Upholding Community Principles
York College of Pennsylvania strives to educate students who will be future leaders in society, providing them with the ability to engage with the world as citizens who are mindful of the inclusion of others.
We know diversity is needed to achieve excellence, and with this in mind, we are committed to offering a learning environment that reflects the cultures and experiences of all community members. The College is dedicated to social justice and upholding the dignity of all people.
Behavior or actions that go against the College's principles of community, or display themes of hate, bigotry, bias, and discrimination, are not welcome at York College of Pennsylvania and will be addressed. Any member of our community who witnesses concerning activity may submit a Bias Incident Report for review by the Office of Student Diversity and Inclusion and the Bias Response Team.
Supporting Inclusivity and Anti-Discrimination at York College
York College of Pennsylvania aims to provide access to high-quality education. To reach our mission, we value bringing different voices together to share their strengths. In this diverse environment, when we create a sense of belonging and equity, we enrich the learning experience and better serve our local and global communities.
As such, York College:
- Welcomes and recognizes diversity in all of its forms and expressions.
- Encourages civil conversations across our campus to promote understanding.
- Stands up against prejudice and injustice in our college community.
- Advocates for the well-being and dignity of our community members.
- Enables marginalized identities to be their authentic selves.
All students are encouraged to participate in College activities regardless of sex, race, color, creed, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, disability, social affiliation, Veteran status, or age. York College does not tolerate and takes a firm position against all forms of discrimination as noted. Discrimination and ethnic intimidation include, but are not limited to: threats or bullying of any kind, physical harm or threats thereof, defacing or destruction of campus property or an individual’s personal property. Any student, who feels that they are a victim of discrimination or ethnic intimidation, or any such harassment, may initiate a complaint by submitting a Bias Incident Report.
Office of Student Diversity and Inclusion
Student Union, Suite 101
Incidents of bias, harassment, discrimination, or hate; all include some form of unwelcome conduct that is based on a person’s race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, disability, age, marital status, family status, status with regard to public assistance, or any other protected characteristic.
The Bias Incident Report form may be used to report incidents of bias involving York College students, faculty, or staff whether the behavior takes place on campus or off campus. Please complete one form per incident.
This form is not monitored 24 hours a day. If this is an emergency and you need immediate assistance, please call the York College of Pennsylvania emergency line at 717.815.1314. This form is NOT a police report. If you are a victim or are aware of criminal conduct, you are encouraged to contact Campus Safety at 717.815.1403 or local law enforcement.
Every effort will be made to evaluate your report promptly, however, the timing and manner in which York College addresses the report will depend upon the information provided and whether you wish to remain anonymous. Confidentiality will be maintained to the extent possible. However, the information contained in this report will be shared with appropriate staff involved in any subsequent monitoring, investigation, or resolution of the incident.
York College takes the reports submitted through this form seriously. Please provide as many details as possible. Questions can be directed to sdi@ycp.edu or 717.815.1916.
Frequently Asked Questions
A bias incident is unwelcome conduct that has a negative impact on an individual or group, and that one could reasonably conclude is based on an actual or perceived protected characteristic, regardless of whether the conduct is unlawful or violates policy.
A hate crime refers to conduct that meets all the elements of a criminal offense committed against a person or property that is motivated in whole or in part by bias based on the protected characteristic of an individual or group. Protected characteristic means race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, familial status, disability, age, marital status, status with regard to public assistance, veteran status, genetic information, or any other characteristic protected by applicable law.
Students are asked to report bias incidents using the online reporting system available through the Bias Incident Report. A student may also choose to seek assistance as needed with a York College professional where the incident occurred. For example, if an incident occurs in a residence hall, you may alert a staff member in Residence Life. Additionally, contacting Campus Safety immediately allows for the securing of possible evidence and the beginning of a possible investigation, if necessary.
The Bias Incident Report will be received by the Office of Student Diversity and Inclusion, and reviewed by members of the Bias Response Team. The following administrative officers may also be notified depending on the nature of the report:
- Dean of Student Development
- Provost
- Director of Human Resources
- Deans of the Academic Divisions
- Title IX Coordinator
- Director of Campus Safety
- Office of Student Conduct
- A Bias Incident Report is first submitted online and received by the Office of Student Diversity and Inclusion.
- SDI then meets with the reporting party to offer support and resources, and determine appropriate resolution.
- Depending upon the nature of the incident, the report is referred to the appropriate office for action:
- Incidents that show possible violations of the Student Code of Conduct will be directed to the Student Conduct Office for investigation and adjudication.
- Incidents that require additional investigation for a resolution will be reviewed by the Bias Response Team.
- Incidents related to Title IX will be directed to the Title IX Office.
- A Bias Response Team designee communicates incident status and resolution to the reporting party*
*Privacy regulations must be respected.
The Bias Response Team is charged with coordinating direct action and educational responses to acts of discrimination, bias, and violations of our campus code of conduct in relation to supporting our diverse community. Consisting of a team of legal counsel, student conduct professionals, faculty, and administrators at YCP, the group will be responsible for taking swift action to investigate and respond to reported cases of intolerance within our community and on any social media platforms.
