
Campus Directory

Showing 17 results
Cherie Adkins
Cherie Adkins, Ph.D., R.N.
Associate Professor of Nursing
Dr. Donald E. and Lois J. Myers School of Nursing and Health Professions
Elizabeth Adwa
Elizabeth Adwa, M.S.N., PMHNP-BC
Instructor of Nursing
Dr. Donald E. and Lois J. Myers School of Nursing and Health Professions
Harry Baturin
Harry Baturin
Adjunct Faculty - Accounting, Finance, Business Analytics
Graham School of Business
Nicole Byers
Nicole Byers, M.S.N., M.B.A., C.P.N.P.
Dr. Donald E. and Lois J. Myers School of Nursing and Health Professions
Klaudia Cwiekala-Lewis
Klaudia Cwiekala-Lewis, Ph.D., R.N., APHN-BC
Assistant Professor of Nursing
Dr. Donald E. and Lois J. Myers School of Nursing and Health Professions
Jenna Davis
Jenna Davis, Ph.D., RNC-NIC
Assistant Professor
Course Coordinator NUR 210/211
Dr. Donald E. and Lois J. Myers School of Nursing and Health Professions
Alan Howard
Alan Howard, PhD, MSN, M.Div., RN, CEN
Assistant Professor
Dr. Donald E. and Lois J. Myers School of Nursing and Health Professions
Jason Lowe
Jason Lowe, Ph.D., C.R.N.A., P.H.R.N.
Program Director, YCP/WellSpan Nurse Anesthesia Program
Dr. Donald E. and Lois J. Myers School of Nursing and Health Professions
Stacy Lutter
Stacy Lutter, D.Ed., R.N.-B.C.
Chair, The Stabler Dept of Nursing
Associate Professor of Nursing
Dr. Donald E. and Lois J. Myers School of Nursing and Health Professions