Comp Prog
CS0081Comp Lit IFS105Personal Computing
CS0085PCSoftware for Bus IFS105Personal Computing
CS0100Persp in Comp Sci CS1XXPersp in Comp Sci
CS0103Int Bus Microcomp IFS105Personal Computing
CS0131Software Pers Comp IFS105Personal Computing
CS0134Web Site Des & Dev IFS1XXWeb Site Des & Dev
CS0334Intm Web Des & Dev IFS1XXIntm Web Des & Dev
CS0401Int Prog Using JavaIFS1XXInt Prog Using Java
CS0401Intermed Program JavaCS201Fund Comp Sci II
CS0406Disc Math 2 & Stats CSCS2XXDisc Math 2 & Stats CS
CS0411Intro Comp Sci ProgCS1XXIntro Comp Sci Prog
CS0441Discrete Struct for CSMAT235Discrete Mathemtcs
CS0445Data StructCS1XXData Struct
CS0447Comp Org & Assmbly LangCS1XXComp Org & Assmbly Lang
CS0449Intro to Sys SoftwareCS1XXIntro to Sys Software
CS0455Alg & Info StructuresCS4XXAlg & Info Structures
CS0456Comp Sys ArchCS4XXComp Sys Arch
DENHYG1110Biological Sciences IBIO1XXBiology Elective No Lab
DENHYG1117Chem, Bio & NutritionNUR202Nutrition
DSMIC0031Microbiology IBIO1XXBiology Elective No Lab
ECE0031Linear Cir & Sys IECE1XXLinear Cir & Sys I
ECE0041Linear Cir & Sys IIECE1XXLinear Cir & Sys II
ECE0132Digital LogicECE1XXDigital Logic
ECE0142Comp OrgECE1XXComp Org
ECE0257Anal & Des Elec CirECE2XXAnal & Des Elec Cir
ECE0501Digital Sys LaboratoryEGR1XXDig Sys Laboratory
ECON0100Microecon TheoryECO201Prin Econ-Micro
ECON0102Intro MicroeconECO201Prin Econ-Micro
ECON0105Intro MicroeconECO201Prin Econ-Micro
ECON0110Macroecon TheoryECO200Prin Econ-Macro
ECON0115Intro to MacroeconomECO200Prin Econ-Macro
ECON0281Intro Money & BankingECO370Money & Banking
ECON0520Comp Econ SysECO2XXComp Econ Systems
ECON0800Intro to EconomicsECO2XXIntro to Economics
ECON1110Intered MacroeconomicsECO360Intermediate Macro
ECON1301Poverty and SocietyECO2XXPoverty and Society
EDPSY0006Intro to Educational PsychPSY1XXIntro to Ed Psych
EDPSY1021Students with Spec NeedsEDU1XXStudents with Spec Needs
EDPSY1025Inclusion StrategiesEDU1XXInclusion Strategies
EDPSY1026English Lang LearnersEDU335Instrc Needs/ELL
EDPSY1121Educ Assess for Inclsn ClssrEDU1XXEduc Assess for Incl Cl
EDUC0204Introduction to EducationEDU200Found of Education
EDUC0220Special Education LawSPE2XXSpecial Education Law
EDUC0225The Developing ChildECH2XXThe Developing Child
EDUC0230Family & Community ReltnshpsECH250Professionl/Partner
EDUC0235Instructional DesignECH220Instruct/Curric Dev
EDUC0255Readings in Children's LitLIT2XXLiterature Elective
EDUC1306Classroom ManagementEDU3XXClassroom Management
ENG0100Intro to College CompositionWRT1XXIntro to College Composition
ENG0101English Composition IFCO105Rhetorical Comm
ENG0102English Composition 2WRT1XXEnglish Comp 2
ENG0106Intro to Short StoryLIT1XXIntro to Short Story
ENG0110Literature and InterpreLIT200Intro Lit & Text Stud
ENG0203British Lit I Before 1800LIT283Anc-Early Mod Brit Lit
ENG0214Intro to Literature by WomenLIT382Women Writers
ENG0218Intro Lit & EnvirLIT2XXIntro Lit & Envir
ENGCMP0002Fresh Writing SemFCO105Rhetorical Comm
ENGCMP0003Communication IFCO105Rhetorical Comm
ENGCMP0005Composition IFCO105Rhetorical Comm
ENGCMP0006Composition 2WRT1XXCompos 2
ENGCMP0006Composition 2WRT1XXComposition 2
ENGCMP0010College Comp IFCO105Rhetorical Comm
ENGCMP0020College Comp 2WRT1XXCollege Comp 2
ENGCMP0030College Comp 3FCO105Rhetorical Comm
ENGCMP0030College Comp 3WRT1XXCollege Comp 3
ENGCMP0150Workshop in CompFCO105Rhetorical Comm
ENGCMP0200Seminar in CompositionFCO105Rhetorical Comm
ENGCMP0212Seminar in Comp: DiversityWRT1XXSeminar in Comp: Diversity
ENGCMP0400Written Prof CommFCO210Comm Prof Cultures
ENGCMP0641Writing for ChangeCRW1XXWriting for Change
ENGFILM0400Introduction to FilmFLM216Intro to Film
ENGFLM0400Introduction to FilmFLM216Intro to Film
ENGFLM0570Intro to New MediaFLM1XXIntro to New Media
ENGLIT0055Surv of Eng LitLIT283British Lit to 1750
ENGLIT0056Survey of Eng Lit IILIT284Brt Lit after 1750
ENGLIT0066Intro to Social LitLIT1XXIntro to Social Lit
ENGLIT0088Intro to LiteratureLIT200Perspectives/Lit
ENGLIT0315Reading PoetryLIT243Poetry and Poetics
ENGLIT0320The Comic IdeaLIT2XXThe Comic Idea
ENGLIT0325Short StoryLIT319The Short Story
ENGLIT0345Lit & EnvirLIT1XXLit & Envir
ENGLIT0350Lit, Trad & the NewLIT1XXLit, Trad & the New
ENGLIT0351Gender StudiesLIT1XXGender Studies
ENGLIT0354Words and ImagesLIT3XXWords and Images
ENGLIT0360Women and LiteratureWGS382Women In Literature
ENGLIT0360Women and LiteratureLIT382Women In Literature
ENGLIT0365Lit & the ContempLIT1XXLit & the Contemp
ENGLIT0410Global Lit 2LIT1XXGlobal Lit 2
ENGLIT0530Film AnalysisFLM2XXFilm Analysis
ENGLIT0570Amer Lit TradLIT281Amer Lit to 1885
ENGLIT0573Lit of the AmericasLIT2XXLit of the Americas
ENGLIT0574Amer Lit Trad ILIT281Amer Lit to 1885
ENGLIT0580Intro to ShakespeareLIT323Shakespeare I
ENGLIT0610Women & LitWGS382Women In Literature
ENGLIT0610Women & LitLIT382Women In Literature
ENGLIT0626Science FictionLIT1XXScience Fiction
ENGLIT0630Sexuality and RepresLIT2XXSexuality and Repres
ENGLIT0644Myth and FolktaleLIT1XXMyth and Folktale
ENGLIT1010Magical Natr Mod WorldLIT1XXMagical Natr Mod World
ENGLIT1021Hist of Lit CritLIT1XXHist of Lit Crit
ENGLIT1106Middle Eng LitLIT284Brt Lit after 1750
ENGLIT1180Humns,Anmls,Machs Vict LitLIT2XXHumns,Anmls,Machs Vict Lit
ENGLIT1572Fantasy & RomanceLIT1XXFantasy & Romance
ENGLIT1901Independent StudyLIT2XXIndependent Study
ENGR0011Intro Eng AnalysisEGR100Epads I
ENGR0012Intro to Eng CompEGR1XXIntro to Eng Comp
ENGR0015Intro Eng AnalysisEGR100Epads I
ENGR0016Int to Engr ComputingEGR1XXInt to Engr Computing
ENGR0017Intro Engr AnalysisEGR100Epads I
ENGR0020Prob & Stat for Eng IMAT250Statistics
ENGR0020Prob & Stat for Eng IBEH260Statistics
ENGR0020Prob & Stat for Eng IQBA260Business Statistics
ENGR0022Materls Structure & PropertiesME1XXMaterls Structure & Properties
ENGR0111Adv Eng AnalysisEGR1XXAdv Eng Analysis
ENGR0135Statics & Mech of Mat IEGR1XXStatics & Mech of Mat I
ENGR0135Statics & Mechc of Mat IME1XXStatics & Mechc of Mat I
ENGR0145Statics & Mech of Mat IIEGR1XXStatics & Mech of Mat II
ENGR0145Statics & Mechc of Materials 2ME1XXStatics & Mechc of Mat 2
ENGR0711Hon Engr Anal & CompEGR1XXHon Engr Anal & Comp
ENGR0715Engr Appl for SocietyEGR1XXEngr Appl for Society
ENGR115Intro to Eng Computatn  
ENGR1700Intro Nuclear EngrEGR1XXIntro Nuclear Engr
ENGR240Engineering Design & LabME2XXEngineering Design & Lab
ENGWRT0053Intro Prof WritingWRT1XXIntro Prof Writing
ENGWRT0500Creative Nonfict WrtWRT1XXCreative Nonfict Wrt
ENGWRT0550Intro JournalismCM271Print Media Writing
ENGWRT1130Grammar ReviewWRT1XXGrammar Review
ENGWRT1330Nonfiction IWRT1XXNonfiction I
ENGWRT1340Nonfiction IIWRT1XXNonfiction II
ENGWRT1901Independent StudyWRT1XXIndependent Study
ES0110Intro to Environmental ScienceESS1XXEnvironmental Science
ET0011Engineering DrawingEGR1XXEngineering Drawing
ET0023Intro Comp-Aided EngIFS105Personal Computing
ET0030Comp Sys Prg & ApplCS1XXComp Sys Prg & Appl
FA0040Intro to ArchitectureART2XXIntro to Architecture
FA0521Amer Painting 19th CenART1XXAm Painting 19th Cen
FA1040History of Architecture TheoryART2XXHist of Architecture Theory
FA1235Eng Medieval ArchitectureART2XXEng Medieval Architecture
FA1880World CitiesART2XXWorld Cities
FA7020Intro to Asian ArtART2XXIntro to Asian Art
FDSED0001Hist/Phil of Ed: Am EmpEDU200Found of Education
FR0001Elem French IFRN101Elem French I
FR0003Intermediate French IFRN201Inter French I
FR0012French KissFRN1XXFrench Kiss
FR0041Elementary French IFRN101Elem French I
FR0101Elementary FrenchFRN1XXFrench Elective
FR0102Elem French 2FRN102Elem French II
FR0103Intermediate French IFRN201Inter French I
FR0104Intm Fr 2: French Global CntxtFRN202Inter French II
FR0201Intermediate French IFRN201Inter French I
FS0102Freshman SeminarFYS100First Year Seminar
GEOG0101World Regional GeogrphyG100World Reg Geography
GEOG0102Geogr of North AmerG1XXGeogr of North Amer
GEOG0610Urban DevG1XXUrban Dev
GEOG0810Earth and PeopleG1XXEarth and People
GEOG1000Global Persp: WorldG100World Reg Geography
GEOL0081Explorations of SpaceESS1XXEarth Sci Elect No Lab
GEOL0083Intro Phys OceanographyBIO1XXBiology Elect No Lab
GEOL0086Environmental GeologyESS1XXEarth Sci Elect no lab
GEOL0086Environmental GeologyESS1XXEarth Sci Elect No Lab
GEOL0087Earth Climate LifeESS1XXEarth Sci Elect No Lab
GEOL0090Earthquakes and VolcanosESS1XXEarth Sci Elect no lab
GEOL0820Natural DisastersESS1XXEarth Sci Elective No Lab
GER0003Intermed German IGRM201Inter German I
GER0004Intermed German IIGRM202Inter German II
GER0211Int German IGRM201Inter German I
GER0212Int German IIGRM202Inter German II
GER1000Reading Lit TextsGRM315German Literature
GER1001Writing in GermanGRM1XXWriting In German
GER1002German PhoneticsGRM1XXGerman Phonetics
GER1051Intro Lit AnalysisGRM1XXIntro Lit Analysis
GER1052Major Cult PeriodsGRM1XXMajor Cult Periods
GER1053Maj Cult Periods IIGRM1XXMaj Cult Periods II
GER1220Lit & Cult 1750-1830GRM1XXLit & Cult 1750-1830
GER1500Germanic Myths LegendsGRM1XXGermanic Myths Legends
GER1502Indo-Eur FolktalesGRM1XXIndo-Eur Folktales
HA&A0020Intro to Asian ArtART1XXIntro to Asian Art
HA&A0040Intro to ArchitectureART1XXIntro to Architecture
HA&A730Islamic ArtART1XXIslamic Art
HAA0010Intro to World ArtART1XXIntro to World Art
HAA0020Intro to Asian ArtART1XXIntro Asian Art
HAA0045Intro Mod ArchitectureART1XXIntro Mod Architecture
HAA0050Intro to Medieval ArtART1XXIntro to Medieval Art
HAA0105Art and EmpireART1XXArt and Empire
HAA0150Ancient ArtART204Survey West Art I
HAA0211Introduction to Art IART204Survey West Art I
HAA0212Introduction to Art IIART205Survey West Art II
HAA1050World Art: Contact & ConflictART1XXWorld Art: Contact & Conflict
HAA1641Contemporary Chinese ArtART3XXContemporary Chinese Art
HIST0100West Civ IHIS101Western Civ I
HIST0101West Civ IIHIS102Western Civ II
HIST0107US History 2HIS112Amer Hist Civ War-Global Power
HIST0120Western Civ IHIS101Foundation/West
HIST0187World War II - EuropeHIS1XXWorld War II - Europe
HIST0190The DictatorsHIS2XXThe Dictators
HIST0301Russia to 1917HIS1XXRussia to 1917
HIST0401Modern East Asian CivHIS4XXModern East Asian Civ
HIST0487World War II in AsiaHIS1XXWorld War II in Asia
HIST0501Mod Lat AmerHIS343Modern Latin Amer
HIST0600U.S. to 1877HIS111American Civ I
HIST0601U.S. 1865-PresHIS112American Civ II
HIST0610U.S. to 1877HIS111American Civ I
HIST0620U.S. 1877-PresentHIS112American Civ II
HIST0675Religion in Early AmericaREL2XXReligion in Early Amer
HIST0700World HistoryHIS2XXWorld History
HIST0755Religion in AsiaREL3XXRelg in Asia
HIST1116Intro to RenaissanceHIS302Renaissance/Reform
HIST1313Hist Russian RevHIS325Hist of Russia/1861
HIST1610U.S. ColonialHIS350Amer Colonial Hist
HIST1783Greek HistoryHIS1XXGreek History
HPRED0110Prac in Athletic TrainingSPM1XXPrac in Ath Training
HPRED0180Sport SafetySPM1XXSport Safety
HPRED0209Personal Health/WellnessPAW234Well/Fitness/Life
HPS0613Morality and MedicinePHL1XXMorality and Medicine
HPS1616Artfcl Intell & Phil of SciPHL1XXArtfcl Intell & Phil of Sci
HPS1690Top in Phil of SciencePHL1XXTop in Phil of Science
HUN1615Outsiders on the MarginsINT2XXOutsiders on the Margins
IE0015Intro Info Sys EngEGR1XXIntro Info Sys Eng