Ed Bruder - Director, Campus Safety
Mary Dolheimer – Chief Communications Officer, Office of Communications
David Freedman, Esq. – Legal Consultant, Human Resources
Alex Hernandez-Siegel – Director, Office of Student Diversity and Inclusion
Lindsey Hobson – Assistant Director for Student Conduct and Operations; Residence Life and Campus Housing
Miguel Pereira – Title IX Coordinator, Human Resources
Robbie Bacon – Dean, Student Development and Campus Life
Randi Shedlosky – Associate Professor, Psychology Department
Vicki Stewart – Director, Human Resources
Ritamarie Trippett – Director of Student Success Scholarship Programs, Student Success Division
No. A student who believes they have been or are being subjected to a bias incident may choose whether or not they would like to submit a bias incident report. Students may also choose to address the behavior through direct communication or mediation, though under no circumstances are they required to do so. The Office of Student Diversity and Inclusion is available to students to discuss any bias incidents regardless if they have been reported or not.
Students can inform their Resident Assistant (RA) or Area Coordinator if a bias incident has occurred in their residence hall in order to ensure support for the student communities residing in the building. Students can also report to Campus Safety and submit a bias report via the online system. Residence Life will provide direct support to the student/s directly impacted by the incident.
The individuals identified above will review all bias incident reports, investigate the reports as needed to gather relevant facts, and take whatever responsive actions determined to be appropriate. If an investigation occurs and reflects a possible violation of the Student Code of Conduct, the report is directed to the Office of Student Conduct to be reviewed and for a course of action to be determined. If the matter involves an allegation of sexual misconduct or gender-based discrimination, then the Title IX Coordinator will ensure that the allegation is processed in accordance with the College’s Sexual Misconduct Policy and Grievance Procedure.
Potential sanctions for students found responsible for violating the student conduct code in relation to a bias incident may include the following:
- Reparative, restorative educational sanctions
- Official Warning, Formal Reprimand, Notice of Suspension
- Removal from the residence halls and/or campus, Suspension, or Expulsion
- Financial sanctions for replacement or repair of YCP or personal property
If a bias incident involves criminal conduct, law enforcement may be contacted. Bias incidents that do not rise to the level of a policy violation may still be addressed utilizing restorative justice or other educational means.
Bias incident reports involving faculty are reviewed and addressed by the Bias Response Team in coordination with the Provost, the relevant academic dean or program director, and, where appropriate, the Director of Human Resources.
Bias incident reports involving staff are reviewed and addressed by the Bias Response Team in coordination with the relevant supervisor, and where appropriate, the Director of Human Resources.
Any incidents related to Title IX will be reviewed and addressed by the Title IX Coordinator.
The College will communicate with the individual or individuals who reported the case and who were impacted by the incident to the extent allowed by law. Though specifics of the outcome may not be shared by the College, the Bias Response Team designee will share periodic status updates, as well as information that an investigation has concluded (where relevant) and a written notice of outcome. Support will be offered to anyone who may need additional assistance.
Because York College of Pennsylvania believes that addressing bias-related incidents is a community effort, students are encouraged to seek guidance and advice from faculty and staff whom they trust and with whom they have a working relationship. In addition, the College offers several resources to assist students:
- Counseling Services offer a variety of individual and group counseling sessions to provide support to students who have been affected by acts of intolerance.
- Spiritual Life offers counseling and spiritual advising through the chaplains and staff for students of all faith backgrounds. They are also available to assist during emergencies and incidents on campus on an individual basis, as well as in group discussions.
- Office of Student Diversity and Inclusion (SDI): In collaboration with other offices in Student Development and Campus Life, the SDI staff can offer individual advising for students and coordinate learning programs to address bias incidents on campus. The staff also can conduct small and large group discussions to help build community and support for students.
- Residence Life and Campus Housing: The Residence Life staff will provide services to support students after any incidents that are against our principles of community. Residence Life may also provide additional learning opportunities in the residence halls.
- Student Development and Campus Life: The Dean of Student Development and Campus Life can coordinate efforts and additional support when needed.
YCP’s commitment to our diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) efforts emphasizes that supporting students after a bias-related incident is a community effort in both response and care. Professional staff are asked to speak with their supervisors to determine appropriate actions and programming needed after a bias-related incident.
Examples include:
- Social media posts and campaigns to support students and members of the community
- Training opportunities to facilitate open dialogue and educational forums related to acts of bias and learning response procedures
- Town hall gatherings for community discussion and support
- Increased office hours to meet with students and opening gathering spaces for planning meetings
- Use of newsletters, bulletin boards, or other types of communication to show solidarity and support
Staff in other departments may be able to provide additional resources that may prove helpful when creating responsive or proactive programming that responds to a bias-related incident. The Office of Student Diversity and Inclusion is an excellent resource for program recommendations.