York College Community Opportunity Scholarship Program
The York College Community Opportunity Scholarship Program (YCCOSP) began in 1989. This unique, locally founded leadership development scholarship program is administered by York College of Pennsylvania, in conjunction with the Crispus Attucks Association and the York City School District.
More Information About YCCOSP
The goal of the YCCOSP program is to provide accepted William Penn High School scholarship recipients:
- Additional enrichment and support services leading to their successful completion of high school and readiness for college
- The opportunity to attend York College of Pennsylvania with a full tuition scholarship
- Support to successfully complete the requirements for a bachelor's degree
- Preparation and opportunity for meaningful employment in York, Pennsylvania
- Guidance and encouragement to participate in organizations that shape the future of York City and York County
The York College Community Opportunity Scholarship Program (YCCOSP) provides a selected group of promising and deserving students in the York City School District the opportunity to attend college regardless of financial circumstances, and to promote and assist with career and leadership opportunities in their home community.
Students selected to participate in the YCCOSP will receive additional enrichment and guidance during their high school years to facilitate their graduating from William Penn High School with the academic credentials required to be accepted to York College.
If accepted to York College, students will be provided four years of tuition-free education along with free room and board. During their college experience, students are required to participate in activities that promote leadership and civic responsibility and that link them to potential employers in York.
As of Fall 2018, the program has 22 at the high school level with 34 students currently attending York College.
The program was founded with endowment support from the Graham Companies, the Charles G. Eyster Estate, Kinsley Construction Inc, Shipley Energy Company, Carolyn Eyster Steinhauser, Susquehanna Pfaltzgraff Company, and the Wolf Organization, Inc. It is sustained by endowment proceeds from the Mont Z. Shaull Scholarship Fund at the York County Community Foundation, annual giving, student financial aid, and York College.