IE1052Mfg Proc & AnalysisEGR1XXMfg Proc & Analysis
IE1054Prod AnalysisEGR1XXProd Analysis
INFSCI0014Cybersecurity and LawCYB1XXCybersecurity and Law
IT1101Instructional TechnologyEDU1XXInstructional Tech
ITAL0001Elem Italian IITL101Elem Italian I
ITAL0002Elem Italian IIITL102Elem Italian II
ITAL0003Intermediate Italian IITL2XXIntermediate Italian I
ITAL0101Italian IITL101Elem Italian I
JAC0715Intro to Crim JusticeCCJ101Intro Crim Justice
JOURNL1137Newspaper Layout/DesCM1XXNewspaper Layout/Des
JS1270Germany TodayHUM1XXGermany Today
LATIN0220Intermed LatinLAT2XXIntermed Latin
LEGLST0020Pub Law & Moral ReasPS1XXPub Law & Moral Reas
LEGLST1155Law & Social ChangePS1XXLaw & Social Change
LEGLST1315Sex, Law & MarriageBEH1XXSex, Law & Marriage
LEGLST1340Intro Civil RightsPS1XXIntro Civil Rights
LING0080Aspects of LanguageBEH1XXAspects of Language
LING0471Amer Sign Lang ICM150Beg Sign Language
LING0472Amer Sign Lang 2CM1XXAmer Sign Lang 2
MATH0001Algebra 1MAT105College Algebra
MATH0002College AlgMAT105College Algebra
MATH0004Pre-Calc, Funct & TrigMAT108Precalculus
MATH0010College Algebra IMAT105College Algebra
MATH0025Applied College AlgebraMAT105College Algebra
MATH0031AlgebraMAT105College Algebra
MATH0032Trig and FunctMAT1XXTrig and Funct
MATH0071Struct of the Real Num SysMAT115Sets/Number Systems
MATH0080Fund of Modern MathMAT1XXFund of Modern Math
MATH0097College Algebra IMAT102College Algebra I
MATH0098College Algebra IIMAT105College Algebra
MATH0110Fundamentals of MathematicsMAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MATH0120Business CalculusMAT120Applied Calculus
MATH0121Business CalculusMAT120Applied Calculus
MATH0140Calculus IMAT171Calculus I
MATH0200Prep for Sci CalcMAT2XXPrep for Sci Calc
MATH0220Analytic Geom & Calc IMAT171Calculus I
MATH0221Analy Geom & Calc IMAT171Calculus I
MATH0230Analytic Geom & Calc 2MAT172Calculus II
MATH0231Analytc Geom & Calc IIMAT172Calculus II
MATH0235Variable CalculusMAT171Calculus I
MATH0240Analytic Geom & Calc IIIMAT271Calculus III
MATH0241Analytic Geom & Calc IIIMAT271Calculus III
MATH0280Intro Matrices & Lin AlgMAT272Diff Equations
MATH0290Diff Equations MAT272Diff Equations
MATH0401Discrete Math Struct MAT235Discrete Mathemtcs
MATH071Struc of Real Number Systems MAT115Math Foundations
MATH1902Directed Study MAT1XXDirected Study
MEMS0024Intro Mechanical Engr Design ME1XXIntro Mechanical Engr Design
MEMS0031Electrical Circuits ME1XXElectrical Circuits
MEMS0051Introduction to Thermodynamics ME1XXIntro to Thermodynamics
MGMT0110Prin of Management MGT150Prin of Management
MILS0101Found of Officer NPE1XXFound of Officer
MILS0102Basic Leadershp & Lab NPE1XXBasic Lead & Lab
MILS0201Indiv Leadership Studies NPE2XXIndiv Leader Studies
MILS0202Leadership and Teamwork NPE2XXLeadership and Teamwk
MUSIC0062Concert Choir MUS1XXConcert Choir
MUSIC0063Concert Choir MUS1XXConcert Choir
MUSIC0102Intro Music MUS186Listening to Music
MUSIC0121Basic Mus Class Piano MUS140Class Piano
MUSIC0234History of the Symphony MUS2XXHistory of the Symp
MUSIC0243Major Composers I MUS2XXMajor Composers I
MUSIC0260Music in Film MUS245Explore Music/Film
MUSIC0311Intro to World Music MUS281World Music
MUSIC0411Theory I MUS182Music Theory I
MUSIC0413Theory & Ear Train I MUS181Found Music Theory
MUSIC0415Theory II MUS183Music Theory II
MUSIC0610UPG Collegiate Chorale MUS150YCChorale
MUSIC0620University Orchestra MUS164Symphony Orchestra
MUSIC0672Chamber Music MUS152Chamber Singers
MUSIC0711History of Jazz MUS286Jazz History
MUSIC0712Jazz MUS286Jazz History
MUSIC0897Music and Film MUS1XXMusic and Film
MUSIC1441Electronic & Comp Music MUS1XXElectronic & Comp Music
NATSC0050Nat Sci I PSC1XXNat Sci I
NATSC0080Integrated Sciences PSC1XXPhysical Sci Elect no lab
NATSC0250Natural Science 2 ESS1XXEarth Sci Elect No Lab
NROSCI0080Brain & Behavior BIO1XXBiology Elect No Lab
NROSCI0081Drugs and Behavior PSY1XXDrugs and Behavior
NROSCI1000Intro to Neuroscience PSY313App Beh Neuroscience
NROSCI1250Human Physiology BIO3XXHuman Physiology
NUR0012Hum Anat and Phys I BIO220Human A/P I
NUR0013Human Anat & Phys II BIO222Human A/P II
NUR0031Microbiology08BIO230Microbio/Allied Hlth
NUR0031Microbiology08BIO231Micro/Allied Lab
NUR0032Microbiology Lab08  
NUR0051Intro Prof Nursing NUR1XXIntro Prof Nursing
NUR0086Nursing Informatics NUR1XXNursing Informatics
NUR0106Succeeding in Nursing NUR1XXNursing elective
NUR0109Clinical Calculations NUR1XXNursing elective
NUR0111Fund of Nursing NUR1XXNursing elective
NUR0112Comp Nursing I NUR1XXNursing elective
NUR0113Pharm in Nursing NUR1XXNursing elective
NUR1680Intro Genetcs & Molec Therputc   
NUTR1006Intro to Human Nutrition NUR202Nutrition
ORBIOL0031Microbiology I BIO230Microbiology
PEDC0001Beg SwimmingPAW120Beginning Swimming
PEDC0022Aerobic DancePAW136Aerobic Dance
PEDC0029Weight TrainingPAW119Physical Fitness
PEDC0030Weight Training WomenPAW119Physical Fitness
PEDC0087Personal DefensePAW130Self Defense
PEDC0110Fitness SwimmingPAW120Beginning Swimming
PEDC0158Weight Training IPAW119Physical Fitness
PEDC0179Self DefensePAW130Self Defense
PEDC0180Volleyball 1PAW160Volleyball
PEDC0193Personal FitnessPAW119Physical Fitness
PEDC0237Aerobic ExercisePAW136Aerobic Dance
PEDC0287Personal Defense IPAW130Self Defense
PEDC7022Aerobic DancePAW136Aerobic Dance
PEDC7087Personal DefensePAW130Self Defense
PHARM5114Anat & Phys IBIO1XXBiology Elect No Lab
PHARM5115Anat & Phys IIBIO1XXBiology Elect No Lab
PHARM5116Biochemistry IBIO1XXBiology Elect No Lab
PHARM5117Biochemistry IIBIO1XXBiology Elect No Lab
PHIL0010Conc of Human NaturePHL224Philos/Human Nature
PHIL0080Intro Phil ProbPHL221Intro Philosophy
PHIL0082Intro Phil Prob/Writ PracPHL221Intro Philosophy
PHIL0083Intro Phil ProbPHL2XXIntro Phil Prob
PHIL0101Intro to PhilosophyPHL221Intro Philosophy
PHIL0200History of Ancient PhilosophyPHL221Intro Philosophy
PHIL0210History of Modern PhilosophyPHL2XXHistory of Modern Philosophy
PHIL0300Intro to EthicsPHL341Ethics
PHIL0302Intro to Ethics/Writing PracPHL341Ethics
PHIL0322Soc Phil/Writ PracPHL3XXSoc Phil/Writ Prac
PHIL0362Intro Biomd EthicsPHL346Bioethics
PHIL0440Minds and MachinesPHL4XXMinds and Machines
PHIL0442Minds & MachinesPHL1XXMinds & Machines
PHIL0500Intro to LogicPHL231Logic
PHIL0501Intro to LogicPHL231Logic
PHIL1320Topics in Social PhilosophyPHL1XXTopics in Soc Philo
PHIL1380Business EthicsPHL2XXBusiness Ethics
PHYS0082Sci of Musical SoundsPHY1XXPhysics Elective No Lab
PHYS0103Concepts Mod PhysicsPHY1XXPhysics Elect No Lab
PHYS0110Intro to Physics IPHY1XXIntro to Physics I no lab
PHYS0111Introduction to Phyisics 2PHY1XXPhysics Elective no lab
PHYS0150Physics IPHY110Gen Phys:Mech/Ht
PHYS0174Basic Phys Sci & Engrg IPHY262Eng Phys: Opt/Mod
PHYS0175Phys Sci & Engr 2PHY260Eng Phys:Elct/Magn
PHYS0201Found of Physics IPHY2XXPhysics Elect No Lab
PHYS0202Found of Physics IIPHY2XXPhysics Elect No Lab
PITT0130Wellness and ResiliencePAW234Well/Fitness/Life
PITT0210Anti-Black RacismHIS1XXAnti-Black Racism
PS0102American Pol SysPS101Amer Gov/Citizenship
PS0200American PoliticsPS101Amer Gov/Citizenship
PS0206Amer Pol ProcessPS101Amer Gov/Citizenship
PS0300Comparative PoliticsPS260Comparative Politics
PS0302Comp PoliticsPS260Comparative Politics
PS0500World PoliticsPS1XXWorld Politics
PS0501World PoliticsPS2XXWorld Politics
PS0550Intro to Global StudiesPS102Contemp Global Iss
PS0600Political TheoryPS1XXPolitical Theory
PS0601Political IdeologiesPS2XXPolitical Ideologies
PS0650Pol & Lib DemocracyPS1XXPol & Lib Democracy
PS1214U.S. CongressPS362The Congress
PS1534Civil WarsPS406Int Peace/Security
PS1836Politics Through FilmPS1XXPolitics Through Film
PSY0010Intro to PsychologyPSY100General Psychology
PSY0015Intro PSY as Natural SciencePSY100General Psychology
PSY0035Research MethodsPSY1XXRes Methods
PSY0101Intro to PsychologyPSY100General Psychology
PSY0105Intro to Soc PsychPSY243Social Psychology
PSY0160Psychology of PersonalityPSY1XXPsychology of Personality
PSY0182Law and Social PsychologyPSY1XXLaw and Soc Psych
PSY0184Psych of GenderPSY1XXPsych of Gender
PSY0200Intro to PsychologyPSY100General Psychology
PSY0205PsychopathologyPSY330Adult Psychopathlgy
PSY0206Abnormal PsychPSY230Abnormal Psych
PSY0230Child DevelopmentPSY221Child/Adol Develop
PSY0230Child DevelopmentPSY223Early Child Develp
PSY0260Adolescent DevelopmentPSY2XXAdolescent Developmnt
PSY0310Developmental PsychologyPSY221Child/Adol Develop
PSY0310Developmental PsychologyNUR201Nursing HD/HC
PSY0405Learning and MotivationPSY309Theories/Learning
PSY0501Lifespan DevelopmentPSY1XXLifespan Develop
PSY0501Lifespan DevelopmentNUR201Nursing HD/HC
PSY0505Intro BiopsychologyPSY210Fund Biopsychology
PSY0510Sensation & PerceptionPSY1XXSensation & Perception
PSY1110Psychlgcl Aspct Hum SexPSY1XXPsychlgcl Aspct Hum Sex
PSY1205Abnormal PsychologyPSY230Abnormal Psych
PSYED0005Life Span DevNUR201Nursing HD/HC
PSYED0005Life Span DevPSY1XXLife Span Dev
PSYED0005Life Span DevelopmentNUR201Nursing HD/HC
PSYED0005Life Span DevelopmentPSY2XXLife Span Dev
REHSCI1235Medical TerminologyHSC105Medical Terminology
RELGST0025Major Biblical ThemesREL2XXMajor Biblical Themes
RELGST0215Ethics in Jewish TradREL2XXEthics in Jewish Trad
RELGST0415Religion in Modern AmericaREL4XXRelg in Modern America
RELGST0601Var of Relg TraditionREL265World Religions
RELGST0715Phil of ReligionREL1XXPhil of Religion
RELGST1125Life and Letters of PaulREL1XXLife and Letters of Paul
RELGST1456Islam in AsiaREL2XXIslam in Asia
RUSS0090Russian Fairy TalesINT1XXRussian Fairy Tales
RUSS0590Frmtv Mstr: Russ 19thINT1XXRuss 19th
RUSS0800Masterpieces 19th CRuss LitLIT1XXMasterpieces 19th CRus Lit
RUSS0860Modern Russian CultureINT1XXModern Russian Culture
SA0110Foundation DesignART210Design I
SA0111Found DesignART210Design I
SA0120Foundation PaintingART220Painting I
SA0130Foundation DrawingART215Drawing I
SA0130Foundation DrawingART215Drawing I
SA0131Found DrawingART215Drawing I
SA1260Printmaking - EtchingART287Printmaking I
SA1470Graphic DesignART1XXGraphic Design
SLAV0880Vampire: Blood & EmpireINT1XXVampire: Blood & Empire
SOC0007Social ProblemsSOC220Am Social Problems
SOC0009American SocietySOC1XXAmerican Society
SOC0010Intro to SociologySOC100Intro Sociology
SOC0070Social ProblemsSOC220Am Social Problems
SOC0100Intro SociologySOC100Intro Sociology
SOC0101Intro to SociologySOC100Intro Sociology
SOC0317Global SocietySOC3XXGlobal Society
SOC0362Latin American SocietiesSOC1XXLatin American Societies
SOC0432Wealth & PowerSOC1XXWealth & Power
SOC0438Soc of the FamilySOC225The Family
SOC0446Sociology of GenderSOC1XXSoc of Gender
SOC0465Sociology of SportsSPM1XXSociology of Sports
SOC0471Dev & Soc ControlSOC3XXDev & Soc Control
SOC0477Medical SociologySOC1XXMedical Sociology
SOC0478Youth & SocietySOC1XXYouth & Society
SOC0490Mass MediaCM211Mass Communication
SOC0520Social MovementsSOC1XXSocial Movements
SOC1450Health and IllnessSOC302Soc Health/Illness
SPAN0001Elementary Spanish ISPN101Elem Spanish I
SPAN0002Elem Spanish 2SPN102Elem Spanish II
SPAN0003Intermediate Spanish IIISPN201Inter Spanish I
SPAN0004Intermediate Spanish IVSPN202Inter Spanish II
