24/7 Virtual Health and Well-being Services...
... available to York College's Full-time Undergraduate Students
York College of Pennsylvania full-time undergraduate students have FREE, 24/7 access to virtual care services with TimelyCare — the virtual health and well-being platform from TimelyMD, designed for college students. You do not need insurance to access TimelyCare services.
TimelyCare services can be accessed 365 days a year. That means you can log in during breaks, after hours, and anytime you need support!

What's Included?
As part of York College of Pennsylvania’s partnership with TimelyMD, you'll have access to services in the TimelyCare app, including:
- Medical Care: Both on-demand MedicalNow support and scheduled appointments with medical providers are available to address common health issues like colds, flu, or allergies.
- Counseling and Emotional Support: Reach out any time, 24/7, for on-demand TalkNow support to talk about anything, including anxiety, relationships, depression, and school-related stressors. You may also make appointments for scheduled counseling, allowing you to choose the day, time, and mental health provider that best works for you. Access up to 12 sessions per year, free of charge.
- Health Coaching: Develop healthy lifestyle behaviors, including nutrition, sleep habits, time management, and mindfulness.
- Psychiatry: Appointments are available upon referral by York College Counseling Services.
- Self-Care Content: Visit the “Explore” page within TimelyCare for guided self-care content, including yoga and meditation sessions, as well as group conversations with our providers on a variety of health and well-being topics.
TimelyCare is a virtual health and well-being platform available 24/7 for York College of Pennsylvania full-time undergraduate students.
Students who are enrolled as full-time undergraduates at York College of Pennsylvania can use TimelyCare.
Go to timelycare.com/ycp or download the TimelyCare app to access care.
There is no fee for visits.
You have access to an unlimited number of sessions for:
- On-Demand Counseling and Emotional Support
- Medical Care (on-demand or by appointment)
- Health Coaching
- Self-Care Content
You may also access up to 12 scheduled virtual counseling appointments per year. If more than 12 appointments are needed, contact Counseling Services to discuss options for continued care.
Virtual psychiatric appointments are also available, with approval and referral from York College Counseling Services.
With TimelyCare, you will have free, 24/7 access to providers from anywhere in the United States, regardless of your insurance status. So you'll never have to spend time or money looking for care, whether you're on or off campus.
Yes, if the provider deems it clinically appropriate.
TimelyCare's providers can offer support for a wide range of common concerns, and after talking to you, will decide on the best course of treatment.
- MedicalNow: On-demand support for common health issues, including cold, flu, and
- TalkNow: 24/7, on-demand emotional support to talk about anything, including anxiety,
relationships, depression, and school-related stressors.
- Scheduled Medical: Choose the day, time, and medical provider that works best for you.
- Scheduled Counseling: Choose the day, time, and mental health provider that best works
for you.
- Health Coaching: Develop healthy lifestyle behaviors, including nutrition, sleep habits,
time management, and mindfulness.
- Psychiatry: Appointments are available upon referral by York College Counseling Services.
- Self-Care Content: Visit the “Explore” page within TimelyCare for guided self-care content,
including yoga and meditation sessions, as well as group conversations with our providers
on a variety of health and well-being topics.
Need support?
Counseling Services
Codorus Hall, Room 100
TimelyCare Support
Website: timelycare.com/ycp
Instagram: @timelycare
TikTok: @timelycare
X: @timely_care
After Hours and Emergencies
Call Campus Safety at 717.815.1314