In October 2018, the Pennsylvania legislature enacted the Timothy J. Piazza Antihazing Law, a new state anti-hazing law that amends the state crimes code to address and prevent hazing in secondary schools and institutions of higher education in the Commonwealth. The new law includes stricter punishments for the crime of hazing; holds both individuals and organizations accountable for hazing; and requires secondary schools and institutions of higher education to publish anti-hazing policies and publicly report hazing violations.
The new Piazza Antihazing Law defines the crime of hazing, stating that it includes (but is not limited to) conditioning acceptance into or membership in a group on coerced or forced activities, including consumption of food, alcohol or drugs that subject someone to a risk of emotional or physical harm; subjecting someone to brutality of a physical, mental, or sexual nature, including whipping, beating, branding, calisthenics, sleep deprivation, exclusion from social contact, or exposure to severe weather. All members of the York College of Pennsylvania community should read and familiarize themselves with the College's Anti-Hazing Policy and other important information in the Student Handbook.

Anti-hazing efforts.
The Piazza Antihazing Law was driven by the efforts of Jim and Evelyn Piazza, parents of 19-year-old Penn State sophomore Timothy Piazza. Timothy died in February 2017 following a night of hazing at the fraternity he was pledging.
York College is fully supportive of the implementation of the Piazza Antihazing Law and is committed to providing information about hazing in a complete and transparent manner.
Hazing Biannual Report
The College prohibits hazing within the College community, whether it occurs on or off campus. The consent or assumption of the risk by an individual or group of individuals are not defenses to hazing that is in violation of this policy. Hazing that does not violate the Anti-Hazing Law may nevertheless constitute hazing under this policy which may result in individuals or organizations being charged for violating this policy. Student programs and events, recruitment of prospective members, or intake-related activities by nature must reflect the best interests of the parties involved, potential new members, members of the organization, the College, and the College community. Further, the Student Code of Conduct specifically prohibits hazing and states:
Hazing: Any action or situation which recklessly or intentionally endangers the mental or physical health or safety of a student, or which requires, encourages, or permits violation of any federal, state, or local statute or College policy, for the purpose of initiation or membership into, or affiliation with, or membership in any student organizations recognized by, or affiliated with the College. This holds true regardless of the individual’s willingness to participate. This rule is not intended to prohibit any activity or conduct that furthers the legitimate educational curriculum or a legitimate extracurricular program as defined and approved by the College.
Additionally, the College supports and enforces the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’s Timothy J. Piazza Anti-Hazing Law, Act 80 of 2018. Failure to notify the College of an incident of hazing may be a violation of this policy. Any individual experiencing or witnessing behavior suspected to be hazing is encouraged to report the behavior through the online Incident Reporting Form or in person to the office of Campus Safety, located in the lobby of Manor Northeast.
Hazing occurs when an individual intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly, for the purpose of initiating, admitting, or affiliating an individual into or with an organization, or for the purpose of continuing or enhancing the individual’s membership or status in an organization, causes, coerces, or forces an individual to do any of the following:
- Consume any food, drink, liquid, alcoholic liquid, drug, or other substance which subjects the individual to a risk of emotional or physical harm.
- Any brutality of a physical nature, which may include but is not limited to whipping, beating, branding, paddling, kicking, striking, pushing, shoving, tackling, calisthenics, or exposure to the elements.
- Endure brutality of a mental nature, which may include but is not limited to activity adversely affecting the mental health or dignity of the individual, sleep deprivation, exclusion from social contact, or conduct which could result in extreme embarrassment or degradation.
- Any activity which has the potential to be frightening, intimidating, unlawful, degrading, or unduly deceptive, including deception designed to convince the individual of impending pain, injury, or non-initiation.
- Any activity involving servitude, e.g., running personal errands, berating or verbally harassing individuals, throwing items at or on individuals, forcing individuals to carry items or wear apparel which is undignified, requiring public stunts, such as forcing individuals to yell when entering or departing a physical structure or in the presence of designated individuals, forcing individuals to use potential new member entrances or exits, intentionally creating labor or clean-up work, and requiring individuals to wear scant clothing or to be nude.
- Endure brutality of a sexual nature.
- Any activity which endangers or has the potential to endanger the academic performance of the individual, such as not allowing adequate time for, or interfering with academic commitments.
- Any activity that involves the forced exclusion from social contact with any other individual.
- Any willful destruction or removal of public or private property for the purpose of imitation or admission into or affiliation with, or as condition for, continued membership in an organization.
- Any violation of federal, state, or local law or rule or College policy.
In addition to violating this policy and the College’s Student Code of Conduct, hazing is a criminal offense under Pennsylvania’s Crimes Code and is graded from summary offense up to a third-degree felony depending on the severity of the misconduct. See 18 of pa.C.S. ɛɛ2802-2803
During the past academic year, prevention efforts have been made to educate the campus community on anti-hazing. Below is a list of these efforts.
Within the Department of Athletics and Recreation, efforts were made to make each student-athlete aware that hazing was strictly prohibited. In the fall of 2024, every varsity student-athlete completed two online training sessions through PreventZone - Hazing 101 and an athletics-specific module. In addition, each team held a meeting to review the information presented in the trainings. All meetings took place in September 2024. Club Sports teams receive the anti-hazing information provided to all clubs and organizations, and staff from Campus Recreation also cover hazing at the beginning of the year Club Sports presidents meeting.
For spring 2025, each student-athlete was sent a pamphlet with additional hazing information, which they acknowledged they had read. This pamphlet defines hazing in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, informs them of YCP’s policy, and provides information about how to report hazing. These acknowledgments were completed fully by January 31, 2025. Additionally, two club sport officers from each club will also complete the PreventZone training at the beginning of the spring 2025 semester.
Office of Greek Life
During the fall of 2024, the Office of Greek Life focused on hazing prevention through a variety of educational efforts. Greek New Member 101 occurred on October 2, 2024, and October 9, 2024, and was presented to all new fraternity and sorority members and IFC/Panhellenic Leadership. These presentations also included signing York College's anti-hazing pledge. Additionally, The office hosted a Safe Halloween presentation for all Greek members on alcohol awareness and hazing on October 28, 2024.
In the spring of 2025, the Office of Greek Life will present the Greek New Member 101 course to new incoming fraternity and sorority members and IFC/Panhellenic Leadership on February 24, 2025, and again in March 2025.
Student Senate, Clubs and Organizations, and Campus Life
All student organization presidents and treasurers attend a required meeting each semester, which covers a review of the Timothy Piazza Anti-Hazing Law. This includes a slide with all of the information regarding the law, as well as a discussion with the Assistant Dean of Student Development for 10-15 minutes regarding York College hazing policies and reporting options, including time for questions. This information was asked to be shared and covered with all student organizations at their first general meetings of the semester. These trainings occurred on August 27, 2024, and January 28, 2025.
Contact Us
Student Conduct
Iosue Student Union Building, 307
Phone: 717.600.3874
Fax: 717.849.1644