SPAN0020ConversationSPN205Inter Spanish Conv
SPAN0025Grammar and CompositionSPN1XXGrammar and Composition
SPAN0082Latin Amer TodayINT1XXLatin Amer Today
SPAN0103Intermed Span 3SPN201Inter Spanish I
SPAN0104Intermed Span 4SPN202Inter Spanish II
SPAN0111Elem Spanish ISPN101Elem Spanish I
SPAN0112Elem Spanish 2SPN102Elem Spanish II
SPAN0203Intermediate SpanishSPN201Inter Spanish I
SPAN0211Int Spanish ISPN201Inter Spanish I
STAT0200Basic Applied StatisticsBEH260Statistics
STAT0200Basic Applied StatisticsQBA260Business Statistics
STAT0200Basic Applied StatisticsMAT250Statistics
STAT0800Stats in Mod WorldQBA260Business Statistics
STAT0800Stats in Mod WorldMAT250Statistics
STAT0800Stats in Mod WorldBEH260Statistics
STAT1000Appl Stat MethodsMAT250Statistics
STAT1000Appl Stat MethodsQBA260Business Statistics
STAT1000Appl Stat MethodsBEH260Statistics
STAT1100Stat & Prob For Bus MgtMAT250Statistics
STAT1100Stat & Prob For Bus MgtQBA260Business Statistics
THEA0104Basic ActingTHE215Acting
THEA0805Intro to Theatre ArtsTHE154Introduction to Theatre
THEA0811Intro to Dramatic Art IHUM1XXIntro Dramatic Art I
THEA0830Intro to PerformanceTHE154Introduction to Theatre
THEA1502Acting ITHE215Acting
THEA1503Acting IITHE2XXActing II
URBNST0010Intro to Urban StudiesFYS1XXIntro to Urban Studies
WRITNG0109Intro to Creative WritingCRW272Intro Creative Wrt
WRITNG0111Litry Editing/Magazine Prod ILIT1XXLitry Editing/Magazine Prod I
Valencia CollegeYork College of Pennsylvania
ACG2021Prin of Fin AccountingACC220Financial Acct
AMH2010United States Hist to 1877HIS111American Civ I
AML2021Am Lit Civ War-PresentLIT282Amer Lit after 1885
ANT2000Introductory AnthropologyANT220Cult Anthropology
ARH1009Visual Art TodayART101Intro Art Apprec
ARH2050Intro Art History IART204Survey West Art I
ARH2051Intro to Art History IIART205Survey West Art II
ART1201CDesign IART210Design I
ART1203CDesign IIART211Design II
ART1300CDrawing IART215Drawing I
ART1301CDrawing IIART265Drawing II
ART2701CSculpture IART230Sculpture I
ART2750CCeramics IART225Ceramics I
ART2751CCeramics IIART275Ceramics II
ART2930CArt With a CameraART2XXArt With a Camera
AST1002AstronomyESS1XXEarth Sci Elect No Lab
BSC1005Biological ScienceBIO204Exploring Biology
BSC1005CBiol ScienceBIO205Exp Biology Lab
BSC1005CBiol ScienceBIO204Exploring Biology
BSC1010CFund of Bio IBIO150Biology I
BSC1020Hum BiologyBIO1XXBiology Elect No Lab
BSC1026Bio of Hum SexualityBIO1XXBiology Elect No Lab
BSC1050Environmental ScienceBIO1XXBiology Elect No Lab
BSC2093CHum Anat & Phys IBIO220Human A/P I
BSC2094CHum Anat & Phys IIBIO222Human A/P II
CCJ1020Intro to Criminal JusticeCCJ101Intro Crim Justice
CHM1025CIntro to General ChemistryCHM134Gen Chem I
CHM1045CGen Chem Qual Analys ICHM134Gen Chem I
CHM1046CGen Chem Qual Analy IICHM136Gen Chem II
CLP2140Abnormal PsychologyPSY230Abnormal Psych
DEP1302Psych of AdolescencePSY1XXPsych of Adolescence
DEP2004Dev PsychologyNUR201Nursing HD/HC
DEP2004Dev PsychologyPSY2XXDev Psychology
DIG2100CWeb EssentialsART2XXWeb Essentials
ECO2013Prin Econ MacroECO200Prin Econ-Macro
ECO2023Prin of Econ-MicroECO201Prin Econ-Micro
ENC1101Freshman Comp IFCO105Rhetorical Comm
ENC1102Freshman Comp IIWRT1XXFreshman Comp II
ENC1210Tech CommFCO215Tech/Scientfc Comm
ESC1000Earth ScienceESS1XXEarth Science
ESC1000Earth ScienceESS1XXEarth Sci Elect No Lab
EUH2000Anct and Med West CivHIS101Western Civ I
GEB2861Business Prob AnalysisBUS2XXBus Problem Analys
GLY1001Earth ScienceESS1XXEarth Sci Elect No Lab
GRA1142Dig Media/DesignART1XXDig Media/Design
GRA1142CGraphic Design EssentialsART1XXGraphic Design Essntls
GRA2577Adobe PhotoShopART2XXAdobe PhotoShop
GRA2801Adobe IllustratorART2XXAdobe Illustrator
HSC1004Prof of CaringHSC100Expl Health Professions
HSC1531Medical TerminologyHSC105Medical Terminology
HSC1531Medical TerminologyBIO201Medical Terminology
HUM1020Intro to HumanitiesHUM1XXIntro to Humanities
HUM2220Hum Greek/RomanHUM2XXHum Greek/Roman
HUM2223Hum Late Roman/MedievalHUM2XXHum Late Roman/Medieval
HUM2232Hum Ren & BaroqueHUM2XXHum Ren & Baroque
HUM2250Hum 20th CenturyHUM2XXHum 20th Century
HUM2461Latin American HumanitiesHUM2XXLatin Amer Humanities
HUN1001Bas Pers NutritionNUR202Nutrition
HUN2202Essen NutritionNUR202Nutrition
INR2002International PolPS102Contemp Global Iss
MAC1105College AlgebraMAT105College Algebra
MAC1114College TrigMAT1XXCollege Trig
MAC1140Precalc AlgebraMAT108Precalculus
MAC2233Calc for Bus & SocMAT120Applied Calculus
MAC2311Calc/Analyt Geom IMAT171Calculus I
MAT1033CInt AlgebraMAT102Prelim Math/Prob Solv
MGF1107Math for Lib ArtsMAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
OST2858Microsoft ExcelIFS2XXMicrosoft Excel
PEL1121Golf IPAW140Fundamentals/Golf
POS2041US GovernmentPS101Amer Gov/Citizenship
POS2041U.S. GovtPS141American Governmnt
PSY1012General PsychologyPSY100General Psychology
REL2000Understanding Rel TradREL265World Religions
SPC1600Fund of SpeechCM104Human Communicatn
SPC1608Fundamentals of SpeechCM104Human Communicatn
SPC1608Fundamentals of SpeechCM212Public Speaking
STA2023Stat MethodsMAT250Statistics
STA2023Stat MethodsBEH260Statistics
STA2023Stat MethodsQBA260Business Statistics
SYG2000Intro SociologySOC100Intro Sociology
SYG2320Deviant BehaviorSOC2XXDeviant Behavior
THE1020Intro to TheaterTHE154Introduction to Theatre
TPP1110Acting ITHE215Acting
TPP2300Directing ITHE2XXDirecting I
Warren County Community CollegeYork College of Pennsylvania
ACC101Prin of Acct IACC1XXPrin of Acct I
ACC102Prin of Acctg IIACC1XXPrin of Acctg II
ART101Intro to Art AppreciationART101Art/Visual Culture
ART105Art History IART204Survey West Art I
ART106Art History IIART205Survey West Art II
ART107Modern to Cont ArtART1XXModern to Cont Art
ART207Introduction to ColorART2XXIntroduction to Color
BIO145Prin of BiologyBIO204Exploring Biology
BIO145Prin of BiologyBIO205Exp Biology Lab
BIO150Prin of Human BiologyBIO112Essentials of A & P
BIO162General Biology IBIO151Intro Mole Bio Lab
BIO162General Biology IBIO142Molecule/Gene/Cell
BIO162General Biology IBIO150Intro Molecular Bio
BIO163General Biology IIBIO152Evol/Ecol & Divers
BIO165Environmental StudiesBIO212Environmntl Bio
BIO170Gen EcologyBIO1XXGen Ecology
BIO262Anat & Phys IBIO2XXAnat & Phys I
BIO262Anat & Phys IBIO220Human A/P I
BIO263Anat & Phys IIBIO222Human A/P II
BUS120Business Organ & MgmtBUS150Intro to Business
BUS122Business Law IBUS260Legal Environment
BUS201Prin of MarketingMKT100Prin Marketing
CHE110Intro ChemistryCHM122Prin Gen/Org Chem
CHE164Gen Chem ICHM134Gen Chem I
CHE165Gen Chem IICHM136Gen Chem II
COM105Interpers CommCM104Human Communicatn
COM105Interpers CommCM329Interpersonal Comm
COM143SpeechCM104Human Communicatn
COM143SpeechCM212Public Speaking
CRJ105Intro to Crim JusticeCCJ101Intro Crim Justice
CRJ107Forensic ScienceCCJ236Criminalistics
CRJ107Forensic ScienceCCJ237Criminalistics Lab
CRJ120Juvenile DelinquencyCCJ110Juvenile Delinquncy
CRJ130Criminal LawCCJ302Criminal Law
CRJ170Crim InvestigationCCJ305Crim Investigation
CRJ180Corr in Today's SocCCJ337Punishmnt/Correctns
CSC102Introduction to TechnologyIFS105Personal Computing
CSC103Intro to ComputingIFS105Personal Computing
CSC112Microcomp Soft ApplIFS105Personal Computing
ECE225Preschool Child SpSPE2XXPreschool Child Sp
ECE240Teaching Language ArtsECH304Tchng Language Arts
ECO188MacroeconomicsECO200Prin Econ-Macro
ECO189MicroeconomicsECO201Prin Econ-Micro
EDU110Found of EducationEDU200Found of Education
EDU284Education PsychPSY2XXEducation Psych
ENG140English Comp IFCO105Rhetorical Comm
ENG141English Composition IILIT200Perspectives/Lit
ENG199Lit on FilmLIT393Literature & Film
ENG240Amer Lit ILIT281Amer Lit to 1885
ENG241Amer Lit IILIT282Amer Lit after 1885
FOR101Spanish ISPN101Elem Spanish I
FOR151Beg Spanish IISPN102Elem Spanish II
FOR251Intermed Spanish IISPN202Inter Spanish II
HIS101West Civ IHIS101Western Civ I
HIS102West Civ IIHIS102Western Civ II
HIS113American History IHIS111American Civ I
HIS114American History IIHIS112American Civ II
MAT110Topics of MathematicsMAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MAT111Math Analysis for BusMAT1XXMath Analysis for Bus
MAT131College AlgebraMAT105College Algebra
MAT150Elements of StatisticsBEH260Statistics
MAT150Elements of StatisticsMAT1XXElements of Statistics
MAT151StatisticsQBA260Business Statistics
MAT201Calculus IMAT171Calculus I
MAT202Calculus IIMAT172Calculus II
MED176Anat, Phys, PathologyBIO1XXBiology Elect No Lab
MED177Medical TerminologyHSC105Medical Terminology
MED178Pharmacology & Medicine AdminNUR1XXPharmacology & Medicine Admin
MED179Therapeutic CommunicationCM1XXTherapeutic Communication
MED182Health Care Law & EthicsPHL1XXHealth Care Law & Ethics
PHI101Intro to PhilosophyPHL221Intro Philosophy
PHI102Ethics & Moral ProblemsPHL223Contemp Moral Prob
PHI251Persp on Death and DyingPHL2XXPersp on Death & Dying
PHY211Gen Physics IPHY160Eng Phys:Mechncs
POL115State & Local GovtPS242State/Local Govt
PSY101Intro to PsychologyPSY100General Psychology
PSY120Child Growth & DevPSY221Child/Adol Develop
PSY175Hum Grwth & DevNUR201Nursing HD/HC
PSY175Hum Grwth & DevPSY1XXHum Grwth & Dev
PSY181Child PsychologyPSY1XXChild Psychology
PSY220Human SexualityPSY2XXHuman Sexuality
PSY270Spec TopicsPSY2XXSpec Topics
PSY284Educational PsychologyPSY2XXEducational Psychology
SOC103Intro to SociologySOC100Intro Sociology
SOC120Racial & Ethnic RelationsSOC1XXRacial & Ethnic Rel
SOC186Marriage & FamilySOC225The Family
Wet Chester University of PAYork College of Pennsylvania
ABC191Brass Class MUS1XXBrass Class
ABC193Trombone Class MUS1XXTrombone Class
ACC201Financial Accounting I ACC220Financial Acct
ACC202Managerial Accounting II ACC225Managerial Acct
ACC302Intermed Acct II ACC325Inter Accounting II
ACC404Fed Taxation II ACC395Taxation II
AEB112March Band Front MUS1XXMarch Band Front
AEB311Marching Band MUS3XXMarching Band
AEB321Concert Band MUS3XXConcert Band
AEB331Symphonic Band MUS3XXSymphonic Band
AES141Woodwind Ensemble MUS170Woodwind Ensemble
AES141Woodwind Ens MUS1XXWoodwind Ens
AIC311Instr Conduct I MUS3XXInstr Conduct I
AIC312Instr Conduct II MUS3XXInstr Conduct II
AIM311Marching Band Tech MUS3XXMarching Band Tech
AIM429Spec Subjs Seminar MUS3XXSpec Subjs Seminar
AJZ365Jazz Ensemble Tech MUS162Jazz Ensemble
AMS200Amer Civ HIS111American Civ I
ANT102Intro Anthro Cult ANT220Cult Anthropology
ANT103Intro Archaeology ANT1XXIntro Archaeology
ANT220Ethnic Grps Amer ANT2XXEthnic Grps Amer
ANT322Ethnol Centrl Amer ANT3XXEthnol Centrl Amer
ANT329Probs in Ethnology ANT3XXProbs in Ethnology
ANT347Culture of Cities ANT3XXCulture of Cities
APC191Non-pitched Perc MUS1XXNon-pitched Perc
ARH101Art Appreciation ART101Intro Art Apprec
ARH103Art History I ART204Survey West Art I
ARH104Art Hist II ART205Survey West Art II
ARH419Women Artists ART4XXWomen Artists
ART105Art Workshop ART101Intro Art Apprec
ART106Begin Drawing ART215Drawing I
ART106Begin Drawing ART215Drawing I
ART111Basic Design ART210Design I
ART111Basic Design 2-D ART210Design I
ART112Color Theory & Practice ART1XXColor Theory & Prac
ART112Color & Design ART1XXColor & Design
ART113Digital Media ART1XXDigital Media
ART113Intro Comp Art ART1XXIntro Comp Art
ART206Intermed Drawing ART265Drawing II
ART216Beg Painting ART233Concepts/Painting
ART220Fund 3-D Design ART211Design II
ART222Beginning Sculpture ART230Sculpture I
ART226Water Color I ART2XXWater Color I
ART228Dig Photography ART246Digital Photography
ART231Ceramics I: Basic ART225Ceramics I
ART251Art Elem School ART2XXArt Elem School
ASC191Violin/Viola Class MUS1XXViolin/Viola Class
ASL110Elem ASL I CM150Beg Sign Language
AWC191Single Reed Class MUS1XXSingle Reed Class
AWC193Double-Reed Class MUS1XXDouble-Reed Class
BIO100Basic Biol Science BIO204Exploring Biology
BIO102Humans & Envrion BIO1XXBiology Elective no lab
BIO110General Biology BIO142Molecule/Gene/Cell
BIO110General Biology BIO151Biology I Lab
BIO110General Biology BIO143Mole/Gene/Cell Lab
BIO110General Biology BIO150Biology I
BIO204Intro Microbiology BIO230Microbiology
BIO214General Microbiology BIO230Microbio/Allied Hlth
BIO214General Microbiology BIO231Micro/Allied Lab
BIO215Gen Botany BIO2XXGen Botany
BIO217General Zoology BIO2XXGeneral Zoology
BIO220Cell Physiology BIO112Essentials of A & P
BIO230Genetics BIO2XXBiol Elect No Lab
BIO259Anatomy/Physiol I BIO221Human A/P I Lab
BIO259Anatomy/Physiol I BIO220Human A/P I
BIO269Anatomy/Physiology II BIO222Human A/P II
BIO269Anatomy/Physiology II BIO223Hum A/P II Lab
BIO387Inverterate Zoology BIO3XXInvert Zoology
BLA201Legal Envr Bus BUS260Legal Environment
BSN101Bassoon Minor MUS1XXBassoon Minor
BSN102Bassoon Minor MUS1XXBassoon Minor
CHE100Conc of Chem CHM1XXConc of Chem
CHE102Ess of Chem CHM122Prin Gen/Org Chem
CHE103General Chemistry I CHM1XXChem Elect No Lab
CHE103General Chemistry I CHM134Gen Chem I
CHE104General Chemistry II CHM136Gen Chem II
CHE104General Chemistry II CHM1XXChem Elect No Lab
CHE107Gen Chem Hlth Sci CHM122Prin Gen/Org Chem
CHE107Gen Chem Hlth Sci CHM123Gen/Org Chem Lab
CHE231Organic Chem I01CHM235Orgnc Chm I Lab
CHE231Organic Chem I01CHM234Organic Chem I
CHE232Organic Chem II No Lab CHM2XXOrganic Chem II no Lab
CHE321Analytical Chem I CHM3XXChemistry Elect No Lab
CHE371Forensic Chem CHM3XXChem Elect No Lab
CHO112University Chorale MUS150YCChorale
CHO212Women's Chorus MUS2XXWomen's Chorus
CHO311Mastersingers MUS3XXMastersingers
CHO312Women's Ensemble MUS3XXWomen's Ensemble
CLS165Intro to World Lit LIT1XXIntro to World Lit
COM101Speech Fundamentals CM104Human Communicatn
COM201Fund Comm Tech CM2XXFund Comm Tech
COM204Interpers Comm CM329Interpersonal Comm
COM208Public Speaking CM104Human Communicatn
COM209Prin & Prac of PS CM212Public Speaking
COM211Comm Literacy & Inquiry LIT200Intro Lit & Text Stud
COM212Mass Comm CM211Mass Communication
COM215Organizational Communication CM328Organizational Comm
COM219Comm Theory CM206Communicatn Theory
COM224Communic Research CM2XXCommunic Research
COM230Bus & Prof Speech CM212Public Speaking
COM230Bus & Prof Speech CM104Human Communicatn
COM250Intercult Comm CM2XXIntercult Comm
COM292Computer Com CM2XXComputer Com
CRJ110Intro Crim Justice CCJ101Intro Crim Justice
CRJ210Theories Crime/Del CCJ2XXTheories Crime/Del
CRJ220Corrections CCJ337Punishmnt/Correctns
CRJ260Race, Ethnicity and Crim Just CCJ369Race & Crim Just System
CRJ287Policing in America CCJ364Policing Communities
CRJ300Criminal Law CCJ302Criminal Law
CRJ360Race, Ethnic & CRJ CCJ369Race & Crim Just System
CRL231Organic Che I Lab01  
CRW201Intro Creative Writ CRW272Intro Creative Wrt
CSC110Fund of CSC CS1XXFund of CSC
CSC115Intro Comp Prog CS1XXIntro Comp Prog
CSC141Comp Sci I CS1XXComp Sci I
CSC142Comp Sci II CS1XXComp Sci II
CSC241Data Structures & Algorithms CS2XXData Structures & Algorithms
DAN132Modern Dance I PAW175Modern Dance I
ECO101Prin Econ Survey ECO1XXPrin Econ Survey
ECO111Prin of Econ Macro ECO200Prin Econ-Macro
ECO112Prin of Econ Micro ECO201Prin Econ-Micro
ECO200Personal Econ/Finance FIN218Personal Finance
ECO251Quant Bus Analy I QBA260Business Statistics
ECO252Quant Bus Analy II QBA265Business Stats II
ECO351Intro to Analytics II QBA265Intro to Analytics
EDA103Found Special Education SPE200Process/Procedures
EDA203Field: Students w/ Excep SPE2XXField: Stud w/ Excep
EDA230Inclusive Clrm EDU2XXInclusive Clrm
EDA250Incl for Music Ed MUS2XXIncl for Music Ed
EDA301Field: Low Inc SPE3XXField: Low Inc
EDA349Mthds Low Inc Dis SPE3XXMthds Low Inc Dis
EDE200Theory & Fld Exp EDU2XXTheory & Fld Exp
EDE230Inclusive Clrm EDU2XXInclusive Clrm
EDE251Child Dev/Beh PSY221Child/Adol Develop
EDE332Tch Soc Stud Elem EDU3XXTch Soc Stud Elem
EDF100School & Society EDU1XXSchool & Society
EDF255Evolution of School in US EDU200Found of Education
EDF300Democracy & Ed EDU3XXDemocracy & Ed
EDM300Intro Ed Tech Int EDU3XXEd Tech Int
EDP351Eval & Measurement EDU3XXEval & Meas
EDR302Teach Lang Arts EDU3XXTeach Lang Arts
EDR304Teaching Lang Arts Prek-4 ECH3XXTeaching Lang Arts Prek-4
EDR307Found of Reading Prek-4 ECH3XXFound of Reading Prek-4
EDR311Intro to Reading EDU3XXIntro to Reading
EGE222German Civilization INT2XXGerman Civilization
EGP209Child Develop PSY223Early Child Develp
EGP210Middle Childhood & Adol Dev PSY221Child/Adol Develop
EGP220Theory/Field Exp Early Grades EDU2XXTheory/Field Exp Early Grd
EGP322Pre K Methods and Field ECH3XXPre K Methods and Field
EGP326Families/Community Relations ECH3XXFamilies/Community Relations
ENG120Eff Writing I FCO105Rhetorical Comm
ENG121Eff Writing II WRT1XXEff Writing II
ENG150Writing Studies Workshop WRT100Intro College Writ
ENG194Conventions Read and Writ WRT1XXConventions Read/Writ
ENG304Essay Workshop WRT3XXEssay Workshop
ENG368Bus & Org Writing FCO210Comm Prof Cultures
ENG382Teaching ELL PK-12 EDU225Instrc Needs/ELL
ENV102Humans & Environ BIO1XXBiology Elect No Lab
ERU309Russian Culture INT147Intro Russia
ESP310Lat Am Narrative: 1492-1930s SPN3XXLat Am Narrative: 1492-1930s
ESS101Intro to Geology ESS1XXIntro to Geology
ESS102Humans & Environ BIO1XXBiology Elect No Lab
ESS111General Astronomy ESS154Intro/Astronomy
ESS112Galaxies and Cosmology ESS1XXEarth Science Elect no lab
ESS130Our Coastal Ocean ESS1XXOur Coastal Ocean
ESS170Our Atmosphere ESS1XXEarth Sci Elective no lab
EXS103Group Exercise & Resistance PAW1XXGroup Exercise & Resistance
EXS180Life Fitness Concepts PAW1XXLife Fitness Concepts
EXS222Intro to Med Terminology HSC105Medical Terminology
EXS223Kinetic Anatomy BIO2XXKinetic Anatomy
EXS270Motor Learning REC2XXMotor Learning
EXS280Exercise Science Profession REC1XXExercise Science Profession
EXS362Biomechanics REC3XXBiomechanics
EXS380Exercise Phys REC3XXExercise Phys
FIN344Investments FIN320Investments
FLM200Intro Film FLM216Intro to Film
FLM202American Themes FLM2XXAmerican Themes
FLU111Private Lesson MUS126Flute
FLU112Private Lesson MUS127Flute
FLU211Private Lesson MUS226Flute
FLU212Private Lesson MUS227Flute
FLU311Private Lesson MUS326Flute
FRE101Elem French I FRN101Elem French I
FRE102Elem FR II FRN102Elem French II
FRE201Intermediate French I FRN201Inter French I
FRE202Intermediate French II FRN202Inter French II
FYE100First Year Experience FYS100First Year Seminar
FYE100DFirst Year Experience FYS100First Year Seminar
FYH100FYE - Health BEH1XXFYE - Health
GEO101World Geography G100World Reg Geography
GEO102Phys Geog G151Intro Physical Geog
GEO103Human Geography G1XXHuman Geog
GEO204Intro Urban Studies G2XXIntro Urban Studies
GEO205Geo - Ag, Food, Sustainability G331Urban Land Use & Sustain
GEO303Europe G3XXEurope
GEO325Intro Business GIS BUS3XXIntro Business GIS
GEO425Business GIS Apps BUS4XXBusiness GIS Apps
GER102Elem German II GRM102Elem German II
GER201Intermed German I GRM201Inter German I
GST110Intro Global Studies PS102Contemp Global Iss
GTR111Private Lesson MUS138Guitar
GTR111Private Lesson MUS139Guitar
HEA100Dim of Wellness PAW234Well/Fitness/Life
HEA206Human Development NUR201Nursing HD/HC
HEA206Human Development PSY2XXHuman Dev
HEA210Intro to Allied Health HSC100Expl Health Professions
HIS100Contemporary Global History HIS1XXContemporary Global History
HIS101History of Civ I HIS101Foundation/West
HIS102History of Civ II HIS102West in the World
HIS150The Amer Experience HIS111American Civ I
HIS151Hist of U.S. I HIS111American Civ I
HIS152Hist of U.S. II HIS112American Civ II
HON100Self Awareness PSY1XXSelf Awareness
HON110Leadership Lessons BUS1XXLeadership Lessons
HON211Public Discourse PS1XXPolitical Sci Elective
HON212Ethics/Technology PHL2XXPhilosophy Elective
HON313Public Opinion PS3XXPolitical Sci Elective
HON320Honrs Sem: Global Issues BEH3XXHnrs Sem: Global Iss
HON322Dev Leadership w/ ELLs EDU3XXDev Leadership w/ ELLs
HON352Hnrs Sem: Nation Building HIS3XXHistory Elective
HON381Hon Sym A & H HUM3XXHumanities Elective
JRN200Comm Media CM2XXComm Media
JRN225Newswriting CM271Print Media Writing
JRN335Mass Media Ethics CM3XXMass Media Ethics
KIN100Found HPE & Sport SPM1XXFound of HPE & Sport
KIN110American Sign Lang I CM150Beg Sign Language
KIN246Spt, Cult & Soc SPM2XXSpt, Cult & Soc
KIN254Disability Stu: Interdi BEH2XXDisability Stu: Interdi
LAN100Lang & Human Experience CM1XXLang & Human Exp
LAN382Teaching ELL PreK-12 EDU225Instrc Needs/ELL
LAT101Elem Latin I LAT101Elem Latin I
LIN211Lang Communities BEH2XXLang Communities
LIT100Pop Cult: Read Cult LIT1XXPop Cult: Read Cult
LIT165Topics in Lit LIT200Perspectives/Lit
LIT201American Lit II LIT282Amer Lit after 1885
LIT219Lit for Young Child LIT2XXLit for Young Child
LIT220Children's Lit LIT2XXChildren's Lit
LIT274Feminist Poetry LIT2XXFeminist Poetry
LIT305Mod Amer Drama LIT416Modern Drama
LIT329Medieval Wom Cult LIT3XXMedieval Wom Cult
LIT331Chaucer LIT3XXChaucer
MAT101Math Elem Tchrs I MAT115Sets/Number Systems
MAT103Intro Mathematics MAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MAT103Intro Mathematics MAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MAT104Intro Appl Math MAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MAT105Coll Alg & Trig MAT108Precalculus
MAT107College Algebra MAT105College Algebra
MAT108Brief Calculus MAT120Applied Calculus
MAT109Calculus for Life MAT120Applied Calculus
MAT110Precalculus MAT108Precalculus
MAT113Algebra and Func MAT105College Algebra
MAT115Alg, Funct and Trig MAT105College Algebra
MAT121Statistics BEH260Statistics
MAT121Statistics QBA260Business Statistics
MAT121Statistics MAT250Statistics
MAT131Precalc MAT108Precalculus
MAT143Brief Calculus MAT120Applied Calculus
MAT151Discrete Math MAT235Discrete Mathemtcs
MAT161Calculus I MAT171Calculus I
MAT162Calculus II MAT172Calculus II
MAT261Calculus III MAT271Calculus III
MAT343Diff Equations MAT272Diff Equations
MAT351Methods for Teaching Child MAT3XXMeth for Teaching Child
MDA240Int Arts Ele Ed EDU2XXInt Arts Ele Ed
MDC251Media Tech CM225Intro New Media
MGT200Prin of Management MGT150Prin of Management
MGT611Mgt/Lead Org MBA556Exec Leadership
MHL121Music in Cult & History MUS186Listening to Music
MHL125Persp Jazz MUS286Jazz History
MHL201Form/Style in Arts HUM2XXForm/Style in Arts
MHL210Music History I MUS390Music History I
MHL211Music History II MUS391Music History II
MHL212Music History III MUS2XXMusic History III
MHL310Collegium Musicum MUS3XXCollegium Musicum
MHL451Music in the U.S. MUS3XXMusic in the U.S.
MKT250Prin of Marketing MKT100Prin Marketing
MKT355Social Media Mkt MKT355Digital Marketing
MTC110Fundamentals Music MUS1XXFundamentals Music
MTC112Theory of Music I MUS182Music Theory I
MTC113Theory of Music II MUS183Music Theory II
MTC114Aural Activities I MUS184Sight Singing I
MTC115Aural Activ II MUS185Sight Singing II
MTC212Theory Music III MUS282Music Theory III
MTC214Aural Activ III MUS284Sight Singing III
MUE101Dalcroze I MUS1XXDalcroze I
MUE201Music Ed Seminar MUS2XXMusic Ed Seminar
MUE231Music Clsrm Teach MUS2XXMusic Clsrm Teach
NSG101Intro to Nursing NUR1XXIntro to Nursing
NSG109Hlth Issues Women WGS210Women's Health
NSG216Healthy Aging NUR2XXHealthy Aging
NSG234Current Trends LGBTQA Health NUR2XXCurrent Trnds LGBTQA Health
NTD200Nutrition Culture BEH2XXNutrition Culture
NTD205Prin Food Selection BEH2XXPrin Food Sel
NTD301Consumer Nutrition NUR3XXConsumer Nutrition
NTD303Intro Nutrit Prin NUR202Nutrition
NTD420Persp on Obesity BEH4XXPersp on Obesity
PAX200Intro Peace & Conflict PS2XXIntro Peace & Conflict
PEA116Personal Defense PAW130Self Defense
PEA120Badminton PAW151Badminton
PEA123Golf PAW140Fundamentals/Golf
PEA137Strength Training PAW119Physical Fitness
PEA140Aerobic Dance PAW136Aerobic Dance
PEA142Yoga PAW163Yoga
PEA146Pilates PAW165Pilates
PHI100Creative Meaning PHL1XXCreative Meaning
PHI101Intro Philosophy PHL221Intro Philosophy
PHI102Intro to Relg Studies REL1XXIntro to Rel Studies
PHI150Crit Thinking PHL222Critical Thinking
PHI174Prin of Art ART101Art/Visual Culture
PHI180Intro to Ethics PHL341Ethics
PHI190Logic PHL231Logic
PHI201Contemp Issues PHL2XXContemp Issues
PHI205Phi Relig Far East REL2XXPhi Relig Far East
PHI206Judaism, Christianity, Islam REL265World Religions
PHI207Philos Nonviolence PHL2XXPhilos Nonviolence
PHI371Biomedical Ethics PHL346Bioethics
PHY100Elements Phys Sci PSC1XXPhys Sci Elect No Lab
PHY105Str of Universe PHY1XXPhysics Elect No Lab
PHY115Engr Graphics I EGR1XXEngr Graphics I
PHY116Engr Graphics II EGR1XXEngr Graphics II
PHY130Gen Physics I PHY110Gen Phys:Mech/Ht
PHY130Gen Physics I PHY111G Phys:Mech Lab
PHY140General Physics II PHY113G Phys:Elct Lab
PHY140General Physics II PHY112Gen Phys:Elc/Magn
PHY170Physics I PHY162Eng Phys:Ht/Thermo
PIA111Private Lesson MUS1XXPrivate Lesson
PIA191Piano Class MUS140Class Piano
PIA192Piano Class MUS141Class Piano
PSC100Amer Govt & Polit PS141American Governmnt
PSC100Amer Govt & Polit PS101Amer Gov/Citizenship
PSC101Pol of Diversity PS1XXPol of Diversity
PSC200Political Analysis PS2XXPolitical Analysis
PSC201State & Local Govt PS242State/Local Govt
PSC202Elem of Public Adm PS151Intro Public Admin
PSC204Intro Urban Stud PSC2XXIntro Urban Stud
PSC213Intl Relations PS302International Rel
PSC230Intr Polit Thought PS2XXIntr Polit Thought
PSC240Intro Comp Pol PS2XXIntro Comp Pol
PSC304Urban Politics PS3XXUrban Politics
PSY100Intro Psychology PSY100General Psychology
PSY120Multicult Psych PSY1XXMulticult Psych
PSY120Multicultural Psych PSY1XXMulticultural Psych
PSY200Positive Psychology PSY2XXPositive Psychology
PSY210Deve Psy: Lifespan NUR201Nursing HD/HC
PSY210Deve Psy: Lifespan PSY2XXDev Psy: Lifespan
PSY245Stats Beh Sci PSY2XXStats Beh Sci
PSY245Stats Beh Sci BEH260Statistics
PSY246Research Meth Psy PSY2XXResearch Meth Psy
PSY254Social Psych PSY243Social Psychology
PSY255Intro Biopsych PSY210Fund Biopsychology
PSY257Theory of Personalities PSY2XXTheory of Personalities
PSY265Indust/Organiz Psy PSY2XXIndust/Organiz Psy
PSY268Drugs, Behavior and the Brain PSY2XXDrugs, Behvr and Brain
PSY335Animal Behavior PSY3XXAnimal Behavior
PSY350Biopsych of Motivation PSY3XXBiopsych of Motvtn
PSY362History & Systems PSY3XXHistory & Systems
PSY365Psych of Women PSY3XXPsych of Women
PSY375Abnormal Psych PSY230Abnormal Psych
PSY382Infant, Child & Adol Dev PSY221Child/Adol Develop
PSY430Human Sex Behavior PSY4XXHuman Sex Behavior
PSY475Cognitive Psych PSY307Cognitive Psych
PSY481Eating Disorders PSY4XXEating Disorders
SCI100Climate Change PSC202Sustainblty: Sci & Soc
SCI101The Carbon Cycle BIO212Environmntl Bio
SCI102Electricity PSC1XXElectricity
SMD100Fnd Sports Med SPM125Intro to the Sport Industry
SMD204First Aid Hlth Prof SPM205Responding/Emerg
SMD272Athl Trng Tech SPM2XXAthl Trng Tech
SOC100Introduction to Sociology SOC100Intro Sociology
SOC240Soc of the Family SOC225The Family
SOC349Mental Illness SOC3XXMental Illness
SOC350Soc of Mental Illness SOC3XXSoc of Mental Illness
SPA101Elem Spanish I SPN101Elem Spanish I
SPA102Elem Spanish II SPN102Elem Spanish II
SPA201Int Spanish I SPN201Inter Spanish I
SPA202Int Spanish II SPN202Inter Spanish II
SPA301Gramm/Comp/Conv I SPN3XXGramm/Comp/Conv I
SPA302Gramm/Comp/Conv II SPN420Adv Spanish Grammar
SPA304Spanish Lang Topics: Comm SPN3XXSpanish Lang Top: Comm
SPA313Latin America on Film SPN3XXLatin America in Film
SPA315Advanced Readings SPN316Intro Lit Span Amer
SPA330Spanish Narrative SPN315Intro Lit Spain
SPK208Public Speaking CM104Human Communicatn
SPK208Public Speaking CM212Public Speaking
SPK230Bus & Prof Speech CM246Comm/Business Prof
SPK230Bus & Prof Speech CM104Human Communicatn
SPK230Bus & Prof Speech CM212Public Speaking
SPP101Intr Comm Disord CM1XXIntr Comm Disord
SSC200Intro Peace/Conflict BEH2XXIntro Peace/Conflict
SSC201Global Perspectives BEH2XXGlobal Perspectives
SWO200Intro Soc Welfre SOC2XXIntro Soc Welfre
SWO225Race Relations SOC2XXRace Relations
SWO300Family Systems SOC225Family Div & Society
SWO320Gener SW Pract I HSV3XXGener SW Pract I
SWO351Hum Beh Soc Env II HSV250Lifecourse Develop
SWO491Sexuality for Helping Profs HSV4XXSexuality for Helping Profs
THA101Intro to Theatre THE154Introduction to Theatre
THA103Acting I THE215Acting
THA104Stagecraft I THE121Stagecraft
THA105Stagecraft II THE220Theatre Construct
THA113Hist Theatre Drama THE1XXHist Theatre Drama
THA116Costume Construct THE222Costume Construction
THA118Voice for Performance MUS1XXVoice for Perform
THA212Creative Drama THE2XXCreative Drama
THA216Fund of Design ART210Design I
THA250Race/Gender TH THE2XXRace/Gender TH
VOC312Choral Conduct II MUS3XXChoral Conduct II
VOI101Voice Minor MUS101Voice
VOI102Voice Minor MUS102Voice
VOI141Adv Voi Maj MUS101Voice
VOI142Adv Voi Maj MUS102Voice
VOI191Voice Class MUS146Voice Class
VOI192Voice Class MUS146Voice Class
WOS100Body Politics WGS1XXBody Politics
WOS225Women Today WGS2XXWomen Today
WOS350Lesbian Studies WGS3XXLesbian Studies
WRT120Effective Writing I FCO105Rhetorical Comm
WRT121Effective Writing II FCO2XXEffective Writing II
WRT123Effective Writing FCO105Rhetorical Comm
WRT200Critical Writing WRT2XXCritical Writing
WRT204Popular Culture WRT2XXPopular Culture
WRT205Investg Experience WRT2XXInvestg Experience
WRT206The Imagination WRT2XXThe Imagination
WRT220Special Topics WRT2XXSpecial Topics
West Virginia UniversityYork College of Pennsylvania
A&VS275Companion Animal Science BEH2XXCompanion Animal Sci
ACCT201Principles of Accounting ACC220Financial Acct
AGBI410Intro Biochem BIO4XXBiology Elect No Lab
ANTH105Introduction to Anthropology ANT1XXIntroduction to Anthropology
ARHS101Appr of Visual Arts ART101Intro Art Apprec
ARSC120Inquiry App to Teaching EDU1XXInq App to Teaching
ARSC293SPTP: A & S in Class HUM2XXSPTP: A&S in Class
ART101Appr of Visual Arts ART101Intro Art Apprec
ART105Survey of Art History I ART204Survey West Art I
ART111Drawing I ART215Drawing I
ASP220Intro Africana Studies INT2XXIntro Africana Studies
ASTR106Descriptive Astronomy ESS1XXEarth Sci Elective No Lab
BCOR121Intro to Bus Applications BUS1XXIntro to Bus Applications
BCOR191First Year Seminar FYS1XXFirst Year Seminar
BCOR199Intro to Business BUS150Intro to Business
BIOL1General Biology BIO150Biology I
BIOL101General Biology01BIO151Intro Mole Bio Lab
BIOL101General Biology01BIO150Intro Molecular Bio
BIOL101General Biology01BIO143Mole/Gene/Cell Lab
BIOL101General Biology01BIO142Molecule/Gene/Cell
BIOL102General Biology II BIO1XXBiology Elect no lab
BIOL102General Biology II BIO152Evol/Ecol & Divers
BIOL103General Biology Laboratory01  
BIOL104General Biology Laboratory BIO153Evol/Ecol/Div Lab
BIOL105Env Biology BIO1XXBio Elective No Lab
BIOL115Principles of Biology02BIO151Intro Mole Bio Lab
BIOL115Principles of Biology02BIO150Intro Molecular Bio
BIOL115LPrinciples of Biology Lab02  
BIOL117Intro Physiology BIO152Biology II
BIOL219The living Cell BIO2XXBiology Elect No Lab
BIOL4General Biology Lab BIO1XXBiology Elective Lab Only
BIOL490Teaching Prac BIO4XXBiology Elect no lab
BN215Elect Media & Soc CM2XXElect Media & Soc
BUSA101Intro to Business BUS150Intro to Business
BUSA202Survey of Accountingq ACC2XXSurv of Accounting
CDFS110Fam Across Life Span BEH1XXFam Across Life Span
CDFS112Intro Marriage & Family SOC225The Family
CE332Intro Transportation Engr CVE320Transportation Eng
CHEM110Intro to Chemistry CHM1XXIntro to Chemistry
CHEM111Survey of Chemistry CHM134Gen Chem I
CHEM112Survey of Chemistry CHM136Gen Chem II
CHEM115Fundamentals of Chemistry02CHM134Gen Chem I
CHEM115Fundamentals of Chemistry02CHM135Gen Chem I Lab
CHEM115LCHEM 115L02  
CHEM116Fund of Chemistry CHM136Gen Chem II
CHEM233Organic Chem CHM2XXChemistry Elect No Lab
CHEM233Organic Chem CHM234Organic Chem I
CJ101Intro Crim Justice CCJ101Intro Crim Justice
CJ223Police & Society CCJ364Policing Communities
CJ224Punishment & Corr CCJ337Punishmnt/Correctns
CJ225Victimology CCJ310Victimology
CJ307Criminal Law CCJ302Criminal Law
CJ308Ehtics in Crim Just Sys CCJ203Ethical Issues/CJ
COMM100Princ of Human Comm CM1XXPrinc of Human Comm
COMM102Human Comm-Interp Context CM104Human Communicatn
COMM102Human Comm-Interp Context CM1XXHuma Com-Interp Cont
COMM103Pres Speaking CM212Public Speaking
COMM104Public Communication CM212Public Speaking
COMM105Intro to Mass Media CM211Mass Communication
COMM122Human Comm-Cont Society CM104Human Communicatn
COMM201Comm Research Meth CM2XXComm Research Meth
COMM203Communication Corner CM2XXComm Corner
COMM305Apprec-Motion Pictures FLM216Intro to Film
COMM306Organizational Comm CM328Organizational Comm
CS101Intro Comp Applications IFS100Info Tech Competncy
CS101Intro Comp Applications IFS105Personal Computing
CS110Introduction - Computer Sci CS1XXIntroduction - Comp Sci
DANC101Intro to Dance HUM1XXIntro to Dance
ECON201Prin of Microecon ECO201Prin Econ-Micro
ECON202Prin of Macroecon ECO200Prin Econ-Macro
ECON225Elmntry Bsnss/Ecnmcs Stat QBA260Data Driven Dec Making
EDUC191First-Year Seminar FYS1XXFirst-Year Seminar
EE221Intro Elect Eng ECE280Fund Electrical Eng
ENGL101Comp & Rhetoric FCO105Rhetorical Comm
ENGL102Comp & Rhetoric WRT1XXComp & Rhetoric
ENGL242American Lit 2 LIT282Amer Lit after 1885
ENGL251Amer Folklore and Culture LIT2XXAmer Folklore and Cult
ENGL288Sexual Diversity in Lit & Film HUM2XXSexual Div in Lit & Film
ENGR101Eng Prob Solving I EGR1XXEng Prob Solving I
ENGR120Graphics I EGR1XXGraphics I
ENGR129Engr Math MAT1XXEngr Math
ENGR191First-Year Seminar FYS1XXFirst-Year Seminar
FILM101The Art of Film I FLM1XXThe Art of Film I
FILM102The Art of Film 2 FLM1XXArt of Film 2
FIS191First-Year Seminar FYS100First Year Seminar
FIS201Intro to Forensic ID FCM2XXIntro to Forensic ID
FOR140W Va Nat Resources ESS1XXEarth Sci Elect No Lab
FOR240Intro Computing IFS105Personal Computing
FRCH101Elem French I FRN101Elem French I
FRCH102Elem French II FRN102Elem French II
GEOG102World Regions G1XXWorld Regions
GEOG102World Regions G100World Reg Geography
GEOG106Physical Geo G151Intro Physical Geog
GEOG107Phys Geog ESS1XXPhys Geog
GEOG108Human Geo G1XXHuman Geo
GEOG110Environmental Geoscience BIO212Environmntl Bio
GEOG150Digital Earth G1XXDigital Earth
GEOG243Geography of Africa INT2XXGeo of Africa
GEOG244Geog of Mid East G2XXGeog of Mid East
GEOL101Planet Earth ESS1XXPlanet Earth
GEOL103Earth Through Time ESS1XXEarth Through Time
GEOL110Environmental Geoscience BIO1XXEnvironmental Geoscience
GER101Elementary German I GRM101Elem German I
GER102Intro German Lang/Cult 2 GRM102Elem German II
HHP122Fitness for Living PAW134Concpts Phys Actvty
HIS102W Civ: 1600-Pres HIS102Western Civ II
HIST101W Civ: Antiquity-1600 HIS101Western Civ I
HIST152Amer Nation to 1865 HIS111American Civ I
HIST153Mod Amer:1865-Pres HIS112American Civ II
HIST375Hollywood and History HIS3XXHollywood and History
HN&F171Intro to Nutrition NUR202Nutrition
HONR297Research NPE1XXNon Prog Elect
HUM101Intro-Western Civ I HUM1XXIntro-Western Civ I
HUM102Intro Western Civ 2 HUM1XXIntro Western Civ 2
HUM112Humanities of Greece HUM1XXHumanities of Greece
IENG213Eng Statistics EGR2XXEng Statistics
IENG377Eng Economy EGR3XXEng Economy
IMSE200Fund Industrial Engr EGR2XXFund Industrial Engr
IMSE220Re-Engr Mgmt Systems EGR2XXRe-Engr Mgmt Systems
INDS115Creat Mod Arts HUM1XXCreat Mod Arts
ITAL101Elem Italian I ITL101Elem Italian I
JRL101Media & Society CM211Mass Communication
JRL220Intro Photojournalism ART2XXIntro Photojournalism
LING1Intro to Language CM1XXIntro to Language
MAE102Intro to MAE Design EGR100Epads I
MAE211Mechatronics EGR2XXMechatronics
MAE241Statics EGR250Statics
MAE242Dynamics ME252Dynamics/Vibrtn
MAE316Analy Eng Sys EGR3XXAnaly Eng Sys
MAE342Dynamics of Machines ME440Mechncs/Machinry
MATH112Quant Reason Skills 2 MAT1XXQuant Reason Skills 2
MATH121Intro Conc of Math MAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MATH122Quan Skills/Reason MAT105College Algebra
MATH124College Algebra-Appl MAT105College Algebra
MATH126College Algebra MAT105College Algebra
MATH126ACollege Algebra MAT105College Algebra
MATH128Plane Trigonometry MAT108Precalculus
MATH150Intro to Calculus MAT120Applied Calculus
MATH153Calculus 1a with Precalc MAT171Calculus I
MATH154Calculus 1b with Precalc MAT172Calculus II
MATH155Calculus I MAT171Calculus I
MATH156Calculus II MAT172Calculus II
MATH251Multivar Calculus MAT271Calculus III
MATH3College Algebra MAT105College Algebra
MICB200Med Microbiol BIO2XXBiology Elect No Lab
MUSC100ABand: Concert Band MUS1XXBand: Concert Band
MUSC100CBand: Symphonic Band MUS1XXBand: Symphonic Band
MUSC100DBand: Marching Band MUS1XXBand: Marching Band
MUSC103Orchestra MUS164Symphony Orchestra
MUSC108Appl Music: Clarinet MUS128Clarinet
MUSC11320th Century Pop Music MUS287American Pop Music
MUSC120Appl Music: Saxophone MUS130Saxophone
MUSC126Applied Music: Violin MUS108Violin
MUSC130Piano Class Level O MUS140Class Piano
MUSC131Piano Class Level 1/2 MUS141Class Piano
MUSC132Piano Class Level 1 MUS240Class Piano
MUSC138Voice Class I MUS146Voice Class
MUSC143Chmbr Musc: Strings MUS1XXChmbr Musc: Strings
MUSC161Aural Theory I MUS184Sight Singing I
MUSC162Written Theory I MUS182Music Theory I
MUSC163Aural Theory 2 MUS185Sight Singing II
MUSC164Written Theory 2 MUS183Music Theory II
MUSC170Intro to Music MUS186Listening to Music
MUSC173Music of Mod Age MUS1XXMusic of Mod Age
MUSC177Intro to Music Listening MUS1XXIntro to Music Listening
MUSC180Intro to Music Education MUS1XXIntro to Music Education
MUSC200Fund of Conducting MUS2XXFund of Conducting
MUSC263Aural Theory 4 MUS285Sight Singing IV
MUSC270Hist-West Musical Trad I MUS390Music History I
MUSC284Vocal Pedagogy MUS146Vocal Methods
NBAN205Intro Hum Anat BIO220Human A/P I
NBAN205Intro Hum Anat BIO2XXBiology Elect No Lab
NSG100Intro to Nursing NUR1XXIntro to Nursing
NSG110Health & Wellness PAW234Well/Fitness/Life
NSG211Health Assessment NUR2XXHealth Assessment
NSG221Conc: Nursing I NUR2XXConc: Nursing I
NSG225Nursing Interv I NUR2XXNursing Interv I
NSG241Conc: Nursing 2 NUR2XXConc: Nursing 2
NSG245Nursing Interv 2 NUR2XXNursing Interv 2
NSG361Health Assess NUR3XXHealth Assess
PALM200Medical Terminology BIO201Medical Terminology
PASS110Intro Health/Well-Being Profes NUR101Intro Nursing & Hlth Careers
PASS191First Year Seminar FYS1XXFirst Year Seminar
PATH200Medical Term BIO201Medical Terminology
PATH200Medical Term HSC105Medical Terminology
PE104Intermed Basketball PAW152Basketball
PE125Aerobics PAW136Aerobic Dance
PE158Indoor Soccer PAW155Soccer
PE159Soccer PAW155Soccer
PE164Weight Training PAW119Physical Fitness
PE170Volleyball PAW160Volleyball
PE173Beg Swimming PAW120Beginning Swimming
PE179Orientation to Scuba PAW125Scuba Diving
PE187Golf PAW140Fundamentals/Golf
PET124Human Body BIO1XXBiology Elect No Lab
PHIL100Problems of Philosophy PHL221Intro Philosophy
PHIL130Current Moral Problems PHL223Contemp Moral Prob
PHIL170Intro Crit Reasoning PHL222Critical Thinking
PHIL260Intro to Symbolic Logic PHL231Logic
PHIL293SPTP: Business Ethics PHL2XXSPTP:Business Ehics
PHYS101Introductory Physics PHY110Gen Phys:Mech/Ht
PHYS102Intro Physics PHY1XXPhysics Elect No Lab
PHYS111General Physics PHY160Eng Phys:Mechncs
POLS103Global Political Issues PS1XXGlobal Political Issues
PR215Intro Pub Relations PR221Intro Public Relations
PSIO107Intro Hum Anat/Phys BIO112Essentials of A & P
PSIO241Elem Physiology BIO2XXBiology Elect No Lab
PSY251Intro Soc Psychology PSY243Social Psychology
PSYC1Intro to Psychology PSY100General Psychology
PSYC101Intro to Psychology PSY100General Psychology
PSYC151Gen Psychology PSY100General Psychology
PSYC202Research Methods in Psy PSY2XXRes Methods in Psy
PSYC203Research Meth & Analysis I PSY270Design Analysis I
PSYC204Research Meth & Analysis I PSY271Design Analysis II
PSYC233Psych of Cinema PSY2XXPsych of Cinema
PSYC241Intro Hum Dev NUR201Nursing HD/HC
PSYC241Intro Hum Dev PSY2XXIntro Hum Dev
PSYC251Intro Soc Psych PSY243Social Psychology
PSYC281Intro Abnormal Psych PSY230Abnormal Psych
PSYC293OSPTP: Death & Dying PSY2XXSPTP: Death & Dying
REL393DSp Tp: Relg/Mysticism REL3XXSp Tp: Relg/Mysticism
RELG102Intro World Religions REL265World Religions
RELIG102Intro Old Testament I REL1XXIntro Old Testament I
RPTR140Adv West VA REC1XXAdv West VA
RPTR293ESPTP: Adventure WV REC2XXSPTP: Adventure WV
RPTR293KAdv WV Bckpck/Paddl PAW143Backpacking
SEP271Sport in American Society SPM2XXSport in Amer Society
SEP272Psych Persp Sport SPM2XXPsych Persp Sport
SM167Intro Sport Studies SPM1XXIntro Sport Studies
SM293Intro-Sport Mgmt SPM125Intro Sport Mgmt
SOCA1Intro to Sociology SOC100Intro Sociology
SOCA101Intro to Sociology SOC100Intro Sociology
SOCA105Intro to Anthropology ANT220Cult Anthropology
SOCA337Sociology of Am Business SOC3XXSoc of Am Business
SOWK147Human Diversity SOC315Ethnic/Minorities
SOWK151Intro to Social Work SOC1XXIntro to Soc Work
SPAN101Elem Spanish I SPN101Elem Spanish I
SPAN102Elem Spanish 2 SPN102Elem Spanish II
SPAN203Intermed Span I SPN201Inter Spanish I
SPAN204Intermed Span II SPN202Inter Spanish II
SPED304SPED in Contemporary Society SPE3XXSPED in Contemporary Society
SS167Intro to Sport Studies SPM1XXIntro to Sport Studies
SS271Sport in Amer Soc SPM2XXSport in Amer Soc
SS272Psych Persp-Sport SPM2XXPsych Persp-Sport
STAT111Understanding Statistics BEH260Statistics
STAT111Understanding Statistics MAT250Statistics
STAT111Understanding Statistics QBA260Data Driven Dec Making
STAT211Elem Stat Inference BEH260Statistics
STAT211Elem Stat Inference MAT250Statistics
STAT211Elem Stat Inference QBA260Business Statistics
THET101Intro to Theatre THE154Introduction to Theatre
TVJ215Electronic Media & Soc CM2XXElectronic Media & Soc
WDSC100For Res in U.S. Hist HIS1XXFor Res in U.S. Hist
WGST150Women in Movies WGS1XXWomen in Movies
WMAN150Prin-Conserv Ecology BIO1XXBiology Elective No Lab
WMAN160Ecology Invading Species BIO1XXBiology Elect No Lab
WMST150Women in Movies WGS1XXWomen in Movies
WMST225Women in Appalachia WGS2XXWomen in Appalachia
WMST245Women Intl Dev WGS2XXWomen Intl Dev
WVUE2930SPTP: Critical Thinking NPE2XXSPTP: Critical Thinking
Westchester Community CollegeYork College of Pennsylvania
ACC119Financial AcctACC220Financial Acct
ACC120Managerial AcctACC225Managerial Acct
ART101Beginning DrawingART215Drawing I
BIOL101Biological ScienceBIO204Exploring Biology
BIOL101Biological ScienceBIO205Exp Biology Lab
BIOL103Bio Sci II-Human BioBIO112Fund Human Bio
BIOL109Basic Anat & PhysioBIO112Fund Human Bio
BIOL115Gen Biology IBIO150Biology I
BIOL143Environmental SciBIO1XXBiology Elect No Lab
BIOL215General MicrobiologyBIO230Microbiology
CHEM113Prin of Inorganic ChemCHM134Gen Chem I
CIS215Mgt Info SysIFS305Management Info Sys
COMM101Understand Mass MediaCM211Mass Communication
COMM109Speech CommCM104Human Communicatn
COMM109Speech CommCM212Public Speaking
COMSC101Comp Prog ICS1XXComp Prog I
DANCE101AMod Dance IPAW117Modern Dance
DANCE120Jazz/Music Theare DancePAW129Pop Jazz Dance
DP103Computer Info SystemsIFS105Personal Computing
ECON101MacroeconomicsECO200Prin Econ-Macro
ECON102MicroeconomicsECO201Prin Econ-Micro
ENG101Writing and ResearchFCO105Rhetorical Comm
ENG102Writ & LiteratureLIT200Perspectives/Lit
ENG115Creative WritingCRW272Intro Creative Wrt
FIN203Managerial FinanceFIN300Managrl Finance I
GEOG101World GeographyG100World Reg Geography
HIS102Western Civ 1648-PresHIS102Western Civ II
HIS11119th Century US HistoryHIS112American Civ II
HIS11220th Cent U.S. HistHIS36620th Cent Amer Hist
INB101Intl BusIBS200Internatl Business
INTER110Intro to OceanographyBIO124Oceanography
ITAL103Italian Conv IITL1XXItalian Conv I
ITAL250Adv Italian IITL2XXAdv Italian I
MATH110BCol Alg: Functions & ModelsMAT105College Algebra
MATH117Contemp MathMAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MATH121Calculus IMAT171Calculus I
MATH130Coll AlgebraMAT105College Algebra
MATH135College AlgebraMAT105College Algebra
MATH181Calculus IMAT171Calculus I
MGT101Bus Org & MgtMGT150Prin of Management
MKT101MarketingMKT100Prin Marketing
MUSIC160Intro to Audio ICM226Audio Productn
MUSIC165Recording Eng ICM1XXRecording Eng I
PE110Health and Fitness for LifePAW234Well/Fitness/Life
PE123Mod Dance LabPAW117Modern Dance
PHIL110Rel of the WorldREL265World Religions
PHYSC119Science & SurvivalPSC1XXPhys Sci Elect No Lab
PHYSC129Intro to OceanographyBIO124Oceanography
PHYSC143Earth ScienceESS1XXEarth Science
POL203Prin of InvestigationCCJ305Crim Investigation
POL205Surv Organized CrimeCCJ314Organized Crime
POL211Basic Crim Law & ProCCJ341Criminal Procedure
POLSC102Amer Govt & IssuesPS101Amer Gov/Citizenship
POLSC113Mid Eastern PoliticsPS246Govt/Pol Mid East
PSYCH101General PsychologyPSY100General Psychology
SOC101Intro to SociologySOC100Intro Sociology
SOC102Marriage & FamilySOC225The Family
SPAN101Elem Spanish ISPN101Elem Spanish I
SPAN103Beg Spanish Conv ISPN101Elem Spanish I
SPAN104Beg Spanish Conv IISPN102Elem Spanish II
Wilkes UniversityYork College of Pennsylvania
ABBA461Business StratBUS495Bus Strategy/Policy
ACC162Man Acct & Dec MakingACC225Managerial Acct
ANT101Intro to AnthropologyANT1XXIntro to Anthropology
ART101Exp ArtART101Intro Art Apprec
ART111Fund of Color and DesignART210Design I
ART134Computer Graphics IART235Concpts Comp Grhcs
ART138Digital PhotographyART246Digital Photography
ART234Computer Graphics IIART206Elements Comp Graph
AS101Found of US Air Force INPE1XXFound of US Air Force I
AS102Found of US Air Force IINPE1XXFound of US Air Force II
AS201Evol of Air & Space Power INPE1XXEvol of Air & Space Power I
BA151Int Mgmt Exp IBUS1XXInt Mgmt Exp I
BA152Int Mgmt Exp IIBUS1XXInt Mgmt Exp II
BA153Management FoundationsMGT150Prin of Management
BA198Integrated Manag Exp IIBUS1XXIntegrated Manag Exp II
BA257Mgt Info SysIFS305Management Info Sys
BA309Bus Corr & ReportsFCO210Comm Prof Cultures
BA321MarketingMKT100Prin Marketing
BA351Mgmt Org & PeopleMGT150Prin of Management
BIO105Contemp Issues in BiologyBIO205Exp Biology Lab
BIO105Contemp Issues in BiologyBIO204Exploring Biology
BIO115Hum Anat & Phys IBIO220Human A/P I
BIO121Prin Mod Biology IBIO150Biology I
BIO122Prin Mod Biology IIBIO152Biology II
CHM111Fund of ChemistryCHM122Prin Gen/Org Chem
CHM115Elements and CompoundsCHM134Gen Chem I
CHM115Elements and CompoundsCHM1XXChemistry Elect No Lab
CHM116Chemical ReactionCHM136Gen Chem II
CHM116Chemical ReactionCHM1XXChemistry Elect No Lab
CHM231Organic Chem ICHM234Organic Chem I
CHM231Organic Chem ICHM2XXChemistry Elect No Lab
COM101Fund of Public SpeakingCM212Public Speaking
COM101Fund of Public SpeakingCM104Human Communicatn
CS115Comps and ApplsIFS105Personal Computing
CS115Comps and ApplsIFS100Info Tech Competncy
CS125Computer Science ICS1XXComputer Science I
DAN100Dance ApprecHUM1XXDance Apprec
EC102Prin of Econ IIECO201Prin Econ-Micro
ED180Educational PsychEDU1XXEducational Psych
ED508Intercult CommMED586Soc & Cult Respons in Class
ED510Psych FoundMED502Adv Educ Psych
ED514Current Issues in EdMED503Curric Trends/Issue
ED519Issues, Laws and TrendsMED503Curric Trends/Issue
ED522Curr & InstructionMED503Curric Trends/Issue
ED525Intro Ed Res/Masters LevMED501Intro Ed Research
ED526Internet Library for EducMED622Dist Ed Technologies
ED528Print Media/Dig ClassroomMED624Media Design/Devlop
ED552Tchng Through Lrning ChanMED622Tchng Through Lrning Chan
ED557Differentiated Instruction forMED502Dev, Learning, Incl Pract
ED559Behav/Acad/Soc InterventionMED502Adv Educ Psych
ED576School Mgmt & CommMED504Group Processes/Ed
ED578Prof Develop/SuperMED562Supervsn Instructn
ED585Integrating Tech in CurricMED620Tech Enhance Pedag
EDIM510Web2.0 Impact Lrn EnvMED624Web2.0 Impact Lrn Env
EDIM510Web 2.0: Impact Learn EnviroMED624Media Design/Devlop
EDIM514Internet Tools for TeachingMED622Dist Ed Technologies
EES105Planet EarthESS1XXPlanet Earth
EGR140Comp & Stat AnalyEGR1XXComp & Stat Analy
EGR200Intro to MaterialsEGR2XXIntro to Materials
ENG101CompositionFCO105Rhetorical Comm
ENG120Read Cult Crossroads/WGSLIT200Perspectives/Lit
ENG225Comp GrammarWRT2XXComp Grammar
ENT203Opt. ID:  Innovat & CreativityENT350Creativity/Innovtn
FRF101Intelligence AppliedNPE1XXIntelligence Applied
FYF101What Would You Do?FYS100First Year Seminar
FYF101First Year FoundationNPE1XXFirst Year Foundation
FYF101Intell AppliedFYS100First Year Seminar
FYF101AExploring the ArtsFYS100First Year Seminar
HST125American History IHIS111American Civ I
HST297Hist Research & MethodsHIS200Methods/Theory Hist
IM101Integrative Media IART1XXIntegrative Media I
LIT501Found of LiteracyMED510Found Reading Instr
MTH100Precal MathMAT108Precalculus
MTH101Solving Prob Using MathMAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MTH111Calculus IMAT171Calculus I
MTH112Calculus IIMAT172Calculus II
MTH150Elem StatsMAT250Statistics
MUS100GuitarMUS186Listening to Music
MUS101Intro to Music IMUS200Music Appreciation
MUS121Civic BandMUS1XXCivic Band
PHL101Intro to PhilosophyPHL221Intro Philosophy
PHL398T: State PowerPHL3XXT: State Power
PHY105Concepts in PhysicsPHY110Gen Phys:Mech/Ht
PHY201General Physics IPHY160Eng Phys:Mechncs
PHY202General Physics IIPHY260Eng Phys:Elct/Magn
PS111Intro to American PoliticsPS141American Governmnt
PS232Criminal LawCCJ302Criminal Law
PSY101General Psychology IPSY100General Psychology
PSY200Statistics in PsychologyBEH260Statistics
PSY356Industrial/Org PsychPSY3XXIndustrial/Org Psych
PSY358Psych Tests & MeasuresPSY3XXPsych Tests & Measures
SOC101Intro to SociologySOC100Intro Sociology
SOC226Corrections, Parole, ProbatCCJ337Punishmnt/Correctns
SP101Elementary Spanish ISPN101Elem Spanish I
SP102Elem Spanish IISPN102Elem Spanish II
SP203Intermediate Spanish ISPN201Inter Spanish I
SP204Intermediate Spanish IISPN202Inter Spanish II
William Paterson UniversityYork College of Pennsylvania
ACCT2110Financial AccountingACC220Financial Acct
ANTH130Intro to AnthropologyANT220Cult Anthropology
ANTH1300Origins & Div of HumanANT220Cult Anthropology
ARTH101Approaches Western ArtART101Intro Art Apprec
BIO112Gen A & P IBIO220Human A/P I
BIO1120College WritingBIO220Human A/P I
BIO1120College WritingBIO221Human A/P I Lab
BIO113Gen A & P IIBIO222Human A/P II
BIO120Human BiologyBIO112Fund Human Bio
BIO1200Human BiologyBIO204Exploring Biology
BIO1630General Biology IBIO150Biology I
BIO170Basic MicrobiologyBIO230Microbiology
CHEM133Chem for Health SciCHM122Prin Gen/Org Chem
COMM101Intro to TheaterTHE154Introduction to Theatre
COMM110Comm in ActionCM329Interpersonal Comm
COMM110Comm in ActionCM104Human Communicatn
COMM2250Audio & Radio ProductionCM226Audio Productn
COMM2340Film as a MediumFLM2XXFilm as a Medium
CSH250Int Res Meth/Stats IBEH260Statistics
CSH350Int Res Meth/Stats IIMAT3XXInt Res Meth/Stats II
ECON2110Business Statistics IIQBA265Business Stats II
ENG110Writing Effective ProseFCO105Rhetorical Comm
ENG1100College WritingWRT1XXCollege Writing
ENG150Intro to LiteratureLIT200Perspectives/Lit
ENG1500Experiences in LiteratureLIT200Perspectives/Lit
ENG2310Intro to Creative WritingCRW272Intro Creative Wrt
ENV1150General GeologyESS1XXGeneral Geology
EXSC1500Aerobic ConditioningEXS203Essentials Strength & Conditio
EXSC1600Resist Flex TrainingPAW170Core Conditioning
FR1100Basic French IFRN101Elem French I
GEO150World Regional GeographyG100World Reg Geography
HIST101Found West CivHIS101Western Civ I
HIST102The West and WorldHIS102Western Civ II
IT110Basic Italian IITL101Elem Italian I
IT111Basic Italian IIITL102Elem Italian II
KNES1200Intro to KinesiologyEPS205Kinesiology
LAS2010Intro to Latin American StINT145Intro Latin America
MATH110Contemporary MathMAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MATH1100Contemporary MathMAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MATH115College AlgebraMAT105College Algebra
MATH1170Business MathMAT105College Algebra
MATH130Elem StatsBEH260Statistics
MATH130Elem StatsMAT250Statistics
MATH130Elem StatsQBA260Business Statistics
MGT460Bus Strategy & PolicyBUS495Business Policy
MUS120Music ApprecationMUS186Listening to Music
MUSI1510Audio Recording for MusiciansMUS1XXAudio Rec for Muscns
MUSI2400Struc/Content Mus IndustryMUS297Survey Music Industry
NUR5461Advanced PathophysiologyNUR505Adv Phys/Pathophys
NUR6011Adv PharmacologyNUR520Advanced Pharmacology
PBHL1100Healthy UPAW234Well/Fitness/Life
PHIL110Intro to PhilosophyPHL221Intro Philosophy
PHIL1100Intro to PhilosophyPHL221Intro Philosophy
PHYS1100Intro to PhysicsPHY110Gen Phys:Mech/Ht
PHYS170Gen AstronomyESS154Intro/Astronomy
PHYS255College Physics IPHY110Gen Phys:Mech/Ht
PHYS256College Physics IIPHY112Gen Phys:Elc/Magn
POL110Intro to PoliticsPS1XXIntro to Politics
POL120Amer GovtPS141American Governmnt
PSY110General PsychologyPSY100General Psychology
PSY1100General PsychologyPSY100General Psychology
PSY210Dev PsychPSY221Child/Adol Develop
SOC1010Prin of SociologySOC100Intro Sociology
SPAN110Basic Spanish ISPN101Elem Spanish I
SPAN111Basic Span IISPN102Elem Spanish II
WGS150Racism & Sexism in USBEH1XXRacism & Sexism in US
WS150Racism/Sexism in the USWGS1XXRacism/Sexism in the US
Wilmington UniversityYork College of Pennsylvania
ART210Basic DesignART210Design I
ART301Drawing and PaintingART3XXDrawing and Painting
BAC101Accounting IACC220Financial Acct
BAC102Accounting IIACC225Managerial Acct
BBM201Prin of MgmtMGT150Prin of Management
BBM301Org BehaviorMGT225Org Behavior
BBM320Business CommunicationsCM246Comm/Business Prof
BBM370Global Business Mgt  
BBM411Opers and System MgtSCM300Operations Mgmt
BCS205Pers Comp Oper IIFS105Personal Computing
BCS206Comp Appl for BusIFS105Personal Computing
BCS210Comp ScienceCS2XXComp Science
BIO251Biology I w LabBIO151Intro Mole Bio Lab
BIO251Biology I w LabBIO142Molecule/Gene/Cell
BIO251Biology I w LabBIO150Intro Molecular Bio
BIO251Biology I w LabBIO143Mole/Gene/Cell Lab
BLA303Leg & Ethical Env of BusBUS260Legal Environment
COM322Aesthetics of FilmFLM3XXAesthetics of Film
CRJ101Survey of Criminal JusticeCCJ101Intro Crim Justice
CRJ205Princ of CriminologyCCJ378Criminology
CRJ316Criminal LawCCJ302Criminal Law
CRJ341Comm CorrectionsCCJ337Punishmnt/Correctns
CRJ411Crim Evidence & ProcCCJ362Crime Scene Process
CRJ412Ethics in Crim JustCCJ203Ethical Issues/CJ
CSC325Java Prog IIFS1XXJava Prog I
CTA206Computer ApplicationsIFS105Personal Computing
CTA210Intro to TechnologyIFS1XXIntro to Technology
DSN110Fund of DrawingART215Drawing I
DSN325Multimedia Web Page DsgnIFS3XXMultimed Web Page Dsgn
ECE214Creat Envir for LearnEDU2XXCreat Envir for Learn
ECO101Economics IECO200Prin Econ-Macro
ECO102Economics IIECO201Prin Econ-Micro
ECO105Fund of EconECO1XXFund of Economics
EDU304Hlth & Phys EdEDU3XXHlth & Phys Ed
ENG101English Composition IFCO105Rhetorical Comm
ENG102English Composition IIWRT1XXEnglish Composition II
ENG110English EssentialsWRT100Intro College Writ
ENG111Adv Comm SkilsCM212Public Speaking
ENG121Eng Comp IFCO105Rhetorical Comm
ENG122Eng Comp IIWRT1XXEng Comp II
ENG131Public SpeakingCM212Public Speaking
ENG320Advanced CompWRT315Advanced Compositn
EPY301Assess Except ChildSPE3XXAssess Except Child
EPY401Teaching Except ChildSPE4XXTeaching Except Child
FYE101First Year Exp SeminarFYS100First Year Seminar
GOV326Public Plcy/Soc IssuesPS151Intro Public Admin
HIS301Women in HistoryHIS3XXWomen in History
HIS315The Green RevolutionHIS387N Amer Envirnmntl
HIS330The HolocaustHIS421Nazi Germany/Holcst
HUM310Building Brain PowerHUM3XXBuilding Brain Power
HUM360Hum World ViewsHUM3XXHWV & Express: Ideas
HUM361Hum World Views 1650-PresHUM3XXHum World Views
LIT205World/Non West LitLIT2XXWorld/Non West Lit
MAT101College Math IMAT105College Algebra
MAT102College Math IIMAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MAT110Math EssentialsMAT102College Algebra I
MAT121College MathMAT105College Algebra
MAT201Math for Teachers IMAT115Sets/Number Systems
MAT205History & Princ of MathMAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MAT205Intro Survey MathMAT111Cr Thnkg/Prob Solv
MAT301Princ of Stats IQBA260Business Statistics
MAT304Math for Teacher IIIMAT105College Algebra
MAT308Inferential StatsMAT250Statistics
MIS320Mgt Info SysIFS305Management Info Sys
MUS101Music ApprMUS186Listening to Music
MUS302History of Rock and RollMUS288History Rock/Roll
PHI100Intro Critical ThinkingPHL222Critical Thinking
PHI300Ethics for LifePHL341Ethics
PHI302Ethics & Values Beh SciPHL341Ethics
PHI310Critical ThinkingPHL222Critical Thinking
PSY101Intro to PsychologyPSY100General Psychology
PSY201Child Grwth & DevPSY221Child/Adol Develop
PSY300Theories of PersonalityPSY3XXTheories of Personality
PSY301Soc PsychologyPSY243Social Psychology
PSY309Interpersonal Comm SkillsCM329Interpersonal Comm
PSY315Group DynamicsPSY3XXGroup Dynamics
PSY329Life Span DevelopmentHSV250Lifecourse Develop
PSY330Infant and Toddler DevPSY223Early Child Develp
PSY331Middle Childhood DevPSY3XXMiddle Childhood Dev
PSY353Sports PsychologyPSY3XXSports Psychology
RDG203Learner Dev and Early LitEDU2XXLearner Dev & Early Lit
RDG300Lang Dev LiteracyEDU3XXLang Dev Literacy
REL301Biblical StudiesREL3XXBiblical Studies
SCI105Physical SciencePSC152Physical Sci I
SCI110PhysicsPSC152Physical Sci I
SCI232Life Environ ScienceBIO212Environmntl Bio
SCI240Concepts in PhysicsPHY2XXConcepts in Physics
SCI303MeteorologyESS3XXEarth Sci Elect No Lab
SCI305Earth/Space ScienceESS3XXEarth/Space Science
SCI315Appld ChemistryCHM3XXAppld Chemistry
SCI335Human Anat & PhysBIO220Human A/P I
SDD100Basic Web Design DevelopIFS1XXBasic Web Design Dev
SOC101Intro to SociologySOC100Intro Sociology
SOC201Cult AnthropologyANT220Cult Anthropology
SOC302Marriage & the FamilySOC225The Family
SOC304Ethnic Groups & MinoritiesSOC315Ethnic/Minorities
SOC306Cultural AnthropologyANT220Cult Anthropology
SOC318Social ChangeSOC3XXSocial Change
SOC331Research, Writ, InformationSOC3XXResearch, Writ, Inform
SOC404Human TraffickingSOC4XXHuman Trafficking
SOC405Social DevianceSOC4XXSocial Deviance
SOC425Child AbuseSOC4XXChild Abuse
SOC426Child MaltreatmentSOC4XXChild Maltreatment
SOC427Surv of Child AbuseSOC4XXSurv of Child Abuse
SPA301Practical Spanish ISPN101Elem Spanish I
SPA302Practical Spanish IISPN102Elem Spanish II
TEC215Basic Photo TechART2XXBasic Photo Tech
TEC315Nature PhotographyART3XXNature Photography
TEC405Photographic Studio LghtngART4XXPhotographic Studio Lght
VMG101Introduction to AudioCM226Audio Productn
Wilson CollegeYork College of Pennsylvania
ACC105Fin Acct ACC220Financial Acct
ACC106Managerial Acct ACC225Managerial Acct
ACC205Intermed Accounting I ACC320Inter Accounting I
BIO101General Biology BIO142Molecule/Gene/Cell
BIO101General Biology BIO150Biology I
BIO102Gen Biology II BIO152Biology II
BIO110Contemporary Biology01BIO205Exp Biology Lab
BIO110Contemporary Biology01BIO204Exploring Biology
BIO110LContemporary Biology Lab01  
BIO111Clinical Microbiology BIO230Microbio/Allied Hlth
BIO209Nutrition NUR202Nutrition
BIO209Nutrition NUR202Nutrition
BIO211Microbiology BIO230Microbiology
BIO270Trop Marine Ecology BIO2XXBiology Elect No Lab
BIO270Exper Tropical Ecology BIO2XXExper Tropical Ecology
BIO306Immunology BIO3XXBiology Elect No Lab
BUS124Intro to Mgmt MGT150Prin of Management
BUS216Business Communications CM246Comm/Business Prof
BUS220Entrepreneurship/Sm Bus Mgt ENT150Intro Entrepreneur
BUS223Marketing Mgmt MKT100Prin Marketing
BUS225Business Law BUS360Bus/Commercial Law
CHM101General Chemistry I CHM134Gen Chem I
CHM102Gen Chem CHM136Gen Chem II
CHM103Fund of General Chemistry CHM122Prin Gen/Org Chem
CHM104Fund of Org Chemistry CHM1XXFund of Org Chemistry
CHM201Organic Chemistry CHM234Organic Chem I
CHM202Organic Chemistry CHM236Organic Chem II
CHM216Biochemistry CHM2XXChemistry Elective No Lab
CLS105Med/Sci Greek/Lat HUM1XXMed/Sci Greek/Lat
CLS128Intro Archaeology ANT230Intro Archaeology
CLS215Women in Antiquity WGS2XXWomen in Antiquity
COR202Roots of West Cult NPE2XXRoots of West Cult
CS110Intro Comp Based Sys IFS105Personal Computing
CS110Intro Comp Based Sys IFS100Info Tech Competncy
DNC151Dance Tech I HUM1XXDance Tech I
DNC170Beg Ballet PAW171Ballet Dance I
DNCORCDance Prod/Orch HUM1XXDance Prod/Orch
ECO101Intro to Macrocon ECO200Prin Econ-Macro
ECO102Intro Microecon ECO201Prin Econ-Micro
ECO105Consumer Economics ECO1XXConsumer Economics
EDU201Found Amer Ed EDU2XXFound Amer Ed
EDU204Child Development PSY221Child/Adol Develop
EDU205Child Grwth & Dev PSY221Child/Adol Develop
EDU206Educational Psych EDU2XXEducational Psych
EDU208Teach Child Lit EDU2XXTeach Child Lit
EDU215Education for Spec Needs SPE300Eff Instruct Method
EDU240Tech for Teachers EDU2XXTech for Teachers
EDU324Pract Sem: Sec EDU3XXPract Sem: Sec
EDU327Student Teach Pract EDU3XXStudent Teach Pract
EDU551Inclusive Education MED502Dev, Learning, Incl Pract
ENG104EAP: English Comp FCO105Rhetorical Comm
ENG106EAP: Acad Res Writing WRTXXEAP: Acad Res Writing
ENG108College Writing FCO105Rhetorical Comm
ENG108College Writing FCO105Rhetorical Comm
ENG115Writing about Lit LIT200Intro Lit & Text Stud
ENG180Writing & Literature LIT200Perspectives/Lit
ENG185Writing Lit/Environment LIT1XXWrtg Lit/Environment
ENG204Women Writers LIT382Women In Literature
ENG214Amer Lit II LIT282Amer Lit after 1885
ENG220Creative Writing CRW272Intro Creative Wrt
ENG270Maj Authors LIT2XXMaj Authors
ENG290Shakespeare Trad/Rom LIT324Shakespeare II
ENV105Foundations of Sustainability BIO1XXBiology Elective no lab
ENV203Sci, Tech and Soc BEH2XXSci, Tech and Soc
ESS224Fit for Life PAW234Well/Fitness/Life
ESS225Women in Sport SPM2XXWomen in Sport
ESS281Health & Wellness PAW134Concpts Phys Actvty
FA114Drawing I ART215Drawing I
FA115Art Appreciation ART101Intro Art Apprec
FA120Graphic Design I ART1XXGraphic Design I
FA216Printmaking ART287Printmaking I
FA217Ceramics ART225Ceramics I
FA232Art of the Golden Age ART2XXArt of the Golden Age
FA238Women Artists ART2XXWomen Artists
FA240Art & Cult of China ART2XXArt & Cult of China
FA247Ceramics II ART2XXCeramics II
FA260Western Art 1000-1800 ART204Survey West Art I
FA273Landscape Painting ART2XXLandscape Painting
FRN102Elem French II FRN102Elem French II
FYS100First Year Sem NPE1XXFirst Year Sem
FYS100First Year Seminar FYS100First Year Seminar
HIS112Modern Euro History HIS320Europe after 1914
HIS125Am History 1865-1945 HIS112American Civ II
HIS270Black Wom 19th Cent HIS2XXBlack Wom 19th Cent
HSC209Human Nutrition NUR202Nutrition
IS206Compar Comp Cultures PS1XXComp Comp Cultures
IS210Expl in Global Culture INT2XXExpl in Global Culture
LAT101Elem Latin LAT101Elem Latin I
LAT102Elem Latin LAT102Elem Latin II
LDR301Ethics & Leadership PHL342Professional Ethics
MAT100Int Algebra MAT102Prelim Math/Prob Solv
MAT103College Algebra MAT105College Algebra
MAT110Pre-calculus Math MAT108Precalculus
MAT115Intro Stats MAT250Statistics
MAT115Intro Stats QBA260Business Statistics
MAT115Intro Stats BEH260Statistics
MAT130Calc & Analytic Geom I MAT171Calculus I
MCM120Interpers Comm CM329Interpersonal Comm
MCM302Media & the Law CM3XXMedia & the Law
PE132Bowling PAW110Beginning Bowling
PE133Badminton PAW151Badminton
PE134Tennis PAW159Tennis
PE139Golf PAW140Fundamentals/Golf
PHI121Ethics PHL341Ethics
PHI222Logic PHL231Logic
PHI225Mod Philosophy PHL2XXMod Philosophy
PHI270Phil of Science PHL2XXPhil of Science
PHY101Physics PHY110Gen Phys:Mech/Ht
PHY102Physics PHY112Gen Phys:Elc/Magn
PS110Intro Pol Sci PS1XXIntro Pol Sci
PS120Amer Govt PS141American Governmnt
PS207Women in Am Govt & Bus PS2XXWomen in Am Govt & Bus
PS225Pol in Comp PS260Comparative Politics
PSY110Intro Psychology PSY100General Psychology
PSY115Understanding Statistics BEH260Statistics
PSY115Understanding Statistics MAT250Statistics
PSY115Understanding Statistics QBA260Data Driven Dec Making
PSY202Life-Span Development PSY2XXLife-Span Development
PSY202Life-Span Development NUR201Nursing HD/HC
PSY209Abnormal Psych PSY230Abnormal Psych
PSY210Fem Persp Women Sexuality WGS2XXFem Persp Women Sexuality
PSY304Theories of Personality PSY3XXTheories of Personality
RLS108Rel of the World REL265World Religions
RLS220Environ Ethics PHL240Environmentl Ethics
SOC110Intro Anthropology ANT1XXIntro Anthropology
SOC120Intro Sociology SOC100Intro Sociology
SOC225Soc Prob SOC220Am Social Problems
SOC340Social Movements/Social Change SOC236Social Change
SPN101Elementary Spanish I SPN101Elem Spanish I
SPN102Elem Spanish II SPN102Elem Spanish II
SPN111Intro Spanish SPN101Elem Spanish I
SPN201Intermediate Spanish I SPN201Inter Spanish I
SPN202Intermediate Spanish II SPN202Inter Spanish II
SPN205Intermediate Spanish SPN201Inter Spanish I
SPN209Intermed Span Conversation SPN202Inter Spanish II
VMT216Vet Anatomy & Phys I BIO2XXVet Anatomy & Phys I
WS222Feminist Theory WGS2XXFeminist Theory

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Transfer Resource Center

Erica Schieler 
Associate Director of Transfer Admissionss

Sueann Robbins 
Director of Graduate and Transfer Admissions

Registrar's Office 